College Bulletin, v. 19 no. 4 pt. 2, January-March 1940

Page 1

Pacific Lutheran College Bulletin l:Juhli"IH:d

br Pacitic L ut h era n College at Tat" rna Jnd Parkland, \Va�hington. st'cond·dass matte£" April 26, 1927, H the postoffici.' at Talo�l1a, \'Q' a!'hingtoh, undn the Act of August 24. 1912.



January, FEBRUARY, March, 1940



No. 4, Part 2

THE PACI,FIC LUTHERAN COLLECE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION A Voluntary Agency of Self-Help The Occasion fo r Revie/(' "In view of the recognized necc!'sitl' of adding fourth-year wnrk in the teacher­ training departmen t the Inter-synodical Commit tee would encouragc' the college admin ­ "lrallOl1 10 make every dfort to ine re a� e tIll' income of the college 10 meet the added ,'",st of uperation. The committee has in mind especially a renewed, greater empha<i, 1>11 tlw Del·elopm,·nt A snciation." fAdoptt'r/ f1{ (.himr:u. fifirtois. NOl'ell/her 29. 1939.) The

FlllUllllllelllai Policy

"It has I,,:t:ome evident Ihat a Chriotiall school lik" Padfic Lutheran College can 'lleceed lind eurvive as such only under tilt' roll()win� condition,,: I. The :;ehool must he kept in dOSf' touch with the people. 2. The oll'n('r (the people) lllust be kept informed a, to exact conditions. probl e ms, needs, progress, plans. hOPI�S, and ideals. 3. Frequ.�nt, re�ular, pmely vol unta ry gifts must be sou�lit f rom all the friends and 'UPllorteJ'S of the school. in recognition of the truth of the Norwe�ian proverb. 'Mangp haekke smaa :,;jol' tn stor aa'. 4. The friends and supporters lllust be hound tO�f'tl1Pr thrflu!Xh c,,·operatinn."-(Pacif;c r.ntherrl7l toller:e Rlllli'lill. ;/11 {iW" . 1928.) The Origillal HopI' "Pacific Lutlterun College can IH' mude just as gOlld a >,choul and just a. l a rge a ,dlo ..l a, it� friend, alld suppurters want it to bf', provided always t ha t thes· friends alld sUPllort,·", cun bt' mobilized >lnd kent o r gan ized for harmonious, loyal, nd intelli­ gent action. It should be possible to find 10,000 Stich supporters, who would gladly c u nt rihut p one dol l a r 01' more per year tO\l'Mrd th" maintenance and development of I'a"if'it T.lItheralI Colll'!!p."-(Pacifir T,u'h�r((n (./Jlfege RI111etin. AUl'II.<t, 1928.)

Thr Ori!{irrll/ Plan "All the Oil neu- lind a:; many Ilther fri!:lId. ". possible \lill be in vit ed to ,illn a mernben'hip card in th� Pacific Lu th eran Coll�gc Developmem ssociation. Memb ers will give voluntarilv at lea,t one dollar at least onc e a year to Pa cific Lutheran ollege. '''' embers will receive the PACIFTC LlJTTTERAN COLLEGE BULLETIN at le!l$t four times a vear. This wlll pres en t coner"t" details in re ga rd to progre s, improvements. plans, hopes. and dreams at tIll' College. The organization will be ept ali v e throu�h Ihe constant -erv'ices of a field repre" .. ntativ(· and a central erretarl'."-(P((cific LillI.· ,'rIIll

tol',.�1' Rllflelirr. August. 1928.)

The First 1.000 "Despite llaIIdkaps and dift'it:ulli ..,. d"spile tilt' undeveluped character of uur field. the unusually sever \ inter weatheI' this I'car. aIld the ral'uo:es of the 'flu'. we ar� able to prin t' in this number of the BULLETI i the name, of "THE FIRST 1,000 mem­ LeI' of tlw Development As ociation."-(Parific f.utheran Co/fege Bulletin, February.


'1''' (' Firs/ WOOO Th" g:()al of IU.OO() IIlI"IlI",r, ,,,,s rI",,'I,,''\ 1111 ,Ialluan S. IlJ'W, "I,ell }Ir. LaIl'It'II('(' rrlll''')' hecame thl' 10.000th melllher. But. '" will he ,.;" ,; " [rom thl' actiV!o 111('lllhcrshil' li,.;t print.,d in thi,.; i"u.; of tl1< ' BlIL1J;:TIN. 11<'arll' 90% a]'l" inal·til"'. ti,at i,,.; til "a,. rllt'Y IlllVl' Blade no l'ontriillltion \\ ithin tlli' pa�t Y;'Jr. Expt·riliIH:e .·dl()V�� thal ( 1 1 I 1: '1I 1(l(X r d u rn can he llOpt�d fllr as a rC."1l1t of �()Ijcjtalinn hy Tllail. Vil·,ld � (' r vi('(' i" Tl('('('�sary. and local committee a ..:;�i:-;tan('c d('sjr�1hl("'.

The Financial



Devdopn-u'nt As�()ciatiol1 J nc o nH ' year I,), ve ar hu:-; be(�n a::; fnllows: 1928-20. 16,740,43; 1929·:30. �16.7'17.T3; 19:10·31. ,';5.95/1.55; 1931-:"2. Cj9.29J.67; 1932-:1:). ,'j1O.IlIlS.84; 19:33·,31, ,6,'�22.'IS; 19:H-:J5. S5,19J.03: 19:),:;·:16. $3.158.49: 1936·37. ;-$3.783.59; 19:n-:lll. ,'S.452.21l; 19,38·:,9, 'i2.0IlS.7/1: annual avera!!.'. �7.789.4LI. 'IcedI'd ill 19:i9·/10. ' <:: 10.000.00.

The App eal SYllodical IHl(lgl't� fur tll(' y\:ar were fixnI lH'fnlT (JlIr ('frltT!!('ru:y arOSI·',

Tlu:� frit'IHL..;

nr the Con '�e ml1�t halancf' the year\; budget 'by vcduntary cOJ1triIJution:-;. Congn'ga­ I ilma.! allocation, al'!' now handled thmugh tl", Development A�",oeiation and will lw �·q"�n·fwtf·d in tilt' annual rf'pnrt. EVt'I�Y confir m ed 111(,1111)('1" or the Pacific ni�tri('1

ought to I-H' an activl'- rncmlH'l' of tlU' A-.;:-;ocidtit)n� every frit'nd of tht' ('uu::-;' ]ike\\-i�i". Let 'I' tn", in the Lord and do "ur duty. . It i, I,ett,-,r to tm,.;t in the Lord than til l,ut ('o nfi d enct' in man. It is heltcr to trn ....t in till' l.(Jrd tllan 10 put (,()Tlfidr'Tlcl' in prine!· ..... · · .loin flOll' {[rul stay ([('liP('':

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE 1 ,074 ACTIVE MEMBERS OF THE P. l. C. DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION, February 29, 1940 Juneau., A/asha-l m emb e r : Emmet Thomp,"n.

