Volume 12, Issue 1
Jan/Feb 2012
A Bi-Monthly Masonic Publication
The Mariner Lighthouse Dedicated to the Memory of RWB Charles H. Frampton, PDDGM Under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons in South Carolina THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF MARINER LODGE NO. 2 AFM, CHARLESTON, SC—RECEIVED H. DWIGHT MCALISTER AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN MASONIC JOURNALISM—2002, 2006, 2011
2012 Officers
Masonic History—Will Rogers (1879-1935)
Worshipful Master
Oklahoma in 1907. He was the son of a well to do cattle rancher. He was part Cherokee Indian on both sides of his family. His education early in his life was mostly at Indian territory schools.
Thomas A. “Tate” McQueary 843.303.1442 tate.mcqueary@gmail.com Senior Warden Mark J. “Too Cool” Beasley, PM 843.469.2577 acmeprototype@yahoo.com Junior Warden James M. “Matt” Jenkins 843.696.7022 uncjenx@aol.com Treasurer John E. “Jack” Daniels, PDDGM 843.708.3456 jackdaniels07@hotmail.com Secretary Michael C. “Mike” Henslee, PM 843.276.6768 mhenslee03@comcast.net Senior Deacon Ashley B. “Fly Boy” Neboschick 843.822.7168 flyboy1422@gmail.com Junior Deacon Stephen B. “Steve” Hiott 843.819.5002 stevehiott@bellsouth.net Steward Charles P. “Mac” McSwain, Jr. 843.224.3271 macmcswain97@yahoo.com Steward Marcus “Tim” Allen, PhD 863.599.2595 allent@cofc.edu Tiler Wesley Oliver 843.607.5655 wmoliver@g.cofc.edu Chaplain Thomas H. Lewis, Jr, PM 843.708.5365 thl@gel.com Chaplain Emeritus Herbert S. “Herb” Goldberg, PDDGM 843.766.3516 hstrudel@aol.com Marshal Willis Godwin, PM 843.766.5319 Marshal Emeritus Lloyd F. “Curly” Christopher, PGMar 843.571.2709 after-burner@comcast.net Historian/News Editor Richard C. “Rick” Ivey, PM 843.343.6700 ivey.rc@gmail.com Physician Carey E. “Doc” Capell 843.377.5088 carey.capell@citadel.edu
By 1902, at the ripe old age of 23, the country boy who had been struck with “wanderlust” had already traveled around the world. His experiences during his foreign travels had definitely infected him “I never met a man I didn’t like” with show business life and by 1904 and 1905, he found himself To those who can still remember participating in shows in New York Will Rogers, he was omnipresence City. The following year he was during the days of the great depres- off again to Europe. sion from 1929 to the mid-thirties. He was Hollywood’s biggest box After returning to the state and at office star for more than a decade the age of 25, he petitioned Clareas the star of over 70 films. He was mont Lodge No. 53, Oklahoma for a daily columnist that was syndi- the degrees in Masonry and recated for 400 newspapers world- ceived them. He was initiated Feb wide. He hosted the country’s most 18, 1905; passed March 10, 1906; popular radio program. He was the and received his third degree on author of over six books, an aviator, March 13, 1906. He later joined star in the popular Zigfield Follies the Scottish Rite Bodies and Akdar Show, famous for rope tricks and a Shrine Temple in Tulsa in Novempopular wit. Will Rogers most im- ber 1914. portantly though was a loving husband and father of four. Over his When America entered World War lifetime, he had friends who were I in 1917, Will turned his efforts to presidents, politicians, and royalty. supporting the war effort and the One of the things he is remembered troops. He was a most enthusiastic for is that he was a humanitarian, supporter of War Bond Drives. often using his popularity and posi- Too old himself to serve in the milition to raise money for those in tary, he raised money by putting on need. benefit performances and contribWill Rogers was born, William Penn Adair Rogers, on November 4, 1879, at Oologah, a small village that was later to become the state of
touring the country with his show and as a guest speaker at many functions. In 1922, he began his career as a newspaper columnist with weekly humorous articles on the important people and events of the day. He exposed medical research on children’s diseases, as opposed to animal research, stating, “there is more money spent on hogs’ sicknesses than there is on children.”
After being taken on his first airplane ride by the famous General Billy Mitchell, Will became an aviation enthusiast and a strong advocate of air power. He was constantly advocating air power and military preparedness as opposed to the then current trend toward disarmament and isolation. In 1926, he again toured Europe to include England, Ireland, Russia, and Italy where he met Dictator Benito Mussolini.
