The Mayflower 8th - 12th May

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Swimming:PLDevelopmentMeet RD,CD,R2,J1,J2squads(Life Centre)




Swimming:PLDevelopmentMeet RD,CD,R2,J1,J2squads





























Swimming Success OPMHighlights

Year6ActivityWeek! Artistsofthemoment
8th -12th May2023 #Educate #Enrich



IhopeyouallenjoyedtheCoronationcelebrationslastweekend. Sincerethanksagaintothe Parents Association for kindly funding a commemorative mug for every pupil - these were appreciatedbypupilsandparentsalike.

Thursday saw the annual event to celebrate the service of our senior pupil leaders - our Heads of School, Senior Prefects, Boarding Captains, Sports Captains and House Captains all joined together for a special dinner in the Old Gym. I am hugely proud of all they have done this year, supporting many events, visits and competitions, and being incredibly impressive role models for our younger pupils. The organisation and leadership skills they havedevelopedwillalsomaketheirCVsstandoutastheyembarkonthenextstageoftheir livesfollowingtheirexaminations.

UpperSixthandYear11pupilsbegintheirstudyleavenextweekandmyselfandallthestaff wishthemthebestofluckfortheirpublicexaminations.

I was delighted to catch up with some of our Prep parents this week who attended an afternoon drop in at George’s with Mr Thomas - these opportunities to catch up informally with our parents are very important to us. Speaking of which, I look forward to welcoming Year3and4ParentstoadrinkseventatmyhousenextMonday,15thMay.



Year 6 have had a fabulous time on their Activity Week this week, and it was great to be able to join them on Wednesday. A two-centre experience, much fun was had on Dartmoor, followed by a trip to PGL’s Barton Hall, Torquay, where the pupils enjoyed a variety of different outdoor activities to both challenge them and also develop their teamworkskills,evenifsomeoftheraftssank!

Theschoolseemsinsuchgoodheartatthemoment. Itrytodipintoeveryclassroomat somepointduringthedayanditisclearthatasenseofpurposeandjoycontinuestobe onshow. TheYear5groupareworkinghardontheirHistoryassemblyandthereismuch practice going on behind the scenes for various music recitals in the coming weeks. The sporting programme has struggled with the weather but it was wonderful to welcome some local primary school children to join us for a Year 3/4 cricket festival on Thursday. The energy coming from KS1 and EYFS continues to impress with so much good work beingproduced.TheartworkinPre-Schooldeservesparticularmentionatthemoment.

Class photographs will be taking place next Friday, 19th May, so please can I ask you to makesureyourchildcomestoschoolinthecorrectuniform.




This is a reminder to all of our excited Year 6s soon to be moving into Year 7 in September. Our Year 7 Induction day will be held on;

Tuesday 13th of June!


Thank you Arabella MA in Year 2 for sharing a wonderful Dr Seuss story with her class! Fantastic reading and wonderful listening by everyone else.


week the Year 1 and 2

e Club have been using e pieces to make a on. Whilst some pupils traditional skeletons, s let their imagination and created skeletons ade up creatures!

This week's Pre-School pupils have continued looking at creating minibeasts. They have created them in many forms using a wide variety of different mediums. They have used their dexterity and imaginative skills to create amazing outcomes. This theme has continued in all areas of the curriculum throughout the week to consolidate number, phonics and beyond. Well done.


Thank you to Drift I in Year 2 for sharing this week all about Taekwondo. Drift even brought his special Taekwondo uniform into share with everyone in class!



Year 6 have had a fabulous time on their Activity Week this week. Mr Thomas also paid them a visit on Wednesday to see what exciting things they were doing!

They enjoyed a two-centre experience, firstly on Dartmoor at Whiteworks, followed by a trip to PGL’s Barton Hall in Torquay. The pupils enjoyed a variety of different outdoor activities designed to both challenge them and also develop their teamwork skills.

A full report and many more photos will follow in next week's issue! We cannot wait to hear all about it Year 6.



On Wednesday 10th May, Mrs Lisney accompanied a group of six Year 8 pupils to this year’s Faraday engineering challenge at the University of Plymouth. The national challenge this year involved pupils working collaboratively to design and manufacture a prototype that addressed the future needs of drone usage and delivery.

The group focussed on designing a drop off point for drones to store the users packages in at home. The device they designed had an adjustable body to accommodate larger packages. They used and connected up a servo motor to open the lid allowing the package to be dropped into the container.

Pupils also included an LED light which was turned on when the drone was charging on the device. The group worked well as a team and had to project manage their task. They had to manage their finances to purchase resources to construct their prototype and then present their idea to the whole group. The pupils had an excellent day and it challenged their teamwork skills along with applying their STEM skills. The feedback from the judges was positive and the pupils were commended for their entrepreneurial approach to the task including a business idea along with the engineered product. We might have some future engineers and designers on our hands!

Great fun this week for some of our budding Year 5 Biologists at the Biology Beasts club. Weekly stick insect maintenance and making flower bombs!


Many congratulations to Matthew S, Leighton S and Archie G on their selection for the Devon Rugby U17 Team. They travel to Chippenham on Sunday to play against Dorset and Wilts. Good luck Gents!


Congratulations to Tristan B, Year 9 on being selected to represent Great Britain in the U17 Boys' team at the European Triathlete, Biathle and Laser Run Championships in Germany at the end of June.

Tristan will be competing in Triathle - a continuous Shoot Swim Run event akin to triathlon but in this case each phase is competed 4 times without a stop. Well done Tristan!


Congratulations to Year 9's Alex W who competed last weekend in Southampton at the South East Age Groups and medalled in each of the three events he competed in.

Successfully taking home two silvers and a bronze, qualifying for the national competition in Sheffield in June.