Kelch;!.-Iln, Alaska-l member: First Lutheran Church. j-'rtasbllrg, Alas/,-f/-7 member,.;: RO/H'rt L an do . Thomas tando. B'ertha l,I'ro. Petershurg Ladif's Aid. ! Irs. Jacob OtTless, Dr. jos. O. Rude. !lfrs. j,-"s. O. Ruck Shi,<;hflUlTI'/. A/(I.\ka--4 mt"nl",ni: H('n Dah k 'Kiatcha Dahle. lia/,'dey, (:uli/.-I member:


Dahl", R"v. FIIlll"r

P. Terkildsell.

!fllr/i"!"",,e. Cali/.--2 IIH,mher" Mr. alId Mrs. (.'([If(aril/o. ('a{;/.-I m,·ml.",r:

][. Dald,'. 'II,.,. 1<:11111'" 11.

P. .I. (;ra1"'n, EI"allllrl' ThrIlIlll"'II.

Peter Pederson.

',:1 ('([io". (;(//i/.-1 member: Tilda Morken . Frueh-a .. (',,/i/.--2 members: Tngvald Ilalv".-",,,. Anna 1 lall""'. Fre,,,IO. Cali/.-] lllt;mlwr: David .J "s"ph Edwards. """'/'ftOIl. Calif.-I mrmb!:r: "'Irs. K. H. 'illr,,\ill�. Glendale, Clllif.-1 member: E. WinlltJr. /femel, (:,tlzI-·1 member: Olaf H. Eggr'u. Huntington Park, Calij.-1 member: Ola[ 11,,11'01"'''1. Uo(' Oak, ('alij.---l m e m b e r : Emil H. Ericbon. 1.111/!, lJeach, Calif.-·l1 members: 'tIfr. and Mr,.;. 0. Ander",". J"llll Lokken, Our S"I" ior's Ladies id, Our Sav; lr's Lutlll'ran Chllreh. Clara Sponheim. i\frs. �fadli SPOil' Ireim, Mrs. 1. B. Stocking:, Burton fl. Thorpe. H.,v. N. B. Thorpe. '\Irs. T. B. Th ll rp, ' . . B. Wollan.


An.geles, Calif.-5 mernhcrB: MalinI' Espdalld. Church, Gordon T. Sando. Rev. A. A. Sm"""lt!.

J. III. D. Cud,,!. O,(]' Savio r \ T,uth,.,-an

o UkilIlld, Calif.-1 member: l\-Lr". E. C. Ob,,". Ontario, Cal i/. - I member: In;. II. C. LaVill('. Orick. Calij.-l m emb e r : II. A. Hendriksen. Orland. Cali/.---B members: S. Askeland, Anton Dra.g:st'lh, rrs. Carol in.' Falting,;. [{PI'. Puul Fns�d, John J"hal1,... n, Chri,t. Kummer. TIr,''', }'L A. Kvilhau". Carl C. Sivl·sill,J.

l'asade/l/l, Calif. ) 1IlP,lUiJ '[ : Ilelen Bjurtitrolll, Bf'rtha Garen. Clara M. Johnsun, Else Pcder,;en.

And rea,; W. l'cdde, .\lay A. l'.;dde,

Rubles. Calif.·-2 member,,, Paul K. Eim on, Mrs. l 'aul K. Eimon. ClltiJ.-5 memIH'rs: Ilenry Johnson, M a rtha '. Johnson, (;corgia ,vlu", T. J ,\IOt" C. O. \ eltzin. Saeralllenlo, Calif ,� memheni: I'. Os!.cr/i, .fyrtle 1'aultion, Re,'. I{oberl L. Schultz, I\-l,.,;. John \ ang gBaTd. Sail /Ji,cgo. Ca/ij.-12 rncmlH'r,.. : Nettie Bog�tic, J\lalene Hohre, Anna K. Dahle, T 'nu I.and nul, J\Irs. Antonl'lli' Lee, N ina Lee, ,Florcn<.:e OttcrIH:�s, Our 'a\'iur', Lutheran ChurI'h, Mn·. J,,,lla Studehuckcr, Rev. A. .I. Tow,'. 'Mrs. A . .I. TOWl:, Howard 1Ilherg. II memh"r" A. E. A. Elstad. Laura .I "hn'''I1, Carrie E. Nlaakr" SIIII Fmncisco, Calil. "tad. ' ordatrand. No rthern California 'ircllit W. M. F. (c/o 1\11'0;. P. II. Wind), <:. E. Reit, Illga :"oilon<l. \11'0;. E. 1\1. Stensrud, Dr. A. 1·1. ThurM'n, ,\IfS A. II. Thorsell, l'asu


Trillity Ell�lish Lutheran Church. SIll/.

ins,.. Cllll:j.-1 m�lI1lH'r: B"tlorl Lu t hera n Chufch. Mrs . M. O. RUlld, C. S. San'psull, Mr,.

Sill/ I'etiro, Caiij.--.!J mcmb"r8: lIoratio Nelson,

C. S. Sampson. meJllber: ,\1. E. Larson. Ro,'a, Calif.--3 members: LOllis Halvor,lJIl, Lewis Heinc, Kay S\liland. Studeton, Clllif.-l Il1cmbcr: Fir:l Evangelical Lutheran Church. Sill/til A.lla, Calif.


'l'IlIIue/", CmiJ.-I m 'mileI':

E. A.


A. B. Nelson . Mn,. KUlli DennieI', Flurien Schupfer, Mrs. \V lll. Zum

1.;l/1on, Colo.-I III ·mber: Rev. Lloyd

.lllliaeua, Idailv-3 melT! bers: llllfe.

Kamiah, Idaho,-l mcmll!'r: Ic:dwin .I. Carl 'on. Lncistoll, Idalw-·-l lllember: Trinity Lutheran ,\li,;siollary S(lcit:ly, l'Il/'(fIU, Idaho-I member:

1. 'iii. Lane.

:)([Ilrl [Joint, ldlllw-i. IllCrnbl:r:

O. M. Jenncstad. Spirit 1,llkc, Idaho 2 members: Rev. Olai J. Engh, .\11'';. Ulaf .I. Engl,. Chica"o. 111.-:1 lllen,[Jer,;: ,\[1'lLill Avenue Lutberan Church, Birger O"Iand, H,:v. Fn:drik A. Sdliotl.. .lillie!, 111.--1 member;. Or. A. O. J\1Ql'lvedt. lie/mom!. IOH'lI-1 llll'mber: Rl.:v. Bernhard Guldsetll. /I (,(,(iT/lh. , 10/('([.-16 members: Charleo Altfilli.,ch, Mr,. l.('iJa Altfillitich, C;ilhert l.lakkc, Re\,. 6. Glesne, Mrs. Carl Hagen, Ole l-lahorsen, K. 1. Hau!,;en, Oscar M. Lomen, Ole Loven. Karl H. Nordgaard, Dr. O. M. Norli,.. Mrs. O. M. Norli!:, Dr. U. W. Qllalll'\, Dr. Willia m SilrJr.·r, Dr. Carlo A. Sperati, Mr;;. Carlo A. Spel·ati. l�'agle (;1'1""'. IOLcu 1 memlll'r: Young People's Mission So ci ety. Ellslflorth. IfJlf'U-1 memher: Rev. a.r1 J. Naglcstad. Estherville, IO/l'/l-J nH'mber: R '\', L. A. .Matlln'. (;m/-,U;nger, !rl/ol-l member: Rev. t\'1. 'vlanclougcr.