In 1931, Will again demonstrated his concern for the unfortunate by going to earthquake-raged Nicaragua and doing benefit performances uted liberally to the Red Cross and to help in their relief efforts. The Depression was now setting in and Salvation Army. Will campaigned for his brother He next entered the movie business Mason, Franklin D. Roosevelt, aland moved to Hollywood while still though he in no way Cont. page 7
LEGENDA (LATIN) - THINGS TO BE READ Advertisements—Pg. 9 Calendar—Pg. 5 & Back Cover Comics—Pg. 8 DDGM Message – Pg. 8 History—Pg. 1 & 7
In Memoriam—Pg. 9 Light from Chaplain Emeritus—Pg. 5 Master’s Message—Pg. 2 Membership Status—Pg. 2 Musing of a Past Master—Pg. 6
One Minute Motivators—Pg. 4 Physician’s Corner—Pg. 3 Scottish Rite Education—Pg. 7 Strength in the West—Pg. 4
The Mariner Lighthouse
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Brethren & Families, Here we are a beginning to a new year in the lodge and our community. It gives me a great pleasure and honor to have been elected as Master of Mariner Lodge and your direct representative to the Grand Lodge. This position is something in my wildest dreams I thought would never happen and I give thanks to my creator for revealing to me the importance of being proactive in regard to helping people create a positive change in their lives. I also recognize my family; my parents, children, and the mother of my children for their unwavering support. From the foundation of my heart, I thank everyone who has supported me throughout my years in masonry. To my friends, extended family, & brethren, I thank you for your motivation. Lastly, to all of the youth under the sun; they are our future and I recognize you. Over the past six years, it has been a learning and growing experience to become Master of Mariner #2. Although, I’ve learned that the Master cannot be a good representative without good people to support him. I start with my strength in the West as SW WB Mark Beasley. Through his experience & wisdom, masonry in all its details is a stronger organization with his participation. The beauty in the South as JW is Matt Jenkins who now is entrusted with the responsibility of creating fellowship amongst the brethren and families. The rest of your officers can be found on the front page of this Newsletter. Some may or may not know that 2012 is the 275th year in masonry. 275 years of friendship, fellowship, and family. Mariner Lodge is still a young body of men and as each passing year the men and the organization get better, the families get
Tate McQueary works for Cummins Turbo Technologies as the Shipping & Logistics Manager. In his spare time he enjoys hunting, going to NASCAR races, and spending time with Adam his 9 year old son and Alivia his 3 year old daughter. He currently resides in Goose Creek, SC.
stronger, and the fellowship gets bigger. It is our responsibility to gather the necessary information needed to become productive members of society. One of the most effective ways to accumulate knowledge is through the privilege of being part of an organization such as this. Keep in mind that I purposely use the word privilege. We must appreciate that this is an opportunity, a benefit, an honor, a freedom, and a right that is not offered to everyone. I embrace the fact that not everyone has the means of this privilege. Acquiring knowledge is a gradual process and the course of actions we take, takes time, commitment, and effort by everyone affiliated with Mariner Lodge #2. Through our efforts, Mariner Lodge has been afforded many great things this past year. Lodge of the Year – our brethren made this happen by participating with other lodges. The H. Dwight McAlister award for journalism; which was received for our wonderful Newsletter the “Mariner Light House” that reaches over 500 brothers and their families. So many other topics that didn’t win awards are the Tiler’s breakfast, the comic convention, the Relay for Life event, and the Free Mason Night at the Joe. Through these efforts we acquired more tools to help us communicate and participate in today’s society.
