Spring/Summer 1999 Rector's Corner
"When a guest comes, Christ comes." By Rev. Msgr. Timothy M. Dolan, Rector, Class of 1976, Archdiocese of Saint Louis
The phrase, I'm told, goes all the way back to St. Benedict: Venit hospes, venit Christus - "When a guest comes, Christ comes." Hospitality is a celebrated Christian virtue, and the North American College ranks right up there with Benedictines in carrying out this noble mandate.
A s you know, millions of visitors come to the Eternal City every year. From its founding in 1859, the College has been an oasis of welcome for American pilgrims. In fact, the College administers the "Bishops' Office for U.S. Visitors to the Vatican," that is housed in our graduate residence, the Casa Santa Maria, on the via dell'Umilta, and is ably directed by Msgr. Roger Roensch. Last year alone he assisted 52,000 American visitors to Rome, helping them see the Holy Father and enjoy the spiritual treasures of Rome, and he is creatively preparing for the throngs expected for the Great jubilee of 2000.
There are always guests at the College. As I write, the officers of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops are with us for the week in Rome consulting with various offices of the Curia. Last week we hosted cardinals and bishops here in Rome with The Papal Foundation, a group of benefactors who support the Apostolic See. And we welcomed the wonderful folks who came here as participants in the College's Second Annual Pilgrimage, plus 432 guests at the Eighth Annual Dinner, all served by our Seminarians. Yesterday at Sunday Mass we had a group from Kansas led by an alumnus. Next week, at the request of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, we will welcome thirty missionary leaders from the Third World.
A nd then there are seminarians from home, vocation directors and alumni, parents and friends who stop by. Last week we even welcomed a distinguished group of Jewish leaders from America who presented us with a Menorah for our courtyard.
We welcome them all as we would Christ It is good for our priests and seminarians to keep in touch with the people from home, whom they arc preparing to serve once they leave the College; it is good formation, since, as parish priests, they will daily make people feel at home in the Church, welcome them at baptism, feed them at the family table at the Holy Eucharist, and bid them farewell at their death. A good parish priest has to be hospitable! And, it is good for the College, as well; so many people are impressed with the caliber of our men and the soundness of our program.