Reflections 1966 october

Page 1









Pacific Luthe1'an University Bulletin

Reflections Editorial Board Lawrence J. Hauge DirectlYl' of A IU7nni Relations Milton Nesvig Vice President ni II(wBity Rclatio'l$ Ken Dunmire






Published Six Times Annually by Pacific Lutheran Unive1'sity P. O. Box 2068, Tacoma, Washington 98477 Second Class Postage Paid at Tncmna, Washington

�taff Ph.otographe1·

On Building a Faculty by Dr. Robert Mortvedt


Why I Teach at PLU


General News and Information




University Notebook




G A FACULTY By Dr. Robert M01·tvedt, PTesident Loyalty and dedicati on cannot be bought; they have to be earn d or won. They are ob v iously related to institutional objectives, the qual ity of the student body, and the cl imate of integrity created by the entire academic community, inclusive of faculty, administration and staff. This is why we have attempted to define our objectives with clarity and precision. They are published in our c at alog The prospective teacher can know wha t we profess; the teacher who remains can assess our practice. I be­ lieve we have a set of objectives which can com­ mand both loyalty and ded i cati on on the part of men and women who are wil l ing to espouse both academic and spiritual goals With my colleagues I shall con tinue to try to create an environment in which integrity and th e search for truth can flourish. Fine teaching may be its own rewar d but we shall press down the measure if we can. Just as piety cannot be a substitute for teaching ability, so administrative intentions cannot be a sub­ stitute for practice. It may always be necessary for teachers and staff at an institution such as ours to be "below the top of the ma rket . " I am personally sure that a measure of sacrifice is desirabl e. But we are moving s teadily forward with our s alaries and benefits. We fail at times to be able to appoint some of the people we would like to have, but in many instanc es we are getting our "number one" choice In the same vein, we are selec tively reducing teaching loads so as to allow opportunity for our more creative faculty mem bers to engage in writing and research. Proof of intent, desire and ability must precede such adjustments. Reduction of teaching loads will not of itself produce creativity; i t might in fact do the exact opposite. Following the same logic we shall continue to give special l eaves not as a reward for a quota of years of teaching, but rather as an opportunity to bri ng to realization gestative projects which are demanding b irth Although travel has long been recognized as an enriching experience for teachers, we do not give i t priority for its own sake. We believe the benefits of travel can be acquired through the normal use of vacation time. As we seek ou r fac ulty membe rs, we encourage dep artme nt chairmen and deans to maintain work­ ing files of desirable prospects al ways trying to anticipate by a year or two additions or changes. We give assistance in get ting grants f l' graduate study, and we give such grants as we can afford ourselves. P rospective teachers are encouraged to meet numer­ ous members of our facul ty so as to permit a mutual ap praisal It may be a very ex pensive mistake to appoi nt the wrong man. Since we have adopted tenure rules which give a teacher permanence after six years of service fol­ lowed by an appointment for t he seventh, we strive for the sake of all parties to make our decisions about possible acqu is i ti on of tenw'e within the first three or four years of service. A person who is given tenure ought to be thoroughly committed to the purposes of the University; and all the appraisers ought to be optimisti c about his potentialities for .




During recent months you have heard or read about the ahnost startling program of constructi on on the campus of Pacific L utheran. Soon y o u will hear even more. Because it is ob v io u sly impossible to conduct classes and provide suitable living quar­ ters for an increasing st udent body and because buildings constitute the visible form of the institu­ tion, everyone is excited about the importance of these physical assets. We are deeply grateful for the wonderful progress being made. Despite these facts, and despite the ceaseless efforts which must be made to p rovide p hysical facil­ ities, I am quick to affirm that the beatiug heart of the Uni versity is its faculty. No educational institu­ tion is better than its Iaculty or its established program of getting one. In the final analysis, the excellence or mediocrity of a college or university is determined in its classrooms, laboratories, offices and libraries. This is why decisions affecting the appointment and retention of faculty members are of such stra­ tegic importance. The wealthy institutions readily solve a part of their problem by competitive bidding for teachers with established reputa tions in teach­ ing and research. This we can s eldom, if ever, do with our limited resources. A recognized expert today may receive a salary up to $35,000-$40,000. But even the wealthy i nsti t ut io n s do not meet all their faculty needs in this way. They face the chal­ lenge, as we do, of iden tifying potential talent as quickly as possible, giving such assis tance as can be offered to enco urage and cultivate this talent, and then trying to prov ide an en,vironment sufficiently stimulating and inviting to hold the prospective great teacher (or teacher-researcher) until he has devel­ oped a sense of loyalty and dedication. Within rea­ son, for many peoples the teaching environment is more important than a munificent salary. "We know that some of our faculty members have declined offers el ewhere at salaries considerably higher than they receive here; and we are grateful for their sacrifice. We are als o gratef ul that they could feel that prospects and circumstances h ere warranted their decisions."








growth, service, and happiness. In monetary tenns, a tenure decision today is probably a quarter-of-a­ mill ion-dollar decision. We are now in the process of developing appropri­ ate methods for determining and rewarding uncom­ mon teaching success. Admittedly a difficult task, our evaluation of an appointee is poth continuous and periodic, casual and special Believing that stu­ dents have something important to contribute to the evaluation, we are try ing to develop a system which will permit a judicious use of their judg­ ments, even while it fulfills the primary purpose of stimulating better teaching. Through the President's Advisory Council, we allow for the expression of colleague judgment. Whenever occasion w arrants, departmental chainnen and deans are urged to coun­ sel with faculty members apout ways and means of improving their effectiveness. We want every teacher to attain his full stature both for his own satisfaction and for ours. This year, for the first time, we shall participate in the Washington State Auto Dealers' Distinguished Teacher Award program, an excellent project inaug­ urated by a thoughtful group of businessmen to reward achievement in the art of teaching.

For all teachers, even the great, the day of retire­ ment eventually comes; and it is best when it comes before decline in effectiveness is clearly noticeable. This is why we have set the normal ages of retire­ ment at 68, although by special decision of the Board of Regents, it may be extended until age 70. Tenure ends at age 65; hence for valid reasons appointments may be terminated at this age. Most teachers are ready to retire in accordance with these provisions. For many reasons, however, they are not the best j udges of themselves; nor are their closest friends. If, perchance, some are still able to teach effectively, it is best that they find congenial short-term appoint­ ments elsewhere, allowing our system to operate without the danger of having to answer the ques­ tion, Who shall be the exception to a rule universally accepted as sound? Outsiders can do it best. That is why we also at times appoint for short terms fine teachers who have been retired in systems they may have served ror half a lifetime. The quality of our discernment and judgment in selecting, assisting, and keeping teachers, more than almost anything else, will ultimately determine the quality of Pacific Lutheran University as a dis­ tinguished center of learning.

WHY I TEACH AT P U Professors give their thoughts on what teaching at the university means to them.

Dr. Robert C. Olsen Professor of Che'mistry It was in the spring of 1946 that Dr. J. C. K. Preus wrote in the Lutheran Herald, "In a day when there is a general shortage of college teachers, how is a college president going to be able to find Christian teachers for every vacancy on his depleted or re­ duced staff? The teachers he is looking for must first of all be Christian personalities, whose instruction as well as general influence will be in harmony with the Word of God. It is an almost impossiple task for the presidents of our colleges to go into the 'teacher market' and persuade men and WOmen to leave posi­ tions paying salaries two and three times what our colleges can offer and accept positions which offer practically no opportunity for financial advance­ ment. But, strange as it may seem, our colleges are largely being staffed by just that kind of people­ the best possible guarantee that they are men and women of unselfish character, deeply devoted to their Lord and to the mission of His Church. But what a task for the president to find them." His article helped me to realize that preparation of people for life and a profession appealed more strongly to me than the production of automobiles. I had been with the Ternstedt Division of General Motors for eleven years and had the title of Super­ vising Engineer in Plating, r owned my home and had a family of four sons, I was 40 years old; should I make a change? I discussed it with my pastor, Walter Scarvie, and told him to mention to the col­ lege presidents he met at the church convention that if my qualifications and training were of value, I would listen.


When the requests for my service reached us, my wife and I decided not whether to make the change, but which school should we choose. We heard not only from all the schools of our synod, but others as well. Pacific Lutheran College had one teacher of Chemistry and needed to expand in the fields of my interest, so we left family, home and friends in 1947 even though we knew supporting our family would be difficult on 507,-: of the salary I received in industry and even though friends and family advised against the move. We have been wonderfully content in our wprk at PLC and PLU and have never regretted the choice we made. Too, we have been repaid in our children's wanting to and being able to have their college education at a Christian College, something neither my wife nor I had. We feel that PLU has done for us a superb job of educating our children; three have finished their undergraduate work, one of t.hem has a Ph. D. in Chemical Engineering, one is studying for the ministry and the other is prepar­ ing himself to teach in the area of the deaf. The fourth on is a senior this fall and the other two children look forward to the time they will enter PLU. To know the students who come to PLU, to know that I have played a part in their formative years, to have students return and express appreciation for my efforts, to enjoy the friendships and fellow­ ship of Christian teachers - these are things which have been mine, the happiness that can be bought only with time and the love of one's calling. These are the things one can look forward to in continuing years of service to man, to youth and the church in a teaching position such as the one I now hold and enjoy. _.

scholar can "move up" the status and salary ladders without too much difficulty. Money and light teach­ ing loads do not keep faculty members at PLU. The question still remains and should be made more explicit. Why did I return to teach atter con­ cluding my undergraduate work at PLU and why do I remain? I experienced something moving and profound as an undergraduate that shaped and continues to shape my life. I suspect most of us did. I know per­ fectly well, as do those of you who read this, that life was not always perfect in the good old days. It certainly is not today. But I still feel more often than not the end result of a stay here was (and still is) the shaping of a life that could be lived in more meaningful categories. There wa produced a height­ ened awareness of the multi-dimensional nature of life as well as the necessity of participation in the drama of life and not just idle observation in some disinterested fashion from the sidelines. What caused the coming together of the ingredi­ ents? I am not sure, but I think more than anything else it was the example of individual lives; lives lived richly, fully, meaningfully. Fellow students were involved here, of course, but most especially the faculty. When after some hard searching I was finally able to decide what I wanted to do in life, I decided that perhaps I could help and maybe even on occasion inspire undergraduates in the way I had been helped and certainly inspired. In this I could pursue the study of history, which I am convinced is vital to liberal education and a consequential life. The choice of discipline was a happy one and while it's prob­ lematic whether I have been a successful and inspir­ ing teacher I h ave enjoyed my years of teaching at PLU just as I enjoyed my student years. All this is fine and maybe even significant but the problem needs to be dealt with on still another and I think the most important level, if only briefly. (Briefly because I have discussed some of these last issues at greater length in an article called "Athens and Jerusalem" in the October, 1965 issue of REFLECTIONS) . The Christian Church. the Christian University, and the life of the mind are not antithetical to each other as critics would sometimes have it. Rather

Dr. Philip A. Nordquist il.<;sociate Prole,'! .,I"· of Hi tory .

