Action plan for the development of the Logismed training activities programme (LOGISMEDTA)
Proposal presented by Idom consulting 27/09/2011
European Investment Bank
Index Action plan for the development of the logismed training activities programme (LOGISMEDTA)
1.Rational 2.Strategy Key aspects of Idom’s approach Activities for the achievement of the projects results
3.Structure and project management 4.Timetable of activities
European Investment Bank
1 - Rational FEMIP aims to help partner countries meet the challenges of economic and social modernisation and enhanced regional integration, Logismed project represents a global and integrated offer of platforms forming a network across all MPC and linked to partner countries, in particular EU Member States through training which remains an important tool for bringing services up to harmonized standards,
Training and education needs in logistics in MPCs.
European Investment Bank
2- Strategy Key aspects of Idom’s approach
Idom’s approach is based on the following axis: Solid and transparent project management, Efficient and integral execution of the activity and results Client proximity through previous projects in the region and extensive knowledge of the sector Flexible, respecting the vision and culture of the beneficiaries Trustworthy endorsed by previous experience
European Investment Bank
2- Strategy Activities for the achievement of the projects results Stage 1: Desk research
Task 1: Initiation phase including a kick off seminar in Barcelona
Validation of the methodology for the project Preliminary work plan Definition of the study quality standards and intracommunications system Meeting schedule for each stage within the overall project List of data sources to be analyzed during the next phrases Meeting with the stakeholders (CETMO,UNIMED,MPCS‌)
European Investment Bank
2- Strategy Stage 1: Desk research Task 2: Synthesis of existing information, diagnosis and objectives definition Study of the state of the art on logistics training in the EU and MEDA countries Identification of the needs First assessment of the situation Task 3: First definition of a global LOGISMED training strategy Idom proposed a double approach first work with the contracting authority to develop or review the vision and mission for the LOGISMEDTA and second this vision will be then “rewinded� and compared with project evolution of the logistics training needs and the existing caps with the offering.
European Investment Bank
2- Strategy Stage2: Training needs assessment and strategy Task 4: Field work In order to assure a good assessment about the consistency of the findings obtained during stage one, interviews, after defining their goals, with the experts stakeholders of the selected countries should be set,
Also, and to assure an extensive vision of the current picture of logistic training supply, an online survey will be set up by the consultant.
European Investment Bank
2- Strategy Stage2: Training needs assessment and strategy Task5: Proposal for the development of the LOGISMED training activities (LOGISMEDTA) After studying the whole findings, the first step towards developing a training strategy is to identify possible areas of corporation (by identifying common needs round the selected countries). A definitions of the LOGISMEDTA functions should be established including: 1. Define a common reference for logistics jobs, 2. Define a common model for logistics courses, 3. Define the parameters to assess the quality of training, 4. Create a pools of itinerant professors, 5. Define the features of a student exchange programme.
European Investment Bank
3- Strategy Stage2: Training needs assessment and strategy Task 6: Proposal of adequate structures for logistic training This task will carry the same logic as the previous one, in the sense of defining the training categories: Define and characterize training categories Study training demand Study training offer: the existing offer in the MPCs Define certification schema for each category Task 7: Develop the structure needed to create a pool of instructors of trainers Assessment of current availability of instructors Establishment of a mechanism for common use of market resources
European Investment Bank
2- Strategy Stage3: Action plan Task 8: Action plan for the implementation of the LOGISMED training network in Syria, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco
Development of an overall plan for the implementation of the LOGISMEDTA Develop country specific action plans for morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Syria.
European Investment Bank
3- Structure and project management
Support teams
Technical assistance team
Strategic management level
Steering committee
Project directorate and Directorate for lending
Team leader
Project director
Key expert human resources
Project manager
Admin and support team
Backstopping team
European Investment Bank
4- Timetable Component / Task •
Task 1 - Project initiation phase including attendance to a Specialised Forum in Barcelona to present and discuss the proposal with the main stakeholders and the EIB staff.
Participation at the Forum.
Task 2 - Synthesis report of existing information, diagnosis and objectives definition.
State-of-the-art report Definition of LOGISMEDTA objectives
Task 3 - First definition of a global LOGISMED training strategy
Training strategy
Inception Report
End month 2
Synthesis of tasks 1-3. Work programme for tasks 4-8
Task 4 - Field work in Syria, Egypt, Tunis and Morocco
Missions Mission reports
Task 5 - Proposals for the development of the LOGISMED Training activities
First LOGISMEDTA proposal
Task 6 - Proposal of adequate structures for logistic training in all the MPCs
First LOGISMEDTA structure proposal
Task 7 - Structure needed to create a pool of instructors of trainers
First LOGISMEDTA pool of trainers structure proposal
Experts seminar to present (and validate) the first proposals
End month 5
Seminar for Validation of Tasks 4-7
Task 8 - Action plan for the implementation of the LOGISMED Training Network in the MPCs in general and in Syria, Egypt, Tunis and Morocco in particular.
1 General Action Plan 4 Specific Action Plans
Final draft report
Final Draft Report Meeting
High Level Seminar to present the conclusions of the Action Plan.
End month 8
Final Report Seminar
European Investment Bank