Curriculum Vitae
BASIC INFORMATION Proposed Position: Last Name: Bany-Mustafa First Name: Mohammed Profession: Hydroinformatics Engineer Date of Birth: 5th March 1958 Nationality: Jordanian Years of Experience: 23 Email: Phone: +962 7 77412905 PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Information Systems and Audit Control Association (ISACA), International Membership Engineering Association, Jordan IME, Mediterranean Water Institute PROFILE Mr Bany-Mustafa is a highly qualified Water and IT engineer who has twenty three years of consistent experience. He has held senior positions such as a Member of the Water Expert Group for the development of the “Long Term Water Strategy for the Mediterranean “, Follow up Coordinator for the Declaration of Euro-Mediterranean Water Ministerial Conference held in Jordan 22 nd December 2008, (also organizer member of the conference), represent Jordan in the Euro-Mediterranean Water Director’s meetings, National Focal Point Coordinator for the Euro-Mediterranean Water Information System (EMWIS), Director of the Management Information System Directorate for the Ministry of Water and Irrigation (MWI) in Jordan, Local Coordinator for the Regional Water Net and Research Centre (RWRC). He has coordinated a number of projects including the Information Technology Master Plan and an Oracle ERP Financial Accounting System and participated in a number of Government committees including those concerned with the establishment of a Water Document Centre, a GIS Unit, and a Regional Waternet and Research Centre. He has taken an active part in numerous international conferences, (co-chairing some), and acted as technical reviewer for several of the Ministry’s Water and information technology projects. KEY EXPERIENCE
Member of the Water Expert Group for the development of the “Long Term Water Strategy for the Mediterranean “
Follow up Coordinator for the Declaration of Euro-Mediterranean Water Ministerial Conference
Managing Director of the MIS Department at MWI
National Focal Point Coordinator for the Euro-Mediterranean Water Information System (EMWIS)
Coordinator of various projects including information technology master plan (ITMP), financial accounting system, and regional Waternet and research centre.
Local Coordinator for the Regional Water Net and Research Center (RWRC)
Group Leader of the integrated information management (SCWS) project
Establishing water document centre. cv….bany-mustafa…1
Administering the local area network (LAN) of the unified management information system (MIS) in the water sector.
Administering the Lotus Notes mail system
Planning, budgeting, acquisition, implementation and operation and maintenance of all computer-related activities.
Setting up IT policies and procedures for water sector.
Preparing, analyzing and recommending computer systems including library software purchasing or tendering.
Master of Engineering in Hydroinformatics, International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (IHE), Delft, the Netherlands, 1998.
Diploma in Hydroinformatics, International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (IHE), Delft, the Netherlands, 1995
Bachelor of Engineering: Mechanical Engineering, the University of Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 1985.
Ordinary National Diploma in Technology: Engineering Department of Education and Science, Hendon College, London, United Kingdom, 1980.
Computer Skills and courses:
Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA).
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE)
HP OpenView
Lotus Notes Administrator
Microsoft Office
ArcView and ArcGIS
Other applications used within the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, such as Oracle FAS and WIS.
EMPLOYMENT RECORD April10 – date Ambassador of the Water Embassy to Jordan. The Water Embassy, a non-profit making association under French Law, was created in 2006 after observing that in the world there is an unequal access to water. The association’s goal is to work on water-related problems in developing countries. Its action revolves around a number of themes: awareness raising, training, information, accomplishment. With the support of the Seine Normandy Water Agency, the association organizes, among other actions, Water Classes for students of all levels, as well as decentralized cooperation projects based on the Oudin Santini Act which provides that 1% of each water bill could be invested in the construction of infrastructures in developing countries. To achieve the goals of the Embassy, in 2008 it lunched “The Mediterranean Union for Young Water Ambassadors, UMJAE” to mobilize the elected officials in the countries of the UfM so that they actively participate in the conception and realization of the infrastructure projects which would greatly ameliorate the access to water and to sanitation in the concerned state. Also to regaining a common culture between the Northern and Southern countries of the Mediterranean: The Water Embassy believes that “it is time to learn how to share our knowledge, our sensibilities, our techniques, without ranking them or judging them: the field decides, and the field is made out of human beings that one must know how to listen to”, because of this belief the UMJAE should contribute to the sustainable development in the Mediterranean region thus participating in the peace keeping process. My duties and responsibilities as Water Ambassador to Jordan are to represent the Water Embassy in implementing its goals and activities. Also to coordinate the setting up of Water Classes at the Jordanian Universities by:
Preparing classes by professors affiliated to the Faculty of Engineering at the Jordanian Universities.
Organize different workshop in order to discuss the problematic topic of water in Jordan and the Mediterranean basin. During these workshops debates, the problematic issue of water in Jordan will be defined and will be presented at the coming World Water Forum in Barcelona 2012.
Print an awareness poster.
Organize field visits to water treatment plants and water companies for high school students.
Organize water marathon
Oct09 – date Team Leader for the third main criterion “Processes” at the king Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and Transparency. The Award’s Objective is to: enhance the role of the public sector in serving the Jordanian community with all its sectors and the investment community by promoting awareness of the concepts of comprehensive quality administration and distinguished performance, and to highlight the exceptional efforts of the public sector and present its accomplishments in the area of developing its systems and services guaranteeing that the government sector undertakes duties and tasks assigned to it in the best manner and with high levels of quality, efficiency and professionalism. Thus, the King Abdullah II Award is a reflection of the appreciation of the higher leadership of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for government departments, institutions and employees that distinguish themselves through their performance, productivity, services, projects, programs, plans and work methods. Main Criterions are: Leadership; People; Knowledge management; Processes and Finances. cv….bany-mustafa…3
Duties and responsibilities are leading a team of the six employees in the Processes Criterion by examining the design and implementation of processes used by the Ministry of Water and Irrigation to deliver its services. Also to evaluates the Ministry effectiveness in the following areas:
Process management to enable it to achieve its organizational goals.
Process management to enable it to contribute to the achievement of National Goals and Royal Initiatives.
Determination of customer needs and expectations and the design of the necessary processes to meet or exceed them.
Gathering customer feedback and using this information when designing process in order to contribute to raising levels of customer satisfaction.
Managing relations with suppliers and service providers to ensure that products and services needed by the organization are acquired efficiently.
Many09 – date Team Member of the “ENPI Horizon 2020 Capacity Building / Mediterranean Environment Programme (H2020 CB/MEP) Project”. The overall Objective is to support the implementation of H2020, in the following beneficiary countries: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Montenegro, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey, with a special focus on environmental mainstreaming, by addressing the following problems: low political priority given to the environment; insufficient integration of environment in the different sector policies (agriculture, tourism, transport or energy) and lack of inclusion of the different actors from local to international level; and Insufficient capacities and resources at institutional and civil society level. The Project Purpose is to support the implementation of the Horizon 2020 Initiative Road Map and Work Plan through capacity building and awareness raising activities, and to promote integration of environment issues in other sector policies. The Expected Results are: The H2020 Steering Committee and Sub-Groups are working in synergy and the objectives set in the timetable agreed in 2006 in Cairo and in the Work Plan defined and regularly updated by the Capacity Building Sub-Group are achieved; National policies and legislations in environment sensitive sectors (e.g. Agriculture, Tourism, Energy, or Transport) take environment protection into account, and the corresponding provisions are enforced; The knowledge and effective use of tools such as Strategic Environment Assessments and Environment Impact Assessments is developed in relevant institutions and organisations in the region; Capacities and resources dedicated to environment protection are strengthened at policy, legislative and institutional level; Local Networks/organisations based in the Partner Countries are effectively mobilised in the framework of the project; Civil society (private sector, professional organisations, citizens, Academics, NGOs...) is better sensitised and mobilised with an increase in its capacity to actively contribute to environmental protection and A Hot Spot inventory in place for the West Balkans and Turkey as complementary to the MeHSIP. Many09 – date Team Leader Lead and participate in preparation of the proposal “Water Accounting at the Utility Level: Contributing to National Water Master Planning” submitted to the Cross-Border Cooperation within the European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), Mediterranean Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme, EC Decision C (2008) 4242 for funding. The overall broader objective to which the Project will contribute is to promote more effective governance of water resources in Mediterranean Basin countries by providing water planners and policy makers with a greater range of information about water use by economic sector, to inform national water master planning and facilitate sustainable water use and allocation decisions that are consistent with Integrated Water cv….bany-mustafa…4
