No.2, Part 2
Vol. IX
Pacific Lutheran College Bulletill
August Number, Part
Report of Campus Survey by Charles Altfillisch, Architect.
Annual Report of the President of Pacific Lutheran College.
Financial Statement for the Year Ending July 3 1, 1929.
Friends Find a Way.
NO'Yember Number: l.
Status of the Endowment Fund.
The Pacific Lutheran College Development Association Membership List.
The College Secures Full Accreditation.
This Bulletin contains important information. given to a friend.
It should not be destroyed.
It should be kept for reference, or
Each member of the Pacific Lutheran
College Development Association receives one copy by mail.
Others may receive a copy
on request as long as the supply lasts. A copy of the current catalog, which was published as Part One of the August Bulletin, will be mailed to any address on request.
Vol. IX
Pacific Lutheran College Bulletin Published quarterly by Pacific Lutheran College at Tacoma and Parkland, Washington Entered as second:class matter April 26, 1927, at the postoffice at Tacoma, Washington, under the Act of August 24, 1912. VOL-IX
No.2, Part 2
AUGUST, 1929
Parkland, WaIhingtoll GENTLEMEN: As a result of my visit at your College, my discussions with each one of you and numerous other people who ar' interested in Pacific Lutheran College, the technical data which I have gathered, and [he information in regard to your educational needs which I secured from Doctor Tingelstad, I am pleased to make the following report. Apparently, Pacific Lutheran College has a place in the Northwest. there.
It has
to be met.
The field is
future; but in order to guarantee that future certain demands will have
Thus, rather than propose something of an indefinite nature for your con足
sideration, I am going to urge upon you
certain amount of action during the coming
year. There should be three objectives which should be attained during the coming twelve months.
An three arc important, and they contribute to the future success of
the College in different ways. First, in order to develop [he plant you will ultimately want, it is necessary for you to purchase more property.
This is absolutely essential.
Without it the present
site will be inadequate, and I question if you could grow into the college you desire to because you could not provide for the facilities which are necessary for a high-grade school.
The property to the south, up to [he golf links, should be obtained.
In this
portion it is not neces5ary to buy the property where the new home has been erected JUSt south of the east end of the campus.
This property to the golf grounds, which is ap足
proximately 275 feet, can be ultimately developed into athletic fields for both the boys and the girls. land.
In making our layout for the future, we are counting upon this additional To the west of this property there is quite a little unused level land, which might
be worth owning if it could be purchased along with the other.
Now is the time to get
whatever you can buy. To the east, west, and north, there are strips of property which should belong to the College campus. The ownership of this property would not only prot ct you from undesirable encroachments, but it would also provide grounds for the homes of the faculty.
A high-grade faculty is an important asset to the school.
order to obtain it and hold it, it must fortunate at the present time.
taken care of.
In this respect you are unusuaHy
The second action which should be taken is the erection of a home for your Presi dent. It is highly desirable that you provide a good, modern home of a type which will harmonize with your future construction. It is part of the whole general scheme, and one which you cannot afford to neglect. It shows }'our regard and respect for the station of the head of the institution. Indirectly it has its influence, not alone upon the pupils, but also upon everyone who comes in contact with the College. It shouid be a home which should provide not only all the conveniences of a modern residence, but it should also take into consideration rhe many and varied tasks and duties which the President and his family are subject to. For, after all, the President and his family and his home are your front-line contacts with the balance of the world. A study of the present Gymn asiu m and information as to some of your needs from an educational standpoint supplies the third objective which should be accom plished this year. At the present time you have a very good laboratory for chemistry in the basement of the Gymnasium. The balance of the room is taken up with W1U cd space and the start of a swimming pool. I am satisfied that this pool, if it were com pleted, would not give you the pool you would like to have or should have. It is en tirely inadequate and would make for a very inefficient arrangement. It could not be provided with a number of facilities necessary to the modern pool. In addition to that it would be very costly, not only to complete, but to maintain. Therefore I believe this space should be used for additional laboratorie for physics, biology, etc. These \ ill take care of your needs very well for a number of years until a permanent building shall be provided.
In three ways, then, you would be insuring the future of the Collecre_ Its develop ment would be safeguarded, and encroachment would be limited. The new home will increase your prestige, for as you think, so will others think. And last, you will increase your educational faciliti . You can do all of these, and I urge upon you action. Any development plan of the future must necessarily take into account your present buildings, since you could hardly afford to abandon eit he r them or the entire site. Of course neither building nor site is absolutely ideal. However, it is not a discouraging problem, and I believe after much study it can be solved to your satisfaction. A change of site might mean an expense equal to your endowment. Therefore use of the present buildings should be conti nu ed as long as pos s ibl e, care being taken, with exception of maintenance, not to invest any great amount of money in them. The p resent Gymnasium and Chapel could not be considered as permanent con struction. They would never fit into the scheme of things. However, they can be used very nicely for a number of years until other buildings or units are provided which will take over these activities. The Gymnasium can be used as a combination Science Build· ing and Auditorium, while the Chapel, after it has been relieved of its duties as a chapel, can be used for a few years as a Music Hall. \Vhen they have outlived their usefulness, it is hoped the campus will be fully developed. The big problem seems to be-what to do with the Main Building. Right now I would do nothing with it, holding it in reserve to fill the needs when an emergency arises. At present the fourth and fifth floors are unfinished. I believe before your plant has been completely developed, these floors will be used for something. If by a small expense they can be put to use and thus pro\'ide more funds for some permanent structure for a different typ.:: of activity, it would be well to avail yourself of that op portunity. It might be necessary to usc these floors in one of several waY!l--such as ad ditional dormitory space (although class rooms and sleeping rooms in the same building are far from ideal), additional library fac il iti es, a temporary music room, or band room. The space is there, and until the building has been condemned or is unfit for use or is no longer needed, its facilities should receive a great deal of consideration_ Thus any scheme which is adopted must be complete with or without this building. To begin with, it will have to take its place in the scheme, and then. wb.,.,n it is ultimately removed,
it must still leave a complete and unified development. problem. It is a challenge.
That situation alone is more than
The t}'pe of planning for the College as a whole can be of the individual t}'pe, each building complete in itself; or the unified t}'pe, or what is commonl}' called the institu· tional design, where each building is called a unit, which is a part of a whole scheme. In a sense all of the parts of the plan, even though the}' may be erected over a period of y ars, are housed beneath a single roof, since ever}' division is contiguous one to another. The latter type of planning is becoming more popular, not·onl}' among the small college , but also among the larger universities. Although recrntl}' developed. the idea is not entire!}' ne, , as certain parts of Oxford are on the unified plan. This so-called unit plan is particularly adapted co your needs. It is first of all an economical arrangement to construct. It requires little ground space, and it has proven favorable to efficient administration. Aestheticall}', it lends itself to a grouping d picturesque and connected building masses, producing vistas and a cumulative effect of unity, with harmonious relations of roof line that are strikingly sarisfactor}'. It is more spectacular, and as each unit is added the beauty of th whole incrcas�s. A plan of this t}'pe must necessaril}' be interesting on all four sides. However, as time goes along, and you add to your building and complete your landscaping, I believe the south side will ultimately develop inta a most interesting view. \\lith buildings situted upon the hillside among the pines and firs, with interesting roof lines piercing up between, into the sk}', with the creek below, the athletic ficld further on, and the golf links eyond, a site will be created which cannot help but cause one to pause and admire. This south side or garden side, as we would like to call it, has great pos ibilities. It give:; you a vision worthy co attam. Removal 0;: th � I'ences n til e·.r and north; devdopment of h'dges, lawns, and shrubs, al d bndscaping of the b.nd cross the road to the east; thE building of the President's home, and the ultimate addition of faculty residences across the r d to the north; hauling away the dead crees, swmps, and logs, and the general deaning up of the hillside wiIl lend an attractiveness to your campus which would sur prise even your most optimistic expectations. ft r you have determined upon a scheme of development, it will be necessary f r you to adopt 3. certain type of architecture and decide on the number and kind of units you will wish to enter into thl: completed scheme. Then each part can be scheduled and built according to a program. hether the first unit should be a new library de pends wholly upon your pr gress during the coming year. A girls' dormitory is very essential right now. In addition to that, dormitories aI;e much easier to finance than any other type of building, due to the fact that they have a revenue. However, your educa tional development must keep step with your social development. Your scheme should f course be a unified one, but it must be elastic enough so that it will permit any ch:lI1ge made necessary b}' a change of conditions. This is the type of program I urge you to adopt. But after you have adopted it, I want you to know that if you religiously and completely adhere to such a plan, it will require a great deal of courage and determination, for there will be many times when it may be a trifle easier to wander a bi, from the task which YOli have set out to accom plish. The plan will act as a conrinll�l prod. There will be no let·down until you have completed your entire development, when it will act as a splendid achievement of your cou rage, determination, and vision, as a proof that you thought 5 you builded, that you would build for ever and not lone for present delight or present use alone. Y ur plans, therefore, cannot be little plans, but big plans; aiming high and far into the future; knowing that a noble, logical diagram, once recorded, will never die, but in years to come will ever assert itself with ever growing insistency. Regardless of the difficulties such a plan may pre.sent, it is the only sensible course. You have already taken your first important step in this program, for you are very fortunate to have with you such a man of action as Doctor Tingelstad. He has un-
Limited courage, abundant enthusiasm, and unusual optimism, based on practical judg ment and true honesty. His resourcefulness, with your active support and proven loyalty, cannot but help turn what is now little more than a vision into a beautiful reality, worthy not only because of the education and mental training it will provide, but also worthy because the simple beauty and honesty of its design will always add its share in influ encing and developing the character of those who come in daily contact within its halls. I wish to thank each one of you for your courtesy and your spirit of co-operation during the few days I spent upon your campus, all of which has acted as an inspiration to me while attempting to help solve the problems before you_
Respectfully submitted, (Signed) CHARLES AL TFILLISCH.
ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEGE, 1929 The present incumbent of the presidency of Pacific Lutheran College entered upon his duties August 1 , 1928, <!nd begs leave to submit herewith his first annual report to the Pacific District of the Norwegi:m Lutheran Church of America, in session assembled at Portland, Oregon, May 24, 1929_ This report will present a brief resume of the activities of this school year, will call attention to important school matters requiring the attention of the District meeting, and will carry with it as appendices a financial statement of the business manager, a report on the endowment fund by the treasurer, and the report of architect Charles Altfillisch on the campus survey which he made at Pacific Lutheran College in April, 1929. It is appropriate to repeat at the beginning of this report the word of appreciation contained in the Pacific Lutheran College Bulletin for August, 1928, :lS follows: "Vision, faith, and courage of a high order were required to establish Pacific Lutheran College. Self-sacrificing service and loyalty to an ideal of Christian education have made it pos sible to carryon to the present day. The pledging of an endowment fund of $290,000 was a magnificent eHort to safeguard for the future the educational legacy of the father� and to inaugurate a forward-looking development program for Pacific Lutheran College. Christian people will unite III giving thanks to Almighty God for His mercies and will invoke His blessing and guidance as they face the future with courage and hope." In charting the future development of Pacific Lutheran College, the Board of Trustees adopted the following general policy: l. Conservative Lutheranism with a forward-looking program, in harmony with the University of Washington and also in harmony with the coHeges and seminary of our Church. 2. Economical and audited management, but not retrenchment. 3. Concentrated effort toward immediate solu tion of the problem of financial support. 4. Organization of friends and supporters into a Pacific Lutheran Coll<?ge Development Association. The Board also agreed that the school must be kept in close touch with the people, and the people kept fully in formed about the school. School op.:ned September 1 2, 1928, with an enrollment of 106, a ten per cent increase over rhe previous year's opening enrollment. The total enrollment for this year is 187, as compared with 178 the previous year. There has been a decrease in the number of short-course students, and a corresponding increase in whole-year students_ The time has not come, however, for the discon tinuance of the short-course work for newcomers and beginners in English. The regular faculty of last year was, with one exception, retained, and three new members were added. The members retained were the Rev. J. U. Xavier, O. J. Stuen,
Ph. E. Hauge. Dr. H. J. Hoff, W. J. Freed, the Rev. A. Ramstad, Joseph Edwards, Mrs. Lora B. Kreidler, Miss Lydia Stixrud, Ludvig Larson, who was promoted to business manager, and Mrs. Bertrand Taylor, who took charge of the short-course work on October 22. Professor N_ J. Hong, from 1897 to 1918 principal of the Pacific Lutheran Academy, later head of the English Department at the Lincoln High School, Tacoma, returned to our school after an absence of ten years to be principal of the High School Division and teacher of English at Pacific Lutheran College. Professor Victor A. Elvestrom of Luther College was added as field man, and Miss Clara M. Myhre as sec retary to the administration and teacher of typing and music in the High School Division. The teachers have shown a wonderful spirit of loyalty and have given splendid co operation to the President and the Trustees. This faculty will, in the main, e re tained. I'vIiss Myhre has, to our regret, accepted a position at Bremerton, Washington, for the coming year as teacher of public-school music, the work for which she was espe cially trained at the University of Washington. Whatever other changes in the faculty may be made will be due to the necessities imposed by the final action (whatever that may be) of the acceditation authorities of the state University in regard to our College and our si ter school, Spokane College, whose fate will apparently be determined this summer. Pacific Lutheran College consists now of two divisions: the Junior College and the ormal Department constitute the one division, with Phi Ii? E. Hauge as dean, and the High School Division, including the short-course work, constitutes the other, with N. J. Hong as principal. The entollment for the year in the former division is 104, in the latter 8 3. This administrative reorganization of the school was effected in harmony with the suggestion of last year's inspection committee from the University of Washington, at whose instance other improvements have also been made this year, notably the construction of a new chemistry laboratory and classroom and the improvement and ex pansion of the library. To determine the exact financial status of the College and to secure expert advice in financial problems, the Board of Trustees secured the services of Mr. Rudolph H. nderson, of Minneapolis, Minn. During the week of September 13 he made a com· plete audit of the institution, and i.ll October rendered a most helpful report, in accord· ance with the suggestions in which the present financial policy of the Board has been drafted. On December 14 the new president was formally installed by Dr. Aasgaard, Presi dent of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of An1erica. This was a most impressive event of great dignity and inspiration, and the occasion was graced by the presence of manv honorable delegates from other educational institutions, many pastors, and many dis tinguished and faithful friends. The annual alumni reunion took place on March 9 at the Tacoma Hotel. Thert was a fine attendance, and an optimistic spirit prevailed. April 23 was a red-letter day, inasmuch as on that day occurred the visit of the University inspection committee, coupled with an important meeting of the Board of Trustees, at which architect Charles Altfillisch made his preliminary report on the campus survey. His written report was received on May 18, and his layout, showing in detail the proposed development of the College through twenty-fiv years or more, will soon follow. Despite the adverse weather conditions of a severe winter, the health of the students has been very good. A threatened epidemic of the "flu" in December failed to disrupt the regular work of the school. On April 8, however, the school was plunged into deep gri f by the sudden passing of a beloved student, Miss Eva Knutsen, as the result of fatal injuries sustained in an automobile accident. But God is good, and He has in His mercy made the memory of this Christian girl a wonderful blessing.
The College was represented at the Northwest Lutheran Students' Conference at Spokane College on January 12 and 13 by Ingeborg Bolstad, Irene Dahl, and Dr. H. J. Hoff, and the Lutheran Students' Union Convention at Augustana Academy, Canton, S. Dak., March 1-3, by Irene Dahl. Pacific Lutheran College has invited the Lutheran Students' Union to convene at Parkland next year. A resolution by the Pacific District in support of this invitation might help to make the other schools of our Church willing to come west in next year's student convention. Student activities have enjoyed a good and predominantly healthy development under the supervision of the following teachers: Professor Hong and Professor Stuen, the school paper ("The Mooring Mast"); Professor Hauge, debating; Professor Ram stad boys' athletics; Miss Stixrud, dramatics and girls' athletics; Professor Ramstad and Dr. Hoff, the Dormirory Union; Pr fcssor Edwards. the Pacific Lutheran College Choir, which has developed into a truly wonderful organization of 47 voices. The Choir traveled north on a concert tour in April, and south on a short tour this week in May. It will ap pear in concert before the Pacific District convention next Sunday afternoon. Commencement exercises will be held on June 5, in the evening, with the Rev. L. Ludwig, President of the Northwestern District of the Joint Ohio Synod, delivering
th commencement address. The baccalaureate sermon will be preached on June 2 by the Rev. Mikkel Lono, pastor of Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Tacoma. A summer session for college and normal students will be held from June 10 to July 19 under the direction of Dean Philip E. Hauge. Members of the regular faculty staff will do the teaching. The summer session bulletin is ready for distribution. The regular catalog will be delayed because of special circumstances. As usual, the College has been the recipient of valuable gifts throughout the year; these include a zoalite lamp, given by the school physician, Dr. J. A. Johnson; a pioneer life collection, given to our museum by Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Stensrue; the hedge voted as a class gift by the Class of 1929; the P. L. A. Cl?ss of 1900 gift of $300, given by one of its members to finance the campus survey; and various money gifts from individuals and organizations, sometimes independently of, bm usually in connection with, the Pa cific Lutheran College Development Association. The slogan of the Development Association is "At least a dollar at least once a year", and its goal is a membership of [0,000 members. Its purpose is to help maintain and develop Pacific lutheran College through voluntary gifts and support. The membership on May 21, 1929, is 1,526, and the total contribution from this source $4,326.45, or an average contribution to date of $2.83 per member. The members are kept informed about the College, its problems and prospects and plans, through the quarterly Pacific lutheran College Bulletin. The College has received from the Church its full appropriation (on the 85 per cent basis) for 1929, namely $5 000, less $100 interest charges. A plea was made for sup port from the Joint Ohio Synod at the conference of the Northwestern District of that ynod at Pendleton, Oregon, on May 6, 1929, on the same terms as those controlling the cooperative agreement effective at Spokane College. The Northwestern District had no funds at its disposal for such purpose, but voted a resolution of good will after developing through discussion the assumption that Spokane College and Pacific Luther an College might be amalgamated into one institution before the expiration of 1930. the annual appropriation to Spokane College through this period from the Joint Synod being $5,000. The wording of this resolution is as follows: "It was resolved that we as the Northwestern District petition the Board of Trustees to grant th appropriation at present given to Spokane College to the amalgamated school, in case the amalgamation take place." The chief matters regarding Pacific Lutheran College that require the attention of the Pacific District meeting at this time are the following: L The prompt ingathering of the endowment pledges made in 1927. The loyalty
of the people as evidenced in that wonderful endowment effort should be rewarded by the personal attention to the ingathering of these funds by some person designated to make this matter his main and particular job, as did Karl Hanson for the LlIther-St. Olaf fund. Unpaid pledges furnish no 'income. 2. The financial problem of the current year. A fixed visible annual income of at least $40,000 is required to operate an accredited junior college in the state of Washington. To this must be added the interest on our indebtedness and the expendi tures for permanent improvements. Toward the solution of this problem the Pacific District may take the following step�: (a) Urge all its members to join the Development Association without delay. The fiscal year ends July 31, 1929. (b) Urge its members to solicit support from friends inside and outside uf the District. (c) Reitentc last year's resolution for an offering to the school from each con gregation. (d) Elect men to assist the Board of Trustees in carrying into effect President Aasgaard's suggestion for soliciting funds in other districts of our Church. (e) Approve the approach made �.t Pendleton May 6. Why arc we so hard up now? For two reasons: Our annual operating deficit is not being taken care of by Church appropriation, while we are waiting for the endowment fund to become fully operative; and the state of Washington is enforcing new accredi tation standards which added about $14,000 to our budget for the present year. 3. The accreditation question. The Pacific District should definitely authorize and insist upon the maintenance of Pacific Lutheran College as a fully accerdited school. At present the High School Division is accredited, likewise the Norma! Department. The accreditation of the liberal arts work in the Junior College is now pending. It will help much if the District will declare that it will be satisfied with nothing less than a fully accredited Junior College. This would involve a pledge to meet whatever demands the accreditation authorities may set up. The experience of Spokane College proves sufficiently well that a non-accredited school cannot expect to survive. Our young people cannot be expcted to rally with enthusiasm about a school that is not definitely labeled first-class. 4. The development program as outlined by Mr. Altfillisch. The District is asked by the College Board of Trustees to approve the program outlined in the arch i teet's report. For the coming year this program specifies the expansion of the campus, the erection of the President's residence, and the construction of a biology laboratory to satisfy the demand of the University committee. Pacific Lutheran College can fulfill its mission in the West only if a reasonable amount of constructive development be carried through to success each year. No issue can be more important than the preservation and development of our one Christian school on the Pacific Coast. For the school to fail is for the Church to fail· for the Church to fail is for Christianity to fail; for Christianity to fai'! is for \'X'estern civilization to fail. Only Christianity can avert the calamity of another world war; only the Lutheran Church pastors support with any degree of unanimity the teachings of God's word, (reference is made to the findings of Prof. G. H. Betts, as reported in "The Liter ary Digest" for May 18, 1929); and only Lutheran schools can be expected to give the Lutheran Church the sanctified and consecrated leadership and man power necessary to survival and to national salvation. May God in His mercy graciously bless our deliberations and our efforts to the glory of His holy and blessed name for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior!
the Master's seryice, O. A. TINGELST AD.
CURRENT EXPENSES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JULY 3J, 1929: Teachers' Sal aries _ Heat, janitor, Night
5,533.12 4,123.10
Light and Water
Expense General E x pense
Repairs and
Li bra ry Ex pens es {ne t } dvertising
of Trustees
Net Operating E x pe nse
Interest . ..__ Doubtful Accounts Written Off .
81.45 1,473.83
Mid-\X1est Campaign Expenses Total Current Expenses
and Music)
$11,465.07 5,237.15
678.97 306.85
Board {net income } Typewriter Rent La bor atory Fees
297.19 138.50
Pla cement Service Book Store {Profit}
118.14 80.45 34.50
Piano and Pipe Organ Rent Laundry {Profit} Sundry Ite ms _
Net Operating Income
P. L. C. De velop men t Association Appropriation ______ ____ ______ ___ _ __ _ 15 per cent of Endowment Collections Endowment Interest _._ .. _ ________ ___ ___ Donations __ -----_ ._ Sundry Items ---_. ---------
Total Current Income Less Total Current Expenses Net Gain
16,740.43 5,500.00 4,396.45 560.92 362.70 106.77
$46,044.31 45,832.97
_____ ___ _ _ _
INCREASES IN ASSETS During the year ending July 31, 1929
ret Increase in Cash and Other Current Assets lew
� 4,190.02
hemistry Laboratory
Library Additions
Gymnasium Lavatories
urnitu <: and Eq u ip m nt Grand Piano Real state Added to Campus ____ Real Estate, Other Additions ._
948.49 600.00 300.00
'et Increase in Fixed Assets
Total Net Increase in Assets
� _ _
INCREASES IN LIABILITIES During year ending Ju/y 31. 1929 Increase in Accounts Payable
Appropriation Prepaid Accrued Interest on Notes
�10,262.83 2,500.00
____ -- ___ _ _
Other Current Liabilities, Increase
Net Increase in Notes Payable
Net Increase in Liabilities
Excess of Increa se in Assets Over Increase in _____ Liabilities, (net gain)
Surplus of Assets Over Liabilities, July 31, 1928
$167,77 6.83
Surplus of Assets Over Liabilities, July 31, 1929
Indebtedness Due to Operating Deficits
Indebtedness Due to Investment in Assets
Total Amount of Indebtedness, July 31, 1929 (Including Annuities in the Amount of $1,075.00) Total Valuation of Pacific Lutheran College, July 31, 1929 . Permanent Endowment Fund, July 31, 1929
___ _
64,469.24 232.457.41 76,573.90
Total Capital Invested in Pacific Lutheran College
Total Capital Invested, July 31, 1928
Total Increase in Capital Invested During Year Ending July 31, 1929 . .. . . .._____ -_
FRIENDS FIND A WAY At Pacific Lutheran College we had to do three difficult things during the past year: 1.
Turn the financial tide and thus secure continued banking credit.
Meet new and higher standards for junior college accreditation and thus be
labeled educationally first-class. 3.
Develop a forward-looking, constructive program of achievement and thus
command the support of an intelligent constituency. By th 1.
grace of God, our friends met this three-fold challenge:
They turned the financial tide, so that the school could show a net gain of
$211.34 for the year ending July 31,1929.
This result was made possible chiefly through
the Pacific Lutheran College Development Association, which contributed the sum of
in response to the slogan, "At least a dollar at least once a year."
$1" ,000 of this amount came from friends in the Middle \X'est in �he month of July in r"ponse to
special appeal.
During the month of August nearly
more arrived
from the Middle West, making a total of nearly $15,000 from this somc.
Se I yai friends! Our friends urged consistently and voted officially (at
meeting in May) that "the school be fully rtccredited the requirements for
e ff
acific District
that all efforts b made to meet
rts necessitated an addition of .% 14,000 to our
budget and increased our liabilities by $8,544.89; but the permanent improvements thus effect d more than offset this increase in liabilities.
A report of the successful outcome
to secure complctt.' ac 'cditation will be ound in the November Bulletin.
Our friends all along the line have given most cordia l approval to the developÂ
ment program outlined by the architect, Mr. Charles Altfillisch, in his report of camp u s survey, and this approval found official
Pacific Di
trict meeting
in the unanimous ndorsement
May 25, 1929, a - fall ws:
Col[ ge Corporation d oe s hereby express itself as heartily endo rsing the
acific Lutheran rogram for the
College as outlined by Dr_ O. A. TingcIstad and the Board of Tru tees." These things are made possible, under God, only by the loyal cooperation
These fri ods will take the following recommendari ns of the Pacific District
"We urge our people redeem the
consider it a sa red privilege and serious duty to promptly
pledges made in the drive in 192 7."
"We kindly submit that each member of ou r Church not ani), Join, but urge others to
join, this association" (the Development Association). "After carefully reading the recommendation
f architect Altfillisch,
mend that the first year's work be carried out, namely, the erection of
residence for
president, securing strips of land adjoining the campus, and enlarging the biology
laboratory to satisfy the demands of the University of Washington Committee."
Pacific Lutheran College Bulletin Published quarterly by Pacific Lutheran College at Tacoma and Parkland, \Xlashington ntered as second-class matter April 26, 1 927, at the postoffice at Tacoma, Washington, under the Act of August 24, 1 9 1 2 VOL.
No .
STATUS OF THE ENDOWMENT FU Total An ount Pledged for Five-Year Period Beginning 1 927 Amoullt Paid In Up to J u ly 3 1 , 1 928 Am um Paid In During Year Ending July T tal
mo unt Paid In, July
Transferred to Operarion I nvested i n Bonds
0 $290,000.00
$ 60,769.46 29,3 1 6.3 1
3 1 . 1929
3 1 , 1 9 29
( 1 5'/()
Total Endowment Interest Income for th Year t Paid on An uities Applied to Amortization of Endo ment Expense Applied to Current Operating Expenses tnt r
90,085 .77
5 , 1 3 9 .64
1 1 ,444.70
$ 1 0 l , 5 30.47
uring Year Ending
July 3 1 , 1929 on L an t Pacific
Luth�ran College During Above Period Tnt rest on Savings Account During Above Peri d Intere
9,072.79 3 3 ,0 1 9. 5 1
Endowment Funds Nov. 29, 1 929
Received n Bonds
90,085 .77
29, 3 4 1 .96
oral Endowm nt Funds, July 3 1 , 1 929 Amount Paid In Since July 3 1 , 1 929
% ďż˝ \ 3,5 1 \ .87 _
Balance of Loan of $22,584.66 Made to Paci c Luth ran College in 1 928 Endowmem Exp nses in Pr cess of mortization Ca h in Savings ccount Awa iting Investment
525. 9
563.55 1 1 9.25 $
, 1 ,
560.91 5 60 . 9 2 $
1 ,208.69
DISPOSITION OF ENDOWMENT FUND, NOV. 29, 1 29 Transferred ro Operation (as above) Invested in Bonds
$ 1 3 , 5 1 1 .87 3 6, 1 04.64
Balance of Loan to Pacific Lutheran College
Endowment Expenses to be Amortized
3 3 ,0 1 9 . 5 1
Ca h in Savings Account
Other Cash Awaiting Investment
1 6 1 .80
T tal Endowment Paid In, Nov. 29, 1 929
The fifteen per cent al 10wed for current expenses
[(1 1 , 5 3 0.47
O M E IS US '"'" D arc
be i ng us d to retire In c ' ted-
ne:.s . Half of the interest income is being used for current expenses, and half is bein g used to replace the endowment appeal expenses in the permanent fund.
Tlw Pacillc Lutheran College D�velopment Association was launched ber 23, 1 928.
Se p t em
In response to the slogan, "At least a dollar at least once a year " and
with the declared purpose of maintaining and developing Pacific Lutheran College, friends of the cause of Christian education on the Pacific Coast have enrolled in thiS Association to the number of 3 ,8 1 5 on November 30, 1 929, and the average contribution per member during this period has been �5 . 6 1 , or a total o f '2 1 ,383 .90.
Of this amount, $4,643.47
applies to the budget of the cu rrellt fiscal year, which began on August 1 , 1 929.
I n the
absence of greater support through Church appropria tions, and in proportion as the endowment pledges remain unpaid ( m any not being due till 1 9 3 2 ) , the first pu rpose of the Association must be to make both ends meet each year, and the second purpose to put the development program into e ffect as rapidly as possible.
\Vith the present mem
bership in the Association the school will survive; with 5,000 members it will probabl y make progress; with 1 0,000 members the f u l l realization of t h e complete development program seems assured.
Let all friends of the cause work together to expand the at
tached membership list to 1 0,000!
i 1 1 93 IJ95 344 345 206 207 315 3 5 2. 1 1832 3813 3812 1 12
dm e�
and Month of Contribution
Aa_berg, Mrs. E. E., Spanaw a y , ''V" ash .-Apr. aberg, Margaret, Spa na wa. y , Was h.-A pr. Aaberg, M ild red , Riche." A pts . , Longview,
Wash.-Nov. aberg, Ol a f. Longview, W.lSh.-Nov. A.dland. Rev. N. J . , Orl.'nd. C.liJ.--Oct., No". Aadlond, Mrs . N. J., Orland. Calii.--Oct. , Nov . Aadland, 01., 1 3 3 3 Fcanklin St. , Bellingham, Wash.-Nov. Aaker. Heise H., Ridgew;\y, Iowa-Sept. Aaland, lVIo n!, How;ud, So. Dal e-Aug. Aalia, Dena. Patterson, al iL-No v . Aali.i1.. E . E . , Pa tte rson , Calif.-Nov. Aamodt, Anna, Star Rou te , Clatskanie, Ortg.
-'sept. 187� 187>
709 710 711 1 8 76 2185
1 877 1 2 78 893
894 29 1 8 1 1 68 997 2596 2588 1 713 1 025
2519 2 105 3434 2 1 16
2658 35 1 6 2250
24 1 8 1 0 26
1 2 79 1 09 2 3335 3488 2224 2212 2785 2814
2791 2763 2704 1 1 23
1 1 24 3801 3 3 68
3 3 64
1 34 7 1 3 60
i 296 612
Olmo dt, G('o . • Cot to nwoo d , I\II i n n.-J ul y A amo dt, Jo hn , Cotto nw ood I lVli nn . -Juh· Aamod t, Lauritz, C la ts k an ie, Oreg.-Feb . Aam od t. LVlartha. Clatskanie, Oreg.-Feb. Aamodt. �lartin. Clatskanie, Oreg.-Feb. Aamodt, O la i, Cottonwood, �tinn.-J u l y Aanestad, Rev. C . \'V" ., Twin V a l l e y, NIinn.
-July Aarcstad. �I . , Cottonwood, M i n n .-J u ly :IJil, Mrs. Z. A . . Kendrick, I da ho--Apr. Aa$�t\, Re .... . A. 0., 1 4 2 5 v ! lo n ro e Sr., N. E. . M inn eapoli s , Mi n n .-l'vl ar . A:1Sen, �Irs. A. 0., 1 4 26 Mo nroe Sc., N. E . , MinneapoliJ. LVlinn.-lvIar. aseo, Axel, Ro u te- 2 , Sunburg, ivlinn.-July Aassaard, Dr. J. A., 408 Fifth Ave. So., i'vlinn eapolis. lVlinn.-Apr. Abcdseth, R.t 1 9 5 1 So. Ash, Tacoma, \'V" ash.
-Mar. Abild. Peter, Wakonda , So. Oak.-July bild , Rudolph. W akon da , So. Oak.-Jul)' hlstedt, Mrs. Russel, 1 3 46 Humboldt, Bell ingh am, W as-h.-J u l y Ahola. Mayme . 6 0 0 Com me rci<ll S t . . Portland, Oreg.-i'vlar. Albertson, E .. Beresford, So. Dak.-July lbertson. Edward 0.) Ro u te 2 , Calmar, • lo wa-J u l�' Albertson) Halvord. \'V"cstbrook. M inn .-J ul y Albertson, J oh n , Route 2, Cal ma r , 10\\13Ju l),
Albertson. Oscar, Nunda, So. Dak.-J uly t . Jamt·s Congregation, St. Ja mes . Albion lvli n n .-Sept. lien. Andr., Decorah. lowa--J ut�, Alugc-r, Ch as. , Story City, lowa-Ju1r Alstead. P. M., 6603 Junctt Sc., Tacoma.. W ..h .-M,r . Altfi llisch, Ch.ules, Dec o rah , Iowa-Apr . , Nov. Amland. Har ol d J., 626 Ea . Jessamine St" St. Paul. ivlinn.-MaL Amlcy. C. 0 . . New Ri chl a nd , Minn.-July A mod t , L . , Northfield. M i nn .-A ug. Am u n ds e n , Iva r, Fr ost. Mi nn .-J u l y mundsen, J . J ' t Route I, Bricelyn) 1\.1inn. July Amundsen, Jo h n , Hanska, NllOn.-July Amundsen. Mrs. The., 4 6 1 Ea. 7th St" Red Wing, lvlinn.-July Amundsen, Theo., Hanska, Minn .-J u 1 r Amundson, A . 0 . , Hanska, Mi n n .-Jul y
Amundson, Anton, Hayward, Minn.-July Amundson , Emil. 1 2 1 5 40th Ave. No . . Se· attle. \'G' ilsh.-Mar. Amundson, Mrs. Emil. 1 2 1 5 40th Ave. N o . , Seattle, W ash .-Mar.
Serial No .
1 5 79 1 234 1 1 25 89 1 1 878
125 1 26
3009 2 1 86 3 3 90 3113
2944 3 1 80 1 67 3624
1 664 2 1 57 2052
239' 2832
2756 1 1 48
nc.apoli5, M i n n .-June Andersen, K:lrl, 1 23 7 So. Grant St . . T;1 coma, WI ash .-Apr. Andersen. P. A . . 1 63 0 27th Ave., Seattle, Wash .-Mar" Oct. Andersen, Wm., Route 5 , Box 568, T:t(oma,
Wi ash.-MJ.r_ Anderson, A. E., Co tto nw ood , Minu .-July Anderson, A. M .. Parkland, W.,h.-Sept. ....."1. , Parkland, \'Vash. Anderson, Mrs. A. 1'
An derson, A. 0., Echo, Minn.-J uly An de rson . A. P. , R idg eway, I owa-J u l y A nde rson , A. T . . Westbrook, Minn.-Aui· Andt."'("son, A. \'V". T., Route 2, Gl e nvi ll e , Niinn.-July Anderson, Adolph J., Houston, Minn.-July Anderson. Mrs. A�nctte J . . Zumbrota, M i n n . -J ull' Anderson, Rev. Albc-rt, Zclzah. CaHf.-Oct. Anderson, AlbNt, Rou te 2, Bow, ''V a5 h . OCt . Anderson, Alvin, Ro ute D, R i ve r Falls. Wis. -July An derlon. An ders, Sargeant, Minn .-July
Anderson, Andre, Dennison , lv-linn.-July A n derson , Andrew, Ro u te 6, D ecorah . Iowa
Anderson. Andrew C., Route 2, ''G' ha hm , M i n n .-J u l}' Anderson. Andrew J., W35eca, l'vlinn.-July Anderson. NIrs. Annn, 1 1 8 9 So. J St., Taco ma,
Anderson, Archie. Cottonwood, fvlinn.-July Anderson, Arne, Gr:lnd Meadow, Minn .-Jul�' A nde rson , Arthur, Route 7, Owatonna, rvl i n n . - Jul),
Anderson , August, Ga,den Grove, Cal i f . Apr. Anderson, Ben, Rouu 2. Bo ...... \'\f ash.--O(t. An dH son . Mrs. Ben, Maddock, No. D:tk. Jul)' Ander�on, Prof. C. A., Sh a tt u ck School. Fari· bault, rvlinn.-lVhr. Anderson. C. J., Lyle, ivIinn .-July Ande rso n , C. N . . Brandt, So. Dak .-Ju l y Anderson. C:trl, 3 5 1 5 So. 1 0 th St., Tacom:t,
3625 2606 1 1 18 1 880
2 3 20
1 7 24 113 2421 1 548 22 9 5 349 1
3 49 2 1 7 70
1 77 1 585
668 2717 622 1648
Amu n ds on. Sheri da n , East S tan wood, \Vash. -Apr . Am u ndson , Wel li n gt o n, East St�nwood. \'({"h.-Apr.
A nde rson, Rev. A . P., 1 5 1 9 East Ave., Sel ma , Calif.-Jan.
Month of Contrilndion
1 379 3 29 2 2758
Amundson, Erick E . , Byron, Minn.-Nov. Amundson, Hans, Avoca, M i nn .-J ul y A m und s on , Ha rr y , Westb roo k, M i nn .-J u l y mundson, O. C . , East Sun wood. Was h . Apr .
Ndmt:, Address, and
Andecsen, Rev. J. N . , 3637 Park Ave., Min·
\V ash.-l\-hr. Anderson, Mrs. Cnd. Route 2 , B ow . \Vash . July Andenoll. E . J ' . Parkland, \'V" a£h.-Scpt. , O ct . Anderson, E. P . , Sto q' City. Iowa-J uly Ande r£on , Eivind, 5 1 7 No. I S t. , Tacom:l. Wash.-fvlay
J uly
Endre, Norchfield,
Anderson. F. A . . 109 Ni col l e t Ave., Minne apolis , V r linn .-AuR. Anderson, Mrs. F. A., 109 Nicollet Ave., lvlinneapolis. IVlinn.-Aug. Anderson, Rev. F . B . , 415 4th St. So . . Min neapolis, M i nn . -Ju l }' Anderson ) l\1rs. F . B .. 425 4th St. So . , M in · nea po l is , M inn .-Ju I }' Ander,on. F. N . . 1349 W est 59th St., Los AnRe l es, Calif.-Jan. Andcr£on, Mrs. F. N., 1 3 4 9 West 59th St., Los Angeles . Cal i f .-J a n . Anderson, F. 0 . . Oakl.nd. Minn .-July Anderson. G('o. J . , Box 203. Pattetson, Calif. -Jan. Ander:;on, Geo. \V . , Rosholt. W i s . -July Anderson, Mrs . H . • Ro ute Oct.
1, Bow. Wash.
Anderson. H. E. • 924 Pacific A .... e . • T;lcom:t.. Wa,h.-S.pt.
Anderson. H. J . • 877 Rose m oun t Road, Oa'k · land.
1512 3 2 54
Anderson, May
Rou t e
An de rs on,
Wa l nu t
1 725
Name, A ddress, and Month of Contribution
M., Rou t e
Anderson, He l e n
I, Bow, \V.uh.
lVana:, A ddrcH, drld Mottth of COrltribulior,
Theola M . . 1 8 1 9 So. W a sh i ng· Wasl1.-Mar. Anderson Brothers, Route I. Grand MC.1dow,
Anderson. ton S t . ,
July AnderSon, Helena, Route Jul\,
1 88 1 3622
Anderson. Henry, Mayville, No. D:tk.-Jul), An de rson . Herman. Route 2, Bow, WOlsh.
iVlinn.-July Andreasen. Theodorl:,
28 1 5
A n d resen, Rev. 0., 4 1 1 8th St. , Red Wing.
3 24 1882
2097 1 88 3 liB 2 1 29 325 ,26 lD I 6 28�
451 1 1 07 1338 735 1 88 4
26 1 9 529 3804 27 I 1885 3645
Oct. Ande rson,
1 886
1 887
1 14
1 15 1 2l ! I B4 H29 3 63 6 345 1 1 888 5 1
1 � 8q 50 ) 1 10
143 0 65('
1 890 1 8'1 1
J l75 3621
BOl( 90A, Kent,
I. I . , St. Ausgar. Iowa-J uly Anderson. h'3r, Route 2, Ca l ma r , Iowa-J uly Anderson, J. E., Taunton, rvl inn.-Au}:: . Andenon, J. F., 2083 M a reng o A e" Pasa· de n a. Calii .-Mar. Anderson, J. 0., Rou te 5 , De corah , IOYl-'a -July Anduson. lens B . , Kent. Wash.-Nov. Anderson, lVln. J e ns K. B ' t Kenr, W ash. Nov. Andcr�on, John, Portland, No. Oak.-Aug. Anderson, Joh n . Storden. �J i nn.-Jll[Y Anderson,
Westbrook. M i n n .- J u l y J o h n L , S ! I,fcrton. r e '.-Dec. Juhnny H . . 1 0 1 2 No. McCadden Angel es, C.lllf -l\hr. jorgen, Route 1, St.1n· ...ood. W:ash
A n d e: n, A ndc>non. Plact'. Los And�non, - pro Anderson, J u l i us.
1 1 3 0 So. 2 1 st St . , So. Be llingh:"n , Wash.- OV. A n derson, Mrs. Lo u is . l\1inneota, "'I inn. July A n d': r'Son , M. E . . Heimd" l . No. Oak.-July AndL'l"$on, (vI. S . , Hcn n i I1f.j: , M i n n .-Ja.n.
tr5. M,,�nus, P�rnd;,d e, :q:l:)h.Andcr!.<on, No v. An de r U l l , fvla rti n . \X/:ts(',ca, M inn.-J uly A n de rso n , M (' l v i n , Lyle, M i n n . -J u l y Anders o n . M(lrtcn, Route 3, Box 252D, T:l' ( O m ilo ,
\'ifa:l>h .-Ocr .
N. , 5 3 1 E.l. 56th St" Se· attle. Wash .- Fcb. Anderson, Mrs. N£'I!t-, Taunton . M i nn . July And('r�on. Nick. \Vcubrook, fVhnn.-J uly n d.r>on. 0.. 4 2 1 7 a. 5th St . . Long Be ach, Calif.- ct. Andt'fsoh. O. I . . Rose re.rk:. M i n n .- uly A nde.son . O. J . , Pa rkla nd, \VasI1.-Sept.. ov. ndonlo D . Mrs. O. J . • Parkland. Wash. Sept . . Nov. o. L St.. acoma. A nden-o n . O l a f . 1 3 24 \V ash .- pro Ander�on, Ole, Route I . Blaine, \'q�nh. � b)' Anderson. scar. Ch'ar Lake, So. Oak.Ju l\' And."on. P., 5 7 1 8 2 9t h Av•. No. Ea . . 5.· attlt . \Xf ash .-Oct . A n dl'r'Son. P etc r . Lam''H'rton, M i n n .-J u l �' Andn:son. R. A . . L}, l l' , Mmn .-l u l v . , Route 6, Box 146. And�t'5on. Irs. R. Santa Rosa, alif.- Jan. Anderson. R . L., 2 8 1 9 ,...t 1 1 th St., L()� Ang el es , Calif.-} n n . ., Ta u n to n . M in n. -J ld y And� r!ion, R. A n derlon. Dr. Robt. A . • Rout. 6. Rox 1 46 , S:tnta Rosa, C�lif.-Jan. And. on. Ru dolph H., Plymouth BId e · , lvlinn�apol is, Mi nn .-Sept.
fvl rs.
Andf't"Son, S., Rout.c 3 . \'t'rl'lt, \'\fash .-May Andet>on, Mrs. 5 . . 690 H ad do n Road, O.k·
land. C.hf.-J.n And�non. S. A., nd€"rson,
I\<!innrot.1, fvlinn.-July linn. Sarah . Cot ton wood .
A nd�1'5onJ
Flat nc('.
An derSon.
Bow, \\lash.
Anderson, Sven. Belview, Minn.-J uly
1 892
1 89 3 1 894
- July
A n dtr.son.
E. .
M i n n .-July
ttonwood, Minn.
133 1 1501
2414 3750 3522
901 2131 9Z
29 3 3 1 685
1853 1895 961 1794
3 1 9,
IVlinn.-Julv Anonymous, Stanwood, Wash.-Apr. A no n }'mous , c/o Re.v. R. O. Overgaard, Gig Ha rbo r, W3!'\h.-MJ)1 Anonymous. St. Olaf, le·Na-Aug. A n o ny m ous, Abl'rdcen, \'?ash.-Nov. A no n ymous (In Me.mor i a m } t Tacotn a, Wa.s.h. -S�Pt. Anonymous Trinity l\'Icmber, c/o Esther Towe, S i l v t "fto n . Oreg.-Nbr. Ansten, Henry, Route '') , Decorah. 10\\'a
July Anton.s�n.
Edw:trd. Park lan d, ash. ept. Antonsen, InseborG. Parkland, Wa5h.-Sept. Antonsen, Lena, Parkland, \Xlash.-5ept.
re.hart. Mn;. A. Z., Kenyon, ?vli n n .- J u ly Arneson, Prof. Arthur H . • Madison, Minn.
. • M a d iso n , So. Dak.-Aug. Arneson. G. Arnclo n , H('nry, Cottonwood, M i n n .-July meson. Inez. Gig H.l t bor, Wash .-M:l r. rncs:-.s Edwin. R ou te I, D�cor·3h, Iowa-J u l y Arnuen. Albert, 18('16 CurtiJ St., Berkeley,
Ca1 i f .- Jan .
Arntz-c.n. Oct.
ath ryn,
Arfltz�n, R., 3 599
0118 1 1 13 427 Q7
2461 3235 1 896 193 72 620 657 658 1642
Parklanu. 1.
Bu rl i n g ton .
Oct. rntzen. f\.;Jn . R:t anh i l d, Route i . Buriins· ton. \�a5h.-Oct. Arvc.son. B . . Echo. l\1inn .-July Ashe:im, tv!. 0 . , 2309 So. L St. , T:l(OOlil . W.,h.-Mar. Ashland. Helen. Rout(' 3 . Box 63. \'(/ ood· b u r n , Orcg.-D('c. Ask, J oh n . Rout€' 6. O('couh. IO\Y' a-j ul y " Route 5. Decorah. Iowa-J u l ). Ask. Peter Ash·. H. T., La ncJihoro. M lIln .-J u l y A!lkc, !'-'Iartin. Lane sbor I ! i nn .-July Ashk:sont Sam, Routt' 2. Goodh u e , Minn. Jul" Asbkson. Theodore. Rose Cree:k. M i n n .-J uly >leson. f-I. . Northfield. ,jinn.-July Aspi., B . . Al '> ter. So. O.k.-July !af, P a tterson . c.. , lif.-Ja n. Asplund, Attl er .....ee-d. GE:o. 0 . . 668 Neilson t., Berk· eley. C.li£'-]on. Att l<rw«d. O. C , 5925 Broadway, Oakl,nd, aJ.f.-Jan. Aubolee, M . 0., 4058 Chaumone ve., E;r.. S a n Di.go, Calif.- July Aubry, R. E. • 1 9 9 Doloru St. , San Fr;mci c o . Calif.-J.n.
