Breast Cancer Awareness
Hunting Season Prospects
Think Pink National Breast Cancer Awareness month See page B1
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SINCE 1905
Gazette-Tribune wins General Excellence Award Staffers take home individual honors
YAKIMA – The Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune took top honors at last weekend’s Washington Newspaper Publishers Association convention with a first place in the prestigious General Excellence category for circulation group 1. The newspaper’s Managing Editor, Gary DeVon, was presented a plaque denoting the honor by WNPA Executive Director Bill Will at the awards dinner held Friday evening at the Red Lion HotelYakima Center. “Congratulations, it is a real accomplishment,” said Will. “I was almost speechless when I went up there to receive the plaque, I couldn’t believe we’d earned first place. This award really belongs to the whole staff of the G-T,” DeVon said. Josh O’Connor, Vice President of East Sound Newspaper Operations, was thrilled with the honors bestowed on the newspaper. “A General Excellence Award is an indication of the quality of work being done by our staff in making the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune a best of class newspaper. I’d like to personally congratulate the entire staff on this huge accomplishment. This is truly a proud moment for everyone,” said O’Connor. For the General Excellence Award, newspapers are judged in several categories including news and community events, opinion, photos, advertising and design. This year the newspapers in the contest, which included four groups based on circulation, were judged by the New York Press Association. Second place in Group 1 for General Excellence was won by the Othello Outlook and third place by the Whidbey Examiner, of Coupeville, Wash, which is also a Sound Publishing publication.
This is the third General Excellence award for the Gazette-Tribune in the last nine years. The newspaper won third place honors in 2003 and 2010. In addition to the WNPA’s top honor in the annual Better Newspaper Contest, several staff members received awards, including staff writer and photographer Brent Baker, who earned a first place in the Special Sections category for his High School Winter Sports 2011-2012 section and a second place for Best Sports News Story for his article “Fantastic finish ends CTL streak.” Baker also placed third, along with Kirk Myloft, for their creation of the R e c re at i on l an d 2012 cover in the Best Special Sections Cover category. Charlene Helm, the newspaper’s advertising sales representative, won a second place award for Best Use of Process Color (Smaller than Half Page) for an advertisement she designed called Discover Republic Brewing Company. She and DeVon received a second place in the Multiple-Advertiser Ad (One to Two Pages) category for an advertisement Helm created for Gold Digger Apples Inc. Emily Hanson, former Tonasket reporter for the G-T, won two awards at the convention for her work for the Shelton Mason-County Journal. Polly (Straub) Keary, who grew up in Oroville, is the editor of the Monroe Monitor and Valley News. She won several awards and was a finalist for News Writer of the Year. Congratulations for the G-T’s General Excellence Award were also forthcoming from Bill Forhan, a former publisher of the G-T, and owner of NCW Media. Forhan is the incoming president of the newspaper association, which represents about 130 community newspapers in Washington State. The association, which is the successor of the Washington Press Association, founded in 1887, was celebrating its 125 anniversary at the convention.
And so it begins...
Photo by Brent Baker
Construction began last week on the long-awaited Bonaparte Creek water and sewer project, although just for awhile. With some of the project requiring work that goes under the creek itself, crews are working to get that portion of the project done while the stream is at its low water point for the year, but before the weather gets too cold. Meanwhile, the south end of Tonasket will be subject to traffic snarls as workers get the improvement project underway.
August shows mixed results for NVH VA clinic enrollment growing steadily BY BRENT BAKER BBAKER@GAZETTE-TRIBUNE.COM
TONASKET - The North Valley Hospital district showed a loss of about $100,000 for the month of August, but showed volumes beginning to trend in the right direction and a reduction in warrant levels, according to acting Chief Financial Officer Helen Verhasselt’s report at the Thursday, Sept. 27, Board of Commissioners meeting. Verhasselt said the year-to-date loss was about $660,000, split nearly evenly between hospital and extended care divisions. The best news, Verhasselt said, was that the warrant level stood at $2.27 million as of Sept. 26 after starting the month at $2.8 million.
