"\V clcome Horne"-Some of otir boys have waited years to hear those two words. What tl1ey've endured for the sake of hearing the.m is more than we like to dwell upon. Rut those two words, "vVelcome Home," can become just an empty phrase if yo.u forget, for one minute, the responsibility to the man you say them to-and to the several million men overseas who are still yearning to come home. \Vhat we're talking about. of course, is your responsibility to continue b11ying bonds-and holding on to the ones you already have. Don't forget to purchase your share during the Victory Loan drive which gets underway in the South End Monday, Oct. 29.
F o.r N.ews And Advertising Call GR8436
VOL. 1, NO. 7
P. L. C. Quintet Makes Who's Who
PARKLAND LICHT ANO WATER CO. LETS CONTRACT FOR TANK PARKLAND FIRE DEPT. DOUSES FIRE IN HOME Fire \\"hich started in th e kitchen did a small amount of damage to the home of Mr. and Mrs. l\farion Fuller, 102 South Sheridan, Monday afternoon. The Parkland fire department receiv~d the call at 2 :25 p. rn. and made a qnick run. The blaze was under control when the fire truck arrh·ed and they quickly cxtingLiished it.
Office: Basement PLC Chapel, Parkland
Roy Peterson, Parkland postmaster who is serving as chairman of the Victory. Loan in the South End, has announced the appointment of the following district leaders: Morris Ford, Parkland School; Perry Kiethly, Midland School; R u th Pflugmacher, Collins District; Fritz Beitz and Leland Smith, Airport Road Distrtct; Mrs.' Chas. Breckenridge, Sales Rd.; Mrs. Ward Tompkins, Brook. dale; Mrs. Clara PJtlpps and Mrs. Theodore Wormald, Spanaway; Mrs. Esther Davis and Mrs. Gilbert Peterson, Parkland; Mrs. Walter Young, Anita Stuen and Mrs. Olia Hageness, P.L.C.; Garfield Kiel, publicity chairman.
With a quota of $50,000 for Parkland's hopes of owningzone 4, workers in the area will its own water plant became a start the Victory Loah canipaign reality last week as the Parkland next Monday, Oct. 29, Roy \N. Light and vV ate r Company Peterson, who heads the drive for awarded the contqcts for a this district, has his organization 150,000 gallon tank and two elecall set and expects to have the tric water pnmps. :wne ovc·r the top within a· short Pittsburg Des Moines Ste e l time. Zone 4 area comprises apCompany of Seattle was successThere is something in a name. ---o--proximately all of the 2nd comful bidder on the 75-foot high Take the case of Merle Ha1Hly, missioner district as far south as tank, which -..ill store 150,000 owner . of the Spanaway Auto Johnson's corner. gallons of water, twice the Company. Yes, qnite a few peoChairman Peterson has anamount used by the Parklan<l ple have fonnd Mr. Handy to be nounced the following - persons water customers at the present Five Pacific Lutheran College seniors have been selected to have a handyman "·hen it comes to will take the lead in getting their time. The bid for the erection of their names and biographies printed in the 1945-46 edition of Who's Stanley McGinnis Wili working on automobiles. districts fully subscribed. Mrs. the tank was approximately $22,- Who. The outstanding students, recommended by the facti.tlty Take Over As Commander Beulah Breckenridge, Sales Road 000. scholarship and curriculum comm.ittee and elected by the factu!ty, Mr. and Mrs. P. Verdie], a section; Fritz Beitz and Leland The low bid 01_1 the two elec- are shown above, left to right: Joan Satern, Silverton, Oregon; The Clover Creek American genial couple living in Brookdale, Smith, Airport r o a d; Morris have sympathy for the fellow who Legion Post, No. 118, members tric pumps was submitted by Anita Stuen, editor of Mooring Mast, Parkland; Agnes Mykland, Ford, Parkland .school. Perry has a hard time getting the car will hold their monthly meeting Wade and Company of Portland senior class president from Issaquah; Marion Soltman, Seattle; a nd Eunice Torvend, Silverton, Oregon. Kiethly, Midland school; Pfluegstarted, for they had their share in the Spanaway School on Fri- at a cost of $5,436.17. macher, Collins school; Mrs. The water- tower will be built last Saturday night. After com- day, October 26, at 8 p. m. Clara Phipps and Mrs. Amy Woron A street near Allison road. Stanley McGinnis, the newly ing out of the grocery store with mald, Spanaway. Garfield K,iel their Saturday evening specials, cle~tcd commander, will preside Wark on these projects will comhas been named publicity chairmence as soon as materials can the couple attempted to drive at his initial meeting_ man. Lundberg's Drug will take be assembled. The job will probAll ex-service and service men home. The battery was too low applications for bonds. South End Raises $1,694 As to get the automobile started, so and their wives are invited to at- ably be completed in five months. Any person in the prairie area The Parkland firm is endeavorIts Share In Wal! Chest Drive they ha-d to get out and push it tend· the meeting-. wishing to take part in the drive "A special invitation is giv~n ing to ha\"e their entire water m~til it started running. . is urged to get in touch with to _the servicemen living in the pla~H in .operation by April 1, at A ·group of hard working so0. Erdman Drilling Co. Postmaster Peterson at the ParkCEREMONIES AT CZECH Clover Creek area," stated A. E. which time the local c?mpa?y licitors and a long list of able and Is Successful Bidder "The finest and newsiest weekland post office. HALL SUNDAY AT 1:30 Bragg, publicity chairman for the will discontimie purch.asmg. its willing contri\>utors combined ly newspaper I have ever seen" In the Seventh bond drive water supply from the city of Ta- I their efforts to put the CommunThe 0. Erdman Drilling Com-. Zone 4 went well over its quota so says Don McCelland, a barber Legionnaires. The Auxiliary is holding its A happy event will take place pany of Elma started drilling on coma.. . · . _ I ity War Chest over in the South in Spanaway. After the McCclof $100,000 which is twice the Act10n was taken. hy the duce-I End district. Total contributions this Sunday at the Czech hall in the water well for the South East quota assigned to the South End lands. get through reading their meeting at the same time. The men who· attend are 'asked to tors to secure th~tr own water 1 Jate Tuesday night amounted to Parkland when mombers of the Tacoma Mutual Water Company cop.ir of the Pointer, they send it district for the Victory campaign. to their son, Donald, who at the bring their wives so that they can system when, dur;ng the early $1,694, or 154 per cent of the Tacoma Lodge No. 183, Western in Midland 011 Tuesday morning. It has a picture of the late attend the ladies' meeting. part. of 1945_ the city of Tacoma quota. The origidal quota assignBohemian Fraternal Assn. gather The Elma firm was successful present time is serving with the The women will serve lunch tennmated its wholesale wa.ter ed to the Prairie district totaled to burn the mortgage. At 'the bidders and th~ contract was Franklin Roosevelt on it and sells armed forces in Pearl Harbor. for $I SO, returning· $200. and refreshments to all those rates to all sub.urban companies. $!,!OO. same time a program commemo- awarded to the company after Why the Treasury Needs Money present. This resulted 111 a mo~e than Workers held a victory dinner rating Czechoslovakia's independ- meeting held by the Midland waThis is why the Treasury is Ed Nielson, 80cyear old citizen An interesting program has three hundred per cent mcrease at the home of Mrs. Iver Johnson ence day will be given. ter company last Saturday. asking for $11 billion in the Vicfrom Parkland, has every' right been arranged for tltc meeting. Members a·re expecting a numin the cost of water. Saturday, October 20. Each maDrilling of the well is one of tory Loan: · ' to claim to be the champion hog ber of visitors from Seattle, the first steps to be taken for Mcmbcrs of the b 0 a rd. of jor invited her own captains. ---0--1. Care of the wounded and reraiser of the South End. During trustees of the Parkland Light Before the dinner Cocktails Aberdeen and Hoquiam, as well' the Midland mutual company to GETS DISCHARGE habilitation of veterans. This job the summer, he fattened a hog and 'Nater .Company arc: Sta~ilcy were served by Miss Marie Huth. as the state org·anizer, Mrs. Irene secure their own water. system. is g·oing to be one of the nation's for his son-in-law, Stanley PeterTorn Bailey of Roy~arrived last Eosso, president; -W:a!tcr Damels, Mrs. llagerson, Mrs. Hitch and Devecka from Portland, Oregon. Excessiv'c increase in water rates biggest expenses for years to son, and the animal, which only Saturday morning at Fort Lewis vice president; Iver Johnson, sec- Mrs. St. Clair assisted with the ·rhe affair gets under way at by the City of Tacoma forced the dressed out 180 pounds, pro- and by Sunday night he was a retary; 0. J. Stuen, treasure, and dinner, and Miss Ame)ia Harstad 1 :30 Sunday afternoon