2299 2054
Aubry, N!n. R. . . 1 99 Dolores St . , San Fr:tn(isco, Calif .-J a n . Aunt, J . l . . GI3 1st St., New Westm inster. B . C.-Nov , Auscnhus, Carrie, E :st S r .... nwOQd. \'Q'il�h. Ap r . Aunnhu5, Fred, East St a n w ood, \'(I�h .- pr. Ause n huJ, Hanna. E.lst Su.nwood . \Vash.<h. Austad, J. A . , Dl'cor.l h , Iowa-J uly Austil'l'ion, A . T . , Dt'nni:ton. M i n n .-J u l y
514 3739 1322 1321 708
Ly l e , Minn.-J u l y
1 897
Avt'1'Y. 1'Itrs . Nettie. Zumbrota, Minn.-Aul.
1 74 3
Elm o 0., North wood. lowa
J uly 1214 1215
B:1.21Lion. R�\'. - pr., J u l y
�1inn .
E. .
-Apr., J u l\' 1 23 3
B.eke. A. J . ,
1 42 3
So. M St . . Yocuma , " ash .
ritz, 1047 Beach, Calif.-J o n . Backlin,
St. ,
Nttmc� Add,eu, and Month of Con t ribution 606 3�96 3503 23 02 466 3266 227 4 2266 3 26 3 3 2 65 26�0 1 640
U6 1 2133 2 1 14 3071 1 89 8 9<)8 1 5 84 1 58 5
1 5 86 2 1 65 l t 66 1 3 2) 3470 3736 3744 3 3 23 1392 1 3 93 1 HZ 1 16 1
3749 3737
Mrs. Oar. E., 2736 Copley Ave., San Diego, Calif.-J .n. Bailey, Mrs. Bertha, Ro ut e 3 , Box 1 2 7, Tacoma, \Va;sh.-Aug. Bailey, \Vm " Route 3, BoZ' 126, Tacoma, W.,h.-AuQ. Baker. Knut:, Decora.h, Iow�-Ju ly Ba ker, l'vlnl. T. I-Lt Jr .• Port Townse nd, Wash.-Dcc. Bakke, A. C., Wal nut Grove, l'vIinn.-July Bakke, Gilbert P., Decorah , Iowa-J uly Bakke. J . P., Route 1. Decorah, Iowa-July Bakke. John. Wal n ut Grove, rvl in n .-July
Bakke, -July
3714 3713 238 2627 36 1 4
3615 7
3 647 225)
Seattle, B.atta,
\V/ash.-Ml Y Barn!:!)" 28 1 3
Av� . ,
fhvrcy. OIl:!, 1 6 26 BroOldw"y, E\'�ret t-, Wash. - Ma y Beaver-, John C.. ;ls:son, M inn .-Nov. Beck, A. J . , 2 3 3 3 So. L S,. , Tocom., 'Vash. 0'1.
Beck<'r, Frances. Oldham, So. D;lk.-July Br.lgu m . H enrik 0 .• Rolttte. No. Dd::.-July Bendic' 00. S en , 1 0 1 I Park Ave., Aust i n, Mi nn.-J u ly Bendix, H. P., Fe r nd a ll! . W as ll .-Nov . Be n j:.m i n . J.t Cu ::; t ('r. o.sh.-Nov. cnrud, O. P., P.trkl a n d , \" ash .-Nm'. Aug. B . nso n , 8., M addock , No. O.k.-July Ben son. B. A., Route 2 Bow. \'Vash.-Oct. B enson, M rs. B. .• Ro ut e 2. Bow. \Valh.On. B enso n, Ben, ParkLmd. Wash .-Sept. , Oct. Bc n.s() n. , Mrs. C. I., Ro ute 2, Si lvt'r-ton, Or�g.
- Mar.
Be nse n,
Ben� n ,
La ....· r� ncc .
Bemo n ,
1 7 17
Be n so n,
R uby ,
M rs. Susie.,
Ridgeway, Iowa
Minn .-July
P:t rk!.1 n d .
\"(f:1:5 h .--Se pt.
Park-l a nd ,
\0/ ;lsh.-Sept.
Ie, Dr.c. orah , Io�-Aug . Route 2 ,
B entdahl , J ul y
Joh n
\V.,h .-J uly St . , Ou
J., H.n,ka, M i n n .-J ul y Route
An i" , 1 3 th \q � a3ih .-J u De
1 0 3 6 Union
flv IadcI iil-, Minn. &
1 604 1607 257 258 263 1 3715 27 1 8 75 1 3751 2 769 1656 1 65 7 205
Ber e nt so n.
cortes, \YJash.-june Berentson, John, 1 3 t h &. H Sts., Wa�h.-June
Berentson. Mrs. John, 1 3 t h & H Sts., Ana co rtes, W ash .-Ju ne Bcrentson. Stanley, 1 3 th & H Su. An..a cortes , \YJash.-June Berg, A lf re d , Route 1. Boz 1 9 1 , P uy all up" Wash.-Nov., Oct. Berg, Mrs. Al£red, Ro ute I, Box 1 9 1 , Puy· .llup, Wasl1.-Nov., Oct. Berg, Andrew, Ma dd ock, No. Dak.-July
Berg, Anton, Cu�te:r. Wash.-Nov. B erg, Bern har d, Oak la n d, lvI i n n .-J u ly Berg. Ch ri st , 24 1 3 Ea. 60th St., Seattle,
Wash.-F,b. B e r g. George, '5 1 1 W. 1st St.. Aberdeen, Wash.-Nov. Berg. Iver. Hanska, M inn.-July BUG. J . A., Galesville, Wis.-July Berg. Mrs. J . A .. G.I.,ville, \Vis.-J u l y Berg, Rev. Jos. H. • 1 7 5 E a . Mountain S t.,
590 1 899 2996
lif.-Occ.. Jan. H. • 175 Ea. M o un tain St ., P-au de-na, CaUL-J an. 8er�, Lars. Cottonwood. M in n .-J ul y Berg, l\1. E., Ro u t? I, New Lon don , Minn. Berfh Mrs. Jos.
-July 2070
1 79 5 259 2 60
2040 261
1472 2301 2 4 74 1834 1 84 5
Bergan, A. C.• Stewartville, Minn.-Ju.ly B e rgan , lVl. C., Route I , Deco rah , Iowa.-A ug. Berge. B., Rou te 1. Box 1 9 1 , PU}';1 llup_ Wash. --Nov., Nov. Berge, Carl. Ro ute I. Box 1 9 1 , PU},;,.Uup, \\la sh . - ov .• Nov. Berge, T. L., 909 Ch.lmbC' r of Commerce, Minneapolis, Minn.-July BereC', Made ( Mrs. B.) , Route t , Bo. 1 9 1 , P u yal l up, \Ylash.-Nov . • Nov. Berg!!, R<.'v. O. A . . 2202 Hoy t A\te., vr: r e t t, \'XI ash.- ;lY Bl?'rgeson, iVirs. Josephine, De..:orah , !owa July Bcrgaon, R . B . , D�corah. Iowa-J ut Bergheim. 01<, Howac d. So. O.k.-Aug. Bergseth, Ludvick L.) How rd. So. Dak.
2043 3282 3688 3316 515 2600
1 64 1 1 287 3 1 53 '1 2 2
2483 2249 274 1 2552 2543
752 281
Berkv.m, J . B . ,
1 0 1 0 New York Life Bldg . . Minn.-July St o rde n . l in n .-J ul y Berntson, Mrs. T., Route I , Bo:r 1 2 3 . Puy· a l l u p, Wa�h .-O(t. Bcrtncss. Os car , Route 2. Har t l,1 n d. Mi nn. -Jul,. Be.rvr n , NIr5. Ol iver, 3 7 7 Fa ir O"3b Sr. , 54n Francisco. Calif.-J oln. Bervin, Ie L., Volin, So. Da le-July Be st u l . R ". H . B . • limon, Colo.-Jul}· B('thany LUL her an Circle, BcUingi1.1m, Wash.
8£-rnt50 n ,
arl ,
- pril B�t hlehem Aug.
1900 1901
f'.,'l i n n .
Minn.-July 13ere.forn. So. Oak.- Jul" Birkeland, Ole, Bricelyn, Minn..-J uly Birkeland. Paul, 4330 1 2t h vc. No . E •. , Birkeland, C. N.,
Seattle, \V�sh.-Feb .
Birkclid, Birke lo. -Aug.
B irkclo,
Box 3 0 l A ,
Ke n t,
Alden Richard, May. ilI"
P., (I,.!.ay v i llc,
No. O . k,
No. D.k.-July
B ir kel o ,
Carl Walter, Nlayville.
1 90 3
Auro r a, Ore g .-Dec. Be-vier, J . A., \'(!eubrook. �linn.-July Bi dn e. H. J .. DcC"orah, Iowa-J u ly Big Can oe. Coosrei>;iltion. Loc1.L-'\t. IowlI- July S in G h.1m. Mrs. J. R.. Routt� 7, Owatonna. Bethlehem
\V ash.-Nov.,
Peter, Wr.stbraok, �IIinn .-juJy
& Son,
I3�n&on . D. B., Park.!and, \X'ash .-Oct. Benson, Emily, Decor!lh, Iowa- Aug.
R('n�on, John.
160 5
W .. h.-MJY
Ben so n, M rs. Gum, -J ul"
Min n.
Bale. Oscar, Byron. M i nn .-J ul y Ballin£:cr. M o.. C. M. , 1 727 WHmor� Ave., VE'rctt, \o/ash . -Apr.. f b n� . H .. Storden, rvIi n n .-Aug. Budo.n, P . J., 45 1 8 1 6th Ave. N . E., Sea ttl e, Wa,h .-N v. B a rdon, l 'S. P. J., 4 5 1 8 16th Ave. N. E . , Seattle. \X' ash .- No\'. Ba."hm.1 nra, H.t N('w R ic hla n d. rvl inn.-July B;l5:li�. E. M . , 1 0 1 5 5th Avre. We st , Surtle. W,.h.-Mrr y B,<5o, Mrs. E. lvI . , 1 0 1 5 5th Avo. West,
Aug. Bakken, Mrs. G. H.• Ridgeway. Iowa-July BaUen, Hans J. , Ru,hford. MiD n.-July Bakken, K. 0., Taunton, M in n.-J u ly Ballecun, Lars. 2322 So. in.sworth St., Tacom a , Was h.�M.3 r. B.le, Peef. C. E., 1 4 3 3 9th St. So., Fargo, No . Oa K.-J une B ale. Caroline, P rliu3 Falls, Min n .-J u ne Bale, M r 5 . Jennie. Fergus F i t s , I\1inn.-June 8;).1(", Mrs. KOI.roline, B yron , Minn.-July
Bakke, O . N., Nunda. So. O . k.-J uly Bakke, Ole E., Route 1, D ccor:th , Iowa July Bakke, Phillip. Route I , Oeco ... h, Iowa-J uly Bakken, G. A., Route '5, Decorah, Iowa
23�6 1 7 07 2707
Namt� Address, and Monlh o f C nlribulion 1602
Carl P.• Mayville, No. Dak. No. Dak.
Aug. B irke lo, J udith M ine rY�, �1ayville, No. D:lk-. -Ang .
3530 3 1 05 374� 116 2236 1 53 5 2095 1 673 273 5 1 1 29 1 130 3 267
Namc, AddrcJS, and ;Uonth 0/ Con /riblaio?l Bi rkes tra n d, Prof. H. O. S . , LUlh<r Col lege. De corah, Iowa-S ep t . Bisser, Pete, Route 3, Grove City, M in n . July Bjeld e,. Rf'v. Peter A., Ft. Dauphin, Mada gascar- ov. Bjelde. Sigurd, Parkbnd, W'osh.-Sept. Bjerk e, G. H., Rou" 2, Box 1 7 5 , Albert Lea, Minn.-July ie-rke, R ev . J. A., Brush Prairie, Wash. M Q}' Bjerke, M. J., Route 3, Dorchc:;ter, Iowa July Sjerkeng. Paul, Beldenville, Wis.-July Bjoraker, Lewis, ROllte I, Cl:tremont, M inn . -J u l y . Bjorlie, L . P" 2838 Ellis, Bellingham, Wasb. -Mar. Bjorii., M". L . P., 2838 Ellis, Be l lingh am , Wash. -Mar. Bjofn'jon , Asbjorn, Walnut Grove, M in n .
Serial No. 211 212 680 933 1 1 82 1 1 83 67 1617 1 59 1 1 59 2 3 287 3 269
3 19 2 3 181 3 1 90 3 207 1 09 2746 3085 28'5 1 59 4 222 1 2220 604 1 3 14 1313 1 20 5 1 3 00 1 3 10 2956 1905 1714 84 1 1 82 5 1019 1713 2983 2984 1 72 8 1027 1400 2287 2980 ( 3 99 224
Bjugan, lbert, \'Q"an am ingo, M i nn . -J u ly Bjuean, Henry, Route 3, Pin e Island, M i n n . -J uly BLakstad, Andr., Route 1 , Zumbrota, Minn. -J u l y Blakst<1d� J ose ph. Route I , Zumbrota, � f i n n . -July Blegen, Melvin, Ro ute 5, Wa u kon , Iowa Jul). Ble.stc-rvold, Martin, \Vaseca, M i nn . -J ul y Bl cxrud, Agnes, Spring Grove, Minn .-July Blexrud. H . J" Cal edon i. , Minn.-July Blilie, Rev. J . A., Flandreau, So. Dak.-J une Blom, Emil, Route 3 , Bricelyn, M i n n.-July Blom. L. E., Route 3, Bricelyn. Minn.-July Blomgr�n, O. A., 1959 1 5 th St., San Fran cisco, Calif.-J a n . Bloom, Anna, East S ta n woo d, \Vash.-Apr. Bloom, Art, East St an wood, \'Vash .-Apr. Bloom . B. 0., 1 3 0 9 So. 9th St., Tacoma, W"h.-Apr. Bloom, Mrs. Bertha, East Stanwood, \Vash. -Apr. Bloom. O. B., East Stanwood, Wash . -Apr. Bly. Rev. H. \"1 . , 2349 Buford, St. Paul. Minn .-July Bly, P. W .. Wood Lake, Minn.-July Blybrrg, G., 43 1 K i l l ingsworth, Portland, Oreg.-July B 1 rberg. Mrs . G., 43 1 Killi ngsworth, Port· land, Oreg .-Mar. Bockman, Dr. Marcus 0., Luther Theol. Sc m . , St. Paul. M i n n .-Aug. Bodding, Miss Hazel, 997 Ea. Kelly, Port· land. Oreg.-Mar. Bodding. O . S., 997 Ea. Kelly, Poctland. Oreg .-July Boe., Agne.s, Pr: nn ock, Minn.-July Bor:, Andrew, Pen noc k. Mi n n .-J ul y Boe, Anne, Route I. Bow, Wash.-July Boe, Carl , 440 1 No. 8th St., Tacom;J, Wash. -Mat. Bot'. Elsie, Routr: 1 , Eas t Sta nwood, \Va s h. -May Boe, H. A . . Northfield, Mi nn . -J ul y Bo�. H. E., Route 3, Murdock, �1 i n n . -J uly Boe, Iver, Route I, East Stanwood, \\T ash. --a\1.). y Boe, Dr. L. W . , North field , Min n.-Nov. Apr.
1 729
Soe, Lizzie,
BQc. Mary Ann, Wa :;-h .-M ;ty
R o u te I , Bow, Wash.-J uly Rout e
'ame, AddrcH� dnd "'tonth 0 / ContTibft/ion Bogstad. Rev. R., 1 7 2 West 1 2 th Ave., Eugene, Oreg.-Nov . , Aug, Bog".d, Mrs. R . , 1 7 2 We" 1 2 rh Ave . • Eugt:ne, Oreg.-Nov., Aug. Bo >tad, Rud olph . 1 7 2 \"10" 1 2th Ave., Eugene. Oreg.-Jan. Bol!ita.d, Gudron, 4 1 1 2nd An. So. \Vest, Rochester, IVl i n n .-l\1ar. Bobtad, H. D., Pa rkl an d Children's Home, Everett. Wash.-Apr. Bolnad, Mrs. H . D., Parkla n d Children', Home. Everett, \'Va sh .-A pr . Bolstad, Ingeborg. Box 8 1 0 , Evere'tt, \'Vas-h . -S�Pt. Nov. Bolstad, John A., S a rg ean t , Minn.-J ul}' Bomstead, O. H . , 4 1 5 So. 34th St., Ta com a, \'V ash.-June Barnstead. MrS. O. H.. 4 1 5 So. 34th St., Tacoma, \V ash.-J un e Bondhus, Mrs. O. T . , Sto rde n . Minn .-July Bondhus, Thomas, Route I, Sto rde.n , Minn.
-July 3168 3633 3637 320� 3221 2634 3 185 1 197 2 177 356 1 13 5 1 136 28 1 6 1075 1361 1381 2664 1 63 164 3419 3418 3809 3810 2809 2465 3 283 2 1 67 2 14 8 2 1 60 642 643 748 749 1 14 1 678 679 3 29 5 2426 293 6 2750 2546 2884 3 15 4
Boe, Dr. 0 . , Decorah, Iowo-Ju l y
Boe, Ole A . , Route I, Pen nock, Minn.-July
Boo, Rasmus, Rout e 1, East Stanwood. Wash. -May
[ 402
Boc, Mrs. Rasmus, Route Wash .-M.),
2982 66
Boe, Rikka, Pennock, M inn .-J uly Bogs t.d, I., P"kla nd, \"I ash.-Sept.
1, East Sta nwood, 339
Bo n dh us, Torris. Route I, S tor dp.n , M i n n . July Bondy, Elizabeth H . • Pa rkl an d. \Vash.-Oct. Bondy, G. A., 4 1 0 2 Eastern Aye., SCJ.ttie. W.,h .- O,t. Boro." . H. E., Goodhu , Minn.-July Boraas, J. .J.. \'Q' an ami n eo , Nlinn.-July Bordgaa.rd, Mrs. NIartha, Nunda, So. Oak. -July Bord�on. Haro l d. \Vana.mingo, l\1inn.-Jul}· Borse. Rev. D. J., Byron. Mi n n. -Apr . , J u l }. Bo rGe , iVIrs. D. J., Byron. Minn.-July Borge, Mrs. M . A., Paulsbo, \"I ash .-No v . • Sept . Borge, Rev. Olaf, Rockdale, Wis .-Mar. Sorge. Mrs. Olaf, Rockdale, \'V is.-Mar. Borge n , H. F., 1 843 6th St., Red Win�, Minn.-July Borf!cn. Rev. John Emil, Willow Loke, So. O.k.-Mar.
Borreson. Lowell. Stanwood. \V/as h.-Apr. Borreson, Marjorie, Stanwood, \Vash.-Apr. Boetn.m . Adolph, Nunda, So. O. k. -J ul y Bo rup , Rey. P. • Cor. A & Pr a tt Sts., Eurek:l., Ca l if .--Oct. Borup, l\1r5. P., Cor. A &: Pra tt Sts., EurekJ., C.lif .--Oct. Botolden, Adolph, Lamberton, Minn.-July Bot o lden , M . 0., L :l m bc rton , Minn.-July Boxrud, B. M., Red Wing. M i nn .-Noy . Bouud. Henrietta. Red Wins. Min n . -Nov . Bouud, R. H . , Red Wing, Mi n n.-J u ly Boyum, A. 0. . Lanesboro, Minn.-July BrH,thun, C. 0., S tor den , M in n .-J u ly Brakke, David, By ron, Mi nn . -J u ly Brakke. K . L., Byron, M inn .-J u ly Brakke, William L.. Byron. M i n n .-July Brandrud, Rev. O. T., 823 Athens Ave . . Oakl.nd, Cali f.-Jan . . Oct. Brandrud, Mrs. O. T., 823 Athens Ave., O. kl and. Calif.-Jan., Oct_ Brandt, Dr. O. E., Como & P ierce Aves . , St. Paul, M i n n .-Fe b . Br:lndt, Mrs. O. E., Como & Pierce Aves., St. Paul, Minn .-Feb. B randt, R e\.' . Rolf D .• Cor:nelI, Wis.-Mar. Branford, Rev. B. M., Hooplt., No. Oak. J an . Branford, MrS. B. M . , Hoople, N o . D.k. J.n. Bratrud, Thea., Grand Mcadow, Minn .-July Brattebo, B. B., Story City, Iowa-J uly Bratvold, Andrew, Kenyon, Minn.-July Breck, N. 0., Route 3. Waseca, Min n .-J ul y Bredesen, Rev. A., Bricelyn, M i n n.-July Bredesen, B r ed e. Wtllmar, M i n n .-July Sredesen, Nels, 4 2 1 Becker Ave. Ea., Will ma r, Minn.-J u ly Bredeson, Mrs. Mabel, Rutland, So. D ak. J uly Brekhus,
H. M . , Norm a ,
No. Dak.-Aug.
Brekke. Mrs. Albe.rt. Route 2. Poulsbo, Wash. -Nov., Nov.
Nllme, AddrcH� dnd flIlonth of Contribution
Nd.m�, A ddress, and MonJh 0/ Contrihution 406 2208 ;1 12 3349
2098 ZIOI 2099
2 1 03 36B 1311 1 3 07 1 29 8 , 29 5 1 2948 2485 2486
2706 3025 2883 367/1 679
27G8 962 68
3536 688 2845 1 46 0 849 249 1 � 06 2273 �36 1 5 07 1906
1 24 2 1 443 1444 145Z 2790 1 406
1405 1 294 2505
Brekke, Josephine, Silverton, Or�g.-Dec. Brekke, R. M., Frost, Minn.-July Brenden. Lars, Rou te 4, Albert Lea, Minn. -J uly BreDne, M. B., Storden, Minn.-July Brenna, Ida, Route 2, C;;t[mar, low3-July Brenna, John, Ridgeway, Iowa-July Brenna, Mrs. N . 0., Route 2 , Calmar, Iowa -J u l y Brenna, Ole, Rout e 2, Calmar, Io ....a-July . Bresden. NIrs. B., Grove City. Min n. -Sept. Brturn, Andrew L, Route I, Ea�t Stan .....ood. \X/ ;:uh .-Apr. Breum, Mrs. A . L., Route 1. Box 77, East Stanwood. \V/ ash.-Apr. Bre-um, Mrs. L:lrs, Ea.st Stanwood, Wash. Apr. Brevig, A . T., Houston, Minn.-July Brevig, Gilbert, H ouston , f..1inn.-July Briar, Homer, Clear Lak e, Iowa-July Bri.u. Mrs. Homer, Clear Lakc, Iowa-July Bri dloy, B�n, O.kland, Minn.-July Brain, Ole 0., Fairfax, Minn .-July flrono. Mrs. J . H., 1 1 1 5 Litchfield, WiIl miolr, Minn . -Aug. Brooten. Inez, l 3 0 l 24th St . . So. BellinG· ham, \X' alh .-Nov. Brooten, lvIrs. John, 1 3 0 1 24th St., So. Bell ingham, \Vash .-Nov. Bro. te, Ol� K., Hanska, ivlinn.-J uly Brotnov, Edna C., Parldand, \V ash.-Mar. Brottem , J. L., Parkland, \VI ash.-Sept., S.pt. Brottcm, Mrs. J . L , Parkland, \Vash.-Sept. Brottem, Tony. Parkland, W:lSh.-Sept. Brown, Arthur C., Caledonia, Minn.-July B rown , C.ul, Everet t, Wash.-May Brown, Earl, Parkland, \Xl ash.-Mar. Brown, Dr. J. N . • Concord i:l Col ll'gc, Moor· head, 1\1i nn .-Nov. Brown, l'vIrs. Lena, 2320 Oak.eS' Ave., E ve rett, \Vlash.-May B rown, M artha, Route 1, Decorah, Iowa-J uly B rown, Nels. 203 Coast Highway, Sa nta Barba ra, Calif.-J : In . Brown, Ruth, 2 3 2 0 Oakes Ave., Everett. Wash.-M.y Brown, Stever. Cottonwood, 1\IIinn.-July Bruaas. Odin, 1035 Water St . • Raymo n d, Wash.- .pr. Bru(C'. Barney, 28 1 3 �� Hoyt A\'e., Everett. Wash .-rvl ay Bruce, Miss Julia, 28 1 3 � Hoyt A v e . , Everett, Wash.-May Bruce, Mr!'i. Julia, 2 8 1 3 � Hoyt Ave .• Everett, W.,h .-May Brudel i. Georlc. Han!'ika, Minn.-July Brue, J . Lyder. Rou te 1 , Stanwood, Wash. -May Brue, Mrs. J. Lyder, Route I , Stll nwood, W",h.-M.y Bruc. Thomas, Stanwood, \Vash.-Apr. Bruget. OHistian, Mission Hill, So. Oak. -July
Bruget. Emil, Mission Hill. So. Oak.-July
Mission Hill, So.
728 3 57 1 226 2042 327
3 28 1 796 1 0 28 516 1495 3538 689 573 744 826 2 1 58 1618 910 488 1 1 44 l In 2796
3097 III 3583 3651
303 659 416 2459 2795 2846 400 2866 304 989 3012 94 7 601 921
1 5 10
Brnget, Olel Mi.5sion Hill. So. Dak.-July
363 1
Beuget, S . J.,
Bruget, -Oct.
Wa ..,h.
333 1
371 2
Brul�nd, Mrs. C. R . , Route 2, Box 82. Fern· dale, \V.,h.-Nov.
Brul;a.nd, -Nov.
1 4 86
3684 487
Route 2, Bow.
Wash.-Oct. Bow,
2, Fe-rnd'lte. Wash.
Bruland, Matilda, 20 1 5 24t h St. , Bellingham, Wa.ll h .-Nov.
Brul.and, Osborne, land, Oreg.-Jan.
1 489
Brul.nd, Rev. P. O., land, Oreg.-May
1 490
Bruland, Mrs. P. O. land, OrcB.-May
3 86
Chri3tenscn, Rev. M. Astoria, Oreg.-May
St . .
Christensen. l'vlrs. M. A., 4 1 7 29th St., A:s tor . ia, Oreg .-Dec.
1 75 5
Christensen, Maq:;aret Amalie, 2507 Ave. West, Seattl e, Wash.-July
1050 Knott St., Port·
1 754
Christensen, Mary Elizabeth, 2507 10th Ave .• W.", Suttle, Wash .-July
1 050
Brul an d, Mrs. R. C., Ferndale, Wash.-Feb. Brunc, Mrs. Johann:t, Olalla, Wash.-Nov. Brunsdale, Sen. C. N .• Portla nd, No. D.ak. -Apr. Brun�dale. K. E., 5 0 4 1 Stevens A V'i.' . , Min· neapolis, M inn .-Ju l y Bruun, A . A., Route I, Bo.1C 4 1 , Kent, Wuh. -Nov., Apr. Bruun, Mrs. A . A . , Route 1 . Box 41, Ke nt, Wash .-No v .• Apr. Bruvold, Oscar. Decorah, Iowa-J uly Brynestad, C. H" 1 007 So. Pine St., Tacoma, Wasi1.-MaL" . Brynildsen, S. 0., 9 M ission St., San Fran· cisco, Calif.-J a n . Bugge, C . J., 2 2 1 5 Doswell Ave., St. Paul, Mi nn .-May Buli, Gilbert N., Parkland, Wasb.-Sept. Buli, Mable, Parkland, Wash.-Sept. , Sept. Buli, Ole, Parkl.nd, \V.,h.-S.pt., Sept. Buli, Mrs. Ole, Box 3 2 1 , Parkland, Wash. -Sept. , Sept . Buness, Mrs. Marie, Si lverton, Oreg.-lVIar. Bungum, Mrs. M artha , H.;\�'field. Minn. July Bungum, Oscar P . , Ha yfie l d, Minn.-July B urkee, J . E., 2326 So. L., Tacoma, Wash. -Mar. B u r ley, E. E., 935 H St., Eureka, Calif. -J.n . Burlington Young People's S-:iety, Budin,· ton, Wash .-Mar. Bursett, Ro v. J. T., 6830 18th Ave. No. Ea. , Seattle, Wash.-Apr, Burtness, H . E .• Route I , Caledonia, Minn. -July Burtness. H. M.) Spring Grove. 1\1inn.-J uly August, 375 Colman Bld g . • Bu sch mann, Se attle, \Vash.-Se:pt., Feb., Mar. Buschmann, E. , Zenith, Wash .-Oct. Bu schmann, Margaret, 939 Federill Ave. , SeJ.ttlc, Wash .-Oct . Buschmann, Mrs. Mathilde, 9 3 9 Federal Ave., Seattle, W.uh.-Nov. Buteau, Mrs. S. H., 9 5 1 Sunnyhills Road. Oa kland , C.lif.-Jan . Buth, M rs. I-Icnrictta, Route 3 . Box 508 , Tacom3, Wash.-Nov. Butler. Gilbert, Lanesboro, Minn.-July Bu xengaard, Olaf, Route 1, Caledonia, Minn . -J uly Buxcnr.urd, S\'c n , Caledonia, Minn.-July Byberg'. J. J., Silverton, Oreg.-Dec. Bye, Valborg, 614 Ea. 25th St., Mi nneapolis, Minn.-July Campbell, Ora N., 1 62 9 Howard Ay • . , Se attle, \'V'lIsh .-No v . C a nlett, Mrs. F . H., 5th F. A., Fort Bragg, No. Carolina-1\1ar. Chapman, Mrs. Elmer F., Echo, Minn.-July Card, Grace, 2 5 1 0 No . 10th S t .• Tacom� , Wa!>h .-M ar. Carlson, Beda, 1 3 0 2 Su mm it Ave., Pas a den�, Cal if .-Jan . Carlson, Evans, 3 5 25 Cedar Ave. So,; , Min nea.polis, Minn .-Ma r . Central Lutheran Aid Society, Longview, \Va,h.-M,y ChipP$, Mrs. Thresa, Mission H i l l, So. Dale. cpt. Christens�n, C. E., Ntw Richland. Mi nn . -J uly Olristenscn, C lar a IVI., 2002 Ho},t Ave., Everett. \V./ ash.-May
1050 K nott St.,
OJ.ristcn.sen, Nov.
Calif.-Jan. • 10th
1488 1752 1 75 3 1 7 57
1 7 56 2)40
646 23 5 5 3395 753 [457
1 76 1
Jni�to(£crson, W"h .-july Chr\$toHerson,
2;30 1 4 58 [ 2 20 1861
2607 3 38 5 1 907
zzo ! 6l
Christensen, Olive T., Lut hera n Missions Home, HanKow, China-Apr. Christensen, Dr. W. T., 2 5 0 7 1 0 th Ave. \'V en, Seattle, Wash.-July Christ nsen, Mrs. \VI . T., 2507 1 0th Ave .• West, Seattl , \Vash.-July Christensen, \'V'J.ltcr Theodore, 2507 10th Ave. 'X' est, Sc:;&ttle. W3sh.-July Ch rist ensen, \'\l ilhdm T . E., 2507 10th Ave. \V'est, SE'.3ttle,\V�sh.-J ul�f Christenson, An t o n, Thompson, Iowa-J uly Chris.ti;!n cn� NIrs. W., 58 0 40th St., Oa kl o n d, Ca l i f .-J .n . Christ i ;m!en, Harry. 5 't2'5 Dover, OakLand, Cal i f .-J ,' n . Chri"ian",n. H. H. C. , O l d h a m , So. 0.1" -J u l y Christ ianson, S am E., \V estorook, rvi inn. J u l )' Christoffersen, Olaf C., 88 Mario n Street, Seattle. Wa.sh.-Feb., Oct. Ch ristofferson, rvlrs. C. A., Box 467, rvI arys \·i l lc., \V ::uh.-M3Y
17 2
.Ndmc... A ddrcHJ and fl.1onlh
Wa.,h .-jul y
-July Christopb rson,
Wilsh. IVl inn.
July Christopherson, Lewis, Hudson, S o . Da k . Julp Cn ci\\top hc rson. M r s . 1\1., Snohomish, Wa5h. -M ,l �t Clark, Me . A l yce June, ( I n Memoriam}) Bell· inp;ham, \V ash .--.Apr. I�rmont Congreg:3ltionl c/o Rev. G. G un.sten, � ermollt, Io ..... a- Au �L lev land, Odin, Mad dock, No. Dak.-j uly ...olns, 1 'Irs. !\1::t b e l , \'7 estbrook. rvIinn.-J u1i' Colbjo rtls on B rot he rs, Lyle, Minn.-J u l y lbo, A. M., 2 3 0 [ S o . A in , wo r th St., Ta· coma, \Y./ ,1.m .-�1 :tr. Colbo , E. J\iL. 2 1 44 Ain!wortb St . , T:tcoma, W••h . --Oct. Colom.n, M ",. H . , , 24 [ So. St<phens S,., Ros ·burg. Ong .-O c t . Collom , r t hu r, Parkland, Wash.--S.t!pt . ,
Oct. 983 70
71 776
! 908 1 060 t 1 20 967 981
408 2747 2237
Colt m, Cu!, Parkla nd, Wl:!lh .-Ma r. , Oct. Co[rom, M... . Blft·ed., Park.land, Wash . Sop , . , 0 « . Co horn, E.nlln y, Parkl=tnd. W:uh.-St:pt. , Oa;. Corbo. A n ton, Rout� 3, Maddia. Minn. July Corhouse. mos-, T3unton, Minn.-July OfP.rt L.. Parkland, Wash.-M ;J.r'". , Crew s ,
Oct, Crew" Mr>. For .." Parkland, :q•• h.--Mar, Oct. Cro nq uilt. G'to., 50 1 5 So. Yo.kimo. ·A vr:.,
T� (.('I m a. \'¥.u.b. .-Mar. D.�'la"d, Ed., S . , 2I7 Knott S , . . Port· I.nd, Oreg.--Mar. .hl, Arthur, 1 1 9 Cont er S c . , Silverton, Orc·g.- ec. Co r to nwood . lvl inn.-July D;lhl, Clar enct, il- hl , Connd, S ilvartQn, Or eg .-D e c. D.hl, 0., W••«< , M ;n n.-J ul y
68� '78 ()29
NdTfle, A d drcH, and ,W onlh oj COTltriblAtiotl
1 9 10 11
Dahl, L. T., Cottonwood, M i n n .-J ul)' D ah l , Orwoll F., Parkland, \Vash .-Scpt., Oct. Dahl, S. E . , 5 0 [ 5 o . Pine St., Tacoma ,
1 207 2708 12
3014 282 2120 3 75 2 3753
1 8 70 2 1 62 2953 28 [ 8 2367 237 135 30[9 216 3026 1863 3507 3506 3261
3754 1 1 52 136 1 86 7 3497 647 3 1 19 23 5 7 2874
1 5 ZZ <HI
2448 2 1 64 356[
1056 1 57 95 2. 6 6 3
D. hl ,
Mrs .
SCI' . ,
Dahl, Irene. Par khnd.
O tt.
Dahl, fvko, J. G . , 1 2 5 Z E•. ViII., P. ,.dcna , C: lif .-Jan. ahl ,
Ca l if . .
J. R., Jan.
3 <;1'0' , Hol l ywood ,
[ . Bo.• 26.
Dahle, Mrs. B. A. H . , 1 003 2nd A,'e. E. , Abc-rdeen, �/.lSh.-No\'. Dahle, Rev. Elmer H., leloo, Al b-July Dahle, Jacob 0., Hayfield, M i.n n.-J u ly O"hlc., Knutc-, Byron, lYtinn.-Ju h' Dahle, Nels, Houston, M inn .-J ul y Dahle, O. K., Spring Grove. Minn .-July Da hle n, H, N" Oldham, So. D ak .-J u l y Dale, Ansa, P a rk lan d, Wa.sh.--Sept., &pt.
Dale, Mrs. Anna j., Parkl a nd , Wa;n,-Stpr . Sept. Dale, Henry, Fai rf:tx, inn.-} u ly Dale, l\1artin. Parkbnd. \V.;ash.- O V . ) cpt. Dale, Peter, Fairfax, l'vl inn.-}uly Dale Congregnion, '/0 Alfred Morkie, I( e.n yon, I'v'J inn.-Aug. Daley, E . L., Spr ing Grove, Mil\n.-July Da ley , N . 0., Spring Grove, lvl i nn .-J ul y Dammen, [vcr. W al n ut Grove, Minn.-July Danieb, rt, Route :>, Box 5 0 2 A, Tacoma, \V/ :lSh. - L\rl Ar. Danielson, Dor3,
508 o . B. Aberdeen, W.lsh.-Nov. Daniel'on, Rev. P. c., 5 2 8 Bush Sr., RoC! Wine. M i n n .-Apr., July Davis, Mrs, llstlll"r. Parkland, \V ilsh . -Oct . , Sept.
L27 .
Lilli n morettc, \V ash .-Au&".
Mrs. T. G., Route 3, Bo.< 127, Ta·
Bo ilt
coma, \Vash.- ug. Degcrn('s. H. F . , 1 6 2 1
79th Ave., 311: · Ca lif.-J n n . Dell R.lpids Lurlu r:m Church, O. Hegge" . Tee ••., Dell R.pid" So, D�".-A ug . D,m,rr. M r> . M . , Ol dham , So. O.k.-J u l y De llse rud. T. 0 . , Ro ute 1 , \V i l l nu r , l'vlin n.
-J u l )'
Dt' SOUct'y, t\ll rs. A., Norm,1 n, \V &:ih .-M2 Y Oigl!me8 : N. . Silverton. Oreg.-Dec. D I.$.C t!l , Irene, 2 3 2 '5 So. G St.. , Tacom
\Vash .--fv!j.r. Di".d, Ole , Hayii .l d , Minn .-J ul), DI.ltad, Mrs . Pcdn, Byron . lV[inn.-J uly Dock, O. N ., Stan'A'Ool. W.,h.-Oct. odc.cn, 1vIrs. 10h3nnOl, Roure 1, Box 1 ( 9 ,
Pu},.. l ! up . W ...sh.-Nov., O ct. D Oi' , i'vIiss ]:tlll' r. Se.3ttir., \VJ ;a�; h .- Ma.r. 00(', �1is5 Jane II. Sr<lttle, \\' .1.'ih .-Ma r. Doeri s, M�s . Howard, PiukI :tnd . Wa5b. --S.-p t.. O,t.
Dolen, John, Nund." So.
Dak. --July
Davins, 01;Qj;O,
Rev. C.,
191 [
Nt' I $ ,
1912 [913 1 1 46
!323 l l l .-M :tr. Ing�
No. California Ave. . Mi..mti!ota.
M i nneota, Nl i n ll .-J uly
OO"'re , Olitf. Minneota. 1\1i nn.-J u1r D u n l l ttIll, Mrs . Bertha, 2 5 3 4 So. I Sr., t.:o nl<l ,
a h ! . L.ar"J C. . F:lirfax, Mill n.-J u l�'
Da hl. Lewis P . , W..h . -Nov .
Wash .-Nov.
Dor: h oW',', M. . Story City, Iowa, Jot}' Donhowe, Ol.w!'. 0., 144 No . \\faller Ave. . , Ch ic:lgo . 1 1 1 . Oct. . , Story City, lowa-J uh : Don h owc, P. Do rn � Sodet }'. c/o �' i.s::. R:t,Q:nll i1d Shay Rout!! ,. . Goodhui!, lvIinn.-July Dcrcum. Prof. I., Dc (o r ah , IO"" a-Junt
W.,h.-Stpt . ,
Parkl ... d,
\Vash.-Apr. Dahl, Severt, Route 1 , Oakbnd, Minn.-July Dahl, Stan l ey, Parkland, Wash .-Sept . , Oct. Dahl, \V . c.. Echo. Minn .-July D"hlbcrg, Gust, Kl'n t , \Y/ash.-No'l . Dahle, Anton 0 . , Route 5, Deco r ah , Io .....a -july Dahle, B. A. H., [003 2nd Ave. B . , Aberdeen,
243 5
D.hl. Ed., Route 2, Alb"" Lt,>. M; nn,-J uly Oc t ,
3 .� h .- M .lr.
T.. ·
[ yuevik., \Xlm . , Silv('rton, O reg .-Mar.
Dy i ng,
D�·bin8. Mr s . O. M.,
!-Iou" on ,
M inn.- july
Houston, Minn . -J u l y
Ndme, AddrcH, Qnd IW011th 0/ Contribution 1914 23n
2366 2358 136'1 H I7
1628 1552 1915
1 574 677
Dybset ter, Mrs. Dan, Porter, Minn.-Aug. O yrda l. Alben, Oldham. So. Oak.-July Oyrd,l. B . A . • Oldham. So. O.k.-J uly Oyrdal, Mr>. B . A . • Oldham . So. O. k .-July Oy r dal . Louis. Oldham, So. O.k.-J uly Dyreson, Miu Gertrude, Ro ute I. ZumbrotJ, Minn.-J uly Oyrud, J e ns. M.ddock. No. Dak.-July ':lst Sunwood L uthe ran Ladies' Aid, c/o lrs. P�tcr M. Peterson, R out e 2, Sa:!t Stanwood, W»h .-J une E."vold. O. 0., May,·m •. No. O.k.-July Eastvold, Re v. S. C., Madison. o. Dak.
j u nl'
\V' .lsh .942 2 51
5 72
1 70 I
EberSole, Dorothy. E dm u n clsc n . Bert, Oak.- Jul " Edwards, Mrs.
I l7 1 38
3453 4 I
I I I :; 2742
2. 2 2 7
H80 2480 1600 2637 2 6 .J
2638 565 283 874
873 569 �70 1917 26
2 27 284 8i2
Kcnni l ..... orth.
I 37 2532
Ed ...., uds , Nic, L:tmberton, l'-.1 m n . J u1i' Edwards. Rev . O . J . • 1 209 So. I St . • Ta·
W:)'I;b .-Dt�c . Edw.rd.. rs. O. J . , 1 20 9 So. I St . . T a · comll. \'V ash .-l'vh r . dW;'1rds n, EJ . N . , Ro ute 7. Prout, iVli n n . com,1.,
-J uly
Antone, Gcner;tl De.li ....eq'. Kelso, \", ..h .-Nov. �gcland. Marthc.n, Cot'£Onwood, M in n.-J uly Egc.nc.5 AnJc.rs A . , Rou te 3, Bricrlyn, M i n n . -Jul" Egc lll!'I. August, Route I, Fro.$ I Minn.-A 8. Ege nles, S:l m . S tor de n . Mi n n.-J uly Egge, Mrs. A l b e rt , D�C'orilh, Iowa.-J uly "'ggc, rthUf, Evernt, Wa:o.h.-J uly Egg•. 01<. Nu nda . So. 0 k.-J uly Eggeb",,,.n. Edna, R utl a nd . So. Dak.-J u l y Mr>. H.lm.... Rurl.nd. So. ·l!R .b ..... . ". ak.-J u l y ESNen, A l b e r t . H .m et., Dlif.· O rt . p:gt.'n, Rev. A l m e r N. , W. Mt!t:ker St., Kent. " .,h.-No . • N., \Y./ . McC' icrr St., Kent, Rc rn . Mr�. \V.. h.-Mar . BgeD, Bcrni(e, WI . Meeker St ., Kent, \X!:1Sh. -Mn. en. E. 0 . . H mit. C.lif .-{)ct. E rn. I ... E. 0 . . HOOlet. al if .--Oct. ' 8 <n. J. M .• Lrlo. M inn.-Ju lv EUtn. N . G . . Parkland. W••h .-No v. , M.y. Nov. ElIl<en . Mr . N. G . • P" ld. d. W sh .-Nov.• M,y. Nov. Eagen, Orville, W. �Ieekf'[ t., Kr nt, W:tsh . Nov. E�g n . Wen d.l l J .. W . M.,k" $." Kent. W.,h.-M.r. gn, t'l. Zumbrota, Mann.-J ul y· id •• Friel:. S tan wood. W.,h. May ide, �1rs. Kinti Stanw ood. W;a:!l.n .- pro
Eid:>ncs'l, J., 2824 W�,h.--Oct.
149 1 2538 532
tarth a.
L. L. .
1 3 04
1 0 29
1 249
Edwards, Elmer T., Mtnn.ehaha Nat'[ Ba n k. Sioux Falls. So. O,k.-Mar. Edwards, J oseph, Parkland, \V/ash.-Oct., Oct . , Nov. Edwards. Mr>. Jos<ph. Parkland. \V"h.-
1 0 02
Wash.-Mar. i, Garretson, So.
Egbtrg ,
2568 2 5 58 1001
Glendale. Calif.-J.n.
O(.l. ,
3435 2470
Glendale. Calil.-Jan. 1 1 38
No. 1 3 40
LJtrabec St . ,
n woo We5t
\V .. h.-A pr. '55th
Hud.on. So.
St., Seattle,
O.k. -Jul ).
E,I ,· "'.n . Mo. Josephine, 3 775 San Frond,co. D l if. -A pc.
2587 224 1 2710
27 1 9
2865 2471 1371 2450
1 3 64 754 1 3 71 2923
2290 2 1 89 2 1 54 34 4
2153 72 73 3 1 63
1 780
1 740
Ein.usen, Mrs. J. Route I, St3nwood , Wash. -Apr.
Eincnsan, T. T., Wes rb roo k, IVfinn .-J u l y Eitrrcim, Prof. K. 0., High St., De corah, Iowa-J uh' Ekl e. Am •• H u dso n . So. O.k.-July' Ekle. Mrs. Nils. H ud son , So. O.k.-July Eklund. Mrs. A . .• 1 3 1 0 So. 27th St., Ta· coma, \Vash.-Mat. E k l u n d , Joha, Silvertoll, Oreg.--Fcb. Ekl u n d . K erm e th . 1 3 1 0 27th St. So .• Ta· coma, \V/.1sh .-Mar. Ekrc. Marg;uer, J I I I 6th Ave., Tac:oml, \X/ash.-Mar. Hc l g e ,
Ekren. July
July EJIt'n:son,
Ha ns T., R oute 2,
E llingbo• . C. A .• Sunburg. Minn.-July Glii nHbo(', John, Dennison, M i n n .-Ju ly El!inp.boe. John M .• Northiield. Mi nn.-J u l y H i nr.scn.
0 . , Ridgeway. Iowa-Ju l y Inca, K S50n, !vlmn -July lIin. :s e n , Iv('r, K.. sson, Mi nn .-J uly E l l ing5 l'n, lVbfle, KClsson , �tinn.-luhi E1li l1�on , A. L . . 503 So. 56rh St. , T.l.com•• �(' ,l..h .- t'lpt . .. Oct . l1ing on. M r... . . L., 503 So. 56th St., T:1' coma , W J.�h.-Scpt . , Oct. Ell lncson , Alvin, C.ll i!: o ni a, Minn .-J uly lIingscn, ('"Trs. Bae, 'pring GroVf. 11On. - ug . ElI i ng",n. H.n,. Maddock. N o. O.k.-J uly Elli ng son, H a rol d . P.1rld::and, Wash .-�1a r . E l l j n �.s.on , Prof. H er ma n E . , Oe conh . Iowa -Jul)· F.ll i ngs e n ,
ElI i nr.son. -J u ly
E l l i n R '" n , lver. ROllt E l li ng so n , John, Xtash .- nv.
1 !60
hlJing,on . J o h n . W.sh.-Apr.