“The good news is that our volumes are increasing,” Verhasselt said. “Our swing bed, surgery and lab volumes increased, and compared to last year we have an increase in our swing bed use and the number of newborns. Extended care has been very busy, too.” Extended care was running at an average of about 56 residents, with a capacity of 58. Assisted Living, however, averaged just 24 residents “and even if we filled to capacity for the rest of the year we wouldn’t break even,” Verhasselt said. One factor in improving the profitability of those facilities is ensuring that the full amount of Medicaid reimbursements is captured. “Right now we have the second-lowest reimbursement rate in the state,” Verhasselt said. “To raise that we need to document absolutely everything to capture everything that we’re doing. We’re providing good care, but we’re not getting (financial) credit for the things
we’re (already) doing. “We could break even if we can get up to those higher rates.” Meanwhile, the VA clinic is approaching the break-even point as Noreen Olma reported 26 initial physicals performed in September, as well as 22 added to the rolls in August. There are 512 veterans registered in the Tonasket clinic. “We’re catching up on our annual physicals ... we’re seeing almost 10 veterans a day. We’re getting where we want to be.” Also, Commissioner Lael Duncan discussed her visit to Washington, D.C., where she met with Senators Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray to discuss the red tape involved with credentialing VA physicians and nurses. The NVH board of commissioners next meets on Thursday, Oct. 11, at 7 p.m. in the hospital administration board room.
Swimming pool talk continues in Tonasket council BY BRENT BAKER BBAKER@GAZETTE-TRIBUNE.COM
TONASKET - Just about everyone wants a swimming pool in the city of Tonasket. How to go about funding the construction -- and, more problematically, the maintenance -- of a pool has been the topic of discussion at several Tonasket City Council meetings in recent months. Joyce Fancher, who organized the first “friends of the pool” community meeting in early September, was present at the Tuesday, Sept. 25 council meeting to further discuss how to get such a project underway. Fancher said that the first meeting was primarily to get more focus on the project. “We realized we want a pool, and it needs to be in the city limits,” Fancher said. “We envision a pool with a longer usability -- not year round -- but with a longer usability season. We had some interesting ideas, grants that were brought forward that were a real possibility of us vying for. “At this point, the committee decided we couldn’t go any farther without com-
ing back to the city council. We know there was a feasibility study done about a year ago and would like to see the city continue in that avenue. We have a lot of supporters, but we don’t have the funding or resources to do that on our own. We need the city and the council to help.” Fancher said further study needs to be done to determine what exactly needs to be done, where it is to be built, who would use the pool. “We need more information,” she said. “More people need to have input. “We’re going to ask a lot of some people. There’s going to need to be a lot of stakeholders,” she added, mentioning the school district and the hospital as possibilities. “I just think us taking the lead puts a huge burden on the taxpayers of a small community,” said council member Scott Olson. “Creating a parks district or creating a larger group, and then us using the resources we have to go out and look for grants is one thing. Having us take the lead could end up with us providing the pool to a huge community with only a few people paying, and we haven’t been able to afford that. I’m hoping for a way to work together... it just sounds like you’re punting it back to us.”
Mayor Patrick Plumb asked for city clerk Alice Attwood’s take on the meeting, as she had been present. “We need a product or a study or plan to go out and ask the funding, that shows what we want to build in a certain spot,” she said. “At this point, we as the ‘friends of the pool’ don’t have that ability or resource. There’s not a way to say ‘This is what we’re looking at.’” Peter James, who has expressed strong interest in helping with the pool project summarized the maintenance expense problem. “Everybody from out of town uses the pool, but the taxpayers in the city pay for those people to use it,” James said. “The maintenance should be spread out to the larger population somehow, which seems like the first thing to investigate.” James said he’d discussed the possibility of a school location with Tonasket School District superintendent Paul Turner, as well as a location inside of one of the old warehouses. “The city is going to have some investment, but I don’t know it would be appropriate if they’re trying to include more of an area,” James said. “The school and hospital are others that could benefit
GT File Photo
The old Tonasket Swimming Pool was closed by the city due to high maintenance and operation costs. from... a longer term pool. Paying for maintenance on a pool that’s open for two months is a waste.” “We all agree and support a pool,” said
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council member Jill Vugteveen. “The problem is how can we (pay for) maintenance? What would would happen to
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Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune | october 4, 2012
pool | FROM A1
Raising money for her reign
our taxpayers that it will fall on if we have other stakeholders that we lose?” “If other organizations agree to contribute (like the school or hospital),” said council member Jean Ramsey. “What happens if they get in their own budget binds? Would the city get left holding the bag?” Some alternative options for the type of pool were brought up, such as using a salt water system. Council member Selena Hines pointed out that in her personal pool, after switching from
a chlorinated to a salt water system, chemical costs dropped from $50 a week to $20 for the whole summer. “Grants are available that we qualify for,” Fancher said. “But they are for outdoor pools only. We could put up a little dome or something that could extend our season from April to October. “I think what we need from the city -- we need the expertise of a firm to give us locations in the city, which can make a huge difference in cost ... Then a friends of the pool can start
holding meetings and say, ‘This is what we want to do. What do you think? What do you want to buy in for?’ But until we have something to show, it’s not going to happen.” Fancher said she wanted a project plan -- not necessarily a city-originated plan -- to present to the public to discuss. Olson said that finding ways to get other groups to contribute to additional feasibility plans or blueprints could be one way to make that happen. The council allowed Fancher to take the results of the feasibility study completed last year to see if the information it contained was adequate.
Fancher said that after she and others could review the study she would work to organize another meeting. “This does seem like a bigger project than our budget is going to allow for some of these dreams,” said Mayor Patrick Plumb. “I want to thank Stanglands for establishing a fund to contribute to this. If we can find a way for an ongoing maintenance fund or endowment that could do that, similar to Davenport or Twisp, it would be cool as a community with them to make this happen. “I look forward to getting that date and time (for the next ‘friends of the pool’ meeting).”
Tonasket school garden gets prepped By Brent Baker
TONASKET - The school garden approved by the Tonasket School Board last spring isn’t sprouting fruits and vegetables just yet. There’s plenty to be done before the garden can be planted, though some of that work started over the summer, according to TSD GEAR UP director Bob Ashmore, who helped to spearhead the project. Initial tasks included com-
Submitted photo
Menze Pickering, the 2013 Okanogan County Fair Queen, sold pluots at the Farmers Market in Oroville last Saturday to raise money for her upcoming year as fair queen. The incoming queen said that plouts are a great thing to sell – eat them fresh, stew them up or just make jam out of them. About 3.5 pounds makes about five pints of the best jam, shesaid. To purchase a lug of pluots for $20 from the 2013 Fair Queen, see her at the market or call (509) 476-4321 to place an order. Queen Menze also reminds people to check out the Okanogan County Fair website at It’s never to early to start thinking about your fair projects, she said.
Booster Club Auction Oct. 6 Submitted by OBC
OROVILLE - The Oroville Booster Club Auction is this Saturday, Oct. 6 at the American Legion Post with the silent auction starting at 5 p.m. and the live auction starting at 6:30 p.m. The money raised by the auction goes to support youth activities both academic and athletic. If anyone still has anything they would like to donate it is not too late, please contact Dick Garner at (509) 476-2639.
Correction A number of businesses contributed to the Tonasket cheerleaders’ barbecue at Tom’s Tailgate on Sept. 21. Unfortunately, we neglected to mention all but one of them. The complete list of donors includes: The Kuhler Bar and Grill, The Junction, Grant’s Market, Spectacle Lake Resort, Double S Meats of Tonasket and Frontier Foods of Oroville.
pleting soil tests with samples taken from several places within the garden site, which is where the school orchard used to be on the hill east of the elementary school. Also, Ashmore said, garden committee members and volunteers -- including superintendent Paul Turner -- pulled and piled knapweed on the site. Recently the garden committee also pruned limbs, pulled out treated stakes and flagged spots in the garden for the mowing tractor to avoid while removing the remaining weeds
before planting a fall cover crop. Others are helping to spur on the effort as well. New TSD VISTA member Maggie Gruzka recently arrived in Tonasket to develop a recycling system for the school district. “One of Maggie’s tasks is to develop a composting system to turn TSD cafeteria food waste into compost that will grow food in the garden,” Ashmore said. “Maggie will also be developing an education piece that will raise awareness with the students and community
members of the importance of recycling.” Also, Vancouver, B.C. landscape architects Nathan and Leah Brightbill - son and daughter-in-law of Garden Committee member Sandy Brightbill - have offered to donate their time to design the layout of the garden. “That will include pathways, irrigations, composting stalls and a covered learning area,” Ashmore said. They will be at the garden site on Oct. 20 for observation and discussion with the committee.
October at the Tonasket Cultural Center Sumbitted by the CCC
October 4,11,18,25: Thursday night Merkaba CafÈ and Open Mic ñ Sign up starts at 4:30 p.m. and music starts at 5:00 p.m. with dinner available for purchase. October 5-6: ñ CCC Benefit Rummage Sale and Flea Market ñ 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. both days. Donations of usable items and clothes can be brought to the Center from 7:00-11:30 a.m. all week before the event and all day Tuesdays and Thursdays. Call River at 486-1328 or Janet at 486-2061 for more info or to rent a table. October 6th: Dance to the
Robin Ellis Band. A high energy dance ensemble plays from 7:00-10:00 p.m. Admission is $5 for CCC members and $6 for the general public. Refreshments available by donation. Show is recommended for mature audiences. Call 486-1328 for more info. October 12-14: Join us at the Okanogan Family Faire! October 19: Friday Night Coffee House “Wonderful Okanogan Women”ñ presented by the Okanogan Historical Society. DVD and discussion of the lives of various Okanogan County women during the turn of the last century. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. and presentation
starts at 6:00 p.m. For more info call 486-1328. October 21: Artist’s Paint-In - join local artists for camaraderie and inspiration. Call Claire at 486-1119 or Sandra at 826-5372 for more info. PaintIn is from 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. October 27: Annual CCC Membership Meeting ñ Free dinner for all members at 5:00 p.m., meeting at 6:00 p.m. and Contra Dance at 7:00 p.m. Call 486-1328 for more info. October 28: Free Community Dinner - Sunday dinner provided by the CCC and others. Dinner served from 2:00-4:00 p.m. Free for those who need it, by donation for others. Call
Janet at 486-2061 for more info. October 31: Monster Prom ñ Halloween Party for all ages from 5:00-11:00 p.m. at the CCC. Family friendly event will feature Halloween treats and music, photo opportunities, games, prizes for best costumes and all kinds of spooky Halloween fun. Call the Center for more info or talk to Sabrina Norrell to volunteer to help with this event. Please check out the calendar on our website at for dates and times of community meetings and regular weekly classes at the Center.
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october 4, 2012 | Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune
Page 3
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WDFW Hunting prospects for Region 6, Okanogan County By Scot Fitkin and Jeff Heinlen, WDFW District 6 Wildlife Biologists
The Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife’s District 6, which is contained in Okanogan County, abuts the Canadian border in north-central Washington and encompasses 10 Game Management Units (GMUs 203-242). The western two-thirds of the district, stretching from the Okanogan River to the Pacific Crest, lies on the east slope of the Cascade Range and is dominated by mountainous terrain that generally gets more rugged as you move from east to west. Vegetation in this portion of the district ranges from desert/shrubsteppe at the lowest elevations through various types of conifer forests, culminating in alpine tundra on the higher peaks that top out at almost 9,000 feet. More than three-quarters of the land base in this portion of the county is in public ownership, offering extensive hunting access. Game is plentiful and dispersed throughout the area for most of the year, concentrating in the lower elevations in winter when deep snows cover much of the landscape. GMU 204 comprises the eastern onethird of the district (from the Okanogan River east to the Okanogan County line) and is moderately rolling terrain, generally rising in elevation as you move east. The vegetation changes from shrub-steppe near the Okanogan River to a mix of tall grass and conifer forest throughout the remainder of the unit. This portion of the district is roughly a 50-50 patchwork of public and private land with the public lands generally averaging higher in elevation. Again, game is plentiful and dispersed throughout.
Hunting Forecasts
Pheasant: Pheasants are at low densities throughout the district, with most wild production occurring on private land. Hunters should seek permission in advance of the season to access private land. Prospects may be similar to last year due to spring rains that affected chick survival. Game farm-produced roosters will once again be released at traditional release sites this fall. These sites are mapped on the Go Hunt website. Hunters are reminded that nontoxic shot is required for ALL upland bird hunting on ALL pheasant release sites STATEWIDE. Quail, Gray Partridge, and Chukar: Populations of these upland bird species appear to be similar to last year throughout Okanogan County. A mild winter most likely increased adult survival but spring rains appear to have negatively affected early brood productivity; however, later broods appear to be more successful. Quail can be found in the shrub-steppe habitats at lower elevations throughout the district; the Indian Dan, Chiliwist, and the Sinlahekin Wildlife Areas are good places to start. Gray partridge popula-
tions are scattered and patchy within the district’s shrub steppe habitats. The Indian Dan and Chiliwist Wildlife Areas are good places to find partridges. Scattered groups of chukar partridges are found in the steeper rocky areas throughout the shrub-steppe habitats in the district. The steep hills along the Similkameen River in the north part of the Okanogan Valley hold good chukar populations. Forest Grouse: The Okanogan supports strong populations of ruffed, dusky (blue) and spruce grouse, which are found throughout the forested areas of the district. Ruffed grouse are generally associated with deciduous tree cover at lower to middle elevations, particularly in riparian habitats. Dusky (blue) grouse are found in the mid to upper elevation conifer forests, often on ridge tops. Spruce grouse are located in higher elevation conifer forests throughout the district. Dusky (blue) and Spruce grouse populations continue to remain below historical norms within the boundaries of the 175,000-acre Tripod Fire, which burned in 2006 (GMU 224 and the east side of 218); numbers are higher outside of the burn. In general, forest grouse prospects should be good and similar to last year, although spring rains may have negatively affected chick survival in isolated locations. Wild Turkeys: Turkeys are found in scattered concentrations throughout the district and often concentrate on private land near agriculture areas. Prospective hunters should seek permission in advance of the season to access private land. The fall turkey season occurs within GMUs 218-231, 242 and is by permit only. A mild winter most likely increased adult survival but spring rains may have negatively affected early brood productivity. However, later broods may have been more successful. Waterfowl: surveys indicate local production is similar to last year, and abundant water this spring may increase the number of potholes retaining water during the hunting season. Overall, however, waterfowl hunting opportunities are mostly dependent on the number of migrants coming from Canada and Alaska and how long water remains icefree throughout the district. Dove: The 2012 dove call count surveys show populations 14 percent below the 10-year average in the areas surveyed in the district. Look for doves in planted food crops in the Sinlahekin and Chiliwist Wildlife Areas. Hunting success will depend on warm weather keeping the birds in the area through the season. Deer: With the largest migratory mule deer herd in the state, the Okanogan is known for its mule deer hunting. Prospects for mule deer are better than last year throughout the district. Post-season survey results of 29 bucks per 100 does (highest observed in over 10 years) in conjunction with a mild winter and
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good summer forage conditions are making for excellent opportunity in the 2012 season. During the early general seasons deer will be widely distributed on the landscape and not yet concentrated in migration or winter forage areas. Look for deer taking advantage of the rejuvenated summer forage within the boundaries of the 2006 Tripod Fire as well as other areas holding green forage into the fall. White-tailed deer are less abundant than mule deer west of the Okanogan River (PMU 21) but are found in most all valley bottoms up to mid-elevations, often associated with riparian vegetation. In PMU 21, many white-tailed deer are found on private lands, so prospective hunters should seek permission in advance of the season to access private land. The eastern one-third of the district (GMU 204) holds roughly equal numbers of mule and whitetailed deer and both are widely distributed across the unit on both private and public land. Elk: are few and far between in Okanogan County, with the majority of the limited harvest coming from GMU 204. Hunters are reminded that the elk regulations have changed in GMU 204 to an “any bull” general season harvest instead of the traditional any-elk season. Black Bear: are abundant and well distributed throughout the district. The population appears to be relatively stable, so hunting prospects in the district should be good. Bears will likely be widely distributed on the landscape and keying in on local berry concentrations where available. Berry fields at higher elevations towards the Pacific Crest may not be productive until well into Sept. For hunters pursuing black bear in the northern Cascades, it is critical for you to positively identify the bear, as endangered grizzly bears also inhabit these areas. We have posted on our web site some interactive training materials from to help you tell the difference between black and grizzly bears. Click here, then view the Interactive Bear Identification Program and take the Bear Identification Test. Misc. Comments: Weather in the Okanogan District can be quite variable and capable of changing quickly in the fall. Be prepared for everything from warm, sunny days to the possibility of winter temps and significant snow at mid to higher elevations by the second week of October. Please be respectful of private land and treat land owners and their property the way you would want to be treated if roles were reversed. Agency biologists will be running a biological check and information station at the Red Barn in Winthrop both weekends of the modern firearm general deer season. We encourage hunters to stop and provide data to biologists whether you’ve harvested a deer or not; data collected assists in assessing herd health
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and shaping population management. 2011 Hunting Results for District 6 Upland Bird Pheasant: The harvest was up about 13 percent from 2010, as Okanogan County hunters bagged 1,073 pheasant last year. That number, though, is down 18 percent from the 2006-2010 average. Quail: Although down from both the 2010 harvest and the five-year average, the quail harvest in District 6 was a substantial 7,126 birds in 2011. Partridge: Compared to 2010, the harvest of both chukar and gray partridge was up substantially in District 6 last year. Hunters harvested 960 chukar and 1,257 gray (Hungarian) partridge. Forest Grouse: Sprawling Okanogan County was the top forest grouse produce in Washington last year, producing a harvest of 8,280 blue, ruffed and spruce grouse. While impressive, that number represents a 46-percent decline from 2010 and a 48-percent drop from the five-year average.
