1989 1990 v 20 no 1 4

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Volume XX NO. 1

A Step Toward Free Enterprise

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The Baltic States are taking steps towar d democracy and free enterprise. The PW School of Business Admini stra tion is offe ring the first u.s. govern足 m nt- funded exchange program with Baltic uni ve rsities to help provide the critical expe rtise needed for th is histor ic venture.

Cover: Rieke Visits Japan, Norway

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October 1 9 8 9

Making A Mounta i n Tal k

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This month Nation al Public Radi o-affil i ated KPLU-FM turned on a new transmitter and antenna atop West Tiger ounta in near IssaQuah. Wittl the n ew signal and network of tran slators. FM 88.5 can be heard by more people than any other FM station in Washington State.

State Of The Un iversity

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PLU's Norwegian students wished PlU President William Rieke well as he began his glo e trottl ng mission to Asia and their homeland. Rieke is visi ting alumni , educators and government officials, inclu d ing his Majesty, King Olav V of Norway_

President Rieke underscores ac complishments and outlines plans for the future as PLU begins its 100th year. The university set both enrollment and charitable giving records during the past ye r

Minority Programs Add Clout.

Lut s Defeat Loggers In Dome


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AdditIonal scholarshIp funds. new administrative personnel. increased pro足 gram activities and remodeled offices be r evidence of a new era in minor i ty student programs at PL U . a

Scene (lSSN 0886-3369) Published quarterly by Pacific Luthe ran




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Quarterback C raig Kupp's aeri als big plays and timely defense were the keys to the Lutes' Sept. 14 35-19 victory 0 er the universIty of Puget Sound in tt1e Tacoma Dome. It was the Lutes' fifth win In seven Dome clashes with the Loggers ,


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2 Centennial


Cente 50 Many G ro u ps Involved In Pla nning For Special Observance



Everyo e



ess than eight months rem a i n before Pacific Luthera n U n i versity begins its year-long cente n n i a l observa nce, a n d i n many ways one gets the impression that it is already u nderway. It seems everyone is involved i n planning, or at least a nticipat­ ing, their roles and participation. As p l a n n i n g fo r a myriad of special events has proceeded, the celebration has come to mean d ifferent things to d iffer­ ent groups of people, reflecting the vast diversity of PLU constituencies and inter­ est groups. The phenomenon was inevitable as every campus unit and major constituency were invited to share in pla n ning. Students wil l pa rtici pate i n many activi· ties, but their major organ izational effort will be focused on making 1 990 Homecom­ ing Week an u nusually gala event. Alumni will be i nterested in both A l u m n i Association-sponsored events a s wel l a s i.ne7 campus activities. S peci a l a l u m n i 'activities includ e a n Awa res Fare July 20-22, which a lso features special recogni· tion of 1 00 a l u m n i ; a Sca n d i navian tour beginning July 2 5, and a worldwide Found­ er's Day observance a n d Homecom ing in . October. N orthwest Lutheran c h u rches become involved with activities at J u ne synod con­ ventions, PLU Sunday in 631 cong regations in October, a n d a Faith a n d Life confer­ ence in April '91 .

Harstaq, Hall at the turn of the century

Celebration Scandinavians host their major event, a series of heritage sem i nars, i n early J u ly. In addition, the annual Sca n d i navian Ch rist­ mas program in Decem ber a n d the May Festival are highlights. Both 1 990 and 1 99 1 Q Club banquets a re desig nated centen n i a l events, as is the September Heritage Society banquet. The PLU staff plans office historica l d is­ plays in September and a campus birt hday party in the spring of '91 . Each school a n d d ivision is sponso ri ng one or more m ajor events. Humanities and Social Sciences a re teaming to present a major add ress d u ring Homecom ing week on the theme, "Shaping Society's Val ues." A l u m n us Dr. Wi l l i a m Foege, d i rector of the Carter Center in Atlanta, Ga. , has assis­ ted i n sched u l i n g five i nternatio n a l ly­ known speakers for a special symposium in February '91 . Sponsored by the Division of

Natu ral Sciences and School of N u rsing, it will add ress the theme, "Solving Hu mani­ ty's Prob lems." N u rs i ng is ce ebrat ing its 40th an niversary. The Schools of Busi ness Ad m i n istration and Ed ucation will present May '91 confer­ ences on the theme, "Developi ng Partner­ s h i ps for Tomorrow. " School of Business w i l l also host a n October eth ics confer­ ence, a n d ed ucation plans a " M a k i ng of Great Teachers" theme program in May. In a d d i t i o n to a Centen n i a l flavor t h roug hout its year-long cu ltural event sched u le, the School of the A rts is plan­ n i n g an original play by com m u n ication a rts professor B i l l Parker on the life of poet Henrik Ibsen and an original opera by PLU com poser Greg Youtz based on h i s earlier com position, " If W e S e l l You Our Land." Music groups plan centennial tou rs of Sca n d inavia a n d East Asia. The a rt department plans an exh ibition of faculty works in September and alumni works i n October. The School of Physical education plans a "Walk of Fame" to honor d istingu ished for­ mer Lute athletes. Black H i story Month in Feb ru a ry 1 99 1 a n d Women's H istory Month in March w i l l featu re special heritage-related programs. G ra d u ates receiving d eg rees at fou r commencement exercises - May, August will and December 1 990 and May 1 99 1 be designated centennial graduates. S u m me r School '90 wi l l feature a variety of gala events. These a re among the public h ighlights. M any u n its are also planning i nternal activ­ ities. Details will be publicized as they are made available. -

'Pac\fIe Luthl!...n Unlvl!rstty scene octobel' 1989


ep ar F ee te rise


PLU-Baltic Exchange Program A U.S. First By Jim peterson

he first U . s. governme nt-sponso red program i ntended to assist the Baltic nations with development of their economies is being conducted by Pacific Lutheran University. The PLU School of Busi ness Ad min istra­ tion has received a $ 7 5 ,000 g rant from the U.s. Information Agency to set up aca­ demic exchange programs with u n ive rsi­ ties in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Dr. Gu ndar King, dean of the school, spent three weeks in August in the Baltic countries. He presented a o ne-week semi­ nar in Riga, Latvia, on "the economic devel­ opment of a sove reig n nation" and lec­ tured at the universities on "how to set up schools of business." He also screened potential students for the exchange programs that w i l l begin next spring. These students wi l l be desig­ nated Samantha Smith Scholars. The project is a part of the Samantha Smith Memorial Exchange Program, named for t h e young New England g i r l who charmed the world with her written pl ea

Riga, Latvia

for peace to then Soviet leader Yu ri And ro­ pov and subsequent trip to the Soviet Union. She later died in an ai rplane crash. Bal ic Schools involved in the exchange are the Riga and Kau nas (Lithuania) Poly­ technic Insti tutes and the Estonian Busi­ ness School i n Tal l i n n . The program is also expected to expand to the recently reopened Vytau tas The Great (Witold) U n i­ versity, where new concepts in education are being pio nee red and where its govern­ ing board members are fro m western co untries, King pointed out that while the Baltic countries, like others in the Soviet sphere, are i nterested i n development of market d riven free enterprise econom ies, they have vi rtually no experience or expertise in these areas. "Thus education is a vital i n i­ tial priority," he said. He noted that until recently i t was com­ mon for Balt ic students to learn about capitalist systems by studying Charles Dick­ ens. Fo r Dr. King, 63, born and raised in Riga, the new venture is a poignant real izat ion of lifelong dreams. Forty-five years ago, as Soviet armies were sweeping across the tiny Bal tic countries, he and remai n i � g mem bers of his family had to make rapid, heart-rending decisions about their futu re. His father had already been deported to S iberia and two brottlers had bee n kil led . G u ndar, then 1 8, and a b roth er, Tal i s,

decided to leave fo r the West_ Of those who stayed, his mother was l ater deported and two other brothers met death. "I remember an i nde pen dent Latvia," says King. "I know what they lost. and what they are now gaini ng," Over the decades, King has become an i nternational ly-recogn ized expert on Baltic economic syste ms. He was also the orga­ ni zer an d fi rst president of the Assoc iation for the Advancement of Baltic Studies. King has visited the Baltic states on ly once before si nce 1944. Following a 1976 visit he said he wou l d not go back to h is hom eland u nt i l t h e gove r n m e n t was changed . It is a measu re of the rad ical changes tak ing place that he has accepted the invitation, not only to retu rn, but to spearhead a h ighly visible prog ram of vital importance to the futu re of these coun­ tries. Students from the Baltic may study American cu lture, busi ness management and eco logy, among other cou rse options at P L U . American stude nts at the Baltic schools may pursue either formal academ­ ic stud ies or supervised i nternshi ps_ PLU Political Science Professo r Dr. Donald Farmer w i ll be th resident director of the program with headq uarters in R iga . He is currently adding Latv ian to his la nguage repertoire_ Long a Soviet expert. Farmer is one of the original American researchers of Stali n 's nati onal ity policies. •

President Visits Japan, Drway an Exchange program, Alumni issians PLU President Wi l l iam Rieke turned diplo­ mat dUring the second week of Oct-ober. visiting fi rst Japan and t en Norway to reinforce nd expand PLU'S services to s u­ dents from the two cou ntries.

In Tokyo, D r . R i eke was to s i g n an exchange agreement with Asia Un iversity and meet with PLU al u m n i in Japan . More than 1 00 mem bers of PLU's Tokyo al u m n i chapter were invited to a reception with the president and M rs. Rieke. Cundar King

In Oslo Rieke was to have an audience with No rway's 83-year-o ld m onarch, King

Olav V ' to i nv ite His Majesty to the Pl U Centen nial observance next year. The king previo usiV visited PLU i n 1939 (as Crown Prince) and 1975. Rieke also plan ned visits with t he U,S. Ambassador to NorNay, the NOrwegian Minister of Culture and Science, the PreSi­ dent of the University of Oslo and ot.... �r h igh-ran k i ng Norweg ian offic ials to b�.ld support for PLU-Norwegian exchange pro­ grams. More than 80 PLU No rweg i a n al u m n i were expected to attend a d i n ner with Rieke.


Lutheran tlnlversJty scene October



With Increased Ethnic Diversitv

COO dinator Seeks Cultural Reinforcement For Minorities PLU Adds Clout



Student prog ams

Steve Smith


dditional scholars h i p fu nds, new ad m i n istrative perso n­ nel, increased program activities and beautifu l ly remodeled offic­ es bear evidence of a new era in min ority student programs at PLU. Ea r l i e r th i s yea r the PLU adm i nistration pledged $ 50,000 in schola rs h i p funds specifi ca l ly earmarked to encourage more mino rity students to attend PLU. On Nov. 1 3, Security Pacific Bank plans a specia l program for leaders in busi ness and educa­ tion to call renewed attention to its endowed sch o l a rs h i p p ro­ g ram for m i nority stude nts in busi ness at PLU. Several yea rs ago Rain ier Bank, later merged with Secu rity Pacific, pl edged S200,OOO toward the p rogram, and Secu rity Pac ifk is reinforc­ ing that commitment. Last spring the Office of Stu­ dent Life reo rga nized its special student services into one m u lti­ faceted M I CA Se rv ices office. The offi ce, und er d i rection of Cristi n a del Rosario, p rov ides prog ra ms and counselmg for Minority, Internation al, Com mut­ er and Adult students. It represe nts an a m b itious commitment to special constitu­ encies that is u ncom m o n at smaller schools. Steve Smith, a PLU a l u m n us who ea rned h i s b a c h e l o r ' s degree i n 1983 i n psych ology and h is master's degree in edu­ cation i n 1988, is the minority student coord i nator . Sm ith's charge is two-fo l d : he works closely with the Ad m i ssions office to recruit m i nority stu­ de nts and is o rg a n i z i n g p ro· grams and activities to encour­ age them to stay once they are on campus. The u n i versity scholarsh i p funds, desig nated a s M i n o rity Leadersh ip Awards, range from

S500 to S2, 500 and are intended to s u p p l e m e n t n eed-bas ed awards. Twenty-two reci p ients h a ve been n a m ed for the 1 989-90 academic yea r. An additional 1 9 students are receiving sc holars h i ps from the Secu rity Pacific fu nd. PLU conti n ues as the Pierce Cou nty headquarters of M ESA ( M athematics, Engi neering, Sci­ ence Achievement), a science-ori­ e n ted en richment program for m i nority h i gh school stu de nts. Brenda Wal ker coord i n ates the progra m s and activities on the PLU ca m p u s and i n local high schools. MESA has developed a wide network of i nvolved people i n both the education and business com m u n ity, according to Wal ker. T h e prog ra m is i n tende d to encoUrage m i nority high school stu dents to pl.Jrsue ca reers i n t h e sci ences b y focusi ng the i r i nte rests a n d i m p roving the i r ski l ls. I n August MICA services host­ ed a workshop, "Keys to a Suc­ cessful Education," for entering stu dents of col or. Smith has several goals as he beg i n s his seco nd fu l l year as m i nority coordinator: * More statewide visi bil ity for PLU th rou gh the M i nor ity Team Conference and other recru iting efforts; * Personal visibility in the local minority com m u n ity; * Encouragement of re newed BANTU (campus black stu dent u n ion) activity; * I ncreased awa reness, both amon g donors a nd recipients, of the lon g-standing BERG scholar­ s h i p fu nd, a m i no rity stu dent emergency fu nd; * To be a mentor and counsel­ or to m i nority students; and * To e ncou rage development of a b lack alumni orga nization. Persons i n te rested i n m o re i nformation about PLU m i no rity stud e n t progra ms may call Sm ith at (206) 535-7195.

II f you have one good person you c a n do some g reat things." Pa cific Lutheran U n i versity's minority affa i rs coord i n ator, Steve Sm ith , reflected on h is recol lection of P h i l l i p M i n er, a n Ad missions Office admi nistrator at PLU from 1 972-84. M i ner, an Af r i c a n A m e r i ca n , p r o v i d e d much o f t h e c a m p u s e n e rgy res u lting i n increased mino rity e n ro l l m en ts, acti ve c a m p u s m i nority prog rams, and PLU visi­ b i l i ty i n the loca l minority co m­ mu nity. H i s was not a lone effort, but h is enthu siasm and pe rso nal ity attracted others to become involved on a variety of fronts. S m i t h , though m o re soft­ spoken than M i ner, h opes h is tenure will also be one of visible activity on behalf of m in o rities on campus. " I have had a positive experi­ ence at PLU as both an u nder­ g radu ate a n d g radu ate stu­ dent" he sa id. "It's the kind of experience I wou l d l i ke to en cou rage more mi norities to explore." He adm its it is not an easy task. The u n i versity co m m i t­ ment and support of many per­ sons on campus are pluses, but finances and demograph ics w i l l remain chronic problems. By heritage, PLU is a "white" campus which does not seem c u l t u ra l l y i n viting t o many minorities. And a lack of sc holar­ ship su pport has become more acute with the decline i n federal fu nds in recent years PLU also is at a com petitive d i sadvantage i n h i r i n g h i g h l y qual ified m i nority fac ulty mem­ bers a n d a d m i n i strators, who can com mand premium salaries. "The renewed comm itment this yea r h e l ps," Sm ith sa i d . "Hopefu lly it will demonstrate the u n iversity's i ntentions." He also hopes that PLU can encou r­ age some of its minority g radu­ ates to stay, or retu rn, to cam­ pus as employees, as he d id . "P ro bably a majo rity of PLU staffers work here for reasons other than opti m u m salary lev­ els," he conti n u ed . "If we ca n give ou r m i n o rity stu dents a positive ca mpus experience and enco u rage con cepts of career vocation a nd service, they too will feel a loyalty and willingness to retu rn." A native of Port l a n d , Ore., Sm ith is typ ical of many middle class m i norities who have grown up "stradd l ing" cultures. The son of an engi neer and stepson of a h i gh school a d m i n i strator, he g rew up with m a n y w h i te friends. At home and at PLU he was accepted as "Steve, a fun guy to be with," b u t there was l ittle

encouragement fo r "Steve, the black person." He experie nced a lonel iness that confronts most m i nority individuals i n a majority world. It was d i ff i c u l t to share h i s raci a l and cultural fee l i ngs with oth e r w i s e co n g e nia l friends. Though not a campus activist at PLU , he sometimes ap preciat­ ed the com panionsh ip of bla cks. They wo u l d then be asked by w e ll-me a n i n g w h ite stud e nts why they sepa rated themselves. " M ost peop le seek cu l t u r al reinforcement." he said . "That's true of Scand inavians, or differ­ ent religious grou ps, ath letes or even different academic majors. Why not blacks?" He added, "We see i ntegration as a desirable goal. But i ntegra­ tion doesn't have to mean aban­ doning our cu ltu ral g roup." While se rious racial di scussions ca n be as sensitive, and some­ times as "taboo" as relig ion and pol itics, they are necessary, for t h e emoti o n a l well-being and growth of the m i nority as well as for the awareness of the majority. C u ltural and racial dif­ ferences don't j u st disappear by wish ing them away, Smith point­ ed out. He h o pes that his own ener­ gies, and more encouragement of bl ack stu dent g roups (BANTU) will help fi l l the void expe rienced by m i n o rity stu d e n ts. "They need to know we are aware of their con cern s and co m m i tted to their welfare," he sa id. Smith also h opes that more cam pu s a ctivity and increased fi n a ncia l c o m m itments wi l l tra nslate i nto renewed i nterest i n PLU in the minority com m u n i­ ty. While many i n that co mmuni­ ty h ave had positive experiences with PLU indi v i d ua ls, they tend to retai n a negative i m age of the i nstituti on. Sm ith p rea, �ted that increas­ ing eth nic d iVersity on all cam­ puses, including PLU, is the trend of the futu re . He poi nted out that homogenous campus popu­ lations of the past reflected the p r edo m i n a ntly h o m o g e n ous society i n which they existed. "The busi ness and professional com m u n i ties w i l l conti n u e to demand educated persons. AQd as they g row to serve m o re d iverse publ ics, they will seek a more d iverse employment mix," he observed. The trend is s i m i l a r to, a nd parallel to, that being experi­ enced with respect to the global com m u n ity. G roups, l i ke soci et­ ies, must reach out to each oth­ er to b u i l d g reater awareness and understanding. •


PacIfic Lutheran untvenlty SCene OCtober 1989

5 Campus

computer Science De ree program arns National Accreditation The bac h e l or of sci e n ce i n co m p uter science prog ram at PLU has earned national accred i­ tation only six years after its add ition to the campus cu rricu­ lum. The accred itation an nou nce­ ment was made by Or. J. T. Cain, president of Com puter Sc iences Accred itation Board Inc., fol low­ i ng program ap proval by the board's C o m p u t e r S c i e n ce Accreditation Com mission. To date, only 80 com puter sci­ ence deg ree prog rams in the country hold CSAC/CSAB accredi­ tati on. According to Or. James Brink, chair of the PLU Department of Mathematics and Com puter Sci­ ence, accreditati o n means that the PLU program has met qual i ­ ty standards, i nstituted b y CSAB, which is sanctioned by the Asso­ ciation for Com puting Machi nery and the Computer Soci ety of the I nstitute fo r El ectrical and Electronics Engineers. With over 150,000 members, these are the cou ntry's largest sch olarly and

M i nority St udents Ai ded By SP Scho l a rsh i p Fund N i neteen com m u n ity col lege transfer students entering Pacif­ ic Lutheran U n i versity this fal l have been designated Secu rity Pacific Scholars. They are Kim Armstrong, Shir­ ley McDan iel, Ph i l i p Eppright, Lisa Flor es, Ly n n H i n gada, Lan i Artacho, Soledad Di mayuga, Cyn­ thia Hawkins and Becki Switzer, all of Tacoma; G i na DeCamp and Jacq uel i ne Greer Wicker of Puyal­ l u p; and Paric h at Chang raksa an d Dymphna Elzie of Spanaway; Also Lau ra Hruby of Seattle; R ob e rt C u rtis of S i lverdale, Wash.; Mel issa M i nor of Tu mwa­ ter, Wash.; Glenn Wh itham of Gig Harbor, Was h . ; Lien Dam of Auburn, Wash.; and Wendy Lee of Costa Mesa, Calif. The students have received scholarships from an endowed scholarsh ip fund created at PLU by Secu rity Pacific Ban k (former­ ly R a i n i e r Bank). T h e fu nd is i n tended to b e n efit m i no rity students. The ren ewab l e schola rsh i ps are awarded on the basis of aca­ demic excellence.

p rofessional societies for com­ puting. The accreditat ion w i l l affect both prospect ive st udents and alum ni of the prog ram , B r i n k poi nted out. "It indicates t o pro­ spect ive stu de nts and the pro­ spective employers of al u m n i that the PLU program com pl ies w i t h recog n ized p r ofess i o nal standards," he said . Standards apply t o prog ram fac ul ty, cu rricu l u m , labo ratory and co m p uting resou rces, stu­ dents, class si zes, ad vising and institutional support. Bri n k noted that the PLU facu l­ ty was a major factor in achiev­ i ng acc red itation. He described them as a h ig h ly motivated group with a spirit of coopera­ tion. CSAB evaluators, who visited the cam pus during the 1 988-89 acad e m i c year, w e re also i m p ressed by the eq u i p m ent avai lable to computer science stud�nts, he added. Or. John Herzog, dean of the D i v i s i o n of Natu ral Sciences, o b served t h at few s m aller schools, such as PLU, are able to offe r com prehe nsive com puter s c i e n c e p r o g rams feat u r i n g advanced equi pment and cou rs­ es i n hardware and Artificial I ntel l igence.

M i nority Stud ents Earn New Awa rds For Lea dersh i p Twenty-two P L U e n tering freshmen are recip ie nts of the new PLU M i n ority Lead ersh i p Award. T h e awa rd, i n t e n d e d to encou rage m i nority students to attend PLU, includes a scholar­ ship st ipend between S500 and S2,500, according to PLU mi nori­ ty affai rs coordi nator Steven Smith. Recipients i nclude: Robert Gus­ tafson, A l icia Hatcher, Soon-Ok Hwang, Robert I n g ra m , Ly n n Jodoin, Laura Perez and John Shearer, all of Tacoma; Jeanette Dorner and B rian G ray of G ra­ ham, Was h . ; Mashelle Ath erson of J u neau, Alsaka; S h awn ita Davis of Everett, Wash.; R ichard Evans of O lym pia, Wash.; Thom­ as Kaneko of Longview, Wash.; Amaan Kassamali of Bel levue, Wash.; Patrick Kel l y of Laramie, Wyo.; Jerry Lee of Federal Way, Wash.; Susan Leong of A i ea, Hawa i i ; Robert Mackowiak of Ferndale, Wash .; Mon ica M o l i na of S panaway, Wash.; B l anca Rodrig uez of Su n nyside, Wash .; Catherine Sharp of Anch orage, Alaska; and Timothy Uyematsu of Anaheim, Calif.

Fred Tobiason

Robert Stivers

. Judith Ramaglia

Three Professors Earn Awards For Teaching Excellence A com m itment to exce l lence in teach ing at PLU has been sup­ ported for fo ur years by the Bu rlington Northern Fou ndation Facu lty Ach ievement Award s program. Awards are presented to three outstanding professors each year. This fal l's reCi p i ents are J udith Ramaglia, busi ness admin­ istration; Robert Stivers, rel igion; and Fred Tobiaso n, chemistry. Now in her eighth year at PLU, Ramag l ia served as d i rector of accounting prog rams last year. Her co lleag ues say the sign ifi­ cance of her scholarship is i nter­ d i sci p l i na ry strength and the enhancing of classroom teach ing effectiveness. She presented four papers at p rofessional conferences t h i s year o n topics related to in terna­ tional ization of cou rses. Her lan­ guage research i nd icates that the i nterpretation of the mean­ i ng of acco u n t i n g terms depends, t o a degree, on cultur­ al group membership. A 1 6-year faculty veteran, Sti­ vers was also cited for h is com­ m i tment to i n terdisc i p l i nary studies and hi s contributions to the Integrated Stud ies Program. One senior call ed Stivers' Interim cou rse, "Christian Moral Issues," the best cou rse he ever had . Stivers' co ntributions to the field of Ch ristian eth ics, i n partic­ u lar his i n novative ap proach to the economics of sustainab i lity, have earned him national atten­ tion. The author of two previous books, he co-authored a th i rd , Christian Ethics: A Case Method Approach, and edited a fourth, Reformed Faith and Economics,

this past year. He is described as "an energet­ ic and creative scholar who has brought his intel lectual gifts to

bear on mult ip!e aspects of u n i­ versity life." Tobiason is beginning hiS 24th year on the faculty. He contin­ ues to direct a nationally-recog­ n i zed student-facu l ty research program in the area of phenolic polymers. Last year he or one of h is stu­ dents presented fo u r profession­ al papers, i n c l u d i n g p resenta­ tions at the American Chem ical Society national meeting and at t h e Acad emy of Science i n Zag reb, Yugoslavia. He also auth ored or co-au thored (with students) t h ree pr ofessi o nal papers. In J u n e he and 11 PLU stu­ d e n ts ret u r n e d p rematu rely from study i n China due to the widespread d istu rbances there. This is h i s sixth ou tstan d i ng professor award . The S1 ,500 awards are fu nded by a Fo u n dation g rant. Recipi­ ents are selected from nomi na­ tions submitted by al l cam pus schools and d i visions. The pro­ gram is funded through 1 991 . Previ ous award w i n n ers were Stu art Bancroft and Gerald Myers, business ad m i n istration; Stan Brue, economics; Paul Men­ ze l , p h i l osophy; Wil l iam Becvar, com m u n ication arts; Ed Clausen and Chris Brown ing, h istory; Ann Kel l eher, political science; and Ann Hi rsch, n u rsi ng.

6 Camp us

ing A Ma nt New KPLU-FM Antenna B ri n gs Q u a l i ty Recept ion To All ine years ago KPLU-FM j u m ped boldly Into the reg ional radio market with a new a nten na site, 1 00,000 watts of power and affi l iation with the National Public Radio network. Less than five years later a new jazz­ news format and 24-ho u r service d istin­ guished KPLU from its com petitors. Listeners and professionals, nearby and nationwide, have been ta k i ng n otice, as translators fed the station sig nal through­ out western Wa shington, the KPLU news desk fed nort hwest news to the nation via N PR and the station beca me a regular sponsor of live area jazz events. The visibil ity was made possible by a transm itter at Port O rchard on property provided by Burl i ngton Northern ra i l road. It provided a vastly improved signal over the previous ca mp us-based transm itter, but sti l l was essentially just "peeking over the top" of average terrain at 620 feet. So coverage remai ned spotty. FM's li ne­ of-sight signal tends to b u m p into h i lls, mounta ins a nd even bui l di ngs, leaving large pocket areas with poor reception or no signal at all. Thus, station personnel have rema i ned , alert to opportu n ities for further i m p rove­ ments. The right opportun ity su rfaced three years ago, and since then, another bold move has been in p rog ress. After working through a host of tech nical and bureaucratic detai l s, KPLU-FM is now tra ns­ mitting from a new antenna on West Tiger Mountain near Issaquah, overlooki ng Seat­ tle and environs from 3,084 feet. It is hun­ d reds of feet hi gh er than the traditional Cougar Mounta in site from which the best heard Seattle area stations transm it. It is also a site that only a mountain goat could love, accessible via a prim itive cres­ tline trail, and where wi nter winds can cre­ ate horizontal icicles, accord i n g to Ch ief Engi neer David Christian. "With the new signal we are 'ta l k i ng' with a public rad io sig nal second to none," said Station General Manager Martin Neeb. "It is a state-of-the-art broadcast site wh ich we believe w i l l produce the best radio sou n d and reception a nywhere i n the Puget Sound area." Joining KPLU on the tower are commer­ cial stations KLSY, KRPM, KPMS and "host" KBSG, a Viacom-owned statio n . All are major area stations. KPLU retains its transm itter at Port Orchard as a backup "so electrical interrup'ons from storms and other fai l u res will not keep us from our appointed duty - 24 hours a day, seven days a week," said Neeb. The move was fu nded by contri butions from listeners and several grants. The Pub­ lic Broadcast Fou ndation of Southwest Wash i ngton provided the pace sett i ng chal lenge g ra n t . Other g ra n ts were received from the Haas, B u rli ngton North­ ern, Fuchs and American Fou ndations, Old National Bank and the state of Wash i ng­ ton . T h e transmitter move i s the latest devel­ opment in a 23-year saga of station prog­ ress that began with 1 0-watt capabil ity in 1965. Five years later power was i ncreased to 40,000 watts. In 1980 the Port Orchard

site was fou nd, making possible the leap to 1 00,000 watts of power. With translators added later i n eight locations i n western Washington, KPLU-FM cou ld be heard from Ca nada to O regon and by more people than any other radio station in the state. The Seattle-Tacoma ma rket, with over two mi llion people, is the 1 6th largest in the nation. Ironically, the station wil l no longer have to tra n smit at 1 00,000 watts, which w i l l allow the transmitter t o "coast" below its capacity and increase the life span of the equi pment, sa id Ch ristian. For persons fa m i l i ar with PLU rad io-TV­ audio over nearly three decades, it comes as no surprise that Chri st i a n has once aga i n been the technical wizard behind the move. His mastery of electronics and yea­ man capacities ha ve made all previous KPLU-FM advances possible, as well as those in the PLU television and audio ser­ vices operations. Th ese advances wou ld have been fiscally prohibitive if cont racted off-campus. "There is so me risk invol ved in a project of this magn itude," Ch ristian added. '''We cou ld sit back and say we have done all we can do, that the technical or financial risks are too great. Or we can go out and get our noses b lood ied a bit, and do it. "It was the kind of opportunity that we knew going in that if we didn't do it, we'd always wish we had," he observed. He esti-

Tiger Moun tain antenna



Of Weste rn Was h i ngton mated that the station will be add i ng some 5,000 square miles of coverage and i m p roved signal in areas a l ready covered. The site is owned by Weyerhaeuser, and i s leased by Viacom. KPLU-FM was the fi rst of five stations who exp ressed i nterest in leasing antenna space. "PLU is fo rtu nate to have one of only four full-power N PR stations i n Washington state," said Neeb. "It is the o n l y one l icensed to a n i ndependent i n st itution. KPLU is a major u niversity resou rce, keep­ i n g PLU i n public view and reflect i ng its qual ity academics and service." Since the regional move n i ne years ago, public support has i ncreased to the point where 77 percent of the station's budget is generated by KPLU apart from un iversity resources. Ch ristian hasn't yet moved a mountain. But he has been able to make one talk. For western Was h i n gt o n residen ts, if you haven't been able to get KPLU, or recep­ tion has been poor, tune in 88.5 or you r translator frequency now. You shou ld be in for a pl easant su rprise. *





KPLU al so welcomed a new program d i rector this fa ll, Roger Joh nson, formerly of Cedar Rapids, la. In Iowa he managed a stat ion s i m i l a r to KPLLJ, KCCK, a p u b l ic radio jazz a nd news station.


PaCific LUtheran university scene october 1188



LU ffers New aster Of Science Program In ursing Preparing p rofess ional n u rses to become co m petent n u rs i n g a d m i n ist ra t o rs, advanced cli nical p ractitioners, and school n u rses is the object i ve of the Ma ste r of Science i n N u rs i n g deg ree p rogram that will beg i n in the spri ng. As more health care and n u rsing servic­ es move outside hospital walls to the com­ m u n ity setting, the need for nurses able to perform i ndependently at an advanced level is increasing, accord i n g to Dr. Dorothy Kel l mer, PLU Dean of N u rs i n g . A recent su rvey i n dicates that only six percent of the nu rses in the greater Tacoma area a nd sout hwa r d h o l d master's deg rees a nd al most half of those degrees are i n a field other than n u rsing. PLU's School o f N u rs i ng wa nts to enha nce the nursing profession i n this geo­ graphic a rea by offering concentrations i n n u rsing ad mi nist ration, school n u rsing, and a cli n ical specialty that wi ll be determi ned o nce the res u lts of a recent su rvey a re ta ll ied and d iscussed. An advisory comm it­ tee com posed of n u rsing executives and educational coordinators from area health and n u rsing agencies has been formed to help g u ide the p rogram . T h e fi rst area of concentration t o admit students will be n u rs i ng ad m i nistration wh ich i ntegrates concepts from the d isci­ pl i nes of n u rsing, busi ness, a nd manage­ ment. "The p rogram will p re p a re n u rse ma nagers who a re responsive to present and future health care environments and n u rse practice settings. Grad uates will be

responsi ble fo r leaders h i p a nd manage­ ment of the n u rsing organization to faci l i­ tate effect ive, efficient patient care," said Dr. C a ro l y n Schu ltz, associate p rofessor a n d graduate p rogram com m ittee mem­ ber. W h i l e the School has offered school n u rse certification for years, the new MSN with a concentration i n school nu rsi ng will i ncrease knowledge and research capa b i l i­ ties, salary sca le competitiveness and peer recogn ition in the K-12 setting, said school nu rse program coordi nator, Dr. Julia Fan� slow. Students who wish to become sc hool nu rses will be able to choose whether they want certification only or want a master's deg ree a ndlor certificat i o n . Those stu­ dents who have al ready obtained the i r cer­ tification through the program at PLU may want to check on applying some of those credits to the master's prog ra m, Fanslow i n d icated. Some merit sch o l a rs h i p money is ava i l­ able, accordi n g to Kel l mer. Information can be obta i n ed from the School of N u rsing office. The School of Nu rsi ng offers a bacca lau­ reate program accredited by the National Leag u e for N u rs i n g t h at i n c l u d es an advanced placement track for RNs and a cont i n u i ng ed ucation progra m. More i nformation about the master's program ca n be obtained by cal l i ng Jerri D i tte rick, p ro g r a m assista nt, at (206) 5 3 5-8872.

Forward By Rosalynn Carter

New Govig Book Tou rs The ountry Of The Disadvantaged "If the 450 m i llion persons described by the World Health Orga nization as 'disabled' were to l ive in a single co untry, it would be the third la rgest cou ntry i n the worl d . " So wr ites former Fi rst La dy Rosa l y n n Ca rter i n the forward o f a new book by PLU rel i g ion p rofessor Dr. Stewart Govig. The book is Strong At the Broken Places: Persons with Disabilities and the Church. The disabled a re not concentrated, rath­ er they a re d i spersed t h roughout the world, Carter observed. "Yet they inhabit a

Stewart Covig

'fore i g n l a n d ' to m ost of u s. We d on't u ndersta n d the citizens of this fore i g n land, w e avoid visiting, and we don't want to establish d i plomatic relationsh i ps," she added. Carter noted that Govig's book tours this country of the d isadvantaged, the disabled and the di fferent and g u ides readers to a knowledge of an "u navoidable com mu nal relations h i p" that beco m es the basis fo r constructive Ch ristian action. Govig, hi mself hand ica pped with an arm atrophied by polio i n early childhood, fi rst considered writing such a book i n 1 980 w h i le servi ng on an American Lutheran C h u rch com m ittee focusing on the U nited Nations "Year of the Disabled." On sabbati­ cal duri n g that yea r (1 981 -82) he served at M a k u mi ra Theological Coll ege i n Tanzania. D u r i n g both exper:ences he encou ntered scores of d isabled persons. Back h o m e his cu ri osity g rew and his ed ucation continued. He realized a major issue is the persistent attitude ba rrier faced by m ost who li ve with a d isabling co ndition. "The power of these l i m itations is not so m uch the conseq uences of the physical condition; it stems from the i ndifference a n d reject i o n by o n e's n e i g h b ors," h e writes. For i nformation contact Govig clo the PLU D e p a r t m e n t of R e l i g i o n , (206) 5 35-7232.

Susan Halvor

Susan Halvor Is PLU's Second U.S. Presidential Scholar Susan Halvor of North Bend, Ore., is the second U nited States Presidential Scholar to enroll at Pacific Lutheran U n iversity, accord i ng to Dean of A d m issions James Van Beek. The fi rst, Keri Lenz of M i n netonka, M i n n . , w i l l begi n her senior year t h i s fa ll. She is planning a career in education. Halvor, 18, is one of 11 National Merit Scholars and a National Merit fi nalist who joined the PLU freshman class this fall. Van Beek explai ned that 141 President ial Scholars a re chosen annually from a mong the most outsta nding high school seniors i n the country. Some 1,500 st u dents a re i d entified as ca ndi dates from SAT scores. Five h u n d red semifinal ists are identified on the basis of co m p leted a p pl i ca t i o n materia ls, from w h i c h t h e C o m m i ss i o n o n Pres i d e n t i a l Scholars selects the medall ion recipients. A 4.0 student, Halvor ranked at the top of a 222-member sen ior class at North Bend High School. She was a school news­ paper editor, student body vice-president, and a member of the symphonic and jazz bands and ten nis tea m . I n add ition t o being a Sca ndi navian danc­ i n g enthu siast, she has taught S u nday School at Gloria Dei Lutheran C h u rch i n Coos Bay, Ore. Halvor has al ready reaped one benefit of the Presidential Scholar p rogram. She was i nvited to Washington, D.C., as a g u est of the Com mission to participate in Presiden­ tial Sch o l a rs Nati o n a l Recog ition Wee k i n June. During the visit she heard presenta- ' tions by President George B u s h , M a ri l yn Quayle (wife of the vice-president), astron­ omer Carl Sagan, Appeals Justice H oward Ma rkey and others. "It was a n experience I ' l l always remem­ ber," she said. Her parents are Pa u l Ha lvor, a 1963 PLU alu mnus, and Marilyn Ann (Rasmussen) Hal­ vor, a 1 965 PLU a l u m na. Susan is i nterested i n com m u n ications, global stu d ies and pol itica l sci ence. Her d reams fo r the future, she says, m i g ht include politics (U.S. Senator) or service as a foreign correspondent.

Pacific Lutheran University SCene October










Prof Becomes Intern Under Tutelage Of Former Student By Kathleen Hosfeld '81 n the back of my mind reside a n um ber of di ffe rent voices that provide com­ menta ry or suggestions a bout what I am doing at any given point in time. I hea r r.iY mother's voice, at certa i n times, su ggest i n g that I wou l d b e more thoughtful or less sel f-centered or that I shou l d eat more peas. M y fa ther's voice tells me to be more careful. to plan ahead and to eat more peas. The cast of cha racters in the back of my bra i n is comprised of people who've had a major i nfl uence on my life. Parents, pas­ tors and professors play the d o m i na nt roles. One of those characters - and I don't use that term loosely - is Cl iff Rowe, PLU Com m u nication Arts professor. Cliff's voice comments that my writi ng i s too pedantic, or that I w o u l d have checked the spe l l i ng of someone's na me. Thank God, at least h e doesn't tell m e to eat more peas. For the last seve ral weeks, h owever, he hasn't been sitt i ng i n the back of my head. He's been sitting at a desk down the hall from my office at Ogi l vy & Mather. I g rad uated from PLU i n 1981 with a what-ki nd-of-job-do-you-thi n k-you're-going­ to-get-with-that English degree. I beca me a journal ist. Cl iff's i n f l u ence exp l o ited m y existing i deal ist i c notion o f writi ng for a l iving. Need ing a new c h a l l enge, I joi ned Ogilvy & Mather as an account manager i n 1987. W e do pu b l ic relations a nd advertis­ ing. Some people would call me a liar for hire. It's not true. But people have their opinions. Although the real C l iff wou l d n 't have said so, the Cliff Voice in the back of my head chided that I was n o l onger serving the publ ic's right to know. That voice told me I was a r u n n i n g dog lackey c h u rn i ng out propaganda that helps l i ne the coffers of exploitative corporate m oguls. The real Cliff Rowe, however, has been sitting in the office down the hall, learn i ng about what ad vertisi ng a n d p u b l i c rela­ tions people really do. He recog nized that his 20-plus years of experience as a jou rnal­ ist l eft h i m less t h a n prepared to tra i n WOUld-be com m u nicators who want t o go into advertising, public relations or m arket­ i ng - and the n u m ber who do is i ncreas­ ing. It was last winter when Cl iff and I fi rst started tal king about an i nternship i n our office. Cliff's i nsatiable d es i re for profes­ sional growth is one of t h e t h i ngs that makes him a n outstand i ng teacher. Work­ ing with my bosses Andy Hopson and Jim McFarland to arra nge Cl iff's internship, I wanted to gi ve h i m an opport u n ity to grow, just as he did for me as a student. It was a lesson for both of us in teaching and learning. Teachers can't just tea ch; and students can't just lea rn.

Kathleen Hosfeld

Photo by Nick Gunderson

In a world that changes as fast as ours does, we a l l need to be both teachers and students. We need to teach what we know; and keep learn ing what we don't. If I were to have a p l ace i n the back of Cl iff's m i nd as he does i n m i ne, or i n a ny­ one else's m i nd, I hope my voice would say keep you r eyes and ea rs a n d m i nd wide open; keep growing, keep lea r n i n g from everyone and everyt h i ng. And offer back as m uch as you receive. And I hope it would say "You don't have to eat you r peas if you don't want to."

By CIIH Rowe


cou ld see Kath lee n com i ng m y way, copy i n hand, a smi l e on her face, and I knew i mmediately I had done somet h i ng either very clever or very stupid. It was the latter. "This name is M-A-T-T-R-A-N, not M-O," ch uckle, c h uckle. There I was, i m pa led, squirming on a spelling error, and not just a spell i ng error, but an error i n a person's name, the kind of error that I th rust at students when I return their papers in a News Reporting class. "You just can't make t h ese kinds of errors," I tell them. "With every error l i ke this your credibility SUffers." Now, Kathleen was delighting in poi nting out that s h e had preserved what l ittle cred i b i l ity I sti l l had. I was pleased that she was delighted, despite having to swallow some ego. She was doing exactly what I would hope students out of Com m u nication Arts clas­ ses at PLU would be d o i ng - editing and writing with skill, precision, and, m ost of all, conviction. I trust most of them are doing that. and feedback from their employers usually confi rms it. But it has been rare that I've had a n opportu n ity to see for myself a graduate in the workplace over a period of time. That opport u n ity came this past s u m­ mer when I was a b le to work out an arrangement with Ogi lvy & MatherlWest. a major public relations agency in Seattle, to

Clifford Rowe be an observer i n t h e i r offices for fou r weeks. In effect, I was on a fou r-week i nternship. While I was there mostly to talk with peo­ ple a bout their jobs and h ow they got them and what they li ked and d i dn't l i ke about them, I also d i d some writ i ng and i nterviewing. We tel l our students they need to have internships l i ke this to find out what the workplace is really ·like a nd to determine whether a career i n any g i ven com m unica­ tions field is the one for them. I'd always assumed that this advice, l i ke the other advice we dispense at the drop of the sl ightest opportunity, is correct. It was a rel i ef to find out it is. This was a fa r different workplace than I had experienced i n 20 years of working for newspapers. I had expected that. Wou ld I be happy i n this busi ness, as opposed to the news busi ness that I l ove? I n some ways I WOUld. In other ways I'm not so sure , b u t at l east n ow I'm better a b l e to talk knowledgeably about it. I do know that by the time I left Ogilvy & Mather I was able to assure Kat hleen that if I had ever begrudged her leaving journal­ ism for public relations (a nd I don't think I rea lly di d), I no longer do. Much of what the people there d o, from top ma nagement on down, is exciting and innovative. The deadline pressures are d ifferent. but as demand i ng as those i n the news busi­ ness, and there are other demands i n deal- , ing with their cl ients - those third parties in the com m u nication process - with which journalists don't have to deal. Finally, I found as m uch satisfaction and sense of accomplishment a m ong this staff i n what it was achieving as I would find i n a newsroom . Kathleen i s right. Teachers have t o learn as wel l as teach, and Kathleen, as a former stu dent. proved to be a good teacher, too. And I wou ld never tel l her to eat her peas - u nless I were in public relations and my client was the National Pea-Harvest i ng Council. •

Padflc Lutheran university scene QCtotIer 1989

9 De velopm en t

Cente nial Pund campaign Effort Bolstered y Volunteer eam

Evelyn, Lester Peter

Do nor An n u ity Wi l l Provide $2000 St i pends For PLU Stu dents Lester and Evelyn Peter of Canby, Ore., have establ ished a charitable rema in der a n n u ity trust at PLU wh ich will p rovide en dowed 52,000 schol arsh ips a PLU in their name beginning next year. One new sch olarship w i ll be awa rded a n n u a l ly to an entering freshman from Oregon . Selection will be based on academ­ ic record, financial need and involvement in school , church and co m m u nity activities, accordi ng to AI Perry, di recto r of fi nancial aid. The scholarship is ren ewable if the recipi­ ent maintai ns a PLU grade point averag e o f 3 . 0 o r better. Accord ing to Edgar Larson , d i rector of planned giving, the naming of the scholar­ sh i p is one way that the u n i versity ca n honor donors of major gifts. Other donors cou ld design ate s i m i lar gifts to honor or memorialize friends or loved ones, he sa id. The Peters have farmed near Canby for 57 years, though n ow their sons have tak­ en over responsibil ity for the fa m'ly land. "But we're st i l l out there every day," sa id Mrs. Peter, They selected PLU for their gift because "it is our church schoo l," sa id M rs. Peter. They are members of Ch rist Lutheran Ch u rch i n Aurora, Ore. Their dau ghter attended PLU i n the early '60s.

PLU Corporat ion Elects T h ree To Board Of Reg ents Three n ew mem bers of the Board of Regen ts were el ected at the Sept. 1 2 meeting of the PLU Corporation. They are An ne Lo ng a nd Donald Morken, both of Issaquah, WaSh ., and Ja net Wigen of Wilbu r . Wash. Long, the owner of Long Pa inting Co., is an E LCA represe ntative on the board. Mor­ ken. a general partner in a n I n vestm ent fi rm, is a regent-at-large. Wigen, di rector of an alcohol and drug abuse prog ram, represents the A l u m n i Associat ion. Stle repl aces William Ra mstad, who was elected regent-at- I arge to com­ plete tile term of Harry Morgan of Taco­ ma.

Bolstered by the largest volu nteer pool in its fun dra isl ng h istory, PLU approaches Its Centennial Fu n d - S hapi ng Tomorrow cam pa ign with optim iSm . The 530 mi l li on fu n d d rlve is des igned to strengthen the Qual ity of PLU's academ i c programs, i ncrease sch olars h ips a nd f i nan­ Cial a id. prov ide a new faci l ity for mUSIC, c o m p l ete f u n d i n g of m aj o r ca p it a l i m provements, sign ifica nt ly st rengthen the endowment, and help ensu re the fiscal stabil ity of the university with fu nds for cu rrent operations. Two training sessions for volu nteers rep­ resenting 25 reg i ons from arou nd the country have been conducted on the PLU camp us. A th ird session is plan ned for Nov. 1 5 . The team of volu nteers making solicita­ tion cal ls on key donor prospects is expec­ ted to exceed 1 50. Seventy-two of the PLU advocates were on campus Sept. 1 5 for an all-day program. Among the presentations was an overview of the music department's needs by ch air­ man Dave Robbins a nd colleagues Richard Spa rks. Kate Grieshaber, and M i ra Frohn­ mayer. A $5.5 million music building is the centerpie e of the ca m pai gn . Gro u n d ­ breaking for the faCility i s targeted duri ng the 1 990-91 academic year. Vol u nteers have helped stage i n terest

gatheri ngs in thei r respect i ve communi ies Jan Flod i n . w orki n g wi th two m j ar gift comm ittees in Alaska, hel ped organ i ze an Anchorage di nner hosted by El m er Ras­ m u son, reti red chairman of the NatIo nal Bank of Al aska. Most recently sh assisted reg iona l chair Bob Howard, a PLU regent, i n promoti ng a Fai rba nks d i n ne r hosted by G eroge a n d Linda G ordon . LeRoy Spitzer enterta i ned Bremerton-a rea boosters on a yacht. Je rry Donahe and mem bers of his Portland steering comm ittee staged a suc­ cessfu l reception at the Pittock Mansion. George and Mary Davis (G ig Ha rbor), George and Arlene Wade (Seattle), Rich and Connie H i ld a h l (Ti b u ro n , Calif.l, a n d J o h n a n d Virg i n i a E d l u n d (C a rm i chael, Cal if.) opened their ho mes for d i nners. Upcoming is a bru nch at the hom e of Jane a n d George Ru ssell . hosted b y t h e Tacoma Comm ittee. Former PLU Regent Elmer Wh ite, owner of Mobile C rane Co. in Seattle, has chal­ lenged the Cente n nia l vo l u nteers with a $ 1 00,000 pledge. His gift is contingent on the vo l u nteers c o l l ect i vely reac h i n g $2 50.000 with their own pledges by Dec. 3 1 , 1 989. M r. White, a Q Club Senior Fel low, is mak­ ing the challenge gift in his wife's memory. N ikol ine Wh ite passed away March 8, 1 989.

I nco me F rom Gifts And G rants Sh ows 7 . 7 % Increase D u ri n g Recent Fisca l Yea r A 7 . 7 percent i n crease i n g ifts a n d g rants was real i zed i n 1 988-89 over the previous fisca l ye a r, accord ing to Luther Bekem ei er, vice-p resid ent for develop­ ment. Working with the Office of Developme nt, faculty and staff members subm itted 83 proposals duri n g the year. Cash and pledg­ es tota l l ed $6 28,068, up form $58 2,894 the previous year. Recent gifts and grants: • A $1 00,000 g ra nt from B u rl i n gton Northern Founda tion to e nhance the cam­ pus liberal arts p rogra m . Fu nds w i l l be used to increase libra ry holdi ngs. develop an experi mental psychology laboratory, and provide a classroom to foster team­ work development a n d i nteractive m U lti­ media com munications in busi ness admin­ istration. • $73 ,646 fro m the National Scie nce Fou ndation to the Division of Natural Sci­ ences toward purchase of a scanning elec­ tron microscope with an en ergy d ispersive spectrometer and a backscattered elec­ tron detector. The u n iversity w i l l match the NSF gift. • Th ree grants tota l i n g $ 27,500 from AAL. They include $1 0,000 toward publ ica­ tion of a commemorative PLU Centen nial maga zine; 5 1 0,000 for a n alumnI class rep­ rese ntative Cente n n i a l workshop; a nd $7,500 for Ident ification and c oo rd i na ion of campus vol unteer services. • $20,000 from the John M. G ilbertson Foundation of Taco ma p rovi des scho a r­ shi ps i n business and science. • $1 0,480 fro m the Lutheran b roth er­ hood I M PACT prog ram covers 1 4 7 L B mem bers gifts made d u r i n g the second quarter of 1 989. I M PACT matches, on a percentage basis. gifts of $2 5 to $1 00 per

year to Lutheran i nstitutions of h igher ed ucation nationwide. • $9, 300 worth of m u ltimedia eq u i p­ ment for the PLU l ibrary from ALPAC of Seattle. • $ 5,000 fro m the Norman Arc h i bald Foundation of Seattle and $500 from the G reater Tacoma Co m m u n ity Fou ndation for the Sca n d i navian Cult u ra l Center at PLU.

Peterson's Ra nks PLU Among El ite Schoo ls I n Nation PLU i s one of more than 300 col leges and u n i versities nationwide selected for i nclusion in the 1 989-90 edition of Peter­ son 's Competitive Colleges.

Listed schools represent less than 1 0 percent of a l l Am erican i n stituti on s of h i gher ed ucation. According to Yvonne Freccero, a Peterson's ma nager, the publi­ cation is the only truly objective source of information on the colleges and un iversi­ ties that consistently attract and accept the brightest stUdents. "We real ize that the ' best' col lege is dif­ ferent for every person," she said. "Peter­ sons has publ ished th is book annually fo r eight years solei V to expand the I orizons of choice for t he capable st udent." nclu ion i n Peterson 's is based on the level of achievement of enteri ng freshman classes. using the inst itu tion's own adm is­ sions data. The book is also avai lable i n bookstores nat ionwide.

Pacific Lutheran


Ivenlty scene october 1989

The Arts

Rutter's Gloria Brings JOy To Christmas Festiv I Celebration Brass. timpani. percussion and organ join PLU 's cho ral forces i n John Rutter's "G loria," th e cen­ terpiece of this year's Christmas Festival Ceiebration. The co mposer com mented acc o m p a n i m e n t that the "makes qu ite a joyful noise u nto the Lord : The Latin text. d rawn from the Ord i n a ry of the M ass. has proved a centuries-old chal lenge to the composer. By turns it is exalted. devotional and j ubi lant. Rutter based his music on old chants associated with the text and divided the work into three movements.

Performers i n clude Choir of the West conducted by Ri ch ard Spa rks and U n iversi ty Chorale led by Edward H armlc. A b rass ensemble will accompany the singers. Scri Ptu re read i ngs. carols and p rocess i o na l s W i l l be i n t e r­ spersed I n the progra m . Three Tacoma concerts will be held i n Eastvold Auditor i um on Dec. 3, 8 a n d 9; one perfor­ ma nce each i n Portland ( Dec. 2) a nd Seattle (Dec. 1 OJ. Please see below to order reduced-price tickets.

Christmas Festival Celebration MAIL ORDER TICKETS

$5 General; $3 Students, Seniors, Children Make cheeks payable to PL U CJ� Festival.

PORTLAND CIVIC AUDITORIUM Saturday, December 2 at 8pm $5 Number of Tickets at (Tickets will be $7 and $5 at the d;xw)




_ _ _ _

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o f.ndoscd is a check or money order Send this Coon, payment and a sdf-addn:sscJ, sr-ampcd enve lope: fa; Stephen Isaacson, U940 SW 34tb, PQrrl�.nd, OR 972 19. Portland tiaers are � available :1[ me: box office in the: theater hWlding, 1 1 1 1 SW BroadW'�y (248-4496) For information call 244-3463.

PLU EASTVOLD AUDITORIUM Sunday, December 3 at 4pm

Number of Tickets at $5 (Tickets will be $6 and $4 at the d;xw)





_ _ _ _

Total $ e:ncloscd

Friday, December 8 at 8pm Number of Tickets at $5 (Tickets will be $6 and $4 at the d;xw)


_ _ _ _

Total $ enclosed

Saturday, December 9 at 8pm Number of Tickets at $5 (Tickets will be $6 and $4 at the titxJr)




_ _ _ _

Total $ enclosed

SEATILE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, December 1 0, 1989 at 4pm Number of Tic ke ts at $5 (TicItas will be $6 1U11i $4 at the d;xw)



_ _ _ _

Total $ enclosed


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -"--




o Enclosed is a check or money order, or charge Card Nu mber

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Sisoa� Se:nd this form, paymau and a sdf.addressed, stamped envelope to: Christmas Festival, Pacific Lurheran Unive:rsiIy, T2coma, WA 98447. For information call (206) 535·8410.

PLU Gal lery Features work y I nternational Ar ·sts Artists from N igeria to Iceland will exhibit a rtworks this year at PLU. T h i s month N i gerian a rtist Bruce Onobrakpeya w i l l d isplay "Sahel ian Masq u e rades." The exhi bition is a col lection of a rt i nspired by the people in and a round the Sahara-West African sub-region. Onob rak peya is a n excha nge teacher to the Tacoma Sch ool District this year. The show runs through Oct. 27 i n the gallery i n Ingram H a l l . Hou rs are 9 a . m . t o 4 p . rn . week­ days and 1 p.m . to 4 p m . Su n­ days.

This Janua ry two Icelandic art­ ists will exhibit their col lection of paintings and sculpture. Visiting artists a re Johan n a Bogadottir and Ragnhidur Stefansdotti r. At press ti me. many Iceland-re­ lated events are being plan ned by the Sca n d i n avian C u lt u ra l Center. C a l l Carla W ulfsberg at 5 3 5-7 349 for fu rther i nforma­ tion. Other ex h i b it i o n s t h i s year i nc l u d e a show by an African­ Am erican artist in Februa ry com­ m e m o rat i n g Black H i story Month and "New England Wom­ en in the Arts" honoring Wom­ en's H i story Week in March.

egency Seri es Recal ls E u ropea n Cou rt M usicians O f 1 8th Centu ry What does 1 8th-Centu ry Euro­ pean royalty have to do w ith PLU? Cou rt musicians of the 1 8th century were hired by the crown pri nces of E u rope to com pose, perform a n d teach at the pal­ ace. Today, u n i versit ies a re home to professional musicians, or art­ ists-in-residence. At PLU three ensembles-i n-resi­ dence perform, teach and enrich t h e ca m p us com m u n ity with thei r profeSSional performances. Wash i ngton B ra ss Q u i ntet. Camas Qui ntet (formerly North­ west Wind Q u i ntet) and Regency St ring Quartet present a series of concerts known as the Regen­ cy Concert Series. All con certs begin at 8 p.m. in the University Center. T h e B rass Q u i ntet opened the series Sept. 28 with a salute to the Centennial. Camas Qui ntet wi ll perform a concert of wind chamber m usic on Oct. 1 9. Dvorak, Shos t a k o v i c h and Hayd n quartets will highl ight the Nov. 9 Regency Stri ng Quartet pe rformance.

Washington Brass returns Feb. 15 and the Camas Qui ntet per­ forms again on March 29. The series concl ud es with a May 3 Regency St ring Quartet concert. The performa nces fea ture a coffee-a nd-coo kie intermission and a fo rmal recept ion fo l lows each concert. Ca l l 5 3 5-7621 for a broc h u re or series tickets.

New Voca l Jazz Di recto r Na med Catherine Bleecker was recent­ ly named assistant professor of music at PLU. She w i l l co nduct PLU's vocal jazz group "Park Ave­ nue" and University Si ngers, an all-woman choral ensem ble. Bleecker will also augm ent the music ed u cat ion program by observing student teachers. Previous to her PLU appoi nt­ ment. Bleecker was di rector of "Connection" and "Con nection. Too." Both are vocal jazz ensem­ bles at the Un iversity of M issouri - Kan'sas City.


Lut!leran Un�Jty SCene OCtober 1 989

11 The A rts

2nd Original Plav Soon

students Most I mpressive During Parker's Two Decades At PLU B y Janet Coleeke

After 20 years of teac h i ng the­ ater a n d d i recti ng m a i nstage p roductions, professor W i l l iam Parker remembers the students above all. " By fa r, t h e st u d ents h a ve made my 2 0 years at P L U a rewa rd ing experience," Pa rker sa id. " T h e re have been so m e i m p ressi ve su ccess sto ries stu­ dents have shared with Parker and his fellow PLU theater d i rec­ tor W i l l i am Becva r. Stu de nts such as Patty Ben Peterson (who recently took over the l ead i n the B roadway h i t " I nto T h e Woods") provide a reaffi rm ation of the qual ity of PLU's theater department and the p rofessors who guide it" said School of the Arts Dean Richard Moe. Parke r tell s of a stud ent per­ fo rm i n g w i t h t h e A l a b a m a Sha kespea re Festival a n d o ne who is an assistant producer i n New York. S tudent Scott G reene received the Los Angel es Dra ma­ logue award fo r "most p rom is­ i ng d i rector. " Other students Parker remem­ bers I nclude the count less stu­ dent who a re bu i l d i ng ca reers in theater. as well as those who are pursu i n g oth er fields. " t is my goal to see students mature throug h an u ndersta nd­ ing of themselves, a responsi bili­ ty 0 others and respect for the i nd i vid u a l ity a nd worth of a l l people," Parker sa id. Teach i ng took on a n added dimen Sion recently when Parker decided to write a play. "When I searched wi t hi n myself to write my play. I found new avenues to explore with my stu dents . We l earned a lot together," Pa rker sa id. After seeing his work come to life and experiencing "the rligh­ est h i gh i m a g i nable in my 3 5 yea rs i n th eate r," Parker plans

to continue writing plays for the rest of his ca reer. His newest play u ndergirds his cont i n u i ng concern for students: it speaks of fa mily relationships i n t h e age of AIDS . "Even the most i ntel l i gent yo u n g person feels that he is i m m o rtal, that tragedy can not touch h i m . " I f my stu dents rea l i ze that what they do or do not do now may affect them for the rest of t h e i r l ives. that each person is responsible for not just his own behavior and health, but that of others. I wi" feel that my play is a su ccess - critics or not," Park­ er said . As J o h n i n "J ust As We A re" says, "We must wo rk together to save o u r c h i l d re n , a" o u r beautifu l children." "J ust As We A re" premi eres Nov 1 6-1 9 in Eastvold Auditori­ u m . C a l l 53 5-7762 for reserva­ tions.

Bill Parker

u niversity Theatre Presents ClaSSiCS, arker Premiere ClaSS i c d rama, time less come­ dy a nd a world premi ere h i gh ­ l i g h t the U n iversity Th ea tre 1 989-90 season at Pac ific Luther­ an. All pl ays are held on Eastvold Auditori um stage and beg i n at 8 p.m. (2 p.m. Su ndays). A rt h u r M i l l e r's " D eath of a Salesman" opens the season Oct. 1 2-1 5. The play focuses on the last days of a fa i l ing salesman who seeks to d iscover how hap­ pi ness and success el uded him. Bill Pa rker's new play "Just As We Are" wi" receive its world premiere Nov. 1 6-1 9. Di rected by the playwright. the play chroni­ cles a fam ily i n the age of AI DS. "The Man Who Came to Din· ner" wi" run March 1 5-1 8 and March 22-2 5 . The comedy opens

G u revich Co n d u cts PLU Sym p hony Du ri n g Kracht Sabbati ca l Yea r Seattle Youth Sy mph ony con­ d u ctor R u ben u revlch w i l l debut V ' t h the P L U Sym p a n y Orches , on Oct. 1 7. G u re v k. n Is a one-year sabbati ­ cal replacemen t for usa con d u c­ tor J erry K racht. The Hun garian-born cond uctor wi" lead the PLU ensemble in an all-o rch estra p rogram . Works Incl ude Beethoven's " Cor iolan Overtu re," Copl an d 's " B i l ly t h e KId" suite and Dvorak's Sym pho­ ny NO. 7. The second concert is sched­ u led for Nov. 21 and fea tu res H anson 's "Roma ntic" symp hony, Franck's Sy m phon ic Variati ons,

Com m u n ity Service Coo rd i n ato r To Join PLU Staff

Strauss' "Burleske" and Beetho­ en's Sym phony NO. 7 . Student soloists w i l l ta ke the spotl i ght on Feb. 2 2 . O n Ap ri l 3 , Gurevich a n d the orc hestra will perform Mo zart's Symphony No. 25 an d Niel sen's Sym phony N O 3. The seaso n fina le will be held on M ay 1 5 a n d features guest violtn lst Steven Sta ryk perform­ i ng Mendelssohn 's Viol i n Concer­ to. Mahler's Sym phony No . 1 i s a lso programm ed . All concerts are free and beg i n a t 8 p.m. i Eastvold Auditoriu m . cal l 5 35-7 6 2 1 fo r fu rther infor­ mation. .

with a d i n ne r gu est who fa l l s a n d b reaks h iS h i p . S i x weeks of confinement at his host'S home fo l lows. The i nva l i d monopol izes the l i v i n g room, i n vites ex-con­ victs to meals and transatlantic ca l ls bring a $784 ph on e b i l l . The Moss H a rt a nd George S. Kau fma n play enjoyed a popu l a r run o n Broadway. The season conclu des with Tennessee Williams' d rama "The Glass Men agerie" on May 1 0-1 3. The play reveals Amanda Wing­ field as a faded tragic re mn ant of Southe rn gentility who l i ves i n poverty with h e r son a n d daugh­ ter i n a d i ngy St. Louis apart­ ment. Season ti cket in formation is avai la b l e by ca l l i n g PLU at 5 3 5-7762 weekdays.

I m p roved service to c h u rch and co m m u n ity by Pacific Lutheran U n i versity facu lty, staff and students is the goal of a new cam pus p roject. A part-time com m u n ity service coordi nator w i " be h i red later this yea r to d irect the p roj ect, which was i n iti ated by rel i gion professor Robert Stivers and u n i­ versity pastor Dan E rla nder. The p roject is funded by a S7, 500 grant from AAL. U n i versi­ ty pastor Martin Wel ls is project coordi nator. "For some time, PLU has been recogn ized for the considerable time and en ergy students, facu l­ ty and staff devote to volu nteer service," said E rv Severtson. vice­ p res i d e nt for st u de n t l i fe. "Requests for volunteers contin­ ue to I ncrease. " I n the past, req u ests a n d responses have been fragment­ ed in various uni ts on cam pus," he added . "Th is p roject w i l l i m p rove o u r iden ti fi cati on a n d coordi nati on of volu nteer ser­ vice." A u n i ve rsity-wide comm ittee, chaired by Family and C h i l d ren's Ce nter D i rector Faye Anderson and Stive rs , w i l l be work i ng toward fu l l-t i m e stat us for a coordinator of volu nteers d uring the next seve ra l years. Wel l s poi nted out that the long-term goa l of the proj ect is to serve the com m u n ity, enrich the ed ucation received by stu­ dents at PLU, and encou rage uni­ versity partici pation i n questions of social welfare.

special Events Feature a F I Calendar W ith 70 days of art ex h i b i ­ tions, m ore than 25 concerts and e ight theatre performances, virt u a l l y every day t h i s fa l l offers a cu ltu r al opportun lty at PLU. A few highl ights are l isted below; for complete calendar of arts an events, ca ll 535-7430. Russia p ia n ist N i kol a i Petrov wi " perform a PLu-sponsorlld concert at the Pant ges Centre Friday Oct. 27. An al u m n i recep­ tion fol lows the. performance. Beethove n ' S Nin th Symphony wi ll be performed by the Taco­ ma Symphony on F ri day, ov. 1 7 in the Pa n tages Ce ntre . PLU's C h o i r of the West a n d U PS 's Adelphian Concert Choir will join

to si ng the famou s "Ode to Joy" in the fo u rth m ovement. Solo­ ists include PLU mezzo-soprano M i ra F ro h n mayer, sopranc Dianne Ma ki-Reed, tenor Thomas Goleeke and bass M ic h ael DelOS. Ca l l 272-6 8 1 7 for tickets. C h oral U n i o n w i l l p resent "Mozart Magic" o n Sunday. Nov. 1 2 at 2 p.m. in Eastvold Au ditori­ u m on campus. The concert fea­ t u res Mozart's Mass in C Minor. Pia n Ist R i chard Farn e r w i l l join cond u ct o r R! chard Sparks and profession a l chamb J orchestra to perform Mozart's Plano Con­ certo in C Major. The C o nce rto was po pula rized by the 1 96 7 Swedish film "Elvira MadIgan."

padRe LUttlel'an UnIversity scene October 1 989

The Presiden t

tJJ.;.. a.YJ-

The State of the U n i versity, 1 9 89 : To Co m p lete a Centu ry Excerpts from an A ddress to Faculty and A dministrators at the Faculty Fall Conference, Sept. 8, 1989 .


oget h e r we envision o u r entry in to a new academic year. The months ahead consti­ tute the 1 00th of this i nst itu­ tion, the 30th of the u n iversity, and the 1 5th of this president. The 1 00th year of the institu­ tion! While the year beyond the one we now enter will be excit­ in g for its commem oration of the Centennial, the 1 989/90 year will have its own g reat exc ite­ ment and i m portance. The theme "To Comp lete a Century" is both an awesome ch allenge and a g reat opport u n i ty for those who care for, and labor in, th is institution as it writes "fi nis" to the tenth decade of its life. To c o m p l ete a cent u ry req ui res at least some deg ree of overall or com prehensive under­ sta nding about the present day Pacific Lutheran University from each of us. Perhaps that necessi­ ty will speak as compell ingly to you as it does to me if I share the fact that fu l ly 6 2 % of the cu rrent faculty and even more of the adm i n istrators, have joined the un iversity since I was appoi nted . These l a rge maj ori­ ties of relatively new faculty and admin istrators hel ped cau se, although they may be unawa re of it, im portant yea r to year g rowth and sign ificant accom­ plish ments. It is both im portant and useful to observe that. even in the yea r j u st past. many records were establ ished and oth er existing ones were sur­ passed.

majority of fou r-year post-sec­ ondary sc hools in o u r state which can claim none at all. The records of academic ga in by facu lty cont i n u e w ith books and articles p u b l ished, gran ts and contracts won, conferences attended, and papers presented. The School of Physical Education won approva l for the g ranting of th ree separate baccalaureate deg rees and produced its fi rst graduates. Also, Physical Educa­ tion provided opportu n ities for 20% of the u n iversity's fu l l-time enrol lm ent i n 22 women's and men's varsity sports. There were 62 student ath letes with a g.p.a. of 3.5 or better, and 20 Academic All Americans who hel ped win the fo u rth strai ght conference al l-sports trophy, two national c h a m p i o n s h i ps , a n d , a m o n g more than 500 NAIA schools, the second consecutive national All Sports title. In late June PLU was notified officia l ly that u n ivers ity-wi d e accred itati on had been reaf­ fi rmed by the Comm ission on Colleges of the Northwest Asso. ciation of Schools and Colleges. No strings, no qualifications, no caveats - simply reaffi rmation of accre d i tation by the one extern al body most i m p ortant to the u n iversity's recog n ition and fu nction. Two other im portant acc red i­ tation decisions were an nou nced t h i s sum mer: 1 ) programs i n music have been elevated from associate to fu ll membership i n t h e National Assoc iation of Schools of M u s ic; a n d 2) the bachelor of science program i n computer science won fi rst-time approval as one of only 80 such prog ra ms n a t i o n a l l y to be

Selected, partial and anecdotal - but factual - is the following II recounting of some. Propel led by a 4 . 8 % su rge in fu l l-time enrol lm ent. the total headcount The challenge of the of st u d e nts exceeded 4,000. future is to ch oose Regular credit hour productivity increased 3.35%, to a new high wisely . and selectively of 1 05 , 749.9 hours, and year among the man y win­ long c red it h o u r generation som e opp ortunities amou nted to 1 1 6,089 .8. With these, an i m p ressive 847 bacca­ that are ours. We can­ lau reate p l u s 1 74 m asters' not in vest fully in all degrees were conferred, such paths simultaneously. that the total of 1 02 1 deg rees not only exceeded any previous •• 1 2-m onth s u m , but c rossed 1 ,000 for the first time. accredited by the Computer Sci­ Annual departmental reports ences Accred itation Comm ission. do cu m e n t t h e stories of Let me now concl u d e t h is i nc reased n u m b ers of m ajors brief reci tation of sel ected and m u ltiple acco m pl i shments events of the year we leave by of graduates. J u st one exa mple referring fi rst to the financial of academic excel lence was the bottom l ine, second to develop· g raduation of t h ree Fu l b ri g hf ­ ment fu nd raising, and th ird to Sch o l a rs for the fi rst t i me, cu rrents and events s u b m i tted exceed ing our usual track record in annual departmental and unit of one per yea r, and in sharp reports. d istinction to that of the great Relative to 1 9 88/89 yea r end

Dr. William Rieke

fi nd i ngs of the u n i ve rsi ty's external fi nancial auditors, on a $43,281 ,366 budget. the univer­ sity fi nished $5,900 or 0.01 % in the black. It is not so much what is earned that determi nes fi nan­ cial outcomes - PLU receives nearly 60% more i ncome than it did five years ago - rather it's what is spent that matters. Beca use the u n i versity has grown and flou rished ra pidly in many areas, i ncluding financially, the challenge of the futu re is to ch oose wisely and selectively a m o n g the m a n y w i n s o m e opportun ities that are ou rs. Nei­ ther we nor any other organiza­ tion can invest fully in all paths simultaneously. The heady scent of past prog ram matic, numeri­ ca l. fisca l and physical accom­ plishment lu res, even compe ls, us to the m istaken indu lgence of all desi res concomitantly. O u rs is the responsi b i l ity to prioritize and selectively develop th ose p rograms which wil l guara ntee our future success. This we can, must, and will do. Money matters a re never com­ pletely discharged until we also speak of g ifts given a n d funds raised. F u l ly $1 m i ll ion more in cash was received this last year than in the year before. The total from all sou rces and for all purposes am ou nted to $ 5 . 7 m i l­ li on, representing a strong 21 % growth rate - a rate more than twice the growth rate of tuition in 1 988/89. Excluded were pledg­ es made, w i l l s wr itte n , and deferred gifts prom ised. Not only was this th e best year on record, but it also represented Sign ificantly greater acco mplish­ me nt in terms of actual cash received t h a n is re ported in national jou rnals for oth er col­ leges and u n i v ers i t i es of o u r type and in ou r region. The Q Club - an organization of more than 1 ,500 i nd ividuals,

firms, and o rgan izations, which is we l l on its way to $ 1 m i llion goal in u n restricted giving annu ­ a l ly - conti nues to broaden its base of persons su pporting PLU. S i m i l a rly, the pl edge of money from g rad u a t i n g se n i o rs amounted to $62,550, up nearly $20,000 from last year, and rep­ resent i n g 243 or nea rly 61 % more participa nts. In January of 1 990, the pu b l i c phase of the un iversity's 30 m i l l ion dollar cen­ ten nial fund d rive will begi n. Of the $ 30 m i l lion goal. $20 m i l l ion is already in hand . Funding and erecting the new music building remains the major object ive on the ca pital side of the d rive, and prog ress toward it acc elerates monthly. A few comments now about annual reports which I conti nue to a p p reci ate read i ng from a l l organ izational u n its in the u n i­ versity. I have previously alluded to the academic productiv ity t h ose from the schools, d ivi­ sions, and various programs doc­ um ent. There has been no previ­ ous year in my reading when records have been stronger or accompl ish ments mo re varied. Among those providing a sign ifi· cant and different contri bution is the Fa m i ly and Children's Cen­ ter where 1 65 students worked for academic credit in eight dif­ ferent programs and simu lta­ neously delivered social and edu­ cati o n a l service to 981 P a rklandlSpanaway fam i l ies. So much has occu rred that some academic departments note the strain. One chair even speaks of exhaustion, and proclaims that the exhaustion cannot continue. The very next sentence of the report, however, stresses equ ally that the future has never looked brighter. So it is with the general tone of all reports - prog ress is g reat. effort is exte nsive and demanding, but comm itment to subsequent en deavor is the g reatest. T h i s e n co u ra g i n g theme i s parall eled by re ports from admin istrative a reas where p rog ress and reco m m itment are a lso the overriding themes. J ust a few specifics may be of i nter­ est. Food Service reports the best year ever; the Bookstore enhanced sales, its gross margi n, and continued to exceed nation­ a l averages i n its p roductiv ity per square foot of space occu­ p ied. Of great im portance in this day of i ncreasing ap preh ension about cri me, vi olence, and per­ sonal safety, are the facts that Cam pus Safety has added the fo u rth profess i o n a l , i s better staffed than ever, and experi­ enced a ten-year low in the num­ ber of camp u s cri mes wh ich were re porta ble to the Pierce

13 The President

cou nty Sheriff last year. The safety issue, h owever, is one that demands eternal vigilance, and it will be so treated in the year ahead . To com p lete a century, and to erve in that or so me other fash­ ion in the futu re, req u i res us now to turn to a report on the fourth and - mathematical log­ ic not withstand ing - final year of the cu rre nt u n iversity F ive­ Yea r Plan. Prepa rati on of the plan involved the ent i re un iversi­ ty in an effort to determ ine and chart its futu re; that exercise a lone has more than suffici ent redeem ing value for the plan. A su rprisingly large n u m ber of the specific objectives with i n its five major priorities have, in fact, been atta ined. M ost i m portant­ ly, the u n iversity has rem ai n ed and prospered as a small l i beral a rts i nstitution of the church ( Priority I), and it will continue to do so. E n ro l l ment goals, fiscal priorities, severa l capital pro­ j ects, e d u ca t i o n a l e n h a n ce­ ments, com m u n ity outreach, a n d o t h e r obj ect i ves were reached a n d exceeded . O ne maj o r a cco m p l ishm ent which was faci l itated by previous p lan­ n ing, but not specifically envi­ sioned i n the cu rrent fi ve-year o bject i ves, is the ra p i d and extensive growth of the u niver­ sity's Comp uter Center, includ­ i n g present i n itiati ves to i n co r­ porate co mputing broadly i nto the curriculum. M ost s i g n ificant p e r h a ps amon g five-yea r goals was the accomplishment in four years of the five-yea r intent (Priority II, 5) . to enha nce average total com­ pensation by an amount at least 1 5 % in excess of the cumulative i ncrease over t ime i n the Con­ sumer Price In dex. All will appre­ ciate that since sala ries and fringes annually amou nt to the largest sin gle university expendi­ ture - about 60% of the total budget - they are the hardest to improve overall. Yet the goal has been reached one year early, and every effort will be made to carry o n enha ncement in the futu re. Also of significant note, and expense, was not j ust the com­ pletion of most of the specific capital projects identified in Pri­ ority IV, but also adding to this p rio rity the a n n u a l extensive renovation of at least one resi­ dence h a l l . Pfl ueger, Foss, and, as of t h i s s u m mer, H i nderlie H a l l s h a v e now been so i m proved . I ndeed, the sum mer of 1 989 wit nessed renovat ion and repai r in mu ltiple academic, administrative, student, and ser­ vice b u i l d i n gs. Of various bu il d­ i ngs acq u i red, one fi ne example is the Rosso House which now provid es the head quarters for graduate and continuing educa. tion. Now it is time to prepare the next chart for o u r fu t u re. Althou gh a variety of elements of the 1 98 5/86 five-year map

re main yet before us, that plan has for practical pu rposes l ived its l i fe, and now m u st be replaced. Whatever my feeli ngs about the specific value of the content of any plan may be, there i s no denying that great gain is to be realized from the process of t h i nking, d iscussing, and working together toward t h e goa l s of t o m orrow. O u r reg ents, o u r site v i sitors fo r reaffi r m a t i o n of u n i v e rsity accred itati o n , a n d o u r own u ndersta ndings ca l l us now to beg in the planning cycle anew. L the refore, officially invite faculty and admin i strators to consider methods and join the process. University officers have already been charged and students will soon be i nvited so that as a total commu nity we may look to the next five-year cycle. The writing of a new Five-Year Plan w i l l engage us meaningfu l ly as we com p lete a cent u ry in 1 989/90, but so, too, w i l l several specific en deavors. The faculty mandated study of the universi­ . ty's general education req u i re­ ments - core revision, if you w i l l - merits the attention of us all. Viewed by its external constitu­ ents, PLU now clearly 1s a presti­ gious institution. Yet, costs and com petition being what they are, questions always arise con­ cerning why is the university better than cheaper priced alter­ natives, or how is it really worth the i nvestment of student and fa m i ly dollars? More this yea r ••

Gifts from all sources amounted to 55. 7 mil­ lion, a 2 1 % in crease over the previous year and more than twice the growth rate of tuition costs_ H than previously, these queries were voiced d u ring the annual August meetings i n ni ne North­ west cities which Mrs. Rieke and I hold with parents, and new and prospective stude nts. By d i rect perso nal interaction with more than 600 such persons, i ncluding over 1 00 incoming fres h m en, I was persuaded that the un iversi­ ty's constituents accept the fact that PLU has excellence, but as never previously, they want evi­ dence that experiences here are d ist inctive, a n d have sufficient value for life that they merit the req u i site expense and financial comm itment. These concerns a re not surprisi ng, because the severa l increases in recent years of the cost of attending almost all private postsecondary educa­ t i o n a l i n st itutions have out­ stripped not just the growth in the Consu mer Price I ndex, but more im porta ntly, the agg re­ gate i n c rease i n tot a l fa m i ly in come. As this in exorably con-

Rieke I s 1 9 89 Disti ngu ished Al u m nus At U of W Schoo l Of M ed icine Researcher, administrator and hu m a n i tarian, Dr. W i l l i a m O. Rieke, C lass of '58, w i l l receive the 1 989 University of Washi ng­ ton School of Med icin e Distin­ gu ished Alumni Award at Medi­ cal Alumni Day, N ov . 4, i n the HUB Ba llroom." So read the lead of the leao story in the med school's fall issue of Medical Alumni News. The sc h ool is h o n o ri ng Dr. Rieke for a distingu ished and

tin ues over time, people under­ standably need reason to believe mon ies spent on education are wisely used . While a new, excit­ i n g , a n d effective p l a n of req u i red study at PLU - be it a revision of Core L Core II, or both - is not the tota l answer to i ncreasingly sophisticated and aware consumers, it can be one very important element of the response. More than th at, the u n i versity needs a ret h i n k ing and res h a p i n g of its general requirements Simply to be true to its own i n tegrity and sense of ed ucati onal mission, deserv ing our close attention and best effort. The penulti mate specific topic I mention as we begin to com­ plete a century is the b ranch ca m p u s of the U n i versity of Washington in Tacoma. Through much state legi slative ma neu­ vering and u ncertai nty about which I reported periodically last year, the com m itment to estab­ l ish branch campuses of the Uni­ versity of Washington i n Bothell and Tacoma, and of Washi ngton State University in Spokane, the Tri-Cities, and Vancouver eventu­ ally was made. With regard to the branch in Tacoma, the selection of a site will occu r this year, some faculty will be recruited, and a few score of t h i rd and fou rth yea r st u­ dents following a baccalau reate program i n general studies w i l l b e adm itted for work starting one year from now. The i ntent both of the legislature and the Un iversity of Washi ngton is slow­ ly to develop e n ro l l m e nt of up per d ivision primari ly non-tra­ d i tional, pa rt-time stu d ents to ni ght and weekend classes, and to add more cou rses of st u dy only as need can be shown. The legislature has ordered a st udy of exist i n g educati o n a l capacity in both state and pri- · vate schools. PLU is actively par­ ticipating i n th is, ' and the f i nd­ ings will be reviewed in the 1 990 legislative sessi on. I believe PLU ca n and should remain confident a n d u n t h reatened by the branch. More i m portant by far than my opin ion, however, is the

varied career at the U of W, Uni­ versity of Iowa, and U niversity of Kansas medica l centers as wel l as PLU. The award was established to recognize a l u m n i who by their professional ach ievements and contri butions have disti ngu ished themselves, enhanced thei r pro­ feSSion, improved the welfare of the general public and brou ght honor to their alma mater. The award refl ects cont ributions made over a long period of ime.

fact that because of the consid· erable effort invested in the last two years, we are firmly in a position not only to monitor but to correct any shifts in ma rket share of students in the unlikely event they occur as the branch develops. Fift h, l ast, and most happi ly, we will spend the year complet­ i n g ou r centu ry by ed ucati ng another excel lent group of stu­ dents. While demographic limita­ tions w i l l decrease the n u m ber of freshmen who matricu late, the class will exceed 600 and will be larger than the one we were pleased to admit j ust four years ago. Moreover, the n u m ber of transfer st udents re mains high and retention of continuing stu­ dents s i m i l arly cli ngs to record levels. In total, headcount and hours will again be very strong, and this i s without acceedi ng to the very rea l pressure to increase international stu dents d ramati­ cally. Residence halls will be full, and planning for a new hal l for the fa l l of 1 9 91 conti n ues. Although com petition for the best students beco mes greater annually, we w i l l again be chal­ len ged by very tal ented a n d energetic learners. National mer­ it scholars and those with mUlti­ ple other acade m ic and ta lent awards will abound in the n u m­ bers to which we have become accusto med. One of only two U.S. Presidential Scholars to be named for our entire state this year wil l ·be amo ng incoming fresh men. Our work and oppor­ tunity lie clearly before us and we celebrate them. To com plete a centu ry! This is the year! Al l of the good that has been, all of the prog ress u n der five-year plans past and future, and a l l of the specific endeavors that w i l l occ u py o u r time for the few short months to the Centennial pale compared to the opportun ity to continue to serve with you, my col­ leagu es. B l essed by God, a nd strong i n o u r reaffirmation of the ed ucat i o n a l a n d spi ritual mission of Pacific Lutheran Uni­ versity, we e m b race 1 989/90 together. God bless us all! •

Pacific Lutheran university scene october 1989

14 Commen ts

Alma M ater

Gift, I ncome,

By Dr. Philip Nordquist centennial Historian

Du ri ng its nea rly one hu ndred years of h istory, the students and a l u m n i of Pacific Lutheran University have sung a nu mber of co l l ege h y m n s and fight songs. They all reflect the times when the y were written a n d most reek with considerable sen­ timent. Most have also had a very short shelf- l ife; one has been bu ried i n the A rch ives since the early twentieth ce ntu­ ry. I fou d five such songs while conducting research for the cen­ tennial history. All can be found in the U n i v ersity A rc h i ves, though the mu sic fo r two has d isappea red . Only one of the songs, the 1 944 "College Hymn" co m posed by Ju leen H . Mattern, is re g u l a rly s u ng . " Re g u l a rly" here means once a year, usual l y at Homecoming. Most mem bers of the Alumni Association could not pass a written test on the words or music, however. The first of the songs - "Our Alma Mater" - dates back to 1 902 and must have been sung at comme ncernent. Its th emes are the "fond memories" and "true friendsh ips" fou n d at the "P.LA" There is no mu sic to be found and the song was appar­ ently quickly forgotte n. The next song - "The A l m a Mater Song" - has had a longer life. Com posed by Choir of the West di rector J. O. Edwards i n 1 9 27 i t can sometimes sti l l be heard. Edwards u sed an o l d Luther League tu ne, "Living for Jesus" and accord ing to Walter

This is the 1 3 th feature in a 20p a rt series by Dr. N o rdqu ist which w i l l con t i n u e thro u g h the 1 9 90-9 1 Centen nial Year at PLU. Repri nts are available through the Office of Pub­ lic Information.

Sc hn acken berg, converted it i nto, "P LC, O u r Students H a i l Thee a s Queen of a l l the Land!" Both words and mu sic are avail­ able in the Archives. T h e sem i- offi c i a l "Co l l e ge Hymn" was written by J u leen H . Mattern i n 1 944. Schnackenberg ca l led it a hymn of "dign ified solemn ity" and Mattern dedicat­ ed it "with best wishes to Pacific Lutheran Col l ege, 'The Pioneer School'." It is not at all clear how it became "semi-officiaL" but it has acquired that kind of status, perhaps through longevity. The fou rth song - "The Glad Refrain" - was written by Wai­ ter Sc h n acke n b e rg h i m s elf, probably i n 1 95 5 . H e was i nter­ ested in a song with a little more oomph that was more widely known, so he o rg a n i zed a con­ test wh ere stu dents were to contri bute either the words or the tune and connect to either the words or the tune he creat­ ed. The read e r senses that I d o n 't have t h i s a b sol utely straight; neither can I remember the stu d ent w i n n e r and the tune is lost. I remember the bass part and my wife claims she can hum the tune. The words a re written in pencil on a 3" X 5" card which is in my possess ion. Readers will re mem ber that P. L.Cs teams were called Gladia­ tors in 1 9 55, hence the title. The fi nal song - "PLU V ictory Song" - was written in 1 988 by

A � C E N T E N N I A L � T R E A S U R E Coming May 1 990

M centermial history,

Educating far Service: Pacific Lutheran University, 1890-

1990. Written by history professor Philip A. Nordquist, its pages describe the triumphs, disappointments, and tenacious visions of those who helped to build PLU into the largest private educational institution in the Pacific Northwest. Beautifully bound in fu ll cloth, the book will include more than seventy photographs, capturing many of the faces and moments of the PLU

E�ng far Seroice will be an elegant

keepsake of the university's centennial celebration of dll! school's ments

often difflc ult enterprise,




as a

critical study

memorabl chronicle of achieve­

alld fol lies, of struggles and growth. 'i' Plan to reserve your copy soon.


for de[3ils in the December Scene.

Provost Em eritus Richard J u n g­ kuntz. He grew up in Wisco nsin and did his graduate work at the Un iversity of Wisco n s i n so he was fa mi liar with one of Ameri­ ca's great collegiate fight songs . . Jungku ntz thought PLU needed a vigorous and memorable song of its own so wrote one. It was sun g vigorously at t h e last Homecom ing. The length of its she lf-l ife is sti l l to be d eter­ mined. If I have made m istakes in this recounting, I w i l l u n do ubtedly hear about th e m . I f readers know about other co llege hymns or lost tunes please let me know. If poetic and m u sical a l u m n i wa nt to com pose a "C o l l ege Hymn" w h i c h c a p t u res the appeal and m e m o ries of the past o r helps move i nto t h e futu re, let me know as wel l . If enough contrib utions come in, we can have a contest. The texts of the songs fol low: "our Alma Mater" (1 9 2) 1 Oh, we'll recall this night in June At our dear Alma Mater, Though Fortime's most exalted boon May crown o u r efforts later. Fond memories often fade away; But never, no, oh never, never, Can we forget the P.L.A., Or its true friend-sh ips sever.

Refrain Can we forget the P.L.A., Or its true friend-ships sever Can we forget the P.L.A., Or its true friend-ships sever Can we forget the P.L.A., Or its true friend-sh ips sever Can we forget the P.L.A., Or its true friend-sh ips sever. 2 Our boats will soon drift far apart, A down life's changeful river; But deeply treasured in each heart These memory lights will Quiver. They'll cheer the darkness of our way; FOr never, no, oh never, never, Can we forget the P.L.A., Or its true friend-ships sever.

"Alma Mater Song" (1 927) P.L.C. our students ha il thee,

As Queen of all the land, Where students all are carefree And for thine honor stand (rah, rah, rah!J.

ark your calendar now for the arrival of PLU's

community over the past century.

Pl us Assets

May they life be ever glorious And always to the end Reign o'er a l l victorious, Our Alma Mater friend.

"The College Hymn" (1944)

'Neath lof-ty trees and mountain grand A bless-ed place she firmly stands AI-ma Ma·ter P.L.C. That she may grow in strength and name Live and rul with·out disdain True may our hearts for-ev-er be to AI·ma Ma·ter


"PLU Victory song" (1 988' 1 PLU we love you, We re your loval crew PLU, soa r n igher We wl!1 d'leer for U-RAH·RAr ·RArll PLU, press t'tlrward March right down tha fleldl Not until we ve gained the Victory, W i l l we yie dl

To H e i rs!

By Edgar Larson Director Of Planned Clvlng

What wou l d yo u th i n k about the idea of g ivi n g somet h i n g away, receiVi n g a l i fet i me income, and sti l l having he abili­ ty to pass on to heirs the va lue of that asset? This defi n itely 15 a "win-Win" situ at ion. In the last few months there have been n u m e rou s instances where donors to PLU have made a contri b ut ion t h rough a l i fe i ncome program . In d o i n g 50, they wi l l be receiving an income for l ife, a d, at the same ti me, receiving si gnificant tax savings as wel l . I n ad d ition, thei r heirs will not be losin g any of the asset value The q u estion m y be asked, but i they give the asset away, how can they pass the value of that asset on to their heirs? Answer: through i nsu rance. And how does one pay for the insu r­ ance? Answer: th rough the dol· lars saved from the ch aritable contribut io n ded u cti on, as well as through possible i ncreased income from the asset. The use of a "wealth replace­ ment trust," funded with insur­ ance, i s a method by which many people are able to make a sign ificant gi ft to P U , recei ve l ifetime i ncome, and st i l l have the abil ity to pass the value of an asset on to their heirs. Be advised that PLU does not sell insurance, but we would be glad to assist you r financial plan­ ner in putting together such a gift-income·wealth rep lacement package for you . For more information contact: E d g a r L a rson , Di rector of Plan ned Giving, Ad m i n . 1 0 5, Pacific Lutheran University, Taco­ ma, WA 9844 7 . Phone: (206) 535-7420.

2 Hail to thee, Peel-U, Ever fair and true! Fabulous Peel-U We will chee r for U·RAH-RAH·RAH! Onward. old Peel·U March rlgh down th at field! Not until we've gained the victory, Will We yieldI

3 We shall be forever To 'Jur colors trUE> Black and Cold, we nail YOll, .As we cheer cor U,RAH-RAH P. H Blad nd Gola unswt:rJlng, Marc r ghr down that field! No t until ve.'ve gained he w:tory j, III �e '/leld

(next time' BasketballJ

Padflc Luthenn University SCene october 1989

15 Commen ts

Q C l u b Mem bers M a ke a Difference

The Kasilof R i ver Caper

BY David L. Berntsen Director of Development

One pu rpose of the Q C l u b is to h el p keep P L U f i n a n c i a l l y accessible to deservi ng students. Q Cl u b gifts make a rea l d i ffer· ence i n th e i r l i ves. Th ese g ifts have a trem e n d o u s " m u ltipl ier effect. " An i nvestment I n ed uca­ tio n fo r you n g . ta lented stu­ dents pays d ividends i n th ou­ sands of ways. PLU gradu ates leave this ca m pus to lea l ives of service in their com m u nities, thei r professions a n d t h e i r chu rches. Here I S a n excerpt fro m a t ha n k you letter we received from one of the many students Q Club g ifts help: "Pl ans. goals and d reams have fi na l ly come true fo r m e and many other students. because of people l i ke you provid i ng fina ncia l assista n ce thro u g h d o n a t i o n s fo r s c h o l a r s h i p s . Without t h ese fu n ds t h e re w o u l d be m a n y st u d e n ts u nable to attend col lege . . . You have made it possible for me and other students to be able to ach ieve and atta in l ife l o n g goa l s w h i ch otherwise seem just l i ke a d rea m." Th PLU Q C l u b was founded in 1 972 to thank friends and alum· n i for thei r val uable unrestricted gifts. Last year Q Club members contributed over 5840,000 to the U n iversity. These gifts h e l p a l l students beca use t u i t i o n o n l y covers about 80% of a ct u a l costs. I n addition. seven out o f t e n stu­ dents both need and receive fur­ ther fi nancial hel p. The Q C l u b

W e would l ike to welcome the

followi ng individuals. businesses and ch u rches who h ave j oi ned the Q Cl u b since the last issue of SCENE: NeW I4InIor .... 1$2COO or moreJyear) The W. Hlflling and ISOIlef lindberg Trusts Nft MGWi IS1()(JO.2399/yeari Anonymous canton. Keitt> and Marlene Wills. J. !/Obert and Barbara

mcr.M to l'IIIow

Edluna JaM ana Virginia HOward. Dennis nd l'f)da !/Ipp e'l. Jeff and J(ath ryn

.uIOdUI FtIIowl 1S4B()'999IYear)

l'IilUiIO, Enlng and Clara Matson, Matthew SdI'rr,k€ AI and Anna

I ncre:ll,e to ASSOCIate Fellow nur amI A'Ja and BarnJr.

\.izolln" T / . fa11

h opes to g row a t better t h a n 8% per year t o reach 51 m i l l ion i n a n n ua l g ifts to the U niversity by o u r Centen n i a l Year. w h ich ends i n 1 991 . The Q Cl u b is presently 5.6% a head for ttle fiscal year with the m ost critical qu arter ahead , Nearly half of a l l Q Club gifts for the yea r a re given between Sep­ tember and December. You can h e l p by j o i n i n g t h e Q C l u b, recruiting anoth er m e m ber or increasing your g ift l evel . In a recent mee ing o f the Q C l u b d i rectors. Ron Douglass, a former PLU regent a n d 1 9 52 a l u m from Auburn, was elected to become the next Q Club Presi­ dent. He wi l l beg i n his term i n January o f 1 990. The cu rrent Q C l u b President, Dr. Dale H irz. an o rthopedic s u rgeo n from La ke­ wood . w i l l step down in Decem­ ber after serving two years as President. Com ing Q C l u b events i nclude: * The Q Club Fel lows Dinner at 6 p . m . o n Th u rsday. October 26th at the Rain ier Club i n Seat· tie. The Featu red speaker will be Dr. J. Robert Wil ls, PLU's new pro· vost. * 0 C l u b Ch ristmas Fest i v a l Concert o n Su nday. December 3 rd i n Eastvold Aud itori u m . 3 p . rn . reception and 4 p.m. con­ cert. o Club Centennial Banquet on Satu rday. May 1 2, 1 990 . Fea­ tu red speaker wi l l be Dr. Ph i l i p Nordq u i st, Professor o f H i story and author of PLU's Centen nial History, Educating for Service.

By Harvey J. Neufeld Vice president, Church Relations

The exh i l a ration of p reparing for a fishing trip often provides a greater emotional lift than the fish i n g e p i sode i tself. I h ave come h o m e em pty h a n d ed many ti mes. The fishless fisher· man is a sad sight i n deed . At ti mes I act u a l ly feel defeated before I leave home. F ro m t h at f i rst magic moment when the l u re h its the water, I beg i n to prepare my homecoming speech to the fa m­ i ly. I feel the crisp a i r. This is g reat! This m i sts rise fro m the water i n some pri meval mysteri· ous rite. J u st to be h ere and a l ive. oh. t h i s is ecstasy. What will it matter that after having travelled 2000 m i les and spend­ i ng 5 1 7 5 for a gu i d e on a remote Alaska rive r. I w i l l have to mu mble at day's end. " Noth­ ing." My wife will ask. "You went all that way and spent all that mon­ ey to breath crisp a i r. to see a pri meval m i st, t� h ave such ecstasy?" By this time we were d rifting t h rough the fi rst of the m a n y " h o l es" w h i ch m y expensive guide assured me were "money i n the bank." Money I a l ready had spent. It was fish I coveted. And what about this Kasilof Riv­ er? It was my l ick that the great Kenai was having a sabbath . I fly nearly 2000 miles and the great­ est k i n g sa l m o n river in t h e world is sleeping! S o t h is second· ary stream is my consolation.

New IIMmIIWI (S240479/Vear)

Homeco m i ng Is For Al l Al u m n i

Aakre. tlnda Beake. Jon Billdt, Brian

Bundick, Michael Clarl(. Chris and Lori Copeland, Maria GOOd Shepherd Lutheran Church, Concord, CA Kinoshita. Marge Nelson, Larry and Nancy Nestegard, RICk Prince of Peace Lutheran, Everett Rathbun, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Regis. Andrew and Marty Sturgeon, Ed and LaVonne Whitley, Gant and Anne Wi lis. Marl( and Peggy 1nCn .. to IMmbIF Baler. Tom and Angela Larson, Michael

ftom Junior Member

"ew Junior IMtmben 151 2D/year age 26 ana unde I Baker Barry and Deanna Benton valeria

IlJornson. Jul.e OJmas. Mj(J1a�1 �[.ell Leslie or...

Reg SOl

and YOlanda

�c'r, and ;lndv m EI,zab€t/I , am" and Ial'lffl Laur.!.>

BY Walter Shaw Director, Alumni Relations

I want to clear up the mystery su rrou n d i n g Homeco m i ng with these five words; HO ECOMING IS FOR ALL ALU M N I . It seems that there is an ass u m ption and a m isunderstand i ng that H ome­ com i ng is for those few special reu n ion classes not rue! Eve nts a Homeco m i ng a re planned for everyone All a lumni a re Inv ited to attend t h e con· cert by Park Aven ue, the stu­ dent son gfest on Friday ev e ning open houses a nd lectures on Fri' day and Saturday and a fu l l day of activities on Saturday lnclud­ I n g ; con t i n e n t a l b reakfast. g a m e, b a nquet a n d p a ra d e -



At that lowest of the l ow mom ents i n th e i ce-co ld m orn­ i ng m ists, it h a p pened. A k i n g sa l m on, a l arge k i n g , an en or­ mous f i s h , a fish t h a t co u l d shape the plot of a H m i ngway novel, exploded out of the swift deep waters of my beloved Kasi­ lof. The boat d rifts a n d d rifts. I tug and reel, reel and tug It occurs to me, I may not even get the th i n g i nto the boat. Bragging rigtlts a re a l m ost m i ne. The mo nster, th s l eviath a n of the Kasilof is tired . "That fish is yours, a l l you rs," exu lts t h e gu ide. I feel the pain of this beautiful creature w h ose life w i l l end so soon. Now at last, I have it a long side the boat. But then all e mo­ tions pale at the dismay I feel as we see the snag. One hook was in the back. 0 wicked hook! Oh sorrowful snag! T h e laws t h at govern fish ing i n Alaska are as harsh as the sub-zero wi nters. A snagged fish m u st be returned to the river. Fai r p lay or some· thing like that. Gently. ever so gently we low· ered the exhausted h u l k into the water. Yes. I h ave a sna pshot. and it rea l ly was 5 1 pounds. There are some thi ngs in life that are not to be coveted. not to be held on to. Life's d reams. even persons. m ust be gently released to swi m again another d ay. maybe even in a n o t h er world. I ca l l it my Kasil of caper.

dance. As a pa rt of H o m ecom i ng t h e re a re s p e c i a l re u n i o ns planned for the classes of 1 939. 1 949. 1 9 5 9 . 1 964. 1 9 69 a n d' 1 979 but other than that Home­ com ing is plan ned for ALL ALUM· N I. N ext year parti cula rly. H O M E· COM ING 1 990 will be for EVERY· O N E . C lass re p resentati ves will be contacting thei r classes ea rly for their speCial centennial eele· b rat io n reu n i on . The U n i ve rs i ty is geari n g up for a h uge return to campus by Its a l u m n i . P l an now to attend!


A dmissions


Admissions Travel Schedule NEW MEXICO

Following is a tentative PLU travel sched u l e for F a l l 1 9 8 9 , w h i c h i ncludes a combination of individual h i g h school visits, col lege f a i rs, Lutheran events and ch u rch gather­ i ngs. Al u m n i , parents, pastors a n d friends a re welcome t o atte n d , along with prospective students. You are encou raged to write the Office of Ad missions, Pacific Luther­ an U n i versity, Tacoma, Washi ngton 9844 7 , or c a l l 5 3 5 - 7 1 5 1 ( l ocail; 1 -800- 22 1 -4529 (Washington State); 1 -800-2 2 5- 1 8 4 3 ( ot h e r states) regarding visits i n your area. Also in many cases, high school counselo rs can provide schedule information.

Albuquerque Portland Schools Portland Fair Ontario Portland Val ley Willamette Valley Southern OR Central OR

High School College Conf. Programs Host Institutions: Oct. 20 Big Bend C.C. Nov. 1 5 Centralia C.C. Nov. 1 4 Clark C.C. NOv. 3 Columbia Basin C.C. Nov. 1 Eastern WA U. Oct. 1 6 El lensb u rg H .5. Oct. 30 Gonzaga U. Nov. 8 G rays Harbor C.c. Oct. 9 Green River C.c. Oct. 1 0 Highline C.C. Nov. 1 6 Lower Columbia C.C. Oct. 3 Omak H.S. Oct. 2 7 Pacific Lutheran U n iv. Nov. 9 Peninsula C.C. Oct. 2 6 Pierce College Oct. 5 Skagit valley C.C. Nov. 8 South Puget Sound C.C. Oct. 3 1 Spokane Falls C.c. Oct. 1 9 Sunnyside H .S. Oct. 1 9 Toppenish H.S. Oct. 26 U. of Puget Sound Washington State U n iv. Nov. Nov. 2 Oct. 4 Wenatchee Valley C.C. Western washington U. Oct. 1 2 Oct. 1 7 Yakima valley C.c.

Oct. 2 3-24 Oct. 2 5 Oct. 1 9 Oct. 1 7- 1 8 Oct. 1 1 -1 2 Nov. 2 9 Oct. 1 6 Sept. 2 1 ,24 Nov. 5-6 Sept. 20

Conejo Valley Los Angeles Sacramento San Diego

COLORADO Denver Area

Nov. 1 2-21

IDAHO Boise Coeur d'Alene Twin Falls

Oct. 2 2,24 Oct. 30 Oct. 25

MONTANA Belgrade Big Timber Billings Bozeman Butte Cut Bank Fairfield Fort Benton Great Falls Hardin Havre Helena Laurel Livingston

Oct. 2 1



Oct. 2-6, Oct. 30-Nov. 3 Oct. 1 5-1 6 Oct. 2 3 Oct. 30·Nov. 3 Nov. 1 -3 TBA TBA

UTAH Salt Lake City

ALASKA Anchorage Fair Fairbanks Juneau Ketchikan

Oct. 1 5


Oct. 27 Oct. 26 Oct. 9 Oct. 2 7 Oct. 26 Oct. 1 2 Oct. 24 Oct. 24 Oct. 24 Oct. 9 Oct. 1 1 Oct. 2 5 Oct. 9 Oct. 26


Bellevue C.C. Edmonds C.C. Everett C.C. North Seattle C.c. Olympic c.c. Shoreline C.C. Seattle Central c.c. South Seattle c.c.

Oct. 6 Oct. 1 1 Oct. 2 3 Oct. 2 4 Nov. 7 Nov. £> Oct. 2 5 Nov. 1 7

Admissions staff from left, Kathleen 8urk, David Cunovich, Alicia Smith, Jim van 8eek, Camille Eliason. Cindy Michael, Steve Smith, Stacia Marshall, J,II Johnson.

Thank YOU

. . We would l i ke to take this opportunity to thank our alumni and friends who played a part in the recru iting process this past year. Much of our success is due to your assistance i n refe rring prospective st � dents to us and promoting our visits i n your area. And, with the continued Intens� competi­ tion among col l eges and u n i versities for a smaller pool of high school graduates. your assistance will be even more important. in the future. Best wishes for the year ahead and please do not hesitate to conta� o u r office if we m a y be o f assistance. We l o o k forward t o y o u r conti nued support! Dean of AdmiSSions and Financial Aid James van Beek Associate Dean of Adm issions Cynthia Michael Associate Dean of Admissions David Gunovich Assistant Dean of Admissions Kathleen Burk Admissions Counselor Alicia Smith Admissions Counselor Jill Johnson Transfer Coordinator Camille Eliason Minority Student Coordinator Steven Smith Admissions Coordinator for Student Athletes Stacia Marshall Executive Secretary · Rosi Mattsen Post-acceptance Secretary Amy Kramer Pre-acceptance Secretary Cathy Krebs

prospective Students prospective Student Referral Form

Many of our students first become interested in Pacific Lutheran Un iver­ sity because of encouragement from our alumni and friends. You can assist PLU and college-bound students you know by providing us with . their names, add resses. and other pertinent data. We are primarily interested in students who will be graduating from high school in 1 990 and 1 991 . Prospective transfer student i nformation is also encouraged. NAME

� Middle Initial

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Last Mailing


__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _




Telephone (area code)

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _

SChool cu rrently attendi ng:.. ·

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ---" _ _ _

Year of high schoo! graduation: 1 9'

_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

October 1 through November 30


Dates and EVents to Remember

Begin ning November 1 5

Early Decision Candidates Notification of Admission Decisions

Financial Aid Forms (FAFs) will be available at high school and college counseling offices (Do not mail before Jan. 1 )

Beginning Decem ber 1

Notification of admission deciSions to freshmen and transfer applicants with completed applications

Between January 1 and February 1

Complete FAF and mail it to the College Scholarship Service (CSS) for Analysis

February 1 0

Music Scholarship Auditions

February 1 1

Admissions Open House

February 24

Music Scholarship Auditions

Comments (academic interests, special talents, etc.! March 1

Date by which applications for adm ission must be completed and analysis of FAF is to be received from CSS in order to be given maximum financial aid consideration

Beginning - April 1

Mailing of Fi nancial Aid Awa �s

Beginning - May

Registration for New Students


Luth ran university Stene october



Class Notes Faculty

1 952

Edward John Arthur, 9 2 , d i ed August 4th. He was a football and bas­ ketball coach at PLU. An avid sportsman, Edward's boxing career began at age 1 3 as Lightweight Amateur Boxing Champi­ on of California and of the U .S.S. Ken­ tucky d u ring WWI. Later he broadcast, judged and refereed Golden Gloves Box­ ing tournaments on the West Coast and on McNeil Island. Ann Louise Denzer, RN, Ph.D. (1 968· 7 1 ) of Polson. Mont., assumed du ties as st. Joseph Hospital's new direc­ tor of nursing services.

Rev. Kenneth JOhnSOn, 58, died June 1 6, at St. Luke's Hospital in Tempe, Ariz. He was the director of Outreach and assistant to the bishop of the Grand Canyon Synod of the Evangelical Luther­ an Church in America. After graduating from PLU, Kenneth attended Augustana Theological Seminary in Rock Island, III.

1 939

50 year reunion back row: Edith McDaniel, Thelma Gilmer, Delores Pease, Bernice Ekren Emmy Lou Wa tson, Sylvia Lander. Front row: Dorothy Harsh­ man, Nadine McMillan Irma Bendack, Margare t Gangler, Evelyn Svendsen, Flo v Olson.

Al u m n i Class Represe ntat i ves Enj oy Su m m er Weekend En ri c h ment Prog ra m A further step i n the conti nu­ ing effort to stay in touch with PLU alumni was taken in August when 44 of 58 class representa­ tives were guests on ca mpus for a special centen nial program of education and enrichment. The A u g . 1 8-1 9 event was funded by a 51 0,000 g rant from AAL. "Al u m n i need to know the u n i­ versity of today, on the thresh­ hold of its second centu ry, and a l u m n i need to be invo l ved to ensu re a successful centen nia l," said Al umni Di rector Walt Shaw. "Our i m med iate goal was to i nspire the class representatives to reach out as PLU advocates to our 25,000 alu mn i," he added . "Fu rther, we wanted to g i ve them the tools with which to articulate PLU's vision to others,

to com m u n i cate w ith c l ass­ mates, to assist with fund rais­ ing, and ulti mately to u p l ift the va l u e of PLU's Christian higher education in the minds of all liv­ ing graduates at this m ilestone point in the school 's history." The grou p met with President William R ieke, new Provost Rob­ ert W i l ls, V i ce-President for Development Luther Bekemeier and others. They enjoyed tou rs of c a m p u s fa c i lities i n c l u d i n g Olson Audito rium, Hauge Admin­ istrat ion B u i l d i n g and the new Sca ndi navian Cultural Center. Several of the class reps had not been on campus si nce their grad uation or for many years. They came from as far away as Wellesley, Mass., EI Cajon, Cal if., and Brooklyn Park, M i n n .

Aagot (Judy) Jurgensen of Seat­ tle, Wash., modeled the Norwegian cos­ tume her parents brought to her from the Norwegian Province of Sunmore at the Scandinavian Coffee Klatch in Wilbur, Wash. last month. Aagot first wore the costume as a student at PLU i n 1 9 38 when Crown Prince Olav and Princess Martha of Norway visited the campus while on a tour of the area.

1 947 Rev. Harold Hauge died June 1 9th in Wilmar, M i n n . , he retired from the ministry on April 9th after serving as pastor of Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Po rt land, Ore. He served on many chu rch-related boards and comm ittees.



1 9, 20, 21

Footbal l



PLU vs Linfield

Art exhibit, bru nches, golf tou rnament, musical, open house, songfest, sports, worship services and the awards dinner/dance at the Sheraton Tacoma Hotel all combine to make this a weekend you wi l l not want to miss! Homecoming is for everyone!

Faith Stern and h usband Kurt are living i n Melbourne, Australia, where they are enjoying bushwalking and flora and fauna. They had a three week look at New Zealand where Kurt presented a sci­ entific paper at an international confer­ ence. Faith is studying the flute and writ­ ing some fiction.

warren Jaech, a lifetime Tacoma, Wash. resident, died August 8th. Warren taught math at Tacoma Commu nity Col­ lege.

1 949 Rev. Wilbert Ericson of Aurora, III. retired after 35 years as a missionary in Japan. To keep active and acclimate him­ self to the U.S.A., Wilbert has been speak­ ing at churches and for com m u n ity groups and tries to b u i ld bridges of und erstanding between the two coun­ tries and cultures. From May 11 to June 1 1 , he and his Wife spent one month i n Japan o n "home leave." They visited for­ mer congregations Wilbert had served and son, Dr. Mark D. Ericson (PLU '66'68), employed by the U.S. Government in Japan.

HarOld schrupp of Costa Mesa, Calif., received a J u ris Doctor Degree from Western State U niversity College of Law in Fullerton, Calif.

Barbara (Nelson) Cheek of Taco­ ma, Wash., teaches in the developmental ed ucation d i v ision a t Pierce Col lege, Tacoma. She moved to Tacoma from Ontario, Ore. Beverly stump of Gorham, Md. is in her 2 1 st year of teaching first grade. She is married to Dr. Walter Stu m p of the . University of South Maine. Their oldest son Greg (28) works as a sports movie producer and daughter K i mberly (26) works as a legal secretary. Youngest, Geaxp rey ( 2 5 ) , attends college and writes. Beverly writes short stories and poetry for adults and children, counsels children of alcoholics, and studies Gaelic and Irish folk dancing.

1 9 58 Ruth Christian teaches for Depart­ ment of Defense Schools overseas and has found a Lutheran church home in Cambridge, England. She attended the Choir of the West concert at Cla re Col­ lege and brought along seven friends to hear the performance.

Continued on page



Reun ions - classes of '39, '49, '59, '64, '69, 79


Rev. Richard Brandt recently retired from the United States Army and now serves as pastor of Key Peninsul a Lutheran Church in Gig Harbor, Wash. Richard and Bev Knutzen live i n Sedona, Ariz., where Dick is pastor of Christ Lutheran. Bev retired from teach­ ing elementary schooL Son David is a senior at PLU and studied in Europe this summer. Son Kris is a forester for Wash­ ington State in Olympia, Wash. Son Pau l attends Oregon State U n iversity. Daugh­ ter Heidi Cryer and her husband and daughter, Dan and Adrianne, live in Los Angeles, Calif.

1 957

1 948

1 9 51


1 955

Data Verificat ion Ca l l Offers A l u m n i Di recto ry O rd e r O p po rt u n ity · Du ring the past three months, representatives of Ha rris Pub­ lishing Company Inc., have been telephoning PLU alumni to verify information for the PLU Alumni Directory. Much of the information being verified wi ll go i nto the d i recto­ ry. Specifica l ly i n cl u d ed a re name, academic data, residence add ress and phone nu mber. The d irectory w i l l sort th is data by name in the alphabetical section

and by class year and geog raphic . location i n other sections. You may reserve your copy when the H a rris represent ative phones, but don't delay. This will be you r o n l y o p po rt u n ity to order this com p rehensive new d i rectory.


Lutheran universIty scene October



CI ss Notes

Ryan, ASSociate Stri ke Pay Dirt During Summer A chaeological Expedition n Egypt

Continued from page 1 7

1 959 Eugene ( "Map") Hapala of Vancou­ ver, Wash., retired i n June after 30 years as a teacher, coach and district athletic d i rector in the Evergreen School District. Wife Marlene (Eichmeier '59) finished another year as a teacher and parent program coordinator at the Washington State School for the Deaf in Vancouver. Dwayne peterson of Eau Clai re, Wisc., I S completing h is 1 5th year as a teach e r/trai ner in special education at the U n iversity of Wisconsin, Eau Claire; his 1 1 th year on the Eau Claire County Human Services Board; and his eighth year on the Eau Claire County Board of supervisors for which he was recently elected as finance and budget chairper­ son. Dwayne will oversee an annual bud­ get of $42,000,000. Kermit "Tim" Sveen of W a l n u t Creek, Calif., w a s promoted t o fiscal ser­ vices manager for the state Compensa­ tion I n s u rance Fund in San Francisco. Tim's most recent position was internal audit m a nager. He and wife Hanna have th ree sons, Ch ristopher (24), Erik (22), and Marc (1 8). Tim is a member of Good Shepherd Lutheran C h u rch in Concord and serves on the church council.

1 961


Capt. Len Kirkeby of La Canada, calif, reported for duty with Command­ er, Fleet Activities, C h i n h a e, Korea. Len

JOi ned the Navy reserves i n Febru a ry

1 96 1 .

1 962

john Simonson works for the Bank of Tacom a , Was h . , as vice-president of commercial loans. Ardis Troedson of Napa, Calif, has been executive director of CO P E (Child and Parent E mergency) for ten years. COPE serves the Napa Valley by educat­ ing the com m u n ity on child abuse and runs a 24 hour emergency crisis hotline. Denny Troedson '60 teaches ele­ mentary education i n the Napa Valley School District.

1 963

PLU's Don Ryan a nd h is associ­ ate, Mark Papworth of The Ever­ green State Col lege in Olympia, were not seeking or expecti ng g l o ry w h e n t h ey set out for Egypt's Val ley of the Ki ngs last J u ne. They i ntended to cond uct an unglamorous investigation of six "modest, uni nscri bed" tombs that other a rchaeologists have appa rently considered boring i n a region noted for t h e t o m b of King Tuta n k ha m u n a n d other royal crypts. What they fou nd, on their fi rst d ay , was exci t i n g e n o u g h to keep them b u sy for m ost of thei r six-week stay. In 1 903, a rchaeologist Howa rd Carter, the d iscoverer of K i n g T u t ' s to m b , had d i scove red "Tomb 60," but apparently had been u n i m p ressed by its s m a l l s i ze a n d l ack of h i erog l y p h ic i n scri ptions. Its l ocation h a d si nce been lost. Having stu d i ed a l l n otes con­ cern i n g t h i s X V I l i t h Dyn asty tomb, Ryan , a PLU alu mnus (' 7 9), resea rch associate and resident sc h o l a r, l ocated the tom b 's entrance with a b room and a trowel. "Several days were req u i red to remove the fi l l from the steep stairs lead i ng down to the door of the tomb," Ryan said. I n si d e , t h e a rc h a e o l o g i st s fOll nd m u m my wrappings, shat­ tered coffin bits and other b u ri­ al objects They also fou nd mum­ m ified beef a n d a face m ask from a coffi n . "The sta r o f t h e show, howev­ er, was a wel l-preserved female mu m my that we found near the entrance to the bu rial cham­ ber," said Ryan. "She is strik i ng a

Robert Olsen of Parkland I S the L u th e ra n chaplain at R a i n i e r School. a state residential school for the develop­ mentally disabled in Buckley, Wash., and is also host pastor for the h istoric E l be Lutheran Ch urch on the Mount Rainier Highway. Wife Kay (Whisler '641 is the store activities representative for a McDonald's restau rant in Tacoma.

1 966

DennIs Hardtke of Seattle, Wash , earned the title "Senior Territory Ma nag­ er" with Syntex Pharmaceutical Labora­ tories, Inc. of Palo Alto, Calif Dennis has wo rked for Syntex for 1 5 years serving the physicians of South King Cou nty

Continued on page 19

Female mummy found in tomb 60.

"Tomb 60" stairway is outside entrance to a larger tomb.

d isti nctly royal pose, a n d it is plau sible that this is the l o n g­ lost body of Queen H atshepsut, whose ravaged t o m b l ies c l ose above." Iden tity of the 3,500-yea r-o ld mummy w i l l re m a i n a mystery at l east u n t i l n ext s u m m e r, when the team p l a ns to use X-ray eq u i pment to helo deter­ m i n e the wo m a n ' s a g e a n d ca use o f death, a n d possib ly to detect the presence of i nScri bed scarabs or ot h er jewel ry occa­ sion a l l y b u ri ed i ns i d e the body cavities of a ncient roya l ty . Eighteen Egyptian helpers aid­ ed in clea n i n g out the tom b, record i ng its finds and building a new coffi n to p reserve the m u m my before a l l the artifacts were locked behind an i ron gate to p revent fu rther plu nder.

The wooden face from a coffin lid has been scraped for gold leaf and eyes h a ve been removed for pre­ cious metals or stones.

The tea m also began expl oring a seco nd tomb discovered i n 1 81 7 . This summer's exped ition was fi n a n ced by p r ivate d o n o rs. Based on what the tea m uncov­ ered this year, Ryan expects to doub le the size of next yea r's budget and increase the n u mber of staff person nel , he sai d . He h a s been Invited t o give a l ec u re a b out the work n e x J u n e at H i g hcle re Cast l e i n England . The smal l i nterna ional sym pos i u m w i l l mark the 75th a n n i ve rs a ry of V a l ley of the Ki ngs excavations b y the then Earl of Carnarvon , f i n a ncier of the Ki n g Tut d i scovery exped i­ tion and g ra ndfather of the Cas­ tle's present owner

Padflc �utheran university scene

OCtober 1989


Class Notes Con tinued from page

School District Honors Th ree Al u m n i Teach ers

1 967 William Young owns and manages the Packa g i n g Store, a u n i q u e Tacoma

Jerry Evanson ' 63. Pat Soder­ berg '71 and Harry DeRu yter '75 recently earned Employee of the Year hon ors from the Clover Park School District, Tacoma . The three teachers were nomi­ nated together in recogn ition of thei r work with the ha nd bell cho i r a t Ameri can Lake South. The Bell R i ngers are all h a n d i­ capped ch ildren . Their nomination read in part: "The love. creativity and in itia­ tive of th is th reeso m e h as h e l ped t h e h and i ca pped stu­ de nts g row soc i a l ly. i ncrease their self-esteem and pride. work as a team. perform an art and become expressi ve , h ave fun. polish their manners and show­ mansh i p, com m u n icate, learn respo nsib i l ity and h a rd work, lea r n good moral va l u es a n d i ntegrity, care about their physi­ cal appearance, inspire and ed u­ cate others, and "belong" more and fit i nto the co m m u n ity. They have grown i n t h e i r aca­ demic a reas at an exce ptional rate beca use they are positive and su ccessfu l. These th ree teachers have shown how handi­ capped st u d e nts h a ve great pot enti al for com m u n i cation and mu si ca l exp ression if the right c hannel is discove red . They refuse to be blocked by m th ical barriers and always look beyond previously conceived a nd preIcted patterns of achi evem ent. They dream big an they foster understanding and accepta nce ."

shop that packages and sh i ps ··anvth lng from >1 to 1 ,000 pounds'· including furni· cure and antiques. ·Wtlen It'S 00 big 0 m a l l and too s m a l i to move · they Will pick It UP. package and ,hip it for you



� �

i,,1 m",ic '

Gig Harbo

sel l i ng offi e products E l l e n had the op portu ni ty [Q represent the Amer ican Ca ncer Society at Angel Stad i um J u ly 2 2 n d and sing the Nat i o n I Ant�l e m . El len s a n g w i th t h e C h o i r of the West while at PLU and went on Four tours includ i ng S candinavia Roland Malan worKs with the State Comptroller In New York, auditing state agencies and public utho rities .

1 968

Rick Nelson of Seattle, Wash , was electe to the Board of Trustees of the Youth Su icide Prevention Center in Both· ell. The center provides counse l i n g for youth who demonstrate suicidal behav·

LTC Anders tAndy) Aadland of Ha rker Heights, Tx., was promoted to L i e u t e n a n t Colonel in t h e U . S . Ar my Corps of Engineers in J u ly of 1 987. Andy took command of the 1 7th Engineer Bat· talion, 2nd Armored Division, Fort Hood, Tx., in J u ne of 1 988. He will complete hiS command i n June 1 990. Ceorge Long of Seattle, WaSh . , works as a systems analyst a t Blue Cross of Washington and Alaska. He and Wife Georgie Post annou nced the b i rth of thei r first child, TraviS, on March 3rd. Ike MCDowell and wife Cindy announce the birth of daughter Marga­ re arah Secrest on May 28. he joins J ustin (1 4), Timothy (1 2) and Fiona {9L M ike works as dean of s t u d ents at Montreat-Anderson College in North Car· olina. David Monsen is a volunteer pOlice chaplain In Helena, Mont, and contribut­ ed a sto ry about his outreach m i nistry to the J u ne edition of Seeds for the Parish, the resource paper for leaders of ELCA congregations.

1 969 Chris and Terrie Rae (Stedman) Anderson l i ve in Everett, Wash . Chris teaches special education at C O . Soren· son SCllool in Woodinville, Wash . Terrie was ordained May 6 at Central Luth eran in Everett and serves as a socia e pas tor for Kent Lutheran, Kent. Wash. Sons Jon (16) and Eric ( 1 1 ) attend school in Everett after spen d i ng several years in Iowa w h i l e Terrie attended Wart b u rg Semi· nary and Chris taught I n Dubuque



coordinates the religious education pro· gram at her chu rch. She will be com mis· sioned as a lay m i n ister Decem er 3rd. Ellen (Schnalble) Huhta of Hu nting· ton Beach , Calif. works for Boise Cascade

Paul Olsen (wife Karen Walley '72) IS me reglsuar at St. Tnomas U n iversll:v In Miami. Fla . Their address is 7460 NW ' 1 0 Cou rt, Plantation, Fla. 333 '1 3 .

,------------------- -- --


Pamela Brauner of Columbus, Oh io,



iC fri<ruhhip' =ite when the

la Alumni host a reception fo llo � ing the Tacoma

appearance by internationally acclaimed RUSSian plamst

NITKOLAI PETROV 8pm, Friday, October 27

Pantages Centre, 90 1 Broadway Program includes Mussorgsky's popular Pictures �t an Exhibition. . Tickets for the reception cost $10. Please complete thiS form and mall .It With your check (payable to PLU School of the Arts) to: Elodie Vandeven, School of the Arts, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA 9844 7 . Your tickets w i l l be held for you at the Pantages Will Call booth.

ior and for survivors of the famil ies who have experienced a suicide death of a loved one.

1 971 Roger Anderson of Woodbu rn , Or e. teaclles the O ld Testament at the Uni· versity of Z i m bab e He has a PI1.D. in Old Testament from the U niversi ty of C h i cago. Wife Arle te s udies frican chur h m us ic. Daugh ter Brita (elgh ) will 5 udy in .A fflcan sc hools for two years

Vlvl (Rhode) R i ck ie of Tacoma, Wash ., works at the Deoartr1f nt of SoCial and Healt h Servic 5 III Tacoma S e is ac tive at Gethsem ane Lu herem a n d is c rrently the secretary of the church co ncil. Son, G eo rge, is a senior at Wash· ington H!gh near PLU . Renee Sahlberg marn e d Antho ny Ford July 23 in Chnst Lu theran Ch u rch, Tacoma, Wash . Renee works fo r the Bethel School District. Anthony Ford Management Company


Mary L. Bra svick Strehlow has a masters in social work planning and works for Clark County She has th ree children, Eric, Matthew and Adrienne and her husband is a broker and family finan· :ial planner.

1 970 Carol Barth of Astoria, Ore., is taking ten high school students to Russia, Byelo­

1 972

russia, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania for th ree and one half weeks.

Ronald Gilbertson married Bethany Harder June 24. Ronald owns Century 21 Valley Homes and Investments in Mount Vernon, Wash. Bethany works for Won­ der Bread In Seattle.

Ken Halverson of Highwood, Mont., works as the school suoerintendent in Hig wood. Previously, he was an lemen­ tary prinCi pal in Shelby, Mont Irvin Johnson of P o rt l a n d , Ore., works as a systems engineer for Interna­ tional Business Machines. His wife (Susan Manary of Warrenton, Ore.) works as a

project leader in the system develop· ment department of U S Bank of Ore· gon.

Philip Nesvlg received a three year call as the pastor of the Stavanger (Nor· way) In terdenom inational C h u rch. This E n g l ish·spea k i ng congregation is com· prised of British, Canadian, American and Norwegians who desire a m a i nstream chu rch i n English The congregation also hel ps sponsor African refugees. Abraham Philip of Wilmington, Del ., works as a systems support microbiolo· gist with the Dupont Company in Wil­ mi ngto n . Abrallam has been in clin ica! microbiology for 1 5 years, the last six of Which have been with Dupont.

1 973 Mark Buchanan a n d fa mi l y, wife Elaine, daughters Alison (10), Ashlee (7), and son brooks (1 1/2), have moved to Sacramento, Calif, from the P u g et Sound area. Mark is branch manager of Continental Hardwood's newly opened distribution center. Mark ReIner accepted a call to serve as associate pastor in Conrad, Mont With his family, he is moving from Belg rade, Mont., where he recently fin ished h is internship. He g rad uated from Luther No rthwestern Theological Seminary. wilUam Weiss of Kelso . Wash . , has been the d i rector of Cowlitz Co u n ty Offender Services since rerelVlTlg I l is Mas· ters in Social Work at the Un iversitv of Lou isvi l le in 1 97 5 . He is married with three sons, eight, four and 1 1 months.

Continued on pag


: I I


David Dahl p lays organ masterp ieces from the 18th century






Digitally recorded in the vibrant accoustics found in Christ Church, Tacoma, Washington, on the highly acclaimed and recently augmented John Brombaugh tracker organ.

N ame

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City, State , Zip Day Phone

__ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

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Evening Phone

_ _ _ _ _ __ _

Sponsored b:f the PLU School of the Arts and Alumni Association


This new recording captures a variety of colors, textures and national sounds from that remarkable ccnrury-thc 18th century! S I 2.\15

COM PACT DISC $8.95 CASSETIE QUAi'ITITY D1SCOUi'ITS c.JJ 1-8(J().727-5566. Visa "rut MflStft"Urrl lUUJltuI. 1'1 l itn(,,,h .lIui 1 �.'I('

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Class Notes Continued from (JJ[:Je 1 9

1 974

80b Leavens d i rec ts the v o c a l ensemble " Mad ri ga l la " w h i c h spec i allzes in music of the med i eval and Rena is­ sance era. The group is plan ning its third European tour for 1 990. Bob is also the associate conductor of the Choir of the Sound

Wendy and Dan Neptun l i ve in Long Beach, Wash. Dan was assigned as com­ mand i ng officer at Coast Guard Station Cqpe Disappoi ntment. a motor lifeboat station on the south west Was h i ngton coast Wendy keeps busy as a full-time homemaker, caring for 3 sons: Ben ( 1 2), Ken (9), and Donny (6). Kirk and Mary (LOrentzsen '75) lIIe svig of Wood b u ry, M i n n . , a n no u nce the birth of Jonathan Mark born March 9. Jonathan joins Kristen (8), Sarah (6), and Benjamin (3). Dr. Linda Lee and John T. ('73) Nilson of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, annou nce the bi rth of Solveig Marit on March 24. She joins Ingrid And rea (threel. Joh n co ntin ues to p ractice with the same law firm. Linda left family practice in September 1 987 to become medical

di rector of the SOO-bed Regina General Hospital. ROn Noborlkawa of Forest Grove, Ore., m a rried Leslie Nesheim of Bain­ b ridge Island, Wash. on J u ly 2 5, 1 987 and they are expecting their first child in Novem ber. Ron works at Pacific U n iversi­ ty in Forest Grove as the d i rector of financial aid. Dennis Nordin served as head pyro­ technician for this year's Elliot Bay (Seat­ tle) J u ly 4th fi reworks display. Dennis got h is start in fireworks as a student at PLU. The sports i nformation officer needed someone to put together a fireworks display for a football game. Nordin volun­ teered and has been "doing this p a rt time ever since."

Tammy Skublnne of Corvallis, O re . received te n u re and promotion to associ­ ate p rofessor at Oregon State Un iversity where she is Benton County 4-H Exten­ S i on Agent Sr,e w i l l r ecei v e the O regon 4-H ACIli evem ent-ln-Service Award at the National 4-H Agents Association Confer­ ence in M ob i le, A l a , In November (For agents with tllree to seven years of experience). Susan (Ambur) Yamamoto recent­ ly m oved to Wash i n gto n , D . C . after ass i g n m e n ts in Berl i n and A l a b a m a . Susan is serving a s t h e secretary o f t h e general staff a t t h e U . S . Army Co m m u n i­ ty and Fa m i ly S u p port Center. Husband Rich is assigned to the J o i nt C h i efs of staff, D e p a rt m e n t of Defense. Son Adam will enter second grade i n the fall. Jeffrey Yocom of Voorhees, N.J., was elected a claims officer at Reliance Insu rance Company.

1 975

stephen Fullenweld er is a com­ poser p u rsuing h is musical career i n New York C i ty w h i le residing in Philadelphia. His works have been performed national­ ly, notably at the Tang lewood and Aspen M usic Festivals. H e was invited to con­ d u ct his ballet. "Sarah's Laughter," at

Magnificat. the international sacred arts festival. in France this sum mer. Kathryn lZulauf) Harris and h u s­ b a n d G eoffrey of S ea t t l e , W a s h . , a n nou nce the b i rth o f A d r i a n on A p ril 9th. Adrian joins h is b rot her Morgan (3'12l. Kathryn and Geoffrey work as i nter­ n i sts and p ractice together in north Seattle. Kathy walgren powell works as

marketing d i rector for First A m erican Title in T u mwater, WaSh., and was named Affiliate of the Year by the Olym­ pia-Thu rston County Association of Real­ tors.

PLU Alumni Seek Alumn Award Nom nat ons The Alumni Association urges PLU alumni, friends and students to submit names of persons to be considered for awards recognizing their contributions to the University or to society. The Alumni Office welcomes your nominations for Distinguished Alumnus, Alumnus of the Year, Heritage Award or Special Recognition Award. Dlstlng I.h... AI mnus - the association's highest honor Is awarded to an alumnus who, through years of preparation, experience, dedication, character and service has achieved distinction in a particular field of endeavor.

Your nominee':.,. ' -::-�--:-:-______� AI nlnus of the Y... . - An alumnus who has excelled in his or _ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _

her field during the past year and has demonstrated support of ·.:he Alumni Association and loyalty to PLU.

Your nominee' .rlta... Awanl

service to the U niversity.

. .

- Presented to a l u m n i who has g i ven years of

� Your nominee� : II cia. Recognition - Presented to persons who have uniQuely served PLU. __ __ __

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ____ _ __ __

Your nommeei;.. · ______________________________________ You may send supporting data, or you wil l be contacted by the __

Association Awards Committee for further information. Imma�

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Art Thiel was i nclu d ed in a Sea t tle Weekly a r t i c l e l i sting the 1 00 Seattle area overachieving under-40s. Art works as a Post'-Intellfgencer sports column ist

1 976

Jeanne Anglin of Kent, Wastl . , works a s a manag er in Structures Engi­ neering at Boeing Commercial A i rplanes and was sel ected as the 1 988 Engineer­ ing DiviSion "Su perv isor of the Yea r . " J e a n n e h a s worked f o r Boeing f o r 23 years a n d worked o n her master's degree at PLU while doing so. Daryl Auit , a 1 7-year veteran of per­ sonnel management. joined The Olympi· an in Olympia, Wash., as human resou rc­ es manager. Craig and Krlstl (Weaver '82) FOU­ hy of Bothell, Wash , have two sons, Joh n (5) and Brian (2l. Craig works with Lutheran Brotherhood Insurance Compa· ny after 13 years of coach ing footbal l . Daniel Kristensen works a s territo­

ry manager for a th ree state area with Stanadyne/Moen G ro u p in Vancouver, Wash. Major Robert Marshall Jr. of Taco­ ma, Wash., was promoted to lieutenant colonel and became the Avianic M a inte­ nance Squadron com m ander, McChord Air Force Base, in J u l y JOan Nelson o f San Jose, Calif, mar· ried Larry Sch u l ler M a rch 7 , 1 988 and h ad a daug hter, Amanda Lo u ise March 1 2, 1 989. For the past 2 1 /2 years, Joan has been a market i n g d i rector for San Jose C l eveland Ballet, the fifth largest b a l let com pany in the cou ntry She returned to work half time for the ballet as a marketing consultant. Erik presteg aard was appoi nted vice president at The Tsang Partnership Inc, an arch itecture pla n n i ng and interi· o r design fi rm with offices i n Tacoma and Seattle. Karen (Peterson) Taylor and h u s· band Dennis of Whittier, Calif, annou nce the b i rth of Stephen August on June 24. Stephen joins sister, Elspeth, m Karen is d i rector of music at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Buena Park, Calif Krist! (Rlgall '76) weaver and hus­ band Dan have moved to Ft. Worth, Tx. S u bsequent to his recent graduation from the U n i versity of South Alabama C o l l ege of M e d i c i n e o n J u n e 4, Dan began h is residency in Family Practice at R . L . Thompson Strategic Hospital, Car­ swell A i r Force Base on J u l y 1 . Sons Karl and Nathan are eight and n i ne years old.

1 977

patricia Adamlch married M ichael O'Co nner May 27. Patricia works as an accounting manager and Michael works as an a i r l i n e p i lot. They l ive in Seattle, Wash. Tim Anderson left F r a n k Russell Com p a ny after ten years to become Eu rope area marketing vice president for real estate projects with Chase Manhat· tan Bank'S Individual International Bank in London. Barbara Semard and husband Joe of Portland, Ore. left at the end of August to accompany 38 U n iversity of Portland students to study in Salzburg, Austria. Curtis and Jan (Coke '79) Egge moved to Boise, Id. in m id-Ap ril Curf has been promoted to assistant store man­ ager for Ernst.

cKenzie wor k s With Cres­ Russell cent Realty In Puyallup, WaSh , and pre­ sents business se m i nars on occaSion for h i S friend and neighbor, ceorge Dill ('84) at PierCE College in Tacoma COdy Reeves fmished anestllesiolcgy residency at the U nivers i ty of Cal ifornia, Irvine, fo l l owed by su bspec i a l ty feliow­ sh i ps In Critical Care Medic i n e and C h ron­ ic Pain. J u st after Ch ristmas Wife E l iza­ beth and daughter Kathari ne (2] moved to Nevada City, Ca.

1 978

James R. Anderson, formerly exec­ utive vice president of Concrete Technol­ ogy Corporation in Tacoma, Was h . , is now p res ident. Jam.es has worked for Concrete Tech nology as project manag­ er, assistant d i rector of production, and d i rector of industrial relations Kathy (Anderson) Caba and h us­ band Mike announce the birth of Janna Danae i n May. Janna joins brother Josh (3'12) at their home in Bend, Ore. where M i ke works as a real estate appraiser. JameS Nieman of Anchorage, Alas­ ka, has been named a 1 989-90 Woodruff Fellow by the Emory Un iversity Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. James will study in the graduate diviSion of religion at Emory. JOhn Specht was promoted recently to vice president of Di rect Trade Interna­ tional of Tacoma. He is responsible for ma rket i ng, d is t r i b u t i o n , p u rchasing, accounting and production for the fi rm, which special izes i n import/export of sporting goods (they supply PLU's soccer balls). He and wife Naomi ( Carlsen '80) had their first child, Heidi Ch ristine, last Nov. 6 . Lynne SUnd died i n November. S h e was manage r o f corpo rate acco u n t i ng for West Coast Grocery in Tacoma. It was her wish that memorials be made in her narne to the PLU Scholarship Fund. Thomas M. Tveit of Montclair, Va., is a Marine Corps capta i n flying w i th the Presidential Support Squadron HMX-1 . He has a daughter born last Dec. 30.

