1931 Summer Quarter Catalog

Page 1

Pacific Lutheran College Bulletin Published quarterly by Pacific Luthetan College at Tacoma and Parkland, Washington.

Entered as second.

class matter April 26, 1927, at the postoi£ice at Tacoma, Washington, under the Act of August 24, 1912.


NO. 4

!VIA Y, 1931




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FIRST T£RjvI - - JUNE IS to JULY 22 S£COl\TQ T �RM - - JUL)" 22 to AUGUST 25


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Pacific Lutheran College presents in this bulletin general information concerning the 1931 Summer Session quarter. The courses are all on college level. First Term ------------------------------------June 15-July 22 Second Term --------------------.---------July 22-August 28 ---

ACCREDITED NORMAL The Normal Department is accredited by the State Board of Education. The course leads to a Standard Elementary Certficate. The Washington State Department has ruled that the approved normal curricu足 lum must be extended to three years by September 1, 1933. Those who complete the normal curriculum between September 1, 1931, and September 1, 1932, must have been in attendance two years and one quarter. Those who complete the normal curriculum between September 1, 1932, and September 1, 1933, must have been in attendance two years and two quarters. Those completing the normal curriculum after September 1, 1933, must complete the three- year curriculum. HIGH-SCHOOL GRADUATES In accordance with the above requirements, high-school graduates may be able to secure a normal diploma in two calendar years by attending two summer quarters. Students who wish to complete their work so that they will be eligible to teach by the fall of 1933 are urged to begin their work this summer. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS The Summer Session is open to all students qualified to pursue the subject to advantage. Students who desire to obtain regular normal credit toward a diploma for their work must be graduates of an accredited high school or its equivalent. LOCATION Pacific Lutheran College is located at Parkland, a suburb of the city of Tacoma. Take either Spanaway or Parkland street car from the city. FACULTY The faculty of the Summer Session is composed of members of the regular teaching staff. REGISTRATION The registration will be held Monday, June 15. term will be held July 21.

Registration for the second

EXPENSES A tuition fee of $2.50 per credit hour is required of all persons attending the Summer Session. This fee must be paid at the opening of the Summer Session. A library fee of $2.00 will be charged at time of registration. ROOM AND BOARD Room and board can be had at a reasonable price. The dormitories will be open for occupancy. Room rent for the summer quarter is $18.00, for one term $10.00.

COURSES OFFERED The number of courses available for credit will be determined by the demand. Other courses will be provided if five or more request it. EDUCATION 5 6 7

12 15 30

Educational Measurements Principles of Education Technique of Teaching Current Educational Problems State Manual History of American Elementary Education

3 5 3 3

q. q. q. q. q. q.

Cr. Cr. Cr. Cr. Cr. Cr.

5 3

q. q. 2 \ti q. 2\ti q. 2Y2 q.

Cr. Cr. Cr. Cr. Cr.

3 3

q. Cr. q. Cr.


q. Cr.


q. Cr.

3 3

ENGLISH 1 10 31 32 35

Freshman Composition Children's Literature Early Nineteenth Century Literature Late Nineteenth Century Literature Creative Poetry FINE ARTS

1 25

Art Structure Advanced Art Structure HEALTH EDUCATION




2\ti q. Cr.

Advanced Arithmetic SOENCE


9 10

Geography Nature Study Science for the Upper Grades

2\ti q. Cr. 3

q. Cr.

2Yz q. Cr.

GENERAL STATEMENT Pacific Lutheran College is organized as follows: 1.


Junior College division, operating

from September

to June, and

consisting ofa. The Liberal Arts Courses b. The Normal Departmenr


A four-year High School division, operating from September


A winter Shorr Course of twelve weeks, from November to March.


The Summer Session in June, July, and August.


Special courses in Music, Art, and Commerce.



This folder is Part One of the May 1931 number of the Pacinc Lutheran College Bulletin. Part Two, consisting of the catalog for 1930-1931 with announcemenrs for 1931.1932, will be published at the end of May and will be mailed to any address on request. For further information write to: PHILIP E. HAUGE,

Dean, Pacific Lutheran College, Parkland, Wash.

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