Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence RULER Institute Social Emotional Intelligence is a topic at the forefront of education today. Through extensive research on the power of emotions, Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence has created this program designed to support students, as well as staff. The RULER Institute will provide your school with the information and tools necessary to implement change and foster a kind and healthy emotional climate essential to personal growth and academic achievement. This highly interactive institute, led by the Yale CEI team, will kick off with a 6–week virtual training in October. In addition, your school’s Implementation Team(s) will participate in three online coaching sessions, one group coaching session facilitated by Yale, and one live online webinar with Yale CEI trainers. Also included is access to the CEI’s exclusive and vast online courses and resources. Once your school’s Implementation Team has completed Year 1 of the RULER training and is ready to implement within their school, the training and support continues through our Year 2 & Beyond program which offers online training sessions along with online resources.