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The 2024 IPLOCA Environmental Award

sponsored by Shell

The award is presented every second year in recognition of an exemplary achievement in reducing the impact of pipeline construction on the environment.

The Environmental Award Adjudication Committee nominated NMDC Energy for its Blue Carbon InitiativeMangrove Plantation. The committee found that the project was very well planned and executed. It featured targeted actions regarding climate change, removed CO2 from the atmosphere, and led to ecological improvements through coastal stabilization and the strengthening of biodiversity. One mangrove tree - on average - removes 12.3 kg of CO2 from the atmosphere per year. Blue carbon captured by the mangrove plantation project amounted to 246 Tons of CO2 every year.

The runners-up were:

Spiecapag , for its Wash Station - 100 % Reused Water for Washing Pipeline Equipment. The station significantly reduced the amount of water needed and the environmental impact at the mechanical yard in Dunkirk, France. The reduction in drinking water was achieved by installing a 10,000-litre capacity rainwater tank to collect rainwater using a user-friendly gravity-fed drip irrigation system. With more than 350 mm of rain every year and 4 000 m2 of workshop roofing, Spiecapag wanted to improve its environmental performance in managing water

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