Fragmented Edition
PMSA Constitution and Bylaws "Fragmented Edition" This document is prepared by Mohammad Aldalou, PMSA-Palestine Secretary General for the term 2020-2021. This document is to be maintained, updated and provided to all relevant parties by the PMSA-Palestine Secretary General .
Table of Contents Introduction
10- Scoring & Evaluation
11- Activities
1- General Regulations
12- Amendments to Cons. & Bylaws
2- Members
6 8
13- International affairs
3- Alumni
14- Communication
4-Team of Officials
15- Work within IFMSA
5- Executive Board
16- Hosting International Events
6- Standing Committees
16 25
17- Financials
7- Support Divisions
18- Partnership
8- Supervising Council
19- Penalties
9- LC Elections
20- Appeals
Introduction The Constitution and the Bylaws of any organization are the legally binding rules by which the organization is governed. They contain the fundamentals and principles of the organization, set forth its structure and guide its officials in conducting the operations. In essence, Bylaws in conjugation with regulations are crucial to regulate the internal practical management.We in PMSA-Palestine, and as a new established organization, strive the most to ensure optimal organizational structure, the thing that is crucially dependent on solid governing documents tailored to our needs. As our national existence is introducing and applying a new frame to the work of our members, we need to ensure that our governing document - PMSA Constitution and the Bylaws - is provided in a flexible simple way to understand, thus ensuring that its provisions will be properly upheld. With that being said, and in order to overcome the state of the unfamiliarity with our governing and operating documents, I have resolved to introduce PMSA Constitution and Bylaws in this fragmented edition and make it available to the public to increase the accountability and transparency of our organization. All provisions’ meanings are saved regardless of the linguistic articulation.
Constitution (I) 1- Name Palestinian Medical Students’ Association. National Federation (PMSAPalestine).
2- Affiliation Affiliated within the IFMSA. Local/National Cons.&Bylaws shall abide International Cons. &Bylaws. PMSA is the NMO representing Medical Students’ at Palestine's medical schools to the IFMSA.
3- Nature Independent federation of medical students’ committees in Palestine.
4- Principles No Discrimination. Promoting humanitarian ideals and contribute in creating better future. Respecting Autonomy of the members. Core values: 1. Honesty 2. Transparency 3. Mutual Respect 4. Equity 5. Cooperation
5- Objectives Goal/ Serve Society and Medical Students through its members by: Worldwide forums (health, education, science) thus formulating policies. Exchanges, projects, trainings. Link to international organization. Exchanging ideas& knowledge.
Constitution (II) 7- National GA
8-Team of Officials
LC shall be affiliated to a medical school & recognized by it.
Composed of all members, it's the highest authority and decision making body in PMSA, with five votes for each full member.
They are the elected people in the NGA to manage the aspects of the work of PMSA.
It's managing the federation, gets elected by the NGA for one year.
Incorporation of new members is Decided upon NGA.
Twice a year (once after MM, once after AM).
They abide the PMSA Cons. & Bylaws.
Shall be at least three positions. (President, SecGen, Treasurer).
All LCs shall abide the national Cons.&Bylaws with duties to the national federation.
Quorum; 4 representatives from each LC with voting rights.
They must provide activity Report to the NGA.
It's entitled to the official representation of PMSA.
They cease to hold office in (End of term, Resignation, Death, Removal by NGA).
It can delegate tasks to individuals.
6- Members Composed of : Local Committees, Alumni, Honorary Life Members.
PMSA Constitution cannot be suspended even in the NGA.
They must have 3 meetings during the year.
9- Executive Bo.
10- Supervising Co. Shall be at least three members.
Cessation to hold office in (End of term, Resignation, Death, Removal byNGA).
Constitution (III) 11- SC & Support Divisions
They can be formed by NGA. Their work is coordinated by PMSA offical elected in the NGA.
12- Finances PMSA is non-Profit Organization, its income is from (membership, partnerships, subsides, gifts, contributions). PMSA Financial year (1st Oct 30th Sept) in accordance to the national elections. Managed by the Treasurer, actions’ responsibility shared by the EB.
13- Amendments
Ammendments to the Constitution are decided upon ⅔ Majority in NGA.
14- Bylaws They regulate management issues of PMSA. Amendments to the bylaws also in the NGA. Local Cons&Bylaws cannot conflict with the national ones.
15- Office Address: Najah University. All mail & paperwork shall be sent to it.
16- Dissolution Dissolution of PMSA is decided by ¾ Majority in NGA, Proposal to be sent 1mo. Prior to the NGA.
1- General Regulations 1- Name Palestinian Medical Students’ Association. Abbreviation (PMSA-Palestine). Arabic translation
- اﻻﺗﺤﺎد اﻟﺪوﻟﻲ ﻟﺠﻤﻌﻴﺎت ﻃﻠﺒﺔ اﻟﻄﺐ ﻓﻠﺴﻄﻴﻦ
2-Language Official language : English. Using Arabic is accepted in communications and documents.
3- Status Student organization with subsidiaries (known as Local Committees - affiliated within medical faculties in Palestine).
4- Mission PMSA is the union of medical students in Palestine. It trains the students to become leaders in healthcare with a deeper understanding of global health and international cooperation. It improves the knowledge of medical students in the areas of medical education and human rights while also providing them with soft skills and training to help them cope with the emerging challenges. PMSA serves as a platform to connect the Palestinian medical students with the world through research and professional exchange experiences while embracing cultural diversity so as to shape a sustainable and healthy future.
5- Vision A country in which all medical students unite for local and global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally, leading Palestine to the best possible healthcare system.
1- General Regulations 6- Cons. &Bylaws
7- Communication & PR
8- Strategic Plan
PMSA is governed by the Cons.&Bylaws
1. Corporate Identity:
Constitution is the highest law, never
I. It is defined in the corporate identity manual (logo, templates, certificates, presentation).
Long term work is based on 3Y strategic plan, ensuring continuity, transparency, accountability. It includes general SP, and SP for each SC.
II. Must be presented by VPE and adopted each Sep NGA.
It’s adopted in NGA.
III. No changes in the outlays are allowed. Bylaws & Regulations regulate the internal practical managements.
Note: Regulations shall comply Cons. &Bylaws and to be adopted by the NGA.
IV. It can be used by PMSA TOs, assistants, task forces, programs, projects, LCs. 1. Publications: All printed materials shall be approved by VPE before distribution. Advertisement can take place except on PMSA stationary. Advertisments must be approved by the VPE Stationary can only be used by TOs, unless EB specified otherwise. 2. Online Channels: Website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat.
AWP of each TO reflects the priorities in the SP. It’s written and adopted within two months. Any change in AWP is voted in TOM or through emails. AWP is circulated to LCs within one week of adoption. EB shall report on realization of the strategic goals at each NGA.
9- Smoking It’s prohibited within the facility hosting NGA, There shall be a special corner provided for smoking.
It’s prohibited in PMSA meetings.
It’s prohibited to advertise for it.
It’s prohibited to accept any support from places promoting it.
2- Members 2- Candidate Status
1- Regulations to Obtain/Maintain Membership Only medical LC can be member. LC must be compromised of 100% of medical students (M,D in Palestinian University). Membership is opened to all students’/interns within the LC. Only one member represents a University to PMSA at any given time. Members must abide PMSA Cons& Bylaws. Members must abide their internal regulations.
Members shall send delegations to NGA, they will lose the member. If not sent for two delegations. Full members shall pay fees to the treasurer 1w before March NGA. Candidate pay fees in the same process (if present). Applicants for full membership shall pay fees before NGA they are submitting their application.
