Pluto Press New Books Catalogue January - June 2014

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Cover illustration by Will Brown

We are pleased to announce that all newly released Pluto Press titles are available on Kindle, Nook, Kobo and many other eBook platforms. An initial group of 30 backlist titles are also now available, with more to follow in 2014. For academic institutions, collections of our eBooks are available from The Academic Library: Individual titles for academic institutions can be found on: Dawson Era: EBSCO host: ebrary: MyiLibrary:

All information in this catalogue is correct at the time of going to press but is subject to change without notice.

The dark heart of fashion, from catwalks to sweatshops

Stitched Up

The Anti-Capitalist Book of Fashion Tansy E. Hoskins Series: Counterfire Beautifully illustrated with specially commissioned designs, Stitched Up delves into the alluring world of fashion to reveal what is behind the clothes we wear. Moving between Karl Lagerfeld and Karl Marx, the book explores consumerism, class and advertising to reveal the interests which benefit from exploitation. Tansy E. Hoskins dissects fashion’s vampiric relationship with the planet and with our bodies to uncover what makes it so damaging. Why does ‘size zero’ exist and what is the reality of working life for models? In a critique of the portrayal of race in fashion, the book also examines the global balance of power in the industry. In a compelling conclusion Stitched Up explores the use of clothing to resist. Can you shock an industry that loves to shock? Is ‘green fashion’ an alternative? Stitched Up provides a unique critical examination of contemporary culture and the distorting priorities of capitalism. TANSY E. HOSKINS is a writer, journalist and activist. She has worked

for Stop the War Coalition, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the Islam Channel. She writes for the Guardian and Business of Fashion, and has appeared on the BBC, Al Jazeera and Channel 4's Ten O'Clock Live.


How a Century of War Changed the Lives of Women Lindsey German Pb 978-0-7453-3250-5 £16.00 EPUB 978-1-8496-4849-3 £16.00 Kindle 978-1-8496-4850-9 £16.00

JANUARY 2014 224pp 215mm x 135mm 11 line drawings Pb 978-0-7453-3456-1 £15 Hb 978-0-7453-3290-1 £50 Epub 978-1-7837-1007-2 £15 Kindle 978-1-7837-1008-9 £15

Clean Clothes A Global Movement to End Sweatshops Liesbeth Sluiter Pb 978-0-7453-2768-6 £12.99 PlutoPress


Five years into austerity: how we can avoid a lost decade

Against Austerity How We Can Fix the Crisis They Made Richard Seymour Five years into capitalism's deepest crisis, which has led to cuts and economic pain across the world, Against Austerity addresses a puzzling aspect of the current conjuncture: why are the rich still getting away with it? Why is protest so ephemeral? Why does the left appear to be marginal to political life? In an analysis which challenges our understanding of capitalism, class and ideology, Richard Seymour shows how ‘austerity’ is just one part of a wider elite plan to radically re-engineer society and everyday life in the interests of profit, consumerism and speculative finance. But Against Austerity is not a gospel of despair. Seymour argues that once we turn to face the headwinds of this new reality, dispensing with reassuring dogmas, we can forge new collective resistance and alternatives to the current system. Following Brecht, Against Austerity argues that the good old things are over, it's time to confront the bad new ones.

MARCH 2014 168pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3328-1 £12.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3329-8 £50 Epub 978-1-7837-1020-1 £12.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1021-8 £12.99

As so-called ‘austerity’ continues its rampage, it’s patently obvious that it can’t fix the economy. Eschewing the comforting liberal critique that it is all a mistake, mere economic illiteracy, Seymour incisively uncovers just what kind of strategy austerity really is: its aims, its methods, its victims and how to fight it. CHINA MIÉVILLE

author of London’s Overthrow (2012) and Between Equal Rights (Pluto, 2006)

RICHARD SEYMOUR is the author of Unhitched: the Trial of Christopher

Hitchens (2012), American Insurgents: A Brief History of American AntiImperialism (2012), The Meaning of David Cameron (2010) and The Liberal Defence of Murder (2008). His writes regularly for the Guardian and runs the popular blog Lenin's Tomb.


Bleakonomics A Heartwarming Introduction to Financial Catastrophe, the Jobs Crisis and Environmental Destruction Rob Larson Pb 978-0-7453-3267-3 £16.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4786-1 £16.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4787-8 £16.99

What We Are Fighting For A Radical Collective Manifesto Edited by Federico Campagna and Emanuele Campiglio Pb 978-0-7453-3285-7 £14.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4762-5 £14.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4763-2 £14.99

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Breaking isn’t bad

Yes The Radical Case for Scottish Independence Pete Ramand and James Foley The United Kingdom faces an historic turning point in 2014. A 'Yes' vote in the referendum on Scottish independence would see the breakup of the 300 hundred year-old union, adding a constitutional crisis to a deep economic crisis. An accessible polemic written for progressives both north and south of the border, Yes argues that independence can reinvigorate campaigns aganist austerity across Britain and deal a blow to the imperialist ambitions of the British state. An urgent and invigorating political intervention, Yes argues that even if the referendum result is 'no', a progressive independence campaign will alter the political landscape. Written by leading activists from the Radical Independence Campaign, Yes will be a unique contribution to the referendum debate. PETE RAMAND has written and spoken extensively on the question

of Scottish independence and is a founding member of the Radical Independence Campaign (

MARCH 2014 160pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3475-2 £12 Epub 978-1-7837-1133-8 £12 Kindle 978-1-7837-1134-5 £12

JAMES FOLEY is a founding member of the Radical Independence

Campaign ( His essay 'Out of the Ghetto' was published in The Scottish Road to Socialism (2013).


Discovering the Scottish Revolution 1692 - 1746 Neil Davidson Pb 978-0-7453-2053-3 £24.99

The Origins of Scottish Nationhood Neil Davidson Pb 978-0-7453-1608-6 £19.99

The constitutional debate in Scotland has brought to the fore a new generation of young Scottish activists, writers and thinkers, the authors of this book among them. It is greatly encouraging for our future to hear these fresh voices and the quality of the analysis they bring. ROBIN MCALPINE

editor of Scottish Left Review and director of the Jimmy Reid Foundation PlutoPress


Exposing corruption in the British establishment

Deception in High Places A History of Bribery in Britain's Arms Trade Nicholas Gilby Deception in High Places reveals the corruption endemic in Britain’s biggest arms deals over the last fifty years. Based on painstaking research in government archives, collections of private and court papers and documents won by the author in a landmark Freedom of Information Tribunal, the book illuminates a shadow world of bribery and elite enrichment. Deception in High Places charts British government involvement in arms trade corruption and presents the fullest history yet of bribery in Britain’s arms deals with Saudi Arabia. It includes the backstory of the controversial termination of a Serious Fraud Office corruption investigation following pressure by the Saudi Royal Family and the British establishment.

MAY 2014 200pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3426-4 £14.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3427-1 £50 Epub 978-1-7837-1130-7 £14.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1131-4 £14.99

This book offers a devastating portrait of the UK government's complicity in arms deal corruption over many decades. This superbly researched must-read account allows the facts to speak for themselves. Nicholas Gilby has performed a valuable service for all of those who wish their government to enforce the law, including in relation to international corruption and human rights. ANDREW FEINSTEIN

author of The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade and founding Director of Corruption Watch UK

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NICHOLAS GILBY led the Campaign Against Arms Trade's efforts to

expose corruption in Britain’s arms deals with Saudi Arabia. He is the author of The No-Nonsense Guide to the Arms Trade (2009) and his research has featured in the Guardian, BBC's Newsnight and Al Jazeera.


The Islamic Utopia The Illusion of Reform in Saudi Arabia Andrew Hammond Pb 978-0-7453-3269-7 £17.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4738-0 £17.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4739-7 £17.99

The Economics of Killing How the West Fuels War and Poverty in the Developing World Vijay Mehta Pb 978-0-7453-3224-6 £14.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4647-5 £14.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4648-2 £14.99

Demolishing the myth of ethical consumerism

The Fair Trade Scandal

Marketing Poverty to Benefit the Rich Ndongo S. Sylla. Translated by David Clément Lèye The Fair Trade Scandal takes aim at the Fair Trade consumer movement which many assume to be entirely benign. Through a razor-sharp analysis based on insider knowledge, Ndongo Sylla shows that there is a big gap between the rhetoric of Fair Trade and its practical results. Sylla shows empirically that Fair Trade excludes those who need it the most and that its benefits are essentially captured by the wealthiest groups in the supply chain. Based on his experience of working for Fairtrade International, Sylla shows the flaws in the Fair Trade system which compromise its ethical mission. The Fair Trade Scandal is both a provocative and deeply informative exploration of the Fair Trade phenomenon, suitable for specialists and non-specialists alike. NDONGO S. SYLLA is a Research and Programme Manager for the Rosa

Luxemburg Foundation. He is the editor of Rediscover Sankara, Freedom Martyr.


JANUARY 2014 208pp 215mm x 135mm 8 figures Pb 978-0-7453-3424-0 £17.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3425-7 £60 Epub 978-1-7837-1014-0 £17.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1015-7 £17.99

The Fair Trade Revolution

Not available in North America

Edited by John Bowes. Foreword by Mary Robinson

I strongly recommend this book to all those who are unsure of whether Fair Trade deserves to be supported or not. Ndongo Sylla has given the answer to this question by conducting an in-depth survey and a critical reading of the literature on the subject. The result is, to my knowledge, the best book in this field.

Pb 978-0-7453-3078-5 £12.99

Let Them Eat Junk How Capitalism Creates Hunger and Obesity Robert Albritton Pb 978-0-7453-2806-5 £17.99


Director of the Third World Forum, Senegal PlutoPress


Masterful global survey of a system in turmoil

The Implosion of Capitalism Samir Amin In The Implosion of Capitalism world-renowned political economist Samir Amin connects the key events of our times – financial crisis, Eurozone implosion, the emerging BRIC nations and the rise of political Islam – identifying them as symptoms of a profound systemic crisis. In light of these major crises and tensions, Amin updates and modifies the classical definitions of social classes, political parties, social movements and ideology. In doing so he exposes the reality of monopoly capitalism in its contemporary global form. In a bravura conclusion, Amin argues that the current capitalist system is not viable and that implosion is unavoidable. The Implosion of Capitalism makes clear the stark choices facing humanity – and the urgent need for a more humane global order. SAMIR AMIN is director of the Third World Forum, based in Senegal, and

NOVEMBER 2013 160pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3452-3 £11.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3453-0 £45 Epub 978-1-7837-1002-7 £11.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1003-4 £11.99

Not available in North America

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One of the world's greatest radical thinkers. RED PEPPER

Amin's global intellectual reach enables him to deal with a wide variety of issues with magnificent ease and simplicity. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MIDDLE EAST STUDIES

Amin is both a realworld social scientist and a revolutionary socialist. REVIEW OF RADICAL POLITICAL ECONOMY

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Chair of the World Forum for Alternatives. His numerous books include The People's Spring: the Future of the Arab Revolutions, The Liberal Virus: Permanent War and the Americanization of the World, Accumulation on a World Scale and Unequal Development.