;\I/ason City, IO/l'a-l member: R. O. Storvick. OSSillJl, /Olm-J mcmher: Torah E. Halvorson. Story Cit', IOlca-[ mcmber: Sl. Petri Ladic� Aid. IV alling/ord, IOIUII-l member: Re . , . Strand. Albert, Leo" Mi.nn.-2 mcmbe[': fred "hristopl,crson, S. ( ) . Simun""t. lJO/SlJII.· Milln.-l memher: Rev. Nils Giere. (un!Jy, M;nll.-l memher: Re\,. ,1. O. Kraabcl. (.'OItOflll'Oot!. Minfl.-l member: J\ 1r. and .Mrs. A. P . En/.:lIllt. . '

f.'Vlns. Minn.-l member: Cyrus Lutheran Ladies Aid. IIetl'nil Lakes. Mi nll .- I nlpmbcr: Detroit Lakes Norwe!,;iall Ladil';s Aid. /iIIlTlI.1', Minn.-l IIl<'lllber: Our Savior's L u th er LeagtH'" F"I glls Flllls. l11illll.-,,1 memher: Rev. S. L. Tallak:on. F.. rlile. 1inn.-2 I1lI·mhl' .. .-: R,,\,. G. W. Tolo, �lr'. G. W. '1'01". .1 (((' /;-.1011. 111ill1l., ..,"1 melll,her: [ nion State Line Ladies Aid. 1\1'111'011, Mintl.-r 11l"l1Iher: Tlord"n Ladies Aid. Mri/;,-/. M inll.-1 memhe r : R"v.1 val' Havneros. MillllC/ipolis, Minn.-12 llll'llIllf:r-,;: He\,. .1. E. Grunli, Mr,. 1\. II. Klln:n. Ill'\'. and Mrs. '\[vin l;. Lewis, O. H. O din . He\,. J ohn Peterson, Dr. J. . K. Prell". William C. Preus. Dr. II. 0, Slollr,on, He,'. 11. .1. :"tnkr:. Hannah Swcnsl'lId. fda Swensrllcl, Dr. N. l\l. Ylvisakcr.

jVJoorhead, M inn.-4 rll"rnber�: Dora A. Heri'.. Or. .r. N. Hro�\"I1, Re'-. R. A. Harrisvilie, Prof. H. C. Nordlie. North/ield, Minn.-6 mcm!Jcr�: Dr. L. W. Hoe. Dr. r. O. H o lland L. M. Slavig, Mrs, L. M. St.avig. Anna ThykeH·n.


Howard Hong, Rev.

Owatonna-, Minn.-l me mb er : Trinity L. D. R. . tewartville. Minn.-l member: Oscar Even on. Sl, Paul, 1)!linn.�6 rn�mbers: Chri I L utheran II1j��iul1arl' Society. R�,·. Olaf Lysrw,. Mrs. Olaf Lyan Dr. and Mrs. R. lVlalmin, Dr. M. C. StalJand, Or. M. .I. Stolee. Terrace, Minn.-l member: Rev. G. G. Rei 10. Wanamingo, Minn. 1 m mb r: Trinily Sunday S ehoul. AnacoTlri". MOTlt.-2 mem bers : Rev. Theo. P. Ne"", Mrg. Ther. P. N,,"t('. ComertowTI. Mont.-l member: M. L. Rostad. Conrad, Mont.�··-2 members: Rev. H. M. En gh . Andrew L. Erick"on. ed um Mrs. J. W. WerIlIm. (;[asgow, MOllt.-- 2 m emb ers : J. \. Kalispell. Mont...-l member: l'lrs. H. B. Henriksen. Libby, Mont.-1 member: I· Rolseur. Martin8dale, Mont.-l member: ;virs. Ed". Gel). Frilz. MissQula. M on t. 3 member: Rev. srl L. Fos,_ \In Carl L. Fa ,.Ioall FOR�. Noh/y, 1110nt.-1 member: An to n Storvik. Blair, Ne br.-2 members: Dr. H. F. Swansen, ."Ilrs. H. F. Swansen. Reno, Ncv.-l memb er : '!ro. Elbert L. Walker. Cooperstown., N. Dak.-l memb e r : Dr. P. H. Holm·Jcl1:;cn. Dunseith. N. Dak. l member: Rev. P. C. Danielson. Grand Forks, N. Dak.-1 member: Geo rge H. Ru,tad. Landa, T. Duk,-l member: Rev. H. J. Hansen. Mayville, N. Dak.-3 members: BeOiold Groth, Berl Groth, Erl in g Groth. McVille, N. Dak .-l member: Lutheran Ladies Aid. Rolette, N. Dak.-l member : . Oscar Myhre. Cincinnati, Ohio-1 memb r: Emry C. Skarshaug. r:restline, Ohio-1 member: Rev. H_ erbert Hopp. Astoria, O reg.--6 members: Walter Christemen . .E:lmer Hauke, Mrs. 1'. Henning,ell. Mrs. Jens Nielsen, Johanna Nielsen, Johanna Rasmussen. Bend, Oreg.-3 m mbe : [rs. M. Ander"on, C o n rad Braaten, First Lutheran Church. r:anby, Oreg.-4 members: l'Ilr�. l\·lary Hai,tl'n, 1.. J. HlIe"k, Zoaf Luthl'rall C h urch, •






Zoar YonD" People's Society.

