Volume 12, Issue 2
Mar/Apr 2012
A Bi-Monthly Masonic Publication
The Mariner Lighthouse Dedicated to the Memory of RWB Charles H. Frampton, PDDGM Under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Freemasons in South Carolina THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF MARINER LODGE NO. 2 AFM, CHARLESTON, SC—RECEIVED H. DWIGHT MCALISTER AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN MASONIC JOURNALISM—2002, 2006, 2011
2012 Officers
Masonic History—Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)
Worshipful Master
eas of musical composition, a complete master of form, and a master in expressing human emotions and spiritual feelings. When only thirteen years of age, he was made concertmaster to the Archbishop Schwatenbach of Salzburg, who recognized his genius and encouraged his triumphal tour of Europe, where great honors were heaped upon him. The churches and theaters where he performed were filled to overflowing.
Thomas A. “Tate” McQueary 843.303.1442 tate.mcqueary@gmail.com Senior Warden Mark J. “Too Cool” Beasley, PM 843.469.2577 acmeprototype@yahoo.com Junior Warden James M. “Matt” Jenkins 843.696.7022 uncjenx@aol.com Treasurer John E. “Jack” Daniels, PDDGM 843.708.3456 jackdaniels07@hotmail.com Secretary Michael C. “Mike” Henslee, PM 843.276.6768 mhenslee03@comcast.net Senior Deacon Ashley B. “Fly Boy” Neboschick 843.822.7168 flyboy1422@gmail.com Junior Deacon Stephen B. “Steve” Hiott 843.819.5002 stevehiott@bellsouth.net Steward Charles P. “Mac” McSwain, Jr. 843.224.3271 macmcswain97@yahoo.com Steward Marcus “Tim” Allen, PhD 863.599.2595 allent@cofc.edu Tiler Wesley Oliver 843.607.5655 wmoliver@g.cofc.edu Chaplain Thomas H. Lewis, Jr, PM 843.708.5365 thl@gel.com Chaplain Emeritus Herbert S. “Herb” Goldberg, PDDGM 843.766.3516 hstrudel@aol.com Marshal Willis Godwin, PM 843.766.5319 Marshal Emeritus Lloyd F. “Curly” Christopher, PGMar 843.571.2709 after-burner@comcast.net Historian/News Editor Richard C. “Rick” Ivey, PM 843.343.6700 ivey.rc@gmail.com Physician Carey E. “Doc” Capell 843.377.5088 carey.capell@citadel.edu
“To live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die.”
“True Harmony of Spirits” and later the Lodge “Charity” and finally the Lodge “New Crowned Hope.” The impressions he received were so profound and significant that on the 6th of April in 1785, his father, Leopold Mozart, when on a visit to Vienna, became a member of his son’s Lodge, “New Crowned Ho p e.” T he so ng called “Gesellenreise” (Fellowcraft’s Journey) was composed at the occasion of the father being passed to the Fellowcraft Degree. See the The Archbishop’s successor, von Masonic significance of the Iyrics: Collorado, was a man of a different stripe. Unartistic, unappreciative, “You, who now are risen higher disapproved of those tours, and unto Wisdom’s high abode, even refused permission to leave Wander steadfast higher, higher, Salzburg. Mozart resigned in 1772, Know, it is the noblest road. returned to the service of the Only spirit without blight Archbishop von Collorado in 1778, May approach the source of Light.” and in 1779 was made Court Organist. However, his relations with Of all Masonic composers, Mozart the Archbishop increasingly wors- appears to be the one who has writened, and finally he left Salzburg ten the most on all types of Mafor good and settled in Vienna. A sonic subjects. Included here is possible reference to his break with music for the actual ritual cereRoman Catholicism and his belief mony, music dedicated to the estabthat the highest possible human lishment of Lodges, music depicthappiness could be attained in a ing personal feelings of the Brothsociety governed by brotherly love, erhood and its meaning, and the friendship, beauty, and wisdom is Masonic music for his father menexpressed in the following excerpt tioned in the previous paragraph. from his “Little German Cantata:” “Oh You, Our New Leaders” was a “Oh break the fetters of this folly, song written for the installation of the officers of a newly constituted Oh tear this blinding prejudicial Lodge and was sung at the closing veil, of the ceremonies. The text of the Take off the former robe, which Lyrics illustrates clearly the signifilong has cance of the occasion. Rendered mankind sectarian.”
