2000 2001 v 31 no 1 4

Page 1






c Ie

Bassam BlShuli WRlhU

Greg Brewis, Nancy Covert, Brooke C. Mattox '00, Laura Ritchie -00 GRAPHIC OUION

Carolyn Reed Barritl

PHOTOGRAflHU Chri s Tumbusch

All concert, ore in lagerquist Conc�rt

Calt 253·535·7762 or emoil

Hall unfeu o'herwi�e noted. Times ond


October 5·-8

tickl!t price� vary; con'Qc' 253·536-5' 16


Dr 1-877-254·7001

Jani Niesz

September 26

Nick Dawson

Gottfried and Mary Fuchs Organ


Series: Robert Poovey, organ ist

Bernie Zimmerman '02

Artist Series: J a i ro Geronymo, p i a n ist

J Anderson , President

Six performances, includ ing a student

October 21

preview on Oct. 1 2 at 8 p . m . , shows on


Oct. 1 3 , 1 4, 20 and 2 1 at 8 p . m . , and

FLO 2010: TH

students, facu lty, staff, a n d senior


October 8

Paull Menzel, Provost David G. Aubrey, Vice President, Develo pm ent and

University Relations


Billings, Mont.

Enrollment Services

University Symphony Orchestra

Call 253·535·7386 or 253-535·7573

Lauro F. Majovski, Vice President and Dean, Student life Sheri J Tonn, Vice President, Fina nce and Operotians

Masterpiece Series, Concert

September 12·-0ctobel· 11

Houge Administration Building, Room 207 Phone 253-535-7430, Fax: 253-535-8331 Email: scene@plu.edu


Regency Concert Series: Lyric Brass

Faculty Showcase

October 13

Novembel' 21-December 20

Jazz Series: University Jazz Ensemble

BA/BFA Winter Senior Showcase


C a l l 2 53-53 5-710 1

Gottfried and Mary Fuchs Organ

Fox: 253-535-8555, Email: a/umni@plu.edu

Series: J a mes Holloway, organ ist October 18, 19


Scene (ISSN 0886-3369)

is published quarterly by Pacific Lulheran Universily, S. 121 sl and Pork Ave., Tacoma, WA 98447-0003. Periodicals p os t a ge paid at Tacoma, WA, and additional mailing offices. Addre ss ser v ice reque s ted . Postmaster: send changes to Development Data, Nesvig Alumni Center, PLU, Tacoma, WA 98447-0003. rolTOR

Your letters are welcome and should be

addressed to

Choral Series: F a l l C h oral Concerts

September 17

Fall Admissions Open House

Call 253·535·7532

C a l l 2 53-53 5-7151 or 1-800·274-6758

September S-November' 1 S

Western Rosemalers Juried Exhibit

Wind Ensemble Series: Wind Songs

Campaign for PLU Steering Comm ittee meeting

September 6

October 24

"Translating Evert Taube: A Singer's

C a l l 2 5 3-53 5 -7 1 77

Artist Series: Ea rly and Baroque Music


NOl'cmber 3-5


Family Weekend

October 28

Afternoon luncheon with Kirsten

Gottfried and Mary Fuchs Organ

Qvigstad: "Tales of Ghosts a n d Spirits

in Sca ndi navian Fol klore"

November 1

November 16-December 22

scene@plu.edu. Letters may be edited for clarity and

Regency Concert Series: Regency

Christmas in Scandinavia on

On the coW!r

Xavier Hall, on the PLU campus, is undergoing extensive interior ren ov ati on . PHOTOS CHRIS TUMBUSCH

Call 253-5 3 5-74 1 5

October 31

98447-0003, faxed to 253-535-8331, or emailed to length.

October 8

on display

October 22

Series: Aart Bergwerff, organ ist

Editor, Scene, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA


PLU Corporation Delegate Meeting


Phone 253-535-7415, 1-800-ALUM-PLU Website: www.plu.edu/a/um

Kallispell, Mont.

September 15-16

October 15

��esvig Alumni Center


October 25

October 17-Not'ember IS

Qu intet

and Park Ave nue


October 24

Missoula, Mont.

Patrick McCormick, ceramic artist

October 11


October' 23 UNIVERSI ry

Octobl!r 10

lOffOlllAL OFTiCn


'0 confinn dates ond locations

Concert, Richard Farner, p i a n i st




(0(/253-535·7415 or '·800-258·6758

Artist Series: Lila Moe Scholarsh i p

Laura J. Polcyn '74, '79, Vice President, Admissions and



a 2 p.m. matinee on Oct. 22. Tickets are $7 for a d u lts, and $4 for P LU

September 29


Homecoming 2000

"Lend Me a Tenor"




String Qua rtet


November 2

December 1

Artist Series: John R. Murphy, p i a n i st

Sankta Lucia Fest 2000

Not 011 events were scheduled preu time: check our websile a.t



www.plu.edu/�new.info/ calendars.hlm' for updQ,eJ _


The PLU student mentor program for

November 10

December 13

Jazz Series: Park Avenue Voca l Jazz

Norwegian Christmas Service

November 12

December 16

Artist Series: Calvin Knapp Va ledictory

Nordic Julefest

developmentally delayed students (Scene Summer 2000, page 3) origi nated 25 years ago and not 12, as originally reported. Susan Kerns '76 founded the program under the auspices of the


Univers ity Student Social Action Committee

November 17, 18


Opera Workshop: "Die Fledermaus"

by Johann Strauss, Eastvold Aud itorium November 19

Wind E.nsemble Series: Be Our Guest November 21

U niversity Symphony Orchestra Masterpiece Series: Concert II November 29

Regency Concert Series: Comas

Q u i ntet Dcccmbel-1, 2, 3, 8,10

Christmas Festival Celebration Concerts December 1,8 p.m.:

E astvold Auditorium

December 2,8 p.m.:

New Hope

PLU Football Championship Celebration clothing available at the PLU Bookstore CLOTHES AVAtlABLE tN YOUTH TO 3X StZES: Sweatshirt

Hooded Sweatshirt, available black

or khaki, $17.95.


T·Shirt, $15.

Baseball Hat

black or white, $25. (shown), available in

Miniature Helmets (shown), S23.95.

Frosty Westering's


book, "Make the Big lime Where You Are;


(shown), available in

white, $30.

(shown), $14.95.

Comm unity C h u rc h , Portla nd, Ore. December 3,4 p.m.:

E astvold Auditorium

December 8 , 8 p.m.:

Eastvold Auditorium

December 10,4 p.m.:

C h u rch, Seattle

F irst Presbyterian



in the news PLU 2010 on campus study phase begins The study phase for the development of a new 10rlg-ra n g e plan began on ca m p u s this fa l l , after months of on-the­ road town meetings to sol i c i t the v i ews of a l u m n i a n d other friends on the u n i versity's futu re - from now u n t i l 20 1 0 and beyond_ In Septe m ber, the un iversi ty's long­ range pl'a n n i ng com m i ttee esta b l i shed four team s to anchor the plan n i ng process. Faculty a n d a d m i n i strative co­ c h a i rs will lead the fou r topic g ro u ps that have been charged with prepa r i n g backgro u n d pa pers, lea d i n g d iscussions, hal d i n g forums, a n d prepa r i ng a fi nal repart. Com m i ss i o n co-c h a i rs will select i nd i v i d u a l staff, ad m i n istrators a n d faculty to serve w i t h the m . The study comm issions i n c l ud e i den tity a n d constituency; academic d istinction; comm u n i ty; a nd fiscal strategy The commissions a re scheduled to report back to the campus com m u n i ty i n t h e spring a n d fall o f 200 1 . The process w i l l be completed in the s pr,in g of 2002 with the p u blication of the n ew long­ range plan, " PLU 20 1 0 : The Next Level of Distinction." During the past yea r Pres ident Loren J. Anderson and a sma l l g ro u p of PLU staff and ad m i n istrators have been trave l i n g the country to solicit the views of a l u m n i and other friends of the university a n d to create a d ia logue i n the articulation o f a vision for the future of the u n i versity_ The results of these "town meetings" will form the fou ndation of the new long-range plan study phase.

fLeA global mission event held at PLU A Lutheran event, with g lobal i m p l ica­ tions, was hel'd in J u ly at Pac i fic Lutheran U n i versity. More than 600 people of all ages from ocross the cou ntry and the world attended the a n n ua l Global M i ssian Eve n t of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Th i s year's theme was " Pray i n t h e S p i r i t at All Times." Among the featured spea kers were E LCA Presid i n g B i shop H. George Anderson from Ch icago, Viola Raheb from Palesti ne, Dr. Mamy Rana ivoson a nd h i s fa m i ly from Madagascar, a n d Rev. P h ilip Ta n S i n k D a r k from Malay s i a . Local y o u t h activity leaders i n c l uded Tom Weathers from the Spanaway Lutheran Church, Joa n n a Jacobson from St. Mark's Lutheran Ch urch in Tacoma , a n d Gary Petersen from the Redeemer Lutheran Church of Tacoma_

The Carmen and Zareo Guerrero family was one of severallntemationol groups of musicians 10 play at the the PLU campus in July.

RCA event on

A youth band from Ethiopia was one of the featured i nternati o n a l g roups of m u s i c i a n s . The Global U n iversity provided various c u lturol workshops a n d a Global' M ission Festival featured i nternational foods and e n terta i n ment. The even t was co-sponsored by Pacific Lutheran U n iversity and the Eva ngelical Lutheran Church in America. PLU's Director of Churc h Relations Pastor Rick Rouse '69 a nd Pastor G. Lee Kluth '6 9 were general coordinators of the three-day event.

PLU teams up with DonationDepot.com Accord i n g to a recent a rticle in the Chronicle of P h ilanthropy, o n l i n e giv i ng has become one of the ' h ottest' I n ternet trend s . Thi s summer Pacific Lutheran U n i vers i ty j o i ned the cha rita b l e o n l i ne commun ity by tea m i ng u p with DonationDepot.com. Donations to the u n iversity can now be made by accessing www.p/u.edu/ - de ve, says Monica H u rley '94, development d i rector for m a jor g i fts at PLU . The contract was signed i n June, a n d the site will be u p a n d r u n n i n g this fal l . DonationDepot.com, a Tacoma­ based compa ny, was started by PLU graduate Brandon Fix '95 with partner Matt Ashworth '95 (see a n article a bout the venture on page 20 of the Summer 2000 issue of Scene) . PLU joi ned the growing l ist of DanationDepot.com clients "because i t provides a l u m n i , parents and fri e n d s with an a l ternate w a y of making g i fts to the u n i versity," H u rley sa i d . "It's g reat to partner with Dona.lion­ Depot.com, not only beca use of their PLU affi l i ation , but because they have been very forthcom i ng a bout their busi ness p l a n s and their busi ness a pproach," H u rley a dded .

PLU hosts international Buddhist-Christian

Jaz% and summer stars shine at PLU The B i l l Ra msay Trio, d group of renowned jazz m u s ic i a n s, opened PLU's outdoor m u s ic series, "Jazz U nder the Stars," this summer. The trio was one of six g roups i n the outdoor m u si c program a t the Mary Baker Russell Amphitheater. After the p ro g ra m , concert goers engaged in some stargazi n g at PLU's new W. M . Keck Observatory. The concerts were of,fered free to the p u b l ic, thanks to the s po n sors h i p of Starbucks Coffee. KPLU was a co-spon sor. In addition to the B i l l R a m say Trio Isaxophone, p i a n o arid g u i tar), the jazz g ro u ps play i n g i n the series i n c l uded the C l i ff Colon ('0 1 ) Quartet (saxophone, pia no, bass a n d d r u m s); the FWM g roup, featuring Wayne Bl iss (string bass), Fran\ Seeberger (guita r), a nd Mark Yeend (drums); the piano of Mark Seales; Greg Fulton's Nudge N udge Trio (gu i ta r, bass and d r u m s); and the Greg Schroeder Tri o .

Frank Seeberger (guitar) and Wayne Bliss (string bass) ploy during their

27 jan: concert at PlU.


Rainbow of Gifts holds annual event on campus Lyle Quasim 73 was the keynote speaker a t the third a n n u a l Rainbow of G i fts program that was held at PLU this summer.

Approximately 70 young people attended the five-day event at the e n d of July a n d the beg i n n i ng of August. The gatheri n g was named "Lead i n g , Following, Serv i n g , Celebrating . Together. " It was desig n ed to provide the youngsters w i th opportunities to experience the " ric h n ess of d iversity i n cultures," accord i n g t o the program's l i terature . S pon sored j o i n tly by the Eva n g e l ical Lutheran C h u rch in America (ELCA) and PLU, the prog ra m i n c l uded eth nomusicologist Alison Bondy, who spoke a bout the textures of world m u s ic, as well a s storytell i n g , eth n ic food sa m pl in g , a n d other events i nvolving religious wors h i p , a rt and d ra m a . The youths a lso participated in a service project at Wash i n g ton's N i squally Reservation and the prog ram concluded with an ecumenical service at Tri n ity Lutheran Churc h .

Fruit festivals sweeten PLU's summer On th ree summer days PLU studen ts, staff, a n d other com m u n ity members enjoyed fresh strawberries, raspberries, and peaches. The events were the annual fru i t festivals held in Red Square on the PLU campus. Aside from the wonderful dessert, the other popular attraction of each festival was the enterta i nment. The fru i t festival on June 21 featured strawberries, ice crea m , lemonade, a n d coffee. More t h a n 200 people attended th is functi o n . Visitors en joyed tasty strawberry shortcake a n d an act performed by the Gentleman J ugglers. An a cappella g ro u p, The Coats, sang at the J u ly 26 festival . Raspberries, scones, ice crea m , a n d beverages were served to everyone who v i sited PLU on the warm summer day. The final fruit festival of the summer was on August 1 6 . As i n the previous festival s , ice continued o n page 4

studies conference Experts in Buddh ist a n d Christian stud ies met this summer at Pacific Lutheran U n iversity for the sixth i nternationdl conference of the Society for Budd h i st­ C h ristian Stud ies. Held in Aug ust, the conference featured presentations, papers and sessions in Buddhist and C h ristian trad itional practice. Top ics included "The Nonviolent Strugg l e for Economic and Social Justice"; "Consumerism and Ecology in Buddh i st a n d Christian Perspective"; a n d " Buddhist and Christi a n Perspectives on the Earth Charter. " Plenary speakers , i ncluded R i ta M . Gross, professor o f rel i g io u s studies of the U n iversity of Wisco n s i n in Eau Clai re; Dan iel C. MagUi re, professor of rel i g i o n at Marquette U n iversity; Stephen Rockefeller, professor emeritus of M i d d lebury College; and Virg i n ia Stra us, executive d i rector of the Boston Research Center for the 21," Century.

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Nicest c hamps around! S ports Illustrated, one of the top sports magazines in the U.S., featured PLU's NCAA Division III champion football team in a three­ page article in its Aug. 14 i s s u e on College Footb,lll 2000. The article

emphasized the loving attitude of the footballers toward each other and the gentle touch of Frosqf Wes teri ng in coaching the "nicest team in football."

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in the news


continued from page 3 cream, and beverages were served with peaches as the selected fru it. Enterta in•

ment incl uded an acrobatic g roup, cal led Tesseract, as well os Castro the Mag ici o n . The festiva l s were co-sponsored by PLU D i n i n g Service and the Office of S u m mer Studies .

B R I E F LY...

The chorus was o rganized in the fa l l of 1 998 and is one of N orway's lead i n g m a l e choruses. I n the s u m m e r of 1 999 i t pl aced second i n t h e a n n ual competition "Sing for Us, " Class A Division. The chorus m a i nta ins a h ighly active performa nce schedule and colla borates with professional m usicians th ro u g hout the year. Its reperto i re includes selec­ tions from Norway's national romantic period as well as sacred and popular music. It is d i rected by Tr i n e Daviknes.

The Gentlemen Juggle!', entertain the PLU community in June.

Choir of the West performs LI Mass for a New Millen n i u m" At its fi nal concert of the academ ic year on May 13, the Cho i r of the West perfor med the "Mass for a New M i l lenniu m , " a piece com posed by PLU m usic Professor Richard N a nce. The work expanded on h is most recent


assumed the role of associate provost in July. He

semester. Teska was a professor of biology at Furman University in South Carolina. He replaced David Yagow who had been at the Provost's Office since 1 976 and is taking up new duties as senior lecturer at PLU's Religion Department.

I. t I IIH

was appointed to the position of anociate dean of


campus life at PLU in June. The appointment accompanies an organizational change in the Division of Student Life. Auxiliary Services, directed by Mark Mulder, will include the Bookstore and PLU Northwest. The golf course and Dining Services, directed by Erin Sigman, will be a separate entity.

Japanese TV audiences watch commencement Video footage of PLU's May 2000 g rad uation was shown on Japanese television th is s u m mer. A Japanese crew was on campus to ,f i l m the spring g raduation of sen ior Sayu ri Kida . Kida, an art m a jor, is g reat­ g randdaug hter of Isa ku N i sh i m u ra, fou nder of the B u n ko Ga k u i n , a p rivate Tokyo u n iversity that was establ ished i n t h e 1 920s Heavi l y i n fluenced by Western c u lture, N is h i m u ra's l i beral outlook was out of step with t h e conservative pub lic cu lture of that era. According to Kida,


\ I

also will be teaching biology classes at PLU, beginning in the fall

I I joined the staH of the OHice of Development and


University Relations in June. As development director of major gifts and regional campaign coordinator, Plaurde will coordinate campaign programs in 30 regions of the country. These meetings are designed to move the Campaign far Pacific Lutheran Univer­ sity: The Next Bold Step i nto a public phase. Plourde has exten­ sive expertise in public relations and foundation work, having worked at Charles Wright Academy and the Franciscan Health System in Tacoma. "


PLU's vice president for admissions, was

awarded an honorary associate degree from Tacoma Community College (TCC) on June 1 5. Polcyn is a TCC graduate and, for more than 25 years, has volunteered on the college's Vocational Program Advisory Committees. Polcyn

I( I

. I ,


AURA program director and associate director

of advising, was the recipient of the 2000 Outstanding Advisor Award by the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA).

he was imtrumental i n h i r i n g the country's top poets, painters and writers

The association began in 1 97 7 as a nonprofit organization to promote "excellent academic advising and outsto nding profes­

to join the u n iversity faculty.

sional development." The National Awards Program was established in 1 983 to honor individuals who significantly

composition, "Cred o . "

contribute to improving academic advising.

New movements i n the mass

i ncluded Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus/ Benedictus and Agnus Dei . The concert also was the final event i n PLU's M i l l en n i u m Symposia-Art Series. It was d i rected by m usic Professor Richard Spa rks.

In June,


II l'

It associate d irector of photo services,

received two prestigious awards at the 39'" Annual Technical Symposium of the University Photographers' Association of America, an international organization that recognizes superior photographic skills at colleges and universities. More then 200 photographs of college life scenes were submitted for critiquing. For the second year in a row in the two-yea r-old competition,

Bergen Male Chorus sings on campus The 47-me m ber Bergen Male Chorus, the Bergen Mannskor, sang at Pacific Lutheran University i n May, during a

Tumbusch won the Fuji New Approach Award for most innovative photograph. He also won first place in the print competition

Accompanied by fomlly members, Sayuri Kida wal1e5 to her graduation undef the watchful video of Japanese TV.

for personal vision category. A team of university photographers from the United States and Canada selected the winning photographs. O .. e of Tumbusch's winning

w h i rlwind tour of th e Pacific Northwest.

photos is shown.


followi ng extensions to the PLU home

students and faculty with resources

address-www.p/u.edu-in your URL:

normally available only during oHice

CAMPUS VOICE - / -newsin/o/voice/­

hours. The site gives access to forms,

Press, 1 999), a collection of articles that discuss the German

class schedules, registration informa'

church's relationship with the Nazi regime and frequent " complic­

tion, transcript request information,

ity" in Nazi action s . The volume contends that German churches

PLU's campus newsletter, Campus online. A new edition is posted each



z u '"


To check out these new pages, add the

Voice, is now published exclusively



II � I I I I I , t.


associate professor of history, is the co-editor

of "Betrayal: German Churches and the Holocaust" ( Fortress

and more.

played a far more important role in Nazi atrocities than has previously been documented.

Monday and a speciat "What's Hot"


section is updated daily. In addition,

GRAMS - /-inpr - Leorn about the wide

look for a campus webcom on Red

range of i nternational programs

software manual for the EVIEWS econometric analysis program

Square coming soon!

avoitable to students and see photos of

that will accompany the second edition of "Undergraduate

post students' experiences abroad.

Econometrics" (John Wiley and Sans, 2000). Reiman is also the

.COURSE - http://ecourse.p/u.eau (this

edition of Rudiger Dornbusch, et. al.'s "Macroeconomics"

is the complete URL)-eCourse is a new campus system designed to give faculty


associate professor of economics, is the author of a

author of CD-ROM and Java softwa re supplements to the eighth Reiman

(McGraw·HiII, 2000).

the tools to create and maintain course

t ,

information on the Web. tt has a wide

author of "Asymptotic Methods in

variety of tools that will enhance the

Quantum Mechanics: Applications to

traditional classroom experience,

Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei" (Springer,



professor of physics, is the co­

including threaded discussion groups,

2000), a volume in the Springer Series in

virtual chat and whiteboard features, a

Chemical Physics. Tang's book describes


course-specific calendar, an announce­

the general properties of wave functions,

Z ::I

ment boord, a digital drop box, and

with a specific emphasis on asymptotic

more. To view the system click the

behavior, or the way wave functions in the outer regions of


"Login" button at http://

atoms, molecules and nuclei behave.

c '" % .. ::I ... v


ecourse.p/u.eau, then tog in as a guest by clicking the "Preview" button.

Each book is available at the PLU Books! receive a 10 percent discount.




campus PLU's Sanl<ta Lucia festival marks 50 years


h is year's Sankta Lucia festival at PLU will be a m ilescone celebration in the hiscolT of the holiday festivi ties. The festival, schedu led for Friday, Dec. 1 ,2000, marks the 50rh anniversary

of the PLU event. "For one thi ng, we no longer wake students in the wee morn ing hours," says

Susan Young, Lucia fes t coordinacor and director of the universi ty's Scandina­ vian Cultural Center. "Instead, Lucia is crowned at a private, sas h i ng ceremony that takes p lace just mo ments before the event begins. Until that mo ment) no one knows who has been selected." At the 2000 festival, Lola (Murk) Gracey '54, PLU's first Lucia, will do the honors. Following the sashing, a candelight program takes place i n Lagerq uist Concert Hall. It includes singing, dancing and a special visit from Tomtr (the Swed ish Santa Claus). This year's celebration also includes a private brunch for p ast Lucia.� aDd their guests on Saturday, Dec. 2. In the early years, Young says, the Lucia program was sponsored by the SPURS,


sophomore student service organization. The Scandinavian C ultural

Center took over sponsorsh ip i n recent years and, i n 1 999, I KEA, the Swedish furniture s tore in Renton, Wash ., became an official co-sponsor. As part of this year's Lucia program, tbe Lucia tdg (attendants) will take part in IKENs add i tional Dec. 13 Sankta Lucia festival. " It's a wonderfu l program, a.i med especially at children," says Young. Reservations are required for the Dec. 1 event. It stares at 7:30 p . m ., and the cost is $5 for adu l ts, $3 for students, and children under 1 2 are adm i tted free of charge. Phone 253-535-7322 for reservations and i n formation.

mJ The 1954-55 luciO', Marlon ( hur ne R '58, is crowned by Erv Severtson '55, student body president, while attendant Kathryn Gulhaugen

'56 watches the ceremony. Tbe woman in the foreground ha.s not been identified.

PLU's frrst Lucia recalls early traditions


t 5:30 on a cold, December morning i n



group of female Swedish language

students were honored with a visit from

SaIlkra Luci a . \1(1earing a crown of candles, the white-robed saint scood at the door o f their

B u t, she says, "at 5:30 in the morning I was as welcome as the plague." She later replaced the early morning ri tual with an evening s morgasbord. On a trip to Sweden last spring, she brought back several bags o f brown beans, which i s a

Har, tad Hall dor m roo m carrying a plate of

popular s morgasbord i tem . "They taste be[ter

cookies and a pot of fresh-brewed coffee.

t!han the ones I can buy in Seattle."

The saint actually was Lola (Murk) Gracey '54. She had been chosen the universi ty's first San k ta Lucia only a few days earlier and was carrying out the age-old Lucia cuscom of the early morning VISIt. "It was fun co wake the girls up at that t i me," says Gracey. On Friday, Dec. 1 ,2000, the Scandina­ vian C ultural Center will mark the 50rh anniversary of PLU's Lucia festival. The first Lucia will take p art in this celebration. Born i n Stockholm, Gracey was 1 0 months old when her parents emigrated co the U.S.A. [n

1949 she enrolled at PLC to study music and Swedish. That year,E. Arrhur Larson, professor of Swedish, introduced the Lucia custom co campus and made the first crown. "It was my ScockhQlm connection t h at was a deciding factor in my selection as Lucia," Gracey says. A fter grad uation she married Ronald Gracey aDd eventually raised a fam i ly of six children. She and one of her daughters continued the Lucia custom with their \Vest Seattle neighbors for a few years.


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PLU sophomore is Miss Washington BY





i e rce County represen tatives have taken the M iss Wash ington crown three years i n a row. This year i t was o n e o f o u r own, Semmelle S hantae Ford, a PLU sophomore. The pagean t was held in Tacoma at the Pan tages Theater on July 1. This is the first time in the pageant's 39-year h i s to ry that i t was held i n Tacoma. Ford, 1 9, scored the h ighest marks in a gradi ng system that was divided 40 percent fo r a talent competition, 30 percent for swimsuit and evening gown competitions, and 30 percent for interviews with the judges. She devoted many weeks prior to the pageant to improving her public speaking skills, practicing her chosen song "Art is Calling for Me," and exercising six days a week, in preparation for the three-da)! competition. Ford spoke about "Mentori ng Yo u t h Thro ugh Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Ameri ca" d u ri ng her onstage inte rview. Ford was i nvolved with the organization, worki ng with a second-grade student from Jefferson Elementary School i n Tacoma. The 1 998 graduate of Tacoma's Wilson High School won an $8,000 college scholarship and will represent Wash ington state o n Oct. 1 4 i n the M iss America Pageant in New Jersey.

Surrol1nded by fellow contestants, Semmelle Ford celebrates her u"Owning as Miu Washington.

Admissions recruiter gets training at ROTC boot camp B Y G R EG B R E W I S

ive days i n boot camp were enough to give Brian M iller a new appreciation of what ROTC can do fo r s t udents, both i nside and o u tside the classroom. M i ller, a transfe r student recru i te r i n the O ffice of Admissions at PLU, learned firsthand how ROTC trains scudents to be leaders at Camp Challe nge in Fort Knox, Ky. "I personally benefited fro m learning what i t takes to b e an e ffective leader," M iller said. " I also saw that to be e ffective, cadets m ust be both mentally and physically stro ng." For the cadets the camp runs five weeks and is designed to give participants a taste of m i li tary l i fe. M i ller was i nvi ted to join in the s horter trai ning-oriented leadership sympos i u m in late June that i ncluded fac ulty and staff fro m schools aro und the country with ROTC u n i ts.

"My Camp Challenge experie nce made me a better transfe r coord inator and recruiter both for ROTC and PLU," M i ller said. A s i m ilar p rogram was h e ld locally at Forr Lewis, Was h., this su mmer. Pau l Menzel, p rovost, and Terry M i l ler, dean o f the School o f Nursing, attended the th ree-day 2000 ROTC Advance Camp fo r educators and academic administrators. Recently, the u.S. Army Cadet Command ranked PLU's 97-member ROTC unit first i n the nation among 270 battalions. The ranking was based on the llllmber of lieu tenants produced, rete ntion rate, cadet academic and tra i n i ng pe rformance, and number of students i n the p rogram. PLU's ROTC is also a recognized leader in ed ucatio nal fundi ng, award ing more than$1 m i l lion in scholarsh i p m oney each year, far exceeding the amo u n t given by other p rograms nationwide.

Brian Mjller on the three-rope bridg Challenge.

Stoa Scholarship honors memory of student ...

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n 1 958, three Pacific Lutheran College students tragically lost thei r lives in a car accident en rome to a L u theran Student Union convention i n South Dakota. This January Rev. Norris and Martha S to a established the M iriam Irene S toa Memorial Scho larship in memory o f their daugh ter, one o f the YOLUlg women who died in that accident. M i riam Stoa was born in 1 937, the Norris and Mcmha SIOQ

oldest of fo ur children. When she was 9 she read the Bible in i ts enti rety. She played the f1u te, earned many honors and h ad excellent grades in schoo!. She was a leader i n C hristian yo uth wo rk and was active at the L u therdale Bible Camp, held at Elk horn, Wis. In the fa ll o f 1 955 she enrolled at Pacific Lu theran College, where she was active in C h ris­ tian scudent affairs, the college band, SPU RS, and the college Chorale. During her j u n ior year, S toa served as studen t cou nselor and was a Ch ristian student l i fe leader. She hoped to become a parish worker and a Lutheran c h u rc h pastoral assistant. "We trust this scholarship in her name wil l, for many years, help several you ng people receive a

good C h ristian educatio n at Pacific LU[heran University," said the Stoas. Norris and Martha Stoa funded this scholar­ ship by contrib uting $50,000 through a PLU C hari table G ift A n nuity, a very popular life­ income gift veh icle among PLU donors, according to the PLU Development O ffice. The Stoas s t i pulated that the scholars h i p be awarded to L uthe ran students. One or two scholarsh ips of$1,500 to $3,000, will be made annually to a qualified PLU s tudent. Contributions to the Stoa fund are welcome. If you would like to learn more about the fund, the Charitable Gift Annuity, or any other life-income gift opportunity, please call Doug Page or Ed Larson at PLU's Development Office, at 253-535-8488, or 253·535-7177 or 1·800-826·0035.



Facing the job market with a multimedia portfolio


utting a resume on a CD is nothing new. PLU, however, has taken the idea a step further. It is called a Multimedia Digital Portfolio (MOP) and includes video testimonials, in addition ro a resume. "Companies that hire our graduates want evidence that they have the skills and abilities that enable them ro solve problems and help satisfy customer needs," says business Professor Thom Sepic. "In other words, that they possess the skills to perform up ro company expectations." He adds, "The MOP shows that our students are knowledgeable in the liberal arts and that they also underStand the importance of skills such as critical thinking, leadership, communication, team effectiveness and how ro m anage change. It shows that they have global awareness and discipli ne-based knowledge, and that they also h ave mastered technology." Sepic, whose background includes working as an employment interviewer for a national food service co mpany, knows what employers want. Working with Layne NOI-dgren 7 6 and Lindsay Tomac '98 of Media Se rvices, and Kirk Isakson, di recror of multimedia productions, Sepic explored ways ro demonsrrate ro prospective employers that a student is competent as well as '


knowledgeable. The MOP team also included PLU President Loren]. Anderson, education Dean Lynn Beck, arts Dean Kit Spicer, business Dean Don Bell, and education professor Matthew BatTin. A list of competencies (skill sets), used as a guideline for MOP content, was developed for the Schools of Business and Education. A set of mul timedia competencies was developed for s tudents who use technical skills in their P LU classes. "Ideally," continues Sepic, "as first year students work through the curricu lum, they will rate their classes against these competency guidelines and evaluate how their classes fit into the overall knowledge and skills they take with them when they graduate." Twenty-five students from business, educa­ tion and p hysical education took part in the initial workshop last fall. "During the year-long seminar, students learned to write scripts, videotape their assessors and create Web pages to h ighlight their competencies, each for a different audience: school dis tricts, corpo rations and graduate schools," Sepic said. At the same time, a multi media lab was assembled. "Since the April 14 opening, word about the project has spread and more students have asked about the process," Isakson says.

This summer, Sepic, at the invitation oOerry Berberet of the Association of New American Colleges, presented the MOP concept ro member institutions in Ithaca, N.Y. In addition, he pre­ sented the program at PLU's faculty fall confer­ ence earlier this month, "to start a cultural revolution to change the nature of the educational process at P LU," he says. "Engaging students in MOP projects early provides an activity around which to advance the cause of integrative learning at PLU, to advance a strong culture of assessment on campus, to support student technological competence, and ultimately to provide a major new roo l as students present themselves ro the outside world. This moves us further toward student-centered education where students are encou raged to actively engage in finding meaning and purpose in what they do," says Presid ent Anderson.

The MOP program logo

Designing PLU courses for the multimedia market BY


BISHUTI .... .. -

'00 demonstrates th� u�es of nlultlmedia software at PLU'� In April,

Gemma Closing the library

ew Internet-based companies are sprouting every day but finding people qualified enough to run them is not matching the speed of growth. Colleges and universities, like PLU, are graduating many specialists in computer programming and arc supplying enough of the graphic designers and Web developers required. However, graduates who specialize in both disciplines are hard to find, because the courses that would teach them these


new multimedia center, which opened


'multi-discipl ines' h ave h ardly been des igned yet. Bur P LU is taking a lead in meeting this need_ Using a grant awarded jointly by the Association for New American Colleges (ANAC) and the Hewlett-Packard company, several departments at the university are joining together to hold a seminar in late September to see what kinds of courses are needed ro educate the Internet-sawy professionals of the immediate future.

"We need some kind of blending between computer and art courses but so far we are not sure what shape this blending needs to be," says Kit Spicer, dean of PLU's School of the Arts. From the other s ide, George Hauser, c h air of the Computer Sciences and Computer Engineer­ ing Department, says that the Internet-related "jobs are differentia ting rapidly. Computer scientists were all that was required even five years ago to build an ebusiness on the Web but not anymore. Today the need is for \Veb designers and graphic anists who are also computer scientists and software engineers." Currently, there are three Internet-related jobs available for every student, Hauser says. Interested students are picking what they th ink they need from the available courses, across the curriculum, but there still isn't a conscious multi-disciplinary program to offer them, he explains. The proposed seminar will host academicians from other universities who are specialists in the arts, computer sciences, business, communica­ tions, theater, film, English and other disciplines, as well as people-including PLU alumn i-who are out in the field, working as graphic designers, film producers and film writers. They will come to campus to collaborate on evaluating the kind of integrated courses that are needed. The object is to prepare srudents with an understanding of how ro combine the d isparate media of text, so und (including voice and music), still photography and video in an artis tically viable way, using the digital media of computers and the Web. The emerging field goes by several names ranging from multi- ro new, digi tal, or nonlinear media. While the goal is to teach what is some­ times called visual lite racy, the skills also are clearly useful in the wider ebusiness market.

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B u t, except fo r a fe w states such as Kansas and

December 1 9 98, Oregon voters d, by a margin of 57 to 43


Alaska, which never sealed their records i n the first

percent, Measure 58, a citizen's

place, the Adoption Rights Movement has never

i n i tiative that permits adoptees over

won unimpeded access to adoption records. This

to access their o riginal birth certifi-

i s why Measure 58 is so h istorically significant. It

h i s torical perspective, Measure 5 8 is

was s uccessful by using the ini tiative process and

a daring new strategy in the Adoption Rights

by narrowing its d e mand to give all ad ult adoptees

Movem ent-a citizen's i n i tiative rather than a

ful l access to their original birth cerrificates, rather

legislative statute-and i ts success is unprec­

than to all adoption records. But it also trampled


on the rights of bi rth m o thers; i m m ediately afte r

Before the 1 9 50s, there was no Adoption Rights Movement because the records were open

passage, seven anonymous birth mothers, arguing that the i n i tiative broke the promise of secrecy

to adult adopted persons and to birth mothers.

that adoption o fficials made them decades ago

After World War II, adoption officials sealed the

and thus invaded their privacy, challenged its

records, fo r complicated reasons. In the afte rmath,

constitutio nality. For the next two years, Measure 5 8 wound its

the Adoption Rights Movement was born, fo unde d by a rwice-adopted, midd le-aged, ex-social

way through the courts u n til the Oregon S u p re me Court u pheld it and the U.S. Su preme Court, o n

worker named Jean M. Paton. Although she quietly built the movement, i t d i d not take off until the 1 970s when a n e w

J u n e 3 0 of this year, refused t o hear t h e case on appeal. With the passage of M eas u re 58, mom entum

generation of adoptees reached adulthood and fo und they were denied access to their records.

appears to be growing fo r s i m ilar i n i tiative

They demanded the right to know who they were

campaigns across the nation. A group calling itself

and to reu nite with their biological fa milies.

Washington State Open 2 0 0 1 is plannin g j ust

In the past 30 years, the Adoption Rights Movement has met with opposition and success.

E. Wayne C a rp and his book on t h e history of adoption .

sLlch a campaign fo r November 200 1 ; like Measure

this and the other speakers in the series. Professor Carp has been teaching American history at PLU for

58, it would open original b irth certificates to the

Opposition has come fro m unwed birth mo thers

state's ad u l t adoptees. If i t qualifies fo r the ballot,

who contend that ad option agencies promised

we in Washi ngton will also be given the opportu­

them secrecy at the time of relin quishment in

n i ty to decide these profound questions of

order to protect them fro m the stigma o f illegiti­

adoptees' righ ts.

1 4 years. He earned his Ph. D. from the University of California a t Berkeley i n 1 9 8 1 a n d is the allthor of the prize-winning book

A merican Political Culture, 1 775- 1 783" (University ofNorth Carolina Press, 1 984) and, most recently, "Family Matters: Secrecy and Disclosure in the History ofAdoption " (Harvard University

macy. S u ccess has come fro m state legislatures which have provided mechanisms, such as

This fall, history Professor E Wayne Carp will be among four

adoption registries and confidential i.ntermed iary

speakers in Pacific Lutheran University's Fall Lecture Series. He will

systems, that rest on the consent of both parties

speak about the Adoption RIghts Movement: the controversial effort

and rhus preserve the rights o f both.


Starve the Army at Pleasure: Continental Am!}' Administration and

by adopted people to gain legal rights to view their birth records and,

Press, 1 998). Carp also has written mlmerous artie/es on the history of adoption and edited a volume of essays titled "Adoption in History: New Interpretive Essays" (forthcoming from the University of Michigan Press) . He currently is writing a biography ofJean Paton,

thus, learn the identity of their birth parents. His talk is titled:

the founder and "mother" of the Adoption Rights Movement.

"Oregon 's Ballot Measure 58: The History and the FlIture of the Adoption Rights Movement. " 5ee the box below for information about

'" <>

< "" .. z .. U III

III .. > Z :::I z c ..

THURSDAY, SE PT. 28, 7:30 P.M.

THURSDAY, OCT. 5, 7:30 P.M.

MONDAY, OCT. 23, 7:30 P.M.

WEDNESDAY, NOV. 1 5, 7:30 P.M.

Scandi navian Cultu ral Center

Scandinavian CultLlral Center

Scandinavian Cultural Cenrer

Chris Knurzen Hall

(University Cenrer)

(University Cenrer)

(U niversity Cenrer)

(Un iversity Center)

Suzanne Rahn, associate professor of

Robert Gellately, professor ofholocaust and

E. Wayne Carp, professor ofbistory, Pacific

English, Pacific Lutheran Uniflersity

Jonathan Bush, professor oflaw, University ofTexas-Allstin

ge/l ocide studies, Clark University

Lutheran Uni l1el"silj'











In this inaugural Raphael Lemkin Fund


Rahn, director of the children's

Seve ral trials fo r acts perpetrated in the

Lecture at PLU, Gellately will present

Carp, aurhor of "Family Matters:

literature program at PLU, has

past decade in the fo rmer Yugoslavia

some of his stimulating work on the

Secrecy and Disclosure in the History

published widely and prominenrly in

have already been held and more will be.

scope of participant and citizen

of Adoption" (Harvard, 1998), is

children's l i terature, including "The

Trials for other areas of the world, too,

responsibiliry fo r selected acts of

widely sought after as a commentator

Wizard of Oz: Shaping an Imaginary

are imminent. Professor Bush, a

genocide in Nazi Germany. Gellately's

and speaker on adoption policy. The

World" (Twayne, 1998) and

Princeton, Oxford. and Yale educated

books include "Backing Hitler: Consent

recenr U.S. Supreme Court review of

"Rediscoveries in Children's Litera­

scholal' who has published widely on

and Coercion in Nazi Germany, 1933-

the constiturionality of Oregon's law

tLlre" (Garland, 1 9 95). Her presenra­

transnational law and legal history, will

1945" (Oxford, forthcoming) and "The

that gives adoptees the right to know

tion will focus on ethical questions i n

pursue some of the enduring qucslions

Gestapo and German Sociery: Enforcing

their birth-parenrs' identity has

and abour t h e Oz books, t h e Harry

about the conduct and basis of such

Racial Policy" (Oxford, 1990).

greatly i ncreased public awareness of

Potter series, and "The Hobbir."

trials since World War n. Does the

these issues. Carp will set the Oregon

history of such trials poinr to their

measure in balanced historical

fu ture solidification and expansion or

perspective and draw some implica-

will the Nuremberg precedents fade?

u C L





leadership and service Volunteering and involvement-you receive more than you give BY




' 8 7 ,


t the Q C l u b Banquet this spri ng 1 heard Q Club Board President Lee D awson '72 quote fro m the late Vice Pres i de n t

Emeritus Harvey Neu feld's ' 5 4 b o o k of essays "Travel in' W ith Harv." Neufeld wrote, "no i nsticu­ tion can afford to employ all the help needed to in terpret the sign i fi cance of i ts educational

services or to secure resources requ ired for its o peration. Therefore, our effecriveness as an i nstitu tion may well depend upon our ability to extend our outreac h through the involvement of others. Someone wisely said 'A man is not all of h i mself, his friends are the rest of h i m .'" At PLU, we have m any friends who are the " rest of us." As the world around us contin ues to move faster and faster every day, i t's often diffi c u l t to fin d enough time to maintain all o u r c o m m i t­ ments. Between work and fam ily responsibil i ties, there i .s often little time for any other involve­ ments. Yct a s mall i nvestment of time i n volunteer activi ties can often reap huge rewards. Consider, for i nstance, the i mpacr you make

Dan-en Hamby is one of several alumni and �taH who volunteered to clean a st..etth of SR S 1 2 near the PLU campus. He lives in Seattle and is the director of human resources at ZymoGenetiu, a biotechnology research company. He is a volunteer wilft the Admiuions Ambcu.sodor program and is Q past president of PLUS Business.

in another person's life as a l iteracy tu ror, as a food bank volun teer, as a career m en tor fo r a college s tudent, or as


youth counselor. Vol u n teering

ties, such as the class representative program; recogn ition programs, such as al u m n i servi ce

time for these and many other c o m m u n i ty

awards; alumni com m u n ica tions, including both

activities benefi ts not only those served, b u t ric h ly

written and electronic publications; and vol u nteer

rewards those who take the time to help. The PLU 2000 mo tto of 'Ed ucating fo r Lives of Though tful


I n q u i ry, Service, Leadersh i p" and Care' speaks

as a vol un teer with the u nivers i ty, whether yo u live

T here are many opportuni ties to be i nvolved

di rectly co the u niversity'S com mi t ment to

near campus or 3,000 miles away. You r help i n

volu n teerism and service. Seve n ty-ni ne percent of

recruiting p rospective students, organ izing a l u m n i

grad u ating PLU seniors have participated in a

events i n you r area, mentoring a student i n you r

c o m m u n i ty service p roject during their t i me on

career field, p rovid i ng an i n terns h ip, or helping raise funds for The Campaign fo r Pac ific Lutheran

cam p us. The A l u m n i Association offers a variety of

U niversi ty: The Next Bold Step, p rovides an

volunteer opportunities that benefit both alumni

i nvaluable service to the PLU commu nity and all

and c u r rent students. Th e A l u m n i Board's

those who benefit fro m it. Your efforts not only

committee structure focuses efforts p rimarily i n

help the rec i p ients, b u t also make PLU a s tronger

twO areas-programs and services, and un iversity

place to support you and fu ture graduates.

advancement. Commi ttee effo rts i nclude planning

Vol u nteering can be a very rewarding experi­

the Alumni College and other hfelong learn ing

ence. I encou rage you to consider how you can use

events; organizing special events, such as Home­

your skills and talents to benefi t PLU and the

coming and Connections activities; targeting

com m u n i ty around you. The Office of A l u m n i and

events for specifi c groups of a l u mn i ; hosting

Parent Relations can p rovide you with a variety of

events and p rograms for students; and s u pporting

volunteer opportuni ries.

al u m n i services. University advancement efforts i n clude student recruitment; fu nd-raising acrivi-

QII�m receive. LuleSaIUte Award Ueo 0tf0s0II '81 hoi bee" �nlzed wilh G lut.Salur. Awatcl by the Alumni BOord of DIIlIdot$ and the Offf'ce of Alumni and Paren! ReIotionl for he, oufltanding contrlbwlona to lit_ Alumni Assoc; io­ Han 0II01Qn S p»1 prl!lliclent of PlUS BlWftIISS, hos served 01 0 member of lite AIII lMi Board and currently serves on the Alumni Board s Special £vents Commlltee On tho! commItIH Usa COOrdinated the first OMUai Homecoming car.. rair java, Jabs and Jazz . 20'0 0 ALUMNI BOARD Rebecca (Nauss 74) Burad, Regent, San Fran c i sc o, Col if .


Capt. Poul Corlson '60, Muki lteo, Was h .


Phyl l i s (Grohn ' 5 5 ) Corwll, Lakewood, Was h . K i m Corbray ' 9 8 , Tocoma, Was h .

Alumni Board committees invite your parnClpao.On .



he Alumni Board at PLU is uniquely structured to provide many alu m n i with the op portuni ty fo r i nvolvement. Each of the elected m em bers of the board is responsible for chairi ng a commi ttee that works to provide alum n i with p rograms and services consistent with the board's m ission statemen t and goals. The structure of the A l u m n i Board is outlined below and members h i p is cu rrently available on most commi ttees. If you are i nterestC'd in learning more about specifi c comm i nee goals or getting in­ volved, p l ease contact the Office of Alumni and Par nt Relations at 253-535 -74 1 5 or 1 -800-ALUM­ PLU, or any of the board members.


President Vice President Board Adm i n i s trator Board o f Regents Rep resen tatives (3) PROGRAMS AND SE RVIC ES

Alumni Programs-Educational Alumni Programs-Special Events A l u m n i ProgramS-Affiliations A l u m n i Services Student Relations U NIVE RSITY ADVA N C EM E NT

Fund raising Student recrUl tment Recogni tion Vol u nteer p rograms Co m m u nications

Don Cornell ' 5 8 , U n i o n , Wosh. J o h n Feld ma n n ' 8 2 , Seattle, Wa sh . Koren (Deveney '92) Fruehauf, Champlin, Minn. Mike Fuller '94, Moorpork, Calif. Dorren Hamby '87, '92, President, Seattle, Was h , Dennis Howard '64, Eagle R iver, Alaska Beverly (T ranu m '55) Knutzen, Shelton, Wash. Sandra Krause-Olson '89, Spa naway, Wa s h . N i k k i Morti n 73 , M t . Angel, Ore. Brian Olson '83, Boise, Idaho Jeff R i ppey 7 8 , Regent, Portland, Ore. Susan ( H i ldebrand 76) Stringer, Regent, Bellevue, Was h .

ADVISORY BOARD David Aubrey, Vice President, Development a n d U n i versity Relations Kora Flehorty, Associate Di rector, Annual Giving/Q C l u b Lauralee H o g e n 75, 78, D i rector, Alu m n i ond P o rent Relotions Dorren Kerbs '96, Associate Di rector, Alu m n i , ond Parent Relations Jason Weber '0 1 , ASPlU President Laura Majovski, Vice President and Dean, Student life J o n i Niesz, Ad m i n i strative Assistant, Alumni and Parent Relatio n s

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he revital ization will focus on i nterior remodeling and expa nding the existing fou r classrooms, lecture hall and labora­ tory to n i ne classrooms, including two smart classrooms, a new amhropology laboratory, and the new Philip Nordq u ist Lecture Hall. Faculty o ffice space also will be renovated. Formerly the u n iversity Library, Xavier Hall, was built in 1 937. At the end of May, Xavier Hall residems boxed textbooks, memorabilia, computers and office fu rniture, in preparation to vacate the buildi ng. While the 63-year-old structure is gutted and remodeled d ur ing the next year, perso nnel o f the D ivision of Social Sciences will share quarters i n Eastvold with KPLU and the theater department. This spring, the Board of Regents authorized the s tart of the renovation. �!ork began in August and completion is expected by June 4, 200 l . Partial funding has been received from the Ben B. Cheney Fo undation ($ 1 00,000), the Florence Kilworth Foundation ($30,000), the Wil liam K ilworth Foundation ($30,000), and the Kresge Foundation ($500,000), and from several individual donors. The remainder will come fro m a l u m n i a n d friends of t h e university through the current Campaign tor Pacific Lutheran University: The Next Bold Step. The original co nstruction of Xavi er Hall was fu nded wi th donations from Pi erce Cou nty Lutherans, Tacoma residents and businesses, as well as a $ 1 0,000 donation from ). Philip Weyerhaeuser )r. Although not fully completed until the late 1 9405, the b u i l d i ng was dedicated i n May 1939.


' 937 and named for Jo"" Xavier, who was

-- -_._------

PLU pu!sidenl in

1 92.0- 2 1 .


Over the years, many " Lu tes" have been inspired by its ambiance-its wooden £1oors, the cathedral ceiling, and the handsome windmvs. In 1 9 65, however, a nell' l ibrary was needed. After M o rtvedt Library was ready for occ u­ pancy, the Division of Social Sciences moved i n to Xavier. Anth ropology, economics, h istory, poli tical

science , psychology, sociology and social work were housed there. For the past 3 7 years, h istory Professor Philip Nord q u is t '56 has had an o ffice ill Xavier. " Li fe's su rprises depend Oil the choices you make," he sai d, earlier this year. "I fo und myself hOLlsed in the b u i lding where I spent a lot o f my undergraduate years. At that time, I had no idea that i t would become my career." continued



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!nterio, of Xavier Hall Is gulted In preparation for extensJve remodeling.


page I I


Kresge F undation enge grant supports XaVler ren anon

conljnued from page


When the regents announced that more than

$ 1 m i llion had been raised toward the lecture hall 's renovation, they also said that it would be named in honor of Nordquist. "It wLlI be one of the most handsome rooms

$500,000 challenge grant from the

on camp us," Nordqu ist said. ''I'm honored to have

Kresge Fou ndation will help fun d the

i t namcd for m e . "

renovation component of the $5-million

"The b u i ld ing'S exteri or wi ll remain the samc

X avier Hal l i mp rovement projecr. "Thanks to the generous supporr of thc

map room and a lab

will be created fro m four existing c lassrooms and a

Kresge Fou ndation, we are able ro begin reb u ilding

lab. Xavier also will become accessible ro the

a landmark i n the core o f our cam p us that serves

d isabled. Skylights will be ins talled on the thi rd

the core of our curriculu m," said PLU President

noor and ' the rab b i t warren of officc.s' will be

Loren ]. Anderson. "Xavier Hall is more than a 63-

e l i m i n ated," said Ann Kelleher, p rofessor of

year-old srrucrure that wi ll be transformed i n ro a

poli tical science. Classrooms also will be re-wired

teaching faci l i ty appropriate for the decades

for com p u ter-based instruction.


" We're looking forward to a bright future,"

" I t is a fi tting first s te p in the cam paign to

she continued, "retaining the best of what we do,

ach ieve our vision for PLU's second cen tury. "

and adapting ro the new technology available.

The Xavier restoration is one of three building

"The build i ng will be transformed fro m i ts

projects that arc part o f the university's curren t

hisroric past," Kelleher summarized, "enabli ng us

S lOO-m illion Campaign for Pac i fi c Lutheran

to move toward a new level of academic q u al i ty

Univers i ty: The Next Bold S tep, that will enhance

and service ro the u niversity."

the endowment fu nd, strengthen the A n n u a l Fund

The Xavier revi talization com m i ttee is headed

and u pgrade facili ties. Eastvold Auditori u m also

by Bob Gomulkiewicz '83, chai rman, and by

will be resrored and reb uilt and a new Cen ter for

honorary co-chairs Phil Nordquist '56 and Barbara

Learning and Technology will be constructed.

Xavier Clark '40. Alumni and other friends of the

The Kresge challenge requires the un iversi ty

univers i ty who are i n terested in assisting them i n

to raisc the final S 1 .5 million n eeded ro fu nd the Xavier Hall project by J u ne 1 , 200 1 .


b u t nine new classrooms,

A section of Xavier Hall.

this i m po rtant project sho uld contact com m ittee staff l iaison B rian Hall, at 1 -800-826-0035 or 253-5 3 5 - 7 1 77.

Memories fXavier Hall: 'the wonderfUl light in the reading room" BY




' 5 6

h ave spent nearly 40 years connected to

of the Library ( 1 937-67) and Xavier Hall

Xavier Hall, fi rst when it was the Library and

( 1 96 7 -OO)--the mysteries

I studied history and political science there

d iscovered i n the stacks, the

and, then, in i ts classrooms and offices during my

wonderful light i n the

ten ure as a faculty m ember. I t has been a wonder­

read i ng room , lectures in X-

ful center fo r i ntellectual activi ty, poli tical

20 1 , conferences in offices

agi tation, making friends and decisions about

and hallways--will be

vocation and life.

generous i n the campaign to

First b u i l t in 1 937, the building has been down on i ts heels and as a result the activities that

prepare the building fo r the

go on there were more constrained than they should be. I hope all who have powerful m emories


Your gift in support of the Xavier Hall revitaliza­ tion project will inspire students and faculty and enhance the academic vitalit)' of the un iversity, by helping to maintain an architecturally distinctive facility that is central to the liberal arts core-the heart of the PLU curriculum.


Lecture hall (reserved)


Three faculty office wings

· · ·

38 faculty offices (three reserved) Anthropology laboratory (reserved) Two "smarr" classrooms (one reserved)


Sem inar roo m wi th bay wi ndow (reserved)


Two semi nar room s (both reserved)


Dean's o ffice s u i te


Map room (reserved)

For more i nformation on the p roject to

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renovate Xavier Hall, con tact the O ffice of Development at 1 -800-826-0035 or


253-535-71 77. �� -� ::J


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The old reodi

11)0m in Xavier Hall in 1 950, when it was the univers ity


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For the latest on Lute spor", call the PLU Athletic Hotline at 253-535-PLUI ( 758 1 ).

Five to be inducted into PLU's 2000 Athletic Hall of Fame BY



M ark Salzman, a coach and adm i n is­ traror at Pacific Lutheran Univers i ty fo r 1 7 years, will be one of five i ndividuals inducted i n ro the school's Ath letic Hall of Fame at a l u ncheon on Friday, Oct. 6, in the Univers i ty Cen ter. Ross Boice, Carolyn Carlson-Accimus, A l Hedman a n d Scott Wakefield w i l l join Salzman, who will be honored posth u mous ly, i n the 2000 class of i n d uctees. This year's gro up is the 1 1 th ro be inducted since the PLU Hall of Fame was first establ ished in 1 990. The public is invited ro the l u ncheon. Ticket p rices have not been set, b u t reservations can b e made through the PLU Athletic Department by calling 253-535-7352. H. MARK SALZMAN


Salzman was a PLU coach for 1 7 years and athletic d i rector for 1 1 years before illness fo rced his retirement i n the spring o f 1 968. He died i n 1972, at the age of 50. During his years at PLU, Salzman also served as the head track and field coach, assistant football and basketball coac h, and coordinaror of PLU's in tramural sports program. Under his d i rection, the plans for the construction o f PLU's Olson Audirori u m were developed. As track and field mentor, Salzman coached three national cham pi­ on5: John Frolllm '58, javelin 1 95 6-58; Hans Albertsson '65, high jump 1 962; and Vern Lagesson J javelin 1 964. Salzman was honored as the NAIA D i s rrict 1 Track Coach of the Ycar in 1 9 65 , and was a three-time NAIA Di strict 1 chai rman. I n addition, he was a member of the board of di recrors of the Tacoma Athletic Com­ m ission and the Pierce County Recreation Federa­ tion. After Salzman's retirement, P LU named an award in his honor ro be presented an n u al ly to persons making outstanding contrib u ti o ns to track and field in the Tacoma area. ROSS BOICE '7 1 FOOTBALL, 1 967·70


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Ross Boice came to PLU from Ferndale (\Xiash.) High School, weighing 195 pounds. 13)' the time he left the u niver­ si ty, he had earned n umerous aJ l-confe r­ ence and AU-America honors as a 6-foot, 3i nch, 245-pound offensive and defensive li neman . The Los Angeles Rams of the National Football League eventually drafted him. Boice was a twO­ timc all-conference selection as an offensive guard and defensive end, the o n ly player so hono red durin g those two seasons. Following his senior

season, he received All-America recogn ition on the Kodak, Associated Press and All-Lutheran College teams. Bo ice, a co-captai n, was the football team's M VP in 1 970, a year in which he also earned all­ d istrict honors o n both offense and defense. He was the winner of the schoo l's Jack Hewins Man of the Year in Sports award fo r the 1 970-7 1 school year. CAROLYN CARLSON · ACCIMUS ' 87 WOMEN ' S TENNIS, 1 984·8 7

The fi rst P L U women's tennis player to be i n d ucted i n to rhe school's Hall of Fame, Carolyn Carlson-Accimus i s also the o n ly Lute p l ayer to reach rhe round of 1 6 at the n ational tournament. As a senior, she compil ed a 25-7 record, playing No. 1 s ingles; captured the conference and district championships; and won fou r s traight matches a r nationals before finally losing one round short of the q uarterfi nals. Among her victims a r n ationals was the tournament's fift h -seeded player. Thro u ghou t her career, Carison-Accilllus was the L u tes' rop si ngles player and compiled an overall record of 8 1 -33. She won rwo district ti tles and fin ished second in rhe other tWO years. Carlson-Acci mus won the 1 986 con ference singles title with a perfect 2 1 -0 record. In addi tion to her singles success, she was a member of the confe rence and districr doubles champ ionship teams. S h e competed at the nationa .! tournament i n all fo u r years, reaching the fourth and th i rd rounds i n addition to her fifth­ round experience as a senior. AL HEDMAN '67, '69 BASEBALL, 1 964·67

At a time when PLU baseball wins were hard to come by, Al " Bomber" Hedman was consisten tly chalking up p i tc h i ng victo ries for rhe K nights. More than 30 years after he competed for the PLU nine, Hedman srill ranks second in career p i tching victories with 19, secon d i n career i n n i ngs p i tched with 244, and fifth i n career stri keouts wirh 1 60. H edman accomplished rhese o utstan d i ng career n u mbers d u ri ng a fo u r-season s tretch when PLU pla)'ed a total o f only 78 games. S i nce 1 975, PLU bas averaged almost 36 games per season. I n addition to h i s career n umbers, Hedman's eight victories against just three losses in 1 9 66 (when PLU won a total of o n ly 14 games) s tood as the school's single-season record un til ir was b ro ke n in 1 999. D uring thar same 1 966 campaign, Hedman chalked lip 85 i n n ings, seventh on the si ngle­ season l ist. I n addition, his 2.73 earned run average, during his senior season in 1 967, is eighth

best for one season among all PLU h urlers. Not only was Hedman an outstanding baseball player, he was a s parkplug guard on fou r Pacific Lutheran College basketball teams. SCOTT WAKEFIELD '76 SWIMMING, 1 973· 76

A three-time, first team All-American fro m 1 973 to 1 975, Scott Wakefield held the PLU record in the men's 400 individual medley for 23 years until i t was fi nally broken duri n g the 1 9 97 season. H is record lasted more than two decades desp ite subsequent ru les changes that allowed swimmers to go faster. Wakefield's school record rime of 4: 1 6.79 came during his natio nal championship meet victory i n 1 974. That same season h e placed fourth i n the 200 b u tterfly and was a member o f PLU's fifth-place 4 0 0 medley relay squad. As a freshman, Wakefield h ad an o u tstanding nationaJ meet, placing second in the 400 individual medley and t h i rd in the 200 bu tterfly. In all, Wakefield earned All-America swi m m ing h onors six separate rimes. PLU ' S ATHLETIC HAll OF FAME MEMB E R S 1 990 Marv Harshman '92, football and coach; Clifford Olson, coach ; Marv Tommervik '42, football and coach; Rhoda Young, athletic staff.

1 99 1 Chuck Curtis '59, basketball; Roger Iverson '59, basketba ll; Jim Van Beek '60, '69, basketball; Dianne Johnson '82, cross country and track & field; Earl Platt '4 1 , footba ll; Sig Sigurdson ' 4 1 , footbal l . 1 992 Ron Bill ings ' 5 5 , football, basketball and baseball; Don D'And rea '49, football; John Fromm '58, Track & field; Sterling Harshman '43, track & field; Gene Lundgaard '5 1 , basketbal l and coach.

1 993 Hans Al bertsson '65 , bas ketba ll and track & field; Elizabeth Green Finley '84, swim ming; Glen Huffman ' 5 3 , footba ll, basketball and baseba ll; David James, sportswriter; Dave Trageser '79, ten n is; Dr. Roy Virak, team doctor. 1 994 Doug Herland '73, crew and coach; El mer Peterson '49, footba ll; Kristy Purdy Armentino '85, cross country and track & field; Harry Mclaug hlin, basketball; Larry Green'76, footbal l . 1 995 George Anderson '43, football; Ta mi Bennett '79, swimming; Curt Gammell '66, basketball; Erling Jurgensen ' 3 9 , football; Eldon Kyllo '49, football; Steve R idgway '77, football; Mark Smith '75, track & field .

1 996 Evans "Red" Carlson '45, footba ll; Nina Larson '4 1 , women's sports pioneer; Earl Luebker, sportswriter; David Olson, administrator; Tom Whalen '66, basketball; John Zamberlin '79, football. 1 997 Diane Ban kson '82, mu lti-sports; Ron Barnard '78, swimming; Mark Cli nton '76, footbal l and golf; Tom Gilmer ' 5 8 , footba ll; Ki rsten Olson Wees '86, swimming; Blair Taylor ' 40, footbal l ; 1 947 football tea m . 1 998 Sonya Brandt '89, soccer; Valerie Hilden ' 8 8 , cross country and track & field; Scotty Kessler ' 8 1 , footba ll; Sara Officer, coach; Phil Schot ' 8 3 , track & field; Randy Shipley '74, track & field; Scott Westering ' 8 2 , footba ll. 1 999 Mike Benson '69, coach; Kerri Butcher Daniels '86, swi mming; Steve Irion '78, football and basebal l ; David Peterson '74, crew and coac h; Rev. Milton Nesvig ' 3 5 , meritorious service; Stacy Waterworth '87, soccer and softball .



lauralee Hage n '75, ' 78

D I U C TO . :


253-535 -14 1 5 FREE, 1 -800-AlUM- PLU

F A ll .

253-535 -8555

A D M I N I S T il A l l V E A S S I STAIIT:

Office of Alumni and Parent Relations Nesvig Alumni Center Pacific lutheran University Tacoma, WA 98447-0003

EMA il'


alumni@P/u.edu www.plu.edu/alum

A S S O C I AT£ D I Rt C T O R ,

Darren Kerbs



Jani Niein:


DoYOtl et'er get together with a group of)lour PLU f1-iends to share a meal, watch a ga m e, a tte nd a Christmas Festi val Concert or take a vacatIOn trip ? Your Alu m n i

and Pa ren t Relations stafllolN to hear about these g(lthel'ings and w e think others /Ifill too. When

spcci(1i OCC(l.iio1lS.

Plrase tell us about these times so that we

space permits, w e will h e happ)1 to print photos f1'o m some ofthese

share them with the )'eaders ofScene.

PLU GOLD clubbers meets in four cities

ost Coast alumni gather for summer On Satu rday, J u ly 1 5 , a s m a l l but enthusiastic group of PLU a l u m n i met at the home o f AI (' 59) and H i ldred ('601 D u n g a n i n A l l e n town, Pa . , for the a n n u a l PLU East Coast s u m m e r gathe r i n g . G r i lled ch icken breasts w i t h potl uck s a l a d s a n d desserts were on t h e menu, a l o n g with a lot of l a u gh te r a n d rem i n iscing about "what h a p pened w h i l e we were a t PLU . " Next year's event will retu r n to Gettysburg where they held thei r fi rst gatheri n g . All East Coast PLU a l u m n i a re enco u r· aged to attend as they would l i ke the g roup to g row. Matt Hoffman '98 (right) and Neil

Partain '9 8 unex ­ p ctedly ran into each ott.er in Newport, R.I., as they were both

attendi ng na val trai ning eJlercises. Matt is 01 Conc ordia Seminary in St. Laub, .tudying to be a Navy chaplain a nd Neil is at Tulane University Medical School in New Orleons, trainIng to be a Navy dador.

Nine Class of 1 972 women recently gathered at the Sun Rive r, Ore., home of Murk and Gerd-Inger

Mc Do ugall for a week e nd of re n ewal of spirl' a nd

friend ship and to celeb rate 450 callediv" yeo., of lifel Thoy said they are grateful to PlU


for providing

an environment wher strang friendship, can begin and to each other for the co m mi tment to mak e 'hem life-long I Pictured are: Karen Vance, fino art place­ ment, Bel/ewe, Idaho: Gerd-Inger (Gr�ersen) McDougall (Mark '72),

PLU Graduates of t h e Last Decade, known as the PLU GOLD C l u b , held events in Tac o m a , Seattle, Portl a n d , and Min n ea po l i s on the eve n i ng of S a turday, J u n e 24. The events were hosted by a l u m n i volu nteers . With strong i n terest expressed in future events, members of the A l u m n i Boa rd's Al u m n i Program s-Affil iations committee have a lready met to beg in p l a n n i n g for future events i n their a reas. I f you are i nterested i n j o i n i n g the pla n n i n g team in a n y of these fou r c ities or i n a nother a rea of the country, contact the Office o f Al u m n i a n d Parent Relations. At the FLU GOLD

On July 2 8-3 1 , 26 PLU a l u m n i , parents and

get-together in Minneapolis (front

friends experien ced the magic of the Oregon S h a kespeare Festival i n Ashla n d , Ore. Th a n ks to fantastic fellowsh i p , a perfect b u s trip, won derful plays a n d l ively d i scussion s - led by PLU h istory Professors G i n a H a mes a n d J . c . Mulchler, along with thespi a n Matt Orme '86a g reat t i m e was h a d b y a l l !

row, fro m left) Anna (Nelson) Halter '96, Kristin (Halllngberry) Ru '9 7, Kelly Crithfield '96, and (buck row, fTam hllt) Todd Holter, Dale Fruehauf, Ka ....n

"The Christion C hu rch i n AJ;ICI Minor " an 1 B -day tour

I Deveney)

Fruehauf '92, and Ethan

to b i blk a l and early church history

sitH in Turkey, is organ i r�d each April by Don ' sa and JoAnn '59 Comell. Out of t h i � year', gr-oup of 22 traveler. nine

Severson '97.

were PlU alu ms .

alumni gtoup i, pidured at .he Aescalepion (HospitClI) of Pergamum. From

Brenda Boxlt '92 and Tim

Swanson '92 were among alumni of

'58, Jon lester '58, Isabel

de<:ade who got together with

Watn es s '46, Luther Watness '49, RO$e Ann Scott '58, JoAnn

fellow clubbers 01 the Seottle PW


left. Don C ornell

'ho last

GOLD event.


middle school teacher, Jakarta, I n do ne si a; RobIn (G_rglll Gehrs (Pan

Alumni College 2000 visits Ashland festival


Mauri ne

Swanson '5 8 ,

' 73),

Rod Christiansen ' 5 7 and Esto Chri stiansen

elemontory teach"r, Solvang, Calif.; Karen ( Roberts ) Enh ..lder (Bob) pntgr'am manager, group home for teenas" boys, Helena, Mont.; Kathy ( Meyer) Hauge (Joel '73), elementary"


AppraJlimately 75 members ot the Q tlub took advuntage of the opparh,"ity to visil

the campU$ and enjoy an evening of IIJan Und..r The Stars." The jan c once rt, which featu red the CIiH Colon ,'0 1 ) Quartet, WO$ held in the amp hi th ater of the MClry Baker Runell MuSIC C..nter. This concert was just on.. of tt.e summer seri es, sponsored by PlU, KPLU, ond Starbuclu CoHee. Pictured ore (from left) Mike '73 and Diem.. WlUis,

teach.r, Vancouver, Wash.; Carol (Ch"stensan) Palm (Ake '72) substitute

leacher, Puyallup, Wcuh.; J eun ( Swanson)

Swanson ( Peter '70) elem ntary t" acher, MI. Veman,

and Pebbie and Leee

Wash.; Linda (Laken) Wilcox (Steve) part-time comm u n ity college instructor, Centr al i a, Wash.; and Molly (Stlien) Olbern ( Ze no n "Pete" 7 1 ) part-time bookkeeper, Gig Harbo r, Wash.

73 Dawson .

n c


20 1 0 Events

B i l lings, Mont.-Oct. 23

Family Weekend 2000 G rab your passport and pack you r

M i ssoula, Mo nt.-Oct. 24

s u i tcase fo r PLU's Family Weekend


Lute Sail Away! All aboard on

KaL Lispell, Mont.-Oct. 25


Mt. Vernon, Was h . -TBA

Nov. 3-5 fo r a weekend fi lled with

S p o kane, Was h . -TBA

activi ties for you and y o u r PLU

Homecoming 2000- 0ct. 5- 8 Adopt-a-Highway-Ocr. 2 1 Family Weekend 2000- Nov. 3-5 Chris tmas Festival CelebrationD e c . 1, Portland, O re . ; Dec. 2, 3, 8, Tacoma; Dec. 1 0, Seattle

s rudent. Enjoy the "Semester at Sea," taugh t b y

PLU facu l ty, and t h e

"Shore Excursions," featuring ports fro m around the world -· conve­ nientl y fo u n d on the

PLU campus.

You may even want to begin maki ng plans to particip ate i n the " Family Wee k e n d Variety S h ow." Ahoy!


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Fall fun

Thursday, Oct. S

� 14


RH \

8 p . m . , Olson Audito ri u m Friday, Oct. 6

R cJ. C. '/,I 'nion Breakfast 6:30-8 a . m . . Univers i ry Cenrer ·

tlJletTC Ifall ofFame Lllncht!oll I I a.m., Un iversity Center

'-I(JIll <cOt/wrg . Ipph

· ·


1 :30-5 p . m . ,Universi ry Cen rer Heritage Lecrure, 1 :30-3 p.m. Entertainment, 2-5 p.m. Java, Jobs and Jazz, 3-5 p . m .

/', • ulll' HOI�.I· I<CC('ptlon

4:30-6 p.m., PLU Faculty House

11Jet and Co>Jrel',


6 p . m . , Olson Auditori u m H 'm�Clnlll .g D


9 p . m . , Tacoma Landmark Convention Center

253-535-7480 fo r ticket i n formation




designed especially for Q!

C l u b scholarships provide aid for approximately one-third of PLU's students. This year, the Q Club Board of D i rectors set a goal to recru i t 200 new mem bers in 2000. This goal will raise well over$60,000 i n scholarsh ip aid. If YO ll are already a member of Q Club we need you to help us reach our goal of 200 in 2000! Come and enjoy the benefits of your membership and bring along a poten tial Q Club member. If you are not curren tly a member b u t wou l d l i ke to help s tudents attend PLU with the help of a Q Club Scholarshi p and enjoy the opportu n i ty to atte nd special events planned for Q C l u b mem bers, call 253-535-7439 or 800-25 8-6758. Call roday to reserve a space, mark your calendars and bring a friend ro the fol l owing fall events planned especially for Q Club members !

A nigh t of Lou isi ana and Jazz ! I n d u lge in a taste of New Orleans. From the Bayou, the restaurant which recently won the Puget Sound Golden Fork Award, serves Louisiana cookin' with soul. Join us a t 6 p . m . , at 508 Garfie.ld Street UuSt down from Harstad H all), fo r au thentic Caj u n cuisine, set i n the Bayou'S own unique, eclectic atmosp here. Fol lowing dinner, enjoy the sou nds of Park Avenue Vocal Jazz under the d i rection o f \X1ayne l3 l i ss. The concert begins a t 8 p . m . I n Lagerquist Concert H all. Seating i s l i m i ted, so reserve your space today! Bring a friend. D i nner and concen are just $1 6 per person.

Come c heer fo r Frosty and the defending NCAA D ivision III National Championship Lute football team as they take on the California L u theran Un iversiry Kingsmen. S ign up for the special Q Club section, wear black and gold, and come enjoy this annual kick-off classic. The game starts at

M ark your calendars for this annual Q C l ub tradition. This year's Q Club Christmas Concert begins at 4 p.m. i n Eastvold Aud i tori ul11. A. pre­ concert reception, in the beau tifu l ly decorated Scand inavian Cultu ra l Center, begins at 2:30 p.m. Watch for your i nvitation to arrive i n the mail and j o i n us in celebrating the holiday seaso n.


9 a.m., Sign-in a n d warm-up 9:30 a. m., Fun Run, Foss Field R .,

Friday, Nov. 1 0

Sunday, Dec. 3

Saturday, Sep. 9

aturday, O� . 7 ril l R,

1 :30 p.m. at Sparks Stad i u m i n Puyallup. Enjoy free refresh ments at h alf- t i m e ! Don't miss this chance ro catch the Lu tes in action.


BrlHl be

9:30- 1 1 :30 a.m. 1 95 5 and 1 960 Class Reunion Brunches U n i versiry Cenrer 1 9 54, '5 6, '57, '58 G e t Together The Haugens' on American Lake 1 980 NAIA National Championship Football Team Reun i o n Un iversity Cenrer Nursing A l u m n i B runch University Center Golden Club B ru nch 1 0- 1 1 :30 a.m., Gonyea House

Java,Jobs andJazz he second annual alumni career fai r, known as "Java, Jobs and Jazz," will be held in conjunction with Homecoming 2000. Sip some co ffee or cider, take i n the smooth sounds of PLU jazz, network with fe llow alumni, and mentor a cu rrent PLU sru dent at "Java , Jobs and Jazz," scheduled fo r Friday, Oct. 6, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Un iversity Center. Contact the O ffice of A l u m n i and Parent Relations to volu n teer you r time.

II ,,111 / SI//; /11 All' '1

1 0 a.m . , Pool ·ootb. 1/



Staying connected with us

If you are someone who has a "seasonal address" we would like to h ave that i n formation. Qu i te often we fi nd ourse lves scheduled to visi t one of the com m u n i ties where many of our alumni spend the ir win ter months and while we know you are there, we have no i dea how to make contact with you to extend an invitation to our gatheri ng. While we suggest that YOll use the Unite d S tates Postal Service Official !vlail Forwarding Ch ange of Address Form, which will allow you to temporarily change your address for up to 12 months, we wo uld also like you to record your seasonal i n formation with us so that we might contact YOll more qu ickly should the need anse.

Te nt- 1 2 :30 p.m.; G ame time- l:30 p.m. ( t!

flf I 950 Re •.." It1n Dt/w T

6 p.m., Universi ty Center Cf4


I , (()II


The Classes of 1 955, 1960, 1965, 1970, 1 975, 1980, 1 9 85, 1 990, 1 995 are meeting at the Tacom a Coun rry and Golf Club begi n n i ng at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 8 < '"


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Otlllllg \ . Or'. hip

1 0 a.m., M a ry Baker Russel l Music Center D" dfl' t,nll

tJ/ South II.dl

Choir of the West reunion in 200 1


o cele b rate the 75rl> anniversary of the Choir of the West, a reun ion i s planned for Homecoming 200 1 , on Oct. 1 2- 1 4. All Choir of the West alumni are i nvi ted to partici pate in a weekend of renewing friendships and reliving the experience. Pas t choir conductors will conduct rehearsals and a performan ce. More information will be mailed to past choi r me mbers later this fal l.

1 2 noon, barbeque I p.m., dedication and tours I /�' IHot' lis-IImO"lal Conce 'f

3 p . m . , Mary Baker Russell M u s ic Center iL·baeJ I',;ferson COt/ccrl

8 p.m., TBA

i nvited [0 jo i n them! Paren t Relations i working wi th the M usi Department and A FEA Tour Consultants t plan a companion trip to t he Ch ir of th West' Concert To u r of Scandina: . a. The rour is cheduJed [ leave Seanl on Wednes­ day. Ma 30. 200 1 , and return on Tuesday June 12 200 1 . The t ur includes visits and concens I n Bergen. Trondheim , and Oslo, Norway as well as . . . and you have been


ffie of Alumn!



tour will

weden. In addition. t he alumni

nd With a ferry cru15e t Helsinki Finland. If you are i n rerested in receiving m re information about th is exci t t ng pportu n i ty. con tact the Offie f Alumm and Parent Belanons b c t. IS as s p ace I l imited and kn Win of your i n terest will help u in our plann ing.

alumni class notes

1 930 Edna (Dagsland) Haneberg sold her home and moved i n to a new retirement home in Sa ndy, Ore.

1 935 Shi rley Savage Fadness died i n J u n e. She e n j oyed gardening a n d traveling a n d w a s a member of the Pioneers of Was h i ngton Association, Tr i n ity Lutheran c h u rch a n d Martha C i rcle. She married John Fadness in 1 93 8 and he preceded her in death in 1 976. S h i rley is survived by her daughter, Jenesi (Mike) Talbert; one granddaughter; and a sister, Marilyn (Savage) Clark ' 5 7 .

1 938 Howard and Eugenia (Spencer) Kvinsland celebrated their 60" wedding a n n iversary. They were married on J u n e 1 5 , 1 940, in Longview, Wash . , and have made their home i n Bremerton, Was h . , since their marriage. Eugenia retired from teac h i n g i n 1 97 2 and Howard retired as an a d m i n i strator in 1 974, bath from the Central Kitsap (Wash.) School District. Their c h i ldren, Jon Kvinsland ' 63 and Nancy Roesch '66, hasted the celebration. They have six g randchi ldren and three grear-grandch ildIen.

1 940 Arthur Herstad died on Nov. 9, 1 99 9 . After PLU, Arth u r graduated from the University of Wash i ngton in 1 94 2 and from the U n iversity of Oregon Medical School in 1 94 5 . He served his i nternshi p a n d residency at Tacoma General Hospital and went to work i n Bremerton, Was h . , i n 1 94 8 . H e served i n t h e A r m y a s a captain

during the Korean War and, followi n g h i s service, he warked as a general practitioner until his reti rement in 1 98 5 . Arthur was chief of staff a t H a rrison Hospital fram 1 972 t o 1 974, president of the Kitsap County (Wash.) Medical Society a n d chairman of K i tsap Physicians Service. H e was a member of Our Saviour's Lutheran C h u rc h , the Lions Club and the American Cancer Society. Arthur is su rvived by h i s wife of 57 years, Marguerite; a son, Tom; a daughter, Karen; a n d five gra n d c h i l d ren.

1 942 Melvin Sinex was named Auburn (Wa s h . ) Hom etown Hera an April 1 7 . He is a retired dentist a n d has served h i s community in many ways i n cluding as a member of the Auburn School Board, the Auburn Cente n n i a l Comm ission, a n d a s a 5 0·yea r member of the Kiwanis C l u b .

1 944 Astrid (Anderson) Mobroten died on Feb . 2 5 . She was a teacher for over 3 3 years in the Tacoma, East Stanwood and Edgemont schools. She married Elmer Mobroten i n 1 94 5 , who preceded her i n death i n J a n u a ry. They attended Mount Zion Lutheran C h urch, where they h a d met. Astrid was a member there for 75 years. Recently they had transferred their membersh i p to Pi lgrim lutheran C h u rc h . S h e is survived by her three daughters, Ingrid Ruble (Edgar J r . ) , Iral Toven '66, and Nadine Hanson '73 (Ross); seven grandchil· dren, including Michelle Hanson '01 ; a n d twa great.gran d c h i ldren .

1 95 1 Walter Braafladt i s the new music d i rector at Cordova (Calif.) Presbyte· rian C h u rc h . After PlU, Walter received a master's degree in



education fram C a l i fornia State U n i versi ty, Sacramento, and a master's degree in music composition from the University of Washington. H e is a reti red music teacher from the San Juan a n d Sacramenta school d i stricts and i s a n accomplished m u s i c i a n , playing several i n struments. Wa lter's wife, Jean nette, i s also a farmer San J u a n school district teacher and i s c u rrently on organi s t at t h e Celtic Cross Presbyterian C h u r c h . They have three adult c h i ldre n .

Dale Hansen i s a retired high school counselor and c i v i l engi neer.

1 952 Mary Bradbury d i ed o n May 2 . She was a reti red teacher from the Edgemont and H i l l top schools. Mary l ived in Sum ner, Wa s h . , a n d was a member of S u m ner Presbyter i a n C h u r c h since 1 9 1 9 . She was preceded in death by her son, Robert; and is survived by two gra n dc h i ldren.

Donald Reiman, former Q Club president/di rector died a n April 2 3 , 2000. R e i m a n graduated from the School of Busi ness and was a steadfast supporter of Pac ific Lutheran Un iversity. As Q Club charter members, Don and his wife, Janet, have been com m i tted to the m i s s i a n of Q Club a n d the future of PLU for many years. Don a n d J anet are parents of three children, Mark '79, Laura ( Rothenberger) '77 and Matthew.

1 953 Barbara (Carstensen) Thorp died on April 1 8 . After PLU, Barbara ta ught second grade i n the Franklin Pierce (Wa s h . ) School D i strict for over 20 years. She was a member of Tri n i ty Lutheran C h u rch and gave m u c h time to Tri n i ty's "Food Pantry," helping those in need. Barbara and her husband of 4 7 years, David '53, en joyed trave l i n g together. S h e is survived by her h u s band; daughter,

Deanna Nowadnick '76 (Ku rt); son, David Jr. '81 (Chri sty); and four grandc h i l d re n . Beverly Bancroft i s t h e d i rectar o f curricu l u m a n d i n struction tec hnology i n the South Redford School District i n Redfard, Mic h . , a n d a n i ndependent consultant. She continues to i m plement Effective Schools/School E ffects research i n to schaols and d i stricts.

1 954 Luella Vig Hefty and Fra n k Edwards were married o n J u n e 24 i n I nc h e l i u m , Was h . -------1

1 955

Don Gaarder retired early after 3 0 years a s a Lutheran pastor and went to work with Woodman Accident and Life. He recently sold h i s busi ness to Bank We st but w i l l continue with them, pa rt-ti me, a s a consulta nt. Don serves as president of Central South Dakota life Underwriters. He also spends much time as a vol u n teer with the developmentally d i sabled as vice president of Oahe I n c . and secretary­ treasurer of the Association for Retarded C h a pters. His wife, Alta (Prestbye ' 5 5 ) , is in her second year of reti rement from tea c h i n g . S h e serves as president o f the Pierre area Retired Tea chers Association. Alta enjoys stitch ery, q u i lting a n d yard work. T h ey bath en joy ti me-share traveli n g , their daughters' families a n d grandsons.

1 956 Elwood Rieke retired from parish m i n i stry i n the fall of 1 99 9 . He is now l iving i n laCrescent, M i n n .

Carol H intze a n d Mildred Brammer, along with eight others, traveled to I n d i a and Nepal in November. They looked for tigers but i n stead found many temples and a fire-eater. They also flew in a small plane to view Mt. Everest.

1 957 Beverly (Smith) Stump i s e n j oying her grandchildren during her retirement. S h e spends six weeks of the year in Hawa i i where she also s i ng s in a Hawa i i a n ch urch choir.

Yvonne Deitz retired i n J u n e, after 40 years of teaching in the Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, public school syste m .

1 958 Thomas Reeves will b e a guest speaker a t a conference sponsored by the University of I l l inois at Ch icago in October. T h e conference, on the Modern Presidency: FDR to C l i nton, will be held th ree weeks priar to the 2000 presidential election. Thomas is a prafessar of history at the Univers ity af Wisconsin, Parks ide.

1 960 Rosalie Zehm d ied a n J u ne 1 6. In addition to atten d i ng PLU, Rosalie also went to the Lutheran Bible I nstitute and Eastern Wa shi ngton Un iversi ty. She taught i n the E p h rata (Wash ) School District far 2 4 years. Rasalie loved to travel and her many trips i n c l uded the Holy Land, Germany, Alaska, Hawa i i , a n d throughout the continental U n ited States. She is survived by a s i ster, a brather, five n i eces and nephews a n d two gra n d n ieces and o n e grand­ nephew.

1 962 Charles Zuber is i n h i s seventh year of teach i ng technology at S t . louise Parish School . H e previously taught in the Bellevue [Wa s h . ) School D i strict for 32 years.

1 963 Joanne (Chalk) Uppendahl retired in June after serving with the C h i ld Guidance C l i n i c si nce 1 9 8 6 . S h e plans t o return t o private practice in the fa l l .

PLU Connection brings tutors to remedial students in Puyallup "We are highly accountable to ottr CommU1J ity and see amazing, docu men table results in our Iuds. " PAM NELSO'l

lementar}' school teacher/cou nselor Pam Nelson '78, '83, '90 attests to the benefi ts o f her connection with PLU. Two },ears ago she needed remedial read i ng tutors for abou t 80 childre n at the Wildwood School i n Pu},allup, Wash . With the assis tance of eight P L U studen ts, including Erika Hedeen '99, Shannon Rollo '00, and the HOSTS program (Helpi n g O ne S tudent To Succeed), Nelson reports major i mprovements in her students' read ing abi lities. To continue the momentum, she's recruiting more PLU volunteers. "HOSTS vol u n teers are paired one-to-one with the K-6 remedial students," she sa}'s. Vol u nteers are trained in an eas}'-to- fo llow fo rmat. Each child receives 3 0 m i n u tes of tutoring, Monday through Thursda}'. Mentors can serve fo r as l ittle as half-an-ho ur to all da}'. Fo rmer tu tors have come from the School of B usiness, from social work, and the School of Ed ucation. S u p port also has come from a group of future teachers, i ncluding Kim C u n n i ngham '01, whose own children have benefi ted from [his program. Cunningham's daughter, Corrina M ue ller, who i s a fifth­ grade student, has given up her second period recess all },ear to mentor fel low studen ts . C u n n i ngham'S son, I an M ueller, is a s tudent in the remedial reading program and "has grown i n h i s proficienc}'," sa}'s h i s mother.

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Pam Nel.on (left), and Shonnon Rollo (right) proudly $hare Ashley Coe's moment of grvduation from her fifth-grade itudies with the HOSTS program.

This p rogram, Nelson continues, "is a great place to serve in stewardship. We are h ighly accou n table to our comm unity and see amazing, documen table res ults in o u r k ids." HOSTS is a national, remedial reading program , based in Vancouver, Wash . PLU s tudents who are i nt erested in the p rogram may contact Nelson, during the school year, at 253-435-6702 or b}' emai l at pnelson@JpIIJlallup.k12. wa. us.

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alumni class notes

.The lure ofPLU's Study Abroad Program continues


Ulf. Tunnell (bock) prepares to make a 340-foot bungee lump du ri ng her odvenfure in New Zealand.

Jon Molmin was elected president of the Peninsula (Wash . ) Educati on Association for 2000-0 1 . H e w i l l take a leave from teaching t o fulfill this role.

1 965 Albert Perry d i ed on May 9. After PlU, Albert served in Vietnam and reti red as a maior from the 6 2 5 0'" U . 5 . A . R . Hospital. He then returned to PlU and worked a s the d i rector of financial aid for 2 0 years before going to Northwest C o l l ege where he retired as a computer programmer. Albert is surv i ved by hi s wife, laurie; and sons, Todd, Tracy, leif and O l i n .

Sandra (Fredekind) Hansen and George Raker were ma rried on Feb. 1 2, at Pilg r i m lutheran C h u rc h i n Puyallup.

1 967 Frank Spera has retired i n Stuart, Fla., after 33 years in New Jersey public educati o n .

1 968 Andy Aadland h a s a new position as commanding general of the U . S . Army Maneuver Support Center and as commandant of the U . S . Army E n g i neer School in For t leonard Wood, Mo. This i ncludes a pramotion to the rank of maior genera l . H e was previously brigad ier general and d i rector of Officer Personnel Management with the U . S. Army Personnel Command in A l ex andria, Va.



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Jill Lange Peterson was a finalist in t h e 2000 TOP (Teacher Outstand-

i n g Performance) competition i n the Anoka H e n nepin (M i n n . ) School District. There ore 2,500 teache r s in the d i strict.


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1 969


Rich Slatta r eceived the 2000


Lon n i e and Carol Poole Award for Excellence in Teach i n g from th e College of Humanities a n d Social Sciences at North Corol i n o State U n iversity. This i s the college's h i gh e s t teac h i ng honor. Rich is on leave for the fall 2000 semester to complete two books.


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Curt Pearson reti r ed from the U . S . A i r Force a s a co l onel i n t h e Medical Service Corps. He served nearl y 3 0 years as a hosp i t a l a d m i n i strator i n m any, worldwide locations. H i s last assignment was a s the a d m i n i strator

t was tbe S tudy A b road Program at PLU that fi rst started my imercst in traveling. from the time I submitted my appl ication to attend PLU, [ knew I wamed to be part of the Study A b road Progr::tm. [ chose a p rogram in London because I was unsure a b o u t learning a new language, but later realized that I had missed out on a great opportunity to do some i n tens ive language study. My time i n London that semester and travel i ng th rough Europe both befo re and d u ring my semester abroad taugh t me how to travel and that traveling was an in tegral part of my soul. I learned that travel i ng n o t only expanded the bound­ aries of my knowledge, b u t expanded me as a person as wel l. From that moment fo rward, I never fi nish a trip without planning my next advemure abroad. To date I 've explored 2 6 coun tries a n d i t won't be long umil m y list tops ove r 1 00 differen t exotic locales. Most recen tly I finished a comract position with a h igh­ tech company and took the next s ix months to travel solo through Southeas t Asia, Aus t ralia and New Zealand. The 1 0 coun tries I visited were magn ificem and as amazing as they

o f the A r m e d Farces Radiobiology Research I n stitute i n Bethesda, Md . Curt is married to Svea (Swanson '70) and they have three children, Eli, Erin, a n d Brito. T h e i r retirement home is i n San Anton io, Texas.

1 97 1 Cathy (Corn) Dormaier and her hus band, Den ny, have recently moved onto three acres with a bea utiful v i e w of M t . Rain ier i n Enumclaw, Wash. S h e has been o n educator for 29 years, the last seven as a school p r i n c i p a l .

1 972 Phyllis Lile Krage d i ed on Morch 3 . S h e retired i n 1 99 1 f ram a

teach i ng career a t Edgemont a n d Ballou J u n i or High School in Puyal l u p , Was h . She had remained active i n her c h u rc h , devoted to C h ristian education and the choir. Phyllis is survived by her husband, W i ll is; a s o n , Tom ; a daughter, Vicki; and four grandc h i ldren . For those of you who d i d n ' t make i t to the reception because o f the cattle car turn i n g over, the marriage h a s lasted I Ron and Phyllis (Weaver) Jacobson celebrated their 25,1, wedding a n n i versary o n May 1 0. Phy l l i s h a s had some relief from Ron's pranks as the burden has fal l e n on the i r daugh ter, C h ristine, 1 7, while their son, Mork, 20, a j u n ior at Washington State Universi ty, has escaped for now. Ron does a lot of h i k ing with anyone who will iOln h i m . Phyllis en ioys her bird feeder in the backyard and makes baskets.

1 974 Dan a n d Wendy (Wilcox ' 7 5 ) Neptun l i v e i n Pembroke Pines, Fla., where Wendy is wa r k i ng o n a ma ster's degree in n u rsing Ifamily n u rse practitioner) through a d i stance education prog ra m a t the State U n iversity of New York at Stony Brook. Dan received a moster's degree in m i l i tary history, economics and strateg i c planning from the Naval Wor College i n Newport, R . I . , i n June 1 99 9 . They have three sons; Beniamin, graduated from Cumberland College, Willi amsburg, Ky., on May 6 ; Kenneth, completed his sophomore year a t the U . S . Naval Academy in A n n a po l i s, Md . , and hopes to attend flight school to become a Navy pilot after he graduates in 2002; and Donald, a i uniar in high school with plans to attend college where h e can major

in music and computer science and ploy lacrosse. The Neptuns are members of St. Paul lutheran Church in Weston, Fla. Dan i s treasurer of a Boy Scout Troop and Wendy is "band nu rse/chaperone" of the Flanagan H i gh School marc h i n g bo n d . They hope to heor from thei r PlU friends.

William Rudalph's daughter, Kerry, g raduated from the College of William and Mary in Virg i n i a . S h e i s a consultant in Washington D . C . H i s , a n . Ehren, i s a i u n i or a t the Un iversity of W i sc o n s i n , Madison, and a research assistant o n t h e d i abetes research proiect i n t h e department of biochemi stry.

Linda Beattie Inlow i s a n author.

She writes about her vocat i o n , w h i c h is counsel i n g and teach ing, and her hobbies, ra i s i n g llamas and other unique animals and making soap. She has a new book, "Becoming Me: A Journey Towards SelfDi scovery for the C h i ld, Adolescent and Adult." Her f i fth book, "The Odd lot: Rais ing Unusual A n i m a l s , " w i l l be available this w i n ter.

1 975 James Fladland recentl y moved to

W i l l i a msport, Pen n . , where he is the pastor of St. luke lutheran Churc h .

1 976 John Bennett is the l i b e rtarian candidate r u n n i ng for the sixth congressional seat i n Was h i ngton state. He i s emphasizing a return to government l i m ited by the Constitution. www. ben nett4congress.com

1 977 Connie (Burau) Brewington a n d her h u sband, C ra ig , moved to Oregon, where Craig h a s a new pos ition as superintendent of Warrenton P u b l ic Schools. Con n ie is substitute teaching while p u rsuing a full-time teac h i ng job.

1 978 Correcting i n formation in the Spring 2000 Class Notes: Edythe Marsh Marshall was promoted to the position of nurse c l i n i c i a n on the ICU/CCU/CPU surgical step-down telemetry u n i t a t the Mount Diablo campus of the J ohn Muir, Mount Diablo Health Care System in Concord, C a l i f . She has bee n with the hospital si nce 1 9 82 and has focused on cardiovascular patient care for the post five years.

were diverse. From gra�� huts i n I nd onesia to toweri ng h igh­ rises i n S ingapore to coral beds deep i n the sea, I got an i n s ight i mo t h e cu ltures of Asia. True to fo rm, while in So utheast Asia I started as king people I was travel i n g with abo u t any traveling they had done i n South America. By t h e time I boarded the plane to go back h 0 111e to my boyfriend, he and I had outli ned a two-year trip through South Amer,ica. I t will take at least a couple o f years of saving and p lanning before we're ready to go, but on slow days at the office I can gaze Out o f the window, feel the heat on the d i rt roads and hear the salsa music in the backgrou nd as I slowly sip a sweaty, salty margari ta. As I return to reali ty I know t hat, as much as the far-o ff reaches of the world call my name, Seattle wi l l always be my home. After each adventure I return to pick u p my l i fe again with sim ple luxuries like my warm bed, s it-down toilets and wo nderful friends.


1 979 Mark and Ingrid (Johannessen) Albee's oldest son, H a n s, completed h i s first year at Dortmouth Colleg e . Their youngest son, Peter, completed h i s freshman yeor of h i g h school. Mark i s s t i l l managing farm and wood lot for the C h ewonki Foundation a n d I n grid i s t h e health care coordi nator. The Albees l ive in Wiscasset, Ma i n e .

Nancy Meader d i e d o n O c t . 2 2 . After PLU, Nancy earned a moster's degree i n developmental psychology from the U n iversity of Ma n c h ester, i n England, as a Rotary Scholar. S h e w a s a m a n a g e r of tra i n i ng a t the U.S. Environmental Tra i n i n g Institute, a member o f the Friends of the Notional Symphony Orchestra and the National Presbyterian Ch urch i n Washington, D . C . , and she vol u n teered with Habitat for H u m a n i ty. Nancy's interests incl uded travel, camping , h i k i ng , genealogy, and gourmet cooki n g . She i s s urvived by her parents, Robert and Delores Meader, a n d a sister and brother.

1 980 David Pierce h a s a new position as d irector of development of the la Jolla (Calif.) C h a m ber Music Society. H e h a s lived in San Diego si nce 1 9 8 6 a n d was previously the development c oordinator of Vista H i l l Foundation for n i n e years. H e h a s also worked as an editor at Harcourt Brace publis h i n g .

1 98 1 Judy (Smith) Campbell and her h u s band, Tom , announce the b i r t h of Anno l u i s a , a n May 3 1 . She i o i n s Ste p h a n i e E m ita, 2. Judy owns C a m pbell Consulting , a p u b l i c relations and recru iting company with c l i ents i nc l u d i ng StairMaster and lucy.com .

Kriste (Krahmer) Eros and her h u s band, Terry, announ ce the birth of twi n s , Katherine E l i zabeth and N icholas Jayson, on June 5 . Kriste i s a h u m a n resource manager at Intel Corp. i n H i l l s boro, Ore.

Susan (Vaughan) Moshofsky and her h us b a n d , Brett, announ ce the bi rth of Reed William, on Dec. 1 4 . He i a i n s Rachel, 1 1 and Rya n, 5 . They reside in Portla n d, Ore .

1 982 Jean Johnson and Rick DeWi� were married on Oct. 9 . Jean is a substitute teacher and the organist, p i a n i st and choir d i rector a t Shepherd o f t h e Vo lley church i n Maple Va lley, Wa s h . They reside in K i rk l a n d .

Lynn Bandy-Gross graduated from the physician ' s assistant program at t h e Un iversity o f Washington Medical School i n August 1 99 9 . She now practices family medicine in Maple Valley, Wash.

Jane Kinkel a n n o u n c e s the birth o f Hannah, on March 2 1 . Jane is the college relations specialist at Amazon.com i n Seattle.

Julie Ertel i s a kindergarten teacher i n a North Gresham (Ore . ) Grade Schoo l . She has three sons; C h ri s , 1 5 ; Jacob, 1 3 ; and Nick, 1 2 . They o�end Easth i l l F o u rsquare Church where J u l i e i s active in the wors h i p m i n istry.

Scott Ellerby was elected managing portner of the Seattle law f i r m , Mills Meyers Swort l in g , where his practice emphasizes real estate low and commerc i a l transactions a n d l i tigation .

Guy E l lison is a Lutheran Brolhe rhoad d i strict representati ve with the Great Northwest Agency i n Sea�le. H e recently earned members h i p i n the fraternal benefit society's President's C l u b . Only 1 1 percent of representatives nationwide qualify for membership i n this c l u b .

Janet (Smith) Cooper a n d her h u s b a n d , Anthony leo, a n nounce the birth of Madeline Eloise, a n April 2 0 . She iains Jane R achel, 2. They reside i n longview, Wash.

Maria (Meyer) Mord was featured i n the Contra Casta Times, a San Francisco Boy Area newspaper, on May 6 . The artic le told of the chal l enges she has faced and how she overcame them with grace and courage. Mario was widowed i n 1 99 1 when her h u s ba n d , Carl Johnson, was k i lled i n a work-related helicopter occ ident, leaving her with a daughter, Karin , who was a toddler a t the time. I n 1 997, Moria married Radney Mord. She cont i n u es working as a nurse and was recen t ly promoted to the position o f n u rse case rnanager of cordiac rehabil itation services a t Mt. Dia blo Hospital in Concord, Cal i f They l i ve i n lafayette.




1 983

Tanna (Bahadursingh) Forbes a n d her h u s b a n d , Raymond, a n n o u n ce th e b i rth of Raymond deVere, on Feb. 1 4 . To n no is a regi s.tered n u rse w i th Mercy Heolthcare in Sacramento, C a l i f. Carl Bjornstal completed h i s t h i rd season as the assistant g i rl ' s fostpitch coach at Prescall H i g h School. He was previously a n assi stant at t h e U n iversity of Wiscon s i n , R iver Falls, for s i x seasons. John Lesko has been chosen as the next principal of his alma mater, DeSales Catho l i c School in Walla Walla, Wash. He currently teaches social studies, moth and rel igion, heads the school's religion department, is the athletic d i rector and coaches golf. He was previously on assistant principal, m iddle school coordinator and h el d various coaching posi ti on s . The Wa lla Walla U n ion-Bulletin quotes him as saying, "The k i d s are going through a j o u rney, soci ety throws a lot of stuff at k i d s q U i c kly. We have to educate them the best we con, and a l so g ive them the faith formation to make the best dec i s i o n s they can." John and h i s wife, Rosalie, have one c h i l d , Mal l i . Dave Coltom i s a Lutheran Brotherhood d i strict representative with the Great Northwest Agency i n Sealile. H e recently earned members h i p in the fraternal benefit soci ety's Executive C l u b . Only 1 4 percent of representatives nationwide q u a l i fy for m e m bers h i p i n t h i s club. Jeff Eastby received a master of pu bl ic admini stration degree from the Un iversity of Wash ington on June 9. He also received on accompany­ ing certificate of study in global trade, transportation, and logistics. On June 1 , he was promoted to the position of transportation officer a t the Defense Contract Management agency office i n Bellevue, Wa sh . Mike McNamara left the A ir Farce alter five years as chief of orthopaedics at E l mendorf Air Farce Base in Alaska . He is now i n private practice in E verett, Was h . , as a h a nd a n d upper extre m i ty su rgeon . He a n d h i s wife, Joanne, live i n Snohom i s h . Richard Carter i s th e new superintendent in the Walla Wallo (Wa s h . ) School District. He was prev iously the superi n te n dent in the W h i te Salmon (Wa s h . ) S c h ool Di strict. H i s career has taken h i m from teaching i n Austra l i a alter ea r n i n g a bachelor ' s degree i n education a t C a l i fornia State U n i versity, C h i co, to a one-roam schoolhouse an a mountai ntop near Tucson, A r i z . , before moving to the Olympic Peninsula, where he was a part-time teacher and playground supervisor. Richard came to PLU where he earned a master's degree i n administration and then went to Seattle U n iversity where he completed a doctorate degree before ta k i n g h i s first superintendent's j a b i n the 2()0-student Carbonado (Wa s h . ) School D i strict. R ichard a n d h i s wife ' No ncy, h ave two ch i Id ren . Karstin Weik and Matt Kl iewer were married on J u n e 1 7 at St. Luke's Lutheran C h urch i n Federal Way, Was h . Karst i n i s a fifth-grade teacher in the A u burn School District and Matt works at Boeing Ca.

1 984

Tracy Gayle and her band, W i ldflower, recently produced a Christian music C D . I nc l u d ed are a few alternative-rock style songs written by Tracy. The group showcases their material at clubs and coffeehouses around Las Angeles. Don Gaines was recently invited to join the board of the Independent College s of Washington. He is the treasurer of Puget S oun d Energy. Mark Christofferson and h i s wife, N a nelle, a n n ounce t h e birth of

Thea Fern, o n May 3 0 . She j o i n s Mallhew, 3 .

the Grays Harbor (Wash . ) P u bl i c Uti l i ties D i strict i n December.

Ann Thielke has a new pos it i o n as associate allorney of health law at Strasburger and Price i n Houston , Texas. She received her law deg ree from Ohio State U n iversity in 1 99 8 . The f i r m of Strasburger and Price h a s l o w offices i n A u s t i n , Dallas, Houston, a n d Son Antonio, Texas, and Mexico C ity.

Susan Callahan and her h u sband ' Dan, annou nce the birth of Grace Callahan Sewel l , on March 3 0 . Susan i s a teacher i n t h e Montgom­ ery Cou nty Public Schools in Was h i ngton, D . C . , and Dan is a medical doctor.

1 985

Melanie (Steen) Billingsley and her husband, Terence, announce the birth of their daughter, Makenna Finley, on March 3 1 . Carol Politte has a new position as on i nformation technology recruiter at Macrasearch i n Bellevue, Was h . She was previously a t Puget Sound E n ergy for I 3 years where she gai ned experience i n information systems a n d commun ications project management. Bonnie Koenig received a master of arts deg ree in acupuncture a n d ariental med i c i n e from the Oregon College of Oriental Med i c i n e . She is l i censed by the state of Wa shi ngton to practice traditional C h i nese medicine and has opened a practice in her flame in Vancouver, Was h .