1 979

Gary Brag works for Boe ing and lives i n Red mond with wife Cynthia (Olson 'SOl and their two children. Cyn­ thia plans to sit for the Certified Public Accountant exam this year. Rev. Marl.Alma Copeland was recently called to be an assistant to an Evangelical Lutheran C h u rch of America bishop in North Carolina. She is the first ordained black woman to be appointed to a synod staff anywhere i n the nation. Christine "Crls" Kay Evenson of Los Angeles, Calif., is in her fourth year of teac hing in the Los Angeles U n ified School District. She teaches adopted physical education at the elementary, junior high, and high school levels, servo ing fou r schools. Prior to that Cris taught reg u l a r P.E. at Pacific Ch ristian •High School. Julie FeUer ma rried Den n i s Davies and work.s as d i rector of personnel at Grays Harbor Commu nity Hospital

ChuCI!: French and wife J u dy of Troy, Mich., announce the b i rth of Troy born A p r i l 1 2 , 1 988. T roy j o i ns Natalie (4l.Chuck works as the director of retail leasing for Kojaian Properties, Inc. in Bloomfield H i l ls, M i ch . He was formerly with the Taubman Company. Chris (carlson) Gorder of Puya l l u p , WaSh., and h u s b a n d George a n n o u nce the bi rth of Craig Robert on May 1 7th. Craig joins sister Kelsey (3l.

Continued on (Jage 2 1

Pacific Lutheran University scene octOber


21 Alumni

Class Continued from page 20 Dennis Hake works for Proctor and Gamble i n Portland, Ore. Jean Wiley Huyler (MA) has earned Doctor of Letters (DLitt) degree for outsta nding professional, academic and personal achievements from Fai rfax Uni­ vers ty, and appointment as market­ ing/p u b l i c rel ations d i rector for t h e National Federation of Press Women (and men). <l

ates Cale walker Lewis MD of Portland, Ore., is a family physician and assistant p,ofessor of family medicine at the Ore­ gon Health Sciences U n i versity where she serves as d i rector of the u rgent care. H usband Howard is completing a fellow­ ship in card iology at O H S U . They h ave two c h i l d ren, J u stin and Katherine. Bradley Ohnstad married Di ane van Dyk ('79) In Tacoma last su mmer and they l i ve i n Arli ngton, Tx.

Joan LaMunyon Olendorf ma rried Brian Olendorf March 9 and works for the Greater Seattle Chamber of Com­ merce as a computer systems manager Rev. Eric Olsen works as camp pas­

Nell Amondson was elected to the Washingron State Senate in the fall, after servin as State Rep resentative of the 20th Df trict since 1 986. He is vice ch a i rma n of the Senate environment and natural resources comm ittee and a member of the ways & means and health care & corrections comm ittees. He is cu r­ rently a p ro pert ies m a n ag e r o r the Agnew Company in Centralia, where he lives with his wife Susan (Wark '77) and children Christy and Mark.

Carol (Langston) Analco of grand Blanc, M lcn , gave b i rtn to a baby girl April 10 Carol teaChes elementary school for Pontiac City Schools. Husband, Gary, works as a community education coordi­ nat r for Grand Blanc Community School District. Jodi Anderson m anages budgeting an reporting for Boeing Computer Ser­ vices in Vienna, Va.

Tom Barr works for Boeing as an accounting systems analyst. Son Alexan­ der was born Feb. 1 and joins sister Jessi­ ca and the family at their Federal Way, Wash. home. Berlt B)erClee-Hellem of Oslo, Nor­ way, has been working as a sales repre­ sentative for IBM for five years and now is on a leave of absence because of the b i rth of d aug hter, Vera V i ktoria on March 1 5. Robin Calender of Seattle, WaSh., will marry Doug Hjellen of Lynnwood, Wash. Oct. 28. Robin works for Microsoft Corporation as a graphic artist. Doug works as a corrections officer for King County Adult Detention. Jean Dulees and husband Sid have two bays, Jonathan (6), and David (4). Jean is home schooling the boys. In Sep­ tember they will be moving back to San Antonio, Tx., where Sid, an Air Force cap­ tain, was assigned to Randolph AFB.

Brad and CIndY (Wandersee '81) Jensonn annou nce the birth of their first child, Peter Andrew, born Jan. 1 8. Brad works as a senior systems analyst for the Port of Seattle; C i ndy is now working full time at home after having spent several years as a credit officer with the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle. Brad has also served as deacon of St. Paul Orthodox Church (Lynnwood, Wash)

Marv n and Kay ('81 ) Lander1lOlm lanA ric of Bozeman, Mont., announce the birth of Allison Landerholm Lansverk on July 22. She weighed seven pounds eight and one half ounces and plans to attend PLU.

arad LarSOn married Theresa Mun­

day of Sumner, Wash. on Oct. 7 . Brad works as the area director for Young Life in South Snohomish County,

BOb Lester and wife Kelly announce the birth of their first son on June 2 1 . B o b bec a m e board certified b y the American Board of Pediatrics.

tor and d i rector for Luther H e i g h ts Cam p and is living in Ketch um, Id. near Sun V a l l ey He married Carol Ped u l a in March of last year Ruth (Johnston) Olson of Seattle a n n o u nce the b i rth of Brian Olson on Sept. 1 2, 1 988. R uth has a new position at the U n iversity of Washington as man­ ager of staff tra i ning and development. Sandra peterson married Herb Gif­ fin May 26 in Little Church on the Prairie, Tacoma. Sandra works for Mary B r idge C h i l d ren's Hosp ital and Herb works for Giffin Bolte Ju rgens, Architects, Portland, Ore.

Eric Running has fi n ished 44 weeks of Thai language study and is preparing to leave for Bangkok, where he will be a political officer in the embassy for three years.

1 981 Ruth Brethel.m Aaseng and hus­ band Grant were married Jan. 1 in North­ field, M i n n . They live in Denver, Colo., where Ruth teaches flute and piano pri­ vately. Pierce Clegg a n d W i fe Debby announce the birth of son Jared in Janu­ ary. Jared joins Sister Nicole. Pierce owns and operates a wilderness fishing resort in Sm ithers, B.C. Robert L. Halterman graduated i n 1 988 from the University o f Health Sci­ ences, College of OSteopathic Medicine. He is beginning a four year obstetrics and gynecology residency in Cleveland, Ohio. Krista Janes married Paul Blackburn June 4th in Seattle, where they now live. Krista works for Resource Grou p and Paul works for Lakeshore Minit Mart. Dr. James R. Laidler married Dr. Louise Kirz April 8 in Chicago, III. James works as a flight surgeon with the Army and Louise is completing residency train­ ing in anesthesiology at M ichael Reese Hospital in Chicago.

patrida Ben Peterson of New York City, assumed the lead, Cinderella, in Broadway's "Into the Woods." She was the fi rst replacement. Patricia was also a part of the national touring company of "Evita."

Marcie Phillips married James Paul J u ly 1 at St. Mark's Lutheran C h u rch, Spokane, Wash. A second reception fol­ lowed on July 29 in Campbell, Calif. J a m es owns a printing company in Campbell and they reside in Santa Clara, Calif. Janet POwe" works as account man­ ager with Image Dynamics in San Diego, Calif, Her work involves corporate com­ munications and training. Lois (Maler) Rogers and husband Tom of Puyallup, Wash., announce the b i rt h of Jill Allison on April 9. Jill joins brother Kyle (2).

Members of the class of 75 reunited on campus this summer included from left, Mary Kay Schmedake-Syesswein of Long Beach, Calif, Rick Finseth and Norris Peterson (PLU economics professor) of Tacoma, Mary Waag-Castelblan­ co of Miami, Fla., and Martha Simpson-Teigen of Seattle.

Reunion Class of '79 The Class of 79 and friends plans a special reu nion party Sat· u rday, Oct. 2 1 , i m med iately fol­ lowing the PLU·Linfield Home­ com ing football game. It will be held at All mendi nger Hall, 761 2 Pioneer Ave. in Puya l l u p, j u st west of Spa rks Stad i u m . Acco r d i n g t o Steve Rychard, t he t u re "dancing, to sively from o u r

coo rd i n a t o r party w i l l fea· m u s i c exc l u· 7 5-79 e ra ,

Nancy (SOderlund) Tupper and hus­ band Geoffrey of Seattle announce the birth of James May 20. He joins sister Tore Claire (3). Nancy teaches English and history to gifted children at Washington Middle SchOOl and recently received the Washington State PTA Golden Acorn Award. Last March and April she traveled with her students to the Soviet Union as part of the Seattle-Tashkent Sister Schools Exchange Program. Geoffrey has one more year of dental school at the University of Washington.

1 982 JOhn and Ann (HOplelns '81 ) Beach of Elkridge, Mo., announce the birth of Amelia Ann June 2 7 . She joins sister Jessi­ ca (4) and brother Matthew (2).

Ann (Watts) Bogard and husband Tim announce the birth of son, Matthew Victor April 27. They would like to hear from friends. Carla Breeden·Conrad m a rried John Conrad SePt. 24, 1 984. On Nov. 8, 1 988, Carla gave birth to twin sons Carl John and El iott Hill. In J u ly 1 986 Carla started "Design Works" in Atlanta, Ga., a broadcast qesign consulting firm special­ izing in demonstrations of television computer graphics for manufacturers in the U.S. and Great Britain. Paul Collard and wife Amy of Kirk­ land, Wash ., announce the birth of Daniel Gregory June 4th. Daniel joins sister Erika <2l.

Continued on page 22

snacks, beverages a n d ot h er refreshments. "So book a baby sitter, come and renew acquaintances, make pol ite o bserva t i o n s reg a rd i n g classmate's weight and hairlines, and note u ppe r campus m i n­ gl ing with lower campus for the first time," he added, Volu nteer coo rd i n ators a re Rycha rd (206) 2 35·8381 , Hal Uel· and (206) 5 3 6·2489 and Terry Fletcher (206) 455-541 0,

Al u mna, H usband Hel p Save Life Of Maimed Boy A PLU alu m na , her h usband and chi ldren helped save the l ife of a l ittle boy who was the vic­ tim of attem pted m u rder a n d muti lation last May, She is Cindy M ansfield 78, a Tacoma social worker, who was wal king with her fam ily through woods near their home when they discovered the i njured boy. They a d m i n istered emergency ca re a nd summoned emergency person nel. The case b rought a national o u t po u ri n g of sy m pathy and su pport for the maimed you ng- , ster and his fam i ly. As a result of the experience, the Mansfi elds a re involved i n programs t o increase com mu n i­ ty awa reness of and support for victims of sex offenders, Mem· bers of their g roup a re i nvesti· gating legisl ative m e a n s of increasing the publ ic's p rotec· tion from past offenders. Due to recent successful s u r· gery, the l ittle boy is expected to mature and function normal· Iy as a n adult.

PacifIC Lutheran university


october 1989

22 Alumni

Class Notes Continued from page 21 Patricia L_ conrad is attending g rad­ uate school at Virginia Polytechnic Insti­ tute i n Blacksburg, Va., where she is earn­ ing a masters in accou nting MIchael Davis ma rried Heidi Thomp­ son A p r i l 22 in E m m a n u e l Luther an C h u rch, Everett, Was h . Heidi attended PLU before graduating from Western Washington U n iversity. She works as a flight attendant for U n ited A i r l i nes. M ichael works as director of sales for Fin n-Aqua America Inc. i n Kirkland where the couple resides. Diana Foster has been teaching ele­ mentary school in the U n iversity Place School District in Tacoma since 1 982. She received a master's in education at Seat­ tle Pacific U n iversity t h is spring. Diana will be leaving in December to teach for a year in South Australia. Karl FranCis works as an account support m a n ager for T.C.C. Systems Automation Marketing in Sydney, Austra­ lia, where she coordinates customer soft­ ware for handheld portable data entry terminals. Living in a rambling old man­ sion on Kurraba Point wh ich overlooks the Sydney Opera House, she has been able to travel for six months t h roughout Australia New Zealand, Hawaii and Fiji Arthur and Janet (DreSSier) GoI­ IOfon, of Bothell, Wash., announce the birth of Melissa Ch ristine on May 1 9 . Arthur continues to practice dentistry in Seattle. Nancy (Jaedlcke) Haglund and hus­ band Keith of Mi les Ci ty, M o n t . , annou nce the birth of a daughter, Aman­ da, born April 29. She joins son Justin (3).

John Harris, M_D_ was appointed vice president and general manager of CICNA Heal t h p l a n of Washington, a 1 0,000 member Seattle-based Health Maintenance Organization. Previously, John served as the firm's medical direc­ tor in Northern California, where he was a regular lecturer on medical practice standards at the Stanford U niversity Business SchooL John is one of a growing number of physician m a nagers with advanced training in business. Jean Johnson of West L i n n , Ore., won a Beaverton Cham ber Symph ony solo competition and performed Bach Cantata # S 1 , Jauchzet Cott in allen Lan­ den, in May. She also sang In verdure clad i n Haydn's Creation. Jean teaches music for two parochial schools and gives pri­ vate lessons. David and Anita (Duske) Knight are living in Kent, Wash , where David is 'working for Clasrock Home Health Care as an account exec utive. JOhn Middaugh works as personnel administrator with the 4th ROTC Region at Fort Lewis, Wash. He and wife Ellen, who works for Puget Sound Naval Sh ip­ yard, live in Gig Harbor, Wash. Bill Rogers was featu red in a busi­ ness profile in the Tacoma Morning News Tribune. He co-owns Almond and Rogers, an executive recruiting firm. Bob and Sue (Vance '84) Sargent of Carlsbad, Calif. have an 1 8-month-old daughter, Rebecca, and are expecting another child. Bob is a second year fam i­ ly practice resident at Camp Pendleton Naval HospitaL Sue has "retired" from the busi ness world to be a full-time mom. peter Schurch works as a portfolio manager and I nvestment advisor for Bank Juli us Baer in Zurich, Switzerland. He advises U.S. private cl ients on interna­ tional d iversification of their assets, and was recently promoted to vice president of the bank's private group responsible for American clients.

Novels With Stro ng Soc i a l Messages Are Goal Of PLU Al u m n a Writer Rohnda Sharp

By Judy Davis n September, freelance writer Rohnda S harp closed up her daycare home, moved to a rustic area of Ki rkland with her two young sons and began writing her first novel. With light strea m i ng into her studio from an adjacent atriu m, Rohnda is spending at least six hours a day writing a "social crit­ icism" in the genre of Sinclair Lewis and Joseph Conrad, "I rea l ly identify with these authors who were, in a sense, 'vagabonds'; like they, I too have spent time in an orphanage and have been a 'rolling stone' since I began traveling by myself at the age of 1 7," said the Bo ise, Id. native, She hopes her novels w i l l "raise the moral a nd social con­ sciousness" of her readers. "The re wi l l be strong state­ ments ru nning through my writ­ i ng - all revolvi ng a round the theme, Am I my brother's keep­ er? " she explained. In her novels, Rohnda hopes to encourage her readers to accept viewpoints such as "if you harm someone else, you lose some of your rights," "we must m i n i m ize more than maximize," "we can


Mark and Susan (MCDOnnell '84) SlbUrg of Seattle announce the b i rth of Holly E l izabeth last Dec. 25th. They oper­ ate their own business which provides computer services to the m a r i t i m e ind ustry Barry Spomer of Seattle, Wash., rece ntly attended a Lutheran Brother­ hood Health Product Training Coord ina­ tor School in M i n neapolis, Minn. ViC and sandy Thompson of Ips­ wich, Mass., announce the birth of Paul James Dec. 28. Paul joins sister Erin (2). Vic works as an assistant vice president in the asset management diviSion of State Street Bank in Boston. Sandy is a full-time homemaker. William Truelt com pleted his sec­ ond ary education certification througL1 Eastern Wash i ngton U n i versity last spring and teaches English and geogra­ phy at Valley View Jr. High School in the Snohomish School District. He will also be the annual advisor there.

1 983 Ann (Baughman) Amble and hus­ band David of Benicia, Calif., a n nou nce the birth of Emma Ch ristine in February. Emma joins brother Luke David (3). David works for Unocal and Ann is a homemak­ er.


i m p rove the world if we a re more responsible for our neigh­ bors" and "we need to look for the in nate good ness in our fel­ low m a n , even if it is s u p­ pressed." She plans to "use myself as my own judge," rather than have her work critiqued by other writ­ ers. "I don't want to manipu late my artistic consciousness by try­ i ng to please others judging my work - I'm a perfection ist and, I feel, my own best judge," she asserted . Rohnda credits PLU with help­ i ng her become the "writer I am and want to be. "Aside from having my c h i l­ d re n , atten d i ng PLU was the greatest experience of my l ife," she sa id . I n 1 980, she heard a rad io a d v e rt i s e m e n t a b o u t PLU's Accele rated Unde rg raduate Re­ Entry for Adults (AURA) Program while l iv i ng nea r Graham w i th her former husband and young so n . Within a few weeks, she e n ro l l e d as an a nt h ropology major - a fitting choice, based on her encou nters with various eth n i c a n d soci o-eco n o m ic g roups du ring her travels, But, when she enrolled in Dr. Charles

Bergman's f re e l a nce w ri t i ng cou rse, her career cou rse veered into a d ifferent d i rection. "I knew then that I wanted to be a writer for the rest of my l ife and that everyth ing I did from that point on would be a form of preparation for the nov­ els I p l a n to write," R o h n d a revealed. Si nce m a k i n g that decision, Rohnda has "practiced" m a ny d ifferent forms of w r i t i ng, in cluding social commentaries which have been publ ished in

Kristi BosCh ma rried Per Richard Tvedt Jr. July 8 i n Im manuel Lutheran Church, Puyallup, Wash. Kristi teaches for Puyallup Public Schools and Per works for Tacoma Imaging Systems. Terry Brink g rad uated from law school and works as an associate with the Tacoma law firm Cordon, Thomas, Honeywell, Malanca, Peterson and Dah­ eim. David Coltom of Federal Way, Wash., completed all the req u i rements to be certified as a qualifying member of the 1 989 Million Dollar Round Table, an inde­ pendent association of more t h a n 1 5,000 life insurance agents. David works for Lutheran Brotherhood as a district representative.

David Larson of Zimmerman, M i n n , comp leted his education degree at the U n iversity of Min nesota and teaches social studies in a n alternative School. Wife Jennifer (Wishart '84) is taking time off from her nursing job to care for their daughter, Kelsey Kristi na, born in February. steven Lauder married Monica Mor­ gan May 5 in M i a m i , Fla. Steven serves in the United States Air Force and Monica works for Countywide Federal Credit U n ion in Beavercreek, Wash. where the couple lives. Norman a n d w i fe I(rls craig (Poppe) an nounce the b i rth of Jason Dean last December. Jason joins brother Sean (e) at the family home in Sumner, Wash. Craig works as a senior sales repre­ sentative for Memorex telex in Bellevue,

Scott and Amanda (Taylor) Ellert­ son both work for ReSidential Life at PLU and have two children Chelsea (four) and Charles ( 1 6 months). Linda Outmann works for Frank Rus­ sell Company and was accepted as a m e m b e r of the Wash in gton Soci ety of Certified Public Accountants.

Newsweek, US News and World Report, a nd The Weekly_ Other Northwest p u b l i cations, Pacific and Puget Soundings, have pub­

l ished her vig nettes and whimsi­ cal pieces, She a l so teaches a writing class at H ighline Commu­ n ity College. "By helping me develop my writ ing skil ls, PLU has given me the rest of my l ife," Roh nda said.

With i n a year, she h opes to have fin ished her nove l; she wi l l continue other types of writing in the meantime.

She said, "I may hit obstacles, but they will be temporary. As they did at PLU, I ' m confident that at critical mom ents, the • righ� doors will open."

Wash. Kirsten Pederson works as a senior analyst for the Commonwealth of Massa­ chusetts Rate Setting Commission in Bos­ ton. Her work involves financial analysis, with an emphasis on determ ining hospi­ tal payments She passed all four parts of the Certified Public Account exam on her first try in November.

Continued on page 23

PadRc LUtlle ran University scene

october 1989

23 A lumni

Class Notes Con tinued from page 22 LYnnette Rose married Lawrence Witt J u n e 1 7 in St. Mary's M ission in Omak , Wash., where they reside. Lyn­ nette attends Eastern Washington U n i­ versity and works as a pre-school aide at St. Aloysius School in Spokane. Lawrence teaches for Pasch al Sherman Indian School i n Omak. CUrt and Carol (Strandoo ' S6) of Seattle, annou nce the birth of Carsten Curtis June 2. Curt is completing a resi­ dency in orthopaedic su rgery at the Uni­ versity of Washington. Jesse Wittrock d i rects the Newport H i g h School concert choir of Bellevue, Wash. The choir went on an Oregon tour i n May, stopping i n Lebanon where Jesse attended high school. He attended a sem i-reu n i on of Lebanon High School's award-winning men's quartet, the New U ncalled-Four, that was very active i n 1 977-78. Jesse sang tenor in t h e group.

1 984 Rob Barr completed his master of busi ness administration at the London Business School in England and accepted a position with J . P. M o rgan on Wall Street in New York_ Krlstl (I.arsen) Beebe was ordained by Bishop David WOld ('56) last May in Port Angeles, Wash., and is now pastor of specialized ministries with the Arkansas­ Oklahoma Synod of ELCA in Ponca City, Okla. Dr. Jane Borneman of Omaha, Nebr., gradu ated from Creighton Univer­ sity Medical school May 1 3 . Jane began a surgical residency at Creighton Un iversi­ ty Medical Center and affiliated hospitals July 1 . Karl Bradenburg marr i ed Ladd BJo rn eby ( 'SO) A u g . 1 1 at Central Lutheran Church in Spokane, Wash. Ladd is the associate pastor at Central and Kari teaches second grade in the Mead School District in Spokane Carolyn (Crawford) Brooks of San Jose, Calif., was ma rried J u ly 23 and received her master in l i brary science from San Jose State Un iversity in May.

BrUce Larson married Jermaine Pea­

core June 1 7 in Kent U nited Methodist C h u rc h , Kent, Wash . Bruce teaches health and coaches football and track at Thomas Jefferson High School in Federal Way, Wash. Kristin Landgren began her own fas hion design busi ness in Tacoma th ree years ago. She relocated to Southern Cal­ ifornia and is sel l i ng her line of high-end women's sportswear to such stores as Nordstrom, Macy's and Bul locks. Dawn McColley of Tacoma has been a d mitted to practice law in Washington state and works as the executive direc­ tor of the CriSiS Pregnancy Center of Pie rce County. Ken MCElroy works as associate vice preSident of Goodman Financial Services in Las Vegas, Nev. He speci ali zes in com­ m e rcial property management for the firm, which has offices in Seattle, Port­ land, Phoenix and Las Vegas. Mike Morter works as an agent for Allstate Insurance in Seattle, Wash. Norma Schellberg works as assis­ t a n t vice p reSident/manager of finance and fund administration for Frank Rus­ sell company in Tacoma C rai g and C arOlyn Otal verson)

Spada of Redmond, Wash , annou nce the birth of Nicholas Alan Halverson Spa­ da on March 26th. Tracey Turner married Mark Breslich April 8 at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church on Mercer Island, Wash. They l ive in Kent, Wash.

Kenneth Woodward works as assis­ tant ma rketing manage r for Scandina­ vian Airl ines System in N O r\...,ay, p romot­ ing the SAS routes to the Far East and South America. He and wife Nora have taken advantage of their travel benefits this year by flying to Rio de Janeiro, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Madnd, Amsterdam, Paris, London and No rth Cap (the northern-most point in Europe).

1 985 patrick Acclmus works for Emerald Technology i n Bothell, Wash. as an inside sales representative. He will marry caro­ lyn Carlson ('S7) in September John Bachohner of Lake Oswego. Ore., was adm itted to practice law in Washington state courts; adm itted to practice before Federal District Court Western District of Washington; adm it­ ted to practice before the U nited States Court of Appeals, 9th circuit. Cindy Bahr has been living in the LA area for the past four years. Cindy man­ ages a program that provides education­ al and vocational training for severely handicapped youths and adults. Bartlara (Hllken) Sernard and hus­ band Joe have been named resident directors of the Un iversity of Portland's 1 989-90 Salzburg program. The Bernards left Portland at the end of August to accompany 38 University of Portland students to Europe. She i s a registered nu rse in the progressive coronary care unit at Emanuel Hospital in Portland. Phillip Bouterse married Susan Van Dyne June 30 i n Asbury U nited Method­ ist Church. Tulsa, Okla. Both are continu­ ing their educations at the Medical Col­ lege of Wisconsin a n d reside i n Wauwatosa. Wise. Charles Brock was elected as the new principal for Evergreen Elementary School by the Bethel School District's board of d i rectors. Charles has been a teacher In the Bethel district since 1 977, and recently finished his admin istrative internsh ip this year at Camas Prairie Ele­ mentary Judith Toklko COble of Tacoma, teaches Japanese at Li ncoln High School and lead a group of 1 7 high school stu­ dents to Japan for 45 days of homestay in July Leanne Davis lives i n Bologna, Italy where she is working toward a masters degree from the Johns Hopkins Un iversi­ ty's School of Advanced International Studies. Between semesters, h e r cl ass will take a study trip to Paris and Brus­ sels to viSit the EEC and NATO. After a year in Italy she will complete the deg ree program in Washington D.C. Jeff Canung and Lisa Knudsen ('S7) of Kent, Wash., were married July 8. Lisa is a graduate student at the U n i ver­ sity of Washington in Scandinavian lan­ guage and literature and Jeff is the new financial analyst at the Pt. Defiance Zoo. SCott Higgins assumed command of Naval Construction Batta l i on U ni t 4 1 3 May 5 i n Pearl Harbor, H i . where h e and wife Louise (MCDOnald) are enjoying the warm weather and tropical sights. Cayle HollenbeCk w i l l marry Ron Buben Oct. ' 1 4 in Anchorage, Ak. Gayle teaches fourth grade i n Sterling, Ak .. and Ron works as a commercial d iver. He dove on the USS Valdez tanker in Val­ dez. Anne James of Lexington, Ky., mar­ ried David James of Oregon Aug. 1 2. Both attend Lexington Theological Semi­ nary Anne is in the dual degree program working on her Masters of Social Work and her Masters of Divinity. Dorena Montgomery of Anchor, age, Ak., announce the birth of Joy Beth­ Iyn on May 1 5 . Dorena starts her fifth year teach ing French and English at Bart­ lett High School this fall.

Thirteen Freshmen Re eive Alumni Merit Awards If one or both parents of an i n co m i n g fresh m a n a re P L U a l u m n i a n d t h e student h a s a h igh school grade point average of 3 . 5 or better, they may apply fo r a 51 ,000 A l u m n i Me rit Award. This year 1 3 award recipients ha ve joi ned the P L U st udent body. They a re: Ch ristopher Beer, A u b u rn, Wash . , son of Stephen and Cheryl Beer '66; Erin Burchfield, La kewood Colo., d a u g h ter of Susan Burchfield '69; Susan Ha l­ vor, North Bend, are., daughter of Pau l '63 and Marilyn '65 Hal­ vor; Karl Hiliesland, Pasco, Wash ., son of David '64 and Linnea '58 H i l lesland; Steve Kn utzen , Taco-

ma, son of Craig Kn utzen '66; Karen Ko l l , F ree l a n d , Wash., daug hter of W i l l i a m and Glo ria Kol i '63; Also M a r k M i l ler, Spokane, Wash ., son of Ch ristie M iller '65; John M i l ler, Whitefish, Mont., son of Ronald and Jean M i l l e r '65; Sara Omdal, Bow, Wash ., daugh­ ter of Andrew '66 and Barbara '68 Omdal; Jack Peterson, I ssa­ quah, Wash. , son of Joe Peterson ' 6 7 ; Erik Probstfield, Gaith ers­ b u rg , M d . , son of Jeff '63 and Margaret '65 Probstfield; Nathan Shouse, Everett, Wash ., son of R i c h a rd S h ou se '68; and J eff Yo u ng, Tacoma, son of W i l l i a m Young '67.

David and Tracy (Johnson) Nel­ son of Vancouver, Wash., announce the birth of Mal/orie Lynn on March 1 6. Teresa Standifer has two children, Jennifer (2) and David (three months), and has relocated to Bend, Ore. Paul Tamasty graduated from the University of Washington School of Medi­ cine in June and is now a resident i n internal medicine a t the U niversity of California, Los Angeles Medical center. Paul is married to Lisa (Klaustermeyer 'S4) and they have a son, W i l l iam Tyler (20 months). Kirk Walker of Reedsport, Ore., received a doctor of medicine degree from Oregon Health Sciences University June 9_ A cum laude graduate, he also received the Upjohn Award, given to an outsta nding fourth year student

DOlores Kelley works as an accoun­ tant for Absher Construction Co. The firm was recently awarded the cont ract to renovate and remodel Union Station in Tacoma, Wash. Skip and Danelle Lamb of Red­ mond, Wash., announce the birth of Nathaniel Alton on May 29. Elizabeth Menz taught junio r high school art in Alexand ria, Va., last year and has moved to Seattle. She will teach kindergarten downtown. Erik Rlstuban and w i fe Susie (Smith 'S6) annou nce the birth of Alex­ ander Smith-R istuban last November. wendy Robinson married V i ncent de Vos LaCava July 1 at Laurelhu rst Pres­ byterian Chu rch in Seattle. Wendy works as a clinical appl ication specialist for Spa­ celabs Ine. and Vi ncent as an invest ment executive for National Securities Corp ROSS warner attended the American G raduate School of I nternational Man­ agement and now works for Berlitz I nter­ national in Beverly Hills, Calif.

1 986 Kristine Adams works for Knight Vale & Gregory and was accepted as a member of the Washington SOCiety of Certified Public Accountants. Paul Barton ma rried Dolores Stave July 28 in the rose garden at Point Defi­ ance Park, Tacoma, Wash. Paul works for Bigfoot Outdoor and Dolores is continu­ ing her education at the U n ive rsity of Puget Sound. C. Clenn Burnett has accepted a graduate assistantsh ip at Portland State U n iversity for the school year 1 989-90 after teaching in Shelton, Wash , for three years. John Comstock married E lizabeth Meyer May 27 i n Trinity Lutheran Church i n Tacoma. John is employed by the Pierce County Health Department as an environmental health specialist and E l iza­ beth works as a speech pathologist at Mary Bridge Children's Hospital Rob Creenlee is ma rried, has a 2-year-old son, Michael, and expects another child to arrive this month. He and his wife own Honey Bee Ham s, a restaurant and specialty meat busi ness that is located in Un iversity Village Mall next to the University of Washington. Brent Hample of Eugene, Ore , works in Portland as a child therapist in a resi­ dential home for behaviorly and emo­ tionally disturbed teenage boys Janet and Paul ('SS) Ihle of Walla Walla, Wash., are beg i n n i ng th ree-year Mennonite Central Committee aSSign­ ments in Bolivia. Janet will be working as a rural health nurse and Paul as a teach­ er trainer.

1 987 Amy Bergette married Mike H i l l in Oregon on May 20. They live in Spana- . way. Wash. sandra Blair married Douglas Gale April 8 in the University Place Presbyteri­ an Church in Tacoma. Sandra works at Swed ish Hospital in Seattle and Douglas is employed by the Department of Trea­ sury. Darrel Bowman m a rried Christina Patmerston in February of 1 988. They have two sons, Stephen (2) and Justin (three months). Tina attends college and cares for their sons. Darrel works for Electronic Data Systems in a systems engineer development program. They live in Burton. Mich. Shelley (JaClksOn) Bradley of Bur­ i e n , W a s h . , m a r ried Craig Bardley of Nezperce, Id. Craig works for Boeing as a buyer for the AWACS programs. Shelley worked at West Seattle Christian School ' during the 87-88 school year and was a substitute in the p u b l i c schools d u ring the 88-89 year crag Cox completed his training with SeaLand and works as an operating ser­ vices supervisor at their facility in Taco­ ma, Wash. Kristin Croonqulst married Ian Paul June 24 in Faith Presbyterian Church, Tacoma. Krist i n works for PLU and Ian works for Valley Terrace N u rsing Center. Heidi Cieldaker married James Wilk­ erson June 24 at West Linn Lutheran Church, West Linn, Ore.

Con tinued on page 24

PadfIc Lutheran


scene october 1989

24 A lumni


Class Motes Continued from oage 2 3 Stephen cemon m a rried Kathryn Ch04inard June 1 7 i n St. Patrick Catholic Church, Tacoma. Stephen works for the Peninsula School District and Kathryn for Dr. W Gary Becker. They live i n Tacoma Diane Cregerson of Seattle is attending Columbia University graduate school of social work thiS fall. Jill HendriCkson ma rried John McEn­ tee July 8 in St. Charles Borromeo Catho­ lic Church, Tacoma. Jill works for Frank Russell Co , and John is continuing his education at the U niversity of Puget Sound School of Law while working for Benneville, Viert, Morton and McGoldrick. peter Holland passed the certified Public . accountant exam in November and works for Ernst and Whinney. Michael A. Jacobson is a student Pilot for the USAF flying at Reese Air Force Base, Tx. H e will complete training April 4, 1 990 and receive his assignment and aircraft. Michael Jones m a rried Dawn Jack­ son in Tillamook, Ore. June 3 . Jerry Larson m a rried Jana Sturde­

vant J u ne 30 at the Puyallup, Wash., All Saints Church. Jerry works as an estima­ tor with his family b u siness, Larson Glass. Jana teaches elementary school. Phillip Lindley works for Washing­ ton Utilities and Transportation Comm is· sion in Olympia, WaSh., as a rate research specialist primarily involved with the reg· u l ation of telecom m u n ication com pa­ nies. Michelle Lyda married Scott Elston ('88) May 27 at St. Matthew Lutheran Chu rch in Beaverton, Ore. Michel le is a registered nurse and Scott works as an accou ntant assistant with W i l l a mette I ndustries. Cynthia Manly married the Rever­ end Or. Mark Toone July 22 in the U niver­ sity Place Presbyterian Church, Tacoma. Mark is senior pastor at Chapel Hill Pres­ byterian Melinda r,IICCann of Olympia, Wash , teaches math at Centralia High School. JulJe Nelson beca me a Canadian i n J a n u a ry a n d works a s a rev e n u e accounts scribe, analyzing and adjusting tax accounts for Revenue Canada in Ontario. She busies herself with field hockey and learning French. Julie invites PLU alumni to stop by her home in Gati­ neau, Quebec for an expresso. Karl Nelson works as a consultant with Ernst and Whinney Telecom mun ica­ tions Group, specializing in cost alloca­ tion. She and Bruce H u bbard are p lan­ ning their wedding for November 4. Mike and Britt (HanSen 'S4) Nel­ son of Tacoma, an nounce the bi rth of their fi rst child, Hans M ichael, on J u ne 27. Mike teaches ki ndergarten at Orting Elementary and Britt works i n the com­ mercial loan department of Seattle Mort· gage Company. Laurel Olexer m a rried Jeffery Dickason J u ne 1 7 in Westwood Baptist Church, Olympia, Wash. Laurel is a medi­ cal student at Medical College of Virginia i n Richmond. Jeffery is cont i n u ing his education at The College of William and Mary i n Williamsburg, Va.

V LUNTEERS with foreign language skills needed to help during next summer's

COODWILL CAMES contact: Cisele Matson Goodwill Games Unguistlcs Office Phone: (206) 554-6546


Jennifer Cprlce) Coocl works for Ernst and Whi nney as an acco u ntant with clients coming primarily from man­ ufacturing f i rms and financial i nstitu­ tions. She and Ken Cood ('88 ) were married i n J u ly.

Darin RingenbaCh of Federal Way, WaSh., was promoted to floor manager­ quality control for Renton Lincoln-Mercu­ ry/Jeep-Eagle.

Carissa Schuetze ma rried John Lewis ('S3) May 20 i n First Presbyterian Church, Tacoma. Carissa is e m ployed by Puyallup Valley Christian School and John works for Young Life. Anita Sklblel works as a sales execu­ tive at the E u ropean Office of Westin Hotels and Resorts in London. Lisa Berntsen stephens of Tacoma, completed ner master of science degree at the University of Washington School of Fisheries and is working towards her Ph.D. Paul Taylor is the fi rst m a l e to become what was formerly known as Ms. Downtown Tacoma. The Downtown Taco­ ma Association decided last year to open up the contest to men and retitle the winner as the Downtown Tacoma Am bas­ sador. Paul was also named as the con· testants' own pick for the contest title. Over the next year Paul will represent down Taco ma b u s i nesses at v a r i o u s events t h roughout the state. Paul is a mem ber of the Tacoma Center Y MCA board of d i rectors, has been an active volunteer with American Cancer Society programs, and works for Frank R u ssell Company. Janice voss enjoys her job as a sales agent for Connecticut Mutual Life in Sac­ ramento. Calif. Naomi (Tribe) Williams works as a sales representative for GTE Directories Sales Corporation in Portland, Ore.

1 988

Angela Aardahl married Thomas Napier July 8 i n Holy Rosary Catholic C h u rch, Edmonds, Wash. Angela works for US West Cellular and Tom for Dale Carnegie. Creg Beals conducts high school workshops and assists with recru iting efforts for Griffin College in Seattle. Ingvild Berge joined the staff of The Martin Firm, a marketing and consulting company i n Tacoma. Kwan Man Chan is tra i n i n g to become a branch manager of Dao Heng Bank, Ltd. in Hong Kong susan Donovan began stu d ies in J a n u a ry at the American G radu ate School of International M a n agement (Thunderbird). When she receives her masters degree i n December, she hopes to return to Western Washington to work. Connie JO Eliason (B 'S5, M'SS) and Mark Miller were married J u ne 1 7 at Trinity Lutheran Church, Tacoma. Con­ nie teaches in the Puyallup School Dis· trict and Mark works as a computer con­ sultant with Arthur Andersen. Suzanne Hanson m a rried C raig Buchanan June 24 at Cross of Ch rist Lutheran C h u rch, Bellevue, Wash . both work for Microsoft i n Redmond, Wash., where they live. Lori Harrison m a r r i ed Steven Hagen Aug. 18 at Cedar Springs Out­ door Pavilion i n Port Orchard, Wash. wendy Hayden and husband Jeff announce the birth of their fi rst child, Sarah Alexandra, on J u ly 1 7 in Fairfax, Va. Hans Ciaedeke accepted a pOSition with Arth u r Andersen & Comp any in Seattle. He looks forward to working with other PLU alums, i ncluding class­ mate and fellow Beta Gamma Sigma offi­ cer Antonette vernon.


Sherlth Lundrlng and scott Squires were m a rried J u ne 24 a n d spent a week i n Cancun, Mexico. "Billy" Lui is one of 32 new students in the Ph.D. program at New York Un iver­ sity. He is a finance major and although he says that graduate school is tough, he has encouraging words for PLU students. "I have friends at Col u m bia, and top stu­ dents there are not smarter than PLU's top students. Tell them not to b e intimi­ dated by the names of l a rger schools; studying at PLU will pay off in the long run." Debra (Reynolds) Lund married Tim Lund last September and works as a pro­ motion assistant at the Morning News Tribune in Tacoma. She a nd T i m have begun a part-tim e mail order b u s iness, W i ldwest Off-Road E q u i p m ent, which sells 4x4 accesso ries.

ROn Newberry m a r ried M ic h e l l e Olafson J u l y 8 i n F i rst Presbyte rian C h u rch, Tacoma. Ron works for The Morning New Tribune and M i chelle for Frederick & Nelson. Christine Newton married Shan· non Brutl June 24 at Emmanuel Luther­ an Church in Longview, Wash. Christine teaches elementary school on Bainbridge Island, Wash. Shannon works as a sys­ tems ana lyst at City Fed Mortgage in Bellevue, Wash. Chris Olsen works as a m arketing representative for McCaw C o m m u n ica­ tions/Cellular One i n Seattle. H e is looking forward to graduate studies this winter i n co m m u n ications but is cu rrently enjoying life on the water at h is new home on Spanaway Lake. Beth Pearson completed her M.S. in Exercise Physiology (cardiac reh a b i l i ta­ tion/adult fitness emphasiS) i n May at the University of Arizona, Tucson. Beth also served as student associate for Lutheran Campus Ministry at the U of A working with Pastor John Kautz. DOuglas Stearns works as pc adm in­ istrator for Washi ngton-0regon Shippers Cooperative Association in Seattle. Joseph Upton married Lisa O'NeU July 15 i n Berean Bible Church, Seattle, Joseph is continuing h i s education at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Wchelte Vigna ma rried James Bra· zil Jr. June 4 at the Glendale Country Club. Michelle operates The Healthy Muf­ fin Co., Bend, Ore., which she owns with her husband. James works for Sherwin & Williams in Bend. steven weinman works as vice pres­ ident, office manager and property man­ ager with Family Real Estate Service, Inc. i n Tacoma, Wash. He is also a certified bowling instructor for b eg i n n i ng and advanced students.

1 989

Laurel Edgar was h i red as a primary teacher for Daffodil Elem entary School in Sumner, Wash. sandie Fried is employed by Nalley's fOOd company i n Tacoma, Wash. Ruth Ann Rufener married Steven Pasa m o nte J u ly 2 2 n d in St. Frances Cabrini Catholic C h u rch, Tacoma. She works for Bruce Dees and Associates. Ste­ ven works for Metal Form, Inc. Mary stephenson scott is the Kit­ sap Com munity Clinic executive d i rector. The clinic provides medical and dental care and referral to low-income, u nin­ sured persons i n Kitsap and North Mason counties. Cynthia Sleep married William Evans Aug. 1 2. Cynthia works for Harman Pub­ lishing in Seattle William is an Army lieu­ tenant stationed at Fort Lewis, Wash. Julie van Slyke and John BlVckert ('88) have announced their engagement. Julie works for C h i l d ren's Orthopedic Hospital on the s u rgical floor. John works as a sales representative in Southern Oregon for Russ Berrie Company, Inc.

warren R. peterson, l e g a l cou nsel t o P L U f o r t h e past two decades, died Sept. 28 at the age of 63. Peterson, a p a rtner i n Taco m a ' s l a rgest law firm, Gordon, Thomas, Honeywe l l , M a l anca, Peterson and Daheim, recei ved a PLU President's Award medal last winter for h is dis­ tinguished service to the university. The award also cited his influence i n t h e com m u n i ty and c h u rch as a n act i ve Ch ristian wo rking f o r c i v i c a n d social i m provement. He received n u m e rous other awards, including the fi rst ever pro­ fessionalism award conferred by the Board of Governors of the washing­ ton State Bar Association, p resented earlier this year. Peterson served on the Lutheran C h u rch of America Pacific N o rth­ west Synod executive com m i ttee from 1 967-70 and on the PLU board of regents from 1 97 1 -74. He was l isted in Best Lawyers in America in 1 987 and was a former Washington State assistant attorney genera l . H e held u ndergraduate a n d legal deg rees from the U n ivers i ty of Washington. Peterson is su rvived by his wife, Barbara, of Gig H a rbor, Wash .; chil­ dren, Ei leen and Bryan, both of Gig Harbor, Robin of Cal ifornia, Lynn Fis­ ter of P u l l man, Was h . , and Stacy B u rkey of Tacoma; and by seven grandchildren.

Former Pacific Lutheran regent

Caylerd Falde died this sum mer in

Los Angeles at the age of 7 1 . He served as regent from 1 9 5 2-60. Born in Canton, S.D., he was edu­ cated at St. Olaf College and Luther Sem i n a ry in M i nnesota. After serv­ ing p a rishes in Jewell, la., and Haw­ thorne, Calif., he headed the Cal ifor­ n i a districts of fi rst the Evangel ical Lutheran C h u rch and then the American Lutheran C h u rc h from 1 95 1 -8 3 . As p resi dent o f t h e C a l i fo r n i a Lutheran Education Fo undation h e served o n the boards o f both PLU and Pacific Luth e ra n Theo l og i c a l Sem inary i n Berkeley. He is su rvived by wife Joan, a son and three daughters .

Pacific Lutheran University Scene OctOber


Heritag e

lend Of Visions, Traditions Go I Of New Scandinavian Center Director " It is my goal to bring togeth­ er the many visions people have for the Center, " sa i d Sca n d i na­ vi an Cultural Center coordi nator Carla Wu lfsberg ,

"I hope the Center is a place for teach ing trad ition and mak­ i ng the richness and identity of h eri tage i m p o rta n t to y o u n g people," she said Wu l fsberg a lso spoke of reach­ ing out to schools a nd the com­ m u n ity t h ro u g h ed u cationa l ly based entertainment. "I w a n t p e o p l e a c t i v e l y involved, a l"lands-on a pproach," she remarked. A student i n Norway for th ree

yea rs, Wu lfsberg is an accom­ pl ished folk d a ncer and fidd ler. She has prod uced Sca n d i navian rad io programs, a nd has been employed by Pacific Science Cen­ ter, Seattle Pu bl ic L i b ra ry and the Centen nial Resource Center In Olympia in positions related to her Cu ltural Center duties. She feels the Scandinavian C u l­ tural Center should focus on the present as wel l as the past. "We can learn so m uch about o u r own culture b y observing other ways of l ife," she sa ieL She plans to offer programs that study cu rrent Scandi navian issues: wom en's move m ent, social values and economics.

Scand inavian C u lt u ra l Center Plans Mem bersh i p Drive Food, fiddles and a fi lm debut high l ight the fal l m e m ber h i p d rive for t h e PLU Sca n d i navian Cultura l Center. Activities a re planned for 6:30

Yule Boutique Mar s 1 8th Yea r In Novem ber Wilat sta rted i n 1 97 2 as one of the regio n's fi rst a rts-and­ er fts hol iday fa i rs has evolved i nto one of the region's la rgest. Th e Y u l e Bou tique offers a selecti on of fi ne a rts and stock­ ing stuffe rs created by N o rth­ west a rtists. *



The 1 8th Annual YUle Bou­ tique will be held saturday, Nov. 1 8, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Olson AUditorium. *



PLU Women's Club, organizers of the Yule Boutique, donates its p roceeds to fu nd PLU scho l a r­ ships. In 1 8 years, more than a hund red students have received awards tota l l i n g in e xcess of $1 30,000. Many new artists join the Yu le Bout ique this yea r. T h e i r work will be featu red in three areas: "Country Fair" in the a ud itori u m a n d "The Loft" u pstairs showcas­ es pop u l a r crafts a n d col l ect­ ables; "The Gal lery" in the field­ h ouse featu res the work of more than 40 Puget Sou n d a rea fine artists. The Women's Club offers Scan­ d i n a v i a n ba ked g o o d s a nd "kafe." Shuttle vans are free from the Pierce Transit site on 1 2 1 st and Pacific Avenue a nd from all cam­ pus parking a reas. A d m i s s i o n costs $ 1 . C a l l 531 -7481 for more i nformation.

p.m. Saturday, Oct. 1 4 in the Center_ "Letters From America," a fi l m that chronicles t h e l ife of writer Ole Rolvaag, will make its West Coast p re m i e re . F i l m makers C h ri s t i n e C ra t o n a n d T i m Schwab of Aberdeen, S.D., will be on hand to i ntroduce their wor . A Norweg ian Hardanger fiddle orchestra wi l l perform . An exh ib­ it of old books by Scand i navian­ A m e ri ca ns and a d i s p l ay of objects brought by Nordic i m mI­ g ra nts to the Northwest wi l l be ava i lable for viewing. Sca n d i navian ch eeses, b reads and desserts will be served . The event is open to the p u b­ lic without cha rge_ Call 535-7349 for further i nformation.

Leag ue Day To Be Held At PLU Oct. 28 U p t o 7 5 0 h i g h school stu­ dents wi l l visit PLU Saturday, Oct. 28, for the ca mpus' biannu­ al League Day. The young people re p resent youth g ro u p s from Luthera n chu rches i n Wash ington, Oregon a nd Idaho. Campus Pastor Susan Briehl wi l l b ri ng a messa ge to the visitors, and M i nority Student Coord i nator Steve S m i th w i l l lead music. The day's events also includ2 campus tou rs, a PLU var­ sity basketball scri m m age and admissions presentations. In the afternoon the Leaguers wi l l attend the PLU - Western Wash i ngton U n i ve rsity football game at Sparks Stadi u m i n Puy­ allup. The event is sponsored by the PLU Adm issions Office. For fur­ ther i nformation call 5 3 5-7 1 5 1 i n Tacoma.

The Center will also reach out to the PLU ca m pus, said Wu lfs­ berg. She sees close ties to the a rts, h u m a n ities and sciences. PLU's Sca n d i n avian I m m i grant Exper ience Col lection and Scan­ d i navi an Area Stud ies w i l l work closest with the Center. Those a re the long-range goals of the Center. Wu lfsberg, here since J u ly 1 7 , has worked on short-range goa ls as wel l . The fa l l membership d rive o n Saturday, Oct. 1 4 featu res food, an exh ibition of Sca ndi navian and American l iteratu re and the west coast fi l m prem iere of "Let­ ters from America . " The fi m chronicles Norweg ian pioneer O. E. Rolvaag. T h i s Dece m ber, t h e S a n kta Lucia festival will be held i n the Center, as we l l as the a n n u a l Norweg ian Language Ch ristmas service. "The Center can be m a n y things for m a n y people. I hope friends of the Center will experi­ ence what we offer," Wu lfsberg remarked.

Carla Wulfsberg

Nom i nat i ons sought For 1 990 D i st i ngu i she Alumnus In Sports Nomi nees fo r PLU's 1 990 Dis­ t i ng u ished A l u m n us i n Sports Award are now being accepted . I n itiated i n 1 983, the awa rd is designed to recognize and honor PLU a l u m n i making s i g n ificant cont r i b u t i o n s to soci ety as coaches or athletic a d m i n ist ra­ tors. The award will be present­ ed at the PLU All-Sports Banquet in May, 1 990. If you have a nomi­ ne2, please fi l l out co m p l etely the nomi nating form below and submit it before April 1 3, 1 990. Nomi nees m u st be g ra d u ates of PLU who h ave coached or a d m i n i stered i n tersc h o l a st i c, i ntercol legiate, or youth sports. N o m i nations may c o m e from a nyone in a position to evaluate and recogn ize such a person's effect iveness. Please keep i n m i n d that d isti nctive perform­ ance is i ntended with this awa rd .

Such achievement shou l d reflect m u lti-d i mensional co ntri butions (for exa m p le, performance and u n ique i ndividual contributions.) The sel ect i o n co m m ittee for the Distingu ished A l u m n u s i n Sports consists o f M i ke Larson, PLU sports i nformation di rector; Dave O l son, PLU ath l etic d i rec­ tor; Jerry Lejeu ne, 1 989-90 Lute C l u b p resi dent: Walt Shaw, PLU and a l u m n i d i rector; and J ack Sareau lt, p u b l icist for the NW Conference of Independent Col­ leges. Past Recipients 1 989 - Leigh Ann Charlston ('80) 1 988 - John Anderson ('58) 1 987 - Gene Lundgaard ('5 1 ) 1 986 - Phyllis Tem p l i n ('59) 1 985 - Dave Peterson (74) 1 984 - M i ke Benson ('69) 1 983 - Marv Harshman ('42)

'989 Distinguished Alumnus In sports Nominating Form Name of Nomi nee

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _




Schoo 1

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State City Mail to: PLU Distinguished Alumnus In Sports PLU A thletic Dept., PLU, Tacoma, WA 9844 7

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Padfk � univerSIty scene 0et0Wi" 1989


KUpp Aerials Key TO 35-1 9 Defeat Of Loggers By Mike Larson

PLU used its patented Big Play in a big way i n its 1 989 season­ opener agai nst cross-town riva l Puget Sound Sept. 1 4, t u r n i ng back the Loggers 35-1 9 in the An n u a l Lu tes/Logg ers Tacoma Dome Duel. Coach Frosty Westering's 1 0th­ ranked Lutes converted two Log­ ger fum bles i nto scores, used a brillia nt aerial attack, and made the big defensive plays to claim their fifth Tacoma Dome victory in the seven-yea r history of the series. PLU wasted l ittle time. In fact, any of the 7,425 fans in atten­ da n ce who s h owed up m o re than 1 5 m i n utes late m issed half of PLU's fi rst-h a lf sco ring. With 9:36 to play i n the fi rst quarter, ' PLU a l rea dy enj oyed a 1 4-0 advantage, scoring on a 34-yard pass play from sen i o r q u a rter­ back Craig Ku p p t o se n i o r end John G radwo h l and a 1 4-ya rd ·ru n by j u n Io r fu l l b ack C h ri s Havel. Kupp hooked u p with j u n ior end M i ke Wel k on a 48-yard scor­ i ng bomb on the fi rst of the second quarter to ca p a seven­ play, 84-yard d rive, then rushed for a touchdown from 18 yards out to make it 28-7. Kupp's rush was set up after j u n ior l i neback­ er Bruce Sch m idt fel l on a fum­ ble deep in Logger territory. "We executed very wel l, partic­ u l a rly o u r pass i n g ga me," said Westering on the season-open­ i ng win, PLU's 1 7th in the last 20 seasons. "Ou r two ends, G rad­ wohl and (Mike) Welk were just outstanding and our blocking u p front gave Ku p p the t i m e he needed ."

PLU fans love their Lutes!

Indeed . Kupp was magn ificent, completing his fi rst nine passes and fi n i shing 1 8-for-22 for 203 ya rds and th ree TDs. The 6-4, 2 1 5-po u n d K u p p a l so h a d 2 9 ya rds rus h i ng, i n c l u d i n g his 1 8yard scoring scramble. The Lutes' final score was the resu lt of PLU's most sustai ned d rive of the even i ng, a 66-yard m a rch in 1 1 p l ays t h a t con­ sumed nea rly six min utes. Havel did most of the work, carrying

five t i m es for 42 ya rds. K u p p found Welk a l l a lone i n t h e end­ zone from 14 yards out with 30 seconds to p l a y in t h e t h i rd quarter to make it 3 5-1 3 and the rout was on. Lute d efensive coord i nator Pau l Hoseth applauded the PLU's defensive effort. "Genera l ly, it was a good performa nce," he said. "We had a few breakdowns, but overa ll, we had good p u rsuit and good h itting."

The Lutes' 1 989 home sched­ u le is the best in years, includ i ng dates with O regon Tech (Sept. 30), Central Washi ngton (Oct. 7, 1 : 30), Li nfield (Oct. 2 1 , 1 : 30) and Western Washi ngton (Oct. 28, 1 : 30). PLU's h o m e g a m e s a re played at Carl Spa rks Stad i u m in Puya l l u p. All of the Lutes' games can be hea rd l ive on KJ UN-AM 1 450 with J ohn Lynch ca l l i ng the play-by-play.

Lute G,idders Aim At 20th Straight Winning season Some things just happen. B i rds Ifl y . Fish swi m . The su n sets I n t h e west. A n d Pacific Lutheran enjoys another W i n n i ng football season. PLU's Frosty Westeri ng starts


his 1 8th season at the Lute helm with more a t sta ke than just PLU ' s n i nth p l ayoff a p pearance i n 1 1 yea rs Armed wit h 44 retu rning lettermen (2 3-0/2 1 -D) a n d 1 5 i n c u m b e nt sta rte rs (9-0/6- 0), PLU wil l take a i m at Its 20th consecutive winn i ng season a nd aH- tl m e win n u m ber 300. PLU e n te rs 1 989 wi th a 294-1 94-29 ('597) ali-time ledger. Offensively. PLU appears even stronger than l ast year's u n it that a verag ed 39 9 . 6 yards a game. Q8 co-capta in Craig Kupp (sr., 6-5, 220) has t h e s i ze, strength, a rm and speed for the Lutes' patented Big Play . a n d should benefit from a year's

experience. Kupp con nected on 1 09 of 204 aerials last yea r for 1 ,41 8 yards and 1 6 TDs. Book-end TEs M i ke Welk (j r., 6-0, 205) and John G radwoh l (j r., 6-0, 1 97) a re both qual ity r-eceiv­ ers. Welk snared a schoo l- record 62 passes as a freshma n and 29 last season . Gradwoh l hau led i n 2 8 passes for 424 y a rds and five TDs in 1 988. RBs Jared Sen n (j r., 5-1 0, 1 95), Ch ris H ave l (J r., 5-1 1 , 205) and Mike Ki m (j r., 5-10, 1 8 5) col lec­ tively averaged 5.1 ya rds a pop last year and wi l l ru n beh ind a fu l ly intact a n d even stronger offensive l i ne. Senn was the lone backfiel d starter last season . David Richardson (so., 5-1 0, 1 90) could also see backfield duty. Captai n J on Edmonds (sr., 6-4, 240) a nc h o rs a n experienced offensive line at one guard spot. Tom Bomar (j r., 6-1 , 225) returns

at center, flanked by Edmonds and B i l l Pubols (sr., 6-2, 2 2 5). Tackles John Heller (j r., 6-2, 2 50) and John Skibiel Ur., 6-2, 240) a lso ret u rn . M a r Hodson (j r., 6-0, 2 2 5 ) c o u l d a lso see d u ty at guard . DefenSively, the Lutes have to rep l ace t h ree of fou r l i nemen, i n c l u d i n g NAIA 1 st Team A I I­ America DE Jo n Kral, the C FA's 1 9 8 8 Defe n s i ve M VP. R ust y Eklu nd (jr., 6-0, 2 1 5), G UY Kovacs (sr., 6- 2, 208) and Bruce Sch m idt O r., 5-1 1 , 2 2 5) head a ha rd h it­ t ing, ta len ted, I I nebacking corps. E nd Dan Wiersma (sr., 6-3, 2 1 5) i s t h e l o n e retu rnee on t h e defensive front. Pe ncil i n J o hn Falavol ito (so., 6-3, 265) at one of the tackle positions. Da rin Dolle­ more (sr., 5-1 0, 2 3 5) looks good at the other tackle spot. Frank J ohnson (jr., 6-1 , 2 1 3) holds down

the other end position. Half the secondary is lost to gra d u at i o n , b u t t a l e n t there runs dee p . M ichael C heney (sr 5-1 1 .. 205) and Brian Larson (jr . . 5 -9, 1 7 5) a n ch o r the defens ive b ackfie l d . Ch eney was a co rner back i n 1 988, but may roa m at st ro ng safety thi s season. Larson in te rcepted five passes last yea r and dou bles as a dandy speCial te a m s performer. Rusty Fri sch U r . , 5-1 0, 1 88), Peter GradVolohl (jr., 5 - 1 1 , 1 85) and Yakima Valfey CC t r a n s fe r Rich a rd Anderson Ur , 6-2, 2 1 5) are but a few of a ha ndful of p l ayers w h o cou ld step in a nd fill the vacant comer and safety spots. Kicking dut ies fa ll on Eric Cul­ tum (jr., 5-1 0, 1 65), who has con­ nected on 93 of 96 PATs and 22 of 36 FGs over t h e past two years. Frisch will l i kely handle the p u nting chores. .•

p acific: LUtheran university

scene october 1989

27 Sports

Lutes Earn 2nd 5traig t National All-Sports Title The Lutes did it again. O n t h e stre n g t h of two na ti onal c h a m pi ons h i ps, PLU women captu red thei r second stra ight NAIA Sports Information Directors Association (NAIA-SIDA) Al l-Sports title a n d Lute men placed 1 4th. PLU a lso repeated as the combined all-sports cham­ pion, edg i ng Adams State (CO) 2 3 1 -230. Established in 1 969, the NAIA­ SIDA All-Sports contest measu res the success of an i nstitution's overa ll athletic program by the accu mu lation of points in post­ season com petition at the d is­ trict, area and national levels. PLU wo m e n scored 1 00 of their 1 65 pOints in one day, win­ ning national titles in cross cou n­ try and soccer. T hey added to that by finishing third in swim­ ming ( 30), fifth in track (20), and

Westeri ng's Big Ti me Ph i losophy Topic Of Book The Big Time. For m a ny people, the p h rase conjures up th i ngs like name rec­ ognition, big bucks, celebrity sta­ tus. PLU's Frosty Westering ki nd­ ly d i sagrees and h e's written a book to explain why. Make The Big Time Where You Are, written last winter d u ri n g a

three-month sabbatical, puts on paper m a ny of the ideals that Westeri ng has taught and prac­ ticed. "The Big Time is not a place, it's a state of you r heart," he said. "The Big T i m e isn't som ething you get, it's some­ thing you become," he said. Weste ri ng, the w i n n i n gest active NAIA Division II coach i n the nation and a ful l professor with a d octorate i n ed u cation, said the book is written in a con­ versa ional style, accented with stones and a necdotes from h i s 24-year coaching career. "The writing part is finished," said Westering. "They (the pub­ l ishers) are editing a few chap­ ters and working on the g raph­ ics." The 1 90-page, hardback book, published by O uesta r, wi l l be available in bookstores in early 1 990. 1 989 PLU Football SClJedule Alumni 28 14 PLU PLU 35 Puget Sound 19 35 Lewis & Clark 36 PLU P U 41 Oregon Tech 12 Oct. 7 CENTRAL WASHINGTON 1 :30 Oct. 14 at Whitworth 1 :30 Oct. 21 * L l NFIELD 1 : 30 Oct. 28 WESTERN WASHINGTON 1 :30 Nov. 4 at Southern Oregon 1 :30 Nov. 1 2 at Simon Fraser 7:00 * Homecoming

Home games at Sparks Stadium, P u yall u p

F II Sports Previews

by adva n c i n g to natio n a l s i n softba l l ( 1 5). P LU w a s the o n ly women's p rogra m to score i n five of nine events and outd is­ tanced ru n ne r-up Puget Sound 1 65-99. Lute men amassed 65 poi nts, scoring in footba l l (20), cross country (1 7), swi m m ing (1 4) and track (1 5). PLU's best finish was n i nth in 1 975-75, 1 98 3-84 and 1 987-88. One h u n d red forty women's program scored points. One h u n­ d red seventy fou r scored on the men's side. 1 988-89 NAIA-SIDA COMBINED ALL-SPORTS RANKINGS 231 1 . PACIFIC LUTHERAN

2. Adams State CO 3 . Wayland Baptist TX 4. North Florida

230 1 58 1 57

1 44 5. Puget SOund WA 1 29 6. Wisconsin-Eau Claire 1 28 7. West Florida 1 25 8. Azusa Pacific CA 1 25 Simon Fraser BC 1 21 1 0. Saginaw Val ley M I 1 09 1 1 . Western State CO 1 2. central washington 1 06 1 02 1 3. Wisconsin-Parkside 99 1 4. Kearney State NE 97 1 5. Emporia State KS 90 1 6. Prairie View TX 1 7. Concordia NE 88 88 Dru ry MO 86 1 9. Midland Lutheran N E 85 20. St. Ambrose IA

Lindbo rg Earns Post With u .s. Rowi ng Association A part-time sum mer experi­ ence has tu rned i nto a fu l l-time job for former Lute rower and crew coach El ise Lindborg. Lindborg was recently named assistant international programs manager for the Un ited States Rowing Association, the govern­ ing body of crew in the Un ited States. She had previously been the m anager of the U . S . Wom­ en's Lig htweight Team d u r i ng the sum mer from 1 987-89. Lindbo rg's responsi b i l ities w i l l include coord i nating t h e USRA's summer developmental cam ps, overseei ng the USRA's th ree­ stage national team test i ng camps, and writing the associa­ tion's newsletter. Lindbo rg wi l l also be active with the USRA's six national training centers as wel l as coach­ ing and d i recting world cham pi­ o ns h i p tea ms. S h e w i l l a l so d i rect, i n pa rt, t h e US RA's involvement with the U .s. Olym­ pic Festi va l and The Goodwill Games. Lindborg is a 1 985 PLU gradu­ ate and fou r-year crew l etter winner. She took over the reins of the PLU crew program as its d irector as a PLU senior.

VOLLEYBALL - Coach M a rcene Sul livan's Lady Lutes now know what it takes . . . After struggling through 1 0, 1 0, and 1 1 -win seasons for th ree years, PLU made all the puzzle pieces fit i n last year's 2 3-1 7 campaign and a re ready in 1 989 to prove it wasn't a fl u ke . . . H itters Renee Parks and Greta Laufer can both put the ball on the floo r from up front . . . Soph Ki rsten Rue is a capabl � setter, while � rin Lee ":J i l l . be called upon for blocking . . . S u l l i van sa id more offenSive soph istica­ tion wi l l be em ployed in 1 989. MEN"S CROSS COUNTRY - It's hard to d u pl icate a best-ever season. It's even more d ifficult when you graduate half you r team, but that's the task that faces B rad Moo re's 1 989 off-road contingent as they lose six of their top ten runners from last year's squad that was eighth at nationals . . . Senior Ken Gard ner is the one top-six retu rnee, but will get su pport from returnees Kirk Helzer, Alan H err, Mike Lindaas, Marty Gibson, and Matt Knox . . . Pepperdine transfer Jeff Perry and Tim Borsheim will factor i nto the scheme of things right away. WOMEN"S SOCCER - It m ight be unfai r to expect back-to-back national championships, but if you're i nto wageri ng, bet the barn that PLU's success story will conti nue in 1 989 . . . Seven starters and 1 2 letter win ners fuel coach Colleen H acker's opt i m ism, i n c l u d i n g m i dfielders S h a r i Ri der, Karin G i l m e r and La u ra Dutt . . . Forward Wendy Johnson is PLU's top scorer back from last year (1 4 goals, 1 5 assists) and gets support from Ki rsten Brown . . . Sue Shinafelt and Mary Rink anchor the defense . . . Kate Wheeler and Linda Holland­ sworth a re both Quality keepers.

EN"S S0CC5R - The northwest's top col legiate scorer from last season, PLU's forward Brian Gardner ( 1 9 goals, 4 assists), w i l l leac coach J i m my Du nn's Lute booters in 1 989 . . . A variety of factors plucked seven retu rnees, but a sol i d - yet u ntested - corps of developmental players a re back and a blue-chip crop of fresh � an. . . . Senior Mike Caldwell and newcomer Vidar Plaszko head the m idfield troops, while Jim Tem ple anchors the defense . . . C h ris Steffy, who registered 1 0 shutouts last year, is a dandy keeper.

WOMEN"S CROSS COUNTRY - It's been a decade of domi nance at the d i strict, a rea a n d national levels for coach B rad Moore's harriers and the 1 989 season appears no different than the fi rst n i ne of the 1 980s . . . Defending NAIA champion PLU will be led by a pair of returning All-Americans, jun iors Kelly Edgerton and Gwen Hund ley, and a strong supporting cast . . . Also keep an eye on senior M a ry Lewis, sophs Shannon Smi ley and Deird re M u rnane, and j u nior Karen Tuvey . . . freshmen Casi M ontoya and twins Ki rstena and Gretchen Sm ith bolster Moore's 1 989 squad, along with Green R iver CC transfer Kelly Hewitt.

FOOTBALL - Armed with 44 lettermen and 1 5 retu rning starters, the Lutes wi l l gun for their fifth stra ight post-season a ppearance i n 1 989 . . . Incumbent OB C raig Kupp i s ready for a b i g year a n d w i l l look to ends M ile Welk o r John Gradwohl . . . OG Jon Edmonds anchors a fu lly-i ntact offensive l i ne . . . End Dan Wiersma is lone returnee on t.h e defensive front, w h i l e G u y Kovacs, R usty Ed l u nd and B ruce Sch m idt compose a solid linebacki ng corps . . . Brian Larson and M i ke Cheney return to lead a talented secondary (see related story).

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i Board Of Regents

Oct ber

Tacoma and Vicinity



lliomas R. Anderson Cynth i a Wilson Edwards B a rry Rogge Jane Ru ssel l

MaSquerades Exhibition by

seattle and Vicinity Fra n k R . Jenn i ngs (Vice Chairm a n) Anne Long Donald Mo rken John Oakley Gary Severson Christy N U l leland (Secretary)

1 2-1 4

western Washington


Petra Onella B runner Davi d S. Steen Ka ren M . V igel and

Eastern washington / Idaho


Ch risOne Larson eorge Wehmann Donald M . Wick Jan Wigen




Connye Hager Arth u r Peterson Wayne Saverud

Neif R. Bryant Ronald G rewenow Mjct.ael Foss

ot er


Jerold Annstrong, I l l i nois Robert How rd, Alaska WaUace McKi nney, Kansas Richard Mueller, M i ssouri Jon Ol s o n, Cal ifornia Jeff Probstfie ld, Marylan d William Ramstad. C l i fo r n i a •


Wi lliam O. Rieke, President, PLU SYnod BIShop s, ELCA R egio n 1 ; Robert � I>lIer EaINa/ldaho Lowell Knu·son , Northwest Wash. Donald Parsons , Al aska Paul Swanso n . Oregon Norman Wick Monta n a


David Wold,

U n i versity Gall e ry, P L U a n d Tacoma School District present Sahe/ian


South western Wash.

N igerian artist Bruce Onobrakpeya. Ingram H a l l . 9-4 weekdays, 1 -4 Sundays. Un iversity Theatre, Art h u r M i l ler's "Death o f a Sa lesman," Eastvo l d Aud. stage, 8 p.m. Ticket reservations; 5 3 5-7762. Concert, PLU Instrumental Jazz Ensembles, U n iv. Center, 8 p.m. free U n i versity Theatre, Arth u r M i l ler's " Death o f a Salesman," Eastvold Aud. stage, 2 p . m . Ti cket reservations: 5 3 5-7762. Concert, U n iversity Symphony Orchestra, d i rected by Seattle Youth Symphony conductor Ruben G u revich. Eastvold Aud . , 8 p . m . free National Issues Foru m , "The Envi ron ment at Risk," U n iv. Center, 7 p . m . Information: 5 3 5 -8 3 1 2 . free PLU Regency Concert Series, cam a s Q u i n tet (formerly Northwest Wind Q u i ntet), Univ. Center, S p. m . paid adm tssio n ASPLU Artist Series. An Even ing of Spoken Word & M usic with Ray Ma n za rak of The Doors and M ichael McCl ure, Eastvold .A. ud , 8 p.rn pa i d ad rrltsslon


(C h a i rma n )



Facu l ty. Ann elleh er, David Robbi ns, Sheri To n n Students Becky B reese, M a rya Gin grey Bria n Slate r Adm inistra tion Luther Bek e m eier, Lucille GiroUX, H a rvey Neufeld , S. E rv i ng Sev ertso n , Do n a l d S t u rg i l l (T reas u re r) , J obert W i l ls E LCA, Di v. of Ed . . J a mes u ngl aube

21 24

EditorIal Boa rd


Dr. William O. Rieke . . . . . . . . President Lucille G iroux . . . . . . Pres. Exec Assoc Walter Sh aw . . . . Dir. Alum n i Relations Dr. Martin J . Neeb . . . . . . . . Exec Ed itor James L. Peterson . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor M i ke Larson . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Kenneth D u n m ire . . . . P h otographer Paul Porter . . . . . . . . . . . , . Art Di recto r Janie Attridge . . . . . . . . . . Class N otes

Co n ce rt , vocal Jazz ensembles ' Par A ven u e), U n iv. Cen ter, 8 p m Al um n i D i n ner Danc e B icentenn i a l Pavilion , 6:30 p.m . Concerr,PLU Wind Ensemble,director Thomas O ' Neal conducts Fire works by P LU composer-in­ r eside nce Grego ry Yo u tz. Eastvold Aud., 8 p .rn. free Nationa l Issues Forum,"The Drug Crisis," U niv. Center,7 p . m . Information : 5 3 5·8 3 1 2 .


26 Q C l u b

Fellows banquet,Ra i n ier Cl ub, Seattle,reception 6 p.m . , d i n ner 7 p . m .



o ember 2




7 7-24




14 16


What's New with YO

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Please mail to Alumni Office (NAc), PLU, Tacoma, WA 98447

Concert,Russian pian ist N icko l a i Petrev,Pantages Centre,8 p . m . A l u m n i reception follows. paid admission. (see ad page 1 9) LEAGUE DAY

ASPLU Artist Series, U.s. Marine Band, p resented by ASPLU and Lakewood Chamber of Commerce. Fou r free tickets per household; send self-addressed, stamped envelope to M a rine Band Concert, ASPLU, PLU, Tacoma, WA 98447. Olson Aud . , 7 : 30 p . m . Concert, Northwest Jazz festival, featu ring reed p l ayer and si nger Don Shelton, Olson Aud., 8 p . m . paid admission ReCital, hornist Kathl een Vaught Farner and bass trombOnist Doug N ierman, assisted by p ia n ist Paul Olson. U niv. Center, 3 p . m . free SAPLU Lecture Se ries, acttvist Phy l l i S Sch l afly. Eastvold Aud. 8 p . m . paid adm i ssio n Recital, pianist Ca l vi n Knap p, Eastvold Aud., 8 pm . free U n i versi ty Gal lery, photos by Larry B u l l i s . Ingram Hai l . Opening reception, Nov. 7, 5-7 p . m . 94 weekdays, 1 4 Sundays. P U Regency Cancer­ Serres, Regency String Quartet. Unl v Center, 8 p_m . paid adm ission Beta Gamma S ig ma Ethics Fo rum , "Di verSity, " U n i v. Center Con cert, PLU Choral Uni on, "Mozart Magic," d i rected by Richard Spa rks. Eastvold Aud., 8 p . m . paid adm ission Concert, Ooera Workshop, U n i v. Center, 8 p . m . free National Issues Foru m, "The Day care Dilemma, U n iv. Center 7 p . m . Inform ation: 5 3 5·8 3 1 2 ASPLU Artist Series, one m a n show, Scott Keely, "Good n ight, M r. Poe," U n iv. Center, 8 p m . pa i d adm issi on U n i verstty Th eatre, world p rem i ere of PLU d ram a p rofessor William Pa rke r's "J ust As We Are," Eastvold Aud., 8 p . m . Ticket reservat ions, 5 3 5-7762. Conce rt, B eethoven's Ninth Symp hOn y, performed by PLU Choir of the West, U PS Adelph ian Concert ChO i r, Tacoma Symphony, and soloists Dianne M aki-Reed, M i ra Frohn mayer, Thomas Goleeke and M ichael Delos. Edward Seferian, conductor. Pantages Centre, 8 p . m . Ticketmaster, 272-68 1 7 .





Yule Boutique, the reg ion's o ldest holiday bazaar, Olson Aud., 9 a.m-5 p.m. 5 1 donatio n. U n iversity Theatre, world p remiere of PLU d ram a p rofessor W i l l i a m Pa rker's "Just As We Are," Eastvold Aud., :;> p . m . Ticket reservations, 5 3 5· 7762. Concert, U n i versitY Sym pho ny Orchestra, d i rected by Seattle Youth Symphony conductor Ruben G u revich. Eastvold Aud., 8 p . m . free Concert , University W i n d E nse m ble and Concert Band with trum pete r Richa rd Pressley, d i rected by Thom as O' Nea l Eastvold Aud., 8 D. m f ree

DeCember 2



6 7 8. 9


16 18

San kta Lucia, A Scandi navian C h r istmas Ce lebration, Eastvold Aud . , 8p.rn . Cancert, Ch nstmas Festiva l Celebration, Department of Music ensembles present John Rutters Gloria and other holiday favorites. E astvold A ud . , 4 p m , paid adm iSSion . (see page 1 01 University Gallery. 1 989 High School Invitational Art Exh ibitio n . Ingram Hall. Open i ng reception, Dec. 5, 5 ·7 p .m . 9-4 weekdays, 1 -4 Su n days. Concert, Elementary M usi c Festival. Eastvold A u d. . 7 p . m . free Concert, Composer's Fo rum, U n t v. Center, 8 p.m. Concert, Christmas Festival Celebration, Department of Music ensem bles p resent John Rutter's Gloria and other holiday favo rites. East vold Aud , 8 p . m . paid admission. (see page 1 0) Concert, Festival o f Lessons and Carols, U ni versity Si ngers di rected by Cathy Bleecker. U n iv. Center, 8 p . m . free M i d-yea r commencement 1 0 : 30 a . m . , Olson Aud . Festival of Lights, U n i v . Center, 9 : 3 0 p . m .

Vol. XX No. 1 October 1 989


Section I I


Table of Contents Prr:Mmt's MmtIIJ' Via Prr:Mmtfor Dm/opMmt


UPIfflnily HiehJights 1988/89



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President's Message On the following pages the annual chron­ icle of people and funds supporting Pacific Lutheran University during the 1988/89 year is presented. The president's message provides a special opportunity both to express gratitude to the ever growing number of individuals, firms, and organizations that assist the univer­ sity and to lift up those things which seem most significant as meriting such support during the year past. How grateful I truly am to the record number of people and groups for the largest ever gifts to Pacific Lutheran University during 1988/89! If one con­ siders only cash actually received (not including gift pledges, annuities, trusts or other deferred gifts), more than $5 million came to the university last year. To be sure, that sum represents contri­ butions from donors of aU types and given for every kind of purpose, but it reflects a magnificent milestone in the history of PLU. Most importantly, such gifts come from people who believe that the kind of education offered at PLU is worthy of support. This is certainly a most compelling reason to be grateful. Because of such strong support the university was able to continue to pursue and strengthen its commitment to quality education. For example, a record number of three (more than any other northwest college or university) Fulbright Scholars were named during the last year. In addition, PLU graduates attained top state or national honors in mathematics, engineering, accounting, journalism, athletics, and other fields. Also record setting was the fact that a PLU alumna (Elizabeth Pulliam, '85) became the first graduate to receive a Pulitzer Prize. To such singular accomplishments must be added the facts that credit hour produc­ tivity for the year topped all previous levels, and the number of baccalaureate and masters' degrees awarded came close to one thousand total. Certainly the support of investors produced great gain during 1988/89.

Investors need to know that, while the university became stronger, set new records, and was more productive last year, it also remained entirely faithful to its mission. It is of paramount importance to me that as the univer­ sity grows and advances, the connec­ tion to its heritage and the under­ standing of its central purpose are retained. For this reason I am especially gratified to report to those who have invested in PLU the past year that the mission of the university - as judged by those charged with the responsibility of assessing it is alive and well. Specifically, during 1988/89 the university underwent its decennial evaluation for institution wide re-affirmation of accreditation by the Commission on Colleges of the North­ west Association of Schools and Colleges. In addition to resulting in complete re-accreditation, this study provided the following comments by external evaluators on the university's sense of mission: ''Pacific Lutheran University is clear, consistent, and realistic in its state­ ment of mission and objectives. Efforts to make the institutional mission and objectives operative in the day-to-day life of the campus are evident and admirable." With the mission of PLU recognized and commended in this manner, I am greatly encouraged and emboldened for the future. Clearly the investments made serve a productive and meaningful purpose. Heartiest thanks to our investors for their great assistance and partnership in 1988/89.


Pliny the Younger, the Roman writer and statesman who lived from circa 62 to 113 A.D. was the first chtdJenge gift donor on record. At least so the story goes . . . 'CJ>iscwering that the children in his native town of Como had to go to school in Milan because Como had no teacherfor them, Pliny put up a third of the expenses of hiring an instructor, encouraging his felloW townsmen to raise the rest. "

This booklet is largely a listing of names. Names of persons, organizations and foundations who, like Pliny, have set the pace by their leadership. Because of these generous people many students were able to attend Pacific Lutheran University through scholarship awards; faculty and staff salaries were enhanced; special programs were made possible and building and grounds were improved.




This year, the last in PLU's first century, the University broke the $5 million mark in gifts received. Named in this Report to Investors, are individuals, churches, corporations, and foundations who con足 tributed an all-time record $5,1 34,891.32 during the 88/89 fiscal year. In addition to this gift figure PLU received grants and contracts totaling $572,595.61.

Because of the leadership and example of many alumni and friends, more donors than ever contributed to the Annual Fund. For example, a year ago there were 2642 alumni donors to the Annual Fund, this year 4197 alumni contributed. The increases have been more than just noteworthy - even something to celebrate. Gifts from all sources this year totaled 18% more than last year and 47% more than two years ago. And so we celebrate. We celebrate the leadership and example of friends and alumni. We celebrate . . . yesterday with our founders who gave us our roots . . . today with our regents, faculty, students and alumni who infuse us with life and vitality . . . tomorrow with the friends of the University who dare to make our dreams become a reality.

Summary of Contributions by Source Others













It is those friends and alumni who are shaping tomorrow. Through their leader足 ship and generosity, they have made the Sharing in Strength campaign, the first phase of a decade-long funding effort, a success. They will also now ensure the second phase of the centennial campaign, Shaping Tomorrow. The goal for the first half of the decade was $16,500, 000. It was over subscribed with $20,000, 000 coming through Sharing in Strength. Those funds built the Rieke Science Center, doubled the endowment, provided scholarships and completed many capital improvements on the campus. In the second half of this decade the Centennial Fund - Shaping Tomorrow, will build the Music/Fine Arts Center, double the endowment again, provide increased help to underwrite tuition and provide funds for other capital improve足 ments. The challenging goal for the current campaign is $30,000, 000.

It promises to be a centennial decade of $50,000,000 in gifts for the education of a new generation. A great host of people who believe in the value of Pacific Lutheran University and its mission will help us meet the challenge of this exciting century celebration. Sincerely,

Luther W. Bekemeier

Vice President for Development

Summary of Contributions by Source Alum ni Friends Business Foundation Churches Other

$721 ,203.94 $2,675,334.68 $356,056.57 $ 299,587.75 $ 41 6,956.32 $ 204,1 98.46 Gifts

Subtotal $4,673,337.72 Designated Scholarships $ 461 ,553.60 Grand Total

-$5,1 34,89 1 .32

Percentage of Total 1 5 .4% 57.2% 7.6% 6.4% 9.0% 4.4% 1 00%


University Highlights 1 988-89 June

Three PLU professors received Faculty Growth Awards from the Division for Education, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. They are Stewart Govig, religion; Ed Clausen, history; and Sharon Jansen Jaech, English. Photo AJ B, C


• The PLU Choir of the West returned from a two-week concert tour in England. Concerts were presented in London, Coventry, Oxford and Canterbury. The St. Alban's Church performance in Birmingham was digitally recorded for a cassette, "Passport," which became available in the fall. Photo D • A national championship in softball propelled PLU women to their first-ever title in the NAlA All Sports competition. Lute men equalled their best-ever finish with a ninth place ranking. Combined points from both women's and men's divisions ranked the PLU athletic program tops in the NAlA nationally.


PLU was one of 314 colleges and universities nationwide selected for inclusion in the 1988-89 edition of Peterson's competitive colleges. Listed schools represent approximately 10 percent of all American institutions of higher education. Criteria for inclusion are based on the level of achievement of entering freshman classes.

• Argentine theologian Jose Miguez­ Bonino was a featured speaker at PLU. The world-renowned religiOUS leader discussed the condition of the poor in developing and underdeveloped countries and the unrest that will result if their problems are not more effectively addressed. Photo E


An archaeological excava­ tion at the original site of Fort Nisqually, south of Tacoma, was conducted by students and volunteers under the supervision of PLU anthropology professor Judith Rasson. The dig, sponsored by PLU, was an endorsed state Centennial project. Photo F

• Tacoma is a city of the '90s, according to an opinion survey conducted by PLU psychology professor Christine Hansvick, who briefed Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber of Commerce and city officials on the results. Tacoma amenities remain a fairly well-kept secret, but residents who have discovered them give the city high marks.





7 September

PLU welcomed a record 715 freshmen; among them were 13 National Merit Scholars. Tenth day enrollment figures showed 3,099 full­ time students and 874 part-time students ( total: 3,973). Later fall enrollments pushed the total to 4,054.

• Three PLU professors were honored for teaching excellence under the Burlington Northern Foundation Faculty Achievement Awards program. Receiving $1,500 stipends were Chris Browning, history; Anne Hirsch, nursing; and Ann Kelleher, political science. The Founda­ tion also announced a second $13,500 grant to fund the program through 1991 . PhotoA, B, C • Eric Niles of Medical Lake, Wash., was awarded a National Achievement Scholar­ ship to attend PLU. The scholarship, awarded black students, is monitored by the National Merit Scholarship Program; less than one percent of applicants receive it. Photo D


The international head­ quarters of the Frank Russell Company in Tacoma celebrated its grand opening with a benefit for PLU. PLU international exchange students hosted the gala affair and PLU music ensembles entertained the crowd. The event netted over $25,000 for the university. Photo E


Dr. J. Robert Wills, 48, dean of the College of Fine Arts at the University of Texas-Austin, was named PLU's new provost, and was slated to assume his new duties July 17, 1989. At Texas, Wills also served as professor of drama and was holder of the Effie Marie Cain Regents Chair in the Fine Arts.

Photo G • Seventeen minority students received

scholarship grants from the Rainier Bank Minority Scholarship Fund. The scholar­ ships, ranging from $690 and $2,7SO, are awarded to students majoring in busi­ ness administration or economics.

• Jon KraL a senior biology-chemistry

major from Lacey, Wash., earned both top academic and athletic honors. He was the recipient of the 1 988 Allenmore Pre-Medical Scholarship, an annual $5,000 grant from the Allenmore Medical Foundation of Tacoma, and was named the Columbia Football League's Defensive Player of the Year. Photo H Judith Billings of Puyallup, Wash., a 1961 alumna, was elected Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction.


• The Ben B. Cheney Foundation of Tacoma presented a $1 00,000 leadership gift to PLU to help fund the planned PLU music building. It was the third time the foundation had given a major capital gift in recent years; others helped fund the Rieke Science Center and the Carlisle Dietrich Addition to Mortvedt Library. • Dr. Grace Holmes of Shawnee Mission, Kansas, a 1953 alumna and professor of preventive medicine and pediatrics at the University of Kansas Medical Center, received the PLU Distinguished Alumnus Award at the annual Homecoming Awards Dinner. Alumnus of the Year was Evelyn Frost '45 of East Lansing, Mich., a national church lay leader and former teacher. Rev. Philip Falk, 'SO, a Lutheran minister and editor of the Eastern Washington­ Idaho Synod insert in The Lutheran magazine, received a Heritage Award. Special awards were given to Beverly McRae '56 of Billings, Mont.; and Hazel Nesvig, Dr. Dale Hirz, Dr. Stanley Mueller, Dr. Wouter Bosch and Dr. Arthur Osolin, all of Tacoma. Photo F





PLU welcomed two Nobel Prize laureates to campus Dec. 3. Chemists Linus Pauling and Sir Derek Barton were on hand for the 1988 Pauling Award Symposium, sponsored by Northwest sections of the American Chemical Society. Photo A

• PLU Athletic Director Dr. David Olson was inducted into the NAIA Hall of Fame. The past president of the NAIA was said to "exemplify the highest ideals of intercollegiate athletics." Photo B B

• Championships won by the women's soccer and cross country teams brought to four the number of NAIA national titles earned by PLU athletic teams during the past 12 months. Earlier titles were won by the 1987 men's football and 1 988 women's softball teams. • Karen Gilmer of Tacoma was PLU's

1988 Lucia Bride. The daughter of alumni Thomas and Linda Gilmer, received her crown during the annual Sankta Lucia Festival Dec. 3.

• The PLU Choir of the West was featured in the CBS Cavalcade of Christmas Music. It was one of eight university choirs nationwide selected to participate in the series that aired for 10 days during the holiday season.



1anuary Paul Stolz, a partner at 1:�st & Wfiinney CPAs in Tacoma,

taught a January Interim course entitled "Telecommunications: Operations, Strategic Planning and Regulatory Issues." Stolz was honored as Dwight Judson Zulauf Alumni Chair Professor in the School of Business Administration during the 1988-89 academic year. Photo C

Dr. Dorothy Kellmer accepted an appointment as dean of the PLU School of Nursing. A professor at the Inter­ collegiate Center for Nursing Education in Spokane for 1 1 years, she assumed her new PLU duties March 1. She succeeded Dr. Moira Mansell, who held the post for six years prior to her retirement. Photo D

• PLU made an institutional financial

aid commitment of $50,000 toward scholarships for minority students. In addition, funds from an endowed (Rainier Bank) scholarship and the BERG scholarship fund are intended to encour­ age minority students to attend PLU. Federal funds for such scholarships have largely dried up.

• Warren R. Peterson of Tacoma, a part­ ner in the law firm Gordon, Thomas, Honeywell, Malanca, Peterson and Daheim, received a President's Award medal from PLU. He has served as legal counsel to the university for 19 years and was a member of the Board of Reg ents from 1971 -74. Photo E .

9 • More than 40 radio stations serving Washington state began airing 'Washing­ ton: Y u Are There," a series of 52 two­ minute dramatic vignettes that featured a modem reporter sent back in time to cover significan t events in the territory that became Wa hington state. The series was produced by I<PLU-FM news reporter Anne Martin and was funded in part by a grant from the Washington State Centennial Commission.


Gord n and Alice Kayser of M ilwaukie, Ore., became the donors of the largest endowment gift in PLU history. Their $4OO,OOO-plus gift, added to their other rece nt endowment gifts, created a scholarship fund in excess of a half million dollars. The scholarships will primarily assist nursing and engi­ neering students, but may be awarded to others as well.

• Patsy Sims, a freelance author from New Orleans, joined the faculty for the spring semester as 1989 Distinguished Writer-In-Residence. The author of Somebody Say Amen, other books and many arti les, taught two courses in the English department: Freelance Writing and Contemporary Literature. Photo A


An unusually rich lineup of lectures was available at PLU during the month. They included Jane Roe ( Roe v. Wade) attorney Sarah W ddington, farm workers advocate Cesar Chavez and Yale theologian Dr. Jaroslav Pelikan.

• Elizabeth Pulliam of Anch rage, Alaska, a 1985 alumna, was Pulitzer Prize winner - the first in the extended PLU family. The Centralia, Wash., native was one of a team of Anchorage Daily News reporters honored for meritorious public service for a series of articles on alcoholism and suicide among Alaska Indians and E kimos. Photo D • Chris Molyneax, a Vancouver, Wash., senior, ranked among the top seven percent of student mathematicians in the country in the Putn m Exams, an annual competition among students from the U.S. and Canada. He was one of only three state student s in the top 10 percent. C

• Amy Jo Mattheis of Lodi, Calif., a n d William "Boe" Woodbury o f Spokane were reCipients of the 1989 Don Jerke Leadership Award. The award is given annually in memory of the la t ampus pastor and vice-president for student life. It recognizes students who have made outstanding contributions to the quality of life at PLU. Photo B • Yolanda King, daughter of the late civil right leader Dr. Martin Luther King, lectured at PLU Feb. 15. Admonish­ ing more than 1,000 listeners, she said, 'We can't afford to sit back and hope someone will deliver us from evil. We must all roll up our sleeves and become involved (in peace and justice causes) in any way we can." Photo C




Two PLU seniors and a December 1988 alumna were recipients of Fulbright Scholarships. They were Grace Running of Camarillo, Calif.; Christian Lucky of Tacoma; and Janae Boyd of Nampa, Id. Their honors brought to 18 the number of Fulbright Scholarships awarded to students or recent alumni in the past 14 years. Photo A

• PLU President William Rieke was appointed to the Tacoma-Pierce County American Leadership Forum founding board of directors. Also on the 25member board are alumni George Davis '41, Jane Shanaman '77 and Daisy Stallworth '76, as well as Regent Jane Russell and fonner faculty member Erling Mork. • Dr. Rieke was also appointed to represent Washington's private colleges on the President's Forum on Teaching as a Profession, a new project funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The Forum will bring together public and private colleges to find ways to attract more students to the teaching profession and to "do a better job" of providing teacher education.


• At its April meeting, the Board of Regents honored two long-time regents, Paul Hoglund (since 1974) and Harry Morgan (since 1980). In other business, the board approved a consolidated budget of $47.7 million for the 1989-90 academic year. Photo B • Teaching and student research capabilities will be enhanced in the Chemistry Department by a Fournier Transfonn Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer. The department received a $78,250 grant from the National Science Foundation toward purchase of the equipment.




More than 1,300 people attended the May 7 dedication of the $550,000 Scandinavian Cultural Center. The Center has been a joint venture of the Scandinavian Cultural Council and the University. It occupies 6,700 square feet of space on the ground level of the University Center. Photo C (page 10), A

• Former Senator Daniel J. Evans (R­ Wash.) and renowned Iowa artist Keith Achepohl were recipients of honorary doctor's degrees during spring com­ mencement exercises. In addition, philosophy professor Curtis Huber was honored for 25 years of service, and education professor Marjorie Mathers was recognized upon her retirement.

. Pboto B, C • Jeffrey Soine of Seattle was the valedic­ torian of his graduating class at Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science in New York City, where he completed requirements for 3-2 dual bachelor of science degree from Columbia and PLU. Photo D • A seven-unit apartment complex was donated to PLU in exchange for a charit­ able remainder unitrust by Erwin and Alice Bolduan of Snohomish, Wash. They will receive income from the unitrust during their lifetime, after which pro­ ceeds will benefit PLU and their home church.



• Q Club set giving records for the 18th consecutive year. Totals reached $840,000, a 6.3% increase over 1987-88. The organi­ zation added 332 new members, a 12% increase. Total membership topped 1,775 for the first time. • For the second consecutive year the Lutes earned the unofficial NAIA national all-sports title. Women's teams placed first for the second consecutive year, men were 14th after a 9th place finish last year.

• Milton Nesvig, PLU vice-president emeritus, received the Distingished Alumnus Award from 5t. Olaf College in Northfield, Minn., May 27. The 1937 St Olaf alumnus who served at PLU for nearly four decades was honored for "significant contributions to higher education, the church and humanity."



TheAnnual Fund Gifts to the University' s Annual Fund provide vital support to every area of the instit tion. Scholarships, fac ulty salaries, library resources, and facilities maintenance represent some f the more significant areas where Annual Fund gifts are put to use. This support provides the "margin of excellence" that helps set Paci.£ic Lutheran University apart. Taken together with other income sources, Annual Fund gifts subsidize the cost of education by approxi ­ mately $600 a year for each student who attends the University. The positi ve impact of Annual Fund support is felt by students in three key areas:


Gifts to the Annual Fund provide scholarships to help attract and retain top notch students. Seven out of ten PLU students both eed and receive financial assistance.

Outstanding Faculty

A strong Annual Fund helps assure tha t faculty salaries remain competi­ tive. PLU has been fo rtunate to attract and retain highly qualified fac ulty who are dedicated to teaching.

Library Resources

Nearly $600,000 was spent last year to keep the Mortvedt Li b rary collection abreast of growing curriculum and research demands. Annual Fund gifts play a key role here as well .

As a consequence of strong Annual Fund support, the University is able to strengthen its academic programs, enhance scholarships and financial aid, and operate with a balanced budget. While many of the gifts to the Annual Fund are mall, as the llumber of th�se gifts increase , the part icipation of many alumni and friends makes a positive impression on other potential supporters of the University. But small gifts alone cannot d the job. The University has encouraged a tradi ­ tion of substantial giving through a special donor organization k nown as the PLU Q Club. Donors qualify for member­ ship when their u nrestricted a nd/or scholarship gifts to the Annual Fund reach $240 or more per year.

The PLU Q Club The Q Club was started in 1 972 to thank friends and alumni of Pacific Lutheran University who gave vitally needed unrestricted gifts to the, University's Annual Fund. These gifts help secure PLU's commitment to Quality education. The "Q" stands for quality. Q Club gifts - help underwrite the cost of education for each student - provide scholarships and financial aid to needy students - allow the UniverSity to maintain a balanced budget without sacrificing quality. To help accomplish these goals, members commit themselves to a specific amount of support each year. There are four primary giving levels: Member $240/year Associate Fellow $480/year Fellow $l,OOO/year Senior Fellow $2,4oo/year

$20/month $40/month $84/month $200/ month

NOTE: Alumni and friends age 26 and under may join the Q Club as Junior Members for $120/year or $lO/month.

The Q Club began with 100 members who contributed $51,000 in 1 972. Today, there are over 1775 members who gave over $840,000 to the University during the past fiscal year.


The following pages list the names of alumni, friends, businesses, foundations and churches who have supported the Annual Fund at Pacific Lutheran Univer足 sity during the past fiscal year, June 1, 1988 through May 31, 1 989

Annual Fund Gifts (Unrestricted) Foundations




Direct Mail


Unsolicited Gift

Corporate Match


By Funding Method

By Source

Alumni and Friends Q Club Senior Fellows

$2,400 or more a year Anonymous (2)

Mr. John D. Aakre

Dr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. B. Eldon Anderson Mr. & Mrs. John N. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. R. ary Baughn Rev. & Mrs. Luther W. Bekemeier Mr. & Mrs. David L. Berntsen

Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Blandau

Mr. & Mrs. George L. Davis Jr.

Mrs. Evelyn Egtvedt Mr. & Mrs. Roger F. Gebhard

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Gintz Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence F. Green Dr. Ronald D. Grewenow Mr. & Mrs. Chris L. Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Roe H: Hatlen Miss Karen S. Hille Dr. & Mrs. Dale Hirz

g Gifts

Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Hoglund Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hyde

Mr. & Mrs. J. Reynold Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Frank Jennings Mrs. Ruby Knutzen Mr. & Mrs. Victor F. Knutzen

Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Morken Dr. & Mrs. Donald H. Mott

Rev. & Mrs. Richard E. Mueller Rev. Mackenzie Murray Dr. Larry W. Neeb Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Nelson Rev. & Mrs. Harvey Neufeld

Dr. & Mrs. John C. Oakley

Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Ohlson

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Peterson Dr. & Mrs. William O. Rieke Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lee Ritter Mr. L. Jerald Sheffels Dr. Christy N. Ulleland Dr. & Dr. George Vigeland Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Peter c.c. Wang Mr. & Mrs. C. Davis Weyerhaeuser Mr. Elmer J. White

Q Club Fellows $1,000 or more a year Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Adams

Capt. & Mrs. David Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. Bernard E. Anderson Mr. Charles Anderson Miss Dorothy I. Anderson Mr. Semon A Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Anderson

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Aus Dr. & Mrs. Elbert H. Baker II Mr. & Mrs. David R. Bangsund Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. Berg Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A. Black

Mr. & Mrs. Marvin O. Bolland Rev. Norma Jeanne Borgford Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Brown Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bustad Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Canton Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Carlson Dr. Davis W. Carvey

Mr. & Mrs. David O. Christian


((Ourgoal is to produa competmt, «mfoient, reflutive individuals who can innovate) who are kmrwledgeable about the social and natural world, and who are committed to serving humRnity. » Dr. Janet Rasmussen, dean of rhe Division of Hum�nities.

Q QNb FeIkntPs CtmIinWll Dr. &: Mrs. Ken E Christopherson Mr. &: Mrs. Donald E. Cornell Mr. &: Mrs. Val Danielson Mr. &: Mrs. Michael Dederer Dr. &: Mrs. Darryl D. Dettmann Mr. &: Mrs. Jerome F. Donahe Mr. &: Mrs. Ronald E. Douglass Mrs. Harriet Edlund Mr. &: Mrs. F. Talmage Edman Mr. &: Dr. Terry W. Edwards Mr. David E. Ericksen Mr. &: Mrs. Gerald P. Faaren Mr. &: Mrs. James R. Feek Mr. &: Mrs. George F. Fisher Mr. &: Mrs. David M. Fisher Jr. Mr. &: Mrs. Jerry Flodin Mr. &: Mrs. George Gallaway Mr. &: Mrs. H. Warren Ghormley Mr. &: Mrs. Lorin Ginther Mrs. Lucille G. Giroux Mr. &: Mrs. Douglas A. Gonyea Mr. &: Mrs. Lyle Greer Dr. &: Mrs. David A. Haaland Mr. &: Mrs. Gary L. Habedank Mr. &: Mrs. Elling Halvorson Mr. &: Mrs. Dave Hamry Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur H. Hansen Mr. &: Mrs. David Hansen Mr. &: Mrs. Richard D. Hansen Mr. &: Mrs. Marv K. Harshman Dr. &: Mrs. David T. Hellyer Dr. &: Mrs. John O. Herzog Dr. &: Mrs. John W. Heussman Mr. &: Mrs. Richard N. Hildahl Mr. &: Mrs. Donald N. Hoffman Mr. &: Mrs. Ernest I. Hopp Mr. &: Mrs. Curtis A. Hovland Mr. &: Mrs. H. Marc Howell Mr. &: Mrs. Glen A. Huffman Mr. &: Mrs. Ken Hultgren Mr. &: Mrs. James M. Hushagen Mr. &: Mrs. William B. Hyde Mr. &: Mrs. Galven !rby Mr. &: Mrs. John M. Johnson Sen. &: Mrs. Stanley C Johnson Mr. &: Mrs. Victor Paul Johnson Mr. &: Mrs. Phillip G. Kayser Mr. &: Mrs. Bruce R Kennedy Mr. &: Mrs. James L. Kittilsby Dr. &: Mrs. Richard H. Klein Mr. &: Mrs. Ron Knutzen Mr. &: Mrs. William M. Koll Mr. &: Mrs. Clifford M. Korsmo Mr. &: Mrs. William Krippaehne Jr. Dr. &: Mrs. Jon H. Kvinsland Mr. George Lagerquist Mr. &: Mrs. Allen Larson Rev. &: Mrs. Edgar M.T. Larson Mr. Edgar R. Larson Rev. &: Mrs. Orlando A. Lee Mr. &: Mrs. Arne T. Lervick Mr. &: Mrs. Paul B. Liebelt Mr. &: Mrs. Elmer C. Lindahl Dr. Axel Lindstrom Rev. &: Mrs. Ronald D. Martinson Mr. &: Mrs. Eldred E. Matson Mr. &: Mrs. Michael A. Mc Kean Mr. &: Mrs. AI J. Meier Capt. &: Mrs. Gary M. Mitchell Dr. &: Mrs. Richard Moe Dr. &: Mrs. Armin Mohr Mr. &: Mrs. Harry E. Morgan Jr. Mrs. Cletus Morken Mr. &: Mrs. Richard T. Moseley Ms. Elizabeth M. Murphy Mr. &: Mrs. Scott Names Dr. &: Mrs. Martin J. Neeb Dr. &: Mrs. Burton Nesset

Rev. &: Mrs. Milton L. Nesvig Mr. &: Mrs. Richard D. Newell Mr. &: Mrs. Herbert H. Nienstedt Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A. Nistad Mr. &: Mrs. Leif B. Oksenvaag Mr. &: Mrs. Clifford O. Olson Mr. &: Mrs. Jon B. Olson Mr. &: Mrs. Leonard Omdal Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene o. Pearson Mr. &: Mrs. John N. Pederson Mr. &: Mrs. Albert W. Perry Mr. &: Mrs. Warren R. Peterson Rev. &: Mrs. Philip E. Petrasek Mr. &: Mrs. Paul E. Pflueger Mr. &: Mrs. James B. Phillips Ms. Helen M. Pohlig Mrs. Nora J. Ponder Dr. &: Mrs. Jeffrey Probstfield Mrs. Carol Ann Quigg Dr. &: Mrs. William K. Ramstad Mr. &: Mrs. Edward B. Rasmuson Mr. &: Mrs. William R. Rea Mr. &: Mrs. Loyd Reels Mr. &: Mrs. R. Ted Reep Sr. Mr. &: Mrs. H.H. Rieke Mr. &: Mrs. Jeffrey L. Rippey Mr. &: Mrs. Clayton E. Royce Admr. &: Mrs. James S. Russell Mr. &: Mrs. George F. Russell Jr. Mr. &: Mrs. Cliff Scarbo Dr. &: Mrs. John A. Schiller Mr. &: Mrs. Gerald E. Schimke Miss Eunice L. Schleicher Mrs. Dorothy H. Schnaible Dr. &: Mrs. M. Roy Schwarz Mr. &: Mrs. VA Schwarz Dr. &: Mrs. Walter D. Schwindt Dr. &: Mrs. S. Erving Severtson Mrs. Lydia Sheffels Mrs. Evalena L. Smick Mr. &: Mrs. Jeffry H. Smith Dr. &: Mrs. Frank M. Spear Mr. &: Mrs. Leroy E. Spitzer Mr. &: Mrs. Frank W. Stark Jr. Dr. &: Mrs. David W. Staub Dr. &: Mrs. Donald E. Strand ness Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth W. Stroad Mr. &: Mrs. Samuel N. Stroum Mr. &: Mrs. Donald A. Sturgill Mr. &: Mrs. George H. Sturgill Mr. &: Mrs. Dean R. Suess Mr. &: Mrs. Bruce Sutherland Dr. &: Mrs. Mark A. Swanson Rev. &: Mrs. Ronald W. Tellefson Miss Gertrude B. Tingelstad Mr. &: Mrs. Marvin S. Tommervik Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth D. Topel Mr. &: Mrs. Tracy N. Totten Mrs. Alma Treede Mrs. Lilly Ulleland Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Van Antwerp Mr. &: Mrs. Henry Van Baalen Mr. &: Mrs. M. James Van Beek Dr. &: Mrs. Roy H. Virak Dr. &: Mrs. George A. Wade Maj. David S. Waggoner Mr. &: Mrs. George Wehmann Mr. &: Mrs. Leonard C. Wesson Mr. &: Mrs. Donald M. Wick Mr. &: Mrs. Harry L. Wicks Mr. &: Mrs. Richard E. Wiesner Ms. Janet Wigen Dr. &: Mrs. Philip E. Wigen Mrs. Mabel M. Wing Dr &: Mrs. David Wishart Dr. &: Mrs. David C. Wold Mr. David C. Yagow Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A Yost

Q Club Associate Fellows $480 or more a year

Mr. &: Mrs. Robert P. Adeline Rev. &: Mrs. John W. Adix Mr. &: Mrs. Marshall H. Alworth III Mr. &: Mrs. Neal W. Amend Mr. Roy E. Anderson Dr. &: Mrs.George Arbaugh Mrs. Johanna B. Askegaard Mr. &: Mrs. Eldon L. Barton Dr. &: Mrs. David L. Be Miller Rev. &: Mrs. Donald M. Beake Mr. &: Mrs. R. Gerald Benson Dr. &: Mrs. Paul Benton Mr. Ronald S. Berg Rev. &: Mrs. Dwight J. Boe Mr. &: Mrs. Phillip A Boshaw Mr. &: Mrs. George F. Brammer Mr. &: Mrs. Jake Breimer Mr. &: Mrs. Erhardt Buchfinck Mr. &: Mrs. Maurice Burchfield Mrs. Audrey A. Call Mr. &: Mrs. Glenn A. Campbell Ms. Mary R Carlson Captain &: Mrs. Paul E. Carlson Mrs. Phyllis Carlson Dr. Judith I. Carr Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas J. Case Mrs. Ruth E. Chandler Mr. Darwin E. Christensen Mr. &: Mrs. Leslie Christensen Miss Ruth A Christian Mr. &: Mrs. Howard V. Christianson Mr. &: Mrs. John M. Collins Mr. &: Mrs. Donald A. Cornell Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas L. Crosier Mr. &: Mrs. Charles W. Curtis Mr. &: Mrs. Ray Damis Mr. &: Mrs. Cecil F. Dammen Dr. &: Mrs. Earl F. Ecklund Jr. Mr. &: Mrs. John A. Edlund Dr. &: Mrs. Jack J. Erickson Mr. Richard M. Fatland Mr. &: Mrs. Luther C. Fendler Dr. &: Mrs. William H. Foege Mr. &: Mrs. Carl F. Frost Csm. &: Mrs. John J. Furey Mr. Daniel C. Gard Dr. Ralph D. Gehrke Mr. Walter E. Gertz Dr. &: Mrs. Herbert E. Glick Mr. &: Mrs. Glen O. Graham Mrs. C. A. Grahn Mr. &: Mrs. Ronald V. Gratias Mr. &: Mrs. Halvor Gregersen Dr. &: Mrs. Robert Gutmann Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas O. Hager Mrs. Frank Haley Mr. &: Mrs. Michael R. Hallman Mr. &: Mrs. Milton D. Halvorsen Mr. &: Mrs. Jack R. Hamilton Mr. &: Mrs. Gary C. Hanson Mr. &: Mrs. William R. Herivel Mr. Loren H. Hildebrand Dr. &: Mrs. Wayne L. Hill Mr. &: Mrs. Duane F. Hoffmann Mr. &: Mrs. Daniel D. Horsfall Ltc. &: Mrs. Dennis D. Howard Mr. &: Mrs. Edwin R. Jackson Dr. &: Mrs. John D. Jacobson Mr. &: Mrs. Lyle J. Jacobson Mr. &: Mrs. John Jenkinson Mr. &: Mrs. Clifford O. Johnson Mr. &: Mrs. Dean A Johnson Mrs. Frances M. Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. James E. Johnson Mrs. Linka K. Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Allan E. Juhl Mr. Elwin J. Kendall Mr. & Mrs. David R. Knutson Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert P. Koch Dr. & Mrs. Donald J. Krantz Mr. & Mrs. Stener R. Kvinsland Mr. & Mrs. O. Eldon Kyllo Mr. & Mrs. Duane Lansverk Miss Christine A. Larson

Mr. & Mrs. Howard N. Larson Mr. Robert E. Larson Mrs. Lucille S. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Roger 0 Lervick Mr. & Mrs. Ty Long


& Mrs. Bruce E. Ludemar.

Dr. D. Moira Mansell

Mr. Matthew R. Matson . Mr & Mrs. Mark A. Mc Dougall Mr & Mrs. John M. Mc Laughlin Miss Cynthia Ann Michael Rev. & Mrs. John H. Moody Capt Patricia J. Moris


& Mrs. George Morken Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Morris Dr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Motteler Rev. & Mrs. Ewald H. Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Myking Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nelson Mr. & Mrs. John C. Neu Mr.

Mrs June Newnham

Mr. '& Mrs. George W. Nowadnick

& Mrs. Norman L. Orth & Mrs. Arthur Ozolin Mr. & Mrs. Walter V. Partel Rev.


Dr. Kenneth L. Pate Dr. & Mrs. John E. Petersen

& Mrs. Delmar Pieper Mr. & Mrs. Gerry J. Pittenger Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Reiman Rev. & Mrs. Robert V. Rieke Mr.

Mr. Armand Riveness Dr. & Mrs. Alan H. Rowberg

Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. James M. Rowland & Mrs H. Wilton Samuelson & Mrs. Delbert C. Schafer .

Miss Beatrice L. Scheele Mrs. Gertrude Scheele

Mrs. Eda K. Scheuerman Mr. David J. Schnur

& Mrs. Lorance O. Schoenberg Mr. & Mrs Carl M. Searcy Jr. Dr. & Mrs. F. Thomas Sepic Mr. & Mrs. Gary Severson Rev.


Mr. Marvin S. Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Shaw Mr.


Mrs. Forrest C. Soth

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Spere Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Spurrell Mr. & Mrs. Sid Staswick Rev. & Mrs. David S. Steen Dr. & Mrs. Robert Stivers Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Stolpe Mrs. Engelena M Stuhlmiller

Dr. & Mrs. Vernon Sture Mr. Roy G. Surbeck Mrs. Evelyn L. Svendsen Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Thomas Mr. Loren W. Thorson Lt. & Mrs. Jon B. Tigges Mr. & Mrs. Earl Tilly Dr. & Mrs. Ray Tobiason Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Edward B. Todd Miss Evelyn S. Torvend Mr. Wilfred E. Utzinger Dr. & Mrs. David B. Wak e Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Ward Mr. Sivert M. Wedeberg Mrs. Lila Wendlandt


& Mrs. Roger R. Westberg

Dr. & Mrs. John Whitmer Dr. & Mrs. H. Bruce Willis Jr.

& Mrs. James S. Willis Jr. & Mrs. Donald G. Wiltse Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wood Rev. & Mrs. Roland G. Wuest



Mrs. Ethel Yoakum Mr. & Mrs. Winston K. Zee


& Mrs.

Dwight J. Zulauf

Q Club Members

$240 or more a year Dr. & Mrs. James w. Aageson Rev. & Mrs. Arne O. Aakre Ms. Linda Aakre Mr. & Mrs. Odven J. Aakre Mrs. Betty Aalbue Dr. & Mrs. Harry Adams Mr. James Adams Dr. Arlis M. Adolf Mr. Rolf J. Agather


& Mrs. Eugene L. Ahrendt

Dr. Angelia G. Alexander

Mr. Bruce R. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie R. Alford Mr. & Mrs. Larry Allen

Mr. & Mrs. J. Elmer Alskog Dr. John R. Amend

& Mrs. Bruce M. Amy Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Andersen Rev. & Mrs. Arnold F. Anderson Dr.

Dr. & Mrs. Arthur D. Anderson

Mr. Brian D. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Burritt Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Don L. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Duane Anderson Mr.

& &

Mrs. Gustaf Anderson

Mr. Mrs. Gustaf C. Anderson Mrs. Helen Anderson

Mr. Howard Anderson Mr. & Mrs. J. Douglas Anderson Mr. & Mrs. John S. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. John S. Anderson Mr. Semon Anderson

& Mrs. Robert J. Andrew & Mrs. Kenneth D. Anenson Mr. & Mrs. Larry Ankrum Dr. & Mrs. Herman R. Ansingh Dr.


Ms. Debra L. Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. John A. Arne Mr. & Mrs. Terrance D. Arnold Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Ash Ms. Jo Anne Ashley


& Mrs. Nelson Atkin I I

Dr. & Mrs. David Atkinson Ms. Williena M. Ausherman Mr. Robert H. Aust Mr. Martin F. Babbitt Mr. & Mrs. John R. Backman Mrs. Audrey L. Bahr Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Baier

Mr. & Mrs. Fredric D. Bailey Mr. Herbert Bain Mr. Brant J. Baker Ms. Janice C. Barker Mr. & Mrs. Thad Barnowe Mr. & Mrs Kurt R. Barthel Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Baskett Mr. & Mrs. Berl Bass

Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Batalden Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Batker Rev. & Mrs. W.H. Battermann Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Baty

Mr. & Dr. Jerald A. Baughman Mr. & Mrs. James A. Baurichter Mr. Todd G. Baxter


& Mrs. William E. Baxter

Rev. Jon M. Beake

& Mrs. George M. Beard & Mrs. Robert E. Beatty & Mrs. Dwight Beckmeyer & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Bedingfield Mr. & Mrs. James O. Bendickson



Mr. Mr. Mr.

Mr. Omar J. Bendikas Mr. & Mrs. James E. Benedict Dr. & Mrs. Steven Benham

Dr. Dr. Dr.

& Mrs. Shirley Benham, J r & Mrs. Carl A. Bennett & Mrs. John A. Bennett

Mr. Mr.

& Ms. Ronald Clark Benton & Mrs. Duane Berentson & Mrs. David L. Berg

Mrs. Edith M Benson Mr. & Mrs. Dale E. Benson


Mr. Edward M. Berg Mr. George Berg Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Berg

& Mrs. John A. Berglund & Mrs. Howard Bergum & Mrs. Edward H. Berndt Dr. & Mrs. Gary E. Berner Mr. & Mrs. Henry Berntsen Mr. & Mrs. Rodney A. Berntsen Mr. & Mrs. Newton R. Betts Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Bierwagen Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Billings Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Bills Dr. & Mrs. James M. Bingham Mr.

Mr. Mr.

Miss Annabelle M.E. Birkestol Miss Grace D.M. Birkestol Mr. & Mrs. Bruce T. Bjerke Dr. & Mrs. John L. Bjorkstam Mr. & Mrs. David L. Bjornson Mr. & Mrs. S.K. Blackwood Mr. George D. Blair Miss Grace E. Blomquist Mr.


& Mrs. David M. Bluhm & Mrs. Randolph Bohannon

Mr. & Mrs. Morris Bohman

& Mrs. Louis Bonaldi & Mrs. Ronald J. Boomer & Mrs. Melvin Boone Dr. & Mrs. David B. Bork Dr. & Mrs. Wouter J. Bosch Dr. & Mrs. A. Blake Bostrom Dr. & Mrs. Edward Bowman Mr. & Mrs. Rodrick Boyd Mr. & Mrs. David Boze Dr.

Mr. Mr.

Dr. & Mrs. Halvor J. Braafladt


& Mrs. Vance Brandt

Mr. & Mrs. John Edward Brannfors Mr. & Mrs. J. Arnold Bricker Rev. & Mrs. John L. Briehl Mr. & Mrs. David A. Bright Mr. Terry L. Brink

Dr. & Mrs. James E. Brink Dr. & Mrs. William A. Brochtrup

Rev. & Mrs. Frank J. Brocker Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Brog Mr. & Mrs. William W. Brokaw Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Bromley

& Mrs John Brommer & Mrs. Alan D. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Terrance R. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Brunner



Mrs. Petra Onella Brunner Mr. Jehu Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Neil R. Bryant

Mr. David Bublitz Mr. Michael P. Bundick

Mr. Dale E. Bundrant Mr. & Mrs. Bulend M. Burad Mr. & Mrs. Heinz Buseman Mr. & Mrs. L. Scott Buser Mr. & Mrs. Lyman F. Bush Dr. & Mrs. Leo K. Bustad

Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bustad Jr.

'People often say that college is what you ma.Ite ofitfor yourself. PLU prwides a context where that sta.temmt becomes quite meaningful. It allows and encourages studmts to tlnelop themselns in every RSpÂŤt of their lives. JJ David Koth


Spokane, WA


Q Club Members QmrifJWIl

'PLu is unique because of the freedom it



.freedom that

is possible andgrowth

prodtlCing. The atmos足 phere is stimulating, yet caring. I dlJ1J't know of II beun- way to prepare ftW the rtsJmMibilities that lie ahead of us. " Boc Woodbury '88,

Spokane:, WA

Dr. Howard Byerly Mr. & Mrs. Rick Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cannon Mr. & Mrs. G. James Capelli Mr. & Mrs. A Mark Carlson Mr. & Mrs. David Q. Carlson Dr. & Mrs. John T. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Owen W. Carlson Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Oscar Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Carlson Mr. Thomas O. Carlson Dr. & Mrs. Donald A Carlyle Dr. & Mrs. Robert A Carmichael Mrs. May M. CarreD Mr. & Mrs. Richard Carstensen Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Casteel Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Caulkins Dr. & Mrs. Wing Leung Chan Mr. Craig D. Chance Dr. & Mrs. David L. Chance Mr. & Mrs. James K. Charlston Mr. & Mrs. Gary A Chase Mr. Michael J. Chase Jr. Dr. Mark S. Chesnutt Mr. Melvin Chinn Mr. & Mrs. David A. Christensen Dr. & Mrs. Russ J. Christensen Miss Rhoda G. Christian Mr. & Mrs. B. Rod Christiansen Rev. & Mrs. C. Christofferson Ltc. & Mrs. Robert H. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd M. Cleven Mr. Mrs. Timothy C. Cling Mr. & Mrs. Gail Clowers Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Coen Mr. Daniel P. Coffey Mrs. Alene L. Coglizer Mr. & Mrs. Kendall W. Colburn Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Colburn Miss Leslie D. Collar Rev. & Mrs. Ernest W. Collard Dr. Catherine Ann Collins Mr. & Mrs. Carl Coltom Mr. & Mrs. Don Coltom Mr. & Mrs. David R. Coltom Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Coltom Dr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Eugene R. Cook Maj. & Mrs. James R. Cook Mr. John E. Cook Mr. & Mrs. John M. Cooley Mr. & Mrs. Randy Coplen Mrs. Carol Ann Cornehl Ms. Miriam L. Cowan Ms. Sally J. Cowan Mrs. Irene O. Creso Prof & Mrs. Lawrence D. Cress Col. & Mrs. William M. Crooks Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Crosby Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Cubbage Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Cudahy Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Warren J. Daheim Prof David P. Dahl Mr. J. Stanley Dahl Mr. & Mrs. Leif O. Dahl Miss Grace Dahlroth Mr. Jonathan H. Dahlstrom Mr. & Mrs. Steven B. Dalgleish Mr. & Mrs. Ray Dally Mr. & Mrs. J.E. Danielson Mr. & Mrs. Dale F. Dann Rev. & Mrs. Daryl D. Daugs Mr. & Ms. David L. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Davis Ms. Sammie L. Davis Dr. Leland B. Dawson Mr. James N. Degan

Mrs. Marie Degroot Mr. Howard F. Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. Lewis E. Dibble Dr. Lloyd A Dillingham Mr. & Mrs. Russell F. Dion Dr. & Mrs. John Doelle Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A Doggett Mr. & Mrs. David E. Dorothy Mr. & Mrs. Edwin E. Dorothy Dr. & Mrs. Donald G. Douglas Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Douglas Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Douglass Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Dowell Mr. & Mrs. Scott D. Draeger Rev. & Mrs. Robert E. Drewes Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Drewes Miss Diane M. Drugge Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Dunmire Mr. & Mrs. Jerry J. Dykstra Dr. John T. Dykstra Mr. & Mrs. Frederick E. Eastman Mr. Earl E. Eckstrom Mr. & Mrs. Rowden Edland Mr. & Mrs. Larry Edlund Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Edmonds Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Edwins Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence C. Eggan Mr. Richard A Ehlinger Dr. & Mrs. Jack Eichhorst Capt & Mrs. W. Larry Eichler Dr. & Mrs. Christen E. Eidal Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Eide Mr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Eklund Mr. & Mrs. Iver B. Eliason Mr. & Mrs. Leo E. Eliason Rev. & Mrs. Arthur E. Ellickson Ms. Margaret R. Ellickson Mr. & Mrs. John Ellingboe Mr. Robert S. Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G.R. Ely Miss Joyce M. Emilson Rev. & Mrs. John M. Ericksen Ms. Karin E. Ericson Dr. & Mrs. Mayo H. Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Leigh D. Erie Rev. & Mrs. Daniel Erlander Mrs . Loleta Espeseth Dr. Charles O. Evans Mr. & Ms. Gerald Evanson Mr. Glenn L. Evanson Mrs. Anna M. Evers Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Ewing Mrs. Clara Fair Rev. & Mrs. Philip L. Falk Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fallstrom Dr. Donald R. Farmer Mr. & Mrs. Carl G. Faulk Mr. & Mrs. Einar P. Fauske Mr. & Mrs. Frank Fe\cyn Mr. & Mrs. John B. Ferri Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Ficken Mr. Kip W. Fillmore Rev. Richard D. Finch Mr. & Mrs. Alvin D. Fink Mr. & Mrs. Reuben Fink Rev. & Mrs. John N. Finstuen Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Flamoe Dr. M. Josephine Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. George Flink Rev. William A Foege Dr. Lynn M. Foerster Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fogde Mr. Keith E. Folsom Dr. & Mrs. Michael S. Ford Mr. W. Stanley Ford Dr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Forester

Dr. Norman O. Forness Rev. & Mrs. Michael W. Foss Mr. & Mrs. Melvin S. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Foster Mr. Richard E. Foth Miss Kathleen M. Franco Mr. & Mrs. James P. Fredricksen Mrs. Hanna Fredrickson Dr. & Mrs. Marvin D. Fredrickson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lee Freed Dr. & Mrs. James H. Freisheim Mr. Gregory R. Freitag Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. French Rev. & Mrs. Edward C. Fritschel Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Fuchs Mr. James A Funfar Mr. & Mrs. Roland D. Funk Mr. & Mrs. Carl T. Fynboe Mr. & Mrs. Marlin J. Gabbert Leo/Katherine Gallagher Trust Rev. & Mrs. Grant G. Gard Ms. Cecelia A Gardlin Sister Frieda Gatzke Mr. & Mrs. Bill Gazecki Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Gee Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Geldaker Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Gelman Mrs. Frida T. Gerla Mr. David P. Gerry Rev. & Mrs. Albert F. Gerstmann Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Gerstmann Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Gesinger Dr. & Mrs. George Ghosn Dr. & Mrs. William P. Giddings Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Gilbertson Mr. David E. Giles Mr. & Mrs. Arthur N. Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Gingrich Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas A Glaser Mr. Tom L. Glasgow Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Goleeke Mr. Robert Gomulkiewicz Miss Fern Gough Dr. & Mrs. Stewart D. Govig Mr. & Mrs. M. Bruce Graham Dr. Robert C. Gramann Mrs. Otis J. Grande Mr. & Mrs. Karl G. Granlund Mr. & Mrs. R. Gene Grant Mr. & Mrs. David Gray Mr. & Mrs. Donald Gray Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Gray . Dr. & Mrs. William Greenwood Mr. & Mrs. Guttorm Gregersen Mr. & Mrs. Jack Grier Rev. Karl AE. Gronberg Rev. & Mrs. Martin R. Gulhaugen Dr. & Dr. Thomas F. Gumprecht Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gundersen Mr. William F. Gunkel Mr. & Mrs .. Glenn O. Gustavson Mr. Jose Gutierrez Mr. & Mrs. David E. Gutzler Mrs. Nina N. Haagen Mr. & Mrs. George R. Haakons Dr. & Mrs. James A Haaland Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hackett Mrs. Eva L. Hagen Miss Lauralee Hagen Dr. & Mrs. Norman Hagen Mr. & Mrs. W.L. Hagen Mr. & Mrs. T. Olai Hageness Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Hagerty Jr. Mr. Victor E. Haglund Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hajek Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Hall Mr. & Mrs. L.O. Hall


& Mrs. Paul N. Halvor & Mrs. Harold C. Hammond & Mrs. Verne II M. Hance Mr. & Mrs. Roger J. Hangartner Dr. & Mrs. David H. Hansen Dr. & Mrs. Henry P. Hansen Mr. Mr.

Mr. Roger K. Hansen

Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Carl Hanson & Mrs. Jerry R. Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Merle A. Hanson

Mr. Timothy A. Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Vernon L. Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Vernon R. Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Hardtke Mr. Edward R. Harmic Mr. & Mrs. Rodney L. Harne Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Harris Mr. R. Michael Harshman Ms. Karen E. Hart Mr. Paul E. Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Hasselblad Mr.

& Mrs. Mark D. Hatlen Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Hauge MI'. & Mrs. Robert C. Hauge Ms. Karin E. Haugen

Ltc. & Mrs. Torval J. Haugen Rev. & Mrs. Iver M. Haugen Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Hauke Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. George J. Hauser & Mrs. Chester A. Hausken & Mrs. Thomas R. Heavey Sr. & Mrs. Maynard Hedegaard Mr. & Mrs. Hugh W.T. Hedges Dr. & Mrs. Alan R. Hedman Rev. & Mrs. Gerald N. Hefty Maj. & Mrs. Milton T. Hefty Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hegtvedt Mr. & Mrs. Sverre J. Helland

Ms. Betty Johnson Helseth Mr. & Mrs. Perry B Hendricks Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert C Henry Mr.

& Mrs. Michael C. Henton Dr. & Mrs. David J. Herfindahl Mr. & Mrs. David N. Herivel Dr. & Dr. W. Ronald Heyer

Mr. Paul R. Hidy Mr.

& Mrs. N. Earl Hildahl

Mr. Roger E. Hildahl Mr. & Mrs. Theodore C. Hile Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Hillman Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Hinkle Mrs. Kathryn B. Hirst Mr.

& Mrs. Alfred R. Hoffman & Mrs. Rande Hoffman & Mrs. Carl R. Hogan Rev. & Mrs. Theol S. Hoiland Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Hokenstad Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. Hokenstad Mr. & Mrs. Bill Holmer Mr. & Mrs. Everett A. Holum Mr. & Mrs. Don Hoover Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Hoover Mr. & Mrs. Earl W. Horngren Dr. & Mrs. Paul Hoseth Mr. Mr.

Mr. Gregory K. Hostetter Dr. & Mrs. AI Hove

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Hovey Mrs. Caroline C. Hovland Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Howard Mr. & Mrs. David Howe Mr.

& Mrs. Howard L. Hubbard Dr. Curtis E. Huber Mr. Edward W. Huber Mr.

& Mrs. Walter M. Huber Dr. & Mrs. Laurence D. Huestis

Mrs. Ellen Kaye Huhta Mr. & Ms. John D. Hushagen Rev. & Mrs. Jack Hustad Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Hyde Mrs. Lucille Iacuessa

Mr. Mrs. Trond Ingvaldsen Dr. & Mrs. Paul Ingram Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Stephen M. Isaacson & Mrs. Thomas D. Isaacson & Mrs. Donald A. Isensee Dr. & Mrs. A. Ray Islam Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Iverson Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Jacka Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Jackson Mrs. C. Virginia Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Don Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Jacobs Ms. Jennifer A. Jacobson Rev. Orville A. Jacobson Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& & & & & &

Mrs. Ron Jacobson Mrs. Russell

A. Jacobson

Mrs. Thomas L. Jacobson Mrs. David A. James

Mr. Mrs. Lloyd K. Jellum Mr. Mrs. Robert J. Jensen Mrs. Sandra Jerke Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Milton W. Jeter & Mrs. Richard Jobst Mr. & Mrs. Edw�rd H. John Rev. & Mrs. Anton Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Calvin T. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Carl G. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. David B. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. David E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. David W. Johnson

Mr. Douglas L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. E. Marvin Johnson

Dr. & Mrs. Gordon H. Johnson Dr. H. Richard Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Joel A. Johnson Mrs. A1alie Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Lars E. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Noel T. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Palmer O. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Paul D. Johnson Mrs. Virginia Pifer-Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ted L. Johnson Jr.

Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Johnston

Ms. Patricia J. Jones Dr. & Mrs. Paul N. Joos Mr. & Mrs. Eric A. Jordahl

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Catherine S. Jordahl & Mrs. Peter R. Jordahl & Mrs. Frank M. Jung

& Mrs. Richard Jungkuntz

Mr. & Mrs. Erling B. F. Jurgensen Mr. Lind B. Karlsen Rev. & Mrs. Gregory B Karlsgodt Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Karwoski Mr.

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

& Mrs. Roger A. Kasper & Ms. Conrad J. Kasperson & Mrs. James H. Kauth & Mrs. Owen Y. Kawakami & Mrs. Donald M. Keith

Benjamin T. Keller

Rev. & Mrs. Robert M. Keller Ms. Dorothy M Kellmer

Dr. & Mrs. George E. Kenny Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth S. Kilborn

Mr. Kenneth G. Kilen Dr. & Mrs. Quentin Kintner Rev. Susan M. Kintner Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Morris L. Kirk & Mrs. Timothy IGttiisby & Mrs. Kenneth S. Klarquist Dr. & Mrs. Robert Klein Mr. & Mrs. Joel G. Klett Mrs. Anna Kleweno Mr. & Mrs. David Klies Rev. & Rev. David A. Knapp Mr. Douglas S. Knapp

Dr. & Mrs. Jens W. Knudsen


Dr. & Mrs. John R. Knudsen Mrs. Carmen S. Knudtson Mr. & Mrs. Irvin N. Knutson Rev. & Mrs. Lowell E. Knutson Mrs. Janice Knutzen Mr. & Mrs. Tim Knutzen Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& & & &

Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.

Jeongseog Ko Gerald W. Kohler Ronald Kolzing John S. Korsmo

Ms. Cynthia E. Kraiger Ms. Mary M. Kramer

Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Kratzke Rev. & Mrs. Ervin E. Krebs Mr. & Rev. Roger Kreis Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Krippaehne Dr. & Mrs. Scott F. Kronlund Lcdr & Mrs. Julius N. Kronnagel

Mr. Bernd Kuehn Mr. Mr.

& & Mr. & Mr. & Mr. &

Mrs. Deuane E. Kuenzi Mrs. Paul R. Kusche Mrs. Howard J. Kvinsland Mrs. Stephen P. Kvinsland Mrs. Paul F. Labes

Mr. Jon R. Lackey Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Lamb Mrs. Esther H. Lamb

Dr. & Mrs. J. Douglas Lambrecht Ms. Jeanne C. Landdeck-Sisco Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Lane Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Langseth Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Langston Mr. & Mrs. Steven H. Lansing Mr. Donald E. Larsen Dr. & Mrs. Carl S. Larson Rev.

& Mrs. Edgar M.T. Larson

Ms. Gwen L. Larson Dr. & Mrs. Larry P. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Larson Mr. Michael E. Larson Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& & & & & & & & &

Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.

Paul V. Larson Richard T. Larson Richard W. Larson Ronald G. Larson

Mrs. Roy F. Larson Mrs. Selmer A. Larson Mrs. E. Arthur Larson Jr.

Mr. Mrs. Lars B. Larson Jr. Mr. Mrs. David A. Lashua Mr. Brian C. Laubach Mr. & Mrs. James G. Law Mr. & Mrs. David C. Lawson Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Leach Miss Karen S. IGlen Mrs. Gladyce Lee Dr. & Mrs. lnsu P. Lee Mr. & Mrs. James E. Lee Miss Solveig M. Lee Ms. Karin L. Leeper Mr.

& Mrs. Norman A. Lemay Dr. & Mrs. John W. Lennon

Mr. & Mrs. Magnar Lervick Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Lester Rev. & Mrs. Ray K. Lester Mr.

& Mrs. Harry Levitch

Mrs. Donna Ahrens Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Lider Mr. & Mrs. Keith B. Lile Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. John E. Liming & Mrs. John Lindberg Mr. & Mrs. David C. Lindeblom Dr. & Mrs. W. Michael Lindel Mr. & Mrs. William W. Lindeman

Mrs. Agnes Lindgren Mr. & Mrs. Hans G. Lindstrom Mrs. Laine E. Lindstrom Mr. & Mrs. J . Mason Llewellyn Miss Mary Alice Llewellyn Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Charles E. Logan & Mrs. Richard E. Londgren

"Academics are much

interesting because ofthe attention profes­ sors are witting to give to students. Teachers have renrranged their time to meet with me during my free time. When a professor i.I willing to try that hard, I am nwtivated to try hardn-. JJ more

Chandra Hanlin '88, Honolulu, HI


Q Qub Members Continued

"1 those PLU bec4use Df"" Luthemn btl&1t­ grou1lll tmtl its Ioc4tWn in the Plldfo NfJrth­ lWSt.