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg in 1756 and died in Vienna in 1791 at the age of thirty-five. As a child he was known as a prodigy and genius for among his accomplishments he played the piano at three, composed a concerto at five, made his first concert tour of Europe at six, had his first four violin sonatas published at eight, had his first symphonies played in London at nine, and at fourteen he had written two comic operas and one opera seria. Mozart is recognized as the greatest melodic genius of his time and was a composer whose wide range of works included symphonies, sonatas, masses, concertos, chamber music, piano music, and operas among which are “Don Giovanni” and “The Magic Flute.” He is remembered as a composer whose music culminated much of what had gone on before and led the way for some that was to follow. In One of Mozart’s noteworthy Maaddition, he was a genius in all ar- In 1784 Mozart joined the Lodge sonic compositions Cont. page 3
Legenda (Latin) - Things to Be Read Advertisements—Pg. 11 Calendar—Pg. 7 & Back Cover Comic Expo & Member Photos—Pg. 7 Comics—Pg. 6 DDGM Message – Pg. 6
History—Pg. 1 & 3 In Memoriam—Pg. 11 Light from the New Chaplain—Pg. 8 Master’s Message—Pg. 2 & 3 Membership Status—Pg. 2
One Minute Motivators—Pg. 4 Physician’s Corner—Pg. 5 & 9 Scottish Rite Education—Pg. 10 Strength in the West—Pg. 4
The Mariner Lighthouse
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Brethren & Families, Mariner Lodge continues to look for new ideas to expand our outreach into the community along with continuing some of our programs from the previous year. Captain’s Comics worked with Mariner Lodge again and held its annual Captain’s Comic Expo for the 2nd time at the Charleston County Masonic Association on March 10, 2012. The amazing thing about this event was that attendance increased by 15% from the prior year. Close to 550 visitors attended 2012’s event and entered into our remarkable Masonic Building. This was all too exciting to see and for Mariner to participate in.
Tate McQueary works for Cummins Turbo Technologies as the Shipping & Logistics Manager. In his spare time he enjoys hunting, going to NASCAR races, and spending time with Adam his 9 year old son and Alivia his 3 year old daughter. He currently resides in Goose Creek, SC.
vance, which is now Mariner. A little awe struck, I introduced myself as the Worshipful Master of Mariner Lodge and asked him what made him decide to stop in. He told me that while reading our last newsletter, The Mariner Lighthouse, he read in the Lodge Calendar Section that we Participation is the key component to be had something scheduled at the CCMA. successful in reaching out to the public. Last year’s participation levels amongst As he walked up to the building, the first our Lodge members, their families, and thing that caught his attention was not the friends proved how much Mariner Lodge amount of people there, the amount of cars could achieve by reaching out. The many in the parking lot, or even what the event days of focusing on the tasks to complete was about. It was the American Flag on and working aside a Brother on our next display in the front of the building. He public venture were both exhilarating and saw a flag in disarray, worn down by the embracing. Mariner chose to put forth the weather, a flag that while so many people extra level of effort and because of it; rec- were present possibly saw the same thing ognition came from not only Masons in if they decided to look up at the flag pole. Charleston but by the community as well. Not wanting this to be a representation of the Lodge or the building and out of reWhile at the Comic Expo Brother Ralph spect for our country, he went home and Holliday stopped by to see what was go- came back with a new American Flag to ing on at the CCMA building. Neither put on display. Once again, in shock and one of us would not have met had it not awe, Mariner gladly accepted the flag from been for this event. We could say that it him with proper military folding and passwas destined to happen that our paths ing of color honors and thanked him. Bewould cross. fore his departure he said, “I wish that I could participate more.” Now, when As I saw Brother Ralph, who is 80 years walking up to our building and looking up, old, walk through the back door I walked the first thing noticed is Brother Ralph’s up to him and greeted him. At this time, participation at the top of the flagpole. not knowing if he was either a Brother or someone who still enjoyed comic books at Reflecting on that day, the things that his age proposed an opportunity for an stood out were The Mariner Lighthouse, a interaction between the two of us. He Brother curious about our Lodge’s comfollowed with a greeting back and stated munity involvement, and his presence and that he was a member of Strict Obser-
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participation in it. At the time, he had no idea what the event was about or who would be there, but he still came out to see it. By Brother Ralph attending, he showed that Mariner Lodge’s participation and devotion to community events is not limited to a certain age group. He said “I have never seen so many people here” and he was glad that he came. Successful community involvement for Freemasonry is not a simple endeavor. It is one that our lodge has examined extensively over the past few years and continues to refine our processes. Large participation levels from members last year and “the focus” in 2011 of Mariner Lodge attributed to the community involvement thought, turning it into a concept, and then being developed and successfully implemented. Realize that successful implementation of community events is the ultimate responsibility of local members being very proactive. Unfortunately, the reality of it most times is the opposite, at the local level and incorporating new ideas usually meets with opposition from some folks. While writing this, I hope it displays to you the value of having Freemasonry participate within our communities. Raised in 1966, Brother Ralph, I bet was not thinking about or imagining that he would be part of a Comic Book Expo. That almost 50 years later, his lodge would place such an emphasis on community participation as the center support for working on the increase in Masonic public awareness. As the year progresses, it is time to critically re-examine our Lodge’s current participation in the community and the most pressing challenges we face to sustain it. Active participation is essential in promoting Freemasonry whether locally or worldwide. Maintaining higher levels of
Mariner’s MeMbership Growth Membership 2012 Petitions 409
Affiliated/ Reinstated
Membership This Newsletter
**These numbers are as of the printing of this newsletter reflecting April 1st, 2012 and may not include new information
Volume 12, Issue 2
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participation sometimes proves to be challenging. Great participation levels make things happen more than anything else in an organization does. Empowering people, is more about attitude and behavior towards members than processes and tools. Teamwork is fostered by respecting, encouraging, enthusing, and caring for people; not exploiting, or dictating to them.