1 986

Thoma� Trinneer and h i s w i fe Andrea, an nounce the b i rth of S rah Frances, on Dec. 9. S he j o i n s Jock, 4 . Thomas has a new position as vice president of data product development at AT&T Wireless Services i n Redmond, Wosh_

Mary Eileen (Moser) Blair and her husband, Ch ri stopher, live in Fall C i ty, Wash., with their three c h ildren, Caitl i n , 1 2 , Trista n , 5, and Comeran, 2. Mary E i l ee n i s a special education teach e r in the Issaq u a h School D i stricl. S h e i s also warking on her a d m i n i strative credentials. C h ristopher i s a pi lot with Kenmare Ai r Harbor. David and Kendra (Ruud '87) Mills have two c h i ldren Dallas 6 ' ond Haley, 2 . David is lead t c h writer at Microsoft Corp. and Kendra is a c h i ld herder/wrangler. They reside i n Issaq u a h , Was h .

1 987 Angela (Ries) Steiner and her h u s band, Peter, announce the b i rth of Joshua Joseph , on May 3. He j o i n s Laura E l i z a beth, 4 .

1 988 Stephen Smith has joined Columbia Bonk as senior vice president and operations manager. He was previ ou sly with Cascade Bank i n Everett, Was h . David a n d Ruth Foster-Koth have two c h i l d re n , Noah, 3 a n d Le ah, I Ruth i s an oncology social worker at the U n ivers i ty of Wa s h i ngton Medical Center a n d David i s a real eslote attorney, working towards h i s C F P. Lisa Pollman received a master of arts degree i n Asia-Pacific studies from the U n iversity of San Francisco. W h i l e i n S a n Francisco, s h e held four sepa rate Pacific Rim focused intern sh ips, and was awarded the U n ion Bank Research Fellows h i p far 1 999-2000. Lisa returned to the Seattle area in late J u ly to pursue a career in East-West relations and i nternational trade. Ipallman@earthlink Beth (Pearson) Shepard and her husband, J im , a nnounce the birth of Nicholas, an June 29. He joins Heidi, 2 and Jessica, 1 2 . Beth is the education coordinator at Auburn Regional Medical C enter.

1 989

Richard Lovely was promoted to the pos ition of general manager of

Karin (Lund) LaPierre and her h u sband, Dean, an nounce the birth of C h ristian Alexander, on Feb. 1 3 . He joins Nikolos Emmanuel, 2 . Karin i s taking time off fram her job as a physical therapist to stay at home with her children. Dean i s on electrical engi neer at N E PCO i n Redmond, Was h _ They live i n the Lake Stevens area. Nancy (Andrew) Clark and her h u s band, Bret, annou nce the birth of their first c h i l d , Ion Rom a i n e, on May 8 in Anchorage, Alaska. bsclark@a laska. net Mary Ailes and Pradeep Barrio were married on March 1 8 i n Spokane, Was h . Mary i s an as s i stant professor of h i story at the U n iversity of Nebraska at Kearney and Prodeep i s a l so an assistant professor of h i story. Adam and Maria (Wienhold) Raynes a n nounce the bi rth of Ja red Nathaniel, an Feb. 9. He j o i n s h i s brother, Kaelan, 2 . A d a m i s a survey ass i stant w i t h the state of Alaska. Keith Sippola i s a d i strict representative of A i d Association far Lutherans. He received the Million­ Dollar Roundtable award which places him i n the top 5 p rcent of insurance representatives. He and his w i fe, Marjorie (Britton '90), live i n Napa, C al i f , with their four children, G u n n a r, 6 , H a n n a , 4, Koarl, 3, and Eva l i isa, I

Janice (Paulson) Worman a n d her h u s ban d, J i m , a n nounce the birth of Code, on April 24. He j o i n s C a n ner, 3 . Jan i ce received a master of read ing and language arts degree from Seattle Pacific U n iversity i n June. Jay a n d Krista (Aronson '90) Bates a n nounce the bi rth of E m ma Joy, on June 5 . Sh e j o i n s Con nar, 3 . Mike a n d Kathrine (Bowles '87) Tuiasosopo recently moved to Rena, Nev. Mike coaches footba l l at the Un iversity o f Nevada a n d Kathy teaches h i gh school a r t . They have two ch i ld ren, Lanea, 3, and Maya, 2 .

1 990

Tina (Olson) Brekke moved fram Oslo, Norway, to the Wash ington, D . C . , area i n Ap r i l 1 99 9 . She i s back a t work i n t h e i n ternational s h i p p i n g and transportation i n d u stry after staying at home with her two c h i ldren, Madeleine a n d Lukas. Heidi Desteunder rece i ved a master's deg ree in education from Cen tral Was h i ngton U n iversity. Mali Ponnikas and Jeffrey Moyar were married an Dec . I, I at Bethlehem Lutheran C h urch i n Tacom a . Mal i has worked for Gannett C o . for eight years and i s currently t h e ma rket development d i rectar of the Cal ifornian newspaper i n Salinas, C a l i f. Jeffrey is on editor. Todd and Lisa Dean-Erlander and their son, Peter, moved to Boise, Idaho, in J u ne to be closer to fa m i ly, s k i i ng a n d s u n s h i n e . Tod d is a n inth­ grade mo t h teacher at North Junior High in the Boise School District and Lisa continues to stay home with Peter. Gratia (Stolee) Barton and her husband, Jeff, announce the birth of Lucas Zachariah, on April 20. Gratia has been work i n g for Arth ur Andersen C o . s i nce graduation and will return to work part-ti me in August. g rati a. g. bo rto n@arthurandersen.com Ed and Kami (Beeler) Stilwell announce the b i rth of C la ra, on May 26. She j o i n s C ari n a, 2 .

David a n d Julie (Schlumberger) Carlile a n no u nce the bi rth of C ha d A l l a n , on J u l y 6 . J u l i e is on e n g i n eering manager at the A ir Force Research Laboratory at Edwards Air Force Bose, C a l i f . , a n d David i s an e n g i neer at Lockheed­ Martin Corp.

1 99 1 Jon Funfar, the praduction manager at PraVideo i n Seattle, earned the title of Certified Legal Video Spec i alist fram the National Court Reporters Association. The classes were held i n Was h i ngton, D . C . , and Los Vega s . Heidi Hester i s i n her second year at Pac ific Lutheran Theological Semi nary. She will be participating i n Sojourn 2000, a youth m i n istry focusing on com b i n i ng artistically g i fted youth and service projects. Hannah (Stupak) Stere com pleted a doctarote in c l i n ical psychology and received the d i sti n g u is h ed d i ssertation award i n December. S h e i s now a psychologist res i den t i n the Sherwood School D i strict and at Agape Youth and F am ily M i n i stries. Hannah and her h u sband, Robert, recen t ly moved to 20 acres i n H i llsboro, Ore., where they hope to plant a vineyard. Michelle Calhoun and Craig Holford were married on July 1 0, 1 999, in Bloomington, M i n n . , and went to Jamaica for the honeymoon. Gretchen Stueckle '92 was in the wedding party. Michelle has a new position as the b u s i n ess/education partners h i p coordinator with School Distri � t 1 9 1 . mh o l fard@burnsvi l l e . k I 2 . m n . u s Kelly (Crosslin) Frere and her h usband, C h ri s , a n no u nce the b i rth o f their daug hter, Bai lee, on May 1 5 . Chuck and Jessica (Andrews) Leber live in Seattle. Jessica received a teac h i ng certificate from the U n iversity of Washington, Both e l l . S h e plans to teach fifth grad e . C h uck i s a sales and lea s i n g consultant at U n iversity Volkswagen. You lander Hilton was nom inated for the Rotary Foundation A mbasso· darial Scho la rshi p i n Newpart News, Va. She is enralled in the leaders hi p and policies educational admin istration daclaral program at Virginia Tech University. Scott Faulkner bega n h i s pasition as a rtistic manager of t h e Reno C h a m ber Orchestra (RCO) in J u ly. H e also ploys the double boss i n the RCO, is the pri n c i pal bassist of the Reno P h i lharmonic, and teaches bass and music apprec i ation at the U n iversity of Nevada, Reno. Tonya (Hoiness) Kalfell and her h usband, Reece, an nounce the b i rth of Grayson W. Scott Kalfe l l . Scott a n d Kris (Barry) Moor a n nou nce the b i rth of Robert A n d rew, on J u ne 2 3 . He j o i n s Meg h a n , 2 . Eric Cultum and h i s wife, San dy, a n nounce the b i rt h of A n d rew Jacob North, an April 6, in Scattsdale, Ariz. Russell Rice recently returned from a manth·lang tour of Eu rape with 5 0 h i gh school students. H e is in his third year of teaching English at Bothell (Wash.) High School, where he is also the yearbook advisar and a track coach.

1 992 Steve Sporre plays i n the b a n d , I AM. They recently h a d two songs i n c luded on the compact d i sk , " C h ristianMP3 . " He res i de s i n Portla n d , Ore. Scott and Jacquelyn (Adams) Soderling and their son, Ben, moved to Partla n d , Ore., i n Oct. 1 999. Scott and Jackie are conducting research at the Val i u m Insti tute of t h e Oregon Health Sciences U n iversity.

Jon Piliaris and Catino Brady were married on Feb. 1 9 i n Ashland, Ore. Jan is e m p loyed by E . E . S . C o n s u l ting I nc . , a n d Catino i s employed by Escrow Ne �Na rk, both i n Bellevue, Wash. Marcus Heard is i n his secand year in the MBA pragram at the Un iversity of Washi n gto n . "It is both challenging and demanding , " he says, but he s till finds t i m e far h i s "brick house" b u d d i es from PLU Mike Hogan '92, Ken Rog rs '93 and tim Mason '9 1 .

Lesley (Smith) Niemi recently received a master of arts degree i n education, curricu l u m and i n struction, with speci a l i zation in creative a rts i n lea r n i ng from Lesley College in Cambridge, Mos s . I n May, Lesley received the C h rista McA u liffe Excellence i n Education Awa rd, presented by Was h i ngton state Governar Gory Locke a n d Superintendent of P u b lic I n struction ' Terry Bergeson, in Olympia. She shares the honor with 1 6 other South Sound area educators. She plans to spend the oword st i pend i n New York. Lesley teaches elementory m u s i c in the South K i ts a p School District. Bob and Kris (Pommerenke '90) Saathoff are happy to be back in the Narthwest after living i n Fort Collins, Colo. B o b h a s a new position as on engi neer and Kris ha s a new position as a procurement specialist, both at Hewlett-Packard Corp. They are excited about their new opportu n i ties a n d new h o m e . T h e ir daughter, Jessica, 1 7 m o n t h s , i s e n jo y in g her n e w day school . Scott Miller is a capta i n in the U . S Army. H e took command o f A Col 44'" Signal Balla l i on in G ro n n hei m , Germany, on April 2 1 . Scali a n d h i s wi fe, Birgit '94, a n d their daug hters, Helena and Rebecca, are l i v i ng i n B i rg i t's hometown. Elizabeth (Loomis) Glabe and her h usband, Scali, a n n o u nce the birth of Noah Scali, o n Nov. 2 2 . Michelle Jackson spent 1 999 conducting research in Seville, Spa i n . When she returned, she completed her moster's degree in education at the University of Washington. Michelle continues as a Spanish teacher and track coach i n the Mukilteo (Wash.) School District where she has been for seven years. Erica Henkel is a market analyst in the telecom i ndustry. She recently boug h t her first home i n the Ca l i for n i a gold cou n try. e h en kel @gold r u sh .com Kerri (Derning) Radford a n d her h u s band , Neil, a n nounce the birth of Jessica Lyn n , on April 27. Kerri is an early c h i l d hood special education teacher for lincoln (Neb.) Public School s . She is tak i n g t im e off to be a stay· at-hom e mom. Neil i s a l i eutenant in the U . S . Navy. He i s teac h i ng naval eng i neeri n g at the U n i versi ty of N ebras ka, Lincoln , Naval ROTC progra m . Kyle Kupp a n d h i s wife, Kendra, announce the birth of their daug h ter, McKenna, on March 7. Kyle is a school counselor and Kendra is a second·grade teacher, both in the East Valley School District i n Yakima, Wash. Mary Walker has a new position as principal of Sedro-Woolley (Wash.) High School. She was previously the assi stant principa l at S um ner (Wa s h . ) High School . She has been an educator for 2 7 years, teac h in g in elemen tary, middle a n d secondary schools, wor k i ng as a school l i bra r ia n and serving as assi stant p r inci pa l at Yel m (Wa s h . ) a n d S u mner h i g h school s. Lisa (Aune) Ofen loch and h e r h usband, Michael, a n nounce the birth of A b i g a i l J a ne, a n June 2 2 . Lisa i s t h e customer service center d i rector with the U . S . General Services A d m i n i stration i n A n c horage, Alask a .



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alumni class notes


Michael Morgan joined the firm of

Jasan Mangold and h i s wife,

MacDermid liebert and Morgon, P. S . , attorney and counselors at low, i n S ilverdole, Wash. He received a j u r i s doctor degree from Seattle University in May 1 999 and passed the bar exam in J u ly 1 999.

Koren, annou nce the birth of Katie, on Sepl. 2 3 , 1 99 9 . Joson is a softwore/hardware test engi neer a t Microsoft Corp. a n d Koren i s o n orchi tect.

1 993

John Haines is a missionary English teacher at the Kyu s h u G a k k u i n lutheran School, ElCA, i n Kumamoto, Japa n . He previously taught English in Mifune, as port of the JET progra m .

John Larkin is on assistant professor of physics a t Augustana College i n Sioux Falls, S.D. He recently completed his first year of teac h i n g .

Jennifer Trimble a n d Grant Morgan were married in a civi l ceremony on Nov. 20 in leverett, Moss. On Sepl. 2, they renewed their vows before friends a n d family i n San Diego. Kari (Olson) Hall '93 and Kelly Hoeckelberg­ Young '93 were in attendance. Jenn ifer defended her d issertation in November and received a Ph.D. i n maleculor a n d cellular biology from the U niversity of Massachusetts, Amherst, in Februory. She recently began her postdoctoral research a t the U n i versity of California, Son Diego, studying developmental biology, u s i ng the fruit fly wing as a model syste m . Grant is a research scientist at Allergan Inc . , in Irvine, Calif.

Jonene (Zinne) Bernhardt and her husband, Todd, announce the birth of Alicia Morie, o n Sepl. 1 0, 1 999. She weighed only 2 I b s . , 1 oz. when she was born, but is now heolthy 1 5 I b s . , 8 oz.


Jay and Robin (Buck) Evans announce the b i rth of Kaylee A n n on June 2. She joins Tyler, 2 . Leah (Haney) Herlihy a n d her husband, David, recently moved bock to the States fram Italy where she worked at a commercial container port in Gioia Ta uro. leoh is again work ing for American Express where she i m plements purchasing card and epurchasing solutions for large-morket clients.

Scott a nd Naomi (Witham '95) Welborn announce the birth of Anya E l i se, on May 1 . She j o i n s Connor Jackson, 2

Catherine (Johnson) Mulhall

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Jennifer (Dyer) Dietrich received a doctor of medicine degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin on May 20. She and her husband, Craig, will move to Houston where Jen nifer w i l l begin her abstetrics/ gynecology residency a t Baylor College of Med i c i n e .

John Oakley received a P h . D . in physiology and biophysics from the U n iversity of Washington i n Janua ry. He has also completed h i s t h i rd yeor of medical school. He and h i s wife, Kathleen lachata-Oa kley '92, and their son, Christian, l i ve in Seattle.

Per and Lisa (Johnson '9 1 ) Bakken announce the b i rth of their son, Luke Alexander, on Nov. 1 3 .

Jim Shapiro h a s a new position as executive d i rector of development at C R ISTA M i n i stries in Seattle. He i s also a head coach a t K i ng's H i g h School. J i m h a s two c h i ldren, Gracia, 4, and Atley, 1 . Bente Stangeland and Geirulv Lode '90 announce the birth of Tor Mag n u s on Dec. 1 2 . Geirulv is a senior vice president and portfolio manager at Putnam Investments and Bente i s fini s h i ng her moster's degree in science a d m i n i stration, with concentration in financial economics, at Boston U n iversity.

was accepted, with advanced s ta n d i ng, to the master of social work program at Catholic U niversity i n Washington, D . C . , S h e beg i n s t h i s fa l l . H e r husband, Brion, is pursuing a fellowship i n gastraenterolagy at Wolter Reed Medicol Center. The two hope to return to the Northwest after completing their progrom s .

d i rector of adm i n i stration at Security Aviation tnc . , i n Anchorage, Alaska. She i s responsible for accounting, human resources, information systems and client relations. She has more than 1 6 years of professional experience in financial management, administration and consulting.

Cynthia (Jardine) Kratochvil i s

David and Jen (Seim) Gamon

a reg i s tered nurse a t S I . Joseph medical center in Tacoma. She works throughout the hospital i n medical and surgical nurs i n g . lisa was recently adm itted to the legal n u rse consu l t i ng progrom at Kaplan College. legol nurse consultants are in demand by low firms, insurance companies and health core organizations. She hopes to eventually open a c r i s i s center for youth. lisa h a s two sons, Shai ne, 1 2 , and Shown, 5 .

announce the b i rth of Aislin Cla i re , o n J u n e 6. David is a teacher a t Northwood Middle School i n Mead, Was h .

Kari Anderson i s the d i rector of morketing a t TAPCO Credit U n i on i n Tacoma. S h e also i s t h e new program d i rector of the PlU ski team. Kim (Nirk) Waterstraat and her


Jerilyn Dunlap a n d Marc Hander were married on Jon . 1 5 at luther Seminary i n St. Pau l , M i n n . Shannon (Reed) Boldt ' 9 5 w a s t h e matron o f honor. Jerilyn i s the youth d i rector at All Saints lutheron C h u rch and Marc i s a senior at luther Semi nory where h e i s working on a master of divin ity degree.

h u sband, John, a n nounce the birth of N icholas Mitsuoka, on April 2. K i m received a master's degree i n curricu l u m o n d i n struction with technology emphasis from lesley College in May. She i s taking a leave of absence from teac h i n g to be a stay-at-home mom .

1 994 Kristi Coats and Brad Hortman were married on Sepl. 3 in Port Townsend, Was h . Kristi is a paralegal at Zurich Insurance C o . , i n Bellevue, Wosh . , o n d Brad i s o n assistant production monager a t Sunh awk .com. Kristi would love to hear Irom old PlU (riends, 206-28 3 836 I .

Kelly Burk has a new position as

1 995 Amy Brizee h a s been a com m u n i ty justice officer for Deschutes County Juvenile in Bend, Ore., for two years.

Jenny Gilbert a n d Jerome Stoots were married i n January. Jenny i s the recreation coordinator a t F a i r Oaks (Calif.) Recreation and Pork District. Jerome i s o n i nstaller at Butler Heating and A i r.

Rachael Gunn received a moster's degree i n social work in 1 999 a n d began working a s a freelance social worker. She is currently on adoptions/foster core educator with Lutheran Soci a l Ministry of the Southwest in Phoenix, a port-time clinica l d i rector of a nonprofit agency working with women a n d c h i l d ren, and recently accepted a position as 0 reseorch consultant on national c h i l d dependency and permanency planning i n the juvenile court system w i th the Notional Center for Juvenile Justice.

David and Jennifer (Evans) Wa llin still l i ve i n Maryland. Recently they moved to Bowie when Jenn ifer accepted a position with BBL Sci ences i n Annapo l i s . David continues to work for IBM Corp. i n

the export regulotion office, i n downtown Washington, D . C .

promoted to 0 pilot slot with the Wos h i ngton State Patrol.

Julie Frye ond Brice Johnson

Lisa Green received a P h . D . i n

Deana Wilson i s the new president

clin ical psychology f r o m Son Diego University I n May. She was morried in July.

of PLUS Business, PlU's a l u m n i busi ness association. S h e i s the manager of audits and financial trends i n the corporate credit office a t the Boeing Co. Deanna was the president of Beta A l p h a Psi when she was a t PlU .

South Hill Christion C h u rch i n Puyal l u p , Was h _ Angela Kellogg '98, Sarah Abbey '98, Carrie Rice '98, Gavin Brem '99, Chris Angell '98, and Aaron Barker '00 were attendants. Gretchen Hjelt '00, Heidi Ramseth '98, Tyler Kechley '99, and Landon B rokaw '99 also participated in the wedding. J u l i e i s a teacher in the Puyallup School District and Brice i s a Young l i fe intern i n the Tacoma area.

Mike and Kristen (Buckley '96) Lee announce the b i rth of their son, Gront, on April 25. Kri sten i s a teacher in a b i l ingual Spanish class in Kennewick, Wash. M i ke covers environmental issues for the Tri-City Herald.

Theresa ( Lyso) Zimmer received a moster's degree in education from the U n iversity of Washington in J u n e . She and h e r h u sband, Tom , have moved into the i r new home i n Vancouver, Wash. Theresa i s a middle school French teacher and Tom is a middle school technology coord i n a tor, both i n the Va ncouver School Districl. 2tzimmer@sa(thame.flet

1 996 Rod Nash aDd Mi ndy Dejong were

Dallas Hargrave received a master of public o d m i n istratian degree from the U n iversity of Alaska i n May. He i s now attending law school at the University of Denver, Colo . , while working as on aviation sofety tec h n ic i a n with the Federal Aviation A d m i n istration in Denver.

Cindi Brown recently moved bock to Vancouver, Was h . , after living i n A l buquerque, N . M . for four years. She is a regi stered nurse i n peri operative services a t Oregon Health S c iences University in Portlond, Ore. Holly Troxell and Andy Collingwood were married on J u ly 2 in Estes Park, Colo. They make their home there.

1 997

married on May 8 , 1 9 99, i n Woodi nville, Wash. Rod i s a Yo ung life orea d i rector and Mindy i s on assistant ad m i n i strator at a p l u m b i ng company. They reside in Tacoma.

Stacey Broderson works f o r t h e

Rebecca Lachenmaier graduated

Amie (Bendixen) Rang i s a

from the Un iversity o f Wa shington School of Med i c i n e in June and moved to Spokane, Wash . , to begin her i n ternal medicine residency.

Shelby Hanna and Aaron Slagle were married o n Feb. 5 at Union Station i n Tacoma. Lisa (Johnson) Trombley '96, Kristen (Kvamme) Moody '97, Wendi Garrison '97, Michael Chunn '96, and Jeremy Crowe '96 were in the wedding party. Aaron is a graph ic designer ot

ICOM America in Bellevue, Wash., and Shelby works i n marketing at Horizon Mental Health at Volley General Ho spital.

Chrystie Hill is a graduote assistant at the Un iversity of Was h i ngton School of library a n d Information Science. S h e received a moster's degree from Sarah lawrence College in 1 999 .

Christian Marien received a master of divi nity degree from luther Sem i n a ry on May 2 1 a t Central Lutheran C h u rch in M i n neapolis. As part of h i s degree requi rements, Christian served as an intern at SI. John lutheran Church a n d Poha i N a n i Retirement Center in Kailua, Hawa i i , under the guidance of the Rev. Warren Schultz. He has been assigned to the Sierra Pacific Synod of the Evangel ical lutheran Church i n America.

Kelly Crithfield received a master of divinity degree from luther Semi nory o n May 2 1 at Central lutheran Church in Minneapoli s . A s port of h i s degree requirements, Kelly served a s on i ntern at King of Glory lutheran Church in Boise, Idaho, under the guidance of the Rev. lon Bechtel. He will go throug h regional assig nment in September.

Sokhorn Yim completed the 3-2 pragram with a bachelor of science degree in chem ical engineering at Oregon State U n iversity in 1 99 8 . He is a process development engi neer at C h i ron, a biotech company. He is helping to develop a method to purify drugs for d i seases i nclud i ng HIV and MS. Sokhorn lives in the Northern Bay Area of California with Rob R a i nwater. Rob i s a process engineer a t Chevron Technolog ies. Christal Nicolai is a special education i n s tructor at Olympic College in Shelton, Wash. S h e and h e r husband, E r i c , have two daughters, Madison, 3 , and Mayo, I .

Dwayne Korthuis-Smith and h i s w i fe, Wendy, an nounce the birth o f Cla i re Elise, on May 2 . S h e j o i n s Groce Katherine, 2 . Wendy completed her E d . D . at Seattle U n iversity in J u n e and Dwayne was

Seattle Seohawks and l i v e s i n Kir kland, Was h . soc ial worker at Franke Tobey Jones and working o n her moster's degree at the U n i versity of Washington . Her husband, Gory, is a federal low enforcement officer with the U . S . Postal Service.

Kimberly Jacobs has a new position as assistant district representative at Lutheran Brother­ hood in Tacom a .

Kristin (Hollingbery) Rue was recently aworded the Mory McM i l lion Schalorship. This i s aworded to only nine students nationwide who show great prom ise i n the field of physical therapy. Kristin attended graduate school at the College of St. Catherine. She a n d her hus band, Steve '97, who i s attending graduate school at the M i n neapolis College of Art and Design, live in SI. Paul . Christie (Falk) Tarman i s enjoying b e i ng a stay-at-home mom with Caleb, 3, and Abigail, I . Her husband, Joson (Willamette University '98 ) , i s the coordinator and d i rector of a group home for mentally ill adults.

Linina Job and Alex Rogan were married on Jon. 2 9 at F i rst Baptist Church i n Portland, Ore. Jennifer (Gray) Kleven '97, Ingrid Ford '97 and Anna Gutzler '97 were bridesmaids. l i n i n a is a reg i s tered n u rse at Good Samariton Hospital in Portland and Alex i s a financiol analyst a t Intel Corp. They plan to move to Phoenix where linino w i l l attend school.

Kevin Bartholomae ond Marci Voeller were married on May 2 7 . Morci i s a registered n u r s e i n t h e neonatal intensive core unit a t Tacoma General Hospital and Kevin is on a n a lyst with Weyerhaeuser Corp.

Travis Hale and Lisa Baldwin '97 were married o n June 1 7 a t

Tri n i ty lutheran C h u rc h i n Tacoma. Amy Ekrem '98, Shelly Stone '98, Danielle Price '98, Andy Barber '97, Karl Lerum '98, Josh Wyrick '97, Kelley Minty '98, and Karin Anderson '99 were in the wedding party.

Phillip Johannessen has completed h is first year in the master of physical therapy program at Eastern Washington University in C heney.

1 998 Suzanne Fitch has a new position as a d m i n istrative assistant at SolutionslQ i n Bellevue, Was h . S h e was previously 0 finance assistant at Consumer Credit Counseling Service o f Seattle.

'99 were married on June 23 a t

Greg King accepted a position as a stoff geologist a t Golder Associates in Redmond, Was h .

Justin Faslien received a moster's degree in geology from Kansas State Un iversi ty.

Heidi Spli"gerber received a moster's degree in English from Colorado State University. She began teach i n g English at the Institute of Parasi tology in the Czech Republic in September. Alicia (Manley) lawver has a new position as a copy editor at the Olympian newspaper i n Olympia, Wash. She was previously the news ed i tor a t the Doily World i n Aberdeen, Wash . , where she received the SPJ Regional Aword for feature page desi gn. Her husband, Nathe '99, is a retail manager.

Heidi Stout has a new position as the Kent (Wa s h . ) com m u n i ty reporter with the South County Journal. Previously, she was the county b u reau chief of the K i tsap (Wash.) Newspaper Group. Heidi h a s moved bock to Tacoma. Daniel Bennett i s working i n the Was h i ngton state Attorney General's office in Olympia, Was h . Amber Davidson and Cesar Pad i l la were married an Feb. 19 in Solem , Ore. Erika Thompson '98 and Meagyn Keys '98 were in the wedding party.

Dan Alexander and Holly DeMerchant were married on July 8 in Seattle. Don is a n i n th-grade teacher at Mountoin View Jun ior High in Sumner, Wash Ross Stewart has been teaching E n g l i s h and social studies at Curtis High School i n U n iversity Place, Wa s h . , for two years. In April he was named one of Who's Who Among America's Teachers 1 999 in the state of Wa shington. He recently began a new position as area director of U niversity Place for Yaung life. He will begin a moster's of div i n i ty degree at Fuller Seminory i n Seattle next sum mer.

Tyler Boob was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant in J u ly. He is a platoon leader in the U . S . Army, stationed at Fort Polk, la .

Joel Larson and Raissa Peters were married on J u ly 2 9 . Joel is a system admin istrator at Kreisch er, Mil ler, and R a i ssa is finishing her bachelor's degree a t Temple Un iversity.

Jeffrey Quatrini and Jennifer Riego were married an Sept. 3 , 1 999, i n Tacoma. Jennifer i s on Army N u rse Corps officer a n d Jeffrey is an Army Signal Corps officer. They ore stationed a t Fort Gordan, Ga.

Judy (Robinson) Flugga and her husband, Chris, a n n ounce the b i rth of K a i tlyn, on April 2 1 .

Victoria (David) Sousa a n d her husband, Roberto, a n nounce the b i rth of E r i k , a n April 2 8 . Victoria and Roberta were married on May 1 5 , 1 999, in Toronto, Ontario. Roberto i s a restaurant owner.

Sco" Strapac recently passed the certified public accountant exam . He i s the deputy controller at Pointshore, a provider of o n l i ne services for the medical com m u n i ty i n the Pacific Northwest.

Charlie Wilson is tea c h i ng seventh grade soc i a l studies at Vista Campana Middle School i n Apple Volley, C a l i f He and h i s wife, leigh, ore g lad to be bock in the Golden State.



1 999

Gabriel Charbonneau entered the University of Utah School of Medicine in August.

Lindsay Fowler has a new position as publ ications 'and Website writer at the Engineered Woa d Association i n Tacoma. She w i ll be developing the content far their Website and coordinating publication and audio­ visual praiects in the publications department. She was previously the community relations coord i n ator at Border Books and Music.

Brad McKnight a n d h i s wife, Ta m i , a n nounce t h e b i r t h of Alexis Ray, a n March 3 . Brad is a w e b developer at Labar Ready i n Tacoma and Ta mi owns a day care service.

Gavin Brem and Patricia Milton were married an May 26. Patty i s work i n g f a r Yaung life and G a v i n is a substitute teacher in the Fran k l i n Pierce (Wa s h . ) School District. They live in Parkland. Tracie Weber graduated from the PLU ROTC program and i s now a l ieutenant, stationed in Germany.

Bradd Busick a n d Pat Gannon were married an June 1 0 at Bethel C h u rc h i n Kennewick, Wash.

Lance Kenmore '99, Cefe Quesada '98, Jon _.......__..... Phelps '99, Dave Raney '99,

Jessica Coleman '00 and Suzy Hooper '99 were in the wedd i n g .

Ryan Pelphrey '00, Chuck Borquist '99, Kate Nelson '00, Lisa Rehberger '00, and Tori Va ntramp '00 were in the wedd i ng party. Landon Brokaw '99 provided the music. Bradd and

Harbor, Was h . Jill Radek '99,

Aaron and Ronda (Forehand) Barker bought a house i n Parkland,

Angie Lucas '99, Tommy Stanley '00, Allison Paterson '99, Robby Larson '00, Pete Mahoney '00, Dave Pyle '98, Tyler Kechely '99, and John Maureen '00 were attendants in the wed d i n g . Mark Hjelmervik '00 and Gretchen Hielt '00

Was h . It has been a "fun adventure putting it together. "

Allison Fitzwater accepted a

Amber is a stoff accountant at Alegria Accounting a n d Rob is a praiect manager at Ya kima Valley Publishing. They went to Ma u i , Hawa i i , after t h e wedd i n g .

Pat are both working for the Frank Russell Company. They bought a home in North Tacoma, near the U n iversity of Puget Sound.

Janell Wagenblast and Kaj Martin were married on March 1 8

provided m u s i c . sa les/marketi ng i a b w i t h D . E . Hakanson Inc., in Bellevue, Wash. The company manufactures devices used in the diagnosis of vasc u l a r d i sease. All ison lives in Redmond, Was h .

Jamie Unger and Anthony

i n Tacoma . K a i and Janell spent the s u m mer i n Alaska working in Christian m i n i stry.

Balducci were married an July I at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Port Angeles, Wash. Pastor Charles Mays '62 and Bishop David Wold '56 , presided aver the ceremony.

2000 Amber Hahn a n d Rob La n d i s were

Dave Urban and Rachel Radek were married an June 24 at Chapel H i l l Presbyterian Church in Gig

married on May 20 at Central Lutheran C h u rch i n Yak i m a , Was h .

{lltn» L �(. (Jll!t�n-t�mt r�HOIR OF THE WEST n

1 )29


Phyllis Sophia Grande McManus d ied on Feb. 29.

Edith Benson died on June 4 . She was a member of Harrison Hospital Auxiliary, PEO, the Republican Women's Club, and was a precinc t committeewoman . E d i t h was preceded in death by her husband, C l i fton, and her daughter, Sandra (Benson) Bergman '70. She is survived by her sons, Roger '68 and Philip '7 1 ; five grandchildren, including Marnie Gibbs '94 and Monte Gibbs '86; and th ree great· grandchildren.

19 :; Shirley Savage Fadness died i n June.

I? 6 Marion Roach died on May 1 7.

19, r. Arthur Herstad d i ed on Nov. 9 , 1 99 9 .

19;f Astrid (Anderson) Mobroten died on Feb. 2 5 .

r p


'a P'/NI J.

Professor Emeritus Emmet Eklund d ied on Aug . 7, a t the age

died on April 1 8 .

of 8 3 . He come to PLU i n 1 964 as choir of the Religion Deportment and remai ned a t the university for 1 8 years. He i s survived by his wife, Marion; two c h i ldren, Kent and Joan; four grandchi ldren; and three great· grandchildren.

1 95

John Eyres died on Feb. 3 . John

Mary Bradbury died on May 2 . Donald Reiman died o n April 2 3 .

19i1 Barbara (Carstensen) Thorp


was the yearbook advisor a t PLU i n t h e late ' 6 0 s and early '70s. He is survived by his wife of 3 3 years, Donna; three daughters, three sons and four grandch i l d ren.

Cathy Egan died on Apr i l 27.

Paul Liebelt d i ed on July 2 8 . H e

1 9 64

graduated in 1 955 w i t h a B . A . in physics and mathematics from Concordia College in Moorhead, Mi n n . In 1 95 7 he received on M.A. i n mathematics from the U n iversity of Nebraska and accepted a position at Boeing Co. i n the some year. Pa u l a n d his w i fe, Norita '56, were married in 1 95 8 . In 1 970 Paul left Boeing to teach mathematics and computer science a t PLU, returned to Boeing i n 1 98 2 and retired i n 1 99 1 . Paul is survived by h i s wife; son, Stephen (Helen); daug h ter, Cynthia (Atsuyuki); and three grandchildren.

Claire Pointer died on March 9 .

t!f6CI Rosalie Zehm died on June 1 6.

Emily (Hallan) Parker d i ed on May 6 .

1965 Albert Perry died on May 9.

196Jeanne Wilson died on Sept. 1 1 , 1 99 9 .

19;"1 Phyllis Lile Krage died on March 3 . 19� • Mark Buckingham died on May 9.

, 979 Nancy Meader d i ed on Oct. 2 2 .

Prafessor Emeritus Gunnar Malmin died on July 23, at the age


of 97. He come to Pacific Lutheran College in 1 93 7 a s choi r d i rectar and taught both Latin and Narwe­ g i a n d u r i n g his 3 2 -year tenure. Professor Mal m i n was known for his commitment to m a i n ta i n i n g a connection between mu sic and the church, his high level of i nvolvement in the Lutheran c h u rc h and h i s i n terest in Norweg ian h i story. H e is survived by h i s sister, Marie Meyer, his four c h i ldren, Olaf '62, Jon '63, Ann, and David; and six granddildren.

This is the premiere recording ofthe "Mass for a New Millennium " by PLU's own Profossor Richard Nance. Pacific Lurheran Universiry has a

Also fearured on r h e

long and rich rradirion of produc­

Javier Busto's "Patn.' Nosrre,"

colle g e

ing some of rhe finesr

Brenda Mcintosh died on Jan.



l'\ara Lux," as wel l

Ro o m "


enter the new centu ry! we are

Carol Harris, and Lid h o l m ' s " a

e c i r ed

(0 presenr ro


b), Ron

sre l le . " wi rh C h o ral Arts

Norrhwesr a s rhe guesr

original co m po sir ion by I'LU'� own Professor Richard

rhis Very


"lvla ss for a New �'I i l lc n n i u m ," an

an June 1 3 . She married Robert C . Olsen i n 1 93 5 . They moved to Parkland i n 1 947, w here Robert ta ught chemi stry at PLU. They were members o f Trin ity Lutheran Church where she was active i n many church activities. She also was the Trinity church l i brarian for many years and active i n the Pacific Northwest Association of C h u rch Libraries. She was noted for greeting newcomers a t church and a t PLU and for welcoming people i n to the fam i l y home. Josephine is survived b y five sons, Richard '59 (Clintena '60),



you rhe premiere rec ord i ng o f

Josephine (Rulison) Olsen died



ral groups i n rhe narion. As we proud a n d

2 8 . Brenda worked for over 20 years as a student service represen· tative at PLU .



Recorded in [he vibranr acausrics of Lage rq u i s r


clwi r.

Co n c e r r

Hall i n rhe

Ivla r)' Baker Russell M u s i c Cenrcr

The record i n g features the voicc�

ar l'dcific Lurllaan U n i versi ry.

o f Angela lvlead, soprano; Holly


Johnson, mezzo·so p rana; Rick Wilkerson, renor; and Gavin


Jensen, renor; and rhe i nsrru­


mems o f S ha nn on Spicciari,


oboe; Elizaberh Woosrer, harp;


J a m es l'Iolloway, organ; David


Rob b i n s and Rac hel H i scock,


perc u s s i o n .


Robert '63 (Kaye '64), James '63 (Barbaro), a n d Paul '67 (Karen '72) and Timothy (Debra); daughter, Ruth (Olson) Peterson '73 �anathon); and 1 7 grandchil·



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See o u r cara l og of orher fin e recordings o n rhe Web ar

What"s new wle th you?



Olf,ce 0 1 AI" "" " 3. PO lenl l/elatlons. PLU. Tacoma, W A 98014 7·0003; 2 5 3·535,8555 , E"'IoIl: u/umn'@piu "du; I N T E Q N E T fOAM: W"'W plll.edu/gium

"'A ll f O :


Please u s e on additional piece of paper f o r other comments. Phatos are welcome (preferably B&Wj and N A ME

(i o sit f i rst, malden)

will be used an a space-ava ilable basis.





sr�EEl A D D R E S S


C tT Y


0 NO


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C H I LD ' S NAME 1 1 1 " ,


% .. ,.

N A ME !fi f.!l, m iddl. , ,M ud or\, la:lil� IAGE

,. n

.. c: ..

Marriage (no engagements, p lease)

DAT E / P lA C E O f M A .



f MAt ll wnStlE

0 YfS

Deadline for the next issue of Scene is October 1 9,


< la.,)

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P A 'C I F I C

L U T H E, R A N

U N I V E R 5 I T Y

. perspectlve •

On the dig at Cana of Galilee BY




Square supervi.sor Douglol Oolemon In Square

1 4.


Oakman'. u'ew Qug thl, 5quore completely in

1 999. It give,

cI o r dratigraphic vidence for the occupation of the town from 'he Helleni.tic through the

periods. c. 33 I B.C. 10 640 1\. 1>.


field supervisor Rev. Jock Oliv explainJ 5Om. of the flner pointt of the anCient architecture at Omrith.


northern Gali,-".

Ancient By¥antine stairway and In wall. of Square 1 4.

t's 4:00 a.m. That alarm clock could wake the dead ! Time ro p u ll on d i n y clothes and boil the coffee again. Palestinian archaeolo�w begins very early. The pre-dawn walk across Kib b u tz Hasolelim, near Nazareth, gets the blood c i rc ul at ing. The call ro M us l i m prayer from a local mosque drifts over the fragran t air. A Scopes owl hoots from the trees. The k i bbutz peacocks send up their cries. Roosters out i n the Beth Nerofa Valley greet the sunrise. D raw two q u arts of water at the p u bl ic fou n tai n. A l i ttle pean u t butter on a s lice of bread serves as first b reakfast before the bus arrives. Everyone dozes on the jolting t r i p across the valley. The ruins of Cana loom through the misty l. ight. The hardest parr of the day is j ust ahead, a 1 S 0-meter climb ro the rop of the hiLl. You rs truly struggles to ke e p step with several young men. He is aware of h i s age when he arrives at the second breakfast area h u ffing and puffing-just before the final 5 0 meters ro the rop. The climb takes us u p and over [ imesrone block s, through sharp nettles, and acl'OSS a very s teep slope on the crown of the hill. Care ful of that footing' A slip means a long ro[[ down over rocks and thorn bushes. Just a few m i n u tes after sun rise, and one takes i n the gorgeous pan­ orama of the valley. The patchwork of fields and the Nazareth range a re inspiring. The crew slowly gets unde rway. A typical archaeological day begins with the raising of the roo Is (srored in a cis tern overnight). We begin removing soil in ou I' 4x4 meter digging area. Soil is s i fted over the d u m p , and all artiL'lcts and pottery shcrds are re co rd ed and saved. D iggi n g proceeds by locus­ any three-dimensional feature, i ncluding soil layers, walls, and floors. As square supervi­ sor, I train new vol u n te.ers and oversee the daily excava­ tion. The fi eld s u pervisor comes around several times d u ring the day and inspects our progress. All the volun­

teers p a r t i c i pate in the d igging, s i fting, recording, meas u ring, and drawing. \\1e work from 5 : 1 5 a . m . to 1 2:30 p.m., with stops for second breakfast (about 9:00 a.m.) and a frui t break (about 1 1 :00

Important v;sito,s 1 0 Ca n o in Ihe summer of

1 999 : Joseph Knee.

left, husband of PlU elos-leis! and ChCliJ' of the languClges departme nt Rochelle Sneo. center; wi,h e)Ccavation director

the SO'meter crown of Cano, north from tho second breakfast areCl.

Dougla.s Edwards. rlghl. Behind ii looki n g

a. m.). We leave. the fi eld by 1 :00 p . m . , before the heat of the day. Back t o camp for l u n ch , s howers, pottery washing, and, if we're l ucky, a swim i n the pool. Evening lectu res round out the d ay, and then it's bedtime. A min ute later it seems the alarm clock goes off again. The Cana excavation has been underway since 1 998, u nder t he direction of Douglas R. Edwards of the University of Puget Sound. As one i n terested in the social world ofJesus and the Gos pe l s , I be c a m e involved along with o u r m u tual frie.nd Jack O l ive , the all-im po r­ tant field supervisor and par t- ti m e instrucror in the PLU Religion D e. p art m en t . C an a, o cc u pied from t h e Israelite through the early Arab periods, is yielding i m portant i n formation about agra ria n town life i n ancient Galilee. While we do not expect to fi nd d i rect evidence ofJesus of Nazareth, we have found Greek inscriptions attesting to a Byzantine Ch ris­ tian veneration of the miracle of Cana Oohn 2 ) . It seems th i s is the Cana known to the Evangelists and Josephus in the first century. DOUGLAS OAKMAN IS ASSOC IATE PROFESSOR O F R E LIGION AT P L U . PHOTOS COURTESY O F T H E AUTH O R .

e n d of Ihe day. tho Beth Netofo Volley fo Ihe 50uth as a

Volunteers trudge dawn from the top o f Cana CI t Ih with the maiestic view of backdrop.

PACIFIC l!JIHE RAN UNIVERSI1Y Tacoma, Washin g ton 98447-0001

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of 5e..,." is addM!$led 10 you. san

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your home. plea�e notify Offi ce of A lu ni CJnd POTen' Relation. witf. hi. or her new maiUI19 oddr...... You <on ...... ,h us by phone ot 253·535·74 1 5 or l ·aOQ-AlUM·PlU, fa .. u. 01 253·535·8555 or "mail ar"",njijplu.tWlu with tho n"w Information, ThanlcsJ !he



P A C I F i e


U N I V E R 5 I T Y


2 0 0 0 · 200 1

School of Ed ucation integrates cutting-edge technology without losing the human touch, page 5 Lutes give- and get-the gift of life through a lung lobe tra n splant, page 6 Fullbright Scholars gain a global perspective, page 7


r' o res spa m o h ersiste n t l ca m , a ic t li o p ,Pn ,nte resStO hr , M iSS M o st 't n d i e( d sfu\l'l s e cc s e� c sentativ tI al n e p r esid us p m a --- 11 c �r an a


r es pho m o '"' un g S o ed Inive rSl. t:¥ a st o . .. h '"' ::\te


,.. 1 \




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U N I .... E,R S ' I T Y

c Ie

c ne ,Dll0

G reg B r ew i s I,

Drew Brown w

Drew Brown, Greg Brewis, Kalnerine Hedlond 'as and Lauro (Ritchie) GiHord '00 G

r'HI( Dt

(i N

concerts gre in Logerquln Cotlcert unlu� otherwise noted. Times O1'Id ticket pric� vory; contoct 253-536-5 ' ' 6 o r ' -877-254-700 J

Cerrolyn Reed Barrill H


Chns TlJll1bllsch


Coli 253-535-7762



Or email

" Uncommon Women and Others"

An Alpho Psi Omega productio n , pro­

C L; S �OlfS

ja>Jua.,)' / /

d uced by senior Da hli Langer.

Joni Nien

Northwest Wind Conductors

F ive performonces, including a student preview on J o n . 3 1 a t 8 p . m . , shows on Feb. 1 , 2, and 3 ot 8 p . m . and a 2 p . m . mati nee on F e b . 4 , Tickets a re $ 7 for ad u lts and $4 for PLU students, faculty, stoff a n d senior ci ti ze ns . Note: strong


o n

Nick Dawson

jall/.lal)' / 3

Northwest H i g h School Honor



OF'tCI �

Ba nd Concert · 3 p . m .

Kevin F re i ta s '02

ja/llra,), /5

language and s ituations .

Lore n J . Anderson, President

Nordic Choir . 8 p , m .

Poul T. Menzel, Provost David G. A u b rey, Vice President, Development ond

Februa iJ' 8

"Angry Housewives"

University Relations

University Symphony Orchestra Masterpiece Series: Student Soloists

Six performa nces, i n c l u d i ng a student preview on March 8 at 8 p . m . , shows on Ma rch 9, 1 0 , 1 6 and 1 7 at 8 p . m . a n d a 2 p . m . matinee on Ma rch 1 8 . Tickets are $7 for adu lts and $4 for PLU stu­ dents, faculty, stoff a n d senior citizens. Note: not for the youngsters.

Lauro J Polcyn '74, '79, Vice President, Admissions and Enrollment Services

�aufo F. Moja vs k i , Vice President and Dean, Student life Sheri J . To n n , Vice President, Finance and Operations "

0111"-. or�1 OJ

Concert · 8 p , m , 9 Artist Series: Heifetz- 1 00'" B i rthday . FeimlmJ'

8 p,m,

The Office 0' Admissions hos confirmed in the following cities, ond more will � scheduled! Coli 253-535-71 5 ' or , -800-274-6758 for mo re informor;on. regional receplion.$

Anchorage Be ll evue /Seo ttle Billings Denver Minneapolis Missoula Portland

Spokane Tacoma

M(/reh 4

Spring Admissions Open House

Ca ll 2 5 3-5 3 5-7 1 5 1 or 1 -800-274-6758 Febn'dl)' /2 Winter Theological Symposium

H a uge Administration Building, Room 207

Febmary / 1

Phone: 2 5 3-535-7430, Fax: 253-535-S 3 3 1

Artist Series: Jazz a n d Romance ·

Febmary 24

Email: scene@plu.edu

8 p,m,

Godleading .com Conference

Website: www,plu.edu/print/scene/ olna Of AlUM


Nesv ig A l u m n i Center Phone: 253-5 35-74 1 5 , I -S00-ALUM-PLU Fox: 253-535-S5 5 5 , E m ai l : alumn i@plu, edu Website: www,plu. edu/alum OLUMI



Scene (ISSN 0S86-3 369 ) is published q ua rte rl y by

Feb1'llarJ' 13

Choral Series: Ensembles from Choir

of the West · 8 p . m . Gottfried a n d Mary Fuchs Organ Series: Barry J o rd a n , org a n ist . 8 p . m .

February 20 Regency Concert Series: Camas

Qui n tet · 8 p , m .

Tacoma, WA, a n d additional m o i l i ng offices. Add r ess

Aiareh 1 3

service requested. Postmaster: send changes to Development Data, Nesvig Alum n i Center, PLU, Tacoma, WA 98447-0003 . L



If nmo


Scene, Pacific Lutheran U n iversity, Tacoma, WA

98447-0003, foxed to 253-535-8 3 3 1 , or emoiled to

scene@piu.edu. Leiters may be edited for clarity and

!\lIc/reh 1 8

Wind Ensem ble Series: Da nces for

W i n d s and Percussi o n . 3 p . m . University Symphony Orchestra

lenglh .

Masterpiece Series: Concert I I I

On tne cOlfer From U n iversity Center dedication to So u th Hall move-in day: 30 years of



Nancy Westerberg, fiber and mixed

for updohu.

media wearable art FebrualJ, 20-Mm-eh 28

Kathryn Sparks, mixed media

8 p.m. Regency Concert Series: Lyric Bross

Quintet . 8 p . m . Jazz Series: U n i versity Jozz Ensemble

and P o r k Avenue Vocol J oz z

8 p.m.



Framed Lithograph of Eastvold Cha pel and Red Squa re S1 75.0o-maned litho

av a i la ble at $38 00 for 8x 1 0, $75.00 for 1 8X24 N eedlepoint Pillow

$39.95 and Needle­

point Christmas Stocking $2:5.00, •

Check our website,www.plu. edu/-bkst, for


SCC Permanent Nordic Art Collection

Fe/mill;), 24 Celebration

i\lhlI'C/J 17 ..Mav 13 Scandinavian Roots, American Lives

MlIrciJ 22

Through jlll1ua'/J' 7

Christmas in Scandi navia

Annual Danish Fastelavn

,HlIreh 2 /

Coli 253'535-7532

jm1lwrv / / -/Vhlrch

March 20

a d ditiona l g ift id eas, including Rick

Modlin's "Joy to The World: A Jazz

Christmas" $1 5.95 CO/$10.95

cassette .


our 'Websile 0'

jaHU{I')' 9-Febnlal)' / 4

Gottfried and Mary Fuchs Organ Series: Rodney Gehrke, organ ist .

8 p.m.

Your lellers a re welcome and should be addressed to

N O T E : Not 011 events were acheduled 01 press time; ched.

february / 7

Pacific LlJlh erar) University, S. 1 2 1 st and Pork Ave. , Tacoma, WA 98447-0003. Periodicals postage paid at

Coli 253-535-7386 or 253-535-7573



in the news Town meetings spark 2010 vision

"We h ope that prospective students w i l l u se the ra n k i ng s as a motivation to get out and visit the col leges they are consideri n g , " Polcyn said . "There i s noth i n g better t h a n a c o m pus v i s i t to get a firsthand i m pression of the welcom i n g , supportive and cha lleng i n g c l i m ate that exi sts at PLU. We welcome students to experience it for themselves before they m a ke a college c h o i ce . "

The d evelopment of a new long-ra nge plan for the u n iversity began last year with a series of town m eeti n g s in 24 loc o t i o n s - from Hong Kong and H e l s i n k i to Portland and Phoen i x - with 1 , 400 o lum n i , parents and fri e n d s of the u n iver­ sity partic i pati n g . From the written record o f t h e town meeti ngs and follow-up m aterial s u b m it­

ted by participants, the m a j or themes held to be central to the future of PLU i nc l u d ed : the central ity a n d i m porta nce of the l i bera l arts, the u n iversity's Chr is­ tia n/Lutheran h eritage, the future i mportonce of tech nology, the i m por­ tonce a n d i mpact of i nternational study, a n d m ore one-on-o n e faculty-student i n­ teractio n . I n a d d i t i o n , constituents encoura g ed the university to m a i nta i n and strengthen its commitment to i nclusiveness, b u i l d m o r e prog ra m m i n g to conn ect with graduates a n d continue its com m itment to co-c u rricular activities. Based in part on these rec o m m enda­ t i o n s, four on-ca mpus pla n n i ng g roups h ave been charg ed with prepar i n g back­ g r o u n d papers, lead i n g d iscussions a n d h o ld i ng for u m s . These c o m m i ssions w i l l t o report t o the c a m p u s com m u n ity i n the spring a n d fa l l of 200 1 . The process will be completed i n the spring of 2 00 2 w i th the p u b l ication of the n ew long-range plan, PLU 2 0 1 0 : The Next Level of D i stincti o n . Reflecti n g on the l ong-ra n g e plan n i ng process, President Loren J . And erson sa i d , "There are q u ite l itera l ly thousands of peopl e who care a bout the u n iversity, who share our d reams for the future a nd are cheering us on our way. We m ust conti n u e to b u i ld a u n iversi ty fu l l y engaged i n the futu re; a u n iversity that e m braces tec h n ology, emphasizes i n ternational study, celebrates i n c l u s ive­ n ess, d emands excellence, a n d thro u g h i t a l l , ca l l s students t o l ives o f faithful service

Norwegian leader speaks of peace, democracy One of Norway's most i n fl uential peace negotiators gave the a n nua l B j ug Harstad Memorial Lect u re t h i s fa l l . Thorvald Stolten berg, former fore i g n m i n i ster of Norway a n d cu rrent presi­ dent of the Norweg i a n Red Cross, met with students, facu lty, staff, m e m bers of the Sca n d i navian Cultural Center and the p u b l i c before h is ta l k . They were eager to shake hands and take p h oto­ graphs with the man who has spent h i s l i fe worki n g for world peace. W h i l e there are more d e m ocracies i n the world than ever before, Stoltenberg said the change has resu lted in rnore cri m e , mob activity a n d d rug trafficking in some areas. I n countries with new free ma rkets, people are losi n g their jobs. " !t makes people wonder i f the c h oice i s between democracy a n d order, we c h oose order," he said . Accord ing to Stoltenberg, there is a way to mainta i n both democracy and peace, and world organ i zations such as

the U n ited Nations and NATO are an i mportan t part of that. The week of his visit to PLU, Norway won a hard-fought battle for a seat on the UN Security Cou n c i l .

Norweigan Red Cross president Thorvald Stoltenberg (center) meets with students after his lecture.

Stoltenberg is best known for h i s role as Un ited Nations peace n egotiator in the former Yugoslavia from 1 9931 99 6 . H e also served i n the U N as h i g h com m i ssioner for refugees, a n d ended h is political and d i plomatic coreer a s Norway's amba ssador to Den mark. The u n i versity esta b l i s h ed the Harstad lectu re i n m emory of PLU's fou nder a n d first president, B j ug Harstad . H i s fa m i ly created an e ndow­ m e nt to fund the l ecture series a n d h elp carry out Ha rstad's wish that Sca n d i na­ v i a n Americans not lose touch with their a ncestral c u lture a n d tradit i o n s .

Governor honors PLU Promise Scholars

sieindex. hlm/. Work on the pro ject be­ g a n Oct. 1 , 2000 a n d w i l l be compl eted Aug . 3 1 , 2 00 1 .


mains the only Northwest u n i versity to be l i sted i n a l l of the U . S . News best college surveys s i nce they began i n 1 93 3 .

The U . S . News ran k i n g i s only one i nd icator that students and fam i l ies should use i n choosing a college, accord i ng to La ura Polcyn '75, '74, vice president for Adm issions & Enroll ment Services at PLU .

t h i n k-ta n k Political Economy Reseorch Center in Boze m a n , Mont . , and i s a rec­ og n i zed expert on issues of eco n o m i c educatio n throug hout t h e country. We ntwort h , who has been with the u n i versity s i nce 1 97 2 , accepted the award at the national NCEE/NAEE con­ vention in Sava n n a h , Ga . , i n October.

T h e scholarsh i ps are ava ilable to

records ot both u n i versities throug h

Pac i fic Lutheran U n iversity is n u mber n i ne on the l i st of Top Western U n i versi­ ties i n the 200 1 edition of the U . S . News a n d World Report g u idebook, "America's Best Col leges . " A l l ra n k i n g s a nd articles from the book are ava i lable from U . S . News O n l i ne at www . u s n e w s . co m . The r a n k i n g s a l so appeared in the Sept. 1 1 issue of U . S . N ews. The r a n k i n g s were based on aca­ demic reputation, retent i o n , g raduation rate, facu lty resources ( i nc l u d i ng class s i ze] , student selectivity, financial re­ sources, a lum n i g ivi ng rate, a n d other s i m i lar factors. PLU tied for the n i nth spot w i t h S t . Mary's College of Cal i fornia and W h itworth Col l eg e (Wa s h . ) . PLU re­

tion adviser to the environ m ental

h ig h-ac h i ev i ng students from low- a n d



coun try. H e serves as economic educa­

Reca l l i n g h i s own strug g les to pay for college, Gov. Gary Locke honored m ore than 1 5 0 outsta n d i n g PLU freshmen a n d soph omores w h o earned Pro m i se Schol­ arships.

m iddle-income fa m i l i es . Locke b e l i eves the schola rsh ips are i m portant beca u se they a l low talented, ha rd-wo r k i n g stu­ dents from wor k i n g fa m i l ies to get a n educat i o n a t t h e school of t h e i r c h o i c e ­ i nc l u d i n g a private u n i versity. Gov. Locke said he understood why so many scholars would c hoose PLU. " It's a g reat i n stitution and a g reat center of lea r n i n g , " he s a i d . At Ihe October receptio n , he con­ PLU Scandinavian g ra tul a ted the students on their Collection awarded grant accomplish ments a n d than ked their par­ :-----------------"""'1 ents a n d teachers for helping them on U n i versity archivist Kerstin R i ngdahl ' 8 2 their way. a n d the Sca n d i navian I m m i g rant ExperiSophomore Kri sty Va n Nostran '03 ence C o l l e c tion h ave been awarded a thanked Locke on behalf of students $ 49 , 1 1 6 g rant. The g ra nt, g iven by the earn i n g scholarsh ips, a n d the Rev. Was h i n gton State Li bra ry, is part of the Ronald Kempe, whose daug hter Dig ita l Images I n itiative 2000 g ra nt . K at h e n n e '03 a tt en d s PLU , d ·I scu ssed cycle, sponsored by the Federal I n stitute how it helps parents send their c h i l d ren of Museum and li bra r y Services. to schoo l . T h e project i s supported by t h e "We a re pleased a n d h o nored that Man u scripts, Special Col lections, U n iverso m a n y of the state's top scholars c hose sity Archives Division of the U n iversity of to attend Paci fic Lutheran U n iversity," Was h i ngton Li braries, a n d w i l l g ive PLU President Loren Anderson said. o n l i n e access to Sca n d i navi a n m a n uscripts, oral h i stories a n d organ izational

PLU Places High

Wentworth has written n u m e rous articles a n d designed m uc h of the c u r­ ricula used at all levels throughout the

Don Wentworth, recipient of John C. Schramm leodership Award

The Choir of the West releases "Millennium" CD The new record i ng by The Cho i r of the West - P LU's pre m ier c horal e n sem b l e ­ is n o w on sa le. "Mass for a New M i l l en n i u m " fea­ tures the title work composed by PLU's own R i c h a rd Nance, associate professor of m u s i c . T h e C D a lso i ncludes l i ve perfor­ monces from the Northwest Conference of the American Choral Di rector's Asso­

ciation and a j o i nt concert of the Cho i r of the West a n d Choral Arts Northwest. Both are cond ucted by Dr. R i c h a rd Spa rks, PLU's d irector of choral activi­ ties. To order, contact the flU Bookstore at 1 -800-727-5566 or 25 3-53 5-7665 or ema i l at books@plu. edu. Compact d iscs are $ 1 5 each, $ 1 3 each for two or $ 1 2 each for three or more.

Scene welcomes new editor and writer IDREW BROWN joi ned PLU in Septem ber K risty Van Nostran '03 speaks as Governor Gary locke looks on.

Wentworth garners h ighest honor Don Wentworth, professor of economics a n d education, received the h i g hest award g iven in eco n o m i c education: the John C. Schra m m Leaders h i p Award .

G i ven joi ntly b y the National Coun­ cil on Economics Education and the National Association of Economic Edu­ cators, the a n n ua l award recog n izes a n

educator who shows leadership a t t h e state a n d n ational level, works t o ex­ pand the role of eco n o m i c educatio n , a n d establishes progra m s that i ncrease the q u a l ity and quantity of education and educators.

2000 as Publications Manager. Along with being editor of Scene, h e a lso oversees production and content develop­ ment for several U niversity Com m u n ication projects. Drew received h i s BA i n E n g l i sh from the University of Puget Sound a n d h i s M A i n English from Kansas State Univer­ s i ty. He has taught college courses in Ex­ pository Writing and I nteractive E n g l is h , been a Creative Writing Department lia i­ son for the KSU Beach Museum of Art,

c; .." :t .. ,. z c z < .. III

worked as an e ditor, a nd tutored students at both the high school and college levels. KATHERINE HEDLAND '88 recently be­

came Di rector of PLU News and Informa­ tion. She has been a reporter and editor since earni n g her degree in com m u n i ca­ tion at PLU in 1 9 8 8 . Most recently, Katherine was the night city editor at the Eastside journai in Bellevue, Was h . She handles m ed i a relations and writes for Scene along with other u niversity p u bl ica ti ons .

'" " '"





in the news

To check out these pages, add the fol­ •



lowing extensions to the PLU home

N E ERING - http://www. c�.plu.edu -

address- www.plu.edu - i n your URL:

Students in computer science and/or

OFFICE OF THE PROVOST - /�prov05t ­ Get lists of faculty committees, Facu lty House room sizes and downloadable

computer engineering classes can use this site to get resources placed online by their professors, as well as informa­ tion about the department.

forms, as well as other resources on this site geared toward the PLU faculty

PLU EXPERIENCE - /pluexperl - Take a

and administration.

virtual tour of campus, learn about

eCOURSE - /��ourse - Companion to

get tips to ease the stress of being an

the new eCourse system at PLU, this

some of the aspects of campus life and incoming PLU student.

website has documentation that can help students and instructors better


understand the features found on that



new and returning students with tips




catalog - Provides an i n-depth look into academics at PLU as well as informa­ tion about policy and procedure.


A newsletter for

about the start of the school year. Find out what has changed around campus and other essential knowledge about college life at PLU. It also has a list of dates that students and parents should know. -KEVIN F R E ITAS, WEB DEVELOPER


Campus Voice a success on the web The new and improved Campus Voice online Web site has been a major success in its first semester of production, with more than 500 email su bscribers and an aver­ age of 900 hits per week. Readers enjoy the daily updates, expanded format,

The Board of Regents welcomed fou r new mem bers for the 2000-2003 term . ROBrRT\ GOODNO\\ ' 75 of Bel levue, is in on at-large position . Prin­ cipal owner of The Goodnow Group, she is on the PlU Campaign Steering Committee ond the executive boord of d i rectors for Q Club. She olso serves on the boord of odvisers for TroceDetect Corp., i n the student­ mentori n g program for the Kennedy School ot Harvord Un iversity and as a mem ber of Northwest Venture Group. \N 1:. l I'OG '84 of Bellevue served the Board of Regents from 1 98997, and has returned to represent the ElCA. Co-founder of long Pointing Co. and Swift Equipment C o . , she is co-chair of the Copital Campoig n steering committee and is 0 member of Q C l u b . She is a lso a board mem ber of Morymoor Museum of Eastside H i story and St. Andrew's Housing Group, and is an active member of St. Matthew's lutheran C h urch . KARf I'll LI IT'S '55 of Mercer Island also represents the ElCA. She wos h i red os the first nurse ot the Un iversity of Wash i ngton, and i s now retired ond a member of the Un iversity of Washi ngton Retirement Asso­ ciation . A native of Ritzvi lle, Washington, she is a mem ber of the National Wheat Association, Was h i ngton Wheat Association, Woshi ng­ ton State Pototo Comm ission, Q C lub, and Holy Tri n ity Churc h . ru: f UN \'\ EU.s, bishop for the Eastern Washi ngton-Idoho Synod and Spokane resident, represents the bishops and the ElCA. Before be­ i n g elected as bishop this post spri ng, Bishop Wells served five years as executive director of Holden Village, a center for the renewal of persons and the C h urc h , located in the Central Washington Cascades near lake Chela n . His connections to PlU ore strong - he and h i s wife, Susan Briehl, served eight years as campus pastors. They have two daug hters and ore members of St. Morks lutheran C h u rch .

expanded photo essays and longer features. The website is also getting kudos for its convenient links to other sites - a round the university, and around the world. New to the site is a Webcam focused on Red Square- stop by and see what's hap­ pening at PLU 24 hours a day, seven days a week! Pay a visit at www.p/u.edu/ campus voice.

Join us for an interactive jou rney exploring your future and God 's plan for your life, using the latest in web-based and interactive video tec hnology. Youth who are high school and college age will each explore the topic of vocation and call online with free Virtual Forum Jan. 1 0-Feb. 1 1 . Students may also gather at PLU in Tacoma, Tri nity Lutheran C h u rc h in Issaqua h , Concordia U in Portland, or St. Marks in Spokane for a video conference workshop on February 24.

WHEN? J a n ua ry- M a rch 200 l Wo rkshop date: February 24, 2 0 0 1

H O W D O I G E T ON BOARD? STEP 1 : Just log in with an e - m a i l

address, and y o u w i l l sta rt getting all t h e information! STEP 2: Beginning January 1 0 ,

the "Virtual Jou rney" z .. '" "' .. ..

begins, with surveys, fa ith stories and chat rooms, STEP 3: Participate in the Live

Video Conference Workshop.

> Z :I z c ..

u ... <J C ..

Register Online a t www. Godleadillg. com

Contact: Rick Rouse o r Evelyn Reita n , P L U O ffice o f

C h u rch Rdations, 2 5 3 - 5 3 5 -7423

I 1.1 '0'\1, assistont professor of h istory, is the o u thor of a cho pter titled "Consumers Are Also Soldiers: Subversive Songs from N a n j i ng Road During the New Life Movement" i n the book "Inventing Nanjing Road : Commercial C u l ture i n Shanghai, 1 900- 1 945 , " edited by Sherman Cochran (Cornell University East Asia Series, 1 999) . The chapter argues that retailers in 1 930s Shanghai i ncorporated the m i l i­ tant, anti-capita list rhetoric of C h iang Kai-shek's New life Movement into their advertising campaigns by recasting consumers os soldiers who served the notion by shopping. In effect, their efforts to build a consumer society not anly inspired, but also swamped, a state-sponsored pol i tica l campaig n . I G N B I "l ON, associate professor of English and d i rector of the publishing and printing arts program, is the author of " Beauty and the Book" (Yale Un iversity Press, 2000), a cu ltural h i story of the post-World Wa r I publishing boom i n fine editions . Buyers of these deluxe editions were often critics of modern mass culture, satisfying their desire for social distinction and cultural superiority - i n addition ta their aesthetic ideals - by purchasing these books. Benton expla ins, however, that fine bookmaking embodied some trou b l i ng ambiguities as bookmakers were u nwi l l i ng to compro m i se with mac h i nery, populor taste or the bottom l i ne. f ' A n LL 0 ON I I I , I I FN , professor of rel igion, is a co-author of "The Catholic Experience of Small Christian Communi­ ties" (Paulist Press, 2000) . The book is the largest empirical study of smoll faith commun ities in the Roman Catholic C h u rch ever u ndertake n . Killen and h e r co-authors explain t h e attraction of these groups t o people of various ages, and report on the attitudes and practices of members an a range of rel ig ious and social issues. The authors also suggest ways that small faith com m u n i ties function as a venue for the formation of Catholic l i fe and practice that bridges mid-20'''-century eth n ic communities to the post­ modern world of the 2 1 " century. K i l len is also the author of a chapter titled "The Irish in Washi ngton State" i n "The Encycloped ia of the Irish i n America" (Un iversity of Notre Dame Press, 2000) . This article surveys the h i story of the Irish in what is today's Wash­ ington State, and shows how the experience of the Irish here cannot be explai ned using the dom inant interpretive categories af Irish-American h istory - neighborhood, porish, and union. Okl:.'\ M I LTON , visiting assistant professor of politicol science, is the author of "The Rational Politici a n : Exploiting the Medio in New De­ mocracies" (Ashgate Publishing, 2000) . Milton exa mi nes the role and status of the news med ia during the transition to democracy in post-com­ munist East Central Eu rope. He finds that efforts to free the media from the ties that bound them (to the state) were often thwo rted by political actors seeking to exploit the media for their own ends. ,\


campus features Education students integrate technology into the classroom without losing the human touch BY






y l e S h amon, a fac u l ty member in the PLU School of Education, rolls a gargan­

[lI a n red Radio Flyer wagon b e h i n d

h i m , w i t h aLI u s u a l s u p p l i e s fo r a n ele men tary s c h o o l cla s sr o o m : pe n ­ c i l s , pens, crayons, books, papcr, r u ler, glue, C D - ROM d i s k s , an Apple

i B o o k l a pto p with w i re l ess cOllncctiv­ i ty


t h e I n ternet. Educato rs h ave

o ften worried that tec h n o l o gy wi l l

depersonalize t h e essence o f t cach ­ i ng, wh i c h i s h u m a n i nr e r ac r i o n . Ed u c a t i o n , meet- M a tt h e w

B a rritt and h is colleagues. Barriet i s one o f m a ny i n t he P L U School o f E du ca t i o n who h ave h e l ped develop

the departmcnt's c o n t i n u i n g go a l of tec h n o l ogy i megration. S wdents i n PLU's S c h oo l o f E d u c ati o n are devel­ o p ing as s k i l led users of t e c h n o l o gy i n la rge mea s u re because o f a l u m n u s D i a n a Ped erso n

'83. Pederson gave a

generous g i ft to the School o f Educa­ tion that funded much of the equ i p ment that p uts studen ts ahead o f tht' curve. It also allowed for the

crea tion o f t h e Pederson/S tei n Te c h ­ n o logy E n h an ce d Classroom -i n h o n or of her g r a n dfa t h e r, Arne

School of Education students collaborate while notes are recorded on a PLU·provided Apple iMac.

Ped e rso n , and Lynn Stei n , fa c u l ty

emeriti i n t h c S c h o o l of Education. The lea rn i ng sta rts where, on

this d a y , Matt hew Barritt i s teach i ng

a software p rogram ca l led I n s p i ra ­ tion. An u n u s u a l co m pa t i bi l i ty s n a fu won ' t a l low Barri t t


projcn h i s

c o mp u te r ' s i m age u p o n the scre e n . T h e s o l u t i o n ' I-l o ok up t h e digit a.! carner;), p o i n t i t at t h e cOlll p u r C J"

mon itor, and p r oj ect that. Barrin doe�n ' t miss a beaL. \J(l h a t s t a rtc,d as a s o ftware demo has becom e a l e s so n learned. " D o n 't kick ),o u rs E' l f when t h ings don't go right," B a rri t t says to

h i s s t u d e n ts , " th i s can be h ard." I nspiration a l l ows s t udents to " i dea map " - t h e old fashioned con­

cept of s tarring from one i de a , a n d b ranc h i n g o ff. Idea mapping takes on a different dimension in comput­ ers: i d eas can be ch an ged , move d , and fu rther text can be written off screen.

Instead o f the s o ftware bei n g the les­ so n , i t becomes a tool for students to b rainstorm ed ucational concepts. T h e y then can take I n s p i ration i n to their own classroo ms. S tu dents move i n to small

tc rac t in g w i t h each ot her- learn i ng

may b e what they call " elec tronic

the soft �'are while m o l d i n g i deas. At

portfolios." They h ave been able co

r i mes, the i Bollk i s the ccmer of at­

use their advanced tech nological

l e n t io n , b u r mostly, the

k n OWledge to d e-v e l o p extensive

col laboration i s w h ar t ake s c e n t e r

teac h i ng p o rtfo lios that are p u t


o n C D-ROMs a n d posted t o the


Pixron '0 I was i n i tially re­

luctant when it came to techno logy,

Electronic portfo l i os are b u i lt to

b u r n o w ,.cl's i ts potential. "Technol­

reflect tl:acher competency s tandards

ogy opens u [1 so many doors," she

and are al i g ned w i t h the

said. " S tuden t s vho were hesitant to

d e p ar tment's core valu es of compe­

s ha re o pcned li p with e-mail."

tence, care, leaders h i p and s ervice.

Jen n

Matthew BarriN discusses educational concepts in a small group warkshop.

Lessons they have learned fro m wo rk­

show evidencc in fu l f il l i ng the core

' 0 I , st ll d c n t s i n B a r r i t t ' s Media &

i ng with o thers, challenges they have

Tec h n ol ogy ( K-8) class, coo k on the

h ad , personal i n tercs t s , p h i losoph it'S

values and competency s tandards. " E l e ct ro n i c p o rt fo l ios tel l a story

r sp o n s i b i lity of fac i l itating techno­

t h ey h ave d eve l o ped and changed,

of who stu de n t s are," said Barri t t,

l ogi ca l c o m m un i cat i o n be tween S p a n a way Jr. H igh s t ud en t s and

p ro j e ct s t hey have co m p l e te d and

"well beyond t h e i r resumes." Each is

lessons th ey have taugh t. This only

a work i n p rogress - fro m l e s s o n s

teacher�. " D iscussion on co m p u t e rs

scratches the surface o f whJ t stu­

ta ugh t

S m i t h ' 0 1 and Jenn Griffin


l e s so ns l e a m c d , fro m col­

toned down the formality," said

d e n ts have put o n their electro n i c

l a b Ol"a t i o ll to i n d i v i d u a l

S m i t h . "Students fel t more comfort­

portfo l ios. Both CD-ROM's a n d the

ach i eve m e n t . E l ectro n i c p o rt fo l i os

abl e i n s haring their o p i nions and

In ternet allow eno ugh memory co

s h o w n O [ JUSt a rec o rd of a c co m p l i s h ­

creating ideas."

incl ude large video c l i ps-lTlost h ave

m e n ts , but a reco rd of learn ing and

added personal teaching footage to

pers o n a l growth.

Thc School of E ducation em­

In the School of Education, the

phasizes analys is of the ind ivid ual s i t uation-fi n ding out what re­ s o u rces their school has, and using those resources to improve Ie:! rning. "/I. pen and pencil are ' technol­

gro u p s i n d i ffere n t rooms-eac h gro u p recorder carrying an iBook.

ogy , ' " S m i t h added. "Like any too l ,

\Vh i l c the m a p p i n g i s done, s tud e n cs J u m p o u t of their scats over to the

t o bl'nefit your students."

moni tor, p o i n t i n g at t h e screen, in-

In tCflll:t.

I t's i m p o rtan t t o k now how to usc i t For PLU's education students, their most va luab le i n dividual t o o l







key is not th� tc c h n o l o gy. The key is u s i n g the benefits o f t e c hn o logy to

help m o v e fo rward t he very hu man art o f tcac h i n g ,1 I1d the l'LU Scho o l of Education i s kading the way.

'" ,. n n c .. % OJ ,. z c: Z <

.. ...

... n '" Z



ca m pus features

Transplant volunteers show true PLU bond BY




' 8 8

" I t was the e asiest decision I've

ast spring, Nicole C u n n i ngham '00 needed a

ever made i n my l i fe," Leeper said.

machine to b reathe for her.

" When I got that call fro m N icole's

By this fal l, s h e was en ter­

dad, I knew that's where I needed to

tain ing th ree job offers and m oving into h e r own apartment.

be." The transplant-wh ich cook a

C u n n ingham owes her remark­

lobe fro m each of the dono rs to re­

able recovery to two fellow Lutes, her

p lace each of C u n n i ngham'S

best friend and cousin. The pair do­

lungs-was done at the hospi tal at

nated parts of their own lu ngs to

UCLA. Recovery was d i fficult for

replace C u n n ingham's, which were

Leeper and Anderson, who will al­

ravaged by cys tic fib rosis.

ways have abou t 5 - 1 0 p ercent less

" I thought i t was going to be q u i te a lot longer b e fore I started feeling so wel l," C u n n i n gham said. C u n n i ng ham ' s l i fe l o n g condi­ tion worsened as s h e go t older. Real i z i ng that her disease was l i fe th reateni ng, and chances fot a donor lI'ere s l i m, C u nn i ngham sent a letter to fa m i l y and friends saying she would p u rsue a lung transplant. One vol u n teer was her cousin, Adele Anderson '03. As s he was get­ ting her blood t e s ted , Anders o n said s h e was struck by a fee ling that she was the right person to help. " I felt that God's h an d was on my s h o u lder," Anders o n said. Mary Beth Le e p er '00, C u n n i ngham's best fri e n d s i n ce

lung capacity, but both are getting stronger every day. "The transplant i tself is a m iracle," Leeper said. Before, C u n n i ngham req u i red pai nfu l 20-mi nute treatments fou r ti mes a d ay, was on oxygen a t night, and had a feeding tube because she was usually too sick to eat. She was down to 80 pounds. S ince the o pera­ tions, s he's p u t 20 pou nds back o n her 5-foot, I - i nch frame. " I j u s t take a handfu l of p i l ls i n t h e morning and a handfu l a t night, and it's so much less than I was do­ i ng before." C u n n ingham said PLU provided

Adele Anderson'03 (left) a n d Mary Beth Leeper'OO ( not pictured) donated part o f their lungs to friend Nicole Cu nningham'OO (right).

needed s u p port d u r i n g h e r i llness. She did homework at the hosp ital

She says there's no \vay to prop­

C u n n i n g ham , who chose to cake

erly A n derson and Lee p c r fo r what

a j o b as a c u s to l11 t! r service represen­

eighth gra de and co ll ege roommate,

and kept u p as much as she c o u l d .

also vo l u nteered, but another c o u s i n

W h e n she was h o s p i t a l i z e d weeks

they've done. S h e has tricd, i ll person

tative fo r the mental health

before grad u a ti on , facu lty m e m b e rs

and through let ters.

dep a r tm c ll t of the Pac i fi c a rc o ffi ce i n

was t h o u g h t to be a better match.

When C u n n l l1 g h a m devel o p e d a l u n g i nfecti o n that n early k i l led her i n

cased h e r mind.

"My p r o fe sso rs lVere so wo nd er­

A p r i l , the transplant was moved u p .

fu l," she said. "They j u s t wanted me

C u n n i ngham's o t h e r cousi n was

to not worry, but I was so stressed

ruled out as a d o nor, and Leeper f1ew to Los Angeles at the last m i nute for the surgery.

out abo u t it." C u n n i ngham gradu­ ated in M ay, and wal ked d u r i ng August ceremonies.

"Th e re's n o words to describe

H i l lsboro , O re . , has become a re­

what th ey've g i ve n l11 e , " s h e sai d. " \\1('

so urce for o t her patients. S h e's

j u s t have t h i s special relatio n s h i �) . "

a l ready t a l k ed to two wo men consid­

Seeing C u n ningham's newfo u n d

strength is a l l the thanks t h e y need. "She's doing awesome," An der­ s o n said. "She was on her deathbed.

ering the sa me k i n d o f tran s p l ants, and wants them to know how m u c h

i t can change their l ives .

"I can not believe t h at breath ing

Now yo u'd never k n ow anything hap­

c a n be so easy," she said. " I a m so


blessed by t h e whole experience."

Like mother, like daughter. . . BY



' 8 8

" J love having Illy m o m here,"

"Tammy lVas able to achieve her goals and her dreams, and I regretted

Tam m y said. 'Tm really p ro u d of

not having done that," Susan said.


" S he was Iny i n s p i ratio n . " J u s t like Tam my, s h e c o mple ted

'" .. > z ;) z 011[

.. Iii




usan Nixon is fol lowing in her daughter'S footsteps. After seeing how much her

The two say t h e ), are close and share laugh at how Tammy at first didn't

so m e thin g we've s h a.red , a.nd some­

o f N u rs i n g, w l1l' re h er dau ght e r was

want s tu de n ts at Pierce to k now her

thing we can always l o o k back on."

ell ro l led.

mother was also tak ing clas se s , a n d time she heard, " H i Mom ! " in the


h a l lway.

" S h e wo n't wait a year to gradu­ atE' with me," S usan j oked.

It's been almost 20 years s i nce

B ec ause Ta m m y was a year

ahead, the two never had a class to­ geth.er. They do talk about

the School of N u rs i ng has had a

professors, classes, and what they

m other and daughter i n the program

have learned . Both s ay they chose n urs i n g be­

S h i rl e y Aiken, a 2 6-year member o f

cause they enjoy wo rking with

the nursing facu lty.

patien ts, and reac h i ng o u t to others. After completing a pre ce p to rs h i p (a

become a registered nurse.

"They w i l l both make wonderfu l RNs," A i ken said. Susan, 43, said her husband,

" I t's been fu n , " S u san said. " I c's

how S usan was e mbarrassed the first

ber. Her m o m will fi nish u p in

ing studies, Su san chose to ret u rn to schoo!. Susan , who has worked as a c l i n i c in Eatonville fo r 1 7 years, de­

have with their education.

l e ge , ti1l'Il moved on to PLU's School

at the same time, accord ing to

l icensed p ractical n u rse at a family

tai ls o f thei_r new careers-as they

a good-natu red sense of h u m o r . T hey

daughter, Tammy, enjoyed her n u rs­

cided it was t i me to move up to u 011[ ...

look fo rward to compa.ri ng the de­ Her mother i s equaLly p ro ud.

her a s sociate's deg re e at Pierce Col­

Tammy, 22, g ra d u a tes in Decem­

Nursing students daughter Ta mmy Nixon'OO ( left) and mother Susan'O 1 .

c m p h as i ze c o m rn u n i ty health care

when she ch o o ses a s p e c i a lty_ Both

n u rsing i nternship) i n ped ia t r i cs at M ary B r i dge C h i ldre n ' s H o s p ital ( i n

B rian, and her two younger daugh­

Tacoma) t h i s fall, Tammy h opes to

ters supported her decision.

work with c h i ld ren. Susan h o p e s to

" TA ,vI M Y







Fulbright Scholars spark PLU's global perspective BY




PLU's Fulb r ight Scholars have s mdied inte rna ti o n al relations i n Germany, literature i n No rway and environmental smdics i n I ndia. B u t many say the most i m p o rtant le�sons wcren't learned in the classroom-as unique cultures and challenges opened the doors ro self-discovery. "My year over there was both the best time of my life and the most dif­ ficu l t," said Jeremy M a n ga n '98, who smdied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. "When you're on yo u r own, you s tart t o see things I n a d i f­ ferent way." In recognition of the 25th anni­ versary of PLU's involvement i n the Fllibright program, man)' of the 5 1 PLU graduates who have been aw.:trded the p re s tig i ous scholarship recurned for a reunion d u ring H ome­ coming wcekcnd. Profess I' emeritus Rodney Swenson, thL� heart and soul

of the PLU p rogram, pre se n red the H eritage Lecture, and e ight alums p art i c i p a t e d i n a panel discussion afterwards. Many came ro p ay trib u te ro Swenson, who retired in the s p ring after teach ing Ge rman s ince 1 968. He contin ues ro work with F u l b right ap plicaI1Cs. "The th rust of the program i s an investmenc in pcace, and onc of the best wa)!s [0 do that is ro have young people l iving and wo rking i n o ther cultu res," Swenson said. "Th is has become my crusade." After his lectu re abou t the im­ portance of language and b roadening horizons, panelists took to the podium. One after another, alums rold tales of their years abroad and thanked Swenson for e ncourag­ i n g them ro p u rsue the Fulb right, the U.S. gov 'rn menc's remier scholar­ ship program. The Fulb right was

created after World War I I, wi th the goal o f fostering m u tual u nders tand­ ing among nations. Ann Marie Mehlum '75, PLU's first Fulbright winner, was back on campus fo r her fi rst Homecoming. Mehl u m, CEO of Access Broadcast­ i ng, an Imernet marke t in g company in Eugene, O re . , said she didn't real­ ize when she won the Fulbright i n 1 975 that I t was so im p o rtant. " I t was a fab ulous year," she said after hearing the former students

speak. "It was everything they all talked abQut." Associate p rovost Bill Teska said that all i n ternational p rograms have grown at PLU, and they offer core curriculum emp has izing a global per­ s p e c t ive . " I t is critical to be preparing our students to be global ci tizens," he said. "We are giving our students the rools they need to navigate through an increasingly i n ter-con­ nected world."

E;rccl'pt ofRodn c.y Swenson '.< Heritage Lt'Ct"re: LlIlgl1ag� IS rlw key ro u n d e rsl J n d i n g any gi vcn c u l ru r�, a u d ir is r he refo re csse n r i a l t h ,l [ o n e h ave somc fu n d a m e n tal kll l1\\'[edge o f r h e lan g ua ge before m ak i ng j u dgmen ­ r a l observarions .... Wi r h o u r I h ar ... o n c is l i kely ro makl' ulnocuolls com III ents l i ke.

"srrange," "dift" ITllr," "quaim" or even "cure." No l iving languagc exisrs in a m useum,

b u r i n all ellvi rollIllenr r h a r is cOllsra n tly u nd e rgo i n g evo l u tion. I n rhe l J n gu age reach­

i llg/leamillg m i l ieu, rh e word " c u l rure" i ll wrirren wirh

case l e i ; rll(' fo nner refers ro

i ng up o r l iv i n g ... i n



I(lwcr casc

I c]

an d an u p p e r

rhose cui rural behavi o rs gl'll erally a c q u i red r h rough grow­

p a rr i cu l a r c u l ru re. The o r h e r " e ll l ru re " refers to k n owledge

gained p ri ma r i l y rhrough acadc lll ic srudy ... l i r e rarure, lll usic, creat ive :m d fi n e

'1 rr .

... I II

o n e texr I nored r h e srare menr rhar l an guage is c o n s i d e red t he rcposilClry of c u l ru re, which wo u l d IT3 d i ly i n d i ca re r h e d i ffi c u l t y o n e wou l d enCll u nt e r when rryi n g to sep a ­ ra[c t h e


Carlo G o l d i n i srared r he fo rego i n g concepr succin Cl'ly: " H e who never

l e a w s h i s co u n t ry is fu l l o f prej u dices." You r concept o f cu l ru re has u n dergone a rransfonnarion of u n belicvable proporrions ... flll' in add i t ion ro rhe k i n d s of c u lrure I have jusr merHioncd, you h a w

Professor emeritus Rodney Swenson talks with Tamara Grunhurd'93

Ical'lled rhe cul ture uf rhe foreign u n iversiry. .. rhe a r r i r u de towards Icam i n g .... l h a w

h e a rd rhe COlll l1lenr so ufren b)' retu rn i n g F u l b r i gh r s t ud en r s , "I wish I co u l d have

s r a Y l'd a b ro a d l o nglT ... I was jusl begi n n i n g to fl'c l l i n g u i s t ical l)' at home and to u n de r­ s t a n d r h e c u l r u re better."

(li',1 ( H E U-JTE RNET I\T


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Alum-led choir shines in national spotlight l o r i a n a , :l 24-vo icc p ro fes s i o nal choir conducted and fo unded by Dcu:l n e '75 a n d Karen (lVl cClellan) Kuenzi '74, will be part of a m o n u mental re c o rd i n g 11 'xt May. G loriana will record the choral p o r­ tion of the n t' w c o m p o s i r i o n "Sym p h o llY of Tears," wri t te n [0 commemorate the 1 9 15 ge n ocid e of thc Armenians by rhe Turks. While the s in ge rs in Glo riana are from around the cou nrry, rheir oHicc is based in Lakewood, Was h. The work was writtcll by i n te rn at i o n a lly recognized composer Jeff Manoo kian, who is of Armenian descent . The recording will be conducted by world renowned M.:tes tro Loris Tjeknovarian of the Vienna Philharmon ic. The o rchestra fo r the recorci Lng will be the O rchestra of Sr. G regory, one of the fin­ est pro fessional o rchestras i n E u ro p e. Record i ng is t <?l1 t a .r i w ly scheduled fo r Sr. John\ Cathedral Ln New York C i ty, known fo r its magn i fi c e n t aco ustics. G lo ri:ma was sclected a frer Maestro Tje k n ovarian h eard a performance by the choir i n L i n co l n Center several monrhs ago. He agreed to do the reco rding only if Gloriana would take parr. The chOir's most memo rable e x pe r ie n ce s have' becl1 appearing o n the CBS show " To uchcd By A n Angel," and recording a C D [0 bcnefi t cancer research, "Songs of America," which was nomin ated f() r a G ram m), Award. G lo riana is schedu led ro p c r fo rm on a two-h our 'hristmas s pecial [0 be aired on .h ris tmas Eve 200 1 , i n which Kare n Kuenzi wi l l h ave a m i nor r o l e. Other upcoming projects include p e r fo r m a n ces In Ncw York, Los An geles and D a l las. Deuane w i l l conducr the S yd n ey Orchestra and C h o r u s (Australia) in the S yd ncy Opera House i n 2003.

Alum bridges cultures through teaching






ince Everett Lee '87 gradu­ ated from PLU, he has taught all over the globe. This time, he is in Saudi Arab ia teaching En­ g l i s h [0 members of rhe Saudi N a t i on al Guard . Lee has been there since October, wo rk i n g fo r the Vi n n e ll Corp., an A merican company that contracts with the Saudi govern­ ment. Lee has also taught Engli s h ll1 C h i na and Japan and was an ESL teacher at Hlghline Commun ity Col­ lege in B u rien, Wash . He enJoys the t rave l ing and o ppo rtu n i ties for learn­ i ng that teaching abroad o ffe rs . " I enjoy acting as a brIdge be­ tween myself and o ther cultu res," he said. Lee had worked with some Arab students at HighlillL' and wanred morc exposu re to their c u l tu re and beliefs. " I had stereotypes abou t them that tu rned out not ro be true, and I wa n te d [0 go [0 a place where 1 co u l d get a better understandi ng," he said.

While Lee lives on a compound with Americans and other fo reign nationals, h e must abide by the suict M us l i m law of the land. That means there i s n o alcohol or talking to wo men i n public, .:tnd sLrict monito r· ing of any materials bro ught ll1tlJ the coun try. He also s tops teaching d u r­ ing the prayers M u s l i m s o ffer five ti mes each day. Lee will have timc o ff to trave l , and Istanbul, Egypt and Lebanon are on his iti ne rary. W h i le c o n te m platin g his move, Lee remembered a h istory of the Middle East co urse he took years ago at PLU fmm Professor Ann Kelleher. "It was one of my favor ite classes," he said. "At the time it didn't occur to me that [ wo uld ever go there." You can reach Evererr at e�'erettsan@att. net

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cd so BY


( RITC H I E )



For 3 0 yea rs , a l u m n i h ave co u n ted o n Scene for t h e l atest i n formati o n o n a l l t h i ngs PLU . Fro m t h e ach i eve m e n ts o f stud e n ts a n d fac u lty m e m bers to b i rths, grad u ati o n s a n d other m i l esto n es , Scen e h as h e l ped Lutes stay i n c o n tact with t h e i r a l m a m ater a n d t h e peo p l e wh o m a d e t h e i r t i m e at PLU speci a l .


think many people view it as their lifeline to the university," said Lauralee Hagen '75, '78, Director of Alumni and Parent Relations. "It's the consistent form of communication with everyone ... the one thing that can keep people connected to the u niver­ sity." "Lost" alumni often call the office with updated contact informa­ tion when they h ave stopped receiv­ ing Scene. "You may not notice when you don't get the annual giving let­ ter, but you do notice when you don't get Scene," Hagen said. In three decades, Scene has seen five editors, fou r PLU p residents, and more class notes than the magazine's many faithfu l p roofreaders wish to contemplate. Contribu tors h ave come and gone, and many individu­ als merit recognition for their dedication to Scene. First and fore­ most is Jim Peterson, who took the helm during Scene's inaugural issue, and stayed on as editor until 1 994. Ken Dunmire's p horographs graced Scene's pages until 1 995. And the late H arvey Neufeld '54, direcror of church relations emeritus, wrote his "Travelin' \Vith Harv" colu mn for 22 years.




Richard Jungkunn, former acting president and longtime provost.




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Scene has seen physical changes ranging from paper grade, to p rint quality and graphic design. The times h ave changed, and Scene has changed along with them. In the mid - 1 980s, the magazine's printing process went completely electronic, and today, articles are submitted via email, designed on sophisticated computers and p rinted on an elec­ tl'onic full-color p ress. While the style of Scene may h ave changed, the sub­ stance stays strong. Certain values continue to emerge, year after year: service to the community and to the world, as well as servant leadership; care for the earth and its inhabitants; prepara­ tion for the future; seeing and changing the world, both during and after the PLU experience; inquiry inro what a Lutheran education is, and why it is important. In short, PLU has been " Educat­ ing for Lives of Thoughtful Inq uiry,

Service, Leadership and Care" long before the p hrase made its way onto

President Loren Anderson signs his PLU contract in 1 992 as regents Bishop David Wold '56 and Frank Jennings look on.

Profiles: 30 Years of alumni dedication Knudsen '52 was honored for his ac­ complishments as a PLU biology professor. He spent more than 8,000

hill' m u c h o f t h e world measures success in terms of financial "bot­ tom line," Lute successes, as detailed in Scene, are most often measured in terms of service to the community. Alumni profiles h ave included such standout Lutes as Maria-Alma Copeland '79, the first African­ American woman to be ordained in the American Lutheran C h urch . The October 1 985 Scene described her journey toward this ground-breaking position, explaining how, after 2 3 years o f raising a family a n d working, Copeland felt a calling ro the minis­ try when her life was spared in a 1 972 car accident. Distinguished Alumnus Award winners are often recognized, not for their prestige or power, but for their excellence in service. In 1 975, ]ens

hours p roducing a series of dioramas for Point Defiance Aquarium, and raised more than $6,000 (through sale of his freelance artwork) that he contributed to the Minority Student Scholarship Fund. In 1 985, Dr. Insu Lee '59 was honored for his work with the National Institute of Health and the Food and Drug Administra­ tion, studying the impact of che micals such as Agent Orange. And in 1 999, Beverly Haden '66 was hon­ ored for her work in public healrh and her efforts in supporting young adults with learning disabilities. In recent years, the Alumni Board created an additional Alumni Service Award as a way of awarding those who l ive out PLU's mission of


1 970






1 97 1

educating for lives of service. This award has honored alumni such as Ron '70 and Ingrid '70 Gintz, recog­ nized in 1 999 for providing a home (since 1 99 I ) for 25 teenage boys who h ave stl'uggled with p roblems such as drug addiction, anger management, connict with their own parents and failure in school. Of course, PLU also has gradu­ ated its share of alumni who have been successfu l in the more tradi­ tional realms of leadership. 1 99 6 Distinguished Alumnus Donald Morken '60, the owner of Genesee Investments, is known as one of the pioneers in the hedge fund business. He is a sought-after speaker on in­ vestment topics, and has been quoted numerous times in rhe \Vall S treet Journal and Forbes Magazine. paSt 9


u u c( II.

the bottom of its letterhead. And for the last 30 years, Scene has chronicled every step.

1 972

1 973

1 974




Staying connected

When the Mortvedt Library was constructed in 1 967, building architects gave the two­ story structure enough strength to support a third level at some point in the future_ By the mid- 1 980s, the library's collections had outgrown the first two floors_ A third story in 1 987_ was 1m:

Scene makes a habit of sharing interesting stories about current students with its readers. In May 1 978, the maga%ine profiled five Lute football players who made it to television's "The Gong Show" as "The Non-Lettermen," after discovering they could sing at a team camp. Clockwise from left, the "Non­ LeHermen" included Mark Reiman '79 (now the chair of PLU's economics department" Kris Morris '80, Mike Catron '78, Mark Accimus '80 and Phil Earley '80.

f nothing else, t h e editors o f Lure publications can b e assured of two certainties i n life: Mooring Mast readers will al­ ways look at the Safety Beat first, and Scene readers will head d i rectly for C l ass Notes. Scene readers' fasci nation with Class Notes is easy to expl ain. As alumni move away and begin new s tages in their lives, keeping in touch becomes more complicated. I n a world where it sometimes seems easier to d rift apart than stay con­ nected, Class Notes are the glue that binds PLU's alumni community to­ gether. Reviewing the 30 years of mar­ riages and births, job p romotions and awards that Scene has chronicled, certain patterns become apparent.

First, PLU is a family institution. Couples have announced marriages and the births of their children-and many of those kids themselves be­ come alumni. Second, P L U is conti nually growing. While enrollment grows steadily, the body of those who call themselves "Lutes" grows imm ensely with every entering class-and ac­ cordingly, Class Notes grows longer and richer. The most end uri ng pattern that e merges is the strength of the PLU community. Class Notes routinely profile gatherings and even ts that bring together alumni from 20, 30 or even SO years ago to catch lip on busy lives and remember old times.

"Profiles," colTtm::rd

Still, alumni l ike Morken share their fellow Lu tes' dedication to ser­ vice. While M o rken has been one of PLU's most generous donors, h is de­ votion of time is even more impres­ sive. He is a PLU regent, a class representative, and a Q Club mem­ ber. He was the National C hairman of PLU's "Make a Lasting Difference" campaign in the 1 990s, and is cur­ rendy a National Co-Chair of the Steering Commi ttee for "The Cam­ paign for Pacific Lutheran Univer­ siry: The Next Bold Step." It was hard, al most i m possible, to narrow the gigantic list of capti­ vating, touching and inspiring p rofiles that have graced Scene's pages. PLU shou ld be most proud of that fact.

"II J> " "

The late Jens Knudsen '52 devoted over 8,000 hours to creating a series of dioramas for the Point Defiance Aquarium. In February 1 973, Scene paid Knudsen a visit as he worked on a scene depicting Cape FlaHery.

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, 0 70








1 980


I 98 1















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1 98 3



.. III

1 9 77












D E D I C AT E D .. o o

1 978

1 979

1 980

1 98 1

1 98 2

1 983

1 984

... o




Always planning for the future nally built to house the natural sci­ ences, was remodeled and convened

into a home for various academic services and th e School of Nursing. Ingram Hall, used as a student u nion and as a headquarters for both th e School of Nursing and the art de­ partment, today i s home to the School of the Arts. The former Parkland School was annexed by the u niversity in the 1 980s, and became home to the M arriage and Fami ly Therapy p rogram and several com­ munity ourreach organizations. PLU added a third f100r to the Mo rtved t Library i n 1 987, and it now houses the University archives. Scene's inau­ gural cover story, the UC, has also seen many changes. The area that i5 now the Scand i­ navian Cultu ral Center? During construction of the UC in 1 970, longtime UC director Marv Swenson noticed the construction crew filling in a large hole on the lower level. \Vhen engineers said it wasn't neces­ sary to fill in the hole, Swenson had it left open, and added doors. Des p i te continued,

{'lilt' 1 J

Mary Baker Russell Music Center was constructed i n two phases, with the second phase beginning in December 1 996. Scene was there as Mary Baker Russell herself broke ground on the final addition. David Benson '94, Jane Russell and Darren Kerbs '96 stand by as Mary wields her shovel.


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D E C E M 6 E I! 1 9 8 7 TEAM TI E S f O R NAI A

f O U N D





O H ( M S E Il 1 9 8 b H E A D S TA R T P R O G R A M B E G I N S AT T H E f A M I LY




P L AY E R S )




1 9



1 98 7

1 98 8

1 990






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1 0 0 '"



1 986





Over the years, Scene has chronicled PLU's special effort to remain connected to its Norwegian heritage. On several occasions, members of the Norwegian royal family have come to campus. Here, President Anderson shows the Norwegian crown prince. Haakon, a sculpture on lower campus titled "Generations of Oak" during his visit in 1 999. The sculpture, created by Kathryn Wold, was dedicated by his mother, Queen Sonja, in 1 995.


C H A M P I O N S H I P W I T H T H E U N IVE R S I T Y O f W I S C O N S I N AT S T E V E N S P O I N T ( L AT E R A f O R f E I T W I N f O R P L U W H E N UW-S P WAS




O C T O B £ II 1 9 8 6 S T U D E N T S T R AV E L T O C H I N A

Following the dedication o f the UC i n November 1 970, the next major addition was the Names Fitness Cen­ ter, which op e n e d i n 1 984. Rieke Science Cen ter, named for then-Presi­ dent William O. Rieke, lVas dedicated in January 1 985. The '90s saw the dedication of the M ary Baker Russell M usic Center in February 1 995, and the W. M . Keck Observatory at this fal l's Opening Convocation. Finally, South Hall was dedicated during Homecoming weekend this October. There have also been renovations and add i tions. Ramstad Hall, origi-

s Scene has grown and changed throughout the years, so has PLU. Scene began with the very".orange cover of the inaugural issue in September 1 9 70, featuring what lVas then the newly constructed University Center. More recently, the shiny new W. M . Keck Observatory graced the Winter 1 9992000 cover. And this issue's cover features (along with the history of PLU growth) South Hall, which just opened its doors to students. I n 3 0 years, the list of new build­ i ngs i s impressive and varied.

1 99 1

1 992


The University Center is one of many buildings that have seen a multitude of changes over the past 30 years. The space that began its life as a bowling alley is now the UC computer lab. " Plannillg,�' COi!tlmtL'd

a dirt floor, the space provided valu­ able sto rage space d uring the UC's earl}' }'ears, and was later converted i n to m u s i c p ractice rooms. \!(!hat about the current studio and o ffice space fo r KCNS Student Te l evision and KC C R Student Radio? When the UC opened i ts doors, ASPLU occupied the rooms down the hall from the Mooring Mast. One can only imagine what interesting exchanges occurred late at night on the mezzanine level. The computer center that cur­ rent students use ro type term papers) Until [ 9 9 2 , it was a p l ace ro h u rl balls at p i ns on weekends. Yes,

PLU sported i ts own bowling alley u n r i l lack of use and a need fo r more comp uter user rooms forced a re­ model. The computer center opened in 1 9 95. Now in 2000, PLU awaits com pletion of the Xavier Hall reno­ vation, a $5 m i l l io n project the first of three capirol projects funded the Campaign fo r Pacific Lutheran University: The Next Bold Step. \Vhatever the fUTu re holds, it is certain that new and in novative planning will be reported in Scene.

vian Cultural Center looks like it has always been a part of the University Center, it is a relatively recent addition. Scene caught up with construction crews in 1 988 as they renovated a former storage space to create the new center.

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The University Center Computer Lab opened in 1 995, replacing the bowling a lley that originally occupied this first-floor space in the U.C.

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For the lorest on Lute sports. coU the PLU


Athletic Hotline at 253·S3S·PLU l (7S8 1 ).

Lute professor-coach chases records past retirement BY




o r 30 years, G ary Chase devoted his l i fe co tea c h i n g

Pacific L u t h e ran Uni vers i ty

s tudems how co i nco rporate physical fitness i n co eve r yday l i fe. Now, i n w h a t he c a l l s "sem i-retiremen t," C h ase i s p u r s u i n g nOt o n l y physical fi tness, but also world records for his age group in swimm ing. This fall , h e es tab l i shed a world record i n the 1 00-meter backstroke and a national record in the 50-meter backstroke ( for the 60-64 age gro u p) at the Northwest Zone Champion­ ships. The "short course" records, set 111

a 2 5 - mc t er pool, are 1: 1 2 .42 fo r the

1 00-meter and 33.83 for the 50-m eter backstroke. H e b roke the fo rmer 1 00m et e r record by more than one fu ll second.

"I swi m CO s tay i n cop condi­ tion," says Chase. "1 see these times as being ou tcOmes. I ' l l continue CO p u r­ sue this, lwalth pe rm i tti ng. "

C h a s e . r a rte d h i s p u rs Ll i t o f SWi m m i n g excellc.nce i n h is yo u c h . He began s w i m m i n g

c o m p e ti tively

when he abo u t 9 ye a rs old at the l ocal

Yt"lCA By the time h e graduated in 1 9 5 8 fro m A b e rdeen's \Vcathe rwax

Gory Chose continues his doily ritual of 3,400 to 4,300-yord workouts at the Puyallup YMCA.

