Course PICK Elective - Spring 2014

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SPRING 2014 At the School of Architecture

SARC SARC 3102 / 5102 THE ARTS & PUBLIC POLICY George Sampson and Lindsey Hepler T,R 5:00 -6:15, 3 credits The course is designed as a broad consideration of multiple issues surrounding the Arts in our public policies. With guest speakers, artists and participatory learning activities, we will investigate policies on a national level, on an international level with examples for comparison, and then likely focus our new knowledge on drafting a local Cultural Policy for the Arts at UVA, to be presented to the Vice Provost for the Arts late in the semester (to be confirmed). SARC 3500 BLACK ARCHITECTURE AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT Jacky Taylor T,R 12:30 to 1:45, 3 credits Through the lens of education, design strategies, and project competitions, this course places the work of African American architects of the 20th and 21st century into a context of American historic praxis. As artisans and craftsmen of the 18th and 19th century, African Americans drew on African precedent, while adapting to Euro-American influence. Such efforts will inform our exploration of African American architects today. SARC 5106 / ARAD 5200 ARTS DEVELOPMENT AND BOARD MANAGEMENT George Sampson T,R 11:00am-12:15pm, 3 credits This course will explore the techniques and rationales involved with the giving and the raising of funds and the closely related skills of leading and managing trustees, boards and volunteers. The course will examine these fields using both theory and practical applications in discussions with peers, distinguished guest speakers, cases and more. Topics will be grant writing, corporate,

government and individual giving, legacies of trusts and bequests, the preparation of organizations for creating strategies for development campaigns, and other aspects of some vitally important elements of managing both non-profit organizations and for securing funding for entrepreneurs. First admission preference will be given to ARAD Majors and students who have taken other Arts Administration courses, but others admitted by instructor permission. This course is open to both graduate and undergraduate students. SARC 5500-002 PRACTICAL IMAGINATION Kim Tanzer M 9:00-11:30, 3 credits In Mr. Jefferson’s triumvirate of knowledge, imagination was the important third component along with memory and reason. In this branch of knowledge he placed the fine arts and architecture but he applied imagination to all of life’s activities, always with a practical bent. This seminar will explore imagination, creativity, and design thinking theoretically, and through the work of extraordinary designers, inventers, artists, and scientists. SARC 5760 DRAWING FOR DESIGN Pam Black T 12:30-15:00, 3 credits This course covers the fundamentals of drawing with a focus on the human figure. It addresses line, tone, volume, space, scale, proportion and artistic expression. The analysis of human form is applied to rendering still-life, buildings, interiors and landscapes. Various wet and dry media are introduced to illustrate the drawing objectives. An emphasis on “process” directs the momentum of this course.

VISUALIZATION MODULES SARC 5555-002 SURFACE FX Brian Osborn W 3:45-6:30, 1 credit Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Manufacturing (CAM) technologies have generated an increased awareness and exploration of architectural surfaces due to the increased ability to manipulate geometry and to produce highly articulate form toward both performative effect and experiential affect. This course explores potentials for reappropriating digital design and manufacturing techniques, previously established in architecture, for Landscape Architectural applications through the production Landscape Surfaces. Landscape Surfaces, such as paving, drainage, retention, and erosion control systems, are thickened through an interaction with the flow of environmental processes over, through, and under them. Choosing to consider physical form relative to these unstable conditions requires a reciprocal consideration for performance in terms of mutability, durability, and longevity in the development of materials and manufacturing methods for landscape applications. This course employs associative (parametric) modeling software in tandem with Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) fabrication equipment toward the modulation of material effects with respect to site conditions that change over time. Students will develop individual or group based research trajectories born from class discussion and leading to material + landscape process driven site assemblies. The seminar will build on accrued student knowledge of site systems and assembly while stressing an iterative design approach and computational design models.

SARC 5555-003 PHOTO ESSAY John Quale JAN. 22-MAR. 19, W 3:45-6:15, 2 credits The earliest surviving photograph is a view from the photographer’s window, documenting the surrounding landscape and the rooftops of adjacent buildings (JosephNicephore Niepce in 1827). In fact, the vast majority of early photographs are images of buildings or landscapes. Photographers have always been interested in documenting their surroundings, and interpreting them for others. The underlying theme of these photographs is inevitably the presence (or absence) of humankind. Light, whether natural or artificial, is the primary tool employed by these artists – whose artistry is seen in the way they capture that light “permanently” on a photographic medium. Students will be encouraged to develop a sharp eye and an intellectual framework for their photographic studies. The primary investigation will involve the capturing and interpreting of light in the environment. The emphasis will be on developing a clear, coherent photographic vision. Students will create a photo essay on a topic of their own choosing, somehow related to the built environment (just to be clear: this is not about portraiture). Consistent progress throughout the four weeks will be required. Students can use any photographic medium, but there will not be any instruction about developing or printing, or about photo editing software. This is a course about learning to use your eyes to carefully observe your surroundings, and to craft a photo essay with a coherent idea. SARC 5555-004 THINKING AND MAKING IN DESIGN WG Clark JAN. 28-FEB. 20, T,R 10:00-11:00, 1 credit This class is about architectural design and how it might be strengthened. On Tuesdays we will discuss critical ways to consider design and improve it through various approaches and methods. On Thursdays we will discuss drawings and physical modeling both as craft and as generators of design ideas. We will then progress to real buildings and ways to think about their design and