do it for themselves – not because someone says so. Something maybe inspires them, but ultimately the lodge decides together. It is a “Team Thing.” It has to be. The lodge then says “Okay.” We can make a difference! We will be the best at what we do. We will look out for each other and succeed – for us – for the community. We will make sure we have fun while we are doing it. When this happens the lodge gains momentum and the contriAt the heart of this approach is love and butions to the community begin to move spirituality, which helps bring mutual re- mountains. spect, compassion, and humanity to the Lodge. A lodge is not just bricks and In closing, successful lodge participation mortar in the form of a building it is peo- only works with support from its lodge ple. A lodge is brothers working for each members. This article hopefully has inother in teams as a powerful force. More spired those reading it to reevaluate their than skills, processes, policies; more than daily lives and overall activities in them. annual appraisals, management-by- Remember brethren there are many differobjectives, and the “suit” sitting at the ent ways that you can help support your head; more than anything. Lodges usually lodge. You can participate in something become great teams when they decide to that you are an expert in if you would like
Masonic was his Masonic Funeral Music written on the death of the distinguished Freemason, Duke Georg August of MecklenburgStrelitz and Count Franz Esterhazy, and played for the first time on 17th November 1785, in the Lodge ‘Zur Neugekrönten Hoffnung” (New Crowned Hope). It is felt that the underlying melody probably stems from “The Lamentations of Jeremiah,” a very ancient melody found in Hebrew ritual. No doubt one of the greatest Masonic works ever written is Mozart’s “The Magic Flute.” It was first performed in Vienna in 1791. Written at age 35 shortly before his death, it is a combination of simple German folk tunes and classic operatic writing. The plot is one of political satire set against an Egyptian background. It is said that this is the swan song of Austrian Freemasonry, for in 1791 Kaiser Leopold prohibited Freemasonry in Austria. Thus the opera is written as an apology and a confession of fidelity for Freemasonry, as a last farewell to the Mason’s ideals of freedom and forbearance. Since it would be literally impossible for us to analyze the complete Magic Flute for you at this time, we have selected one of the most popular arias, which I am sure you can associate with Masonic ritual. Behind this aria, “Oh Isis and Osiris” lies the following story: Sorastro addresses the priests in tones of utmost solemnity, telling them of the young initiate who waits at the North Gate seeking to throw off the veil of Night and enter into the realm of Light. He
or let us know about an interest or skill you have but never had a chance to explore or utilize. Let the Officers of Mariner know what you would like to see the lodge achieve and what you would like to participate in. Become curious again about the fraternity you hold so dear to your heart. Bro. Ralph Holliday did and curiosities lead him to drive out to the CCMA building during the Comic Expo. His unexpected presence and contribution for just that one day was not only greatly appreciated, but it made a lasting difference in his own unique way. Do you ever wonder how your unexpected presence or assistance would help the lodge? I do. Let us spend some time this year together and see if we can make a difference with your presence or support. Fraternally, Tate McQueary, WM
History Cont. assures them of Tomino’s ample specifications and promises that if the youth dies in the course of his initiation he will speed to the courts of Isis and Osiris, there to enjoy divine bliss. As the Orator-Priest and one of his colleagues go to conduct Tomino within, Sorastro and the rest sing a solemn prayer to their tutelary dieties. “Oh Isis and Osiris, Favor This noble pair with Wisdom’s light! Grant them your aid in their endeavor, Lead them to find the path of right ! Let them be strong against temptation, But if they fail in their probation, Do not their virtue need deny, Take them to your abode on high.”