The task assignd by the editors is a difficult one, not Jeast of all because serious analysis is a painful piece of business. It is, however, of fundamental importance to assess reasons for being from time to time to determine whether or not they can carry the weight. It may be that what one does and the vineyard one labors in ctre irrelevant and inconse­ quential. If life is to be meaningful and productive of some good that would certainly be tragic. In the face of this, why teach in a University that claims to pay serious allegiance to both the liberal arts and the unequivocal demands of the Chris­ tian faith? At one level the response could be that PLU is a pleasant place and the sometimes salubrious climate of the Northwest and the relative absence of people in this area are primary facfors in the retention of faculty. Such reasons are hardly adequate. Salaries for faculty members at PLU are increas­ ingly competitive with other private schools across the country and that fact is pleasant. Although it should be added that more remunerative appoint­ ments elsewhere, with considerably reduced teach­ ing loads and more time for scholarly activity are not remote possibilities for the productive scholar­ teacher. A "seller's market" by and large exists in the field of college teaching and an industrious


teaching courses other than those I had special inter­ ests in before I began my teaching career. I have come to the realization that the spirit of FLU is more important than any selfish preferences that r may have had. As faculty members we must adapt our abilities to ser e our students at their level and when the challenge is great, we must accept it. I believe our faculty has sincerel y attempted to meet this challenge and this attitude helps create the spirit I admire at PLU.

they must be brought together and they must exist together regardless of the tension and friction that results. Only when this union takes place can the University create the poems, pictures, and music, the philosophies, the theologies, but most especially the leaders that a sorely confused world needs. The acids of modern life carr sive1y scar away larger and larger chunks of that which we have known and hold dear. The Church and Univer ity in uneasy equilibri m must address themselves to this scar­ ring and they must say something that makes sense. It is on this level that the existence of FLU can best be justified. And it is on this level that the scholar-teacher at PLU must justify his existence.

Dt. Jell W. Knu(/.<;en P1'o/eS!wr of Blolonl! ..

I am satisfied with my pay at PLU, seldom ques­ tion if I earn it bowever, but working conditions in terms of enough laboratories and storage space for teaching, adequate offices, time to counsel students and time for research (now at the expense of fam­ ily time) are enough to cause the long hard look at " good job" offers which provide for 6-10 contact hours (vs. 18) and research space and time. Yet, I feel I have a few small things to offer my students, to give to PLU. Things which are not cov­ ered by my contract, things too often reduced by committee meetings and so on, things hard to sort out or identify. Yet things which lend depth to my teaching and I hope to PLU. Schools such as ours no longer build strong moral spiritual or intellectual foundations for their stu­ dents -rather they attempt to perfect a superstruc­ ture upon the foundations which their students bring. We combat the monolithic lethargy of our times, hopefully avoid being hotbeds of inertia; rather we stand up as Christian men with the guts t say so and teach about life hoping that a few will see and know. It is this hope - that some of our Christian young people will see and meet life's challenges - that positions PLU as vital to the total of future history (not our histo ry all history). Unless I should become so hopelessly bogged down in trivia that prevent effective teaching, I will always fee l that the mission to teach life, to shock, to open eyes, to show the wonders of our Creator, to live and suffer and someti es win with these young Chris­ tians - that this mission is the reward of being at PLU.

D,. RuymO'rul A. KZopsch Associate P1"·o!es.<w1 of English I feel very strongly that my work at Pacific Luth­ eran is an acknowledgem nt of my commitment to Christ's kingdom on earth. The cause of Christian educaHon, particularly on the college level, is a sig nificant one. Society must realize that all knowledge can be studied under the aegis of the church and that the " knowledge explosion" in no way antiquate the Christian Church. As long as the Christian uni­ versity remains a steadfast witness of the relevance of the Christian faith to every area of man's intel­ lectual endeavors Or interests, scoffers or antagon­ ists of the Church will remain less secure in their negation.. In Pacific Lutheran University we have a.n insti­ tution which boldly champions the cause of Christ and I, as a member of its tea hing staff, hope that I can serve in a small way for that cause. Certainly an that we are or have been blessed to receive, we have through His gift. It is a special privilege also to serve with such friendly and earnest colleagues as we have at Pacific Lutheran. Because the concern for the individual student is greater here than I believe it is on secular campuses, esp ecially since we are concerned for the welfare of the soul, I believe my work is extended to studen s whose whole personality is considered. These teaching con­ ditions help me enjoy my teaching duties more, even though I may be serving more students or ­



What better life can one desir e than to contribute to the development of �oung men and women who will in turn be the worker and leaders of tomor­ row's world? To teach, to direct, to inspire them who, standing on our shoulders, will se e farther and understand more clearl y ; may this be our goal.

D1', Stewart D, Govig

Associate P1'ofessor of ReUgion In e xam inin g the reasons 1 h ave chosen to te a ch at PLU, I find that there are a host of personal cir­ cumstances, coincidences, and experiences which might constitute a list of "reasons." But such reasons sound trivial, and 1 cho ose rather to describe my atti tude toward teaching at PLU. In a sense , the Church has ca ll ed me her e to become a member of an acade mic community which reflects objective and open inquiry into truth. I find a tension between this at titude of the academic community, and the comm itt ed faith of the Chris­ tian Ch urch . This tension, however, is one which 1 ac ce pt as a joy as well as a challenge because both a re essential concerns at PLU. This makes the teach­ ing of religion both difficult a nd e xcitin g. I am en­ thused about the study of the Bible and the oppor­ tunity to study it together with stude nts. Through Biblical insights students may be introduced to the freedom given by Christ, and to th e life and mission of the community of faith. Having been offered that introduction, they may then decide whether they

will adopt that l ife and mission. In the final analysis, my c ommitment to teach at PLU is echoed in w o r ds the late Dag Hammarskjold wrote in h is famous diary on a Pentecost Sunday in Manhattan several years ago: "I know not who nor what called me, but 1 heard and answered by saying 'yes' t o Someone. And ever since I said 'yes' to Someone, I have felt the mean­ ingful sense of my existence that through surrender , my life can count."

D1', Lyn:n S. Stein AssoC'iate P'rofessor of Education Pacific Lutheran University is the most ideal situ­ ation for our family, insofar as it is wonderful to have our dau ght er home for a couple of mo re years and still know that she is getting a superior academic preparation within the confines of a Christian en­ vironment. At the same time it is a privilege for me to work in a dep art me nt that permits academic freedom to its staff and is also far fr om being educa­ tionally stagnant. The quote that follows is reflective of the healthy a tt itude that prevails on camp us. "The happiest and most productive employees have the most in telligent bosses working for them." For these reasons we chose 0 stay at Pacific Luth­ ern for the past five years in spite o£ other very attractive offers.

D·)". Harold.T. Le1'a,a,s P'fo/essor of Biology

Campus life at Pacific Lutheran University is an enchanting affair wh ich draws a person into its cen­ ter. During my three decades at PLU most rema rk ­ able c hange s and advances have occurred from a small high school and junior college to our present university. But basic, intangible things which have not changed are the fundamental Christian spirit, the mutual concern for one another, the e ager stu­ dent demands for knowled ge, and a dedicated and energetic faculty, 6

�lumni lltbl5 Vice President He len Nordquist '57 Tacoma, Washington

President Rev. David C. Wold '56 Seattle, Washington


Secl'etary-Treasurer and Dil'ector of Alunmi Relations Law rence J. Hauge '50 Tacoma, Washington


ALUMNI MADE THE DIFFERENCE One of the private colleges in the Pacific N orth­ west uses the phrase "Alumni Make the Difference" to describe the feeling of that institution toward its former students. I think that phrase sums up the feeling that most schools have toward their alumni. When the Alumni Association undertook to pledge

$250,000 toward the construction of the new library on the campus, it was with the knowledge that it would have to be a united effort, with each inter­ ested memb�r taking part. And, while the quarter of a million dollars being raised by the alumni repre­ sents only one-eighth of the total cost of the library, it, more significantly, represents the concern of the alumni for the program and facilities of their alma mater. In a very real sense, "alumni made the differ­ ence" between a good and an excellent library facility. As .we approach the culmination of the active solicitation for gifts and pledges on October 22, over $207,000 has already been counted. If you have not made your pledge yet, won't you do so today? Send it to the Alumni Office and count yourself in. Larry Hauge Director of Alumni Relations


ING festivities include the FOOTBALL GAME WI TH

WHITMAN October 20-23

Two Pacific Lutheran University alumni have been selected as "Outstanding Young Men of America" by the Junior Chamber of Commerce. They are among a group of men between the ages of 21 and 36 who "have distinguished themselves in one or more fields of endeavor to the point of being outstanding." The selections are listed in the 1966 edition. of "Outstanding Young Men of America", an annual biographical compilation sponsored by the Junior Chamber. Nominations come from many sources, however, the majority of the nominations are made by local Jaycee chapters and college alumni associa­ tions. PLU alumni selected include:

Dr. (Major) Gale E. Thompson. Dr. Thompson re­ ceived his B.A. degree from Pacific Lutheran in 1957, and his M.D. degre from Washington in 1960. He is a member of the U. S. Army Medical Corps, and has served principally in Washington, D. C., Fort Benning, Georgia and overseas. He was a mem­ ber of the Gemini resusitation team, beginning with the first shot in the series. Dr. Thompson recently returned from duty in Viet Nam to become assist­ ant to the chief of the anesthesiology department at Brooke General Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas. He is married to the former Cather­ ine Johansen, also a member of the class of 1957. Dr. David B. Wake. Dr. Wake graduated from PLU with a B.A. degree in 1958. He received his Ph.D. in biology from Southern California in 1964. He received a joint appointment to teach in the biology section and in the graduate department of anatomy at the University of Chicago following his gradu­ ation from USC. Dr. Wake's time at Chicago is divided between teaching and biological research, where he has already made a significant contribu­ tion to the knowledge of the field. Alumni recognized in the 1965 edition of "Out­ standing Young Men of America" were Dr. Jon M. Ericson, Rev. John V. Rydgren, Robert L. Curtis, Dr. William L. Rieke, Luther G. Jerstad and Dr. William H. Foege.

