RAWR Magazine Issue 3

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December 2011 - issue 3

a Services For Young People literacy project

in association with

R W A R CONTRIBUTORS Y PANT COMPREHENS IVE Anna Robinson Benedict WaltersEvans Bethan Coleman Bob Davies Bryony Mason Cerys Haines Charlotte Long Charlotte Williams David King Emma Willington Emily Mallett Emily Roderick Francesca Mitchell Iwan Evans Kiera White Kimberley Jenkins Lucy Ranson Megan Davies Megan Wallace Molly West Phoebe Thomas Sarah Pugh Zoe Li

YSGOL GYFUN GYMRAEG Y CYMER Bethan Thomas Brooke Griffiths Callum Leask Callum Phillips Cori Stone Emily Williams Jenna Owen Lauren Crudge Leon Mathias Matthew Griffiths Shane Jones

MAESGWYN SPECIAL SCHOOL Adam Ashford Andrew Deacon Brandon Harris Brogan Smart Connor Morris Daniel Bailey Danni Davies Deacon Jones Jack Pyer James Spencer Kathryn Bevan Katie Cotter Kelly Thomas Keiron Addis Kieran Lawrence Lee Quick Liam Knowles Liam Melhuish Mark SangerNorris Ross Evans Selina Jones Scott Payne Thomas Huxley Zoe Docherty

Some of the poems written by students at Hawthorn High School during Literacy Week Workshops

ST JOHN THE BAPTIST HIGH SCHOOL Abigail Blake Brandon Davies Callum Cartwright Callum Morgan Ceryn Harris Charlotte Walters Chloe Hughes Christian Punter Curtis Richards Jack Williams Joshua Edwards Lowri Phelps Luca Walters Lucy Eames Nathan Cole Owain Samuel

HELLO THERE! Welcome to another jam-packed issue of RAWR magazine, filled with more wonderful creative writing by young people like you. On the following 16 pages you can read reviews, interviews and a selection of the fantastic poetry written by participants of the latest series of RAWR Creative Writing Workshops – and I’m pleased to say there was so much of it that I had to ask the young people involved to choose their favourite poem for publication as I just couldn’t decide! This school term saw the launch of Literacy Week by RCT’s Services For Young People, which had groups of keen writers taking part in a variety of workshops in schools throughout the county borough. Pupils in one of the schools I worked with produced some really fabulous poems, with key words from their writing then used in a graffiti art workshop which followed on from my poetry session. Another group of young people wanted to work with me to write music reviews, and you can read the results on pages 14-15. And on this page you can see just a few of the many poems written in a marathon poetry writing day I organised, which involved over 110 young people! Other RAWR news is that the HQ Crew from Bryn Celynnog Comprehensive School has recently won the SFYP Youth Achievement Award for Outstanding Contribution to Art & Culture for their eager participation and wonderful work produced in the Creative Writing Workshops for RAWR issue 1. I am truly thrilled that the group’s talent and enthusiasm has been recognised. Congratulations guys on your well deserved achievement! Gail Griffiths Project Co-ordinator & Magazine Editor IWA Educator of the Year

floss Candy ud s a clo a y f f u ar As fl as sug t e e w As s gum bubble s a k n As pin a kitte s a t f nish As so nailvar s a y r te eam As glit ice-cr s a y lt r As me feathe a s a t M) As ligh imie (7 A & Sophie

SNOW a raindrop As small as s glitter As glittery a s the stars As sparkly a n ice-lolly As cold as a teardrop As wet as a e floor oating to th fl r e th a fe sa As gentle a Roxi (7M)

ks Firewor omb e like a b Explosiv under sh of th a r c a e Loud lik ainbow l like a r Colourfu mond shiny dia a e k li Sparkly ot sun ke the h Bright li the fair Fun like re s a pictu Pretty a M) icole (7 N & a r u a L

Gh o st s

So m e Ot h e rs a a re a s whit e a s re T h e y s c a s s e e- t h rou g fog a re h O r s m a y o u by s l a m m a s g l a s s s hi n g s o i n g a do m A n d wh o e n t h e y et hi n g on t h e f r lo rea T h e y wil o l s l a m t lis e y ou a re s c r a h re i n d gs Wh e n y ou g o t o m o re a n d m o re s T h e y wil le e p at n ig ht l M a y be give y ou a big f rig ht by t u rn i The n “Ton ig ht n at m o rn i n g t h g on t h e lig ht y ou ’ ll g e y lea ve et We ’ ll g a bit e, a n d if a wa rn i n g et y ou t y ou d a re So w he v ru T h e y ca at ch out wh e n e ry n ext d a y, o n a wa y t h e y’re ro n f loat t k!” h A n d yo u m a y s rou g h d oo rs a n a mi n g a bout e e t h e y’r d e o rb s f wa lk t h rou g h w loati n g d own t h a lls e h a lls Ja m e s ( 7N)