It is interesting to note here that the melody of this song is one that is found in the initiation rites of a popular American Music fraternity. Masons in Europe, and especially in Austria, hold the memory of Brother Mozart in greatest reverence. The foremost Masonic Research Lodge in Vienna is the “Soroastro Club,” taking the name from the principal character in “The Magic Flute,” the High Priest of the Temple of Isis. Truly “To live in the hearts of those we leave behind is not to die.” This was summarized from a paper, “The Sixth Liberal Art,” prepared by the late Worshipful Brother Fred W. Mindermann, PM of Granite Lodge No. 119 of Haddam, Connecticut, for Masonic Research Lodge No. 104, F. & A.M., of Atlanta, Georgia in 1970. Additional Work Cited: Mozart – The Short Talk Bulletin of the MSA, Jan 1984 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozart
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The Mariner Lighthouse
Column of Strength in the West Brethren, I would like to thank the officers and brethren for their eagerness and professionalism on March 26 2012 during our FellowCraft Degree. Brothers who participated in this degree were the following: WBro Mike Henslee, PM, presented The Working Tools; WBro Gus Molony, PM of St. Andrew’s Lodge #369, presented The Winding Stairway Lecture; Bro Steve Hiott presented The Letter G; and Bro. Wesley Oliver presented The FellowCraft Charge. The last few years as a lodge, we have been involved in some local community events to help improve the public awareness for Freemasonry. Some Brothers went that extra mile beyond anyone’s expectations, but there were many who gave their time and effort during any of our Lodge endeavors. Mariner is planning to participate in a Community Lodge function in the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2012 so I will end with this thought, and I have quoted this phrase before, “Many hands make light work.” This has been proven repeatedly to be true in our lodge. Let us continue in 2012 with this. In addition, brethren, try to keep in mind as you go about your daily lives. If you know of a friend or relative who you
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Love is not a feeling, love is a decision you make and continue to make in order to create an experience that is described as love. Love is an action that if you don’t use it you lose it. Love is like any communication, if you never send it out, you won’t get a return. Love is something you give to others not something you feel because something happens to you. Most of my life I was under the delusion that love was a feeling, something that was going to happen to me. Love is not something that happens to you but something that you make happen to you and happen to others. Love is something that grows from your actions and decisions and if you don’t have it and or not experiencing it then there is something you don’t know about love! I spent most of my adult life waiting for love to happen to me and after one failed marriage and endless searching for “the right person” I finally realized the truth about love, how to have it, how to create it and how to sustain it. Wikipedia also states love as an experience related to a strong sense of affection. Affection is a “disposition or state of mind or body” that is often associated with a feeling or type of love.
believe might be interested in becoming a member, but may not know how to go about inquiring. An invitation to him and his spouse to join us for supper before a meeting is a great start. There is of course no pressure to join. As they enjoy dinner with us, they will see the camaraderie and brotherly love we have for each other. While chatting with us during supper they might feel a sense of belonging or that “little something” that has been missing in their life could be found amongst us. In the end, their experience with us could cause them to then ask, “How Do I Join?”
Mark Beasley works for Morris Nissan. In his spare time he enjoys playing the bass and visiting other lodges. He currently resides in Charleston, SC.
We must also bear in mind that our own participation at regular meetings is essential for lodge health and stability. No one can attend every single assembly, but I urge all of us to do our part as dues paying members to maintain a sound, constant, diligence of involvement. This will only help Mariner Lodge to stay strong and united as we pass to the next level. ~Mark Beasley, SW
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This definition suggests that you do something rather than have something done to you. How do you feel affection for anything? You would actually decide to show it love, admire it, pay attention to it, treat it right, honor it, praise it, and find the good in it. At which point you will then have affection for it. Mistreat it, lie to it, and ignore it and I assure you that you will not feel affection for it nor will you ever say you love it. Love is probably the single most universally desired human quality that exist on this planet. Love is not something you can buy or barter, it is not taught at school, it doesn’t matter how rich you are, your IQ, race, creed, religion, social economic status or who you know. So try each day to practice making a decision to love and then following that decision up with actions that communicate love. Remember love is not a feeling; love is a decision!
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The Mariner Lighthouse
GOUT (Gouty Arthritis) What is gout? Gout is a kind of arthritis, which can cause an attack of sudden burning pain, stiffness, and swelling in a joint, usually a big toe. These attacks can happen repeatedly unless gout is treated, and over time, they can harm your joints, tendons, and other tissues. What causes gout? Gout is caused by too much uric acid in the blood. Most of the time having too much uric acid is not harmful, but excess uric acid can form hard crystals in your joints. Your body produces uric acid when it breaks down purines, substances found naturally in your body and in certain foods (organ meats, anchovies, herring, asparagus, and mushrooms). Your chances of getting gout are higher if you are overweight, drink too much alcohol, or eat too much meat and fish. Some medicines, such as water pills (diuretics), can also bring on gout. What are the symptoms? The most common sign of gout is a nighttime attack of swelling, tenderness, redness, and sharp pain in a big toe, making it feel like it is “on fire.” Even the pressure of a sheet covering the toe can be painful. Occasionally people can get gout attacks in a foot, ankle, or knee. The attacks can last a few days or even weeks before the pain goes away. Another attack may not happen for months or years (if at all). Risk factors You are more likely to develop gout if you have high levels of uric acid in your body. Factors that increase the uric acid level in your body include: Lifestyle Factors. Excessive alcohol use — generally more than two drinks a day for men and more than one for women — increases the risk of gout. Medical Conditions. These include untreated high blood pressure (hypertension), diabetes, high levels of fat & cholesterol in the blood (hyperlipidemia), and narrowing of the arteries (arteriosclerosis). Certain Medications. Thiazide diuretics and low-dose aspirin also can increase uric acid levels. Family History Of Gout. If other members of your family have had gout, you are more likely to develop the disease yourself. Age and Sex. Gout occurs more often in men than in women. After menopause, however, women's uric acid levels approach those of men and they can get gout also. Men are more likely to develop gout earlier than women, usually between the ages of 40 and 50. Complications People with gout can develop more-severe conditions, such as: Recurrent Gout. Some people may never experience gout signs and symptoms again. However, others may experience gout several times each year. Medications may help prevent gout attacks in people with recurrent gout. Advanced Gout. Untreated gout can cause urate crystal de-