when the Midland organization to plan come. :Mustering-out pay, education, loans, and general adminisduced six gallons of lard. ''free" man. He had received his Sidney Selden. These 1: 1 en_ h,~~e poured the coffee. . lodge meets for a short busin,ess their own system. After presentdischarge. brought a number of ptogte.s>:\e Those present included Me>l· session. At 2 :30 will be the mort- ing the matter to the corn,munity, tration of the G.I. Bill of Rights He will assist his father in op- steps si.ncc taking over directio.n dames Ralph Conrad, John N el- gage burning ceremonies fol- the 875 members decided it would must be added to care of the It is too bad- that among our erating the service station at the of the hght and water company s son, G. A. Stockton, O. T. Olson, lowed by a program of music and he a good business measure to wounded. good boys aiid girls in. the South 2. Cancellation and tenninaaffairs. Geo. La Vergne, Erick Selden, entertainment features. Refresh- proceed with the 1110\rement. End we have to have a few low- Roy "Y." tion of war contracts. Huge sums ments will climax the day. The well is being· drilled at 98 -~d-0wn pranksters, who last FriHarold Andersen, Harry Hitch, are still ref]uircd to pay for war L. V_ Zloch, Spanaway, is pres- and Jackson in Midland. day night -took the bus-stop shed Ul R. E. St. Clair, Severn Kittleson, materials which we1:e ordered, It will take about two or three produced and delivered months at Park Ave. and Sales Road and H. A. Doering, K,enneth J.acobs, id.ent of Tacoma Lodge and he is being assisted in arrangements by weeks to complete the test for pushed it down the ditch. As a I · R. L. Hagerson, l< red Damelson, ago. Where contracts are canresult, elderly women and young ']. II. Gonyea, Paul Hebb, G. Mrs. Mary Krutsky, secretary; the well, according to A. P. celled, payments must be prnde PRAIRIE SERGEANT TO The Pacific Lutheran College school children had to ·stand in 1-l aakenson, Art Swindland. Stan- Charles Little, Finahcial secy., Easton, manager-treasurer of the to contractors for losses suffered, GET ARMY DISCHARGE and Dudolf Rakusan, treasurer. the rain to wait for the bus. We Board of Trustees, meeting Octo• Midland company. and as contracts are terminated, S/Sgt. C. M. Goodman, who ley Willis, Ted Daniels, W. Fetber 17th at the college offices, ---o-----o------dare the youngsters who were terson, Clifford Olsnn, Burt, companies drop out of the excess has been serving in the European unanimously approved a building responsible to go back and put profits bracket and our taxes go theater for the past 18 months, is Kreidler Ed Ellingson, E. W. program for 1946 which inthe shed up-and act like real down, thus decreasing Federal expected to arrive in the States Purdue, 'A. 0. Anderson, Ed.win American boys instead of a gang cludes a sewage disposal plant, next week. Andrews, Van Munson, and the tax receipts. a new gymnasium, a new girls' of hoodlums. Two more members joined the 3. Inflation. While unemployMrs, Goodman is at present re- Misses Amelia Harstad, Marie dormitory, a science hall, and a Spanaway C.:ub Pack No. 34 Huth Lynn Haakenson, Karen Spanaway Volunteer Fire Dement will rise d urlfg the reconcollege shop. The board also ap- siding at Route 7, Box 428. had its regular monthly pack partment at the meeting held last version period, the big bulk of Sgt. Goodman expects to get Swindland and Kathleen Willis. The person who wrote the proved for a later development meeting last Thursday, October ---o--poem, "So_mebody Said It in 1947 or as s'oon as possible, his discharge from the army (Continued on page 2) J 8. The meeting was opened at Monday night at the Spanaway Couldn't Be Done," undoubtedly the completion of the library shortly a"fter he arrives. -0--7 :30 p. m. with the pledge to the school. The newly-elected mem---o--figured that folks like Misses and the building of a college flag_ Cuh Harold Tarpcning ren- bers are Orin Buck an<l Hugo Bernice Eklund and Lorna Rog- chapel and a central · heating dered a piano solo, after which Loveland. Boundary limitations, amount of ers would come along. For the plant. all joined in singing "Cubs Are The Fathers of the Fern Hill equipment needed, what to do two Parkland school teachers, in The entire building program Pre-school were gi \'1e'n a unique Fair." addition to their teaching chores will involve the expenditure of Barney Carlson, Boy Scout ex- treat Tuesday night as they were Den Chief Bernard Magelky with the present equipment were among items that came up before Miss Dawley Pr.esents Fine and many other activities, found approximately $ 6 5 0, 0 00. The ecutive for the Tacoma Council guests of the Fern Hill Pre- quizzed Cllbs Bobby Steidel, Jas. the lengthy meeting. Program to Gathering time to design, build, and paint building fund assets as of Octo- area,· and Cub Seout Commission:vliller, I Iarold Tarpcning, George school at a progressive dinner. Another meeting of the departtheir cozy home · on Thurman ber 17 total $510,650.58. Of this er Ed Purdue will be guest Miller, Donald Omat. Honalrl Approximately forty men were ment me111bers will be held in the Street, Parkland. The poem, if amount, $100,000 is at the present s1Jeakers al the scout dinner for Members of th e Parkland present to enjoy a meal that was Rraclshaw, Bobby Miller, and Er- Spanaway school on Monday, we recall, went like this: "Some- time being expehded for the mod- the Cub Scouts of America, served at four separate homes. nest Corp on the principles of P .. T. A. met last Friday afterOctober 29, 8 p. 111. All present body said that. it couldn't be ernizing of the old main building Troop No. 32, in the Parkland noon in the Parkland gymnasium. The guests gathered in the cubbing. Following this Cub Ron done, hut he wbuld be one who which was set up 51 years ago Methodist Church on Friday, home of Mrs. 13. E. Hutchins at aid Bradshaw pl~yed a zyther members and others who are in- After the flag salute, a hymn was terested in fire protection are rewouldn't say so until he had tried. and dedicated on October 14, Oct. 26. sung, followed by prayer led by 801 l S. Park for their cocktail. number and then he was presentSo he buckled right in with lift 1894. The architect declares that All cuhs and pare11ts of the From there they went to Mrs. M. ed with his bear badge. Movies quested to attend. Mrs. Clifford Olson. Miss Muriel 0 of a chin to tackle the thing that "Old Main" as it stands today boys between 9 and 12 are invited VJ. Anderson for their salad. concluded the program. Dawley presented a delightful couldn't be done, etc." We ad- could not be rebuilt for ·less than to attend the meeting whether From that point, the delegation Registration cards were presented PLC ALUMNI WILL program which included a rhythm mire the spirit of the teachers. they are cubs or not. $500,000. demonstration by 20 third grade went to Mrs. Henry Cudney at to George Miller, Donald Omat, MEET NOVEMBER 30 At the present time a dormiThe den mothers will provide 1011 96th for the main course. Members of the Pacific Luth- pupils, a folk dance by Bonnie Ro!oiert Steidel and Ernest Corp. The party ended when the felWedding bells rang Friday tory on the fourth floor in Old dessert, coffee and cream. Dishes Cub Pack 34 is making g·ood eran College alumni board will Nicol and Spencer Phipps, and evening for \Vanda Zoe Lape and Main is being completed which and cutlery will also be provided. lows ate their <lesser in the home prggress, and this meeting had an 111cct in the home of the faculty several numbers sung by the Jr. An interesting program is be- of Mrs. H. J. Hartley, 8805 S. 85% attendance. This is signifi- representative, Miss Anna Marn Hi Girls!. Ninette. During the Bill Harrison. Bill, as you folks will take care of 47 extra students might know, is the managing and will hold 189 hoarding stu- ing planned by the cub officials Ainsworth. cant in that it indip1tes the sue- Nielsen at Parkand, on Thursday, business session conducted by --o--editor and !inotype operator at dents. l t is expected that the new and it will be worth attending. cess of the Spanaway cub pro- Nov. l, at 7:30 p. m. to make Mrs. Vern Tuttle, president; Mrs. ---o--the Prairie Pointer. He and his dormitorv will take care of an adMargaret Degerlund of Ho- gram. Cubbing is built on the plans for the annual alumni re- Henry Berntsen gave a report on · bride from sunny California are ditional ioo boarding students. quiam spent the weekend with interest of parents and in Spana- union to he held on Sunday, Feb. the County Convention. Dr. Eastvold, president of the After the meeting refreshments enjoying a week's honeymoon. h e r cousin, Bernice Eklund, way the parents are showing a 24, and attend to other alumni F were served in the basement with Any typographical errors appear- college, stated that it is expected real interest. business. Parkland school teacher. Mrs. Storaasli and Mrs. SwindMeeting of the Midland Vv. C. ing in this newspaper for the that the inale members of the land pouring, .assisted by the next two weeks can be accounted student body will be tripled when T. U. will be held Nov•. 