Eugene, Oreg.--ll members: Re . R. BogHao . .\irs. R. Bogstad, ]\/r. and .\Irs. Alfred Hanson, Mrs, G. O. Haug n, Mrs. Netti Haugen, A. C. Jordanger, Rr·v. 1'. J. J.uvaas, i\Irs. H. P. Mevig, Chri . Skilbrcd. A. A. Stef'". Rev. H. J. Thorpe. Maplewood, Oreg.-l mem b er : G. J. Arne on. Oregon r:it")', Oreg.--4, memher : Mrs. Joharrna ;\Ia rtin John .\lo,llIi, Rn·. I·:. C. Wl"�,L Zion L uth eran Church. Pendleton. Oreg.-3 memb e rs : Mr,. Adele Kuper" Peace Lutheran Missionary Sncif'ty, Pea e Lutheran Sunday School. Pilot Rock, Oreg.-l m ember : Mrs. Sarah Fahrenwald. Portland, Oreg.-39 mer n b rs: Mrs. Geo, Atcfri"on, Bctbleh�1l1 Lutheran C hurch. Rev. P. O. Bruland, John B. Butenschoen, Cen t ral Lutheran hoir, G. A. Charlston, Mr G. A. Charlston, orgny Christofferson. Rev. O. K. Davidson. ?Irs. O. K. Davidson , iClor A. EJvestrom, Mrs. Victor A. Elvestrom. Evelyn E ri ckson r. E. Ericbon, Han� Hansen, tr. and Mrs. enneth C. I-ranson. Clarice S. Hatlelid, ReI'. H. O. Hendric!..on, J. Jern Selma Jorgenson. Clara K.JlULSen. Rev. AIL M. Kraabel, 1\lrs. Alf 1\1. Kraab I,. Aif Thomas Kraahel. Paul Swenson Kraahel, MT. and Mrs. Harol d Larson. Rev. L. Ludwig, Mrs. 1. Ludwig. MarY-ll'Ialtha Society. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. 'els on Margaret M. Nielsen, Rev. C. . Odell, Th�odore Opsund, Paul C. Ostroot, Margarel 'orath. Rev. Paul V. Randolph, Mrs. Paul V. R an dol ph LOllise Sholseth Mr�. Esther Smithson. Silverton, Oreg.-3D memuers: Ardis Aarhuo. Clarisea Br a ger J. J. Byber::;. T. Dok k II. Cornelia Goplerlld. l\fr . :Marie Gopierud, Annie Haueberg. M. O. Hatteberg. Mn<. Chrisliall Jacobson, Alice Jen- n. Mrs. Anna K. .Jen�en. Thea J ensen. Rev. .T. i\'l. .Jens n. �'ln; . .J. l\f. J enson . IIfrs. A. O. Legard. J . .T. Moe. Elmer C. Olsen. Mn;. Elmpr c:. Oloen, Han na h M. Olsen. OFcar R . OverluJ1rI. .I. K R efsl and . Mrs. .T. K Refsland, 011' Sarndahl, Ole Satem, Mrs. 01 Satern. Mn;. B. Tingelstad, Mari" Tingelstad, Torvell d Samuel Torven d Trinity Lutheran Church. Woodburn, Oreg.-4 members: Elnora Asper. Rev. 01111" A'per. Orlando A�per. Thelma Asper. Butler, Pa.-l melllLer: Rev. W. E. Schram Ill. ,











. Dak.-I members: Alfred A.per, �lr. and Mr,. C. B. A,pcr, -'10-. alld .I\-Ir . :arl Hag n, Mr .. H. E. Herbrandson.

1 mem ber : Bethesda Larue' id. . olm(J7l. . lJak.-l member: Midway Ladie� A id. (.01101l, S. Dalc.-J member: First Lutheran Ladie. Aid. Gayuill, . Dak.-1 member: Ernest W. IsDn. Hud.�01L, S. ak.-l member : Mr. and Mrs. R. S. \ f"rnbllllll. I,nke Andes, S. Dak.-2 member,: Rev. A. • r. Turmu, .\I.r,. A. M. TlIrllll>. Oldham, S. Dak.-1 mem r: J\lr" Francis Becker. Presho, S. Dak.-l member: R . 1'. M. Troen. Sioux Falls, S. Dak.�2 member" Clyde ,rimHvtdt, Le na Tandberg. Aberdeell, Wasb.- 1 members: Ed. ar! on, A. ]. Engen, Alfred H. O. t:ri ·k"on. G. It Haukeli, Jaeob Hegg, Harry '. Olsen, Our a\ior' L adi sAid, Clu·i1i. Pet rson, M r�. 1l�. trand, Mr . Carl A. Swenson, Mrs. T. E. Warn - . nacortes, Wash.-5 member: John Berentson, Mrs. John Beren tson, Sigllc Hjenl1stad, \lr. and l\1J'\l. . OalJand, Mrs. H. . Trulson. Arlingtoll, Trllsh.-3 membrrs: Mrs. Ada Martin, Thnrvald Olsen, Our Savior's LacJie, nristoi. S. Dn/c.

Aid. Bellingham, Wash. 9 members: l\lrs. Jacob Bakke, Josephine Bervin, Bethany Luth· pran Circle, 1. I. Bjo rli e, 'lr. L. P. Bjor l i e, Mrs. Elmer Bogan, Mrs. J ohn Brooten, \Jr�. A. Bruland, Mrs. Ali e Buchanan, Mrs. A. V. Carey, �lrs. 1. E. Dufraine, :Mr,. Louis Ebeling, Mr . A. . Egbcrg, Casper Erholm, Mrs. Chas. Erholm, MIS. Esther rnnhurd, Martin E. Han-on, Olga E. Hanson, Paul Hanson, Rev. Clarence Ford, . Haugen, Mrs. Clementine Hazen, Mrs. Regina P. Hemnes, Mr. a nd r Irs. B. C. Uolmes, Mrs. C. Holme . Mrs. E. Jacobson, 1rs. Victor Jensen, Mr . O. M. Jevning, Mrs. Ben Johllbon, Mrs. J . . . Johnson, P. S. ]ohnsun, Wilma .J o l m�un, NIn;. Lewis Knutson, Ceo. Kopperdahl, :Mrs. H. Larson, Mrs. C. J. Lee, Lucille L e, Mrs. P. P. L c, Palmer Le , "irs. Palmer Lee, Rob ert Lee, i\·lrs. Kenneth Loomer, Mr�. L. W. \Jill r, P. K. !lIoen, 'In;. D. J. \Ioldrem, Dina -loldrem, O. A. Myhre, SYllva Nicol, Andrew yland, C. J. l'en, Mrs. C. J. Olsen, Emil Olsen. Ou r avior'� Ladies Aid, Our Savior" L ut.h Tan hUTch, Ow, a vi a r's Lutheran Mission Circle, A. P. Petersoll . .vIrs . A. P. Pet r on, MIlo. has. W. Pel r on, Kenneth Pt'lerson, L Lie Peter"on, R,,\'. Earl oiland, Elsie orlie, II'". E. Toler, Arth ur ". Weber, II. 1'. Weher, Mrs. 11. 1'. WeLt:r, Mrs. Atlanta Westby, ·fr. Geo. Wranl', Rev. C. Zimmerman. BotheLL, Wash.-l member: Rev. J. P. Knudson. /1'>(1;, Wash.-lO m mbers: Herman Anderson, Mrs. I·lerman Ander�on. Lizzi" Bop, Ima Hood,�:[ . Eri<:k Hood, Arne .John�on, Bi rgeI' Johnson, 'lella Johnson, Rertha Omdal. anford Omdal. Nrelnerton, Wash.-16 member.: IIII'. and Mrs. inar A 'peland, Dr. and Mrs. C. £. Benson, R. C. Birkelo, Mrs. R. C. Birkelo, Mr. and ;\1r5. eha. Butschcn, lr. and Mrs. Hans Harreschou, Rev. Theo. Hokenstad, Mrs. "heo. Hokenstad, Fr itz Jensen, lVk. Fritz Jensen, l\1rs. Anna Lionberger, E. Lofthu , Lutheran Ladies Guild, Mr. and ualheim. Mr. and ;\irs. M. O. Vea. Mr. . William Olson, il1rs. 1 llie /l"riington, Wash.-22 members: R. Arntzen, I . R. Arntzen, -lrs. Sofus Hansen, Mr.,. luis. nutz 'n, ;VII' . Chris. Knutzen, Elmer Knntzen , Wm. H ol t mp, Ole KaaJand. G�(I. Knutzen, Mrs. Geo. Knutzen, W. J. Knutzen, l'I-frs. Olive Ko l and, North l'ug�t Sound Circuit W. M. F., l\'lrs. Rudolph Pulver, Rev. L. Rasmussen, :M rs. L. Rasmu�· �en, Lenore Rasmussen, \V illiam Rasmus en, Stina Stevens , NIcs. Nels Tenncson, Lan, Tronsdal, Mrs. Lal's Tronsdal. Camas, Wash.-2 memb ers : IvaI' Grae, Mrs. hal' Grae. onsear. A. L. L ocffelbci n. Mrs. A. L. Loeffel· CashmeT£', Wash.� members: R v. O. bein, Lillian Loeffelbcin, H. H. Rie ke, Mrs. H. n. ieke, Mr. ' and Mrs. Henry W. Riek , R. E. Schorsunan. Castle Rock, lfIash.-l member : Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guttwald. Cathlamel, lf7ash.-2 members: Sunny '811ds Ladi es Aid, Ole Torget. Chinook, Wa.,h.-.3 membf'rs: Irs. Carl Anderson, Lutheran Ladil"! Air!, Mrs. Randi Olse n. (:lillton, Wash.-2 mem bers : Aug. E. Erickson, Otto Forde. r.osmopolis, Wash.-l member: E. T. kjon by. (:romlcell. Wash.-l membe r : romwell 1. D. R. f)avenporl. Wash.--4 members: Rev. F. .1. Ahrf:'ndt, Fred C. Uudo., Carl 1'. OISo)lI, C<)(lr;;" Reinbol d. Dockton, WlLsh.-1 member: John Petersen. D"llOnt, Wush.-l lllemb,l' : Lenore >Vithrow. F:as/ SlfIll1Co(ld, lf7ash.-19 rnembcl'!": Ll oyd ;'vl. AlIlWldslJll. O. C. Amundson, Mrs. LuI'.

Hrl:l 1 l 1 1 , .\laLle !:Iuli, Mrs, �I ar gcl l3u1i, Mrs. A ndrew Yu lJen, Fr"dJurIl L ad i " A i J , O . C . Gulb ranson, Mrs. O . C. Cul bran�oo, C . J . Gun dersun, .\I r ,. C . J , Gander�oll, A l L e rt Halvorson.' J oho 1 1alvo rsull, A l la n .V1 . 1 I 8I""n , Peter Logl'n, Nl i l ltown L u t h · eran L ad i c:; i U d , Bernard Nysethcr, M rs . •\ I a ni e Skar, Woodl a n d Group o f the Easl �tanll'ood Ladi D/cl!simrg,


TfI as h .-3 mem Lers : N. C. CralllLo, ]\]n;. � op " i e !\ l u n:;ol1, Ole Nurdclu i s l ,

f'; ,u/iI'OIl, Il"a:;h.-2 members : Henry I:k rgcrl, Carl Smiek. C:;jJ{/1I0/1I, lFash.- 1 member : H en ry Weyen, Jr. ";verdL, Ira.>h.---'16 m embe rs : Rev. O. A. BerKe, I I . D. l:I u l " l a l l , M r •. I I. D. 13.)1olad, I n gebo r g Bubtad, C a r l B r u w n , M n;. L e n a Brown, Mrs. '1'. Ccderhm g, C l a ra )\-I. ( :h ri ten,,'n, East �u, nn y" i d " Ladies Aid, C. C. Ene,;lveJ t , Eleanor Englund, N L' i l Creger - o n , H . J . G u nden;on, Mrs. Agnes tl!lUel1 , Duris lI allen, Mrs. 1. .I . H augl i , O\'o; H eiri o i n g , C ina lI ug h d ab l , H . O . J ohnsun, M . J o iJ n son, Mrs. Marcn K i n es, A n na It. Krav i k . L. J . L',e, Mrs. 1. J. Lee, W. Fred Lee, M rs. J . I I. ]\Iartinsen, iIlr.-. orgaard, Ruth Norgaard, 1\ 1 1'. and Mrs. 1::. 1 1 . Ogard, A rt h u r I I. M a t h ison, ',Esther O lso n , M rs. O. Upstad, O u r Savil)r's L u t h e r a n C h u rch, Our Savio r'� Lutheran � u n day School, J o h n Q u a m, Ru b e r t Quam, M rs. T i n a Rcell, t ; i n a Solberg, E. O. �ta wick, S id n ey Stas\\ ie/.. , 'Irs. A. Thoresoll, Mabel A. Thoreson, C. M. Th n rs o n , / Jori ' r.J . Vinjc, Ruth Villj , O. H. Vognild. f�' lIer:;oll, rr ash. memb rs : M rs. Bert Halllilton, .Vl r�. C. II. l 1off, Lutheran ]\I itis io n Society ( Lawrence ) , lurie Tollum. Fair f ield, ff/ash.-5 nlcmiJcrs : M r� . J l ulda B u c h olz, Chas. 11. H al l llt' r, Rev. O . W. Reitz, !\Irs. O. " . Reitz, Fred Steeks. Farmington,,-l lllemLcr : Adam Fischer. (; ig Harbor, J11ash.-2 melllbers : Edith Kooley, G e r b a r d Mull er. Hay, /fas// .- I member : G. J . Aune. H o q lliam , If/a,h.-'2 mell,1,,,r. : Fi rst J\ o r ll'cgian L u t h eran Ladic� Aid, A . A. Parker. film eo, Ira5h.-1 n1em ber : Ol g a Benson. I\ CIlfl./!I"'ick, lfiash .-9 m e m ber s : Ole B rue, Rev . Carl E. L u c k y, �lrs. Carl E. L u e k }' ,