It btu something

for everyone: music, IItbIe#a, super professors ImII personnel. I couUJnt htwe millie II better choia. Through "" experimas in many tliffermt aspeas Df PLU, I hlll1e become II �rYlUntiedperson. » Sandra Kr.ause '89, Beaverton, OR

Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur G. Loney Mrs. Eva E. Long Mr. &: Mrs. John E. Lonn Dr. &: Mrs. Thomas N. Lorentzsen Mr. &: Mrs. Gerald R. Lorenz Mrs. Margaret Lowe Mrs. Donna Lucky Mrs. Anne M. Lucky Miss Lois K. Ludwig Mr. &: Mrs. William H. Ludwig Mr. &: Mrs. Terry E. Lumsden Mr. &: Mrs. Clarence P. Lund Dr. &: Mrs. Richard E. Lund Miss Edith M. Lundeberg Mr. &: Mrs. Gene e. Lundgaard Mr. &: Mrs. L Karsten Lundring Dr. &: Mrs. Robert L Lycksell Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A Lyshol Rev. &: Mrs. John L. Maakestad Dr. &: Dr. Kevin W. Mabry Mrs. Elsie Mac Dougall Maj. &: Mrs. David J. Magelssen Dr. &: Mrs. Oliver e. Magnuson Dr. &: Mrs. John L. Main Miss Melissa A Majar Ms. Ann Adele Mallon Mr. Glenn Maim Dr. &: Mrs. Jon E. Malmin Mr. &: Mrs. Jay D. Maple Mr. &: Mrs. Michael P. Marsh Ms. Roberta Marsh Mr. &: Mrs. Larry Marshall Dr. &: Mrs. Dennis M. Martin Dr. &: Mrs. Arthur Martinson Mrs. Delores Ann Marvonek Mr. &: Mrs. Lafayette Massingill Ms. Sara Matson Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur F. Matthias Rev. &: Mrs. Paul F. Matthias Mr. &: Mrs. Peter M. Mattich Mr. &: Mrs. Theodore e. Mattocks Dr. &: Mrs. Carl H. Mau Mr. &: Mrs. Kurtis R. Mayer Rev. &: Mrs. Charles W. Mays Mr. &: Mrs. Michael A Mc Clary Ms. Susan Mc Donald Dr. &: Mrs. e. Robert Mc Gill Dr. Richard F. Mc Ginnis Mr. William J. Mc Ginnis Mr. &: Mrs. Douglas E. Mc Kanna Mr. &: Mrs. Charles W. Mc Kay Mr. &: Mrs. James J. Mc Laughlin J Ms. Patricia B. Mc Manus Mr. &: Mrs. Donald Mc Millan Mr. &: Mrs. David Mc Nabb Ms. Joy M. Mc Nally Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas O. Megow Mr. &: Mrs. Jay Mensonides Dr. &: Mrs. Paul T. Menzel Miss Hermina D. Meyer Mrs. Thelma Meyer Mr. &: Mrs. D. Patrick Michel Mr. &: Mrs. Walter Mickelsen Mr. Donald L. Milholland Mr. &: Mrs. Chris Miller Dr. &: Mrs. Marlen Miller Dr. &: Mrs. Ronald A Miller Mr. &: Mrs. Merton M. Milson Dr. Gary L. Minetti Mr. &: Mrs. David B. Misterek Mr. &: Mrs. Dwight Mitchell Mr. &: Mrs. Arnold Mittelstaedt Mr. &: Mrs. Elmer J. Mobroten Ms. K. Pene Modahl Mrs. J.M. Moe Dr. &: Mrs. Richard Moe Rev. &: Mrs. Frederick J. Molter Mrs. Katharine E. Monroe

Mr. &: Mrs. William A Monroe Mr. &: Mrs. Jeffrey M. Monsen Mr. &: Mrs. Donald O. Monson Mr. David B. Morehouse Mr. &: Mrs. John W Morgan Mr. &: Mrs. Harris Moriguchi Mr. &: Mrs. Ken E. Morken Mr. Oscar E. Morken Mrs. Mildred Morris Rev. &: Mrs. Steven E. Morrison Mr. &: Mrs. Stewart M. Morton Dr. &: Mrs. Robert Mortvedt Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth P. Murray Dr. & Rev. Gerald M. Myers Mrs. Ruth M. Myers Mr. & Mrs. R. Clinton Names Mr. Michael B. Natwick Mr. &: Mrs. Edward W. Neils Rev. & Mrs. Michael J. Neils Mr. Scott R. Neils Mrs. Elma R. Nellerrnoe Mr. & Mrs. Gregory H. Nelsen Mr. &: Mrs. e. Lennard Nelson Dr. &: Mrs. Denny B. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Drew D. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Larry W. Nelson Mrs. Joyce E. Nerland Dr. & Dr. Arne Ness Mr. Gerhard H. Ness Rev. &: Mrs. M. Edgar Nesse Mr. Rick R. Nestegard Mr. & Mrs. Keith e. Newburn Dr. & Mrs. Robert A Newton Mr. &: Mrs. Darrel D. Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Gary Nicholson Mr. & Mrs. Walter O. Nielsen Sr Mr. &: Mrs. Robert V. Nieman Mr. &: Mrs. Roy Nishi Mr. & Mrs. William Nitz Dr. Richard Nodtvedt Dr. & Mrs. James H. Nokleberg Mr. & Mrs. John J. Nokleberg Mr. Eric Nordholm Dr. &: Mrs. Philip Nordquist Dr. &: Mrs. Robert Nordstrom Dr. & Mrs. Sherman B. Nomes Mr. & Mrs. Martin E. North Dr. & Mrs. Donald L. Nothstein Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Novotney Mr. &: Mrs. Gary R. Noyer Dr. &: Mrs. Lloyd M. Nyhus Dr. &: Mrs. Michael T. O'Brien Dr. &: Mrs W. Dwight Oberholtzer Mr. & Mrs. John A Ocklen Dr. Sara Officer Dr. & Mrs. M.S. Ofstun Mr. &: Mrs. Zenon P. Olbertz Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Oldaker Mr. &: Mrs. John W. Olden Mr. &: Mrs. Jack D. Oliver Rev. Terry R. Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Karl Olsen Dr. & Mrs. Robert e. Olsen Mr. Stanley G. Olsen Mr. &: Mrs. Arden J. Olson Mr. &: Mrs. Brian e. Olson Mr. David G. Olson Dr. &: Mrs. David M. Olson Dr. &: Mrs. Franklin e. Olson Mr. & Mrs. H. Garvik Olson Mr. & Rev Kevin E. Olson Mr. &: Mrs. Robert B. Olson Mr. &: Mrs. William D. Olson Mr. &: Mrs. Halvar E. Olstead Rev. & Mrs. Gordon L. Omdal Jr. Mrs. Georgia Oppen

Dr. &: Mrs. Burton T. Ostenson Dr. &: Dr. Richard e. Ostenson Mr. & Mrs. William H. Ostenson Dr. & Mrs. Karl F. Ostling Dr. &: Mrs. Rick K. Ouhl Dr. & Dr. Kaye Owens Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Ozmun Mr. Merle Palmer Mr. Douglas Parker Mr. &: Mrs. Allan W. Patchett Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Paterson Dr. &: Mrs. Eric R. Paulson Mr. & Mrs. Gerald e. Paulson Mr. & Mrs. Morris T. Paulson Mr. & Mrs. Greg Payne Mr. Thomas E. Payne Mr. &: Mrs. Donald J. Pedersen Dr. &: Mrs. Svend E. Pedersen Mr. &: Mrs. Arne K. Pederson Mrs. Rena V. Pellegrini Miss Margaret Peper Dr. Blayne D. Perleth Mr. &: Mrs. Leo J. Perrault Mr. &: Mrs. Dennis B. Perry Mrs. Marilu J. Person Ms. Barbara e. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Clayton B. Peterson Mr. Dale L. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. HaroldG. Peterson Mr. &: Ms. James L. Peterson Mr. &: Mrs. Lawrence F. Peterson Mrs. Lillian L. Peterson Mr. & Ms. Richard L. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Lynn R. Pettit Mrs. Carol J. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. H.E. Phillips Dr. &: Mrs. Erik B. Pihl Mr. &: Mrs. Martin R. Pihl Dr. & Mrs. Walter E. Pilgrim Mr. &: Mrs. Steven e. Pinning Miss Vema Pleas Mr. Mike M. Plows Mr. & Mrs. Donald Poier Mr. & Dr. Mark Polcyn Mr. &: Mrs. Lazarus S. Politakis Rev. &: Mrs Clifford J. Ponnikas Dr. & Mrs. Arvel R. Ponton Mr. & Mrs. John Potter Dr. & Mrs. Paul K. Preus Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Price Mr. &: Mrs. Brian F. Price Miss Virginia W. Prochnow Mr. &: Mrs. Stanley Purvis Mr. & Mrs. Millard e. Quale Rev. & Mrs. Robert B. Quello Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Quigley Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Quinn Dr. &: Mrs. Richard E. Raisler Mr. &: Mrs. Alvin H. Randall Mr. &: Mrs. John Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. L. Fraser Rasmussen Mr. & Dr. Ulf Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. William e. Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Raubacher Mr. &: Mrs. William H. Ray Rev. & Mrs. Donald G. Reese Mr. Kenneth E. Reidy Mr. & Mrs. Roy A Regis Mr. & Mrs. Craig E. Rettkowski Mrs. Lillian Richter Mr. & Mrs. Marcus H. Rieke Rev. & Mrs. Stephen H. Rieke Ms. Kerstin E. Ringdahl Ms. Patti Lee Risdal Dr. &: Mrs. Jon W. Rivenburg Mr. &: Mrs. Edwin L. Roalkvam Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. W.e. Robinson

Rev. &: Mrs. Richard A. R rung Dr. David I<. 01' Ms. Kaaren . Roe Rev. &: Mrs. Kelmer N. Roe Mr. &: Mrs. William L. Rogers Rev. &: Mrs. Barry G. Rogge Rev. &: Mrs. Gary R. Rohde Mr. &: Mrs. Dennis E. oley Dr. &: Mrs. Gilbe rt J. Roller Mr. &: Mrs. J n B. Rorem M . Barbara L. Rosdahl Mr. &: Mrs. Daniel Rose Dr. &: Ms. Moshe Rosenfeld Mr. &: M s. Robert E. Ross Mr. &: Mrs. Paul A. Rothi Rev. &: Mrs. Richard W. Ro I' Dr. &: Mrs. Donald L. Row erg Mrs. Joseph O. Rude Mr. &: Mrs. Alan Russell Mr. &: Mrs. Donald W. Rutledge Mr. &: Mrs. James Saari Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth D. Sammons Mr. &: Mrs. Kirk A. Sandburg Dr. &: Mrs. P. Bryan Sandeno Mr. &: Mrs. Randy S. Satrum Mr. &: Mrs. Wayne P. Saverud Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas N. Sawyer Mr. &: Mrs. Robert W. Schaer Dr. &: Mrs. Eldon Schafer Mr. Kevin D. S lafer Mr. &: Mrs. Gerald A. Scheele Mr. &: Mrs; EA Scheibner Mr. &: Mrs. Stephen K. Schindele Dr. &: Mrs. Gerald J. Schmeling Mr. &: Mrs. David F. Schmidt Dr. &: M . David H. Schoening Mr. &: Mrs. Bradford Schultz Mr. &: Mrs. Stanley A. Score Dr. Damon Scott Dr. Richard Seeger Dr. &: Rev. Giffo rd J. Sells Mrs. Lydia J. Sells Rev. &: Mrs. Dan J. Selmann Mr. &: Mrs. Randall L. Senf Mr. &: Mrs. Ralph M. Severson Mr. &: M . Fred C. Shanaman Jr. Dr. &: Mrs. John P Shannon Jr Dr. &: Mrs. Gene C. Sharratt Ms. Lynnett S. Shaw Mr. &: Mrs. Tim W. herry Mr. &: Mrs. Selmer L. Shervey Rev. &: Mrs. PauJ Shoup Mr. &: Mr,; Chris D. Shultz Mr. &: Mrs. Robert W. Siburg Dr. &: Mrs. Theodore J. Siek Mr. &: Mrs. John O. Simonson Mr. &: Mrs. Walter R. Simonson Mr. &: Mrs. Jack D. Sinderson Dr. &: Mrs. Lawrence E. Skinner Mr. &: Mrs. James H. Skog Miss Tamelyn I<. Skubinna Mr. &: Mrs. James P. Sletten Mrs. Alfhild M. Smith Mr. &: Mrs. David D. Smith Mr. David H. Smith Mr. Gerry P. Smith Mr. Jeffrey P. mith Ms. Lori L. Smith Dr. &: M rs. PauJ B. Smith Jr. D! . &: Mrs. Dale E. Soden Rev &: Mrs. Clarence S !berg Dr. &: Mrs. Kristen Solberg Mr. &: Mrs. hester J. Solie Mr. &: Mrs. FI yd K. Solum Dr. Alexia Sontag Mr. &: Mrs. Robert J. Sorenson Mrs. Melba I. Sovde Mr. &: Mrs. Juris Spade Mr. &: Mrs. Evan A. Spa nier Mr &: Mrs. James O. Sparks

Mrs David Sparling r. Mr. &: Mrs. obert D. Sparl ing Mr. &: Mrs. Warren Sparling Mr. &: Mrs. Ra ndal E. Spi tzer Mr. Carson L. Stand ifer Miss Constance L Stay Dr. &: M . Lynn St in Mr. &: Mrs. Robert L. St ein Dr. &: Mrs. Otto O. Ste ens Dr. &: Ms. John D. Stewart Mr. Mrs. Thomas J. StewilCt r. &: Mrs. Willie C. Stewart Dr. &: Mrs. Hendrik St iggelbout Mr. Mrs. Bryan K. Sloe daLe Mr. Dale R. Storaasli Rev. &: Mrs. F. Warren Strain Mr. &: Mrs. Arne Strand Mr. Timothy M. Strege &: Dawn Bernstein Dr. &: Mrs. W. Jeremy Stringer Mr. &: Mrs. John W. Stringfelluw Mr. &: Mrs. Peter G. Strom Dr. Doris G. Stucke Dr. &: Mrs. Man;us R. Stuen Mr. &: Mrs. O. John Stuen Mr. Paul F. Stuen Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas E. Stuen Mr. &: Mrs. E. Robert Stuhlmiller Mrs. Lena Stuhlmiller Mr. &: Mrs. Don W. Sturdivant Mrs. Dagny T. Sundby Miss Jill M. Sundby Mr. &: Mrs. Robert A. Sutherland Mr. &: Mrs. Byron L Swanson Mr. &: Mrs. Donald B. Swanson Miss Donna E. Swanson Miss Hazel M. Swanson Rev. &: Mrs. Paul R. Swanson Mr. &: Mrs. Richard V. Swanson Rev. &: Mrs. Roland H. Swans n Mr. &: Mrs. Alfred Swanstrom Ms. Eunice L. Swenson Dr. &: Mrs. Kwong-Tin Tang Dr. &: Mrs. Dean Taylor Mrs. Lenore E. Taylor Mr. &: Mrs. Martin S. Taylor Me. &: Mrs. Murray A.. Taylor Mr &: MrS. Daniel K. Tchoban ff Dr. Lee W. Tempel Dr. &: Mrs. Paul H. Templin Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth V. Ten Jr. Mr. &: Mrs. Donald G. Thomas Mr. &: Mrs. Steven M. Thomas l ev. &: Mrs. Erling C. Thompson Rev. Mikkel C. Thompson Mr. &: Mrs. Robert H. Thoren Mr. &: Mrs. Donald L. Thoreson Dr. &: Mrs. Steven D. Thrasher Mrs. lIa Thun berg Mr. &: Mrs. Wenzel Tiedeman Mr. &: Mrs. Robert S. Timm Dr. Steven E. Timm Rev. &: Mrs. David S.G. Tin Dr. &: Mrs. Fred L. Tobiason Mr. &: Mrs. Steffan R. Tolles Dr. MarvinS. Tommerv ik Jr. Dr. &: Dr. Jeffrey Tonn Mrs. Ellen M. Torongo Dr . Arnold Towe Mr. &: Mrs . Clark W. Towns nd Mr. &: Mrs. Nurman Tremaine Mrs. Dor' D. Trent Dr. &: Mrs. Charles Tsc hopp Mr. &: Mrs. Walter W. Tushkov Mr. & Mrs. Charles . Tuvey Mr. Joe E. Tveten Mrs. Phyllis J. ure! Mis Sharon J. Ufer Mr. &: Mrs. Steven I<. Ufer Ms. Janet Ulberg

Ms. Kathry n I. Ulberg Rev. &: Mrs. Duane E. un land Ms. a l herine A. Unseth Mr. &: Mrs. John Urda Mrs. AlIce G. Utzinger Mr. &: Mrs. Doug A.. Van Arsdall Mrs. Viola M Van ilder Ms. Elodie Vandevert Llc. &: M . . Huward Vedell Mr. Kirk M. Veis Mr. &: Mrs. obert L. Vernon Dr. &: Mrs. Ted J. Vigeland Dr. Paul C. Vigness Mr. Brian L. Vik Mr. &: Mr . Jon . Vingerud Mr. &: Mrs. Bruce W. Vinson Mr. &: Mrs. Norman R. Voelpel Re v. &: Mrs. Philip T. Vorvick Dr. &: Mrs. Louis C. Wagner Jr. Dr. &: Dr. Larry M. Wahl Mr. &: Mrs. Craig B. Wainscott Mr. Thomas B. Wake r. Thomas H. Wake Mr. « Mrs. Richard S. Walden Mr. &: Mrs. John C. Walker Mr. « Mrs. Jonath an M. Wallace Dr. & Mrs. Bill H. Warren Dr. & Mrs. alvin M. Watness Rev. & Mrs. Luther O. Watness Ms. Jody S. Watson Me. &: Mrs. illiam M. Watson Rev. &: Rev. Martin D. Wells Mr. &: Mrs. Ray E. Werner Mr. John M. Weswig Mr. &: Mrs. Lloyd White Mr . at ricia White Mr. &: Mrs. Stewart White Miss Marg ret Wickstrom Mr. &: Mr . Harold Wid steen Mr. &: Mrs. James Widsteen Mrs. Beth M. Wiegand Dr. &: M '. Dan A. Wiklund Mr. & Mrs. Jon T. Wilhelm Mr. &: rs. Da id Williams Ms. Joy L. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Oscar l. Williams Dr. &: M . Sherman M. Williamson Mr. Brett R. Willis Mr. &: Mrs. Howard B. Willis Mr. &: Mr . J. Stanley Willis Mr &: M rs. Mark S. Willis Mr. &: Mrs. Mike S. Willis Mr. &: Mrs. Donald W. Wilson Rev. &: M . Franklin A. Wilson Dr. &: Mrs. Gary Wilson M l . &: Mrs. Stephen D. Wilson Mr. Andrew Winberg Mr. &: Mrs. Robert M. Winters Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Wise Mr Da niel P. Witmer Miss Karen J. Wold Mr &: Ml:s. Edroy Woldseth Rev. &: Mrs. Mark E. Woldseth Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph c. Wood Ms. Lyn Ann Wood Mrs. Josephine J. Wright Re v. &: Mrs Paul R. Wuest Mr. &: Mrs. John G. Zamberlin Mr. &: Mrs. Leo Zeiler Ms. Doreen S. Zeuske Mr. &: Mrs. Mark A. Zier Mr. &: Mrs. James E. Zimmerman Mr. &: Mrs. Robert D. Zurfluh


"1 am struck by the ' genuine cordiaJity ofall PLUpeople and of faculty members in particular - roupled ' with clear evidence of their competence and dedication. Both re. dents andfaculty are here by virtue ofa curious·selfsele&tWn process. There is congenia./.ity and ClJllegiaJity and a feeli1li of'ftt. '" Dr. Richard Jungkuntz, PLU Provost Emeritus


Junior Q Club Members

$120 or more a year (Restricted to alumni and friends age 26 or younger) Ms. Deanne M. Addy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Amos Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Anderson

Mr. Ron H. Nishi Ms. Linda J. Nixon

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Berntsen Ms. Julie A. Bjornson Ms. Deanna L. Boggs Ms. Kristi F. Bosch Ms. Dianne M. Brain Ms. Kathrine A. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Brown Ms. Shelley M. Bryan Miss Pollyann Brynestad Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Busey Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo A. Calle Mr. David E. Carlson Mr. Douglas O. Carlson Mr. Peter J. Carlson

Ms. Catherine J. Conklin Mr. Ronald W. Cook Mr. Mr.

& & &

Mrs. Michael Copeland Mrs. Jeffrey Craig

Mr. Mrs. Brad Dahl Ms. Nancy L. Dahlberg Mr.


Mrs. Todd R. Daugherty

Ms. Jill Ann Delap Mr. Ignacio M. Delgadillo Mr. Edwin P. Dierdorff Jr. Ms. Annie P. Donaldson

Ms. Susan E. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. 路Steven Dostal Mr. Mark J. Eibel


Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Falk Ms. Evelyn M. Farr Ms. Susan E. Georgeson Mr. & Mrs. Todd D. Giltner Mr.

Ponland, OR

Ms. Karen A. Milnor Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Moore

Mr. Gary P. Baldridge Mr. Scott D. Benner Ms. Carrie M. Benson

Erik Ogard, '88

Mr. Jon E. Matson Ms. Jacqueline N. Megow Mr. Mark A. Miller Mr. Darren F. Mott Mr. & Mrs. Todd Mount Miss Lori M. Mulkey Miss Kari J. Nelson

Mr. Jeffery N. Bell

University has affected my life in a very p* found way. I had a chana to question the things I was raised to believe, and wound up naffirming those beliefs from the penpective ofa newly found intellectual maturity. At PLU one finds diversity, a caring and warm environment, a rmtalized wmmit颅 ment to Christianity, and excellmt acadnnic standards. ))

Mr. David M. Lipscomb Mr. & Mrs. Ian D. Lunde Ms. Anne E. Martinson

Mr. John B. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Austin

Ms. Cindy Bahr Mr. & Mrs. Barry T. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Bradley D. Baker

(Pacific Lutheran

Mr. Eric M. Litynski Mr. Trent W. Ling

Mrs. Richard F. Emery

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Halvorson Mr. Darren R. Hamby Mr. & Mrs. Randy Hamlin Mr. Richard Hamlin Ms. Theresa L. Harrold Ms. Mary Anne Hatch Mr. & Mrs. Joel E. Hauge Ms. Barbara J. Hefte

Ms. Michelle Henning Ms. Amy B. Hill

& & & &

Ms. Nancy J. Hinchcliffe Mr. Mr.

Mrs. Mark C. Hoffman Mrs. Mark Hofmann

Mr. Mrs. Doug P. Hostetter Mr. Mrs. Roger L. Iverson, Jr. Mr. Terence N. Jennings Ms. Cheryl S. Jensen Mr. James M. Johnson Ms. Leslie Kastien

Ms. Kimberley A. Kiekel

Mr. John S. Korsmo, Jr. Miss Jean N. Ladderud Mr. & Mrs. John C. Lamb

Mr. Eric D. Larson Ms. Julianne K. Larson Ms. Laurie A. Larson Miss Lori Laubach Ms. Jacqueline S. Lilly



Mrs. David B. Neufeld

Mr. Erik W. Ogard Mr. Gregory M. Peterson

Ms. Sonya M. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Dean G. Pinto Miss Jennifer L. Price Ms. Patricia G. Price Mr. Bruce A. Randell Ms. Deirdre A. Reardon Ms. Gail J. Rice Mr. & Mrs. Erik P. Ristuben

Mrs. Judith N. Rose Ms. Victoria R. Savage Mr. James A. Scheibe Mr. & Mrs. Marte Scheuffele Ms. Lorene Chiemi Seo Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Lee H. Sherman

Ms. Jennifer Shoup Ms. Nancy A. Shryock Ms. Julie L. Smith Mr. Stephen L. Smith Miss Laurie Soine Mr. Scott A. Squires Ms. Dana M. Stamper Mr. Todd W. Standal

Mr. &

Mrs Michael S. Steen Ms. Denise E. Stelling Mr. & Mrs. David P. Steves


Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Udbye Mr. David M. Underwood Mr.

Mrs. R Dale Thomas

Ms. Antonette S. Vernon Ms. Cameon K. Viebrock Ms. Janice Voss Mr. & Mrs. Garth Warren Mr. Steven L Weinman

Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Wescott Mr. Douglas J. Winters

Mr. Jack A. Wrigley Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Zarone Mr. Drex F. Zimmerman

Unique and Specified Gifts to the Annual Fund $240 a year)

(Restricted gifts above

Mr. & Mrs. Neal W. Amend Mr. L. Michael Appel Mr. Gunars Abolins

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Baker Dr. & Mrs. Howard Bandy Dr. & Mrs. George R. Barnes

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Beardsley Rev. Carl A. Bengtson Estate Mr. John A. Biberdorf Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bjornsgard

Dr. & Mrs. Richard J. Blandau Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Branam Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Bronson Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Brue Mr. William B. Carr


Mr. & Mrs. William W. Conley Mr. & Mrs. George L. Davis Jr. Dr. Carlisle Dietrich Mr.

Mrs. David R. Coltom

Mr. & Mrs. George F. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Frost Dr. Thomas D. Gant Gov. & Mrs. W.B. Gardner Mr. Robert Gomulkiewicz

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Good Mr. & Mrs. David L. Greenwood Mr. Albert F. Haas Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Haroldson Dr. & Mrs. Rodney H. Herr Dr. & Mrs. John O. Herzog Mr. & Mrs. Donald N. Hoffman Mr. & Mrs. Ernest I. Hopp LTC Janice I. Howell

& Mrs. Charles Hyde & Mrs. Norman L. (verson Sr. Dr. & Mrs. John R Jarrett Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. J.E. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Owen Y. Kawakami

Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Matthew D. laein & Mrs. Ben Korsten Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Langseth Mr. & Mrs. David R. Lee Rev. & Mrs. Orlando A. Lee Mr. Richard S. Kent

Mr. Mr.

Mr. Owen G. Loshbough Maj. & Mrs. David J. Magelssen

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Mc Kay Mrs. Clare Menzel

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Mortvedt Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Neptun Rev. & Mrs. M. Edgar Nesse Dr. Richard Nodtvedt Mr. & Mrs. Edmund S. Olsen

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Larry Pfingston Rev. & Mrs. Robert H. Reitz

Dr. & Mrs. William O. Rieke Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Robbel Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Ruecker Mrs. Maude Rueger Mr. Mr.


& Mrs. Jack B. Samuels & Mrs. Maurice D. Schwartz & Mrs. S. Erving Severtson

Mr. Kelly J. Sloan Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Spangler Ms. Ethel Squires

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Stockdale Miss Hazel M. Swanson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Topel Mr.


Mrs. Fredrick K. Urban

Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Vorderstrass Mr. Thomas B. Wake Mr. & Mrs. Bernt F. Westre Mr. Elmer J. White Mr. & Ms. Eugene O. White Mrs. Ethel Yoakum Mr. Frank N. Young

Annual Fund Gifts

$100 to $239 Mr. & Mrs. Antonio R. Adeline

Mr. & Mrs. Lafayette Altier Mr. & Mrs. Theodore N. A1tonen Mr. Arnold T. Anderson Miss Jodene L. Anderson Maj. & Mrs. Philip C. Anderson Mr. John L. Aram Mr. & Mrs. Karl E. Arbaugh Mr. Arthur R. Arnhold Mrs. Beatrice E. Atwood

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne B. Axelson Mr. & Mrs. Garo K. Bahayan Ms. Ruth Backup Mr. &t Mrs. Albert S. Bacon III

Mr. & Mrs. Dale Bailey Mr. & Mrs. Harold D. Bakken Dr. D. Stuart Bancroft Mr. Scott S. Barnum Ms. Gilda S. Bauer

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Bauer III Mr. & Mrs. David Bauman Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A Baumgartner Mr. & Mrs. Victor Bayer Mrs. Helen J. Beaghler Mr. & Mrs. David M. Beam Mr. & Mrs. Carl B. Beamer Mrs. Helen Belgum

Mrs. Irma N. Bendock Ms. Tamara L. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Leonard F. Benson Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Benson Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Bentson Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. Bentti Capt & Mrs. Viggo Bertelsen Mrs. Joyce M. Badeau Mr. & Mrs. Bob Bottge Mr. & Mrs. Bryan R. Boyette Rev. & Mrs. Edwin Bracher Mr. & Mrs. Larry Brader Mr. & Mrs. Robert A Brovak Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Brown Mr. & Mrs. James W. Brown Ms. Kathleen Sue Brownfield Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Brunner Mr. & Mrs. Dennis S. Buchanan Mr.


Mrs. Mark A Buchanan

Mr. Rick Buren Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Burgoyne

Dr. & Mrs. John P. Burlein Dr. & Mrs. Earl E. Cammock Dr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Campbell

Mrs. Joan L. Campbell Dr. Michael Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Keith Canton Mr. & Mrs. Loney Carlson Mr. Thomas O. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Theodore H. Carlson Jr Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Carroll Mr. Bill K. Chapman Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Keith N. Charboneau Mr. Walter H. Christensen Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Christopherson Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A Clark Rev. & Mrs. Gordon E. Coates Mr. & Mrs. AP. Coburn Mr. James L. Collins Mr. & Mrs. Richard Paul Collins

& Mrs. E.W. Conant Jr & Mrs. W. Powell Cone Dr. & Mrs. Kevin F. Connolly Mr. Mr.

Rev. & Mrs. Orrin Consear

Maj. Charlie L. Cornett Miss Carol Lee Coss Mr. & Mrs. George Costle Mrs. Jane L. Curl Mr. Stephen Allan Dable Mr. Peter M. Dahl Mr. David C. Dahlin

Mr. & Mrs. Wilson A. Dakan Mr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Dalenberg

& Mrs. J. Paul Dauphin Mr. & Mrs. Earl W. Davie Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Deal Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Allan Dennis Dr.

Dr. & Mrs. James T. Dodds Mr. & Mrs. James C. Dollarhide Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dougherty Mr. & Mrs. John M. Doyle Rev. & Mrs. F. Alvin Dungan Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& & & &

Patti Lee Eads C.PA Mrs. F. Talmage Edman Mrs. Earl E. Edmunds Jr. Mrs. James W. Eichholtz Mrs. Todd Eisinger Dr. Abdullah I. EI-Kuwaiz

Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Dennis M. Elder & Mrs. Robert M. Ellerby

Dr. & Mrs. Jack A Ellingson Dr. & Mrs. Richard Ellingson

Mr. & Mrs. Estill J. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Elston Mr. Julius L. Eneboe Mr. Filmore G. Enger Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Frank L. Ericksen Mr. Glenn L. Evanson

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Fedde Mr. & Mrs. Ernest V Fenn Mr. Mr.


& Mrs. Milton A Fink & Mrs. Terry A Finseth & Mrs. AG. Fjellman

Mr. Paul R. Flaten

Mr. Larry E. Floyd Mr. & Mrs. Warren L. Foltz Rev. & Mrs. Donald G. Fossum Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Fox Mrs. Robert B. Franklin Mrs. Marjorie Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Clarence G. Funk Jr. Mr. Donald E. Gaines Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Gale

Dr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Gant Mr. & Mrs. J. Walter Gearhart Mrs. Laurel A. Gerald Dr. Kent P. Gerlach Mr. Richard D. Giger Ms. Phyllis Ridge Gill Ms. Beverly Gilliland Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Gilmer

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff L. Gladow Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Graham

Rev. & Mrs. Marvin E. Greene Mr. Paul A. Gregersen

& Mrs. Fred M. Grimm Mr. & Mrs. Allan R. Gubrud Mr. & Mrs. Peter B. Gulsrud Dr.

Dr. & Mrs. Harold Gunderson Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Haggard . Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hahner Jr. Mr. FA Haines

Miss Ada O. Haug Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Hawkins Rev. Donald D. Hefty Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Hein Mr. & Mrs. Matt C. Hemming Mr. & Dr. Morris N. Hendrickson Mr. & Mrs. John Henkle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gerald Hepler Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence F. Heppe Mr. & Ms. Howard Higgen Mr. & Mrs. John W. Hilgers Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd O. Hilliker Mr. & Mrs. Roger A Hodge Dr. & Dr. Frederick F. Holmes Dr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Hoover, Sr. Ms. Patrice L. Hovland Mr. & Mrs. William C. Howison Rev. & Mrs. N. Ralph Huget Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Hunter Rev. Jean L. Hurd Ms. Carol Bichon Jackson

Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. James Mr. Alan R. Johnson Rev. & Mrs. Glenn E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. J. Arthur Johnson Mr. Kenneth E. Johnson Mrs. Marian B. Johnson Chaplain R. William Johnson Rev. & Mrs. Rudolph B. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Stan Johnston Mr. Gene C. Jones Dr. James C. Jones Mrs. Susan L. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Barry L. Jordahl Mrs. Sarah J. Juzeler Mr. Alvin G. Kageler Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A Kamakura Mrs. Karen J. Kamerrer


& Mrs. Kenneth G. Kay

Mr. David G. Kent Mr. Charles H . Ketteman Mr. Gary S. Kieland Mr. & Mrs. Brent E. Kirkpatrick Rev. Ronald A. Kittel Mr. Leif J. Kloster Mrs. Ruth Kluth Mr. Edgar E. Knowles Mr. & Mrs. Larry P. Knutsen Mr. Norman R. Knutsen Mr. Craig R. Koessler

Mr. & Mrs. Donn H. Koessler Mr. Paul A. Koessler Mr. & Mrs. Carl Koppen Dr. & Mrs. Jacob Kornberg Dr. James R. Koski Mr. Paul J. Kramer Mr. Rod Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Donald Krassin Mrs. Myrna Kucklick

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur O. Landskov Mrs. Clara M. Larsen Dr. & Mrs. Duane R. Larson Dr. & Mrs. Vernon O. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Steve T. Latimer Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Laux Dr. & Mrs. Jerry Le Jeune Mrs. Marguerite L. Lebert Mr. Paul K. Lecoq Rev. & Mrs. Clare H. Ledum Jr. Mr. Robert S. Lee Mr. & Mrs. John O. Lensing

Mr. & Mrs. Gary E Lerch Mr. & Mrs. Prakash V. Limaye Mrs. Barbara N. Lindberg Mr. & Mrs. C. Dean Little Mr. & Mrs. Walter.W. Livingston Mr. Donald E. Lofton Mr. Brent T. Harrison Mr. & Mrs. William L. Lanigan Mr. & Mrs Kenneth B. Hartvigson Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Hall Rev & Mrs. Roy Hammerling Mr. & Mrs. Clarence E. Hamre Mr. & Mrs. Allen Hanson Mr. James R. Hanson


This plMt spring 1985 alumna Elizabeth Pulliam won a Pulitzer Prize! Elizabeth, a Centrtdi4, WA. natin, was part ofa team of "fJOrtm at the AncbOrtliJe Dtlu, News that won the 1 988 award for meritorWus public service.


Annual Fund Gifts $1O�$239 continued Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Lorenz

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Love Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Lucky

Mr. & Mrs. Chauncey F. Lufkin Mr. & Mrs. A. Duane Lund Rev. & Mrs. Bruce Lundberg Mr. Boyd Lundstrom

Mr. & Mrs. William B. Lundstrom Mr. & Mrs. Don L. Mac Lane

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Mallonee

Mr. Rudolph Mangels Mr. & Mrs. Warren F. Margrath

Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Markman Rev. & Mrs. Clarence Marquardt Mr. Dana E. Martens

Dr. & Mrs. John A. MartiJIa Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Martin Dr. & Mrs. Martin E. Marty

Mr. Brian K. Massey Mr. & Mrs. Kurtis R. Mayer Dr. & Mrs. Edward F. Mc Cabe Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm J. Mc Callum Mr. Craig L. Mc Cord Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Mc Cumber Mr. Albert M. Mc Cutchan Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Mc Vay Mr. & Mrs. Roald A. Melver Mr. Michael D. Mendoza Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& & & &

Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.

Robert H. Menz Frank Mettler Richard H. Meyer Pressly M. Millen

Mr. Bernard S. Miller Mr. Bruce E. Miller Mr. Donald R. Miller Dr. & Mrs. Allen L. Moen Mr. Luther J. Moen Mr. & Mrs. Jerry N. Moore

Mr. John Moritsugu Dr. & Mrs. Stanley A Mueller Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dan Murdock Mr. & Mrs. Roy Musland Ms. Norita A Nelson Rev. Norman K. Nelson Mr. Robert L. Nelson

Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Mark A Nesvig

"I've led cheers at Lute basketball games, was elected.freshman "iM­ sentlltive on the alumni relations committee, helped edit the PLU litertary publication, was a conversational partnerfor a Japanese exchange student, and helped put together Thanksgiving basluts for low income families. Pm more involved beuJuse there are so many opportunities!" Kristen Styckct '90, Edmonds, WA

Mr. & Mrs. Gorham Nicol Dr. Duane Nienaber Mr. Mamoru Nishimura Mr. & Mrs. Rodney L. Nordberg Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Nordeen

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. E. Wallace Nordness & Mrs. Barry D. Nupen

Kevin W. O'Connell & Mrs. William A. O'Neal & Mrs. James C. Oberg & Mrs. Frederick J. Odsen & Mrs. John M. Ofstad & Mrs. Howard L. Olivers & Mrs. Martin Olson & Mrs. Jarl L. Opgrande & Mrs. Roger Ose

Rev. & Rev. Paul M. Overvold Dr. & Mrs. Craig A Padavich Mr. & Mrs. Sven Ake Palm Mr. Christopher S. Pankey Mrs. Helen L. Pelis

Mr. Anthony Photius Pentikis Rev. & Mrs. Eugene E. Perry Dr. & Mrs. Gordon K. Peterson

Mr. & Mrs. Leo H. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Keith Phelps Mr. & Mrs. Wayne H. Phillips Dr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Potter Mr. & Mrs. Gary C. Powers Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth James Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Wesley E. Radford

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Rainforth Mrs. Louise K. Dahl Randall

Dr. & Mrs. Ernest L. Randolph Mr. & Ms. Douglas C. Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. Paul Reeder Dr. & Mrs. Cody Reeves Mr. & Mrs. E. Philip Reichardt

Mr. & Mrs. Horst Reil Ms. Catherine M . Reilly

Rev. & Mrs. Gerhard O. Reitz Mrs. Marlene J. Reller Dr. & Mrs. G. Ronald Reule

Dr. & Mrs. Augustus C Richardson Mr. Marvin B. Roberts

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Robertson Rev. & Mrs. Edward Roe Dr. & Mrs. Nelius N. Ronning Mr. & Mrs. Charles Roth Mr. Herman L. Rundle Mr. & Mrs. Hans Running Mr. Richard B. Running

Mr. & Mrs. Wallace E. Rutherford Mr. & Mrs. C. Roger Sahlin Ms. Gail K. Sakamaki

Mr. & Mrs. I. Ben Sakamoto Dr. Robert E. Sanders Mr. & Mrs Peter Sandvig

Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. Scharen Mr. James A. Scheibe Mr. & Mrs. Howard J. Schjelland Dr & Mrs Harold Schlachtenhaufen Mr. & Mrs. Scott Schroedel Rev. & Mrs. Reinhold H. Schwindt Mr. & Mrs. Edwin J. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Keith Seavy

Mrs. E. Glenda Shaw Mr. & Mrs. William F. Shaw Maj. & Mrs. James L. Sheets

Dr. & Mrs. Donald E. Simmons Dr. & Dr. Richard W. Slatta Dr. Marvin G. Slind Ms. Gabrielle P. Smith Mr. James Francis Smith Miss Janet May Smith Rev. & Mrs. Neal Snider Miss Carol E. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Soland Mr. John M. Sparling Ms. Carol L. Speirs Cdr Dr. & Mrs. Ernest B. Steen Mr. Paul J. Steen Mr. & Mrs. Herman J. Stelling Rev. & Mrs. Vernon Stenberg

Mr. & Mrs. Jake Stenzel

Mr. Charles W. Stewart Miss Alma M. Stolee Mrs. Anna M. Storaasli Rev. & Mrs. Lowell S. Stordahl Mr. Ronald H. Stovner Mr. Dale Stradling Mrs. Irma Strom Mr. & Mrs. Jon D. Struss Rev. & Mrs. Michael J. Swain

Mr. Mark E. Swanson Mr. Robert L. Swanson

Dr. Donald L. Trippel

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Trucco Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Tupack

Capt & Mrs. Thomas M. Tveit Mr. & Mrs. Lyle J. U'Ren

Mr. & Mrs. Walt Uhlenhoff Ms. Suzanne L. Underwood Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Urata Mrs. Susan L. Valenti

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Van Doren Dr. & Mrs. Gary Van Heuvelen Mr. Hans L.R. Vennes

Mr. & Mrs. William Viebrock Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Vozenilek Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wade

Mrs. Eulalie Wagner

Mr. & Mrs. Corydon Wagner III Mr. & Mrs. Waldo Wall Mr. & Mrs. Peter Wallerich

Dr. & Mrs. Brian H. Walters Dr. & Mrs. Clarence P. Walters Rev. & Mrs. Erwin G. Walz Mr. & Mrs. Leland G. Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Burton E. Wells

Mr. Steven A. Welsh Ms. Kathryn A. Westby Miss Monique N. Wetten

Mr. James White Mr. & Mrs. Stewart White Ms. Vicci D. White Mr. Charles Whitmore Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Wick Ms. Lise Wilber Mrs. Mary E. Wilcox Mr. Hayden G. Williams Miss Cheryl L. Wilpone

Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. John G. Wolfe

Mr. & Mrs. Garey D. Wood Ms. Margaret Krauss Wright Mrs. Jane Clausen Wurster Mr. & Mrs. David R. Wytko

Mr. & Mrs. Muneo Yoshikawa Ms. Elaine S. Zech Rev. & Mrs. Jay D. Zimmerman Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Zumalt

Annual Fund Gifts up to $100 (altu1Utl are in class listing pg. 36-64)

Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Adam Ms. Barbara J. Adams Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Donald Adams Dorothy Adams

& Mrs. Gordon H. Adams Mary Ella Adams & Mrs. Paul Adamski

& Mrs. Gordon Aklestad & Mrs. George D. Alber

Herbert C. Albrecht & Mrs. Randall D. Aldrich

Mr. & Mrs. Victor D. Tesoriero Mr. Robert R. Thomas

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Allerton Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Ammon Mr. & Mrs. David V. Amoth Miss Esther M. Amundsen Ms. Mary F. Andersen Dr. & Mrs. Charles D. Anderson

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Milton B. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. Kerm Swartz Dr. & Mrs. Rodney Swenson Ms. Jennifer R. Tada Mr. David W. Templin

Antone Thompson Gregory V. Thorwald Everett Thykeson & Mrs. Robert M. Tomberg

Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Town Mr. & Mrs. David P. Trageser Miss Stephanie G. Trapp

Miss Kathryn M. Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Anderson Ms. Charlene R. Andrews Ms. Pam Andrews

Mr. & Mrs. Merle R. Andrus

Mr. & Mrs. David C. Archer Mr & Mrs. Robert D. Argue Mr. & Mrs. Everett Arneson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Arthur

Ms. Carol Auping Dr. & Mrs. James K. Avery Ms. Merry Meyer Avery Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Baartz

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Cheney Jr. Mr. Bi-Lan Chiong Mrs. E. Mary Christman Mr. & Mrs. Jan E. Cisler Ms. Penny Clapp Mr. & Mrs. John L. Clark Miss Sue Clarke

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Eskew Mr. & Mrs. R. Max Etter Jr. Dr. & Mrs. James C. Eubanks Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Evans Dr. & Mrs. Donald F. Farrell

Mr. & Mrs. Richard I. Ferrin Mr. & Mrs. Arnie Fich tenberg

Mr. & Mrs. John Kenneth Clausen Mr. & Mrs. Orland Clausen Mr. & Ms. Daryl A. Cody

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Fields

Mrs. Mildred G. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Baker

Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Cole, Jr.

Ms. Shannon Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Follows

CoL & Mrs. Eugene Bal, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Comstock

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Bagley Mrs. Elaine Bailey

Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Baker

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Bales Mr. & Mrs. Terry Barber Mr. & Mrs. Willard E. Barber Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Barnes

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Barovich Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Barry

Ms. Melinda A. Beasley Mr. & Mrs. George R. Benavidez Ms. Jackie Bender

Dr. & Mrs. William L. Benson Mr. & Mrs. Edwin H. Benton Mr. & Mrs. Ray Bentson

Mr. & Mrs. Alan C. Berg Ms. Helen L. Berg Mrs. Marian B. Berg Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Berg

Mr. & Mrs. Erling Berge Ms. Clarice L. Berggren Mr. & Mrs. James W. Bernklau Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Berry

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Coffey Mr. & Mrs. John Cole

Mr. & Mrs. Keith J. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. James Corey Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Cornell Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Corsi Mrs. Margaret L. Corum

Rev. & Mrs J.O. Coughlin Mr. & Mrs. James A. Craig

Dr. & Mrs. Eric A. Crecelius Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Crewse Dr. & Mrs. John M. Currie Ms. Liz Curry Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Emil Czelder Dr. & Mrs. Aloys J. Daack

Mr. & Mrs. Everett A. Dahl Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dal Balcon Mr. & Mrs. David H. Danis

Mr. & Mrs. James Allen Davis Miss Judith K. Davis

Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Blazek Mr. & Mrs. Harold F. Blecha Mr. & Mrs. Larry Bockelman

Mr. & Mrs. Evan L. Davis Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dawes Ms. Saranell De Chambeau Mr. & Mrs. Henry De Mots Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie L. Deatherage Dr. & Mrs. Carrol Debower Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Debroeck Mr. & Mrs. Anton Dekruyf

Mr. & Mrs. Myer J. Bornstein

Mrs. Amelia Delong Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Deming Mr. & Mrs. N.E. Dey Mr. & Mrs. Roy Dilling

Ms. Nina Bertelsen Mr. Steve Bibelheimer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Bigley Rev. Richard J. Bingea

Mr. & Mrs. Jerald O. Boeder Mrs. Genevieve D. Boer Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Borg

Mr. & Mrs. Frank P Bosone Ms. Polly B. I. Boxx

Mr. & Mrs. Clifford W. Bradshaw Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Braunlich Mr. J. Albert Brevik

Mrs. Esther M. Brodbeck Mr. & Mrs. Elliott Brogren Mr. & Mrs. Larry N. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Rick Brown Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Brunnquell Ms. Janet L. Bryant Dr. & Mrs. Alfred S Buck Mr. & Mrs. James S. Buck Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Buck

Mr. & Mrs. Sonny Buendia Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Bull

Ms. Beatrice Burau Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Burgemeister Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Burgemeister Mr. Robert N. Burlingame Mr. & Mrs. C. Glenn Burnett Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Butler

& Mrs. Kenneth Byrne & Mrs. N. Terry Calhoun Marilyn J. Callahan & Mrs. George D. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Gene P. Carey

Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr.

Ms. Carolyn Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Lewis 1. Carlson

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& & & &

Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.

Rudolph C. Carlson Theodore H. Carlson Rinaldo M. Carosino Richard Cawley

Ms. Jerri L. Ditterick Ms. Frances M. Dittman Dr. & Mrs. Allen E. Doan

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Dockter

Dr. & Mrs. Carl B. Dodrill

Ms. Susan J. Dominy Mr. & Mrs. Dewey D. Doolittle Mr. Marcus L. Doss Mr. Hisako Dotter Mr. & Mrs. Larry Doty Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Dowling Ms. Gloria Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Driskell Miss Virginia I. Drugg Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Dubay Mr. & Mrs. Stanley G. Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Harry B. Durdall Mr. & Mrs. Patrick W. Durick Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Dutton Ms. Esther Eddy Mr. & Mrs. James B. Edgar Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Edwards Mr. & Mrs. J.F. Egeland

Dr. & Mrs. Emmet E. Eklund Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Ekren Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& & & &

Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs.

Clifton L. Eldred Byron Ellingson Bruce Elliot Richard A. Elwyn

Ms. Eleanor A. Ely Mr. & Mrs. Sterly Engman Mr. & Mrs. Lee A. Enloe

Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. Erick son Mr. Warren F. Erickson


Mr. & Mrs. James C. Finley Ms. Mary A. Finnie Mr. & Mrs. Robert Firman Dr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Floor

Capt & Mrs. George W. Folta

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne P. Fontenelle Mr. & Mrs. David Foslien

Ms. Joyce A. Fraser Mr. & Mrs. Milton E. Fricke Ms. Phyllis D. Friesz Mr. & Mrs. Jack K. Furgason Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Furth, Jr. Ms. Helen R Gabel

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Garbino Mr. & Mrs. Max Garred Jr.

Mr. Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. James Garrett

Patricia R. Ladd Geibel Ingrid H. Gerling & Mrs. Robert K. Gerloff & Mrs. Svein Gilje

Mr. Hal Gislesen Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Godinho Mr. & Mrs. John Goeller

Rev. & Mrs. Samuel F. Coldenman Mr. & Mrs. Erwin H. Goldenstein Dr. & Mrs. James S. Good Mr. Richard Goodwin

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& & & &

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms.

Mrs. Charles E. Gruhl Mrs. Leroy L. Gulke Mrs. Russell Gunderson Mrs. Dele Gunnerson Mrs. Arnold B. Gustafson Colleen M. Hacker

Mrs. George E. Cordon Mrs. Laurence N. Graham Mrs. Delbert D. Grauerholz Mrs. David Green Chester H. Grimstead

& & & & &

Mr. & Mrs. Darell L. Hager Mr. & Mrs. Bert Hagg

Mr. & Mrs. Philip Hahn Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hainline Mr. & Mrs. Naubert Hamilton Dr. & Mrs. John E. Hanby Jr.

Ms. Mary Lynne Hannon Mr. & Mrs. Steinar R. Hansen Mr. & Mrs. John M. Hanson

Dr. & Mrs. John F. Harbottle Miss Dorothea Harder Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Harkson Mr. & Mrs. O.B. Haroldson Mr. & Mrs. Howard F. Harpel Mr. & Mrs. Elliot Harris Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Harris Ms. Heidemarie Hartmann Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Harvie Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Haskins Mr. Melvin Hattan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hauge Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Haugen Mr. & Mrs. Bill M. Haynes Mrs. Dutton Hayward Mr. Michael R. Hayworth Mrs. Neva C. Healey Ms. Beulah Hedahl Mr. & Mrs. Walter R. Heft

Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Hein Mr. Murphy Hektner Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Helzer Mrs. Annette M. Hendrickson

Jeffrey Soine ofSetl,tt/e

was the l'aIetlictorian of his 1, OOO-member dass

at Columbia UnWmity School ofEngineering and Applied &ienee in New Yori City. He earned R. 3-2 dual bachelor ofscience deBT" .from Columbia and PLU. (PLUprepared me superbly for the highly competitir1e Columbia community, Âť he said.



Fund Gifts up to SIOO Continued

& Mrs. Robert W. Henkel & Mrs. Kenneth P. Hermanson Mr. & Mrs. Eric C. Hidenrick Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Hilderman Mr. & Mrs. George E. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Timothy H. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Flaviano Hingada Mr. & Mrs. Selmer J. Hjelmeland Mr. & Mrs. Bart A. Hogeberg Mr. & Mrs. Karl W. Hohengarten Mr & Mrs Frank Holecz Mr. & Mrs. Joel Holland Mr. & Mrs. William Holland Mr.


Ms. Evelyn L. Holt Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Honea

Dr. & Mrs. Layton Homer Mrs. Norma Huber Mr. & Mrs. David A. Hult Ms. Peggy Hunter Miss Inez M. Hushagen Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hutchinson

Dr. Andrew H. Isaacs Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Isham Mr. & Mrs. Leroy D. Israelson Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Iverson Ms. Velma L. Jackson Mrs. Ann H. Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Carl Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Karl Jon David Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Jamieson Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Jaramillo Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Jasper Mr. & Mrs. David E. Jeans Miss Helen M. Jenner Mr. & Mrs. Lee P. Jockers Mrs. Edith K. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Alexis Johnson Mr. & Mrs. David H. Johnson Mr. Gunner Johnson Ms. Judith Anne Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Maynard Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Roger N. Johnson Ms. Sharon L. Johnson Mrs. H. Evelyn Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Jack H. Johnston Mrs. Louise Jolly Mr.

& Dr. Elverse M. Jordan

Ms. Sonja Kaer Mr. Douglas Kaerstner Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kaiser

Dr. & Mrs.

Edmund A. Kanar

Mrs. Elizabeth Y. Karl Ms. Margaret E. Karr

& Mrs. Nobuo Kawasaki & Mrs. Harold E. Kay & Mrs. Kenneth Kearn Mr. & Mrs. Robert Keatts Mr. & Mrs. Laurence A. Keeler Mr. & Mrs. Arvid Keith Mr. & Mrs. James W. Keith Dr. & Mrs. Paul H. Kelker Mr. & Mrs. D. Paul Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Kelly Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Kelly Mr. & Ms. Robert Kerr Mr. & Mrs. Laurence E. Kerwin

Mr. Mr. Mr.

Mrs. Irene L. Keyes Mr. & Mrs. Axel C. Kildegaard Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Killian

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne W. Killian Mr. & Mrs. John Killory Mr. & Mrs. Hyun Kim Ms. Mary Ann Kluge Ms. Doreen R. Knapp Mr Mr. Mr.

& Mrs Albert Knutson & Mrs. Louis Kurtenbach & Mrs. John E. Kuula

Mr. & Mrs. Vic La Bantschnig Mr. & Mrs. Walter Laity Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Lakey Ms. Winifred S. Langdon Mr.

& Mrs. Fred E. Langford

Mrs. Gyda A. Langlow Mr. & Mrs. Ed Langsdorf Mr.

& Mrs. Richard N. Larsen

Mrs. Therese Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Milton N. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Larson Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Larson

Mr. Lester Mc Kim Mr.


Mrs. Roger K. Mc Millian

Ms. Mary Mc Kenzie Mr. Ruben Mehl Ms. Sondra J. Meinert Mrs. Frieda A. Mellor Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Merle Mr. & Mrs. Duane R. Merrill

Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Metz Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Meusbom Mr. Donald D. Meyer

Mrs. Helen S. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Bruno Michetti

& Mrs. David Middleton & Mrs. Robert Mikkelson Mr. & Mrs. Bruce S. Miller Mr. & Mrs. James D. Miller Dr. & Mrs. John Miller

Mrs. Suzanne H. Lashbrook Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord C. Lasher

Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Norman W. Leake & Mrs. Eugene Leap Mr. & Mrs. R.D. Leary Mr. & Mrs. Errol R. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Frederick G. Lee

Ms. Lynn A. Miller Mr. & Mrs. William L. MiUer

Mrs. Alice J. Latunen Dr. & Dr. Frederick M. Lauritsen Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Law Mr. Mr.

Mr. James S. Lee Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Leggett Dr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Legler Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Leinweber Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Lemay Mr.

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Dennis Lenz & Mrs. Gary Leppink & Mrs. Bruce M. Leroy & Mrs. Frank L. Levandowski & Mrs. Nicholas D. Lewis

Ms. Dorothy Leyden Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Lien Mr. & Mrs. H. William Lieske Ms. Susan Lindermayr Mr. & Mrs. Dale S. Lipke Mr.


Mrs. Thomas A. Little

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Lo Ms. Susan A. Logen Mr. & Mrs. Anthony F. Logue

Dr. Grace C. Long

Mr. Kenneth Lueder Ms. Ida M. Luisen Mr. Donald Lund Mrs. Doris J. Mac Donald

& Mrs. Jay R. Mac Intyre & Mrs. Roland Mac Kenzie Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Magner Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Manary Mr. & Mrs. Harley J. Mangold Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. March Mr. Mr.

Ms. Hazel W. Marek Ms. Ellen Marsh Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Martinson Mrs. Asta Marx Mr. Richard W. Mathes Mrs. Helen V. Mattes Rev. & Mrs. Robert Mattheis

Dr. & Mrs. Edwin O. Matthes & Mrs. F. A10is Maxeiner & Mrs. Peter L. Maxson

Mr. Mr.

Ms. Lucille May Mr. & Mrs. Thor K. Maydole Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Ralph Mays Mr. & Ms. Edward P. Mazur Ms. Betty Mc Cauley Ms. Candace Carson Mc Collum Mr. James Mc Cormack Mr. & Mrs. Ron Mc Cray Mrs. Marilyn Mc Crum Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. Mc Dougall Ms. Jane W. Mc Fee Mr. & Mrs. Donald Mc Goldrick Mr. & Mrs. Keith C. Mc Graw Ms. Patricia Joyce Mc Intosh Mr.


Mrs. Armond C. Mc Irvin

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Minnitti Mrs. Flossie MitcheU Ms. Gloria Mitchell Mrs. Perry Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Molt Mr. & Mrs. Roger B. Molt Mr. & Mrs. Walter Molyneaux Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O. Monroe Mr. & Mrs. Arthur G. Monstad Mr. Bradford Moore Mr. & Mrs. Tillman M. Moore

Mr. & Mrs. Vernon L. Moore Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Morford Mr. Nels Mork Ms. Virginia L. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Morud

Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Eugene Murnane & Mrs. Raymond Muse & Mrs. Dennis Leonard Nagy, Sr. & Mrs. Philip Nardi

Mr. Ms. Betty L. Narolski

Ms. Janet Sylvia Naylor Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Neely Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Nelson Mr.


Mrs. Carroll L. Nelson


Mrs. Gordon T. Nelson

Mr. Dean W. Nelson Mr.

Mr. & Mrs. Lyle R. Nelson Rev. & Mrs. Maynard Nelson

& Mrs. Vern Nelson & Mrs. Willia m L. Nelson & Mrs. Donald N. Nepean Dr. & Mrs. William H. Neumeister Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Newman Mr. & Mrs. William H. Nicholls Mr. Mr. Mr.

Mrs. Dorothy E. Nichols Rev. & Mrs. Joel T. Nickel Mr. & Mrs. David G. Nierman Mr. & Mrs. Svein O. Nilsen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Noonan Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Nutley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nutto

& Mrs. Donovan Nyquist & Mrs. John R. O'Brien & Mrs. Robert M. O'Brien Mr. & Mrs. Terrence B. O'Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Larry C. O'Hara Mr. & Mrs. Neil A. Ofsthun Mr. & Mrs. Carl Ogren Mr. & Mrs. Richard Oleson Mr. Mr. Mr.

Mrs. Merle Olin Mr. & Mrs. Burl Olmstead Mr. & Mrs. Richard I. Olsen Mr. Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Everett Olson & Mrs. George H. Olson & Mrs. Lawrence A Olson

Ms. Linda Olson Mr. & Mrs. Clinton D. Oneil

Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Orlando Mr. & Mrs. John D. Orr Mr. & Mrs. Edward L Ostlund Mr. & Mrs. Richard Palmer Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Parker Mrs. Madeline T. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Parkhurst Mr. & Mrs. Duane M. Passmore Mr. & Mrs. Paavo Patokoski Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Patton Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Payne Mrs. Evelyn C. Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Gaylord Pearson Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Charles A Pendleton Mrs. Betty Perrin Mr. & Mrs. Clark Peters Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Petersen Mr. & Mrs. David Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Peterson Mr. Joseph Peyton Jr. Dr. & Mrs. David F. Pfendler Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Pike Mr. & Mrs. Edward S. Pommerenke Mr. & Mrs. Gary Thomas Postlethwa Mr. & Mrs. John R Postman Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lee Pouley Mr. & Mrs. David R. Powelson Mr. & Mrs. Eilert Prestegaard Mrs. Eileen Preston Mr. & Mrs Garry Prince Mr. & Mrs. William Robert Pritcha Mr. & Mrs. Donald Probst Mr. & Mrs. Richard Prout Mr. & Mrs. Elmer K. Punohu Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Puzey Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Quarterman Mr. & Mrs. Phillip C. Querin Ms. Brigitte Rabon Mr. & Mrs. John Radovich Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Redlin Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Redmond Mr. & Mrs. Doyd L Reed Mr. & Mrs. James M. Reese Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Reigstad Dr. & Mrs. Lowell Renz Mr. & Mrs. David Leroy Richardson Mr. Lee Ric hardson Mr. & Mrs. Carl D. Riesenweber Mrs. Evelyn M. Rind Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Ringenbach Mr. & Mrs. David E. Rinn Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Riordan Ms. Glenda K. Riseland Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Roberts III Mr. & Mrs. B.R. Robinson Mr. James William Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Jagdish Rohila Mr. & Mrs. Fred Rohlfing Mr. & Mrs. David C. Rohrer Mr. & Mrs. Nic Roozekrans Ms. Barbara Rose Ms. Elma Rosenberger Rev. & Mrs. G. Stanford Rosengren Mr. & Mrs. John Axel Rosenquist Mr. & Mrs. James K. Roser Ms. Helen Rosi Mr. & Mrs. Bernard L Rosling Mr. & Mrs. Glen A Ross Ms. Patricia E. Roundy Mr. & Mrs. William S. Rowe Mr. & Mrs. Anton Rufener Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. William J. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Sager Mr. & Mrs. Einar Sande Ms. Jean Sanford Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Sansgaard Mr. & Mrs. Dean Sartain Ms. Margaretha Sass

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Sayler Ms. Margery F. Sayre Mr. & Mrs. Walter R Schamle Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Schei Mr. & Mrs. Richard L Schleigh Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Schliep Mr. & Mrs. Albert Schmidt Ms. Molly Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Verner N. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Schoch Ms. Judy M. Schreuder Mr. & Mrs. Marc A Schuldt Ms. Lillian K. Schultz Mr. & Mrs. James M. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Robert Seidel Mrs. Selmer Severeid Mr. & Mrs. Merrill Severson Mr. & Mrs. Miram T. Severud Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Shadduck Ms. Mary G Shahrokh Mr. & Mrs. Charles Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Shepard Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sheppard Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Shively Dr. S.c. Siefkes Mr. & Mrs. John D. Simc Huk Mr. & Mrs. Don Simmons Ms. Vicki Klepper Simonsen Mr. & Mrs. William Sippola Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Skibiel Ms. Noriko Skoien Dr. & Mrs. Ole Slind Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Smiley Mr. & Mrs. Clifford I. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jack S. Smith Mr. & Mrs. James T. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Robert Frederick Smith Mr. & Mrs. Russell J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian C. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Wilfrid K.G. Smith Ms. Rochelle E. Snee Ms. Carolyn Snyder Mr. Harold A Sommers Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Sorensen Mrs. Sigrid Sowell Rev. Hans Spalteholz Mr. & Mrs. Russell G. Spere Mr. & Mrs. James E. Splane Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur J. Springer Ms. Phreda Y. Staadecker Mr. W.B. Staadecker Mr. & Mrs. Delbert L Stark Mr. & Mrs. George N. Stebbins Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stender Mr. Ivan J. Stephenson Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Steveson Mr. Gary Stewart Mrs. Bernice A Strelow Ms. Beverly J. Stroup Mr. & Mrs. Victor S. Stueck Ie Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Stuehrenberg Mr. Robert Sudderth Ms. Frieda Sugai Mr. & Mrs. Genkichi Sugai Mrs. Helen S. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Swanson Dr. Marvin Swenson Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Syren Mr. T. Kenneth Tang Ms. Catherine M. Tanner Mr. & Mrs Thomas T. Tavener Dr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Teel Mr. & Mrs. T. Dewey Teigen Ms. Ethel Telban Mrs. Hazel L Tellefson Mrs. Antonia E. Therriault Mrs. Arvid Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Ernest M. Thompson Ms. Georgine E. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. John R. Thompson

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Thompson Ms. Linda Thoraldson Mrs. Claire A Thue Dr. & Mrs. Edgar G. Timm Mr. & Mrs. William G. Tobin Mr. & Ms. Walter Todd Mr. & Mrs. August J. Tokarczyk Mrs. Edith Tollefson Ms. Nicola Tollefson Mr. & Mrs. Dale Toombs Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Torgerson Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gunar H. Tranum Ms. Peggy Treuter Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Tuttle Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tye Ms. Maxine Tygart Mr. & Mrs. Calvin N. Ulberg. Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jerold D. Ullery Ms. Carol A Underhill Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Uyeda Mr. & Mrs. James R. Van Slyke Ms. Lynn S. Vance Mr. & Mrs. V.L. Vaswig Ms. El izabeth Vaughn Mr. & Mrs. Noel T. Vaughn Mr. & Mrs. Gene Venekamp Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Vogelsang Mr. & Mrs. Frank Vojtech Mr. William C. Voligny Ms. Jeanne Wadsworth Rev. & Mrs. Albert F. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Walczyk Mr. & Mrs. H. Vincent Warr Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Wastier Mrs. Orietta Watson Mr. Albert Watters Mr. & Mrs. Bobby L Weaver Ms. Barbara Webber Mr. & Mrs. E.P. Weber Mr. & Mrs. Vern A Wegner Mr. & Mrs. BA. Weinberg Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Weltz Ms. Ling H. Wen Mr. & Mrs. James W. West Mr. & Dr. Wesley T. Westrum Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Wetherington Rev. & Mrs. AM. Weyermann Mrs. Dorothy J. White Mr. & Mrs. James J. Wiersma Mrs. Esther Wilcox Mr. & Mrs. Kerry D. Wilde Mr. & Mrs. Robert L Wiley Mrs. Martha A Wilken Ms. Lorinda Wilk ins Mr. Charles L Williams Mr. & Mrs. Samuel B. Williams Jr. Mr. Harold Willsey Mr. & Mrs. Gary L Wilson Ms. Mandy Wilson Mrs. Carol M. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Win bolt Mr. & Mrs. Romanus T. Winkels Ms. Mary R. Wintermute Mr. & Mrs. Victor A Wirkkala Mrs. Odny Wise Dr. Melvin E. Witt Rev. & Mrs. Thomas P. Wolbrecht Mr. & Mrs. O. Harvey Wolden Ms. Karen K. Wood Mr. Ronald G. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Steams J. Wood Mrs. Marjorie H. Wooster Mr. & Mrs. Tony L Wright Mr. & Mrs. Su-Lin Wu Mrs. Hazel Wuethrick Mr. Marcus Wulf Dr. & Mrs. AJ. Yarmat Mr. Ralph E. Yoder Mr. & Mrs. Glenn R. Young


''PLu seeks not only the very outstanding stu­ dents, but othen who, fur one nason ur another, seem to have untapped ur unrecog­ nized potential. We an confoknt our faculty, tutors and counselon can help these students be succesful. s " Erv Severtson, vice· president for srudent life


Annulll Fund Gifts up to $100 Continued Dr. & Mrs. Jorge Zapate Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Zimmer

Ms. Zita Zvirzdys

C'The thing I like most about PLU is the potential for spiritual and physical lIS well lIS intellectualgrowth. Spiritual development is a7lailable through social actiTlities like &joice, chape� religion c/a.rse.s, Bible studies and Uni1lersity Congregation. » Tracy Moore, sophomore business major


As a University of the Church, Pacific Lutheran University is owned by the 630 churches of Region I of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (congrega­ tions in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington). Many of those congre­ gations, out of particular commitment to their mission in higher education, choose to support the University program directly each year. These gifts come to the University in a variety of ways. Unrestricted gifts and scholarship support for the University's Annual Fund are recognized through congregational membership in the various levels of the PLU Q Club. This money helps undergird the annual mission of the University by subsidizing each student's education and assisting in general operations. $2,400 or more a year

Many congregations elect to give for the benefit of particular students. Gifts to the Pacific Lutheran University Match­ ing Scholarships program (PLUMS) generate matching contributions for young people from contributing congre­ gations. Funds for the support of Lutheran students from the developing African country of Namibia are directed towards the Namibian Student Scholarship Fund. Through these growing designated and undesignated gifts, congregations play a significant role in annual support of the University and scholarships for individual students.

U,OOO or more a year

Q Club Senior Fellows

Q Club Fellows

Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Olympia, Wa Mountain View Lutheran Puyallup, Wa

Bethlehem Lutheran Church Tacoma, Wa Christ Lutheran Church Tacoma, Wa

Christ Lutheran Church Odessa, Wa Christ The King Lutheran Church Milton-Freewater, Or Cross Of Christ Lutheran Church Bellevue, Wa Emmanuel Lutheran Church Walla Walla, Wa

Faith Lutheran Church Seattle, Wa Glendale Lutheran Church Seattle, Wa Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Port Angeles, Wa Our Saviour'S Lutheran Church Bremerton, Wa Peninsula Lutheran Church Gig Harbor, Wa Silverdale Lutheran Church Silverdale, Wa St Paul's Of Shorewood Lutheran Church Seattle, Wa Trinity Lutheran Church Tacoma, Wa Zion Lutheran Church Davenport, Wa Zion Lutheran Church Kent, Wa

Q Club Associate F eUows $480 or more a year

Amazing Grace Lutheran Church Anchorage, Ak Bethesda Lutheran Church Eugene, Or Bethlehem Lutheran Church Portland, Or Burlington Lutheran Church Burlington, Wa Central Lutheran Church Anchorage, Ak Central Lutheran Church Bellingham, Wa Christ Lutheran Church Big Sandy, Mt Christ Lutheran Church Spokane, Wa Edison Lutheran Church Bow, Wa First Evangelical Lutheran Church Tacoma, Wa First Lutheran Church Bothell, Wa Grace Lutheran Church Bellevue, Wa Grace Lutheran Church Des Moines, Wa Our Saviours Lutheran Church Bellingham, Wa St Andrew's Lutheran Church Bellevue, Wa St Luke Lutheran Church Bellevue, Wa St Mark's By the Narrows Tacoma, Wa Trinity Lutheran Church Lewiston, Id Zion Lutheran Church Newberg. Or

Q Club Members $240 or more a year

Bethany Lutheran Church Gold Beach, Or Christ Lutheran Church Walla Walla, Wa Denny Park Lutheran Church Seattle, Wa Emanuel Lutheran Church Cornelius, Or Emanuel Lutheran Church Ritzville, Wa Emmanuel Lutheran Church Moscow, Id Emmanuel Lutheran Church Spokane, Wa Emmaus Lutheran Church Eugene, Or Faith Lutheran Church Albany, Or Faith Lutheran Church Lakewood, Wa Faith Lutheran Church North Bend, Or Family Of God Lutheran Church Tracyton, Wa First Lutheran Church Astoria, Or First Lutheran Church Kennewick, Wa First Lutheran Church Of Richmond Beach Seattle, Wa Galilean Chapel Ocean Shores, Wa Gethsemane Lutheran Church Portland, Or Gethsemane Lutheran Church Seattle, Wa Grace Lutheran Church Cashmere, Wa Highland Lutheran Church La Center, Wa Holy Spirit Lutheran Church Kirkland, Wa Hope Lutheran Church Tacoma, Wa Immanuel Lutheran Church Woodburn, Or Kent Lutheran Church Kent, Wa Lake Chelan Lutheran Church Chelan, Wa Light Of The Cross Lutheran Church Bothell, Wa Los Altos Lutheran Church Los Altos, Ca Messiah Lutheran Church Auburn, Wa Mount Cross Lutheran Church Tacoma, Wa Mount Zion Lutheran Church Tacoma, Wa Oak Harbor Lutheran Church Oak Harbor, Wa Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Eugene, Or Our Savior Lutheran Church Issaquah, Wa Our Saviors Lutheran Church Aberdeen, Wa Our Saviors Lutheran Church Clarkston, Wa Peace Lutheran Church Colfax, Wa Peace Lutheran Church Puyallup, Wa Port Madison Lutheran Church Bainbridge Island, Wa


Portsmouth Trinity Lutheran Church Portland, Or Prince Of Peace Lutheran Church Seattle, Wa Prince Of Peace Lutheran Church Tacoma, Wa Salem Lutheran Church Mt. Vernon, Wa Shepherd Of The Valley Lutheran Church Boise, Id Spanaway Lutheran Church Spanaway, Wa St Johns Lutheran Church American Falls, Id St Mark Lutheran Church Hayden Lake, Id St Paul Lutheran Church Quincy, Wa St Paul Lutheran Church Vancouver, Wa St Peter Lutheran Church Spokane, Wa St. Stephen Lutheran Church Gladstone, Or Trinity Lutheran Church Enumclaw, Wa Trinity Lutheran Church Of Lynnwood Lynnwood, Wa University Lutheran Church Seattle, Wa Wilbur Lutheran Church Wilbur, Wa Zion Lutheran Church Oregon City, Or Zoar Evangelical Lutheran Church Canby, Or

Annual Fund Gifts up to $239 a year

Ascension Lutheran Church Spokane, Wa Bethel Lutheran Church Portland, Or Bethesda Lutheran Church Mt. Lake Terrace, Wa Christ Lutheran Church Ferndale, Wa Christ The King Lutheran Church Snohomish, Wa First English Lutheran Church Billings, Mt Golden West Lutheran Church Conrad, Mt Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Concord, Ca Immanuel Lutheran Church Woodburn, Or Lord Of Life Lutheran Church Renton, Wa Messiah Lutheran Church Hayward, Ca Our Saviors Lutheran Church Spokane, Wa Our Saviour's American Lutheran Church Chester, Mt Selbu Lutheran Church La Crosse, Wa St James Lutheran Church Seattle, Wa St Paul Of Damascus Lutheran Ch Boring. Or St Paul's Lutheran Church Missoula, Mt Trinity Lutheran Church Freeland, Wa Twin Harbor Lutheran Church Grayland, Wa Zoar Lutheran Church Women Canby, Or

"1 wanted to be at a religious institutUm where Ifeelsgoals are more clear, and there is a quality oflift I couldn'tfind at a secular institution. " Christian Lucky '89

Fulbright Scholar


Namibian Student Scholarships Thanks to the support of several congregations, con­ ferences and synods, five Namibian students will be enrolled at PLU this fall. Pacific Lutheran University in partnership with these donors is educating Namibian Lutheran young people for service in their developing country.

"Godgave us the grtatest teacher. His influence has instilled in me the desire to focus my life on serving and teaching others. JJ Grace Running, one of only two students nationwide selected for Fulbright study in Norway

Camano Lutheran Church Camano Island, Wa Central Lutheran Church Anchorage, Ak Central Lutheran Church Everett, Wa Central Lutheran Church Portland, Or Central Lutheran Church Eugene, Or Christ Lutheran Church Aurora, Or Christ Lut heran Ch urch Tacoma, Wa Christ Lutheran Church Salem, Or Christ The King Lutheran Church Milton- Freewater, Or Cross & Crown Lut heran Church Renton, Wa Cross Of Christ Lutheran Church Bellevue, Wa Ebenezer Lutheran Church Lake Stevens, Wa Emanuel Lutheran Church Cornelius, Or Emmanuel Lut heran Church Walla Walla, Wa Faith Lutheran Church Leavenworth, Wa First Evangelical Lut heran Church Mt Vernon, Wa First Lutheran Church Poulsbo, Wa First Lutheran Church Bothell Wa Gethsemane Lutheran Church Portland, Or Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Olympia, Wa Grace Lutheran Church Des Moines, Wa

Grace Lutheran Church Wenatchee, Wa Grace Lutheran Church Women Port Townsend, Wa Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Ephrata, Wa Island ' ) f Faith Lutheran Church Wrangell, Ak Maple Leaf Lutheran Church Seattle, Wa Messiah Lutheran Church Vancouver, Wa Milwaukie Lut heran Church Milwaukie, Or Our Savior Lut heran Church Issaquah, Wa Our Saviors Lutheran Church Everett, Wa Our Saviors Lutheran Church Nome, Ak Our Saviour's Lutheran Church Bremerton, Wa Pacific Lutheran University Tacoma, Wa Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church Seattle, Wa Prince Of Peace Lut heran Church Everett, Wa Richland Lutheran Church Richland, Wa Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church Redmond, Wa Silverdale Lutheran Church Silverdale, Wa St Andrew Lut heran Church Vancouver; Wa St Luke Lutheran Church Portland, Or St Matthew Lutheran Church Beaverton, Or St Paul Lutheran Church Portland, Or St Peter Lut heran Church Spokane, Wa St. Stephen Lutheran Church Gladstone, Or Trinity Lutheran Church Silverton, Or Trinity Lutheran Church Pullman, Wa Trinity Lutheran Church Vancouver, Wa Trinity Lut heran Church Tacoma, Wa Trinity Lut heran Church Gresham, Or Wooden Cross Lutheran Church Woodinville, Wa Zion Lutheran Church Oregon City, Or Zion Lutheran Church Spokane, Wa


Unique and Special Gifts Support for capital construction projects and restricted gifts. Central Lutheran Church Anchorage, Ak Faith Lut heran Church Seattle, Wa Our Saviors Lutheran Church Stanwood, Wa Peace Lut heran Church Silvana, Wa St Andrew Lut heran Church Vancouver, Wa

Pacific Lutheran University Matching Scholarships (PLUMS) The purpose of this pro­ gram is to provide financial assistance for designated students who attend Pacific Lutheran University from Lutheran congregations. Through the PLUMS pro­ gram PLU will annually match, dollar-for-dollar, individual scholarship contributions from $100 to $500 provided by congrega­ tions or organizations within the church for students attending PLU. The following congrega­ tions are supporting their member PLU students through a PLUMS award: American Lutheran Church Gothenburg, N E Atonement Lutheran Church Newport, OR Atonement Lutheran Church St. Cloud, MN Augustana Lutheran Church Denver, CO Augustana Lutheran Church Portland, OR Bethany Lutheran Church Bainbridge Island, WA Bethel Lutheran Church Brush Prairie, WA Bethel Lutheran Church Joplin, MT Bethesda Lutheran Church Eugene, OR Bethlehem Lutheran Church Kalispell, MT Burr Oak Lut heran Church Burr Oak, lA Calvary Lutheran Church Aberdeen, WA Calvary Lutheran Church Hillsboro, OR Calvary Lutheran Church Solana Beach, CA Central Lutheran Church Anc horage, AK Central Lutheran Church Bellingham, WA Christ Lutheran Church Belfair, WA Christ Lut heran Church Big Sandy, MT Christ Lutheran Church Libby, MT Christ Lutheran Church Tacoma, WA Christ the King Lutheran Church Denver, CO Clairemont Lutheran Church San Diego, CA Ebenezer Lutheran Church Lake Stevens, WA Emanuel Lutheran Church Ritzville, WA

Emmanuel Lutheran Church Tacoma, WA Emmanuel Lutheran Church Walla Walla, WA Emmaus Lutheran Church Eugene, OR Faith Lutheran Church Great Falls, MT Faith Lutheran Church Leavenworth, WA Faith Lutheran Church Sequim, WA Faith Lutheran Church Toppenish, WA Family of Grace Lutheran Church Auburn, WA First Lutheran Church Bend, OR First Lutheran Church Bothell, WA First Lutheran Church Ellensburg, WA First Lutheran Church Fullerton, CA First Lutheran Church Parshall, NO First Lutheran Church Sand Point, ID First Evangelical Lut heran Church Idaho Falls, ID First Immanuel Lutheran Church Portland, OR Glendale Lutheran Church Seattle, WA Gloria Dei Lutheran Church AIderwood Manor, WA Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Olympia, WA Gloria Dei Evangelical Lutheran Church Kelso, WA Gold Hill Lut heran Church Butte, MT Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Novato, CA Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Salem, OR Grace Lutheran Church Bellevue, WA Grace Lutheran Church Cashmere, WA Grace Lutheran Church Fairfield, MT Grace Lut heran Church Palo Alto, CA Holy Cross Lutheran Church Bellevue, WA Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Port Angeles, WA Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Portland, OR Honolulu Lutheran Church Honolulu, HI Immanuel Lut heran Church Moses Lake, WA Immanuel Lut heran Church Portland, OR Immanuel Lutheran Church Puyallup, WA Immanuel Lutheran Church Saratoga, CA Immanuel Lutheran Church Seattle, WA King of Glory Lutheran Church Fountain Valley, CA Lord of Life Lutheran Church Renton, WA Lutheran Church of the Cross Laguna Hills, CA

Milwaukie Lutheran Church Milwauk ie, OR MI. Si Lutheran Church North Bend, WA MI. View Lutheran Church Puyallup, WA Our Savior's Lutheran Church Los Angeles, CA Our Savior's Lutheran Church Rolla, NO Our Saviour's Lut heran Church Aberdeen, WA Our Saviour's Lut heran Church Bellingham, WA Our Saviour's Lutheran Church Bremerton, WA Our Saviour's Lut heran Church Salem, OR Our Saviour's Lutheran Church Stanwood, WA Our Saviour's Lutheran Church Tucson, AZ Peninsula Lutheran Church Gig Harbor, WA Pleasant Hill Lutheran Church Pleasant Hill OR Pondera Valley Lut heran Church Conrad, MT Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Gillette, WY Prince of Peace Lutheran Church Seattle, WA Red Hill Evangelical Lutheran Church Tustin, CA Redeemer Lutheran Ch urch Spokane, WA Redeemer Lutheran Church Tacoma, WA Salem Lutheran Ch urch Mount Vernon, WA Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church Orinda, CA Silverdale Lutheran Church Silverdale, WA St. Andrew's Lutheran Church Bellevue, WA St. Andrew's Lutheran Church Vancouv er, WA

51. Francis Lutheran Church San Francisco, CA 51. James Lutheran Church Portland, OR St. John's Lutheran Church American Falls, 10 51. John's Lutheran Church Sacramento, CA 51. Mark's Lutheran Church Atchison, KS 51. Mark 's Lutheran Ch urch Sioux Falls, 50 St. Olaf Lutheran Church Garden Grove, CA St. Paul Lutheran Church Colville, WA 51. Paul Lutheran Church Cut Bank, MT 51. Paul's Lutheran Church Boise, ID 51. Paul's Lutheran Church Lod� CA St. Paul's Lut heran Church Waverly, IA St. Paul's Lut heran Church Winlock, WA Trinity Lut heran Church Longview, WA Trinity Lut heran Church Lynnwood, WA Trinity Lutheran Church Sheridan, WY Trinity Lutheran Church Tacoma, WA United Lutheran Church Waterville, WA Vinland Lutheran Church Poulsbo, WA Zion Lutheran Church Deer Park, WA Zion Lutheran Church Everett, WA Zion Lut heran Church Lewistown, MT Zion Lutheran Church Loveland, CO Zion Lutheran Church Spokane, WA


"In Inter-Varsity Christian PelJowship I have rontinued to grow in my relationship with Jesus. The volleylHUl team has let me experi­ ence the joy ofplaying for a PLU athletic team. Both have c0n­ tributedgreatly to my ovemll progression as a person!" Doug Carlson '88, Vancouver, WA


Businesses and Foundations Annual support from the business community and from foundations comes to the University in a variety of ways. Unrestricted gifts and scholarship support for the University's Annual Fund are recognized through member­ ship in the various levels of the PLU Q Club. This money undergirds current operations and helps subsidize the cost of education for each student. Gifts, restricted for specific purposes, are also received from many corporate and foundation sources. These gifts are often targeted to enhance particular areas of the University which are closely related to the priorities of the donor. Corporate and foundation support plays a vital role in meeting the capital and endowment objectives of the University as well. These gifts help fund capital construction projects, provide for the purchase of significant capital equip­ ment needs, and add to the University's endowment. The construction of a new

Q Club Senior Fellows

''PLu is a baJance

between intelJectually challenging aauiemics and a rommunity that helped megrow personally. Without both, your eaUClltWn isnt romplete. Ifound a balance at PLU. » Tim Fonken '88,

Coeur d'Alene, ID

Scandinavian Cultural Center on campus was one of the primary capital fund objectives during the past fiscal year. Two other areas of corporate support include matching gift contributions and gifts received through the Independent Colleges of Washington.

Q Club Members

$2,400 or more a year

$240 or more a year

AIlenmore Foundation Ben B. Cheney Foundation Farmers Group, Inc. Foss Foundation Gottfried & Mary Fuchs Foundation Kilworth Foundation P.L.U. Woman's Club Puget Sound Bank Sears Roebuck Foundation Tucci & Son, Inc. West Coast Grocery Co Woodworth & Co, Inc.

Acts Chiropractic Center American Underwriters Insurance Agencies Ashford-Mc A100n Roberts Insurance Associated Student Body of PLU Aunt Sadie's Restaurant Ballew's Hitch & Muffler Baskin Robbins, Parkland Center Electric Co. Chalker Engineers, Inc. College Cleaners Diagnostic Imaging Northwest Ekrem's Coast To Coast Hardware Federal Construction Co. First Security Bank Gallagher Charitable Trust Harold Lemay Enterprises, Inc. Jeremiah's Boutique John Graham & Co. Real Estate Kimball's Auto Center Kirk Company Len's Mower Service Maloney's Floral Shop Merrill Lynch-Pierce-Fenner Norm Nelson, Inc. O'Neil's Markets Occidental Chemical Corp. Parkland Cleaners Parkland Collision Center Parkland Travel Service, Inc. Pierce County Business Examiner Pinch's Deli Market Pochel Auto Parts Pollard Printing Group, Inc. Printing Control Services, Tukwila Puyallup Valley Bank Raleigh Mann & Powell Red Wing Shoe Store Schoenfeld-Gardner Foundation, Inc. Sea Galley Restaurant Smith Tractor & Equipment Co.

Q Club Fellows

$1,000 or more a year Absher Construction Co Paul M. Bellamy Foundation Cammarano Brothers, Inc Northwest Cascade, Inc. Seafirst Bank Security Pacific Bank Ueland Arts, Inc. Wilcox Farms, Inc.

Q Club Associate Fellows $480 or more a year

Flett Dairy H. D. Baker Company J. c. Penney Co., Inc. Meyer Floor Covering Mountain View Memorial Park Pacific First Federal Savings Pease & Sons, Inc. Roman Meal Company Sea-Land Industries, Inc. Superior Linen Service Tam Engineering Corp. Unigard Security Insurance Co.

Soundview Landscape & Sprinkler Southmark Financial Services Standard Paper Co. Suburban Realty The Picture Man, Inc. Tiny's Tire Topping Motors, Inc. Wanderlust Travel Agency Washington Electric Co. Weir's Appliance and TV, Inc. West Coast Fruit & Produce Western Furnace, Inc.

Unique and Special Gifts Restricted and unrestricted gifts from the following organizations, both public and private, have provided scholarships, strengthened academic and cultural offerings or supported research and community service.

$1,000 and Above Aid Association for Lutherans AIlenmore Foundation Burlington Northern Foundation Cornerstone Development Company Direct Selling Education Foundation Eagle Paper Box Company Finn-Aqua America, Inc. Frank Russell Company, Inc. GTE Grantmaker Consultants, Inc. Haas Foundation (Saul & Dayee G.) International Council for Canadian Studies Kettering Foundation

Lindberg (W.H.) Trust Lutheran Brotherhood Minnesota Mining and Manfacturing (3M Company) Music and Art Foundation Pierce County Centennial Commission Pierce County Arts Commission Puget Sound Bank Puget Sound Water Quality Authority Scandinavian Airlines System, Inc. Security Pacific Bank Sellen Construction Company The Morning News Tribune U 1 C, Inc. U. S. Department of Energy U. S. Information Agency U S West, Inc. Union Pacific Foundation Washington Centennial Commission Washington Commission for the Humanities Washington State MESA Program Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation Wyatt Stapper Architects

Under 1,000 Add Construction Advanced Technical Services Air Cargo Associates, Inc. Albee Studio's Allen Co (Harold A.) AI Langseth Insurance Agency American Insurance Brokers, Inc. Antique Distributers Atled Enterprises, Inc. Bagel Delight Co Beverly Enterprises Brem-Air DisposaL Inc. Bruce Howard Creative Services Compass Corporation Creekside Fibers Don's Repair Service Earthsong Edmark Corporation Edmonds Bookshop Eklund Electric Ernst & Whinney F. Madden Associates Four Seasons Travel Gallup Architects Gayle Rieber Photography Glazer's Camera Supply Grantmaker Consultants, Inc. Greenlake Realty, Inc. Henry's Authentic Hamburgers Holly B's Bakery Icicle Seafoods, Inc. Irishman's Barn Jim Mears Photography, Inc. John Daniels Construction, Inc. Kamen Ugidak, Inc. Kinetic Construction Lamm Roofing Larson's Glass Co, Inc. Lindberg (W.H.) Trust Link Computer Consulting, Ltd. Los Andes Decor Lumpkin, Inc. Mail Boxes Etc. Music And Art Foundation Neonatal Associates North Pacific Bank Old Time Woodwork, Inc. Pacific Packaging Systems, Inc. Pacific Paper

Pamela's Fine Food Parkland Rug & Furniture Cleaners Peake Marketing Pepper's Everett Tavern Pioneer Title Co. Prudential-Bache Securities Radio Voice Rainier Bancorporation Foundation RBR Engineering Reiter Northwest Reynolds Engraving Service Rhodes Masonry Rusty's Foreign Auto Repair San Juan Canvas Co., Inc. Sandy's Repair Service Scandinavian Airlines System, Inc. Schorr Video Communications, Inc. Seattle Shipwrights Co-Op Sellen Construction Co. Shore Sails Sigmar Corporation South Bend Chamber Of Commerce South Sound Red Robin, Inc. Sterling Marine Take Five Cafe Tam Engineering Corp. Taylor Construction (S.G.) The Morning News Tribune The Restaurant Three Fools, Inc. Trattoria Mitchelli Union Bay Cafe United Bank US West Communications Wagner Fund Western Community Bank Western Neon, Inc. Westlake Associates, Inc.

Capital and Endowment Gifts The following corporations, foundations and organiza足 tions have contributed to the capital and endowment objec足 tives of the University through gifts of, or for, equipment and for construction of the library, music and science buildings and the Scandinavian Cultural Center. Allenmore Foundation Anonymous Ben B. Cheney Foundation Daughters of Norway, Olympia Daughters of Norway, Tacoma Eagle Paper Box Co. Finn-Aqua America, Inc. Frank Russell Company, Inc. Greater Tacoma Community Foundation Hannony Lodge #244 . Hewlett-Packard Company Foundation Leif Erickson Committee Montgo'mery Street Foundation Murray Foundation Norden Lodge #2 Sons of Norway Nordlandslaget Norma Auxiliary Nonnan Archibald Foundation Nonnanna Male Chorus Simpson Fund Solveig Lodge, Federal Way Sons of Norway, Kalispell MT

Sons of Norway, Spokane Harris Tsang & Associates U I C Inc. Union Pacific Foundation Valkyrien Lodge, Seattle


Frank Russell Company Opening Gala The following individuals and businesses supported the October 1 5, 1988 opening of the new Frank Russell Company world headquarters in Tacoma, a benefit for the arts at PLU. John & Linda Aakre Judy Adams Beth Ahlstrom Allen Co. ( Harold A.) Clarence L. and Janet Anderson Eldon & Marjory Anderson Estelle Anderson James Anderson Tom & Kathryn Anderson Paul & Peggy Anderson Jerry & Elaine Armstrong Mrs. Edward J. Arntzen Ted & Marilyn Baer Richard L. & Patricia R. Baerg Elbert & Marjorie Baker Richard L. & Patricia R. Balch Marion Baldwin Calvin Bamford Pearle Baskin Tom & Liz Bates William, Janice & Ann Baxter Steve & Cynthia Beaver Luther & Lois Bekemeier James R. & Joanne Bellamy Wedell & Suanne Berg Dave & Carolee Berntsen Rebecca Bianco Jim & Diane Bisceglia Clarence & Patsy Black Jack N. & Yvonne Briggs Joan Brown Laird B. & Yvonne M. Brown Robert & Dianne Brown Sam H. & Nathalie Brown Mr. & Mrs. William D. Brown David & Erin Brunette Eugene & Madelyene Brus Burr Lawrence Rising Architects Charles & Nancy Carlson Phyllis G. Carlson Stan Carlson Judith Carr Raymond & Charlotte Chalker Park Chambliss David Christian Jon & Pat Christopherson Mr. & Mrs. William Chunyk Mr. & Mrs. William Conley John & Martha Coombs Robert & Nonna Corbett Mr. & Mrs. H. Frank Crawford Bill & Bobbe Crooks Kenneth & Lynette Cubbage David Dahl Del & Andrea Davis Mr. & Mrs. George Davis Mrs. Nelson Davis Christina Del Rosario Loren Denbrook

'PLU's strong Iibmd

arts emphllsis mRItes our

fIlumni lI:ttraaiPe to

employm. ThesearRd. lIteS hlll'e learned about the world lind themsell'es in addition togaining II professiona1 skill. " Journalism professor Cliff Rowe, recently named a national professor of the year by the Council for Advancement and Support of Education.


FmnIt RMsseIl

Openi"" umIj"wtl

Gordon &: Wendy Denby Fred &: Julie Desseau Bob &: Joan Dillingham Randi Dillman Dr. Stevens &: Sheila Dimant John &: Marilyn Dimmer Wilson F. &: Patricia A. Doak Melanie Dressel Robert Drugge Blake Eagle James F. &: Lila Early Clive &: Deanna Ebsen George W. Edman F. Talmage &: Molly Edman David Egan Mr. &: Mrs. Verne Elliott Tad &: Mary K. Ellis Mr. &: Mrs. Endicott Don &: Jan Eshelman Steph &: Judith Farber Phil &: Kathy Fina George &: Betty Fisher Debbie Fretts James &: Virginia Frost Roland &: Annette Funk Mrs. RL. Gardner Jr. John &: Wendy Gaston F. Parker &: Sydney Geesen Carl &: Sally Geist David P. Gerry John &: Anne Gibson Gilchrist Motors, Inc. Bill &: Phyllis Gill Daniel R &: Rebecca S. Gill Tim Gill &: Sarah Hamro Robert &: Patricia Gillette Lee &: Pudd Gingrich Frank &: Barbara Girolami Lucille Giroux Ron &: Karen Goodwin Joseph H. &: Eileen Gordon Gail Goralski John &: Jeri Graham Mrs. C. A Grahn Volly Grande Gene &: Esther Grant Gene Grant &: Joy Barrera Virginia Gregory Mrs. James Griffin Jack &: Martha Gruber Rod &: laVerne Hagenbuch JoAnne Hansen James &: Enid Harris Philip &: Alice Hayes Chuck &: Suzanne Heller Dr. David &: Constance Hellyer Bill &: Cathy Herrick Neal &: Nancy Heston John W. &: Johanna Heussman Ray &: Kaye Highsmith Dale &: Sharon Hirz Gunther Hoffman &: Nancy Peregrine Chester &: Lotys Hogan Paul &: Vesta Hoglund Frederick &: Sally Hokanson Philip &: Mary Horther Susan Horther Douglas Howe &: Robin DeBrin Ross-Syford Hoyle Charles H. &: Otis D. Hyde John &: Suzanne James Frank &: Sandy Jennings Darrell W. &: Ann C. Jesse Darrell Jesse Judge Bertil &: Pearl Johnson Jeanette R Johnson Roger &: Shirlee Johnson

Ida F. Johnston Jarratt &: Cindy Jones Richard &: Grace Jungkuntz Paul R &: Alice Kaltinick Francis &: Peggy Kareken Frank &: Carol Karwoski Gale &: Anne Katterhagen Alan &: Margaret Kennebeck Gundar J. &: Valda K. King Mr. &: Mrs. Morris Kirk Paul &: Dorothy Kirk Rick &: Harriett Kirk Jim Kittilsby Dr. Robert Klein &: Noreen Palmquist Dr. Richard &: Joanne Klein Wayne &: Dee Knight Mel &: Melba Knudson Donn &: Patty Koessler Chris &: Laurie Komarzec Cyndee Kraiger &: Randy Olson George &: Lisa Lackermayer Ottie A. &: Barbara Ladd George Lagerquist Mr. &: Mrs. Gary Lange Patricia Lantz Eugene S. &: Margaret Lapin Bill Larsen &: Associates Edgar &: Betty Larson Norval &: Mary Latimer Charles W. Lea, Jr. Leroy Jewelers John &: Karen Long Ty &: Anne L. Long Bill &: Gerry Lucks Chauncey &: Liz Lufkin George A. &: Betty Lund Margaret L. Lyne Jeffrey &: Sara Lyon Patrick &: Glee Lyon Dr. Marcel &: Jean Malden John M. &: Mary K. Manley Lynne Martin Joe &: Dee Martinac C. Fred &: Dianne Matthaei Kurt &: Pam Meyer James &: Dianne McDonald John, Jr. &: Lori McDonough John R &: Jane McDonough James R McGranahan Margaret McGroarty Ish Mclaughlin Mary Lou Mclaughlin Georgia Meier Mrs. Clare Menzel Sandi Merrill Dr. Gary Minetti &: Dr. Alene Coglizer Dean &: Nicky Minor Richard &: Marcia Moe Roger &: Nancy Molt Harry &: Vivian Morgan Maxwell &: Shirley Morgan Mr. &: Mrs. Don Morken Gary &: Mildred Morris James Morris James &: Patricia Morton Mountain View Memorial Park Dr. Stanley Mueller Ted Mulcahey &: Sue Ellen Caraco Billie Murphy Martin &: Barbara Neeb Barbara Lord Nelson Mr. &: Mrs. Harold E. Nelson John L. &: Laure C. Nicols Virginia Nisker Dr. James &: Nan Nokleberg Norman H. &: Phyllis Nordlund

Mr. &: Mrs. Jim Odberg Capt. Gunnar Olsborg Carl &: Phyllis Opgaard Thomas &: Ingrid Owen Dr. Ralph &: Rosemary O'Connor Pacific Paper Mrs. Leslie Paterson Robert &: Peggy Paterson Bert H. Paul, III James &: Bonnie Paulsson Donnie &: Randal Payton Eugene &: Barbara Pearson Rena V. Pellergrini Mr. &: Mrs. George S. Pessemier Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Pessemier Warren &: Barbara Peterson Bill &: Dorothy Philip Mike &: Jil Pinch Sondra &: Don Purcell Michael Quatsoe Paul &: Jan Reeder Marcee Reister Mr. &: Mrs. Timothy Richmond Douglass W. Richter Dr. William O. &: Joanne Rieke Kerstin Ringdahl Denny &: Kay Rowley Roger L. Rue &: Judy Smith Mr. &: Mrs. James Rush George &: Jane Russell F. Russell Company Donald &: Kathy Sacco John J. Savage &: Betty Smith Mr. &: Mrs. Dave Sclair John &: Aleen Schiller Albert &: Anna Schimke Bud &: Gerry Schwarz Wanda Scott Seldens, Inc. Mr. &: Mrs. Gary Severson S. Erving &: Nancy Severtson Fred &: Jane Shanaman Rick Shanaman Walter &: Renee Shaw Ned &: Joanne Shera Dr. Paul B. &: Virginia W. Smith Patricia Smith &: David Camp Donn &: Adrien Spencer James F. &: Gretchen B. Stengel Jack Stephens Rich &: Candy Stewart Heath &: Joan Stiggelbout Robert &: Joy Stohr Joe &: Carol Stortini Bill &: Bobby Street Donald &: Carol-Wray Sturgill Herbert F. &: Joyce Syford V.G. Taft Raymond Tallman Graham &: Julie Tash Camille Tellefson Christopher Thompson Mrs. Helen B. Thompson Kevo X. Thomson Bruce &: Linda Titus Marilee Titus Mr. &: Mrs. Leon Titus, III Paul &: Joanne Titus Doni Topel Diane Tsang Molly Middleton Tuohy Signe &: Jan Twardowski James &: Charmian Van Seek Elodie Vandevert Raulin Vonnegut George &: Arlene Wade Cordy &: Judy Wagner John &: Anne Wallerich

Peter K. &: Marylu Wallerich Gene &: Mary Ann Walters Mr. &: Mrs. Jonathan Ward Needham Ward Jack &: Lily Warnicke Richard &: Gracia Wegner Ray &: Dorothy Werner Edward &: Iris Westfall Dave &: Annette Weyerhaeuser Stewart &: Eve White Mr. &: Mrs. Dan Wick Mr. &: Mrs . Donald Wick David J. &: Roberta Williams David &: Elisabeth Wold Woodworth &: Co., Inc. Jane Clausen Wurster David C. Yagow Mary Young Jerry &: Sally Zander Leo &: Marlene Zeiler Karen Zeller

Matching Gift Companies and Foundations The firms listed below have contributed to Pacific Lutheran University by matching the gifts of their employees. A Foster Higgins &: Co., Inc. Advanced Technology Laboratories Aerospace Corporation Aid Association for Lutherans Alcoa Foundation Alexander &: Baldwin, Inc. Allstate Foundation A1yeska Pipeline Service Company American Express Foundation American Medical InternationaL Inc. AMRIAmerican Airlines Foundation ARCO Foundation Arthur Andersen &: Company Foundation AT&:T Foundation Benj. Franklin Federal Savings &: Loan Association Best Products Foundation Boeing Company Boise Cascade Corporation BP America Bristol-Myers Fund, Inc. Bu'rlington Northern Foundation Campbell Soup Company Carter Hawley Hale Stores, Inc. Century Companies Of America Chevron Corporation CNA Foundation Contel Corporation Cooper Industries Foundation Cray Research Foundation Dana Corporation Foundation Delta Air Lines Foundation Digital Equipment Corporation Dow Chemical U.S.A. Eddie Bauer, Inc. Equitable Foundation Ernst &: Whinney Foundation Fireman's Fund Insurance Company Foundation First Bank System Foundation First Interstate Bank of Oregon, N. A First Interstate Bank of Washington Foundation

First National Bank of Chicago Foundation FMC Foundation Ford Motor Company Fund Fred S, James &: Company, Inc. General Electric Foundation General Foods Fund, Inc. General Mills Foundation Georgia-Pacific Corporation Great Northern Nekoosa Corporation GTE Corporation H.J. Heinz Company Foundation Hanford Environmental, Health Foundation Harris Foundation Hewitt Associates Hewlett-Packard Company Foundation Honeywell Foundation Hughes Aircraft Company IDS Financial Services, Inc. Intel Corporation International Business Machines . Corporation ITT Corporation J. c. Penney Company Fund James River Corporation Johnson &: Higgins K mart Corporation Kennedy/Jenks/Chilton, Inc. Eli Lilly And Company Lincoln National Corporation Lutheran Brotherhood Manufacturers Hanover Foundation Maritz, Inc. May Department Stores Company Foundation McDonnell Douglas Foundation McGraw-Hill Foundation, Inc. McKesson Foundation Mentor Graphics Foundation Merrill Lynch &: Company, Inc. Metropolitan Life Foundation Microsoft Corporation MITRE Corporation Mobil Foundation, Inc. Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York Motorola Foundation National Medical Enterprises, Inc NCR Foundation Northern Telecom, Inc. Northwest Airlines, Inc Northwest Mutual Life Insurance Company Olin Corporation Charitable Trust Pennwalt Foundation PepsiCo Foundation Pfizer, Inc. Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company Piper, Jaffray &: Hopwood, Inc. Pitney Bowes Inc Potlatch Corporation PPG Industries Foundation Price Waterhouse Foundation Puget Sound Power &: Light Company Reichhold Chemicals, Inc. Rockwell International Corporation Trust Safeco Insurance Company San Diego Gas &: Electric Seattle Times Security Pacific Foundation Shell Oil Company Foundation Simpson Fund Southwestern Bell Foundation Standard Insurance Company

State Farm Companies Foundation Sullivan Payne Company Super Valu Stores, Inc. Syntex Corporation Tektronix Foundation Teledyne Charitable Trust Foundation Texaco Philanthropic Foundation, Inc. 3M Foundation Time, Inc. Times Mirror Tracor, Inc., a Westmark Company Travelers Companies Foundation TRW Foundation U S WEST, Inc. U.S. Bank Of Washington Unisys Corporation United Services Automobile Association Unocal Foundation U S West New Vector Group, Inc. USG Foundation, Inc. Varian Associates Warner-Lambert Company Washington Mutual Savings Bank Foundation Westinghouse Foundation


Unrestricted Gifts to Pacific Lutheran University through the Independent Colleges of Washington (ICW). Between July 1, 1988 and June 30, 1989 the following businesses, foundations and individuals directed gifts to Pacific Lutheran University through the Independent Colleges of Washington. Acme Concrete Airborne Freight Corporation Albertson's, Inc. The Alcoa Foundation Aldus Corporation Allied Stores Foundation, Inc. The Allstate Foundation ALPAC Corporation Amdahl Corporation American Brands, Inc. American Building Maintenance Company American Marine Bank American Steel Arthur Andersen &: Company The Anderson Foundation ' AT.&:T. Foundation Atlantic Richfield Foundation Norman Archibald Charitable Foundation Guy F. Atkinson Company The Bank of California The Bank of Tokyo, Ltd. Bartell Drug Company Battelle, Pacific Northwest Laboratory Bekins Northwest Bemis Company Foundation Ben Bridge Jewelers The Birkenwold Partnership The BOC Group, Inc. The Boeing Company

"Faculty members are IIbIe to pay close � tUm·to individual students at PLU. This is the essence of a good liberal arts education. �� Ed Clausen, ASs<x:iate Professor, History


lew Gifts umtifJued

The Bon Marche The Bristol-Myers Fund, Inc. Frank Brooks Manufacturing Co., Inc. Burlington Northern Foundation Cascade Natural Gas Corporation Cenex Foundation Ben B. Cheney Foundation Chevron U.5A, Inc. Concrete Technology Corporation Mr. Thomas S. Condit Conner Development Company Continental Savings Bank Continental Telephone System of the Northwest Copeland Lumber Yards, Inc. Crafsman & Met Press Printers Criton Technologies

Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company Fund Lumberman's Building Centers Marsh & McLennan, Inc. McCall Oil and Chemical Foundation Mr. Neil McReynolds Microsoft Corporation Mitsubishi International Corporation Muzak Limited Partnership National Cooperative Bank Martin Nelson & Company, Inc. New York Life Foundation Mayne Nickless Inc. Nordstrom Northwest Natural Gas Company Laird Norton Trust, Inc.

Darigold, Inc. Data 110 Corporation Deluxe Check Printers Foundation Deluxe Corporation Foundation Dupar Foundation Federated Department Stores Foundation The Financial Center First Interstate Bank of Washington Foundation First Mutal Bank Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth and Margaret Fisher John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc. Ford Motor Company Fund Mr. Neal R. Fosseen Foster Pepper & Shefelman H.D. Fowler Company The General Foods Fund, Inc. General Mills Foundation General Motors Foundation General Telephone & Electronics Foundation Georgia-Pacific Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Louis Galler GM Nameplate, Inc. Graybar Electric Co. The Greater Tacoma Community Foundation Great Western Malting Company Groninger & Company, Inc. Gull Industries, Inc. John I. Haas, Inc. Mercer Meidinger Hansen Mr. Robert P. Hatten The Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Honeywell Houghton Mifflin Company Huntron Instruments, Inc. Intermec Corporation International Business Machines Corporation The m Rayonier Foundation Johnson & Higgins of Washington, Inc. Roger Jobs Motors Inc. Key Bank of Puget Sound KING Broadcasting Company KIRO, Inc. K mart Corporation The KoIl Company KOMO Radio & Television KPMG Peat Marwick Kraft Foundation Laird, Norton Trust Company Palmer G. Lewis Company Liberty Mutual Insurance Company Fund

Olin Aerospace Division Oncogen and Genetic Systems Osberg Construction Company PACCAR Foundation Pacer Corporation Pacific American Commerical Co. Pacific Coca Cola Bottling Company Pacific First Federal Pacific Metal Company Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company Pacific Power & Light Pacific Telecom, Inc. Pemco Foundation, Inc. Pendleton Woolen Mills j.c. Penney Company, Inc. Penwest Peoples State Bank Physio Control Pope & Talbot, Inc. The Proctor & Gamble Fund P.S.F. Industries, Inc. Puget Sound Council of Financial Institutions Puget Sound National Bank Puget Sound Power & Light Company Quality Food Centers, Inc. The Rabel Foundation, Inc. Rainier Bancorporation Foundation Rainier Brewing Company Recreational Equipment, Inc. J.B. Reynolds Foundation Reynolds Metals Company Rhyne Precious Metals, Inc.

Curtice BUTnslPro-fac Foundation

C'We CIIn't all talk together at the same time, but � C4n all sing together. PLU studmts an not in .friction or discord, rtlther all an playing di.ffmnce plWts -work­ ing, loPing, sharing and /ea.rning together - in harmony. I wish eTIt7"J01U could join our chorus.

Rick Evans '91, Wc:st Seattlc:, WA

Mr. Ray NOTWood

Ridgway Packaging Corporation James River Corporation Ridgway Plant Celeste Rogge Wright Runstad & Company Sahlin Foundation SAFECO Corporation Safeway Stores, Inc. Savings Bank of Puget Sound William L. Schaumberg John L. Scott, Inc. Seattle Boiler Works, Inc. The Seattle Times/Seattle Post-Intelligencer Security Pacific Bank Washington Simpson Fund Simpson Timber Company Fund Wally Smith Standard Motor Products, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Stave Sterling Drug, Inc. Stroum Family Foundation Samuel Stroum Enterprises Sunstrand Corporation Sunset Life Tam Engineering Corporation Tandy Corporation/Radio Shack Teachers Foundation, Inc. Tektronix Foundation Ticor Title Insurance Tone Commander Systems, Inc. Tribune Publishing Company Union Pacific Foundation United Telephone Company of the Northwest United Warehouse Company, Inc. Univar VWR Foundation University Savings Bank Unocal Foundation The UPS Foundation U S WEST Foundation U S WEST/New Vector Group Mr. R.P. Van Zandt Washington Federal Savings & Loan Association Washington Natural Gas Company Washington State Auto Dealers Association The Washington Water Power Company Westin Hotels Willamette Industries The Wollenberg Foundation


"The growing generosity of Pacific Lutheran University alumni represents a tremendous witness to major donors and foundations about the true value ofyour PLU education. )) This past year I had the opportunity to share my thoughts with you about the kind of impression which schools like PLU make on their alumni. I want to thank you for the overwhelming response that you made to that appeal. The number of alumni who contributed to the University's Annual Fund increased nearly 59% during this past fiscal year. There were 4,195 Alumni Annual Fund donors in 1 988/89 versus 2,642 in 1987/88. As a result of that increase, PLU's percentage of alumni giving rose from 16% to 23% in a single year. That kind of growth is simply unpreceden ted. One of the strongest gains came from alumni who made their first gift to the University this year. I want to thank those donors for the vote of confidence that their support signifies and welcome them to the growing ranks of alumni donors listed in this report. Your generosity allows the University to provide vitally needed scholarship support for students. It also strengthens our ability to attract and retain quality faculty who are at the heart of the educa­ tional enterprise. Other gifts provide funds to buy books for the library and other important learning resources.

Taken together, your gifts to the Annual Fund underwrite the educational mission of the University in a tangible way that makes a positive difference in the lives of everyone at the school.

As the University approaches its Centennial in 1990/91, the growing level of alumni support during the past year offers the promise of even greater things to come. Sincerely,

� c 7?� David C. Wold,

Chainnan, PLU Board of Regents

When students talk about Pacific Lutheran Univenity, there are many themes, but three are oft-repeated: , * Academic quality and creativity, rejkaed in a wealth ofnationally­ recognized aauiemic hotwrs;


An atmosphere of friendliness and genuine personal concern

fur students;

and * A commitment to Christian principles.


Alumni Annual Fund Honor Rnll ofDonors by Class Annual Fund gifts from Pacific Lutheran University alumni undergird and enhance the quality of the educational programs which the University offers. These contri­ butions help with everything from scholar­ ships to faculty salaries and library books to athletics. This past fiscal year produced the largest single year increase in both the number and percentage of alumni giving in the University's history. The number of Alumni Annual Fund Donors grew from . 2,642 to 4,195 - an increase of nearly 59%. The percentage of alumni giving also increased from 16.1 to 23.1 - a jump of over 43%. This special Honor Roll of Donors recognizes the many alumni who have made this a record-breaking year for the Alumni Annual Fund.

"When Ijint arrived

I had no idea where my life wargoing. Peopk here are showing me the open doors and gWing me the chance tv decide. Now I am on my way. JJ at PLU,

Robert Vogelsang '90,

Portland, OR

The number or percentage of alumni who regularly give to the University is important because it is considered by many major donors and foundations as a key "barometer" of support from those who k now us best. In this case, the total dollar amount contributed is not as important as the fact that a large number of alumni make some kind of gift each year. One of the goals of the PLU Alumni Association is to steadily increase the number of alumni who give to the Annual Fund. We would like to reach a participation rate of at least 25% by the University's centennial in 1990/91.

Although the number of alumni contributors is an important factor in influencing others, clearly the dollar total given by alumni is what helps today's students. Over the years, alumni who are able to make contributions at or above the Q Club level of $240 a year have accounted for around 75% of all alumni giving. The following lists recognize Alumni Annual Fund Donors by class for gifts received between June 1, 1988 and May 31, 1989. Where two alumni are married, the asterick (*) indicates that their gifts have been split between their respective classes. A "Q" in front of a name indicates that the individual is a current member of the PLU Q Club.

PRE -1921

Q Lund, Clarence P. Olson, Clifford M. Q Olson, H. Garvik Schnugger, Inga H. (Ellingson) Q Wedeberg, Sivert M.

Gulhaugen, Theodore Harstad, Oliver Q Morken, Cletus Randall, Louise K. Dahl (Dahl) Storaasli, Hjalmar

Class Roll Donors Participation Total Gifts


Christensen, Walter H. Daughters, Sylvia (Larson) Ewy, Alyce (Casperson) Q Fredrickson, Hanna (Anderson) Hammargren, Palma C. (Johnson) Hauge, Laurence M. Hauge, Marie (Espeseth) Q Jacobs, Stella (Samuelson) Towe·Grisham, Esther A (Towe)

14 Class Roll 5 Donors 36% Participation Total Gifts $1,360.00

Class Roll Donors Participation Total Gifts

29 8 28% $1,355.00

Q Coltom, Carl Ellingson, Lawrence Getchman, Carol E. (Benson) •

Q - designMeS members ofthe PLU Q Club


16 9 56% $860.00


Class Roll Donors Participation Total Gifts

17 13 76% $1,932.58

Arneson, Inez E. Bertelsen, Dagmar (Hageness) Bolstad, Rosemary Ann • Corbett, Irene A (Diseth) Engdahl, Bertha C. (Rod) Howick, Marvin M. Q Johnson, John M. Knutzen, Robert J. Mc Manus, Phyllis S. (Grande) Morken, Eliot L. (Michelsen) Q Pellegrin� Rena V. (Strandberg) Trulson, Elna L. Zielsdorf, AR.


Class Representative J. Stanley Dahl Class Roll Donors Participation Total Gifts

26 20 77% $3,947.00

Bayer, Anna Sophia (Mikkelsen) Black, Louise M. (Lehmann) Cronquist, George L. Q Dahl, J. Stanley Evjenth, Theodore U. Gaffey, Evelyn G. (Solum) Garrison, Grace E. (Card) Q Gerla, Frida T. (Tayet) Goplerud, Inga M. Goplerud, John C. ' Haneberg. Edna S. (Dagsland) Q Jacobson, J. Reynold Johnson, Harald V. Nelson, Pauline R. (Larson) Schierman Estate, John A Shaw, E. Glenda (Waters) St Clair, Inga Marie (Olson) Stendal, Christine <Johnson) • Strenge, Sena L. (Johnson) Svare, Cora V. (Vista)


Class Roll Donors Participa tion Total Gifts Q Q Q Q Q

24 11 46% $1,790.00

Anderson, Evelyn D. (Olsen) Anderson, Herman E. Berntsen, Ida A. (Hinderlie) Erickson, Lloyd A. Gault, Mildred I. (Berven) Gray, Harold F. Haagen, Nina N. (Swanson) Hageness, T. Olai Quale, Millard C. Taylor, Jennie (Iverson) Viebrock, Alma M. (Grande)



Class Representative Clara ( Fjennedal) Bohnnan Class Roll 34 Donors 16 Participation 47% Total Gifts $3,385.00 Q Aus, Esther (Westby) Bohrman, Clara Fjermedal (Fjermeda\) Elliott, Margaret Forsberg. Lorraine B. (Thoren) Gaschk, Ruth N. (Newberg) Goetzman, Margaret H. (Porath) Q Hauke, Eric A. Jessen, Hulda M. (Simonson) Kelso, Katheryn E. (Lamb) Knutzen, Einer Mau, Frederick H. Moen, Luther J. Olson, Pauline (Schierman) Pflugmacher, Ruth (Goodwin) Q Rasmussen, William C. Wright, Amelia A. (Holmquist)

1 930 Class


Alumni Participation Annual Funds 25 % p

a r t



1 C

i p a t






84 /85


86 /87


88/ 89

38 1 935 Clms



Class Roll Donors Participation Total Gifts

21 9 43% $1,980.00

Anderson, Ethel C. (Hagman) Glassen, Shirley H. (Hecht) Q Hokenstad, Norman A. Q Larson, Edgar R. Lerback, E. Ray Phillips, Mary E. (Holmes) Q Preus, Paul K. Westling, Norman L. Young, Walter E. •

1 936

Class Representative

1 937

Clrus Representatives


Class Roll Donors Participation Total Gifts

23 11 48% $2,755.00

Fosness, Ella M. (Johnson) Q Hansen, Jennie L. (Lee ) Hauge, Virginia E. (Byers) Johnson, Harvey W. Q Lamb, Esther H. (Hvidding) Logen, Thurston A. Mc Clary, L. Kathryn (Johnson) Q Stuen, O. John Walsh, Lillian (Johnson) Q Wesson, Leonard C. Zier, William E.


Class Representative B. Eldon Anderson Class Roll Donors Participation Total Gifts 1 938


27 10 37% $4,816.00

Anderson, Arnold T. Q Anderson, B. Eldon Burgoyne, Eugene J. Freelin, Rachel (Flint) Fulton, Marjorie (Meade) Q Nesvig, Milton L. Runbeck, Junet E. Q Swanson, Roland H. Wakefield, Margaret C. (Lien) Young, Rhoda M. (Hokenstad) •


1 939

Class Representative

Class Representative VoUy (Norby) Grande Class Roll Donors Participation Total Gifts

45 18 40% $4,147.50

Adams, Laura Mae (Hauge) Q Arne, John A. • Bolstad, Ralph A. • Brockway, George Q Faulk, Carl G. Finley, Evelyn (Mc Cullough)

Q tlaigPUJtes members of the PLU Q Cl14h -

Q Grande, Volly (Norby) Harvey, Ruth H. (Froyen) Johnson, Jasper H. • Q Knutzen, Victor F. Koppen, Bergliot A. (Vogan) Krause, Gertrude M. ( Brunner) Lawrence, Roberta M. (Torrison) Q Monson, Marie L. (Johnson) • Q Pifer-Johnson, Virginia (Davis) Svinth, Edward N. Q Torongo, Ellen M. (Bergstrom) Tsapralis, Joanna (Manousos)


Class Representative W. Stanley Ford and Chester J. Solie Class Roll Donors Participation Total Gifts


13 34% $935.00

Q Anenson, Kenneth Q Arne, Olga D. (Hugo) • Berggren, Elsie M. (Barrett) Q Ford, W. Stanley Holman, Agnes H. (Mohn) Kapphahn, Dorothy L. Lorenz, Louise M. (Williams) Moe, J. Robert Odey, John W. Sanders, Helen Marie (Holtcamp) Q Solie, Chester J. • Q Solie, Thelma J. (Ness) • Stolee, Alma M.


Class Representative Paul V. Larson Class Roll Donors Participation Total Gifts

46 25 54% $6,308.50

Q Anderson, Helen (Stark) Atwood, Beatrice E. (Sidders) Q Chandler, Ruth E. (Morrison) Dakan, Margaret K. (Melver) Q Degroot, Marie (Wenberg) Q Frost, Evelyn (Jacobson) Q Gustavson, Glenn O. Hageness, Maria Johnson, Bertha H. ( Larson) • Q Johnson, Linka K. (Deberry) Q Kvinsland, Howard J. • Q Kvinsland, Eugenia C. (Spencer) • Q Kvinsland, Stener R. • Q Larson, Paul V. • Madden, Lois M. (Morton) Margrath, Alice M. (Cook) Nichols, Barbara (Kramer) Norgaard, Esther A. Phillips, Agnes B. (Torvend) Q Sovde, Melba I. (Fenney) Stendal, Karl • Q Strand, Arne ' Q Swanstrom, Ovedia I. (Hauge) Q Willis, J. Stanley ' Q Wuest, Roland G.


Class Representative Erling Jurgensen Class Roll Donors Participation Total Gifts

46 24 52% $4,832.50

Elmer, Rudolph E. Q Fallstrom, Charles • Fenn, Ella Mae (Adams) Griesbach, Shirley (Mc Kenzie) Holland, Margaret E. (Thompson) Johnson, Kenneth E. Q Jurgensen, Erling B. F. • Q Jurgensen, Aagot S.E. (Gerde) • Karlstad, Alfred M. Karlstad, Gerhard W. Larsen, Charlotte (Goplerud) Larson, Marion L. (Johnson) Leask, Doris E. (Hovey) • Q Monson, Donald O. • Oliver, Richard W. Olson, Eleanor O. (Englund) Reitz, Gerhard O. Snyder, Carol E. Spawn, Mary Ann S. (Marble) Q Staswick, Marguerite (Hansen) Q Svendsen, Evelyn L. (Johnson) Q Tingelstad, Gertrude B. Q Wiesner, Richard E. Q Wing, Mabel M.


Class Representative Luella (Toso) Johnson Class Roll Donors Participation Total Gifts


30 47% $3,707.50

Adolf, Elisabeth (Reitz) Q Anderson, Caroline H. (Hoff) Q Anderson, Roy E. Breidenbach, Grace H. (Hanson) Q Clark, Barbara R. (Xavier) · Q Fallstrom, Marjorie J. (Delin) • French, M. Virginia (Mc Fadden) Glew, Gretchen (Bachmann) Gwynne, Jane F. (Olson) Huber, Jean C. Q Jacobson, Lyle J. Q Johnson, Luella (Toso) Kaplan, Pearl C. (Walden) Klinzmann, May E. (Pellett) Q Kvinsland, Margaret I. (Heggem) • Loftness, Marvin O. • Melver, Elsie J. (Gunderson) Morris, Niles D. ( Davis) Satre, Elizabeth (Dahl) Q Simonson, Walter R. Slover, Lorena Martha (Poland) • Soldin, Merrie J. (Malcolm) Stout, Florence E. (Pflueger) Svare, Gerhart T. Q Taylor, Murray A. Thomas, Juness D. (Jewell) Q Tommervik, Carol M. (Haavik) •


Wallace, Mildred A. (Hanson) Q Willis, Thelma G. (Daniels) • Wood, Rhys C.

Al1QMi Annual FUnd . The Top .Classes


By Percentap of h......tfon

Class Representative Arne Pederson Class Roll Donors Participation Total Gifts





19 35% $4,808.53

Bendock, Irma N. (North) Bozarth, Lenore (Jahlstrom) Brown, Lenore A. (Huntington) Davis Jr., George L. Deyton, Norma R. (Johnson) Elliott, Evelyn B (Knibbe) Fletcher, M. Josephine Heglund Jr., Russell H. Johnson, A1alie (Fosso) Larson, Nina A. (Anderson) • Mc Cutchan, Albert M. Pedersen, Emilie R. (Bennett) Pederson, Arne K. • Pyfer, Ann Richards, Laura Marie (Payden) Rippon, Eleanor L. (Gardner) Slover, James M. • Taylor, Lenore E. (Rasmussen) Williams, Roberta (Robison)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 1939

7. 1934 1947 �• . 193'2

1946 1940


1. 1974

2: a. 4. S. 6. 1.

8: 1967

9. 1958

Class Representative Dorothy (Larson) Harshman




1972 1963 1960 1961 1959 1976

45 24 53% $2,387.50

Davis, Maxine J. (Rosenau) Gangler, Margaret (Jensen) Gilmur, Thelma (Thureson) Haakons, Florence M. (Hauge) Haavik, Arthur O. Harshman, Marv K. ' Harshman, Dorothy E. (Larson)' Hendrickson, Ruth H. (Simonson) Jackson, Ruth MV. (Bengtson) Lander, Sylvia E. (Johnson) Mc Daniel, Edith M. (Gustavson) Mc Millan, Nadine F. (Friedline) Nelson, Lloyd H. Olson, Floy C. (Pearson) Osman, Virginia I. (Hendrickson) Pease, Deloris L. (Grubb) Pederson, Gloria M. (Rummer)· Sinex, Melvin T. Thomure, Le Rae (Hamilton) Thoren, Robert H. Tingstrom, Alice (Ford (Pflueger» Tommervik, Marvin S. Torget, Ellen M. (Swanson) Watson, Ernmy Lou (Hoff) •

,. �

Ilepre.aeatatfw 'Sun Dahl

56% 51,.

PauJ V. Larson



ut 1969


Class Roll Donors Participa tion Total Gifts

1930 1929 19'18 1938


Dorothy'HmIunan ErJingJutgenson


.,� � 41% 4� (7"

Gerlad Uder •

1 940 Class Representative

aar. Bohntian

I<ookie Koeh Luella JohnsOn

By Dollari' Contributed $t8,114� $17,796.05 $17,795.88 $1 ..506.08 $1,,137.Q()

Sl3,252.� . $13,049.00 $1 2,6Q8.50

$12,586.27 Sl2,Z46�50

P.uJ ·� . Ceriy. Evanson

Esta Christiansen Ron"Ltrch Anita Cbriatian Steve Ward

CIm ,and Jan W!Ilters James �d o.vid and pat$yJoJmliOn

By N�ber of DoitOrs ,Representative Drex ZimQl� 149 'PauI Wuest ' 143 142 141 Steve Ward 138 J� � 1M Mark Davia 128 JWtdy and 8ethHilmJiri 126 [)avid and Patsy Johnson 120 w� Bona.ldt 120 M;. pavid Lee

1 941 Class Representative


Class 1. 1986 2. 1m 3. 19'14

4.. 1916

5, 1987

6. 7. 8. 9.

1982 1985 1969 19'79. 1972


Top Ten Cla,.. in co.nbined Support � of ·DoIWs • 01 A-verage Class .Representative Putidpalfoa COlltrlbUted IJoncn Rank 1. 1971 Paulwuest .2 16.0 N4 12 2. ] 97-4 Ii 148 t3 17.3 3. 1958 James.Haaland· .16 19 17.6 t28 4. 1%9 DaVid.&itPatsyJohnson f31 110 13 183 . 5. 1960 &ta Christiansen . t26 19.7 14 m 6. 1976 Steve Ward .52 .., A 21..0 7. 1959 Anita Christian 133 16 21.7 t26 1967 Clare at- Jail walters 135 18 m 21:7 9. 1954 DonaId � 'li .IS t35 22.3 1951 John Olden ill t13 m 22.3 1961 Ron. l.erch t38 t5 t24 22.3 . 1m Jame Skaga t46 '12 19 223

1 942 Class Representative



Class Representative Marcus Stuen

1 944 Class


40 Class Roll 13 Donors Participation 33% Total Gifts $2,282.50 Emerson, H. Elene (Hagen) Greer, Lorna A. (Rogers) Hagen, Norman Johnsen, Palmer O. Ness, Gerhard H. Palmer, Merle Peterson, Harold G. • Peterson, Bernice E. (Eklund) · Pflueger, Merle R. Q Stuen, Marcus R. • Tennent, Ruthmarie (Rodenberger) Q Tiedeman, Wenzel • Q Willis, M. Elizabeth (Stuen) •


1 946 Class



Class Representative Lois Ludwig Class Roll 48 Donors 15 Participation 31% Total Gifts $1,629.00 Q Clark, Robert H. • Q

1 947 Class




Ferguson, Lillian (Blomlie) Karola, Anne C. (Stenersen) Ludwig, Lois K. Mattern, Juleen H. Mc Gaughy, Alice J. (Vildmo) Mobroten, Astrid (Anderson) Newton, Robert A. • Reitz, Armin H. Reitz, Robert H. Smith, Dorothy (Mills) Smith, Janet May Tiedeman, I. Charlotte (Rod) • Tolifeldt, Harvey M. • Tollfeldt, Anne M. (Nelson) •


Class Representative Annabelle Birkestol 1 948 Class


38 Class Roll 12 Donors 32% Participation Total Gifts $1,447.50 Q BirkestoL Annabelle M.E. Q BirkestoL Grace D.M.


Class Representative Kookie (Jeanette Burzlaff) Koch 34 Class Roll 16 Donors Participation 47% Total Gifts $2,267.50 Q Anderson, Dorothy J.

(Nieman)· Q Brokaw, Doris J. (Jurgerson) Q Carlson, Janet Cecelia (Hauge) • Q Christofferson, Nellie (Risa) • Q


Hein, Dolores M. (Keller) HighfilL Lillian (Heggum) Koch, Jeanette B. (Burzlaff) • Kvamme, Olaf Larson, Ted • Larson, Carolyn P. (Hawley) · Lider, Mildred E. (Hanson) • Magnuson, Helen E. (Flodstrom) Mau, Thilda A. (Hellman) Newton, Anne L. (Lien) • Olsen, Lois Ann (Robertson) • Trucco, Jean E. (Todd) Watness, Isabel G. (Harstad) •


Class Representative Gerald Lider Class Roll 44 Donors 21 Participation 48% Total Gifts $4,618.08 Q Boe, Dwight J. Q Gregersen, Guttorm

Hauge, E. Harold


Class Representative Afton (Hjelm) Schafer Class Roll 82 Donors 37 Participa tion 45% Total Gifts $6,898.00 Q Q Q Q Q Q


Q Hoiland, Anna (Anderson) ·


Carlson, Evan J.V. Foss, Emma M. (Thoren) Fulthorp, Lillian S. (Thorleifsen) Q Gardlin, Cecelia A. Q Jacobs, c. Virginia (Seaburg) Leask Sr, Charles R. • Loftness, Nancy (Lund) • Q Nyhus, Uoyd M. Pelela, Ardis M. (Severson) Weltzin, Nora V. (Kjesbu)

Q - 1Iesign4tu members uf the PLU Q ClrdJ

Hoskins, Thomas H. Johnson, Marian B. (Butler) Johnson, Ruth B. (Towe) • Larson, P. Lorraine (Akehurst) • Larson Jr., E. Arthur • Lider, Gerald L. • Olsen, Karl • Olsen, Marian E. (Arntzen) Peterson, Helen L. Pflueger, Paul E. Ramstad, William K. Sandvig, Dorothy B. (Rasmussen) • Shaw, Marvin S. SoIOO5, Harry A. Warth, Lois J. (Pennini) Woldseth, Edroy • Wood, Barbara (Newton)


Anderson, Gustaf • Anderson, Semon A. Bergum, Gladys M. (Hovland) Bjorkstam, Gwendolyn B. (Oakland) Carlson, Ralph Oscar • Collard, Ernest W. • Devalve, Jean C. ( Keller) Elefson, Wallace N. Everson, Mary A. Ewing, R. Lois (Tollfeldt) Fynboe, Ingrid E. (Martinson) • Ghormley, Gerry (Kuh1man) • Gratias, Ronald V. Gulhaugen, Martin R. • Gulhaugen, Norene S. (Skilbred) • Hauge, Robert C. Haugen, Ralph H. Hopp, Ernest I. Johnson, Margaret J. Johnson, Virginia G. (lsvick) • Johnson, Rudolph B. • Kluth, Ruth (Wiedenheft) Krippaehne, Louetta M. (Brunner) Kyllo, O. Eldon · La Bar, Grace E. (Gulhaugen) Larson, Robert Lile, Keith B. • Milbrath, Earl W. Nicolai, John H. Schafer, Afton R. (Hjelm) • Smithson, Etta O. (Claussen) Stuen, Corinne S. (Fosso) · Theno, Milton J. Thompson, Doris M. (Vinje) • Williams, Ann L. (Jacobson) • Willis, Howard B. • Zimmerman, Brita M. (Skoog) •


Class Representative Theol Hoiland

104 Class Roll 39 Donors Participation 38% $5,991.00 Total Gifts Q Aakre, Arne O. • Q Aakre, Valborg T. (Rustad) • Q


Bauman, Lois (Read) Boyce, Clifford Colburn, Charlene A. (Martens) • Cook, Leola J. (Harbeck) D'Andrea, Don A. Ellingsen, Clyde R. Ericson, Wilbert M. Fisher, Irene B. (Brudie) • Fisher Jr., David M . • Frazier, Joan c. (Foss) Fynboe, Carl T . • Ghormley, H. Warren • Groman, Lois J. (Pearson) Heany, Harold M.


Alumni Annual Fund Participation By Class Class














































































































































. I I

1 I .












I I . I I :














I 1

I Why is the percentage of alumni who give each year to the Annual Fund important?

How many of your alumni regularly support your ins titu tion?



I 1


One of the first questions which foundations and major donors ask of us is this:

















Our answer to that question often determines the size of their gift.


1 950 Class


Q Hoiland, Theol S. • Johnson, Selma C. (Gunderson) Q Korsmo, Clifford M. • Q Korsmo, John S. Larson, Howard W. Leever, John H. Q Lile, Mabel (Thoren) • Mathisen, Naomi E. (Busch) Mc Masters, June E. (Jorgensen) Olson, Carol L. (Peterson) Q Pedersen, Donald J. Roessel, Jacqueline L. (Klippen) Ross, R. Corlie (Hanson) Sandvig, Edwin E. • Q Schnaible, Dorothy H. (Meyer) Seaquist, Maurice R. • Seaquist, Carol J. ( Drew) ' Shennum, Arleen E. ( Cordes) Walz, Vivian A. (Hurtig) Q Watness, Luther O. • Weathermon, Helen L. (Jensen) • Q Wick, Donald M. • Williamsen, Stanley S. Q Zurfluh, Robert D.


1 951 Class


1 952 Class


Class Representative Toppy (Ramstad) Kyllo 205 Class Roll 72 Donors 35% Participation $7,797.50 Total Gifts Q Aakre, Odven J. Q Ahrendt, Eugene L. • Andersen, Henry I. Q Anderson, Don L. Arp, Arthur H. Baird, F. Jeanne Q Berndt, Edward H . • Billingsley, Evangeline M. (Ordahl) • Birklid, Gordon D. • Birklid, Agnes M. (Iverson) • Braafladt, Philip ' Brunner, Louis F . • Brunner, Glenna I. (Nelson) ' Christenson, Edna A. Q Christofferson, C. • Q Cleven, Lloyd M. • Q Colburn, Richard W. • Crumbaugh, Robert • Q Dorothy, Edwin E. • Q Dorothy, Edna V. ( Haglund) • Ethen, Blanche (Kilmer) Q Faaren, Gerald P. Q Falk, Philip L. • Fods, Duane R. Fuhr, Milton J. • Gonyeau, Georgina I. (King) Graham, Donald L. Hagen, Erven L. Hagensen, John K. Hahner Jr., Charles A. Q Hauge, Lawrence J. Hazen Jr., George E. Hendrickson, Morris N. Hewston, John G. Q Hyde, Beverly Wigen (Wigen) Johnson, Clifford A • Johnson, Caryl D. (Roeder) • Q Johnson, E. Marvin • Jos� Ronald E. »

Q designRtes members of the PLU Q Club -

Knorr, Alfred F. Q Kyllo, Helen R.L. (Ramstad) • Q Larson, Roy F. • Q Larson, Selmer A • Lean, Marjorie L. Loucks, Betty J. Madsen, Kathryn l. (Lucas) Mc Kanna, Blaine E. • Nelson, Ellen J. (Ramberget) Q Nieman, Robert V. Q Nothstein, Donald L. • Petersen, Harry J. Q Peterson, Lawrence F. • Q Peterson, Beth (Gottwald) • Q Pihl, Louise Randolph, Charlotte M. ( Mykland) • Q Schafer, Delbert C. • Schedler, Alfred J. Spear, Frank D. • Q Strandness, Donald E. • Thompson, Jesse W. • Thompson, Leslie J. Thurston, G. Elaine (Eide) Q Tobiason, Phyllis B. (Brynestad) • Q Watness, Calvin M. • Weathermon, Richard • Whitley, Grant E. Q Wick, Virginia B. • Wilkins, Clarann O. Williams, Donald E. • Wittrock, Marcia (Etzel) Worley, Walter R. Zimmerman, Jay D. •


Class Representative Ray Tobiason, Jr. Class Roll 180 Donors 58 32% Participation Total Gifts $8,574.50 Q Ahrendt, La Wanna J. (Wellsandt) • Anderson, Howard W. • Anker, Harold R. Q Bendikas, Omar J. Q Berentson, Duane Q Berndt. Lorraine ( Keller) ' Bey, Mary J. (Qualle) Billingsley, Charles W. • Q Black wood, Chari E. (Knapp) Bra s, Robert J . • Brass, Lois E. (Swanson) • Carr, Hoyt L. Q Collard, Ruth M. (Holle) • Q Dammen, Helen M. (Hedin) Ekle, Alex Carl Ericksen, Earl C. • Ericksen, Laura M. (Reetz) • Ericson, Amy A (Knutson) • Q Evanson, Glenn L. Q Falk, Roberta J. (Schoessler) • Frost, Barbara (Beckman) Fuhr, Gloria J. (Wold) • Gannon Jr� Donald C. • Gannon Jr., Augusta (Bentson) • Q Gard, Grant G. Q Gerstmann, Albert F. Green, Raymond J. Q Hagen, W.L. •

Q Hagen, Jacqueline ( Dewing) • Q Haglund, Victor E. Hansen, Dale L. Q Hoffman, Mavis W. (Sanderson) Q Johnson, Calvin T. Knudtson, Ralph E. Knutsen, Norman R. Q Knutson, Lowell E. Kramer, Lilly (Anderson) Q Larson, Maria Kristina ( Ogren) Q Lundgaard, Gene C. Q Lundgaard, Marian R. (Benjaminson) • Magis, Olaf E. Mann, Ethel L. (Cummings) Molter, Richard F. Q Politakis, Lazarus S. Q Roalkvam, Helen E. (Hanson) • Q Roe, Hannah L. (Quien) Saas Sr., William H. Shaw, Donald G. • Soland, Wallace ' Soland, Dorothy (Hagen) • Speer, Doris Jean (Shaw) Q Spitzer, Connie H. (Aune) • Thomas, Robert C. Q Tobiason Jr., Ray • Tompkins, I ris (Knutsen) Williams, William A Q Winters, Robert M. • Q Zulauf, Emilie E. •


Class Representative Roy Virak Class Roll 147 44 Donors Participation 30% Total Gifts $5,687.50



Aaberg, John M. Bammert, Ordelle C. (Lee) Barry, David E. Bentson, Paul C. Betts, Newton R. • Betts, Dee K. (Kyllo) • Costle, Thelma (Staswick) Douglas, Margaret Ellertson, Donald Eneboe, Julius L. England, Margaret E. (Winters) Ericson, Jon M . • Hefty, Milton T. • Johnson, Anton • Johnson, Kenneth C. Kennedy, Stephen F Koch, Wilbert P. • Koethki, Ema Liming, John E. • Lorenzen, Phyllis Mc Kanna, Ellen May (Davis) • Meeske, Gordon Newhouse, Hazel D. (Johnson) • Nowadnick, George W. • Nowadnick, Phyllis (Isvick) • Pate, Kenneth L. Proud, Jack Randolph, Ernest L. • Reiber, Eugene A Reiman, Donald F . ' Rimbach, Evangeline L. Rockstad, Vern J. Roley, Dennis E. Spear, Ella Mae ' Spitzer, Leroy E .





. •

1988-89 ALUMNI GIFTS BY CLASS All Funds (Annual and Capital)

Alumni Annual Fund


Pre 1921

1921-1927 1928 1929



Jm 1933 1934


1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 . 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 Totals

Number Solicited


14 29 16 17 2:6 24

5 8 9 13 20 11

34 21

23 27 45 38 46 46 64

54 45 40 48 38 34 44 82 104


180 147 132 140 150 158 198 210 266 223 292 310 342 292 267 266 298 332 421 520 558 555 551 6'17 651 113 621 567 595 597 641 709 721 620 702 711 825 790 18,129

16 9

11 10 18 13 25 24 30 19 24 13 15 12 16 21 37 39

% of Participation 36% 28% 56% 76%


46% n 43% 37"


34 . % S4% 52% 47% 35% 53% 33% 31% 32% 47% 48% 45% 38%



58 44 46


53 47 52 70 82 83 75 87 71 92 84 83 72 ' 92 94 126 103 144 120 110 142 94 141 113 112 1� 97 117 134 103 no 128 149 138 119 4,195





33% 35% 39% 31% 34%


23% 27% 29% 31% 27% 31% 28%


20% 26% 22%


20% 14% 20% 18% 20%


16% 18% 19% 14% 18% 18% 21% 17% 15% 23.1%





1,360.00 1,355.00 860.00 1,932.58 3,947.00

6 8 9 13

l,790.oo 3,385·00 1,980.00

2,755.. 00

4,816.00 4,147.50 935.00 6,308.50


3,707.50 4,808.53 2,3tY.57 2,282.50 1,629.00 1,447.50 2,267.50 4,618.08 6,898.00 ,5,�1.09.

