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COMMITTEE UPDATES����������������������������


Hi PNW District Key Clubbers!


With Fall in full swing and the holiday season quickly approaching, now is a better time than ever to support the District Project: Help End Hunger. Over the past few months, the District Project Committee has focused on performing individual outreach to clubs and communities throughout the Pacific Northwest by highlighting their service through webinars, social media posts, and more.

At the end of August, we hosted our first webinar of the year: How to Help End Hunger. During this event, we heard food bank managers and Club Officers speak on how to host a successful District Project related service event, and what the initiative means to them. Whether you are a member, officer, advisor, or anyone looking to get involved with the District Project, I can assure that you will highly benefit from watching the webinar recording, which can be found on the PNW Key Club YouTube channel.

Throughout this entire year, Key Clubbers have shown strong commitment to the District Project, and virtual and in-person Key Club Day attendees showed up in support of the initiative. During the District Project presentation, we had guest speakers from local community organizations such as the Beacon Food Forest in Seattle, Washington. We heard from co-founder, Glenn Herlihy, discuss ways we can support the District Project beyond food drives and fundraisers, inspiring Key Clubbers to think meaningfully and outside the box when it comes to planning service projects. Through your monetary and canned food contributions to miracle minutes and food drives at Key Club Day North and South, we were able to donate hundreds of meals to hunger relief organizations in the Pacific Northwest, helping to better the lives of families in our region, and achieve our District goal.

With every service project you host, educational resource you share, and dollar you raise for the initiative, you get us one step closer to reaching our District goal of donating 100,000 meals to those in need. Beyond that, another goal of the initiative is to provide equitable access to service opportunities for Key Clubbers of all financial and geographic backgrounds. Not sure where to get started with supporting the Help End Hunger initiative? A good first step is to connect with your local food bank. In fact, 51% of all hunger relief programs rely on volunteers like Key Clubbers to support their work in feeding communities. The District Project Committee has also created a number of resources such as a food bank tracker, food drive and fundraising guide, and more which can all be found in the District Project LinkTree to make these resources more accessible than ever.

Your contributions towards the District Project do not go unnoticed, and in fact, we would love to celebrate your clubs’ accomplishments throughout the year. Starting in October, be on the lookout for Help End Hunger Highlights on Instagram - your club has the chance of being spotlighted, so get excited to serve! As always, you are welcome to contact project@pnwkeyclub.org if you have any questions or ideas regarding the District Project. We are going to make great progress this season!

- Pauline Adonis

District Project Chair


Hello PNW Key Clubbers!!

The Membership Growth and Reactivation Committee has been working hard to provide clubs resources, tools, and tips on how to grow overall membership within the PNW District. As the school year continues, we want more and more people to be involved within the Key Club community, so that we can teach the importance of serving our community and supporting the District project: Help End Hunger. Gather your friends and talk to your peers about how they can join Key Club! The early bird deadline (November 1st) to become an official Key Club member is quickly, so make sure to pay your club dues! The regular deadline is December 1st, so you and your peers still have time to become a part of Key Club. We encourage you to spread awareness and communicate with anyone who is interested in Key Club, so that we can continue to provide service to those in need.

The MGRC Committee recently held a “Keys to Growth” webinar, which consisted of information regarding the connection between Membership Growth and Kiwanis-family relations, proven methods for utilizing this connection, resources from the district committees responsible for Membership Growth and Kiwanis Family relations, and more. If you would like to view this webinar, a recording of it can be found here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u31MSC1yoF0

The MGRC Committee has also discussed resources that can help with chartering clubs, reactivating inactive/suspended clubs, and growing membership within the MGRC linktree, which can be found here: https://linktr.ee/mgrcommittee . We will update this linktree with new resources, so make sure to regularly check it! If you would like to get in touch with the MGRC Committee if you have any questions, concerns, or need any assistance, please contact membership@pnwkeyclub.org.

- Hannah Kim

MGRC Chair + LTG (AYS)


Greetings, PNW Key Clubbers!

It’s fall – Key Club’s busiest time of the year! The Kiwanis-family Relations Committee has been hard at work, providing Key Clubbers with all the Kiwanis-family resources they need for the year and to successfully collaborate with all branches of the Kiwanis family. We’ve been actively promoting and collaborating on several events including Kiwanis One Day, a day reserved for all of the Kiwanis Family to come together and do service! Even though Kiwanis One Day has passed, remember you can and are highly encouraged to host joint-service projects and events with your Kiwanis Family anytime throughout the year!

To get in touch with your corresponding Kiwanis clubs or to find more information on the Kiwanis family, check out our new Kiwanis-Family Relations Linktree. Here, you’ll find any and all resources made and published by the Kiwanis-Family Committee for all to use including, the Kiwanis-family Resource Drive, Builders Club Curriculum, How to Charter a Kiwanis SLP Club, and much more! Also, check out the Divisional Correspondences or the Joint K-FAM Directory to find the Kiwanis-family clubs near you.

Information will be constantly updated and uploaded so check back for updates and new content! I hope you’ve been enjoying the content that the Kiwanis-family Relations has been putting out and we hope we have been able to serve you well. As always, if you have any questions or need any help, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at kfam@pnwkeyclub.org. We look forward to talking to you again soon!

- Tina Nguyen

K-Fam Chair + LTG (58)


Hello PNW Key Clubbers,

DCON 2023 is rapidly approaching. In a mere four months, from March 31st-April 2nd, the Pacific Northwest District will host its 73rd annual District Convention at the Seattle Convention Center in Seattle, Washington. Be prepared for a whimsical and elegant weekend at our fairytale themed celebration of service. Meet new Key Clubbers, receive officer training, vote for your new District Executives, and dance the night away! This year, DCON will cost $320 per person for quad registration, $435 for double registration, and $665 for single registration. Registration will provide you with exclusive DCON 2023 merchandise such as a Once Upon a Service themed T-shirt, tote bag, lanyard, and pin, as well as access to all of the workshops, speakers, and activities that the convention has to offer.

The DCON 2023 Registration Packet is out now and is the perfect resource for obtaining more information about this year’s District Convention. Additionally, if you are interested in running for higher office, the DCON 2023 Election Packet includes all of the important information, rules, required paperwork, and important dates that you’ll need to know to prepare for your election. Lastly, there are many opportunities to win awards at DCON 2023. You can find the list of awards below; the deadline for award applications is February 1st, 2023 at 11:59 PM, so make sure to get started on them now!

Finally, I wanted to remind you that the Call to Convention video has officially been released, so be sure to check it out! In addition, if you missed the Call to Convention webinar, check out the PNW Key Club YouTube recording to learn everything there is to know about DCON 2023 and be on the lookout for future webinars regarding registration! I cannot wait to celebrate and honor the myriad of achievements in service that PNW Key Clubbers have made this year. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to email me at convention@pnwkeyclub.org.

- Lynnsay Pham

DCON Chair + LTG (44)




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