H i gh , Chase was a prep s tandout. H e fi n i s hed second at t h e state me e t i n C hase se rved as p rofessor of ex­

i neiud ing Mark Mader, who became STILL, T H E G O A L O F A N AT I O N A L O R

ercise s c i e n ce and fi tne ss i n the

t h i s meet in o u r own backyard," says

Sou thern Cal i fo rn ia.

School of Physical Education fro m

Chase. " I ' m l o o k i ng at this as a shorr­

C h ase wo u l d eventually reru rn







> :z: ::> z « II< ... ::t ... ::I v v « II.

c o ac h i ng

1 9 70

LI n c i l

h i s ret i re m e m i n 2000.

term goal. Then I ' d like co go co the

His wife, Sharo n , has been on the

M a s ters Wo rld Championships in

L u t he r an . Befo re t ha t, h e earned h i s

PLU l i b r a ry sraff , i ncc 1 9 72 and the i r

New Zealand in 2002."

mas ter's d e g ree i n exercise physiology

s o n s , Score a n d B rian , bo t h grad u ­


from W S U

i n the 1 9 70s at Pacific

1 11

1 9 64 . C hase then went

to work fo r Boeing in t h e Man ned S p ace p rogram, d o i n g re�ea rch re­

a t e d from rhe s c h o o l . Chase's

p rim a ry tea c h i n g assignment at Pa­

cific L u th e ra n came w i t h the core

There's also the 200-l11cter back­ stroke world record ro be broken, and C hase i s working hard co cur

2.73 seconds o ff hi s best rime i n or­

lated to the p h ), s i o l ogy o f

class, Personalized F i eness Programs,

der co ach ieve t h a t go a L S o m e 5 0

weightlessness and i n activity of as­

commonly known as P. E. 1 00 . Chase

years after ge t t i n g h i s s tarr i n a YMCA pool, the YMCA remai ns a

t h e 1 00 -y ard backstroke, and eventu­

tronauts d u ring prolonged space

taught between 300 and 500 stu­

ally earned a n athletic scholars h i p co

flight. When the research proJecr was

dents i n the co u rse each year.

Was h i ngton S tate. There h e was a

c o m pleted, Chase left Boeing and

three-time Pacific Northwest Confer­

setded with h i s fa m i ly i n Eugene,

ti o n , G a ry served as t h e Paci fic

Ore., where he b e c a m e a n i n s trllC[or

Luthe ran s w i m m i n g coach fro m

[ h a t the d i s tance is h a l f of what most

200-)'ard b a c ks t ro kes . He also swam

at Lane Co m lTl l I n i ty C o l lege, as wc i l

1 9 70-77. H i s sw i m m i n g tcams won

t h e 200-yard Il1dividual m e d l ey and

a s a c l u b swim coach. Latcr, hl'

many h o no rs , i n c l u d ing me n ' s a n d

competi tive yo u ng swi m mers log

esta b l ished WSU records i n al l t h ree

moved to Seatrle, trained on Wa l l

wom e n ' s c o n fc ren c e c hamp i o ns h i ps

eve n ts. H is best event was the 1 00-

S treet, and b e came a stock broker

each year fro m 1 9 70-77. In 1 9 73 , he

yard backstroke-Chase fi n i shed

and com mod i ties trader. Then, i n the

was s e l ected as NAIA Coach o f the

world record does e n tice. Chase says,

sixth at the 1962 NCAA natio nal

early '70s, came t h e o p p o rt u n i ty a(

Year after h is men's team placed

"lf r here's a national record out



th i rd at the national meet. Under

t here, it's meant co be broken." He

Chase's w telage, Lure swi m m e rs

looks a t re tirement as h i s o p pO rtu­

ence champion i n t h e 1 00 - and


\\1a)'. " \Ve're vcr)' fo rtu nate co have

an Al l-American at the U n iversity of

Despite his col legiate swi m m i ng

" I e njoyed (he challenge of a

In a d d i t i o n t o h i s te ach i n g posi­

part of Chase's l i fe. He now swi ms

3,400- to 4,30 0-yard d a i ly workours at the Puya l l u p YMCA Chase s ays

daily. "I've got to be real istic , " says Chase. " I ' m nOt a kid a n y m o re . " S t i l l , the goal of a national or

SLlccess, don't expecr C h ase to swim

c o m pletely ncw career focus, bur rhe

earned NAIA All-America h o nors 40

n i t)' nOt j u s t b reak records, but a

in the n ex t WSU men's al u m n i

opportu n i ty to coach and teach at

t i m es, i n c l u d i n g three m e n who were

cha nce to e n j oy new challe nges.


mee t-\Xlash i ngton State no lo nger

PLU wa.s the perfect career opporru­

fo ur-year Al l-America h o n o rees.

has men's swi m m i n g.

n i ty," says Chase.

Three of his swim mers co m b i ned co

W h i l e h e was a s t ude n t athl ete at

"M)' field was e.xercise physiol­

wi n


total of six

1 d i v i d u al event

national champ i o n s h i p s .

WSU, Chase started what wo u l d turn

ogy, and I h a d a c h ance co t e ac h that

out CO be a s u ccessfu l c oa c h i n g ca­

he re," says C h ase.. "This was one of

reer. Wo rk i ng w i t h yo u n g c l u b

those ev e l l t s ill your l i fe that i s a very

50- meter pool "long cou rse" nation­

p u rposefu l t h i n g . " It was w i t h a

als, set fo r next August a t [he King

" s e nse of call i n g " that C hase a n d h i s

C o u n ty A q u a t i c Center i n Federal

swi mmers i n Pu llman, Chase helped develop several ou t s t a n d i n g athletes,

fam i l y came to PLU.

Next o n Chase's s c h e d u l e is the

" f f I had co make a s tate m e n t of what retirement is, i t is produ c t ive

use of t i m e which leads co l i fe's en­ joyme n t s , " says C h ase. For Gary Chase, swi m lTling i s most c e rt a i n l y part of that.



leadership and service


Parents Council a g reat tool to help parents make the tough colleg e transition BY

PLU Parents Council 2000-200 1

n the fall, many parents across the cou n try d ro p their c h i l­ dren off at PLU, as a new c hapter of l i fe begi ns. The PLU envi­ ronment makes l e tting go a little easier (al th o ugh we doubt this i s ever easy) through a caring, collabo rative commun ity of faculty, staff and ad m i n istration. One o f the most e ffective o rgan izations i n this tran s i tion is Pa.renrs Counci l . For those n o t fam i l i ar wi th Parents Council, here is a brief sum­ mary: Sponsored by the Office o f Alumni and Parent Relations, they are a gro up o fvolu ntccr parents and fam i lies of PLU students. Parents Council mem bers help the universi ty i n form other paren ts about all as­ pects of the u n ivl'rsity, strive to p ro m ote the wel fare and advance­ ment of thc u n iversi ty and cncourage members to participate in Council p rojccts. Some of the activi ties include serving a.< hosts i n res idence h alls, sponsoring question-and-answer ses-

The mission of the Pacific Lutheran University Parents Council is to serve as am bassadors, by promoting and supporting PLU, and to oct as liaisons between parents, students and the university. William and Anne Buck, Choirs Portland, Oregon Pau l and Carol Abodeely Redmond, Washington Randy and Jeanne Costello Honol ulu, Hawaii Norris and Jana Dancer Star, Idaho Pau l and Penelope Fredlund Seattle, Washington The Buck family: Bill, Andrew '0 1 , Abby '03, Anne, and David

sions for parents d u ring new studcnt o rientations, phoning ncw pare n ts in the p arent-to-parent calli n g p rogram and serving as local reso urces in thei r communities. Volun teering fo r PLU has given Parents t h e opportunity to s tay in

Peter 76 and Mary Ellen 77 Gulsrud Spokane, Washington

touch with their children by giving thcm first-hand knowledge o f cam­ pus h appenings. It's a great way to be active participants i n the community where children are becoming p roduc­ tive adults- but without i n truding on their i ndividual growth.

TIle success of LuteRecruit

Ryan's name came to PLU on a LuteRecruit card, s u b mi tted by re­ cent grad, Ashley Orr '00. Thanks to both her volunteer admissions work and the work o f PLU's admissions staff, Ryan enrolled at PLU this fall

Bill and Donna Schlitt Oregon

Paul and Lynn Olson Pori Orchard, Washington Jerry 73 and Janine 72 Skaga Gig Harbor, Washington Chuck and Linda Spiedel Boise, Idaho Paul and Cynthia Stabbert Tacoma, Washi ngton FRONT ROW:

call 800-ALUM-PLU.

Ryan Speier and his brather Brandan. BACK ROW: Ashley Orr '00; Ryan's parents, Denise and Brad Speier.

Alumni Award Nominations

The PLU Alumni Assaciatian urges alumni, friends and students ta submit names of persons to be cansidered for awards recagnizing their contributions ta society or the university.

Distinguished Alumnus Award Thro u gh

year s of d e d i c ati o n

a c h i eved professional or Yo u r N o m i nee

Alumni Service Award

se rvi ce , this a l u m n u s vocational d i stin c t i on . and


Yo u r No m i nee


of graduat ion,

the u n iversity.

Yo u r N o m i n ee

Yo u r N o m i nee

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Outstanding Recent Alumnus Award Award to an alu m n us, within fi fteen years of g rad u arion , who has excelled i n a s p ec i al area of l i fe.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


for years

of d i s ti n g u i s hed service to

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Special Recognition Award Awa rded to an alumnus or fri e n d of rhe un iversity who has served

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Yo u r Name ______ Ad d ress

C i ty/S tate/Zip

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Awarded to an alu m n u s

who has excelled in a s p ec i a l area of l i fe.

You r N o m i n e e

the commun i ty.

Heritage Award

Outstanding Alumnus Award Award to an al u m n u s, b eyo n d fifteen

Awarded to an al u m n u s who has demonstrated o u t s tan d i ng volunteer l eade rs h i p an d/ o r service to

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

John and Melanie McQuaig Wenatchee, Washington


might know ill yo ur fam ily, you r neighborhood o r yo ur community thar wo uld be a good match fo r PLU, and submit their names on the post­ age paid card fo und in every issue of Scene. Also look for the Lute Recr u i t form on the A l u m n i website (www.plu.edu/ -arel/lrctJfr. html) or

and Ryan Speier '04 i s living p roof.

Gary and Mavis Koch F resno, California

John '68 and Shirley '69 Oakley Billi ngs, Montano

as a freshman. Think of those you

au just never know who m i g h t beco me a Lute, thanks to you ! The LuteRecrui t program really works

Don 77 and li nda 77 Jamieson Omak, Washington

t he

un i vers i ty in a u n iq u e

Your N o m i n e e

or spec ial w ay.

Glen and Koren Tokenouchi Lihue, Hawa i i William a n d Yvonne Van Nostron Vancouver, Washington University Representatives

Lauralee Hagen 75, 78 Director, Alumni and Parent Relations Darren Kerbs ' 96 Associate Director, Alumni ond Parent Relations David Aubrey Vice President for Development and University Relalions Laura Polcyn 75 ,79 Vice President for Admissions and Enrollment Services Lauro Majovski Vice President and Dean for Student Life President Loren and MaryAnn Anderson

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Office of Alumni and Parent Relations Ne5vlg Alumni Center Pacific lutheran University Tocoma, WA 98447-0003



253-535-74 1 5 1 -800-ALUM·PLU



oJumnj@pJu.eau Wt85lTt: www.plu.edu/a/um

D'ltl tTOR: lauralee Hagen '15, '78 ASSOCIAn D I R E C T O R : Darren Kerbs '96 A D M I N I S T R AT I V E A S S I S T A N T : Joni Nieu


H O M ECO M I N G 2 0 0 0 S C RA P BO O I(

'Zo£��)2/� " Gala BuHet and Concert Students, alumni and faculty perform at the Gala Buffet and Concert. Angela Meade '01 sings "This Place Is Mine" from "Phantom. " .

Songfest Foculty, stoff ond ad."inistrators hom it up at Song fest 2000 . ...

Fulbright Scholor Deon Pinto '86 spends time with his mentor and friend, professor emeritus Rodney Swenson, at the Gola Buffet. Pinto porticipoted along with Swenson earlier thot doy ot the onnuol Homecoming Heritoge lecture. "


lumni Ten John Feldmonn '82, Dove Reep '82 and Jeff Wolton '82 were just three of the mony members of the 1 980 NAIA Notionol Chompionship footboll teom bock for a 20,h reunion celebrotion . ...

Ten closses held reunions on compus during Homecoming including the newest oddition to the PlU Golden Club, the closs of 1 950 (seen here as a group, ot 0 dinner held in their honor) . ...

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Country m u s ic s i n ger/songwriter Michael Peterson ' 8 0 was seen everywhere d u r i n g Homecom i n g 2000. Michael pa rtici pated i n the a l u m n i career fair known as Java, Jobs a n d Jazz, received h i s 1 999 Outsta n d ing PLU Al u m n u s award at the G a l a B u ffet a n d Concert, and attended t h e 1 9 8 0 football reu n i o n brunch . He s a n g t h e national anthem at the footba ll g a m e , sang for th e Board of Regents' d i n ner on Sunday and performed a concert that benefited PLU's Q Club. Michael Peterson performs on acoustical concert for the hometown crowd. T


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Alumni stoff Anna Holl '02, Joni Niesz ond Lindo H utson ' 0 1 welcome hundreds of olums bock for Homecoming 2000 in the olumni tent.

Alumni Legacy Homecoming is a time to recognize alumni legocy families. This family of lutes attended the Homecoming football gome: Walt Sohli 'SO, Walt's doughter Paulo Sohli Delong '75 and Paulo's daughter Down Ainslie '04. �

South Hall Dedication Childhood friend Mike Mattingly joins Michoel on the PlU stage. ...

Outstanding Alumnus Award from President Anderson at this year's concert and awards program. (Peterson was out of the country last year during Homecoming and was unable to attend.)

Four South Hall residents show their enthusiasm about their new "home". Pictured are Micah Rieke, Trevon VanderPloeg, Pol Marquardt and Eric Steiger. y

PlU's newest residence hall, South Hall, was dedicoted on Homecoming Sundoy• Regent Lindo Evonson '6 1 receives the key to South Holl from the project manoger Bill Reid, while members of the architectural firm ond President Anderson look on.



REFLECTI O N S Be ginning s . . .


rad '80 and M arlena '80 Fal k checked their PLU fresh m an son, AJ, i n to his residence hall roo m i n Sep tember. B rad, Marle na and son, Chris, were back to PLU in October to celebrate A]'s first PLU Ho meco ming, B rad and Marlena's 20'" and Brad's par­ f l m , Phil '50 and Ro berta '5 1 falk's, 50,h reunion.

Community building inspires Q Club volunteer BY




Jenny Adams '03, Q Club member

" I 'V E





iving can mean differen t things. Jenny Adams '03 bel ieves giving is helping others by "providi ng all you can for the peo ple aro u nd you . " " I learned abo u t giving from my parents," said Adams. "They serve i n leadership p os i ti o ns i n their c h u rch, and o pt'rate a Chehalis area clothing ban k." It's not j u s t giving within the com m u ni ty that makes Adam's fam­ i ly unique. In a fam ily of eight chi ldren, Adams is one of six adop ted with d isabi lities-she was born with a rare d isease that caused her arms and legs not to develop. ;\dams' older and younger broth ers h ave Down Syn­ drome, and three other siblings h ave spastic dysplasia, a condition that affects muscle control. "In our fam­ i ly, there is no separation be tween d isabled and non-disabled," said Adams. "We are a family and are all the same." Adams, who uses an electric wheelchair, believes her disab i l i ty has helped mold her i n to the giving young woman she is today. "I've been taught patience , "Adams said. "Through my parents, I've learned l i fe isn't abo u t me. It's about helping ot hers." As a studen t atten ding PLU on fi nancial aid,

Adams conti nues to help others by maintaining a membership i n the Q Cl u b . "People sometimes focus so m uch on people's needs away fro m their co m m u nity t h a t they forget abou t the com m u n i ty around them," Adams SJid. "Hel p ing the people aro u n d you and seeing them being cared for-that's tbe d i rect reward ." Adams, a psychology major, si ngs i n the Chapel Choir, is active i n

the campus Christi an co m m u n i ty, and works as a telefund -raiser for the An n u al Fund. " Wh en I'm calling people, I have a connection," she said. ''I'm a stu­ dent, and 1 give. I'd l i ke others to give, too. It's such a wo rthy cause." What's her advice for givi ng) G ive, no matter what the size of the donation is. " Even a small gift can make a big d i fference. When we all contri b u te, it adds u p . "

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Adams (center, left) with her mother, father and seven siblings.


alumni class notes

1 936 Gertrude ( Brunner) Krause di ed on A u g. 1 9 . She w as 8 6 . Gertrude was a teacher for 22 years, teaching 'in several d i fferent Tacoma schools. S h e wa s also actively i nvolved a s a member of luther Memorial and later E m ma n uel lutheran C h u rch i n Tacom a . Gertrude l ived i n the north end of Tacoma far 5 7 years. She w i l l be dearly missed b y her daughter,

A n nette (Krause) Bisset '66; son, Richard Krause '68; and granddaughter, Coriander (Krause) Hunt '94.

1 950 Clarann (Otteson) Wilkins tau g h t school for 3 1 years and retired in 1 97 8 . She was a kindergarten teacher at Wa i nwright Elementary School in the Tacoma School D i strict for 23 years. Her h us b and , Ralph, passed away in 1 9 8 9.

1 954 T h e Flora lamson Hewlett li brary a t Graduate Theological U n i o n i n Berkeley, C a l i l , recently exh i b i ted a collection of paintings, sculpture, and old master p r i n ts to " . . . explore the representation of C hri st's death and resurrection from European Renaissance to contemporary Americ a . " The e xh ibi t i ncluded an oil of the crucifixion p ainted by John Philip (J.P. ) C arlstrom (de­ ceased), while a student of Professor George Roskos at Pacific lutheran College. J . P. con ti nued his art studi es part-ti me i n Munich while in the U . S . Army. H e later obta ined a master i n arts degree i n art education a t Sta n fard U n i versity, which was followed by further work at the Rusk i n School of F i n e Art and Drawi n g at The Ashmolean, Oxford U n iversity. J . P. d i ed in 1 95 9 .

1 955 Patricia (Soderman) Thompson d ied on Sept. 1 . I n 1 954, before g raduati ng from PlU, Patricia married her husband o f 46 years, Duane Thompson ' 5 5 . W h i le


Duane allended luther Theological Sem inary i n SI. Paul, M i n n . , Patricio helped support her fam i ly. I n 1 96 8 , she earned graduate credits i n education from Moorhead [Mi n n . ] State U n i vers i ty. T h i s prepared h e r to return to work to help with her c h i l d ren's h igher education. Patricia i s survived by her h u sband; her c h i l d ren, Nora ' 7 7, Darin '8 1 , Michael, Naomi '82, and Rachel '83; and four grandchildren.

1 956 Marilyn (Krug) Warsinske retired from nursin g at Eastern State Hospital in Medical lake, Wash. She i s d o i n g some trave l i ng, en joying her fam i ly and q u i l t i n g .

Phyllis (Bra n dt) Babcock d ied on Aug. 2 1 She taught elementary school for 25 years in Spokane, Tacoma and Wenatchee, Wa s h . , before retiring i n 1 993 . F o r the past 44 years, about every six months, Phyllis received an envelope with pictures and a leller from each of her friends from the class of ' 5 6 : Jan (Geldaker) Reierson, Myrna (Shelver) Heppe, Kathy (Gulhaugen) Clare, Thelma ( Nygaard) Schwarz, Marlys (Solterbeck) Pfrimmer, Dee (Beck) Ca rstensen, a n d Ellen (Henry) Garrity, who she had l ived with on the top floar of Old Main (Harstad H a l l ) . They called the packet their "round rob i n . " Phy l l i s i s survived by her h u sband of 43 years, Ray '59; daug hters, Ruth and Carolyn; san, Steve; four grandch i ldren; two sisters including

Barbara (-Brandt) Coltom '61 and two brothers.

Wes contin ues as a part-Lme faculty member at C a l i fornia State U n i versity, Sacramento i n the Deportment of Educational A d m i n i stration and Policy Studies. He i s also the president of Wescat Carp . , a management consulting company.

1 959 The American Heart Association held the F i rst American Heart Wa l k in Memory of Patti Bills, on Ocl. 1 4 , in Medford, Ore. The walk was held during the Medfard Jazz J u b i lee weekend, an event that Patti founded and served as the president far the first 1 0 years.

1 960 George Doebler and his wife, Na ncy, live i n Knoxville, Ten n . , where George is director of pastoral care and counseling at the University of Tennessee Medical Center.

Peter and Karen ( Shaner '6 1 ) Jordahl enjoy v i s i t i ng with their daug h ter, Miriam, a n d her h u s ban d, Don, i n eastern Tennessee a n d with their son, Myron, and his w i fe, Terrie, and their fa m i ly, i n Aust i n , Texas. Peter and K a r e n remai n active at St. Martin's Evangelical lutheran C hurch. Peter uses an electric scooter to get around as post-polio syndrome has taken its tall. He continues to be a n active radio amateur with call sign, K5GM. Both Peter and Karen still work full-time.

1 96 1 Carolyn (Ericksen) Swanson

1 958 Wesley Apker agreed to serve as i nterim executive d i rector of the C a l i fornia Psycholog ical Association until a new executive di rector is named. He will then return to se m i-retired status as supportive husband for his CEO w i fe, a doting grandfather to h i s 1 0 gra n d k i d s and h i s passion, writi n g .

h as four grandch i ld ren, three from her so n , Keith '89, and his wife, Clarice '89; and one from her daughte r, Karen '87. Carolyn works in a d m i n i strative support at the Food and Drug A d m i n i stration in Seattle. Her husband, Donald, i s retired.

John Wisen d ied on July 5 as the result of i nj uries received i n an auto accident i n January. He retired from Wenatchee Valley College in 1 994 and became a CF P, work i n g for Personal Investment Management. He i s survived by his wife, D i a n a . Bill Lennon was i n d ucted i nto the Ocosto H ig h School H a l l of Fame i n Westport, Was h . , an Aug . 5 , far

coach ing football from 1 962 to 1 966. The 1 964 u n defeated C l a s s A football team was chosen as the school's all-time best.

Alan Brooks retired a t the end of the year after 3 6 years of general dentistry in Tacoma. He looks forward to enjoying his many i n terests, weekly grandch ild care and time on Vashon Isla n d .

1 962 Gretta Merwin was elected by school a d m i n i strators from around the state of Was h i ngton as the pres i dent-elect for the Washington Association of School A d m i n i strators (WASA ) . She will assume office i n July 200 1 . S h e has been a n ad m i n i strator i n both Was h i ngton and Oreg on and is currently the superintenuent of the Ellensburg School District. Gretto received her P h . D . and master's degree from the U n i versity o f Orego n .

J i m Widsteen retired from h i s

position as assistant superintendent of the Port Angeles (Wa s h . ) School D i strict in J u ne. Previously he was the d i rector of h u m a n resources for four years. He also served as on assistant p r i n c i pal at Port Angeles H i g h School, principa l of Stevens M id d le School and cou n selar at Roosevelt Middle School. Jim was a teacher in the Steilacoom School District far t h ree years before going to Port Angeles.

1 963 Col. John Stevens retired from the U . S . Army an Aug. 4, after 32 years of duty, most recently as president of the Oregon Army Notional Guard Med ical Duty Review Board. He continues private practice of orthopedic surgery in Salem, Ore.

1 964 Dick Nelson is the new athletic d irector at Issaquah (Wash.) H i g h School. For 27 years he was at Redmond (Wa s h . ) H i g h School, where he was a physics teacher and coached boys basketball, g i rls basketb a l l , football and baseba l l . He retired from teach in g i n 1 996 and from coac h i n g i n 1 99 8 .

Mary (GriHiths) Wiltse g raduated from luther Semi nary i n May 1 999 a n d was ardained i n January 2000. S h e is now t h e pastor at Zion lutheran Church in Saint Paul, Minn. She was previously in nursing education for 3 0 years.

1 967 Nancy (Jurgensen) Pearson and her h u sband, Bruce, are en joy in g their retirement i n th e ir new home on Hood C o nal, narth of Poulsbo, Wash .. Their sons are both in college. E r i k is a senior engi neer i n g student and leif is a sop homore m a joring in archi tecture.

1 969 Rick Rouse, Executive D i rector for Church Relations a n d Continuing Education at PlU received special recog n ition by the lutheran Society for M i s s i ology for his article i n lutheran Partners titled "Tec h nology and a New Reformation . " He was the first pla ce w i n n er in the professional categary of their 2000 a n n ual essay competition.

Catharyn Baird earned a law degree from the University of Puget Sound School of law i n 1 975 . She is currently a professor of business at Regis University where she has been a faculty member since 1 98 5 . Catharyn was n a m e d R e g i s University (Cola . ) Faculty lecturer o f t h e Yea r and gave a campus-wide presentation, "Gru m b l i n g i n the Desert: Ethics in a Post-Modern World , " on Nov. 3 . C a tharyn is the daug h ter of Jea nne Baird '50 a n d Theodore Baird '49 (deceased ) .

Dave Richardt retired after 3 0 years of teac h i n g d rama a n d E n g l is h at Rogers H i g h School i n Puya l l u p . He n o w lives n e a r P a l m Springs, Calif., and teaches senior humanities and upper school drama at a private college prepa rotary school i n Rancho Mirage. Farah (Peters) Fisher received the Outsta n d i n g Professor award fram Cal i for n ia State U n i versity, Dom i ngo H i l l s , in May. She is a prafessor of graduate education.


Bicyclist Bangsund crosses country in 47 days BY





h e n David Bangsu n d '71 fi nished his cross­ country bicycle ride, the comment fro m his wife, Lynne '70, was that " h e now h as legs o f steel ! "

An avid bicyclist, Bangs u n d and o th e r fam ily membe rs

h ave taken n umerous biking vacations. B u t the 47-day trip !­ Z

Among the riders were th ree college professors, a priest, several attorneys, a youth minister and a woman who sells vin­ tage clo thing. She managed to p u rchase more than 250 old h ats as she trave led through the cou ntrys ide. The bikers were acco mpanied by CrossRoads, a group that as

that he negotiated i n M ay and J u n e was something altogether

provides su pport, emergency help, and other services, such

d i fferent. I n late M ay, Bangsund and more than 5 0 other b ikers

h o tel booki ng, alo ng the way.

waded i nto the water with their bicycles near Manha[[an

heat o f Sourh e rn Cal i fo rn i a and New Mexico, thunderstorms

The grearesr challenges faci ng the b ikers i ncluded the


Beach, Cali f. , for a "wheel d ip ping ceremony." Forty-seven

in the M idwest, the many u ps and downs o f hills and m o u n­

.. III

days and 3 ,425 m iles later (and 3 0 pounds lighte r ! ) Bangsu n d and h i s cohorts pedaled into Boston, M a s s . , a n d submerged

tain passes in Arizona, and [he constant press u re of auto drivers and truckers who begrudged having to share the road

their rires i n the Atlantic Ocean, thereby completing rheir

with bicyclists.


cross-country trek. Only rwo of the original troupe o f b i kcrs


did nor finish, and their fai l u re to complete the monumental



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j o u rney was due to i nj u ries s usrai n ed alo ng the way. David Bangsund and his wife, Lynne, at the start of his bicycle adventure.

The b ikers came from many coun tries-Canada, England, Germany, Wales, Japan, New Zealand and the Un ired S rares. Wh ile the bicyclists' ages were mostly in the 60s, rhere was one

On the other hand, Bangs u n d pointed out that tbe steep c l i mbs were somewhat counter-balanced by the " free ride" that the downh i l l portions provided_ A h ighlight of the trip was when the bi kers were allowed to ride around the I ndianapolis Speedway i n Indiana. When asked wherher he would undertake such a trip

woman i n her e a rly 20s who was just out of college, as well as a

agai n, J.) angsul1d said: " Probably not that particular ride

77-year-old man who had navigated the lengrhy trip several

again ... but I would be open to something similar."

rimes befo re.

The n , 011 the weekend following h is return to h i s home in

Portland, Ore., Bangs u n d hopped on his bicycle and rode the 1 00 m i les to Olympia, Was h . , to visit some friendsl


1 970 Charles a n d Kathy ( Harman '7 1 ) Vanderpool's d a u g h te r, Ruth ' 0 1 , rep rese nte d PLU at t he St. Ola�/Car lta � Coll ege women's m a th camp los t su mme r. R u th was one of 1 8 women n a l i o n w i d e chosen to allend the camp. Sandy (Olsen) sinnes has a new pasillon as di reclor of cuslomer serv i ce at Olym pic M ed i cal Center in PorI An geles, Wash . Leroy sinnes

is in

h i s 30" year of

leachirlg fresh ma n health a n d c oachi n g b a sketba l l . H is al so the d i rector of Ihe phys ical educat i o n deportment. Leroy has bee n coach of the yeor twice in the post three yea r s os Port A nge le s High School's head coach.

1 97 1

Joe Hustad is s e r vi n g an Ihe technical a dvi so ry commi ttee i n c on junction w i th the Oregon Departmenl of Tra nsportatio n for Ihe com plete restorat i on of the S t . J oh n ' s suspensi on b r i dge in Portland, Ore . . The des i g n a te d h i storical bridge wi l l be compleled in 2 00 4. Carol Cozad w as honored a s one of eigh t reci p ients na li on w id e of Ihe 2000 Certificale of Me r i t far Oulstanding Achievement ' n the teaching of German, 11 was awcrrded by t he American Association 01

Teachers of German and the Goethe· Institute or N ew York.

1 972 James and Kim ( Lillegard) Helle.son ore exc i ted t h at their daughter, K i rste n Groce, i s a freshman at PLU.

1 973 Theresa Tilton and her h usband, Abraha m , l i ve i n Tacoma, where Th re s a canllnues to practice low.

1 974 Holly Adams retired from the U . S

N vy as a lieuterlOnt commander.

She is now on investi gato r for th e

U.S. De p a rtm e nt of Defense i n Adlngton , Va . Holly and her h u s band, A n thon y, have two dau g hters , Leslie, 1 3 , a nd l i sa, 1 2 . A ntho ny is a b u dge t a n a lyst.

1 975

J i m Yockim I s t h e d i rector o f Bethe l Lulhero n Fo u n d o ti an in Wi llisto n , N . D . lost su mmer he vaca t i o n ed i n Washington and Southern Oregon and vi sited P L U with h i s daughters, J e n n a , 1 4 and Ericka , 1 1

1 977

Curtis Egge i s se n i or deputy for the Ado County Sh eriff 's Office in Boise, Ida ho.

1 978

Cynthia (Jone) Gould b e come p res i d e nt of E m plo yee , Com m u n i ty F u n d o f B asi n g P u g e t Sound i n January 2 0 0 0 . Tne fund i s the l a rgest e mpl a yee owned and o pera ted cha ri tab le g i v i n g o rg a n i zation i n the worl d .

1 979 Peggy Paugh-Leuzinger and her husband, S teve, recently accepted tne coli to serve as postors of American l ut h e r a n Church in Boker, Mon t . , Peac e Lutheran Church i n Plevna, Mo nt. ; a l l d St. E l i zabeth Lut he ra n Church i n E ka la ka, Mo n t . l hey h a v e two chi ldren , Trevor, 8 , a nd Eth an , 3 .

Kelly Henrickson i s associa te prafe�sor of pe d i atri cs and microbiol ogy at Med ical College of W i sconsin. She h as two daug hters, E r i n , 1 6 , and Kr isten, 1 4 .

1 980

Gregory Hostetter a n d h i s w i fe, Jea n , on n ou nce Ihe birth of Gwend olyn Kai, on Ju l y 25 . She joins J ulie, 2 . Greg con t i n ues to work for Matson Navigation C ompan y in Son Francisco. He and his fami ly recently moved into the i r new home i n the Hayward Hrghland s. Linda (Keene) suttie is at Harvard for one year with her husband. Richard, and the i r son, Kyle, 1 0 . They recen tl y returned from London, where they l ived far th ree years while Richard, a co ptain in the Navy, was on ass ignment to the U S . Em bassy.

/lavbos wiie@ool. com

Brian Tipple has a new p os i tion as principal/directo r of resea r c h at S i roch C a p i tol Management i n Sea tt l e . He was p revio u sl y a portfo l io m a nager at th e Fronk R U 5Ssll Comp a ny in Tacoma for 1 3 years . H is w i fe , Traci (Wortley ' 82), is 0 fu l l·t i m e mom for th e i r two g i rls and an active vo l u n teer in their hometown of Gig Harbor, Was h .

1 98 1 Becky Bobington and Ron Anderson an nounce he i l th of Br yn Rebecc , on June 2 0 . She j oi ns Max, I I , Joke, 8; lJlld Sam my, 2 Roger Mallory a n d Morita Asheirn were ma rri ed on O c t . 1 4 a t P h i n ney R i dge Lu t he r a n C h urch i n Seattle. Roger is a pr ojecl m a n ag e r a n d systems a d m i n i strator at Cosey Fa m i ly Progra m s . Morita i s a teacher at Su nset Elementary School in Bellevue , Was h . Carol Haugen recentl y joined the Spokane law film of Pai ne, H o m b len, Coffin, Brooke & Mi l l e r LLP. Her practice will emphaSize commerciol and cor porate finance and c omputer law. She was previously general counsel at IIranix C arp . Carol earned h e r law degree from Gonzaga U n iversity School of Low and a d i p loma in advanced i nter notionol legal studies f rom t he U n i ver s i ty of Ihe Pacific , McGeorge Schoo l of Law in Salzburg, Austria. Rick Mattson a nd his wife, Von ito, announce tho birth of t he i r second da ughter, O l lea H o l ly, on Aug. 2 4 . R i c k is serving as a l ieulen a nt colo ne l in the Mi ch ig a n Air Notional Guard. He i s commander of the 1 07 f i g hter Squadr on, flYIng F- 1 6s . As a h o b by, he is on Ame ri c a n A i r l i nes capta i n , f lyi n g the S·80. Vanita is en joyi n !; home l i fe but will be returning to United A i r l i nes as a B-777 first officer in March.

1 982

Charles Hoffman was nomed to the Top 1 00 Most InfluenHal Peopl e i n A c c ou hng l i s t by Accounling Today mag a z i n e or his work i n devel op i n g electronic busi ness reporting lan g u a g e IXB R L) . He i s ch ief tec h n o logy o fficer at X B R L Solution s, I n c .

1 983 Mike Larson a n d h i s wi fe, Beco,

announce rhe birth of Charles E dgar Allen, on July 6. He t oi ns Mock, 2 . The proud grandpa re n t s are E d '57 and Betty (Johnson) '58 Larson . Matthew Johnson accepted a two-year i n te rn sh i p in h u mo n resource management with t h e federal government in J u ly 1 99 9 . H e was p rev iou s ly a teac her on m i l i tary bas e s i n Japa n for n i n e years. Matt l ives in Alexan d r ia, Va.

1 984

Tim a n d Lisa (Miles) Kittilsby annou nce the bi rth of Porker M i les, on Aug . 1 2 . He ioins Eric James, 6 . Carolyn (Crawford) Brooks a n d her husband, K e n , a n nou n c e the bi rth of J a mes , on Aug . 8. He jai ns Ja ke, 1 0, and Al ec, 6 . Kristi (Lorsen) Beebe i s a pastor ot Nativi ty luthe ran C hu rch in Li ttleto n , Colo. She and her husba nd, Scott, c l i m bed all of Colorado's 5 4 "fourteener�," mounta i n s that are 1 4,000 le et and above. Linda Westpfahl, a school p sycholog i s t, is now war k i n g in the Puya l lup School D i strict. S h e was p re v i ously i n th e W h i te R iver School D i strict for five years.

1 985 Stacey (Davis) Nelson a n d her h usbol1d, Grant, a nnounce the b i rth of Gunnar D avis, on Morch 2. H e j oins Gorrett, 2 . Stacey i s a part·time P. E . lea c h e r i n the Griffin School Di str i c t in O l ymp i a . Olivier a n d Jeanne (McDonnell '86, '9 1 ) Taupin a nn ou n ce the bi r th f Emm Claire, an Nov. 4 , 1 999. Bryan and Lilli (Khatibi '86) Brenchley onnounce the bi rt h of Ko l i n , on March 30 . 1 99 9 . She joins Alayna, 1 0, Maleasa , 8, and Brandon, 5. In October, Bryon a n d lilli , with th e i r family, were sent by their c h u rc h 10 do p la n t i n g i n ,I,lacedon , a . Karen (Quigg) Allyn a n d her h u s ba n d , Gregg , a n nou nce the b i rth of Marisa Kathleen, all Au g. 2 . Karen i s h a p py to b e staying home with the new a d d i tion to t h e fa m i ly. The Allyns l i ve i n the n ew l y i n corporated city of S a m m a m i s h ( form e r ly Re d mo n d ) , Was h . Mark Grambo an d h i s wife, G i ll i a n, a n nounce th bi rth of E m i ly Joy, 0,1 Aug. 7 . She joins Isoioh, 5 , a nd S o p h i a, 2 . Kent and Lynnell (Haugen) Herzer a n noun ce the birth of Nickolas Marl i n, on Aug . 1 8 .

1 986

Kevin Johnson recently returned to Palouse, Wa s h . , with his wife, Mary E lle n , ond the i r doughier, E m m a , 2 . H e hm a n ew position at Palouse Su rg i c al C l i n i c in P u l l m a n . He is a ge n e ra l s u rgeon w i t h spec i ol emphasis on vascular, thoracic and lapa roscapic s u rgery. Kevin previously practiced in Seattle. Ignacio Delgadillo o n d his wife, Michelle, an n o u n co the birth of Mad i l en A n janetle on May 1 9 . She joins Leo na rd Miguel, 2 . I g nacio is the senior prod uc t. ma r ket i ng engineer a t Cypress Sem i conduc tor in Wood i nvi l le , Wosh. Patty Hansen a nd her husband, Gerry Judd , h a ve two chr l d ren, Audrey, 5 , a nd M iles, 3. Pat ty i s a school ps y cholog i st in the Fremonl (Ca l i f . ) Un i fi ed School D i s tr i ct and Gerry i s a sales representative. Paul a n d Laura (Whitworth ' 87 ) Berge o n nou n c e the b i l lh of K a r o l i ne, o n Aug . 1 8 . She jo i n s N i cole, 5 , an d M i c hael, 3 . Karan (Olso n ) Stanford a n d her hu sban d , Scott, moved to New Jersey. Karan i s the m edi a relations speci al i �t at Global Commu n ico t ions i n New York C ity and Scott i s on Internet news producer. Karen Olson recent ly joi ned the Office of the Defense Science Studies group with i n the tnstitute of Defense Analys i s . Dovid a n d N a n t y ( Minnitti) Ericksen con ti n u e to reside in the Son Franc i sco B o y Area. They welcomed C o l l i e Ma rie on J u l y 2 2 , 1 9 9 9 . S h e j o i n ed Scott, 6 an d twins, Ryan a n d Ja re d , 4. David i s busy as a po r t n e r i n a law f i r m . Na n c y has run i n three m a ra thons i n c l ud i ng the Boston M a r a t hon in 1 99 8 .

1 987

Carrie Tellefson Miller a n d her husband, Frank, a n nounce the b i rlh of Samue l Fran k l i n , on April 1 5 . Corrie i s assistant d irector o f the Wa s h i n gton Department of I n formation Services in O ly m p ia . Tim Rundquist ond h i s wife, Heather, announce the birth of Rosemary tngrid, on Aug . 1 . Tim i s o n attorney for the state of Min n esota . Laura (Robinson) Long and h e r h u sbo n d , Ma rk , o n nounce the b i rth of N a than Paul, on Sept. I 1 He j o i n s T i mothy, 2 . Heidi (Geldaker) Wilkerson and her h u sband, J i m, a n nou nce the b i rth of Amy El ise, on Au g. 1 1 . She i a i n s N i cholas, 3 . H ei d i i s a s t ay at home mom a nd Jim i s an Ai r Farce pilot.

1 98 8 Rod Chiapusio was promoted to the rank of maj o r i n the A i r Force Reserve and is s ti l l flyi n g the C-5 Gal axy. He olso upgraded to first officer on the Boeing 777 for United Airlines. He flies out of San Francisco. Julianne (Larson) Fagerstrom dnd her h usband, Tom , a n n ounce the b i rth of E r i k Thomos, on J u n e 2 8 . The proud gra n d par e n t s are Ed '57 and Betty (Johnson) '58 larson. Amy (Kott) Kennedy and her h u sband, Stephen, a n nounce the bi r th of Adorn R i chard, on A ug . 2 4 . He j o i n s David , 5 , a n d J a co b , 3 . A m y i s a de n tist i n Port An g eles, Wa s h . Paul Sisco a n d h i s wife, Te rrol in e , h ave two c h i l d r en , Tayler Jewel, 5 , a n d Jacob Thomas, 3 . disneykids@earlhlin k . l1el Julie (Woad) Bickford and her husband, Gregory, announce the birth of John Waterbury, on Aug . 1 0 . J ul i e is the d i rector of ca te ri n g a n d co n ventio n services at Su nriver Resart i n Sunriver, Ore. Christine Winkel and Michael Griena uer were married o n A u g . 26 i n Seattle. C h ri stine i s a marketing consultant for o n independent b u si ness a n d Michael i s a senior manager at Price Waterhouse Coopers. Margy (Mueller) Schoenheit is in the gradua t e teacher education program at Portland (Ore . 1 State U n ive rs i ty. Tim Schoenheit is a product manager at D i g i marc i n Tualati n , Ore. Dirk and Gena (Wadsworth '89) Vincent a n nounce the birth of Ethan Vincent, on May 5. He joins Aaron, 2. Carrie (Cowles) Dougan and her husband, Mi ke, an n o u nce the b i rth of Katie Lynn , on Sept. 26. She j o i n s S o r a A n n , 3 . C o r r i e i s a faurth·and f ifth·grade teocher i n the Meridian School D i strict i n B e l l i ng h a m, Wash , and M i ke is a sales representative at D i e h l Ford . Ann (Donaldson) IFoster a n d her husband, Jeff, an nounce the b i rth of Maxwell , on J u l y 1 9 . Ann i s a senior operations bus iness manager at Boei n g Commercial A i rplane Programs. Jeff i s o n assaciale architect at GGLO Arc h i tecture i n Seattle. They l ive on Queen Anne Hill. Blaise a n d Karen (Brinkman) Hartman announce the birth of Christina, on June 1 6 . She joins James, 6 . Bla i se i s the chief financial officer a t Bi tterroot Restaration Inc. i n Corvall i s , Mon t . Minta Norton and Bryan Wulf '91 were married on J u n e 1 7 . Mi nta is a physical educator and Bryan is a teacher, both in the Bethel (Wa s h . ) Sc h ool D i strict.

1 989 Scott and Ch risti (Kirkpatrick) Gillette a n nounce thei r adopti on of M a ren Elizabeth, born on Dec. 2 1 , t 999. Stephanie (Roberts) Wasserman and her husband, Wyeth, a n nounce the birth of As t rid, on May 2 1 . She jo i ns Wolter, 5 . Steph a n ie i s a homemaker. Wa n Ahmad Wan Yusoff and his wife, Raziah Abu Hasson, have three s ons, ages 7 , 6, and 1 . 1 /2 , a n d a daughter, 4 . Won Ah mad is a cred i t manager at Affin B o n k Berhad in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Lisa-Britt (Tonning) Davies a n d her h u s b a n d , Rick, a n nou nce th e b ir th of J a re d N i l se n , on Sept. 1 1 Liso·8ritt i s vice pres i dent of accou n t services at Passa g e Marketing . Amy (Lind lief) Marko a n d her h u sband, Gary, announce the birth of twi n g i rls, Madison and Morgan, on Sept. 6. Kristi (Carlile) Houle a nd her husband , Michael, a n nounce the birth of Madeleine, on Sept. 1 9 . Kri sti is on experienced manager a t Andersen Cons u l t i n g and Michael i s a lead e n g i neer at Bo e i n g . Sonya Brandt Stewart and her h u s b a n d , J o h n , a n nou n c e the birth of Rachel, on April 2 1 She j o i n s Rebek a h , 4 . Sonya works for the State of Oregon employment deportment. Becky Roose i s the h a ndbag and accessory b u yer for Nardslrom .cam.

1 990 Brian and Kayce (Wheeler '9 1 ) Gardner announce the birth of Nathaniel G ra n t, born on B ria n's birthday, March 8 . 8rion is i n h i s 1 0'" yeor with E nterpri s e Rent·a-Ca r and Lea s i n g . He is a d i strict manoger i n Portla n d , Ore. Kayce is e n joy i ng a y e a r a t h o m e with Note. Sarah (Jea ns) Agsten and her h u s b a n d , Mark, a n n o u nce the b i r th of H u n ter LoRoy, on J u n e 2 6 . Sarah is a ph y si c ian at Volley Medical Group i n Roseburg, Ore. Julie (Wilson) Spackman and her husband, Bob, a n nounce the b i rth of Isaoc Joseph, on April 26. He i o i n s Lillian Joyce, 2. Kristi Olsen a n d Narm S m i t h were married on J u ly 9 at the Kiana Lodge i n Poulsbo, Wo sh. Kristi's brother, Pastor .Brian Olsen '89, officiated. Heidi Zech Olivadoti '90, Kristine Giles Lange '9 1 , Beth Ca nton Nemeth '90 and Lise Hannon Olsen '90 were in the we d d i ng . K r isli is a p r i n c i pa l i n the South K i tsap School D i stricl and Norm is a teacher at 010110 ( Wash. ) E le m en ta ry S choo l . Tracy (Colter) Ca rpenter a n d her husband, R ick , a n nounce Ihe b i rth of Ash l ey, o n Sept. 8 . She joins A u s t i n , 2 . Tracy i s a n operati n g room n u rse a t Good Samo ritan H osp i tal i n P u ya l l u p . T i n a ( Banning) Richardson a n d h e r h u sband, Geoff, a n nou nce t h e bi rth of Laure n D o n o , on J u n e 2 0 . t n September they moved t o Leavenworth, Wash, where Geoff is a family physicion. Tina is taking time off from teoching to stay at home with Lauren. Don O'Donnell b egan a new position as ex ec utive vice president at AXA Advisors in Bellevue, Wa s h . , i n J u ly. Jennifer (Hustad '9 1 ) i s a stay·o t·home m o m wilh their san, N icholas Edward, 1 Ma rta (Swenson) Costanzo and her husband, Tom, a n nounce the bi rth of N icholas, on April 1 1 . H e j o i n s A n thony, 3 . Marta is a regi stered n u rse in la bor, del ivery and poslportum core at Good Samaritan Hospital in Puya l l u p . Tom i s in I S technologies at Conti nental M i l l s , In c .


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a l u m n i class notes Janeen (Steves) Antonelli and her h usband, Tony live i n Houston, Texas. Tony was sel ected to NASA's astro n a ut candidate program, class of 2000. H e began the two-year tw i n i ng program in Aug ust, and expects to receive a m i ssion i n five to ten years. Mike and Joan ( H utchins '89) Friel an nounce t h e bi rth of Michael C h a rles, on Aug . 2 9 . He joins Megan, 3. Mike i s a computer programmer contracting with COMSYS, and i s currently working with Boe i n g . Joan sti l l loves being a stay-at-home mom, and is the newsletter editor for MOMS C l u b of Rento n . Teresa ( Dunley) O'Donnell a n d her h us band , B r i a n , announce the birth of Hayley Marie, on June 2 4 .

1 99 1 Tyler Clement a n d h i s wife, E r i n , recently moved with their chi ldren; Jacob, 6, Griffin, 3, and Sydn ey, 1 8 months, to Spokane, where Tyler grew up and Erin went to Gonzaga U n iversity. Tyler h a s a new pos i tion as a fi nancial consultant at Merr i l l Lynch where he works with h i s father and brother. lciemenls@pciienl.ml.com or poc5@emoil.msn.com Del Lofton i s a Lutheran Brotherhood d i strict representative i n Tacoma . He recently earned the Fraternal I nsu rance Cou n selor (FIC) desig nation from the Notional Fraternal Congress of America. Del also q u a l i fied for membership in the M i l l ion-Dollar Round Ta ble, recognized internationally as the standard of excellence i n the l i fe i n s u rance-based financial services busi ness. Del i s affi l i ated with the Great Northwest Agency i n Seattle. Ronald Crump h a s a new position as com m u n ications manager at Intel Corporation's I n ternet Med ia Services i n Portland, Ore. He produces sells collateral materials promoting I n tel's strea m i n g media solutions Susan Kinosh ita and Douglas Weber were married on Aug . 5 i n Seattle. Ron Wika owns and operates Mag u i re & Hester i n Va llejo, C a l i f. He hopes to move bock to Wa s h i ngton some day w i th h i s wife, A m a n da, and two daug hters, Mo r i no A n n , 4 , and Corley Renee, 2. Jennifer Meyer Brown and her h u sband, Jeff, a n nounce the birth of Rachel Sandra, on J u n e 2 1 , 1 99 9 . Rachel's s i ster, Makenna L i n d lee i s 4 . Jen n i fer i s a financial planner at Lutheran Brotherhood i n Woodland Hills, Calif.

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Timothy Hein and h i s wife recently moved b a c k t o t h e Northwest from C i nc i n n at i , O h i o . Timothy i s the regional busi ness d i rectar for Johnson & Johnson. They have two c h i ld re n , Zach a n d R i ley, both 4 . Craig Arthur a n d h i s w i fe, Courtney, a n nounce the b i r th of their first child, Abiga i l Lorra i ne, on Sept. 9 . Martin and Kimberly (Ammon) Schaeferle a n nou nce the birth o f Grant Henry, on Sept. 1 8 . He j o i n s L au r en , 5 , and Gav i n , 3 . Tracy (Rova) Craig and her husba n d , Michael, annou nce the b i r t h of Rebecca, on March 1 2 . Steve and Jennifer (Pearson) Cooper a n nounce the b i rth of Rya n Dean, on March 2 . Kate (Wheeler) Sheflo and her h u sband, Mark, a n nounce t h e birth of twins, A l l i so n and Alex, on J u n e 1 6 .

Loren and Jennie (Acker '9 1 ) Camp a n nounce the b i rth of Miles Payton, on April 6 . Loren i s a fi nancial adviser i n Denver, a n d J e n n i e i s completing a P h . D . i n American l i terature at the U n iversity of Denver.

Gail Ingram is the sales and marketing coordinator at Spencer Tec h nologies i n Seattle. She is back i n Washington state after a long stint in Norway. gaiI44 9 1 @yahoo.com Mark Matthes was selected to teach i nter national busi ness and law to third and fourth year Ch i nese students a t the u n iversity i n Beng b u , China. Beth Jarrett and Eric Dull a n nounce the birth of Joel H ixson, on June 1 6 . H e joins Naomi Son i a . Beth is the pastor at St. Mark Lutheran C h u rch in Spok ane . Paula Noel Hibbard was a presenter a n d hostess of the Worldwide I n d igenous Science Network at the State of the Warld Forum i n New York C i ty i n September. I n November, s h e defended her d i ssertation with a committee of tra d i ti o n a l and tribal elders. Paula Noel graduated i n December with a P h . D . She i s assisting i n the start-up of a tra d i tional knowledge master's program at Matthew Fox's U n iversity of Creation Spiritual ity. She w i l l travel to Ire l a n d i n the spring to further her resea rch . Paula Noel l ives in Portland, Ore . , with her dog, Karma. paulanoe/@yahoo.com Ken Steen is has worked as a probation counselor i n the Snohomish County Juven ile Court since graduating from PLU. He loves work i ng w i th the kids in the trenches.

1 992

Brett Hartvigson i s a Lutheran Brotherhood d istrict representative i n Son Diego. H e q u a l i fied for members h i p i n the M i l l i o n Dollar Round Ta ble, o n i n dependent association that i s recog n i zed i n ternationally as the standard of excellence i n the l i fe i n s u rance based financial services bu s i ness. I n J u ly, he ranked first i n the amount of l i fe i n surance products issued. Brett i s affiliated with the Pacific Southwest Agency i n Woodland H i l l s , Calif. Eva-Liisa (Shilamba) Kafidi is a lecturer of i n tegrated natural science a n d m o t h a t Ongwediva College o f Education in Nami bi a, Africa. She is also studying long d i stance t h rough the U n iversity of South Africa . Her h u sband, Petrus, is a lecturer of computer skills a n d moth a n d w i l l soon be leaving for Austra l i a to study f a r a master's deg ree i n computer science. Karen ( Hanson) Scott and her h u sband, Curtis, a n nounce the birth of Leah Ma i le, on J u ne 2. She j o i n s Owen, 2 . Stephanie Krebs and Andrew Gomsrud were married on J u n e 1 7 i n Walla Wa lla, Wash. Stephanie teaches h i g h school classes a t Opportunity Center with the Walla Walla School D i strict. A n d rew i s a teacher with the school d i strict a t Pa i ne C a m p u s . Brian Riseland left Microsoft i n May for a new pos i tion a s d i rectar o f ma rketing at CheckS pace, an Internet startup company that i s a n o n l i n e payment netwark for s mal l busi nesses. Lane Kadel and h i s w i fe, C a n d i , an nounce the bi rth of Priya J e n n i fer, on April 1 0 . Lane began worki ng a t Resource Management Associates, o n Aug. 1 , a s the d i rector of marketi n g . He i s seek i n g partners h i p i n the firm. C a n d i i s a happy homema ker, keepi n g Priya active a n d Lane i n check. lane.candi@gle. nel Leigh Ann Evanson returned to the Peace Corps to serve in the C r i s i s Corp f a r s i x m o n t h s . S h e coordinates a l l non-governmental agencies concer n i n g infectious d i seases and public health educati o n . She was previously in Gabon for 2 7 months .

Chizuko ( Nishimoto) Suga and h er h u s ban d, Garo, live i n Kuma moto, Japan. C h i zuko i s the qual ity control system creatar at Mits u b i s h i Electric Kumamoto S e m i co n d uctor Carporation and Goro is a semicon ductor e n g i neer. Brian Aust recently g raduated from H a m l i n e Law School i n St. Paul, M i n n . , and passed the Mi n nesota bar exam . He w i l l be practicing i m m ig ration law. C heryl Green recently graduated from Harvard psychiatry res idency and completed her medical t ra i n i n g . She i s now a practi c i n g psychopharmacologist in Seattle. She w i l l be married early next year. Maria ( Parfit) Pederson and h er husband, Jonathan, are living in Wisco n s i n . Maria serves a s pastor at Cross of life Lutheran C h u rch i n Brookfield, and Jon serves a s pastor at H o u s e of Prayer Lutheran C h urch i n Meq uon. After two years there, they are en joying the Milwaukee area, a place full o f ta i lgating a n d bratwurst. Bobbi (Adams) Blankenship and her husband, Lindy had a daughter, Beth A n n , was born on April 1 6 with a conge n i tal heart defect. She died o n April 1 7 . Jennifer (Haroldson) a n d Darin Howard '93 annou nce the bi rth of Jacob Darin, on March 1 5 . They live in Newberg, Ore. Darin i s employed b y B i dtek I n c. i n Portland, a n d Jen n i fer is a stoy-othome m o m .

1 993

Anna ( K louda) Loomis a n d her husband, Geoff, a n nounce the birth of Bryn l i , on M a y 1 2 . An n a i s ch i ef financial officer at Physician Partners Inc., i n Lake Oswego, Ore. Jennifer Graham Hampton an d her husba n d , Davi d, bought a larger house with a huge yard for their two dog s . J e n n i fer h as been at Atlanta (Go . ) Capitol Management Co. for more than six years. They plan to rema i n in Atlanta . Brian Rybloom i s a Lutheran Brotherhood d i strict representative in Partland, Ore. He recently attended Career I school for financial needs, relationship marketi n g , u n derwriti ng, and a d m i n istrative practice i n Minneapolis, M i n n . Brion i s affi l iated with the Great Northwest Agency in Seattle. Cathy (Corrie) Warner and her husband, Dav i d , an nounce the b i rth of B e n j a m i n Cory, on March 1 6 . Terrance Peterson has spent s i x years at the U n iversity of Was h i ngt o n Medical Center conducti ng research in such areas as melanoma tumor s u ppression gene, epithelial eytoki nes and growth factors. H i s fia ncee, Janna Ala lem ( U n iversity of P u g e t Sound '96), i s a fl i g h t attendant at Alaska A i rl i nes. Kevin Winder is a Lutheran Brotherhood d i strict representative i n Sa lem, Ore. He q u a l i fied far members h i p i n the M i l l ion Dollar Round Ta ble, a n i n dependent association that i s recog n i zed i nternationa l ly as t h e standard of excellence in the l i fe i n surance based financial services business. Kevin i s affi l i ated with the Great Northwest Agency in Seattle. Wendy Anneke Ernst and W i l l i a m Berry were married an April 8 , at F i rst Congregational C h urch i n Tacoma. Wendy i s an associate city attorney for the city of Lakewood Was h . , and William i s a mechanical engi neer at I ntel Carpora tion i n Dupont. They went to Greece a n d France for the honeymoon. Hilary Burtt i s an opera s i nger in Seattle. Nathan Shouse and Mari Hoseth '96 were married o n J u ly 2 3 a t Trinity Lutheran C h u rch i n Tacoma.

Susan Va nBeuge and her two c h i l d ren , Paul, 8 , a n d Steph a n i e, 6 , moved back from O k i n awa, Japan where they l ived far two years. Susan i s i n the master's degree i n nursing program at the U n iversity of Nevada, Las Vega s . She plans to be a fa m i ly nurse practitioner. Scott and Sarah (Colwell '94) Sypher annou nce the b i rth of Grace El izabeth, on J u n e 2 8 . Rich and Monica (Ricarte '94, '99) Hurley a n nou nce t h e birth of t h e i r first c h i l d , Ol ivia Grace, on Aug . 9. R i c h is work i n g as a customer i n tegration consultant at Fed Ex and Monica will cont i n ue to work as a development d i rector at P L U after some t im e at home with O l iv ia . Jay and Robin (Buck '94) Evans moved i n to the i r first home i n October. They live in Corva l l i s , Mont. Kelly Hoeckelberg-Young and Jeff Young live i n Oregon C i ty, Ore. In J u n e , Kelly was promoted to assistant manager of the check services department a t the Federal Reserve B a n k of San Francisco i n Partland, Ore. In July, Jeff began h i s t h i rd a n d final year of fa m i l y practice residency a n d was appointed c h i ef resident.

1 994

Janelle (Smith) Bersch received a moster's degree in social work from the U n iversity of Texas, Arlington, i n August 1 99 9 . She a n d her husband, Wayne, moved to Wenatchee, where Janelle is the d i rector of c h i l d ren's services at C helan Doug las Developmental Services. Wayne works in cri tical core as a registered n u rse at Central Was h i ngton Hospital. They are expecting their fi rs t c h i l d i n J a n uary. Raylene (Mazat) Browne has a new position as corporate strategic planner and data a n alyst a t Jewish Haspital Hea l t h Care Services i n Lou i svi lle, Ky. Jeff and Brittany (Lee) Brandt a n nounce the birth of Carson Thomas, on June 1 8 . Jeff i s on a d j u nct faculty member i n the m u s i c deportment at PLU and Brittany is a registered n u rse i n the Pediatric I n tensive Care U n i t at Mary Bridge C h i l dren's Hospital in Tacoma. Karl and Alison (Wig strom '93) Hoseth a n nou nce the b i rth of A n n a i k a Kai ley, on Sept. 2 3 . S h e was born on the two-month a n n iversary of her a u n t a n d uncle, Mari ( Hoseth '96) and Nate '93 Shouse. Her grandparents, Paul, the current dea n of the School of Physica l Education a n d D i rector of Athletics a t PLU, a n d Jeanne '80 Hoseth, a r e learn i ng h o w t o spoil her. David Benson and J e n n y Kooiker were married on Sept. 2 3 a t Acme Presbyterian C h urch in Acme, Was h . Janel (Nygren) Brock a n d h e r h u sband, Troy, a n nounce the b i rth of A n d rew, on Dec. 27, 1 99 9 . He j o i ned Ethan, 2 .

1 995

Sylvia Wesche and J i m Travis were m a rried on J u l y 2 2 i n Colorado Springs. Sylvia i s a capta i n a n d n u rse in the U . S . Army. Jim is a pi lot for U n i ted A i rl i nes and a capta i n i n the U . S . Air Farce Reserve. Michele Tomseth received a master of arts i n education deg ree from Oregon State U n iversity on J u n e 1 1 Sh e has a new position as assistant d i rector of i nternational programs and study abroad coordinator in the office of i n ternational programs at Linfield College. Rebecca Thompson has been teach i n g i n the Bethel (Wa s h . ) School District for five years. S h e a l s o coaches two sports and is a

diversity trainer for the d i strict. Rebecca received a master's degree from the U n iversity of Was h i ngton in 1 999.

Noelle (Weber) Harman joined the SeaMle law firm of Hillis C la rk Martin & Peterson as a n associate in J u ne. Her practice w i l l emphasize busi ness and tax law. Noelle was previously a tax associate w i th the accou n t in g firm of Deloi tte & Tou c h e . Noelle graduated from Gonzaga U n iversity School of Law in 1 99 8 . C h ristina (DeAustria) Branson and h e r h usband, Calv i n , live in Bakersfield, C a l i f , where C h ristina is teach i n g k i n dergarten special educa t i o n . Kirstin Hokanson a n d Alan Doud were married on Aug . 1 2 . K i rstin is a high school a n d e le m e n tary m u s i c teacher and A la n is a h ig h school physics teacher, b o th i n t h e Bel l i n g h a m (Wash . ) School District. James Marron has jo i ned the law f i r m o f Mautz, B a u m & O ' H anlon i n Pendleton, Ore . , as a n associate. He was previously the general cou n sel far Scholastic F u n d r a is in g Solutions of Portland, Ore. James received h i s law degree from Drake U n iversity Law School in Des Moines, Iowa. C h ristina (DeAustria) Branson is teach in g k i n dergarten special education. Angela Otto graduated from the U n iversity of Oregon School of Law in 1 999. S h e is now practicing construction a n d s u rety law a t Stewart, Sokol & Gray Lee i n Portland, Ore. S h e was a d m i tted to both the Was h ing ton and Oregon b a r associations. Kaia Schubert i s a new homeowner i n Colorado. She is a fa m i l y n u rse practitioner in fa m i ly practice a n d i n ternal medic i n e . She earned a master's degree in n u rs i n g from PLU i n 1 99 9 . Robert Spencer Clnd Amy Johnson '97 were married o n J u ly 2 9 in Anacortes, Wa s h . John Wick '96, Brad Parker '96, Jenny Griffith '97, and Dana Rasmussen '97 were attendants. Ingrid Ford '97, Karen (Schmidt) Wright '97, Erika (Olson) Mariani '97, and Crystal Aikin '97 also participated in the wedd i n g . Sarah Jones was a member of th e 2000 U S Women's Olympic rowing team. S h e competed i n Syd ney, i n the women's e ig h t event, making the A fi n a l . Their strong a n d experienced crew achieved a sixthplace fi n i s h . Far the past two years they placed second at the World C h a m pionsh i p s .

1 996

Christian Walker a n d Ha n n a h Bradford were married on J u n e 2 5 at Bozarth Mansion i n Spokane, Was h . Christian i s a marine electrician a t Marine Electric, I n c . , a n d Ha n n a h i s a s i x th grade teacher. John Wick received a Doctor of Med i c i n e degree from Oregon Health Sciences U n i versity i n J u n e and is completing a fa m ily practice residency i n Boise, I d a h o . Sheri ( Laverma n ) Wick is a n oncology registered n u rse at S t . Luke's Medical Center. Ben Va h l a n d h i s w i fe, Mel i ssa, celebrated thei r fi rst year of parenthood on Aug . 1 5 and joyously wa i t w ith th e ir d a u g h ter, Sydney Paige, far the birth of their second c h i l d i n May. Tanya Wilson and Mark Leaf were married on Aug . 5, in Wenatchee, Wa s h . Mark is a m i d d l e school teacher and coach in the M u k i l teo School D i strict. Ta nya i s a



Washington State Patrol meets PLU twofold


h ere's a benign b l u rring of the ru les that govern t h e separation o f c hurch a n d state w h e n i t comes t o marriage, particu larly in the case o f two State Patrol

officers and their wives. The exception came to light in a rece nt issue o f I nside/

Out, the newsletter that is p ublished by the Washington State Patrol. The topic? The coi ncid ence that two WSP officers颅 Sgt. Roger Kreis and Lt. Gale Otto-each married PLU graduates who are also Lutheran c h u rch mi nisters. Kreis, a WSP evidence control officer and s u p e rvisor of the audit section of the O ffice of Professional Standards, is married to Sandra (Bowdish '65), pastor of O u r Saviour's Sgt. Roger Kreis a n d h i s wife, Sandra

Luth eran C h u rch i n Aberdeen, Wash . Otto, assistant District 8 commander assigned to B remerton, Wash., is married to Janis '77, pastor of the Key Pen insula Lutheran C h u rch near Key Center, Wash . As ide from the WSP connection, t h e wo men's lives have crossed in other ways. Janis was ordained i n 1 9 8 9 at a ch urch in Puyal lup, Was h . , while at the same time Sandra served as

Lt. Gale Otto (right) with his wife, Janis.

pastor of another Puyal lup congregation. Janis served five years


interim pastor of several Northwest congregations,

one of which was the same O u r Saviour's C h u rch in Aberdeen. There, she preceded Sandra in the minis try. Both women also

received master of divi n i ty degrees from Pacific Lutheran Seminaql i n Berke ley, C:ll if The Kreis' ch i ldren are fo llowing their parents' c a re e r p aths. Daughter Joanna '97 serves as a chu rch youth di rector in Tacoma. Their son, Jacob, a \X1ashi ngton State Unive rsity graduate, is a Pierce Co unty sheriff's dep uty.

vocational rehabilitation counselor and assistant branch manager at Whillal Management Company. Andrew Dreyer is in his second year of dental school at C reighton U n i versi ty. His wife, Lori

(Gustafson '96) is apply i n g to p h ysica l therapy school. C h ri stian Marien was ordained i n to the m i n istry of the Evangelical lutheran C h u rch of America on J u ly

1 5 a fter gradu ating from luther Sem i n a ry in May. Kelly Crithfield '96, Kacey (Cackram) Hahn '96, Steve Leifsen '96, Kai Nelson '96, Ki rsten ( Lindquist) Lagomarsino '98, Phillip Johannessen '97, and PlU's campus pastors, Nancy Connor and Dennis Sepper, participated i n the ord i n a t i o n . Marneta Hoel a n d h e r husband, Steve, announce the birth of Kaci Ann, on May 1 3 . S h e joins Tyler, 3 . John Vi ning i s a critical care nurse in the U . S . Army. He recently obtained CCRN certification and was reassigned to Ft. Lewis, Wa sh. J o h n and his wife, Angela, and daughter, Jen n i fer, live i n Ta coma. Jamie Burnett and Sari K i l lelson were married on July 28 in Tacoma. Jamie i s a fourth-grade teacher at F i rgrove Elementary School in the Puyallup School D i strict. Sari graduated from Western Wa shington U n iversity with a degree in elementary education. Jana (Woodworth) Clevenger and her husband, Doug, an nounce the

birth of Carsten Douglas, on Aug. 1 7. He ioins Amanda Kirsten, 1 . Scott and Joy (Zumbrunnen) Ross a n nounce the birth of Jessica Marie, on J u ne 9 . Scali was promoted to AlM proiect manager and as::;islan! vice president at Wa s h i n gton Mutual Bank in A p r i l . H e became a Cha rtered Financial Analyst member i n August. Sharon (Sinnes) Carrell i s a teacher at Rocky Rid ge Elementary School in Graham, Wa s h .

Kara (Holland) Hurst received a master of arts degree in museum science from Texas Tech U nivers i ty in August. She is currently working at the Un iversity of Oklahoma l i b rary. Karo and her husband, Stance, celebrated t h e i r second wedding a n n iversary i n J u ly. Stance i s working o n h i s grad uate degree i n archeology a t the U n i versity of Oklahoma. Christina Miethner f i n i s hed her low studies at the U n i versity of

Stockholm i n 1 997. She then earned a degree i n international, European and h u m a n rights low at the U niversity of Strasbourg i n France. In 1 999, she completed a master's degree in tra nsnational busi ness practice at McGeorge School of law i n Sacramento, Calif. C h ristina now works for the Swed ish m i g ration board i n Solna, Sweden. Cora Hettich and Mike Haasl were married on J u ly 8 in Madison, Wis.

Cora is enrolled i n the pharma ceuti路 col graduate program at the U niversity of Utah and Mike is a mechanical engi neer at K i m berly Clark. Tamara Bushek a n d Mike Sohl

were married on Sept. 1 6 a t Fort S i ll', Okla. Ta mara is a programmer at Telos Federal Systems and Mike is a retai l manager and busi ness portner at Soh I Paint. Darren Kerbs and Carlo Warren were married on Aug . 26 i n Ta coma, Wa s h . Darren is t h e associate di rector of a l u m n i and parent relations at PLU a n d Carla is the directar of development at the YWCA i n Tacoma. Mari Hoseth '96,'97 and

Nathan Shouse '93,'96 were married on J u ly 23 at Tri n i ty Lutheran C h u rch i n Tacom a . PlU Campus m i n ister, Na ncy Conn er, officiated the ceremony.

1 997

Tacoma. Matt is a P. E . teacher and

Hardenbrook '97 was i n the

David Nova a n d his wife, Jane, recently celebrated David's new

coach at Ford Middle School i n the Franklin Pi erce School District and

wedding pa rty. Ryan graduated from law school a t the U niversity of

position as regional hu man resource ma nager a t Wizards of the Coast,

Kim i s a victim advocate for the P i erce County prosecutor.

M i n n esota and recently passed the

the international developer and

Devra Sigle-Hermosillo received

Dragons i n tellectual a n d trading card gomes, based in Renton, Wash . .

a juris doctorate from Seattle U n i versity School al low a n Dec. 1 6 . She h a s accepted a position as a n

creator of Pokemon and Dungeons &

E m manuel lutheran C h urch in

Jane is a registered diagnostiC medical sonagrapher a t Virg i n i a

associate attorney i n civil litigation a t

Mason i n I s s a qu a h . They have one c h i l d , Alexa Jane, 2 .

M i l l er LLP, in Spokane.

Charles Van Aken i s i n the Peace Carps in Ghana, West Africa. His tour will soon be completed a n d he will return to the U . S . Faisal Alsabah i s a n economics researcher. Leslie Baker and Daniel Kel l i n were m a rried o n A u g . 1 8 i n Renton, Wa sh. Lesl i e i s on elementary school teacher a t Mo nroe [Wash . ) Montessori School and D a n i e l is working in landscape construction for Te ufel at Microsoft i n Redmond. Kim Creighton and Scott

Cushing were married on Aug. 5 , i n Bellevue, Was h . Beth Frans '97, Laura ( F i j a l ka) Kingston

'96, Ch ristina (Simpson) Perron '93, '95, Brian van Va ley '97. Chris Peirce '97, a n d Jeff Bare '97 were in the wed d i n g . Kim is a

'97, Erik Mortensen '0 1 , Peter Finstuen '98, Travis Roy '98,

National Jewish Medical and Research C e n ter in Denver.

Hedlund '97, Travis Hale '97, Jenni Krueger '97, David Roy

Mark Givens '98, Kenny Frisch '97, and Richard Mortensen '67 were a l l a pari of the wed d i ng party. Erin is a n account m anager a t Metro Cellular and Josh is a n accountant at Voicestreom. Cindy (Sinnes) Caryl is the show m a nager at EMAP USA, a publishing compa ny. In Dec. 1 9 99 she was promoted to d i rector of outdoor events. Jesse Caryl graduated from Pepperdine Law School in May. He works at Stone & H i les . Spanaway Lake H ig h School. He is also the assistant varsity football a n d

Martha Pleasance and Axel Koch

basketba l l coach. Kevin Wiles and Jeanne Thompson were ma rried on Aug. 1 9 in Flagstaff, Ariz. Peter Wiles

professor emeritus of German at P l U , conducted portions of t h e ceremony in German. Dr. Swenson was

'95, James Hayes '97, a n d Melissa Holcomb '99 were i n the wed d i n g . Kevin a n d Jeanne are

instrumental in encouraging Martha to apply for the F u l bright Scholars h i p

stationed at Ft. Bragg, N . c '

that took her t o Germany. S h e met Axel while teac h i n g there. Martha is seeking employment in h u m a n resources and Axel is a mechanical engineer.

Dental in San F ra n c i sco.

Matt Shouse and Kim Brune '99 were married o n Aug. 5 at

1 998 Makyla (Miller) Moody began her fi rst year of law school at the

and Scali is a producer at Ato m F i l m s .

Germany. Rodney Swenson,

practicing law at Fort Gordon, Georgia, lor the U S. Army JAG Corps. Kristin is a writer and marketing representative lor a n arch itecture firm.

Erin Mortensen and Josh Wyrick were married on Sept. 9 in Sealile. Brian Van Va ley '97, Tracey Sund '97, Nikki

Jason Carrell is a teacher at

Va lley, Wash. Axel is from Lei pzig,

Min nesota bar exa m . He is

P a i n e Hamblen Coffin Brooke &

copy editor at The Wright Group

were married on Aug. 6 in Maple

i n M i n neapo l i s . Brandon

Anthony Tin i s a con sultant a t JT Daemon and Kristin (Benson) Repp bo u g h t their first house in Renton, Was h . , i n J uly. Ryan Cha ndlee a n d Kristin P h i l l i pson were married on May 20

U n i versity of Denver [Colo.) College of Law i n August. Her husband, Eric

'98, is a research assista n t at the

Stephanie Bean and C h a rles Nunley were married i n Apri l. Stepha nie is a sixth.grade teacher in the Federal Way School District and

Charles i s a sergea nt i n the u . s . Army.

Mike Sandefur and his wife, Sara, announce the b i rth of Abigail

Hope, on July 1 5 . Mike is a campus m i n ister for Baptist Collegiate

M i n i stries. He also aMends classes at Golden Gate Baptist Theological

" c .... x

Semi nary.


Robert Haugen recently received


a master's degree in teaching from Whitworth College i n Spokane. The Puyallup School District offered h i m a position as a fifth-grade teacher in Apri l . Seth Albright i s i n t h e master's i n education with i n itial certification program at PLU. He plans to teach high school science and coach basketball after graduating in August 200 1 . His wife, Ch ristine (Axley) '00 is a registered n u rse at the Un iversity of Wash i n gton Med ical Center. She a l so coaches track a t Emera ld R i d g e High School i n Puya l l u p .

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Aaron Lafferty has a n e w position producing the weekend 6 : 3 0 p . m . news a t KGW-TV i n Portland, Ore.

: *


alumni class notes H e wa s previously at KMTR·TV i n Eugene, O r e.

Andrea Bernhardsen and Anthony F il i ng were married a n Aug. 1 6 i n Hawa i i . Andrea has appl ied to • the 200 1 ·2002 master of arts with i n i ti al certification program at PLU. An t hony i s a Pierce Cou nty sher i ff d e p u ty. Note Ennen has a new position as a biolog ist a t the Envi ron mental Science and Research Foundation in Idaho Falls, Idaho. Heidi Splittgerber r ece i ved her master of a rts degree from Col orado S tate U n iversi ty last summer. Angelo Kellogg and Brillon Gu n ter were ma rried on Sept. 2 at Holy Cross Lutheran C h u rch i n Las Gatos, C a l i f . Lisa Kellogg '0 1 , Julie ( Frye) Johnson '98 , and Sarah (Abbey) Roraback '98 were in the weddi n g . Joy Will pa s sed the Beer J u dge Certification Program (BJCP) test an d i s n o w a recogn i zed beer j ud ge . The BJCP is a non profit members h i p organization of beer j ud ges. Sh e j udged her first competition at the Southeast Autumn Pour Homebrew competition in Juneau, Alaska. She also took third p l ace for her own homebrew, Rainwater Porter, in its category at the competition. Kirsten Lindquist Lagomarsino i s a pricing analyst at Micronpc.com i n N a m pa, Idaho. Tamra Miller has a new position as weekend anchor and reporler at KTRV·TV i n Nampa, Idah o. Kari Stoll a n d SCali Barnes were married on J u ly 2 1 i n Redmond, Wash . Kori i s a forecast ana lyst at PACCAR Parts and SCali i s on EMT for Am e r ican Medica l Respo n se . Misty Bonks and Mallhew Smith were morried on J u ly 23 at Olson Ma n si on in Maple Va l l ey, Wa�h . Tara Millet '00, Sally Cole '98, Janeen Fagan '00, Larissa Narris '98, a nd Paul Smith ' 0 1 were i n the w edd i ng . Misty i s a teacher a n d track coach at Ka lles J un io r H ig h School a n d i s a l so the assi sta n t basketball coach at Emerald R i dge H i g h Sc hool , bath in Puyal l u p . Matthew i s a sen i or sa les representa ti ve at E schelon Telecom and also does fi nancial services for WMA in Tacoma . They went to Puerto Vollarta, Mexico for their honeymoo n . E rin O'Hagan i s on e n viranmenta l educator for Pierce County. Andrea (Deaver) Cloy and her h u �band, Kayi, announce the birth of Reil ley Raelynn, on March 2 8 . Tara Nelson recently appeared i n the Colorado Springs, Colo.,

Lena Tibbelin a n d S h o u n Buhre

premiere of William Shakespeare's, "The Tragedy of K i n g Lea r. " S he played the part of the Fool.

'00 were married on Sept. 2 at the Buhre fa mi ly beach house i n Home, Was h . PLU relig ion professor Ste\"art Govig conducted the ceremony. Mia F o rs ber g , Shannon Spohr '02, Cole W i l l i s and Kevin Hellyer were in the weddi n g party. Lena warks a s staff sports wri t er f a r ' h e Eastsid e J o u r n a l and Shoun works far the Borders store in Puya ll u p .

Jennifer McConn is a P. E . i nstructor at S a n to Terisi ta S chool i n Los A n g e l es . Kathleen (Stevens) Jones and her husband, David, a n nounce the b i rth or A n n i e , on Sept. 30. She j O i ns Matthew, 5, an d Ch ri s t i an , 2 . Kathleen i s a stay a t home mom. Ryan Fletcher i s i n h i s first year at Pacific Lutheran Theological S em i nary, studyi n g for a Master or Divinity degree. Lost year, he and h i s wife, Natalie Francois, were i n Cameroon, West Africa, w i t h the Evangel ica l Lutheran C h urch i n Ameri ca division for global m i ss i o n . Nata l ie teaches fi rst-g rade at a private i nternational school i n Oakland, C a l i f . T h e school serves the C h i nese American i m m ig ran t popu lation i n Oakland. Sarah Abbey and Chad Roraback '99 were m a r r i ed on Aug. 1 9 at Tri n i ty Lutheran C h u rch i n Tacoma. Julie (Frye) Johnson '98, Angela (Kellogg) Gu nter '98, Heidi Ramseth '98, Carrie Rice '98, Amy Roraback '90, Jenny Roraback '00, and Brendan Selders '99 we re allendants. Michael Strasburg '98, Shannon Herlocker '98, and Steve Alseth '99 a l so partici pated in the wedding . Nancy Connar, PLU campus pastor, officiated. Donald SchloHmann plays the post position on a men's basketball team. He is l ivi ng i n Germany for the basketbail season. Donald i s also a youth basketball coac h.

1 999

Bryce Nelson spent the su mm er work i n g as a clerk i n the tart claims division of the Was h i ngton State Allarney General's Office. He i s i n h i s second year at Sea li le U n i versity School of Low. nelsonb2@seallleu. edu Jessica Robin50n and Paul Henderson were mar r ied on J u ne 1 7 at F i rst Lutheran C h urch i n Pou l s bo, Was h . Jessica is a g raduate student a n d Pa ul i s a special education teacher i n the Central Kitsap School D i st r ict. They a re ma k i n g t h ei r home i n Bremerton, Wash . Aaron Swenson and Erika Perkins were married an Aug. 26 i n Colville, Wa s h . Chris Bockman '99 and Lesley Hampton '99 were in the wedd i n g . Aaron i s i n h i s second year of dental school a t the U n iversity of Wa s h i n g ton and E r i ka com p leted her student teac h i ng i n November. S h e pl an s to teach h i g h school biology.


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Phyllis Sophia Grande McManus d i ed on Feb. 2 9 .

Emmet Eklund, rel ig i o n profes so r emeritus, died on Aug. 7. H e began h i s 1 8·year tenure at PLU i n 1 964 when h e c o m e t o s e rve a s t h e chair of t h e reli g ion depart· ment. During his time at PLU, E m mel had a deep commitment to tea ch i n g and enriching u niversity l i fe with strong Lutheran values. Emmet spent 37 years in the m i n istry and in retirement, and he and his wife, Marion, ca·authared several books about leaders in the Swed is h Lutheran Church. He i s survived b y h i s w ife; two c h i ldren, Kent and J oa n ; fo u r g ra ndc h ildren ; a n d three g reat·g ra ndchildren .

1936 Gertrude (Brunner) Krause died on Aug. 1 9 . 1950

Erika BenneH is a teacher at a pa ri s h school i n East Los A n g e l es . S h e participates i n t h e m i nistry of Servant Partners.

Carl Erickson d i ed on Aug. 2 8 . 1 9:"3

N"al Amend d i ed on Aug . 1 8 .


Sarah McCoy i s tea c h i n g second g rade i n the Cheyen ne Mountain School D i strict i n Co l orado Springs, Colo.

Patricio (Soderman) Thompson died on Sept . I . 1956 Phyllis (Brandt) Babcock d ied on Aug . 2 1 .


Susan (Schillinger) Rouse ' 7 1 passed away a n Octobe r 8 , 2000 arler a lang bottle with cancer. Wife of Pastor Rick Rouse '69, Sue had served the u n ivers i ty as a member of the PLU A l u m n i Board and wa s Vol u nteer D i rector for Homecom i n g for two years r u n n i n g , served os Vice President o f t h e PLU Wo men's Organization, and wos a member of th e Chora l U n i o n .


Christine (Axley) Albright i s a re g i s tered n u r se at t he U n iversi ty of Was h i ngton Med ica l Cen ter. She a l so coaches track a t Emerald R i dge H i gh School i n Puya ll u p . Her husband, Seth Albright '98 i s in the moster's in education with i n i t i a l cert i fication program at PLU. H e plans t o teach h i g h school science a n d coach basketball after g radua t i n g in Au gu st 200 1 .

John Wisen d i ed on J u ly 5 . 1961 Carol Go Hey d ied on J u ly 7 . 1973 Stanley Pietras d i ed in J u ly.


JeH Ruble d i ed on J u ly 2 4 .


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Lauro Ritchie and GeoH GiHord ' 0 1 were married on Aug. 2 6 a t Resurrection Lutheran Church i n Portland, Ore. Lauro works i n the N ews and I n formation Services office at PLU, and Geoff will graduate from PLU in May.

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Mindy Norris teaches third grade at McAlder Elementary School i n the Sumner School District.

God's Ongoing Creative Activity"

Shown Myers and Melissa Soto were married on July 8 at Groce Brethren Church in Sunnyside, Wash. Shawn is a eacher at Toppenish (Wa s h . ) Middle School and Melissa i s a dental hygienist.

Sunday & Monday, February 1 1 and 1 2, 200 1


"Creation and Evolution: The Search for the Origin of Life and

A MINI·LECTUR E SERIES FOR LAY AND CLERGY With Dr. Dan Simundson from L u t h e r S e m i n a r y a n d Dr. Ted Peters o C I'Ll'S

Douglas Prindle and Leena Heato n were married on Aug. 1 2 at C a lvary Presbyteri a n Church i n E n u mclaw, Wash. Douglas i s a structu r al engineer at J R R E n g i n eer· ing In E d mo n ds , Wash . Leena is a studen t at T r i n i ty Lutheran College. She is maioring i n youth and fam i ly m i n istry w i th a pre -c a u n sel i ng e m phasi s .

Dr. Simundson's lecture:

" Biblical ReOections on Cod's Role as C rea tor " Dr. Ted Peters' lecture:

"Our Evo l u tion a nd Eschatological f u t u res" SEATTLE AREA Su nday, Feb. I I , Led u res 3 pm

Heather Wendt i s the com m u n ity outreach coordinator at Snohom i sh C o u n ty Federated Health a n d Sa fety N etw ork .



TACOMA AREA M o nd ay, Feb. 1 2 , 200 I

T ri n i ly Lu ter han Coll eg e,

6 pm Di nner, 7 pm Lectures Held at Pa c i f i c Lutheran University,


RSVP Ray Harrisville, I I I


RSVP: PlU C h u rc h Relations

1425·3 9 2·0400)

Matt Crouthamel a n d Brenda F i tzer were m a rried i n J u n e at Shore l i ne (Wash . ) Com m u n i ty Churc h . Mall is a s t udent at the U n i ve r s i ty of Was h i ngton School of Med i ci ne.

(253) 5 3 5·74 2 3

To Register, p l easE' co n t a c t t h e s i t e of y o u r c h o i c e a n d s e n d $ 2 0


$ 2 5 w i t h d i n n e r ) before January 1 5 t h . A d d $ 3 l a t e

reg i s t r a t i o n fee ,l ft('r J a n u a r y 1 5 t h . Group rail'S rl l'n iifl /Jic.

Denise Thompson i s a telese rvice representative for the Soc ial Secu rity Adm i n i stration in Auburn, Wa s h .

Spol1snrl'd by L11 1 h cr �111 Fduc.ll i onal N e t work a n d Sl1p�'(}rt

{ j ,L\' S ) ,11ld t h e schonb \\H:ifk LU l h l:r,lll

n f t h c A m l i,1 h .: d i .(\l rn i llg Partllcr�, Tri n i l �' LUlhrr.:m ( :o l l t'Kl:, Ull i vc.rsi t r. L u t h e r S�m i ll,try, �l1H.1


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eth YOU ?.

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Please use an additional piece of paper for other c o mme n t s . Photos ore welcome ( prefe ra bly B&W) and on a s pa ce-ova il a b l e basis. Deadline for the next issue 01 Scene ;s Jonuory ' B,

will be u s ed 200 1 .





Qlhce of Alumni & Porllnl �" Iolion;. fLU, Tacoma, WA 9 8 4 4 7-0003 ; 253,535,8555 ; [MAlll ,,/um[ll @plu cdu; '''HRNEl FO.,." W,,",W plu.edu/olum

5 5 Y E "R j S l t f MPlIC"8lE


Marriage (no engagements, please) spou s e ' s

NAME Hint,

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Job Information

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J o e flllE

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Promotio n s / Awards



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T I T l E O f POSt






HON O R RO LL O F D ONO RS 1 999-2000

I n previ ous yea rs, the A n n u a l Report was PLU's opportun ity to l i st a l l th ose who h ave ge nerously donated to the u n ive rsity. Th is yea r, PLU wa nted to make the l ist ava i l able to a n even l a rger aud ience - th ose who read Scene magazi n e . W h i l e the forthcom i n g An n u a l Report w i l l deta i l PLU's su ccesses over the last fiscal year, the Honor Roll of Donors will focus on th ose who have donated to PLU . I n t h i s report, PLU recog n izes a l l m e m bers of the Lifeti m e Giving Society, the Heritage Society a n d the Q C l u b , as well as a l l donors who m a d e g i fts be­ tween J u ne 1 , 1 999 a n d May 3 1 , 2000. All contri butors a re l i sted once, in a l p h a betical order, with a key fo r the d i ffe rent g iv i n g organ izati o n s .

Lifetime Giving Society

Q Club

The Lifetime G iving Socieey recognizes an extraordi­ nary group of donors who have given faithfully and consisten tly over time to sustain and supp ort PaClfic Lutheran University. Lifetime giving includcs the total recorded gifts and currcnt pkdgcs of cash, se­ c u r i ties, real estate, and appreciated p roperty, and i ncludes the charitable value of irrevocable planned gif ts. These totals do not include revocable deferred gift� or gifts to KPLU.

With a minimum contribution of $300 annually (student giving levels begin at $60 a year), one can join this gathering of dedicared friends whose mis­ sion i s to provide assistance to deserving students as they prepare for lives of service through a Pacific Lutheran University education. Q Club is the "giv­ ing club" of PLU's annLlal fund, and the more than 2,000 members p rovide the core of scholarship sup­ port.

Heritage Society

Matching Gift Program

H eritage Society members h ave remembered PLU i n their estate planning th rough a eype of deferred gift, bequest, ch aritable t[ust, revocable trust, chari table gift annuity, life insurance, pooled income fu nd agreement, or a gift of residence or farm wi th re­ tained l i fe estatc. M e m bers h i p is not based on the amount of thc deferred gift. These con tri butions arc very importa nt to Pacific Lutheran Universiey's long-term future, with gifts ranging f rom $5,000 or less to $5 million and more.

The Matching Gift Program recognizes Companies and Foundations who have contri bu ted to PLU by matching the gifts of their employees. This support is either designated to a particular fund identified b y the em ployee or given to the unrestricted fu nd.

Anders ('68) and Sandra Aadland James ('70) and Julie ('70) Aageson Q David ('75) and Maurene ('75) Aakre Q John Aakre ( ' 7 1 ) and Cynthia Michael ('82) LH Odven ('50) and Maxine Aakre Q Betty Aalbue Q Paul (' 6 1 ) and Nita Aasen Grant and Ruth B retheim ('8 1 ) Aaseng Sverre Aasgaarden Abam Engi neers, Inc. L Albert Abbott, Jr and Virginia Witt ('75) Abitibi-Consolidated Sales Corporation ABN AMBRO Bank, N.V. I Stanley and Lynne Abraham Absher Construction Company LQ Patrick ('85) and Carolyn ('87) Accimus Marie Ackley Estate L Acordia I Rita Acosta Eloise Adair Amanda Adams J. Daniel ('67) and Ellen ('68) Adams Jennifer Adams ('0 1 ) Q Mark ('9 1 ) and Hayley (,91) Adams Richard and Catherine ('57) Adams Wendall and Nancy Adams

Deanne Addy ('87) Gary Addy and Jennifer Wamboldt John and Mary Adix Arlis Adolf ('7 1 ) LQ Advanced Biometrics, Inc. Michael ('84) and Kris Agostini Agr i l i n k Foods, Inc. Mark and Sarah ('90) Agsten Christopher Ahna ('00) Timothy and Wendy (,9 1 ) Aho Q Fred Ahrendt Estate L LaWanna Ahrenot ( ' 5 1 ) Q Aid Association for Lutherans LM Travis and Shirley ('7 1 ) Aikin Q Airborne Express I Clarice Akerson H Abdullatif AI·Abdulwahed ('00) Alaska Synod, ELCA, Anchorage, AK L Mark ('79) and Ingrid ('80) Albee Meleney Albert ('87) Rodney and Suzanne Albertson LH Alcoa Foundation LM Gloria Alcordo George I. Alden Trust L Angelia Alexander Q Cathleen Alexander ('0 1 ) Daniel ('98) and Holly Alexander Paul and Anita Alexander Rodney Alexander Q Thomas Alexander ('79) Q J i m mie R. Alford LH Lionel ('80) and Tammy Alford Q Jean Alfsen Estate L Christopher Algeo ('89) Beatrice Allen David Allen ('00) Q Jay and Charlene ('78) Allen Q Jeffrey Allen (,87) Linda Allen Marjorie Allen

I ndependent Colleges of Washi ngton Designation is for individuals, companies and foun­ dations who have contribu ted (0 PLU by making con crib utions through the I ndependent Colleges of Washington. ICW s up ports private higher education in Wash ington state by solicicing unrestricted gifts from many individ uals, businesses and foundations.

LEGE ND L Lifetime Giving Socieey H Heritage Socieey Q Q Club M Matching Gift Program I Inde penden t Colleges of Wash i ngton =








Merr; Iy Allen Q Peter and Grace Allen Ronald and Beverly ('58) Allen Allen Foundation for Music L Allenmore Medical Foundation LQ Alliance Capital Management Corporation M James and Jeannette ("67) Allphin Ivar Aim Trust L Jarrah AI·Rujaib Daniel and Anne Alsaker LHQ A. Richard and Debbie Alseth Irene Alskog D. K. Alt ALTERA Corporation L Lafayette and Barbara Altier Clifford and Kay Alton El lsworth and Nancy Alvord Q Marshall ('72) a nd Mary Jo Alworth Alyeska Pipeline Service Company M Amazing G race Lutheran Church, Anchorage, AK Q Mark Amberson (,92) William and Al ice ('86) Amblad John ('60) and Joann Amend Q Laverne Amend ('56) Q Neal ('53) and LaVerne Amend L Richard Amendola ('78) American Express Foundation LM American Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MN L American Lutheran Church, Billings, MT American Marine Bank I American Sign & Indicator Corporation L Ameritech Library Services L Esther Amundsen Anacortes Lutheran Church, Anacortes, WA L

Andersen Consulting Foundationl Arthur Andersen LLP Foundation LM Brent ('85) and Susan Andersen Q David and Kimberly ('90) Andersen Mark Andersen ('67) and Bonnie MacMaster Andersen ('66) Q Michael Andersen and Angela Vahsholtz·Andersen ('90) Mrs. Arthur R. Anderson L Arnold and Caroline ('40) Anderson Q B. Eldon ('35) and Marjory Anderson LQ Barbara Anderson Q Brian ('72) and Kristy ('72) Anderson Q Cathy Anderson Q Charles and Betty Anderson Charles a nd Helen Anderson Q Charles and Margaret Anderson LQ Conrad ('63) and Ann Anderson David L. Anderson ('67) David R. Anderson ('62) Q Dennis and Ruth Anderson H Don ('50) and Rita Anderson Q Donald and Nancy Anderson Q Dorothy Anderson L Eugene and Grace Anderson Faye Ande rson HQ Fred and Pau lette ('66) Anderson Gustaf ('48) and Dorothy ('46) Anderson LQ Harlan Anderson ('61 ) Hazel And erson Estate L Helen Anderson ('38) Q Herman (' 3 1 ) and Vivian Anderson LQ Inez Anderson (,40) J. Douglas Anderson ('69) Q Jennifer Anderson ('98)



MAY 3 1 , 2000.


1 -800·826-0035

Jerry and Marjorie Anderson Jodene Anderson ('80) Q John and Colleen Anderson John and Dorothy Anderson L John ('58) and Myrna ('86) Anderson Q John ('68) and Connie ('68) Anderson Q Joseph Anderson (,97) Q Judith Ande rson ('73) H Juli V. and Thomas R. Anderson LQ Julie Anderson ('69) Karin K. Anderson ('99) HQ Karl and Christine Anderson Kathryn Anderson Q Kevin ('90) and Julie Anderson Laura Anderson ('97) Loren J. and MaryAnn Anderson LHQ Lowell ('7 1 ) and JoMarie ('72) Anderson L Marcia Gail Anderson ('7 1 ) Mark and Kathryn ('75) Anderson Q Mervyn Anderson Olav Anderson Estate L Paul Anderson (,92) Q Paul ('7 1 ) and Janice Anderson Q R. Wayne and Christina ('94) Anderson Q Ralph and Jo Ann Anderson Richard and Barbara Anderson Richard Anderson L Robert and Katherine Anderson Robert ('65) and Mary ('65) Anderson H Roger ('7 1 ) and Arletta J. ('70) Anderson Ronald Anderson ('83) and Rebecca Babington ('81 ) Ruth ('65) and Andy Anderson LQ Shirley Anderson

Stephen and Rita ('88) Anderson Q Thomas and Kathryn Anderson L Timothy and Ann ('67) Anderson Vendela Anderson Willis and Mary Anderson The Anderson Foundation LI Katherine Andre (,7 1 ) Q Paul (,84) and Deborah ('84) Andre Algot Andreasson Trust L Robert and Pamela Andrew LQ Glenn And rews H G reg and Marcy And rews Pamela And rews ('76) Tove Ellen Andvik ('67) Ruth Angell Martin and Karla ('68) Angle Devin and Christine ('94) Anglemyer Don and Jeanne ('76) Anglin E rnest and Karen Ankrim Larry and Anna ('55) Ankrum Q Leonidas Annest David ('79) and Carol Annonen I ris Anspach Scott Anstett ('00) Bruce and Sharon ('65) Anthony Eric ('95) and Hallie ('95) Anthony Dominic and Janeen R.S. ('90) Antonelli Q Hans and Margaret ('53) Antonsen Steven ('74) and Suzanne Appelo Q Corless Apperson Steele John and Anne Aram George and Donna Arbaugh LQ James ('85) and Linda ('85) Arbaugh H Karl (,85) and Julia Arbaugh Q Norman Archibald Charitable Foundation L

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donor roll

Kudos for first online donor! my (Nance) C,bull '93, '�mdy b"am"h, first person to donate to Pacific Lutheran University through our new secured server at the PLU development website: www.plu.edu/ -deve/ Ceb u l l , who l ives i n B i l l i ngs, Mont., finds the website to be a helpfu l way to keep i n touch with her alma mater, and was especially pleased to learn that s he could use her credit card to make her Q Club contri b u tion. "I, like so many of my friends, am using the I n ternet to simplify my life. This i ncludes shopping, banking, getting news and information, keeping i n tollch with friends and fami ly and making gifts to PLU ! " Amy and her h usband, Brian, a S tanford Un ivers i ty alumnus, feel strongly abou t s upporting their alma maters, though Amy admi ts, "PLU gets a little more because we both feel t h at our gifts really do make a difference to the srudents a t Pacific Lutheran Universi ty ! "


Architectural Woods, Inc. L Joseph and Maureen Ardizzone Douglas and Coralyn ('72) Armstrong Elmer Armstrong ('74) Jerry ('60) and Elaine Armstrong L Michael and Kaylyn ('74) Armstrong Q Nobuko Armstrong Swain Arnason ('50) Clarence a n d Shirley ('54) Arndt John ('36) and Olga ('37) Arne LQ Glenn Arney ('59) Shannon Arnim ('93) Q G. Michael Arnold ('75) Q Audrey Arnst ( , 64) Neal ('58) and Joyce Arntson LHQ George ('63) and Karen ('66) Arola LQ Donald ('62) and Tena ('65) Arstein ASARCO Foundation L James and Pamela ('74) Asberry Tyler and Kristan ('93) Ashbridge Tricia Ashby ('94) Ashford-McAloon-Roberts Insurance J . Stuart Ashley ('90) J o Anne Ashley ('90) Q Kjell and Susan Askevold Paul Askland Estate ('69) L Hjordis Asper Associated Student Body of PLU Q AT&T Foundation M Kirk and Evelyn Athow Attachmate M Beatrice Atwood ('38) David G. Aubrey LHQ Stacy Augustine ('88) Karen Aumick Q John and Jane Aune Q Alfred E. Aus and Esther Westby ('32) Aus LQ Scott ('82) a n d Mary Kay ( , 82) Ausenhus Williena Ausherman ('60) Brian Aust ( , 92) and Dorthy Leshe r Robert Aust ('58) Autodesk, Inc. L

Kristoffer Bag l i o ('00) Andrev B a h r ('56) Thomas ('85) and J u l i e ('9 1 ) Baier Dale and Pam Bai ley I Fredric and Georgia ('59) B a i l ey Q Ken Bailey and Deborah Erickson (, 82) Margaret Bailey ('96) Beatrice Bainard Charles and Joan ('76) Baird George and Judith ('62) Baird Jeanne Baird ('50) H Richard and Lynn Baiter Willia m Bakamus ('73) Q Bradley ('85) and Sherry ('85) Baker Q Daniel and Singhild (, 62) Baker The Estate of Elbert H. Baker II L James (, 67) and Georgina Sue (, 62) Baker Janice Baker Lauriston and Luann ('8 1 ) Baker Q Malcolm and Lois Baker Moran and Barbara B ak er Ronald and Joanne ( , 62) Baker Sheri Baker ('93) Orley and Joan ('60) B ak ken Roger ('61) and Margaret ('63) B ak ken Boyd and Rebecca B a ld wi n Lisa A. Hale ('98) and Travis M. , Hale ( 97) Elsie Ball James ('54) and Florence ('66) Ball Richard ('62) and Mary Ann B all ew Q Lisa Balmes ('96) Q B i l l and Karen Kilen Balzarini L Lowell ('77) and Janet ('61) Bamford Robert and Ordelle ('52) Bammert Beverly Bancroft ('53) Q Clifford and Leona Bangsund L David ('7 1 ) and Lynne ('70) Bangsund LHQ Erik ('99) and Amy ('99) Bangsund Q Bank of America Q Bank of America Foundation M Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi I





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Amy Cebull, '93 was the first online donor at PLU.

