1 minute read
From Editor's Desk
As I write my first note as editor of Synergy, the election fever is reaching its peak. It is time for us to take a very important decision. I am sure you have your thinking hats on and are committed to casting your vote. After all, this is how we shape our government and our future.
We have always heard that change is the only constant in life. But the pace of change has increased manifold in the past few years. Many of the changes disrupt life as we know it. This gives rise to opportunities but also causes anxiety about our readiness to deal with change. As Chapter, our constant endeavor to create opportunities for our members to engage in healthy dialogue about it. We get experts from various fields to talk about how different industries, Government and social sector are using disruptions towards betterment of society and what further changes are anticipated to happen. This was also the theme of National Conference 2018, held in New Delhi and hosted by our North India Chapter. Do you have a point of view on how to deal with change, or want to share your success story or lessons learnt? I urge you to use Synergy as a forum to express yourself.
Like everything else, Synergy is evolving too. I look forward to your feedback andsuggestions regarding how it can serve the Project Management communitybetter.
Neelima Chakara
VP - Communications