All members must submit the following to NGA: 1. Credential Form to CCC of the delegates 2h prior to the plenary session. 2. LC report; 1w before the NGA. Not sending for 2 NGAs will result in membership loss. (Activity Report of each SC, Elections Report, TO Contact Information). 3. Members in LC with penalties. Note; Template is provided by EB.
It’s opened to any LC of medical school/faculty in Palestine. Candidate members have the right to utilize PMSA name in their activities/projects. They have the right to have their own delegates to the NGA with a quota of 10% of the attendees. They have proposing & speaking rights but no voting & seconding rights at the NGA.
Delegates of Candidate Members aren't eligible to: 1. Run for positions at PMSA. 2. Run for positions at IFMSA. 3. Participate in international activities unless the EB approves it. 4. Apply for the chair, CCC in the NGA. 5. Participate as members in any Independent Investigation Commission at PMSA. Their previous delegates cannot become PMSA Alumni. Their delegates are eligible to apply as co-leaders, OC members, and volunteers or PMSA national projects.
Candidate members don’t have right to host exchanges. Candidate members can’t send delegates on exchange programs unless by request and approval. Candidate members can’t host NGAs. Candidate members can’t send delegates to EMR/GA. Candidate members can maintain their status as candidate up for 4 NGAs. Candidate members have the right to enroll their activities to IFMSA database under the name of PMSA-Palestine NMO with VPA Follow up.
2- Members 4- Candidate Membership Application procedure
3- Candidate Membership Requirements: Must fulfill the requirements mentioned in paragraph 2.1 The number of registered members must be at least 20% of the total number of students in the medical faculty. Must have at least 3 active SCs.
Must have a structure of an EB and Local Officers in the active SC. Must have written a form of regulations for the LC which must include: 1. Basic
Must have executed at least 2 projects in each active SC during the last 6mo. before its application. They have to be fully implemented and reported.
nature, principles, objectives,
Must have a database for registered members which must include (Names, Contact Information, Experience, Standing Committee of members).
Bylaws, Information related to
membership meeting
structure, structure,
structure & function, Working groups & Officials, Internal the dissolution of the LC. 2. Financial Regulations. 3. Elections Procedures.
The following documents must be submitted; 1. PMSA Official Application Form; which includes (Total number of members represented and the % of the medical students in the university , LC annual estimated budget in ILS, LC structure description, Activities and officials with their contact information, Motivation letter, Information concerning former membership of PMSA -if existed-, Declaration that the LC will always abide the PMSA Cons & Bylaws -stamped by the local president-. 2. Application form signed and stamped by the Faculty’s Administration. 3. Copy of the LC regulations. The application shall be sent to the EB at least 1mo. before the NGA.
The LC must fulfill all the mentioned criteria on the date of its request -with no expectations unless there are accepted reported circumstances-. The EB reviews the application. Valid applications will be allowed to submit their candidatures to the NGA, with 10 mins given in the NGA to submit the candidature followed by 5 mins of questions. The EB must give recommendation to the NGA. The incorporation of members is voted upon by simple majority. The candidate member has the right to apply for full membership status only after 2 NGAs have elapsed after their candidature membership, with proving their activity through the LC report in NGA.
2- Members 5- Losing Candidate Membership It’s lost in the following cases: 1. Failure to submit 2 complete consecutive LC Reports to the NGA. 2. Failure to send delegation to 2 consecutive NGAs. 3. Violating PMSA Cons & Bylaws. In this case, an independent Investigation Commission must be formed, and its report must be submitted to the NGA. If the claim is sincere membership can be terminated. 4. Violating LC Cons & Bylaws. With same procedure mentioned above. 5. Not applying or applying failing to get PMSA full membership after 4 NGAs since it was accepted. 6. Failing to pay their membership -if present- to the treasurer within deadline for 2 consecutive NGAs. 7. NGA decision on an Independent Investigation Commission's recommendation. 8. LC official request to the NGA, signed by the its president and EB members with presenting the reasons for their membership withdrawal.
6- Applying for full Membership LC must fulfill the following points of eligibility: 1. Must have been accepted as a Candidate Member for a period not less than 2 NGAs. 2. Must have activated all six SCs of PMSA. 3. Must have carried out a total of 9 projects held at least in 4 different SCs within the last 12 mo. The projects must be implemented and reported to be considered. 4. Must pay the membership fees to PMSA. Eligible LC must submit the following : 1. PMSA Official Application Form; including : (Total number of members represented and the % of the medical students in the university , LC annual estimated budget in ILS, LC structure description, Activities and officials with their contact information, Motivation letter. 1. Copy of the LC regulations, including: Basic Regulations Financial Regulations Elections Procedures
The application should be sent to PMSA EB at least 1m before thee NGA. The LC must fulfill all the mentioned criteria on the date of its request -with no expectationsThe EB reviews the application to approve it. Approved applications will be allowed to submit their candidatures to the NGA, with 10 mins given in the NGA to submit the candidature followed by 5 mins of questions. The EB must give recommendation to the NGA. The incorporation of members is voted upon by simple majority. The case that the applying LC didn’t gain the required votes to become a Full Member, the money paid by them must be returned to by PMSA Treasurer within 2w after the NGA
2- Members 7- Losing Full Membership It’s lost in the following cases: 1. Failure to submit 2 complete consecutive LC Reports to the NGA. 2. Failure to send delegation to 2 consecutive NGAs. 3. Failure to submit 2 signed and completed credential forms to the CCC in the NGA. 4. Failing to pay the membership fees to the treasurer within deadline for 2 consecutive NGAs. 5. Violating PMSA Cons & Bylaws. In this case, an independent Investigation Commission must be formed, and its report must be submitted to the NGA. If the claim is sincere membership can be terminated. 6. Violating LC Cons & Bylaws. With same procedure mentioned above. 7. NGA decision on an Independent Investigation Commission's recommendation. 8. LC oficial request to the NGA, signed by the its president and EB members with presenting the reasons for their membership withdrawal.
8- Full membership status It’s open to all Candidate Member of PMSA that are eligible. Full members have the right to utilize PMSA name in their activities/projects. They have the right to have their own delegates to the NGA. They have proposing & speaking rights at the NGAs. They have voting & seconding rights, provided that they have submitted all the required documents and conditions. Delegates of Full Members are eligible to: a. Run for positions at PMSA. b. Run for positions at IFMSA. c. Participate in international activities. d. Apply for the chair, CCC in the NGA. e. Participate as members in any Independent Investigation Commission at PMSA.
Their previous delegates can become PMSA Alumni. Their delegates are eligible to be leaders, co-leaders, OC members, and volunteers ar PMSA national projects. Full members have the right to host exchange students. Full members can send delegates on exchange programs unless the NO requests and the EB approves. Full members can host NGAs. Full members can send delegates to EMR/GA.
3- Alumni PMSA Alumni: individual was active in the work of the national federation, contributed to its development. Note: Suspended person can’t be alumni. Valid application of alumni (Graduated from medical school represented with full LC & Finished Internship program & Member in LC). How to become? (submit application through the call by EB).
SecGen is responsible for the database. It’s shared with LCs. SecGen sends email to the alumni 2x in year (Jan & July) to update the information thus the database. They have no voting rights.
They can’t participate in international SWGs, Taskforces. They can candidate in SupCo. They can participate in projects with OC approval.
They can’t apply for positions. They can’t candidate, unless EB approves. They can’t represent LCs in plenaries.