detailing. This course does not include emphasis on computers.

ARCH ARCH 1010 LESSONS OF THE LAWN Peter Waldman T,R 9:30-10:45pm, 4 credits The Lawn, a UNESCO World heritage Site, is at the immediate crossroads of daily life at this University. Jefferson intended for his architectural project to be at the core of a fine arts curriculum. The Lawn still serves as a Model Text, or Primer guiding students toward architectural literacy. For Jefferson, architectural literacy was essential to life as a citizen. In this course the Lawn serves as a starting point in analyzing civic values in a series of case studies to develop architectural literacy, and examining the Academical Village is the basis for developing a universal analytic method based on linguistic models to read, then interpret and finally to engage architecture as Citizens and Strangers. ARCH 5342 ENERGY PERFORMANCE WORKSHOP Eric Field T,R 2:00-3:15, 3 credits This is a workshop on developing energy performance analysis for buildings and sites. Using a range of building simulation and climate study software, this workshop will teach and apply the principles and practice of building performance simulation, with a focus on passive design and passive vs. active energy optimizations. Our intent is to assess, understand, and develop an intuition for energy performance issues in design. Software will include predominately Ecotect, Climate Consultant and Energy Plus, with portions of IES Virtual Environment, and Tas Ambiens introduced for their individual strengths. We will also use thermal imaging, portable anemometers, and other measurement tools for a broad range of study of energy performance issues. Through this workshop students will have

the opportunity to apply their knowledge to individual projects, real case studies, and active research in the school. ARCH 5424 DIRECT CINEMA MEDIA FABRICS Earl Mark T,R 2:00-3:15, 3 credits Direct Cinema Media Fabrics is an interdisciplinary workshop and seminar that combines documentary moviemaking and video input with virtual and physical media output. There are three overlapping phases to the class: Phase 1: Direct Cinema: Workshops explore a documentary moviemaking style helpful to spontaneous discovery and observation. Phase 2: Video and Motion Capture Processing: The second phase explores motion capture through a body suit, and also motion capture through video and sound recording. Phase 3: Media as Fabric: The third phase translates captured movement and video into either physical or virtual media. This may include a physical building element (e.g., a building skin), a virtual form (e.g., a choreographed animated human figure), of some other type of virtual or real threedimensional composition. Phase 1 is focused on digital video and sound. Phase 2 is focused on video, sound, and inertial motion body suit capture as well as graphics processing (see Phase 3 allows for alternative forms of output (e.g., animation, video, 3D printing, CNC fabrication, moving physical surfaces, etc.). ARCH 5500-01 EXPERIMENTS IN SPATIAL STRUCTURE Robin Dripps R, 2:00-4:45pm, 3 credits Relationships between new modes of representation and spatial structure are interestingly complex. This seminarworkshop will allow participants to explore the possibilities of generative software to initiate new spatial relationships as well as its capacities to enable spatial form that has been imagined yet not made manifest in any effective manner.

Selected readings and discussion will initiate a series of short sequential projects. These will begin with transformational operations on respected precedent that open up unexplored possible futures under the agency of new processes of spatial generation. This will lead to the experimental generation of spatial structures based on relational strategies typically outside of architecture. Work is expected to be highly experimental and yet rigorous. Risk is essential. We will be working within the Rhino/Grasshopper environment so a working knowledge of these programs will be important. ARCH 5500-2 PARAMETRIC STRUCTURAL DESIGN Jeana Ripple M, 9:00-11:30, 3 credits Our tools affect the ways we think and design, reinforcing systems through which we explore design potential. New integration of structural analysis into standard design software links design with immediate analysis and feedback, allowing architects to extend their structural intuition. This course covers basic structural systems – their historical development, design considerations, and analysis through physical and parametric modeling. ARCH 5500-03/PLAN 5500-02/PHS 5559 HEALTH IMPACT + DESIGN Schaeffer Somers W 9:00-11:45, 1-6 credits Health Impact Assessment (HIA) tools are applied to map the health environment of a place, develop logic models for interventions, and collaborate in the design, fabrication, and installation of structures intended to promote positive health behaviors. The Spring 2014 projects will focus on interventions to increase physical activity and community in the local environment including temporary and permanent fabrications to be located on Grounds. ARCH 5500-05/PLAN 5580-003 ADVANCED HOUSING SEMINAR Suzanne Moomaw and Betsy Roettger JAN. 22-MAR. 5, W 10:00-11:30, 1 credit This seminar will explore in-depth the key issues that are critical to a cohesive national