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As we move forward this next year, we hope to build on the principles of masonry and teach the public we are here and care about our community. We will continue to build on these efforts of being a great organization so that society can embrace and come to us for knowledge, assistance, and encouragement. The outcome of our actions is controlled by forces outside the human element. Whether the action is positive or negative it will be followed by a consequence. We must desire to choose positively on a consistent basis because we will be rewarded by positive forces. This is how we reap the benefits of positive decision making. We all have struggled with this issue at some point in our lives; nonetheless, we dig deep from within by allowing ourselves to believe we can constantly choose a constructive pathway. When it is all said and done, life is all about having choices. Having the ability to choose our course of action is a gift. It is a blessing to live in a country where decision making is not forced upon us. To be given the opportunity to go through the process of coming to a conclusion comes with a level of responsibility. We choose to respect that responsibility. I once again thank all brethren, family, and friends for attending and supporting Mariner Lodge #2 as we continue to build on these principles. Come out and see us any time or email any of the officers listed on the cover. For some of those that haven’t made it to lodge in a while, each missed out. Please make a valid effort to attend one of the meetings. We would love to have you even if it is just for a visit. Fraternally, Tate McQueary, WM
MARINER’S MEMBERSHIP GROWTH Membership 2012 Petitions 409
Affiliated/ Reinstated
Membership This Newsletter
**These numbers are as of the printing of this newsletter reflecting February 1st, 2012 and may not include new information
Volume 12, Issue 1
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Physician’s Corner Presbyopia For those mature folks among us, we all eventually notice a loss of our ability to focus on nearby objects … a condition called presbyopia. It is a natural, gradual, but annoying part of aging that we usually notice first in the early to mid–40s and which continues to worsen until the mid– 60s. Presbyopia is caused by a hardening of the lens of your eye due to aging. As your lens becomes less flexible, it can no longer change shape to focus on close-up images. As a result, these images appear out of focus. You find that you need to hold books and newspapers at arm’s length to be able to read them. When you first notice these symptoms, it’s best to see either an optometrist or ophthalmologist. A basic eye exam will confirm the condition. Besides, a complete eye exam is recommended every 2– 4 years for everyone over 45 anyway (every 1–2 years after age 65). Corrective Lenses Reading Glasses work well for people who had normal vision before the onset of presbyopia. Over-the-counter reading glasses (Wal-Mart, Bi-Lo, etc) work fine. Reading glasses are labeled on a scale that corresponds to the degree of magnification (power). The least powerful are labeled +1.00, and the more powerful are labeled in increasing increments up to +4.00. When purchasing reading glasses, try different powers until you find the magnification that allows you to read comfortably and test each pair on printed material held about 14 to 16 inches in front of your face. Prescription Lenses are needed if over-the-counter reading glasses are inadequate or if you already require prescription lenses for nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism. Your choices include: Bifocals – These glasses come in two styles—those with a visible horizontal line and those without a line (“progressive bifocals”). When you look through progressive bifocals at eye level, the lenses correct your distance vision. This correction gradually changes to reading correction at the bottom. Trifocals – These glasses have corrections for close work, middle-distance vision—such as for computer screens—and distance vision. Trifocals also come with visible lines or progressive lenses. Bifocal Contact Lenses – Bifocal contact lenses, like bifocal glasses, provide distance and close-up correction on each contact. In one type of bifocal lens, the bottom, reading portion of the lens is weighted to keep the lens correctly positioned on your eye. These are frequently difficult to fit and often do not provide satisfactory visual results. Monovision Contact Lenses – With monovision contacts, you wear a contact lens for distance vision in your dominant eye and a contact lens for close-up vision in your non-dominant eye. Your dominant eye is generally the one you use when you’re aiming a camera to take a picture. It takes a little getting used to, but you’ll adapt. Modified Monovision – With this option, you wear a bifocal
contact lens in your non-dominant eye and a contact lens set for distance in your dominant eye. You use both eyes for distance and one eye for reading. Your brain learns which lens to favor—depending on whether you're viewing things close up or far away—so you don't have to consciously make the choice of which eye to use. Refractive Surgery Refractive surgery (LASIK, CK, etc) changes the shape of your cornea. For presbyopia, this treatment—equivalent to wearing monovision contact lenses—may be used to improve close-up vision in your non-dominant eye. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends that people try monovision contacts to determine if they can adjust to this kind of correction before considering refractive surgery. Lens Implants Another procedure used by some ophthalmologists involves removal of your clear natural lens and replacement with a synthetic lens inside your eye (intraocular lens implant). Some newer lens implants are designed to allow your eye to see things both near and at a distance. However, these special lens implants haven't been entirely satisfactory. The optical advantages of these lenses are sometimes outweighed by visual side effects that include glare and blurring. Lifestyle & Home Remedies Use good lighting – Turn up the light or add additional light for better vision. Protect your eyes from the sun – Wear sunglasses that block ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This is especially important if you spend long hours in the sun or are taking a prescription medication that increases your sensitivity to UV radiation. Eat healthy foods - Try to eat plenty of fruits and leafy greens and other vegetables. These foods generally contain high levels of antioxidants as well as Vitamin A and Beta Carotene. They’re also vital to maintaining healthy vision. Control chronic health conditions - Certain conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, can affect your vision if you don't receive proper treatment. Blinking exercises - Blinking can help to improve your vision after staring at a computer screen or reading fine text for long periods. Blinking should be done at least hourly, and can be done anywhere: Close your eyes for a second and relax. Then blink your eyes 15 times rapidly. Close your eyes for a second and relax. Repeat the exercise twice. Figure 8 exercises - Pick out a place on the wall in front of you. Imagine a big figure eight on the wall, flipped horizontally on its side. Start tracing the outline of the figure with your eyes; do it slowly and work with your eyes only, without moving your head. After you trace the figure eight in one direction, stop and relax your eyes for a few seconds, then trace it in the opposite direction. Repeat the exercise two or three times. Excerpted from MayoClinic.com and NaturalHomeRemedies.com.
