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Lee is Head of Boarding and Housemaster of Colson House. He is a TeacherofPE,EnglishandGamesintheseniorschoolandhasbeen a Housemaster for 10 years. He has worked in a variety of boarding schools from the Isles of Man and Wight and in Hertfordshire. Nikki, his wife, is a Teacher of English and they have three children; Charlie,LottiandHolly,alongwiththeirBlackLabrador,Buster.
Beth joined Plymouth College in September 2018 as Head of Chemistry and then also took on the role of House Parent for Mannamead House in May 2019. Beth has been teaching Chemistryfor12yearsandwasayouthworker priortothat.
Beth lives in Mannamead House with her husband and sons, Rupert and Kit, and their dog,Bridget.TheyrelocatedtoPlymouthfrom the Midlands in order to pursue their love of sailing and all things nautical. Beth is a keen baker,knitterandsewer,andalsogetsinvolved with the musical life of school through singing andplayingtheflute.
Both sets of Boarding House Parents continue tofosterafamilyatmosphereandbuildonthe strong sense of community within the boardinghouses.