The Cancer Stage of Capitalism From Crisis to Cure John McMurtry Pb 978-0-7453-3313-7 £21.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4804-2 £21.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4805-9 £21.99

The Politics of Postcolonialism Empire, Nation and Resistance Rumina Sethi Pb 978-0-7453-2363-3 £17.99

Journey through a continent in crisis

The Battle for Europe

How an Elite Hijacked a Continent - and How We Can Take it Back Thomas Fazi The Battle for Europe brings into sharp focus the historical importance of the current Eurozone crisis. Thomas Fazi argues that European Union (EU) elites have seized on the financial crash to push through damaging neoliberal policies, undermining social cohesion and vital public services. Drawing on a wealth of sources, Fazi argues that the EU’s austerity policies are not simply a case of political and ideological shortsightedness, but part of a long-term project by elites to remove the last remnants of the welfare state and complete the neoliberal project. As well as an urgent critique of the EU and monetary union as currently constituted, The Battle for Europe showcases a programme for progressive reform and outlines how citizens and workers of Europe can radically overhaul EU institutions. THOMAS FAZI is an activist and filmmaker. In 2010, he co-directed

Standing Army, an award-winning feature-length documentary on the global network of US military bases featuring Noam Chomsky and Gore Vidal. He has also worked as an Anglo-Italian translator of authors such as Christopher Hitchens, George Soros and Robert B. Reich.

FEBRUARY 2014 224pp 230mm x 150mm 30 figures Pb 978-0-7453-3450-9 £16.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3451-6 £55 Epub 978-1-7837-1023-2 £16.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1024-9 £16.99


Corporate Europe How Big Business Sets Policies on Food, Climate and War David Cronin Pb 978-0-7453-3332-8 £17.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4898-1 £17.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4899-8 £17.99

The Rise and Fall of the Welfare State Asbjørn Wahl Pb 978-0-7453-3139-3 £18.99 EPUB 978-1-7837-1102-4 £18.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1103-1 £18.99 PlutoPress


The life and legacy of an iconic President

Hugo Chavez Socialist for the 21st Century Mike Gonzalez Series: Revolutionary Lives

FEBRUARY 2014 176pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3465-3 £12.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3466-0 £45 Epub 978-1-7837-1030-0 £12.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1031-7 £12.99

When Hugo Chavez, then President of Venezuela, died in 2013, millions across the globe mourned. In an age where most politicians inspire only apathy and cynicism, Chavez's popularity, radicalism and vibrant personality were truly unique. Released one year after Chavez's death, this dramatic and intimate biography traces Chavez's life from an impoverished rural family to the Miraflores Presidential Palace in Caracas. Mike Gonzalez shows how Chavez's 'Bolivarian revolution' aimed to complete Simon Bolivar’s promise of a Latin America free from imperialism. Gonzalez details Chavez's close connection to the masses and how he enraged wealthy elites by declaring his support for 21st century socialism. He concludes that the struggle for social justice inspired by Chavez can and must continue. This is an ideal guide to Chavez's inspiring life and legacy. MIKE GONZALEZ is Emeritus Professor of Latin American Studies at the

University of Glasgow. He is the co-editor of Arms and the People (Pluto, 2012) and author of A Rebel's Guide to Marx (2006) and Che Guevara and the Cuban Revolution (2004).


Salvador Allende Revolutionary Democrat Victor Figueroa Clark Pb 978-0-7453-3307-6 £12.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4935-3 £12.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4934-6 £12.99

The Real Venezuela Making Socialism in the 21st Century Iain Bruce Pb 978-0-7453-2736-5 £16.99

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Inspiring activist who embodied the spirit of '45

Ellen Wilkinson

From Red Suffragist to Government Minister Paula Bartley Series: Revolutionary Lives Ellen Wilkinson was a key radical figure in the 20th century British socialist and feminist movement, a woman of passionate energy who was involved in most of the major struggles of her time. Born in October 1891 into a working-class textile family, Wilkinson was involved in women’s suffrage, helped found the British Communist Party, led the Labour Party’s anti-fascist campaign, headed the iconic Jarrow Crusade and was the first female Minister of Education. In this lively and engaging biography, Paula Bartley charts the political life of this extraordinary campaigner who went from street agitator to government minister whilst keeping her principles intact. PAULA BARTLEY is an independent scholar and former Senior Lecturer in

History at the University of Wolverhampton. She is the author of Votes for Women (2007), Emmeline Pankhurst (2002) and The Changing Role of Women (1996). Her work has appeared in the American Historical Review, Social History, Midland History and Women’s History Review.


Sylvia Pankhurst Suffragette, Socialist and Scourge of Empire Katherine Connelly Pb 978-0-7453-3322-9 £12.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4943-8 £12.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4944-5 £12.99

Gerrard Winstanley The Digger's Life and Legacy John Gurney Pb 978-0-7453-3183-6 £12.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4677-2 £12.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4678-9 £12.99

FEBRUARY 2014 176pp 198mm x 129mm 10 photographs Pb 978-0-7453-3237-6 £12.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3238-3 £45 Epub 978-1-7837-1017-1 £12.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1018-8 £12.99

Ellen Wilkinson introduces a pioneering Labour woman to a new audience. This very readable account brings to life an extraordinarily energetic and often contentious advocate of a wide range of radical causes. Paula Bartley makes a passionate case for the relevance of 'Red Ellen' to the twenty-first century. KAREN HUNT

Professor of Modern British History, Keele University PlutoPress


Sparkling reflections on the urban experience

The New Urban Question Andy Merrifield The New Urban Question is an exuberant and illuminating adventure through our current global urban condition, tracing the connections between radical urban theory and political activism. From Haussmann’s use of urban planning to rid 19th-century Paris of revolution to contemporary urban disaster-zones such as downtown Detroit, Merrifield reveals how the urban experience has been profoundly shaped by class antagonism and been the battle-ground for conspiracies, revolts and social eruptions. Going beyond the work of earlier urban theorists such as Manuel Castells, Merrifield identifies the new urban question that has emerged and demands urgent attention, as the city becomes a site of active plunder by capital and the setting for new forms of urban struggle, from Occupy to the indignados. ANDY MERRIFIELD is a Fellow of Murray Edwards College, Cambridge and MARCH 2014 152pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3483-7 £15 Hb 978-0-7453-3484-4 £45 Epub 978-1-7837-1136-9 £15 Kindle 978-1-7837-1137-6 £15

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Andy Merrifield is an exciting writer who brings a fresh perspective to the political debate.

the author of numerous books including Magical Marxism (Pluto, 2011) and The Wisdom of Donkeys (2009).


Magical Marxism Subversive Politics and the Imagination Andy Merrifield Pb 978-0-7453-3059-4 £17.99 EPUB 978-1-7837-1090-4 £17.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1091-1 £17.99


Merrifield is accessible, optimistic and even fun.


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The Lure of the City From Slums to Suburbs Edited by Austin Williams and Alastair Donald Pb 978-0-7453-3177-5 £17.99

Voices of the multitude

Articulating Dissent Protest and the Public Sphere Pollyanna Ruiz Articulating Dissent analyses the new communicative strategies of coalition protest movements and how these impact on a mainstream media unaccustomed to fractured articulations of dissent. Pollyanna Ruiz shows how coalition protest movements against austerity, war and globalisation build upon the communicative strategies of older single issue campaigns such as the anti-criminal justice bill protests and the women’s peace movement. She argues that such protest groups are dismissed in the mainstream for not articulating a ‘unified position’ and explores the way in which contemporary protesters stemming from different traditions maintain solidarity. Articulating Dissent investigates the ways in which this diversity, so inherent in coalition protest, affects the movement of ideas from the political margins to the mainstream. In doing so this book offers an insightful and original analysis of the protest coalition as a developing political form. POLLYANNA RUIZ is a Fellow in the Department of Media and

Communication at the London School of Economics.


MARCH 2014 248pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3305-2 £18.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3306-9 £65 Epub 978-1-8496-4886-8 £18.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4887-5 £18.99

Tweets and the Streets Social Media and Contemporary Activism Paolo Gerbaudo Pb 978-0-7453-3248-2 £16.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4801-1 £16.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4802-8 £16.99

@ Is for Activism

Dissent, Resistance and Rebellion in a Digital Culture Joss Hands Pb 978-0-7453-2700-6 £17.99 EPUB 978-1-7837-1051-5 £17.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1052-2 £17.99 PlutoPress


Latin American experiments in feminism NEW IN PAPERBACK

Contesting Publics Feminism, Activism, Ethnography Lynne Phillips and Sally Cole Series: Anthropology, Culture and Society Through ethnographic cases and activists’ narratives, Contesting Publics analyses the challenges feminists face as they seek to engage with new spaces of participatory democracy in Latin America. Lynne Phillips and Sally Cole analyse how new silences, exclusions and re-inscriptions of inequalities have emerged alongside these new spaces of participation. The book re-examines the relationship between public and private and speaks to a larger theoretical question: what is the meaning of 'the public' within democracy projects? Contesting Publics considers current debates among feminists from different generations on the merits of a variety of strategies, goals and issues, drawing out vital lessons for students, researchers and activists in anthropology, gender studies and Latin American studies.

JANUARY 2013 192pp 215mm x 135mm 3 figures, 4 photographs Pb 978-0-7453-3459-2 £18.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3284-0 £60

This is a thoughtprovoking volume that promises to appeal to students and scholars, and also to a broader public of activists and intellectuals. FLORENCE BABB

Florence E. Babb, Professor of Women's Studies, Affiliate Professor of Anthropology and Latin American Studies, University of Florida

Contesting Publics breathes new life into the public/private debate, showing how it remains crucial to thinking about the lives of women. LINDSAY DUBOIS

author of The Politics of the Past in an Argentine WorkingClass Neighbourhood (2005)

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LYNNE PHILLIPS is Dean of Arts and Professor of Anthropology at the

Memorial University of Newfoundland. She is the editor of The Third Wave of Modernization in Latin America: Cultural Perspectives on Neoliberalism (1998). SALLY COLE is Professor of Anthropology at Concordia University,

Montreal. She is the author of Ruth Landes: A Life in Anthropology (2003).