'l,'Jf17.fJJ 8,574.50 MS'l.SO


lo.909;� 1.1,740:70


1 1,518.38

12,58627 13,252.66

14,506.08 14,137.00 5,194.50 17,795.88 7,136.50 10,750.50 8,571.00 12,608.50 9,559.00 12,246.50 8,662.00 · 17,821.05 11,656.00 6,639.00 18,124:50 9,254.00


8,702.75 8;1f,7:J5 9,1 17.12 5,622.00 6,046.50 10,975.00 7,241.50 5,982.78 7,412.50 7,608.00 4,743.50 3,442.00 $464,936.00

% of Participation 43% 28% 56% 76%

Amount $

5,795.77 1,355.00 1060.00 1,982.58

�947.00 . 1,591).00 3.570,00





Z() 11 17 10




25 31 19 24 14 15 14 16 21 39 45

'73 a) « U 56 51


75 84


78 90 76 96 90 91 77 97 99 134


46� SO% 43" 44"


S7W> 54%

48% 35% 53% 35% 31% 37% 47% 48% 48% 43% 36W


41,715.85 6;270.00 935.00 6.421.00 31.889.85 . 3,727.50 15,663.53 3,362.50 2,944.01 1,629.00 2,797.50 2,327.50 6,993.08 7,807.01 14,881.90 8,49S.5()





:G *"


35% 31% 25% 28% 31% 34% 29% 33%




156 1 29 U3 1 50 101

.2$ 23% 21%

116 121 125 99 124 143 111 123 139 168 153 137 4,471

19% 21" 2J<.l. 17% 19% 20% 15% 20% 20% 24% 19% 17% 24.6%



22% 16% 20'11>

It.686.72 i4,'}60.10 �m.20 15,.l� .5.63127 IiIU,

57,312.11 15,928.50 8,724.50 25,885.88 7,799.00 12,685.50 9,121.00 18,023.50 12,284.00 16,532.70


24,316.05 17,416.00 7,449.02


9,826:50 14,144.00 9,440.25 10,108.75 9,737.12 6,107.00 6,902.50 13,325.00 7,824.00 7,317.74 8,562.50 9,394.65 5,195.50 "'.744.50



Stewclrl, Chari\! ... W. Toepel, Mildr 'd M ( Foege) Q lIeland, Duane E. • Virak, Roy H . • Q Virak, Gloria (juttt' l • Q Vorvick, Phili T. Walne� , Julia (Johnson) • Wells, Burton E. Q Winters, Carol n Jean (Jo h n�on) • Wohl hueter, Forrest



Class Representative Donald Ogard Class Roll 140 Donors 53 Participation 38% Total Gifts $10,909.22 Q

Class Representative Betty (Riggers) Keith Class Roll 132 Donors 46 Participation 35% Total Gifts $8,726.46 Akre, Magdalyn Q Amend, Neal W Antonsen, Margaret A. (Larsen) Bancroft, Beverly A. (Allen) Q Brog, Robert L. .. Brook , Mildred J. Brown, Ell n G. ( Kellberg) Douglas , on Q Fink, Alvin D. Fo land, Charles A. Q Glaser, Nich las A. • Grewe, Ellen 1. ( Hessen) Q Hance, Vemell M. Hedlund, Gerald O. He t, Ph ilip Holmes, race E. ( Foege) Q Huffma n, Glen A. Q Jones, Patricia J Kadota-Kidd r, Helena ( Littau) Q Kar osk i, Carol M. (Schuler) • Q Kauth, James H. Q Keith, Betty (Riggers) • Kent, David G. Kleweno, Gilbert H. Knu on, E. David K rsmo, Paul J. Q Langset h, Albert J Leatherman, Manlyn G . ( Ha n ich) Q Liming. Molri n (Cummin�) Muore, M.. rianne E. (Sun!'>e t ) N whC'lus Vern .. F . • Q "' ist ad, R bert A. Q Nok leberg, James H . .. Q Nuk l berg, Nil G. (Aageson) ,. N rdeen, Evelyn E. ( Peterson) • Q N th tein, Naomi L. ( Roe) • Q O -k n, Jo hn A. ' Q Oldaker, Clayton ' Q Oldak r, Bernice (Hansen) • 01 n, Hel ,. ( Enger) . Q Reese, Donald G Reule, G. Ron Id Q Rieke, William 0 • Ruddick Harold W. Si fk \�, Herb rt W. tel" , !nl'Z V. Q Strand, Carla R (Cai ) . Suprun w II '. Ir'ne M (ehn!;t!'n en) .



1 955

Class Representatil'e


1 956

Class Representative

. •

Q tfesiglUrtt'J; /tin/IbN'S Df tht PLU Q Oub -







Anderson, Dale T. Ball Jr., James C. • Beatty, Robert E . • Bergt, Eloise (Jacobson) Braafladt, Jeanne (Hauge) • Brog, Connie (Jacobson) • Carlson, Ernest E. Cleven, PhylliS A. ( Bergren) • Coates, Gordon E. Cook, Mary A. (Olson) • Crumbaugh, Beverly (Enger) • Eichhorst, Judith T. (Larson) Erickson, Gordon L. Gracey, Lola J (Murk) Gunnerson, Joanne C. (Schwarzwalter) Haugen Jr., rver M. • Haycraft, Robert L. Hefty, Luella V. (Vig) • Hefty, Donald D. Johnson, Jack M. Kageler, Alvin G. Keith, Donald M . • Kennedy, Joan M. ( Engstrom) ' Koessler, Donn H. • Krohn, Nelda J. ( Erickson) Krussow, Richard A. Lamb, Marilyn A. (Morud) Larson, Richard T. Larson, Joel Lester, Robert B. Magnuson, Oliver C. • Mc Coleman, Barbara A. (Thorson) Meyer, Hermina D. Miller, Reinhold Nelson, C. Lennard ' Neufeld, Harvey ' Nordling, Charlotte R. (Brandt) Ogard, Donald W. • Ogard, M. Kathleen ( Hinrichs) • Olivers, Delora Lee (Johnson) Perry, Eugene E. Rieke, Joanne E. (Schief) • Roalkvam, Edwin L. • Roe, David K. Ross, Robert E. • Ross, Suzie V. (Van Slageren) • Sheffels, L. Jerald Siegele, Orville K. • Siegele, Margaret L. (Holbrook) • Steen, Paul J. Swanson, Robert L. Thompson, Ernest T. Ulleland, Marilyn ( French) • Williams, Oscar I.


Class Representative Phyllis (Grahn) Carlson Class Roll 150 Donors 47 Participation 31 % Total Gifts $11,740.70 Q Ankrum, Anna (Lee) Cammock, Iris (Nordman) Q Carlson, Phyllis G. (Grahn) Christopherson, Marie (Koppy) Dixon, Geraldine Y. Q Eliason, rver B. • Ellertson, Rodney L. Finkle, William H. Fjelstad, Orning B. • Fjelstad, Gloria (Kvinge) • Foote, Jack W. Q Glick, Kathryn Y. (Eide) Q Hanson, Vernon R. • Hickman, Gerald L. • Q Hille, Karen S. Hinderer, Paul N.T. Hoffman, Donna M. (Simkins) Jensen, Avis E. Q Johnson, Lyndall M ( Lovett) • Q Johnson, Frances M. Johnson, Glenn E. Johnson, Mary M. (Estergreen) Jones, Shirley (Sagehorn) Q Karwoski, Frank C. • Koster, Ralph Q Labes, Paul F. • Q Lester, Ray K. • Q Marvonek, Delores Ann (Hagevik) Q Mittelstaedt, Mina M. ( Raaen) Moen, Allen L. • Q Moris, Patricia J. Q Nelson, Suzanne R. (Skubinna) • Nelson, Robert L. Q Neufeld, Carol • Q Price, Brian F. Reardon, Elvira L. (potratz) Q Reese, Mary I. (Ens berg) • Reierson, Ramon M. • Q Reiman, Janet E. (Franklin) • Rogelstad, Wallace D. • Rogelstad, Marion A. ( Leonard) • Q Schimke, Gerald E. Q Severtson, S. Erving • Shaw, Janet ( Marshall) • Q Stay, Constance L. Stem Faith E. ( Bueltmann) Q Strandness, Edith V. (Olund) • Q Wigen, Philip E.


Class Representative Terrance R. Brown Class Roll 158 Donors 52 Participation 33% Total Gifts $9,185.24 Q Q Q Q

Amend, Laverne I. (WeUs) ' Bahr, Audrey L. (Muhr) Berglund, John A. • Borgford, Norma Jeanne


Annual Giving in D ollars to Annual and/or Capital Funds $800,000





83/ 84

84 / 85

85 / 86

86 /87



1957 Class

Representative Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q





* -

Brammer, Mildred Brick er, J. Arnold Brown, Terrance R. • Brunner, Petra Onella (Lee) Carstensen, Richard ' Carstensen, Delores A. (Beck) • Charlston, James K. • Christianson, Howard V. • Eggan, Lawrence C. Eldal, Jalmer M. • Fink, Janet M. (Miller) • Fox, Sigrid A. (Tollefson) Freed, Mark Lee ' Gubrud, Allan R. Haugen, Virginia A. (Grahn) • Heppe, Myrna L. (Shelver) Hoov er, Jack L. • Horton, Barbara S. (Slagle) Housholder, J. Thomas ' Howe, Jeanette J. (Walter) • Krantz, Donald J. Kucklick, Myrna (Pfannek uchen) Liebelt, Norita Ludwig, William H. Magnuson, Regina M. (lndregaard) • Me Rae, Beverly J. (Pine) Morton, Stewart M. • Morton, Kathryn M. (Jerstad) • Myking, Marlene C. (Hovland) • Nordquist, Philip ' Nyhus, Catherine M. (Schwerin) Olafson, Robert B. Olden, Mildred A. (Van Buren) •


Ray, June A. (Wigdahl) Reay, John R. Reierson, Janet A . (Geldaker) • Reller, Marlene J. (Stuhlmiller) Rickert, Ruth M. Rieke, Elwood N. Robinson, Sandra N. (Standal) • Rose, Daniel C. Schwarz, Thelma C. ( Nygaard) • Schwindt, Walter D. Swanson, Donna E. Swenson, Eunice L. Taege, Marian L. Tilly, Earl F. Wold, David C. • Wolfe, Jean M. (Christianson)


Class Representative John Olden

Class Rull 198 Donors 70 Participation 35% Total Gifts $11,518.38

Q Beatty, Noreen J . • Q Berglund, Angela F. (Stay) • Brandt, Dwaine C. Q Buseman, Janet M. ( By berg) Capps, Walter ' Carr, William B. Q Charlston, Ramona ( Lofthus) • Q Christiansen, B. Rod ' Cournyer, Ralph W.







Darville, Patricia A. Deitz, Yvonne A. Dejardine, Richard V. Demorest, Elsie M. (Lien) Egtv dt, Claire E. Ellingson, Jack A. Foege, William H . • Fosso, Donald E. • Fosso, B.1rba ra J. (Skjonsby) • Gale, Gary J. Geldaker, Carol Mae (Bott m iller) • Getchman, Arthur G. • Grande, Louise S. (Larsen) Hanson, Merle A � Hendric kson, Anita E. (Sch ell) ' Hillis, Carolyn J\. (Hoogn r) Hoffenbacker, Lina E. (Taber) • Hoo er, Marilyn M (J hnson) ' Hou holder, Delphi ne E. (Danielson) • Hovland, Curti5 A . Isaacson, Elois J. (Nelson) Jacobson, Russell A Johnson, Clayton D. Johnson, R. William Katz, Marilyn (Hefty) Knudson, Gerda M. (Nergaard) Knutzen, Ron oessler, Patricia (Molver) • Larson, Edgar M.T. • Larson, Helen M. (Erick on) • LewiS, Donna Ahrens (Miller) Mac Isaac, Shirley A. Martinson, Arth r Neset, Borghild O. (Ok land) Nesvig, David T.

indicates that thegifts ofmarried alumni haPe been split between their respective classes


1 958

Class Representative

Q Nodtvedt, Richard Nordeen, Robert C. • Q Nordquist, Helen (Jordanger) • Q O'Brien, Michael T. • Q Olden, John W. • Olsen, Gladys M. (Johnson) Parrott, Elsie (Hultengren) Q Paulson, Gerald C. Q Phillips, Carol J. (Falk ) Q Prochnow, Virginia W. Rhea, Richard C. • Q Robinson, Kenneth J. • Rodin, Margaret (Harpster) Roth, Rosemary E. Schubert, Margaret A. (Omat) Q Siek, Theodore J. Sopkovich, Margaret A. (Canis) Q Steen, David S. • Q Storaasli, Dale R. Q Stuhlmiller, E. Robert • Stump, Beverly N. (Smith) Q Timm, Robert S. Vahsholtz, Dorthea J. (Peterson) Vorderstrasse, Pauline E. (Ziemke) Wetten, Monique N. Q Wigen, Janet Q Wold, Elisabeth (Om Ii) •





1 959




Class Representative James A. Haaland 210 Class Roll 82 Donors Participation 39% $12,586.27 Total Gifts Allen, Beverly (Krampitz) Q Amy, Bruce M. Q Anderson, John S. • Q Aust, Robert H. Bakken, Harold D. • Bakken, Lois E. (Erekvarn) • Bayne, Gerald C. • Q Benson, R. Gerald Q Berntsen, David L. • Q Capelli, G. James • Q Christian, Ruth A. Q CornelL Donald A. • Eastvold, Neil T. • Elda� Marvyl J. (Anderson) • Ellickson, Esther M. Q Forness, Norman O. Frentress, Marvin J. Fromm, John R. • Q Gatzke, Sister Frieda Gearhart, Marilyn A. (Viebrock) • Q Geldaker, Charles T. • Q Gelman, Barbara L. (Jensen) Gilmer, Thomas A. • Gjerde, M. Kenneth Q Glaser, Margaret Ann • Q Haaland,. James A. Hack, Alice M. (Brunner) Q Hanson, Jerry R. Hillesland, David S. • Hoffenbacker, Gordon J. • Hovland, Paul L. • Hovland, Ordetta Rae • HowelL Janice I. (Mc Keehney) Q Jeter. Milt Johnson, J. Arthur JunelL Janet M. (Fryhling) Karlinsey, Edna C. (Dickson) Q


Iksia-tes -wrs uf" PLU Q ClNb




Kehle, Kenneth P. • Kehle, Roberta L. (Lunsford) • Kent, Richard S. Knutson, David R. • Larson, Betty (Johnson) • Larson, Georgia A. (Larsen) Lee, Robert S. Lee, Solveig M. Lester, Janet (Towe) ' Lucky, Anne M. (Hall) Millen, Nancy G. (Gilchrist.) Miller, Donald R. Moen, Julia I. (Brunner) • Myking. Richard L. • Nienaber, Duane Olson, Kenneth N. • Olson, Roselyn (Ness) ' Olson, Roger N. • Olson, Joyce M. ( Markert) • Ose, Janet A. (Smith) Peisker, Gene K. • Peisker, Janice E. (Rindahl) • Pollino, Joan E. ( Buckner) Quigg. Carol Ann (Sheffels) Rhea, Janet L. (Emilson) • Roman, Joan (Flaig) Sawyer, Thomas N. Sayers, Janet L. (Sveen) Scheele, Beatrice L. Scott, Roseann (Jacobson) Seeborg. Donald H. Sheldon, Lois A. (Meyer) Simonson, Marcia J. (Lein) • Sinderson, Jack D. Singleton, Margaret (Ames) Soine, Jon C. Sorenson, Robert J. Spry, Louis J. Steen, Lorilie J. (Hefty) • Storaasli, Sylvia E. (Johnson) Taylor, Linda H. ( Hurd) Tobiason, Fred L. Turcott, Dana B. (Blount) ' Wake, David B. Wendland, Virginia Ann (Weyerts) Westberg. Roger R. • Woods, Sharon Y. (Hagen)


Class Representative Anita (Gregersen) Christian 266 Class Roll 83 Donors 31% Participation $13,252.66 Total Gifts Anderson Jr., Aage B. Q Bailey, Georgia A. (Lee) Q Berg. Ronald S. Bern, Eugene Q Berntsen, Carolee A. (Chindgren) • Q Bills, J. Robert • Q Bills, Patricia (Ahrens) • Q Brown, Cordelia J. (Hantala) • Buckner, John A. • Buckner, Norma L. (Hoines) • Burke, Mildred M. CampbelL Alice J. (Jessen) Capps, Lois (Grimsrud) • Q Carlson, Mary Lou (Engen) • Q Christian, David O. •

Q Christian, Anita M. (Gregersen) • Cole, Sylvia L. (Fong) Consear, Richard O. • Q CornelL Joann (Hanson) • Q Douglas, Donald G. • Q Douglas, Louise (Kraabel) • Dunagan, Anna E. (Ohrstrom) Dungan, F. Alvin ' Eastvold, Janice (Campion) • Q Eichler, W. Larry Q Eliason, Camille J. (Emerson) • Q Ellickson, Margaret R. Q Freisheim, Sandra J. • Fritz, John W. Gamb, Kenneth W. Gange, Patricia K. (Finn) Glaser-Marquez, Karen Linda (Phillips) Good, Mary R. (Krangnes) Groenveld, Barbara Ann (Beckner) Q Hagen, Eva L. (Larson) Hanson, Frank H. Q Hanson, Audry Jean (Hart) • Harris, Lois J. (Anderson) Holtey, Roger C. HooverSr, Thomas H. Q Hultgren, Irene N. (Nilsen) Q Iverson, Roger L. • Johnson Jr., A. Glen Kittel, Ronald A. Q Knutson, Marilyn (Force) • Kuykendall, Marietta (Lind) Q Labes, Janet M. (Ulleland) • Lahti, Reuben E. Layton, Carolyn J. (Randoy) Ledurn, Dorothy (Fluegge) • Ledum Jr., Clare H. • Lipscomb, Nancy A. (Magnussen) Londgren, Douglas Q Londgren, Richard E. • Q Londgren, Anita L. (Hillesland) • Q Me Gill, Geraldine L. (Cruver) Metcalf, Merle L. Q Mohr, Beverly A. (Swanson) Morris, Jacqueline J. (Fisher) Museus, Betty C. Q Myers, Ruth M. (Hansen) Nelson, Norita A. Nelson, David A. Nielsen, Dale F. Q Novotney, Melvin Q O'Brien, Beverly A. (Benson) • Q Olson, Robert B. Parr, Terrence M. • Peterson, Dwayne D. Q Ray, William H. Riis, Kenneth M. • Q Schwarz, M. Roy • Q Sells, Clifford J. • Q Sells, Linda ( Larson) • Sheffels, Lois (Beckemeier) Simonson, James E. • Q Sparling. Robert D. • Q Sparling. Sharon M. (Nicholl • Springer, Twila (Gillis) Q Stand ifer, Carson L. Stewart, James R. Q Stuhlmiller, Willamae J. (Anderson) • Sveen, K. Tim Q Templin, Paul H. • Q Templin, Phyllis M. (Pedersen) • WalL Bryan


Class Representative Esta (Swanson) Christiansen 223 Class Roll 75 Donors Participation 34% $14,506.08 Total Gifts A1tpeter, Rita Ann Anderson, Nancy Marie (Lutter) • Q Ausherman, Williena M. ( Boo ne) Q Backman, John R. Bakken, Joan M. (Oftebro) Barbour Jr., Myron L. Bayne, Mary Ann (Lovtang) • Q Berntsen, Rodney A. • Burlein, Karen J. (Sandstrom) Q Carlson, Paul E. • Chen, Ming Vee (Wang) Q Christia nsen, Esta M. • Q Cooley, John M. Q Dahl, David P. Dahl, Orin ' Q Dann, Janice I. (Osterloh) Q Daugs, Daryl D. • Q Dempsey, Howard F. Doebler, Ge rge E. Q Donahe, Jerome F . • Dungan, Hildred L. (Hansen) • Easley, Grace A. (Helgren) Ellingson, Richard Ellingson, Helen K. (Jeter) • Erlander, Philip N. Q Foege, Paula R. (Ristad) • Q Freed, Rosemary (Cerny) ' Q Freisheim, James H. • Fromm, Ardell (Gunderson) • Giger, Richard D. Gregersen, Marianne J. Gundersen, George • Gundersen, Diana L. (Fuller) ' Hain , Richard F. Hovel, Jean M. (Ulleland) Howe, Leonard H. • Hummel, Myrna A. (Hall) Q Jacobson, John D. • Q Jennings, Sandy ( Stennes) Johnson, Alan R. Johnson, Marlys Kay (Clark) Johnson, Larry H.T. • Johnson, Sally N. (Nixon) • Johnson, Roy T. Q Johnson Jr., Ted L. • Q Jordahl, Peter R. • Q Kitlilsby, James L. • Q Kittilsby, Liv Anne (Boveng) • Laur, Hendrik Manzo, Claudette K. Mason, Sandra J. Mc Ginnis, Marilyn J. (Donaldson) Mc Laughlin, Tom L. • Mc Laughlin, Rhoda L. (Bloomquist) • Q Morken, Donald R. Mu hr, Carl A. Q Nelson, Denny B . • Nelson, Norman K. Q Ockfen, Jeris D. (Randall) • Payne, Dolores H. Q Person, Marilu J. (Miller)




Petersen, Gail I. (Westby) Polen, Nancy E. (Reinvik) Rasmussen, Philip A. Scheele, Gerald A. • Schultze, Donald L. Seitz, Nancy A. (Thompson) Turcott, Gordon L. • Van Beek, M. James ' Van Volkenburg, Helen S. (K1inkert) Vaughan, Genyss E. (Rooker) Voelpel, Norman R. • Voelpel, Ona K. • Wang, Peter c.c. Westberg, Judy A. (Nevel) • Zeuske, Doreen S.


Class Representative Ronald E. Lerch 292 Class Roll Donors 87 Participation 30% $14,137.00 Total Gifts Aasen, Paul G. Anderson, Harlan L. Arstein, Janet May


1 960 Class &presentative

Decade Winners Percentage of Participation

4 _

Q Baughman, Jerald A. • Benson, Daniel E. Q Billings, Judith A. (Sannerud) • Q Bluhm, David M. Q Boomer, Sylvia (Langland) • Bracher, Edwin Q Brooks, Alan D. • Brooks, Henrietta M. (Stolte) Q Capell� Carlene (Christensen) • Cavender, Dianne M. (Wicklund) Chandler, Nelda C. (Reede) Q Christensen, Russ J. Q Coltom, Ronald • Q Coltom, Barbara A. (Brandt) • Creusere, Karen L Sahlstrom (Sahlstrom) Crowner, David L. Dahl, Coralyn L. (Brandt) ' Q Dahl, Leif o. • Dahl, Norman O . • Damcke, Elsie (Sauter) Danielson, Jean L. (Ostrand) Q Daugs, Gwendolyn M. (Cydrus) • Q Dettmann, Darryl D. Diverna, Marilyn (Nickelsen) Q Donahe, Sharon L. (Julian) • Q Edlund, John A. • Q Ellickson, Arthur E. Ericksen, Kenneth J.

Decade pre-1930 1 930-39 1940-49 1950-59 1 960 69 19'70-79 -

1 98()..88



76% 83% 53% 39%

1929 1 930 1942 1958



26% 21%

1 9'7 1 1986

Representative Stan Dahl Dorothy Harshman James Haaland Esta Christiansen Paul Wuest Drex Zimmennan

Dollars Contributed de Pre-193O

1 930-39


1 950-59

1960-69 1 970-79 1980-88

Gift Total


$1,932 $4,832 $6,898 $ 3,252 $17,795 $18,124 $10,9'75

1929 1 939 1948 1959 1963 1974 1982

Representative Erling Jurgensen Afton Schafer Anita Christian Gerry Evanson Mark Davis

Number of Donors Decade

Pre· 1930 1930-39 1940·49 1950-59 1960-69 1970-79 1980-88

Donors 13 25 39 83 1 26 143 149

Clas s 192<1 1938 1949 1959 1969 1 971 1986

Representative Paul V. Larson Theol Hoiland Anita Christian David & Patsy Johnson Paul Wuest Drex Zimmerman

indicates thra thegifts of",."rried tUumni have heen split between their respective classes

1 961 Class Representative


1 962 Class


Q Evanson, Linda (Sommers) • Q Flamoe, Karen ( Bird) · Fossum, Donald G. Fredrickson, Stan A. • Galbraith, Ellen K. ( Keefe) Gilmer, Linda J. (Effinger) · Q Haaland, David A. Harper, Cecilia Elizabet (Tague) Q Hildebrand, Loren H. Q Hill, Wayne L. Hollingsworth, D.A. • Israelson, Anna Eliina Q Iverson, Marsha L. (Jensen) • Jacobson, Robert E. Jangard, Melvin H. Q Johnson, James E. • Q Johnson, Jane A. (Brevik) · Q Johnson, Lars E. • Q Johnson, Judith (Bechtel) • Johnstone Jr., Theodore E. Q Jordahl Karen C. (Shaner) • Kieland, Gary S. Lamka, Darline M. Landon, Violet ( Hope) Larson, Charles C. Q Lennon, John W. Lyon, Janice M. (Engen) Mangels, Rudolph Meyer, Marianne E. (Potter) • Murdock, Carleen M. (Sorensen) Q Nelson, Judith M. (Zieske) • Nordberg, Rodney L. Nyborg, James E. • Nyborg, Carolee R. (Bailly) • Olson, Kenneth V. • Osborne, Myrtle ]. (Lyons) • Q Ostenson, William H. Palmer, Lenita A. (Soder) Q Perleth, Blayne D. Peterson, Diane M. (Erickson) Quello, Paul T. Redal, Torleif T. Q Ritter, Gerald Lee • Q Ritter, Maureen J. (McAllister) • Sandvik, Ladstein Gunbjor (Gunbjorg) Schaefer, Martin J. • Schaefer, Barbara J. (Weber) · Q Searcy Jr., Carl M. Slind, Alan W. Q Sparks, James O. Stordahl, Lowell S. • Stordahl, Byrde E. ( Eckrem) • Tomberg, Robert M. • Q Van Beek, Charmian L. (JondalI) • Waterworth, Frank A. • Weaver, Leland G. • Wolff, Helen Margaret


Class Representative Charles W. Mays Class Roll 310 Donors 71 Participation 23% Total Gifts $5,194.50 Allen, Glenda ( Dempsey) Q Anderson, Arthur D. Arstein, Donald D. • Baird, Judith D. (Anderson) Baker, Singhild (Johnner) Bakke, Martha M. (Stoa)

Q - tlesi,gmun members of tile PLU Q Ouh

Q Bass, Fernita (Albrecht) Q Baughman, Myra · Beals, James B. • Beals, Barbara J. (Fletcher) • Q Berntsen, Jo Ann M. (Storaasli) • Q Brooks, Elaine (Benson) • Canfield, Claude H. • Canfield, Deanna J. (Dirlam) · Carr, Ralph C. • Carr, Joyce E. (Taylor) • Clark, Patricia A. Consear, Anita C. ( Berntsen) • Copeland, Darlene Joy (Storkson) Q Dahl Carol E. (Teslow) • Dahl, Patricia (Mullen) • Deschamps, Carol E. (Wertanen) Q Dillingham, Lloyd A. Q Douglass, E. Ruth ( Poetschat) Q Erlander, Daniel Q Flamoe, Larry J. • Funrue, Donald K. • Goebel, Karen L. Hagerman, Roy E. Hagevik, Sandra T. (Tynes) Haltiner, Karen R. (Olsen) Hansen, Fredrick J. • Hansen, Marilyn D. (Paulson) • Hanson, John S. • Haralson, Jerry c. • Q Harmic, Edward R. Hemenway, Sharon M. (Carter) Q Hildahl, Roger E. Q Hovey, Ronald E. Josephson, Helen M. (Torppo) Q Kasperson, Conrad J. • Knutson, Dennis D. Kostoff, Morris R. Larsen, Ivan E. Lensing, John O. Lohre, Ken ' Lohre, Joyce V. (Olsen) ' . Ludeman, Mina J. (Lakosky) Q Matthias, Dixie Lee (Likkel) • Q Mays, Charles W. • Meske, Ted Moore, Robert W. • Moore, Serena Marie (Hopp) · Ockfen, Karn (Johnson) Q Olson, Jon B. • Pease, Carol A. (Laursen) Poulsen, Larry C. • Poulsen, Dee A. (Arko) · Q Raisler, Karen Ann (Hegstad) Riis, Audrey E. ( Egge) · Ruud, Kenneth • Saunders, Katherine A. (Stearns) Q Scheele, Marjean G. ( Lawhead) • Shabro, Janice Lynn ( Dyer) Q Simonson, John O. • Teneyck, Ellen (Frum) Tetrault, Nadine E. ( Bruins) Thompson, Neil R. Q Thorson, Loren W. Walters, Edward A. • Waterworth, Janet M. (Gullekson) • Wilpone, Cheryl L. Zuber, Charles J.


Class Representative Gerry Evanson Class Roll 342 Donors 92 27% Participation Total Gifts $17,795.88 Q Q Q Q

Alexander, Bruce R. Barbo, Linda S. (Knutzen) Benson, Dale E. • Benson, Jolita D. (Hylland) • Berney, Kristina E. (Pernu) Q Boomer, Ronald J. • Carlson, Kenneth Q Case, Anne K. (Fennessy) Charboneau, Keith N. Christopherson, W. E. • Q Cook, Eugene R. • Culver, Eleanor (Olson) Dauphin, Lawanda L. (Maple) Dierickx-Likkel, Judy (Likkel) Q Doelle, Linda G. (Hood) Dunn, Karen E. (Fedt) Q Evanson, Gerald • Q FatIand, Richard M. Fedde, Bonnie J. (Neal) Frye, lone L. Funrue, Ruth (Nottbohm) • Q Gray, Carol J. (Finstuen) • Gustafson, Roger C. Q Hager, Connye L. (Idstrom) Q Hagerty Jr., Richard G. Halladay, Charles B. Haller, Mary J. Q Halvor, Paul N. • Hanson, Thelma J. (Reeve) • Haralson, Carolyn M. ( Breuer) · Q Helland, Lorrine V. Hemming, Matt C. Q Heyer, W. Ronald • Hoover, Phyllis J. (Rhine) Q Howard, Robert R. Hult, Philip W. • Jacobson, E. Marvin Q Jenkinson, John Q Johnson, M. Doreen (Grimm) · Q Kasperson, Judith A. ( Perry) · Q Kennedy, Karleen K. (Isaacson) Kennedy, Julie M. (Harmon) Kirsch, Karen M. (Chalberg) Q Klein, Joanne B. (Bjork) Q KolI, William M. • Q KolI, Gloria (Reinertson) • Q Kvinsland, Jon H. Langston Jr., Philip G. Q Larson, Howard N. Latimer, Richard L. Lebert, Marguerite L. Lee, Ruby Danford ( Danford) Lewis, Claudia A. Lowe, Thomas W. • Lundberg, Carol J. (Robinson) • Lundstrom, Mary Anne Martilla, John A. • Mc C1ain, Lyla J. (Pense) Q Mc Ginnis, Richard F. Mc Lean, Allan N. Q Mitchell, Lois J. (Svendsen) Mitton, Robert W. • Mosher, Donna P. ( Baerg) Niemi, Charles Olsen, James B. Q Olson, Carol L. (Mani) • Overrand, Merlyn K. • Overland, Joan B. (Maier) • Parr, Susan M. (Amundsen) •



Peters, Norma L. (Wilgus) Poppen, Sandy S. (Martin) • Probstfield, Jeffrey • Reynolds Sr., David E. Ronning, Nelius N. Ruck, Lois C. (Cornell) Rutherford, Gerald H. • Schutz, Nancy A (Krogell Sherburne, Margaret L (Hollis) Smith, Thomas E. Stein, Richard A Steves, Virginia R. (Soderman) Stime, Randolph E. Tahtinen, Lenora I. (Hansen) Taylor, Ann L. (Ingebritsen) Thompson, Gary D. Tomberg, Helen M. (Mauseth) • Ulleland, Christy N. Vigeland Jr., George ' Werner, Gwendolyn G. (Goldenman) Woldseth, Margaret (Sagen) • Wood, Thomas H. Zetterberg, Carol (Gillis)


Class Representative Alexia (Henderson) Sontag

292 Class Roll 84 Donors 29% Participation Total Gifts $7,136.50





Anonymous ( 1 ) Anderson, John E. Arnst, Audrey K. Beard, George M. Berg, Lynn R. • Brannfors, John Edward Brenneise, Ingrid S. Carlson, Sheila K. (Jensen) Carlson, Mark T. • Chapman, Donna (Mc Intosh) Chapman Jr., Bill K. Christensen, Darwin E. Christopherson, Sonja A (Peterson) • Condray, Gary R. Cornehl, Carol Ann (Menke) Crabtree, James A. • Crabtree, Ann (Soine) • De Soto, Eunice J. Dunlap, Gerald V. • Dunlap, Maren M. (Ristuben) • Edlund, Virginia A. (Crary) ' Edlund, Kathleen M. (Taylor) Edmonds, Kenneth J. Edmonds, Barbara K. (Erickson) Enger Jr., Filmore G. Estes, Jack W. Finstuen, Richard • Fredrickson, Dennise C. • Fredrickson, Marvin D. • Fredrickson, Carole J. (Haaland) • Grady, Ann L. (Schnackenberg) Guzman, Karen K. (Rommen) Harrison, Beverly I. (Anderson) Heyer, Miriam H. (Muedeking) • Hill, Ramona (Sawyer) Hillesland, Linnea J. (Eger) • •



Most Improv:ea,'� New Oonol'&


1. 19'16 :t. 1986 l. 1962': ..: 1981 ' I". 6. IV/I

7. 1. 1979 9. 1912

to.' I98t 1 9'17


largest Net Cain io New Donors

81J� 74 as 13 79 83 86 69 63

.,89 14.




1 49

138 142 1... .26 120



63 ;59

117 t 13


+fI1 +64


[)reX Zintmerman

Mlt.lt oavis

t59 ..s9 +58 +w

Jennifer Prke

' PaulWuesl David & Patsy John�n Lorraine Donaldi

+� +55

Janie Skaga Steve Melton



Larpst Perc:enu.e Change in New Donors 8'1/88


1. 19'18 2. 1_ a 1m 4. 1m

4 46 51 59

9 W 110 1 13

",. 198] 8. �,?'12

63 6S 13

111 120 134

"Cfwlp+1 25% +111% +93" '


' � :�� � � :; 9. 1982

to. i969




+85% +84%


Q Hokenstad, Alan J. ' Q Hokenstad, Marion J. (Rasmussen) • Q Howard, Dennis D. • Husted, Robert N. Hyden, Judith A. (Swenson) • Q Isensee, Donald A. • Johnstad, Margaret E. (Swenson) Karast� Susan M. Saari (Saari) Kirkpatrick, Nancy L. (Berntsen) Q Korsmo, Marie A. • La Framenta, Joanne R. (Jensen) Labolle, Nancy L. (Nelson) Lowe, Mary Jo (Nelson) • Q Malmin, Jon E. • Q Malmin, Jean L. (Riggers) • Martilla, Frieda B. (Grimsrud) • Mc Callum, Diane L. (Lundgren) Mc Neely, Cyrus M. Meade, Robert F. Myhre, Don Nelson, Beverly A. (Burgemeister) Pedersoll, Leslie P. Poppen, Jerry D. Presley, Dallas Anne (Schuler) Priest, Brenda L. Rei� Loeda T. (Meyer) Rieke, John M. Robb, William D. • Roed, Ingrid M. (Lein) Rutherford, Elizabeth (Cole) • Seavy, Mary Lynn (Ekstrand) • Q Selmann, Dan J. ' Q Selmann, Judith L. (Pederson) • Shive, J. Robert • Shive, Virginia L. (Langford) • Short, Joyce c. (Larson) Q Simonson, Jeraldine A. (Oksness) • •


James Funfar

John Hushagen Le igh Erie Steve Ward Lorrain �naldl Steve Melton Janie Skaga

Mark Davis David & Patsy Johnson

Skog, Edith N. Snell, Marvin R. • Snell, Sharon L. (Phelps) • Q Sontag, Alexia (Henderson) Sundby, Gerald D. Swenson, Keith M. • Townsend, Stella J. (Cummings) Vasishth, Veena Q Wagner Jr., Louis C. Q Wiltse, Mary G. (Griffiths) Yokers, Philip A. •


Class Roll 267 Donors 83 Participation 31 % Total Gifts $10,750.50 Q Albrecht, David A • Q Albrecht, Jan E. (Aalbue) • Anderson, Robert J. • Anderson, Mary S. (Gilbertson) • Appel, L. Michael Arstein, Tena (Reynolds) • Bates, Clarice E. (Reinertson) Bauer, Gilda S. (Smith) Berg, Karen L. (Gruys) • Bulger, Ruby P. Q Carlson, Thomas O. Q Carrell May M. Q Carvey, Davis W. Dirlam, John P. • Dunn, Rita E. (Peterson) Q Ecklund, Denise J. (Ecklund Jr.) • Q Ehlinger, Richard A. Esche, June M. Q Ferri Jr., John B. Q Finch, Richard D.



1 966 Class


Flaten, Paul R. Flath, Helen A (Hosum) • Gehrman, Christine (Nelson) Giersch, Mary G. (Kreps) Gilbertson, Jan c. Haavik, Judy (Frazier) Q Halvor, Marilyn Ann (Rasmussen) • Hartvigson, Joyce L. ( Haavik) • Hartvigson Jr., Kenneth B. • Q Hatlen, Roe H. • Haugen, David L. Holmgren, Byron R. Q Howard, Linda D. (Stolee) • Q Isensee, Mary Jane ' Q Jacobson, Karen S. (Lund) • Jaech, Daniel W. Q Kolzing, Ann L. (Ruud) Kravas, Konstantinos J. • Q Kreis, Sandra Bowdish (Bowdish) Q Kvinsland, Stephen P. • Lang, Howard J. Q Langston, Dennis Larson, George W. Q Lorenz, Gerald R. • Mansfield, Arletta J. (Estenson) Miller, Kenneth D. Q Miller, Ronald A • Q Miller, Jean I. (Andrews) · Moeller, Linda A (Gardner) Neilson, Helen E. (Parsons) Q Olson, Donna R. (Chittim) • Q Ostling, Karl F. Pappajohn, Rhoda C. (Miller) Paulson, Robert A • Pederson, Cheryl Y. (Taylor) • Peeler, Eileen A (Schutte) Q Perry, Albert W. • Q Perry, Leslie (Geer) • Peterson, Paul D. Q Probstfield, Margaret H. (Belgum) • Radke, David F. · Radke, Lynne L. (Maxeiner) • Repp, Rodney Riddle, Allan L. Robb, Marilyn C. (Brueggemeier) • Running, Richard B. Running, Robert Ruud, Barbara A (Schmid) • Sallee, Stephen E. • Sandberg, Myron L. Q Sandeno, P. Bryan • Sanders, Robert E. Schauer, Grace L. (Kuest) Seavy, Donald K. • Siegmund Jr., D. Charles Stegmann, Donald F. Torgerson, Ruth N. (Ylvisaker) Truschel, Louis W. • Tuininga, Andrea C. (Sandvig) Valent� Susan L. (Johnson) Vennes, Hans L.R. Walters, Susan E. (Dally) · White, Virgil •. Wytko, David R. Zylstra, Norma A

19 66

Class Representative Bonnie (MacMaster) Andersen Class Roll 266 72 Donors Participation 27% Total Gifts $8,571.00

Q Andersen, Bonnie M. (MacMaster) • Archer, Max K. • Ball, Florence • Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q




Q designtJtes members of the PLU Q Club -

Doe, John T. Brunner, Charles E. Carlson, Andrew 1Coplen n, Tyler B. • Cowan, Miriam L. Crawford, Mary L. Cullom, Michael L • Cullom, Sylvia L (Moilien) • DalgleiSh, Steven B. • Dirlam, Nancy L. (Hahn) • Dodds, Judy (Seastrand) Duncan, Susan (Ogden) Ecklund Jr., Earl F. • Edstrom, Roger B. • Edstrom, Vera A (Wollin) · Egeland, Barry K. Ekberg, David J. Feek, James R. Fernald, Leanne Kay (Odegaard) Fiveland, H. Geraldine Frampton, Sonja E. (Moe) Funk, Roland D. Graham, Glen O. • Graham, Christie (Snyder) • Gray, Donald • Habedank, Gary L. • Habedank, Kathryn A (Czyhold) • Hagedorn, G. Beth Hardtke, Dennis R. Hatlen, Beverly J. (Thompson) • Helms, Roy H. Helseth, Betty Johnson (Johnson) Hogan, Diane C. (Utoft) Holmquist, David A. Holte, Mark M. Jensen, Agnes H.L. Johnson, Franklin G. • Juneau, William R. Knight, Claire J. Kuehn, Von W. Kvinsland, Judith L. • Landskov, Julie A (Wiesner) Laursen, Reginald D. Leander, John D. • Leander, Kathleen (Axelson) • Lerch, Gary E Lindberg, Judith Marie (Johnson) Llewellyn, Mary Alice Lorenz, Janet M. • Lundberg, Bruce • Moffitt, Faye A Oliver, Jack D. Parrott, Keith Paulson, Marjorie S. (Omdal) • Peterson, Laurence A Rasmussen, L. Fraser ' Redman, Penny M. (Porter) Ries, David A •

Robinson, Myrna I. (Wagoner) Roesch, Nancy C. (Kvinsland) Rosevear, Sheryll F. (Fredekind) Salatiello, Linda L. (Carlson) Q Sandeno, Jeanne c. (Rosenbladt) • Schuur, Phillip S. Shannon, Lee R. Stewart, Gordon A Q Swanson, Paul R. • Swenson, Georgene M. (Moskovita) • Templin, John H. •


Class Representative Clare and Jan (Temte) Walters Class Roll 298 Donors 92 31 % Participation Total Gifts $12,608.50 Q





Anonymous (2) Adams, J. Daniel • Andersen, Mark E. • Anderson, Bernadine Ann Anderson, David L. Anderson, Borgny A (Arneson) Andvik, Tove Ellen Banker, Susan A (Larsen) Bauer, Sandra (Kjerstad) Benson, Paul F. Bjorklund, Craig R. Borcherding, Rhoda J. (Larson) Buccino, Nancy E. (Mc Callum) Carlson, A Mark Christensen, Carolyn J. (Hedges) Corliss, Kenneth J. Cram, Marlin E. • Cram, Betty L. (Lagerquist) • Dalgleish, Susan K. (Haugen) • Didis, Barbara A (Mc Gavick) Ellis, Dianne K. (Brunsvold) Flatness, J. Peter Ford, Kathleen A (Nyquist) Garrett, Steven J. Gilge, Leroy W. • Haley, David H. Hanson, Gary C. Harshman, R. Michael Hartman, Paul E. Hartman, Linda Lou (Likkel) Hedman, Alan R. Holum, Everett A Horngren, Earl W. Huber, Walter M. Hult, Mary Ann (Mandt) • Kangas, Audrey K. (Daggett) KarJsgodt, Gregory B • Karlsgodt, Carrol J. (Kirby) • Kintner, John C. Kravas, Constance H. • Larson, Larry P. Larson, Margit P. (Olsen) Lemay, Norman A • Lindeblom, Gayle E. (Tiedeman) • Lorentzsen, Thomas N. Magruder, Angela I. (Nicholson) Melary, Michael F. Merriwether, Glen P.

Mitton, Joan E. (Fosness) • Q Moody, John H . • Mortensen, Richard L. Mosbrucker, Charla J. (Nelson) Nelson, Roger W. Nesvig, Jonathan P. Q Newell, Richard D. Q Oliver, Terry R. Olsen, Paul J . • Olson, Randall J. Ostroot, Dennis P. • Ostroot, Beverly J. (Rams6eld) • Pearson, David L. Q Peterson, Dale L. Peterson Jr., Joe H. Q Ponton, Elaine F. (Shusta) Q Quigley, Timothy • Q Quigley, Letitia A. (Burchfield) • Ramsdell, Gladys T. (Ramsdale) Rismiller, Robert J. Q Saverud, Wayne P. Q Sha nnon Jr, John P. Sheridan, Carol B. (Neumann) Q Sherry, Tim W. • Q Sherry, Marcia L. (Wake) • Simmons, Donald E. Q Staub, David W. • Q Staub, Lindy L. (Hovde) • Q Swanson, Mary E. (Greene) • Templin, Sonja M. (Christensen) • Q Tetz Jr., Kenneth V. Thompson, Carol E. (Jacobson) Truschel, Judy Ann (Moe) • Q Vigeland, Karen M. ( Korsmo) • Q Waggoner, David S. Q Wahl, Sharon M. ( Knudson) Q Wake, Thomas H. Wallace, Marcian C. (Jacobs) Walters, Clarence P. • Walters, Janet E. • Weiseth, David B. • Weiseth, Lois C. (Hokenstad) • Yokers, Katherine H. (Void) • Young, William M.

Debner, Gilbert A. Q Erickson, Kent L. • Farrell, Marcia G. (Larson) Fenn, David L. • Finstuen, Judith M. (Anderson) • Flath, Dennis L. • Q Ford, Michael S. • Q Ford, Mary L. (Ramstad) • Geiszler, Carol J. (Christopherson) Gerald, Laurel A. ( Richards) Gilge, Ruth E. (Onstad) • Halvorson, Marian A. Harris, Jennifer A. ( Braa) Q Herfindahl, David J . • Hess, Jeannine D. (Movius) Hildahl, Brian P. Hilstad, Mary K. (Gravrock) • Q Hoffman, Betty J. Holte, S elia E. Johnson, Jerry K. Johnson, Keith D. • Q Johnson, Susan J. (Richards) • Jones, Sally L. (Williams) Q Joos, Paul N. Kroger, Ruth E. Laidlaw, Thomas A. Leake, Penny Y. (Johnson) • Q Lindeblom, David C. • Lorenz, Robert J. • Lorenz, Caren L. (Simdars) • Macomber, Annette M. (Levorson) Marks, Charlene D. ( Kelsey) Q Matthias, Paul F. • Mc Dowell, T. Michael Nesvig, Mark L. Nunn, Rosemary G. ( Rieger) Nybro, Dale C. Q Oakley, John C. • Olson, Susan E. (Hackett)

332 Class Roll 94 Donors Participa tion 28% Total Gifts $9�59.00



• -

Adams, Ellen (Johnson) • Ahre, Ronald G. • Angle, Karla M. (Miller) Baumgartner, Thomas A Bierwagen, Gary E. Boyd, Barbara (Anderson) Bush, Beverly Jean Christianson, Vernita L. (Bliesner) • Clark, Cathie S. (Strong) Clausen Johnson, Janet (Clausen) • Coe, Linda J. ( Rude) Collar, Leslie D. Coplen II, Anne Marie ( Bryson) • Cramblit, Diane A. (Gerzevske) Crouse, Richard L. Deal, Michael W.


Most Im�ed Classes in Dollars Contributed


Class Representative Marsha Stirn-White and Steven Ufer

Q Ozmun, Leonard J . • Q Pederson, John N. • Petersen, Diane M. ( Brandt) Peterson, Diane A. (Clouston) ' Peterson, Jill S. (Lange) Prevost, Janet D. Ramos, Judy A. Q Rasmussen, Frances L. ( Burchfield) • Renggli, Gary W. Ricketts, Linda M. (Parker) Rokosky, Joanne M. (Schnaidt) Sallee, Vema K. (Bevan) • Q Sammons, Kenneth D. Q Samuelson, Marsha D. (Watton) Sch neider, Clifford D. • Q Schoening, David H. • Q Schoening, Christelle R. (Rose) • Simpson, James R. • Sjostrom, David B. Skoe-Henry, Linda G. (Skoe) Skofstad, James R. Steere Jr., Samuel A. Sund, Thomas B. Swanson, (sobel (Conway) Q Swanson, Mark A. • Thomsen, Marilyn E. Tomita, Jane M.F. Troyer, Barbara L. Trulson, David E. Turner, Violet M. Vdman, Larry L. Q Vfer, Steven K. • Weatherly, Laurence R. Q Weswig, John M. White, Marsha R. (Stim) Wilson, Marilynne A. (Buddrius) Q Wise, Lydia Q Yost, Robert A. • Q Yost, Ann P. •

��m Nd � m � C���� CLlss

1. 1954 2. 1 967 3. 1974 4; 1976 5. 1961 6. 1 986 7. 1982 8. 1960 9. 1968

10. 1949

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Net Gain +S5.D54 +$4,673

+$3,561 ·$3,158 +$3.074 +$2..796 +$1100

+$2,699 +52..426 + 2,2f17

Ilepresen "�ve Donald OMrd Clare &- JimWalters Stev.e Ward Ronald Lerch Drex Zimmerman

Mark Davis

£Sta Christiansen Steven uter &- Marsha Stirn-White Theo] Hoiland .

Largest Percentage Gain in Dollars Contributed Net Gabl % GaiD Rqresenl..we


1928 1933 1954 1987 1935 1967 7. 1949

$520 $1,180 $5,054 $1,981 $1,943 $4,673

153% 148% 86% 72% 68%

9. 1944

$576 $567

53% 46%


10. 1 931

$2,207 2,796


58% 58%

indicates dlat thegifts ofmarried tUumni ha"e been split between their nspectiw dRsses

Oonald Ogard

Jennifer PriCe B. Eldon Anderson Clare & Jan Walters Theal Hoiland Drex Zimmennan

Lois Ludwig

1 968 Class Representative



Class Representative David and Patsy (Davies) Johnson

Class Roll 421 126 Donors Participation 30% Total Gifts $12,246.50




1 970 Class


Repnsentative Q Q Q


Anderson, J. Douglas ' Anderson, Julie Ann (Svendsen) • Archer, Isabelle A. (Hoff) • Ayres Jr., Robert R. • Backup, Ruth (Wallis) Barker, Brian F. • Barker, Sally L. (Grier) • Beam, David M. • Benes, James H. Benson, Michael L. • Bitar, Byron r. • Bitar, Gail A. (Morseth) • Borrud, Joyce M. (Karlstad) Brown, Mary Lou (Johnson) Bullard, Grace L. Bustad, Janet K. (Siblerud) • Bustad Jr., John R. • Carpenter, Helen I. Cate, Elizabeth A. (Fenn) Chance, David L. • Chaney, Judith L. (Hartvigson) Counsell, W. Douglas Cress, Lawrence D. Dennis, Katherine Ann (Loen) Dillinger, Sharon M. (Willms) Dion, Russell F. • Dion, Sharlene ( Rose) • Eaton, Judith L. (Cedarquist) Ehli, Barbee L. Eichholtz, Angie G. (Holm) Eklund, Bruce G. • Ek lund, Barbara J. (Maier) • Ellingboe, Linda R. (Zingleman) Emilson, Joyce M. Erickson, Connie Lee (Smith) • Ess, Earl D. Farner, Steven L. Fjermedal, Tamara T. Flatness, James A. • Gearheard, Julie A. (Lillebo) Gesinger, Richard E. Gibson, Cynthia L. (Testerman) Gilbertson, Gerald A. Goodwin, Carol D. (Nord) Gramann, Robert C. Grewenow, Ron Hanson, David G. Haughee, Nancy K. (Miles) Herfindahl, Ann R. (Whitelock) • Herman, Milton P. Highland, Jeffrey R. Hilgers, Christy A. (Stevens) Hilstad, Gordon O. • Holmes, Richard N. Huhta, Ellen Kaye (Schnaible) Isensee, Philip H. Jacobson, Thomas L. Johnson, David B. • Johnson, Patsy E. (Davies) • Johnson, Joanne L. (Hagen) • Johnson, Ronald C. • Jones, Gene C. Jordahl, Barry L.


designRUS mnnbers of the PLU Q Club

Kaaen, Charleen M. (Strandlien) Kiesow, Stephen J. Kingston-Beall, Nancy M. (Gaston) Klavano, Robert P. • Knudson, Katherine A. (Tekse) Knutzen, Dinah R. (Leischner) Koch, Kristine A. (Swingle) Q Kohler, Gerald W. Krause, Robert A. • Q Landdeck-Sisco, Jeanne C. (Landdec k ) Q Law, James G. Q Lemay, Sharon M. (Swanson) • Q Lindeman, William W. • Q Lindeman, Susan J. ( Mickelsen) • Livingston, Montel R. (Wagner) Lockhart, T. Glen Q Lumsden, Terry E. Q Magelssen, David J. • Q Magelssen, Penelope Mae (Wilson) • Manley, Carol A. (Krekow) Mann, Charles R. • Mann, Joan P. (Seastrand) • Mannix, Vicki L (Hanfbauer) Matzner Jr., Rudolph Merritt, Alan L. Merzenich, Ed • Merzenich, Nancy Lee (Tang) • Mocabee, Patricia A. (Read) Q Moody, Melody (Henriksen) • Moore, Barbara Jean (Calhoun) Muir, Marie L (Orr) Nelson, Dennis W. Nichols, Bruce E. Nicholson, William J. O'Brien, Sharon N. (Gransee) Q Oakley, Shirley Ann (Craft) • Olsen, Andrea M. (Stout) • Q Olson, William D. • Parks, Judith (Zandell) Q Pederson, Cathy L (Severson) • Peterson, Gary L • Pullis, Loretta M. Rasmussen, Thomas M. Reed, Lucille (Me Kenney) Reinkensmeyer, Patricia A. (Boyson) • Rinta, Marcia L. (Welch) Rochford, William S. Q Rouse, Richard W. • Ruud, Robert G. • Schneider, Phyllis L. (Booth) • Schuchman, Thora M. Sim�on, Paula K. • Q Skog, James H. Slatta, Richard W. Slind, Marvin G. Q Stewart, Willie C. Stout, Stephen R. Q Stuen, Thomas E. • Q Sturdivant, Lois A. (Sturdevant) Void, David J. • Void, Joan N. (Norburg) • Q Walden, Cheryl H. (Horman) Wasmundt, Betty D. (Johnson) Welsh, Steven A. Wheelock, Jeanne C. Q Widsteen, James • Wigen, George C. Wood, Larry •


Class Representative M. David Lee

Class Roll 520 Donors 103 Participation 20% Total Gifts $8,662.00

Aageson, James w. • Q Aageson, Julie K. (Taylor) • Adams, Charles Allen, William A Q Bangsund, Lynne I. ( Moody) ' Q Baurichter, James A. Beeker, Samuel F. Q Bendickson, James O. • Bermudez, Ludivina G. Q Bork, David B. • Bostrom, Andrew M. • Bostrom, Sharon J. (Larsgaard) • Brande� Gary E. • Brandel, Judith E. (Benson) • Bratiie, John D. Brodniak, Kathy A. (Me Co ) Q Bryant, Neil R. • Q Bryant, Mary Alice (Arneson) • Bysinger, Carol Lynn Q Carr, Judith L (Willis) Q Collins, CatherQle Ann Culver, Anke L Curtiss, Randy T. Duncan, Linda S. (Rehm) Duzenbery, Jeffrey R. Q Dykstra, John T. Emerson, Kathleen R. (Otten) Erickson, Joanne E. ( Holst) Eustice, Vicki L. (Thompson) Fenn, Marilyn J . • Q Finstuen, John N. • Q Finstuen, Katherine A. (Parrish) • Flatness, Gail E. (Anderson) • Folden, Ruby Pearl Funk Jr., Oarence G. Gearhart, J. Walter • Q Gintz, Ronald L. • Q Gintz, Ingrid M. (Knutzen) • Q Graham, Julie Ann (Jamieson) Griggs, Lawrence F. Q Hansen, Roger K. Q Harne, Terry An ( Nettnin) Q Hart, Karen E. Q Hauge, Kathleen S. (Meyer) • Holme, Charles E. Horn Jr., Raymond M H urlbut, Janet L. (Ruud) Q Hushagen, James M. • Hyden, Robert A. • Isaacson, Linda J. (Ulvan) JeUen, Cynthia L (Lyster) Johnson, Jeffrey C. Jones, Nicholas J. Q Kasper, Roger A. • KJavano, Byrna L • KJoster, Leif J. Kolden, Janice R. Krause, Linda S. (Sherrow) • Q Kuehn, Bernd Langston, Edward H. Larsgaard, John K. Larson, Dave S. Q Larson, Christine A. Latimer, Steve T. Leake, Richard S. • Q Lee, James E.

Lee, M. David Lieberg, Douglas L. Lundstrom, William B. Mac Askill, Steven A Makela, Linda O. Me Casland, Warren C Miller, Jon R ' Miller, Solveig L. (Paulson) Moblo, Ronald W. Nagel, Pamela J. (Brueckner) Nelson, Lisa B. Nesvig, Philip M. · Northway-Meyer, Roger Nunnelee, Gery R Omda!, Marsha J. (De Prez) • Omdal Jr., Gordon L • Partridge, Anita L (Trumbull) Pederson, Cathy Pederson, Svend Pedroso, John C Peterson, Richard L. • Peterson, Linda (Lee) • Potter, Gregory D. Praxel, Janet M. (Swanson) Richardson, Charlotte L. (Brockman) Robbins, Judy Ann (Louie) Schmidt, Reginald F. Sloane, Donna Joyce (Petaja) Smith, Dennis G . • Snyder Jr., Wilbur M. Spada, Charlotte E. (Olberg) • Stuen, Karen S. ( Ranheim) • Swanson, Connie A Swenson, Richard H. Thompson, Mikkel C Torget, Robert W. Unseth, Catherine A Whitman, Ralph D. • Wilcox, Mary E. (Brewster) Woldseth, Mark E.

Most Improved Classes in Percentage of Participation Class






Class Representative Paul Wuest Class Roll 558 Donors 144 26% Participation Total Gifts $17,821.05 Q Aakre, John D. Q Adolf, Arlis M. Aikin, Shirley E. (Coleman) Q Anderson, Nancy A (Wallace) Anderson, Naomi J. (Sarver) Ashcraft, Linda Marie (Inman) Q Bangsund, David R. • Bellin, Dorothy J . Benson, Mary L • Bentti, Evelyn N. (Tisdel) Q Berg, Paul K Binz, Eunice A (Lyso) ' Q Bjerke, Jill C (Farver) • Boleyn, Emily H. (Reitz) Q Bork, Jennifer Ann ( Rogers) • Burr, John A Burton, Judith (Hartman) Q Buser, Kathy M. (Fynboe) • Q Chance, Marcia A (King) • Q Chinn, Melvin Q Christian, Rhoda G. Clarke, Sue Coates, Warren E. Comsia, Douglas R Dahl, Peter M.

1. 1928

2. 1980

3. 1945

10. 1982












Charles Mays


Drex Zimmerman


Annebelle Birkes tal



Steven Ufer






1 8%





James Funfar


17% 16%

9. 1982


+1 33%

5. 1968

8. 1986








4. 1 933

o. 1962

$ Change


David & Patsy Johnson


Lois LudWig



Dary Jr., R Ranaall Deetz, Corrine E. Doggett, Kenneth A • Doggett, Barbara L (Kohl) • Dormaier, Cathy L (Corn) Drewes, Dennis R. Eby, Ralph H. Eckhardt, Gary E. Eidel, Chris Fjermestad, Jerry L Flom, Joanne C Freitag, Gregory R Gebhard, Roger F. Goring, Linda L (Cleven) Grader, Lindsay E. Graves, Luana Jean Gumprecht, Thomas F. Gutzler, David E. • Gutzler, Barbara M. (Finney) • Hagener, Marian K (Kadlub) Halstead, David Stewart • Halstead, Linda Louise (Barker) • Halvorson, Lynette Joy Hansen, Karen M. (Hendrickson) Harter, Nancy E. (Chit tim) Hartsook, Cheryl K (Bluhm) Hassett, Mary Ruth (Coleman) Heaps, Mary Ann (Key) Heberer, Marsha L Hein (Hein) Hemmen, Theresa E. (Yutrzenka) Hester, James M. Holmes, Paula A (Johnson) Houglum, Mark D. • Houglum, Susan L. (Van Meter) • Huff, James O. Hustad Jr., Joseph O. Jackson, Carol Bichon (Bichon) Jensen, Frederick R Johnson, Paul D. • Johnson, Wendy M. (Jechort) Jones, Richard R Jorgenson, Jack D. Kantor, Dennis R Karlstad, Philip Walter Klavano, Ruth C Knapp, Douglas S. Knutzen, Raymond E.








Mark Davis

Kreamer, Gretchen M. Larson, Carl S. Larson, Ronald G. • Lindstrom, Hans G. • Lindstrom, Ann K (Widsteen) • Livingston, Michael V. Long, Eva E. (Swedstedt) Lord, Gregory Duane • Lord, Christine L. (Scott) • Lorenz Jr., James E. Lycksell, Robert L Magnuson, Dennis Larry Mancke·Kidd, Katherine (Mancke) Marsh, Michael P. • Marsh, Mary Ellen (Lind) ' Masehhoff, Thomas A Masseh, Muri I Mc Laughlin, John M. • Mc Vay, Robert W. Meyer, David E. • Moriguchi, Laraine N. Onagaki) Neils, Michael J. • Neils, Cheryl E. (Frydenlund) • Nelsen, Gregory H. • Nesvig, Mark A Noller, David K Novak, Linda A (Turner) Nugent, Dennis L • Nugent, Margaret (Espeseth) • Oberg, James C Olbertz, Zenon P. • Olson, Judy M. (Kopplin) Olstead, Halvar E. • Osborne, Billy W. • Ostenson, Richard C • Ostenson, Lynn C (Geschwind) • Overvold, Peter M. Owens Jr., Charlie W. Page, William M. Pentikis, Anthony Photius Petersen, Donald G. Reichert, Eileen M. (Rue) • Reinkensmeyer, Donald C • Ries, Cheryl L. (Yancey) • Roa, Linda L. (Dolph) • Rouse, Susan L. (Schillinger) • Sanborn Jr., J. William Shaw, David L. Smith, Sharon M. (Rodkey) •

* indicates that thegifts ofmarried alumni have been split betWeen their respeaiJ'e cUJsses •





Sowder, Patricia A. (Sandahl) Spada, Rand y L. • Staeheli, Therese E. Stewart, Twylla L. Stintzi J r., Vernon L. Svendsen, John A. • Svendsen, Julie K. (Turner) • Swanson, Wendy O. (Lider) ' Sweetman, Joyce G. Swenson, Larry D. Tchobanoff, Daniel K. • Tchobanoff, Doris A. (Freese) • Thomas Jr., Jesse F. Todd, Edward B. • Townsend, Pamela L. (Peterson) Tupack, Joy E. (Peterson) Vingerud, Jon A. Wall, Steven R. Weaver, Joyce 1. • Westby, Kathryn A. Widsteen, Kristi ( Hildahl) • Wilson, Marcia K. (Taylor) ' Wuest, Paul R. • Yoo, Tae-Jung





Class Representative Janine (Galbraith) Skaga 555 Class Roll 120 Donors 22% Participation $11,656.00 Total Gifts Q Alworth III, Marshall H. Anderson, Brian W. • Anderson, Kristy L. (Johnson) • Beam, Cynthia A. (Hildahl) • Belusko, Marsha Kay (Wilson) Q Bendickson, Cindy C. (Johnson) • Berg, Gayle R. (Severson) Binz III, Walter E. • Q Bjerke, Bruce T. • Q Blair, George Brenneman, Ruth Anne (Cameron) Q Carlson, David Q. • Q Carlson, Flavia V. (Flaherty) • Chen tow, Laurel M. (Clark) Collins, James L. Collins, Linda H. (Hammer) Q Dawson, Leland B. Dowell Jr., Lester R. Duris, Kristi L. ( Harstad) Q Eastman, Frederick E. • Elliott, Willie B. Evans III, Joseph R. Fagerstrom, David ' Fagerstrom, Mary (Kratzke) • Finseth, Terry A. • Finseth, Michele R. ( Reed) • Q Flink, Carlotta K. (Hildebrand) Q Giles, David E. Hartl, Robert M. Harvester, Diane D. (Smidesang) Q Hasselblad, Robert A. Helgemoe, Raymond A. Q Henton, Michael C. Hiam, Maureen E. Q Holmer, Marcia G. (Stockstad) Homier, Beverly J. (Hyatt) Q Horsfall, Daniel D. •

Q Howell, Julie Anna (Husby) Hunziker, Conrad H.S. • Hunziker, Dianne L (Torgerson) Q Hushagen, Deborah Lynn ( Herive\) • Jacobson, David L. • Jones, Susan L. (Swedberg) Keirsey, Kristenza D. (Van Gilder) Q Keller, Benjamin T. Kelly, Frankie L. King, Sheryl A. Krage, Phyllis M. Kulungowsk� Sarah L. (Ward) Lacko, Karen L. (Taylor) Lalonde, Ronald J. Q Lansing, Steven H. Leichtman, Kalman A. Lemke, Joanne E. Lennon, Wanda L. (Boltz) Loraas, Keith R. Marquardt, Johanna T. (Schwich) Martonik, Donald P. • Maves, Terald M. Q Mc Dougall, Gerd-Inger (Gregersen) • Q Mc Laughlin, Linda J. (Craft) • McFarlane, Margaret G. (Neubauer) Mochida, Joel H. Molesworth, Kristin (Ekstrand) Q Nelsen, Marie Anne (Johnson) • Q Ness, Arne • Q Newburn, Margaret J. (Lamb) Newman, Mary A. Q Nordstrom, Robert Q Olbertz, Molly J. (Stuen) • Olsen, Karen A. (Walley) • Q Ostern, Ellen C. Palm, Sven Ake • Palm, Carol J. (Christensen) • Q Parker, Douglas Pearson, William A. Pendle, Carolyn R. ( Belgum) Phelps, Sarah E. (Ramstad) Q Poier, Julie Ann (Kvinsland) • Porter, Linda S. (Thompson) Powell, Ronald 1. Qualheim, David L. Richardson, Augustus C Roberts, Marvin B. Roegner, Robert A. Q Russell, Pamela S. (Weeks) Ruud, Margaret L. Salmela, Frederick H. Samuels, Jack B. Q Sandburg, Kirk A. • Q Sandburg, Janet E. (Snyder) • Sandhorst, Michael J. Schaap, Terry A. Scheele, Randall D. Schiller, Charles P. Schmand II, Casper J. Schoch, Lowell A. Scholz, Mark S . • Scholz, Sheri L. (Stein) • Sheets, James L. Q Spere, Jeffrey R. Q Spitzer, Laurel N. (Mosier) • Q Spurrel, Arthur Strand, Mark J. Stunkard, Susan E. (Battalion) Sutton, Raelyn Sutton, Shelley V. Q Swanson, Donald B. • Swartz, Janis L. (Metcalf)

Q designmes members afthe PLU Q CJub -




Swenddal, Philip W. Swenson, Lavern H. • Swenson, Anne L. (Henderson) • Swortz, Paul A. Todd, Janice c. (Peterson) • Van Houten, Judith L. Vernon, Robert L. • Vernon, Diane Lynn (Bengston) • White, Joan M. (Weeks) Whitman, Janice M. (Greenwood) • Willis Jr., H. Bruce • Wilson, Franklin A. • Wittekind, Warren D. Youngquist, Christine M. (Peterson) Zimmerman, James E. •


Class Representative John Hushagen 551 Class Roll 110 Donors 20% Participation $6,639.00 Total Gifts Aamodt-Nelson, Norma K. (Aamodt) • Anderson, David W. • Anderson, Judith E. Anderson, Kenneth P. Arnhold, Arthur R. Ayres, Carol A. (Mathews) • Backstrom, Laurel E. (Andvik ) Bagby, Calvin E. Bakamus, William N. Bennett, David B. • Benton, Kathleen V. Bourcier, George W. Bowen, Evelyn P. (Peers) Brisson, Douglas L. Brown, Sharlene C. (Carlson) Buchanan, Mark A. Bussey, Suzanne E. (Eklund) Carlson, Alix D. Comils, Deborah D. Coss, Carol Lee Q Cowan, Sally J. (Alflen) Cox, Charolette C. Croker, Katharine A. Dable, Stephen Allan Daneker, Kathleen M. Dees, Virginia (pease) Drane, Elizabeth B. (Beaty) Dutton, Linda S. (Shelton) El-Kuwaiz, Abdullah 1. Ensign, Mina E. Erickson, Michael J. Farmer, Jim M. Feucht, Rhondi M. (Bender) Fitzgerald, Joanne K. (Stueland) Fjelstad, Mary E. • Fortier, E. Marie Furth, Leanne M. (Scharf) • Gervais, Jo Ann Gladow, Jeff L. • Greenwood, David L. • Greenwood, Margaret E. • Q Hauge, Joel E. • Holm, Randall H. • Holm, Debra L. (Stook) • Q Horsfall, Katherine M. (Vodder) • Q Howe, Karen L. (Fynboe)

Howell, Colleen K. Hulscher, Norman F. Hult, Eleanor (Gruzenski) Q Hushagen, John D. • Jacobson, Marilyn M. (Stelzer) • Johnson, Dennis M. Q Johnson, Sue E. Kamerrer, Karen J. (Weber) Q Kasper, Janice I. (Johnstone) • Q Kilen, Ken Kilcrease Jr., Jack D. • Kilcrease Jr., Maxine M. (Wallender) • Knapton, Robert D. Lanning, Kathryn A. (Armstrong-Brandt)

Q Larson, Gwen L. Larson, Paul M. • Larson, Linda Lee (Wegmeyer) • Q Larson, Linda M. (Bosshart) • Q Ludeman, Bruce E. • Maroldo, James H. Mawhinney, King Mc Fadden, Guy Alan Mettler, Linda E.M. (Stone) Meyer, Mark F. • Meyer, Connie E. • Moore, Janice M . Moore, Alva Joseph Nedrow, R. Ann Q Ness, Rhonda Lynn (Fischer) • Ohman, Robert E. Olsen, Gail M. (Caple) Olson, Kathrine A. (Berg)


Class Roll Donors

697 142 20% Participation $18,124.50 Total Gifts Q Anonymous ( 1 ) Andersen, Cynthia E. (Crosby) Anderson, Melodee A. (MaIm) Anoe, Kim S. (Tangeman) Armstrong, Elmer C. Armstrong, Kaylyn V.


Roa, Darel A. •

Rowley, Dale M. • Sandvig, Peter Scales, Rosemary R. (Rickelman) Self Jr., James F. Shandrow, Don F. ' Shandrow, Kathy Jean ' Sherman, Ronald D.

Q Soden, Dale E. • Q Soden, Margaret K. (Kringen) ' Q Spurrill, Laura Sonray, C. George Thorson, R. Gary •

Q Tushkov, Walter W. • Wick, David C. • Wick, Sara E. (Quigley) ' Wilder, Carrie Mae Barr (Barr) Williams, Hayden G. Q Willis, Ann M. (Bristol) • Q Wuest, M. Jane (Randall) • Zamberlin, Dennis C. Q Zimmerman, Sharolyn M. (Erickson) •

(Andersen) • Bleth, Carole Ann (Smith) Borsheim, Eugene G. Briggs, CheryIe L. (Jung)

Q Burad, Rebecca A. (Nauss) Q Buser, L. Scott • CampbelL Jacolyn K. (Tebbetts) Q Carlson, Paul B. • Q Carlson, Kelly Lee (Wilson) • Carlson Jr., Theodore H.

Motteler II, Howard E. Moultine, Kristin L. (Gulsrud) Mueller, Julia B. Neptun, Daniel A. •

Nesvig, Kirk R •

Niemiec, Linda Arlene (Polly) Nixon, Michael B. Noborikawa, Ronald M. Nohavec, Carol Ann (Walker) O'Connell, Kevin W. Olsen, Gayle F. ( Duggar) Q Olson, Arden J. • Olson, Deborah (Hickel) Osness, Richard D. Q Ozmun, Anne (Parkhurst) Palomb� Barbara J. Peck, Susan J. (Schwarz) Peragine, Frances A. Q Perry, Dennis B. •

Q Drugge, Diane M. Q Eastman, Mary Lou (Geisler) • Eisenhauer, John H. Engh, Maren M. ( Bailey) Fenske, Fay E. (Burnett) • Flattum, Hester Anne Garabato, Josephine M. Gardner-CrandalL Linda L. (Gardner) Gladow, Joan L. ( Richter) • Gordon, Lewis L. Green, Kimberly D. Greenup, Carol Marie (Thorsness) Guild, Richard W. Hanrahan, William Arthur Q Harris, Richard G. • Q Harris, Ann L. (Havnaer) • Harrison, Becky D. (Wuif) Hazen, Logan R • Q Heavey Sr., Thomas R. Heim, Sandra J. (Harlin) Higgen, Sue A. (Nye) Hoversten, Turi Kristi Liv (Thompson) Hunter, Andrew M. Jenkins, Ann L. Jensen, Lois G. Johnson, Douglas E. Q Johnson, David E . • Q Klett, Joel G. Knobelauch, Kent ' Knobelauch, Phyllis A. (Zimmerman) • KoaL Karin (Arfsten)

Pershall, Susan C. (Ekelund) • Q Poier, Donald • Putz, Renate E. RandalL Patricia R. Ronning, Linda Lorraine (Nelson) Ronningen, Mary E. (Overvold) Rowley, Ellen M. (Hieber) '

Christian, Linda D.

Q Krippaehne, Michelle J. (Knoph) * -

Marzolf, Sandra M. Q Mc Laughlin Jr., James J. Menzel, Clare

Bennighof, Scott N. •

Q Berg, Brian A. Q Berner, Gary E. Bissell, Schuyler C. • BisselL Marlene M.

Q Cook, James R. Cooper, Sarah Jean Dodd, Thomas H. •

Pugh, Ingrid A. (Taylor) Pybon, Theresa E. (Tilton) Quiniola, Kathleen L.

Mangano, David L. Marsh, Carolyn J.

Bennett, Sheila Ann (Marsden) •

Palms, Patricia L Q Perry, Meri C. (Mattson) • Peters, Deborah Anderson (Anderson)

Privett, Sandra J. ( Dimler)

Lindlan, Kristin L. Q Ludeman, Sharon K. (Johnson) •

Q Babbitt, Martin F. Baker, Thomas F. Beaghler, Helen J. (Klatt)

Carr, Donald D. Q Casteel, Robert L.

Price, Steven L. Prior, Linda M. (Hammargren)

Lee, Elizabeth H. (Herman) Lewis, Virginia A. (Shove) Liezen, Joy E. (Tuff)

( Bockemuehl)

Q Olstead, Alvina M. (Hauf) • Overvold, Paul M. •

Pflueger, Gary W. Q Potter, Maradee A. (Holland)

Q Kuenzi, Karen L. (Mc Clellan) • Leavens, Robert M.

Ruecker, Douglas B. • Ruecker, Lisa C. (Heins) • Saarela, Robert R. • Sackman Jr., Elmer G. Saretske, Loran M. Q Satrum, Randy S. • Q Satrum, Alice M. (Stavlo) • Q Schmeling, Gerald Schmidt, David F. Q Schnur, David J.



Schroeder, Jill R (Tallman) • Q Schultz, Carolyn W. (Wilson) Senftleben, Barbara D. Q Sharratt, Gene C. Skar, Sharon A. Q Sku binna, Tamelyn K.

Q Sletten, James P. • Q Smith, Jeffrey P. Sorensen, Allan M . Q Spitzer, Randal E . •

Stump, Ann L. (Balerud)

Q Suess, Dean R. • Q Suess, Carol S. (Hidy)

Q Swanson, Wendy L. (Hennell) Tabet, Annette Rose Q Thomas, Brian R. Thorson, Laury J. (Lee) • Throckmorton, Melanie L. (Likins) Q Tirnm, Steven E. Turley, Ronald F. Q Tushkov, Suzanne E. (Staub) Q Tveten, Joe E. Q Van Arsdall, Doug A. • Vrba, Diane Y. (Lloyd) Ward, Bennie E. Warr, Eric M. Weichert, Alice J.

imlulJtes thllt thegiftsof-rried lUumni hlJve bun split between their rupeaive dIJsses



White, Russ II W. Wilbur, Dena Kay (Slovid.) Williams, Scoll C Wolfe, Christine L Wong. Tsenll Sing Woolley, W. Kenneth Yoder. Donald A Zurfluh, Art h u r P.

Class Representative Tracy Totten 651 Gass Roll Donors 94 Participa tion 14% Total Gifts $9,254.00 Ahte, Joan M. ( Perry) ' Anderson, Gloria M, (Anderson A nonymous ( 1 )

1 976 C/asr





Kuck Lick, Luann J. (Connole)

Q Kuenzi, Deuane E. •

Anderson, Kathryn C (Calfee) Ash, Marilyn L (Me Cameot) Baughman, Peter A Q Bt!nnett, Joh A Bennighof, Debra Lynne ( Ro berts ) • Berger, M ich ael C. Q Bohannon, Gail A. Q Boslron

Brown, Thomas G. Brown, Sonja M. (Strandholm) Byers, Jorene F. Cedarquist, Jean Louise Chilpin, Beth c.P. ( ittenger) Q Ding.. Ann Marie (MelUum) Q Coell, Ro na ld L. Q Cogliger, Alene Connolly, Jo Ann (Waldschmi t ornett, Charlie Crocker, John J. Dean, Aaron R. Degan Dey, Thomas •

Dey, Denise E. (Guss) • Dildine. Barbara A (Whitley) Eads c.P.A., Palli Lee (Hawkins) Q Ericson, Karin E. Evjen, Paula M. (Pudwill) Fenske, D Craig ' FladJand, James H. • F!adland, Kathleen 1. (Trondsen)

Porlaw. Lorella Frye, Mary L. Fu rth, Philip K. • Q Gunkel, William F. Q Hagen, Laural ee Hairfield, Joseph H. Q Hanson, Marlis M H ewet t, Davi R. H o l l i ngsw rth. Audrey P HOWison, Wilham C. Hulsitouser, Robert D. Hurd, Jean L ( Larson) Hyndman, C nstance B.
















Class Representative Steve Ward Class Roll 713 Donors 141 Participation 20% Total Gifts $13,049.00


Anonymous ( 1 )

. •


Jesk e, 1- Stephen (Chambers)

Johnson, George W. Q Johnson, Patricia A (Blair) Jones Jr., Thomas Kahle, Lynn R. • Kahle, Debra C (Eisert) ·


I..cm gdon, Lonnie L. Lider, Eric L. Lilf, Lynette M. (Knapp) • Lunderman, Mark W. Martonik, Nicolette M. • Me Dougall, Mark A. Me Keone, Patricia A. (Camuso) Murray, enneth P. Neptu Wendy J. (Wilcox) • Nesvig. Mary L. (Lorentzsen) • Newell, David P. Oksen vaag.. Leif B. Olson, Kathryn M. (Lehmann) • Palm, John D. • P 1m, Nancy Lee (Beam) • Pe hall, Douglas A. • Piper, Katherine (HaD) Pohlig, Helen M. Polcyn, Laura J. (Elliott) Portwood, Robert D. Reilly, Catherine M. Rhodes, Patrick W Rowberg. Donald L. • Rowland, James M. Schlachtenhaufen, Kari S (Isaacson) Schroeder, Paul W. • Shillin g. Gary J. Sletten, Mary C. (Mancke) • Smith, David D. • Spear, Frank M. Stoffer, Mary Anne (Me Allister) Swain, Cheryl D. (Greenstreet) Thor'ell, Ruth E. (Schepman) Totten, Tracy N. · Tott n, Terry J. (Pfeifer) • Unru h, Gordon B. Van Arsdall, Colleen S. (Will y) Van Heu velen, Gary ' Van Heuvelen, Victoria A. (Larson) • Whitley, Gary R. • Wiegand, Beth M. (Klavano) Wood, Ellen M. (Madsen) • Worth, Douglas F. Yockim, James C. Zumalt, Carol (Forbes)

Q - dtsfonRks tnnnbt:n of the PL Q Qub

Q Adeline, Robert P . • Adeline, Judy Marie

(Swetnam) Anderson, Stephen A. Anglin, Jeanne M. Bacon, Keiko Bailey, Brian D. Baird, Joan L. Q Bedingfield, Jeffrey T. • Q Benton, Margaret (Beckman) Berrey, Henry P. Berry, Janis Kay Bollinger, Lynn M. (Christensen) Brandhorst, Vicki (Branahorst) �


Brauer, Bradley J . • Brauer, Diane C. (Larson) • Brown, Ronald E. • Brown, Steven L. • Brown, Rebecca Lee (Ericson) Casem, Manuel l. Collins, John M. • Dralle, Lawrence D. Driver, Margo J. (Blecha) Eades, Glenn B. Edwards, Terry W. • Edwards, Cynthia (Wilson) • Elliott, Estill J. Ely, Douglas GR. • Evans, Alexander R. Falk, Bryan L. Farmer, Carol E. (Emhoff) Feldman, D. Camille (Crim) Fellrath, Anne K. (Liming) Ferguson, Anne M. Gerber, Marvin C. Gerry, David P. Gerstmann, Stephen E. Gilliam, Ronald E. Gordon, Karen E. (Mosbo) Green, Lawrence F. ' Green, Kimberlea Ann • Gulsrud, Peter B. • Haglund, Malia G (Meyer) Hall, Charles F. Hanson, Vernon L. • Hazen, Verna J. (Powers) ' Herivel, Dianne M. (Hiett) • Hinkle, Joanne Carol ( Nieman) Hoffmann, Duane F. Howe, Donna J. (Yotty) Hoye, John R. Isaacson, Linda K. (Drugge) Isaacson, Stephen M . • Jacka, Thomas E. Jacobsen, Michael D. Johnson, Jeffrey R. • Johnson, Noel T. • Johnson, Paul A. Jung. Karen S. (Johnson) Kerr, David E. • Kilen, Karen S. Kintner, Susan M. Klein, Cynthia Suzanne Kolbe, Eugene F. Kramer·Dodd, Gay D. ( Kramer) • Lackey, Jon R. Lee, Evan W. Lee, Molly L. (Fisher) • Liljeblad, Cheryl Y. Ludwig. Mark E. Mc Tee, Cindy K. Michel, D. Patrick • Michel, Vicki Diane (Hagen) • Michelson, Fred R. Miller, Jill A. Moillen, Barbara S. Munn, M. Bradley • Nelson, Daniel A. • Nelson, Debra L. (Ahrendt ) • Neison, Mark J. Nelson, Steven G • Nupen, Barry D. • Nupen, Judith A (Reinhardt) • Nye, Peggy J. (Williamson) Odsen, Elizabeth Ruth (Klein) Ortiz Jr., Vincent Ouhl, Rick K. Pankey, Christopher S. Pelis, Helen L. (Forney) Pettibone, Kristine A. Pickering III, Emory








Porter, Gregory G. Powell, Gary D. Proud, Lawrence A. Raybin, Susan A. Berl (Berl) Regele, Debra Sue (Brog) Reichert, Bruce E. • Reigstad, Katharine A. Reynolds, Jeffrey D. • Reynolds, Joan E. (Peckenpaugh) • Riley, Bruce V. Risdal, Patti Lee Robinson, Julie Price (Price) Ronberg, Dennis Peter Rowberg, Debra L. (Nicol) • Rumann, Cynthia (Sheldon) Saarela, Linda Ann • Schmitt, Susan A. Schultz, James T. Schultz, Louis S. Schurman, Janette C. • Shellgren, Gary D. Skinner, Christon C. • Smith, Norene Alyson • Snider, Rebecca R. Sorensen, Barbara Spane, Janice J. Speck, Ronald O. Speicher, Robert E. Stringer, Susan Lee (Hildebrand) Stutzman, Susan Adams (Adams) Swift Jr, Thomas B. Thomas, Raymond G. Trippel, Donald L. Ueunten, Paul T. Ufer, Valerie J. (Balch) • Urata, Christine J. (Erickson) Vanden Bloomen, Dennis R. Vellias, Betty J. Voss, Debra O. (Oftebro) • Wagner, Edward I. Wagner, Todd B. Waisanen, Linda R. Wakefield, Scott C. Walker, James E. Ward, Steven C. • Weaver, Ward C. Whitley, Tony • Whitley, Ann M. (Apaka) ' Wietzke-Walk er, Rebecca A. (Wietzke) Wigen, John R. • Wigen, Valorie A. (Andersen) · Wilson, Susan E. (Eckardt) Zee, Winston K. .








Class Representative Leigh Erie 621 Class Roll 113 Donors Participation 18% $81702.75 Total Gifts Allen, Richard J. Andrews, Teresa L. Asato, Darrell S. Barnum, Scott S. Q Bingham, James M. • Bode, Debra K. (Horst) ' Brennan, Cindy L. Bridge, James A. Brobst, Alice M. *



Brown, Gretchen A. (Ellertson) • Byland, Rose Y. Chilcoat, Carol O. (Holden) Clarke, Christopher D. Clement, William J. Collins, Sylvia L. (Negstad) • Cooney, George F. Corey, Ellen L. Cornish, Beth K. (Tennesen) Coss, David P. Crockett, Madelyn J. Deffner, Carol R. Deneen, Daniel H. Dollarhide, James C. Dorothy, David E. Ellis, Martha L. (Schaefer) Ely, Gretchen M. (Jerde) • Emmons, David E. • Emmons, Lynne C. (Moehring) • Ericksen, David E. Erie, Leigh D. • Erie, Janice M. (Ironside) • Evans, James c. Feero, Dalene J. (Engert) Fixsen, Dale J. Fry, Kathe A. Grant, Diane E. (Nelson) Gregersen, Paul A. Gulsrud, Mary Ellen (Ezell) • Hafer, Anne M. (Mc Luskie) Hall, Jennifer L. (Buchholtz) Hamann, Theodore W. Harrison, Margit A. (Ferea) Herivel, David N. • Hermon, Mark H. Hildebrand, Steven D. • Hildebrand, Christine A (Baldwin) • Hollis, Marnee Hopkins, Edward J. Irwin, Dawn G. (Gidmark) Jacques, Suzan G. (Silliman) Jellum, Eric J. Jensen, Linda K. (Loftis) Johnson, Cathryn A. (Cook) Johnson, Janice E. (Marshall) • Johnson, Katherine A (Lorentzsen) • Jondal, Susan M. ( Lauritzen) Kerr, Kathleen M. (Sturgeon) • Klein, Matthew D. • Klein, Sharlene B. (Anderson) • Klettke, Cindy A. Koopman, Walter L Kramer, Mary M. Krob, Michael L. Lawrence, Steve C. Lee, Steve M. • Lile Jr., Keith B. • Linde, Theodore L. Lindstrom, Christina J. Lovellford, James Luebke, Cynthia L. (Sovereign) Lynch, Andrea E. (Klett) Maple, Stephen M. Martin, Deborah K. (Ashley) • Mattich, Joan M. (Nelson) • Mc Daniel, William R. Mc Kenzie, Russell J. Monsen, Diane R. (Schmitt) • Moser, Carol L. (Greer) Nash, Patrice (O'Neill) Nygaard, Judy L. (Angberg) O'Neal, Susan A. (Westering) Olsen, Martha L. (Olson) Paulson, Rolf R. •






Paulson, Sherry P. (Dong) • Pearson, Susan I. (Wood) • Perrault, Leo J. Peterson, Mark R. • Phelan, William S. Pickens, Karen L. Pine, Debra Jo (O'Neill) Pritchard, Debra L. Pritchard, William D. • Rasmussen, Donald R. Reeves, Cody Robbins, Deborah M. Robertson, Debra L. (Virak) Rohde, Gary R. Sanders, Chris D. Schmiett, Patricia L. (O'Neal) Serrin, Philipp C. Skinner, Deborah J. (Zylstra) • Spohr, Kristi L. (Sagvold) Stevens, Mark D. Supler, Diane L. (Cieplik) Sutor, Martha L. (Gilbertson) Swanson, Richard V. ' Taylor, Sandra L. (Lamb) Tempel, Lee W. Upton, Kevin L • Voss, David A • Wahlquist, Kathleen L. (Dunbar) Ward, Martha C. (Miller) • Watson, Jody S. Watson, Paul K. • Webster, Barbara J. (Ratcliff) Zee, Peggy (Chan) •


Class Representative John D. Specht Class Roll 567 Donors III Participation 20% $81267.75 Total Gifts



Achman, Denise M. (Jackson) Allin, Bradford L. Allison, Ladd C. Amendola, Richatd J. Anderson, Sharon K. (Enyeart) • Baker, Brant J. Bartholomew, David N. Bedingfield, Dayna T. (Todd) · Benton, Ronald Clark Billings, Donald C. • Bingham, Lori N. (Nicol) · Birkey, Debra R. (Aqua) Bose h, Priscilla Braker, Regina B. Bramstedt, Jeannine M. Brown, Jill A. (Gjertson) • Bryant, Jehu Cordier, Patricia L. (Dahlberg) Cork rum, David W. Correll, Deborah J. (Mase) D'Unger, Robert W. Dahle, Mark R. Davis, David M DonnelL Clark W. Dowell, Caryl J. (Schaffter) Drage, Laurie H. (Kramer) Eisinger, Kimberly A (Smalley) Enselman, Kathryn L. (Hefty) Floyd, Lin Axamethy Foerster, Lynn M. Franco, Kathleen M.

indiclltes thllt thegifts of_Tried tUum"i bllf1e bem split between their respeaive ,wses

1 977 Cl.ass







1 979









Fredricksen, James P. Fuesler, Thomas P. Goudeau, Cherry Ann Hackett, Joanne F. (Flower) Hammerling,. Roy • Haning,. Scott • Haning,. Nancy K. (Curtis) • Hanson, Susan (Weis) • Harris, Karen A. (Tietge) Hartman, Richard J. Hastings, Glenna E. (Schnider) Hauge, Daniel J. • Hauge, Laurie P. (Mc Dougall) · Hendrickson, Janis A. Hidy, Paul R.

Isaacson, Kristine Marie (Ringo) • Jackson-Snowden, Debra M. Oackson) Johnson, David W. • Johnson, Luke W. Kalbrener, Kristen M. (Anderson) Kipp, Carrie A. Knutsen-Liebert, Karen M. (Knutsen) Kowalske, Linda Lee (Lee) Larsen, Richard C. Laufmann, Kenneth L • Lecoq, Paul K. Limaye, Prakash V. Lucht, Lester Lysen, Kenneth L • Martin, Stephen W. • Mattich, Peter M. • Maxwell, Charmee C. (Cowan) Mc Cormack, Celia Mc Coy, Robert F. Mc Cracken, Benjamin T. • Miller-Reeder, Rachel K. (Miller) Misterek, David B. • Monsen, Jeffrey M. • Morehouse, David B. Morin, Judith E. (Degroot) Morris, Peter J . • Nelson, Kirk R. Neswick, Bruce E. Ojala, Jeffrey l­ Orton, Kenneth L Pearson, Erik R • Peterson, Elaine E. (Hamann) • Pieper, Mary L Poulin, Deborah J. (Conner) Pritchard, Patrice A. (Weiler) • Pulsifer It Raymond L IVIndolph, Paula M. Raubacher, Douglas E. • Rippey, Jeffrey Rivenburg,. Jon W. • Rivenburg,. Karen R. (Brotherston) • Rodin, Linda M. (Evancich) Rouse, Murray E. • Rouse, Deborah A. (Lyso) · . Sawyer, Louise K. Schafer, Kevin D. Schmidt, Paul W. Scott, Julia K. (Weisenborn) Silva, Neal A. Silvey, Lynda Ramsey (Ramsey) Smith, Jeffry H. • Smith, James Francis Solberg,. Judith S. Specht, John D.H. • Spengler, Alysse (Young) Steffen, Ann L

Q tIesitJ-tes members of the PLU Q Club -


Stephany, Theresa M. Stirling,. Elaine B. (Busby) Sugino, Michael K. Sundby, Jill M. Swanson, Christine M. (Johnson) • Trapp, Stephanie G. Tveit, Thomas M. Upton, Janice M. (Loehden) Vinson, Paula R. (Klassy) Walling,. Christine A. (Gohsman) Whitley, Linda • Williams, Sarah A. Wilson, Donald W.


Class Representative Lorraine (Larsen) Bonaldi Class Roll 595 Donors 120 Participation . 20% Total Gifts $9,117.12






Aberle, Mark C. Albee, Mark W. • Amorosi, Gayle French (French) Anderson, Stephen E. • Anderson, Brian D. Anderson, Synneva A. (Hustoft) Arand, Elizabeth B. (Sundell) Babayan, Brenda D. (Huber) Baker, Barbara Stilwell (Stilwell) Bankson, James P. Batson, Kathy A. (Groat) Beebe, Valerie L (Kaufman) Bennatts, Stanley D. Bennett, Peter F. Bennett, Tamara L Black, Jean R. (Fedenk)

Bonaldi, Lorraine K. (Larsen) Brog,. Gary B. Bronson, Kathleen J. Brotherston, Stuart D. • Brotherston, Ruth M. (Swenson) • Cavness, Cathy M. (Mc Cready) Chase Jr., Michael J. Clark, Lori J. (Huseth) Conner, Dorothy J. Craig,. Jeffrey • Daniels, Dwight C. Dennie, Susan L (Youngblood) Diconti, Jan M. (Hauge) Docken, Lois M. (Silrum) Draino-Klein, Cindy L. (Draino) Dreyer, Geoffery H. Enger, Sharon G. Eylander, Thomas E. Feller, Julie D. Fjelstad, Stephen O . • Fletcher, Terrell M. • Fontaine, Becky A. (Hucko) French, Charles L Haglund, Carl Hammerling,. Margaret E. (Ekberg) • Harrison, Kathleen M. (Knapp) Hart Jr., Jesse Haugen, Karin E.







Haupt, Mary Elise Heins, Derek L Helgesen, Thomas R. Hoffman, Michael R. Honeycutt, Jennifer H. (Kyllo) Horio, Yoko Jacobsen, Steven D. • Jerde, Dwight D. • Jerde, Debra L (Kenagy) • Johnson, Douglas L Johnson, Randy A. Juzeler, Sarah J. (Gray) Kennedy, Daniel B. Knapp, David A. • Knutson, Dean P. • Koetje, Alana J. Kramer, Paul J. Kratzke, Robert A. Kronlund, Scott F. Larson, Kim E. Laufmann, Catherine J. (Brandt) • Lindblad, Randy E. · Lindblad, Tara A. (Otonicar) · Loshbough, Owen G. Lysen, Kaye · Mathews, Julie E. (Groh) Mc Intyre Jr, Robert B. Mc Kanna, Douglas E. Meland, Carole L Mendoza, Michael D. Menze� Christopher P. Misterek, Mari K. (Huseth) • Natwick, Michael B. Nesvig,. Natalie M. (Juhl) • Nickolaus, Donald O. Norton, Laurie L O'Neal, Debbie Marie (Trafton) Ohnstad, Dianne M. (Van Dyk ) · Padavieh, Amy L (Gutschmidt) Perkins, J. Del Rene (Davis) Pierson, Gregory L Pibl, Arne R. Raubacher, J. Diane (Massey) · Raymond, Rebecca M. (Haig) Roper, Stephen T. Schafer, Evelyn J. Schlosser, George H. Schryver, Jon • Schryver, M. Angela (Peterson) • Scott, Steven L Settje, Ronald L • Severtson, Nancy A. • Sharkey, David B. • Sharkey, Teresa A. (Hausken) • Sidie, Sandra L (Gollofon) Smith, Jerry A. Smith, Susan R. (Rieke) • Smith, Vema K. Snell, Marcia K. (Sakrison) Strain, Thomas F. Tolles, Steffan R. • Trageser, David P. Troth, Celia S. (Holt) Ueland, Julie (Semler) • Visser, Rhonda L Vozenilek, Thomas J. Walker, Patrick M. Warsinske, Robyn A. Watlington, Johnnie L Weisshaar, Robin C. Wentworth, Wanda M. Westbrook, Marianne M. (Pierce) White, Eugene R White, Vieci D.

Wilkenson, Thomas H. Wilson, Barbara A (Nemec) Wing, Sarah W. Wusterbarth. James W.


Class Representative James A. Funfar Class Roll Donors Participation Total Gifts


597 97 16% $5,622.00

Aiu. Janet D. Albee. Ingrid K. (J hannessen) ' Anales. Carol (Langston) Anderson, Jodene L. Anderson. Kevin A Bartkowski, John F. Bates, Karen D. Bergh, Paulett Bjorneby. Ladd G. Bohne, oral L. (Robinson) Bottomley, i F. Brinkmeyer, Donna D. Brocker, Lori • Bruce, Cynthia ( Brownson) Carlson. Nancy S Cassidy, Diane P. Chu, Joseph !G- at ChurchilL Susan E. Carlsen (Carlsen) ConnelL Kathie n M. Corley-Wheeler, Nancy J. (Broderson) Couch, Frank A Crossler. Jannie J Dowell, Juli.e K. Dukes, Jean A Eliasen. Mark G. Frank. Rita Monica Frank, Robert W. Funfar, James A George. Vickie V. Gocke. Michael E. Grassi, Bryan P. Hager, Edward A Hanson, Robin (Grollmus) Hatcher. Charles M Haueisen. Barbara A Henrichs, Wade • Herdman, Stephen C. Hewett, Sally J. Hillman, Daniel W Holland, Robert E • Holland, Karin . (Naiberl) Holmgren, Stephe C. Hoselh, Jeanne E. Hostetter Jacobsen. Tina Marie (Peterson) .. Johnson, Jill A • Johnson, Timothy • Johnson, Margo E. (Stuen) Kern, Dolores A Kilborn, Sherrie S. Knutson. Jill M. (Jackson) Koski, James R. Krueger, David W. .. Krueger, Laurel (Frosig) • Kuhr, April j. Lansverk, Marvin D .. Lester m, Robert B. Lieppman, Francis E. (Wery) LindeL W. Michael •


. •



. •




Looney, Winiam C. Lund, Charles S. Mac Lane, Cherie K. (Sipprell) Manning, Troy Ann Massey, Brian K. Q Me Manus, Patricia B. Meyer, Pa 'cia AE Mowery, Donna K. Q Neu{ Id, David B. " Norton, Lynne (Dalrymple) O'Connell, Dale L. Oh tad, Bradley A • 01 en, Eric J. Peterson, Joel R. Peterson. Dolares C. Petramalo, Thomas M. Powers, Jeneane L. (Meier) Ramsey, Shirley M. Rodgers, Robert D. • Rowbe:rg, Kathryn L. • Rud , M ri nne (Worth) Sahlberg, R. Douglas Q Schindele, Stephen K. Settje, Connie (Chan) • Simonson, Jill R. ( Robinette) • SkibieL Diana A South r , David A Specht, Naomi A (Carlsen) • Stephan. Nancy L. Stevahn, Laurel A Q Strom, Peter G . .. Q Strom. Ellen J. (Stenerson) .. Stubst n, Douglas W. Swanson, Mark E. Tada, Jennifer R. Thomps n, Christa L. Tuohino, Kent C. Q Ueland, Harold • Van Soest, Debra E. Q Vcis, Kirk M. Q Walker, Zoya S. (Sobolev)


Class Representative Steven J. Melton 641 Oass Roll 117 Donors 18% Participa tion $6,046.50 Total Gifts AmaraL Kristen E. (Dahl) Anderson, Rebecca Jo (Babington) Arthur, Julia M. Beach, Ann (Hopkins) • Beamer, Teresa Lynn (Buse) Bellamy. Michel Y. ( Knighton) Berg, Ellen Lakey (Lakey) Bla k, Randall A. Blom, Kari L. Buchanan, William R. Burk, EI M. (Husby) Burkholder, Bret G. Campb Jonette l. (Jerin) Carlsen, J hn N. • Christel, Robert K. Christenson, Teresa A Christofferson, Glen P. • Christofferson, Susan K. (Rorem) Q Colburn, ammy I. (Knutzen) Crume, Susan K. (Folsom) Cullum, C. Munro • Cullum, Heike (Wilhelm) • Cummins, P. Scott •

CurL Jane L. Dalenberg, Douglas R. • Dalenberg, Kristi E. (Strandjord) Davis, Nancy L. (Risd ) . Q Draeger, Scott D Egaas, Susan A Eisert, Shannon M. (Robinson) Fairley, Donald S. Fenske, Brian Robert Floyd, Larry E. Fowler, Jeanette S. Friesz, Diana F. (Langtwait) GohL Robert C. Gorman, Patrick D. • Q Granlund, Karl G. .. Guenther, Lisa R. Guzdar, Rohinton Haney, Connie L. Hauge, Steven P. Hawkins, Jeffrey S. Hickman, Jane L. Q Hillman, Jeanne M. (Scheibe) • Isaak, Elaine T. (Huestis) Q Johnson, Ann M. (Ri tuben) · Kiehl, Andrea M. Klein, David M. Koehler, Thomas J. Kristensen, Scott D. Kristensen, Anne E. ( Kipfer) Lansverk, Kay E (Landerholm) • Larson, Curtis J. Q Lashua, David A • Q Lashua, Sarah J. (Frederickson) • Q Lawson, David C. • Q Lehmann, Devin J. • Q Lehmann, Sherry L. (Kenagy) • Q Leeper, Karen Lyle, Sonna Marie (Cook) Q Mabry, Kevin W. " Q Majar, Melissa A Manion, Jeff y J. Mardock, Amy L. (Parks) Martin-Schramm, James B. • Mc Cloud, Jacqueline G. Me Lean, Clark E. Me Rae Brown, Sara (Me Rae) MitchelL Mary Y. Q Morris, Rene' M. (Yoakum) • Morris, Matthew C. • Moshofsky, Susan (Vaughan) Munn, Judith A • Murphy, Shannon M. Naumc Hik, Lewis C. Nelson, Maren L. Q Nelson, Drew 0 Nelson, Gary J. • Nelson, Sharon M (Nevin) • Nikolaisen, Julie I. O'NeilL Michael S. Ogard, Joel T. Olsen, Diane C. (Van Vleet) Parris, Vonda Broom (Broom) Paulsness, Pavinee (Linpisarn) Pederson, Mark C. • Perry, David L. Phillips, Dean E. Phillips, Susan L. (Lee) • Q Pinning, Steven C. • Q Pinning, Ann L. (Mayer) .. Plaks, Arved Renn, Diana M. Grande (Gran e) Q Rieke, tephen H. • Rountree, William E. Rumsey, Anna M. (Mahan)


1 981



Schaefer, Charles G. • Scott, Randall A. Shdo, Ann Louise ( Zitzewitz) Simonson, Dale K • Smith, Stephen L Stahler, Miriam E. Steadham, Kathryn E. Stenger, Kent B. Stoecklin, Karen Stone, Kelley K. (Paulson) Tollefson, Dean A. Tolles, Carol (Marsh) • Tri, Debra L. Udbye, Kari J. (Pederson) • Wallace, Jonathan M. Waller-Mabry, Kathlene S. • Walton, Kristine E. (Kyllo) • Westwood, Jill N. (Peterson) Wick, Douglas E. • Witt, Patricia J. Wold, Karen J. Zimmermann, Diane L (Gaarder)

60 Q





Class Representative Mark Davis Class Roll 709 Donors 134 19% Participation Total Gifts $10,975.00 Asplund, David R Ausenhus, Scott Ausenhus, Mary Kay (Swanson) • Barnes, Steven 1. Beach, John H. • Beckmeyer, Susan Diane (Olsen) Beke-Mohammadi, Hossain Bekemeier, Lois E. (Huber) Best, Cecily T. Bliss, Karen 1. Boeger, Lynne A. Bolden, Jo Ann Brassey, Paul D. Bruce, Barbara 1- (Beck) Bublitz, David Carlsen, Kimberly A. (Hopkins) • Carrillo, Monte D. Chesnutt, Mark S. Cockram, Ann E. Collard, Paul G. Comer, Susan Davis, Mark R. • Davis, Sammie 1. (Thompson) Drewes, Timothy D. Duvall, Karin A. Eckard, Loran P. Ellerby, Scott M. • Empey, Eliiabeth A. Erickson, Deborah E. Faulk, Melba E. Feldmann, John S. Fetter, Heather J. (Townsend) Fletcher, Michelle F. (Novak) • Forbes, Tami 1. (Sinderson) Fortiner, Priscilla A. Franzone, Carolyn G. ( Hays) Gard, Daniel C. Granlund, Renal.' S. (Schiff) • Griffith, Marie L Grippin, Linda 1-









tlesigrJRtes members of the PLU Q Club






Groh, Brandt P. Hagge, Linda M. ( Erickson) Haglund, Nancy Oaedicke) Hamilton, Craig R " Haskins, Paula P. (Monteith) Hatlen, Mark D. " Henry, Annette C. (Peterson) Hill.', Theodore C. Holsinger, Douglas B. Hoover, Carla J. Huhta, Steve Isaacson, Lynn Jackson, Paul R Jacobson, Steven C. Johnson, Greg P. Johnson, Dianne K. Johnson, Jean C. Johnson, Laneya P. Johnson, Kathy L. Johnson, Maria R (Meyer) Kelley, Estelle M. Kerner, Melinda A. Klindworth, Janet K. Krebs, Sandra L. Lawson, Kimberly S. (Ross) " Lehman, Marianne B. Lemley, David P. " Lester, Mark S. " Lugge, Keri (Slattum) Macan-Wightman, Lauren E. (Macan) " Mandt, Mark E. Martin-Schramm, Karen B. (Schramm) " Maxwell, Mary 1. Mc Carty, Kelly C. Mc Cluskey, Brian J. " Mc Cluskey, Meagan (Mc Dougall) • Michael, Cynthia Ann Mitchell, Charlene M. (Hanson) Mogen, Randall C. Morris, Tamara Jo (Gilbertson) " Motteler, Barbara J. (Herzog) Neils, Scott R Nelson, Sherrie Anne (Lahn) " Nelson, Peter R. Nelson, Eric D. " Neptun, Kathleen O'Hara, Constance M. Olson, Russel E. Olsson, Kjell Pacheco, Charles E. Paddleford, James D. Parkerson, George W. Pederson, Robin G. (Yost) " Plows, Mike M. Ponnikas, Marilyn Price, Deanna Reidy, Kenneth E. Rieke, Eileen Mary (Brandenburg) " Ringdahl, Kerstin E. 'Robinson, Cynthia L. (West) Robinson, Gail " Roe, Kaaren M. Rogers, William 1. Rutledge, Janet L. " 5choettler, L. Sue (Larson) Schroeder, Dana C. Shuck, Cynthia L. (Hudson) Shultz, Chris D. " Shultz, Cindy A " Smith, Janet N. (Nielsen) " Syverstad, Paullet A. Taylor, Susan G. (Pemberton) " Templin, Susan E. Thompson, Sandra J. (Mueller)



Tiede, Joan T. (Silflow) Torvik, Kathryn C. Vitalich, Stephen L.F. Voss, Lise M. Walton UI, J. Jeffrey " Warren, Garth " Warren, Naomi J. (Krippaehne) Weberg, Gary J. Wehmhoefer, David A. Weinhold, J. Matthew " Weinhold, Susan M. (Krause) " Wheaton, Mary 1. Whitman, Deborah A (Krakenberg) Wick, Julie R " Wightman, Gregory J. " Williams, Joy 1. Willow, Wendy B. Wright, Ruth A (Fischer) " Yoakum, Randy " Yoakum, Sandra Jean (Nelson) " Zankel, Ann Zeutschel, Valerie D.


Class Representative Brian C. Olson Class Roll 721 Donors 103 Participation 14% Total Gifts $7,241.50



Aarsvold, Nancy L (Ellertson) Almonte, Maryjane C. (Martin) " Andersen, Dennis B. Anderson, Ronald B. " Bateman, Joan P Baxter, Todd G. EkHie, DanieI W. " Boggs, Kathrina L. Boitano, David M. Brink, Terry L. Burrell, Alison A Coen, Kathleen M. Coltom, David R. " Condreay, Angela L. (Clark) Curtis-Buss, Gerald D. " Dahl, Torre A (Sagvold) Dahlberg, Stephen Dennis, Scott J. " Donovan, Patrick N. Dostal, Karen E. (Stakkestad) Dubois, Judy A. Dyer, Becky Lynne ( Bowers) Egaas, Nancy J. Ellerby, Patricia ( Buethe) " Enders, Jeanne K.J. Oackson) Evenson, Melodee Fay Fjelstad, Carolyn A (Ralph) " Flodin, Michael S. Gazdik, Cheryl A (Mathisen) Gomulkiewicz, Robert Griffin, Philip 1. Gutmann, Linda Hamilton, Jill (Murray) " Hansen, Idell (Emery) Harrington, Lisa R. (Ritthaler) Haryn, Barbara A Hendrix, Patti A (Gingell) Hester, Mark D. Hill. Sandra L. Hinrichsen, Michael- S. Hirano, Teri 1.

Hoffmeister, Mark G.

Q Hogan, Betty M. Q Hostetter, Doug P.

Hurd, Michael S. • Hurd, Carlene J. (Lukin) • Igelstrom, Mikael W. Q Iverson, Jr., Roger L. • Jack, J. Eric Jasper, Robert J. Johnson. Paul V. • Johnson, Kimberly A. Q Johnson, Joel A. Kent, Bruce D. • Keitt, Dawn A. (Bauer) • Koessler, Craig R. Krueger, Kevin D. Q Larson, Michael E. Q Lester, Laura A. • Lindberg, Karla R. Lucky, Cheryl (UIIeland) · Mangan, Brendan T. Martens, D na E. Martin, Drew G. Marvin, Marla K. Q Matson, Sara Q Mays, Sandra J. (Erickson) • Mc Cord, Craig L. Mc Cumber, Paul M. Q Mc Nally, Joy M. Mc Namara, Michael G. Millett, Michelle L. Mitchell, Michael L. Monson, Eric C. • Q Nokleberg, John J. • Norman, Bruce A. Norman, Craig A. Nugent, Douglas P. Q Olsen, Bruce R. • Q Olsen, Pamela A. (Carlson) • Q Olson, David G. Q Olson, Brian C. Olson, Randy L. Otterson, Sally A. Pomerenk, Julia A. Q Rose, Judith N. (Meteyer) Ross, Le nne M. Q Roth� Paul A. Sanford, Kathleen D. (SmUll) Q Scheibe, James A Sheriff Jr., Fred J. Stoda. James B. Stromberg, Deborah S. (Consear) Q Taylor, Martin S. • Q Thomas, R. Dale Thorson, Cynthia L. Q Udbye, Andreas • Q Wainscott, Craig B. • Q Wainscott, Aya S. (Blow) • Q Wescott, Steven M · White, Barbara A. (Srecke) Wilson, Lori A (Soderlund) Wollwn, Owen L. Wright, Craig I... • Q Zarone, Elizabeth Hewes (Hewes)

1984 Class Representative John S. Korsmo Jr. Class Roll Donors Participation Total Gifts


Lindstrand, Joanne M.

620 110 18% $5,982.78

Agostini, Michael A Almonte, Philip A. • Q Amos, Thomas E. • Q Anderson, Eric L. • Q Anderson, Nancy Ann (Stem) • Anderson-Pharris, Rebecca (Pharris) Q Armstrong, Debra Bacon, Debra S. Q Barker, Janice C. Q Boze, Shiela Beebe, Scott (Larsen) Brandenburg, Kari A Q Bundick, Michael P. Celestin, Robbyn K. (Menogan) Christiansen, Curt C. Christofferson, Mark Clark, Janine S. Corey, Candace M. (Coats) Curtis-Buss, Pamela (Curtis) • Day, Frank J. Dennis, Katherine L. (Johnson) • Dill, George D. Faillettaz. Pierre D. Q Faik, Mark R. Fitchitt, Julie A Fjelstad, Eric J. • Gaines, Donald E. Gatewood, Carol A. Grieger, David T. Gubsch, Susan L. (Dalziel) Haas, Catherine M Hamilton, Janna D. Hammond, Joan E. Q Hanson, Timothy A Hart, Julie A Q Hatten, Mary R (Zitzewitz) • Q Hoffman, Darcy R. (Johnson) Q Hofmann, Dianna L. (Mc Gee) Holland, Dale J. Hopkins, Kristi A (Cole) Hunter, Philip L. • Hunter, Linda D. • Q Ingvaldsen, Trond • Johnson, Merrie J. (Casterline) Johnson, Myrtle M. Kauble, Martin Eugene Kittilsby, Kim H. Q Kittilsby, Timothy • Q Kittilsby, Lisa (Miles) • Koch, Kandice V. Q Korsmo, Jr., John S. Kraft, C. Todd Q Kraiger, Cynthia E. Q KronnageL Julius N. Kuester, Erling N. Kunkle, Anne M. (Jenck) Kvale, Kristine A. Laport, Robin M. (Rund) Q Laubach, Lori Q Laubach, Brian C. Leadbetter, Sandra A. Lee, Anne M. (Kvamme) Lemley, Jane A (Prokopowich) • Lick, Sharon L.

Q Lindstrom, Laine E. Q Lipscomb, David M. Lucky, Stephen P. • Q Lunde, Ian D.

Magee, Lisa R Mathisen, Susan R. Mc Elroy, Ken B. Mc Lean, Charles E. Medford, Rosemary G. (Gowan) Milliren, Janel L. (Johnson) Q Modahl, K. Pene (Erickson) Nelson, Phillip R. Neuder, Steven R. Q Neufeld, Kristin (Glasoe) · Newcomer, Tonya L. Oien, Peder D. Q Olson, Randall E. Osterloh, Eric R. • Paladichuk, Diana E. (Roth) Peters, Connie L. Plinke, Brenda (Faulstich) Poulshock, Joseph W. Rasmussen, Douglas C. • Reed, Janet E. Reierson, Ann C. (Forney) · Reim, Ruthann Q Rice, Gail J. Robinson, Alan W • Romo, Daryl C. Ryniec, David L. Saito, Jan N. Sallee, Susan M. (Baur) Sargent, William J. Savage, Lowell C. Savin, Juelle B. (Budlong) SenseL Shirley J. (Rayburn) Sienko, Cindy L. Spada. Carolyn A (Halverson) Spencer, Kristine M. (Soderman) Stelling, Bryan C. Stockton, Kevin J. Swenson-Moore, Karin M. (Swenson) Takara, Scott I. Taylor, Shelagh Q Thomas, Sherri K. • Thompson, Preston W. Voss, Bruce D. Q Wescott, G. Jane • Wilhelm, Rosemarie Williams, Joseph M. Williams, Gary P. Q Witmer, Daniel P. Woodward, Kenneth N.

1985 Class Representative Randy and Beth (Hatlen) Hamlin Class Roll Donors Participation Total Gifts

702 128 18% $7,412.50

Allen, Erik D. Andersen, Dean E. Anderson, Alan G. • Anderson, Marilyn K. (Richardson) • Ang, May-Ting Antonsen, Connie M. (Consear) Aplin, Paula K. (Knapp)

1 985 ClRss


62 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q






.Q Q


Arbaugh, Karl E. Aughnay, Monica M. Axness, JennifEr L. Bahr, Cindy Baier, Thomas R. • Baier, Angela L. (Putz) • Baker, Bradley D. • Baker, Sherry A. (Zeiler) · Barnes, Douglas R. Be Miller, Linda E. (Panik) Berntsen, Paul Besel, Sandra K. Birkeland, Philip W. Birt, Lois T. (Dahl) Bjornson, Julie A. Bodeau, Joyce M. (Bridges) Brachvogel, William A. Bradbury, Susan S. Brinias, Shannon Brink, Antje E. Brossard, Regan K. Brust, Charles Busby, Daniel J. Camp, Sandra B. Cass, David A. Chance, Craig D. Chiaravallotti, Kristi A. (Running) Clarkson, John Coble, Tokiko O. Cody, Erick A. Coltom, Nancy J . • Coltom, Don • Coltom, Robbin L. (Asbjornsen) • Craig, Darla K. (Berg) • Crowe, Denise (Stoaks) Cummings, Catherine (Tucker) Dziedzic, Charmaine C. Emery, Richard Enlow, Amelia B. Eylander, Stephen R. Folsom, Keith E. Garrison, Leimomi (Howard) Garvey, Alan J. Gelegonya-Babare, Evelyn I. Gibson, Marilyn R. Giltner, Todd D. • Glanz, David E. Glenn, Keith A. Goulet, Kris ta K. (Root) Grant, Theresa M. (Hem ness) Grier, Christine L. (Coleman) Gustafson, David L. • Halvorson, Michael J. Hamlin, Randy · Hamlin, Beth B. (Hatlen) • Hefte, Barbara J. Holahan, Sandra G. (Ruch) Hovland, Patrice L. Huff, Robert L. Hull, Karel L. Humphreys, Lorette E. (Hankins) Ingvaldsen, Catherine R. (Rhoades) • Jacobson, Kurt Johnson, James M. Kerns, Joseph E. Kessler, Charles C. King, Bradley J. Kingery, Bea A. (Irwin) Krueger, Bradley D. Ladderud, Jean N. Lasham, Melissa L. (Berentson) Lavelle, Robin A. Marshall, Stacia G. (Edmunds) MarshalL Lisa M. (Catt) •

Q - lIesigruJtu members of the PLU Q CJIIb

May, Jennifer L. (Butler) Merrill, Sandra E. Miller, Bruce E. Monroe, Marcia A. Montgomery, Dorena J. (Hollibaugh) Q Moore, Brian J. Nelson, Michael D. Nelson, Michael D. Q Nokleberg, Lisa M. (Roleder) • Oakley, Leanne M. (Malmo) Panko, John E. Patera, Matthew W. Peters-Caufield, Gretchen L. (Peters) Phillips, Carole A. Pribilsky, Kevin A. • Pribilsky, Kirsten A. (Peterson) • Price, Jocelyn L. Q Price, Patricia G. Price, Adele M. Rapp, Greg Ray-Parce, Lisa M. Regge, Janet K. (Olden) Reher, Kirk R. Ronholt, Linda E. Sandwick, Gary R. Schierman, Steven W. Schlepp, Douglas C. Shaw, Christine A. Shierk, Lillian R. (Cullen) Q Shoup, Jennifer Smith, Kathryn S. Smith, Jeffery S. Souther, David W. Q StandaL Todd W. Stellmon, James E. Stewart, Todd T. Q Stockdale, Bryan K. Stone, Sharon E. (Gilleland) Q Strege, Timothy M. Stuhimiller, John C. Taupin, Olivier G. Taylor, Caren E. (Linn) Thommesen, Bjorn A Thurston-Schuppe, Deborah K. (Thurston) Todd, Mike I. • Todd, Kerri Lynn (Cole) • Q Viebrock, Cameon K. Q Warren, Kristine L. (Houglum) • Weston, Steven R. Wilson, Patricia J. (Hillman) Q Winters, Douglas J. Wright, Margaret Krauss (Krauss) Q Zier, Beth I. (Coughlin)


Class Representative Drex Zimmerman

711 Class Roll 149 Donors 21% Participa tion $7,608.00 Total Gifts Adams, Kristine A (Johnson) Adams, Linda Sue Q Agather, Rolf J. Al-Refai, Ahmad Amblad, Alice (Urguhart) Q Amos, Gretchen M. (Playle) • Q Anderson, Myrna L. (Botting) ·

Archibald, Diana C Ballard, Patrice R. (Peterson) Bankhead, Diana L. (Schiesser) Bartz, David H. Bauer, Richard C. Blocher, Bruce K. Borg, Jamin P. Bossio, Bradley M. • Bossio, Jennifer A. (Linham) Boyles, Terri D. (Merrel) Brown, James P. Brown, Karin M. (Johnson) Brynestad, Pollyann Busey, Miriam L. (Anderson) Carlson, Rushton Carlson, David E. Carlson, Douglas O. Cook, Ronald W. Copeland, Donna L. (Harpe\) Cree, Mona L. Dahlstrom, Jonathan H. Dal Bakon, Brian R. Daugherty, Todd R. • Daugherty, Kaaren L. (Hefty) • Delap, Jill Ann Delgadillo, Ignacio M. Dudley, Jo Ann Duncan, Susan E. (Oliver) Egtvedt-Smith, Lisa H. (Egtvedt) EibeL Mark J. Ericksen, David A. • Farris, Janice M. Flaten, Timothy J. Frederick, Sandra M. (Espeland) Gearhart, Thomas Giltner, Julie K. (Wicks) • Glaser, Brendan L. Green, Karen K. (Kelly) Griessmeyer, Elke I. Hample, Brent H. Haskins, Mark S. • Hecker, Jim E. Hedges, Karen A (Johnson) Heussman, Nancy J. (Hirz) • Hewins, Frank F. Hickman, Sharon D. • Hoffman, Mark C. • Hoffman, Amy K. (Conrad) · Hogan, Evvie Houk, Karla M. (Krebs) Ihle, Matthew M. • Imhof, Todd L. Iverson, Cynthia (Hanken) • Iverson, Kevin A. Jensen, Cheryl S. Johnson, Kevin M. Jones, Julie J. (Gephart) Kiemele, Laurie A Kitt, Janet L. Ko, Jeongseog Koehler, Matthew P. Koessler, Paul A. Lamb, John C. • Lamb, Danelle L. • Larson, Gary Kenneth Larson, Eric D. Lilly, Jacqueline S. Long, Anne L. (Bernert) Long, Anne Alethea (Henderson) Marks, Donald B. Martin, Carolyn L. Martinson, Anne E. Mc Cracken, Ellen M. (Govig) • Mc Keown, Bradley S. Menzel, Scott Alan •











Miller, Ann (Larson) Mills, David S.

Q Milnor, Karen A







Q * -

Mischler, James Mohamad Daud, Rusmawati Monson, Lisa M. (Goutier) • Morgan, David T. Mulkey, Lori M. Nesset, Marlys J. Nish� Ron H. Nishimura, Mamoru Nixon, Linda J. Noll, Mark R. Norberg, Andrea M. (Berg) Oh, ll H. Olsen, David E. • Olsen, Eric B. Osterloh, Marti (Malone) • Ostrander, M. Todd · Ostrander, Krista L. • Patience, Troy H. Peche, Marra E. Peters, Lori J. Peterson, Barbara C. Petrinovich, Stephen J. Potts, Natalie L. Powell, Diane (Eastman) Puzey, Craig J. Randell, Bruce A Rasmussen, Jeanine M. • Reardon, Deirdre A. Rieke, Marcus H. • Ristuben, Erik P. • Ristuben, Susan R. (Smith) • Rodgers, Carol Elaine (Musselman) • Roller, Georgine J. (Johnson) Romo, James W. Rothwell, Jane T. Rutledge, Donald W. • Ryals, Rebecca L. (Merrithew) • Sakamak� Gail K. Schumacher, Monica E. (Keller) Seo, Lorene Chiemi Shaw, Lynnette S. Shaw, Karen R. Shelton, Jacqueline D. Sloan, Kelly J. Smith, Gabrielle P. Sparling, John M. Stamper, Dana M. Stark, Gregory S. Steen, Karen M. (Bell) Steffen, Kurt A Stelling, Denise E. Steves, David P. • Steves, Sonja G. (Ostrom) • Stewart, Therese J Struss, Jay Kirby Swanson, Shelia M. Templin, Tim A Tigges, Jon B. • Tigges, Christine Marie (Urda) • Tonning, Kirsten V. Trost, Kirsten JI. Turpin-Watson, Theresa M. (Turpin) • Twenhafel, Gay Lynn Tyler, Barbara J. (F unrue) Underwood, Suzanne L. Vincent, Cynthia D. Weber, Debra M. Weinman, Kristen M. West, Petra M. (Morris) Witt, Margaret H. Wojahn, Sandra R. (Miller) Zimmerman, Drex F.


Class Representative Jennifer Price Class Roll 825 Donors 138 Participation 17% Total Gifts $4,743.50 Q

Addy, Deanne M. Ahrendt, Whitney L. Allerton, Robin M. Anderson, Deborah N. Q Arnold, John B. Q Ashley, Jo Anne Bailey, Pamela A (Gargas) Bammert, Stuart L. Barker, Annette F. Barr, Mary E. (Morris) Barrett, Erik A. Bates, Constance E. Baur, Laurie A. Bechtel, Kenneth A. Q Benson, Carrie M. Bergette, Amy B. Bonde, Paul F. Brunner, Ruth I. Bullion, Joanne E. ( Hamblin) Burks, Ruth E. (Unger) Caemmerer, Michael P. Calhoun, Karen C. Q Calle, Guillermo A Carlson, Andrew J. Carlson, Luther N. Carmichael, Todd M. Carr, John T. Chelliah, Thillainath Chin, Lana C. Coffel, Mary E. Coltrin, Peggy J. Cox, Gregory S. Craft, Carol (Medley) Dammann, Shirlee M. Davis, Gretchen S. Deboer, Kristen L. Dohe, Brian Dorsey, James P. Edwards, Anita L. Eide, Alexia Sigrid Ericksen, Nancy (Minetti) • Fields, Elizabeth A. (Bryden) Fife, Jackie L. (Jackson) Forbes, Darington S. Fortin, Gary D. Foss, Sara L. French, Sandra K. Fryslie, Donna E. Geldaker, Heidi B. Gernon, Stephen M. Gregerson, Diane Gross, Jacqueline L. Haislip, Richard E. Q Hamby, Darren R. Hansen, Janda K. Herfindahl, Lisa R. Heussman, Peter J. • Q Hill, Amy (Bergette) Q Hinchcliffe, Nancy J. Inselman, Lenise R. Jackson, Shelley M. Jennings, Michael L. Johnson, James E. Jones, Michael E. Kalivas, Kristine D. Kanz, David L.






Keene, Michael G. Klinko, Jerry G. Kolb, Margret D. Kunkle, Leah J. Lansing, Edward J. Larsen, Richard R. Leach, Garry K. • Lesch, Judith M. Lindemeier, Marie (Guthrie) Lindley, Philip W. Lindquist Ihle, Paula J. (Lindquist) • Lowe, Michelle M. (Deardeuff) Mahlum, David W. Marshall, Elliott D. • Mc Cracken, Steven A. Mc Kay, Sandy J. Melton, Tim R. Merrill, Barth E. Monson, Sara A. Moons, Carolyn L. Moore, Pamela K. Moschel, Kathryn J. Mount, Denise K. (Finnila) Mullin, Kevin C. Myrbo, Carlin Nelson, Julie S. Nelson, Kari J. Nixon, Sue A Ogard, Kristin M. Ogren, Danelle M. Okeson, Barbara A. Olden, Karen Olexer, Laurel A. Ottoson, Lisa M. Painter, H. Elisabeth Pang, Sharon Patokosk� Kirsti L. Payne, Thomas E. Peterson, Sonya M. Peterson, Brad D. Picinich, Rita M. Price, Jennifer L. Reamy III, Charles L. Reierson, Timothy D. · Ringenbach, Darin M. Ringnalda, Julie A Roe, Theodore E. Rosdahl, Barbara L. Rowlee, Barbara E. Ruud, Kendra A Ryals, Kenneth W. • Ryan, M. Kathleen Schauer, Roderic T. Schramm, Paul D. Scott, Victoria L. Sears, Nickolas J. Seibert, Hollie L. Sherman, Lee H. • Sherman, Cathy K. (Crowe) • Shryock, Nancy A Smith, Timothy K. Sutherland, Carrie L. (Tellefson) Tew, Barbara L. (Garrett) Thomas, Steven M. • Tokarczyk, Gregory J. Traedal, Heidi J. (Wold) Van Dyk, Dirk C. Vanderyacht, Alison J. (Brady) Venekamp, Melanie J. Wolf, Steven W. Wolfe, Christopher A. Wolfe, John G. Wolfe, Robert G. Yarnell, Jeffrey A. Zulch, Jean Zurfluh, James A.

indicates thM thegifts uf_rried tUumni haw been split betwun their nspeaiw dmses


1 987 Class Representative



Oass Representative Lyn Megow Class Roll 790 119 Donors Participation 15% Total Gifts $3,442.00








Allen, Julie E. Anderson, Corda (Frank) Armer, Gina Armstrong, Lisa M. Armstrong, Kim E. Baldidge, Gary Balston, Carolyn L. Beck, David K. Benevento, Barbara A Benner, Scott D. Bennett, Jody L. Bibby, Julie A Bird, Alexandra L. Bohocky, Karl Brain, Dianne M. Brooks, Kathrine A Bryan, Shelley M. Burch, Andrew P. Callaghan, Sean T. Carlson, Douglas L. Carlson, Paul F. Chipman, Cynthia D. Conklin, Catherine J. Corrie, Teresa L. CowL Clayton T. Cowles, Carrie L. Dalton, David R. De Haan, Sander Donaldson, Annie P. Donovan, Susan E. Farr, Evelyn M. Fonken, Timothy A Ghosn, Anne Marie Godewin-Mc Queen, Y. Dawn (Goodwin) Gorman, Lydia L. • Greene, Lori M. Gustafson, Karen D. (Brandt) • Haacke, Randall L. Hager, Gretchen A Harkestad, Rune Harrold, Theresa L. Haskins, Kristin M. (Shipman) • Hatch, Mary Anne Holland, Stephen P. Houby, Eric J. Houg, Susan Hubbard, Jennifer S. Hutchinson, David Johnson, Elizabeth A Johnson, Heidi A Keller, Mark W. Kirk, Bette L. Kirkpatrick, Erin J. Koth, David Kruger, Gregory G.

Q tIesitJruIIes members uf the PW Q Clull -

Q Larsen, Donald E. Q Larson, Julie M. Leach, Judith N. (Paulsen) • Q Ling, Trent W. Littlejohn, Jeff Lokken, Kerry Loomas, Sheila M. Lucky, David J. Main, Leslie J. Marks, Terry B. Martinez, Carlos E. Matsch, Otto S. Q Matson, Jon E. Mc Cullough, Steven N. Mc Donald, Elizabeth J. Q Megow, Jacqueline N. Mettler, Diane Miles, Patrick J. Miller, Catherine L. Misterek, Matthew T. Mitchell, David C. Molyneux, Michelle M. (Clark) Murray, Martha A Q Ogard, Erik W. Parker, Bernard C. Patterson, Joan M. Payne, Michelle L. Peters, Dennis A • Peters, Chandra L. (Hanlin) • Pfeil Kristina M. Rayno, Stanley T. Q Rieke, Paula Y. (Smith) • Robbins, Cathy A Sacher, Heather L. Q Savage, Victoria R. Schmidt, Mark A Schuster, Greg M. Shadoan, E. Maria Q Shaw, Steven W. • Q Shaw, Helen E. (Mc Carthy) · Skonord, Debbie Smith, Stephen E. Smith, Denise SohoeL Knut Soine, Laurie A Speirs Cdr, Carol L. (Speirs) Q Squires, Scott A Stelling, Craig A StordahL Paul E. ThieL Robin C. ThorwaId, Gregory V. Q Underwood, David M. Valach, Stephen J. Q Vernon, Antonette S. Vigna, Michelle R. Q Voss, Janice Wallace Jr., David Walter, Tanya Weber, Christie J. Q Weinman, Steven L. Westfall, Deborah S. Williams, Damon B. Williamson, Sharon WinkeL Christine M. Wood, Julie K. Q Wrigley, Jack A

1989 At May graduation, the class of 1989 presented a Graduation Gift of $62,550 to the University, pledged over five years from 243 seniors. These pledges will begin in January of 1990. The following individuals have already made initial gifts prior to graduating. Q Coffey, Daniel P. Dale, Matt Q Henning, Michelle Q Mott, Darren F.


The Heritage Society The purposes of the Heritage Society are:

Members of the Heritage Society are those individuals who have included Pacific Lutheran University in some type of deferred gift, bequest, charitable trust, revocable trust, charitable gift annuity, life insurance, pooled income fund agreement, or a gift of a residence or farm with a retained life estate.

- To show gratitude and recognition to those who have expressed concern for PLU by providing for a deferred gift. - To assist members of the Society i n their on-going estate planning. - To encourage others to become members of the Society.

Membership is not based on the amount of the deferred gift. The sole criterion is the remembrance of Pacific Lutheran University in one's estate planning.

Anonymous 16 Mr. & Mrs. John Aakre

Mr. Fred Ahrendt





Cara M. Anderson




Bob Anderson

Ray Barton Mr. & Mrs. R Gary Baughn Rev. & Mrs. Luther W. Bekemeier Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Mike Benson Mr. & Mrs. R Gerald Benson Mrs. Cilion E. Benson Mr. & Mrs. David L. Berntsen Rev. Walton F. Berton .

Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Bills Miss Annabelle Birkestol

Miss Grace Birkestol Dr. & Mrs. Richard Blandau Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius Blom Mr. & Mrs. Erwin Bolduan Mr. & Mrs. Marvin O. Bolland Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Boone Rev. Norma J. Borgford

Mr. & Mrs. Rod Boyd Mr. & Mrs. Paul Brantner Mr. Vince R Brown Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Brown Mr. Mr.

& Mrs. Arthur W. Brunner & Mrs. Erhardt Buch6nck



The following roster lists Heritage Society Members of record as of July




Wayne Buck

Miss Mable Buli

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Buser Mr. & Mrs. John R Bustad, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Buterbaugh Mrs. Phyllis Carlson Rev. Harry C. Carlson Rev. Ralph Carskadden Mr. Walter Christensen

Rev. & Mrs. Ernest Collard Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Coltom Mrs. Carol A Cornehl Mr. Robert Curtis Mr. & Mrs. J. Walter Davis


. Carolyn Dexter Mr. & Mrs. Dale P. Dillinger Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Donahe Mr. & Mrs. Judd Doughty Miss Inez M. Eckblad

Mr. Earl E. Eckstrom Mrs. Harriet Edlund Mr.

& Mrs. F. Talmage Edman

Rev. & Mrs. Arthur Ellicksen Mr. & Mrs. Carl Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Donald V. Etzel Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Evanson Mr. & Mrs. James Feek Mr. Boyd F. Ferguson Mrs. Sammy W. Fife

"PLU is a family. If you need help. orjust a frimdly face, the proftSS01'1 here l114ke themselves (f'fInilable to

yOtt. " Mr.

& Mrs. George Gallaway Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Gault Dr. Ralph Gehrke

Mrs. Lucille G. Giroux Mr. & Mrs. James Girvan Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Gonzales Mrs. C.A Grahn Mr. & Mrs. William Greene Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Greer Dr. Ronald D. Grewenow Mr. & Mrs. OA. Gunderson Mrs. Nina Haagen Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Haas Mr. & Mrs. Otto T. Habedank Rev. & Mrs. Theodore Hamann Mr. Richard Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Dale Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Harris Mr. & Mrs. Roe H. Hatlen Mr. & Mrs. Ed Hinderlie Mrs. Caroline C. Hovland Ltc. & Mrs. Dennis Howard Mr. & Mrs. Robert Howard Mr. & Mrs. Clem Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. John R. Jarrett Miss Elsie Jensen

Amy Goffinet. Ketchikan, AI<


Heritage Society a",tinlted

Mrs. Fran es Jensen Ms. Lucille M. Johnson Mr. &< Mrs. John M. Johnson Mrs. Linka Johnson Dr. &< Mrs . Peter R. Jordahl Mr. &< Mrs. Eric Jordahl Mrs. Catheri Jordahl Mrs. Th re O. H. Karl Mr. &< Mrs. Phillip G. Kayser Mr. & Mrs. R. August Kempf Mr. David G. Kent Mr. Richard S. Kent Mr Kath rine Kidd-Manche Mrs. Ema Kilpatrick Mr. .It Mrs. Gerald Kluth Mr. &< Mrs. David Knutson Mr. &< Mrs. Wilbert Koch Mrs. Naomi Kraiger Mr. Edgar R. Larson Mrs. Georgia Larson Mrs. Thora Larson Rev. &< Mrs. Edgar Larson Rev. &< Mrs. Orlando Lee Mrs. Andi Livingston Mrs. Anne L. Long Miss Lois Ludwig Miss Sandra Marzolf Rev. & Mrs. Charles W. Mays rs. Len McCamish Rev. & Mrs. John Milbrath Mr. Bernard S. Miller Mr. & Mrs. James Mills Mrs. Katharine Monroe Mr. & Mrs. John Moody Mr. &< Mrs. Matthew Morris Dr. &< Mrs. Robert Mortvedt R v. &< Mrs. Russ Mueller Rev. Lyndon K. Murk Dr. Larry W. eeb Mr. & Mrs. Edward Neils Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Nelson Mr. &< Mrs. Robert B. elson, Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Milton Nesvig Rev. &< Mrs. Harvey Neufeld Mrs. Harriet Nikitins Mr. & Mrs. Robert Nistad Dr. &< Mrs. James Nokleberg Mr & Mrs. Orville Nupen Dr. &< Mrs. John C. Oakley Mr. &< Mrs. Floyd Oberg Mr. &< Mrs. Clifford O. Olson Mr. &< Mrs. Jon Olson Mrs. Mildred A Olson Rev. &< Mrs. Norman Orth Mr. & Mrs. Arne Pederson Mr. John Pederson Mrs. R \a Pellegrini Rev. & Mrs. Eugene Perry Mr. &< Mrs. Lester C. Peter Mr. James Peterson &< Ms. Jerry Hagedorn Mrs. Lillian Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Lynn R. Pettit Mrs. Barbara Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Frederick PoIchow Mrs. ora Ponder Mr. &< Mrs. William Ramstad Mrs. Margaret Rasm sen Mr. & Mrs. William Ray Dr. John R. Reay Dr. &< Mrs. William O. Rieke Mi K rstin E. Ringdahl Dr. & Mrs. Jon Rivenburg Rev. & Mrs. Oscar Rolander Dr. & Mrs. Alan H. Rowberg Rev. Harold Ruddick Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Ruecker

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Saverud Mrs. Rosemary S ales Miss Beatrice L. Scheele Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Scheibn r Mr. Casper Schmand Mrs. Dorot y Schnaible Mr. David J. Schnur Mr. &< Mrs. Ed Scrivner Dr. & Mrs. Thorn Sepic Mr. & Mrs. James O. Sparks Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Spitzer Rev. &< Mrs. David S. Steen Mrs. Faith Stem Miss Alma Stolee Mrs. Henny Storwick Mrs. Geraldine Strege Mr. & Mrs. Leslie J. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Donald Thoreson Mr. & Mrs. Hartford Thun Miss Gertrude Tingelstad Miss Alice T. Tobiason Miss Marie C. Tobiason Rev. & Mrs. Otto TaJlefso Dr. Sheri Tonn Miss Evelyn To en Rev. & Mrs. E. Silas Torvend Mrs. Henry Treede Mr. Jay Tronsdale Mr. Joe Tveten Mr. & Mrs. Bob Tweedt Mrs. Harald Ullelan Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Vingerud Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ward Dr. & Mrs. Calvin Watne 9 Rev. & Mrs. Luther O. Watness Mr. & Mrs. George Webber Mr. Elmer White Mrs. Patricia White Mr. & Mrs. Tony Whitley Miss Margaret Wickstrom Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Winsley Rev. & Mrs. David Wol Mrs . Joy Wright Rev. & Mrs. Paul R. Wuest Dr. David Yagow ung Mr. & Mrs. William M. Mrs. Georgiann C. Young



During the 1 988路89 fisca l year the University received bequests or deferred gifts totaling $1,077,716. These gifts will be used for both restricted and unrestricted purposes. The unrestricted bequests and deferred gifts assist the University by alltlwing PLU to use the money where it is most needed at the present time. The restricted gifts are usually placed into the University's Endowment Fund. Endowe funds re often designated for scholarships to hono or memorialize s ecific indi iduals. In addition, endowed funds are used to

support lectureships, professorships, Q Club memberships, as well as a variety of other University projects. Ruth Bayer Dilie Boe Marguerite Brodrero lngeb rg Eide Bertha Gilbertson Walter Hamman Martha Holt rdon &< Alice Kayser Theo l.aVill Mamie Mcleod Elsie Moellering Frank Murphy Willia Neuman E Siverson James Slater

During the 1988路89 fiscal year the foil wing persons have made irrevocable deferre gift . The face value of the deferred gifts totals $816,762. These gifts, which include charitable gift annuities and c haritable trusts, provide lifetime income for the donors an lor their designated benefi iaries, while at the same time providing an eventual gift to Pacific Lutheran University. In addition, these gifts include life insurance policies which will rant the University a significan future gift, while allowing the donor to fund such a gift at a fraction of the face value. d Ahrendt Erwin &< Alice Bolduan Earl E kstrom Ronald Grewenow Noweita Haisten John & Marcia Jarrett David Kent Richard Kent Mildred Morris Lester &< Evelyn Peter

Capital and Endowment Gifts Gifts to Pacific Lutheran University's capital and endowment programs help fund new construction, major campus renovation projects, and provide endow足 ment monies for scholarships and general operations.