They can join taskforces, SWG with EB approval. They can’t apply for exchange.
The call is opened by SecGen in Jan & July each year.
They can’t attend International events representing PMSA.
They can apply for chair, CCC.
The alumni database shall contain (work, area or resident, contact).
They can’t attend GA,EMR representing PMSA, unless EB approves.
They can help in fundraising & sponsoring PMSA with EB approval.
4-Team of Officials 1-General Regulations-Team of Officials Responsible for operations during the term. Elected by Sep NGA. Official term: 1. Starts 15 days after the 2nd round of elections, whether all positions are assigned or not (excluding president, treasurer, and the secretary general.) 2. Ends 15 days after all positions are assigned. 3. Starts 15 days after Sep NGA. Each TO member represents PMSA to his field of work. Candidature process is in the elections guidebook.
They must to: 1. Abide PMSA Cons &Bylaws. 2. Work for the best interests of PMSA. 3. Fulfill tasks in bylaws. 4. Work to AWP, with monitoring techniques. 5. Maintain contact with TO & LCs. 6. Support LCs & follow up on activities related to his work. 7. Attend at least the TOM-2 8. Attend both NGAs providing he is within the country. It’s obligatory to attend one. 9. They can attend online. 10. Send activity reports to the SecGen before TOMs & NGA for adoption. 11. Try his/her best to attend international trainings. 12. Help in filling the respective parts of the NMO report.
2-Regulations of Team of Officials Meetings Must be held at least twice a year, two of them are in person. The quorum; ⅔ of TO, must be provided that the president and the Sec Gen are present. It’s called by the president 2w before the meeting. Date and location are decided by simple majority. TO; Have speaking, proposing, voting rights in the meetings. Note: LC Representatives shall be invited, they have speaking, proposing but not voting rights. SecGen shall send the agenda to the TO and the local presidents 1w before the meeting. Including (Financial Report adoption, Activity Report adoption, Supervising Council Adoption). TO must submit their activity report to the Sec Gen 4d before the meeting.
SupCo must submit their activity report to the Sec Gen 4d before the meeting. Decision of TOMs shall be passed by simple majority. Minutes shall be kept by the Sec Gen or someone else appointed by EB. It’s sent within 4d after the TOM & adoption of them. Note: Adoption shall be voted online and passed by simple majority. Minutes are sent after adoption to the local presidents within 1w. Observers can be allowed by simple majority of EB voting. Observers have no speaking, proposing, unless given by TO Observers can be: LC members Medical students without penalties.
4-Team of Officials 3- Suspension & Removal
5- Vacancies & Replacement
4- Resignation
Cases; a. Fraud b. Working against PMSA/Subsidiaries. c. Criminal or legal offense. d. Not fulfilling duties. e. Violating PMSA Cons & Bylaws. f. Abusing Authority. g. Refusing to report /communicate. h. Not attending the required no. of TOM/NGA.
Written resignation shall be written by
Procedure of suspension; a. When one of the cases is reported, SupCo shall investigate the claims. b. If the claims found false, the TO member shall continue his work immediately. If the claim found true, the TO is suspended by a SupCo decision, until the upcoming NGA to be voted on the decision, requiring absolute majority. c. If the suspension is approved by NGA, that person will never candidate for PMSA TO position again. d. If the suspension wasn’t approved, that person will resume his duties after the NGA. e. Vacancies are filled according to 4.5.
running work.
the TO member to the EB. EB calls for a meeting with that member within 1w. If he didn’t show up the resignation is accepted immediately, unless there is a
Cases; Suspension, Removal, Resignation, Death, Introduction of new position. Regulations to fill vacancies; 1-EB take a decision to fill the vacancy within 2w through EB meeting. It can be: -Distributing tasks among themselves. -Holding special elections 2-If the EB decision was to hold elections, it shall be held during regular NGA if it was within 1m, otherwise it shall be held in emergent NGA.
EB notifies all TO & LCs about the resigned acceptance.
3-Filling of the vacant position will be for the rest of the term. In case the vacancy was due to introducing new position; Filling for the ongoing term: follow the previous procedure. Filling for the upcoming term:(the position is not defined in the latest Elections Guidelines); It’s filled by special elections: -Sep NGA giving it’s less than 1m away -Emergent NGA post Sep NGA, before the end of term.
4-Team of Officials 5- Vacancies & Replacement
6- Handover
In case there is a vacancy in SupCo during the year, special elections must be held within (NGA within 1m, Emergent NGA).
It shall start after the last NGA of the term and shall be completed before the end of the term (as designated in 4.1.3).
EB can fill the vacancy by selection in: -Remaining vacant positions post NGA, Emergent NGA within a week. -No candidatures to fill the vacancy. -Disapproval to hold emergent NGA. -EB cannot select individuals to fill SupCo vacant positions.
It shall be supervised by PMSA SubCo elect ensuring adequacy, it must include: a. Any official documentation and information required for PMSA’s Operations. b. The official electronic communication tools (Official Email, Social Media platforms, Youtube, Website). c. The stamps of PMSA to the new TOs if applicable. d. The bank account and all other finances of PMSA. e. All assets of PMSA (including external relations and contact information).
Candidate must fulfill PMSA officials criteria of to fill the vacancy. The person selected/elected to fill the vacancy assumes office immediately.
Official Consent form of handover completion must be signed by both the new and old TO members when it’s completed.
Externals contacted by the removed official must be introduced to another person to maintain the contact.
In case no handover being done; the SupCo investigates the claim, in case it was correct, the outgoing TO member shall have his/her membership terminated from the LC permanently.
In case any official has lost his position due to change in bylaw, he's to be considered as he has completed his term.
The outgoing TO must organize training sessions with the help of CBSDD for the new TO. The content is decided by both the old and the new TOs.
5- Executive Board 1- General Regulations EB is the managing body of PMSA. They work within the mandate, the decisions, the guidelines approved by the NGA. EB members represent PMSA within their specific field of work. It is composed of (3 minimum- 7 maximum) as the following: -President, SecGen, Treasurer [essential positions] -VPE, VPIA, VPA, VPM [non-essential positions]. EB members aren’t allowed to hold any other position during their term within the following: PMSA TO, PMSA SupCo, LC TO, LC SupCo, Regional or International position within IFMSA. They can’t hold other executive positions in any other organization in Palestine or abroad.
2- Tasks
3- EB meetings EB shall meet at least six times per term (twice a month). The quorum: Total Number of EB - 2 The president calls for the meeting 7d prior to it. The SecGen shall send the agenda of the meeting 2d prior to it. Each member in the EB has one vote during the meeting. Decisions are passed by a simple majority. The minutes are kept by the SecGen or someone else, and sent within 4d after the meeting. The minutes are sent for adoption to the TO within 1w after the meeting.
Check the following outlines.
Minutes shall cover at least decisions taken, reports presented and issues discussed.
Note; EB members can delegate tasks to any person in PMSA. However they need approval of the members before implementing the decision. At the end, EB member, shall remain responsible for the task itself.
Observers are allowed by simple majority, they have no speaking/proposing rights unless given.They can be PMSA members/ Medical Students/ Representatives.
5- Executive Board Coordinates the activity of the TO.
Maintains contact with the PMSA
Support and Maintain contact with the LC
Calls for meetings (TOMs, EB
(with the help of the relevant VP).
Moderates the following meetings (TOMs, EB meetings).
Coordinates the development and monitors the execution of (Strategic Plan, AWP, External & International representation strategies,
documents in the name of PMSA for the local/national/international usage (in coordination with the Sec Gen).
