1 minute read

Walter’s Notes

A word or two: You know, there have been, and continue to be, many opinions voiced concerning the message contained within The Last Epistle of Tightrope Time - as answers to “what’s it all about?” And this is precisely as it should be. Yet, if whatever it is to whomever encounters it is grounded in the knowing that the work is fashioned from truth, honesty, sincerity, simplicity, passion and compassion, sympathy and empathy, understanding, kindness and infinite love, then the tango that will be danced between this work and its new found partner should hopefully be a truly unique experience. If it is simply understood that the piece is written in homage of the illumination of the resiliency of the human spirit and that that illumination is powered by the “how” of how we are here as opposed to the “why” of why we are here, which truly is, as it necessarily should and must be, an intrigue for adolescents as the late, great Lorraine Hansberry wisely stated, then everything else will flow as easily and naturally as the Universe intends. So, in the silence of your own personal secret night, come drift awhile and sift awhile through some of the chambers in the mansions of my mind where you will quite probably run into … you.

Walter Borden

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