PME Newsletter 2019 Issue 1

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NEWSLETTER International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education

18 0 2 e Jun

e u s s i In this

Upcoming PME 43


PME Plenary and Panelists




IC Reports


Introduction PME AM


Special Projects Reports


Free Contribution PME Forum

12 13

Message from PME President Dear Colleagues from PME, as always, the time since the fall newsletter has been a busy one as we work to prepare for the annual conference, administer the surplus policy, and preparing for the upcoming AGM. This year we have also been busy building a new IGPME website. In January, the 1st International Program Committee (IPC) meeting was held in Pretoria, South Africa. It was hosted by the local organizing committee (LOC) chair Johann Engelbrecht and vice-chair Sonja van Putten. Together with LOC members Mellony Graven, Hamsa Venkat, Ugorji Ogbonnaya and IPC member Anthony Essien we initiated the review process, toured the conference facilities, and discussed the finer details of the forthcoming PME 43 conference. This was my first time being in South Africa and in Pretoria. A few days prior to leaving Canada I had been in Saskatoon where the weather was -31° Celsius. So the +35° in Pretoria was a welcomed change. In April I returned to Pretoria, along with the rest of the IPC members – Anthony Essien (South Africa), Miguel Ribeiro (Brazil), Maitree Imprasitha (Thailand), and Markku Hannula (Finland) – for the 2nd IPC meeting. At this meeting we went through over 1200 reviews that had been completed on the 216 research reports (RR), 115 oral communications (OC), 72 poster presentations (PP), as well as the working group (WG), colloquium (CQ), and seminar (SE) submissions. Helping us with this was Pamela Vale (South Africa) whose organization and expertise with ConfTool streamlined and focused our work. (continued on page 2)

Message from the Editors Dear PME colleagues, Welcome to the June 2019 Newsletter! In this issue, we look forward to the upcoming PME 43 conference in Pretoria, South Africa. You will find information about the conference in the welcome from the local conference organisers and in the message from Peter Liljedahl, for whom this is the last message as the PME President. (continued on page 3)

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