All of these areas reflect special needs which require funding above and beyond the dollars available for general operations. This past year the most significant capital construction project was the completion of a new Scandinavian Cultural Center on campus.

purposes during the period between June 1, 1988 and May 31, 1989. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. If an error is found, please notify us so that we may adjust our records.

A new Music/Fine Arts Building in now in the planning stages and will be funded with gifts and pledges from the current Centennial Fund - Shaping Tomorrow Campaign. The following list represents donors who made contribu足 tions for capital and/or endowment Mr. & Mrs. John D. Aakre Mrs. Betty Aalbue Ms. Lamar G Abalahin Mr. & Mrs. Donald A Abner Mr. & Mrs. Barry Abrahamsen Dr. & Mrs. Seiichi Adachi Rev. & Mrs. John W. Adix

Mr. Rolf J. Agather Ms. Elizabeth D. Ahlstrom Mr. & Mrs. Travis Aikin Mr. & Mrs. Elden L. Alexander Mr. & Mrs. J. Elmer Alskog Mr. Marty Jeffrey Ambacher Mr. Christopher Todd Amend Dr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Amy

Dr. & Mrs. Charles L. Anderson

, Dr. & Mrs. Clarence L. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Donald V. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Erling C. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. J. Douglas Anderson Dr. & Mrs. John C. Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Lowell M. Anderson Rev. & Mrs. Olaf Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Paul Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Anderson Mr. John L. Aram Mr. & Mrs. Rick Archamboult Mr. & Mrs. Kalman C. Ariola Mr. & Mrs. Jerold L. Armstrong Mrs. Lea Jane Armstrong Ms. Joan Arndt Mrs. Gladys Arntzen Mr. David Ashe Mr. & Mrs. Larry Ashim Ms. Carol Auping Mr. & Mrs. Alfred E. Aus Mrs. Susan Marie Austin Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Babcock Miss Miriam J. Bacon Dr. Duncan T. Baer Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Baerg Mrs. Mildred G. Baker Dr. & Mrs. Elbert H. Baker II Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Bakken Mrs. Marion I. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Calvin D. Bamford Jr

Dr. & Mrs. Howard Bandy Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Banken Ms. Janice C. Barker Dr. & Mrs. Roger A Barnhart Mr. & Mrs. Michael 13artanen Mr. David H. Bartz Mrs. Lester S. Baskin Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Batker Mr. Todd G. Baxter Mr. & Mrs. William E. Baxter Mrs. Ruth E. Bayer Dr. & Mrs. David L. Be Miller Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Bean Mr. & Mrs. Dan A Bechtel Ms. Claudia K. Beck Rev. & Mrs. Luther W. Bekemeier Mr. Jeff Bell Mr. Jim Bellamy Mr. & Mrs. Larry Benevento Mr. & Mrs. Dale E. Benson Dr. & Mrs. Paul Benton Mr. & Mrs. Arvid Berg Mr. Edward M. Berg Mr. Eivind Berg Ms. Helen L. Berg Chap & Mrs. Karl Berg Mr. & Mrs. Marvin L. Berg Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Berg Ms. Barbara A Bernard Mr. & Mrs. David L. Berntsen Mr. & Mrs. Rodney A Berntsen Mr. & Mrs. William B. Berry Ms. Nina Bertelsen Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bilyeu Dr. & Mrs. James M. Bingham Miss Annabelle M.E. Birkestol Miss Grace D.M. Birkestol Mr. & Mrs. Clarence A Black Mr. George D. Blair Miss Grace E. Blomquist Mrs. Jennie Blucher Mr. Donald P. Blucher Mr. John W. Blyckert Dr. & Mrs. Silas Luther Boe Mr. & Mrs. Morris Bohman Ms. Tina Bos Mr. & Mrs. Frank P Bosone Mr. & Mrs. Bradley M. Bossio

Mr. Oystein M. Boveng Ms. Belinda Lee Bowden lit. & Mrs. Larry M. Braaten Mrs. Theresia A Brackney Dr. & Mrs. A Dale Brandt Mr. & Mrs. Larry A Brandt Mr. Otto Brask Ms. Cindy L. Brennan Ms. Ruth A Bretheim-Aaseng Mr. J. Albert Brevik Mr. & Mrs. Jack N. Briggs Dr. & Mrs. James E. Brink Rev. & Mrs. Frank J. Brocker Mrs. Esther M. Brodbeck Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Bromley Dr. & Mrs. Alan D. Brooks Dr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Laird B. Brown Mr. Michael J. Brown Dr. Richard L. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Brown

Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Browning Mr. & Mrs. Neil R Bryant Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Brynestad Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Alfred E. Buck & Mrs. Fredrick Buck Harry 1. Bue & Mrs. Bulend M. Burad

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Busey Mr. Harry E. Butts Mrs. Anna E. Carlson Mrs. Phyllis G. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. George K. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Lewis J. Carlson Dr. & Mrs. Ralph Oscar Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Stanley C. Carlson Dr. Judith 1. Carr Mr. William B. Carr Ms. Robbyn K. Celestin Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A Chandler Mr. & Mrs. Lee R. C. Cheek Mr. & Mrs. David O. Christian Mr. Mark Christofferson Mrs. Kristina Clapp Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A Clark Mr. & Mrs. Bob Cleland Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cline



"PLu is a community tWt jtlSt


i,ulividuals working in

isollltilm. JJ

Philosophy Professor

Curtis Huber

CtlpitRI and Endowment Gifts Ctmtinued Mr. & Mrs. Bruce B. Fimhaber Miss Mary E. Coffel Rev. & Mrs Ralph Fischer Mrs. Alene L. Coglizer Mr. & Mrs. George F. Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Carl Coltom Mr. & Mrs. David M. Fisher Jr. Ltjg Stephen J. Conway Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fitzgerald Mr. Ronald W. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Fjelstad Mr. & Mrs. Keith J. Cooper Dr. M. Josephine Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. Robert Corbett Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Flodin Mr. & Mrs. James D. Cords Mrs. Oline M. Floe Mr. Clayton T. Cowl Ms. Lin Axamethy Floyd Mr. & Ms. Gary Coy Dr. & Mrs. William H. Foege Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cratsenberg Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Forsberg Mrs. Linda Crawford Ms. Sara L. Foss Mrs. Irene O. Creso Mr. & Mrs. Michael M. Foster Mr. & Dr. Mel Creusere Mr. & Mrs. Don C. Franklin Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Criner Mr. & Mrs. David A. Freiheit Col. & Mrs. William M. Crooks Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. French Ms. Carol C. Cubbage Mrs. Joyce Frosig Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Cubbage Mr. James Frost Prof David P. Dahl Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Frye Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Dahl Mr. Scott E. Fuller Ms. Nancy L. Dahlberg Ms. Karla J. Fullner Mr. Jonathan H. Dahlstrom Mr. & Mrs. Roland D. Funk Mr. Paul Daily Mr. & Mrs. William Furnish Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Dalenberg Mr. & Mrs. Henry Dwight Galbraith Mr. Sherman A. Danielson Ms. Terri M. Gallagher Ms. Kathleen P. Davies Mr. & Mrs. R.L. Gardner Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P. Davis Mr. & Mrs. John T. Garnjost Mrs. Nelson B. Davis Mr. & Mrs. George L. Davis Jr. Ms. Ellen Garrity Mr. & Mrs. William A. Gebhardt Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Davison Dr. Ralph D. Gehrke Mr. & Mrs. Greg Dayton Mr. David P. Gerry Mr. Ignacio M. Delgadillo Mr. & Mrs. Eric R Gerstmann Mr. & Mrs. Loren F. Denbrook Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Gesinger Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Dent Dr. & Mrs. William P. Giddings M r . & Mrs. F.W. Desseau Mr. & Mrs. Myrven F. Gift Mrs. Judith Marie Dickey Ms. Sandra M. Gill Mr. & Mrs. Donald P. Didelius Mrs. Bruce W. Gilpin Mr. & Mrs. Robert 0 Dillingham Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Gingrich Dr. & Mrs. Stevens Dimant Mr. & Mrs. Frank D. Girolami Mr. & Mrs. John C. Dimmer Mrs. Lucille G. Giroux Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Dodgen Mr. Brendan L. Glaser Ms. Debbie S. Dombroski Mr. & Mrs. Erwin H. Goldenstein Mr. & Mrs. Jerome F. Donahe Mrs. Edna M. Gorder Mr. & Mrs. David E. Dorothy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Larry Doty Mr. & Ms. Leon P. Grady Mr. & Mrs. Judd Doughty Mr. & Mrs. John C. Graham III M r. & Mrs. Mark F. Douglass Mrs. C. A Grahn Mr. & Mrs. James J. Doyle Rev. & Mrs. Joseph Paul Grande Mr. & Mrs. Earl H. Dryden Mrs Otis J. Grande Dr. James F. Early Mr. & Mrs. R Gene Grant Miss Inez M. Eckblad Mr. & Mrs. Rick Grant Mr. & Mrs. F. Talmage Edman Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Green Mr. & Mrs. George Edman II Ms. Gail S. Greenwood Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence C. Eggan Mrs. Bobbie Greer Dr. &. Mrs. Christen E. Eidal Mr. & Mrs Guttorm Gregersen Mr. & Mrs. Ole Eide Dr. & Mrs. Philip Grenley Ms. Karen Ejde Mr. & Mrs. Jack Grier Mr. & Mrs. lver B. Eliason Mr. & Mrs James Griffin Mr. & Mrs. John Ellingson Mr. & Mrs Michael C. Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ellingson Mr. Chester H. Grimstead Mrs. Mary K Ellis Ms. L. Jewel Grina Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ellis Mr. & Mrs Robert Jon Grover Ms. Betty Elmore Rev. & Mrs. Martin R. Guihaugen Mr. & Mrs. R. Fred Elstrom Dr. & Mrs. D.G. Gumprecht Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Emerson Dr. & Dr. Thomas F. Gumprecht Dr. Elizabeth Engelhardt Mr. & Mrs. David L. Gustafson Mr. & Mrs. Ogie Enwall Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Habedank Rev. Henry E. Ericksen Ms. Ardis Y. Hafso Miss Selma Erickson Ms. G. Beth Hagedorn Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Eshelman Dr. & Mrs. Frank A. Hagen Mr. & Mrs. Berger l. Espeland Miss Lauralee Hagen Mr. & Dr. John M. Eyler Mr. & Mrs. Rodney D. Hagenbuch Mr. & Mrs. Richard Farner Mr. & Mrs T. Olai Hageness Mr & Mrs. Victor Faulstich Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Hagerman Mr. & Mrs. Luther C. Fendler Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Hagerty Jr. Ms. Mary Fenner Mr. & Mrs. Bert Hagg Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ferguson Mr. John F. Haldi Mr. & Mrs. TA Feroy Mr. & Mrs. William F. Hale Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Finseth Mr. & Mrs Frank R. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Robert Firman .








Mr. & Mrs. Stanley C. Haller Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Hamby Ms. Lori M. Hammack Mr. Walter J. Hamman Estate Mr. KW. Han Mrs Kathleen M. Hand Mr. Frank Hansche Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Hansen Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hansen Ms. Kathrine Hansen Estate Ms. Katherine Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Jerry C. Haralson Mr. & Mrs. Howard F. Harpel Mr. & Mrs. James M. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Marv K Harshman Mrs. Miriam E. Hart Ms. Ardis Harth Mr. & Mrs. Arnold B. Hartvigsen Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Haskins Rev. Ronald K. Hasley Prof & Mrs. Einar Haugen Ltc. & Mrs. Torval J. Haugen Mr. & Mrs. Gene Haugo Mr. & Mrs. George J. Hauser Mr. & Mrs. Philip S. Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Arne L. Haynes Mr. & Mrs. Bill M. Haynes Ms. Beulah Hedahl Mr. & Mrs Kenneth l. Helling Dr. & Mrs. David T. Hellyer Dr. & Mrs. John T. Henderson Mrs Annette M. Hendrickson Ms. Denise L. Hendrickson Ms. Jill D. Hendrickson Mrs Shirley Hendrickson Mrs Judith Ree Hensle Ms. Lisa R. Herfindahl Mr. & Mrs. John Hermanson Dr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Herstad Dr. & Mrs John O. Herzog Mr. & Mrs. Neal Heston Dr. & Mrs. John W. Heussman Rev. & Mrs. James Hicks Mr. & Mrs W. Ray Highsmith Mr. & Mrs N. Earl Hildahl Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Hildahl Mr. Roger E. Hildahl Mr. Warren T. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hirdman Dr. & Mrs. Dale Hirz Mr. Larry J. Hitterdale Ms. Theresa E. Hoffart Mr. & Mrs. Gordon J. Hoffenbacker Mr. & Mrs. David Hoffman Mr. Gunther F. Hoffmann Mr. & Mrs. Chester A Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Paul A Hoglund Mr. P. Norman Holm Ms. Martha L.c. Holt Estate Ms. Genevieve Holte Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Hoover Mr. & Mrs. Gunnar Horgen Mrs Lori D. Horiuchi Dr. & Mrs. Paul Hoseth Mrs. Karla M. Houk Mr. Tore Y. Hoven Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Hoversen Mr. & Mrs. Curtis A Hovland Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Hovland Dr. & Mrs Laurence D. Huestis Mrs Yvonne Huggins-Mc Lean Mr. & Mrs. Russ Hulet Mrs Diane E. Hunt Ms. Leta P. Hunt Ms. Peggy Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hurlbut Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hyde Mr. & Mrs. Robert A Hyden Ms. Lei Lani Jackson .



. .








Dr. &: Mrs. Kerry D. Kennedy

Mr. Michael D. Jackson Ms. Velma L. Jackson Mr. &: Mrs. Don Jacobs Mr. &: Mrs. Kenneth Jacobs Ms. Lillian L. Jacobsen Mr. &: Mrs. John C. James Mr. &: Mrs. Jack J. Jamieson Dr. &: Mrs. John R. Jarrett Miss Edith Jennestad Mr. &: Mrs. Fran Jennings Mrs. Sandra Jerke Mr. &: Mrs. John L. Johanson Mr. &: Mrs. Les Johnsen Mr. &: Mrs. Alvar Johnson Hon. &: Mrs. Bertil E. Johnson Mr. &: Mrs. David E. Johnson Mr. &: Mrs. Dean A. Johnson Mr. &: Mrs. Frank Johnson

Ms. Terri A. Kieselhorst Dr. &: Mrs. Kenneth S. Kilborn Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Kildahl Mr. Alan G Kimmel Dr. &: Mrs. Gundar King Rev. Susan M. Kintn r Mr. &: Mrs. John Kirby

&: Mrs. Morris L. Kirk &: Mrs. Jam es L. Kittilsby &: Mrs. Lars Kittleson &: Mrs. Donald V. Klein Dr. &: Mrs. Richard H . K lein Dr. Robert Klein Mr. &: Mrs. Herman Kleiner

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr.

Dr. &: Mrs. Glen H. Johnson Dr. &: Mrs. Gordon H. Johnson Mr. &: Mrs. Keith D. Johnson Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Johnson Mr. &: Mrs. Ted L. Johnson Jr. Mrs. Ida F. Johnston Dr. David G. Jordal Mr. &: Mrs. Craig Jorgenson Mr. &: Mrs. Allan E. Juhl Dr. & Mrs. Richard Jungkuntz Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. lsamu Kaneshige Mrs. Elizabeth Y. Karl Mr. &: Mrs Frank C. Karwoski Dr. &: Mrs. James H. Kauth Mrs. Judith A. Kaylor Mr. &: Mrs. Phillip G. Kayser Dr. &: Mrs. Donald M. Keith Miss Ann C. Kelleher Mrs. Nancy Keller Mrs. E lizabeth Kelley Dr. &: Mrs. Eugene O. Kelley

Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr.

&: Mrs. Kenneth E. Klontz Marijean Kluth &: Mrs. Calvin Knapp &: Mrs. Wayne B. Knight

Ms. Janice Knudsen Ms. Lisa P. Knudsen Mr. &: Mrs. Melvin R. Knudson Mrs. Carmen S. Knudtson Mr. &: Mrs. David R. Knut on Mr. &: Mrs. Randy A. Knutson Mr. &: Mrs. Roger S. K n utson Mrs. Ruby Knutzen Mr. &: Mrs. Victor F. Knutzl'.n Mr. &: Mrs. Donn H . Koess ler Mr. Kolbein Koltvet Mr. &: Mrs. Ronald Kolzing Dr. James H. Kom Mr. &: Mrs. Clifford M. Korsmo Mr. &: Mrs. Ben Korsten Mr. &: Mrs. Richard Kovacs Ms. Cynthia E. Kraiger Rev. &: Mrs. Richard D. Kraiger Mr. &: Mrs. Thomas R. Kramer Dr. &: Mrs. Jerry R. Kress Mr. &: Mrs. Charles M. Kvale

Dr. &: Mrs. Jon H. Kvmsland Mr. & Mrs. Paul F Labes Mr. &: Mrs. George Wc.kermayo!r Mr. Go!orgt: �gerquist Dr. & Mrs. J. Douglas Lambr chi Ms. Elizabeth La ngela nd Mrs. Gyda A. Langlow Ms. Patri ia Lantz M . &: Mrs. Corm Larsen M r. &: Mrs. William B. Larsen Miss hristine A. rsnn Rev. &: Mrs. Edgar M T. Larson Mr. &r Mrs. Paul V Lal'SOn Mr. &: Mrs. Richard T. larSon Mr. Rob e r t E. Larson Mr. &: Mrs. Roy F. Larson Mr. &: Mrs. . ArthUI Larson J r. M . Mary Latim 'r Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Laubach Mr. &: Mr'. Chilrll$ W. Lea Jr. Mr. &: M rs. R O. lI!ary Ms. Eli7.abet b lee Mr Everett M. Lee Mr. &: Mrs. Gary R. Lee Mr Paul Otis lee Mrs. Avis L Lee Ma. Shannon Lee Ms. Solveig L Lee Ms. Sylvia L e Mr. &: Mrs. Harvey Left Mr. &: Mrs. Donald Leighty M rs. Edith M . Leland Dr. &: Mrs. H. Eugene Lemay Jr Rev. &: Mrs. Robert B. Lester Dr, &: Mrs . Robert 8. L 'ster III M r . &: Mrs. Kirk G. Lider Mr. &: Mrs Paul B. Liebelt Ms. Irja Lind Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Linder Mr. &: Mrs. Willia m interman

Capital and Endowment Gifts by Source Businesses 1 .6% Miscellaneous 0.4%

'oundations 8.4%

A l umni 13.3%

Friends 76.3%



"Pm pleased with what

we IJafJen't wst by win­

,zing. Our student­ atlJ!et� G.P.A. is even higher than that of our rJery talented student body as a whole. )) Dr. David Olson, Athletic Direct r

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Lode Ms. Susan L. Loewen Mr. & Mrs. Arthur e. Loney Mr. & Mrs. John R. Long Mr. & Mrs. Ty Long Mr. Harold Y.S. Loo Ms. Diane M. Looper Mr. George Lovtang Mr. & Mrs. Henry Low Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Lowe Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lowenberg Mr. Daniel J. Luee Mr. & Mrs. Chauncey F. Lufkin Mr. & Mrs. George A. Lund Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Lund Mr. Gerald T. Lundblad Mr. & Mrs. Ian D. Lunde Mr. Patrick J. Lyon Mr. & Mrs. Denny L.E. Mac Gougan Ms. Luann E. Macan Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Mackey Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Mahoney Mr. Arthur T. Maki Dr. Marcel Malden Dr. & Mrs. Jon E. Malmin Ms. MaybelI Kristine Maloney Mr. & Mrs. David Malvin Mr. & Mrs. Harley J. Mangold Dr. D. Moira Mansell Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Marcus Ms. Hazel VV. Marek Mr. & Mrs. George Martin Mr. & Mrs. Todd K. Martin Mr. Joseph S. Martinac Ms. Bertha Martinson Rev. & Mrs. Ronald D. Martinson Miss Ruth Martinson Mrs. Asta Marx Dr. Marjorie Mathers Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Matson Mr. Charles F. Matthaei Mrs. Helen Matthaei Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Mattson Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Maudslien Mr. & Mrs. Kurtis R. Mayer Rev. & Mrs. Charles VV. Mays Mrs. Sharon E. Mc Allister Mr. & Ms. John P. N. Mc Auliffe Mrs. Ruth T. Mc Bride Mrs. Carol Mc Comis . Dr. John Mc Donough Dr. Richard F. Me Ginnis Mr. & Mrs. James R. Mc Granahan Dr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Mc Groarty Mr. & Mrs. Scott Mc Kay Mr. & Mrs. AI J. Meier Mrs. Gare Menzel Ms. Heidi N. Menzenberg Miss Jolene M. Metcalf Mr. & Mrs. Larry T. Metcalf Mr. Martin Metzon Mr. & Mrs. We. Michael Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Mickelson Mr. & Mrs. John K. Middaugh Sr. Miss Caramae Milam Mr. & Mrs. Bruce S. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Chris Miller Mr. & Mrs. Gil Miller Mr. Phillip VV. Miner Dr. Gary L. Minetti Dr. Thomas M. Miskovsky Mr. & Mrs. David B. Misterek Mr. Michael L. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. MitchelI Mr. Lyle Y. Miyamura Dr. & Mrs. Richard Moe Mr. & Mrs. Henry Moellering Dr. & Mrs. Armin Mohr Mr. & Mrs. Donald O. Monson Mr. & Mrs. Harry E. Morgan Jr.

Mr. Nels Mork Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Morken Mr. & Mrs. James F Morris Mrs. Mildred Morris Rev. & Mrs. Steven E. Morrison Mr. & Mrs. VVarren R. Morrow Dr. & Mrs. Robert Mortvedt Dr. & Mrs. Donald H. Mott Mrs. Stanley Moye Ms. Heather R. Mudge Dr. & Mrs. Stanley A. Mueller Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Murphy Mr. Frank Murphy Trust Mr. & Mrs. Clifford W Myhre Dr. Gerhard B. Naeseth Mr. & Mrs. Atsuyuki Naka Mr. & Mrs. David P. Nasby Dr. R. Ann Nedrow Dr. & Mrs. Martin J. Neeb Mr. & Mrs. Arthur V Nelson Mr. & Mrs. C. Lennard Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nelson Dr. & Mrs. Denny B. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Drew D. Nelson Mrs. Mary Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Leonard S. Nelson Mr. Randy Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Vern Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Kaare Ness Rev. & Mrs. M. Edgar Nesse Rev. & Mrs. Milton L. Nesvig Mr. Bruce E. Neswick Mr. & Mrs. David B. Neufeld Rev. & Mrs. Harvey Neufeld Mr. VVilliam Neuman Estate Mr. �,nnis D. Nichols Mrs. Dorothy E. Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Jack Nichols Mr. & Mrs. John L. Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Martin Nisker Dr. & Mrs. James H. Nokleberg Mr. Mark R. NolI Dr. & Mrs. E.J. Nordby Mr. & Mrs. Norman Nordlund Miss Esther A. Norgaard Ms. Tiina Nunnally Rev. & Mrs. James E. Nyborg Dr. & Mrs. Ralph V. O'Connor Dr. & Mrs. John C. Oakley Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ocklen Ms. Lisa L. Ofstad Mr. & Mrs. David A. Ohlsen Ms. Laurel A. Olexer Mrs. Merle Olin Capt & Mrs. Gunnar Olsborg Mr. John R. Olsen Mr. & Mrs. Karl Olsen Dr. & Mrs. Robert C. Olsen Mr. & Mrs. C. David Olson Dr. & Mrs. David M. Olson Ms. Jody L. Olson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth V. Olson Mr. Kjell Olsson Mr. Carleton M. Opgaard Mr. Kenneth L. Orton Mr. & Mrs Eric R. Osterloh Mr. & Mrs. Thomas VV. Owen Mr. VVilliam F. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Parkhurst Mrs. Lysle G. Paterson Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Paterson Ms. Kirsti L. Patokoski Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Patton Mr. & Mrs. Eugene O. Pearson Ms. Meta K. Pedersen Mr. & Mrs. O. M. Pedersen Dr. & Mrs. Svend E. Pedersen Mr. & Mrs. Arne K. Pederson

Mr. & Mrs. G. Lester Pederson Mrs. Rena V. Pellegrini Ms. Nancy Peregrine Mr. Dale G. Perry Dr. & Mrs. John E. Petersen Ms. Annette L. Peterson Ms. Barbara C. Peterson Mr. Edwin A. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Harold G. Peterson Mr. & Ms. James L. Peterson Ms. Marni Peterson Mr. & Mrs. O. Elmer Peterson Mrs. Gunvor J. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. VVarren R. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. VVillis Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Gordon W Petrie Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Pflueger Mr. & Mrs. James B. Phillips Ms. Rita M. Picinich Capt & Mrs. Gregory L. Pierson Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Pietala Dr. & Mrs. VValter E. Pilgrim Mr. & Mrs. Roger Pinell Mr. Gary D. Plews Mrs. Nora J. Ponder Mr. & Mrs. John R. Postman Mr. & Mrs. David R. Powelson Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Probstfield Dr. & Mrs. Richard S. Quinn Mr. Edward Ramsdale Dr. & Mrs. VVilliam K. Ramstad Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Rapp Mr. & Dr. Uif Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. Hilman C. Ratsch Mrs. Bonnie M. Rediske Mr. & Mrs. Paul Reeder

Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Reeder Dr. & Mrs. Paul M. Reigstad Dr. Karl P. Reitz Mr. & Mrs. David G. Rice Mr. & Mrs. James R. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Henry Richert Mr. & Mrs. VVilliam Richmond Mr. & Mrs. Douglass VV. Richter Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Rider Dr. & Mrs. VVilliam O. Rieke Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Ringsrud Mr. & Mrs. Lowry S. Risdahl Dr. & Mrs. Peter J. Ristuben Ms. Lupe M. Rivera Mr. Charles VV. Roach Jr. Mr. Andrew D. Robertson Mr. Charles A. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Robinson Rev. & Mrs. Richard A. Rodning Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rohrs Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Roland Mr. & Mrs. Arvid I. Ronning Mr. Michael D. Ronning Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Roose Dr. & Ms. Moshe Rosenfeld Mr. Denny Rowley Mr. & Mrs. Eugene V. Rudsdil Mr. James VValdo Rue Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Russell Mr. & Mrs. George F. Russell Jr. Rev. & Mrs. Jan A. Ruud Mr. John O. Ruud Ms. Lenora Ruud Mrs. Marian L. Ruud Mr. Philip e. Ruud Ms. Sonia Ruud Mr. & Mrs. Einar Sande Ms. Margaret Sargeant Ms. Margaretha Sass Ms. Betty Savage Mr. & Mrs. Delbert C. Schafer Rev. Alfred J. Schedler Dr. & Mrs. John A. Schiller Mr. & Mrs. Albert E. Schimke

Mr. & Mrs. Noel Schuler

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Schumacher Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Schumacher Mr. & Mrs. VA. Schwarz Dr. & Mrs. Walter D. Schwindt Dr. Damon Scott Mrs. Wanda R. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Dale A. Sears Mr. & Mrs. Keith Seavy Dr. Richard Seeger Mr. & Mrs. Stanley P. Selden Mr. & Mrs. Irvin E. Sensei Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Seo Dr. & Mrs. F. Thomas Sepic Mr. & Mrs. Richard Setback en Dr. & Mrs. S. Erving Severtson Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Shanaman Jr. Ms. Christine Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Shaw Mr. Gary D. Shellgren Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Shera Ms. Barbara E. Sherman Mrs. Dagny Shervheim Mrs. Margaret Shipley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Short Mrs. Mary Ann Simpson Mrs. Angela Sivertson Mrs. Stephanie L. Skansi Miss Sharon A. Skar Mr. & Mrs. Stanley J. Skibiel Mr. & Mrs. Allan Skindlov Mr. Donald E. Slater Ms. Sandra Smalling Mrs. Diane R. Smith Mrs. Doris Smith Rev. & Mrs . Jeffrey L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. John H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Oark Smith Jr Dr. & Mrs. Paul B. Smith Jr. Ms. Rochelle E. Snee Mr. & Mrs. John E. Snow Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. B.K. Soby Ms. Judith S. Solberg Mr. Aagot Solheim Mr. & Mrs. Adam J. Sortini Mr. & Mrs. Craig Spada Mr. & Mrs. John L. Spangberg Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Spurrell Mrs. Astrid Stancer Dr. & Mrs. Alan V. Stang Dr. & Mrs. David W. Staub Rev. & Mrs. David S. Steen Mrs. Mathilda Steiro Dr. & Mrs. William H. Stenstrom Mr. Brian P. Steves Mr. Fred L. Stewart Mr. James R. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Stewart Dr. & Mrs. Hendrik Stiggelbout Mr. & Mrs. Jerome A. Stilwell Dr. & Mrs. Robert Stivers Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stohr Ms. Krista Ann Stolpe

Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Stolz Mrs. Anna M. Storaasli Mr. & Mrs. Joe Stortini Mr. & Mrs . Arne Strand Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Strand Mr. & Mrs. William Street Ms. Nancy J. Stuchell Dr. & Mrs. Marcus R. Stuen Mrs. Beverly N. Stump Mr. & Mrs. Edward Sturgeon Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Sturgill Mrs. Helen S. Sullivan Ms. Sylvia Summerland Mrs. Dagny T. Sundby

Mr. & Mrs. Galen W. Sutton Maj. & Mrs. Thomas W. Sutton Mrs. Evelyn L. Svendsen Dr. & Mrs. David A. Swanson Dr. & Mrs. Mark A. Swanson Ms. Shelia M. Swanson Dr. & Mrs. Wendel Swanson Mr. & Mrs. David C. Swinehart Mr. & Mrs. H.F. Syford Mrs. Margaret L. Syre Mr. & Mrs. Vern Taft Mr. George Takahashi Mr. Andrew G. Talabere Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Tallman Mr. & Mrs. Terry Taylor Rev. & Mrs. Ronald W. Tellefson Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Templin Mrs. Ruthmarie Tennent Mr. & Mrs. William Tennesen Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Terjeson Ms. Juin B. J. Tevrucht Mr. & Mrs. Dreston D. Thiel Mrs. Christianna V. This Rev. & Mrs. Erling C. Thompson Dr. Gale E. Thompson Ms. Nancy L. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Thoreson Mrs. Helen M. Thorpe Mr. & Mrs. Hartford P. Thune Mr. & Mrs. Earl F. Tilly Ms. Kristin L. Timm Miss Gertrude B. Tingelstad Ms. Marilee Titus Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Titus Mr. & Mrs. Leon E. Titus Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Fred L. Tobiason Dr. & Mrs. Ray Tobiason Jr. Mrs. Edith Tollefson Rev. & Mrs. Otto C. Tollefson Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Torrens Ms. Kirsten JI. Trost Mr. Jim Tsang Mr. & Mrs. Jack c. TsapraJis Mr. Michael L. Turco Mr. Maurice C. Turnbull Mr. Jacob O. Tveter Mr. Carl Tweiten Mr. & Mrs. Steven K. Ufer Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Ulen Mr. & Mrs. J ?rold D. Ullery Mr. George M. Umamoto

Mr. & Mrs. M. James Van Beek Mrs. Viola M. Van Gilder Mr. Daniel J. Vavrinec Ms. Corinn K. Vermillion Dr. & Mrs. Roy H. Virak Ms. Janice Voss


Dr. & Mrs. George A. Wade Mr. Peter C. Wagner Mr. Corydon Wagner Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. James D. Wagoner Dr. & Mrs. David B. Wake Mr. Thomas B. Wake Mr. Thomas H. Wake Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Walker

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Wallerich Mr. & Mrs. Peter Wallerich Mr. & Mrs. C. Eugene Walters Mr. & Mrs. J.B. Ward Mr. Ross H. Warner Mr. & Mrs. Jack Warnick Mr. & Mrs. Garth Warren Mr. & Mrs. William H. Watson Mr. & Mrs. William M. Watson Mr. & Mrs. George E. Webber Mr. & Mrs. George Wehmann Mr. Steven L. Weinman Mrs. Nancy L. Welsch Mr. & Mrs. Ray E. Werner Ms. Sharon M. Werner Mr. & Mrs. C. Davis Weyerhaeuser Mr. & Mrs. Stewart White Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Wick Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Wick

Rev. & Mrs. Norman G. Wick Miss Margaret Wickstrom Mr. & Mrs. Alan E. Wiechmann Mrs. Rebecca A. Wietzke-Walker Ms. Janet Wigen Dr. & Mrs. Philip E. Wigen Mr. & Mrs. David Williams Lt. Joseph M. Williams Dr. Jane Williamson Dr. & Mrs. Gary Wilson Ms. Margaret O. Winn Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Wirsing Mrs. Odny Wise Dr. & Mrs. David L. Wishart Dr. & Mrs. David C. Wold Ms. Kristen Elise Wold Ms. Patricia B. Wolford Ms. Wanda Woodbury Mrs. Shirley L. Woodward Mr. & Mrs. Su-Lin Wu Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Wulf Mrs. Jane Oausen Wurster Mr. David C. Yagow Mr. John A. Yeates Mrs. Georgiann C. Young Mr. William W. Young Ms. Doris L. Zacher Mr. & Mrs. Leo Zeiler Miss Jean Zulch Mr. & Mrs. Arthur P. Zurfluh


professors are ilJtriguing ami carilsg, and classes an: small. That distinguishes PLU as an institution aimed at developing the individual. " Christina Montez, Denver, CO




Tacoma, Washington 98447


Office of Development . Bekemeier, Vice President


Vol u me XX No. 2

Time Of Renewed Hope

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During this Ch ristmas season, are we closer now to Peace on Earth? 1 9 89 Fulbright Scho l a r Ch ri tian Lucky, who was at the Berlin Wa l l when it opened Nov. 9, reflects on his historic experience.

U. S. Ne ws Honors PLU

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US. News and World Report ra nke d outst a n d i n g colleges a n d u n i versities again this fall, and PLU was one of the honored schools. PLU has been ranked by the national magazine in each of its four bien n i a l su rveys, begin ning in 1 9 83.

King Of Norway Honors Rieke

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When His Majesty K i n g Olav V of No rway visited PLU in 1 9 75, the ca mpus rune stones sc u l ptu re was dedicated in his honor. PLU President Dr. Willi am Rieke visited His Majesty this fall, a n d Ri eke is the recipient of a special royal honor.

Scene USSN


Published q uarterly by Pacific Lut h e ra n U niversty. S . 1 2 1 s

Returni ng To His Roots

December 1 989

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PLU Provost Dr. Robert Wills is back on an i n dependent college campus after 1 7 years at state u n i versi ties. W i l l s ex p l a i n s why he favors the k i n d of education al experience that schools l i ke PLU offer to students.

Nobe l Laureate Visits Cam pus

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Wole Soyinka is a disti ngu ished Nigeri a n writer. The PLU cam pus was honored by his November visit and enjoyed his read in g from some of his works.

Cover: Two Consecutive National Titles

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Most u n i versity athletic teams wou ld consider one national championship a historic occas ion. PLU's women's soccer team has won two consecutive titles, bringing PLU's all-time total to six. all achieved duri ng the 1 9 80s.

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scene DeCember 1989

2 Cen tennial

'Shaping society's values' Theme Of 1990 Cent nnial Homecoming Symposium


Dr. Paul Reigstad

Scand inavian Heritage Week A S u m mer '90 Centennial H i g h l ight The theme of the fi rst phase of n ext year's PLU cente n n i a l celeb ration i s "Reflecting on Heritage." A Scand i navian Heritage Week J u ly 2-6 is one of the m ajor events supporti ng that theme. Heritage Week visitors may antici pate sessions throug hout each of the special days. Mond ay's sessions focus on "Art and Design." Among the speakers a re Marion Nelson, professor of art history at the Uni­ versity of M i n nesota and d i rector of the Norweg ian-Am erican M useum in Decorah : la.; and Laila Nelson, cu rator at the muse um. "Geneology" is the theme of Tuesday's events. Dr. Terge Leiren, professo r of h is­ tory in the Scand i navian department at the University of Washi ngton, will lecture on the Scandi navia the i m migra nts left to set the stage fo r workshops on tracing fam i ly histories. Wed nesday partici pa nts w i l l have an opportunity to celeb rate the 4th of J u ly, Northwest style. Dr. Paul Reigstad, PLU English professor emeritus, is among the featured Thursday speakers on "Im m igrant History and litera­ tu re." Reigstad is a uthor of a biog raphy of Ole Rolvaag, a pionee r ed u cator at St. Olaf Col lege, N orthfield, M i n n ., and author of the acclaimed i m m igra nt classic, Giants in the Earth.

Rolvaag will be the enti re focus of Fri­ day's sessions. Featu red spea kers include Dr. Solveig Zempel, a St. Olaf professor and granddaug hter of Rolvaag, Dr. Ingeborg Kongsl ien, professor of i m m ig rant l itera­ ture at the U n iversity of Oslo, and Dr. Harold Si monson, professo r of Engl ish at the University of washi ngton and author of Prairies Within: The Tragic Trilogy of Ole Rolvaag.

Scand i navian enterta i n m ent i s p l a n n ed for both Tuesday and Friday evenings. For more i nformation contact PLU Nor­ wegian p rofessor Aud u n Toven, (206) 535-2314.

ow does PLU, especia l ly the faculty at PLU, shape the va lu es of its students . . . who then go on to shape those of the larger society? The d i vlisions of H u m a n i t i es andl Soci a l ' Sciences have i nvited Dr. Russel l Edgerton, preSident of the American Association of H ig her Educati on, to add ress th is critical question next October d u ring a Homecom­ i ng symposi u m on the theme of "Shaping Society's Val ues: The Role of the Universi­ ty. " F o r the past 1 2 yea rs D r . Edgerton has served as president of American Associa­ tion for H i gher Ed ucation, an association of col l ege/un iversity ad m i nistrators a n d faculty that performs w h a t he ca lls a " Paul Revere" role by ca lling attention to emerg­ I ng IS�.ues and developments in American h i gher education. Edgerton earned a PhD. in public law and government from Colum­ bia U n i versity and has held several posi­ tions in federal education agen cies. Call For Voices

Beca use PLU has trad ition a l ly pl aced st ro ng emphasis on "ed ucating fo r ser­ vice," shaping students' awareness of and comm itment to soci al respo nsi b i l ity, the two d i visions hope to i nvo lve the whole un iversity com m u n ity in the d iscussion of how PLU shapes its students' va lues. In conjunction with Edgerton's add ress, they i ntend to publ ish a collection of short essays written by PlU a l u m n i , stude nts and faculty as well as i nterested com m u ni­ ty members, that reflects on the lea rning of values at PlU. Each selected essayist will receive a $ 1 00 honora ri u m and an invita­ tion to partici pate i n the October forum. What to write? Edgerton u rges w riters to " reflect on the ideals that PLU holds u p t o i t s students, and n o t o n ly t h e ideals consciously upheld , but the ideals i m pl icit in the way the faculty and others i n the PlU com munity live and work." More particu larly, Edgerton asks essay­ ists to consider: * Not only what the faculty do but what facu lty are. Kenneth Eble has written of the u rgent need for students to encou n­ ter not merely men and women of special­ ized com petence, but men and women of character. Do PLU stu dents see facu lty outside the classroom? Do they know what other roles faculty play? For exam ple, fac­ u lty who value com m u n ity and public ser­ vice wou ld do well to share their own com­ m u n ity and public service l ives with their students. * H ow the scientific method that u nder­ p i ns most of o u r acad e m i c l ife d etached, a n a lytical, objectivist, etc. itself shapes the values of o u r students. Are there other m ethods of knowing that students should a lso lea r n to val u e? If socia l scientists "model" o n ly detached, social criticism, where will students lea rn the va lues of affirmation a n d p a rtici pa­ tion? * The va lues-shaping effects, not only of what we teach (a topic that gets an inord i­ nate amou nt of attention), but how we teach. For how we teach is what we teach. Some have poi nted out, for example, that while we "preach" cooperation, our meth­ ods of i nstructing and grading, fac u lty eva luation, etc., "model" the i m portance

Dr. Russell Edgerton

of individ ualism and competition. This is an occasion to be personal, to write to and fo r each other in the PLU com m u nity. Tell stories! Share you r stories - real and i magi native - of encou nters with values both in and beyond the class­ rooms. Essays must be received before M a rch 3 1 , 1 990, so start t h i n king now of how yo u r experience at PlU has shaped the system of va lues by which you l ive in you r world. Please send you r 1 000 to 1 500 wo rd essay to D r. J o h n Sch i l l er, Dean of the Division of Social Sciences, at PLU . The publ ished anthology of essays w i l l be distributed in Septem ber. A variety of voic­ es, from different eras and d ifferent per­ spect i ves, it may serve as a small but i m portant autobiog raphy of a com m u n ity dedicated to the service of society.

Two Distli ng u ished Poets Join Facu lty Du ring Spring Semester Poets W i l l i a m Pi tt Root a n d Pa m e l a Ushuk of New York City w i l l j o i n t h e PLU faculty d u ring the spring semester under auspices of the Disti ngu ished Writers pro­ gram. Root is d i rector of the creative writi ng program at H u nter College and is author of eight books and many other p u b l i ca­ tions. Ushuk, author of five books and many publications, is a visiting writer i n New York City schools and a writing instructor at Green Haven Maxi m u m Security Prison. Root w i l l teach "The Writer's C raft," a workshop foc u s i n g o n broade n i n g the technical ra nge of student poets. Ushuk will teach "The Writer as Reader," a su rvey of work that has i nfluenced contemporary writers. They will team teach "World Poets in Transition."

Scene December 1989


Christmas 1 989


ime Of enewe Hope For eace Chris tian Lucky

Editor's note. Ch ristian L ucky, one of PL U's 1989 Fulbrigh t Scholars, was studying in West Berlin when the Berlin Wall was opened Nov. 9. During those first heady days he stayed up virtually around the clock, soaking up history in the making and sharing his expertise with Puget Sound area media. The following are his reflections on the momen tous event.

By Christian LUCky '89


t the end of the Fi rst World War, many p eo p l e l o o k ed w i t h a n t i c i p a t i o n toward the poss i b i l ity of a peaceful a n d open E u rope. This vision was partially real­ ized d u r i n g the 1 920's. Cit ies such as Pra g u e and Berl i n reveled in thei r n ew democratic freedom and became centers of modern culture, seldom si nce rivaled. But, after the terror and i n h u man ity of the Second World War, and the di shonesty and di vision of the Cold War, the idea of peace and open ness has been more of a bi tte r j oke to the citizens of Berl i n a nd Prague than an actual possi bil ity - u ntil a few weeks ago. Revol utions usually ha ve at l east two thi ngs in com mon: vi olence and ideology. While l iving in Berli n these last few months and watch i n g the tremendous cha nges that are ta king p lace, most st riking to me has been the absence of both violence and gran d i ose ideology. The "Proclamation of Dresden," written last October by the East Berli n oppOSition group New Fo rum and the Evangel ische K i rche, and s i n ce adopted by the major Czech opposition grou p Civic Foru m, con-

Annual Bread For World Food Fast Raises Over S2,000 More than $ 2,000 was raised by students du r i ng the a n n u a l B read fo r the World ca mpus fast. held N ov. 1 5 . The total was the second h ig h est in the past decade, exceeded only by a $ 2,300 contribution in 1 985. During the past 1 0 years, more t h a n $ 1 6,000 h a s been raised by the fast pro­ ject to combat h u nger in the world . T h e one-day fast raises funds and con­ sciousness. H u nger pa ngs, as m i nor as they may be, h e l p create e m pathy with the hungry. M oney rai sed i n cooperation with PLU Food Serv ices is d ist ributed a m o n g local FISH food ban ks, Lutheran World Relief and Bread for the World .

tains t he m a i n objectives of the East Ger­ man OP POSition m ovement. The demands made are concrete and simple: the free­ dom to travel, the d i g n ity to l ive without the fear of torture, the freedom to write what is thought and to read what is writ­ ten, and to gather and to meet openly. In a city that has itself become a sym bol and has long been subject to propaganda from right and left, the citizens of East Berl i n and Prague a re avo i d i n g e m pty r h etoric, a nd are instead see k i n g i m m ediate a n d . tang ible change. H istory has m a d e us skeptic a l , a nd nobody is more skeptical that the Berl i_

In U. S. Ne ws

n e rs. The economic and pol i tica l tasks a h ead for East Germany and a l l of the Eastern B l oc are sta gge ring, and often seem i nsurmountable. But, the Berli n Wall fell and not one shot was fi red. This fact has cha nged peop le here. This fact has opened people to poss i b i l ities th at they never before even im agi ned could be real­ ized. For ali else that ca n be concluded, it Is clear that Ch ristmas 1 989 is a time of renewed hope for PEACE - i n E u rope and arou nd the world! Berlin


1 989

& World Report

PLU Ranked For Fou rth Time Among Natio n'S TOP Colleges, universities Pacific Luthera n U n iversity has been ranked for the fourth time among "A meri­ ca's Best Col leges" by U.S. News and World Report. Among 24 com para ble northwest a n d Lutheran col leges and u n i versities, P L U is the only regional u niversity to be listed i n a l l four of the magazi ne's biennial repo rts: 1 983, 1 985, 1 987 and 1 989. The Evergreen State Col lege in Olympia, Wash., is the only reg ional l i beral arts college to receive fou r ra nkings. This year's listings appea red in the maga­ zi ne's Oct. 1 6, 1 989, issue. PLU placed 1 4th among reg ional col leges a nd u niversities in the west. Other Washi ngton state schools honored t h is year, i n addition to PLU and E ver­ green, were U n iversity of Puget S o u nd a n d Wester n Wa s h i n g t o n State U n i versity. Both have a p peared twice in t h e maga­ zi ne's su rvey. Among Lutheran schools, V a l p a ra iSO i n I n d i a na a n d Capital i n O h io were ran ked reg i o n a l u n iverS i t i es, w h i l e W itte n b e rg (Oh io), Texas Lutheran (Tex.l, a n d Len o i r R h y n e (N .C.) were ra n ked a mong l i beral arts colleges. U.S. News has revised its system of eva lu­ ating schools each year t h at the su rvey has been conducted, lead i ng to the disa p-

pea ra nce of some schools from the listings a nd the appearance of others. This year's eva luations i nclu ded academic reputation, student selectivity, retention patterns, fac­ u lty Qual ity and financial resou rces. In the reg ional col leges and u niversities category this year, 562 schools were evalu­ ated and 60 were ranked. Eligible schools offer l i beral a rts a n d professional pro­ grams i n a more inti mate setting; students are more l i kely drawn from a regional con­ stituency, accord i n g to the magaz i ne. Forty l i beral arts colleges were ran ked out of a pool of 364 such i nstitutions i n the nation. They were defined a s largely local in repu tat ion, less costly, closer to home and offering an opportu nity for m idd ie-ru ng students to gain a liberal arts edu­ cation. PLU Pres i d e nt W i l l i a m R i eke expressed p leasu re u p o n learn i ng of the report's res u lts. "It is d eeply g ratify i n g to be regarded so h i g h ly," he said. W h i le noting that such su rveys are somewhat subjec­ tive, he pointed to the conSistency of PLU's ra n ki ng as a substantive i n d i cation of Qual ity and reputation. Of the 1 5 schools i n the west l ist ing i n addition to PLU and UPS, one was i n Ore­ gon, one in Texas and 1 1 were i n Cal ifor­ nia.

scene December 1989

4 World

Audience With King Olav v Of Norway A Highlight Of Rie'ke Journey By Jim Frazee


ot many Americans have the opportu­ nity for a p rivate a u dience with King Olav V of Norway. Not many Norwegians wou ld believe an America n if told of such a meeting. That was the case with PLU Presi dent W i l l iam O. Rieke in Oslo i n October d u ring his d rive into town from the a i rport. Ti red, unsure of the date after a hect ic trip that began i n Tokyo, and j u st having flown across Siberia, Rieke related to a ca b d river his appointment with the King. The d river, skeptical of his passenger, spent the entire trip to an Oslo hotel elaborati ng his doubt, and Rieke was u nable to convi nce h i m . vi nce h i m . Rieke ca me t o Oslo, a s he h a s fou r t i mes si nce 1 9 76, to renew acq u a i nta nces a n d re-em phasize contacts between PLU a n d Norway. His five-day visit n o t o n l y took h i m to meet t h e King, but also t h e A merica n Ambassador, the University of Oslo Rector, the Norway/American Association, and the Norway PLU A l u m n i Chapter. "We wa nted to i n vite the King to the PLU centen nial celebration in May 1 990," Rieke sa id, after his m eeti ng. "Of cou rse, he cou ldn't com mit just yet, but he was very receptive to the offe r. It was a n

extraord inary and positive t h i n g t o meet . h i m ." Rieke a lso p resented the K i n g , who is 86-yea rs-ol d , with a photo a l b u m of the Ki ng's visit to the u n iversity in 1 975. Dur­ ing their brief meeti ng, they spoke of the growth of the u n iversity si nce its fou nd i ng in 1 890 by Bj ug Harstad and that over 1 00 Norweg ians have gradu ated from PLU just i n the past decade. Ri eke reiterated t h e i nst itution's v a r i o u s orig ins a n d t ies and exchanges. He even got a chance to pitch PLU's Department of M u sic as a possi ble campus desti nation for Martha Lou ise, the King's g randdau ghter, who has a n interest i n singing. "You n ever know u n l ess you try," Rieke sa id. PLU's centennial was also the central top­ ic of conversation with the newly-a ppoi nt­ ed American A m b a ssa d o r, Loret M i l l e r R u p pe. App rised of PLU/N orway ti es, she said she wou ld help p romote the event in N o rway. She a l so offered the offi c i a l a m bassa d o r's res i d e n ce for a possi b l e reception a s part of t h e worl dwide celebra­ tion Oct. 1 5, 1 990 when a l u m n i chapters in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Oslo, and the u.s. will celebrate. In his visit with Inge Lon n i ng, the Rector of the U n iversity of Oslo, Rieke i nvited the theologian, who is active in civic and cul-

Rieke Appoi nted To Roya l Norweg ian O rder Of Merit By Ki ng Olav V PLU President W i l l i a m Ri eke has been appoi nted Knight Fi rst Class of the Royal Norweg ian Order of Merit by H is Majesty, King Olav V of Norway. The an nou ncement was made by Dag Mork-U l nes, Norweg i a n consu l general i n San Francisco. The honor was established by H is Majes­ ty in J u ne 1 985. Accord ing to its statutes, the Order is conferred upon fo reign citi­ zens in recog nition of particu l a rly m eritori-

ous services rendered in the fu rtherance of Norweg ian i nterests. Formal p resentation of the honor is anticipated d u ri ng PLU's centennial festivi­ ties i n the fa l l of 1 990. Specific plans wi l l b e made when it is known whether mem­ bers of the Roya l Fa m i ly will attend the ca mpus celebration. Dr. Rieke extended an i nvitation to His Majesty d u ring his Olso visit i n October.

Teachers from PLU's summer program were among the guests at the alumni dinner.

t u ral affa i rs, to p resent a series of lectu res d u ring the centen n i a l at the Parkland cam­ pus. He a lso met with Kjell N ielsen, cha i r of t h e N o rway/A m e r i c a n Assoc i a t i o n t h a t hel ps sponsor students a b road . "We t h i n k it's an i m porta nt part o f the ed ucation for students to study a b road ," Rieke em pha­ sized . The visit c u l m i nated with a d i n n e r for the loca l PLU A l u m n i Chapter at Hol men­ kollen Resta u rant i n the h i l l s overloo king Oslo. PLU m usic professor Jerry Kracht. i n E u rope o n sa b b a t i c a l , p rovided m u sic before a s u m ptuous th ree-cou rse d i nner for the 89 a l u m n i i n attendance. His accompa n ist was Trygve Traeda l , pro­ fessor of music at Kristia nsa nd Conservato­ ry and husband of Heidi (Wold '87) Traedal, a PLU adm issions representative i n Norway who also pl ays in the Kristia nsand Sympho­ ny. M r. Traeda l wi l l be a guest soloist with the PLU Symphony next October. Reg istra r C h u c k N e l s o n , who m a k es annual recru iting t rips to Scandi navia with Assistant School of B u si ness Dea n La u ra Polcyn, spoke of PLU's strength as "a peo­ ple-oriented i nstituti on," one that works for and occasionally parties with the stu­ dents. Polcyn u nderli ned her close worki ng relationsh i ps with stu dents. After d i n ner, Rieke toasted the a l u m n i. extend ing a special greeting from the King - his pride i n their accompl ishments. He related h is visits, outli ned various centenni­ a l celebrations, tal ked of the recently opened Scandi navian Cultura l Center, and final ly, rem i nded all that PLU stands by its students. Alu m n i and associates presented the president with gifts. " By fa r a n d away," Ri eke sa id earl i e r, "this has been our most successful trip. It ta kes a w h i l e to b u i l d relat i o nshi ps. You become known in time and the cont i n u ity begins to work for you ." Patience, it seems, has its rewards. There are now 62 Norwegian students enrol led • at PLU.

A t Norwegian alumni dinner were from left, PLU President William Rieke, School of Business Administration assistant dean Laura Polcyn, Oslo chapter presiden t Peer Christensen '87, Joanne Rieke and PL U registrar Charles Nelson.


DeCember 1 ..



Retu rn i ng TO His Roots

Dr. Robert Wills

Pro vost Began Career A t Church-Related, Liberal Arts Colleges By Jim peterson n one sense Dr. Robert Wil ls, PLU's pro­ vost si nce J u ly, has retu r n ed to his roots. H is u ndergraduate yea rs a n d fi rst n i ne years as an educator were spent on small, l i beral a rts, c h u rch-affi l i ated col l ege cam­ puses. After a 1 7-year i nterlude, he has returned to that envi ronment. Wills earned his bachelor's deg ree at the College of Wooster, a 1 , 200-student Pres­ byterian school in O h io, i n 1 962. H is fi rst teac h i n g posi t i o n was at Witten berg, a Lutheran i nstitution in Spri ngfield, Ohio. "After n i ne years at Wittenberg, a l l my experience had been at small l i beral arts colleges," he reca lls. "I wa nted to see what a l a rger p rogram wou l d be l i ke . " So he accepted a posit i o n at the U niversity of Kentucky i n Lex i ngton. N i ne more years later, seeking a n other chal lenge, he m oved on to the even larger U n iversity of Texas at Aust i n . At each stop his career i nterests broad­ ened . At Wittenberg, where he began as a theatre i nstructor, he became di rector of theatre. At Kentucky he began as theatre arts depart m e nt cha i r a n d beca me dean of the College of Fine A rts. At Texas, he held a si milar post i n a la rger progra m . O n each campus, however, he sti l l taught. The next logical step was to b r i n g his skills to an even b roader acad e m i c p ro­ gram. At the same t i m e h is i nterest i n the s m a l l cam pus, l i be r a l a rts setti n g was bei n g renewed. "I was t h i n k i ng about a ca m p us s m a l l e n o u g h f o r serious e m p h asis on facu lty teach i ng responsi b i l ities, but large enough to s u p port a n d e ncou rage the facu lty research strengths vital to teach i n g excel­ lence," Wills said.


He was not actively see k i ng a cha nge, but he was nom i nated for the PLU provost position, and PLU fit the defi niti o n of the kind of opportun ity he had been contem­ plating. PLU's l ocation, w h i le not a "decid­ i ng" factor, was not a d rawback; h is wife, Barbara Salisbury Wills, is from Seattle and holds a Ph.D. from the U niversity of Wash­ ington. "This was a real surpr ise; I never expec­ ted to ret u r n (to the Pacific Northwest) so q u i c k l y , " s a i d D r . B a r b a ra W i l l s. "I a m delighted . " T h e W i l ls' have been ma rried for five years. They worked together as col leagues in the Col lege of Fine Arts at Texas, where she was an assoc iate professor of drama.' "We shared many i nterests," she reca ll­ ed. " I admi red his flexibil ity and leaders h i p style. Particu l arly, I coul d n 't h e l p but b e impressed b y h is attitude toward women." The son of a Presbyterian m i n ister, Wills consi dered the m i n i stry as a ca ree r through his undergraduate years at Woos­ ter while he was majoring, fi rst i n voice, then i n theatre and speech. In fact, during h i s sen i o r yea r he a p p l ied for gra nts to support his gradu ate work at either a sem­ i nary or the U n i versity of I l l i n o i s t h eatre prog ram . He was offered both; when the time came to make the decision, he chose theatre. Reg a rd i n g t h at c h o i ce, W j l l s Ili kes to q u ote N ew York L i v i n g T h eatre founder Julian Beck, who once said, " I chose the­ atre rather t h a n the synagogue because I bel i eved my chances of salvation were greater there." But the concerns that contributed to his thoughts about the m i nistry also affected his theatre p u rsu its. He had been act i ng and singing since an early age, b ut he had no i ncli nation toward professional theatre. "Rather," he sa i d , "I see t h eatre as a means of changing people's l ives, of touch-

ing people - both audience and actors to make a difference i n how they l ive." Dr. Richard Moe, dean of PLU's School of t h e Arts, met W i l ls several years ago "when I was a neophyte member" of the I nternational Council of Fine Arts Deans. "I was struck by t h i s i m p ressive dean who was obviously a leader i n this august grou p," sa i d Moe. "He was warm and cor­ d i a l to me - a person he had n 't met before a nd about whom he knew noth­ i ng." He conti nued, "It was a joyous and seren­ d i pitous s u r p r. ise w h e n I lear ned he was being considered for our provost position. Not only did I have g reat respect for him personally, it is hig hly u n usual for an aca­ demic CEO to come out of the arts." It seems natu ra l for a former theatre professional l i ke W i l ls, who has written 1 0 produced performa nce pieces and di rect­ ed 90 p lays, to com ment that he is " role­ oriented" rather than "goal-oriented ." Nev­ ertheless he i ntrod uced th ree broad goals to the PLU faculty at thei r September fa l l conference: * "Growth toward even greater academ­ i c exce l l e nce, t h o u g h we are b u i l d i ng on considerable strength; * "I ncreasing d iversity - particula rly as that relates to women a nd eth nic mi nori ­ ties - i n a n effort to make t h e u n i versity more s i m i l a r to the world in which it exists; and * "Increasing structure and form; many of the systems that help ma nage t h i ngs su rvive from much ea rlier days and don't serve the contem pora ry u niversity as well as they cou ld." Rather than i m posing his w i l l from the top, W i l ls wants to know what others want

Continued on page 6


Scene December 1989

6 Cam pus

Roots . . . Continued from page 5

Charles Bergman

Endangered Species, Economics Topics Of New Faculty Books Two new books by PLU faculty members reached the bookstores i n late October. They are Wild Echoes: Encoun ters with the Most Endangered Species in North America by English Professor Charles Berg­ man, and Economics: Principles, Problems and Policies ( 1 1 th edition) by Econom ics

Professor Sta n l ey B ru e a n d Campbell R . McConnel l . Both books a re p u b l ished by McGraw- H i l I . Bergman and B rue a re a mong t h e more than 50 publ ished authors on the PLU fac­ ulty. All were honored this past month at a reception hosted by the PLU bookstore. Bergman's book is a feisty, lea rned look at America's dead and dying a n i mal spe­ cies. It asserts t hat a n i mals "are only partly biological creatu res. They a re also sym bols i n which we ca n read who we a re." The concern, of cou rse, is that these sym bols - and t h u s o u r p o te n t i a l fo r self­ understanding - a re ra pidly va nishing. Berg m a n has p re v i o u s l y writt e n for

A udubon and National Geographic m aga­

zines. The Brue-McConnell book has been the nation's lead ing seller i n its field for the past decade. About one-fifth of t h e stu­ dents taking principles of econom ics cou rs­ es nationwide p resently a re u s i n g t h is introductory text. While previous editions have been ava il­ able in C a n a d i a n , Aust ra l ian a n d I n d i a n adaptations, t h e 1 1 t h edition will a lso be publ ished in Russi a n . T h e new ed ition is significantly revised, with special emphasis on i nternational iza­ tion, added d iscussion of modern econom­ ic topics, and rest ruct u red cha pters on unemployment and inflation. B rue has been a member of the PLU faculty si nce 1 971 ; Bergman has taught at PLU si nce 1 977. A com plete list of faculty-authored titles is available from the PLU bookstore.

a n d h opes to h e l p them achieve their goals. "I see myself as an agent of change," he said, "creating, managing, shaping and susta i n i n g change. Change is good; it is the only way i nstitutions ca n stay healthy." W i l l s co n t i n ued, "The general c u l t u re here is the kind of culture I enjoy. There is a capa b i l ity a n d a wi l l i n gness to cha nge. That fits my own i nclination to be discon­ tented at any given moment, know i ng that the best is yet to come." He beli eves that PLU's cu rrent cu rricu­ l u m study "is one of the most i mportant thi ngs going on at the moment. "It is a painfu l , torturous p rocess, decid­ ing what the most i m portant elements i n a h igher education really a re," he sa id. "It w i l l be i nt erest ing to see the res u l ts in a nother yea r or so." The res u l ts a re expected t o g u i d e the academ i c l ife of the u n i ve rsity i nto the 2 1 st centu ry and perhaps beyond . "PLU is an institution where I can, and do, enjoy working," W i l ls observed. "It val­ ues people above all else. The val ues of the institution a re va l u es I ca n su pport and encou rage. "I also want to n u rt u re, helping people real ize their best potential," he added. At the t i me of t h e i r m a rriage, W i l ls joi ned his wife as a member of the Luther­ a n c h u rc h . They have fou r g rown sons, two each from previous ma rriages. Ba rba ra, now an arts in ed ucation consul­ tant, i s publishing the third in a series of books she has a uthored on t heatre in ele­ menta ry and m iddle schools. She is nation­ a l ly recog nized i n her specialty. Sons a re J a mes, a Houston com p uter engi neer; Robert, a Dal las medical resident; Erik, a Seattle pol ice officer; and Christo­ pher, a San Francisco photogra pher. W i l ls has two b rothers, both teachers, and a sister who was a m o n g the early women ordai ned clergy i n the Presbyterian church. •

Refl ections On Wild Echoes By Charles Bergman

I have a fantasy: I i magine myself sitting in my living room, on my sofa . O utside my house - outside our house - the a n imals a re gathering. Lost a n i mals, e n d a ngered a n i mals. M u rm u ri ng in wild echoes. It's a strange fee l i ng, knowi ng the a n i ­ mals a re n e a r , even as we t h i n k we've distanced ou rselves from them. They give me the se nse that t h e re's m o re to l ife t h a n I have known before - t h e sense that these animals know t h ings we don't know. This book is my attem pt to u nderstand, i n both soc i a l and person a l terms, t h e mea n i ngs o f the p henomenon o f e n d a n­ gered species. The prem ise is that a n i m als a re only partly biological creatu res. They a re also symbols in which we can read who we are. Drawing u pon l iterature and art, modern philosophers and ancient natural­ ists, explorers and biologists, I try to u n der­ stand what ani mals mean to humans, and the sign ificance of thei r loss in this age of mass exti nction, which we have caused . The book does not treat endangered

species only as l a rge a n d g l obal issues. They a re, fi n a l ly, p rofo u n d l y personal i n thei r impl ications. In a landscape increas­ i ngly defi ned by a bsence, where a n i ma ls come to us out of a g rowing void, I get close to som e of the rarest animals on the conti nent, t rying to red iscover and feel thei r presence. I am helicoptered to a wolf den in t h e re mote mou nta ins of Alaska, and t rack down a rctic wol ves near the North Pole. I sta nd in a cage with the last su rviving d usky seaside spa rrow, i n Disney World, Florida - it d ied shortly after my visit and the race is now extinct. I search for bl ack-footed ferrets in the western p ra i ries - extremely rare theM, a n d no longer in the wild. They now l ive in cages, where they a re being captive bred, thei r babies born i n boxes. I fly with Ca lifornia condors up the G rapevine when t h ere were only six of these vultures left in the wild. Now condors too a re gone: They have all been captu red and live i n zoos. I follow West Indian manatees scarred by the pro­ pellors of motor boats. Tree a Florida pan­ ther deep i n a swa mp. Look for right wha les in the N o rth A t l a n t i c . S p l ash

t h rough a Lou i s i a n a swa m p after ivory­ bi lled wood peckers, one of the most myth­ ic of ou r native birds. Woven i nto these na rratives is the a rgu­ ment that ou r cu rrent attem pts to save e n d a n ge red species a re, i n a ny l a rger sense, doomed to fa i l u re, sad rearg u a rd batt les. They ca n't solve t h e p roblems, because they stem from the same mentali­ ty, the same posture toward natu re, that caused the problems i n the fi rst place, and ca n be s u m m a rized i n the a rrogant con­ cept of stewa rdsh ip. I try to reth i n k why so many endangered species defeat o u r , best effo rts on t h e i r beha lf, and what these creatu res' l ives say about us. I argue that endangered species represent a para­ dox: though they a re t h e res u l t of o u r l o n g obsession w i t h power over natu re, t hey em body the l i m its of t hat powe r. They a re a m i rror, not of our stu n n i ng trium phs over nature but of ou r fa ilu res. In the context of these broken creatu res, wh ich a re i ronica l ly more a part of cu ltu re than of natu re, my intent t h roughout the book is to t ry to re-create a n i mals, by learning to rei magine them and our world.





Camp us

Exh i b its, F i l m s, Lectu res January nte rim Explares 'Strategies Far peace' Marya Gingrey

Lesley Pettigrew

Gifted High School Students E joy summer Scholars program lesley Pettig rew, a PLU sen ior from Seattle, has st ud ied in Den­ mark u n der t h e P L U S t u d y Abroad Prog ra m . T h i s s p r i n g she wi l l be a mong the fi rst PLU stu­ d ents i n vo l ved i n t h e new exchange program with u niversi­ ties in the Baltic States and w i l l study i n R iga, Latvia. But, she says, PLU's S u m mer Scholars Program was "the most fu n I have ever had." S u m m e r Scholars i s a th ree­ week residential enrichment pro­ g ra m for acad e m i ca l l y gi fted h i g h school so p h o m o res a n d j u n i ors. T h e 1 990 progra m w i l l b e held J u ly 9-27. Pettig rew was i nt rod uced to the program by her high school debate coach. "It was fun b e i n g with other gifted stud ents," she reca l l e d . " I n high school it i s socially d iffi­ cult to be a good student. You are not accepted ." S h e n oted that friends she met during Sum mer Scholars are sti l l her best friends. And she has served as a Summer Scholars mentor for two sum mers. M a rya G i n g rey of Bremerton was introd uced to PLU d u r i n g Summer Scholars ' 8 5 . I t h a d not been on her l ist of prospective co l leges, but she enjoyed the "open, homey atmosphere, con­ du cive to acade m i c and social growing." This year she is vice-president of ASPLU. "I ca me to PLU plan-

ning to study pre-med. But now I'm a political science major look­ i ng forward to law or g radu ate schoo l," she sa i d . Like Pett i g rew a n d G i n g rey, m a n y for m e r st u d ents offer g l owing S u m m e r Schol a rs testi­ m o n ies. Fo r most, it was the fi rst time t hey had been i n a c h a l l e n g i n g acade m i c e n vi ron­ ment, with sti mu lating compan­ ions and teachers, a nd encour­ aged , rath e r t h a n d i scou raged, by peers to explore serious sub­ jects. Students take either a writing wo r k s h o p or n a t u r a l sci e n ces course. The fou r col lege credits earned g ive them a head start on t h e i r college degree. The w r i t i n g workshop offers basic appl icatior.1s, plus printing, drama a n d film, a visit from a p u b l ished novel ist and an intro­ d u ct i o n to t h e a n cient a rt of book making. Lect u res in t h e n at u ra l sci­ ences are a u g mented by exte nd­ ed field tri ps, computer applica­ t i o n s a n d an i nt ro d u c t i o n to eth i cs. F i n a n c i a l aid is ava i l a b l e for st udents with need from PLU or the co-s ponso r i n g Taco ma Area C o u n c i l on G ifted n ess. S o me school d istricts and local service c l u bs also assist with costs. For fu rther i nfo rmation c a l l Dr. J udith Carr, Dea n fo r Special Aca d e m i c P ro g r a m s , at (206) 5 3 5-7 1 30.

Please complete the nomination form and return it to Summer Scholars, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA 98447. Student's Name




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__ __ __ __ _

This January nearly two dozen events co m plement aca d e m i c cl asses u nder the Inte ri m theme "Strategies for Peace." Hands-on exh ibits, a fi lm fest i­ va l , l ectu res and a world p re­ m i e re a l l e m b race t h e peace theme. Ca m pus M i n istry, in assoc ia­ tion with the Lutheran Peace Fel lowshi p , w I l l orga n ize i nterac­ t i ve displays in the U n i versity Center on Jan. 1 0-1 1 . The exh i b­ its will focus on peace and jus­ tice a n d wi l l i n c l u d e q u izzes, maps and exercises. H u manities Fi l m Festival high­ l i ghts all peace-related movies. "Ga n d h i" opens t h e week-long fest i va l on J a n . 1 5 , M a rt i n Luther King, Jr., Day. The movie wi l l follow a video tribute to Dr. King that demonstrates Gand h i 's i nfluence over Ki ng's life.

Ot her fi lms include "Dr. Stran­ gelove," " M atewa n," "Ga l l i po l i , " a n d "Amazing Grace a n d Ch uck." A vari ety of l ectu res d u r i ng Interim i nclude "Emergency Eth­ ics: Political and Mo ral Com m u n i­ ty i n War," "The Olym pic Sports Ideal and World Peace" and "An I l l usive Peace: The Palest i ni a n Issue." A NATO foru m o n Sca ndi navia in the age of glasnost a nd a series of Ca m p u s M i n i stry-spon­ sored symposia are also o n the i nte rim calendar. The p re m iere performance of W i l l i a m D o p p m a n n ' s T r i o for Horn, Viola and Piano, "Dove/Hawk, Lion/La mb: A Strate­ gy For Peace," w i l l be presented Jan. 28 by the Centrum Cham­ ber Pl ayers. Call 5 3 5-7 1 29 for more i nfor­ mation and a free ca l e n d a r of Interim events.

Recent high school graduates, h.s. Juniors, college freshmenl

Get a ru n n i n g sta rt . . . towa rd you r co l l ege deg ree!

PL U Middle College J u ne 1 6-Ju ly 27, 1 990 Past Middle Col l ege students h a ve said: "Middle College taught me how to use the resources of a university" "I haven't had the problems adjusting to college that I have seen other freshmen having" "It gives kids a better chance to get into college - and to make it" M i d d l e College is i ntended to ease t h e tra nsition from h i g h school t o college. I t sharpens you r skills i n such basic areas as writing, studying and math, plus h istory, ea rth science, psyc hol­ ogy and computer science. Application deadline is May 31 (Financial Aid requ ests May 1 ). For more i nformation, write or ca l l D r . J u dy Carr, Dean for Special Academic Programs, PLU, Tacoma, WA 98447.

(206) 535-71 30

5CeJle December 1989

8 Campus/The A rts

Publi( Alumni Invited

1 990 presidential Forum Deals With Ethics, �histle·Blowing' On The Job

" E t h i cs a nd Professional Life: Wh ist le­ Blowing o n the J o b " is the topic of t he 1 990 PLU Presidential Foru m T h u rsd ay, Feb. 22. "This topic is relevant to all working pro­ fession a l s a n d a nyone prepa ring for a ny pro fessional career," said Dr. J a net Ras­ m ussen, dean of the Division of H u m a n i­ t i es and cha i r of the fo rum comm ittee. "M any peop le a re aware of ab uses i n thei r workp l ace. What can and shou ld they d o about it?" T he forum wi l l be held i n the U n i versity Center from 1 -4:30 p . m . with a two-hour evening session beginning at 7 p.m. to encourage alumni and public participation.

During the five-year history of the a n n u a l President i a l Foru m s on ca m p us, classes

MCReynolds Is Awarded PLU Preside t's edal Neil J . McReynolds, senior vice-president for corporate re lations at Puget Sound Power and Light Com pany, is the recipient of a President's Medal award from Pacific Lutheran U n i versity. The award was presented d u ri ng wi nter commencement exercises Dec. 1 6. McReynolds was honored for "champion­ ing education at all levels." He has enabled the development of educational materi als for " l atch-key" c h i l d ren, a n d has enco u r­ aged employees to provide leadership on col lege and u n iversity boards and com m it­ tees. He has worked to strengthen the part­ nership between the corporate and i nde­ pendent higher ed ucation com m u n it ies as a member of the Washi ngton Rou ndta ble and the board of the Independent Colleges of Wash ington I nc. He chaired the ICW cen­ tennial celebration last spring. The PLU President's Med al is awarded to perso n s who h a ve " d e m o n s t ra t e d strength in vocation, excel lence i n profes­ sional service and dedication to Ch ristian va lues."

CBS Radio Featu res PLU Choi rs On C h ristmas Cava l cade CBS Rad io has annou nced t h a t Pacific Lutheran University m usicians wi l l be fea­ tu red d u ring its a n n u a l "Cavalcade of Ch rist mas M usic" broadcast. Puget Sound l isteners can tune to KIRO 71 AM on Ch ristmas Day at 9:06 a . m . and aga in at 1 :06 p . m . C h o i r o f the West cond u ctor Richard Sparks has selected Honneger's "Ch ristmas Cantata." The sing le-movement cantata celeb rates wo rld u n i ty t h rough t h e text's use of many languages, Spa rks sa id. PLU's Choi r of the West, U n i versity Cho­ rale, a local children's choi r and mem bers of the Un iversity Sy m phony Orchestra w i l l b e hea rd .

have been cancelled to encou rage broad student i nvolvement. Dr. Krist i n Sh rader-Frechette, a p h i l oso­ phy professo r at the U n i versity of South Florida, is the eve n i ng keyn ote spea ker. She is editor of t he Oxford U n iversity Press series of m o nographs on envi ro n m ental et h i cs a nd science. The a ut hor of five books and many a rticles, she specia l izes i n a n u m ber o f a reas, i nclud i ng environ men­ tal ethics and scienceltechnology pol icy. other partici pants include M i chael Law­ rence, Department of E nergy; Eric Nald er, Seattle Times, a n d several facu l ty mem­ bers and stu d ents. St udents across d i sci­ p l i n es a re being i n vi ted to consider the topic as they prepare class assign ments. O r i g i n a l l y funded by a g ra nt from the Consort i u m for t h e Adva ncem ent of Pri­ vate H igher Education (CAPH E), the annual foru m has recently been supported by the PLU President's Office. This year it is fund­ ed in part by a GTE Lectu resh i p Grant. " Et h ics i n professions is a part of our everyday l i fe, and wh istle-b lowing is an I m portant issue," said Rasmussen. "Could the Challenger disaster have been averted by wh istle-blowing? Closer to home, what about quality assurance and control at the H anford nuclear facil ity, or Boei ng? Even if we don't work there, what do we as citi­ zens expect Boeing, or Hanford, to do?" She noted t hat ethics has been well cov­ ered and researched in the health profes­ sions for years. More recently it has been receiving i ncreased attention in other pro­ fessions. E n g i neeri ng, b usi ness and com­ m u n ications a re specific professi ons to be discussed d u ring the foru m . F u rther i nformation i s available b y ca ll­ ing 5 3 5-7228.

Disneyland First Stop On Jazz sembles' Tour University Jazz Ensemb les and Park Ave­ nue will perform in Disneyland and other Cal ifornia and Oregon locations this J a n u­ ary. Their tou r i ncl u des a Jan. 28 record i ng session at Golden West College. California Anaheim, Jan. '27


Redlands, Jan. '29 (tentative)

Redlands H igh School, 7 : 30 pm

San Diego (Poway), Jan. 30

Mount Carmel H igh School, 7 : 30 p m

Fresno, Jan. 3 1

Bul lard H igh School. 7 : 30 p m Redding, Feb. 1

Enterprise H igh School, 7 p m

Oregon Salem, Feb. '2

North Salem H igh School, 8 p m

set Your VCR Wash i ngton TV viewers can see t h i s year's Christmas Festival Celebration at 6 a . m . Satu rday, Dec. 23 on KSTW (Channel 1 1 for greater-Puget Sound viewers). The one-h o u r broad cast feat u res the Choir of the West, U n iversity Chorale, and

brass players perfo rm i ng a program of tra­ d itional hol iday favorites and John Rutter's Gloria.

The PLU ensemb les performed this con­ cert in Seattle, Tacoma and Portland.

Atte n t i o n : A rt i sts !

As part of the U n i versity Centen nial celebration the Art Depa rtment i n the School of the Arts is planning an a l u m n i exh i b ition for October, 1 990. You can help us i n our planning by fi lling out and ret u rn i ng the cou pon below. This is for pla n n i ng pu rposes only, to determ ine the potential size of the show. PLEASE SEND NO WORK OR SLIDES AT THIS TIME. NAM, LE

__ __ � � � � � � � � � � __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___


__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

City Med i u m,



__ � __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

PROFESS IONAL NON-PROFESSIONAL Would you be i nterested i n participating in a j u ried a l u m n i exh i bition?

_ __ __ __ __ __


__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _

If you responded to the notice in the J u ne 1 988 SCENE. your name is i n our file. PLEASE RETURN TO: Richard B rown, Gallery Di rector, Art Depart ment, Ingran Hall, PLU Tacoma, 98447


December 1989


The Arts

Annual Lila Moe Conce t Featu res Fa rner, Aarons


Wale Sayinka

Nigerian Nobel Lau reate Honored By cou ntryma n During PLU Visit "As he read about h is c h i l dhood, a h alf-a­ dozen chi l d ren sat at h i s feet . It was so tou c h i n g , " said School of the A rts Dean R ichard Moe. Moe was desc r i b i ng the scene that sur­ ro un ded Wole Soy i n ka, the 1 986 N obel Prize in Literat u re reci pi ent. Soyinka p resented a poetry rea d i n g last October to a c rowd that packed Aida I n g ram Lect u re H a l l . " P L U stu dents, com mun ity members a n d school c h i ldren sat in ra pt atten tion," Moe commented. Soy i n ka read from his memoi rs, "Ake: The Yea rs of C h i l d hood" and h i s most

recent vol u me of poetry, "Mandel a's Earth and Other Poems." After the rea d i n g, the crowd reassem­ bled in the Un iversity Gall ery, where the works of N igeria's lea d i n g a rtist were on d isplay. Bruce On obrakpeya, a friend and fel l ow Nigeri an, was fi nally able to show Soy i n ka a very spec i a l p iece of a rt. After Soy i n ka was awarded the Nobel Prize, Onobrakpeya cre­ ated a plaque commemorating h i s fri end's ach ievement. Soy i n ka saw that plaque for the fi rst time at PLU. "It was a n extraord i n a ry day for PLU a n d for Ni geria," Moe sai d .

World Pre miere Of Dop p man n Work To Be Perform ed At PLU In January The world p r em i e r e of William Doppmann's Trio for Horn, Viola a n d Piano will be performed by the Centrum Cham­ ber Players at 7 p . m . S u nday, Jan. 28 in the U niversity Center. The new piece was written for PLU and is subtitled " Dove/Hawk, Lion/La mb: A Strate-

PLU V ideo Earns Fifth Award "Lou ie, Lou i e," a video produced by PLU Telev i s i o n a n d A u d i o Servi ces fo r t h e Washi ngton State Centen nial, h a s won its fifth award, an E m e r a l d C i ty Gold C u p Award from t h e International Television Video Association. The video features the Choir of the West and d i rector Richard Spa rks. It previously received two awards fro m Rel igious Public Relations Council (RPRc) a n d honors from Counci l for Adva ncement and S u p port of Ed ucation (CASE) a n d the Pierce College Centennial F i l m Festiva l .

g y For Peace." I t will premi ere d u ring PLU's Interim, whose theme this year is "St rate­ gy for Peace." T h e p ro g r a m a l so i n c l u d es M o z a rt's String Quartet with Horn, KA0 3, and Doh n­ anyi's Q u i ntet for Piano and Strings. Doppmann, a former Tacoman, is a classi­ cal pianist based i n New York. He has won severa l i nternational co m petitions and has performed with the Chicago, Detroit, C i n ­ cinnati, Houston and Tokyo sy mphon ies. He has recorded for Col u mbia, Nonesuch and Delos. As a composer, Dop p m a n n has recei ved com missi ons from chamber ensembles to orchestras. His works a re publ ished by G. S h i rmer and MarGun Press. E a c h w i nt e r D op p m a n n o r g a n i zes a select gro u p of i nternational ly-recog n i zed musicians to perform chamber music con­ certs. T h i s year, the C e n t r u m C h a m ber Players i nclude Dop p m a n n, v i o l i n ists Theo­ do re Arm and C a rm i t Zori, viol ist Paul Colette, cel list Stephen Kates and hornist Robert Routch. The concert costs 510 for general adm is­ sion and 55 for students and sen ior citi­ zens. C a l l 5 3 5-7 1 43 fo r further I nforma­ tion.

Northwest C h a m ber Orchestra cell i st Richard Aarons j o i ns PLU p i a n i t Rich ard Farner for the 1 2th a n n u a l Lila Moe Mem o­ ria l Concert. The recital beg i ns at 3 p m . Su nday March 4 i n Eastvold Aud itori u m. The p rogram opens w i t h Beet oven 's Sonata for Piano and Cello i n g minor. Aarons will perform Bach's S u ite No. 1 for U naccom pa n ied Cello. Farner will play Franck's Prelude, C horale and Fugue. The recital culmi nates with Aaron s and Farner perfo r m i n g S h osta ovich 's Cello Sonata in d m i nor. Proceeds from t h i s recital benefit the Lila Moe Memorial Scho l a rs h i p F u n d . The fund provi des ass istance to women stu­ dents who are resum i n g t h e i r ed ucation and who have career interests in the arts. Suggested donation is 58 for general admissi on and 54 for students a n d sen ior citizens.

PLU's First Com pact Disc Features Late Baroque Organ Mus i c "The Grand Centu ry: O rgan M u sic from the Late Baroque" is PLU's fi rst com pact disc release. The record i n g featu res PLU m u sic p ro­ fessor David Dahl perfo rm i ng on the Brom­ baugh t racker organ at C h rist C h u rch, Tacoma. "The Bromba ugh organ conta ins all of the critical tonal elements needed to bring this colorful organ literature alive," sai d Da h l . T h e record ing presents sa m p l i ngs from German, Fren ch, Italian a n d Engl ish organ m usic from the golden period of the late Baroque era. Also ava i la ble on cassette, the record ing i s PLU A u d i o Reco rd i ngs' fifth rel ease in five years. In 1 985, Dahl and the Choir of the West recorded "J .s. Bach and the Chorale." A 1 986 Ch ristmas Record i n g , "Songs to the Shepherd," featured the Choir, U n iver­ sity Chorale and Washi ngton Brass Qui ntet. Dahl, the C h o ra l e a n d Everg reen Brass Qui ntet were featu red on the 1 987 "Cele­ b ration i n H y m n " reco r d i n g . Last year, " Passport" featu red the Choir perform i n g l ive d u ri n g its concert t o u r o f Engla n d . Records and cassettes o f all five record- ' ings are avai lable at 58.95. The "Grand Cen­ tury" com pact disc is 5 1 2 .95. Qua ntity dis­ counts a re available. For information or to pl ace orders, ca l l P L U Audio Recordi n gs, 1 -800-7 27-5566.


Decel1lber 1989

De velopmen t

Endowed Scholarships Sustain Her IMemory Of Husband, Son

Joe Clark chats with PLU students

Joe Clark Keynotes Luncheon

security Pacific Minority Scholars P rogram Announced More t h a n 200 Taco ma a rea l eaders attended a N o v . 1 3 downtown l u ncheon at wh ich Secu rity Pacific Bank Wash i n g­ ton presented $200,000 to PLU to endow scholarships for m i nor­ ity students st u d y i ng b u s i ness adm i n istration. Keynote speaker at t h e l u n­ cheon was Joe Cla rk, the contro­ ve rsial high school principal from Paterson, N.J., whose story was d ramatized in the m ovie, "Lean On Me." Later i n the day Clar visited the PLU campus to tal witll m i nority stu dents. Security Pacific President John

N u rses Cont i n u i ng Ed . Plans Five Wi nter Cou rses The Continuing N u rsing Ed uca­ tion program at Pacific Lutheran University is offering five cou rs­ es this wi nter. Core Concepts in C ritical Care N u rsing is offe red J a n . 2 3-Feb. 28. Twelve al l-day sessions will be offered for 85 contact hou rs. A morn i ng b reakfast progra m will be held in Fife on the topic " I\Ju rses and Social Workers: Col­ laboration i n Elder C a re." The Wed nesday, Feb. 1 5 p rog ra m provides 1 .8 contact hou rs. Telephone Triage and M anage­ ment is an al l-day session March 8 for six contact hou rs. The a n n u a l Women's Hea lth Care Conference for ARNPs is a l l day M a rch 9 fo r 7 . 5 contact hou rs. An al l-day session M a rch 1 3 provides an introduction to com­ puter tech nology in n u rsing for SIX contact hou rs. For more information call pro­ gram di rector Cynthia Ma honey at 535--7685.

C. Getze l m a n , w h o p resented the check to PLU President Wil­ liam Rieke, sa id the endowment wi l l help meet needs in both he p rivate sector and at the u n iver­ sity. 'The n u m ber of minority stu­ dents with busi ness degrees i s not keeping pace with a steady i nc rease in the n u m be r of m i n o r i t i es enteri ng t h e work fo rce," Getze l m a n sa i d . "The n u m ber of m i norities i n o u r fac­ tories a n d offi ce b u i l d i n gs is growi ng - t hey w i l l com prise 30 percent of the new entra nts i nto the l a bor force between now and the year 2000. " B u t thei r n u m ber i n i nstitu­ tions of higher learning is l i m it­ ed," he added. One national stud y in 1 985 showed that less tha n three per­ cent of b a c h e l or's deg rees awarded in the U n i ted States went to m i nority students. "That is a d istu rb i ng trend for a major e m p l oyer l i ke Secu rity Pacific," Getze l m a n co n t i n u e d . " W e not o n l y have a g rowi ng conti ngent of m i nority workers, b u t we d e p e n d on a stea dy st rea m of e d u cated p rofession­ a l s co m m itted to a career i n fi na nce." "This generous g ift u n d e r­ sco res P L U ' s co m m it m e n t to· p rovide access to higher educa­ tion for all stu dents," said R ieke. While the endowment is new, Secu rity Pacific M i n o rity Busi­ n ess S c h o l a rsh i p s h a ve been awarded t o PLU students fo r five years. This acade m i c yea r, 1 9 stu dents received from 5500 to $2, 500 toward their business education. The ba n k i s a n aff i l iate of Se c u r i t y P a c i fi c C o r p . , t h e nation's fifth l a rgest b a n k i ng company.

Warm m e m o ries of her l ate h u sband and son i n s p i red M rs. Thed a Tyler of Belfa i r, Wash., to do somet h i n g very spec i a l in t h e i r m e m o ry . She rece n t l y established a n endowed n u rsing sch o l a rsh i p fu n d , the Tyler Memorial Scholarshi ps, at Pacific Lutheran U n iversity. Reca l l i n g Fra n k, her h u sband of nearly 48 years who d ied i n 1 988 at a g e 69, she sa id, " We weren't j u st hu sband and wife, we were friends. He was a very sentimental and loving person, a nd we enjoyed each ot her's company." Her son, Steve, died in 1 978 at age 26. "He too was a very lov­ a ble, feeling kind of person who was very close to h i s p a rents," she added. The sch o l a rsh i ps have been fu nded by an end owed g ift of $1 60,000 and an i m mediate g ift of $6,000. The latter made possi­ ble t h e award of sc hola rs h i ps d u ri n g t h e 1 9 89-90 aca d e m i c yea r. Prior to her h usband's death the fa m i l y l i ved in P u ya l l u p, Was h . A World War I I vetera n, Frank was i n itially involved in the

m o rt u a ry b u s i n ess, but l a t e r took over his father's pesticide a n d gove r n m e n t s u p p l y b u si­ ness. An outdoors m a n , p rivate pi lot and t raveler, he a lso l i ked a l l kinds of electronics and " new gadgets." He p a rt i c i pated i n scou t i n g beca use h e loved being a ro u nd young people, h i wife rem em­ bered . "He was ki nd, always will­ ing to help his fel low man," she added. Son Steve, who attended Puy­ a l l u p High School and G reen Riv­ er Co m m u n i t y Col lege, h a d picked u p h is fat h er's love of fis h i n g , h u nt i n g a n d t h e out­ doors. He had been ma rried for fou r years but had no children. The fa m i ly's fa ith and deS i re to offer service to others were factors i n Theda's choice of PLU for the gene rous g ift in her hus­ b a n d's a n d son's n a m e . She is p l eased that the funds will be used to prepare young n u rsing stud ents for l ives of service. The scholarsh ips will also per­ pet u a t e t h e Ty ler n a m e, as Fra n k a n d Steve were t h e last male mem bers of the fa m i ly .

Seversons Esta b l ish Endovved Schola rsh i p Fu nd At PLU The Ralph a n d R u t h Severson Endowed Sch o l a rsh i p Fu nd has been established at PLU through p rov i s i o n s of a c h a ri t a b l e rem ainder u n itrust. The Seversons of Tiga rd, O re., have had ties with PLU and the Lutheran chu rch for many years. Son Gary of SeaUe is a member of the PLU board of regents. Daughter Gayle Severson Berg of M a rti nsdale, Mont., g ra d u ated from PLU in 1 972. A g randniece, J i l l Johnson, is a new PLU adm is­ sions cou nselor this fal l . The cou ple belongs t o St. Mat­ t hew Luthera n C h u rch, Beaver­ ton, O re., and the PLU Q C l u b . Severson is a retired business­ man whose son, Ma rk, now owns his former business, School Prod­ u cts, Inc. M rs. Severson was a teacher for many years. A fou rt h child, Alan, is an Alex-

a n d ria, VA., attorney for the U S Depa rtment of Transportation. The u n i t ru st will a lso en dow sch o l a rs h i ps at St. Olaf College, N o rthfield, M i n n . , wh ere Sever­ son was a stu dent, and Lutheran Bible I nstitute, Issaquah, Wash.

Raiph and Ruth Severson

scene December 1989

The Presiden t




BIKlH of GJ�T {


The \Villiam Rieke Family 1989 Front row: Bill and Joanne Rieke, Jessica and Joanna Smith, Jonathan Rieke; back row: Marcus and Paula Rieke; Susan and Jeffry Smith; Eileen, Stephen and Meghan Rieke. Design and calligraphy by Paul Porter, Director of Graphics and Publications

scene DeCember


12 Heritage

8asketbal l - Pa rt Two By r. Philip Nordquist centennial Historian

(This is the 1 4t h feature in a 20-part se ries) PLU's most pu blic i zed success­ es d u r i ng the 1 9 5 0s a n d early 1 960s were i n ath letics, especial­ ly basketbal l . The best basketba ll teams in the i nstitu ti on 's history e m e rged after 1 9 5 5 , a n d records appeared that have not been equ a l ed . F rom 1 95 5 to 1 964 the basketba l l teams won the Evergre en conference cham­ pi o n ship n i n e times in ten years and went to the NAIA tou rna­ ment in Kansas City seven t i mes, fi nishing third in 1 9 57 and sec­ ond in 1 9 59. There were ten a ll-conference Lutes du ri ng that period, most selected more than once. Six of those al l-conference pl ayers lat-

er ea rned adva nced degrees; fou r earned doctorates, conti n u­ i ng a tradition of sc holar-ath­ letes that goes back to the Uni­ versity's fi rst d e c a d e a n d cont i n u es to the present. Bas­ ketba l l success d i d not mea n academ ic anemia. The g reatest of those basket­ ball teams were the Marv Harsh­ m a n a n d Gene L u n d g a a rd coached 1 956-1 959 tea ms whic h featu red the fa m o u s t r i o of Chuck Cu rtis, Roger Iverson, and Jim Van Beek, and a n able sup­ portin g cast . Th ose tea ms won 1 00 ga mes and lost o n l y 1 6, they were 49-3 in the Evergreen Conference ( 36-0 from 1 9 5 7 to

A � C E N T E N N I A L � T R E A S U R E Coming May 1 990


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Service, PLU

Offe r ,ood throu,h March 30, 1990_

Edw:ating for

1959 L u tes - From left, Roger Iverson, Jim Van Beek, Chuck Curtis, Bob Roiko, Norm Oahl and coach Gene Lun dgaard.

1 95 9 ) , They won second a nd t h i rd place finishes at the Kansas City to u rn a m e nt a n d m o st experts and a l l PLU fans t h i n k they ca me with i n seconds of the n a t i o n a l ch a m p i o n s h i p i n 1 957 (Dick B a rnett, who later starred in the NBA, h it a 35-foot fa ll-away jump shot as time was r u n n i n g o u t a n d Ten n e ssee State defeated the Lutes 71 ·70>. Those tea ms a lso pl ayed the mo st d ra m a t i c a n d exc i t i n g series of games any PLU basket­ b a l l team has eve r p l ayed, agai nst the national Amate u r A t h l et i c U n i o n power B u c h a n Bakers, a team l oade d with recently g raduated west coast basketba l l talent. It wo uld have been i m poss i b l e to stuff more noise or people i nto Memorial Gym d u ring those games. PLU lost only once. Curtis and Iverson were ai l-con­ ference fo u r ti mes each, Van Beek twice. Cu rtis and Iverson made the NAIA a l l-tou rnament teams in 1 95 7 and 1 9 59. Cu rtis was PLC's fi rst l ittle All-American basketba l l pl ayer in 1 9 5 9 . That same year he was drafted by the NBA's Detroit Pi stons and l ater played for the National Indust rial Basketba ll League's New York Tuck Tapers a n d then for the American Basket b a l l Lea g u e's New York Ta pers and Pittsburg Rens. Iverson and Van Beek were dom inant players on the reg ional AAU circuit fo r many years, the bionic Va n Beek for two decades. In 1 9 71 Iverson made the NAIA Al l-Ti me Tournament Team and in 1 972 Marv Harshman and Iver­ son were na med to the NAIA Hall of Fame. Curtis and Iverson are st ill the leadin g scorers i n PLU basketbal l history and Van Beek is tenth. Basket b a l l was e n o r m o u s l y popular on the PLC campus (and i n Tacoma) d u ri n g this period. M e m o ria l Gym was reg u l a rly fil led to overflowing with people and noise (much made by a the­ ater organ, brought from Seat­ tle and installed in the Gym, that used to shake t h e wal ls). Why the buil ding was not reduced to

r u b b l e i n mome nts of great frenzy i s hard to u ndersta nd. The teams a nd PLC got a great deal of press and television cov­ erage. It was an excit i n g ti me, and memories are vivid. The orchestrator of those bas­ ketb all su ccesses, Marv Harsh­ man, left PLC fo r Was h i ngton State U n iversity in 1 9 58. He was rep l aced by Gene Lu n d g a a rd . Harshman had coached t h i rteen years at PLC and won 2 3 6 games; h e would coach thi rteen more at WSU, and com pleted his forty-year coach i n g career at the U n i ve rsity of Washi ngton where he was widely recog n ized as one of the fi nest coaches i n the nation. PLU players and fans had known that fo r years. PLU tea ms d i d n ot ret u r n to the national tournament in 1 960 a n d 1 96 1 , but from 1 96 2 to 1 964 they did once aga i n . They were led by the h i gh-j u m p i n g scori ng, reb ounding, and clown­ i n g of Swed ish i m po rt H a n s Al bertss o n a n d t h e daz z l i n g j u m p shooting of Tom Whalen. Both were a l l-conference. M a rv Fredrickson (who along with Gus K ravas was a lso a l l-co nference) added a new award to the ath­ letic trophy case in 1 96 3 when he won the Uston Award (which went to the NAIA's most accom­ pl ished scho lar-athlete>. Despite nu merous conference champ ionsh ip s since 1 964, PLU has not been able to return to the n a t i o n a l NAIA basket ba l l tou rnament. Central Washi ng­ ton State U niversity has become the d o m i n a n t l o c a l p o w e r . Ret u rn i n g t o Kan sas C ity after an ab sence of a quarter of a centu ry wou ld be a n ice way to celebrate the centen n ial, howev­ er, ce rta i n ly for t h ose who re m e m b e r t h e d ra m a a n d excitement of 1 9 5 5 -1 964, and certa inly for the present coach and tea m . Fol l ow the Lu tes i n yo ur local newspaper and i f you are determ ined to help subsid ize travel to national tournam ents (1 34 ath l etes and twelve teams last year) join the Lute Club. (Next time: Women a t PW)


Mud On The Leaves

A Time of Antici pation

By Harvey J. Neufeld Vice President , Church Relations

By John D . Aakre Executive Director of the Annual Fund

By the time you read t h is col· umn, mos of the maple leaves on ca m p u s wi l l be gone, They have long resisted the energetic clean-up of our groundskeepers, Some were blown away. Others were swept away, raked away, p icked up or su cked u p , In a word, they were attacked, p l un­ d e red, m u lched, b u rned or stac k ed on th e compost h ea p with fervent environmental zest H owever, s o m e l ea ves st i l l rem a i ned . I celebrate t h e victory of one leaf, caked with mud, p u m m eled by ti res and feet, pelted with ra i n . I t defies all modes of destruction and now rests safely on my desk. Even by itself, it is stra ngely bea ut i fu l w i t h i ts blotched ru sset su rfa ce not unl ike a martian l a ndscape. It is a reminder of t h e golden carpet of warm October days. It tells us about the cycles of l ife, the com­ ings and goi ngs of a l l t h i n gs w h i c h b e l o n g to t h e nat u ra l order. Natu re not only ca resses and i nspires us, but buffets us as wel l. The order of t h i ngs is what we rage against Days move on. N ights too. The fam i ly moves on.

Children, too. Life moves on and claims the weak and the old and the sick among us. But one leaf at least su rvives and m u d or n ot. declares t h e beauty o f l ife, the ruggedness of every part of God's creation Not ju st leaves, but h u ma n s also endu re. Some o f those spe­ cial persons a n d d i st i n g u ished col leagues - in the autumn of theIr years - were guests at the PLU p resident·s C h ristmas tea party. I was t h ere t h i s yea r to hel p greet persons. It is a grand occasion. Some of these fol ks shuffle a n d shake. Some wobble a n d qu ake. Some stand tall. One is i n a wheel chair. All conve rse with enthusiasm . They d ress roya lly and eat heart­ ily. They end u re with dlg nity. In a word t h ey a re bea utifu l a n d their dign i ty transfo rms every­ one whose life they touch. As I store my golden, i m per­ fect and muddied leaf between the pages of Malachai and Mat­ thew for fu t u re i n s p i ration, I al so store i n my memory t h e bea u ty o f P L U ' s friends. T h e i r im perfections make t h e m a l l the more endea ring.

The Ch ristmas season is a time of antici pation. Ch ristmas l ights go u p on the house. C h i l d ren begin to d ream a bout the pre­ sents t h ey h o p e to recei ve u nder the tree. Advent wreaths a re lit and the cand les cou nt down the weeks until Christmas day. When t hat day arrives we cele­ b rate the g reatest gift of a l l The Ch rist child i n a m a nger i n B et h le h e m . A s w e reflect o n God's gift to us, we understand the powerfu l i m agery at work d u ri n g t h i s season w h e n we share our own gifts with others. You r Q C l u b g i ft s t o Pacifi c Lutheran U n iversity t h i s Ch rist­ mas represent a marvelous pre· sent to our students. These gifts provide them with the opport u n ity to m a ke t h e most o f the many talents the Lord has given them. The majori· ty of those students don't know too m uch about t h e Q Club. But perhaps that's not very i m por· tanto What they do know is that someone cares. T h a n k you for being the kind of peo ple who give to others.

December is a time of a ntici pa­ tion for the Q Clu b too. Over a q u a rter of a l l Q C l u b gifts are received i n the month of Decem· ber That means we can't relax just because we a re a l ittle a h ead of last year's tota ls th roug h Novem ber. H ow many of you respond during the next few weeks w i l l d eter m i ne h ow many PLU Students we can help i n the year a head . So we wait. and antici pate. During the early years of the Q C l u b's existence we d id n't top the 5200,000 m a rk i n a n n u a l gifts until 1 977. This year m ore than t h a t wi l l be rece ived i n Jecem ber a l one. Total Q C l u b gifts s i n ce 1 9 7 2 w i l l e xceed 57.75 mil lion by the end of the month . Yet in order to help the many students who need finan· cial assistance today, the Q C l u b mu st ra ise 5 1 ,000,000 or more each year by 1 99 1 . So we are torn between two p o l es. We need to celeb rate o u r su ccess and antici pate what it will take to conti nue that success i n the years ahead.

We wou l d l i ke to welcome the fol l owing i nd i viduals, businesses and chu rches who have joined the Q C l u b si nce the last issue of SCENE: Increase from Junior to Regular Member Johnson. James M.

New Junior Members <$120/year age 26 and under)

The Joy Of G ivi ng By Ed Larson Director of Planned Giving

Giving a gift of charity was always the farth est t h i ng from Joe's m i nd (J oe is not h is real nameD. J oe was one of t h ose persons about whom everyone who knew h i m sa id, "He sti l l has the fi rst dollar he ever had!" Joe even adm its to t h i s day that at one time he hated the idea of giving anything away. One day a few years ago a rep­ resentative from PLU met with Joe. The pu rpose of the meeting was to tell J oe about PLU about the U n iversity's m ission and goals. And - to ask Joe if he would consider a g ift to PLU . At first J oe questioned the idea of making any kind of gift to the University, but for some reason, to make a long story short, Joe

relented and made that first gift (a smal l giftD. L i t t l e by l i t t l e Joe's g i fts i ncreased in a m o u n t and fre­ qu ency. To t h i s day, he rea l ly isn't su re j u st why t h i s is t h e case. But o n e t h i ng is su re, a n d Joe is qu ick to t e l l t h i s to any­ one, somewhere along the way Joe began to feel somet h i ng special. There was a "joy of giv­ ing." Each of us has the potential to experience this "joy of giving!" It begins with one's first g ift and g rows with every su bsequent gift . The fee l i ng is u ndeniable. F i n d someone who knows h ow to make a gift and you will fi nd someone who knows the "joy of giving."

Amoth . Kevin and Merry Beck. Laura Blue. Thomas Bradley. Craig and Shelley Brazil, James and Michelle Chun. Susan Edlund. Julia Elston. Scott and Michelle Foss. Sara Gard. Jerald ,Graves. Kari Grover, Stephen Hajek. Angela Hinman. Dana Hussey. Lisa Jacobson. Brian Jenks, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Krause. Sandra LeWarne. Charles Marks. Terry McNally, Dennis and Marv Milburn, catherine Motter. RiChard Ottoson. Mark Pabst. Shawn Pfeil. Kristina Pinkham. Gay Ann Raedeke. Scott Runnels. Brae Sorenson. Karis Stewart. Todd Taylor. Caren linn Taylor. Paul Tilly. Bart Visser. Kath rvn Wagner. Gina Wilson. Jeff and Pat

For more information on this u n ique ret i rement plan, write or cal l (collectl:

Edgar Larson Director of Planned Giving Pacific Lutheran U niversity Office of Development Tacoma, WA 98447 (206) 5 35-7420

New Fellows <$1 000·2399/year) Fairbanks Lutheran Church Robinson. Tom and Gladys

Increase to Fenow


John and Marv Harold LeMay Enterprises Hartman, Paul Nornes. Sherman and Gloria

New Associate fellOws <$480-999iYear) Brown. Roger and Jane DeWitt, Bill and Katherine Dicks. Norm Peterson. Edwin A.

Increase to ASSOciate FeUow Bennett. carl and Myra Byerly. Howard Hegtvedt, Cha rles and Orie Russell, Pam and Alan

New Members <$240-479/year) Benson. Enfrid and Merle Billings. Mitch and Paula Blythe. William Braafladt. Walter and Jeanette CarmiChael. David and Bonnie Fatland. Dennis and Janet Fi nseth. Terrv and Michele Fregeau. Wilfred Gislesen. Hal Helgeson. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Herlevi. Michael J. Hoffman, Charles Johnson, Dennis and Joan Jones. Susan Kalnins, MariS Kovanen. Archie Kramer. Paul J. Liljeblad. Chervl Umaye. Prakash Nelson. Kenneth and Anita Nelson. Richard and Margie Parmenter. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Porter, Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Randolph. Ernest and Charlotte Red Wing Shoes Rudge. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Stenerson. Stan and Sharon Storaasli, Ken and catherine Storaasli. Les and Carol Voris. Mr. & Mrs. William Williamson. Mr. & Mrs. Martin

scene I)ft8tIIbet' 1 989


Alumni Ch pter Activity: A Six-Month R cap

Pride I n PLU By Jame-s Hushagen '70 PreSident, Alumni ASsociation

June - Camirillo-Thousand Oaks, calif.

Alumni and friends gathered to honor former PLU faculty and staff l iving in the area, including Pa ul and Marjorie Reigstad, John and Ruth Kuethe and Li nka Preus Johnson . Ph i l i p Nordqu ist. PLU's Centennial h istorian, was t h e featu red speaker. The h ost was Jon Olson '62. Forty-th ree people attended,

JUne - San Diego, Calif.

Pride has had a checkered h is­ tory The early c hu rc h fat h e rs listed pride as one of the "seven deadly sins," right down t here with l ust greed, avari ce, envy, gluttony and slot h . The New Tes­ tamen Inveighed against pride, equating i t wit h arrogance and haughti ness. Recently, h owever, pride has made a comeback. Self-estee m p rog ra ms u rge c h i l d ren to be p roud of themselves and t heir accompl ish ments, Ou r political leaders u rge us to be proud of our cou ntry and, o u r com m u ni­ ties. EveryonE:, it seems, is u rged to be proud of somet h i ng. As PLU a l u m n i , we certa i n ly can take p ride i n PLU and its ach i evements. M a n y n a t i o n a l p u b l i cations, i n c l u d i n g m ost recently u.s. News and World Report, have consistently rated PLU as one of America's best u ni­ versities, PLU's enteri n g fresh­ men rate in the top 1 0% of all entering fresh m e n based o n average SAT scores. PLU's record of 1 8 F u l b right sch o l a rs i n t he past 1 4 years, includ i ng t h ree in 1 989, is extraordinary and p rob­ ably un matched by a ny s i m i l a r institution. PLU a lso consistently gets m o re t h a n its s h a re of Nation a l M e r i t Sc h o l a rs and recently enrol led its second Pres­ idential Scholar. The University's successes are not all in academ i cs, h owever. The su ccess of PLU's ath letic teams is wel l known, with honors too numerous to relate, i nclud­ ing t h e women's soccer team's unprecedented second consecu­ tive national cha mpionsh i p . The Un iversi ty's m u sical g ro u ps, including the Choir of the West, are n a t i o n a l l y k n ow n a n d acclai med.

J u st as t h e a l u m n i can b e proud of PLU, so also c a n PLU b e p r o u d o f i t s a l u m n i . Some 25,000 strong, PLU alumni have d isti n g u i sh ed t h emsel ves i n every facet o f American l ife. To name j st a few, consider the work of W i l l iam Foege ('57) i n erad icating small pox; Duane Ber­ entson ('51 ) in creating Washing­ ton's com mercial i nfrastruct u re as t h e Di rector of Transporta­ tion, and of Judit h Billi ngs ('6 1 ) i n i m p roving t h e ed ucation of Was h i ngton's c h i l d re n as t he Su peri ntendent of Public Instruc­ tion. N u m e rous other PLU a l u m n i a re having a profound effect o n society a s educators, health care professionals, m i n isters, busi ness l eaders and citizens, O u r world would be different, and p robably a l ittle worse, but for PLU and its alumni. While PLU and its a l u m n i can certainly be proud of each oth­ er, neither can be compl acent. The futu re is perilous, PLU's financial strength does not cur­ rently e q u a l i t s a ca d e m i c strengt h . T h e m a rket for t h e best a n d t he b rightest students and fac u l ty is g rowi ng i n c reas­ ingly com pet i ive PLU's cont i n­ ued g rowth in Q ality requ i res a great deal of work and su bstan­ tial su pport from PLU's a l u m n i and friends. PLU is a place of which a l u m n i can b e justifiably p roud. P L U i s a winner, and we can be p roud to support a winner. As PLU heads i nto its cente n n i a l year, t h e Alumni Association takes contin­ ued p ride i n PLU's acco m pl ish­ ments and dedicates itself to making PLU an even better place in its second centu ry.

Fifteen persons gathered at Scripps Institute of Oceanography to hea r Sheri Tonn, the cha i r of the PLU chem istry department. The topic was "The Health of Our Bays. " The host was Jim Haaland '58. August - Orange County , Calif . .

The home of David Li pscom b '84 was the site of an a l u m n i salmon barbeQue. Fifteen a l u m n i attended .

September - Greater Los Angeles, Calif.

More than a dozen Lute fol l owers gathered at the home of P ggy Lochmann '84 to view, one day fol lowi ng the game, a video of the PLU-UPS Tacoma-Dome football clash . october - TOkyo, Japan

N ineteen a l u m n i and friends gathered for a banquet at the Tokyo Garden Palace Hotel to hear PLU President William Rieke and Vice­ President for Finance and Operations Donald Stu rg i l l . The host was Kiyotada Fuj ita '86. Formal orga nization of the Japan A l u m n i Chapter is expected next year. October - 0510, Norway Eighty-nine a l u m n i , friends and special guests gathered at an Oslo restau rant to hear Dr. Rieke and PLU admin istrators Lau ra Polcyn and Cha rles Nelson . Jerry Kracht, PLU music p rofessor on sabbatical in Europe at the time, provided special m usic. H e was accompanied by Trygve Traedel, an Oslo music p rofessor and h usband of Heidi (Wold '87) Traedal. (Traedal wi l l be the featu red plano soloist d u ring the October '90 PLU Symphony Orchestra concert . He will perform G riefs concerto for piano and orchestra,) October - Gig Harbor, waSh.

The Gig Harbor Chapter co-sponsored a reception for N i kolai Petrov fol l owing his concert at Tacom a 's Panta ges Centre. Seve nty-t h ree persons attended. C h a pter p res ident Betty H offma n '68 a n d her husba nd Alfred, Chari '51 and Stanley Blackwood, and Ingrid '48 and Carl '49 Fynboe were hosts.

Class Notes 1 939

1 963

Rev. Cerhard O. Reitz of Spokane, Wash., is a n Interim Pastor at Central Lutheran, Spokane.

Robert Olsen is h e Lutheran chap· lain at Rainier School, a state residential school for the developmentally disabled in Buckley. He and is family live in Park· land. Kaye (Wblsler '64) is the store activities representative for a McDon­ ald's restau rant in Tacoma.

1 948 John NICOlai reti red from active m i n istry J u ly 31 at age 6S. John and his wife have plans to travel in the U.S. to visit family, friends and places of i nter· est.

1 954 Dr. Evangeline L. Rlmbach was appointed chairman of the music depart­ ment at Concordia Coliege, River Forest, III., in July. She accompanied the college choir, the Kapelie, on their concert tou r of West and East Germany and Austria i n June.

1 955

ALU M N I SPO NSOR E D CENTE N N IAL TOU R Adventures in Scand i navia

Fabulous Two Week Vacation (with an optional 4 day/3 n ight Leningrad extension) Copenhagen - Oslo - The Fjo rds of Norway - Bergen - Stockholm Baltic m i n i-cru ise to Helsi n ki

August 1 -1 4, 1 990 5 3,449 (from Seattle-Tacoma) for reservations or information call

(206) 5 3 5-741 5

or write: Walt Shaw, Di rector of A l u m n i Relations (NACl PLU, Tacoma, WA 98447

Don Caardner of Pierre, S.D., took 30-year retirement from the Lutheran ministry and is a n agent for Woodmen Accident Life I n s u ra nce. W i fe Alta (Prestbye) cont i n u es to teach t h i rd grade at Fort Pierre. Daughter Sonia is married and in banking; daughter Karla is a consultant with Liz Claiborne i n New York. Capt. patricia J. MoriS is moving to a new home i n Boise, Id., to enjoy retire· ment.

1 957 Rev. Kenneth Torvlk, 5 8 , d i e d Oct. 1 in Tacoma. He served as a Lutheran pastor from 1 961 through 1 984 at vari· ous northwest c h u rc h es and was c u r­ rently the chaplain at the Special Offend­ ers Center, M o n roe, Wash. S u rvivors i nclude wife, Cha rlotte; t h ree children; and two grandchildren.

1 967 Paul Olsen is the registr a r at St. Thomas U n iversity in Miami, FL He and wife Karen (Walley '72) live i n Planta· tion, Fl.

1 968 Larry Udman of Everett, W a s h ., spent two weeks wandering Israel i n November, then returned t o h i s dog, Sam, his rented houses, and the plumb­ ing.

1 969 Rick Holmes res i g n ed from the Navy in 1 986 a n d works fo r Delta Air Lines flying L·1 0 1 1 's between Los Ange· les and Hawaii. He married an attorney in San Diego where they reside.

1 970 Jeanne Phay of Post Falls, Id., won a 1 990 Cadillac from Mary Kay Cosmetics. Julie (NyhUS! Medi na wants to regain contact with classmates. Please write her at: 802 W. Linden St., Lonisville, Co. 80027.

Continued on page 15

scene December 1989


'79 Alumna IS First Black

Class Notes

woman TO Hold synod Post

Continued from page 14

1 971 Rhoda Christian of Bothell, Wash., clinic services coordinator at U n iversity of Wash ington Medical Center, won the UWMC employee of the month award for July '89. She was recognized by Uni­ versity Eye Center physicians for her commitment to the values of account­ ability, respect, i n novation, service and excellence, She h as worked at the Eye Center for 1 0 years,

1 973 Kari SChlewitz is employed by Fred Meyer, Inc. as general merchandise man­ ager She invites alumni friends to write her at 1 391 1 -B 1 3th Dr, S.E., Mill Creek, Wash, 9801 2. Dennis Anderson of Seattle, Wash" was appointed by Seattle Mayor Charles Royer to serve a th ree-year term on the City of Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board.

1 974 Rev. Kathryn Lepard was cal led to serve as pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Ch u rch i n P i n e h u rst, I d . , where she moved with her children, Jenn ifer (1 1 ) and James (8). Brian Berg is a computer software consultant spec i alizing in software for optica l storage devices, including CD­ ROM. He is co-editor of a book, Software for Optical Storage, which h e recently presented to the PLU computer science department library. He and wife, Joyce, became parents of a daughter, Elizabeth Avery, M a rch 22. Laura M. Rutland and husband are b u i lding their own home near Homer, Alaska. Laura's writing efforts are on hold while she recovers from a crushed right thu m b suffered while splitting this winter's supply of wood. During her recu­ peration she would love to have old friends and classmates write her at P.O. Box 1 965, Homer, Alaska 99603. Rev. Franklin A. Wilson accepted an I m ma nuel Lutheran Church call to serve as pastor. Pastor Wilson, wife Mar­ cia ('7 1 ), and children, Katie, a sixth grader, A n d rew, a t h i rd grader, a n d John, a k i n d e rg a rtner, moved f r o m Olympia, Wash., t o Silverton, are. Andrew L. Turner, research di rector at Frank Russell Co" was honored as one of "Ten Outstanding Young Persons" par­ ticipating in a special exchange program with the Osaka Junior Chamber Inc. Kathy Keele is the corporate m a r­ keting manager at ASC Pacific in Sacra­ mento, Calif. Coming from Seattle, she is enjoying the sunshine and earthquakes. She plans to visit Island Kingdom of Ton­ ga next spring, having just returned from Guatemala. She often runs into PLU grads in her travels.

1 975 Boise Opera a n d the Washington Idaho Symphony joined forces in a concert at Beasley Coliseum on the WSU campus which featured Julie Holland as a solo­ ist. Julie is well-known to Idaho audiences through h e r a p pea rances with Boise Opera in the title role in "Lucia d i Lam­ mermoor" and as Susanna in "The Mar­ riage of Figaro." She performed "M icae­ la's Aria" at the Pullman Concert. James Degan of Lima, Ohio, is assis­ tant professor of English for Ohio State University at Lima.

1 976 Doug ElY was promoted to manager of traffic services at Kransco. Doug and Cretchen (Jerde '77) live in Fremont Calif., with children E rica (8) and Michael (2),

By JudV Davis


1 979 PlU graduate is the fi rst ord a i ned b l a ck wo m­ an to receive an appOintment to a n Eva ngelical Lutheran C h u rch in Am erica ( E LCA) synod staff anywhere i n the nation. S i nce Septem ber, Maria A l m a Cope l a nd has been d i rector of m u lt i-c u l t u r a l m i n istries for the North Caro l i na Synod that serves 86,500 E LCA mem bers i n 2 2 3 parishes. S h e is o n e o f five mem­ bers of the cabi net of the Rev. M ichael C D. McDaniel, bi shop of the North Caro l i na Synod . I n her new position, the gradu­ ate of L u t h e r N o rt h western Theolog ical Sem i n a ry is responsi­ ble for various synod social rnin­ istries i n cl u d i ng Fa m i l y L ife, W o m e n of t h e E v a n g e l i c a l C h u rc h o f A m e r i c a n ( W E LC A), Luth eran Fa m i ly Services a n d t h e Com m i ttee o n Legal Matters and Constitutional Review. "When I a rrived at the syn od, I had a colossal welcome from H u rrica ne H ugo; si nce I ' m responsi b l e for t h e S y n o d 's social m i n istries, I was i n vo lved in d i saster rel i ef effo rts," she revealed, A dynamic speaker, Rev. Cope­ land a lso is the synod eva ngelist. As a resu l t, she is ava i l a ble to serve i n eva ngelical capaci ties for churches a round the synod and works with the other pastor­ evangel ists i n the synod. Besides receivi ng the synod appOintment, Maria has a nother accolade to her cred it: I n J u ly, she will be the keynote speaker i n Anahei m , Cal if., at a joint cele­ bration of E LCA women in m i n is­ try a n d WELCA who w i l l com­ memorate the 20th a n n iversary Joseph Beaulieu is the new execu­ tive d i rector of the Olym piafThurston County Chamber of Commerce. He was chosen from a mong 94 candidates, according to Dave Hubert, a spokesman for the chamber. Joseph lives i n Thur­ ston County with wife, Christy, and 1 4year-old daughter, Molly. scott C. Wakefield became d i rector at the law firm of Reed McClu re, Moceri Thonn and Moriarty. He rep resents cli­ ents in commercial litigation, including construction, lease and contract d is­ putes, as well as product liability, person­ al injury and professional negligence claims. peter and Mary Ellen (EZell '77) Culsrud of Spokane announce the birth of Ph ilip John on September 7th. He joins Natalie (9'Y2) and M a ren (8). Peter is a g raduate assistant at Gonzaga University while completing a masters in a d m i n is­ t ration, curriculum and instruction, along with his principal certification. Mary Ellen i s on leave from her pa rt-time clinical instructor pOS ition i n the registered nurse program at Spokane Community College. Max and JOY (Larson '76) castillO of Potomac, Md., have two sons, Matthew (5) and Bryan (3). Max is a health science ad m i n istrator with the Food and Drug Administration and Joy is a senior finan­ cial analyst with the FDIC (Federal Depos­ it Insurance Corporation) in Washington, D.C.

of the ord i nation of women i n E LCA. "This spea king engagement is espec i a l l y mea n i ngfu l t o m e s i n ce I was o n ce very self­ conscious a bout my h usky voice which I was told made me sound hatefu l ! " a d m itted Rev. Cope­ land. "As a resu lt, I began to speak so softl y, peo ple could h a rd ly hear me," she cont i n u ed. It was not u nt i l she was at PLU and was told by W i l l i a m Becvar, com m u nications professor, that her voice had a n " u n usual reso­ na nce which ca n be developed," that she gai ned pride and self­ confidence i n her vo ice a n d speaking abi l ity.

Rev. Maria Alma Copeland

"My education at PLU a lso was helpful in sem i n a ry where I was told I h a d come with a well­ rou nded backgro u n d i n B i b l ical studies," she related. I nspi red to p u rsue her c h i l d­ h ood d rea m of beco m i ng a m i n­ i ster after a m i raculous esca pe from a b u r n i ng automobile i n 1 9 72, Rev. Copeland was i n her

m i d-40's before she enrolled at PLU. I n her m i n isterial pu rsu i ts, Rev. Copeland sa id she has had the full su pport of her fa m i l y, including her husband, who has retired from a career in the m i li­ ta ry; a n d her d a u g h ter, now g rown. Si nce her ordi nation, she has served as a pa rish m i n ister as wel l as a member of the Army chapla i n corps. In Rev. Copeland's opinion, she and other women pastors bring a "ca ring, n u rturing concept" to the m i n istry. "We a lso have a h igh patience level - we a re tenacious in our behavi or," sa id Rev. Copeland, who describes these qual ities as "God-g iven g ifts which c o m ple­ ment the strengths of male pas­ tors." Rev. Copeland offers generous praise to PLU for its role in help­ i ng her develop her "God give n g ifts" w h i c h h a s lead to success i n the m i nistry. She said, "I thank God a lways for my experiences at PLU a n d for t hose whose l ives e n riched m i ne." •

1 977

1 979

Jody watson of Quincy, WaSh., mar­ ried Steve Lund Nov. 1 1 th at St. Paul Lutheran Church. Jody is an R.N. at Kitti­ tas Valley Co m m u n ity Hospita l . The Lunds farm on Royal Slope. stuart and Kathy (Keonlg) Rlgall of Wi nston, are., have three sons, Gabe (7), Daniel (5), and Stephen (2 1 /2). Stu teaches elementary music at McGovern Elementary School and Kathy teaches piano privately. Dr. Allen and Nora (Thompson) Hlb· bard and ch ildren Dashiell and Alexan­ dra just returned from four years at the American University i n Cairo, Egypt, and will be repatriating for a year i n Seattle. Jan otto was ordained as a pastor of the ELCA this fall and is currently serving Celebration Lutheran of Puyallup, Wash. as associate pastor. Vicki L. Anderson died of cancer Nov. 8, 1 989. She had been a bartender for several Portland area restau rants and lounges and was a member of St. Matthew Lutheran Church.

Bob & Cheri (Lust) Adams of Port­ land, are., announce the b i rth of their first child, Kelvin Ryan, born Aug. 23. Allen Bessette lives i n Belli ngham, Wash., and is co-owner and manager of AI's R.V. Center. Michael R. Webby was n a m e d human resources director for Clackamas County, Wash. He assumed office Nov. 1 6, 1 989. peggy (Paugh) Leuzlnger graduat­ ed from Luther Northwestern Seminary in St. Paul, M i n n . in May of 1 988. She served a nine month clinical pastoral education residency at Mercy Medical :enter in Coon Rapids, Minn. On July 1 , 1 989, she married Steve Leuzinger and after receiving a call to serve as . pastQr at First Lutheran of Cosmos, M inn. and Beckville Lutheran of Litchfield, M i n n . was ordained o n Dec. 9 , 1 989. T h e couple lives in Lake Lillian, Minn.

"Not long ago, a wom a n ca me u p to me after I had spoken to a congregation and sa id, 'Oh, how I would l ove to have you r voice and projection! ' "It made me feel very proud to know that, with the encou r­ agement of my PLU professor, I had clai med my voice as God 's g ift and developed it," she said. Rev. Copeland a lso pra ises Dr. Kenneth Christopherson, profes­ sor of rel igion, for provid i ng her with a backg rou n d in ea rly ch u rch h istory which she sti l l uses i n Bibl ica l sem inars s h e con­ ducts.

1 978 Lynn Jordan, after 1 0 years of teach­ ing in Lake Oswego, are., moved his fami­ ly back home to Montana. He teaches choral music at Laurel High School, Lau­ rel, Mont. Lynda Ramsey Silvey moved back to the West Coast Folsom, Calif., with husband, Brian, after one year near M i n­ neapolis.

1 980 Lu ke Garret Yandell was born to Gene & call Ann (MCCracken) Yandell of Woodinville, Wash. Oct. 7. He joins Adam (7 1/2) and Jenae (6). Patricia Marie Evoy and James Allen Funfar were married July 29 in St. Pat­ rick Catholic Church, Tacoma. Patricia works for Tacoma Public Schools and James works for MicroSoft Corp. They live in Kent, Wash.

Continued on page ' 16


Class Nates Continued from page 1 5

Diana Angeline Skiblel a n d David John Madden of Oakland, Calif, were married Aug. 5 i n Oberlin Cong reg ational Church, Steilacoom , Wash. Diana works for Blue Shield of California a nd David works for Harbert Corporation. Jeff Peck is the new elementary prin­ cipal i n the Lake Chelan School District. Chelan El ementary has over 570 stu­ dents and over 30 staff. Jeff and wife Margo (Student '81 ) live i n Chelan, Wash. Tom and Anne (AltierI) Ludlow of Bainbridge Island, Wash., have three chil­ dren, Rosie (9) and Oliver (6), that Anne homeschools, and Hannah (2 1 /2), who keeps everybody hopping. Tom is a freel­ ance video producer. He produced a vid­ eo for Wycliffe Bible Translators in Africa d u ring October. Hilde BJorhovde works as a reporter for Aftenposten, Oslo, but is on a leave of absence due to the birth of son Hak­ on, J u ne 21 , 1 989. He joins b rother Erik, born in July 1 986.

1 981 Jonl (Jerln) Campbell and husband Bruce of Cody, Wyo., are the proud par­ ents of Lauren Elizabeth, born Sept. 1 2 . Joni i s taking off from teaching to b e at home with Lauren. Diane (van Vleet) Olsen and h us­ band Rich ard of San Diego, C a l if., annou nce the b i rth of Caroline Alise Olsen on April 20. She joins sister Chris­ tine Victoria (3 1 /2). Grandparents include Audrey (Gjerde) Bowers and Jewel (Kelly) Olsen, PLU 1 953-55. G reat Grandmother Christine Olsen worked as housekeeper in "Old Main" d u ring the 50s & 60s. Diane is a part-time staff n u rse in Poway, Calif. Richard is a n accountant for Lockheed Corporation. Randy and Cynthia ( Nelson) . Blank were transferred to Cary, III. Ran­ dy was promoted to credit admin istrator r for GE Capital. They expect their second child in March. Anita (Holmberg) Schebler and h u sband Steve of Phoe n i x , A r i z . , annou nce t h e b i rth o f Leah M a rie o n January 24. Kevin Barnard of Anchorage, Alaska, recently ma rried Janet Cl ifton and has worked for U nderwater Construction for two years.

1 982


Don Mooney of New Orleans, La., works in Tulane'S E nvironmental Law clin­ ic as an environmental law fellow attor­ ney. Stacey A n n e Sylvia and W. Scott Logan of Tacoma were married August 12 in Fresno, Calif Stacey works for the Tacoma School District and Scott is doing business as Winning Seasons Silk Screen­ ing. Susan Louise Worthington and Philip Karl Sorensen of Tacoma were m a r­ ried Aug. 5 in Queen A n ne Lutheran Church, Seattle, Wash. Susan works at McChord Credit Union and Philip works for the state of Washington. 1st Lt. Oneida Battle is one of the top ten Outstanding Yo u n g Women of America, a n award recogn izing young women whose time, talents and dedica­ tion have enriched the quality of Ameri­ can life. She is the executive officer of the 541 st Personal Services Company, and the G u a rd's full-time state equal employment manager. She is working on her master's i n social science at PLU. I

James V. Thompson was awarded the Chartered Financial Analyst designa­ tion by the Trustees of the Institute of · CFA. This d i sti n g u i shed designation required a dedicated effort to pass three six-ho u r examinations over a m i n i m u m of three years. Robert W. Gomulklewlcz married Andrea J. Lairson o n Oct. 1 4 at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Seattle. H e is a n attorney at Shidler, McBroom, Gates & Lucas.

1 983 Stephanie (Nelson) Mantey of Vancouver, waSh., gave b i rth to Lorna Elizabeth Aug 1 1 . Stephanie was pro­ moted to Perso n n e l S u pervisor at Kyocera Northwest, Inc. last April. Jeffery & Donna ( U nderwood) Baker of Chino Hills, Calif., announce the b i rth of J i l l ia n Lee Sept. 1 9 . She joins brother Alexander Paul ( 1 8 mo.l Janet Maul-Smith is putting her nine years of PLU experience to work as assistant dean for student development at Un iversity of M a ryland i n M u nich, West Germany. H usband Christopher ('84) works for the Depart m e n t of Defense school system and daug hter Morgan Claire (3 1 /2) attends German Kin­ dergarten and teaches both her parents German! Craig a nd Monica (Dryver '83) COleston moved to Spokane, Wash. Their new address is: 1 6414 E. Main St., Spokane, Wash. 992 1 6 They hope to hear from any friends still in the state. Joanna Robinson of Tacoma, Wash., was ordained Jan. 29 and serves as pas­ tor of Mount Cross Lutheran Church i n Tacoma. S h e gradu ated from Luther Northeastern Seminary i n St. Paul. Mi nn., i n 1 987 and served two interim calls pri­ or to ordination. Craig Koessler of Aloha, Ore., is the associate tennis professional at the M u lt­ nomah Athletic Club in Portland, Ore. Before he started in J a n uary 1 988, he d i rected ten nis programs at clubs in Olympia, Wash . , Eugene, Ore , and S u nriv­ er Resort in central Ore.

1 984 Tom Layson is a reporter at KOVR­ TV in Sacramento, Calif. Tom and wife Shari (Brus '83) live in Citrus Heights, Calif. paul Gilmore of Cary, N.C., began his PhD in applied math at NCSU i n 1 988. In 1 986, he married Jodie (ESsman '85), a technical writer at a computer software firm, SAS Institute. Krystal Kay of Olympia, Wash., per­ formed i n Wayne Geis' Starlight Water Music Productions perform ance entitled "Elegance and Romance in Music." Kay is on the staff of the Chehalis Ballet Cen­ ter, performs with the CBC Concert Dancers, and teaches voice privately. She is studying with Geis. Robin (Rund) Laport and h usband annou nce the birth of their first child, N athaniel W i l l i a m , Sept. 30. R o b i n "retired" from teaching t o b e a full-time mom i n Clatskanie, Ore. Brett and Elvira ElliS of Tacoma, WaSh., are the proud parents of their fi rst child, Andrew Steven, born June 1 3 . Brett is an account executive for MicroD­ isk in Red m o n d . E l v i ra job-shares at Pierce County Auditor. ChriS Swanson joined Wright R u n­ stad & Co. in Seattle, WaSh., as an analyst in the finance department. Wife BOnnie (Campbell '83) is completing her last year at U.P.S. Law School and will take the bar this summer. They annou nce the birth of Morgan Christopher A p ril 30, 1 989. Dick and pam (Hamlin) Egolf of Olympia, Wash . , a n nou nce the birth of their fi rst child, Alexis Marie, Aug. 29. Sue (Baur) Sallee of Maple Valley, Wash., was promoted to manager i n the audit division of Arthur Andersen & Co., where she has worked since graduation. Julie (Simonson) Kowitz of Port­ land, Ore., is executive conference man­ ager for Red Lion Hotel Lloyd Center in Portland. A new daughter, Kendall, born June 6, joins sister Kayla (3). Krlstl Ann Hopkins m a rried John Hopkins Jan. 9, 1 986. John is stationed in Texas where they moved with daughter, Michal Rae (2). Capt. Dave and Janie (prokop ow­ Ich) Lemley are in Okinawa, Japan for a year, where Dave is a pi lot in the Marines.

u.s. Air Force 1st Lt. Joseph M. Wil­ liams was promoted to the rank of cap­ tain Oct. 30. He works as the chief of the comptroller squadron cost branch at Mather AFB in Sacramento, Calif.

1 985 Barbara Hefte of M inneapolis, Minn. is a lighting designer with Schuler and Shook, Inc. theatre consultants and archi­ tectural lighting designers in M i n neapo­ lis. Melanie steen of San Diego, Calif., teaches in the San Diego Unified School District. Mlcahel Halvorson's second book, "Learn BASIC Now," will be published in November by M icrosoft Pess. Mike lives in Redmond with his wife, Kim, who owns a small business. Kristina JOY Neeb and Garrett S. Glodek of Vashon Island were m a rried Aug. 5 in Christ Episcopal Church, Taco­ ma. Kristina works for Fair Isle Animal Clinic and Garrett works at Point Defi­ ance Zoo and Aquari u m . Todd Stewart, a free-lance ma rket­ i ng consultant, jOi ned The Ma rketing Store in Tacoma as a marketing conSUl­ tant. Janet Lyn Christensen and Michael Dennis NelSOn of Puyallup were mar­ ried J u l y 22 in I m m a n u e l L u t h e ra n Church, Puyallup. Janet works a t Nords­ trom and M ichael works for K n ight, Valeand Gregory, Certified Public Accoun­ tants. Julie Rains of Federal Way, Wash., is a new fourth grade teacher at South­ worth Elementary this year. In 1 988-89, she student-taught, and before that she was a kindergarten through sixth grade music specialist. Jennifer Jean Clark and James Mar­ Shall Cederholm of Ma rlton, N.J., were ma rried Sept. 9 in Glendale Lutheran Church, Seattle, Wash. Jennifer works for Lenape High School and James works at Weyerhaeuser Co. Ruth Dolhanyk and D. Runnoe Con­ nally of Bellevue, Wash., annou nce their engagement. The wedd ing is planned for March 1 990. He is a systems operator at Microsoft. Marla schweizer married Joseph Duffus of Upper Saddle River, N.J, Octo­ ber 7 in Alexandria, Va. She works with the National Forum Foundation in Wash., D.C

1 986 Denise Weir and Alex Avgeres were married Sept. 23 at St. Demetrios Church in Seattle. Denise works for The New England Companies in Seattle and Alex works for Electrical Distributing Inc. i n seattle, Con n i e G riffith and Robert Allan Rose of Tacoma were wed Oct. 7 at Puyallup Fi rst Assem bly. Connie works at Del Monte Tropical Fruit Co , Seattle and Robert works for The Boeing Co. in Ren­ ton Wash.

1 987 Laura Robinson of Portland, Ore., works in the advertising department of Fred Meyer, Inc. and volunteers as a Young Life leader at David Douglas High School. Robert '86 and Mary (Jeter) LOW­ enberg of Olympia, Wash , a nnou nce the birth of Emily Rose. Rob is a fundrais­ er for G reat American Opportunities and Mary spent the last year and a half teaching at Business Computer Training Institute. Maury Andrew wright and Jeanne Lee Tingley were m a rried J u n e 24 at Roozengaarde in Mount Vernon. Maury is a salesman for Skagit Northwest Distrib­ uting in Burlington. Brent MCKinney a n n o u nces h i s engagement t o Sally Smith. T h e wedding is being planned in M i n n esota for J u ly 1 4, 1 990.

