F A S T > S T A B L E > P O R T A B L E A multi-functional optical non-contact five axis machine tools ‘ calibration system.
五 軸 光 學 式 檢 測 系 統
動態檢測 Dynamic Measuring
靜態檢測 Static Measuring
線性軸誤差檢測 Linear Axis Error Measuring
主軸性能檢測 Spindle Performance Measuring
Rotary Axis Error Measuring Multi-axis Synchronization Measuring
系統簡介 Introduction Laser R-Test(LRT) 系統可快速檢測五軸工具機中三軸同動及五軸同動之性能,能適用於 各類型設備之檢測需求,其無線操作、人性化軟體、體積輕巧,使用便利度高,不需要專業人 員操控,即可完成檢測與校正。 LRT can quick calibrate three-axis and five-axis synchronous motion performance in five-axis machine tools. It can be applied to various types of machine calibration needs. Its wireless operation, user-friendly HMI, lightweight and easy to use, does not require professionals to complete the measurement and calibration.
解析度 0.05 μm 系統精度 0.5 μm 工作範圍 ± 100 μm 擷取頻率 1~40KHz Resolution 0.05 μm System Uncertainty 0.5 μm Measurement Range ± 100μm Sampling Frequency 1~40KHz
LRT 檢測項目 Measuring Item of LRT ◆ 靜態檢測
◆ Static Measuring
◆ 動態檢測
◆ Dynamic Measuring
◆ 主軸性能檢測
◆ Spindle Performance Measuring
◆ 線性軸誤差檢測
◆ Linear Axis Error Measuring
◆ 旋轉軸誤差檢測
◆ Rotary Axis Error Measuring
◆ 多軸同動誤差檢測
◆ Multi-axis Synchronization Motion Error Measuring
LRT 是利用無線光學檢測技術,提供一個簡單且多功能之非接觸式檢測系統。 LRT is a simple, multi-functional and non-contact optical calibration system. LRT可連結於各類商用控制器(HEIDENHAIN、FANUC、SIEMENS、PC-BASED…),依據 ISO 10791-6規範進行各類檢測,並可於檢測後進行誤差分析(旋轉軸偏心、背隙、旋轉軸角 度定位)及自動補償。 LRT can be connected to various types of commercial CNC controllers (HEIDENHAIN, FANUC, SIEMENS, PC-BASED, etc.) and applied to A、 B and C type ‘ for conducting measurements according to ISO 10791-6. The measured machine tools errors (backlash, centering, and angle positioning) can be analyzed and compensated automatically. LRT可提升多軸複合機之多軸同動精度達50-200%,亦可提高工具機產業經濟效應。 LRT can enhance the multi-axis synchronous motion accuracy of multi-axis multifunction machine up to 50-200%. It can also increase the economic impact of the machine tool industry.
本系統是採用非接觸的方式,用以檢測五軸工具機之動/靜態性能 ,檢測路徑皆依據ISO/CD 10791-6之規範。
產品優勢 Advantages 簡易架構,容易拆裝,免預熱。
節省時間 Time Saving
Time saving: No need for system warm up and the calibration can be started after installation.
1. Wi-Fi無線傳輸:減少訊號周邊元件及線路配置干擾。 Wi-Fi transmission: Reduce the signal interference of peripheral components and circuit configuration.
連結性 Outstanding Connectivity
2.路徑生成:依據ISO 10791-6,自動生成檢測路徑並上傳至控制器,避 免手動輸入錯誤。 NC-code generating: According to ISO 10791-6, the measurement NC-code is automatically generated and uploaded to the controller to avoid manual input errors. 3.自動補償: 降低人員操作時間及輸入錯誤,減少人員培育時間。 Automatic compensation: Reduce the labor time, personnel training time and manual input errors.
容易拆裝 Simple Installation
簡便設計,可快速拆卸。 Simplly design,Quick installation.
1. 光學非接觸式:屏除接觸誤差。 Optical non-contact system: Reduce contact error.