posits under the skin in nodules (called tophi), which can develop in fingers, hands, feet, elbows or Achilles tendons along the back of your ankle. Tophi usually are not painful, but they can become swollen and tender during gout attacks. Kidney Stones. Urate crystals may collect in the urinary tract of people with gout, causing kidney stones. Medications can help reduce the risk of kidney stones. Diagnosis History and Physical Exam. Your physician will ask several questions about symptoms & risk factors and give you an exam. Classic symptoms/signs identify the condition, but additional tests may be needed to differentiate gout from a similar condition called pseudo-gout (due to calcium crystals). The treatments are different. Joint Fluid Test. Your doctor may use a needle to draw fluid from your affected joint. When examined under the microscope, the joint fluid may reveal uric acid crystals. Blood Test. Your doctor may recommend a blood test to measure the uric acid level in your blood. Blood test results can be misleading, though. Some people have high uric acid levels, but never experience gout. In addition, some people have signs and symptoms of gout, but do not have unusual levels of uric acid in their blood.
Treatments and Drugs Treatment for gout usually involves medications. What medications you and your doctor choose will be based on your current health and your own preferences. Gout medications can be used to treat acute attacks and prevent future attacks as well as reduce your risk of complications from gout, such as the development of tophi from crystal deposits.
Medications To Treat Gout Attacks Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). NSAIDs may control inflammation and pain in people with gout. Your doctor may prescribe a higher dose to stop an acute attack, followed by a lower daily dose to prevent future attacks.
NSAIDs include over-the-counter options such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) and naproxen (Aleve, others), as well as morepowerful prescription NSAIDs such as indomethacin (Indocin). NSAIDs can cause stomach pain, bleeding, or ulcers in some patients.
Colchicine. If you are unable to take NSAIDs, your doctor may recommend colchicine, a type of pain reliever that effectively reduces gout pain — especially when started soon after symptoms appear. Side effects may include nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. After a gout attack resolves, your doctor may prescribe a low daily dose of colchicine to prevent future attacks. Continued On Page 9
Carey Capell is the Head Surgeon for the Citadel, a military college located in downtown Charleston. He is a retired Colonel in the Air Force and resides in Charleston, SC.
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The Mariner Lighthouse
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Lodge Pride I know the members of Mariner Lodge #2 possess a great deal of lodge pride, and why not? I am very proud to be a member of Mariner Lodge and will not trade my membership for it is priceless. Our lodge has earned numerous prestigious awards through the combined efforts of our leaders and members. Our lodge has nurtured several of the Lowcountry’s most renowned Masonic ritualists. Members of our lodge are active in most Masonic appendant bodies and the Grand Lodge. Five of the state’s oldest lodges combined to form our lodge and each brought old rich traditions to define our lodge’s distinction. Words of skepticism said Mariner wouldn’t make it even ten years because of the five lodges’ differences. Behold! Our lodge stands tall and proud as we lunge forever forward together. You brothers make our weaknesses our greatest strengths. You turn disagreements into unity and bad relations into widespread friendships. But… Don’t forget about our sister lodges as you bask in the glory of Mariner’s apparent success. Our sister lodges are equally as great with wonderful old traditions and rich history obtained as Masonry developed in South Carolina. The brothers of those lodges have just as much lodge pride as we do being members of Mariner Lodge. As District Deputy Grand Master I am afforded the unique opportunity to visit lodges all around our great state and realize a most marvelous discovery. Every lodge, like every Mason, has its own unique personality. Even though I feel “at home” no matter which lodge in which I am honored
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to sit, every one of them has a distinct exclusive character. The brothers of these lodges with their combined habits and customs define their lodge’s personality making the entire lodge a grand friend, the enjoyment of which only a Mason could understand. I am most grateful to our Grand Master and immediate Past Grand Master for this opportunity and their trust allowing me to represent them as their deputy. As such, I have a humble request for you members of Mariner Lodge #2. Visit other lodges in our Grand Jurisdiction frequently and enjoy the fellowship only a Mason can appreciate. Listen carefully to the vital concerns and amazing stories heard from the lips of our brothers around the Lowcountry and our state. Extend your hand and never forget to impart your smile, which will warm the heart of everyone you meet. If you are able to do this simple mission, I guarantee you will also discover how each lodge is exceptional and fantastic. You will look up to each lodge just as they look up to Mariner Lodge, after all, our mutual humility will elevate our souls and prepare our minds for knowledge. Don’t forget to let our sister lodges know how we value their existence and share the delightful pleasure depending on their friendship as they depend on ours. Your reward will be our reward and it will be infinite! Humbly, Bobby E. Pennington, Jr. DDGM First Masonic District
Bobby E. Pennington, Jr is the Owner and President of WinnPenn Plumbing, Inc which specializes in Commercial Plumbing. He is a Past Master of Mariner #2 and the Current District Deputy Grand Master for the 1st Masonic District. He resides in Summerville, SC. For any further questions you can reach him at mrpipe@knology.net or his mobile number 843.478.7413
*Created by Bro Owen K. Lorion of Cerrillos Lodge #19, Santa Fe NM & Masonic Pseudoku. Using by permission & Author has given approval to reprint.