Carey Capell is the Medical Director of The Citadel Infirmary, a military college located in downtown Charleston. He is a retired Colonel in the Air Force and resides in Charleston, SC.
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The Mariner Lighthouse
Column of Strength in the West Brethren, It seems that Masonry in the Low Country is off to a super start for 2012. Mariner had the greatest number of officers and members attending the instructional meeting. As reported by our Deputy Grand Master, RWB David J. DeChant, Sr., we nearly doubled the number from the next highest lodge participating. “Good numbers for us. Indeed!!” Whoever missed Mariner’s Entered Apprentice Degree on January 26 missed a good one. The ritual work was outstanding. Those that performed work were as follows: WB Tom Lewis – apron lecture; Bro. Mac McSwain – working tools; WB Garry Blair (St. Andrew’s Lodge) – first half of EA lecture; WB Bill “Stoneface” Vause – second half of EA lecture; and WB Larry Acala (WM of Franklin Lodge) – charge. To top the evening off, Mariner had EA brothers from four different lodges visit to watch the degree. Our brethren certainly stepped it up a notch or two to be sure our guests were not disappointed. They really seemed to enjoy themselves. To validate my point on Masonry being off to a super start this year, I must report some of my findings. On a recent visit to MacArthur Lodge in Goose Creek to attend an EA Degree several members of Mariner and myself were astonished to find over forty brothers in attendance. Not only a stout number, but there were members from (get this) thirteen different lodges,
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representing five different districts, at that meeting! For work well done and successfully pulling off a gathering of nearly biblical proportion, my “Hat is Off” to MacArthur Lodge. With the permission of our new Worshipful Master, WB Thomas “Tate” McQueary, I have instituted a slightly different model this year for work done Mark Beasley works for within our lodge. With the assistance of Morris Nissan. In his spare time he enjoys playing the our sister lodges, Mariner is going to have bass and visiting other at least one brother from a different lodge, lodges. He currently resides in Charleston, SC. from the first or second district, perform one part in each of our degrees this year. It could just be the working tools of the degree or even a full lecture. Our own officers and brethren will not be deprived, and there will still be plenty of chances to put in their time on the floor. Simply put, it offers our brothers who do not have the chance to visit, the opportunity to see members from other lodges take the floor. I’m looking forward to another interesting and busy time for Mariner this year, and eager to work with the current officer line up. Seems we’re well on our way to another stellar year. Stay safe! ~Mark Beasley, SW
Society is constantly telling you how you should be. Be nice, be happy, be smart, be clean, be on time. Some people want you to be different; others encourage you to be the same as everyone else. We should be productive and never be lazy. We all want to be interesting and to be fun. A boy scout is expected to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, brave, and so on. Even the army tells you to “be all that you can be.” These expectations aren’t necessarily bad, to the extent they help us to strive to keep improving, they can be a good thing. The danger is that this word “be” is at the very heart of who we are. When we are told how to be, our very being is therefore challenged – as if we are not good enough. This tends to wear away at our self worth until we don’t feel that we will ever be good enough. My message to you today is: you are a being with infinite worth – no matter what you choose to be or not be at any moment in time. Out of 7 billion people in the world, you are one of a kind. No one else has the combination of thoughts, physical attributes, creative ideas, and abilities that is uniquely you. Your very life and being is a result of chemical, spiritual, electrical, and biological processes which are nothing short
of miraculous. Your mind is capable of storing, sorting, instantly recalling, and evaluating billions of bits of information – more than any computer on the planet. You can train your body and your mind to synchronize perfectly in order to perform amazing feats, anything from climbing a mountain to playing the piano to sending a text message or painting a masterpiece. You can reason and dream and create new ideas. In short, your value is immeasurable. With this in mind, please don’t ever let the daily grind and endless expectations of life make you feel depressed or worthless. Take time every day to celebrate you. Set aside expectations or conditions and simply revel in the joy of your existence – just be.
Success Tip: With all of the things you are expected to be, it’s a good idea to set them aside once in a while to just be – just celebrate the fact that you exist and have infinite worth.