Nancy Jeanne Hinchcliffe ma rried Roderick Todd Schauer August 1 9at the Fa r-A-Way estate at L o n g b ra n ch on Puget Sound. They live in Federal Way. Caryn Lynn Coltom and Steven Tyler Welch were ma rried Aug. 12 i n Trin­ ity Lutheran C h u rch, Taco m a . C a ryn works for Hill & Knowlton a nd Steven works for OSH Inc They live in Seattle.

Shannon Kathleen Ryan and Ste­ ven GregoryMayer of Auburn were mar­ ried Aug. 1 9 in Northwest Church, Feder­ al Way. S h a n n o n is a fiber optics engineer at Boeing and Steven is a spec­ troscopist. John carr and Heidi Johnson ('88) were marpied June 10 at St. Mark Luther­ an Church in Salem, Ore. Heidi is a regis­ tered nu rse and John is a law student at Willamette University Monica Hruschka of San Angelo, Tx., teaches anatomy a n d p hysiiology at Angelo State University while working on a masters degree i n biology, Theresa Helen Nelson and Pete Donor of Tacoma were married Oct. 1 4 i n the Puget Sound Christian Center in Tacoma. Theresa is em ployed by Dight­ man ' s Bible Book Center at Tacoma and Pete is with Citizens Against Crime.

1 988 Kurt pearson ma rried Connie Rea­ soner Aug. 5 at Trinity Episcopal Church i n Everett. Heidi Wisner of Bainbridge Island, Wash., and David Kaster of Silverdale, Wash., were married Oct. 14 at the First Lutheran Church in Paulsbo. Julie Jakin married Mike Gronski of Renton, Wash , and is the Sport Center Coordinator at Associated G rocers i n Seattle. Leah Louise Homlnda and Al len Shane Goodwin were married Aug. 5 in Spanaway Lutheran Church. Leah works for St. Joseph Hospital and Allen works at Western Wood Preserving Co. They live in Eatonville. KimberlY Kay sorensen of Manson, Wash., and M a u rice Goodall of Chelan, Wash., were married aboard the Lady of the Lake d u ring a sunset cruise on Lake ,Chelan July 8. Jim Swenson c o m p l eted the 3-2 engineering program at Washington Uni­ versity, St. Louis, Mo. He is a design engi­ neer at KPFF, Consulting E n g i n eers of Seattle. Lori Lee Harrison and Steven Charles Hagen were married Aug. 25 i n Cedar Springs Outdoor Pavil ion i n Port O rchard, Wash. Steven is a student at Northwestern U n iversity in Evanston, III, where the couple lives.

1 989 Trudy Virgin of S u lt a n , Wash., teaches m usic, movement and reading for gifted classes at Sultan Elementary School. Todd ElliS is a n AET (asst E n g l ish teacher) i n the JET program i n Kashiwa­ zaki, Niigata Province, Japan. He teaches in several high schools and works with the baseball club. Andrea Langeland is a volu nteer with Volu nteers for E d u cational a nd Social Services, teaching a fifth and sixth grade class in Robstown, Tx. Gena Wadsworth is recruiting assis­ tant at Credit LYOnnais on Wall Street i n New York City. Joanne Marls became only the sec­ ond woman ever to repeat as champion in the 1 7th a n n u al Sound-To-Narrows chase June 10 i n Tacoma. Her time for the 1 2 kilometer run was 43: 3 1 , almost two m i n utes better than her w i n n i n g effort o f 35:09 a year ago.


December 1988

17 Alumni/Sports


hese Lutes Are Lion - Hea rted '

Gridders, Cheerleaders Mark 1 0th Year Of Visits To Tacoma A rea Schools By Mike Larson

h e skateboard ing peng u i n on page 23 says, "Wi n n i ng Is Doi ng My Best . " B o l d , capital letters on page 36 simply state, ''I'm An OK Perso n . " The goose on page 1 1 5 stands u nder the sloga n, "Com pare Myself To My BEST Self." These simple, yet penetrat ing tidbits of wisdom are just a few of t h e l esson s fou n d i n the Lu tes-L i o n s '1 989 PHD (Pri de, Hea rt, Determ i nation) Playbook, the m a n u a l u sed i n weekly Fri­ day sessions between PLU foot­ b a l l p l ayers a n d c h ee rl e a d e rs and students at Lister Elementa­ ry School a n d Mcl lva i g h M i d d l e School. The com m u n ity outreach pro­ gram that visits the ea st-side Tacoma schools celebrated its 1 0th anniversary i n 1 989. What began i n 1 980 out of necessity with 1 6 players has evolved i nto somewhat of a PLU Football tra­ dition. This year, 90 players a n d 1 2 cheerleaders fou nd their way to Lister a n d Mcllvaigh on Fri­ days before home ga mes. It's a su ccess story, i n deed, b u t i t hasn't always been t h a t way. "The principal (at Lister at the ti me), Da ryl Ashpole, and I were sitting and d ri n k i n g coffee one afte rnoon, lamenting over the fact that there weren't enough role models, parti cula rly m a l es, for these kids," recal led Tacoma School District social worker Ted Joh n stone, the prog ram's coor­ dinator. Ash p o l e was aware of t h e image-b u i lding concepts used by Westering and suggested a visit to PL U . "I was fa m i l i a r with Frosty's p rogra m and some of the th ings he believed in," sa id Ashpole. Weste r i n g remem bers t h a t conversation. "We met a n d they


told me about some of the pro b­ lems at thei r school. G raffiti, a bsenteeism, va n d a l i s m, the poor test sco res, the w h o l e gau ntlet o f negative t h i ngs that made school somet h i n g t h at these kids just had to endure," he sa id. Sixteen p l ayers wo rked with g rades 4-6 the first yea r. The n u mber i ncreased to 28 pl ayers i n the p rog ra m 's seco nd year and th ey e n l a rged the student participation to K-6. Those years were basic in structu re, using handouts, blackboards and play­ ers in front of classrooms. The i dea of a playbook was formu lat­ ed, integ rating PLU's i n ner-game footb a l l playbook with the c u r­ ricu l u m at Lister. This year, more than a h u nd red Lu tes visited Lister and Mcllvaigh on Fridays. "There were th ree key things," sa id Westeri ng, "Building A Win­ n i n g Attitude, Goa l-Setting, and Learning To Be A Pea k Perform­ er. We b roke these ideas down i nto a simpler form and tried to get the kids to g rasp them ea rly and u nderstand how i m portant it was to do these as ha bits. "The m a i n t h i ng was to get th ese kids bel ieving t h at they cou ld do somet h i ng, make them feel good a bout themselves and wil l i n g to t ry t h i ngs. To h a ng tou gh," sa id Westering. T h i ngs started changing, West­ ering sa id . "Kids sta rted doing better i n school - n ot su per, and the test scores a re sti l l not h igh - the g raffiti stopped, the windows stayed in," he sa id. Ash pole also saw change, par­ t i cu l a rly i n t h e s p i ri t of t h e sch o o l . " W e rea l l y d i d s e e a change," sa id Ashpole. "It wasn't somet h i n g you could put your fi nger on, but you cou ld feel it in the school cli mate." The turnaround at Lister con­ tinued and the prog ra m contin­ Continued on page 18

Kim Richardson

I n Memoriam Mahlon D. Read '54 of Polson,

Mont., d i ed recently at his sister's home in Great Fal ls, Mont. He was 61 . Raised in M i n nesota, Read earned a master's deg ree i n education from Montana State U n i versity fol lowing his Pacific Lutheran grad u ation. H e taught a rt and headed h i g h school art depa rtments i n Portland, O re., for more than 20 years before h i s ret i rement. A noted a rtist and s i nger, he designed Portl a n d Rose Festival floats for many years and soloed with the Portland Symphony O rchestra. An Army veteran, he was decorat-

ed d u ri ng the Korean conflict. Read is survived by his sister, Mar­ jorie Kohler of Great Falls, a brother, Stanley, of H a m i lton, Mont., a n d nu merous nieces a n d nep hews.

The Rev. Erling C. Thompson,

pastor of T r i n ity Lutheran C h u rc h , Parkland, f o r 2 8 years, d i ed Nov. 20 at the Tacoma Lutheran Home. H e was 72. Born i n lola, Wisc., he graduated from St. O l af col lege in 1 9 3 9 . H e was ordained i n 1 94 3 after com pl et­ ing his studies at Luther Theological Sem i nary, St. PaUl, M i n n . H e began h i s pastoral ca reer i n Bonners Ferry, Id., a n d H i l ls, M i n n .

Following retirement h e was visita­ tion pastor for Emmanuel LuthEran Chu rch i n Tacoma. He is su rvived by h i s wife, M a ry Helen; son Rev. M i kkel Thom pson 70 of Bainbridge Island, Wash.; daugh­ ter Tu ri (Thompson 74) Hoversten, her h u s b a n d , M a r k , both of Las Vegas, Nev., and two grandchildren. M e m orials may be sent to the T r i n ity Altar G u i l d or E m m a n u e l Endowment Fund.

Lowell J. Satre, who taught Lat­ in and Greek at Pacific Lutheran d u r­ i ng the '40s, d i ed at h i s home in St. Pau l , M i nn., Nov. 4. He was 7 2 . Satre w a s p rofessor emeritus o f

New Testament at Luther No rth, western Theological Semi nary in St. Pa u l , where he had taught fo r 3 8 years. W h i l e teach i n g at PLU, S a t re served two pa r i s hes on Vashon Island, Wash. David L Tiede, Luther Northwest­ e rn p resident, sai d , " H e was a beloved teacher of several genera­ tions of pastors who now serve all over the world." Satre is su rvived by his wife Eliza­ beth (Dahl), a 1 940 PLU a l u m na; two daug hters, two sons, th ree sisters, one brother and 10 g randchildren.

SCene DeCember 1989


ion-Hea rted . . Continued from page 1 7

ued t o grow. Lister was named the Tacoma School District's Out­ sta n d i ng E l e m enta ry School in 1 982. The prog ram received d is­ tingu ished volu nteer recognition from Governor Booth Gardner i n 1 986. Two years ago the pro­ gra m expa nded to i nclude Mcll­ va igh M i ddle Schoo l . Ch ristian Wh ite, a sophomore at Lincoln H ig h Schoo l , re mem­ bers well the Lutes/L ions p ro­ g ra m when she attended Lister. She said the players and cheer­ leaders made an im pact. "They a lways told us to say, 'I can and I w i l l ' not ' I can't and I won't.' (Fri day) was a treat for us. Some­ thing we looked forward to," she sa id. Lute q u a rterback and co-cap­ t a i n Craig K u p p a l so felt good about the program. " It's a good cha nce to h e l p kids feel good about themselves. Stressing the posit ive. Finding the positive . . I hope that's what they got out of it. And , it's a two-way deal," he sa id. "You learn how i m por­ tant it is to m a ke ot hers feel good. I had no idea I'd have so much fun." Westering adm its that it is d if­ ficu lt to measu re the effect the program has on the kids, many who com e from u nsta ble fa m i ­ l i es. But, h e doesn't doubt t h e program's worth. "We just throw the rock in the water. How fa r the c i rcles go out, I don't know," said Wester­ i ng. "Some people can't relate to this. They think put-u ps a re l i ke polishing the apple, that you ' re doing it for the wrong reasons. I'm making you feel good so I ' l l get a promotion, rather t h a n a gen u i ne fee l i n g of u nd e rsta n d­ ing that that's how we'll a l l feel better," he said. J i m Funk, father of 1 6-year-old Billie Jo Funk, who attended list­ er d u ring g ra des 4-6, eagerly endo rses the p rog ra m . "That a rea of town is co nsidered by m a ny the d u m p of Taco m a . F rosty a n d t h e p layers ca m e over a n d made t h e kids feel like so mebody cared for them, l i ke they were h u m a n bei ngs," he said. Funk sa id the prog ra m's stabil­ ity is what i m p ressed h i m most. "They have all ki nds of prog ra ms that come in, but none stay," he sa id. "This p rog ra m is sol id. Westering agreed. "The one l i g ht is that we keep com i ng back. We' re t h e re," he sa i d . "That alone enco u rages these kids to give it their best shot. to learn how to rise a bove what you can do," he sa id. Weste ring sa i d t h a t J o h n ­ stone, a 1 961 PLU g radu ate, has been a major reason for the suc­ cess of the p rog ra m . "Ted's been the common denomi nator

Soccer Coach Colleen Hacker

Sheri Noah scores winning goal.


Lady Lutes First Ever TO successfully Defend National Soccer Championship PLU achieved t h e u nt h i n kable Nov. 18 i n Due West. S.c. Coach Coi leen H acker's Lady Lutes tu rned back Berry (GA) 2-1 i n sudden death overt i m e to become the fi rst-ever NAIA team to successfu lly defend a national soccer championsh ip. '' I've said from the beg i n ning that this team was a tea m of destiny," said Hacker. "We tota l ly domi nated both ga mes (Friday's sem i-fi nal match and Satu rday's championship)," she said. "We're thri lled to deat h . " S o p h o m o re fo rwa rd S h e r i Noa h, i n her fi rst start i ng role of t h e seaso n aft e r rep l a c i n g i nj u red fo rwa rd La u ra Dutt. found the back of the net from five yards out at the 4:59 mark of sudden death overti me off an assist from fres h m a n fo rwa rd Cheryl Kragness. The w i n n i ng score was the result of Kragness' shot on goal . Kragness too k the goal keeper's deflected save and heeled it to the right side to Noa h . Noah d ri l led the ball i nto the u pper right corner of the goal and the riot was on. The Lady Lutes dominated the game, statistically. PLU outshot Berry 26-6 and had 1 4 corner kicks to Berry's two. Forw a rd W e n dy J o h nson's

breakaway resulted in the Lady Lutes' first score. "Wendy went to the goal hard, was bro u g ht down in the box and a fou l was cal led," sa id Ha cker. M i dfielder Shari Rider converted the penal­ ty kick at the 1 9 :20 m a rk for PLU's fi rst score. Berry tied the score 1 -1 just five m i nutes later when J u l i e Terry converted a corner kick. The score was from one of j u st two Berry shots i n t h e fi rst half. "Heart and so u l says it a l l," sa id Hacker. "Our cheer a l l yea r long has been, 'Toget her,' a n d t hat's how we d i d it. Fou rteen people p l ayed a n d everybody contributed. It was fa ntastic," she sa id. PLU downed Lindenwood (MO) 1 -0 on pena lty kicks i n Friday's sem i-fi n a l m atch. J u n i o r m i d­ f i e l d e r K a r i n G i l m e r's pe n a l ty kick was the game-wi n n er. PLU outshot Lindenwood 2 3-6 and had 1 1 corner kicks to the Lady Lions' one. Dutt did not play at all i n Sat­ u rd ay's cha m pionsh i p beca use of an a n kle i nj u ry. Joh nson was also sideli ned part of the game with an i nj u ry. That p a i r was PLU's top scoring tandem with 1 6 goals apiece. Four PLU players were na med

thro u gh a l l these years and he believes so m u ch because he's seen what hap pens in the l ives of kids in this p rog ram. He knew the pay va l u e and he's ca rried the torch and kept it going at the g rass roots leve!," he sai d . F u n k sa id he'd l i ke t o see the

p rogra m cont i n u e . "Th is is j u st the 1 0th anniversary. I'd l i ke to see it have a 1 00th anniversary." P.L. U . P. L.U. is rea l ly g reat P.L.U. is never late. Yes they real ly do their best. To get ahea d a mong the rest.

to t h e A l l-To u rnament tea m . They were defender Tina Co rsi (so. , Seattle), stopper Sue S h i na­ felt (s r., Gig Harbo r), R i der and J o h nso n . J oh nson was n a m ed the Tou rnament MVP. The Lady Lutes finished the 1 989 season 22-2-2 and un beat­ en in their fi nal 23 matches after sta rti n g the yea r 1 -2 -0 . L a d y L u t e g o a l k e e p e r Kate Wheeler registered 1 9 sh utouts. WOMEN'S SOCCER SCORES at Barry FL 1 -3 2-1 at Florida International at Boca Raton FL 0-1 7-0 LINFIELD 3-0 at Whitman at Whitworth 7-0 1-0 at seattle U WILLAMETTE 5-2 LEWIS & CLARK 8-0 2-0 EVERGREEN STATE 2-0 at western washington at Central washington 4-0 at Lewis & Clark 6-0 at portland 0-0 at puget Sound 1 -0 7-0 WHITWORTH 1 -0 WHITMAN SEATTLE U 7-0 at Wlllamette 0-0 5-1 at Pacific 2-1 Simon Fraser (District Tourn.l puget Sound (District Tourn.) � -o puget SOund (Area Tournament 4-0 Willamette (west Championship 1 -0 Lindenwood MO (NAIA Semi-Finals) 1 -0 2-1 Berry GA (NAIA Finals)

Yes I t h i n k there (sic) very neat. Beca u se thei r (sic) a tea m that cou ld not be beat. So next time someone says what a great crew You just say its (sic) P.L. U . - Joshua B . Wa lker 5th G rade, Lister Elementary

scene December 1989

19 Sports

Defend i ng Women's Cross Cou ntry Champ ions Are Fifth At Nationals Pa cific L u t h e ra n 's women's c ross count ry team reg istered its n i nth straight top-six fi nish at nationals by placing fifth at the 1 989 NAIA meet Nov. 1 8 at U ni­ versity of Wisconsi n-Pa rkside in Kenosha. Soph omore Deirdre M u rn a ne paced the Lady Lutes with a 2 7th-p l ace fi n i s h , coveri n g the S ,OOO-m eter cou rse a nd weath­ eri ng the fng i d eleme nts in 1 8 :42 . M U rnan e's time was 47 seconds off the winning pace of 1 7:55 . J u n i o r Kelly Edge rto n a n d freshm a n Ca si M o n toya were PLU's other top·50 pl acers, fin· i sh i n g 3 5 th ( 1 8: 50) and 4 1 st (1 8 :5 5 ), respectively. "Any time you end up i n the top five, you have to be pleased, especi a l l y w i t h such a young team," sa i d PLU coach B ra d Moore, who graduates just one of the seven run ners who com­ peted at nationa ls. The Lutes fielded just two run· ners i n the men's race. J unior Kirk h elzer p laced 3 9t h , j u n ior Jeff Taylor 74th .

Lute Basketba l l Tea m Off To R u n n i ng Sta rt See PLU run. See PLU score. See the Lutes win. Putt i n g the ball t h ro u g h the basket a n d scoring poi nts has been l i ke c h i l d 's p l ay fo r coach B ru ce H a roldson's 1 989-90 cag­ ers, w h o c l a i m ed wins in their fi rst th ree games, i nclu d i ng two at t h e 4th a n n u a l Luth eran B rotherhood Basketball Classic title Dec. 1 -2 . W i n s m ay not b e the correct term. Routs is better. PLU averaged 1 1 1 .3 ppg after th ree contests, downi n g N orth­ west College 1 1 7-66, Concord ia Maine 98-47 and Concord ia Ore­ gon 1 1 9-72. Seven players aver­ age i n dou ble figu res with sen ior guard Bu rke M u l l i ns leading the way at 24.7. Fou r retu rn i n g sta rters and eight ret u rn i ng lettermen a re the base of H a roldson's 1 989-90 squad, which struggled t h rough an up and down 1 1 -1 6 cam paign last year. Forward Don Brown is t h e top sco re r ( 1 4 . 4 ) a n d rebounder (5 . 3) back from l ast year's club. Guard B u rke M u l l ins (10.7 ppg) a lso retu rns. That pa i r clai med A l i-Tou rn a­ ment Team h o n o rs a t the Lutheran B rotherh ood C l assic. B rown was n a med the Tourna­ m e n t MVP after sco r i n g 40 poi nts in the two ga mes. The 6-8 B rown a lso had 1 3 rebou nds, eight assists, eight steals a nd nine blocks.

winter sports p reviews WRESTLING - With 1 4 returning lettermen, th i ngs should only get

Three Lutes were selected to N A I A Ac a d e m i c A l l -A m e r i ca squads; j u n i ors Gwen H u nd l ey and Karen Tuvey and senior Ken Gard ne r. PLU was t h e d efend i n g wom­ e n ' s NAIA n a t i o n a l c h a m p i o n . Adams State won t h e women's tea m title with 7 9 p oi nts . PLU had 200 points. The Lady Lures have f i n ished 5th, 1 st, 3rd , 6th, 3rd, 5th, 4th, 5th and 3 rd the pas nine years. PLU'S Placers at 1 989 NAIA wome n ' s Cross co u ntry Championships WOMEN (5000m) - 27. Deird re

Mu rnane (so., O l a l la), 1 8 :42; 3 5. Kel ly Edgerton Ur., East Wenatch­ ee), 1 8: 50; 41 . Casi Montoya (fr., Wenatchee), 1 8 : 5 5 ; 8 7 . Karen Tuvey U r., Issaquah), 1 9 : 3 1 ; 9 5 . Gwen H u nd ley (j r., P u ya l l u p), 1 9 : 35; 1 1 5. Mary Lewis (sr., Puyal­ l u p), 1 9: 50; 1 40. Kirsten S m i th (fr., Beaverton, OR), 2 0:04. MEN (800m) - 39. Kirk Helzer Or., Portland, OR), 2 5 : 52; 74. Jeff Taylor Ur., Red d i ng, CAl, 26:20. TOP-1 0, 1 989 NAIA NATIONAL Cross Country Adams State, Colorado Western State, Colorado H i l lsdale, M ichigan North Florida PACIFIC LUTHERAN Wisconsin-Parkside Simon Fraser, BC M i dland Lutheran, Nebraska Puget Sound, Washi ngton George Fox, Oregon

79 1 32 1 34 1 37 200 204 221 226 289 291

G ridders M a rk 300th Win; 2 1 st Wi n n i ng Season For the first time since 1 984, the Lutes did not make the NAIA Division II football playoffs. Coach Frosty Westeri ng's Big Play Lutes fi n i s h ed the 1 989 ca m p a i g n 6-2-1 and n a rrow ly m i ssed rece i v i n g an at-l a rg e berth i nto t h e 1 6-team nationa l playoffs. Seventeen records - 1 2 i n d i­ vidua l , five team - were rewrit­ ten d u ri n g t h e 1 9 89 seaso n , i n c l u d i n g s i x b y Lute q u a rter­ back Craig Kupp. The 6-4, 2 1 0pound senior from Selah set new single-ga m e m a rks fo r passing yards (41 1 ), TO passes (6), plays (66), and total offense (425). H e also rewrote season records for passing yards ( 2 , 3 9 8 ) , total offense (2,625) and i nterception percentage (1 .04, 3 i nterceptions in 286 attempts). PLU recorded its 21 st consecu­ tive winning season in 1 989. The Lutes season-en d i n g 48- 3 1 win over S i mon Fraser was a l l-ti m e �ictory nu m ber 300.

better for second-yea r m at coach C h ris Wolfe . . . The lower a n d m iddle weigihts should a g a i n be PLU 's forte, b u t i m p rovements I n t h e u pper weights and added depth cou ld m ake the 1 989-90 season a real honey . . . Sen ior 1 34-pounder John God inho (39-1 6-0 last year), junior Pau l Curtis (redshi rted last year) a re the Lutes' 1 989-90 cap­ tains and ready for big yea rs . . . Also keep an eye on Steve Mead U r., 1 1 8, 24-1 5-1 ), Kyle Patterson (1 50, j r. , 1 6-1 8-2), and Stark Porter (Hw , so. , 2-1 -0). WOMEN'S SWIMMING - Eight straight may have to wait . . . PLU's quest for its eighth consecutive top-five fi n is h at nationals may be in jeopa rdy with the grad uation of fou r-ti me A li-America n Carol Qua rte r ­ m an , but don't count PLU ou come n ational tournament ti me . . . Three three-year national meet veterans and a sophomore are the base of coach J i m Joh nson's tan kers . . . Versati le Tareena Joubert. 1M specia l ist Kathy T hompson and flyer Kersten Larson are Johnson's Big Th ree . . . Sophomore freestyier Karen Ha nson was th i rd in the 1 00 free at nationa ls last year. MEN'S BASKETBALL - I m p rovement i n the i nta ngib les should p ro­ duce tangible i m p rovement for coach Bruce H aroldson's 1 989·90 cagers . . . J u n ior forward Don Brown (6-8) is one of fou r i ncu m bent starters and eight retu rn i ng lettermen who will focus on the finer pOints for im provement over last year's 1 1 ·1 6 campaign . . . Brown led last year's squad with a 1 4.4 p pg average . . . Other return ing starters include g u a rds Bu rke M u llins (6-2) and Byron Pettit (5-1 1 ) a n d forward Scott Crim i n (6-6) . . . Big-man Greg Schellen berg (6-9) I S d u e for a big yea r . . . Tra nsfer S h a n n o n Affh olter (6-1 ) w i l l contrib ute right away in the backcourt . WOMEN'S BASKETBALL - PLU, w h o recorded its best record (1 8-9) i n 1 4 seasons last yea r, w i l l attack t h e 1 989·90 season with the chal lenge of replacing t h ree starters a n d six letter win ners, includ i ng al l-time scoring champion Kel ly Larson . . . Post, Gail Ingra m Ur., 6-0) blossomed i nto a legiti m ate force in District 1 last yea r, averagIng 1 3 . 3 ppg i n the Lady Lutes' fi nal 1 8 games . . . J u n i or forward G i na Grass (5-8) is the only other ret u rn i ng starter and retu rns after a 6.9 ppg season . . . 5-9 seniors Diana Tavener and Kim Berg also return . . . Freshman g u a rd Cheryl Kra g n ess is a n excel lent b a l l h a n d ler a n d passer a n d w i l l d i rect t h e backcou rt . . . PLU beg a n the 1 9 89-90 season 1 -4. MEN'S SWIMMING - A pair of record-setting freestylers lead Lute tan kers in 1 989-90, senior James Elwyn and j u n ior Marc LeMaster . . . Elwyn, Lute recordholder i n the 500 free (4:41 . 1 8), got sick just before nationals last year, but should have a bang-u p season this year . . , LeMaster rewrote the 1 00 (46.87) and 2 00 (1 :43. 1 0) free standards at nationals last year i n sixth place fin ishes . . . Senior John Fairbairn, bi·d istrict titlist i n the 1 00 breast a season ago should a lso p lay a part i n PLU's success . . . Backstroker Gary Haslerud and freestyler Scott Coffey also ret u rn.

Lute Footba l l Videos Ava i lable Videos of football games from the past t h ree seasons a nd a high lig hts tape from the 1 989 season a re a va i l a b l e for p u r­ chase. The h i g h l i g hts tape i n c l u des i ndividual game h i g h l ights a nd i nterviews w i t h p l ayers a nd coaches fol l owing each g a m e . individual g a m e videos i nclude a

halftime a nd post-ga m e show. Each game program costs 525. To order, specify g a m e desi red a n d send a c h ec k or m o ney order to KCNS61Sports, HA 21 1 A, PLU, Tacoma, WA 9844 7 . Al low fou r to six weeks for delivery. For more i nformation ca ll (206) 535-8705.

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Board Of Regents

January 9-26

Tacoma and Vicinity Thomas R. Anderson Cynthia Wi lson Edwards Barry Rogge J ane Ru sse l l

seattle and Vicinity Frank R. Jenni ngs (Vice C h a i rman) An ne Long Donald Morken John Oakley Gary Severson Christy N. U l leland (Secreta ry)


western washington Petra Onella Brunner David S. Steen Karen M . Vigeland


Eastern washington / Idaho

Christine La rson George Weh mann Donald M . Wick _ J a n Wigen

1 2-1 3 Montana

Oregon Neil R. Bryant Ronald Grewenow Michael Foss

1 2·1 3

Connye Hager Arthu r Peterson Wayne Saverud


other Jerold Armstrong, I l l i nois Robert Howard, A l aska Wallace McKin ney, Kansas Richard M uell er, M issou ri Jon Olson, California Jeff Probstfield, M ary l a n d W i l l i a m Ramstad, Californ i a




William O. Ri eke, President, PLU SYnod Bishops, ELCA Reg ion 1 : Rob ert Keller, EaWa/ldaho Lowell Knutson, orthwest Wash. Don Id Parsons, Alaska Paul Swanson, O regon Norm a n W i Ck, Montana David WOld, Southwestern Wash. (Cha jrman)

1 5-20




Facu lty Ann Kel leher, David Robbi ns, Sheri Tonn Students: Becky Breese, M a rya G i n­ grey , Brian Slater Adm i n i stra t i o n : L u t h e r Be e m e i er, Luci l l e G i ro UX, H a rvey Neufeld, S. E rv i n g Severtson, Do na l d S t u rg i l l (Tre asu rer), J. Robert W i l l s ELCA. Div. o f E d . : J ames U n g l a u b e


20 22

Editorial Boa rd

. . . President Dr. William O. Rieke . Ludlle Giroux . . . . . . Pres . Exec . Assoc Walter Shaw . . . . . Dir A lum n i Relations D r Martin J. Ne b . . . . . . . . Exec . E d ito r Ja mes L. Peterson . . . . . . . . . . . . E d i to r Mike Larson . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Kenneth Dunmire . . . . Ph ot og ra pher Pau l Porter . . . . . . . . . . . Art Director _ . .


U n i versity Gall ery, Contemporary Icelandic Pai nting and Scu l p t u re by Johanna Bogadotti r and Rag n h l ld u r Stefansdottir. Ingra m H a l l , 9-4 weekdays, 1 -4 Sundays. Open ing reception 1 /9 from 5-7 p.m. Hauge Lecture Series: author M i chael Walzer, "Emergency Eth i cs: Political and Moral Com m u n ity i n War," U n i v . Center, 7 : 30 p . m . Lectu re, national Lu theran Peace Fel lowship leader Tom Witt, "Peace i n the C h u rch," U niv. Center, 7 : 30 p . m . College Debate Tou rn ament Northwest H igh School Honor Band Festival Icelandic Exh ibit opening, Sca n . Cultura l Center, 7-9 p.m. Lecture, Dr. Pat Conroy, "Sagas of the V i k i ngs," Scan. Cultura l Center, 1 : 30 p.m. F i l m , "Trib ute to M a rtin Luther King," Hauge Adm i n . Bldg. 1 01 , 7 : 30 p.m. F i l m Series, "Ghand!," "Dr. Strangelove," " M atewan," "Gallipoli," "Amaz i ng G race and Chuck," Hauge A d m i n . Bldg. 1 01 , 7 : 30 p . m . Concert, Gospel Choir Tribute to Dr. M a rt i n Luther King," U n iv. Center, 7:30 p.m. Lecture, C h ristian peace activist Ann H a l l , " Peace I n O u r Hearts, U n i v. Center, 7 30 p.rn. Regency Concert Series, Regency String Q u a rtet, U n l v. Center, 8 p . m . paid a d m i SSion Wa l k i ng Tou r of Tacoma's H i lltop Com m u n ity. 2 p . m Lecture, Britis h geneticist Dr. Lindon Eaves: "Science: What Can It Do for Peace a nd J ustice?" I ngram H a ll , 4 p.m. Sli delTa l k, "Artists i n Iceland," Johanna Bogadotti r and Rag n h i l d u r Stefansdotti r, Sca n . C u l t u ra l Center, 7 : 30 p . m .



26 27 28




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I=e ruary 1 ·3 7-3 / 2


Janie Attridg e . . . . . . . . . . . Class N otes

what's New With You?

Lecture, domestic violence cou nselor Jeaneen Watkins, "Peace i n the Home," U niv. Center, 7:30 p.m. NATO Fo rum, "Sca ndi navia and NATO i n the age of Glasnost, " U niv. Center, 7 : 30 p . m . Recital, viol ist Jeffrey Showell, U niv. Center, 8 p.m Artist Series, Ventriloqu ist J i m Barber and "Seville," U n i v. Center, 7:30 p . m . Concert, Centrum Chambe r Players, featu res world prem iere of work by com poser W i l l i a m Dop pmann, U n iv. Center, 7 p . m . paid a d m ission Speci a l , d ra m atic readings and special m usic p resenting voices of women past and present who have resisted war a n d injustice, U n iv. Center, 8 p.m. Lecture, " A n I l l usive Peace: Israel and trle Palest i n i a n Issue," Univ. Center, 7 : 30 p.m. Lectu re, Jes u i t priest Father Jack M o rris, " Pea ce Among Nations," U n iv. Center, 7 : 30 p . m

11 11


H igh School Debate To u rnament U n i versity G a l l e ry, M u l t i m ed i a exhibit by K i m Newell o f Seattle. O pe n i n g reception 2/6 f ro m 5-7 p.m. H o meco m i ng Concert, U n i versity Instru mental Jazz Ensembles a n d "Park Avenue" vocal jazz ensembles, U n i v . Center, 8 p m. Ad m i ssions Open House Recital, Oslo (Norway) Symphony flutist Per Oier., Eastvold A u d . , 4 : 30 p . m . p a i d adm ission ASPLU Lectu re Series, Racial Awareness Week speaker Vivian Jenkins Nelson, U niv. Center, 7 : 30 p . m . paid adm ission


28 2


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Regency Concert Series, Washington Brass Q u i ntet, Univ. Center, 8 p m paid a d m ission Presidential For u m , " Ethics a nd P rofessional Life: W h istle Blowing on the Job," Featuring p h i losophy p rofessor Dr. Krist i n S h rader-F rechette, U n i v . Center, 1 -4 30 p . m , 7-9 p . m . Concert, U n i versity Sym p rlony O rchestra a n nual Student Soloists' Concert, Eastvold A u d . , 8 p.m Black H i story M o n t h banquet, feat u ri ng James Kelly, executive d i rector of Washi ngton state African-A m e rican Affa i rs, Univ. Center, 7 : 3 0 p . m . AS PLU Lecture Series, ' Stu dent Power: The St ru ggle for Dem ocracy," China scholar Pei M i n Xin, U n i v . Cente r, 7 30 p m paid ad m issi o n Recital, harps i chordist K a t h ryn Habedank a n d baroque f l u t ist Jea n n i e H i l l , U n i v . Center, 8 p m . Health F a i r, U n i versity Cen te r Homeco m i ng Conce rt, U n i versity ho rale, Edward Harmie, con d u ctor. Eastvold Aud , 4 p . m .

4-1 0 7-30

Schnackenberg M e m o rial Lecture, H a rvard P h i l osophy p rofessor and author Robert Hozick, "The Exa m i ned Life," Scan. C u l t u ral Center, 8 p . m . Intercu l t u ra l Fair, U niv. Center Parents Weekend .


Lila Moe Memorial Scho l a rship Concert, pia nist Richard Farner and cel l ist Richard Aarons, Eastvold Aud., 3 p . m . paid adm ission Women's H istory Week U n i versity Gallery, "Ancestral Sou rces," a n i n vitational exh i b ition featuring regional women artists. Open i ng reception 3/6 from 5-7 p . m .

Please mail to A l u m n i Office (NAc), PLU, Tacoma, WA 98447 -



Vol u me XX No. 3

Cove r: Cente n n i a l ! .

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A tu rn-of-the-century classroom photo is a rem inder of how far the uni ersity has come i n 1 00 yea rs. Celebration activities begi n later this month. Also note Centennial information on pages 1 3 and 20.

La rgest I n d i v i d u a l G ift

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A 51 .8 m i l l ion gift from Mary Baker Russell and Elbert H. Baker II of Tacoma benefits the planned Mary Baker Russel l Music Center at PLU. The gift kicked off the public phase of the Cente n n ial Fund Cam­ paign, "Shaping Tomorrow."

Eve ryday Ex periences

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Eleve n excha nge students from Latvia and Lithuania share thei r impressions of America, PLU and ed ucatio n. here and in their home­ la nd . Students from Estonia a rrive this summ er.

Ed ucating Fo r Service

March 1 990

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Projects i l l ustrative of PLU's centennial theme a re n u merous and ongoing. Two recent programs include a n Interim project in Tacoma's Hilltop area and a new Student Literacy Corps to aid adult non-read­ ers.

Issu es In H igher Ed ucation . . . . .

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PLU President Dr. William Rieke reports on issues relat ing to i ndepen­ dent h igher education in Wash ington State, efforts to add ress the d isparity between public and private college tu itions, and the impact of state b ranch campuses.

Lute Basketba l l Revival . . . .

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Some o f the h ist oric enth usiasm for Lute basket ball retu rned to Olson Aud itorium this season. Exciting players and involved crowds resulted in a winning season and some new individual records.

Stene IISSN 0886 -3369) Pu blished quarterly by Pacific Luthera n University, S. 1 2 1 st and Park lAve., Tacoma, WA 98447 -0004 Seco nd Class postage paid at Tacoma, WA� Postmaster: Send address change to Development Data Center, PLU, P.O. Box 2068, Tacoma, WA 98447 - 0003 .

2 Cen tennial


Carter I nvite TO Kick Off PLU centennial Former Presiden t Jimmy Carter

Nominations Sought

Achievements Of 100 Alumni Will Be Recognized Next Pall

As the Cente n n i a l of o u r A l m a Mater a pp roaches, the Alum n i Association will acknowledge the ach ievements of the past but focus its attention upon the p resent and the future. During the Centennial the spotlight wi ll focus on Pacific Lutheran U n i­ versity as an i nst i tution that eq u i p s its alumni wel l to serve the com m u n ity and the world. It wil l be im portant to show the d i ve rs ity of a l u m n i as represented by nu merous age g ro u ps a n d fiel d s of endeavor. Therefore, the comm ittee is putti ng out a fi nal ca l l fo r candidates. The fol lowing a re the parameters to use when subm it­ ting names. • Recipients m ust be a l u m n i who h ave attended Pacific Luthera n U n i ve rsity o r Pacific Lutheran College as a student. • Recipients should be exam ples of our theme, "Educating for Service" (in the broadest sense) as we move into our sec­ ond century.

• Recipie nts will be selected from ou r vast alu m n i constituency who have not as yet received a l u m n i recog nition. • Recipients will be selected from those outside of the employ of PLU. • There w i l l be a vigorous attem pt to h ave adequ ate representat ion of men, women, and mi norities. • There will be an attempt to secu re a good representation from each decade 30s, 40s, 50, 60s, 70s, and 80s. • There w i l l be an atte m pt to secure representation from a l l fields keep ing i n m i n d the h istorical perspective o f the Uni­ versity and the more recent trend toward g reater diversity. You a re i nvited to identify a l u m n i with whom you a re acquai nted that you feel represent the d iversity of Pacific Lutheran U n iversity. The A l u m n i office m ust receive you r n o m i nation form o n o r before F riday, March 30, 1 990.

Centen n i a l _Re€og n ition

Must be received


I Yea r I Home Phone


Add ress

Name of nominator

I State I Zip

I Sex I Race I Busi ness Phone

Degree from PLU/Occupation

Mall to:

• • •

before March 30, 1 990


Day Phone I

Pacific Lutheran university Alumni OffIce Nesvlg Alumni HOuse, Tacoma, WA 98447

hen you aim you r si ghts h i g h . . . . Nearly two years ago, as plans for the PLU centennial observance were mov­ ing into high gear, the question was pondered, "Who wou ld be a n ideal kickoff key­ note speaker?" The name of fo rmer Presi dent J i m my Carter was offe red . S i nce that t i m e, no one else has been seriously considered. Carter, who received the Al bert Schweit­ zer Awa rd for Humanitarianism in 1 987, is recog n i zed worldwide as a cham pion of human rights and a servant to humanity. PLU is also fortu nate that Distingu ished Alumnus W i l l i a m Foege ' 5 7 is executive d i rector of the Carter Presidential Center at Emory U n iversity in Atlanta, Ga., a n d works closely with the fo rmer p resident. But beca u se of C a rter's worldwide esteem, his time is i n g reat demand, and brea ki ng events often d ictate his sch edule on short notice. For exam ple, he was invito ed by both N icaraguan leader Dan iel Orte· ga and the opposition party to verify the fai rness of elections there in February. He has spent n u m erous h o u rs in meeti ngs with the leaders of virtually every nation in the troubled M ideast. This past year he was President Bush's em issary to Pa nama d u ring that cou ntry's elections and was a mediator between Eth iopian factions that have battled each other for decades. He personally oversees p rog rams at the Carter Center that atte m p t to e radicate disease among children, ma ke ba rren a reas blossom and erect b ridges of understanding between suspicious nations. So sweeping is Carter's p resent i mpact that the respected Economist of London, a n i nternation a l l y c i rc u l ated weekly, calls the p resent time his "second term." Time magaz i n e calls him "our best ex· president." At Scene p resstime, Ca rter had not ruled out an appearance at PLU this spri ng . Nor has a defi n ite commitment been made o r a date set. D r . Foege h a s remai ned encou r­ agi ng, but has explai ned that if Carter can come, it l i kely will be with no more than two or th ree weeks notice. We remain hopeful ... and opti m istic!

Evening Phone

In addition to the anticipated, but tenta­ tive, kickoff event, the year-long celebra· tion wi l l beg i n with a gala party for cam· pus faculty and staff March 24. Alum nus Den n i s Gain '69, a motivational spea ker with Edge Lea rn ing Institute of Taco ma, is featu red . Centennial h istorian Dr. Phi l i p Nordquist is the featu red speaker at the May 1 2 Q Club banquet. On Com mencement Sunday, the centen­ nial flag will be ra ised and the first centen­ nial g raduating class wi l l be honored . Each will receive a copy of N o rd q u i st's new book, Educating for Service - Century II.



PadfIc Llittleran unlYenlty scene

Marei'! 1 990

Developmen t

Music center Fund Receives

'1 .8

il lion Gift

Gift From Russell, Baker, Is Largest Individual Gift Ever

The �

Mary Baker Russell

largest singl.e gift to Pacific Luther­ an nlverslty In ItS 1 00-year h i story, S1 .8 mil lion from Taco ma phi lanthropists Mary Russe l l and Elbert H. Baker II, " h as once again un derscored the fa m i l ies' faith and support of the greater Tacoma com­ m u n ity," said PLU President W i l l iam Rieke. . The gift, p resented in m i d-J a n u a ry, kicked off the public phase of the un iversi­ ty's S30 m i l l ion "Shaping Tom orrow" Cen­ ten n i a l ca mpaign in the fi rst month of PLU's Centennial year. . A $5.5 mi l l ion music build i ng, the center­ piece and primary goal of the ca mpaign, will be named the Mary Baker R ussell MUSIC Center, Rieke ann ou nced. Russell was married to Geo rge Russe l l Sr. who died in 1 988. He had served as gener: al manager of the Tacoma News Tribune t h rough 1 9 69 and had ot h e r business interests in Tacoma. Ba ker, the form er pu b l isher and chair­ m a n of the News Tribune, is R ussel l's brother. Construction of the facil ity is expected to beg in before the end of PLU's centenni­ al year observance in the spring of 1 991 . An arch itect select ion p rocess is un der­ way, Rieke poi nted out that the music b u i ld­ ing will fi l l a reg ional need for a fi rst-rate musical arts center and is in effect a g ift

More About 'S h a p i n g To morrow' Cente n n i a l Fund C a m pa ig n See page 4 from the donor fam i l ies and PLU to the com mun ity. "We are most deeply grateful to the Russell and Baker fa m i lies for their confi­ denc� in � he un iversity and this sign ificant contrlbu � lon to the Taco ma-Pierce Cou nty community," he sa id. "This is a historic day for PLU." The most promi nent featu re of the pl anned bui lding w i l l be a 500-seat concert hall. The faci lity will also solve an urgent space � ro blem for a g rowi ng, national ly­ �ecogn .lze � musi� p rogram at PLU by Il!lprovlng Instructional a reas, addi n g prac­ � Ice rooms and uniting the music program Into a single faci l ity, according to Dr. Rich­ ard Moe, dean of the PLU School of the Arts.

Elbert Baker 1/

"Not only is this generous gift an incredi­ ble boost to the arts at PLU, it is a lso a mag.n ificent statement by these g reat fa m i l ies about t h e i m porta nce of music and the arts in the lives of all of us who live in Tacoma-Pierce Cou nty," Moe said. The PLU Department of Music is p resent­ ly housed in Eastvol d Aud itori u m , built i n 1 952 whe n there were 20 music majors, . fou r fu l l-time facu lty and th ree pa rt-ti me faculty, departm ent chairman David Rob­ bins pOi nted out . Today it occu pies basica l l y the same space with 1 50 music majors, 1 7 fu ll-ti m e faculty a n d 25 part-timers, Robbins ind icat­ ed. When i nformed of the gift, Robbins said "One word seems to appear and reappea � as I try to describe the magnitude of this generous gift: com mun ity. A mem ber of ou r Tacoma com m u n ity has acknowledged and affirmed our gift of music to the com­ munity; in turn, the gift will make possible further enrichment of the cultural l ife of ou r com m u n ity." When Eastvold was b u i lt there were two choi rs, a s m a l l orchestra a n d a concert band. There are now two large bands· the orchestra is sym phonic in size and scope, � here are seven choi rs, incl u d i ng two vocal Jazz ensembles, and two i nstru mental jazz • bands.

Mei er, Wh ite C h a l lenge Gifts Boost Centen n i a l F u n d Totals

Georgia and AI Meier

Centen n ial Fund challenge gifts of $1 00,000 from AI and Georgia Meier of Puya l l u p and E l m e r Wh ite of Seatt l e added l uster to December 1 989, the biggest fund ra ising month in PLU h i story . Receipts for the period totaled $ 1 , 209,000. . Wh ite, a former PLU r�gent m�de the g ift to the music b u i ld i ng I n me mory of hiS late wife Nlkoh ne. The long-ti me PLU benefactor operates Mobile Crane a n d Western Bridge com panies in Seatt le. H i s grandson Walter IS a PLU st udent. Meier ow ns six AI Meier Bui lding Centers in Pierce and South K i ng cou ntle� and IS par owner of the Tacoma Stars soccer team. Trle Meier g ift will benefit botl, music and endowment . Both White a n d the M e i e rs, active mem bers of PLU ' s Q C l u b , I n d icated th at th e i r chal lenge g ifts were m a d e t o ins p i re PLU's Centen nial ca mpa ign volu nteers to be as generous and effect ive as possible.


Lutheran university scene



4 Developmen t

Centennial Campaign Public Phase Begins nnou ncement of the Russel l-Baker g ift for the new PLU m usic b u i l din g - the Mary Baker Russe l l Mu sic Center - ma rked the kick-off of the public phase of PLU's "Shaping Tomorrow" Centennial Fund cam­ paign. The 530 m i l l ion ca mpaign represents the . second phase of a decade-long, 550 m i l lion effort to un derg i rd the u n i ve rsity finan­ cially for the challenges of its second cen­ tury. Over 5 2 2 . 5 m i l l ion in g i fts have bee n generated toward the phase two goa l . Luth e r Bekemeier, v i ce-pres i d e nt for development, noted that "We are on tar­ get to meet the goals of the ca m paign. The biggest chal lenge i s to com plete the fu nding for the new music b u il d i n g . " Approximately 5 3 . 5 m il l ion in gifts and pledges have been raised to date toward the projected 55.5 m i l l ion cost of the faci l i­ ty. "As is usually the case i n a la rge cam­ paign, the gifts are not equally distributed in all areas," said Bek€m eier. "As a conse­ quence, so me o bjectives a re ahead of schedule, while others remain chal lenges." While the prima ry focus has been on the music b u i ld i n g in rece nt months, the im pact of the campaign goes far beyond that single project, he indicated. A variety of short · and lon g-ra nge goals a re being financed. The campaign will dou ble the u n i versity's endowment from 55 m i l l ion to 5 1 0 m i l l ion. Endowed fu nds underg i rd PLU's effort to provide st udent sch o l a rship/fi nancial a i d assistance, a n d strengthen the u n i versi­ ty's ability to weather econom ic un certai n­ ty by providing a sta b l e base of a n n u a l incom e. Nearly 52 m i l lion has been rai sed to date, with an additional 5 1 . 7 mill ion comm itted in pledges and irrevoca ble deferred gifts, Bekemeier noted. "It is i m portant that we keep PLU finan­ cially accessible to all students," he sa i d .



Pacific Lutheran University Cen tennial Fund Campaign

Campaign Objectives:

5 5 5 5( m i l l ions) 55.5

M a ry Ba ker Russel l M us i c Center Endowment F u n d/Sc h o l a rs h i ps


Cap ital I m p rovem ents/Bond Repayme nts


Operat ing S u p port (m i n i m ize tuiti o n i ncreases) Strengthen Academic Prog rams

1 0. 5 2.5 5 30.0 m i l l i on

The fu nd is also assisti ng with bond repay m e nts. M aj o r ca m p u s c a p i t a l im provem ents com p l eted between 1 9 85 and 1 987 were largely fina nced through the issue of a tax exempt bond. That work inclu ded renovation of Ram stad and Har­ stad h a l l s and a t h i rd floor add ition to Mortvedt Library. Several long term debts were also consolidated and retired . Gift in come has been suffi cient to meet obligations in this area. More than 5 1 0 m i l l ion was ea rmarked for unrestricted and restricted operati ng su pport . U n restricted fun d s help u n d e r­ write the cost of tu ition, provide scholar­ ship support, improve faculty sala ries and pu rchase library resou rce materia ls.

Recent Gifts, Grants Support variety Of Campus projects Recent grants to PLU include the follow­ i ng: * 5 55,000 from the State of Washington to the Tacoma MESA (Mathematics, Engi­ neering, Science Achievement) program for m i nority high school stud ents, h ead­ quartered at PLU. * 549,987 from the U.s. Department of Ed ucation to support a cooperative pro­ ject between PLU a nd Tacoma Com mu nity House. The project will create a Student Literacy Corps on the PLU campus to d i rect st u d ent e nergy a n d reso u rces toward the problem of adult ill iteracy in the Parkland comm u n ity near PLU. (See story page 6.1 * 5 38,500 from the Washington Division of the American Cancer Soci ety to fund scholarshi ps for registered nu rses enrolled in PLU's master of science in n u rsing degree progra m . The six to eight R N reCi pi­ ents will focus thei r thesis research on an aspect of cancer-related education. * 5 2 1 ,646 from the Allenm ore Med i cal Foundation of Tacoma. The grant funds a


5 5 ,000 Judge Bertil E. Joh nson (pre-med) Scholarship, two 52,500 Hen rietta Button Gaetz N u rs i n g Schol a rs h i p s , s i x 51 ,000 J a m es M . Gribbon Sch o l a rsh i ps (need­ based), and 55 ,646 to be used as scholar­ ships to assist associate and d i ploma regis­ tered n u rses in obta i ni n g b a c h e l or's degrees.

* 52,500 from Sears-Roebuck Foundation of Ch icago. The gra nt provides 51 ,000 in support of the 1 989-90 Teach i n g Excel ­ lence and Campus Leadership Award Pro­ gram sponso red by the Fou ndation and administered by the Fou ndation for I nde­ pendent Higher Education. The g i ft a l so includes 51 ,500 in u n restricted fu nds.

* 5 3,000 from the Norwegian Emigration F u nd of Oslo to fu nd a ce ntennial year publ i c symposium on the life and works of author Ole Rolvaag July 5-6, 1 990. * 51 ,000 from the M usic and Art Founda­ tion of Seattle to fu nd a Creative Writing Scholarship. Shelley A. Owen of Grah am, Wash., is the scholarsh ip recipient.

Restricted gifts, which f u n d projects specified by the donor, usually provide scholarships. 52.5 m i l l ion was earmarked for enhance­ ment of special projects, such as faculty research and new academic programs. Much of this su pport comes from corpo­ rate, fou ndation and governm ent gifts and g rants. Progress towa rd the la tte r goals is on target to meet or exceed the original goal . Bekemeier stated . Thus the th rust of the ca mpaign wi l l continue to · be concentrated on the mu sic b u i l d i n g and endowment fu nding, he ind icated . The first phase of the ca mpaign, a 520 m i l l ion effort called "Sharing i n Strength," was con du cted between 1 9 80 and 1 9 85. The u n i ve rsity's fi rst l arge-sca le capital d rive focused on p h ysical i m p rovements, ca pita l construct i o n , i n itial endowment effo rts and on-going sup port fo r a n n u a l operations. Its major accompl ishm ents i nclu ded the Rieke Science Center, Names Fitness Cen­ ter, nu merous ca m p u s renova tions a n d increased endowment a n d a n n u a l fu n d support. •

D i recto rs Ea rn NSFRE Certifi cation Two d irectors i n the Office of Develop­ ment have recently been certified by the National Society of Fund Raising ExeGU­ tives in Wash ington , D.C. They a re Edgar La rso n , d i rector of plan ned givi ng, and John Aakre, executive di rector of the annual fu nd.

Larson, a 1 957 alum nus, joined the PLU staff in 1 9 70. Aakre graduated from PLU i n 1 9 71 and joined the PLU staff in 1 980. NSFRE has over 1 0,000 mem bers. J u st ove r 2 ,000 hold certification, i n cl u d i ng Luth e r Bekem eier, PLU vice-presi dent for development.

Pacific Lutheran Unlventty sc..

March 1 990

5 World

BaltiC States Face Da unting pOl itica l, Eco omic Challenges Ivar Knets, the academic prorector (pro­ vost) at Riga (Latv ia) Poly tec h n ical In st i­ tute, v isited PLU in December to h e l p make final preparations for a spring stu­ de nt exchange between h is school and PLU, a part of the fi rst Ba l t i c-Am erican academic exchange fu nded by the U,S. government.

Accord ing to Kn ets, Latvian students are eager to participate "to learn more about business, pa rticula rly as it relates to pro­ duction.

"We have lots of econom ists but few business experts," he sa id,


Baltic Students: Igo Cals and Indulis A belis, top, second and third from left; Einars Buks, middle row, second from left.

Everyday Experiences Impress Baltic Exchange Students he everyday thi ngs we ta ke for grant­ ed most i m p ress 1 1 excha nge stude nts from Latvia and Lith uania. "Laundry," sai d In d u l i s Abelis . " It is so conven ient. We have wash in g mach ines, but more work is i nvolved ." "Se lection of cou rses," added Igo Cals. "At ou r school everyone studies the same thing." " Lots of fru its," cont ributed E i nars Buks, referring to the b road di splays of fru its and vegetables in ou r su perma rkets. The three Latvians from Riga Polytechnic Institute are a part of the fi rst fed era l ly f u n d ed ex c h a n g e betwee n t h e U n ited States and the th ree Baltic countries. The program is s u p ported by the Samantha Smith Memorial Fund. Fifteen PLU students are studying i n the Baltic cou ntries. The exchange was arranged by Dr. Gun­ dar King, dean of the School of Business Administration, d u ring a visit to Latvia - his homeland, Lithuania and Estonia Ilast sum­ mer.


1 4 PLU Professors Receive Regency Adva ncement Awa rds Fou rteen PLU professors are the recipi­ ents of Regency Advancement Awards for 1 990-91 . The awards are research st ipends approved a n n ually by the PLU Board of Regents. Recip ie nts are Ang e l i a Ale xa nder and David Kerk, biology; Steven Ben ham, ea rth sciences; Rita Brock, rel i g i o n ; Ch ristopher Browning, Way ne Carp and Arth ur Martin­ son, h istory; And rew Carey, ed ucation; and Brenda Cochrane, sociology. Also Aud rey Eyler, Engl ish; R ichard K i b­ bey and M a ry Anne Raymond, bUSi ness administrat ion; Richard Sparks, music; and Fred Tobiason, chem istry. Research topics range from the history of adoption in America and Central Ameri­ can economics to DNA in plants and Swed­ ish choral mu sic.

Like many exch ange students, the Latvi­ ans find the com mu nication problem the most frustrating. Their Engl ish is admira­ ble, but it is a British derivation l earned more from reading and writing than con­ versation. Their adjustment to American­ isms is difficult, and t i ring. They relax by conversi n g comforta bly among themselves a nd watc h i n g televi­ sion, which gives them visual relationships to the words they are hearing. Most of the exchange students are a bit older than their A m e rican cl assm ates. Buks, for exa mple, is 25. Cals is 24; Abelis is 23. This semester they are tackl i ng such cou rses as fu ndam entals of busi ness, prin­ ciples of ma rketin g, organizationa l cha nge and developm ent, i nte rnat ional econom­ lics, trade and fina nce. Studying keeps them busy, but they are a lso trying to lea rn m o re about Tacoma and Western Was h i ngton. They have been to Seattle and the Space Needle and have "cruised the malls." In fact, shopping has been their most fasci nating pasttime, "At home we have money, but noth ing to buy," sa id Cals. "Here you may not have as much money as you would l i ke, but the shops are fu l L " T h e st ud ents a re e njoy i ng t h e PLU Names Fitness Center and sw i m m ing pool, and hope to get to the mountains and the Pacific Ocean before their visit is over. They notice the personal freedoms that Americans enjoy, t h o u g h freedom of expression has rece ntly come to their countries, "Am ericans s m i l e mo re, and are more open," sa id Abelis, The st u d e n ts look forw a rd to m o re changes in their countries. "We are cheer­ fu l about the cha nges," Abel is added, "There is hope for independ ence, but we don't know how quickly it will happen." He added, "We hope for a better econo­ my too," Students l i ke themselves, with tra i n i n g in free enterprise princip l es, will play an i m portant role i n developing a better economy.

Like other Soviet states and east E u rope­ an countries, Latvia faces a dau nting chal­ lenge as it struggles to improve its econo­ my . Free enterprise is a desi red goa l . And unless thwarted by the Soviet Union, Lat­ via and its sister Baltic states look forward to both political and eco nomic sovereign­ ty.

But obstacles to such rad ical change are i m mense, Knets pointed out. It has been nea rly a half centu ry si nce the Baltics enjoyed free markets. Few peo p l e th ere understa nd how they work. "During those decades Latvia, once one of Europe's most prosperous states, has become one of its poorest," said Knets. "The exchange program is intended to help reintrod uce market expert i se," he added.

Latvia has several industries that can be developed, he explained. Riga has a non-freezi ng port fac ility through which passes one-fourth of Soviet exports;

Riga has lovely sandy beaches and cou ld be an attractive tourist-resort center; Latvia is a manufactu ring center, taking Soviet raw mate rials and creating fin ished prod ucts for cons u m e r cons u m ption or export; And latvia has good agricultu ral poten­ t i a l . Latv ian land, and i n dustrial fac i l it ies, were tu rned over to the Latv ian govern­ ment by the Soviets Jan. 1 , 1 9 90. The Latvian gove rnment, in turn, plans to turn agricultu ral lands over to private farmers. Continued on page 6

Ivar Knets

PacIfic LUtheran unIversity scene

March 1990

6 Comm unity

PLU Students Aid Efforts TO Assist Tacoma's Homeless By Emilie Portell

On one side of the street a m i dd le-aged m a n with a worn backpack slowly m a kes h i s way to a heated day shelter to wash h is only set of clothes. Up on the next bloc k a lone woman ca rries her two childre n u p t h e sta i rs t o a shelter for single women and their ch i l d ren. In a building down the street a crew of 1 5 Pacific Lutheran U n i ­ vers ity stu d e n ts c l a d i n o l d sweats roll paint over smudged wa l ls. They a re fi nishing the ren­ ovation of apartment u n its that w i l l eventually house hom eless fa mil ies and i n d ividuals that wa l k the streets i n search of shelter and a wa rm meal in Tacoma's H i l ltop district. Led by Sara Officer, a physical education professor in her 2 1 st yea r at PLU , the s m a l l group focused o n rejuvenating H i l ltop housing and i nteracting with the

Baltic States . . . Continued from page 5

Wa l ki ng the p resent pol itica l tightrope between M oscow and i ndependence is noth i ng new for Latvia. Th rough six centu ries the reg ion was d o m i n ated, fi rst by Germa n crusad ers, then by Swe­ den, Lith uania and Poland. Czar­ ist Russia took control in 1 706. Only from the end of World War I (1 91 9) u nt i l World War I I d i d Latvia enjoy autonomy. A centu ry ago, cultural va ria­ tions in language and d ress were beginning to d isappear from the American scene. Today such variation s, if n ot disappearing, a re dim i n ishing o n global scale. W a l k t h e streets of Riga, Rio or R ichmond - cloth i ng styles will be similar; chances a re that someone nearby will speak Engl ish. Knets is a good example of the new i nternational person. Except for a slight accent, the svelte, d ap per, wel l g roomed Latv i a n ed ucator could m ove comfort­ ab ly, without u nd u e n otice, o n a ny American street. "Cha nge ca n be a d a n gerous thing," said Knets, "but present­ ly we a re asse rt i n g i n depen­ dence without fighti ng, without revo l u t i o n . Today o u r p e o p l e feel free. They can s p e a k out and help determ i n e their own destiny." •

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homeless in an a rea ma rred by d rug-related violence and a neg­ ative med i a reputation. "The only t h i ng you hea r is the bad stuff, the d rugs a n d the mu rders," said T raci H a rstad, a freshman from Everett, Wash. "The fi rst couple of days I was sca red . It's not a safe place, but it's not as bad as it sou nds." H a rsta d ' s rea l i za t i o n ca me after the class spent a n i n it i a l three hours roa m i ng t h e H i l ltop a rea with only two qua rters i n change, a n d seve ra l weeks of physica l labor and classes. "Somehow we have to get the beg i n n i ng fee l i ngs of b e i n g h o m e l ess a n d b roke w i t h no place to go," said Officer. For Officer, the H i l ltop and its people a re no longer a mystery. For the past yea r and a half she has volu nteered with the Associ­ ated M i n istries a n d the M a rt i n Luther K i n g Ecumen ical Center, two o rg a n izations advoca t i n g for the homeless on the H i l ltop. Spu rred by i ncreasing cover­ age of the p l ight of street peo­ ple, Officer collaborated with the Ecumenical Center's d i rector t h is past su m me r a n d fa l l to org a n ize the H i l ltop h a nds-on class d u ri ng the January I nteri m . "The more I read a bout the homeless issue, the more I real­ ized we have to dea l with it, per­ sonally and as a society," Officer said. "Ou r class goal was to try to make one person's l ife a l ittle bit better for a l ittle while." The grou p spent m o rn i n gs painting and wi nterizing several transitional shelters. Afternoons were devoted to lectu res a nd discussion, o r a few hours at a n emergency shelter, d rop-i n cen­ ter or free food p rogra m . They retu rned to cam pus for the eve­ n i ng. "What we did were s m a l l things," Officer sa id. "We're not going to change the H i l l in a week or a year, but if enough of us care we can change ind ividu­ als and the H i l ltop in a small way."

Emilie Portell is assistan t news edi­ tor of The Mooring Mast, PLU's stu­ dent newspaper.

Traci Harstad and David Martin were among the students involved in the Hilltop project. Martin Luther King Ecumenical Center estimated that the project saved them more than $8,000.

PLU-Based program Brings Hope For Better Life TO Adult Non-Readers Ad ults with poor reading skills wi l l have a n opport u n ity for a more i ndependent, p rod u ctive l ife because of a new p rogram based at Pacific Lutheran U niver­ sity. The program will tra i n a Stu­ dent Literacy Corps of PLU stu­ dents to teach a d u lts to read, acco rd i ng to Faye A n d erson, d i rector of the PLU Family and Children's Center. PLU and Tacoma Com m u n ity House a re working cooperatively on the project, which is fu nded by a $49,987 g rant from the u.s. Department of Education. Ca lled Project LERN, the p ro­ g ram will aid 1 2 to 1 5 adu lts per semester - adu lts who presently read, write or com p ute below the eighth g rade level. "Increasing the n u m ber of l it­ erate adu lts i n the com m u n ity will hel p b rea k the cycle of i l l i ter­ acy handed d own from p a rent to child," sa id Anderso n . A t least 45 students w i l l be trai ned each yea r to serve as tutors. "Student horizons w ' il l be expanded as they lea rn to work sensitively with persons who a re educationally and often econom­ ica lly d isadvantaged," she added. Part of the tutors' tra i n i n g will be included i n a u n iversity I l l iter­ acy cou rse, offe red by the Department of Sociology. This

com i ng fall a cou rse i n The I m m i­ grant Experience will be added, with tra i n ing in tutoring of l i m it­ ed Engl ish speakers. Accord i n g to And erson, the F ra n k l i n Pierce Schoo l District w i l l join the effort next yea r, expanding the p rogram i nto ele­ menta ry schools. "By worki ng collaboratively, the th ree i nstitu­ tions w i l l be able to deliver an effective l iteracy prog ram," she said. Taco m a Com m u n ity H ouse began a n a d u l t l iteracy project in 1 986. Although it is located i n downtown Tacoma, h a l f o f its literacy cl ients came from Park­ ' land and South Pierce Cou nty. Su rveys have shown that more than half of Pa rkland residents a re in the lower i ncome brackets and have l i m ited work skills and job opportun ities. Two yea rs ago TCH and the Fam i ly a n d Ch i l d re n ' s Center ag reed to co-sponsor an exten­ sion site for the l iteracy p roject at the Center. The new program expa nds and en riches that col­ laboration.

Pacific Lutheran university Scene





up The Down Esca lato r Women on Welfare Face Battle Getting Off Public Assistance BV Rebecca Teagarden Seattle Post-intelligencer

Cheryl Sabin

New Presi d ent's Co u n c i l Add resses Raci a l , Eth n i c Issues On C a m p u s A ca m pus climate that wel­ comes m i no rity st udents and employees is a continuin g p riori­ ty at Pacific Lutheran University, according to PLU president Dr. William Rieke. The most recent step toward that goal was taken in Decem ber when Dr. Rieke created the Presi­ dent's Cou ncil for Racial and Eth­ nic Diversity on ca mpus. The Council will play a leader­ s h i p role in m a i ntaining racial and ethnic concerns as a high priority on cam pus. accord ing to Cristina del Rosario, convener of the Council . del Rosario is d i rec­ tor of M ICA ( m i no rity, i nterna­ tional com m uter a n d adu lt) Ser­ vices. Council members a lso i nclude the p rovost. vice-p res ident fo r student life, dean of adm issions and faculty and stu dent rep re­ sentatives. Initially the cou ncil w i l l focus on efforts to sensitize facu lty, staff a n d st u d en ts to et h n i c a nd/or raci a l conce rns d u ri ng faculty fall conference and new student orientation beg i n n i n g next fal l, d e l Rosa riO ind icated. The Cou ncil w i l l also a rrange for an annual event that emp ha­ sizes diversity and will support Racial Awareness Week activities each February. Add itio nal ly. the Cou n c i l w i l l rei nforce efforts to recruit more students, facu l ty and staff from mi nority groups. The Cou ncil is a perma nent

successor to a Task Force for M inority Recru itment and Reten­ tion, convened by the p resident a yea r ago. The task force identifi ed the above conce rns, as wel l as the need to in volve m i nority a l u m ni, church and co m m u n ity m e m ­ bers in university activities. The un iversity will also contin­ ue to publish policy statements regarding racial harassment and issue clear i nstruct i o n s fo r addressing grievances. del Rosa­ rio poi nted out. Long term u n iversity projects m i ght i n c l u d e outreach p ro­ grams in elementary schools and exchange programs with black col leges. she added. The Cou ncil is the most rece nt in a series of steps u ndertaken in the past year to i m p rove the cam p u s rac i a l a n d e t h n i c cl i­ mate. Significant among those steps was the creation of a 52 00,000 endowed sc holars h i p fu nd for m i no rity busi ness stu dents by Sec u rity Pacific B a n k a n d a 5 5 0.000 u n i v ersity fu nd e a r­ m a rked for m i nor ity sch o l a r­ ships. Reorga n ization of the special student services fu nctions is a lso having a positive i m pact. In addi­ tion. PLU continues as the Pie rce Cou nty headqu arters of MESA (Mathmatics. Engi neering, Sci­ ence Achievement). a science-ori­ ented enrichm ent program for m i nority high school students.

T u m b l i n g i nto the b l ack hole of welfare is easy. C l i mbing out is l ike using nail scissors to slash through the Amazon. One day you ' re a mom with two kids, two big monthly pay­ ments - house and ca r - and a h u sband who earns a steady wage. The next you' re a lone parent whose h u sband just nev­ er came home from work. You've st i l l got the two kids and the two big b i l ls. But you've got nobody to h e l p ra i se you r children, no job and no ski l l s to get one that w i l l mak e up for the m issing provider. Becom ing a statistic on public assistance ca n happen just that qu ickly. You are now entitled to l ive on $501 a month. About half of poor households i n Wash ington state have o n ly one adult. most often a si ngle woman, accord ing to fi rst-year findings from a five-year Fam i ly In come Study. The study, man­ dated by the 1 987 Leg i slatu re, sh ows that only about 1 5 per­ cent of women on public assis­ tance in the state are married. This trend even has a name: the femin ization of pove rty. Casting off public aid req u i res grit, guts and ga l l . But there are women who have done just that. They escape from a system that some say fosters welfare add icts by giving recip ients a bout h a lf of what they need to get by. Cheryl Sa b i n , 30, of A u b u rn has been slashing about in the welfare system for a long time. But she i s earn i ng her way out through l earni ng. For the past eight years she has been carving out her own future. In Ju ne, she w i l l g r a d u a t e from Pacific Lutheran U niversity with a deg ree in social work. Her i ntro­ duction to the field ca me when she signed up for aid. "I didn't know anyt h i ng a bout welfare. I thoug ht it was to help people get back on their feet," she recal ls. "I fou n d out how wrong I was. It's just the oppo­ site. It's qu icksand, and the more you try to dig out the more you . sink. "As I tried to find diffe rent ways to su pport myself and get off welfare, I found more obsta­ cles placed in my way. After one year, I knew I couldn't l ive this way." Like many of those in the Fam­ i ly Income Study, Sab i n wanted to work. But she cou ld only get low-paying jobs because of a lack of education and tra i n i ng. A high school degree and a little experi-

ence as a wa i tress w a s n ' t enough to feed a n d clothe her fa m i ly. Regarding col lege, she says, "I decided to go ah ead and do it on my own. I had no help with day care, books, transportation . Friends watched the k i d s . I would have to drop out from time to time." At 18 Sabin became a Centra­ l i a logger's bride. "I was naive," she says. "I had picket-fence syn­ d rome. I thought everyth i n g would work out; we'd ha ve a ni ce l i ttle fa m i l y and work our way u p . "But we worked o u r way down in the world. I was pregnant with Tiffany when we got divorced ." Tiffany is 7 now. And Sabin st i l l rel i es o n A i d for Fa m i l i es with Depe n d e n t Chi ldren, food sta mps and a housing su bsidy to raise Tiffany and her other two c h i l d re n , son J o h n , 1 1 , and daughter Ten iel, 8. But she does not rely on her ex-husband. She pays 5 1 2 2 a m o n t h toward school b y wo rking as a student i n tern with the Fa i r Budget Action Com m ittee, a wel­ ,fare rights advocacy group. Her share of the rent for subsid ized housing is 59 a month. She also gets 5 578 in cash aid and 5208 a month in food sta mps. Sa b i n goes t o college on g ran ts and has student l o a n debt of 51 7,000. Sabin is looking forward to the day her welfare file becomes a historical document. "I hate the food sta mps most of all," she says. "I try to check out without having to stand in l ine. Using food sta m ps is l i ke hanging a sign around my neck that says, ' I'm stu pid: "But I finally see the l ight at the end of the tunnel," she adds as she rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "I want to go on and get my mas­ ter's degree, though, because the pay in social work is so low. I fear I won't be able to pay the rent on a bachelor's degree." It's ironic that someone who has spent the past seven years trying to escape p u b l i c assis­ tance is becoming a profeSSional in the field. But Sabin says she knows the system as only a vet­ eran can. Her goal is to add a l i ttle method to the welfare madness. "When you have to go on wel­ fare, your self-esteem is nil," she points out. "You don't think you can do anything. My goal is to be able to help other people get off welfa re. " Adapted and reprin ted with the permiSSion of the Seattle Post-In te/li­ gencer.

pacific Lutheran university scene

Mareh 1990

8 Campus

LITE Offers Drugs - Ch u rch Response Sem i na r

PLU professor's New Book Tackles

Health Care Ethical Issues Can hea lth care be rationed eth ical ly? A new book by Pacific Luther­ an Un iversity p h i losophy profes­ sor Pa u l Menzel tackles a mod­ ern et h i ca l d i l e m m a t h at someti mes seems to defy so l u­ tion: how to ration fi n ite health care eco n o m i c resou rces in a way that w i l l t reat i n d i v i d u a l pati ents w i t h gen u i ne d ig n ity and respect. Somet i m es they wi l l not get everyth i ng t hat will help them - can that be right? The book is Strong Medicine: The Ethical Rationing of Health Care (Oxford University Press). In

it Menzel poi nts out that both sides of the cu rrent conflict p u l l hard o n o u r moral sensitivities, so we may want to comprom ise between them. "Yet we wa nt a true reconcilia­ tion, n ot an u nstable cease-fire or some question-begging 'victo­ ry' for either side," he said. Menzel argues that such a fu n­ damental reconcil iation is possi­ ble. A key factor is inclusion in the decision-m a ki n g p rocess of the peo p l e who end up b e i ng patients. "If people beforehand have consented to certai n pol icies of denying m a rg i n a l p roced u res that m ight have l ater benefited them, those pol icies will have far more a p pe a l t h a n j u st some manager's fascination with effi­ ciency:' M enzel asserted. "If we use our heads and think hard about what ru les we rea lly want to govern our l ives, we w i l l select ively rest rict what we d o t o p romote a n d p reserve l ife and health," he poi nted out. "It wou ld be st rong med ic i n e to swa l l ow, but backed u p by i n d i­ vid u a l s' consent. there is n oth­ ing mora l ly crude, cheap or cal­ lous about it." His book is exhaustive in a na­ lytical deta il. It looks at the basic confl ict from several perspec­ tives a n d exa m i n es the moral legitimacy of their concl usions. It focuses on the problem of put­ t i n g a monetary price on l ife, then discu sses ways to compute

the cost of saving lives a nd to measure qual ity of l ife. Menzel a lso d iscusses effects on specific po pu lations, such as smoke rs, newborns a n d t h e poor, suggests a lternative organ transpla ntation policies, and d is­ cusses the t h reat to effect ive cost containment posed by mal­ practice su its. Final ly, Menzel points out that rationing a l ready exists in the actions of i nsurance companies, legislatures, hospita ls, physicians and i ndividual prem i u m payers. "We need to get on with the p u b l ic busi ness of deter m i n i ng how we should handle all of this ethical ly," he said. Menzel, who has taught at PLU si nce 1 971 , has special ized in t h is and rel ated issues for years. I n addition t o many a rt i cles, h e authored t h e widely recogn i zed

The sem i n a r will be held i n the U n iversity Center from 8:30 a . m . t o 4:30 p . m . Workshops a re on such topics as "Adolescent and Child Behav­ ior in DrugslNa rcotics Add iction," " Looki ng for God in All the Wrong Places," and " Reflections from a n Addict/Co u nselor." A closing panel w i l l tie the work­ shops together and lead partici­ pants to a positive response on the issue from the C h rist i a n com m u n ity.

Medical Costs, Moral Choices: A Philosoph y of Health Care Eco­ nomics in A merica, i n 1 983.

Menzel's new book is available 3t the PLU Bookstore.

Paul Menzel

Cost is $45 fo r one perso n, $35 for each additional person from the same congregation or agency (lunch included i n costl. For more i nformation ca l l LITE at (206) 5 3 5-7342.

Technology, East Ca m p us Pu rch ase, Tu ition Rate On Regents' Agenda A new d i rection in i nformation m a n agement a n d tec h n o l ogy will enhance qual ity of academic p rograms and campus l ife at PLU this coming year. The PLU Boa rd of Regents heard a report on the new sys­ tem, approved purchase of East Ca mpus from the Fran k l i n Pierce School District, a n d a u t ho rized new t u ition, room and board charges d u ring its January meet­ ing. The new information m anage­ ment system, to be i nstal led this su m mer, will provide dual voice and data cam pus-wide transm is­ sion systems with state-of-the­ a rt telepho nes s u p ported by m i les of fiber optic cables. "New PBX pho nes with voice m a i l ca pabi l ity, and d ata � orts

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East Campus now belongs to PLU.

" D rugs/N a rcot ics a n d Soci ety: The Ch u rch Responds" is the theme of an April 28 sem i n a r at PLU sponsored by Lutheran I nsti­ tute fo r Theolog ica l E d ucation (LITE) at PLU.


accessing the centra l ca m p u s VAX computer w i l l b e p laced i n every dorm room and, optional­ ly, at a ny phone location," said PLU President Dr. William Rieke. " M a ny other i nfo rmation sys­ tems essential to contemporary l ife will fol low in ti me," he add­ ed . "Those systems will include a fu l ly a u tom ated l i b r a ry w i t h remote access poss i b i l ity, e lec­ tronic m a i l , telephone regi st ra­ t i o n , com p u ter i n struct i o n a l e n h a ncements i n m a ny c l a ss­ rooms and laboratories, and oth­ er ca mpus-wide i nfo rmation sys­ tems." In other busi ness, the regents approved the $ 1 . 7 p u rch ase of East Ca m p u s, the fo rmer Pa rk­ l a nd Schoo l . S i g n ificant i n the transaction is the transfe r of so me 5 . 5 acres of PLU-owned l a n d val ued at $ 3 7 5,000. The p roperty i s contig u ou s both to Keithley M id d l e School and the PLU golf cou rse. East Ca m p u s provides 5 5, 1 80 sq uare feet of space for a vari­ ety of ca m pus and com m u n ity­ based prog ra ms. The regents a lso a p p roved a tuition package of $1 0,449 and room and boa rd cha rges of $3,780 for the 1 9 90-91 academic yea r. " Beca u se the m ajo rity of

the u n iversity's b udget goes to sa l a ries and fri nge benefits for p e r so n n e l , e v e n a m od e st i n c r e a se in com pensation i n c rea ses st u d e n t c h a rges," Rieke sa id. As a res u lt of the package a p p roval , PLU remains just a bove t h e med i a n i n c o m p a rison of costs with 1 4 smaller northwest a n d Lutheran i n d e pendent col­ leges and u n iversities, the presi­ dent noted. S i m u l ta neously, the u n iversity is u ndergirding its ongoing com­ m itment to st udent fina ncia l a i d , b u dget p l a ns, a n d fi n a n c i a l co u n se l i n g t o h e l p l ea r ners afford their ed ucatio n . " I n vestment i n h i g h e r educa­ tion contin ues to be n ot o n ly the proven way to a ga i nful and rewa rd i ng occ u pation, but dollar for dollar the expe nditure which provides the g reatest l ifet i me retu rn," Rieke added.

Paclflc Lutheran Unlvenlty SCene

11arU1 1990


Dr. Martin Marty IS Featured Jungku ntz Lecturer March 22-23 Dr. Martin Ma rty, international­ ly-renowned c h u rc h h i stori a n , lecturer and author, i s the fea­ t u red Ric hard J u n g k u ntz Lec­ tu resh i p speaker at Pacific L u t h e ra n U n i ve rsity T h u rsday and F iday, Ma rch 22-2 3 . T h e free programs w i l l b e held i n the U n ive rsity Center at 7 : 30 p.1T1 each evening. As has become expected, M a r­ ty's top ics are provocative. The l ectureship theme is "Cla rity, Chaos, Conversat ion: Li beral Edu­ cation in Ch ristian Context." Lect u re top i cs are "The Des­ cri pt U niversity in a Non-Descript World" (Thu rsday) and "Ch ristian H u m a n i s m and Li beral A rts: Toward 2000" ( Friday). Marty is the Fairfa x M. Cone Dist i ng u ished Service Professor of the History of M odern C h ris­ tianity at the U n iversity of Chica­ go, where he earned h is Ph.D. i n 1 956. Si nce 1 963 h e has taught i n the divin ity sc hool , the com­ m ittee on the history of culture and the history department. He is senior ed itor of the weekly The Christian Century, editor of the fo rtn ight ly news­

lette r Context, and co-editor of the Quarterly Church History. H is opini ons a re regula rly sought by national periodicals such as Time a nd Newsweek. He is past p resident of t he American Academy of Religion, American Society of Church His­ tOry and American Catholic His-

Comm u n ications Staff Members Earn Awa rds Five members of the PLU Uni­ versity C o m m u nications staff have rece ived p rofess i () n a l awards recently.

Admissions Marketing Report

a national newspaper for admis­ sions marketing, gave a merit award for magazine advertising to Janet Goleeke, d i rector of media relations and Dean Dris­ kell. assistant di rector of graph­ ics and publications. K a ry l Levinson of K PLU- F M received a second place for radio documentaries from Society for Professional J o u r n a l ists-S i g m a Delta Chi. District VIII of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) gave fo u r a w a rds t o PLU . P u b l ications d i rector P a u l Porter rece ived

both g ra nd and gold awards for i n d i v i d u a l spec i a l p ro g r a m s; KPLU-FM a n nou n cer N ic k Morri­ son received a gold for radio p rogramm ing, and PLU ph o to g­ rapher Ken Dunm ire received a bronze for individual photos.

Accou ntants Give Scholarsh i p To PLU Sen io r

torical Association; elected Fel­ l ow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences a n d el ected member of the Society of Ameri­ can Historians and the American Antiquarian Society. He is on n u m e rous b o a rds, i ncluding the National H u ma n i­ ties Center (N .Caroli na) a nd Cart­ er Presidential Center (Georgia). M a rty is author of 40 books. Most recent are Modern A meri­ can Religion Vol u m e I: 1893- 1 9 1 9, "The Irony of It A ll " (U. of Ch icago) and Religion and Republic: The A merican Circum­ stance ( Beaco n). H i s next book, due this year, will be Volume II of

his fou r-vo l u me American re l i­ gion series. He won the National Book Award for Righ teous Empire in 1 972.

Glenn Whitham of Gig Ha rbor is the recip ient of a 5 1 , 500 schol­ arsh i p from the American Insti­ tute of Certified Public Accoun­ tants. Whitham, a Pacific Lutheran U n iversity sen ior, is one of 469 m inority students in accounting selected from throughout the Un ited States to receive an AIC­ PA scholarship.

Dr. Martin Marty

The J u ngku ntz Lect u res h i p is named i n honor of PLU's recent­ ly reti red provost, who served at the u niversity for 1 8 years.

T h ese s c h o l a rs h i p s a re designed to encou rage m i nority i n d ividuals to enter the account­ i n g p rofe s s i o n by m a k i n g accounting education accessible to as many qual ified students as possi ble. S i nce 1 970 A ICPA has awarded over 54 m i l l ion to more than 4,500 students.

PLU Students Can Ponder Leisure ChOices: Learned Lecturers Or Video Games Last September a PlU admi n is­ trator overheard his son, a cam­ pus fresh man, authoritat ively inform his new roommate that "There's nothing to 'do in Taco­ ma." The adm i n i strator grimaced, ther. explai ned to the young stu­ dents that "not only is there a lot to do i n Tacoma, they wou ldn't even have to l eave campus to find plenty to do lectu res. p lays. concerts. sem i­ nars. exhibits. etcetera." The jury is sti l l out on whether the admonition san k into the minds of teens whose leisure time i maginations perhaps have not often stretched beyond TV. movies and video games. Concerts, plays and exhibitions a re Quite widely recognized on and off campus. Lectu res, how­ ever, u nless t h e speakers are household names. often a re overlooked. Jungkuntz lectu rer Dr. Martin Marty (see article above) is an example of the rich a rray of learned guest speakers who visit PLU each year. For students and campus personnel these en rich­ ment opportun ities are usually free; most p u b l ic adm ission charges are nominal. The J u ngkuntz Lectures h i p is one of th ree major annual lec­ ture events. The Schnackenberg and Hauge Memorial Lectu re­ sh i ps also attract dist i ng u ished speakers. This year's Hauge Lectu res fea­ t u red a uthor M ichael Walzer speaking on "Emergency Et hics: Political and Moral Comm u n ity i n War" i n J an u a ry an d ph i losoph e r Dr. Be rn a rd Goldstein discussing "The Impact of Science o n t he Emergence of Abst ract T h i n k­ ing" in early March.

Harvard p h i l osophy p rofessor

and author Robert Nozick dis­ cussed "The Examined Life" dur­ ing the Schnackenberg Lectu re March 1 . An a n n u a l Presidential Forum in February, funded i n part by a GTE g ra nt, is given sufficient emphasis to have classes can­ ce l led the afternoon of the event. This year's foru m exam­ i ned the topic of "Whistle-Blow­ ing on the Job," and featured a variety of speakers. But these major p rograms only scratch the surface. Janu­ ary and February are particularly rich lectu re m o nths, perhaps s i nce t h ey don't com pete as heavily with outdoor activities. T here is always a long January Interim slate, foll()wed by black h istory and racial aware n ess emphases i n February. Women's h istory is a n a n nual March theme. The 1 990 Inte r i m focused on peace st rategies. S pea kers i n c l uded Tom Witt. national Lutheran Peace Fellowship lead­ er; C hristian peace activist Ann Hall; British geneticist Dr. Lindon Eaves; domestic violence cou n­ selor Jeaneen Watkins; and Jesu­ it priest Father Jack Morris. In addition there were Scandi­ navian speakers ta l k i ng about Ice la n d ic a rt and the V i k i ngs saga . A Norwegian foreign ser­ vice officer discussed Scandina­ via and NATO. In February, students heard a spokesperson for Chinese st u­ dent protestors, Philippine coun­ su i Dr. J ai me Bautista, Was h i ng­ t o n State A f r i c a n - A me r i c a n affai rs executive d irector Ja mes Kelly and Racial Awareness Week speaker V ivian Jenkins Nelsen. "Global Moral ity" was the topic

p resented by U n iversity of Penn­ sylvania anthropologist Dr. Solo­ mon Katz. Colorado Congresswoman Pat Schroeder is tentatively sched­ u led for a March 24 lecture. In addition, PLU p rofessors reg­ u la r ly g ive p u b l i c lect u res. Recent programs featured histo­ rian Christopher B rowning d is­ cussing problems in the Middle East, business professor Thad Barnowe on "Changes Facing China," religion professor Stew­ art Govig d iscussing Australian aborig i na l art, and phi losophy p rofessor Gunnolf Myrbo talking , about Iceland. I nternational st ude nts, stu­ dents who have studied abroad and students with special inter- . ests or experiences also are fea­ tu red on programs. M issing . from t h is l ist are n umerous lectures of limited, b u t spec i a l i nte rest wit h i n schools, d ivisions a n d depart­ ments. Looking ahead to the Centen­ nial year, an uncommon number of featu red speakers, i ncluding Dr. Jonas Salk, have been con­ fi rmed well · i n advance. But it is a lso certain that as the year p rogresses, the nu mber of such distinguished speakers will multi­ ply. ASPLU lectu re Series a nd vir­ tually every academic u n it a re involved in lect u re sponsorship. Most a re publicized on cam­ pus, locally and in Scene. though i nterested persons may have to examine the small type l istings in thei r local paper. Nevertheless the opport u n i ties abound, and add an immeasurable bonus to the intellectual life of the cam­ pus and the Quality of the PLU • educational experience.

padfle Lutheran university SCene

MarCh 1990

10 The A rts

Choir Of The west TO Tour Wash. state

1 00-Year-Ol d Organ At PLU Gets Facel ift

"We're delig hted to be a b le to bring Washington state aud ienc­ es a new work by a phenomenal Wash i ngton state com p oser," said Choi r of the West conduc­ tor Richard Sparks. Sparks is referring to G regory Youtz's choral work based on the creation, "The God M a k i n g o f the Skys o f the Earth." The Choir w i l l a lso perform Bach's Motet No. 1 , "Singet dem Herrn," a n d " G l o r i a " by t h e Swedish comp oser Lars Edlund. The p rog r a m a l s o i n c l u d es English folksongs, English renais­ sance anthems a n d "favorite Lutheran hymns," said Spa rks. The performance sched ule is:

Seattle's fi rst p i pe organ received a long-over due facelift from Pacific Lutheran U niversity students. The organ was built in St. Louis in 1 890 and travelled to Seattle a ro u n d Cape H o r n . T h e F i rst Presbyterian C h u rc h i n Seattle was its first home. In 1 974 PLU bought the organ. It is now located i n Tri n ity Cha­ pel. In 1 890 it was popu lar to paint and ste n c i l designs o n organ p ipes. David Dah l's i nterim organ bu ilding class resea rched designs a p p ropriate to the period a n d spent two weeks pai nti ng the pipes.

Vancouver, B.C.

April 6, 8 p . m . Ch rist Cathed ral

Opera Student Receives Honor


April 8, 3 p . m . WWU Arts Center


April 28, 7 : 30 p . m . G race Luthera n C h u rch


April 29, 7 p . m . Gethsemane Luthera n C h u rch


M ay 1 , 8 p . m . PLU Eastvold Auditori u m

PLU Theatre To Present A H a rt­ Kaufman Classic "It's a host's worst nightmare," says d i recto r W i l l i a m Becva r about Pacific Lutheran U n i versi­ ty's u pcom i ng play, "The M a n Who Came to Dinner." The p l ay beg i ns at 8 p . m . March 1 5, 1 6, 1 7, 22, 2 3 a n d 24 and 2 p.m. March 1 8 and 2 5 in PLU's East old Auditori um. At PLU , George Kaufman and Moss Hart's classic comedy fea­ tu res 34 actors and a few s u r­ p rise l u nch guests from the PLU facu l ty and staff. This play is the t h i rd in PLU's All-America n Series. It celeb rates the 1 00th a n n iversa ry of the birth of playwright George Kauf­ man. The play cost $5 for adu lts and $ 2 . 50 for students and sen i or citizens. Cal l 535-7762 for reser· vations.

Ashland, Ore.

April 4, 8 p . m . SOSC Recital H a l l April 5, 7 : 30 p . m . St. James Lutheran C h u rch

April 7, 7:30 p . m . Betha ny Covenant Ch u rch

April 27, 8:1 5 p . m . Opera House

A work ded icated to the mem­ o ry of J o h n F. Kennedy h i gh­ l i g hts the U n i ve rsity Chora l e's spring tou r. Conductor Edward Harmic has p rogra m med H erbert H owel ls' "Take H i m Earth for C herishing." Howells, a n E n g l ish com poser, chose a n ea rly Lat i n text from Predentius for his m usical hom­ age to Kennedy. H owel ls' Te Deum for o rga n and choir and the Lenten motet o Crux by Knut Nystedt will also be performed . Swed ish, Engl ish a n d Russian folksongs a re a lso p rogra mmed . The Chora l e 's tou r schedule is:

Redding, Calif.

Mt. Vernon


U. Chorale Plans west Coast Tour

' PLU Students help restore century­ old organ.

prof's Composition Earns Honors From Bandmasters "Fi reworks," a com position for band by PLU m usic p rofessor G reg Youtz, won the America n Bandmasters Assocation Ostwald Award for new band m usic. The p i ece w i l l be played t h i s month by t h e U n ited States M a rine B a n d at the American Band Association convention in Champagne/U rbana, III.

D u a n e P . W i tt m a n , a t e n o r studyi ng for a bachelor's degree in vocal performance, won hon­ orable mention in the p re l i m i­ n a ry aud itions for the Elea n o r L i e b e r A n n u a l Y o u n g A rtist Opera Com peti tion . The Febru­ a ry a u d itions were under the auspices of Portland Opera . He received a spec i a l m o n e­ tary encouragement award a nd pa rtici pated i n the fi n a l award ceremony for the com petition. The award is given to the out­ stan d i ng you nger si ngers who show g reat p rom ise fo r the opera field. M r. Witt m a n is a stu dent of M i ra Frohn mayer .

Santa Rosa, Calif

April 6, 7 : 30 p . m . B et h l e h e m L u t h e r a n Church

Santa Clara, Calif.

April 7, 7 :30 p . m . Hope Lutheran Church

Dublin, Calif.

April 8, 3 : 3 0 p . m . Luthera n C h u rc h o f t h e Resurrection

Novato, Calif.

April 8, 8 p . m . Good S h e p h e rd L u t h e ra n Church

Yreka, Calif.

April 9, 7 : 3 0 p . m . Yreka Com m u n ity Theatre

Salem, Ore.

April 1 0, 7 : 30 p . m . St. Mark Lutheran Church

Tacoma, Wash.

April 1 9, 8 p . m . PLU Eastvold Auditorium

ARTISTS: FINAL NOTICE ! As part of the University Centennial celebration the Art Department in the School of the Arts is planning an alumni exhibition for October, 1990. You can help us in our planning by filling out and returning the coupon below. Please fiD out the fonn below and return it to PLU no later than May I, 1990. Send no artwork or slides at this time. We will contact you this summer. N�e __________________________________________________�_ � ------- -----

a� � �p

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ___

Me4um ____________________________________________________

a Pmfe!IsIonal

a Non-profeIsIDnal

PLEASE RETURN TO: School of the Arts, PLU, Tacoma, WA 98441 If you me already responded 10 a pn!viOUII notice, yom: name is in om: file.

PacIfIc Lutheran unlvenlCy scene

March 1990


Summer Sessions 'gO Offers variety Of Exciting Features " L i v i n g La n g u ages: E n g l ish Voca b u l a ry from Latin and Greek" is one of the new cou rses offered d u ri ng PLU's 1 990 S u m ­ m e r Sessions. The cou rse e xa m ines the influe nce of classical langu ages on Engl ish. It is one of more than 260 cou rses in the summer c u r­ ricu l u m, accord i ng to S u m m e r Studies Dean Dr. Richard Moe. Like last yea r, S u m mer Ses­ sions begins i m med iately fol low­ i n g spring semester (May 2 9). The sched u le is particula rly con­ venient for ca m p u s st u d ents who wish to conti n u e o n i nto the s u m mer. That fi rst session continues through J u n e 22. Session I I is J u n e 2 5-J u ly 20. A Workshop Week is J u ly 2 3-27, fol­ lowed by Session III J u ly 20-Aug. 24. For the fou rth year, Su m mer sessions en rol l ment is expected to be near 2,000 students, one of the largest s u m mer prog ra ms among independent schools a ny­ where in the country. Students are attracted by eve­ n i ng cou rses a n d n u m e r o u s workshops. M o e s a i d st udents are d iscovering that summer is an increasi ngly popular option. "They have sa id it can be more stimu lating than a su m mer vaca­ t i o n , m o re p rofitab l e t h a n a

summer job," he added . Twelve cou rses i n com p uters for teach e rs w i l l be offe red again, including beg i n n i ng, i nter­ mediate and advanced offerings. Cou rses a re org a n i zed i n to sequences to respond to specific needs such as special ed ucation, problem solving, writing and lan­ gu age arts, social studies, cu rric­ u l u m a nd others. Litera ry Visions is a special fea­ t u re offered Wed nesday eve­ n i ngs for six weeks. Outstand i ng Northwest writers and poets will p resent the programs. Featu red writers are James Hall, Madeline DeFrees, Jack Cady a n d Linda Bierds. An I nternational Lecture Series will be presented every Tuesday noon. P h y s i c s c l asses a re be i n g offered d u ring the sum mer for the fi rst time. The i nstructor is Darold Frantzvog, associate pro­ fessor of p hysics at Conco rd ia Col lege in M oo r h e a d , M i n n . Cou rses are sched u l ed fo r ses­ sions II and III. Advanced Placement Institutes rem a i n popu lar. The J u ly 2 3-2 7 I nstitutes feat u re such subjects as American History, Engl ish lit­ erature and Composition, Calcu­ l u s, B iology and C o m p uter Sci­ ence. An I nst itute i n A merican

Govern ment is offe red for the first time. The i nstitutes a re especi a l ly i ntended for teachers desi ring to become advanced placement teachers, but also a re designed to challenge a n d i m p rove the skills of veteran A P teachers. Pop u l a r fru it festivals i nclude the Strawberry Festival J u ne 20, Raspbe rry Fest iva l J u ly 1 8 and

Peach Festival Aug. 2 2 . M o re than 500 people have attended t hese o l d -fa s h i oned n o o n i ce cream SOCials i n previous years. Goodwi ll Chamber M usic Festi­ va l concerts a re sche d u l ed for Wed nesdays, J u ne 6, 1 3 and 20. A cata l og of a l l S u m me r Ses­ sions cou rses and workshops will be available March 1 5 . To receive a free copy ca ll (206) 5 35-7 1 43 .

PLU M ayfest Dancers Pla n Cal iforn ia, Oregon Tou r The Mayfest Dancers, PLU's student folk dancing trou pe, plans a two-week performa nce tou r in O regon a n d Cal ifo r n i a i m med i ately following the end of the academic year. Not all dates and locations were confi rmed at presstime. Following is the troupe's iti nerary as of March 1 . PLU Campus "Final Performance" - May 5

Olson Auditori um, 8 p.m.

portland, Ore. - May 2 8

Imman uel Luthera n C h u rch, 7 : 30 p . m .

MedfOrd, Ore. - May 2 9

Zion Lutheran Church, 7 p.m .

Patterson, Calif. - May 31

Our Savior's Lutheran Church, 7 p . m . FreSnO, Calif. area - June 1

(u nconfirmed)

san Diego, Calif. - June 2

Ch rist Lutheran Church (time u navailable) LOS Angeles area - June 3·4

(u nconfirmed)

san Francisco area - June 5-6

(u nconfi rmed)

Eureka. Calif. - June 7

Calvary Lutheran C h u rch (time u navailable) Eugene, Ore. - June 8

Central Lutheran C h u rch (eveni ng) Longview, waSh. - June 9

Trin ity Lutheran C h u rch (time u navailable) Later i nformation will be provided at performa nce area c h u rches. I nformat ion is a l so ava i l a b l e by ca l l i n g C h rist i n e Beatty (206) 5 36-2396, or writing her at 1 0706 S. 1 7th Ave., Apt. R, Tacoma, WA 98444.

PLU Sum Recent high school graduates, h.s. Juniors, college freshmen!

Get a ru n n i ng sta rt . . . towa rd you r col lege deg ree!

PLU Middle College

JULY 9-2 7 *

A th ree-week residential p rogram fo r academ ically gifted high school sophomores and j u niors *

Fou r col lege credits g ive a head start toward a col lege degree �

J u ne 1 6-J u ly 27, 1 990

Past Middle Col lege students h ave said :

"Middle College taught me how to use the resources of a university"

For fu rther i nfo rmation ca l l D r. Judith Carr, dean of special acad e m ic programs (206) 535-71 30

"I haven't had the problems adjusting to college that I have seen other freshmen ha ving" "It gives kids a better chance to get into college - and to make it"

M id d le Col lege is i ntended to ease the transition from h igh school to col lege. It sharpe ns your skills i n such basic areas as writing, studying and math, plus history, earth science, psychol­ ogy and com puter science. Application deadline is May 31 (Fi nancial Aid requ ests May 1 ). For more i nformation, write or call Dr. Judy Ca rr, Dean for Special Academic Programs, PLU, Tacoma, WA 98447.

er Scholars


Please com plete the nomi nation form and return it to S u m mer Scholars, PLU, Tacoma, WA 98447 (Date: Student's Name

Student's high school, Nomi nated by


_ _ _ _ _

G rade

Home Add ress

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

535-71 30

12 The Presiden t

lJJ.;... d.?� Washi ngton State Issues i n H igher Education


President William 0. Rieke

'It is to everyone's interest that cooperation among all of the state 's educational sectors be maintained to save the state money. '

ashi ngton Friends o f H igh­ e r Education (WF H E) i s an orga nization com posed of n i ne i ndependent colleges and u n iver­ sities in the state. Together, the i n d e p e n d e n t sc h oo l s e n ro l l a b o u t 1 9 ,000 u n d e rg ra d u ate residents of Wash i ngton state. The com b i ned enroll ment at the state's five major tax-supported universities is roug h ly fou r ti mes that of the ind ependents. The cost of ed ucat i n g one stu d ent at any of the state's schools, public or independent, is virtual­ ly the same. That cost, for the cu rrent yea r, is a p p roxim ately $1 4,000. In the case of t h e state schools, however, the major cost of education is borne by the tax­ payer. For students who attend the i n dependent schools, the cost is paid by parents a n d stu­ dents - there is n o recourse to state mon ies, i.e., tax doll a rs . These sa m e p a rents a n d stu­ dents a lso pay taxes to support students a t the state schools. If all students at the i ndependents were to be su bsid ized by the state, t h e a n n u a l i n crease in needed tax mon ies wou ld be $1 48,000,000 fo r tu ition a l o ne (1 9,000 x $6,000 i n state su bsi­ dyl. This does not i nclude, of cou rse, the investment of lands and buildi ngs, or combi ned oper­ ating costs of the independent schools. The pri mary pu rpose of Wash­ ington Friends is to effect legis­ l ation which fa i rly considers the needs of the i n dependents. At its a n n u a l meet i n g in Olym p i a (Febru a ry 1 2 - 1 4 , 1 9 90), t h ree major themes were considered : (1 ) further developments related to the state's b ra nch ca mpuses in Wood i n v i l le, Bot h e l l , Yakima, Va ncouver, Tri-Cities, a n d Taco­ ma; (2) the need for cont i n u i n g tax-exempt status for i n depen­ dent schools; and (3) the des i r­ abil ity of increased state-fu nded opport u n ity grants. The H igher Education Coord i­ nating Board (H ECl is part of the state government. Its appoi nted m e m b e rs a re respons i b l e for studyi ng the h igher education needs of the state. U nder its d i rection, demog ra phers h ave conducted resea rch on the n u m­ ber of students w h o m ig h t attend a branch o f a state u ni­ versity were one rea d i l y avail­ able with i n their a rea of employ­ m e n t o r res i d e n ce. T h ese person s o rd i n a ri l y wou l d n ot attend a ny colleg e d u e to d is-

t a n ce o r i n c o n ve n i e n ce i n atte n d i ng, o r i n a b i l ity t o relo­ cate, or because of fa m i ly com­ mitments, or physica l handicaps. They a re termed "place-bou nd" stude nts, and refe r specifica l ly to u pper d ivision and g raduate ca ndidates. The study i n d i cated that i n order t o reach national averages of u p per level st u d ents p e r 1 00,000 wo rking age popu lation, the state wou ld need an a d d i ­ tional n u m ber o f spaces, spaces not ava i l a b l e or p l a n ned fo r i n existing state i nstitutions. F u r­ thermore. stud ies indicated that the d iscip l i nes of g reatest p ro­ jected need were math and sci­ ence, busi ness, a rchitect u re and engi neering, a n d liberal a rts. A parallel study b y the i n de­ pendents i n dicated t h at t h e i r

'If all students at the independents were to be subsidized by the state, the annual increase in needed tax monies would be $ 148 million in tuition alone. ' plans for growth and their com­ b i ned a b i l ity to provide class­ room space a n d i nst ruction i n t h e a reas o f g reatest projected need cou l d meet the des i red national averages. The p rice of tu ition at the i n dependent schools, w i t h o u t aid from t h e state, is often the dete rm i n i n g fa cto r in e n ro l l­ ment. A plan to al low a student to attend the i nst i t u t i o n of choice is the State Opport u n ity G rant, an automatic sti pend of $2 , 500 per Washi ngton state u pper-d ivision resident student to be used at his or her i nstitu­ tion of choice. Expa nsion of this plan wou ld help make available the space a n d facu lty of the i ndependent schools. This would assist i n meet i n g the expected i ncrease of students at a consid­ erable savings to the state. The grant is lim ited in fun d i ng at the present time, but i n the overa ll plans for edu cating the citizens of the state within the most rea­ sonable cost to the taxpayer, the expanded State O pport u n ity G rant has merit. Another concern of WFH E is a chal lenge to the tax-exempt sta­ tus of colleges and u n i versities, hospitals, a n d other p resently

tax-exe m pt charitable i nstitu­ tions. Worki ng t h e i r way through the legislatu re a re p ro­ posa ls to e x p a n d the t a x i n g a uthority o f cities a n d cou nties. These wou l d expose the i nd e­ pendents and other not-for-p rof­ i t entities to tax l ia b i l ities, a n d wou ld jeopa rd ize the fu nction of these orga n izat i o ns which per­ form pu blic services at no cost to the state. While these propos­ als have not attai ned the neces­ sary vote as of this writi ng, they rem a i n defi n ite concerns. The para m o u nt and com pel­ l i ng issue i n h igher education in the state is to encou rage and effect the m ost p rod u ct i ve deg ree of cooperation a m o ng the pu blic and independent i nsti­ tutions. That o u r state is g row­ i n g eco n o m i c a l l y a n d d e m o­ g raph ically is without quest i o n . H o w w e a re to e d u cate o u r g rowi ng popu l ation i s of concern to all responsi ble educators. It is to everyone's i n terest that coop­ eration among all of the state's ed u ca t i o n a l secto rs be m a i n ­ tained i n order t o save the state mo ney; to m a i nt a i n access to i nst itutions w h i c h p rovide the best fit fo r the i n d iv i d u a l stu­ dent; to m i n i m i ze co m petition for stu dents; and, by avoid i n g d u p l i cat i o n of p ro g ra m s a n d facilities, t o keep the cost with i n a manageable figu re. WFHE and H E C a re p rov i d i ng strong leaders h i p roles. The cu r­ rent cooperative worki ng rela­ tionship is a n historic fi rst, and I am confident it will resu lt in the most cost-effective way of solv­ i n g the u n met e d u ca t i o n a l needs of wash ington State. We conti n u e to work towa rd that goal. •

Pac:tAc LUther'lln University scene

ilardi 1990

15 Commen ts

Women at PLU By Dr. Philip Nordquist centennial Historian

(This is the 1 5th feature in a 20-part series)

Alexis de Tocq u evi l l e , the astute French com mentator on h u m a n affa i rs, spoke a bo u t American women after h e had travelled i n America i n the ea rly 1 830s. He sa id, "If I were asked to what the si ngular p rosperity a n d g rowing strength of the Am erica ns ought to be attribut­ ed, I should reply: To the superi­ ority of thei r women ." The sa me could be sa id a bout PLU. Women have played crucial ro les in the fou n d i n g , deve lop­ ment. su rviva l a n d su ccess of PLU, but they have not a l ways received enough recog nition for thei r contributions. And because so many of them were modest-­ even self-effaci ng--and were only dOing what t hey thought was thei r responsi bil ity, it is h a rd to find evidence to i l l u strate and d ramatize their contri butions. H a p p i ly, some very i nterest i ng evi dence does exist. espec i a l ly for the earl iest portions of PLU's h istory. PLU was co-educational a nd had women faculty m e m b e rs from the beg i n n ing (u n l i ke its N o rweg i a n Synod ro le m odel Luther Col lege). The first woma n facu lty member was a Val pa ra i so U n i versity g ra d u a te n a m ed Sophie Peterson who taught a mu ltitude of cou rses. She was a relative of later u n iversity vice p resident Clayton Peterson . M i n­ utes from faculty meeti ngs sug­ gest she spoke her m i n d q u ite resol utely and was considered a peer by her male col leagues. The fi rst g raduates of the new school in 1 898 were wo m e n : Ettie Kraabel a n d Amanda Swa n . T h e 1 899 g radu ates were a l so women. The fi rst ma les g radu at­ ed in 1 900. There is little evidence about t hese wo men's perso n a l iti es, h owever; that changes when we come to Mary Wiborg Hong, the wife of PLU's third p resident. N i ls H o n g . She was t ra i ned a s a teacher and taught in M i nnesota ru ra l schools for several yea rs; she then went i nto the d ress­ m aking busi ness a n d d i d q u i te wel l "d ressi ng t h e wi ves of wea lthy ra i l road men." At one point she had saved the t i dy sum of $ 3 , 500, o n l y to lose it when the b a n k defa u lted . She rem a ined qu ite style conscious after her m a rriage i n 1 898. Mary Wiborg Hong was excep­ tionally i ntel l igent. accord ing to her eldest son, H a rold, and had a b iti ng wit. w h i c h sometimes emba rrassed her q u ite for m a l h u s b a n d . She w a s sometimes sharply o u tspoken a n d m u st

h a ve s h a ke n up so m e Pa rk­ land ites when she sa id at a p u b­ lic meeting at the time of World War I that the old should go off a n d fight wa rs, not the yo ung (her two sons were both d raft age). N i ls Hong beli eved that the high status of women i n Norway­ -and u ndou bted ly Pa rkla nd--went back to the time of the Vikings. The men went off for a year at a time and the women ra n th i ngs; you cou ldn't expect them to be su bservient when the s h i ps retu rned, he sa id. In like manner, the PLU a d m i n­ istrators would be gone for i nor­ d i nately long periods of t i m e, travel l i ng to the midwest, raisi ng money and recru iting students. While they were gone the wom­ en m i lked the cows, tended the gardens, raised the c h i l d ren and contri buted m ightily to the run­ ning of the Parkland c h u rch. I n Pa rkland, accord i ng to H a rold Hong, "the status of women was u n iversa l l y h i g h . T h e women decided all the i m porta nt thi ngs such as where they shou ld l ive, how the c h i l d re n s h o u l d b e b ro u g h t u p , how t h e fa m i ly shou ld d ress a n d l i ve a n d left the voting to the men i n the fam i ly." But Mary Hong was not satis­ fied with that either: she joi ned the League of Women Voters i n 1 9 1 2 a n d worked for the vote. She was a ca pable a n d strong woman, perhaps m o re outspo­ ken than many, but she was cer­ tainly not u n ique a mong Norwe­ gian-American women. E m ma a n d Ande rs R a mstad came to PLC in 1 92 5 . Ram my, as everyone affecti o nately ca l led h im, was h i red as dean of men, p u rchasing agent. coach and as teac h e r of rel i g i o n , scien ce, m athem atics a n d N o rweg i a n . Emma add ressed herself to myr­ iad responsibil ities. The you ng couple was delig ht­ ed to be at the new col lege, but t h e re were s i g n i ficant costs. They lost the house they were b u y i n g i n B re m e rton (where R a m my had served as p astor) and i nsu ra nce pol icies were can­ cel l ed . E m m a l ater w rote : "I gu ess we had not rea l i zed j u st how tight thi ngs were. There were no paydays so to speak, but when the fi rst of the month came, the l ittle money that was in the treasu ry wou ld be divided a mong facu lty and staff and the most u rgent b i l ls. Someti mes it would a mount to $1 5 . But the advantages of being here so far outweighed the d isadva ntages

that there was not m u ch com­ plaint. We knew for a certa i nty that this schoo l had a p rom ising futu re, and we wa nted very much to be a part of it." It was, of co u rse, such peo p l e t h a t made PLU possible. Conditions beca me even worse when the Great Dep ression hit i n 1 929. Du ring t h e next 1 0 yea rs, especi a l ly d u ri n g the s u m me rs, the development staff would canvass the nort hwest and m id­ west search i ng for money. One hot sum mer they asked E m ma R a m stad to assist by v i s i t i n g ch u rches and women's orga niza­ tions in what tu rned out to be fou r m i dwestern states. She Con tinued o n page 1 5

Emma Ramstad

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Educating for

PacIfIc LUtheran unlYenlty 5c:ene

March 1990

14 Commen ts

Plan ned G ifts Retu rn Benefits To Donors By Ed Larson Director of Planned Civing

One of the joys of working on the cu rrent Cente n n i a l C a m ­ paign i s to see t h e tremendous concern and i nterest that peo­ ple within the PLU constituency have for the u niversity. We a re finding an outpou ring of time, energy and d o l l a rs from both a l u m n i and n o n-a l u m n i as we bring the story of PLU's present needs, and the vision of PLU's future opportu nities. Over the years more and more has been written about what m ig ht be called "planned gifts." Such plan ned gifts h ave been described as a means by which an alumnus or friend of the u n i­ versity cou ld make a gift to PLU, while at the sa me time receiving some type of benefit. Let's

examine some of these benefits and possibilities. For exam ple, every cha ritable g ift (as long as the donor item iz­ es h is/her tax form) offers a tax savi ngs. This means that the actual cost of a g ift is less than what appears on the surface. Indeed, if someone in the 28% tax bracket makes a S 1 ,OOO char­ itable gift, the actual cost of the g ift is S720 (after tax sav i ngs). Using an asset that has grown in value over the years as a gift veh icle ca n offer other tax bene­ fits. W h i l e m ost people w h o want t o make a charitable gift do not do so for tax savings rea­ sons, such a benefit shou ld not be overlooked. Sometimes a plan ned gift can

provide freedom from manage­ m e nt or i n vest ment worries. There a re those who feel tied down by a particular i nvestment or asset (e.g. renta l p roperty), and wou l d l ike to experience the freedo m from s u c h worri es. T h e re is the syn d ro m e that thi nks "I can't afford to keep this asset; but i can't afford to sel l it either!" Maybe a planned g ift m ig ht be the solution to t h i s d i le m m a ! In s o m e cases, such a pla nned gift can p rovide i ncome for a donor's l ifetime. For many PLU supporters this has been the case. Or, there may be those who wou ld like to support PLU at this time, but present circumstances prevent it. Perhaps g ift pla n n i ng

in such a case might be that a p rovision cou ld be made in one's wil l . Or if there are no hei rs, PLU m i g ht be the benef i c i a ry of one's IRA or retirement plan, or be included as a benefi ciary i n one's i nsurance policy. In some ways, every charitable gift should be planned, because every gift has an effect on one's fam i ly, one's tax situation, and one's financia l/estate cond ition. If you desi re assistance i n the planning of your gift, p lease con­ tact: Edgar Larson Di rector of Plan ned Giving Pacific Lutheran U n iversity Office of Development, Tacoma, WA 98447 (206) 5 35-7420

Q Cl u b Contributes a Record $881 ,000 in 1 989


B y David L . Berntsen, Director of Development

The mem bers of the PLU Q Club are to be thanked and con­ gratulated for contri buting a record S881 ,000 in 1 989. S i nce 1 972, when the organ ization was fou nded, the Q C l u b has given over S7.B m i l l ion to the Un iversi­ ty. These g ifts have hel ped thou­ sands of students develop their God-g iven talents through their stud ies at PLU . In my 19 yea rs at the U n i versity, I h ave never sensed the i m portance of schol­ arsh i ps and annual gifts more than this year. The record Q C l u b tota l for 1 989 represents a 9.9% increase over last yea r's gifts. (However, results for the fiscal yea r to date are only 4.7% a head fo r the peri­ od from June through January.l We would like to welcome the fol lowing individuals, businesses and churches who have joi ned the Q Club si nce the last issue of SCENE: InCreaSe t o senior Fellow 1$2400/year and abovel Christ Lutheran church. Odessa. WA New Fellows IS11lOO-2 399/year Gallie. P. Raymond

_rease to Fellow Huber. CurtiS JacobsOn. Lyle and Iris Karwoski. Frank and Carol Nieman. Bob and Patricia Schafer. Del and Afton Schoenberg. Larry and Nellie TAM Engineering New ASsoc:late Fellows 1$480·999/yearl Anderson. John and Connie Brauti. Mr. & Mrs. E. Frederick Brown. Mr. & Mrs. Ray G. Nole. Laura

We must maintain 8% growth to reach ou r centennial goal of S 1 m i l l ion i n a single yea r by t h e e n d of 1 991 . You ca n make a big difference in hel p i ng us reach t h is i m por­ tant centen nial goa l . For exam­ ple, so me Q C l u b d i rectors a re dou b l i n g t h e i r gifts d u ri n g the Cente n n i a l Yea r 1 9 90/91 a n d hope that others wi ll fol l ow their lead. Others are helping by p hon­ i n g mem bers who have fa l l en behind a bit to encou rage them to conti nue. The Q Club is also a significant part of the S30 m i l l ion Centenni­ al F u n d . Nearly 3/4 of the operat­ ing fu nd goal of S7.5 m i ll ion a re d i rect Q C l u b gifts. I n addition, many Q C l u b m e m b e rs a re Ostlund. Edward and sarah Petersen. Mr. and Mrs. Dana Shipley. Margaret Thomsen. ThOmas

Increase to AsSOciate Fellow Foerster. Lynn Haugen. Karin Huber. Edward Neils. Scott Nelsen. Greg and Marie Nelson. Denny and Judy Siburg. Robert and Joan Swanson, Byron and Doris New MemDer 1$240·479/yearl Alford, Capt. & Mrs. Lional Anderson, Don and Nancy Arbaugh, Karl and Julia Bauer, Arthur and Sandra BOhlke, Charles and Karen Bona, Les Boyette, Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Doughty, Judd and Nancy Dumestre, Jim and Gretchen Ellerby, Robert and Geneva First Lutheran of west Seattle Ford, Donald and Barbara

among the 209 reg ional cam­ paign leaders, Another outstand­ i ng example is the contribution of Elmer Wh ite, a Q Club Senior Fel low and form er PLU regent. He pledged S 1 00,000 toward the new music buil ding if Centen n ial Fund volu ntee rs the mselves cou ld pl edge S 2 5 0,000 by Dec. 3 1 , 1 989, After that c h a l lenge was met. Q Club Fel lows AI and Geo rg i e Meier ag reed to a l so give S 1 00,000 if a n a d d i t i o n a l S2 50,000 was raised for t h e Cen­ ten n i a l Fund by March 31 , 1 989, In closi ng I want to share a few thoug hts from the new Q C l u b President, M r, Ron Doug lass. When asked a bout the i m por­ tance and potent ial i m pact of the Q C l u b on the U n iversity,

this is what he sa id, " It is i m por­ tant that ou r Q C l u b m e m b e r­ s h i p conti nues to show leader­ ship toward the University's goal of making a quality education in a Ch ristian envi ron m ent ava il­ a b l e to m o re a n d m o re stu ­ dents, I wou l d enco u rage o u r members h i p i n d iffe rent a reas to help make this happen by vol­ unteering to make contacts with our constitu ency in t h e i r com­ mun ities, I beiieve the develop­ ment of o u r future Ch ristian leaders should be a h igh priority for each one of us. If anyone is w i l l i n g to vol u nteer some of their time and ta lent, call or write the Q C l u b office (5 3 5-7429), I wou ld be very hap­ py to meet with you , "

Frost, Barbara Gallucci, Ronald and Jane Gunovich, DaVid Hammerling, Roy and Margaret Henry, Thomas and Darilyn

Shore, Randl Simmons, Donald Templin, John and Sonja Thykeson, Everett Tingstrom, Harold and Alice Urata, R. L and Christine Weathermon, Karen Williams, Joseph

Hoover, ThOmas Johnson, Rudy and Ruth Kress, Jerry and Gwendolyn Krieger, Bill and Patti Larson. Marge LeMay, Eugene, and Carla Logan. LaVon Madsen, Ralph and Kathryn Martin. David and Lisa McKee, Mr. & Mrs. David Metcalf, Jolene Miller, Jon and Solveig Nelson, Robert O'Donnel, Timothy and Patricia Odsen, Frederick and Elizabeth Palm, Ake and Carol Patnolde, Tom and Kathy Pomerenk, Julia Reil, Horst and Loeda Reitz, Robert and Doris


frOm Junior to Regular Member

Smith. Steve and Alicia Udbye, Andreas and Kari N_ Junior Members ($1201year age 26 and underl Blegan, Marcus and Peggy Burk, Kathleen Craig, Jay Johnson, Richard F. Koehler, Matthew Miller, catherine Nelson, Julie Ruland, Sharron Aune Seibert, Hollie Shaw, Karen Slocum, Bob and Darci Sparling, John Vial, Barbara

PadRe Lutheran unlvenlty scene

lIarch 1 990

Commen ts/A lumni

Fish Yes, Drugs N o By Harvey J. Neufeld Vice president, Church Relations

Maybe it is the "ca l l of the wild," or the l u re of the lake or some sort of pri m i ti ve h u n ting urge that needs period ic atten­ tion. Whatever it is, the fu lfi l l­ ment of these subliminal needs ca n be relatively h a r m l ess a n d inexpensive. I refer t o my a n n u a l trek t o t h e Sportsm a n Show a t the Seattle Coliseum. I d ress for the part. H u nting boots, crumpled jeans, red flan­ nel shirt and a tooth pick i n my mouth a l l ow me to m i n g l e i ncogn ito with the h u n d reds, yes thousands, of recreation add icts. To see the m u ltitu d i nous hats and ca ps bedecked with fish i n g flies, envi ron mental i n sig n i as,

powe r boat ads a n d m a n y col­ ored sweat ba nds, is worth the price of adm ission. It is a dizzyi ng display. Every­ thing is "su re-fi re" and the best in its c lass. G ra p h ite tem pered rods with spring action, m uskox related m os q u i to re p e l l e n t, camping gea r that g u a rantees comfort, wide bea med dorys for wide-beamed people, boats that "flow over water," crazy jigs for crazy jiggers. It's a l l there. Pink bobbers. Wh ite water rivers. Pris­ tine wildness ca m ps . N orthern fish ing. Southern cookers. That's why I go. For a S 5 .00 ticket, I can mentally experience a l m ost any sporti ng event of

any kind. The u rge to spend is end less. The industrial might of g reat nations assau lts you at every t u r n . J a p a n ese i n g e n u i ty h a s captu red every corner of every market. The poor American fish don't sta nd a c h a n ce . By the time you have spent "what it takes" to get the big one, you r fish nears the astronomical price of nearly S900 a pou nd! How delig htfu l a n d surprising then, was my discovery of the kids corner - a man made fish­ i n g h o l e, stocked with trout, enci rcled by wildly gleefu l c h i l ­ d ren, catching fish. T h e i r gear? A

simple willow-l i ke pole, l i ne, hook, a n d bait cost i n g at m ost, 50 cents. Trout by the dozens suc­ cu mbed to the l u res. What a great thing, the entre­ preneurs of this show had creat­ ed. Their i ntent: to challenge the kids to say "yes" to fish and "no" to drugs. The gl itter and noise of the mega-bucks industry did not take away the spa rk of i n no­ cence revealed here. Of cou rse in a few years, these sa me chil­ d ren will d rift to the flashy com­ mercial side of the sport. B ut, for n ow, what a b r i l l iant cou p for the show: say YES t o fish, N O t o d rugs.

You r Myth i ca l Al u m n i Association B y James Hushagen '70 president, Alumni Association


M yth o l ogy permeates m a ny people's view of a l u m n i associa­ tions. The i mage of a s m i l i n g a l u m n i d i rector w e l c o m i n g a l u ms with one hand and picking thei r pockets with the other is deeply i n g ra i n ed in America's pop cu lture. The image of rabid alumni b o osters violating recru iting rules i n p u rsuit of a wi n n i ng footba l l tea m i s the stuff of television movies. The real ity of the PLU Alu m n i Association, h owever, i s vastly d ifferent from the p o p u l a r myth . M a n y popu l a r myths explode when confronted with the reality of your a l u m n i associ­ ati on. Myth. PLU Al u m n i ASSOC ia­ tion's m a i n job is ra ising money. Reality. The Associ ation's real main Job is serving PLU and its al u m n i b y fostering a strong re lations h i p between the two; i eo, "frien d-ra isi ng," not "fu n­ draising." Since a l u m n i su pp ort is vital to PLU's fi nancial strength, however, o u r class re p rese nta­ tives are proud to ask a l u m n i for a n n ua l fu nd g i fts. B u t t h i s is only one part of a m u ch l a rger a l u m n i progra m . M yth. H o m ecom i n g i s the Association's only real service to alumni. Reality. T h e Association p ro­ vi des n u m e ro u s servi ces for a l u m n i , i nc l u d i n g con t i n u i ng education, study tour opportuni­ ties a n d cha pter soc i a l gather­ i ngs a round the cou ntry and the

world. (See the "Al u m n i Services" box on page 1 6 for a fu ller l ist.) If you n eed someth i n g from you r Alu m n i Assoc i a t i o n , just ask. Myth. M ost PLU a l u m n i a re "rich, old and fat." Reality. We have n o statistics on a l u m n i wealth or waist l i n es. But we do know that more than half of all PLU alumni have g rad­ uated d u ri ng the last 1 5 years, m a ki ng m ost of o u r a l u m n i u n d e r 40. PLU a l u m n i a re a you ng, dynam ic a n d ta lented group destined to have an ever­ increasing effect on society. M yth. PLU a l u m n i a re a l l teachers, nu rses and pastors. Reality. While PLU a l u m n i a re wel l -represented i n education, n u rsi ng and the m i n i st ry, PLU grads a re i nvolved in, and have an i m pact on, every facet of American l ife - i n business, the p rofess i o n s, sp o rts, a rts a n d enterta in ment and the media to name a few. The Al u m n i Centen­ n i a l recog n ition w i l l p rofi le 1 00 rep resentative PLU a l u m n i who exem pli fy the motto "Educating for Service." Myth. With a l l these ca pable a l u m n i , one perso n ' s i n vo l ve­ ment won't make m u c h d iffer­ ence. Reality. PLU is i nterested i n each o f its a l u m n i . A n d , t h e vig­ o r of the A l u m n i Association depends u p on active i n volve­ ment by m a n y a l u m n i . Y o u r

i nvolvement, great or small, will make a real d ifference. You r PLU Alu m n i Association is real, not mythical, and exists to serve you and you r a l m a mater. Alumni Di rector Walt Shaw (who does smile a lot but won't pick

Women At PLU

Continued from page 13

went, but sa i d " I felt doomed before I bega n . " They had to "beg" t h e i r way a ro u n d . " I n m a ny a reas t h e sentiment was that we shou ld gi ve the west coast back to the Indians, as it wou ld never a m o u n t to a n y­ thing chu rchwise." Little money was fou nd . The a go n i es of the Dep ression period a re sti l l pain­ fu l to read about. Despite the d ifficulties, faculty a n d staff fa m i l ies o rchestrated by women su rvived the Dep res­ si o n . They p l a nted b i g ga rdens and children worked i n Puya l l u p berry a n d b u l b fields. Cows and chickens ap peared in m a ny back yards a n d the contri b u tion of Dahl's G rocery was fundamenta l : "There was an a ngel o f mercy i n Pa rkl and known as Dah l's G ro­ cery! I am not su re what would have happened if credit had sud­ denly been cut off at that won­ derful store. Never were any of t h e facu l ty e m b a r rassed or afraid to go and ask for a n order to be put on my account. M a l i a D a h l saved t h e facu lty fam i l ies from malnutrition and related ill­ nesses!" . . .

you r pocket) and your cu rrent A l u m n i Boa rd a re stri v i n g to m ake the PLU Alu m n i Associa­ tion as good as the i nstitution it serves. If you wou ld l i ke to help in this endeavor, ca l l Walt. You won't be disa ppointed.

Malia Da hl moved to Parkland in 1 89 3 at the age of five (her father, S a m u e l S i n d l a n d , h a d been h i red t o work on t h e con­ struction of the Old M a i n b u i ld­ i ng). She com pleted her stud ies at the Academy I n 1 908 a n d m a rried H a ns Dah l that sa me year. In 1 9 2 6 t h ey o pe n ed a store on Ga rfi eld Street . The result, if not qu ite the m i racle of loaves a n d fi shes, d i d h e l p the facu lty su rvive the Depression as c pable and cou rageous E m ma R mstad reported . T he fou nding, s u rviva l a n d suc­ cesses of PLU h a ve resu l ted from a rich interplay of people, events and actions. The role antl i m portance of women m ust nev­ er be u n de re sti m a ted . It is u nfortu n ate th at there is n ot m o re evi dence--I etters, d i a ries, acco u n t books, oral i ntervi ews-­ so th ose co ntributions ca n be described more richly. If readers know of the existence of such m ateri a ls they should co n tact the U n iversity Arc h i ves or me. Such d iscoveries wo uld make the work of PLU's n ext h i storian much easier. (Next time: PLU and The Church)

PIdfIc Lutheran university scene

MarCh 1 990

16 Alumni

Alu mni



Seeking The Best For The Valley

PLU Alumni Commit Themselves TO Medford Commu n ity Leadership " I feel strongly a bout g i ving back to a co m m u n ity that has been good to me," says Robert Bills '59 of Medford, O re. His wife Patricia (Ah re ns '59) Bills echoes the sentiment. "I a m p romoting Medford a l l t h e time. It is easy to do when you feel the way I do a bout it." The Bills, who met i n the PLU coffee shop d u ri ng their student days, adoPted Medford as their hometown 2 1 yea rs ago. They Quickly plu nged i nto com m u n ity l ife and now a re considered com­ mu n ity "pillars." Patti has served as executive di rector of the Greater Medford Chamber of Commerce's Visitors and Convention Bu rea u for 1 0 yea rs. Bob i s co-fo u n d e r a nd owner of Rea lestaters, a rea f estate company that i s now the val ley's la rgest They have been d escribed as " a busy team t h a t each year draws tens o f thousands of visi­ tors to the valley and then hous­

S h e was the fi rst woma n t o j o i n t h e Medford Rogue Rota ry Club, is a member of the Nation­ al O rganization for Women a n d was w i t h the Jackson Cou nty Comm ission on the Status of Women for m any years. " I feel stro n g l y a b o u t t h e i m age o f wo men i n the work place," she says. Bob leads the Medford U rban Renewal Agency and has served on the boa rds of the O regon and National Association of Rea l­ tors, O regon Rea l Estate Board, Housing Autho rity of Jackson Cou nty, Red C ross, K i w a n is, S o u t h e r n O re g o n R e cyc l i ng Team and Providence Hospita l. His com p a ny recently passed the 1 2 ,000 t ra n sact i o n m a rk. "That's enough t ra nsactions that we could have a city a U our own," he says. Jackson Cou nty Commissioner Jeff Golden says, "They a re real good for M edford. F ro m t h e t i m e they get u p to t h e t i m e


es the ones who stay." Each serves on a st r i n g of local, state and national groups. She leads the Oregon Associa­ tion of the Convention and Visi­ tors Bureau a n d the Southern Oregon Visitors Association_ She serves on the Rogue Cou ncil of Camp Fire Girls, Travel Industry

Bob & Patti Bills

Council of Oregon, the state F i l m a n d Video Advisory Board, Britt Festival Advisory Board, Jackson County Fa ir Board a n d Oregon Society of Association Execu­ t ives. She has devoted many hou rs toward t he Craterian t heater renovat ion, Medford Centen n ial celebration and the recent Med­ ford Jazz Jubilee.



they go to bed, they are doing community work, and they do it without looking for applause." He added, "There is no separa­ tion between what they think is best for their l ives a nd what is best for the valley." The B i l ls a re membe rs Ascension Lutheran Church.

PLU alumni

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Ask for Something For Everyone brochure, a l ist i ng of all special campus services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 5 3 5-7430 *






Gerald Burke

Bu rke Named New Di rector Of Tacoma NAAC P Gerald Bu rke '72 is the new president of t he Tacoma chap­ ter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Burke, a 46-year-ol d attorney and long-time Tacoma·area res� dent. says he will focus on reju­ venating interest in the predom­ i nantly black organization. He also wants to get people i n t h e business comm unity more involved in hiring and t ra i ning young people. "We expect to make a new t h rust for t h e ' 90s t h at w i l l focus o n self-reliance, educat ion and economic endeavors," he said. Burke carne to Tacoma a lmost 2 5 years ago as a member of the U . S . A i r Force. He h o lds degrees from PLU, U niversity of Puget Sound and U n iversity of Washington. Burke was deputy director' of the Tacoma U rban League for several years and was a fou nding member of the Black Collective.

pacific Lutheran UniversItY SC:ene

March 1 990

17 Alumni

Former Med Student

Missionary work In I ndonesia Holds Risks For PLU Alumnus By Judy Davis n the past fo ur yea rs, mission­ aries Eric Doo ley '84 a n d h is wife, Jen ny, have esta b l i sh ed eight churches in Indonesia a nd hope to extend their m i n istry to Thailand, Malaysia and the "fer­ tile groun d " of other fo reign countries. Sponsored by the M a ra n atha Ch ristian Chu rch i n Seattle, the Dooleys told about their experi­ ences in In donesia w h i l e they were home on an annua l month­ long fu rlough in January. "We m i n ister pri ma rily to uni­ versity students who we bel ieve are destined to become leaders i n the i r cou ntrY. . . by p reach ing B i b l ical C h ristia n i ty to futu re leaders, I bel ieve we can have a s i g n ificant effect on t h e i r nations," said Dooley. H e i ndicat­ ed tl,at Indonesia, with a popula­ tion of 1 70 m i l l ion people, is the fifth largest nation in the world. Among mem bers of cong rega­ tions of the churches the 000 1eys estab l ished are u n iversity professors, medical doctors and city offi cials. After fo u n d i n g a chu rch, the Dooleys entrust the spreading of t h e Gospel to a "core g roup" of C h ristian con­ verts and move on to sta rt a ch urch i n another a rea. Although the Dooleys m i nistry has been fru itfu l and flourishi ng­ -there are now nearly 300 mem­ bers i n the fi rst chu rch they establ ished--Eric faced a period when he co uld not preach p u b­ l icly for six months. "If I did, I ran the risk of b e i n g d e ported beca use I was atte m Pt i n g to

spread Ch ristian ity in a Moslem, m i l itary d ictatorship," Eric relat­ ed. Howeve r, d u e to a tu rn of events he describes as a " m i ra­ cle," the I ndo nesian gove rn ment allowed the Dooleys to estab l ish a Ch ristian church in that cou n­ try for the fi rst tim e in 10 years. E ric a d m its t h e re is r i s k i n volved when atte mpting to convert entrenched Moslems to Chri stian ity. In one i nstance, for examp le, a new member of a ch u rch the Doo leys esta b l ished was d i s­ owned by his father. " H owever, the father e nded up becoming a Ch ristian himself and is now evangelizing i n one of our chu rches i n Indonesia," Eric revealed . Eric and Jenny attribute their success in I ndonesia--despite the odds they face--to the "grace of God." Jenny said, "Before Eric and I met, we both had a goal of shar­ ing the Gospel i n another nation; for us, ou r experie nces in Indo­ nesia are a d rea m come true." As t h ey travel fro m p l ace to pl ace orga n i z i n g c h u rches i n I ndonesia and surrounding cou n­ tries, the Dooleys take their two you ng d a u g hters with t h e m : Emily, 4 ; and Nata l i e, 1 8 months. When they retu rned to I ndone-

Jenny and Eric Dooley with their children Na talie, left, and Emily.

sia after t h e i r fu rlough, th ey took along the curricu l u m mate­ r i a l s they p l a n to u s e when tea c h i n g t h e i r d a ug hters at home. Eric's i n itial interest in evange­ lism was spu rred by two individ­ uals he met at PLU: Steve Smith, m inority students coord i nator; a n d foot b a l l coach, F rosty Westeri ng. E ri c played for the "Lutes" while at PLU . He was a m e m b e r of the 1 9 80 team which won the national cham pi­ onship. "It was after a discussi o n of so me Bible verses with Steve that I began exa m i n i ng my Chris­ tian convictions a n d began to have a n u n d ersta n d i n g of true Ch ristian witness," E ric recal led. After g ra d u a ting from PLU and enteri ng m ed ical school at the U n i versity of Wash i ngton, Eric began h is association with

the M a ra n a t h a c h u rch wh ich m i n isters to foreign stu d ents attending the U n i versity. It was while he was i n volved i n this m i n istry that Eric fi rst met Indo­ nesian stud ents. Fee l i ng God's calling to evangelize in Indonesia in person, he left med ical school and worked as a chem ist while Jenny com pleted her schooling in social work. Because of their association with the u n iversity m i n istry in Seattle, the Doo ley'S were able to obtain a visa i n d icati ng they are "theol ogical professors spe­ cializ i ng �n leadersh ip trai n i n g," s i n ce m is s i o n a ry visas were unavailable. " D espite o b s t a c l es we've faced ," Eric sa i d , "throug hout our m i n istry, God has opened doors for us to reach key people who can hellp us spread H i s word."

. Class Notes 1 9 51

1 969

1 973

Lazaarus S_ polltakis was named senior executive vice president and chief credit officer of Puget Sou nd Bancorp on Jan. 2 2 .

Robert S. ostrem, Jr. of Hono l u l u , Hawa i i , has a daug hter E r i n , who i s a senior at the University of Maryland and a son, Kanoa, who is a freshman at UCLA. Kanoa is playing volleyball for the nation­ al champion Bru i ns.

Dr. Abdullah I . EI-Kuwaiz and his wife, Norah, have a new granddaughter, May, from their oldest dau ghter, Haifa (Nov. 28). May joins Fahad (4) and Abeer (2), their two grandc h i l dren from their you ngest daughter, Samra Dr. EI-Kuwaiz was awarded the medal of honor by the six heads of states of the Cooperation Council of the Arab States of the Gulf for his distinguished services the past eight years The medal was del ivered to him by His Majest King Fahad of Saudi A rabia on behalf of his b rothers, the heads of states and in their presence in Muscat, the capital of the Sulatine of Oman, on Dec. 2 1 . R. Gary & Laury (Lee '74) Thor­ seon live in Olympia, Wash., where Gary is an industrial appeals judge and Laury is taking a break from teaching h i g h school to stay home with Ivar (7), Dana (5) and Sara (2L Andrea and Michael V. Tripp of San­ ta Rosa, Calif., an nounce the b i rth of Jacob Connor Nov. 26. Michael is a di rec­ tor of Fireman's Fund Insurance Compa­ ny. Major Daniel and Diane (Gormley '74) Tutt were transferred to RAF Mil­ denhall, England, for a th ree year assign­ ment. Dan is chief of command and con­ trol for the 306th Strategic Wing. Diane is enjoying the sights and h istory of

1 957


Capt_ L_ A_ shoberg, CHC, USN has been a Navy chaplain for 22 years In January he transferred from fo rce chap· lain, Submarine Force Atlantic in Norfolk, Va. to become d i rector of chaplains at the Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, III.

1 970 Solveig (Sally Paulson) and Jon (Skip) MlUer moved to Moscow, 10., with daughter Amanda (1 01. Jon is depart­ ment head of the UniverSity of Idaho's economics department.