The Autzen Foundation L John Axelson ('75) and Mary Keating Wayne and Asta Axelso n Karen Flan igan Ayers ('82) Q Dan and Gail ('84) Ayres

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Donald and Marion Baartz Joanna Babbitt ('95) Martin Babbitt ('74) Raymond Babcock ('59) Q B u rton Backman ( , 49) Q John ('60) and Karen Backman Q Phillip and Ruth ('69) Backup Q Albert and Constance Bacon H Nicholas Baeth ('00) and Katherine Peloza ('00) Thomas and Jane Baffney

Daniel Banken ('87) Q John and Susan ('67) Banker George and Julee Barber Q Charles and Linda ('63) Barbo Q Myron Barbour ('60) Clark Barclay Jeffrey Bare ('98) Q Ronald I. Barensten H Bargreen-Ellingson , Inc. L Aaron ('99) and Ronda ('00) Barker Roy and Mary Lou Ba r k er Stephen and Jeanine Barndt Q George and Eleanor Barnes L Steven ('82) and Teresa B arn es Katherine Barnett ('79) H Carlotta Barnette ('00) J. Th a d and Joan Barnowe Q Scott (, 77) and Deborah Barnum Q Erik Barrett ('87) and J ill B arrettJorgenson ('94) Gregory ('90) and Karen BarrettWilt Michael and Kristine Bartanen Q David and Gail ( , 6 1 ) Bartee

George D. Bartell I Thomas and Sandra ('91) Barth Kevin ('97) and Marci ('98) Bartholomae Q 8ert and Jennie Bartlett Eldon and Mercedes Barton Q Inez Barton Estate L Jeff and Gratia ('90) Barton James Bash ('76) Q William and Donna Bash Baskin Robbins Q Colleen Bates ( , 65) William ('62) and Dee Ann Bates Douglas ('89) and Roberta Batey Richard ('81 ) and Darcy ('81) Battershell Alexander Bauer ('98) Q Arthur and Sandra ('67) Bauer Q Craig Bauer Richard and Lois Bauer LQ Richard Bauer ('86) Ba ugh Construction I Jerald ('61) and Myra (, 62) Baughman Q Peter ('75) and Sharon Baughman Gary and Sylvia Baughn LHQ David and Lois ('49) Bauman Howard and Jean Baumann Paul Baurichter ('00) Ann Baxter ('90) Baxter Allegiance Foundation M Todd Baxter ('83) Q William E. and Janice Nye Baxter L Leonardo Bayani ('99) Ruth Bayer Estate L Gary and Audrey Baylous Q Jennifer Bayston ('00) Donald and Jean Ann Beake Robert Beall and Nancy K i ngsto n· Beall ('69) Eric (, 8 1 ) and Marie ('83) Bean LQ Gary ('68) and Jane Beard George ('64) and Andrea Beard Q Krystine Beard ('93) Christine Beatty ('90) Q Holly Beatty ('89) Q Robert ('55) and Noreen ('57) Beatty Paul and Jan ice Beauchene Ryan Bebe-Pelphrey ('00) Dan ('63) and Terre Anne Bechtel Q Eric and Daphne ( , 77) Beck Lynn Beck Q Sarah Beck Herbert ('85) and Lisa Becker James and Cynthia ('90) Becklold Darrell ('64) and Ruthanne Bed doe Jef frey ('76) and Dayna ('78) B ed i ngfie l d Q Scott and Kristi Kay ('84) Beebe Q Marlene Begg i n ('97) Elizabeth Bekemeier ('84) Q James Bekemeier ('88) Q , Luther and Lois ( 82) Bekemeier LHQ Verona B ek kedal James and Morgia Belcher Donald and Mae Beil Q Harry and Carol Bell Michelle Bell ('03) Q James R. Bellamy Paul M. Bellamy Foundation LQ Mary Bellarts and Verna Ralph Bellingham Stevedoring Company David and Linda ('85) BeM i l le r LHQ Bemis Company Foundation I Michael ('78) and Karen ('78) Bena M a ri ssa B e n debel James ('70) a n d Cindy ('72) Bendickson Q O. Jurgis Bendikas ('51) LHQ Catharine Kirby ('90) Bendixen H Irma Bendock ('41) Q Kenneth and Diana Benedick Mr. and Mrs. Richard Benevento Loren Bengston ('90) Q Steven and Lois Benham Q James and Janet Beni George Benj a min and Nan He rbe rt Rodney B enj a m i n and Martha Hoffman Stanley ('79) and Janet Bennatts Carl a nd Myra Bennett LHQ Gary and Nancy (, 9 1 ) Bennett Thomas Bennett and Kathleen Simonis-Bennett ('70) Scott ('74) and Debra ('75) Be nn i gh of Carlton and E l zbi eta Be ns o n Dale ('63) and Jolita (Hylland) ('63) Benson LHQ Gerald ('58) and Sharon Benson LH Hank and Carolyn ('62) Benson Jennifer ('91) and Erik ('90) Be nso n Michael ('69) and Mary ('7 1 ) Benson HQ Rebecca Benson ( , 92) Q Virginia L. Benson LH Edward ('78) and Lois Bentley , Paul and Megan ( 76) Benton LQ Ronald Benton ('78) and Kim Jensen Q

Paul ('52) and Marion Bentson Ray and Virginia Bentson Larry and Evelyn ('7 1 ) Bentti Victor Benzel ('77) Duane (,5 1 ) and Joanne Berentson LQ Brian A. Berg ('74) and Joyce Avery LHQ Brian Duane ('75) and Jan Berg David (, 6 1 ) and Patricia ('61) Berg LQ Edward Berg Elizabeth Berg Estate L Erma Berg George Berg Estate L Helen Berg Helge Berg ('73) and Susan Wi l i i am s Q Karl and Joan Berg Q Lee and Ellen La key ( ,8 1 ) Berg Q Lyn n ('64) and Karen ('65) B erg Paul ('71) and Virginia Berg Q Richard and Gayle ('72) Berg Ronald Berg(59) LQ Roy ('55) and Lucille Berg Arthur Berge L Jennifer Berger ('94) Michael ('75) and Cindy Berger Stephen and Jeanne Bergerson Clarice Berg gre n Margaret Bergh Paul ('8 1 ) and Tye Berghuis Q Ethan and Carla ('72) Bergman Robert and Eloise ('54) Bergt Howard and Gladys ('48) Bergum Q Ludivina Bermudez ('70) Joseph and Barbara ('85) Bernard Gary ('74) and Nancy Berner Q Bruce and Kristina ('63) Berney Eli Berniker Q David ('95) and Christie ('95) Bernklau Halvor G. P h i l i p and Lora Bernstein Christian Berntsen ('85) Q David ('58) and Carolee ('59) Berntsen LHQ Henry and Ida ('3 1 ) Berntsen Q Denis and Mary ('63) Berrigan Clyde Berry ('00) David Berry Thomas and Juoe ('78) Berry Q Timothy a nd Taryn Berty Steve arid Debra Bertholf M ills.. Bertocch lnr ('94) Q Walton F Berton ('57) and Caro le A. Booth HO Ohver ('61) and Emma BerJen Steven Besaw ('99) Jean and Anne Mane ('88) Bessette

Bethany Lutheran Church , Bainbridge Island , WA Q Bethany Lutheran Church , Gold Beach , OR Bethany Lutheran Church, Spanaway, WA Bethesda Lutheran Church , Eugene, OR LQ Bethesda Lutheran Church , Mtlake Terrace, WA Bethlehem Lutheran Church , Kalispell , MT LQ Beth lehem Lutheran Ch urc h , Tacoma , WA LQ Patrick and Denise ('86) Bettinger Wayne Bettinger ('5 1 ) Marlo Bevis (,B5) DeWayne and Mary Jean ('5 1 ) Bey Ernest and Rebecca Bianco Q John and Jean Biberdorf Q Noah and Patricia ('96) Bickell Q Warren and Linda ('72) Bieker Gary ('6B) and Mardel Bierwagen Q James ('8 1 ) and Susan Bies Mark ('78) and Sharon Bigot! Richard B i l brough John Bil ldt ('76) Donald ('78) and Judith ('61) B i l l ings Q Paula Billings ('63) Q Evangeline B i l l ingsley ('50) Q Robert Bi lls (, 59) HQ Lin Bi nford L Dan and Teresa B i ngham James ('77) and Lori ('78) Bingham Q Annabelle Bi rkestol (,45) LHQ Grace Birkestol (,45) LHQ Gordon (, 50) and Agnes ('50) Birklid Lisa Birnel ('99) Q Blakely and Claire Bishop Kim ('75) and Cynthia ('76) B is hop Michael ('79) and Lori ( ,8 1 ) Bishop Q Marlene Bissell ('74) Lynne Biteman , Mark and Elsie ( 81) Bittner Q James Bjelde ('72) Christian Bjerk ( , 92) Bruce ('72) and J i l l ('71) Bjerke LQ Kevin and Jane ('90) Bj or k Q Craig Bjorklund ( , 67) Q Diane Bjorklund ('75) Robert and Mavis Bjorklund




John and Gwendolyn ('48) Bjorkstam Q Hans and Vivi Bjornen Lennie and Pamela (,84) Bjornsen

Russell Br own ('41)

Everett and Patti Boynton

Samuel and Nathalie Brown LQ

Hugh and Lenore (,4 1 ) Bozarth

Steven and Kaylene Brown Q

Marilyn Boze

Steven ('76) and J i l l ('78) Brown

BP Amoco Foundation M

Q M . Dean ('58) 'a nd Nancy ('60)



and Jeane ('54)


Bjornsen Q

Walter (' S l ) and Jea nette ('54)

David and Dorothy Bjornson Q

Braafladt HQ

J o h n ('89) and Celesta Bjornson Q

Roger and Susan ('97) Campanelli

Violet Boyer I

Q Glenn ('60) and Margery ( ' 6 1 ) Campbell HQ Gordon Campbell ('75)

HQ Timothy and Sharlene ('73) B r own Vincent R. Brown ('70) H

Terry ('72) and Ellen Lee ('68) Campbell Q

B rown & Ha ley L

Ray and Antonette Campos

Christopher and Jennifer

Gina Canada ('98) Keith and Marlene Canton LQ

Browning Q

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Black LQ

James and Patricia Braaten

Kristey Black

Jean Brace ('62)

Stanley and Terryl Brue L

Lillian Cantrell

George B racher Estate L

Moritz Brueckner L

G. James ('58) and Carlene ('6 1 )

Charles and Colleen B radford

Scott ('84) and Cathleen ('83)


Jeffrey ('94) and Lora Blackburn Chari B lackwood

('5 1 )

George ('72) and Delphine Blair Q

Craig and Shelley (,87) Bradley Q

Capelli Q Robert and Cheryl ('83) Capoocia

B r ueske Q

John and Laura (,82) Bla isdell

Havana Bradner Estate L

Michele Blake ('74)

John Bradshaw (,87)

Mitchell and Jonette ('85) Blakney

Raymond Brady ('99)

Arthur Brunner H

Alan ('55) and Lois Carlson Q

Robert and Catherine ('99) Brady

Charles ('66) and Carol Brunner Q

Arthur Carlson Estate L

Louis ('50) and Glenna ( '50)

Dale and Jean Carlson Q



Alan and Sharolyn Bla nchard

Nelson and Marjorie (,42)

Lois Capps ('59) Q Christopher Cardwell ( ' 8 1 )


David E. Carlson Q


Richard and Olive Blandau L

Margaret Brahm ('70)

David ('88) and Sidney Blank Q

Regina Braker ('78)

Petra Onella Brunner ('56) LQ

David W. Carlson ('86) Q

Abigail Blankn er ('94)

George and Jackie Brammer L

Ruth Brunner ('87)

Ernest Carlson ('54)

Larry and Sheila B ledsoe

Goldia Brammer Q

Orvilla Brunson

Evan LV. Carlson (,45)

Clifford (,52) and Audrey (,S3)

Mild red Brammer ('56)

David B rusco L

F. Paul and Judith Carlson Q

Otto and Goldia Brammer L

Jeffrey Bruton

George and Dorothy ('49) Carlson

Jason and Heidi ('94) Blei meyer

Suzanne Brammer ('82)

Mark ('85) and Karla Bryant Q

Harry ('49) and Violet Carlson H

Neil ('70) and Mary ('70) Bryant

Blegen John ('80) and Nina ('81) Bley Q

Gary and Linda ('65) Branae Q

Dolores B l och

Albert and Alva Branam

J.R. and Marion Bloch

Dwaine Brandt ('57) and Rachel Kriefall-Brandt

B ruce ('86) and Peggy ('92)

Herb and Lorrain Carlson Q Janet C. Carlson ('46) LQ

LHQ Julie Brye ('77)

Jon ('77) and Donna Carlson Q

A. Dean and Marilyn Buchanan LH

June Carlson L

Georgia Brandt

Brook Buchanan (' 00) Q

Lewis and Fern Carlson

Bonnie Block ('93)

Richard ('55) and Gail Brandt

Dennis and Jan Buchanan

Loney and Sheila (,64) Carlson Q

Shawn (,97) and Michelle 810cker

Charles and Claudia Branham Q

Erhardt and Virginia Buchfinck L

Marian Carlson

Ed ('64) and Angela Brannfors

Virginia Buchfinck HQ

Mark ('67) a n d Karen Carlson H

Barry and Susan (,00) Buchmiller

Mary Carlson L

Alfred and Elizabeth Buck

Michael ('83) and Bethany Carlson

Alfred Buck ('85) Q

Norman ('7 1 ) and Susan ('74)

B l ocher



Heidi Ann Bloemker ('90)

Erik Brannfors ('95) and Jennifer

Cornelius and Dian Blom H

Specht Bran nfors ('94) Q

Grace Blomqu ist LQ Charles and Carolyn Bloom

Mark B ran nfors('97) Q

Florence Buck


Dennis ('88) and Connie Bloom

Paul and Leslie Brantner H

Wayne and Judy Buck LH

Ole and Sylvia Carlson

Ronald and Marianne Bloom

Janis Brasier ('74) Q

John ('58) and Norma ('59)

Paul ('60) and Mary Lou ('59)

Jennifer Bloomer ('98) Q

Robert (' 5 1 ) and Lois ('51) Brass

Renee B loomfield ('97)

Paul ('82) and Corinne B rassey

Carlson LQ

Buckner The Buffalo News

Randall Carlson ('85) Robert Carlson Q

Hjordis M. Bratsberg LH

Chester Buhl Estate L

Harold and Elaine B rattland

R u by Bulger ('65)

Roger Carlson

Rick Brauen ('85) Q

Mable Buli Estate ('23) L

Stephen Carlson ('83) and Stacy

David ('61 ) and Judith Bluhm Q

Gordon and Mary Nell Braun Q

Oscar B u l i Estate L

Parke ('79) and Kristi Blundon Q

Matthew Braund ('98)

James ('59) and Nancy ('66)

Rolf Bloomquist ('94) and Pamella Howard ('94) Q Donald B l ucher ('54)

Don and Pamela Bray

William ('65) and Katherine Blythe

Jan F. Brazzell and Wolfgang


Opitz LH

BMW Seattle

Waddell Carlson ('83) Q Steven ('86) and Natalya Carlson Ted ('74) and Wendy Carlson

B u llock Robert and Emily B u mpous

Thomas Carlson ('65) LHQ

Thomas Bundy Estate L

Tom Carlson LQ

G race Bredeson

Re becca Burad ('74) LHQ

Verner Carlson Estate L

Jorunn Breiland Estate L

Mary B u rchak Estate L

Theodore ('55) and Alzora ('57)

Walter and Muriel Bobko

Ellen Breiten (,69) Q

Earlene B u rcham ('60) Q


Gavin W. ('99) and Patricia R. ('00)

Maurice and M i ldred Burchfield L

Dennis ('78) and Susan ('78) Boaglio Q

I ('83) and


ra ('77) Bode

Carlstrom Q Donald and Mary Carlyle L

M i l d red Burchfield Q

Robert ('64) and Judy Carmichael

Dwight ('47) and Eleano, Boe Q

Dorothy Brenchley ('95)

Glenn and Teresa ('00) B urden

Mary Carnes ('93)

John ('66) and Karen Boe

Jonathan ( ' 9 1 ) a n d Kari ('90)


Mark Carnese (,97)


Marguente Bod r ro Estate ('35) L


Kathryn Boe ('52)

and Juanita

William ('77) and Jewell ('78)

B urgem� ister

Carnett Q

Silas Luther Boe Estate ('39) L

Ingrid Brenneise ('64)

J o B urgess

Heidi Boehnke ('00)

Ruth Anne Brenneman ('72)

Cathy Burguess Q

Cecelia Carpenter ('66) John ('87) and Heidi ('8B) Carr

The Boeing Company LMI

Ralph and Mary ('82) B resee

Kelly Burk ('94)

Ch ristie Bognar

Myrtle Bresemann (,41) H

Mil dred Burke ('59)

Ralph ('62) and Joyce (,62) Carr

Randolph and Gail ('75)

Jeremy and Tamara ('97) Brester

Perry and Dorothy Burkhart

William Carr and Judith Bergren-

Debbra B rewer

Burlington Lutheran Church

Bohannon Q Charles and Karen ('63) Bohlke Q

Laura Brewer (,02) Q r

Doris Bohman Q

Gregory and Cathy Brewis

, Burli ngton WA L , Burlington Northern Santa Fe

Morris and Doris Bohman L

1 . A. ('56) and Judy Bricker LQ

Christopher and Eleanore ('80)

J o h n and Ruth Briehl Q

C. Glenn Burnett ('86)

James and Danielle Brink Q

John and Barbara Bu rraston


Foundation LMI

Carr ('59) May Carrell ('65) Q Phyllis Grahn Carroll ('55) LHQ David ('80) and Katharine ('80) Carson Katherine Carson ('66)

Clara Fjermedal Bohrman Q

Terry ('83) and Kerry Brink Q

Richard and Doralin B u rrows Q

Michael P. Carson ('76) HQ

Alice Bolduan H

Cli fford ('76) and Joan Brock

Angelina and D . Jerry B u rtenshaw

Richard ('56) and Delores ('56)

Erwin and Alice Bolduan L

Frank and Barbara B rocker LQ

Doug and Emily ('7 1 ) Boleyn

Mark ('79) and Donna ('80)

Marvin ('58) and Beverlee Bolland LHQ Ralph ('36) and Rosemary ('29) Bolstad

Brocker Q

Miriam B usey ('86)

Lloyd and Kathy ('70) Brodniak Q

Bradley ('99) and Patricia (,00)

Alvin ('60) and June ('57) Broeckel

Louis and Lorraine ('79) Bonaldi Q Adele Bonciolini ( ' 68) Andrew Bongfeldt ('90) Q

John Carton and Michelle

Robert and Rosalie Brodin

Charles and Marilyn Bomgren

Lester Bona ('40) Q

Scott ('74) and Kathy ( ' 7 1 ) Buser H Bradley ('88) and Tisha Busey

Roger Brodniak ('97)

Department Stores, Inc. I

Carstensen Robert ('74) and Lynn Carter

George B rockway ('36) Q

Darrell Bomberger ('95) The Bon Marche/Federated

I Ed and Penny Burton

Schoenberg ('80) Davis ('65) and Pamela Carvey LQ Paul and Beverly ('92) Cascio Paul and Kathryn ('80) Casey

Gerald ('83) and Darlene Buss HQ

Gerald Cashen

Gary ('79) and Cynthia ('79) Brog

Douglas and Suzanne ('73) Bussey

Cashmere Valley Bank L

Robert ('53) and Connie ('54) Brog

John and Luella Bustad L

Dave and Patricia Casmier Q

John ('69) and Janet ('69) Bustad

Robert and Eva Caspersen

LQ Alan ( ' 6 1 ) and Elaine (,62) Brooks LQ



Linda Caspersen-Andresen

Leo and Signe B ustad L

Lee and Susan ('72) Casperson

Luella Bustad HQ

Diane Cassidy ('80) Rodney Cassidy and Kathleen

Paul and Judith Bonifaci

Kathrine B rooks ('88)

Book Club of Washington Inc

M i l o and Mary Brooks

Charles and Doris ('55) Butler

Melvin and Dorothy Boone H

Richard and Hen rietta ('61) Brooks

Pollyann Butler ('86)

Brian and Deborah ( ' 9 1 ) Booth

Timothy ('72) and Martha ('74)

Rodney and Tayah (,97) Butler Q

Robert ('74) and Patricia Casteel Q

Howard L. Byerly LH

Haydn and Doris Castleton

Thomas a n d Rhoda (,67)


Peach-Cassidy ('73)

B rooks Manufacturing Company I

Mark (,82) and Joan Byl Q

Catalyst Cruises LQ

Henry and Marilyn Broom

Robert and Rose ('77) Byland Q

Cate rpillar Foundation M

Leah Borg ('94)

E l i zabeth B rossia ('99)

Charles and Mary Byrne

Erma Catlin

Rev. Norma J. Borgford ('56) LHQ

Steve and Barbara B rossia

Kenneth Byrne ('89) Q

Eduardo ('66) and Mary ('66)

Borcherding Scott and Caroline Borduin

ot far from campus, at 10 805 Pacific Ave. S., sits Tiny's Tires, a local automotive b usiness that has been a long-time Pacific Lutheran Universiry su pporter. Started in 1 9 6 5, Tiny's Tires has been providing service to the Parkland commu niry 35 years. Service and maintenance are not (he only goals of Tiny's Tires. In addition to supporting area high schools and youth programs since 1979, Tiny's Tires has helped provide PLU students with a quality edu­ cation through membership in the Q Club. Co-owner C u rtis Martin said, "We have always sup­ ported PLU in the past. PLU people have done so much business with us and have been great ro work with." Fou nded in 1 9 72, Q Club provides the core of Ann ual Fund su ppon at PLU, With a minimum an­ n ual contribution of $300 ($25/montb) Q Club members help provide assistance to deserving Stu­ dents as they prepare for lives of service through a PLU education. "PLU is a great part of the comm u n ity, " Martin continued. "�le like to help out any way we can." For information o n ways that you or your bu si­ ness can support the Q Club, please contact Kara Fleharty, associate d i rector of annual giving and Q Club, at 25 3-535 -7439 or 800- 25 8-6758.

Thomas and Anne (,63) Case Q

Busick Thomas ('78) and Holly Buskirk Q


Tire store gives more than great serVice

" • n

n c: ... :z: ... .. •

Mary Born ('86)

Troy ('92) and Cheryl ('93) Brost Q


Amelia Borneman

Henrik and Robanna ('83) B rosten

Noal Cattone

Charles Borquist Q

Willard and Dagrun Brotherston

David Caulfield ('00)


Richard ('53) and Cynthia Borrud

Michael and Stacy (,90) 8rouillette

Robert ('79) and Lisa ('8 1 ) Caulkins


Bernard and Liv Borson





Vanda Bortell Estate L

Mark B rovak ('90)

Dennis Caviezel ('7 1 )

Jerald and Hafdis Bortle

Claudia Rea Browers ('75)

Cathy Cavness ('79)

< .. ..

Keith and Delores Boss

Bob Brown and Kathleen Benton

Brian Cebull and Amy Nance


Kai Bottomley ('80) Q

Cebull ('93) Q

('73) Q

Bernard and Robbyn ('84) Celestin

Phillip ('85) and Susan Bouterse

Cindi B rown ('96)

Dehoyn and Patricia Cady

Rob ert ('84) and Belinda ('B6)

Ellen Brown ('53) Q

Mark and Charla ('86) Cain

Center E l ectric Inc. LQ

James and Barbara ('59) Brown

R. Corey and Yasmin ('95)

Marietta Centko ('88) Q

Bowden David ('88) and Diane ('87) Bowe

James Brown ('86)

Evelyn Bowen ('73)

Jenn ifer Meyer Brown ('91) and

Jarold and Teresa ( ' 9 1 ) Bowerman Mark ('81 ) and El izabeth ('81) Bowers Mychelle Bowers


Jeffrey B rown LHQ

Central Lutheran Church

Caldwell Karen Calfas ('85) Lowell and Neva Calkins

M . Scott and Michelle ('92) Brown

Guil lermo (,87) and Sally Calle Q

Mark and Diane Brown

David Cameron ('63) and Louise

Matthew B rown ('00)


Anchorage AK LQ , Central Lutheran Church Bellingham, WA LQ


Central Lutheran Church Eugene , , OR L

Norman and Carlene B rown Q

Kathleen Cameron ('86)

Central Lutheran Church

Greg and Janis ('90) Bowman

Ray and Joyce B rown

Mark and Jeri ('00) Bowman

Robert B rown and Grace Leque­

Cammarano B rothers Inc. L , Craig Cammock ('91) Q

CH2M H i l l I

Earl and Iris Nordman

William and Sharon Chadek

BOXLIGHT Corporation I

Brown ('48) Ronald ('76) and Gretchen ('77) Brown Q

Cammack LHQ




Charles Bowles ('76)

Rod and Barbara ('68) Boyd HQ

'" n ...

Portland OR LQ ,


Chalker Putnam Collins & Scott Q

.. "


donor roll

Keith Chambers Champion International Corporation L Thomas and Patricia Champlin Roger and Diane ('8 1 ) Chamusco Evan Chan (,0 1 ) Pa k Joe ('71) a n d Lilly Chan L Wing and Sophia Chan 0 Craig ('85) and Kathy Chance 0 David ('69) and Marcia ('7 1 ) Chance LO Carol Chandler Nelda Chandler ('61) 8 i l l ('64) and Teresa Chapman Ralph and Bonnie Chapman Richard and Diane ('69) Chapman Lois Charbonneau Charitable Way.com I David and Priscilla ('01 ) Charles Brian (,87) a nd Chenelle Chase Jim and Vicki ('90) Chase 0 Tom and Joanne (,82) Chase

PLU School of Education students work with a PLU­ provided Apple iMoc laptop in the Pederson/Stein Technology Enhanced Classroom.

Innovation in the classroom tudents i n PLU's School of Education are developing as skilled users of techno l o gy i n l arge measure becluse of a l u m n u s D iana Pederson '83. Pederson gave a generous gift to the School of Education that funded much of the equipmen t that p u tS stu d en ts ahead of the c urve, and allowed the creation of the Pederson/Stein Tec hnology En hanced C l assroom-in honor of ber grandfather, Arne Pederson, an d Lynn Stein, facu l ty emeriti in t h e School of Education.

Q o


z ... U ."

." • > Z

J z c '" ... Z 0J u v "

Bradley Chatfield ('93) Paul (,89) and Susa n ('91) Cheek Ben B. Cheney Foundation, Tacoma , WA LO Mark (,82) and Asha Chesnutt LO Chevrolet Motor Division Chevron Corporation LM Charles and Gayle Chew Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation L Joseph and Kristi Running ('85) Chiaravallotti Alan and Carol ('77) Chi lcoat Christ Lutheran Church, Ferndale , WA Christ Lutheran Church, Lakewood, WA LO Christ Lutheran Church, Odessa, WA LO Christ Lutheran Church, Spo k a n e , WA LO Christ the King Lutheran Church , Milton-Freewater OR L , David and Carolyn ('67) Christensen 0 Russ ('61) and Claudia Christensen


Walter Christensen Esta te ('28) L Cory C h rist i an ('00) David ('59) and Anita ('59) Christian LHO Don Christian ('50) 0 Rhoda Christian ('7 1) LO Robert Christian B , Rodney ('57) and Esta ('60) Christiansen 0 Carl ('73) and Kathy Christiansen H Curt Christiansen (,84) Q Edward and Alene Christiansen Q Lawrence and Diane Christiansen Alwin and Kalma Christianson Howard ('56) and Vernita ('68) Christianson Q Joan Christnacht ('84) Chau ncey ('50) and Nellie ('46) Christofferson 0 Glen (,8 1 ) and Susan ('8 1 ) Christofferson Mark ('84) and Nanette Christofferson 0 Kenneth and Polly Christopherson LHO Christopherson-Boze Ins. Services


Edward ('88) and Susan ('90) Chun


David ('57) and Vivian Churness Claude and Lori ('87) Ciancio William Cicha nsk i (,94) 0 Joseph ('00) and Amelia Cilley Norton Clapp L Jeff Claridge ('00) Roger ('66) and Deane Claridge L Anella Clark ('53)

Christopher and Lori ('79) Clark Dale and Mary Jean Cla rk Donald ('�O) and Jean Cla rk Petra w.A. Clark ('86) Robert ('44) and Barbara (,44) Clark 0 Viola Clark Clark Nuber P,S. John and Barbara Clarke Robert ('75) and Barbara (,8 1 ) Clarke Sue Clarke ('7 1 ) J o h n ('72) and Karen Claus Q Wilbur and Ethel Claus 0 Louis and Phyllis Cl ayso n Shelby Clayson Alan ('80) and Deborah Cleland Michelle Clemence ('85) Greg and Debra ('74) Clerc Richard and Nancy Cleveland Lloyd ('50) and Ph yl lis ('54) C l even 0 Bruce and Susan Clevinger Scott and Molly ('87) Click Douglas Clouse ('82) William and Dolores Cloyes David and Birdena ('86) Coate Gordon Coates (,54) Joseph and Ma rge ne Coates Coca-Cola Enterprises I Hulda Cocanower Estate L Marsh Cochran ('90) Tom and Aria Cock Q Ann Cockram Giles (,82) Gary and Carol Cockrell Harley and Kathryn Cockrum Q Daryl a n d Bever l y Cody David Coffey ('00) Kenny Cohrs and Sara BleythingCohrs ('00) Vern Cohrs ('80) Robert a n d Myla ('98) Colbert Charlene Colburn ('49) 0 Kendall and Tammy ('81 ) Colburn Q Rebecca Cole-Lane ('75) Hope Col i g n o n Leslie Collar ('68) 0 Ernest (,48) and Ruth ( , 5 1 ) Collard LHO Paul Collard ('82) H College Gifted Programs, I nc . Dan Colleran (,94) Catherine Ann Collins ('70) 0 James Collins ('72) John ('76) and Sylvia ('77) Collins LO Judy C ol l ins ('75) Lauren and Margaret Colman Carlo and Lynda Colombo Boyd and Sandra ('93) Colt 0 David ('83) and Nancy ('85) Coltom LHO Ronald ('6 1 ) and Barbara ('6 1 ) Coltom H Columbia Bank I Columbia Management Company Larry and Candy Comer James Com forti Darnell ('95) and Deborah ('93) Commodore 0 Compliance Services International Bruce ('76) and Marilyn ('74) Compton Gi lbert and Judith Comstock Concrete Technology Corporation L Gary Condray ('64) Brad and Angela ('83) Condreay W. Powell Cone L Robert and Beth Conklin Ralph and Carmella ('89) Connelly Kathi Ann Conner (,92) 0 Conner Development Company I Nancy Connery ('70) 0 Orrin and Vera Consear Consortium/Advancement of Higher Education L Container Corporatin of America, a Subsidiary of Jefferson Smurfit L Mark Contino and Cullin McBride Conti no ('89) Patricia Conway Stephen Conway (,84) Eugene ('63) and Mary ('54) Cook 0 James ('74) and Joan Cook Q Mrs. R. H, Cook Richard and Betty Cook Ronald Cook ('B6) 0 Abigail Cooke ('97) John ('60) and Mary Cooley 0 Anthony and Janet (,82) Cooper Bruce (,82) and Carol Cooper 0 Keith and Lynn Cooper 0 Cope l an d Lumber Yards, Inc. I Les and Ruth Copenhagen HO Ruth Severson Copenhagen L Tyler Coplen ('66) Janet Coppess ('89) Irene Corbett ('29) John and Ellen ('77) Corey David Corkrum ('78) 0 Kenneth ('67) a n d Dorothy Corliss David and Alice (,62) Cornelius Donald and Maxine Cornell L

Donald ('58) and JoAnn ('59) Cornell LO Jeffrey ('86) and Maria Cornell 0 Maxine Cornell 0 Deborah Cornils ('73) HO Stephen Cornils ('66) 0 Phil and Beth ('77) Cornish Corporation of the Catholic Archbishop of Seattle, Seattle, WA Andrew ('93) and Alison ('94) Corrigan 0 Brian and Kristen (,87) Costales Costco Wholesale I William and Lois Costine Q George and Thelma ('52) Costle Carol Cotton Q Frank ('80) and Barbara Couch The Counseling Place Ralph (,57) and Gloria Cournyer Miriam Cowan ('66) Clayton Cowl ('88) 0 R. E. and Amy Cox Shelley Cox ('75) Anna Coy ('86) 0 Richard ('83) and Leesa Coyner 0 James ('64) and Ann ('64) Crabtree Brian and Joyce ('74) Crain 0 Ida Crane Steven (,77) a nd Julie ('79) Crantz


James ('76) and Tina Crary Kevin and Patricia (,81) Crawford Michele Crayton Creator Lutheran Church, Su m ne r, WA O Eric and Mary Jean Crecelius Robert and Hil loah Creigh Q Robert and Kathleen Creso Q Melvi lle and Karen L. Nickel ('6 1 ) Creusere 0 John ('75) and Kathy Crocker Evan and Helen Cropp Edward and Marilyn Crosby 0 Lawrence Cross ('00) Cross Engineers Inc. Cross of Christ Lutheran Church, Bel levue, WA LO Andrew Crouse ('00) David ('0 1 ) and B. Crowner Robert ('50) and Beverly ('54) C ru m bau g h Rick and Susan ('8 1 ) Crume Gregg Crusen ('89) Dewayne and Deena Crust Bruce Cudahy 0 Kathleen Cui Ian ('00) Murray Cullon and Helen Pohlig ('75)

C. Munro ('81) and Heike ('81) Cullum Charles E. Cul pe pe r Foundation L Ginger Cu l ver ('92) 0 Lowel l and Anke ('70) Culver Craig ('80) and Deborah ('80) Cummings CUNA Mutual Life Insurance Company L Helen Cunningham ('45) Michael Cunningham and M arcia Snook Q Jane Curl ('81) 0 John Currie Cha rles ('59) and Antoinette Curtis 0 Robert l. Cu rt is ('55) HO Robert ('90) and Vickie ('90) Curtis H El izabeth Cushman ('89) Wanda Cutler ('93) Cutte rs Co rn er Patricia Cyr ('94)

Aloys a n d Sieglinde Daack Lindsay Daehlin ('00) M argaret Dagefoerde Estate L Ernest D age fo erd e Estate L Warren and Betty Daheim 0 Alan a n d S, Leann Dahl 0 Bergitte Dahl Carol Dahl ('62) 0 Craig ('76) and Lynn Dahl 0 David P. Dahl ('60) LQ Gary (,84) and Tineke Dahl Kevin ('89) an d Sonja ('90) Dahl Norman (,6 1 ) and Patricia ('62) Dah l O W. Bruce ('56) and Ruth ('56) Dahl Nancy Dahlberg ('86) W. H . and Helen Dahlberg Rolf and Janet (,8 1 ) Dahle 0 Christopher and Jolyn ('93) Dahlvig Margaret Melver Dakan ('38) LO Howard and Marjorie Dale Deborah Dalenberg ('85) Douglas (,8 1 ) and Kristi ('81) Dalenberg Steven ('66) and Susan ('67) Dalgleish 0

Carl Dalk Estate L Ray and Deanna Dally LHO Cherry Dalrymple ('98) 0 Waite and Patty Dalrymple 0 William and Ursula Dames Cecil and Helen ('5 1 ) Dammen LHO Don ('49) and Betty D'Andrea 0 The Danforth Foundation L Hieu and Delores ('98) Dang Allen and S us a n D a ni e ls Donald and Jean ('61) Danielson Val and Alice Danielson L Danish Sisterhood Thyra Lodge #19 Dale and Janice ('60) Dann 0 Jerry and Gail ('84) Danner St e ph e n Danzie ('00) Michael D a rch e r and J oa nne Lisosky Robert ('79) and K i m i ko Dardis 0 Wil liam and Ruth ('56) Daugherty Daryl ('60) and Gwendolyn ('6 1 ) Daugs 0 Herold (,77) and Susan ('79) Daugs J. Paul and Lawanda ('63) Dauphin Richard (,62) and Jo an ('66) Davenport Harold and Christina ('89) Davey Mr. and Mrs. David Davidson Harry ('83) and Wendy Davidson Earl and Anita Davie Bill and Nancy Davis L Brian ('89) and Andrea Davis Clara Davis HO Donna Davis Fred ('77) and Elma Davis George ('4 1 ) and Mary (,4 1 ) Davis L Gerald and Lynd al Davis J, Walter and Clara Davis L Janie Davis ('85) 0 Kevin Davis ('77) Lee and Maxine ('42) Davis Mark ('82) and N an cy ('8 1 ) Davis 0 Mary Davis ('4 1 ) 0 Paula Davis ('57) Vir gi ni a Davis Vir g i n i a Davis Pifer ('36) 0 Davis Wright Tremaine I Vir g i ni a Davis-Johnson L Charles ('70) and Cheryl ('70) Davison Frances S. Dawson LO Leland ('72) and Debbie Dawson LHO Frank ('84) and Ikuko Day Bruce ('87) and Lisa ('88) Deal 0 E. Fred and Ann Deal LO Lawrence Deal ('91 ) and Lisa Simonsen ('91) 0 John and Mildred Dean L John Dean H Ronnie and Diana Deatherage Kari Debower ('89) Lonnie and Joan DeCamp Alice Decker Clara Deckert ('65) Michael and Emily Dederer L Erin Deegan ('95) Clark and J u l ie Deem Barbara DeFreece ('62) Dennis and Linda DeHart Yvonne Deitz ('57) Richard (,57) and Carol DeJardine Sean Delaat ('94) Q Frank and Julie ('67) Delis Delta Air Lines Foundation LM Kendall and Karen ('82) Demaree David ('89) and Jodi De Mots 0 Howard Dempsey ('60) 0 Bradley ('93) and Karen ('94) Dennis Scott ('83) and Katherine ('84) Dennis William and Karen ('70) Dennis Denny Park Lutheran Church , Seattle, WA 0 Roy ('00) and Ki Hyun Denton Daniel Deogun ('00) Alisa DeSart ('90) Paul Dessen ('69) Chuck and Heidi ('90) DeSteunder Mark DesVoigne H Darryl (,61 ) and Joann Dettmann Q Robert and Jean ('48) DeValve DeVoe Mansion 0 Frederick and Jean ('82) DeWitt Richard and Carolyn Dexter H The Dexter Corporation Foundation L Thomas ('75) and Denise ('75) Dey Norma Deyton ( ,4 1 ) Jeffrey ('88) and Laurel ('88) Dickason 0 Leeann Dickson ('95) Stephen and Barbara ('67) Didis Alan and Ardyth Diercks Edwin Dierdorff ('88) Judy Dierickx-Likkel ('63) M e l i nd a D i et l e i n Carlisle Dietrich Estate L Mark Dietzler (,01) Digital Equipment Corporation L Marion and Marion Dill



J i m and E l l a Dilling Dale and Sharon ('69) Dillinger lHQ Joseph ('70) and Paula Dillon Q Roger and Chfis Dinelt David Dion ('67) Q John ('65) and Nancy ('66) Dirlam Q , Sylvia Kirkebo Dittmer ( 57) H Marshall (,01) and Virginia Doak Hung and Siiri ('93) Doan Jerold and Jacqueline Dock lH Mark and lois ('79) Docken Thomas Dodd ('74) and Gay Kramer-Dodd ('76) James and Judith ('66) Dodds Q linda Doelle ('63) Frans and Ruth Doelman Bobby E. Doggett and Sarah l. Kulungowski ('72) Brian ('86) and Lori Dohe Gary and Joan Dolman Q Kathleen Dommer Bell ('89) Jerome Donahe ('60) lH Sharon Donahe l Jim and Beth ('87) Donahoe H Dominic and Jean Donatello Derick Dong ('00) Clark ('78) and Joanie Donnell Q Francis ('73) and Glenda ('73) Donovan Michael and Annette Donovan Asmund and Ragnhild Dordal Dennis and Cathy ('7 1 ) Dormaier Ted and Kathleen Dorn David ('77) and Wendy Dorothy Q Edwin ('50) and Edna ('50) Dorothy Q Donna Dorsey l. Douglas ('7 1 ) and Helen ('72) Doten Anita Dotson ( , 87) Mike and Carrie ('88) Dougan Judd ('55) and Nancy (,57) Doughty HQ Ian and Penny Douglas Dennis and Elsa ( ,62) Douglass Mark ('8 1 ) and Teresa ('83) Douglass Q Peter Douglass ('86) Q Ronald ( ,53) and Margaret (, 52) Douglass lQ Peter and Ruth Dow Dow Chemical Company Foundation M Gordon and M i ldred Dowling Q Graydon and Colleen Jeanne ('55) Downing Q Caren Doyle ('85) Amy E. Drackert ('90) Scott ( ,8 1 ) and Diantha Draeger Q J. Michael and Kristine ('87) Drake William and Jennifer Dressel Dennis ('7 1 ) and Rebecca ('87) Drewes Robert and Marjorie Drewes lQ John and Evelyn Drexel Richard Dreyer and Kristin Kaden Dreyer ('82) Dean Driskell Robert and Deborah Drugge William Drum Steve and Vicky ('93) Drury Dryer Mortuary Q Cresencia D u Q Michael Dubes I Allison Duchow ('89) David ('89) and Jane ('89) Duea Gordon and M i ldred Dufseth lQ Donna Dukleth Stephen and Mary ('90) Dulaney Gerard and Claudet Dumont Tom and linda Duncan Rev. F. Alvin ('59) and H i ldred ('60) Dungan lHQ Robert ('78) and Ann D'U nger Q lucille Dunker l Gerald ('64) and Maren ('64) Dunlap Leslie Dunlap ('85) Terry Dunlap ('00) Kenneth and Janette Dunm ire Q Henry and Karen ('63) Dunn Kevin and Anita Dunn Richard Dunn ( , 9 1 ) Dupar Foundation I J. Craig and linda ('73) Dutton Jeffrey ('70) and Karen Duzenbery Q Susan Dwyer-Shick Donald and Don na Dyer John ('70) and Kelly Dykstra Q

Glenn ('76) and Bertha Eades Joanne Eager James and Lila Early Karen Eason ('8 1 ) Franklin and lone ('69) Eastby Eastern Washington - Idaho Synod , E lCA , Spokane , WA l

Frederick ('72) a nd Mary lou ('74) Eastman Q Mark Eastman ('93) and Hollie Jantz Eastman ('95) Q Eastside 4 Kids Q Victor ('70) and Karen Eaton Marian Eberle Muriel Ebinger Joseph and Susan ('69) Echelberry Inez Eckblad Estate l Earl ('66) and Denise Ecklund lQ Earl and laurie Eckstrom Q Earl Eckstrom lHQ Eddie B auer. Inc. l Judith Eddy ('66) Wil l iam Eddy Donna Edgar larry and Diane Edison Q Edison lutheran Church , Bow, WA lQ Francis and Harriet Edlund Estate l Jennifer Edlund ('96) Q John ('61) and Virginia ('64) Edlund lHQ larry and Kathleen ('64) Edlund lQ Philip Edlund ('00) Q F. Talmage and Molly Edman lHQ Jonathan ('89) and Nancy ('88) Edmonds HQ Kenneth ('64) and Barbara ('64) Edmonds Q Alfred and Betty Edwards Cynthia ('76) and Terry ('76) Edwards lQ Gayle Edwards ('75) Susan Efinger Christopher and Barbara ('93) Egan Gail Egbers Mark ('76) and Lisa Egbert Q lawrence ('56) and Christine Eggan Q Clairmont and Evelyn Egtvedt Charitable Trust l Evelyn Egtvedt lQ Myron Egtvedt Richard Ehlinger ('65) and Irin� Volkova Q W. larry ('59) and Janice Eichler lQ Ch risten Eidal ('7 1 ) and laura De Verna Eidal ('80) Q Gordon and Ethel Eide l Ingeborg Eide Estate l Kenneth and Mabel (,4 1 ) Eide Keith and Virginia Eilers Kurt Eilmes ('00) Olav and Jan Eimstad Q Douglas and Shannon ('8 1 ) Eisert Q Jonathon and Barbara ('88) Eisner David Ekberg ('66) Bruce ('69) and Barbara ('69) Eklund Q Cheryl Eklund ('85) Evelyn Eklund Estate ('36) l ElCA Foundation Jalmer ('56) and Marvyl ('58) Eldal Eldec Corporation, A Crane Company I I.l. Eldred lyla Elefson ('48) Wallace ('48) and Charlotte Elefson Robert ('72) and Deborah Elhard Eli lilly & Company Foundation M Iver ('55) and Camille ('59) E liason lQ leo ('62) and Barbara ('59) Eliason Q Abdullah EI-Kuwaiz ('73) Michael Ell ( ,9 1 ) Q Robert and Geneva Ellerby , Scott ( 82) and Patricia ('83) Ellerby Donald (, 52) and Doril E l lertson Q Arthur ('61) and Katherine E l l ickson HQ Margaret Ellickson ('59) John and linda ('69) Ellingboe lQ Byron and Inez E l l ingson Pastor Richard and leila E l l i ngson lH Chalmers and Evelyn ('4 1 ) E l l iott Judith E l liott ('77) linda Elliott Betty Ellis Q Earl and Elaine ('85) Ellis John Ellis Mary K. Ellis l Steven and Martha ('77) Ellis Guy ('82) and Brenda('83) E llison HQ Robert ('57) and Janyce ( , 57) Elmer Q Donald and Frances Elmore Scott ('88) and Michelle ('87) Elston Q Douglas ('76) and Gretchen ('77) Ely Q Emanuel lutheran Church , Ritzville , WA lQ Hunter a n d J i l l Emerick Ralph and Elene ('43) E merson Joel Em ery ('00)

Joyce Emilson ('69) Q Emmanuel lutheran Church , Spokane, WA Q Emmanuel lutheran Church , Walla Walla, WA lQ Emmaus lutheran Church, Eugene, OR Q David ('77) and lynne ('77) Emmons Gaylord ('66) and Ora A.l. Enbom , Julius Eneboe ( 52) Q Elizabeth Engelhardt Stephen and Maren ('74) Engh lee and Margaret ('52) England Michelle Englund ('00) Timothy ('89) and lisa ('90) Engman Philip and lorraine Engstrom Gregory Ennis ('97) H Stephen and Ellie Ennis Arleen Ensign ('49) laurence and Margaret ('56) Ensor Enterprises International , Inc. M a ry Epp Equifax Foundation M The Equitable Foundation M David A. ('86) and Nancy M. ('87) Ericksen Q David E. ('77) and Nancy Ericksen lQ Donald ('88) and Sara ('88) E ricksen Q Henry and Jo E ricksen 0 John ('70) and Marita Ericksen Q Kenneth ('6 1 ) and Donna Ericksen Carl Bob Erickson and Marilyn Martinson Erickson l Dawn E rickson ('95) Deborah E rickson ('82) and Ken Bailey Q Elmer Erickson ('42) Q Gary and Joanne ('70) Erickson John and Sharon Erickson Marilyn Erickson H Richard and Jolene ('87) Erickson Selma Eric kson Tre nt ('95) and KlmberiV ('97)

Edcben Q

Wilbert ('49) and I r ene EnCSQI1 leigh ('77) and Janice ('77) Erie Q Paul ('6 1 ) and Joybelle Eriks Daniel ('62) and Karen Erlander Q Philip ('60) and Delores Erlander E rnst & Young llP l Ernst and Young Foundation l Richard ('68) and G ladys Erstad Joe ('74) and G inette Escamillo Albert and June ('65) Esche Berger and Elvira Espeland loleta Espeseth Q Melissa Espinosa ('90) Esterline Technologies I Claud Ethen and Blanche Kilmer Ethen ('50) Donald ('59) and Linda ('59) Etzel H James and Mary Jean Eubanks Vicki Eustice ('70) Julanne Eustis ('94) Evangelical lutheran Church In America , Chicago, I I I Erik Evans ('89) Joseph ('72) and Caroline Evans Marian Evans Mary Evans ('76) Q Gerald K. ('63) and linda ('61) Evanson lHHQ Glenn ( ' 5 1 ) and Edith Evanson Q Jeffrey (,96) and Melissa ('97) Evenson Q larry and Judith Evenson Q Marlene Everingham ('55) Mary Everson ('48) Q Donald and lois (,48) Ewing Q Marlowe and Alyce Ewy ('28) Estate l Exxon Education Foundation lM John and Aud rey Eyler Q

Gerald ('50) and G race Faaren lHQ Paula Faas ('00) Thomas and Julianne ('88) Fagerstrom Chad ('97) and Traci ('96) Fahnlander K. John ('90) and Kersten ('90) Fairbairn Fairbanks lutheran Church, Fairbanks, AK l Aletra Fairburn Faith lutheran Church, North Bend, O R Faith lutheran Church Seattle, , WA l Faith lutheran Church, Shelton , WA Q Gary ('80) and Marilee ('80) Falde Q

Bradley (,79) and Marlena ('80) Falk HQ Carl and Alta Falk , Philip ('50) and Roberta ( 5 1 ) Falk George ('47) and Frances Fallstrom Harold ('51) and Miriam Fallstrom Bernadette Faris Farmers Insurance Group of Companies II Steven ('69) and Mary Farner Donald and lennice Farnham lesli Farnsworth ('90) Q Harry Farrington Carol Farver ('76) Einar and Marion Fauske Q Harold and Sue Faust Q louise Faye Q Priscilla Featherstone Burton and Antoinette ('59) Fedde James ('66) and Kathy Feek H Carl Fehring Frederick and Anne Feiertag John S. Feldmann ( ,82) HQ Jill Felgenhauer (, 9 1 ) Q Bruce and Teresa Feltmann Paula Fendler ('62) Julie Fenedick ('88) David (, 68) and Marilyn ('70) Fenn Q Ella Mae Fenn ('39) l Thomas ('68) and Katherine Fenn John and Dorothy Fenner Brian Robert ('8 1 ) and Marla Fenske Fay Fenske ('74) Boyd Ferguson Estate l Clinton and Carrie ('44) Ferguson Q P.A.T. Ferguson Serena Ferguson ('00) leanne Fernald ('66) Q Joseph and Lisa ('89) Ferraro Q Timothy ('79) and Teri Ferrin Janet Holley Fesq ('60) lQ Gerald Feu ('66) and Sal l ie Scott John Fickes Oecky Fi edler Eunice Fife ('53) H Alvin ('53) and Janet ('56) Fink lQ William ('55) and Helen Finkle Q Mary Finley ('36) Q Paul ('90) and Julie ('91) Fin ley Cyrena Finnegan ( , 02) Bruce Finnie and linda Gibson Q Andrew S. Finstuen ('00) and Ingrid M . Lindeblad ('00) John ('70) and Katherine ('70) Finstuen HQ Fir-Conway lutheran Church, Mount Vernon , WA Q Robert and Wanda Firman First Evangelical lutheran Church , Bothell , WA lQ First Evangelical lutheran Chu rch , Tacoma, WA Q First Interstate Ban k and Foundation l First lutheran Church of Richmond Beach. Seattle , WA l First lutheran Church , Kennewick , WA lQ First lutheran Ch u rch, Ketchikan, AK lQ First lutheran Church , Sioux Falls, SD Fred and Patricia Anne ('57) Fischer Betty Fisher Q David ('49) and Irene ('49) Fisher lQ George and Betty Fisher l Orville and Patricia ('76) Fisher Peter Fisher and Nancy lum Fisher ('79) Fisher Broadcasting Inc. LI The O. D . Fisher Charitable Foundation I Fisher Properties, Inc. I Patricia Fisk l Richard Fisk Estate ('54) l Bette Fitzgerald Q Robert and Joanne ('73) Fitzgerald Daniel Fjelstad ( ,82) and Jeannie O'Connor Eric ('84) and Carolyn ('83) Fjelstad Mary Fjelstad ('73) Orning ('55) and Wealthea Fjelstad Q Tamara Fjermedal ('69) Christopher Flaat Q Kevin and Kristin ('93) Flandreau Gerald ('63) and Judy Flaskerud Q Paul Flaten ('65) Timothy ('86) and Sara Flaten Dennis ('68) and Helen ('65) Flath Paul ('63) and Kathleen Flatness Q Kara Fleharty Q larry ('65) and Barbara Fleming Stanley l.K. Flemming ('80) Benjamin and Elizabeth ('79) Flesher Flett Dairy, Inc. l George and Carlotta ('72) Flink H Jerry and Janet Flodin lQ

Joanne Flom ( ' 7 1 ) Danny and Marsha ('78) Flowers Lin Axamethy Floyd ('78) Fluor Foundation M William A. Foege Q William H. ('57) and Paula R. ('60) Foege lQ Robert and Helen Fogwell Duncan and leslie ('88) Foley Mathilda, Kenneth, and Phylaine Folson l Phylaine Folson H Susan Fong Gary and Becky ('79) Fontaine Donald and Tami ('82) Forbes Donald and Barbara Ford Q J. Christopher and Barbara ('87) Ford Michael ('68) and Mary ('68) Ford Q Richard Ford ('93) Solomon and Kathleen ('67) Ford Ford Motor Company Fund MI Alf and Diane Forde Foremost Dairy Company l Forest Foundation l Timothy (,62) and Susan Forester Q Norman Forness ('58) Q Robert ('44) and Marjorie Forness Q Charles ('53) and Joyce Forsland Donald ('59) and l. Syrene Forsman Karen Forsythe Priscilla Fortiner ('82) Justin ('98) and Lisa ('98) Foslien Ella Fosness ('34) Agnes and Henry Foss Foundation l Drew and Dianne Foss Emma Foss ('45) Henry Foss Estate l June and Julian Foss Foundation l Foss Maritime Company I Fossen Foundation I Howard ('68) and Adele Fosser Donald ('57) and Margaret (, 57) Fosso Q Aaron Fossum Donald ('61) and Carol Fossum Ann ('88) and Jeff Foster H Jeffrey and Dianne ('82) Foster Q S. Scott ('90) and Marybeth ('88) Foster Foster + Company, PS I David ('88) and Ruth ('88) FosterKoth Foundation Northwest Steven and Kathleen ('96) Fountain Jacob Fournier ('00) Jeannette S. Fowler Estate ('81) l Martha Fox Estate l Scott and Janis Gail ('73) Fox Q William and Anne Frame l Steven and Outi ('93) Francis Frank Russell Company l Pauline Franklin Q Heidi Frankmoelle ('94) Robert ('96) and lonna ('95) Frans Glenn and Helen Frazier John and J u l i e ('89) Frazier James Frederickson ('40) Paul and Penelope Fredlund Carole Fredrickson ('64) Q Craig Fredrickson ('90) Marvin Fredrickson ('64) Q Stanley ('6 1 ) and Dennise ('64) Fredrickson Randall and Marsha Freed Irvin Freeman H Julie Frei ('00) larry and Judy Frei James ('60) and Sandra ('59) Freisheim Q Joseph and Kathryn Freitas Charles ('79) and Judy French Q Joel ('89) and Suzanne French Q Richard and Betty French Eva Frey ('95) Q James and Shi rley Fricke Q Cristina ('75) and Ed Fridenstine Q Michael ('90) and Joan ('89) Friel Q William and Liliana Frier Richard and Diana ('8 1 ) Friesz Kenneth Frisch ('98) Bradley ('69) and Kathleen Fritts Paul Fritts Q John Fritz ('59) lance and Karla ('85) Frodsham John Fromm ('58) Q Frontier Bank I Carl and Evelyn ('38) Frost lQ Thomas and Barbara ('51) Frost Dale and Karen ('92) Fruehauf Kathe Fry Willard and Kathy Fry The Gottfried and Mary Fuchs Foundation l Thomas ('78) and Susan Fuesler Clarence and Cynthia Fukumoto Craig ('93) and J i l l Fuller Dustyn Fu l l er ('98) Q Michael ('94) and Erin ('95) Fuller Q

James Funfar ('80) and Patricia Evoy Q Clarence ('70) and Gloria Funk Roland ('66) and Annette Funk Q Paul ('91) and Heidi ('9 1 ) Furth Philip ('75) and leanne ('73) Furth C. Christian and Aleta Fynboe Q Carl T. ('49) and Ingrid E. ('48) Fynboe lHQ Karen Fynboe ('73) and Wil l i am Oltman Q

Don ('55) and Alta ('55) Gaarder Olaf Gaastjon Estate l , luther ('50) and Dolores ( 5 1 ) Gabrielsen Craig Gaibler ('00) El izabeth Gailband Jennifer Gai lband ('95) Mark and Kristi ('9 1 ) Gaimster Donald ('84) and Janet Gaines Q Grant and Susan Ga ither Q Gary ('57) and Norma Gale Michael and Cheryl ('76) Gale Q Duane and Jean Gall Sonja Gall ('97) John and leanne ('87) Gallagher Q leo Gallagher Q leslie and Ruth Gallagher Thomas ('76) and Sherrie Gallagher George and Carolyn Gal laway lH P. Raymond Gallie ('6 1 ) Q Frank and Kay ('90) Gallo Kenneth ('59) and Barbara Gamb Jason and Heidi ('93) Gamble Frank and Margaret ('42) Gangler Gannett Com m u n ities Fund M Donald ( , 5 1 ) and Augusta ( ' 5 1 ) Gannon Douglas and Colleen Gant Jeffrey ('85) and Lisa (, 87) Ganung Ian and Judith Garbutt Daniel Gard ('82) Q Grant (,5 1 ) and Phyllis Gard Q Kenley and Joan ('56) Gard Q Olov Gardebring Cecelia Gardlin ('45) Q Robert and Mill icent Gardner Helen Garner Patrick and Mary ('89) Ga rrett Steven (, 67) and Elizabeth Garrett William and Maureen ('77) Ga rrett Q Donald and Ellen ('56) Garrity William and Marla Garrity Alan Garvey ('85) Ruth Gaschk ('32) William ('98) and Nancy Gass Q James and Judith Gates lQ Frieda Gatzke ('58) Q Clarence and M i ldred ('3 1 ) Gault H Bryan ('76) and Dana Gaume Q Neil ('97) and Sonjia (,97) Gavin Q Mark and Cheryl ('83) Gazdik William and Marlys Gazecki Q Joseph ('77) and Kim Gazes Q Oriana Gear Thomas Gearhart ('86) James and Julie ('69) Gearheard Q Thomas and Carole Geballe Roger ('7 1 ) and Martha Gebhard lQ William (' 7 1 ) and Carly Gebhardt Q Peter (, 82) and Jana ('80) Gedde Q Arthu r and Mary Sue ('89) Gee Horace and Eleanor Geer Ralph Gehrke lH Douglas and Christine ('65) Gehrman Paul and Karen Geiger Richard Earl and lorraine Kneip Geiger l Richard Earl Geiger H Carol Geiszler ('68) Charles ('58) and Carol ('57) Geldaker Q Jennifer Geller ('88) Jeffrey Gemar ('90) Gene Pankey Motor Company Inc. Q General E lectric Fund lM General Mills Foundation l Aaron ('98) and Kerri ('00) Gentile Zigmond and Sylvia George Georgia-Pacific Corporation M Earl ('66) and Sherrie ('69) Gerheim Frida Tayet Gerla ('30) Q Dr. Kent P. Gerlach lQ Christian Gerling ( ,9 1 ) W i l l ia m a n d Norma Gernon David Gerry ('76) Q Albert (, 5 1 ) and Gl adys Gerstmann Q

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donor roll

Eric (,49) and Mildred Gerstmann Charles and Debbie Gerughty Jo Ann Gervais ('73) Richard ('69) and Cherie Gesinger LO Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Portland , OR LO Robert ('60) and Shirley ('6 1 ) Gettel Johanna Geving ('63) Jennifer Geyer ('90) H. Warren ('49) and Gerry (,48) Ghormley LO Anne Ghosn ('88) George Ghosn 0 Bertha G i bson Estate L DaVid and Marca Robbin ('95) G i bson Margurite G i bson W i l l iam and Rochelle ( ' 9 1 ) Giddings L O Kel l i Gigray ('00) Andy ('77) and Kathaleen ('74) Gil bertson Bertha G i l bertson Estate L Gordon and Mae G ilbertson 0 John M, G i l bertson Trust L George and Marilyn Gi llam John G i l lem ('95) James G i l lespie Stephanie G i l l i land ('9 1 ) T. Dean Gillund 0 Thomas ('58) and Linda ('61) G i l mer O Arthur and Virginia G i lmore 0 Rozelle Gi lmore Thelma G i l m u r ('42) Lee and Elizabeth Gingrich Lorin and Marylou G i nther LO Michael Gi ntz ('97) 0 Ron ('70) and Ingrid ('70) Gi ntz LHO Carl and Dianne ('81) Giombetti Lucille G i roux L James ('68) and Georgia ('68) G i rvan H Steve and Sharon G i uliani Joseph and Dianne G iuseffi Michael Givens ('83) and Kelly Philip Givens 0 M, Kenneth Gjerde ('58) Gary and Arda Glandon Margaret Ann Glaser ('58) 0 Frederick Gleason ('66) Stephen and H i l d u r ('65) Gleason Glendale Lutheran Church, Seattle, WA L Gretchen Glew ('40) Kathryn Eide Glick ('55) LHO Gloria Dei Lutheran Church , Coos Bay, OR 0 Gloria Dei Lutheran Church , Olympia , WA 0 G l oria Dei Lutheran Church , Tacoma, WA 0 Sherwood G l over ('63) Vaihoun Go and Kim Seang Don and Jennifer ('9 1 ) Gochanour Michael ('80) and Linda Gocke U l rich and Karen ('62) Goebel George and Janet Goehren HO Dennis and Dennis Goett Calvin ('95) and Amy Goings 0 Ronald and J u l ie ('93) Goins Golden West Lutheran Church , Brady, MT Golden West Women of the ELCA, Conrad , MT Goldstone Lutheran Church , Rudyard , MT Robert W. Gomulkiewicz ('83) and Andrea J. Lairson LO Douglas Gonyea L Peggy Gonzales ('38) H Alex ('9 1 ) and Danelle ('87) Gonzalez Drew and Lisa ('90) Gonzalez Good Shepherd Lutheran Church , Olympia , WA LO Kenneth and Beryl Goodchild I E l i zabeth Goode ('93) 0 Lawrence ('85) and Colleen ('84) Goodhind Wil liam ('87) and Bonnie Goodman Roberta Goodnow ('75) and Daniel Lipkie LO Pat and Joelene Goodover G i l bert Goodwater Thomas and Carol ('69) Goodwin Edna Gorder L L, Keith ('83) and Debra Gorder 0 Gordon Thomas Honeywell Malanca Peterson & Daheim PLLC Linda Goring ('7 1 ) J o h n a n d Joann ('74) Gorrell Margit Gorton Kristine Gorud ('90) Paul Gotz and Patti SchnitgrundGotz ('70) Jeff Goulden ('95) St",,,,art and Alice Govig LO G race Lutheran Church , Cashmere, WA L G race Lutheran Church, Corval l is, OR

G race Lutheran Church , Des Moines, WA L Grace Lutheran Church , Lewiston , ID 0 G race Lutheran Church , Wenatchee, WA L Matthew Gradwohl ('94) 0 Scott Propst and Heidi Graf ('00) Andrew Graff ('00) Katherine Graff ('00) Jane Grage Donald Graham ('50) Glen ('66) and Christie ('66) Graham 0 Jack Graham Lau rence and Dahna Graham 0 Pamela Graham Olga Grahn LHO Margaret Gram ('83) Robert ('69) a n d Victoria Gramann Jon (,92) and Lori Grande 0 Louise Grande ('57) Volly Grande ('36) 0 Karl (,82) and Renae (,82) Gran l u nd 0 Barbara Jean Granquist ('75) 0 James and Wanda ('67) Granquist Diane Grant (,77) G . Douglas and Catherine Grant 0 Gene and Esther Grant LO Henry and Wyan Grant 0 Ronald (,48) and Kay Gratias LO Delbert and Shirley Grauerholz Kendall ('83) and Sheryll Graven 0 Michael ('81) and Sarah Graven 0 Luana Jean G raves ('7 1 ) Carl Gray ('86) David and Kathryn Gray 0 Donald Gray ('56) 0 Donald ('66) and Carol ('63) Gray


Harold ('3 1 ) and Alma Gray 0 Jean Graybeal ('75) The Greater Tacoma Com munity Foundation L Ardis Green Douglas and Katherine Green Lawrence ('76) and Kimberlea ('76) Green LHO Raymond ( , 5 1 ) and Luanne Green W Goebel and Kimberly Green ('74) Kingsley Greene ('64) and Karleen I. Karlson William ('72) and Sharon ('72) Greene H Ji l l inda R, Greene Bossen ('74) H Nina Greenlee David ('74) and Margaret ('74) Greenwood 0 Will iam and Pamela Greenwood


Lorna Greer ('43) H Lyle and Lorna ('43) Greer L Daniel ('56) and Norma ('54) Grefthen 0 Guttorm ('47) and Inger G regersen 0 Christopher Gregg ('93) Charles and Patricia Gregor Frank and Jean ('64) Greif Aaron Greig ('98) 0 Dan and El len ('53) Grewe Ronald ('69) and Melissa Grewenow LHO Robert Grider and Dianne Bechtold ('72) Theresa Grieder ('85) Gail Grief ('86) Donald and Elaine Griffith James and Beulah ('63) Grimberg W i l l iam a n d Janice Grimm Clarice Grimstvedt ('36) Jack Grinnell and Michelle Snodgrass-Grinnell ('88) Dean ('00) and Linda Grisham Richard Griswold (' 55) 0 Reijer and Barbara Ann ('59) Groenveld C. Will iam and Lu Ann Groesch 0 Sarah Groesch ('00) Edward and Sandy Grogan Edward ('93) and Kathleen Grogan HO Dennis and Kimberle ('87) Groh Karl A.E, Gronberg ('63) 0 Groninger & Company, Inc. I John ('75) and Jeanne Gronli Knud and Kathrine Grosen 0 Kim berly Gross ('90) Larry Gross and Lynn Bandy-Gross (,82) 0 Lyn Gross Mr, and Mrs. Donald Grossnickle Theodore Grotjohn ('57) H GTE Foundation LM Miguel Guajardo ('73) 0 Betty Guard ('83) Allan (' 56) and Sharon Gubrud John G u i n n ('94) J, Olaf G u l bransen Estate ('03) L John G u l haugen ('87) 0 Norene G u l haugen (,48) 0 Daniel and Lavonne G u l l ickson Ernest G u lsrud LH Muriel G u lsrud Estate L Peter ('76) and Mary El len ('77) Gulsrud 0

Thomas G u mprecht ('7 1 ) and Bonnie Witrak LO Lorraine Gundersen 0 Ann Gunderson ('85) Clarice Gunderson ('53) Ken and Sonja ('89) G underson 0 M i l d red G u nderson H Kim G u n n ('95) Joanne Gun nerson ('54) David ('82) and Jana Gunovich 0 Robert Gunsalus Teresa Gunsauls ('89) Kristen Gurske ('00) David ('85) and Karen ('88) Gustafson Glenn ('38) and Beverly Gustavson


Micha?1 and Joan Gustavson 0 David ('7 1 ) and Barbara ('7 1 ) Gutzler 0 Jack Guyot ('50) and Phyllis Cook ('50)

George and Florence ('42) Haakons 0 Judy Haakons ('86) David (,6 1 ) and Joanne Haaland LO James ('58) and Susan Haaland LO Dale ('89) and Jenn ifer Haarr Virginia Haas LH Saul & Dayee G , Haas Foundation L Lester and Vickie Haase Arthur ('42) and Beatrice Haavik Gary ('66) and Kathryn ('66) Habedank L Otto and Arleen Habedank H Colleen Hacker 0 Robert and Joanne Hadland L Rhonda Haeffele ( ' 9 1 ) 0 Mary Jane Haemig Anne Hafer ('77) 0 Diane Hagedorn Carl Hageman and Anne Lucky ('58) 0 Erven ('50) and Lois Hagen Eva Hagen ('59) LO Lauralee Hagen ('75) LO Norman ('43) and Jackie Hagen LHO Walton ( ' 5 1 ) and Jacqueline ( ' 5 1 ) Hagen 0 Maria Hageness L T, Olai ('3 1 ) and Sarah Hageness LO Steven ('84) and Linda Hagerman Sandra Hagevik (,62) I n memory of Sert Hagg L Melvin and Linda ('82) Hagge Hal and E l i n Hagg l u n d 0 Victor Haglund ( ' 5 1 ) 0 Charles ('50) and Carol Hahner Jon Haines Noweita Haisten L Edward Hakanson ('54) Terry ('00) and Kim Halbritter Bonnie Hale (,97) Scot Hale ('00) Mr, and Mrs, Terry Hale Mrs, Frank Haley L Alan and Constance ('7 1 ) Hall 0 Anna Hall (,0 1 ) Betty Hall ('97) 0 Brian and Liesl Hall HO Clifford ('56) and Priscilla Hall June Hall Larry and Eleanor Hall Robert ('81) and Tammy Hall 0 C. Bert ('63) and Aaste Halladay Stanley and Mary ('63) Haller Thomas Egnew and Joan Halley ('82) Michael and Mary Kay Hallman LO Matthew and Carol ('90) Halsey Fred and Karen ('62) Haltiner Paul ('63) and Marilyn Ann ('65) Halvor 0 Milton Halvorsen LO E l l i ng and Barbara Halvorson LO Michael ('85) and Kimberly Halvorson LO Theodore ('77) and Jan ice Hamann H Darren Hamby ('87) 0 Ian Hamilton ('98) Jack and Carol Hamilton Michael and Donna Hamilton 0 Randy ('85) and Beth ('85) Hamlin Clifford and Kathy Hamlow 0 Joshua Hamm ('00) Walter Hamman Estate L Donna Hammargren ('69) Palma Hammargren ('28) Karl Hammer (,84) Roy ('78) and Ma rgaret ('79) Hammerling E. David ('55) and Eunice Hammerstrom 0

Mark and Amy ('94) Hammingh Brent ('86) and Monica ('89) Hample 0 David and Barb Hamry LO K.W. Han L Vernell ('53) and Carol Hance LO James and Anne ('86) Hancock Edna Haneberg ('30) Connie Haney ('81) Roger and Melodie Ha ngartner James and Gail Hankel J. Pat ('88) and Tracy Hanley J. Ray and Pauline Hanna Cassa Hanan ('96) Arthur and Jennie ('34) Hansen L Arthur H . Hansen HO Chris and Theodora Hansen L Dale ( ' 5 1 ) and Harriet Hansen H David and Frances Hansen L David ('72) and Kathleen ('72) Hansen Edward ('73) and Ruth Hansen Harold ('50) and Doris ('53) Hansen J, Michael Hansen ('90) James ('78) and Constance Hansen Johanne Marie Hansen-Nels Marcus Hansen L John and Laila Hansen Jon ('70) and Cristina ('70) Hansen Katherine Hansen ('95) 0 Mark and Sharon ('86) Hansen Richard and Karen ('7 1 ) Hansen LO Richard Hansen ('7 1 ) H Robert and Betty Hansen Robert and Gwen Hansen Roger Hansen ('70) 0 Teresa Hansen ('84) Thomas and Melva ('60) Hansen Albert a n d Marilyn Hanson Allen and Sharon Hanson Daniel and Deborah ('89) Hanson David ('69) and Sheila Hanson Frank ('59) and Marilyn Hanson 0 Gary (,67) and Susan Hanson 0 James and J i l l Hanson John ('62) and Thelma ('63) Hanson Lonnie and Florence Hanson Marilyn Hanson 0 Merle ('57) and Audry ('59) Hanson 0 Milton ('50) and Helen Hanson Rolph ('56) and Betsy Hanson 0 Vernon ('55) a n d Marlis ('75) Hanson 0 Vernon (,76) and Susan ('78) Hanson HO Yasushi Hara ('93) Jerry ('62) and Carolyn ('63) Haralson 0 Greg Harder ('00) Katherine Hardin ('00) Charles Ray Harding (,52) 0 Dennis Hardtke ('66) and Kathleen Swartz Charles (,6 1 ) and El izabeth Harkins Jamie and Patricia ('93) Harkness Robert and Myrna Harkson 0 Edward Harmic ('62) 0 Jacqueline Harmon ('98) 0 Diane Harney 0 Jean Harney ('53) Harold LeMay Enterprises LO Harry and Sandra ('80) Haroldson Will iam and Carolyn Haroldson Lawrence and Cecil i a ('6 1 ) Harper lIana Harper ('00) Charles ('88) and Christine ('88) Harris 0 David ('86) and Michelle Harris Lois Harris ('59) HO Marjorie Harris Harold ('88) and Sharon ('96) Harrison H David Harshman ('74) 0 Marv (,42) and Dorothy ('42) Harshman LO R, Michael Harshman ('67) 0 A. L, and Isabelle Harstad Carolyn Harstad Donald and Lois Harstad Paul Harstad (,52) Jesse ('79) and Sumie ('79) Hart Karen Hart ('70) 0 Ardis Harth Connye ('63) and Allen Hartman LO Linda Hartman (,67) Paul Hartman ('67) LH Grant Hartvigson H Ken ('65) and Joyce ('65) Hartvigson , Jr. LHO Lilly Harvill ('57) Douglas ('99) and Deborah ('87) Hase Margaret Haselton Brian and Beth Haskell H Stanley and Uta Haskins Kent and Kelly ('97) Hassebrock Robert (,72) and Kathleen ('89) Hasselblad 0 Paul and Beverly Hatcher Sarah Hatfield ('95) David ('9 1 ) and Kari Hatlen 0

Mark ('82) and Mary ('84) Hatlen


Ralph ('52) and Doris ( ' 5 1 ) Hatlen Roe ('65) and Beverly (Thompson) ('66) Hatlen LHO Carl ('50) and Patricia Hatley Doris Hauf (,81) Ada Haug Catherine Marie Haug ('70) Daniel ('78) and Laurie ('78) Hauge Gudrun Hauge Joel ('73) and Kathleen ('72) Hauge 0 Lawrence ('50) and Beverly Hauge


Morris Hauge ('61) Robert ('48) and Shi rley Hauge 0 Iver ('54) and Virginia ('56) Haugen 0 Ralph ('48) and Marilyn Haugen Torval and Marilyn Haugen 0 Nancy Haughee ('69) Thomas Haukebo HO Rusel ('59) and Lois ('59) Hause George and Margaret Lacy Hauser


Chester and Irene Hausken 0 Robert ('74) and Carol Hawes Walter (,9 1 ) and Maggie Hayden P h i l i p and Sally Hayes L Tom ('86) and Sherrie ('85) Hayes Richard and Christine Haymaker Kerry and Malinda ('9 1 ) Hayne Julie Haynes ('92) Richard and Patricia Hays Jeff and Jan ('79) Hazelton Logan ('74) and Verna ('76) Hazen Thomas ('82) and Josephine Heany Walter A, and G race L, Heath Charitable Trust L Kathryn Heather Thomas ('74) and Nancy Heavey 0 J u l ie Ann Hebert William and Marilyn ('57) Hecht 0 Lise ('82) and Maynard Hedegaard LO Mr, and Mrs. Kevin Hedgepeth Arthur ('59) and Lorelee Hedlund Gerald ('53) and E i leen Hedlund Alan (,67) and Cheryl Hedman 0 Donald (,54) and Martha Hefty Luella Vig Hefty (,54) and Frank Edwards 0 Milton ('52) and Cami l l e Hefty 0 Camille Hefty L Larry and Patsy Hegstad Charles and Orie Hegtvedt 0 Kathryn Hegtvedt-Wilson ('72) Jacob and Dorothy Heimbigner Margaret Heimsoth ('66) Ralph and Dolores ('46) Hein Timothy ('9 1 ) and Cynthia Hein Phil and Lois Heine Richard Heins ('56) Raymond Helgemoe ('72) Thomas ('79) and Rebeca Helgesen Leland and Carolyn Hellberg David and Judy Heller Andrew ('54) and Marilyn Helling Kenneth and Ruth Helling Helly Hansen Inc. I Dr, David and Constance Hellyer LO Bill and Carol Helphinstine Mary Catherine Hemminger (,76) Paul and Mary Hemphill 0 El izabeth Henderson John ('50) and Beverly Henderson


Perry and Peggy Hendricks L James and Ruth ('42) Hend rickson Greg and Sandra ('87) Henley Stephen Henn ('86) Douglas and Lois ('98) Henning 0 Douglas ('73) and Joyce Henning Mark and Tracie ('92) Henninger John and Zandra Hensel LO Norman and Stefanie Henshaw Joseph Gerald and Lucy Hepler Lawrence and Myrna ('56) Heppe


William ('70) and Cameron ('74) Herbert 0 Michael and Beverly Herbst Dorothy Herivel 0 Shannon Herlocker ('98) 0 Gail Hermanson Mark Hermon ('77) Margaret Herrington Marguerite Herstad Joseph ('96) and Christine Hertig David Herum ('76) Kent ('85) and Lynnell ('85) Herzer


Dr. and Mrs, John O. Herzog LO Karen Herzog ('92) 0 Ma rga ret A. Herzog L Michael Herzog (,87) 0 Siegfried ('94) and Marjorie Hess Donald and Maxine Hester Sarah Hester ('66) Stacey ('86) and Martin Hesterly Rudy and Dorothy Heuchert Johanna Heussman 0

John and Johanna Heussman L Peter ('87) and Nancy ('86) Heyssma n 0 Paul (' 77) and Sandra Hewett Salty Hewett ('80) John Hewitt Hewitt Associates M Hewlett-PacKard Company LM John Hewston ('50) John ('67) and Kathleen Heyer Ronald ('63) and Miriam ('64) Heyer LO Gary and Maureen ('72) Hiam Gordon and Kathleen Hiatt Bobby and Jane ('81) Hickman Gerald ('55) and Sharon ('86) Hickman 0 Robin and Susan Hickok Anthony H icks ('00) Clifton Hicks Estate L Mark Hicks and Kaaren Roe (,82)


Robert ('73) and Susan Hicks H Paul Hidy ('78) 0 Phyllis Higgins ('00) Scott ('85) and Louise ('85) Higgins Jeffrey Highland ('69) Astrid Hildahl 0 Earl and Astrid Hildahl L Richard ('65) and Connie ('65) H i ldahl LH Roger ('62) and Joanne Hildahl LO Loren ('6 1 ) and Camilla Hildebrand LO Theodore (,82) and Lisa Hile 0 John and Christy ('69) Hilgers 0 Kenneth and Joan H i l l Peter and Shirley H i l l Ramona Hill ('63) Steven and Sandra ('83) H i l l Warren H i l l Wayne (,6 1 ) and Deborah H i l l LO William Hill ('76) Bruce ('57) and Yvonne H i l le H B i rgitta H i l lesland ('00) David ('58) and Linnea (,64) Hil lesland 0 Daniel ('80) and Jeanne ('8 1 ) H i l l man David ('89) and Catherine ('88) H i l l man 0 Loretta H i l ls Gordon ('69) and Mary ('68) Hilstad You lander Hilton ('9 1 ) Joe and Audrey Hinch 0 Martha Hinderlie H Ray ('36) and Irene Hinderlie 0 Robert and Joanne ('76) H i n kle 0 Esther H i nschberger Carol Hintze ('56) George ('74) and Karin ('75) H l rchert 0 John H i res ('00) Dale and Sharon Hirz LO Perry and Mary Hisken Katherine Hjelmeland ('88) Sylvia Hjelmeland Raymond T,O, ('62) and Carolyn Ho Ronald T,W. Ho ('58) Brian Hoagland (,92) Thomas and Helen ('60) Hoban Gary and Marcia Hobbs Louis ('00) and Noreen ('99) Hobson Charles and Arlyne Hochmuth Jan and Ann Hackert Danielle Hodge ('00) Hoechst Celanese Foundation LM Steve and M. Marneta ('96) Hoel Hugh and Lois Hoff Robert Hoff ('74) Gordon ('58) and Lina ('57) Hoffenbacker Alfred and Betty ('68) Hoffman 0 Donald and Mavis ( ' 5 1 ) Hoffman LO Marian Hoffman Mark and Dianna ('84) Hoffman Travis and Lorrie Hoffman Duane ('76) and Susan Hoffmann


Mark ('83) and Monette Hoffmeister Evelyn Hogan-Lynn ('86) Stephen and E l izabeth Hogberg 0 Curt and Gail Hogenson Howard Hogle and Linda Forbes Paul and Vesta Hoglund LO Erin Hoiland ('88) 0 Harry Hoiland 0 Theol ('49) and Anna ('47) Hoiland


Nita Haines ('63) Paul and Elaine Hokanson Hertha Hoke L Julius and Alice ('55) Hokenson Alan ('64) and Marion ('64) Hokenstad 0 LaVon Holden ('67) Milo and Marilee Holden 0 Michael and Sheila Holder Jack ('59) and Jacqueline (,62) Hall Dale (,84) and Mary Holland G i l bert Holland 0 James ('73) and Randi ('74) Holland



Robert ('SO) and Karin ('SO) Holland 0 Srian Holler ('9S) Janet Klippen Hollerman ('54) 0 Marnee Hollis ('77) James Hol loway and Judith Carr ('70) 0 Paula Holmes ('7 1 ) Richard ('69) and Karen Holmes 0 Marcia Hol mes-Rousell ('7S) Byron ('65) and Una Holmgren David ('66) and Laura Holmquist Peter and Amy Jo Mattheis ('S9) Holmquist M. Alan and Jean Holt 0 Martha L. C. Holt Estate L Secelia Holte ('68) Roger ('59) and Marilyn Holtey Thomas and Susan ('S 1 ) Holtzapple Everett ('67) and Mary Jo Holum LO Marion Holum ('55) Holy Trinity Lutheran Church , Ephrata , WA L Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Port Angeles, WA LO Peter and Kari ('80) Home HomeStreet Bank I Robert and Beverly ('72) Homier Victor and Loraine Honda Honeywell International Foundation , Inc. LMI Anna Hong-Rutt Trust L Jack ('56) and Marilyn ('57) Hoover LO Hope Lutheran Church , Anaconda , MT Hope Lutheran Church , Enumclaw, WA 0 Hope Lutheran Church , Tacoma , WA L Chris a n d Susan ('S7) Hopen Ernest ( ,48) and Irene Hopp LO Michael (,84) and Tamara Hopwood 0 Gunnar Horgen and Sonja Johnson-Horgen Christine Horn Layton and Marian H o rner Earl ('67) and Verna Horngren 0 Darren ('90) and Sheri Horning Dan,el ('72) and Katherine ('73) Hor�ldll LO Karl Hosel� ('94) and Alison Wigstrom-Hoselh ('93) 0 Paul and Jeanne (, SO) Hoseth LO Thoma, Hosk i n, ('47) and N a ncy Lipscomb·Ho kins ('59) Ridge ('78) and Linda ('77) Hottle


Michele Hulbert ('�O) George and Karel ('85) H u l l Matthew ('95) a n d Kristi ('95) Hulquist Bernard Hulscher ('96) Norman ('73) and Carol H ulscher Stanley Hulsman Estate ('56) L Mary Ann Hult ('67) Ken and Irene ('59) H ultgren LHO Dana L. Humbert ('90) H Ronald and Dorothy Hume Camilla Humphrey ('50) Q Dennis and Darlene Humphrey Claude Hunskor ('53) Q James and Diane ('75) Hunt Milton and Kathryn Hunt William Lieder and Anne Hunt Ciem and Phyllis Hunter LH John ('76) and Pamela ('77) H u nter Keith and Gerda ('92) H u nter Russell (' 59) and Ruth ('59) Hunter H Conrad ('72) and Dianne ('72) Hunziker LQ Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hurd Michael ('83) and Carlene ('83) Hurd John ('89) and Kathryn (, S9) Hurley Q , Richard ('93) and Monica ( 94) H urley HO William and Mary H u rley William and Edith Husby 0 Orthos and Lois Huseby David and Helen Huseth James ('70) and Deborah ('70) Hushagen LHO John Hushagen ('73) and Janette Schurman ('76) 0 Kenneth ('70) and Judith ('7 1 ) Hustad Hustad Funeral Home Robert Husted ('64) Lisa Huston ('93) Walter Huston 0 Linda Hutson ( , 01) 0 Norman and Harriet Hutson Daniel and Amy Hutton Betty and B i l l Hyde LO Beverly Hyde ('50) Charles and Otis Hyde L Otis Hyde 0 Constance Hyndman ('75)


Houghton Mifflin Company I Kristin ('89) and Michael Houle 0 Carol Olson Houston ('73) L David and Denise Houston Douglas and Rachel ('78) Hovde Olav Hovden Estate L Kenneth and Inge Hover Mark and Turi Kristi Liv ('74) Hoversten Richard and Jean ('60) Hovet Q Ronald (, 62) and Lois Hovey 0 Caroline C. Hovland LHO CurtIS ('57) and Nola Hovland LHO Ordetta Hovland ( , 58) HO Patrice Hovland (,85) Alexander and Carrie ('7S) Howard Christina Howard ('97) 0 Dennis ('64) and Linda ('65) Howard LHO Randall ('9 1 ) and Cris Howard 0 Robert ('63) and Marjorie Howard LHO Henry Howe and Margaret Ogden-Howe ('65) Q Leonard ('60) and Jea nette ('56) Howe H. Marc and Julie Anna ('72) Howell LO John and Jan ice ('58) Howell Shawn and Susan Howie William ('75) and Diana Howison Peter and Margaret ('92) Hoyer N i cole Hoyes ('00) Elgie Hoyt David and Kari ('87) Hubbard 0 Thomas and Patricia Hubbell Christina Huber ('�O) Curtis Huber 0 Ralph and Marilyn ('70) Hubert Ronald and Joanne Hudiburg Edward and Dorothy Hudson Leland and Andrea Hudson Heather Hudspeth ('00) Gordon ('56) and Lois ('59) Huesby Lau rence and Bonny Huestis LO Sha ron Huestis ('85) Vincent ('B3) and Ramonda ('93) Huff Anne Huffman ('89) 0 Glen ('53) and Tacy Huffman 0 Joy Huft ('94) Michael and Lorraine Hughes Raleigh and Ardys ('48) Hughes Robert Hughes ('80) Duane and Judith (, 77) Hulbert Linda Hulbert H

Lucille lacuessa 0 I B M International Foundation LM iG ive.com IKEA Louis and Joan I m hof Todd L. Imhof ('86) and Heidi Nuss-Imhof ('88) H Immanual Lutheran Church Women , Silverton , OR Immanuel Lutheran Church , Everson WA LO , Immunex IMS Health M Independent Colleges of Washington L INGlNorthern Life I Joel and Paula ('SO) I n gebritson R and Sally Ingle Charles Ingram Bequest L Jim and Cathy Ingram 0 Paul and Regina Ingram HO Emily Ink pen ('95) 0 Yuki Inoue ('DO) Allan and Sharlyne Inouye Intel Foundation LM John and Marlene Inverso Galven and Delores Irby LO Timothy ('93) and Jennifer ('92) Irwin 0 Gary and Elois ('57) Isaacson Linda Isaacson ('70) Lynn ('82) and Nancy Isaacson Stephen ('76) and Kristine ('78) Isaacson 0 Steven and Elaine ('8 1 ) Isaak Kirk and Pamela ('77) Isakson 0 Stanley and Sherry Isenhath 0 Donald ('64) and Mary Jane ('65) Isensee Q Peter ('90) and Kristi ('86) Isensee


Philip Isensee ('69) and Martha Maier H Matt Iseri ('99) A. Ray and Vera Islam Issaquah Sewing & Vacuum Sasithorn Issarachai ('00) In Corporation LM Nina Iversen ('9B) Dena Iverson Roger ('59) and Marsha ('61) Iverson 0 Roger ('83) and Cynthia ('S6) Iverson 0

J. Duncan & Associates, P.S. Myrtle Jack Thomas ('76) and Kristen Jacka 0 Emmer Lee Jackson ('75) Q Rebecca Jackson ('�O} 0 Ruth M. V. Jackson ('42) C. Virginia Jacobs ('45) Q Frank ('87) and Kerry Jacobs Kenneth and Stella ('28) Jacobs L Maryam Jacobs ('99) Iris Jacobson ('40) HQ 1. Reynold ('30) and Nordis ('30) Jacobson L John ('60) and Karen ('65) Jacobson L Lyle ( ,40) and Iris ('40) Jacobson L Nordis Jacobson H Orvil l e ('62) and Donnalee Jacobson Q Russell ('57) and Margaret Jacobson Q Steven ( , 82) and Julie ('85) Jacobson 0 Tom ('69) and Kathleen Jacobson LHO Daniel Jaech ('65) HO James (,54) and Constance ('55) Jaeger David and Wanda James Douglas and Sandra James Q Dan ('77) and Linda ('77) Jamieson Samuel and Connie ('7 1 ) Janke 0 Raymond Jansure ('85) 0 Angela Jantz ('OO) Richard and Young ('84) Jaqua 0 Norman Jaques Henrietta Jarecki John and Marcia Jarrett H David Jaspers ('OO) KPenney Company Fund LM Gary ('90) and Stacy ('S9) Jeffers Peter Jekel and Linda KeselburgJekel ('89) Lloyd and Inez Jellum 0 John ('63) and Grace Jenki nson 0 Helen Jenner Edith Marie Jennestad L Ole Jenne,tad Estate (,06) L Frank and Sandra ( ,60) Jennings LHO Alvin and Agnes H.L. ('66) Jensen Carl and Linda ('77) Jensen Carol Jensen ('90) Harlan and Lois ('74) Jensen Harold ('71 ) and Karen ('73) Jensen Howard Jensen H Mark Jensen Mildred Jensen L Robert and Jean Jensen LO Solweig Jensen Thorwald Jensen Estate L David Jerke Sandra Jerke and Alan Gammel 0 Sandra Jerke L Rebecca Jerstad 0 1. Stephen Jeske ('75) Milton ('58) and Bonnie Jeter 0 Patrice Jewson ('79) JFR Foundation LO Yun Jiang ('96) 0 Harald and Ardith Jobse Marie Jodock Walter and Ruth Johannes Estate L John and Lav,k Johanson Edward and Ethel John Q W. Marvin and Delores Johns 0 Rolf and Sherry Johnsen A. Glen Johnson ('59) Alalie Johnson ('4 1 ) Alan Joh nson ('60) Alexis and Loraine Johnson Alexis Johnson ('96) 0 Allen and Clarene ('56) Johnson HO Andrew Johnson (,87) 0 Anton ('52) and Lyndall ('55) Johnson 0 Arthur and Luella ('40) Johnson 0 Barry and Mary Johnson Beatha Johnson ('73) 0 Judge 8ertii and Pearl Johnson L Bradley Johnson ('96) Brian Johnson ('71) 0 Calvin (, 5 1 ) and Al ice Johnson 0 Carl and Hazel ( ,4 1 ) Johnson Carl and Lillian Johnson Carl and Sue ('73) Johnson 0 Carol Johnson ('60) Charles and Jean Johnson Cl ifford ('50) and Caryl ('50) Johnson Curtis and Merrie ('S4) Joh nson Daniel ('76) and Darcy ('7S) Johnson 0 David ('67) and Debrah ( ,67) Johnson

David and Dianne Johnson David ('74) and Janice ('77) Johnson 0 David ('69) and Patsy ('69) Johnson LQ David ('7S) and Sandra ('76) Johnson Dean and LaVonne Johnson LQ Deborah Johnson Dennis and Marian ('72) Johnson Donald and Dorothy Johnson Douglas and Pamela ('90) Johnson E . Marvin ('50) and Virginia ('48) Johnson Q Einar Johnson Estate L Elma Johnson HQ Ervin and LaVonne Johnson Frances Johnson ('55) LQ Frank and Marlys Kay ('60) Johnson Franklin ('66) and Joanne ('69) Johnson

Gerald and Nancy ('73) Johnson Glenn ('55) and Barbara Johnson Greg ('82) and Kristin ('84) Johnson Helen Johnson 0 J. Arthur ('58) and Joan Johnson James E. Johnson ( , 61) LO James Johnson ('85) and Jennifer Katz Jane Johnson L Jeffrey ('76) and Katherine ('77) Johnson LHO Jerry (, 68) and Julie ('72) Johnson


Joel ('83) and Randi Johnson 0 John ('29) and Elma Johnson L Karl ('S3) and Ton i Johnson Kenneth ('65) and Terry Johnson


Helpin g to make the Alumni Board a success


i mbedy Corbray ' 9 8 a nd Sandra Krausc­ Olsen '89, l11emb�rs of the PLU A l u m n i Board, socialize a t a recem Ahllnni Board meeti ng. Approx i m ately 20% of PLU Al umni have made [he u n iversiry a p h i lanth rop i c priority.

Kenneth ('66) and Alyce Johnson Larry H.T. ('60) and Sally ('60) Johnson Lars ('6 1 ) and Judith ( , 61) Johnson LO Laura Johnson ('9S) 0 Lawrence a n d Delphine Johnson


Leon ('58) and Patricia Johnson Lindsay Johnson ('98) Linka Preus Johnson ('38) LHO Luci lle M . Johnson H Marguerite G. Johnson L Marian Johnson (,46) Martin Johnson (, 82) 0 Marty and Jeanne Johnson Mary Johnson ('55) Meg Johnson 0 Mildred Johnson Estate L Norman and Doris ('48) Johnson Palma Johnson Paul Johnson ('71 ) 0 R. William ('57) and Wonda Johnson 0 Rick ('70) and Claudia Johnson L Robert and Karen ('78) Johnson Roderick Johnson ('76) Roger and Carol Johnson Ronald and Mirajane ('70) Johnson Roy ('60) and Katherine Johnson HO Ruth Johnson ('47) 0 Selma Johnson ('49) Stephen and Joan ('79) Johnson Theodore (, 60) and Doreen ('63) Johnson LHO Valerie Johnson ('89) 0 Johnson Nissan·Jeep-Chrysler Barry Alan and Gretchen Johnsrud

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Rolfe and Margaret ('64) Johnstad Charles and Susan Joh nston Howard and Maxine Johnston Ida Foss Johnston Estate L

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donor roll

T . J and D . A. Johnston Ann-Ellen Jones ('77) Christopher Jones ('76) Herbert B . Jones Foundation L James and Mary Jones LaVeta Jones Loren and Lauren Rae Jones Mark and Elizabeth ('88) Jones Preston and Shirley ('53) Jones Q Richard ('78) and Teresa ('80) Jones Robert Jones ('70) Sally Louise Jones H Luther and Dee Jonson Q Paul ('68) and Desnee Joos Q Eric A. Jordahl ('58) LHQ Peter ('60) and Karen ('6 1 ) Jordahl LHQ Martin Jordal Estate L Edward and Fleda Jordan Lynn ('78) and RaeLynn Jordan Paul ('56) and Frieda Jordan Q Erna Jorgensen L John and Valbjorg Jorgensen Marc Jorgenson (,9 1 ) Q Ronald Jorgenson ('59) Dorothy J oyce (,87) Allan and Ellen Juhl Natalie J u l i n ('00) Yvonne Jump ('63) Dan and Jo Jung Richard and Grace Jungkuntz LQ Erling ('39) and Judy ('39) Jurgensen LQ John ('59) and Deanna Jury Q William and Sarah ('79) Juzeler


TI'le Golden Club orinI1 e Stuen '48, Dorothy Hars h m a n '42, Thelma W i l l is

'40, and I r m a Bcndock '4 1

enJo), breakfast at Pres i d e n t Loren a n d M aryf\ n I1 And e rs o n ' s h o m e as p a n o f t h e C o l d c n C l u b B ru n c h d u r i n g H o meco m i ng w e e k

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Helena Kadota-Kidder ('53) Alvin Kageler (,54) Q Ronald and Min nie Kai Edgar and Bonnie Kaiser Kenneth and Aileen Kamakura Mike and Carol Kammer Q Katsumi and Mitsuko Kaneshiro David ('86) and J u l i e ('86) Kangas Louise Kaplan Theodore O.H. and Elizabeth Karl Estate L Lind B. Karlsen L Gregory ('67) and Carrol ('67) Karlsgodt Alfred ('39) and Doris Karlstad Gerhard ('39) and Irene Karlstad Kenneth James and Judith Ann Karman Ken neth Ka rnosh Arv and Anne ('44) Karola Frank ('55) and Carol ('53) Karwoski LQ Beverly Kasper ('68) Conrad Kasperson (,62) Q Carroll ('54) and Delores ('52) Kastelle James ('53) and Lee Kauth LQ Rika Kawai ('00) A. B u rley ('92) and Winona ('92) Kawasa ki Q Nobi and Sharon Lea Kawasaki Q Gordon and Alice Kayser LHQ Russel and Dana ('74) Keaton James and Patricia ('57) Keator Christopher ('78) and Nancy Keay Q w. M. Keck Foundation L Andrew and Beverly (,87) Kee Q Michael (,87) and Georgina Keene Denton ('64) and Gail Kees H William ('65) and Carolyn ('66) Kees Q Klaus-Peter and Cynthia ('83) Keese Mike and Jean Keesler Kenneth ('58) and Roberta ('58) Kehle Q Albert Kehrer Estate L M. Jud ('86) and Sari ('87) Keim Q Steve and Kathy Keiper Donald (,54) and Betty ('53) Keith LQ Ann Kelleher Q Neil ('92) and Jennifer ('91) Kelleher B etsy Kellenbeck ('00) Charles and Kathy Keller Dale ('53) and Joan ('53) Keller LQ Monica Keller ('86) Robert ('55) and Betty ('57) Keller LQ Steven Keller ('86) Q Walter E. and Gloria ('54) Keller D. Paul and Nancy Kelley Elizabeth Kelley Estate L Pat Kelley L Richard and Linda Kelley L Lisa Kellogg ('0 1 ) Q Bob and Mary Kelly Evelyn Kelly Q Merilynn Kelly Timothy Kelly ('00)

Michael ('83) and Joni Kemmer Richard and Carol Kemp August Kempf ('64) H Scott ('00) and Rosemary Kendall Q Bruce and Karleen Kennedy L Christine Kennedy ('99) Q John and Julie ('63) Kennedy Julie Kennedy ('98) Q Kerry ('74) and 8eth ('74) Kennedy L Robert Kennedy ('77) Q Vernal and Doris Kensrud Bruce ('83) and Dawn ('83) Kent Richard Kent ('58) H Kent Lutheran Church, Kent, WA Q Dale Keonitzer Darren ('96) and Carla Kerbs Q Leonard and Dorothy Kerbs James ( ' 5 1 ) and Patricia Kerns Q Solveig Kerns ('55) Q Susan Kerns ('76) David ('76) and Kathleen ('77) Kerr Q Clinton and Kathleen Kersten Laurence and Darlene Kerwin David ('70) and Mary Kesler Peter and Patricia Kesling Margo Anne Kessel ('64) Q KeyBank L Katherine Kidd ('7 1 ) H Thomas ('70) and Brenda Kidd Robert and Andrea ('8 1 ) Kiehl Jack ('73) and Maxine ('73) Kilcrease Q Win ifred K i l dahl Kenneth Kilen ('73) and Francine Mi ltenberger Q David and Janice Kilgore Q David and Patricia K i llen Q Erna Kil patrick H Florence B. Kilworth Foundation LI William W, Ki lworth Charitable Foundation LI Ann Kim Jin and Hyung Kim Kimberly-Clark Foundation Inc M Alan and Helen Kimmel Q Erik and Christine Kindem Andrew and Larraine King ('72) H Bradley ('85) and Jodie King Bruce Wiley and Sharon King ('68) Clarence and Rosemany King L Greg King ('98) Joseph ('92) and Kimberly ('9 1 ) King Robert Hunter and Marita King ('86) Steven King ('78) Q Joseph and Deborah ('94) Kirby Q Dudley and Catalina ('96) Kirk Q Sylvia Kirkebo Tadina Kirkendall ('98) Douglas ('79) and Elizabeth ('79) Kirkpatrick Q Beverly Kirlin ('59) Robert ('79) and Michiko Kissinger


James ('60) and Liv Anne ('60) Kittilsby LQ Timothy ('84) and Lisa ('84) Kittilsby LQ Lars Kittleson L Christine Kjenner ('85) Einar and El len Kjesbu Erica Kjesbu ('96) Q Erik and Marcia Kjesbu Kenneth and Lois Klarquist LHQ Robert ('69) and Byrna ('70) Klavano Q Ruth Klavano ( ' 7 1 ) Kirsten Klein ('95) Richard and Joanne ('63) Klein LQ Robert and Cynthia ('76) Klein Q Herman and Barbara Kleiner Joseph and Gro Kleitsch Gordon and Edna Klett Joel ('74) and Barbara Klett Q Cindy Klettke ('77) Gil bert ('53) and Virginia Kleweno Margaret Kleyn ('74) Will iam and Lev Kline Marian F. K l ingensmith HQ Philip and Kathryn ('86) K l i ntworth Q May Kl inzmann CR. and Dolores ('53) Klotz Jean-Marie Klover ( ' 7 1 ) Jerry and Ruth K l uth H Marijean Kluth HQ Paul and Nancy ('85) Kniest Charles and Ruth Knight David ('82) and Anita (,82) Knight Q Wayne and Dagmar Quevli Knight Kent ('74) and Susan Knobelauch George Knoff L Gary and Penny Knowlton Q Jeanne Knox ('83) John Knudsen ('65) Laurel1ce Kl1udsen ('74) Nal1cy Knudsel1 Q Winona Knudsel1 ('54) L George K n udson ('73) Mark ('70) and Sue ('70) Knudson LHQ

Mel al1d Melba Knudsol1 H Theodore and Gerda ('57) Knudson Carmen Kn udtsol1 ('51) Q G. M ichael (,8 1 ) and Debra ('8 1 ) Kl1udtzon Evelyn Kl1utsâ‚Ź11 Q Kenneth Kl1utsen ('66) Larry Knutsen Morse Kl1utsen (,62) Al bert and Norma Kn utson David ('58) and Marilyn ('59) Kn utson LHQ Erik and Noelle ('88) Kn utson Q Irvin K n utson Kristofer ('92) and J u l ie ('93) K n utson Lowell ( '5 1 ) and Shirley K n utson Q Maurice and Lillian Kn utson L Chris Knutzen Estate L Douglas and Suzanne ('79) Kn utzen Gerald and Dinah ('69) Kn utzel1 Q Marcia Kn utzen Margaret Kl1utzel1 HQ Mark al1d Patricia Kn utzen Q Mary Kn utzen L Richard ('55) and Beverly ('55) Kn utzen Q Ron ('57) and Marilyn Knutzen L Ruby Knutzen ('32) Q Ruby ('32) and Einer ('32) Knutzen L Tim and Coleen Kn utzen Q Victor ('36) and Margaret Knutzen L Ralph and Karin ('74) Koal David and Michelle ('87) Koblas Q Axel Koch and Martha Pleasance ('97) Debra Koch ('99) Gary and Mavis Koch LHQ Mark and Joyce Koch Wilbert Koch (,52) HQ Wilbert (,52) and Jeanette ('46) Koch L Craig ('83) and Alisa Koessler Donn ('54) and Patricia ('56) Koessler Q Gary ('85) and Wendy (,85) Koessler Q Bernice and Charles Koester L Bernice Koester Q Randal ('83) and Deborah Koetje Shawn Kogan ('92) Curtis ('78) and Michele ('78) Koger Q Adolph ('52) and Sylvia ('50) Kohler Gerald ('69) and Deborah Kohler Karen Koll W i l l iam ('63) and Gloria ('63) Koll LQ Allan ('70) and Mary Kollar LQ Charles and Krista ('85) Kollin Kon Tiki Museum L Kenneth Kooley Karen Koon Thomas and Cheryl ('72) Koonsman Q John Koopmans and Karen Moore Koopmans Carl and Bergliot ('36) Koppel1 Karen Koreis ('9 1 ) Clifford (,49) a n d Marie ('64) Korsmo LQ John ('49) and Edna Korsmo Q John ('84) and Lisa ('87) Korsmo LQ Ole and Jean Korstad Mary Korsten James ('80) and Carol Koski Sean and Kristin ('93) Koskinen Ralph Koster ('54) Ra ndall and Roberta Koster Douglas and Jean Kotrba Q Archie ('68) and Kay Kovanen L Charles and Charleen Kowalski Richard and Neila ('66) Kozel Jerry Kracht and Janice Jones Q Frederick and Tara ('84) Kraf C Todd ('84) and Lisa Marie Krah Phyllis Krage Beth Kraig and Suzanne K l i nger Q Cynthia Kraiger ('84) Q Richard ('59) and Naomi ('59) Kraiger HQ Jon ('88) and Shelley ('88) Kral Q Connie Kralicek ( ,9 1 ) Hilda Kramer Estate L Mary Kramer ('77) Q Paul Kramer ('79) Q Robert and Shirley Kramer H Scott ('89) and Penny Kramer Timothy Kramer (,81 ) Alvin and Rosemary Krantz H Donald Krantz ('56) LQ Edwin ('59) and Maureen ('60) Krantz Q A. William and Ruth Volkert Kratzke Robert ('79) and Marian Kratzke Q Konstantinos ('65) and Constance ('67) Kravas Q Abraham and Ester Krebs K u rt Krebs ('85)

Roland and Barbara Krebs Sandra Krebs (,82) Kreielsheimer FOLmdation L Roger and Sandra ('65) Kreis Q R. Howard ('78) and Christine ('79) Kreps Q The Kresge Foundation L Jerry ('6 1 ) and Gwendolyn ('6 1 ) Kress Q Robert ('67) and Anasthasia Krieger W i l l iam ('68) and Patricia ('69) Krieger Lytanna Krieske William and Michelle ('74) Krippaehne LHQ George Kriz and Carolyn Anderson-Kriz ('59) E. Luther ('52) and Charlotte ('59) Kroenk Scott ('79) and Michele Kron lund Jul ius Kronnagel David and Elaine Krueger David ('80) and Laurel ('80) Krueger Q Florence Krueger ('96) Kristin ('90) and Bob Krueger Q Jason and Sarah ('96) Kruger Jerry ('74) and Margaret Krumwiede Dennis and Brenda Kruse Richard Krussow (,54) Myrna Kucklick ('56) Bonnie Kuechenmeister Bernd ('70) and Karen Kuehn Q Von ('66) and Elizabeth Kuehn Jean Kunkle ('79) Walter Kunschak (,48) Craig ('90) and Karin (,9 1 ) Kupp Dr. and Mrs. Roger K u rucz Joel and Dianne ('76) Kutzke John and G l oria Kuula Glen and Marietta ('59) Kuykendall Charles and Ruthann Kvale Lee ('76) and Diana Kvalheim Lloyd and Audrey Kvernvik Craig (,9 1 ) and Stacy Kvinsland Howard ('38) and Eugenia ('38) Kvinsland LQ Joan Kvinsland L D r. Jon H. Kvinsland ('63) L Jon ('63) and Mari Kvinsland HQ Margaret Kvinsland ('40) Q Stephen ('65) and Judith ('66) Kvins!and Q Dennis Kyllo ('76) Q Eldon (,48) and Helen Ramstad ('50) Kyllo LHQ

L.H.C Incorporated L Leland and Grace La Bar H John and Lois ('70) La Curan Scott and Joanne (,64) La Framenta Thea La V i l l e Estate ('09) L Karolyn Labes (,9 1 ) Q Paul ('55) and Janet ('59) Labes LQ Larry and Nancy ('64) Labolle Laborer's International U n ion North America Kristopher and Rebecca ('96) Lachenmaier Q Suzanne Lackman ('86) Karen Lacko ('72) N i ls and LOIS Ladderud Gunbjorg Ladsteil1 ('6 1 ) George a n d Mary Lagerquist Q The Lagerquist Family L Kirsten A. Lindquist Lagomarsino ('98) and Mark LagomarSino Rueben ('59) and Janice Lee Lahti Laird Norton Trust Company Marilyn Lakey Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lakin Timothy Lamas ('78) A l b ert and Marilyn ('54) Lamb LQ Dawnell Lamb LH Edythe Lamb Estate L 1I<301ie S La m b I C Douglas Lamoreaux Q Eda Lamos Louis Lamp Estate L Crystal Landers ('00) Linda Landers ('98) Q Julie ('66) and Arthur Landskov Q David and Cynthia Lane George Lane Estate ('30) L Larry ('57) and Marilyn Lane Q R. James Lane ('72 ) L Daniel and Pan nee Lang Harry Lang (,41) LHQ Winifred Langdon Erik ('9 1 ) and Kristine ('91) Lange Renee Lange (,02) Andrea Langeland ('89) Philip ('63) and Carolyn Langston Shawn ('89) and Shelley ('88) Langston Q Eloise Lanning L



William ('55) and Neva Leed Q Lanoga Corporation II Dan and Deidre ('90) Leer Steven Lansing ('72) and Bonnie Guy and Louise Leesman Estate L Valiton John ('49) and Virginia Leever Q Duane and Peggy Lansverk LQ Paul Lefebvre and Carolyn Silflow Marvin D . ('SO) and Kay E. ('SI) ('72) Q Lansverk • Marjorie Lefleur Fred Lanzer L Chrislopher Legler ('9 1 ) John Larkin ('93) J . Hans and Thelma Lehmann L Cynthia Larrison ('76) Leif Erickson Memorial Committee Bjorn Einar Larsen ('94) L Charles W. Larsen Estate L Donald and Ann ('62) Leighty Q Christian Larsen ('74) Steve and Paula Leitz Q Curtis and Mary Larsen Jerry and Jo Ann Lejeune Donald ('7S) and Janice Larsen Q Edith Leland ('65) Eric Larsen (,90) Michael ('94) and Julie ('94) Gorm and Karen Larsen Q John (, S2) and Patricia Larsen Q LeMaster Sherry Larsen Q William and Margaret LeMaster H. Eugene (,62) and Carla ('64) John ('70) and Joan Larsgaard LeMay Q Arth u r ('47) and Lorraine ('47) Norman Lemay ('67) Larson LQ Eric Lemnitzer ('77) Q Carl ('l I ) and Terry Larson LQ John Lennon ('6 1 ) Q Carolyn Larson ('46) Kenneth and Gwen ('64) Lennon Christine A. Larson ('70) LQ Mark and Nancy Lennox Constance M . Larson ('7 1 ) HQ Rodney and Lynn Lentz Curtis ('8 1 ) and Cindy Larson Q Arturo and Hjordis ('49) Leon Q Daniel ('90) and Meredith Larson Norman ('79) and Janice Leonard Duane ('75) and Kathy Larson Edgar R. Larson ('33) HQ Patricia A . H . Leonard ('55) Q Edgar ('57) and Betty ('58) Larson Susan Leong ('93) Anna Leon-Guerrero LHQ Mark and Kari (,92) Leppell Q Ernest (,57) and JoAn ('57) Larson Ronald ('61) and Judy ('62) Lerch Gary ('86) and Susan La rson LQ George ('65) and Norma Larson Q Jerrold and Lois ('83) Lerum Gerald and Eun ice ('66) Larson Gerald ('64) and Marilyn ('64) Arne and Ida Lervick L Roger and Linda Lervick Q Larson J . Skay Lessley ('95) Gwen Larson ('B) William ('63) and Deanne Lessley Howard ('63) and Cathy Larson Q David and Patty Lester J. Kenneth Larson Mark ('82) and Laura ('83) Lester James ('64) and Linda Larson Q Kim ('79) and Cynthia Larson Ray ('55) and Janet ('58) Lester Q Larry ('67) and Karen Larson Q Robert ('54) and Jea nette Lester Lars and Georgia ('58) Larson HQ Robert ('80) and Kelly Lester Q Lucille Larson Q Scott Lester ('95) and Stephanie Margaret Larson L Page-Lester ('95) Maria Larson ('5 1 ) Q Paul (,77) and Sylvia Leung Q Melvin Larson Arne and Emily Levanger Michael ('83) and Seco Larson Q Alvin and Lillian Levorson Palmer and Marion Larson Charles and Susan ('61) Levy Q Mr. and Mrs. Paul Larson Paul V. ('38) and N i na A, ('4 1 ) i. David and Virginia ('74) Lewis Donna Lewis ('57) Q Larson LHQ Glee Lewis (,62) Richard ('54) and Sharon Larson LQ Stuart ('93) and Suzanne Lewis Robert and JoAnn Larson Q Dorothy Leyden Robert Larson ( ,DO) Q Dean Libner ('58) Robert Larson (' 4S) Q Brenda Lichtenwalter ('93) Q Alan Liddle Roger and Lucille Larson L Gerald ('47) and M i ldred (,46) Roy ('50) and Maria (, 5 1 ) Larson L Lider Q Selmer ('50) and Helen ('57) Larson Q K i rk ('82) and Carol ('82) Lider Q Jean Lidin('62) Q Thora Harmon Larson L Norita Liebelt (' 56) Q Erika Larson-Gordon ('94) Paul and Norita ('56) Liebelt L Kristin Latham (,9S) Ronald and Claudia ('67) Latham E l iza beth Anne Lien ('76) Melissa Lillard ('�O} Cynthia Lathrop ('93) Robert and Maxine Lillie L H John William ('60) and Jane Latimer Prakash ('78) a n d Nandini Limaye Q Richard ('63) and Judy Latimer Stephen ('70) and Mary Latimer Q Mr. and M rs. Herbert Limbaugh J . Corey Limbaugh ('93) Sze Wah Johnny Lau Brian (,S4) and Mel issa Laubach Q J o h n (,52) and Marion ('53) Liming Charles ( , 60) and Ann ('56) LQ Laubach L Tracy and Christie ('89) Limmer Q James T. Linardos I Kenneth ('7S) and Catherine ('79) Laufmann Q James Lincoln and Karen Wehsels Janice Laukaitis H Jason Laukaitis ('97) Q Elmer and Ruby Lindahl L Ruby Lindahl Q Hendrik (, 60) and Valda Laur Q Frederick and Catherine Lauritsen Karla Lindberg ('83) Lauri Lindberg ('78) Reginald ('66) and Jerilyn Laursen Ross ('92) and Dana ('92) Laursen Richard and Susan Lee ('67) Q Lindberg Ellick Chi-Lick Law ('75) W. H . and Isabel Lindberg Trusts James Law ('69) Q LQ Randy Lindblad ('79) Q Karen Lawrence (,9 1 ) Steve (, 77) and Diane Lawrence Theodore ('77) and Patrice Linde John and Mary Lindeblad Q Terry and Dawn ('99) Lawrence John ('89) and Carolyn Lawson David and Gayle ('67) Lindeblom Q David and Carolyn ('59) Layton Valerie Layton ('96) W. Michael Lindel ('80) and J. Bich-Lien Le H Meredith Tucker-Lindel Q Leonard and Joan Leach Q Leroy and Marie ('87) Lindemeier James and Barbara Leahey Q H i l d red Linder Estate L Norman and Delores Leake Phyllis Lindner I. David (,66) and Kathleen ('66) Joanne M. Lindstrand ('84) H Hans ('7 1 ) and Ann ('7 1 ) Leander Q Lindstrom Q Larry and Karin Leander H Sandra Leapaldt Stanley and Ulla Lindwood William and Barbara ('S4) Lear Trent ('88) and Siauw Ling Q Jack and Marilyn ('53) Leatherman Dennis and Nancy Lintvedt Jason Ledesma ('00) Monet Lion ('90) Michael Little ('68) Q Geoff Ledgerwood ('98) Q Bob Lee ('58) Bruce Littman L C. Olaf and Nancy ('62) Lee Walter and Montel ('69) Elaine Lee Livi ngston Q Kandice ('84) and Jorge lIera Q Insu ('59) and Chong Lee Q Mary Llewellyn ('66) Q John and Elizabeth ('74) Lee Kenneth Lo H John Lee ('9S) Mark Lee and Piper Peterson Lee Gary and Carrie Lobdell (, S5) Q Mr. and Mrs. William Lobeda Mary Lee L Richard and Helen Lodmill Orlando and Myrtle Lee Estate L Taryn Loftness (,0 1 ) Robert and Dorothy Lee Q Del ('91) and Kristy ('90) Lofton Solveig Lee (,5S) LQ The Glenn Lee Family L

Robin and Sonja ('59) Loftus LaVon Logan ('64) Q Anthony and Kathleen Logue Ken ('62) and Joyce ('62) Lohre Matthew Lokan ( ,DO) Richard ('59) and Anita Hillesland ('59) Londgren LQ Arthur and Marie Loney Anne Long ('86) HQ Eva Long ( ' 7 1 ) and William Jetson Q Helen Long Estate L Robert and Susan Long LQ Travis Long ('97) Ty and Anne ('86) Long L Long Painting Company LQ Heather Longacre (,0 1 ) R . Wayne and Sharon Longmire Harold Y.S. Loo William Looney ('80) Keith ('72) and Linda Loraas Russell and Denece Lord Q Norman and Helen Lorentzsen LH Thomas ('67) and Marge Lorentzsen Q Erik Lorenz ('90) Q Gerald ('65) and Janet ('66) Lorenz Q Joan Lorenz ('66) L Robert ('68) and Caren ('68) Lorenz Sharon Louie ('95) James and Sally Love Allen and Jean Lovejoy Richard Lovely ('89) Henry Low Daniel ('S6) and Paula Lowe Margaret Lowe Q Thomas ('63) and Mary Jo ('64) Lowe Q Valborg Brodahl Lowther L The Henry Luce Foundation , Inc. Lucent Technologies M Christian Lucky ('S9) Q David ('88) and Andrea ('9 1 ) Lucky Q Donna Lucky Q Rebecca Lucky ('S3) Q Stephen ('S4) and Cheryl ('S3) Lucky Q Kristin Ludwig ('DO) Lois K. Ludwig ('44) H Mark Ludwig ('76) and Marjorie Pitz Glen and Cynthia ('77) Luebke Earl and Jill Luebker Dean Lueck and Miriam Stahler ('SI) Timothy ('85) and K i m Luiten Duane and Susan Lund L Philip and Karyn ('80) Lund Thelma Lund Wayne and Jana Lunday Bruce ('66) and Carol ('63) Lundberg Q Roger Lundblad ('61) Q Gregory ('74) and Linda ('B) Lundeen Lyman and Grace Lundeen Gene ( , 5 1 ) and Marian (,51 ) Lundgaard Q Cheryl and Gary Lundgren Q Laura Lundgren Robert Lundgren ('56) Q Charles Lundin Mary Anne Lundstrom ('63) William ('70) and Susan Lundstrom Gary and Lisbeth Lusk Q Luth�ran Brotherhood LM Luthera n Brotherhood Great NW , Agency L Lutheran Brotherhood Tacoma , Area Branch #8279 LQ Lutheran Brotherhood , Woodland H i l l s Agency Lutheran Church of the Master, Pasco WA Q , Lutheran Community Foundation Howard (,7S) and Judith ('80) Lutton Q Paul and Maia ( ,S6) Luvaas Q James J. Lux and Lisa L. Sutton ('79) Robert ('7 1 ) and Judy Lycksell Q Bob and Andrea ('77) Lynch George Lynch ('70) Karen Lynch ('5S) Stephen Lynch ('88) Virginia Lynch ('83) Gerald and Karen Lynn Cons lance Lyon Trust L Charlene Lysne Q

John and Louise Maakestad LQ Kurt ('SO) and Robin M. Farrar Maass Q Calvin and Valerie MacDonald Dean MacDonald

MacDonald - Will Foundation Q Edward ('37) and Mary Lou Machle Jay and Michele Macintyre Mitch and Kimberly ('9 1 ) Mackenroth Q David Madden and Diana Skibiel ('80) Francis Madden Lois Madden ('38) Ralph and Kathryn ('50) Madsen Q Robert P. and Marie Magee I David ('69) and Penelope ('69) Magelssen L Dennis Magnuson ('71) and Lynn McGrath Q Oliver ('54) and Marie ('56) Magnuson Q Heather Magoon ('99) Leonard and Cynthia Mahoney Thomas ('76) and Janette ('76) Mahoney Q Donald and Sylvia Maier Jim and Elizabeth Maier Drs. Lawrence and Laura Majovski LHQ Linda Makela ('70) Edward and Marilyn Maki Gloria Maldonado Stephen and Paula ('82) Mallory Jon ('64) and Jean ('64) Malmin Q Harold ('5 1 ) and Carolyn ('5 1 ) Maines Katherine Maloney ( , OO) Scott Maloy ('S4) and Carol

Falkenhayn David Malvin Q , Douglas (,57) and Carol ( 57) Mandt Brendan ('83) and Diann Mangan Q Randall and Carol ('69) Man ley Shirley Manley Charles ('69) and Joan ('69) Mann Susan Mann HQ Brian and Vicki ('69) Mannix Dorothy Mansell Q Marshall and Alana Mapes Kristi Maplethorpe Florence March Joe and Eva Marchinek Estate L Harold and Inge Marcus Q Stanley and Ellen Marean John and Karen (,92) Mares Warren and Alice ('3S) Margrath Mark ('98) and Erika (,97) Mariani Richard and Jane Mariani R. Dan ('65) and Christine ('65) Marken Q Hilda Markert Donald and Dorothy Markman Frank ('58) and Lola Marks Q John and Charlene ('6S) Marks David and Mary Marquardt Q Marlaine Mars ('76) Donald Marsee and Jill Whitman Q Carolyn Marsh ('74) Marsh , Inc. I Kevin Marshall ('00) Larry and Stacia ('85) Marshall Q Shanna Marshall ('94) Carrie ('89) and Travis Martens Q Doc and Susan Martensen Q John ('63) and Frieda ('64) Martilla Julie Martilla ('98) Q Carolyn Martin Dennis and Gloria Martin Q Donnie and Ginny Martin Kaj J . Martin ('99) and Janell S. Martin ('99) Michael Martin ('92) N i kki Martin ('73) Q Robert and Diane ('63) Martin Todd ('85) and Tracie (,S6) Martin

South Hail opens its doors


ouch Hall) PLU's newesc campus residence, opened ics doors co scudencs on Augusc 3 1 . The faci l i ty offers a variecy o f living arrange­ mencs) i ncluding smdio) cwo- and fo ur-bedroom apartmen cs, cwo-bedroom town ho uses, one-bed­ roo m lofcs and one five-bedroom townhous e. Souch Hall is geared toward older scudencs who wo uld like che conven ience of a campus residence) buc are in ceresced in che privacy and i n dependence o f an aparcmenc wich separace k i cchen and bach­ roo m facilicies. All res idents are ac leasr 20 years of age or have j u nior scanding, and married scudencs are able co apply fo r residence in che one- bedroom lofc apartments. S o u t h Hall's success i n se rving chis cacegory of scudencs is apparenc in c h e newesc fi gures fo r on­ campus rcsidencs ac PLU; rhe percen tage of scudencs l iving in un iversicy housing rose c h is year to 4S per­ cen c, u p from 4 1 percell( i n 1999 -2000.

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donor roll


William and Helene Ma rt in Mark Martineau ('92) Q Arthur Martinez III L James ('8 1 ) and Karen ('82) Martin-Schramm Ronald and Marilyn Martinson LH Q Stacey Martinson


Delores Ann M a rvonek

('55) Q

Asta Marx

Marzano's Q Sandra Marzolf ('74) H Thomas Mas,hhoff ('71) Earl and Sdrld r a ('60) Mason Massachusetts Mutual Life Insura nce Company L M u riel Masseh ('7 1 ) Brian Massey ('80) Craig M. Massie and Ann C. Blegen ('87) Lafayette and Audine Massingill Q Ty and Janet ('73) Mast Margaret Mathews H Thomas and J u l ie ('79) Mathews Lance and Naomi ('49) Mathisen Q

Mildred McColl Estate

L ('99) , Ben A. ( 54) and Annie ('55) McCracken LH Benjamin ('78) and Ellen ('86) McCracken Q Robert a n d Edith (,42) McDaniel William ('77) and P h yl l is McDaniel Thomas and Marva McDevitt Q Brandon McDonald ('92) James and Jennifer ('73) McDonald John and Lenore ('96) McDonald Susan McDonald Q Norman and Constance McDonell Heather McDougall ('97) Q Mark ('75) and Gerd-Inger ('72) McDougall Q Steve and Karen McDougall Ida McEachern Trust L Anita McEntyre ('82) Guy ('73) and Laura McFadden Jenn ifer McFall ('85) Charles ('92) and Michelle ('92) McFa rland William and Debbie McGee Geraldine McGill ('59) Q Carol McGinley ( ' 7 1 ) James a n d Marilyn ('60) McGinnis Richard ('63) a nd Zina McGinnis Q Rick McGrath and Darice Bales McGrath ('89) Chris and Eleanor ('78) McGuire Darrell and Leone McGuir� Michael and Shelley MCUulre Lyle Leo ('73) and Cyn t h ia Ann Sarah McCoy


Robert and Jacqueline MCintyre

( ,82) ('50) and Ellen May ('52) McKanna Q Douglas ('79) and Liane McKanna Q Gary McKechnie ('97) Q Erin McKenna H Tamara McKenney ('63) Brent McKinney (,87) Q Wallace and Joan McKin ney LQ Kenneth and Christie McLaughlin Peter and Kristine MClean William and C.y nth.a ('86) Mclea n Peter and Betty ('S7) Me L IIan Q Bruce and J oyce McLeod Mamie McLeod Estate L Kirk and Laura McMichael Michael and Brenda ('94) McMillian Michael ('68) and Nancy ('70) McMullen Q Evelyn McNeal Cyrus (,64) and Carol McNeely Rick McPike and Tina Szczepaniak ('00) John and Melanie McQuaig Bryan McRae ('93) Dorman McShan (,00) Matthew ('81) and Anne (,82) McTee Ann Meacham ('75) Q Michael Meacham Joseph and Barbara ('76) Mead Q J . E . M ea ke r Leland and Theodora ('59) Mebust Frances McKamey Blaine

Educating for lives of service


u t h eran educacion v a l u c s l i fe i n the wo rld.

T h � c h u rc h 's � m p h as i s o n stewards h i p of the Eart.h an d o n e d u cat i n g fo r l ives o f ser­

vice d ic taxe


p ractical c o n c e rn that looks beyond

the u n ivers i ry to thc needs o f lolal and global com­ m u n i ties. In t h e L u t. h eran lrac U ti o n , a l l o f l ife 1S vocat i o n . Pe o p le are c a l l e d upon to l ive as persons of fai th with d e e p l y h e l d valuC's, and


c o m m i tment ro

service-whatever their c hosen profession. Fully o n e - t h ird o f PLU grad uates enrer the '" '"

h e l p i n g p ro fessions-r ea.ch i Jw, n u rsing, social work, medicine, parish In i n 1stry-ofc c n ca.rryi ng the ethic of service to the h ighest l evel s of achieve m e nt. G raduates pursuing careers o u tside the service sec­ ror co n t i n u e ro devote t i m e to their co m m u n i ties. This h o l i s tic, i ntegrated approach to educa t i o n remai n s t he cornersrone o f Paci fic Lutheran Univer­

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S i t y.

Kyle and Jan Mathison A. M. and Sophia Matsen ('1 3) Estate L Eldred and Carol Matson LQ Jon Matson ('88) a nd Mary Neal Matson Q c. F red er ick Matthaei Charles and Helen Matthaei Charles W.H. Matthaei Herbert and Nonine Matthews Lynn M atth ews ('72) Q Arthur and Be tty Matthias Q Craig Matthias ('76) James D . ('94) a nd Mari A. ('94) Matthias Paul ('68) and Dixie Lee ('62) Matthias Q Peter ('78) and Joan ('77) Mattich


Medtronic Foundation M

Mary Mattie Matthew Mattila

Medina Foundation

('76) and

Rebecca Van Steenwyk Katherine Mattingly ('76) Q I nez Mattison Trust L Darlene Mattoni-West ( , 73) Rosalie Mattsen ('89) M r. and Mrs . Arthur Mattson Kenneth and Elaine ('65) Mattson Robert ('63) and Carol ('64) Mattson L John and Gladys ('44) M at z en Christopher ('83) and Janet ('83) Maul-Smith Erik and Lisa ('89) Ma u re r Peter and Harriet Mau ritsen H Thomas and Karol Mauss King ('73) and Cathy Ma wh i n n ey Charmee Maxwell ('78) Robert and Mary ('82) Maxwell Larry and Karen May Kurtis and Pamela Mayer Kurt Mayer's Wanderlust Travel LQ Charles ('62) and Sandra ('83) Mays H Randy and Mary McAllister John P. McAu liffe and Marlys J. M. Nesset ('86) Q Michael and Natalie ('86) McAvoy Meghan McCaffery Kathleen McCallum ('95) Q Malcolm and Diane ('64) McCallum Q Cecil McClary Q Andrew ('96) and Kelly ('95) McClure Q Cynth... McClure ('98) Q

Allen ('73) and Sharon ('75) Meeds Tom and Marianne ('88) Meese Gordon ('52) and Lena M eesk e Steve and Ann ('79) Mehl Ann Marie Mehlum ('75) Q Charles and Alberta Mehring AI and Georgia Meier LQ Charles and Carla ('97) Meier Q Ervin and El izabeth Meier Robert ('5 1 ) and Louise (,52) Meineke Alma Meisnest Estate L Michael ('67) and Nancy Melary Q Duane ('59) and Joan ('59) Melcher HQ Alice Melling ('83) Phyllis Melton Roald and Elsie ('40) Melver Ronald ('68) and Carol ('68) Melver Q Michael ('79) and Ruth Mendoza Thomas Menear Mentor Graphics Corporation L Annemarie Menzel L Christopher Menzel ('79) Paul Menzel and Susan Blank LHQ Scott ('86) and Susan ('86) Menzel Jerrold ('64) and Karen Merchant L Christine Merkel Deann Merkel ('00) Kristin Merle ('98) Q George and M. Suzanne Merriam Barth

('87) and Carmen Merrill Charles Merrill Trust L Patricia Merrill

Me rri l l Lyn c h - Pie rce -Fenne r & Smith, I nc . L Dennis ('71) and Signe ('7 1 ) Merz Q Ed and Nancy Lee ('69) Merzenich Q Messiah Lutheran Church, Auburn , WA Q Merle ('59) and Heidi Metcalf David and Julie ('8 1 ) Metzger Kate Metzger ('98) Steve and Julie ('89) Meulemans David ('7 1 ) and Marianne ('61 ) Meyer Hermina Meyer (,54) LHQ Joseph and Ruth Meyer Mark ('73) and Connie ('73) Meyer Marlene Meyer ('55) Thelma Meyer L Val ('94) and Kristine ('94) Meyer Andrew Meyers ('00) Theodore ('60) and Karen (,62) Meyers MFS I nvestment Management Judith Michalk ('76) Ruth Michalscheck ('83) Jodie Michels Bruno and Jo Ann Michetti Walter a nd Mi ldred Mickelsen L

Maynard (,48) and June Moen Ray and Faye ('66) Moffitt Martin ('98) and Sarah Mogk Q Jack (,77) and Marilynn Mohlenhoff Kathy Mohn L Dr. Arm in and Beverly ('59) Mohr LHQ Ronald and Virginia Mohr Raymond and Thelma ('50) Moline John and Victoria Moller Daryl and Kirsten ('89) Molskness Q Roger and Nancy Molt Merle Molter Q Erling a n d Susan ('68) Molver Q Erik Monick ('96) Katharine Monroe LHQ Marcia Monroe (,85) Wesley Monroe and Violet Anderson·Monroe William and Beverly Monroe Q Adam Monsen Forest ('96) and Katie ('96) Monsen Jeffrey ('78) and Diane (,77) Monsen Q Robert Mo n se n (,67) L Donald ('39) and Marie ('36) Monson Q Scott ('85) and J u l i e ( ,85) Monson Q

Mae Lynn Mickelson

Montana Synod, ELCA, Great Falls,

Merrill Lynch &

Co. Fo un d ati on

Inc. LM




Stephen and Jooelle Ml(k�lIon

MI roson Corporation lMI jO�1 ('58) alld MalY Milbrath H

Dav.d and Debra('7S) Mil� Karyn Miles ('97) leonard and Elsie Miles 'stanley and Ooroltly M.les Donald M.lholland ('n) Military Order of t he Purple

M ntgortlery Street Fo u n dat i on L lohn ('61) and Melody ('69) Moody HQ




Andrew and Mary

('76) Miller Q A n n O . M i l l er Q Bernard Miller L Bernice Miller Betty Miller ('95) Brent ('90) and Natalie ('91) Miller Brian Miller ('99) Bruce and Marie Miller Catherine Miller ('88) Donald Miller ('58) Eric M i l ler ('84) Gal)' a nd Rebecca Miller Q George ('68) and Reta Miller Glen and Delma Miller Inge Miller Jon ('70) and Solveig ('70) Miller Q Kenneth Miller ('64) and Rhoda Pappajohn ('65) Mark ('88) and Connie ('85) M i l ler Q Marlen and Ann ('86) Miller HQ Maxine Miller Paul and Sherril ('67) Miller Raymond and Christie ('65) Miller Ronald ('65) and Jean ('65) M i l ler lQ Scott ('92) and Birg it ('94) Miller Q Todd M i l le r ('79) Steven ami J,mel ('84) M i l l i ren John and Manlyn Millison James

('49) and

Elva Milson Max

Margaret Mills



('96) and Moni

('96) Milton

Q Susan Min

Michele Meconi ('94) Ronald and Laverna Medrud


Merrill Lynch

('95) Gary Minetti (, 67) and Alene Klein ('75) Q Katie Mini nger ('00) Carmen Minor Q Steven M i ntz Anne Miotke Therese Mirande Dana and Kristine MIschel David ('78) and Mari ('79) Misterek LQ Charles ('74) and B . ('75) M itche ll Dwight and Lois ('63) Mitchell Q Flossie Mitchell Gary Mitchell ('80) LQ Michael Mitchell ('83) Arnold and Mina ('5 5) Mittelstaedt Q Dorothy Mitton ('3�) Joan Mitton ('67) Q Susan Mkrtichian Q Tony and Joan Mladineo Mobil Foundation , Inc. M Curtis Mobley Herschel ('50) and Betty ('50) Mobley Ronald Moblo ('70) Elmer and Astrid Mobroten Patricia Mocabee ('69) Jarr ad Mock ('99) Q R. O . Modarelli and Anne E. Martyn ('88) Mark and M drth a M oe Richa(d ard Marcia Moe LHQ Timot h y Moe a nd linda Fahlgren

Moe ('91)

Henry and EI�ie Moe l le ri n g Trust L Aile" ('55) and Julia ('58) Moen Erik

('89) and l..l u r B Moen

luther Moen


('81) and Jill Moon Q ('96) H Scot! ('91) a nd Krist.ne J.B. (,92) Ki m berly Mooneyha m


Jerry Moore arld Barbara Calhoun-Moore ('69) Marilyn Moore ('6 1 ) Serena Marie Moore ('62) Robert and Shi rley Morasch Rodney and Maria ('82) Mord Q David Morehouse ('78) Q Sharon Morey ('63) Harry and Vivian Morgan L J . P. Morgan & Company Incorporated L William and Gudrun Morgan Morgan Guaranty Trust Co Of NY M Masahiro Mori ('93) Harris and Laraine ('7 1 ) Moriguchi Q Robert and June Morin Q Steph en ('94) and Janelle ('91) Morissette Cletus Morken (,20) LQ Donald ('60) and Wanda Morken LHQ Eliot Morken (,29) Q Lynn Morley (' 74) Jame s Morrell ('91) Q DanIel and Doreen ('90) Morris Q Donald Morris ('56)

la(k arId Leone Morris ueline Morris (,59)


Matthew and Tamara Jo Morris


Mildred Morris L Peter

('78) and Alana ('79) M orris Q Warren ('84) a nd Nancy ('85) Morrow Q

Erin Mortensen ('97) Richard ('67) and Linda Mortensen Robert and Gladys Mortvedt Estate L Kenneth and Carol ('77) M o se r Wayne and Violet Moseson Wayne Moseson Lisa Moseson-Carufel Lanning Mosher ('93) Q Moss Adams Foundation Moss Adams LLP Motorola Foundation M Donald and Beret ('90) Mott LHQ Frederick and Barbara (,82) Motteler Q Howard Motteler ('74) Dal� and Kristin ('74) Moultme Mount Cross Lutheran Church, Tacoma, WA Q Mountain View Funeral Home and Memorial Park LQ Mountain View lutheran Church, Edgewood, WA LQ David (,84) and Jodi Moyl�n Q Joan Scheele Mueller Q Richard and Kathleen Mueller LQ Robert and Jo a n ne Mueller LQ Ru�!!" Jnd Nancy Mueller H St nley and Julia ('74) Mueller Fred O . a nd Esther Muenscher L Howard and Marie ('69) M u i r Mark ('93) and Amy Mulder Rober Olod Kar n Mulder Q Sorlta

Mulholland ('55)

Gordon a nd Karalee ('69) Mulkey Paris Mlillen ('98) Q

Pllter and Elizabeth Pruuen<e Muller

M uller

('87) and Shelly (,86) M u l l i n linda Munson Kevlo



M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust L Lyndon K. Murk ('70) H Rik Muroya Q Brian and Amy (,94) Murphy Frank Murphy Trust L Michael and �aura ('00) Murphy Helen Murray Estate L Kenneth ('75) a nd Kell e y M u rray Q Mackenzie Murray L Mr. Edward ('70) and Mrs. Edward Murray Mu rray Foundation L Betty C. Museus ('59) H Amy Mustain ('96) Q Gerald and Martha Myers Q James Myers ('72) Lenore G . Myers LH Lola Myers Shawn ('00) and Melissa Myers Ruth Myers-Melching ('59) H Ruth Myers-Melching ('59) i n memory of Pastor Joseph Myers ('68) L Muryl Myhre L Richard ('58) and Marlene ('56) Myking Q Gunnulf Myrbo Magne ('93) and Kristine ('95) Myrmo Q

A. George and Kathleen ('65) Nace Gary and M ary ('90) Nadeau Q William ( , 60) and Elfie Ann Nadell Daryl D. and Joan C. Nagel I Janelle Nagel ('00) Q Pamela Nagel ('70) Q Miri Najdzin (, 97) Q Joseph and Janice ('87) Nakahara Nal ley's Fine Foods LI R. Clinton and Diane Names Q Scott and Evelyn Names LQ Thomas and Meg Names Robert and Penni Nance Dana Nasby ('90) David and Ruth Ann Nasby Therese Nation ('00) National Bank of Alaska I Nativity Lutheran Church Bend , , OR Michael ('79) and Jeani Natwick Q Eric Nau ('99) June Nau-Harrington ('90) Q N C Machinery Company I NCR Foundation LM R. Ann Nedrow ('73) Barbara and Martin Neeb LQ Larry Neeb LHQ Paul ('69) and Doreen ('69) Negstad Jerry ('63) and Barbara Nehring Edward and Betty Jo Neils H Michael ('7 1 ) and Cheryl ('71) Neils Q Scott and Prisci lla Neils L S h i rley Neils L Michael and Jennifer ('68) Neiswender Thomas Neitzel Audrey Nelson ('67) Q Bruce and Ellen ('50) Nelson C. Lennard ('54) and Suzanne ('55) Nelson LQ Charles and Lois Nelson LQ Daniel ('76) and Debra ('76) Nelson David and Beverly ('64) Nelson David Nelson ('83) David ('73) and Michele ('74) Nelson Denny ('60) and Judith ( ' 6 1 ) Nelson Q Douglas ('90) and Maria Nelson Q Drew ('81) and Marilyn Nelson L Ed and Judith Nelson Q Eric Nelson ('82) Q G.J. Nelson George and Alma Nelson L Glen ('69) and Mary Nelson Q Grayce Nelson Harley Nelson ('72) Q Harold and Sylvia Nelson Estate L Jennifer Nelson ('93) Julie Nelson ('92) Kirk ('78) and Patricia Nelson Q Lloyd (,42) and Mildred Nelson Mark Nelson ('76) Q Michael ('85) and 8ritt (,84) Nelson Michael ('85) and Janet Nelson Q Norita Nelson (' 59) Norman Nelson ('60) Q Paul ('7 1 ) and Darlene ('70) Nelson Q Peter ('82) and Gloria Nelson Robert and Colleen Nelson , Jr. H Robert Nelson ('55) Q Russell D. Nelson Trust L Thomas Allen Nelson ('58) Q

Todd Nelson ('88) Q Vern and Virginia Nelson Kathleen Neptun ('82) Mae Nerison Lars Nerland Estate L Borghild Neset ('57) Arne ('72) and Rhonda ('73) Ness LQ Glenn ('71) and Sue Ness Kaare and Sigrunn Ness Q Kim ('83) and Krystn ('84) Nesselquist Q Burton and Jean Nesset LH Thelma Nesset L David ('57) and Jane Nesvig Q Hazel Nesvig('35) HQ Jonathan ('67) and Morrene Head Nesvig Mark ('7 1 ) and Jeanine Nesvig Milt ('35) and Hazel ('35) Nesvig L Philip ('70) and Natalie ('79) Nesvig Q Bruce Neswick ('78) John and Esther Neu L Joanna Robinson Neu berger ('83) and Ti m A. R. Neuberger Richard and Mary Neuder Steven Neuder ('84) and Elizabeth Foster Carol Neufeld ('55) HQ Harvey ('54) and Carol ('55) Neufeld L William Neuman Estate L Glenn ('74) and Patricia Neumann Jeffrey ('89) and Anila ('91) Neumeister Q Nevada Power Company M Marvin and Carol ('63) Neveu Karina Newell (, 92) Q Richard ('67) and Margie Newell LQ Verne Newhouse ('53) Q Vivian Newport ('99) The News Tribune L David and Eileen ('80) Newton Robert ('44) and Anne ( ,46) Newton Q Thelma Newton L Hoang Nguyen ('00) Dorothy Nichols Gordon and Robin ('85) Nichols W. Robert Nichols L Gary and Laura (,93) Nicholson Q Sarah Nicholson ('0 1 ) Q William ('69) and Carland Nicholson John Nicklin Gorham and Robin Nicol John ('48) and Lorra ine Nicolai Michael and Martha Niebauer Wendy Niebauer (,0 1 ) Q Ann Marie Nielsen ('57) Q Deryl and Patricia Nielsen Donald and Carol Nielsen Jack and Roseanna ('55) Nielsen Walter and Kathryn Nielsen Gus Nieman Estate L Robert ('50) and Patricia Nieman L Stella Nieman ('57) Dale Nienow ('79) and Rebecca Brown-Nienow Herbert ('47) and Patti ('48) Nienstedt LQ David ('69) and Doris Nierman Q Douglas ('95) and Marit ('95) Nierman Q Jim and Joni ('03) N iesz Q Gary Nikkari ('64) Pauline Nikolaisen Bengt and Ann Nilsson Sue Nilsson Estate L A. Ross and Leslie ('77) Nisbet Virginia Nisker Nissho Iwai American Corp I Jean Nistad ('53) H Robert ('53) and Jean ('53) Nistad L William and Jayme Nitz HQ Ronald ('74) and Leslie Noborikawa Q Richard Nodtvedt ('57) Q Dr. James Nokleberg ('53) LH James ('53) and Margaret Nokleberg Q John and Betty ('89) Noll David Noller ('71) Ronald and Mary Noonan Jeff and Terry Norberg Norma Norby ('48) Q Rodney ('61) and Marie Nordberg Dr. and M rs. E.J. Nordby Robert ('57) and Evelyn ('53) Nordeen Q Eric Nordholm Q Dale ('76) and Karen ('77) Nordin Gary ('72) and Treena Nordmark Hans and Kathleen ('64) Nordmark E . Wall ace and Jeanette Nordness Paul Nordquist ('92) Philip ('56) and Helen ('57) Nordquist LHQ Duane ('50) and Gloria Nordstrom Nordstrom L Robert ('72) and Joan Nordstrom Q Michael and Sandra (,91) Noreen

Phyllis Noren Gwen Norlander ('89) Brian Norman ('99) Sherman and Gloria Nornes LQ Martin ('42) and Jo Ann North Q Richard and Kathleen ('86) North Richard North Northern States Power Company M Northern Trust Company M Curtis and Marion ('64) Northrop Roger Northway-Meyer ('70) Northwest Airlines, Inc. L Northwest Area Foundat ion L Northwest Washington Synod , ELCA, Seattle , WA L Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance M James and Sheila Norton Norwegian Information Service L Donald ('50) and Naomi ('53) Nothstein LHQ David ('97) and Jane Nova Dale ('81) and Lenora Novak Melvin ('59) and Colleen Novotney Q George ('52) and Phyllis ('52) Nowadnick LQ Gary and Marilyn Noyer Q Leona Nugen ('94) Dennis ('7 1) and Margaret ('7 1 ) Nugent Douglas ('83) and Karen Nugent Bruce ('61) and Ann Nunes Q Rosemary Nunn ('68) Gery Nun nelee ('70) Georgetta Nupen H Orville Nupen James ('61) and Carolee ('61) Nyborg Dale ('68) and Ruth Nybro Eric and Peggy ('76) Nye Stanford ('65) and Annette ( , 62) Nygard Lloyd ('45) and Margaret Nyhus HQ Richard and Linda Nyland Q Betty Nylander ('68) Q David Nyman ('73)

Oak Harbor Lutheran Church Oak , Harbor WA Q , Duwayne ('52) and Elva Oakes John ('68) and Shirley ('69) Oakley LHQ Douglas and Deborah Oakman Q Robin Ober ('00) James and Dorothy O'Brien Michael ('57) a�d Beverly ('59) O'Brien Q Allen and Linda Ochsner John ('53) and Jeris ('60) Ockfen Q Tasha Ockfen ('00) Kevin O'Connell ('74) Q Grace O'Connor Richard O'Connor Rob and Ina O'Connor Ellis and Patricia Odberg LHQ Eric (, 92) and Malia Odberg Q Dick and Carmen ('61) Ode Q Richard and Carmen ('61 ) Ode Patrick H. O'Dell and Jean C. Tindall-O'Dell ('89) Lawrence and Joyce O'Donnell Frederick and Elizabeth ('76) Odsen Q James and Judith Olelt Lisa Olenloch ('92) Q Office Depot Inc. M , Dona Offner Q Donald ('54) and Kathleen (, 54) Ogard Q Erik ('88) and Diane ('88) Ogard Q Kathleen O'Hanlon Sharon O'Hara Emma Elizabeth Oh lson Q James Ojala ('69) Q Ray and Erma Ojennus Barbara Okeson ('87) Q Leif ('75) and Pichin Oksenvaag Q Robert ('56) and Carolyn Olafson Zenon Olbertz ('71 ) and Molly Stuen ('72) Q Mildred Olden ('56) Q Alice Olin Heath and Shelby ('96) Oli nger J. Troy and Heidi ('90) Ol ivadoti Howard and Delora ('54) Olivers Andrew and Gayle ('74) Olsen Bruce ('83) and Pamela ('83) Olsen Q David and Gladys ('57) Olsen Q Eric ('80) and Carol Olsen James ('63) and Barbara Olsen Jerrold Olsen ('88) Karl ('47) and Lois ('46) Olsen Q Leslie and Carol Olsen Stanley and Sally Olsen H Wayne Olsen ('57) Alan Olson ('80)


Arden Olson ('74) Q Brian C. Olson ('83) LHQ Cliff and Ella Olson L David and Arvis Olson LQ Don Olson Dona Olson L E. Goodwin ('4 1 ) and Dorothy ('89) Olson Fra nklin and Karen ('90) Olson George and Gerene Olson

H. Garvik ('27) and Betty Olson Q Helen-Joanne Olson ('53) Janice Olson ('90) John Olson ('71 ) J o n ('62) and Carol ('63) Olson LHQ Kenneth (, 6 1 ) and Roselyn ('58) Olson Kevin Olson and Karen Bates­ Olson ('80) Q Knut Olson ('90) and Kimberly Morter Olson ('88) LHQ Kyle and Kathrine ('73) Olson Larry and Susan ('68) Olson Linda Nelson Olson Ph. D. R.N. LQ Mark ('84) and Mary ('82) Olson Q Martin and Gloria Olson Michael Olson (,92) Q Mildred A . Olson ( ' 5 1 ) L Paul and Elizabeth J i l l Olson Q Paul and Lynn ('77) Olson Randall ('84) and Barbara Olson Randy Olson ('83) Q Richard and Patricia Olson Robert ('59) and Carol Olson Q Rodney and Eleanor ('39) Olson Roger ('58) and Joyce ('58) Olson Thomas Olson and Sandra KrauseOlson ('89) Olson/Sundberg Arch itects Inc. I , Olympia Brewing Company L OlympiC Homecare Products Company L Olympic Resou rce Management I Gordon ('70) and Marsha ('70) Omdal Leonard and Margaret Omdal L Margaret Omdal Q Richard and J u lianne Omland Brian A. O'Morrow ('86) and Kristen L. De Boer ('87) Raymond and Marsha Onaga 1 1 5th Seabee Battalion Thomas and Sara O'Nei l l Georgia Oppen Q Oregon Synod , ELCA, Portland , OR L Orion Laboratories L Ashley Orr ('00) Q John and Mary Orr Norman and Maizie Orth H Kathy Ortiz Richard ('73) and Cathleen Osborne Roger ('74) and Beverly Osborne Roger and Janet (' 58) Ose H Frederic and Mary Oshiro Virginia Osman (,42) Peter ('90) and Wendy Ostenson Q Richard ('71) and Lynn ('71) Ostenson LQ William ('61) and Patricia Ostenson LQ John ('50) and Betty (,48) Ostrander Geir Ostrem ('92) and Katrin Maseidvag Doug and Tracie ('99) Ott Marcia Ott ('87) Douglas ('67) and Kim (,68) Otten Q Carol Otterson ('88) Sally Otterson ('83) Gail and Janis ('77) Otto Q Lisa Ottoson ('87) Q

PLU PhY5ics Profe550r ond

W. M. Keck Observatory

project coordinator, Steve Starkovich.

W. M. Keck Observatory


ore direct s tudy of the earth and the sky by PLU studen ts bas been the n:sult fro m a $ 5 0 0, 0 0 0 grant from The \XI. M . Keck Foundatio n-to the u n iversi ty and thro ugh the Di­ vision o f Natu ral Seienc s . Swdcm research opportll ni ties are greatly <::nhaneed through state-of-the-art tools and facilities. Tbe recently opened W. M. Keck Fo u ndation Observatory is one of the tools that have opened these new oppormnit ies to PLU students. The ob­

servatory features a16-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain reflecting telescope (one o f tbe largest i n the region), a 1 7-foot retractable dome, a large-format digital camera for research activities, and five 8-inch tele­ scopes on permanent piers for cd lI cational use. Astrometric posi tion obsC'rvations of known aster­ oids, as well as till' search fo r new o nes, will be the pri ncipal research at t h e obsnvatory. Es tab lished in 1 9 5 4 by \XI. M. Keck, the fo un da­ tion makes grams designed to provide far-reac hing benefits for humanity i n the fields of science, engi­ neering and medical research. The fo undation also wisbes to ens u re that today's yo uth receive a high quali ty, well-rounded education. To that end, ir sup­ pons programs d esigned to promote innovarive i nstruction and research ar leading liberal arts col­ leges across the narion.

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donor roll

Wilbur a n d Inabelle J une ('63) Otwell Rick ('76) and Sally O u h l Q Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Hood River, OR Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Everett, WA L Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Prineville, OR Q Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Salem, OR Q Our Saviour'S Lutheran C h u rch, Aberdeen, WA Q Our Saviour's Lutheran Church, Bremerton, WA LQ Catherine Overland ('94) Q Merlyn ('63) and Joan ('63) Overland Q Paul Overvold ('73) and Norene Smith ('76) Q Ervi n Owen ('38) Q H e l m i Owens Q David and Carol (,77) Owren Leonard (' 68) and Anne ('74) Ozmun Q Arthur and Aija Ozolin Q

Pacific Coca-Cola Bottling Company L Pacific First Bank L Pacific Metal Company I Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company M Pacific Northwest Synod, Lutheran Church in America, Seattle, WA L Sue Padden James Paddleford ('82) Q La Verne and Lloyd(Dick) Paff LH Douglas and Kristin Page HQ John and Anna Page LH William Page ('7 1 ) Terence and Gretchen ('82) Palmer Barbara Palombi ('74) Anthony and Julie ('SO) Panagiotu Mary Pandrea ('85) Christopher Pankey ('76) Q Gene and Ma rgaret Pankey Rosellen Paolino Janette Parent ('00) Segeun Park (,00) Lance ('90) and Leona ('87) Parker


" <z � Z ... III � ... .. >

Z ;) Z '" DC :l; ... ;) v

... v " ...

Parker, Smith & Feek , Inc. I Robert and Myrtle Parker H George Parkerson ('82) 0 Parkland Collision Center 0 Parkland-Spanaway Rotary C l u b 0 Thomas and Mary Ann Parks Susan Parr ('63) LH Junior Parris and Vonda BroomParris ('81) W i l l iam C. Parrish L Betty Parrott ('38) HO Keith ('66) and Wanda Parrott George Parsons ('76) Paul Pastor and Ann Nicholson Allan and Donna Patchett 0 Kenneth Pate (,52) LO Daniel ('99) and Kimberly ('99) Paterno Daniel and Karen (,92) Patjens 0 Mr. and Mrs. Dean Patterson Joseph ('98) and All ison ('99) Patterson 0 Ronald and Jeanne Patterson 0 Jim and Marcie ('81) Paul Laura Pauli ('00) Clement and Stephanie H Paulson Eric and Elna Paulson LO Gerald ( '57) and Carol Paulson 0 Robert ('65) and Marjorie (,66) Paulson Thomas Payne ('87) and Alexia Eide-Payne ('S7) LO Peace Lutheran Church , Colfax, WA O Peace Lutheran Church, Edgewood, WA 0 Peace Lutheran Church, Salem , OR


Peace Lutheran Church, Silvana, WA LO Arthur and Lianne (,63) Pearson David ('67) and Nancy Pearson 0 Eugene and Barbara Pearson LO Marvin and Deloris ('42) Pease HO Meredith Pease ('99) G i nger Peck Robert a n d Susan ('74) Peck Einar and Emma May Pedersen Q Emilie Pedersen ('4 1 ) H Georg and N i na Pedersen Lau ra Pedersen 0 O. M. and Emilie ('41) Pedersen L Robert ('70) and Janice Pedersen


Svend ('70) and Cathy Jo ('70) Pedersen 0 Arne ('4 1 ) and G l oria ('42)

Pederson LHQ Diana Pederson ('86) LH John ('68) and Cathy ('69) Pederson LHQ Leslie ('64) and Cheryl ('65) Pederson Q Nancy Pedot ('73) and John Chiatello Q Scott ('72) and Nancy ('73) Peebles Q Edward and Karen Peele Gene ('58) and Carol Peisker HQ Helen Pelis ('76) Rena V. Pellegrini Estate (,29) L PEMCO Financial Center MI Ethel Yoakum Pender and Family L Ethel Yoakum Pender Q Pen ford Corporation I Peninsula Lutheran Church, Gig Harbor, WA LQ Douglas (,92) and Christine Pennington Marvin J. Pennington H Margaret Peper Q Pepsi-Cola Company I Marvin ('79) and Kathaleen Perala Mary Percell ('00) Q Jack and Kathryn ('70) Perciful Q And rew and Melissa ('9 1 ) Perdue Caroline Perdue H Sherryl Perdue Ted and J. Del Rene ('79) Perkins Blayne Perleth ('6 1 ) Q Perrier Group of America Albert Perry L Dale ('78) and Betty Perry Q Dave Perry and Deborah NoblePerry ('78) Eugene ('54) and Shirley Perry H Glenn and Janice Perry Jeffrey ('93) and Elizabeth Perry Jessica Perry ('92) John ('9 1 ) and Betsy Jo ('90) Perry Q Judith Perry ('63) Q Leslie Perry L Peter and Lois ('62) Perry Q Douglas ('75) a n d Susan ('74) Pershall Wendell and Marilu ('60) Person Q Gordon and Janelle ('57) Personius Stanley ('75) and Ruth Pesis Lester and Evelyn Peter LH Alfred Peters 0 Clark and Aurora Peters 0 David and Deborah Anderson ('73) Peters Dennis (,88) and Chandra ('88) Peters Scott Peters ('94) 0 Petersburg Lutheran Church , Petersburg, AK 0 David and Karen Petersen Donald ( ' 7 1 ) and Colleen Petersen Harry ('50) and Jerrilee Petersen John and Marilouise Petersen 0 Jon and Dorothy Petersen 0 Mary Petersen H Mrs. Einer Petersen L Arthur and Carol Peterson LO Barbara A. Peterson, (M rs. Warren) LO Clayton and Leona Peterson L Dale Peterson (,67) 0 David Peterson ('74) David ('58) and Lorraine ('58) Peterson Dean and Cynthia Peterson Dwayne and Eleanor Peterson H Edwin and Edwin Peterson 0 Eleanor Peterson H Gail and Rhonda Peterson Gerald Peterson ('55) Harold ('43) and Bernice ('43) Peterson 0 Helen Peterson ('47) Holly Peterson ('01) James Peterson and Gerry Hagedorn ('66) LHO J i l l Lange Peterson ('68) Joel Peterson ('80) a nd Lea Mathieu John and Marti Peterson Jonathon and Ruth ('73) Peterson Laurence ('66) and Darlene Peterson Lawrence ('50) and Beth ('50) Peterson 0 Leo and Mary Peterson Leona Peterson 0 Lillian Peterson LHO Lorraine Peterson Lynda Peterson ('63) Mark ('77) and Elaine ('78) Peterson Norris Peterson ('75) and Mary Waag Peterson ('75) o . Elmer ('49) and Myrtle ('48) Peterson Peter ('86) and Danelle ('86) Peterson Randall ('66) and Carla Peterson Richard and Shi rley Peterson Robert and Robyn (,92) Peterson Rolf and Ann Peterson

Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace Peterson H William (' 6 5 ) and Mary Peterson Q Willis ('63) and Gail ('62) Peterson Ray Petry Estate L Tonje Pettersen ('00) Kathleen Pettit H Kristina Pfeil ('88) Q Marianne Pfeil Pfizer, Inc. M Merle Pflueger LH Paul ('47) and Viola Pflueger L Raymond Pflueger James and Rebecca ('73) Pharris Angela Phay ('97) John and Joan Phili pkosky Barbara P h i l l i ps H Carol Phillips ('57) Q Dean ('81) and Susan ('81) Phi l l i ps James Phillips ('59) Jennifer Phill ips ('91) Q Karen H i l le Phillips ('55) LHQ Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church, Seattle, WA L Phoenix Home Life Mutual Insu rance M Anna Pickett Gregory Pickett ('00) Dean and Linda Pierce Rita Pierce Gary and Patti Pierson Q Ronald and Inez Pierson Erik B i l l and Louise (' 50) Pihl LHQ Martin and Darlene Pihl LQ Walter and Jeanette Pilgrim LQ Ralph and Marjorie Pine B. Dan and Joanna Pi nick Patricia Pinkstaff ('43) Q Dean ('86) and Carey ('86) Pinto Katherine Piper ('75) Margaret Pischl J u l ie Piscitella ('00) Roger and Leslie Piseitel l a Kim Pisha ('95) Guy and Susan ('80) Pittman Q Stanley and Patricia Pitts Q Arved (,8 1 ) and Marilee Plaks Robert and J u l ie ('92) Platt Q K. C. and Wendy Platzer W i l l iam and M. Jonelle Pleasance Ken Plewa and Lynne Boeger ('82) Gary Plews ('64) Martha Plonk Mike Plows ('82) Q PLU Women's Club LQ Lorraine Plum Helen M. Pohlig ('75) L Bernice Polchow H Mark and Laura ('75) Polcyn LHO Howard and Nancy ('60) Polen 0 Paul and Sona Pol i l l o H Lazarus ( ' 5 1 ) and Martha Politakis


Wiljo and Anna ('66) Pollari Beverly Pollock ('77) Robert and Inez Pollock Ju lia Pomerenk ('83) 0 David and Laureen Pomeroy Edward and Verna Pommerenke Nora Ponder L , Clifford and Marilyn ( 82) Ponnikas 0 Martin and Joyce ('74) Poole Ralph and Nancy Poole Edward ('76) and Elizabeth YeeLee ('76) Poon William Pope ('75) 0 R. S. Poplin Douglas and Nikki Poppen Jerry Poppen ('64) 0 Chris Porter ('95) 0 Dan and Nanci Porter Paul Porter and Mary DrutisPorter Portsmouth Trinity Lutheran Church , Portland, OR 0 Melanie Poss ('77) Potlatch Foundation II M Gregory ('70) and Susan Potter 0 John and Maradee ('73) Potter 0 Nei l ('49) and Anita ('46) Potthoff Bruce and Deborah ('78) Poulin David and Mary Powel l Gary Powell ('76) HO Monte and Diane ('86) Powell Orbrey and Marie Powell Ronald ('72) and Shirley Powell Todd ('00) and Shawna Powell David and Louise Powelson Barbara Powers ('76) Gregory and Heidi ('78) Pramuk Kelly Pranghofer ('97) and Kasie Scales Pranghofer ( , 97) Betty Prasch Anthony ( , 0 1 ) and Sonya ('00) Prata 0 John and Janet ('70) Praxel Carl and Dallas Anne ('64) Presley Presser Foundation L Peter Prest ('95) Eilert and Virginia Prestegaard Erik Prestegaard ('76) Eileen Preston Glenn ('76) and Janna ('75) Preston 0 Jason Preuit ('00) Paul Preus ('33) 0 Arthur and Helen Price 0

Brent and Joan Price Brian ('55) and Jane Price HQ Jack and Patricia Price Marshall Price Matthew Price ('01) Richard and Deanna (,82) Price Price Waterhouse Foundation M Janet Prichard H Paul and Carolyn Prichard John and Maryellen Priedeman Stanford Prince Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Everett, WA Q Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Seattle, WA L Pri nce of Peace Lutheran Ch urch, Spokane, WA Q The Principal Financial Group Foundation , Inc. I Thomas E. Prior and Linda Hammargren Prior ('73) William ('77) and Patrice ('78) Pritchard Q Jeffrey ('63) and Marga ret ('65) Probstfield LQ Virginia Prochnow ('57) LQ Scott and Katherine ('85) Proctor Proctor & Gamble Fund M Edward and Barbara ('78) Przasnyski Public Service Electric and Gas Company M Gregory ('88) and Mary ('89) Pubols William ('89) and Laurie Pubols Puget Sound Bank L Puget Sound Energy LM Philip and Ingrid ('73) Pugh Sylvia Morken ('62) and Melville Pugh HQ Raymond ('78) and Theresa Pulsifer Q Thomas Pumphrey Elmer and Eleanor Punohu Gary and Sue Purdy Karen Pursel Stanley and Cecilia Purvis Q Janet Putnam ('73) Lois Putnam James ('72) and Linda ('72) Puttler Ann Pyfer ('41) Stephen and Kim ('8 1 ) Pyle

Helen Ouale ('3 1 ) 0 David Oualheim ('72) Ouality Food Centers, Inc. Sieu and Muoi Quan John Ouarles H Janice Ouello HO Carol Ann Ouigg ('58) LO Timothy ('67) and Letitia ('67) Ouigley 0 Richard ('70) and Susan ('70) Ouinn L

The Rabel Family Advised Fund I G i nnette Rabon ('94) Kenneth and Susan Radek Janet N. Radford H Richard and Cynthia ('69) Radford David ('65) and Lynne ('65) Radke John and Kate Radzym inski Kirsten Rae (,92) Eric and Jil ('89) Rael Carroll Raether Gerald and Cher Rafftery 0 Ragen MacKenzie I ncorporated. Frank and Rebecca ('85) Rai nsberger Richard and Karen ('62) Raisler 0 LaUrie Raisys Raleigh, Schwarz, & Powell, Inc. LI Antonio and J u d ith Ramaglia 0 John and Martha Rami rez Jose and Delia Rami rez Edward Ramsdale Estate L Heidi Ramseth ('9S) Mark and Carol Ramseth Q Lynda Ramsey ('78) Shi rley Ramsey ('80) Effie Ramstad Estate L Marvin ('38) and Della Mae Ramstad William ('49) and Betty Ramstad LHO Judy Ramstead ('62) 0 Alvin and Mary Randa l l 0 Kenneth Randall and Kathleen Carlson Patricia Randall ('74) Ernest ( ' 5 1 ) and Charlotte ('50) Randolph Scott ('84) and Elizabeth Ransom William ('69) and Lois Ranta 0 Michael and J u d ith Rash H Edward and Cathryn Rasmuson L

Elmer and Mary Louise Rasmuson L Fraser ('66) and Lynn ('68) Rasmussen Q Margaret L. Rasmussen L Irvin and Mildred Rauch Gordon Ray and Deanna ('67) Standiford Marsha Ray ('69) William and Diana Ray H Lawrence and Mary Raynes Raytheon Company M William R. and Doris T. Rea LHQ William and Elvira ('55) Reardon Q John ('56) and Betty Ann Reay HQ Ronald and Barbara (,82) Rebish Stephen ('68) and Karen Ann ('69) Recher Recreational Equi pment, Inc. I Red Wing Shoe Store Q Torleif ('6 1 ) and Valborg Redal Redeemer Lutheran Church, Tacoma , WA Joye Redfield ('SO) Bonnie Rediske ('5 1 ) Joanne Reece ('68) Bernice Reed James and Joan Reed Paul and Rachel ('78) Reeder Loyd and Vivian Reels L Anne Reep L David (,82) and Vonnie Reep Q Roger ( ' 6 1 ) and Lea Rae Reep Q Gail Rees ('78) Donald Reese ('53) and Keva Monson HQ Russel and Doris Reese Cody ('77) and Elizabeth Reeves John and P. Gayle ('76) Reeves M i ke and Debra Sue ('76) Regele Martin and Janet ('85) Regge Q Kurt and Deborah ('00) Rehberg Reichhold Foundation L Scott and Andrea ('90) Reid Kenneth ('82) and Vera Reidy Q Katharine Reigstad ('76) and David Davidson Q Paul and Marjorie Reigstad Q Catherine Reilly ('75) Q Terry and Ruthann ('84) Reim Donald ('52) and Janet ('55) Reiman L

Jane Reiman ('55) HQ Mark ('79) and lori Reiman Q flaul ('50) and Theresa Reiman Simon Reinbold l Eugene ('89) and Michelle RE!indel

Q Tracy ('77) and Barbara ('75) Reiner L Darrell and Sara Reinke Gary and Christy ('79) Reinking Leon and Donna ('78) Reisberg 0 Nina Reiten (,82) Armin ('44) and Miriam Reitz Otto ('52) and Laverne Reitz Robert ('44) and Doris Reitz 0 ReliaStar Financial Corporation I Marlene Reller ('56) Robert and Jeanette Remole Joseph and Sandra ('67) Renati Tom and Diana ('S 1 ) Renn Lowell and Virginia Renz Daemon ('97) and Kristin ('97) Repp Research Corporation L Becky Rettkowski 0 G. Ronald ('53) and Carol Reule James and Diane ('86) Reus Thomas and Teita Reveley John and Evelyn Reynolds The J. B . Reynolds Foundation I C. Robert ('9 1 ) and Kristi ( ' 9 1 ) Rice Carrie Rice ('98) David ('68) and Joan Rice 0 Lucian and Charlotte Rice L David ('85) and Margu�rite Rich Avery Kerr and Jennifer Richards ('00) Daniel and Kelly ('92) Richards Laura Marie Richards ('41) 0 A. Cullen ('72) and Debbie Richardson 0 Geoffrey and Christina ('90) Richardson John and Sharon ('62) Richardson Robert Richardson Tanya Anne Richardson ('94) Jack and Carol Riches Theodore and Linda ('68) Ricketts Ceeil and Meri ('82) Rider James ('72) and Lynne ('72) Ridgeway Cheryl Riebe Kipp Riebe Riedel & Company, Inc M Brian Riehs (,0 1 ) Elwood ('56) and LaVon Rieke HO Emma Rieke L Robert and Gladys Rieke LO William ('53) and Joanne ('54) Rieke LHO David ('66) and Cheryl ('71) Ries 0 Michael and Stacy ('88) Riffle Charles and Margaret Rig hetti Lawrence and Marguerite Riiff Kenneth ('59) and Audrey ('62)

Riis Q Bruce ('76) and Peggie Riley William and Ann Riley Evangeline Rimbach ('52) Kerstin E. Ringdahl (,82) HQ J u l ie Ringnalda ('87) James Rink ('85) William and Deanna (,92) Rink David and Cheryl Rinn Steven ('85) and Kristine ('86) Rinn Jeff Rippey ('78) LQ Kathryn Ri ppey L Stanley and Eleanor ('41) Rippon Q Patti Lee Risdal ('76) Q Robert ('67) and Carol Rism il ler Robert John Ristow ('89) Erik ('86) and Susan ('86) Ristuben HQ David and Betty ('69) Ritchie Q Gerald ( ' 6 1 ) and Maureen ( ' 6 1 ) Ritter Q Michelle Ritter ('96) Q Arthur and Patricia Ritthaler J o n a n d Karen Rivenburg H Armand Riveness LQ M. Delane ('60) and Beverly Riveness Felipe Rivera Po-Chuan ('68) and Chiu Yu Ro Helen Roalkvam ( ' 5 1 ) William ('64) and Marilyn ('65) Robb David and Karen ('73) Robbins Q Deborah Robbins ('77) Edward and Judy ('70) Robbins B i l l and Allison Roberts Q Robert ('7 1 ) and Ann Roberts Q Rumohr Roberts ('48) Scott Roberts ('89) Wesley and Christine Roberts Gary and Debra ('77) Robertson Matthew Robertson and Maren Nelson (,8 1 ) Kenneth ('57) and Sandra ('56) Robinson Q Robert and Marie Robinson Robert and Virginia Robinson Randal l ('78) and Marjie (,81) Rochester Vern (,52) and Jean Rockstad Mercedes Rockstad-Lickfelt Karen Rod ('97) Monte and Rose Roden 0 Barbara Roder James Rodgers ('70) Curtis ('83) and Carol ('86) Rodin



Rodin ('86) Elva Rodley Richard and Elaine Rodning HO Lawrence and Lillian Rody Edward and Cha rlotte Roe Kelmer Roe 0 Ronald and Ingrid ('64) Roed Paul and Nancy ('66) Roesch Douglas Rogelstad ('83) Wallace ('55) and Marion ('55) Rogelstad William and Janet Rogers H Wilma Rogers ('74) Barry and Carole Ann Rogge HO Phyllis Rogness (,62) Gary ('77) and Suzanne Rohde Rajnish Rohila (,92) Osca r & Doris Rola nder LH Dennis (,52) and Mary Roley 0 Mars Rolfson L G i l bert and Georgine ('86) Roller HO Shannon Rollo ('00) Troy and Susan Rolph Roman Meal Company L Romo Coestruction General Contractor Daniel (,94) and Karin ('95) Roney Chad ('99) and Sarah ('98) Roraback 0 J. Brendan ('89) and Kelly ('89) Rorem 0 Linda Rosales ('78) D r. and Mrs. Gerald Rosdahl Daniel ('56) and Marilyn Rose Q Donald ('93) and Laurie ('95) Rose Rena Rose Sterling and Marjorie Rose L Sterling Rose H William and Carol Lee ('73) Rose Leland ('56) and Greta ('57) Roseberg 0 Jerry and B i l lye Roseliep 0 John Rosenberg and Nancy Faaren ('76) 0 Elma Rosenberger Sandy Rosenbladt Jeffrey Rosendahl ( , 0 1 ) Moshe Rosenfeld a n d Susan Kaetz


Steven ('88) and Lori Roser John Rosi ('90) Armin (' 50) and Carolyn ('57) Rosin Q Edward (' 50) and Marga ret ( ' 5 1 ) Rosin 0 Kristin Ross ('00) Lawrence ('58) and Marit Ross 0 Robert ('54) and Suzie ('54) Ross 0



Marion Roth Emil and Arlene Rothenberger Gary and Laura ('77) Rothenberger Q Bonnie Rothert ('93) Jerald and Jude lle Rothi Q Paul ('83) and JoAnn (,9 1 ) Rothi Q Danny Rotter-Thomassen George Roundy William Rountree ('8 1 ) Richard ('69) a n d Susan ('7 1 ) Rouse H Q Ann Rowberg H Donald ('75) and Debra ('76) Rowberg Q Cl ifford and Jille Rowe Q Shawna Rowe ('96) Thomas Rowe ('89) James ('75) and Sandra Rowland HQ Robert and Mary Rowland Clayton E. and Joan G. Royce L Joan G. Royce HQ Lois Ruck ('63) Harold Ruddick H William Rudolph ('74) Melville and Dorothy Rue H Phi l i p ('68) and Mary Rue Q Stephen ('97) and Kristin ('97) Rue Douglas and Lisa Ruecker H Junet Runbeck ('35) Q Dolan and Barbara ('6 1 ) Rundquist Marilyn Running Richard Running ('65) Robert Running ('65) Jack Ruscoe John and Candice ('9 1 ) Rushton Alan and Pamela ('72) Russell LHQ George and Jane Russell LQ James and Gerrie Russell L Mary Baker Russell L Richard and Diane ('7 1 ) Russell Shannon and Robyn Russell B"an Ruud ('90) and Caryn Cammock Ruud ('90) Q Janet Ruud ('70) Q Kenneth ('62) and Barbara ('65) Ruud Marian Ruud Robert ('69) and Margaret ('72) Ruud Kenneth ('87) and Rebecca ('86) Ryals Q Michael and Ann ('88) Ryan Glenn ('75) and F rances ('78) Ryder M. Sterling and Inga Rygg LH Matthew Rygg ('00) David ('84) and Maureen Ryniec

S.A.C.E. M . Jonathon Sa ad ('96) and Katie Wasenmil ler Saad ('98) Q William ('50) and Dorothy Saas Amy Saathoff ('95) Q Evelyn Saathoff ('65) Robert ('92) and Kristin ('90) Saathoff Q Thomas ('86) and Julie Saathoff Q Marjorie Sackett ('00) M r. Elmer ('74) and Mrs. Elmer Sackman Paul ('80) and Margaret ('78) Sackmann Paul ('85) and Leslie D. Sackschewsky Khamsaeng Saengthasy ('99) SAFECO Corporation LMI Safeway Inc. I John Saffell Sandra Saffe l l Scott ('9 1 ) a n d J u l i e ('9 1 ) Sager Scot Sageser (,93) C. William and Enid Sagvold Walter ('50) and Phylis Sahli David and Marion Sahlin GerryAnne and Roger Sah l i n LQ Sahlin Foundation I Kimo and Dorellen Saiki I(hiro Ben and Marianne ('54) Sakamoto Linda Salatiello ('66) Salem Lutheran Church, Mount Vernon WA Q , Eric and Susan (,84) Sallee John and Jeanette ('59) Saltwick Sammamish Hills Lutheran Church , Redmond WA , Kenneth ('68) and Ruth Sammons Q Paul Sampson and Sandra Sanford ('69) Thomas Sampson and Janette K. Dempsey (,92) Jack ('72) and Kathryn Samuels H. Wilton and Marsha ('68) Samuelson Q Ida Samuelson Estate L Louis and Janice ('7 1 ) San Marco Myron and Judith Sandberg Myron Sandberg ('65)

Todd ('93) and Kimberli ('97) Sandberg Daniel and Wyoma Sande Einar and Pearl Sande Bryan ('65) and Jeanne ('66) Sandeno L Bernie ('75) and Kathy Sanders Q Helen Marie Sanders ('37) Robert Sanders ('65) Sherry Sanders ('98) Michael Sandhorst ('72) Deborah Sandidge-Zimmer Henry and Catherine Sandstrom Peter ('73) and Kathryn Sandvig Q Gary ('84) and Sheila Sandwick Karen Sanford ('99) William and Kathleen ('83) Sanford Harry ('59) and Corinne Sannerud Q John and J u l i e Santie Alice Santolla E m i ly Sasnett ('74) Sylvia Sass Karl Satrum ('01) Karol Jan Sat rum ('7 1 ) Q Randy ('74) and Alice ('74) Satrum Q David Sauer ('8 1 ) Douglas ('79) a n d Vickie Saugen L Heath Saunders ('95) Robert and Katherine ('62) Saunders Victoria Savage ('BB) Q Wayne (,67) a n d Sheryl Saverud HQ Ryan Sawyer and Elizabeth Russell ('98) Thomas ('58) and Georganne Sawyer Q Kristina Sawyers (,0 1 ) Thomas and Corinne Sawyers Janet Sayers (' 58) SSC Foundation M John and Rosemary Scales H Scandinavian Airlines System Inc. , L Daren Schadt ('88) Setty Schaefer ('44) Q Charles Schaefer ('81) and Kathryn Rowberg ( , 80) Martin ('6 1 ) and Barbara ('61) Scha efer H Del ('50) and Afton (,48) Schafer LQ Eldon and Joann ('79) Schafer LQ Albert and Ruth ('63) Schaffler Q Paul and Kathy ('82) Sch al ler Q Christian Scharen ('89) and Sonja Batalden ('90) Louis and Merry Schatz L Delmer and Grace ('65) Schauer Alfred Schedler ('50) Frederick Scheel Estate ('30) L Beatrice L. Scheele ('58) LHQ Gertrude M. Scheele LQ Randall ('72) and Trudi Scheele Rich and Nancy ('60) Scheffel Q James Scheibe ('83) AI and E l l a Scheibner L Gregory and Norma ('84) Schellberg Ronald ('74) and Carl is ('74) Schell berg John ('30) and Cora ('3 1 ) Schierman Estate L C. Philip Schiller ('72) John and Aleen Schiller LHQ Dale ('57) and Katherine ('58) Schimke Stephen ('80) and Lani Schindele Harold and Kari ('75) Schlachtenhaufen Eu nice Schleicher L Nathaniel Schlicher ('00) Q Peter and Carol ('75) Schlicher Q William a n d Donna Schl itt H Q Casper Schmand H Miles ('85) and Paula Jean Schmidt Randa l l ('80) and Kathryn ('79) Schmidt Sherwin and Anita ('55) Schmidt Torrance R. Schmidt ('92) and Elizabeth R . Nierm ('92) Verner and Charlotte Schmidt Patricia Schmiett ('77) Trudy Schnackenberg Dorothy Schnaible ('49) LHQ Maudie Elaine Schnaible ('56) Q Kelly Schneider (,02) David J. Schnur H Lennette Schnur ('72) Frederick and Clara Schoch Schoenfeld-Gardner Foundation , Inc. LQ David ('68) and Christelle ('68) Schoening LQ Steve and L. Sue (,82) Schoettler Philip ('83) and Karla ('83) Schot Q Richard and Christine ('74) Schrader Louise Schreiber Estate L Judy Schreuder Dr. and Mrs. Gerry Schriever Dale Schroeder and Kathryn LePard ('74) Paul ('75) and J i l l ('74) Schroeder

Duane ('58) and Pauline ('55) Schryver Bradford and Carolyn ('74) Schultz Q Charles ('89) and Kimberly ('89) Schultz Q Jason and Laura ('96) Schultz Jeffery Schultz Q Kathleen Schultz (, 9 1 ) Nancy Schultz ( ' 7 1 ) Q Alfred and ESlher ('57) Schulz Laura Schumacher (,97) Mrs. H. O. Schumacher Bequest L Paul and Doris Schumacher Mr. al1d Mrs. Richard Schumaker Timothy and Deborah ('85) Schuppe Nancy Schutz ('63) Richard and Sandra ('63) Schwabauer Q Lois Schwartz Ma urice and Lois Schwartz L Mike and Elaine ('76) Schwartz Stanley and Carole Schwartz Roy ('58) and Thelma ('56) Schwarz LQ Elsie Schwind Joan Schwindt ('56j Barbara Schwisow H Scientific Supplies Company L Bruce and Jody (,92) Scott Byron and Virginia Scott Estate L Curtis and Julia ( ,77) Scott Curtis and Karen ('92) Scott Dana Gray Scott and Brenda Scott ( , 88) Edwin and Rose ('58) Scott Gordon and Eleanor ('73) Scott Ryan Scott ('98) Q Shawn and Sandra Scott Susan Scott ('89) Q Wanda Scott Frances Scrim Q Ed and Nancy Scrivner H Sea first Bank and Foundation L Sea-Land Service Inc. Q Brian Seaman and Louise Sawyer ('7B) Q Carl M. Searcy Jr. (,6 1 ) LQ Dale ('70) and Joyce ( , 67) Sears Q Nathan Sears ('98) Q Ron and Lisa ('98) Sears Q Sears-Roebuck Foundation L The Seattle Foundation L Seattle Mortgage Bankers Association Seattle Steam Corporation I The Seattle Times/Seattle Post· Intelligencer LI Seattle-Northwest Securities Corporation I Jarl and Delores Secher-Jensen Security Pacific Bank Washington L Richard Seeger and Robin Koch ( , 82) Q H arry and Diana ('93) Seeley David Seibel ('74) Bruce Seiler and Nicola GlaserSeiler ('83) Q Paul and Holly Seim Stephen and Nancy ('60) Seitz Q Selbu Lutheran Church Women , LaCrosse, WA George ('77) and Sandra Sellers Wilber and Ceci lia Sellman Clifford Sells ('59) and Linda Larson Q Dan ('64) and Judith ('64) Selmann Q Sempra Energy M Irvin and Shi rley (,84) Sensei Q Thorn and Wendy Sepic H Ivan M. Seppala ('55) H Dennis 5epper and Nancy Connor LQ Leonard Sessa ('97) Richard ('7 1 ) and Esther ('70) 5etbacken Gary and Cheryl Severson LHQ Richard and Maryanne ('66) Severson S. Erving ('55) and Nancy ('79) Severtson LHQ Carl and Carol Sexton Catherine Sexton ('36) L Aaron ('00) and Julie ('99) Shackett Daniel Shafland ('61 ) Q Audrie Shagren ('77) Armen (,81) and Marie-Claude Shanafelt Jim and Julie ('83) Shanafelt Roger ('86) and Carolyn Martin ('86) Shanafelt HQ John Shannon ('67) LQ Lee Shannon ('66) David ('79) and Teresa ('79) Sharkey Q Anna Sharpnack Estate L Marvin Shaw ('47) Q William and Thelma Shaw Q Marc Sheehan ('98) James ('72) and Beth Sheets L. Jerald Sheffels ('54) L L. Jerald ('54) and Lois ('59) Sheffels Q

Shel l O i l Company Foundation L Margaret Sherburne ('63) Darrell and Kathy Shideler Q Noel Shillito Keith and Leila Shimizu Satoshi Shimoji ('00) Margaret Shipley Estate L Randal ('74) and l I a Shi pley HQ Robert Shipp ('00) Q Rodney a n d Jackie Shipp Thomas Shivitz ('00) Lawrence (, 57) and Karen Shoberg Thomas and Joyce ('64) Short Richard and Susan Shotwell Howard and Andi livingston Shouse LH

Mari A. Shouse ('96) and Nathan R. Shouse ('93) Q Steven and Cynthia Sue ('74) Shove Harriet Shull ('54) Chris ('82) and Cindy ('82) Shultz Q Rod a n d Ann Sibley David ('80) and Patricia ('80) Siburg Q B i l l and Krista ('95) Sickert-Bush Stephen and Patricia ('90) Siebens Q Steven Siefert ('83) Herbert ('53) and Lois Siefkes Orville and Margaret Siegele H Erin ('90) and B ruce Sigman Q CarloS Silva and Tracy Hein-Silva (,81) Silver Family Foundation Silverdale Lutheran Church , Si lverdale WA LQ , Don and Irene Simmons Q Donald ('67) and Barbara Simmons Q Dale ('8 1 ) and J i l l ('80) Simonson James Simonson ('97) Q James ('59) and Marcia ('58) Simonson Q John (,62) and Jeraldine ('64) Simonson Q Larry and Marjorie ( ,67) Simpson Mary Simpson ('00) Merlin (,67) and Florence Simpson Richard Simpson ('91 ) Q Shawn Simpson ('93) Simpson Fund LM Simpson Investment Co I Jack ( '58) and Jan ice Sinderson Q Richard and Jennifer ('86) Singer Richard and Jeanie (,91) Singler Patrick and Nancy Sinnett Lonn Sipes ('95) Sirach Capital Management Inc I Larry Sirianni ('7 1 ) William Sisco and Jeanne

Xavier Hall revitalized


avier Hall is undergoing



revitalization. The $5 m i l l ion project

includes $3.5 million fo r construction Jl1d $ 1. 5 m i llion for en dowmen t to support acad e m i c programs and new technology in t h e facility. The renovation wil l focus on interior remodel· ing and e-xpa. n d i n g the existing fo ur ciJssrooms, lecture hall a n d laboratory to nine classrooms, i n­ cluding two smarr c l a s sroo m s, a new anthropology laboratory, and the new Phi lip Nordquist Lecture Hall. Faculty o ffice space wi l l also be re modeled. Formerly the univers i ty Li brJr)', Xavier Hall was built in 1 937. The renovati o n project is parr of the $ 1 0 0 million Campaign for Paciflc Lutheran Univer­ sity: The Next Bold StCp.

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donor roll

Landdeck-Sisco ('69) Q William (,62) and Susan S isse l John and Joan S i s ul Angela Sivertson ('33) Hazel Skaga Jerry ('73) and Janine ('72) Skaga Q Skaga Family In Memory of Karsten Skaga L L. J. and Mary C Skaggs Foundation L Sharon Skar ('74) John ('90) and Angena ('9 1 ) Skibiel Q Ski!lman Foundation M Christon ('76) and Deborah ('77) Skinner Q Irene Skinner Q Lawrence and Irene Skinner L David Skoch and Kristin Ogard (,87) Ja mes Skofstad ('68) Jack and June Skog Q Ja mes and Julia Skog Q Rudy and Karen Skonord Mr. and Mrs. Per Skoog L Tamelyn Skubinna ('74) Q James Skurdall ('65) Mike Slama and Sandra M err i l l ('85) James Slater Estate L Richard Slatta ('69) and Maxine Atkinson Julie Slaug hter ('00) James ('74) and Mary ('75) Sletten Q Matthew and Li s l e ('89) Slichko Marvin ('69) and Anne Slind Kelly Sloan ('86) Ja mes and Kayleen Sioboden Charles and El izabeth ('88) Slocum Q Robert and Darci ('88) Slocum Q James and Patricia ('73) S iosson Jeff and Mary Ann ('66) Small Amity Smetzler ('99) Evalena Smick LQ Mary Smidt (,74) Agnes Smith Alfhild Smith Q Amy Smith ('97) Q Barry Smith Carlos (,78) and Janet Smith Colleen Smith ('93) David ('72) and Margaret Ann ('74) Smith David ('75) and Judy Smith Q Dennis ('70) and Sharon ('7 1 ) Smith Ely Smith ('70) Q Frances Smith Estate L Francis and Myrna Smith Hannah Sm ith ('87) James Francis ('78) and Elizabeth Smith Janet May Smith ('44) Janis Smith ('77) Q Jeff Smith , The Frug al Gourmet L John and Edythe Smith Judith Smith ('70) Madeleine S mi th Mark and Barbara Smith Matthew ('00) and M isty ('98) Smith Mercedes Smith Norman and Gayle ('89) Smith Q Pamela Smith Q Paul and Virginia Smith Paul Smith and Karen Weatherman ('83) Rebecca Smith Q Richard and Elaine Smith Richard ('80) and Phyllis Smith Robert and Dorothy Smith L Roger ('90) and Paula Smith Q Stephen and Jane Smith Timothy ('87) and Ellen Smith Todd and Jennifer ('83) Smith Wilbur and Adetha Smith Q William and Pau lette Smith Smith Tractor & Equipment Company Q Amy Smith-Shoffner (,94) Charles and E tta ('48) Smithson L Etta Smithson ('48) HQ Paul and Joan ('78) Smock John and Marian Snee Q Rochelle Snee Marvin ('64) and Sharon ('64) Snell Kenneth Snider L Rebecca Snider ('76) Harold R. Snodgrass, Ed. D. LH Anne E. Snow Foundation I nc. William and Karen ('79) Sn ow Michael and Gloria Snowden Q Michael ('00) and Debra ('78) Snowden Brian Snyder Ivan Snyder Michael Snyder ('00) Robert ('40) and Helen ('43) Snyder Dale ('73) and Margaret ('73) Soden Q Scott (,92) and Jacquelyn ('92) Soderling L. Ray Soderlund (,57)

Marvin ('65) and Fran Soiland L Jeffrey Soine L Jon ('58) and June Soine Q Laurie Soine ('88) Q Wallace (' 5 1 ) and Dorothy (' 5 1 ) Soland Q Daniel and Debra Solberg Q Judith Solberg ('78) Pastor Clarence and Helen Solberg LQ John ('72) and Carol Soldano Q Chester ('37) and Thelma ('37) Solie Q David and Kay Soltis Q Floyd and Gwen Solum Q Thomas Sommer and Linda SalterSommer ('84) Carrol and Beverly Sorensen Barbara Sorenson Q Forrest and Colleen 50th Q Diane Soucey ('87) Leonard and Doris Souchek Southwest Gas Foundation M Southwestern Washington Synod , ELCA, Tacoma, WA L James and Carla Southworth Melba Sovde ('38) Arne Sovik Sigrid Sowell Randy ('7 1 ) and Charl otte ('70) Spada Nancy Spagat ('94) Q Spanaway Lutheran Church, Spanaway, WA Q Carl and Janice ('76) Spane John and Gretchen ('63) Spangberg Ronald ('74) and Li nette ('72) Sparacino David and Carolyn Sparkman James (,6 1 ) and Myrna Sparks HQ Richard and Kathryn ('83) Sparks Q Warren and Adeline Sparling Q Spatial Dy n a m ics In c Timothy ('87) and Debra Spaulding Frank ('75) and Susan Spear LQ Walter and M. Marie Specht Carol Speirs ('88) Jeffrey Spencer ('00) Robert and Jane Spencer Robert Spencer ('95) Wallace Spencer Guy and Sally Sperb Jeffrey ('72) and Kathy Spere LHQ Christopher Spicer Q Gary a n d Cheryl Spidahl Steven Spinney ('68) Thomas and Barbara ('56) Spin ney LeRoy ('52) and Connie ( ' S I ) Spitzer HQ Randal ('74) and Laurel ('72) Spitzer Q David ('77) and Elizabeth (,77) Splinter Ronald and Victoria Spl ittgerber Barry ('82) and Lisa Spomer Q Sally Sprenger Louis ('58) and Marilyn Spry Ethel Squires L Scott ('88) and Sherith ('88) Squires LH St. Andrew's Lutheran Church, Bellevue, WA LQ St. Mark's Lutheran Church by the Narrows, Tacoma, WA LQ 51. Marks Lutheran Church, Spokane, WA Q 51. Matthew Lutheran Church, Beaverton, OR L Robert ('86) and Sue-Ellen ('74) 51. Pierre Sabrina Stabbert ('00) Francis ('65) and Karen ('65) Stack Q Frank Stagen I Heather Stailey ('75) Harry and Margit Stakkestad Lowell and Nancy Stambaugh William and Astrid Stancer Estate L Neil ('60) and Wyoma Standal Q Michael ('9 1 ) and Tracy ('92) Standish Alan ('60) and Sharon Kay Stang Q Chris and Susan Stan gl and Thomas and Rebecca Stanley W. H. and Margaret Stanton Bernard ('76) and Nancy Stark Hazel Sta rkey Sid and Marg uerite ('39) Staswick L Sid Staswick Q State Form Companies Foundation LM Dave ('67) and Lindy ('67) Staub LQ James and Diane Stauffer Q Matt and Michelle ('91) Stauffer Sarah Stauffer ('00) Constance Stay ('55) Patrick A.S. Steel ('75) The S tee l e- Reese Foundation L David (,57) and Lorilie ('58) Steen LH

Paul ('54) a n d Judith Steen Q Andrew T. and Robin W. Stefan I Miles and Lorraine Steier Lynn and Ariadne Stein LHQ Del a n d Rose ('69) Steiner Q Micah Steinhilb ('00) Genevieve Stelberg Estate L Kendall Stelter and Emily Lewis Stelter ('90) Janet Stemple ('90) Q Christine Stendal Dan and Rita ('87) Stene Stanley ('68) and Sharon ('68) Stenersen Q Mr. and Mrs. John Stenford Robert and Ruth ('77) Stenson Casey and Heidi ('9 1 ) Stenzel Larry a n d Co nn ie Ste ph e ns Marilyn Stephens Stewart and Laura Stephens Bruce and Nancy ('79) Stephenson Ivan and Verna Stephenson Faith Stern ('55) H David and Margaret ('68) S teve l y Q David Stevens Estate L Joanna Stevens ('8 1 ) Q Mark ('86) and Darlene Stevens Q Otto and Shirley Stevens LHQ Brian Steves ('86) Dugald and Barbara Stewart Eric ('95) and Rikka ('95) Stewart H Gina Stewart ('00) James Stewart ('59) Q John and Therese ('86) Stewart Todd ('85) and Melinda Stewart Willie ('69) and Faye Stewart Q Manfred ('76) and Sue Duncan Stibbe Q Karen Stiehl ('72) Hendrik and Joan Stiggelbout Q Robert Stivers and Lora Gross Q Robert Stivers L Norris and Martha Stoa LH Julia Stockdale ('89) Alan (,52) and Anna Marie Stoddard Kerri Stoehr ('92) Joy Stohr H Alma Stolee H Mrs. Paul H. Stolz L Stolz Computers, Inc. L Roger and Susan Stone Q Tom and Diane Stone Bonnie Stoner Dale Storaasli ('57) Q Kenneth ('50) and Catherine ('49) Storaasli Q Lester ('49) and Carol ('47) Storaasli Rainer Storb and Beverly TorokStorb Q Angela Storey ('00) Michael ('75) and Kathleen Stork Q Donald (,94) and Kara Stout Q Leo and Florence (,40) Stout Stephen ('69) and Barbara Stout Gerald and Linda ('67) Strand Q Donald ('50) and Edith ('55) S trand ness LH Q Erik Lee Strand ness ('8 1 ) Q Jack and Marilynn Stratton Timothy ('74) and Barbara ('74) Stratton Martin ('93) and Pamela ('92) Straub Wesley ('90) and Elizabeth Stra uss Q Edward and Betty Strebe William and Barbara Street Geraldine Strege LH Adrienne Strehlow (,0 1 ) Q Richard and Beverly Strickland Q Steven G. and Cynthia R. Strickler W. Jeremy and Susan ('76) Stringer Q Peggy Stringfellow ('52) Q Kenneth Stroad LQ C. Gordon Strom ('56) Q Curtis ('98) and Sara ('96) Strom Q Norman and Irma Strom Peter ('80) and Ellen ('80) Strom Q Paul and Debo ra h ('83) Stromberg Strong F i n an ci a l Pl an n ing Robert and Teri ('80) Struzenberg Colin and Tina ('66) Stuart Q Doris G. Stucke LHQ C. A. and Evelyn Studholme Victor Stueck Ie Q Marcus ('43) and Corinn e ('48) Stuen LQ Mark Stuen ('70) O. John ('34) and Florence Stuen LQ Paul ('76) and Karin ('81) Stuen Thomas ('69) and Karen ('70) Stuen E . Robert ('57) and Willamae ('59) Stuhlmil ler L Emil and Engelena Stuhlmiller Estate L Paul ('82) and Laurie (,82) Stumme-Diers Beverly Stump ( , 57) Don and Lois ('69) Sturdivant

Edward and Lavonne (,49) Sturgeon Ken and Mervina ('92) Sturgeon Carol-Wray Sturg i l l Donald and Carol-Wray Sturgill L Steve and Cathy Sturtevant Philip and Susan ('76) Stutzman Suburban Realty, Inc. Q Robert and Anitra Sudderth Dean ('74) and Carol ('74) Suess LQ Elda Sulerud Lynnda Sullivan ('00) Christine Sund ('85) Gerald ('64) and Nancy Sundby Q Edward and Mary Sunde Q Mark ('93) and Margaret Sundseth Henra Sundt L Monica Sung (,91) Q Super Valu Stores, Inc. M Superior Linen Service L Henry and Irene ('50) Suprunowski Bruce and Shi rley ('57) Sutherland L H. Loyd and Lynne Sutherland L Martin ('67) and Merrily ('68) Sutton Cora Svare ('30) Q Richard Svare ('50) HQ K. Tim ('59) and Hanna Sveen Evelyn Svendsen ('39) LQ Robert Swaim ('90) Frank ('5 1 ) and M i ldred ('46) Swanberg Q Byron and Doris Swanson Q Donald ('72) and Wendy ('74) Swanson LQ Donna Swanson ('56) Q Esther Sw a n so n Hazel Swanson Estate L Isobel Swanson ('68) Mark ('68) and Wendy ('7 1 ) Swanson LQ Paul ('66) and Mary ('67) Swa n so n Q Peter and J ea n Swanson H Robert and Clara Swanson L Robert ('54) and Annabelle Swanson Q Roland ('35) and Isabelle Swanson Thomas Swanson ('74) and Debbie Frisch Swanson Alfred and Ovedia ('38) Swanstrom Q Marsha Swantz ('7 1 ) John and Nancy Sweeney Kathleen Sweeney Louise Sweetman Aaron and Kristina ('97) Swenson Carl Swenson ('66) Eunice Swenson ('56) Q Larry ('7 1 ) and Susann Swenson Lavern ('72) and Anne ('72) Swenson Marvin and Jean-Marie Swenson Q Michael ('73) and Nancy Swenson Rodney and Eve lyn Swenson Q M i ck ey and Sara ('98) Swet t Q Jodi Swift (,97) Anne Swinehart David and Mona Swinehart Walter and Sonja ('97) Sylvanus Kenneth Sylvester ('88) and Mary Ann Kluge Rhoda Symons ('91) Nancy Ann Synakowski ('69) Q Melvin and Margaret Syre Estate L Claris Syren Patricia Syron ('66)

Amelia Ta bet Tacoma Clearing House L Tacoma Rainiers Community Fund L Jennifer Tada ('80) Q Aurora Tallacksen ('98) Q Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tallman Steve Talt and Marjorie SwansonTalt ('74) Aaron ('94) and Lori ('94) Tang Kwong-Tin and Pauline Tang Q Jack Tangney Deborah Ta nneh i l l Robert ('61) and Grace ('59) Tauring Michael and Shawn Tavern Barbara Taylor ('87) Julia Taylor ('8 1 ) Q Kevin Taylor and Paula Brown Taylor ('87) l. Eldon and Ann ('63) Taylor Lenore Taylor ('41) LQ Linda Taylor Linda Taylor ('58) Michael ('85) and Lenise ( , 87) Taylor Q Murray ('40) and Vera Taylor Q Ridge and Lisa ('79) Taylor Robert Taylor ('98)

Shirley Mae Taylor ('45) Terry and Sandra ('77) Taylor Q Thomas and Eleanor Taylor V a l and Susan Taylor Daniel ('7 1 ) and Doris ('7 1 ) Tchobanoff Q Teachers Foundation, Inc. Marjorie Tedrick ('80) Mark and Sue Teep l e Dave a nd Cheryl Teifke Q Kent ('62) a n d Jeanine TeKrony LQ Tektronix Fo u ndat i on M Tektronix, Inc. L Ronald and Eileen Tellefson LHQ Lee and A. Ardelle ('60) Temanson Bruce Tempel ('78) and Sarah Shannon Lee Tempe! ('77) Q Chester Te mp l i n John Templin ('66) HQ Phyllis Templin ('59) Q Helen Tengesdal Estate L Ruthmarie Tennent ('43) Will iam and Ethel Tennesen L Herman Tenzler Estate L Richard and Kristin ('99) Terrell He l e n e Te rry Texaco Foundation LM Theodore Teyler Antonia Therriault John and Nancy Jo ('72) Thiebes Q B. David ('74) and Gale ('74) Thom as Brian ('74) and Susan Thomas Q Donald and Au d rey Thomas LQ Jesse Thomas ('7 1 ) Max and Elizabeth Thomas Raymond ('76) and Geraldine Thomas Richard and Juness ('40) Thomas Elisa Thomases Dianne Thom ass on Douglas Thom pson ('97) Q Duane ('55) and Patricia ('55) Thompson Georgine Th o mpso n Jason Thompson ('93) Q Jesse ('50) and Doris ('48) Thompson H Leslie and Erna Thompson H Levi and Violet Thompson Estate L Lisa Thompson ('87) Mary Helen Thompson Q Neil ('62) and Edith Thompson Mr. a n d Mrs. Robert Thompson Steve and Cynthia ('93) Thompson Thomas and Lorraine Thompson L Derek Thomsen ('93) Q Thomas and Connie Thomsen LQ Ti mot hy Thomsen ('81 ) James and Nancy Thoren Donald and Kay Thoreson LHQ Merlin ('65) and Agnes Thoreson George ('42) and Edna Thorleifson Q Joshua Thornes and Erika Dahl ('00) Eric and Nancy ('93) Thorson Loren Thorson ('62) Gregory ('88) and Heather Thon",a ld Q Steven and Virgi nia ('92) Thrasher Q 3 M Foundation L lIa ThunbNg Q Esther Thune H G. Elaine Thurston ('SO) Everett Thykeson Marion ('64) and Marlys ('53) Tidwel l Q Randy and Joan ('82) Tiede Dorothy Tied eman ( '5 1 ) LaVerne Tiedeman ('43) Q Carol A. Tiegs H Will and Louise Tieman HQ Valgene ('88) and Cora Tiller E. 8art ('89) and Coreen Tilly Q Earl ('56) and Barbara Ti ll y LQ Shannon Till y ('94) Q David a n d Mary Tilney Erin Tilney ('00) Kristin Timm ('87) Robert (,57) and A n n e Timm Q Steven Timm ('74) Q Gertrude Tingelstad ('39) LHQ Alice Tingstrom ('42) Q Tiny's Tire Q Brian ('80) and Traci ('82) Tipple Q Doris and Leon Titus Estate L Titus Will Fami l ies Foundation LQI Alice T. Tobiason H Fred ('58) and Dorothy Tobiason Q Marie Tobiason Estate L Ray ('5 1 ) and Phy l l is ('50) Tobiason LQ Roland ('53) and Noreen ('67) Tobiason Q Edward ('7 1 ) and Janice ('72) Todd L Bert and Mildred ('52) Toepel Kathryn Toepel ('74) Andrew and Caroline Tolas Q Brian and Linda ('93) To l l efson E . Duane (,52) and Donna Tollefson Marilyn Tollefson ('56) Q

Otto ('55) and Barbara ('55) Tollefson H Andrew ('97) and Stephanie ('97) Tomlinson Q Marvin and Lissa Tommervik Q Marvin Tommervik ('42) Q Marvin ('42) and Carol ('40) Tommervik L Sheri and Jeffrey Ton n LHQ Per and Betty Tonn ing Kenneth and Doni Topel L James and Nedra Toriin Justin ('91 ) and Annelise ('91) Torgerson Q Ellen Torongo ('36) Q Robert and Mary Torrens Thomas and Donna (,8 1 ) Torrens Edward and Dawn ('98) Torres E. Silas ('47) and Alice (,48) Torvend H Q Evelyn Torvend Estate L Samuel Torve nd ('73) Totem Ocean Trailer Express Inc I Tracy ('75) and Terry ('75) Totten L Richard and Carol Tou l ouse Michael and Jaroslava Toutonghi Audun Toven Earl and Carol Tower John and Karna Town Town & Country Markets Inc. Clark and Pamela ('7 1 ) Townsend LQ Neil Tracht ('85) David ('79) and Sharon Trageser Tree Top I Henry and Alma Treede Estate L Brian ('83) and Anne Trefry Norman and Ann Tremaine Q Michael and Enid Trenholm Bernard and Valorie ('92) Tresner David and Elizabeth Tribby Roy ('58) and Edith Tribe Q Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lewiston, 10 LQ Trinity Lutheran Church, Enumclaw, WA LQ Trinity Lutheran ChurCh, Freeland , WA Q Trinity Lutheran Church, Gresham, OR Tri n ity Lutheran ChurCh, Lynwood, WA L Trinity Lutheran Church, Pullman, WA L Trinity Lutheran Church, Tacoma, WA LQ Thomas ('86) and Andr ea Tr in neer James and Elaine Triolo Dennis ('60) and Ardis (,62) Troedson Paul Troselius Susan Troselius ('74) Q Lawrence Trotter William and Pamela ('86) Trotter Q P h i l i p and Barbara ('68) Troyer Richard ('77) and Linda Troyer Jean Trucco ('46) Q H.L. and Kathleen Trulson Ron and AMâ‚Ź ('92) Tubby Q Michael and Mary Jo ('81) Tucci Tucci & Sons, Inc. L Wi llian and Louise ('57) Tucker Olise Tukey Cecil Tungsvik ('52) El izabeth Tunnell ('94) Q Kent Tuohino ('80) and Valerie Kemp Robert and Joy ('7 1 ) Tupack Q Michael ('87) a n d Cindy Turco Ervvin and Janet Turnbull Marilyn Turner ('74) Q Violet Turner ('68) William ('66) and Carol Turnidge Suzanne ('74) Tushkov Q Walter Tushkov ('73) Q Dorothy Tuvey Ronald ('74) and Vickie ('74) Tuvey Q Cliff and Ronni Tvedten LH Karen Tweed ('65) Bob Tweedt H Robert and Minnie Tweedt L Carl Tweiten and Wendy Sleeger Twin Harbors Lutheran Church, Grayland, WA Christine Tye ('91) Connie Lee Tye Daniel ('94) and Suzanne ('94) Tye Q Mrs. Theda L. Tyler LH Steven and Barbara ('87) Tyler

U S WEST Foundation LM U.S. Bank LM Jon and Kathleen ('83) Ueland Sheila Ueno ('59) Paul Ueunten ('76) Karl and PhylliS Uler Family L Phyllis Ufer HQ Sharon Ufer Q


Steven ('68) and Valerie ('76) Ufer


Walter and Jan U h lenhoff Candice Ulam ('00) Valerie Ulber!J (,41) Louise Ulbricht Lauretta Ulen Christy N . U l leland , M . D. ('63) LHO Duane ('52) and Marilyn ('54) Ulleland 0 Lilly U l leland HO Alan and Sherrie Ulmer Unigard Insurance Company M Union Bank of California I Union Bank of California Foundation M Union Pacific Foundation L U nited Lutheran Church, Eugene, OR United Way o f K i n g County L United Way of Tri-State University Congregation , Tacoma. WA Catherine Unseth ('70) 0 Leroy ('63) and Joanne ('63) Uppend a h l Frederic and Marjorie Urban L William and Kathleen Urban 0 Ronald and Alina ('97) Urbanec 0 Paul ('64) and Anne ('65) Urlie 0 US West Communications L A lice Utzinger 0 Wilfred Utzinger ('54) and Kim Parker 0 Samuel and Alice Uyeda

Charles and Alvera Valach Timothy Valencia ('99) and Pamela Hansen ('94) John Valenta ('39) Susan Valenti ('65) Raquel Valenzuela ('98) Henrik Valle Estate L Mel issa ('93) and Jason Valley 0 Peter Valuckas ('75) Don and Annetta Van Andel Edward and I nez Weir Van Antwerp LO Kris Van Auken ('72) 0 Henry and Nova Van Baalen LO James Van Beek ('59) LHO Hugo and Loretta Van Dooren Donald and Mary Anne ('88) Van Doorni k Li n d a Van Dyk Viola Van Gilder 0 Kari ('80) and James Van Gundy 0 Gary ('75) and Victoria ('75) Van Heuvelen Robert and Nancy Van Horne Judith Van Houten ('72) Esther Van Noy Peter and Shannon ('81) van Oppen Q Brian Van Valey ('97) Van Waters & Rogers Foundation L Stephen and Wanda Elaine ('57) Van Woudenberg G regory and Nancy Vancil Dennis Vanden Bloomen ('76) James Vanderpool ('73) David Vanderwarker ('90) 0 Peter and Laurie ('74) VanderWeyst 0 Dana VanSchepen ('00) Victoria Vantramp ('00) Varian Associates , Inc. L Oliver and Carol ('56) Varnes 0 Dagny Vaswig John ('80) and Monique Vaswig 0 E l i zabeth Vaughan Genyss Vaughan ('60) James Vebber and Charlotte Swan-Vebber ('72) Odd and Turid Vedeld 0 LTC(ret.) Howard and Florence Vedel l LO John and Marian Veld , Jr. H Venture Construction L Steven ('7 1 ) and Norma Verhul Erika Vestad ('99) Kenneth and Phyllis ('85) Viehmann George ('63) and Karen ('67) Vigeland LO Ralph Vigil ('58) 8ruce and Jacquel ine ('83) Vignal Ron and Nancy Vignec Trygve and Cleo Vik 0 Vik Winkle Productions , Inc. Arthur H. and Betty J. Vingerud LH Bruce and Paula ('78) Vinson Gloria Virak ('52) and Gene Zimmerman 0 Roy ('52) and Gloria ('52) Virak L Ann Vischansky Robert and Rhonda ('79) Visser Frances Vitalich ('53) Stephen Vitalich ('82) HO

GeralLi and Ardis Voecks Raymond and Judy ('68) Voeller Gretchen Voge ('00) Christa Voie (, 02) 0 Edward ('75) and Kathleen ( ,01) Voie Lynn and Sue Voigt Thomas and Carol Voigt Obed L.G. and Blanche Void Theodore and Fern ('54) Volin Constantin and Christine Von Alvensleben Ron and Dianne ('59) Von Rajcs Grant Von Walter Aila Vorhies Amy Voros ('99) Edward and Denice ('92) Voss Thomas ('79) and Betty-Baugh Vozenilek James and Diane ('74) Vrba Thuha Thi Vuong ('81)

Michael and Lori Wachter George and Arlene Wade LHO Jan ice Wagenblast Doris Wages David Waggoner LH Albert and Mirney Wagner George ('7 1 ) and Martha Wagner Louis Wagner Jr. ('64) LO Peter ('88) and J ulie Wagner 0 Allen ('59) and Gretchen Wahl Richard and Kathleen ('77) Wahlquist Craig ('83) and Aya ('83) Wai nscott 0 Susan Wajda ( , 0 1 ) David ('58) and Marvalee Wake LO Thomas B. Wake 0 Thomas H. Wake (,67) 0 Scott Wakefield ('76) 0 Edward Walawender ('86) Patrick and Jeanne Walczyk Christopher ('90) and Kathryn ('89) Waldron David and Anna ('86) Walen John ('72) and Alicia Ann Walk Donald and Jeanette Walker James ('76) and Robin ('78) Walker 0 John and Zoya ('80) Walker 0 Ronald and Karen Walker Susan ('9 1 ) and David Walker Timothy ('88) and Vivian ('88) Wallace 0 Randy Wallenberg ('75) LLoyd and Sue Waller Kristen Walle rich ('83) Peter and Marylu Wallerich William ('93) and Sarah ('93) Walles Harry and Esther Wallin Charles ('83) and Naomi Lynn ('84) Walsworth 0 C. Eugene and Mary Ann Walters Clarence ('67) and Janet ('67) Walters William and Zara ( , 94) Walters Ronald Waltz ('69) 0 Erwin and Vivian ('49) Walz 0 Gayle Walz ( , 76) 0 Kathryn Hami lton Wang ('74) Peter ('60) and Grace Wang 0 Paul ('53) and Birdell Wangsmo 0 Martha ('77) and Steven ('76) Ward LHO Michael Warner ('72) 0 Phyllis Warner David Warren ('99) Robyn Warsinske ('79) 0 Alec and Cheryl ('94) Warwick Verda Washington 0 Washington Education Association Washington Mutual Foundation LI Washington Natural Gas Company L Neil ('67) and Linda Waters John and Kimberly ('93) Waterstraat Frank ('6 1 ) and Janet ('62) Waterworth 0 Stacy Waterworth (, 87) Calvin ('50) and Julia ('52) Watness HO Eric ('70) and Carolanne Watness Luther ('49) and Isabel (, 46) Watness LHO Harold and Carole Watrous 0 Brian Watson (, 92) William and Emmy Lou ('42) Watson 0 Mildred Waugh Wave Barriers Wilton and Rose Waverly 0 Richard ('50) and Helen (,49) Weathermon Doc and Lucil l e Weathers Trust L Leland Weaver ('6 1 ) D o n a l d a n d Karen ('66) Webb

Marie Webb LO Irmgard Wilcox ('94) Enid Webber ( ,49) H Wilcox Farms, Inc. LO Douglas Weber and Susan David and Wynn ('91) Wildeman Kinoshita (, 9 1 ) 0 Karen Wiley ('70) Helmut and Erika Weber Thomas Wilkenson ('79) Jason Weber ('0 1 ) Jacquel ine Wilkerson ('00) Lawrence a n d Carol ('61) Weberg James and Heidi ('87) Wilkerson Paul and Barbara ('77) Webster Willa mette Industries, Inc. M Martin Wedeberg Estate L Richard Willhoit 0 Jon ('59) and Ruth Ann Wefald 0 Christopher and Mitzann Williams George and Verda Wehmann LO David and Roberta ( '4 1 ) Williams David ('82) and Lori ('82) o Wehmhoefer 0 Donald and Mary Williams Patrick ( ,9 1 ) and Polly Weichel Gary Williams ('84) Donald and Nancy Weil Hayden Williams ('73) 0 Margit Weingarten Lloyd and Marsha ('70) Wil l iams Weir's Inc. 0 Nancy Williams ('67) David ('67) and Christine ('67) R. Michael and Naomi ('87) Weiseth W i l l iams Rosella Wekell Trust L Willi am ('51) and Laverne Scott ('93) and Naomi ('95) Williams Welborn Williams , Zografos & Peck WELCA-Our Saviour's Lutheran Stanley ( ,49) and Rosalie Church , Chester, MT Williamsen 0 Nils Wel i n (, 97) Gary and Sharon Williamson Kevin ('95) and Anna Wells 0 Kendall Williamson ('83) Martin Wells and Susan Briehl 0 Brett ('77) and Constance Willis Robyn Wells ('90) 8 ruce ('72) and Ann ('73) Willis LQ Wells Fargo Foundation LM Howard ('48) and M. Elizabeth H. Alfred and Nora ('45) Weltzin ('43) Willis 0 Lila Wendlandt L Mike ('73) and Diane Willis 0 Donald and Wanda ('79) Stanley ('38) and Thelma ('40) Wentworth 0 W i l l is LO Mark and Lizbeth (,87) Wentz Wendy Willow ('82) Dwayne and Sharon ('88) Werner William and Mildred Wil lsey Glenn ('53) and Wendy Werner 0 Cheryl Wilpone ('62) Ray and Dorothy Werner Anne Wilson Dennis ('98) and Kim West 0 David Wilson and Kathleen Robert and Jamie West Duarte-Wilson ('90) 0 Roy and J.A.K. West Donald and Margaret Wilson West Coast Grocery/Super Valu , Donald ('74) and Kim ('76) Wilson Inc. L LHO Roger ('58) and Eva Westberg 0 Doug and Lori ('83) Wilson Roger ('58) Westberg L Franklin ('72) and Marcia ('71) Frosty and Donna Westering 0 Wilson Western Washington Fair Howard and Donita Wilson LHO Association LO James and Deana Lee ('96) Wilson Paul and Karin Westin Jeffrey and Patricia ('85) Wilson West inghouse Foundation L Joseph Wilson Westinghouse Ha nford Company Liza Wilson L Marilynne Wilson ('68) Norman ('33) and Jean Westling Mathew ('96) and Kimberlee Steven ('85) and Evelyn J . P. Wilson Weston , Matt and Norma Wilson L Wil liam and Elizabeth ('84) i Mitchell and Susan ('76) Wilson Weston 0 Sarah Wilson 0 Brandt and Lisa ('86) Westover Zane ('62) and Mary Beth Wilson John M. Weswig ('68) and Janis Wilson Construction Company Bradford ('68) HO Mary Griffiths Wiltse (, 64) LO Joseph and Evelyn Wetherington Kevin Wimsett ('96) Annette Weyerhaeuser 0 Walter and U . Nam Wimsett C. Davis and Annette William Winfield ('74) 0 Weyerhaeuser L Mabel Wing ('39) L George and Wendy Weyerhaeuser Sarah Wing ('79) William and Gail Weyerhaeuser L Christine Winkel ('88) 0 Weyerhaeuser Company Shelda Winschell ('78) Foundation LM Gordon ('52) and Shi rley ('7 1 ) James Weyermann ('7 9) 0 Winsley H Morris and Susan Whalen Robert ('51) and Carolyn ('52) Thomas Whalen ('66) Winters 0 Jennifer Wheeler ('00) Vicky Winters HQ Lewis and Jeanne ('69) Wheelock Mike and Penny Winton L Dorothy J. White M arlys Wisch Dorothy M. White ('00) Frank and Lydia ('68) Wise 0 Elmer and Nikoline White Estate L Odny Wise 0 Eugene White ('79) Pamela Wise Jill White ('9 1 ) Timothy ('85) and Susan ('85) Wise Robert and Joan ('72) White o Vicci White ('79) S. Rachel Wise Sanborn ('88) Gary and Mary Whitehead David and Beatrice Wishart L Alan and Junell Whitford Rodney ('89) and Tonya ('90) Grant and Judy ('84) Whitley Wishart Grant ('50) and Anne Whitley 0 Lawrence Witt and Lynnette Rose Tony and Ann Whitley H ('83) John and Judith Whitmer Patricia Witt ('81) James and Pamela ('88) Whitney Erin Witte ('90) 0 Robert ('83) and Angie Whitton Ned and Nancy Wogman David Wick ('73) 0 Forrest ( ,52) and Virginia Donald ('49) and Virginia ('49) Wohlhueter 0 Wick LO Steven and Marcia (,77) Harry ('69) and Mikki ('69) Wicks L Wohlwend Margaret Wickstrom LHO Bethany Wol brecht ('98) 0 Alan and Carolyn ('70) Christina K. Wolbrecht ('92) and Wiechmann Matthew Doppke James Wiedeman ('82) and Paula Thomas and Cheryl Wolbrecht Shea ('82) David ('56) and Elisabeth ('57) William and Beth ('75) Wiegand 0 Wold LHO Dan ('90) and Erika ('92) Wiersma Karen Wold ('8 1 ) 0 HO Rachel Wold ('00) Ted a n d Margaret Wiese Margaret Woldseth ('63) 0 Genevieve Wiesner Estate L Steven ('87) and Angela Wolf Richard ('39) and Marie Wiesner Brian and Kathy Wolfe LO John and Christine ('74) Wolfe Robert and Esther ('47) Wiesner Robert and Jean ('56) Wolfe J. Richard Wigen L Robert ('87) and Carolyn Wolfe Janet Wigen ('57) LO Rosalie Wolford ('00) John and Esther Wigen Estate L The Wollenberg Foundation I Lester ('58) and Rosemary Wigen L Antonette ('88) and Douglas ('9 1 ) Philip ('55) and Bonnie Wigen LO Wood 0 Austin and Betty Wiggins Barbara Wood ('47) 0 Daniel and Jeanette Wiggins David and Liesa Wood Dean and Gladys Wigstrom 0 Fred and Sylvia Wood 0 Dean and Helen Wigstrom HO Larry ('69) and E l len ('75) Wood Scott Wiitala ('97) Laurie Wood ('93) Dan ('70) and Ulrike Wiklund LO Richard and Judith Wood Wilbur Lutheran Church, Wilbur, Thomas ('63) and Carol Wood LO WA O James and D. Woodard Eldon and Bet Woodhall

Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Fund Robert Woods ('00) Woodworth and Company, Inc. LO J. Mark and Tami ('82) Woolsey David and Bonnie Workman Workman and Associates, Inc. 0 Walter Worley (' 50) Douglas ('75) and Lea Worth Craig Wright ('83) and Ruth Fischer-Wright (, 82) HO Josephine Wright H Junior ('00) and Jeannette Wright Michael ('90) and Olivia ('90) Wright 0 Wright Ru nstad Associates I WRO I Robin Wubbena ('90) Paul ('7 1 ) and Kimberly Wuest H Roland ('38) and Rose Wuest 0 Theodore and Irene Wunderlich L Warren and Marie (, 9 1 ) Wutzke 0 Kathryn Wyatt ('93) David ('65) and Shirley Wytko

Xerox Foundation M . Xilinx L

David Yagow LHO Thomas and Laura Yarborough Yellow Pages Publishers Association Suzanne Yerian 0 Un Yong Yi ('94) Kevin ('87) and Robin Ylvisaker Randall ('82) and Sandra ('82) Yoakum 0 David Yoon ('98) Robert ('68) and Ann ('68) Yost 0 Alexander and Kathryn You ng Benjamin and Susan (, 92) Young 0 Bessie Young ('83) 0 Bruce and Brenda Young 0 Georgiann C. Young H Jay and Leslie ('88) Young 0 Kathryn Young L Kristine Young ('69) 0 Margaret Young Neil and Shelby ('95) Young Robert Bresemann Young L William ('67) and Gwen Young H

Tamara Zanavich ('89) Margaret Zander ('74) 0 Karen Zapata Winston Zee ('76) and Peggy Chan ('77) LO Walt ('76) and Kim Zeiger Leo and Marlene Zeiler Q Forrest and Carol ('63) Zetterberg John and John Zieber Michael ('80) and Roni Sue Ziegler


Christopher and D. Zimmerman James ('72) and Sharolyn ('73) Zimmerman 0 Jay ('50) and Brita ('48) Zimmerman Dennis and Diane ('81) Zimmermann 0 Zion Lutheran Church , Davenport, WA L Zion Lutheran Church , Kent, WA LO Zion Lutheran Church , Newberg , OR LO Zion Lutheran Church , Oregon City, OR L Conrad Zipperian ('68) Jaime Zook ('00) Cia rice Zornes Ronald and Julie Zschoche Stanley and Yvonne ('67) Zubalik Charles Zuber (,62) Dwight and Lee ('51) Zulauf LHO Charles and Angela Zurcher 0 James ('87) and Trina Zurfluh Robert Zurfl uh ('49) Q Shirley Zurfluh 0 Norma Zylstra ('65) ZymoGenetics M

Alumni and Parent Leadership Campaign lark and Rae Peters, proud past Lute parents, Parent's Council past chairs, Alu mni Leadership campaign chairs and su pporters of the Q Club enjoy a Satu rday after­ noon watch ing Lute football. Although their children graduated several years ago, the Peters con­ tinue to attend many PLU football games, traveling from their home i n M i lwaukee, Ore. The Alumni and Parent Leadership cam paign goal was $4 mil­ lion and thanks to you r generous contributions, more than $7.2 million has been raised!

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I · perspective Walking with Hope BY J U L I A P O M E R E N K

' 83

have a dog named Hope. We go for walks every day. She is always eager for her walks, stretc h i ng by the window and dancing by the front door. She wiggles and waits for me to attach her leash to her collar. Once we get out the door, 1 am l i terally pulled by Hope every day. There are three other ways that we can be pulled by hope into each new day. Scripture can pull us. So can songs. So can su pport from our sister and brother believers. Our hope may be so strong that we become as eager for our fai t h "walks" a s m y d o g H o p e is for h ers. \Ve may even dance as H o pe does.


Julia Pomerenk '83 and her dog, Hope.


Scripture from the fi rst chapter of I Peter an­ nounces hope as God's great merciful gift to us. Verse three stares: "By his great mercy he has given us a new b i rt h i nr o a l iving hope through the res­ urrection ofjesus Christ from the dead." This hope is the stu ff of life and death and resurrec­ tion, and you can 't get much stronger than tha t ! This hope is powered b y resurrection. A n d comes with double death-defying visions: new birth and a living hope. God knows that we are bruised by death , so God gives us a new birth i n to a living hope. God gives us this gift of hope every day, and as many t imes a day as we need. \'(Ie get to begin again. Do over. G rab the gift of a new birth into a living hope.

Song Every day, hope can pull at us by songs we hear and sing. Do you h ave songs i n your head? Words and tunes that come to you when you need them? Tunes that can carry you? Songs t hat create for you a new heart and renewed hope? Ever since I can remember, my fam i ly has sung "Children of the Heavenly Father." We sing the hymn at baptisms, funerals, weddings and even on ord i nary days-whenever we want to re­ member the l ayered memories of that melody. One after­ noon we hadn ' t remembered to sing our song. We had been talking in lowered tones in my Aunt Esther's k i tchen. Esther was in the

PACIFIC UJIHERAN UNIVERSITY Tacoma, Was h i ngton 9H447-()()()"

If this copy of Scan. i� odd,.eued 0 YOUT 50n or claughler who no longer mointoin. 0 per­

manenJ oddre.. at you,. home. plea ... notify

Ihe Office of Alumni ond Parent RelatiolU

with hit or hllr new moiling addl'ells. You can roach us by phon. aI 253-535·74 1 5 ,

o . l · aOO-A.l.UM-PlU, fax us a t 253'53S-8SS5 o. email olumniitplu.e<lu with the new

In'armarian. Thonksl

downstairs bedroom. She was just days away fro m death. We didn't feel l i k e singing. Then w e heard the voice of S igi, her pastor, singing o ur song for Esther, and for us. \Ve lleard our suffering and our rejoicing being sung for us. "Though he giveth o r h e taketh, God his c h i ld ren ne'er forsaketh." I am glad to h ave the hope of that song i n my


Support When I picture the su pport of the faith commu­ n i ty, I see the circle of the faithfu l gathered at Tri n­ i t}' Lutheran Church in Pullman, Wash., and Paul Klavano, a longtime member, giving me hope through hugging. Paul is an elder of the faith and a giver of bear h ugs. With delight and with years of hugging expe­ rience, Paul and I prepare for the hug itself, with steps as established as an Olympic athlete's warm­ up. We place ourselves d i rectly in front of each other and stretch Out our anns to be sure to have sufficient space for ful l arm exten sion. Then Paul ru bs his hands in anticipation, and the hug com­ mences. Pau l all but picks me up and off my feet when he hugs me. I hold the feel of a Paul Klavano bear h u g in my memory as a strong i mage of the support I can claim fro m my brothers and sisters in fai th. We're almost dancing at the front door-we are pulled by hope wi th a hug. My hope for us all is that we embrace this gift that God gives us: a new birth into a l iving hope. May we take the gift, given through mercy and grace, and walk with hope. When I take my dog Hope for a walk, she pu lls o n her leash. As she pulls me past people, they of­ ten ask: "Who's walking who?" I usually respond with the expected answer: "She's walk ing me." As I begi n again, walking with hope, may I respond with the unexpected answer: " Hope is p u l l i ng mc." May hope pull us al l .



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Drew Brown um:unVi IlItTOII

Greg Br_is WI ITO.

Drew Brown, Katherine Hedland '88, Laura G ifford '00 and Greg Brewis

May 1


Choral Series: U n iversity Chorale


All concerts Qre In Lagerquist Concert

Homecoming Concert . 8 p . m .

Carolyn Reed BarriH

Hall unlen otherwise no,ed. Ticke,

PHOTOO .... ""I.

prices vary; call 2S3-536-S ' 16 or ' -877-254-700 1 .

May 2

Chris Tumbusch

Call 253-53S-7762 o r emoil �ommth{Ja@p'u.edu

Student Series: Percussion Ense m ble

Concert . 8 p . m .


March 20

University Symphony Orchestra

Choral Series: C ho i r of the West


Masterpiece Series: Concert I I I .

Pre-Scandinavian Tou r Concert . 8 p . m .

Guest Cond uctor, C h ristophe Chagnard ,

May 4

May 3

Northwest S i n fon ielto .

WI. HltT.,.

Kevin Freitas '02 PLU OIPIClR5

8 p.m.

Student Series: Viol i n Kalei doscope

Regency Concert Series: Lyric Bross

May 8

May 4, 5 , 1 1 and 1 2 at 8 p . m . , and a

Jazz Series: U n iversity Jazz Ensemble

University Relations

and Pork Avenue Vocal Jazz . 8 p . m .

May 9

Laura F. Majovski, Vice President and Dean, Student Life

2 p . m . matinee on May 1 3 . Tickets are

Choral Series: U n iversity Si ngers

David G. Aubrey, Vice President, Development and

Enrol/ment Services

Six performances, including a student preview on May 3 at 8 p . m . Shows on

Homecoming Concert . 8 p . m .

Laura J. Polcyn '74, '79, Vice President, Admissions and

dents, faculty, stoff and sen ior citizens. "The Merchant of Venice"

. 8 p.m.

IHarcb 22

Paul 1. Menzel, Provost

mance. April 6 and 7 at 8 p . m . Tickets are $7 for adu lts and $4 for PLU stu­

Marcb 21 Quintet . 8 p . m .

Loren J. Anderson, President

Dance 2001

The PLU dance ensemble's a n nual perfor­

Joni Niesz

Nick Dawson

UN I V E R S I TY T H E A T R ll

$7 fo r adults and $4 fo r PLU students,

faculty, stoff and senior citizens.

Student Series: Composers' Forum

· 8 p.m.

April 1 0

Artist Series: D a v i d Joyner, Jazz Piano

U N I V ll RS I TY G A L L E RY Call 253-535-7386 or 253-S3S-7S73

Mil)' 1 0

. 8 p.m.

Wind Ensemble Series: U n iversity

Apt-i1 1 8

Concert Bond and Men's Chorus

Regency Concert Series: Regency

. 8 p.m.

Kathryn Sparks, mixed media

String Qua rtet . 8 p . m .

Ma)' 1 1

Apt·jl 3-Apl'il 25

Apr" 1 9

Jazz Series: U n iversity Jazz Ensemble

Website: www.p/u. edu/encore

Artist Series: Faculty Jazz Group

and Jazz Lob Ensemble . 8 p . m .

and Hans Ostrom, poet

0"'1:1 0' "' lUMNI AND 'AIINT IlLATI ONS

. 8 p.m.

Ma)' 12

Ma)' 1 -Ma)' 27

Nesvig Alumni Center

April 24

Jazz Series: Park Avenue Voca l Jazz

Phone: 2 53-535-74 1 5 , 1 ·8OQ.ALUM-PLU

Gottfried and Mary Fuchs Organ

. 8 p.m.

Alay 12

Series: Christo Rakich, organist . 8 p . m .

MtlJ, 1 5 and 1 6

Stroll Through the Arts

Sheri J. Tonn, Vice President, Finance and Operations IDITO'IAl O ffiCES

Houge Ad ministration Building, Roo m 207

Phone: 25 3·535·7430, Fax: 253·535·83 3 1 Email: sceneOp/u.edu

Fax: 2 5 3·535.a555, Email: o/umniOp/u.edu Website: www.p/u.edu/a/um VOLUMl 31

April 26


Scene (ISSN 0886·3369) is published quarterly by Pacific Lutheran University, S. 1 2 1 st and Park Ave. , Tacoma, WA 98447'()()()3 . Periodicals postage poid a t

University Symphony Orchestra

Student Series: Solvvi nden F l ute Choir

Masterpiece Series: Concert IV. Verd i's

· 8 p.m.

Requiem for large chorus, soloists and orchestra; choral d i rector Richard

April 2 7

Tacoma, WA, a n d odditional mailing offices. Address

Artist Series: Concert o f Baroque

service requested. Postmaster: send chonges to

Music with Panel D i scussion . 7 p . m .

Development Data, Nesvig Alumni Center, PLU, Tacoma, WA 98447-0003.

April 2 9

Student Series: Forestine Wise Monsen


Sc holarsh i p P i a no Recital . 2 p . m .

Your leHers are welcome and should be addressed to Drew Brown, Editor, Scene, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA 98447.0003, faxed to 25 3-535-83 3 1 , or emailed to sceneOp/u.edu. LeHers may be edi ted for

Throllg/) JHarcb 28

Apni 29

Artist Series: Judson Scott, trumpeter

Sparks' farewell performance .

8 p.m.

May 1 8

Student Series: Clari net Colony 200 1

Spring Senior Exhibition

4 to 7 : 3 0 p . m .


C ll N T E R Coli 2S3-S3S-753 2 7711'01lgh May 1 5

. 7:30 p.m.

Scandinavian Roots, American Lives

May 1 9

Apl-i1 28

Wind Ensemble Series: Ch ildre n 's

Concert · 3 p . m .

Annual Norwegian Heritage Festival . 1 1 to 3 p . m .

. 8 p.m.

Ala)' 1 5-Nol'emb"" 1 2

Caspersen Family Exhibit

clarity and length .

On ",.

Betty Sapp Reagan, photographer

N O T E : Not all events were scheduled at


press time; check our website at www.p lu.etlu/,.newsinfo/calendars.hlm'

School of Business Professor Gerry Myers with students Lucy

for updotes.

Twum '02, Henrik Aas '03 and Jason Mendiola '00. PHOTO: C H R I S TUMBUSCH

Summers at PLU are Special ! Opportuni ties abound to add fun, enrichmen t, and exci tement to yo ur sum mer. Come and join u s ! Tel l your friends! This year's theme is Odyssey 200 1 . Su mmer at PLU has a distincdy d i fferent navor, o n e that past students have compared t o the semester as: 1) at least as challengi ng; 2) more pleasant; 3 ) more relaxed; 4) they learned more. AND the tui tion is reduced. Summer 200 1 wiIl include: More than 2 1 0 classes - graduate and undergraduate For H igh Schoolers and Younger:

Middle College Rainbow of G i fts S u mmer Scholars M usic Camps Spo rts Camps For teachers:

Advanced Placement Workshops A ful l array of cou rses for degrees, certificates, and endorsemenrs Master of Classroom Teaching: Urban Learners Master of Arts in Education: Literacy Education Master of Arts in Education Administration And many fu n events for the whole fam ily - l i ke the Fruit Festivals and Jazz Under the S tars ! Check

o ur


( wwlV.plu.edu/-summer) for a fu l l descri ption

of classes o ffered in the S u m mer of 2 0 0 1 ! Or c o n tact us at

1 · 8 0 0·756- 1 563 or spacsummer@plu.edu for a catalog (available in Apri l )

P L U . TH E

place to be i n the summer.



in the news Norwegian amba ssador speaks peace While the world has seen extraord i nary c h a nges i n the past decade lead i n g to g reater peace and prosperity for some, many con t i n u e to strugg le aga i n st fa m­ ine, d isease and war, Nor way's a m bassador to the U . S . tol d a rapt a u d i­ ence at PLU last mo nth . Tom E . Vraalsen detai led many of Ihe problems a n d possi b l e solutions d u r­ ing his campus visit. "More than one b i l l io n p e o p l e l ive in absolute, abject poverty, a n d that n u m ber i s g rowi n g , " Vraalsen told a large crowd at the Sca n d i nav i a n C ul­ tural Center on c a m p u s . Eth n i c con flict, civil rig h ts violations and i l l n ess are g rave concern s . " C o n fl icts w i t h i n states a r e no less bloody than conflicts between states," he said, attributing most of t h e m t o a lust for power a n d material goods. "On the con­ trary, they tend to be very vicious, they tend to be more hatefu l . "

studying fou r m a j o r themes: iden tity a n d con stituency, com m u n i ty, academic d i s­ ti nction a n d fiscal strateg ies. Deta i l s of their c ha rges a n d acco m p l i s h ments a re ava i l a b l e on the new PLU 2 0 1 0 website:

wwwplu. edu/-plu20 1 O.

The s i te has th ree p urposes: to com­ m u n icate current activities a n d events, to seek i nvolvement a n d report suggestio n s from t h e com m u n i ty, a n d to serve as a site of record for the study. " W h i l e the plan n i ng process is now focused on-campus, we co n t i n u e to be i n terested i n the views of our wider cam­ pus com m u n ity," said Loren J . Anderson, u n iversity president. The town meeti n g s were held last yea r i n 2 1 locati o n s across the country, a n d in sites as d istant as Hong Kong and Hels i n k i . A tota l of more th a n 1 30 0 a l u m n i , parents and friends of t h e u n iver­ sity suggested plan n i ng themes that are now serving a s the basis of the work of

the on-campus st u d y comm issi o n s .

"Al u m n i , parents a n d friends of the u niversity are encouraged to visit the PLU 2 0 1 0 website and add to the i m por­ ta nt contributions many of them made d u r i n g the town meeting p h a se of the p l a n n i ng process," Anderson s a i d . I n the m o n ths a head, the steer i n g com m i ttee a n d study c o m m issions w i l l conti n ue t o have reg u l a r meetings, u s i n g the website a n d p u b l i c progra ms as m eans to open conversation across the com m u n i ty.

I t's more i mportant than ever to sharpen t h e focus and confro n t pro b l e m s h ead-on, h e said . C o u n tries stru g g l i n g t o f i n d c lean water, for i nstance, need h el p not only so they w i l l be healthy but so that more water is n ot conta m i nated . "It w i l l u l t i m ately affect a l l of u s , as th is world is getting s m a l ler and s m a l ler, " h e said . "If we u pset the g l o­ bal l i fe su pport system i n one place, it w i l l indeed strike a nother." Vraa l sen s u p ports effective early warning syste m s , a political c o m m itment to setting aside m oney for i nternational a i d a n d confidential negotiations to help e n d confl ict. Preventing conflict is better t h a n de a l i n g with destruction, he said, a n d the cost of repa ir usually far out­ wei g h s the price of prevention . Governments a n d peo pl e who can afford to help should do so for their own sa kes, he said, noti ng that Norway is a

to show that. Among comparable i n stitu­

leader in giving to poor countries. Those

tions, PW ra nks 1 0th i n the n a t i o n in the

who have l i ttle should get help from

n u mber of students studyi n g abroad :

those who have more, he said.

3 79 in 1 9 99-2000, accordi n g to the

"We o n ly happen to have t h i s one world . "

Tom E . Vraalsen

PLU 2010 planning process goes online The study phase of PLU's new long-rang e p l a n i s now well u n d e r way with " P L U

2 0 1 0 : Th e Next Level of Distinction" on track for p u b l ication i n May 2 00 2 . Four campus com m i ssions work i n g a l o n g w i t h a steering co m m i ttee are

liE Confirms PLU's place as study abroad leader PLU students g a i n more i n ternational experience than students at other similar u n iversities - a n d the n u m bers conti nue

I n stitute of I nter national Ed ucatio n .

" I n t h e whole rea l m of i nternational educatio n , what has ha ppened at PLU is remarka b l e , " said B i l l Teska, associate provost. "The percentage of our students with i nternational experience ranks very h i g 'h in comparison to other u n ivers ities . " W h i l e t h e l i E says less than 3 per­ cent of American college students study a broad, last yea r 40 percent of PLU g rads had studied abroad i n PLU-fac·ulty d i rected progra m s , u n iversity excha nges a n d other prog r a m s . W i t h study abroad programs from Tanzania to Tri n idad & Tobago and a core curric u l u m stressing a g lobal per­ spective, PLU is c o m m itted to providing students with a n i nternational education . Shorter study abroad programs have a lso grown dramatically. Six years ago, there were j ust a nandful of international programs offered during J Term, the J a n uary session in between semesters. This year there are 1 8 , which include send i ng students to study politics i n Cuba, the economy i n Hong Kong and nursing i n J a m a i ca . The u n iversity's I n ternational Core of classes conti n ues to grow, provid i ng an i n terd iscipli nary a p proach structu red around a theme of global stu d ies. Also ava i lable are majors i n Scand i navian Stud ies a n d C h i nese Stud ies.

" I t is critical to be prepa ring our students to be global c itizen s , " Teska sa i d . "We are g i v i n g our students the tools they need to navigate t h ro u g h an i ncrea s i n g ly i n ter-connected world . " I n ternational students a l so m a ke u p 5 percent of PLU's student populati o n , com pared w i t h a 3 percent average a t American u n ivers ities.

Anderson named chairman of NAiCU PLU President Loren J . Anderson was re­ cently named chairman of the boa rd of th e National Association of Independent C ol­ leges and Universities. Having Anderson at the helm will i m prove PLU's visibility nationally and provide h i m the opportu­ nity to make i m porta n t strides on b e h a l f o f a l l private colleges.




Announc ing Encorel, the web supplement to Scene For the past few years, Scene has of­ fered a Web-based version of the maga­ zine. It has been a great archive of past issues and has allowed us to display Scene, and all our pictures, i n full color. Don't worry, this exceptional tool isn't being replaced. What we are doing is creating a n Internet supplement to Scene called En­

core! (www.plu.edu/encorel - a place

where you can find material not seen i n the prin ted Scene. One of the best aspects of the

"There are 64 reg istered h i g her edu­ cation org a n izations i n Wash i n g to n , D . C . , o n e! NAICU is prob­ ably the most effective , " said Ander­ so n . NAIC U 's m ai n goals are to lobby for fi nancial aid, tax policies that benefit n o n p r o fit org a n izations a n d regulatory reform relating to ed ucati o n . Congress has approved a 43 percent increase i n federal fi nancial aid for next year. As c h a i r m a n , a position he holds after serv i ng a yea r as vice-ch a i r, Anderson will lobby a n d work with law­ m a 'kers, but he says stu d e n ts across th e cou ntry a r e t h e m ost powerful voice. H e

dars and the brand-new Scene Archives.

attr i butes much o f the support for the

Only on Encorel

i ncreases to students who made the case for fi nancial a i d .

" I c a n th ink o f no other leader i n pr ivate h i g her edu cati o n more q u a l i fied

to lead us th rou g h this time of change t h a n Loren , " said David L . Wa r r e n , N AI C U pres i d e nt . " H e's a first-rate strat­ eg ist, keenly attune to national campus a n d policy issues and an articulate a n d dedicated advocate of private h i g her education . " C e l e b ra ting its 2 5 '" a n n iversary t h i s yea r, NAICU represents more than 9 5 0 i ndependent 'u n i versities, from tiny pri­ vate col leges to large schools, i nclud i n g Brown a n d N ew York Un ivers ity. Anderson said he's honored to fi l l t h e position a n d hopes t o spotl ight PLU and other N orthwest u n iversities .

Fall chapel series focuses on unity, reconciliation and hope Discussions about re ligiol1 and values at PLU reac hed fever pitc h th is fal l . Stu­ d ents on a l l sides of the debate we re shocked by graffiti painted on windows of the Hauge Ad m i n i stration Buil d i n g , that del i vered a hate message to sexual m i n o riti es . "I t h i n k that incident rea lly poi nted to someth i n g d ee p e r that was lacking i n our com m u n i ty, issues of c o m m u n i ty a n d faith , " s a i d E r i k Sam uelson ' 0 1 , c h a i r o f the C a m p u s M i n istry C o u n c i l . In t h e wake o f th e s e events, student leaders from a variety of c a m p u s C h ris­ tian g roups j o i n ed tog et h er to wo r s h i p , share and u n i fy d u r i n g a n Advent Continued On page 4

Internet is the ability to connect people with even more information through l i n ks. Encore! will have "Hot Links" explanations and h ig h lig hts of our favor· ite and most noteworthy articles. Our sidebar will include the best i n PLU L i n k s : Campus Voice w i t h live Webca m , Alu m n i , T h e Mast, Admissions, PLU

2 0 1 0, Special News & Events Colen· At the end of many articles on Encore! will be l i n ks to websites relevant to each piece. Some will be PLU websites; some will be interesting Internet connections.

We look forward to hearing what you have to say and making Encare!, along with Scene, the most useful and entertaining publications you read.

Here is a sa mpling of the many web­ only features you will find on E ncore! President Anderson on tech nology in the liberal arts Read President Anderson's recent News Tribune op-ed, "Technology, the liberal Arts and Professional Education . " Ander· son explores the idea of a "technology institute," the role of independent u n iver­ sities in integrating technology, and ex­ plains i n detail what PLU is doing to lead the way. Gerlach looks a t education in Cuba Recently Kent Gerlach, PLU professor of education, joi ned an American delega­ tion from People to People International, who were sent to Cuba to investigate school conditions there. Norris Peterson's Winter Commencement Address Faculty chair and economics professor Norris Peterson delivered the commence­ ment address at December's graduation

" ,. n "

proceedings. Read the memorable speech, i n its entirety. Xavier Hall photo essay PLU photographer Chris Tum busch has been taking photos of Xavier Hall during the renovatio n . The result i s a captivating visual depi ction of the process. PLU receives prestigious donation award

,. ,. z c z

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PLU has been honored for encouraging people to make lifesaving blood dona­ tions. Recen tly, the university was one of only four orga nizations i n the country to receive a gold award from America's Blood Centers. Read more about the


and the role of Student Health

Services i n PLU's conti nued success.

'" n Z




in the news chapel series titled, "The Jou rney is Made Together. " Taken from Campus M i n i stry's year­ long theme of "200 1 : A S p i ritual Odys­ sey, " the chapel series focused on the Advent seasonal themes of u n i ty, recon­ ciliation and hope. Worship groups in­ clud i ng the Upper Room and Jam 62 (formerly The Wel l) provided spec ial music; speokers ra nging from Marwa Nasser Metzler, a graduate student from Beth lehem, to PLU Rege nt Dr. William Foege '57, delivered hom i lies. "We wanted the music and speakers to appeal to a g reater ra nge of people at the un iversity, and bring everyone together for a common pu rpose, " Sam uelson sa i d . Organ izers o f t h e series believe the month was a successful beg i n n i ng . "The chapel series, along with several ' Let's Ta l k Com m u n ity Forums' that were held, sent the message that the u n iversity was addressing these issues [following the g raffiti i ncident] , " Sam uelson sai d . "It was only a fi rst step, but it is one which I t h i n k set the tone for the journey that con tinues . "

Connor meets sponsored chil d on Guatemalan m ission A m ission trip to Guatemala gave un iver­ sity Pastor Nancy Connor the opportu­ nity to meet a young boy spon sored by U n iversi ty Congregatio n . Con nor joi ned a January 3 - 1 2 mi s­ sion trip with 1 2 other wo men through the Godchild Project, a m i n i stry started by a g roup of people in Minnesota who fac i l i tate work in com m u n ities th roughout the world .

to sponsor a second child i n spring of 1 999. F i fty percent of the cong re­ gation's offerings go toward mission prog rams. Con nor presented the fa m i ly with a panora m i c ph otog raph of Un ivers ity Cong regation members, including both pastors and President Anderson, tel l i ng the fa m i ly that the congregation holds them in th e i r thoug h ts and prayers. Marv i n 's father, delighted with the opportunity to see his son's benefactors, repl ied that his fa m i ly wou ld also hold U n ivers ity Congregation, in thei r prayers.

PLU music ensembles travel the globe PLU's m usic ensem bles a re on the road again this spring, and the university's premier choir will perform i n Sca n d i navia this su m mer. The Choir of the West, d i rected by Richard Spa rks, goes on a major tou r through Norway a n d Sweden May 2 9J u ne � l . The Apri l tou r of the University Cho­ rale includes Spokane, Was h . , with several stops in Montana. The Un iversity Si ngers will perform i n Portla nd and Salem, are . , in May. Both are directed by Richard Nance. Choral' Union, also di rected by Nance, will travel to a national choral d i rector's association cOlwention i n San Antonio, Texas, in March [see feature article for more on the C horal U n i on ) . T h e U n i versity Wind E nsemble, di­ rected by Raydell B radley, performs at high schools in Tacoma and Seattle, the Univers ity of Was h i ngton and the U n iver­ s i ty of Victoria March 1 5- 1 8 . The U niversity Jazz Ensemble, di­ rected by David Joyner, and the award-w i n n i ng Park Avenue Vocal Jazz, d irected by Wayne Bliss, performed at the Lionel Ham pton Jazz Festiva l in Mos­ cow, Idaho, in February.


Pastor Nancy Connor with sponsored child, Marvin Barrena

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Using affi l iated families, the org a n i­ zation does everything from helping construct houses, build stoves and obta i n medical h e l p to provi di ng sponsors h i ps and scholarships for c h i ld re n . In addi­ tion, Connor built a ch icken coop and vaccinated ch ickens. "I have q u i te a few more s k i l ls ,these days," she sa id, laug h i ng . The h i g h l i g h t of Con nor's Guatema­ lan experience, however, was her op­ portu nity to meet 3-yea r-old Marvin Barreno, a child PLU's Univers i ty Con­ g regation has sponsored si nce fa ll of 2000 . Marv i n lives with h i s parents and two brothers i n a vi llage outside Antigua. His fa mi ly's a nnual i n come is rough ly $ 1 3 0 . "He is just t h e cutest l i ttle guy, " Connor said of her meeting with Ma rvi n a n d h i s fa m ily. "It's wonderful that we have the opportunity to sponsor h i m for several years, and really make a di ffer­ ence in h i s life . " University Cong regation h a s spon­ sored a g irl from the P h i l ippines for a n u m ber of years and made the deci sion


A COMPLETE (AUNOAR Of EVENTS. GO TO www.plu.edu/encore



Remembering Brian Ol son Brian Craig Olson, born on April 2 8 , 1 96 1 in Patterson, Calif., died on November 28, 2000 in Seottle. Brian was diagnosed in February, 1 999 with colon cancer, and died from complications following su rgery. Brian earned a bachelor's degree in economics from Pacific Lutheran Un iversity in 1 983 and, after working for the PLU Admissions Office for a short time, earned a master's i n management from Southern Oregon State University in 1 9 87_ Brian worked for Hewlett Packord in Boise for the last 1 2 years in finance, manufacturing and most recently as a marketing manager. He made a lasting impact ot HP through his leadership, especially with d iversity issues, employee recruitment and modeling the HP way. Brian was active in his church from childhoo& As 0 youth he sang i n the choir and worked su mmers at Mt- Cross Bible Camp in Felton. Calif. More recently, Brion was a member of the warship bond and president of the congregation at Shepherd of the Val· ley Lutheran Church in Boise_ While Brian was passionate about most things-the two possions that stood out above the others were his love For PaciFic Lutheran Un iversity ond the game of soccer. Brian was a member of PLU's Alumni Board from 1 99 1 until the present, serving two yeors as president- Brian's ability to motivate and validate each member of the boord, to visuolize the future. and to move a group of people to consensus, helped to complete a board restructuring process that had been in the planning stages for severol years. Brian's passion for soccer began at a very young age playing youth soccer, college soccer and playing in community leogues ond pick up games up until the day beFore his last hospitol stoy. Brian was co-captain of his PLU soccer teom and many members of his team and their coach, Arno Zoske, were present at his Tacoma memorial service_ Brian was a devoted father to his sons, Daniel, 1 0 and Benjamin, 6. Brian was the son of Clorene Osterli Johnson '56 and Robert Olson '57. Brian was one of five chil­ dren including Mark, Morianne, Paul, twin brother David '83 and Knut '90. Services were held for Brian i n both Tacomo and Boise. At the Tacomo service, Brian was honored by the Alumni Association through comments made by alumni direc­ tor Lauralee Hogen 75 , 78 and at a reception following, hosted by the Alumni Board. In Boise, Brian's friend, HP colleague and fellow PLU alum. Todd Kraft ' 84, provided rememb rances. A scholarship has been established in the name of Brian C Olson. If you would like to contribute to that scholorship, please send your gift to the Development Office at PLU or call either Development (25 3-535-7 1 77) or Alumni (253-535-74 1 5) for more information.



professor of anthropology, had his book "The Saga of Anthropology in China: From Mali nowski to MOfr cow to Mao" (M. E . Sharpe, 1 9941 translated into Chi nese and published in December 2000 by the Chinese Acodemy of So­ cial Sciences Press in Beijing, China. This book follows the development of anthropology in China through four distinct phases, begi nning before 1 949 and proceeding through the 1 980s. Also in December 2 000. Westview Press published a new book by Guld in, titled "What's a Peasant to Do? Village Becoming Town in Southern China . " This book is a multi-prov­ ince study of the transFormation of Chinese society because of ongoing urbanization.



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campus features PLU leadership training takes shape ecom lllg a leader is not as easy as i t looks. I magine being thrust i n to a leaders h ip position fo r the fi rst time l ike S u e M k rtichian, w h o w a s recently p romoted t o D i rec­ tor of Student He:dth Services at PLU,


"I had no idea o f the many things [ wo u l d need to hand le," M krtichian said. " [ was overwhelmed." Lu ckily for M k rtich i a n , PLU has recently created a program that has perfectly fi t h e r challenges as a new leader. PLU President Loren J. Anderson called o n Su­ san lvf a n n , D i rector of Human Resource Services, to develop a leadersh i p progr a m . Anderson fe lt P LU needed to create a l a rger and even more skil led pool of campus leaders. The Leadership Se m i n a r that M a nn h e lped cre­ a te i n c l u des a m i x o f 16 fac u l t y a n d a d m i n istra to r participants from all areas of PLU. T h e object ives Graduate student Greta Moksnes helps children at the East Campus Head Start with a painting praject.

are s imp l e : support the u n iversit y's c u ltural shift, refine talen ts, enha nce leadership and interpersonal

History students draw connections to the past through present-day service

skills and improve knowledge o f pol icies. " PLU has changed a lot i n the last decades, and so has t he

culture," Ma n n said. "Very fe\'.i u n iversi­ d e vel o p a program l ike

ties have an op p ortu n i t y to this."

Some of the m a i n to pics this year have been: Prin ciples for a Col l a borat ive Wo rkplace, G iv i ng a n d Receiving Const ructive Feedback, Personal


,1Cific Lutheran Umversity h isto ry students are vo lunteering in AIDS hospices, serving foo d to the ho meless and tutoring d isad­ vantaged children-all in the name o f histo rical l11q u l ry. \Vhat connection can service today have to learn ing abo u t the p ast) Plenty, acco rding to PLU h istory ptofessor Beth Kraig. "Contemporary sociology is the o mcome o f histo rical causes," Kraig said. "You can't take o u t a cleaver and separate today fro m the past." Kraig used to teach 20rh Century American History with more conventional methods. I ncre.as­ i ngly, Kraig noticed that students were n o t taki n g lessons learned ftom lectures a n d textbooks and applying them to the world they l ive in. " 1 had noticed what I fel t was a tremendo u s ly d i m i n i s hed recognition of contemporary society," she said. In a n effort to show students how con­ temporary p roblems and issLles connect to h isto rical themes, Kraig made readi ng the New York Ti mes a regular assignment-and requ i red a m i n i m u m of 2 0 hours of commun ity service. PLU j u n i o r Angela Tomlin turned her work serving homeless people at the Tacoma Rescue Mis­ sion i nt o a quest to determine why onc-third o f the m l'n she served were Vietnam veterans. After serving weekly meals, To m l i n struck up conversations with the vets and learned more abo u t their wartim e experiences. O n e combat veteran to l d her h o w h e u s e d d rugs and alcohol t o numb his fee l ings in the midst o f chaos. Tom l i n, a nursing and psychology major, supplemented her conversations with scholarly research in boo ks and jou rnals to complete a paper on the effects o f the Vietnam War on veterans.

G raduate s tu dents G rete Moksnes and Cecilie Tjerns l i brought a unique perspective to their work with the H e ad S tart p togram at PLU's East Cam­ p u s-Moksnes and Tje rn s l i a rc teach e rs in No rway , a country where early childhood ed ucation is uni­ versal. "In Norway, everyone gets the same chance," Mo ksnes said. "If yo u're poor in Norway, you nor­ mally get all the help you need." Tjernsli said that it was a surprise to come to the United S tates and see firsthand the differences betwee.n social p rograms i n the two coun tries. "There are no homeless people in Norway," s h e said . "That was n e w for me t o see." ]n addition to tasks ranging fro m p l aying wi th kids to making them snacks, M o ksnes researched the h isto ry of Head S tart, while Tj ernsli studied poverty in America. The in tent of requiring service, Kraig said, was to i mpress upon students that "actual l iving, breathing h u man beings all around them-includ­ ing [the students themselves J-are enmeshed i n recen t h istory a n d the past." "There are no cookie-cu tter sol utions to social p toblems," she said. "You may think yo u have the perfect answer, but somebody already tried i t 30 years ago." The students say that Kraig's ap proach was successful. "We had a chapter in the book o n the War on Poverty," Tjernsli said. "And then I saw the direct results." LAURA G I FFORD C A N BE REAC H E D A T

gifforlj@plu. edu. TH E P L U


( 2 5 3 ) 53 5·83 1 8

vohmteer@plu.ed" O R

S t rategies fo r Naviga ting Change, The M u l t i c u l ­ t u r a l vVo rk and Lea rn i n g Enviro n m en t , I n fluencing for \I\!i n - Win O u tcomes, a n d Coach ing: B r i n g i n g Out the Best i n O thers. The threa d that weaves t h rough all sem inars is collabora t i o n . fvl a n n believes that one of the real values of the Sem i n a r is the opportunity fo r people to come together from d i fferent a reas, develop deeper re lationships, share ideas and solve prob­ lems toge t her. " For t he u n iversity to spend its reSOLlfces this way feels very support ive a n d enco u raging," M krtichian said. "[ like knowi n g peers a c ross cam­ pus, people I m ight not otherwise meet. This cross sec t ion will help me get things done. The subjects have been very pract ical and we have had ample opportuni ties to practice our new

skills. I a m very

i mpressed." Fac u l t y a n d ad m i n istrators who a re i nterested i n n o m i n a t i n g themselves o r others t o p a rticipate i n the Lea dership Seminar i n the fu ture a re encour­ aged to contact M a n n .

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campus features



Choral Union-the Puget Sound's best kept musical secret BY





Retired chem i stry professor Bill Giddings (left) and fellow tenors Tom Weko and one-time PLU student Tom Henderson (right, rear) sing during dress rehearsal for the Bach Christmas Oratorio at the Rialto Theater in Tacoma.


he Choral Union is p robably the Puget Sound area's best-kept musical secret.

Founded in 1 9 84 by Choir of the West d i­ rector R ichard Sparks, the intent was to p rovid e a choral o utlet for faculty, staff, s tudents and a l u m ni-as well as to bring s ingers from all wa lks of l i fe [ 0 the campus. The Choral Union offers the

erious music lover a c.hane to hear 5 0 rnc o f the mo st bea u t i ful ehoral m u s i ever w r i t en. The Ch oral Un i o n's special / i s high-caliber m · t r choral \V rk� with orchestral acco mpani­ m e n t . The group ha:; flu Ulated in sile over the years, ranging fro m about 40 r o he presen t 70 voices. J c i s part of the P L U mllsic dcparrmcnt, b u t (he members h i p is mosrly non-stu dent, d rawn

fro m the Tacoma-Olympia-Seattle co m m u n i ty. Mem bers pay dues, which help defray the cos t of music and other expenses. For the last five years, the Choral Union has been col laborating with Northwest Sinfonictta. Chris tophe Chagnard, S i n fo nictta director, h as made the Choral Union its chorus of choice fo r performing m aj o r choral l iterature. PLU m us ic p rofessor Richard Nance has con­ d u ctcd the Choral Union since 1 99 3 . M ajor works performed during that time include Beethoven's "Mass III C," Bernstein's " C h i c h e s te r Psalms," B ritten's " Rejoice i n the Lamb," Bruckner's " M as s i n E M i n o r," Handel's "Messiah," Mozart's "Re­ quiem," R utter's " R e qui e m " and Vivaldi's "Gloria." In Decem b e r, the choi r gave three p erfo rmances of Bach's "Christmas Oratorio" with Northwest Sinfoructta, The Choral Union performs primarily i n Lagerquist Hal l o f the Mary Baker Russell M usic Cenrer o n the PLU campus. I n M a rc h , the g ro u p will travel to San Antonio ,Texas, where it will perform for the n a­ tional convention of the A meI:lcan Chora l Directors Association. The Chora l U n i o n's selec­ tion came after a rigo ro us taped audition p rocess in competition against othcr community choi rs at the state, division and national levels. This marks thc Choral Union as one of the elite choruses in the cou ntry. With more than 6,000 people expected to atte nd, t h i s convention is the largest gathering of profes�ional choral musicians in the world. " Being selected to perform is one of thc great­ , r honors that can be bes towed on a choral organization," Nance said. "It is truly a once-in-a­ l i fetime oppo rtun ity." AUDITIONS FOR C H O RA L UI�ION OCCUR EACH A U G UST. I NTE R-


( 2 5 3 ) 840-9776 O R AT nanceir@plu. edu.

SUlTImer session provides learning options for teachers B Y



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'achers and other p ro fessionals who want to work their way into the classroom can do some i n tensive studying at PLU d uring the summer monc hs. The Summer Sessions Office coordi nates several master's in education pro­ grams, i n addition to i ts other special programs. " We have lots of opportuni ties for professional educators," said Lyn n B eck. dean of the School of Education. "Summer is the time for them to take classes." M any of tIl(' academic p rograms that start in the summer are aimed at teachers, who have lime during the summer to continuc their ed ucation, Th e r e are workshops fo r advanced placement teachers and p rograms that endorse teachers in fou r arcas in which there are now shortages: special ed ucati o n , readi ng, English as a second lan guage and media serviccs. Also offered i s an i nnovative mastcr's program run in conjunction with the Tacom a School D i s­ trict to train teachers to deal with " u rban learners," focusing on issues such as povcrty and language. "It's a very powerfu l program that we are ex­ ci cd about," Beck said.

I t i s known as a cohort program-all students move at the same p ace through a 14-month c u r­ ricu l u m thar b e g i ns i n th� summer, t h e n co n t i n ues on nights and Sarurdays . During the school year, classes me t in down town Tacoma. ' PLU also o ffe r a master s in literacy educa­ tion, a master's in edLlcari n adm i n i stration, and a reacber certificalion program for p ro fessionals who have degrees i n other areas, bur want co teach. PLU graduates ge r a d .i.sc o u nt o n tuition . The Summer S essi o ns Office also offers M iddle ColI ge, wlli h helps stud 'nts make the adj u s tment from h igl ch ool to colI ge; Sum me1' Scholars, a chree-week resi dential program for gift d fou rth- l h ro u gh l l rh-graders; music and sport camps and programs fo r the com m u n i ty, s u c h as "Jazz Under the Stars" and the summcr frui t fcs tivals. The tide of thIS slimmer's p rograms i s Odyssey 200 1 , and cou r se s WIll follow the theme o f " journe ys." I n ad d i tion, abollt 220 grad u a te a nd u ndergrad uate courses are offered ( h i s LlInmer.

The Coats performed during one of last summers Fruit Festivals. More campus events and academic programs are being planned this year by the Summer Sessions office.









GO 10 _plu.edu/tmeorO.





PLU offers new direction for online learning BY





i th the rapi d s u rge i n technology making it inc re asingly easier co disseminate information, many uni­ versities are finding w ays co educate srudencs who never step o n cam pus. PLU, while em braci ng the technological ad­ vances that can enrich education, holds fast co i ts bel ief that the best l ea rn i ng takes p lace in person. " O ur fun damenral approach is co apply tech­ nology, including d istance learni ng, to the i m p rovemenc and enrichment of ex i s tin g courses and programs and modes of instrucrion," President Loren Anderson said. So far, no co mp le te courses are o ffered o n l i ne, and the u niversiry has vowed i t won't o ffer com­ p lete degree programs via the I n ternet. " We have said very clearly that we will h ave no distance learning delivered degree progra ms pe­ riod," Provost Paul Menze l said. Still, administrarors and fac u l ty acknowledge there is much co be gain e d by incorporating tec h n o lo gy. " \Ve are ca ki n g a conservative, go-slow ap­ p roach on this," said C h r i s t i ne Moon, ass oc iate p ro fesso r o f psychology and chair of the Educa­ tional Policies Committee. "It's clear that distance learning is going to grow, and I don't think we should quickly rule out applications at PLU. It has great potencial." Sti l l, everyone recogn i zes the i mportanc learn­ i n g that goes on i n a c lass roo m , when b right srudents and an i nspiring professor meet. That is all part of PLU's mission of educating srudencs for l ives of thoughtful inqui ry. " \X!e value the spontaneity that comes fro m face-to-face i n teraction an d Y O Ll just can't m i m i c t h a t , " Menzel s a i d . What abom speaking skills?" M e n zel asks. "They're an i mportant part of our educatio n . " Distance education and o n l i n e learning are hot topics across the cou ntry. The Chronicle for H igher E ducation devotes da i ly coverage to dis­ tanc e l earni ng , and the concept has been profiled in na t i o na l illagazines in recent weeks. \Vh ile many in higher education a p p laud e fforts for o n l i ne learning and see it as a way co reach more students, others fea r i t dimi n ishes the qua.lity o f education and could even create an elitist system, i n which wealthy students receive d egrees from tra d i tional l l1stitutions and the less fortu nate end up with digital diplomas.

Lisosky's students.


Faculty like Joanne Lisosky (right) are working to integrate technalagy into existing program s and course work, while keeping personal interaction in the classroom a priority.

Taking these concerns i nto consideration, as well as the potential b en e fi ts , the Educational Poli­ cies Committee i.s evaluating how much technology is bei ng i n tegrated and rev ie wi n g facul ty sugges­ ti o n s . "We have some facu l ty that are very e n thusias­ tic abo u t it," Moon said.














One is Diane Harney, commu nications profes­ sor who ea.med a second mas t er's in teaching with Internet technology d u ring her sabbatical. S h e s po ns o red a m o n t h of facu lty discussions entitled "Tech nology a n d Teaching: Utilizing Web-based Instruction," i n January. Faculty mem bers met to discuss interactive learning and how to teach with te c h n o logy. "The USE' of technology to enhance teaching and lea.rning without losing the PLU character is what we're really i n terested in," Harney said. There has been talk of offering some courses to students who live at a di sta n ce , such as t h e master's courses i n education, n u rsi n g a n d b u s i ­ ness. In addition, some p ro fessors h ave students working on projects s i m u l taneously with studc nrs in s i m i lar courses at o ther colleges or even overseas, then trading i n formatio n and ideas o n l i n e .

"Our priority is the face-to-face personal con­ tact, and we can do that so mLlch better than what you can do i n an online ellviro nment," said Layne Nordgren, d i rector of m u l ti media systems and li­ brary systems. "But we can take advantage o f what the online e nvironment can do. \X1hat we can do is incorporate technology tools i n to curricu l u m . " There has b e e n increasing u s e of eCourse, a new t o o l this year that allows students to access sylla b i and other course marerials online. Nordgre n oversees eCou rse, which also allows fac u l ty to put some cou rse components o n l i ne . More than 1 00 courses use eCourse in some way. Students can have o n l i ne d iscussion grou ps, b u l letin boards and other study o p portu n i ties out­ side of cl a ss. Some p ro fessors a l low students to submit assignments online. " It provides a wide d ive rs i ty o f opt io n s, " Nordgren said. Some say electronic components can ac tu a l ly improve the q u al i ty of classroom time, b ecause p ro fe sso rs don't have to s pend as much ti me goi ng over detai ls of the syllabus or backgrou n d i n fOl:ma­ tion-those can be easily accessed via compu ter. Then, in class, more i n-depth conversations can take pla ce because everyone's p repared. "I think it's very exci ting," Moon said.

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" ooking to the fut u re" is a


catch p h rase used by nearly

......-.J every insti tll[ion and busi­

fac ul t}" students, and alu mni," Bell said. "The goal is to conri nue PLU's

ness in America. No school ad mits co

long history of excellence, and they

resting o n their lau rels, o r adm i ts

all reflect t h at."


j llst trying ro keep up with the fast­ paced modem business environment. The proof comes with the ease i n wh ich an organ ization makes its way BACH ELO R'S PROGRAM PROALE

Total HBA Stud.mts .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . 532 TromsfH Srudcnts .......................... 185 G raduat.. , i n 2000 .. . .. .. .. . ... . .. . . .. . .. . .. 137 Average Class She . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... . .. . .. . . . . 21 Total prog"a", graduate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,766



FAll 2000 1965 AACSB Accreditation . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 976 Number of Students Enrolled . .. ... 1 06 Average Clas, Size . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 1\v"1'ag" ag" .. .. .. .. . . ... .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 28 Average ycars work ".�pcd"nce . . . . . 7% with WOJ'k experience . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . 97% Average entering GPA .. .. . .. .... . . . . . . . . 3 . 1 8 Average GMAT Score . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . 5 5 1 Total peog"am graduates . . .. . ... . .. . . . 1 ,003 Founded

inro a new era of development. "In business, the key is

FAll 2000




tin ually refine your niche," said School of Business Dean Donald Bell. "We don't ask ' How has the busi ness cli mate changed?' We ask, 'Where do we need co go in order to stay a h ead of the changes?'" The goals fO l' the School of Busi­ ness in the first years of the 2 1 't Cen­ tury are clear. The school wan tS ro conti nue: developing academic pro­ grams that understand the needs of busi ness profess io nals in the future; engaging students in the cOlll m unjty around them, and in a global ized sociery; utilizing technology to i m ­ prove leami ng; a n d focusing their mi ssion statement to make it "come a l ive". PLU is already meeti ng these chal lenges, maki ng its m ission state­ menr, "A Bridge Con necting Stu­ dents with the Future" not a goal, b u t a continuing mission of su ccess.

ePLU connecting stu d ents with jobs

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Student founders of ePlU pose with the Bill Koenig (front row, center), CEO of Cantametrix. With him are from left, Chris Allsup '03, Arne Asphjell '00, Uli Heitz '02, Karl lund '00 and Justin Foster '02.

"Our product is our people-our

Cutting.edge online mu sic search company Canlam etrix found i m porla nt dota - and even more im porta n t employ· ees - th rough PLU's School of Busi ness and ePLU, Ihe new electronic commerce resou rce center. "They are rea lly bright, exciling indio viduals, and it wos a stim u lating environ ment, " Cantometrix CEO Bill Koenig soi d . "They're real ly well-pre­ pared for going out and working in the markelploce. Our experience is certa i n ly proof thol PLU is prod ucing some g reat graduates. " ePLU offers d istinct benefits for stu­ de nts, such as 0 resume profile, that l i n ks them to potential em ployers, and to faculty, who can incorporate the cenler into the ir curricul u m . Businesses ond organ izotions that get i nvolved toke away reseorch and reports created by students. To learn more about ePLU, a n d reod Katherine Hedland's extended or· tide on the organ ization, visit www.plu. edu/encore/

b u t experienced [" h e expected grow­ ing pains i n the different subject ar­ eas. "Some strands began to unravel , b u I' others started t o come together,"


Developi ng excellence For Pacific Lutheran, the idea of b u s iness has been there all along. More than a h undred years ago, in the infancy of what now is Pacific Lutheran Universi ty, s tood Pacifi c Lutheran Academy and Busi ness Col­ lege. In a time where "busi ness" was considered not mLlch more than men taking pens to a ledger, the teaching of b u s i ness started on the Pacific Lutheran campus. In the 1 9 305 came the De pression, and the inrerru ption of trust associated wi th the idea o f b usi nes5. For the years that fol lowed at Pacific Lutheran, a school of busi ness learni n g seemed l i ke a dream deferred. In 1 95 9 , Pacific Ludl eran Col­ lege was fi rmly planted as a weU­ respected li beral arts college, b ur something was missing. President Seth Eastvo ld wanted a School o f l)usiness-with ideas , va.l ucs, profess i o nal d i rection, and a sense of busi ness and its role in the p ro fessional world. The challenge was even greater for PLC-tcach b u s i­ ness, with o u t losing the liberal arts base and the Lurheran va.lues of fai t h , service and trll tho Eastvol d s u m moned Dwight Zulauf, a one-time PLC faculty mem­ ber i.n eco n o m i cs and business ad­ ministratio n , who was then i n a doctoral program in M i n nesota. ZlI lall f in tu rn asked his friend Gundar Ki ng-a doctoral cand idate who had received his MBA from Stanford i n 1 958-to help him coille u p with a c u rriculum p roposal that wou ld s tarr the new schoo l. What they carne up with were the begi nnings. They had convinced some highly regarded deans of p resti­ gious busi ness schools to aid them with advice and cou nsel in the build­ ing of the Pacific Lutheran program. They had an emphasis on econ o mics, accou n ting, general b u s i ness-and the now antiquated secretarial sci· ence. They had a strong fO llndation,

said King. While the serious strands of a bus iness school started to come together at PLU, so did the examina­ tion of business education in America. In 1 960, both the Ford and Carnegie Foundations did concen­ trated stud ies on busi ness cd uca­ tion-exam i n ing what was working, and what was not. PLU was i n l ine widl the study. which criticized the








A LU M N I , "



non-descri pt business educat ion, en­ co uraged the development of schools of busi ness based aro und liberal arts (wh ich at the time were rare), and favored a m o re wel l - ro unded busi­ ness education over subject concell­ (I·atioll s. PLU business was at the right p l ace at the right time with the right p h i losophy. Eastvold wanted all accredited school with an exceptional repurati o n , and it was the pe rfect time to make i t happen. He entrusted the School of Busi ness to Zu lauf, who became the first dean . There were many challenges i n the beginning, fro m wo rking toward accreditation to keeping the l iberal arts fo un dati on of Pacific Lutheran in tact-with 50 percent liberal arts classes, 50 percent b u s iness studies as an estab lished req u i rement. "My d.ream wo u l d have been the Association of New American Col­ leges," Zulauf said, referring to the group of l i beral arts colleges of which PLU is now a parr. "More recent ideas h ave made our early d reams of inte­ grating l iberal arts and business more palatable and well-defi ned."



excellence I n the first years, the school

dards for accou n ting p rograms. I n

needed [ 0 s how the development of

1 9 8 2 , PLU was one o f the fi rst 1 8

p rograms and a b u i lding o f faculty

schools i n the country to receive

and student quality. Eco n o m i cs, ac­

AACSB accreditation in accou n t i ng.

counting and general b u s iness

The 1 9 80s saw a huge growth i n

staned to take shape-each disci pline

interest i n business schools-at one

had at least tWO expert facu l ty mem­

t i m e i n the '80s, app ro x im ately one­

bers, and students with a PLU di­

th ird o f PLU s tuden ts were business

ploma rnaking their mark.

maj o rs. G u ndar King reti red in the

In 1 966, King took over fo r

the global foc us and tec h n o l o g i c al

up being the dean o f the School for

challenges of b usiness in the 1 990s.

25 y e a r s ,

Both King and Z u lau f are both active

lot of credi t for taking the

school to the n ex t level of achieve-

at PLU, o fferi ng advice and ex pert i se


to today's s tu d e n ts and facul ty.


u n d ar rc a Hy re ac h ed ou t t o

th e co mm u ni ty," Zulauf said. " We made some fri ends i n h i g h p laces. " They b r ou gh t in vi s i t i n g p rofesso rs


The MBA Progra m ­ Technology a n d Innovation Management In thl:' b us iness wo rld, technol­

tion of the master's p rogra m , the School o f B usi ness fo und i n the mid­

new i n d us tries, restructuri n g existing

'60s a niche that i t h as cont inued to d evel op today-the wo rki ng studen t

fi rms competc.

oncs and radically changing the way " Preparing students for the

p ortunity to accelerate enro l l m e n t

future goes beyond l e arnin g technol­

and serve an u nm et demand.

ogy," said School o f B usiness p ro fes­

Then came Boeing. Li terally

sor Jim Albers. "It means students

h u ndreds o f Boeing engineers, most

getting i nvolved in the c o m m u n i ty

wo r k i n g as managers, wanted a M BA.

and industry . . . exposin g s tudents to

Since B o e i ng su pporred i ts e m p loy­

the world aro u n d them opens up

ees by paying 1 0 0 percent t u i tion, the

new opportunjties fo r all o f us." Albers should k now, because the

School of Busi ness got the cri tical mass of s t udents i t needed to fu rther

School o f B usi nes s took a golden

the program's strength and reputa­

oppor t u n i ty by h i r ing h i m . I n the


m id -'90s, Albers was a NASA execu­ tive who had a \walth o f experience

u lty with e x p e r ti se i n the maj o r busi­

spann i n g 30 years. Ye t Al bers wanted

ness d i sciplines of m a r k e ti n g , h u man

something else-a way to take h is

resources, fi nance and acco u n ting,

tec h no logical and management expe­

the S ch oo l of Bus iness received ac­

rience into the classroom, and create

credi cation from the prestigious In­

business students who were p repared

ternational Assoc iation for

fo r contemporary challenges. Luckily

Management Education i n 1 9 7 1

fo r PLU, the School of B u s i ness was

(when they were the American As­

look i n g for someone just l ike h i m .

Albers was given t h e opportun ity

sembly of Col legiate Schools o f B us i­ ness. They s t i l l use the acronym,

to research and develope a program

AACSB). At the time, it was the smallest business school with the

i nvolving technology i n tegration at PLU. B o rn in the fal l of 1 996 was

smal lesr b udget In the coun try g ive n

TIM, the Techno logy & I nnovation

that dis tinctio n . The PLU School o f

Management Program for MBA stu­

B u s i n ess, u n like many, was accred­

den[S. The s pec i al izarion i n Tec hnol ogy

i ted on its first try-both with the undergraduate program, and then the MBA p rogram i n 1 976.


The School saw i ts share o f

and In novation Management pro­ vi des M BA stude n ts an education focused o n s p e c ific issues relevant

changes i n the 7 0 s , most specifically

to tech n o logy companies and indus­

the n ational desire to b r i n g resp e c t t o

tries. The program is fo r non-tec hni­

a ccoun ti n g as an individual disci­

cal e m ployees who wan t a deeper

p li ne. The PLU School o f Business was one o f o n ly a few in the west to pursue the newly established stan-


", .. � - 'foj �


ap p re ciat i o n o f technical manage­ ment i s s u e s and fo r tec h nical e

m p l oye es who want a business

. .


King adds, with a smi le: " L i ke a

. . -.-- � �

diamond-small, hard and brilliant."

ogy a n d globalization are crearing

With over a dozen fu ll-time fac­


is some good ness in being small,"

To help bulld toward accredi ta­

who wants a degree. King saw an op­

."'P""� �.!J � �

and c o l leag u es , " Zulauf sai d. "There

vided o peratio n and c u rric u l u m ad­ long-term relat ionships with local


"We've always been able to have a

col laborated with others who p ro­

vice. King also started developing



close relati o n s h i p with our students

from renowned schools L i k e t h e Uni­ ve rs i ty o f Cal i fo rn i a, B e rke l ey, and

� .•

eady '90s-leaving s tudents ready fo r

Zulauf. Zulauf gives King, who ended a


Holly Peterson ' 0 1 has studied and lived in Ecuador and Chile while involved in PLU's School of Business

educatio n that has greater relevance to thei r careers. On l' of rile c lasses, Managing Inn ovation and Technology Change,

Connected students: I n the clas sroom, in the com mu­ njty and around the world There are toO many S c h o o l of

focuses o n the planning and i mple­

Business s tu de n t s to n a m e - a t b ot h

men tation of major new technolo­

t h e und erg radu a t e and graduate

gies, p rocesses or systems which pL)se

level-with o u tstanding accomplish­

s i gni fic a n t uncertai n ty and t h e ne­

m e n ts.

cessity o f fu ndamental c h ang e in th e

HQlly S . Pe te rs o n '0 1 would be a

organization'S desi gn , cultu re, and

dre am come true for any academic

i n dustry structure. Students do nor

departmcnr, but at PLU she is a

JUSt learn how to use tec h n o l ogy, b u t

dream fo r two- the Department of

how t o adapt, confro n t real world

Languages & Li teratures and the

p ro b le m s and come into the job mar­

School o f Business, as she double

ket p re p a r e d for their careers.

"Studen ts learn how to value change ," Albers said . "Along with

lllaj orlC'd i n S panish and bus iness administration. "It has been a great learn ing ex­

TIM, o u r studenrs continue to get

perien ce," Peterson said of her experi­

i nvolved in the local co m m u n i ty and

ences in the School of B u s iness. "I

industry. I t h i n k these thi ngs help

can clearly see the immeas u rab le in­

differentiate us fro m other pro­

terdependence o f business, commu­


n ity and the environment"

Another d ifferentiation comes in a v a r i a t i o n on an old School o f B us i­ ness theme. Like the gro u n dbreaking

" to n

even ing MBA o ffered decades ago, one option today is to pursue the


MBA/TIM program i n a two-year,


Saturday-only fo rmat. Whatever pro­ gram PLU students p u rsue, whether i t's the MBA Or the M BA/TIM , they can t a k e advantage of all of the Tech­ no logy and I n novation M an age m e n r C o u rs es .

"One of the advantages we have is our unders tan d i n g of a studenr's need for flexi b i l i ty," said Catherine

Pratt, MA '93, assistant dean and di­ rectOr o f t h e MBA P ro gra m . " We ap­



3 6










6 9 13


work ing adu l t. While maint a i n ing


PLU s tu dents can still have a job, and a l i fe."




p reciate the constraints on the the in regrity of a r i go ro u s p rogram ,















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A Bndge Connectlllg Students, continued from page 9

She has done what you wo uld expect from a great business student: . i n ternships with State Farm Insur­ ance and General Morors marketing; a research p roject in San juan, Costa Rica i nves tigating a p rivate lending i nstitution for women entering small business ventures; vice p resident of pub lic relations, I n ternational Busi­ ness Club; student representative fo r the School's al u m n i organization, PLUS Business. However, her most jaw-dro p p i ng end eavor has nothing ro do with b u s i n ess s kiLls. In August 1999, ,Peterson went ro Ecuador to learn more about the cou n t ry and the Span ish language. She ended up in Ahuano, a small vil­ lage in the Ecuadorian rainforest, which is eight h o urs o f driving and a canoe ride away from modern civiLi­ zation . At a rural school in Ahuano, Peterson created an English curricu­ lum and taught students from grades K- 1 2 .

" I feel that PLU gave m e a broader perspective of the world," Peterson said. "They helped develop my communication skills, and the p rofessors have been personal and dedicated. The School o f B usi ness also does an exceptional job of foster­ ing student desires ro go abroad." Peterson's global education has only begun. She has recenrly applied for a Fulb right that would have her study­ ing the Chilean economy.


I • Integrating competency-based bUSIness education

Engaging a diverse, globalized SOCiety Utilizing technologies that improve learning • Exemptifying lives of service •

And that is what the PLU School of Business has done-prepared stu­ dents fo r a global world and made them aware o f what their commu­ n i ty, as wel l as their own hearrs, need.

z u '"

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Alumni: helping build the future Obviously in b usiness, network­ ing is a vi tal rool for students to get advice, as wel l as i nternships and jobs. The School o f Business has con­ ti nued ro keep this relationship be­ (ween curren t students and alumni strong. Since 1 987, School o f Business alumni and students have supported PLUS Business, one o f the strongest

40th Birthday


alumni organizations at PLU. Over the years, PLUS Busi ness has contin­ ued ro provide a vital link between alumni and current business stu­ den ts, faculry and staff. Alumni meet and renew ties with other business Lutes, and students have the o p por­ tunity ro meet our graduates. I ts Ca­ reer Mentorsh ip Program connects inq u i ring business majors with alumni in various careers and indus­ tries. All PLUS Business membership donations go i n to the p rogram, and support i ncludes the $2,000 scholar­ ship awarded ro an outstanding busi­ ness student. Addi tional "supporting member" donations have sponsored the refurbishment o f the PLUS Busi­ ness enhanced classroom, the p u r­ chase o f technology equi pment, and the development of a website on the I n ternet. The School o f Busi ness recently asked even more o f their dedicated alumni by req uesting their parricipa­ tion in a comprehensive survey. More than 1 , 1 0 0 alums have already an­ swered Dean Bell's request ro "tell it like it is," and con tinue ro do so on the School's website (wwwplu. edu/ -busa/survey.html). The School i s pleased with t h e results s o far: of in­ ternational graduates, 84 percent gave high l11.arks ro the i m pact of their PLU education as preparation for their cu rrent job; 71 percent of all alums gave h igh marks ro the overall value of their education . "Our al umni are enthusiastically loyal ro the school," Bell said. "\Ve are indebted ro all who rook the time ro share their responses with us." Bell also nores the greatest value for the fu ture is the c ri ticism, rather than the praise. By far the largest number of suggestions have been related to the need for PLU and the Schoo l of Busi ness to u tilize h i gher levels o f technology i n the curricu­ lum and for student use. Luckily for the School of Business, they have made major stri des i n this area with the design o f a new learning and tec h nology buildi ng, which will house the encire School o f Business along with Math & Compute r Sci­ ence. It scheduled. to o pe n by 2003.

Present & Future The PLU School of Business is already focused on p reparing for the challenges ahead. First, this is a "self­ study year" with a process that should lead to the reaffi rmation of its accreditation by the AACSB. Then [here is the new building-along with the moving and new technology chal­ lenges. And finally the impending faculty changes-abo u t half o f the PLU faculty will reti re i n the next decade, and their i m mense talent will

J-Term in Lon d on

School of Busi ness Dean Donald Bel l spent J-Term 200 1 teac h i n g students the rela­ tions hi p of artistic and business dec i sion- making of orga n i zations within the funding environment i n the Un ited Kingdam. Students cont r o sted this relationsh ip with that of similar American arts organ izat i on s in the Tacoma area . The 20 stu­ dents were divided into five tea m s . Each team selected a perform ing arts and a visual arts o rg an izat i on in london to i n terview and compare with the American ones. The g roup visited the Arts Cou nci l of En gla n d , Sadler's Wells, The Globe Theatre and the Tate Modern Museum . To read more about their journey, and see photos from th e trip, v i s i t : www.p/u. edu/encore take time and effo t·t to replace. " Even though there are great challenges for the School of Business, the furure i s going to be very excit­ ing," Bell said. "With the new b uild­ i ng, it will be the fi rst time we will be a cohesive u n i t. I t can only make us an even stronger com mun ity of learners." There are so many noteworthy studen ts, clubs and organizations within the School o f Business that there isn't enough room to mention all o f them. There's Beta Alpha Psi, the national honor fratern i ty for ac­ countants who have given time and accounting help to the community. There is the Center for Executive De­ wlopment, serving Northwest indus­ try, government and non profits for more than 20 years through high quality seminars, workshops, custom­ ized in-house trai ning and develop­ ment activities. There is the M ary Lund-Davis Student Investment Fund, a fund students have built from a $25,000 endowment into a portfolio valued at $ 1 05,000. There are student organizations like the International Business Club and the Socil'ry for Hu­ man Resource Managers that con­ tinue to blossom. There is Ed Wood, a cap[ain in the Wash ington Army Na­ tional Guard and MBA candidate, who became the first graduate student to win the PLUS Business Scholarship. The PLU School of Busi ness has too many success stories-and that's the way it should be. Of www_plu_edu!


the Way

Saturday, April 7, the Schaol of Business marks ifs 40,h birthday with a celebration at the Tacoma Sheraton. The day will start with four alumni refresher courses - Ma naging the Global Firm, Successful Leaders hip, Technology as Your Strategic Partn er, a nd I n novations in E· Business- led by current School of Business faculty in partnership with alumni business leaders. The eveni ng celebration will look back at 40 years, and look a head with the unveiling of the newest Center for Learning and Technology building plans. If you have any q uestions , p'lease confact Susan Martensen at p/usbus@plu.edu or (253) 5 3 5-7 3 2 8 .

New building approval means move for School of Business Uni versity regents in Jan uary ap­


the prelim inary design for con­

struction of fhe

first new acade m ic the Mary

building on cam pus since

Baker Russel l Music center was dedi­ cated in 1 993 .

The Center far learning and Tech­ no logy - housi ng the School of Business and t h e departm e nt s of

mafh, and com­

puter science a n d computer eng ineer­ i ng - hopes to open in


deendin g

on fundraislOg efforts. President loren J. Anderson said the center will help PlU i n tegrate new technology in teach ing while mai ntain­ ing ifs lib eral orts loc us. "The need for fhis



clear four years ogo when we first be­ gan discussions about how best to help meet the need for

the robust integration a l ready d i sti n ­

of technology with our

guished academic programs," Ander­ son sa id. "Today the need pel l i ng . "

i s even more com­

The p la n calls for a 56,5 1 O-squa re . foot bu i ld i ng that will coM

$ 1 5 to $20 the lower

m illion. II will be located on

campus, near Rieke Science Center. The building wili leature a thr ee-st o ry south wing devoted to faculty offices and a two-stary north w i ng for class­ rooms, l abo ra tor i es rooms. It also wi ll

and student work i nclude a variety of

computer lobs, conference roams and

st udy areas. The center will be wired 10 accom­ modate current and future tec h n o logi e s . Anderson soid fhe idea for the cen­

fer was endorsed during lown meetings held throughout the country duri ng the 20 1 0 plann ing process. Many busi· ness alum n i sa id they received a great business education 01 PLU but wanted more computer tra i ni ng . S i m ilarly, computer science a l u m n i expressed a desire fo r a broader-based busi ness education. ON THE CENTER LEA RNING AND TEA CH I NG, VISIT www.plu.edu!encore FOR MORE DETAILS FOR


leadership and service


Why we are such avid PLU supporters

ish. We've fo und a common trait in


all o u r Q Club connections: an obli­

We started out as Choir of the West grou pies. Our first expos ure

gation to hold high the image of PLU as an i nstitution of learning, and

came during a chance attendance at

even more essentially as a resource

their Fi rst Presbyterian concert i n


for value-based education.

s incerity of President Loren and MaryAnn Anderson in their commu­

related to PLU and the

nity-related efforts; the integrity and


fellows h i p o f faculty emerti Dick

neither of us are alu ms, our kids

Moe (and, of course, Marcia); the

never went to PLU and we're not even

ever-present smile and enthusiasm of

Lutheran. Simply p u r, we have been,

Director of Alumni Relations

over the years, very i m p ressed with

Lauralee Hagen. Not to mention our

what PLU stands for as a community

fellow Q Club D i rectors and the PLU

institution. When asked to serve as

al ums we've com e to k n ow and work

Q Club D i rectors, we were especially

with and whose friendships we cher­

Seattle about 12 years ago. We were



honored. How could we have said

riends have asked us how we ever became so closely

Q Club. Quite a valid question, since



Karin Anderson David Berntsen Ernest Bianco Rebecca Bianco Parke Blundon Debbie Dawson lee Dawson" Kathy Edlund " Ingrid Gintz " lisa Korsmo Michael larson Barrie Molt Erik Ogard David Olson Knut Olson, President · laura Polcyn Stan Purvis E rv Severtson Si Torvend (* ExemtitJe Committee)


Ernie and Becky Bianco, who both work as Q-Club Board of Directors members.


Our Q Club m ission i s to sus­

moved, to say the least. To this day,

tain that i mage through fi nancial

we have followed that remarkable

support for its students. S till, we

organization's concerts fro m Port­

need to do more. We're 2, 1 00 strong

land to Japan. While the music serves

now, but we can strengthen our col­

as a connection, our bond with PLU

lective investment i n PLU by seeking

goes far beyond that. What has been m ost impressive

contributions. Show yo ur su pport

to us is the exemplary quality of the

and p ride in PLU-j o i n Q Club and

PLU leaders and advocates we have met over the years. We've been struck

invest you r enthusiastic support in it.

more mem bers and increasing our

with the intense support for and pri.de in the school evidenced by our PLU connections: the pleasance and



Neal Arntson lynne Bangsund Alison Corrigan Joe Dillon Ron Douglass Ken Dunmire Tal Edman larry Green Donald Isensee Jeff Johnson Dale Keller Paul larson Don Mott Bill Rea Jill Simonson Inez Van Antwerp Breit Willis Mark Wold seth STAFF ADVISORS

David Aubrey Kara Fleharty lauralee Hagen Helen Nordquist

Telefundraising at PLU

Meet the 2000-200 1 Telefundraisers !


LU h i res 15 students

have recru ited more than 35 new Q

each year to serve as

Club members h i ps. The students

telefundraisers on campus.

range from freshmen to seniors, and

The students call alumni, parents

hail fro m Nebraska to Alaska and

and fri ends of the un iversi ty Monday

states in betwee n. When the students

thro ugh Th u rsday n ights from 6-8

call, feel free to ask them questions,

p.m. The telefll ndraiscrs work hard ro not only raise money for the an­

find Out what is hap pening on cam­

nual fu nd, but recruit new Q Club

telefllndraisers are looking forward

members . This year, thes students

to talki ng to you !

pus or share memories of PLU. The

Q Club fundraisers say Thank You !

To keep PlU accessible to deserving students by helping to underwrite the cost o/ their education. 2. To increase Q Club membership by recruiting others. 3. To promote increased annual giving and 10 endow the university's future. 4. To serve as am bassadors to promote good will /or the university.

... '"


Upcoming Q Club Events Friday. ,%!rch 1 6';', 20()1

Saturday, May 5" ',

Kathryn Sparks "Myth.

Q Club Spring Banquet

Mirth & Mystery"

Univers ity Gal lery

Join us for


private viewing of

Kathryn Sparks' latest show tided " Myth, M i rth & Mystery." Sparks '83 is the cu rrent curator of visual re­ sources at PLU, and a Q C l u b


ner and theater cost j ust $ 1 7 per

watch the mail for your invitation to


this annual PLU tradition. Com e and celeb rate with the campus as we share the good news of PLU and Q ! Saturday, Ma), 12''', 2001 Italian Theme Dinner "The Merchant of Ve nice"

grou p of new m ixed media works


to fabric constructions and beyond. Viewing begins a t 7 p . m. Join us and meet the artist at a private reception

for o n ly $5 per person.

Merchant of Venice." Tickets for din­

Q Club mem bers, don't forget to

member. H e r show consists of a ranging from paiming to sculpture

department's p resentation of "The

P l ease ca l l 8 0 0 - 2 5 8-6758 743 9 ,

theater on PLU's cam pus! The an


ian dinner, followed by the theatre

i t

or v si

qclub. html

Come enjoy a night of dinner and evening begins at 6 p . m . with


us a t :



www. plu. edu/-deve/



Alumni Annucil

Fund spr i ng class

will be arriving soonl This I S a great time to join Q Cl u b . For a m i n im um contribulion of $25/mon th, your gi fts to the Q Club prov ide scholarship aid to approxi­ mately 1 2 00 Pocific Lutheran University students. If Q Club isn't a financial option at this time. keep in mind th a i gif1S of every size ore impor­ tant. Our goal is to raise the alumni gi ving percentage. Watch your mail, ret urn your reply cord, and help con­ tinue educati ng for l ives of thoughtful i nquiry, service and care by su pport­ in g your Alumni Annual F und. representative letters

c: ... ::t "R '" z c: z

< ,. II' ... -< '" n z

7. �





For the l atest on lu'e sports, call 'he PlU Athletic Hotline 0' 3·S3 S·PlU 1 (758 1 ).

Gagliardi Trophy caps Johnson's storied PLU career BY




acific Lu theran quarterback C h ad Jo h nson

p l ayed for his grand father, PLU h ead coach Frosty

NCAA Divisions I -AA , II, II I a nd NAIA team.

rece ived one of the nati o n ' s two major awards given to a NCAA D ivis i on I I. I

Weste ring, was named Northwest Conference Of­

Johnson partici pated fo r five years in t he Lister­

fe nsive Player of the Ye ar fo r (he second sr.rai g h t

McIlvaigh mcntoring program t h at bri ngs Pacific

foo tba l l player IVhen h e was named t h e win­

season (he sh ared the 1 9 9 9 h o n or with teammate

Lutheran football players inro rol e model relation­

ner of the p restigious Gagl iardi Tro phy. Jo hn so n

A n t hony H i cks) and was a first team all con ference

s h i p s with grade and m iddle school students i n two

received t h e tro ph)' in December a t a l u ncheon in

p ick for the t h i rd time.

Tacoma area schools. Johnson was one of the team

Salem, Va. The cri teria for the award i nc l u de excel­

D uring h i s o u tstanding Pacific Lu theran ca­ reer, Johnson pas s ed fo r 8,08 1 yards and

s e rvice.

esr.ablish ed a new schoo l reco rd by co mpleting al­

J o h n s o n had been FLU's startin g qu arte rback

leaders i n the progra m . I n ad d i t i on, h e v olu n tee r ed fo r programs fe ed­

le nce i n ath letics, academics and co m m u n i ty

ing i n n e r c i ty homeless, p arti ci pated i n two

most 62 percen t o f his career pass attempts

short-term mission projects to Los Angeles, and

fo r three natio nal playoff teams, i nclu di ng the

(569-of- 9 2 2 ) . [ n add ition, the 6-3, 2 25-pounder set

was a frequ en t spe aker fo r ch urch yo uth grou ps,

1 9 9 9 squad that won the NCAA Division I I I cham­

a school record wi th at least one touchdown pass

S p ecial Olympics and various civic organ izations

p i o ns h i p . This past season, he led the Lutes to th e

i n 22 consecu tive games. Pacific Lutheran com­

such as Kiwanis and Rotaq' i n t h e Taco ma ::Irea.

second round of th e. D ivi s i on I I I foo tbal l p l ayoffs,

p i l e d a 30-5 record in the l as t th ree years.

J o h n sol'l also served fo u r yea r s

IVhere they lost a 28-2 I overtime contest to even­

W h i le h i s a t h l e t i c accompl ish ments arc notc­

tual natio nal runner-l! p Sa in t John's. The

worthy, Jo h nson made a sim i I a d y si g n i fi can t

left- handed senior fi n i s hed the sCJ.!)on co mp l e ti n g

im pact in the classroom. As a busi ness a d m i n i s tra­

nearly 65 percent of his passes fo r 3 ,304 yards and

tion major, Joh nson gradu a te d with a 3.5 G PA.

2 6 touch downs , ranking h i m fo urth national ly in

Ear l i e r i n the fal l , John so n was selected to the

as ::I

su pervisor and

coullselor fo r the fou r-d::lY Ro tary Youth Leaders work s h o p in the Pacific Nort hwes t. " \X/e all coach many players d u ri n g o u r career, and every so often we have the h o n o r of coach ing a speci a l kind of player, not o n l y an outs tand ing ar.h­

p ass i n g e ffici e n C )!. Jol1l1son also gained 279 ru s h i ng

2000 A meri can Football Coaches Assoc i a t ion Good

lete b u t an outstand i n g s t u d e n t and person with

yards fo r the season and averaged 3 2 5 . 7 yards o f

Works Team, which h o n o rs collegiate football play­

strong Ch ristian fai th, " says Coach Westering o f

r o w l o ffe n se per game, a.lso ra nking h i m fo u rth

ers who show exce p ti o n a l dedication

h i s grandson. " C h a d is o n e of those special guys."

among Division I I I footbal l players. Johnson, who

service. He was one of 1 1 p l ay e rs s e l ected


Cll m l11 u n i ty to



The Gagliardi Tro phy is named in honor of long time S a i n t John's ( M i n n .) head coach John Gagl i a rd i , the w i n n i ngest active coach i n col lege fo otba l l . The rro p h)l , s ponsored by Josten s , [ne., and by th c J -C lu b of Saim J o h n 's Un ivers i ty, has been p resen ted annua.l ly si nce 1 99 1 . Last year's winner was Uni versi ty of Redlands (Cal i f) quarter­ back D a n n y Ragsdale. Johnson was selected from a l i s t of nine fi nalists. The Gaglia.rdi Trop h)!, which stands neari)' two feet tall an d wei gh s 64 pounds, features


s c u l p ture

of Gagli a rd i and a p l ayer i n a classic one-on-one sideli ne meeting. The s c u lp tu re is hand-cast i n bronze and m o u n ted o n a polished wood basI'. Copies of the trophy were pre se nted an d



Joh ns on

Pacific Lutheran Un iversi ty.

The 2000 postseason h as been fu l l of h o n ors fo r Joh nso n , who was abo named AFCA D ivision III First Team f\ ll-f\ m c rica quarterback and Lutheran Brotherhood L u t h e ran Co l lege Player of the Year.



Award·winning PLU quarterback Chad Johnson.

z v .., >­ ... VI '"

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'" '"

Haroldson to retire after 200 1 -2002 season

Pacific Luthera n men's basketball head coach Bruce Haroldson has announced his retirement from coach­ ing and teaching follOWing the conclusion of the 200 1 -02 school year. Haroldson entered this season, h i s 1 8 th at Pocific Luthera n, with a 226-222 record . He led the lutes to Northwest Conference titles in 1 9 85 and 1 9 86. Noren ronks third in winning percentage

Rick Noren starts his seventh season as heod coach of the PlU softba ll team ranked third in the nation for winning percentage among active NCAA Division III coaches. Noren, who has led his lutes to five North­ west Conference titles in the past six seasons, has v

< ...

compi led an outstanding 1 98-54-1 record and a .785 winning percentage. Noren has taken four of his PLU teams to national tournament competition. Pacific Lutheran has advanced to the NCAA West Region tournament in both 1 999 and 2000, compiling a 75- 1 2- 1 record in the process. Lute Club revitalized

Lute Club, Pacific Lutheran's athletic booster and fund­ ra ising organization, is in its revitalization process. Since the early 1 970s, Lute Club h as provided funds for the PlU ath letic department. These funds are used to defray costs such as travel for lute teams and assisting individuals qualifying for national-level competition. In recent years, however, lute Club has been less active.

Pacific lutheran's switch three years ago to NCAA affiliation has eliminated the need to raise dollars for na­ tional travel, but there are other necessities with i n the department, like facility improvement, equi pment pur­ chase and out-of-reg ion travel expenses. As a member of lute Club, you will invest di rectly i n the success of lute athletes and t h e PLU ath letic program for th is year and years to come. Individuals interested in making a tax-deductible gift to lute Club can do so by writing a check made out to lute Club. Send the check to: Lute Club, Development Office, Pacific lutheran Un iver­ sity, Tacoma, WA, 98447. A lute Club brochure, i ncluding a members hip form, will be mailed in the spri ng.



Office of Alumni and Parent Relation. Nesvig Alumni Center Pacific Lutheran University Tacama, WA 98447-0003

Lauralee Hagen '75, ' 78 A H O C I A T E D I R E C T O R : Darren Kerbs '96 A D M I N I S T R A TIVE A S S I S T A N T : Joni Niesz

253-535-74 1 5 T O L L f R E E : 1 -800-AlUM-PlU f A X : 253-535-8555 E M A I L : alumn;@plu_edu WEB5ITE: www_plu.edll/alum




Choir of the West Memories and Reunion T h e ch o i r craveled regularly, ofcen s a n g on th e radio, and was c r i ci cal l y we ll recei ved , A l l ch ro u gh c h e 1 930s the PLC Bulletin announced t h e speCtal ro le o f che C h o i r o f r h e West: "Th is o rgan izati o n enj oys r h e un ique di s ci nc rio n of be i ng che o n ly co l lege c ho i r w(' sr

of the M i ssi ssi pp i specializing i n a c appc l l J. music. M r.

Edwards was o u r Di recco r o f M u sic. . , [he was ] o n e time a studem u n d e r F. M el i us C h ristiansen, d i rccror o f the S c, O laf C h o i r" , [Edwards b u i lr ] rhe Pacific Lutheran C h o i r i nr o an o rganiza rion wo r chy o f r h is i l l u s r r i o u s " teac h er. - N O RDQU IST

Choir of the West, c. 1 944·46 [G u nnar] M a l m i n came co Pac i fi c Lu ch era n Co l­

Christmas performance in downtown Tacoma Bank, 1 962


h i s year the C h o i r o f ehe West celeb rates

75 years of a ri c h a n d memorable PLU trad i ti o n , To co m m e m o rate t h i s a n niver­

sa ry, the ch o i r,

al on g

with PLU al lll1m i and fri ends,

w i l l rour Sca n d i navia from M ay 30


June 1 2 ,

leg e in che fall of 1 937, At fi rsc, Malmin's effclL'Cs to keep rhe C hoi r of rhe Wes r going were somec h i n g o f a srruggl e - r h e ma le s ru d e n r b o d y was reduced ar one poine co n i n e, Bue r h e pos rwar yea rs werc


Lime of

srrong develop m e n r for rhe choir. M a l m i n ,;Jid of it, " I have al ways b e l i eved c h a c the a capp e l la c h o i r si n gi ng sacred music expresses r h e h igh est ideals of Cluisrian

h i gh e r e d uc a ci on cu l cu rall y a n d s p i ri cually." Ir

was al so

T h e n , at P L U H o meco m i ng 200 1 , Ocro b e r 1 2 - 14, a

a fine s i ngi n g organ iz a ri on chat p ro fi re d gr ea r l y fro m

C h o i r of the Wes t Reu n i o n will be h e l d a n d a ll past

M a l m i n 's f1 a i r fo r p ro g ram m i ng, M : d m i n k n ew hi s

members will be i nvi ted to come back and rehe a rs e

The c u l tural h i g h po i n e of rh e mi d-seven ties was undoub tedly rhe May 1 9 74 Wes r Coasr prl' mi e re of Po l is h c o m poser Krz)'szrof Pcnd crccki ' s " Pa.�sion Ac­

cordi ng to Sr, Lu ke," Pcndcrccki is o ne of the

besc-known com posers of chI' btl' rwent.ierh ce n t u ry, an d " Passi on ," wh ic h pre m ier ed in Emope i n 1 9 67, is co nsi d e re d h i s m a s r erpie cl', Accord ing to M oo l' i n g j\1\ a s r repo rcer J u dy Ca r l so n , it b l e n ds G rego ri a n C h ;[ l l t , fo l k mu s i c, l Ionverbal c h o i r s o u n d s , a n d mo di fied seria l i sl11 i n an cclecric sryl e" , T h e stage in Easrvo l d l\u d i ro ri u ll1


fi l l ed ro overf1 o w i n g w i r h performers,

and rhe wt;] I e ffee r o f che m usi c

was exr rao rdi nary,


under the d i rection of Olaf MaIm in '62, s o n of fo nner d i recr o r G u n nar M al m i n ; fo rmer d i rector M aurice Sko nes, and c u rrene d i rector Ri c h a rd

In Februa ry 1 979 rh e choir s;)ng i n New York

S p arks , On S u n day of H o meco m i ng, a re u n i o n

Ci ry's L i ncol n CCllrer ro

conc.:rt w i l l h i g h l ight i nd ividual c h o i rs a n d the

c u rrent ch o i r u n der t h e d i rec t i o n o f a n ew, yet to be

el len t


"T h.:re arc

t ry, but not many o f rhem would probably CJre co

named , con d u c tor. To se e mort: c ho i r p i c t u res and

tack!c rl1l' d l'l1lan d l n g and

co find out about the re u n i o n , visic che C h o i r of the \X1cst pagt: on the a l u m n j website at


man )' su p erior col lege c h o i r grou p s aro u n d ( h e coun­ m u s ically ri c h progrJ l11 o f­

fe n�cl hI' th e Choir o f r h e \'(/ es r" , [h t's e you n g st u d cn rs

ww\\', p l u ,edu/

frolll PJCific Luch er;)11 U n ivcrs i ry " , n o r o n ly sur-

al umni,

1l10ull Ccd a l mo sc ever y chal l l' nge s p l en d i d ly, but also did 1 5 0 1 while s i n gi n g the encirc con eel'[ fro m

\Xfe h ave visi ted t h e P L U Arch i ve s and have. s e ­

m e m o ry," - N O RD Q U I ST

lecced j u s c a few sna pshots of t h e choi r's h i s ro ry, The fo llow i n g pa ragra p h s ar.: e x c e r p cs from "Edu­ cat i ng For S e rv ice" by P h i l i p Nordq u i s t '56 and "A

Sk o n c s

C a pp e l la Choirs in the Scand i n av ian-American Luth eran Col leges" by P a u l Benson '67,

audiences and what rhey wanted co he ar. The c h o i r's 1 9 63 c o u r of N o rway marked i cs p ea k of ar t istic accain ­

men t, as dernonsrrated by chI' revi ews i n many Scandll1avian and G e r man n ewspa pe rs , - B E N S O N


l Ilry mcm ber


su cceed ed by Richar d Sparks, a fac­

Me. H o l yok e Col lege who had b e e n

educated a r Lhe U n i vc rsi ry of Wash i n g t o n , S parks WJS th e to u n d i ng direcrol' o f Sean Ie Pro M usi ca and hJd c o n d u c ccd the No r ch wesl Bach Fesriv:d in SpokJnc fo r r h ree yeal's, S pa rks soon d i re c cc d


rriulllph of h i s llw n ,

Benj a m i n B r i rte n 's profo u n d l y m ov i ng "War Requ iem " was p rcse n r e d ill Scat r l e and Tacoma on rhe tw.: n ty ­ I n c h e fal l o f 1 964, Maurice S ko n es came co PLU as cha i r man of rhe M u sic Depa rrm en c and direccor o f rhe C h o i r of the Wese. Skones was w e l l prepared fo r h i s

new role, havi n g st ud i ed ch ora l d i rC'c ci n g u n d e r Pa u l ]. C h risciansen ar Concordia C o l l ege i n Moorhead, M i n n , When Sko ne s took ove r the choir, he i m m ed i ­ atel y p u c h i s own s tamp on i c, A lr ho u g h he was we l l within r h e h is co ri cal tra d i cion o f Lu r heran co llege choirs, he wan red co emp h asiz.: rhe choir as a concerc e n s e m ble , -BENSON

Command performance for Norwegian Crown Prince Harald, 1 970

co u r i ng :1 cap pel la c h o i r was Paci fic Lu ch e ra n Un iver­ si ty in Park l an d, Was h , In r h e taU of 1 925, Pac i fi c Lu rhe ran Col l ege, by th€n grown co n.:ariy 1 5 0

de n r s h i r.:d a yo un g



Obf grad u a ce , Jose p h

Edwards, co head ehe music de p a rcmen t. Du r i ng r h e open i ng lVeeks of the 1 926-27 sch o ol year, Edwards s ta rt ed tly i n g o u e vo ices fo r che " C h o i r of che Wesr," a

n a m e s uggested by an early cou r m a luger of t h e c hoi r. Des p i t e


sho rrage o f q u a l i fied si ngers , Ed w a rds

s calT ed b u i l di ng a c h o ir chac became res pec cab l e and even excd l e n t i n t i me, - B E NS O N

were P L U c bo ra l e ensembles , r he orches­

r[,:1, rhe Norr hwl's c Boys C h o i r, a cha mbe r orchestra, a,n d soloisrs-250 pcc)ple i n


The Seattle 1'0St­

Inrel l i gt'ncer ca ll e d ie a n "i n spi r e d event": "The cre d l r fo r such p ol ish and rast · Ill usr g o [ 0 Sparks , Never

I c was an nou nced " , c hac che C h o i r would p r esen r

Rosza, a fri e n d o f S ko nes, was fam o u s as a co m pose r of music fo r Ho l lywoo d movies ("Qu o Vad i s," "Ben

H u r, " "El Cid," "Ki n g of Ki ngs "), fo r whic h he had won ch ree ACJdel11Y Awa rds, The p re m i ere was p ar r of r h e 23 October 1 9 65 H omeco m i ng conccre. Ie was


c r it i ­

cal success, Afterward Rosza coJTImcntcd: "I am overwh e l med ar how ch e), sang, [ had n o r i magined the work co be performed by memory", M e Sko n es is ch oral geniu s" This is o n e of che greJ.tesc choirs in rh e nation, wirh precis io n second to none." - N O R D Q U I ST


s h ow m a n Or one ro gran d s tJ.n d , he is a Ill usician's con­ du c ror. Ibre ly has a ch oi r sounded s o wel l re.hearsed, Un de r rhe m as ce r fu l ly detai led bawn of Sparks, rhe sec ti o n s were asc u cel y balanced , rhe shape o f r h e work were pl' r fo rl1led wi r h inrell igcncc and d i rec t i o n , "

Rosza's majo r vocal pi ece, "The Van i ti e s of Life,"

The t h i rd Lu r h e ra n co l lege to de ve l o p a n ac i onal l y


was dea ri ), defined and rhe ph rases and d y n a m i c leve ls

rhe world p re m i ere o f H u ngarian co m poser M i klas


fifrh J n n i versa l"), of its p remi e re , Inclu ded in the

a rruc


"0 J> n

... n c:



... ..

J> Z c: Z < ... .. III

III n z




Living the Liberal Arts - Letters to the Alumni Office C H RISTIAN LUCKY ' 8 9



I h a.ve been charged with heading out i nto [he


wo rld



my b eloved alma mater. And, so it is with l i fe - an­

ast week, I received a telep hone call from a college student who was 1l1terested In attending law school and in beco m i ng an

tion le tter and still others are looking for a lead on an apart m c nt in the tight New York h o u s i ng mar­ ket. I3ut this caller was d i fferent. She said, "I


wo ndering whether a n t h ro pol ogy and S p anish are good majors given 111y goals? Law schoo l ad mis­ sions cou nselors rarely favor one major over anoth er, I explained. "No," she responded "I'm nor so m u c h worried about (he ad missions counselors

as r am i n developing s k i l l s so that I can work to p rovide legal s e rv ices in Latin America. I have stud­ ied abroad i n Bu Cl10s A i re s and i n Eq uador and I'd l i ke to go back to work as a public i n terest attor­ n ey " . For a m i n ute, I was du mbstruck. Had I heard the caller correctly:> Then it h i t me-of course th is was a PLU student! She wasn't looking fo r a j ob ; s h e was b u ilding a vocation. We spoke at length about legal anth ropology, about jud icial reform in Ve nezuela, abo u t micro-lend ing and abo u t the m any public i nterest organizations in New York that are always looking fo r talented law students and at t orn e ys. My telephone companion was as well p re pa re d as she could be


und ertake the m i s ­

s i o n she h a d s e t fo r herself. l learned a good deal i n tal k i ng w i th her. Our tele p h o n e conversation rem i nded m e that fo r students s u c h as those who have been edu cated fo r l i ves of service at PLU, the job market is the b road u n iverse of challenges facing h u man i ty and is n o t s i ne p l), t h e narrow l i s t i n g of employers post­ i ng want-ads. For those who take this b roader vicw, it's a bull m arket with no s h ortage o f j o bs in sigh t.

I was also re m i nd e d o f the i nt e rp lay between edu­ cating for service and t h e PLU cO lll m i tment [0 l i b eral education. In order


be commi tted to ser­

vice, i n d ividuals need to be i n tel ligent and sensi tive eno ugh [0 u n derstand and appreciate rewards that are not strictly monetary. Well trave led, broadl), read and b i l ingual, m)' PLU caller bears the attri b u tes of a l i b e ral educa­ tion. She discovered her own p ro fessional aspirations within the asp irations of c o m m u n i ties s h e came [0 k now and car e fo r wh i l e a s tu d e n t at

PLU. As I said good-bye and hung u p the phone, I



:t to ::I v

u C ...

I h ave not been so quick to leave win ter be-

h i nd, because for me this winter was a momcntous once the place where I worked and s tu d i ed is now

stude nts or colleagues who want a reco mm enda­


thoughts often turn tOward spri ng. This year


a.i m i n g fo r a co rporate law job, others are fo rmer


t is typ ical that d u ri n g the wi n ter months my

one. This winter I graduated from PLU. What was

ceive man)' telephone i n q u i res each year. Some are

III '"

My commencement ceremony has come a n d gone.


a ttorney. 1 enjoy t a lk i ng to young people a n d I re­


Now, the time fo r b ranching ou[ has a rrived.














thought to myself, what about 111 )' com m u n i ty? The calle r's en ergy was contagious and had re­ newed me. I bet I could gather ten attorneys in my own neigh borhood who could pl'Ovide free legal aid to elderly s h u t i ns . I t h i n k I will make a few tele­ phone calls of my own.


begin navigating tOward llly d reams and

des i res with the compass of service. 1 am


o n fide n t

about bra n c h in g Ollt because I re main fi rmly rooted in the fo undation a.l principl es of the PLU coml11 u n i ty. And now I [00 can be


part o f o u r

co m m u n i t y 's elasticity.

tici pated endi ngs become u ndeterm i ned beginn ings. My chosen d i sciplines o f s t u dy were Span i sh and ant h ropology-two majors that encou raged m uc h read i n g and writi ng. D u r i ng my fi rs t t\vo years, it often fel t laborious to squ 'eze heavy read­ i ng loads i n to my al ready fu l l weeks. By the timc I reached the last term of my u n iversi t), experience though , I wanted to read more, and I had more words to write than essay space ava ilable. A trans­ fo rmation had most certainly taken place. I can see that this tra n s formation was largely fueled by the energy that abou nded in the warm l"llviro n l11ent [

This grollp of college

friends has very close sillce their days ar PLU. The), a l l II1el wh i l e res i d i n g in 5 t l1m I I � J I . a n d dcspirc l iv i n g i n d i ffcrenr pares of r h e COlIntr )', s r i l l get (OtT('(il!:'r several r i nlCS ;) \'('aL I n re n 1a i n rd


� h i s f1ho toor::t a r e ,-Q:�[ht' rl'd ;::. f) h , rhl'\! I

to ce l e b rate



cngag('ll1 c n c a r c h e i !"

good fr i e n d Jason

to G loria McCbna h a n , who �·'r.:1 !1k Russe l l cOlnpanv i ll j l'W Yo rk. I f )'oll were a n�mber of l o w l'oka Pi or lived i'n S r u e n Hall between 1 9 1> 8 and 1 9 96 " n d wo u l d like to !c'31'n Illore, YOll can find rhe111 all o n their website 1I'lI'lv iotdpokdpi.com.


he )"net w h i l e \\'orkil1�T for t he

had chosen to be Illy college cOll1 m u n i ty. Pacific Lut heran i s without a doubt a u n i q ue place- o n r that tends t o the hearts and s p i r i ts of i ts students as well as


thei r m i n d s .

