==== ==== To get some free gifts and more information on how to write articles to make money Click Here: http://www.articleczar.com/gift.html ==== ==== How to Write Articles: Web Content Writing Tips If you think you know how to write articles, then you likely think that these web content writing tips are not for you. In fact, if you got here in error, thinking that this web page is about writing articles in general, rather website content, then you might feel the same. Web content involves article directory content as well as that on your own website. In both cases you would be wrong! You need help, irrespective of the type of article writing you are involved in, or you wouldn't have reached this page at all. I am a busy man, so let's cut to the chase and forget all the filling in that most people use to hide their writing inadequacies. I don't believe in it, I don't do it and I don't like it when I come across it. How to Write Articles: The Basics It is important that you understand the basics of how to write articles in order to promote your website, products and services in an intelligent and lucid fashion, and in such a way that readers of your articles will feel almost compelled to visit your website. That takes practice, and the majority of new writers make some fairly basic errors that could be fatal to their objectives. Hence the importance of those using article marketing as a tool learning how to use that tool correctly. The first of my web content writing tips is that in order to learn anything, it is generally best to break it down into component parts. So what are the component parts of an article? The title and the body, you possibly think, and you might be correct if the article was intended for general interest only. However, the reason you are writing articles is not for general interest, but to persuade readers to do something. If our article has no objective, then why write it? The "Call to Action" In fact, there many aspects of your article that are important in persuading readers to make that 'call to action' as they say, and different writers have different ideas of what they are. As a successful writer myself, who specializes in writing articles for customers heavily involved in article marketing, I consider that anybody who uses my method of breaking an article into its component parts, and then focuses on becoming as expert as possible in maximizing the impact of these parts, should be able to write coherently and persuade others that you are to be trusted as an authority in your niche. This is about articles written for submission to article directories and ezines. The same principles apply to web content writing, although not all the parts of the article will apply in such a case. Here is my idea of what makes a good article The 8 Parts of Well Written Article
Your article consists of 8 parts. That might surprise you, and it will surprise most that have no idea how to construct a proper article that will yield results. If you want to learn how to write articles properly, and write a good solid article for submission to article directories that will catch the eye of prospective readers, and that will yield good results in terms of website visits and traffic, then it should focus on each of the following as individual entities: The Title: to catch the eye The First sentence: to maintain interest, which will be part of: The Introductory Paragraph: to persuade the reader that the rest is worth reading The Body of the article: presents your arguments/solutions/viewpoints The Final Paragraph: Sums up and leads into the Resource The Author's Resource: Persuades the reader to visit your web page The Summary: Appears before the article and in the search engine listing: persuades people to check out the article The Keyword List: Important for directing surfers using your keyword to your article There is a lot of persuading involved there, and only good positive writing will achieve that. Here's how to handle each section, though only in general terms. I shall be designing a page to handle each of these sections separately in more depth. If you are interesting in hearing when each has been completed, fill in the form below and I will let you know, and also when I have more web content writing tips to offer you that will also help you in your knowledge of how to write articles. 1. The Title Absolutely essential! Obviously! But what should it say? The title should not be informative so much, but attention-grabbing. Look at some of the great movie titles. 'Jaws'. Not 'Shark Attacks at Amity Beach' but 'Jaws! ' Eye-catching and it makes you shudder a bit - especially when these bass notes start up. 'Psycho!' Not 'Events at the Bates Motel' but 'Psycho'. Enough said. That is not to say that your title should be of one word, but it should be eye-catching and compel the reader to at least look at the opening sentence. A good title on the subject of writing articles for submission to article directories would not be the one that I use for this web page. I used that title because it is the landing page for those that read my published article, and clicked on the link in the resource to reach this page: that is likely to be you! However, you might also be here because you clicked on a link on one of my other web pages, but the point is that you are on my website already. I am not using this web page to get you here, but to offer you information having reached here. There is a massive and very important difference between the two. However, I am breaking my own rule, so back to the title and web content writing tips. Make it different, and not just 'How to Write Articles'. There are 101 articles wit that title or similar online, and it will not make somebody stop and look. 'How to Write Bad Articles' might be better - I might use that someday - or even the title I used in the article I published in the directories to advertise this web page: "Writing Articles is a Waste of Time".