The New Latin American Left Utopia Reborn Edited by Patrick Barrett, Daniel Chavez and César Rodríguez-Garavito Pb 978-0-7453-2677-1 £21.99

Social Movements and State Power Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador James Petras and Henry Veltmeyer Pb 978-0-7453-2422-7 £24.99

Updated edition of best-selling Israel/Palestine primer

Israeli Apartheid


A Beginner's Guide Ben White Since its release in 2009 Israeli Apartheid: A Beginner’s Guide has become an essential primer for undergraduate students and activists getting to grips with the Israel/Palestine conflict for the first time. Ben White skilfully distills the work of academics and experts into a highly accessible introduction. This new updated and expanded edition includes information on the Israeli blockade and attacks on the Gaza Strip since 2008, new policies targeting Palestinian citizens of Israel and the growth of the global Boycott Divestment Sanctions campaign. Packed with vital information, quotations and resources, Israeli Apartheid never loses the human touch. The book is rooted in the author’s extensive personal experience in Palestine and includes testimonies by Palestinians describing how Israeli apartheid affects their daily lives. BEN WHITE is a researcher and analyst at the Middle East Monitor and

Journal of Palestine Studies. He is the author of Palestinians in Israel (Pluto, 2011) and has written for the Guardian, New Statesman and Al Jazeera.


Generation Palestine Voices from the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement Edited by Rich Wiles. Foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu Pb 978-0-7453-3243-7 £14.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4780-9 £14.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4781-6 £14.99

Palestinians in Israel Segregation, Discrimination and Democracy Ben White. Foreword by Haneen Zoabi Pb 978-0-7453-3228-4 £14.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4626-0 £14.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4627-7 £14.99

FEBRUARY 2014 224pp 198mm x 129mm 7 maps, 8 figures, 12 photographs Pb 978-0-7453-3463-9 £11.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3464-6 £45 Epub 978-1-7837-1027-0 £11.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1028-7 £11.99

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A highly commendable effort to throw light on a fraught subject. ARCHBISHOP DESMOND TUTU

This book takes on the most complex arenas of injustice and contested history, and renders them accessible. KARMA NABULSI

University of Oxford

An excellent guide for understanding the magnitude of the crimes committed against the Palestinians. ILAN PAPPE

University of Exeter and author of Out of the Frame: The Struggle for Academic Freedom in Israel (Pluto, 2010) PlutoPress


Computers + people power = Socialism 2.0

The Socialist Computer Life, Work and Technology as if Profit Didn’t Matter Bob Hughes

JUNE 2014 272pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-2879-9 £18.99 Hb 978-0-7453-2880-5 £60 Epub 978-1-8496-4689-5 £18.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4690-1 £18.99

The Socialist Computer is a unique and highly topical analysis of capitalism and technology. Part cultural analysis, part political analysis, this book emphasises the contradictions and injustices that have stunted the utopian promise of information technology. Bob Hughes provides both a cultural history of computer science and a critical analysis of how it operates within the capitalist system. He gives a fascinating account of the alternative political structures within which computer technology has been used, such as Soviet use of computer technology in revolutionary Russia, and the utopian potential it still contains that is denied by corporate and government control. Referencing a wide range of critical thinkers, including Andre Gorz and Antonio Gramsci, to criticise the way in which information technology has been shaped under capitalism, The Socialist Computer is an entertaining and ground-breaking introduction to the politics of information technology. BOB HUGHES is an associate of the Oxford International Centre for

Publishing Studies, co-founder of No One is Illegal ( and the author of Dust or Magic: Creative Work in the Digital Age (2005).


Wikiworld Juha Suoranta and Tere Vadén Pb 978-0-7453-2891-1 £17.99

Network Culture Politics For the Information Age Tiziana Terranova Pb 978-0-7453-1748-9 £22.99

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A radical solution to Europe’s housing crisis

The Squatters' Movement in Europe

Everyday Commons and Autonomy as Alternatives to Capitalism Squatting Europe Kollective, edited by Claudio Cattaneo and Miguel A. Martínez The Squatters' Movement in Europe is the first definitive guide to squatting as an alternative to capitalism. It offers a unique insider's view on the movement – its ideals, actions and ways of life. At a time of growing crisis in Europe with high unemployment, dwindling social housing and declining living standards, squatting has become an increasingly popular option. The book is written by an activist-scholar collective, whose members have direct experience of squatting: many are still squatters today. There are contributions from the Netherlands, Spain, the USA, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and the UK. In an age of austerity and precarity this book shows what has been achieved by this resilient social movement, which holds lessons for policy-makers, activists and academics alike. CLAUDIO CATTANEO teaches ecological economics at the University of

Edinburgh and the Università Carlo Cattaneo in Castellanza, Italy. He is a squatter, bicycle mechanic and olive farmer.

APRIL 2014 272pp 215mm x 135mm 2-5 images Pb 978-0-7453-3395-3 £18.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3396-0 £60 Epub 978-1-7837-1041-6 £18.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1042-3 £18.99

MIGUEL A. MARTINEZ has been an activist-researcher in the squatting

movement for more than a decade. He is one of the founders of the SqEK (Squatting Europe Kollective) network.


Life Without Money Building Fair and Sustainable Economies

Edited by Anitra Nelson and Frans Timmerman Pb 978-0-7453-3165-2 £17.99 EPUB 978-1-7837-1100-0 £17.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1101-7 £17.99

Where the Other Half Lives Lower Income Housing in a Neoliberal World Edited by Sarah Glynn Pb 978-0-7453-2857-7 £17.99 PlutoPress


Anarchism, heresy and free love - 17th century style

A Collection of Ranter Writings Spiritual Liberty and Sexual Freedom in the English Revolution Nigel Smith. Forewords by John Carey and Greil Marcus

JANUARY 2014 288pp 240mm x 170mm Pb 978-0-7453-3360-1 £17.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3361-8 £55

The Ranters - like the Levellers and the Diggers - were a group of religious libertarians who flourished during the English Civil War (1642–1651), a period of social and religious turmoil which saw, in the words of the historian Christopher Hill, 'the world turned upside down'. A Collection of Ranter Writings is the most notable attempt to anthologise the key Ranter writings, bringing together some of the most remarkable, visionary and unforgettable texts. The subjects range from the limits to pleasure and divine right, to social justice and collective action. The Ranters have intrigued and captivated generations of scholars and philosophers. This carefully curated collection will be of great interest to historians, philosophers and all those trying to understand past radical traditions. NIGEL SMITH is William and Annie S. Paton Foundation Professor of

Ancient and Modern Literature at Princeton University. His books include Andrew Marvell: The Chameleon (2010), Is Milton better than Shakespeare? (2008) and Literature and Revolution in England, 1640-1660 (1994).


Gerrard Winstanley The Digger's Life and Legacy John Gurney Pb 978-0-7453-3183-6 £12.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4677-2 £12.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4678-9 £12.99

The Birth of Capitalism A 21st Century Perspective Henry Heller Pb 978-0-7453-2959-8 £19.99

16 PlutoPress

A provocative new account of the Second World War

The Second World War

A Marxist History Chris Bambery Series: Counterfire The Second World War casts a long shadow, portrayed as a necessary and paradigmatic war that defeated fascism. During recent wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, US presidents and British prime ministers have tried to claim they were following in the footsteps of Winston Churchill by standing up to dictators. In The Second World War Chris Bambery tests this position in a thorough account of the war and tries to understand why it still dominates TV history channels and school history books. Bambery argues that the conflict ultimately was about a division of the world between the great powers, as well as a rising of ordinary people against fascism. He offers a complex and radical analysis, that is unique when compared to many modern and conventional histories of the war. CHRIS BAMBERY is a writer, broadcaster and activist. He is the author of

A Rebel's Guide to Gramsci (2006), Ireland’s Permanent Revolution (1986) and editor of Scotland: Class and Nation (1999).

APRIL 2014 312pp 230mm x 150mm 3-5 maps Pb 978-0-7453-3301-4 £18 Hb 978-0-7453-3302-1 £65 Epub 978-1-8496-4923-0 £18 Kindle 978-1-8496-4922-3 £18


A People's History of the Second World War Resistance Versus Empire Donny Gluckstein Pb 978-0-7453-2802-7 £19.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4720-5 £19.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4721-2 £19.99

Ideologies in the Age of Extremes Liberalism, Conservatism, Communism, Fascism 1914-1991 Willie Thompson Pb 978-0-7453-2711-2 £19.99 PlutoPress


20 years since the fall of apartheid

A Flawed Freedom Rethinking Southern African Liberation John S. Saul Twenty years on from the fall of apartheid in South Africa, veteran analyst and activist John S. Saul examines the liberation struggle, placing it in a regional and global context and looking at how the initial optimism and hope has given way to a sense of crisis following soaring inequality levels and the massacre of workers at Marikana. With chapters on South Africa, Tanzania and Mozambique, Saul examines the reality of southern Africa’s post-'liberation' plight, drawing on the insights of Frantz Fanon and Amilcar Cabral and assessing claims that a new ‘precariat’ has emerged. Saul examines the ongoing 'rebellion of the poor', including the recent Marikana massacre, that have shaken the region and may signal the possibility of a new and more hopeful future. JOHN S. SAUL is a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and was awarded

APRIL 2014 200pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3479-0 £14.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3480-6 £45 Epub 978-1-7837-1142-0 £14.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1143-7 £14.99

a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2011 by the Canadian Association of African Studies for his writing and lecturing on South Africa.


The Threat of Liberation Imperialism and Revolution in Zanzibar

This book covers a great deal of ground in an accessible and lively fashion. Concisely and tightly argued, it is a powerful rebuff to 'Afropessimists' and neoliberals alike.

Amrit Wilson

author of Class Struggle and Resistance in Africa (2008)

Douglas A. Yates


Pb 978-0-7453-3407-3 £18.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4940-7 £18.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4941-4 £18.99

The Scramble for African Oil Oppression, Corruption and War for Control of Africa's Natural Resources Pb 978-0-7453-3045-7 £19.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4629-1 £19.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4630-7 £19.99

18 PlutoPress

20 years since the fall of apartheid

Elite Transition


From Apartheid to Neoliberalism in South Africa Patrick Bond Released to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the end of apartheid in South Africa, this is a revised and updated edition of a best-selling work of political analysis. Patrick Bond, a former adviser to the African National Congress (ANC), investigates how they went from being a force of liberation to a vehicle now perceived as serving the economic interests of an elite few. This edition includes new analysis looking at the 2004 election and the crisis which shook the country following the massacre of miners at Marikana in 2012. Bond also assesses the historiography of the transition written since 2000 from nationalist, liberal and radical perspectives, and replies to critics of his work, both from liberal and nationalist perspectives. This is an essential text on post-apartheid South Africa, which will be vital reading for all who study or have an interest in this part of the continent, and in social change more generally. PATRICK BOND is Associate Professor at the University of the

Witwatersrand in Johannesburg and a research associate of the Alternative Information and Development Centre. He is the author of several books, including Looting Africa (2006) and Cities of Gold, Townships of Coal (1999).