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The Mariner Lighthouse
F e b r u a r y
C a l e n d a r
Feb 8th—Master & Wardens Club— raiser—Located @ Scottish Rite Temple, Located @ Scottish Rite Temple, Located @ C.C.M.A., Charleston. Colla- Charleston. Breakfast from 7:00am to Charleston. Collation @ 6:00pm; Business @ 7:30pm tion @ 6:30pm; Meeting @ 7:30pm. 10:00am. Feb 9th—Business—Located @ C.C.M.A., Feb 21st—York Rite Business—Located Feb 27th—Officer’s Practice—Located @ Practice @ Charleston. Collation @ 6:45pm; Busi- @ C.C.M.A., Charleston. Collation @ C.C.M.A., Charleston. 6:30pm. ness @ 7:30pm. 6:45pm; Business @ 7:30pm. Feb 11th—Scottish Rite Breakfast Fund- Feb 22nd—Scottish Rite Business—
M a r c h Mar 8th—Business—Located @ C.C.M.A., 5:00pm. 3rd Annual Captain’s Comic Charleston. Collation @ 6:45pm; Busi- Expo, Food, Jump Castle, Games, Music. ness @ 7:30pm. Mar 14th—Master & Wardens Club— Mar 10th—Scottish Rite Breakfast Fund- Located @ C.C.M.A., Charleston. Hosted raiser/Work Day Afterwards—Located @ by the York Rite Bodies of Charleston. Scottish Rite Temple, Charleston. Collation @ 6:30pm; Meeting @ 7:30pm. Breakfast from 7:00am to 10:00am. Mar 20th—York Rite Business—Located
C a l e n d a r
Mar 26th—FellowCraft Degree—Located @ C.C.M.A., Charleston. Collation @ 6:45pm; Degree @ 7:30pm. This degree is tentative. Please look for updated announcement.
Mar 28th—Scottish Rite Business— Located @ Scottish Rite Temple, Mar 10th—Fundraiser—Located @ @ C.C.M.A., Charleston. Collation @ Charleston. Collation @ 6:00pm; Business @ 7:30pm. C.C.M.A., Charleston. From 10:00am to 6:45pm; Business @ 7:30pm.
On December 10, 2011, Mariner Lodge No. 2 held its Annual Ladies Night Banquet at the Masonic Center on Orange Grove Road. This traditionally is the responsibility of the incoming Worshipful Master. At the banquet all the outgoing officers were introduced and then the newly elected and installed officers for 2012 were introduced. We were served a wonderful meal and I believe everyone enjoyed themselves. The guest speaker was Brad Franko, an announcer from Channel 2 Television, who provided us with an outstanding speech. After the names of the members who were deceased during the past year were read, the next item was the presentation of the 25, 40, 50, and 60-year awards for those members who have been in Masonry for that many years. There were 22 names read out and would you believe that there was only one recipient who attended to receive his award. He was one of the 60-year members and our
District Deputy Grand Master of the First Masonic District; RWB Bobby E. Pennington, Jr. read and presented his award. My question is why were the other 21 members not present to receive their certificate and pin? Even being a member for 25 years is an accomplishment, whether he attended meetings and degree work or not. He should be proud to have been a member of this great fraternity and proud to display the certificate on the wall at home. This past year Mariner Lodge has been an example to all the other lodges in South Carolina. Our newsletter, Mariner’s Lighthouse, won the H. Dwight McAllister award for the best newsletter and it was presented it at the annual banquet of the Grand Lodge back in April. In October, Mariner Lodge won the “Lodge of the Year” award and it was presented to the Worshipful Master, WB Richard C. Ivey at the Inspirational. There have been numerous community service projects which I am sure you have read about in past newsletters. With all this we could possibly win the “Mark Twain Award” which is given
E M E R I T U S out by the Masonic Service Association. We are keeping our fingers crossed. I am mentioning all this because I feel all the members of Mariner Lodge should be thankful that our lodge is setting an outstanding example for all the other lodges. This is why I feel that those who have been a Mason for so many years should go out of their way to attend an annual affair to receive their award. This would also give you a chance to meet other members of the lodge. It’s hard to imagine being a member of an organization and not knowing any of the officers or other members. I now emphasize to all non-attending members come out to your lodge meetings and see for yourself the wonderful Masonic work that is being done. Come and support, WB “Tate” McQueary and his officers this year.