Resource Management (IWRM) principles and existing regional or national development goals. The specific objective the Project is intended to achieve is to introduce the integration of water accounting into water information systems and decision making at the utility level in water-deficient areas of the Mediterranean Basin, to obtain information about water use by economic sector to inform national water master planning and sustainable water use and allocation decisions that are consistent with IWRM principles and existing regional or national development goals. These goals generally involve achievement of productivity gains in different sectors of the economy to increase employment, GDP, and through these gains contribute to the general welfare of the population. The project will increase awareness of the benefits of water accounting as a strategic tool for efficient water planning by targeting policy makers, water resources planners and other stakeholders in the water resources sector. Jan09 – date: Member of the Water Expert Group The Water Expert Group was mandated by the Minister’s of water on their water ministerial conference on December 2008 in Jordan, to develop a “Long Term Water Strategy for the Mediterranean“. The Ministers task the Water Expert Group, composed of government designated representatives of national authorities in charge of water policy of Euro-Mediterranean countries having the capacity to take decisions (e.g. water directors) and the European Commission to elaborate further the Strategy for Water in the Mediterranean as well as to assist its implementation and follow-up, The Ministers agree to entrust the Euro-Med Water Expert Group with the following tasks and according to the below modalities: a) Under the political guidance of the Euro-Mediterranean Ministers responsible for Water, the Water Expert Group will: i) carry out the tasks defined by the Ministerial Declaration on Water agreed in Jordan on 22 December 2008 including through the provision of technical inputs for ministerial meetings; ii) endeavour to provide technical input to water related initiatives and processes in the region including recommendations to enhance effectiveness, coordination and complementarily of all key water related activities; iii) and develop a draft annual workplan along the lines of the calendar and tasks defined by the Ministerial Declaration on Water agreed in Jordan on 22 December 2008 Jan09 – date Follow up Coordinator for the Declaration of Euro-Mediterranean Water Ministerial Conference held in Jordan 22nd December 2008. Nov03 - 2008 Managing Director of the Management Information System Directorate Major responsibilities include administering the Ministry Unified Management Information System (MIS), the Local Area Network (LAN), planning, budgeting, acquisition, implementation, operation and maintenance of all computer-related activities within the Ministry as well as policy development, implementation and compliance for the Ministry and its organizations throughout Jordan. Providing advice and technical assistance to all Operating Entities separated from the main facility complex. 07 – date
National Focal Point Coordinator for the Euro- Mediterranean Water Information System, EMWIS The Euro-Mediterranean Water Information System, EMWIS, is an initiative of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. It provides a strategic tool for exchanging information and knowledge in the water sector between and within the Euro Mediterranean partnership countries. All the countries involved in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership are concerned: cv….bany-mustafa…5
The 27 EU member states and 10 Mediterranean Partner Countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey) Tasks consist in drawing up the annual activity programmers and proposing the annual budget; creating and developing a national information server; organizing communication processes and access to vetted information; ensuring information availability in the working languages; developing access to the information and maintaining relations with the users in Jordan; collecting data on institutions, for documentation, training, research and development and data management at local level (relevant for the Euro-Mediterranean region); manages the NFP EMWIS information portal; and providing access to international information through the NFP websites.