'13 1
I veb.1k. Andrt:�Y'
Ei o n , M " . P . I, 203 1 5 th St" Poso Roble•• Cnlif.-Jnn.
E Y('5rrom. t\1rs:. -M... . Sept.
107 1
EI"'cstrom, Sept.
Ei 'lrsen, -Apr.
p,,,, Rohl...
v .,
Av •. ,
E ll i;'llon. M rs . Jalmt·( A .• R o u t e P rttllnJ, Or('� .-Dec.
E l v£srrom, A. B., pt.
2 1 ..
3 3 9,
1 067
P.u l K .
1 1 1:101l1 J.altnt.r A ., Route. Lmd. Oteg.- Dcc .
___ !ness, Oct.
Io ..... a
I, Krnt. Wa.lh .-
il'.t.t�rj M i n n.-July
Decor ah.
H er man
f:!v.bak. Olga.
veretr, \Vash,
E ll ertso n . C,rl E.. 1 5 1 5 Centr,1 Ave . • Min· Ill':lpolis, Ivli n n .-J uly E U e :5t :ld, Alb�['[, Decorah, Iowa.-July Ellestad, Edna. East Stanwood, \V olsh .-Apr.. Elit'st.ld, G. B . , L3.ne�boro, M i n n .-July E I!�stad, Inez, E:1st StJ.nwood, \'<f a:o;h.-ApL E!lm.d. M". N . J . • 4 1 1 14th A ve . No . . S.a ttle. Wash.-Feb. Elicsrad, Os v i l l e, East Stanwood. W:1sh.
2�4 1
Minn .
Mrs. Ha t ti.. 200 \Vest 58th St . • S '! ;l t t l e , \X/as h .- pro Eifcr:;, rvI rs. Ella, Pa t terson , Calif.-J3n. E l i ason, Han. , \'Voodl.lnd. \'\fash.-MlY Eliason, P., Canron. So. D:lk.-J uly Elkin. Andre...... H.lmbt:rt:, No. Dak.-Ju1r E llef so n, H. A . . W,kond,. So. O.k.-July EIlt"COl:lrd. Gilbert, Ro ute 2, Albert Lea, M i nn.-July Ell gaard. H.. nry. O.kl , n d . Minn.-July EII.gaard. Ole. Oakl a nd . Mion. -July Ellegaard, T. A., Hal'ward, M i n n .-J ul y Ellega;J.rd, Mrs. T. A., Hayward. Minn.
I fi ll !
St . •
Name, AddreH, and Month 0/ Contribution
l. 80.'( 002,
t , Box 6 0 2 ,
P;t('klarul, Wash . ·N07.,
�t. ,
Kieo;ter, M inn .- Ju l y
\V' "h.- J uly
Blue Eut.b, �linn.-Mar.,
. B l ue
delia, Blu.:: 8o.rth. rvIlnn.-Mar,.
Ndmt, A dd , ctl, rind 1 070
1 07 3 1 069 13 2409 25 1 7
30 3 1 2824
1730 426 599
421 3460
2182 3409 2995 3 3 78 2 1 80
2132 2797
2802 2 1 96 1 65
3 1 68
3 t 67
1818 1 4 38 14 9
E lvestrom , Arnold, Blue E2rth, Minn.-Mar. ,
Elve.strom, Btn, Blue Earth, Minn.-Mar., Sept. E l \,utrom , Em i l y, D l u e Ear th , M i nn.-M a r . . Sept. Elvestrom, Victol' A" Pa rkla nd , \Vash. Sept., lVl.ar., A pr ., Sept . Erobretson, E .. St. Ol.f, Iowa-A ug . En.bo., Mildred, Canton, So. O,k.- July Encstvedt, C. C., Belview, Minn.-J u lr Engebreuen , S ven, Route 2, \Vh.all!n, Minn. -JlIly Eni;c bn:tso n , Elnoc3 , Route I, Bo"" Wash.
2 1 39 3 1 44
-July E ns e l i en .
3cric, \Voodburn,
Mrs. L. G .• 2 3 6 0 Maiden Lane, ltaden., Calif.-J a n. Enttt mO<."n, C. E.. Route ), Woodburn, Oreg.-Dec. Eni;cn. nd r. , Lambcrtofl. lVli n n .-J ul y Engtn, Chas. , De corah. I owa-J u l y Enst-n, Edwin, W estbrook, Minn.-Aug, En�en. H. M., Route I, Pe nnock, Minn. -July En en. Haakon. Dovra . M i n n. -J u l y Engelstad,
En�en! NicoI:.i, Route 5, Decorah, Iow:t-July Engen, Olaus, Route 7. Decora h , Iowa-July Engen, Peter, Ronte I, Caledonia. Minn. -J u l y Eccen, Sigrid. Route I, Ca led o n ia, Minn. -July Enge.n, TfH !' od ore , Route 5 , Dtcorah, Iowa
July Engene, A. 0., C:lledonia, Minu.-July Engene. N . 0., Caledoni:l, �1i n n .-July EngrnC', Randinc, C:tledonia, rvlinn.-July Enter, ElainC', Pa rk l a n d Children's Hom�, Everett, \Vash.-Aug. Euger. Emil C. • 3504 Norton Ave . • Everet t,
2061 3716
Enger, Mrs. Emil C., 3'504 Norto n Ave., Everett, \V a s h .-M ay Enger, Eugene, Parkland Children's Home, Everctt, \Vash.-Aug. Enger. Mrs. H. T., 80.'( 1 4 [ , Ever�tt, W ash . -M a y E nge r. T. T., Parkland Children's Home. Eve retr, Was h .- Dec. Enger, Mrs. T. T., Pukland Qlildren', Hom e , E ve r et t , W ash .-Oec . Eng se t , E. S., Reseda, Ca l i f .-Oct . E ngese tn , Ca r l , Frost, M in n .-J ul y Engeseth, E. 1 . , Nerstrand, Minn.-July Eugtseth , I. 1., N crstn n d , Minn.-July Enceseth ,N. M., Route 2 , Blaine, Wash.
E nge set h , Mrs. N., R o u t e 2, B l a i n e. Wash .
Engley, E. H., 7 3 3 St. Helens. Tacoma, \V. .h.-Feb. En com , A. P., Couonwood, \Vash .-J uly En valson, E., H ill s, M i nn .-J u l y Ensberg, Rev. M. 0., R ey nol ds, No. 001;.
1819 145) 4 9 �63
181 2126 2062
2 3 77 1 1 54 92 8 3666 366�
2248 3416 3392 2943 3 136
1430 1 28 3 676 677 3 1 77 2952 1467
3758 3759
2 3 1 2 $0.
Erholm, C"per
0/ Contrlb u.tion
corn:L, Was h.-Apr. Ern:ot, T., 730 No. K i ngsle y Dri ve, los An· �e1cs, Ca lif.-Jan . Ernst, Mrs. T., 730 No. Kingsley Drlvr, lOJ Ang eles, Calif.-Jan. Ersl3d. C. 0., Zumbrota, Minn.-July Es b. r, M.l. rt i n , Hou st on , Min n .- J u l y E.spe, Andrew, Rou t e 4, Ar l i ng to n , \'(1,uh. EspC'Qal, Anders, 821 Terrace Ave., Aberd�cn, \X/ash.-Nov. Es ped a l , Mrs. Anders, 8 2 1 Tenac! Ave .. Aberdeen. Wnsh.-Nov. Es peda l , M . A., 2634 Aberdeen Ave., Ho
quiam. \'Vash.-Nov.
Espedal, Nels, 4 1 0 Burleigh Ave., Aberdeen, W:lsh.-Nov. E,pcdal, l\'lrs. Ne ls, 4 1 0 B u rleIgh Ave., Ab· erdeen, \Vas h .- Nov . Esp.dal, O. A., Arcade Bldg., Hoqu i. m,
1 91 9 2 87
Espeland, Olai, Co tt on wood, rvtinn.-July Espeseth, P'eter H . • Route 3, "Kent, W ash .
3760 3761
1 9 20 Inl 1922 1923 27 1 5 1820
1 744 1 0 58
Apr., June Erb, E d n a, -Mar .
]'\..rdrn�j A ddrcH, and Morlth
Erickson. Mrs. E., Route 3 , Bo.( 3 [8, Tacoma, \Vash.-Oct. Erickson, E. C., Mabel, M i n n .-Jul y E r i ckson . E dwi n, Routr 4, Grov(! Cit y, Minn. -J u l y Erickson, Emil H . , R. A., Live Oak, C. l i f . Oct .• Oct. Erickson, Gustav P .• Route 2 , Wha[e!'n, Minn. Erickson, H. E . , 3 0 1 9 Dov er St. , Longview. W ash .-No v . Erickson, H. L., 2 2 3 6 Minor AH. No., Se· attle, W as h .-F eb . Erickson. Harold, Decorah, Io ....'a-J uly Erickson, Mrs. M., Route 2, V alle y S pr i ng s, So. Kak.-J uly Er i ckson , M a r t in , Route I, Club Grove, M i nn .-Ju l y Erickson, N i ls , Lamberton, Minn.-July Erickson, O. K., W es t brook , tvIinn.-July Erickson, Obert, Ho�ton, Minn.-J uly Erickson, Odin, Route 4, Grove Ci t y , M in n. - J uly E rickso n , E. L.. Story City, Iowa-J ul}' Eriksen, Paul S . , 1 50 1 $0. Sheridan Ave . , T.
No ....
\X/ash .-Nov.
N ov .
Espeseth, Mrs. P. H., Route!' 3 . K{'1\t, \Vash.
Esping, H. 0 .. T:lun ton, M i nn .-J u l y J o h n , Ta u n ton, M i n n .-ALI G' . Esping, Ole, Taunton, Minn.-Aus. Esping, Torhl, Minneota, M in n .-J u l y E:;t{' rb y, Andrew, Oakland, Minn.-July Esterby, Mike, O:akland, M inn .-A ug . Estrenl, Re!'v. G. R., M a d dock, No. D:d:.
6sp i ni ,
Evans. Rev. L. E., Sis."c.ton, So. D.k.-July Ev a nson , Mrs. Anna C., 4222 2nd Ave. No. Ea., Se!'attif' , Wash.-l\-Iar., Mar. Evanson, Delb, 640 \Vest 2 1 t . • los: Angel�5,
3 5 70
K St., Tacoma, Wash.
1 7 18 Ellis St., Delling·
W ash .-Oct. Ev an s on , Olga , Wash.-Oct.
Evanson, Otto, Spring Grove. M i n n.-July
ha m . \V a �h . - Nov . Erholm. Cleve A., 2844 Lyle Ave., Belling· ov.
1728 Ell , St . . Bellingham,
Erholm, Thelma, W ...h . - Nov .
Erickson, A. M . , Westb['Qo!c, M inn. -J ul y Erickson, Alfred H. 0., Box 387, Aberdeen, \V as h .- Nov .
Erickson. Mrs. Alfred H. 0., Bo& 387, Aber deen, W ash .-Nov .
E riclaon, And rew, D ecorah,
3 44 3
Er ick5on , Andrew, W�stbrook,
!3 1 1
75 5 23 1 3 2349
1 587
1 77 2820 347
ham. \V'.uh.-
S�lial No.
Iowa-}ul, Mina.-Jul,
Eric kson , Arthur, Parkl.nd, Wash.-Oct.
Eri ckson, M rs . Ch r . , Rout e 2 , Decorah. Iowa -July
4222 4222
2nd No.
E•. ,
2nd No . E . , Suttle,
2 1 68
Ev�nsen, Carl, Stewartville, l\.1in n .- J u ly
2 l D9
Evcmcn, He nry , Stewartville, M i nn. -Aug .
207 1
Evensen, Sdmcr, SttwartviUe, Nlinn .-Julr
E ...enson, !\'1rs. J ul y
A. J . ,
A. J . , Sherman. So . Dak.
? he rm a n,
So . O n .
80 2 803
Evenson, J. J . , 1 1 3 5 Yz land, Oreg.-Mar.
J. J . ,
Portl and, Oreg .-Mac. 2989 3505
Al bi n . Ave., Port
1 1 3 5 Yz 3,
Evenson, L. J . . Caledoaia,
S� ri,,( No. 2171 1 9 24 3723 2777 3724 2778 223 8b' 5i9 14 243 239
1 054 242 930 24 1 240 1 4'0 2618 1538 24 1 7 7�6 7'7 1 66 1 1 34 2862
NaTII� , A aareSi, ana l"fonth of Contribution
Evenson, Oscar, Stewartville, Minn.-July Evjen, Andrew, Porter, Minn.-Aug. Evjen, Carl B . , Bremerton (Union Oil Co. ) , Wash.-Nov.
Evjen, Hukon, Route 3, Madelia, MinD.
Evjen. Martin, Ferndale, Wuh.-Nov. vjen, ""f att , Madelia, Minn. Route 3-July Evjenth, Re v . R . U., 1 3 5 9 Golden G,te Ave., San Fr an c isco, Ca l i f .-Nov. Evjcnth, Ted, 1 3 5 9. Golden Gate Ave., San
3051 3035 1480 1481 17
Fard,I, N . N., Story City, Iowa-July
I'atland, Ch.,.- 1 9 3 5 6th Ave . We", Se.ttle, W..h.-Feb., Oct. Fatl.nd. Charles, 1935 6t h Ave. We". Se· attle, W ..h.-F eb. Fcddt'. Andreas W., 3 1 � Ha rk ness Ave., Pasade. na, Calif .--Oct. Fedde. i'vlay A., 3 1 � Huknes5 Ave., P asa
Den:t, Calif.-Jan. Fcia. M rs . T. H., 4749 Bloomgington. lYlin
Sept . FennfOY. Th el ma , Parkland, Wa"h.-Sept. Fergt'se n, R. 0., Manchester, rvl i nn.-July Femng, Olaf. W i l lma r, M i n n .-J u l y Fester. Erik 0.. Lambe rton, M i n n.-J uly Fey. . H., 369 35th St., Oakland, Calif.
J.n. Find.n, A. 0 . . Oldham. So. Oak.-Jul,.
Fingaison , E. 0 . , Route 2, Ferndale, \'7 ash.
Nov. Finguson, Miss
32 9
-July Fing rson Brothers, \V'a ln u t Grove, !\Ilinn.
Agnes, Walnut Grove, Minn.
FiQ$tth, Arthur K . . Kenyon, Mi ll.-July Finseth. \'Valcer, Kenyon, Minn.-July
3 182
FinJltuen, P . O., Route 3 , Pine Island, Minn. -J u l y
Fint . E. L. Ladies' Aid, c/o Pasto:, Decorah. Iow a-J u ly
Fi!iher, Mrs. Henr y 03Y, Worces te r, Milss.-Mar.
74 1
Fisher. Howard J . ) 504
m:J, Wash.-Feb.
Ruthven Ave.,
Court House ' Taco-
1 3 74
Fjacdie, Harald, East Stanwood, W.:uh.-Apr.
Fjarlie., Olt, East Stanwood, W asb.-Apr .
Fjeld'S>a rd, T. , 1462 Cal ifo rnia St ' " Eueen C3lif.-j3n.
20<1 1 2 l U3 2112
1 872 1 925
Fadne5s, L rsaret, Parkland, \'7 ash.-Mar. Fadness, Ruth, Parkland, Wash.-Sept., Oct. Fadness, Sonva, Parkland, Wash .-Nov., Oct. Fag t.,d, E. �L , 2 0 1 8 O;:d&:es Ave .. Everett, Wash.-MI, Faleide, Andeo"'. Maddock, No. Oa k.-Jul y F.ln .... H. ] . , Woodburn, O r.s .-Ma y
3 5 34 2239 2869 3420 660
2060 2059
2579 1 583 2772 3 1 17 2343 2344 3286 3273
959 3709
260 1 1835 2965 296 1 2977 13g
1 85 9 3710
Fr:'lncisco, a l if.-Mar. F:l:l. BUnicc, 1 477 Ju n i p e ro , Long B uch, Calif.- 0" . Fadness. Anna K., Parkland, Wash.-Sept. , Oct. Fndn... . B . K., Parkland, W.,h.-Sept, Oct. Fadness, Mrs. B . K., Parkland, Wash. ept.) Oct. Fadness, Irene, Parkland, Wash.-Sept., Oct. F,d n... .John, Parkland. Wash.-Mar. Fadness, Lawrence Fad nen , Parkland, \"<1 ash. Sept., Oct.
ne;tpolis, Minn.-Aug. Fel ."', F. H., R. O. Box 480, M on ro vi ., Colif.-J .n. Fdland, A. T., Maddock, o . Oak.-J uly F.ll"tad, L. L., Howard. So. Oak.-July Fcndrtn g , Ben, Houston. fvf i nn .-J uly Fendring. O. T., Houston, Minn.-July Fendring, Theodore. Houston, Min n .-Jul y Fenney. Mrs. Anna, Pa rkh.nd. W ash .-Oct . ,
Serial No.
�1 rs.
Guri, Kent. Wasl1.-Nov., Aug.
Fjelost,d , O r . C . Alford,
7 1 2 B.". Bldg., Mmneapoits, Minn.-July Fjeldstul, Halvor, Rld8ewa�·. Iowa-J ul y Fjeld.tul, J ohn , Ridg IV, Iowa-Jul,
3708 2547 16
2359 2360 1 75 310 18 926 1 66 5 2780 2947 720 2895 1842 788 2548 1 5 00 3798
3700 2017 2949 431 435 2955 3 18 3 19
Nam�, AdJrl!ss, dnd Month of Contnbutiot. Fladebo Brothfrs, Route ( , Willmar, Minn.
Fladmark, Oscar, Hudson, So. D ak.-July Fla dm ar k, Rev. S . • Ok le e, Minn.-June Fl adm'o, Iver, Han sk a, Minn.-July Flaskerud, O . K., Glenvill., Minn .-Jul y Flatberg, Oscar, Corson, So. Dak.-July Flath.rs, Mrs. Oscar, Corson, So. O.k.-July Flatebo, J. T., Storden, M in n. -J u ly Fl::t tebo Brothe rs, Route 4, Heron Lake, Minn.
July Flatland. C., Ridgeway, Iowa-A ug. FI.rwed. Mrs. M . F. • Hatton, No. Oak. Aug, FIeckrnstein, Edga r , 2 1 6 1 Pri nc et on Ave., St P:l U I , �Iinn.-July Flint, Margaret, Ta.coma, Wasll .-Mar . Flodcoi, John, Route 2, Ferndale, Wash.
Nov. Flockoi, Pedcr, Ro ut e 2, Ferndale, \'Vash. Nov. Floe1 La rs, Bricelyn, Minn.-July Floe, O. M., 1 7 1 3 Belmont Ave . • Seattl •• Wash.-S.pt. F1om, Emma. Belview, lVlinn.-July Flom, Ole 0 . . Belview, Minn.-Jul�· Floren, Rev. L. J . , Poulsbo, Wash .-1Vlay Floren, Mrs. L. J.) Poulsbo, Wash.-May Flott, Peter J . , Un i ve rs it y of \Vashin gton , Seattle, Wash.-Scpt. Folsand, . I., Oldh.m, So Oak.-July Fo lsb nd. K . N., Oldham. So. O ak .-Jul y Forde, M . H., Stokes Bldg., Ev.rott, Was h. -Oct. Forde. Mrs. �1. H.� 3605 Rucker Ave., Ever ett , Wash.-No v . Fo re, Nds. Ro ute 3, Box: 3 68, Ta(:oma, W:uh. -St! pt.. Sept. Forsberg, Leon a, 56 1 6 So. O;l Kl.S St., Taco
m:l, Wasl1.-Mar.
Forseth. Elmer, Ma r te ll . \'Vi� .-Jul}· Forse.th, Oscar, Route 3, l'vhdeli:l, l\'I inn. Jul), Forsyth, A., Ho usto n , Minn.-July Fo.. n, John J.. 1 064 M ,nda n . Blvd., O.k· bnd, ColiL-Jan. Fosh:lger, Jacob. Route 1 . Pennock., �1inn . July Foshcim, Gust., Howard, So. Ddk.-Aug. Fosmark, elvin B., Bo.lC 100'4-, \'V i ch i ta , Kan. - Mar . Fosncss, L . K., Briccl}'n, Minn.-July Fosnes!>, Ole, Cromw('Il, \'7ash.-May Foss. Ag nes . 779 Lakevi ew Bonl('vard, Scartle, \VI ..h.-Nov. Foss, Rev. C. L . . 2 1 1 1 No. 46th St . . Seattle, \'7�sh.""""S " ept., Nov. Fo". Mrs. C. L., 2 I I I No . 46th St . . Seattle. \'<I:;u;; h .-Nov. Foss. E. R . . Por I.nd, No. Oak.-Au . F01>.s, Geo. K .. Routc 3, Houston, M i nn.
Foss, Rev. H. L., 506 No. 2nd St. , Silverton. Oreg.-Dec. Foss, Mrs. H. L., 506 No. 2nd St., Si l ve rto n , Oreg. -Dec. Foss, Knud K . . Houston, Nlinl1.-Ju1v Fos... , Re.v. L . C . . 799 L:tkevi t w Blv d . , Seattle, \Vash.-Nov., Oa. Fo .., Mrs. L. c., 799 Lakeview Blvd., Suttle,
\'qa:;h.--- ov.
3 462
Foss, M. T., Revere, Minn.-July
Foss, M:lgd a, 779 L ake view Boulevard, Seattle, Wash .-Nov.
3 800
Foss, Ma rga ret , 779 La ke vie w Boulevard' Se. .1ttlc, Wash .- 'ov.
Fosscon, Chr-'t Parkl.lnd, \'7.J.sh .-Nov., Nov.
Fossu m , Emma B., 1 2 54 No. Hil l Ave., p,.. ad en., Calif.-Jan.
3033 913 914
Fossum, P. C., Bdvi�w, Minn.-July Fowler. Elmer G., 3 1 06 No. 1 5 th St., Taco· m:l, \Y/ash.-Mar. Fow l er, M<5. E. G., 3 1 06 No. 1 5 th St., Ta . coma, \'Va sh. -M a r .
Scridi 1"0. 1 28 5 3247 2787 2760 2789
2788 3 1 79 3 1 26
3 1 90
1 84 9 1 5 78 19
20 932 2 49 9 2121 1 1 85 1 53 6 2688 12I2 1 78 1 1 7 79 1 782
1 783 1333 1 3H
1 563 270 ') 2779
2694 607 608 2 1 21 2123 6-18 \926 409 1 927 1 54 26 6 2639 1614 21 12 1 27
4)6 29 1 6 3002 2909 1 03 0
636 637 26liZ 23
dnd Month
Contrib ution
Franklin L,dies' Aid, c/o Rev. L. ]. Flo...", Poulsbo, Wash.-Apr. Fredrickson. Al f r ed, Route I, Zumbrot':l, Minn.-July Frt'drick:son, F. A . , Hanska, M i nn .-J uly Fredri ckson, H. F.� Ha ns ka, Min n .-J ul y Fre.drick.son, H . ivI., Hamka, Wl inn.-July Fredricbon, L A., Hanska, �Iinn.-J uly Fredrickson, Johnny, Wanam ingo, Nlinn.July Fredrickson, J u l i us , \'(i,lnamingo, M i nn .-J uly Frrdridc50n, N. J., \'VanJ.minr,o, l'vli nn .-J uly Fredric!.u;on. Peter, How :lrd . So. Dak.-Aug. Frr d r i kn n , Re\'. P. O . , Caledonia, Mlnn. J u n E' Freed, W . J . , Dickinson, No. Dak.-5ept. Frc pd, Mrs. \V/. J . , Di cki nson. No. Dak. S('pt. French. Wal'.r Iv!.. 1403 Euclid Ave., S,nta Bar 'H;), Calif.-iYlar, Freng, Jobn, Mission Hi l l . So. D a k.-J ul y Frt"theim. H. J., R. 5 , Decorah . ro ..... a-July rret"hcim� lV1r:i. Joh::mne.i, R . 5, Decora h, Iowa
"Friend in Tri n i t r Lutheran Church," San Frann:oo ..:o, Calif .-M;.t y Pr-itz, Rev. Chas. Hayw;lrd, lVlinn.-July roibnd, Rev. Hj. S�, Mal/ville, No. Oak.
Frost, Es th e r. St. Cha rles , �1inn.-Aug. Frost. Mn . G e n a, St, Clurle.s. l-.11I1n ,-Aug. F ro s:t, Gerhard, Luther Colle�t-, Decora h , Iowa
-Au g . l'"Q:<ot. Rl" u be n. GI nwood, 1\1 in n .- ug. Frmt.ld, K . P .. Stam..-oo d, \V' a.sh .- Apr. F ro!! t :A d , Mn: . K . P., St.1nwood., \V.:l�fl.-Apr. Fro.ua d, NelLe, SU!lwood. \\ftl.sh.-June . , H3i' ....:nd, Fryd cnlund. . Nlin n .-July ryd�n ll1nd, Carl. R o u t e 3 , M.ldclia. l'v!.inn. -July Fryde.nlund. John, H.tyward, Minn.-Jul y Fuhr, Rev. M. J . K., 20 1 2 F St., S3n Diego. l if.-J>n. Fuhr, Mrs. M. J. K., 2 0 1 2 F St. , S an D i e g o,
Calif.-Jan. Fuisa-'l.s, Albert, Decorah, I ow.a -J ul y Fuls;tast John, Dl"cor.:!oh, Iow ..-J ul �' Ful,. ... Mr. and Mrs. W., 7 1 6 cr.y.tand y .. Oak la nd, c.. l i f.-J a n . Fu nd� n, G. " M inn ota, tvIinn.-JuJy Funru(!, AI b<.>rt. Si!VI'rton, Ore�.- Dec. Furpe on ' He nry . Route 1 . Lrnd, Minn.-
ulv Fushrud, John, Nunda. So. O,k.- J ul" Fus ker ud , Martin, N unda., So. Dak:.-J u l y Fu,ke,ud, O . J .. N u n d a , S o . O,k.-July Pynboc, Pro f. C. S . , 51,ir. Nebr.-July Gaa rd , Conrad. Parkland , \Y./ash.-Sl!pt., Sept. Gaar d , Grace, Parkland, \Vash . cpt., Se p t. G.orcl, Mr>. K. K ., Porkl.nd. W"h.-Sept.,
Sept. G;tmmt"rsvik. L., 1 70 2 So. A i ns w o rth vc., To(:"oma, \Va.sh .-Dcc. Gandrud, C. G .• S un burg , .Minn.-July Gandrud, Henry, Route 3 . r...1 u rdo ck , Minn.
July Gandrud, P. A., Sunburg, v L I inn.-July G;'). nC': s, H. A., 1 7 1 9 So. K:ty St., Tacoma,
\Xl:lsh .-lvhr . G>lnesei, Re.v . N . A . , Rou tt' 6, B o x 4 4 3 , Sac ram e n to , Cal jf.-J �n . Ga ngsei, Mrs. N. A., Ro u te 6, Box 443, S.l.C ramento, Calif.-Jan.
Ganthun, Ole, Nu n da, So. Dak.-July G;trdlm, John, Chinook, Wa$h.-Sept.
G:trdlin, M .. rie., Chinook, W.lsh.-Mar.
Garthc, Mrs. Lena., Route I , 80:'( 88, Poulsbo,
1 '546
G a rv i k, Mrs. Kri sti, E:;;a s t Stanwood, W.ab . May
125 I
G, us t,d , Mrs. B., 4 5 4 No. 42nd St. , W"h.-Apr.
1 3 08
Ged st ad, A., East Stanwood, W3sh.-Apr.
.. tt l c,
S.,i.t J
dnJ Morl'},
Con tribution
Gedstad, MriS. A., Apr.
2570 1018
Gedstad, Carine, Lenox, So. Dak.-Jllly Geffert, M ar th" , 1 1 02 Bc.l mo nt St., Portland. Oreg.-Mar. t., Port Geffert, l\1athild<l, 1 1 02 Belmore
East Stanwood, Wash.
land, Oreg.-Mar.
1928 1929 1930 2161 3 5 28 7 15 717 716
2867 26 1 7 1 93 ! 140 3038 3047 1 775 2058 3 2 20 2998 3687
Geiwitz. E. G .. Minneota, Mlnn.-Jul�� Gl!iwitz, Geoo. Minneot:t, lo.1inn.-July Geiwitz, P. H., Mi nneota1 M i n n .-July Gie re , Alexander, B}'ron. Minn .-July Giere, Arthur F. • G:dcsvilIe, \Vis .-Sepl:. Giert", Esth e r Louist:, 4 I 5 2 8th St., Oak la n d, C,lif.-hn. Giere. Rev. Verne, 4 1 5 18t h t •• Oa kl an d, Cal if .-Jan . Giere, Mn. V�rne, 4 1 5 2 8th St., Oakland. C.1! if.-Jan.
Gilb ut s en , melia, \\fitlmar, Min n.-July Gilbert,.n, Henry, M,ddock, No. O,k.-J uly ilbertson. C. O.t Portrr, M inn .-Aug . Gilman, O. E., Parkland, Wash. Oct., Nov . Gimmcstad, A. 0., Belview, Minn .-Ju ly G i m mcs ta d, C. 0 .• Bdview, NIinn .-Jul v Gimm�S[nd, Rev. L . M., Orfordville, WiJ. J u ly, Aug. GjclIum. M.
S. , Nerstrand , Min n . -J u ly Gj em s!!' , L. G . . \V,l namingo, Minn.-July Gjt rde . Ole, Ro u te I , Sunburg, r.,'f inn.-July Gj�rn:." , nna, Fort Dauphin, Madag asc.n Nov.
1619 2267
2280 2 28 1 2407 I 1 8-\ 1 1 85
66 1 1221 63 3 3 1 76
Gjerness, Th eo . , Sargeant. Mbn.-July Gjcvre, Mntin, De corah, [ow a-July Gjtvrc. N. H" Decorah. rowa- July Gj�vre. Mr!i. N . H. , Dt:corah. Iowa-Ju l y Glesnc, E . 0 . , Route 2, St. Obf, l o w . -J ul y GltSl1c, Rev. 0 .• Decorah, Iowa-Apr. Glesne., Mrs. 0 .. Decorah, row.II- pt. Gogst. d , Mrs. A., 3 5 26 Kingslty S t . , O.k· land, Calif.-J,n. "Good \V i lt , " c/o Hev. T. O. Svare. Pa rk. litnd, \X'ash.-Apr., Oct. Goodll1 anson, B m,lrd L.. Jr., 46 1 2 \Vest 29th St., Los An.Gd�.1� Cz.lif.-j:m. Gople.n, Henry, Routt 3, Pine Isbn d. Minn.
-J uly 3 1 7-'1 413
445 414 412 411 •4 1 5 448 410 616 3719 392
Goplc n .
Charlotte. S i l ve r to n , Or('u.-Dec. Goplerlld. Corn e l i a , 4Y 5 No. WOl te r St . , S il ver'tOIl, Orcs.-Dp t;. Goplcrud. Inga, Sjl .... �rton, Ore c.-Dec. Goplcrud. J oh n C., Silverton, Ore�.-Dec. Goplerud, Mtli . J. C., S ilv .cr ton. Oreg.--Dc.c. Goplc-rud, John C. Jr" Silverton, Oreg.-Dec• Gopl er ud, Mrs. lvIuie, 4-3 5 No . Water St . , S ilverton, Onog.-Dec. Gopterud. \'(.!;]. lt e r, Silverton, Oreg. - D ec . Gord er , Mrs. Ch arlotte. 4 1 0 0 Nicol let Ave " Minn e.,poli�, Minn.-J an. Grae, Ivar, Stllge. Depot, :lm� li. \'\!ash.Gcplcrud,
Grambo, Peter, 2J ( No. I S t . , T;lComa, W;J.$h.
2667 2854 2804 2806 2805 2604 842 924
Gr:nnstad, M. K., Montrose, So. D�k .-J u ly Gran. ClilUs, New Albin, Iowa-J ut�' Gran, &thf:r , New Albin, Io ..... a-Ju l y Gran, Patty, New Albin, Iowa-July Gran. P eter C., New Albin, 1000'la-July G ranbo, E. H., Ma d do ck. 0. O. k.- July Grande, A. J . , 7·4 09 5 5th Ave. So. E• . , Portland, Oreg.-Mar. Gra. nde ,
Ph y ll i s , \y/ . , h . - Mar.
7 1 22
265 I
rangaard. l'vlrs . OHistine, -J u l y
Gra naaa rd, O. wa ll H., Wakon da, So. O,k. July
1 5 73
Granskou, Rev. C.
und;a, So. Oak.
M. , Forest City,
June 934 945 1 620
Grass, Lelab, Yelm, Wash.-Mar. G ra s"
Zaida, Yelm. Wash.-Mar.
Gravd.,h l, Mor'in, Hayfield, Minn.-Julv
Serial No.
1 62 1
17" 491 3763 778 n89
3141 1 03 1 '178 477 1 020
j 164 lO l l
lVam('� AddT�JJ. and �fonth of COn/rib l'tion
Greco, Louis.. . P:Hkbnd, \'V ash.-Mar., Oct. rdthen, Rev. Emil. 2 1 0 Prospe ct St., Port4 land, M.in�July Gregersen, l\1., Sa mo.J., Calif.-Jan. Grfgcrson. Neil. 2 0 1 Karr Ave .. Hoquiam, \X'ash .-Noy. Grend 3.hI, S.. 1926 B ort n Ave., SrattIe, W ., h. -P.b . , Ocr. ,-evstJ.d, Rev. E. C., 827 Addie St., Lead. So . O.k .-J u l y Grimsgaard. J. J .. Grove City, Min n . -J ul y nmste.,d, S., \\lash i ngt o n Bl d g . , Taconu .. Was h,-Mac . G l'Im st veat , A. 0., 3 2 5 Ea. 23 r d St., P o rt· i:lMd, Oreg .-Dec . Grimstvedt, Mrs. A. 0, 3 2 5 Ea. 23rd St., Po..thmd, O re g. -Dec . Grlm�tvedtf Cl ycle , 325 Ea. 2 3 r d St" POft3r. land, Ortg. Grinager. H. A " Ro ut e 3, Spring Grovt. Mi n n .-J u ly Grinde, Mrs. Anne, Mayville, No . Dak.
Grinna, Jnly
16 l 29 2 1
1928 292 1009
3 1 51 3 1 33 2 1 49 3193 2773 1 003 3 37 3050 3098
!SID 1 68 3 272 593 669 2292 333
'5 .
\V a u kon ,
Grinnllt Mr s. Gu s t a v , Route 5, \Y/.lukon. Iowa-J uly Gro�nsbe'lt. Rev. 0'1 9 rvti s s; on St., San Frnn ci�co,
3 1 30
Co f i f .-Jan.
Grondohl, B. H., !o.hddocl<, No. D.k.-J u ly J u l ). Grondahl, R . L . . 1030 S o. Park, Red W i ng, Minn.- lui}" Nov . Gron�th. Albnt, DelCtcr, Minn.-July Gron&eth, Jo h n I., Rou te 3 , NI ur dock , l\'fin n . - J u ly Gronseth, Robert, Route 3 , Mu rdock, �Iinn. -July GronsC'th, Mrs. S i gr id , Route 3 , M u rdo ck. Min n .-J ul y G, ot h, Btrt, Mayvill., No. O. k.-Aug . G rotte, Joel Route 3. G ro\'c City, Min n . Jail' Grotte, Mrs. P. H., Grove: City, �I inn .-J ul y Grovdahl, H::tns. Harficld. M i nn. -Ju l y Grovt'n, Mrs. R., 3 7 3 2 B rY J n t Ave. So., Min n e ;t pol i s, Mi nn.- A ug . Grove Family, Hanska. rvJinn.-J u l �' Grything. O . M ., 1 4 0 1 No. Pr oct or, T acom :l, WQ.h .-M " . Gry ri ng . Oscar, Belview. M fnn .-J ul y G ryti ng , R. E . , Belvit!w, Mi n n. -J u ly Gubberud, Mrs. B . J . , SprinG Gro v�. Minn. J ul y Gubbrud. Goo. T . , Ber ford, So. O.k.-July G uda l, J. M, 0 . , 3624 5th Ave., Lo, Angel ..,
Gulbrandson, C. 0., Nor<hlieid, Minn.-July J . 0., Rou te 4, Bellingham,
Gulbranson. Martin,
1 468
I"ll 1542 951
204 224'5 1 3 50 1 3 48 1351 1349 1 289 436 1 93 2
Guldseth , May
Bel mon d ,
G ul h a uc en . Rev. T., 47 Mcrr i va l c St.. New West minste r, B. C.-M a y G ulhau gcn. Mrs. T., 47 M c rr iv a l e St., New Westminlter. B. C.-May Gu l leson, Nolma, '16 1 6 So. E St . , Tacom., Gul lixso n, OIi2 A., 505 High St., Oeconh, Iow2-} lIir
Gullord, H. B., Bricel,n, Minn,-JuI,
Gun der son , Albert, East St:1nwood, \Y/a.sh. Sopt., July Gundcr.:son, Art , Route 2, A lbe rt Lea, Minn. -July Gunderson, C. B., E3St Stanwood, Wash. Apr. G un d ers on , C. J., East Stanwood, \Vastl. Apr. G underso n, Mrs. C. J., Ea" Sta nwood , Wash. --Apr. Gunderson, H. J., East St nwoo d , \Vash.
Apr . G u nders on , L. 0., Driscoll,
o. O. k . -Apr. G u n derson , Mrs. M. G . , 3 3 8 No. Church , Si l v('rton , Oreg.-Dec. G underson, Mrs. Martha, Por te r. �finn. Aug.
1933 2 1 94
517 2 1 06
3 1 69 1 7 97 758 74 75 76 742
743 77 3616 3617 3 5 84
3 5 85 1571 I 317
519 343
828 829 827 2429 1316
Lanesboro, Minn.-July
If, R o u te 4, A rl i ngt on , Wash .-May
1 7 06
1 2 84
1 505
Gundson, J. 5., Belview, Minn.-July Gu nd e rsen, Gustav, 2 1 5 7 Union St., Eurw. Cal if .-Ja n . Gundersen, K., 705 So. J S t. , Tacoma, \V.sh.
Gudmun,.n. O. M . , 43 1 2 So. Ra ,' mond , Los A n g, les , Cal i f .-Ja n . Gu dm u nscn , Ovidia. -4 2 S First A ve . , Chico, Gulbr:J.nsen.
t Minn.-July
3053 4-95
3 5 86
ulif.-Jan .. Nov.
Tdm(, Addrul, and Month 0/ Contribution
G u lls ta d , J . A . , Route 2, \V.. h . -A pr .
M i n n .
Route 4, H�ron Lake,
G ullor d, T, H., Fr
C.lif.-Oct. Guddal, N. J" July
Wash.-No . Gulbransen, Mrs. J. 0., Route 4 , Bel li n,gh am, W as h .-Oec. Gulbransen, 05(' <1r, Hayfidd. M in n .-Ju l y
Gravdal, Ole, SUlc an t, l\1inn.-] ufy
2391 24 25 722
Gu nde rson , Olaf. Porter, Minn.-Aug. Gu nderson. 5 . . Ridgt!way, Iow:t-July G und erso n , Mrs. Tho, , , 375 Fair 0 . .. St., San F.a nci s co , Cll l i f.-J 3 n . Gl,l nwall. Gl'!orge, Ridgeway, Iowa-J u ly Gu to rms o n, Cui, Cal ed o n ia. Mi nn .- July Guttebo, Pete r , Routt: I. Decorah, Iowa-J u l y H aab ns en , S., 1 4 1 0 No. 4 6t h St., Sc.ttle,
\'V"h.-Feb . Ha.J.h.nson. E.ik, Route 3, Box 3 6 1 , Tacoma.
Wa,h.-July H aakenson , Elmer, Ro ut e 3, Box 36 1 , Tat: rna, W.,h.-Sopt., Nov. Haakenson, I\1rs. Elmer, Rout(' 3. Box 3 6 1 , Tacoma, \Vash .-St'pt. . Nov . Ha.1kenson. G . . Route 3, Box 3 6 1 , Tacoma, \Vash .-Fc b " Se pt . Haakenson, Mrs. G . , Route 3. Box 3 6 1 , T� coma. Wash .-Sept .• Se p t . Ha ake nson . Mrs. IeL" Rou te 3, Box 3 6 1 . :l eoma, \'(fash.-Sepr.• July Haal a n d , John, Route 2, Bow, \'7.lsh.-Oct. H .,l an d , Mrs. John, Rout< 2, Bow, W.sh . O ct . utdr. Haavik A rth u r, 2006 Wes t 65 th t., S W/ ..sh.-Oct. Haavik, CHof , 2006 West 65th St., Senttlc, Wa, h.-Oct. Ha'H 'ik. R�v. E . C., Bodl�. Iowa-June H•• vik. Rev. O . L" 2006 \V<>t 65th St., 'r attle, Wash.-Se p t . , Oct. Haa v ik . M". O . L., 2001i We" 65th St . , Se attll!, W3�h.-Nov., Oct. Haavik, Obert , 2006 West 65th St., Seattle, Wlash . -O ct. H.bel. Rev. Bornh"d H . J., 62 Do lo,", Ter·
race, San Francisco, Ca l i f .-Ja n .
Ha be l, Mrs. Lillie M . , G Z Dol ores TtH.1Ce, San Fr:lncisco, Calif.-Jan. Ha bc rl y , Mrs. Roy., Edmond,. Wosh.Haerc, Andrew, Silve rton, Ore g.-Ma r Haere, MOl, Andrew, Silverton, Ore . -M.r .
H:lere, S ylvia. Silverton, Oreg.-lVlar. Haerem. Dr. H . • S co ry Ci ty , Icwa-Jtlly H afstad . Mrs. Helen, Stan wood , \'\l3�h. A pr . Hagedorn, Mrs. 0" 4 3 5 M o ntgome ry St., Portland, Oreg.-Dec. Hage n , Albert, Rou t . 5 , W a u kon , Iowa -J u ly Hagen, Mrs. O1 rist ine , PJrkland, \v/",h . Sept. Haeen . Even, Pa rkla nd , Wash .-Sept. Hagen, H . , 6203 \Var ne r S t . , So. Tacoma, Wash.-Feb.
H.gen, L. c., S u n be rll, M inn,-July
3 1 57
Hagen , M. ]., Caledonia, M i nn .-J u l y
1 17
Hag e n , O. 0., B ox 330, \V.sh .-Sept . , A U8,
3, T3COIDa,
SeriaL No. 1 18 953 1637 3376 1668 2771 706 703 1 007 822 217 878 217 1 66 1 3086 3016 1934 263 1008 1 8) 26 27 2200 2 1 02 502 1 4 69 759 2348 3707
1 669
2381 563 564 497 3005 2661 1 798 2410 3 3 20 3464 2813 48 1 675 2257 2932 2990 299 1
Namt:, A ddrcH, lmd Month of Contribu liorJ Box 3}O, Route 3 , Ta· coma, \X'.uh.-5ept., Aug. Hagcncss. Dilgmac, 1 9 3 1 So. Sherid::m, Ta· coma, Wash.-M:tt. Hageness, N. N., 1 9 3 1 So. S h er i da n, Taco·
H.gen, Mrs. O .
rna, Wash.-July Hager, Ole, Dovray, M i nn.-July H.ge ad, K. 5., Beldenville, Wis .-July H:tsestandC!, Emil. Hanska, Minn.-J uly Hagoes, Rev. 0., 43 1 4 No. 1 th, Tacoma, W.sh .-Jan. , Apr. , July Hago.., Mrs. 0., 43 14 No. 19th St., T.coma,
W.,h .-Ja n . Apr., J u l y Hall, Mrs. Anna, 25 1 2 So. W o sh.-M a r. Halt, Lewis A., Silve rton , Oreg .-Mar. Hall, Mrs. N., 2 1 3 8 So. St .. Tacom a , W ..h .-No v. Ha ll , Norm.n, 2 1 38 So. J St., T com., W ••h.-M". H.II, Mrs. Norman, 2 1 3 8 So. Jay, Tacom a,
Hallan, Elm<r L., 439 So. Oivisiin St., Ann rhor, M LCh.-July Hall.n, O. E. , Spr ing Grove, Minn.-July Holland, S . B., Echo. Minn.-July Hallanger, Rev. C. M., Portland, No. O.k. July Hallen. C. H., Route I , Box 268, Puyal l u p, W.'\ s h .-N ov . Halli ngstad Mr-s. A., 2 3 0 9 Ainsworth So . , Tacom a . IIl sh .-M ar . Hall., M . H., Box 5 2 5 , Porkland, Wash.
Ha [sten, Mary, Parkl3nd, Wash.-Sept., Mu. Hais te n, 01., Pa rk lan d, W ..h .-Sept .., Mar. H:dvorscn. Mrs. Gunhild, Route 5, Dl'cora h, low -J uly Halvorse.n, Hen ry M., Ridgeway, Iowa-J uly Halvorsen, L., Rou te 6, Box 1 2 8, Santa Rosa, Calif.-J a n . Halvorson. Albert, Route I , Box 305, E t St:anwood, Wash.-May Halvorson. Christ, 902 6th Ave. No., Seude, Wash.-Feb. Halvorson. Erik, Route I, Garretson, So. DOlk.
-July H Ivonon. H . B . , Route 2 . Fern da l � , Wash.
-Nov. Halvo"on, H . H., Rock 1m, Wi•.-July Halvorson, Halvor, Hills, Minn.-July Hglvorson, Hilda, Hemet, Calif.-Oct. Halvo rllo n, Ida, He met, Calif.--Oct. Halvorson, Ingv.lld, 8 1 0 Vurrt'll St., E ureka , Calif.-J.n. Halvorson, J . A., R ou te 2, New London, Minn. J ul y Halvo"on. ]. G . , Nunda, So. O.k.-July Halvorson. John, RoutE' 2, Decorah, Iowa
H"lvorson. Lewis, St. Olaf. Iowa-J uly Halvo on, Louis, Box 14, H;'l['tland, Minn. July H... lvorson, Martin. La m be rton . Minn.-Aug.
H:dvorson. '. , 1 0 30 So. Park, Red Wing. Minn.-July Ha l vorson , Olc, 205 So. 6th St . . Wen Kelso, Wl ash .-No•. H.l vor., on, Ole, Spring Val ley . W i• .-July Ha l vo r son , Ole, Route. 2, Dccorah, Iowa
July Halvorson, Ole, Ken}'on, Minn.July H.:dvorlOn, Otis, Routt 2, New London, inn. -July l-Ial .....orson, Rogna, Route 2 , ew Lon don , Minn.-J uly
B rot her5, L lll m be rto n ,
Hal vonion ,
Hamre, Olav, Deco['ah. Iowa-J uly
499 I i3 I 08
Minn. -J u l y
Hansen, An n. , 21 I Del Nort e St., Eurcb, C.lif.-J.n.
Hansen, Arne 5., W.. h.-Ma r. H;lnsen, H.
7 I 4 Leu y Bids., Seattle,
Sc!ridi No. 574 1731 979 760 17l) 807 494 363 1 5 23 3764 3765 4 3445 1 84 1 249Z 2104 3 3 47 3 2 99 892 3 96
397 3415 3 3 74 2365 1 3 90 1672 1624 1643 594 169 3352 2700 2497 458 2498 1 625 3367 3429 3 3 56 2447 2553 761 3 238 1 1 79 3720 3766
Ntlmc, A ddrcSJ, IIrJd Month of Contribution Hansen, Ein3.c, Route I, Box 79, Kent, Wash. -J.n., Nov. Hansen, Ella, Route I, Bow, Wash.-J ul y Hansen, Esther, 1 3 09 So. 8th St., Tacoma, Wash .-Ma c
Hansen, July
Berthold, No. O.k.
