April Edition | PNW Key Club Division 64 Newsletter

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Pacific Northwest District: Division 64: Classy Mice

About the PNW-------------------2 Meet your LTG--------------------3 April DCM--------------------------4 DCON Recap-----------------------5 Key Leader----------------------6&7 ICON---------------------------------8 ELIMINATE/MOD----------------9 Social Media---------------------10 Divisional Positions------------11 Key Dates--------------------------12 Club Spotlight--------------------13 Incoming Board-------------14-20


About the Pacific Northwest District “In the midst of serene nature and fluctuating weather conditions lies the great Pacific Northwest District (PNW). The Pacific Northwest is geographically the largest district of Key Club International. The district spans from Western Canada to Northern California: with Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and the pan-handle of Idaho in between.” “The Pacific Northwest encompasses nearly 1.8 million square miles and includes over 330 clubs that operate under 44 divisions. Through rain or shine, snow or hail, Key Clubbers in the Pacific Northwest dedicate countless hours to their communities and internationally, and are always Proud 'N'Willing to serve!” “The mascot of the Pacific Northwest District is the “Mighty Moose,” also commonly called “Mortimer the Moose.” Known for our spirit yet incredible dedication to the service that we do, the PNW District continues to be a leader in the Key Club world, and it is all thanks to our members and excellent leadership throughout the district. It would not be far from the truth to say that yes, we’re one of the best, with over 11,300 members proudly shouting out in accord when they hear: “Hey PNW! How do you feel?””


Division 64 includes Tigard High School, Wilsonville High School, Tualatin High School, Lakeridge High School, Sherwood High School, West Linn High School, and Lake Oswego High School. We are one of the smallest and newest divisions in the District, but we are working towards becoming a bigger and stronger division over the next year! Our divisional mascot is the “Classy Mouse,” which is tentative to change based on what the division members would like to be their mascot. Our divisional colors are currently teal, white, and black. We are happy to serve and blessed to be able to experience how rewarding being an active member of Key Club can be.

* Dear Key Clubbers, I am BEYOND excited to be working with you guys this year and serving as your Lieutenant Governor! We have a lot of room to grow this year as a division but I know we can do it! In order to help strengthen our division and up the spirit, I’ll need all of your help and support as officers and club members! After all, Key Club would be nothing without all of its members, you guys are the most important! My main focus during my term will be to improve communication within clubs and the District level, to get more participation and involvement in divisional and district events, and to increase the amount of spirit and passion for Key Club within our members and clubs. Also, I would like to expand our division by adding more clubs.

I hope everyone in Division 64 will have the opportunity experience how amazing Key Club is by forming lasting friendships and unforgettable memories throughout this upcoming year. Key Club is truly an incredible organization that has impacted millions of lives. “Ubuntu. I am because we are.” Division 64! We can do this!

The incoming lieutenant governors being installed at DCON Photo Credits go to Bassel Hamieh Photography

We have a lot of work to do this year to help strengthen the Division, but with your help, we can achieve those goals! Always feel free to call me beep me if ya wanna reach me (find me on Facebook!)! I’ll always be here if you need anything Key Club related or even if you just want to talk and hang out! I’m looking forward to meeting all of you! This is going to be an amazing year for our Division 64 and we are going to do amazing things, so get pumped! 

In Love and Service, Dorothy Wang 503-545-6886 dorothywang.ltg64@gmail.com More about me: School: Lakeridge High School Grade: Junior If you have any questions about who I am and what I do as LTG, please feel free to contact me! I am always here to help! 


April DCM  

Location TBA, I will let you know in my club visitations or through social media so please please please add me on Facebook, text me, get in contact with me! Time is also TBA (sorry I will let you know for sure as soon as possible) but it will be in the afternoon so expect somewhere like 3-4pm or 4-5pm. The date is still tentative but is projected to be on April 27th. Please contact me if this date is not suitable and let me know what days are easier for you to attend! Thank you! 

All incoming officers are required to attend this DCM! Each club must send at least two club representatives to participate at the DCM, but it would be awesome to have as many members there as possible. Officers, please let me know if you are unable to attend and I will try to change the date to accommodate as many of you as possible! There will be officer training at the PCM/DCM so please be there!  Please bring your spare change to our DCM! We will be hosting a Miracle Minute to raise money for ELIMINATE, the Pacific Northwest District’s District Project, which strives to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus globally. Our current mascot is the Classy Mouse, so during this April DCM we will vote on whether or not we want to change our mascot, and if so, what we should change our mascot to! Feel free to brainstorm and suggest ideas for potential mascots leading up to the DCM. At our DCM we will also discuss the divisional position that I am appointing, Executive Assistant, so anybody who is interested in the position must be present at the DCM or communicate with me if there is a schedule conflict. Having good attendance from clubs at the DCM is key to our success this year as a division, because besides my newsletters and occasional club visitations, our DCMs are our primary method of communication throughout the division. Please plan on being there!  I know people are especially busy at this time of year, especially with AP tests and other obligations outside of school and similar things, so I will try to make this DCM as quick and short as possible! Please plan on being there on time, thank you!!


DCON Recap


PC: Dave MacMillan and Bassel Hamieh Photography

On April 4th-6th, over 1800 Key Clubbers throughout the Pacific Northwest gathered at District Convention located in downtown Seattle . We installed the new District Board and celebrated our year of service throughout the PNW.

What is Key Leader?

Key Leader is a lifechanging weekend retreat that emphasizes and helps develop student leadership skills, especially through service.

This year’s Key Leader: - October 24-26, 2014 - Location: Camp Collins (Gresham, OR) - Located on the Sandy River - Zip line and a giant swing! Costs: - Key Clubbers/student participants: $175 - Student-facilitators*: $115

REGISTER AT www.key-leader.org


Key Leader’s Keys of Excellence: To teach: • Personal Integrity - Doing the right thing. • Personal Growth - Developing in mind, body, and spirit. • Respect - Showing consideration for self, others, and property. • Building Community - Developing relationships to achieve positive goals. • Pursuit of Excellence - Expecting and achieving the best

Mission Statement:

To inspire young people to achieve their personal best through service leadership. *If you are interested in being a student-facilitator, more information can be found here: http://www.keyleader.org/Libraries/Participant_Resources/Student_Facilitator_Gui de.sflb.ashx And also at www.key-leader.org


International Convention   

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July 2nd-July 6th, 2014 Located at the Anaheim Marriott Close to Disneyland!! The PNW ICON Tour leaves on June 30th for Anaheim and includes: 2 days in Disneyland and California Adventure District Dinner ICON FUN!! Estimated cost: $895

Why should you go? Meet Key Clubbers from all around the world Travel around Anaheim, California Experience Key Club at the international level Elect the International Board Represent PNW!! Form lifelong friendships Explore Disneyland and California Adventure Celebrate service and everything that Key Club has accomplished within the last year Have fun!!


THE ELIMINATE PROJECT - As of February, the Pacific Northwest District raised a total of $80778.40 for the ELIMINATE project, which means our district saved 89,754 lives as of February. - It takes $1.80 to get three rounds of vaccinations for mother and child - The primary goal of the ELIMINATE project is to “ eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. This deadly disease steals the lives of nearly 60,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year. The effects of the disease are excruciating — tiny newborns suffer repeated, painful convulsions and extreme sensitivity to light and touch .” - In order to essentially eradicate the prevalence of neonatal and maternal tetanus globally, we must still raise $110 million for our cause. - An easy way to raise money for the ELIMINATE project is through Miracle Minutes! During Miracle Minutes, everyone donates as much spare change as they can during the span of a minute. Even a couple pennies can go a long way! - Please promote the ELIMINATE project throughout your communities! - Visit the ELIMINATE website for more information regarding what ELIMINATE does and Key Club’s role with that project.

MARCH OF DIMES March of Dimes is also one of Key Club’s service partners! March of Dimes is one of the Pacific Northwest District’s biggest major emphasis. There is a March of Dimes walk in the Portland area on April 26th. Key Clubbers from divisions around the Portland metro area will be there as well! It would be awesome to represent our division there and show some spirit for the PNW! Please contact your LTG for more information! 


Pacific Northwest: 

  

Website: PNWKeyClub.org Facebook: Facebook.com/PNWKeyClub Twitter: @PNWKeyClub Instagram: @PNWKeyClub Tumblr: PNWMortie.Tumblr.com Email: PNWPromotion@gmail.com

Division 64: 

 

Website: pnwdivision64.webs.com Instagram: @pnwkeyclubd64 Email: dorothywang.ltg64@gmail.com

My contact info: Dorothy Wang, LTG Div. 64 

Email: dorothywang.ltg64@gmail.com Phone: 503-545-6886


DIVISIONAL POSITIONS For this upcoming year, I am going to appoint a Divisional Executive Assistant from within our division! All Key Club members of all grade levels (officers included) are welcome and strongly encouraged to apply if interested! At least one year of Key Club experience is preferred. Please contact your LTG if you have any questions at all regarding this position or if you would like an extension!

Main duties as Executive Assistant:

Promote Div isional Ev ents and District Ev ents through social media (as well as Div ision 64 Instagram, Facebook page, and Website) Photograph ev ery Division Council Meeting and other Div isional ev ents and projects, along with District-wide ev ents such as DCON and Portland Rally. Send photos to your LTG and post photos on the Div isional Website regularly and help maintain the site Assist club secretaries with their monthly reports if needed Perform secretarial duties such as taking minutes and attendance at DCMs Essentially help the Lieutenant Governor promote effectiv e communication throughout the div ision

- You can find the application at the following link, or ask your LTG to send you the PDF file. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iI0RBgtB85RgoGqFHQQx8t gZo0f_5gemKQp4soZ3-HY/edit?usp=sharing..\ - Please email your completed application to your LTG at: dorothywang.ltg64@gmail.com or send it to Dorothy via Facebook! - If you are using a word processing file, please convert the document to PDF before submitting your application, if possible! - Applications will be due Friday, May 2nd, at midnight, and my decision for the appointee will be announced in my next newsletter in May, which will be completed by May 10th - - I look forward to reading all of your applications and getting to know each of you better this year! Thank you so much for your interest in taking Key Club one step further. 


Sunday, April 27th - Divisional Council Meeting and Presidential Council Meeting - Location TBA - Time TBA, probably 3-4 or 4-5

July 2nd-6th – International Convention October 24th-26th – Key Leader 12

CLUB SPOTLIGHT: PROJECT JUMPSTART LAKERIDGE HIGH SCHOOL Children who lack skill development in their early years typically never catch up to other students throughout their academic careers who are provided such opportunities before entering school. Exposing pre-schoolers to a language-rich environment and number sense can make a big difference in their readiness for school.

Through Project Jumpstart, Key Clubbers and Kiwanians will have the opportunity to spend an hour each week reading, playing language and math games, puzzles, etc. with preschoolers from our community. This service is free of charge and parents of the students are encouraged to come and learn different approaches to interacting with their children to build vocabulary and number sense. Current location: River Grove Elementary School, Thursdays from 4-5 pm Other club members are strongly encouraged to attend, or even start a new chapter at their local elementary schools. Please contact your LTG or Terry Shlaes if you need assistance or advice on adopting a similar program at your school.

For more information, contact Terry Shlaes at 503-534-2269 or by email at shlaest@loswego.k12.or.us

Want your club to be featured in the next club spotlight? Please send in your club’s information with your main project and other relevant information to your LTG. Thank you!!

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Meet the Incoming District Board, 2014-2015!

Division AYN: Hannah Dew Division AYS: Alex Culbert Division 9: Jasmair Bains Division 11/18 Canada: Pranav Arya Division 13/15/17: Patricia Xie Division 19/36: Stephen Lavoie Division 20i: Ria Bains Division 21: Selina Nguyen Division 22/24: Lillian Sam Division 26: Kevin Ngo Division 27: Josh Kim Division 28: Jenna Liang Division 30: Jaskirat Kaur Division 32: Morgan Lucena Division 33: Greg Park Division 34: Ayane Kawaai Division 35: Tyler Bosser Division 38: Georgette Lugalia Division 42OR: Marshall Ferre Division 42WA: Brad Thielen

Division 44: Division 45: Division 46: Division 48: Division 50: Division 54: Division 56: Division 58: Division 62: Division 64: Division 65: Division 66: Division 68: Division 70: Division 72: Division 74: Division 76: Division 80: Division 82:

Christina Chow Jocylin Binkier Autumn Solomon Brandon Webb Jayleen Leon Bailey Duran Patrick Old Allyson Weaver Tran Hoang Dorothy Wang Tasmia Ahmed Brian Le John Kendall Jimin Lee Rebecca Luh Daisy Marshall Andre DePlois Karla Bedolla Rochelle Banta

Lieutenant Governors




District Governor: Lisa Antonio, Division 28 Email: lisaantonio.dgov@gmail.com


District Secretary: Ik Hoon Jung, Division 65 Email: ijungpnwsec@gmail.com


District Treasurer: Aneesh Pappu, Division 56 Email: apappu97@gmail.com


District Bulletin Editor: Jenny Zhang, Division 32 Email: editorjennyzhang@gmail.com


Convention Chair: Cleo Tsang, Division 32 Email: pnwconventionchair@gmail.com

International Trustee: Roshni Chandwani roshni.chandwani.kc@gmail.com • District Administrator: John Jay jmjay@comcast.net • Assistant District Admin Tom Saunders: pnwtoms@gmail.com • Finance Administrator: Kevin Buyer buyergang@wavecable.com •


* Dear Pacific Northwest District, The ending of District Conv ention is always hard, but it also marks the beginning of another Key Club year, and another year of serv ice. If you hav e not already met me, I am Lisa Antonio, and I am honored to have the chance to serv e as your District Gov ernor for the next year. I am so priv ileged to be leading such a div erse and enthusiastic district, and I am excited to start building upon our strengths and creating new solutions for our district’s weaknesses. In this upcoming year I want to focus on clubs and members. I want to make sure clubs are thriving and increasing not only membership, but activ e membership. I want each club member to know the District Board is there to serv e the members. I am inspired by the lov e and passion each one of you has for the act of serv ice. Keep up the amazing work, and remember that ev er single minute you spend serv ing the community is changing the world around you in a positiv e way. Remember to always keep serv ice in your heart, and no matter what is going on in life, if you are serv ing, you can always find lov e. Keep in mind that in hard times, you always hav e your Key Club family to lean back on, and depend on. Know that the things you hav e done in Key Club, and the people’s liv es you have touched along the way will never be forgotten. Once again I am so grateful to hav e the chance to serv e all of you. I am looking forward to meeting all of you, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me v ia email, Facebook, or telephone! In Love and Service, Lisa Antonio Pacific Northwest District Key Club Governor



To the Pacific Northwest District, Hi, ev eryone! My name’s Ik Hoon Jung from Southridge High School in Beav erton, OR (Div . 65), and I’m excited beyond words to serv e as your District Secretary this coming year. I’ve been an enthusiastic member of Key Club since freshman year, and it is truly a dream come true to be in this great position. I hope my term can bring about great positiv e personal growth in both myself and other Key Clubbers, and I won’t let you down!

In Lov e and Serv ice, Ik Hoon Jung Pacific Northwest District Secretary



Hello Key Clubbers! My name is Aneesh Pappu and I am the incoming District Treasurer. I am so honored and grateful to serve you all for the 2014-2015 term and I look forward to what we will accomplish together! One of my main goals is to actively educate club treasurers so that dues collection is easy and efficient for all clubs in our district. I also plan to effectively monitor the budget of the board and to oversee all fundraising efforts for the district project this year. In addition, I intend to play a very active role in working with growth committees on the district board to increase membership within our district. I want you all to know that I am always available to assist you with any and all problems that you may have in your clubs. Feel free to give me a call anytime, even if you just want to chat, and add me on Facebook! I look forward to meeting you all this year.

In Caring & Service, Aneesh Pappu Pacific Northwest District Treasurer Key Club International apappu97@gmail.com (509) 432 9908


* Hey Pacific Northwest Key Clubbers! This coming year for our district is going to be a legendary one, and it’s an honor to be a part of it as your 2014-2015 District Editor. I’m so excited to be involved in your newsletters and giving THE ESPRESSO, our district newsletter, the publicity it deserves. I will make it as inclusive, informative, and exciting as possible. This position combines my love for service and design and I can say confidently that this year, not only will we Key Clubbers feel good, but we will also look good in all of the publications in our district! In love and service,

Jenny Zhang, Pacific Northwest District Bulletin Editor



Hey PNW Key Clubbers! My name is Cleo Tsang, and I’m so excited to serve as your 20142015 Convention Chair. Another year has quickly come and gone, and the 66th Annual District Convention will be here before you know it! I cannot express how honored I am to be planning a convention for the best Key Clubbers in the world. With that said, I ensure you that I will work my hardest to make the 66th Annual DCON the very best! I hope to make you guys proud – so start your countdowns! Please know that I am open to suggestions, questions, comments, etc. so feel free to contact me!

In Love and Service, Cleo Tsang 2014-2015 District Convention Chair Pacific Northwest District Key Club International 425.306.6823 pnwconventionchair@gmail.com


Pacific Northwest Key Club Division 64 April Newsletter Thank you for reading!!


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