1 965 Rev. Stan Hoobing w i l l mo ve to H o p e-Va l b y Lutheran Parish in Heppner/lone, Ore., to serve as pastor. He was pastor of Gethsemane in Tacoma, Wash.

1 967 carolyn (Hedges) Christensen has been living in Indonesia for four years, teaching personal and social develop­ ment to high school students at Jakarta International School.

1 972 Donald Cammack of Vancouver, WA, owns River City Music, Inc., and teaches music i n the Evergreen School District. He also directs the Mountain View Hi gh School jazz band. Richard Stetson earned a degree of Licenciate in Theology from Uppsala Uni­ versity, Swed en, i n spring 1 9 8 9 . He received a research grant from the Nathan Soderblom F u n d for st ud ies in Geneva and Rome this term.

Europe Danielle ( 1 2 ) and Krisa n n a ( 1 0) attend American Schools.

1 974 Bill Rudolph was elected to the board of d irectors of Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc., the Wisconsin affiliate of National Right to Life. He leads a busy life as a country lawyer and "gentleman farmer," residing on an SO-acre farm in rural Rich­ land Center with his wife, Catherine and children, Kerry (1 2), and Ehren ( 1 01.

1 975 Dr. Oludayo O. Dada finished his Ph.D. in envi ro nmental microb iology in November 1 988 at Ah madu Belio U n iver­ sity, Zaria, Nigeria He has four daugh­ ters: Seun (9), Ayo (S), Lola (5) and baby Abbie. Beverly (Ownes) Hoback mar ried Lane Hoback Nov. 24. Bev is pleased to have become the mother of Benja m i n (9) and Matthew (7). Lane teaches sciences and computers at La kewood High School and Bev teaches fourth grade at Lake­ wood Intermediate in Arlington, Wash. Bev's new add ress is 26 32-8 F reestad Rd , Arli ngton, Wash. 9 8 2 2 3 . She would b e happy t o hear from o l d friends.

Continued on page


Pacific LUU\eran university scene

MIH'Ch 1990


Class Notes

Five Percent Of Nation's Total

Three PLU Alumni Active I n Student Section Of AMA By Clayton Cowl t's always interesting to see the reactions from my class­ mates at Northwestern U n iversi­ ty Medical School after they ask me where I did my u n de rgradu­ ate work. By now the a n swers are pretty predictable and, as usual, borderl ine condescending. " Pacific W hat? Is that some sort of church school?" "Oh, one of t hose sma l l colleg­ es out west." Or, if they're fro m H a rva rd, j u st. "Oh." After a l l . most of them a re vetera ns of the Ivy League system - that va u l t of acad emia boast i ng brains and the fitted casu a l comfort of a t u rt l eneck sh i rt a n d a n Izod sweater. That's why it came as a pleas­ ant surp rise to run into two PLU co l l eagues, n ot at a Homecom­ i ng football game, but at the America n Med ica l Association interim meet i n g last December in Honolulu, Hawaii. The AMA Med ical Student Sec­ tion is represented by delegates and alternates from each of the 1 1 4 U.S. medica l colleges. The section meets sem iannually two days preced ing the main assem­ bly of the AMA to discuss and vote u pon national medical issues affect ing medica l stu­ dents as wel l as the general pub­ lic. One example is the recent legislation ban n i ng smoking on a l l co m m ercial a i rl i ne f l i g hts under eight hours in duration, a d i rect result of a reso l u t ion passed by the student section of the AMA. Wh i le enter i n g t h e s t u d e nt section assem bly at the start of the meet ,i ng, I l iterally b u m ped into classmate La urel Olexer '88, now La urel Dicki nson a n d the delegate from the Medical Col­ lege of V i rginia in R i c h m ond. Soon afterwa rd, I saw Eric Olson, an '86 PLU grad and now dele­ gate from the U n iversity of Colo­ rado. Here, in the midst of med i­ cal st ude nts from around the


nation, PLU grad uates held near­ ly 5% of the voting seats in the l a rgest o rgan izat i o n of o rga­ nized medicine in the cou ntry! The i rony of this u n p l a n n ed reu nion reem phasized the qua li­ ty ed ucation atta in ed at PLU. Quality comes not only by excel­ ling i n the cl assroo m , but by fi n d i ng the fine line of balancing one's life wit h challenging extra­ cu rricular activities. That bala nce is difficult to find in a large uni­ versity sett ing, but vital i n devel­ oping an OPtim istic, flexible atti­ tude and lifestyle. Ra rely does the opportun ity to be a chemistry major, serve as the editor of the campus news­ pa per, play in intra m u ra l athlet­ ics, and work as a n advisor to t h e Dean of Student Affa i rs come a l l i n one sen ior yea r as it did for me. But these experienc­ es, both i n and out of the class­ room, got me wh ere I am today. To me it's obvious that PLU ca n feel p roud to real i ze th at few sm a l l e r sc hools better pre­ pare as many you ng people for su ccess i n profess ional careers. For us now in health science and ot her p rofess i o n a l progra ms across the cou ntry, the differ­ ence in i n d i v i d u a l s who have gradu ated with a PLU deg ree is obvious. The attitudes of the students, the hard-working fac­ u lty, and the beaut ifu l ca m p us environm ent m a ke it d i fficult not to have a tremendous colle­ giate experience. For those students atten d i ng PLU d u ri n g its cente n n ial cele­ bration - including my brother Darren who checks in as a Lute this fal l - remember to live the PLU experience to the ful lest and take advantage of its infi­ nite opport u n ities. And when you graduate, don't be afraid to tell you r col leagu es you went to PLU, the H a rvard of t h e west with a l ittle m o re heart. Clayton Cowl '88 is a second-year medical student at Northwestern University in Chicago.

Continued from page 1 7

Julie Olsen, Connie Johnson Connie Johnson and Julia Olsen ('66) comp leted the University of Colora·

do School Nurse Practitioner program i n August and a r e finishing t h e Pediatric Nu rse Practitioner portion. Both are e m p loyed in the Denver, Colo , area Julia at Parker Pediatrics and Connie at the Children's Hospital

1 976 Jeffrey R. Neher, a partner in the accounting firm of Cordell, Neher & Com­ pany, was apPOinted to the p rofessional liability insurance plan comm ittee of the American Institute of Certified Pub l ic Accountants (AICPA). Robert E. speicher became a stock· holder in the corporation of Brink & Sad· ler, Certified Public Accountants.

1 977 Kathleen Clemence is a major in the Air Force. She is stationed with the National Guard Bureau at the Pentagon. David P. Coss married Rose Marie B i lanko Oct. 2 1 i n St. Frances Ca brini Catholic Church, Taco ma, Wash. Rose works for Pierce County Medical Bureau and David is retired from the Air Force and the State of Washington. They live in Olympia, Wash. Jode sue watson married Steven Brian Lund Nov. 1 1 at St. Paul's Lutheran . Church in Wenatchee, Wash. She is a reg· istered nurse in Ellensburg and he is a farmer and rancher on the Royal Slope. Reverend Larry Robertson of Port Orchard, Wash., was appointed as one of two new Olympic College Board of Trust­ ees memb ers. He is president of the Black M i nisters' Association of Kitsap County, and has been active in many commu n ity projects and organizations during his years of ministry.


1 978 Lisa (Llimatta) Anderson is a home­ maker and homeschools her children i n Spokane. Her husband, J i m , a U niversity of Puget Sound graduate, is a full time "m issionary to the unborn" in the Spo­ kane and other Washington areas, pro­ testing against abortion. Laurie Drage was the featu red per­ former in a concert at the Performing Arts Center in Astoria, Ore. She sang French art songs by Faure, selections from "Haugtussa" by Grieg, the Puppet Aria from "The Medium" by G ia ncario Menotti, and E ngl ish fol ksongs and American ballads. She has given recitals throughout the Northwest and performs with gu itarist David Crabtree. She is pres­ ident of the Friday Music Club and is choir director at First Lutheran Church in Astoria.

Eric Olsen. Laurie Olexer Dickinson. Clayton Cowl

Lisa (BUCk) Haley of Tacoma, WaSh , became a Certified N u rse in the Operat­ Ing Room (CNOR) in November Patricia Cordier of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo , has been elected to member­ s h i p i n Sigma Theta Tau, international honor society of nursing. A member of the U . s . Army, she is a post-operative nu rse at Fort Leonard Wood. Sigma The­ ta Tau is a prest i g ious organization of leaders and scholars in nursing.

1 9 79 Cathy ( Lysing) and Marty Andrews an nou nce the b i rth of Kelsey Barbara Oct. 1 7. She joins Travis (5) and Matthew (3 1/2). Douglas J. Becker changed profes­ sions from CPA and is now practicing law w i t h the Denver firm of Fairfield and Woods. After his May 1 9 89 graduation from the U. of Colorado School of Law, Doug and wife, Barb and daughters Lau­ ren (4) and All ison ( 1 ) moved from Boul· der to Littleton, Colo. Sue (Youngblood) Dennie moved to Spokane, Wash. Husband, Lewis, is an i nvestigator with the Department of Licensing and Sue is a nurse clinician at Sac red Heart Medical Center. Cregory and Kristin (BrOwn) Hahn announce the b i rth of daughter, Karly Luise, last Oct. 1 0 . She joins brother Tyler (3 1 /21.T he Hahn s live in W i ch ita, Kan . where Greg is commercial development manager for Koch Chemical, a division of Koch Industries. Sean Madden coaches women's vol· leyball at Gonzaga Un iversity. The 1 989 team was 2 1 - 1 2 and earned berth in the postseason Women's Invitational V o lley­ b a l l Championship (Division I NCAA) in Bir­ m i ngham, Ala.

1 980 Ladd and Karl (Brandenburg, '84) Bjorneby live in Spokane, Wash. where Ladd serves Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Cheney, Wash. Kari teaches first grade in the Mead School District in Spokane. Alyson R. Brown-stephens works at Security Pacific Bank in Phoenix, Ariz., where she is a management special ist in training and development. Her husband i s the ass istant pastor at Ascension Lutheran Church in Scottsdale.

Craig Muller is vice-president of San Francisco Private Banking, Security Pacific Bank. He is engaged to be married Oct. 6. His p ri m e avocation is to pur­ chase, renovate and remodel homes. He enjoys golf, fishing, and suburban life in the Bay Area. Karen (Bates) Olson married Kevin Olson in February 1 988. Kevin is working on an MA in computer science. Karen began a new call at Christ Lutheran, Spo­ kane, Wash., in SePtember.

1 981 Janet (Cu nnerson) a n d P h i l l i p Amu ndson of Kent, Wash . , announce the birth of Scott Phill ip, May 4. Phil works for Boeing Commercial Air p l anes as an occupational health administrator. Janet is on a leave of absence from • teaching elementary school. Sheryl Ann Bennett and Richard S. Holland of Renton, WaSh., were married Nov. 1 1 . Sheryl works for Fam i ly Life Insurance Co. and Richard works for the U .S. Dept. of Treasury. Dr. Robert (Bob) L. Halterman married Holly L. Ferguson, a registered nurse, in Canton, Ohio, Dec. 1 5 . Bob holds a new emergency medicine position in Pensacola, Fla. RandaU E_ Bates, 45, of Gig Harbor d ied Jan. 20 as the result of a small airplane crash on Mount Rainier.

Continued on page 19

Pacific Lutheran university scene

March 1990

19 Alumni

Class Notes Continued from page 1 8

1 982 Laura J. Bruhn will receive her doctor of veterinary medicine degree from WSU in April She hopes to practice in Wash­ Ington after completing her degree Charles Hoffman com pleted the Canadian Iron man Tri athlon (2 4 m i l e swim, 1 1 2 mile b i ke, a n d 26.2 mile ru n) in 10 hou rs 28 m i n . which qualified him for the 1 990 Hawaiian Ironman World Cham­ pionships With him i n Canada as support crew were Judy (Meteyer '83), Rick Rose ('78), and Beth Neufeld ('82), Cary Alan and Donna (Suttarland, '81 ) Judd a n nou nce the b i rth of And rew Michael, Nov. 2. He joins Ch risto­ pher Alan (3)

Marine Capt. David P. Lemley was a u g m e n ted from the M a r i n e Corps Reserve to regular active duty status. He serves at Marine Corps Ai r Station Futen­ ma, Japan H e joined the Marine Corps in November 1 98 3 . Stephen P. Natwick w a s h i red by the Aberdeen, Wash , law firm of Ingrim, Zelasko, and Goodwin. H e worked i n vari­ ous computer progra m m ing positions across the country before retu rning to Tacoma to attend law school at Universi­ ty of Puget Sound Law School Kaaren Roe works as a com m u n ity program developer with Washi ngton State's Dept of Com m u n ity Develop­ ment . in Olympia She adm i n isters federal and state fund ,ng for housing, p u b l i c facilities, and economic development projects. Carth and Kristy ('85) warren moved to Balti more, Md., where Ga rth m a nages the Lutheran Brothe rhood Insurance agency. They are expecting thei r first child in May. Naomi (Krlppaehne) and Clay war­ ren announce the birth of Chad Martin Nov. 25. H e joins Danielle, 28 months.

1 983 peggy A. Foley-Shaffer m a rried Daniel L Shaffer (U PS) in August 1 983. Daughter, Meaghan, was born April 1 3, 1 987 and daughter, Kelly, was born last April 6. Sharon ('84) and Kris Celdaker announce the birth of Marta Grace, Nov. 2. Robert William Comulkiewlcz and Andrea Jean Lairson were married Oct. 14 at St Luke's Episcopal Church in Seat­ tle, Wash. Robert is a lawyer with Shidler, McBroom, Gates & Lucas, and Andrea is a judicial law clerk for Honorable Eugene A. Wright, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Mr. Jack W. Jaunal wrote a book, Vietnam: '68 Jack's Journa/ ( Denson Press, 1 988) that has been "highly rec­ o m m ended" by L ibrary Journa/ (J u ly 1 989).

Notice of Non - Discriminatory Policy as to Students Pacific Lutheran University admits stu­ dents of any race, color, sex, nauonal and ethnic origin to all the rights, privi­ leges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the University. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions poli ­ cies, scholarship and loan programs and athletic and other school adminis­ tered programs.

Iml jlA�





Joanne and Mike MCNamara of San Antonio, Tex., annou nce the b i rth of K i r­ sten Nicole, Sept. 9. M i ke is in his second year of orthopaedics, and Joanne is a fu l l t i m e mom, part-time lab technician.

Pam (Carlson) and Bruce Olsen proudly an nou nce the b i rth of Laura Christine J u ne 9. She joins sister Anne (2) at their new home i n Marysville, Wash. David w. peterson joined Resou rces Conservation Company (RCel in Bellevue, Wash . as a programm er/analyst. H e is responsible for designing and writing software utilizing DEC VAX co m p u ters, and for admin istering RCC's local area network. Daniel Voelpel, a reporter for the (Tacoma) Morning News Tribune, won an in-house journalism contest in the cate­ gory of "deadline writing " He has been with the paper for six years.

1 984 Philip and Mary (Martin '83) Almonte welcomed their fi rst child, Christopher And rew, on Oct. 30. Ph il is a chemist for the Municipality of Metropol­ itan Seattle (M etro). M a ry is the collec­ tions manager at Lynden Air Freight, Inc. Dr. Jane L. Borneman, M.D., m a r­ ried Daniel J. Schwabe Nov. 25 in Spo­ kane, Wash. Jane is a surgical resident at Creighton U n iversity Medical Center and affiliated hospitals. Dan is d i rector of t r a u m a and emergency services at Creighton Un iversity Medical Center. Bobbl Nodell is the special reports editor of the Orange County Business Journa/, which is based in Newport Beach, Calif

1 985 John R. Bachofner moved to Bea­ verton, Ore., and is engaged to Vickie Walters. Their wedding will be in Port­ land, Ore. on May 26. Catherine (Tucker) Cummings and husband, Scott. of Lake Oswego, Ore., expect the b i rt h of their fi rst c h i l d around M a y 4. Cathy is a private voice teacher and Scott is a programmer/ana­ lyst trainee for Kaiser Permanente. Elise L1ndborg moved to Indianapo­ lis, Ind., where she works for the U.S. Rowing Association as their International Program coord inator. She is in charge of logistics, selection, and organization of the U.S. National Team for World Cham­ pionsh i ps and '92 Olym pics. She also organizes summer and winter tra i n i ng camps throughout the U.S. Yoshl and Linda ('86) Maeshlma moved from Tacoma, Wash ., to Dallas, Tex. Yoshi started a trading company, B. Rep Company, in September 1 989, and Linda started working for American Air­ lines in October. John and Allyson (Smith '87) Stuhlmiller a n n ou nce the b i rth of Rachael Bethany, Dec. 1 6 . Rachael joins David (2 1 /2). John is working on his mas­ ters of p u b l i c admin istration at Ever­ green State College and continues to work as an analyst for the Washington State Senate Agriculture Comm ittee. A l lyson is busy taking care of active David and the new addition to the fami­ ly

1 986 Andrea Louise Border and Thomas John Trinneer were married Oct. 28 at St And rews Episcopal Church in Seattle, Wash. And rea works for Boeing and Thomas works for Sun Microsystems in Ki rkland, Wash. They l ive in Bellevue, Wash. Navy Lt, j.g. Donald W. Bosch recently visited the British Territory of Hong Kong while deployed with Carrier Airborne Early Warn i n g Squadron-1 1 7, Naval A i r Station M i ram ar, San Diego, embarked aboard the ai rcraft carrier USS Enterpri se, homeported in Alam eda, Calif. KARIN (Johnson) & Joe Brown wel­ comed their first child, Evan Arlington, Dec. 20.

Jon Christensen programs comput­ ers for the qual ity control system at FS Andersen NS i n Copenhagen This com­ ing summer he is racing as a professional triathlete on the French professional cir­ cuit. Michelle D. Clemence ma r r i ed Thomas J. Charlton May 3 1 , 1 986. They live in Ohio where Michelle works for an insu rance company and is very active in the University Lutheran Chapel and Stu­ dent Center at Ohio State. Ignacio Delgadillo of Bel levue, Wash., was promoted to product su p­ port engineer at Data 110 i n Redmond, Wash. peter J. Douglass earned a BSME from Colu m b ia U n iversity i n 1 98 7 . He works as a propulsion evaluation engi­ neer for G.E. Aircraft Engines. H e works at the Air Force Flight Test Center at Edwards AFB, Calif., on m i l itary pro­ grams. Nora Myhre and her h u sband Ken woodward ('84) moved to Stockholm, Sweden, i n December 1 989. Ken works for SAS airli nes as a reven u e manager. Nora has changed jobs as well as employ­ er. She works for Ericsson Data Services, as consultant. They are both doing great and enjoying their jobs immensely. Karan Jill Olson and J a m e s E ric O'Neal were married Oct. 14 i n Bethel Church, Chehalis, Wash. They live i n Fed­ eral Way, Wash. Tom Sven peterson married Shan­ non M a r i e Bell at Parkland C h ristian Church in Parkland, Wash , Nov. 2 5 . Tom is a su bstitute teacher in the Puya l l u p School District a n d Shan non is a fifth grade teacher at Graham Elementary School in the Bethel School District. The couple lives in Puyallup, Wash.

Eric Joseph & Kimberly Ann (Wil­ son '89) Olson were m arried Dec. 1 6 at Christ Lutheran Church in Tacoma, Wash. Eric attends medical school at U n iversity of Washington and Kim berly teaches in the Auburn School District and attends Seattle University Tim and Margy (MUeller) Schoen­ heit annou nce the b i rth of their fi rst child, Emily Anne, born Sept. 24. The Schoenheit's still live in Eugene, Ore. warwick M. (RiC) Twine g rad uated from the MBA program during the sum­ mer of '87. He would like to correspond with classm ates. Michael Allyn Vlndivich ma rried Julie Christine Wolfe Jan. 1 3 i n All Saints Catholic Church, Puyallup, Wash. J u lie is employed by Cardiac Study G ro u p and Michael works for Doxon Motors in Taco­ ma, Wash., where they live. Heidi C. Wisner married David Kas­ ter Oct. 14 at First Lutheran Chu rch in Poulsbo, Wash. Heidi is self-employed on Bainbridge Island and David works for Un ited Parcel Service in Bremerton. They live in Silverdale, Wash. Jakob wolstad accepted a position with the Oslo-based sh ipping company Barber International, where he will be working with the financial management of a group of ships. Marcus Todd zm lives in Cha rlotte, N.C., where he is in his first year of teach­ ing. He is engaged to Bethany Ann Bu rt­ man and they plan to marry June 1 6 in Wildrose, N.D. Kristl Thorndike and Jeffrey Stark were married Dec. 5 at Central Lutheran chu rch in Bellingham, Wash. She works in public relations and marketing at R. W. Beck and Associates, and he works in construction.

1 987

1 989

Constance E. Bates teaches first grade for Moreno Valley Un ified School District. She will finish her master's in education in April. In August she hosted two Japanese middle school boys while her son, Brian (1 5), went to Tokyo in exchange. Robert (Bob) &Mlchelle (Cheney, '85) Denning had their first child, Rob­ ert M. Denning, May 26. Bob works at Hughes, Woodring, and Associates, a CPA firm, and Michelle works at Mary Bridge Child ren's Hospital, intensive care u n it, both in Tacoma, Wash., where they live.

Cheryl (Cadeken) Cullller married David Cuillier Dec. 30 at First United Methodist Church in Kennewick, Wash. Cheryl is a copy editor and David a reporter for The Colu mbian newspaper in Vancouver, Wash. Mary Elizabeth Davis and G regory John Pubols, both of Tacoma, Wash . , were married A u g . 1 9 a t O u r Savior Lutheran Chu rch in Issaquah, Wash. Greg­ ory is an accountant with Brink and Sad­ ler, a C.PA firm in Tacoma, Wash. Kevin M. Dahl & SOnja R_ Fossum ('90) announce plans to marry in August. Kevin works at Edgemont Junior High in Puya l l u p School District and Sonja will graduate in May 1 990. Julie Anne DeKruyf and Matthew Richard Marcelia were married Dec. 16 in Tacoma Christian Reformed Commu nity Church. They live in Seattle, Wash. Katrina Neely m a rried Steven wregglt Dec. 1 9. They live in Moscow, Idaho, where Steve attends graduate school at University of Idaho. Katrina is a claims representative for social security in Lewiston, Idaho.

1 988 Brenda Jean Ray is the Young Art­ ists' program coordinator and assistant to the artistic di rector. She also is an assistant stage manager and admin isters the chorus. She lives in Tulsa, Okla. Barbara Rowlee and J . Christopher Ford announce their engagement. A June 1 990 wedding is planned. Barbara is teaching music at Bryant Woods Elem. School in Columbia, Md.

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August 1 -1 4, 1 990 5 3,449 (from Seattle-Tacoma) for reservations or information call

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or write: Walt Shaw, Di rector of A l u m n i Relations (I\lAO PLU, Tacoma, WA 98447


PIClflc Lutheran University SCene

March 1990

20 Alumni

"Ta ke t h e s h i rt off my back!" •

Be t h e second p e rs o n to o w n a n " O r i g i n a l PLU F a c u l ty" C e n t e n n i a l desi g n l T h is speci a l d e s i g n i s ava i l a b le on a h eavywe i g h t wh ite c rew n e c k sweats h i rt a t 526.50 p l u s tax o r o n a wh ite 1 00% cotton T-s h i rt at 5 1 2 . 9 5 p l u s tax. Or. Gene Schaumberg

Ca l U n iversity System Honors '61 PLU Al u m n u s

19 •

months of


h istory!

�'-19 j

Available i n May, the Centenn ial Calendar of Events covers J u ne 1 990 t h rough Dece m ber 1 99 1 . It fea­ tu res orig i n a l pen and i n k d rawings dep icting the history of PLU and h ig h l ights special PLU centennial year events. These beautifu l illustrations are by PLU's own Kirk Isakson . I l l ustrations are 1 1 x 1 4 and are su itable for perma nent fra m i ng . $ 1 3 . 5 0 p rice incl udes shipping.


Com ing soon! Commemorative Centen n ial plate and a variety of specialty items! Send this form and check, m oney order or cred it card i nformation to PLU Bookstore, Pacific Lutheran U n i versity, Tacoma, WA 98447 ORDER FORM __

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Dr. Gene D . Sch a u m berg '6 1 , professor of chemistry at Sono­ ma State University in Roh nert Park, Calif., fo r over 20 yea rs, was recently selected as one of the outsta nding fac u lty mem­ bers in the Cal ifornia state uni­ versity system . He received a meritorious per­ fo r m a n ce a n d p rofe s s i o n a l p rom ise award f o r su perior teac h i n g a n d resea rch exce l­ lence as wel l as his contri butions to international education. Sc h a u m b e rg has recei ved n u merous i nternational a wa rds, i n cl u d i ng two Sen ior F u l b right Lectureshj ps, one to Nepal and one to the P h i l i p p i nes. He has been an internati onal consu ltant for the National Science Founda­ tion and was one of six scientists chosen as sen i o r research fe l­ lows u nder the Indo-American Fel lowsh i p Prog ra m . U nder the latter p rogram he assisted i n the estab l ishment of env i ro n m e ntal resea rch p ro­ grams in India. He has l ived and cond ucted research in Nepal and India for five years. A member of the Northern Californ ia Athletic Confe rence Task Force on Internationalizing the C u rricu l u m , h e has a l so se rved as chair of the Depa rt­ ment of Chemistry and dean of the Division of Natu ra l Sciences at Sonoma. Scha u m berg's mother, Mary, gradu ated from PLU in 1 962. His brother, Ronald, is a 1 97 1 alumnus. This year Sch a u m b e rg is on sabbatical at Washi ngton State Un iversity and escorted a study to u r to Nepal and T h a i l a n d i n January. H e may b e reached at (509) 3 34-3461 . •





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Pacific Lutfteran university ·scene

Marm 1990

21 Alumni

In Memoriam served interim pastorates at O u r Savior's and Faith Lutheran Churches in Everett, Wash. He is survived by sons David, Ken, Jer· ry and Tim, 1 0 grandchildren and three great·grandchildren.

Ray Lerback .

Gloria Fjelstad

Dr. Peter Ristuben

Gloria Kvlnge Fjelstad '55 died of a stroke last October at age 5 5 . The many members of the PLU com m u n ity and alumni who knew her well mark her pass­ ing with memories of a vibrant; i rre­ pressi b le personality, one who touched the lives of so many in her time cut too short. Gloria's long involvement with PLU began in 1 951 . She graduated four years later with a degree in teaching. She also graduated with O . B . Fjelstad, her future husband of 34 years (Pastor Fjelstad cur­ rently serves First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Idaho Falls, Ida.) Gloria's education studies at PLU fos­ tered a love of teach ing that evolved into a l ifelong dedication to young ch il­ dren and the early child hood lea rning p rocess. After graduation she taught fi rst and second grades i n the public schools of Seattle and St Paul. Minn. She later taught k indergarten in Bellingham, Wash.; was parent and early childhood di rector at Wenatchee Jr. College for four years; and was d i rector of the Ket­ chikan, Alaska, Headstart program for five years. PLU figured prominently in Gloria's life again as three sons entered and graduat­ ed in succession: Stephan 79; Daniel '82; and Eric '84. Two became F u l b ri g ht Scholars. The fa m i l y cache of PLU degrees expanded sti l l further via wed­ lock; Mary, Steve's wife, earned an M.B.A. in 1 98 3 , and Carolyn, E ric's wife, is a 1 983 n u rsing graduate. Over the years, Gloria also gave her talents to the chu rches and com m u n i· ties. O.B. served as pastor··Seward, Alaska, Lawrence (near Bel l i ng h a m ), Was h., Wenatchee, Wash ., Ketchikan, Alaska and Idaho Falls, Ida. In the chu rches she sang in the choirs and taught little ones in the Sunday Schools. She served on a commu­ nity museum committee, worked at an art gallery and represented Alaska at the Pacific Lutheran Un iversity Association. In her spare time she played consum· mate Mom for four children; in addition to the three sons, Gretchen, the youn· gest currently resides in Idaho Fal ls. Recently, three grandsons have been added to the family; Gloria seemingly was born for the role of doting grand· mother. Through it all, Gloria steadfastly smiled at life. She saw the world for what it is, yet found its i n habita nts··all of them­ well worth knowing. Bishop David Wold knew Gloria from her early PLU d ays and spoke at her funeral service. He reca lled so aptly that she possessed the "most ingenuous g ift for believing that everyone really want­ ed to visit with her . . . and i n fact they actually did." And what she would ulti· mately share were S i m ply her " marvel· ous gifts of hospitality and JOY." All those who shared Gloria's gifts will remember them well, and miss her deep· Iy

Dr. Peter J . Ristuben, president o f Bethany College, Lindsborg, Kans., a n d former h istory professor a t Pacific Lutheran University, died Jan. 17 a t the age of 56. Ristuben was born in Black River Falls, Wisc. He g raduated from Centra l i a (Wash) High School i n 1 95 1 a n d Centralia Junior College in 1 95 3 . H e earned h is bachelor's degree at Concordia College, Moorhead, M i n n . , i n 1 955, h i s master's degree a t t h e Univer· sity of South Dakota in 1 95 7 and his Ph.D. from the University of Oklahoma i n 1 964. After teach ing in high school in New York Mills, Minn., he joined the PLU facul­ ty in 1 960. While at PLU he took a two­ year leave to serve as head of the in­ service teacher education program i n Nigeria as a member o f the Peace Corps . After serving at the State University of New York in 1 970·71 he became dean of academ i c affairs at Wagner Col lege, Staten Island, NY From 1 9 7 3·77 he was dean of academic affai rs and dean of the college at California Lutheran College, Thousand Oaks, Calif. From 1 9 77·83 he was dean of Empire State College, State University of New York. He became president of Bethany in 1 983. He has served as chairman of the Council of College and University Presi· dents, Evangelical Lutheran Church i n America, a n d recently received an out­ standing alumni honor from Concordia College. He is su rvived by his wife, Nina (Olson), daughter Ann (Ristuben '81) Johnson and her husband of Issaquah, Wash., sons Peter '82 of Seattle and Erik '86 of Taco· ma and their wives, three grandchildren, brothers Arlen of Pullman, Wash., Oliver '59 of Wood land, Wash , and sister Maren (Ristuben '64) Dunlap of Tacoma.

M. E. (Ed) Nesse Rev. M. E. (Ed) Nes5e of Tacoma, a former member of the PLU Board of Regents, d ied Feb. 1 3 at the age of 78. Born in North Dakota, he graduated from Augustana College·Siotlx Falls, S.D., in 1 937 and Luther Theological Seminary, Minneapolis, in 1 941 . A Navy veteran, he organized and built churches in Lebanon, are., and Yakima, Wash., before moving to Tacoma, where he organized and built Christ Lutheran Ch urch in Lakewood. He served on · the Board of Regents from 1 965·68 and was a member of the PLU Q Club. Nesse is survived by wife Ruth, sons Ron, Mark and Phil, daughter Karen WiI· son 76 and 1 1 grandchildren. Memorials may be made to PLU o r Trinity Lutheran Church, where he served as interim pas· tor following his 1 97 7 retirement.

Roy E. Olson Roy E. Olson, former director of pub· lic relations and church relations at PLU, died Dec. 31 , 1 989 at the age of 89. Born to Norwegian immigrant farmers in Iowa, Olson was the first member of his family to graduate from high school. H e attended No rthwood Institute, a j u n i o r college, for two years before teaching country school. He was able to convince Luther Sem i· narY in St. Paul, Minn., to admit h i m with· out a college degree. After g raduating from Luther, he served pastorates in Ketch ikan, Alaska; St. Cloud, M i n n . ; and Minneapolis before coming t o Tacoma . with his wife Ida and family i n 1 947. He had also served as d i rector of prison mis· sions for the Norweg i a n Lutheran Church. From 1 947-51 he was pastor of Cen­ t r a l Lutheran Ch u rch in Tac o m a . He joined the PLU staff as d irector of pu blic relations and adm iSSions in 1 95 1 and became d i rector of chu rch relations in 1 962. He left PLU to become pastor of Shep· herd of the Hills Lutheran Chu rch in Con­ crete, Wash. Following retirement he

Ray Lerback ' 3 5 of Seaside, are., d ied Jan. 9 at the age of 78. Lerback, a PLU Distinguished Alum nus i n 1 9 82, was a long·time commu nity activist He was a co-founder of Seaside Kids Inc., very inVOl ved with Save o u r Schools and Seek Educational Excellence for Kids committees, Seaside Chamber of Commerce and Seaside Boosters. He was past president of Seaside Lions and Sons of Norway, a member of Sea· side Elks, Evergreen ' Masonic Lodge and Seaside AARP, and was on the Governor's Lewis and Clark comm ittee. A former mechanic, businessman and college instructor, Lerback retired in 1 968. Survivors include his wife Jennie, daughter Helen Maki and son AI Iverson, all of Seaside; one granddaughter and two grandsons.

Henry W. Kra mer J r. "I miss Henry very much, but I must continue on with the work he and I loved," wrote Mrs. Doris Kramer of Hong Kong last month. "We taught Engl ish to Chi nese refu· gees in Hong Kong for eight years and led those who desired a new life to Jesus our Lord." Henry W. Kramer Jr. '56 d ied in Hong Kong last May at age 60. Born in Min nesota, he served in the U.S. Army during the Korean conflict, then attend· ed Bemidji State (Minn.l before earning a BAE at PLU. He and his wife were missionaries for more than 20 years They served in Nige· ria, Mexico, Ecuador, the Ph ilippines and Hong Kong, also teaching with Wycliffe Bible Translators. He is survived , by his wife, three chil· dren, two grandch i l d ren, his mother, a sister and two brothers.

Wrestlers 25th At Nationals Godi n ho 15 All-American Senior 1 34-pounder Joh n God­ inho led PLU's five-man wrestl ing contingent at the 1 990 NAIA national championships i n Hays, Ka ns., last week with a sixth­ place finish, earning All-America honors. God inho went 4-3 at the national test. capping a brilliant col l egiate career that saw him go 42-1 5-1 this season. I n team scoring, PLU was 25th with 1 6 points, Adams State (Co lo') won the tea m title with 94 points. "I was really pleased how our guys handled themselves," said second-year PLU mat coach C hris Wolfe. "We wrestled with a lot of confidence. Our goal was to reach the top 20 and we weren't that far off. Fou r of the five guys who competed (at nation­ a ls) are back next year. We're excited about that." h e said. Godinho, seeded sixth, won his first two matches, lost to the

third-seeded wrestler, won his next two, then dropped his fi nal two decisions. "J oh n had a cou­ ple close matches that cou ld have gone either wa9," said Wolfe, "He had a great tou rna­ ment, though." Sophomore heavyweight Stark Porter just m i ssed Al l-Am erica honors with a seventh place fin­ ish . Porter, seeded n i nth, was 4-2 . J unior 1 1 8-pou nder Steve M ead, j u n ior 1 50-pounder Kyl� Patterson and junior 1 58-pou nd­ er Paul C u rtis also com peted at nationals. Wolfe said the 1 989-90 season went wel l . "I was pl eased with how the season went," he said. "We wrestle many of t h e top teams in the country every year. That makes us better. Thi ngs a re looking up for us," he said. Th ree of the top ten tea m s at nationals were from the North­ west.

22 Sports


Enthusiasm in the stands

Hoop la !

Excitement on the floor . . . Sco tt Crimin

A thleticism, Crowd In volvemen t Contribute To Rebirth of 'Runnin ' Lute Basketball In 1 989-90 By Mike Larson


xcitement. E nterta i n m e nt. Fun. All th ree reached new levels on the Olson Auditori u m basket­ ball floor this seaso n as coach Bruce Haroldson's cagers posted a 1 6-1 1 record, na rrowly m issing the district p l ayoffs. H aroldson­ coached tea m s h ave a lways been known for an u ptem po style of play with an occasional d u n k and sol i d shooti ng. I n 1 989-90, the fast breaks were fast, the dunks were spectacular and the shooting was dead-eye. "This club was one of the most - probably the most entertai n­ ing and fun-fi l led teams that I've ever coached," said Haroldson, who com pleted h is 1 5th year as a col leg i ate coach. "We d i d n't p lace a lot of expectat ions on this team but we thought we had a pretty good ba l l club. Basi­ ca l ly the same team that was 1 1 -1 6 l ast year fi n ished 1 6-1 1 this year. "Along with the ath l eticism that was displayed, our style of play su rfaced i n a n u ptem po, enterta i n i ng way. It wasn't designed to be enterta i n i ng, but rather to take advantage of our strengths. Sometimes it h u rt us, more often it hel ped us. It was always enterta i n i ng to the fans, though," he said. E nterta i n i n g, i ndeed . Atten­ da nce rose 86 percent (8,650 fans in 1 990 com pared to 5,050 last yea r) for home games, most notably in the student section. "I th i n k the p l ayers projected a closeness a nd a work ethic that was p icked u p by t h ose that watch ed us. We p l ayed with more emotion a nd had better

bench support this year," he sa i d . " That emotion swept i nto the crowd and b rou g ht them i nto the game m o re. It wasn't just a team effo rt, but also a crowd effort. The crowd was ou r sixth man, and that's the way it should be, It was very gratifying to both the p l ayers and the coaching staff," he sa id, T h e sixth man a l so h e l ped make Haro ldson's seventh sea­ son at PLU one to remember, He recorded his 1 00th Lute victory with a 68-58 win over Pacific Jan, 20. Haroldson is 1 07-82 (, 566) i n seven seasons a t PLU. It was a lso a m i l estone season for sen i o r g u a rd Bu rke M u l l i ns, The 6-1 g u a rd started the sea­ son in 1 3th place a mong a l l-ti me PLU scorers with 1 ,0�1 poi nts, but moved a head of eight for­ mer p lays and fin ished as the n u m ber-five scorer in PLU histo­ ry. M u l l i ns pou red i n 473 points (1 7.5 ppg) i n 1 989-90, 1 ,504 (1 5,5 p pg) i n his career. "It was a thrill to watch Bu rke rise so high on the scoring ladder and see the g race and beauty of h is shots for fou r years," said Haroldson, Ha roldson also had kudos for his ot her fou r sen i o rs. " It was neat watc h i n g (forward Scott) C ri m i n go to work inside, chal, leng i ng his defenders with h i s g ra cefu l p ost m oves, (Gua rd) Byron (Pettit) rose to hei ghts this year that far exceeded a ny level he's played at before," sa id H a roldson. "And (g uard Steve) Maxwell and (swingman Kraig) Ca rpenter both co n t r i b uted despite potential season-e n d i ng i nj u ries (M axwel l broken fi nger, Carpenter fractured el bow). Max had some great clutch shots for us. Carp was our util ity man, our

stop-gap man, i n so many posi­ tions. All five gave outstand i ng leadership and left a legacy for the u nderclassme n to try a nd follow," he said. " It's u p to them now to carry on those leadership responsi b i l ities to an even higher level," he said, J u nior center Greg Schellen­ berg Or., Port l a nd , O re,) a l so made h is mark in the PLU record books with h is district-lea d i n g , 6 2 2 (89-1 43) field goal percent­ age, a new Lute sing le-season record. Schel lenberg bettered the . 6 1 0 mark of former center Ake Palm (1 97 1 -7 2). Shooting seemed easy for the entire squad. PLU led the district i n free throw percentage t 7 3 2) and t h ree-point field goal per­ centage (,442), The Lutes' . 5 1 1 field goal pe rcentage was sec­ o n d by j u st .004 percentage poi nts to Wh itworth. Yakima forward Don Brown, an honorable mention All-District 1 select i o n , was PLU's 1 989-90 sco ring ( 1 8. 2/g m) and rebou nd­ ing (8. 2/gm) c h a m p ion , Brown scored 491 poi nts in 1 989-90, u p p i ng h i s th ree-year tota l to 1 ,1 67, 1 3th among al l-time PLU sco r i ng l eaders, The 6-8 Brown also had 60 assists, 52 steals and 5 3 blocks to go along with a .544 field goal pe rcentage. Brown averaged 2 6 . 2 p pg and 8 . 2 rebo u nds i n P L U 's f i n a l s i x games. " He's a thorough bred," said H a ro ldson on B rown. "What he does on any given n ight rea l ly doesn't surp rise me a nymore. He should have a great season next year." A l l t h i n gs co n s i d e re d , so • should the Lutes.

When he graduated from PLU 39 years ago, p.e. professor Gene Lund­ gaard, right, was the Lutes' no, 2 aI/­ time hoop scorer, He has held on to no. 6 for the past 18 years. This season he was passed by Burke Mul­ lins, Tigard, Ore., senior, who fin­ ished the season as no. 5 all-time.

Olym pic Festival Taps Haroldson As Assistant Coach PLU's Bruce Harldson i s o n e of a d ozen coaches n at i o nw i d e recently selected b y U S A Basket­ ball to serve as a coach for the U.S, Olympic Festival, held J u ly 6-1 5 in M i nneapolis, M N , at the campus of U niversity of M i n ne­ sota. Ha roldson w i l l assist West coach Don Monson, head coach at Oregon , Also assisting Monson is David Yunai. head coach at Cal State-Dom i nguez H i l ls, Haroldson will be coach i ng the nation's finest high school g rad­ u ates a n d p l ayers who h ave used one season of elig i b i l ity at the col leg iate level . The Ibasket­ ball portion of the USOF is J u ly 7-1 0. Basketba l l practices beg i n J u ly 3 . Other coaches selected : N orth . - Head Coach Lon Kruger (Kan­ sas State), assistants Bob Hanson (Nebraska-Omaha) and Dan Hayes (Oklahoma Ch ristia n); South Head Coach Dale Brown (Louisi­ ana State), assistants Pete Her­ man (U.s. Naval Academy) a n d Lloyd W i nsto n (Emory U n iversi­ ty); East - Head Coach Pete Car­ ril (Pri nceton), assistants M ichael Bernard (North Carolina CentraD and Ron M o ntalto ( M o n roe­ Woodbury Centra! High Sc ooD .

PKlflc LutIIeran university scene

MarCh 1 990


spring sports previews BASEBALL Attitude is the most noticeable difference for coach Larry Marshall's d iamondmen as they look to forget about last year's up-and-down 9-1 9 slate . . . Senior 2B John Golden is the lone infield returnee, but talent there runs deep . . . Seni ors Travis Ne lson and Scott Metzenberg and j u n i or Greg Hall a re Ma rs hal l's bi ggest guns on the mou nd, where graduation plu cked t h ree starters . . . Sophomore catcher Jason Mangold is rea dy for a big year . . . J u n ior Bob Morris, a long-ba ll threat, is the lone outfi e l d incum bent . . . A trio of JC newcomers, Tod Byers (PF), Pa u l Mo ntmeny (OF) and Casey Sexton (SS) will contribute im med iately. WOMEN'S TENNIS Sa me squ a d . Diffe rent resu lts. That's coach Rusty Carlson's outlook for 1 990 as he boasts a fu l ly-i ntact top-six with better depth and a yea r's worth of experience . . . J u n ior DeeA n n Eldred ( 1 7-1 1 ), confe rence and d istrict s i n g l es cha m p l ast year, is PLU's clear-cut top retu rnee . . . Steady Becky Bryden (1 1 -1 6), a senior, shou ld hold down the H 2 sing les slot, w h i l e so phomores Bridget Rundle and Melinda Wilson look probable for the # 3 and # 4 positions . . . Seniors Kathy Graves and Kristy Jerke return a t # 5 and #6, but w i l l get a stiff battle from frosh Joni Roback . . . A five-match swing through Hawai i highl ights PLU 's 28-m atch sched u le. MEN'S CREW Literal ly and figu ratively, Lute rowers are thi nking big . . . Open weight rowers - heavYwe ig hts - are the biggest renewa ble asset for coach Doug Herland's crew in 1 990 . . . Fou r strokers off last year's hea vYwei ght eight shell a re back, i ncluding seniors Pau l Bottge and Paul Stockdale, j u n ior Greg Ingle and sopho­ more E ric Ni les . . . They' l l look to retai n the Meyer Cup Trophy (PLU vs UPS in the open eight) for the seventh straight year . . . There's perhaps even better potential in the open fou r boat . . . Sen iors Brett Sudderth and James McDougall and sophomore Randy Du rick appear l i kely there. SOFTBALL Coach Ralph Weekly's Lady Lute softballers w i l l look to extend their string of consecutive appearances at nationals to five stra ight years with a Murderer's Row offensive l ine-up, slick defense and never-ending depth . . . Only six players from last year's 32-1 3 team made Weekly's 1 990 club, evidence enough that his fresh man and transfer talent is dandy . . . Lightni ng-quick Al l-American Chrissy Alton, one of five returning starters, will again roam in center field . . . Also back is Krista Larson (38), Tiffany Sparks (1 B), Debbie Hodde­ vik (LF), and Jeannine Gardner (DH) . . . Fresh man Becky Hoddevi k, Amie Gru nwald and Kari na McGui re head Weekly's pitching corps . . . Twenty-two of PLU's fi rst 25 games are on the road. MEN'S TENNIS Net retu rnees should tran slate i nto a tidy net p rofit for head coach M i ke Benson, whose team will look to keep the conference and district gold one more year . . . Four top-six veterans, a former H2 pl ayer back after a year off, and two qua l ity newcomers fuel Benson's opt i m i sm . . . 1 989 NCIC s i n g l es cham p Jonathan Schultz (1 4-1 7), a senior, should be at # 1 again . . . Senior Gary G i l l is (21 -6), district singles titl ist last year, is a strong H2 . . . Juniors David Thom pson (1 8-9) and Fred Bai ley (1 5-1 0) are back at # 3 and #4 . . . Ian Haworth, a legitimate top-six contender, returns after a year off . . . Also keep an eye on retu rnees Ken Steen is, Tad Kendall, J a m i e Dieveney and Bryan Benson . . . Yakima Va lley CC tra nsfer Shannon Affholter and frosh Pau l Ediger cou ld also eventually make an i m pact. WOMEN'S CREW PLU crew won't be faster than the speed of light, but it wi l l be fast and light . . . Because of better depth, coach Kim Morter-Olson's light eight and fo u r w i l l be com p rised of two separate groups . . . Stroke Anna Descham ps a nd seniors Tanya Lang­ ford and Jen nifer Laraby appear l i kely again in the light eight, along with any number of second-year rowers . . . The light four will be a b rand new boat . . . Chantal H u let returns to ca l l cadence i n the eight. WOMEN'S TRACK Seven retu rning Al l-Americans and six school record-holders should mean busi ness as usual aga in for coach Brad Moore's Lady Lute thi nciads, who placed fifth at nationa ls last year and claimed their eighth stra ight conference title . . . M inta M isley (800m/1 500m), Kelly Edgerton (1 500m, 3Km, 5 Km), Gwen Hund ley (1 500m, 3Km, 5Km), Sharon Wi lso n (400m/800 m), J u l i e H a u gen (1 00m/200m), Shelly Huff (1 00m/200m) and Diana Tavener (tri ple jump) all have earned Al l-America recog nition . . . Dierd re M u rnane is PLU's top distance i ncu m bent . . . Keep an eye on transfers Kennedy Lewis (Bellevue CC, hePtathlon/hu rdle�) and Courtney Batsma n (Ever­ green State, jave l i n), as well as freshman Casi Montoya (dista nce) and Heather Lucas (distance).

Nominees soug ht For PLU Athletic Hall Of Fame





Nom i nations are being sought by the Lute athletic department for PLU's Athletic Hall of Fame. p l a n n ed in coop e ration with PLU's centennial celebration. Inaugu ral inductees w i l l be for­ m a l l y recogn ized at a banquet and at ha lftime of the PLU-Si­ mon Fraser footba l l game on Nov. 1 0, 1 990. Inductees will also be perma nently enshrined in a walk of fa me, located on the north side of the swi m m ing pool between Olson Aud itori u m a n d Names Fitness Center. Nomi nees may be s u b m i tted from four categories: Ath l ete, Coach, Ath letic Staff and Honor­ ary. Nominee Oualifications "" * If the n o m i nee was an ath­ lete, the person m u st have been out of school for at least five years and earned two letters i n one sport or one l etter i n two or more sports. * * If a coach, athletic ad m i n istra­ tor, or athletic staff member, the person must ha ve been on the staff for at least five years. * * The record(s) of the person sho u l d be so o utsta n d i ng that t h e re wou l d be l ittle question as to t h e qual ifica­ tions necessary for ind uction.

* * Consideration w i l l be given for pers o n a l c o n d u ct i n sports and personal contri bu­ tions to the ideal of sports. .. "" The nomi nee's participation w h i l e attending PLU or ser­ vice to PLU w i l l be the pri ma­ ry criteria considered. Howev­ er, acco m p l ish m ents after leaving the school will also be reviewed. Nominations may be p resent­ ed in writi ng to the se lection com m ittee by any person at any time. The selection com mittee is com prised of t h e president of the University (or desig nee), ath­ letic di rector. a l u m n i d i rector. facu lty at h l etic represe ntati ve. Lute Club preSident. sports infor­ mation di rector. two PLU coach­ es (one woman, one ma n) sel ect­ ed by the coaching staff, one Tacoma media rep resentative (selected by the sports i nforma­ tion d i rector), and two a l u m n i athletes, appointed b y the exec­ utive com m ittee. The Executive Co m m ittee con­ sists of the ath letic d i rector, p resident (or d e S i g n ee), Lute Club president, and sports infor­ mation di rector. Mail nomina­ tions to: PLU Hall of Fame, PLU Athletic D epartment, PLU, Tacoma, WA, 98447.



game . . . Seven newcomers, three with prep state experience, will fortify the Lutes in 1 9 90 . . . Freshmen Kerby court, Troy Helseth, Kris Syverstad, Darin Swan and Scott Sypher are all very equal in ability . . . J u n i or Dave Hatlen and senior Jeff Bush cou ld also m a ke an im pact. MEN'S TRACK There are no Capta in Ki rks, M r. Spocks or Sulus, but the sequel to last year's storybook season that saw the Lutes crack the top ten at nationals for the fi rst time could very wel l be labeled Star Track II . . Sprinter James Ben nett and decathlete Brent Wheel­ er both earned Al l-America scrolls last year . . . Bennett went 1 0.60 . and 21 .37 in the 1 00 and 200 - both Lute records . . . Wheeler has 7,000-point potential in the decathlon and was second at nationals last year . . . Jeff Taylor heads PLU's distance corps, Tim Borscheim the m iddle distance delegation . . . Freshmen John Schuck (spri nts) and Chris Cook (triple jump) will score pOi nts right away for PLU. -



COLF Winning conference cham pionships are nothing new to Lute linkers - afterall, PLU has won 1 6 since 1 97 1 - but performing the task in 1 990 may be a bit more d ifficu l t with four key players lost to graduation . . . Junior capta i n Pa ul Fu rth and sophom ore Matt Wal­ den are the base of coach Gene Lundgaard's 1 990 squad . . . Furth averaged 79.1 strokes per round last yea r and is sou nd in all phases of his game . . . Wa lden (80.9) is a steady player with a terrific short -


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Board Of Regents


Tacoma and Vicinity

1 -31

Thomas R. Anderson Cynthia W i lson Edwards Barry Rogge Jane Russell

se ttle and Vicinity


Frank R. Jennings (Vice Chai rman) Anne Long Donald Morken John Oakley Gary Severson Christy N. U l leland (Secretary)


western washington Petra Onel la Brun ner David S. Steen Karen M. vigeland

Eastem washington / Idaho

Christine Larson George Weh m a n n Donald M. Wick Jan Wigen

1 5-1 7 ontana

Oregon Neil R, Bryant Ronald G rewenow Michael Foss

Connye Hager Arthur Peterson Wayne Saverud


Jerold Armstrong, I l linois Robe rt Howard, Alaska Wal l a e McKi n ney, Kansas Richard Muel ler, M issouri J on Olson, C l ifornia Jeff Probstfi e l d , M a ry l a nd Willia m Ramstad, Ca lifornia

18 2 2-23


William O. Rieke, President. PLU Synod Bishops, ELCA Region 1 · Robert Keller, EaWa/ldaho Lowel l K n u tson, Northwest Wash. Donald Parsons, Alask a Paul Swanso n, Oregon or m an Wick, Montana David Wold, Southwestern Wash. (Ch a i rman)



Fac ul ty : Ann Kelleher. David Robbi ns. Sh ri Tonn Stude ts: Becky B reese, Marya Gingrey, B r i a n Slater A d m i n i st rati o n : Luther Bekemeier Luci l l e Giroux, H a rvey Neufeld, S : Er ving Seve rtson, Donald Stu rg i l l (Treasurer), J. Robert W i l ls ELCA, Div. of Ed.: James U nglaube



Editorial Boa rd

Dr. William O. Rieke . . . . . . . . President ucille Giroux . . . . . . Pres. Exec. Assoc. walter Shaw . . . . . Dir. Alumni Relations D r, Marti n J . Neeb . . . . . . . . Exec. Ed itor James L . Peterson . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor M!I<e Larson . . . . . . . . . . . sports Ed itor Ken neth D u n m i re . . . . P h otographer Paul Porter . . . . . . . . . . . . . Art Director Janie Attridge . . . . . . . . . . Class Notes



Women's History Month. F i l ms, lectures, exh i bits. For com plete sched ule of events ca l l 5 3 5-7487. u n i versity Gallery, "Ancestral Sou rces:' an invitational exh i bit featu ring regional women a rtists. Gallery hours are 9 a.m .-4 p . m . weekdays, 1 -4 p . m . Sundays. Lecture, David Brower ' fi rst executive d irecto r of the Sierra Club, "Environmental Imperatives in the 2 1 st Century, Univ. Center, 7 : 30 p . m . Paid adm ission. u n i versity Theatre, "The Man Who Came To Dinner," by George Kaufman and Moss Hart ' d i rected by W i l l iam Becvar. T h i rty-fou r cast mem bers and some surp rise guests from PLU's faculty and staff. Reservations: 5 3 5-7762. Tickets at the door. Eastvold Aud., 8 p . m. U n i versity Theatre (see a bove) 2 p . m . J u ngkuntz Lectureship, theologian·author Dr. Mart i n Marty of the U n i versity of Chi cago School of Divi nity. "Clarity, Chaos, Conversdt i o n : Liberal Education in A C h ristian Context," both eveni ngs, U n i versity Center, 8 p . m . , free. U niversity Theatre (see March 1 5) 8 p . m . Women of Vision Conference, 9 a. m .-5 p . m . , Advance registration, $ 1 5 . Information: 5 9 1 -51 6 1 . Lecture, Rep. Patricia Sch roeder (o-Colo.1, "Developing A Public Policy D i rection for Women a n d Their Fam i l ies," sponsored by Women of Vision Conference, U n iv. Center, 1 p . m . Paid adm ission. Centennial Celebration for PLU staff, faculty a n d guests, Olson Aud., 5 : 30 p.m. U n iversity Theatre (see March 1 5) 2 p . m .





4-2 7




2 7-28



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Concert, U niversity Orchestra d i rected by visiting conductor Rube n G u revich. Symphony Serenade featu res Neilson's Sy m phony NO. 3 and Mozart's Symphony No. 25. Eastvold Aud., 8 p . m . , free. U n i versity Gal lery, "A Fam i l y Affa i r," exhibition of pa i n t i ngs and d rawings by Tacoma artist Mered ith Essex and I i nocut p ri nts by Seattle art i st and teacher Edw i n Essex. Ope n i ng recept i o n A p r i l 3, 5 p . m . Gal lery hours are 9 a.m .-4 p . m . weekdays, 1 -4 p . m Sundays. Homecom i ng Concert, U n i versity Chorale d i rected by Edward Ha rmic. Spring tour program featu res Swed ish folksongs and music by Vaughan W i l liams and Herbert Howells. Eastvo ld Aud., 8 p . m . , free. Lecture, South African author and teacher Simon Farisa n i . Un iv. Center, 8 p . m ., paid adm i ssion . Concert, "Chamber M usic Potpourri"; student chamber m usic concert features two string quartets, a piano trio and brass and wind g roups. U niv. Center, 8 p m ., free. Dance, "Dance Vision," PLU Dance Ensemble program d i rected by Mau reen McGi l l Seal features energetic choreography, stu n n i ng costumes a n d dazzl i n g lights. Eastvold Aud., 8 p . m . , paid adm ission.


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mail to AI� mni Office (NAC), PLU, Tacoma, WA 98447







What's New With You? Name

Concert, U n i versity W i n d Ensemble d i rected by Tom O'Neal, Eastvold Aud., 8 p.m., free. Regency Concert Series, Camas Wind Quintet, chamber m usic by Ravel and Mozart, Liadov's "Eight Russian Folksongs." UniV. Center, 8 p.m., paid adm ission. Concert, " M usic You Hate To Love," annual potpou rr i of m usical nonsense benefits the music scholarship fun d . M usic faculty a n d friends are featured. Eastvold Aud., 8 p . m . , paid adm ission.

2-2 5


1 0-1 2


1 2-1 3

13 15



20 Homeco m i ng Concert, Choi r of the West d i rected by Ri chard Sparks. Spring tou r program featured. Eastvold Aud., 8 p.m., free. U n iversity Gallery, "Where They've Been; Where They're Going:' exhibit features 1 990 Bachelor of Fine Arts can d i dates. Opening reception May 1 , 5 p.m. Commencement reception May 26, 1 p . m . Gal lery hours a r e 9 a.m .-4 p.m. weekdays, 1 -4 p.m., Sundays.

Regenty Concert Series, Regency St ring Quartet performs chamber m usic classics, i ncluding Beet hoven's Op. 1 8, No. 2 qua rtet. U n i v. Center, 8 p . m . , paid adm ission. Artist Series, Eugene Ballet of Eugene, Ore., p resents Tchai kowsky's "Cinderel la." Eastvold Aud., 8 p.m. Concert, PLU Instrumental Jazz Ensemble d i rected by Roger Gard. U n iv. Center ' 8 p.m., free. May Festival. M ayfest Dancers "final performance:' Olson Aud., 8 p.m. Concert, U n iversity Si ngers d i rected by Cathy Bleecker, U n iv. Center, 8 p . m . , free. Concert, PLU Vocal Jazz Ensemble "Park Avenue" d i rected by Cathy Bleecker. U n i v. Center, 8 p.m., free. U ni versity Theatre, "The Glass Menagerie" by Tennessee Wi ll i ams, d i rected by W i l liam Parker. Remnants of southern genti l ity l i v i n g in poverty. Reservati ons 5 3 5-7762. Fastvo l d Aud , 8 p . m . , p a i d a d m ission Q Cl u b Banquet, featuring PLU cente n n i a l historian P h i l i p Nordqu ist, Olson Aud., 6 p m . Opera Wor shop, d i rected by Ba r bara Poulshock . Fam ous opera scenes, ensembles and arias a re recreated in ful l costume with props U n iv. Center 8 ' p . m . , free. U n iversity Theatre (see May 1 01 2 p . m Con cert, U n iversity Sy m p hony O rchestra d i rected by visiti ng conductor Ruben Gurevich. Guest soloist Steven Staryk performs Mendelssohn's Viol i n Concerto i n E m i n or, orchestra p resents Mahler's Sym phony No. 1 . Eastvold Aud , 8 p.m., free. Concert, M u lti·media concert. M usic, a rt, dan ce, poetry and l ighting com b i n e to bring this Contemporary A rts E n semble program to l ife. Eastvold Aud., 8 p . m . , free. Concert, U n i versity W in d Ensemble and Concert Band, d i rected by Tom O'Nea l . Eastvold Aud., 8 p m . , free. Concert, Chora l U n io n a l i-a udition com m u n it choir d i rected by R ichard Sparks. Music for choi r a n d percussion is featu red, including Bernstein's Chichester Psal ms. Eastvold Aud., 2 p . m . , pard adm ission.




Com mencement, Fi rst Centennial Graduat i n g Cl ass, Olson Aud., 2 : 30 p.m. Centennial Flag flies



Volu me XX No. 4

June 1 990


Cover: PLU Centen n i a l U nderway!

$ 1 . 5 M i l l i on G ift.

A Centennial Bell, a gift t o PLU from President a n d M rs. William Rieke, was dedicated prior to Commencement May 2 7 . The bel l w a s created b y PLU art p rofessor Tom Torrens. H i story p rofessor Dr. Philip Nordquist, left, and Board of Regents chai rman Dr. David Wold perform the ceremony as Dr. Rieke and graduates look on.

For the second t i me in four months. PLU received a seven figure gift toward construction of the Mary Baker Russell M usic Center on cam pus. The most recent gift was given anonymously. Arch itects have been selected; construc足 tion is expected to beg i n before the end of the centennial year.

More Cente n n i a l H ig h l i g hts

. . .



President William R ieke officially opened, the 1 990-91 centennial year with the raisi ng of the Cente n n i a l flag May 2 7 p rior to Comm encement. PLU received g reetings and congratulati ons from U.s. President George Bush and Washington Governor Booth G a rd n er, Safe St reets d i rector Ly le Quaslm received a Distinguished Service Award.

Cent u ry of Service

. . . . . . . .



Five veteran PLU faculty mem bers retired this spring. They were religion p rofesso rs e n neth Ch ristopherson and R a l p h Geh rke. n u rsing p rofessors Fern Goug h and Yukie Y u m i be. and p h i losophy p rofessor C u rtis H u ber. Together they have served at PLU for 1 01 years,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Two F u lb right Scholars




Two 1 990 grad uates, Sean Neely and Keri Lenz. were recip ients of F u l b right Scholarships this s p r i n g . Neely w i l l study in Germa ny; Lenz w i l l study i n Botswana. Thei r awards bring the cam pus Fulbright total t o 2 0 i n the past 1 5 years.

Letters From Latvia

. . . . . . . .



Adam Collins was one of the PLU students who spent the spring semester i n t h e Baltic States under auspices o f the Samantha Sm ith exchange program. His letters home p rovide a n i nsightful look at day-to-day life i n Latvia during a historic moment in history.

Scene ( l SS N 0886-3369) Published quarterly by Pacific lutheran University. S , 1 2 1 st and

Park Ave" Tacoma, WA 98447 -0004 Second Class postage paid at Tacoma, WA.

Postmaster: send add ress change to Development Data Center, PlU, P,O. Box 2068, Taco ma, WA 98447 -0003 .

Pacific Lutlleran universItY SCllne

June 1990

Cen tennial

New centennial Be ll, Fla g pavi lion Grac e Cam pus Plaz The heart of the PLU ca mpus i n front of Eastvold Aud itori u m has taken on a new look i n honor of the PLU centen n i a l . A centen n i a l b e l l , c o m m i s­ si oned by PLU P re s i d e n t a n d Mrs. W i l l iam Rieke a n d created by PLU sc u l ptor Tom To rrens, has been i n sta l l ed o n the east edge of the brick p laza between Eastvold and Ha rstad H a l l . A new f l g pavi l io n has been created just north of the East­ void entrance. It featu res three flag poles from which fly the Jnited States flag, Was h i n gton state flag and PLU cente n n ia l flag . Dedication of the Ri e ke g ift a n d the flag pavi l i on was held just p rior to c o m m e n c e m e n t exercises May 27. The event was beamed via l ive closed-c i rc u it television to g radu ation-day visi­ tors i n Olson Aud itori u m .

PLU Presiden t William Rieke officially launched the centennial year with the raising o f the centennial flag. Raising the flag are from left, graduates Olivia Gerth, Russ Simonson and Kimberly Sharp, who spearheaded the graduates' 546, 1 70 graduation gift to the university.

E TE H O U S TH E w H I WA Sl t1 NO

Mar ch


TO N •

19 9 0

i ng s t t oth e et e r g st me w ar ty . s t a t t a nd ul d t o s eantdormy te h g , � s l . de m a I s tr h e , 1f0ac n i v er s a rY of i n mi d 0 th a n a s t n . s tude e c e l ebr at ing t � ty ' eve r,Y on , , r a n u n �' ve rs n e n t r o lde e �nnj oy p a c � f � C Luthe i m ro p a d e , S a lway Si npgl ay t o u nd er s tea nads �:mber s of Educ� t �aonn 1ha av . he lp ��� i e s w e hHow e v er . sour J\me r � c' gh t si faend opp or tunso ed ty e ' � c ' -' - ha ch ang r ' � c t� th e ra c o a nd m e ld de c wor n e d e n ol i a c h a f r e e , - - i nde ed . th e W a st ce ntu r y , shav e N a t i on � ca l 1 du r i ng , the dP our l iv e S a�d ' rtu a llY dr ama tol Og h a v e enr, �cheopp ortun i t i es , � n V � t a t e s is t echn d n�w e xc i t � ng ne the u n � t : d cr e a t e f , ld . of e nde av or , r osIfpe r ou� n a t � o, n g g loob a l e v e r y a i� a s tr ong a�d � r ap i dlY ch a ng �� ot o nl Y t o r em s c omp e t �' t i v e � n a l sy s tem mUs t ce tha t i v - - our educ a t i on ked bv� e xc e ll e n , e co nom �a c e but al SO b e m ar d on e ke ep p v e r s �, tY l�atsS t an ding n i u , an er th LU ' s f at � n i f �c s i n c e 109th0 ' tP a � r ov i d ing g ene �:tl ion ty educ � � e x a c tl yme n : nd w om en w i th ash� pe t oda y · s l ��r: ' s ' o n ou ng ha v e h e l p ed f or th e f u � 6 ur e feyf orartse a p r om i s ingI samig npl e a s ed t o comm e nd and th l l e nce , c as i on . ,thi s s p ecm���m1 enoct t o ac adem�' c e xc e d er f u 1 lso o�, th on w Y our c om � U O , n s me i n w, i shi ngd Yc on t nue d su c ce s n )' o � a B arb a r s ar y ce l eb r at � on an y ou . a n ni v erar s t o come ' G od b l es S the y e 0


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Plld lillI.� Ontmnlll i during 199(}.:fic 91 ' 1I_ "ncnm UftIVt! . TBity in T. , "" IImJrIII WI.ll _ a· ....rw . ting ' s _ ,t ' Plldfic Luthmm 189() li� . nd Irtu Un ' to 41J()() stUl/nrts �Ity _S /rnnukd by N. !Wr-Slllte N.ort • grown " lrwat region ' -.urnrng the u" lind the Iilrtat o:n ::J:!:' �""";"''''s in ti grs Lutlre""�l u� it1tedruJepr . sdrolo 1ft in the the _14; lind 00 Uy, PLU lind WllElc£.ts' 1I0000iof Irtu gTIIdUltl ed 18 Fulltright scIooiAr;S ift . 14 ymrs· DrD _ _ _ ' lind d,m � ' PLU gTIId"...- . , ill sdrools lit twiii! the--. 1ft prr-rtU!didne ""d pr e-<lmtlll pro fIIItioru l llf1mlgr; gnnns mter lfIeti lind iml , the t WIlER£.ts. hertrL for PLlrs Ontury I/ "; Cmtmnu.1 �" ron III ' IS . "EduCJIting Jor ,,_ � � � � NrdJy�w. f1"Oc';i", MArch 24� Booth Gordner, Govmw, f ' ° , lIS the Stat� f W o lIShin".on, al .. "0 ••

!n the SlIlte of da nKf,on, lind / urge 1111 Institution on tMWaMi ' . . y of ib "'nnier� Gntnr ndt itlr::: :o JOin "'1' in hofIQring this fine Signed, this 22tui

day of MA'." ....,


1 99()

paclRc LUUleran university !Scene


1 990

Cen tennial

July 1-6

Scandi navi


eritage week

A Featured centennial Event The theme of the fi rst phase of Pacific Lutheran U n i ve rs ity's is celebration ce n t e n n i a l "Reflecting o n Heritage." A Scan­ d i navian Heritage Week July 1 -6 is one of the major events sup­ porting that theme. Heritage Week v i s i to rs m ay antici pate sessions throughout each of the special days. M o nday's sess i o n s foc u s o n "Art a n d Desig n . " Among t h e speakers are Marion Nelson, pro­ fessor of art history at the uni­ versity of M i n nesota and d i rec­ tor of the Norwegia n-American useum in Deco ra h, la.; and Lila Nelson, cu rator at the museum. "Geneology" is the theme of Tuesday's events. Dr. Terge Lei­ ren, professor of h i story in the Scandinavian department at the University of Wash ington, w i l l lecture on the Sca n d i n avia the immigrants left to set the stage for workshops on tracing fa m i ly h istories. Wednes day p a rtici pa nts w i l l have a n o p p ortu n ity to cele­ brate the 4th of J u ly, Northwest style. Dr. Paul Reigstad, PLU English p rofessor emeritus, i s a m ong the featured Thu rsday speakers on "Imm igrant H i story and liter­ ature." Re igstad is author of a biography of Ole Rolvaag, a pio­ neer educator at St. Olaf Col lege, Northfield, M i n n . , and author of the accla imed im m ig rant classic, Giants in the Earth.

Rolvaag w i l l be the e n t i re focus of Friday's sessions. Fea­ tured speakers i n clude Dr. Sol­ veig Zempel, a St. O laf professor and grandd a u g hter of Rol vaag, Dr. I ngeborg Kongsl ien, profes­ sor of i m m i g rant l iterat u re at the Un iversity of Oslo, a n d Dr. Harold Simonson, p rofessor of E n g l ish at t h e U n iversity of

Washi ngton and author of Prai­

ries Within: The Tragic Trilogy of Ole Rolvaag, and Dr. Kristoffer

Paulsen, professor of English at Sim on Fraser University. Scandi navian enterta in ment is planned for both Tu esday and Friday evenings. Reg i strat ion for the week is $ 30 ($ 1 0 per day for d rop-ins). Room and boa rd on ca mpus i s $ 3 5 per d a y ( $ 3 0 doub le occu­ pancy. Reg istration may be sent to PLU Norweg ian professor Audun Toven, Scand i n a v i a n He ritage Week, PLU , Tacoma, Wa. 98447. For more information contact Toven, 206) 5 3 5-7 3 1 4 .

Presiden t William Rieke congratulates L yle Quasim.

October 14th

Alumni Around The world TO Celebrate FO nders Day Octo ber 14 , 1 9 90, is Fou nders Day. On campus th ere w i l l be a centennial worsh i p celebrat ion. It is hoped that as many alu mni as possi ble all over the world wi l l come together somewhere, somehow, t o ce leb rate the beg i n n i ng of the un iversity's second centu ry and a successful fi rst century. Watch for a l u m n i gat herings in you r area around this date. Contact the following individual in you r area for fu rther information about pla ns. If there is not a contact pe rson in yo u r area and you wou ld l i ke to gather alumni together, contact the Alumni Office 206-5 35-741 5. Gig Ha rbor Los Angeles/Pasadena Orange Cou nty Calif. Portland Sacramento San Diego San Francisco Skagit & Island Cou nties South Sound (Olym pia) Spokane Yakima

Betty Hoffm an Terry Totten David Li pscomb Joel Joh nson Jack Oliver David Nesvig Jerry Joh nson Iris Cammock Pete Gedde Lois Staff (daytime) Virginia Prochnow

(206) (81 8) (7 1 4) (503) (91 6) (61 9) (41 5) (206) (206) (509) (509)

851 -3031 355-6339 892-0330 684-2 932 961 -3304 469-47 56 2 54-4300 428-1 902 459-0291 456-41 66 452-2798

Fa l l Prod u ction Recal ls Cent u ry Of PLU Theatre " 1 00 Years of PLU Theatre" w i l l b r i n g the best m o m e nts from the PLU stage back for the school's centennial ce lebration . The collage of scenes features surprise g u est appearan ces by a l u m n i thesp i a n s a n d facu lty mem bers. "Bill Parker (PLU the­ atre di rector) and I are research­ i ng past PLU productions and writ ing nar ration that l i n k the scenes w h i l e exp l a i n i ng t h e

development o f th eatre over the years," said theatre d irector William Becvar, The dates are Nov. 1 -4 and 8-1 1 . Next spring PLU's cente n n i a l celebration w i l l receive an added boost when U n iversity Theatre mou nts "The A pprentice." The PLU performa nce w i l l be t h e play's world premiere. Written by Parker, the play e�plores six yea rs of t h e l ife of Norweg ian playwright Henrick I bsen. I bs e n was an a p o t h e cary apprentice when he was 1 5 unt i l he w a s 2 1 . T h a t p e r i o d a lso

ma rks the beg i n n i ng of h i s Writ­ ing. "I want to show the roots of his strong portrayal of wom en, Who were the women in his l ife that shaped th ose early ideas?" asks Parker. The play runs M a rch 7, 8, 9 and 1 0. Call (206) 5 35-7 762 for reserva t i o n s and i nfo rmation a bout the Cente n n i a l Year Sea­ son.

Quasi m Rece i ves PLU Dist i n g u i shed Service Awa rd Lyle Quasim, exec utive d irec­ tor of Tacoma's Safe Streets campaign, was the recipient of a D i st i ngu ishe d Service Award from PLU May 27. The honor was p resented to the 1 973 PLU alumnus at spring commencement exerci ses i n Olson Auditorium. Accord ing to PLU president Dr. William Rieke, Quasim was hon­ ored for his "outstanding leader­ ship, service and com m itment to shaping a better society." Safe Streets is a com m u n ity­ w i de p roj ect a d d ressi ng t h e p roblems of ga ngs, drugs and violence in Tacoma-Pierce Coun­ ty. A grass roots orga n ization, its a i m is to organ ize n e i g h b o r­ hoods against the crime prob­ lems. Quasim poi nts out that gangs represent less than one percent of the popu l a t i o n , b u t often have the upper hand beca use they are organized . Organized l aw abiding citizens ca n preva i l because they out n u m ber the lawbreakers 99 to 1 , he emp ha­ sizes. Quasim is also ch a i r of the Tacoma-Pierce Co unty Black Col­ lective, a n d works with the Taco­ ma Pu b l i c School District to improve the environment for and education of m i norities i n the district.

P3c1Ac: LutJ'leran university Scene

June 1990




-.;. ,

f Se

Cu rtis H u ber


Ken Christopherson

Ken Ch ristopherson


acific Lutheran University, born of the Reform ation spirit. .." To persons with close ties to PLU, this i ntroduction to the u n i­ versity's Statement of O bjec­ tives is as fa m i l ia r as "We the People ... " or "Fou rscore and sev­ en years ago . . . " It has withstood the test of time through several distinct eras, and has remained virtually u n ch a nged a s the u n i­ versity's official "declaration" since the institution beca m e a university. For Dr. Kenneth C h ristop he r­ son, who reti red this spring as a professor of relig ion after 3 2 years, the document i s a source of great personal sat isfactio n . He helped d raft the doc u m ent, along with p hi losophy p rofessor George Arbaugh, the late h istory p rofessor Wa lter Sch nackenberg and ed u cation p rofessor emeri­ tus Arne Pederson. The statement was the c u l m i ­ nation o f an exhaustive i nstitu­ tional self study that cha n ged PLU's d i rection, led to u niversity statu s and signaled the end of t h e 1 9 -ye a r S e t h E a stvold admin istration. (Th i s l a n d ma rk era is discussed in detail i n Philip Nordqu i st's new PLU cente n n i a l history, Educating for Service,) "The Statement is a ringing decla ration of a cademic free­ dom," said C h ristopherson . "It was fo r m u l ated a n d ado pted amid a great deal of controver­ sy. It was the symbol of a new era at an i nstitution that had been sheltered and parochial." Christop h erson believes that Lutheran i nstitutions of h ig h e r e d u cation fl o u r i s h b e ca u se Luthe ra n i s m e n c o u rages a n "unfettered academic search for truth." He continued, 'The C h r istian faith, rightly understood, does "

not l i m it us, it opens us. We know we a re saved by free grace, not by having the ' right' answers." There will always be a tension between free in q u i ry and rel i­ gion, he ind icated . "It is a cre­ ative tension we welcome; we need not fea r it," he said. His g reatest s i n g l e JOY, h e reflected, has been to have had a hand in building a strong reli­ gion department at PLU . " U ntil the ' 5 0s, religion h a d been taught, not academically, but as a post-co nfi rmation n u rt u re . T here w a s some atte m p t to evangelize and i ndoctrinate," he said. A rel igion department should be as academ ically strong as any academic department, C h risto­ p h e rson asserted. " Y o u c a n 't rea l ly u nd e rsta n d a soci ety u n l ess you unde rstand the reli­ gious p ractices that have helped shape that society," he added. "Educators chal lenge students not only to know the material but to th i n k with it," h e sa id. "Religion is a n acid test. If you can th i n k i n rel igion you can think anywhere, because that is the l ast p l a ce some people think." T h i s p h i loso p h y h a s h e l ped b u i ld the rel igion depart ment into the strongest in the north­ west, a model followed by other colleges. "The department is sol­ id academ ically. But it is also u p front i n u pholding the u niversi­ ty's C hristian identity," he n ot­ ed. "Each of our facu lty mem­ bers is a p rofessi ng Christia n and active i n a local congregation." ' It should be u nderstOOd, he added, "that it is not our i ntent to make believers, but to teach students what the religious t ra­ d itions are. "Still, there is no way for stu­ dents to avoid the tra u matic Con tinued on page 6

e m i n iscing w i t h p h l l osphy professor Cu rtis H u ber about h is career at PLU is l i ke being i n v ited on a backstage tou r of the past quarter centu ry of u n i · versity h istory. Few of the sign if­ icant tu rni ng poi nts in ca m p us l ife and pol icy have escaped h i s i nterest or deep i n vo lvement. H u ber, who reti red in M a y , a rrived o n ca m p u s i n 1 9 64 as the second m e m ber of t h e fledg l i n g p h i l oso p h y fac u l ty Almost i m med iately he beca me embroi led i n the extended ca m· pus co ntroversy ove r com pulso· ry chapel . At that t i m e most other Luth eran schools had giv­ en it u p, and H u ber and others bel ieved it was doing more harm than good. The cha nge f i n a l l y c a m e i n 1 968. Though H u ber favored vol· u ntary c h a p e l , he now says, "Once a l l t h ose k i d s sto p ped showing up in one place at one tim e, we lost something." In the l a t e '60s h e was involved i n the cu rricu l u m study that l ed to the 4-1 -4 academic c a l e n d a r, a c a l e n d a r t h a t rem a i n s v i a b l e a n d v i b ra nt today. Though he describes it a tea m effo rt, H u ber was the g u i d i ng and i n s p i rational force behind the Integrated Stud ies Prog ra m , the alternative core curricu l u m . Si nce 1 975 "Core I I " has gai ned a nationa l reputat ion for PLU i n academic ci rcles. It accompl ished several things besides better learning opportu­ nities for students, accord ing to Huber. "It got faculty members work i n g togeth e r , " h e sa i d . "That is not easy t o do i n an academ ic enviro n m ent, where everyone is a p rofessional a n d an expert. There is also t h e very rea l fea r of fa i l u re for people movi ng i nto an u n fa m i l i a r set­ ting." Integrated, or interdisci plinary studies was a d esi red trend i n t h e '70s, but few u n iversities have been able to m a i ntain such p rog rams. Some that h ave a re using the PLU model. "It is harder to teach i ntegrat­ ed stud i es," sa id H u ber. "Our p rogram faculty a re taki ng it out of their h ides. But it has special rewards too." ISP's t h e m e , " Dy n a m i cs of C h a n ge," re m a i ns accurately descriptive because as new pro­ fessors are worked into the pro­ gram they bring fresh energy and ideas. "There is no sign that it is getting old a n d d ry," said H u ber. "In fact, the younger pro­ fessors seem the most enth usi­ astic about it." "The progra m is more popu lat­ ed than it ever has bee n , " h e

Curtis Huber

continued, "and we a re getting better students in it." I n teg rated S t u d ies a l so sig­ na led an era of more n u merous and m o re su bsta nt i a l fa cu jty grants. ISP was origina l ly fu nded by a S 201 ,000 g rant from the N a t i o n a l Endowment fo r the H u m a n ities a n d su bsequ ent g rants tota l i n g over $ 2 5,000. H u be r observed m i schievously, "Other p rofessors started th i n k­ ing, 'If H u ber ca n get that kind of money, anyone ca n . '" H u ber was a l so one of the founders of the University Schol­ a rs Assoc i a t i o n , o r F a c u lty House, which has hel p ed b u i ld c a m a ra d e rie m a i n ta i n and among the entire faculty. "With­ out a focal point l i ke that, it is easy for us to become cloistered w i t h i n o u r o w n d i s c i p l i nes among only o u r k i nd," he sa id. Fi nal ly, h e was the ag itat i ng force beh i nd the move to a pro­ fessional aca d e m i c com pu t i ng p rogram on ca m pus and was the fi rst d i rector and grant-getter of that effort. Born and raised in C h icago, the son of a master b rewer and his wife, H u ber was i ns p i red to go i nto the m i n istry by h i s fa m i ly pasto r. " H e was a good o l d ­ Synod M i sso u r i fa s h i o n e d p reacher," H u b e r reca l l s, " u p there i n that h uge p u lpit, a sym­ bol of power, authority, i nfinite wisdom - penetrating eyes, b u rn­ i ng a hole through you r sou l . H e convinced me that that was the l ife." H i s i n te rest i n p h i l osop hy began i n adol escence and was n u rtured in the sem i n a ry. He •

Con tinued on page 6

Pacillc; Luther.ln university


JurIe , 990



Five Retiring Faculty Members Ha ve Taught A t PL U For 1 0 1 Years

By Jim Peterson

Fern Gough

Ralph Gehrke

Yukie Yumibe

Ralph Geh rke

Yukie Yu m i be

Fern Gough

T half-centu ry apart,

N Gough's career at PLU came


Creek, W i s c . , w h e re Geh rke g rew u p, was like many m idwestern towns ear­ ly in this centu ry: strong ethn i c and rel i gio u s roots d o m i nated l ife. Church was the center of life. "And always, someone i n those congregations was studyi n g for the ministry," said Gehrke, who reti red i n May after a 42-year teaching career. For the past 1 5 years he has been a mem ber of the PLU rel i gion faculty. Geh rke's acad e m i c i nte rests and proficiency i n lang uages go back to his studies in the prepa­ ratory and co l l e g i ate depa rt­ ments of h i s a l m a m ater, North­ western C o l l e g e , Watert o w n , Wise. I n what was an American­ ized, eight-yea r version of t h e h umanis­ German sta n d a rd tisches Gymnasium the you n g pre-theolog ica l student learn ed Lat i n , G e r m a n , G re e k , and Hebrew a s part o f h i s l i be ra l a rts curricu l u m . A spec i a l honor was the p rivi lege of del iver i n g the Germ a n O ration at com m e nce­ ment in J u n e 1 941 , 49 years ago. U po n h i s g r a d u at i o n , th ree years later, from The Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary i n Thiensville, WISC., Gehrke was sent to South Dakota. WWII wou ld sti l l rage for another year and a half while he served a two-congregati o n p a r­ ish in a reg ion popu lated a l most e n t i rely by Germ a n-spea k i ng i m migrants from Russia. "I could have just as well been l iving i n the Ukra i ne," h e said. In 1 948 h is a l ma mater was searchi n g for someone to fill a position i n G reek a n d A n c i e nt H i story after the i n cu m b e n t had moved on t o t h e seminary and Gehrke was a pPoi n te d ,

B Ralph

Continued on page 6

wo graduation ceremon ies, a have had great Sign ificance i n the l i fe of Yukie Y u m i be. At PLU's May Commencm ent, Prof. Y u m i b e ret i red after 1 0 years on the n u rsing facu lty. Still youthful in m i nd and spi rit, she l oo ks fo rward to cont i n u ed activity as an advocate for the a g i ng, and health promotion for everyone. Exactly 50 years ago she g rad­ uated from N o rth K itsa p H i g h School i n P o u l sbo, Was h . , n o more t h a n 50 m i l es from t h e PLU campus. She was fi l led with excitement then, too, as she antici pated n u rs i n g stud ies at the Un iversity of Wash i ngton. Not long after she e n rolled at the U . , howeve r, war c l o u d s began t o d i m her future. D u e to i m posed cu rfews a n d travel restrictions placed on Japanese­ Am erica ns, she was u na b l e to conti nue her studies i n 1 941 . In the spri ng of 1 942 she and the other fou r mem bers of her fa m i ­ l y were a m o n g m o re t h a n 1 2 0,000 J a pa n ese-A m e r i c a n s p laced beh i n d b a rbed w i re i n i nternment camps. Her fam i ly, which had l ived in the U .S. for more than 20 years, was taken to the Tule Lake area in n o rth­ e r n Cal ifor n i a w i t h o n l y the belo n g i n g s t h ey cou l d c a r ry . They h a d been given one week to dispose of their other belong­ i ngs a nd arrange for the fa rming of thei r land and harvest i ng of a bum per crop of strawberries . "Though we were very aware of the war between Japan and C h i na and Japan's tense relation­ ship with the U.s., we were confi­ d e n t t h e p ro b l e m s w o u l d be i roned out." she recalls. "We were shocked and dismayed that

Continued on page 6

u rs i n g

professo r

F e rn

to a close with a bang i n May. E a r l i e r t h i s s p r i n g , Professor Gough was named 1 990 N u rse of the Year by the Pie rce Cou nty Nurses' Association. The award reco g n i zes s i g n i fi­ cant contri butions to the nurs­ i n g profession i n the commu nity and the mai ntena nce and ra ising of academic a n d professional standards. Gough has spent nearly half of her 40-year n u rs i n g caree r at PLU, joi n i ng the u n iversity facul­ ty i n 1 97 1 . Her spec i a lty has been medical-surgical n u rsing. Like her fellow reti rees, Gough has midwest roots. She was born and raised in South Da kota and earned her t h ree-year n u rsi ng diploma at M ethodist Hospita l in M itchell, S.D., in 1 950. With relatives in Tacoma, she ventu red west. working at Taco­ ma G e n e ra l H o s p i t a l for s i x yea rs. S h e retu rned east to Wheaton School of N u rsing in illi­ nois for her BSN i n 1 956, then worked in a Sioux Fal ls, S. D . , hos­ pital for two years. Prior to her appointment at PLU she served at the Tacoma General Hospital School of N u rsing for a decade, the last six years as educational coordinator. As the 1 9 70s beg a n , d i ploma n u rsing progra ms were being phased out ac ross t h e cou ntry and TG was no exception. "The handwriti ng was on the wa i L " said Goug h . S h e was fam i liar w i t h the PLU program . "PLU had students at TG," she said. "I knew PLU had a good program." "Working with students is chal­ leng i n g a n d sti m u l ati ng," she added, " a n d work i n g with the

n u rs i n g facu l ty has been a rewardi ng team effort." N u rsing has changed a g reat deal d u r i n g her ca reer, she observed. "Today it i s wide open in terms of options. You can work in schools, i n d ust ry, research, education, occu pation­ al health, com m u n ity health, or as a nurse practitioner, i n addi­ tion to the hospital option," she said.' "There a re more adult learners com i n g back i nto n u rsing, peo­ ple in their 20s and 30s," Gough added. "They a re a d d i n g e l e­ ments of depth and maturity to the prog ra ms." What hasn't changed a re the c h a racter traits of p ote n t i a l nu rses. "They are people-orient­ ed and want to h e l p society," she sa id. When not teach ing, Gough has been i nvol ved with t h e state's n u rsing student association and has taug ht Su nday school for many years. She was a S u n d ay sch ool teacher of t h e year at First Presbyterian Church. She a l so has sung with B i l ly Graham Crusade choirs i n Seat­ tle, Tacoma a nd Sioux Fa l ls, S.D. In ret i rement she w i l l continue to volu nteer at St. Joseph's Hos­ pital. teach Sunday school, sing i n chOir and help with a local literacy progra m.



univemty scene

June 1990


Yu m i be . . . .

Geh rke . . . . Continued from page 5

beg i n n ing h i s long teach i ng career. "In that curriculu m," he ob served , " A n c i ent H i st o ry included the Old Testa ment." During the 1 3 years at h is alma mater he com pleted a doctorate in classics at the University of Ch icago, being $h orey Fel low there in 1 9 56-57 and spend i ng the summer of 1 9 54 in Greece at the American School of Classi­ cal Studies in Athens. In 1 961 he moved on to what would become a 1 4-yea r stay at Concord ia Teachers Col lege in River Forest, III. After a two year stint as Dean of Chapel, he served as ch a i r of Concord ia's relig ion depa rtment for al most 10 years, a period interrupted by 10 months of teaching as guest lecturer at Martin Luther Sem i n a ry in Lae, Pa pu a-New Guinea and, later, by a year-long sabbatical spent half at the Uni· versity of Heidelberg and half in cultural travel around the world (particularly East Africa, Ind ia, The Far East). One sum mer was spent in Palestine on the Concor­ di a-ASOR archaeo logical expedi­ tion at the Bibl ical city of Taan­ ach. At Concordia he served in the Lutheran Chu rch-Missouri Synod, then gOing throu gh the throes of a doctrinal dispute in which Gehrke also became enta ng led. Some insisted on l itera listic and traditionalistic Bible interpreta­ tion. Gehrke maintained that the original historical and linguistic rootedness of Scripture should be included in adequate theolog­ ical interpretation. Al legations of false doctrine were i nitially voi ced agai nst Gehrke in 1 96 3 and formal charges were filed in 1 966. Both times he was exo nerated . The controversy in the synod contin­ ued, however. Eventually the make-up of Concordia's adminis- . tration and board of regents changed. Finally, after havi ng defended himself repeatedly for 1 5 years against ever renewed charges, Gehrke was dropped from the synod clergy roster, as the result of a Northern Illinois District committee report that

Gehrke chose not to appeal. By that time he had already put in three years in his new position at PLU. Two years later, at the initia­ tive and with the support of Bishop Solberg, he was accepted , via the collOQUY process, into the clergy of the American Lutheran Church, now merged i nto the Evangel icall Lutheran C h u rch in America. At PLU for the first time he has been teaching lay students in a d epartment of rel i gi ous stud ies with i n the h u man ities d ivision of a u n i versity rather than t ra i n in g people fo r the ch u rch's pastoral or teachi ng ministry. "I have had to retool , and grow i n ways I didn't have to grow before," he sa id. 'There is a lot of vigorous dis­ cussion here. You can't fa l l asleep," h e added . He also noted that there a re few ideologically fundamentalis­ tic students at PLU, particularly not among those of Luthera n background. "Stud ents usua l ly can write wel l a nd do good work," he said, "but you can no longer assume they have back­ ground in the Bible." In retirement, Gehrke will con­ tinue the life of a scholar. He has completed a man uscript on Gen­ esis 1 - 1 1 entitled Beginning From Basics. He is also the author of the 40o-page Concor­ dia Commentary on I and II Sam­ uel. He is widely respected as a translator and has translated a number of Germ an theological works into English . '" enjoy trans­ lating; it comes easily; and it is work that needs to be done," he said. For over 1 2 years he has joined a group of about 15 schol­ ars in publishing, u nder the lead­ ership of the Cath olic Bibl ical ASSOCiation of America, Old Tes­ tament Abstracts. He has con­ tri buted to each of the three yearly issues, sometimes provid­ ing as many as 30 abstracts of articles that have appeared in certai n major learned journals (some in German and French). He plans to continue to l i ve and • work near PLU.

Huber Continued from page 4 left the parish min istry for the teach i ng m i n i stry after eight years "because I d idn't feel I had all the requ iSite talents: I was not good in hospitais, for exam­ ple," he said. "But I still consider myself to be in the ministry," Huber add­ ed. He bel ieves parish pastors have one of the most d iffi cult

jobs on earth. 'They have to be all thi ngs to a l l people. That is im possible," he said. "In the old days you cou ld get by on your aura of authority, but they don't have that anymore." In retirement he plans to delve more deeply in to phi losophical theology and com puters. He is working on video i nstructional materials for moral phi losophy, and will spend more time mak­ ing life more pleasant for his ail­ • ing father.

Continued from page 5

war eru pted so abruptly. "I am an American citi zen . I was born here," she continued. But citizensh ip no longer mat­ tered, on the West Coast partic­ ularly, in an atmosphere of fea r and hatred . "That fea r and hatred of Japanese was fanned by the Hea rst newspa pers," Yum ibe said. In Cal iforn ia they l i ved five people i n one roo m in a tar paper ba rracks. "We sepa rated our 'rooms' with Army-type blan­ kets," she said. Prior to the wa r, her fa m ily made a l iving on 20 acres north of Ki ngsto n, Wash . Her father, orig inally an i m m i g rant sawm i l l cook who worked up and down tihe coast, was leasing and oper­ ating a strawbe rry fa rm . Yu kie experienced d iscri mination d u r­ ing her primary schooling as she knew only the Japa nese la n­ guage, but by the fou rth grade she felt she had become accept­ ed. "I probably made things more d ifficult for myself because I fo ught back when I was tau nt­ ed," she smiles. Her fourth grade teacher was a major i nfluence in her l ife. "She was a caring, em pathetic person who treated everyone as equals," Yumibe remembers. That early experience was not forgotten. "I know how im por­ tant it is for professors to realize that students from diverse back­ grounds struggle to accom mo­ date to the major cu ltu re i n their p u rsuit o f education. I n doing so they sometimes place less importance on tlheir rich CUl­ tural origins. We need to be sen­ sitive to their needs and help them retai n the rich ness of their culture," she says. While in the internment cam p Yukie met and became engaged to Kiyoshi Yu mibe. He enlisted i n

the U .S. Army and joi ned the nisei team that trained prisoner of war interrogators at Fo rt Snel l i ng i n M i n n esota. Thus began 25 years of residence i n M i nnesota. When Kiyoshi went overseas, Yukie joi ned the U .S. Cadet Nurse Corps and graduat­ ed from the University of M inne­ sota with a degree in n u rsing. She worked in hospitals until 1 968 whi le raising a fa mily of five children. A career cha nge fo r Kiyosh i took them to Wisconsin, where Yukie earned a master's deg ree i n preparation for her own change to a teaching career. They returned to the Northwest i n 1 97 5 "because Kiyoshi was t i red of shoveling snow. " Yu kie spent the next five years teach­ i n g at com m u n ity col l eges before her appoi ntment by then PLU Di rector of N u rsing Dr. Doris Stucke. After some of the u ps and downs of her ea rl ier l i fe, her decade at PLU was "a t remen­ dous experience. "There have been great peo­ ple to work with, and there have been many positive changes," she said. Yumibe remains an enth usias­ tic ad vocate of n u rsing as a career. "There are so many more opportunities; no matter where yo ur inte rests l ie you can feel fulfilled," she said. In reti rement she will rem ain active on the board of the Area Agency on Aging. She serves on the agency's monitering com ­ mittee, wh ich keeps t a b s o n meal sites, day care centers and health care clinics. "We not only want to assure access to these services but the Quality of the service," she said. In addition she will participate in the Literacy Project and Well­ ness Cl inic at PLU's East campus. •

Ch risto pherso n . . . . Continued from page 4 experience of that first college rel i gion class," Christopherson observed. "They are introduced to new thought about what they believe. But we want them to real ize that we who are older went through the same experi­ ences and we survived them . They don't h a ve to destroy faith." He loves to Quote John Stuart Mill, who said, "No matter how true a doctrine may be, if it is not ful ly, freq uently and fear­ lessly discussed it wi ll be held as a dead dogma, not a living faith." Christopherson grew up on a farm i n South D a k ota . H e attended a one-room country school through eight grades. Both his parents had speech training, and he studied speech for 1 6 years, p l a n n i ng a law

career at one time. During the summer after high school, he had a deep religious experience that led him toward the ministry and then teaching. He attended Aug ustana College, Sioux Falls, S.D. and Luther Sem inary, then served in the parish ministry for five years before st udying in Norway as a Fu l bright Scholar and completing his Ph.D. at the University of Min nesota. Eastvold called him in 1 9 58 as Pacific Lutheran was planning to separate the phi losophy and reli­ g i on departmen ts. That chal­ lenge, plus the fact that PLU was the only Lutheran school "near mountai ns," of whi ch Christo­ . pherson had a l ways dreamed, confirmed h is decision. To this day he is an avid and active ski­ • er.

Padflc Lutheran unlvemty scene



De velopmen t

usic Center Benefits


$1 .5 Mi llion Gift

Largest Individual Gift In PL U History Is Dona ted Anon ymously

acific Lutheran U n iversity's 1 990 centennial is becom in g a once-in-a-centu ry experience in more ways than one. For the second t i m e in fou r m o n t h s the u n i vers ity h a s received a seven-figure g ift ear­ marked for its plan ned mu sic center. The newest gift, $ 1 . 5 m i l­ l ion from an anonymous Tacoma d o n o r, w i l l eventu a l l y be the naming gift for the center's con­ cert hall. The gift was the largest from a single individual in the universi­ ty's h istory. Last Janu a ry PLU received $ 1 . 8 m i l lion from Mary Baker Russe l l a n d her brother, Elbert H. Ba ker II, both of Tacoma. That gift was the un iversity's largest ever sin­ g le donation. As a resu lt, the center Will be named i n M rs. Rus­ sell's honor. The eventual ly-named 500 to 600-seat concert hall is the most promi nent featu re of the cen­ ter. The new gift brin gs total g ifts and pledges towa rd the Russe l l Music Center t o m ore than $5 m i l lion. Exp ressi ng his g ratitude for the generous gift, PLU School of the Arts Dean Dr. R i c h a rd M oe pOinted out, "The donor is desir­ ous that this concert hall be the outsta ndin g performa nce hall in the northwest . " Construction of t h e faci l ity i s e xpected to beg i n before the en d of the cent e n n i a l yea r obse rvance i n May 1 9 91 . The u n iversity has selected Z i mmer Gu nsu l F rasca P a rtn ersh i p , a Seatt le a rch itectu ra l fi rm, to design the center.


G regory Baldwi n , one of t h e f,i rm's partners, sees t h e b u i l d i n g as "an integrated center for the arts often promoted but rarely ach ieved ." H i s firm p l a n s to develop a plan that will enhance the west entrance to the cam­ pus. Baldwin noted that "the com­ m itment of PLU to i nstruction and perfo r m a nce p rovi des a strong i n centive to p rod uce a b u i l d i n g grega r i ous in natu re one that reveals to the outside public and to the ca mpus co m­ munity the breadth and nat u re of the work of the Department of Music." PLU President Dr. William Rieke poi nted out that the Mary Baker Russel l Music Center w i l l fi l l a reg ional need for a fi rst rate m u sical arts center and is i n effect a gift from t h e don ors and PLU to the com m u n ity . " I know the donors see i t in that way," he added. Luther Bekemeier, PLU v i ce­ president for develo p m e nt , em phasized t h e local roots of the center's principal donors and the g rowing p a rt n e r s h i p between PLU and local citizens in the development of cu ltural and intel lectual opportun ities in the Tacoma a rea. He also exp lai ned that the cen­ ter wi l l solve an u rgent space problem for the growing, nation­ ally-recog ni zed m usic p rogram at PLU. The music center is one of the goals of the $30 m i l l i on "Shaping Tomo rrow" Cente n n i a l F u n d campaign. Approxi mately $ 2 5 m i l l i on in cash a n d pledges have been rece ived toward that goal .

Cliff and Ella Olson

Olson Charitable Annuity Will Aid Athletics, M sic Students "PLU has been o u r l i fe," said Cl iff Olson recently. "We've been out here 61 years now." The 85-year old former PLU coach and at h l et i c d i rector (1 92 9-48) a n d h is wife E l l a recently added to the man ifold gifts they have bestowed u pon the un iversity over six decades by establishing a $ 2 50,000 chari­ table gift annu ity. $ 1 50,000 wi l l endow need sc h o l a rs h i ps i n

New Anderson Sc holarsh i p Wi l l Hel p St ud ents PLU recently received an in itial gift from Dorothy Anderson of

Seattle to est a b l i s h a fa m i ly scholars h i p at the un ivers ity in

memo ry of her parents (see pho­ tos). The William and Jeanie Ander­ son Scho larsh ip Endowment w i l l b e used t o help deserving stu­ dents with fi nancial need who are beyond their f i rst year of study. The senior Andersons, natives of Paisley, Scotland, i m m ig rated to Seattle i n 1 901 . Th ey soon boug h t a fou ndry whic h la ter became Eagle Metals. Miss Anderson, a 1 9 26 gradu­ ate of the Un iversity of Wash i ng­ ton, worked in the fa mily b usi­ ness and also as a d ietitIan .

William and Jeanie Anderson

The fa m i ly as l ong t i es to PLU. Dorothy and her brother Cha rles have been Q CI b Fel­ lows or supporters of PL U capital p rojects and special scholarships for over 1 8 years.

C l iff's name for student ath­ letes; $1 00,000 wi l l endow schol­ a rships in El la's name for m u sic students. O l son g radu ated from Luther Co llege in Decorah, la., in 1 9 27. The next year he accepted a post at Spokane Col lege, w h i c h me rged with P L U i n 1 9 29. A t PLU O l son served as head v a rsity footba l l, basket b a l l and track coach; ath l etic d i rector, e q u i p­ ment manager, busi ness manag­ er, purchasing agent, t ra i n er, ticket ma nager, p romotion man and em ployment b u reau. He also taught Lat in, h istory and physi­ cal ed ucation. At the time, PLU had an enrol l ment of less than 200 students. From 1 9 39-4 1 h i s foot b a l l teams brought PLU national rec­ ognition. Und efeated in 1 940, t hey were even ra nked for a time among the major football powers in the count ry. Followi ng h i s departure from the PLU faculty, Olson became a p roperty a nd estate manager for several prominent Tacom­ ans, but ties with PLU remai ned close. In 1 9 69 t h e u n i versity named its new gym nasiu m-audi­ torium i n his honor. Ella has enjoyed a l ife-long love of music. A m e m ber of the acclaimed St. Olaf Co l lege choir i n the ' 205, she h e l ped with PLU's fled g l i ng choi r i n t he ' 30s and taught h ig h school music. She was a lso cal l ed u pon as a soloist at the weddings of many PLU students.

padflc: LUtheran university SCene

June 1990

Stu dents

Previou s F u ( b ri g h t Sch o l a rs Se rve I n A Va ri ety Of F ie l d s By Jim peterson


Sean Neelv

Keri Lenz

TwO 1 990 Fulbrig ht Scholars Bring PLU Tota l TO 20 In Past 1 5 Yea rs Sean Neely

Keri Lenz

Sean Neely of Bellevue is t h e 1 9th PLU student to earn a Fulbright Scholarshi p i n the past 1 5 years. The 1 985 grad uate of Sammamish H ig h School w i l l study i n Germany this com i n g yea r . F u l b ri g h t S c h o l a rs h i ps cover a l l expenses for a year of study, i nc l u d i n g tuition, travel a n d l i v i n g costs. A l ove of read i n g a n d an aborted sev­ enth g rade need lepoint class sta rted Neely on the road that led to the F u l bright hon­ or. "That l ove of rea d i n g j ust bl ossomed under PLU E n g l i sh p rofessor Jack Cady," Neely sai d . Cady i s also a wel l-known North­ west novel ist. Neely's German study beg a n i n j u nior high when he was u n a bl e to get i nto a needlepoint class and German was the only ot her class available. Those st u dies were conti nued i n h i g h school and refined at PLU. He spe nt his j u n i o r year in Germany u nder auspices of the Institute for Eu rope­ an Stud ies and the PLU Study Abroad p ro­ g ram. "You can study a lang uage exhaus­ tively, but there is n o substitute for living in the culture," Neely said. Neely's l a n g uage study a n d Ful bright . aspirations were honed by PLU languages professors Rodney Swenson and Pa u l Web­ ster. Swenson is PLU's Ful bright advisor. The son of Phy l l is and Don Neely of Belle­ vue plans an event ual college tea c h i n g ca reer. He is ea rning his teaching certifica­ tion at PLU a nd "may teach at the h i g h school level u ntil further g raduate study i s possible." He is t h r i l led with the o p port u nity to study in Germany d u ring th is historic time i n that nation's history. While he is fa m i l ia r with West Germany from h i s p revious study tou r, he l ooks forward to further travel in East Germany and other parts of Europe formerly beh i nd the I ro n Cu rta i n . H is Fulbright studies beg i n i n September.

When it comes to w i n n i n g prest ig ious scholarshi ps, Keri Lenz is one of the best. Fou r years ago, at H opkins H ig h School, the M i n netor,ka, M i n n . , sen ior earned a Presidential Scholarship, one of 1 20 award­ ed a n n ually in the entire cou ntry. She was the fi rst PLU student to ever have earned the scholarsh i p . I n May 1 990, as a PLU senior, s h e earned a F u l b r i g ht Sch o l a r s h i p fo r st udy i n Botswana next year. She is PLU's 20th Ful­ bright Scholar i n the past 1 5 years. The F u l b right pays a l l expenses fo r a year of study i n a foreign cou ntry. Lenz, a history and global stud i es major at PLU who a lso received a teaching certifi­ cate, plans to study Third World h i story at the U n i versity of Botsw a n a i n G a borone, the cou ntry's capital city. Speeifically, she will study the h istory of Botswa na's sec­ ondary education system since the coun­ try received i ndependence in 1 963. The young scholar became i nterested i n Africa d u r i n g her fres h m a n yea r at PLU. The u n i versity had j ust begu n a program to sponsor Namibian students o n campus. She attended a conference w here the plight of that country was exp lained . She hel ped fou n d a South African awa re­ ness committee on campus and has been involved in a cam p u s peace g ro u p . She received a lot of encou ragement from a h i story p rofessor, Jack B e r m i n g h a m, whose specialty is southern Africa, as well as her Fulbright and education advisors. A scholar with a 3.9 g rade point average, she has been a member of the Arete Soci­ ety, PLU's academic honorary, and was a n undergraduate teach i n g fel low. The daughter of Dennis and Patricia Lenz of M i nnetonka and a member of Gethsem­ ane Lutheran church there, she looks for­ ward to an eve n t u a l c o l l eg e tea c h i n g career.

acific Luthera n U n i versity has earned a reputati o n as the h o m e of potential Ful bright Scholars. Since 1 975, 20 PLU a l u m n i h a ve qual ified for expenses-paid g rad uate st udy u nder terms of the p rog ram, p robably the m ost wel l kn own schol arsh i p afte r t h e R h odes scholarshi p . PLU is also the a l ma mater of 1 972 R hodes Scholar Bruce Bjerke, now a Seattle attorney. A rece nt m a i l su rvey of p revious PLU Ful bright g raduates revea led that among t hose who responded, all a re doing wel l . Thei r work i s exempl ifying PLU's centennial theme, "Educating for Service." For exam p le, PLU's second scholar, 1 976 grad uate M i chael Ar mst ro n g , i s a Ph . D . ca ndidate a t t h e U n i versity o f I l l i n ois-Ur­ bana/Cha m pa i g n . He h opes to teach on a small liberal arts campus similar to PLU. "I hope to ca rry o n t h e excel lence i n teach i ng a n d concern for students that I experienced at PLU and have rarely fou nd i n my wanderi ngs si nce," he sa i d . H is specialty is Lat i n a n d Greek lang uag­ es, to w h i c h he was fi rst introduced at PLU. "They m i g ht not have been available elsewhere," he added. The F u l bright has become somet h i n g of a fa mily affa i r at PLU. B rothers Steve a nd Eric Fjelstad earned the schol a r s h i p i n 1 979 and 1 984 respectively. Now both a re attorneys, Steve i n Seattle, ' Eric i n Port. land. "I appreciated the i nti mate atmosphere and access to p rofessors at PLU," Steve sai d . 1 986 Sch o l a r Den n i s N ic h o l s a nd 1 9 89 Scholar Grace R u n n i n g p l a n to be ma rried on the PLU campus J u ne 30. N ichols is in his third year as a U.S. Army med st udent in Bet hesda, Md. R u n n i ng i s compl eti n g her F u l b ri g ht yea r in Oslo, Norway, where she is study i n g specia l ed ucation. C o i n ci­ dentally, an u ncle of hers was a N orweg i a n Fu l bright Scholar. N ichols noted that "PLU prepared me so wel l that i n a d d it i on to my F u l b r i g ht resea rch act i v ities i n G e r m a ny, I was entrusted with teac h i ng respons i b i l ities and equ i p ment p u rchasi ng. M y exce l l ent German language backg round a l l owed me to i ntegrate myself well i nto the society." He added, " My relat i o ns h i p with the Lord, strengthened at PLU, has made the d ifference i n the i nteractions I have witn my patients and in my l ife." His futu re b ride echoed his sentiments. R u n n i ng, who has wanted to teach since she was i n kindergarten, said, "God gave us the g reatest teacher. H i s i nfl uence has insti lled in me the desire to focus my l ife on serving and teachi ng others." The Fulbright placed a n other '89 Scholar, Christian Lucky, at a h istoric spot in h isto­

Continued on page 9

Padflc LuthlBf'iln university scene

June 1 1190

9 Studen ts/World

Study Abroad Offers world Experiences TO PLU Students Previous Fu l brig hts . . . Continued from page


ry. He was studying in Berl i n last fal l when the Berl i n Wa l l was ope ned . For seve ral days he was up v i rtu ally around the clock, part icipating in the d rama. In a d d ition, he served as an on-site resou rce perso n for Tacoma and Seattle media. At PLU Lu cky ea rned fo u r majors and was accepte d at H a rvard, Co l u m b i a , Georgetow n, Duke and V i rginia Law Schools prior to earning his F u l b right. He attended PLU beca u se he wanted to be at a rel igious institution where he felt "go Is a re more c l ea r, a n d t h ere is a q u a l i ty of l i fe I couldn't receive at a secular institution . " Like ArmstrOng, he i s i nterested in even­ tual college tea ching. J u l ie Carlson 77 is a col lege professor at the University of Cal i fornia-Santa Barb a ra. She said her F u l b right experience was cru­ cial in developing the self-confidence and i ndependence necessary fo r graduate and scho larly work. Sh e now teaches cou rses in British Romantics and fem inist theory. " P LU taught me the d iffe rence that a few co m m itted faculty can make in a stu­ dent's l ife, " s he sai d . Several male profes­ sors "inspired me, at l east in part, to be what I am today, though 1 m i ssed the pres­ ence of women rol e models." Since her campus days, the nu mber of women p rofessors at PLU has i n c reased significantly. Martha Olson 77 is a d i rector of a cou n­ sel ing center in M i nneapol is, Minn. "I have always fe lt my Ful b right experi ence was invaluable in increasing my global perspec­ tive and social awa reness," she sa i d . Reca l l in g PLU, s h e a d d e d , "I have very much appreciated the opport u n ity to get a broad-based l i be ra l arts education and to explore eth ical and spiritual val ues as an integral part of ed ucat ion . " David Rich ' 8 5 studied i n Germa ny, antici­ pating an eventua'i Ph.D. in h isto ry or Ger­ man. Instead, h is stud ies led h i m toward internation a l business, and t h is spring he completed stud ies toward an MBA at the University of Michigan. "I feel my un dergraduate l i beral arts education is every bit as good as that of my MBA colleagues at U . of M . , most of whom attended big name school s in the east," he sa id. He noted that PLU was " l ik e find ing a home for l ife. 1 learned the va lue of my fa m i ly, heritage, rel igion and bel iefs." PLU's fi rst F u l b ri g ht Sch o l a r, A n n Meh ­ lu m Cling 75, is vice-president of a bank in Eugene, Ore. Mari lee Fijal ka-Ca rr 76 of Fir­ crest, Wash., is a therapy pool ma nager at C h i l d ren's Hospital and Medical Center. Dean Pi nto '87 is with Am erican Ch icle in Olympia; P h i l l i p Nelson '84 is studying for a doctorate in England; a n d David Houshold­ er is a Tacoma pastor. •

istoric cha nges in nations around the gl obe h a ve made seve ra l Pacific Lut heran U n ivers,ity offic es seem l i ke extensions of t h e U .S. State Depa rt me nt du ring the past yea r. PLU students studying abroad and i nter­ nat ional st ud ents st udying at PLU have been objects of attention and sometimes concern on a l m ost a d a i l y basis as t h e d ramatic events unfold ed . I ronical ly, in March 1 989, t h e PLU Study Abroad office was so qu iet that Sp ecial Ac adem ic Programs Dean Dr . J u dy Carr sent a memo to Presiden t W i l l i a m R i e ke plead i ng for more institu tional recog nition of "ou r increasing i nternational awa reness and participation. "To many ou r g l o bal awaken i ng is a well­ kept secret." she wrote. Less t h a n two m o nths l ater her office was the focus of wi despread med ia atten­ tion. Eleven PLU students and several fac­ u lty mem bers were studyi ng and tou ring in Ch i n a at the time of the tragedy i n Beij i ng's Tiananmen Square, and there was deep concern for their safety. Fort u nately they had been traveling in the south of China where effects of the crackd own were not appa rent; i n fact, they knew less about the crisis than people back home in the U .s. Though com m u n ica­ tion and transportation were diffic u lt d u r­ ing th ose da ys, the stud ents and t h e i r mentors retu rned home safely. In August, Dr. Gu ndar King, dean of the S c h o o l of B u s i n e ss Ad m i n i s t ra t i o n , returned from the Baltic states with stu­ dent exchange agreements from univerSi­ ties in Lith uan i a , Latv ia and Esto n i a . The Balt ics were just co m i ng i nto the news as th ey sought m o re autonomy from t h e central Soviet gove rn ment. K i ng's program was the fi rst U .s.-Baltic academic exchange funded by the U .S. govern ment. Two months l ater t h e Berl in Wa lll was opened. And PLU F u l b right Scholar Ch ris­ tian Lucky was there, st ud ying i n West Berl i n . I n Feb ruary, 1 5 P L U students began their stu d ies in Latv ia, Lit h u a n i a and Estonia, and 1 1 students from Latvia and Lith uania began t h e i r st ud i es at P L U . Only h o u rs after their ar rival, the Baltic stude nts were covered by med ia as they enjoyed t h e i r fi rst expe riences in an Amer ican shopping m a l l . Fou r Esto nian stud ents arrived in May. For a few days in M a rch it seemed l i ke a possibl'e China crisis revisited. Moscow was tighten ing the screws on Lithuania, wh ere fou r PLU stu de nts were st ud y i n g at t h e Kau nas Polytec h n i c Institute. C a r r was i n freq ue nt touch w i t h b ot h t h e state department and the U.s. consu l ate in Len­ ingrad in efforts to assu re the safety of PLU students. Parents of the students, who were kept informed of developm ents, were in agree­ ment that if it beca me necessary to move the stu d ents, they shou ld go to Latv i a rather than return home, because thei rs was an expe rience of a l i fet i m e to be a borted only if risks beca me unacceptable. At v i rtually the same time there was a campus celebration. Five N a m i b i a n st u­ d ents at PLU and thei r friends ma rked Nami bia's Independence Day March 2 1 , a day that ended decades of harsh ru le by South Africa.


The Nam ib ian students are st udying at PLU on sc holars�l i ps funded by north west cong regations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America . Less d ramatic, but no less exciting was Dr. Rieke's viSit with Norway's Kin g Olav V la st fa l l and the cont i n u i ng presence of dozens of Norweg ian students on campUs. As a Lutheran u n i versity, now the l a rgest in the world, PLU has a special denomi na­ tional i nterest in most of these exchange progra m s Sca n d i navia, of cou rse, is pre­ d o m i n a n t l y L u t h e r a n . B a l t i c L u t h e ran share domi na nce with Catholics. N a mibia, t'he " m ost Lutheran nation in the world outside Sc a n d i navia , " rece ntly e l ected a Lutheran president. Meanwh i l e, Carr has had good ca use to reth ink the tone of her earl ier memo to D r . Rieke. "Al l of the attention has defin ite­ Iv i ncreased i nterest i n our study abroad and exchange programs," she sa i d . "We have no i n te ntion of p u l l i ng back now from our g lobal i n VOlvem ents, " she conti n u ed. But, she a d m itted, she would appreciate some return to norma l cy and fewer ro un d-the-clock vigils Normalcy would st i l l mean working with more than 200 students annua l ly on p ro­ grams in more than 30 cou ntries In Asia, Eu rope, Africa and the Americas. It wou l d st i l l mean working w i t h 1 40 i nternat ional students from 25 countries st udying on the PLU campus. Nevertheless, th ere are m o re progra ms available than there are students applying. "There a re lots of opport u nities waiting," Carr said. "We believe international experi­ ence is a vital part of a l i beral education and encourage students to apply." She poi nted out that normally the only additional cost is an a i rline t icket, and in the case of the Baltics, those a re su bsi­ d ized . "Tuition and l iving expenses a re no m o re, and someti mes less than on cam­ pus," she added. On c a m p u s, i nternatio n a l concerns remain ev ident. For exam ple, dozens of PLU fac u lty mem bers spend sabbaticals and special l eaves at international sites. Chi nese language has been added to the cu rricu l u m , J a p a nese l a n g u a ge w i l l be offered next year, and an East Asian St Ud­ ies prog ram has been proposed . More than one-t h i rd of PLU faculty mem­ bers have developed expertise reg a rd i n g one or more foreign nat ions or regi ons. They are increas ingly sought as experts by media and organ izations. Aca d e m i c u n its a re i nternationa l iz i n g their curric u l u m s to meet the demands of the '90s and the 2 1 st centu ry The Global Stud ies prog ram is popu l a r as stud ents recog nize the need for deeper understa nd­ ing of peoples beyond thei r nations' bor­ III ders.

Padffc Lutheran University


JUne 1990

Studen ts/World

Letters from Latvia


Lesson Editor's note: The following are excerpts of letters home from Adam Col/ins, a junior politi­ cal 'cience and history major from Boise, Id. He was one of 14 PL U students studying in the Baltic states this spring under auspices of a historic PLU-Baltic academic exchange program. These letters were previously published in the (Boise) Idaho Statesman .

RIGA, LATVIA Feb. 1 4, 1 990 By Amer­ ican sta ndards, peo ple he re l i ve on the very edge of poverty. Everywhere where buildings are in disrepai r, plu mbing is rot­ t i ng away, coc kroaches a re everywhere and furniture is decades old. Every prod uct in need here is i n extremely short supply. Shortages exist i n everyt h i n g f r o m postage sta m ps a nd newspapers to water and clot h i n g. The only th ings in great su pply are b read, pota­ toes and Russian hats. Most of these shortages do not di rectly affect us as we are still being treated as VIPs . We a re receiving 300 ru bles per month; the average Soviet sa l a ry is 1 50 rubles per month. The going exchange rate on the streets of Riga is 1 5 rubles per $1 . Everything is so i n expensive here to us. No wonder these people both envy and despise Americans. I was incorrect in my belief that com m u­ nism was sta u nc h l y i ntact. J ust looking around the buildings, i n the stores, along the streets, one ca n qu ickly ded uce that society in the land of co m m u nism is gradu­ ally disi ntegrating. S i nce the state pays one the same salary regardless of whether work is done or n ot, the i ncentive is to work as little as possible. Paper and books a re in major shortage here. The paper shortage is so severe that even grammar school children can not get any. They are being deprived of the very essence of their culture. I hope that some­ thing changes here soon, otherwise these different national ities will cease to exist. Unfo rtu nately, the Weste rn world will only beg i n to send a i d and i nvestment when com mu nism is seen as h av i ng left, and the only way it wi l l be seen as leaving or having lost i nflu ence is if armed, bloody revol ution occurs. People here are saying this wi l l i nevita bly occ u r in fou r to five years. March 7, 1 990 - Teenage soldiers can be seen everywhere. Two years of m i l itary service m u st be se rved by a l l m a les (though as of March 1, concientious objec­ tion is al lowed). Si nce we have been here I have seen two massive demonstrations. The fi rst was the annual Army Day; 1 0,000 people tu rned out wearing the i nfa mous red flag of the U .S .S.R. and the h ated former com m u n ist flag of Latvia, chanting the i r l oyalty to Russia proper and swea ring to re main so. Most belonged to the p ro-co m m u n ist group in Latvia known as Inte rfront (the Popular Front's main opposition). Since this is a national celebration, the red flag was flown everywhere, i ncluding one di rectly beneath my fifth-floor· dorm window. It was quite a shock to wake u p and see this h uge flag. It reinforced my realization of where I was. The second big demonstration was Feb. 27, the date the communist party flag of Latvia was taken down and the original red -



ife my neck and the Latvian flag i n my hand, ma rc h i ng in front of a p rocess i o n of 1 80,000. So much for "non-pa rtici pation in pol itical events." April 1 3, 1 990 -- The KGB is the equ i va­ lent of a combination CIA, F B I , police, Secret Service, Honor G uard and rapid first deployment force. K G B "ag ents" can be easily seen. As for any surveilla nce of us na ive Amer­ cians, our belief is that yes, once in a whi le you notice the same man in gray fol lowing you around duri ng the day. At night you ca n hea r the l ight clicking of mon itoring devices beh ind the walls. We figu re that if the KGB has noth i ng better to do but l isten to the babb l i ngs of American college students, they are kindly invited to su rvey to their heart's del ight. In the time I h ave been here I have witnessed the u n p recedented and hysteri­ cal decl a ratio n of i n d e p e ndence of a republic within the Soviet U nion, the unex­ pected, overwhel ming win of the Latvian Popular Front over the Com m u nist Party opposition (wrl ich is causing M oscow to reeD, the spl it-u p of the latvian Com mu­ nist Party, the form u lation and execution of a Latvian-style "Continental Cong ress," ca l l ed the Citizen's Cong ress, a n d (soon) the decla ration of Latvian independence from the Soviet U n io n . April 1 5, 1 990 We were i nvited to attend a Latvian Lutheran Easter service, qu ite h istoric as it was the fi rst time since 1 940 that Easter services have been held lega lly. People do not sing loudly here, i ndeed their voices resemble w h i spers and a re only fa i ntly hea rd. I wonder if this comes from years of rel ig i o u s p e rsecution? We heard all of the Lutheran hymns we are accustomed to, but in a language we did not understa nd . America is held i n high esteem here, but most people don't real ize that anyone can become a n American (be they Latvian, Asian or Span ish). If they did u ndersta nd th is, they wou ld undoubted ly resci nd their opinion that Americans a re the cu lturally el ite. We go into m inute deta i l to explain the concept of equ a l ity. U nfortu nately, this lengthy explanation fa i l s to c l a rify, and everyone goes back to believing that a l l 2 50 m i l l ion Americans a re WASPs. There is an overwhelming a m o u nt of eth n i c and racial i ntolerance in Latv ia, as wel l as in Estonia and Lith uania. _.

Adam Collins

and wh ite flag raised, officially, for the fi rst time si nce 1 940. At least 5,000 people were on hand for this occasion. Tragica l ly, the red and white flag now simply is the new com m u nist flag. This symbolic flag no longer designates l i be rty. The flag situation typifies the situation in Latvia as a whole. All of the concessions made by Moscow have been only symbolic. Latvia is no more free today than it was 1 0 years ago. The difference seems to be that people can now complain openly. There is more to com plain about. Food is m uch harder to find than it was in 1 980. I perso n a l l y don't see an i ndependent Latvia the way we u ndersta nd i ndepen, dence. If capita lism d oes e nter Latvia , it m ight resem ble 1 920's Chicago with major exploitation of workers. March 20, 1 990 The world h a s changed i n the past th ree days. O n March 1 7 I went to downtown R iga to take pic­ tu res of the pre-election demonstration on the banks of the river Daugava. Approxi­ mately 1 80,000 people attended; the dem­ onstration soon evolved into a parade to a freedom m o n u m ent. N ot u ndersta n d i ng what was bei ng sa i d l a nded me i n the front of this crowd of people. I n fact, I was marching practically next to the leader of the Popular Front h i mself. An old woman ran up and gave me a Latvian flag to wave. If I had not been so shocked it wou Id have seemed hilari ous; there I was in my bright yel low PLU C a m p u s Safety j ac ket and PLU baseba ll cap with a camera bag slung over my shou lder, a camera around --

Conclusion: I have personally fo und this program to be incred i ble i n two ways. The first is academ ic : O pport u n ities a re l i m itless for lang uage lea rn i ng and lookin� c lose l y at an amazing p o l itical situation. H istory is bei ng made here; to be a part of it is to be i nvolved i n a situation that may never happen again. Second is the chance to grow personally, prove to onesself that one can l ive in try­ ing c i rc u m stances and a p a rt from the secu rity of home or school, and see that the majority of the world does not adhere to the same attitudes found i n America. It is a chance to see that there does exist a world outside of the U n ited States. Life here is not a cake walk, but it d oe's • teach one a lesson for l ife.

Paclflc Lutheran Univenky SCene



Studen ts/World

PLU Student programmers Best In west PlU <:tud ents a re the best u ndergradu­ ate student computer progra m mers i n the West, acco rd i n g to resu lts of an a n n u a l contest sponso red b y t h e Association for Computing Machi nery. A fou r- person tea m from PlU was the hig hest scoring u n derg ra d u ate tea m i n t h e Pacific Region Scholastic Progra m m ing Contest. This year 35 teams from t he Pacific Coast a nd British Col u m bia com pet­ ed . The PlU team placed fifth overal l behind g raduate stu d en t tea ms from Stanford (two), University of Cal iforn ia-Berkeley and University of Oregon . A second PLU team placed 1 3th i n the six-hou r-Iong com petition. Mem bers of PLU's first team were Wa rd Townsend, a Puya l l u p se n i or, and j u n iors David Cooper of Gig H a rbor, B ri a n Craw­ ford of Wood inville and Peter Ostenson of aainbridge Island. PLU's second team included j u n iors Brett Bentsen and C u rtis H a n ner of Bel levue, Mark Dod r i l l of Mercer Island and Kim berly Ha rgrove of Longmont, Colo.

PLU Professor Observes Ba ltic Jewish Conference Business p rofessor Eli Bern iker was one of the U . S . observers at the fi rst Jewish conference benefiting the Baltic Rim to be held in the last 50 yea rs. The conference was held in Ta l l inn, Esto­ n i a, in mid Febru a ry . The agenda i ncluded d i scussio of repatriation to Israel, a nti­ sem itism, c u l t u re, educat i o n and p u b l ish­ i ng Spo nsored by the Eston ian gove rnment, the confere nce i n volved 7 0 partici pa nts fro m the Baltic states of Esto n i a , Latvia and Lithuania; the Nord ic countries of Nor­ way, Sweden, F i n land a n d Denma rk; and the cities of Leni ngrad and Ka lingrad. " I have experie nced the mea n i ng of being a Jew as a witness to h istory," said Bern iker.

Morrel l Is New ASPLU President J i m Morre l l o f West Seattle h a s been elected PLU student body p resident for the 1 990-91 academic year. other new student body officers a re Kel l i O'Brien o f Colorado Spri ngs. C o l o vice­ p resident; Ken S i ms of Salem. are .. com p­ troller; and Keri Kel lerman of Rugby. N . D., p rogram d i rector. Kellerman is a lso the student representative on the PLU centen­ nial com m ittee. Morrell's home ch u rch, Fi rst Luthera n in West Seattle. was a lso once the h o me ch u rch of PLU board of regents chairman David Wold. who was a student body p resi­ dent at PLU 35 years ago_ .•

Nursing G ad E rns F Id Fellowship For Conference



Evans Otiana

Kenya n Student's Stu d i es I n Jeopa rdy Fol l owing Death I n Fa m i ly Ba rrack M baja h is a n a m e fa m i l i a r to many PLU a l u m n i from the m id-60's. The we ll-known and well-li ked Kenyan ea rned a degree in sociology and political science from PLU in 1 96 7 . M bajah's brother, Robert Ouko, is a lso a fam iliar name at PLU. He received an hon­ orary doctorate from the u n iversity in 1 971 . T h i s past yea r M b aj a h ' s so n , Evans otia no, has been a freshman at PLU. "Both my dad and my u ncle have had fond me m­ ories of PLU," he sa id. "They felt at least one member of th is generation of o u r fam i ly should study here." otiano has thoroughly enjoyed his fi rst year on campus. "My dad a lways t a l ks about it," he conti nued."1 had to see for myself. Dad was right. I rea l ly a p p reciate the friend l i ness and com passion of people at PLU . " M baj ah, now a n a d m i n istrator fo r the Kenyan gove r n m e n t i n N a i ro b i , was i m p ressed enough with h is experience i n Washington state that he named his old­ est son after the state's gove rnor at the time, Daniel Evans. Unfortu nately. t ragedy has struck otian­ o's fa mily and his fut u re ca reer at PLU is in some doubt. In February, Robert Ouko was kidna pped from his Koru home. Two days later his body was fou nd six ki lometers from his home. Ouko had served for the past 1 2 years as Kenya's m i n ister of foreign affa i rs. There is still no clue as to the reason for h is fate. There is no sign ifica nt u n rest in Kenya. otiano m a i nta i ns. "Com pa red to other Africa n countries, we are qu ite peacefu l." he sa id. "My uncle had no e n e m ies we know of. He was well-li ked and popular." Ouko had been helping pay for otiano's education as well as that of his own son and daughter at M assac h u setts Institute of Technology and Virginia Tech n ical Insti­ tute respectively. Funds for contin ued study now seem p roblematical . A p re-med student. Otiano h a s l ived this year i n Foss Hall. the same residence hall i n wh ich h i s father l ived a q u a rter centu ry ago.

M ichelle Tha ut, a '90 n u rsing grad uate from M i lton, Wash . , has received a Fu l d Fellowship to attend the 6th International Conference on Cancer N u rsing in Amster­ dam, Holland, Aug. 1 2-1 6. She will attend the 1 6t h I nte rnat i o n a l Union Agai nst Cancer i n H a m b u rg, West Germany, Aug. 1 8-2 2 . T h a u t was selected from a m ong m o re than 400 appl icants because of her si ncere interest in oncology n u rsing. The fell ow­ s h i p w i l l cover a l l expenses, i n c l u d i n g round trip a i rfare a n d ground travel. meals a nd lodgi ng. The Helen Fuld Health Trust of New York City fu nds t h e ann ual fel lowships. Fuld Fel­ lows a re representative of America's top nu rsing students. Last fal l the nation's schools were invited to each nomi nate one student for the hon­ or.

Sonja Bata lden Ea rns Don Jerke Leadership Awa rd Sonja Bata lden of Nashvi l le, Ten n . , is the recipient of the 1 990 Dona ld J erke leadeer­ sh i p Awa rd . The daug hter of M r. and M rs. Pa u l Batal­ den graduated this spring with a m ajor in h istory. The awa rd is given a n n u a l ly in memory of the late ca m pu s past o r a n d vice­ president for student l ife, and recognizes students who have made outstanding con­ tributions to the qual ity of l i fe at PLU .

Baltic Scholars Featured Samantha Smith scholars attend i ng PLU w i l l be featu red d u ring a p re-confe ren ce symposi u m prior to the 1 2th Baltic Stud ies Conference J u ne 21 -2 3 at the University of Washi ngton. The J u ne 2 0 sym posi u m is c h a i red by G u n d a r King. dea n of the PLU Schoo l of Business Ad min istration. who is also chair of the conference host com m ittee. PLU is co-sponsor of the conference. which is organized by the Association for the Adva nce ment of Baltic Stu dies. K i n g was o n e o f t h e founders of t h e organiza­ tion. Samantha S m ith Scholars a re students who have partici pated this s p ri n g in the exchange between PLU and Baltic u n iversi­ ties.

PadRe Lutheran university scene

June 1990


$1 78,000 Murd ock Gra nt Fu nds New nstrume nts For Natu ra l Science s

B y Fred Tobiason

The M. J. M u rdock Cha rita b le Trust has granted Pacific Luther­ an U n iversity $1 78,000 to make possible a significant step for­ wa rd i n teac h i n g and research with i n the Division of Natu ral Sci­ ences. The grant, written by science facu lty Craig Fryh le, Steve Ben­ ham and Fred Tobiason, p ro­ vides the money to match earli­ er National Science Foundation grants to the Chemistry Depart­ ment fo r a Fo u rier tra nsfo rm n u clear magnetic resona nce spectro meter (FT N M R) and to the Earth Sciences Department fo r a sca n n i n g electron m icro­ scope (SEM). Also i ncl uded in the M u rdock g rant are funds to s u p­ port facu lty a n d st u d e n t research over a two-year period.

M a ny peo p l e have become fam i l iar with the fruits of nucle­ ar mag netic resonance research t h ro u g h the m e d i c a l u ses of large h u m an-body magnetic res­ onance i maging (M RIl devices. The word "nuclear" that a p pears in t h i s name arises not from nuclear reactions, but from the fact that the i nstrumentation senses the presence of ato m ic nuclei that have weak magnetic p roperties, such as h y d rogen and phosphorus. The detection process requ i res a powerful mag netic field that ope rates at te m peratu res nea r absolute zero brought about by l i q u i d hel i u m . The FTI\I M R can provide i nfo rmation as to h ow the ato m s a re atta c h ed and a rranged in a m o l e c u l e . For exam ple, molecu l a r config u ra­ tions of complex chemicals such

Chem istry Stu dents Wi n Honors At Regiona l ACS Sym posi u m M ichael J. Th ielman and David L. Coy, both g raduating sen iors, won the best paper p resenta­ tion and the best research paper awa rds, respect i ve l y, at the Puget Sou nd Sectio n Student Affil iate R esearch sym posi u m held at PLU May 5. Thielman's work exa m ined the p rog ress toward a new polymer system based on cyclic phenolic ol igomers ca l led ca lixa renes. This is a material that cou ld have both h i g h te m p e ratu re a n d chem ica l separation p roperti es. His work g rew out of s u m mer research fel lows h i ps fu nded by the Ben B . C heney Fou ndation and the Robert C. Olsen F u nd and was d i rected by Dr. F red Tobiason. Coy's p resentation evolved from a summer resea rch p roject funded by the National Science Foundation at the University of New Mexico and c o n t i n u ed u nder Dr. Craig Fryh le's direction

Michael Thielman

at PLU. This work dealt with the fo rmation of new p o l y m e rs from ester monomers catalyzed by the enzyme l /ipase. These new polymers incorporate stereocen­ ters into the molec ular chain. Schools represented at t h is 22nd a n n u a l meeting i nc l u ded the U n iversity of Was h i ngton, The Everg reen State Col l ege, Central Washi ngto n U n iversity, U n iversity of Puget Sou nd a nd Seattle U n i ve rsity. Of the t h i r­ teen high-caliber papers p resent­ ed, fou r were given by PLU stu­ dents. The other PLU resea rch stu­ dents p resenting papers were Carol Rybak speaking on the syn­ thesis of a com plex c h i ral alcohol and Scott Whi pps d iscussing a Fou rier tra nsform infrared study on rare earth comp lexes. The judges for the event were Ha rley Sheffield, Lab S u p port; Dr. Agatino Macca r rone, Reich hold Chem i cals; and Dr. David Vidu­ sek, National Semiconductor.

David Coy

as synthetic polymers a n d p ro­ teins ca n be estab lished by the FTNM R technique. The QE-PLUS 300 MHz FTN M R spectrometer wi l l b e i nsta l l ed and operating by late J u ly. Plans are to use the instru ment rou­ ti nely in nearly a l l chem i stry lab­ oratory cou rses, as we l l as i n resea rch st u d i es . T h e user­ fri e n d l y co m p u ter softwa re m a kes t h i s i n st ru m e nt e a s i l y operable b y both students and faculty. The p u rchase of a sca n n i ng el ect ron m i c rosco pe by the Earth Sciences Dep a rtment w i l l benefit a l l o f the p hysical sci­ ences at PLU . The SEM i nst ru­ ment ca n m icroscopically exa m­ i ne sa m p l e su rfaces from the size of a m ite leg up to that of a softba l l . The reso l ution of the i nstru ment a p p roaches several picometers (two tri l l ionths of a yard), with im pressive depth of field. This allows a detai led p ro­ d u ction of i m ages t h at a re immensely helpful i n exa m i ning biologica l cross-sections, polymer fi bers, electronic su rface struc­ tures and geo logical sam ples. Final pu rchase of the SEM with an Energy Dispersive X-ray spec­ tro m eter ( E DS) depends o n matc h i ng a $50,000 portion of the M u rdock g ift. G ra nts a re pend i ng to com plete the p u r­ chase of an EDS which w i l l be added to the SEM. The EDS will a l low q u a ntitative e l e m ental ana lysis of sam ples. The M u rdock Cha ritable Trust has been an i m portant factor in the g rowth of the sci ences at PLU. The R i eke Scie nce Center was c o n c e i ved t h ro u g h a $ 1 38,000 p l a n n i n g g rant from the Trust that was followed by a 1 . 5 m il l ion d o l l a r const ruction g rant. The M u rdock Trust a lso recently g ranted $200,000 to the eng i neeri ng p rogra m . T h e g ift described here a lso provides research money to sup­ port students and faculty mem­ bers worki ng with students d u r­ ing the summer. The on-gOing research p ro g ra m in the sci­ en ces at PLU g reatly e n h a nces the education of st ude nts and fosters the excitement and satis­ faction derived from working on p roblems at the frontiers of sci­ ence. Placement of the FTN M R a n d S E M i n st ru m ents i n t h e modern Rieke Science Center will p rovide an enviro n m e nt even m o re conducive to stu dents learn ing about science t h rough "ha nds-on" partiCi pation. The M . J . M u rdock Cha rita ble Trust was created by the late Melvin Jack M u rdock, who was the co-founder of Tektronix, Inc., with headquarters and man ufac­ turing facil ities in Beaverto n, O re.