Hansen, H . P., Silverton, On�N .-Mar. H.:tnsen, Harold W., 2 3 3 2 Union St., Eureka, C.lii.-Jan. H.,nsen, I.. W., Route I , 553 C, Seattle, WJ.sh .-Nov . H:lOsen, O. A., Route 2, Ar l ing to n , Wash. May H:lOscn, O. B.. 1 5 1 Z Simp,on Ave. Aber· deen. Wash.-Nov. Han5en. Mrs. O. B., 1 5 1 2 Si mpso n An., Abe rde e n . Wash.-Nov. Hanse.th, I�r. Park:land, WaJih .-Scpt ., Apr., Nov. Hanson, Mrs. Albtrt and Chi l dren, Fergu'O F.II.s, Minn.-July H.nson, AIf, Howard, So. O.k.-Aug. Hanson, Carl, Cresco, Iowa-July Ha nso n, E . 1.. , Missio n Hill, So. O. k.-Jul y Ha.nson, Geo. M . , Sto['den, Minn.-J uly Hanson, H. H" Route I , Gran d Meadow. Minn .-July Hanson, H. 0., 257 So. 1 1 th St., Tacoma, \Y./3sh .-Mar. Hanson, H. S .. Silvcrton, Oreg.-Dec. Han!on, Mrs. H. 5., S ilve rto n, Oreg.-Dec. Hanson. Mrs. Hannah M., Westbrook, Minn.
H:mson, Hanson, H:mson, Hanson, Hanson,
Han' , Currie. Minn.-July Han" Ol dha m, So. 0••.-July Hedvik. \X' i l b u r , W:ash.-May Henry. E llsw ort h , \X' i�.-J uly Henry Moo Sargnnt, Minn.-July Hanson, J . c. M., 5227 Ingl<side. Ave., Ch i· cago, I11.-J uly Hanson. J. H., 1 204 No. W i lson Ave . . Pasa dena, C.Jif.-J .n. Hanson, MrS. J. H., 1 204 No. Wilson An .. Pasaden;l, Calif.--Oct. Hanson, J . M., Storden, Minn.-July Han�on. J . P., Halo'wa rd, l\1inn.-July Hanson, Mn. J u li a, Mission Hill, So. Oak. July Hanson, Karl, 1 0 1 8 M c K n i gh t Bldg., Min· ncapolis, Minn.-Dcc. Hanson, M. L., Mission Hill, So. D:tk.-July Hanson, M:trtin, D exter, M i nn.-J ul y Hanson, Ole, A voc a, Minn.-July Hanson, Ole, R evere, Minn.-July Hanson, P. M., Storden. Minn.-July Hanson, Soren, Hayfield. Minn.-J uly Hanson, \X' . E., C('ntervitle, So. Dak.-J u ly Hansteen, Otilia M., 2808 1 4th Ave . WU t , Seattle, Wash.-Feb. H.:trrison, Mrs. Christ, Routt I . Zumbrota, Mi n n.-Ju ly Hanisvillc. Rev. R. A . , 668 [ Northwtst Highway, Chic.go, III.-Apr. Harstad, Rev. B . . Parkland. Wash.-Nov. HaC'5tad, John, 5 1 1 W . 1,t St., Aberdeen,
Hatvey, Margaret, 906 Ea. John St., Se attle, \'\Iash.-Mar. H.t1e. N. 0., Hutland. Minn.July Hatteberc, M. 0., Silverton. Oreg.-Dcc., Mar. H3ttt'!berg, W. T., Si l ve rton , Oreg.-Mat. Hatvcdt, Alvin, East Sta nwood, Wash .-Apr. Hat ved r, Bertha. East Sta nwood, \VI ot:l:h. Apr. Hau ge.. Axel, Rout e 2, S u nb u.rc , Minn .-July Hauge, Doris, 2 9 2 1 No. St . . S.1...:t;tm en to, Cal i f .-Ap r . Hauce, E. H . . Route 2, SunburG, l\.1inn.
Hauge. Mrs. Esten,
984 33 15 387 839 1 362 1356 2917 1 170
uly 795
Caledoni.t, Minn.-Ju l y
Hauge. Esther L .• Ho wa rd, So. D:tlc..- Mar.
·:rial No.
Address, and
Saial Month of Contribldion
1 171
Hauge, Esther M., 292 1 N. St . , Sacramento,
2425 29 1 2
Houge. H:iuge, J ul y Hou ge , Hauae, Haug., Se.ttle, Hauge., Ha.uge, Hauge, HJ.ug,e, Hauge, Hau �
17 6) 1 28 1 1 02
798 799 2840 28 1 29 1 20 1 1 204 1833 815
2904 964 205) 1 172
130 131
C,lif.-Apr. H. T., Story City, Iowa-J uly Hans E., Ro ut e 2, Sunburg, Mi n n .
I. J ., B lackduck, M inn.-J ul y Janet, Parkland, \'V ash.-Sept. K. L . . 7 1 1 7 3 2 nd Ave. No. W.." W..h .-Mo r. Dr. L . J. , Howard, So. Dak .-Ma r, Mrs. L . J" Howard, So. Dak.-Mar. Lars, Ca lt'do nia , M i n n .-July LIlurl!ncc, Parkland, \'Vash .-Scpt. Lawrence, Pa.rldand, Wash. Se p r. R ev. M . E., C an by, Mi nn .-Apr. Hau e, Mrs. M . E., Canby, Minn .-Apr. Hauge, M . G., Howa rd , So. Dak.-Aug. H3uce, Mrs. O. 5., S i lve rton , Oreg.-Mar. HauE;e, Ote, Route 2 , S u nb u rg. Minn.-July H.uge, O".r , 7 1 1 7 3 2nd N. W., Su tt l e , Wasl1.-M ar. Hauge, P . G " Dennlson, Minn.-Jul�' Hauge, Pearl G., 29 2 1 N. St . , Sacramento, C.lif.-Apr. Hauge, Philip E., Parkland, \Vash .-Sept., June Hauge, MrS. P . E., Porkland, W"h.-Sept.
794 1 1 73 635
Hauge, Philip Eugene, (In lVlemoriam ) , P,rldand, \,{,,,,h .-Mar. Hauge. Ronald T., 292 1 N St., Sacramento, Colif.-Apr. Hauge, S. J.. 2 9 2 1 N St., Sacramento, Cali!.
No. 3768 2550 2622 503 2332 3741 3439 3438 3441 3446 1 83 8 1802 3769 1803 1 1 22 3770 1 749 2605
2336 1935 3338 2826
797 1799 2913 1 646 1638 1639 33 10 1 8 00 2685 2258 2 268
3 24 5 1 44 1
6 34 1 3 96 1 80 1 3092 2 1 17
Hauge, Mrs. S. J., 292 1 N St., Sacramento, Colif.-Apr. Hauge, Dr. Sigired M., 209 Wood St., West Lafayette, Ind.-II-h r . I-Iau�e, M rs . Sigfred M., 2 0 9 \'\Iood St., W e s t Lafayette, Ind.-Ma r. Hauge, Theodore, Route 1, Decorah, Iowa Aug. H:l Uge, Thodore H " Route 2 , S unbu rg , M i nn . -J uly Haugen, Rev. Clare-nct", Ca n by. rvlinn.-July Ha ugen . Dona.ld J.. Deco rah. Iowa-July H� ugen , IVlrs. Donald J . • De cora h . Iowa-J uly Haugen, Ed., Route I, Grand Meadow, Mi nn. -J u l y Hilugen, G ust . Decora h . IO·t\>· a-AuA'. H:\ugen, J. E., Hartwick Collrge, Oneonta, . Y.-Aug. Haugen, K. E., Route 1. Decorah , Iowa-J u l y Hau8en, Mr$ . Margrethe, RQute 2 , Ossian, Iowa-J u l y Hau�l�n. alai, Wanam ingo, lIvlinn.-Jul}! Haugen. Olga, 1808 Lombard, Evt:r;!tt, Wash . -M.lY Haugen, Ol i ve r , 57 1 '5 So. Wilton Pla n', Los Angeles, Calif.-Jan. Haugen. P . • Garden G ro ve. C:alif.-Apr. Haugen, Thos. • Route I, De corah, Iowa-J uly Hauge-It Brothers, Spring Groyt", Minn. July H.11.;,gt's Ladia' Aid, Route 4, Decorah. Iowa
3018 1 229
Haugly Brothers, Haugom,
Fairfax, Mtnn.-July Port l and,
3 202
Hau ..land,
HauGst,d, Jacob, Bruce, So. Du.-J u l y
155 7 34 284
Oreg .-Dec.
As to ria,
A l bert Apts.,
-Feb. Ji.l uke, Elmer, Box 254,
Portl a nd ,
3061 884 2825 1 23 1
Maf1lh of Canl ribtaiOri
Hedman, Alfred, Lamberton, MiI1n.-July Hedman, Andrew, Lamberton. M i n n .-J u l ,· Hedm.an, L . L . , Lamberton. Minn.-July Hedm;tn, Theo., Lamberton, Min n .-July Hegdahl, Lars, \'V infred, So. Dak.-Aug. Hegg, G. A., Route I, Dcco"h, Iowa-J uly Hegg. Jacob, 1 5 1 6 W . 5 th St., Abecd,eo, Wash.-Nov. Hcgg, John, Jr., Route I, DccO'rah, Iowa July Hege, John. Sr., Ro ut e I , Box 24, Dccor:th.
Iowa-Mar., July Hegg, Pete r, 3 1 7 \'\1 . 1 0 th St., Aberdeen, \V ash .-Noy. Hegge, Rev. M . H. • Stoughton, Wis.-July Hegge, Mrs. J . 1.. Maddock, No. Dak.-July Heggen. Everett, Route 1 , Brandon, So. Oak. -July Heggen .
H:uvey, Portu, Minn.-July E . E., \'Valnut Grove, Minn.
P.:eggerston. July Hegland.
Ro u te
Wh� len.
Hrgland, Arnt, Route 2, \Vhalen, M i n n . July Hegland. Marie, R ou te 1 , Whalen, Minn. July Hegland. Mrs. R., 3564 Fawcett A v e . , Ta· coma. Wash.-Mar. Hegland, T. M., Route 2, Whalen, M i n n . -J u l y Hegland, Einor, 9 1 7 Spruce, Sea ttle, Wash.
Heglund, Mutin, 5 1 3 1 So. Eye, Tacoma. Wash.-Mar. Heusethj 1. A., Spring Grove, M i n n .-July Hegn'(, lt, G , T., Silvert on, O reg .-J a n . Heimdahl. lVliriam, Fir. Wash .-lvlar. Heimdahl. Rev. O . E . , Ftr, \'{' ash.-Ape. Helgen, Prof. C. B . , No rthf i l" ld . rvlinn. J u ne Helgrn Brothers. Box 97. Ro utr I , Mall'
2 1 08 1936 HIS 1306 3099
Helgeson, George-, Ridgeway. Iowa-J uly Helgesen, K . , Ly!e. Minn .-july Helr:es!!n, Thorn. Bricelyn, Minn.-July Helland, Mrs. B., Stanwood, Wash.-Apr. Hellond, Dr. G. M., Sp ri ng G,ove, Mtnn.
1032 2088 683 846 1261 1572
chesrer, rvlinn.-July
IS60 2 1 93 3690 3 5 79 3 5 80
A ddress, dnd
J uly
1 1 69
H a u k e l id , Mrs. K nu t, 428 Hanna Ave., Aberdeen, W:lsh.-Nov. Havl!rberg, Joe, Centervillf'., So. Dak.-July Ha vnc ros , Rev. Ivar, Mab"I, Minn.-July Haw k i n s , H., Ro ute 2, Box 7 4 1 , Sacta Rosa, Calif.-Jan. Hawley, C. B . , Toronto, So. Dak.-July Haze n, Clementine, 1 7 1 3 4th St., So. Bdl· ing ha m . \'V as h . -No \'.
2402 :l403 3052 1745
Hdlekson, O. C, 902 So. Sp,i"g Ave., Sioux Fall<. So. Dak.-July, Aug. Hl.'"llen, Bcrthe.l, Route 5, Decora h. Iowa
Hdlinfl. Me<. K . . Route I , Box 182, Puy· .lIup. \,{,,,h.-Nov. Hellman, Rev. Wi . H., 1 1 09 So. Gr.nt St. , T:lcom:t, \Vash .- Oct. Hellman, Mrs. \Y,! . H., 1 1 09 So. G,a nt St.,
Tacoma. \Va3h.
Helmey, T. P., 3 t 5 0 Gera rd Ave, SO.t !\Ilin ne a po l is , !.V l i n n .-July Helmey, Mrs. T. P., 3 1 5 0 Gerard Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn .-JuI}' Heltnt". Tom, Belview, �Iinn.-July Helvig, Henr}'. Siss eton , So. Da k .-J u l y
Hdvig, O. K., Story City, Iowa- J uly
M. R . A., Astoria,
Hemmingson, \'{'ash.-June
Hemry, �1rs. Ida l\tJ., Hayward, Minn.-July
Ro utl'
Hauke, Holden, Box 254, M. R. A., Astoria, Orcy: .-l a v o
2247 1848
He nden ,
3 1 26
Houle.l i , G, R., Abecd.<n, Wash.-Aug.
Henderson, A. M., Storr Ci ty. Iowa-J uly
3 1 27
Ho ukeli, M", G . R , Ab<cdeen, Wa,h.-Aug,
1 70 0
3 767
Knue. 428 deeD, \Vash.-Nov.
Henderson, July. No v.
H" u k eI id ,
Ha nn a
Aber· 605
A. A., Howard, So. Dak.-Aug,
He ndricks.
Ida Oscar,
Marilt , Olalla,
1084 2702 3422
145 1 787
2896 2992 2997 735 736 1 06 1 1 49 1 1 50 289 1 1 98
HI7 705 2433 1 250 25 9 3380 2270 202 5 1 2 27 586 2590
25? 1 2219
369 1 3 692 2677
2676 2673 233 23 1 2
180'11 4 49 1 009. 96 355 97 3)51 108 3 1 22 8
2829 2828 28 1 1 3204
Add'CH, and Mcmth of Contribution
Hendr-i ckson, Edwin. Tipton, low�-M n. Hendrickson , Mrs. Frank, Hayward, M i nn . - J uly Hendrickson, Rt-v. H . 0., H umbo ldt , 10WJ - J ul y
Hendrickson, Ole, Ossian , IO�'ol-Juh' Helld rwr:n , H . A., P. O. Box 5, Flo rence Branch, Los An gcll"s, CaliL-Feb. Henjum, He n ry, Route I, P�nQC , Minn. J uly Henjum, J . A., Sun b u rg, Minn.-July Henjum, Sam, Pennock., Minn.-July H enn ingse. n . 1'.'1 . Joe, 2 5 8 3 3 rd St., Astori", Orcg.- .b. Henni ng.5cn. NIrs. P., lvL R. A . Box 254, As ro ri ::a. O re g.-Fe b . H� nriben . G. c.. Kent. \Vash.-Sept. Hr-nrik!ien. R,.v. G o. • 6 2 0 7 Phinney A v e : , St:lttte., W:nh.-M;lr. Henri 1:'0, �rn:. Geo., 6207 Phinn y AVf!;. , Surtle, \V/ash.--lvlar. Henriben. l\Itrs . Gt!o.• Ktnr, W;l�h .- ov. H l'll ri b� n , G..:o. Gil betT, Kenr. \'V';)sh.- pro He n r i k,so , Andr. L; m b cton, M j n n .-J u y Hen ryson , fvlrs . Ca rrlt 0 . , Story City, Iowa -J . n . • Ju ly Henryson. T. T . , Sto ry City, low;].-Jul}· J-lerbt!r�. M A nn e , 6:1 ') 3 Pabti n ' , SI:';'tttlr. W " h.-A pr . H4:: r brandloon. H . E . , A lc.c!iltu , SQ. O.ak.-J u ly HcrriinSL'r. M r S. [via=<. urrie. M i n n . Julv He r •. IH,-I, M i,!Io G in.1, I ('(0[",3h, Iowa- ug. H ..kin . N. 0 .• Portland. No. D k.-July H..kin. O . N . Portl .nd , No. D.k.-Apr . . Au�. H •• I . I nma n. Wako nd•. So. D.k.-J uJy I Iesl•. I ... \V.I:.OI1 . So. D .k.-J uly H od•. P. E . • W.k"n • So. O.k.-J u l y 1 [uttnts. R . D . , Routt 3 . Bricely n, l\1inn. -July H."en. W t. . Rout I. Box 1 89A. Puy· • llup. W"h .-Nov. Hc,tcneJO;;<. Mrs. \Y/. L., Route I . Box 1 89A , Puy.llup. W..h .-Nov. Hdland. Conrad, IVlontros('. So. Dak.-J u l�' Helland. M. L.. MontroS<. So. O . k.-July Helland. Rol p h. Mant ra,". So. Dak.-July H1Rhby, Prof. L . 1 . . Oec nn . Iowa-Nov. Hi lb� . J. H. , Route 2, Decorah. Iowa-J uly H ildah l. 01['. Oecor:th. Iowa-J uly Hilmo, Huel. 1 8(1 \'Vetmcfi.' , vnett. \'('ilsh. -May Hilseth. John. 1 1 09 1 9 th So .• T.coma. Wash. -MM. Hinde rl:�t Ida, Park la n d. Wash.-Scpt.\ Oct. Hindtcrlie. Ray, ParkLlnd. W ash .-Oct . H;nderl ie, " Parkland, \Xl2Sh.- t'pt . • 5 pt. Hindtdie. M r!' . S., Parkb nd . Wash.-Oct. H I nds , Lonn ie, c/o Int. H-uv. Co., Minot. No. O.k.- Mar. n. O.k. Hjelle. Prof . Al bert E .. Portl.nd. Apr. Hjelle. uri " . . Route 2. W ha len . M inn. -J uly Hjelfe. 01 •• R ou te 2 . \Vh.,lcn. Minn.-July Hjcnn ltad, H. L .. Red \\f ing, M i n n .-J u l }' Hjermstad, H. ns, Route J . Zumbrou. Inn. -July
2810 1 10 1 1 1 00
Hjerrnst:l.d, Hjalmcr, Red ing, M i n n .-J u l �, HJ�r '!.Stad. M art hD-. An :aco rtc5, W .u h .-M a r. Hjerm!tad. Sir-nl!. Anacort ('s, Waf>h,-Mar.,
1 5 99
Hjermstad, Sol ....eig.
C l arIes,
S i l ve rto n ,
\X'ash.-J uly
28 1 9
Hod, R.·v. C. S. B . • 425 So. 4th St. . Min·
377 1
Hoe m. r1. A . • 42 8 McKinley Ave. . deen. W:l. h.- ov.
Ol'lpol i"
�'t i n n .- May
9 0
Mrs .
1 24
Spring Grove.
H .•
H olf . Or. H . K.ns.-Sopt.
P earson,
\Vash .-Mar.
Bet h any College. L indsbo rg.
S"i,J No.
ddrtSJ, "nQ Month 0/ Conlributio1; 409
1 702
Hoff. Harold E . . Io w.-J u l y Hoff, Heft n , 409
972 2078
Hoff, lvcr, Key Port, WaJh .-M ar . Hoff, Kittel, Rome. 4, Spnng Grov e ,
High t..
943 29 2079
216 170 1 2647
228 2 2339
2338 1 23 8 1 2J 9 1063
Minn. -Jul)· Hoff. Ku rma. Bothell. W.sh.-M.r. Hoff, Norma n , Pear on, \V.1sh.-Sept. Hoff, Ote, Spring Grove, M i n n .-J u l y Hoff, Rev. T. A . • 409 High St . • Decorah. Io .....a-Nov. , J u l y H off, M r s. T. A . • 409 H i g h St . . Decorah. Io.....a-J u ! y Hoidal. I v e r , N unda, So. Dak.-July Hoine ss , Edw., Harmcny, l-,1I inn.- July Ho ken,,, • B . T . . Corson. So. O .k .-J u ly HokensClld, C. T., Ro u te 1. Garretson, So. O.k.-July Hok ns.tad, Elvera, Bremerton, Waih.-Mar. Hohnst.ld. Florence. 1 9 1 4 So. Duluth Ave., Siou" F.lls. So. Oa k.-J u ly Hokenstad, G. T . . Corson, So. Dak.-Aug. Hokcnst�d, M. T., Route I, Snohom i sh , W.,h.-Apr. Hokcnstad, !vlrs. tv!. T., ROtlte I. S no ho m ish . Wash.- pro Hoke.n'it� Margaret, Bremrr ton . Wash.l'vl a r .
1 240
Hokensl3.d, Norman, R o u te I, Sl1 ohomish , W/ash.-- Apr . Hoken,ud. O . T . • 1 9 1 4 So . D ul u t h Ave., Sioux F,II,. So. O. k . -J u l ). Hokenstad. Irs. O . T .• 1 9 1 4 So. Duluth Ave . . Sioux Fall •• So. O. k.-J uly Hokenstad, R . 1.. G3 rrc t S o n , So. D:lk.-J u ly Hok(M d , Rev. Theo . • L. Home, Brmt. prton, \ 'Q' a sh. ct. Hokcnstad, M rs. Theo . . L. B. Home, Brem· erton, ' ash .-O ct . Holdi!ll Congrcga.tion c/o Ro)' L Voxland, Ken yo n , M in n .-A ug . Holland, I'-L H . , Route I . H:lrtland, Mjnn J uly Holland. J . . 6 1 1 E. 2nd S t. . ,\berde.n,
\Y./:tsh.-Nov. Holl.lnd. Mrs. J .• 62 1
2353 23 5 ; 2337 197 1 98 1 864 33 1 9
24 1 6 3 774
E. 2nd St . . Aberdeen. \\lash.- 'ov. Holl a nd . Prof . P. O . • North f i cl d . M i nn .Uf;o Hollon, E . P., Route 1, Sun urg. M inn. -Ju!v Holm. B . T . , tory Cit}" Iowa- J u l y Holm. O l e . 1 60 8 W. 7 t h St . . Abcrd«n.
2442 443
Wash .-Nov. Holm, T. T . . Story ity. Io.. a- J u ly Ho!m<!n. Mrs. E .• 4042 No. 4th St .•
1 824 290 1
345 0 91 1
2937 43 0 405 3803
3 564 1 24 1 3499 1 191 1 1 75 1 1 76 1 846 1 85 0 lOll 1917 854 855 853
199 200 850
Cor· vallis. Oreg.-Dec. Holm:ln, Mr". John , Lamberton. Minn.-Jul}· Ho lmbe rg . Morgaret. 1 720 So. 54 t h St., Tacoffi.a, \�l;ash.-MJr. Holml'n, 1 . C. E . . Kenyon, M i nn .-J u l; Holmen. 1.1mes, S i lverton. Orrg.-Dcc. HolmC'n, Nlamie, Silverton. On'B.-Dec. Holme."i, Ibert, R. I, 'ew Westmin:\ter. B.
C .-N ov.
Holo,." . Mrs. 0 . • 1 9 04 No . A l de r St .• Ta· coma, \V<l:'ih.-Oct. Holmstrom, H:tnnal1, ub u rn , :.v"alih .- Apr, Holtan. J . M . . \VanJ.min�o, M i n n .-July Holte, Rc\'. H. H., 1 609 44th A-ve., S . \,(/ . , Seattle, \X!ash.-Apr. Holum. Rev. J. 0 . • Wmb)·. \V is.-Apr. Holum. Mrs. J . 0 . • Westby. "' i s . -Ap r . Holvick. C. J . . Howlrd. So. D.k.-Aug. Holv i ck, Elias. Winfred, So. D ak.-Aug . Hot nme, N. 0 . , Echo. M i n n .-Jul}' Ho msta d. G. A . . Mayville. No. D.k.-J u l y Hont. Edgar, Willm3r, Minn .-Mar. Hong, E ..·e.I)'n, \'(T il/mar, Nlinn.-M3r. Hong, Gertr u de. Willmar, l\1inn.-Mar. ct . • Oct. Hong. N. J . . Parkland. \V.,h. Hong, Mrs. N. J . , P.ukhnd, W;uh. a., Hong. N. R .. Parkla nd. Wash.-Mar . • Oct. Hong, P. B., Willm.r. Minn.-Mar.• July
S"j�1 No. 856 3725 3726 3 7 27
1484 2096 2 1 84 2[ 19
2[9 3246 29 [ 5 896 3 3 07
B08 330 1 2655
[ 938
3400 2 [ 8J 1939 222. 2216 2115 2539
2686 22 1 5 2436 2223 535 2536 2036 2181 2859 2 [ 99 1 02 3 78 3 '; 3 9 2374 H83 I 89 1 3 88 [ 3 87 2 [ '5 3073 3775 l776
Tamt., A ddrtll, 4.nd
fl..lonth of
P. S., \'Vil i ma c, Minn .-Mar. Hong, P. K. , Ferndale, \Vash .-Nov . Hong, Mr>. P. K., Fe rn da l e , W.,h.- ov. Hong, Phillip, Fernda le, \'(f ash .- av. Hon g, T. 0., (In Memoriam ) , Par kland, Wa,b .-I\Ilar . Hood, A l m a . Routt l . Bow, WMh .-] u l }, Hope Cl u b, N. L. c., So uth Bend, Wash. -I'v\ay Hopperstad, John L., Route 2, CJlmar, Iowa -J u ly HorCl' n, Gilbert 0., Decorah, Iowa-July Hor�(!n, Ole, Route 3. Spring Grm'c, Minn. -July Horn, Bertram S . , 1 1 05 SO. J . : Ta coma , \V",h.-Ocr. HO�t'th, E. A" Ro ute I, Ke nyon, M i nn . J ul, Hough, Henry, Route 2., S u n d b urg , 1\,1inn. -J u l y Hougstad, Rev. r . , Route I, Oconomowoc, \,!/is.-M;lr. Hovd�, C. E., Route I , Grand Meadow, M i nn .-J u ly Ho 'Vd.1., MH! . C. E . , Ro ut e 1 , Gra nd 1Vlcadow, M i n n .-July Hovde, John, R o u tt 1, G nd I'vle dow, NI i n n . - July Hovde, Mrs. Marit, Volga. So. Dak .-J ul y ..:ood , M i nn. -J u l y Hovde, P. A" Cotto m Hovde, Trond, Avoca, Mi n n .-Ju l y Hovden, John K ., Drcor:1h. Iowa-J ul y Hovdtsve.n, R. P . . Cotton�'ood, Mi n n.-J ul y HO\le, A. J . , Route 3, Bricelrn, Minn.-July Hove. EdJie, Ro ute: , Bricelyn, Minn.-Jul Hove. El m e r, Route 2. C"lmM, Iowa-J u l y Hove, Hans, Bricei}'n. Minn.-July Hove, Hf!nry R i dge",:ty. Iowa-J u l y 1-10\,[", J . J . , H.l.ywJ.rd. lVIinn.- ur,. Hoye, ] . 0 . . Route 3, B rice l yn . Ivfi nn .-J ul y Hove, John P .• Story City, Iowa-J uly Hove. L. E . , Route 3 , B r ice l y n. Minn.-July Hovf:', 0., Goleta, Calif.--J :l n . Hm.elst'ud, Martin, Route 2 . C: n ton . So.
rs .
O,k.-Jul), Hoven-on,
Minn.-July Hovf'Y.
J en n i e .
A i b,!rt 0 . ,
Route 5 .
HoveY', Cad, Atw:l.tcr, MInn.-July Hov�y, Ole 0., Ro u te '5 . OC'cor.lh, Iowa July 0., Pcrt· Hovind. O . P . , 76[ Ea. 1i4t h la nd , Oreg .-M " r . Hovland, rvlrs. H . , Ro u te J. Box 360 M, T:l.coma. \Va:oih .-Sept . . O(t. Hovland. Herman, Rout(' 3 . Box 360, Ta coma. \V'ash .--Oct. Ho�'rne, H . H .. Hi l ls . M i nn .-J ul}, Hoyland, Albion 0 . . H,yfi ,.ld , Minn.-July Hugd;\h l, Carrie, 1914 Ra i ni C'r. Everett, Wash.-Apr. Hugdahl, Gcn3. 1 9 1 4 Ra i nie l", Everett. Wa�h. -Apr. l- Iugdahl, Jame.s, 1914 R:tin ier, Everett .
H u c ' tad . Al fred. Hay fi eld. i n n . -J u ly Humble, Elvin, Rushford. Mmn.-July Husby, N. B . . 8 1 3 W . Wi,h ka h St., Ab�r' de.en. \"Q'ash.- 0.... Husby. Mrs. N. B .. 8 1 3 W. Wi,hkah St., AbNdeen, Wa�h.-N(I'I.
Husby, Simon. Hu dson, So. Oa k.-J u l y
Huseb>,. J uly
Hu seb y , Edw:lrd, Route 2 , SunbuIg. l\ifinn.
2 [ 72
Huslt'g.1ard, Stewal"tvill�, M inn.-J uly
Huso, H€'rm�n.
Huso, K .
S.,j.1 No. 4[7 2966 2665 2645 2648 2646 2 1 56 3 1 49 1 82 8 290 291 630 38[5 2085 2378 2305 784 3067 [ [8[ 2487 [ [90 [010 249[ 35 1 7 2494 2978 2 [ 79 830 1811 3365 304 1 3066 3355 1 25 5 2222 492 1 3 26 2842 289 1 2229 2472 1479 1718 3 [ 96 1 943 587 588 3676 [421 918 349 3638
Hu t(hiso n ,
inneot:l, lVlinn.-July
A., Cottonwood, Minn .-J ul)·
[ 763 [ 764
Josephine H., 436 Hall, Tacoma. Wash.-Sept.
N4m�, A ddrtSs, dnd �!onth
0/ Contub"lioll
Hutchison, Ralph., c/o Mrs. K. Gaard, P arkland, Wa.h.-Sept. Hv:tmbsal. H. 0., Houston, Minn.-J ul y Hyland, Andrew, N u n da . So. O.k.-J ul)· Hyla nd , Ed .. Nunda, So. Oak.-J ul y Hyland, Erik, Nunda, So. D.k.-July H yl 3n d, Irvin, Nund:lJ So. Dale.-July Hyla n d, Ole, Hayfield, Minn.-July Imm<lnuel lutheran Lad i es ' Aid, c/o lvIrs. E. A. Rcit:ln. Grove Cit�" Min n .- A ug. ImsiJ.nd, Sven, Ho wa rd, So. Dak.-July I n dre bo , Emil, Route 1, Box 3 3 7, K (' l) t , \V"h .-Nov . Indrebo, 5vern�. Ro ut e I, B ox 3 3 7, Ke nt , W.,h. Nov. Ingebretsen. Karl, Patterson, Calif.-Oct . • Nov. Inc�bretsen, Mo. Karl, Route 1, Box 6, Pat terson, Cal if.-Nov . Ing va ldson , L., R oute 4, S pr ing GrovC', M i nn. -July Ingval30n, C. 5., H i ll., Mi n n .-J uly Ingvoldstad. \Y/. B., Decorah, Iowa-July Isaachs.n. Capt. 0., 2 [ 05 A St., Eureka. Calif.-Mar. Isberg, Mr�. Gud ve, R u sh fo rd, M i nn _-J ul}' Isol . ny, Rev. G. N., \V.lh.,lIa, No. D.k. Apr. ls t3 d , Tolld T., Decorah, Iowa-July IV(,1"5en. Dr. Tv e r, 1 1 2 7 So. l orto n Ave., Sioux Falls, So. Dak,- pro Ivt'rscn, Mrs. R . C., 2 3 2 4 So. L., T:1cotOa, Wash.- Mar. Ivt'f'Son. E. 0 . . Route 6, Cresco. Jowa-J u l y Iverso n, Ed H . , 1 02.7 2 1 st S t. Bel l inRh�m. \V"h .-S.pt. Iverson, Halvor, Ridceway, low a-J uIr h'erson, I . G .• Houston, Minn.- Jul �' I ve rso n , Iver L . , Route 1 . i\ 1anchf'-Soh':", l'vlinn -July Iverson, J.. !h'crton, Oreg.-Mal". Iv('rson, Mike. H.lYw rd, Minn.- u�. I ve rso n , Peter. Do vra. y. Minn.-Jul y Iverson, Thomas, Belview, Mi n n.-J u h' Ja as ta d, E. N . , R u. hf or d , Mi n n .- J ull' Jabbert. E d . , Storden. l\1inn.-Jeh' .. SeJacko "n, Mrs. J . , 5 3 4 No. 79 attle, \V.,h.-Apr. Jacobs�n, Alic�, Rou te 3, BricC'lyn, ?vl i n n . -J u ly J;a cobsen . Eda., '5 1 6 WI. Ha wtho rne . Eureka, Ca l if .-J a n . ];:tcobsl" n, M rs. H . , 22 1 1 22nd St., E·,Irrett. \V ash . -A p r . Jacobsen. H,l ns, Caledonia. rvtinn.-July Jacobs..-n, J. B., Ro ute 1. Willm:tr. Minn . J uly J.lcobscn, J . E., Route 3 , Bricel)'n. M inn. Julr J a co bse-n , Karl T., Drcor.,h, I ow � -J u l v J acobsen . Mrs. L. H., 1 8 3 [ B c d A v• . No., Se�ttl(', Wash .-Ma)'. July Jacobsen, Reubj>n 1., Roland. Iowa- July Jacobson, A , 0., Rout!!' 2 , Goodhue, M i n n . J u ly Jacob�on, Andrew. Rose Cret' k, l'1inn.-July Jacobson. C. A.. 5521 So. St. A n d rews Place. Lo. Ang.les, Ca lif.-J.n. Jacobson, M rs . C. A . . 5 5 2 2 So 5t. Andrews Place, Los Angel.., Ca l i f .-J a u . .hcobson. E.. 40 Victoria S t . , Bel l ingha m . W.sh.-Nov. J;\cobson, 1\1r.$. E . . Lake P3dden ROJ.d, So.
Jacobson. Erlinn. Lakewoo d , \V3sh .-Mar. J:t..:obson. H. E., 63 6 19th AvC'., Lo ng v i ew . Wash.- ov. Jacobson. Ml"s. He l en, 3 2 2 \Xlt5t Davis. S�.:lttle, Wa5h .-Oct. Helge, 6 1 7 C ent e r S r. . Decorah. Jacobson, Iowa-July Jacobson, Mrs. Helge, 6 1 7 Center Sc., De· corah. Iowa-July
Jacobson, Hon. J. N., Hi l ls , Minn.-J ul y
[ 56[
\V ash.-Jun�
St.rial No. 1 )62 3777
3778 13 23 3 203
3 779 1516 2938
1944 1 9 45 30
1470 446 •3
3070 3063 1 1 78 2204 2206
1 4 06 8 36
l 560 40 [ 3 29 1 28 2
681 2695
1 246 380
J.V am�, Addrt:u, .rmd Month of Contribution
J ac obs on , Mrs. John, Lakewood, Wash.-June Jacobson, John, 804 W. ht St . • Aberdeen, \V.. h.-Nov. Jacobson, Mrs. John, 804 \V. 1st St., Aber· dun, W.uh.-Nov. J >c ob so n, John A., Route 2, Ea" St" n · wood, W ..h.-Apr. Ja cobso n. M. C., Route 3, Cannon Fills, Minn.-July Jacobson, M. c., �02 Burleigh Ave., Aber· deen, Wuh.--Nov. J ",o bson, Nils, Lakewoo d , Wlsh.-May ]acob:lion, Rev. O. A., Kenyon, �ti n n . -J ul y J:lcobson, R. A .• �lioneota, M inn.-J uly Jacobson, R. 0., fvlinneota, Minn.-July Jaco bso n . R e yn old , H I I \V est 7 1 st St . , Seattle, \Vas h . -Se pt . Jacobson, R u th , Lakewood, Wash.-M.y J3cob'5oo Sister,. Silverton, Oreg .-Dec. J.cerson, J. O. F., Rou t . I, De co rah, Iowa -July J ah r, c. J., Route 3, Rushford, Minn.-July Jahr, Hlnnlh, R ou te 3 , R us hfo rd , l\·linn. J ul y , J ul y J ahren, Rev. H. C. M., \Vaterford, Wis. -Apr.
JelIe, J. C., Ro ute 3, B r iLel yn, Minn.-July J d l e , L. J., Bricelyn, Minn.-July }e-lIum, Embrt't, Rout.. 2, St. Olaf, low3July Jtnsen. Alfred, Silverton, Oreg.-Mar. J<"nsen, Mis� Al ice. Route. 2 , Silverton. Oreg. -June, Oct. Jense.n. �I.rs. Anna 'K., Silv ert on . Oreg. Dec.. J une, 0("(. Jensen, Mrs. B. A" Route 2, Box 264, Au b u r n . \Vash .-Nov. J<nstn, Ber nar d , 4256 Suter St., O.leland, Colif.-Apr. j,",en, R e v. C. C. A .• B ur r OJk. Io wo-Ja n . J ensen , Ferdinanda, Hayw:u d, Minn.-July J c m t n , H., Raymond. Wash.-Apr. Jensen, Hans, 3 2 1 Mill St., Silverton, Oreg.
-Nov. 379
3404 253
zj4 2634
2fi83 1 626 3'577
3542 3706 2730 2347 IBO 378 1 19 1 2D
!627 3341 444 !�07
36 33 7
1 9 16
Jenscn. M rs . H.lns, ton. Ort.g.-Nov. J e n sen , Dr. Herman July J en 5cn , Jul,. Jen n ,
At wate r,
Rev. }. M., 303 'IT non. Oreg.-Nov. J ens en , Mrs. J. M . , 303
S il
Church St., SilOrf'g.- ov. J . P., Hayward, Minn.-July Mrs. J. P . , Ha y ward, Minn.-Aug. Jens, J . , S arg e an r , Minn .-July Jen.Jtn , J oseph. O...,a tol1n.), Mihn .-Ocr. Jcn se n � K., (In Mem o ri am ) , Silverton, Oreg. --O n: . rs, ROllte 2. Fer nd a h· , \'Vash.l�nsl!'n, v.
leon" .
L;3I�'renC'c, Pratt, Minn.-July J;:-nsen. Lewis, Ro u te J, Ga rretso n , So. Dak. - july JtQnn , Mrs. .NI . , 2 2 1 1 22nd t., Everett, W...h . - Apr . Jen s e n , orman, 3 2 1 Mitl t., S ilve-rton. Orc� .-Nov. Jensen, Otto, R. 3, Box 2'53, Tacoma. \'V'ash. -Oct . ; 0((. Jensl!n, Mrs . Otto. Route 3, Box 2 5 3 , com:.., Wash.---Oc c., Oct. J l! n.stn, P . \V. ,
Sarge<.nt, \r l Iinn .-July
J t:· n$�n. Thea. Silverton, Orr s .-Dec.
Jen:!Sefl, Victor, 1000 Key S t . . B e l li ng ham . Wa;h.-Apr. J en sen, !'vL J . , Rout. 2, Bo. 228, Poulsbo, \V ..h.-Nov. Jenson, Mrs. M. J., Rout 2, Box 228, Poulsbo, Wash.-Nov. Jenson, Rev. O. L., Hatton, No. D.k.-J"ly
Ndmt!, Addreff, and Month of Contribfll t;on
3359 3362 2)76
Jenson, Ptter S . , Storden. Minn.-July J enson , Sorco, Storden, Minn.-July J ens vold , Oscar. Route 2 . Ca n to n, So. Dak. -July 3 662 jerde, Mrs. Gina, Rout. 4 , Box 3 7 > , Bell i ngh am, Wash .-Nov. 2246 Jerdee, O. c., Hayward, Minn.-July, J u ly 793 Jessen, Peter G. \V., (In Memoriam) , Park land, \V ..h.-Mar. 1 03 3 Jetbnd. I. A., 9 1 2 Pacific Ave., Tacoma, W ash .-Mar . 1 ';96 Jevening, l\1rs. O. M . , 2 5 1 0 James St., Bellingham. \Vash.-June 173 Johannessen, R. A., 465 No. La Jolla Ave.• Holl)'wood, Calif.-Oct. 3 7 29 Johansen. Ole, Route 1, Ferndale, Wash. -Nov. 3730 Johansen, Mrs. Ole, Rou te I, Fe rndale, W .,h .-No v . 2838 Joh nse n. Albert S., R o ut e 2, Wha le n, M i n n . -J uly 2 80 3 Cil. ledonia, Joh ns !: n , Alfred B., Route I, Minn.-July 2833 Johnsc.o, Elias, Route 2 , Whalen, Minn. July 2837 Johnsen, Mr,. E l i as , Route I, Wh a ll' n, Minn. -J ul y 3718 Johnsen, Jentoft, Custer, \'\Iash.-Nov. 2827 Johnsen, Johnnie E., Route 2, \Vhale n, M i n n . -J u l y 3 5 3 2 Johnsen, Knud, Ro ute 3, Box 3 5 5 , Ta· Lor n :t, \Vash.-Scpt. 3797 Johnsen, Lillian, 406 N. 5th St., W. Kelso, \VJash.-Nov. 3558 Johnson, A. c., Route I, Box 1 7 2 A , Puy allup, W"h.-Oct. 3693 Johnson, Mrs, A. c., Route I , BOI InA, Puyallup, Wash.-Nov. 2033 Johnson. Mrs. A. H., Glenville, Min n. -J u ly 3090 Johnson, A. J., Spring Groce, Minn.-July 740 J oh nson . Aa got , Parkland, Was h . -Fe b., Sept. 3080 Johnson, Rev. Alfred 0., Spring Grove, Mi nn . -J u l y 2 086 Johnson, Andrew, Route 4, Spring Grove, Minn.-J uly 762 l ohmon . .NIrs. Anna, 45 10 21st Ave. N. E., $eattl., \Vash.-Feb. J ohnson , l'vfrs. Anna, 2 2 l O Lombard. Evert tt, 1416
verton, Jensen. Je n sen , J nesc n ,
Saidl No.
W ..h,-Apr.
1 94 7 325 5
Johnson. Arthur, Taunton. Minn.-Aug. Jo h ns o n , B . H., \Valnur G rov e, Minn .-J uly Johnson, Bt'n, Route 2, Bow. Wash.-Oct. John,on, B<nj., 900 Newel l St., Bdlingham,
3218 2482
Johnson, Ca rl J., Wanamingo, Minn.-JuI; Johnson, Chas. A . , Decorah, Iowa-J uly Johnson, Ch ris t i ne , Route 3 , Box 1 04, Kent, Wash.-M�r. Johnson. Clara M . • 5 7 5 La Loma Rd., Pasa dena. CaliL-Jan. Johnmn. Dorcas A" 1903 D St., Belling
3618 1609
917 602
3 668 1 3 03 3444 2 02 6 433
582 1034
3 1 42 1948 3330
3 22 2
ham. \Xfash.-Nov. Johoson, E. 0., Stanwood, \V.,h.-Apr. J oh mo n, Ed ..... in. Westbrook, Mi n n.--J uly Johnson, Mrs. Elise, Arlington, \'Vash_-Aua;:. Joh nson, Elmer, 223 Orch,H d St., Silvltc
ton. Orcg.-Dec. Johnson, Emiiie. 72 Fremont PLace, Lo Ange""'. C.lif.-J a n . Johnson. Erling, Box 1 6'54, Tacoma, \Vash. -Mar. Johnson, Ethel, O thello , Wash.-Aug. Johnson, Fred, Ro ute I, Grove City, i\t'linn. -July Johnson, G . \V. , IVlinneota, Minn.-July John son. Geo., New Ri ch la n d, �finn.-July Johnson, Geo . 5., 3 1 6 So. K St., Tacoma. Wash.-Mar.
Johnlon, Jut"
�1 inn.
Johnson. Gunnar 0 ., La m be rto n .. Mi n n. -J uly
Johnson, Gust -Nov. Nov.
3 7 28
Johnson, Mrs. Wash.-Nov.
Kent, 2,
W ash .
S�rial No. 2300 1"36
33 1 1
24f67 662
2 104 3371
�448 937 2029
628 410
Nt:J11Jt, AddrffJ. and Month 01 Contribu,iort
Johnson, S. H., Alaska Blk., Bdlingham, Wash.-Nov. Johnson, Sam. Route I, Grove City. Minn. July Johnson, Stna, Route 3 , Box 1 0 4 , Kent, \'Q'ash.-Mar. . ash. Johnson, Severt, Route I , Stanwood, Ap r. Johnson, Mrs. Severt, Route I , Box 23, Stan· wood, Wash.-Apr. lohnson, Stella, Route I , Bow, Wash. July Johnson, Mrs. T., Hills , Minn.-July Johnson, T. 0., 2 1 5 9 Sprin& St ., Eunl,a,
Johnson, J. A . . Madison, So. O.k.-Aug, J o h nson, J . F., St. Ol.f, 10'"' -J uly Johnson, J, M . , 393 E . IOrh St., Portl.nd, Or<g.-Scpr. Johnson, J. R, Dovray, Minn .-July John,on, Jacob, Howard, So. Oak.-July Johnson, James K., Story City. rowa-J uly Johnson, Joe, Dovray, Minn .-July Johnson, John. R ou te I, Claremont, Minn. -July Johnson, Dr. John Amason, 69 1 9 McKin· I('y Ave., Tacoma, \'Q'ash.--Oct. Johnson, Mrs. John Amason, 6 9 1 9 Mc K in · Icy Avc:., Tacoma. Wash.--Oct. Jo h nson , John C" Ro ut e 2 , Alberr Lea, Minn.-July Johnson, John H., Route 2. Deco r ah . Iowa
2698 696
1 856
24 1 5
3 3 63
1 847 243 2 3401
273 7 3 fi43
223 1805 2999
2334 3780 442
3044 1036 1 2'13
3501 3447 3 1 43 729 25�7
-A"8. johnson. John H., R o u te -July
lvl u rdod:::,
Johnson. John H" R ou te I, Westbrook, Minn.-July Johnson, John M., Cors on, So. O.k.-July Johnson, John 5., 426 W . 6rh St., Aber · dcen, Wash.-Nov. Johnson, Julius, Lamberton, Minn .-July Johnson, Kittel, Belview, Minn.-July Johnson, L. A., Johnson·Cox: Co., Tacoma, W ash .-Ma r. Johnson, L. M . , Will.pa, Wash .-A pr . J ohnson, Lars, W a nam i ng o, Minn.-J uly Johnson, M r s . Lena, Lamberton, Minn.July Johnson, Lewis, Rout e I, Gro\'e City, Minn. -July Johnson, Lottie E., 328 lVbplc St . . San Diego, Ca l if .-Feb . Joh n,on , M. 0 .. Mission Hill, So. Oak.
Johnson, Mutha H" 2 4 1 2 8th AVf:. West, Seattle, \Va5h.-Junc 6 2 1 Johnlion. Ma rtha 5.. Box 208, Patttrson. Calif.-J.n. 1 746 Johnson. Martin, Sisseton, So. ak.-J ul y 1499 Johnson, N.Is, Gig Ha rbo r, W ..h .-May 2545 Johnson, O. A. 5 . , Bricelyn , Minn.-J uly 3 3 22 ohnson, O. B . . New R i ch l.n d, Minn.-July 2 5 2 2-Johnson, Mrs. O. B., AI e«t er, So. Dak.J ul y 3 89 johnson, O. S . , Spring Grove. Mi nn . -J u l y
1 564
Johnson. Mrs. Oline, Houston,
J oh nson, 0.5C3:r, Taunton. Minn.-Jul,.