I would not be w h o I a m tOday w i t h o u t that environment as a student. Becoming a lawyer actu a lly struck ll1e



good idea at the age of 5-1 even wore a Ha rvard Law sweats h i r t to k i ndergarten, i f you can i magi n e t h a t l A t PLU, I learned why [ s h o u l d be a lawye r. PLU helped me to believe that one can live a l i fe that is navigated by the

CO III pass

of service. I t

h e l ped m e t o b e l i eve tlUt when guided by t ha t com pass we can carve o u t space for co m ll1 u n i ty and o p t i m i s m wherever o u r physical road may be. In t h i s wav t he bonds o f c o m m u n i ty are elastic, and


can stretc 1 as far as in d ividuals are willing to take them. For me, these beliefs created the realization

that being a lawyer wo uld allow m e to p ut i nto practice the des i rc I had to work fo r j u s tice and rec­

TOP ROyV (from left):

Adam Sturgill '92 holding son Aaron, Katrina

(Hou gen) Sturgill '91 holding son Noah; Christian Murray '93;

Corrine (Erickson) Murray '94; Kelly Hockelberg-Young '93; Dr. Jeffery Young '93; Karin (Witala) Roney '95; Dan Roney '94 BOnOM ROW (from left): Kim (Rempher) Helseth '96; Troy Helseth '95; Gloria McClanahan; Jason Thompson '93; Christian Gerling '91 ; Mark Jo nes ' 9 3 holding son Andrew; Kristina (Cummings) Jones '92

o n c i l i at i o n in o u r world that is at times very d ivided and v(!ry angry. Perfectionist-style d o u b ts, those thaI often plague a good idea, q ui c k ly began to overwhelm my though ts . H ave l11y chosen majors adeq uately pre­ pared me fo r the career and d reams that were forming in my head? Does a career su ch as the one I im agine actually exist in the "real" wo rld:> And i f s o , a m I "good enough" t o d o i t? When I was

Annual Women's Luncheon

caugh t i n this storm of doubt, the s u n l i ght shown

Q Club Banquet - May 5

through i n the fo rm of fel l ow PLU graduate Ch ris­

Adopt a Highway

tian Lucky.

Homecoming 2 0 0 1

Our discussion was e m powering and inspiri ng. H i s i n tell igencc, depth of knowledge and thought­


A p ril 22 -


Apri l 28

( 1 -4 pm)

October 1 2 - 1 4

Annual Women's Luncheon

fu l responses to my questi ons were most

For m o re than 50 years area women who gradu­

i m p ressive. My fel l ow Lute carefully l istened to m)'

ated from Pacific L u theran Un iversi ty d ur i n g the

i n terests and then engaged me in meaningful d ia­

'30s, '40s and '50s, have gathered fo r an anIl ual

logue as king fo r my o p i n i o n s and co nclusions.

lun cheon to celeb rate their associarion with PLU.

I3eyo nd the encouragement and su p p ort he p ro­

Beginning with last year's IUllcheon, women from

vided fo r me, he contri b u te d to the elasticity of the

the '60s have been added to the guest list. This

PLU c o m m u n i ty by allowing a current student to

spri ng, the lun c h eon will be held Sa tu rd ay, April

be his co mpan i o n i n conversation and ideas. We are

28, 200 1 in the Mary I3aker Russell Music Center.

now neighbors in this com m u n i ty even if m i le s and

The l u n cheon wi l l be i n the Choral Rehearsal

time zones d is tance us.

Room with a special p rogram to fol low in L agerq u is t Hall of the M ll sic Center. If you l ive in

western Was h i ngton, you should receive your in­ vitation early i n March.


a l u m ni class notes


Class reunions will be heldfor 1 951, 1 956, 1 961, 1 966, 1 971, 1 976, 1 981, 1 986, 1 991, and 1 996 during Homecoming 2001, October 12-14. lfyou would like to serve on your class reunion committee or would like information aboutyour reunion please contact your reunion class representative(s). See under your class yearfor more details.

1 93 1 Harald Gray died on Dec. 1 2 . He was a lifelong member of the F i rst Assembly of God Li fe Center in Tacoma where he served i n many roles, i nc l u d i ng cha i r m a n of the c a m m i llee for the rebu i l d i n g of the c h u rc h following a d i sa strous f i re. After g raduating from PLU, he taught a t Midland Junior High School be­ fore mov i ng to the Clover Pork School Di strict, where he later be­ co me a p r i n c i pal for 1 6 yeors and reti red a s a s si sta n t super i n tendent. Harold also taught courses a t PLU for 2 6 yeors. He i s survived by his wife, Alma; sons, Gary '62 a nd Gor­ don '65; daughter, Nora; and grandch ildren. H i s daughter, Marci, preceded him i n death.

1 934

Ella (Johnson) Fosness d i ed on Dec. 1 5 . After PLU, El l a ta ught school for five years before she m a r­ ried E l mer Fosness in 1 93 9 . They l ived in Seallie for eight years before moving to the Cromwell area of Gig Horbor, Was h _ , i n 1 947 to live near Elmer's porents and help with the form. I n 1 96 2 , Ella returned to teach­ i n g and taught sixth grade u n t i l her retirement i n 1 97 6 . S h e was o n active member of Pen i n sula Lutheran C h u rc h in Gi g H o rbor and she served a s a PLU closs representative. Ella was preceded in death by her h u s ba n d . S he is su rvived by her son, Leroy; daug hters, Joyce Sears '67 and Joan Mitton '67; 5 grand c h i l­ dren, includ i ng Nate Sears '98; and 4 great-gra ndch ildren.

1 947 Guttorm Gregersen, B A '47, MA '60, recently received the St. Olav

Medal i n a presentation at the Scan­ d i navian Cul tura l Center a t PLU. Gregersen, a native of Norway, was honored for his d i s t i n g u i shed service to his native land, i ncluding partici­ pation in the Sons of Norway, help­ ing start the local Norweg i a n c h i l dren's choir, serving on the board of the Sca n d i navian C u ltura l Center, and being a correspondent for the Western V i k i ng for more than 20 yeors. The award was presented by Thomas Stong, C on sul of Nor­ way, based in Seallie. Guttorm is a retired Tocoma­ area educator.

1 950

Grant Whitley d i ed on Nov. 1 2 . Grant was a l i felong resident of Tacoma. He served i n the Navy dur­ ing World Wor II. After PLU, he worked at Hooker C h e m i cal as a chemist until retirement in 1 9 8 3 . Grant was a mem ber of Bethlehem Lutheran C h urc h . He i s s u rvived by his wife, Anne; si ster, J a n i ce Deweyert; sans, C h r i s and Grant; daug hters, Barbara Dildine '75, Sondra Merr i m a n and Karen Stratford; and 1 3 gr andchild ren .

1 95 1

Class Reps: La Wa,ma Ahrendt at 253-537-3075; Marge Kunschak at

1 935 Jane (Williams) Ramsdell d i ed on Dec. 1 . Jane taught school at U n iversity Place, Roosevelt and Lowell E lementory Schools in Tacoma . She ma rried her husband, James, i n 1 9 3 7 . She was a l so very i nvolved in com m u n i ty activi ti e s. Serving a s vice-cha i rm a n of th e Pierce County a n d Wa s h i n gton State Republican Parties, she was a del­ egate to the 1 960 Notional Repu b l i­ can Convention. Jane is preceded i n death by h e r husband. She i s sur­ vived by her sons, James and Steven; four grandsons a n d two great-grand­ children.

1 94 1 Goodwin ( " Goody") Olson d i ed on Dec. 1 . He was a public school teacher and pri n c i pal for nearly 40 years a n d reti red i n 1 98 0 . Goodwin i s s u rvived by his w i fe, 'Dorothy '89; c h i ldren, George, Dennis '77, Teresa, Carol Houston '73, and Janice Treen; three grandchil­ dren and two great-grandchildren. Arne and Gloria (Rummer '42) Pederson celebrated t h e i r 60,h wed d i n g a n n iversory on J a n . 24 w i t h a reception at Tri n i ty Lutheran C h u rch in Taco m a . They met at PLU and were married in Seollie on J a n . 1 1 , 1 9 4 1 , and have l ived i n t h e Pa rkland a rea f o r m o r e than 5 0 yeors. Professor Pederson served in the PLU School of E d ucation for 3 3 yeors a n d when the youngest of five sons left home, Gloria opened a Scandinavian g i ft shop that she oper­ ated for 2 1 yeors. Merle Pflueger is enjoying h i s retirement. H e bought a new home and con t i n ues to do a lot of travel­ i n g . He a l so does substitute organ playing in c h urches.

253-537-3101; Maria La" son at 253-538-9483

1 956

Class Reps: Ginny Haugen at 253584-0380 or ighaugen@aoLcom; Clarene Johnson at 253-588-2377

or clarene735@compuser-ve.com

Robert Romnes retired from Champion International in 1 99 5 . He was the manager of the process­ engineering deportment. He and h i s wife, Margaret, l i v e i n Florida .

1 959 Len and Bette Lou (MacDonald) Ericksen ore l iving in Kal i spel l , Mon t . , where Len i s serving a s t h e i n terim pastor at Bethlehem Lutheran C h u rc h . They ore work i n g with con­ gregational president, Jim Kittlesby '60, and vice president, Wayne Saverud '66. Th is sum­ mer they will move to Glacier No­ tional Pork, where Len will supervise the chapl a i n s wo rk ing with a C hri s­ tian m i n i stry in the Notional Pa rks.

1 96 1

Class Reps: Ron Learch at 509-627-

0583 or lerchs@earthlink.net;

Karen Flamoe at 253-927-5391 or lej1amoe@aol.com

William (Bill) Ostenson d ied on Nov. 2 1 . After PLU, Bill received a juris doctorate fram Willa melle Uni­ versity in 1 96 3 and a master of governmental a d m i n istration from the Whorton B u s i ness School at the U n iversity of Pennsylva n i a i n 1 96 5 . B i l l worked for tra n s i t agencies i n P h i ladelphia a n d Detroit before h e a n d h i s fa m i ly moved to B a i n bridge Island, Was h , in 1 97 2 . He was the first executive d i rector of the Eco­ nomical Development Council of

Puget Sound. He then served as on economic development and public policy consultant. Bill and his wife, Patricio, were married in Au gu s t 1 96 4 . Th ey hod t wo sons, John '88 a n d Peter '90. He i s s u rvived by h i s wife, sons, and three brothers, Harold '66, Alan '72, and Rich­ ard '7 1 .

1 964 Dennis Howard was appoi nted chairman of the computer informa­ tion office systems deportment a t the University of Alaska, An chorage in August.

1 966

d ucti ng . He has d i rected choirs a n d ta u g h t mu s i c on a l l levels for over 2 5 years, i nc l u d i n g the G l o ri a n a C h a m­ ber Singers, and choirs at both PLU and Arizona. His groups consi stently receive superior rat i n gs at contests and festivals, and the Lakes choir has performed three times a t the No­ tional Invitational C horal Festival of Gold, most recently i n the spring of 2000. I n a d d i ti o n to h i s duties at Lakes, Benj am i n also serves on state and regional boards for M . E . N . C . a n d A C . D . A In June 1 999, he w a s the Certified E m ployee of th e Yeor for the C l over Pork School District a n d in February 2000, he was n a med Outsta n d i ng Music Educator for the Mounta i n Region of the Was h i n g ton Music Educators Asso­ ci at i o n .

Bill King d ied on Dec. 1 . He was a retired m a jor from the U . S . Army N u rse Corps. After retiring from the Army, he worked as a reg i s tered n u rse in Saudi Arabia, and for the Native Americo'n Ho s p ita l in Alaska. He come to Tacoma to work at West­ ern State Hospita l a n d then for the Deportment of Soc i a l a n d Health Services. Bill also graduated from the Kansas C ity General Hospital School of Nursing, University of Southern California, and d id post-graduate work i n nursing at the U n iversity of Evanston, I l l i n o i s . B i l l 's i n terests were travel, languages a n d the opera. H e spoke e i g h t languages i nc l u d i n g E n g l i s h , French, Ger m a n , T h a i , Viet­ namese, Italian, Ara bic, and Forsi . B i l l is survived by h i s s i s ter, Catherine A t k in s , and h i s nephew.

Class Rep: Jack Oliver- at 916-9613304 or jack_oliver-@hotmail.com

1 968 Anders Aadland assumed com­ mand of the U . S . Army Maneuver Support Center at Fort Leonard Wood, M o . , in October. He is the com m a n d i n g genera l .

1 970 Marlene Buffington left for the Peace Corps an Nov. 1 3 . She is stationed in Lesotho, a s m a l l , m o u n­ ta inous country with snow in w i n ter located w i t h i n the Republic of South Africa. Marlene is a resource teacher, helping to trai n teachers through in-service classes and dem­ onstrations. She also makes vi sual aids. Marlene spent three mon ths lea r n i n g Sesotho, the l a nguage of Lesotho. Robert Krause d ied on June 1 6 . He was married to Linda (Sherrow) '70. Bob graduated from the U n iversity of M i n nesota School of Med i c i ne in 1 9 73 . Spe­ c i a l i z i n g in patho logy, he practiced two yeors in M i n nesota, two years i n New Mexico a n d 1 6 years i n Mon­ tano. He was active in the Montano S tate Pathology Association, the College o f American Pathology and the American Society of C l i n i cal Pathology. Bob retired in 1 996 due to med ical reaso n s . I n 1 997, Bob a n d Lindo moved to Las Vegas from Bulle, Mont. H e is s u rvived by h i s w i fe, h i s moth er, a n d h i s son, Daniel, a senior at Boston U n iversity. Christine Larson is the new d i rec­ tor of professional stondords for the Federation of State Baords of PhySi­ cal Therapy. She works d i rectly with states h el pi ng to enact new practice oct leg i slation and maintain the no­ tional disciplinary database. Roger Hansen upgraded from tech n i c i a n I I I to c i v i l engi neer I. He works for the M u n i ci pal i ty of Anchor­ age, Alaska.

1 97 1

Class Rep:Joe HustadJr. at 503286-9663(w) or 503-531-04 40(h)

1 972 Benjamin Keller joined the stoff of Lakes H i g h School in Lakewood, Wa s h . , i n 1 9 8 7 . He is the d i rector of choral activities and the music de­ portment coord i nator. H e conducts 270 students in his five choral groups at Lokes_ After h e earned h i s bachelor's degree i n education and moster's degree i n m u s i c fram PLU, Ben j a m i n ollended the U n iversity of Arizona and received a Doctor of Musical Arts deg ree in choral con-

1 973 John Nilson was re-appointed Attorney General of Saskatchewan, Canada. Walter Tushkov is a sen ior sys­ tems anolyst at the Boei n g Company in P h i ladel p h i a . Penny Brainerd moved bock to the Pacific Northwest after spen d i ng 1 1 yeors in Southern C a l i fornia, wo rking i n q u a l i ty assurance for a computer company, a n d four yeors i n Arka nsas. She loves Newport, Ore . , where s h e i s en j oy i ng t h e s ig h ts and sounds of the ocean.

Peter Grewenow d i ed on Dec. 20. After PLU, Peter earned a moster's degree in art h i story from Case Western Reserve U n iversity of O h i o . At the time of h i s death, he was the curator of the College of Arc h i tecture and Urban P l a n n i ng Sl i de librory at the U n iversily of Was h i ngto n . Formerly he was the curator of the visual resources collec­ tion at C o l u m b i a U n i versity, curator and cataloguer a t Boston U n iversity a n d curator and cataloguer at C leve­ land Museum of Art. Peter is s u rvived by his mother, Esther; bro ther, Ronald '69; and two n i eces.

1 974 Sally ( I ngalsbe) Ritchie and her h u s band, Michael, moved to F ai rview, Ore., a suburb of Portla n d . S o l l y i s a m e d i a spec i a l i s t for the Porkrose School D i strict and Michael i s the prod uction manager of Ihe door deportment for BMC Wesl i n Vancouver, Wa s h . Their daugh ter, Laura '00 Iformer Mooring Most editor), is the media relations assis­ tant at PLU. Lauro i s married to Geoff Gifford '0 1 . Solly and Michael's youngest daughter, Sora, is a freshman at Western Oregon U n iversity. Bruce Bessler i s the new Chelan, Was h . , Sofewoy manager. He has managed three Alaska Sofewoy stores in the post 1 2 yeors. Before goi ng to Alaska, Bruce was the assistant man­ ager at the some Chelan store.

1 975 Debra Jenkins recently sold her property and house. She hod emer­ gency s u rgery in May 2000 for a ruptured appen d i x . She recently ended a I O-yeor relationsh i p . Debra also recently traded in her Jeep C h erokee (there is a '90 Dover gray Jeep C herokee with PLU a l u m n i and Grateful Dead stickers somewhere in t h i s world) for a 2000 Ford Focus ZTS . . . ond loves i t t Debra took a long overdue medical R & R vocation to Florida and Georg i a i n the fall - the Pacific Northwest looks m ig hty fine. She i s seorching for a life portner.

1 976

Ifyou wOllld like to help usplan this reunion, please let liS know!

Clement O'Neill, Lt . C o l . (Ret.) U.S. Army, d i ed on Nov. 1 6 . He was a l so a graduate of Ihe U n iversity of Nebraska. His work ethic carried him through his 8 1 " year, os he was s t i l l employed by Central Texa s U n i­ versity and Pierce College. C lement served in World War II, the Korean Wor, and the Vietnam War. He re­ ceived many awards d u r i ng his mili­ tary coreer, i nc luding the Bronze Star. He reti red from the U.S. Army i n 1 96 7 after 2 0 yeors o f service and later retired from the Federal Prison System, a s on educator at McN e il Island, Wa s h . C lement i s su rvived b y h i s four c h i l d re n . Susan Kerns w a s elected t o I h e executive cou ncil of t h e Association of Supervision of C u rriculum Devel­ opment, on international, nonprofit, nonportisan association of profes­ sional educators whose jobs cross a l l grade levels a n d s u b ject oreas, founded in 1 94 3 . Susan a s s u m ed office in March, following the ASCD annual conference i n Boston.

1 978 Phyllis Eide received a P h . D . i n nursing a n d a student leadership aword from the U n iversity of Colo­ rado in May. She cont i n ues to teach bacca la u reate n u rs i n g at the U n iver­ s i ty of Hawa i i , H i l a , where she has been si nce 1 99 2 . Matthew Watrous is a firearm i n s tructor. He a n d his wife, Letitia, a naturopathic physician, live in Spo­ kane with their c h ildren, Heather, 1 3 and Travis, 9 .

1 979 Michael Mendoza is the d i rector of choral activities at The College of New Jersey. He is also a composer.

1 980 Arlene Conde d ied on J on . 6 from ovarian cancer. She fulfilled her career ambitions by teaching for the Puyallup and Auburn school d i stricts i n the ' 80s and '90s, before i l lness forced her into early relirement. Donna Kahre a n d her h u s band, Victor, were Iron sferred to Poris, France. Donna works 0 1 Honeywell Internat io n a l. She i s a contract man­ ager for E u ropean Environmental Con trol Systems, which provides products to Ai rbus and other E u ro­ pean a i rcraft man ufacturers. Ray Francis retired from the U . S . A r m y a s a lieutenant colonel. He is now a deputy project di rector at Resource Consultants, I n c . , i n

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alumni class notes

Vienna, Va Roy will beg i n his ph. D. i n education at George Washi ngton University in Wash i ngton, D . C . i n , September.

1 98 1

Class Rep: Drew Nelson at dnelson@littonlaser.com

Steven Kelley is a s p i ritual facilita­ tor and mentor for the I nterfaith Spiri­ tual Center i n Portland, Ore. He d i rects workshops for men seeking faith development and exploration . Kari Kindem and her husba nd , Thomas, annou nce the b i rth of K i rsten Anno, on Sept. 1 2 . She j oins Lukas, 3 . Kari is e n j oy­ i n g her maternity leave from her real estate and mortgage b u s i­ ness . Chris Linquist is a counselor at Pra i r i e H igh School in Brush Prairie, Wash . She was also the head gi rls and boys tennis coach fram 1 9B32000. Melissa (Majar) Lamorea ux and h er husband, S teve, a n n ounce the birth of Zoe, on Oct. 30.

1 982

Peter Tuff i s i n h i s second year at Colorado B i ble College. He recently song the "Messiah" in Vienna's M u s ikvere i n . He also song "Solute to Vienna" on New Year's Day i n Den­ ver. Peter i s looking forword to the Choir of the West reunion during Homecoming 200 1 Craig Groseclose is in h i s first year i n the master of divinity pr(}­ gram at Luther Sem inary in St. Paul, Minn. The four.yeor degree i s re­ q u i red for ordination in the Evangeli­ cal Lutheran C h u rch i n America. Deann (Jay) Edgers and her h us­ band, Peter, recently moved to Novato, Cal i f . , where Peter is the new station manager at KTLN-TY. Deann completed her master of sci­ ence degree as a family nurse practi­ tioner and is preparing to toke her boord exa m s . They have three c h i l­ dren , Jacob, 9; Michaela, 6; a n d Christopher Robert, 1 . Rev. Lauren Macan-Wightman and Rev. Greg Wightman '82 are pastors at St. Mark ' s Lutheran C h u rc h i n Rochester, Wash. I n J a n u­ ory, Lauren and their son, J o h n ny, 1 0, went to Honduras on a mission tri p . Greg and their daughter, Lina­ Mario, 6 , held down the fort at ch u rch and at home.


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1 984 John and Lisa (Kind) Korsmo have two chi ldren, Beau, 6 and Kira Emmograce, 1 . David Mohr died on Feb. 1 fram non·tobacco related l u n g cancer. After graduating from PLU, David earned a Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engi neeri ng from Colum­ bia U n iversity i n New York C i ty and a moster's degree i n computer sci­ ence from the U n iversity of Dela­ ware. H e worked for the DuPont Company for 1 2 yeors o n the East Coast and i n 1 997 David a n d his fa m i ly relocated to Oregon, where he was a program manager for Intel and received the Intel Achievement Award. David was active in h i s churc h . He a l s o e n j oyed d o i n g sci­ ence experiments and watc h i n g football with h i s s o n s , Geoff, 1 5 a n d Trevor, 1 2 . David is a l s o s u rvived by h i s wife, J u lie, an d sons. Anne ( Kvamme) Lee and her husband, Robert, a n nounce the birth of Brion Patrick, on Nov. 5. H e j o i n s Bobby, 1 2 , Becky, 1 0, Ben, 6 , a n d B i l ly, 4 . A n n e is a homemaker. Sco" Ransom was promoted to senior vice president and chief qual­ ity office r of Detrait Medicol Center, which consists of seven hospitals. He is also the executive vice president of the I nstitute for Strategic Analys i s and I n novati o n . Scott w i l l continue his academic rales as associate pro­ fessor in obstetrics and gynecology at Wayne State U n iversity and ad­ j u n c t associate professor i n health management and policy a t the U n i ­ versity o f Michigan i n A n n Arbor. He was named "Young Up-And-Comer/ Star In Health Core in 2000" by Modern Healthcare magazine. H e hod two books published i n 2000 titled, "PracticQI Strategies i n Obstet­ rics a n d Gyn ecology" and "Ad­ vanced Principles of Med ical Management: E n h a n c i ng Physician P.erformance. /I

1 985

Tim larson and h i s wife, Karma, an nounce the birth of Michael Timo­ thy, on Aug. 1 1 . He joins Jacque, 5 and Za c hary, 3 .

1 983

Gayle Hollenbeck Buben i s a teacher in the Kenai Pen insula Bor­ ough School District in Soldotna, Alaska. One of her former fourth grade students is now a student at PLU and l iving i n the some residence hall where Gayle l i ved as a student.

Lisa (Munson) Mulcrone and her h u sband, Gory, annou nce the bi rth of Jonah Hans, on J u ly 1 2 . He j o i n s Hoyden, 4 . Diane Gaarder Zimmerman ' 8 1 helped as a childbirth coach for Lisa, which was greatly appreciated by Gory.

Heather Hicks i s now i n full-time m i n i stry with YWAM, on i nterna­ tional m i n istry to d i sc i ple the notions. S h e w i l l be spending January and February i n Indio. Lost yeor she trained i n Kana, Hawaii and the Ukraine. She also completed a d i s­ ciplesh i p and counsel i n g i nter n s h i p i n Phoenix, A r i z .

Brian Olson died on Nov. 2 8 . Brion was a devoted father to his sons, Daniel, 1 0, and Benjamin, 6, and will also be greatly missed by their mother, Mary ( Boyd) Olson ' 8 1 . Brion was preceded i n death by his brother, Mork. He is su rvived by his sons; his mother, Cia rene (Osterli) Johnson '56; his father, Robert '57; his brathers, David '83, Paul, and Knut '90; and sister, Morianne.

Heidi (Urness) Summers retired fram the U . S . Air Force after serving far 1 5 years as a n u rse and o n of· ficer. She is looking forward to stay­ ing home with her c h i l d ren, C h ris, 6 , a n d Katie, S, and her husband, Bruce. They live i n Santo Moria, C a l i f.

Ed Zvirzdys owns Edward Scan Construction Company in Olympia . He a n d his wife, Lisa, have three sons, Zack, 1 0, Jared, 8 , and Sam, 4 .

Class Reps: Brian Dohl' a t 509-527-

Kath ryn Torvik is enrolled i n the moster's pragram in art therapy at Marylhurst U n iversity.


Jeff and Monica ( Krueger) Chandler a n n ou nce the b i rth of Amy Rose, on April 20, 2000. She j o i n s Kyle, 5 and Corey, 3. Jeff is the head footba l l coach an d P. E . teacher at Eastlake H i g h School i n Redmond, Was h . Monico is a "retired" princi­ pal and stay-at-home mom.

Vicki (Hamlin) Knickerbocker and her husband, Howard, announce the birth of Andrew Richard, on Nov. 1 3 . He joins Amy, 1 4, Peter, 1 3 , James and John, 1 1 , Heidi, 7, and Christo, 4 . Vicki is self-employed as a piano and voice instructor.

1 986

5251 or dohe@wIJitman,,,d,,; Kathleen North at 253-265-3337

Paul Elgin and h i s wife, E l i zabeth, and their two c h i ldren , Luke, 4, and Sara h , 1 , moved to Houston , Texas i n May. He has a new position as m i n i ster of m u s ic at St . And rew's Presbyterian Church.

Steven Keller was granted pram(}­ tion and tenure at the U n iversity of Missouri, where he i s o n associate professor of chem istry. He graduated h i s first P h . D . student i n December. Carla Savalli has a new position a s the busi ness editor at The Spokes­ man-Review in Spokane, Was h . Sh e joi ned the Review i n 1 992 as a copy editor and has been the n i g ht assis­ tant c i ty editor since 1 997. Before joining The Spokesman-Review, s he w a s a reporter i n Tacoma an d news editor i n Moscow, Idaho and Los Veg a s . Renee-Michelle (Charboneau) Kirk and her husband, Barry, moved to Olympia with their three c h i l d ren . Renee-Michelle works at home with the c h i ldren and is on educational consultant supervisor with Usborne Books. Dave Tourtlo"e an d h i s wife, Stacey, are living i n New York, where Dove i s the i nteractive morket­ ing manager at Mercedes-Benz.

1 98 7

John Arnold and h i s wife, Francine, announce the birth of Mitchell, on Nov. 6. H e j o i n s Tony, 6, Aloyna, 3, and Michelle, 2 . J o h n i s the d i rector of s al es , east, at Sorgento Foods, I nc . , i n Plymouth, Wis. Rick Larsen won hi s bid for Con­ gress and on Jo n . 3, he w i l l be sworn in to represent Was h i ngton State's 2"" congressional d i strict. He and his wife, Tiia Karlen '87, and their sons, Robert, 4 , an d Per, 2 , moved t o Wash i ngton , D . C . Robin (Allerton) Schroeder a n d h e r h u sband, Mark, a n nounce the bi rth of Ingrid Groce, on Oct. 3. She j o i n s Gri ff i n, 4 . Robin i s a stay a t home mom. Todd and Sara ( Foss) Carmichael a n nounce the birth of their son, Davis, on Feb. 5, 2000. lizbeth (Van Siageren) Wentz and her husband, Mork, announce the birth of Beth An n , on May 1 2 . She joins Adam, 5, and Madeline, 3 .

1 98 8

Minta Norton and Bryan Wulf '91 were morried on J u ly 1 7 . Bryon is a teacher at Spanaway lake H ig h School a n d Minto is a physical edu­ cator at Cedorcrest Junior High School, both in the Bethel School D istrict .

the wed d i n g . E r i n is a loon spec i a l i s t at NeighbarhaadHameLaans.cam and Keith owns KOR Dryw a l l .

Holly Gunby received a moster's of d i v i n i ty degree from Pacific Lutheran Theological Semi nary in Berkeley, C a l i f . , a n d was ordained on Oct. 2 2 . S h e i s now the associate pastor at First Lutheran Church in Ketchikan, Alaska. She hopes to get reconnected with classmates and friends. F l assac@eagle. ptialask a . n et Don and Sara (Martinson) Ericksen live in Kali spel l , Mon t . , where D o n i s a portner in t h e Flat· head Orthopedic S u rgery and Sports Medicine C l i n i c . Sora recently fin­ ished supervis in g the b u i lding of their new home on Spring Mounta i n . T h e i r t h i rd c h i l d , K i rsti, w a s b o r n on Nov. 29 . She joins Ingrid, 6 , and Leif, 3 . Karen (Bruhn) ArnHoltz i s a social worker at the DSHS in Kelso, Was h . Jacqueline Megow returned to school to complete a moster's degree in l i terature. She then plans to pursue a Ph.D. Eric DeWitz a n d h i s w i fe, Koren, a n nounce the birth of Coden James, on Aug. 8. He joins Austin, 4 . Eric is a high school teacher i n the Oregon C i ty School District.

1 988

Karla Fullner moved to C h icago to toke a position as assistant professor of microbiology-i m m u nology at Northwestern Un iversity Medical School.

1 989

David Rosdahl a n d h i s wife, Stacie, an nounce the b i rth of their daug hter, Porker Lynn, on Sep t . 4. David is a teacher and coach i n the Puyallup School District and Stacie i s a cosmetolog is t. Julia Stockdale i s o n at-home m o m . She is expecting twins in May. Her portner i s president of o n a r t d i stribution a n d p u b l i s h i ng f i r m . Cate Milburn is a s u p p l y c h a i n management manager at Boei n g . S h e lives with h e r spouse, Debra, i n Portland, Ore. Sarah Rehfeldt and her husband, Steve, an nounce the birth of Allison Gail, on Oct. 2 1 . She joins Alex, 2 . Sarah i s taking time off fram teach­ ing to be a stay-at-home mom i n Kent, Was h .

Carol Braund di ed on Nov. 1 0 . She enj oyed hosti ng foreign ex­ change students and was a vol u n teer tutor for ESL students. The joys of her l i fe were her ch i l dren and grandch il­ dren.

Kari Lerum i s a vi siting professor of sociology a t Seattle U n iversity. She received a P h . D . i n sociology fram the U n i vers i ty of Washington i n J u n e 2000.

Beth (Bevan) Mumford an d her husband, Bob, announce the birth of Lydia Ann, on May 1 0. Sh e j o i n s Steven, 5 , and N at han , 4. Beth is a full time mom, with some graphic desi g n on th e side.

JoAnn (Warren) and Pierre '90 Kirby a n nounce the birth of Max, on Oct. 3. He joins Jock, 4 .

June Johnson is a medicol mi s­ sionary in the U k ra i n e with Christian Missionary Fellows h i p , based in I n di anapolis, Ind. Sh e e n j oyed her first two·yeor term so much that s h e has s i gn ed on permanen tly. J u n e was previously a reg istered n u rse at McKenzie-Willamette Hospital i n Spri ngfield, O r e . I n t h e U kraine, s h e specializes i n dilficult wounds and ostomy core. Erin, K irkpatrick and Keith Randall were morried on May 20, 2000 a t t h e Seattle Des i gn Center. Jenae ( Boyd '88) and Patr,ick Kirby '88, Ann Marie (Stenford) Meiresonne '88, Laura (Williamson '88) and Greg Holmlund '88, Kathleen Becker '88, Kathleen (Burke) North '86, Allison (Keith) Ramsey '84, '86, Betty ( Riggers '53) and Don Keith '54, and Kathy ( IHefty) Enselman '78 attended

Anne Louise Jeffrey is the h u m a n resou rce administrator a t Raytheon in Kwajalein, Marsha l l Islands.

Sue (Andrews) Spengler a n d her husband, John, a n n o u nce the birth of Ben nett, on Nov. 2 5 . He j o i n s Grant, 2 2 months. Sue i s a h a lf-time GED teacher in the Harrison School Dis­ trict and a full-time mother. Devin Dice is a self-employed con­ tractor in Nampa, Idaho. His wife, Shel l i , i s a second-grade teacher. David and Catherine (Renz '88) Hil lman announce the birth of Jonathon, on July 1 1 . He joins Michael, 7, Matthew, 5 , and Zachary. 3 .

1 990 William Merrill is a project man­ ager for Honeywell-POMS. Mick Cunningham i s o n assistant professor of sociology at Western Washington U n iversity in Bel l i n g h a m . He received h is Ph . D . from t h e U n i­ versity of Mic h iga n . Mick and his wife, Lourie, have two children, Kate, 2 a nd Lucas, barn on Aug . 1 5 .

cunningm@cc. wwu.edu

Holly Love and Arjen von der Loa were married twice, first in a civil ceremony i n The Netherlands o n May 2 9 , 2000 and t h e n i n a tradi­ tional ceremony in Portland, Ore., on Sept. 22. They met while working for Holland America C ru i se Line, where Holly is a registered nurse and Arjen is the chief navigation officer. They live in Amsterdam. Carol (Rybak) Ha lsey a nd her husband, Matthew, have two c h i l· dren, John FrederiC, 3, a n d Rowan Grace, 1 They live in Portland, Ore . , where Matthew has a fellow­ s h i p in pediatric orthopaedics a n d Carol is a homema ker. They are happy to be bock on the West Coast. Jeane"e Vinzant d ied o n Dec. 4. S h e was preceded i n death by her husband, Stan. After h i s passing, Jeanette returned to school and earned a degree i n social work so that she could pursue her passion to help others. She is survived by her son, Wayne; daughters, Pot and A u d rey; and three grandch i l dren . Lori Hilliker and Michael Coulson were married on June 1 0, 2000 in Seattle. T h e y s p e n t a m o n t h i n Portu· gal and Spain for their honeymoo n . Steve Brown storted Timberland Homes, Inc., specializing in custom building of residential homes. In December, he was i n s talled as the 200 1 president of the Home B u i lders Association of metra Portland, mak· ing him the youngest president of H BA . His wife, Coral, is a sales representative with Fidelity Notional Title. Their son, Cody, is 2 . sobbrown@aol.cam Chandler Haase left TV news after a 1 O-year coreer that featured win· n i ng on Emmy and the Edward R. Murrow aword. He is now i n high· tech public relations at Weber Shandwick Worldwide (WSW) i n Seattle. As o n account executive, he helps drive the Micrasoft TV account, as well a s speorhead ing a new brood· cost specialty practice for the West Coast offices of WSW. He is enjoying his l i fe and friends in Seattle. Sally (Nelson ) Dominguez on· nounces the bi rth of Adriano Margarita on Sept 1 2 . She joins Neomi, 7 and Jacob, 5 . Kelli Stein and her partner, Sarah, bought a condom i n ium i n the Dupont Circle neighborhood of Washi ngton, D . C . Kelli c ont i nues to enjoy her work as coord i nator of i nterpreting services a t Deaf-R EAC H . David Brown is o n t h e fam i ly prac· tice tea c h i ng stoff at Fort Belvoir, Va. He is also on assistant professor of fa m ily med i c i n e at the U n i formed Services U n iversity of the Health Sciences. This year, he hod c h a pters p u b li shed in two books, "The Little Block Book of Sports Med ic in e " and "The Complete Book of Running Medicine." His fellowsh ip tra i n ing in sports will beg i n i n August.

1 99 1

Class Rep: Ro.ry Giddings at 253-537-3075 or alumni@plu.edu Marjean (lowas) Penny and her husband, Robert, a n nounce the b i rth of Wyatt Cole, on July 24. Morjean i s the communications superintendent for the S n o h omish County Public Utilities District. She was employee of the month in September 1 999. Seo" H i l derman recently leH the U . S . Army Judge Advocate General's Corps and is now working a s on assistant U . S . Attorney assigned to the narcotics section in the U . S . Attorney's Office for t h e Southern District of Texas. I n November, Harvey Po"s '9 1 , '94 was named 2000 Kiwanian of the Year by the Kiwanis Club. He recently accepted a p o s it io n as re­ g ional director of development for the Notional Wildlife Federation in the Northwest field office i n Seattle. He oversees and manages mem ber­ ship and corporate contributions i n e i g h t states. Harvey previously


Johnson joins prestigious New York Pops administration BY




ames Johnson '85 credits th ree people at PLU with guiding him i nto a p ro fession i n arts ad m i nistration. All o f them, coinciden tally, are named David, and all three would be proud o f the hei g h ts to which Johnson has clim bed i n the music b usiness. I n November, the New York Pops tapped Johnson for i ts posi tion o f executive d i rector. New York Pops Executive Director James Johnson '85 ( right) poses Joh n so n majo red i n with Pops founder and conductor Skitch Henderson. music wh ile a t PLU, but he a l s o to o k co u rses i n b usi­ n ess a d m i n i s t ra t i o n , compute r sciencc and English. " 1 was i n terested in be i n g more than a pe rfo rm e r," he said. DuringJo hnson's second year at PLU, p rofessor David Hoffman and music departme nt c h a i r David Rob b i n s encour­ aged h im to p u rsue the b u s i ness s id e o E che a rts. Fellow s tudent David G atewood, the hall di rector o fJoh nson's res i ­ dence hall, gave h i m fu rther encouragement, i n tr o d u ci n g

johnson to the arts adminis tration graduatc program a t Southcrn Methodist Un ivcrsity. Johnson entered the SMU program after a stint at the Pantages Centre for the Perfo rm­ ing Arts in Tacoma (now the B roadway Center fo r the Perfo rming Arts). G raduate school deepened j oh nson's in terest in music and dance, and rei n forccd h i s conviction that h i s talents were best served 1 11 behin d-thc-sccnes wo rk. A fter g ra d u ation i n 1 987, h e head c d t o New York C i ty to b e g i n his career. "The c a p i tal of what's going on in the performing arts is Ncw Yo rk C i ty, " Joh nson said. " That's not to say good th ings aren't goi n g o n all over, but especially for a young person com­ I I1g o u t of g r a d u a t e schoo l , i t's be e n an ex c i t i n g e x peri e nce . " Founded by S ki t c h H enderson in 1 983, the New York Pops is thc largest i n d e pe n de n t pops orchestra in the United S ta tcs . Befo re J oin i ng the Pops, j o h n son served as d i rector o f ope ra tio n s fo r th e Orchestra o f S t. Luke's, o n e o f the pre m i e re c h a m be r orchestras i n the coun try. 130th the Orches tra of St. Luke's and th e New York Pops perfo rm regularly at Car n eg i e Hall. Accord i ng to J o h n son, i t was an easy decision to make th e m ove. "My aspiration was to be an executive d i re c to r, " J o h n s o n said. "It's a great opportu n i ty to work with someone a s wo n­

worked for Wa sh i nglon's Nalional Pork F u n d a s Ihe di reclar of cam m u­ nily relalians and develapmen l .

David " Seek " Hanson recei ved a mosler's degree in leaching from Se­ oNle U n ivers i ly in July_ He leaches Spanish in Ihe Shoreline School Dis­ trict. David Lechnyr and Michelle Jensen were married on Ocl. 7. They live in Eugene, Ore., wilh her son, Koi, 7. David is a syslem odmini slra­ lor 01 Ihe Un iversily of Oregon and Michelle i s pursuing a Ph_D_ i n spe­ cial educolion_ dovid@lechnyr.com Martha Riggers and Kip Olson were married on Sepl. 9 in Bellevue, Wash_ Morlho i s proclicing fa m i ly medicine a n d o b slelrics i n Kenl, Wa s h _ K ip leads a sahware develop­ menl leom 01 Mi c ro s o fl . They live i n Seoille . Julie (Birdsell) Funfar has a new po si lio n 0 1 La Pe t ile Academy as Ihe education resource leader. She VIas previously Ihe academy d i reclor. She lro i n s a l l new associoles and pro­ vides con l i n u i n g educolion for leoch­ ers 01 s i x schools in Norlh K i n g and Saulh Snohomish cou n t i es . Lien D a m wa s n a m e d d epuly Irea­ s u rer far Ihe Port of Tacom a . S h e j o i n ed Ihe Pari in 1 990 as a n i nlern . Tim Mason i s leac h ing social slud­ ies and video production courses 01 Lynnwood High School i n Ihe Edmonds (Wa s h . ) School Dislricl. H e pl a n s 1 0 m a ke I h e mosl of h i s upcom­ i ng s u m mer vacalian by Irave l i ng 10 North Africa a n d nal lal k i ng 10 a leenager for 01 leo s l one manlh. masanlim@halm a i l .com Melissa O'Neil Perdue was pra­ maled 10 the Tri -C i ly Herold morkel­ ing depa rlment after al masl n i n e y e a r s a s a repo r ler at the Kennewick, Was h . , newspaper. Her dulies will range from plan n i n g pra­ newspaper ad c a m p a i g n s 10 r u n n i n g Ihe baal h 01 t h e cau nly f a i r . D u r i n g the s u m m e r of 2000, s he r a i s ed $ 4 2 , 000 t h rough a reader donation fund for vict i m s of Ihe H a n ford, Was h . , wildfire. Melissa i s a freelance jaurnal i sl in her spare t i m e . S h e l i ves i n Kennewick wi t h h er hus­ band, Andy, who i s edi lor of Ihe Tri­ Cily Herold's 1 0 web siles and editar of W ine Press Northwesl mag a zi ne_ ma'neil@tri-cityherald_com

d erful a n d ma$t.erful as S ki tch Henders o n . "

Philip and Krista ( Hallock) Olufson anno u nc e Ihe birlh 01 Adam Ph,lip, on Oel 2 9 . He joins Corslen, 4 . and lon, 2.

Julie Priest Hummel and Mat­ thew Hummel '94 announce Ihe birlh of Shoino Colleen on May 1 8 . She j oins Dominic Mollhew, 3 .

ously, she w a s w i l h I h e Son Anlonio Siale School, a slole menial and relardol i an foc i lily, far seven years. kr i s ti nopri ce@ n etsco pe. nel

Li$a ( Backlund) VanDoorne a nd her husband, Roland, announce Ihe birlh of Abigail Elizabeth, on Dec. 1 0. I n order 10 slay home wilh Abi, Lisa esloblished Parad igm Publish­ ing, a full-service publicolion design firm.

Jody (Buck) Peterson and her husband, Jeff, annou nce I h e b i rlh o f E m m a Noelle, on Nov. 2 6 . Jody is laking l i m e off from her job as mor­ kel i ng manager 01 GreolerGood . com 10 be with Emma 01 Iheir home i n Seoille.

Andy and Katie (Davis) Finley a nnounce Ihe b i rlh of Jackson, on Sepl. 6_ He joins Dawson, 4 , and Ba i ley, 2 .

Brett and Susan ( Remmerden '90) Bentsen announce Ihe birlh of Iwins, Thomas and N i c holas, on June 1 2 . They j oin J ock, 5 . Brell i s a group progrom manager 01 Mi e rosoh.

Wynn Holmes is an inlern 01 a veleron's hospi lol in Moine and w i l l receive h i s doclorole d e g r e e i n cl i n i­ cal psychology in May. H i s wife, Debbie (Crane), i s leaching h i g h school E ng lish and social s l u d i e s a n d w i l l fi n i s h h e r m osler's degree i n school coun s eling when Ihey relurn 10 Ihe N orlhwesl.

Brian and Heidi (Gifford '89) Erickson a n nounce Ihe b i rlh of Jenevieve, on March 29. She j o i n s K y l e Trislon, 4 . I n J u l y t h e y reloeoled 10 Phi l adelph i a , where Brion i s a seniar associole wilh Morgan Sia n ley Dean W iller Heidi i s 01 home wilh Ihe ch i ldren a n d she slarled her own busi ness wilh The Pampered C hef i n Oelober. John and Robyn ( Heft '92) Heller and their four c h i ldren moved 10 McAl l e n , Texas, where J o h n i s i n t h e lost year of h i s P h . D . program and Robyn i s a homemaker. Carol (Olson) Gaodwin and her h u sband, Joseph, a n nounce Ihe birlh of James Joseph, on Sept . 2 2 . H e joins Mariah Lyn n , 3. Carol i s a school soc i a l worker in the Tacoma School Dislrici.

1 992 Geoff Jones a n d S h a n non R a d k e were married i n May 2000 i n For i Col l i n s, Colo _ They a r e bOlh fam i ly physic i a n s . Geoff warks for Ihe Yukon-Kuskokwim Heailh C orporo­ lion in Belhel, Alaska. Dawn O'Brien and H eolher Haynes hod a com m ilmenl ceremony on Nov. I I 01 Wa l l ace F a l l s Lodge in Gol d Bar, Wash. They honey­ mooned in W h i s ll er, B . C . , and make Iheir home i n Sealile. Monica Reisch ree en ily occepled a posilian wilh Ihe S lar b u c k s Calfee Company as a seniar financial OnO­ Iysl ol lhe Kenl, Was h_ , roosling plonl.

Edvind Nygaard and Karolina Regius '93 an nounce Ihe b i rlh of I ngvild I ngeborg, on J u ly 2 3 . Jeff and April ( F rederick) Stepanian moved bock 10 Ihe Se­ Ollie area, where Jeff is work i n g i n ort h oped ic s u rgery i n Ki rkland aher g raduali ng wilh h ig h hono rs fr om Q u i n n i p ioc U n i ver s ily's physician assistanl mosler's program. Apr i l i s a regi onal c l i e n t logislics man a g er wilh ADVO, I nc . , Ihe nalion's lorgesl d i rect m o i l adverlis i ng company. S h e has e n joyed pos i li on s across I h e nolion wilh ADVO a n d currenll y manages clienl logistic advertising leom s i n Seollle, Soil La ke C i ly and Denver. Sh e was also Ihe 2000 Presi den ls C l u b w i n ner. Nicole (Benedict) Lee and her h u s ba n d , Wa l ly, announce Ihe b i rlh of Iwin s, Groce Catherine and Evon James, on Nov. 1 . N i cole i s a sys­ lem s onaly s l and Wally is the di rec · lor of morkeling for nalionol accounls, bOlh at S iondord Insurance Company. Julie Kraft and Brad Nock were married on Dec. 29 i n Boulder, Colo. Julie Brown ' 9 1 was in Ihe wedding. Greg '90 and Malinda (Oldham '9 1 ) Carter allended Ihe weddi ng . J u l ie i s on event pl a nner 0 1 GElAccess and Brad i s a middle school hi slory leocher. Kristina Price has a new position as a speech-language poth a log isl in Ihe Son Anlonio (Texas) School Dis­ tricl. She is providing speech Ihero py 01 IwO elemenlory schools. Previ -

Beth (Phillip) Nguyen a n d her husband, Dao, moved 10 Oklahoma C i ly, Okla., where Dao i s a p i l ot 0 1 Ti n k er A i r Force Bas e. H e flies AWACS planes.

1 993 Sam CCl P P5 is a Luthera n Bralher­ hood representalive affil ioled wilh the Great Norlhwest Agency in Se­ Ollie. He recently allended Career II School, a Lulheron Bralherhaad Irain­ ing school. Chris Gant has a new posilion a s a p hysical lhera pi s l 01 S n o q u a l m i e (Wa s h . ) Physical Therapy. Brad Chatfield is a p u b l i c i n farma­ tion officer for Ihe Was h i nglon Siale Senale. He is also i n Tim Cosey a n d I h e B l u ecols ; a Sealile-area bond Ihal recen lly released a new C D l illed "Swing S h i h . " Sandra Carley and Joseph Nestor were married on Nov. 27, 1 99 9 _ Sondra is a n u rse a n d Joseph i s a h elicopler pi lal, balh in I h e U . S Army. They live in Honol ulu_ Andrew and Alison (Carl '94) Corrigan recen ll y relocoled 10 Ihe Pori land, Ore., area for Andrew's job 01 Arlhur Andersen. They love Ihe Rose C ily and are looki n g for­ ward 10 cann ecling wilh Lules i n Oreg on. parllandcarrigan@ool.com Jayne (McNutt) Leighty and her husband, James, moved in June 10 Manlerey, Calif., where JifT] is enrolled in the mosler's program ol lhe Naval Pasl Groduole School. Jayne is Ihe conference coordinolor at Anleon Corparolion. They have Iwa block Labrador puppies, Abby and Buddy_ Greg and Sivhong (Go) Hanson anno u nce the b i rlh of James Gieng Leng, on Sepl. 9 . Greg b egan worki ng as a f i n a n c i a l/office manager 01 Ca ruso Produce, I n c . , in August. H e was previously 01 Wash­ inglan Federal Savings.

Jeff Douglass and Krislen Sleele were married on Oe l. 7 i n Tigard, Ore. J e ff i s a physicia n res ident i n i nlernol medicine 0 1 Oregon Health S c iences U n i v ersily and Kristen i s a pedialr i c i o n . Magne and Kristine (Thomp­ son) Myrmo an n o U nce Ihe birlh of E m i ly Marie, on Nov. 1 4 . Mag n e canli n u es a s a slockbraker i n Oslo, Narway and K r is l in e is lak i n g 1 2 monlhs of matern ily leave from Ih e O s lo Inlernalional School where she i s a teacher. Rusty Frisch and his wife, J e n n i fer, a n nounce Ihe bi rlh of Garrison Wyall, on Oe l. 4 . Rusly is a leocher a nd faolboll coach in Plano, Tex a s . Bill Walles occepled a call 1 0 b e Ihe associate pas lor at Lulheran C h u rc h of the Mosler i n Omaha, Neb_ H e and his wife, Sarah (Nelson '93), moved from Scallsdale, Ari z . , wilh Iheir Iwo sons, C a rler, 8 monlhs, and Paylon, 2 , i n Jan uary. Kristin (Stevens) Koskinen and her h u sband, Sea n , a n nou nce Ihe b i rlh o f J o h n C h r i s l ion, on Nov_ 1 6 . H e j o i ns W i l l , 2 . Kristen (Harte) Sawin is Ihe govern menial affairs directar for envi­ ronmenlo l policy 01 Ihe Assaciolion of Washinglon Business in Olympia.

1 994 Robyn P rueitt and David Chambliss were married o n Sepl. 2 in Tukwila, Wash. Mary (Carr) Cox '94 was a bridesmaid. Music was provided by S i m ple Elegance, a Siring quarlel of currenl and farmer PLU studenls: Kristina Conway '99, Gabrielle Easterby '0 1 , Annie Mastrodonato '03, and Justine Jeanotte '00_ Robyn i s a groduole slude n t 0 1 Ihe U n iversily of Texas Southweslern Medical Cenler (UTSMC) in Dallas and David i s a lob manager in Ihe Im­ m u no l ogy Deporl­ rnenl 01 UTSMC. They live in Cedar Hill, Tex a s . Marius and Hilary (Samuelson '95 ) Andersen a n nou nce Ihe birlh o f Berit Ma rjorie, on Ocl. 1 6 _ She


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alumni class notes



. PLU alums tap Tacoma for hi gh-tech careers BY



' 8 8�_____________________________--r__________________________ __ _



Todd Ostrander

Lisa Ottoson

j o i n s Henr i k , 2. Morius is a manager a t Accenture (formerly Andersen) Consulting.

Kim Kemmerling received a moster's of div i n i ty degree fram lutheran Theological Seminary i n Philadelphia i n May and w a s or­ d a i ned on Jan. 1 3 . She began serving os pastor at Holy Trinity lutheran Church in Magnolia, N.J., in January.

Lisa Sprin gate and Chris Stomotokas were married on Sept. 9 in Eugene, Ore. Lisa is a physician assistant i n cordia logy c l i n ical re­ search and Chris i s a physician as­ s i stant in family practice.

Jon and Liisa (Matson '93) Peterson announce Ihe birth of Ryan Eric, on Aug. 5. He j o i n s S h o n e Edward, 3 . Jon a n d Liiso moved i n to their new home on June 30, 2000. Jon i s a passport special­ ist at the U . S . State Deportment and liiso is the sales support coordinator at W i l l i s of Seoltle, I nc .

Brian Peterson and Justine Kroehl a n nou nce the birth of Marcus Roy, on June 6 , 2000. Brion i s a biology teacher i n the Auburn (Wash.) School Di strict.

Christina Weist and Joson

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Thomsen were married on J u ly 8 in Taco m a . Christina i s a teacher i n the Renton (Wash.J School District and Joson i s o n accounl executive for the Seattle Thun derbirds. They live i n Rento n .

Aime Mitchell a n d Daren Benson '95 were married on June l O i n Eugene, Ore. In May, Daren Benson graduated from California College of Podiatric Medicine in Son Fra ncisco . He i s i n h i s first year of resi­ dency at K a i ser i n Hayward, Calif.

Brett Laidlaw and h i s wife, Heather, recently relocoted to Oregon wilh their two dog s .

Todd and Heather (Lanphear) Alexa nder continue to vo l u n teer as youth pastors at Beavercreek Baptist Churc h . Heather has lime to enjoy six-month-old Carissa now Ihot she i s working part-t i m e . She provides public relations support far two local organizations. Todd is the staffing manager at StoffMark.

p urred by a cleaned up downtown, a strong economy and an economic development push, more h igh -tech companies are calling Tacoma ho me, and Lutes are fi lling key positions . " \Ve're join ing the ran ks and are a strong contingent," said Lisa Ottoson '87, p resident ofTecHatch. Ottoson worked fo r the Frank Russell Company fo r 1 2 years before being coa-xed away b y w h at s h e calls a change o f environment i n Tacoma. Her company works with start-ups or small-growth com­ pan ies to see i f their ideas are feasible, and helps them put them i n to action. M ore than 100 firms h ave applied to do business in Tacoma in the last two years, and many are l i n ked to technology. "We see a real growth," O t toson said. Coining itself America's # 1 Wired C ity, Tacoma has made a concerted effort to recruit new busi nesses by promoting its Click! Network, the largest municipaUy owned telecommuni­ cations network i n the n a tion. Other al ums are making their way through the Tacoma technology scene. B randon Fix '95 started Donation Depot, also located i n downtown Tacoma, t o raise fu nds for chari ties , and recrui ted M att Ashworth '95, another PLU graduate, then later h i red David Goodsell '99 to head the marketing department.

1 995 Kimberly Lusk has been warking at the Spokesman-Review i n Spo­ kane, Wash . , for two years. She started as a copy edilar and i s now a page deSigner. Ki mberly loves Spokane and bought her firsl house in September. Aron and Julie (Buckingham '94) Watts moved to Spokane, Wa sh. , in June. Aran i s teach i ng fihh grade i n the Central Volley School District and Julie is o n at home mom and teac h i n g piano lessons. Their son, Caleb, will be 2 in May and they are expecti n g another c h i ld i n July.

Aaron Vance is living i n Washing· to n , D.C. and managing the corpo­ rate marketing analysis team at America Online. Aher PLU, James Marron gradu­ ated with honors fram Droke U n i ver­ sity low School in Iowa . He then moved to Oregon where he and h i s wife, Sarah, h o d t h e i r first child, Hannah, on Feb. 22, 1 999. James passed Ihe bar exam a n d served as general counsel to a s m a l l Portland adverti s i ng company. They now live in Pendleton, Ore., where J ames i s o n altarney at Mautz, B o u m & O ' H o n l a n a n d Sarah is a book­ keeper.

Amy Herman-Shoquist and her

Gavin a n d Stephanie (Johnston) Stanley annou nce the b i rth of Connor Douglas, on Nov. 1 .

Susan (Wussow) Weber and her husband, Greg, an nounce the bi rth of Sierra Nicole, on Nov. 1 0 . Susa n is d grant ma nage­ ment a n alyst for the Washington Slate Mil itary Deport­ ment.

Esther Chon will graduate from the University of Washington in J u ne with a moster's degree in nursing and begin work as a fa m i ly n u rse practitioner.

Jay Jensen is on x-roy tec hnologisl in the U . S . Army. He warked at a hospital in Germany for four months in 2000. In May, h e married Kathrynn Abdon and their daughter, Hailey, was born on Jon. 3 0 . She joins Quenti n Show, 3. I n February, Joy was transferred to Egypt, where he will serve for one year and then f i n i s h h i s tour of duty in Mis souri .


Class Rep: StetJe Leifsen at 253-8757915 or stetJe/eifien@aoi.com Katia Paiari and Antti Saloranta were married on Dec. 8 in Helsinki. Finland. Katja is a project manager at Nokia and Antti is the coordinator o f qua l i ty systems and logistics.

husband, Dev i n , announce the bi rlh of Cullen Devi n , on Nov. 2 7 . Amy received a moster's degree i n l i brary and i n formation science from Son Jose State University in December. Amy and Dev i n , a Navy psychiatrist, look forward to moving bock to the Puget Sou n d area in July.

Tai and Andrea (Smedes) Giesbrecht

Lauren La$lie, a captain in the

Tomara (Bryant) Miller a n d her

U . S. Army Nurse Corps, graduoled from the periaperotive n u rs i ng course at Madigan Army Medical Center i n Tacoma on Dec. 1 . She a n d h e r daughter, Audrey, recently moved to Tacoma, where lauren is stationed at Mad igan Army Medical Center.

Eric Larsen has a new position as promotions m a nager at Aplimus, a leader in targeted I n ternet marketing. H e oversees all online and offl ine promotions.

Heather (Snover) Boren and her husband, Bradley, announce the birth of Grocelyn, on Dec. 1 0 . She joins Brooke, 3. Heather is a stoy-at� home m o m .

announce the bi rth of Molly Jean, on May 4 . She j o i n s Caleb, 2 . husband, Joseph, a n nounce the birth of Ta h l i o Jayne, on Apri l 1 9 , 2000.

Jason Dahlberg and Nancy Ybarra were married on Sept. 9 i n Yakima, Wash. Matt Ashworth

'95, Brandon Fix '96, Erik Peterson '96, and Rian Rowles '96 were in the wed d i n g . Joson is a claims supervisor for Formers I n sur­ ance and Nancy i s a dental hygien� ist. After a wedding trip to Nassau, Bahamas, they are a t home i n Se­ attle.

Homan Emami and Kylee Acidera '97 were ma rried on Aug . 1 9 in Honolulu, Hawa i i . Her father performed the ceremony at the Cia-

"With all t he Click! Network stu ff, it was easy for us to get wired," Ashworth said. He said Donation Depot is doing well and recently teamed up with Sponsorvisiol1 to help get corporate sponsor­ ship for charities. "We really feel like we're roll i ng," he said. Jennifer Wilson '99 parlayed an internsh ip she got thro u gh PLU i n to a full-time job after graduation. She works in marke ting and public relations for ImprintSto re.com, which comes u p with creative ways fo r companies to usc em­ b roidered and i m p ri n ted merchandise for promotions. The Tacoma location has worked well for her company, which has vendors all over the country. "1 think Tacoma is going to be a lot bigger," Wilson said. "I t's got a lot going on." Todd Osn-ander is President and CEO of Essen tialrvlarkets, a Tacoma company that connects small and mediu m-sized com­ panies with their larger cus tomers by conducting e-commerce through their entire supply chains. These are just a few of the many Lu tes who h ave fou n d jobs in t h e h i gh -tech sector away from Tacoma, from small startups to the biggics l i ke M i crosoft and I ntel to their own compan ies, proving PLU prepared them well to work in the changing marketplace.

ver Estate on Dia mond Head . Kylee is a research analyst a t Solomon Smith Barney a n d Homan is a sen iar finance analyst a t Mckesson HBOC, both i n Son Fra n c i sco.

Marney McArthur i s in her first year as a student i n the master of arts program at Lulher Seminary i n St. Paul, M i n n . The program i s for loy persons not seeking ord i nation. Erik Niemi was a ppraved far ardi­ nolion in the lutheran Church. He is i n his final year in sem i n a ry.

Megan (Burchfield) Hampson received the Tiffany Award, the American Red Cross award of excel­ lence. The award i s recognized na­ tionwide os the most prestigious award given by the American Red Cross. As the recipient, Megan w i l l go t o regionols, w i t h o n opporlun i ty to advance to the notional level.

Margaret McMahon and Joe Gosnell were married on Oct. 21 in Red mond, Was h . Carrie (Nelson) Caeton '96 and Rachael Gunn '95 were bridesmaids. Margaret began work i n g a t F red Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in J a n uary. She tokes core of bone morrow trans­ plonl patients. Joe is a social worker.

Matt Foreman was l i sted in Who's Who of American Teachers 2000, honoring the lop 10 percent of America's teachers. He i s a n English teacher, head of the E n g l i s h depart­ ment a n d track and field coach at life Christian Academy. Matt also continues to compete i n the sport of weightlifting. He i s the top ranked l i fter in Ihe Narthwest and the Wo sh� ington Stole record holder. Matt's wife, leo, is a website designer and former notional women's weightlifting champion. They live in Taco m a . Mark Meissner and Holli Jacobs were married on Jon. 13 i n Soh l a k e C i ty, Utah. Mark i s a fed· eral low enforcement special ogenl a n d Holli is o n occupational thera­ pist.

Sara (Zak) and Curtis '98 Strom a n nounce the birlh of Carlie Dagmar, o n Oct. 1 2 . She i a i n s Leif Allen, 3. The gra ndparenls are N ancy and John Zok, and larraine and Allen Stra m . The great-grand­ parents are Elsie King, E l s i e Dagmar Zok, and Martha Stro m . Curl is a

missile system engi neer at Mi llen­ n i u m , on engineering and i n tegralion company i n Arlington, Va . , and Sara i s a stay-at-h ome mom.

1 997 Mike Jacobs warked f o r Oracle Software far one year oher graduat­ ing from PlU. He then moved 10 Portland, Ore., where he was a waiter and bartender. In 1 9 99, he attended the Army's Officer Candi­ date School in Fori Ben n i ng, Go . , a n d t h e Armor Officer's B a s i c Course in Fort Knox, Ky. He i s now i n Vilseck, Germany (Bavaria)' begin­ ning his th ree-year tour, which will also toke him to the Kosovo region. If you are traveling in the area, he has some room in the "house" for a few guests. heylodies2@hotmail .com

Shawn Blocker and his wife, Michelle, a n n ounce the birlh of Carolyn Victoria, on Sept. 2 3 . Shown i s t h e new vice president a n d project geologist a t Environ mental Geoscience Services i n Long Beach, Calif. Mikel and Jesse (Gardner '98, '00) Michener annou nce the bi rth of Violet Anastasio, on July 1 4 . Jesse is a drama teacher at Spanaway Lake High School and Mikel is on actor. In May, Tracey Sund w i l l graduate from New England School of low in Bosto n . She also accepted a position as a judicial low clerk with the pro­ bate a n d family court i n Eostern Massachusetts and will beg i n in September.

Heath Runyon and his wife, Jul ie, recently purchased a new home and their son, Kaleb, w i l l soon b e a big bralher. Heath has a new posilion os a buyer 0 1 The Robbins Company in Kent, Was h . Anthony Tin i s I h e office manager and treatment consultant for JT Den­ tal in Son Francisco.

Stacy Ma l licoat i s pursuing her Ph.D. i n sociology a t the U n iversi ty of Colorado in Boulder.

Many (Shalhope) Pallotta is the fitness center coord i nator for GSA in Auburn, Wash.

Douglas Thompson is a process aperatar at B i ogen in Raleigh, N . C . Joanna (Kreis) Jacobson h a s a half-time posilion os d i rector of youth


and fa m i l y m i n istries at The Lutheran C h u rc h of the Goad S h epherd i n Salem, Ore.

Mona Abolll-nil i s a biology teacher i n the Kent School D i strict. Lori (Lee) Richardson and her husband, Scott, announce the b i rth of Kaitlyn Gayel, an Nov. 8. She i a i n s E r i k , 1 2 , and And rew, 9 . Lori completed a th ree-month critical care residency i n 1 999 and i s the new critical care u n i t staff registered n u rse at Va lley Medical Center i n Renton, Wash. Johnathon Kupka and Alyssa Fishback '98 were married an Oct. 7 in Richland, Was h . Karen (Leikem) Kenmore '98, Nicole (Ca rpenter) Douglass '98, Danielle (Blanchard) Rosendahl '98, Erin Sanesi '98, 'tyler Boob '98, Dan Horn '98, and Joe Pau l l '96 were allen­ dants. John is a captain in the U . S . A r m y a n d Alyssa is a personal trainer.

1 998 Bethany Wolbrecht a nd R o b D u n n were married on Sepl. 2 4 at S I . Michael's Lutheran C h u rc h i n Portland, Ore . Bethany'S father, the R ev. Dr. Thomas Wal b recht, offici­ ate d . Christina Wolbrecht '92, Katherine Graff '00, a n d Noreen (McE ntee) Hobson '99 were in the wed d i n g . Bethany is a grant spec i a l ist wi th the City of Shore l i ne, Wa s h . Rob i s the general m a nager of the Old Spag hetti Fac­ tory in Taco m a . They l ive i n Des M o i nes, Was h . bwolbre@ya haa.com Amanda Richards and Casey Crawford were married on July I at Tri n i ty Lutheran C h u rc h in Tacoma. Amanda i s a spe­ cial education teacher i n the U n iversity Place School District a n d Casey i s the p r i nci pal at C u rtis Bridge Alternative School. Martin Mogk i s the inventory audi­ tor for Costco Wholesale in Tolleson, Ariz. He took the Arizona E ducators Certification exam in November and hopes to return to teach i ng soan . Robin ( N a nce) Shultis i s a pri­ mary rea d i ng spec i al ist at W i l keson Elementary School in the White R iver School D istricl. She is al so enrolled i n the grad uate program a t PLU where she i s foc u sing an li teracy. Ryan Fletcher is a llending Pacific Luthera n Theologica l Seminory i n Berkeley, Colif. H i s wife, Natalie Francois, is teoching first grade ot Ooklond Internoti onol School . Liz Russell ond Ryon Sawyer were married on Sepl. 1 6 at Mari ne View

Wh a t'5 NAM€


Presbyterian C h u rch in the Browns Paint area of Tacoma. The s u n set reception was held at the Tacoma Yacht C lu b . Karyn Miles '97, Allison (Gray) Grassi '97, and Wendi Garrison '97 were i n the wed d i ng . They a l so had the honor of having faculty, stoff, and other alums i n attendance. After a long b u i l d i n g process, they moved i nto t h e i r new home in Northeast Tacoma i n Octo­ ber. Ryan works for his fa m i ly's cor dealers h i ps in Puya l l u p , and Liz is the Seattle branch manager for T E R RA Resource Group, a hum a n resources consulting f irm that special­ izes i n recruitment and staff i n g .

Louise "Robin " SuHon recenlly received a master of science deg ree from Centrol Wa s h i n g ton U niversity and was promoted to therapist at the Department of Veteran's Affairs in Tocom a . 'Karl Lerum is a groduate student in history and assistant c ross country and track cooch at Trinity C ollege in Hartford, Conn. Chris Hippe and Jena Fox '99 were married on Sep l . 8. C hri s i s a teacher at Oakbrook Elementary Sc hool and Jena works i n the out­ reach m i n i stry at New Song C h u rc h . Jeana ( E rb) C rover i s attend i n g Oregan Health Sciences U n iversity Medical School and w i l l graduate in 200 2 . She married Joseph Craver i n 1 99 8 .

1 999 Heather Bryant and MaHhew Nelson were married on Aug. 1 9 at The Lutheran C h urch of the Good Shepherd in O l y m p i a . Heather is allending graduate school in occupa· tional therapy at the U n iversity of Puget Sound and Mollhew is em· played by The Siemans Corporat i o n . Heather Woodall i s a special education teacher i n the Puyallup School Districl. Andrea Anderson and Robert Stevens were m a rried an Aug. 5 i n Sealile. Andrea is the com m u n i ty marketing specialist at UW Physi­ cians Network and Robert is a web developer. Wendy Cooley is a spec i a l educa­ tion teacher at Clover Creek Elemen­ tary School in the Bethel School D i stricl. She volu nteers at the Lake­ woo d Playhouse. Ruth Hagglund and Michael Rouse were married on Aug. 1 2 at Trinity Lutheran Church i n Sheridan, Ore. Michael's father, the Rev. Dr. Richard Rouse '69 o f PlU, offici­ ated. ColieHe B roady is allending the lutheran School of Theology i n C h i ­ cago, o n a full tuition scholarsh i p . S h e i s pursuing a master of divinity degree.

i u. m C TJ1 Ot"iam

Kristin Tremoulet i s the canvass d i rector at Washington W i l derness Cool ition, a non-profit grassroots enviranmental g ro u p in Sealile.

1934 Ella (Johnson) Fosness died on Dec. 1 5 .

1941 Goodwin Olson died on Dec . 1 .

1950 Grant Whitley died on Nov. 1 2 . 1958 Darothy Gahan died on Nov. 2 .

1961 William (Bill) Ostenson di ed on Nov. 2 1 .

1968 Margaret Walthall d ied on April 6, 2000. P.K. "Ken" Johansen died on Oct. 3 .



Robert Krau58 died on J une 1 6.


Erin Swanson is a jesuit vol u n teer at the Deschutes County Health De­ partment in Bend, Ore.

Willie J. White died on Dec . 9.


Jillene Lietzau has a new position as a probation officer with Pi erce Cou nty. She recently returned from a month-lang trip exploring Austra l i a .

Bill King d ied on Dec . I .

1976 Clement O'Neill, Lt. Col. (Ret.) U.S. Army, died o n Nov. 1 6.

Camille Mesmer i s i nvolved i n C K I theatre productions and working a t Sealile Country D a y Schoo l . She i s also loo k i n g at graduate schools for theatre arts.

1911.l Brian Olson d ied on Nov. 2 8 .

1984 David Mohr d ied on Feb . 1 .

Jon Nelis lives i n Orange County, Calif., a n d works for Colstrip I ndus­ tries, a steel company. I n his free time he cl i m bs at same of Southern California's c l i m bi ng locations­ m a i n l y Joshua Tree, Yosemite, a n d t h e H i g h Sierra.

1988 Caral Braund died on Nov. 1 0.


J_ nette Vinzant died on Dec . 4 .

J9 97

Kathleen Sugai died on Nov. 27_

Nicholas Baeth and Katherine Peloza were married an Aug. 1 2 at F a m i l y of Groce lutheran Ch urch i n Auburn, Was h . Bath Katherine and Nicholas are students at the U n iver­ sity of Nebraska, lincol n . Nicholas is pursu i n g a P h . D . in m ath ematics with a graduate teach i ng assistantship and s u mmer research fellowshi p. Katherine is pursuing a moster's degree i n music perfo rmance with a Regents Tuition Fellowship.

FACULTY AND FRIENDS Alice Utzinger died on Oct . 1 9. Alice was the wife of faculty emeritus Vernon Utzinger, who was a prolessor 01 speech at PLU from 1 950 until hi s retirement in the late '60s, under presidents Eastvold and Mortvedt. Alice was olso a long-ti me member of the Q Cl u b, and req uested that any memorials be mode to that organization.

Joy Barber ioined the Peace Corps as on education volunteer. She left for Ba ngla desh on Feb. 1 5 . Her two­ year service will include teaching English to primary a nd secondary school teachers a n d working on other com m u n ity proiects such as l i teracy, or women in development. Joy is part of a group of 3 5 volun­ teers who will be only t h e third Peace Carps group to serve in Bangladesh.

Sherman Nornes, PLU fac ulty emeritus, died on Nov. 2 8 . Sherman graduated Irom Concordia Co l leg e, Moorhead, M i n n . , in 1 95 1 , received his master's d egree from the University of North Dakota i n 1 95 6

a n d his P h . D . from Washington Stote University in 1 965. In 1 95 8 , h e began h is 2 8-year teaching career at PLU and retired a s a profes sor of physics in 1 99 1 . He is survived by his wife, Gloria; daughters, laurie and Paulo; lour g randchi ldren; mother, Ida; and two brothers.

Pastor William A. Foege, past PLU Regent, died on C hr istmas Ooy at the age 01 95, a lter a long and lull life as a minister 01 the lutheran C h u rch . A lter a Hen d ing Wartburg Normal College in Waverly, 10., he oHended Wartburg Theological Sem i nary i n Dub uq ue . He grad uated in 1 928 and was ordained a m inister in the Lutheron Church that some year. His church and fa m ily honored him in 1 998 at a special celebration recog nizing the 70� a n n iversary of his ordi­ nation. He married his schoolmate and c h i ldhood sweetheart, Erika Anne Ermisch, i n 1 92 8 . She preceded h i m in dealh in 1 98 7 alter 58 years of marriage. Pastor Foege served many congregotions, including churches in M in nesoto, Iowa, Was h i ngton and Oregon. He retired i n 1 987 bu t continued to serve as a supp ly pastor in various parts of the Northwest. He was one o f a lew pastors who could still conduct a service in German . In addition to serving on the Boord of Regents a t PLU, he was also a member 01 the Evangelism and Ch r i stian Hig her Education committees al the Pacific Northwest District 01 the American lutheran Churc h . In 1 998, he received the Distinguished Service Award Irom PLU. Pastor Foege is survived by his six children, Mildred Toepel '52, Grace Haimes '53, William '57, Richard '59, Annette Stixrud '6 1 , and Carolyn Hellberg; 1 8 grandchildren and 2 6 great-g randch i ldren . Irene Creso, PlU faculty emeritus, died on Dec. 24. Irene was a profe5Sor 01 b iology at PlU, where she refired in 1 975 and wa s awarded a doctorate 01 humone leHers in 1 979. She is survived by her husband, larry; her da u g hter-i n­ low, Freddy Mae; one granddaugh­ ter, two great-grandc h il dren and three great great granddaughters. She was preceded in death by her husband, Chester C reso, a nd her son, C hesler lee.

Brandon Vrosh i s i n p i lot tra i n i n g i n Portland, Ore. He plans to be a commercial pi lol.


Harald Gray died on Dec. 1 2 .

Natasha Vantramp and Todd Morrisson were married on Ocl. 2 8 o t Northwest Church i n Federal Way, Wash. Todd is 0 fi r efig hter i n Glendale, Ari z. , a n d Natasha i s purs u i ng a career in entertainment. They met i n the Rieke Science Center and were chem i stry lab partners.

M AIL 10;


(lo s t, f i r s t , m a i d e n )


:rorey Swanson and Lisa Anderson were m a rried in Glasg ow, Manl. Erik Swanson '00, Kurt Swanson '04, Jeff Sanford '97, Mike Thorner '97, Dani Phillips '99 and Mandy Wagner '99 were in the wedd i n g . Torey i s a teacher a n d coach at Mount Vernon IWa s h . ) High School a n d lisa works at Northwest Wash­ i n gto n Medical Burea u . Torey and lisa went to Disneyland far their honeymoon.



S P O U S E ' S P lU C LAS S VE A R I S l l r M PL i C A B l E


IS TH I S A N E W �. D D R E S S 1 .J Y E S 0 NO

C l fY 51 A TE



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Please use a n additional piece of paper for other comments. Photos are welcome Ipreferably B&W) and w i l l be used on a space-available basis. Deadline for the next ;uue of Scene ;5 March 26, 200 1 .

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M A L E cJ f.MALt

of -< VI n z




I· perspective PLU poet sees creative expression beyond his own verse


eaven is a s trange b u t persistent h u man concept. A l l my l i fe I h ave wondered at i t and abo u t it.


re member when I was a boy in confirmation class

tive poet), his work seems o ften strongly suggestive of the

my pastor, Mal U l1set, answering another s tu den t's worry

world o f experience. This pai nting, fo r i nstance, which I p ur­

about the natu re of Heaven with, "Wh atever it takes to make

chased from h i m several years ago and which h e refuses to

you happy, God wiU have i t there." I n this poem I discover and

ti rle, I h ave always thought o f as "The Door to the Secret o f

confess that H eave n , for me, beyond all orthodoxy, and be­

Day." Beyond that d o o r l i e s all the poss ible days a n d h i s tories

yond any shame for the senriment, m ight be a l-eturn- i n this

of days, every thing the wri ter, o r anyone, m igh t i magine and

case a return to t h e far m

village w h e re [ grew up, as it was in

t h e early '50s, where I was very h a p py.

thereby enter. It may be argued that the extended poss i b i l ity to which I refe.r has l i trie to do wi th "experience. " But d reaJ11s,

The p o e m also suggests that the j o u r ney to Heaven is a long and wearying road. And I bel ieve th:tt too.

i magi n i n gs , even halluci nations, m ay be profound experi­ ences-and their degree o f reality q u i te i rrelevanr.

I fe el a gre:tt esth e tic k i n s h i p with David Luckert's paint­ i n gs ; they seem to emanate. fro m the same psycho-emotional

Christopher Howell '66

Whde h e i n s i s ts that h e is not a figurative painter (in the same way I might i n s i s t that I am not fu ndamental ly a narra­

C H RISTOPH · R HOWELL CAN B E R EAC HED AT cnhowel/@mail. ewu. edu

s pace from which I want my poems to come, s o me zone where passion and precision are congruent, where the line between


the abst ract and the concrete disso lves.







So come home


along the dusty hickOl)' shaded ruts



with scotch broom blazing and orchards rising behind the shalf gJ'een


ofbeny fields. Come on ahead

i[)'ou can, with )'our Factures and plcryed out


luck, youl'- shoes that have fOl'gotten


and had to be carried.


Come with steel-colored hair and slivers of m usic halfembedded i n yo"t1' heavy arms. Did you thin/? they would know)'ou topping the r'ise, smiling in so much quiet it mt-tSt be Sunda), here

but it isn 't? Did )'OU suppose jestls would be here, too, suffering the little children, preaching to the hill? WI!Jatever),ou thought, come on, havinggot

so fit1� ha vingfo u nd p erm issio n

for thisfinalb,-blue-again sky, dense

with robins and their singing. The ice man '5 here, and the occasional horse before a plough and men and women who 'lie risen U ntitled ortwork by Dovid Luckert, from which Howell feels esthetic kinship" to his poetry.


and /valked here happib' all theil- lilies "greot

and tuho 've had 50 little but this happiness

the), can 't i m agi n e wh), )'OU 'Fe been away.

PACIFIC UJIHERAN UNIVERSITY Tacoma, Washington 98447-0003

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G r eg Brewis Drew Brown Drew Brown Katherine Hedland ' 8 8, lourn Giffnrd '00 ond Greg Brewi �

Other Concerts For more i n formation, call 25 3·5 3 6·5 1 1 6

Jazz Under the Stars

o r 1 ·8 77-2 54·700 1 .

Caroryn Reed Barritt

jllly 27 Final concert of Northwest High

Ch,,� Tumbuw,

School Band Camp . 7 p . m . ,

Jom N,esz.

to 2 7

Lagerq u ist-camp runs from J u ly 2 2

!Hay 15 to Nove11lber 12 Caspersen Family Exhibit Exhibit focuses on one local Norweg ian

Nlc.k Dowion

family that has continued to preserve and promote its heritage from generation to

Orp.w Brown Lel/ra Gilford '00 and Kev,n Freitas '02

generation through music and art.

July 12

Loren J Anderson, President POIII T Menzel Provost Dovid G. Aubrey Vice President, Development and University Relations laura J.. Polcyn ' 74, '79, Vice Presiden/. AdmiSSIOns cnd Enrol/ment Services Lauro F. Mojovski , Vice Presiden, Dnd Dean, Student LIFe Sheri J Tonn, Vice President, Finon(e and OPfl ralions Hauge Administration Building, Room 207

Phone. 253·535-7430, Fox. 253·535·833 1 El!1ol\' sC8l1e@plu.edu WebsUe: www plu edu/encore

Seattle Women's Jazz Orchestra

jul)' 1 9 Chuck Stentz, David Joyner, Wayne

July 25

Bliss and Maria Joyner

Raspberry Festival

Jlli)' 26

;"'gust 15

July 22 to August 1 1 Summer Scholars a t PLU Camp designed for tolented students i n

Peach Festival

Ryan Taylor Trio

grades fou r through 1 1 -contact Summer Scholars at 25 3·53 5·8549 for more i n for·

August 2

mation, or visit the Summer Scholars Web

Bill Ramsay

site at

August 9


www. plu. edu/-sumschol.


August 1 6 Jay Thomas

Nesvig Alumni Center

Phone: 253·535.74 1 5. 1 -800-ALUM·PlU Fax 253.535·8555, Emoll: alumni@plu, edu Websile:


plu edu/olum

I S pu bl i she d quarterly by Pacihc Lutheran University, S. 1 2 1 st a nd Pork Ave., Tacoma WA 98447-0003. Period i cals postage paid at TacomQ. WA, and addttronal moi l i ng offices Address serv ice requested. Poslrna&ler. send changes to Development DaJo, Ne,vIg Alumni Cenler, PLU , Tacoma, WA 98447·0003

Scene (lSSN 0886-33691

YOlJr letters












welcome Qnd should be addressed to

Drew Brown. Editor. Scene, Pacific lutheran University,

Tacoma. WA 984.47·0003 , faxed


253·535.833 1 , or emailad !o �cene@pl(J edu, leners may be ediled for clarity and length

Graduates from Ihe c1QSS or 2 00 1 . May 27.

The Center fo r Exec u tive Deve l o p m ent p rovi des m o re t han 2 ,000 days o f training p e r year i ll. a wide variety o f s u bjects. O u r p rograms serve b u s iness owners , s u perviso rs, l1l.anagers and exec u tives witho u l the t i m e fo r long c o u rses, and who enJoy unique i n teractive experiences.

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Through Stren

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --.;: ". ...-----1



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tract WI"ItJng


J u l Y I 6- 1 7 , 200 1 Seattle Airport Marriott·S eaTac Operatmg Excellence

erce: trategies

September 1 7- 1 8, 200 1 Pacific Lutheran U1l1VCr�HY

July 1 6 · 1 7 , 2 0 0 1 Seattle Airpo rt M a r ri ott-SeaTac


"Backsplash" pottery by Julie Ueland, a PLU Alumni Big Sky Carvers Porsgrund China and many other Northwest and Scandinavian g i fts 407 GARF I E L D STREET

TACOMA, WA 98444 ( 2 53 ) 5 3 5-83 9 7 IlIlelvorldQilplll, cd"


en the news 200 1 Commencement highlighted by Loi s Capps '59 u . s . R e p . Lois C o p ps ' 5 9 of S a n ta Bar­

bara, Cal i f, recei ved an honorary doctorate of h u mane letters, and 605 PLU g raduates ea r n ed the i r deg rees at S p ring Commencement May 2 7 . At th i s year's ceremony, PLU awarded 5 7 0 u n ­ dergraduate degrees a n d 35 g raduate degre e s . PLU awa rds about 900 u n der­ g ra d uate and g rad uate deg rees every year. Capps was the honored s peaker. She was elected in 1 99 8 to succeed her h usband, Wo lter, i n t h e seat representing C a l i fo r n i a 's central

coast after h i s death. She earned h e r n u rs i n g deg ree from PLU, her master o f a r t s i n rel ig ion from Ya le U n iver s i ty a n d a moster's i n e d u c o t i o n f r o m the U n iver­ s i ty of Cal i fo r n i a at Santa Barbara . Capps i s co-c h a i r of the House Democrat i c Task Force on Med i ca re Re­ form and fou nd e r and co-c h o i r of the b i partisan Congressional School Health a n d Safety Caucus, w h i c h educates H ous e members a n d stoff on i m portant issues s u c h as playg rou n d safety, school sports safety and n utrition in schools . Also h o n o red at commencement were reti r i ng faculty mem bers Stewart Gov i g , rel i g i o n ; Jerry Krach t, m u sic; Jerome Lej e u n e , psychology; Jon N ord by, p h i losophy; Linda Olson, n urs­ i n g and Paul Webster, languages and l i terature.

PLU becomes ROTC host institution PLU w i l l become a host i nstitution for i ts award-w i n n i n g Army Reserve Officers' Tra i n i n g Corps. The move will esta b l i s h a m i l i·tary science program at PLU a n d wi l l provide cadets more scholarsh ips and better Army assignm ents when they g raduate . C u rrently PLU's ROTC program is affi l i­

ated w ith the parent program at Seattle U n ive rsity, even though PlU has 1 25 cadets, com pared to Seattle U n iversi ty's 75 .

The move to host status was contro­ vers i a l on campus beco u se of the m i l i ta ry's "don't ask/don't tel l " pol icy. Gay ancl lesbian i n d iv i d u o l s ore ban ned from m i l i tary service, u n l ess they keep their sexual orientation secret. PLU has a non-d i sc r i m i nation pol i cy that promotes incl us iveness for s ex u a l

m i n o r i ties. Some faculty members and students opposed creating 0 depa rtment on campus that confl icts with t h i s policy. A majority of facu l ty mem bers voted to approve the h ost status, and the Board of Regents fol l owed their recom­ mendation

PLU a urn to take over choral activities and the C hoir of the West Master conductor, i n s p i ration a l teacher a n d exceptional soloist Kathryn Leh m a n n O l s o n has been named conductor of the C h o i r of the West ond new d i rector of c horal activities. Olson , a 1 97 6 PLU m u s i c education g raduate who was 0 m embe r of the C h o i r of the West, i s t h e fifth



Author, award winner to give Kohler Lecture An award w i n n i ng a u t h o r i ty on t h e soci­ ology of religion, Robert N . Bellah, w i l l

person to hold the pos ition a n d the first woma n . S h e is the first woman to conduct a major c h o i r at a Lutheran college. She will succeed R ichard Spa rks , who is leav i ng PLU after 1 8 years to work more c losely with the professionol c h o i rs h e cond ucts. " Kathryn brings i ncred i b l e energy, "

del iver the Koh l er Lecture, Sept. 2 5 , a t

said Professor David Robbi ns, chai rman

7 : 3 0 p . m . on c a m p u s .

of the music department. "She i s not

Bellah's scholars h i p , ra n g i n g from American civic h i story a n d respo n s i b i l i ty to East Asi a n rel i g i o n s , has affected trends, methods a n d c u rrent resea rch i n the acade m i c study o f rel i g i o n . Last yea r P resident C l i n ton awarded Bellah the National H u m a n i ties Awa rd . The award h o nors i n d i v i d u a l s or groups

only a s uperb c horal con d uctor, she is deeply c o m m i tted to music education, a n d she's a performer of pro feSS i o n al c a l i ber, with a n i n s i der's knowledge of the physics and psyche of s i n g i n g . " Olson most r ec e ntly was an associ­ ate professor of music at the U n i versity of Oregon a n d cond uctor of the U n i ver­ s ity C h a m be r C ho i r. She also has h eld positions at Oregon State U n iversi ty, Westm i n ster Conservatory i n Pri nceton, N .J . , a n d in the Clover Park School D i s­ trict. S h e reg u l a rly p e r for m s, acts as a guest conducto r a n d lectures on vocal performance. She earned her master's degree in vocal performance from Westm i n ste r C h o i r College in Princeto n , N .J . , a n d i s p u rsu i n g h e r doctorate i n musical arts at t h e U n iversity o f Colo­ rado, Boulder. Olson is ded icated to prepari n g

whose work has deepened the notion's understa n d i n g of the h u m a n i ties. B e l l a h 's best-se lling 1 9 8 5 book,

" H a b i ts of the Heart: I n d i v i d u a l i s m a n d C o m m i t m e n t i n American L i fe" w o n the Los Angeles Ti mes Book Prize. I t exam­ ines the ten s i on in contemporary American l i fe between radical i n d ividu­ a l i sm and the deep yearn i n g for c o m m u n ity. Bellah is E l l iott Professor of Soc i ol­ ogy, Emeritus at the U n iversity of Cal i fornia a t Berkeley.

students t o teach m u si c i n p u b l i c schools and has a n a b i l i ty to work w i th voices

that a re j u s t fo r m i ng and those of more mature, well-developed s i ngers, Rob b i n s sa i d .

S h e looks forward to retu r n i n g to campus: "I have extremely good m e m o ­

ries of how I was treated as a student a t P L U , " Olson s a i d . " S i nce I 've been a teacher, I haven't fou n d that k i nd of at­ mos p h e re , where stu dents are the priority a n d are so va l ued . " S h e said she i s h o nored to conduct the choir i n w h i c h s h e performed under Maurice Skanes. S h e hopes to conti n ue the traditions he and S pa rks have m a i n­ tained, as wel l as try some new th i ngs, such a s i n trod uc i ng the choir to more ethnic and European m u s i c .

O l son will j o i n P L U as a n assoc i a te p rofessor i n the fal l . The C h o i r of the West celebrates its 75'h a n n iversary th i s year. Sparks w i l l toke t h e c h o i r o n a tou r of Sca n d i navia i n May a n d J u n e , a n d a r e u n i o n concert with post members w i l l take place a t 2 p . m . Su nday, Oct. 1 4 , at Lagerq u i st Concert Hal l .

Online in line


i n stead of

One of the longest s tand i n g a n d m o s t agg rava t i n g student tradi t i o n s - waiting at the bookstore to p u rchase textbaoks ­ c o u l d be a t h i n g of the post. Soon, the tra d i tion w i l l become a short s t ro l l to a com­ puter, as the PLU Bookstore makes o n l i n e ordering

avai la bl e . Not on ly will students be able to p u rc hase books o n l i ne, but a l u m n i , pare n ts a n d other shoppers can order sweatsh i rts, C D s a nd other merc h a n d i s e . It w i l l a l l be done thro u g h Luteworld, the P LU Bookstore's new I nternet venture, sched uled to l a u n c h Aug . 1 . F i n d i t at lu teworld. plu . edu.

"We're repl icati n g most of the store o n l i n e , an d in some ways, we're g o i n g t o expa nd t h e store," s a i d M a r k Mulder, BBA '93 , MBA '00 d i rector of Auxiliary Services .

The electro n ic store w i l l red uce crowds in the bookstore and make i tems ava i lable to a m uc h broader audience. Students w i l l be a b l e to order books for t h e i r classes and have them del ivered or ready for picku p . The Lutes Team Store will offer ath letic wea r a nd P LU cloth i ng , a n d the " U n iquely P LU ! " sec­ tion hopes to s h owcase a u thors, arti sts and musicians with ties to P W . L u teworld

also w i l l offer a New Lutes Center, w i th i nfo r m a tion for incoming students about how to find the r i g h t books, how to or­ der a computer a n d other tips. F uture p l a n s i nc l u d e s e l l i n g tickets to ca m pus events o n l i n e . P L U M B A a n d ma rketi n g students hel ped the bookstore prepare to enter the world of e-commerce. "These a re th i n g s that have been researched by and for our stu dents , " M u lder s a i d . " We su rveyed o u r students

and they even picked the name . " Items w i l l b e offered at the some price as i n the store, a n d as w i th most o n l i n e services, there w i l l be s h i pp i ng c ha rges for del ivered i tems. G ift-wrap­ p i ng w i l l be ava i la b l e . " I t is a h uge service i m p rovement, " M u lder sa i d . "And when you buy from Lu tewo r l d , all the money stays on cam­ pus. We g ive every dol l a r we make bock to the u n iversi ty. " Contim",,1 on PJgr<

en c

Thanks to a l l of you who have visited our new o n l i ne supplem e n t to Scene, Encore! (www. plu. edu/encore). In th is ed itio n , we i n troduce a new des i g n as well as expanded content. As some who h ave visited a l ready know, you can find exc lusive We b -o n l y articles, l i nks to various PLU Websites and i n for­ mation related to the articles you are

reading in this edition. Keep your com­ ments coming to encore@plu. edu. They have been extremely h e l pful in mak­ ing Encore! a g reat s i te . A l o n g w i th m a n y supp lements to Scene stories, you w i l l find these E n­ core! features:

H igher education i n America faces chal lenges in the next 1 0 years ex­

cee d i ng any s i nce the l a te 1 940s, accord i ng to David Warren, p r e s i den t of the National Association of Colleges a nd Un iversities, who recently v i s i ted PLU . Only colleges that a re pr e p a r ed to meet the expectations of these stu­ dents - from the food they eat, to the rac i a l m ix of the fa c u lty and stoff and

the involvement of institutions in the com munity - w il l succeed in atlracting a n d reta i n i ng these students.

W h i l e other students are try i n g to fig­ u re out what they want to do for a career, Ben Dobyns '02 is trying to f i g u re o u t how to fi n a n ce h i s next fi l m . Dobyn s, along with screenwriter/actor Matt Va n c i l '0 1 , have c reated two back-to-back com i c h o r ro r f i lm s, a PLU F i l m SOCiety and thei r ow n p r o d u c­ tion company, Dead Gentlemen Productions.

His name i s Morri s, and he hopes to be a fully operational rabat. See how a g ro u p of com puter science a n d com­ puter e n g i neering majors, as a part of the i r Senior Ca psto n e Project, b u i l t a robot u s i n g the Lego® M i ndstorms ™ Robotic I nvention Syste m . H i g her-education officials and experts around the country say fund raising

has slowed in t h e past few months, as the major stock ma rkets have l ook ed mare and more bea r i s h . W h e n the C h ron icle of H i g her E ducation i nves ti­ g a ted the situatio n , they went to PLU President Loren J. Anderson, among others. Kit Lively's spec i a l report i nvesti­ gates how President Anderson is pla n n ing i n stead of pa n i c k i n g .

... c: .... :z: ...

,. J> Z c Z <

Q C l u b held another successful spring

banquet th i s May. Th i s issue's photo essay, by C h r i s Tu mbusch, consi sts o f th i s year's h i g h l ig h ts . You w i l l also f i n d associate provost B i l l Te sk a's sp ee c h on the PLU study a b road experience a nd Mooring Mast coverage of the event.

,. III

II' n z



in th e n ews School of Education dedicates technology classroom Education students h o ve occess to cut­ t i n g-e dg e technology tho nks to


generous g ift from an a l u m in h o n or of two retired facu l ty mem bers, i nc l ud i ng her g ra n d father. Diana Pederson '86 co ntri b u ted the funds to e q u i p a classroom i n the Adm i n­ 'istration B u i l d i ng . S h e made the donation to h onor her g ra n d fath er, Arne Pederson, a n d Dr. Lynn Ste i n . Both ta u g h t at P LU for nearly 3 0 years before retiring in the late ' 80s. " Lo n g before care a n d service be­ c o m e c o re values of the School of Educotio n , these gentlemen embodied those volues," Associ a te Dea n Dr. Myra

Baug h m a n sa id at the dedication of the Pederson-Ste i n Tech nology E n hanced Classroo m . I n use since last fa l l , the room was for m a l ly dedi cated in Apri l . Eq U i p ped with computers, d i g ital cameras, a video camera a n d other computer eq ui pment, the TEC enab les students to p u t together d i g i tal reports and develop i n n ovative prog rams for use in the c lassroom . President Loren J. Anderson thanked both retired teachers for their years of service to the u n iversity and D i o na Pederson , who earned degrees in Nor­ weg ian and com puter science and

works for Microsoft. "Todoy we also celebrate the accom­ p l i s h ments of one of our very young a n d successfu l g raduates , " he s a i d .

ness, recruitment a n d fi n a n c i a l a id , ser­ vice excellence a n d "student

2001 Faculty Retirees

centeredness . " It scored a t the national mea n i n the area of r eg i str a ti o n effec­

tiveness and scored below t he nati o n a l m e a n i n academ i c ad V i s i n g , respon sive­ ness to d iverse popu lations and safety a n d security. The reg istration effectiveness and recru itment and fi n a n c i a l a i d ra n k i ngs both represent ma rked i m p rovements over previous years - i ndicati n g that u n i ­ versity officials have taken t h e SSI seriously. "We've gotten better over time, and we've continued to excel where we are good," Malovski said, mention i n g that the four factors students rate most h ig h ly in affecting thei r d ec i s i o n s to come to PLU -academ ic reputation, financial a i d , s i ze a n d cost - have rem a i n ed stable throu g hout several years of survey results When asked how their college expe­ riences have met their expectations, how satisfied they o re overa ll with their expe­ rience so far, o n d whether they would enroll at P LU a g a i n , P LU students consis­ tently ro nk the u n iversity S i g n i f i c an tly h i g h er than the national mea n . Ni nety­ two pe rce nt of students polled last October pion to graduate from PLU, and for 73 percent of them, PLU was a first

c h o i ce.

Students elect Vialpando, Holmes to hold ASPLU executive posts New executive leaders of ASPLU for 200 1 -2002 were elected this spri n g . J u n ior Ti m V i a l pando, an E n g l i s h educa­ tion major from Westminster, Co lo . was elected p resident by

Philosop hy • At PLU s i n ce 1 977

Stewart D. Go ig Professor of R e ligi on •

Jon J ordb Associate Professor of

At PLU from 1 95 8 to 1 960, 1 96 1 to present Bachelor of Arts i n H i s­ tory, St. Olaf College, 1 94 8 Master of Div i n i ty, Luther Theolog ical Semina ry, 1 95 2 Master of T heology i n B i b l ical Studies, Princeton Theological Sem i n a ry, 1 95 4 P h . D . i n Religious Educati o n , New York Un i ve r s i ty, 1 966

Lind N O'so ' Professor of Nursing • •

Jerry Krocht Professor of Music •

At PLU from 1 967 to 1 96 8 , 1 969 to present Bachelor of Music, U n i­ versity of Iowa, 1 963 Ma ster of Arts in Clarinet Performance, U n iversity of Iowa, 1 965 Ma ster of F i n e Arts in Orchestral C on­ ducting, U n iversity of Iowa, 1 967 Docto rate of Musical Arts i n Orches­

At PLU si nee 1 972 Bachelor of Arts in Clas­ sics, Gonzaga U n iversi ty, 1 964 Master of Arts i n Psychol­ ogy, U n iversity of Victoria, 1 970 P h . D. in Psyc h o l ogy, U n iversity of Victoria, 1 974

German •

a small marg in over j u n ior Sean Howell.


THE (FROM TH f LEFTI School of Education Dean Lynn Beck, Diana Pederson '86 behind Siein, Mr. Arne Pederson and Dayid Aubrey, Vice President of Deyelopment and University Relations.


Student Satisfaction Survey shows PLU's continued excellence Students ran ked PLU h i g h in most com·



z ... u '" ,. ..

ponents of c a m p u s l i fe, ocademics a n d services on t h e USA G r o u p Noel·Levitz Student Sotisfoction I nventory, a d m i n is­ tered last October to 0 randomly selected g ro u p of 46 u n derg rad uate classes. The s u rvey is a n a t i o n a l p o l l , taken by m o r e thon 3 00 , 000 students atte n d i n g fou r-yeor private colleges. T h e u n iversi ty hos conducted the SSI for several years, a n d plans to continue using it o n a biannual basis for m o n i tor­ ing student feelings and o p i n i o n s . "Student feedback i s i m portant to u s , " said La u ra Maj ov s k i , vice president




u u 0( ...

and dean for stud e n t l i fe . The SSI is widely d istri b u ted on c a m p u s and is used i n pla n n i ng u n iversity i n i tiatives, she sa id . PLU ra n ked a bove the national mean i n the o reas of campus c l i m a te, campus l i fe, campus support services, concern for the i nd ividual, i n structional effective-

a c o m m u n ication a n d political science ma­ jor from Lacey, Was h . w o n t h e vice p resi­ dential race over j u n i o r Tom my Tim Vialpando Gunsto n . Vialpando has served in a variety of student govern ment posi tions, i nc l u d i ng Foss H a l l p resident a n d ASPLU programs d i rector. Holmes has a lso held a n u m ber of leadersh i p roles, i n­

c l u d i n g Pflueger Hall p resident a n d Resi­ dence H a l l Association presi­ dent. Better com m u n i­ cation between ASPLU and the student body is a priority of the new officers. "I t h i n k one of my g reotest strengths is the foct that I am so a p proachable," Vialpando told the Mooring Mast. "Students can come to me any time and share ideas or con­ cerns that they may have "

The n ew executives also have p l a n s t o rework t h e A S P L U budget, i ncrease

free prog ra m m i n g on campus and i n­ crease c o m m u n i cation between students a n d adm i n i strators. Via l pa n d o and H olmes took office April 1 and w i l l serve throug h March 200 2 .

Psychology a n d P h i­ losophy, St. Joh n ' s U n i versi ty, 1 963 Master of Social Work, H u nter College, City U n iversi ty of New York, 1 968 Master of E d ucation, C o l u m bia U n iver­ sity Teoc hers' Col lege, 1 9 89 Doctorate i n Education, Columbia U n iversity Teac hers' College, 1 990

e P· ...I . We. Associate Professor of •

Senior Cole Holmes,

At PLU si nce 1 99 4 Bachelor o f Arts i n

chology •

Bachelor of Science i n N u r s i n g , U n i versity of Wa s h i ng ton, 1 959 Master of N u r s i n g , U n i­ versity of Wash i ngto n , 1 964 P h . D . in Education, U n iversity of Wa s h i ng to n , 1 98 6

Social Work •

1 974

At P LU s i nce 1 967

At ·. a n r S Assistant Professor of

tral Conducti ng, U n iversity of Iowa,

Jara P. Jeune Associate Professor o f Psy­

Bachelor of Science i n Ph i losophy a n d Art, SI. Olaf Co l l ege, 1 970 Master of Arts in P h i losophy, U n iver­ sity of Massac husetts, 1 975 P h . D . in P h i losophy, U n iversity of Massach u setts, 1 977

At PLU s i n c e 1 969 Bachelor of Arts in Germ a n , U n iversity of C a l i fornia at Los Ange­ les, 1 964 Master of Arts i n German, U n iversity of C a l i fornia at Las Angeles, 1 967

, professor and dean of the School o f Education, co-{) uthored a book titled "The Productive H i g h Schoo l : Creating Person a l i zed Learn ing C o m m u n ities" (Corw i n Press, 2 00 1 ) . Her co-a uthors i ncl uded Joseph Murphy, Marilyn C rawford, Amy Hodges ond Choris McGaug hy. The book provides a h i storical overview of the development of the modern, c omp re h e n sive high school, a n d ma kes reco m m endations for i m provement o f the c u rrent syste m . I , associate professor of Eng l is h , co-ed i ted a book titled " I l l u m inating Letters: Typog raphy and Literary I n terpretation" ( U n iversity of Massac h usetts Press, 200 1 ) with Paul C. Gutj a h r. The book is a collec­ tion of essays that exa m i n e the role of book design in shaping the m ea n i ng s that readers derive from printed texts. Her own essay i nc l uded i n the vol u m e i s titled " Re-Mascu lati n g the Modern Book: Typog raphy a n d Gender."

n . ,I , Ph . D . , PLU professor and a ssi sta n t dean in the Depart­ ment of Physical E d u cat i o n , was one of two members of the Was h i n g ton State Psychological Assoc iation t o receive p re si dential c itations from the

American Psyc hological Associati o n . The award was presented by APA President Pat DeLeon at an awards d i n ner earlier this year. The APA c i ted Hacker's a p p roach to mental skills tra i n i n g from a prac­ tica l , a p p l ication-oriented perspective, and noted "Col leen's com m i tment to the d iversity between a n d a m o n g team mem bers, team c hem istry a n d dyna m ics in con­ cert with the coac h i ng staff." Hu.






i ,

I I , i n n ovative te a c h i n g methods a re recei v i n g national H i story professor notice. Kra i g 's 20,1 Century U . S . H i story course, p ro f i l e d i n the Spring 200 1 i ss ue of Scene, was the focu s of a March 2 column i n The C h ronicle of H ig her Education . The Chron icle, a national trade journal, devoted its weekly " Syl l a bu s " col u m n to a d i scussion of Kraig's plan for using service l e ar n i n g to m a ke h i storical con necti ons. -Kraig w i l l teach t h e co u r se each fa l l

TO READ THE CHRONICLE ARTICLE, GO TO www. p/u. edu/encore.