6th in fhe girls', ninette. The tables were far and ·we'll claim that Bill is the new athletic program is in- home (if Mrs. M. Steele on Colaugurated in the fall of 1946, and lins Road. decorated with autumn centerthe guy who is responsible. the entire student body will be pieces of candles surrounded by Special music, and the tying on nearly doubled within the next of the Ribbons, on the children Twenty-eight months of over- hons to the lonely G.I. Selection a missionary and one that didn't fall leaves, ivy, pumpkins, grapes, will take place. Sgt. Fr.ed Ahrens arrived horn.e year or two. seas service has proved two ·of gifts, writing letters, sei;ving was as great as day and uight," apples, oranges and corn in the as second "Emily Post" werP concluded Lt. Hovland. The building program for 1946 Luncheon will be served as husks. last Sunday to spend two weeks things to Lt. Gladys M. Hovland, "It is a cinch that from now . The third grade had the most with his family and friends. Sgt. calls for .immediate procedure to usual, by the following hostesses, Parkland nurse: First, that the among the many services renAhrens is stationed at Camp have' the college architect draw Mesdames M. Steele, L. Engler. American G.I. were a group of dered by the nurse while she was on I will be an ardent booster .mothers iu attendance at the and contributor to the foreign meeting. serving overseas. Knight, Oakland, Calif. His wife up plans and specifications for and C. C. Ring. swell fellows who really did enThe main topic for discussion mission funds.," The An1erican ---o----aand daughter are living with his the llroposed science hall, gymjoy the medical treatment they of the soldiers was their wives churches have made a great conparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred nasium and women's dormitory. PETTY OFFICER IS received. Second, that foreign or their sweethearts. The men, al- tribution. There is still a great Tlw, executive committee .of the VISITING HERE Ahrens, Sr., Waller Road. missions, sponsored by the Amer(Continued on page 3) Petty Officer Wilbur J cw ell, ican churches, have made a won- most to a man, were true to their deal to he accomplished and the -·--owho has spent 16 years in the derful and invaluable contribu- loved ones at home. Very few of American people should get beA Parent Night has been arnavy, is spending a 60-day leave tion to the natives in the South the soldiers stepped out on their hind their fine work." The hundreds of Prairie deer GETS DISCHARGE Lt. Hovland's 28< months over.- ranged by Parkland Boy Scout faithful lovers . in Parkland with his wife and Pacific. . ~Jrnnters who" went hunting and Lt. Hovland spent 14 months in seas was not all work. She was Troop No. 33 in. the Trinity LuThomas B. Hurley, fireman family. came back without the promised As ;,i heap nurse, Lt. Hovland, Townsville, Australia, and 12 able to enjoy some of the sights theran Church parlors on ThursHe arrived on Tuesday. He was venison will be interested in read- first class in the Coast Guard, while serving in Australia · and months in New Guinea. offered by South Pacific nature. day, Nov. 1, at 7:30 p. m. ing a poem by Mrs. R. E. Lape. arrived in Tacoma last Sunday on the same ship as was Orwall New Guinea, gave medical treatA scouting demonstration and It was while she was in New A sight long to be remembered Dahl, also of Parkland. While in "Feeling the urge primeval in and four days later he received Saipan, Petty Officer Jewell left ment to countless number of Guinea that she gave medical aid is the Blue Mountain. A water a display of handiwork will be our veins, we salied forth for deer his discharge. American soldiers, and it was to 111:iny nf fl1(• n;itivf"s, ?!'.' .St:'V~r:d frtll, 500 stG:'!e t":teps high, !nakes features lo uc offered during the Mrs. Hurley, daughter of Rob the ship, hecatise he felt that he with grim misgiving. But brightwhiie in the South Paciiic thea- were quartered in the American- a very picturesque setting. evening. would be able to make the States Bartley on Airport H.oad, resided 1Y UJu 1Ja1ne .r uriune s1nuc upon ter for over two years that she made hospitals. The food, as a whole was fine. Refreshments will be served to us, For, 111ark you, brother, are in Parkland for nearly four years that much faster. "\Ve had a chance to visit The soldiers did get tired of the par en ts and frien els. Instead of beating Orwall Dahl could judge the U. S. soldier. while her husband was in the we not still living? "You have no idea how swell some of the small villages in dehydrated foods after some Parents of the scouts are urged to the U. S., Jewell hit the nation "For up and down the canyons South Pacific. they were," stated the local which there were located Ameri- time. to attend this rally to give these Mr. H nrley is back at his old weeks after Dahl arrived. did we travel, Across great hills Lt. Hovland, who has spent fine scouts encouragement and Mrs. Jewell will be remembered nurse, who is a graduate of the can missionaries. It didn't take a11d. valleys did we roam. We job-fireman for the Northern one long to discov·er that such a nearly four years in the service. enthusiasm to carry on the selfdidn't get the deer we started for. Pacific Railroad. The Hurleys as the former Lucille Behmer, Tacoma General Hospital. Many hours of Lt. Hovland's church leader was around. The will be discharged on January 26 building program for the youngBut what of that, kind reader? are remodeling their home on daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. sters. t,jme was taken to give sugges- difference between one that had of next year. Airport Road. · Behmer, Parkland. We got home."
. . B ·.Id"1ngs; P. L. C. To Get Three New Co lst ruction Will Start February First
Spanavvay Cubs Showing Progress
Cub Scouts To Meet on Friday
Two More Join Spanaway Fire Dept.
Pre-School Dads IJnjoy Rare Treat
ll1idland W.C.T.U. Meets on Nov.
tJ, 1, '<t Weu
~· ;:>~, 4a'f4
Parents Night Is Planned by Scouts
,. 1
Page Two
Thursday, October 25, 1945
letters to the Editor -ALI· .,
A Greater Pacific Lutheran College
The announcement that approximately $650,000 will be spent at Pacific Lutheran College for three new buildings and on several renovation projects is well received by the thou"sands of residents in the South End. The modern P.L.C. will bring to the Prairie a beautiful and attractive campus-a scene sure to add to "advantages" of the South End district. The money to be spent on the building program is only the start of money that will be flowing into Patkland. A bigger and better P.L.C. w,ill mean more students, more activity. That means more revenue. Yes, the growth of Pacific Lutheran College means the expansion of the Prairie. .An institution's worth to tb'e community can be measured in two ways: I-the amount of money it brings to the community; 2-the kind of influence it exerts on the citizenry of that community. While the South Enders can rejoice over the large amount of m,oney that is being spent in Parkland to expand P.LC., they should never lose sight of the real value of the institution-the kind of influence it has on Parkland, Brookdale, Spanaway, and the entire Pacific Northwest. ., Now tbat P.L.C. will be expanded, we are confident that its student body will increase in rapid ratib. We feel that @ ESQOlRE, INC., l 0-1;, hundreds of young boys and girls will be attracted to the Reprinted from the August issue of Esquire. HLel'8 pretend you're (1 buck pri<•afe for the P.L.C. campus from all over the Northwest. next couple of lwurs!" The move made by the Board of Trustees at last week's meeting is to be commended. Their vision to give the Lutherans of the Pacific Coast a first rate senior college will mean Victorv _Bond Drive a better education for thousands of young Americans-in an Home Town Notes (Conti;rned from I'age 1) From all Points in the U. S. ideal, Christian atmosphere. :\!llerican wage earners will still he earning high \Yagcs and ,,·ill The founders of the institntion· some 50 years ago, who HER POINT WELL 'TAKEN h:t,·e the most monc•y accunrnlat met u111der difficult odds to plan. and organize the college, Cleveland, 0. When Capt. cd that they\•c ha;] for .. years. were not betrayed by the present regents, who last week took Ernest C. Tiede, Jr., ,with plenty l'rl'SL'llt figures indicate that the steps symbolic of those taken by the L u.theran leaders a half of puints to ccme home, signed ""inflationary gap"--thc diiferencc up for the Anny of Occupation between purchasable goods and century ago. services an<l iucome will be in Germany, his wife decided 1t was a do\\'nright case nf neglect of duty ·and sued fur cli1·orce on that ground.