Joh n son , Oscar, Westbrook. Minn.-July
1 3 05 783
Johnson, Mrs. Gustava. Decorah, Iowa-July Johnson, H. 0., 1 6 27 R u ck e r, Everett, W " h .-M a y Johnson, H. P.• Rout e 1 , rand Mradow, Minn,-July Joh nson , Mrs. H. P., Deco rah , lo�'a-July Johnson, Hannah, 9'5 I Sunnyhills Road, Oakland, Calif.-Ja n . Johnson, H:lns, Ridgeway, Iowa-J uly Jo h n...on, Han3, Avoca , M in n.-July Johnson, Hans, We s t brook , Minn.-July Johnson, H.rald V., 6 9 1 9 Mc K inl ey Av •. , Tacoma, W nsh . -Ma r . Johnson, Hden L., Adincton, Wash.-Aug. Johnson, Henry, Pattecson, Calif.- Jan. Johnson, Mrs. Henry G., \X/ �:f{-brook, Minn. -J u l y J oh n so n , Miss J . , 9 5 8 2 2 n d Ave., S•• ttle,
Namc, A ddrtu1 and Monlh 01 Conlribrll;on
J o h nso n, Apr.
Minn . -July
Stan ....ood, .
Jo hnso., Me<. P., 1 83 0 39rh Ave.. Oa kl a n d, Cal i f .-Feb . Johnson, p, 0., Poulsbo, W..h. -No•.
1 5 58
Johnson, Palm. c., Poulsbo, \X'.. h.-June
3 145 916 1 33 2
1337 1 73 3 2 3 72 489 3 3 70
22M 2289
697 2446 520 109 1 1 660 1 258
1658 504 939 902 1 78 6
1 787 2675 2679 440
2974 2934
2379 1843 1 8 40
1829 3068 1483
946 1 68 4 243 1 3 78 1 600
34 1 1 3695 1 647
1 42 141 98 0
Ke n da l l, Oscu, C. l if .-J,m .
1 600
Kettl�.,on. Andrew. Nunda, So. D�Ic-Jul)'
3 73 1
Kiel. H�ns, Route Wash.-Nov.
Kid, Mrs. Hans, Rou te dal e , W ash .-No v .
1 95 0
Kile, Betse}', Min neota, Minn.-J uiy
Johnson, Phillip, 1 6 2 7 Rucker, Everm, Wish. -May
Johnson, S. G., RidgewIY, Iow.-July
apolis, M i nn.-July Keil, A . J., Route 4, Box 349, Tacoma, Wash.-Oct, Keil, Mrs. Emma A., Route 4 , Box 349, Ta· coma, W.:uh.--Oct. Keith, Ma e , 7 1 0 So, I St., Tacoma, Wash.
B., V.rmillion, So.
Johnson, Tom, \V'cstbrook, M in n.-J ul y Johnson, \V/ . E . , Northfield, Minn .-July Johnson, Mrs. W. E., Northfield, Minn. J uly Johmon, Wa l laer , Hayward, Minn.-July JohnHud, L. H., Parkland, Wash.-Oec. Johnsrud. Mrs. L. H., Parkland, \Y/a�h. Dec. Jondal, Mrs. Anna, Ha y fitt d , Minn.-} uly Jordahl. L. L., 1 2 5 1 Oct.via St., S.n Fran· cisco, C3Iif.-Jan. Jordahl, Prof. Olaf, Decorah, ro�·a-M� r. Jord.h l , Prof. 5, A., Fert i l . , mll.-July Jordah l , Rev. V. T., 6 1 22 Delmont A\·I' . , Dallas, Tex as-Apr. Jorgenson, Alf W., 4 1 24 20rh Ave. So., M i n neapolis, Minn.-July Jorgenson, B., Route 4, Box 3 5 6 , Santa Rosa ' Calif.-J a n . Jorgenson, Be-anca, S i lv e rto n . Oreg .-Mar. jorgenson, Mrs. C. E., S i lv e rton, Oreg.-Mar . J org, nson, Rev. J. E., 4 1 24 20rh An. So., M i nneapol is , M in n .-A ug . Jorgenson, M l's . J. E . . 4 1 24 20rh Ave. So , . Minneapolis, Minn .-Aug. Jorgenson, J. 5., Montrose, So. Dak.-July Jorgenson, Georgt, lvr on trasc , So.. Dak.-July Jorgenson, Selma, Si l verton, O re g .- Dec Jori, .l\.1rs. Guro, Hounon, rvlinn.-J u l y J orstad , Mrs. O . T . . Kenyon, Minn,-July Josendahl, A . H., Hill s , Mi nn .-J ul y } ukam , Arne, Ho wa rd, So. Dak..-Aug. jubrn, Malvin, Ho..... ard. So. Oak-Aug. Jukam, Ole, Howard, So. Dak.-Au�. Julsrud, Georg. H . , Rushford, M i n n .-JuI!' Ju rgeos('n, Mrs. Elsa , 2002 Hoyt Ave., Ever ett. Wa s h .-Ma y Juve, Mrs. A nna , Decorah, Iowa-Juh' Ka ala n d. Emma, B url in gton, Wash .-Mar. Kaasa. Dr. L. J . , Albert Lea , M i n n .-J ul y Kahrs, L. c . , S rory Ciry, I ow a-Jul y K. l lelid , Thomas, 6 1 6 E. 1st Sr . . Aberdeen, Wash.-Nov. K"Imoe. Nora K., 1 3 0 2 Summit Av�., Pasa· dt:na. Calif.-Jan. Karsten, Mrs. A n na, \'<Iestbrook. M i n n .-Jul Kaup.ng, A., Route I, Ilox 1 00, P u yall u p, W�sh .-No v . Kaupanger, O . L., Sta. F., R ou te 1. M i nnt .
2, Box 204.
Kilian, Mrs. Oleue. Parkland, Wash.-Sepr.. Sept. Kilian,
Wosh.-Sepr . .
N4mt, Addr�Js, dnd klonlh 0/ Contribution 1511 3 1 59 603 3509 847 351 1 2927
887 890 889 888 1 1 27 2069
143 1 44
25 1 �
2941 764 1951 3 1 28 J 07" 3 07� 2024 3406 201
2X88 3 24 Y 28t<5 , 33 9 HI' H5 I
73 1 161 1 .in
1 293
3 34
108 1433 1383 3782 1 23 5
3 3 94 1 74
Kint,'5� Mar.:: n, 2940 P ine St., Everett, Wash . -May Kinncbe.rg, N. N. , aledoniOl, Mi nn . -J uly K,o,tcrud. Mrs. F.• 43 5 1 Park Blvd .• Oak I.nd. C.lif.-J . n . hle ct, 4462 Fremont Ave . , Su ttl e, K i rchhof , Wuh.-Aug. Kirch hof, Conrad. 4462 Fre mon t Ave., c' "tie. \VIa h.-Mar. K i r(hhof, Mrs. Macie, 4462. Fremont Ave .• c.pt. Suttle., \'V" ash. Klrkc bo, Albert, ROUle 3, Murdock, Minn. Ju ly Kirh-bo. S , L.. Route 3 , Bo>.: 4 2 3 , Puyallup. \V a�h.-l'v'Iar. K i rkcbo, Be rne r E., 1 0 1 7 No. K St., Tacoma, � .,h.-Mar. Kirk('bo, Mrs. Emeline, 1 0 1 7 No. K St., Ta· coma, \'V/;tsh.-M:ar. Ktrk-cbo. Mrs. Inccborc B., Route 3 , Box 4 2 3 , P u Hup. Wa,h.-M.r. Kirkcide. C. I., 4827 6th vr., Tacoma, X'ash.-Mar. Kittcl s�n, Mrs. Anna, Stewartville, lVlinn . July Kiltcl:son, Carl, PJ.rkLlnd, \'<'ash.---O c t.,
Kittdson, �(rs. Carl, Parkl Ol nd , \Y/ ash.-Oct.. Nov. Kltrdson, H . E., Beresford, So. Dak.-J u ! y Kitt�lson, ivIrs. K . , Parkland, Wash.-Ocr . .
5,pt . Kiu('lson,
O le, Route 3. Hou:o;ton, IYI i nn . J u ly K itt i laby , Mrs. i\l1::tri. 1 1 5 Hayes S t . , SC; l tt l C . W"h.- eb. Kittleson. Dr. O. J . , Mayville, No. Dak. J ull' Kjorlaug, Rev. P e ter F., \'V au kon , Iowa- ug. Kjorii, A sic . Kenyon, l\1inn.-July Kj s, J. E. . Rushford. Minn.-J u l y Klabo, Selmer, Portland, No . D.:lk.-Aug . Kb3'S(" GiI!Q. H " Westbrook. !-vlinn.--J ul)' K b th, H., Portl a n d . No. Dak.- A u3 . K leve. E. T., \'(Tillmar, M i nn.-J uly Kte.veo, (bert, Roule 2 , \VJalnut Gro\lc. rvlinn.-July Kle,"cn, Art h ur , Rou.te �, \V illmar. r-.'l inn. July Klevf>n, Martin, Route 2. \V<Jlnut Grove. Ml nn.-July Kl l,,' ve-n , O . H . • \'V' estDrook, lVf i nn .-J u I y ¥ 1 w'nt I e 0., Route 2, \V' a l n u r Grove. Minn.-Jull' K l i � pl' n, if. 9 lvlissiou St., 5:tn Prancisco, .Jif.-Fob. K l ipJ)f' n. O. J . , 9 �1ission Sr., S:tc Fran.ci.'ito, D l iL-J uly
KJmtrr. A. ., Decor<lh, 10wa.-J uly KI Q:.t i", A. O. A .• Stanwood. \X/.lsh4-Apr. Kl oster. L . 5 . . In Eo. 9th St .• Des Moin ... [uwa- OVA KluQR t Vl' dt. R e v . Nils, Ber esfurd , So. D:ak:. M" . Knl1Pp. 0 ra E., 240 2 Vi rginb. , CVfOrett, \,r " h .-M. y Kni.", M ... . N. L .• 2 1 29 Hoyt Avo., verett. \"(/nh . Apr. K n uds.crt . Pelu, 7 00 Randall St., b e rd e('n , "'!1 .-No•. K n udson , Cll r i5 ' j 1 4 23 So. M . . Tuotna , \�' ..h.-Apr. Krt udlon . Elmer E .• Wfstbrook. �Iilln .-JltI)' Krl uds on, G ilbe rt . J("well'l Iow4- J u I ), K n udton, July
Cot tonwood.
Kn u ruon. K. , Cottonwood, Minn.-July
26 78
Knwbon. K . •
3 1 70
Montro,., So. Dak.-JuI� Knud10n, K . 0 . . Sherwood. o. D �k.- A ug ... K n uJ:!Ion, Louis, Rushford, Minn .- l u I )'
Kn udso n ,
3 1 72
/ 60S
Mae, Montra,,£'. So.
Knu.dson, Racnvald, �;Jn Sr:r.nwood. Wash.
Sc,iJ No.
Name, Addrf!sJ, and Month o f COlltribulion
2589 79
Se\'crt, Centerville, So. Dak.-July Knudtson, G. P . . Parkl.nd. W..h. ept .. Oct. Knutsen, Berdinl!, 779 Ea . 77th No ., Port· land, Oceg.-Mar. Knutsen, C ilra, 779 Ea. 77 th No., Portland,
476 952 I S-!7
765 2 1 30 2886 2875 1 5 54 3 3 87 730 1 1 17 7lJ 27 1 6 343
3039 1 277 63 1 3 3 79
1 10J
I i 28
195 4 2940
K nud ::ion ,
O reg.-Dec. Knutsen, Eva, 779 E�. 77th 0., Por t lA nd, OreG.-Mar. ; (In Memoriam) , Sepr. Kn uts en . Julia., Stanwood, \Y./ ash.-l'vb y Knunen, M s . K . , 9 5 8 22nd ve., Seatt/t:"
\V,,,h.-F.b. Knuts('n, K . P., Ro u te 5, DccorOlh, 10w,], July K nulsen , M:1ts. 3 9 3 1 W es t 6th St., D ulurh. M i n n . -J ul y nut!l.cll, Osuld, Route 5, W ill m ar , l\.1 i nn . J u ly Knut.en. Tillit'. St. Luke's Hosp ita l, Btelling. h:tll)o \Vash.-Nov. Knutson, A. S., WI tbrook, lVIinn .-J uly Kn ut s on , A l fred, Palrerson, C;'\lif.-F�b. Knutson, A lfred S., 1023 No. Adams, Taco ma, \Vash.-Mar. Kn utson , l ice J . , 4'J St. James Park, Lo A ugclc,. Calif.-Feb. Knut�on, Ch arl es , Oakland, Nlinn.-July Kn utson, Chas., Lamberron. rvlinn.-J u l y Kn utson, Christ, Belview, inn.-Jul y Knutson. Cl ara R., S ou th Bend, \V.J.sh.-Apr. K n u ts on, Clifford H. t P.1tter�on, .ali£.
Knur:.son, Erick. C urr i e , 1 i n n .- Jul y Knu n, IngvaJl. Sherwood, No . Dak.-Aug. K n u tson , lvlrs. J. 7 1 1 7 3 2 nd Ave . '0. W1"5t. Sea ttl e . W"sn .-M.lr. mitson. lVl f"" . J . . 2 1 27 So. L St., Tacom�. \'\' ash.- l\.'la r . Knutson , J ohn , Route I, M inneot a , M i n n .
-J uly
Mi n n. -July
2 4 04 195) 3 04 2 3013 3393 2578 3680 3 oIJ 3'93 3 �94
Knutson, Knutsoh, Knutson, Knutson, Knutson, .... nutson. Knurso n .
. , St. Olaf, Iowa-July K. 1 . . Minne ot,l. M i n n .-Ju ls, Kolbent, Belview, Mi nn.- J uly
Lars, Fairf:tJ(, M inn_-l u l �'
Melvin, \Vestbrook, r...l inn.-J uly O . A . , Canton, So. DJ.k.-J uly P . .... . , 1 0 1 2 17 St".• Bellingham,
W :osh.- o v . K n u o n , T . R.o St [den, M in n. -J ui}' Knutzen, Ch ri s , Burlington, Wa·.h. Oct. Knutzen, Mrs:. Chris, Burlinl:ton. \Vil"\h.
O" t. 3 5 911
3 59 5
359 1 360 1
Kn utz�nt E. H • . Burlington, \'Q' allh. ct . Knutzen, Einu-, Burlin ��ton. \Va h. Oct. nutzcn. Geo . . J1urlingt n . uh.-Oct. Kllut7.. t'n. l.ldYj. I I 1 1 Bon:n Av(>., S,·attle.,
W" h . -O ct .
3634 363
3603 3'�6 3600
/' n uncn, Hans. Burl ington, Wash. ct. i'vf r . Han5, Burlington, \X1 ouh .<to Knuo-:('n, Ida. Bur l in g to n , \'V'ash.--OC't. Knutzen, (ver, Burl i ngton, \X':l'! h .-Oa . Knutzt.n, Jess, Rout� 2. B u rlington, ash .Ocr. Knua n, Robrrt J . . B U I l ington, \Va.sh .-Ma.... e.n , ictor, R outt: 2, Burl ington, \V:1sh Knunc n ,
1 053 36{l5
3606 3
K n uu:e n. W . J . , Burl,ngton, Wash.-Ocr. .. n r'vlrs . W . J .. Route 2 , B u rl ington, K n ut n \'<'.,-,h .-Oct.
Knur ;:en . 2 3 63 1 766 3587
, 5 1956 9� 7 1958 36H 3428
Burl i ngton.
Kohlw ,!'. Wm . Oldh.m, So. D,k.-July Ko!d"n. F . L . . Bbckduck. Minn.- J uly KoJderu , T . H., Norwegian ConsuLate, 5.� · ct. attic. W!l.Sh. KoI �n . 0 . . ROllt... 3, S�bastopol, .3 li f .-J a n . Kol ci, Alrx. Cc..l tto nwood.. �linn.-J u l y
olhr-i, C.
tt on",·oo d, �Minn.-J u l y
Y.ol"ei, t . 0 . • Cottonwood. Mi nn.-J u l �
K pang, J . P. , Route I , C.t ledo ni.t, l'v'l inn.-ct.
opperud, John E . . Reverel Minn.-Jul),
Sma}. '0
1 )70 SO() BOI 161 845
1 49 \455 915 32 146 912 3057 30GO 2087 3 1 03
2871 2135 1 959 3219 2238 3 2 10 3236 2812 3 1 86 1 62 8 J 150 l63Z 1037 3 61 2 352U 739 790
H I oU 321 2083
358 ZOtiO 3 5 4-
1830 3336 537 538 1 0:18 9� 1 1 22J 909 1 8� 1 3Hl 3?4 8�9 551
Vd " It', IIJdrcH1 lmd J\1ortlh
0/ Corltribfllion.
Koren, Rev. Polul. Deco(J.h, Iowa-J u ne 'raabel. Hon. A. T., Clifford, No. Oak. Mar. Kraabd, 1 1... . A .
Xr.abel. Rev. Alf M . . 287 Grand A,·c. No., Portland, OrL'r..-Occ., Oct. Kr:lJ.bel, R. E l i n e, 600 Comme:-cial St" Port·
land, o reu.-Ivb .r.. Nov.
Kra,bd, Maynard 0. . 2 7 1 5 Pilbbury Ave., M i.t: neapoH", Mmn.-J uly Kravik. M ... . G. H., 3 0 1 4 O.k.. , Everett, \'Va,b .-M'I'
Kreidlr.r, Burton D . . Parkland, W..sh.-Fe. b . Oct. ;lsh .--Sept., Kreidler, fvlrs. Lora, Parkland.
Oct. Kreidler,
L ye l l
,. eidler,
0" . K rogne'ls,
Park l an d,
W.,h .-Oct . .
Parkland, \ V' ash .-Feb.,
K. L.. Caledo nia, Minn.-July Sarah S., Route 2. Cale don ia,
K ror.; ncss1
Minn .-July ,.ramus. Bt'nnic, S pr i ng Grove. l\.finn.- ] uIy Kroshus. O. A., Sprin�� Grove. Mi nn .-J ul y
Serial No,
3696 2344 824 1663 3 5 <1 5 'Hl
2847 8 10 1 076
1529 1629 3389 215 1960
3802 25ZS 2439 3 1 02
Krull, Georce N., 6 5 ) 8 Fremont St., Oo.. k l and , Calii.-J,n. Kvale. Gilbert 0., Route 5, D�corab, 101....<1.
Kv,l •. Dr. r. T., Willmar. Minn.--July Kvale, Theodor, Route 5, Dc�or-;J.h. Iowa
Knrn beck, Kn ute. Ivtinnc.otJ., rvIinn.-J uty K V3 . mmO. T. A., \'(/anaminr,o, Minn.-Jul y K vi n vold, A. L.. Al be r t Lea, Minn.-Route.
2-J u l y
Kvit[cm, C. R . , \Van.3.minsot Minn.-July K vittcm , John 0 . . \<laniminso. Iin n.- J u ly Kylling<r.d, Berth a, 1 1 06 Bu,h St., R,d
Wing, Minn.-J uly Kyllo. O. S . . Rotl"
I , Zumbrota, M inn.
H<l}'fi�Id, Minn.�July L:lgergrj'n , Mrs. N., G rov e City, M lIln .-A u8 Lagt'JO n , An na .:lnd Laur"" l'vTaddock. N o . D.k-Ju I " Llnl SOn, Elizabt'tl1t t 1 No. Tacoma A-Ie., Tuomil, Wash .-Milt .
K y l l o , P(,dN.
Lane, LAne, L3.ne, <to L:-tnt, OV.
Aun!'.$, Lihby, 1'vIO l1 t.-No\, .
C. ., ugl!. n'.!. Q l'ett.- pt. R,·v. Gt'o. 0., Sc.;tJlwood. \V aJh .-Fe b . ,
l\;ff� . Geo. 0., Stanwood, �(fJ..sh.-Feb ., Georgi',
S r<lHwood, \V.am.-Sepr . ,
Line, Gt'rhar d. St;mwood. 'V/a:!.h.-Nov. Lane, r. W' I P rm(l, Id3ho-No �·. Lint, R. A .. Route 4, Sprin y Grove, lvlinn.-··
J uly
Ludvig, PouLobo. \ V as h . -N iI. C. M . , RlJut..... '" Sp rinr. G r(w�. fin n.- uly "RU, Htln n ",h No ,u m . Port Orch.1rd, W3!ih . -No v . L::tnHf .lIHl , Os car. Howud, So. DJk.-Aug. T�'l n sl1. S ig urd, Ntw Rtchbnd. �linn.-luJv La n�lo. A . K., G lct,> . C,l i f.- J , n . Lj,n;::!Ci , l\Jf rs . K. , P.out4! I , nox (17. Gole to1 L1 ng UIH'tt
919 1866 372 2456 1 96 1 69R 34 207') 3 69 1 419 1 _99
l7( 1
,7l 1 250 26 1 1 3 l'5 G6,) 1 6 3 .1 2 ') 5 5
wnRf'!::: tnd ,
C::t l if .-Jan.
L�n�lov:. C. E.
- !\'h r.
Rout!' 1. Sc., Tacoi:na, \V/::l�h
Pa lm3, Gole ta . Cal if.-MJ.f. L,nglow. W . . . 3 04 o. Tao m . A.,. .. cotn::, W.uh .-Apf" , Lo.nblow.
G. E . . 1 1 0 1
W" h. -l\hr. Lanp.s\' hauR.
But H,h
St. , Tacoma.
Ie, l\-hdison. So. Da k ,-AuH L'lnnlll[:, H. 0 . , Route 3, Box 4 9 3 , T,u:om.t. \l' "h .-O" . Larsen. A. L., 2 1 8 Ea. [vbin St . • Sil verton, Ol"C c ·-D{·.:.
S dvuton. Ore g: -r-.,1 u. L"'�f"n. D:ln, 5 1 3 2 C:d j fornia A\·t" Long R.ach. C,lif.-Jao. Lars-en. �'1r;<,. A. L . ,
Name, A ddreif, and JHonth Larsen, R�v. D i tn)an, B.l rb:l, r�, Cal i f .- J .I n .
Lilrsen, El i,H, Ro ut e I. Bo.\( 3 3 5 . Kent, W;t."h. -Nov. Larsen, Lars. Caledonia.. Mlnn.-Jul}' Larse.n, L u ci l e, Silverton, Oreg .- Ma r . L u s c n , R e v . N. Astrup, 1 0 [ 0 6 th St" SlOUX City, Iowrt-J uly L.1.fscn, ils, Route t, Box 1 46 . LOllgvic W>sh.-Nov.
Lar3cr., Olaf, Garden G w vc, alif.- Nov. L.lr!S(·n, Ole, C:i!cd o n i il , rvf inn.-July L a rsen, Sylvia, Silverton, Orcg.-l\1ar. Llrsgaard, Herman. Kealakekua, Hawtlii
Llrsgaard, S., Fairvie"" So. Dak.-Jul}' Larson, Albe.rt, Sargeant, Mi.nn.-] ut, Larson, Mrs. Anni�, \: e.stbrook. .... I lnn.-July
ug. Anto n. Pa:-kla.nd, \'(l;]sh.--{)·r., An ton , Taunton, Min n .-l uly Benny. Byron, IvIinn.-Nov. Bert, .H u ds on. So. D:lk.-July C. F.. S te r)' City, Iow a-J uly rl G . , Spring Grove, M in n .-J u ly Larson. C<l.rrie. 3 3 8 No . Cnu rch . Siivrrton, Lanon, Larson. Larson, Larson, Larson, L arson,
Larson, Carrie, \X!;l sh .-M:J.Y Larson, CI.l f('nCt�,
3 2 20 Ho}t[" An.. EVlI!:r lt. E�
-Mar. L.mon. Rei'. E. A., co m a ,
Lat:!lon, Della. 1944
St • •
W;l �h .
Tacom .. , Wash.
7)8 So. �3th St., T.·
Larson. Edg3r. Parkland. \'-V;tsh.-M r. Nov. Larson, R('v. Elmer R., 3 3. 2 No. J ;tcbon S t.,
J anesville. \'V is.-Aug.
L:uson, Ethel. Silverton, On·g.-Dec. Lar so n , Fred. L anesboro, Minn.-Jul,· L a rs o n. G. A., Lyl , i\l1inn.-July LIH.l)on. GLJ.d}'s, 223 West cGr;lw, Seattle W " h .-Occ Lanon, H. fif.. Route. 4 . Bo:;,: '130, T.ilCOffiJ.. \Vas b .--S(·pt., No\, . Lar;Qn. H . 0., Rou r<, 4 , Spr i nw: Grove. Mi. nn .
- July
Lar on. Ha..rry R . , Silverton, O re-g .-Dcc.. Dec .. lVlar. L.arson. t-.1rs. Ingeborg, 3 2 2 0 Ho yt V.� . , Ewrflt", \X/ a.sh�-M il Y La.rso n. rver. � st St::mwQod, W :l..Sh.-Apr. L :.tr>on. L. M .• Silverton, Or�I.-De.c .. lvbr. L.u5.otl . i\il n. . L. M . . S il vt> rto n . OrC:: R .-Dc(". LHson. LJrs. \X'estbrook. "'Iinn .-July breon, L" " M. . H . i m d . l , No. O,k.-J uly Llr<; on. Lt'I.)oar G., 3 00 Ccntr3.1 Bldg., St:� .atti e. \'V'ash. -Nov . L .1.r�on. r.�·.': i i . 1 90 1 R u c n "l Visu Avt..., A!. · med�. Cnl i f.-J :.1 n . Lan-on . Lt'wi �. SarSf':m t, Mi nn.-J uly Larson. R\)"v. LouU, Bcr�.5fordt So. DJk.- Julr Lar1"o n , Lud "ig , P.rk.land . W.:tsh .--Stpt., ov.
36 e li t 5
1 3 85
275 3 908
1 384 699 37 586 38
Lll rson. l\.'1 n . Ludvig, P.nld.ndl W:;.sh .-Se:p t . ,
Nov , L."an,
IJ d',ig,
No. D,I<.-
L , ...., ,, . Mrs . l'vt, 1 809 O,k.., E••rett, Wuh. -Apr . r��on. iVl. E " \X'a$('ca, Minn.-J ul�,. wrson , M r . M. 0 .. 1 9 1 7 SO. l(2Y Sr. , To rom ;"t. \"<' a. ... h.-M.l r. L ;It.snn, Mn. MartI la, Patkland. Wash .--Sepr: . Lanon, ..... Ja,' nnrd, E.ast S nw d. \"f a!lh .-
A p r. Luso n ,
Min ni1?'.
B<a ch, C. lif.-N
Lar s-o.n , :'v1 ol l er, - Apr4 [,;u:ron, O. A.•
1 40 v.
1 8 [19 223
Onnge Avt,. , Lour:
E ..r:rett . \V;tsh
e t MtGraw. Se a ttle,
\'\1 :lsh.-O cc. L,,,on. O. 0 . . Parlo:l.,.,d, \'(I' .. ,h .-S.p" L:lr'son,
1\1r5 . P. N . ,
Ga rden
tuson. P. T. , P ark l and, W
. S'p'·.
Grove, � l i f .-·
11.- ept . ,
Ap:- . ,
Name, Address} and Monlh 0/ Conlribution
39 955 40 1 47 3 )9
2479 121 3474
2 1 18 253 954 2399
3 3 25 2308 3487 948 719 l' 964 2976 � 58 264 1 3 27 1 3 28 3)0
819 1962 2959
1 63 1 581 2490 791 3674 3022 825 297 1
44 1 148 353 1 949
L037 2�85 2 92
1 3 53 1 365
Larson, Mrs. P. T., Parkland, Wash.-S�pt., Apr., Oct. Larson, Paul, Parkland. \Xluh.-M:u·., Noy. Larson. Pauline, Parkland, \XIash.-Sept.. Nov. L�rson, S. A " Rou te 4, B03 43 0, Tacoma. W.,h.-Oct., Oct. Luson, Steffen, Poulsbo, \Xl' ash.-Noy. Larson. "y., Decora h, I owa-Jn l y Larson,
yivia, Parkland, \"X/ ash.-Sept .. Nov.
La Sail. Ladies' Aid, c/o Rev. V. La""n, Hanska. l\tJinn. Aug. Lasscson, J oe, Sp ri ns Gro ve, M i nn.-J u l y La v i k , John, Fairyiew. So. Da .-Juh· Laville, Ivlrs. H. C., c/o P. T. La r'so n , Park land, Wash.-Mar. Lee, A. 0 .• R out e 6, Decorah , Iowa-J uly L... A. 0 . , New R ich land. Minn.-July Lee, Agrim, Dtcorah, Iowa-July Lee, An ton 5., Decor.l h, Iowa-July Lee, Fred, 731 85 th N., Sea ttle , Was h . Ma r . Lee, Mrs. Gertrude C., 4382 Howe, Oa k· l and . Cal i f .-J . n. Lee, Gilbert. Houston , Minn.-July Lee, Gina, Houston, Minn.-July Lee. Mrs. Judith, 1 64 0 F lor id •• LouS Beach, C.lif.-Jan. Lee, K. 0., Rour:e 1, PUY.lllup, \XT:uh.-Nov. Oct. L.. . L. J . , 3 3 2 3 Rockefeller. E ve rett, W.sh. -Ap r . Lee. Mr<. L. J • • 3323 Rockeftll", Everett. Was h.-A pr. Lee, L. S., Keut. W.. h .-Oec. Lee. Mf'$. L. 5., Kent, Wash.-Dec. Lee, Mildred, Silverton. Oreg.-Mar. Lee, Ole , Rose Creek, Minn.-July Lee, O[e J., Rouston, !\1inn.-July Let, Oliver, Dexter, M i n n .-Jul}' Le• • 0". A .• 1 240 Fuller Ave., Hollywood. Ca li f .-J . n . Ll'C, Mrs. Otto, Oss'''' " ' Tow>l-J ul)' Ll!t, Mrs. P . P. , 900 Garden S t . , Bellingham, W.. h .-F.b . Lee. p.lmer c.. 1 00 7 Lib"" St .• Bellingham. \"X/ :u;h.- 0 '0' . Le�, Sam M . , Franklin, t'vl i n n.-J u l y Lee. T. M., Si lverton, Oreg.-t\.1ar. Lee Brothers, Houston, Minn .-July Ll!:ga.rd, Mrs. A. 0., Si l ve rt ", OttR.-Dec .• June Ll·hmann. R . , Parkland. \\la$h.-Sept., Oct. Lehmann. Mrs. A. R . t Parkbnd, \V"sh.• t. Lehm.lnn. Dorothy, Parkland, W ash .- M a r. L.id.l. Ole, 624 Ea. 6th St.. A lbe " L... Minn .- J u l y Leikvold. Olvin, Walconda. So. O.k.- July Leikvold, Theo.. W.konda. So . Oak.-July L,irr.l. 01 J . • 1 6 2 1 Gre.n wood. Red Wing. M in n .- J ul y Leirf:a1 lom, Aslaug, East Stanwood. W:uh . Apr. Leirfallom. Borghild, East St:tnwood. W 3sh . Apr. Jarle,
1 3 58
1 3 54
Lrirfallom. Mrs. 0., East St;tnwood. \'V..sh. Apr.
1 369
Le irfallom,
Apr. 1355
2594 2526 2286 209 1 3 �Z 1 5 24
Sol ve ig, East Sta n w ood . \Va:'i h. Tro n d . East Sta nwood. W as h.-
Leiter, Alfred. Vermillion. So.
Lritru, Ol�.
Dak.-Ju l y
Vermillion. S o . Dak.-July
Sa;a{ No. 1 525 2752 1380 3670 367 1
Lerd.l. A. 0., Sherm,n, So. Oak.-July Lerfald. Mr!". Mali M., Route I, Zum brota.
1 963 269 1 1 3 77
Lerud, H. E .. L yle, M in n .- J uly Le-rum, Andrew, Hayward, Minn .-July Lcrvick. Arthur, East St,mwood, \\!ash.-Apr. Les t eber g, Elmer, Route 3, Murdock. M in n . -July Levorson, Estella. Irene, So. Dak.-Aug. Levorson, HartwiCk, Irene, So. D ak .-A u g. Levorson, Rev. J . , iren e, So. Dal e -Aug . Levorson, O. Lorentz, Irene, So. Dak .-A u g . Lewison, Dr. Eli. Ca nt on, So. Dak .-July Lewison, Mr:s. Eli, Canton, So. Dak.-July Lewi.� on, Miss, Canto n, So. Dak.-J uiy Lewison, M iss, Canton, So. Da k.-Jul;r Lewison. Mtss. Canton, So. D;;,k.-Ju l}· Lieberg. P. O., 9 1 1 E •• Color>do St . . Par.· dena, Ca1ir.-Dec., Oct. Lien, Rev. A. E., Port l a nd, No. D .-Milt. Lien, Albert. Currie, Minn.-july Lien, Conrad, Stanwood. \Y./a h.-Apr. Lien, George, Currie, Min n.-Ju ly Lien, Jorgen. Ro ute 3, Madelia, f\.1inn .-Jul ,. o . Me n to r Avt:., Pasa· Lien, Mabe l , 1 4 1 7 dena? Calif.-Jan. Lien, Ole, Ke nd rick, Idaho--M 01Y Lien Try�vr.. Stanwood, \Xi'a sh .-A pr . Ljlja. Mrs. V., Sta n wo od. Wash.-Apr. Ltllcodden, Guist, H;:m.5ka, M inn.-J ul y Lilleoddcn. Hans, Ha nsk a, .... r linn.- July Lilleoddcn. Osc3r. Hanska, Ivlinn.-J u l y Lima, R. H . . Route 2, Woodburn. Oree . S e pt . Lima, Mrs. R. H., Route 2, \Y/ oodb u rn . Oreg. -Sopt. Linea, AI1ton, S arg e ant, Mi n n . -J uly Linde. E. M . • Be res f ord , So. O.k.-July Linde, Lucille. 4 2 2 1 E • . 3 rd St. • Long Btach.
1791 1 790 1 788 1 789 1651 1 65 2 1 653 1654 1655
480 1111
1 3 44
3383 2759
597 1 3 94 1 29 5 1 3 43
2786 2765 2764 518 3519 1632 2554 55'
556 3305 1 040 544 390
1710 3783 3784 3457
H58 248 1
41 3642 975
3046 623 2571 1 837 963
42 2 1
E.,. I.
3rd G
St . •
Leknes, M rs . A . L., Stanwood. W:uh.-Apr.
265 1793
Lon g
Lindquist. C . E . • 1 5 08 N o . C.d" S t. . Toeo· m:l, W a s h .-Mar. Lindquist. C. F .. 1 205 West 1 3 th St . , S.n Pedro, Cal if . -Noy . Lindquist. Os ca r , 1 23 East 1 5th St .. Port land. Oreg.-Dec. Lindseth, R ... v. S. J . , Borup, Minn.-JuI)· Lindstrom. E., 424 l\1cKin ley Ave., Aberdet'n, Wa$h.-Nov. Lindstrom, Mrs. E . , 424 McK i nley Avt: . , Abe r dee n , \Xl ash .-Nov . Lin dt\'cdt. Nils, Lambe rto n . Minn.-jul�' Lindtvcdt. Mrs. T., Lamberton, Minn .- July Linne vo l d. \X/ m., Decorah, Iowa-J uly Lisherness. Jack. Concrete, W:lSh.-S�pt. Livedalen. K. 0., So. 1 24 Pine St .. Spo kant' , Wash .-Oct . Liverton. Edw;J,rd, 67 1 6 20th A v e . No. \V est. Seattle. \'Iash.-Mar. L i ve-rud. N . 0 . . Bdview. M i n n .-J u l y Locken. L . H., Patterson, Calif.-Jan., Nov. Loe. Erik, Ct n ton, So. Dak.-J ury Loen. O. A . • Howard, So. O.k.-Aug. Lofthus, Eleanor. 1 09 State St., Bremerton, \'Vash.- Ma r.
Lohrt", M rs . , Wesrbrook , Mi nn . -J uly
Loftness, R ev . Geo. 0 . , L.ke. No. Oak.-Apr.
Beach. C.lif.-J .n. Lindelien. John, Route M i nn.- J u l y
1 1 55
Le i yestad , R., North fi el d. Minn.-July
ham, \"X/ash.-Noy. Leque. Mrs. N . M., 1 1 1 5 1 3 th St., So. Bell · ingham, \VI Hh.-Noy.
2388 3216
Lekne.s, A. L. . St:lnwo:od, Wash.-Nov., Apr .
Ltknu. Ka th � r jn (' . W ••h.-May
Name, A Jdr(ss, and Month 0/ Contribul;on Lekne.s, Sophj � , 6228 Palatine, Suttle, \Vash . -May Leng, R., \'I ascca, M i n n .-July Leque, Mari.].n, Stanwood, Wa�h.-Apr. Leq u e . N. M., 1 1 1 5 1 3 th St .• So. Belling·
520 6th St .. Devils
Lohr(!, Geo. E .. Lamberton, Ivlinn.-Aug.
Loken. Oluf,
Fordville. No. Dak.-Nov.
Re y.
Hanley Falls,
0.. an d Minn.-Aug.
alnt', A ddr�H. and iHonih 1 80 6 3 1 78 1 807 462 261 "
2649 263 5 2659 1 1 99 1 200 n5 1 568 1 5 69 6D9 2396 3 1 08 3030 23Q2 2398
o f COlltribc4tion
L omen , Christ i:l n , D eco rah . Iowa-J uly Lomt:'n, Brik. H., Zumbroata, l'vl i n n .-}uly Lomen, H . , Route 1. Deco rah, Iowa-J u ly Lomen, Prof. Oscar lV I. , D eco rah , Iowa-Dec. Lo m m e n . T. P., M addock , No. Oak.-Jul}' Lone. Albert, Nunda, So. Dak.-J ul}1 Lone, Nels, Nunda. So. Dak.-J Ur}, Loner,
Nunda, So. Dak.-Jul}' Lono, Re\,. M i kke l . 9 1 2 So. 1 7th St., Taco· ma, \X' a sh . -Ap r . Looo, Mrs. Mikkd, 9 1 2 So. 1 7th St., Taco· rna. \'(!ash.-Apr. Loreen, Ruby, Route }, Lynden, W:tsh.-tvhr. Losen. Rev. C3r1, Routt' 4, De corah . [o.....a
J une Losen, Mrs. Carl, Route 4, De co ra h , [0"';) June Lo«n, Pede, J., 463 5 3 6th St . . San Diego, Calii.-Jan. Loven, H. R . , Route 6 , Decorah, Io..... a-l uly Lo ve n , Ole, Route 6, Decorah. Iowa-J u l y Lo veru d, 1. T., Fairfax, Minn.-July Lov.'i t uen , Nil" Route 6, Decorah, Iowa-Aug. Lovstuen, O::.: ca r P., Route: 6, Decorah, 10wa
306 2697 3 1 75
of the Amer. Central Luth. Nlrs. C . Hol m es, 28 1 8 Bro;ad way, Bdlinuham, \'<fash.-Ma. . Lucke, Cora. Eug.:ne. Orc�.-Dec. Lucken, loe. POl-tland. No. Dak.-July Lucken. K . J . . Portland, No. Oak.-J u l y Luck.y. Carl E_. Luther Theol. S�m., St. Paul, NJinn .-Dec. Ludvigson, lVlrs. H . , Route I , Grand lVleadow . Minn.-July Ludwig, Rev. L., 2 4 5 \X' . Lomb.ud S t . , Port land, Oreg.-Oct. Lund, Mrs. C . F., Route 3, Box 422, Puyallup, Was h .-M ac . Lu n d , Cla re n ce, Parklo.nd, \'<fash.-Sept., Oct. Lund, He l e n , 647 Elsie A..,c., S:tn Lea n dro , Ca l i f .-J an . Lu n d, r ve r , Bel d e n vil le , Wis .-J u l y Lund, Mr:;. J. B . , Route. 1 . Ar li ng ton, \'(Iash. -Oct . Lund, J u l . , Beldenvi!!., Wis.-Jul)' L un d, lvI., 647 Elsie Ave., Sa n Le:andro, Calif.-J a n . Lund. M . E , Goodhue, M i n n . -J u[ }' Lund, O. M . , 2 0 0 W e " 5 8 th St., Seattle, Wash .-Ap , . Lund. O. 0., Puyallup, Wash .-Nov . , July Lund. M". O . 0., Puyallup. Wasll.-Nov., J uly Lund, \'(Im. , \'<f a na m i n go , Minn.-July Lundbv. Me>. Cad, 85 W es t L . A. S t . , Long Bea..:h. Calif .-Oct. Lunde, Rev. A . l'vl . , Crookliton, Minn.-Oct. Lunde, Adolph H., Rou te 3, Zu m b rot:a, Ml n n .-J u ir Lunde, Agnes, Parkland. \'(/,uh.-O..:t., Oct. Lunde, Alfred, H;ayward. Minn.-J u l y L u nde, A l f r e d , Route 4. Pi ne Isl a n d , Minn.
2724 307 268 1 721
-July L u n d e, C . K., Hayward, fvI i nn. -J ul y lunde, C. W . , Pa,kland, Was h . -O ct . , Oct . L un d {' . Fl oTl' nce. Ha y wa rd . lVI i nn . -J u lr L u n de. Ma. Ge.rt rude , Crookston, Minn.
308 309 3 1 73
Feb. Lunde, Gladys, Parlcland, \VI ash .-Oct ' 1 Oct. Lunde, Hilda, Parkl<lnd. Wasl1.-Oct., Oct. Lu nde , J . B., Route 4, Pi ne Island, rvtinn.
1 1 06
407 20 [ 9 2008 47 1 3 3 03 r57 1 04 1 1 90 64 Q 1671 3 562 [667
650 3228 1 276 311 312 3 1 93 541 1 95 1 662
Jul" 1 650
310 1666 465 1 565 1 23 0
2739 1 1 39 1 1 4ll 67 1 671 1 [ 77 1 2 1 ll 1211 1 7 58 1759 10)5 83 1 812 3353 1422 1 1 66 1 1 (, 7 746
Lunde, P. H., R o u t e 3 , B o x 8 8 , Zumbrota, Minn.-Aug. L u nde, Rodge r , Pa rkl a nd . Wash .-Oct . , Oct. Lundgaa,d, O . M .. Beldenville, Wis.-July Luther League of Bethel Ch u rch , Brush Prai rie, \X!ash .-D ec . Lutheran Ladies' Aid. c/o Mrs. 1. A. Mcs f o rd , Anacortes, \'<f ash .-J un£'_ Lynn, C. 0 . , 717
ve . . Tacoma.
of ConlrihulJoJn
Lynne, Alh<d, Maddock, No. Oak.-J u l " Lyse, Rasmus, 7 1 9 West 2n d St., Aberdeen.
\'\! ash.-Nov. Lysne, RJ.Y) C lare mo nt , Mi n n .-J ul r Lysnes� R e v. Olaf, Cli nt o n , \X'is.-lvbr . Lys n e�s, !\.tIrs. O l a f , Clinton, \X' is_-Mar. L rst u L John 0 . , Glen d:t le , Oreg .-J::tIL Lptu[, Mrs. John 0 . , Glendale, Or(,[:'_-J :1 n . /\hakestad, Rc\,. G . , \\{hiu-hall, \Xf j ". Apr. MJ.ahstad, Rev. \'(1 , 1., Pete r.:;bu qj:, Alaska- Apr.
lvlaa. kcstad. !Vlrs. W . 1 . , Petersburg, Alaska Apr. MacPhcrson, J. E . . S("3nle. Wash . -J uly MacPherson. !vlrs. l. E., Seattle, \X'ash.-J u l y M.d.en. MrS. Car r i e , 2 3 6 [ Ea. 2 9 t h Sr., Oak· la n d . Calif.-Mu. Madsen, Lillie, S ilve rto n , Oreg.-M�r. lvIadsr-n, Victor, S i lve rton , Ol"lI!.it.-l'vI.u. l'vIadson, Tho., \XI'cstbrook, Minn.-July �vf;)gels{'n, T. J . , 2 8 1 9 Yl Ho yt Ave., EHren.
W..h . -M.v �iag('bsen. Rev. F., Route 2., Albert Le a , 1\:linn.-Apr. ivI a gt' ls!': e n , lYlr.... . F . , Ro u te 2, Albert Lea. lvli n n . -A p r. MJ. el �('n, Rev. H. G., 5 0 7 So. 6t h St., La Cros!>c, \X' is .-Feb . Mar,nu:.on, Mrs. E . . 3 3 09 Norton Ave.,
Everett, Wash.-lvby Magnussen, 1\1rs. Anna, Ro u te 2, Hu bba rd . Orcg.--Dec., Nov. fvlagnusst:: n , Christina, Route 2, Hubba rd. Oreg .-Dec . , o v. Magnus�en, H. lvl. . Route 2, H u b ba r d, Oreg. -D e c . , Nov. MahaHay, R . E., & Co., Washi n gto n Bldg . , Tacoma, Wash .-Dec. lVlay M a l a n d, M. A . . R ush / oed , Ivlinn.-July Malmin, Pro f . Gunnar J., Des Ivloinc-s, Iow:l
[ 698
-Mar. Malmin . Rev. O. G . , 2 2 ) St. Joe St., Rapid
>153 454 452 48 2
3 074
1612 273 3 285 1 3 7()5 1 96 6
So. O.k.-Jul}'
Malmin. Rev. R . • D_ D., 8 ranst on St., St. Pa u l , M i nn .-J u l y Ma lus. L l oyd . Cbrcmont, Lvl inn.-July Lvbnn, Mrs. Charles, C:d�donla, M i n n , J u l y
2748 3 288 3 2 89 3 40 173"
�13rkusen, Hans. Custer, \X'ash.-Nov. Martin. G , A., Lyle, M i nn .-l u i}, �,ttr tin, T u r i n a . Parkland, \Vash.-Sept., Oct_ Martinsen, Fred.l , A m bassador Apts. . Taco m;!, \Xi'�sh.-Mar. Martinsen. i'vIrs. J. H., 3 4 3 1 Gr::lnd. Evcrt!:tt, \'\T,.h .-M." , Martinson. Chris, \V :u(!ca, l'vI i n n .-J u ly fvlartinson. John. Storden. ivl i nn .-J u l y M art ins o n ; Ma r t i n . S to r d e n, M i nn . -J u l y M a rtinson , S . . Poulsbo, \X'ash .- Nov. f\1artinson, Th e lm a , Route 2 , 8m...·. W :ts h .
3 43 6
July Ma th i :l s on ,
A l fred ,
Math i;tsoll,
1 4 59
J ul y
W ('stb rook .
\Xi'alnu t
M.Hhiason, M ..
Mathr., Rev. L . A., 924 Es t h er v i l le. Io wa-J ul y
M i n n . -J ul r
fvl inn .
\X'alnut Grove, Minn .-July
Ea . Howacd S t . ,
Matson, Chas., Parkland, \'\!ash.-Oct . , J une-, Oct.
1 297
Matson, M . • E:lst Stanwood, \'\!:lsh.-Apr.
