Pluralthinking on Campaign Evaluation

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Section 1! A tiny!


about us!

What is pluralthinking for ? ! pluralthinking exists to change people’s relationship with brands for the better! ! We inspire, illuminate and warn, ! so that ! brands can communicate, position and


grow more effectively ! 21/07/15


Why are we plural thinking? !

pluralthinking is our philosophy and our brand. !

A talented and experienced hub, supported by the pluralthinkers: Collaborating, sharing, bringing in diverse views and broad expertise. ! pluralthinkers are seasoned international brandbuilders, researchers, experts, specialists and agency partners curated for your brief.! Because we curate the right team every time, we’re more efficient, more flexible and more passionate. From creative tension comes better conversations. ! ! RTC  Creden)als Â


section 2! the!

pluralthinking! approach ! to campaign ! evaluation!

A time for fresh thinking. ! ! Much campaign evaluation is misguided. ! ! Why? Because it concentrates on the communication as an artifact. ! ! We believe that brand communication exists to enhance or support brand value. It does this by creating, adding to or reinforcing a set of residual impressions. The totality of these impressions are what we call brands. ! ! We also believe that brands exist within culture; so to understand the impact of your brand communications you need to understand your brand’s place in culture, ! ! RTC Credentials


Consultants versus researchers ! The pluralthinking team comes from a background in advertising planning, qual research, client-side brand management and brand consultancy. ! Our expertise allows us to assist in the development of a creative idea. ! We foster an atmosphere of collaboration between the researchers, client and agency teams. ! It’s not about giving ideas an ‘easy ride’ – it is about ensuring that we understand the potential of an idea despite executional obstacles. ! Experts make decisions, not consumers, based on a solid understanding of the brand in culture. ! RTC Credentials



What do we do differently


Four principles. ! BRAND RESPONSE AT THE FORE Brand response is more important than response to the communication as an artefact. ! EMOTIONAL FIRST, RATIONAL SECOND We are emotional creatures who reason, not rational creatures who emote. Emotion wins in the battle of brands.! CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE We never seek to understand response to the comms in isolation. We seek to put it into it’s cultural context. Therein lies comprehensive understanding. ! RESPONSE MODELLING We take a holistic viewpoint based on what the comms were designed to do, not arbitrary questions or pre-set norms. ! RTC Credentials


Brand response to the fore ! Communications strategy is merely a component of brand strategy and must be evaluated as such. ! ! The research approach should be supported by detailed thinking about how the SPECIFIC campaign is designed to enhance brand value. ! ! We should help you understand the potential of your advertising against what you are trying to do to residual impressions of the brand – not against arbitrary questions about the advertising. ! ! So oft-used questions (like information recall or likeability) might not be relevant to a particular


strategy. ! RTC Â Creden)als Â


Emotional first, rational second ! We are emotional creatures who reason – not the other way round. So EMOTIONAL involvement is more important than post-rationalised response. ! ! We PERCEIVE an input; we EMOTE, we decide whether to offer our ATTENTION, finally we INTERPRET. ! ! The original input (the ad) is the catalyst to the reaction. So the reaction is the important thing – not your ability to replay the input. ! ! We always start by understanding how a communication makes a consumer feel before finding


out what they think. ! RTC Creden)als


Idea & brand in cultural context! Cultural context impacts on campaign resonance. We look at: ! ! WHAT YOUR CONSUMER DOES WITH YOUR BRAND! (Behaviours, habits, rituals, regimens – the needs met)! ! THE SOCIAL SYSTEM YOUR BRAND LIVES IN! (Family, religious, political, regulatory, retail, governmental, societal practices and traditions) ! ! THE CULTURAL MAKEUP OF YOUR CONSUMER! (Social currency, gender, body and mind, environment and spaces, work, money, play, living arrangements,


online world) !

Response modelling! ! Understanding the cultural context will do much to ! explain campaign resonance – across markets and ! audiences. ! ! ! But you’ll still want to benchmark, right? ! ! ! We believe in ‘benchmarking’ against the brand’s own previous work and core competitors – but ONLY against the responses the campaign was designed against. ! ! So to ‘benchmark’ versus other brands we bring them in to the discussion, bring them into the room and where necessary write ‘parallel’ stimulus putting across the opposing brand’s story for comparison. !

Campaign evaluation approaches ! pluralthinking assignment designs are bespoke. We don’t offer research ‘products’. Campaign evaluation work often includes; ! •

Focus groups & creativity sessions!

Expert touchdowns / Salons!

Category safaris & cultural immersions!

Depth interviews!


Galvanic skin response modelling.!

So what do we ask ?! ! A brief look at !

the pluralthinking!

Interrogation ! tool! ! ! ! ! !



Brand Pillars Vs Communications Pillars! We start with brand strategy – what are the brand metrics we are looking to shift? ! We then look at the comms: how exactly is it intended that it will achieve these shifts? ! Only then do we design a discussion guide for a group, a blog or a depth interview – starting with broad, emotional, brand-based responses and working down to specific executional elements. ! Our pluralthinking interrogation tool allows us to design a bespoke model for each campaign, whilst maintaining consistency and a route into quant where required. !

Tools should never be used unthinkingly. ! So we have a tool. Big deal, huh? ! It’s there to make life a little easier – to let us see in to the thinking behind the brand-defining ideas. ! What it isn’t is a substitute for good old-fashioned intuition, inspiration and a bit of luck. ! The tool is there for INPUTS NOT OUTPUTS; it helps us to ask the right questions – what it doesn’t do is provide answers. Those come from consideration, experience and judgement. ! We’d love to drop by and talk you through it; just give us a shout on!

Delivery! ! We like to bring all our findings together into a debrief workshop attended by the key internal stakeholders and agency partners. ! ! We do more than just debrief…..! ! •

We share our insights and recommendations!

We will bring it to life with consumer texture, quotes, pictures – presented ‘gallery style’ !

Open, facilitated discussion to agree on the options going forward. !

We will follow up with a re-written creative brief and Briefing Pack. !

Meet the pluralthinkers!

Section 3!

Just some of ! the pluralthinkers!

The Core Team !

! Brett Templeton – Managing Partner! ! Brett is founder and Managing Director of pluralthinking. ! ! Previously Managing Partner of Flamingo London, Brett specialises in brand positioning and strategic communications development. ! ! He’s conducted countless projects on consumer culture in 42 countries at the last count. !

! Garret Cummings – Director ! ! A key pluralthinker, previously an award-winning planner at Mustoe Merriman in London and later at BBDO Barcelona, Garret lived and worked in Spain for many years and is fluent in Spanish and Catalan! ! He has worked and travelled extensively in Latin America and the Middle East.!


He previously led the extensive Urban Futures program for bbdo across Europe and Latin America and is a talented and experienced ethnographer. !

pluralthinkers !

! Martin Pasco – Associate! ! Martin is a highly experienced Senior Qualitative Research consultant, from both the client and research agency sides of the marketing world, He gained 10 years experience working as Senior Insight Manager at Unilever PLC before continuing on specialized research roles. ! ! Martin brings a unique ‘clientside’ perspective to our work. ! !

Pamela Green – Associate! ! Pamela Green of Ichor Consulting, is a pluralthinking associate. ! !


She has been working in & around customer insight as a researcher, planner, consultant & facilitator for over 25 years working on 60+ projects across more than 30 countries in that time! !

The Core Team !

! James Stevenson – Client Executive! ! With a degree in Communication, Advertising & Marketing and a Masters in Professional Practice, James worked in marketing, events management and co-ordination for a premium international jewellery brand; spanning Ireland and the UK.! ! James is deeply involved in project design and implementation. ! ! He has been involved in cultural intelligence and insight for various projects including; Woodford Reserve, Jack Daniels, Heineken and Finlandia Vodka. ! ! ! !

Cameron Stewart – Associate Director! Cameron Stewart is our Pluralthinking Associate Director. ! ! Previously a marketing strategy consultant with brands like Microsoft, Nualight and his own award-winning brand Ark°, Cameron has recently been working with Gentleman Jack, Southern Comfort, Tennessee Fire, and Heineken UK. ! ! A specialist in brand positioning, insight and innovation, Cameron is a talented workshop facilitator and group moderator. !

!pluralthinkers ! !! ! ! Tiu De Haan – Cool-hunter and ! ! ! Cultural Analyst ! ! ! Tiu de Haan is a Londoner, born and bred, but with Estonian and ! Dutch blood and a curiosity that has taken her to live in places as ! diverse as Goa, San Francisco and Reykjavik.! ! ! She is a facilitator, cultural analyst, writer and an associate with ! pluralthinking, as well as the founder of a successful not-for-profit. Tiu is now brings her passion and creativity to brands who want to see things afresh!

! ! !

David Hall – Creative Director! ! With a career spanning television and film production as well as advertising, David Hall is our Head of Creative Services. ! ! David keeps an eye on our creative output – ensuring that we bring learnings to life in new ways. He (half) jokingly refers to himself as “Head of Style and General Appearance” !


accreditations and memberships! Pending!



Brand Experience!

Agency Experience!

thank! you!

Get in touch! ! Created by: Brett Templeton, pluralthinking ! ! Email:! ! Postal Address: ! ! 12 Moor Street! Soho! London! W1d 5ND! ! ! 131 High Street ! Holywood ! BT18 9LG! ! Telephone:+44 7725 716820! +44 2890 428996! +44 207 450 1652! ! Website:! !


Twitter: @pluralthinking!

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