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IhopeyouallenjoyedtheCoronationcelebrationslastweekend. Sincerethanksagaintothe Parents Association for kindly funding a commemorative mug for every pupil - these were appreciatedbypupilsandparentsalike.
Thursday saw the annual event to celebrate the service of our senior pupil leaders - our Heads of School, Senior Prefects, Boarding Captains, Sports Captains and House Captains all joined together for a special dinner in the Old Gym. I am hugely proud of all they have done this year, supporting many events, visits and competitions, and being incredibly impressive role models for our younger pupils. The organisation and leadership skills they havedevelopedwillalsomaketheirCVsstandoutastheyembarkonthenextstageoftheir livesfollowingtheirexaminations.
UpperSixthandYear11pupilsbegintheirstudyleavenextweekandmyselfandallthestaff wishthemthebestofluckfortheirpublicexaminations.
I was delighted to catch up with some of our Prep parents this week who attended an afternoon drop in at George’s with Mr Thomas - these opportunities to catch up informally with our parents are very important to us. Speaking of which, I look forward to welcoming Year3and4ParentstoadrinkseventatmyhousenextMonday,15thMay.