Second Year Studio Portfolio

Page 1

Studi oPortfoli o


I ndex Cli ftonLi brary HuestonWoodsNAtureCenter CraftSummerMi amiUni versi ty Transi tHubShelter

PeterMeehan SophomoreArchi tectureMaj or Mi ami Uni versi tyOxford,Ohi o Iamori gi nall yfromasuburb northofChi cago,I lli noi s.

Twi stedLearni ng

ACli ftonYoungAdultLi brary

Onecentrali zedplace createdtoi nspi re Learni ngandFoster knowledgewhi lest andi ng outfromthesurroundi ng UrbanEnvi ronment.Itook adi fferentapproachto theaverageci tyblock bytwi sti ngeachfloora di ffernetdi recti onto symboli zest acked, dynami clearni ng.

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