That catches the eye. People look at it and either shrug and pass on, or say "I must read this what is this guy on about?" Once they decide to have a closer look, you must keep them there. Which takes us to: 2. The First Sentence This is absolutely the next most important section of your article, yet most people that try to teach you how to write articles fail to include it in their personal web content writing tips. Many readers will read your first sentence, shrug and go. So make it good enough that people will read it. That doesn't mean that it has to offer great ways of writing killer articles, or provide earthshattering information on the latest trends in writing web content articles, but it has to keep me reading if I am the reader. In my article of the above title, the first sentence reads: " Yep, writing articles is a waste of time for most people! People don't want to read articles, they want a problem solved, and most articles I have read have failed to do that." That is interesting enough (I hope) to get the reader past that sentence. That's all you have to do. Forget SEO for the time being and focus on writing naturally. You can optimize the article later, once it is complete. Right now, focus on your topic and keeping your readers interested enough to start reading . . . 3. The Introductory Paragraph Your first sentence starts this off. This is where you expand on the title and on the important initial sentence. In my article of that title, I do that in spades as we say, and it has enough impact to keep readers reading. You should try to maintain the slightly controversial approach, or the amusing or whatever you suggest in the title, and expand in the first sentence. There are ways to do this, although there is no substitute for real writing ability and imagination. However, real writers can go over the score, and put their readers off, so we dont want writing a la Jane Austin, but in a modern style, still good grammatically, but more colloquial. Write as you would speak, as I hope I am doing now. If you cannot keep your readers interested throughout the first paragraph, then they will certainly not reach . . . 4. The Article Body This is the rest of the article, although the final article has specific needs, so will be discussed separately. There is not a great deal to be said about this major part of the article. It might be major I length, but not in importance. |This is where you do what you do best: explain your niche and solve problems. Only you know how to do that, so I shall not dwell too much on it. Your paragraph after the introductory one should expand on what you say there, and then it's a good idea (but not essential) for each paragraph to deal with a different aspect of your niche, product or whatever. You could head each with a different solution to the same or a different
problem, for example. It depends on what you are writing about. Finally you will reach your . . . 5. Final Paragraph This should have two functions: a) Sum up what you have written in the body of the article. Don't be tempted to run it too long or even make the summation into two paragraphs. Keep it brief. Sum up and then: b) Mention that there is other information online if the reader wants it. That there are other solutions to the problem, that there are products that can help and/or there is a lot more information that will enable them to achieve their personal objectives. This is actually a lead-in to . .. 6. The Author's Resource Your resource should be a bio: it is not about you and what you have done in the past no matter what anybody else tries to say differently. Present a web page that has been written to cover the topic of your article. A resource such as this: These web content writing tips are presented in more detail on http://www.article-services.com where you will also find many of Pete's secrets on how to write articles in such a way as to enable you to achieve a dramatic increase in traffic and also of sales. will be effective. It simply asks readers to click on the link for more information on what they have been reading and top find out how they can personally benefit. 7. The Summary The Summary is needed by article directories, and will appear in the directory listings and also in search engine listings should your article be listed there. Articles are published on individual directory pages and can be listed on Google in just the same way as any other web page can be. The summary is an important aspect of how to write articles, but not so much for web content writing tips because it applies only to articles intended for submission to article directories. The summary should be written so as to entice the visitor to read the article, much in the same way as the title. The title should have more 'sudden impact' while the summary should be practically a rewrite of the first sentence. In some directories in can be that first sentence, but it is better to rewrite it with just a bit more impact - sort of half way between the title and the initial sentence. 8. The Keyword List The keyword list provides a list of keywords that has limited use. It has no impact on your listing position, but can have on whether or not an article directory user finds your article. Include all the main keywords and phrases contained in your article, and I always include my own name and the name of any product I am using the article to promote, such as Article Czar or SEOcious. It does no damage, and it can benefit. When people Google my name, they are liable to find a larger list than if I left my name out of the keyword list.
Finally So, that is it for now. As I have stated, I am designing pages to focus each of these 8 in more detail, and will inform each of you whenever I have a reasonable number of pages completed. It won't be immediate because I have a very bus article writing business to run, bit will still send you web content writing tips from time to time. Make sure your grammar is correct, and get somebody to proof read it for you - preferably somebody that can read, and of good intelligence that understands the English language. If English is not your native language you are liable to make basic errors, no matter how confident you are. I have had dozens of non-English speaking people asking to write for me, but when the try a test article (for which they get paid full price irrespective of quality) it is obvious that English is not their main language. The Grammar might be OK in many cases, but their semantics (use of words), sentence construction and colloquialisms are faulty and not good enough for publication - Elance is full of such people that I could easily teach to write correctly. Hey, don't get me wrong here! Many have the ability, and are excellent writers in their own language - I can't write a single word in theirs - but we are talking professionalism here, and it is better to learn how to write correctly than hope that people don't care - people do care! I don't go along with the comments I read such as "grammar doesn't count as long as it can be understood." Bullshit!! Grammar counts a great deal, and if an internet marketer can't be bothered getting my language right, then I can't be bothered buying their product. That's what I am here for to teach people how to get it right. If I was selling in China, I would have a Chinese writer write my content - so the Chinese should have me write the content they want to publish here! The same applies to any other nationality - including English speaking nations that try to launch websites in languages foreign to them. They should employ natural speakers from these countries rather than use translation software that ALWAYS makes errors. Just as Chinese should employ English writers to publish in the UK and the USA, so these English speakers should employ Chinese speakers to publish in China. The same applies to any other language. Personally, I am prepared to agree to a reciprocal arrangement whereby I will rewrite bad articles from foreign writers in exchange for them writing my articles in their language for publication on their websites. If you are interested email me on pete@article-services.com Meantime, if you want further information from me on website content writing tips and how to write articles properly, provide me with your first name and email address below. If you want to learn how to write and how to make money writing articles, check out my product below. It is a sales page, but it is an interesting product, and many people have found it of extreme
benefit. Article czar comes in a package with my acclaimed SEO eBook, SEOcious that show how I get my web pages into Page #1 on Google. You can do the same by following my methods. Check out Article Czar Here: http://www.articleczar.com Or get and abridged version for $5 Here: Article Marketing
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