housing policy including housing finance, affordability, density, design, and accessibility. Students will read and critique current articles and research studies and lead class discussions. The final project will be a new housing strategy that has access to quality, sustainable, and safe housing as its primary goals ARCH 5500-06 LISTENING TO THE LAWN Karen Van Lengen and Troy Rogers TBA, 3 credits This is an interdisciplinary course between the architecture and music departments designed to develop creative projects that describe the communicative character of the Academical Village using original sound recordings, drawings, photography and animation. Projects will be developed for exhibition and Site/Sounds/Architecture Web. Software: Audacity, Photoshop, After Effects. ARCH 5500-07 GRASSHOPPER SPATIAL PRACTICE Lucia Phinney T,R 2:00-3:15, 3 credits This comprehensive introduction to grasshopper also covers the spatial inventions of current design practice through case studies and demonstrations. Ideas and techniques such as variables, fields, transformations, attraction, data structures, and conditional logic will be explored in the first six weeks of the semester. Mesh structures, grasshopper fabrication, analytic methods, and workflow for studio projects are the focus of the final seven weeks. Operating first as a mode of sketching, grasshopper can also facilitate the increasing precision of idea and crafting that is necessary through design development. An emerging collection of add-ons provide a comprehensive approach to design workflow. Designers can now completely integrate performance simulations from the beginning of a project to its completion. Similarly, we can design, simulate, prototype and test new modes of causally determined hybrid ecologies that re-connect human habitats with the surrounding biotic matrix.

The course will be structured as a sequence of grasshopper tutorials that will thoroughly cover the workings of the software. A presentation of the work by notable designers working within the arena of parametric design and an exploration of the new spatial vocabulary enabled by the software will provide context for the semester. By the end of the semester, students will be fully capable of integrating grasshopper into design studio practices through analysis, spatial exploration, and physical models. ARCH 5500-08 THE WORLD IS FLAT, A POP UP CLASS Melissa Goldman R 12:30-3:00, 3 credits OK, so Magellan circumnavigated the Earth proving once and for all that the world is round…however, in our world, as designers dealing with the creation of space and structure, much of the material we use is initially flat. From sheets of plywood to sheet metal, yards of fabric to panes of glass, our media in which we work has to be manipulated, cut, milled, folded, welded, bolted, sewn, and glued to make habitable space, whether it is a roof structure or a chair, a circus tent or a hoop skirt. This class will intimately explore the relationship between material and technique though digital and analog fabrication in order to design, prototype, fabricate, and install a final, tangible product at a class-chosen site at Hereford College. We will be working with the students in Schaeffer Somers’s class, Health Impact + Design (PLAN 5500-03/ PHS 5559) and Hereford students on an installation to promote healthy physical and social behaviors. ARCH 5590-01 SPECIAL APPLICATIONS OF TECHNOLOGY Eric Field R 3:30-6:00, 1-4 credits This course is an independent research seminar for students wishing to explore and apply topics in advanced technology that are above and beyond what can be investigated in a standard course. Students would take this course to pursue new independent research

or to extend a topic they are working on in another course or studio. The focus of this seminar is a topically applied exploration in a selected problem or technology. The course is essentially an independent-study within a group seminar environment, oriented toward problem solving through the use of advanced technologies. Each participant in the seminar will identify a specific topic or problem along with a technology to apply to the study of that problem. The semester will be spent working through the problem with advice from the instructor and other seminar participants, and collaboratively reviewing, discussing, and learning approaches and solutions. ARCH 5590-02 reCOVER: RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Anselmo Canfora W 10:00am-12:30pm, 3 credits In consultation with the course instructor, the primary research and fabrication focus will be on the Initiative reCOVER disaster recovery housing prototype in preparation for the EPA P3 Sustainability Design Competition to be held on the Washington, D.C. Mall in late April. Building material, fabrication technology, component, assembly and system are all areas of investigation. It is important to note that the course will emphasize specific aspects of prefabrication and building assembly. This will include unitized panel fabrication, hybrid material composition, component fabrication processes, building envelope assembly sequencing, mechanical system distribution and site staging. The course will also involve representational work in preparation for the EPA P3 competition. The research and fabrication of the disaster recovery housing prototype will require you to investigate how the building process – off-site and on-site – is affected by the efficacy and innovations of specific materials, fabrication process, component assembly, and systems integration. ARCH 5590-004 EVERYTHING I: GEO+ARCHITECTURE Matthew Jull T 1:00-3:30, 3 credits EVERYTHING is a research seminar course

series that will form the basis for exploration of the spatial typologies that emerge from a broad array of interrelated forces – scientific, ecological, economic, political, cultural, and technological – that influence and shape the built and natural environment. EVERYTHING I is the first in the series and will focus on Geology, Earth Dynamics, and Architecture and will be divided into three parts: 1) a brief introduction to the science of geology and earth dynamics – a kind of “Geology/Geophysics” 101 that will provide a primer on computational and observational techniques as well as a survey of natural phenomena, 2) a critical review of recent scholarship from the science, design, and art/film community that looks at the rise in geology as a fertile territory between the disciplines. Of interest is the way in which we are acting on the earth/environment and how the earth/environment is acting on us. The third part 3) of the seminar will be to question how productive these relationships are, what potential exists, and where is it heading. Each student will be asked to produce a series of study models during the course that explore the various geological forces and conditions. The result of the seminar will be a book and exhibition in Campbell Hall at the end of the spring semester. ARCH 5760 DRAWING FOR DESIGN Pam Black T, 3:30-6:00, 3 credits This course covers the fundamentals of drawing with a focus on the human figure. It addresses line, tone, volume, space, scale, proportion and artistic expression. The analysis of human form is applied to rendering still-life, buildings, interiors and landscapes. Various wet and dry media will be introduced to illustrate the drawing objectives. An emphasis on “process” will direct the momentum of this course. ARCH 5780 PAINTING AND PUBLIC ART Sanda Iliescu R 3:30-6:00, 3 credits In this course we make paintings and mixed

media projects using traditional methods (graphite, watercolor or ink on paper, acrylics on canvas) as well as more unusual tools and materials (chalk, earth, trash, recycled materials). We stress the process rather then the artistic product and, like artist Sol LeWitt, we define painting “as an activity on a flat plane.” We make plane images: configurations of relatively stable, still marks on two-dimensional surfaces. Through brief readings and discussions we explore the relationship between aesthetics and ethics—between “good forms” and forms that in some way contribute or allude to the “common good.” It is the fundamental premise of this course that aesthetic form and ethical content, while conceptually distinct, represent deeply interrelated ways of seeing and experiencing the world. In addition to making series of paintings and drawings, each student will develop a thesis proposing ways in which form and content—or more broadly speaking art and life—may relate and enrich each other. Sol LeWitt’s Paragraphs on Conceptual Art serve as our models. Practically, we investigate the ethical-aesthetic relation in three distinct ways: by making art collaboratively (for example by working in teams that may include “non-artists”), by working with recycled materials or trash (as did artists Kurt Schwitters and Robert Rauschenberg or the quilters of Gee’s Bend), and by creating public art (such performance painting pieces in Campbell Hall). ARCH 7270 BIM AND REVIT Seth McDowell JAN. 23-FEB. 13, R 3:30-6:00, 1 credit What is the place of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in architecture? Is it only meant for production, or can architectural design benefit from the real time feedback available from Building Information Models. BIM can, and will change the profession. This generation is responsible for how that will happen. This course offers an introduction to the principles of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and the interface and workflow of

Autodesk’s Revit. Topics include the BIM interface, associative modeling, element hierarchy, file organization, workflow, working with levels, modeling basics, sketch based modeling components, links, imports, groups, complex walls, graphic controls, rooms, schedules, tags, annotation, families, views, sheet setup, and output techniques. After completion of the course students will be familiar with the fundamental tools and typical workflow of BIM in the professional architectural office and will be able to use Revit to model the project assigned in ARCH 7230.

