PLUG Magazine - The Adventure Issue

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• A-Z W i ld Th i n gs


Spa Monkeys is a quality control service for Spa, Beauty and Wellness businesses to integrate their staff performance reviews and optimize physical and digital traffic. We are also an online market place with access to exclusive boutique prestige products previously unavailable in Asia until now.

Our website goes live on July 1st!

PS Handy Calendar - Inside Calendar for Print.indd 1

10/8/15 4:15 PM

PS Handy Calendar Front and Back for 10/8/15 5:28 PM

3:08 PM- Inside Social Media - for Print.indd 1 PS 10/8/15 Handy Calendar

10/7/15 6:43 PM


PS Handy Calendar Front and Back for Print.indd 2

10/8/15 5:24 PM

T R AV E L •


“Thank u for the killer hat AWON GOLDING. Nothing like a great hat to top off the day.” - Lady Gaga P

FW 15 Floral Decay MUA & Model Tuesday-Rose Mullings Hair Tasilia Varda

Here’s a picture of Out in HK and their massive rainbow flag being totally awesome at HK Pride. It was a pleasure working with your team on Pink Season 2015. - PLUG

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