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Year 6 have had a fabulous time on their Activity Week this week, and it was great to be able to join them on Wednesday. A two-centre experience, much fun was had on Dartmoor, followed by a trip to PGL’s Barton Hall, Torquay, where the pupils enjoyed a variety of different outdoor activities to both challenge them and also develop their teamworkskills,evenifsomeoftheraftssank!
Theschoolseemsinsuchgoodheartatthemoment. Itrytodipintoeveryclassroomat somepointduringthedayanditisclearthatasenseofpurposeandjoycontinuestobe onshow. TheYear5groupareworkinghardontheirHistoryassemblyandthereismuch practice going on behind the scenes for various music recitals in the coming weeks. The sporting programme has struggled with the weather but it was wonderful to welcome some local primary school children to join us for a Year 3/4 cricket festival on Thursday. The energy coming from KS1 and EYFS continues to impress with so much good work beingproduced.TheartworkinPre-Schooldeservesparticularmentionatthemoment.
Class photographs will be taking place next Friday, 19th May, so please can I ask you to makesureyourchildcomestoschoolinthecorrectuniform.