The whole Plymouth team did phenomenally well with medals aplenty. Keep an eye out for Alex in the Plymouth Herald!

This week's 'Photographer of the Moment' is Joe C in Upper Sixth who has recently produced this intriguing long exposure image as part of his A Level coursework project on the theme of 'Crowds'.


This week's 'Artist of the Moment' is Dasha T in Upper Sixth who has produced this interesting mixed media outcome as part of her A Level coursework project on the theme of 'Shadows'.

This week's Prep School 'Artist of the Moment' is Isaac G in Year 2 with his drawing from life of this pet tortoise




Sometime ago we commissioned Brian Pollard to create a Plymouth College painting for us. We are waiting for the original to be delivered but in the meantime, we are delighted to tell you that the Artist's Print has been delivered and is on display in Senior Reception. It really is a lovely painting and so exciting to see our school interpreted in Brian's unique way.

The first 100 prints will be available after half-term and are for onward selling to our Plymouth College family priced at £80 (unframed).


Some fantastic examples of etchings made of imaginary creatures created by Year 9 pupils.

To stay up to date with updates from our fantastic art department you can follow; @plymcolart via Instagram

Expressions of interestto;


Why George’s?

George Stephenson was a former Plymouth College pupil and a remarkable sportsman whose death in 2017 - aged just 24 –left a gaping hole for everyone who knew him.

He was a talented all-rounder, a brilliant cricketer and rugby player who was also gifted academically and musically.

The decision was taken to restore and refurbish the old Pavilion and re-name it the George Stephenson Pavilion in honour and me super young man

The top area of the Pavilion is known as George’s and it is intended as a place where people can meet and socialize.

Thisisa reminderthatGeorge’sisopentoparentsonaWednesday,Thursday and Friday morning during term-time between 0830 – 1000 for tea/coffee.

George’s can be found in the George Stephenson Pavilion at Ford Park. It is a lovelyspacetospendsometimeeithercatchinguponemailsorchattingwith friends. Wehopetoseeyousoon!


We are delighted to announce our Heads of School for the next academic year; Head Girl, Lydia Lambie; Head Boy, George Atkinson; Deputy Head Girl, Kaia Phillips; Deputy Head Boy, Archie Gray. Congratulations to you all. We look forward to seeing you in action in September.

Saturday 17th June

1100 - 1300

Art Exhibition and Sale

The Old Gym, Plymouth College, Ford Park (entrance from Hyde Park Road)

Head Girl Lydia Lambie Head Boy George Atkinson Deputy Head Boy Archie Gray Deputy Head Girl Kaia Phillips


It was lovely to host all the Senior Leaders on a beautiful sunny Thursday evening this week for their Annual Dinner. Everyone was dressed to impress and the venue looked amazing.

Guests were treated to some fabulous food which was enjoyed by everyone, along with many heart-felt speeches of thanks from each group of Senior Leaders. Entertainment was organised by Mr Irish with some of the pupils and staff knowing far too much about Disney Musicals! The pupils' attention now turns towards their revision and we wish them all the best for the future and thank them for all their efforts this year.


An emotional day for our wonderful Upper Sixth pupils today as they celebrate in style! The day began with a cooked breakfast together in the Old Gym, followed by leavers' hoodies and shirt signing! Followed by an OPM Talk, A Quiz, BBQ and afternoon of fun in the sun with the inflatables and slip and slide. They have truly had a wonderful send off. Look out for photos in next week's issue of all the days activities.


Congratulations to Plymouth Argyle goalkeeper and Plymouth College alumni, Mike Cooper (Class of 2018), on being awarded the Plymouth Argyle Player of the Season 2022/23 as voted for by the supporters. This is the second successive time he has won the award, despite missing the last three months of the season due to rupturing the anterior cruciate ligament in one of his knees. We're wishing Mike a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing him back in action soon.

Good Luck! Good Luck! Good Luck!

The weekend ahead marks the third weekend of Southwest Regionals 2023 and Plymouth Leander's 'Blue Army' travel to Hengrove in Bristol. The group of 26 athletes including Anika M, Amelie B, Evangeline B, Dixie T M, Harriett J, William H, Gabriel G and Oscar A will be accompanied by David Bond (lead coach) and Jamie Joyce (Head of Strength and Conditioning) to this final weekend of the competition. Good luck to all the PL Age groupers over the course of the weekend's racing. Last time out they did not disappoint,withsomeamazing swims earning many PBs and plenty of medals to bring hometoPlymouth.

Anika M Amelie B Evie B Dixie T M Harriet J William H Gabriel G Oscar A

Calling all Naval families within our community!

The Naval Children’s Charity ask if you would help us promote a very exciting opportunity they have for young people from Naval families (serving and veterans), aged 12 and above, to take part in sponsored sea voyages with the Tall Ships Youth Trust this year.

The Naval Children's Charity have four fully funded voyages available, two in August and another two in October – both outside of term time. It’s a unique way for young people to experience a fantastic adventure as well as enabling them to achieve their RYA Competent Crew Certificate and, if appropriate, contribute towards the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

Full details can be found on their website by following the link below. https://www.navalchildrenscharity.

Opportunity at Sea!


Congratuations to OPM Ben Andrews on his selection for the Under 23's Mens European Championships. Ben alongside Abagael will be competing in Budepest during half-term.

Congratuations to OPM Abagael Black on her selection for the Under 23's Womens European Championships. Abeagael will be competing in Budepest during half-term. We look forward to updating you with the results very soon!


PlayerLayerareofferingPlymouthCollegeparentsandpupilsabigdiscountoffEcotrainingpants.Ifyou wouldliketotoorderpleaseusetheQRcodesbelow.

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