**** Labor and Capital
Labor and capital, as essential to the American way of living as freedom of speech, freedom. of worship, and freedom of press, during the past years have had a tendency to go in opposite directions. The rcsuh has become very dangerous to the economic system of our country. Labor cannot exist witb0out capital; likewise, capital cannot prosper witbout labor, Yet leaders of both groups have accomplished very little in settling the difference between the two groups. Surely, there is a better and more American way to come to terms than the strikes that have occured throughout the nation. Destruction of prnperty and loss of life is a high price to pay. For in the end it seems that terms between the two groups result only in a wider gap. If it is necessary for labor to organize to obtain proper working and living standards from capital, which we have no doubt is necessary. then steps should be followed to bring about a fairer understanding between tbc two groups. We feel that education is the only solution. Proper presentation of the problems of the two groups during high school ·so that all the boys and girls can get a clear and unprejudiced "opinion may be one alternative. Organizational procedures and benefits that can be derived from an organized working class and the ]'imitations of the capital interests are items that can be explained. in high school so that every American can be come acquainted with problems that lie ahead. A clearer understanding together by both classes will not only bring the two i,nterests closer together, but will go a long way toward eliminating the racketeers in labor circles who are getting tremendously rich, both in money and in power, at the expense of the poorly-informed working rnan.
**** Faith in the Scouting Program
LAW IS LIKE THAT Los Angeles, Calif.-Detective Sgt. V. R. Penny parked his car in a street car
load,ing- zone to
arrest A ftcr safely wagon fellow
I, for' one, think it would improve immensely the. postal service tu the Sclllth Entl citizens.
-\V.L.B., lfoute 3.
LIKES POINTER Dear rd r. Beard: I han· )ust finished reading your first edition of the Prairie Pointer, which Mrs. Parrott. sent me. and have enjoyed it very abont $-W billio11 this year. Jn ad- much. Pease accept my cougratnladitiun, . \111cricans have accu1nuInted about $100 billion in sav- tiQllS 011 your fine accomplishment. ings since Pearl Harbor. Yours truly, . lf this extra rnoncy is sa,·ed, it Miler Parrott, can provide a h;icklog of buying Capt., M. C., PO\\'cr and a steadying influence lJ. S. Army for years to come. Con\'erscly, if Leghorn, Italy people should lry 10 spend it 1101v
Olson Electric
We hope there arc many other people in Spanaway who will become imbued with some of the enthusiasm shown by these men to assist in carrying on the Scout work. It is a worthy and noble work. It is the type of work that will make better boys-and in turn, better citizens and leaders for tomorrow for Span.away, and for the nation. It is a work that takes time, patience, and pLmning. The Scouts and troop committee in Spanaway possess all three. Otherwise, they could not have accomplished what they have done so far.
he told police - ""Judd was hlo yonng and skittish fur 111c." SE:\TTLE ir~tt'l
A co11m11111ity newspaper for Midland, Parkland, Ilrookdale, and Spanaway. Published every Thursday by Beard Printing Co., P. 0 Box 797, Parkland, Wash. Application for Second Class 1fail Mattei· Permit Pending at the Postoffice, Parkland, \i\Tasl1ington
When a sailor fell
the harbor, a
rushed to his rescue. She pullet! l1illl Ottt, then discovered he was wearing no pants. So she p11si>L·d him back in again and walked away. by
NEW BR l TAT N, Conn. Louis Frink, operator of a gas station here, kissed a quarter goodbye when /\rth11r Moynihan, New York, drove away without paying. T1vo weeks later Moynihan. sent Frink a dollar from N cw York, apologizing fur his oversight. Grateful Frink, an honest man, p_romtly mailed back 75 cents. 'J'hc charge, he said, was ;1
two pickpocket suspects. *** the two prisoners were before n1any consu111(T guocls are FROM COFFEE c;towt'cl away In the patrol available, chaos can result. 4. Bringing n1t·11 ho111c. It's just Dear l\lr. Beard: he. returned to his car. J\ T am delighted to h'arn that policeman had tagged it as expensive as sending them ewer. and the prcwcss will go on you arc publishing· a new weekly fur illegal parking. periodical to serve the Parkland, inr an indefinite period. 5. lvlaintaining· annies of occu- Spanaway a11tl Midland sectors. WHAT'S IN A NAME? Northampton, Mass. - Triplet pat iun. 1-lousing-, feeding, gh'ing l shall place yon on my mailing boys horn lo Mr. and Mrs. Eoy rncdical care to at least t\\'O list, and· shall 'end out news reV. Bo11rchard were called A, B ar111ies abroad is a co~tly business leases to yon as you suggest. I "-ish yon e\'ery success in and C for hos;>ital it!entilicatio11. which \vi11 go on fc)r son1ctin1cyour' puhlisliing 'activities. I shall Yc'terd.ay the parents chose their \\'C don't kno\\' how lu111-.:-. In listing the Treasu1·;>s needs, be pleased to cooperate with yon 11a111~cs: (I) Tom, (2) Dick,· (3) we realize that not all of them in every way in that field. Harry. Cordially, make good ad\'ertising material. ;\sking people t11 h11y bonds to John M. Coffee, GLOOMY FUTURE Member of Cong-ress. Arkansas City, Kas.-Lt. l{ich- maintain their sons abroad is -o--probably useless. They'd rather ard H. H owahJ 1 naval surgeon on bonds to pay for bringing CASTER CUPS Gnatll, writes home that under sons home. J\ nd explaining If caster cups arc placed under the p1·ese11t Navy point system why it costs money to stop buyeach leg the bed will not roll and he figures he will he 78 years old before he qualifies - for a dis- ing war materials is a fairly com- leave black marks. The dark spots plicated joh. charge. can be removed by wiping withB11t when we ask for your supa soapy cloth dipped in kerosene. porti 've 'vant you to kno\\' the L;\S VEGAS, NL'V.- Sgt. Les complete story. ter Scltmc,el, a llllmecorning GI, Why Buy Victory Bonds? rushed int.J the arms of his waitvVc helie1·c the American peoLOTS AND ACREAGE ing wife, Ann, Jost his balance, ple sltu11ld-aml will- Jene] their fell through their front porch lat- n10ney tu help pay our debts to N. L. McDONALD tice work into a concrete drive- the mrn who fought our war ":Jld LICENSED ENGINEER GARLAND 9300 way. I lruiscd Im! undismayed, he were hurt doing so. -\\I e' bcli,cvG Estimates Given by Phone gut 11p, essayed another clinch, that the care of the wounded, the \HIS co11ked on the head by a care of families of men killed, and IJrick jarn:d luc1se fru111 the chi111the rehabilitation of veier:rns can WIRING LICENSED lll'.V. '"\Velcorn~ hollle. dear,'' said lie used to produce ]ltl\\'erful and FIXTURES IlONDED his wife. cfiectivc advertising for the Victory Loan. TUSC:OLOOS1\, Ala. Club 0. M. OLSON \Ve believe people will hu1· Vicofficials stopped caddies fro!ll tory bonds lo help pay for bringGr. 8983 filching g-"li balls from a \\'alcr ing_ our rncn ho111e. Rt. 1, Box 301, Spanaway hazard here by i11stalling a Jin· And we believe that tntl:1y, alligatur 111 the hazard. rnore than ever before, peqple will buy Victory bonds i11 their YONKE HS, N. Y.-Michacl own self-intcre.><L Ju the past four years, the Dildaba11ian became irked when AT lhe door of a trulley was slam- American people have shown cxmed in his face as he was about rcllcnt judgrncnt, by and laq~·e, iu to. board th1' car. So he rammed their attitude toward bond buyhis iist through the door, cli111hed ing. As individuals, as conmntniaboard aut! atte111ptcd to throttle ties, as a '"hole) they ha\'C, the 1t1olori11a11. ] n con rt, he won through tl1,·ir hond h11yi11g, laid the fnl11Hla1ion for a sound antl a sympathetic' pardon. Gr. 7398
Hours of hard work and faith in the American scouting program has brought miraculous results in Spanaway. \Vhcn the scouts of that community were having trouble finding a suitable meeting place'. a group of Spanaway men resolved that something should be done about the situation. Men like Harold Schwarz, H,erman Fuchs. George King, H;. R. Bradshaw, and there are several more, went to work to get a borne for the Scouts. There were people in Spana way who said that it couldn't be done. They said tljG community was too small to merit and support a scout home. But these leaders; did not falter. More determined than ever, they decided that it could be done. '.l'hey were not wrong. LONG BEACH. Calif.-llotA fine scout home, ·which at the present time is being renovat- !('llljll'rccl I .orcnzo T. Forter, 84, ed and enlarged, stands as a tribute to their hard \.Vork and shut. ant! killl'd his old buddy, \Villia111 T. J1Hlt!, 74, heca11sesupport.
RURAL ROUTE Dear Editor_: Several weeks ago the Prairie Pointer carried an article about the expansion potentialities of the South End district and the items that should be considered to meet the growth. l like some of the po in ts brought out by your paper; it is indeed a public service for your publication to constantly remind the readers of the big job that lies ahead. H owcvcr, one project that J think sho11Jd be considered, ancl one that you die! not mention, is tran,.;f.crring the .nual route from the substation at Fern Hill to tjic l'arklancl postofficc. At the present time, there arc five routes running out of the !<"cm llill office and two of these routes do nut "'start" u11til they pass the Parkland area. Althtrngh they serve ·Parkland, Bro.okdale and part of Spanaw:iy area, they originate from the Fern Hill district. It doesn't seem logical to me. It seems to me that the folks in Parkland shoulll make a study or survey (;f the situation. Sure1)•, our postal department, when inf ormcd of the conditions, will take fa,·orablc action on the matter. \Vhat do you say, Parkland? Let"s g·et behi11d the move and get our corn.mtrnity what it dc-
Kitchen Cabinets
Home Builders Supply
prosperous pnst-\var ('COno111y. If they can be persuaded to cxercisl' that sa1llc good judg-111ent
during the critical ti111cs i111111etliatcly ahead, we have 11uthing to fcar. Today, uearly 90 million Americans own war honds. Nearly 3tl million have been buying bo1~tls n·gularly 011t of i>arnings. These !JCtlJJlc ha vc learned to save and like it_. They have acccpte1l bond lnr.ying as a 1ncthucl uf altainiug :-;uch personal gLlals as owning- a home, educating chilclrcn, starting a lrnsiness. They like the idea of having an emergency fund for a period of post-war uncertainty -a period which is now hard upon us.
Doors - Sash Hardware Paint Gus Sivara. Owner
"Across From The Parhland Postoffice."
11 I
1141 Broadway-Store Hours: 10 to 5:40 P. M.-MAin 4141
PARKLAND REALTY COa Notary Public Car Insurance Fire Insurance · Real Estate
COAL-Eastern· and Washington WOOD-Upland l\1ill Wood
SA\tV11UST-· Clean Upland SI..:IAVINGS-Dry
GR 8235
McCANN-GILLUM, Owners GR8205 "A Good Place to Trade"
Commercial Build:ng
Residential Building
General Painting and Spray Work 'l{U2\fi' fjA 'ili' ~'fi3ll~
Dairy Maintenance ~ 91'11~ 'ifl'lil\;"'.I'
WV!d ~&&.a·t!!i ~~ ~~~££~ General Contracting and Millwork M. E. PEDERSEN · Architectural Designer Route 7, Box 1001
Tacoma, Washington
GRanite 8162
Anything In the Cabinet Line at the
PR 8226 (Evenings)
LAPENSKI FUEL Old Growth Forest Wood Cedar Fence Posts
(}Ranite 8173 C)8TH AND PACIFIC
GR 7321
George H. \Voolhouse
Corner Mt. Road & Garfield
GR 8894
L. H. Darrow-C. Thurman Givens-H. M. Andersen
Entire Family
Exce!fent Meats For The
PORTLAND, Mc. - Grounds for divorce: Mrs. Edwina Hammonds is suing her husband because, while he slept each night in their bedroom, he forced her to s.lcep in the chicken coop.
On Tbc Mountain Road
Groceries - A1eats - Hot Dinners F ou1itain -~ Magazines
Thursday, October 25, 1945
MA4122 Interurban Auto Freight, Inc.
Daily Service to Parkland, Spanaway and Surrounding Territory.
Want a turkey for youi; Thanksgivino- or Christmas dinner? The Brook-
Pil il JJl JE
~:~ ':~t~·;on~ :rbthoen m~~~i
i) p!.l Jl~f i)
Tlie Parkland fo,itli:tll tearn added another victory to its long· string Jvlonday afternoon at Mid~ i land as they deff'ated the fi,Ld1ling JV.Ji<lland crew, 7-0. ln llwir first meeting at Parkland, several weeks ago, the Parkland club \\'Oil from the rvlidl;llld gTid,;krs, 13-0. In JVlondav's tussil', it was the PUMPS-OIL BURNERS ileet-fo,1tcd . Cleve \Voorls whu seorcd the lone tally oi the game. SEPTIC TANKS \Villi only cig·ht sceonds rcmainINSTALLED-REPAIRED i11g· in the second :-1U1nza, the l'arklancl sparkplug inlerceptctl a iv! i<iLrnd pass and thc11 raced 30 yards fur the touchdo1ni. i\ slrnr1 GR 8060 PARKLAND pass. Hill Waters lo 11 ans Dahl, ~'~~"1~ I was goo(r for tlic r:xlra point. \Voocls, who intercepted four passes during the aftcrlloon, Bub l\ cl so 11, and Gene Storaasli luokcd good for the Parklan:l clen:11. DELIVERY SERVICE
Proselyting Now In Anny Camps 'J
tli:tt a ](ii of pru.-;(·lyting· tnuk pace in 111a11y cu1iii p1·t·11·ar tiay,; to lure tlie outstanding high chool athletes.
t is nn '."'ccn:t
play tournament for its members. Wally Carr, manager of the club, announced that
m m
iii m
six turkeys will be giv.en away Sunday to the Willncrs of the matches, The club, which is sponsoring weekly tournaments, will continue to give turkeys as prizes from now until Christmas.