_ _ _ _



campus features Center for Learning and Technology brings PLU's future into focus 8Y



"Graduates who attended our PLU 20 1 0 spoke o f the excellen t b us i n ess education they received, bu t expressed regret that their education was not more o ri ented to the use and understanding of new technologies," Anderson said. "Those with degrees in co mpute r fields said a better fou ndation i n society-focused areas of the curricu l u m, sllch as b u si ne ss , would have helped theITI." With the imp roved facilities that The Center for Learn ing and Tech nology provides , faculty members plan to foster this type of curricular i n teraction. The current M.B.A. program i n Technology and In novation M an ageme n t w i l l b e mi ned for materi a l helpful t o u n dergraduates; proCTra.ms d rawi ng on the t. h e ore t. i cal capacity o f mar hematics, the modeling ca pac i ty o f com p LL ter science and the s tra tegi c di mensions of busi ness a.rc a .l 50 p l a n n ed fo r the fu ture. The Board of Regents approved The Center for Lea rn i n g and Te c h n o l ogy concept a t i t s Ja n u a ry 200 I m e e t i n g , and now p l a n n ers are re fi n i n g issues of scope and b u dge t. David Aub rey, vice p res i d e n t for deve lo p ment and un iversity relations, said Regents authori zed development of construction drawings last This computer-generoted model shows whot the

he C e n te r fo r Le arn i n g and Technology, the new fac i l i ty that could be under construction as e arly as m i d-2002, wil l continue t o d eve lo p PLU' ro l e a s a trendsetter. According to President Loren Anderson, there has been a clear need for a faci li ty "that could advance the integration of n w technology i n t eac h i ng w h i le helping t o sustain the u niversity's l i beral arcs focus." The un iversity will answer this need by provid­ i n g a new home for the School o f Business and the departments of mathematics, computer science and complltcr engineering. The new building wi l l also hOllse a variety o f campus o ffices, i ncluding the dean of the Division o f Natural Sciences, the Center fo r Execu tive D evelopment and the Tacom a/ P i e rc e County M ;n hematics, Engineering & Science Achievement Program (M ESA) . Anderson and the p l ann m g commirtce see the struct u re p romoting i n te rdiscipli naIY activi ty.

s e ssi o n s



Center for Learning and Technology will look like from the front. The building will be constructed just west of Rieke Science Center.

month . Pending fund raising p rogress and ap­ proval by the Board at its spring 2002 meetin g, construction is projected to begin 111 M ay 2002, with the building open for classes in September 2003 .

The project b udget is app roximately $ 1 8 m i ll ion, and Aubrey said already $ 6 m i llion i n g i fts and commi tments had been secured. The Office o f Development hopes to comple te funding by the end of th e 200 1 -2002 aca d e m ic year. " I n addition to co u n t i n g on t h e su ppOrt of all friends a.nd alumni, we specifically are en cou rag i ng graduates of our School o f Business, d e p a rt m e n t o f computer science a n d c o m p u te r e n gi n eeri n g , a n d depa rtmen t of mathematics t o con tribute," A ub rey said, " as well as graduates w o rk i n g elsewh e re in the tech n o l ogy sector."

The Center ro r Le ar n i n g and Te c hno l o gy is the

m aj o r p roj ec t of t h ree outl i ned i n t h e for PLU: The Next Bold S te p , w h i c h passe d the $83 m i l l io n mark in �'>'iay, en rome to i t s $ 1 00 m i l l i o n goal. The renovation of Xavier Hall wi l l be complete this summer, wi th social sciences faCldty scheduled to move back in August. A rededica.tion of Xavier is plan ned for Homeco m i n g weekend. Eastvold Auditorium i s also sched uled for restoration as part o f the Cam paign.




Rainbow of Gifts nurUlres a new generation of leaders 8Y


' 00

u theran youth from throughout Region r of the E vangeli c al Lu theran C hurch i n America wi l l conve rge on camp us July 2 9 t o Augu s t 2 fo r a week of fel lows h i p , mul ticul tural events and activities and l e adership training k nown as Rai nbow of G ifts. While the event m ight sound s i m i l a r to many sponso red by various Northwest synods through­ out the year, this p rogram d i ffers in one i m p o r­ tant-and ground breaking-respect: the m aj o r i cy o f t h e c o n fe re n c e 's pa r t i c i pa n ts are youth of color. University Pastor Dennis S e p pe r a n d Re gi s t rar Jul ia Pomerenk '83 have j o i n ed Dave E l l i ngson of th e ELCA Reg i o n I office i n coord i nat i n g rhe a n nual event, which e n ters its fou rth year in 200 I . Rainbow o f G i fts i s u n i que to Reg i o n I o f the ELCA, and grew out o f conversations about how to

develop more mino rity leaders within the L u th e ra n church. About 1 0 0 p a rt ici p a n ts , ranging in age from j un io r h igb to young adul thood are partici­ pating i n the p rogram. "There are so fe w m i n o ri ty leaders within the c hu rch that we tend to burn them out," Sepper said. "We realized our particular synod, because o f Alaska, a h igh Native American population an d a h igh H ispanic po pula t i o n, has a l o t of these u nderrep resented p e o p l e . Then we asked o u r s e lve s,

' W hy

don 't we start a yo uth leaders h i p p rogram fo r these students?'" The resulting p rogram, he said, gives students the opportu n i ty to be in the m ajo r i ty, many fo r the fi rst time in their l ives. It also gives PLU and Tri nity Lutheran Col lege in Issaquah, Wash . , the o pportu n i ty to connect wi th b ri gh t, talented you n g people. Two Rai n bow of G i fts stude n ts e n rol led at Tri n i ty Lutheran Co(jege last falI, Sep per said, an d h e hop es PLU will also attract Rainbow graduates. "It's fun to be in a room on the PLU cam pus where most of the faces are people o f color," said Pomerenk, who became involved with the p rogram last summe r. Participants i n the p rogram l ive together in Tingelstad Hall and participate i n a variety of activities. Students o f d i fferent cthnicities share their heri tage t h rougb dance, crafts and music, and the p rogram brings in a variety o f speakers. La.st year, students took part in a service project on t h e Nisqually Reservation. Rainbow o f G i fts also i ncludes daily worship s e rvices and a concluding service at the end of the week when partici p ants join students from three other chu rch-related camps ru nning simulta­ neously du ring the week at PLU.

Both Sr. Olaf College and Texas Lutheran Un ive rs i ty have ex p ressed i n terest in t h e Rainbow of G i fts program, raisi n g h o pes that the program may expand i n the fu ture. For more i n fo r m a ti o n o r t o p a rt ici p a t e i n Rai nbow o f G i frs 200 1 , call t h e Region I ELCA o ffice, 1 -800-755-583 1 or 206-624-0093. -0 ,. n




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Native American students demonstrate a traditional dance during the annual Rainbow of Gifts conference_ Participants from a variety of ethnic bClckground.s hClve the opportunity to share their heritage during the weeklong event. TRADITIONS TAKE CENTER STAGE:

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cam pus featu re s


PLU moulTIS sudden loss of James Holloway r.

jame's Da l e H o l l oway, 40,

In assisrant

p ro fe s s o r o f music at PLU and u n i vt.' r­

sity o rgan is t, was shot to death on campus May 1 7 by ;] m an who wamcd to k i l l an in nocent person. That sLlch a gcmle

111 a n

could be

the victim of sLlch senseless violence has added to the

grie f of the Illany wh o se l ives he co uch ed wi th

his teaching and h i s music. Wh e n Hol l o way played the orga n , you c (m l d

h ear h i s pas sio n , fee l h i s fa i t h . H i s m u s i c was h i s wo rs h i p , h i s in s p i rat io n , h i s celebration-and it is now h i s l egacy.

Bur his fa.ll1 i ly, c o l l ea g u es , studems a n d ch urch fr iend s fi n d so m e solace i n the gifts he left behind: the music h e recorded, the songs h e \\TOte a n d les­ sons he taught. He was a renowned performer and e loquent speaker who h a d \\Ion many p res t i g i o us co III petitions.

"J i m was n or s i m p l y gi fted , h e was a gift," Presi­ IN THE LAB:

Alayne Brown '03 and Dr. Stacia Rink (Chemistry) work with radiolabeled DNA behind a shield.

de n t Loren J. A n d e rs on said. " \Vhen h e played, we a l l sensed that the m u s i c ca m e not from h is h ands or his head, b u t from h i s heart . "

Endowment now supports Natural Sciences undergraduate research program

Holloway was b o rn j u ly 4, 1 9 60, i n Columbus, Ga. He earned



d e ree in music from Sh rt e r Col­

lege in Rome, Ga., and his maseer's

d eg re e fro m th e

U n ive rsi lY of Norrh Texas. He c o m p le ted h i s doc­


tora[t� at the Un i ve rs i ty o f Was i ng co n .

Holloway joined PLU as 1 9 90, w h e n


part-ti me i n stru ctor


he was m i n i ste r of music at Tri n i ry

LLltheran Ch urch , and fi lled in d u r i ng sewral sab­ batical leavcs. An e nth u si as t i c and ded i ca te d tcache.r, he was named u n i ve rs i ty organ i s t

and full­

time professor las t fal l after a narional search. He


h i le science c a n a p pear to be u s t facrs and fi g u res, i ts essence i s profo u n d cu r i o s i ty about t h e natural world. Srudents in the Natural Sciences U ndergraduate Research ( U R) Program have a ch ance each s u m m e r to ma.ke the con nectio n b etwee n w h a t th ey learn from textbooks a n d th e i r i n nate curios­

p rese n r ati o n s at PLU, a.nd p rescJ1[ a poster or t;] l k a t t he a n n u a l re g i o n a J U R confC'ren cl' s p o n so re d b y

s t u d e n ts fi n d out fi rsthand how to fo r m u l ate an

th e Trus t .

context o f other wo rk, devise exp er i men ts an d

e q u i p m e n t to test pre dic ri o ns , and deter m i ne the s i g n i fi can ce of res u l ts. Research experience h e l ps s tu d e n t s be co me


." at ow > Z ;:)

division's second th ree -ye ar grant fro m t h e MJ M u rdock C h ari table Tru s t and PLU ma t dl l n g fu n d s ( a lo n g w i r h those with o t h e r fu n d i n g ) meet wee k ly to tal k about tl K i r p rojecrs. At the c n d o f the S U 111 m e r thl:' swdenrs p re p :l re a re p o r t . give fo r ma l

p r o ec t s 111 t b e lab and fie l d and a t the com p u ter,

i m po r ta m q u e st i on . T h ey also p lace it i n the

z ... u

and five fac u l ty fu nded this summer th ro ug h the

i ry. Wo r k i ng o ne-on-one with facu l ty o n research



These s k i l ls are p r a c ti ce d when t h e 1 0 s tu den ts

program," says s o p h o m ore Alayne Brown, who d i d a p roj ect in plan t mo lec u la r "1 Lw lieve in this

b io logy with Professor t-,/lary E ll a rd -rvey last s u m m l' r, a n d i s c urre n tly do i n

i n cl a s s es , and teaches yo u a d i ffe ren t way o f t h i n ki ng."

g gra n t from

s c i e n c e s u n d e r ra d uate research in res po n s e to a c h a l l 'nge

d i s cove ry is t he cri t ical d e m e n t i n the program,

Trust. Under th e te rms

"Modern science c a. l ls fo r collabora ti o n , " s t a te s

o f $ 1 30,OOO. To secure a d d iti o na l fu n d i n g fro m the

Trust, P LU must raise $ 2 70,000 by M a rc h 2002. An


oral co m m u n i cati o n arc bo t h i m p o r r a m com po­

c n d owrnE'nt of $ 1 .5 to $2 m i l l i o n i s p l a n n e d to fu l l y

n e n ts i n [ r a i n i ng

s u p p O r t t h e p ro g ra m .


s c i e nti s t .


M usic Scholars h ip Fund at PLU. To find out more aboLlt the James H o l loway M u ­ si c Scho l arsh ip Fund, and to re ad the a d d ress frolll the m e mori al , go to:

Office o f Deve lop m e n t has raised $ 3 30,000 i n g i fts

D e a n o f Natu ral Sci ences and U R P ro g ra m

% -­ ::I

students, h is fa m i l y estab lish e d th e J am es H o l loway

a n d ple d ge s, a n d t h e Tru s t h as m a d e a p a r t i a l award

Director Dr. C h a n g- I i Y i u . " S k i lls i n wri t ten and


Morilll and Alexis Ashwo r th, an d one grandson. To

the M.]. M l I rdock Charitable o f th i s ch al l en ge , P LU ' s





... v C ...

Ca r r, dcan of

mark h i S contributions and enc u rage other music

PLU i s i n t h e p rocess o f e s ta b l i s h i n g a n e n d ow­

c o n fi d e n ce, and soph i s t icati o n . W h i le s tud e n t

his wife, jud ith

children, Ben, Mark and Lauren Carr, D u lane

nH' l 1 t fu n d to s u p port facu l ty -s tu d e n t n J r u ra l

satisfacrioll of seeing s tu d e nts grow i n co m pet e n c e ,

their collaboration w i t h professors is a ls o k ey.

Su rvivors i ncl u d e

sp e c i al academic programs at PLU, a n d her five

g research o n DNA

i n d e pe n d e n t p ro b l e m solvers a n d co m pe te m o re

conc re te assi sta n c e i n t h e i r r e s ea rc h , and have the.

i g for ways to i nvo lve mo re

pe o p l e .

m u t a t io n s wi t h P ro fe sso r Stacia Ri n k . "It h el p s yo u

e ffe c rive ly fo r sc h o la rs h i p s , j obs, a n d acceptance

i n to g r a d u a te p r o g ra m s . Fac u l ty mentors rec i ve

rei nvi gorated [he chapel choir, motivated students and was a.lwa}'s l o ok n

James Holloway




An impact beyond PLU: President Anderson discusses the future of higher education ollege population growth. Tu ition. The economy. The relationsh i p with the co m m u n i ty. The dilem mas Lore n ). Anderson faces as a u niversity p resident are nOt exclusive (0 PLU, and he knows i t. In the m iddle of a one-year term as chai rman of the board for the National Association ofIndependent Colleges and U niversities, Anderson i s primed to make a n i m ­ pact that stretches to academic institutions across the cou n ty. In that role, he has been actively lobby­ ing national lawmakers and serving as spokesman for the nation's 950 independent colleges and uni­ versi ties. Last month Anderson spoke with Scene about some of the key issues in h igher ed ucation. SCENE:

DelFlographers predict a 20 percen t increase in

the nntion's college-age population over the next 10 years, with more h igh school students than ever app lying to college. What effe ct will this have



students? Will it be more diffiCli lt to gain admission to go od colleges and un iversities? Wha t should students i n the 9th o r 1 0th grade b e doing now to prepare? A N D E RSON:

Students over the next 10 years will

find ample p laces (0 go and rich o pportuni ties for smdy. H igher ed ucation as an ind ustry is overbu i l t (Oday a n d has [he capacity t o serve m o r e people than we are current.ly serving.

At NAICU's 25th Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., outgoing NAICU Board Chair William Troutt, President of Rhodes College (right), hands the gavel to PLU President Loren Anderson.


The ad missions sorting out p rocess among insti tutions is a complex one. There are certain


The stock market boomed and then crashed


PLU see m s to have built a s t rong relat ionship

instimtions for which the demand will be even

over the pastyear. What has this meant for college and

with Tacoma and the Pierce Co u n t)' community. Is that

greater. B u t there are many institutions that will

universilJl endowment funds ? Has supportfrom donors

sOll1ething that the un ive rs i ty has de libera tely encour­

conti n u e (0 work hard (0 attract (Op quality

been affected?

smdents. Students of good abi l i ty will have ample


aged? Wiry? Do most colleges and IIniversities nwke th a t

Colleges and u n iversities like

co m m i t m e n t?

individuals enjoyed i ncredible i nvestment experi­


ences i n the '90s. The res u l t was h uge increases­

matter of reach ing o u t to the b roader community

i ng themselves in the basic skill areas with the

particularly for the largest e ndowment funds-and

comes qu ite naturally. It flows from o u r m ission as

broadest possible curriculum through the h igh

significant increases for all endowment funds.

a Lutheran institu tion and our educa tional

oppormnity for choice. S mdems considering college should be prepar­

For Pacifi c Lutheran Unive rsity the

school years-demonstrating that they have

p h i losophy as a New American College. Our notion

learned, and more i mportantly learned how to

of ed ucation, taken from Dewey, is that the best

learn. SCENE:


Are indepellde n t colleges and un iversities

affo rdable for the average fa m ily? We hear a lot about tuition o u tpacing the cOlls umer price index. Why is

that? Do many students receive financial aid? ANDERSON:

The financing of h igher education is a

major iss u e for fam i l i es. It's true at both public and independent instimtions. I f you look at the


learni ng is both theoretical and applied. Our Lutheran theology of ed ucation says that we are u ltimately respo nsible to lend a hand and to make the world a better place. So both o u r educational and our theological imp ulse says We need to be an active, contrib u ti ng, and positive member of o u r surrounding comm unity. SCENE:

\'\/h a t o ther iss ues cel l t ral to independent

national statistics, the average fam i ly incomes of

colleges and universities have )'o u been adclressillg?

smdents attend ing independent colleges are


modes t. Nevertheless, i n dependent colleges and

At PLU between 1995 and 1 9 9 9 we averaged

We have been struck by the public's lack of understanding of the difference between

universities are more affordable than ever. I ndeed,

1 9 . 5 percent compounded ann ually on our

public and independent h igher education. Several

financial aid is available to 80 to 90 percent to

endowment-just a tremendous track record. In the

recent national surveys show that people really

students at a given institution-funded by the

yea r 2000, we retu rned 4 . 6 percent. This year that

don't perceive a significant difference between

institution, by the state and by the federal govern­

experience is even less positive, and that is typical

public and p rivate higher educarion. They don't


o f schoQls across the country. It h asn't meant an

perceive the d i fference in terms of quality o f

i m mediate red uction in endowment income but

i nsttuction, personal interaction, opportunities for

run 1 or 2 perce n t above the consumer p rice

c learly over time i t means less income from the

memors h i p-al l characteristics of the independent

index-in part due to the combi nation of costs

endowment to h e l p wi th operations.

sector and not o f the public sector.

Yes, t uition ll1creases have, over the long term,

faced by h igher education. For example, right now

The stock market downturn has also mean t that

So, one o f the emerging issues for NAICU and

we are facing energy COStS, fringe benefit costs and

donors are naturally cautious and i n many cases

other national affi liations of independent olleges

tec h nology COStS that are all moving at a pace

are s i mply deferring decisions to s u p port higher

and universities i s to try to figure out how we do a

significantly above the consumer p rice i ndex and

education i nstitutions. This has been true h e re at

better job of com mu nicating that message.

all are a significantly larger percen tage o f instim­

PLU and across the country.

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tional b udgets than they are of the CPI formula. TO LEAR N MORE ABOUT NAICU, GO TO

www plu. edu/encore.


leadership and service Jeff Rippey '78 reconnects to PLU through the Board of Regents BY



LU's well-deserved repu ta­

B a pt i z ed at Tri n i ty Lutheran

s o l d r h ree years ago to Fleet Bank o f

tion as a warm and friendly

Ch urch as a j u nior, Rip pey l i ved fo r

p l ac e p robably began well

several years with the Tri n i ty pascor

befo re Jeff Ri p p e y 78 a rr i ved o n cam­

and serio usl y considered e n te r i ng the

pus. But if you had to c hoose the

clergy h i msel f.

pers o n i fication o f that ['>LU s p i rit,

" E ven tu al l y I decided that i nstead

you'd be hard p r e ss e d to fi nd a better

o f p u r s u i n g an i n terest i n the

choice than Rip pey.

m i n i s t ry, I wo u l d concentrate on my

A m e m b e r of the Board o f Re gents

s k i l l s in eco n o m ics and finance,"

and the A l u m n i Board fo r a l m o s t

Rip pey said. "I fo und myself-and my

two years, Ri p pey i s a highly success­

l i fe's wo rk-at PLU. "

t h e first ti m e [ d i d n ' t k n ow a nyth i n g

about PLU. I gave myself a sclf­ g u i ded tour and I couldn't bel ieve it. I said 'Wow ! T h is p la ce i s beau t i fu l . '

Within days I h ad checked it o u t wi th fam i l y and friends and made PLU my









said. " I didn't know a s i n gle person o n c a m p u s when I started out as a

Rip pey worked part- t i m e at deparr menc d u ri n g his senior year

fri ends coday." R i p p ey considers h i s

evaluating fi nancial statements of

t i m e at PLU a major ru rn i llg p o i n t i n

c l o sely held c o m p a n ies . Afte r

h i s l i fe.

gr ad uati o n , be sta)'ed wi th Ra i n ier

cown, Portland, O re., and wen t to

my academic work h e l ped me grow

work fo r C o l u m b i a M anage ment

spi ri ru ally, " Ri p pey said. He di dn't

C o m pany. R i ppey has now been there

grow up attend i n g c h u rc h much-his

fo r almost 20 years.

i n terest i n C h ris t i a n i t y began o n ly a



1 995 1 996 e

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1 995

z � z

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.. u c ...

Ms. Becky Burad, Son francisco, Calif., Alumni

"When I attended my fi rst regents' meeting i t probably had been 20 years since I had been on camp us,"

"Most students, fac u l ty and

Rippey said. " H ere I am aga i n ,

alu m n i h ave no idea how much

wal k i n g o n campus t h i n k i ng what


beau t i fu l p l ace this is- b u t this time I'm wearing a s u i t and a tie and

vo l u n teer as regents bring to h e l p guide the u niversity.

feel fortunate to have a chance co

ri ght i n . "

donate my t i m e back to [he s c h o o l to

and u p l i fring experie nce fo r m e to be

Board a n d o n t h e Board o f Regents'

ba c k . PLU i s a spec i a l place. I t 's great

fi nance co m m ittee, where h e hel p s

co see h ow n i ce and friendly this

w i t h the management of the

campus and the stu d e n ts still are."

u niversity'S endowment i nvestments. "It has been personally reward ing





1 995

1 996

Ms. Anne H afer,Wheaton, III., AtLarge

2000 Mrs. Karen Phi llips, Mercer Island,

1 993 Mr. James Hushagen, Tacoma,

Rev. Dr larry Neeb, fenton, Mo., At-large Wash . , ElCA

1 997 Mr. Martin P i h l , Ketchikan, Alaska,

Wash., ElCA


1 999

Mr. Donald Morken, Bellevue, Wash., At-Large

1 997 Mr. Jim Stouffer, Missoula, Mont.,

Bishop Mark Ramseth, B i l l i ngs, Mont., Bishop ELCA

1 997 Mrs. Susan Stringer, Bellevue,

1 999

Mr. Jeffrey Rippey, Porlland, Ore., Al umni


1 996

Rev. John L. Vaswig, Edgewood, Was h . , ELCA

Dr. Mark Knudson, Shoreview, M i n n . , At-Lorge

1 995

Mr. William W. Krippaehne, Jr. , Seattle, Was h . , ELCA

1 995

Mr. Gary Severson , Kirkland, Was h . , At-Lorge

1 996 t)

Rev. Dean Wigstrom, Si lverton, Ore., ELCA

1 995

Rev. Rebecca Lucky Sh jerven, Gig Ha rbor, Wash , E LCA

1 997

Dr. Cynthia Edwards, U niverSity Place, Wash., ElCA

1 972

Bishop David Wold, Tacoma, Wash., Bishop ELCA

1 998

Dr. William foege, Atlanta, Go . , At-La rge

_0 1 996 Mr. Neal l. Arntson, Portland, Ore., ElCA

1 996 Mr. Richard l. (Dick) Bauer, Boise, Idaho, ELCA

1 997 Mr. Roe Hatlen, Apple Vol ley, M i n n . , At-Lo rge


Mrs. Anne Long, Bellevue, Was h . , ELCA

Wash . , ELCA ELCA

1 992




Mrs. Lindo M . Evanson, Steilacoom, Was h . , ElCA

Mr. Ken Hartvigson Jr., SeaHle, Wash . , ElCA

1 995

Some n i ce guys, l i ke Jeff Rippey, fi n i s h fi rst.

the Board o f Regents, especially those

1 993

1 992

help t h e m keep t h at special PLU s p i r i t a l ive. It i s s u c h a good feeling

executive com m i ttee o f the A l u m n i

1 994 Mrs. Gerry Anne Sahlin, Bow,

Ms. Katherine Johnson, Shore· l i ne, Was h . , ELCA

"I've learned a lot from them and

wal k right i n to clas .. , sit down a n d fit

Mr. Kurtis K. Moyer, Tacoma, Wash . , At-la rge

1 998

knowledge and expertise the h igh powered, tale n ted peo p le who

carrying a briefcase. I f i t weren't fo r

1 995

Mrs. Kathleen Jacobson, Bend, Ore., ElCA

who serve on the finance c o m m i t­ tee," Ri ppey said.

Was h . , At-Large

1 998


1 T � Mr. Da n iel l. Alsaker, Spokane, Was h . , ElCA


JeH Rippey

reconnection was sparked.

- - -----

.--. .-

2000 Ms . Roberto Goodnow, Bellevue,

.. z

h o lder i n the c o m p any. When it was


Board of R eg e nt s, that the

fo r me to get to k n ow the peo p le on

He even tually became a sh are­

- --

Alumni Board rep re s en t a tives co t he

vo l u n teer activi ties. H e serves on rhe

He then returned to h i s h o me­

activi ties I vvas i n volved in, and even

- - .. -, BOARD OF REGENTS 2000-2001 , i;,iiill ;;/'I',; , 'l . .m,," : I �";iwlI.: l{o'l"Wt'nrlllj

m i nd, I just never recon nected." I t was when President Loren Anderson

Rip pey h a s fit right into h is new

fo r th ree years.

PLU. The people 1 met here, the

year to two before he came to PLU.

with PLU after I graduated," Ri ppey said. "The school was always i n my

t h e gray h a i r I ' m s u re I co u l d j u s t

Rai nier Bank in Seattle in the trust

great friends who conti n ue co be

" 1 had a very good experience at

Q Club

Al u m n i Board, and as one of three

n u mber one col lege cho ice," Rip pe)'

fresh man, but b e fore l o n g had man)'

" Excep t fo r being a

m e m ber I d i d n ' t h ave m u ch con tact

asked if Rippey wo uld se rve on the

i s also the most u p beat, s u p e r­ " \X'hen I arrived on ca m p u s fo r

investm e n t fu nds i n the nation.

and A l u m n i D i rector Lau ralee Hagen

fu l fillancial managemenr expert. He charged, posi tive perso naLi t), aro u nd .

Boston, he stayed o n a n d ma nag e d one of the most s u ccessful h igh-yield



--- --

a '0 I I 1 ) Ms. Karin Anderson, Assistant to the President Mr. David Au brey, Vice President for Development & U n i versity Relations Dr. La uro Majovski , Vice President and Dean for Student Life Dr. Pa ul Menzel, Provost Dr. Lauro Polcyn, Vice President for Admissions and E n rollment Services

Was h . , Alumni

Rev. Dr. Richard Rouse, Executive Di rector, C h u rch Relations

Bishop Martin Wells, Spokane, Wash . , Bishop ELCA

Dr. Sheri Tonn, Vice President for f i nance & O perations

FlOC Dr. loren J. Anderson, Tacoma, Was h . , PLU

O\OI�OR r (' 'll Dr. Michele C rayton , Biology, Vice Cha i r of faculty

/I , . Bishop Donald Maier, SeaHle, Was h . , Bishop ElCA Bishop Ronald Martinson, Anchorage, Alaska, Bishop ElCA

Dr. Lindo Olson, facu lty At-La rge D r . Norris Peterson, Economics, Choir of faculty I



Mr. Arne Selbyg, C h icago, I I I . , ELCA

Mr. Keith Prong hoefer, ASPLU Vice Presidenl

Bishop Paul Swanson, Portland, Ore . , Bishop ELCA

M s . Aimee Sieverkropp, ASPLU Di rector of f i nance M r . Jason Weber, ASPLU Presidenl

for tho lalest on Lut. sports, c a n the PlU Athletic Hotline at 3-S3S-PlUl (7S8 1 ).

spor s


PLU crowned charTIps in four sprIng sports •


was another g r e at spring fo r PLU spons.

H ere is a lisr of reccntl), hon ored PLU s p o rrs reams: SOFTBALL:

PLU won the Northwesr C o n ference

sofrball tirle o r the third straight yc:ar and the 1 4 th rimE' i n the past 1 5 seasons. Th ) conference title is the sixth for head coach Rick Noren i n seven years at PLU. "This )Icar it feels like \VI' have earned some­ r h i ng," said Noren . . i\\Iith t h e q u a U ty of o pponents in our c on fe rence., a l o n g with the au tomaric berth to rG g i o na l s , rhis makes the t i tle u n i q u e and

meJni ngfu l . " T h e Lutes playcd in [he N C AA

D ivisiol'. I I I West Region

t o U rIUll1 c n t

in May.

For the n i n th time in rhe past 1 0


years, PLU i s the Northwest C o n ference mt'n's ten­ nis chJ.m pion. The Lu tes bCJ.t Linfield, 4-2, i n the TRACK MASTERS: Award winners Leslie Seelye

champio n s h i p match held j\pril 2 1 i n Ya.k i m a ,

& Ryan Dirks bring PLU track & field to the forefront.

Was h . T h e Lures, w h o i m p roved r h e i r season dual match record

Football, Track & Field grab top sports awards


1 6-5, rolled PJ.st George Fox 7-0,

then b e ar Puge t Sound, 6- 1 , to reach the r i t le match. Paci fic Lurheran has now \Von rhe con fer­ ence re nnis ririe 25 u mes i n the past 32 years.

Senior Tyler I mig '0 1 and s o p homo re Reid W i gg in s '03 earn cd all-conference h o nors. WOM E N 'S TENNIS:

The i':lll'Chwest Conference

women's tennis champions h i p came down to Pa­ ci fic Lutheran and L i n field fo r the th ird s t ra ig h t

had J o h n so n '00 and Ryan D i rks '0 1 wi ll

C h r istian Athletes o rgaI1 l<:arion, and B ible s tudy

shaTe the Man of the Year i n S ports Award, and Leslie Seelye '0 1 \vas gIven the

lead er fo r the track team. A fo rmer u ndergraduate

year, an d P LU m a d e i t three w i n s i n a r o w w i r h a 5-

t ea ch i n g fellow in the School of Physical Educa­

4 title v i cto ry over t h e Wil dcats t h i s sp r i n g. T h e

Woman of t h e Year I n S p o rts award. Tht:se and other award wi n ners, selected by t h e P L U ath lerics sraff, were honored


the an n ua l All-Spo rts Dessert

May 6.

Man of the Year in Sports: Chad Johnson, Football Chad J o h n son p l ayed q ual.'terback on the 2000

tion, Dirks graduated t h I S s p rin g wirh a 3.3 G PA physical education wi th an emphas i s in exercise S CI c nc




Woman of the Year in Sports: Leslie Seelye, Track & Field Leslie Seelye i s the defending con fe I'ence cham­

pion i n rhe wo men's hammer th row and has been ranked as h igh as fifth nationally in the event. She

round o f the D ivision 111 football playoffs aft ,\" a

represented PLU at the national meer fo r the

national cham pionship seas o n in 1 9 99. He was

fo urth srraight year this May. See lye h as tutored

named winner of the Gagliardi Tl'Op h)'; a national

elementary school s tudents in re adi n g fo r fou r

award prescnted to a Division TTl fo o t b a l l player

years and i n mJ.th for o n e year. A secondary educa­

who excels in arhlerics,ac a d c m i cs and c o m m u n iry

tion and Engl i s h/bnguage J.rts mJjor, Seelye

s e rvic e. J o h n s on finished h i s senior s e a so n c o m p le t­

grad uated rh i s spring with a 3.62 G PA

i n g nearly 65 percent of his passes fo r 3,304 yards

pi ck fo r rhe t h i rd time. Jo hnson maintained a 3.5 G PA before graduating fro m PLU lasr December with a degree in b u s i ness ad m i nistration and a mi­ nor i n re ligi o n .

Man of the Year in Sports: Ryan Dirks, Track & Field Ry a n D i rks won the 200 1 national indoor track

& field ririe in the 35-pound weighr rh row for the

second srraight season, th rawi ng a personal best 608 3/4. D i rks has led all Division ITT arh letes i n the hammer, th rowing 1 85-8, and was national runner­ up in 2000. Each of the past two yeJ.rs. D irks has been on the leaders h i p team o f PLU's h llowshIp of

M arshall, who made a s uccessfu l retu rn as head coach o f rhe PL

women's tennis team, was picked

by her peers as NorthwesL Confe rence Women's Ten n i s Coach of the Year. Marshall origina l ly served as PLU's head coach In 1 985 and 1 986, lead­ ing the Lures to an i m p ressive 32- 1 2 d ual match record Jnd the 1 98 6 conference cham p i o nsh i p . Se­ n iors Whirney

Freed '0 1 and K a l e i Kowalski '0 1

were selected to the All-Northwest Team in a vore

of the NWC co ac h es . M EN'S


G O LF :

F o r rht' sixth t i m e in t h e past sewn

years, PLU is rhe N o rthwest Conference men's go lf champion. The L u tes fired a th ree-cby ((ltal o f 868

and 2 6 touchdowns. He earned Norrhwesr C o n rer­ s t r aighr season and was a fi rst team all-co n ference

reached t h e champ ionsh i p with a 6 - 3 first

rou n d win ove r Willamette and a 6-3 semifinal vic­

tory over [Ournament host Whi tman . Sracia

footba l l ream, h e l p i ng ta.ke them to rhe second

ence O ffensive Player of the Year for rhe second

sq uad


Megan Morehouse '0 1 LUTE S E RV I C E AWA R D : Matt Price '0 1 , c rew/ Lisa Lindsay ' 0 1 , cross cOLIntry and track & field LUTE I NS P I RATI O N A L AWA R D : J ess Nels on '00, football! Be tsy Ruml , basketball RUDY AWA R D : Randy Webster, swi m min g/ L ucy Barker, basketball G EO RG E FISHER S C H O LA R-ATHLETE AWA R D :


Ness '0 1 , soccer (graduated last December with

3.64 GPA in Biology)/Lia Ossiander, cross countr y and track & field (3.95 GPA i n C hem istry). S E N I O R ATH LETE: A lison B rennan, soccer S E N I O R ATH LETE: Katie Davis, crew S E N I O R ATH LETE: McKenna Dotson, softball S E N I O R ATH LETE: Tyler hn i g , tennis S E N I O R ATH LETE:

track & field S E N I O R ATH LETE:

A l a n Davies, cross coun trv a n d



Rand), Webster, swi mming

to win by 24 srrokes. The 868 score was 38 strokes better than PLU's winning score of 906 in 2000. J unior Tyler Kalberg '02 earned med J. l i s t honors, s h o ot i n g a seven-under-par 209. After shooti ng a 73 on the firsr ro u n d , he had th e best scores in rhe fi nal two rounds, fi ring a 67 and 69. Joi n i ng Kalberg on the all-conference team were sen iors U l i

... n C'


% •

• z c; z < ...

Heitz '0 1 a n d Zac Thorpe '0 1 , who was the defend­

'" ...

ing conference meda l i s t. Both Lutes s hot

... ..

th ree-rou nd scores o f 2 1 9, tied fo r t h i rd in the seven-team competition.


... n .. Z





alumni Homecoming 200 1 Alumni Recognition Awards

Distinguished Alu m n u s Awa rd

at-risk parents in setting up

For h is work in the fi eld of medical rcsearch and

Snohomish Couney.

his dedication EO Pacific Lmheran U n ivers ity,

Mark B. Knudson '70 receives the 200 1 -2002

In 1 99 3 , she established a

Distinguished Alumnus Award. K n udson received his B.S. in biology from PLU and his P h . D . i n physiology from Was h i n g w n

recently served as congregation presi d e n t and as a

nating Board. I t also -led to the estab l i s h m e n t of the North Snohom ish, Isl and and Skagit Coun tie$

member of the wors h i p band. He died in November

and fac u l ty member at the

H i gh e r Education Consort i u m . She was recognized

2000, of c o m p l ications result­

U n ivers i ty of Washi ngEOI1 School

as a 1 9 9 9 "Woman of Achievement," by the Seattle

ing from cancer.

of Medicine fro m 1 975 EO 1 979.

Chapter of Wo m e n in C o m m u n ication. Hoban's cu rre n t projects i nclude Tech nology

Brian is survived by his sons, Daniel and Benjam i n ;

served as presid ent and CEO until i ts 1 9 86

Leap, a col laborative program co n necting the

t h e i r mother, Mary ( Boyd)

acq u i s i ti o n by Johnson and Johnson, I n c. He was

Tulal i ps to the world of tec h nology and the

Olson '8 1 ; mother, Clarene

then president of Johnson and Johnson Profes­

I n terner.

(Osterli) Johnson '56; father,

sional D iagnostics until 1 9 89. Since then, he has

Maureen and her h u sband, Thomas, l ive i n

been a partner of Medical I n novation Partners, a

Marysville, Was h . , and have t h ree children and 1 0

Pau l , David '83 and Knut '9 1 ;

venture capi tal fi rm. Knudson is currently chair

grand c h i ldren.

and s ister Marianne.

live in S h o review, M i n n . and have two daughters, Kirs t i n and Amy.

Outsta nding Alumnu


Outstanding Recent Alumnus Award For excelling i n the field ofbioanalytical chem­

Q Club and m e m b e rs of the H eri tage Socie ty. They


Robert '57; three brothers,

Special Recognition Award Larry Neeb receives the 200 1 - 2 002 Special Rec­

istry, Neil Kelleher '92, assistant professor of

ognition Award for his ycars of leadership and

chemistry at the University of Illinois, receives the

service to the un iversi ty.

200 1 -2002 O u tstand ing Recent

As a PLU Regen t , he has been a member of the budge t and fi nance committee since 1 9 95, chair of

A l u m n u s Award. Kelleher received his B.s. in

the budget and fi nance com m i ttee since 1 9 9 8 and

chemistry and B.A. i n German

co-chai r of the Regents Fund of the campaign

fro m PLU. Upon graduation,

s teering com m i ttec fo r the Campaign for Pacific

Kelleher won a Fulbrig h t Schol­

Lutheran Universi ty: The Next Bold Step. Profes­

ars h i p and we n t on to conduct

s i o n ally, Neeb is the founder and p resident of

organic synthesis research at the

Creative Com mun ications fo r The Par i s h , I nc . ,

teac h e r, lecturer, and c o m poser of contemporary

U niversity of Cologne. Kelleher

a n ecumenical p u b l i s h i n g company based i n S t . Lou i s , M o .

For her achievement in the fi eld of m u sic as a music, Cindy McTee '76 receives

earned his P h . D . in chem is try fro m Cornell i n

a 200 1 -2002 O u tstanding Alum­

1997. While a t Cornell, Kell eher's research bridged

nus Award, an honor that

the realms of analytical chemistry and m icrobiol­

recognizes those who have ex­

ogy. I n s t i t u te s of He alth Postdoctoral l-'ellowship to

M cTee, a native of EaEOnvi lle, Was h., received her bachelor of

He con tribu tes to a wide range of organizations i ncluding PLU's Q C lub at the President's C i rcle level; the Campaign fo r Pacific Lutheran Un iver­

After earning his P h . D . , Kelleher won a National

celled i n a special area of l i fe.

s i ty: The Next Bold Step; and KPLU. Neeb received his j u n i or

Harvard Un iversity Med ical School. H e t h e n joi ned

college education at Concordia Lutheran College

m usic degree fro m PLU, fo l l owed

the fac u l ty at the University o f I l linois. Kelleher has

by a year of study at the H i gher

also been honored with the Bu rroughs Wellcome

i n Aus t i n , Texas, fi nishing at

School of M u sic in C racow,

Fund Yo ung I nvestigators Award, the Searle

Concordia Senior College,

Poland. In 1 9 78, s h e earned a master's of music

Scholar Award and the Henry D reyfus Foundation

Fo r t Wayne, I nd . He received a

degree from Yale, and i n 1 98 1 a docEOrate frOlTl tbe

Award for New Investi gators. He has also fo rmed

master's of divi n i ty degree

U n i ve rs i ey of Iowa. M cTee taugh t at PLU fro m

the Kelleher G l"OUP, a I S -student team en gaged in

fro m Concordia Semi nary, Sr.

1 9 8 1 EO 1 984, t h e n went to the Un iversity of North

biological research for organisms with completely

Louis in 1 9 64; a master's of

Texas, where she con tin ues as a Regents professor

sequenced genomes.

sacred theolo gy degree from

of m u sic com p os i t i o n .

He and his wife , J e n n i fer ' 9 1, l ive i n Urbana, Ill.,

Ensembles through o u t th e U n i ted States, Japan and Europe perform h e r compositions. She has received n u merous awards i n c l u d i n g a Composer's Fellows h i p fro m the National Endowment for the Arts, a Goddard-Lieberson fellows h i p fro m the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and a Fulbright- H ayes Senior Lecturer Fellows h i p . McTee lives i n D e n ton, Texas.

Maureen (Pearson) Hoban '60 receives


with their daughter, E m i ly.

Heritage A


For his years of distinguished service to the uni­ versity and the commun iey, Brian Olson '83 posth umously receives the 200 1 -2002 Heri tage Award.

200 1 -

2002 O u ts tanding Alumnus Award fo r her vast

� • ... :t: ...

work in the field of education fo r the Tu laLip Tribe


degree in 1 9 60. I n 1 9 72, she was h i red by Everett


Commu n i ey College to work with low-i ncome and

Olson was an active member of Shepherd of the

Health PostdocEOral Fellows h i p

and wife Susan (Voo rhees) '70 are senior fellows in


Brian C. Olson Scholars h i p Fund.

a n d was a post-docEOral fellow

H e is a member of the PLU Board o f Regents. He

z =>

succeed, and in his will, he helped establish the

Valley Lutheran C h urch i n Boise, where h e most

testifY before Congress on medical issul's.



to the Was h i ngton State H i gher Education Coordi­

patents, has published articles and been called EO

OIl ..

si ty. He fel t strongly abour helping students

received t h e National I ns titute of

K n u d s o n h a s n u merous U . S . a n d fo reign

u '"

the current Campaign fo r Pacific Lutheran U niver­

College on the Tulalip Reserva­

earned her an i nvitation to participate as an adviser

CEO of Pi Med ical, I nc .


board presi d e nt from 1 9 97-99. Olson served as co­ chair of the alum n i and pare n t leaders h i p team on

State Univers i ey i n 1 9 74. H e

and CEO a t Ve n t u r i G roup, and president and


He provided strong leaders h i p to the PLU Al u m n i Board from 1 9 9 1 -2000, pa rticularly as

branch of Everett Com m u n i ty

H e r 1 9 9 1 master's thesis

I n 1 9 8 3 , h e fo u nded Arden Medical Systems and

;; :;:

HeadStart programs in north

near M arysville, Was h . Hoban graduated wi th a bachelor of education

Concord i a Semi nary, Sr. Louis, in 1 9 73; and a doc­ tor of mi nistry from Eden Theological Seminary, St. Louis in 1 9 75. He is a member o f C h rist Lu theran C h urch i n Webster G roves, M o .

Alumni Service Award Darcy (Berube) Johnson ' 7 8 receives the 200 1 -

After ear n i n g B.A. degrees in econo m ics and

2002 A l u m n i Service Award fo r h e r volunteer

mathematics in 1 98 3 , O l son served PLU as an ad­

effons, which have h e l ped to build affordable

m issions counselor before completing his M. B.A. at

hOllsing for low-i ncome residents in co m m u n i ties

Southern O regon State Universiey in 1 9 87. Soon

on Lake Was h ington'S Eas ts ide.

after, h e joined Hewlett-Packard in Boise, Idaho,

Johnson received her M . B .A. i n 1 9 82, and

where h e worked u n t i l November 2000, mOSt re­

worked as a portfolio manager for a n u m ber of

cen tly serving as a marke ting manager. Olson made

years. It was while she was o n leave fro m the i nvest­

a lasting i m pact on diversity issues and e m p l oyee

m e n t b u s iness, and caring fo r her ch ildre n

recrll l t menr.





Alumni Board Holds Spring Meeting

fu l l-time, that she became i nvolved with St. And rew's I lousing Group. J o h nson served five years as p re s i d en t and chai r of the housing gro u p, which was fo u nded by members o f S t . And rt'w's L u t h e ran C h u rc h of Bellevue. She !cd the ,'rou p th rough sile selection, property negori J r i Ll n s, and fu n d - ra i sing . The S t. A n d rew ' s H o u s i ng G roup's first projecc, A n d rew's Arms i n Issaquah, Wa s h . , opened i ts doors i n 1 9 9 2 CO low- i ncome residen ts and s�nior citizens. The second p roject, And rew's H e igh ts in Factoria, Was h . , opened in 1 9 96. Johnson has been i n the In­ vesrm.enr management business fo r 21 years. She c u r re n tly 111J ll­ ages as s ets for endowments, foundat ion and h i gh net worth i n d ivid uals at Ban k o f America.

serves on t h e equ i ty strategy commi ttce and is a member of the S e a t tl e Society of the Assoc iation fo r l nvesrmenc M a n ag e r ReseJrch . S h e a.n d her husband, Dan ' 76 , and chi ldren, Matt, S arah, an d J oe l , l ive on Me rcer Island, Was h . Sbe also

Homecoming 200 1 1 1 T h e Wo rl d 's /\

S t;)ge" is the thcme of Hom 'co m i ng 200 1 . T h i s yeJ r we pay special t r i b u t e to members of the classes of 1 95 1 , 1 9 5 6 , 1 9 6 1 , 1 9 66, 1 9 7 1 , 1 976, 1 98 1, 1986, 1 9 9 1 , 1996 and all Choir o f the Wes t" alumni.

H owcve r, Ho m e co m i ng 200 1 i s

fo r everyo n e ! We look fo rward to o ffe r i ng many of the popll lal' even ts yO Ll h ave come t o e nj oy, as well as several exciting new ones. Xavier Hall will be rededicated d U l i n g t h e weekend's fes t ivi ties a n d p l a n s fo r t h a t wi I I b e re­ leased. soon. If YOll remember Xavier as the l i b rary, or arrended class in this gra nd b u i l di ng , you won't want to miss t he celebra ti on .

Friday, October ' 2 A t t e n d a. re g u l a r ly sched u led class; p a tT i c i pate i n t h e alumni CJreer fai r k n own a s J ava, Jobs a n d Jazz by serving on a panel or be i n g :lVai lable to t a lk With



-- -



. ' at;5 ,:ae. w " Wh .

of each spring meeting of the Alumni BOJrd i s c o confirm the work of the Awards a nd Recognition comm i t­ c('r. Th e i r work is reflected on the previolls page. The Board a l so a p p roved a recom mendation co create a new award to honor the extrao rdi nary commi tment and accomplishments of past alumni bO:J .1d president, Brian Olson, who d ied th is pas t fall from complications fo llowing slll'gery for colon cancer. The Brian C. Olson Award is presented to a s tu d tent who has demons trated co m mitment to the u n ivers i ty and the alumni a�sociation. By recogniz­ Ing [he I mportance of connecring s t u de nts and




The A l u m n i Board of D i rectors bri ngs these c a n d i dates to t h e A l u m n i Association for c o n firmatio n . Please vote for two c a n d i d ates; two res p on s e boxes are provided fo r a l u m n i in t h e s a m e household. DEMCI, A N D MAIL 6Y JULY 1 - , 2001 T O : C N;,.,. YOU R BAl lOr ONLINE:





Clarence (Osterli) Joh nson

Christi n e Tye

J o i n o t h e r Lute al u m n i fro m 1 9 9 1 -2 0 0 1 fo r an


�� - --



exc i t i n g afte rn o o n ac Safeco F ield as the

S e a [[Ie M a r i n e rs take o n t h e San Francisco G i an ts. After a s u n n y afte r n o o n o f c h ee ri n g on t h e M a r i ners, w e ' l l walk over to Pyra m i d B rewery fo r casual d i nner a n d good t i mes.

R egi stra.tion fo r you rccen t grads is online only­

\Vest reu nio n infomhuion has been sent directo' to past choir members. Ifyou have not received the mfO,-malion, plcasc contact us. MAI L



Choir of the


v i s i t us at f/JI/Jw.plualu mlli.com fo r d e tails, costs, and to sign u p ! -



rCit!.C?lJ��l':;�I.�i�M.! &' p?i �\!.I ��· I .;i llOtt,�-. p,tu, . Taeam", W,.u' 8,, 47.o00r

253 . �>3'�'B5'S�f (.MAIlI\at.'''vhi@p7'�'fi!I!J: '!:,Tl.�.(.' �o."" , -


- -


Please fill oul os much i n formalion below as possible, i n c l u d i n g cily of anolher piece of paper for addilional

Scene is Friday, June


s p o us e S f lU CLASS


15 THIS A NEW A D DR E S S ' ...J YE S J �,O



z P




29, 200 I ,

www..p�u.-es!_�/oly.OI .


-- --'

residence a n d work. Feel free bul only one ( 1 ) ph 010 will be

commenl,. Photos ore welcome, be ed i led for conlent. Deadline

and on a space availoble basis. Noles will



Saturday, July 14, 2001

Sunday, October 1 4 u n d a), wo rs h i p with Unive rsity C o n g regation aLld the Choir o f the Wes t Reunion Concert.



S a l e m , Oregon


Saturday, October 1 3 C l as s reunion bru nch events, the Golden Club B r u nch a t t h e Go nyeJ H o use, t h e A l u m n i Te nt a.nd L u t Pootball game a t Sparks S rJdium, and the Class/Choir of t h e West reunion eve n t at the Tacoma C o u n try and G o lf C l u b are JUSt a few of ( h c acriviries p l a n ned tc) r S at u rd ay.



Lakewood, Wash .

PLU Gold

studen ts: J ttend the a n n u a l Heri tage Lccture; e nj o y l u nc h wh i l e l e a rn i ng abo u t several o u rsc:m d i n g mel! and wo men b ei n g i nd ucted L nto the I\t h letic H a l l of Fame; and fi na l l y j o i n LIS at the a n n u a l Ho mecoming G ala.



www. plu. eduj-alumni

October 1 2- 14

-- - -- - -

Office of A l u m n i and

Parent Rel a t ion s , PLU, Tacom a, WA 98447-0003;

c u rre n t



200 1 -02 AlulTIni Board of Directors

The Nomi n ations C o m m i ttee s u b m I tted their recommendatil)tls to the Board for filling vacan t [Jo s i ti o ns on [he I30ard (please confirm these nom i nations by voting o n the ballot fo und on this page, o r b y gl)ing to the Alumni and Paren t Relat ions We b S I tE' w h i c h y o u w i l l fin d at www. p lu. ('du/�al{{m ni/. I n related business, the A l u m n i I3oJ.rd by-laws were c h a. n ged so t h at i n the futu re, one o f three Alumni Board re p re s e n tatives to the Board o f l'e ge n ts will be the current bo a rd p re SId e n t.




long s e rvi c e to the u n i ve r s i ty.



service J S Alumni Board Pre s i d e n t

a l u m n i , this student h as s h own a potential fo r life­

eth: yOU.��' .





Darren Hamby '84, ' 9 2 was re cogn i ze d fo r h i s these past twO years. Rebecca (Nauss) B u rad '74 will ass u me the role of Presidellt and Bev (Tra n u m) K nutzen ' 5 5 w i l l bL'come the Vice President at the fal l meeting o f the Board. All other co m m i ttees rep o r ted on their work and estJbll shed goals for the 200 1 ·2002

h e h igh l i gh t


10 use


for the next issue of


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(no engagements, please)




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Promotions / Awa rds


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alumni class no e s

1 936 Ellen Torongo received the commu­ n i ty service award and was i ndueled i n to the C lark County Hall of Fame sponsored by the East Vancouver Rotary Club. A rose, the "Anisly Dickson," and a plaque honoring Ellen were placed i n the Orchards Rose Garden.

co-wrote 1 0 books, contri buted to several others and pu blished poetry. She also led a Christian writer's warkshop and numerous Bible study graups. Alvera was preceded in death by her husband, and i s sur­ vived by her d a ughters, Judi, R u th a n d Ca rolyn and seven gra n d c h i l­ dren .

1 1 94 1 Lenore . Taylor died on J a n . 2 8 .

W h i le a t PlU s h e was a member of the C h o i r of the West. After PlU, lenore taught elementary school and televised m u s ic education i n the C l over Park School District. She was a member of Q Club and charter member of Christ lutheran Church in lakewood, Wash. She was preceded in death by her h usband of 45 years, Blair '40. She is s u rvived by two daughters, Karan Vanderwarker '64 and Ton i Hardman; five gra n d c h i l d ren a n d one g reat-grandc h i l d .

1 943

Harold Peterson d i ed on J a n . 2 7 .

A fter P l U , Harold earned a moster's degree from the Un iversity of Wash­ ington. He was a principal far 3 2 years i n the Tacoma School District. He served i n World War I I and was a member of the WEA, NEA, Phi Delta Kappa, the Elks lodge and a long-time member of Tri nity lutheran C h u r c h. Harald is survived by h i s w i f e of 5 4 years, Bernice '43; s o n s , l o n n y a n d Dav i s ; a n d eight grand­ c h i ldren.

Rolv Schillios d ied on Oct. 2. Ralv


spent h i s professional career as a journ a l i st except far a term as a d m i n­ istrative a i d e to a U . S . congressman in Was h i ngton, D . C . D u r i n g WWI I , he was the youngest combat carre­ spandent i n the U . S . Navy and at the end of the war, he covered the war crime trials in the Philippines. He worked for several years as a re­ parler for the Eugene (Ore.) Regi ster Guard. tn 1 96 9 , he became editor of Portland Magazine, publi shed by the Portland C h a m ber of Commerce. Over the next 1 8 years, he turned the magazine i nto a national award w i n ner. Rolv was also honorary con­ sul general for the Republic of Korea and was twice elected Dean of the Oregon Consu l a r Corps. Rolv i s s u rvived b y h i s w i fe, Olive; daugh­ ter, Siri; son, Mark; and two gra ndsons .

1 949 ...

z ... III >­ .... III iii


Helen (Jensen) Weathermon d i ed on Feb. 6. After PlU, she taught sc h ool i n St. H e l e n s and Aberdeen, Wa s h . , for several years before her da ug h ters were barn. She i s survived by her h u sband of 49 years, 'Rich­ ard 'SO, and doug h ters, Kristine a n d Karen '83. Alvera (Johnson) Westberg d i ed on Feb. 2 7 . Alvera allended lutheran B i ble t n stitute, received a bach elor's degree in education a t PlU, a n d then completed a moster's degree in education at the University of Oregon. She taught school at every grade level and served as a pa ri sh worker in Bremerton, Was h . , where s h e m a rried Horace "Jerry" Westberg '49 in 1 94 7 . Alvera and Jerry served in m i n istry i n Iowa, Oregon and C a l i fornia before retir­ ing to Tacom a . She wrote ar


Lorry a n d Beth (Gottwald) Peterson celebrated their golden

wed d i ng a n n iversary last J u n e . They were married on June 24, 1 950 in Castle Rock, Was h . , after their graduation from PlU. They tau gh t in the longview, Was h . , public schools for six years befare moving to San luis Obispo, Calif., i n 1 95 6 , where they taught i n the Son luis Coastal District. lorry received a Master of Arts degree in a d m i n i strative educa­ tion from Col Poly in 1 95 9 . Beth received a Moster of Arts degree i n education i n 1 969. They enjoy spend i ng t i me with th ei r two sons, Joel a n d Jeffrey, their d a u g hters- i n ­ l o w a n d s i x gra n d c h i l d ren . T h e y lost their daug hter, Janel, in a car acci­ dent i n 1 974. larry and Beth are involved at Mount Carmel lutheran C h urch as well a s travel, golf a n d partici pate i n elderhostel aelivities.

1 964 Jeanne (Ogden) Nalbach died o n J a n . 3 0 . A bluegrass m u s i c i a n , J e a n n e played the p i ano, gu itar, v i o l i n a n d man do l i n and was a s i nger. She was also a pu bl i shed songwriter. Jeanne i s s u rvived by her h u s ban d, larry; son, Sco�; d a u g h ter, lynne; and a grandson.

1 66 Willy (Baer) Ertsgaard was pro­ moted to vice president of the western region for McGraw-Hili/SRA on Nov. 1 . The region includes 1 0 states. She was previously the Wash­ ington state sales representative for eight years.

1 96 Janice (Reinikka) Piper is the resource coordinator at Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research i n Portland, Ore. She received a moster's degree i n public health from lama linda (Ca l i f . ) U n iversi ty.

1 Julie ( Svendsen) Andersan is i n

1 955 Faith Bueltmann Stern was i n C h i n o for five weeks in October a n d November. t n March, s h e was i n W h i stler, B . C . , s k i i n g for t e n days. This fall she i s pla n n i ng a trip to Eastern E u rope.

1 956 Norma Borgford i s n o w f u l l y re­ tired . She keeps busy as a vol u n teer a n d looks forward to the 45'" re­ u n ion for the closs of '56 at Homecoming 200 1 .

h e r second year as a language arts spec iali s t for the Oregon Department of E d ucatio n .

Paul Dessen retired alter 3 1 years of teac h i ng h i gh school E n g l i s h . He continues to coach swi m m i n g at Astoria (Ore.) H i g h School.

1 970 Peter Swanson is a compliance officer at Affil iated Health Services in Mount Vernon, Wash.

1 97 1 Chris Boerger i s the pastor at

] 958 Lind Karlsen and Yos h iko Kaneda were married on Feb. 7.

Eileen "Paddy" (O'Caliaghan) Myers died on Jon 3 1 in Yakima WA of ovarian cancer. She taught i n s i x d ifferent school di stricts, earned a M . Ed . while in Oak Harbor, raised three chi ldren, d rew, pointed, did rosemaling, and quilted. She i s s u r­ vived by h u sba nd , Steve, da u ghters Jen n i fer and Kari, son Steven , a n d three granddaugh ters .

1 96 1 Kenneth Black retired from the state of Wa s h i ngton after 28 years in the a d m i n i strative offices i n Ya kima . H e has been tea c h i n g i n the Bachelor of Soc i a l Work program at Heritage College i n Toppenish, Was h . , lor several years.

1 962 Orville Jacabson and his wile, Donna lee, moved in October to Port Orchard, Was h . , where Orvi l l e is the new associate pastor at F i rst lutheran C h u rch .

Northlake lutheran C h u rch in Kenmore, Wash. Northlake was recently identilied as one of the 300 best Protestan t ch urches i n the U . S . , i n a study conducted by Dr. Paul W i l kes at the U n iversity 01 North Carol i n a , W i l m ington. "Excellent Protesta nt Congregations: The Guide to Best Places a n d Practices," (Westm i n ster John Knox) was pu b­ l i s h ed as a result of the two·yea r study funded by the lilly Endowment.

1 972 Jim Fischer h as a new position as ports d i rector at Auburn Volley C ars , a m u lti-l i n e automobile dea lers h i p . H i s fourth grandson w a s born o n J i m's b i rthday, F e b . 6 . A l l four grand­ c h i l d ren are u n der 3 years old .

Colleen LeMagie provides psychiat­ ric services to the rural Big horn Bas i n i n Cody, W yo . Her fi rs t grandch i ld, W i l l i a m Keith, i s 1 year old.

1 973 Sara (Quigley) Wick i s bock i n the Pacific Northwest after 1 9 years i n Texa s . H e r s o n , B r i o n , i s a senior a n d her daughter, Sydne, i s a sopho­ more, both a t W i lson H i g h School i n Portl a n d , Ore. Sora i s the reg ional underwriting manager at U n iversal Underwriters I n surance Company.

Evelyn (Peers) Bawen died Janu­ ary 8 , when she was struck by a vehicle while walking thraugh a crosswalk in A u b u rn, Wash. Evelyn was a deacon for the last three years at St. Mo�hew E p i scopal C h u rc h . The one-time n u rse d evoted her l i fe to spiritu a l concerns and the care of others.

1 914 Suzanne Staub Tushkov moved to Renton, Was h . She is a regi stered nurse case manager for Gentiva Health Service in Kent. Her son, Tyler, i s a freshman at C e n tral Wash­ i n gton Un iversity.

1 975 Daniel Eum d ied on J a n . 9 . He

en tered the U . S . Army i n 1 94 6 and served i n E u rope d u ring the post-war occupation where he met h i s wife, R u t h . He also served in Korea, Alaska and Hawa i i . Da n iel retired as a major in 1 966 and moved to Tacom a . While liv in g in Tacoma, he was the d i rector of the Advanced Technology Center at the Keyport Naval Station until his final retire­ ment in 1 995. He is survived by h i s wife; three da ughters, Rose, Patricia '76, and Michele; seven grandc h i l­ dren and one great-gra n d c h i l d .

Thomas Van Vleet i s a lutheran Brotherhood d i strict representative i n Everett, Was h . H e recently q u a l i fied for members h i p in the 2000 Top C l u b , one of lutheran Brotherhood's most prestigious honors given to d i strict representatives who a re suc­ cessful in helping their clients l i n k faith, values and finances .

David Nelson i s serving as admin is­ trative d i reelar of the global AIDS

program i n lusaka, Zambia for the Centers for Di sease Control and Prevention based in Atlanta, Go. H i s wife, Ubon, a n d son, James, have accompanied h i m .

Deuane Kuenzi h a s accepted the position of Director of Music a t Mes­ siah lutheran C h urch in Auburn, Was h i ngton. Deuane also conducts the professional choir Gloriana and i s the organ i zi ng chairperson of the 75th a n niversary celebration of the Choir of the West to be held at Homecoming i n October. A l l PlU alumni are i nvited to come and sing with the Sanctuary Choir at Messiah lutheran.

1 977 Linda (Weberg) Lair i s on the board of governors at Opportun ity International.

Ann Hafer become a senior vice president at The Northern Trust Com­ pany, C h icago, i n February. She is d iv i s i o n m a nager of the Commercial Rea l Estate Grou p . Before jo in in g Northern Trust a s a v ic e president and d ivision manager in private bonking i n 1 998 , A n n was associ­ ated with First Bonk (U.S. Ba nk) in Bi ll i ngs, Mont., from 1 99 2- 1 998, most recently a s president. Ann re­ ceived an M.M. degree from the J . l . Kellogg Graduate School of Man ­ agement at Northwestern U n i versity. She i s a board member of the Real E s tate Investment Advisory Council, the Real E s tate F i nance rorum, the Notional Advisory Council of Rocky Mounta i n College and a member of the Board of Regents at PlU.

1 978 Linda Dyer d ied on D e c . 1 0 after a battle with breast cancer. Her career i ncl uded Army m i l itary intelli gence, be i ng the first female correctional officer at McN e il Island Federal Penitentiary, public affairs for the Tacoma Police Department and Army; work a s a n interior designer a n d TQM fac i l i tator. She i s survived by her h u sband, Richard 'BO; three c h i l d ren; and two si s ters, Leslie Watts '65 and lauren Geer. Her parents and youngest son, lon, pre­ ceded her in death .

Daniel Luce and Amanda Houston were ma rried on J u ne 9, 2000. Daniel i s a principa l in the C lover Park School D i strict in lakewood, Was h . , and Amanda i s a fi rst-grade teacher. Karl Fritschel is the MIS manager of the western d i v i s i o n at WorldTravel BTl . He con t i n ues to be the orga n i s t at Maple leaf lutheran C h urch where he has served for more than 1 7 years. Carrie (Kipp) Howard and her husband, Andy, announce the arrival of lily Elisabeth. lily was born on March 1 8, 2000, and adopted on March 6, 200 1 , in A n h u i Province, C h i n o . She jo in s Tessa, 5, who was a lso adopted from C h i n o . Carrie i s a writer and editor.

1 98 1 Susan Scott a n d C h r i stopher Hoffman were married on Aug. 1 2 on Orcas I sland, Wash. They honey­ mooned on the i sla n d of St. J o h n i n the Virg i n Islands.

1 982 Kathy (Johnson) Schaller a n d her h u s band, Pau l , a n nounce the b i rth of N icole E l i zabeth, on Dec. 1 6 . She joins Paul's son, Ben j a m i n , 1 4 .

Mark Chesnutt a n d h i s wife, Asha, a n nounce the bi rth of Jock Nedathur, on J a n . 1 8 . He joins Cameron, 5, and M ika , 4 . Paul Mueller a n d h i s wife h a v e two c h i ldre n , J o n , 1 3 and Erika, 9. Pau l i s a remodeling carpenter. They live i n Steilacoom, Wash. Jean (Jahnsan) DeWitt and her husband, Rick, announce the birth of Frederick "Derick" William, on Feb. 25. On their first morning home from th e h osp ita l , they were awakened by th e Ash Wed nesday ea rthquake.

1 983 Todd Baxter died i n May 2000. He was vice j:lres ident of operations of the Pam Companies i n S i oux F a lls , S . D . Todd a l so sponsored a foster c h i l d in Ecuador a n d corresponded with him frequently for the past 1 0 years. H e was a n avid reader, fluent i n S panis h and enjoyed traveling abroad. Todd is survived by his par­ ents, Patricia and Rod; brother, David; and sister, Pamela.

Eric Dooley and his wife, Jen ny, have been m i s s ionary c h u rc h pla nt­ ing in Southeast Asia for 1 5 years. They are now tak in g a one year furlough in Gig Ha rbar, Wash . , with their five c h i ldren, E m i ly, 1 5 , Nata l i e, 1 3 , N icole, 9, Rachel, 7, and lon, 4 . They w i l l be there u n t i l J u n e 2 0 0 2 , and then return t o A s i a .



Do�tor excels in medicine-and hot-air balloonin g 8Y




Cowl in his hot-air

ne gr C:l t PLU mystery i s the origin o f " Free Radicals" si gn that hangs on the far wall of the Rieke open lab. It's been there si nce 19 87, when Clay Cowl '88 (al on g with fel low chemis try alum Greg Schuster '88) celeb rated their u nderdog chemi stry softball team's champi­ onshi p by creatin g the sign. The banner is a symbolic, if not h u mo ro u s tribute ( 0 lviut the PLU experience was fo r Cowl­ wo r k i n g hard, p by i ng hard, and h avll1g dive rgen r experiences. Cowl made most of h is news a t PLU away fro m chemisrry. His sen ior year, h e was edi(Or o f The Mooring Mast. Cowl fo und one of h i s greatest PLU l11 e n ( O rs i n someone who wo uld be cons id e red odd fo r a c h e mi stry major-Frosty Westering. Cowl didn't play foo tball, b u t covered the team extensively fo r the Mast. Cowl learned from Westering concepts and p ri ncip l es that h e has used throughout his c a re e r. " I brought Fro -tis B reakaway idea-taking people and focusing them on a s i ngle goal- [O Norrhwestern," Cowl s ai d . "They're s ti l l using those c onc e p t s. " A ft e r g ra d u a t ing from PLU, owl went [0 m e d ica l school at Northwestern Un iversity in Ch icago, completed two r � s i d en ­ cies and fi nally landed at the Mayo C l i n ic in Ro c h es t er , M i n n. At Ma l'O, he co m p leted ttJ i n i n g in pulmonary disease and was appoimed the resea r h chair of th e Division of Preven tive and Occupational Medicine, as lVel l as c h i e f of the Av iati o n Medicine Sccr i o n . He l i v ' 5 in Roc h es t e r with h i s wife, Cammy, and childre n , Andric.lle, 7 , Arianna, 5, Alicia, 2, and Adam, who was bom Feb. 7. CalVI s p en d s m u c h of h i s ti m e:' 0 1 1 patient care, perfo r m i n g fon:nsic pilar exa m i nations fo r ccrrification w i t h r h c Federal

Aviation Adm i n istration and s eei n g re ferrals for occupational lung d isease. He is also an active researcher and consu lts fo r Northwest A irlines on such issues as es tab lish ing ai rcraft oxygen s tandards. Cowl has one distinct hobby- b u r for h i m, describ i ng hot­ air ballooning as a h o bby may not accurately cover it. Si nce being commercially rated as a hot-ai r balloon p i lot seven years ago, he has acc umulated three bal loons and spends h i s summer months participating i n man e u ve r i ng competi tions. " I t's l i ke levitating. Th e re is no t ur b u le nc e , because yo u are rising with the air curren ts, not fighting the m . You can fly fro m as high as 10,000 fee t [0 al most as low as you wan t [0 go," Cowl said. " Ri di n g th ro ugh a thousand-acre corn field over the tops o f the tassels i s l i k e be i n g on the ocean." Cowl has quite effectively found a way to mcrge his h o b by with h i s profession. H is re s e arc h paper, "Factors A s soc iate d with Fata l i t ies and Inju r i es from H o t- A i r 13a1l00n Crashes," :l.ppeared i n the Jou rnal of the American Medical Associ ation. "Bal loons are very safe if you lise co m 111 0 n sense and don't b reak the rules," says C ow l . " Pilot e rro r- n ot mechanical failure-is thc b igg es t cause of accidents." And the bigge s[ risk to p i lo t s ? Power l ines. S ince Cowl's arricle was p u b l is hed , he has been considered a n a ti o na l expert on hot air bal loon safery. While he enjoys h e lpi n g the h o t -ai r b allo o n i n g com m u n i ty through his advice, i t ' s a hob by fi rs t. " It's a n ice d iversion from m ed i c i n e , and I get to meet a lot o f d i ffc r e n r p eo pl e " he says. " Everyone should e x p e r i e nc e it at least o n c e . "


1 984

1 987

Kelly ( I rwin) To,,",nsend i s on edu­

James Diac ogionnis completed a

cator and her husband, Rich, is a f i n a n c i a l planner. They live wilh their daugh ter, R i k k i , 7, on Marco Island, Flo.

master's degree in m i n i stry Ihrough Pepperd i n e U n iversity's Seollie exten­ sion program in August 1 999. He and his wife, laurel, had their n inth c h ild i n April 2000. Josiah Daniel j O i ned Hosanna, 4, Benja m i n , 7, Joshua, 1 0, Carissa 1 2 , lindsey, 1 2 , Jeremiah, 1 4 , Cassie, 1 5 , and Gregg, 1 6 . Aller l iving i n the Puyallup area for 1 6 years, the fam­ ily was ready for a change. They bought Son s h i n e Blueberry Form i n Everson, Wash . , i n May 2000 and spent the summer learning all aboul harvesting blueberries. James re­ cently enjoyed his second year o f teac h i n g a t Cascade M i d d l e School in Sedro Woolley.

R o d Nubgaord Ironsferred from the

U . S . Coast Guard to Ihe N uclear Regulolory Commission wher he Is c h ief of p l a n n i ng a n d budget opero­ tions. H e a l so coaches U- I 0 seleel g i rls, U-7 coed and kindergarten soccer teams a n d coordi na tes a soccer c l i n i c for 3 10 5-year-olds. The c l i n ic has grown from 3 5 to 1 60 kids in four seasons .

985 Kevin Morrow a n d DeAnna Cross were married o n July 26, 2000 i n Maui, �Iawo i i . Kevin i s a teacher at l inc oln H i g h School and DeAnna is o n executive ossistant. Trudi Stroin-Trueit

recently com pleted a four-book series on weather for Scholastic Books. The non-fiction books on clouds, rain/ h a i l , storm hosing and the water cyc l e are geared to 1 0- 1 2 year aids. She i s now working on a new ser Ies on volcanoes, rocks, fossi l s and earthquakes. In Febru ary, T rudi experienced the Nisquolly (Wa s h . ) earthquake, but would have preferred not 10 do such firsthand researc h . She spent several years as a telev i s ion news reporter a n d an­ chor before becom i ng a profess ional freelance journalist a n d w"Ier. Her specialty is fiction a n d non-fiction for c hildren and young odulls. Lindo Skibiel-Gossler was pro­

moted to assistant vice president at Sofeco Securities, I n c .

Theo ond Margie

(Fergu son '91 ) Roe

announce the b i rlh of Fergus Edward Roe, on May 26, 2000. He j o i n ed Margaret, 2 . Barth Merrill i s serving

teams that advanced Iram t h e i r d i strict, ended u p i n t h e t o p e i g h t finishers at slate. Along with her coach i n g duties, Kathy i s also a teacher. She has been at Issaquah High School for th ree yeors a n d was previously at Mt. Si H i g h School in North Bend for six years.

1 988 Todd Kelley was recently promoted

to manager of med ia relations in a deportment-restructuring move at MultiCare Health System in Ta coma. H e was in a s i m ilar pos ition at MultiCare lor 1 0 years. Todd has also been tea c h i ng public relolions port-time at Tacoma Community Col­ lege. He lives nea r Puyallup with h i s w i l e , Suzanne (Capelli '89) and their daughters, Sora, 5, and lisa, 2 . Scott Campbell i s the b u s i n ess de­

velopment manager at ESRI i n Redlands, Calif.

a s Ihe aide to the Surgeon General of the Navy. He w i l l be transferred to the Bremerton Naval Hospital family practice deparlment as a stoff physi­ cian durin g the summer.

Michael Herlevi and Jennifer Galle were married o n Sepl. 24, 1 998 i n Son Diego, Calif. Michael i s i n sales a t Bertek Phar maceuticals and Jenni­ ler i s in real estate sales.

Steve ond Lisa (Mikulencak '89)

Cynthia (lour) Rivers and her

Donis an nounce the birth 01 Dom i n i c Albert, on Ju ne 5 , 2000. H e j o i n s Malleo, 4 , and lorenzo. 2 . Kathy (Nelson) Gibson, the head

women ' s basketball coach at Issaquah High School, was named the 200 1 Ki ngco Women's Basketball Coach 01 the Year. The Kingco league i s in the AAA d i v i s i o n . H e r team posted a n 1 8-7 record in league ploy, w h i c h advanced them to the d i strict tournament. A t Districts, the competition proved tough as they m i ssed quol ifying lor one 01 the six spots 10 advance to the state tournament, and five out 01 the s i x

husband, Darren, announce the birth

01 their son, Kele Tomas, on Feb. 20.

T h e i r Super Bowl wedding lost year was lollowed by a Super Bowl baby shower t h i s year. Everyone i s trying to figure out what Su per Bowl 2002 will bring. Alexander Seidel i s a search con­

sulta n t at Ion Marlin Technology Staffing i n Bellevue, Wash. Susan (Donovan) Winton and her

h u sband, Cra ig, have returned to the los Angeles area after live years i n New Zealand a n d Austra l i a . They retur'n w i th a daughter, Mackenzie, who was born in Australia in May 1 99 9 .

Julie (Allen) Fenedick and her

husband, John, announc e the birth 01 Thomas Evon, on Morch 8 . They live in Bel levue, Was h .

1 989 Cole Milburn and Deb lombourn '91 have been together more than

1 0 years. Their godc h i ldren, Rocky, 1 5 , and Slephanie, 1 2 , have been living with them for more than two years. Deb has returned to school to obtain a computing degree. Cote has been a manager at Boeing for four years and loves her work. Kevin Eliason and his wife, Kristi n,

adopled Halla, 4 a n d George, 2 , from Monrovia, li beria . T h e y joined Jasmine, 8, and Reid, 6. Jonathan and Nancy ( C ratsenber9 '88) Edmands on­

nounce the b i rth 01 Ava, on Dec. 1 8 . S h e j o i n s Koh l , 6, a n d Brant, 4 . Jonathan i s a lutheran Brotherhood district representative in Bellingham, Wash. He recently qualified for mem­ bers h i p in the 2000 leaders' C l u b , one o f lutheran Brotherhood's most prestigious honors given to district representatives who are successlul in helping their clients l i n k lai t h , values, a nd lin ances. Devin Dice i s employed by Justin

Boot Company. He travels to rodeas and provides sports medicine cover­ age to rodeo athletes as a member of the Justin Sports Med i c i ne tea m . Brad o n d laura (Beck) Medrud

a n nounce the birth of P a u l , an March I . Brad is a land use plan ner at AHBl, I n c . , in Tacoma.

1 990 Robyn Wells has released two solo

classical piano CDs. The lirst, "A Grand Adventure," includes the world premiere record ing of the "Nostalgic Waltzes" by Ross lee F i n ney. The second, "A Grand Italian Adventure," contains works h i g h l i g ht­ ing Iialian l ife and culture. I t a l so i nclu des a Ta rantella wrillen by Roby n . The " I ta l i a n " CD was re­ corded at PlU last fal l Both CDs ore available by writing to: A Grand Adventure, P. O . Box 1 I , Nampa, Idaho 8 3 653-001 1 . Doren Skonord is a lutheran Broth­ erhood d i strict representative i n Spokane. H e recently qualilied for members h i p i n the 2000 leaders' Club, one of lutheran Brotherhood's mast prestigious honors g iven to d i strict representatives who are suc­ cessful in helping their clients l i n k laith, values, a n d f i n a nces. Amy Drockert and David Pelton

were married on Sepl. 23 a t lake Q u i nault lodge. David is a software test engi neer at Microsoft. Angelo Coate-Clites and Michael

Considine were married on Feb. 2 4 in Concord, N . H . Angelo i s on agri­ cultural statistician for the New England Agricultural Statistics Ser­ vice and Michael is a bridge superintende n t .

.. • n

n c: .. :t '" '" ,.

Stuort and Jenna (Hayden '89)


Ashley announce the birth


on March 3 .

01 Owen,

Z <

1 99 1

Heidi (Hermanson) Nagel a n d her

Jon Funfar was named c i ty commu­

h u sband, David, announce the birth 01 Madison Paige, on Nov. 5 . Heidi returned to work in April after ta king live monlhs off following Madison's birth.

nications coordinator lor the C i ty of Enumclaw, Was h . , i n August. He is i n charge of E n u mclaw Municipal Television and the c i ty's website. Jon ap preciates the opport u n i ty to live, work, a n d serve the public i n h i s hometown, a n d the commute i s greot!

'" ..

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alumni class Jeremy Desel spent s i x weeks i n Ta l l a hassee, Fla . , covering the presi­ dentiol election for KHOU-TV in Houston, Texas. While he was i n Florida he learned he was awa rded , a Dallas Press Club "Katie" award and two Suncaost region Emmy award nominations. Erika Somm and her husband, Peter

Davis, an noun ce the b i rth of Vivien, on Dec. 3 1 .

Larry Deal and Lisa Simonsen a n nounce the bi rth of Bruce Lorence, on Dec. 9.

David Hatlen and his wife, Kari,

a n nounce the bi rth of Kate C h ristine, on Oct. 2 1 . David i s the vice presi­ dent of HomeStreet Bank in Seattle.

Brian Kampe and his wife, Amy, a nn ounce the bi rth of Ama ndo Grace, on Jan. 2 . She joins j u l i a n n a , 3 . B r i o n i s t h e n a t i o n a l accounts category manager for The Perrier Gro u p .

Lynne (Haney) De La Cruz and her husband, Mike, a n nounce the birth of K i ro lynne, on Feb. 22. lynne returned to work in April os the health educati o n coardinotar for the acute ond communicable di seose program at the Oregon Health D i vi­ sion. She was previ ously a t the Americon Cancer Soci ety for seven years. They conti n ue to l ive in the Portlond areo.

Beth Anne Newbill ond Robert Percival were married on Dec. 2 at Northloke Lutheron C h u rch in Kenmore, Wos h . They live i n West Seattle.

Heidi (Porter) Stenzel and her h u sband, Casey, announce the b i rth of Cole Thom a s , an Sept. 1 9 , 2000. Heidi contin ues to work part-time from home.

Ben (Kauna) Shingenge h a s re­ turned to the states where he assu mes the role of diplomat a t the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Namibio to the United Nations. Ben will reside in New York with h i s wife, justino, and t h ree chi ldren .

Michael and Amy ( Ledgerwood '92) Kim announce the

birth of jacob (Coby) Tyler on Dec. 5. He joins Noah, 4 , a nd Noomi, 2 .




Angie (Saylor) Rutherford ond her husba n d , Jace, n noun ce the birth of Jacob Isaiah, on Feb . 9. Angie is a s tay·at-ha me mom.

Tim Mitchell was promoted to accounting supervi sor at RREEF Management i n March. Pharm . D . from the U n iversity of Was h i n g ton and accepted a pos ition i n the pharmacy at Swed ish Medical Center in Seattle.

Jun Chea and his wi fe, Jeann ie, an nounce the birth of Isaiah, on j a n . 2 3 . He j o i n s F a i t h , 3 . J u n i s a vice president at Key Bank in Tacoma.

Jennifer Nelson and Bruce R i tchie were married on Nov. 1 1 in Edmonds, Wa s h . Elizabeth (Hartmann '92) Schwerdt was the m a i d of honor and Marie Brice '92 was an attendant. jen n i fer is a leg a l assistant i n criminal records a t the King County Prosecutor's Office and Bruce i s a warehouse supervisor 01 NC Machinery. They live i n Aubur n .

993 Jenny Berk and Alex Hoffner were ma rried on Dec. 9 at the lutheran Theological Southern Seminary in C o l u m b i a , S.c. jenny i s the d i rector of youth and c h u rc h growth at Our Saviour Lutheran C h u rch i n johnson C i ty, Ten n . Alex i s 0 fourth year semi­ narian at Southern Seminary.

Kriston (Miller) Ashbridge and her h u sband, Tyler, a n nounce the birth of Maxwell, an Sept. 20 .

Kevin Winder is a Lutheran Brother­ hood district representative in Salem, Ore. He recently q u a l i fied for mem­ bersh i p in the 2000 leaders Club, one of lutheran Brotherhood's most prestigious honors given to district representatives who are successful in helping their clients link faith, values and finonces.

Sam Capps is a lutheran Brother­ hood district representative i n Seattle. He recently q u a l i fied far members h i p in the 2000 leaders C l u b , one of lutheran Brotherhood's most prestigious honars given to d i strict representatives who are suc­ cessful in h e l p i n g their cl i en ts l i n k faith, va l ues, a n d finances.

1 992 Darin Johnson and h i s wif e, Beth,

Kristina (Kurle) Dolan a n d her husband, Stein, an­ nounce the birth of Paige Mary-Eliza­ beth, on Dec. 1 8 .

Brandon McDonald and his wi fe, Trocey, a nnounce the b irth of Et h an Martin, on Oct. 1 2 . Brandon continues to work at Crote and Barrel Furni­ ture in Wash i ng to n , D.C.

Tracie (Bernklau) Henninger and her h u s­ band, Mark, an nounce the birth of Nathan james, on Nov. 1 . Tracie i s a teacher i n the Newberg (Ore . ) School D i strict.

Brett Hortvigson is a Lutheran ... %


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Brotherhood d i strict representative i n S a n D i eg o . H e recently q u a l i fied for mem bers h i p in the 2000 Top C l u b , one of Lutheron Brotherhood's most presti g ious honors given to district representatives who are successful in helping the i r cl ients link faith, val ues and finances.

Brion Watson has been enjoying his new vocation a s a full-time artist since December 1 999. I n December 2000, he hod a sola showing of h i s artwork at C ollective Vi sions Gallery in Bremerton, Wash . , and in May, he had another solo show at Westsaund Bonk, also i n Bremerto n . Brian has been married to E l i zabeth Roberts for more than si x years. WWw.collective visions.com

just bought thei r first house. J u l i e is a school counselor in the Tumwater School District and Micah i s a teacher in the North Th u rston School District.

Tracy (Wensel) Mitchell received a

Stefan Damstrom and his wife, Melissa, an nounce the bi rth of their son, Kai Anders Stuort, on March 1 3.

along with their daughter, Alyx, and san, Dean, moved to Proctorville, Ohio. Darin works for Amazo n . cam i n H u n ti ngton, W.Va .

Micah and Julie (Thompson '96) McBride live i n O lym pia where they

1 994 Heather (Carlson) Wheeler and her husband, Davi d, an nounce the birth of Hannah Ruth, on April 25, 2000. Heather completed her residency i n fa m i l y medicine i n j u n e and David is a pharmacist ot Holy Family Hospita l i n Spoka ne.

Tracy Perry was a c as t m e m ber i n the mu sical, "Tita n i c, " at the C ivic Light Opero of South Bay C i ties in Redondo Beach, Calif., d u r i n g Morch.

Tracy Kramer has a new job as program manager at Ag i n g and Adult Services i n Olympia. She works with the tra i n i ng , communica­ tions and development unit.

Vol and Kristine (Johnson) Meyer announce the birth of jessica, on May 7, 2000. Kristine is taking time off from her fifth-g rade classroom to stoy at home with jessic a. Val will graduate th i s s u m­ mer with on MBA from Seattle U n i versity. He recently joi ned Was h i ng­ ton Mutual ' s mergers and acqui s i tions grou p .

1 95 Doug Nicholson a n d h i s wife, Susan, a n nounce the bi rth of Kyle Douglas, on Feb. 1 . He j o i n s Kaitlyn, 2 .

Karen Frank a n d J o h n Goebel were married on Dec. 3 0 . Koren i s a certified regi stered n u rse anesthetist at johns Hop k i n s Bayview Phys i ci an s an d j o h n i s th e d i rector of research at H i g her Education Consulting.

Kerri Schroeder and her husband, lance, announce the birth of Connor Daniel, on Nov. 27. He joins Bran­ don, 2 . Kerri i s the vice president of commercial lend i n g at Bank of America i n Bellevue, Wash. Robyn (Guntrip) LaChance was promoted to di rector of marketing at Woodstone Credit U n ion i n Decem­ ber. Her h u sband, Peter, i s a team m a nager for government computer sales.

1 996 Shane Row is p u rsu i n g a profes­ sional certificate ot the Drum mer's Col lective in New York City where he l i ves with h i s wife, E ri ca. Rebecca (Bjork) Willman and h er hu s bo n d, C hristopher, a n nounce the birth of their son, Qui n n , on May 1 0, 2000. Rebecca is a voice teacher and Christopher is an engi neer. Jenna Edlund moved to Northern New jersey, about 20 m i n u tes o u t­ side of New York Ci fy, on j a n . 1 . She was promoted to product market i n g m a n ager w i t h i n I ntel ' s Teleco m m u n ications D i vi s i o n of D ialogic.

Gregory DeJardin and Kelly

Fredrickson were married on May 1 2 , 2000 at F i rst Baptist C h u rch i n Tacoma. Rod Nash '96, Ryan McDonald '95, a nd Tracy DeJardin McDonald '92 were

attendants. Gregory is a teacher with Upward Bound for the Metropol i ta n Development Counc i l .

Silas and Cindy (Andrew '96) Bow­ man a n nounce the

Lisa Balmes is wor k ing i n corporate

b i rth of Sara h Michelle, on J o n 2 6 . S h e j o i n s And rew, 2 .

h u m a n resources a t Nordstro m . She was previously with the Seattle Sea hawks.





: I I


i n g a n her MBA w h i l e working for PLU. Her h u sband, Radney, w i l l start his undergraduate work i n the fa l l , after serving five years i n t h e U . S . Army.

Anneliese Gorne received her law degree from the U n iversity of Wash­ i ng ton in j u ne 2000. She passed the Washington state bar exam during the summer and works at I nslee-Best in Bellevue, Wash.

attendants. Rob is a network a d m i n istrator for BEST Consulting of Kirklond, Was h " and Missy works as a nurse at Tacoma General Hospital i n the neonatal intensive care u n i t . The couple l ives in the Wal l i ngford neigh­ borhood of Seattle. rmkol/@hotmail.com

Susan Wagener received a m aster's deg ree i n biomedical engi­ neering from the U n iversity of C a l i fornia, Davis i n j u n e 2000. She i s now working at ICON C l i n i cal Research in San Bruna, C a lif .

Kim Schelin a n d h e r h u s b a n d , Todd, a n nounce the b i rth of Payton Catherine, on Feb. 6. She j o i n s Taryn, 2 . K i m is the event coord i na­ tor for M u l ticare Healthwarks i n Tacom a .

Erika Richardson and Luis Valdivia were married on Feb. l O ot Victory Harvest C h u rch i n Baton Rouge, La . Ali Lauer '96, Hillary Carlson '96, and Kay Von Gohren '95 were in the wed d i n g . Erika i s the h u m a n resource specia l i st at the Safety Council of the Lou i si a n a capital oreo. L u is works i n construction and a s a mecha n i c . l u i s and E r i ko l i ve i n Baton R o u g e o n d will soon trovel to Don l i , Honduras to visit luis' fomily.

1 998 Arlld Lovaas left his position a s an investment adviser i n May 2000 to become head of accounting for Score AS, a Scottish company that provides total value management for offshore in stallations in the North Sea .

Allyson Weld a n d A r ik Tedrow were married on Aug . 27 at I n d i a n S u m mer G o l f and C o u n try C l u b i n Olym p i a . Shannon (Robinson) T hompson '98 was a brides m a i d . Allyson i s a substitute teacher i n t h e Spokane Valley and A r i k i s 0" engi­ neer in sales at Siemens B u i l d ing Technologies, Allyson previously taught physical education a t Ti m ber­ l i n e H i g h School in lacey, Wash .

1 997

Mona Aboel - ni l i s i n her n i nth year of teac h i n g secondary level science. She lives i n Seattle a n d teach e s biol­ ogy a t Ken t-Merid i a n High School in Kent, Was h .

Erica (Wood) Row is work i n g to· wards her master's degree at Mannes College of Music in New York City where she l ives with her h u sband, Shane. She mode her Mannes debut as Suar Genavieffa in Pucc i n i 's Suor Angelica a n d recently preformed in a master class g iven by Renata Scotto.



Tayah L i n (Rathje) Butler i s work­

Rob Koll and Melissa (Missy) Davis were married on A u g . 1 9 i n Portl an d, O re , Scott Erickson '95, Erik Manick '96, Mike Liefeld '96, Kristen Summers '97, Jana Stott '98, Marci (Voeller) Barthlomae '98, Bobbi (Junell) Crist '98, and Karen Koll '93 were

Erin Romine and Andrew Albaugh were morried i n May 1 999 and moved to Baston, Mass . , where they volunteered with Americorps in an i n ner-city i ntergenerotianal pragrom, Generation I nc . They are now work­ i ng toward master of orts degrees in teach i ng at PlU.


Alumni Award Nominations

The PLU Atumni Association encourages alu m n i , fri e n d s and students t o s u b m i t names o f p e rs o n s t o b e considered fo r awards recog n izi n g their contributions to the u n ive rsity o r t h i e r

c o m m u n i ty.

D i s ti ngu i s h ed

O u tstandi n g Alumnus

Outstan d i ng Recent

A( u m n u s Award


Alum n u s Awa rd


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and aJ�mnlJ> h.l5 enievcd proff',,,o,,.1 or vo,al.onal dlstlnl..:tin n .

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A l u m n i Service Award

Aw.1fdcd to


alumnu> w h o outstanding yohmlr.'r ''''' '' rrshl p and 'or -service (0 [he community armons tT3ted






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H e ritage Award

Special Recognition Award

Awarded ro 'n "Iumnu. to. yea� or d'�li ng.UI!thed sCl'vi "e to lhe

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order to b e

DUE DATE: FRIDAY, DEC. 28, 200 1

n o m i n ations

d o c u m e n ta t i o n , a n d be returned to the Offi c e o f A l u m n i


Parent Relati o n s

b y Fri d ay, Dec. 2 8 , 2 0 0 1

M AIL TO: Offi ce o f A l u m n i a n d Parent Relations. PLU, Tacoma, WA

98447-0003 PHONE

eligib le,

m u s t i n c l u d e s u pporting l etters or



Matt Iseri was promoted to s e n ior consultant at Cop Gem i n i Ernst.

Jacqueline Harman starred in the

Broadway Center far the Perfor m i ng Arts production of Blackbird S i n g i ng , a one·woman show that celebrates the legacy of African-American divas and their cOQtribution to opera mu­ sic. I t toured Tacoma and Seattle m i ddle a n d h i g h schools, stopping at PlU i n Marc h . Jacqueli ne i s also the administrative assistant at The Wood Products Consartium a n d The Engi· neered Wood Research Foundation.

Nathe and Alicia (Manley


Lawver a n nounce the birth of

Wendy Rygh a n d her

h u sband, Mark, an­ nounce the birth of Megan Jo, on July 26, 2000. Wendy i s working o n her moster's degree in teach i ng a t George Fox U n iversity.

Spanish and history teacher and ASB adviser at life Christian Academy. Lori Johnson and Royce Connon

were married on J u ly 1 5 , 2000 in Federal Way, Wash. lori is a teacher for the Deportment of Defense at Seoul (Korea] American Middle School a n d Royce is a para-educa· tor. Wally and Carina (Wynn) Sims

a n nounce the birth of Mega n , on Dec. 2 3 . Wally and Corina are medical students at F l i nders University School of Medicine in Adelaide, Austra l i a .

Veronica Paulson a n d Jason

'99 were married on Oct. 7 i n Tacoma. Veron ica is the lead teacher a t I m m a n uel Preschool and Joson i s a web developer and graphic designer for laborReady at corporate headquarters in Taco m a .


Sara Reibel a n d Aaron locke were

Sara Simpson a n d Cou rtney Drebis were married in September at St. David's Episcopal C h u rc h in Shelton, Was h . Sara i s a charge n u rse at Western State Hospital in Stei lacoom. They are l i ving i n Olympia.


Bonnie Hoarnstra is a h i g h school

nounce the bi rth of Ethan James, on Jon 2 6 .

Abigail Anne Marie, on Nov. 1 8 at home i n Tacoma. Nathe is work ing at Northwestern Mutual Financial Network and Alicia is a full-time mom and part-time copy editor for The Olym pian newspaper. They live in Taco ma's North End n e i g h­ borhood. fawvern@wwdb . arg married on Sept. 2. Sora is a spec ial education teacher in the Puyallup School District and Aaron is a soh­ wore support special ist.

1 999

Erik Wells and h i s wife, Cara, on·

Vanessa Kramis i s a Suncore sales

ant a t Merrill lynch in Tacom a . He received h i s certification as a finan· cia I manager on Morch 30.

recreation manager for the Frankl i n Pierce School D i strict. S h e manages the sports program at the Summ il· Parkland Youlh Associalion.

Dennis Gallagher died o n Sept.

28. Lenore Taylor died on J o n . 2 8 . Harold Peterson d ied on J a n . 2 7 . Rolv Schillios died on Oct. 2 . Helen (Jensen) Weathermon d ied

on Feb. 6. Horace " Jerry" Westberg died in

December. Alvera (Johnson) Westberg died

a n Feb . 27. II


Jennifer Richards a n d Avery Kerr



Jacqueline (Stephenson) Holt died

Tim Rundquist is the author of a

newly-published "travel novel" about Alaska, titled "How Heavy 15 The Mounta i n . " The book is based on hiS eight seasons as a professional tour guide in Alaska and the Yukon Territory during the 1 980. and 1 990s. II is available online 01 Barnes and Noble Ibn.cam). Amozon.com, other Internet retailers and at the PLU Bookstore.

Eileen (O'Caliaghan) Myers died on Jon. 3


Jeanne (Ogden) Nalbach died on

Jon. 30. .


Evelyn P. (Peers) Bowen d i ed on

Jon. 8 . Daniel Eum died o n J o n . 9 . Carol (Sanders) Smith died o n

Dec. 1 7 . Sharon Ganser d i ed on Dec. 7. Linda Dyer died on Dec. 1 0.

4 Todd Baxter died i n May 2000. Kris Geldaker died on March 2 0 .

Phyllis Cavens '6 1 serves BY






Gary Peterson, malh prafessar

on Jon. 2 2 .

representative for South Beach S u n . were married on June 1 7 , 2000 i n H i l lsboro, Ore. J e n n i fer i s a regis­ tered n u rse at the Avalon C l i n i c i n lakewood, Was h . , and Avery i s a U . S. Army Ranger. Andrea (Ander­ son) Stevens '99 was the maid of honor. Drew Melton, son of Ordal Hall's past resident d i rector, was the ring bearer.

Feb. 27.

Scott Schuler is a fi nancial consult·

Jenn ifer Vredenburg is the new

Carolyn Cichanski is a reseorch coord i n ator at the U n iversity of Wa shi ngto n .

Laura (Hauge) Adams died on

emeriti, died on March 1 . Professor Peterson taught in Ihe moth deportment from the late ' 60s to the mid-'90s. He graduated from Iowa State University, completed his moster's degree at Western Washington University and received his dactorate from the University of Kansas i n 1 972. He is survived by his wife, Kathleen; daughter, Christine '93; and two grandchil­ dren. PlU mourned the loss of freshman Monica Lightell of Steilacoom,

Was h . , who died Feb. 25 when a deck callapsed a t on a fl-ca mplJs pa rty. Several other students were i n j ured . Monica was a member of the PlU crew team a n d worked in the Counseling and Testing office. She was born Dec. 29, 1 98 2 , i n Monterey, Calif. She grew u p i n Panama and attended the I n ternational School of Panama. A 2000 graduate of Steilacoom (Wash . ] H i g h School, she was president of the Int notional C l u b a n d lettered in volleyball a n d javeli n . About 1 ,500 people attended on on-ca mpus celebration of Monico's life. PLU President loren J ­ Anderson urged t h e PLU com m u n i ty to remember her g i fts a n d 10 turn to God to cope with their grief. An endowed scholarship fund was esta b l i shed i n her nome. To find oul more about the Monico Ughtell Scholarship Fund, and to read the oddres from the memorial, go to: www.pfu. edu/encore.

a doctor to tl1.e world


A LIFE OF SERVICE: Dr. Phyllis Cavens

a child in Somalia during a

'6 1 comforts

1 992 visit to the war­

ravaged nation. This photo appears i n " Being a Pediatrician, " ( La k e Publishing,

2000), a book

written by her husband, Dr. Travis Cavens.

n 1 979, af(er a decade o f closed borders, repression and systematic killings, news o f Calllbodia's "Asian Holocaust" leaked to (he international media-and h u ndreds of thousands o f refugees began streaming i n to Thailand by any means possible. First lady Rosalynn Carter paid a visit to r e fugees in Sakeo, a Thai border camp. The desperate needs she outlined i n a Time maga­ zine cover story prompted a Portland, Ore. businessman, Ron Post, to call a p ress confer­ ence discussing the refugee problem and call­ i n g fo r volunteers for a new relief organization. Dr. Phyllis Cavens ' 6 1 , a ped iatrician i n the sou thwest Wash ington town of Longview, read the article and heard POSt'S press confer­ ence. Within two weeks, she was on a plane to Thai land, and her 22-year association wi(h the newly formed Northwest Medical Teams had begun. Since 1979, Cavens leaves her pediatric practice in Longview to make war and disaster re lief visits to Ethiopia in 1 985, Somalia in 1 992, Honduras in 1 998 and multiple trips to Mexico and other areas where Northwest Medical Teams has ongoing programs. "Basically, the in ternational relief response beg i ns as soon as CNN tells us there's a prob­ lem," Cavens said. \Vhen Hu rricane M itch rav· aged Hondu ras, Cavens was there within a week.

Once i n a coun try, Cavens' d i saster re lief team coord j na u � s with local agencies to determine which a reas a r e h a r d e s L h i t . After (raveling to those areas, Cavens and her fel low wo rkeLs make contacts with local o fficials. M any o f the cases C avens sees while 0 1 1 a war or disaster re l ie f mission are d i rectly tied to the disaster at hand. In Hon­ d uras, fo r example, she treated pneu monia in p e o p l e w h o had lost thei r homes, diarrhea from contamina(ed water and SOreS on the legs and feet of chil dren who walked barefoot t h ro l l g h bacteria-laden mud after sewage systems flooded. "The solution fo r diarrhea costs 10 cents," Cavens s a i d . "For pneumonia, we use pe n ici l li n- u n der SO cenlS a s h o t . Vcry inexpensive medicine can do a lot. I t can save a life." In addition to disaster-relat >d ailments, however, Cavens sees dozens of children whose b as i c health needs have not been met. I n Honduras, a mother brought her 1 0 -l1lonth-old daughter to Cavens fo r an exam ination. One of the girl 's pu­ pils was co m p letely white. Cavens knew the c h i ld was sufferlng fro m retinoblastoma, or cancer of the eye, and needed a n op­ eration to save her l i fe. Because Noreh, est Med ical Teams had aLread)! made con· tacts with local officials, Cavens was able to coordinate a dd i tional assistance through a Catholic priest i n l'v!o razan. After Norehwest Medical Teams left, the girl and her fam i ly were transported to the Hondu ran capital by Caretas, a Catholic re lief agency. The agency flew i n an American s urge o n r o re­ move the cancerous eye, saving the l ittle girl's l i ft'. "That's really why I k eep going," Cavens said. "There's s much acu te need in these s i tuations that witho u c care, chil­ dren will die. J LIst bein g there and be i ng a pediarrici an can save a l i fe . " ­

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Zack peers out of his house to see his furry neighbors.

.perspectlve •

Bivens '85 blends environmentalism & fun with children's illustrations h riscopher Bivens '85 has worked his way imo the heans of children and envi­ ronmemalists with cwo new books featuring his whimsical artwork. Bivens, who earned a bachelor of fine arts degree. has illustrated two children's books that combine a fu n scory with practical tips aboU[ protect­ ing the environmcnL Written by h is

The latest books aim co teach children and families how people and wildlife can live peacefully rogether. Both are published by Dream Fac[Ory Books in Enu mclaw, owned by Sensd and Bivens. "The plan is co be largely environ­ memal and educational," Bivens said. "Bears Barge In" fearures a boy named Zack who lives in the forest along with bears and other wildl i fe. Zack's h uman neighbors multiply, and he must find a way [0 make room for both.

"The Garbage Monster" brings recycling ro life and explores conserva­ tio n on a scale young chi ldren can relate ro. When youngJo is slow [0 take au[ the garbage one night, the trash comes to life and takes her out instead. She takes the monster apart, finding uses for all his pans and showing readers resou rceful ways [0 recycle. Barh books are available at dreamfactorybooks.com, or amazon. com, and at area booi<scores.


Christopher Bivens ' 8 5 shows off his latest book at his Dream Factory Books studio in Enumclaw.

RiGHI Bivens' books feature a cast of animal -characters. BElOW From "Bears Barge In," Zack wakes ta find a passum before his eyes.

wife, loni Sensei, "Bears Barge In" and "The Garbage Monster" were released in April in conjunction with Earth Day. B ivens has worked as a designer and illustracor for many corporate diems, including Weyerhaeuser, AT&T Wircless, REI and the National Park Service. He handled the design and layout o f PLU's Business Scene for several years before and after gradua­ tion and lem his creative mind [Q other PLU projccrs. Illustrating chi ldren's books gives him a chance [Q be as creative as he wams with no rcstricrions. "It's pretty much all mine," he said. "I get [Q figure out what i t's going [Q look like, and I do it. It's just more fUll than corpo rate work." Bivens worked in watercolor and colored pencil for barh books. Hc also illustrated "The Perfect Tree" in 1 990.

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worfls by Joni Sen!!el pictur� by <."hris 8ivi!"£!!

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