East Prussia
Picture book for
East Prussia
…old Germanic culture and settlement area
Boundary territory
Land on the sea.
Tutonic Knights
Tutonic Fortress Marienwerder
Foliage covered home in the Marienburger Lowlands
Burgher homes in Elbing
The castle in Kรถnigsburg
Studfarm Trakehnen
Fishing boats on the Kurish Lagoon
Market Day in
Amber, the East Prussian gold, and wood are the most important raw materials
Amber works in Palmnicken
This Happened in Versailles! East Prussia: separated from the Reich Danzig: separated from the Reich; Memel: stolen.
Kurzebrack, East Prussia’s “Entrance to the Weichsel.
Lithuanian capriciousness in the pillaged Memel area.
These were the wishes: Gray area from Poland, dark black area, from Lithuania
The answer to the Polish demand as a result of the plebiscite: (circle for Germany, solid white for Poland).
Not west- and not an east orientation can be the future goal of our foreign policies, but Ostpolitik in the sense of acquisition of the necessary area for our German people.” The Leader in “Mein Kampf.”
Erich Koch, the creator of the East Prussian plan.
The Third Reich assures land for the peasantry
Work service gains new soil.
New settlements appear.
The struggle for work overcomes unemployment.
Native industry‌
with new factories is built.
The merchant marine is expanded‌ The Autobahn is built.
East Prussia is calling! Population density: East Prussian needs people
Country service of the Hitler Youth Recognition of the youth for the land in the east.
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