ARH ARH 3030/7030 WORLD VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE Louis Nelson T,R 12:30-1:45, 3 credits Vernacular architecture is often understood to be all the built environment that is not monumental or “High Architecture.” This is a profound misunderstanding; vernacular architecture is any aspect of the built environment examined through the lens of the local AND it is a method for asking questions about the relationships between architecture and the human experience. Depending on examples from across the globe and through time, this lecture course will be framed around the sequential themes of ecology, culture, sociability, work, and politics. Examples will range from the floating houseboats of Chong Kneas, Cambodia, to urban form in Fez, Morocco, to street festivals of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. As a class focused on critical thinking skills, the class will focus on scholarly readings and clear prose and argument rather than traditional methods of formal analysis and memorization. The class is open to students from across the university. ARH 3103/7103/ARTH 3591 RECONSTRUCTING THE MEDIEVAL HAJJ Lisa Rilly T,R 2:00-3:15, 3 credits Our seminar will embark on a journey around

the Mediterranean with Ibn Jubayr, a twelfth century Spanish Muslim who recorded his experiences during his pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina in remarkably lively and detailed first hand account. From his shipwreck on the coast of Sicily to his performance of the rituals associated with his visit to Mecca, Ibn Jubayr provides an unusual perspective on the built environment, culture and people he encounters throughout his travels. We will read the translation of his travels as a class with background lectures provided on the visual culture of the sites he visits, such as Palermo, Damascus, Alexandria and Mecca. Integrated with our discussion of the twelfth century travels of Ibn Jubayr will be an introduction to digital humanities tools such as Neatline ( and Google Earth which we will use to analyze the history of this critical region and its built environment. ARH 3201/7201 ITALIAN RENAISSANCE ARCHITECTURE Cammy Brothers T,R 11:00am-12:15pm, 3 credits This course aims to introduce the principal architects, monuments, and themes of fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Italian architecture. The lectures will be varied in approach and scope, some considering broad issues, others focusing on particular architects, buildings, or texts. Special topics will include architectural theory, Medici and papal patronage, villa architecture and garden design, architectural drawing, centralized churches, urban planning, palace design, and the interaction of architecture, painting and sculpture. The emphasis will be on developments in Rome, Florence, and Venice but reference will also be made to other cities, including Mantua, Urbino, Naples, Verona and Vicenza. Architects to be studied include Brunelleschi, Donatello, Leonardo da Vinci, Alberti, Michelozzo, Giuliano da Sangallo, Codussi, Bramante, Peruzzi, Raphael, Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, Michelangelo, Giulio Romano, Jacopo Sansovino, Michele Sanmichele and Palladio.

ARH 3703/7703 19TH CENTURY AMERICAN ARCHITECTURE Richard Guy Wilson M,W 9:00-10:15, 3 credits A survey of American Architecture from approximately 1780 to the eve of WWI. The course will stress the multi-dimensional nature of American architecture over this 140-year period. Considered will be the continuities of expression and the breaks with tradition and the search for a new architecture. Attention will be paid to foreign influences, social and cultural issues, landscape and city planning, and related developments in furniture, interiors, design, and painting. ARH 3403/7403 WORLD CONTEMPORARY ARCHITECTURE Shiqiao Li T, R 9:30-10:45, 3 credits This course presents world contemporary architecture as inextricably intertwined with the system of world economy and finance. It traces distributions of construction materials, modes of finance, and methods of designing and building that contribute towards the endless accumulation of capital. Architecture, as both compliant and resistant activities in relation to this world system, has been modified and transformed in the twenty-first century. This course will be conducted in the format of lectures and student-led case studies. ARH 5500 HISTORY OF AMERICAN BUILDING TECHNOLOGY Benjamin James Hays M,W 11:00am-12:15pm, 3 credits This course examines the history of American building technology. Over the past three centuries, a wide range of materials and techniques have been used to erect the structures in which we live, work, and play. Local buildings will serve as case studies for investigating this technology—from commonplace building materials such as wood, masonry, steel, and concrete to less familiar materials such as structural tile and iron vaulting.

ARH 5601 HISTORIC PRESERVATION THEORY & PRACTICE Sheila Crane T 3:00-6:30, 3 credits In its relation to the existing environment, preservation is essentially a conservative act. It often privileges the past over the future. However, depending on the local context, making historic preservation a priority can work to either conservative or radical ends. This course surveys a broad spectrum of preservation activities and grapples with the ways in which people have come to understand and value the past. Preservation will be discussed in the context of cultural history and the changing relationship between existing buildings and landscapes and attitudes toward history, memory, invented tradition, and place. The course scrutinizes disparate forms of preservation including natural conservation, building restoration, green urbanism, monument and memorial construction, rituals of ancestor worship, philosophies of treating historic materials, and strategies for rebuilding after war, focusing on American and European material, while expanding beyond this geographic frame. The course will foster an understanding of the social, cultural, and ideological complexity of historic preservation and promote a critical understanding of various concepts of history as they inform contemporary preservation projects. The course emphasizes class discussion of the required readings. Thorough reading of assigned material and active participation in class meetings is therefore essential. You will be expected to keep a journal in which you critically explore the arguments, theories and ideas presented in the readings as a means of rigorously and creatively developing your own critical perspective on preservation. Finally, study teams with two members will each investigate particular historic sites and analyze the resonances of and/or interpretation of history. The teams will present their findings in the final meetings of the course.