Coordinates PMSA activities (with the help of the relevant VP). Heads or assigns a head for PMSA delegation
Responsible for the official bank account
to international meetings (along with the EB).
(along with the treasurer).
Votes on behalf of PMSA when leading the
Monitors all the finances and the
delegation during plenary session at IFMSA
archives of PMSA.
GAs and EMR meetings (It’s possible to
Fundraising strategies, Capacity
Represents PMSA to national and
building strategies, Promotional
international externals with the help of
the relevant VP.
delegate the task). Responsible for the stamp.
5- Executive Board Responsible for documentation
Responsible for the development
Sends official announcements of EB and
and archives.
and the maintenance and the
the TO to concerned parties.
development of the database. Responsible for administrative
Secretary General
control of PMSA online tools (along
Responsible for PMSA Scoring System Takes minutes of the EB and Team of Officials meetings and send them.
with the president). Ensures PMSA CB, regulations, and Collects reports of PMSA activities and officials with reminders.
guidelines are updated and the latest versions are available to the LCs and
and evaluation along with the local Secretary Generals.
Downloads existing emails, upload them on the Google Drive and maintain them.
5- Executive Board Responsible
administration (Bookkeeping, Aligning financial operations with the budget, Monitor financial operations, Bank
Responsible For PMSA’s assets control (Maintain Inventory list, Collect Residual in kind materials).
Produces and presents PMSA budget proposal for the following year.
account, Membership fees collection).
Forms the financial committee to review the financial Responsible For PMSA’s fundraising efforts (Develop and execute strategic
report of the NGA.
Provides access for treasurer elect and president elect
approaches, manage the grants, collect
to PMSA’s treasury on the last week of the handover
any fundraised/residual money).
period after having them sign a financial will.
5- Executive Board
Vice President for Members
Develops & Implements CB strategic approach (along with VPA and CBSDD).
Supervise the elections of the Local
Monitor NGA preparations and ask for
reports from the organizing committee.
Ensures CB within the Local Committees and PMSA (along with CBSDD).
Ensure Local Committees are involving in
Recruits non-member local committees.
Conduct and Analyze Local Committees’
Maintains contact between the Local Committees and the EB. Supports the Local Committees to ensure active presence. Ensures that the local Constitution & Bylaws, Regulations, Guidelines aren’t conflicting with PMSA Constitution & Bylaws.
promoting PMSA.
Reminds the LC and TO to submit policy statements and amendments to the Constitution & Bylaws for the NGA.
Needs Assessment. Tries to solve any internal issue concerning TO, LCs before it proceeds to investigation.
Develops customized LC Reports Templates and have them reviewed & approved by the EB.
The primary contact person of the EB with the NGA organizing committee. Facilitates the the Presidents’ Session in the NGA.
Inform LC regarding any membership status changes, immediately after the NGA.
5- Executive Board
Vice President for External affairs
Develops and implements an
Represents PMSA to externals and
Creates along with the local VPEs and
External Representation strategic
maintains contacts (in conjunction with
National Officers, the Policy Statement
approach within Palestine.
the president and the relevant Officials).
Usage Report.
Develops and implements a strategy
Coordinates the external representation
Prepares all PMSA delegates who
of PMSA in Palestine.
represent the national federation in
for the promotion of PMSA (along with CPRSDD).
Develops social media and policies strategy (along with CPRSDD).
Develops, updates, and regulates the use of the Corporate Identity.
Palestine. Coordinates outreach to new external partners.
Monitors all PMSA publications.
Reports regularly the External
Monitors the content and use of online
communication channels.
5- Executive Board Develops and implements an International Representation strategic approach.
Vice President for International affairs
Coordinates the international representation of PMSA, seeks out and acts as a point of contact between PMSA and international parties (primarily WHO, UN). Reports regularly the international Representation. Ensures PMSA does not violate IFMSA Constitution and Bylaws. Monitors and regulates the use of IFMSA Corporate Identity within PMSA.
Monitors the preparation and management of international events hosted by PMSA. Responsible for receiving all the correspondence from the IFMSA, and dealing with it, collaborating with other TO members when appropriate. Follows up the IFMSA server and share opportunities seen appropriate with PMSA full members. Prepares the PMSA NMO report along with the TO and submits it to IFMSA.
Sends international meetings participation contracts to the accepted delegates and assures signing. Prepares PMSA delegates to the international events (with the help of other relevant officials). Assigns PMSA’s delegates to international and regional meetings to their respective sessions ahead of the meeting. Assures every delegate participating in any international event reports his/ her participation. Prepares and submits the delegation report of IFMSA GA & EMRegional meetings to be adopted during the NGA.
Updates PMSA information on IFMSA online portals.
Provides access to any international document needed by the TO, if applicable.
Regarding the international meetings/events; Assures PMSA maintains voting right in them.
Supports the work of the National Exchange Officers and National Officer on Research Exchange.
5- Executive Board Develops and implements a
Coordinates the Standing Committee
Capacity Building strategic
National Officers.
approach (along with VPM and CPSDD).
Vice President for Activities
Ensures capacity building within PMSA through activities (along with CBSDD). Responsible for issues related to activities (taskforces, Programs,
Coordinates the activities fair and presentations before and during the NGA and prepares / submits a report to the EB
Improve PMSA activities through feedback and evaluation.
post the NGA regarding that in order to be adopted on the upcoming NGA. Monitors the national officers' preparations Coordinates the trainings of the NGA (along with the CBSDD).
for the Standing Committee sessions and meetings (Survival Kits, Agenda).
Projects, SWG, Exchange
Coordinates the Project Proposal Review
programs in Palestine).
Committee whose members are chosen by an open call to members of PMSA. These
Assures a high quality of PMSA activities.
Develops mechanisms to measure
members shall not become PMSA officials
the impact of PMSA’s activities.
for this mandate.
Monitors the content and use of online communication channels.
5- Executive Board 5- Procedure of Overruling
4- Overruling EB Decision by the SupCo Cases: a. The decision will result in an illegal or criminal offence.
Any Local Committee reaches out to the SupCo informing regarding an EB decision that is considered as a case in previous list.
b. The decision violates the Constitution or Bylaws. c. The decision violates decisions of the NGA. d. The decision is beyond their mandate .
The SupCo will then be responsible for investigating these claims. In the event that the SupCo determines that the EB has committed the offences listed previously, they shall overrule this decision, inform the EB firstly and send a complete statement explaining the reasons & findings referring to PMSA Cons. & Bylaws to all TO and Local Presidents within 1w of the decision.
6- Standing Committees 1- General It works on a specific field of interest with continuous activities. It consists of the National Officers and the standing committee members that work actively on the field of interest within their LCs. There are six SCs: SCOME, SCOPE, SCOPH, SCORA, SCORE, SCORP. There shall be regulations to the SC that elaborates the requirements of membership and must be abided by all members
2- Standing Committees Regulations They regulate the internal practical management of the SC They must comply with the Cons. & Bylaws. They are decided by the National Officer and the Local Officers of the SC.
Changes to the regulations; -They can only be voted on at the NGA SC Session. -The deadline for changes proposal is 3w before the NGA.
3- Creation
4- National Officers
They have speaking &
1- A proposal to establish the
proposing rights in the NGA.
SC must be written with two full members -at least-
They have speaking, proposing and voting rights in TOMs.
announcing their interest and
They are responsible to ensure
from the National Officer.
participation in such SC.
ongoing management and
They must be available for all members of the standing committee.
-Only LC with voting rights can
2-The NGA will decide
vote on the regulations changes
requiring ⅔ majority.
They shall include; SC Basic information/ Members/ Regulations for the NOs/ Regulations for the SC Team/ Regulations for the Local Officer/ Regulations at SC Meetings/ Media & communication channels/ Complaints/ Violations & penalties/ Changes to Regulations/ Handover/ Role of PMSA EB.
They must be adopted in the NGA to be activated.
-Late proposals need approval
-Changes require ⅔ majority to pass. -Changes takes effect immediately after the NGA adopts them.
operation of the SCs on the national level. There are 6 national officers:
Note: The NGA also can decide to dissolve, change the
activities, or change the name
of a SC requiring ⅔ majority.
Check the following outline
6- Standing Committees Abide their SC regulations. Represents PMSA in the corresponding committee’s field of work (on the national, regional and international level).
Tasks of the National Officers
Develop the SC through proper planning and execution of activities. Coordinates the development of the Strategic Plan and the Annual Work Plan of the SC. Ensure that SC Annual work plan is written & adopted by the National and Local Officers within 1m. Establish a budget for his SC within 2m (along with the treasurer). Collaborate with the treasurer to execute of the fundraising strategy and seeking funds. Collaborate with the VPE to recruit sponsors.
Collaborate with the VPE on advocacy and external representation. Ensure that the regulations of the SC are respected, followed and updated. Provide SC members with regulations, manuals, templates, and other relevant documents. Maintain contact between SC members and the TO. Recruit more members to the SC (along with the local officers). Ensure proper procedures for needs assessment, feedback, evaluation communication with members of the SC (along with the local officers). Supervise running National projects/programs within his SC. Encourage enrollment of local and national activities in IFMSA Programs (along with the VPA and VPIA).
Assist PMSA’s Full/Candidate members to develop the SC within the LC (along with the local officers).
Meet with the local officers with an invitation to the VPA to discuss progress(at least once every 3m). And provide the minutes within 1w.
Assure the quality of the SC national activities and capacity building events.
Provide quarterly updates to the SC members (along with the local officers).
Coordinate the SC training sessions and its preparations (along with the trainer and CBSDD).
Meet with the local officers with an invitation to the VPA to discuss progress(at least once every 3m). And provide the minutes within 1w.
Responsible for the SC trainers database. (along with the CBSDD).
Represents the SC on the different national and international mailing lists.
Provide SC training sessions upon the request.
Fill out relevant calls when requested by the SC international team.
Regarding NGA; -attend them allOrganize the SC sessions-Prepare follow up kit of the committee sessions-Submit mid/end term reports. Inform the TO and the NGA regarding any updates related to the SC. Coordinate the work of the local officers.
Encourage the Committee members to participate in International activities. And make his effort to attend EMR/GAs. Help the VPIA to complete the NMO Report by filling the SC part. Ensure handover to the incoming National Officer, and Inform the Regional Assistant when the term is ending and hand the contact to the successor.
6- Standing Committees 5- Elections Elections shall follow the elections guidelines. Elections guidelines shall be adopted each March NGA of the year.
A candidate for PMSA SupCo can be a delegate from PMSA Local Committee or an alumnus/alumna. Deadline for candidatures set by the, shall be no later than 2w before the NGA.1
Elections of the TO and SupCo positions shall be held during September NGA of the year.
EB can re-open the call for a specific position if no candidates were submitted.1
The SupCo will be responsible for organizing and overseeing the elections procedure.
No applications can be submitted within the last six days prior to the NGA.
In case the SupCo fails to organize the elections in the NGA, the elections got re-organized with the supervision of the Regional team, if refuses a committee is formed upon agreement.
Candidate running for a National EB position who has a current position in the LC must submit a disclaimer that he will resign from it if elected.
Elections take place in the plenary session, except in the case of a second round for vacant positions. A candidate for PMSA TO can can only be medical students or graduate for less than 6 mo.
No multiple candidatures for the same person are allowed. Each EB member of the full-membership LC has one vote. Each full-membership LC has 5 votes max.
Candidates are elected by simple majority vote. Second round of elections: When? In case of remaining vacancies in the Team of Officials after the end of September NGA How? 1. A second call for the remaining vacant positions is sent to the LCs within 3d of the end of the NGA. 2. Voting is done online within 10d of the end of the NGA. 3. Votes will be from the same five representatives of the concerned NGA. 4. If one of the voting representative is running for a position in the 2nd call, the LC replace him with another delegate. Selection process: When? In case of remaining vacancies after the second round of elections How? The EB fill the positions within 1w by offering them to high qualified delegates
7- Support Divisions General They are groups designed to carry out an important permanent task to the practical management of PMSA. There are 3 groups:
General tasks: Coordinate the activities of PMSA within his/her specific field.
2. Communication and Public Relations Sup. Division.
Collect relevant information.
Their director is elected by the NGA.
1. The New Technologies Support members. Regarding Capacity Building Sup.
Inform and support the LC and TO on issues related to his/her activities.
Division: 1. Only certified IFMSA trainers can be part of the Capacity Building
3. New Technologies Sup. Division.
Division.: Division is open to all PMSA
1. Capacity Building Sup. Division.
Regarding New Technologies Sup.
Keep in contact and support the local support division in each LC if present.
Support Division. 2. If no certified IFMSA trainers exist, students who had at least one training with IFMSA is eligible for the position.
Regarding Communication and Public Relations Sup. Division: 1. All PMSA members shall have Local representatives within CPRSD. 2. Representatives are chosen by the LC and they have access to all local projects and meetings which the local EB approve. 3. Representatives may have a local team to help them perform their tasks. 4. The CPRSD can have internal guidelines to regulate the internal practical management. 5. These guidelines must: Comply with PMSA Constitution and Bylaws, Be decided by the local directors (if present) and the national director, Be adopted by the NGA to be activated, and The latest adopted version shall be made available to all the division members
7- Support Divisions NTSDD Maintenance & updating
Coordinate the trainings at NGA
of the online portals of
(along with the VPA).
Provide trainings upon request
1. PMSA’s official website. 2. PMSA’s YouTube
channel. Ensure that New Technologies Support
from Local Committees. Keep in contact with IFMSA Capacity Building Team. Conduct at least four national training days each inclusive of three sessions each day. Update and maintain trainers’
Division members (if
database including SC trainers.
present) have the
Assist in handover upon request.
required knowledge and
Contact the Standing Committee
expertise to fulfill the
officers to facilitate any training
sessions needed.
CPRSDD Responsible for PMSA public relations and mass media contacts. Responsible for development & management of promotional materials (e.g Merchandise, Booklets). Coordinates the content and use of online communication channels. Responsible for PMSA publications (e.g. Magazine, Blogs, Newspaper). Responsible for managing PMSA’s social media platforms (e.g FB, IG, Twitter). Responsible for managing PMSA website (along with NTSDD). Develops and implements PMSA promotion strategy and social media & policies strategy (along with the VPE). Publishes PMSA annual report (along with the VPE). Coordinates the publications team. The primary editor of press releases. Assist TO in the creation of other publications. Coordinate the work of local representatives and their respective teams (if present) to ensure the proper functioning of the division.
8- Supervising Council 2- Elections
1- Members It supervises and advises the EB.