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The Mariner Lighthouse
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cation of the Grand Lodge of SC— Apr 17th—York Rite Business—Located Located @ Embassy Suites, North @ C.C.M.A., Charleston. Collation @ Charleston. For schedule of events please visit the website: 6:45pm; Business @ 7:30pm. Ap r 12 th —Bus iness —L o ca t e d @ Apr 23rd—Master Mason Degree— h t t p : / / s c g r a n d l o d g e a f m . o r g / C.C.M.A., Charleston. Collation @ Located @ C.C.M.A., Charleston. Colla- pdf/275.pdf 6:45pm; Business @ 7:30pm. tion @ 6:45pm; Degree @ 7:30pm. This Apr 25th—Scottish Rite Business— Apr 11th—Master & Wardens Club— Located @ Fellowship Lodge, North Charleston. Collation @ 6:30pm; Meeting @ 7:30pm.
Apr 14th—Scottish Rite Breakfast Fund- degree is tentative. Please look for up- Located @ Scottish Rite Temple, Charleston. Collation @ 6:00pm; Busiraiser—Located @ Scottish Rite Temple, dated announcement. Charleston. Breakfast from 7:00am to Apr 24th-27th—275th Annual Communi- ness @ 7:30pm.
M ay May 9th—Master & Wardens Club— Located @ C.C.M.A., Charleston. Hosted by the York Rite Bodies of Charleston. Collation @ 6:30pm; Meeting @ 7:30pm.
raiser/Work Day Afterwards—Located @ tion @ 6:45pm; Degree @ 7:30pm. This Scottish Rite Temple, Charleston. degree is tentative. Please look for updated announcement. Breakfast from 7:00am to 10:00am.
May 15th—York Rite Business—Located May 10th —Business—Located @ @ C.C.M.A., Charleston. Collation @ C.C.M.A., Charleston. Collation @ 6:45pm; Business @ 7:30pm. 6:45pm; Business @ 7:30pm. May 21st—Entered Apprentice Degree— May 12th—Scottish Rite Breakfast Fund- Located @ C.C.M.A., Charleston. Colla-
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May 23rd—Scottish Rite Business— Located @ Scottish Rite Temple, Charleston. Collation @ 6:00pm; Business @ 7:30pm.
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Fa m i ly
Congratulations are in order. On January 16th 2012 at 8:17AM, Brother Jonah Canter and his wife Natalie welcomed into this world a healthy baby boy. Let’s give a hearty Mariner Lodge welcome to Wyatt Rankin Canter. From Mariner Lodge to the Canter Family—Congratulations. We wish you plenty of happiness and health in 2012.
Volume 12, Issue 2
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I’ve pretty much always wanted to be Lodge Chaplain. To me, it’s represents an opportunity to serve God while participating in the fraternity I dearly love. Much like a clergyman, as well as offering prayers, reading scripture and asking blessings for meals, a chaplain is sometimes called upon to counsel those in deepest deTom Lewis works for spair and reassure the bereaved that God The Gel Group LLC located in Charleston, has not forsaken them or the departed. So SC. He was the Worshipful Master of Mari- when I got the phone call from the newly ner Lodge for 2010. He elected Worshipful Master about becoming is a life member of Mariner’s Chaplain this year it was the fulJackson Lodge #45, Jackson TN. where he fillment of another Masonic goal of mine. was raised a Master Mason in 1975. He is It was only after accepting the appointment also a 32° Mason in the that I started thinking about the fact that I Charleston Scottish Rite, a life member of was to be the successor to one of the kindthe Memphis Scottish Rite, a Knight Templar, est, gentlest men I know or have ever a Knight Mason and a known. One who is a Past Master, a Past member of the Royal Order of Scotland. He District Deputy Grand Master and has been currently resides in Lodge Chaplain almost as long as I have Charleston, SC. been a Mason. No pressure. Those of you who know me well know I will never be described as the kindest, gentlest man anyone knows, unless that description is coming from a member of Seal Team Six or a hit man for the Mafia. I have a temper, which at times I struggle to control, and sometimes my language leaves the realm of polite vocabulary suitable for ladies and young children. While I feel woefully inadequate for the job of Chaplain compared to my predecessor, there are two qualifying attributes I bring to the job: I love God, and I love Masonry. Masonry adheres to no particular faith, but only demands that all Masons profess a belief in God. I often feel I was predisposed to being a Mason because although I am a Christian, I have always been pretty ecumenical in my approach to faith. I find truths as well as failings in all the forms of religion to which I have thus far been exposed. I find much to admire in them all, and the basic tenets of them all in my opinion have more in common than in conflict. Where problems appear is when human interpretations take the service of God in ways
N e w