,., •
/Vte 4.i • d JI h f f I an a . ot er orms 0 nsurance
Office 223 Tacoma Bldg. RES. PARKLAND
rn m m rn
m rn II
Phone MA 3311
PHONES GR 8052 & GR 8718
m m
:.:l:mm:m::a:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::m:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::mm:::;:: _____ _
Hanson and Hedlund Fairway Winners
I 1· tlic Cldlcg-e ofr1rials \\·en~n't t~irectly re,~punsibie, it \Vas- the Joe Hanson and Carl .Hedlund, ;il11n!l1i-lllaybe 11 ith '""ct:ral oil wells flu wing at full force-that carne 10 the aid oi their :tln1;t m:tkr and nJluuteered to "pay ·the hill" both uf Parkland, tied for top honors iu the fairway shots con· fur so111e µ;uutl fuuthall player~;. test held at the College Golf 1t happenc·d i11 e1·ery sccliun of the country, despite legislation Course last Saturday'. outlined by :-;u111e upright college sport::1ncn to outla"' such tactics. l nck111cnt weather on Sunday \Ve knew a certain footb:1 ll playc'r, whu set a scoring record prcveutcd continuance of the \Yithill lii:s di tri1_'t, \vlio \Yas offcri..:d twu hundred s111ackcrs a 1nontb tournarnent. Hoth of the golfing lt> ''st'lcct" :i frrta1n rnllege . .\ncl this case can be multiplied hun- aces came in with 49 fairway I drives. J.tay O'Flyng copped third dredio!d. pri;,c with a score of 55 strokes. The 11·ar stopJ•t·d the prthcly1is111, at least most of it ll'ithin the --·-O--culkge circlt's. But 1l ;;urcly has nut stopped in army circles. CROW'S ENEMIES
Frank Murphy
m m m
Free Turkeys
-11 f::;:::m;;;m:::::;;;;;;;;::::::m:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;:;;~,,,,,,,,,;:~
Page Five I
PARKLAND GRIDSTERS WIN PAIR OF GAMES We saw it happen last weekend when orders came to Fort Raccoons arc listed as among 'l'lie r:irkland ··,·ar.Sitv'' \\ Ul1' Lewis transferring Dick Bassi, Robert Kahler, Ray Hare and Theo the chief enemies uf the crow. h.andil 0.'. over 11ie. Eopon·sc;n clc1·c1:. 1 · Jast J ucsday by the scurc ol 1 Lapke to the Second Air Force at Colorado Springs, Colo., a camp th.at undoubtedly is going in for the game for all it's worth. 32-0. . Although without the services :\11 four soldiers 1ilayctl pr<J football. Bassi was with the Chicago oi their ace quarterback, IJayc l:c;1rs, J(aliler with the Green nay Packers, and Hare and Lapke Vogelbacher, who lll•>Vt'.il a\\'ay, the Parklanclcrs had little trouble l':ith thL' Washington l~edskins. lsn'1 i1 otld th:.t four pr,1 fooH>all players-011ly ones on the in crossing the pay station fiye t:i1ncs <luring the Cl111il~st. shirpi11g urtkr::·--:d1uuld go 1tJ Colorado Springs at the same time for Ken Bortcl and Gene Storaasli tl1e ::an1c purpose:· :\.1H.l then yuu and J Ila\·,, been told that· there both scun:d two tallies for .the aren't any pulitic's in tile arn1y. Parkland eleven. Bob \Vaters, * ;\: ll'lt1> ably filled the shoes uf Qu;Hkrback Vogclhachcr, 1Yas rcspo11'ii>k for the uthcr Parkland marker. l'<ay Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Johnson, Parkland, The u n cl c i cat c d l';irkbnd is one of the many basketball stars reporting for cage drills at i\.J idgl'ls kept tl1eir perfect record vVashington State College at Pullman. Ray, one of the finest athintad by blanking the Eu,:uws011 letes <0ver produced at Lincoln High School, was a three-letter Midgets. Bob Olafson, Dick winner at Vv .S.C. last year and he's sure to duplicate that feat this IJ utchens. am! H.ich Si111crson 2 x 6 AND 2 x 8 WELL were standouts for the winning school term. Ray, in addition to lettering in basketball, took honCRIBBING I >arklant! ·eleven. ors in baseball and .,golf that netted him a "W" in each of those O··two sports. ,,, ;lo
(;ENERAL AlJTO REPAIR.ING -Tires and Auto Accessories-
PHONE GRahmn 109
ROY KREGER (Scars Eodi;1ck Company)
Home Phone
GR 8094
Sport Notes Frmn Hei:e and There
PRO TEI '"ro encourage the conservation of protein feed by poultry and tnrkcy raisers. dairyn1e11. and other lives! ock iccdcrs dminp; the sca,;unal shortage of tl1e next (\() days. a reduction sho11lcl lie rn.ade in the a111oun1 nf protein guing into poultry nut! dairy rations for this emergency period, it was leciclcd by leading feed ma1111facturers, jobbers, dealers and other members nf the Pacific Northwest Feed Association emergency advisory cun1n1iiiL'C \\'ho 111et in Seattle recently, the Extension Service of \Vashington Stale College. That protcin users should adjust their feeding practices so as to offset the reduction of protein ingredients in the feeds, was recommended by the feed association committee, Meeting with the c111crge11cy
Interior and Exterior Decorating Paperhanging Sheet Rock Taping Spray Painting All Work Gtiaranteed
CALL GR8817 or Write P. 0. Box 131
ITH MA KET Corner Qf Airport Road And Pacific
GROCERIES MEATS I-IAY GRAIN FEEDS If There is Some Item in Groceries That You Have B~~u U;-,.ab1c tv P.iu.d, T:ry Smith's· We May Have It. (GOOD THINGS TO EAT)
Phone GR 9971
\\',- :tre ghd tu heal' that \larv I larshrnan has retnrnetl to his a!l!l:l mater tu lake u1Tr lhc ba.skcthall coaching chores. VVc know that the candidates out for thc~ club arc glad to hear the lll'\\'S. It is rc1narkable the kind of influence - very positive - that a fell ow like Harshman can transmit into his players. !\ couple of \\'Ceks ago we talked to Ernie Perrault, only letterman witfi any seasoned cxpcriCllCL' un the Lute squad. Ernie sang the praises for Harshman, not only as a capable mentor but also a~ a "real guy." H arshman's contact w it h lnmdreds of servicclllc11 will surely he a rich experic11ce tu him and will aid him i11 he1ter handli11g the. men who come out for HARSHMAN the basketball team.
\Ye n.~ali"c th;!l 1\lar1· will 11ul ha1'e a lot of experienced material tu work wi1l1; fur that re;tson ire arc not expecting too big a thi11g fro111 hi111 this sea.·~1.111. But we, like hundred, uf other admirers, \\'ill be Hitting in the blcachl'rs a11d pulling for lnrn and tl1c Lui.es.
rcscntatil'es uf thc: State Dcpartlllent of Agriculture, 1\AJ\ and the St;1te College of YVashi11gtu11. Tile shortage of soybcall rneal, cottunseed meal am! •Jthcr protein feed is the result of a seasnn;i I decline in production of these materials, together with ·increased 1.1Se of p.rotcin !J,).' feeders in the State of \V ashingttlll and the nation, it was pointed ont by the committee. Protein in poultry ind .turkey m.ashc~. sh.ould b,·"·' reduced to a max;mnm of 18 per cent, it was suggested. Dairy feeds should contain a maxin111rn of 16 per cent protein. This emcr• gcncy. measure u.f rcd11cing protein contcut of feeds shuuld be put into irn111cdiate effect, The Stale College of \Vashinglun points ou that turkey raisers can help conserve protein during the critical protein shortage by i.ncreasing· their fee.ding of grain and by the use of more pasture, alfalfa-hay and grcep focds. All laying birds over two years of a,,.e that arc not i11tended for b~ccdcrs conld be culled .. Mash hoppers for turkeys anrl chickens should be so constructed as to prevent w:1stc. Dairymen can help to meet the
**** More good hews around Pacific Lutheran College came .,when news was released that work would commence next year on a new gymnasium. It is a field house badly needed 'On the campus. \\!hen «. is completed we louk for so1He exciting, bigtimc baskc:tl>;ill. Surely, witll thr new gy111 ancl a good quintet, the Lutherans \r·ill he ahle to bring· so1lle tnpnotch clubs to Parklai1d.
Open Tuesday Thru Saturday
2nd & Mt. Highway
GR 8235
_FUEL. 0 I l .DE l'I VERY
GR 8362
H.oute 7, Box 420
UNE OF PARKLANo~s EQUIPPED GARAG S Let [ls Do. Your Automobile Repairing With New Jl.J achinery
GR 73~4 1 R. E.POCHEL
Your Local Di.stributor of General Pctrokum Products At Brookdale on Mt. Hiway '"
Evenings by Appointment
T.hese Items Are Available At Our Store
I~~. r
One Block North Of Parkland School On Pacific Ave.