Candidates shall be proposed by a LC or
After elections, they shall decide who will hold
the EB.
with Constitutional matters and be the observer
It shall consist of three members.
and advisor of the Chair during the next two
In case of vacant position after the 2nd Call, the EB and the elected SupCo offer it for a person of their choice. It shall consist: 1. Any PMSA member who has been a PMSA TO and completed at least one
Candidatures have to be sent to the SecGen
2. Any PMSA member who has held a as
completed at least one term without. 3. Each LC can never be represented by more than two people in the SupCo.
at least 2w prior to the NGA. Note: if no candidatures are received; it
After the election, they shall decide who will be
will be possible to candidate until six days
responsible for the communication within the
before the elections day.
Supervising Council and the reports to the TOMs
They are elected for one year period.
term. position
4- Working Methods
Elections will be held at Sep NGA.
3- Duties Check the following outline.
and the NGAs. Note: All members the SupCo are responsible for communication with the LC’s EBs. The working of the National SupCo shall be organized
Operational Guidelines.
8- Supervising Council
Duties of the Supervising Council
Responsible for overseeing the actions and decisions made by PMSA EB and TO. Their advice is not binding. Responsible for approving any decision leading to the termination of any individual’s membership from any of LC. And any decision in this regard shall be approved by the NGA by absolute majority. Decide amongst themselves on a group of officials to follow throughout the year. (e.g discuss the work plan with follow up). Receive EB meeting minutes at least 3w after the meetings for review with posting comments to the SecGen within 2w of receiving the minutes. Submit report at least 4 days before each TOMs, presenting it orally and adopted before the adoption of the reports of the TO.
Responsible for submitting report at least 1w before the NGA. It has to be presented at the first day and tabled for adoption before the adoption of the reports of TO. Responsible for organizing and overseeing the elections procedure. Have the authority to temporarily suspend any PMSA EB member or TO for cases in 4.3. Responsible for investigations requested by any PMSA LC or any TO. They can reject it if there will be no apparent benefit for the NMO (has to be presented in the NGA). Members of SupCo who have a conflict of interest in the investigation will not contribute to the investigation, will not participate in to any voting related.
Responsible for the NMO’s financial auditing by reviewing the financial documents and transactions. The auditing of the handover period will be part of the handover period to the next supervising council. The Treasurer must assist them and shall provide access to the necessary information to carry out their duties. Documents the findings & recommendations on the NMO financial status, in the submitted report prior to each regular NGA. Stop any financial transaction that is not made in the best interest of PMSA, or contraindicates the Constitution & Bylaws, documenting it to the NGA. Their decisions require simple majority. Suspension decisions needs absolute majority to be approved. In case approved, the member will be removed from the office, in case not approved, he will resume the position.
If non-official PMSA member is found responsible for an offense or illegal action upon an investigation, SupCo can recommend to a LC EB to issue a penalty to that member based on the local Constitution and Bylaws. At least one member must attend;TOMs, NGAs. Given that every member of the SupCo must at least attend; 2 TOMs and 1 NGA. They cannot accept nor use:Copies/screenshots of personal conversations on social media without both parties documented consent on email.-Phone/calls recordings of made without the documented consent on emails.-Video recordings made without the documented consent on emails-Pictures taken of individuals during PMSA related events without documented consent from the organizers and official announcement of the picture taking process. Sending such content will result in an immediate issuing of a warning to refuse the content and avoid the repetition of the situation.
9- LC Elections They are held and regulated according to its Constitution and Bylaws, and its election guidelines. National EB is tasked with the its supervision through VPM.
The supervising EB member have to supervise the validation of candidatures done by the elections committee. elections Guidelines and the local Constitution and Bylaws. Local Election Committee is responsible to record the candidates’ interviews and send them along with the submitted election report.
Local Election Committee is responsible to organize an event where candidates can do a presentation or debate. Determining the validity of an elections report is done based on the Elections Guidelines and the local Constitution and Bylaws.
10- Scoring & Evaluation Every working member in PMSA receives recognition for their work through the scoring and the evaluation.
The Scoring System consists of two components; Scoring and Evaluation.
The Scoring and the evaluation follow the National Scoring System.
The National Scoring System Guidelines are the only guidelines for using the Scoring System.
The Scoring System and Evaluation is the responsibility of the National and Local SecGens with supervision from National and Local Presidents.
All PMSA members shall abide by the National Scoring System.
11- Activities General; They are national events conducted to achieve a specific outcome. They are regulated by PMSA activities regulations.
There are several types: 1. Task forces 2. Endorsed projects 3. Fundraising projects 4. SWG 5. Programs
12- Amendments to Cons. & Bylaws They are submitted by one of the following: TO, Candidate Members, Full Members, Supervising Council, Task Force Coordinators (in what relates to their recommendations only). They must be submitted at least 3w before the NGA. They must be attached and sent by email to PMSA SecGen in word format for each amendment proposal. They are discussed under the “Amendments to the constitution and bylaws” agenda item and can’t be reopened in the NGA. They take effect immediately after the NGA unless specified otherwise.
Amendments to the constitution require a two-thirds majority vote to pass. Amendments to the bylaws simple majority vote to pass.
If an amendment involves the removal of a position in the TO, which is not currently vacant, it only becomes effective once the official in the position cease holding office.
Updated version of the Constitution and Bylaws will be distributed by the SecGen within 2w of the conclusion of the NGA.
If an amendment involves the renaming of a position in the TO, which in not currently vacant, the current official in the position will continue holding the office of the newly named position.
Regarding the grammatical/renumbering changes, they can be all reported to the SecGen between the NGAs. A report listing is then presented by the SecGen at the NGA for adoption.
Any amendment on the TO's job description shall be submitted during March NGA or any Emergent NGA not during September NGA in which it will be deemed invalid.
13- International affairs PMSA TO is the body entitled to represent PMSA members within IFMSA. The president represents PMSA within IFMSA. If the president doesn’t attend, the VPIA acts as PMSA’s NMO President.
PMSA TO is the body entitled to represent PMSA members within IFMSA. The president represents PMSA within IFMSA. If the president doesn’t attend, the VPIA acts as PMSA’s NMO President.
Representing PMSA internationally includes participation of PMSA delegates to: 1. IFMSA GA 2. IFMSA RM 3. International SWG 4. International TF 5. IFMSA Trainings 6. IFMSA Workshops 7. IFMSA Delegation to meetings 8. Any other IFMAS-Related event/activity/ meeting
14- Communication 2- Delegation of Communication
1-Communication with IFMSA Any official communication concerning PMSA with the IFMSA Team of Officials,
It can be carried out after written timed approval that is voted upon by
International Assistants, Program Coordinators, Supervising Council or other
NMOs should be carried out through the respective PMSA TO member. Voting can be proceeded online vote or during TOM. The VPIA shall be responsible for maintaining official contact with the mentioned parties through the IFMSA server. Each SC Officer shall be responsible for the communication with the concerned IFMSA Regional Assistant/Director/Liaison Officer. CBSDD shall be responsible for the communication with IFMSA Capacity Building Regional Assistant/Vice President for Capacity Building.
3- Server & Mailing List The VPIA is responsible for representing PMSA on IFMSA server and all mailing lists in coordination with the responsible TO member.
No delegate or member of PMSA, other than the National TO or delegated persons is allowed to have any communication concerning PMSA or any of its delegates/members with the IFMSA Team of Officials, International Assistants, Program Coordinators, Supervising Council or other NMOs. Note: This action can prohibit him from applying to any international IFMSA
SC officers are responsible to represent their SC in the relevant IFMSA server and mailing lists.
related assembly /meeting /position /activity/event by the EB, after reporting the
The VPIA and the SC officers are responsible to forward opportunities
incident to the LC.
announced on the server.