F red M i l l s , Mrs. Fred M.iIl5, Olav Ol hcilll , ,}I I'. and Mrs. La u r it z S m i t h , Lewis Tweed t , Rolwrt E. Tweedl. I\cnt. JT.'ash,-2� members : H i l d a A n d,!rSOll, Jens K. n. A n derson, M rs. J en s K. ll. Anderson, .E. R. B i r k l id , Iver E l l i n gson, Chetiter Hansen, M rs. Einar Hansen, Ma r g u e r. i t e H ansen, Se na J ohnson, K e n t L u tl ,c ran Church, '\'icri d i an L u th c ra n M ission G u i l d , I l ans J. Nioe, Mrs. Ch ri ,.; , Surellson, ASlritl Ul lcland, C. N. U l lclalld, 1\'11'0, C. N . l J llel aJ,t1, Daa n e U I I,·land, l IaroJd U l leland, M r,.;. H a r o l d t l l le/alld. J anct .\ larl cll " U l leJ and, .I c a n Marie U l lcland, Nels l Ie.1 u lld, Geo. W h a l l , Z i ul l I .ad.i(," A id. I\ CY flort, IVaslr .-2 members : J ud i t h Bensu,n, J . Matlison. Lacroiise, IJI([S".-;� members : T. A . )fyklebu,.;t, B . 11'1. � t "J1I 'enS()ll, J. R. \vi"cn Lakewood, W aslz.---'J members : A l f r ed B j o rn , I'irsl L u t heran Lad ies A i d , M r � Hr; d .\ 1 1''';. O. Gregerson, S. Tornrnervik. Latah, n1{/slr.-1 m e m b e r : A. H. BriBcken. f,{jllgvi�l�, Ifa.l'II.-·-l member : K. T. l\'1yklebust. Manette, Wash.-3 members : I l ughart Olsen, I I. 'forg e t , M r ,.;. I I . T"rge ! . Mansfield, Wash.-2 members : J a s per J oiIn sClIl , .\1 rs. J a< l1 e r J u h uson. Marysville. TV ash.-7 members : C. ChristClffcrson, M rs. C. eh ristoff('rson, J{"". I'run k I .. E r n , Mrs. Fra n k 1. Erickson, H . G. Il'l a t t c m , J u lcen H . \-I • a tlern , r,. avage. Mount II anon , Iriash.-8 mem bers : A . B. ATl llcrson . F i r · Conw a y Ladies A itl, P. Huit,:, Mrs. P. H o l t e , A.liee t.l. Lund, L G. Nyhu�, l"Ir�. L. C. N y l l \' '; , Ll oyd N y h u,.;. Norlh Bonneville, Tf1a.l'h.-l member : Mrs. J . Neil Reed. Oak Harbor, IVlI.>h.-1 membe r : Peler Larsen. Olalia, Jria,Ih.-l llIem b e r : Mrs. David Carhon. O lympia, l1" ash.-9 m e m l wl's : M rs. Earl R udl e y. �\,I r. a nd M r�. C lI" Fan l . Kul,er! FrCL I · richu n , Rev. Elmer Il l . .I ohn;;oll, M rs. Ncl. I .i n d g r rn . M al ll'.1 a n d R u t l i Nelson, H . 1.. Olson, I l el ( , 1 1 Olson, '\[1'''. Olivia Olson. Opportun ity, Wash ,-l lllcn,ber : Veda Moe. Orl ing. Wa:;h.-- 1 mpmb�r : John Engfer. Par/.-land, JI7 <l.slI .·-82 members : W il l . Ander,"", C;,'u. c:. A, I l l '" "1. \1 1'," C , '". ( : . A I'II " " , " , K a t h r )�l Al'Ill zl!ll, Carri.: Allsel l h u" Fred A n " ;l1 In". 13" 11 Ikl1oo l 1 . C ra(:I' Blornqui,l, J I. L. . I , D a h l , Mrs. 1-1. L. J. Da h l . Hans Dah l . J r., 01'1\'011 1-', D a h l . S t a n l e y Dahl. "II" . S l an l ,'y Dah l , ;\/rs. E S l her D a\'i � , 13. K. FadIH's,;, i\,rr�. R. K. Fadnes,. )\1 1" . C ur i Fjehlo-. C. S, Fynb",· . Grace Gaard, .\1 1" . K. K. C a a r d , J a n et H auge. L a w r ence H a uge. Ph i l ip E. !-fange, lVI I'S. P h i l i p E. I1 auge, Rhoda l I o kenstad . ] . B. J o h n son, Mr. a nd �[rs. B . 1 . K a rl· "lad, Edgar Lar:;ol1, L u d vig La rson . !\ I rs. l .11dvig Larson , M rs. I >. T. La rso n , Paul Lar· ,- o n , Alvin C. Lehlllan n , 1\11'in R. Leh manl1 , Dr. Harold Leraas, .\'I rs. I lamld Leraa"

E. \. Li u d a l , 1 ( I n i\ I e m n r ialll l . Oa,;,1 Erik ' V Tal " l i n , G u n nar J. G ll n " a r .I. ' Talm i n . O l a J Gerhardt Mal m i n . � T r'. A n na Mey,!r, ClI I'i�. Montio n . P. Nels"n A n n a 1·1 . Ol"o n . Clifford O. O l "o n . 1 1·". Cl i ffo rd O. OIRon. Mury nn (' l l p OI�O;', T. H. Olson. lVf rs. T. H. Ol so n , P. L. C. Do r m i tory A u " i l i a rr. 1 Iury Lou i s p Prells. Paul A. Preus, )lTt-s. Paul A. P rpus. Puul K. Prell';. Prise i ) ] " Preu,. Rev. A. W. Ra mstad. 'frR. A. 'V. R am st ad. I l e len Ra m "t" d. W m . Ra m sta d . Mrs. Rangdi Roe, John M. S al a t e r, Mrs. John _\'1 . SaluteI'. A rl i n g G. Sannerud. :Mrs. A rl i n g G. Sannerud, David Sa n n er u d, K a t h erine Sannf'rud. South Puget SO ll nd Circuit W. lVL F'., A l m a Stolee. E . Thom pson , Dr. O. A . Ting..l· s t ad . 'frs. O . A. Tingelstad, Rev. I. B. Torris n (In Mem oriam ) ' Tr i n i ty G u i l d . N . K . Tvtle ( Tn I1'lemoriam ) . Barbara R . Xavier. Rev. J. l1. Xavier. �1' rR. J . L Xa ia, Pa u l X a vie r , Walter Young. P,tSf'l), fr/(lsh.-·'I nll-'m lll'ri' : 0 1 " R a s lll,<,s,·n. �f r'. O J . . Raslll u"s(·n. R. E. Ra"lll us"ell . S " l l'cif! 1 . , · nUl" " Ta l rn i n . M : r. .

J n h n Skartland.

PMt An geles, W((sh.-3 m(' m b ers : Henry K i el . :Mrs. Luella K iel. Mr•. fl er t h a N(>lsnn. Port Orch ard, fVash.-2 mell11Jers : N. E. Hagen. ) Tn'. F ra n k Lang"r. POri Townsl'nd, Wa.,h.-l memher : L. A. Opstad. Poulsbo. fITflsh.-22 mt'mhers : Mrs. A n na Borge. Ole O. D a h l . Peter Fedt . R,'". L J. flo r en . Mr". L 1. Floren, Tver Hoff, I�l a n d La ke Luther League. l\L .r. Jensen. MI. u n d 1 fn,. S. P. Jensen, L u d v i g Langau net. St i ffen Larsen, Rev. A. M. Lunde. 01<­

l .u n d . . . A rn t Oyen , J. Rin�ut>'" Aleda Seierstad. E d n a S�iers t a d . John Sf'il'fstari. �I ahel " p i c rs t a d . l\ Tr,. Petru Sonju. 1\Irs. A n n i � Teien. Ceo. r.. Teif" 1 /'II )'1/I111/!. Tf/lIs h .-2 nll 'lllhcrs : Nortl(\v"stl'rn Distr i('t ( A nlt'riran T . u t l "' r a n C h u rf·h ) \V. M. FOo N. H . . orenson. HI/ym o n d. Tr1 ash .- l meTTl h,�r : L u t l wra n Ladies Aiel . Reardall . Iff a-,It.--2 memlwrs : Mrs. Emma Car-"lens. ),f " . A . Lutzhoft. Sell"/". flTash.- --72 mem h"rs : R e v . A . O. Aasen , M r s . H a r r y A n d� r'o n . r.. W . A s k . Mr". nn._l· Baumann. Elva B,>rgma n, Bethlehem Lntheran Church. Beth l eh e m Sun· d a y School Birthday Fund. Dan ip1 O . Boyrl, A u gust Busch m a n n . E. B u sc h m an n . \ f ," . J a lll�s J. '-urly. Mrs. Mary Egtved t , A n n a Eng. Cha". Fa ! l and , First Lutheran C h u rch. Fir't No rwel! i a n Lutheran Ch ur ch , First Torw('gian L u t h eran Do rc as So­ . . i , · ! v . Rev. T r . L. Fos., . Dr. L. C. Foss, Mrs. L. r.. Fos�. L r.. Foss Su nsP! H o m " , r . i l l i a n Fo>s. ;,\fagda F'n;;s. Rev. O. L. H aa v i k . O t i l i a M. Ham;tf'en. H . W . Haugl a n d . \ 1 ,·,. Nom B . T. Hercim. J u l i a HOllk nm. F . D. Jen so n . U . G. ]ohan,;cll. Charles J . .I ,,11l 1 .< on. C l ad y� K n u tzen. Rev. Cpo. O. L an e . Mrs. Cf'o. O. Lane. Gf'or1!e Lane, Jr. . N e ! ! i" Lm;o n . K a t h a r i n e �knt's. S o ph i a Leknes, T. W. Magelssen, Mrs. T. W. \ T u C'plsscn. \'frs. O. C. Martel l . Ml'. a n d l\f". Chas. Mieh,>l son. H. fl . 'Tork. P e t er -' . l\ 1 y h n ' . fr". P"! t ' r J. Myhre. Rev. \'1. L. '" ig. Rev. J. Torval Norhy. Mrs. J. ' I ' " r v a l N o r l , ), . D r. i\t Nor!!;ore. El rnp.r N y l i n . \,fr. \ and ]\frs. H . Odeg a r d . ClI r i .'" I ', · ! , ' r,,,,, . "fr,. H. P,·tersol1 .. '-apt. S. R l I ' t HCI. . " a t t I e D i s t rict of t h e A m erican Lu t h era n Chu [('h \V . \�. F O o Sl'attlf' L l l t h er L"aglH·. \[rs. C . Shervcm, Rt'v. Peter Skarlwd t . !VII'''. 1 ) � I t'(' Ska r t \, , · d t . i\·Tr·,. O . .1. Sk r a m . Rev. A H recl E. So rensen . D r. r r . A . S t u l l . O. T. " l' l I iaa"'·Il. ;,\,[". O. 1'. Svl l iaa';t'll. LOlli,,' T'>ll UCSOU. �rrs. K e n n et h Thor;;on. i\'fr. a;,,1 l\fr". A r t h u r Tnwc. 'f r,;. C. Tvc ! , · . �'1()rrnan F. T",·t(', i\fr'. Norlllan F. Tv�t ..·. D r . E,l", i n J. Vickncr. Mart in Wiek. S,·r/I'II- WoolI"y. TfTf{sh. 1 mel11 b...-: !lf r. and Mr;;. S . O m dahL Sil" ((f/{/. I/Yrts h .-.1 II1l'lI1 h, ·r,.; : j\ J " x. fl . A n d,·r,on. M : rs. S r- r i n a Rop:n('ss. Zion T .l l t l , (·rall

Chu rl'l l.

SO llh (lll/ish. Wffsh .-2 mcmhpr' : i\<L 1'. Hoken ;; t a d . ?vlrs. 1\1. T. Hok,'ll st arL SlIlI lh 8"" 11/. Wrts h .-l mend ,,: r : Norw, ', g ian L u th r' ran Ladies A id. S,"'/allll·. Il7l1sh .-;{O 111(,llllwr,, : frPIl" A nd,'r�n n . O. G . A rnesoll. K Bel ger. R,·v. I r. O. B" I f! o m . \1.-. a n d \·frF. A . T. B u t ler. C"'n t ral L u t h erall Ch u rch . C"n t ral L u !heran

T.a,l i ,·" G u i l d . Nell i.> '-hrist ianson. Mrs. E. W. Elliot t , S . R . Erickson . E . Guhrll l i . \fr". Rf'ate Har t � r! . A n n a l l t-nrl riekso n . J . K i rkcv ol d . R . El ine Kraabel, Ol i ver K rock \ f r . f . " 1"(111. Mrs. I f. Ma lntke. \ I ary a n d 7 1 'Tal'tha C l u h, Rf'v. L. C. Ma;;!t>d. 'Mar· " a rt·t \'I i l l er. O. F.. Mo rk e n . Mr. M v re. l n g,. Oll r"�f'L \ofr. anrl Mrs. Ran dol ph

. iVlT"oll. R�v. A. M. Ski n d lo\'. ;Vfrs. \fae E d i t h S m i t h . 1'' ' 111 Sm i t h . :'I-Tr. und Mr'. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ..- T()omlw". R, ·I'. J o h n O . Trontvf'L S"f'II!:fl e, Ir- rrsh.-l llH' n t l l l' r : Rev. H. 1\Ta u . S'IITI /rood II" fTsh .-_ l n... . mher" : C a m a n o Lutlwr3n Ladir·;; A irl . E l a i n , ' E ir l t ' . Erik E i d,·. \I " s. E , ' i k Eitle'. Mr,. K i rst i E idl". i'l'ra rt h a E id , · . .Tc,hn E i n a r", ' n . K . P . p re,orad. \'frs. K . P. Fros ! " d . Nellir Frost.arl, Rev. G. A . Han'on . C o n ra d T . i,·n. )T.-,. Conrad Lien . )r.-,. Otto Lie n , A. K . S a n d wick. !\T r-. A. K. Sam" if'i.,. A. 'Va.-rpn Thofll o,o n . L('vi R. T h om pson . \1rs. Levi R. T h Ol n psnn. R�v. S. J. S. Ylvi.;akl'r. \'i rs. S . .r. . 'r1vi""k er.