Contesting Transformation Popular Resistance in Twenty-First Century South Africa Edited by Marcelle C. Dawson and Luke Sinwell Hb 978-0-7453-3273-4 £60

Reclaiming the Nation The Return of the National Question in Africa, Asia and Latin America Edited by Sam Moyo and Paris Yeros Pb 978-0-7453-3082-2 £24.99

APRIL 2014 368pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3477-6 £19.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3478-3 £65 Epub 978-1-7837-1145-1 £19.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1146-8 £19.99

“ “ “

Elite Transition successfully highlights telling events and processes that help us understand why the transition unfolded as it did. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS

An analysis of the compromises made between the past and present powers in post-apartheid South Africa. OXFAM REVIEW OF JOURNALS

Elite Transition charts the destruction of progressive economic and social policy aspirations from the end years of apartheid to today. SOCIALIST REVIEW PlutoPress


Inside the new world of 21st-century warfare

Unmanned Drone Warfare and Global Security Ann Rogers and John Hill Drones have become the controversial new weapon of choice for the US military abroad. Unmanned details the causes and deadly consequences of this terrifying new development in warfare, and explores the implications for international law and global peace. Ann Rogers and John Hill argue that drones represent the first truly globalised technology of war. The book shows how unmanned systems are changing not simply how wars are fought, but the meaning of conflict itself. Providing an unparalleled account of new forms of 21st century imperial warfare, Unmanned shows how drone systems dissolve the conventional obstacles of time and space that have traditionally shaped conflict in the international system. It considers the possibility that these weapons will become normalised in global conflict, raising the spectre of new, unpredictable and unaccountable forms of warfare.

MAY 2014 216pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3334-2 £17.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3335-9 £60 Epub 978-1-7837-1148-2 £17.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1149-9 £17.99

ANN ROGERS teaches International Relations and Media Studies at Royal

Roads University, Canada. She is the author of Secrecy and Power in the British State (Pluto, 1997). JOHN HILL was formerly the China Watch editor for Jane’s Intelligence

Review, and has reported widely on security matters for a range of Jane’s publications.


On Western Terrorism From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare Noam Chomsky and Andre Vltchek Pb 978-0-7453-3387-8 £12.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4937-7 £12.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4638-4 £12.99

Weapon of the Strong Conversations on US State Terrorism Interviews by Cihan Aksan and Jon Bailes Pb 978-0-7453-3241-3 £14.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4795-3 £14.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4796-0 £14.99

20 PlutoPress

The dangerous new frontlines of journalism

War Reporters Under Threat

The United States and Media Freedom Chris Paterson War Reporters Under Threat describes the threat of violence facing war reporters from the United States government and some of its closest allies. Chris Paterson argues that what should have been the lesson for the press following the invasion of Iraq – that they will be treated instrumentally by the US government – has been mostly ignored. As a result, even nominally democratic states cannot be counted upon to protect journalists in conflict, and urgent reform of legal protections for journalists is required. War Reporters Under Threat combines critical scholarship with original investigation to assess the impact of the US government's obsession with information control and protection of its own troops. While the press-military relationship has been well researched, this book is the first to elaborate the US government threat to journalists. CHRIS PATERSON teaches at the Institute of Communications Studies at

the University of Leeds, and is a former news photographer. He is the coeditor of Making Online News: Newsroom Ethnographies in the Second Decade of Internet Journalism (2011) and Making Online News: The Ethnography of New Media Production (2008).


Power Beyond Scrutiny Media, Justice and Accountability Justin Schlosberg Pb 978-0-7453-3291-8 £16.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4871-4 £16.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4872-1 £16.99

JUNE 2014 216pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3417-2 £15.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3418-9 £50 Epub 978-1-7837-1033-1 £15.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1034-8 £15.99

Brute Reality Power, Discourse and the Mediation of War Stuart Price Pb 978-0-7453-2079-3 £17.99 PlutoPress


Innovative analysis of development in India

Dream Zones Anticipating Capitalism and Development in India Jamie Cross Series: Anthropology, Culture and Society Dream Zones explores the dreamed of and desired futures that constitute, sustain and disrupt capitalism in contemporary India. Drawing on five years of research in and around India's Special Economic Zones (SEZs), the book follows the stories of regional politicians, corporate executives, rural farmers, industrial workers and social activists to show how the pursuit of growth, profit and development shapes the politics of industrialisation and liberalisation. This book offers a timely reminder that the global economy is shaped by sentiment as much as reason and that un-realised expectations are the grounds on which new hopes for the future are sown.

APRIL 2014 224pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3372-4 £19.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3373-1 £60 Epub 978-1-7837-1039-3 £19.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1040-9 £19.99

JAMIE CROSS is a Lecturer in Social Anthropology and Development at the

University of Edinburgh.


Dot.compradors Power and Policy in the Development of the Indian Software Industry

Jyoti Saraswati Pb 978-0-7453-3265-9 £17.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4735-9 £17.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4736-6 £17.99

People Without History India's Muslim Ghettos Jeremy Seabrook and Imran Ahmed Siddiqui Pb 978-0-7453-3113-3 £17.99

22 PlutoPress

Traversing the world economy through one commodity

Navigating the FlipFlop Trail

A Journey Through Globalisation's Backroads Caroline Knowles Series: Anthropology, Culture and Society This book follows the global trail of one of the world’s most unremarkable and ubiquitous objects – flip-flops. Through this unique lens, Caroline Knowles takes a ground level view of globalisation’s back roads, providing new insights that challenge contemporary accounts of globalisation. Rather than orderly product chains, the book shows that globalisation along the flip-flop trail is a tangle of unstable, shifting and contingent connections. The book reveals both the instabilities of the ‘chains’ and the complexities, personal topographies and skills with which people navigate these global uncertainties. Navigating the Flip-Flop Trail provides new ways of thinking about globalisation from the vantage point of a seemingly ordinary and everyday object. CAROLINE KNOWLES is Professor of Sociology at Goldsmiths, University

of London. She is the coauthor of Hong Kong: Migrant Lives, Landscapes and Journeys (2009).


The Accidental Capitalist A People's Story of the New China Behzad Yaghmaian Pb 978-0-7453-3230-7 £17.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4653-6 £17.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4654-3 £17.99

MAY 2014 224pp 215mm x 135mm 12 photos Pb 978-0-7453-3411-0 £18.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3412-7 £60 Epub 978-1-7837-1151-2 £18.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1152-9 £18.99

Global Political Economy A Marxist Critique Bill Dunn Pb 978-0-7453-2666-5 £21.99 PlutoPress


Groundbreaking ethnography of Arab identity in London

Becoming Arab in London Performativity and the Undoing of Identity Ramy M. K. Aly Series: Anthropology, Culture and Society

MAY 2014 248pp 215mm x 135mm 16 illustrations Pb 978-0-7453-3358-8 £21.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3359-5 £70 Epub 978-1-7837-1157-4 £21.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1158-1 £21.99

This book is the first ethnographic exploration of gender, race and class practices amongst British born or raised Arabs in London. Ramy M.K. Aly looks critically at the idea of 'Arab-ness' and the ways in which ethnic subjects are produced, signified and recited in the city. Looking at everyday spaces, encounters and discourses, the book explores the lives of young people and some of the ways in which they ‘do’ or achieve 'Arab-ness'. Aly’s ethnography uncovers narratives of growing up in London, the codes of sociability at Shisha cafes and the sexual politics and ethnic self-portraits which make British-Arab men and women. Drawing on the work of Judith Butler, Aly emphasises the need to move away from the notion of identity and towards a performative reading of race, gender and class. What emerges is a highly innovative contribution to the study of diaspora and difference in contemporary Britain. RAMY M. K. ALY is a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Department of

Anthropology at the American University in Cairo.


Community, Cosmopolitanism and the Problem of Human Commonality Vered Amit and Nigel Rapport Pb 978-0-7453-2903-1 £21.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4710-6 £18.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4711-3 £18.99

Ethnicity and Nationalism Anthropological Perspectives Thomas Hylland Eriksen Pb 978-0-7453-3042-6 £17.99 EPUB 978-1-7837-1055-3 £17.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1056-0 £17.99

24 PlutoPress

New perspectives on global security

The Anthropology of Security

Perspectives from the Frontline of Policing, Counter-Terrorism and Border Control Edited by Mark Maguire, Catarina Frois and Nils Zurawski Series: Anthropology, Culture and Society In a post-Cold War world of political unease and economic crisis, processes of securitisation are transforming nation-states, their citizens and non-citizens in profound ways. The book shows how contemporary Europe is now home to a vast security industry which uses biometric identification systems, CCTV and quasi-military techniques to police migrants and disadvantaged neighbourhoods. This is the first collection of anthropological studies of security with a particular but not exclusive emphasis on Europe. The Anthropology of Security draws together studies on the lived experiences of security and policing from the perspective of those most affected in their everyday lives. The anthropological perspectives in this volume stretch from the frontlines of policing and counterterrorism to border control.

JULY 2014 240pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3457-8 £24.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3458-5 £75 Epub 978-1-7837-1163-5 £24.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1164-2 £24.99

MARK MAGUIRE is Head of Anthropology at the National University of

Ireland Maynooth. CATARINA FROIS is Assistant Professor at the Department of

Anthropology, Lisbon University. NILS ZURAWSKI is Visiting Professor in Security, Social Conflicts and

Regulation at the University of Hamburg.


Border Watch Cultures of Immigration, Detention and Control Alexandra Hall Pb 978-0-7453-2723-5 £19.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4717-5 £19.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4718-2 £19.99

A World of Insecurity Anthropological Perspectives on Human Security Edited by Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Ellen Bal and Oscar Salemink Pb 978-0-7453-2984-0 £19.99 PlutoPress


Exploring the potential of alternative food production

Food for Change The Politics and Values of Social Movements Jeff Pratt and Pete Luetchford Series: Anthropology, Culture and Society

DECEMBER 2013 232pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3448-6 £22.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3449-3 £75 Epub 978-1-7837-1004-1 £22.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1005-8 £22.99

Concern about our food system is growing, from the costs of industrial farming to the dominant role of supermarkets and recurring scandals about the origins and content of what we eat. Food for Change documents the way alternative food movements respond to these concerns by trying to create more closed economic circuits within which people know where, how, and by whom their food is produced. Jeff Pratt, Peter Luetchford and other contributors explore the key political and economic questions of food through the everyday experience and vivid insights of farmers and consumers, using fieldwork from case studies in four European countries (France, Spain, Italy and England). Food for Change is an insightful consideration of connections between food and wider economic relations and draws on a rich vein of anthropological writing on the topic. JEFF PRATT is Senior Research Fellow in Anthropology at the University

of Sussex. He is the author of Class, Nation and Identity: The Anthropology of Political Movements (Pluto, 2003). PETE LUETCHFORD is Lecturer in Anthropology at the University of

Sussex. He is the author of Fair Trade and a Global Commodity: Coffee in Costa Rica (Pluto, 2007).