America's Who's Who Selects 1 6 PLU Students S i xteen PLU st u d ents h a ve been selected fo r i nclusion i n the 1 990 edition o f Who 's Who Among Studen ts in A merica 's Universities and Colleges .

They join an el ite group of stu­ dents fro m m o re than 1 ,400 schools, selected for a cademic a c h i eve m e n t, service to the com m u nity, leadership i n extra­ cu rricu lar activities and potential for conti nued success. T h i s y e a r ' s PLU h o n o re es included Sonja Batald en, Rosa Estrada, M a rya G i n g rey, Tracy G regg, Chadd Haase, Jenn ifer Joh nstad, Sandra Kra u se, S h a ri Kym, Ka ri Leru m, Monet Lion, Arnold Ron ni ng, Ja mes Rosener, Michelle Tha ut, Barbara Thore­ son, Robert Vogelsang and Vale­ rie Zaborski.

Recent Gifts And G ra nts Recent gifts and g rants to PLU i nclude the following: * Two non-cash gifts of surplus equipm ent va l u ed at $48, 340 fro m the U . S . Department of E nergy, Westi nghouse Ha nford Operations, to the PLU Division of Natu ral' Sciences. * $1 8,000 from the Fi rst Inter­ state Bank of Washi ngton Foun­ dation to fu nd an annual Excel­ lence in Teaching Award in the Schoo l of B u s i ness Admin i stra­ t i o n . Sel ected h o n o rees w i /ll receive $1 ,000. * $ 1 5,036 from the National Science Foundation to p u rchase teach i n g e q u i p m e n t for a p l a n n ed g e o p h Y S i c s co u rse offered by the Department of Earth Sciences. Eq u i p m ent w i l l i ncl ude a seismog ra ph a n d mag­ netometer a s we l l as other equ ipment. * $ 1 5,000 fro m the Gottfried and Mary Fuchs Foundation for sch o l a rs h i ps to PLU stu dents from Pierce Cou nty. the American * $ 2,000 from Foundation of Clevela n d , Oh io, to KPLU-FM .

PacIfic LutMnn

unIVersity scene

June 1990

13 Campus

PLU Will OHer i or I n Women's Studies This Fall

Chemistry students Andrew Kern, left. of Stan wood, Wash. , and Laurie Wood of Richland, both sO{Jhomores, were recif)ients of this year's Anders and Emma Ramstad Scholarshif). The scholarshi{Js, established bv the Ramstad familv, are named in honor of the late chemistry {Jrofessor and his wife.

Historian's Life Parallels ampus History Si nce Early 'SDs h e final yea rs of the 1 9t h century were h istoric ones in Pierce Cou nty. Taco ma was a fledg l i n g city. Was h i n g t o n became a state i n 1 889. T h e rail­ road arrived in 1 890. Many busi­ nesses and i nstitutions that are now com m u n ity p i l l a rs were fou nded duri ng those years. Out on the lu sh pra i rie south of Taco m a , on the road to Mount Ra in ier, Rev. Bjug Harstad was overseeing the construct ion of a then h uge b U i ld i ng to house a yet to be opened "Pacific Lutheran U n iversity." H i s s m a l l army o f workers were t h e fi rst res id ents of what i s now Park­ land. Harstad's "university" ' Was des­ ti ned to re main small, however, until after World War II. Not u ntil the early '50s d i d e n roll ment exceed 1 ,000 students. One of th ose early '50s stu­ dents was a tall freshman from Lake Stevens near Everett who came to cam pus to play basket­ ball for another Lake Steve ns a l u mn us, Marv Harsh man. The . fres h m a n ' s n a m e was P h i l i p Nordqu ist. When he grad uated i n 1 956, Nordq u ist was the Lutes' t h i rd all-t i m e leading scorer (he sti l l ranks 1 3th). The teams o n w h ich he played won mo re than 70 pl?rcent of t h e i r ga mes. The team went to the NAIA national tou rnament h is senior year.


He graduated with a degree i n history, having been i nspired by one of PLU's legendary profes­ sors, the late Dr. Walter Schnack­ en berg. Seven years l ater, after grad uate study at the Uni versity of Washi ngton, he ret u rned to PLU as a history professor, serv­ i ng on that faculty with Schnack­ en berg for 1 0 years prior to his men tor's u n t i m e l y death i n 1 973. H i s tenure now spans 27 years. For the past five years Nord­ qu ist has been working on PLU's centennial history at the request of PLU President W i l l i a m Ri eke and the u n i versity's cente n n i a l com mittee. He was the appropriate choice for the memorable assignment, p a rtly due to h i s lo ngevity as student and now senior member of the h istory faculty, but a lso because of his extensive profes­ sional understa n d i ng of c h u rch (particularly Luth e ran) h istory. That h isto ry colors deeply the h i story of PLU, and h i storic changes at PLU have often m i r­ rored those of the church. Nordquist's history, Educating for Service, is a fasci nating look at the peop le who h ave made PLU during the past 1 00 years. As he explains, "Successes and accomplish ments should be a n a­ lyzed, but m istakes, fai l u res and embarrassments also should be addressed. If the job i s done properly, it should also be read for pleasure and profit by peo­ ple outside the u niversity com­ m u n ity." Indeed, a centu ry of American history, from the Panic of 1 893 to V i et n a m a n d the Reagan Years, is i nexorab ly woven i nto the fa bric of PLU h istory, as is local and regional history. The book, available at the PLU Bookstore, may be ordered by mail or phone by ca l l i ng (206) 5 3 5-7665.

A new min or i n Women's StUd­ ies w i l l be offe red at PLU this fa ll. accord ing to Provost Dr. Robert Wil ls. The new m u l ti-d isciplin ary pro­ gram enriches the trad itional l i b­ eral arts cu rricu l u m by add i n g new perspectives o n women's l i ves and acco m p l i sh men ts, he ind icated. It will attract students who see the existence of such a prog ram as evidence of a firm institution­ al com mitment to gender eq uali­ ty, Wills added . "Women's Stud ies b roadens the education of both male and ' fema le students," said El izabeth Brusco, anth ropology p rofessor who cha i red the program com­ mittee. "It enha nces thei r career preparation a n d p rofessi o n a l opportu nities wherever th ere is a need to u n derstand women and the new roles they are play­ ing in society." The prog ram w i l l c h a l lenge students on several levels - aca­ dem ic, self-know ledge a n d per­ sonal growth - while also offer­ ing specific ca reer s k i l ls, she poi nted out. Although a relatively new d isci­ p l i ne, a p proxi m ately 20 years old, Women's Stud ies is offered today on some 500 ca m puses. Some 20 journals i n women's stu dies have been esta b l ished and major fou ndations are fu nd­ ing programs. Through such p rogra ms, the l ives, cont r i b u tions, t h o u g hts and fee l i n gs of h a l f of the h uman race is being recovered. "It is an experience that has not

Tonn Is Pres ident Of Lutheran Col leges Facu I ty Chem istry Professor Sheri Tonn is the new vice-president and president-elect of the Asso­ ciation of Lutheran Colleges Fac­ u lty tALCR. As such, she is i nvolved in plan­ ning the 1 990 meeti ng, to be held Oct. 5-7 at PLU, as well as the 1 991 meeti ng. Other re prese ntati ves fro m PLU attending this year's annual meeti n g at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, M inn., were Provost J. Robert Wil ls; C h ristine H a nsvick, psychology; Laura Klein, anthropology; John Her­ zog, natural sciences; Gun nolf Myrbo, p h ilosophy; and refer­ ence librarian Debra Gilchrist. PLU a l so p l ayed host t h is month to IDA, the annual confer­ ence of Luth e ran college inter­ p retation, d e ve l o p m e nt a n d adm issions officers.

been val u ed or studied i n the past, or eva l u ated as a perma­ nent addition to k nowledge," said Brusco. Women's Stud ies at PLU will use i n terd isc i p l i n a ry , cr oss­ cultu ral teach ing and scholarsh ip to encourage i nclusion of wom­ en's perspectives and ac om­ p l ish ments w it h i n a l l acad emic d i sc i p l i nes. By ta k i n g cou rses offered i n many departme nts, students w i l l become acqu ai nted with the multidiscipli nary nat u re of femin ist sch o l a rsh i p and its methodolog ies, she noted. All of the cou rses in the minor have previously been ta ught at PLU with the exception of a cap­ stone sem inar. In addition to h e l p i n g create less l i m it i ng possi b i l i ties in a world of rapid ly c h a n g i ng roles and expectations, t h e m i n or, together with a major in anoth­ er d isci pline, creates an impres­ sive set of credentia ls for appli­ cation to graduate and profess ional schools and jobs. "The minor signals serious i nter­ est in gender, race and class con­ cerns that individuals encou nter every day," sa id Brusco. Some women's studies gradu­ ates who chose to center their caree rs arou nd women's issues find work in such a reas as affir­ mative act i o n , socia l c h a n g e agencies, conti n u i ng education, cu rriculum development, ad m i n­ istration, research, teaching, and government agencies and com­ m issions. For students p la n n i ng work i n w o m e n 's com m u n ity agencies, the m i n or will be a vital qualification .

. Sta l lwo rth Was Featu red MESA Banq uet Spea ker . Daisy Sta llworth 76, d i rector of. Tacoma's Office of Economic and Com m u n ity Development, was the featured speaker at the 6th annual Tacoma MESA awards banquet. The event was held at PLU. Headq u a rters of the Tacoma MESA progra m a re located on campus. The MESA program encou rag­ es mi nority high school students to excel in mathematics, engi­ neering and science. During the May 22 prog ram, MESA honored top se niors, the school of the year, m o st improved students, outstandi ng st udents, top educators, t h e industry of the year, mentor of . the year, and others.

14 Campus


g campus Visitors I ncluded ....

Theologian Martin Marty was the fea tured Jungkun tz lecturer in March .


Th e Norwegian Ambassador to the United States, Kjeld Vibe, was a PLU campus visitor May 18. A reception was held in his honor in the Scandinavian Cultural Center. PL U President Dr. Wiffiam Rieke briefed the Ambassador on PL U·Norwegian cultural ties, incfuding the campus rune stones sculpture, above, which commemorates the visit of Norway's King Ola v V to PL U in


Mooring Mast Name Change Considered By Jennie Acker Editor I Mooring Mast

S ixty-six years after the debut of the Mooring Mast, the PLU newspaper is wei g h i n g more than the typical change of pace that accompanies a shift in edi­ torship each semester. The fa l l 1 990 staff i s considering chang­ ing the newspaper's name and is looking to the PLU com mun ity for ideas. The newspaper proposed the change in an editorial this past April and react ions have been varied. Since that ti me, the Mast has pri nted letters to the editor both for and aga inst the change. A decision will be made by the fall 1 990 student editors at the end of the sum mer and result from the response the staff has received from the PLU commu ni­ ty. The Mast circulated a coupon in April and M ay issues a nd through the weekly campus bul­ letin and the Daily Flyer asking for either a suggestion for a new name or reasons why the name should not change. The coupon offered $25 to the author of the best name suggestion.

With the end of spri ng semes­ ter, the Mast had received 56 suggestions for new names and 35 votes for keeping the name

Congresswoman Pat Schroeder (o-ColoJ was the fea tured speaker at a Woman and Vision Conference at PL U in March.


Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger was on campus in May as chair of the President's Council on Physical Fit· ness and Sports.

'The Mooring Mast. "

Accord ing to the Apri l M ast editorial. the primary reaso ning behind the proposed cha nge is that the name "The Mooring Mast" may no longer hold mean­ ing for students. The editorial also referred to the approach of the Centennial year as an appro­ priate t i me to co nsider such changes. Despite the moderate amount of support for the proposa l, a nu mber of strong voices have risen in opposition to the change, citing trad ition a n d pride as reasons to st ick with the current name. Beca use the staff w i l l not make its decision until early Sep­ tember, they are looking to the PLU com mu nity and alumni for suggestions and reactions. If the name is changed, 525 will go to the author of the name that is selected. Send com ments and name change i d eas, i n cluding name, add ress and phone num­ ber, to Jennie Acker, 2 1 9 S. 1 1 5th, Tacoma, Wash. 98444, by Aug. 23.

LITE Offers Three Special Sum mer Prog ra ms Lutheran Institute for Theolog­ ical Education (UTE) is offering three special programs this sum­ mer. The annual UTE Summer Insti­ tute at PLU wi l l be held J u ly 9-1 2 . The theme is "Transformed Images of Power: Reflections on Christian Life and Ministry." Presenters include La rry Ras­ mussen, Reinhold N iebu hr Pro­ fessor of Social Ethics at Union Seminary; ma rriage cou nselors Joan and Doug Anderson, and Terry Fretheim of Luther North­ western Theological Sem ina ry. Worship is led by Rev. Jan Otto of Celebration Lutheran in Puyal­ lup. "Ski l ls for Ca l l i ng-Caring M i n is­ tries: Learning the Language of

Hea l i ng" is offe red in conjunc­ Uon with Messiah Lutheran Church in Auburn Aug. 3-5 and 1 0-1 2 at Messiah. The program is for all persons interested in cal l ing-caring minis­ tries, incl u d i ng ch urch cou nci ls, out reach/eva ngelism com m i t­ tees, pastors and lay staff persons. The third program, a lay-clergy sem inar at Conco rd i a Col l ege, Portland, is to be held J u ne 1 8-20. For . m ore i n formation on these p rograms ca l l ( 2 0 6 ) 535-7 342.

PacHk Lutllenln unlverstty sc-

June 1190

----=15 Campus

Professor's Essay Pu b l ished I n Norse Yea rbook

Cath y


Seattl e Stu d ent Earns C hevron M erit Sc hol a rsh i p Catherine Overland of Seattle, a 4.0 student and va ledictorian of the senior class from Nathan Hal e H i g h School, has been awarded the 1 990 Pacific Luther­ an U n i vers i ty C h e vron Meri t Award. The schola rsh i p , va l u ed at more t h a n $ 7 , 2 0 0 over fo u r years, is awarded t o four Wash­ mgton stud ents eachs yea r, as wel l as students in Oregon and California. Ad m i n istered through Independent Col leges of Wash­ ington, it is intended to reward and promote academic achieve­ ment a nd leadership. Overl a n d , a National M e r i t Commended Scholar, is also this year's Wash i ngton Scholar from the 46th legislative d istrict a n d i s receiving additional stipend honors from Sea F i rst Fou n d a­ tion, Seattle Jaycees, American Legion and the PLU Alumni Asso­ ciation. Her pa rents, Merle a nd Joan Overland, 3908 N.E. 1 0 3 rd St., are both 1 963 gradu ates of PLU. At Nathan Hale, Overland held several st u d e n t body offices, i n c l u d i n g associ ated stu d e n t body vice-president. She earned varsity letters in ten nis and golf and was capta i n of t h e golf team. She was voted most inspi­ rat ional golf p l ayer and most i m proved women's tennis pl ay­ er. Overland was also involved in com m u n ity andl c h u rch activi­ ties, and was a cam paign worker for State Supe rintendent of P u b­ l i c Instruction J u d it h B i l l i ngs i n 1 988. Bill ings i s a 1 961 PLU alum­ n us.

An essay by Dr. Janet Rasm us­ sen, dean of t h e D i v i s i o n of H u m a n it i e s and p rofes sor of Scandinavi an St udies at Pacific Lutheran U n i versity, appears i n the Norse Heritage - 1989 Year­ book, publ ished by the No rwe­ gian E m i g ration Center in Sta­ vanger, Norway. Rasmussen's study focuses on the l i ves of Norweg ian i m m i­ g rant servant g i rls i n the North­ west. The a rticle, based on 25 intervi ews, u ses an oral h i story approach to present the stories of fi rst and second generation i m m igrants, wh ich she describes as a sti l l largely unta pped h istori­ cal resource. Serva nt gi rls, she says, were the l a rgest Single occu pational group among female em igrants from Norway. The vo lume also incl udes con­ tributions by the esteemed Dr. Einar Haugen, Harvard Un iversity professor emeritus, the U n iversi­ ty of Washington's Terje Leiren, David Mauk of the University of Tro ndh e i m , and Sigrid Wangs­ ness of Oslo. The vol u m e resulted from a conference sponsored by the Norwegi an-America n H istorical Association, held i n conju nction with Center's official opening fou r years ago. It is expected to be an annual publ ication.

Hen n i ngs Ch a i r Pa rents Cou nci � Lloyd and J a n ice H e n n i ng of Everett a re the newly-elected cha i r of the PLU Parents Cou ncil. The Parents Cou ncil i s com­ posed of parents of PLU stu­ dents from the western states i ncluding Alaska, Idaho, Wash ing­ ton, Oregon, Monta na, Colorado and California, and meets th ree t imes a year. 'We h a ve enjoyedi o u r yea rs on the Parents Cou ncil," said Janice. "We have been involved since o u r daughter, M ichelle, was a student." Michelle g rad uated in May 1 989 i n computer sci­ ence. A younger daug hter, J u lie, has com pleted her seco nd year at PLU. "Both of o u r d a u g h te rs have gained a great deal fro m their education at PLU ," com­ mented Janice. "and we have been enriched by being involved on the cou ncil." The Henni ngs are owners of the Puget Press M i ltiple I nc. i n Everett and t h e Register Tape AdvertiSing Co. in Bel levue. Lloyd served as city engi neer for the city of Everett for ten years.

summer School DHars V riety Of special I nterest courses Among more than 200 cou rses offered d u ri n g 1 9 90 S u m mer Sessions at PLU are several i n no­ vative and special interest cou rs­ es. For exa mple, an anthropology course, "Peo ples of the World: Comp lex Society" lays to rest the im pression that anthropo lo­ gy focuses only on smal l -sca l e "exotic" societies a n d dead CUl­ tu res. This one-wee k workshop J u ly 23-27 touches i ssues rang­ i n g from the effects of world economic forces on loca l experi­ ence to ch ang i n g kinsh i p pat­ terns. O n e c a n i m p rove E n g l ish vocabulary for further rea d i n g, research or placement exams by taking a Classics course. No prior knowledge of Lati n or Greek is required . Teachers: It is said that every student has a d ifferent learn i ng cycle. But how can you deter­ mine what that cycle is, a n d how do you u se that knowledge to i ncrease student ach ievement and decrease negative behavior? "Integrated Lea rning Styles and Brain Research in the Classroom" offers answers. Is it possible to i ncrease rea­ soning ski lls and have fu n at the same ti me? "Reason i n g," a n Aug ust philosophy cou rse, hel ps answer that question. What i nfluence does re l i gion have on American politics? Is it appropriate, and how does it compare to the past? "Religion and American Po l itics" examines the role of religion i n American politics from the Pu ritans to the present, with particu l a r atten­ tion paid to constitutional , con­ tempora ry a n d i ntern a t i o n a l issues. School counselors interested in becom i n g su pervisors may be

Su m m e r School 1 9 90 Session I M a y 29-June 2 2 Session I I J u n e 2 5 -J uly 2 0 Workshop Wee k - July 23-27 Sess ion I I I J u ly 3 0-A u g. 24 -



i n terested in "Ed ucation a l Psy­ chology," which in cl udes exami­ nation of models of co u n selor supervision and partici pation i ll counselor supervision. Severa l cou rses offer a head start toward science or math req u i rements. They include Biol­ ogy, H u m an istic Botany, I nt ro­ duction to Microbiology, Ana lyti­ cal Chem istry, Physical Geology, Oceanography, Math, Ana lytic Geometry and Calcu lus. For more information call the Summer Sessions office, (2 06) 5 3 5-7 1 4 3 .

PLU Pa rents Of The Yea r Honored Joua and Sua Ya ng of Seattl e and F red and A n n Deal o f Wenatchee were h o n ored i n March a s PLU's 1 990 Parents of the Year. The Yangs were nom inated by their daug hter, Mai Catheri ne, a freshman majoring i n n u rsing. Larry Dea l, a junior pre-med stu­ dent. nom i nated h is parents. The Yangs are natives of Laos. They escaped from a com m u n ist reg i me in t h e i r h o m e l a n d i n 1 9 74 a n d came to the U nited States i n 1 980. Dr. Deal is a Wenatchee surgeon; Mrs . Dea l manages h is office. Both sets of parents were cit­ ed for their devotion to their famil ies.

prospective Student Referral FOrm Many of our students fi rst become interested in Pacific Lutheran Univer­ sity because of encou ragement from our alumni and friends. You can ' assist PLU and college-bound students you know by providing us with their names, add resses, and other perti nent data. We a re primari l y i nterested in students who will b e graduating from high school i n 1 991 and 1 992. Prospective transfer student information is also encouraged. NAM E �

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Middle Initial

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� Zi p

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City Telephone (area code)

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ � __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ____ _

School currently attending:.. '

__ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Year of high school graduation:

1 9'

_ _ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __

Comments (academic interests. special talents, etc')

PaCIfIc Lutheran university 5ceM



The A rts

N rwegian Artists Featured During October Con ert Series





of "Crowing" sculpture.

New Downtown Tacoma Scu l ptu re Created By Spri ng PLU G raduate A series of fo u r e i g ht-foot scu l ptu res by g ra d u at i n g PLU sen ior Patricia Stueve w i l l be erected nea r 1 4th and Pacific ' Avenue in downtown Tacoma early this su m mer. . The work is one of the p rojects i ntended to beautify down­ town prior to th e Goodwi l l Gam es, accord i n g t o Beverly Long, a coordinator for the Taco­ ma's Goodw i l l beautificat i o n com m ittee. "Growing" is the title of the work. Each of the p i eces w i l l stand on a six-foot raised, land­ scape-su rrounded platform. The core of the work is styrofo a m , reinforced b y a hard shell called structural shotcrete. The work depicts growth stag­ es in a perso n's l ife, Stueve explai ned . The fi rst i s a per­ plexed "W hy' m e ?" att itude brought about by l ife's setbacks and failu res. The second is feel­ ing sorry for oneself. The third reflets a s ilver l i n i ng optimism, a nd the fi nal piece is d i rect, hap­ py and smi ling, "I survived, I've grown!" The work has been a p p roved by several downtown i nterest groups, i ncluding the Downtown Busi ness Association. M ateria ls

Newnham Book Available A biography of the late Freder­ ick l. Newnham, a m usic p rofes­ sor at PLU in the '50s and '60s, has been auth o re d a n d p u b­ l ished by his wife, June. T h e book, Journey With A Song, i s ava i l a b l e fro m M rs . Newn h a m . S e n d 5 1 5 check to June Newnham, 1 0 1 6 S. 1 29th St" Tacoma, Wash. 98444.

and labor are being donated by John Woodworth of Woodworth a nd Co., Duane Bigelow of Struc­ tura l Shotcrete, la ndscape a rc h i­ tect Lynn Willia m Horn and oth­ ers. Landscape i nsta l lation is by Kevin Merrell of Attractive Land­ scape Services. "They a re excited about the work and what it stands fo r," said Stueve. Stueve's i nsta nt p rofessional success comes after 2 0 years. T h e 3 8-year-old I l l i n o i s n at i ve began college at age 1 8 with a n i nterest i n com puters but left t o farm with her husband a n d raise two sons. She retu rned to col­ lege in 1 986, com p leti n g two years at Pierce Col l eg e before transfering to PLU . " I t r i e d com p u ters a n d mechanical d rafti n g a t Pierce but fou nd them too confining," she recalls. "I took a d rawing class and knew a rt was for me, and when I took scu l pture at PLU I knew that was my medi­ um." Her mentor h as been PlU a rt p rofessor Tom T o rrens, whose work is found throughout the Puget Sound area and across the PlU cam pus. Stueve special izes i n a n ew combination of med i u ms - styro­ foam and l ight in scu l pture and ceram ics scul ptu re. The l atter s h e stu d ied u nd e r p rofessor David Keyes. She looks forward to d o i n g l a n dscape scu l pt u re that fits into the environ ment. Another '90 g rad u ate, J u l ie Walters, has d esigned a seven­ stOry "ribbon" banner for Shoen­ feld's l a n d m a rk d ep a rtment store as a fu rther downtown beautification p roject. Other PlU students h ave volu nteered to paint murals in front of several vacant downtown stores. Coordinator long continues to seek m u ra l ists, g ra ph i c a rtists and i l lustrators to h e l p s pruce up lower Pacific Ave n u e bu i ld­ ings. "Th e projects need not be major, but we need m o re a rt work," she said. Interested persons m ay call Long at (206) 627-1 2 2 1 .

E x c h a n g e Yea r of M u s i c 1 989-90, a Norweg ian - U .S.A. cul­ tural plan, will present fou r per­ form ances at Pacific Lutheran U niversity this October. On Oct. 9 baritone Harald, Bjor­ kay will perform in recita l . He is a frequent performer at the Internat ional M usic Festival i n Berge n, a n d h e won the 1 989 Grieg prize. The h u sband-and-wife acting team of Lise Fjeld6ta d and Per Su nderland w i l l take the stage for an al l-Ibsen prog ra m on Oct. 1 5 . They are both members of the Norweg ian National Theatre in Oslo. Trum peter Ole Edvard Anton­ sen and organ ist Iver Kleive will perform on. Oct. 1 7 . Antonsen, cu rrently on leave from the Oslo P h i l h a rm o n ic , won f i rst- p l a ce

Al u m n i Artists Featu red In Oct. Exh ibition Paintings, scu l ptu re, d rawi ngs, ceram i cs and p hotogra p hy w i l l be featu red d u ri n g " C o m i ng Home," a n a rt e x h i b ition s how- . casing PlU a l u m n i a rtists. The show ru ns from Oct. 3 through Oct. 2 7 i n Ingra m Hall's U n iversity Gallery, So. 1 21 st and Eighth Aven u e Court South. G a l l e ry coo r d i n a t o r B e c ky F re hse has selected wo rks by PLU g raduates Sonja Sheppard. Andrea Pi h l and Yu kito Sato. All three have earned M FA deg rees (Centra l Was h i ngton U n ive rsity. A rt I n stitute of C h icago a n d M a ry l a n d Art Institute respec­ tive ly). Ot h e r a rt i sts w i l l be selected this su m me r. ''I'm espec i a l l y d e l i g h t e d because t h e show will r u n d u ring homeco m ing. The a rtists' c lass­ mates will be able to view their e x t r a o rd i n a ry a c co m p l i s h ­ ments." Frehse said.

Outdoor N oon Concerts Add Sum mer Spa rkle "Sunshine Series" bega n its free weekly outdoor concerts at PLU May 3 0 outside Eastvol d Aud itoriu m . Washington Brass Qui ntet per­ formed the fi rst concert. The noon concerts are free and feature d ifferent pOP. rOck. jazz and class ic;al groups each Wedn esday t h ro u g h o u t t h e summer. Events a re s u pported in part by fu n d i n g from the Pierce County Arts Com m iSSion, For further i nfo rmation. call PlU at (206) 5 35-7480.

honors from a u na n i mous j u ry at the ClEM com petition in Gene­ va . (Mau rice Andre was the last u n a n i m o u s-j u ry re c i p i e n t i n 1 955,) . The series cu l m i nates with the Oct. 1 8 performa nce by the Nor­ weg i a n Stri ng Q u a rtet . Estab­ l ished in 1 976 to promote Nor­ dic compositions, the g roup h as t o u red N o rw a y , Sw e d e n , England, Scotland, Iceland, Swit­ zerland and the U n ited States. A related co ncert on Oct. 1 6 featu res N o rweg i a n p i a n i st Trygve Traeda l perfo rm i ng h is American debut with the U n i ver­ sity Sym phony Orchestra. The Exchange Yea r of Music is sponsored by the School of the ' Arts and Associated Students of PlU i n cooperat i o n with t h e Sca n d i n a v i a n C u l t u ra l Center and Sca ndi navian Area Studies. For further i nformation ca l l (206) 5 3 5-7621 .

M i ndy Lee Ea rns Monsen · M usic Sti pend M indy lee of Tacoma, a junior m us i c m aj o r a n d a n acco m­ p l ished pian ist. is the rec i p ient of the 1 990 Forestine Wise Mon­ sen Scholarship. The scho larsh i p i s named in memory of M rs. Monsen, a life­ long resident of Gig Ha rbor near Tacoma and PlU graduate who d i ed in 1 98 1 . She was a p i a no student of Dr. Calvin Knapp for m a ny yea rs, a n d i n 1 982 the Knapp fam i l y c reated a m usic scholarshi p i n her memory. lee p resented a scholarship concert at Chapel H i l l Presbyteri­ an Church i n Gig Harbor on April 22, More information a bout the scholars h i p fu nd is ava i la b l e by c a l l i n g Robert M o nsen, (206) 549-2563.

Summer Pia no Institute Attracts Youth Junior a nd senior h ig h school p i a n o stu dents w i l l h ave an o p po rtun ity to study at Pacific lutheran U n iversity this sum· mer. PlU's Sum mer Piano Perfor­ mance Institute ru ns from June 18 - July 6. Classes include h istory of pia­ no l iterature, style and i nterp re­ tation. keyboard harmony and i m p rovisation. and two p rivate lessons per week. Call institute d i rector Calvin Knapp at (206) 535-7601 for fu r­ ther information.

PKlflc Lutheran Unlvenltv Scene

June 1990

The President

UJL.. I) ?� "Space For Grace": People Of Lutheran Ch u rches Pl an Centen n i a l Gift Of Ca m pu s Wo rsh i p Center u r C e n te n n i a l Yea r h a s begun! Com mencement for­ mally opened the celebration, the first of fou r g raduating clas­ ses to hold the d i st i nction of Centennial Class, 1 990/1 991 . The day was fil led with festivit ies, including i ntroduction and dedi­ cation of a processional banner, a com m emorative flag, a n d an outdoor bell scu l ptu re. E a r l i e r t h i s month , ou r one-h u n d red yea r a n n i versary history book was published, as was a centen­ n i a l magazine and c a l enda r. These herald a yea r of i m po r­ ta nt aca d e m i c , ath letic, a rts, a l u m n i , sports, soc i a l and com­ mu nity events. The deg ree of enthusiasm and involvement by i ndividuals and support constitu­ encies regard ing our Centen n ial is truly am azing, and most g rati­ fyi ng! Now, duri ng this special year, the p e o p l e of the L u t h eran chu rches and ot her friends in the Pacific N o rt h west h ave annou nced that they wa nt to give a gift to the u n i versity of a worship center. Pacific Lutheran University, from its begin ning i n 1 8 90, h a s maintained a strong rel ationsh ip with the people of the ch u rc h . Reso l u tions of sup­ port have a l ready been passed at four of the six synod assem­ b l ies of Region I . C a l l ed the "Space for Grace" prog ra m, the effort will be lau nched this fa ll. in October of 1 990. A steering com m ittee of pas­ tors and lay people from each of the synods has met reg u l a rly, and has laid p l a ns fo r raising $2 ,000,000 du ring t h e next th ree yea rs. I heartily endorse the effort. and am extre m ely grateful for the leaders h i p wh ich has arisen outside of the u n i ver­ sity to attai n the goa l . T h e need for a Worship Center on cam pus continues to grow as the un iversity expands. W h i l e worship occurs in sha red space at seven or eight variou s l oca­ tions on and off campus, there is cu rrently no real home for the Un iversity Co ngregation, Un i ver­ sity Chapel, or any of the other groups that reg u larly meet for wo rs h i p . Space is needed now, space set apart p rov i d i n g the worshipping com m u nity with a permanent identity. PLU was fo u n ded to p rovide education in a place where the Gospel is clearly proclai med and all truth is considered God's truth. Our m i ssion i s to lead stu­ dents to respond with fa ith, wis­ dom and ski l l to the exceptional ch allenges facing ou r worl d . His­ tory p roves the i m portance of PLU's c o n t r i b u t i o n to t h e Ch u rch's m i ssi o n . PhYSicians,


President William 0. Rieke .

"The people of the L u ther­ an

ch urches

frie n ds


and th e

Northwest ha ve

o ther Pa cific


ced that they want to give to the University a Centen­ nial gift of a Worship Cen­ ter - a "Space for Crace" - on the campus. I heartily

endorse the effort and am

extremely grateful for the leadership which has arisen outside of the University "

bishops, scientists, teachers, pas­ tors, n u rses and m usicians g radu ates of PLU - cu rrently lead o u r com m u n ities and o u r chu rches. T h e c h a l l enges ha ve grown with the years. Christiani­ ty is no longer cultu ra l l y sup­ ported as it once was. "Space for Grace" is u rgently needed so t hat m i n istry on ca m pu s ca n ma rshal the Gospel's power i n su pport o f students. S o long as m i n istry must be done i n bor­ rowed space and at the m a rg i ns of ca mpus life, the Church and its message may be v i ewed as marginal and u n i m po rta nt. In the face of materi a l ism, secular­ ism, ca reerism and cyn icism, a worship center would serve as a clea r rem inder that PLU will con­ t i n u e as a u n i ve rs ity of t h e chu rch, now and into t h e future . Comm ittee m e m b e rs h a ve indicated that. although the syn­ ods a re leading the capital pro­ ject. there wi l l be no m e m b e r­ s h i p sol icitation p l a n for t h e con g regations. Rath e r, partner­ ship teams at the "grass roots" level wi l l be orga nized to contact a l u m ni , p a re n ts , s t u d e nts, chu rch m e m b e rs, any a n d a l l donors who want to m a ke a statement of their com mitment to the m i nistry of the Gospel at Pacific L u t h e r a n U n i v e rs i ty . Many donors w i l l be in vited to g ive $1 000 or more to reach the goa l . but gifts and pledges of any amount w i l l be g ratefu l ly received. Gifts of appreci ated stock and prope rty, paid-up l ife ins u rances and m a rketa ble per­ sonal property will be suggested and accepted. This w i l l be a per­ son to person m ission. At the present time, arch itec­ t u ra l plans have not yet been d rawn, n o r has a specific loca­ tion been chosen. It is a nticipat­ ed that the b u i lding will be m od­ est. beautifu l, and fu nctional a worship space accom modating 400-500 worshippers and hospi­ table to smaller g roups in t h e university com mu nity. The n u rturing of the Ch ristian faith is very much al ive on the ca mpus of PLU. N ot only a re three experienced Lutheran pas­ tors actively i nvolved in a l l aspects of worsh i p , study, and

counselin g, there are also repre­ sentatives from m a ny o t h e r denom i nations w h o meet reg u ­ l a rly with stu dents from their c h u rch g ro u ps. Seve ra l other o rgan izations p rovide stu dent fel lowsh i p , study and serv ice m i n istries, incl u d i n g Fel l owsh i p o f Christian Athletes, Bread for the World, I nterva rsity Christian Fel lowsh ip, Peace ma kers, Maran­ atha Coffeehouse, Method ist Students, Ca t h o l i c Stu dents Organ ization, Messenger Ca m pus Fellowship and many others. U n i v e rsity P a s t o rs S u sa n Briehl. Dan Erlander and M a rtin Wel ls join me and the PLU fam i ly in enthusi astic and personal s u p­ port of the p roposed gift of a Worship Center. Such a cen ter will be a sym bol of the new cen­ tury of partnersh i p in faith, edu­ cation and m issio n . Under the cente n n i a l theme, " E d u cating for Service," Pacific Luth eran U n iversity a n d its friends and supporters in the Pacific North­ west wi l l enter a new ce ntu ry toget h e r. On beh alf of the e n t i re PLU com m u n i ty Regents, stu d e nts, fac u l ty, a d m i n i strat ion a n d staff - I exp ress ou r deep and a b i d i n g g ratitude for t h i s u npa ra l le l ed g� •


Padflc: \.UttIel'3ft university




Commen ts

PLU a n d Lu theran Id ent ity By Dr. Philip Nordquist Centennial Historian

(This is the 1 6th feature in a 20-part series) Recent news releases suggest that the Pacific North west and Region 1 of the new Evan gelical Luthera n Ch u rch in Ame rica are respo nd i n g more favora bly to many parts of the 1 988 merger than any ot her portion of the U n ited States, espec i a l l y i n the a rea of reg i o n a l and synod­ sha red min istries. That's good news, but it is not su rprisi ng, given the long trad i­ tion of i ntra-Luthera n coopera­ tion in the region. Some of that coopera t i o n came about because of the geog raphic sepa­ ration fro m other L u t h e rans, especially i n the Midwest. But m u ch of it resu lted from the

energetic leaders h i p of Pacific Lutheran U n i versity, and t h e partners h i ps esta b l i s hed were pioneering ach ievem ents. They were 50 years ahead of the rest of American Lutheranism. The story of this early cooper­ ation and goodwill is a sal uta ry one that needs to be told and reto l d , as Lutherans seek to u nd e rsta nd and fill out t h e d i mensions o f the new ELCA. PLU's cooperati ve efforts go back to the m i d-1 890s when the Norweg ian Synod, the body that founded PLU, i nvited the Missou­ ri Synod cong regat ions to the Pacific Coast to become involved in the operation of the new u n i-

A 'i C E N T E N N I A L 'i T R E A S U R E

versity. Serious discussions fo l­ l owed, but u l timately n ot h i n g happened. Efforts to make PLU i nto a pan-Lutheran i n st itution conti n ued" h owever, and suc­ cesses lay j u st arou nd the cor­ ner. By 1 9 1 5 the Germa n-back­ grou nd Ohio Synod was send ing students to Norweg ian Luthe ra n schools, and that p rocess c l i­ maxed in 1 929 when st ude nts, a subsidy, a facu lty member, and two board members were sent to Pacific Lutheran College. I n 1 9 3 2 the Swed ish -back­ g r ou n d Augustana S y n od entered into the sa me coopera­ tive relation s h i p . The patte rns thus establ ished were u n ique i n American Luthera n i s m . Other ki nds of coo perative i ntra-Lu­ thera n activities came much eas­ ier after these ed u cat i o n a l breakthrou ghs. The cooperative ventu res, i n c l u d i n g ed uca t i o n, contin ued through the mergers of 1 960 a nd 1 962 and helped prepare the way for 1 988. PLU a l so has bee n the m ost visible symbol of Lutheranism i n t h e Northwest, a n d t h a t has helped shape Lutheran ident ity. Pride in athle tic acc o m p l i sh­ ments frequently has been a part of th is, especially footba l l i n the early '40s, basketball in the

' 5 0s, and foot ball a n d severa l women' s sports i n t h e '80s. M u sic, (especi a l l y the Choir of the West) has been i m portant as wel l . As PLU begins its 1 990-91 cen­ ten nial, it is i m porta nt fo r a l l Lutherans i n Region 1 to re mem­ ber its power as a symbol and its u n ique role as orchestrator of cooperation and u n ity. The u niversity also was fo un d­ ed to p ro d u ce lea d e rs for church and state, and it has ful­ fil led that res p o n s i b i l ity with c o n s i d e ra b l e s u c cess ( 6 1 4 8 te achers, 1 8 8 3 n u rses, more than 500 pastors, 438 doctors and dentists, 350 Ph D's, dozens of organ ists and rectors, a nd four of the Region 1 Bishops). When Pacific Luthera n .Univer­ sity was founded, the Norwegian Synod had two ordai ned pastors and 2 5 0 baptized m e m bers in the Northwest. The resu Its of the first centu ry of history have been dramatic. Reg ion 1 of the E LCA has 628 congregations and 2 5 3,343 bap­ tized members. If the u n iversity and the congregations conti nue to work together fa ithfu l ly, the second century of PLU's history and the fi rst centu ry of the E LCA's Reg i o n 1 c o u l d be remarkably i nteresting.

Centen n i a l H o m eco m i ng Re u n ions For Everyone

PLU's centennial history is avaiJble now! Educating for Service:

Pacific Lutheran University 1890-1990 has been written by history professor Dr. Philip NordqUist. Uniquely qualified to write the volume, Nordquist

'50s and has taught on campus for 27 years. The boo k describes the triumphs, disappoinrments and tenacious visions of those who helped to build PLU into the largest private educa­

was a srudent at PLU in the early

tionaJ instirution in the Northwest. Educating for Serivce will be an elegant keepsake of the university's centennial celebration as well as a critical srudy of the school's often difficult enterprise, a memorable chronicle of achieve­ ments and follies, of sttuggles and growth. Beautifully cloth bound, the book includes more than 70 photographs, capruring many of the faces and moments of the PLU community over the past cenrury. ,. ----------------------


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BY Walter Shaw Director, Alumni Relations

Ther e w i l l be reu n i ons for everyone in celebration of PLU's centen nial. In the past couple of months era comm ittees have been getting together and plan­ ning a big event for classmates and friends from thei r era who retu rn to ca m p u s fo r the cen­ ten nial Homecom i ng. F riday n ight, Octo ber 1 2 , is reu n ion night. The '30s and '40s will be getting together at Lieu's Asian Restau rant on Pacific Ave­ n u e near G a rfield Street. The ' 50s w i l l gather at the Tacoma Sheraton Inn ballroom. The '60s will be meeting at the Executive Inn in Fife and the 70's will gath­ er at the La Quinta Inn near the Tacoma Dome. The '80s have yet to meet.

Special reunion d i n ners for the cl asses of 1 9 80, 1 970, 1 96 5 , 1 960, 1 950 a n d 1 940 w i l l be held on ca m p us preceding the era reu n ions at 5 :00 or 5 : 30 Friday evening. The d i n ners have been scheduled ea rly and coorainated with the era re u n ions so t h at those who wish to attend both may do so. Watch for fu rther i nfo rmation from yo u r Class Rep resentative or era comm ittee. Make p l a ns now to come to campus October 1 1 for the beg i n n ing of Home­ com i ng ceremon ies, attend the cente n n ial a l u m n i banq uet Sat­ u rday nig ht. October 1 3, and stay for the "grand finale" Sun­ day morning, October 1 4, with the centennial worsh i p celebra­ tion at 1 1 :00 a.m.

padfk Lutheran unlvenlty scene

June 1990

Commen ts

Another Passage By Harvey J. NeUfeld Vice President, Church Relations

"Grandch ildren are the dessert in l ife." At least that is what an old French proverb says. I affi rm it. With six g rand c h i l d ren in a few short yea rs, joy and pride are the order of the day at our house. Each contact with them is l i ke a new chapter i n " o u r" development. "Whose eyes does she have?" "The nose comes from g randad. " "That's just the way I was when I was sma l l . " "Very bright - that comes from mom!" . I have never been qu ite sure whether the genetic heritage is so early recog n izable. We tend to p ut ou r ideals, d reams, looks and aspi rations onto o u r c h i l ­ d ren a n d certa i n ly the grandch il­ dren. But ba t> ies g row and g row.

F i n a l ly, we o u rse lves take o u r first i n sec u re steps at be i n g grandparents. A few weeks ago we ventu red a weekend ca m p i ng trip with our two grandsons, ages 4 and 7 . I've never been o n e t o read self­ i m p rovement gu ides for va rious steps or passages of l ife. So now also I wou ld lea rn by experience. Although I must say, a l ittle help ahead of time wou ld have been prudent! I have a l ist now which will guide me i n the fut u re. Don't say, "Go for a ru n on the beach," un less you are prepa red to chase seag ulls or pocket-rob­ bing crabs. Don't say, " R u n as m u ch as you want,�' u n l ess you're prepared to flop exhaus­ ted in the du nes. Don't tell them about "sneake r waves" lest they

Nordq u ist Banq u et Add ress H i g h l ig hts Reco rd Yea r By John Aakre CFRE Executive Director of the Annual Fund

Q C l u b g ifts, which provide schola rsh i p support and fi nancial aid to thousands of PLU stu­ dents, hit record levels for the 1 9t h consecu tive yea r . G i ft i ncome for the 89/90 fiscal yea r was $893,874 - a 6.4 pe rcent increase over last year's totals. Composed of more than 1 ,850 i ndivid uals, busi nesses, chu rches and foundations, the Q C l u b has raised over $8 m i l l ion in accu mu­ lated cont r i b u t i o n s s i n ce its i nception i n 1 9 7 2 . More than half of that total has been given in the last five years. Ron Do ug­ lass, the cu rrent Q C l u b presi­ dent, told members and guests at the 1 9th annual banquet that "we are on ta rget to reach our goal of $ 1 m i l lion i n annual con­ tributions from the Q C l u b by 1 99 1 ." The featured s pea ker at the

We would l i ke to welcome the fol lowi ng individuals, b usinesses and c h u rches who have joi ned the Q Club since the last issue of SCENE: InCrease to senior Fellow ($2400/Year and above) Sturgill, Don and Carol-Wray NeW Fellows ($1()()(}2399/Year) David, Timothy and Beverly InCrease to fellOw Hallman, Michael and Marv Kay Lycksell, Bob and Judy

b a n q u et was Dr. P h i l i p N o rd­ qu ist, the author of PLU's cen­ tennial h i story, " Ed ucating for Service." A nea r record crowd of over 650 members and guests were in attenda nce. Nord q u ist, one of PLU's most popular public speake rs, delighted the crowd with his d ry wit as he chronicled the early years of the Un iversi­ ty'S history. Many of his rema rks centered on the financial d ifficu lties faced by the institution d u ri ng its first few years. He noted, however, that despite many obstacles the u n i versity has g rown and pros­ pered because of the ded ication of facu lty and staff, and the generosity of friends of the school who bel ieved i n support­ ing Christian higher ed ucation. Nordquist noted how appropri­ ate many of his fu n d raising a n ecdotes from PLU's early New AsSOCiate fellOws ($4SQ-999/year) Baerg, Richard and Judith Dodgen, Jerrv and Linda Kuno, Masako Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Seattle Stuhlmiller, Engelina Trinity Lutheran Church, Enumclaw Increase to Associate fellOw Benson, Jerrv and Sharon Coltom, David and Nancy Haaland, Jim and Susan Kittilsby, Tim and lisa Long, Eva Pellegrini, Rena Salem Lutheran Church, Mount Vernon St. John Lutheran Church, American Falls,


tem pt the m i g hty Pacific to wash them out to sea . Don't, and dou bly don't, g ive them a Dairy Queen chocol ate s u n d a e fo r a be d t i m e snack u n l ess you ' re pre pa red to peel them off the cei l i ng. Never have a TV in their bed­ room. Don't attem pt to answer the question, "Are we there yet?" When the weekend was finally over, I had had enough "dessert in l ife" for a whi le. Nevertheless, it was a n d wou l d be again a great time. Many of my ideals about being a good model fo r them went out the ca m per w i ndow. We were frazzled, sha rp-to ngued, grumpy and too dema nding by week's end. When we retu rned the boys to thei r parents one sleepy-eyed c h i ld remarked to his m oth er, "The trip? It was absol utely mar­ velous." Were they talking about the same trip I took? The great gift we can give our grandch ildren is not our model­ ing, or instruction. It is our pres­ ence. J ust be there for t h e m . Just b e there. years were for the members of the Q C l u b . Although we have been d o i n g m u c h bette r i n rece n t yea rs, Nordqu ist observed, fu nd ra ising has never been easy and PLU conti nues to rely heavily on the kind of peo­ ple who support the Q Club. At the close of the prog ra m, Q Club vol u nteers who h ad hel ped with u pgrades, delinquent mem­ bers and recru itment d u ring the past year were recog n ized. Douglas noted earl ier i n the eve­ ning that 256 new Q C l u b mem­ bers had been recru i ted si nce the last banquet . That rep re­ sents the t h i rd highest total in Q Club history. A d rawi ng was held among the vo l u nteers fo r two' prizes. Fi rst prize was d i nner for two donat­ ed by Ca nlis resta u rant in Seat­ tle. Nan Nokleberg was the win­ ner. Second prize, a copy of Dr. Nordqu ist's centen n i a l h i story, was won by Kathleen Burk. Pau l Larson, a 1 9 38 PLU g radu­ ate, was honored for the fourth year in a row as the top recruit­ er. He was given a surprise gift of two round tri p airfares donat­ ed by A l aska A i r l i n es. Larson rec ru ited an amazing 80 new members si nce the last banquet. Most vol u nteers recru it one or two mem bers a year.

New Members ($240-479/year) Anderson, Trina Arntson, Neal and Joyce Barnum, SCott Bekemeier, Jim Biberdorf, John Bohrman, Clara Christofferson, Mark Christopherson Insurance Services, Inc. Cofchin, Cathy Corrigar., Daniel and Sara Curtis, Daniel Douglass, Mark and Teresa Drver, Gerrv and Marv Falk, Brad and Marlena Ganung, Jeff and Lisa

BY Ed Larson Director of Planned Giving

Charitable G ift Options Satisfy M a ny Needs Regardless of one's age, there is a plan that al lows a cha rita bly­ m i nded person to make a g ift, receive a present i ncome tax deduction, p l u s receive a l i fe­ time i ncome beg i n n i n g either n ow, o r at a m o re desirable fu ture date. In addition to the i ncome tax deduction, t h ere is also the possible savi ngs from avoi d i ng ca p i t a l g a i n s a n d/or estate taxes where such a situa­ tion exists. W h i l e the pri m a ry reason fo r making a g ift is the cha ritable intention, Cong ress has provided incentive to pote ntial donors by a l l owing charitable contr i b ution deductions. The amount of one's deduction varies with the type of gift. Gifts take va rious forms: cash, a p p reci ated secu rities o r real property, or personal property. USing a p p reci ated assets for a gift avoids the tax on either a portion of on all of the capital gain. Deferred gifts ta ke the form of g ift a n n u ities, c h a r i t a b l e trusts, l ife insurance, or t h e g ift of one's residence or farm with a retai ned l ife estate. In some cases, a deferred gift can p ro­ vide p resen t i n co m e; in other cases, the income can be post­ poned . (This l a tter type of deferred gift ca n be used a s a n excellent d evice fo r ret irement or ed ucational purposes). What best fits your goals and d eSi res? Perhaps we can assist you i n fulfi l l i ng your d es i re to make the right kind of charita­ ble gift for you r situation. You may wish to send for the b ro­ chure "Life Income Plans: Enjoy Giving W h i l e Benefiting You r­ self." For this material and any other questions you m ight have on charitable g iving, contact: Edgar La rso n, D i rect o r of Plan ned G iving, PLU, Tacoma, WA 98447, 206-5 35-7420.

Garrett, Ron and Martha Hahner, Charles and Carol Hanson, Timothy Haueisen, Don and Barbara Hendricks, Mark and Jill Huling, Richard and Nancy Johnson, David and Debrah Keller, Bob and Betty Keller, Dale and Joan Kissinger, Robert and Nakauchi Koessler, Donn and Patty Krueger, Robert and Mildred Larson Glass Co., Inc. Lucky, Stephen and Chervl Moa, Jim and Sharon Mulder, Robert and Karen

Nelson, Jon NesselQuist. Kim and Krvstn Nesting, Norman and Amie Nesvig, David and Jane Nylander, Betty Petersen, Jon and Dorothy Peterson, William and Marv Ruecker, Doug and Lisa Rynning, Robert and Betty SChmidt, Sherwin and Anita Sheekley, Carv Skarshaug, Richard and Minnie Silflow, Carolyn Slama, Brad and Carol Stringfellow, John and Peggy Summit View Travel Svaare, Cora

PaCIfIc Lutheran University Seene

June 1990

A lumni




Sect ion

Al u m n i N a m e Ca n d i dates Fo r Boa rd Of Di rectors

Kari Schlachtenaufen

Ron Murphy

Jack Oliver


� •


Afton Schafer

Rebecca Burad

. .



�� t / .

� .. .


Susan Rouse

Nine a l u m n i are ca ndidates for positions on the PLU A l u m n i Association Boa rd of Di rectors. Ca n d i d ates for a fou r-year term are: Rebecca Nauss Bu rad '74, San Francisco, Cal if., real estate exec­ utive; Jack Ol iver '66, Fa i r Oaks, Cal if., com mercial sales manager; Afton Hjelm Schafer '48, Taco­ ma, Wash., homema ker; and Sta n Stenersen '68, Federal Way, Wash., federal govern m ent adm i nistrator. Ca n d i dates for a on e-year term are: Ron M u rphy ' 7 5 , Taco m a , Wash., social worker; Deborah M i ller Hase '87, Taco­ ma, Wash ., teacher; Susan Sch i l l i nger Rouse 7 1 , Lynnwood, Wash. , dental assi s­ tant; Kari Isaacson Schlachtenhau­ fen 75, Portland, Ore., director of capital support; and Susan Hildebrand Stringer 76, Bothel l, Wash ., person nel ma nag­ er.

Deborah Hase



(Official bal lot to b e returned b y August 1 5, 1 990) (Two boxes are provided for each nominee second box to be used ONLY if both h usband and wife are PLU alums)

FIVE TO BE ELECTED TO A 1 YEAR TERM (Vote for five) [j 0 Deborah Miller Hase '87

o O

U 0 Ron Murphy 75

0 0

o 0 Susan Schillinger Rouse 71

o 0

o 0 Kari Isaacson Schlachten h a ufen 75

o 0


o 0

� � __ __ __ __


(Write i n) _ __ __ __ __ __ _

(Write in)

Susan Hildebrand Stringer 76

FOUR TO BE ELECTED TO A (Vote for four)

o U Rebecca Nauss B u rad


__ __ __ __ __ __ _

(Write in) __ __ __ __ __ __ __

(Write i n) __ __ __ __ __ __ _

(Write i n)


o 0

0 o Jack Oliver '66

0 0

0 o Afton Hjelm Schafer '48

0 0

o 0 Stan Stenersen '68

0 0


__ __ __ __ __ __ __

(Write i n ) (Write i n) (Write i n) (Write in)


__ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Alum of the Year

__ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ _

Special Recog nition

_ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _

Return to: A l u m n i Office, Nesvig Alumni Center, PLU, Tacoma, WA 98447

N o rm a n n a M a l e Chorus Enj oys PLU Al u m n i Ties Elmer Mob roten grad uated 50 years ago from Pacific Lutheran ( C o l l eg e ) . H i s i n terests a n d i nvolvement i n m u s i c a t PLC switched after g rad u a t i o n to another organization with Norse roots - the N o rm a n n a M a l e Chorus o f Tacoma. PLU and the Normanna si ngers have many other things in com­ mon. They both came into bei ng a b out the sa me t i m e in the same place. The Norweg i a n immigrants i n the chorus got a head start on thei r fe l l ow i m m i­ g rants who founded PLU. The chorus began i n 1 888. B oth claim Park lan d as the sta rt ing point. Over the years many oth­ er PLU men have sung in the chorus, and the cu rrent g roup of nearly 40 claims several ties to the university. Jon Malmin '64 is the chorus d irector. He took over from his father, Gu nnar, who also direct­ ed the PLU Choi r of the West for 27 years. Other PLU a l u m n i mem bers include Carl Fyn boe '49, Gene Cook '62, Don Wi lson 78 and Ste­ ven Melton '81 . Mel Knudson served on the PLU board of regents for 1 3 years and was board c h a i rm an from 1 973-79. Though the chorus st i l l sings songs in Norwegian, it a lso pre­ sents songs in Engl ish and other languages.

Two Al u m nae, Prof Ea rn Teacher Of The Yea r Honors Con n ie (Kubista) Iverson MAE '84, a teacher at the Eugene P. Tone School Project fo r ho me­ l ess ch i l d ren i n Tacoma, was rece ntly named the US WEST Outsta nding Teacher for Wash­ ington State. As the Wash i ngton w i n n er, Iverson received a $5,000 award to be used fo r p rofess i o n a l development Karen (Herstad '72) Fluke of Port Angeles was named Special Educatio n Tea cher of the Year by the Wash ington State Special E d u cat ion Coa l i t i o n . She has taught in the Port A n ge l es School District for 1 3 years. The Coal ition a lso honored PLU p rofesso r D r . H e l m i Owen as Teacher Tra i ner of the Year. Owe n, a ssociate professo r of education teach ing special ed u­ cat i o n programs, has been a member of the PLU faculty for five years. Iverson's cla ssroom has become a nat i on al model for teach i ng homeless children and was featured on ABC's news pro­ gram " 2 0/20" a nd Seattle KING­ TV's "Even ing." "I am never su re who w i l l enter the classroom each day, how long they w i l l be there, or what grade they a re com plet­ i ng," says Iverson a b o u t her . tea c h i n g assi g n m e n t . " B u t homelessness does not mea n a c h i ld can't set goals and make positive chan ges, whether age five or 1 5 ." F l u ke observed , "The m ost im portant thing, I think, is that anyone working with special edu­ cation ch i l d ren come from the point of view that a l l stud ents can learn. It is our responsi bil ity as teach e rs to d i scover each child's learning style."

Helmi Owen

PacIfIc Lloltheran Unlvenlty Scene

June 1990




1 932

husband travel with a trailer to all parts of the country when she's not working. The couple has four child ren, one m ar· ried daughter in East Wenatchee and three sons (two m a rried) i n the Sea-Tac area They have four grandchild ren . .

Etlc Hauke and son Skip 1'65) own and operate a com m u n i ty grocery store in Astoria, Ore. The store. Hau ke's Mar· keto tlas been owned by the Hauke family for over 1 00 years and may be tile old· est i ndependent grocery store west of the Mississippi R iver. Barbara Jean Earley Nichols d ied iVlarch 1 2 at the age of 7 '1 . S h e INas born In S p o k a n e and a t t e n ded school i n A l m i ra, Wash. After PLC, she atten ded Otis Art School in California. She is sur· vived by her husband, Jack. a daughter, Shannon, and several g randch ildren and great .g randchildren Kathleen Elizabeth (Porath) paul died Feb. 25 i n Vancouver, Wash. She graduated from Emanuel Hospital School of N u rs i ng W i t h a Registered N u rse Degree in 1 9 36 and began work at Eman· uel Hospital where she worked for over 30 years She also worked about seven years at the Dornbecker Hospital for C h i l· d re n . She is s u rvived by her h usband, Richard, several children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren

Eleanor L. R i p p o n h a s enjoyed "meeting up" With former students and friends from PLU when she visits wom­ en's org a n i zations as an " E n abl er" for Presbyterian Women in the Tacoma area. It was a special til rill to have Marv Harsh­ man suddenly show up as a close friend of her new neighbors on the Key Pen i n­ sula . It was wonderful to see Dottie, too.

1 943

Russell Frye, 76, of Belfair, Wash , passed away recently. A native of Taco­ ma. he served In the Navy as Lieuten a n t J G d u r i n g W W I I , t a u g h t French at Fife H igh School, and was a member of the Palm Spring E l ks and St. N icholas C h u rch in Tahuya, Wash. H e i s su rvived by h is wife, Marian, a brother Norman Frye of Tacoma, and a sister, Ruth Gagliardi of Tacoma.

1 934

1 945

John S. Dreibelble of Tacoma died in April 1 990.

Emma (Thoren) Foss has b een retired as a M i n neapol i s school soc ial worker since June, 1 985. She is very busy with volunteer work as peer counselor, Kinship board member, su rrogate parent for a retarded student and as a vol un· teer at Fairview Ridges Hospital.

1 936

Certrude M. Krause of Tacoma is having to curtail activities due to health problems, but still hopes to enjoy her yard

1 948

1 940

Jeanne Landdeck·Sisco with former President Ronald Reagan at Casa de los Ninos. Photo by Dianne Kercheval

Ch i ldren In Crisis Editors note: Jeanne Landdeck·Sisco '69 is executive director of Casa de los Ninos (House of the Children), a crisis shelter for children from birth to age 1 1 in Tucson, Ariz. A PLU sociology major and member of the Choir of the West and Saga Singers, she worked for se veral L u theran social service agencies fol/o wing graduation. She worked for the State of Arizona for a decade prior to assuming her presen t post.

By Jeanne Landdeck-sisco

A frighten ing new disease h as descended on America's children - a disease over which they have no control. a disease moth­ ers are giving their chi ldren, and one from which they may never fu l ly recover - it is crack-co­ caine exposu re or add iction at birth. N a t i o n a l statistics i n d icate . that 40-50 percent of persons see k i n g treatm e n t for c rack addiction a re mothers. A recent national su rvey of 36 hospitals across the country indicated as m a ny as 3 75,000 of these chil­ d ren a re born with an illegal sub­ stance i n their system. Due to Tucson's p roxi m ity to M exico, this d rug use is expanding in Ari­ zona as wel l . C rack is a p u rified form of coca ine that is smoked . It is par­ ticula rly deadly because it is easy to use, extremely addictive, i nex­ pensive, and leads to crime and severe psychological disorders.

Violent behavior is a com mon side effect of this d rug, so that children are at extreme risk of physical abuse in these homes. T h ree to five newborns per month are bei ng placed at the Casa d i rectly from the h ospital due to crack exposu re. T hese i nfa nts often have low b i rth weights of 3-4 pounds, cry fre­ quently, h ave d i fficu lty feed i ng due to physical deficiencies, and do n ot fo rm atta c h m ents to careta kers. Both t h e p hysical and emotional repercussions of t,he p re-bi rth exposure to crack have devastating effects on the futu res of these children. We must a lert teenagers, p reg­ n a n t wo m e n , a n d m ot h e rs about the dangers of this d rug, not only on their own p hysical and mental health and its nega­ tive i mpact on their parenting abilities, but on the vital risk it poses to the hea�h and even survival of their children. Never before have c h i l d ren been faced with such a l ife and death situ ation , i m p osed by their own parents. We must seek i mmed iate treatment a lterna­ tives for parents, expand the scope of social services needed by these children, and find inno­ vative ways to educate youth about p reventing this p roblem. The a lternative is a generation of children who will be lost. We can not afford to wait . . . o u r nation's children are a t stake.

Dr. Ralph Haugen is retiring as a speech-theater professor after 40 years at St. Olaf College in Northfield, M i n n . The studio theater at t h e college was renamed Ralph Haugen Theater in a spe­ cial ceremony May 26. Haugen has been active in St Olaf's International Studies program, taking g ro u ps of students to London for theater tours, serving as field su pervisor and program d i rector for the


October 1 2

EVelyn (Knibbe) Elliott is retired from teaching i n the Highline School Dis· trict. but still substitutes_ She and her






Continued on page 22








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. .



. .




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PLU Alumna


... .



. .


Padfte Luttlera,. Unlverstty Scene


1 990



Con tin ued from page 21 'St Olaf Global Semester and instructing

for the Associated Colleges of the Mid­ west Arts of London/Florence. He has also taken private t heater tour groups to Europe

Harriet Norem i s ret i r i ng after 20 years of teach i ng and is thinking of mov· i ng to Washington or Oregon late i n the year. She has lived in Alaska for 2 7 years She hopes to work part-time in an i l l itera­ cy p rogram or in the schools as long as her cancer IS under control, as she still enjoys teach ing.

a n d hand,p rlnted b y the artist A blend­ ing of inks used in the screening process creates individual characteristics in each print Cl ifton is also a m u ral ist and wood sculptor, with work in most Washi ngton State Parks interpretive centers. Patrick A. Lara retired as principal i n EI Centro, Calif. He returned to h i s home town, Rye, Colo , where he is building a new home He has an RV and will be a "snowbird" in the winter months.

1949 Doane F. Blair has been retired for five years He and wife, Alice, play a lot of golf and travel whenever they can. They belong to First Lutheran of Rich­ mond Beach near Seattle. Rev. Wilbert M. Ericson and h is congregation celeb rated the 85th anni­ versary of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Auro ra, III, on April 2 2. They also ded icat­ ed the new entra nce, offices, elevator and handicapped access ible bathrooms. He gave a lecture series on Japan at a local college May 3 and 1 0. From May 3 1 st to J u n e 6th he visited Europe and also saw t h e Oberammergau Passion Play For Wilb ert, retirement continues to be busy, challenging and fulfilling. Vivian (Hurtig) Walz retired in Janu­ ary as executive secretary at Sunny View Lutheran H o me, a retirement home i n C u pertino, Calif. S h e a n d h e r h u sband Erv are p l a n n i n g a si x-week trip to Europe during J u ne-J uly LUther O. watness and wife, Isa· bel (Harstad, '46) live in Parkland, Wash Isabel is an executive secretary for rrle Division of Hu manities at PLU. Luther is a qual ified chemical a b u se counselor after completing 2 , 000 hours of super­ vised training He works with the Salva­ tion Army Adult Rehabilitation Center i n Seattle where he is t h e chaplain program d irector.

1 950

REUNION October 1 2

1 954 Gloria E. Keller is living in Val parai­ so, Ind., and working as an RN at Porter Memorial Hospital in the nursery and post-partum department. She spent six months near Oxford, England in 1 989 whil e husband Walter was on a sabbatical leave from the Valpa raiso University the­ ology depart m ent A l u m n i Glenn Evan· son and Gerald and Linda Evanson will spend a reunion time with Gloria at the time of her daughter Rebekah's wed­ ding, June 23.

1 9 57 Nancy Doughty is s t i l l " h a p p i l y g l u e d " t o the registration wi ndow at PLU . Forty years of association with PLU has given her a wide range of friends. She enjoys greeting old acqu a i ntances and chil dren and grandc h i ldren of the same. After 30-plus years of marriage, Nancy and h u s band J u dd have settled into a com pl ete switch of roles and Nan­ cy thinks it's great

1 959 Ance J. Campben and husband Jer­ ry of Berthoud, Colo., own and operate Pro Mold Inc, a custom i njection molding plant which prim arily suppl ies parts to high tech industries. They ship parts all over the world and have begun to travel as part of the busi ness. C h i ldren Chris­ tine and Carl work for them. Dick CUfton of Olympia was the fea­ t u red artist in the South Sound mall art show. Cl ifton special izes in serigraphs of Northwest scenes, including such familiar vistas as the old Olympia Brewery, Des­ chutes Falls, and Mil lersylvania Park. Serio graphs are si lk·screened prints created



1 960


October 1 2

Ronald Coltom earned membership i n Lutheran Brotherhood's 1 989 Leader's Club. The club is one of the fraternal benefit society's top sales honors. Col· tom is associated with Lutheran Brother­ hood 's Hartvlgson Agency in Seattle, Wash.

1 964 Marvin Kananen of Bellevue, Wash , has recently ma rried the LBI music di rec· tor, Jean Wahlstrom. His third book of the Bible Words Crossword Puzzle Series has just been released for Baker Book House of Grand Rapids, Mich.

1 965

REUNION October 1 2

1 965 Mary Kreps Giersch a n d h e r h us· band Bill own and operate the OK Ranch W h i ch has been honored as a "Centen nial Ranch" by the Washington State Depart­ ment of Agricu l t u re for the 1 00-p l us years of agricu ltu ral production under the same fa m i l y owners h i p The OK Ranch near Glenwood, Wash , was home· steaded in 1 883 and produces hay and beef cattle in 1 9 90. Stan Hooblng was offi cially installed as pastor of Hope and Valby Lutheran Churches in Heppner & Eight Mil e, Ore. Stan's wife, Carol is a bookkeeper and also works with the h a nd icapped The couple has two children ages 16 and 1 4. Richard Running married Sharm Ruchert of Albany, Ore , on July 30, 1 989. Richard has two boys of h i s own, Michael ( 1 5) and Jeremy ( 1 3) and Sharm has one daughter, A my ( 1 1 ). Two and one h a lf years ago, Richard esta bl ished h i s own CPA firm in Albany The whole fam i ly attends Good Shepherd Lutheran Church i n Albany. Robert Running is Director of Oper­ ations and Sales for Lippi ncott Ind ustries of Spokane, Wash. The company repairs and refurbishes a wide variety of equip­ ment for the telecommunications indus­ try HarVey W. Ryan was appoi nted as field d irector of World Vision of Bangla­ desh. This is a one year appointment Before th is, Harvey served as cost and schedule analyst for Boeing Aircraft for 2 1/2 years and joi ned World V ision Inter· national five years ago as internal audi­ tor. He and his wife, Sylvia, will relocate to Dhaki, Banglasdesh

1 967 Angela I. MacGruder and husband Bob are living in San Antonio, Tex , after fo u r years in Germany. Bob has com· mand of the 5th Recruiting Brigade, SW, wh ich covers 1 4 states. They are liVing in the oldest historical quarter at Fort Sam Houston and are enjoying the area very much. Angie contin ues to teach water­ color and oil painting classes, is an active member of several art groups, and gives art lectures and demonstrations.

otes 1 969 Dr. Robert P, Beath has a new posi­ tion as administrative assistant for per­ sonnel with the Bellingham (Wash ) Public Schools. Lawrence Cress was named Walker Professor of American History at U n iver­ sity of Tulsa (OklaJ The p rofessorship is one of 1 4 at the un iversity and is named for the late Jay P Walker, a Tulsa busi­ nessman and early TU d o n o r . Cress became TU history chairman in 1 9 87 and also served as acting chairman of TU's art department i n 1 988·89. Earl Ess and his wife, of Seattle, have retired and they are enjoy ing it Robert OStrem, Jr. sells insu rance in Hawaii for First Insurance Co. of Hawaii Ltd. His wife, Cathy, is with United Air­ lines. H is daughter E ri n ( 2 1 ) is at the University of Maryland majoring in gov· ernment and J a panese. H is son Kanoa ( 1 9) is a freshman at UCLA and is a red· shirt on the men's volleyball team. Rob­ ert and Cathy just bought a house and are in the p rocess of fixing it u p . The couple likes to travel and Robert hangs around with PLU alumni Bill Sanborn and Glen Fujihara. Cobie Tuell lives o n Mercer Island Wash., with his wife Linda and daughter Katrina (8) and Jacqueline (5). The family spends a lot of t i m e on their Sea Ray cruiser, "Breakaway." Cobie works for First Western Development_


1 970

REUNION October 1 2

1 970 Jim and Julie (Taylor) Aageson l ive in Moorhead, Minn., where Jim is p rofessor of New Testament studies at Concordia College and Julie is director of an ELCA Resou rce Center for the Eastern North Dakota Synod. Daugh ters Erin, Anne, and Megan are 1 4, 1 2 , and 6 . .

1 971 Mary R. (COleman) Hassett com­ pleted her Ph_D. i n n u rsing at the Univer­ sity of Texas - Austin in May H e r disser­ tation title is, "Differences in Attitude Toward Computer-Based Video Instruc­ tion and Learner Control Choice Made by Baccalaureate N u rsing Students of Sens­ ing and Intuitive Psychologica l Type." Mary is an associate professor of n u rsing at Fort HayS State Un iversity, Hays, Kans. Pamela J. Indahl earned her J . D. in 1 988 and was admitted to the Washi ng­ ton, Idaho and Virginia bars. She is resid­ ing in Ivory Coast, West Africa with her husband, who is in the foreign service, and children. Pamela d i rects a U.5.G. Grant - mental health and com m u n ity services program. Sharon Smith teaches vocal music at Hartman and Dundee e l e m e nt a ry schoolS in Omaha, Nebr. She was a guest conductor for the All-City Music Festival at the Omaha City Auditorium on Feb. 1 0 . S h e con ducted the 7 50-mem b e r sixth-grade chorus. She h a s a master's degree from the University of Arizona in Tucson.

1 972 Karen (Herstad) FJuke is teaching in the Port Angeles SChool Distric . On April 20th she was awarded the "Special Education Teacher of the Year" award by the Washington State Special Education Coalition at the 5th Annual Coalition Ban­ quet Lt. J1m puttJer recently received the Navy Commendation Medal and se rves as command chaplain on the USS Sterett, homeported in Subic Bay, the Philippines. Wife, Linda is a subst itute teacher in the Department of Defense Schools on base. Daughters Krista (1 1 ) and Mai-Britt

(almost 8) are members of the Subic Bay Blue Marlin Sw imn Team. They swam in a Hong King meet in May Auburn (WashJ Mayor Bob Roegner worked for Seattle'S Employment Securi­ ty Depart m e n t in 1 969 d u r i n g t h e "Boeing Crash . " H e recalls l o n g lines and end less stories about people who had lost everyt hing. Now, Boe i n g i s doing much better and Roegner feels that "a Boeing downtu rn p r obably w o u l d n ' t cause t h e catastrophe it did in 1 970, b u t i t would still b e quite damaging." Carolyn Silflow and her husba nd, Pete Lefebvre, annou nce the b irth of their fi rst c h i l d , Matthew Frederick Lefebvre, on Jan. 4. Carolyn and Pete h ave been faculty m e m b ers in t h e Department o f Genetics a n d Cell Biology at the U niversity of M i n nesota since

1 982. Jeanette SOrenson is finishing her

second year of teaching at Life Christian School. Her husband, Doug, teaches at Mason Middl e School The couple has th ree children, Kaaren (1 5), Katrina ( 1 2), and Erik (9). The family has lived in Gig Harbor for 1 7 years.

1973 Deborah CornUs married Chri5to­ pher Peter Feb. 14 in Tucson, Ariz. Debo­ rah teaches English In the Amph itheater Public School District CordOn and paula (Carraway. '69) Crlffln live in Soldotna, Alaska. Gordon manages three local high school auditori­ ums now (he started with one) and Paula works with the Carl Perkins Grant Pro­ gram (Voc-EdJ at C. Soldotna High School. They only have four more. years until retirement from the Alaska school sys­ tem. Erin (Cross) KIngston received her masters in social work from the univ . of Washington i n June of 1 989. She did her intern s h i ps at Western State Hospital and Downtown Emergency Service Cen­ ter, a Seattle homeless shelter. Her spe­ cialt ies are in c h ronic mental illness, homelessness, and c l inical therapy She works as vice president of a non-profit corporation - Lakes Area Homeless Asso­ ciation - to estab lish a shelter and coor­ di nate social m i nist ries of Lakewood churches. Dr. Jennifer MCDonald works in a group practice in Va ncouver, Wash. Her t h i rd ch ild, Colin A. L. McDonald·Smith was born prematurely in 1 988 and wil be two on J u ly 3. He is a lively, healthy boy who chases after Ian (6) and J ulia (3) Rev. Timothy Van Natta and h is wife, Karen, and their children Karla (1 3), Medlinda (12) and Jeff (1 0), will be mov­ Ing to Scappoose, Ore., from Oakridge, where they have served as the pastorate family at St Luke Lutheran Church for nine years. T h e fa m i ly enjoys sports, camping, skiing, reading and sewing. They will now serve G race L u t h eran Church in Scappoose.


1974 WIlliam Hanrahan, of Ch icago, a lyric bass, has performed extensively i n the U.S, a n d i n 1 98 8 participated i n a concert tour in E u rope. He has been fea­ tu red as a soloist in concert, oratorio, and liturgical settings. He has appeared with the New York P h i l h a rmonic as a member of the National Choral Artists. Recently, he was seen in solo roles i n productions o f contemporary operas a t Alice Tully Hall a n d Avery Fisher Hall a t Lincoln Center, New York City H e . h as enjoyed operatic appearances with the Minnesota Opera, Aspen Opera Theatre, Brooklyn Opera Center, the Center for Contemporary Opera i n New York, and the Little Orchestra SOCiety of New York. He also owns his own real estate b roker­ age, condom i n i u m ma i ntenan ce and rental management business, and for the last 8 years has worked fer the Lutheran c h u rches. He i s Di rector for I n formation Ma nagement Services for the newly formed Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In this capacity, he is responsible for developing and providing for computer data processing services for the national organization_

Continued on page 23

hdfl� Luttlllf'an University s�ene

June 1990


Class Notes

Contin ued from page 22 Lynn Kahle is a University of Oregon business professor and plans to run against Republican Larry Campbell in House District 43 in Eugene, Ore. Kahle's campaign will focus on senior citizen issues and small business concerns.

1 975 Nancy (Clrvan) NichOlson is now assistant superintendent at the Fife (Wash .l School District. Husband Larry is principal of Kent-Meridian High School. Daughter Amy ( 1 1 ) will begin middle school next fall. Raymond L. Soule, chairman and preSident of Great Nort hwest Federal Savings and Loan, has been named to the board of di rectors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle. paul & cretchen (Knapp, '84) TWedt live in Tacoma with their three

children, Lucy (1 3), Danny (1 1 ) and Judith (8). Paul recently appeared in Rossini's "Barber of Seville" with Tacoma Opera, singing the role of Basilio. Gretchen teaches music at Collin s Elem entary School in the Fra nklin Pierce District. Kathy waJgren-Powell was named February's am bassador of the month for the Olympi a-Thu rston County Chamber of Commerce. Kathy is marketing direc­ tor for First American Title Company in Olympia. James Yocklm and wife Donna live in Williston, N. Oak. They have two chil­ dren, Jenna (3 112) and Ericka (8mths.l. Jim owns JII mes Yockim Resources, an oil and gas exploration company. He is a state senator in the North Dakota legisla­ ture.

1 976 vema J. Hazen moved to Pittsford (outside of Rochester), New York in the fall of 1 988. Husband Logan is director of reSidential life at the University of Roch­ ester. Verna is a marketing manager for financial aid and housing software for Information Associates, which provides software for the administrative areas of higher education. Jennifer (5) is complet­ ing her first year of ki ndergarten_ Rebec­ ca is three years old. They all love the area, but wish it was closer to the Pacific Northwest. steve HOlian accepted a pOSition with Surgical Dynamics and moved to Castro Valley on the East san Francisco Bay. He married wife, Tricia, in 1 984 and they have one daughter, Elizabeth (2 1/2). They would love to hear from any­ one at their new address, 6080 Monte Verde Ct., Castro Valley. CA 94552. Raydene A. Lowden of Tacoma, was killed in an auto accident on Oct. 26. 1 989. Rev. WI.lam Alan Sleik of Houston. Tex., adopted an Inca Indian baby, Nathan Allen Sielk, from Lima. Peru. JOlIn & Valorle

(AncIerIen) WIgen

welcome their daughter. Cora Jeanette, born in November. Rick is manager of Magnolia Hi-Fi in Tacoma and Valorie is at home playing with Cora.

1 977 Chuck COOper married Rebecca Miller



on March 24. Chuck is a paperhanger and real estate investor. Rebecca is an occu­ pational therapist. Friends can contact Chuck at home: 201 5 N. 9th, Grand Junc­ tion. Colo. 81 501 . Dale FOrrey of Colfax, Wash. was hired by the Colfax School District to direct the high school musical. Briga­ doon, April 25-28. Rev. Theodore Hamann moved to Sunb urst, Mont.. to become the pastor of the Lutheran Church of Sunburst. Linda J. HUtclllns is living in Twisp, Wash. H sband. George, is the mi nister Of the Methodist chu rches in both Win· throp and Twisp. Linda i s substitute teac h ing, wa iting for an opening to teach full time in the Methodist Valley School District (PLU alum Peter Ansingh is superintendent). Their children are Pat­ rick (9), Jacob (7) and Audrey (6). The family reSided in Ohio from 1 985-1 989 while Gordy attended seminary at Meth­ odist Theological School in Delaware. Ohio.

Cindy A. Klettke has been a pharma­ cist at Children's Hospital and Medical Center in Seattle, Wash., for 10 years. The most exciting thing she's done lately is volunteer at the Monroe State Refor· matory for over a year (prison ministry) and was on the team that took Kairos to Purdy for the first time this March. All of that led to a new ministry - Street Walk. She spends her Friday evenings in the U District in Seattle befriending/helping street kids before she has to visit them at Monroe or Purdy. Alton A. Lewis, a certified fraud examiner employed by the Air Force Audit Agency since graduation in 1 9 77, is now assigned as a su pervisory auditor, European Audit Region. at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. Carol (Creer) Moser has been elect­ ed president of the Mt. Laurel Newcom· ers organization of Mt. Laurel, N.J. She continues to teach a post·partum exer­ cise class cal led "You & Me, Baby" through the Echelon YMCA in Vorhees, and started teaching piano lessons in January. Any a l u m n i friends passing nearby NJa. DC to NYC) are encouraged to call, 609-866-0448. LesHe Saffell-Larkin was selected Young Careerist 1990 by the District 8 group of Business and Professional Wom­ en. Leslie, a resident of Federal Way, Wash .• is a broadcast commu nications instructor at Bellevue Community Col­ lege. She will compete in May at the Washington State Busi ness and Profes­ sional Convention in Wenatchee.

1978 Kathryn (Hefty) Enselman and husband Larry announce the birth of their first child. Leigh Kristine. born Nov. 9. 1 989. Kathy is on maternity leave from Lake Washington VocTech where she teaches a course in banking and con­ sumer credit. Larry is a mortgage banker in Seattle. Peter FrIesen-Blank and Wife Carley had twins. Sarah Elizabeth and Hannah Cathrine, March 6. Three year old Mat­ thew is the helpful big brother. Peter and Carley continue to juggle home-life and ministry in two churches. 60 miles apart. Cynthia J. Could had a baby boy, Jonathan Grady Gould. on Dec. 20. 1 989. Thomas Clark White died March 31 . He received his as from the University of Washington and his Master's in Business Administration from PLU. Tom was a metallu rgical engineer with ASARCO for 16 years and then began his own clean­ ing contracting business, Servpro of Fed­ eral Way. He was a member of Peninsula Lutheran Church and a past member of the Gig Harbor Kiwanis Club and the Tacoma Elks 1 1 74. He enjoyed skiing. bik­ ing. backpacking. golf, computers. coach­ ing his sons' soccer and baseball teams. He is su rvived by his wife. Karen and three children.

Jeanette (Coodnow) and Dana ('80) Zaldlkln welcomed Stuart Alexan­

der. Nov. 27, 1 988. Stuart joins big sister Laura (4 1/21. Jeanette is the clinical nurse specialist. neonatal outreach coor­ dinator for the Washington State Region­ al Perinatal Care Program. Dana is near­ ing completion of his master's degree in nursing and health services administra­ tion at the Un iversity of Washington Medical Center where he is employed.

1 979 Rev. Marla-Alma Copeland of Salis­ bury. N.C .. will be the keynote speaker for Jairet Celebration of Women in Minis­ try's 20th Ann iversary and Women of ELCA's triennial celebration. Friday. July 1 3 . in Anaheim. Calif. She was also the banquet speaker and presiding minister of closing worship services for the Great­ er Milwaukee Synod Women of ELCA and guest preacher (one of threel for Com­ bined Pastor and Wives Retreat for the Southern California West and Pacifica Synods.

1 981

Robyn warslnlte has been named to the newly created position of manag­ er of investor relations of Nevada Power Company. Warsinske was chosen for the post because of her extensive experi­ ence in economics, financial analysiS and financial planning. Prior to joining Neva­ da in 1986. she was a senior analyst with Pacific Power and Light in Portland, Ore­ gon.

1 980

REUNION october 1 2

1 980

Jeff Cornish is the new 1980 class repre­ sentative. He needs help organizing the special 10-year reunion that will take place at Homecoming Oct. 12. If you would like to help or would like more information. please contact Jeff at (2061 568-8983.

senator Nell Amondson, R-Centra­ lia, represents the conservative 20th Dis­ trict covering Lewis County and part of Thurston County in Washington state. Kristine (Ruud) & Christopher Dent welcome Alyssa Michele to their family, born on Feb. 1 1 . Kristine is an RN at the rehab center in Bend, Ore. and Christopher is a self-employed mechani­ cal engineer. Bradley N. Fa earned membership i n Lutheran Brotherhood's 1989 Leader's Club The club is one of the fraternal benefit society's top sales honors. Falk works with Lutheran Brotherhood's Mauritsen Agency in SpOkane, Wash. Patr1cla A. Fumlsh is teaching third grade at Delancy Houghton Elementary in Soap Lake. Wash. She is engaged to be ma rried at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church. Epharata, Wash. • July 7. Her fian­ ce. Steve Mueller. is an engi neer for Boeing in Seattle. Jackllyn Kay Kemmlsh is living in Virginia Beach. Va. with her husband. a Navy fighter pilot. Glen Washington. They have two children. Jeffrey (3) and Savannah Marie. born Dec. 22. 1 989. Jacki is an operating room registered nurse and works in the operating room only a few days a month. She would love to re-establish contact with old friends from school: 2476 Mirror Lake Drive. Vir· Qinia Beach. Virginia 23456.

Kathy Rowberg & Chuck Schae­ fer ('81) of Chicago. iiI. announce the birth of Krista Rowberg Schaefer on December 20, 1 989.

Don & Merrl Jean (Blgott, '82) sei­ bel announce the birth of Sarah Marie.

born Aug. 7, 1989. Don works as assis­ tant administrator for Heart of the Hills Hospice i n Kerrville and Merri Jean is enjoying staying at home with Sarah as full-time mom. Matthew S. SOlum completed his tour with the Air Force and now works as a pilot for Northwest Airlines. He and wife. Dianne. live in Oak Harbor. Wash.• with their daughters Kristi (51 and Nicole (21. BrIan Tippie of Federal Way, Wash., joined Puget Sound Bank as vice presi­ dent and senior pOrtfolio manager in the bank's trust investmen department. has been named David B. W assistant vice president of western Washington corporate banking for U.S. Bank. A Bellevue resident. Westburg's duties will include managing relation­ ships with corporations in south Seattle. the Kent Valley and Tacoma. Kolleen s. Wickens has one child. Matthew, born June 6. 1987. E lzabett'l J_ Wood, DVM. and hus­ band LCDR Bruce Badgett announce the birth of Matthew Brian on March 1 0 . Bruce i s the academic director of the Naval Nuclear Power School. Beth is an associate veterinarian at a veterinary hospital in Orlando. Fla.

Kevin Alien-SChmid is working on a master's degree in choral conducting at Central Washington under Dr. Georfrey Boers (PLU. '801 who is CWU's new head of choral programs. Kristen (Dahl) Amaral and husband Dean announce the birth of Paul Robert on Oct 1 7 , 1 989. Paul joins older broth­ er, Ryan Daniel (2 112), at home in Van­ couver, Wash. Richard Battershell, in the last six months, was promoted to senior tax manager at Ernst & Young. then Jan. 1 st he joined the CPA firm of Hagen. Kurth, Perman. & Co. and moved to Kent. Wash. with his wife Darcy ($avery). Randall E. Bates of G i g Harbor, Wash ., died in a plane crash on Mt. Raini­ er. Wash. Saturday. Jan. 20. Carl and Teresa (BUSe) Beamer announce the birth of son, Owen Wade, on Nov. 26. 1 989. Teresa works as a VAX systems and operations su pervisor in the computer center at Denison University. Carl is historian at Newark Air Force Base. Randy & Cynthia ( elsOn) Blank

of Orange, Calif., announce the birth of son, Kyle Harrison. on March 2 1 . He joi ns sister. Dana Michelle. Lynne BOeger and her husband en live in Bellevue with their baby daughter, Cady. John S. Engen was named executive director of the Washington State 4·H Foundation. He was formerly a planner with the Pierce County Alliance in Taco­ ma. Wash. for four years. Tom Clascow is a sports reporter for KIRO radio in Seattle. Dianna (KOneman) Johnston was commissioned a IL T in the USAF sta­ tioned at Beale AFB. Calif. as assistant supervisor, Surgical Services.

Donna (Harland) and cary ('82) JUdd of Tacoma announce the birth of their second child. Andrew Michael. on Nov. 2. 1 989. He joins older brother Ch ristopher Alan. age three. Karl J. Kindem joined the Bay Area's largest residential real estate company, Cornish & Carey. in Mountain View. Calif.

Dave & Sarah (FrederickSOn) ushua of Vancouver, Wash .• announce

the birth of daughter Emily lone on Jan­ uary 4th. She joins brother Andrew (31. Mark & Robin nner) Maass of Lynnwood. Wash .. announce the birth of their third child. Timothy Mark. Big sis­ ters. Whitney (5 112) and Kelsey (3) are excited about their new brother. Mark works for Washington Natural Gas as dis­ tribution engineer and Robin is a full­ time mother.

Diana (Crande) and Tom Renn of Beaverton. Ore.. announce the birth of their fi rst child. Douglas Thomas Renn. Jan. 30, 1 990. Gall Lynne Whitney is the executive director of the Utah Winter Games. a 1 9-day winter sports festival. WI1 2 sports - the largest i n Western America. she lives in Park City, Utah. craig Williamson has been promot· ed to Los Angeles branch manager of Proficiency Investigations Inc. The com­ pany specialized in insu rance investiga­ tive services for the life and health insur­ ance industry.

1982 Janet Marie Albin will marry Mark James Kirkland on June 1 6. Janet is a chemical dependency coordinator at the Echo Glen Children'S Center in SnQQual­ mie, Wash. They are both whitewater rafting guides for Orion Expeditions and they will live i n Kirkland. David Bates graduated from Luther Northwestern Seminary in May 1 989. He works as a recreation coordinator at a group home for developmentally disa­ bled adults in SpOkane, Wash. He will be starting a chaplain residency at Deacon­ ess Medical Center of Spokane in Sep­ tember. Rev. paul D. Brassey will become Interim Pastor of Park Street Baptist Church in Framington. Mass. i n June. He is also finished with cou rsework and studying for general examination in the

Continued on cage 24


LUttleran unlv "Ity scene

June 1990


Class Notes

Continued from page 23 ThD. program at Harvard Divi nity School. Bert Cuihaugen will get his masters in vocal perfo rmance in May from the University of Colorado, Boulder. He then hopes to return to the Seattle area. Annette {peterson) H enry and husband Cris annou nce th e b i rth of thei r son, Nils Bryce. on April 1 2 , 1 990 in Cor­ pus Christi, Tex Annette w i l l con t i n u e o n a part ti m e bas is w i t h h e r j o b a s a n u rse In pharm aceu ical research . Cris is a Navy instructor pi lot Rev. Dr. steven C. scott au tho red a resea rch a rt i c l e, "A Developm ental Mode! of Paslo ral Care a d Counsel ing." which wil l b e publ ished this summer in the Journal of Pasroral Psychology. Barry K. spomer earned the Frater­ nal Insurance counselor (FlO designation. He is a Lutheran Brotherl'wod Insu rance district representative Spomer has com­ pleted an extensive basic and advanced training course in fraternal life i n s u r­ ance. patrick J. Swenson is in his fifth year of teach ing ba nds at Evergreen High School in Seattle. He is also writing and has had several stories published i n the past year. Joan (Silflow) Tiede married Randy Tiede July, 1 986. They an nou nce the birth of Lesle Erin. March 3, 1 990. Joan teaches first grade in Craigmont. Idaho. and Randv is a farmer. Lise voss of Tacoma joined the staff of McGowan Advertising as a copywriter. Her background includes experience with B.T. Com mu nicative services. cons u m e r affairs specialist at the Stad i u m Th rif­ tway and public relations specialist for Woodstock and Associates. Susan (Pomeroy) Wittenberg and husband. David. recently sold their house in Graham. Wash. and will b e moving aboard their newly acquired 42-foot Cat­ alina sailboat Susan is working as a paral­ egal for a law firm in Renton, Wash. and David works as a senior programmer ana­ lyst for the city of Tacoma.

1 983 Roland Baney received a masters i n social work in June o f 1 989. David R. cOltom earned mem ber­ ship 111 Lutheran Brotherhood's 1 989 President's Club. The club is one of the fraternal benefit society's top sales honors. David also completed a l l the requirements to be certified as a Qual ify­ ing member of the 1 989 M i l lion Dollar Round Table (MDRn Only th ree percent of the world life insura nce agents are certified each year. Coltom is associated with Lutheran Brotherhood's Hartvigson Agency based in Seattle. Wash.

1 984


Navy Lt. j.g. Myrian v. Carey com­ pleted the Officer Indoctrination School at the Naval Education and Training Cen­ ter. Newport. R . 1 . Du ring the t ra i ning. Carey was prepared as a newly-commiS­ sioned officer for duty in the Naval staff field correspond i ng to her civilian profes­ sion (nursing). Myrian joined the Navy in August 1 989. Cretchen (Celdaker) Dumestre married J i m Dumestre on Nov. 1 8, 1 989 at West Linn (Ore.) Luthera n C h u rch. Both J i m and Gretchen are applications engi neers at Electro Scientific Industries in Portland, Ore. Linda I. Ebeling was ma rried Dec. 30. 1 989 to Captain Gary S p ry. U.S. A rm y . They a r e currently living i n Texas. Linda D. Hunter and susan M. 531· lee were promoted to manager in the firm of Art h u r Andersen & Co. Linda works in accounting and audit p ractice in the San Francisco office. Sue is a manag­ er in acco u nting and audit p ractice in the Seattle office. LorraIne Lynn Mercurio and Jef­ frey Dale Hamilton were married Feb. 3 in St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Lake­ WOOd. Wash. Lorraine is employed by Clo­ ver Park School District and Jeff is a dentist in Olym p! a where they li ve .

Ruthann Relm owns and operates Career Management Institute of Tacoma which was selected as one of th ree career-counseling firms to be i ncluded i n the 1 990 edition o f Richard Bolles' "What Color is You r Parachute " The publication recognizes career oriented compan ies. Reim has a master of arts in counseling and is a nationally certified counselor. She is also certified by the Washington State Licensing Department as a mental health counselor Kirk westre, wife Sharon. and son Brett ( 1 0 months). recently moved to Moorhead. M i n n , where Kirk is coaching football and track, and teaching i n the P E. DePt. at Moorhead State U n iversity

1 985 Alan & Marilyn (R icha rdso n ) Anderson annou nce t h e b i rth o f t h e i r son. Nicholas A l a n , b o r n April 1 7 . Alan is . sales manager of B u rien Toyota and M a r­ ilyn, an RN, will be home fu l l time w h i l e raising Nicholas. DOnald H. COltom earned member­ sh i p i n Lutheran Brot herhood's 1 989 Leader's C l u b . The club is one of the fraternal benefit society'S top s a les honors. Coltom works with Lutheran Brotherhood's Hartvigson Agency based in Seattle. Wash. Deborah S. Dalenberg m a rried Don Dalenberg in J u ne 1 985. She taught at Pioneer Middle School in Steilacoom Wash. during the 1 985-86 school year She went to work for United Airli nes in 1 989 in Seattle i n the computer intelli­ gence department. Don will get his M BA from the U niversity of Was h i ngton in June 1 990 and will go to work for Price Waterhouse in September. Bill HOwe and wife Linda of Brier Wash . • announce t h e birth of Jennifer Lynn. born Dec. 7. 1 989. Jennifer joins sister Kristina Rose ( 1 8 months). Bill con­ tinues to work as an RN in critical care. Elizabeth Langeland lives on Queen Anne H i l l in Seattle and works at C h i l­ dren's Hospital. She joi ned Central Lutheran C h u rch on Capital H i l l . Paul J. 53ckschewskY married Les­ lie D. Bogs June 9. Both graduated from St. Louis U. Med. School in May and will start residency i n Col u m bia. M a ryland; Paul in family practice and Leslie in Ob/Gyn. Teresa Standifer a n d h us b a n d David moved to Bend. Ore .. where David i s a physical t herapist. The cou ple has two c h i ld re n . Jen nifer (3) and DJ (9 months). Sam Tuttle of S u m m it, Wash .. is a residential loan officer fo r t h e Fife branch of Puget Sound Bank and is also in charge of the Seattle SuperSonics' sta­ tistics crew. The crew is comprised of 1 2 people who are not from the Sonics office. but show up for each of the tea m ' s 4 1 - p l u s games each seaso n . Tuttle was t h e assistant p u b l ic/media relations d i rector for two years and was in charge of the stats crew. Dianna L. Wachtel is working in the ER at St Joseph'S Hospital in Tacoma. She passed the CEN exam in J u ly. 1 989 -and will apply to the U of W MN progam for fall 1 991 - critical care/emergency track. Amelia Suzanne. a new addition to the family arrived New Year's Eve. 1 987 . Big brother Alex is 8 1 /2 . Dianna and husband Bob will celeb rate their 1 2th anniversary on Dec. 2. Creg Williams graduated from the Medical college of Wisconsin May 27. He is now doing resident work in child psy­ chiatry in Honol ulu. Hawaii.


1 986 Cindy H. Allison was selected for captain in the U.s. Air Force. effective August 1 990. She was reassigned to Wal­ lace Air Station. Republic of the P h i l i p­ pines where her duty position is air weapons director, NlvY Lt. J.g. DOnald W. BOSch v isit­ ed Rio de J a neiro aboard the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise while deployed with Carrier Airborne Early Warning

Squadron-1 1 7. homeported at Naval Air Station M i ramar. San Diego. Calif While i n port. after 52 straight days at sea. the crew enjoyed beachside activities and some helped paint a n area school and church. Medical personnel provided teta­ nus innoculations for school children in cooperation with "Project Handclasp " JeH comen is teaching fourth grade in the Northside Independent School Dis­ t rict of S a n A ntonio a n d working towards a masters degree i n education. He is engaged to M a r i a Rossel l o from Long Island. NY. The c o u p l e p l a ns a March '91 wedding Maria is also a teach­ er working on her master's degree fu l l time a t the U n iversity of Texas i n San Antonio. Heidi D a n i e lson m a r r i ed Karl Hedeen March 1 0 a t Ou r Saviors Luther· an Church in StanWOOd, Wash. The newly­ weds honeymooned in Hawaii and are maki ng their first home in Lyn nwood, Wash. Heidi works for Eddie B a u e r in Redmond and Karl works for NW. Physi­ cal Therapy in Mt. Verno n . Lisa H . Egtvedt'Smith of Muki lteo WaSh . is nearing her first wedding a n n i : versary, buying a house and beg i n n i n g a new job as a wildlife biologist with the Forest Service. Julie custafson is teac h i ng t h i rd grade in the Renton School District. She will get married J u ly 28. She lives in Kent ' Washington. Jeffrey Kendall Hoover and Bren­ da Lea Yackley married March 8 at New Hope Com m u n ity C h u rch in C l ackamas. Ore. Music was written and performed by Jeff. Jeff is a computer consultant and Brenda is a machi nist. Walt and Whitney (POhll Miles married March 1 0 at University Lutheran Church in Seattle. Wash. Walt is vice pres­ ident of M i les Sand & G ravel Co. i n Auburn. Whitney i s working i n the NICU at Tacoma General Hospital as a regis­ tered n u rse. Debra (DeAtley) and Randall Nord­ fors were married March 1 7 at Bellevue Athletic Club, Bellevue. Wash. They live in Bothell. Wash. Kerry Denise page married Stephen Craig Arnold Feb. 1 7 in Bell Chapel. Lake­ view Congregational Church. Kerry works for Bethel School District and Steven works for Globe Machine & Manufactur­ ing. The couple lives in Puyallup. Wash. Craig puzey of Hood River Ore works at James River Corp .. Wauna Mil a s a product quality analyst He h a s been married one and a half years and is enjoying life! Kristina Kay Shaw of San Bruno Calif.. will marry R. Nicholas Dodge. a Mil: lersville U niversity graduate. Krls J. Vandenberge is engaged to Silvia Estrada ('87) and will m arry Sept 1 . Silvia works for a Japanese International trad ing c o m p a ny i n Seattle i n the import-export department and Kris is the records and systems manager for Jones & Goodell Yachts. sarah P. west of Tacoma works for Schering Pharmaceuticals as a sales rep­ resentative. Kristen Elise Wold and Brad Lee Kent were m a r ried April 2 1 . K risten works for the Seattle Times. Brad works for Hedin Construction in Seattle.


1 987 Daniel Banken finished h is MS in psychology at Washington State Universi­ ty in May. He is working on his PhD. in clinical psychology. Culllermo A. Calle and his wife of Simi Valley. Calif.. are expecting a baby any day now. Jennifer Crill will marry Jeff Lynden Sept. 1 at the Seattle Yacht Club. Jenni­ fer is employed as an exercise physiolo­ g ist at the Bellevue Sports Medicine Clin­ ic and the Bellevue Athletic club. Jeff works for Boeing Co. Shin Fukushima has accepted a posi­ tion to develop CASE (Computer Aided System Engineer) Tool at Andersen Con­ sulting <Arth u r Andersen and Co.l. He will be spending about a year in Nice, France for this project.



erin L. Kelley is working in a Pediat­ ric ICU in San Antonio. Texas and loves it. Mary c. Kelley is living in Hawa i i and working as a management trainee at the Bank of Hawaii. the largest bank in the Islands.

1 988 Nancy Ann Cratsenberg and Jon­ athan Michael Edmonds (1 989) are planning a J u ne 30 wedding. Nancy is an elementary school teacher in Lynden. Wash. . and John is an advertising repre­ sentative for Belco Printing. Creg Hermsmeyer finished US Air Force pilot t r a i n i n g i n Co l u m bus, M ISS. After four months i n Merced, Calif.. he w i l l be stat ioned at M a l mstrom AFB i n Great Falls. Mont. There he will b e flying the Boeing KC-1 35. Jennifer Hubbard lives in Seattle and IS a law student at the U niversity of Washington. Steven Morris MCCullough a n d Lisa Kay crass ('89) were married Jan. 20 in Peninsula Lutheran Church in Gig Harbor. Wash. Both Steve and Lisa work for Hewitt Associates i n I rvi ne, Calif where they live. Jodi Lynn Mlnnlc:k married Howard Joseph Becker April 1 in Messiah Luther­ an church in Auburn, Wash. Jodi works for Swedish Hospital and Howard works for Honda Motor Co. Danelle M. Ogren is living in Los Angeles. Calif. and working for U.S. Sprint Telecommunications Company as major accou nts representative. Karen Marie TJersland and Dean Allen Kisler will marry Saturday. J u ne 23. at 4 p.m .. at Salem Lutheran Church in Mount Vernon, Wash. Karen works as a registered nurse with the telemetry unit at Providence Hospital in Everett. Dean works as the Seattle area manager for the Playtex Family Prod ucts Corp. Deborah S. Westfall of Norfolk. Va., works as department head for an inter· nal medicine department within a promi­ nent local law firm. Vandeventer. Black. Meredith & Martin. Husband Timothy has a master's in nuclear engineering. Their first child. Alexandra Nicole. was born Feb. 27. Regina (Klncoad) Williams and hus­ band James of Tacoma had a baby girl Sept. 1 3. 1 989. Sarah Rachelle.

1 989 Jon WUliam Ball of Tacoma and Jen­ n i fe r Rebecca S m ith a n n o u nce t h e i r plans t o b e m arried J u l y 28. J e nn ifer attends PLU and next year w i l l attend Penn State to finish a degree i n elemen­ tary education. Jon is a g ra d u ate stu­ dent studying chem istry at Penn State. Julie A. Brooks is working for State Farm Insurance in Portland. Ore. Suzanne Lauren Catlin m a rried Robert Wayne Sch u m ltz of Steilacoom Feb. 24 i n Messiah Lutheran C h u rch i n A u bu rn. Wash. Suzanne i s a personnel management specialist intern for the Department of the Army at Ft. Lewis, Wash. Robert is battalion adjutant with captain 's rank, 2nd Battalion. 2 3 rd Infan­ try Regiment. Ft Lewis. Wash. MIchael Danis is attending graduate school at University of Oregon earning MSIR (Master Science Industrial Relations). He works at James River Co. paper m i l l in Halsey. O re .. in the h u m a n res o u rce department. Kathleen Flynn will m arry Mark peterson t h is A u g u st. Kathleen l:; attending Portland State U n iversity Grad­ uate School in social work and M a rk is attending law school at Lewis & Clark in Portland. Ore. Heidi (iIHord has been attending the University of Alabama at Birming­ ham in their physical therapy masters program since January and she will finish in December 1 99 1 . Shereen (Craft) Henderson m a r­ ried Richard Henderson Dec. 22, 1 989 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Tacoma Wash. The couple lives in Puyallup, Wash



padflc LutI'Ier., unlverslty



June 1990



ort a n

e ce:

More Than Peaceful Coexistence By David M. Olson, Dean School of Physical Education Director of Athletics


u m m ers i n the Pacific North­ west are al ways speci a l but t h i s s u m m e r p rom ises to be extraord i n a ry as the people of the Puget Sound a rea exte nd a wel co me to tho usands of ath­ letes and coaches p l u s an entou­ rage of additional thousands for the Good w i l l Games. Com peting u n d e r the theme " u n it i n g the world's best," ath­ le tes w i l l attempt to b re a k records and, i n s o doing, b reak the barri ers that tend to keep nations apart. The name of this eve nt (Good w i l l Games) attests to the motivation in conducting them . Sport can be a tool to promote fri endship, understand­ ing and world peace. The quotes in the pr't)motional broch u re for the Goodwill Games sugg est this noble cause.

"We all ha ve the feeling here of belonging to one familv. This is what sport is really about as an ambassa­ dor of peace " Darlene May, interna tional basketball referee "If we can promote ideas as athletes tha t we can get along, then that's a start" Steve Lindquist, 1984 US Olympic swimming gold medalist

This will be the second staging of the Goodwi l l G a m es - the fi rst occu rred in M oscow i n 1 986. Using games to prom ote goodwill, however, is not u n ique to the Goodwil l Games. The writ­ ings of Isokrates in his Panegojri­ kos po rtrays the ancient Oly m­ pics as p r i m a r i l y an event p roducing peace: "Having p ro­ clai med a truce and resolved ou r pend i n g q u a r rels. we come together in one place, where. as we make ou r p rayers a nd sacri­ fices in common. we a re rem i nd­ ed of ou r kinsh ip which exists among us and are made to feel more kindly towards each oth e r f o r o u r futu re, rev i v i n g old friendshi ps and establishing new ties." A theme of peace was i ntrinsic to the Olympic Games and was su sta i n ed for a p p roxi mately


to prom ote international u nder­ 1 200 yea rs u ntil the Games were discontinued i n 393 AD. sta n d i n g a n d com m u n icat i o n . I Revival of the Olympic Games had the cha nce to witness th ese of the m od e r n e ra in 1 8 96 ideals activated among the thou­ sa nds of ath letes from h u n d reds revi ved the hope t h a t peace wou l d be fu rthered by ath letic of cou n tries. An i n cident foll ow­ competition Baron de C o u b e r­ ing the final event (the USA-USSR t i n , cred i ted with re i n stating the ho ckey game) u n dersco red the Oly m p i c Games, said " p e a ce rea l i za t i o n of t h e stated id eals could be the product only of a for the World U n i versity games I better world a n d a better world was w a l k i n g out of the hockey cou ld be brought about only by ve nue with the American team better i n d i v i d u a l s a n d better when the Russian hockey coach ind ivid uals cou l d be best devel­ came over and said, t h rough a n oped by the gi ve and take - the interp reter, "we m u st l i m i t com­ buffeting and batter i n g - the petition between o u r count ries stress and stra i n of a fierce ath­ to such an event." Our b rief con­ letic competiti o n . " de Cou ber­ versation cu l m i nated in trad ing tin's work was, a bove a l l , a work team jackets. For the two of us, of peace. The goals of the Olym­ our differences were bridged by pic G a m es attest to a p rio rity sport and I k n ow o u r feel i ngs for peace: towards one a n other w i l l , in - To educate you n g people some way extend to others! And thro u g h sport in a sp i rit of so i t is t h rough sports, those better participating or those watch i ng u n d e rst a n d i n g between each other and of are influenced a n d i nformed and friend ship thereby helping to their contacts a re a lso impacted bu i l d a better a n d m o re and the consequence ca n be, peaceful world. and often is, an amalgama tion - To spread the Olympic prin­ and a u nity of spi rits and peace c i p l es t h roughout the worl d , and accord are rea lized . The "ice thereby creating international age" was shortened considerably by t h i s act a n d it h a p p e ned goodw i l l . Clearly, the Olympic symbolism t h ro u g h sport. It was a real blends peace and sport in a occurrence with real people and g ra p h i c m a n ner. Doves a re i t meant much more than the rel eased at the opening ceremo­ abstract verba l i zation often ny to remind all people that the characte ristic of national d i ploOlympic Ga mes are to be held i n . mats. a n atmosphere o f peace. The The "wide world of sports" is a Olympic torch and flame is, l i ke­ "world of rea lity." It provides a wise, a symbol of peace and the ge n u i ne e n counte r with actual Olympic flag, with five i n t e r­ issues. Although honor, cou rage, locked rings representing the tolerance, respect, coope rat ion, five continents of the world, and patie nce ca n be preached suggest the "com i n g together" and tal ked about, th ese attri­ of nations th rough athletic com­ butes a re more clearly u n der­ petition. when a p p l ied and stood I had the o p p o rt u n i ty l a st exp ressed i n a ta ngible sett ing M a rch to be a part of the World such as sport The resu lts of U n iversity Ga mes i n Sofia, B u l ­ such an i nteraction a re meaning­ garia. These ga mes are similar to fu l , lasting a n d tend to be the Olympics, having both sum­ " u sed . " C h a racte r istic of the mer and winter games, but par- . dozens of national and interna­ tici p a nts must be col lege stu­ tional sports programs deSigned dents. Again, one of the pri m a ry to promote goodwill is the fact objecti ves of this competition is people start with a sports activi-

ty i n stead of se a rc h i ng for so mething in co mmon and that makes it easier for relationsh i ps to grow A n u m ber of o u r PLU tea ms have m a d e i n ternational trips with i n the last fo u r years The resu lts have been very posi­ tive fo r both the part i c i p a n ts and th ose visited . We must adm it. however, that bec a u se o u r O l y m p i c c h a rter i n c l u d es peace and m u t u a l u n d ersta n d i ng i n i t s state m e nt of pu rposes, th ere is no g u a ran­ tee it will happen . Values, goa ls, and objectives d efi ned in an y statement, co n s t i t u t i o n a l though i m p o rtant, a re not the fundamental criterion in eva luat­ ing the role of sport in promot­ i n g peace a n d acco rd . Most impo rtant a re the meanings the people - athl etes, coaches, offi­ cials, spectators, journa l i sts etc. give to this issue. These are the people that can m a ke a d i ffe r­ ence and this becomes d ifficult in i n t e rn a t i o n a l s p o rts w h e n goals are s o strongly orientated to victory and medals. There is a d i l e m m a - a pote ntial cont ra­ diction in sport and peace at the i n tern a t i o n a l level - w h e n nations competing in interna­ tional sport defi ne their goals in terms of international interests but use the medal cou nt to eval­ uate thei r su ccess and, at the sa me time i n ternational sports govern ing bod ies defi ne their role in terms of peace, friend­ ship and mutual understand ing. It is a privilege and responsibili­ ty of a l l of us i nvolved with sport to sense the relationship and the sign ificance of sport to many facets and facts of l ife and to advocate t h ose u ses which p romote positive, p rodu c­ tive and peacefu l outcomes. UNESCO's constitution i ncludes the following: "Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed. "

Sports is one such defe nse. enjoy it - use it! •

Lutes Honored In May At campus All-sports Banquet

A swimmer, a sprinter, a quar­ terback and a tennis player were just fo u r of 1 7 Lu tes honored May 7 at the 20th Annual PLU All-Sports Banquet and PLUTO Awa rds, spo nsored by Lute Club and emceed by PLU men's soc­ ce r coach Jimmy Du n n . Seniors Tareena Joubert (swim­ ming) and Sharon Wilson (track)

shared the Woman of the Year i n Sports Award, wh ile Gary G i l l is and Craig Kupp were co-win ners of the Jack Hewi ns Man of the Year in Sports Award. Joubert. PLU's record-holder in . the 1 00 and 200 b reaststroke and a 2 2-ti me NAIA Swi m m i ng Al l-America n. was a team team capta i n a n d th ree-ti m e team

most i nspirational winner. A tri­ ple major i n g l o b a l stud ies, anthropol ogy and French, Jou­ bert carried a 3.23 GPA and was involved in numerous volunteer organizations. and field letter wi n ner and a three-time District 1 a n d two­ time NCIC champion in the 400mete rs. She a nchored Lady

Lute's sprint medley relay tea m · that placed fifth at NAIA nationals i n 1 989 and placed seventh at nationals in 1 988 a nd 1 989 i n the 400 mete rs. A n u rs i n g major. Wi lson h a s done clin ical work at a doze n Tacoma-area hospitals and clinics. Gillis claimed the 1 989 NAIA Continued on {Jage 27

PadRe LUtJYran unIversity sane

Jun 1990


ew York Giants Select Kupp n 5th Rou nd of NF Draft

By Mike Larson



ute q u a rterback C ra i g Kupp, . who rewrote a bevy of pass­ i ng records d u ri ng a brill iant col­ legiate career at PLU, was select­ ed in the fifth rou nd April 22 by the New York G i a n ts of t h e

N a t i o n a l Footba l l League . The 6-4, 2 20-po u n d K u p p was the 26th pick in the fifth ro u nd, the 1 3 5th selection overa l l , and the n i nth q u a rterback chosen. "We were very p leasa ntly sur­ p r ised," s a i d K u p p , w h o , o n paper, assu mes t h e G i a nts' n u m -

Lady Lutes Reach National Softball Title Game I t was perhaps i ronic that the tea m t raveled the fa rt h est d i sta n ce to the t o u r n a m e nt should take the same route to the title game at the NAIA fast­ p itch soft b a l l c h a m p i o n s h i ps May 1 6-1 9 in Pensacola, Fla. But that's exactly what coach Ralph Weekly's Lady Lutes d i d . After d ro p p i n g a 1 -0 heart­ breaker to Wisconsi n-Parkside i n the win ner's bracket quarterfi nal game on Thursday, PLU stormed t h rough the lose r's b ra cket by wi n n i ng five st ra i g h t g a m es to advance to the national champi­ onsh i p game agai nst fifth-seed­ ed Kearney State, Neb. Talent, hea rt and momentu m p ropel led the thi rd-seeded Lutes to their second title a ppearance in the past th ree yea rs. Al ong the way, PLU o u sted the # 1 (Oklaho m a C ity), # 6 (Wiscon s i n­ Parkside) and # 2 (West Florida) seeded teams. B ut, in the end, it was the 90-deg ree Florida heat a n d the 80- p e rcent h u m i d i ty that eventually caught u p with the Lutes as they fel l 6-3 in eight i n n i ngs to Kea rney State. The title game was PLU's sixth i n a 27-hou r span si nce 1 0 a . m . the previous day. "Taking a bsol utely noth i ng away from our p itch ing staff, we just ran out of gas," said weekly. "(Pitcher) Becky's (Hoddevik) per­ formance was truly one of the g reat sports performa nces I've ever seen. We've gone to nation­ als the past five years and I've never see n a nybody p itch that much, agai nst q u a l ity com peti­ tion, and do so wel l. She was the real key to our success," he sa id. Weekly s a i d h is c l u b's m a rch through the loser's b racket was one of the h i g h poi nts of the entire season. "The p layers knew that they had to t a ke i t one game at a time and that's what they d i d . Each step along the way, they dug a l ittle deeper a n d found what they h a d to do to wi n." SS Brenda Dobbe l a a r (fr . , Edmonds), LF Debbie Hoddevik

Ur., Portland, OR), P Becky Hodde­ vik (fr., Portland, OR) and 3 B Kris­ ta Larson (so., Tigard, OR) were all named to the Al l-Tou rnament tea m . Do b b e l a a r a n d D e b b i e Hoddev i k had, 1 1 a n d 1 0 h its, respectively, in the tournament. Larson had six h its and fou r RBis. Becky H od d e v i k p i tched p h e­ nomenal ly, w i n n i ng six g a mes, a n d a l l owed j u st five e a r n ed ru ns over 5 3 . 1 inn ings. " I thought everybody had a g reat tou rnament," sa id Weekly. " B re n d a ' s a co m p lete p l ayer. Eve ryo n e k n ows about her because of her h itti ng, but most don't real ize her defensive pro­ wess. Debbie (Hoddevik) is the best ath lete o n our tea m and ca n do so many thi ngs. We saw a lot of that at nationals. K rista (La rso n) had a g utsy p e rfo r­ mance. It was exciting to see her play so wel L" he said . Debbelaar a n d DH J ea n i ne Gard ne r (so. , Vancou ver) were both named to the NAIA's 1 st Tea m A l l -A m e rica sq u a d at Wed nesday's o p e n i ng b a n q u et . Dobbelaar h i t .436 d u ri ng the 1 990 season . Gard ner mashed the ball at a .388 clip with 27 RBis and 1 1 dou bles. PLU fi n ished the season with a 40-8 record. " If a nybody had told me that we wou l d end u p 40-8 with the schedu le we played this year I would have been amazed," sa id Weekly. "It's j ust a real cred­ it to the kids. It was a fantastic yea r a n d we j u st fel l a l ittle short. As a coach, I cou ldn't have asked for a ny m ore. I'm very p roud and I'm a l ready anxious for next year," he said. F ive new PLU records were broken d u ri ng the 1 990 season. Dobbelaar m i ssed the season record for batti ng average 1.440 by Karen Kvale in 1 986) by one percentage point, hitt i n g .439 (69- 1 57) with a school-record 69 h its, 2 2 dou bles and 44 R B is. Deb b i e Hoddevik c l u b bed a school- record fou r h o m e r u n s . Becky Hoddevik set a new PLU sta ndard fo r p itch i ng victories with 29, going 2 9-6 . Weekly is 1 66-42 1.798) i n his five years at the Lute hel m . The Lutes won the NAIA title in 1 988 and own a 1 2-8 record at nation­ a ls.

ber-t h ree quarterbacki ng d uties beh i nd Ptl i l Simms a nd Dave Hos­ tettler. "It was fu nny, My fa m i ly a n d I were watc h i n g the d raft on ESPN, t ry i ng to c h a rt t he q u a rterbacks as t h ey were p icked . (Washington's Cary) Conk­ l i n a n d (Utah's Scott) M itchell had just gone and someone said, 'Wel l, I guess you're next, Craig.' The phone rang a l ittle later and it was the G i a nts saying they had pi cked me i n the fifth ro u n d," he sa id. Gia nts' assistant general man­ ager Harry H u l mes said K u p p's size, strength and attitude were what caught the organ izat i o n ' s eye. " W e d i d n ' t h ave a pick i n t h e sixth round and w e felt we needed to get a q u a rterback," he sa i d . "We had had seve ral scouts work out Craig a n d we l i ked h i m . We were i m p ressed with h is attitude and his general approach to the game. "He's going to be a fi ne com­ petitor," said H u l mes. " He looks l i ke he has good feet, although we' re not going to ask him to run for touchdowns, He will have to read a lot more defenses and get used to his receivers, but I think he has a very good oppor­ tunity to make o u r ball club as the t h i rd quarterback," he said. Lute coach F rosty Weste ring said Ku pp's stock rose d ra m ati­ cally du ring the th ree weeks p ri­ or to the d raft. "Mouse Davis (Detroit) and Bob Ryan (Buffa lo) both ca me on ca mpus to ta l k to Craig and the 4gers ca l l ed h i m (the day before t h e d raft) to let h i m know that they were inter­ ested," he said. "The Giants h ked the t h i ngs that Craig d i d a n d sh owed the most i nterest. He fit their situ­ ation idea l ly," said Westeri ng, ' ' I' m pleasa ntly surprised, yet know he has outstand i n g talent to do t h i ngs at the p rofessiona l level. He developed so wel l d u r­ ing his senior season i n reading defenses and throwin g the ball on time. H e cou l d be ca l led a l ate b l oomer, It's neat he has an opport u n i ty to show h i s a b i l ity to a tea m that rea l ly wants h i m , I ' m s o glad for h i m ," he said. Kupp was 300-499 fo r 3,921 yards and 42 touchdowns d u ring his three years at PLU. As a soph­ omore, he played in the shadow of fo rmer Lute great Jeff Yar­ nel l , who t h rew 8 5 TD passes a n d averag i n g 1 4 1 . 8 yards a game, then b 'lossomed i nto a dom i nating force i n the Col u m­ bia Football Association d u ri n g h i s sen ior season. As a sen i o r, Kupp co m p leted an incred i ble 64.7 percent of his



Craig Kupp

passes (1 8 5-286) for 2 6 touch­ downs and 2 , 3 98 y a rds. He th rew only t h ree i nterceptions two co m i n g off t i p ped b a l l s from receivers, and had a string of 1 46 stra i g ht attem (:)ts with­ out a n i nte rcept i o n . H is 1 . 04 i nterception percentage was a new single-season NAIA record.

Th inclads Boast Strong Showi ng At Nationals Coach Brad Moore's Lute thin­ clads ca pped a t re m e n d o u s 1 990 season with a strong show­ ing at the NAIA C h a m pionships May 24-26, h osted by Tarleton State University i n Stephenvil le, Tex. PLU women were fifth with 39 poi nts, Lute men 32nd with 1 0 points. Two i n d i v i d u a l ru n n e r- u p nationa l cha m p i o n s h i ps p ro­ pel led the Lady Lutes. J u n i o r Heather Lucas finished second i n t h e 5 , 00 0 - m e t e rs w i t h a 1 7 :30.78 clocki ng, w h i le senior Minta M isley was the ru nner-up champ i n the 1 , 500-meters i n 4 :30.80. Other Al l-America (top-six) per­ formances were tu rned in by Casi . M o n toya ( 3 rd , 1 , 500m, 4 : 3 1 . 5 9), S h a ron W i lson (5th, 400m, 5 6 . 1 7), Ken nedy Lewis (6th, 400m h u rd l es, 1 : 04 . 2 6), Alan Herr was the lone ..A 1 1American on the men's side, fi n­ ishing second in the 3,000-meter steeplechase in 9 : 1 6.22. _

hdfIc Lutfterln University scene



27 Sports

Benson irst P LU Coac 0 Reach JOO-victory M ilestone

Wal k Of Fa m e Wi l l Honor Lute Ath l etic Greats To honor Lutes from yea rs past and to hel p usher i n PLU's second centu ry, the a t h l et i c department a n d School o f Physi­ cal Education a re i n itiating a PLU Athletic Hall of Fame as part of PLU's 1 990 Centen n i a l Celebra­ tion. O u tsta n d i n g ath letes from t h roughou t PL U ' s i l l u st r i o u s sports past w i l l b e perma nently recognized at a Walk of Fame to be b u i lt on the north side of the swi m m ing pool between Olso n Auditori u m a nd N a m es Fitness Center. The i na u g u ra l i n d u ct i o n ban­ q uet is set fo r F ri d ay, Oct . 1 2 . Recog nition of the inductees will be on Saturday morni ng, Oct. 1 3, prior to the homeco m i ng foot­ ball game aga inst Wh itworth . Arch itect u ra l p l a ns, designed by John M a n u e l . ca l l for five free-sta n d i ng , l i g h ted , sq u a re brick col u m ns to be constructed th is <6u m mer. Inductees will have their names bronzed and perma­ nently placed on the col u m ns each year.

New Westeri ng Book Ava i lable I n August It's show time for Lute football coach Frosty Westering's fi rst book, Make The Big Time Where You Are.

After 1 8 months of rewri tes, a rt revisions a n d l e g a l safe­ g u a rds, the 1 40-page, h a rd­ b o u n d book w i l l a rr i ve fi rst, exclusively, at the PLU Bookstore in l ate-Aug ust a nd t h e n at regional outlets later i n the fal l . "It's l i ke we're insi d e the 1 0yard l i n e now," said Westeri ng, the winni ngest active coach in NAIA Div. II with 1 84 victories. Westering sa id the conversa­ tional-style book is not about footba l l . " It's a fast-rea d i ng, moti vatio nal, i ns p i rational book on success pri nci ples and lea rn­ ing how to make the Big Time where you are. The Big Time is not a place, it's a state of you r hea rt. It's not somet h i n g you get. it's so m et h i n g you become," he said. For more i nformation about getting a copy of the book, pub­ l ished by Qu esta r, contact the PLU Bookstore.

O n the conti n u u m of t i m e that represents PLU ten nis, Mon­ day, M a rch 30, 1 9 70, s h o u l d have an asterisk beside it. It was on that day that newly- ' g rad uated and fi rst-year Lute ten n i s coa c h M i k e B e n s o n recorded h i s fi rst co l l egiate ten­ nis victory, a 9-0 rom p over lin­ field . Twenty-o ne yea rs l ater, Ben­ son and the Lute t e n n i s p ro­ g ra m are sti l l g o i n g strong. I n d e e d . B e n s o n a c h i e ved a coaching m i lestone i n 1 9 90 that is u nequalled in the h i story of PLU ath letics: 300 victories. "Records usu a l ly don't mean a lot to m e, m a i n l y b e ca u se they're so ci rcu m sta ntia l , " said Benson, "but 300 wins did (mean someth ing) and that s u r p rised me. It meant being here at PLU a long time and the relationsh i ps with all the guys that co ntri but­ ed to those 300 wi ns," he sa id. Benson sa id he "fel l into" the Lute ten n iS coach i n g job after g raduating from PLU in 1 969. "I heard the coach ing job was open a nd , altho u g h I h a d never coached before, felt I could do a good job," he sa id. Benson suc­ ceeded R ich Alseth in 1 970 and gu ided PLU to a 7-7 record that year. After stru g g l i n g through a 3-1 0 season i n 1 97 1 , PLU cap­ tu red its first conference cham­ pionsh i p in 1 97 2 . Two seasons later, i n 1 974, Benson g u ided the Lutes to their fi rst d istrict title. "That was a significant year," he sa i d . "We fi nally sta rted to get some local people in our pro­ g rams. That had been one of my ea rly goa ls, but we never had the reputation i n the northwest to attract the good players. That was also the fi rst year we went to n a t i o n a l s ( i n K a n sas C i ty, MoJ," he said. A nother p ivotal yea r was 1 976. In addition to landing loca l standout a n d eventual three­ time NAIA Al l-American Dave Tra­ geser from nearby Puya l l u p High School , the Lutes a l s o began playing larger schools l i ke Wash­ ington, Wash i ngton State, O re­ gon, Idaho a nd Portl a n d . 1 9 76 was also the fi rst of 1 1 stra ight yea rs as conference champ ions and the first of 14 consecutive t ri ps to t h e n a t i o n a l t o u r n a ­ ment. Benson said PLU's ten n i s ros­ ters in the late 1 970s and 1 980s were dotted with p l ayers who would come i nto the prog ra m as reshmen and act as the corner­ stone d u ring thei r years i n the program . " I have to c redit God with blessing our p rogram with peo­ p le who worked toget her and appreciated the privi lege of p l ay­ i ng tenni s," he sa id. He sa id he doesn't see his posi­ t i on as a teacher of the game. " I

PLU Rowers Earn Th ree Medals At Cal iforn i a Meet

Mike Benson

rea lly don't see myself as a good teach ing coach," he sa i d . "For the most pa rt, the guys that come here ca n a l ready play. The biggest a rea where I try and hel p is in motivating and inspiring the players, creating an atmosphere that will continue to help them reach their potentia l . God has given me those abil ities to o rga­ n ize, motivate and encourage. I just want to use them to help people," he said. "There a re a lot worse places we cou l d be," he sa i d . "What that real ly means is that there are very few better p l a ces where we could be a nd how blessed we rea lly a re . I'm very proud to be a part of the PLU family."

The PLU rowing team b rought home th ree medals from the highly competitive Pacific Coast Rowing Championsh i ps i n Sacra­ mento in May. All five entered boats qualified for the fi nals. The women's nov­ ice fou r ea rned a fi rst p l ace medal, the men's l ight fou r fin­ ished second, and the wom en's varsity took t h i rd, losing o n ly to U C Santa Barbara and the U n i ­ versity of Wash i ngto n . T h e wo men's l i g h t e i g h t fin­ ished fifth, wh ile the men's nov­ ice team placed sixth. "The Lady Lute boat was a pleasant surp rise," said women's coach Kim Morter O l so n . The team easily won its race by o pen water over San Diego State and UCLA. PLU has never before placed five boats i n the grand fi n a l s. Three medals ties a record set i n 1 985. The men's coach is Doug Her­ land, 1 984 Olympic rowing U.S. bronze medal ist. D u ri n g t h e weekend, c rew members, coaches and 2 5 a l u m­ n i enjoyed a b a rbequ e at the home of 1 969 a l u m n i David and Patsy J ohnson in Fai r Oaks.

Lutes Honored Continued from page 25

District 1 singles champion a nd was a two-year team captain. A three-time NAIA nationa l tou rna­ ment player, he also was a two­ time NAIA Scholar-Athlete reci pi­ ent. An i ntell igent baseline play­ er, he fashioned a 64- 3 2 ( , 6 6 7) col legiate si ngles record . A d ou­ ble major i n history and biology, Gillis carried a 3 .85 CPA. K u p p , P L U ' s q u a rterback i n 1 988 a n d 1 989, capped a tre­ mendous senior season by being d rafted i n fifth rou n d by the N FL's New York Gia nts (see relat­ ed story). J u n ior DeeA n n E l d red (te n n i s, 3. 90, Business), senior Ken Gard­ ner (cross country, 3.85, Biology) were all p resented George Fisher Scholar-Ath lete Awards for the i r ath letic a n d acad e m i c accom­ pl ishments. 11 960 PLU gradu ate J i m Kitt i ls­ by was named the 1 990 Distin­ gu ished Alumnus i n Sports recip­ ient for the effo rts he made to PLU 's ath l et i c department d u r­ ing a 1 7 -year period as sports i nform ation d i r ecto r a n d ass is­ tan ath l etic d i rector. Kittil sby

was the o rig i n ator of the AII­ Sports Banquet. J a m es Bennett (track), B u rke M u l l i n s ( basketba l l) and B r i a n Gard ner (soccer) a l l were m a l e winners of the PLU Senior Ath­ lete Award . Sue Shinafelt (soccer) was the women's Senior Athlete Award recipient. Jen ifer Phill ips R i n k (soccer) was a d u a l awa rd wi n ner. The sen i o r received the fi rst Sta n M u e l l e r O u tsta n d i n g S t u d e n t Trai ner Award and was also o n e o f fou r athletes g iven t h e Lute Inspirational Award. Diana Tave­ ner (basketball, soccer, track), John Golden ( baseb a l l ) a nd Eri k Benner (track) were a lso Lute I nspirational winners. John Nelson, a reg u l a r at Lute p ractices a n d g a m es d e s p i te being confined to a wheelcha i r was presented the Lute Service Award .


Board Of Regents


Tacoma and Vicinity

7-1 0

ThOm as R. Anderson Cynthia Wilson Edwards Barry Rogg e Jane Russell


8-9 1 0-1 6

Frank R. Jenn ings (Vice Chairman) A n ne Long Donald Morken John Oakley Gary Severson C hristy N. U l leland (Secretary)

Seattle and Vicinity

12 13

western washington Petra Onella B ru n ner David S. Steen Karen M. Vigeland

Eastern washington / Idaho

1 5-1 7

Christine Larson George Wehmann Don ald M . Wick Jan Wigen

1 61 7-22 1 819



Connye Hager Arthur Peterson Wayne Saverud

Neil R. Bryant Ronald G rewenow M ichael Foss



Jerold Armstrong, Illinois Robert Howard, Alaska Wallace McKinney, Kansas Richard Mueller, M issouri Jon Olson, California Jeff Probstfield, M a ryland William Ramstad, Cal iforn i a

20-22 2 2-23

Wi l liam O. Rieke, PreSI de n t, PLU Synod Bishops, ELCA Region 1 : Robert Keller. EaWa/idaho Lowell Kn utson, Northwest Wash. Donald Parsons, Alaska Pau l Swanson, Oregon Norma n Wic\<, Montana David Wold, Southwestern Wash. (Chairman)


22-24 24-30

2 5-27

Faculty: Ann Kelleher, David Robbins,


2 5-

Sheri Tonn Studen ts Jim Morrel, Kel i i O ' B rien, B u rley Kawasaki

2 5-

Admi nistrat i o n : Lu tl e r Bekemeier, Luci l le G i roux, H a rvey Neufe l d , S . Erving Severtson, Do n a l d Sturg i l l (Tr easurer), J. Robert W i l ls ELCA, Div. of Ed.: Ja mes U ng l a u be

26 27 27-

Editoria l Boa rd


lUcille Gi roux . . , . . . Pres. Exec. Assoc.

Dr. William O. Rieke . . . . . . . . President



Walter Shaw . . . . . Dir. Alumn i Relations Dr Martin J. Neeb . . . . . . . Exec. Editor James l. Peterson . . . . . . . . . . . . Editor M i ke Larson . . . . . . . . . . . Sports Editor Kenneth D u n m i re . . . . Photographer J anie Attridge . . . . . . . . . . Class Notes


Lutheran College Interpretation/Development/Adm issions ( I DA) Conference PLU HS Football Camp E l derhostel: "Ethics & Free Press, Yes, but Responsible?" (535· 7450) B rown-bag lecture, Soviet rock star "Afrika" (Sergei Bugaev), H a uge 1 0 1 , noon Washi ngton B rass Qui ntet. Univ. Center, 7pm Read i ng, Melinda Worth Popham, Ingram H a l l , 7 p m ELCA NW Washington Synod Assembly: Weave Us Together (2 sessions) July 27 M iddle Col l ege

July 13 PLU Piano Camp PLU Softball Camp

Brown-bag lecture, President of Estonian Busi ness School Magis Habakuk, Hauge 1 01 , noon Camas Wind Qu i ntet. Univ. Center, 7pm Strawberry Festival. Eastvold p l aza, noon PLU J u nior Footba l l C a m p (Day Camp 9a m-4pm) Miss Washington National Teenager Haul l i ngl g Reunion PLU Basketball Position Camp Elderhostel : "A Potpourri of Visual, M usical & Dramatic Arts" (5 3 5-7450) Wash i ngton Council for Economic Education PLU Basketbal l Rookie Day Camp PLU Softba l l Day Camp JUly 1 3 Piano Perfo rmance Institute JUly 20 Academ i c Session II Brown-bag lecture, "Estonian Stude nt Pa nel," Hauge 1 0 1 , noon Rea d i ng by James H a l l , Ingram Hal l, 7pm July 19 Norweg i a n Institute July 1 ELCA Gobal M i ssion Event: To Live is C h rist JUly 1 Professional Kicking Servi ces Camp


1 -6 1 -7

2 2-27 Adidas Ten n i s Camp # 1

3 4-7 8-1 3 9-1 3

9-2 7 10 11 1 1 -1 5 1 2-1 4 1 3-1 4 1 5-20 1 5-20 1 5-21 1 6-20 1 6-1 8 1 617 18

1 9-22 2 1 -24

2 2-

Elde rhostel , Scand i navian Heritage Sem i n a r (5, 35-7450) Brown·bag lecture. Asbjorn Johan nessen. Hauge 1 0 1 , noon Great Northwest Eva ngelism Workshop 8-1 3 Adidas Tennis Camp # 2 PLU Basketba l l Boys Funda mentals Children's Literature Workshop LITE Summer Institute of Theology PLU Softba l l Day Camp PLU Sum mer Scholars

2123-27 25 2 5-27 26-28 27-30 292930-

B rown-bag lecture, Asbjorn Johan nessen, Hauge 1 0 1 , noon Readi ng,Madel i n e DeFrees, Ingram Hall, 7pm Rel igious Society of Friends Un ited Spirit Association #1 (Jr. Cheer and Dri l l) PLU Basketbal l Boys Tournament Adidas Tennis Camp # 3

3031 -

Adidas Ten nis Camp # 4 PLU Basketba l l Gi rls' Fundamentals C a m p Aug. 4 O k i n awa M Usic Camp Aug. 6 Japa nese Educators


Academic Workshop Week Read i ng,Linda Bierds, Ingram H a l l , 7 p m Kitakyushu YM CAITacoma Sister City Group Pacific N orthwest Writers Conference USA #3 (Dri l l Team)

Aug. 3 J. Robi nson's Iowa I ntensive Camp, Inc. Aug. 12 Korean J a pa nese Echange Aug. 2 4 Academ i c Session I I I Aug. 5 Asia Unive rsity Baseball Team Aug. 2 USA (Drill Team Officers)


' ,

August 2-5 7 7-1 1 1 0-1 2

Fred Meyer Soccer Camp E lderhostel: International Sport and the Goodwi l l Games ( 5 3 5-7450) SCI Sports Volleyball Camp

1 2-1 7 1 3-1 7

PLU Basketba l l Shooting Day Camp Aug. 1 2 Tokyo YMCA

1 7-1 9 1 9-22

B rown·bag lecture, Adm i n . Bldg. 1 0 1 , noon Raspbe rry Festival. Eastvold plaza, noon Read ing, Jack Cady, Ing ram Hall, 7 p m G u i l d o f Am erican Luthiers USA #2 (Cheer,Tall Flag and Drum Major)

1 9-24 22

USA # 4 (Dri l l Team) B rown·bag lecture, Catherine Keller, Admin. Bldg. 1 0 1 , noon 1 990 Youth Alive Canad ian Academy Reunion Adidas Ten nis Camp




Tacoma Sta rs Soccer C a mp A merican Amateur Press Assoc Centra l i a H . S . Footban Team Adidas Ten n is Camp # 6


Peach Festival, Eastvold p l aza, noon

September 8

Students a rrive for Orientation

1 990

centennial Hamecaming October 1 1 -1 4 H i g h l ig hts!

Thursday, october 1 1

Theme Sympos i u m Lectu re, "Shapi ng Society's Val ues" Dr. Russe l l Edgerton President, American Association for Higher Ed ucation Sponsor: Division of Soci a l SC ' ences Dinner Honoring 1 00 Cente n nial A l u m n i & kickoff reception Open Hou ses and Receptions Regency Concert

Friday, October 1 2



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Theme Sym pos i u m essays, g rou p d iSCUSSI ons, l u nc heo n Special Yea r Reu nion Din ners: 1 0, 20, 2 5, 30, 40, 5 0 E ra Reu nions: Sheraton Hotel. Lieu's Restau rant. LaQu i nta Inn, Executive I n (Fife) Open Houses Golf, Tenn is, R u n/Jog Ath letic Hall of Fame Din ner Songfest. Bonfi re

Saturday, October 1 3

Bru nch Awa res Fare School of Educati on Open H ouse Golden Club Dedication, Ath letic Wa l k of Fame Parade Homeco m i ng Football Game Tai lgate Party Campus Tou rs, Open Houses Alumni Din ner Dance - Sheraton Hatel

Sunday, October 1 4 Please mail to A l u m n i Office (NAC), PLU, Tacoma, WA 98447


Choir/lnstrumental Practice Alumni Worship Service And m uch more! We look forward to seeing you !


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