1 29 2
l'vla tson ,
Lunde, J . I . , Box 421, Z um b ro ta , Minn. July
1 776
N4m�J Addr�SJ, and lvlonth 2621 3 785
East Sta nwood .
Wash.-Apr. 429
Otto ) Silverton, Ort'i;.-Dcc.
3 1 47
Matt iso n, Martin,
3 1 37
Ma t tison, Nick, Rout e 4 , Box 6 3 , Grove Ci t y , M in n . -J ul y
Grove City, Minn.-July
2 74 4
Mattsen, Miss Caroline, Waseca, Minn .-Jul�·
3 66 3
Mau, Rev. H., 207 KentUCKY St . , Bdlincham, \X':lsh.-Nov.
3 3 60
L . G., Silverton, O reg .-Ma r.
SCrllIJ/ No.
Name, A ddreJJ, and Month 0/ Contribution
Ndme, AddreJ'f, lind ,Wonth oj Contribution
l\.1cGinnis, Rev. R. H., 5 1 2 No. L St. , Taco ma, Wash.-AuB. M cLe od , R obe rt, 809 Sou th G St., Tacoma, Wash.-Mar. i'vIcgard, H. I., Route 1. Asto ri.1 , So. Da l::: . J uly lV1ehl, j . H., Frost, L inn.-July Melaas, Geo., Cresco, Iowa-July iVld a nd , J ohn K., Ro u tt> 3 , Bricelyn, M i n n .
3611 3612 3610 3048 3049 867
2294 1 529
Melby, C. 0 . , Northfield. l i n n .-July lI..1clby. Elm er E . , Box. 18, East Stanwood.
lVldby, Mrs. Elm('r E., East S tanwood. \'(1 ash.
3504 1 0 43 2322 2205 2495 2201
2141 3694 301l 2817 1 3 41 1 96 7 820 1831 2209 936 93) 266 229 2710 1 76 950 zq29 712
-M;ly Melby, G. 0., Mabd. Minn.-July Melby. Mrs. lVI . , Route I, Box 1 3 1 . Puyallup. \'(/Hn.- ov. Mdch<r, Philip, Echo. I\linn.-J ul r Mddal, Edward. Rushford. M i n n .-J u ! y rvIellllln, �'I rs. 0 . . Stanwood. \XI':tsh .- Apr.
ivlcIvold, Orion, Cottonwood. !Vl inn . July M l.'yer, Althea, i lverto n . On' ,,-M::a r . Me}' r, E m i l, Howard, SQ. Da k .-A ug . �1 i('h:telson, rvl ichac.i. F'rolto t , M i n n . July l\olicbelscn, Elio t , 43 1 8 4 1 $[ A v r . 50. E a . , POTt l " nd, Oreg.-rvl::ar. i\.i)ichelscn, 0., 4 3 1 4 1 :.t Ave. So. E iI . , Portland. Oreg.-M;tr. M ickeI.<ion. Han�, R('Iute. I, Puyallup. Wash . Nov. l'.lIidbol', Andrew, Parld and. \'I3sh .- Nov . t
Oct. (vHdjc B rothers, Rout(' 1, O " k b n d , Nl i n n . July o. A nd erson St .• Mikkelsen, Rev. A . . 706 Ilcnsburg, Wash.-Oct., July likkdS-!.'n, Ann'), 4524 No . 18ch Sr., T3. co, rna.
\Ylash .- M u . M. . , Sunburg. l\1inn.-July lvI rs . 1amic. flox 6 5 '5. Coquille.
�'Iillc lson. Mdler.
331 2 28 3 I
Oreg.-Ja n . , J u ne. �'I il lu. V . . Storden. Minn .-J u ly 1\.1ill ie, 1\;lrs. O. G .• Rout" I, P('[(�rson, Minn.
1 54 5
jull' Mission
1808 2 1 i8
2743 624 2445 725
3056 866
Society. c(Mrs. rred:t Kirk, Port ngcle::;, la\' lif. Mo, K3.CI. Ro ute I . D('� .-h , row3-Au�. {,vloe. Andrew 0 . , H·lrfiir1d. inn. j ul)' f'vlo • H . . Routc 7. O",.'atonnOl. :vh 11 J u l)· l'vlo(', Georgia. PatterSon . Cali f .- J an., No\,. IYIoc, Hans, Hayfield. Nl inn. ·Ju!y lVI('If', HJ ,0; J., Ro utt, 3 . Box 1 ) ) , Kent. W/ "s�.
)9 1 766 2542 3248 3 2 29 2784 1 9 68 2 1 63 1 ;9 ,
1 3 24
3 064 1 7 78
272 9 Z5 H 3 65 7 2801
23 1 0
368 792
Nlo/de n. Mrs. P.,
Rou t('
97 100
1 O(l� ,077 3672
3 1 56 3293 1 00 0 1 07 Z80,)
1 3 19
1 28 1 965 2 1 26
e,or;\h, Iow;a2 1 25
J uly Moldr.m, Mrs. D. J..
1 8 1 4 Larr,bee St..
Bellingham, \'Vash.-
Larrabee St.. So. Sci!· Nov.
foldrtm. Dina, 1 8 1 4 \Vf.lsh.-Fc ••
2 3 2. 3
1 4 27
Mol tl:!r, Mathias, W3.5h.-M.l�·
3 609
1\-10n&:., H:uold, Edi:;on. \'(Iash .- Oct .
Cr.dM Sr . ,
E verett,
Grove:. lvlinn.-july
July J\1ost'nden, J, I., H:m ska. M in n .- J u l y Mo!'sige. A dol ph , Cotton'...·ooJ. Minn .-July MassinA'. M, N . . Byron, M i n n .- l u i }, NIt. V i e w L uthera n L3dies' Aid, c/o �1rs. \V . W. Hestne", R. I, Box 1 89A, Puyallup, Wash .-J unc M uch:�', �1rs. A . D .• 90 1 r and Ave., Evcr·
Nl u!lcr. Caroline, 3 5 64 F;awcl.'tt Ave,. ·I'acom3. \\I ;J:� h .- Mar , . J u n e IVIulll'r, I . E . , Sprint{ GroVt', NIinn.-July lvI ulll'r, f\1rs. Turi. S pri ng Grove. rvlinn , �.·Iund:d. Mrs. P. S., Custer. \'(I!l:rih.-Nov. �'l undum, IVIcs. A., 809 So. h{'fid:HI, T.1CO' mat \Xl3s.h.-Apr. 1Vl unson. J oh n. Route 7 , Owalonna. M in n_ J u ly M u n.s o n. 1\1 . rvI . , B r i c e l y n , lv ' linn .-J u l y fvl urphy. A n n. B o x 3 1 6, Parkland, \X'ash.
Nov. 1'vlyhre,
A l be rt. Route
l edon i a, Nli n n .-
1V1yhrc. A1£ L . , iVIa tsqu i , 8 . C. • Canada-r.. l a r . Myh re . C. Osca r. Rol en£', ' 0. Dak.-�1ar. !\-1yhrc. lar". 2006 2 3 ,-d .' n , No . , Sr3tdt\ . ilsh.
Sept . . Nov. E . . Ral,·tto. No. D,k.-Mar. A . . SpTint� Grov(>. Minn.-July O . A . . 2855 Cornw., 1 1 St . . Be l l i n g ·
Myhre. J.
M),bn'. O. I\,I\,h".
h a m . \X'ash.-Nov. Mrhn-, M". O . A . . 2 8 5 5 Corn"'., 1 l S t . . Brll· in).,1ham. \Was h . Ncw. l'vJ yhrr. Obi 0.. Rout� 3 . Spring Grove. Min n,' J u l y
.l ull' Mrhrl',
j ul�' tvlyhre,
l'vl inn.-
{\.te adow .
5.. L.,
Peter J . . 2006 2 3 rd Ave. N o . , Se.1 r t i c , \'\Iash , -ivb . r . , M.tr. i\1yhn'. l\1rs, P. J . . 2 ,l06 2 3 rd Ave� No . . 5\··
attic. \\!asil.-Aug., Aug.
vlyilre. i' Sq·rk. Rout� I, C3ledoll i a . Ni i n n . J u l )' Mykl.l nd. A . A . . East St:u1wood. W.,h. Apr. M�'kland, Mrs. A. ., F:1.$[ Stanwood, \'(/ ash.
- pro Myk-I(·hu.$t. K . T., 1 2 6(1 Commerc!" L o ng · vi('w, Wash.-A pr. ykl<jord. R . . L)'le, Minn .-July lynn, rv(j�s I nl�rid . Routt! 5. Decorah, IO\\'a -J u l y
B rothers,
E. ,
Morken, G ,
Mo r:)("th , John. Route 1. Zumbrota, 1Vlinn.
102 24�2 J 135 813 2321 618 2900 1044
I , C.llt don i a, Minn.
Mocek. Mrs. C. D., 2326 8 th Ave., Los An· gl'les. Ca l if.- Ja n, Mork. H. H., 6 7 1 7 40th ve. So., Seattle. \YI "h .-Feb . . O ct . l\iIork, l\/lrs. Ivcr, Bricet�'n, Nfinn.-j u l y
3704 1 236
Wash.-Mar. Mo,. n , 0 . . \X'oodburn. O re p. .-D e c . Oct. 47 rvlrs. 0 . . \'\Ioodb urn . Orrg.-D�c .. 474 Moe n , Oct . 2900 �I�n. Ol<l u'l, HouAon, M i nn.- J u l}' 1 9M , �Iocn. Oscar G. . lvlayvillr.. No. O",Ic:.-July
823 �n8
t H ti n ,
lVlomon, -J uly
3 673
3 1 38
LVIonson, D. C . • Belview. M i n n .-July �10nson, Evdr n. Parkland, \'(l a�h.-Nov•• S ep t . LVlonson, NI. C., R out e, Owatonna., i\tl in n .
J u l l'
3 1 60
-Fob . 1\Iloc. Mn . Hans J . , Route 3 . B o x 1 5 5 . Ke nt , \X' a�h. Feb. {\.1oe, In F- " 31d , Route 3 . G rove. City. l\1 mn. Jul)' Mac, J. j . . Silverton. O�p�.-.M;'lf. i\'ioe . KnutC':. Route ' . OVJJ.tonna, �·1 i l1n. J u t -, Moe. Ludvig E . , Si! vt'rton, Orl'g.-D c c .\-Ioc, N . C " Laneshoro. JVI i [1 n .-Ju!�· Moe , �lr5. 0, I . . Grovt C i ty , Minn.-lul}f �1oe , Mrs. O . J . , Silvr:non, Or�{! .-�la r. Mo<. R•• . S . M . . Br.>ndt. o . D,k.-J uly Moe. T. ] . . Patterson, C:11if.-jan. lvfoe n, John. Route 2 . Sunburr.. Mi nn .- u/y IVloj·n. Mart i n , 3 2 1 6 NQ. l 3 th St., [acoma,
Mong, Nels, Ediso n , Wash .-Oct. 1vlo n g , Mrs. Nels, Ed ison , \"V;ash,-Oc:t, Mong, No rris, E d iso n , W.uh . -Oct . lVlonson, A. M . , Belvi('w, lVlinn.-J u l y Monson, A n n a , Belview, Minn.-July Niomon, lvlrs. A n na , Parkland, \V.lsh.-Nov.,
1 403
J\/Iyron, Eli, Stanwood, W;l"'h .-·M a y
1 1 74
Myrw3ng, pro
1 3 78
Naas, lvIeiford. Eil�t
1 68
ra nwcod. \V/ a sh ,- A pr .
1 aeseth. Rl!v. \'\!m . K" 2 2 oth Ave. So . Rochestc r. �iJ inn.-July
SerJai No. 3 1 23
Nam(", Addreu, and Month Naess. Charlotte,
Soiai Contribution
1 0 1 0 So. Jrd St., Tacoma,
3 1 24 232
3 1 22 3 1 25 J 1 18
3 1 14 2197 3234 3351 1 1 47 1 24 5
Nness-I E r l ing , 1 0 1 0 So. 3 rd St Tacoma, \VI .,h.-Aug. Nac!'s, Rev. J. A. E., 1 0 1 0 So. Jrd St., Toa· coma, \Vash.-Nov., Aug. Naes>, Mrs. J . A. E., 1 0 1 0 So. 3 rd St., Ta· com a , W/ ash.-Aug. N,,,-,, J. A. Em.n ue l J r . , 1 0 1 0 So. 3rd St., Tacoma, \V:t!'i h.-Aug. N rv.,on, B . H . , 325 Ea. Jrd St., A l b e rt Lu, M inn.- July Na r ves o n, S . 0., 3 2 5 3 r d St .. Albert Lea, Minll.-Jul}' Nass, C. K.• R ou te 5, Decor� h, rowa-July N3t'rc�aad, G. T . , Storden, Minn.-July N at t es tad , Knut, Stord"n, Minn.-July N a vc r do l . john J . , 7 1 8 So. Cushman Ave., T (om:ty \VIash.-l'vlar. Ne.ilson, Clua, Box 3 8 8 3 , Rarmond, W:lsh.
Apr. Nel lerrn oe, Julr
3 �49
733 2693 36S9 1 214 1225 3402 2458
2 087
323 343-2 ! 97�1 3 489 16 9 2 2745 2J �6
A. S .• ConollwooJ!
!v1 inn,
Ibe rt, Rout< 4, [lux 348,
\'\I3sh.---O c t.
Nc boo , If 0 . , 7 1 2 Oak St., lIvenon, O",g .- F. b. Nelson. Am)'. GLenville, �lI inn.-Ju.1 y N e b o n , Nus. Ben" Route I . 1:30.'( 1 1 3, PU}" a l l up , \V;1\b .-Nov . Nt.lJo n . Rev. B yron C . . 260 StUI;' St" Perth mboy, N .. J., Ap r. N.J,on , M r> . By'on C , 260 St.,te St . . Po rth
mboy, N. ],-
Nel�on, Nelson1 Ne.Lon, Nel "on, e l s on , N.J.on . Nelson,
C. J., V\l('sl.b roo k, M i nn .-J ul y • L . . Lan('sboro. Nluln.-j u l r Ch::trh , H av war d , lvhnn .-J ltl�' Prof. D.l\,id T . , Dt'coc-ait, I o·....a-NQv . E. L . . Rc ....t!!'t , V r hll n . -J u l y Ed. 0 . , Lyl,' , 1'o'I,"n .-Joly E m u n d Kc!mcr. Ne.... ·port. \\7a.1h .
r:! on, F r t" d , H1.},ward, Mi nn. -J td}' Nelson, George A., 'Vasec1, l'vtinn.-Ju1r N d.')on, Godfrey. ROUle! I , Garr1'tJjon , So,
O. k.-J uly elson. M rs. H . , Ro u te 2, Oecor"h, 10w:1-July 2699 Nel � ot1 , H . C,' H3ywJ.rd, f.,IJ i n n .-July 2 848 Ne l s on , H. p . . & Son, ledoni., Minn.]ulr 3405 �I' bon , H a n s T . . � cstbr ook . IVl i n n .-J u l y 197 1 Nt·Is-Oll, H e l m e r . RMe ree.k. td i n n .- J ul y 3 1 29 Neo L an , Henr y 0 . , Routt: 3, Stewartville, rv l mn ,-J u1 r Nf l .., n , [d., Elbwotth, \"" , . - J u ly 1 677 1 972 Nt" l :ion . l vtr. Cotton·...·ood, �1 i l 1 n , - J lI l }' 25 1 Nels£ln , Rl·\·. J . � . , 'eWpol t, \'{! ,uh.- ov. 252-NolAon , Mea . J . E . . N,wport, W ..h .-Nm'. 2909 N"hon. M rs . John, Houston, Minn -July 3 1 06 Ncbon. Jos e ph, lVI a nrhe$tE'r, M inn.-Aug, 3568 N� lson , K. H., Ro u t e l, Su icc (', �iiTln.-July 3l104 Nt' l s on . L rs., R oute I , Spl Ct r, �1;l1n.-JuLy 1513 Nl" holl. L� , 720 E ::l. . Y a m h i l l . Porthnd, On" .-tvl ,,}, N. Ii" n, [1.·1 . 0 . , 786 Ea. [I..J.,dison, Portl. n d , r 0 24
1487 29 3 1 2'599 :! 1 40 1 97 3 286 1 3 1 16 2496 ,2500 3082
Oro�.-M.r. Nrlsoll. M . Pauline, 2 0 0 2 Hoyt Av(� . , l:. w:rcn. \'(':l:.h .-NI.1. Y Nr l!ton , Idvin, C.l1(�donia, Minn .-Jul),.(Olson , N . C., ROllte 3. Volin. So. Dnk ..-
N, ! ;on , N . H . , iVhb.I, M i n n .-Jul)' Nd,on, N . H., Lyl., Mi nn .- J u l y Nelson, N . J . , AtWlner. �I inn.-July £'1:.on, Nd �
a.k.-J uly
Norman A . • Misston. H i l l . So.
1'1500 , O . B ' I S p ring G rov
Minn .-JuI)'
282 1 2 1 73
2726 3231 3 200 205 1 2 3 26
Nl"rison, N_ K., Goodhue, �'I i n n .-July Neset h , Dernt, Ners t ra n d , Minn .-J uly Nesheim, Ed . , Route 1, Asto r ia, So. Oak. N es h ei m, Mrs. O.k.-July
1 3 66
1301 65 1 3 13 1 2463 566 567 267 268 3556 767 768 29 1 4
Ima. J . ,
Ro ute
C.lif.-Jan., Oc'. Ne�set h , N. p " 7 1 3 Cen t ral Ave., Red \fl i ng,
lViin n .-J u l}" S(�pt. 1: es t.lnde, Rev. P. J., Lanesboro, Minn.-July Ne.ste, J. A., Hemet, Calif.-Oct. Nf's re. Mr!. J. A . . He.met, :t1if .-Oct. Nestc.B-:lrd, E . , ROllte 1, Bo x [ 2 21 Puyallup. Wash .-N ov . , Nov. N "' tc ga rd , Mrs. K. A., R o u t e 1. Box 1 3 0. Puyaltup, \V ash.-No'l., Nov . r.�tfl�ard, M['$ . L.t ROllte I , P uy lIup. \'<.1 ;ash.
-Oct. Nesvig,
Rev. M. L . , 1 5 0 Valley
W.. h .-Fe b . N., v ig. V l I ,s . M . L.,
W ash .- Fcb. Nctlnnd. Joseph, R o u t e 2, Sunburg. Mi nn. Ne t ln n d ,
Lars ,
Lewis, Route
J u l �'
2 0 � (, 1423 2386 2387
SUl l burt: .
HC'rotd. 7 1 S So. C u,-il fnan, To.co \)fj ;,l<;h.-ivI.H.
N��"gard, C. A. . New Ri ch l a nd , Minn.-July t e w t o n , 1\'l rs. Albe rt , Box 7 C) 3 , Sumn er. Wa�I1 .-No v.
Newton, Lenna. 4 4 2 0 M�ryl:tnd St. . 53n Diego. Cal if .-J ll n . Nick!eson, Erick. Walnut Grove . �\1 inn.
J uly
N td.lr05 COllg rl'g:u i o n . '::/ 0 Rev. H � n rv Solwn, B,ltic, So. Dak.-J uly ilsen, S., 4 1 1 8 Rucker. E 'I� rl"t t.. \V:aJih.
May Nittebc r;. ( Melvin, Sherman. S o . D:tk.-J uly Ni t ccberg, Mn. M el v in, Sher�n. So. Oak.
29 1 0 29 I I
3 686 1 4 73
3805 2382 3806
M i nn.-
2 , S u nb u,& , Minn.
N(·\o't.'rd::l.hl, m ,l
S� .. tt l l!,
t .•
1 5 0 V" I I,\' St . , Seanl.,
� �la nd,
Nu s , O. J . . Decorah. Iowa-J uly Nb S. OJe E. . Fairfax, lVl in n .- J u l}' Nc.s.s , Owen, Stanwood. \'V ash.-Apr. Nc:u., Peter, Oe..::o rah, Iowa--:J ul}, N('s s, lYlrs. 5 . . Stanwood, \"(l ash.-Apr. Ness, 5. P., 733 Ea. Couch, Portland� Oreg. -M;H. N�s, Signc, St a n w ood , \V/ash.-Apr. Nes s. Sir,urd, Stanwood, \'V 3 !i h .- A p r . NelS', I. W., 1729 78,h Ave' . , O,kland,
1\fi [HI.
Njos, John. Route 1 . Sunburg, Nr�nn .-J u ly
Njos, Ola us, Rotn ... 2, S u n b urg1 l\. hn n .-July Nopson, f\..1ni. B,. R o u te I , Box 1 28, Puyallup. \'X'.l� h ,-No.... NOfb�', Rev. J . Tor �l, 1 3 1 2. Fran klin St., Bdlinsh.m, \V.,h .-M .• y Nordahl, BN'l, 1 5 1 5 B orc n Ave' .. Se at t l e, Wash .-F.b. Nordby, Ct,uJ. D., F(lmd.:ll�. \X':l _�h.-Nov. Nordby, l-l . H., Hills, Mi n n .-J u ly Nordby, J. E., Fer n da l e , \V :l.sh ,- i. £IV.
Nordga a r d , -July
Nordlit!. Pror . H1!' rm a n C" Concordia h'se, rvroorhead, NIinn .---tv h r . Nordl ie , ai" Hudson. S o . D,k.-Jul r
, .Iso n , O laf, Rugby, 1
Nc b ro n . O lai , B t.n:s!orJ. So. Dak.-Jul;'
1 1 10
3 0'4
2 5 81
Ro ut e I, 80.'( 3 1 8, Kent,
S tilnwood,
3 3 26 3721
As to ria,
Ness, Leon.l, Stanwood, \�ash . - Ap r.
1 06 1
\'(Iash.1 3 68 1 3 67 2488 3 D20 1 3 57 !314 1352 1021
1 7.S
Ie, B l! lv i c w , Mirm.--Jul}·
2 5 ·19
Da k.-A u�.
.�am�� A ddTi!H) and Month oj Contriblltion Ne l so n , O lc, Route 5, Waukon, Iowa-] uiy Nel son , Otto K., Westbrook, Minn.-July Nelson, Peter, R o u t e 2 , \'Vhalen, M in ll . -July Nelson, Thc.odo r, Stewartville, Minn.-J u l y Nelson, \'\lm . , Hay wa rd, Nlinn.-J u l y Nerison, Carl, Ro ute 2, Goodhue, Minn.
O . � G lcn vill� . l\tfinn .-J u l �'
Nora, MI �:i ion H i l l . So.
2400 3399
Cottom'l."ood .
M i nll
Minn . - J ul y
Ndmt� .4ddrus� 521 522 3397 1461
1463 1466
208 1 1 4 6� 1 4 64 404 18 9 218 121 1217 1219 12/8 2792 2762 3253 326� 3373 3412 170 22 1 1 1 132
N., 5 3 4 Dewey Blvd.. , San Fran·
293 771
cisco, Calif.-Jan.
Torem, N .. WC5tbrook. Minn.-July Norr.aard. Rev. C. H., 1509 24th St.. Everett, \Y/J.5h .-Ma�· Norg� :J.rd. Mrs. Carl H" 1 509 24th SCo t
Evcrf:'cc, \'\fash.- May Tor ,;. aa rd , Esthe r . 1 ') 09
W1.sh.-M:lY or a a rd, G. Mintl..-} uly
oq:!ilJ.rd. Herbert.
Ro ut e 1 509
1817 2259 2260 1 3 76 122
Normann. lVIr�. H. IV!., C resco, Iowa- Apr. Normann . Harald. Crci'ico, Iowa-Apr. No rmOl n n � Rolf A., Cr��co, lowd-Apr. Nocsb}, . John, Hanska, Minn.- J u ly Norsby, l'.1att. HI;lD'Ska, !\:linn.- Jul}. Norsiden, Chris. Wc.:-;tbrcok. M i nn.-J u ly Nocsiden, E .. Walnut Grove, i'vlinn.-July Norstl'g3r-d, Julius , Dovray, l'vtinn.-Joly Norstpsarcl. M:-t rt i n . \Vestbrook. Minn.-July Torswi nj.t. Knutt B., Futie'rton, Ca l if .-Oct ., Mar., Apr. Nth BI ll£" Earth Ladies A i d . Route 2, n r ice lv n , Minn .-July North Pu ct Sound Circuit \'V'omen' s !viis· s i ona ry Fed., c/o IVlrs. Bernard Lien, Stan· wood, \'X' ash.-IvIar.. Nov. North Vlkin� Ladies Aid, Maddock, No.
L u th e ra n
Narum. A . H., Poulsbo, Wash.-Nov. Nybakkc. A . 0., Route 1, �1urdock. M i n n .
July 2988
Nybakke. Oluf,
J ull'
666 1 23 7 1 286 3318 9S 1 5 44 1 1 37 2H 391 1 975 1 9 76
3498 770 2484 1699
3 3 69 3 3 66 196
35 1
W ••h.-May NoqC33rd. Ruth C., 1 '5 09 24th St" Everett, \Y/Jsh.-M<1.;1 NorGard, La u r a , 1 1 2 5 \V <;lSCO St" Po rtl:ln d , Oreg.-Dec. N urg; ud. lYI a rt i n . Routl' 2, D e cora h, Iowa Aug. 'orlie. Dr. O . !vI., Hartwick ColleGe, One onta. N . Y,-Nov. Norm;um. R�v. H. M., Cr�!ico, Io w;J.-A pr. ,
Serial No.
5:10 Fran-
No . O ak .-Ju ly 3 55 1993
3 p lE's St"
ordseth. H. ] . , 1 24 1 c is co. Ca l if .-J an.
D.k.-J u h2631
dnd iWonlh 0/
3, Murdock. M i n n .
Nybo. 1-'1. L . , 877 Rosemont Ave .. Oakl a nd, C. l i f.-J an . N,-g.ard, Ol.f, 1 1 1 2 So . 1 3 th St., Tacoma, Wash .-Apr . . Nyg:.t;a rd. T. H., Sa.cred Heart, Min n.-Apr., Aug. ygard, L. 0., Ha rtlan d. Minn .-July Nn�a rd . Mrs. Ni na . Parkland, Wash.-Sept Oct . • Nov. Nyhamer, i'vlrs.. Annil, Gig Harbor, \'V'ash. May Nyhu).. l . G . • Route 5 , M e . Vernon, \V;tsh . -lvbr . . Nov. yhus. Mr$. L. G .. Route 5. Mt. V e rn on , \Xl",�h.-Nov" Nov. Nykreim, Mrs. P. A . . Park River. N o . Oak. -Dec. Nyland, Adolph, Cottonwood, Minn .-July N )' l 3 nd , H. A . , Cottonwood, Minn .-July Nym:ln, W i lb e rt , Box 279, Tacoma, \'':/ash.
Odd en . Mrs . J oh n , Deco ra h , Iow a·-J u ly
de, Es th e r, Box 177. Decora.h, Iowa-July
Address, and iUo nl},
01 Contrib141ion
M i n n.-Jul}'
1 1 16
Obnsrud, A., Decorah, I owa-Jul y Olansrud, Mrs, A . , Decor:lh, l ow a-J u l �· Olausen, Alma, Ea.\;,t Stanwood, Wash. -Ap r . Olausen, Anthoni , Routc 3, Box 3 3 0 , Tacom a , \'V'asll.-Sept.. Mar. Olberg , Jardis, 440 1 No. 19th St., Tacoma, \X';J.sh.-Mu. Ol i ve rst Mrs. A., Route 1, Bo� 3 5 0, Kent ,
3275 385
\'V'ash.-N"ov. Ol iveT'S, Abc, Ro-ute I , Box 3 5 0, Kent, \'V' ash. -Nov. Oliven:on. Clara, He me t. Ca l i f.-Oa . Olsen, N-Irs. A., 42 [ 8 No. 1 5 th St., Ta com a, \V ..h .-Mar. Olso", Alfred, Pa rkla n d, \V"h.-Sept , Oben. Arthur, 720 4th St., New \'V'estmin · ter. B . C.-Mar. Olsen, Arthur G., Route 6, Litch fie ld , Minn. -July Olsen, Edw . . Route t. S to rde n , Minn.-July Olsen, El ml'r C., S i l ve rton , Oreg.-Nov . ,
804 1 4M
O I :- e n . IVIrs. E l m e r C . . Silverton. Oreg.-Mar. Olsen, H. Garvik, Route 1, East Stanwood,
I, East S t.l nwoo d , \Xfrl.sh.-May Olsen. Jensl Willm:lr. lvIinn.-July Olsen, Knut, 1 6 1 6 So. J St., Ta co m a , Wa.h. - 1.r. O[!;t�n, Knut. M a be l , lvJ i n n .-J ul �1 Olsen, Mathia$ . 1 5 8 W. 1 2 th Ave., Eugene.
294 �68 1 1 4) 692 986 31
M<l r.
2878 1 1 26 2137 670 2873 1 244 3 1 48
W"h .-l'vhy Olsen, Mrs. J. A., Route
Oreg.-Jan . . Oct. 01.sen. Mrs. lVlyrclc, \'V' illmar, lvlinn .-July Olsen, 0 , C., Bo.'( 8, Raymond, W :l sh .-Ap r. O!::;en, Odwin L. , Route. 6, Litchfield, !'vI i n n .
-J uly 3 5 24 1093
Ols(!n. Olsen.
1 222
806 805 2527 868
Obus. RU3hford. Min n .-J u ly O l u ( T .. New Effington, So. Dak . Peder.
W.. h.-A pr .
3017 2362 1 869 700 577 221 1 79
Odden, H., 2 7 1 8 J ackson St., Seattle, Wash. -Feb .
Oil", Mrs. O. A. , Route 2, Box 87 A, Kent, Wash .-Noy, Oie, Ole, Route 3 , Kent, Wash.-Nov. Oren. A. 0., 3824 14th Ave. \X'est. Seattle, Wash.-Feb. Oil"n. 1., Col um b ia Valley Gardens, Long· vit w, \Vaih.-Nov., Apr. Oiom, Hans. A voca , M i nn . -J u l y Oiom, H:l ns, Sr., Dovray, Minn.-July Oksm'ss, S . 5., 3 8 1 4 So. L St., T:\com.a, \'V'ash.-Oct. Olafson, C. M., 5 4 1 7 R.m"y S t. , Duluth,
3563 3 243 2508
Route 4 ,
Robert. Silverton, Oreg.-Mar. Olsen. Thelm:t, S il verton , Oreg.-Mat. Olson, Adolph, Fairv iew, So. Dak.-Julr Olso n. Agnes, Route 2 , Tacoma, Wash. Mar. Olson. Andrew, Echo, rv-linn .-July Olson, Andrew J., Oldham, So. Oak.-Jul v Olson. Mrs. Anna, and family, Route 2 , Hay .
field, Minn.-July Olson. Anna H., Box 444, P a rk la n d, Wa... h. J,n . . Oer. Ol,on. Arthur M . , 435 \V est 1 3 9 th St., Los
A n ge les , Calif.-Jan. Olson, Bernhard, 1820 So. J St., Tacoma, W.,h .-Oct. Olson, Bertha, Parkland, \�ash .-Oct . , J a n . , Oct. Ol�on, C. A., 942 Commen::c, Tacoma, Wash. -Oct. Olson, C. D . , \'V"anami ngo, M i n n .-July Olson, C. M . . Mission Hi l l , So. O ak. -J u ly
253 1
Odega>rd, ObC, Canton, So. Oak.-July
1 1 14
1 253
Odyn , Mrs. John 0., 4034 Linden Ave., Se. attle, \V as h .-A pr.
Olson, Mrs. Carrie. 908 No. Grant St., Ta· coma, Wash.-Mar.
1 598
Olson. Christine, Anacortes, \'V'ash.-July
3 1 95
1 077
Oian, Ole J., Route 1. Pe te rson, M i n n .-July
Oie, Edward. Wash.-Nov.
July Route
Olson, Oce.
1 9 77
O Lson , D.
Clifford 0., Parkland, Wash.
N., Cottonw(,JOd, Minn.-Jul"
Strial .\0. 2422 2038
61 1 43 83 214 82 303l
772 3648
3 64 9 393 3786 1 78 632 240�
3 35 4 2509 3440 1 078 1 07 1
1614 3 669
1 49 197!l 26Y 12 1 1 22 2 I �O 151 1945
33�0 313 2 1 4' 1 979 73 8 2537 �028 3313 191 42 2146 276 1 2 1 34 3628 3630
N(JT1It', ltddrc:ss, and I}/onlh of Contribu/ion Olson, Edwin, Scary City, Iowa-J uly Olson. Mrs. ElLend. c/o Ole Ho verso n, Glen· vi lit" , M in n .-J uly 01 on, EIlTt:I, 3783 \'V i lson , San Dil"go, Calif. -J a n . Olson. Mrs. Emma, Longview, Wash.-M.l}' Olson, Mrs. G. P., Parkbnd, W.,h.-Sepc. Ol son, !VIrs. Geo. , P:l("kland, \'(! ash.-Se pt., Oct. Olson, G• . J . , Parkland, W.,h.-Sepc .. Occ. Olson , Gertine, Dt'lhi, l\·linn.-Jul}, Olson, G u n h i ld , 1 1 00 l2nd Ave. No., Seatcle, W"h.-F.b . O l s on , Gu st , Rou te ..> , B ox 3 1 8. TJcom3, \\I:lSh.-Oct.
Oison, Mrs. Gust, Route 3, Box 3 L 8, Taco· ma, \Y/ash.-Oct. Olson. Hannah lvt, Si l verlon. Oreg.-Dcc. O lson . Harry, 3 1 7 \V . 1st St., Aberdeen, \'(/ash.- OY. Olson. Inga, Box H4. Pa rkl and, Wash. o c., S ept . Olson, J . D . , P;ltCcrson, C.alif.-Jan. . , St. O l.f, Iow a-J u ly O lson. J . Ol,on , } oh u , ..tbrook, M i nn .-J u ly Olson, John B . , Gayville, So. Dak.-Jul), 01:;:011, Kjetclt \V es tbrook, M i n n . - J u l y Olson, Prof. L . A . • Forest City, 10wa-IvI a r. Olson, Mrs. L. A . . Forest City . I o..... a-Mar . •
\X!ash .-Nov.
Olson. MeJvin, 40L5 Ta co m a Ave. So., Ta· co :t, \'(/ ash .-Qct . Olson, Mrs. . , Mayville. No. D ak.- J u l y Cis n. l t i l i e . Route I, B ox 1 88 . Puyallup, ov. W.lsh .-No\· . . Olson. O . L.. Routt l. Br ic t" ly n . Ivlinn.- J u l y 01::.on. O . rvf.. M2Ilche.ster. M inn .-July Olson. O . T., 40 1 '5 Tacoma Ave. So., Ta· lOfOJ, W3s h .- Oct . • Oct. Olson, Ohf S . . Route -+, Box 43 I. T acom a , Wash .-Oct., S��pc. Olson, O l a us '. Houston. M i n l l .-J ut >, Olson, Ole A . • S to rde n , :vI i n n .-July Obon, Dr. Oscar l.. L uth er Coit('ce. Dcco r:a.h , Iowa- Nov . , Nov. Olson. Oscar �1. . Kasson, Minn.-J u l y Ol�on, P. K . . Porte r. Mi nn .-Aug. Olson. Mrs. Randi. Chinook. W ..h.-Fcb. Olson, R a smus . Thompson. Iowa-July Olson, S . .. Fa irfax, M i n n .-J uly Olson. S. J , . Ro ute: 2. Grand �1t"adow, M i n n . - J u ly Olson T. H .. Pa rklan d . WasIL -O ct . , Oct . O bon', Thora A" Box 444, Pa rkland. Wash.
-Sept .. Oct.
Olson, Tina, Kasson. �tinn .-J ut}' Olst3d. Ca rl , Ha n as ka . M i nn .- J u l y Olst:1d. Lina H't Route 5 . Decorah, lo ..... a July Otndal. Mrs. Ann a, Route. 1 . Box 1 02, Bow,
1. Box 1 02, Bow, \'(fa�h .
Omdal. B(,·n. R o u te - Oct .
3629 2972 368 1
2030 4 7
\'(7" h .-O([.
A. H.
226Z 1810 2477 2864 2843 250
3421 2Q49 3233
638 152 859 296 1 248 2863 32U9 3787 3788 49 3 2234 463 248
2 47 3512 903
01 907 2643 2642 2641 2560 2 1 38 63 9
P . , Houston. M in n .-J uI), L . . Custer. \'(!ash,-Nov,
Oppegaard, Conrad Lea, IVlinn.-J u i y Opstad,
Ops t edOlhl. Hen ry. Ridg�wl.Y. Iowa-July 2385 Opse.dahl . Ole, Sherman, So. D.k.-July 1 679 Ordal. Erling J't River Falls, \'Q' is.-Ju1r 1 86 Ordal, Rev. O. J .. 1 7 1 3 M cKe nz i e St., Bell· in,Qham, \'(I'ash .-Oct., Nov. 1 0 5 9 Ordal, Olai, Col l e ge Station, Pullman, \'(/ ash. -Mar.. Nov. 1 ,,78 Ordal, Rev. Z . J . , River Fall" W is.-J u l y 439, Ol'mbrt"k, M r s . , S i l v erl on , Oreg.-Dec. 1 08 Oc mse- th. Corn. Farwell, Min_n.-Aug. May, July 1 5 90 Orms<.'th, Esther. ( I n tvlemoriam ) , Cyrus. Minn .-July 295 Ornas. A . , Route. 3 , BOle 308. Kent, Wash.
O[,on. M. H . , 1 57 6 18th Ave., San F ra n · cisco, C31if.- J uly Olson. Nbc B . , 1 9 0 3 D Sc., Bellingham,
Omdal, Bertha. Route I . Bow, \X'ash.-July Omd:d. Bovir-.l. Route :!. Bow . \'<fash .-Oct. Omdal. Marie . Route 1. Bow, Wash.-July Omdal. Peder lVI.. Route I, Box 102, B ow , . W.,h .-Occ. Omdal, Sanford. BOK 1 02 , Route I. Bow,
1 73 5 3 597 1 73 6 3627
Nam(. A ddress, (:rid Ilfonth uf Conl,jbullon 2 1 07
1 5 49
Opstad, Supt. rver A "
Iowa Ciry. Iowa-M a y
Opstad. L. A" 523 se n d, Was h . - No v.
Cass Sr . .
Op, tad , Mrs. Lars 0., Bla ine . Wash.-Nov,
Po rt
Tow n
\X/ ash . -No v .
I a8 1 2143
Orton Brothers. Route 3, Volin, So. Oak, -J u l y Orvella, Clara, Routt: I, De co rah , 10w.1-J u l y Orvella, J ul)"
Thee., D�cor:th. 10\\la-July Orwoll, C . " 4034 Dupont Sr., Minnea.poli ... M i n n .-Auc. Osc th, M ut i n , a ll!do n ia , lVl i nn .-J u ly Osland, Birg.r, 1 20 So. L. So l i . St., Ch i · cago,
Oshnd. Ole, Lamb rton, :Vl i n n .-J u l y Osmundson, lvI. S . , erstTand. M i nn.-J u l y Osnes. John. Zumbrota. Mi n n .- J u l}' Ostedi, rvlrs. Astrid, 707 EI Camino Ave . , N . S::lcral1lento, ali(.-J.ln. Osterli, P., Routt' 5, 80:( J 1 27, Sacr�mento, Ca l i f.-J a n . Ostlund. Mrs. Hilda, P3rkland, \'Vash. ct . Ottcrness, tvlrs. B. S . , Route I. C,lnnon Falh, Minn.-Ma r. Otterness, \"(filma, Kcut, \'Vash .- o . Our S.1vior·s Lutheran Church, c/o P . S . M o e . R.wmond, \"(fa sh .- Apr . Our Savior's Lutheran Church. c/o Dr. H. A . Pre u", Mi nne apo l i s , Mi n n .-J ul y Ova15011, Oval, Goodhue. fvl in n .-J ul y Ove, Rev. T. T., AbcrdE-en. \Xlash.- fov. 0,,1', Mrs. T . T., 4 I I o. 3d St. , Aberdeen, \Vas h .- �ov . Overg,urd. Ivlrj. Charlotte. 2 3 06 a lifo rn i :t Sc . . Euroka, C.l if .-J", . Overgaard, P. H . . Route 2 . Albert Lea. Minn,-Jul)" O\'erg:urd, P. P., GiS Harbor. Wash .- Dec., May Ovt>ry.a.l rd, Mrs. P . P . . Gig Ha rbor , Wa sh. Nov. Over�aard. Rev. �aymond, Gig Harbor, Wash.-Nov., Ap r. Overl:lOd. l\'lr5. K . A., Routt! 4. Albl'!rc Lea. M i n n .- J ul y Ovcrlund, Ed., Route 2, S ilve rton , O r{'g . M a r. Overlund, Mrs. Ed., Route 1 , Silve rt on . Oree .-M a r. O\'cr!und, Oscar R, Rou te 2, Silverton, Ort"g. -Mar. Ove rskci , L.u5, N u n da . So. Dak.-July Overskei, Mildred. Nunda. So. Dak.-JuIy Ovcrskei. Olai. Nunda. So. Dalc.-Juh· Ovcstrud. Mrs. Ba rb ra . Route 2. C30ton, So. D.k.-July Ovee, NC'ls N . . LVra be l . M i n n.-J u l }. Owrr, Leif, Route 5 , Box 1 025, Sacramento, Cali f .-Ja n . Oye n , A rn t l Po u lsbo. \'tI ash .-Nov . Oy�ard. Magnhild. 3 6 0 2 Grond Avo . . Ever.,c. Wa sh .- M a y Pacific Lu t h t- ra n Collcg(· Ch o i r . Parkl;md, W:tsh.-J une Parkland Golf Association. c/o A . R . Leh· mann. Parklaud. \Xlash.-Mar . . Oct. Patrick. Ivan. Parma. I d aho--Ma r . Paulsen, Pa u l s on ,
lvlrs. i\-1atti.
P�ulson, Otto, 808 M i n n . -J ul y
M i n n .-Jul}·
Mark A .. Silverton, Oreg.-Nov. Paulson. Matilda. \'tIaseca, Minn .-July Houston. Minn.-July
Litchfield Ave.., \'(/ it l ma r.
Scrtal No. 1011
496 1605 95 9 207 3 I On6 3262 3361
3281 3 256
f,,ram�, A ddTess, and Month 0/ ContTibution Pe. de rsen , A. J., \V"h.-Mar.
2 1 3 1 A l aska So., Tacoma,
Pede.rsen, Andreas, Bayview, Calif.--Jan. Pe de rse n , Berent, 702 W. 5 5 th St., Seattle, M
��d:�;;;;;: M;s.
Borgh ild. 702 W. Seattle, Wash.-Mar.
Grove. Minn.-July Pedersen. S. E.. 6 5 1 attle, \"({ash.-M�r.
Pederson, A. M in n .- J u l y
Pt"dersol1, A n dr . M in n .-J u ly
1 4th
55th St .•
S pr i n g
Pederson. Mrs. Anna, Ro u te
2, \'\falnut GrovC',
1082 204
3 3 88 1 080 3 1 84 3619
3620 848 500
879 16 3 368l
3 4 72 3045 364 1 [(l4S B61 1712
Pederson, Jul).
W.tln u t
\Valnut Grov�, �Iinn.-
Pcdf'rson, Odi<" P;lrma, Id;lh o-M � r . . Ped" on, P. E., Nnlonal Bldg., l'vllnncapoh. • 1\1 i n n .- J u l y Pedl'r5on, Peder, \Vestbrook. lVlinn.-Jul�· Pe de rson , Pernil\ Luther Thea!. Scm . , Como 3nd P i e rce Aves., St. Paul, Minn.-lvbr. � A pr . P('d�r:>on. rvt r s . Sar:1h, Zumbmta, rYIlI1n.July
Pcciulon , Tollag, Bow. \V'a sh .·-O ct . Pc erson, To r va l , Bow. \X'ash.-Oct. P tt'f5e n . J. C., Pa rk n d Garage. Parkland. \VII::h . ar., O ct. Pettr tn, Mr. <Inti .Mr:.. Kl.r1. 963 \\i' right St . • Santa Rosa, Calif.-Jan. Pcttntn . Loui>;, 252 1 So. K St., Tacoma, \V:l h.- .Jr. Peterson. P. . I 3 1 3 1 9l h St .• So. B.II· inJ.d13m. Wuh.-Noy. Pc""on . Mrs. A. P., 1 3 1 3 1 9th St. So .•
Bellin P('U'r
ham , \'Va �h . -Noy n Alice, A�toria.
Pe terson Andrew, Peel' $on1 Andr� .....
Dak..-J uly
Bcl\'i�w. Mi n n.- J u ly K.,
-Oct .
PftL' rSon . nton, 2 3 5 5 So. L St" \V . •h .-M. . . P"trson. Rev. Austin M . . Oldham. .
-l u i
OrFordvIlle. \'1IS.
13�3 69'
l u i), Pttp n;on , C. E., ?vl i n neolJ.. M 1 n n .- J ul ), " Storden. Min n .-J u l y PC'tr. non . C. Peter-on . C. M. , May IUE:. No. ak .- J u l y Pt'ttrson. C. 5 . , Route. 3, Box 34 3. Tacoma., \'{fa.sh.-O..:t .• Oct. P·",.on. M" . C S . • Rou t 3. 130. 143. r Oll1.l. \Va� h.-Oct . . Oct. Pf'tl'fSOn , Carl Lyle. Sunwood. \,(!� h.- I\p r. Pttt'� on, . G. . SU lll urg, tvt i n n .-July P... ... on. Edw. WI . . Canb)·. Min n.-Jull" Pn (">011, I r . Edw. \V. . nnby, M i n n . -] uty Pl"tf'r�on, Elm�r, tandt. So. Dak.-Jul�' Pettrson. Elmer \VI., \'(JUC.U, f\·l l O n .-July Perf"r"\on. Eno h E., rayoum, Egypt-Junt· Pl'!tenon . rling, 2 5 2 1 So. � St.. T:tcom J.. \Vash .-M nr. P,·,mnn. Fr"nk \V .. 1413 2 3 r d St .. So . B,I\· inRh.lm, \VI 3sh.-June Pttt':roo n , Frldolph. De.corah. low<I-Jul), Pdrrson . G . :M . , P:ukland. \\!3sh.-Nov . .
19 1
33 �7 2014 1 5�
1 3 79 2908 _330
2331 2318
1754 1 5 88 80 1 5 66
1 088
396 2920 789
O ct . Pete Nion, G. M . , Dor h e. s t r , rO\\la J u l�. Peterson, Grace, East Sranwood. \'Q"3Jh .• -May P eter so n , Prof. H. E., Luth r Col lt! Ce , De· corah. I ow a-Ma r . • Ap r. Pett'tson, H. 0.• \'V �stbrook., M i nn .-Ju ly Pett'rson. Hans, Route: 3, Brooten, �/linn. July Pe.terson, H:ms, 42 4 H."l nna Av . , Aberdeen. W
h .-Nov.
2774 2897 3 Z7 1
St o rden , M i n n .-J u l}, Ro ut 2, \V'!5 t r ook .
3 2 57 3 261
84 1697
3733 )' '734
\"({ al nu t
R ou t e
Pederson, Aslilug, Tacoma, W.1.sh.--S"pt. P(dcrson, C. H " Lamberton, Mi n n .-.Aug . Pedcr:>on, John C., Cot ton wood , Mlnn.-
SeTiai No.