穩定性 Outstanding Stability
2. 快速測量:引導式操作量測程序,不須專業技術,操作快速上手。 , Fast calibration: Guided calibration procedures, don t need special training, easy to get started. 3. 電源穩定:採用電池(18650)電壓穩定,使擷取訊號更準確。 Power stability: the 18650 batteries provides stable voltage, more accurate for signal capture. 補償前
攜帶性 High Portability
攜帶方便、低成本、體積輕小(含箱體 5.5kg)。 High portability: easy to carry, low cost, compact design (total weight including the carrying box: 5.5kg.)
適用工具機型態: A、B 及 C Type工具機。
適用型態 Applicability
Applicable machine tools ‘ types: A、 B and C type machine tools.
系統原理及組件 System theory and components LRT利用雷射光映射於感測器中,可得到LRT在工具機空間中的三維相對位置。依其位移 判斷相對位置,經分析獲得誤差量。 LRT utilizes a laser beam to map in the sensors, it can obtain LRT in the threedimensional relative position of the machine tool. The relative position and errors could be obtaining and analysing by its displacement.
LRT系統的基本組件是由一個感測頭模組與玻璃球座模組組成。 The basic components of the LRT system consist of a Sensor module and a ball lens module.
感測頭模組 Sensor Module LRT感測頭模組是由雷射、光電式感測器及自行開發之訊 號處理器組成,其訊號處理器是專為LRT所客製化的模組,因 此搭配本系統之感測模組,可確保在工作條件範圍中,具備 精確的數據擷取能力。 LRT sensor module is composed by laser, Quadrant Detector and self-developed signal processor. The signal processor is custom designed for LRT, it can ensure the accurate data acquisition capabilities in working conditions. 訊號處理器採Wi-Fi傳輸,減少訊號線路配置干擾,並可遠端採集資料,降低人力成本。 Signal processor using Wi-Fi transmission to reduce the signal interference of peripheral components and circuit configuration. It also could collect data remotely to reduce labor costs.
玻璃球座模組 Ball Lens Module 玻璃球座模組是由一標準球*1與設計之L球桿座組成,其標準球與感測探頭之間 距為50 mm,不易因誤操作而毀損。 1
Ball lens module is composed by standard ball lens* and dedicated L shape ball holder. The distance between the standard ball lens and the sensor module is 50 mm, which could protect the ball lens from breakage due to accidental operation.
*1標準球,半徑為5mm Standard ball lens with a radius of 5mm.
LRT 軟體 LRT Software LRT 擁有一套自行開發軟體,此軟體可與控制器連結、生成檢測路徑、直覺式介面、自 動補償,使在檢測工具機時,更加便利的關鍵。 The software of the LRT system has the following functions: commercial controller of machine tools ‘ connection, calibration NC-code generating, simple HMI and auto-compensation. These advantages make the calibration easier.
Main Measuring Function 連結設定
Connection Setting
Static Measuring
Backlash Measuring
Fast Measuring
Dynamic Measuring
Reports Generating
擴充檢測功能系統: Extend Measuring Function
溫升檢測 Temperature Measuring
旋轉軸角度定位檢測 Rotary Axis Angular Position Measuring
連結設定 Connection Setting 本系統目前可與海德漢(HEIDENHAIN)、發那科 (FANUC)* 2、西門子(SIEMENS)、工研院(ITRI)等控制器連結 。可在軟體介面進行控制器基本操作(上下載入、補償…)及獲 得工具機台的相關訊息(軸向位置、補償表單…),自動化的演 進使量測過程更加便利。 This system provides the connecting with the commercial controllers of HEIDENHAIN, FANUC* 2 , SIEMENS and ITRI. The basic controller operations (up and down loading, compensating ...) and the related information of the machine tool (axial position, compensation form ...) can used the software interface. The software smoothly facilitates the measurement process. *2發那科(FANUC)控制器,僅i系列之控制器有連結功能。 FANUC controller, only i-series controller has connecting function.