Printed By
PH 0 NE .G R 8 4 4 3 .. -
Printing Co
This is a 1nodern typographical laboratory for producing only the best. The workers are union craftsmen with the ability to create really fine conunercial printing.
Music lovers of this c'bn1111tF nity will be pleased to karn of the new series of classical concerts planned for the co!lling season. The Spanaway Syniphony will be fc:llurcd. A t_llli<Jl!C f,ca turc c;f thL".1 org;_liJiI:i!.iic1:i"1 1:-; i1Jttl the entire bass section is formed of local nimrocls blo1\ing across the mouths of gallon jugs filled to various depths with salmon eggs, anglc\vor111s and assorted fish baits. Tickets on sale. a.t the Target. C\tlv7p)
We Sell Fuel
shortage . lh.c ·b.es·t.· s- [ sible use by. of nhay, silage antl 1.10.· pastures. This is an opportnnc time to cull poor producers from the herd, it was recommelttled. [ CONCERTS
Sill RLE\' SCJl\V.\HZ
r~,l~E-'mtPnt "'f - _..._.. __ ,..._..,•._._.,JI_ .... ,_,.JL
p I ..a
(". B"h.-.~,,.1
e..lliL...I<> '--"'•
'-..A:1..1.up ..... .1.
PD~--~"-- OA'"}L'
~.I. '\...U1J.l Lt; 0'1"JU
Page Six
SUMMERS JOINS BROTHER IN PARKLAND BUSINESS After being discharged from the na\·y at Corpus Christi, Tex., air station, R. B. Summers has come to Parkland to join his brother, T. E. St1111mers in operating a wholesale drug and sundries business. Summers was accompanied by his wife and yonng daughter Jackie, and they will make their home in Parkland pcrrnancntly. At present they are staying with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Sumlllers, Cleveland and G.
&~-~ dea~,
GR 7512
Thursday, October 25, 1945
RINSO or OXYDOL, lge. pkg ... 23c LUX FLAKES. ---------------------------,---- .lOc DREFT _______________________________________ , _______ .26c PEE'I'S _____________ __________ Large 31c SUPER SUDS ___ ___ _______3lc SWAN, Large ___________________________ 2-for 2lc SWAN, Medium _______________________ 3 for 20c LIFEBUOY ________________________________ 3 for 2lc PALMOLIVE ____________________________ 3 for 2lc LUX ____________________________________________ 3 for 2lc COFFEE Hills, M J B, Golden \Vest _____ .2 lbs. 65c PANCAKE SYRUP _______ l GaL $1.35 KRISPY CRACKERS ___ .2 lb. pkg.-3lc
, ,
The Pointer tells all. about your ing GR 8436 when you have ,a visitor, a party, take a trip, etc. '
J. E. 'Na Lie, Sr., of. Yakima, is
weeks with his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don McCellend of Spanaway. They are expecting Lt. J. E. \Va<le, Jr., who is getting his ---o---M r. and Mrs. C. D. 11 nnt of discharge from the armed forces by the end of the month. At the Spanaway, spent a most enjoypresent time, the army. officer is able week-end in Vancntl\''f'r, B.C. ~o--'tatione<l in Massachusetts. . * ** ANNOUNCEMENT ** Rosemary~ Vogelbacher, eighth Fern Hill Shop, 8239 So. l'ark vVm. K. (Bill) Ramstad along grade Parkland student, who with Mrs. Ramstad arrived in Avenue, will open for business ICE CREAM - MAGAZINES - BOXED CHOCOLATES 1110vct.l recently· to Minnesota, was Parkland last week to spend a Friday, October 26. \'le will buy honored at a going a\vay party few days with his parents, Mr. and sell antiques, bric-a-brac, We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities given for her by Shirley Gasaway anti Mrs. A. \V. Ramstad, and handwork, used furniture. Hours ~and Jackie Cunns at. the latter's sister Il elcn. H c is now in "civ- 11 to 6 daily. Telephone GArland home, Monday evening. T he ics" after being discharged from n7~ 7c honored gt1est was presented the U. S. air force. Bill was a with a link bracelet with each lieutenant and navigated Flying FRESH GROUND link bearing one of her friend's Forts "over Germany for some names. Those present were Ethel time. The couple will make their CENTER CUT Girt, Pauline Panter, Minerva home in Seattle while he finishes VVoods, Patricia Daniclso"n, Ptt- his course in the University of FOR SALE Second Growth Wood tricia Pike, Vi\'ia·n Gecrtz, Janet 'vVashington -la\\' school. JACK GR 8539 4tp Klippen and the hostesses. * ** STRAWBERRY PLANTS* * * Mr. and Mrs. A. vV. Ramstad, GRADE A Sta te inspected Dorsett, New R. E. Lape, formerly of Span- Parkland, were hosts at Sunday Oregon, Improved Marshall, away, flew to Bremerton and Jinnc.r for relatives honoring the" Oregon Special, and BrightSeattle on a husincss trip Thurs- return of 'vVm. K. Ramstad a1~d FRESH BULK more. East 8Sth and Golden day, October 18. wife. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Given Road. C. Fossum, Rt. 4, George Griffin of Steilacoom, *** Box 913, Tacoma. 4tp END .CUT Mrs. Esther Sin1011S<ln is con- parents of Mrs. Ramstad; Bill PORTH.i\ITS IN YOUR OWN \·alcscing from head injuries re- Griffin; Mr. ancl Mrs. Carl Bates, HOME. Special attention giv-, cci\·cd in an a11lo accident on Mrs. Gusta ~iclsen, Janna and en babies and children. Church vVallcr Roat!. and home weddings. ReasonMamie Ramstad, all of Tacoma, able. C Ranite 8014, after 6:00 ant! Helen Ramstad. *** Storekeeper, 1st class and Mrs. p. m. 6-lOp. *** Hartzell \Vest (Allie TwceJen) Mr. and Mrs. Haaken Bellerud FOR SALE-1933 Oldsmobile are visiting their folks in MidCoupe, new paint job, motor of Adams, N. D., have purchased just overhauled, good tires, a land until the 28th of October at lhc Henry Schmidtke property good buy for $375. Apt. 4 over which time thcv will return to on Clover Lea st., Parkland. Mr. The Bug, Parkland. Oakland, Califor;1ia. The...y arc acBellentd operated a store in FOR SALE. companied by their son Stormy Adams. Mrs. Bellerud and Mrs. Extracts, spices, soaps, washing My \vest. J. 0. Dahle of Parkland are sispowder, brushes, brooms and *** mops, toilet articles, stock and Aviatio11 Mech. Isl class, Leon- I Lers. poultry tonic and several hun* ** ard ]Jovlaml is home on shore Geori,;e Behner, member of the di-ed othn items. leave. On his return to San L R. OVERLAND U. S. merchant marine, will Diego, he will be reassigned to R. 13, Box 252-C leave this week for his home in GR 8720 further duty. Las., Vegas, Nev., after spending- BABY CHICKS-We are still *** 'cvcral days with his aunt and getting in some New HampMr. anti Mrs. Lee Vigus, an1l uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Beh- . shire Chicks, which will make daug)1ter Mary Lou, fo.rrner some dandy Fryers for the mer, Parkland. Parkland residents, were visitors Holidays. AVENUE FEED Sunday in the home of Mr. and and P'aciiic, News was received by the STORE, 98th Gkanite 8641. Mrs. Thomas F. Jeter. The Vigus Panter iamily that Mrs. Henry family moved to Lacey, 'vVashNEW atrtO;";wtic oil hot water Peters (nee Bonnie Panter) is ington the last of August. heaters. R. E. Poche! Ft1el Oil the mother of an 8 lb. boy born Service, Mt. Highway at *** Sunday, October 21st at Miami, Brookdale. GI{ 7341. tfc Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Florida. Huseby (nee Gertrude Panter) FOR SALE BY OWNER-2 *** bedroom home, bath, utility were twin lJuys, weighing four Miss Shirley McKenzie, John ro9m, built ins, some furniture; and five pounds respectively, at an<! Earl Sage, Louis Columbrara gai''age 14x26, concrete floor; tltc St.. Jo.