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that stretch godliness out of shape. The most frightening thing in the world is a religious fanatic – the particular religion he’s a fanatic about is immaterial. When godly men become so sure of the rightness of their approach to faith that they consider followers of all other paths as lesser beings of no value, then something is going terribly wrong. Although I am a Christian, it fills me with as much despair when I read or hear of professing Christians who treat Jews or Muslims or any faith with a lack of respect as it does when professed followers of other faiths mistreat Christians. To me, that flies in the face of the very faith they profess to follow. I feel the same way when Masons get so caught up in the pursuit of a perfect ritual recitation that they completely lose what that ritual teaches. What is the value of following the letter of the law if you do not at the same time honor the spirit of the law? So we begin a new year with a new guy wearing the Chaplain’s jewel. Please be patient with me as I try to fill RWB Herb’s shoes. I will close this musing with a quote from Rabbi Micah Greenstein of Temple Israel in Memphis:
“Judaism teaches that spirituality is practical. When you see something that is broken, fix it. When you find something that is lost, return it. When you see something that needs to be done, do it. In that way you will be taking care of the world and fulfilling your role as God’s partner, know it or not.” “Spirituality is about the relational — whether you are relating to God, to others, to the world or to yourself. I do believe most people see life more as a mystery than as a machine. I would call that God even if they don’t.” Wisdom is no less wise when it comes from an unexpected source. Wisdom is wisdom. Seek it. Cherish it. And praise God who gives it. ~Tom H. Lewis, Jr, PM, 32°, KT, KRC—Mariner Lodge #2 “Fraternitas Humana Sub Paternus Deus”
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The Mariner Lighthouse
Corticosteroids. Corticosteroid medications, such as the drug prednisone, may control gout inflammation and pain. Corticosteroids may be administered in pill form, or they can be injected into your joint. Corticosteroids are generally reserved for people who cannot take either NSAIDs or colchicine.
Medications To Prevent Gout Complications If you experience several gout attacks each year, or if your gout attacks are less frequent but particularly painful, your doctor may recommend medication to prevent gout attacks.
Medications That Block Uric Acid Production. Drugs such as allopurinol (Aloprim, Lopurin, and Zyloprim) and febuxostat (Uloric) limit the amount of uric acid your body makes. This may lower your blood's uric acid level and reduce your risk of gout. Medication That Improves Uric Acid Removal. Probenecid (Probalan) improves your kidneys' ability to remove uric acid from your body. This may lower your uric acid levels and reduce your risk of gout, but the level of uric acid in your urine is increased. Side effects can include a rash, stomach pain, or kidney stones.
Lifestyle and Home Remedies The American Dietetic Association recommends following these guidelines during a gout attack: Drink 8 to 16 cups (about 2 to 4 liters) of fluid each day, with at least half being water. Avoid alcohol (or limit intake). Eat a moderate amount of protein, preferably from healthy
sources, such as low fat or fat-free dairy, tofu, eggs, and nut butters. Limit your daily intake of meat, fish, and poultry to 4 to 6 ounces (113 to 170 grams).
Alternative Medicine Certain foods have been studied for their potential to lower uric acid levels, including: Coffee. Studies have shown that coffee drinking, both regular and decaffeinated coffee, appears to lower uric acid levels, though no study has demonstrated exactly how or why. Vitamin C. Supplements containing Vitamin C may reduce the levels of uric acid in your blood. However, do not assume that if a little is good for you, then mega doses of Vitamin C are better. Excess Vitamin C can actually increase uric acid levels. Remember that eating more fruits and vegetables, especially oranges, will increase Vitamin C levels safely. Cherries. Studies have shown cherries to be associated with lower levels of uric acid, but it is not clear if they have any effect on gout symptoms. Eating more cherries and other darkcolored fruits, such as blackberries, blueberries, purple grapes and raspberries, may be a safe way to supplement your gout treatment, but discuss it with your doctor first. Other complementary and alternative medicine treatments may help you cope until your gout pain subsides or your medications take effect. For instance, relaxation techniques, such as deep-breathing exercises and meditation, may help take your mind off your pain. Excerpted from MayoClinic.com and Natural-HomeRemedies.com.
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The Mariner Lighthouse S i x t h
D e g r e e
I n t i m a t e
S e c r e t a r y
This degree discussed is one of the Scottish Rite degrees. For those seeking more Light in Masonry there are the York & Scottish Rites. The next York Rite Reunion will be in the fall. June 1st & 2nd is the Spring Scottish Rite Reunion. See the Master or either Wardens for petitions or more information.
The story of the Sixth Degree goes like this: King Hiram was not having a good day. Word had just reached him in Tyre of the death of the Master Architect. He set forth in haste to Jerusalem. As he was passing through some desolate country, one of his courtiers informed him that the ruined towns they saw were the ones King Solomon was giving to him. Angered that he was receiving poor instead of rich territories—and not really thinking—he stormed into Solomon’s audience chamber. Then, just as he was at the height of complaining to King Solomon and telling him what he thought of him, King Hiram found someone hiding and appearing to spy. King Hiram was wrong, of course. He judged too quickly and from appearances. Solomon tactfully refrained from pointing out that Hiram looked like a fool. Instead, Solomon, acting the part of the peacemaker, allowed the monarch of Tyre to recover his dignity and then resolved the problem. The essential theme of the Sixth Degree is that duty is to be performed not mean-spiritedly but with zeal, just as life is to be lived with zest. There must always be balance though. It further teaches the lesson that we should always be slow in judgment and quick to act as peacemakers. Throughout this degree, we should focus on expanding our knowledge of duty, charity, and toleration. By practicing what we are instructed in, we are able to reshape ourselves and our thinking into charity, self-control, and success.
C a p t a i n ’ s
The apron of the Sixth Degree is white lambskin, bordered with crimson. The crimson is a symbol of zeal. This Degree both commends zeal as a virtue and warns against intemperate zeal, represented by the impetuosity and rashness of King Hiram. The jewel of this degree is formed from the Tetractys and contains the triple delta. The deltas contain the symbols for the sun, the moon, and mercury, or the sun, moon, and Master of the Lodge. In Blue Lodge symbolism, the Master is assumed "to be" a combination of the sun and moon. Thus being a balanced man by virtue of possessing all characteristics in proper equilibrium.
~Rick Ivey Work Cited: Tresner, James T. Vested in Glory: the Aprons, Cordons, Collars, Caps, and Jewels of the Degrees of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Washington, D.C.: Supreme Council, 2000. Print.
C o m i c
E x p o
P h o t o s
Top Left—WM Tate McQueary and a satisfied customer who purchased a lunch cooked by WM McQueary. Bottom Left—Local kids enjoyed the jump castle that was setup in front of the CCMA. Right—Comic Expo Attendee dressed up in a Star Wars Boba Fett costume.
In Memoriam — Our Deceased Brothers
Volume 12, Issue 2 Bro Terrell W. Emanuel, Jr Initiated – 04/19/1972
Bro Charles H. Tangemann, Jr Initiated – 04/01/1960
Born – 06/23/1939
Died – 02/26/2012
Passed – 05/17/1972
Raised – 06/21/1972
Born – 04/20/1925
Died – 03/11/2012
Passed – 05/06/1960
Raised – 06/03/1960
Deaths Since February 2nd 2012 through April 1st 2012.
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The Mariner Lighthouse The Official Newsletter of Mariner Lodge #2 AFM The year 2000 Consolidation of: Washington #5, Friendship #9, LaCandeur #36, Walhalla #66, & Strict Observance #73
Bring A Friend To Enjoy Dinner With Us. Your Attendance is Requested. Upcoming Calendar Events Apr 10th—CCMA Meeting @ CCMA, Meeting 7:00pm Apr 11th—Master & Wardens Club; Dinner 6:45pm, Meeting 7:30pm Apr 12th—Business Meeting @ CCMA; Dinner 6:45pm, Meeting 7:30pm Apr 23rd—Master Mason Degree @ CCMA; Dinner 6:45pm, Meeting 7:30pm Apr 24th-27th—The 275th Annual Communication of Grand Lodge @ Embassy Suites in North Charleston, SC May 8th—CCMA Meeting @ CCMA, Meeting 7:00pm May 9th—Master & Wardens Club; Dinner 6:45pm, Meeting 7:30pm May 10th—Business Meeting @ CCMA; Dinner 6:45pm, Meeting 7:30pm May 21st—Entered Apprentice Degree @ CCMA; Dinner 6:45pm, Meeting 7:30pm June 12th—CCMA Meeting @ CCMA, Meeting 7:00pm June 13th—Master & Wardens Club; Dinner 6:45pm, Meeting 7:30pm June 14th—Business Meeting @ CCMA; Dinner 6:45pm, Meeting 7:30pm June 25th—FellowCraft Degree @ CCMA; Dinner 6:45pm, Meeting 7:30pm
If your address label on this newsletter says “2011” on it, then our records indicate that you still owe dues for 2012 and you are in arrears. Please contact the Secretary or Worshipful Master to avoid being dropped from our roles for non-payment of dues (NPD). Thank you.
RETURN SERVICES REQUESTED Mariner Lodge No. 2 AFM Michael C. Henslee, PM, Secretary 1323 Hermitage Ave Charleston, SC 29412-9221