At Plymouth College, excellence is encouraged in a wide range of disciplines and activities We are pleased to offer scholarships to those who show potential for excellence Awards are offered to children joining our school at 11+ and 13+, as well as in the Sixth Form joining our school at 11+ and 13+, as well as in the Sixth Form
In addition to Academic Scholarships, there are awards in Art, Drama, Music, Sports and for All-round potential Candidates may enter for awards in up to 3 different categories
Award holders will typically receive 5% remission in fees, up to 10% for exceptional candidates Awards are not cumulative Crucially, scholars are expected to make a full contribution to the area of the school in which they excel, so please bear this in mind when submitting applications Scholarships may be supplemented by a means-tested bursary, usually to a maximum of 50% of the stated fee
All external candidates wishing to be considered for a scholarship must be registered with the School A non-refundable registration fee of £100 is payable Registration may be done on-line using the following link https://www plymouthcollege com/admissions/register
Year 7 entry - The entrance assessment will take place on Saturday 13th January 2024
Years 9 and Lower Sixth - Please contact the Admissions Department for further information
Sports Awards are given to those who can make an outstanding contribution to sport at Plymouth College These awards are intended to reward ability in, and commitment to, sport which will enhance the School’s reputation for excellence in this area Applicants will be encouraged to show particular promise in one of the School’s main sports and other sports at a high level
A key element of our sports scholarship is that we encourage applications from those that may not yet have had an opportunity to play team sports, as we are also looking for those children that show potential as well as an enthusiasm for sport in general We will look for that in the personal statement on the application form
Sport Scholarships are awarded for the following team sports:
We will make an offer of an All Rounder Scholarship for a pupil who has applied for more than one discipline and meets the criteria in at least two but preferably more of the above categories (All Rounders must include Academic Scholarship papers)
To apply for any of the awards above, please complete an application form or contact the Admissions Department for further information
Plymouth College has a number of performance sports scholarships These are typically based on a pupil’s performance at National Level Please contact admissions for more information if you wish your child to be considered for one of the following:
Pupils wishing to be considered for an academic award will have an interview with a senior member of staff The outcome of this, together with the results of any entrance assessment or external examination will be reviewed by a panel and awards made to the top performing pupils
Music awards are offered to candidates who are likely to become leading musicians at Plymouth College Instrumentalists and singers are encouraged to apply Successful applicants will typically be at grade 3 or above (grade 5 and above if applying for Year 9). Candidates will be provided with information regarding pieces to perform in advance and will meet with the Director of Music for the assessment. As part of the process, they should submit any recent music grade exam certificates. Music scholars are expected to make a full contribution to the musical life of the school.
As with other awards, a high level of promise and commitment must be demonstrated Assessment will be by audition and interview Pupils who have a keen interest in theatre and a talent for drama should apply Candidates will be provided with a short monologue (typically lasting 1 - 2 minutes) in advance of the scholarship day This monologue needs to be prepared (candidates should consider their use of face, voice, body and the stage space), delivered in character and without a script The candidates will also be interviewed and undergo additional practical exercises exploring both their creativity and ability to take direction Please include on the application form any experience relevant to your child’s Drama Scholarship application
The Art scholarship is assessed in three areas: the pupil's portfolio, a timed observational drawing task and an interview with the Head of Art Candidates should submit a maximum of six pieces in their portfolio for assessment All artwork should be unframed and 3D artwork including sculptures should be submitted via photographs Materials will be provided for the practical assessment During the interview, pupils should be prepared to talk about their passion for the subject, both within and outside of school and what they could bring to the role of an Art Scholar at Plymouth College Art portfolios should be submitted into the care of the Admissions Team by 1st December 2023
This award is for outstandingly talented children who do not necessarily fit into the previous categories; for example:
Being a national level athlete in a sport which is not available for a Sport Scholarship
Involved in Performing Arts at a National Level
As well as having particular other talents, pupils would be expected to perform well in the Academic Scholarship exam To apply for this scholarship, please write a letter to the Head outlining why your child should be accepted for this award, outlining your child’s particular aptitudes and achievements Applicants will also be interviewed
There is never a ‘set’ amount of awards each year Scholarships are only available to exceptionally talented individuals, or to those that show great potential, as well as having a passion and enthusiasm for that particular discipline
The usual level of scholarship is 5% of fee remissions, up to 10% for exceptional candidates Means-tested bursaries are available and these may top up the total remission to a usual maximum of 50%