The Global Hunger Crisis Tackling Food Insecurity in Developing Countries Majda Bne Saad Pb 978-0-7453-3067-9 £21.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4861-5 £21.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4862-2 £21.99

The Will of the Many How the Alterglobalisation Movement is Changing the Face of Democracy Marianne Maeckelbergh Pb 978-0-7453-2925-3 £17.99 EPUB 978-1-7837-1043-0 £17.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1044-7 £17.99

26 PlutoPress

Accessible guide to an iconic cultural theorist

Fredric Jameson

The Project of Dialectical Criticism Robert T. Tally Jr Series: Marxism and Culture Fredric Jameson is the most important Marxist critic in the world today. While consistently operating at the cutting edge of literary and cultural studies, Jameson has remained committed to seemingly oldfashioned philosophical discourses, most notably dialectical criticism and utopian thought. In Fredric Jameson: The Project of Dialectical Criticism, Robert Tally surveys Jameson’s entire oeuvre, from his early studies of Sartre and formal criticism through his engagements with postmodernism and globalisation to his recent readings of Hegel, Marx and the valences of the dialectic. The book is both a comprehensive critical guide to Jameson’s theoretical project and itself a convincing argument for the power of dialectical criticism to understand the world today. ROBERT T. TALLY Jr. is an Associate Professor of English at Texas State

University. He is the author of Utopia in the Age of Globalization (2013), Spatiality (2013), Kurt Vonnegut and the American Novel (2011), Melville, Mapping, and Globalization (2009) and the editor of Geocritical Explorations (2011).


Herbert Marcuse An Aesthetics of Liberation Malcolm Miles Pb 978-0-7453-3038-9 £22.95

JUNE 2014 216pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3210-9 £19.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3211-6 £65 Epub 978-1-7837-1160-4 £19.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1161-1 £19.99

Red Planets Marxism and Science Fiction Edited by Mark Bould and China Miéville Pb 978-0-7453-2730-3 £19.99 PlutoPress


Critical perspectives on marginalised lives

Sans Papiers The Social and Economic Lives of Undocumented Migrants Alice Bloch, Nando Sigona and Roger Zetter Undocumented migration is a huge global phenomenon, yet little is known about the reality of life for those involved. Sans Papiers combines a contemporary account of the theoretical and policy debates with an in-depth exploration of the lived experiences of undocumented migrants in the UK from Zimbabwe, China, Brazil, Ukraine and Turkish Kurdistan. Built around their voices, the book provides a unique understanding of migratory processes, gendered experiences and migrant aspirations. Moving between the uniqueness of individual experience and the search for commonalities, the book explores the ambiguities and contradictions of being an undocumented migrant. With its insights into personal experiences alongside analysis of wider policy issues, Sans Papiers will have wide appeal for students, academics, policy-makers and practitioners.

JUNE 2014 216pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3390-8 £21.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3261-1 £70 Epub 978-1-8496-4904-9 £21.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4905-6 £21.99

ALICE BLOCH is Professor of Sociology at the University of Manchester.

She is the co-author of Race, Multiculture and Social Policy (2013) and the editor of Irregular Migrants: Policy, Politics, Motives and Everyday Lives (2012).

NANDO SIGONA is a Lecturer at the University of Birmingham. He is the

co-author of No Way Out, No Way In: Irregular Migrant Children and Families in the UK (2012).

ROGER ZETTER is Emeritus Professor of Refugee Studies at the University

of Oxford. He is the author of Lands of No Return (2012) and co-author of Market Economy and Urban Change: Impacts in the Developing World (2004).


Borderline Justice The Fight for Refugee and Migrant Rights Frances Webber. Foreword by Gareth Peirce Pb 978-0-7453-3163-8 £19.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4771-7 £19.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4772-4 £19.99

Migration Changing the World Guy Arnold Pb 978-0-7453-2905-5 £19.99

28 PlutoPress

Nepal's Maoist upsurge

Kings to Comrades

Nepal's Maoist Movement and the Democratic Transition Nishchal Basnyat Kings to Comrades takes a unique look at one of the most successful revolutions of the 21st century: the Maoist revolution in Nepal. Nishchal Basnyat incorporates rare interviews with Nepal's Maoist leaders and newly discovered documentary evidence that help us better understand the Maoist war in Nepal and its outcome. In an accessible style, Basnyat explores the causes of the Maoist revolution and the characteristics of the decade-long war. He goes on to analyse the fascinating process by which the rebels were transformed into a political party and ultimately democratised. This book will provide invaluable material for anyone studying Nepal as well as students of communist movements, third-world revolutions and rebel-to-party transformations. NISHCHAL BASNYAT is Charles Fiske III Harvard Scholar at Trinity

College, Cambridge University. He writes on Nepalese politics for national and international newspapers.


APRIL 2014 360pp 215mm x 135mm 10 figures, 4 maps Pb 978-0-7453-3097-6 £17.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3098-3 £60 Epub 978-1-8496-4834-9 £17.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4835-6 £17.99

The Maoists in India

Tribals Under Siege

This thoughtful study draws lessons of considerable significance for other complex and highly conflicted situations around the world.

Nirmalangshu Mukherji Pb 978-0-7453-3282-6 £19.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4756-4 £18.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4757-1 £18.99

Dispatches From the People's War in Nepal Li Onesto Pb 978-0-7453-2340-4 £23.99

“ “ “


An important book on what may be the most extraordinary case of rebel-toparty transformation in the modern era. STEVEN LEVITSKY

Professor of Government, Harvard University

A pioneering study of the puzzling period in recent Nepalese history. RICHARD W. MURPHY

U.S. Asst. Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs,1983-89 PlutoPress


Tracing the new faultlines of the global economy

The Geopolitics of Capitalism New Spaces of Imperialist Rivalry Gonzalo Pozo The Geopolitics of Capitalism links contemporary inter-state rivalry and cooperation to the spatial processes of global capitalism, recasting the notion of geopolitics as a territorial manifestation of accumulation. Concentrating on the post-Cold War period, Gonzalo Pozo examines the way in which the capitalist mode of production creates its own spaces of state conflict. The book critically reviews a wide range of geopolitical traditions and revisits key notions of borders and territory, offering an analysis of the contemporary forms of territorial configuration. The book's theoretical and empirical range makes it an important contribution to the Marxist literature on imperialism and an excellent critical introduction for students of international politics and political geography.

MAY 2014 240pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-2922-2 £17.99 Hb 978-0-7453-2923-9 £60 Epub 978-1-7837-1154-3 £17.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1155-0 £17.99

GONZALO POZO is a Lecturer in International Political Economy at King’s

College London


Geopolitical Economy After US Hegemony, Globalization and Empire

Radhika Desai Pb 978-0-7453-2992-5 £21.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4840-0 £21.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4841-7 £21.99

The Fall of the US Empire Global Fault-Lines and the Shifting Imperial Order Vassilis K. Fouskas and Bülent Gökay Pb 978-0-7453-2643-6 £17.99 EPUB 978-1-8496-4659-8 £16.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4660-4 £16.99

30 PlutoPress

Magisterial conclusion to acclaimed trilogy

The Discipline of Western Supremacy

Modes of Foreign Relations and Political Economy, Volume III Kees van der Pijl Concluding the acclaimed and award-winning trilogy on 'Modes of Foreign Relations and Political Economy', this is a magisterial historical sociology of International Relations theory. In The Discipline of Western Supremacy Kees van der Pijl argues that, from the late European Middle Ages, Anglophone thinkers articulated an imperial world-view which was adopted by aspirant elites elsewhere. Nation-state formation under the auspices of the English-speaking West has henceforth informed thinking about international affairs. After decolonisation the study of comparative politics continued to develop under those same auspices as part of a comprehensive framework. This book, the first of its kind, aims to provide a complete overview of mainstream International Relations as a set of theories which translate Western supremacy into intellectual hegemony. KEES VAN DER PIJL is a Fellow of the Centre for Global Political Economy

and Professor Emeritus at the University of Sussex. His books include The Foreign Encounter in Myth and Religion (Pluto, 2010), the Deutscher prizewinning Nomads, Empires, States (Pluto, 2007), Global Rivalries from the Cold War to Iraq (Pluto, 2006) and The Making of an Atlantic Ruling Class (new edition, 2012).


The Foreign Encounter in Myth and Religion

JANUARY 2014 288pp 215mm x 135mm Hb 978-0-7453-2318-3 £25 Epub 978-1-8496-4889-9 £25 Kindle 978-1-8496-4890-5 £25

Kees van der Pijl challenges us to understand the world in its full complexity and contradictory actuality. PETER BRATSIS

Lecturer in Political Theory, University of Salford

Modes of Foreign Relations and Political Economy, Volume II Kees van der Pijl Hb 978-0-7453-2316-9 £35.00

Nomads, Empires, States Modes of Foreign Relations and Political Economy, Volume I Kees van der Pijl Hb 978-0-7453-2601-6 £35.00 PlutoPress


Exposing the bitter reality of neoliberal development

The Violence of Development Resource Depletion, Environmental Crises and Human Rights Abuses in Central America Martin Mowforth

MARCH 2014 280pp 230mm x 150mm 9 figs Pb 978-0-7453-3394-6 £24.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3393-9 £75 Epub 978-1-7837-1036-2 £24.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1037-9 £24.99

This book examines the failure of ‘development’ in Central America, where despite billions of dollars of development funding and positive indicators of economic growth, poverty remains entrenched and violence endemic. Martin Mowforth shows how development is predicated on force and systematic violence, through which the world's most powerful governments, financial institutions and companies punish the global south. Crucially, the analysis in The Violence of Development comes from many development project case studies and over sixty interviews with a range of people in Central America, including nuns, politicians, NGO representatives, trade unionists, indigenous leaders and human rights defenders. This book is a compelling synthesis of first-hand research and development theory. MARTIN MOWFORTH lectures at the University of Plymouth in the

UK and is the co-author of Tourism and Sustainability: Development, Globalisation and New Tourism in the Third World (2009) and Tourism and Responsibility: Perspectives from Latin America and the Caribbean (2008). He edits the newsletter of the Environmental Network for Central America (ENCA).