- cph's hospital in Ta;rntl Harold Chrisman were dinlot 120x120; lawn, garden, all coma on October 17, 19'45. The ner guests Sunday evening at the feuccd. lOZnd ahd Wilkenson. boys were named 'vValter Ray home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Price $3,750. L l\L Hoium. Stp and Pan! Duane. Lane, Spana way. LOVABLE Tiny . Toy Foo.die *** puppies available soon. ChamMrs. Tl. A. l'rc:tts, of Calmar, *** pion stock Mrs. S. E. VermilCharles Newman, Theodore Iowa, is spenciing a few weeks in yea. GR 8687. 4tp ParUaml v1s1t111g her mother, Nelso11 and Frank Handy, all of BAH.NYARD fertilizer delivered. Spa11away, made a deer hunting Mrs. A. A. Greihrok. She will reGR 7689. 9c turn home about the first of Nov. trip lo the Okanogan country. ll~TUDE PHILCO radio witE short wave and stuff. Reproduces all the broadcast slop to perfection. l t's worth a lot but will sell for less. Call Prairie Pointer, GR 8436. 6p ROOFING R 0 0 F S REPAIRED - New ::-::{t·:t·lt·::·::·::·:t·::·::·::·:~:·::·:t·!t·!t·:t·:t·::·::·::·::·:t·::·::·::·::·::·::·:t·:t·!t·!!·!t·::·:t{!·!!·lt·::·:t·:t·:t·ii·::·: roofs applied. Johns Manville and Certain-teed guaranteed roofing. Terms. Mr. Fredrickson l~honc GR 7857 BE A McNESS DEALER"• ~ s Makc more money-be your own boss-sell sealed medi- ' ,'t i'l eines, extracts, soaps, food ft R products, stock remedies, direct ft ft lo farmers. Fine locality open ft R near here-a great opportunity for a dependable person with a car. See me evenings or Sattiru u day afternoon. s1 ending se1·cral
Beef --------------------------------- _______________ Jb. 25c Pork Chops, 10 Pts. _____________________ Jb. 39c Cheese _______________ ________
____ Jb. 39c
Veal Stew ______________________________________ Jb. 22c Mince Meat__ ____________________ _
__Jb. 20c Pork RoasL _________________________________ Jb. 33c
M n
i q
i #
:~ ~
Announcing the Opening ~1 of the
Parkland. Fuel ai1d
Service Station · ON THURSDAY, NOV. 1
with oil deliveries to the Prairie Dis· trict ... Plenty of Oil Trucks and our large oil storage reserve assures our customers of a full supply of oil for the coming winter!
FOR SALE-Old growth and seconJ growth seasoned wood. Leave orders at Jones' Market, Spanaway. Sc
FOR SALE or will trade for good oil circulator-One .green enam~ el and nickel trim range and wood circnlator. V. L. Lucas, GR 7034. 7c FOR SALE-Have approximately fifty 3-4 ft. pieces of 6x6; if yon ca11 use-it's a bargain. Phone or sec Beard, Prairie Pointer, Parkland. 6p
ft ft
u u
~ u
11 V. R. SELLE Ii
flft ft
f! f:
ft ft
O""i 11-"")
U.l'\. OJ..lC:.
i:~ ft ft
Frank \Vray, who has been at the Fort Lewis Motor Base fur the past 14 monlhs, has taken over the shop work for the Loveland Garage at Loveland. Hugo Loveland, owner of the shop, stated that Mr. Viray, who at one _time owned a shop in California, has had 20 years of auto repair experience. Mr. Loveland jttst this year moved his garage tn new qua!"' ters, a fine modern stncco building.
---o--M r. and Mrs. M.artin Gibbon and daughters, Charlotte a11d Maureen, Spanaway, motored to Monroe Su11day tu visit with Mrs. Gibbon's parc11ts, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Lobdell.
SPANAWAY GR8213 Among Our Specials This w·eekend Shurfine Coffee ___________________________ Jb. 29c Tillamook Cheese~ ______________________ Jb. 37 c Fishers Blend Flour ____________so lbs. $2.15 Fishers Blend Flour. _______________ lQ,}bs. SOc Shurfine Tomato Juice ________ _46-oz. 25c Grapefruit Juice ___________________ -46-oz. 29c Cream of Mushroom Soup ___ .2 cans 33c ·Fancy Pun1pkin, 28-oz. ___________ _2 for .29c Rice ________________________________________ 3 lb. pkg. 32c Cigarettes, all brands, ______ Carton $1.55 Spana way's one-stop shopping center. Herman's Shurlme, and Geo. Kinq's marhet. at end of bus line, and next to Postoffice where local folks meet.
Beef Pot lloasL ____________________________ Jb. 24c Beef Stew (no points) _______ ------~--Jb. 17c Fresh Grd. Beef (no pts.) ___________ Jb. 25c COUNTRY STYLE FRESH PORK-NO POINTS
Sausage ________ "' ______ _ ______ , ______ Jb. 35c FRESH
lVleat Loaf Mix _______________________________ Jb. 35c Pure Lard ( 12 pts.) _______ '" ________ _2 lbs. 39c G. A. KING
PLENTY OF 16-IN. UPL'D SLAB Utah, Wyoming and Colorado Coal In Lump, Nut or Stoker CALL YOUR NEIGHBOlUIOOD FUEL DEALER
CADDIGAN FUEL AND FEED co3 B6."l0 South Tacoma Way
GArland 1292
"On the Mountain Highway"
Parkland, Washington
SAVE YOUR .TIME Do Your Buying Here Like Hundreds of Othersll TT
h"T'l.111\TD .C"'.:1...1,
QTllDI """' .... _ . ...
ft ft
LAkewood_ 216 7
Work Done While You Wait MRS. CHARLES MURRAYBROOKDALE GR 7275 RT. 7, BOX 401
Model 106
... . $20
SJ u ONE BLOCK NORTH OF PARKLAND SCHOOL f~ p s ~ K ;4·:%·i:·~~t·lt·~::-it·::·::-:t·:t·!t·:t·it·::·::·:t·!t·:t·~t·!t·::·:}i:-:t·:t~:t·:i·::·::·:t·::·:t·~·::·::·::·:t·lt·::·:t·lt·:;.:t·::·:
DOES YOUR cayuse suffer from fallen arches, cpizootic or chilblains? Stop in at THE TARGET and read our doctor· book 7p THERE is no. trnth to rumor that husbands who arc in the doghouse may spend the night at THE TAHGET. 7p
:~ M
FOR SALE - Elec. brooder, chicken feeder, 13 hens, girl's bicycle. Cor. Harrison a11d A St., Parkland 7p
R. 13, box 252-C 8720 Tacoma MUSIC for private parties and dances. Call GR 7791. 7c
Call GArland 1292 ·
. . · 1Cl~
8630 South Tacoma Way
ft ft
Benja111in Sivil, honorably discharged world war JI veteran, has taken over the ·management of -the Gladiator Service station on the monntain highway. Mr. Sivil, an automobile mechanic by trade, svenl nearly fiv·c years in the ser.vicc, 31 months oi which \Vere spent ovcrsl'as. 1n addition to catering to gas and oil customers, the new owner announces that he will do light. auto repairing. I: ---o--Mr. anti Mrs. R. II.. Keys of -.--o--East 80t!t and Portland Ave. have Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rose of their daughter and her husband, Lt. and Mrs. L. C. Backenstoc Spanaway are entci-taining Mr. vi:iting them. The lieutenant has lfosc 's sister, Mrs. Henry Bockjust been discharged and they snick of Polson, Montana. She I will make their home in San Jose, is awaiting arrival of 1 her hus-\ band from tlic South Pacific. I Calif.
neighbors, You can help by call-
l\Ir. allll" l\frs. Gordon H t1sby and son, David, are nt0\•ing this week to East Stanwood, vVash., where they will take up ranching. The Husbys .have lived in Parkland for the_ past 18 months. They are hoth former PLC stndents and Cordon was a l1wmber of the grcal football team at the college se\'eraI years ago.
fT'ltX71""\ .L Y'f ' - '
L'H..J',f"\_ll..TT]I~ ..I.