ARH 5607 HISTORIC PRESERVATION AT UVA Brian Edward Hogg F 9:00-11:30, 3 credits Historic Preservation at UVA will use the great architectural and landscape legacy of the University to study how research, physical investigation, careful planning and design, and thoughtful execution all have roles in creating successful projects. The different requirements for building and landscape projects will be discussed. The class will use projects which are in planning for renovation, are under construction, or which have recently been completed as case studies to explore the different topics. This year, part of the class will focus on The Mews, an early 19th century outbuilding for Pavilion III. Students will be asked to research its history and landscape setting, record their existing condition, and address conservation-related issues in the building and in the landscape. Most class projects will be in the Jefferson precinct, although some will involve later structures. ARH 9510 STAINED GLASS IN LATER MEDIEVAL ARCHITECTURE Lisa Reilly W 1:00-3:30, 3 credits Stained glass windows are an integral part of medieval churches. They transform interiors, relay messages about religious doctrine and patronage and reveal the high level of craftsmanship medieval society devoted to ecclesiastical structures by medieval society. This seminar will explore the use of stained glass in medieval ecclesiastical buildings ranging from parish churches to cathedrals with an emphasis on England. ARH 9570 NEW WORLD ENCOUNTERS Cammy Brothers T 3:30-6:00, 3 credits This seminar will examine the consequences for architecture, landscape, and culture of the encounter between European explorers and the indigenous populations of the New World. Through what lens did Spanish and Italians of the fifteenth and sixteenth century view the world they saw? What role did a humanist education play in the “readings”

of the New World? What was the effect on indigenous artistic and architectural practices of the European presence? What ideas and objects did Europeans bring home? How did their political and economic agenda color their perception?

LAR LAR 4130/5130 HISTORY OF LANDSCAPE DESIGN II: ENLIGHTENMENT TO THE 20TH CENTURY Michael Lee T,R, 9:30-10:45, 3 credits This course examines gardens and landscapes of the modern period, tracing the complex relations between innovation in landscape design and social, technological, and ideological developments of the past two hundred years (1800-2000). Case studies focus on the United States, Europe, and Latin America with thematic emphasis on the rise of the bourgeoisie, the public park movement, modernism, environmentalism, and the influence of environmental/land art. The first half of the course will be in lecture format; the second half will be a student-led seminar based on individual term projects. Students will develop a critical vocabulary for interpreting landscape designs of the modern period, explore the role of studio skills in historical research, and acquire greater facility with research methods and academic writing standards (e.g., Chicago style). LAR 4200/5200 HEALING SPACES Reuben Rainey R 2:00-5:00, 3 credits This seminar focuses on the design of spaces in medical facilities to relieve stress of patients, visitors, and staff and promote healing. It explores the design principles and elements that have proven effective in a wide range of medical contexts, such as hospitals, out-patient clinics, and hospices. The seminar’s format is a combination of lectures and discussions complemented by field trips and guest lectures. There are no prerequisites.

LAR 5230 CULTURAL LANDSCAPES Elizabeth Meyer T 11:00am-1:30pm, 3 credits Cultural landscapes, landscapes created by human culture and technology, have distinct spatial patterns and settlement practices that are shaped by social routines as well as geographical conditions. Cultural landscape is also a way of seeing, thinking and interpreting urban, suburban, rural and industrial places. It applies rich and productive cross-disciplinary approaches that entangle history, cultural practices, and bio-physical systems in the pursuit of uncovering the form, meaning and processes that differentiate one place from another. Over the past quarter century, cultural landscape has become an increasingly important lens through which geographers, architectural historians, landscape architects, planners, preservationists, anthropologists interpret and manage the built and shaped environment. This seminar will introduce the concept and practice of cultural landscape, in the US and abroad, through a series of focused readings and discussions, a set of conversations with designers, historians and planners who are renown for their contributions to cultural landscape theory and practice in the United States, several field visits to cultural landscapes in the region, and the formation of a new mode of inquiry and analysis, the cultural landscape atlas. LAR 5250 LANDSCAPE AND NARRATIVE Michael Lee M 9:00-11:30, 3 credits This seminar explores the role of narrative in creating, experiencing, and representing landscapes, along with the use of landscape in the narrative arts, including the novel, drama, and film. Case studies include built landscapes where narrative inscriptions and sequential movement play a crucial role; and landscapes that are based, at least in part, on literary works. As counterpoints to these built works, we will analyze novels in which gardens are central to the narrative strategy (e.g., Rousseau’s Julie, Goethe’s Elective Affinities, Austen’s Mansfield Park); plays

such as Tom Stoppard’s Arcadia (1993); and films (e.g., Mon Oncle (1958, Jacques Tati), Last Year at Marienbad (1961, Alain Resnais), Blow-Up (1966, Michelangelo Antonioni), The Draughtsman’s Contract (1982, Peter Greenaway), and The Fall (2006, Tarsem Singh)). Class sessions will focus on group discussions of primary texts and critical essays, and will include film screenings. Students will learn to analyze landscape as a generative form within the narrative arts, as well as to refine their understanding of sequence, pacing, framing, point-of-view, and “storyline” in built landscapes. LAR 5280/ PLAC 5860 GREEN CITIES: GREEN SITES Karen Firehock W 9:00-11:45, 3 credits This course focuses on urban storm water management from a local context; using Virginia sites and cities as test cases for studying principles and techniques of green design—transforming water from a waste product to an urban resource. Learn how better water management can improve community health, safety, aesthetics, save money and restore natural elements and design a stormwater retrofit plan for a real city using low impact development principles. LAR 5590 GEOENGINEERING THE NEXT QUICK FIX? Jorg Sieweke TBA, 3 credits The seminar will explore and critically investigate risks and opportunities of techniques in the emerging field of Geoengineering. GeoEngineering implies that the planet could be deliberately designed and altered (engineered) as an entity. Can we scale the concept of imposing order and control over natural systems up? Can we solve the problems with the same science and mindset that caused them. Will we succeed in BandAid’ing and Duct-Tape’ing to fix the planet?

PLAC / PLAN PLAC 5500-3 DESIGN+TRANSPORTATION Kathleen M. Galvin W 3:00-5:45, 3 credits Students will analyze Charlottesville in terms of its pedestrian-orientation and transitreadiness, simultaneously honing down skills and understandings essential for placemaking and multi-modal transportationplanning. Three goals are: •To understand “Neighborhood” as a physical entity with discernible urban design characteristics. •To rethink “Corridor” and “thoroughfare” as critical elements of public space. •To learn the principles of “transportation planning” and the design implications of planning for transit. Two projects at different scales will be undertaken. (1) Using the City of Charlottesville, three “teams” of students will conduct a physical investigation of settlement pattern, open space infrastructure, and transportation networks. (2) Individual students will then select one neighborhood (defined in terms of “pedestrian sheds,) to redesign. PLAC 5720 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND USE Andrew Mondschein T,R 3:30-4:45, 3 credits This course examines the complex relationships between transportation, land use, and urban form. While the planning profession is largely siloed into specialties like “transportation planning,” “land use planning,” and “urban design,” planners have begun to acknowledge that the solutions to contemporary urban challenges like traffic congestion, sprawl, and nurturing sustainable development can only be addressed by considering all parts of the built environment. We will dissect the transportation/land use connection in multiple ways, looking at history,

theory, current issues and their solutions. We will apply the lessons of the course to a real-world locale where a comprehensive transportation/land use approach can address a multiplicity of goals and objectives. PLAC 5860/ LAR 5280 GREEN CITIES: GREEN SITES Karen Firehock W 9:O0-11:45, 3 credits This course focuses on urban storm water management from a local context; using Virginia sites and cities as test cases for studying principles and techniques of green design—transforming water from a waste product to an urban resource. Learn how better water management can improve community health, safety, aesthetics, save money and restore natural elements and design a stormwater retrofit plan for a real city using low impact development principles. PLAN 3250/5250 MEDIATION THEORY & SKILLS E. Franklin Dukes JAN. 18 S, 9:00am-5:00pm JAN. 20 M, 9:00am-5:00pm 1 credit Many of our experiences with conflict are not positive. Conflict can destroy relationships. But conflict can be studied and understood, and it need not always proceed in destructive ways. This highly engaging one-credit, passfail course will introduce students to the principles and practices of mediation, with an emphasis on inter-personal conflict. Through readings, role plays, and many exercises and role plays, students will develop competency in mediating a variety of issues, such as neighborhood or interpersonal disputes. Students will also examine the theoretical basis of mediation and develop a capacity to assess the strengths and weaknesses of different models of mediation. PLAN 3860/6860 CITIES+NATURE Tim Beatley T,R 2:00-3:15, 3 credits This class begins with the premise that contact with nature is essential to modern life. The class will examine the evidence