路徑生成 NC-code Generating 三軸同動檢測依ISO 10791-6規範中之AK1、AK2、BK1、BK2、CK1、CK2為標準,五 軸聯動是依據AK4、BK4、CK4檢測路徑為標準。 The three-axis synchronous motion measurement is according to ISO 10791-6 standard: NC-code AK1, AK2, BK1, BK2, CK1, and CK2; The five-axis synchronous motion measurement is according to NC-code AK4, BK4, and CK4. 依路徑規範,工具機依控制器選擇的檢測標準NC-code。因此軟體設有"路徑生成"之 功能,可依不同型態的工具機,生成NC-code,搭配連結功能,可自動上傳至控制器內部 ,既省時又可避免手動輸入錯誤。 According to NC-code regulation, the machine tools will according to the NC-code of the measuring standard selected by the controller. Therefore, the software has the function of "NC-code Generation". It can generate NC-code according to different types of machine tools, and can be automatically uploaded to the controller with connection function, it can save times and avoid manual input mistakes.
快速檢測 Fast measuring 於旋轉或搖擺軸中,選取任意夾角為90度 之兩點,可採同動及非同動模式,計算出軸中 心位置偏移誤差量。 Select the angle of 90 degrees between the two positions, the machine tool can run in synchronous or non-synchronous mode, thus the axial center position offset error amount could be calculated.
背隙檢測 Backlash mearsuring 因動作軸在執行過程中進行反轉或換向的動作時,會因 傳動機構嚙合不佳或伺服訊號傳遞不良而產生背隙誤差,本 軟體可將檢測出之背隙誤差值進行補償,消除背隙誤差。 Backlash error occurs due to poor meshing of the transmission mechanism or poor servo signal transmission when the motion axis inverts or reverses during execution. The software can compensate the detected backlash error value and eliminate Backlash error.
靜態檢測 Static Measuring 旋轉或搖擺軸依角度分割做定點檢測,檢測軟體依循 ISO R1101規範-最小區域圓法計算出軸心位置偏移誤差量。 The fixed-point measurement of rotation or tilting axis according to the angle of segmentation. The software in accordance with ISO R1101 regulation minimum zone circle method to calculate the amount of axial misalignment error.
Dynamic Measuring 檢測旋轉或搖擺軸在連續運作之機台狀態。除了可得到 軸向的位置誤差,也可看出在傳動機構的運轉性,以及溫升 造成之影響。
‘ rotating or Measuring the state of the machine tools tilting in continuous operation. In addition to the axial position error, the drivability of the transmission mechanism and the effects of temperature rise can also be seen.
報表輸出 Reports Generating 顯示誤差數值及分析,並輸出一份檢測報告,使機台誤差建檔更便利。 Display and analysis error values, generating a measuring report, the machine error data collecting is more convenient.
旋轉軸角度定位檢測 Rotary Axis Angle Position Measuring 因旋轉軸在工具機上更常見,因此旋轉軸之精度大大影響工具機整體精度,取用機械座標值 得一檢測路徑,並可得到旋轉軸角度誤差。 The rotary axis is more common on the machine tools, the accuracy of the rotary axis greatly affects the overall accuracy of the machine tool. By taking the mechanical coordinate value could get a measuring NC-code and obtaining the angular error of the rotary axis.
LRT 技術專利 LRT Patents and Certification 臺灣 Taiwan “多軸工具機量測裝置 ”,中華民國經濟部智慧財產局專利 核定發明第I378843 號。
美國 America Detecting assembly for a multi-axis machine tool” Patent no. : 7,852,478 歐盟 European Union “Detecting assembly for a multi-axis machine tool” Patent no. : EP.2340914 日本 Japan “多軸加工機の計測裝置” 特許第5038481 號 中國大陸 China “一种多轴工具机量测装置” 专利号: ZL 2010 1
LRT 尺寸規格 LRT Specification 系統性能 System performance
解析度 Resolution 系統精度 System Uncertainty 工作範圍 Measurement Range 取樣頻率 Sampling Frequency
0.05um 0.5 μm 感測頭模組
Sensor Module
電池規格 Battery
本系統適用於A、B、C Type及多軸複合工具機機台。 LRT can be applied to A, B, C Type and multi-axis hybrid machine tools.
套筒規格 Sleeve 充電電壓 Charging Voltage 充電接頭
Charging connector
尺寸 (cm) Dimension (cm) 重量 (kg) Weight (kg)
(含系統) (including system)
Φ16 DC5V/3A Type-C