Fraternally Yours, Herbert S. Goldberg, PDDGM, PM Chaplain Emeritus
Volume 12, Issue 1
M u s i n g
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No Explanation Necessary Last year my boss asked me a question as I was in mid-meltdown about the latest lodge crisis – “Isn’t Masonry supposed to be something you do to relax? Why is there so much controversy?” I didn’t have a good answer for him, any more than I have a good answer for my wife who listens to me vent from time to time and often asks the same quesTom Lewis works for tion. One reason for my frustration was the simple The Gel Group LLC fact that a lot of people who have never been maslocated in Charleston, SC. He was the Wor- ter of a Lodge seem to think that simply by virtue shipful Master of Mari- of being the master of your Lodge you can fix ner Lodge for 2010. He whatever is wrong by sheer force of will combined is a life member of with the respect you command as the master. I’ve Jackson Lodge #45, Jackson TN. where he said this to some Past Masters and invariably they was raised a Master Mason in 1975. He is smile and nod sagely as if I finally understand one also a 32° Mason in the of the great mysteries of life. What makes that Charleston Scottish attitude so irritating to a Lodge master is that at Rite, a life member of least on some level you yourself thought the same the Memphis Scottish Rite, a Knight Templar, thing until you were actually inducted into the a Knight Mason and a Oriental Chair of King Solomon and suddenly member of the Royal Order of Scotland. He came face –to-face with the reality of the office. In currently resides in theory, masters are wise, proficient in the work, Charleston, SC. and armed with the respect of all the brothers of the Lodge who all want to pull together for the good of the Lodge. In practice you may not be as wise as you think you are, and you’re dealing with a lot of different people with different levels of motivation, each with their own separate agenda which may or may not be compatible with yours, or even with Masonry itself. One of the unfortunate realities of Masonry is that some Masons just don’t get it. They are like the seed that falls among the weeds and rocks - it just never takes root and grows. They may come to lodge and hear the ritual over and over, and comment among themselves about who said a wrong word, or left out a phrase, but somehow the very words they have committed to memory never sink in. They are either unable or unwilling to buy into the concept of what Masonry really is. It’s disappointing how many Masons just scratch the surface of what Masonry is, what it could be to their lives and those of the people they interact with. They think Masonry begins and ends with learning the ritual. They never stop to think of applying the ritual to their lives, even though that is exactly what the ritual tells us to do. Fortunately for us all, some of the seed falls on fertile ground and bears fruit, or Masonry never would have gotten to us. America was founded in large part by Masons. America has not survived and prospered for nearly two and a half centuries simply because the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and Bill of Rights are beautifully worded documents. America has survived because of
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what those documents instruct us and our leaders to do. And it doesn’t take a lot of imagination to realize how much better our country would be if more people put their time and energy into following the spirit of those instructions, instead of dissecting them looking for a way around them. Likewise, Masonry has not survived for hundreds of years because it has a beautiful ritual. For one thing that beautiful ritual we are all familiar with is only the latest iteration of a ritual that has been constantly evolving since the early 1600s when it wasn’t nearly as beautiful. Masonry has survived because of what that beautiful ritual encourages us to do. Masonry is a beautiful system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. The problems start when Masons don’t take the time and effort to learn to understand the symbolism in the ritual so they can see through the veil of allegory to get to the morality. We get so caught up in learning the letter of the ritual that we lose the spirit of it. A lot of Masons memorize the ritual to be able to recite it, rather than to be able to live by it. But just mouthing words we don’t understand is not Masonry. We have to learn to listen to what the words say. If you were dying would you rather have a minister at your bedside who can recite the entire Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelations, or one who knew a few less verses but had a close personal relationship with God? Don’t misunderstand me, learning the ritual is vital to being able to put on degrees that enlighten and move our candidates so that of their own free will and accord they make the decision in their own hearts to become better human beings. But when we recite the ritual as fast as we can like a child reciting bible verses in Sunday School, the poor blind candidate simply can’t absorb and experience what the men who wrote the ritual intended. And we’ve wasted our time, as well as his time and squandered a priceless opportunity. It’s not true that if you say it fast enough, you’ll get it all out without forgetting something. And unfortunately when the words come at you too fast to comprehend, even Masons who have heard it before don’t get the full impact. With enough patience, a parrot could probably be taught to repeat our ritual perfectly, but it wouldn’t make him a better parrot. A chimpanzee could probably be taught to walk clockwise around an altar carrying a staff, while three others sit in tall chairs and rap a gavel when someone approaches. But neither creature is capable of an understanding of what it’s all about and thereby becoming a better version of himself. If we as men don’t strive for an understanding of what the men who wrote the ritual were trying to teach us, then we reduce ourselves to something far less than the enlightened men the men who entrusted the ritual to us intended us to be. “For those who get it, no explanation is necessary; for those who don’t, no explanation is possible.”
~Tom H. Lewis, Jr, PM, 32°, KT, KRC—Mariner Lodge #2 “Fraternitas Humana Sub Paternus Deus”
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The Mariner Lighthouse F o u r t h
D e g r e e
S e c r e t
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This degree discussed is one of the Scottish Rite degrees. For those seeking more Light in Masonry there are the York & Scottish Rites. March 24th is the Spring York Rite Reunion. June 1st & 2nd is the Spring Scottish Rite Reunion. See the Master or either Wardens for petitions or more information.