ALU M N I R EP R ES E NT PLU AT C E R E M O N I ES ATT E NT I O N PAR E N TS: A number of al u m ni and former members of the faculty have been called upon dUl'ing the last year and a half to repre sent PLU and President Robert MorLvedt at inaugural ceremonies for c llege presi­ dents in their areas. Those accepting inVliatiom; to represent FLU in this manner with the name of the school holding the inauguration shown in parenthesis) are: Dr. Philip C. Myh re '54 (Scripps College); Joseph O. Edwards , fonner faculty (Fresno State College); Rev. C. M. Gunnerson '53 (CoUege of Idaho); Mrs. Margert P. Stenson , fonner faculty (Eastern Mich i gan Sta te University); Mrs. Be'verly (WIgen) Grav­ da} '50 (Augustana College); Rev. Devlin D. Hutton '56 (Uill ersity of Omaha); and Rev. rver M. Haugen '54 (Texas Christia n University).

Is your son or dau gh ter a PLU alumnus? Is this c opy of Reflections and ther uni­ v ersi t y publications i nt. en ded fo him or her stUl being mailed to your home? If so, please Jet the Alumni Office know where yow: OffSPI'ing is now so that mail can be properly addre ssed. 'The coupon found in the rear o f the Alumni New s section is provide f01' your conv nience. If you would like to continue to receive Reflections in our home, please indicate. We will be happy to inc lud e you. "


Alll:mni BOQTcirnembCl"s /01' 1 9 00- 67 ate (f"ont row, I. to " ): R ev. Donald COT"ltcll '58, Dl' 41lita HendrickllOu '57, Helen J 'onlqnist ':)7, Rev. Da1,icl W old ' 5{i , und Paul Larson '40. Back row: Terry Svcnlsten '.17, Donald j!,fonson '.'19, Robert Stnhlmillc7', '57, Rev. Luther Watnesli 'f;EI, DI', Jes8 ,



There is always convenient parking available in the three lots east of' Park Ave, opposite Harstad Hall ( Old lVIain).

Bll1Ilgardller '4.9, Gen'Y Dryer '61, Al'thuT Broback '52, Robort Nisfcld'5 ,a,nd Larry Huuge '50. Absent were: Gns A Il(/C1"I'IOn '48, nCl"t Myhre '.'10, and 'Wayne Save1"ud, senior class p1'esid 'nt. Alu1n1ti Re.gents, a ls o Board membe)"s w61'e pictw'eti i.l, the Jnly i· SILt! oj Reflections,


This is One

On Saturday, July 30, ten members of the class of 1961 who received degrees in nursing, spent the day at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Thor Nielsen (Bonita Hanson) at Olympia, Washington. Mrs. Eline Morken, director of the School of Nursing, and Miss Radamacher, an instructor at Emanual Hospital, where these students had their clinical laboratory experience, were guests. In addition to Dr. and Mrs. Nielsen and their two children, the following alum­ nae and their families were in attendance:

of the World's Most Exclusive Credit Cards

Susan Baldwin Tyler (Seattle);


Marilyn Beise Elhart (Edmonds); Marelyn Carter (Tacoma); Byrde Eckrem Stordahl (Woonsocket, S. Dak.);




Margretha Greguson Farnstrom (Tigard, Ore.);


Bonitta Johnson Winsor (Peoria, IlL); Dyanne Thrissen Roberts (Spokane);


Chris Christenson Capelli (Moses Lake);

.D. o

whom �ac

M st alumni have spent years at PLU and thou­ sands of dollars to qualify for it. In addition they have pledged themselves to help build the new library so that student generations in the present ' and future can have adequate library facilities in which to browse, to study and to learn. So what makes it a credit card? You do. You can take the credit for selecting PLU in the first place, for making the effort to earn the grades, and, many of you, for eventually getting your degree. This is the

ind of credit standing that should be jealously

prot cted. But not only that. You deserve the credit for







pledged goal of $250,000 toward construction of the new library. With less than $43,000 of that goal left to be raised, every single pledge takes on additional significance. We are breaking new ground.


If you haven't joined the swing to this ahmmi ground-swell, please make your move today. Time hort. October 22 is the official close of our solici­

October 20-23

tation. Whether or not you ever check out a book on your

"Alumni Library Privilege Card", you will have the satisfaction of knowing that there are thousands of students who have, thanks to your generosity and thoughtfulness.

featuring the great



Former Faculty Carl Faulk, former teacher in business adminis­ tration and bookstore manager, is office manager for Medicare at the Pierce County Medical Bureau. Dr. Harold Ronni ng, former professor of psychol­ ogy, is director of the Central Guidance Clinic and the Lutheran Youth Foundation in Los Angeles, California. Cecil O. Vance, former financial assistant to the president, has been appointed executive director of the Independent Colleges of Washington, Inc.

1935 Gene Burgoyne was elected president of the re­ cently established National Benefit Life Insurance Company in Tacoma.

1936 Harold Anderson has received the Republican nomination for state representative from the 25th Legislative District of Washington State. 1947 Mrs. Glenn Palmer (Agnes Roleder) bas b en

1948 The education division for this year's United Good Neighbor Drive in Aberdeen, Washington, will be led by Dave Roberts, who was also recently named principal of Weatherwax High School.

Mrs. Robert DeValve (Jean Kellel') is now in Nigeria, West Afric , with her husband for a three­ year period. The DeValves are working with the Sudan Interior Mission.

1949 Dr. Joseph Bowles has been named general chair­ man of the 1967 Scientific Convention of the Wash­ ington St te Denlal Association. Joe is in dental practice in Tacoma.

Delia Partridge recently retired after 30 years of public school work. 1950

George E. Haz

has been named principal at Geiger Elementary School in Tacoma. n

Ev rett Cook is a counsellor at Toppenish (Wash.) High School.

hired to teach intermediate grades at Buena Crest School, Salem, Oregon.

Dr. John G, Uewston is assistant professor of wild­ life management at Humboldt State College in Ar­ cata, California.

Membe'rs of the Gamma Board (t. to 1·.): Kathleen Taylor '64, Mrs. Del Schafer '48, M1·S. John Barello '41, 111[rs.

Hm'old Pete"l'son '48, M"8. David Christian '59 and 11'1 rs. Carl Fynboe '48.

1955 Mrs. Kathryn (Eide) Glick has returned to the Northwest. Her husband, Herb, has recently been placed in charge of the Bangar Dispensary near Bremerton. Rev. James A. Lokken is doing graduate work in sociology at the New School for Social Research in New York City. Patricia Moris, a lieutenant commander in the Navy Nurse Corps, is attending Columbia University where she is working on her M.A. in nursing service administration. She has had duty in San Diego, Bremerton, Guam and New York. 1956


H. R. " O le" An};er, USMC (class uf '51) a n ci Navy Cha plain S. l�. Bnmcit (cla�s of '50) discHss plan.� for a n e w chapel to be eOllst1�uct('d a,t Hea,dq llal'ters, F ir,gt 111m·in e Di vision ( Row) , PMF on t he Chl! L a i Com b a t Base, Vie t­ nam. A "fly t e n t " temporarily serves as a chapel and a,

" m a nn /ou t " box is l lse d (IS t h e a,[tar wh il e awaiting CO'/l­ ,q:tniction of a n ew chapel. Major A n k-er is t h e Embark-ation O Nie e l ' for t h e 1 s t Ma l'illt> D ivis i o n . His wire, Edrey a·,id th ree ch ildren. Chri8 t ill / l (1 0 ) , Edward (5) and .A ndre w (3) (t1'C (·.,siding a t Ca m p Pendle ton , Califunda. They are m em b e rs of King of Kbl.q s Luthera n in Ocw1l side. Cha pla t il Brandt of E1'cre t t , Was h ington was t he Protl's tant Chaplain for V iv tv ision H eadqua rters, and has recen tly been reassigned to E.'l Taro, Californ ia.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen (Helen Hansen) have purchased and are operating a modern dairy farm near Brownsville, Oregon. The Jensens have five children. Mrs, Paul Jacobson (Joyce Ruffcorn) is now liv­ ing in Bellevue, where her husband is employed as an electrical engineer by Boeing. Durwood Cook is a supervisor in Boeing's com­ mercial aircraft final assembly plant in Rento� The Cooks ( Elaine Enwiller '49) live in Federal Way. 1 951 Donald Kenny, bead of Foster High School (near UW in epidem iology last Drs. Fox and Kogan was ington Heart Association.

the math department of Seattle) , worked at the summer . His work with sponsored by the Wash­

Paul S unset is teaching chemistry in a community college in Portland, Oregon. 1 952 Duane Lobeda is vice principal of Bethel Junior High School, south of Tacoma. Dr. N ils Fredrick Wilmer has been appointed deputy scientific director of the Defense Atomic Support Agency. In his new capacity, he will assume an important role in Department of Defense nuclear wea pOlls programs.

Mat'k L. Freed has been granted a sabatical leave for the 1966-67 school year to participate in an Academic Year Institute supported by the National S ience Foundation at Oregon State University. The Institute will consist of graduate course work which is designed for award of Master of Science degree in biological science. Roald Feness is an elementary principal in a school near Victoria, B. C . , Canada. Hans Mollerup is now organist and cantor at Jesus­ kirken in Copenhagen which has one of the finest organs in the city. A. Da v i d Lindsey is now district manager for J. B. Roerig, division of Charles Pfizer Company � Paul Jordan is working as personnel assistant of the Puget Sound division of Georgia Pacific in Bellingham. He recently won the top award of $1000 for the best entry in an industry-wide essay contest. 1957 Rev. Edgar Larson, campus pastor at Oregon State University for the past three years, has been ap­ pointed varsity golf coach. Mrs. Roxanne (Bergh) Fines is music supervisor for the Associate Hebrew Day Schools in Toronto. She initiated their first grade school music curricu­ lum last year, and this year will expand it to include grades seven through ten. Dr. and Mrs. William H. Foege ( Paula Ristad '60) and son, David, recently spent time in St. Louis, Mo. , for mission orientation to enter medical work in Eastern Nigeria. They are busy studying the Yala language. Dr. Foege is investigating better sources of water for the community, and is ready to launch upon a full program of preventive medicine in the field. Just recently he completed a valuable paper concerning the needs of the field. Ronald Smith has been added to the music depart­ ment of the Green River College (Auburn) . Ron recently earned his M.A. from Occidental College. 1958

1 953

William F. Orme has been awarded a scholarship by the National Science Foundation to attend an Institute in economics at the University of Wash­ ington for the academic school year 1966-67.

Dr. Nicholas Glaser was a visiting professor at Wisconsin State College in Plattville last summer. Nick, a reading specialist, has returned to Weber State ( Utah) for the 1966-67 school year.

Donald R. Hall and family have moved to Holland, where Don is vice president and managing director of the Fluke International Corporation. His new office will be in The Hague.

CHANGING SCENE-The face of the campus is constantly changing to can'y o u t the mastel' landscape plan to fUTther beautify the g )'owlds, A 'In.ajor change took place in A ugust and September when t h is lo'uely plctza, was installed in front of Eastvold Chapel, A new campus enh'y, leading to the p laza" was put ill from Park A ve, b e tween the A l't Building and Hal'stad Hall, A mall WCLS installed in b'ont of the Adminis tratio lÂŁ Bunding in the area fOTmerly occupied by Wheeler St, Wa'i ting to welc o m e the alumni back faT the Homecoming game with Whitman on Octobm' 22 aI'e the 1 .966-67 cheeTleadel's (from the left) : Gayle Niemi, Linda Rude, Sue Mickelsen, Mike Harshman, Bev Dunbar, Byron Brown and Kim Morley, Kickoff time ,is 1 :30 at the Franklin Pierce Stadium,

Bruce R. Ellis is employed by Riverside County Department of Public Assistance as a social worker in the Beaumont (Calif.) district office. Irving P. Nygren writes from Upper Topa, West Pakistan, that he will continue his teaching in the Murree Christian School until late 1967. Dick Myking accompanied Dr. Jens Knudsen '52, PLU biology professor, on a five-week biological expedition to Eniwetok last summer. Dick is work­ ing on a master's degree in general science at PLU. He teaches science at Bethel High School. Louie Spry has been named publications editor of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) , and will work in Kansas City. He was formerly sports information director at West Texas State. 1959 Donald Slattum is a special agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation in Tucson, Arizona. Charles Curtis works for Hope Rubber Company, a distributor of B. F. Goodrich Rubber Products, as a sales representative. Rev. Wayne M. Berg has accepted a call to a three point parish at Outlook, Saskatchewan. His duties will include student counseling in Lutheran High School in Outlook. Jerry Bayne has been appointed music supervisor for the Highline (Seattle) School District. Jerry was previously in the Clover Park ( Tacoma) District. Rev. James Bullock, now a pastor at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church on Puget Island, Cathlamet, Wash., is president of the Cathlamet Commercial Club. Mr. and Mrs. David Christian (Anita Gregersen) toured the Orient for 32 days last summer. Included in their itinerary, which took them to six countries, was a visit with Dave's sister, Ruth Christian '58, who is teaching in the American Dependent School at Fuchu Air Base in Japan.

Louise Carey has recently retired after 20 years as a special education teacher.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Kraiger (Naomie Keller) are in Heidelberg, Germany, where Dick is working for his doctorate in theology.

Jim Brandt is teaching in the Highline (Seattle) District this year. He has been with the Aberdeen Schools. Dr. Richard Olsen has j oined the staff of the U. S. Bureau of Mines at Albany, Oregon. 1960 James T. Traynor has been elected assistant vice president of the Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Com­ pany of Philadelphia. Jim was formerly advertising­ sales manager for the Peoples National Bank in Seattle. Dr. Ronald L. Baylor has joined the staff at the Othello Veterinary Medical Clinic. Tom L. McLaughlin's article, "Sectional Responses of Free Negroes to the Idea of Colonization" will b,e published in the December issue of Research Studies. Tom is in his last year of the doctoral program in history at Washington State University. His wife Rhoda (Bloomquist) is teaching in Oakesdale.

Mrs. Karin (Stromberg) Routh is working in the instructional materials center of the Bellevue schools. Her husband, Marion, is textbook consultant for Bellevue. Karin formerly taught for four years, and was elementary librarian for two years. Mrs. D. Lothar Pietz ( M. Carolyne Link) is em· ployed as librarian for the Philo Township Library, Philo, Illinois. She is the first full-time, paid librarian for Philo. Marion (Kelly) Newton lives in Simi, C alif. Her husband, Derek, is an engineer at Litton Industries in nearby Van Nuys. 1961 Kenneth R. Black is area director of the Luth­ eran Family Washington.






Daniel Benson is transportation planner for the Northeastern Illinois Metropolitan Area Planning Commission in Chicago. Leif Dahl recently passed his CPA exams. He is now working as an accountant for the United Pacific Insurance Company in Tacoma. David Berg has been accepted to the University of Washington Dental School. Blaine Perleth has been named principal for both the McKenna and Yelm (Wash.) elementary schools. He has been an instructor at Evergreen in the Van­ couver area. Dr. ( Capt.) Wayne L. Hill has completed the ori­ entation course for officers of the U. S. Air Force Medical S,ervice at Sheppard AFB, Texas. He was given instruction in specialized aerospace medical subjects and administrative procedures of the USAF Medical Service. He is being assigned to Forbes AFB, Kansas. Dr. David A. Haaland has been appointed an intern at the San Diego County General Hospital. 1962 Mrs. Burt English (M. Gay Kinared) is living in Manila, Philippines, with her daughter Disa. They will remain there until Vietnam is opened for de· pendents. Burt is now working in the U.S. State Department Agency for International Development as an assistant provincial representative working with refugees, the tribespeople (Montagnards) in Dak To, Vietnam. His tour of duty is 24 months and he is able to visit his family in Manila once a month. Richard Davenport and his wife Joan (Erickson '66) are now at home in Ontario, Ore., where he is with Pacific Fruit and Produce.

Dr. and Mrs. Eugene LeMay ( Carla Hansen '64) have moved to Reno, where Gene will teach in the chemistry department of the University of Nevada. Ed Katz has moved to McMinnville, Oregon, to develop the elementary counseling program in the McMinnville Schools. He was formerly at North Thurston (Olympia ) . Olaf Malmin has accepted a position as assistant professor of music at the State University College at Buffalo, New York. Tom Mays is teaching industrial arts and is assist­ ant football coach at Parkrose High in Portland. Charles J. Lorentzen and his bride, Betty, returned from their six-month oriental honeymoon (military service) in June, and spent the remainder of the summer in Montana.

1963 Eric Lindholm is t aching in the Oakwood Ele­ mentary S 001 ( Clover Park ) .

Robert Derr enter d the Uni ersity of California at Riverside, foHo 'ling a tour with th Air Force, to work ioward a B.A. i n Russian. His 'l ife, Georgia ( Bucholz '62) , is teaching Spanish at A les s andro Ju n iol H i gh and is chairman of the foreign language department there. Carol ( M inshull) Beeston is taking a position in the iniensi e care unit ( ICU) at St. Mary's Hospital in Dul th, Minnesota. Deanna Dirks is now consultant for the publish­ ing company f Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc., in San Francisco. David Cameron is teaching again in the Everett (Wash.) Publi Schoo l s, after earning his M.A. in history from the University of Pennsylv nia i n June. John Roberl St.ewart has received a government gr nt to study for h is doctorate in speech at the Uni­ versity of Southern California. e1 th has been prom ted to manager of Dennis t he Blldget Finance Company in Reno , evada. His wife Betty ( Johnson '66) will teach kmdergarten in the Reno sch ols. 1 96�

Tim rowning has received his M.A. in sp ech from the University of New Mexico, and j oined the faculty as director of forensics. William Robb is teaching In the G irls' Polytechnic H igh School in Portland , Ore . Army Pvt . J. Robert Shive rep rted at Fort Ben­ ning , Ga. , to enter officers' candidate school. Re . and Mrs. Ronald ames ( Carol Williams) are presently studying the Fulani langu ge in prep­ aration for their mission work with the Mbororo tribe in northenl Cameroun. Gerald A. Di t tri ch has j ust finished a class in pas oral clinic I training at Methodi t Hospita l, St. Louis Park, Minnesota. He will be on internship at St. Luke Lutheran Church in F llert n, Calif. A. George Nace III spent three interesting weeks this summer ' I resea rch work at the Isles of Shoals off t he COe st of Maine, and assisted a new field marine biology course given by Corn 11 University there. Mary ( Ekstrand ) Seavy is . teaching in Tacoma. Her h usband (DOD '(5 ) is studying for a Master of Science degree at UPS. Claudette Baker is teaching at Whitman Sch 01 in Tacoma. She has one class of kindergarten and one class Head �tart stud nts. Michael G. Brewick has been na med assistant cashier at the 9Ul and Broadway Banking Cenier of the National Bank of Washington. He j oined NBW as a management trainee in 1964. Owen K. Aben er teaches at Fern Hill Scho 1 in Ta oma. Ken Edmonds is teaching in Libby, Montana. Jerry Merc hant is director of fore s'cs at the Uni­ ver ' ly of California, Santa Barbara. 1965 AUan Riddle is teaching fourth grade at Vashon ' Washington.

Hans Albertson is a PE teacher in the junior high sch ols or Got�berg. Sweden. He enjoys playing professional ba ketb n and p rti ' pating in track events. He and ills wife recently ecame the parents of a little gi rl. Sherrill ( Carlson ) Miner is teaching the second a flight engi n eer for the Al sk a Air National Guard, and is also a sk i in s tr u ctor.

grade in Anchorage. Her husband George is

Neil R. Marti son is a sixth grade teacher for the new Wi ldwood Park Elementru'y School in Puy­ allup, Washingt n. Richard B. Running finished Navy OCS in Decemer of 196. and was commissioned as an ensign in the U.S. N avy. He then went to S upply Corps School in Athens, Ga., which he completed in June of 1966. He I S now supply officer on the USS Cavalier (Troop Transp rt) out of San Di go. PFC Thomas O. Carlson is a mathematician in the a alysis division at Army Air Defense Command headquarters. Lts. Al and Leslie (Geer) Perry left together for one-year tour of duty in Vietnam. They arrived o ·tobel' ] . Sh e is an Army Nurse and he is a Medical Ser 'ice Corps officer. a

Kevin Thomas is working as a training analyst for the Boeing C ompany at the aerospace division in Kent, Washington.

Karen S. Lund has been accepted at the Univer­

sity of Colorado where she is planning to work for

a master's degree. K ren recently returned from a year in Paris, France. Gary Roberts is the manager of the Etna Insur­ an e Company' Fresno office in California. Myron Sandberg recently completed training as a chaplain ' s assistant at Fort Ord, Calif. 1966 Sheryll J. Fredekind has accepted a position teaching in the Puya llup school district. She will be teaching j unior high developmental reading and English. Paul Kyle is working in the administrative depart­ ment of the Boeing Company ' s Renton plant. David W. Lee is doing graduate work in botany at R Itger Universi ty. Jon Wilhel m is a sales representative in Portland for the Hormel Company. Lt. bert K. Velander is being sent to Europe as member of Army Medical Service Corps. Burton Bnli ns is teaching science at the Castle Rock ( Wash. ) High School. He is also assistant bas­ ketball coach and coaching baseball. Andrew Carlson has si gned to teach business edu­ cation and commer ial subjects at South Bend (Wash.) High School. David A . Fisher is in the Army at Fort Jackson ' So th Carolina. Marcia John son rec ived a full schol arship and . stlpened to study at Baylor University in the physi­ ology department. Paul Hegstad '64 and James Amend '65 are also studying at Baylor. Sharon Underwood is teaching math and science at St Helens (Oregon) Junior High School. Jack Ol iver is a sales engineer for the Powers Regulator Company in San Francisco.

Tom Carlson '{j5 bids Im'ewell to retir'ing L t . Ge11 . Chal"ie summer Charles Larson helped initiate a ne recreat ion program for ha ndicapp ed children at Custer playfi eld in Tac o m this summer.

Stuart Peterson will enter Luth r Seminary, St. P ul, Minnesota.

Theo logic al

Linda L. Carlson receive a schol arship from Clark Uni v e rsi t y in Mass achusetts f r grad ua te work.

William R. Juneau was commissioned an ensign in the U.S. Coast Guard (Reserve) Virgini a.

at Yo rktown,

Sherr, Reynolds has r ece i v ed an appointment as a grad u a t e assistant at Texas Christian Uni er sity . Mr. and Mrs. Trygve Anderson ( Lyln Fay Tsuji) are m a king their home in Palo Alt o Calif., where they are teaching and attending grad u ate school at Stanford University. ,

Vera Wollin is presently pital in Davenport, Wash.

orking at Lincoln Hos足

Sarah Jean Hester is employed at Virginia Mason Hospit al 41 Seattle.

B. Duff.


Lynn Ertsgaard is studying at L uther a n Seminary Dubuque, Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. Gary Haugen ( Sharon Larsen) are teaching in P uyallup. Gary is at the Wildwood School , while Sha r o n is at Woodland. Craig Svare is in the eng i n ee ri ng pr gram at the University of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. David Ekberg ( Mary Ann Satrum) a re living near Chicago, wh ere Dave is a tt en d ing Air Force Officer Candidate School.

1967 Marlene Pardue r ec entl y J oin ed the McNeil Isiand Penit ntiary s taff under a permanent CSC appoint足 ment as cl erk-stenographer.

1968 Susan Anderson has begun a ca r eer as an airline stewardess follo w i ng graduation from Western Air Lines S t ew ar d ess School in Los Angeles.

Master's Degree:

O R D I NATI O N S David Scherer '56, Wartburg Theological Sem­ inary, Dubuque, Iowa. Ordained October 2, 1966. Accepted a call to New Guinea. Philip Erlander '60, Master of Systematic The­ ology, Union Seminary, New York. Accepted a call to St. Philips Lutheran Church, Pacoima, California. Daniel Erlander '62, Lutheran School of Theology, Rock Island, Illinois. Accepted a call to Bethlehem Lutheran Church, St. Charles Illinois. Both 'were ordained July 1 0 , 1966, at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, La Crescentia, California. Ivan E. Larsen '62, Wartburg Theological Semin­ ary, Dubuque, Iowa. Ordained September 4, 1966, at Trinity Lutheran Church, Tacoma, Washington. Ac­ cepted a call as pastor of four churches in the par­ ish of McGregor, North Dakota. Charles Mays '62, Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota. Ordained June 19, 1966, in Selbu Lutheran Church, LaCrosse, Washington. Ac­ cepted a call to Fairfax, Virginia.

HOMECOMING D1�s tinguishecl to W.



a t the SatuTclay Evening Banquet




G RAD UATE D E G R EES AWA R D ED A number of PL U alumni have received profes­ sional and advanced degrees during the past year. The names of some have been announced in earlier issues of REFLECTIONS, others known to have received degrees recently are: Doctor's Degree: Eugene LeMay '62, Ph. D . Chemistry, University of Illinois, August, 1966. Richard Olsen '59, Ph. D . Chemical Engineering, Oregon State University, summer, 1966.

Timothy Browning '64, M.A. in Speech, University of New Mexico, June, 1966. David CamerCn '63, M.A. in History, University of Pennsylvania, June, 1966. Alice Devers '63, M.S. in Library Science, Drexel Institute (Phil. ) , June, 1966. Paula A. Fendler '62, M.A. in Music, University of Indiana, June, 1966. Stanley A. Fredrickson '61, M.A. in Social Work, Rutgers, June, 1966. Arthur Gordon Getchman '57, M.A. in School Administration, Pacific Lutheran University, June, 1966. Gwen Golderman '63, M.A. in Social Work, Denver University, June, 1966. Donald Ruben Kvamme '57, M.A. in Elementary Education, Pacific Lutheran University, June, 1966.

A lu1'I'mus Presentation


Daniel Benson '61, M.S. in Urban Transportation Planning, Northwestern University, June, 1966.

Rev. Juleen H. Mattern '44, M.A. in Education, Rutgers, June, 1966. Donald O. Monson '39, M.A. in Education (Administration) , Pacific Lutheran University, June, 1966. M. Carolyne (Link) Pietz '60, M . S . in Library Science, University of Illinois, January, 1966. Edwin Roalkvam '54, M.A. in Education, Washington State University, June, 1966. Goldene Gerritz Robinson '38, M.A. in Education, Pacific Lutheran University, June, 1966. Ronald Smith '57, M.A. in Music, Occidental College, June, 1966. Kenneth H. Storaasli '50, M.A. in Education ( Administration) , Pacific Lutheran University, June, 1966. Christopher Tarimo '64, M.N.S., Pacific Lutheran University, June, 1966. Theron Harold Wheeler '61, M.A. in School Administration, Pacific Lutheran University, June, 1966.

MARRIAGES Febru a ry 19, 1966: John M. Nielsen to Ruth Dan­ ielson, '64. April 16, 1 966: David Allen Fisher '66 to Cathy Rae Ronnestad, Idaho. J une 1966: James Brandt '59 to Norene Mason Centralia, Wash.


June 4, 1966: Richar d L. Brown to Sh 1'ron Ann Lindbeck '64 , Mou nt Vernon, Wash. June 4, 1966: S ot t Beatty Esplen t Ward '66, Olympia. Wash..

Nancy Gayle

June 10, 1966: Rober t All en Pauls n '65 to Mar­ jorie Serene Omdal '66, Edison, Wash . June 12, 1£) 66: Frank Alfred B almer '65 to Janice Carolyn Ma gnuson , Tacoma, Wash. June 17, 1966: Louis Ch arles Blaesi, Jr. '61 to Ka ren L uj:;e J hnson Tacoma, W s h . June 18 , 1966: J ohn T. Beeston, III to Carol Mins­ hull '63, Kent, Wash . June 1 , 1966 : Anders Martin Berg, Jr. Lo Shirley Marian Pearson '61, Newport Beach , Calif. June 18, 1966: Kenneth C ummings, Jr. to Mary Lee Bj el'ken '66, Canby, Ore. June 1 1 966: John Mark Erlander '67 to K aren Lee Deyton '66, Tacoma, Wa h. June 18, 1966: Dennis Ral ph Hardtke '66 to Joan Ella Fosness '67, Tacoma. Wash . J une 18, 1 966: Roe Hru o ld Hatlen '65 to Be v erl y Joan Th mpson '66, St. Paul, Minn. June 18, 1966: Herbert Roy Hos reId '66 to Lynne Suzann Larso n '67, Portland, Ore. J un e 18, 1966: Ronald Alfred Miller '65 to Jean TIene Andrews '65, Pasco. Wash.. June 19, 1966: Howard We sley Purvis ( F ormer Faculty) to Gail Maureen D ur ham (F ormer Fac­ ulty) , Seattle , Washington. June 1 9, 1966: Donald Keith Seavy '65 t Ma ry Lynn Ek strand ' 4, Se attle W sh. June 24, 1966: Larry Arthur C ar on '65 to Karen Mari Mansen '65, Tacoma, Wash J une 24, 1 966: Gerald C. Nordstrom to Marian Louise Curtis '64, Everett. WaRh . June 2 5 , 1 966 : B lice D . Ant. ho ny to Shar 11 A. Larson ' 5, Spokane, Wash. J un e 25, 1 966: Clyde Richard Ell i ng se n '49 to Mary Elizabeth R i pke, St anwood, Wash. June 25, 1966: Walter Watson Em ery to C 1'01 Joan Reinke '66, Oregon C ity, Ore. J une 25, 1966: Harry William Beggs '66 to Ka thy Joe Thom as, Tacoma, Wash. June 26, 1966: Raymond A. Mille r to Christie C . Aas en '65, Wenatchee, Wash. J uly 2, 1966: Jon H. K vi nsland '63 to Joa n Kathryn Rabe, Spokane. Wash. July 2, 19 66 : C ar l Pr esley, Jr. to Dal las Anne Schuler '64 , Yakima, Wash. July 3, 1 966: Richard Laurence M y '65 to Carole Eliz abeth Olson '68, Patterson, Calif. J uly 8, 1966: J o se p h G. B yle to KjerI Anita Jer­ stad '66, Pu a l1 up, Wash. July 8, 1 966: David Lunde '59 to La vern e Siebert. July 9. 1 966 : Ronald Engel' '65 to Eloise Ormbr ek '68, Ballard, Wash. July 9, 1 966: Charles Allen Lytle to Sandra Rae Town ' 6'l, Moscow, Idaho. ,





July 15, 1966: Philip Steven Schuur '66 to Lynn Louise Hollstrom, Taco ma , Wash. July 16, 1 966: James William Ru ble '67 to Barbara June Erickson ' ti6 , BW 't inglon , Wash. July 30, 1966: Joseph Paul Gr nde '66 to Karen Alice Kane '66, Seattl , W h. August 5, 1966 : Walter J. FItzpatrick '58 to Marvel LaCoursiere, Tacoma, Wash August 5, 1966: Denn is L e sli e Flath to Helen Anne Bosum '65, Tacoma, Wash. August 6, 1966: George A . Miller t Sherrill L . C arlson '65, Anchor age, Alaska. August 6, 1966 : Bruce Edward Shackelford to Mard on J aco bson ' 65, Tacoma, Wash. August 6, 1966: Da vid Gl enn Stein '65 to Doris P e taja , B on ner Monta na A gus t 12, 1 966: Dr. Emilio Massa to Janette Ann Breimer '65, Olympia, Wash August 1 3 , 1 966: Benjamin Pa ul Bridges '66 to Pa ulette Anne Haywoo d, Tacoma, W as h. August 13, 1 966 : Gary Erholm to D ar lene Denn ' 65 , Seattle, W sh. A ugust 20, 1966: William Coffman '66 to Sonja D r estad '67 , Seattle, Wash. August 20 , 196 6: Melvin Claude D anford to Carol Jean Mc G i nty '64, Seattle, Wash . Augu st 20, 1966: A . George Nace, ill '64 to Kath­ leen Arnold '65, Tacom a. Wash. A u gu t 20, 1966: W i lli a m Robb '6 4 to Marilyn Br ueggemeiel' '65, Portland, Ore. August 2 1 , 1966: Dav id Glen Cornelius to Alice Aleen Andersen '62 , Los Altos, Calif. Augu.':it 22 , 1 966: William Lewis '63 to Harriet Ea_tvold Borup, Minn. August 2 7 , 1966: George Beard '64 to Andrea An­ nette Anker, Sa n Raf ae l, C al i f August 27, 1 966: Konstantinos James (Gus) Kravas '65 to C nslance Helene Farnham '67, Port­ l and, O r e. Au gust , 1966: Richard R . Davenport '62 t o Joan E. Erickson '66, Lynnwood, Wash. Septemb er 3, 1966: D on al d L. Reynolds, Jr. (fac­ ulty) t o Phyllis B . Holum (facult y) , Tacoma, Wash. .






To Mr. and Mrs.


Mark L. Freed '56 (Rosemary Cerny '60 ) , daugh­ ter, Tracy Marie, born January 1, 1965. Joins Linda Rae 3. Albert David Lindsey '57 (Theresa Schneider '58 ) , son. John David, born January 6, 1966. Joins Karen, Bo nnie and David Paul.

A ll Is Forgiven

Judd O'Dell (Karen A. Johnson '62 ) , son, Daniel Alf, born March 14, 1966. Francis Stack '65 ( Karen Lundell '65 ) , daughter, Michelle Renee, born March 2 0 , 1966.

Yo u r Al m a M ater

David Carlson '64 (Bonnie Vail '62 ) , son, Jon David, born March 23, 1966.

H o meco m i ng Oct . 2 0 - 2 3

Eugene L. Bern '59 ( Karlene Brandt '62 ) , daugh­ ter, Deborah Kris, born May 4, 1966. D. Lothar Pietz '59 ( M. Carolyne Link '60 ) , adopted daughter, Kaarin Louise, born May 9 , 1966. Thomas Unmacht '59 ( Sharon Thorvilson '60 ) , son, Kevin Thomas, born May 1 2 , 1966. Joins Joan Marie 3. Dennis Dunagan (Anna Ohrstrom '59), daughter, Corinne Ann, born May 20, 1966. Joins Brian 3 . Paul Jacobson (Joyce Ruffcorn '50 ) , adopted daughter, Debra Elaine, born June 15, 1966. Joins Mark 9. Paul Eriks '61 ( Sally Piehl '61 ) , daughter, Julia Kristine, born June 26, 1966. C. Mayne Whitmore '60, son, Thor Erik, born June 27, 1966. Kevin M. Thomas '65, daughter, Kim Michelle, born July 6, 1966. Joins Kevin Tyner 3 % .


Robert Crittenden ( Mary Knudson '55 ) , son, Rob­ ert Theodore, born July 9, 1966. Joins Christine 6, Katie 4 1f2 and Mary Lee 3 1f2 .

Please use the space below to send us news of an

Ronald Soine '61, son, Ronald Jeffrey, born July 12, 1966. Joins Laurie 17 months.

address change, new promotion,



ments, marriages, additions to the family, travel, or to just say hello. Information deadline for the next issue is November 1 .

John Easley ( Grace Helgren '60 ) , daughter, Jill Suzanne, born July 22, 1966. Joins Jennifer 3 . Edgar Larson '57 (Betty Johnson '58 ) , daughter, Julianne Kristine, born July 22, 1966. Joins Karin 7 and Michael 5. Derek Newton ( Marion Kelly '60 ) , son, Darrell Alan, born July 26, 1966 .


_ _ _ _


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


News Notes:




Ellis Robinson ( Gayle Henrichsen '59) , son, Brad, born July 3 1 , 1966. Joins sisters Brooke 6 and Heather 5. Les Foss '64 ( Connie Studebaker former Reg­ istrar secretary) , son, John David, born August I, 1966. Joins Cheryl Ann 1 1/2 . -

_ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Dick Tuininga (Andrea Sandvig '65 ) , son, Kris­ tian William, born August 1, 1966. Thomas Borchman (Janet Watne '66 ) , twin sons, Craig Thomas and John David, born August 17, 1966.



to A lum n i

Office, PL U)

Theodore R. Fedt '28 passed away August, 1966, at his home in Bremerton. Survivors in addition to his widow include a brother, Pete Fedt, and several nieces and nephews.

scape architecture is by Lawrence Halp rin and Asso­ ciates, San Francisco. S t r u ctural engineers are Worthington, Sk i ll ing , Helle and J a ckson of Seattle . Arnold N. Bogue and Assoc iates, Tacoma, are the mechanical and electrical enginee rs .

Orda! Hall was designed by Lea, P earso n & Rich­ ards of Tacoma. La ndscap e architect is Z oomwa lt of Tacoma .

Tingelstad, named for Osc ar A. Tingelstad, PLU pres i dent from 1928-43, will be at the southern edge of the campus at 12 5th and Yakima S tr eets. It will co nta in 93,059 square feet and will be approximately 60 feet wide and 200 feet long. Square foot price , includin g' architect-engineering fe es and sales taxes, is $20.65. The high-rise building will feature high speed elevators. Bay windows will give it a residential character.

Ordal Hall is named for Ola J. Ordal, PLU presi­ dent from 1921 -28. It will be located on the north edge of the campus, along 121st Street between the present student center and Stuen Hall.

Dr. Ollrti$ E. Huber Associate Professor of Ph1'losophy

It will contain 44,119 sq ua re feet with approximate dimensions of 193 by 181. C ost per square foot is $23.80, inclu d ing fees and taxes.

PLU is c ommitted, in obedience to its faith, to the pursuit of truth and to the development of free and responsi bl e persons. I chose to jo in it in the task and travail of achi eving these p urposes because I share them and the faith in which t hey are conc eived.


Further, there is no greater sense of intimacy or unity than that produ ced by a profoundly shared and arduously pursued purpose. One of the com­ plete satisfactions of my labor here has been the enjoyment of this sense of intimacy and unity with my collea gues and st uden ts alike. The value of this spirit is so great , in my opinion, that I take it to be not merely the product of a dedicated faculty and a remarkably principled adminis tration, but nothing less than the visible ben edic tion of God upon the labor of those who serve Him in love.

The UXli er sity -owned residence a t S. 121st S t . and P ark was extensively remodeled and added to over the summer and is now the Student Health Center. A one -story brick rambler, it served as the President's residence for many years and for the past six years had been occupied by Clayton B. Peterson , vice-president for development, and his family. The former health center was moved to make way for Ordal Hall, now wlder construction . The new center has the very latest in facilities and equipment for doctors, nurses and treatment of patients, and also has beds for short-time patients. The Center is manned 24 hours per day with a Registered Nurse on duty at all times and doctors on call.

$3 M I L L I O N P R O J ECT LAU N C H ED The Board of R e gents awarded contracts Aug. 18 for construction of two dormitories. Project budgets total more than $3 million. Kew Cons truction Co. of Tacoma submitted a low bid of $1,321,600 to build a nine-story dwelling for 396 men , to be called Tingelstad Hall. A mechanical contract for the same buildin g went to Howard Cha pman Plumbing and H eating, Tacoma, for $138,920.

Absher Construction Co., P uy allup, will build a three-story dorm for $934,439. To house 185 women, the structure will be cal led Drdal Hall. Absher is presently constructing a $1.7 million library which is to be occ upied in December. All the contracts were awarded subject to approval of the architects and the U.s. Ho using and Urban Development Department, which wi ll provide financ in g. Construction has begun on both projects, which will feature pour ed-in -place concrete and brick fac­ ing. Both are to be ready for occupancy in Sep­ tember, 1967.

Dr. Paul E. Banda, physician, checks a student

Robert Bi1ls brough Price, F. A.I.A., and Associates, Tacoma, are architects for Tingelstad Hall. Land-

Mrs. Gladys Bergum, R.N., head nU'l'se, looks on.

patient in the new Student Health Center, while




8:15 p.m. Concert, Louis Armstrong Friday, October 21

7:30 p.m. Coronation of Queen and Song Festival 10:00 p.m. Alumni Coffee Hour Saturday, October

10:00 11:00 1 : 30 5:30 8:30


a.m. Powderpuff Game a.m. Intramural All-Star Football Game p .m. Varsity Football, PLU vs. Whitman p.m. Alumni Banquet p.m. Homecoming Dance

Sunday, October


10:30 a.m. Worship Service Dedicat ion of Stuen Hall

1:00 p . m . Open House in Residence Halls Make your reservations early for the concert and banquet.

S.M.D ., Union Theological Seminary School Sacred Music; part-time faculty last year.



Victor B. Moon , instructor in political science; B.A., Whittier; M.A., University of Washington; four years teaching assistant.

The face of the campus has undergone many changes in recent months. Stuen Hall, residence unit for 11 women, was completed in time for the opening of the fall term. The Library is nearing completion and will be ready for use Dec. 5. Carrying out landscaping changes outlined in a master plan drawn up by Richard Haag and Asso­ ciates in Seattle, contractors and the m intenance staff have installed new walkways, roadways, park­ ing lo ts , plazas and planting areas. A new entrance to the campus has been constructed between the art building and Harstad Hall. Stone from the old entry pu t up by the Class of 1926 has been incorporated into the facade fo r the new entry.

Edward Whittaker, reference librarian; B.A., Mur­ ray State College; M.S.L.S., University of Michigan; 10 years library experience. Charles Ziebarth, visiting professor of business administration; B.A., M.A., Washington State Uni­ versity; Ph.D., University of Chicago; associate pro­ fessor of transportation at University of Oregon and Portland Center for Continuing Education.

HARALS O N J O I N S STAFF Jerry C. Haralson, 25, j oined the staff in July as as istant controller.


He filled a new position created as a result of accelerated business activities attendant to rapid campus physical expansion and a growing student body.

Seven additional faculty members joined the staff since publication of the earlier list of 17 in the July issue of REFLECTIONS . The appoint.ees: Mi ' Melba Cather, instructor in nursing; B.A., University of Miami; M.A., Universi y of Washing­ ton; 19 years nursing experience. Mrs. Alice Chambers, assistant profes or of edu­ cation; B.S., University of Utah; M.A., University of Washington; 18 years elementary teacher. Miss Lois Elam, instructor in nursing B.S., University of Washington; seven years nursing experience. Rolf Espeseth, associ ate professor of music; B.M., Concordia College; M.M., Eastman School of Music;

Haralson received a bachelor of arts degree in business from PLU in 1962, and did graduate work in accounting this past school year at the Univer­ sity of Oregon. From 1962 to 1965 he was a Navy Communications officer on ammunition and repair ships and saw sea duty in the Orient. At present he is a Lieutenant in the Naval Reserve. His wife is the former Carolyn Breuer, Class of

1963. 8



Near1y 2,000 st u dent s , the l a rg est number in the university's 75-year h is to ry , were expected on cam­ pus Sept . 15 as fall semester began. About 650 of th e number were to be freshmen, with another 130 expected to trans fer in from other four-year inst ittlti ons and junior colleges. The full-house p r edi ct i on brought smiles to ad­ ministrators. A number o f other Northwest schools were expecting e nrol lm e nt decreases this year. The students were to come from 30 state and several f reign countries. 'A ca d emic quality of the freshman class was ex­ pected to be up a n o tc h . The class was exp ecte d to a v era ge above a 3.0 or B. Stuen Hall opened t o 110 women as wo rkme n hustled through last minute fini shing touches. All wom en ' s housing on ca m pu s was filled and all the men's ho using was filled. Some men will be living off campus.

PLU's publications program has been designated best in t he nation by the American College Public Rel a t i ons A sso c i a t i on . Announcement of th e award was made July 6 in B ston at the ACPRA annual convention. PLU received a Certificate of Ex ceptiona l Achievement bas ed on th impact of its tot al publications program. Highest award giv�u by the association, the "ex­ ce pt ion al " certificate was the only one given for 1966 in the pu blic at io n division. More than 1,200 U.S. co l leges and universities were eli gible for the award. The Rev. Milton N esv i g , PLU vice president ­ universit relations , received the citation from John Mattill, director o f pub l i ca tio ns at M as sach us etts Institute of Tec hno logy . With it went a $250 incen­ tive award presented by Willian1 Whitsitt, director of education programs for the Sears Roebuck Foundation. PLU also won a Certificate of Spec i al Merit for the arulUal report of President Robert Mor tvedt. For PLU it was the second year in a row for win­ ning an " e x cep ti o n a l " certificate. The 1965 award was for improvement of publications. The school also captured eight publications awards at the ACPRA re gi onal conference last year at San Fran­ cisco. Two publi ca tions (t he president's report and a viewbook) c ap tu red two of seven gold medals awarded at the Seattle Art D irect ors ' Show in June. PLU won three " honorable me nti on " awards in J ul y in th e American Alumni Council's national c ntest for direct mail publications. Awards wer e earn ed for a brochure conc erni u g the dedication of Foss Hall, a men's dorm itory; a viewbook of the campus; and a broc hure describing capi t al need for the new PLU library bu il di ng . A total of 38 U.S. institutions of higher educa­ tion were cited by the Council, which has its n a­ tional office in Washin gt on, D. C .

C OMPUTER TO BE LEASED PL U will in sta ll a complete electronic data pro­ cessing system as soon as equipment is available, President Robert Mortvedt has announced. The Bo ar d of Regents has authorized the leasing of an mM 1401 co mputer, he srud. This will make possible the de v elop ment of an in formation service designed to help administrators meet growth prob­ lems more effiCi ently . "It will make data more accessible for use in de­ cision making," h e added. To be super vis e d by A . Dean Buchanan , vice president-bu<;iness and finance, the machine opera­ tion will as sum e record keeping chores for academic, business, admissions, alumni and student affairs office s and the registrar. For the faculty the machine will be used to assist in ins truc ti onal and research functions. 'As research is becoming more and more a fact of the life of the uni ersity, there has been a growi ng need for com­ puter service," Dr. Mortvedt said. Present data processing a t PLU is restricted to work with mechanical punch card equipment.

STUDENT RUNS FOR SENATE "Our man in pol i t ic s " on the PLU campus is Howard O'Connor, 29-year-old j Wl i o r who seeks the 29th D istric t state se n a te seat h el d by John McCut­ cheon. A mem be r of the state board of the Young Repub­ l i ca n s , O'Connor i s political science maj or at PLU and plans to go on to law sch o o l . He has been active in student affairs, serv in g as president of campus Young Republicans, in the student legislature, on the staffs of the s tu d en t newspaper and literary magazine and as a member of Gavel Club. He w or k ed part-time in the cafeteria last winter and this summer was a member of the yard crew. O ' C onn or is a nati e of Pennsylvania. He c a m e to Washingt on in 1961 while in Army service and subsequently worked wi th Sander's Restaurants in Seattle before coming to PLU.



- Pre:tident Robert ,uo/·tvedt of PLU, secolld Irum riuht, was amOllg Pac'jio Northwest dignitUcril!8 hlm orecl at a reception " ('clmtly by H ill Roya.l Highnes8 Prinoe Bertil 01 'weden, ce nter, at the royal palace in Stockholm. Other8 1>resent 1/J I'C : left to rirlh t , GOli. Dan Evans of Washing ton : en. War1'611. G. Maglluson of Washi,lg lon: and far right, Dr. Ma rctt8 Wallenberg, Swedish chairman of the boa,'d for the Scan­ dina t,julI A irlilles System.

-Pboto Courtesy





PLU TO GO ON TH E A I R A 50-foot tall FM radio tower was installed atop Eastvold Chapel in early August. The tower is to transmit signals over a lO-mile area for the school's new lO-watt non-commercial educational radio sta­ tion, to go on the air sometime this fall . Call letters have not yet been assigned to the station. which will be heard at 88.5 mg. Paul Steen, assistant professor of speech, said initial programming is expected to run about four hours daily, probably from 4 :30 to 8:30 p.m. Programming will include classical music, news, and informational and education productions. People from all disciplines at the university will be en­ couraged to participate in programming, Steen said. "We will attempt to be just as professional in our approach as we possibly can, II he said. "We hope to achieve professional broadcast quality." The station will provide a service not now being offered in the area, Steen said. For students it will become " another aspect of what we think is a rather thorough preparation in broadcasting," he said. PLU already has a non-commercial closed circuit television station, KPLU-TV, Channel 2.

When the 780 new students converged on the campus for th6 opening of 01-ien tation week they were m e t by this "Knight TnJi7l" which transported their belongings from parking lots to fkf residence MUS. LY11da Lea otS01l. of Everett, 1licC(' of student Kay lohmon, talked with Wayne Suter. the "engineer." Loading lu�ggage were Dan Camp­ bell, far left, and Da1.'e Weaver, member8 of the Inter­ collegiat e Knights. The electrically propelled train was constructed by the PLU maintenance staff,


S PO RTS FOOTBALL Coach Roy Carlson was working hard at initiating rookies in the fine points ot college football, as REFLECTIONS went to press in mid-September. Carlson had his largest squad ever, 47 candidates, as the K;nights began practice Sept. 5. But 23 of the total were freshmen and only 13 of the others were lettermen. Jack Sareault of the Tacoma News Tribune said of this season's team: "Everything is coming up green." He was referring to the coaches' problems in getting inexperienced men ready to fill gaping holes at center and in the backfield. Elsewhere, the Knights were expected to have comparatively experienced personnel. But what sea­ soning they had was expected to be neutralized by lack o[ depth. The brightest spot probably was at quart erback, where senior Tony Lister was displaying his old mastery at long and short passes and roU outs. His finding receivers was expected to bear heavily on Knight fortunes. Here's how the Knights lined up in early Sep­ tember: Offense Ends - Jeff Car.ey and Dennis Buchholz, Mark Yokers and Vic Eaton. Tackles -- Bob Krieger (captain) , Bill Krieger Ben Erickson, Mike McMullen. Guards Alan Fruetel, Bill Tye, Chuck Lingelbach, Randy Jorgenson . Centers -- Mike ArkeU, Duane Oyler, Hal Anderson. Quarterbacks - Lister Grant Spencer, Skip Miller. Halfbacks - Gary Nelson, Pete Ugstad, Stan Clare. Flankerbacks - Ken Harding, Owen Ray. Fullbacks -- Lloyd Eggan, Lee Davidson, Dave Waller� Defense

St'll iol' lilia I'll rbuck TOIIlJ Lister, shown ill action ill a tilt last 8ea8UII. is t h e kcy to the !(lIight'8 OffW8iIJc hopc8


this campaigll.

on a shortstop on a small town team who is led astray and into various adventures by a wayward pitcher. Mrs. Napjus says she has been a rabid baseball fan "all my life." She grew up with two brothers who were baseball fans "and married a man as interested in baseball as I,"� she says. "When our two boys were born, we decided they'd be assigned to the then New York Giants," she re­ calls with a smile. The two have since chosen careers in math and engineering. The new book will be the second for Mrs. Napj us. The Magic Chair, a collection of fairytales, was pub­ lished in 1957.

Ends - Oliver Johnson, Carey, Yokers, Dave Thorn. Tackles - Ben Erickson, Tye, Bill Krieger, Lingel­ bach. Guards - Anderson, Dan Ferguson, Lingelbach. Linebackers-Nelson, Eaton, Freutei, Ugstad, Clare. Halbacks - Eggan, Lister. Safety - Ray, Doug Jansen. PLU will play a home-and home football series with California Lutheran College in 1967 and 1968 . H. Mark Salzman, PLU athletic director, said the teams will play at Tacoma on Sept. 16, 1967, and at Thousand Oaks, Calif., on Sept. 21, 1968. The games will be the frrst athletic encounters be­ tween the teams. California Lutheran opened in 1960.

SWI M M I N G P O O L B U S Y Swimmers using the PLU pool last summer totaled as many as 900 a day, according to swim coach Rich­ ard A. Alseth. In one six week stretch there were about 43,000 swimmers, he said . The volume could swell the year's total past the 1965 record of 96,000 swimmers. About 475 people took advantage of five public swim hours each day, Alseth said. There were public swims seven days a week. Organized swim sessions also were popular. Swim lessons attracted 1,145 youngsters. In addition the pool had a swim team of youngsters 7-14 who par­ ticipated in weekly meets. And a housewives swim group attracted 35 women.

M R S. NAPJ U S WR ITES B O O K A life-long interest i n baseball inspired the writing of a new juvenile fiction work by Alice Napj us, assistant professor of education. She has been advised that D. Van Nostrand , Princeton, N. J., will publish her book, tentatively entitled The Keystone Code, in the fall of 1967. She is considering use of the pen name, James Nolan. A baseball story for boys 10 to 13, the book focuses 11

Office of Education and funded by the 1965 Ele­ mentary and Secondary Education Act. The institute is designed to train graduate students for educational research occupations.

U N IV E R S ITY N OT E B O O K A t press time i t was learned that The Hon. Hubert Humphrey, vice president of the United States, would give a major address at. a convocation at PLU on Thursday, Sept. 29. Arrangements for the ap­ pearance were made by Rep. Floyd B. Hicks of Washington's Sixth Congressional District.

Dr. Sjoding has been at PLU since 1951 and is a former dean of the graduate school. '"

Earl E. Eckstrom, 3608 Second Ave. , N .W., Se­ attle, an appliance distributer, is chairman. Vice chairman is the Rev. Theodore P. Brueckner, 10390 Canyon Rd., S.W., Beaverton, Ore. He is pastor of St. Matthew Lutheran Church of Beaverton. Donald E. Cornell, 1019 E. Ninth St., Port An­ geles, is secretary. He operates an auto parts store. A. Dean Buchanan, PLU vice president-business and finance, was named to a fifth consecutive term as treasurer.

Promoted to associate professor were Stewart D. Govig, relig io n; Dr. Philip A. Nordquist, history; and Arne K. Pederson , education. Mrs. Alice J. Napjus, education, was appointed assistant professor of religion. Tenure was granted to Dr. Martin E. Hill­ ger, associate professor of English. *





The magazine congratulated Tacoma architect Robert Billsbrough Price for the buading's interior, which it called "strong and well articulated." The pool was opened in May 1965.




Dr. Vigness, who has resided in Tacoma since his retirement a year ago, has been doing historical research on the role of Norway in the second world war. A book on the subject, encompassing data gathered in Norway last summer, is expected to be finished in about a year, he said. He · wrote about the role of Norway in the first world war for his Ph.D. dissertation at Stanford University in 1932. Stanford subsequently published the work in book form as The Neutrality of Norway in the World War.


The total indicates "significant progress" in sum­ mer school growth, he said. He attributed it partially to an expanded curriculum.

Eighty-six students who completed requirements for bachelors and masters degrees and teaching cer­ tificates were honored at a summer session convoca­ tion August 18.

Reflected in the enrollment are 937 individuals, a 13 per cent increase over the 831 individuals enrolled last summer. '"


Dr. Paul G. Vigness, professor emeritus of his­ story, j oined the Purdue University faculty this fall. He has a one-year appointment as professor of American history.

Enrollment at PLU's two 1966 summer sessions totaled 1,237, according to Dr. Thomas Langevin, academic vice president.



The unique interior design of the building's roof bean1s was shown in a cover photograph. Inside, a story and photos described the structure under the title, "Returning Nature to the Indoor PooL"

"Doing Business With Scandinavia" was the topic for a day-long trade c nference held on campus Sept. 23 under the auspices of the Association of Wash­ ington Industries and PLU. Outstanding cultural, business and professional leaders from the · four Scandinavian countries and the Pacific Northwest comprised the speaking and resource panels for the event which attracted business men from the North­ west. The Scandinavian leaders were part of a group of dignitaries brought to the area on a special flight in connection with the inauguration of non­ stop flight service between · S eattle-Tacoma and Copenhagen by the Scandinavian Airlines System. *


Progressive Architecture magazine devoted its July cover and a story inside to the PLU swimming pool building.

President Robert. Mortvedt of PLU was among a group of dignitaries flown to Scandinavia for 12 days in September by die Scandinavian Airlines System. This was in connection with the inauguration of non-stop service by SAS from Seattle-Tacoma to Copenhagen. *


Incumbent officers of the Board of Regents have been reelected to one-year terms.

Faculty promotions were announced at the open­ ing convocation of the school year. Four were ele­ vated to the rank of full professor. These include Dr. Jens W. Kn udsen , biology; Dr. Gundar J. King, business administration; Dr. Paul M. Reigstad, Eng­ lish; and Dr. Dwight J. Zulauf, business.



Cited were 52 who earned bachelors degrees, three who earned masters degrees and 31 who received Washington state standard certificates denoting com­ pletion of a fifth year of academic study.


Dr. Theodore C. Sj oding, professor of education,

The convocation took the place of a graduation ceremony for the bachelors degree winners, since PLU conducts only the annual spring commence­ ment. Masters recipients will return next May 28 for formal awarding of their degrees.

is visiting professor of education this year at the

University of Miami in Coral Gables, Fla. He left Tacoma in late August to work in an academic year institute developed through the U. S.





'N'V l;- ; -



S e c o n d C l a ss Postage Pa i d a t Taco m a , Wa s h i ngton

-<4i� CALENDAR �� � OF EVENTS � Oct.

I-Luther League Day


I-Football, PLU vs. Linfield


8-Football, PLU vs. Western


2 0 - 2 3 , 28 -29 -Children's Theatre


15-Football, PLU vs. College of Idaho

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Morning tours, afternoon football game

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l:30 p.m., Franklin Pierce Stadium

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8 p.m., Bellingham Civic Stadium

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1:30 p.m., Caldwell


20-23-Homecoming: Louis Armstrong, Coronation, Banquet, Dance , Dedication of Stuen Hall


22-Football, PLU vs. Whitman


28-29, Nov. 4-5-All-School Play

Oct. 29-Football, PLU vs. Pacific Oct.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l:30 p.m., Franklin Pierce Stadium

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8 : 1 5 p.m., Eastvold Chapel

l:30 p.m., Franklin Pierce Stadium

30-Reformation Festival


5-Football, PLU vs. Lewis & ClarL


6-Concert Chorus, King David Oratorio


7-Artists Series, Carlos Montoya

Nov. 12-Football, PLU vs. Willamette Nov. I S-Orchestra ConcerL

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l:30 p.m., Portland

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l :30 p.m., Salem

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Nov. 17-19-Alpha Psi Omega Play

8 : 1 5 p.m.

8 : 1 5 p.m.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


I-Basketball, PLU at Puget Sound


2-Basketball, PLU vs. Western

_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


3-Lucia Bride FestivaL


3-Basketball, PLU vs. CentraL


6-Basketball, PLU vs. CentraL


8-10-Christmas ConcerL


8-10-Basketball, PLU at UPS (Daffodil Tournament)

CB 200

8 p.m., gym

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8 p.m.

8 p.m.; Ellensburg

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8 p.m., gym

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8 p.m.

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