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ICON RECAP �������������������������������������������




International Convention 2022 in Washington D.C. was such an amazing and worthwhile experience. Not only were we able to meet members from through out our district, from areas such as Canada and Idaho, but we were also given the opportunity to meet both Key Clubbers and Kiwanians from around the world. They came from places like Jamaica and the UK, and it was so interesting learning more about all of their different cultures and backgrounds. Staying at the Hilton Hotel with all the different districts set up the perfect, comfortable space for us PNW Key Clubbers to interact and learn more about all the other Key Clubs.

Since ICON took place in Washington D.C. this year, we were able to do some amazing sight seeing and pass by places such as the White House, the Capitol, the Smithsonian National Zoo, the African American history and Culture Museum, and a series of diverse restaurants. Despite the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak and the limits they brought, ICON was still just as amazing as everyone had described it to be, and the variety of workshops made sure that there was at least a little bit of something that everyone could relate to or learn from. Tips on retaining members and inclusivity were showcased to karaoke rooms packed with tons of fun. I believe that my absolute favorite part of the convention though, was collecting pins from everyone on the first night. It was so cool to see the various designs and concepts each district had for their pins, and it was so interesting learning about how each district, division, and club runs. Throughout the event, we were given the opportunity to meet with several key speakers, such as Sal Khan, a paralympian, and a former astronaut. The chance to vote for and become friends with our incoming International Board members, was also both a key part of the event, and acted as an amazing way to learn more about just how much our international trustees, vice president, and president do for us, and what we can do to become more involved.

But, of course, as Key Clubbers, we had to be sure to somehow help out our surrounding communities, so during ICON we donated books and set up little basic necessity kits for those in need. The convention ended with several talent show acts and performances, such as a KPOP act from members of the Califor nia-Nevada-Hawaii District, and a dance for everybody at the end. The dance was so much fun and the ice cream and popsicles served were so tasty. Although it was exciting to tell my members everything I learned from this trip, I think we can all agree that it was so sad saying goodbye to everybody. However, I’m glad to say that we were able to make some life-long friends, memories, and lessons from this trip and I am so excited for ICON 2023 in Anaheim, California!

WA D.C. Airport Smithsonian National Zoo

The White House


International Convention 2022 in Washington D.C. was such an amazing and worthwhile experience. Not only were we able to meet members from throughout our district, from areas such as Canada and Idaho, but we were also given the opportunity to meet both Key Clubbers and Kiwanians from around the world. They came from places like Jamaica and the UK, and it was so interesting learning more about all of their different cultures and backgrounds. Staying at the Hilton Hotel with all the different districts set up the perfect, comfortable space for us PNW Key Clubbers to interact and learn more about all the other

Since ICON took place in Washington D.C. this year, we were able to do some amazing sight seeing and pass by places such as the White House, the Capitol, the Smithsonian National Zoo, the African American history and Culture Museum, and a series of diverse restaurants. Despite the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak and the limits they brought, ICON was still just as amazing as everyone had described it to be, and the variety of workshops made sure that there was at least a little bit of something that everyone could relate to or learn from. Tips on retaining members and inclusivity were showcased to karaoke rooms packed with tons of fun. I believe that my absolute favorite part of the convention though, was collecting pins from everyone on the first night. It was so cool to see the various designs and concepts each district had for their pins, and it was so interesting learning about how each district, division, and club runs. Throughout the event, we were given the opportunity to meet with several key speakers, such as Sal Khan, a paralympian, and a former astronaut. The chance to vote for and become friends with our incoming International Board members, was also both a key part of the event, and acted as an amazing way to learn more about just how much our international trustees, vice president, and president do for us, and what we can do to become more involved.

But, of course, as Key Clubbers, we had to be sure to somehow help out our surrounding communities, so during ICON we donated books and set up little basic necessity kits for those in need. The convention ended with several talent show acts and performances, such as a KPOP act from members of the California-Nevada-Hawaii District, and a dance for everybody at the end. The dance was so much fun and the ice cream and popsicles served were so tasty. Although it was exciting to tell my members everything I learned from this trip, I think we can all agree that it was so sad saying goodbye to everybody. However, I’m glad to say that we were able to make some life-long friends, memories, and lessons from this trip and I am so excited for ICON 2023 in Anaheim, California!

Southwest District KC



- Will be held in Anaheim, California - Trip to Disneyland included - Stay tuned for more info!

- Algen Torres

Lieutenant Governor (20i)

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