1 minute read
Editor’s Message
Message from the Editor
Dear PracƟƟoners,
We have just concluded a fantasƟc and evenƞul year as Chapter with
enthusiasƟc parƟcipaƟon from you. Many of you walked up to me at the 50th
anniversary celebraƟon to express your happiness about the various acƟviƟes
organized by the Chapter and the quality of events during 2019. As the Board,
various acƟviƟes on the day of the event or supporƟng the social causes adopted by the Chapter. On
behalf of the Chapter Board, I express our hearƞelt thanks to you for your contribuƟon.
I am sure all of you are looking forward to the upcoming changes in the PMI community as we move
to PMI 2.0. Which one of these changes are you most excited about and why? How do you see the
Project Economy unfold? Please share your thoughts. I urge you to make Synergy your forum to
express ideas, convey points of views and demonstrate subject maƩer experƟse.
The Chapter as you know is made for volunteers, by volunteers. I look forward to seeing more and
more examples of servant leadership which is a defining characterisƟc of our Project Management
Best Regards,