1711 3215 20 1 2
2455 2368 3 1 34
Namc:, A ddrcIl. arid Month 0 / Corltr;bulion Peterson. Mrs. H.ans, 424 Hanna A ve . , Aber· deen, Wash.-Nov. Peterson, Mrs. [nez, Parkl a n d, \V/ash.-Sept . , Sept. Peterson, Rev. J oh n . 425 So. 4th St., M i n· neapolis, M i n n .-Jury Peterson, John 0., Hanska, Minn.-July Peterson, Mrs. Kari, S u n bu rg, Minn.-July P�terson, Lars 5., Ro ut e 4, Heron Lake. Min n .-J u ly Peterson, L . . Route 2, F�rndal". \'(f a�h .-Nov . P('trrson, IVies. t., Rou te 2, Fe rn d a le, Wash . - Nov. Peterson, M a nda , [906 Roc ke f e lle r, Everett, W.,h.-May Peterson , Norman. Box 28, Pa r kl a n d, Wash. - O ct. , Oct.
Peterson, O. A., Orfordville, \Xlis.-Jul Pettrson, O . J., Goodhue, M i nn .-J u l y Peterson, O. J . , Ma yv i l le , o . Dak.-A ug. Peterson , Oscilr
1vlinn .-Ju h·
2593 1737
Pete rson . P. C. 0l dh 3m . So. O,k .-J uly Peterson, P. H., Route 2, Grove Cit>,. M i n n . -Ju l y Peterson. P. J . . Brandt. So. O"k.-July P ete rson , Mrs. P. S., Houston, �1inn.-July, Aug. Petuson. lVlts. P. T. . Route 2, St. Olaf, Iowa-J uly Prtl?r'SQu, Porter. Nunda, So. Dak.-July vc .. P e te rso n , i'vtr:r;. R o e rt , 440 \Ve st Mil. Fremont, Nebr.-July Pdt:rson, l'vIiss Ro sa. 2 1 24 Ai n.5worth So . . Tacoma, \Vash.- Iar. Pcter.;oil. S."l m . Verm illion. So. Dak.-July Pe.tc.r1Cn, Mrs. Sophie, Route 1 . Row, \\1-;1511..
Pete rson, St('lb.
245 3540
Pl' tr rson ,
Z3 1 6 2939 HI I 2656
1 659 1012
1 73 3 1 46 285r.
2767 2770 994 27-10 2723 1468 36 6
1 1 09 1494 461 1 7 77 3796
2044 3 608 ) 007 1 12 1 2 19 3748
So. D ak .-J u l y
Peterson, Thorwald, Pa r k l an d , l\.-Irs.
\V/3:-\h .-No v .
Peterson, J uly Prt('r.;on
Rob<-rt, O.
l\.-!inn .-July Pi'pcr, Pierce.
Caledon ia. M i n n .-J u l y 1 !O4 No. St re l e St . . T"·
\'{lash .-rvi:ly PIOldsen. H<tns, Hanska. M i n n . -J u l y Pbdscn, Ola f. Hanska. Mi on .- Jui}. Pochoct. Mrs. T. C.• 7 1 0 0. M St. .
Ta· comJ., Wash.-Mar. Ptest��Flrd. [r vin. R ou t e 1 , C la r e mont , r-..1 i n n .
- July PrestcgJ.rd. S."l m . ROllte 7. Owatonna, M i n n . -July Prertg>rd.
K . . Dcco",h. 10m-July P r e u• . Prof. C. K .. nn M.mori;un ) . Deco h. Iowa-Nov. Pn-us, Mrs. C. . . 60 e 'nl ou r A v e . S. E . . I\,1 Iflncaroli .... l\.1 inn.�ar. Pn�;,u ·. Dr. H f'rma n A n 60 Si"�'n10Ut Ave.
S. E., Minn�apoJis.
M inn.-rvhy
Preu .... Rrv. . C. K . . Alb�rt LI.'::l, l\iinn.-Dec Preus. Rt!v . ] . H•• Slruml \Xl i!'!. · Aug. Preu.. Dr. Ove J . H., August.n" ColleGe. Siou, Falls. . O.k.-Nov. Prew. \V . c.. 6 1 7 Notion.1 Bld� .. Min·
n e. apQII5, Mil1 n�-J ul}, Pulver. R u dolph, B u t l i n to n. \\l ash.-Oct. P u l ver, Mrs. u do l ph , Burlin gton. \\las h.
O ct .
Q lIJ. lf: �
Orcll .- (\.1:tr .
Quale, Jacob. Rou te 3, M u rdock, NI i n n . July Q u a l e. P . B . , Calcdoni.l. M;nn.-Nov. Qual •. Warn e r, Box 380. PortbnJ. Oreg. !far.
2 1 '14
QU:lllc. N els A., Kasson. M i nn . -J u l y
Q ua. lley . Prof. O.
A rno ld R . .
Quaiset, Halvor, S i l ve rto n, Oreg.-Jan.,
Qua l sc t . Helen, Ne wm a n Grove, Nebr.-Mar.
Mrs. Tone-,
Si l vtrt on ,
O reg .-Ma r .
Serial No.
Name. Addr.:u. and J'ttlonJh of
COTi l r i bl41ion
Qu am. George . Route 2, G lenv i lle, M i n n . July Quam, J o h n , 2 6 1 1 GrJ. n d Ave.. Everett, W .. h.-M.y Quam. Ned, Cl3 rt!m on t . lvl inn .-July Quamm e n, Rev. A. G., and Congregat ion,
203 I 143 I 273 1 1 68 0
3659 2063 2050 293 5 2798 3093 3 3 28 7'!7 3 006 1822 420 44 45 43 3 [01
M i n n .-July
Quesseth, E. 0., Box 4, Woodburn. Orcg.ct. Quie, Albert, Dennison, Minn.-July Quie, Halvor, Nerstrand, Minn.-J uh' Quie, Theodore H . . K('nyon. l\1inn.-Auc · Quinn ell, Arnold, R out e 1, Caledonia, l\1inn. -J u l r Quinnell. E . L . , 5p rin c Grove, ivl inn.-July Quorna. P. O . , New Richland. Minn.-July R.d.r, Pr of. Herold c., P. V. L . c., Ott,wa, Ill .-Feb. Rai1son. E. C., cw Lo ndon , rvlinn.-J u l y Ra mberg . Chester, Glenvillc. lVl inn.- AuQ. Ramberg, Chris., Route 3 , \X' oodb urn , On=K. -Dec. R, mstad, R ev. A . W . , Park [and, \X'ash. Sept. Ramstad, rvfr�. A. \VI . . P� r kla nd, \'</ ash. Se.pt.
Ra m.5tOld. Ramst. d,
A l i c e , Parkland , \X/as h . --Se pt . Arthur S . . Sp rint; Grove. lvI i n n .
J ull'
Ramstad. Edgar. Dennison. Minn.-Nl a r . Ih01!itad, Mrs. Geoline., Ro ut e 2 Su nburg , M in n.-J u[y R a m .s r ad . Henry. Kenyon. �1. i n n .-rvbr. Ramst ad , J ann a E., 1 1 No . TOlcoma Av.:,., Tacoma. \Y/ash.-M.1r. RamsUd. L},dL1, City Hospital, San Franci. co, C,lif.-Mar. R a m J t a d . rVh m i e. II o. TacolnJ A\,c . , Tacoma. Wa5h..-�ll a r . Rarn�[.Jd. rvtelvin, Rou t e 2 . De nnison . f\1i n n .
860 2930
\. J m,ta d. Roy� O .. n n ison, M i n n .-f\.1.:ar. Ram1'litad. S. E .. Rout.;' 2. Sunburg, f\'l t n n .
862 2901 8 I 88 1 864
-M a r.
857 858 46 2849 3 559
3560 737 382 773 1 4 74 6 1477 3403
ROlmstad, \'XI m . , Route 2, Dennison. Mllln. -M:tr. R 3 m.:.[,J d, Mn. \'XIm . , D e n n ison, �l inr. .-Mu . Ramstad, W m . , Jr., Pork[and. W•• h .-Sopt . R ask, H. c.. Cnleuonin, Minn.-Ju[y R mUSi('n, H;trT)7, F..,st Stanwood, \\la�h. Oct. Rasmusse n, Mrs. H rr}'. E;:tst S r � n wood. X' ", h.-O, t. Rasmussen. M u . I nseoorg. M. R. A . , Z 4 3 . tori;}, Orec .-Ft:b. Rasm u'\ en, J ohn nn a , Rout!! 1. Box 8 } 3 . s· totiil. Ort" .-Nov . , Nov. Rasm ussen . Mrs. K . . ! 108 Har nrd No . . Seattle, Wa.t h_- th. Rumussf'n, R@:v. L., B url i nr. ton, \V ash .-M:lY ROJ m .:;en , Mrs. L., Bur l inR ton . \'(Iash.P'., May R :v.m u5!'Ien , Lenore-, B u rlington. \\f::uh.-rvl a }' R aSmU5Sf'n, andotph, \�ut b rook, M i n n .
1 '17' ' ..76 379 1 2066 3094 1 046 2284 218) /451 1432
Ra ngd i .
\'V' (·ubrook.
Rasrn ussl'n , Thoral Ro u t t' t , nor. 8 � 3 . Ar, toria, Or.:'g .-1 O V . , No'!. R:I munen, Victoria, B u rl i ngton . \X'J.:sh.ay R.lsmussen, \V t i l i,:un. Burilngton, \'(f.,�h.-fav Rat k G . , 1 7 1 6 West ( s t St., Aberdeen, \'(ras h . -Noy. Rauk, George. Nerstrand. lvIinn .-July Rnuk. N. E., Spring Grove, M i rll1.-July R aym on d, B. H., 9 3 2 Com. St . , Tacorn .l , Wi"h .-Mar. Redalen, T. T., Fountain, Minn.-J u l y R ed a len . Thor, Fout;l i n , Minn.-July R�epl In:. E . G . , 3602 Gra nd A...·e .• Everett, Was h .-M ay
Reep, Ellen. \V.. h.-M.y
1446 2889 1270 1 2 69 1 268 H94 3 42 3084 2822 2823 1 208 1 209
3 602
Name, AddreSJ, Rc�p,
3 13 2 1089 3486 1858 2652 [ 854 1676 774 . 1321 3jn 3 5 73 3 5 74 960 2926
1682 1553 83 2113 2567 3 5 75
30? I 3087 1047 Hn 2489 1098 52,
2794 775 31 7 58\ 2371 3658 2297 1478 85 42�
Gra nd
of Cor.trr·bul;on Ave.,
E ... er�tt,
\'q illm.ar, Minn.-July Reichelderfer, Cl a ren ce and Viola, 1 809 W �t 97 th St., Se.ttle, W.,h.-Apr. Rcicheidrrfcr, J. 0 . , 1 8 � 9 Wcst 97th St.. Se:lttlc, Wa.sh.-Apr. Reiche[derfer, Mrs. J. 0., 1 809 West 97th St . . Seattle, \'</ash.-Apr. Reid, Mr>. J . E., 9 1 4 19th St., A n a cor te., Wash.-Aug. Reierson, M r . R. S., \Vhite Bluffs, Wash. -Nov.
Reierson. Rudolph, Spring Gro ve, Mtnn. Aug. Re i n , �1 . M . , Route 2, \Vh a le n , Minn.-July Re i n, P . M . , Roule 2, Whalen. l\.' ' linn. Ju[y
Rt:ishus, M . E., 4 5 3 7 Tacoma Ave., Tacoma,
Wash.-Apr. Reishus, 1'vlrs. M. E . , 4 5 3 7 Tacoma Ave., Ta
Reitan, Earncst, Gro\l(' City, Minn.-July Rem, Rev. Oscar, Pequot, Ivlilln.-1'vhr. Remmen, G. 0., Decora.h, Iowa.- ug. Rcnaas, Emil. Motdisol1, So. Dak.-A ug . R�naas, Nlrs. Julia, Nund a, So. D:1k .-J ul } Rensvo[d. C. P . . Madison, So. O.k.-Ju[y Rich.ards, Nl r s . Emma, Rock Elm . \,(/"i$. July Richa rdson. Mrs. M . , 1 3 1 [l Calf. Avc., Se attle, Wasl1.-Feb. e w R i chland , f'.1i n n .RickanHud. T. I., July \Ie .. R il�d:lsch. Clifford E . W _ . 7420 Latoua Sealtle. \X'osh .-O,t. R i('dasch , E. \:' . • 7420 Laton" Ave., Sf" J tt l t', \V a:!o.h .- ct. R ied il5ch. �Irs. E. \V . , 742.0 Laton:!. Ave. , Seattle.
\'<I,15h .-Oct .
Elizabe th, Pa,:,kbnd. WiUh .-Mar . M". K . E., (lout" 3, Murdock, Minn.
R i me ,
- Ju[y
Rindah[. Rev. Opie S. . 1 1 1 \"(1 . Rosser, BL,· marek, N . O,k.-Ju[l' Rindahl. M rs . Opi c S. , i 14 Wen Ro!os�r. B ii nlarr- k , J. o. D ;lk .-J uly R.indah[. R ev . W . O. . 2 1 0 Fu lton St .. Edu
!alrc, \Vu.-J u ne Rindem. IvIrs. H. N., Silvtrt n . Oreg .- Nla r . RinGocn. Almer, R idgtwa y, IowJ.-J u l r
Ri:J�. � imon, Hudson. S o . Dak.-July Riss. J . G .. 1 2 3 No . 55th St .. S ea tt l' , \X/ sh.
� .t, Ri tad, Rev. D . G. , 7 [ 1 No . 9th St., l6 � ·..oc. WI i s.-' Oct . Rlste�', G. G., prmg Grov�. Min n.-J u l y R i)<.tcy. J. N. . Sprins Grovt.. Minll.-J u 1 r R isvold. C. S .. Puget Sound National Bank. T,lComll , \XI 3sh.-M ar. Ri\·cbnd. ornl'lius. O�ian, to �-J ul)' Rivelol o d , �"'rs . Ole, O�.sian, Iowa-J u lv Ri ....('fle:J, Anna. 5 0 J M cCl a i n , Si lverton, Oreg. -Ma r. RobertsOIl, 0.. 2266 2 1 st Ave., San Fra. n ·
l if .-Jall.
and Month
W.,h.-M.y Reese, A . P.,
c om a ,
Serial No.
Roblco. Carl O . , Route I , Caledonia, Nlinn. -Ju[y Roble, Ed win, Rcute 1 , Caledonia, M i nn. l u l l'
P . , 8 0 2 N o . 5 9 t h St.,
Se . tt [ e.
\'(1 l1sh.-F('b. Rock.ne}', Re ... .
J. B., \V:lnamingo. Minn. Jul\' Rodning. Kristic, 640 West 2 1 st., Los An gcies. Cal i f .-Jan . Roeis"ter. R('v. Theo., l'vlills, M i nn .-Aug . Roc, Godtfred, Parkland, \X1ash.-Nov. Roc,
Roe, Ma
Re �.
orthfil'ld, M in n .-July
C,Jnron, So.
R.oe. R:m gdi. Pa rklan d, \'<' ash.-Sept., Oce. og e n , 0«.
SL rial o.
42" 475 1 1 60
1 16 1 !5H 18 5 2 5 04 1811 1688
16 9 3 . 0ll 2 ' 69 3327
1 04 ' 3 5 �5 25 13 270 1 74 8 .s 5 00 239 1 2� 7 776
3 29 0 143) 1 428
}\'.:nne, A ddrcSJ, dnd iHonch
Rogen , Rev. H., Route 2, \X' oodburn , Oreg. -Dec., Oct. Ro�en, Mrs. H., Route 2. \Xioodburn, Oreg. - Dec., Oct. Rogers, Mr. B. l'vl., Route 3, Tacoma. \'V ash . -Apr., Oct. Roget�, � 1 rs. B. IV! . , Ro u te. 3, T3com a. \Xiash. -A pr . . ace. Rognes. H. R . , Hudson, So. Dak.-July Rognes B rothi!ts, lVlad ison, So. Dak.-Aug. Rogne.". Helg. WI., Hudso n , So. Oak. -J u l )' Ro.,nlien. ., Rout I, Dl:corJ.h . Iowa- A u g . Rohne. Dr. J . Magn us, Decorah. Iow:1.- J uly Rohne. Mrs. J. Magn us . D�co ra h, I ow:l-J u l y Roisu m , J oe , Route I, S u nb urf!'. lvl i n n .-Jul}' Rol nd. O. E . . Oldham , So. 0.1: .- J u l y Romine, J o h n , New R i ch la n d , l'.1 inn.·-J u l y Romme, H. N . , R lite 3 , B o x 1 4 7 . Tacoma.
\Y/a5h .-l\iIo r .
R o m m � r c i m , A . A . . Hudson. So. Dak.-J u l y Rommerf" i m , Joseph. Bcruford, So. O:l k . J u ly Romn(!." H . , R o u t e I , P U Y.1.11up, \,\1:l h . N o ". . Oct. Rom nl!5.5, R e v. H. R . , & Congrcg:tltion , Barnesville, Ivl i nn.-.T u l y Romness. N. 0 . , \X'o.namingo, rvI inn .- J u l y Romel.. " H. G . , \'(/ a n am i n g o , �1 i hn . , Routt'"
I - July Romnnd, I nna, 6 2 08 Phin ..1t��' A v e . , S�· Jltle. \V.uh.-Apr. Rone, John, 373 1 Easte rn Ave., S CJ.t t i(', \ ,( / ,. h .- ,b. Rongstad, Ol�, Storden, Nli n n .-J uh' Ronken, A. L., 1231 \'V ctmatr: , Evcr�tt, , :uh.-May lara, 1 2 3 1 \Xl ct mo r(� ve., E vt're t t, Ronken,
NdJnc, A ddrcJ$, and
374 1827 1865 1013 2375 580 2853 927
201 ) 1 262
1 263 1 265 1 2 64
3121 1 543
2 3 80 2376
J 1 97 1 687 3 208 472 3324 1982 1 9 83 2252 2277
2 3 73 883 298 1 36?7
Lnwrt!ncc. Ro u te 2, [;:a$t Sta n wood, \'{1 ,uh.-l\1ay Rood. Edw., R. 1 , Penno:;: k. ivlinn.- Nov. Rood , S. S., Howard, So. Dalc.-Aug. i lbur. H., Bode, Iowa- ug. Rood. Ron.om, Mrs. J . G . , 2309 L t. So. Tacoma, \V' ash.- Ma r. ROf[vedt. 0., Hills, lVIlnll.- July Rorvik, .Mr�. Anna, 138 W cst Florenc�, Los AnG('les. Calif.-Jan. Ro�:!.a�n, l'vlartin, Caledonia. �tinl1.-- J uly Rose, Be r th a. 2 3 1 2 So. K S t. , Tacoma. \\lash. -Mar. Roseland. Rev. Jens: C., 26 1 4 No. KC'dzie B l v d . , Chicago, I I I .-A p r . Roseland. Mrs. l'vf:lt h i t da. 26 1 '1 No. K �'Jzie B l v d . , ChiC3go. 1I1.- pr. Ro,."old, S . N . . Mayville. No. O,k. - A ug . Ros� , Rev. D. B" Si l va n a , \Xla$h.-Apr. Ross, Mrs. D. B., Si lvan<t. W ash .-Ap r . Ro:-s, Jerome, S i l v,lOa , \'(f:tsh.-Apr.
1 247
J U ll' Runs\,old,
1 1H
1 151 267 1 2672
2 '5 1 2 [391
Ross. Rolf, Silvana, \'\fash.-Apr.
Wash.-Mar. Rud, C. G. , Kirkhoven, Minn .-J ul }' Rude. Freda. Route I. Bex 309. Kl'nt.
300 1
Rude. J. A . • 56 J a n. Rudningen, July
1 54
L . , c/o C�ntr<ll \XT ash .-Apr.
Church , Tacoma, Ruste. 1\4. r$. E . 0., July
Raymond, L u thc: ra n
So .
Oak .
RU$te, J ost"'ph i n c , r...1 olltrose, So . Dalt.-J ul y RU5ten. ErI,nd J . , Beresford. So. Oak.- J uly Rydjord, !vi rs. 0 . , E a s t Stanwood, \\:t <lsh.
1 1 46 J382 47
50 51
175 2fl2.9 1 1% 2048 1 9 88
Rye, A . E . . rvIinneota. l\·l i n n .-J u l :; Rye, H,1told, t'l.1 inncot.J, �·I i ttn .-J ul r Rr(!, Marie, M i n neota. Minn .-J u h r RYl·. Otto, lvt i n neotJ.. 1\.Ii n n .- J u l y R),&i�. Adolph. Eur Stanwood , Wu h .- A pr . RY8g. A n n :!. , E"!.t Stanwood , \V'ash.-Apr. Rygg, !.sOl (' /\" E:1st St .,n\\'()\::>d, \'\' .1.5h . Apr. I ygg. M rs. haac A . . E:tst S t a n wood , \V ash .
- pro Rygg. .\· l a u ri c l.' .
_J St
Pacific Ave . , T;Icoma. \V.1sl1.- cpt., Oa. R}.'Oning. Dr. J . L . • BOO; Pacifi..: Ave . . Ta coma, Wash.-5ept . , Dec., Oct. Rynning. f\,·t rs. ]. L.. 8005 Pacific A v e . , Taconu. \'(/a"ll.-Sept . . Oct. RY:1ning. K.3I'en. 8005 Pac i fic v (> . . T:toma, \X!ash.-5�pt .. O ct . Rrn n ing. So l ve i g K . . 8005 P:tci f i c Ave., T.1. coma, \"'V�sh.-5ept., Oct. Ryland. A . 5 . . 1 2 5 L• • St . . Seattle, Wash. - Oct. R\'stad, Rev. J. f.: . , 5 5 06 ickery B l v d . , Dallas. T�x:1.s-J u l y Sabbo. T . T . , Maddoc k . N o . Oa k.- J u ly Sagen. ProF. Oswald K . . Luther College . , Dc co!'a h, Iow a-Apr . St. Johns Congregation, Locu.n. Iow<l-J u l y St. Lucas Congregation, Co t ton ..... ood, i\1 1 On .
S 03 j
-J ul\'
418 419
235 3 5 66 2450 507
1 1 19 1 686
Sabte-r, J o h n , Parkland, W il � h .-Nov., Oct. Sa later, 1\ln. John. P<trk la n d. \\V.:lsh ,-Nov., Oct. Samut:ison. S . J . , Patkl.md, W il s h ,-No\· . Sam u e lso n , Stella, Fallon. Mon t. -Oct .
J<l.cob N . , Ossian. Iowa-Jul), Sand. John, 2 1 6 6 B ue n a Vi:lta A\te., Francisco. Calif.-J a n . Sand,
Sand, Nels, 1 60 2 N o . Chcye-nni: S t . . Tllcoma, Wash.-M:tr. Rt.'v. C. N. . :'vlar�hall, M i n n .
July 3 03 6 203 j
rv r . N . , Bl'lvicw. Minn .-July B . . Routf.' Z . Glt!nville. Minn. J u ly Sanden, Ham.. Houston, lVIinn.-J ul y Sa n de r , Erik 0 . . Bt'lvie.,.,', iVIinn .-J u l y
S:mJ:tger, Sandt' . J.
G ust,
Sa n ds ney, J . Dec., Nov.
S u n b u r g . Minn.-July
J . , Box 226.
Ca n by ,
Sandsne;..$. , lvlrs. So p h i a , Canby, Oreg.-Dec., Nov. 1 989 338
Ii n.-July
Sandvig. Mrs. E . J., Poulsbo . \'{1;uh.-Nov . . MaL, Aug.
Sandwick. A . K . • Stanwood. \Vash.-Apr.
Sandwick, Apr.
M urdock , fI.·1inn.
Arli n g,
Route 3,
ace St . . Piedmont, Calif.-
\ViI$.h.-Nov. 652
1984 1 9 0' 1 9 86 1 9 87 137 [ 29 1 I J4�
Rossing Rev. T. H . , Nu n da , So. Da k .-Au r, . Rosso, St-.anler. Parkland, \'(/ ash .-O ct. Rossum, Mrs. Maren, Hills, M i nn . -J u 1 r Ro s s u m . l\tfina, H i l ls, rvIinn.-July Rostad, Hans F .. Goodh ue . lvlinn .-July Rostad, wI. L . , Comertown. Me n t .-J u l y Rosta d Brothe rs . Goodh ue , inn .-Jul}. Rostvold, l\,l rs. Krist i ne. Ro ute C. \Xloed· bnrn, Oreg.--Dec. Rotcgard. B. C., Nt·\',' Richland. M i n n .-J u l }' Roti, Bddie, Cottonwood. M j n n .-J u l �1 Roti, S. M . , Cottonwood, tv lm n.-July R o va n g. Mrs. B . , Ro ut e 1. D('. corah, I owa J u ly Rovang, Ben. Route 2. De corah. IO\o,'a-J u 1 r Revang. G. T . . Hil!.. Minn.-Jul\' Reyn. M . H., 3 7 1 6 So. Jay St., T>coma.
Cont TillUtlOt:
[112 2683
1 4 08
t\llonth of
Rudningen. Siever, Nerst ra nd. lVlinn.-July Rue, Ha!vor. Ridgeway, Iowa-J uly Ru<. 01. 0 .. Ridgeway, lowo-J u l y Rugl.nd, R e v . J . G., Belfi<id, N o. O a k . IVIar. Rugland. 5igvart, Belfield. 4 O . Dak.-:\'1ar. R undl'u. Joh n . Haywn.rd, Minn .-J u ly Running, Rev. A. S., Zumbrota, M i n n .-Ap r . Runninlt, H . , Decorah . row/! pe.t Runll.ing. Hen ry , Route I. D ecorah , Iow a-
2 06 5 211 1 2191 1087
3 1 66
K . . Stanwood. \"'('ash. Bend,
OrL'g .- D('c.
S;l n nelO. ala us, Caledonia. M in n . -J u l }'
Nam�, A JJr� H> ,wd IW07llh o f Contribtilion 2967
2201 833
834 816
J . :!
1 990 2 20 3 777 1420 1419 1412 14 1 1 1 4 09 1410 12 1 7
1230 2 195
2525 843 524 515 1551 1 20 3 1 5 50 2071 I !43 3040 1 55 1 56 ·186 84;
J 589 J088 )078 713 1)13 3 742 3 7 43 1615 3GO 361 1991 3 34 6 3 1 58 2644 2376 2091 2082 1868
Sannes. RE:'ubcn, Houston, Minn .--J uly S:ater. tver B . , Route I. Frost , lVl inn.-July Satern, Ole, Silverton, Oreg.-Mar. Sa[('rn, ivIrs. Ole. Si lverton , Oree .-Ma r. Satern, Oscar, Silverton, Oreg.-M:tr. S:tthr.r. iVlrs. C . . 2.61 �'l Rosewell Ave., Long Be.,ch. Calif.-}an. S:lthe r , l v e r, Cottonwood , M i nn .-J uly S :tthc r, J oh n. Route I, Frost, lYIinn.-J ufy Sathet'. J\1r.sJ Rer,in;l, lVIarys. viJle, \'(T ai; h .
Sa tra, Mrs. Ca rl , East Sr.:lnwood. \X!a�h. M ay Satra, Jean, East Stanwood, Wash.-M3Y Satra, Ru th , East Stanwood, W:\.sh.-�!'vlay Satra, Theodore, East S ta n wood, \'(/ ash .- May Satra. Mrs. Theo., East t:tnwood, \V.uh . May Satre, B . A., Routt! J, B ricdyn, lvlinn. July Satre, l\ltr H . , Bricelyn, lvlinn.-July Saueton. Gunhiid, Rouh' 5 , Decorah. fow..J u ly Sa ugstad, A . �vI . . Hudson, So. Dotk.-J uly Sawrer, M rs. Jessie, I iO 80th St. N o . Por t la nd . Oreg.-Ivlar. Saxclid, K . , 228 1 1 6 th Ave., San Francis(o. C.lif.-}an. S�xdid. Lily, 228 1 1 6 th f\ ve., San Fran· cisco . Calif.-Ja n . SC;.'lrvie. K\�r1nc-th Sig u r d, Sto ry Cit y , 10·.... a May c;l[\'ic, Rev. \Valter B . , Story City, Iow;'l A pr. , Apr . . Aug., Sept., Ocr. -Pvb y SC;'lrvie, Mrs. \'(1 . B . , S tory City, Iowa Scharberg, August, Hayfield, M i n n .-July Schinne-.s, Gust, 3 1 I 5 So. 1 1 th St., T.\com ;'l , Wash .-Ma r. Schje:nkcn, Nels J . • Belview. IVlinn.-July Schlanbusch, Gust. Route 3. Box 5 1 3 , Ta (oma , Wash.-Oct . Schlanbunh, MrS. G . , Rout, 3, Box 5 1 3 , Ta· coma. \·Va!ih .-Oct., Nov. Schnackenbe rs . \'V . C., :2 r 1 \VI cst Emerson, Portland, Oreg .-Dec' Schoeler. Rev. \Xl m . , 436 4th St . . lndepen· dt'nee, Or('.g.-i'vIa r . Schons. l\IIrS. A nn ie . 1 3 3 Pon t i us Ave . , Se· ll t tl e, W/�L<;h.-Oct. S chombe rg, C. ] . , Sp r i ng: Grove, Minn. July Scho nsbetc. J . J . , Spring Grove, M i nn .- JUll' Schrotke. Mrs. Hannah. Bothell. \Vash.-Feb. Schrotk., W .. Both,ll. Wash.-May Score, Mrs. Georgia, 22 1 0 Oakes A ve . . E ver� e t t. Wa�h .-Nov. Score. S t :t n ley, 2 2 [ 0 Oahs A ve . , Everett, Wash.-Nov. Seattl, Luther League, c/o L. B. Amdal. 6709 2 � t h Ave. No. West, Se.ttle. \V"h .-J ul y Seier:.Hild. A l e d a , Poulsbo, \X!ash.-Nov. Seit!rstad. J oh n , Poulsbo, \'(T ash .-Nov . Seiverson. N . . Lyll'. Minn.-July Seleen, Elmer, Storden, l'vI i n n .-July Se i la nd, Gilbert. C.I,donia. M i n n .-July Selland, Herman, Nunda, So. Dak.-July Sel ness, NI. Alhert. SprinG Grove, Minn. July Seine". T. E., Mabel, Minn.-July Selness, ThE'ocior J., Spring Grove, Minn. July Selthun, CuI, Route 1 , Cla remon t, [viinn.
875 1015 271
Se l vig, H. B., W;ts h .-IVIa r.
25 1 2
St. ,
272 2263
2272 2276 2264 2265 2269 675 674 673 3 1 9-1 2907 2922 553 1 25 4 1669
2478 1 280 3234 3 544
613 180 ,08
1498 995 3 5 23 1709 373 3 1 07 2 1 87 3294 2506 3 3 04 1633 3 502 3 29 6 2457 86 87 R8 1 09 5
J uly
Se r�land, -July Susland, -July
H:tl vor ,
1 2 2. ,
Sersland, John, Route I, D('(or;'lh, Iowa J ul Sersbnd, Ole. Decorah. Iow:l-J u l y Set's iand, Thf'odon'l Rou te I , Dl'co ra h, 10\\"1':1,
A l i cE', Glcnd;de, Oreg.-Jan. Sether, Mrs. Clara, Glend.ule, Oreg.-J J n . Se ther, O . G . , Glend3le, Oreg.-J a n . Setran, P. B . , W a n<trn i n go, M in n .-J ul y Severeide, H. 0., S unbu rg, rvI inn.-July Sether,
Scve.reideJ Olai, Sunburg, l\.1inn.-J uly Severson, Mrs. A . • 3 6 1 8 Vermont A,,·e . , Long Beach. Ca l i f .-}an _ 62nd St., S e Severson, O . E., 5 0 3 altie. \'(T ash.-Apr. Severtson. L . . rvIollcros<', So. D a k .-J u l y ,':,hee.1. Prof . H . \'\(/ . . Decorah. I o wa-J ul y Shefveland. Rev . A .. I . 2620 Ea. 22nd St.,
Minneapolis. i\1inn.-Apr.
Shcl�t3d. Mrs. Petl'r, \Xianamingo. rvlinn. J U l l' Sheeler, HOlrold H .. 40 1 4 BrooklrTl AY(�., S� anle , \\1 ash.-Oct . Shcrvcm. Mrs. G . , 4 5 3 4 Ba g le y Ave., S�· attic, \X!ash.-Scpt., J u l}, Shervcm. Gustav, 4 5 3 4 Bag ley AVi!., Sc� ttle, Wa,h .-Sept. Shervem. Henry 0 . , 480 No. i "t St., Fre:s.no, Calil.-J.n. Shervcln, Robert. 45 3 4 Bagley Ave . . SC<1ttl",. Wlash.-Oct. Shurson. Re .... Geo . . 6 5 7 Tu pper St., Santa Rosa. Calif.-Jan. Shurson, Rev. H. 0 . . 425 So . 4th S t . . IVIi n · neapolis. Minn .-J\tlay Seigel. Wilbur WI . , Rou te 3, Bo.< 1 63 , M t . Ve r n on , \'Vash.-l'vJar. Sihler, Rev. Ernest \'(T . , Clearbrook, M i n n .
Sept. Sihkr,
Chicago. I11.-Jul)"
Do rc h e.ste r
5 7 28
Ave . .
S i h l t'r, Prof. \'(l i l l i.1m, Decorah, IO'.va-Dec . , Jul)" Simc, T. E. . Ridgeway. Iowa-A Uf!. Sime, T. S . • Ridr.eway, Iowa-July Simonson, A . H., Grand l\1eadow, Minn. July Simonson. Andre..... . l'vlission Hill. So. Oak. -J uly Simon.son. John. Ro u t e 1. G n.nd NIl!adow. M i n n .-J u l y S i m on:o;oll. M a t t . . Sargeant. IVl inn.-Juh· S i m onso n . 0., \'(!:1 namin�o. M i n n . -J uly Simonson, 0 , H.. G r:lnd NIcadow. Nlinn. --J uly Simonson, O. T . , L;1.nesboro, M i nn.-Ju l}' Sinland. Mrs. Inger, Parkla nd. Wash.-Sept. Sinl.nd. T. G . . P.rkl . n d , Wash .-Sept . Sinbnd. Mrs . T. G . . Pa rkla n d . W a!5h . Sep t . . Sept . S i ql1cb n d . Re t' . Ha rOtild . ivlox, No. Dak .
l\1ar .
3 582
3 384
Sivertson. Fr�d, Dovray, M i n n .-July
1 1 80
Semb, E . B. , Poute I, Puy;;tllup. W ash .-Noy. Nov.
0/ COlllribHlill"
Sivefl'ion. Hans. 3 4 5 Church S t . , S i l verton. Oreg.-Dec. Si verts, Albtrt. Hayf i ('ld , lvlinn.-July S i'lerts , Lot tie, Ha yf ield, M inn .-J ul y S:vcrts. l'vlinnie, Hayfield, mn.-July Sive.rtson. Arthur, Route 1 . Box 1 9 8, Puy· ,[[up. W .sh .--Oct.
NdnJf. AddTC�'J, (md Nlonlh
Sem b, Mrs. E. B., Route 1, PuyaiIup, Wash. ov .• Nov . Sersland. Carl. Route I, O('corah, lo\\'a
2 1 5 �1 2(52 2151
ScI ViR. Mr�. H:lrold, 2 5 1 2 So. K St . , Ta· com a , \'(Tash .-Ma r . Selvi[l;. Harry B . , 1 0 2 6 Tacoma, \'(Ta�h.-Mar.
Saidl No.
C. J . , 4006 \xra�h.-Oct.
No .
3 7th
St ..
T. ·
Siver t,� on. Mrs. Johanna, 23 1 5 So . Gr:J.nt St..
Tacoma. W3:)h.-Nlar.
SIvertson, Magda. Route al l up, \'(' ash.- O V . . Oct .
1 98 ,
S�Tlal No.
..Vdme, A dduJS, dud
,Wonlh of C01liriburion
240 1
O.� Route 1, BOl: 1 9 8, Puyallup, Wash.-No• . , Oct. SIvertson, Mrs. 0., Route I , Box 1 9 8. Pu y� allup.. Wa.sh .-Nov., Oct. S t vc rtson, Sigv.ud. Ro ute I, Box 1 9 8. Puy· a ll up , \Vash.-Nov., Oct. S i v ' i nd, Mrs. C. G., Route 3, Box 232, Santa. Rosa, CaJif.-jan. Sivesind, Carl G ., Route 3, Box 232. S an t a Rosa, C.lif.-j .n. S ivesin d, Emil, Route '5 , \Vlukon, Iow a
S ba r, NIrs. Anna, iVlinneota, �1inn.-J ulr· Skaar, C. A" Ha }·wa rd , iVlinn.-July
275 276 510
2 690 2696 1 8 44
2682 6 53 2090 2013 2022
2023 2335
2350 2580 3 3 09
3 3 06 3792 [705
1 772 1 7 73 1814
S i ve r tso n ,
Routc 2,
S kaar, S kaar.
Hayward, Minn .-July Howard, So. O.k.-Aug. Knute. lVIinneota, M i n n .-July Sb>r, M. S., H'I'ward, M i nn . -ju ly S kaa r, P. j., H ay w ard , Mi nn .-J ul\' Sbaren, Edw ard, 6 1 9 2 1 t St., Oakland, C.lif.-Jan. S ka are n . S . J., Route 4, S pr i ng Grove, M i n n .
J .,
Sbdcland, G. H., Mayville, No. Oak.Aug. Sbdeland, H. H., Portla n d, No. O ak.- Au g. Skadeland, N . H., Portland, No. O.k.-Aug. Skullan, Isoac, Route I , Ga r rc�t son , So. Oak. --July Skalland, l'vlrs. H;mnah, Route I , Bra ndo n , So. O.k.-July Skamie[", Erik, Ca n to n . So. D a k.-Jul y S bra_n. M . S . , Rou t e 1, Gr3nd Meadow.
1 774
1 5 27
2565 25! 6 1 696
Sogn, Arthur, Hudson. So. Dak.-July So�n, K. L., Ca nt on , So. O. k.-July Solberg, Rev. C. K., 1 8 1 8 1 3 th Ave.
1 3 29
Solberg, Gina, 1 1 1 6 Lombard , Everett. \Vash.
1049 1531 1 5)2
1 5 26 zen 2464 869 1 05 0 779
992 3 5 54
3 793 084
991 3535 1 08 5 3 62 1 2 06
1 4 56
S b ug,
-May Sk in de l ie n , C. 5., Pe nnoe �, Minn.-Jul\'
3 298
Skilbred, - Ap r
2575 2 29 1
1 1 62
3467 2 1 27 3210 3232
25'9 2574 3438
2556 1994
246 3058 3059 2979
3312 1 839
2782 1 99; 2892
203 2
Virginia, EvC'rE'tt, \'V':lsh.
Rev. Overt, Wyndmere,
Skjen'oid, Alex, Lamberton, I\1inn . -A ug . S kogt n. Ma g nus, Route 5. Deco[:th9 Io .....a July Skogen, N . J., Goodhue. Mi n n .-J u ly Sko r da hl . Aug . . Route I, Zu m brota, !vlin n . -July Skorem. Andr�w, Canton, So. Da k.-July Skorem, Sivert, Canton, So. Dak.-July Skorseth, Geo., \Vcstbrook. lvl inn.-July Skot vol d, August1 Beresford, So. Dak.- J u l y Skov, Peter, Route 2 . Austin. Minn.-July Skov, Mrs. T . K., 2 1 38 So. j St., Tacom ., W.sh.-Nov., Mlr. Skree, Anton. Caledonia. M i n n . -J u ly Skeel'. G. 0., Route 2. Ca led on i a, lYlinn. July Skrel', To llef 0., Ho ust on, Minn .-July SkustJd. C. G., Route 2. G ran d l'vlt'adow, M_inn.-July Skybcrg, juliu" Ho war d, So. O.k.-Aug. Siena, Ca rl, Hanska, lVlinn.-July Slette, Hans, Cot t on wood, Minn -July S letten, T. 0., Route 1. \V' illmar. Minn. -July
S l in den . Martin, Atwater, M in n . -J u l y
S lin de n .
2858 3481
A tw a ter, Minn.-July S l in den : P . H., Atw�ter, Minn.-July Sm,by, Rev. H. c., Holman, Wis.-Aug.
l'vlinneapolis, Minn.-July
S lct rtve dt , Re\'. Peter, Port Blakely. \'(fash. N ov . , Apr. Sbrtvedt, S. 0 . , Mot t. No. O.k.-J u l y Sbttebol, Rev. 0 . , Z I I No rth E , Abec dee n ,
vi COrllribraion
land. Oreg.-I\1J.r.
deen, \Xlash.-Nov. Skalshauy. Emry C., Decorah. Iow:t-J uly S kar t ve dt , Agnes, Port Madi50n, W:lsh. July S ka rt ve dr, E l len, M ott , No . O . k .-J uly Ska rt ve dt, Mrs. Peter, Port B l ake ly , Wash.
Skar:tn, Ole, Route I , Gr;lOd Meadow, �'linn. -july Sbrperud, Dr. A., 2 0 1 6 W.,t 6th St., Ab e r·
Ndme, A ddrcH, dnd Mo nth
Smedst.d, Ole, Brandt. So. Oak.-July Sm e sta d . E. E . • Storde n, r..<linn .-July Smestad, R. V., Stord e n , iYI inn.-July Smith, L. 1'1.'1. . St J. nwoo d , \'<f ash.-Apr. S m i thl inc, Albert. Route 2. Decorah, Iowa July Smithson, M,.. . H.. 1 1 1 1 Kirby St . , Port· SnJ.rtcmo, Mrs. 1. B . . East Stanwood. \XfOlSh. -Nov. Snutcmo, Marie, I '522 So. 2 1 s t St., Ta· coma, \Y./ a sh .- lVi.Jr. Sncve, Rev. J. S .. Cn inook, \V'ash.-Mar Sm.'.\·e. Mrs. J . 5., Ch i no ok. \V Jsh .-l'vlay S o de r l a n d, Tom, 630 2 3 r d St.. Longview,
3 738
1 440
1 87 3
23 1 9 3318 3358 13 1 8 22n
-Aug. 341
Serin/ No.
1 747
1 540 23 5 2 1 82 3212 2534 3473 1022 1 142
686 1 3 97 484 485
- Apr. Sol berg, H. K., 4 5 2 2 1 1 th Ave. N o. Ea . , Seattle, \Xl ash.-l\h}' SolberfJ, Harry, Portland, No. Dak.-Aug. Solberg, O. J., Lanesboro. l'v'linn.-July Solberg, OsC;tr C . . Route I, Bo:" 9, Ra i ni e r. \Xlash .-l'vlar. Solberg. P . B., 2 1 3 ti So. A i nsworth Ave., T;acoma. \'{!:tsh.-fyhr. So!emslie, C., Edmonds, \\1 ash :-Feb. Soley, john, 1 7 20 So. 9th St . , T.com3, \Vash.-l'vbr.
Solheim, ivlrs. Thomas. Route 1, Box
1 2 9,
Puyallup. Wash.-O(t. Solie, Hans J., 23 26 Colby , Everctt, Wash. -May Solli. Tom, 1 608 \'II. 7th St., A be rd .. n, W osh .-No v . Sollien, S. J .. Route 3 , Spring Grove, Minn.
So!m, P. O .• Zum brot a, Ivlinn.-Jul�' Solum, Evelyn, S i l v(' rto n, Orec.-Mar. Solwo!d, Gertrude, 5 5 1 1 Park Ave. So., Tacoma, \Xlash.-Oct. Sondre5en, P ast or 5., S t av a nger, Norwa}' Mar. Sonju, Mrs. Petra, Poulsbo, \V' ash .-Nov . ,
Sonstl!by. Harold, 8 3 5 So. Ferry. Tacoma. \V .. h .-A p r. Sonstcgard, B . A., Sisseton, So. Dak.-Julr S arb e n , A nn a , Route I, Grand MeJdow, Min n.-Jul\' Sorben, Erik, Canton, So. Oak.-July Sorem. L. M., North field, Minn.-July So:-en. P. L.. 1 08 5 No. \'V'ilson, Pasadena, Calif .-J.o. Sorenson, Rev. A .. Ferndale, \Va sh ..-M:lY S ore nson , O . A.. Route I . Garretson, So. Dak.-July Sorenson, S . . Zelzah, Calif.-Oct. Sorte, OIl', Z umb rota , Minn.-July Sorum, David, Canton, So. Dak.-July Sorumgaard. Ole H . , Hansk a . Minn .-Aug. Soulberg, Miss Adeline. 504 Dekum St., Portbnd. Oreg.-Mar. South Puget Soun d Cir. W omen ' s Mission. Fed., c/o Mrs. Ph. E . Hauge, Parkland, \V osh.-M .r. , Oct. South Puget Sound Circuit, Y. P. L. L.. '/0 Harald Ullcland. Kent. Wash.-Jan . S ou ther, Mes. M. F., 2 1 8 4 Re ddell Av •. , Raymond, \V ash .-l\13 y Sovik, Mrs. Anna T., L u th era n Missions Home, Hankow, China-Dec., Nov. Sovik, Rev. Edward, L utheran Missions Home, Hankow, China-Dec., Nov.
Sperati. Prof. Carlo A . .
Sperati. Mrs. Carlo corah, Iowa-Dec
502 Hi�h St., De·
corah, Iowa-Dec.
A ..
St ..
IOWJ- July
1 634
S pi t en , Gulleek. Hawfi,ld, M i n n .-Jul\'
Peter. Decorah,
Strial No. 545 559 1370 560
56 1 1 575 284 1 1492 3 1 00 343 1 1871 1 1 88 2296 352 1996 3337 905 1997 1 074 1 064 1 5 04 1 674 2067 25 5 1 2807 ZZ2 1 99 2 1 28 2053 2557 2414 526 23 1 99 53 54 988 55 987 H2 539
1 515
1 514 1 090
NdI'fIe, A ddrtl$, and Month of Contrib�t;o1J
Sponheim, Clan, 1 4 1 7 Templ e , Long Beach, Calif.-Nov. Sponheim, H. P., 1 4 1 7 Tempi. Ave., Long B03ch, C.lif.-Jan. Sponheim, Helen, Stanwood. \Xl .. sh.-Apr. Spon he im , Os ca r, 443 Orange Ave.. Long Brach, Calif.-Jan . Sponheim. Mrs. Oscar, 443 Or an ge Ave., Long Brach, Calif.-J . n . Stabo, D r . T . , Decorah, Iowa-J u ne, July Staffe r ud , Chas., Caledonia. Min n .-J uly St age-ber et lvI. G., 7 0 t 8 Gn!enwood Ave., Seattle, Wash .-Apr. State Ba nk of Spri n g Grove, Spring Grove, Minn.-July St3ven�ss, G., Lamberton, !Vtinn.-J u l}T Suvig, Edwin L., c/o Rev. L. Ivl . , Sta vie . Northfield, Minn.-Aug. Stavig, Rev. L.wrence M., 1 3 04 St, Ol.f Ave., Northfield, Minn.-Apr., July Stavig, Mrs. L. M., 1 3 04 St. Ol.f Ave.,
Strial No. 3476 3477 3480 3083 1 59 5 1823 447 83 5 3513 3553 583 147 1 3794 3747
Northfield, Minn.-July
Stearns, Mrs. D . R.t Kelso, \V;\Sh.-No\'. Steen, Andrew, L yle, M inn.-Ju l y Steen, C. \VI " Route 2, \X/21nut Grove, Minn. -July Steen. H . E., Silverton. Oreg.-Mar. Steen. J. B .• Lyle, lvti n n .-July Steen, Prof. Sigvart. Fergus FaIts, Minn. M ar. Steen,land, J . G., 3639 No. Monticello, Chicogo, lll.-M.r. Stecnldand. Krist, R edmond, Wash.-l'vl:ty Steien, Ed. Beldf'n\'ille, \V is..-July Stenbalclcen. H . C., Nerstrand, �Iinn.-July Stene, Ole J., Bere,ford, So. Da k .-J uly Stene-rodden. C. 0., 1311 Norwood St" Red W i n g , Minn.-July Ste.nersen. C. A., 1 7 5 1 So. Ai n.w ort h . Ta· coma, W..uh.-Oct., Mar. Stenerson. Henry, Route 2. Minneota, l'v1inn.
B9 90
589 3675 2179 2092 467 1 1 59 2674 157 1 5 20
Stenhaug, P. J., Dennison, Minn.-July Stenslund, S . . , Beresford, So. Dak.-July Stenson. L. G . . Stoq: City, Iowa-July Stensrud, Dr. Edward M . . 2222 Howard St., S a n Francisco, CaliL-Jan. Stensrue, Mrs. Guri. 2545 Port land A ... e . . Minneapolis, rvlinn .-Nm·., Nov. Ste ns r ue. J. K., 2545 Portla nd Ave., Minne· apolis, Minn .-Sept., Nov. Stixrud, A dol ph , 2 1 4 3 No. 64th St., Se attle. Wa, h .-Se pt., Oct. Stiuud, Chester R., 2 1 43 No. 64th St., Se· 3ttle, Wash.--SepL, Oct. Stixrud, E. T. E.. 4 5 5 3 Pescadero Ave., Ocean B ea ch, Calif.-l'vlar., Oct. Stixrud, Lydia E., 2 1 43 No. 64th St., Se attle, Wash .-Sept . , Oct. Stixrud, Mrs. Thor, S., 2 1 43 No. 64th, Suttle, \Vlash.-Mar.. Oct. Stocking, L. B., 3828 Wilton St.. Long Be,ch, Calif.-Oct. Stocking, MrS. L. B.,3828 Wilton St., Long Beach, Calif.-Oct. Stoeve, O la f, Bothell. Wsah .-lvlay Stoeve, Rev. R . 0 . , Bothell, Wash-May Stolcke,
Prof. Carrol, Fergus Falb, Minn.
Wash.-June StorrE�, 1\1r8. Carl T . . Route 14. Box 773, Se ·
attie, \'Vash.-Aug. Storruste, tvI. C., Silvf'cton, Oreg.-Dcc:. Storrustc, Mrs. M. C., Silverton, Oreg.-Mar. Storvick. A. C., Glem'illc. Minn.-July Storvick, R. 0., 223 So. Hazel Ave., Ames, lo\..'a--O(t.
Strand. Carl, 1 3 49 West 59t h St., Lo, An· uele" Calif.-Jan. S",nd, F. H., Lakewood, Wa,h . -Ma y Str:md, Gus, 1 2 1 5 Spur Street, Aberdeen, \V'ash.-Nov. Strand, Herman, Route I , Pennock. M inn. Nov. St rand, Ingvald, P.:arlcland, W as h .-Se pt . ,
\VI ash.-Sept.,
2[0 1 1 86 1 187 3 53 7 56 57 702 2176 2562 2 5 23 3279 1 708 654 3329 26 1 0 1 3 42 3274 58 59 2304 3424
Strand, J., I l ll E•. Morton, Tacoma, W.,h. -Mar. St ran d , M,bel, 1349 W est 59th St" Lo, An· gele> , C.lif.-Jan, Strand, N , . Knox Ave., Bellingham, Wash. Nov. Strand, O. K., Decorah, Iowa-July St ri nd moe n , Mrs. N. J" Route 3, Dorch ester, I owa-Ju l y Steom, Prof. Carl W., Decorah, Jow3-Dec. Strom, Rev. E. !., Watson, Minn.-Apr. Strom, S . H., Madison, So. D.k.-July Snomsncss, Anny, Route 4. Tacoma. W ash . -Oct., Oct. Stub, Rev. H. A., 1 2 1 � Thomas St., Se· attle, \Vlash.-Ma}· Stub, Mrs. H. A., 1 2 1 5 Thom.s St., Seattle,
Wa,h.-May Stubb. L. 0., Norm a n, \",.. h.-Nov. St ubk:jaer. Rev. I. M . , Glasgow, lVlont.-Apr. Stubkjaer, Mrs. I. M., Gl3sgow. Mo nt.-A pr . Stue" John, Jr., Parkland, Wash.-Scpt. Stuen, O. J., P"kl.nd, Wash.-Sept. , Sept. Stu�n, �1rs. O . J .• Pa rlcl a nd , \X' ash.-Scpr., Sept. Stu vIand, N . E., Glendale, Or.g.-J.n. Su l la nd, ]. S., Stewartville, Minn.-July Sull""d, Albert, Hud,on, So. D.k.-July Sul l."ad , Nils, Alcester, So. Da k .-July Sundal, Jim, Storden . Minn.-July Sundby, Rev. G . A., Rio, \"'is.-Ju l y Sundby. Mrs, M, A., 900 Prospect Ave . . Oakland. Calif.-J,n. Sunde, H., New Richland, Minn.-July Sunde<, Albrrt, Maddock, No. D.k.-July Sundin, P. 1 . . Route I , Sta nwo od . Wash.
Apr. Svalland, Tollef. Route 4. Heron Lake, Minn. -July
Svar., Rev. T. Mar. Sv,re, Mr>. T . Oct. SVl?'ba k lcc n , Dr, Sven ds on , Ole,
P,rkland, W"h.-Sept.,
0 . , P,rkl,nd, Wash.-S.pt., Otto, Decorah. Iowa-l ui}' Westbroolc, Minn .-Jely
Christ i 3. n , Santa Rosa, Calif.-Mar.
Stokstad. Robert, 88 Dutton Avt., Santa Rosa,
Sv enso n, Sven L.. Lam ber ton, M i n n . -J u ly
Stol .. , Rev. H. J., 3 2 1 5 Ea. 5 1 st St., Minn.·
Sw .le st u en, Rev. J. D., 2743 W"t Los Angeles, CaHf.-May
1 5 th St . ,
Stolee, Harold, Route 4. Vancou ver , Wash.
Sw,I."uen, Mrs. J. D . . 2743 Wrst
1 5 th St.,
Address, ,md 1'''onlh of COlliTibutiOll
Ste:nv.rimson, Ole, Route 5 , Decorah, Iowa.
Stolee, Mrs. K. J " , Ro ute 4, Vancouver. Wash. Aug. Stol€'c. Ol�a, Route 4, Vancouver, \'qash. Aug. Stolce, Vernon. Rou te 4, Va ncouver, Wa5h. -Aug. Storlie, M. K., Spring Grove, Minn.-July Storre, C<lrl T., Route 14, Box 773. Seattle,
Du tton
Sv enson , Rev. Ernest G., 8 1 1 So. 8th St . . T.. coma, ''\(1 ash.-Jan.
Sve nson , Hanna, Lamberton, Minn ,-July
Stolc(', Alma, Routt! 4 , Vancouver, Wash. Aug.
J 857
Sv e nson , J . L' I M ad iso n, So. Dak.-Aug.
apolis, Minn.-Feb.
Aug. 3 475
701 3456
Statu. K, J . , Route 4 ,
Vancouver, \Vash.
Los Angele"
Calif.-May Ruth,
Angel.. , Calif.-Jan.
Sowi No. 1635
707 693 694 900 )468 91 1 58 978
2 87 2 29 5 0
3 4 65
3 095
3433 010
1670 l020 3461 2 7
1 1 04 1 1 0' 974 3081
1 9 99 134
3 014 3072 2868 2890 2 32 DBO 1 58 1
1 577 2057 2056 977 929
60 2440 2894
1 74 20�7
� 1 59 1636
2213 330
1454 483
667 1 69 3 1 694
990 2 1 47 132 n17
NtJnu:, A ddrcJ'I. ,md flI/ollth
Swan, Rev. A . B., 3 1 1 6 West 44th St., Minn • . .Jpolis, M i nn.-M a y SWJnsen. Prof. H. F' J Decor ah , Iowa-Feb. Swa nso n . 8. A., Pa rk l a nd . W.1.sh.-Szpt. Swa nson, Mrs. Ben, Parkland, \Vash.-Sepr. S�";tnson, Ernest: H., P;u kla nd . \Va.sh .-�1 ar. Swanson, Gilbert, Lamberton. lvli nn . -A ug . , .....3I1S0D. 1\1 . G.. P3 rk l a n d. \X/a sh .-S ep t . , S .pt . S wa nso n , Mrs. r..11, G., Parkland, \V ash. Sept .. S.p t . Swenland, G l ad ys , Parkl"nd, \Vash.-lvlar. Swen5�n, Mrs . J. T., 824 1 st So . • \Vill rn a r, rvlinn.-July' S wenso n , Arv i d. Ho us ton . � I in n .-J u ly Swcn.son, Ha l vo r. Lambl'rton, l\finn.-Aug. S we n!c n , lvlartin. S pri ng Grove. M i n n .-July Swenson. Neal. Revere, lVl inn.-Julr S we nso n , O. L., Echo, M i n n .-Ju l y Swenson, O. T., Beldenville. \V' is.-July Swenson, S. C., Portl and , No. Dak.-July S we n so n Brothers. Lamberton. l'vl i n n .-J uly Swoen. Tim, Ro ute I, Kent, W ;'Is h .-No v . Sydow. Rev. Arthur, 5 1 5 So. 27th St., Ta co· rna, W h .-MaL Sydow. Mrs. Arthur. 5 1 5 So. 27th St . , Ta co· m;'l, W.uh .- M u . Sydo\'/, Gertrude. 5 1 5 So . 27th St . • Tacoma, \V/ash.-Mur. $ y ll i ng , C. J . . pring Grove. �Iinn.-Ju(y SrI tie-, J oh n. Po rt e r. M in n .-Ju ly SVr'f . Raymond. Route 2, Eve-rson, \Va s h . Ort. y 10. A. W . . Belview, Minn.-July Tar-land, Andrew, Rushford, Minn.-July T . I! 1:Jk!'ien , Herm:ln. Route 5, \V il l ma r, Minn. -July Tall.1 en, N. H., \"X!" ilm a r, �linn.-July Tall :alc:se n. Nels . Routt' 5. W il l ma r. l'vfinn. Julv Tall.lks('ln, Rev_ S. L., Ferg us Falls. Mi n n . June
Tall .bon, Mrs. S. L. . F• •g u s 1"1115. Minn. J u n� T a l l !! . Pmf. H. 0 . . Decorah. Iowa-J une TaJ.. . Albert. Dennison, Minn.- J ul y T.ls.a. Gilbt>rt, Dennison. Nl i u tl.-July Taw, V iola, Silverton, Oreg.- lvra:-. T a y c t , Pri d3, 3 7 1 9 Ea. I St., Tacoma. \\l uh. ,tn. Taylorj Ntr." . Bertrand , 2 1 4 3 No. 64th St ..
S.a ttl e. W"h .-Scpt. Teic. C. J . . Story Cit y . Iowa-Jul)· Tcigc, Anton. Route I. S un db u r g , l'vlinn. J ul y Tojg n. A . A . . 2247 N o . F a i r O a b Ave., Pas· adena, Ca l i f . -O ct . Tt>IKl· n. L. 0 . . J.lchon. Minn.-July T. ig cn. M S . T., K.sson. M i n n .-J u l y Tei, rg. C. 0., 1 3 6 Be dfo rd St. So. Ea., Min n('apolis, M i n n .-J ui}. Tellefsen, T .. Routl' 2, Bri ce lyn . lvl i n n .-Ju ly Tem a !'lson . S eve r. Route I. Grand lvlcadow,
Minn.-July Tennrson. Fl o rence . 2002 Hoyt Avc., Everett, Wash.-Ma}· Tp."wick. Mrs. A .. 1 3 :)0 We�t 1st St., Aber· decn. Wa.h.-Dcc.. Nov. Terkildsen. p . . 2509 Webster Sc .. Berkeley, Calif.- Ja n . T('tiie, R e v . Joseph, Madi:=ion, Minn.-July Tetlit'. Mrs. Joseph, Madison. l'vl i n n . -Ju ly Tewell . Mrs. H S . . 2 1 6 1 40th Ave. \'(1•• t, :lncouvcr. R. C.-f\'lar.. Oct. Tho". M". F. J . , H,yfield, M i n n .-July Tholo, Mrs. G. 0., Parkl,nd, Wa sh . -Sepc . . O ct . Thornle. Erna Bernice, Eas t Stanwood, \Vash.
Thompsen. Ro be rt, Route 5, W i l t ma r . Minn.
-J uly 780
807 61
Thom pson . Mrs. A., 3256 2 1 st W.st, S••cd., Wash.-Feb.
Thompson. A . B., Ferndale, W.. h.-Nov. Thompson, Albort, Pa rkl a nd , \V" h . -S ept .
SuitZi No.
2736 3 1 40
562 2 1 10
811 1 3 86
2 1 70 2000 3345 3 19 1
598 3 2 70 193 2243
Nam�, A ddrcfJ� IIltd J'dorllh
2 1 74 1 94
3 546 3 1 39 2734 2783 277
2 3 42 1 5 57 2001
2341 2345 2793 3469 2535
25 1 1 2518 2514 2521 2520
CO'llribu tiolt
Thompson. Ole. Storden, lVlinn.-J uiy Thompson . Peter. Goodhue, l'vlinn.-JuIy Thompson, Thea B" 494 N . Oakland Ave., Pasade n a . C:tl if.-J a n . Thompson, Theo., Route I, Sto rde n , lVlinn. J ul y Thompson, Theodore, ParklAnd, \Va sh .-Oct., Oct. Thompson. Thorn, Hayward. M i n n .-July Thompson, Thom as. Route 3 , Box 5 1 2 , Taco· rna.
Thompson, Andrew, Route 7. Owatonna, M i n n .-Ju l y Thompson. Buil, R ou te 4, G rove City , Minn. -J uly Thompson, Mr. E. J.t Coulee. No. Dale. J an . Thompson. 1\1r5. Emm.'l, Route 2 , Calmar, Iowa'-J ul}· Thompson. M. C., 80 1 2nd St .. S i lve r to n , O reg .-Ma r. Thompson , Ma r ti n . Routr I, BOJ: 4 2 1 , Ever Nt. \V.,h .- Apr . Tho mpson , Martin, Stc wa.rtv ille, l\1inn. J u l )' Thompson. O . G., Lyle, Minn.-July
\Xfash .-Sept . , Oa.
Thompson, Thomas T., \V'alnut Gr ove, M i n n . -J u ly Thompson, Thrond. Stew.1rtvill�, M inn.-July Thompson. Mrs. Tina, P;trkl. and. \Va$h. Oct. Thomp:.on, l\1rs. T om, Pa rkIJnd , Wa5h.
Thompson . Ntrs. Tom, Ra tite 4, G ro ve Cit y , M i n n.-J u ly Thompson, W i l l . Cla rem on t. Minn.-July Thordson. Patti, H. nska, M i n n .-J ul y Thoren. Mrs. P. P . , Route 1, Box 1 2 5 , Puy· allup. \Xla.�h.-Nov. Thoreson. Mrs. G., 6 I 3 W cst 1 7th St ., Sioux Falls. So. Dak.-July Thorcsou. !vlabel A., 3 2 20 \Vetmore, Everett, Was h. -Ma y Thoreson, Mons. Mayville, No_ Da k .-A ug . Thort"son. Philip, Route 1 , Brandon. So. Oak. -J u l y o. Thoreson Bro thel's, Route 1, Brando n .
O .k .-July Thorr,rimson. Anton. Hansb. M i n n.-July Thorkildson. Mr... Lamberton. lVlinn.-Aug. Thormod!'CJ.ard, Mis� Ber t h i n c , Fai rlli('\'<; , So. O a k . -J u ly Thormodst;;'Iud, Erik, A lces t er , So. Dak. July Thormodsl1aard. Mrs. E r i k 0 . , A l ceste r , S o . D . k.-J u l y Thorrnodsg,urd, H. E . • A lce ste r , So. Oak. J u ly Thormodsgaard, Ole E., AIc�ster. So. Dak. Julv Thormodsg:.ard, Ole N . , Alcester, So. Dak.
July 2566
Thormodsgaud, Ole N., Hu dson . So. Dale.
T ho rpe , Rev. N. B . • 5 5 0 Dawson Ave., Long B('ach . C:\lif.-Nov. Thorpe, Mrs. N. 8 . . 5 50 Da wso n Ave., Long Beach. Cali f.-Nov. Thorsen. Rev. A. H., 3 6 1 M ul t nom ah 5 Portland. Oreg.-No\' .. M a y Thorse n , l'vlrl . A. H . t 3 6 1 Multnomah St . . Po rtl and , Ore g .- Ma y Thorsen. Anton, Route 5, \Vi l ma r, Minn.
547 234 1 5 39 2877
July 1 2 74 2597 3007 3015 1 2 73 227 1
3003 1271
Thorson, Agnes, 1 3 4 W cst 77th St .. S.atel • . W ., h .-A p r. Thorson, Albert, Route I, W .. konda, So. D3E:. -July Thorson, Andrew, New London. Minn.-July Thorson, Mrs. C. H., Echo, Minn.-July Thorson, E sch er. 1 3 4 Wese 77th St., Se.ttlo, Wash.-Apr. Thocso n , John, Route I, Deco ra h, Iowa-Ju l y Tho�on. J o h n , N e w London, M in n. -J u ly Thorson. Kenneth, 1 3 4 West 77th St., Seattle,
J\' tlmc:, AddrcHs, 1 2 72
171 1 72 n7
1 16
528 2670 2002 3241 3 1 98 3244 320 1 3227
3 64
365 375 .1 7+
201 840 366
367 3 08
63 133 31 10 3 24 2 2420 3 27 7 3 27 8 1 5 28 2 Z 3 .l
3 5 26 2423 3626 1691 1 69 1 1 :\> 2 1690 1 094 2089 1 5 08 1 509
2 3 29 2003
StTlal Marlth 0 / Contribut'-on
Thorson , Mrs. Kl�nneth, 134 \X/est 77th St.. Seattle. \V/ash.-Apr. Thorson, O . H.t 467 Wyoming Avr., Pas-a d",na, Calif .-On. Thorson, Mrs. O. H., 467 W}'oming Ave., Pasadena, Calif .-Oct . Thorson, Ole, S('amen lvIission, San Fran cisco, Calif.-Jan. Thorson, Rev. P. E., Norse, TU:ls-Apr. Thorson, Ruth, 1 3 4 West 77th St., Sea t tl e , Wash.-Apr. Thorson, T. IVl., Wilmar, lVIinn.-July Thorson, Thee, Route 2, S t . Olaf, Iowa July Thostenson, Arnold, Parkland, Wash.-S(,pt. Throndsen. A., 1 5 24 \'U a l ler St., San Fran cisco, Calif.-Jail. Tibland, Gertrude, �Iontrose. So. Dak.-July Tieman, Mrs. O. T., L yle, Minn.-July T i ller. lng:., Wanamingo, Minn.-July Ti ller, J. R.o Route 1, Zumbrota, 1\1inn. J u ly Tiller, Martin J., \V anamingo, Mi n n . -J u ly Tiller, O. H., Goodhue, Minn .-July Ti mbeross, John, Route 1 , Zumbrotl, Minn.
-July Tinuelstld, B.o 1 1 3 Center St., Silverton , Oreg.-Dec., J u n e Tingelstad. M r s . B., 1 1 3 Center St., Silver· ton, Oreg.-Dec.. J une Tingelstad, Edvin. 5 26 2nd Ave. So., Kent, Wash.-Dec., July, Sept. Tingelstad. lVlrs. E., 526 2nd Ave. So., Kent. Wash.-Dcc. Tinge-htad. Gert rud e , 526 2nd Ave.. So .• Kent. \'V ash.-Nov .• A ug. TinCt'lstad. Helt>,n, 104 1 J effe rso n S r , . Salem. Oreg.-Oct . • Nov. Tingl! Lna d. Leona, 1 0 4 1 Jefferson S t . , Salem, Oreg.-Mar . • On. Tinge\stad, Ma rie . 1 1 3 Cc nt(' r S t . . Silverton , Oreg.-Dcc., J u n e Tingelstad, Martin, 1 0 4 1 Jefferson St., Salem, O reg.-Dec . • Oct. T i nge lst a d, Mrs. M . , 1 0 4 1 Jefferson St., Salem. On·G.-Dcc., Oct, Tinuelstad, O. A .. Parkb nd, \'V'a.sh.-Sept., rvlar. • l'vby., Nov. Tinge.!stad, Mrs. O. A . , Parkland. \X!ash. Sept . . Jul)", Oct. Tingelst;td. Sophus B., McVille. No. Dak.
Tinclum. Henrik, \'(/anamingo, Minn.-July Tjelrneland, Vier, Story City, Iowa-J ul �' Tjentl:t.nd. Alviu, Route I, S tor dl"n . M i n n. Jul)" Tj('nrland, An d re w, Storden. Minn.-July Tobiason. Harry, Col um bia View Gardens,
Long:vic.w. \'V'3)<:h.-May
Toft, Gilbert 0., Ro u t,'t 1, C larks Grove. Minn.-July Tofte. Ri cha rd F" 9 1 0 Ea. 43 rd Sr" Tacom:t, Wl,h .-S.pt. Tokhcir:n, S . G., Story City, IO..... :l-·J uly To l lef sen . K a r l . Route 2, B o w . \'\7ash .-O([. Tolicfsrud. L. C., Zumbrota. Minn.-July Tollcfsrud. Mrs. Ste_nctte, Zumbrot�. Nf i nn , -July Tolo. Rrv. Art h u r J., 1 264 M3r ion St . . Den· Vf'r. Colo.-Aug. Tolo, Rev. G. W . . Fertile. M i n n .-July Tolo. Prof. Harald M . , L uthl"r Collegl�, Dc· corah, Io ",·a-Mar. Tolo. Olaf J., Route 4 , Sprin� Grove, Minn. -J uly Tolo. Rev. T. 0., Locust, Iowa-May. July Tolo. Mrs. T. 0 . , Locust. Iowa-Ma}' Tonseth. D. D., 4 1 20 22nd Ave. So. West. Seattle, \'V'ash.-Oct. Topness. Rev. S . M., Rt�d Wing, Minn ,-Feb. Torger�on, H. P . . Route I. Asroria . So. Dak:. -J uly Torge-rson.
L ou i s.
Torgerson. Martin, St. r-..' lar.
Minn .-Jul�'
No. Dak.
Address, t:11.d M0l11h of Cunlriblf t l o n
958 956
Totgerson, Rei r, Ethridge, IVlont,-!>vbr. Torgerson. T. A., Sc. Thomas. No, D;ak,
To rgri mson, G , T . , Gr(\nd Meadow, Minn. July Torkelsen, A . l'vI., \'(/ a st!:ca , Minn.-ju(�' To rke l sl'n , NI. E., Rou te I, Grand rvleJdow, Minn,-July Torkelson, rvIrs. Marget, Waseca, Mi n n ,-Jltl�' Torkd!ion. Sevcrie, Story City. Io ..... a-J uly Torkelson, Theodort' , 1 0 1 0 Ga rden Avc,. \'\f i l l mar, lVl i n n.-j u l y Torresdal, Ingv:ll, Silverton, Orel�.-Dcc, To r re s da l , L., Route 1, Decorah, Iowa-J uly Torrison, H. A . , Patterson , C a l i f.-No\'. Torri s on . Rev. I . B., Decorah, Iowa-Nm'. Torr ison, 1. l\rl., Route I, 80:'( 2 3 0, Patterson, Calif.-Jan., Nov. Torrison. John, Route 1, Box 230 Patterson, CaliL-J a n . , Nov. Torrison. Hon. Oscar M., 10 So. La Salle St., Chicago, 1 I l .-J uly Torvend. Henry. Route 2, Silverton, Orcg-. Dec. Torvl"nd, OIl!. Pattt'rson, Ca l if .-J an . , Nov. Torvc nd , l'vIrs. O le, P a t tl'rson, Ca l if . -Jan . . No\'. Torvcnd, S . B . , Route 1, Si l vert on , Oreg .
2749 3 29 7 2757 2443 2876 432 1813
3814 322 626
629 [716 395 619 625
Feb. 388 3377
3375 3 16 1 3 66 1 2253 614
615 437 906 203 1 06 2
3 1 1 '; 781
3 1 62 3 1 B7
3 224
J 1 89
.3 1 88
1 597
Torvcnd. Sarnu!.".I, Silverton. Or g.-Dec' Tostengard, Math., Dovray, Minn.-July Tostcngard. Simon, Dovray, Minn.-J uly Tos terud , Mrs. O. J. and family, Call"don i.l , lVl inn,-Aug. Totland, A . J . . 22 10 Young , . • Bellini' h:lm, Wash,-Nov. Tm'son, Vetle, Route 2 , Deco rolh . fow;a-}uIr Towe , Rev. A . J . , South Bend, Wa,h.-J l n . , June, July Towe, M r s . A. J . , South Bend, \Vash,-Jan. Towe, E'Sther A . , Silverton, Oreg.-Dt!c" Sept, Towe, Mabelle, Silvereon, Or('l�, - Mar. ct. TowE', Ruth Bernice. South Bend \'Q ash. To wer , l'vlrs. Anna, Route 1 . Pe a rso n. \'(1 a5h. -Mar. Tr3e, Edw ard T., Route 2 , Glem'illc. lvli nn . July Tranaas. S a n n :). , 3 8 1 4 E a , John St., Seattle:. W.,h.-Feb. Tre.hus, Han�. Rout� 1. Cale don i a, M inn .
Aug. TH·lstad. NIn;, Dorothea. Goodhue. �linn, July
Tr('l:;;t .ld, J . B" Zumbrota, �1 inn.-JuI}r Tr e lstad. KaIlem, Goodh ue. Min n.-July Trelst.d, P. J . • Goodh ue. Minn .-July
Tn·lstad. Richard,
Route 2,
Goodhue. M i n n .
490 876
Trin!t}' "n ag . Luth. Church, c/o Ot to J('n s(>n, Park l and, Wash .-Junl' L Trinit�, uth!!ran Congrrcation. A nn ievi ll r , B. C.-Nov. Triniq' Young Pcop[{" s Society, c/o Althea fvleyer. Silverton, Oreg,-On, Trollncs. H, T . . Eur�ka. C.llif. -Ja n . Truedson. M r s , E , P . . 428 2 n d St. N o . E a , .
Truedson. Miss
3740 3 56 ;>
2244 183 20 1 0
2 1 90 3664
Pu},allup, \'V ash.-Mar. Hi ld ur, 428 Puyallup, \Y/ash.-M:tr.
2 n d Sr. No. Ea . .
Trrgst"d. Lvdia. Rou tt> 2, A lb rrt Lea, Minn, -July Trygstad, RobO!rt. Box 2 2 5 , Zclz3.h. C al i f . Ocr. Tryhus. H . . Ma,'ville. No. Dlk.-July Tryttcn. C. T . . Ridgeh'a}'. Iowa-J uly Tub. n . John A.. 1 9 1 5 F St.. fld l i n gh .m . \X! ash.-Nov.
Tud:tl. J u ly
Tu fty, Iver. Nunda. So. Dak.-July
3 06 2
1 20 2
Turrno. R e v . 0 . , Br::adi.'lii h ,
J . , Roure
L ars G .. Ha�·field. M i n n ,-july Am05. Rushford, tvI i n n . J u l y
Name, 968 2004 64 1 72 0 1616 65
2630 1 1 08 2 1 24 256 1 2573
581 1 28 1
3 569 33H
3332 1 83 6 203 298 ::99 300 30t 1721
5n '7 6
2 0 77 2324
32� 271 4
3 8 J8 1567
2039 2034 3069 1 1 63 1 1 64 3 2 76 2005 3214
320 2441 24 2 7
1 42 4 2958 2975 2954 2444 2142 20M 2709 3 1 04 2 1 98 1099 704 1 5 02 1 50 3
and Month of Contribution
Tu"ka , Alfild, 8 1 5 Ea, He ron St., Aberdeen, \'</a.<;h.-Mar. Turtedal, Hans A., L}'le, l'vlinn .-J u ly Tvere-. Mrs. G . , 4 ) 1 5 5th A ve . No. Ea., Seattle, Wash.-Sept. , July Tv"" K . K . , 2 2 2 1 9 th Ave., Se . ttle , \'(/.,h. -July Tvuc, N. K . , ( I n Memo r iam ) . Sl!ilcde, \Vash.
Tvetc. Norma_H F., 4 5 1 4 5th Ave. No. E a . , Seattle, \'\1 ;1sh,-Sept., J uiy T ....et("n, Thoma5 . Maddock. No. Dak.-Jul�' Tvetcr, Elmer, 1 6 0 2 No. Cheyenne, Tacoln;l, \V"h.-M" . T\,E'tl"r. Ole J . , Route 5 . Decorah, Iowa- Jul}' Twedt, Min . , Hud,on, So. O.k.-J uly Twedt, Ole T., H uds on, So. Dak.-Julv d o lph N . . Nunda, So. Dak.-Oct. T",,·et. Tweten, Rev. J. 0., D e Forc!it. Wis.-Apr. oR,SweH, No. D a k . -Oct. Twite, He im('r, Tyrhol m , H:lrry, New Richland, �Ilii nn .-J u l'l c.w R ich la n d , M i n n .-July Tyrholm. J. A " Tynad, S . A . • HO ''''l rd , So. Dak.- J u .1 y Ilebnd. Astrid, Route 3 , Box 3 1 0 , Kem,
Seri.' No.
1 266 1 267 1 76 7 1 768 1 769 911 3514 1213 1 2 59 2086 2240 1719 603 2328 1 1 58
\Y.!ash.-On. , Nov.
Ull dand, C . N., Route 3, Bo, 3 [ 0, Kent , \V3sh.-Nov., Nov. UJI,land. Mr>. C. N., Route 3, 80., 3 1 0 , K e n t . \'V:J.."h.-Nov., ov. UJleland. Ha"ld, Ro ute 3 , Bo� 3 1 2, Kent, \Y.!;l!,h. -No v . , Nov. Ullcland, Mrs. Hara ld , Route 3 , Bo, 3 1 2, Kenr, \'\Ia.-;h .-Nov" Nov. UIlcnsvang, Rev. L. L., Camp Croo � So Dal:.-July Ullensnng, M , L . , Zelz. h , Calif.-J a n . Ullcnsv<lnc. i'.1ari-e, Zelzah, Calif.-Jan. Ulrikson, S:tm K., Canto n , So. Dak.-J u ly Ulvild�n, Rev. Geo., Toro n to , So. Oa k. Jul)'
U l v i l den.
IVIrs. G!!o.,
July Underdahl, Unidentifi ed Urne5, Rev. June Utabj,1<l. A. July Utabja:l, C.
Toronto ,
Oak .
And ,e�', Oakland, M i n n .-July donors-July J. A . , Cranfill 's G:lP, Tex:)s
1 079
2449 1 '» ) 6 3213 2007 944
272 1 2723 271 1 2 7 1 32725 2722
530 202
H., Rou t e 2, Glenville, Minn.
-Jl!I�r VaalH, 1\1rs. A tnt . \ViIlmar. Minn.-Apt . Vnlen. John, Storden, �1inn.-July Vandl;'w�l t, F. C . , M inneota, Minn.-July V.mgsness, ndr. C., Zumbrota. Minn.-July V J. ngs ness. John, Route 2, Goodhue, rvli n n . VJ.nc:mess, Osmu n d, Story City. Iow a-J u ly Vangnesl, Rachel, S tory Cit}" I owl-July J u ly Va!'ig:lud. Ole, Box 4 5 2 , Evcrett, \'\Iash. M,y V<lthinz. Mrs. Inger, Hou sto n, M i nn .-July Vathinc, John, Housto n , lVl inn.-July Vath ing, S . S., 'Houston, lVl inn. �July Vereide, J . , Story City, Iowa-July Vcrsie, O. H., Mabel. Mi nn .-J uly Ves lt.·dal, John S . , Nerstrand. Ivl inn.-Ju1r Ve um , Austin, Route I , Oakland, Minn.
J u l), Vick,
A. E., Spr i ng Grovt�, Miun.-July Vick. Os car, Route 5, Decora h. Towa-July Vickn", Prof. Edwin J., 5 5 2 1 1 2th Ave., So· <\ttle. Wash.-Mar. Vigncss, P a ul G., 1 1 44 Fu lto n St.. P:llo Alto, C.!if.-J a n . Viksc, R e v . T. J., 920 1 9 t h Ave ., E• . , V,n· co uve r, B. C.-May Vibe, Mrs. T. J . , 920 1 9 th Ave., Ea., Van· couver, B. C. -M ay
AdJrc:u. and fl..1onth
of Contribution
K . , Ro ute 2 , GI �n v ille, M i n n .-
July Vaage, H a n n a h , Rushford, M i n n .-July VnJI(' r , Rev. Arnt, Willmar, M i nn .-Apr . ,
Vinje, R�v. A, K., 1 7 1 2 Everett Ave., Everett, \Vasl1.-·Apr., Oct. Vinje, Mrs. A . K. , 1 7 1 2 Everett Ave., Everett, W ash .- A p , . Vinje, A. M., 1 7 5 1 No, Whipple St" Chi· c a go, lll.-J u ly Vinje, P. A . , 1 7 5 1 No. Whipple St., Chi· ca go , i lL-July Vinje, Ped«, 1 7 5 1 No. W h ipple St., Chico· go, i l L-J uly Vista. Cora, 1 1 8 North 74th St., Seattle, Wa�h.-Mar. Yi:;te, 0., Decot"ah, Iowa-Sept. Vo�lker, A. C. , D uPo in t, Wa sh.-A pr . Voelker, tvIr3. A. C., Du Pont, \Xf:0t5h.-Apr. Volden, Hans, Cottonwood, Minn.-July Val iu m, IVbrtin, Hayward, M in n.-J uly \'Valge, J oh n, 759 Mi ddl efield, Palo Alto, C. l i f .-J uly \V.hl, Olaf H . , Fort Hall, I daho--J 'n., Jun. \V alater Brothers, Route 1 , A storia , So. Oak. -July Waldeland, Rev. M . E" 6 1 0 Ea. 4th St., Northfield, Mi n n. - Apr . \\i'alhUJ, Anton, Dorchester, Iowa-J uly \V alhus. C. r., Ro ute 4, Spring Gro ve, Minn. -Jul)' Walhu . Nora, Cleveland, Ohio--M ar. Wa1l, John S., Hayfield, M in n .-Au g. 'Xlall, i'1arearct. 766 E:t. 1 4th Ave., Van· couve r . B . C.-J une \\Ialstad. Mrs. Julia, Zumbrota. Minn .-July \VI aIstram. Selma, Minncot' a , Minn.-July Walter, Fred, Jr., 819 No. 5 t h St., Tacoma ,
34H 345 2
2210 2766 155 5 3 02 7 302 1 3024 1 1 89 1826 739 2469 2 1 09 2077 993 2957 1 86 2
\Vanberg, Aug. \Vangen, WI angen, \V :lngen, -July \Xf angcn.
Rev. R . T.,
No. Oa k.
Ben, Oakland, Minn.-J u l y B e rt h a, Oakland, Minn.-July Charles, Ro ut e I , Hayward. M i nn .
Clarence. Oakland, Minn .-July \V' angen, L ouis, Oakland, Nliun. -July Wangen. Mrs. O. B., OQkl nd, M i n n .-July \Vangmc3!: . Annie, 26 2 1 twton So. Ea . , M i nn e apol i s , M i nn .-J 3 n. \X'3ngsncss, Carl , Patterson, Calif.-Oct., Apr. \V angsness, E. J., Decorah, Io·.va-J u l y \\:r an'��n E'5!'o. J o h n , 3 0 0 0 il 1 i fornia Sr. No. Ea., Minnpapoiis, tvI in n .-J a n . \V arnet, E d . , Lamberton, Mi n n. -J uly Warner, Henry, Revere, Minn.-July \X! arn C55 , 1 2 1 \Vest 5th Streett A berdc�n, \Vash.-Nov. Wathne, Ole, R. F. D., Tacoma, Wash .-Oct. l\4rs. Inge bo rg, Route 1. Frest , \VJ � b e rg. Miun.-July \"'(1 ee, lvlrs. Sigrid, Hanska, Minn.-J uly \V e.gt2nd, Mrs. RO:<i:l., 3 5 64 Fawcett Ave . . Tacoma, \V ash . -J u ne Weikle, Ingvald, FairLn:', Min n.-J ufy Weikle, Math . . Fa i rfa x. M i nn.-Aug . Weikle, Olaf, Fairfax, Minn.-July \V ein, Rev. H . J., 408 Center St., Winona, M i nn . -Ap r. \X/ei:u: r, C. J . . Decorah, Towa-Aug. \V ells, r fowa rd , 3 3 0 1 No . U n i o n , Tacoma,
\V "h.-Feb.
\V eltzin, C. 0., Decorah, Iowa-J uly \V e.mark, H . L .• Ridgeway, Iowa-J uly \X' e nnes, O. L., Spring Gro ve, Minn.-July \V ennm, Mr>. M. D., 1 3 24 So. L St., Ta· coma, \X' ash.-lvb r. \'(1eom . Lawrence. Houston , 1\1inn.-J ut�, \V est Clermont Congreg ation, Clermont, Iowa
-Aug. 423 3510
\V estbostad, S., Westby, Jul),
Molalla, Orf-g.-Dec. Rout(!
Pet e rso n, M inn .
23 1 5
Westby, Edw. , Brandt, So, Da k.-J ul y
Viland, A., Box l I 2 2, Sea ttle, Wash .-Oct.
Vi lla , John E.,
Westby, Geor�e, Maddock, N o . Dak.-July
3 3 44
Villa, 01., Storden, Minn.-July
Westby, Mrs. Geo rr,c, rvladdock, No. Oak. July
Westbrook, Minn.-July
Serial No. 2603
283 6 23 1 7 376 601 1 2595 2032 302
2623 2624 3 53 1152 1256 2727
NrSI1U , Add rcJf7 alId Il,!/onlh
of Contribution
W tb y , H. c., 905 Vel mon t Road, Grand Forks, No. O.k,-July Westby . Hans, Route. 1. Pe terso n , lvtinn. July \V.�tby. J . c.. Bran dt, So. D.k.-July \'(Icsth y. Ole H. . 361 Mul tnomah St.) Port· land, Oreg .-Dec.
\'\lesth('im, Rev. D. ]. 0., 2248 Howard. Snn Francisco, Calif.-Ja.n. \'X'tStre, Jay N . • Ver m il l ion , So. Dak.-July \Vest r um . O . M., Gl rn villc, lVli n :1 . -Ju ly \"h a. ll , J u l ius, Route I, Box 3 1 4, Kent, \XI.1Sh.
Nov., Wick, W i ck . \V i ck ,
Nov Echel, M.ddo<k, No. O.k.-July
24 1 9 479 2438 996 3096 1 1 94 2 78 279
J 14 1 485
3 1 20 1 8n 2970 389 123 922 280 2333 1717
184 1417 1418 782
� in n .
1 3 82
\XT ick. J ulr
lVlart i n ,
Rou t e 4,
\X'i l Il n ar ,
Wi.::b, T. T.• Story City, Iowa-Jul;' \Xli dst ra nd, l'vJrs. A . L.. Rout e 2. Aurora, Oreg .-Dec. \Vi eson . S. S .• Story City. Io wa-J u l y \'(Iie.u, John, 4 1 8 Ave. I. Snohom i:.h. \Vas h.
-1'vla r. \'Xf jlhdm$en, 01 <:, Spring Grove, M inn .-J u l y W i ll ett, Mrs. C. L., Box 459. Olympia. Wuh. -Apr. \'\l illi:ltns, Einar, Ro u te I , Bo:'t '200. P u y a ll u p. \ '(1 ash.-No v . , Oct. \\f iIJiarns. 0 . , Route I , Box 200, PUY:lllup, \X/ a,h .- 0 \' . , Oct . \y'/ilIiJ.m.s, Mrs. 0 . . ROllte. t , Box 200, Puy· ,l I u p . W .. h,-No " Ott. \Xf illlng \'X /o rke n SOcteoty of U. L. C. of Sa n Francisco, c/o Tominc. Soibnd, 7 7 Landers St . . San Francisco, Ca l if .-I\.fay . \Y./illow Creck Luther:.n Church, Dell Rapids. So, O.k .-Aug . Wilson. H. B .• M adison , So. O. k.-Aug . \V' i bon . Peter, Houston, Minn .-Aug. \Xi ilson, Wm., 1 2 3 Ea. l'th Sr., Portland, Orc-g.- ce. \Vinge, Hugo , Route 4, Box 422, Tacoma, ept.. Oct, \Xl a.sh. \x/ inn{")". LadclIe, Box 468, Ro u te 3 , T.. com�, \Vash ,-M.. . \'Vintcrhou�e, Adolf, Ro ute. I . 80:1 l09, Puy· allup. \X/ash.-Nov. \X7 irstad. C. W . . Corson. So. Oak-J uly \Xfisnacs, Rev. R . J., Hickson, No. Oak.
July \\l i�nes, Hi lda J . , M i n n cw:).u k on . No. Da k. July
\'(f isnt' ss ,
\V isness , Matt.,Maddock, N o. O.k.-J uly
Wi, ne». R . , M .ddock, No. O.k.-July
. M . , \'\I illm'l r, I'vtinn.-Aug.
NdnJ -:,
Addrcu, and Month of
Wogsbf!rg, A nd re ..... , land, Oreg. Oct.
Wold. Christ, 2502 Su mm i t, Everett, Wa sh . -May \VoId, Cl i fford. 2 5 0 2 Summ i t , Everett, \X'a3h. --May \�old, H. 5., 1 1 27 1 5 th AYe., Scottie, Wash.
3065 24 1 2 2413 3613 1 739 886
Gilb,rt, Maddock, No. O.k .-J uly r. P., 3048 Fir St., Longview, '-V a.sh. No v . , Apr. \\ficK, Martin, 3 1 5 No. 80th S t . , Seattle. \Vash.-Apr. \'(/ick, Mrs. M, rt in , 3 1 5 No . 80th St. . S.,ttle, \'<7,lSh.-Apr. \Y./ ick, Martin, Route 1, Claremont, Minn.
2 3 23 1816 640
101 895 899 103 102 1 0-\
1 05 2 3485 3 183 1 704 1496 165 1 78 5
511 1�17 381 1 2905 1695 3650 554 3J9 2
Wold. Ole, Rou te 2 , Ru,h fo rd , Minn .- J u l l' Wold, 01. A., R . F. D . . St. Olaf, Iow.-J ull' Wo l d, Theo . . R. F. D . , S t. !of. Iow.-J uly \'(fol den , Au gust, Route 1. BoW', \'Vash.-Oct. Wo l d en , Gladys, Route I , Bow, W•.•h.-Jull' \'X'olJan, O. C' I 2 7 1 7 Mel ros£:, Tacoma, \':rash .-lVJ ..,r.� Nov. \Vood, Ida, 2 5 2 1 So. K , Tacoma , Wosh. M:1 r . Woodlake Luth , I d. A i d , c/o Mrs. E . P . H.wl y. B ran d t, S o . D.k.-J ull' Woy n . A . E. . Esmond. No. Dak.- Aug. Wroolie. S. A . . 400 West El Camino. No . . Sacran"lento. Calif.-Jau. \'l uest. Rev. Erwin G., 709 R..11ey St., Pend· leton, O re g .-A u g . \X/ u i f s bcrg, Prof. E., Fergus Falls, Minn. J u ne \Vulfsber&, Rev. J. A. 0., Hart Land. M in n . -J U ll' • ;w ier, M rs . Amanda, Parkland, :lsh.O-:-t., Sept. X..1Vff'l.', B.uba.ra R., Park b nd , \Vash .-Sept . . July Xavirr, G. W . , Portland. On�g.-!\':Iu. X,Jvier, H. M . . P..1rkl:tnd, \X'ash.-lVIar . . Apr. Xa vier. Jo hn U., Pukland, W:t;;h .-Sept ., July
X;H'icr. M rs . J . U " P:.rkl and, \X':.�h .-Sept.. J u i !' XaviPr, Paul. Parkland, W;"lsh .-Sept . • July Xavi('l', Sa;-a A . , . S. V. H., to. 77, Port. bnd, Oref,.- M " r . , Jun� Yarwood, lYI rs . E. L . , Route 1, C3lmar. IO�'a -Jul y Ylvj�aker. . C., Zumbrota. Minn .-July Ylvisaker. Rev. Carl B., C o n cordi a Coilege. . Moorhead, Min n .-Ju l }' YlvisakClt' , Re\l' � J . \VI . . North ..... ood. Iow:l M,l' Ylyi ;.ker, Re y . N. M., 425 4th Sr. So .. Nlinnl!:tpolis. M i n n .-Oct. , M::JY, UR. Youn G , f' ,,; bie t . . Gayville. S o . O.k .-J ul y Young-. lVlrs. O . M., 6 1 7 Davis St., S an ta Ro.sa, C:tlif.-Jan. Young Peopl(" s Socit'ty of 1 st Luth. Church,
L�ki!'wood. \Y./ ash.-May Young People's Society of Niduos Cong rt· f;ati on , Mo n itor, Oreg.- Nov . Ytterbo, G u n der J . , Route 2, Sunburg, l\.1inn. -July Ytterboe, IVIes. H . T., c/o Rev. Joseph lr.t1ie, Madison, M m n .-July Z a c J,., .. ri.son. John , Parkland, W/ash.--Oct. 2.b!. A . c., 2 6 1 y, Rosewell Aye., Lon.!} Be,ch, Calif.-J a n . Zimmerman, Dorothy, Edison, W;lsh .-Occ
To join the Pacific Lutheran College Develop ment Association, fill out the card on the other side and send it with your contribution to Pacinc Lutheran College, Parkland, Washington. All friends of Christian education are earnestly invited to join in main taining and developing this one school of its specific type in the West.
On October 29, 1 9 29,
the University
\Xl ashington
gra n ted full accreditation to the Junior College work at Paci fic Lutheran College. On June 1 8, 1 929, the \Vashington State Board of Education promoted the Normal Department of Pacific
utheran College from Class B to Class A accreditation.
The State Board also voted last spring to continue the accredita tion of the High足 chool Division of Pacific Lutheran College, on the basis of the favorable report of the high-school inspector.
This favorable report has been confirmed by inspection this falL
Pacific Lutheran College is accordingly recognized in " I l its divisions as accredited.
Serial No.
File No.
19 PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEGE DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION This is to certify tha t the above-named is enrolled as a contributing supporter of Pacific Lutheran College, Parkland, \Vashington, with the understanding that a contri足 bution of at least one dollar be made to Pacific Lutheran College by the above-named at [east once a year and that rhe above-named shall retain this membership and be kept on the mailing list of the Pacific Lutheran College Bulletin one year from the dare of such contribution. Signed:
_ _ .
Amount paid