15- Work within IFMSA 1- IFMSA General Assemblies (GAs) and Eastern-Mediterranean Regional Meetings (EMRs) 2- Preparations
1- Delegation The VPIA sends a call for delegation to all the LCs within 1w from opening the call. The priority of the delegation spots: VPIA → NEO & NORE→ EB member → Rest of National Officers → One Sup. Division Director → Rest of EB members → Rest of Support Division Directors → General Delegates. Selection of delegates: The EB is entitled to select general delegates, following the latest adopted selection guidelines. In case any TO member (except VPIA, NORE, NEO) isn’t attending, his spot is given directly to general delegate. The president shall head the delegation and will be entitled to the voting rights during plenaries. If he cannot attend, the VPIA will take his spot. If the president isn’t attending, his priority is given to another EB member If the NEO isn’t attending ,EB give a priority to a delegate responsible to sign contracts and represent PMSA in SCOPE sessions. Same for NORE. Selected delegates must sign a contract of attending to the EB within 1w of selection. They shall ensure adequate medical insurance coverage
The VPIA and the TO are responsible for preparing the delegation.
The delegation must assist the VPIA with the documents/decisions to be discussed or voted upon. Final decision in the plenary will be taken by the VPIA.
Any issue in the GA/EMR must be reported to the head of delegation immediately, which will be reported and passed to investigation by the EB. EB can take any decision regarding the reported delegate who has harmed the Constitution & Bylaws, GA/EMR code of conduct, the image of the delegation, after referring to the SupCo.
15- Work within IFMSA 1- IFMSA General Assemblies (GAs) and Eastern-Mediterranean Regional Meetings (EMRs) 3- Plenaries All delegates must attend all plenary sessions. Note: A delegate may miss only one plenary session for adequate reason after a documented approval from the head of delegation. All delegates must be present during the roll call at the beginning of the plenary.
4- Sessions All delegates must attend their session. Note: A delegate must get a documented approval form the head before skipping/leaving the session.
5- NMO Hours All delegates must attend all NMO hours. Note: Delegate must get an approval form the head before skipping the NMO hour.
6- Activities Hours Any delegate applying for the activities fair/presentation must consult/inform the VPA before submitting. Any delegate applying for the activities fair/presentation Must inform his LC if the project got accepted. The LC informs the VPIA & the VPA within 3d of acceptance. Otherwise, the VPIA can refuse presenting the activity. Any SC officer applying for the activities fair/presentation must inform the VPA & VPIA within 3d of acceptance. Otherwise, the VPIA can refuse presenting the activity. The EB has the right to accept/refuse any project to be presented for adequate reasons. LC are responsible for the financial support of their local projects organized on the national level that are accepted in the fair/presentation. PMSA treasury is responsible for the financial support of national projects that are accepted/approved by the EB in the fair/presentation. All delegates must abide the head of delegations’ request to attend & support PMSA projects in the fair/presentation.
15- Work within IFMSA 2- Reporting Delegates shall provide a written report
attended within 2w from the departure to the VPIA. Note: Failure will lead to the prohibition from applying to to any IFMSA-related event by PMSA EB. The VPIA must write and submit the delegation report
-with the
assist of the Head of Delegation- to the NGA.
4- SWGs & TFs
5-Training & Workshop
Participation is open to any PMSA member
Any PMSA general delegate attending/ Facilitating an international training/workshop must inform his LC 2w before the event. Note: Failure will lead to the prohibition from applying to to any IFMSA-related event by PMSA EB.
3- Candidatures Any delegate applying for IFMSA TO/ International Assistant/ Program Coordinators/Task force must notify the EB at least 3d prior to the deadline. Note: Failure will give the EB the right to refuse signing/stamping the candidature form. The EB must review the candidature & assist the candidate with the required papers. The EB can refuse to sign/stamp in the following cases: 1. Failure to notify the EB 3d prior to deadline. 2. Failure to send the candidature form to be signed/stamped 2d prior to the deadline. 3. Has a penalty 4. Suspended from the LC. 5. Suspended from any position within IFMSA/PMSA. 6. The LC failed to sign a liability form. The LC of the candidate must sign a liability form to the EB before signing/stamping the candidature form.
The SC officer must be informed of any acceptance to any IFMSA SWG/TF by the delegate himself. The SC officer then must inform the EB.
The LC must inform the EB regarding this delegate 2w before the event. Note: Failure will give the right to the EB to accept/ refuse his/her attendance, and he can be prohibited from applying to to any IFMSA-related event by PMSA EB. Any PMSA general delegate attending/ facilitating an international training/workshop must report his attendance to the CBSDD and the relevant SC officer within 2w from the departure day. Note: Failure will prohibit the delegate from applying to to any IFMSA-related event by PMSA EB.
16- Hosting International Events 1- Planning to host When planning to host international Events (GA, EMR meeting, SC related program, TOM, EB meeting) the proposer must submit a proposal to PMSA EB at least 3w before the international deadline. The EB sends it to the LC to vote on (online, NGA). The proposal must contain: a. Suggested Venue. b. Proposed Sponsors. c. Proposed timeline. d. Proposed Budget
2- The Head He/She can be a national or local official, or a general member.
3-The OC Must meet at least once / month.
4- Monthly Reports The Head is responsible to provide monthly reports to the national EB.
7-General / Financial Report The head must provide general/financial report of the event to the EB 2w before the international deadline.
8- PMSA Report 5- International Communications All outgoing communications of the OC have to be coordinated with the VPIA. PMSA EB must provide monthly updates to the LCs.
The head must submit a report using PMSA template to the EB, at least with the following: a. Tasks done by the OC. b. Financial income & expenses. c. Difficulties faced.
9- Residuals
6- Monthly updates PMSA EB must provide monthly updates to the LCs.
Residual money and all sorts of assets must be handed to PMSA treasurer within 2w of the end of the event. Unless indicated otherwise in the international Constitution & Bylaws/ Regulations/ Contract between PMSA and the international party.
17- Financials 1- General
2- Annual Budget
Finances shall be maintained in a current
It includes all projected PMSA incomes/
non-saving bank account under the
expenditures for the upcoming financial
year. Note: It must follow the tools, means, goals and objectives of Financial
Note: If this can’t be met, then
Sustainability and Financial Strategic
maintained by treasurer alone with the
overseeing of the president. Note:
maintained by the treasurer in an accessible location.
PMSA Financial year starts immediately after the national elections.
It is prepared & presented by the treasurer at Sep NGA for adoption. It must be sent to the LCs along with the documents submitted to the NGA. Any Amendments to it can be carried out through NGAs requiring ⅔ majority to pass.
2- Annual Budget It shall includes: 1. Incomes (Membership fees, Partnerships, Any other incomes) 2. Expenditures (NMO registration fees, Annual operating costs, Managerial Costs, International Repr. Costs, Delegate Support, Projects Support, Strategic & Operation Plan Fund, Others). Overspending of any part can’t exceed more than 20%, the money shall be withdrawn from emergency fund. Underspending on a part of the operating budget will allow the EB to reallocate that amount of money after notifying the LCs Presidents. Only if PMSA presence is threatened, the EB can exceed the expenditures on the budget by 20% after taking approval of the LCs.
3- NGA Finances They must be incorporated with the latest
4- Project Finances They must be handled to the National Treasurer. The OC can withdraw money preceded by giving receipts to the Treasurer before having another amount of money withdrawn.
17- Financials 5- Membership Fees
7- Operations
They are decided at the NGA annually incorporated with
They must be incorporated with the financial
the proposed budget to the needs of PMSA Functioning.
Sustainability Plan.