The Political Economy of Development The World Bank, Neoliberalism and Development Research Edited by Kate Bayliss, Ben Fine and Elisa Van Waeyenberge Pb 978-0-7453-3103-4 £24.99

The Critical Development Studies Handbook Tools for Change Edited by Henry Veltmeyer Pb 978-0-7453-3123-2 £24.95

32 PlutoPress

Development from the grassroots

Reclaiming Rights

Grassroots Strategies in Post-Disaster Situations Jane Krishnadas and Krishnadas Sukumaran Reclaiming Rights explores community legal strategies at the grassroots, state and international levels. The book shows how in times of adversity, women and men reclaim rights in the reconstruction of their homes, livelihoods and communities. Jane Krishnadas and Krishnadas Sukumaran shed light on the role of rights in constructing gender, religious and class inequalities. They draw on their experience living and working with earthquake-affected communities in India, and through this direct engagement with community action, from peoples’ courts to public interest litigation, they present strategies for reclaiming rights both in post-disaster situations and everyday life. This unique book is essential reading for all those interested in grassroots rights strategies to access justice at a time of global crisis, uncertainty and upheaval. JANE KRISHNADAS is Director of Community Legal Outreach at Keele

University. She has worked as a social-development worker in an Indian earthquake-affected area, Community Development Manager for Oxfam and as India Projects Officer with the Minority Rights Group, UK.

JUNE 2014 224pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-2692-4 £21.99 Hb 978-0-7453-2693-1 £70 Epub 978-1-7837-1166-6 £21.99 Kindle 978-1-7837-1167-3 £21.99

KRISHNADAS SUKUMARAN directed the Times of India Group post-

disaster reconstruction programme in Gujurat and pioneered the landmark public interest litigation on reconstruction in Maharashtra, India. He is the recipient of the 2012 UK National Black Police Association Award for ‘Outstanding Dedication to Community Engagement’.


Making Peace Last

A Toolbox for Sustainable Peacebuilding Robert Ricigliano Pb 978-1-5945-1995-6 £22.99

Our Way to Fight Peace-Work Under Siege in Israel-Palestine Michael Riordon Pb 978-0-7453-3022-8 £17.99 PlutoPress


Revolutionary Lives

Sylvia Pankhurst Suffragette, Socialist and Scourge of Empire Katherine Connelly Series: Revolutionary Lives From militant suffragette at the beginning of the twentieth century to campaigner against colonialism in Africa after the Second World War, Sylvia Pankhurst dedicated her life to fighting oppression and injustice. In this vivid biography Katherine Connelly examines Pankhurst’s role at the forefront of significant developments in the history of radical politics. This lively and accessible biography presents Pankhurst as a courageous and inspiring campaigner, of huge relevance to those engaged in social movements today. KATHERINE CONNELLY is a leading member of Counterfire and a regular

SEPTMEBER 2013 240pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 978-0-7453-3322-9 £12.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3323-6 £45 Epub 978-1-8496-4943-8 £12.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4944-5 £12.99

contributor to its online magazine. She is currently conducting doctoral research in History at Queen Mary, University of London.

Gerrard Winstanley The Digger’s Life and Legacy John Gurney Series: Revolutionary Lives Gerrard Winstanley (1609-1676) was a Christian Communist, leader of the Diggers movement and bête noire of the landed aristocracy. Despite being one of the great English radicals, Winstanley remains unmentioned in today’s lists of ‘great Britons’. John Gurney reveals the hidden history of Winstanley and his movement and guides us through Winstanley’s writings, which are among the most remarkable prose writings of his age. Gerrard Winstanley is a must read for students of English history and all those seeking to re-claim the commons today. JOHN GURNEY is a Visiting Fellow in the School of Historical Studies, NOVEMBER 2012 176pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 978-0-7453-3183-6 £12.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3184-3 £45 Epub 978-1-8496-4677-2 £12.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4678-9 £12.99

34 PlutoPress

Newcastle University.

Revolutionary Lives

Leila Khaled

Icon of Palestinian Liberation Sarah Irving Series: Revolutionary Lives Dubbed ‘the poster girl of Palestinian militancy’, Leila Khaled’s image flashed across the world after she hijacked a passenger jet in 1969. In this intimate profile, based on interviews with Khaled and those who know her, Sarah Irving gives us the life-story behind the image. Key moments of Khaled’s turbulent life are explored, including the dramatic events of the hijackings, her involvement in the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (a radical element within the PLO), her opposition to the Oslo peace process and her activism today. Leila Khaled’s example gives unique insights into the Palestinian struggle through one remarkable life. SARAH IRVING is a freelance writer and author of The Bradt Guide to

Palestine (2011) and co-author of Gaza Beneath the Bombs (Pluto, 2010).

MAY 2012 168pp 198mm x 129mm 6 photographs Pb 978-0-7453-2951-2 £12.99 Hb 978-0-7453-2952-9 £45 Epub 978-1-8496-4674-1 £12.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4675-8 £12.99

Salvador Allende Revolutionary Democrat Victor Figueroa Clark Series: Revolutionary Lives This is a political biography of one of the 20th century’s most emblematic left-wing figures - Salvador Allende, who was president of Chile until he was ousted by General Pinochet in a US-supported coup in 1973. Victor Figueroa Clark guides us through Allende's life and political project, answering some of the most frequently asked questions. Clark argues that Allende and the Popular Unity Party created a unique fusion which was both revolutionary and democratic. This book looks back at the man and the process in order to draw vital lessons for the left in Latin America and around the world today. VICTOR FIGUEROA CLARK lectures at the London School of Economics

and is the editor of

AUGUST 2013 176pp 198mm x 129mm 8 photos, 1 map Pb 978-0-7453-3307-6 £12.99 Hb 978-0-7453-3308-3 £45 Epub 978-1-8496-4935-3 £12.99 Kindle 978-1-8496-4934-6 £12.99 PlutoPress


Paradigm Publishers

The Myth of Liberal Ascendancy Corporate Dominance from the Great Depression to the Great Recession G. Williams Domhoff Based on new archival research, G. Williams Domhoff challenges popular conceptions of the 1930’s New Deal. Arguing instead that this period was one of increasing corporate dominance in government affairs. While FDR’s New Deal brought sweeping legislation, the tide turned quickly after 1938. From that year onward nearly every major new economic law passed by Congress showed the mark of corporate dominance. Domhoff concludes that in terms of economic influence, liberalism was on a long steady decline, and that ironically, it was the successes of the civil rights, feminist, environmental, and gay-lesbian movements that led to the final defeat of the liberal-labour alliance after 1968.

MARCH 2014 256pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5256-4 £19.99

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

G. WILLIAMS DOMHOFF is Professor Emeritus at UC-Santa Cruz, United


We the Peoples A UN For the Twenty-First Century Kofi A. Annan During his time as Secretary-General of the UN, Kofi Annan launched the Millennium Developmental Goals, established the International Criminal Court and articulated the Responsibility to Protect as a principle for international action. This book gives an overview of Annan’s concerns and displays his eloquence. Covering the subjects of development, security, human rights, peacekeeping and the prevention of genocide; these statements attest to the intensity of the UN’s involvement in the most important issues of the era. This book shows how Annan’s words on war, peace and humanity resonate in so many ways - and carry great weight in the way in which the UN continues to develop its role in the world.. KOFI A. ANNAN was Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1997 to MARCH 2014 256pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 978-1-6120-5558-9 £15.99

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

36 PlutoPress

2006. In 2001 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.

Paradigm Publishers

The Pen Knows Its Job

Peter Orlovsky, a Life in Words Peter Orlovsky. Edited by Bill Morgan Peter Orlovsky, who died in 2010, was best known as the longtime companion of the poet Allen Ginsberg. But he was also an accomplished writer himself. This collection of unpublished letters, poems, photographs, and journal entries shows his story in his own words and reveals the inside story of his relationship with Ginsberg. Born in 1933 into a Russian immigrant family, Orlovsky served in the Army until he decided that he was more interested in reading than fighting. His world changed in 1954 when he met Allen Ginsberg. Through Ginsberg, Orlovsky came to know Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, Gregory Corso, and all the other writers who made up the Beat Generation. When Ginsberg took his poetry on the road, Orlovsky often traveled with him as a musician - but at the price of his own individuality. His fragile mental health broken, he died alone and forgotten. These memoirs show Orlovsky’s creative imagination and why he was a vital inspiration to the Beat generation. PETER ORLOVSKY (1933 - 2010) was a poet and muscian. BILL MORGAN is a writer, archivist and bibliographer. He is the author of I

APRIL 2014 352pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 978-1-6120-5582-4 £15.99

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

Celebrate Myself: The Somewhat Private Life of Allen Ginsberg (2006).

To the Cloud

Big Data in a Turbulent World Vincent Mosco In the wake of revelations about National Security Agency activities - many of which occur ‘in the cloud’ - this book offers a critical view. Cloud computing and big data are arguably the most significant forces in information technology today. To the Cloud explores where the cloud originated and its importance for business, government and citizens. It describes the competition among cloud companies like Amazon and Google, the spread of the cloud to government agencies like the NSA, and the astounding growth of entire cloud cities in China. From advertising to trade shows, the cloud and big data are furiously marketed to the world. Is the cloud the long-promised information utility that will solve many of the world’s economic and social problems? To the Cloud provides the first thorough analysis of the potential and problems of this new technology. VINCENT MOSCO is Professor Emeritus of Sociology at Queen’s University,

Canada. He is the author of numerous books including The Political Econmy of Communication (2009).

MAY 2014 288pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5616-6 £16.99

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand PlutoPress


Paradigm Publishers

The Presidency and Domestic Policy Comparing Leadership Styles, FDR to Obama Michael A. Genovese, Todd L. Belt and William W. Lammers This book examines the first terms of every president from FDR to Barack Obama. It shows that success in bringing about policy change hinges on leadership skill in managing institutional and public relationships. This second edition adds chapters on George W. Bush and Obama and focuses on the significant domestic policy challenges of their respective times. The Presidency and Domestic Policy provides unique insights into contemporary presidential leadership in a highly partisan age. MICHAEL A. GENOVESE is Director of the Institute for Leadership Studies

at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. MARCH 2014 384pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 978-1-6120-5301-1 £80

TODD L. BELT is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

WILLIAM W. LAMMERS (1937-1997) was Professor of Political Science at

of Hawai’i.

the University of Southern California.

Who’s Running America? The Obama Reign Thomas R. Dye A classic study of American government, Who’s Running America? shows how power is concentrated in large institutions. The 8th edition of this best-selling book focuses on the Obama administration and how it compares to previous administrations. Based on forensic data compilation and analysis, Who’s Running America? explores the influence of governmental leaders, corporate officials and other elites, describing the people who inhabit the White House and upper echelons of the system. Who’s Running America? is packed full of useful statistics and delivers the inside scoop on the Obama reign.

JANUARY 2014 224pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5555-8 £18.99

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

38 PlutoPress

THOMAS R. DYE is Emeritus Professor of Political Science at Florida

State University. He is the author of numerous books including The Irony of Democracy and Understanding Public Policy.

Paradigm Publishers

The Effective Presidency

Lessons on Leadership from John F. Kennedy to Barack Obama Erwin C. Hargrove The second edition of this classic work has a new chapter on Barack Obama and updates coverage of the end of the George W. Bush administration. Presidential scholar Erwin Hargrove extends his analytical framework of presidential effectiveness to show how Obama combines eventful leadership with pragmatism in moving the nation forward in an intensely polarized partisan environment. Reviewing eventful and event-making presidencies of the last 50 years, Hargrove comes down on the side of effectiveness over the special effects of the pyrotechnic presidencies of the past. ERWIN C. HARGROVE is Professor Emeritus of Political Science at

Vanderbilt University and winner of the prestigious Richard E. Neustadt Award.

JANUARY 2014 316pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5434-6 £25

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

They Rule The 1% v. Democracy Paul Street They Rule reflects on key political questions raised by the Occupy movement, showing how similar questions have been raised by previous generations of radical activists: who really owns and rules the US? Along the way, this book sharpens readers’ sense of who the US oligarchy are, including how their fortunes have changed over the course of US history, how they live and think and how to detect and de-cloak them. They Rule is a masterful historical and political analysis, revealing what lies beneath the surface of US society and what ordinary people can do to bring about social change. PAUL STREET is an urban social policy researcher and teacher in Chicago.

His books include Barack Obama and the Future of American Politics (2009) and Empire and Inequality (2005).

MARCH 2014 256pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 978-1-6120-5326-4 £75

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand PlutoPress


Paradigm Publishers

Shakespeare and Politics What a Sixteenth-Century Playwright Can Tell Us About Twenty-First Century Politics Edited by Bruce E. Altschuler and Michael A. Genovese William Shakespeare, more than any other author, was able to capture the essence of human nature in all its manifestations. His political plays offer enduring insights into our humanity. This volume gleans valuable lessons from the writings of William Shakespeare and applies them to contemporary politics. Original chapters covering over a dozen different plays take up perennial political themes including power and leadership, corruption and virtue, war and peace, evil and liberty, persuasion and polarization, and empire and global overreach. BRUCE E. ALTSCHULER is Professor of Political Science at SUNY Oswego

MARCH 2014 224pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5159-8 £18.99

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

and the author or coauthor of five books, most recently Acting Presidents: 100 Years of Plays about the Presidency (2010). MICHAEL A. GENOVESE is Professor of Political Science and Director of the

Institute for Leadership Studies at Loyola Marymount University.

Music Sociology An Introduction to the Role of Music in Social Life Edited by Sara Towe Horsfall, Jan-Martijn Meij and Meghan Probstfield This book explores sixteen different genres to demonstrate that music everywhere reflects social values and individual identity. The contributors consider the intersections of race, class and gender through lyrics and cultural experiences. Written by sociologists also involved in music, this collection introduces the sociology of music to those who may not be familiar with it. SARA TOWE HORSFALL is an Associate Professor at Texas Wesleyan

University. JANUARY 2014 304pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5313-4 £25.99

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and and New Zealand

40 PlutoPress

JAN MARTIJN MEIJ is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Florida Gulf

Coast University. MEGHAN PROBSTFIELD is Associate Professor of Sociology at Indian

River State College, Florida, USA.

Paradigm Publishers

Critical Sociology (2nd edition)

Steven M. Buechler This is a thoroughly revised and updated second edition of the popular introduction to the sociological perspective as a critical lens on society. Much has happened since the first edition: the Great Recession, Obama’s presidency, the burgeoning role of social media, and recent social movements such the Tea Party, Occupy Wall Street, the Arab Spring. Buechler discusses the changing relationship between social movements and democracy. The book opens with chapters on how to think sociologically, an overview of scientific, humanistic and critical schools of sociology, and a detailed exposition of the critical tradition. He applies this tradition to economics, politics and culture; to class, race and gender; to individualism, self and identity; and to globalization. STEVEN M. BUECHLER is Professor of Sociology at Mankato State

University. His recent books include Understanding Social Movements (Paradigm, 2011).

JUNE 2014 320pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5625-8 £28.99

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

Democratic Uprisings in the New Middle East Youth, Technology, Human Rights, and US Foreign Policy Mahmood Monshipouri As Egypt retreats from its newly elected government and Syria moves from one crisis to another, this reflection on the Arab Spring could not be more timely. Monshipouri’s account of the role of emotion, solidarity and online activism is informed by several trips to the region. He argues that the uprisings were fuelled by a demographic surge of young people unable to find employment and frustrated by the lack of freedom. This book addresses all of these subjects in an engaging and accessible narrative. MAHMOOD MONSHIPOURI is Associate Professor of International

Relations at San Francisco State University. His most recent book is Terrorism, Security and Human Rights (2012).

JANUARY 2014 234pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 978-1-6120-5135-2 £15.99 Hb 978-1-6120-5134-5 £70

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand PlutoPress


Paradigm Publishers

21st Century Social Problems Exploring Social Crises Through Media Roberta Goldberg In this book Roberta Goldberg uses a multi-media approach to critically examine the most significant and volatile issues of our times: the environmental crisis, upheavals in the developing world, health, terrorism and technology. The book is unique in its in-depth coverage of these pressing social concerns, and its use of extensive media resources through a companion website. An introductory section reviews basic sociological concepts and theories and then revisits them in each chapter. The book helps students appreciate the magnitude of the problems of the 21st century and develop the intellectual tools to understand them. ROBERTA GOLDBERG is Professor of Sociology at Trinity College in

MARCH 2014 296pp 254mm x 178mm Pb 978-1-6120-5634-0 £31.99 Hb 978-1-6120-5633-3 £72.50

Washington DC and the author of Organizing Women Office Workers.

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

Politics in Popular Movies Rhetorical Takes on Horror, War, Thriller, and SciFi Films John S. Nelson Popular movies can be surprisingly smart about politics. At times, these are the portentous politics of state or war; but often, they are the everyday politics of family, romance, business, church, and school. Politics in Popular Movies analyzes the politics in many well-known films in four popular forms: horror, war, thriller, and science fiction. This books shows how conspiracy films expose oppressive systems and explores how various thrillers prefigured American experiences of 9/11 and then shaped aspects of the War on Terror. The book also appreciates ways that movies reflect politics from the Occupy and Tea Party movements, rethink the political foundations of current societies, and even remake our cultural images of the future.

APRIL 2014 224pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 978-1-6120-5556-5 £70

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

42 PlutoPress

JOHN S. NELSON teaches Political Theory and Communication at the

University of Iowa, United States.

Paradigm Publishers

Capitalism: Should You Buy It?

An Invitation to Political Economy Charles Derber and Yale Magrass Before there was economics, there was political economy, an interdisciplinary adventure boldly seeking to understand capitalism. Over time, the social sciences evolved into specific disciplines that less often questioned capitalist perspectives. This accessible and hopeful book is a call to revive the critical edge and ask if capitalism provides a society that promotes the well-being, indeed the survival, of humanity. It contrasts three traditions - neoclassicism, Keynesianism, and neo-Marxism - tracing the historical development of each. CHARLES DERBER is Professor of Sociology at Boston College, United

States. He is the author of numerous books and articles. YALE MAGRASS is a Chancellor Professor of Sociology at the University of Massachusetts–Dartmouth, United States.

JANUARY 2014 290pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 978-1-6120-5569-5 £75

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand

From Jicama to Jackfruit The Global Political Economy of Food Kimberly Weir Nearly everyone is a part of the global food system, yet few people are aware of how it operates. This book shows how we are connected with spice farmers, cocoa bean growers and soybean producers, not only giving insight into where we fit in the global food chain, but also a unique way to understand the aspects and concepts of the global political economy. Subsequent chapters examine the supply, processing, and sale of food items as a way to consider the different facets of the global political economy, how the global food supply chain works, and what that means for food choices the world over. KIMBERLY WEIR is Associate Professor of Political Science at Northern

Kentucky University, United States.

MAY 2014 224pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 978-1-5945-1930-7 £70

Not available in North America, Japan, Australia and New Zealand PlutoPress


Paradigm Publishers

The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters

Gender and the Practices of Domination

Michael Schwalbe

C.L. Dellums and the Fight for Fair Treatment and Civil Rights

Looks at the practices males use to construct ‘women’ and ‘men’ as unequal categories. Schwalbe reclaims radical feminist insights that gender is a field of domination.

Robert Allen FEBRUARY 2014 150pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612055480 £60

Based on interviews and archival research, this book is an inspiring testament to an influential union in early twentieth-century America.

Black Males and Racism

FEBRUARY 2014 224pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612055466 £60

Improving the Schooling and Life Chances of African Americans

FEBRUARY 2014 180pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612055503 £65

Epistemologies of the South

MARCH 2014 pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612054353 £65

Argues that Western domination has profoundly marginalised knowledge and wisdom from the global South. PlutoPress

Peace Ecology Presents a cutting-edge analysis that links peace and nonviolence to the tenets of ecology and environmentalism.

Boaventura de Sousa Santos


Biennial publication that provides cutting-edge data and analysis concerning domestic and international conflicts and corresponding peacebuilding activities.

Randall Amster

Justice Against Epistemicide

MARCH 2014 292pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612055442 £80

Peace and Conflict 2014 Paul K. Huth, Jonathan Wilkenfeld and David A. Backer

Terence D. Fitzgerald Revealing the mechanisms of institutional social control, this book sets out proposals to reduce structural racism and improve the lives of African American youth.

Manhood Acts

MAY 2014 224pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612052960 £70

Paradigm Publishers

Agitation with a Smile

Howard Zinn’s Legacies and the Future of Activism

Ben Agger and Timothy W. Luke Prominent US authors examine gun violence in public life.

Stephen Bird, Adam Silver and Joshua Yesnowitz FEBRUARY 2014 320pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 9781612051826 £17.99

This is the first book to provide a substantive account and assessment of Zinn’s philosophy and approach to democracy.

MARCH 2014 258pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612056630 £75

Handbook on Cuban History, Literature, and the Arts

Provides a rich empirical description of civic life and a broader discussion of the future of democracy in contemporary America.

Louis Fisher

MARCH 2014 258pp 203mm x 127mm Pb 9781612053110 £15.99

Collective Violence, Contentious Politics, and Social Change Ernesto Castaneda and Cathy Lisa Schneider

More than two dozen cases are analyzed in assessing the Supreme Court’s record including those touching on subjects of recent decisions.

Overcoming Global Inequalities Immanuel Wallerstein, Christopher Chase-Dunn and Christian Suter

A Charles Tilly Reader JUNE 2014 320pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612056708 £80

On the Supreme Court Without Illusion and Idolatry

Mauricio A. Font and Araceli Tinajero JUNE 2014 376pp 235mm x 155mm Pb 9781612056791 £105

Gun Violence and Public Life

JUNE 2014 288pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612056753 £80

Examines the changing nature of global inequalities and efforts that are being made to move toward a more egalitarian world society.

Collects the best work of the influential American sociologist. PlutoPress


Paradigm Publishers

Modern Societies

Encounters with History

Stephen K. Sanderson

From Person to Planet

Explores the nature of the contemporary world’s 200 societies by comparing and contrasting their basic institutions and patterns of social organization.

Paul Wapner and Simon Nicholson JUNE 2014 384pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 9781612056487 £80

JUNE 2014 270pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612056678 £75

They and We Racial and Ethnic Relations in the US and Beyond

JUNE 2014 345pp 229mm x 152mm Pb 9781594512056 £28.99

MARCH 2014 352pp 280mm x 216mm Pb 9781612050928 £31.99

Understanding Educational Research

46 PlutoPress

Explores prospects for human development: how development appears to be unfolding globally and locally and how we would like it to evolve.

Governing the World? Thomas G. Weiss Proposes a three-pronged strategy to achieve better global governance and communications.

Gary Shank, Launcelot Brown, Jan Pringle Designed to help students learn to read educational research articles carefully, systematically and critically.

Building Global Infrastructure

Addressing “Problems without Passports“

A Guide to Critically Reading the Literature

JUNE 2014 136pp 216mm x 140mm Hb 9781612055800 £60

Makes the case that our governments and social institutions have been engaged in activities that will extinguish the world’s ecological life support systems.

Dale S. Rothman, Mohammod T. Irfan, Eli Margolese-Malin, Barry B. Hughes, and Jonathan D. Moyer

Peter I. Rose Updated seventh edition. Covers recent demographic changes in the US and new developments, such as the increase in Islamophobia since 9/11.

Global Environmental Politics

MARCH 2014 144pp 229mm x 152mm Hb 9781612056272 £60

Recent Highlights

On Western Terrorism

Revolutionary Democrat

From Hiroshima to Drone Warfare

Victor Figueroa Clark

Noam Chomsky and Andre Vltchek

A political biography of one of the 20th century’s most emblematic political figures.

A controversial and provocative new intervention from the world’s greatest dissident intellectual. AUGUST 2013 176pp 198mm x 129mm 8 photos, 1 map Pb 9780745333076 £12.99 Hb 9780745333083 £45 Epub 9781849649353 £12.99 Kindle 9781849649346 £12.99

SEPTEMBER 2013 208pp 198mm x 129mm 21 photographs Pb 9780745333878 £12.99 Epub 9781849649377 £12.99 Kindle 9781849649384 £12.99

Salvador Allende

The Poverty of Capitalism

Sylvia Pankhurst Suffragette, Socialist and Scourge of Empire

Economic Meltdown and the Struggle for What Comes Next

Katherine Connelly John Hilary

OCTOBER 2013 240pp 215mm x 135mm 3 figures Pb 9780745333304 £14.99 Hb 9780745333311 £45 Epub 9781849649674 £14.99 Kindle 9781849649681 £14.99

Looks at the failure of conventional economic theories based on capitalist growth, and explores alternative models being developed around the world.

Plane Truth

Lively and accessible biography of Sylvia Pankhurst, from suffragette to antiFascist activist. SEPTEMBER 2013 176pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 9780745333229 £12.99 Hb 9780745333236 £50 Epub 9781849649438 £12.99 Kindle 9781849649445 £12.99

Aviation’s Real Impact on People and the Environment

The Failure of Irish Capitalism

Kieran Allen with Brian O'Boyle

Rose Bridger

Offers a deeply informed diagnosis of Ireland's current socio-economic and political malaise, suggesting a political earthquake may benefit the left.

An engaging critical account of the aviation industry, which debunks a number of misconceptions and selfjustifying myths. OCTOBER 2013 288pp 198mm x 129mm Pb 9780745330327 £16.99 Hb 9780745330334 £55 Epub 9781849649612 £16.99 Kindle 9781849649629 £16.99

Austerity Ireland

SEPTEMBER 2013 208pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 9780745334011 £14.99 Hb 9780745334028 £50 Epub 9781849649551 £14.99 Kindle 9781849649568 £14.99 PlutoPress


Recent Highlights

Crucible of Resistance

The Limits of Sexual Politics

Greece, the Eurozone and the World Economic Crisis

James Penney

Christos Laskos and Euclid Tsakalotos SEPTEMBER 2013 192pp 215mm x 135mm 37 figures, 12 tables Pb 9780745333809 £15.99 Hb 9780745333816 £60 Epub 9781849649520 £15.99 Kindle 9781849649537 £15.99

Challenges mainstream accounts of the 'Greek Crisis' and situates it within a regional context and ultimately a critique of the world economic system.

Bad News for Refugees

NOVEMBER 2013 224pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 9780745333786 £18.99 Hb 9780745333793 £65 Epub 9781849649865 £18.99 Kindle 9781849649872 £18.99

Greg Philo, Emma Briant and Pauline Donald

Common Ground Democracy and Collectivity in an Age of Individualism

The Threat of Liberation Amrit Wilson

Draws on past philosophical debates to propose a new way of conceiving the commons in today's neoliberal era. PlutoPress

Moves beyond the limited framing of the 'War on Terror' which has dominated recent debates, offering a new perspective on the study of Islamophobia.

Imperialism and Revolution in Zanzibar

Jeremy Gilbert


The Politics of Islamophobia David Tyrer

NOVEMBER 2013 208pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 9780745331317 £21.99 Hb 9780745331324 £70 Epub 9781849648745 £21.99 Kindle 9781849648752 £21.99

NOVEMBER 2013 272pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 9780745325316 £18.99 Hb 9780745325323 £60 Epub 9781849649773 £18.99 Kindle 9781849649780 £18.99

Makes the provocative claim that queer theory has run its course, made obsolete by the elaboration of its own logic within capitalism.

Race, Power and Fantasy

Looks at how refugees and asylum seekers are stigmatised in political rhetoric and media coverage. AUGUST 2013 224pp 215mm x 135mm 1 figure Pb 9780745334325 £16.99 Hb 9780745334332 £60 Epub 9781849649582 £16.99 Kindle 9781849649599 £16.99

After Queer Theory

AUGUST 2013 192pp 215mm x 135mm 15 photos Pb 9780745334073 £18.99 Hb 9780745334080 £65 Epub 9781849649407 £18.99 Kindle 9781849649414 £18.99

A gripping historical account of Cold War subversion and revolution in postcolonial Africa, with crucial lessons for today.

Recent Highlights

Black Star

Britain's Asian Youth Movements

Anandi Ramamurthy Tells the history of Britain's Asian Youth Movements from the 1970s and 1980s and shows their importance in creating today's multiracial Britain.

Constructing the Political Subject

Massimo Modonesi. Foreword by John Holloway NOVEMBER 2013 224pp 215mm x 135mm Pb 9780745334059 £22.99 Hb 9780745334066 £70 Epub 9781849649704 £22.99 Kindle 9781849649711 £22.99

SEPTEMBER 2013 240pp 215mm x 135mm 20 photographs Pb 9780745333489 £19.99 Hb 9780745333496 £65 Epub 9781849649469 £19.99 Kindle 9781849649476 £19.99

Turkey Reframed Constituting Neoliberal Hegemony

DECEMBER 2013 304pp 230mm x 150mm Pb 9780745333847 £25 Hb 9780745333854 £75 Epub 9781849649803 £25 Kindle 9781849649810 £25

Final Solutions

The Gloss of Harmony Edited by Birgit Müller

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Subalternity, Antagonism, Autonomy

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21st Century Social Problems Against Austerity

42 2

Agger, Ben Agitation with a Smile Allen, Robert

45 45 44

Genovese, Michael A.

Altschuler, Bruce E.


Gilby, Nicholas

Aly, Ramy M.K.


Global Environmental Politics Goldberg, Roberta Gonzalez, Mike Governing the World?

Amin, Samir


Amster, Randall Annan, Kofi A.

44 36

Anthropology of Security, The


Articulating Dissent


Backer, David A.


Bambery, Chris


Bartley, Paula Basnyat, Nishchal Battle for Europe, The

9 29 7

Becoming Arab in London


Belt, Todd L.


Bird, Stephen


Black Males and Racism


Bloch, Alice


Bond, Patrick


Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, The Brown, Launcelot Buechler, Steven M.

44 46 41

Building Global Infrastructure


Capitalism: Should You Buy It?


Carey, John


Castaneda, Ernesto Cattaneo, Claudio Chase-Dunn, Christopher

45 15 45

Clark, Victor Figueroa


Cole, Sally


Collection of Ranter Writings, A 16 Collective Violence, Contentious Politics, and Social Change 45

27 43 38, 40

Pratt, Jeff


Presidency and Domestic Policy, The Pringle, Jan

38 46 40

Geopolitics of Capitalism, The


Probstfield, Meghan

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Ramand, Pete

4 46 42 8 46

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Hill, John


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1 46

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Hugo Chavez


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44 6 46


Reclaiming Rights


Rogers, Ann Rose, Peter I.

20 46

Rothman, Dale S.


Ruiz, Pollyanna Salvador Allende

11 35

Sanderson, Stephen K.


Sans Papiers


Santos, Boaventura de Sousa Saul, John S.

44 18

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Schwalbe, Michael


Second World War, The


Seymour, Richard Shakespeare and Politics

2 40

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46 28 45 16 14

Squatters’ Movement in Europe, The Squatting Europe Kollective

15 15

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1 39 33 45 5

Irving, Sarah


Israeli Apartheid King’s to Comrades Knowles, Caroline Krishnadas, Jane

13 29 23 33

Lammers, William W.


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Leye, David Clement Luetchford, Pete Luke, Timothy W. Magrass, Yale Maguire, Mark Manhood Acts

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Tinajero, Araceli


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To the Cloud

37 46

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Tally, Robert T. Jr They and We

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They Rule


Connelly, Katherine


Martinez, Miguel A.


Contesting Publics


Understanding Educational Research

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Critical Sociology




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Cross, Jamie


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Modern Societies


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Monshipouri, Mahmood Morgan, Bill

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Fazi, Thomas


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Mowforth, Martin


We the Peoples


Moyer, Jonathan D. Music Sociology

46 40

Weir, Kimberly


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36 23

Weiss, Thomas G.


White, Ben


Nelson, John S. New Urban Question, The Nicholson, Simon

46 10 46

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38 44 3

On the Supreme Court


Orlovsky, Peter


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45 21 44

Peace Ecology


Font, Mauricio A. Food for Change

45 26

Pen Knows Its Job, The


Phillips, Lynne


Fredric Jameson Frois, Catarina

27 25

Politics in Popular Movies


Pozo, Gonzalo


Foley, James


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Zetter, Roger


Zurawski, Nils


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