Sep05- Jul06 Coordinator of the Information Technology Master Plan (ITMP) Project Group Leader of the Collaboration and Web Presence Working Group, Member of the IT Organization Structure Working Group, Member of the ITMP Steering Committee and the Coordinator of the ITMP responsible for coordinating the work of eight working groups formed to work with the consultant. 2005- 2008 Team Leader of the Integrated Information Management Group for Steering Competence in the Water Sector Responsible for planning, designing, developing and implementing of an integrated water information system to support the decision-making process in the water sector. 2005- 2008 Team Member of a committee for establishing a Water Document Centre Major responsibility includes the establishment of a Deposit Centre for all water-related documents, indexing and abstracting the documents, and the implementation of a Document Management System (DMS) for the Water Sector in Jordan 2005- 2007 Team Member of a Committee for Establishing a Unified GIS Unit for the Water Sector Establishment of the Geographic Information System in the MWI; supervision of the digitization of all the GIS layers presently acquired by the Ministry of Water and Irrigation, and management of the existing GIS system 2005- 2008. Ministry of Water and Irrigation Representative to the e- Government. Coordinating with other Ministries representative on the activities of the initiatives of the e-government of Jordan (electronic government) programme for the use of information and communication technology in within the water sector. 2002- 2008 Coordinator of a Financial Accounting System (Oracle FAS) Project Providing technical support for all project activities; supervising progress and resolving issues arising, and monitoring overall project management. Working closely with the consultant to ensure agreement on all matters related to the design and implementation of the FAS. Coordinating on business process and procedures, mapping and redesign, chart of accounts, and conversion to accrual basis accounting also coordinating on the training needs of MWI staff with team members of the project. 1997- date Coordinator of the Regional Waternet and Research Centre Project. Duties and responsibilities include coordinating with other coordinators from the parties to the enhancement of Middle East regional co-operation on water-related issues. Particularly concerned cv….bany-mustafa…6
with the exchange of information on existing and potential water resources, within the framework of the Working Group on Water Resources, in order to facilitate cooperation, research and the exchange of information on water-related matters within the core parties. 1987-2008 Member of the MIS Steering Committee Coordinating with team members of the Committee on reviewing, modifying, approving or disapproving of all computerization activities within the Ministry of Water and Irrigation that will produce, provide or communicate information outside Directorate level. Assigning computer resources for the Unified MIS Network (LAN). 2004- 2006 Secretary of the Planning and Emergency Committee Duties and responsibilities include the preparation of the agenda, monitoring and following up the tasks assigned, coordinating with the Minister of Water and Irrigation and the three Secretary Generals, and providing assistance to the Secretary Generals in the Water Sector for issues to be discussed at the weekly meeting.
LANGUAGES Arabic: English:
Speaking Excellent Excellent
Reading Excellent Excellent
Writing Excellent Excellent
CONFERENCES Active participation in more than fifty or more international conferences, seminars and workshops in the USA, Germany, UK, France, Egypt, Switzerland, Norway, UAE, Morocco, Israel and Jordan in such fields as Information Management, Document Management, Water Resources Management, Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Integrated Water Resources Management, and Water Resources Planning. TECHNICAL REVIEWING Acted as technical reviewer for the following projects: Information Technology Master Plan / MWI Financial Accounting System / MWI Management Information System / Water Quality Improvement and Conservation Project / MWI Water Information System / Strengthening of the National Capacity in Water Planning / MWI
REFERENCES: Engineer Fayez Bataineh, Red-Dead Project Director, Jordan Valley Authority, Amman, Jordan Tel: +962 795515110 Email:, Mr. Hachmi Kennou, IME / MEDA Water, Marseille, France Tel: +33491598777 Email:, Professor Michael Scoullos, Chairman of MIO-ECSDE MEDITERRANEAN INFORMATION OFFICE FOR ENVIRONMENT, CULTURE AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (MIO-ECSDE) 12, Kyrristou str. 105 56, Athens, Greece Tel: +30210-3247490, -3247267, Fax: +30210-3317127 Email: Jane Gleason, Ph.D. Regional Development Manager Coffey International Development, Middle East Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 50 426 4740 Email: Jauad El Kharraz, Ph. D., EMWIS T.U. BP23 06901 Sophia Antipolis (France) Tel.: +33 492 94 22 93, Fax: +33 492 94 22 95 Email: