PNW Division 13/15/17 Panda Express: Volume 6 Issue 12

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PNW Division 13/15/17

Volume 6 Issue 12

from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for your passion for service. Thank you for your support. Thank you for your continuous efforts to better your home, school, and community. You welcomed me into your lives with open arms and an open mind. There were so many moments during my term where I doubted myself and felt like I wasn’t adequate enough to serve such a dedicated group of Key Clubbers. However, you all took me in for everything I was. My strengths, my quirks, and my shortcomings. I don’t know what I did to deserve such a caring and patient division.

Together, we achieved so much. The entire term was a push for improvement and our accomplishments reflect that. We contributed over 3000 hours of service, raised over $1500 towards our District Project and grew our Division by almost 100 members. However, our term was more than just statistics. Our greatest successes don’t lie in the numbers, but in the details that cannot be measured. Things like strengthening the Kiwanis-family bond, increasing our interclub connections and developing leadership skills. There were so many moments where I was blown away by what we have done and then we would accomplish even more. None of this could be accomplished without the passion and drive that each and every one of you focused into Key Club. For me, my five years of Key Club was everything that I could ask for and more. When I joined as a small grade 8, I never would have thought that caring would become my way of life, that marathon water stations would become my Sunday mornings and that I would come out of my shell to develop connections with everyone in the division. However, as much as I loved Key Club, I would be lying if I said that every moment was amazing. There were moments where I wanted more than anything to give up. I was constantly challenged and pushed to my limits every step of the way. Yet, even when I was ready to give up on Key Club, Key Club was not ready to give up on me. It saw that I needed to fail a million times in order to succeed and that I could turn my weaknesses into my strengths. My successes could not have come without my amazing support system. To Mr. Lee, my faculty advisor, who dealt with my constant

concerns and questions. My friends and family, who gave me advice and cheered me on when I was down. My District Board, who struggled with me through reports, DCMs and newsletters. Kiwanis members, who willingly came out to divisional events and interacted with Key Clubbers. My club officer teams, who enthusiastically helped me out with random tasks and DCM planning. And last but certainly not least, Mr. Eckersley. For those of you who do not know Mr. Eckersley, he is our area administrator, but more than that, he is my rock. He supported me unconditionally in every way possible. He answered my 1AM frantic texts, drove me 8 hours all the way down to Southern Washington and Portland for board meetings and made sure that I had all the resources I needed to succeed. Not only that, he inspired me with his kindheartedness to serve with every inch of my love. That aside, I am happy to leave the term feeling like I did everything that I wanted to. When I cross the stage at DCON next week, my goodbye will be bittersweet. I will be glad for everything that Key Club has given me, but I’ll also remember that I’ll probably never meet a group of individuals so driven and dedicated as the members in our division. And for letting me get to know you all and serve you as lieutenant governor, thank you. Thank you so much.

In Love and Service,

2018-19 Lieutenant Governor



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