:';11'11 " " 1. Wrrsh..-2 m e mIH'f' : 1':,111I'f f 1 \' i rlrlin�. EV(·1 n .Jacohson. T""/lTTI,,. frlflS/'. 1 \ 3 mem her' : n . N. A I I,l.r l l I1 l . \ I [s. Mary A I tIll<l n " l l f ' rgrr. �lortt"l A l 1 d('r,n n , IT. E. nderson. \Irs. [ I . E. An derso n . C . A n de r on Fuel Co. , Anonymous. J. 1\f. Arntson, l\Jrs. E m il Bennett, Anton Berg, • 'Tr. and l\Ir><. C. E. Bergland. J o h n C. Bjorklund, Mrs. O. B ra p:e t , Rev. C. T. Breivik. Mrs. Emma p. Brow n . A r t li u T W . Bn1l1ner. Melvin J . Brync,;tliu, 'frs. rel lie E . Com )' . 1I1r5. C. L. Drowlcy. T.. J. I l ingson, R. F. Eng:vall . frs. A. Fenney, Geo. H. Fisher, Mrs. Ceo. H . Fi s h er, Nels Fore, Henry O . FOES, O ti s J. G rande, Erik Haakenson . Mrs. Erik Haakenson, Evelyn Haakcn .on, C. Haakellhon , Mrs. C. Haakenson, O. O . Hagen, \lr�. O. O. Hagen, Olai Hal! 'ness, fl frs. O I a i Ha en ess , Mrs. P. D. Hawkins, Hope L u th .

I:run Ladie Aid, Lawrence ['Tovey , Mrs. Herman Hovland, Marie Huth, Immanuel Ladies Aid. R. Iwak i r i , :Mrs . C. F. Ierue, L A. J etland, A agot Johnson, Berti! E. John. 'on. B ir!!;er J ohnson , Rev. C. J. J o h n son, "\fr,. Dina .John son, Dr. John Amason Johnson, \frs. John A m ason .Jnhn�on . E. B. Kinf!;, Thelma r abeL Mrs. Ceo. Krull, Ladie. Aid of B thlehem L u t h e ran Chureh, H. O. Lan ning, Mrs. H. O. Lan n i n " . Rev. E. Arthur Larso n . Mrs. E. Arthur Larson , H. M. Larson, Rev. Ceo, O. Lohnes,;. . L u dw i g . Lu t h er L ea gue of Immanuel Lutheran Church, C . O. Lyn n . Dr. Wm. Mrs. E . Mahncke, Ben Mehus, Messiah L u th eran Ladi s A i d , A n n a Mikkelsen, 1\Jcl vin Monsen. C. W. anel irs. l\fyhr . Marie Ne l s o n. Me . Bertha Nel sson, Franz Edward cIs on, Theodore Nehsoll, lVII'S. Theooo re el an, A. J. ewberg, 'fr,. A. J. N wherl!. L. R. Norgard, C. H. ygaard, I\'irs. Louise Oksness, Mrs. Lena Ol"r n , Bernhard 01 on, Ca r s ten M. P d rsen, Rosa Peterson, H. C. Pochert, Burt H . Raymond. Mrs. Bu rt H. Raymond, Janis Mae Raymond, M. E. Reishu5, Mrs. \1. E. R ei s llUS . . S. Risvold . Junet Runbeck, Rev. 0. l\L Ru n n in g, Emma Rynnin!!. '\frs. J. L . R y n n ing, Karen R n i ng, Mrs. O. SchIeg l , Mr. and Mrs. A. W . . ch roeucr. �lrs. Helen Seebu rger. Mrs. Harold B. dvig. HalT)' 13. S Ivig. Peder n . . tciro. frs. Josephine S te n d aL P. O scar �tor1i . 0. J. Storne s, John P. Swanson. ]\frs. rthur Svdow. El lOrr T. T h un e, M '. Fred Walt .. r. r. , Ole 'I' ath n e, J. W i ""ner. frs. E d w a rd a n n g-.

lV([5h.--2 members : Harry B. D ' lrdall 01,· W o l d . member : K . J. Fjeld. V�radale. Wash.-l m embe r : Helen Smi k. WldEe Blufis, Was h .- I mcmL" r: i\fn;. R. , . Reier.on. Wilbur, frash. rnemht'rg : �frs. V. E . Jur�en;;on, l.ena T .ar.on , Rev. Robert O,,'treich. ugust Rnx. Winslolo. WII"h . - 1 mem ber : Port N{adi,on l.utheran Church . Woodin ville. W(/sh .-,� memheni : ,\T ,.o. A n n a Jolln.on, 1\-11'". Aug u�t Per nfl. H il d , ,,· Van colt. ,!er.

Vas h o n . Was" .-1

Person. Yakima, If'ash .-2 members: E r i k ElliTlg:b",.�. Mrs. Churl n t t e \VilIp.rt. lillld'fin. Wis.-l member : Rev. H. P. Norby. Hddenvifle. Wis.-2 members : Osc·a,. M. Luncl;r"ard. Ollr Savior's Ladie� A i d . U, iTlpeTVa Fa lls, Wis.-2 m,>mbers : ReI'. C . E . Skoien. Mrs . C. E. koi en . fJeFulesl, Wi., .-I member : Rev . . 1. O. T w eten. 1','{lTI Claire, Wls,-2 member;; : Fir't Norwegian T .utheran Ladir.s Ai(1. Our Saviur', L u t hemn Congregation. gdgertoll. Wi.�.-l member : R e v. V"rne Gi re_ Cal/o WflY. Wi. .-J member : Chri t Lu t h eran T.a di,,' Aid. Hulm en. Wi'.-1 III mber ; Rev. H. C. Smeby. HIT-tls on . WL-l member : S en i o r 1. D. R. Jane.,ville. Wis.-l memb e r : J . R. J nsen. Oshkosh. rrJ'is.-l member : [da 1'arie Henderso . River Falls. Wis.--l membe r : Rey. A rt hu r S. John,;o n. /( o.•holt. W is.-·l member: !frs. 'f a tie An uerson. Valders. W is.- l mcmh r : Vald,"rs Ladies Aiel. West Allis. W i.t.-2 members : Rev. Einar Lar�oll, Mrs. Einar Larsl l l l . W �st1J)', Wi.L-l member: ReI'. J . O. Holum. Wh itewall'r. Wis. I ml'mber : farie S. Benso n . Tr' jttenb erg, Wi!.- 1 mf:mber : Rev. Ernest . Sihler. licIT, A-O11'. ChilllI- 1 member : O l i ve T. Christen en. l1apliTTlulo. Natal. SOllth A Irica-2 memhe r. : Rev. W. O. R i n da h l , M,.,. W. n. K i n d a ll ! . '"0''''. Nord/iord. Noncal'-:l membe r : R ev. S. Nesd 1. Ragll i" . Pfrilippill cs-'2 �elllben; ; R e\·. Gerhard Lun r , Mn-. er h a r d La,w. lTlric/r , Sw ic ze r land--4 memb"n< : Dr. CTl W . . trom . 1r.,. arl W. _ t n 'lll. Ka r el l f l . St rom . Son j� Slrom.

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