Duty Forms an Indestructible Foundation in this degree as duty, reflection, and study are the gateway to opportunity. The apron of the 4th Degree is white and black, with a letter “Z” and all-seeing eye. The jewel of this degree is an ivory key with the letter “Z” on the wards. The duties are secrecy, obedience and fidelity. The first thing to strike the eye in this degree is the apron which is both black and white. Its creation of harmony by the balance of opposites is the first statement of the great theme of the Scottish Rite the essential philosophical and moral lesson of equilibrium. White is the color of purity and light; black is the color of mourning and death. The Rite tells us that we should never forget we are always in the midst of death, that we should never postpone making amends, never leave disputes unresolved, never fail to do a kindness. Death borders what we know of life, but life is still good and filled with joy. Life is precious, but it must never be so precious that a Scottish Rite Mason accepts dishonor, or loss of integrity, or the sacrifice of others as an acceptable price of living. The blue of the apron’s flap represents the heavens, and the eye in the sunburst represents not only the eye of Deity, who sees and knows all things, but also the sun, the source of visible light and the provider of physical energy to the earth. Heaven represents the goal and hope of every Mason, and the eye of Deity reminds us that everything we do, even in our most unguarded and frustrated moments, is done in the immediate presence of God, even as its second meaning, that of the sun, reminds us of the warmth and love of God, which so many ancient cultures have typified by the physical light of our star.
The wreath is made of olive and of laurel, symbols of peace and of victory. The victory, as always in the Scottish Rite, is not victory over others, but victory over ourselves—for that is the only victory, which brings peace as its reward. But secrecy must be understood in its Masonic sense. For a Mason, secrecy is the ability to keep a confidence. Great systems of philosophy have taught through the ages that such ability is the first step in developing selfdiscipline and self-control. Duty and secrecy are the foundations not only of the Scottish Rite but also of creative living. A man or woman who can be relied upon to do what is right and to respect the confidentiality of a friend’s private hopes and fears and doubts and dreams is well along the path of becoming an honored and honorable human being. ~Rick Ivey Work Cited: Tresner, James T. Vested in Glory: the Aprons, Cordons, Collars, Caps, and Jewels of the Degrees of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Washington, D.C.: Supreme Council, 2000. Print.
Masonic History Cont. blamed Herbert Hoover for being responsible for the Depression. The end of 1934 into 1935 was the crowning moments for his motion picture career. It was to be during this time that he filmed his last and most successful motion picture Steamboat ‘Round the Bend. Shortly after Will Rogers and his fellow aviator Oklahoman Wiley Post decided to take a trip to the northern parts of Alaska. Just before reaching their destination of Point Barrow, the engine failed and the plane crashed in the fog. The date was August 15, 1935; Will Rogers was 55 years old. Rogers’ death made the county and the world acutely aware of the type of man he really was. He had become one of the most popular and beloved men in the country. He was a natural-born actor, philosopher, and humanitarian. He had pulled himself up by his own bootstraps to become one of the wealthiest men in his field and more than willingly shared it with those less fortunate. He was a natural follower of the tenets of Masonry and had no use for intolerance in race, religion, or social standing. He enjoyed to the fullest the times he lived in and less than two months before his death he remarked, “a fellow can’t afford to die now with all this excitement goin’ on.” Since his death, monuments and tributes have been made to the memory of this great man and Mason. In 1938, President Roosevelt paid tribute to his memory in saying, “The American Nation, to whose heart he brought gladness, will hold him in everlasting remembrance.” Work Cited:
Will Rogers – The Short Talk Bulletin of the MSA, July 2007 http://www.cmgww.com/historic/rogers/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_Rogers
D i s t r i c t
The Mariner Lighthouse
D e p u t y
G r a n d
M a s t e r ’ s
Many of you attended our 2011 Inspirational meeting and witnessed the love between my two brothers and me. I will share with you the beginning of the brotherly love between my two brothers and myself. It was the first week in February of 1970 when I was 9 years old; I brought home my first library book from Orange Grove Elementary School. The title was “Three Apples Up On Top”. It just so happened on that day my youngest brother, Michael, was brought home from Roper Hospital for the first time, a week after his birth. Needless to say, when I came home beaming with pride boasting about my first library book no one in the house shared my excitement. All they could say is, “Look at the baby. He’s your new baby brother, isn’t he great?!” I said, “But this is my first library book ever, ‘Three Apples Up On Top’.” It was like I never said anything at all. Well, the baby Michael fell asleep so Momma laid him in the bassinette which was set up in the family room and all the adults went into the kitchen for coffee. I sat in the easy chair with “Three Apples Up On Top” in my lap and glaring at the bassinette. Just then the most miraculous act of vengeance unfolded before my eyes! Be careful what you pray for because you might really get it. My brother Paul who was almost a year and a half old must have suffered the same disinterest all day that I experienced for the past twenty minutes. He ran into the family room, reached into the bassinette, and pinched Michael on his leg. Paul took off running back to his bedroom as quickly as he appeared. After several frantic gasps of air Michael hollered and cried alerting the adults of the attack. The adults darted back into the family room and Momma said, “Bobby, what happened? Why is your new baby brother crying?” I tightly clutched my library book and said, “I don’t know. I didn’t see anything.” Thus was the birth of brotherly love between three brothers that afternoon.