for why nature in important, and the many creative ways in which cities can plan for, and design-in nature, and foster meaningful and everyday connections with the natural world. From green belts to green walls, the class will review the tools, techniques, policies and exemplary projects that advance nature in the cities, and what leading cities are doing the world to integrate and celebrate nature. PLAN 5500-02/ARCH 5500-03/PHS 5559 HEALTH IMPACT + DESIGN Schaeffer Somers W 9:00-11:45, 3 credits Health Impact Assessment (HIA) tools are applied to map the health environment of a place, develop logic models for interventions, and collaborate in the design, fabrication, and installation of structures intended to promote positive health behaviors. The Spring 2014 projects will focus on interventions to increase physical activity and community in the local environment including temporary and permanent fabrications to be located on Grounds. PLAN 5580-01 PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE AND DEVELOPMENT William Cockrell JAN. 13-APR. 29, R 12:15-1:45, 1 credit A seminar exploring different career paths and professional trajectories in the field of planning, and the different job settings planners can work in; review of the experiences and insights of current practitioners in the field; discussion of key professional development skills and knowledge areas, including professional ethics and planning history; review of knowledge areas and skills necessary to successfully pass the AICP exam. PLAN 5580-02 FUNDRAISING SKILLS Karen E. Firehock JAN. 22-MAR. 5, W 5:00-7:00, 1 credit Learn to raise money -- plan projects, prepare budgets, write proposals, identify funding sources, sell ideas and manage grant funds and reports. Professionals who can create new projects and raise and manage funds needed to carry them out, have a much

greater ability to implement their ideas. Course projects have been funded such as, new playgrounds, historic preservation sites, green and affordable housing and camps for disabled kids. PLAN 5580-03/ARCH 5500-05 ADVANCED HOUSING SEMINAR Suzanne Moomaw and Betsy Roettger JAN. 22-MAR. 5, W 10:00-11:30, 1 credit This seminar will explore in-depth the key issues that are critical to a cohesive national housing policy including housing finance, affordability, density, design, and accessibility. Students will read and critique current articles and research studies and lead class discussions. The final project will be a new housing strategy that has access to quality, sustainable, and safe housing as its primary goals. PLAN- 5580-04 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Satyendra Singh Huja MAR. 19-APR. 9, W 3:00-5:30, 1 credit The purpose of this course is to provide basics of comprehensive planning. Comprehensive plan of a community is its most important planning document. It provides policy guide for future growth, maintenance and revitalization of the community. The course will cover: theories and concepts, legal basis, content of comprehensive plan and process for preparing comprehensive plan. Students will have opportunity to review various comprehensive plan. PLAN 5580-05 ZONING Satyendra Singh Huja FEB. 12-MAR. 5, W 9:00-11:45, 1 credit The purpose of this course is to provide basics of zoning in community planning. Zoning is most commonly used planning implementation tool. This course will cover: definitions and purposes of zoning; content of zoning ordinance; concepts; tools and techniques; rezoning and special permit processes; interpretation of zoning ordinance, and case studies in zoning.

PLAN 5580-06 SUSTAINABLE LAND DEVELOPMENT Fred Missel JAN. 23-MAR. 20, R 3:30-6:00, 1 credit Sustainable Land Development Seminar begins with an introduction to the real estate development process. Focus will then be given to the identification/analysis of measurable sustainability-driven efforts within each step of development. This short course will be structured primarily around student-selected, instructor-guided case studies. Each case will be separated into its fundamental parts including intended use, financial baseline, site characteristics, building design and construction. These parts will then be analyzed for the sustainable goals and strategies imbedded within. PLAN 5830 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND PLANNING Joseph Maroon M 3:00-5:45, 3 credits This seminar course will examine environmental public policy and planning issues confronting national, state and regional decision-makers. The class will focus on an in-depth review of the challenges facing those responsible for restoring the Chesapeake Bay, the nation’s largest estuary. Restoration of the Bay remains one of the nation’s top environmental issues; lessons learned here have been applied worldwide. For nearly 30 years, there have been repeated attempts to improve the conditions of the Chesapeake Bay. While progress has been made, systemwide improvement remains a challenge. This course will aim to better prepare students in their careers by exposing them to a range of contemporary environmental policy challenges and real-world solutions facing decision-makers today. Students will develop a practical understanding of such topics as the current EPA-driven Bay TMDL plan and the state and regional plans aimed at meeting Bay restoration goals by 2025. Students will gain additional benefit from the perspectives of the instructor and guest speakers. The class will focus on the policy side of environmental issues with practical application of dealing with real-world experience. One or two class field trips to nearby sites may be involved.

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