Po r t f o l io Landscape Designer
Pietro Nughes ADDRESS 66 Fernadale Road N15 6UQ London
PHONE 07453361598 02076841316
E-MAIL pnughes.pn@gmail.com pietronughes@icloud.com
ABOUT ME I have had a strong contact with the natural world since childhood. I grow up in the beautiful Sardinia countryside, and from very young age I was helping in my family land. With my background in media and communication and with my work experience in gardening, I realised that I needed to find the connection with the two. In December 2017 I finish the Diploma in Garden Design at KLC School of Design in Chelsea. I am looking to work in a studio where I could learn more about Landscape Design and improve my skills. I am a nice fun and friendly person. I am honest and punctual, I work well in a team but also on my own as I like to set myself goals which I will achieve, I have good listening and communication skills. I have a creative mind and am always up for new challenges. I am well organized and always plan ahead to make sure I manage my time well.
EDUCATION 2016 - 2017
KLC - Diploma in Garden Design
2008 - 2009
LCC - Master in Graphic Moving Image
2016 - 2017
IED - Visual Arts. BA (Hons)
EXPERIENCES 2013 - 2017
Arbore Vitae - Gardening and Landscape
I was responsible for planting, pruning and the general maintenance and appearance of the grounds, gardens and buildings.
2012 - 2013
Plant in Space - Living Walls
I was part of the team for the installation and maintenance of living walls, using the Biotecture’s modular system, for private and public spaces.
Visual 01 Front
Annabel Miller and Gary Williams 30 Glamorgan Rd, Hampton Wick, KT1 4HW
Pietro Nughes
Project :
Visual AA
Visual 02 Inside
Client :
Visual 03 Top
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Scale :
Created :
Revision :
+ 10.000
+ 10.000
Created :
Date 03-05-2017
Name Pietro Nughes
This drawing may not print to scale
Conceptual Show Garden (A window on the Mediterranean)
Project : Scale : 1 :50
Contents Project 01 - Miller - Williams Project Project 02 - Conceptual Garden Project 03 - The Gunnersburry Triangle Project 04 - The Mulberry Centre Project 05 - Pullman Court
Project 01 - Miller Williams Project The clients are Annabel and Gary and their children Esme (14), John(12), Lucy (10) and new puppy, Maggie. Annabel and Gary have lived here for 8 years and have recently extended the back of the house to include a larger kitchen dining area with large glass sliding doors and a home office with picture window, through which the garden is viewed. Annabel is a Training Consultant and Gary works as a Business Development Consultant so both of them spend part of their working week using the new home office and looking out at the garden. This space is also used in the evenings by the children doing their homework. The garden backs on to a second world war bomb site, now a woodland, called ‘The Wilderness’, which local schools use as an outdoor classroom and resource. The family would like a garden that fits with the surroundings and their new interiors but makes much better use of the space and is a sociable-garden where all the family, friends and dog can relax together. View to The Miller & Williams house / Illustration created using Illustrator and Photoshop
View to The Miller & Williams house MasterPlan / Created with Vectorworks
Fencing Panels - Venetian View to The Planting Collage / Illustration created using Photoshop
Fencing Panels - Venetian
Plants, Shrubs and Climber Anemone × hybrida
Dog Toilet
Woodwardia fimbriata
Timber Trampoline 4300 mm Green Roof Shed
Dryopteris erythrosora
Metal edging
Bark Chippings Circular patio Kandla Grey Sandstone Paving (600 × 600 × 25mm)
Flower Bed Visual AB
Plants and Shrubs
Plants, Shrubs and Climber
Heuchera americana
Asplenium scolopendrium
Metal edging Lawn
Plants and Shrubs
View to The very end of the garden / Illustration created using Photoshop
Plants and Shrubs
Created : Plants and Climber
Pietro Nughes
Revision :
Circular patio Kandla Grey Sandstone Paving (600 × 600 × 25mm)
Client :
Annabel Miller and Gary Williams 30 Glamorgan Rd, Hampton Wick, KT1 4HW
Project :
Visual AB
Plants and Climber
Path Kandla Grey Sandstone Paving Mix (600 × 600 × 25mm, 600 × 290 × 25mm, 600 × 290 × 25mm)
Plants and Shrubs 2
Planter (edible herbs and vegetables)
Scale :
Existing Decking Planter Decking Steps
Created :
Pietro Nughes
Revision :
N Office
Planter Climber and Plants
Client :
Annabel Miller and Gary Williams 30 Glamorgan Rd, Hampton Wick, KT1 4HW
Project : Living Room
Master Plan
Scale : 1 :50
Elevation Fencing Panels - Venetian
This drawing may not print to scale
Anemone × hybrida
This drawing may not print to scale
Project 02 - Conceptual Garden The aim is to reflect controversial, challenging theme like The Mediterranean Migrant Crisis. The Mediterranean is now considered the world’s most hazardous sea route in use by migrants and refugees. Recent years have been marked by a number of serious incidents, where boats have capsized and sunk, tragically claiming the lives of hundreds of so-called boat migrants. In 2014, some 219,000 migrants and refugees attempted to make their way across the Mediterranean, with more than 3,500 lives lost en route (UNHCR, 2015b). No requirements of the garden. A window on the Mediterranean Sea it’s an installation that can be moved and install anywhere in the world. It represents a refugee itself. The character/ atmosphere of the garden its provocative, Tragic, Terrible, frustrating, critical condemning, powerless.
View to The Conceptual Installation / Illustration created using SketchUp & Photoshop
+ 10.000
Visual 01 Front
Conceptual collage / created using Photoshop
View to The Installation MasterPLan / Illustration created using SketchUp & Illustrator
+ 10.000 + 10.000
01 Front View inside the / Illustration created using Illustrator Visual 03Installation Top
02 Inside
Created :
Date 03-05-2017
Name Pietro Nughes
Conceptual Show Garden (A window to the Mediterranean)
Project : Scale : 1 :50
+ 10.000
Visuals This drawing may not print to scale
Project 03 - The Gunnersburry Triangle
A green oasis created by intersecting railway lines saved from development and managed for wildlife and people. I wanted to design an entrance that could be seen from far and that wouldn’t be missed. At the same time, I had to create a parking space for two minibuses. I decided to open up the entrance following the idea of a been part and not APART. To be part of the community, be part of the changing area, part of the road.
View to Gunnersburry Triangle Entrance / Illustration created using SketchUp & Photoshop
View to Gunnersburry Triangle Entrance MasterPlan / created using Vectorworks
View to Gunnersburry Triangle Entrance / Illustration created using SketchUp & Photoshop
Intervention 02
The Triangle Pavillion
Betula utilis var. jacquemontii
Betula utilis var. jacquemontii BARK CHIPPINGS
ROAD Betula utilis var. jacquemontii
Date 06-09-2017
Created :
Name Pietro Nughes
In architectural terminology it refers to a subsidiary building that is either positioned separately or as an attachment to a main building. Often its function makes it an object of pleasure.
Gunnersbury Triangle COXWELL SELF-BINDING GRAVEL Design
Project :
Master Plan Entrance
Scale : 1 :50
This drawing may not print to scale
View to Gunnersburry Triangle Entrance Sitting Area / Illustration created using Vectorworks, SketchUp & Photoshop
COXWELL SELF-BINDING GRAVEL Retaining Wall with Railway Sleepers
Specimen Shrubs
Wooden Seating Area
Specimen Fern
Specimen Shrubs Wooden Seating Area
Specimen Fern
Betula utilis var. jacquemontii x4
Betula utilis var. jacquemontii x3
Wooden Seating Area
Specimen Fern
Wooden Seating Area
Intervention Intervention 02 I believe thatthat Gunnersbury need extra space, I believe Gunnersbury triangle triangle need anan extra space, the children to have classesaaplace place where cancan playplay if it is for theforchildren to have classes wherethey they if raining. it is raining. A classroom, an extra space in the middle of the reserve. A classroom, an extra space in the middle of the reserve.
7000 mm
Wooden Triangle Pavilion
Railway Sleepers floor 7000 mm
View to Gunnersburry Intervention 01 / Illustration created using SketchUp & Photoshop
Project 04 - The Mulberry Centre The aim of the Centre is to deliver a range of information and support services to all people affected by a diagnosis of cancer. The Centre itself is like an oasis, calm and peaceful. My Design concept comes to the exploration of the 5 senses and how they can stimulate positive thoughts through the planting scheme.
View to Mulberry Centre / Illustration created using Vectorworks & Photoshop
View to Mulberry Centre MasterPlane / created using Vectorworks
View to Mulberry Centre / Illustration created using Vectorworks & Photoshop
View to the Mulberry centre / Illustration created using Vectorworks & Photoshop
View to Mulberry Centre PlantinPlane / created using Vectorworks
Project 05 - Pullman Court Pullman Court is a privately owned, modernist residential estate in Streatham Hill, south London. It is comprised of 218 flats that range from purpose-built studios to two-bedroom mansion flats. Pullman Court was designed in 1933 by Frederick Gibberd, a renowned British modernist architect. One of my Interventions consists in adding a concrete path in both sides of the building facing each other, including concrete sitting areas and lights that can illuminate the path in the night. The path will run from the entrance to the main area, where the main intervention will be done., a concrete Square or Piazza surrounded by evergreen plant and customize metal frames pergolas.
View to Pullman Court Intervention / Illustration created using Vectorworks & Photoshop
View to Pullman Court Lighting Masterplan / Illustration created using Vectorworks & Photoshop
Concrete Patio
Concrete Seating
Stainless Steel Metal Pergola
Concrete Patio
View to Pullman MasterPlan / Illustration created using Vectorworks
Concrete Path
Stainless Steel Metal Pergola
View to Pullman Court Lighting Visuals / Illustration created using Photoshop
The idea is not to copy nature, bu
ut to give a feeling of nature. Piet Oudolf