M e s s a g e
“Time is the cement of friendship.” In the third degree the Mason learns that time is not the past or the future for one has already endeavored to exist for us and the other may never be. The only time we really have is now, right now, and now is forever! Masons place such high regard for brotherly love that it is established as a precious jewel of a Master Mason! What does all this mean to us? I will employ a powerful message frequently spoken from the lips our present Grand Master. There is someone who is coming. He is coming for you! He’s going to come knocking at your door for your and there is nothing you can do to stop him. He is death, death to whom all must yield. He is a relentless inveterate foe with absolutely no pity for his victim. What can we do about it? It is very simple but not usually very easy. If there is someone with whom you are sharing disagreement, anyone who is causing your heart to be troubled, please don’t harbor anger or ill feelings. Make peace with one another, acknowledge your differences and accept each other’s great gift of forgiveness. It may be your last chance because death does not care! Death will steal the last opportunity you may have to prevent a troubled and vengeful heart. Don’t forget, the only time we have is now. When you retire for the evening, ensure those around you are aware of your love for them, especially in the face of disagreement or argument. Death is definitely coming and the wisest knows not when, but the wisest does know the only time we have is NOW! Now you know why brotherly love is the Mason’s most powerful weapon to dispel evil between people and to promote harmony, the chief strength and support of all worthy institutions, more especially your family. I love all you brothers Bobby E. Pennington, Jr is the and your families and am humbled to be Owner and President of WinnPenn Plumbing, Inc which speyour friend! cializes in Commercial Plumbing. Fraternally,
Masonry defines brotherly love as that cement which units us into one sacred band or society of friends and brothers. Webster’s Dictionary defines cement as anything that unites or binds, such as
Bobby E. Pennington, Jr. DDGM First Masonic District
He is a Past Master of Mariner #2 and the Current District Deputy Grand Master for the 1st Masonic District. He resides in Summerville, SC. For any further questions you can reach him at mrpipe@knology.net or his mobile number 843.478.7413
*Created by Bro Owen K. Lorion of Cerrillos Lodge #19, Santa Fe NM & Masonic Pseudoku. Using by permission & Author has given approval to reprint.
Volume 12, Issue 1 Bro Claud Henslee Initiated – 11/20/1961
In Memoriam — Our Deceased Brothers Born – 12/25/1919
Died – 01/04/2012
Passed – 01/22/1962
Raised – 03/05/1962
Page IX
Deaths Since January 1st 2012 through February 1st 2012.
Ask about our cheap AD space. Help support the cost of our Official Mariner #2 AFM Newsletter. Contact ivey.rc@gmail.com for more details Know the businesses brothers are in. Decide whether that brother and business can fit your needs.
The Mariner Lighthouse The Official Newsletter of Mariner Lodge #2 AFM The year 2000 Consolidation of: Washington #5, Friendship #9, LaCandeur #36, Walhalla #66, & Strict Observance #73
Bring A Friend To Enjoy Dinner With Us. Your Attendance is Requested. Upcoming Calendar Events Feb 8th—Master & Wardens Club @ CCMA; Dinner 6:45pm, Meeting 7:30pm Feb 9th—Business Meeting @ CCMA; Dinner 6:45pm, Meeting 7:30pm Mar 8th—Business Meeting @ CCMA; Dinner 6:45pm, Meeting 7:30pm Mar 10th—Fundraiser @ C.C.M.A. From 10:00am to 5:00pm. 3rd Annual Captain’s Comic Expo, Food, Jump Castle, Games, Music. Mar 13th—CCMA Meeting @ CCMA, Meeting 7:00pm Mar 14th—Master & Wardens Club @ CCMA; Dinner 6:45pm, Meeting 7:30pm Mar 26th—FellowCraft Degree @ CCMA; Dinner 6:45pm, Meeting 7:30pm Apr 10th—CCMA Meeting @ CCMA, Meeting 7:00pm Apr 11th—Master & Wardens Club; Dinner 6:45pm, Meeting 7:30pm Apr 12th—Business Meeting @ CCMA; Dinner 6:45pm, Meeting 7:30pm Apr 24th-27th—The 275th Annual Communication of Grand Lodge @ Embassy Suites in North Charleston, SC
If your address label on this newsletter says “2011” on it, then our records indicate that you still owe dues for 2012 and you are in arrears. Please contact the Secretary or Worshipful Master to avoid being dropped from our roles for non-payment of dues (NPD). Thank you.
RETURN SERVICES REQUESTED Mariner Lodge No. 2 AFM Michael C. Henslee, PM, Secretary 1323 Hermitage Ave Charleston, SC 29412-9221