Superhero r s a warrio As brave a as a lion As strong a cheetah As fast as er a skyscrap As tall as ing me as a k As handso l dog s a faithfu a ly d n ie fr As lightning As fast as Jon (7M) Thomas &



s the sun s bright a a is r e m erfume Sum resh as p f s a is ir fire The a as hot as lolly The sun is as an iceld o c s a nket The sea is m as a bla r a w s a is hire The sand clear sapp a s a e lu incess as b ul as a pr The sky is if t u a e b s cy rs are a and boun The flowe ft, white o s re a s The cloud erys (7N) Emilia & C


Some are sou Some are sweer as lemon drops Some are hardt as sugar-mice Some are soft as rock sticks as Some are chewmarshmallow y as to Some are cru nchy as pean ffee ut b Joseph & Jayrittle (7M)

Stars are lik e a big brigh t light in the They always night shine in the night very b Stars are big right and beautifu You see them l a n d b o iling hot shooting acr oss the sky li Stars shine b k e a righter than bullet from a the moon an gun They are poin d are hotter ty as a newly th an the sun sharpened p encil and sha Stars sparkle rp a in the sky li s a steel dag ke a firework ger They flare li flying high ke a candle burning in th e dark night Stars are a b sky all of fire ha nging in spa They twinkle ce , flash and b urn bright li ke fairy ligh Jarrad, Jorda ts n & Chelsea (7Q) Halloween is lik e a story It feels like al l the mythical monsters are re You know you al shouldn’t be sc ared but you can’t help it The ghost, the mummy, witch es and zombie s All so mystical – you better watch out Because with on e false move You’ll get a kn ock on your d oor With those fate ful words Trick or Treat! Cai (7Q)



Here are just some of the poems written by pupils at Y Pant Comprehensive

My ye merTareld e

bow The isRtaheincolour of the trees

The M


It’s w ild an d Chall engin courageou s, g as w Many el p And r eople seek l. th ea The li d about it e top, vely p too. eak b Tackl urs in But a g the weat ts with lif t the b e h ottom er is one. , tree li ves, where the oa Is whe k re David the adven ture b King egun .


Green eze ss in the bre sweet candyflo Swaying f o r u lo e o u c e ong Pink is th y warm t elts on m f rivers m h ic h W ro eys he colou Blue is t through the Vall pe oranges w h ri lo s f re Which ur of f the colo is g e in g n Ora y morn the earl t Picked in e colour of a ho th y Yellow is a d ummer’s s r mouth Burning s e colour of plum into you s e d lo p h t e ex Purple is bite juic hen you w d h o ic lo h W of b e colour Red is th hrough my veins chocolate gt ing Streamin r of melt he colou ds crave t is n w Bro bu ur taste Which yo illiams eW Charlott

nu My Friends Metness, served with a

swee Sarah: A bowl of re ss and a pot of ca ne nd ki sprinkle of s, with a es en om es ll of aw Yasmin: A plate fu a pinch of salt to little surprise and y k s e ughter and hugs th h servings of fun, la elling throug g p Bi rs y: ro a rre p o Co s s g It in etched w go around served with Its outstr a small package, ard for prey la: A big voice in El him forw rp claws ready sha ing ing Its long, singing and danc es watch a sauce of rious ey te s and kindness in s es y tn ar m Sm s y: It nc Na g reen h of pepper everythin lands on lush, g ver smiling and a pinc y tl e of joy, with a ne n a It eleg R: A laughing plat t cy er Lu ss de ry d a fie tree tops ett bowl of sugar an y pp eha ic un of p oo ll sc a d sweet with a Emily M Charlotte: Tall an l of secrets cream and a bow high, d happiness piled an ne hi ns Su B: Lucy and good of blonde smiles served on a bed times kled with care, phonecalls sprin t gh ni te La : ra Co ess ll of wonderful-n s… ll day d laughter sauce fu a ng over illi n sp n, fu u o e on a g bowl of lin p bb bu A : en ur n La c o and tickles milline to boune for tea ith healthy treats a w ith good bits d i t l a rampo hocola laughter juice, w h of p cu A l : in I o itl Ca l not to overflow If ave a t m and c nds… n my po e day and being carefu ay aw g i lin u h a h bb bu o I’d ce cre lion p , swim ft st o i il b Bryony Mason And ad a m y hotu r the re h m o If I nge in y Wii f ds… u n to m I’d lo lay on lion pou schools olwork l p o i e h d m c h s t a An and had n all If I se dow ils, pens lo c I’d c ore pen ol nds… o m r No u d llion pou ter o y i f e mak ad a m ever a h ly i I p p f I a ve h I’d li Pugh h Sara


Tea Wit h

M p ill a rs Sh eets of g ol T h e lea ve s s To hid d e n m T h e orch e st sn a pp in g t Perfo rm a l My m ost p A re rich a All of th e On m y a u M eg a n

A Lion

A lion c ame to te a He was as tall as me We had some ch ick And he said it w en and rice as really For dess nice ert we h ad He thou ght it wa chocolate cake s really I showe grea dh But lion im my bedroom t fell dow and we n ju He was all right, and he bumped m his h he was o He got u k p Playing and we continu ed to pla with a li y on Althoug h it’s the is really good fu weirdes Zoe Li t thing I’ n ve ever


o rks

Some Some explo de in Some screech w the sky a Some spin on th y up high e s p wa arkle So m e like a ll s h i n little e in t Some ball h Some g ive babie e night s l o a fright Some ok like a How m children e fountain v On bo any firew en tr y co u o n f Betha ire night rks are in nting n Cole ! the s ky man

The I was Four P walkin g dow engu Wh

e Te nopaplaPceawlitah tacllewoode n g re

ins en th n th I saw e strangest t e street one a man d hing h appen ay follow I asked e e d d , h b He told im what wa y four peng uins! s goin me, “I g on. I said, d “Here’ on’t know! What o s an id I saw ea, ne the Follow same man just take th arth can I d o em to ed by ju s t t h the zo ?” the eo I asked o!” , “Wha same four p ther day t did y He rep enguin ou lie s! We’re d, “I took th do?” em to going to the t Molly cinem he zoo and West they lo a toda y!” ved it.

n opy ld flood th e ca rs in a ba ll roo m ce n a swirl lik e d so fty by th e win d m u sic p la y ed g lea ve s a n d tra of cru n chin wig s ll a rou n d m e th e co n k ers a n d a co rn s, p re ciou s g e m s,rown b a n d polis h ed belon g to m e s re su e se trea ut u m n wa lk g C hoirs chanting and singin Da vi e s

en who I had for H olly is the name of my kitt Christmas the snow R obins fluttering round in I ce freezing on cars r S now is the best thing eve udly T rees stand in houses pro shout M erry Christmas children Day A fter Christmas is Boxing world giving children S anta travels around the presents Lucy Ranson


Mr Shrink

mped on the bed head

r done!


There is a man calle d Mr Shrink If he meets pretty wo men he will smile an d wink! But there is a problem with Mr Shrink His name should re ally be Mr Stink! To be honest, I don’ t think That Mr Shrink has ever had a shower! If he were a hero he would have stink po wer I long for the day M r Shrink smells like a flower! Charlotte Long

s olourod roses C l a lo atur r of b

lou es lk aves the co soft as si utumn le ke branch s i d s i A l a Re f r s o l e s ng peta e colour the fi kling star With is th sly from in e w g t n e u a Or cio f th g gra sky lour o Fallin is the co the night ss wind f w ra o o g l f the s e o h t Yel darknes m f ur o rhyth In the is the colo sly to the ime sky ly t u n o e a ocent ed y roci Gre sky ng fe lour of th rough inn evening i y a o l h t c u Sw f g i e t n h eau epi is t ing Blue louds swe r of the b the morn clouds u c n o ss i l h o o t l y i f c da e W dy e is th y can h new Purpl for a fres of the ros at sunset r y s Read the colou t fluffines f is o s k n h i t i P sed w ell Suffu sca Mitch e Franc

uranaty a t s e R l a Anima came for a meal tod

A pand d chips me fish an He had so izzly bear g d by a r e w o ll fo n Soo n his lips the zoo ketchup o ft le tiger from o d h n a W n odle-doo! o li was a cock-a-do re – e h t ls n re e e h k T coc rkats and amsters Some mee ogs and h d d n a s t a c e m And so s too guinea pig Plus some ing m are hav All of the stew! lly cooked The specia ts e g icken nug Yummy ch ite food r u o v ra’s fa b e z ree e h t Are g to disag onkeys be m curry e e h h t t t is u B vourite fa ir e h t Because icy it extra sp One likes mild it r fe s pre y though The other their curr e k li ll a wild! They m all turn ow e h t s e k a It m losing n urant is c e The resta going hom re imals a n a e h t ll w A rro back tomo They’ll be fun! l a im n ore a For lots m lington Emma Wil

The B

The b anana S ig ba u n da n Waiti ng to ana sun da e e be ea But t hi ten Can’t s banana sun da b e With e beaten 100gr ams o An d c f a It sh lories gal fat ore ould put But it make me off It sit s me s w Lo oki in the bo ant it mo wl ng ev re er The t hough so invitin g Is ev t of t er h Emily so exciti at sun dae ng! Ro de rick

Pli n k y Plo n k y Plu

Is a ve ry we ird zoo Th e tig ers ha ve chick en s on Th e lio ns ha ve cats in th eir th eir head s beds Th e bi rd s la y goat s Th e du ck s do n’t float Th e m ice ca n fly Th e gi raf fe s m ak e pi e Th e hy en as ca n’t la ug h A cate rp illa r loo ks afte r a ca Th e ele ph ants da nce to Th lf ril A n ant lives on top of a pil ler la Th e wood pe ck ers are aller r gic Th e beavers are too, but th to wood ey Inve st in a co m pa ny th at woul d m ak es Z ippy, Z appy Cs All of this (of course) is fo r th Everyo ne thin ks th at be es e bu m ble be es lik In Plin ky Plon ky Plu, be e ho ne y, but no es eat sn ow! M eg an Walla ce


The Award-Winning HQ Crew from Bryn Celynnog chat with Vanessa from

I saw The Saturdays in Cardiff last February on the Headlines tour. Which of the many lovely outfits was your favourite? Oh, I can’t remember what I wore all together now! But I did love all the outfits from that tour. We wanted them to be really brightly coloured and fun, and that they go with the songs at the same time. How long does it take to get ready before a show? About five hours between all of us – we start early! What has been your best concert and why? Probably all our tours as we get to see our fans all over the UK. Just performing is great – it’s what we really enjoy. Do you see the other girls when you’re not recording or touring? Yes, all the time. We even go on holiday with each other! We are really good mates and know everything about each other. We’re like sisters now. What is your favourite Saturdays song and why? Umm, oh, I love them all. But I’m excited about our new song, called My Heart Takes Over, as it’s a ballad from our new album. Can’t wait to perform this one – it’s nice sometimes to slow things down. Can you tell me about the new album? We started writing the new album a year ago and it’s really nice to see it come together. There are lots of different types of songs on it, and it’s very different to Headlines. It came out on 21st November and it’s called On Your Radar.

How do you try to make all your records different? I just think we like to change things. Being a girl group we like to dance and have fun, but we all like different things and bring that to the albums. It’s really nice to put something on an album that we all love.

Who decides who sings what part of each song? We all sing the whole song at first and then choose the bit that’s right for us. Which singers do you like to listen to? I love all types of music. I like to listen to Celine Dionne, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, The Carpenters – a whole range really. Can you cook and what’s your favourite food? The girls in the band would probably say there’s no way they would eat anything I cook! But having said that I have recently made a very good Thai green curry from scratch with all fresh ingredients. But my favourite food is spaghetti Bolognese. Do you have a pet – if so what animal is it and what’s its name? I have two dogs one is called George and he’s half Bichon Frise and half toy poodle, the other is Peaches and is a Pomerania. My parents look after them when I’m away on tour. Do you get recognised when you go out – like shopping for clothes? Yes! It doesn’t really irritate me – you get used to it. But when we all go out together it can get a little bit out of control. Nice talking to you! Thank you – no problem. Bye!

If you want to write interviews, poems, short stories or music reviews - and learn how a magazine gets put together - well now you can! Your school has a new magazine you can get involved with - ask your e3+ co-ordinator when the editorial group meets and join in the fun!


m The Saturdays





These poems were written by a group of students at Ysgol Gyfun Cymer Rhondda

We are the Sup er We are the prid Cardiff e of Wa And yo les uc In the V an hear us sin all gi Malkey eys and the Va ng le is the bo ss And he doesn’t like a lo We get ss the ball We scor e a goal And th at’s the way we Leon M always athias roll

s I can s fast a er ran a e k i b y st I ride m er than my si ast t s a f n i t go g f I wen ls were e e h w o past My tw o e of the m d e d mber tw e It remin y gears to nu ng in my sho i m h e t I chang here was some mp t t p the ju h g m u ju d I tho n a lump he park I go to t mp is a ju brown e h t bike is t of n y o own r m f d In mu d fall d e n h e t i r f f o e Becaus when I saw my uddy ! lm ed I was al fuddy-duddy I laugh d n a e a om I went h was there, she’s r e t s i My s Leask Callum

Neigh ,n Every eigh, is the day I way lik Brown is the e to play colour hide of my horse’s I sit on his ba He ha c k and sl When ong legs, a have a ride tail an he run d s I’ve pa cked m I feel no pa a mane in y case the rac e to get ready In the for fi I’ve fin eld over red po i to slee shed the rac les I leap p! e, so n ow I’m Laure n Cru off dge

use it’s fun I like scootering beca my friends I always go out with scooter I like fixing up my y pp ha It makes me feel parts w I always pay for ne y scooter When I go out on m really fast I go down the street y face fly I feel the wind in m past Cori Stone

inja ll re a n wall to wa If I we p from I’d jum invisible re If I we k up on you nds ou ea I’d sn a million p s n d If I ha a lot of clow y rld I’d bu the wo world d e l u r If I other ke an ft I’d ma in WarCra s a ter If I w ll hun r o r t a pute I’d be e a com games r e w I If all the I’d win a troll s sts If I wa all the bea nt I’d hu thias a Leon M

lds McDona I went to ips some ch To have e taste I love th alty on my lips ts They fel ffiths ri Brooke G

e rugby atch th w o t t n nd dad I we rother a b y m With as hot twork w bad! o o f e h T s food wa But the e on Cori St

My blusher is pink My foundation is peach My mascara is blac k My lipstick is red My eyeshadow is bl ue My eyeliner is purp le Make-up makes m e happy Make-up makes m e look pretty I love my make-up ! Emily Williams

tree onkey in a We saw a m s free a nana, he w Eating a ba y he he was greed But because had three sea fell into the d n a t fa ot g He e life should b That’s what Tee-hee! Jenna Owen

Swi The Ifl Th A I

u see yo ome I can r u are? yo h I’m in my nightm ou Are y yours? I urant Or am is my resta mad et eb ee My w kle it, I’ll g r f l e c ti e fe Don’t e alone kes m y skin a m m e m ing Leav you imm is cool on e surface t bite ’ me n o h w r t I e my ti g n i e wat enely on overarm stroke d i Just b g flies ser th st ay in float o fast wi with brea h and pl Catch s g a I n l hias p w n o s e h ve m, it d n Mat a i o e e w w l L o s o l t o s y And the pool t n't want ool all da o p n d i e I th d I go ice an to stay in n s i t e I ld lov I wou Thomas an Beth I playe H app y A ll d Days re L ike ssed up a scar y L urk ing in scream O pen the str in ee W ith g the doors ts an axe E xtre m E mp e fright ty all yo N ow into m ur sweets y Shan e Jones net

Bang! B ang! Bo o There g oes the fi m! Boom! r eworks Sparkle !F Sparkle izzle! Flash! P op! rs, rock ets & fountai ns Shiny rainbow so Light u p the ni f colour g ht sky The crow d all til t their h Oohhh! eads Ah Emily W hhh! illiams

llow ike a pi n l t f o s s ni e a drai A kitte elly lik ke a slug m s s i A rat gly li ster is u ke blood n o m A li y is red A cherr a by Jenn

t and play? Do you want to go ou to stay No, because I want y In for the day toda y To plan my birthda It’s in May rty with Jay And I’m having a pa to pay My mum will have stay and play Because we will go to day For the whole of the later to take me away e m co ll My mum wi l be on my way She’s here now, so I’l Callum Phillips

d football with my team But that was a drea m Football is the best Better than all the rest Scoring is my thin g Let’s hope we can wi n The wing is my pla ce My foot is like a m ace Working as a team To achieve my drea m Shane Jones

LIPSTICK t colours I like brigh lips ste on my ta e th e k li I gly eel, it is tin I like the f ckly ti and very It goes dry shopping When I go t types all differen I like to try rl, gloss and shiny , pea Red, pink ck happy I love lipsti es me feel k a m it e s Becau d! l and prou And joyfu ffiths Brooke Gri

I am a slith ering, snea ky serpen I am a pois t onous and crushing I can stuff machine a whole an imal in m at a time y mouth I am the k ing of killi ng and sli I am fast a thering nd camou fl aged at th time e same I am a coil ed spring ready to s I am deadly trike like a pack I am a pois of wolves on king w ith the pow My teeth a er of fire re sharp li k e a knife I would be careful if I was you! Matthew G riffiths

I saw a bea He likes r that was fat to eat a very big He goes bat to sleep o n a flat He is co ol weari mat ng a ha His fav t ourite g ame is p with a c laying at Matthew Griffith s

the tree SPRING e new leaves on s th Green a he daffodils st Yellow a R n SUMME he bright, hot su y t s r sk Yellow a ess, clea l d u o l c the Blue as ees m the tr o r N f l M l a U f T AU that nset he leaves Red as t the beautiful su as Orange R snow WINTE falling e h t s a e uds Whit nder clo u h t s a Black

No Body FACT FILE Anabolic steroids are being used by boys as young as 12 years of age If Barbie was a human she would be 7 foot tall due to her body proportions In an average person’s lifetime, 50,000 people will die as a direct result of an eating disorder The average model is 25% thinner than the average person More than 326,000 18s-andunder had cosmetic procedures in 2004

Is Perfect

Self-image is becoming increasingly important to teens and adults in the UK. Body dissatisfaction is a major risk factor for anorexia and other eating disorders and more people are developing these disorders at an alarming rate. These days, being thin is an important life goal and we have started to base self-worth on weight, body size and appearance. The media’s distorted image of what is beautiful and the world around us all contribute to low self-esteem and disgusting views on what is considered an acceptable appearance. Health is not a concern any more. People, younger than you may realise, have begun to resort to extreme measures – such as anorexia, bulimia, plastic surgery, steroid usage, and so on – to achieve what in their eyes is the ideal body.

50% of advertisements deal with beauty products or physical attractiveness Roughly 75% of girls as young as 9 have dieted from 2-5 times in a given year At any given time, 7 million girls & women and 1 million boys & men struggle with eating disorders 95% of all dieters will regain their lost weight within 1-5 years


Did you k now that in your life Shocking time, at le isn’t it! A ast 5 p pro female; m ost fashio ximately 8 million 0,000 individuals wil n p want to b e thinner. models we idolise eople in America s l die from a direc t result of Is it just u uffer from are thinne a s or is tha r than 98 This, how % of us e eating disorders, 7 n eating d t not righ ever, is n veryday w t? o ot as sho ut of 8 o know 70% omen; an cking o d 42% of f t dieters” p f people are on a d as this next fact: under 80 rog iet on any given day % of children aged American ress to extreme d ;8 ie s spend o 1 ver £25 m ting; and only 10% 0% of women are 0 are frightened o f illion on d dissatisfi of these w This figure ed with th being fat! A ieting and o is amazin eir looks; diet- relate n’t progress to fu g becaus 18-and-u 35% ll d produc e 95 nde ts every s syndrome eating these peo rs had cosmetic s % of all dieters w d in is g ord le il ple not kn u l regain th year. owing the rgery in 2004 to c eir lost w easy way o e ri rr ig out, but s s ect some ht within hould only ks involved in the th 1 procedure ing that made the -5 years! More th be used o The avera an 3 m self-co . We belie n the righ ge British ns ve plastic t individu w over 250 al for the surgery s cious, with m ,000 com oman sees 400-6 right reas houldn’t b 00 advert mercial m physical ons. e seen a is essages attractive through th ements a day, an ness; wh as a prod d e il b s m y t no com uct appea the time u edia. Sad mercials ly, 50% o l. F and beco aimed at f these co s girls are 17 we h me obses emale orientated b oys refer mmercials ave rece advertise sed abou and be ha to app men aim t th ppy with yourself fo eir physical appea ts influence girls to earance. All these ed at us speak rance. W commerc r who you become e think th are! is is wron self-conscious ab ials use g – so gir o ls, let natu ut their bo re take its cou



disorder? these are r 8-year-o lds

And did y ou % of “norm al ders?

326,000 ost of as an

eived k about beauty odies urse

A group of Year 9 students at Y Pant Comprehensive investigates Body Issues

Dying To Fit In Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia, are illnesses that many people worldwide are increasingly developing in their teens and early adulthood. Both anorexia and bulimia are serious and sometimes fatal illnesses that revolve around body dissatisfaction and weight issues.



This is the starving of the body in order to lose weight and is an attempt to control your life and emotions in an unhealthy way. Some of the major risk factors include:

This is when someone binges on food or has episodes of overeating and feels a loss of control. He/she then makes up for it by vomiting or laxative abuse to prevent weight gain. The symptoms and physical effects of bulimia are like those of anorexia and is just as serious.

Body dissatisfaction Strict dieting Low self-esteem Difficulty expressing feelings Perfectionism Troubled family relationships

Physical effects include: severe mood swings and depression; lack of energy and weakness; slowed thinking and poor memory; dry, yellowish skin and brittle nails; constipation and bloating; tooth decay and gum damage; dizziness, fainting and headaches; growth of fine hair all over the body and face.

History of physical/sexual abuse Family history of eating disorders Anorexia and bulimia are not to be confused with dieting. If you, a friend or family member develop these symptoms, it is vital that the effected person admits to the problem and stays away from any places, activities or people who may trigger the obsession with weight loss and most importantly seek professional help. You can do this by visiting your GP or www.beat.co.uk or call 0845 634 7650. Eating disorders take more lives than you think - some people as young as 10 years of age. People really are dying to fit in!

t n a Y P ody t a b s l n i p w t! u ir o u p o r 9 the und rfect a e t Y fo 8 is the pe u o 0 e 12 s ab at wthink size 6d nd a e on wh 90% girls e k ck a i a t p s x a a si irls is es s siz ving tant to g a dres h all We w qu this y with think is impor h, sm s c p y – a p o e b y tom oys 67% ular bod a f sues girls are unha flat s ant to b a c g s t ied mu por avin is oys & 84%e worr nk h bs is im ery i e r h t e o ls surg w b nc ey 22% appeara id th a s t girls their a die 93% ht n & o weig were boys hey t 50% t gaining d i sa arly abou girls egul r % y 5 e h &2 aid t oys rls s i g 2% b % & 75 s y o b 50% eals m p i sk

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A selection of poems written by pupils at Maesgwyn School

I come out to play In the middle of the day It was a nice sunny day I know how to play on a sleigh l o o p e I sat on the sleigh h t n i g n i m And went the wrong way! Swim r feeling cool h by Liam Melhuish e t s a a l h p s W a big s in a f la The trinagin zoomed past like Make es pass you lightn s are fast v xpand a Train s come in dif ferent W e ch land Train es and sizes s e l p p i R t hey rea shap s take people from one Train to anot her Unt il al y good fun sun Fireworigksht them wit h a match placee are many types of trains re ke in t he You l ang or hisses Ther ere were no trains, where s ’ t I b e sky a es l go If th we be? t I e h t y B ack would omas plodes inethnight x e t I by Th by J It lights upkethshapes in the sky They ma colourful and sparkly Spring hey are T Spring is cool and windy Autumn Kieron y b Spring is ful of flowers A utumn is cold and white Spring is green fields A u tumn is misty and grey Spring is new lambs Autumn is faling leaves Spring is fresh A utu by James Autummnnisisifcireewaorndksfrosant d fun by Liam Knowles Summer Summer is hot and relax Winter Summer is fun and holidaing Winter is black and rain c Summer is yelow sun an ys Winter is white snow pileslouds Fire Summer is ice-cream and blue sea W i n t e r i s d Happy danc Summer is barbeques a candyfloss Winter is grey wind and thunder n C d h b eer Sof t as t he wing in morning li by Zoe Winter is coldrioustmtsiades aanndd presents F lames alight arm day ght warm inside by Lee Hungry as t h as hot as t he Licks as pea e sparkling nig sun ceful as a dog ht C o l o u m l r a f c u d n l a a d ol s c r e Wat th ref lections by Kat hryn t he fest ive day Smoo Ripplessonmathkee sausrfpalacseh Pebbles growing bigger Circle lide under water Fish g ark by M

The Havipnogowl isatceoroils a d This is our land, ma ream Snow We are going down ke a splash It is cold the stream T h e s u d n i n s f e u i n r f w h e e it a It’s not always easyn you go in the water It is wh i th w r o o n h w o s W s i to make the water s ripple Dre travels on hle to fight alien ble It melt throw it You can make snowmen out of it HHe helps peopes gets into troucals the Taradnisthe outside bAy Dpool is too cool for school! aniel etimspaceship hethe inside th You can s from the sky m o s e H asradis is bigger once and time And it fal h e H by Adam TheeTf alies through spa H Connor The sher by The ber

Winter is It is my a t ime for Somet im favouri te t i Christma It's on 25 es i t snow me of yea s r I like to g t h Decem s O f f good et lots of pr ber every by Dann old Santa esents year i Claus

Fireworks aprerettloyudand come in lots of colours They are ang and hiss and fizz They go b watch them Children are scared of them Animals dangerous but beauti ful They are by Kel y

The scinragesh sout nwdaes sharp lik The sun r screec d like a b e a lemo The bang sparkled hed like a omb n The f lash sounded like a dia cat by Selin looked lik like t hun mond a e lightnin der g

Holeafipl euddwdliteh water It’s gives you a tan Sunh in and make a splash Dases are cool Dud nt in a deep sleep I we r looking at a book Afteish is a magic trick - it’s cool Van cot t by S

peaimceefusl long forgot ten s i t I et ely ingin m n o t h S rd g i l a y s e a v t n a f o r l i g a t w s i n e s t I is place – th Ass big as a morauf fe Th Brandon A s ta l as a gi by A s hot as fire rink A s cold as a dield keyto tree n o m A s long as a f ar a e r e If I wjump from treebananas A s fast as a cskyscraper I’d eat loads of ase. A s slim as a I’d nd be a nutc l f A Brogan A I were a wo ight by If howl every noods e k i b ’d roam the w idnight snack. y I m t n o h g t d i e b u n e o h t e t on h n g I’dooking for a m I wethe middle ofd tMike The beasrewhaeshasdleeapisnore head L Kat ie In ith my frien ight y Becauear was coming to eat me b f W a n i t o g The b se he fancied some tea W hitoh his kite appy Wow Mike is h chappy Becauieran N e’s a cheeky Deacon by K H Andrew & by

igh School

St John’s H lass 9B2 at

by C



End Of TlicheeGolW d

by A cause of good song be a in as Pa w T. is at th t fe , I though tchy voice. by Snoop Dog ly got our has a good, ca e was e ite Sh fin . de at it be – e th voic good od beat. Her This song is bit – it was This has a go ed the la-la-la n wave your lik ca I u is n. yo io th k nt ng in te at beat. I th . This is a so hy nt tc ce ca a de her voice. s ed ha the funky. This to. I really lik ed lik nd I . ou ie ar s ov m m ar rhythmic. could be in a cause it had a song is very be is it Th ed lik I . ne p. background tu as very hip-ho fast beat. It w


.i.am ills, feat. will by Natalia K fast beat a s ha it because ng so is th e I lik t people’s listen to. It go and is cool to tchy – one is lively and ca attention. This it because ed lik the other. I s w llo fo e ic vo song, it is ss. I love this of the good ba ith a good beat. It’s ,w very rhythmic g to and not could sing alon is good u yo ng hi et som es th Will.i.am mak get bored of. usic and it’s m p po s It’ life. tune come to amazing!



t Si by You Me A . It had a good us io ct fe in ry This was ve is really itar solo. This beat. Great gu nt te ion. Great caught my at rhythmic and it was easy us pl od chorus, go d an r ita gu e think of a . This made m this song to catch on to liked t flirty. I really boy being a bi e to. Great ov m easy to as w it e us ca be e this song drumming. I lik guitar riff and ! loud because it is

d Of Arrows by The Soun sounded ul. I thought it yf jo ds un so This had good nging – they like children si ne about it. If s an African to ng could voices. This ha is so bad mood, th Christmas. you were in a lik t unds a bi e So . up u yo r inds me of chee because it rem I like this song very cheery. summer. It’s

own Lick Ya D Drive

Atlas Hacins Ledftswich

Fran by Benjamin a calming ic st song with A lovely acou it reminds d an e is relaxing ic vo is H . ne tu this song tic film. I like me of a roman s a slow smooth and ha hing I because it is et m so , lming song nbathing rhythm. A ca su of e m . Reminds sad. I ry could relax to ve lt itting. This fe slow d an or a granny kn t ea tb a soft hear s ha , it , is th er like summ days reminds me of . om ro e th rhythm. This nd blowing arou with a breeze . tic an m ro ry Ve

Gold Cantraolry

by Cloud Con s a good ing rhythm. It’ st re te in an s ice was This ha od riff. The vo song with a go attention. A d caught my harmonious an ds me of cowboys or remin good beat. It ic, especially I liked the mus . m e fil y m ar an no. A bit on th a little bit tech when it went Country side.

st of

Make a Bea Myself

by Cover od bass and nging beat, go ba a s This ha because it ic e this mus lik I s. ric ly good ncing. I really tic e mood for da th in e ing m ts by Twin Atlan pu e it is outstand us ca is is for lovers be Th ng r. so ita like this d. I really e, great gu oo ic m vo d your at rty re pa G a in you want to no to it es n te ak and it got me lis m ld is s ou Th ! w of rock e this song, it’ ng to this – use it umming. I lik ca dr enjoyed listeni be at e ng re ic G so . vo is ad he good love th at. He’s got a all the time. I it makes got a good be song. Made d swings and is oo th m to rty be s. pa vi ric ly od ’s go brings a ng s so e’ e er and th like when a cipate in th happy time – es and a ic everyone parti of vo k od in th go e m ey have and makes a It’s brilliant. Th song, it’s es on holiday is go th y e es on gu lik I . at be in rl, then he leav there’s a good tion with a gi , putting you ain. ec ng ag nn so r y co he pp es ha a d never se it! an ve y lo catchy and is da – al g in fin az s hi Am a good mood.

Xanadu by Sarah Blasko This is a cover of a song by Olivia Newton John – and I liked it. This was quie t and soothing. She has a good voice. This is kind of a sad tune. Her voice is calm ing. A little bit different. It made me feel relax ed. It made me feel light and sleepy. Nice and peaceful. Quite an emotional song .

Kissing You Goodbye

by The Pierces This has a slow beat and soft pace , reminds me of a song from a mov ie. This was nice and calm and sweet. Quit e folksy. Sounds a bit like Abba. This made me picture a break-up as it was quite sad. The harmonies were good, lovely voices.

Surrender by The Duke Spirit Great tune, good drums and a cool voice. This is a catchy song, quite repetitive . Good rhythm. Not my type of song , but has a good dynamic. This is very jazzy and makes you jump around the room. Sounds a bit like Amy Winehouse, with a very catchy beat. The instrumental start made me think of a James Bond theme. Quite cool. It sounds like someone is drivi ng down a motorway in a nice car, with the top down and hair blowing in the wind .

When The Sun Goes Down by Selena Gomez This album has some really cool song s which make you want to get up on your feet and dance. My favourite song s from the album are ‘Love You Like A Love Song’, ‘Who Says’ and ‘When The Sun Goes Down’. They’re great songs because she sings in such a sweet way and her songs are so lovely and bouncy. Also the 'Love You Like A Love Song’ music video matches the song perfectly and it's quite cool because she has all different themes like purple unicorns and hula hoops! Also the 'Who Says' video is really nice because Selena is just dancing around wea ring a nice dress being herself.

Born This Way by Lady GaGa This is an awesome album. Lady GaG a sings amazingly and her songs reall y make you get up and dance! She is so insp iring and successful! My favourite song s from her album are ‘Judas’, ‘Born This Way ’, ‘Marry The Night’ and ‘The Edge Of Glory’ because they have great lyrics and really make you get up and dance.

Who You Are by Jessie J This is such a fun album. It makes you get up and dance to Jessie’s music. Her songs have amazing lyrics and my favourite songs are ‘Pricetag’ , ‘Who’s Laug hing Now’, ‘Do It Like A Dude’ and ‘Nob ody’s Perfect’. ‘Pricetag’ is such a catchy song. The album may not be really new but it’s a really good album!

Letters by Matt Cardle I think this album is amazing. It's one of those records that slowly gets into your head. You'll like the tracks the first time you hear them, by the fourth or fifth liste n you'll just love them! You'll have a favourite and then it will change because as you get to know each song you'll get caught up in the lyrics and the rhythms. Buy this albu mgive it more than one listen and you won't regret it.

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