Note: They shall be saving the Sustainability Plan and the
They must be incorporated with the document of
Financial Strategic Plan.
Financial Strategic Plan for 2021-2024.
6- Exchange finances
8- Operations
They must be incorporated with the document of Guide to
They must be incorporated with the document of
Financial Exchange Regulations.
Financial Strategic Plan for 2021-2024.
9- Bookkeeping It’s the responsibility of the National Treasurer, overseen by thee Executive Board, and audited by the Supervising Council.
10- Activities Finances The Financial Regulations of Activities to be set by the new treasurer elect with the VPA elect according to their AWP and proposed internal operations in corporation with the Activities Regulations, Financial Sustainability Plan and Financial Strategic Plan.
18- Partnership All agreements with other organizations and external parties shall be based on health, education, science, social and humanitarian affairs. All official partnership agreements of must be maintained in the form of written agreement, between PMSA EB members and the other party.
All official partnership/grants must be notified to the LCs
The VPE is responsible to maintain contact with
after they are signed/applied for.
the external partners of PMSA.
Partnership agreements shall not violate the Constitution and Bylaws at any time.
partnerships must be approved by the EB before they are signed/applied for.
19- Penalties General All PMSA members shall abide by the latests PMSA constitution and bylaws. Failure to abide will result in a penalty to the person in question. Committing the points mentioned later will result to hold the person accountable and a penalty will be given. Penalties are put into action by a simple majority vote in the EB, and an approval from the SupCo. If the penalty was towards a national EB member, only SupCo can take action. Penalties are separated into 3 categories: 1. 1st Degree: losing score 2. 2nd Degree: losing score & Action 3. 3rd Degree: Code & Immediate investigation
1st Degree penalties (Case 1) When: Not attending an event without prior notice (at least before 24h) of the start of the event. Penalty: 5 points subtraction.
2nd Degree penalties (Case 1) When: Delay in responding to deadlines without any notice. Penalty: 5 points subtraction & Inquiry Email from the SupCo & If repeated refer to codes. (Case 2) When: TO fails to send an activity report when required. Penalty: 5 points subtraction & if repeated 10 points subtraction & if repeated refer to codes. (Case 3) When: Smoking in prohibited areas or tobacco advertisement. Penalty: 10 points subtraction and alarming in the 1st and 2nd times & then refer to codes. (Case 4) When: TO refusing to communicate after 3d or exceeding a specified deadline of sending an official email without prior notice or reason. Penalty: 5 points subtraction & if extra 3d passed with no response then subtract additional 10 points & if extra additional 3d passed with no response then refer to codes.
(Case 5) When: Not attending +3 events with no prior notice. Penalty: 10 points subtraction & Alarming for the 1st and 2nd times & then refer to codes
19- Penalties
(Case 6) When: Contact deanship or externals with no permission Penalty: 10 points subtraction & Alarming for the 1st time & then refer to codes (Case 7) When: Delay in giving money to the treasurer after deadline Penalty: Alarming email & -2 points/day in the 1st week from the deadline & -5 points/day in the 2nd week & then refer to codes. (Case 8) When: Apply to international opportunities with no notification to the responsible official Penalty: 15 points subtraction and alarming & if happened more than once refer to codes (Case 9) When: Any kind of funds/ materials /services /promotion / cooperation with political party. Penalty: LC’s membership termination. (Case 10) When: Using PMSA name to promote/cooperate with political party. Penalty: Membership termination
3nd Degree penalties
3nd Degree penalties
2nd Degree penalties (Code Red)
(Code Orange)
No longer member of PMSA. When: 1. Documented monitory fraud or proven fundraising for personal gain under PMSA/ IFMSA name. 2. Using PMSA/ IFMSA name in an authorized actions or in harmful way to IFMSA/ PMSA/ LC image. 3. Inappropriate behavior from the elections committee. 4. Funds/ materials /services /promotion / cooperation with political party. 5. Using PMSA name to promote/cooperate with political party. 6. Proven Illegal access to any PMSA technical platforms. 7. Refusal to give money 1w after code yellow.
Removal from position & 1y ban from running for elections. When: 1. Violations to the Cons & Bylaws by officials that will make them lose position as stated in 4.3.1. 2. Refusal to communicate through official pathways after exceeding 2nd degree penalties. 3. Abuse of authority from EB members prohibiting allowed actions or allowing prohibited actions. 4. Giving unjust score including not adhering to the National Scoring System, or unjust/wrong code. 5. EB member doesn’t attend 2 consecutive official EB meetings or or 3 official EB meetings during the term without justified reason through email. 6. TO member fails to submit an activity report for twice.
19- Penalties 3nd Degree penalties (Code Yellow) What: Membership Suspension for 6 months.
When: 1. Failure to give money to the treasurer after 2w from the deadline, if exceeded refer code red. 2. Smoking in prohibited areas each time it happens after the 1st and the 2nd time.
3nd Degree penalties
3nd Degree penalties (Code Green) What: Membership Suspension for 3 months. When: 1. Activity leader who quits the activity after receiving code blue. 2. Individual who refuse to fulfil the documented tasks assigned to him in the GA/EMR. 3. Proven negative feedback on exchange in PMSA reported by official communication pathways. 4. Applying to international opportunities without notifying the responsible official will result in code green each time it happens again after the 1st occasion. 5. Contacting deanship or sponsors without permission on +2 occasions will result in code green each time it happens after the 2nd occasion. 6. Activity leader not adhering to the selection criteria will be given code grean each times it happens after the 2nd time.
(Code Blue) What: Lose all points from that activity.
When: 1. Activity leader not adhering to the selection criteria will result in code blue after the 1st and 2nd occasions. 2. Contacting the deanship or sponsors without permission after the 1st occasion.
20- Appeals 1. Any individual can appeal to the National EB and the SupCo for deleting any code given, which is possible in case proven wrong / unjust. 2. Emails, public groups and public acts are the only documentation forms accepted for investigation.
List of Abbreviations PMSA: Palestinian Medical Students’
NO: National Officer
VPA: Vice President for Activities
NPO: The National Public Health Officer
SC: Standing Committee
SCOME: The Standing Committee on
IFMSA: International Federation of
SP: Strategic Plan
Medical Education
Medical Education
Medical Students’ Associations
AWP: Annual Work Plan
SCOPE: The Standing Committee on
NORE: The National Officer on
NOME: The National Officer on
Research Exchange
NMO: National Member Organization
TOM: Team of Officials Meeting
Professional Exchange
LC: Local Committee
CCC: Constitution Credential Committee
SCOPH: The Standing Committee on
NGA: National General Assembly
OC: Organizing Committee
Public Health
EMR: Eastern Mideterrian Region
TF: Task Force
SCORA: The Standing Committee on
NORA: The National Officer on
GA: General Assembly
SWG: Small Working Group
Sexual and Reproductive Health and
Reproductive health
NEO: The National Exchange Officer NORP: The National Officer on Human Rights and Peace
MM: March Meeting
SecGen: Secretary General
Rights including HIV and AIDS
AM: August Meeting
VPM : Vice President for Members
SCORE: The Standing Committee on
TO: Team of Officials
VPE: Vice President for External affairs
Research Exchange
SupCo: Supervising Council
VPIA: Vice President for International
SCOPR: The Standing Committee on
EB: Executive Board
Human Rights and Peace
Support Division Director
Support Division CPRSDD: Communication and public relations Support Division Director New
Fragmented Edition
Please report errors and mistakes -if found- to PMSA-Palestine Secretary General. Email: