Nj integrated systems for cyshcn logic model families final

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NJ Integrated Systems for CYSHCN Logic Model: Improve Active Participation of Families in All Aspects of Children’s Care & Systems Change/Improvement INPUTS Parent participation in COCC & Workgroups: -Projects Director -Medical Home Director -Medical Home Coordinator (South) -PCORE Medical Home Coordinator -F2F Director -SPAN Training Director -Transition Coordinator -SPAN Trainers -21 Family Resource Specialists -Parent stipends -Technology

Parent participation as medical home parent partners: -Projects Director -Medical Home Director -PCORE Medical Home Coordinator -PCORE Medical Home TA Team

ACTIVITIES -Identify diverse potential parent leaders -Train 25 diverse parents of CYSHCN in parent leadership -Provide stipends to support participation in COCC activities

-Identify diverse potential parent partners -Train 150 diverse parents of CYSHCN (at least 1 from each medical home practice) to serve as parent partners in the medical home through a full-day Medical Home Parent Partner training each year

OUTPUTS -An average of 25 trained parents of CYSHCN attend each quarterly COCC meeting -Each of 6 COCC workgroups is co-chaired by a parent of a CYSHCN -10 trained parent leaders are placed on local, county, or state advisory boards, task forces, etc. -At least 40% of identified & trained parent leaders will be African-American, Latino or Asian

-There is at least one active parent partner on each medical home improvement team -At least one parent partner from each participating medical home practice participates in each Learning Collaborative

OUTCOMES: Short -90% of trained parents attending quarterly COCC meetings will indicate that they feel prepared to participate effectively -90% of trained parents attending quarterly COCC meetings will indicate that they feel their concerns & recommendations are incorporated into project activities -90% of parent workgroup cochairs will indicate that they feel prepared for their role -90% of parent workgroup cochairs will indicate that they feel they carry out their role effectively -90% of parent leaders placed on advisory boards will indicate that they feel prepared to participate effectively

-90% of trained parent partners will indicate that they feel prepared to participate effectively in medical home teams -90% of trained parent partners will indicate that they feel that they carry out their role effectively

OUTCOMES: Medium -75% of parent leaders placed on advisory boards will indicate that their participation makes a difference & can identify at least one specific example of how their participation has had an impact -75% of chairs of advisory boards will indicate that the participation of parent leaders is effective & can identify at least one specific example of how their participation has had an impact -50% of NJ state advisory boards, task forces, etc. related to CYSHCN (SICC, SEAC, Medicaid Advisory, SRC, NJ DDC, NJ UCEDD, DR NJ, HIT, etc.) will have at least one trained SPAN parent leader -% of families who report in SPAN’s F2F follow-up survey that they participate on committees, task forces, advisory boards, and at other levels of program and/or policy will increase from 10% in 2009 to 15% in 2012 -State agencies serving CSHCN and families will provide support to sustain family leadership training & support program as a “pipeline” for parents on their advisory committees, task forces, etc. -80% of practices will demonstrate an increase of at least 1 level (on a 4 level scale) in Family Feedback Survey Organizational Capacity # 6 (I have seen changes made at the office as a result of my suggestions or those made by other families)

OUTCOMES: Long Parent participation in COCC & workgroups; as medical home parent partners; and in training, technical assistance, & info dissemination re: the six core outcomes for CSHCN, will lead to an increase in family participation at all levels & satisfaction with services as measured by the National Survey of CYSHCN

-Medical Home CoordinatorSouth -Medical Home Leadership Action Group -F2F Director -Transition Coordinator -SPAN Training Director -SPAN Trainers -21 Family Resource Specialists -Parent stipends -Parent Medical Home Family Feedback survey -Technology

-Provide a series of 6 teleconferences for ongoing education of parent partners & archive on website -Provide follow-up support to parent partners as needed -Provide stipends to support participation -Administer Family Feedback Survey to 30 families in each participating medical home practice pre- and postintervention

-There are at least 5 trained parent partners from each county -At least 40% of the trained parent partners are AfricanAmerican, Latino, or Asian -At least 100 trained parent partners participate in medical home outreach & education activities -At least 30 families of CYSHCN in each medical home practice will complete the Family Feedback Survey pre- and post-intervention

-75% of internal parent partners on medical home improvement teams will indicate that they feel their participation makes a difference -80% of participating practices will indicate that the participation of their parent partner(s) is effective

Parent & professional information & assistance re: 6 core outcomes: -Project Director -F2F Director -Family WRAP Director -Transition Coordinator -SPAN Training Director -SPAN TA Director -PCORE Medical home team -Medical Home Leadership Action Group -SPAN Trainers -21 Family Resource Specialists (FRS) -Webmaster -Parent stipends

-Develop, plan, publicize to parents & professionals 21 county workshops, 6 regional workshops, & teleconference series -Recruit, train, & place Family Resource Specialists in SCHS CMUs to provide TA -Publicize availability of training & TA through SPAN website, social media, partner agencies, FRS at SCHS CMUs -Facilitate 21 county workshops, 6 regional workshops, & teleconference series

-10,000 parents of CYSHCN and professionals who serve them will access webteleconference trainings -2,100 families of CYSHCN & 1,000 professionals will receive telephone TA from FRS -750 parents of CYSHCN & 250 professionals will attend regional & county workshops -150 parents of CYSHCN will receive intensive in-person support re: 1 or > of 6 core outcomes -At least 40% of assisted parents are AfricanAmerican/Latino/Asian

-90% of parents & professionals participating in trainings or receiving TA will indicate workshops/TA were relevant, useful, & of high quality -Workshops will be rated an average of at least 4 on a 5 pt scale -80% of a sampling of parents followed-up after training or receipt of TA will indicate that they feel more confident & competent as a result of training or TA

& 7 (I am aware that the practice has conducted surveys, etc. with families to determine if they are satisfied with their children’s care), & Quality Improvement #37 (I am aware that the practice is working with families to improve care for CSHCN) -Engagement of parent partners as prerequisite for participation in medical home quality improvement activities will be mandated in all pediatric MH quality improvement grants of NJDHSS & DHS -80% of a sampling of parents & professionals followed-up after training or receipt of TA will indicate that the information helped them partner more effectively & receive/ provide more appropriate/higher quality services -80% of underserved parents receiving intensive TA & support will move at least 2 points (on a scale of 5) from pre- to post-intervention on modified NCSEAM family outcome survey -The response of a random sampling of parents participating in training and/or receiving TA to survey questions on the National Survey of CSHCN will be higher than NJ performance data as follows: -Parent participation/ satisfaction: 15%> -Screening: 10%> -Medical home: 10%> -Community services: 5%> -Insurance: 10%> -Transition: 10%>

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