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Big Game
Deer: General season hunters harvested 2,031 deer from the 10 game management units comprising District 6, nearly 90 percent of them bucks. Modern firearms hunters accounted for about 69 percent of the harvest; all general modern-firearms hunts were buck-only. The deer harvest among bow hunters was 502, about 60 percent of that total being bucks. Archers enjoyed 27.4 percent success rate district-wide, multiple-weapons hunters 23.9 percent, muzzleloader hunters, 21.7 percent and modern firearms hunters, 13.9 percent. The highest deer harvest numbers in the district last season were reported in GMU 204 (Okanogan East), GMU 215 (Sinlahekin), GMU 218 (Chewuch) and GMU 224 (Pearrygin). These four units produced 1,308 (64 percent) of the deer harvested from District 6. Special permit holders harvested 363 deer in District 6, 243 antlerless and 120 bucks. Elk: are few and far between in Okanogan County, and hunters harvested only eight of them in District 6 during the 2011 general season. Six of the eight came from GMU 204 (Okanogan East). All but one were harvested by modern firearms hunters. Bear: District 6 hunters harvested 77 black bear last season, with 14 of them coming from GMU 242 (Alta), 12 from GMU 215 (Sinlahekin) and 11 each from GMU 218 (Chewuch) and GMU 233 (Pogue). Cougar: Hunters harvested four cougar in District 6 during the 2011 general season, two of them from GMU 215 (Sinlahekin).
Duck: hunters here enjoyed a 45-percent harvest increase in 2011, bagging 8,011 ducks in Okanogan County. Geese: District 6 hunters harvested 983 Canada geese in 2011, a 26-percent increase over the 2010 harvest.
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THE TOWN CRIER Winning General Excellence Award a humbling experience It’s been awhile since I attended a Washington Newspaper Publisher’s Association Convention, about nine years I think. You could have knocked me over with a feather when they announced the Gazette-Tribune had taken first place for General Excellence this year. It is a very humbling experience to learn that a group of your peers from the New York Press Association, or from anywhere for that matter, deem that the G-T team is doing quality work. In an email to the all the Sound Newspapers, which won a total of 218 awards at the convention this year, Sound Publishing President Gloria Fletcher writes, “General Excellence is a pure team award. Every news item, every headline and advertisement, every design element including press quality is part of the judging. Look at how these Sound newspapers stacked up against their peers! Amazing performance... my compliments and congratulations.” Although our readers will always be the most important judge of what we do, it is still important too to know others who share our Out of daily struggle to meet the changing needs of community newspapers have given their okay My Mind what we’re doing. With over 25 years in Gary A. DeVon to this business I know a little reassurance can go a long way towards keeping one on the right track in providing the best product we can. I’ll admit I knew we were in the running for at least first, second or third place, because to coax me down to Yakima they told me that much after I missed several deadlines to register for the convention. So instead of going to my granddaughter’s fourth birthday party, or playing host to the Valley BMW Riders at Veterans Memorial Park, I rode down to Yakima. The convention itself is a great experience, WNPA was celebrating its 125 Anniversary and in addition to seminars to help us learn how to hone our skills in news gathering, reporting and photography, there was also important legal information on how to gain access to public documents. Documents that many in government would rather the public not see. In fact, it may seem counterintuitive, but the Walter C. Woodward Freedom’s Light Award was given to a lobbyist - Roland Thompson, with Allied Daily Newspapers of Washington. He won for all the work he does to insure the press has access to public records – a fight that never seems to ends. Thompson was himself humbled by the award which was renamed in honor of the late Woodward in 2008. Woodward was the publisher of the Bainbridge Island Review during World War II. The WNPA website says Woodward “made journalism history with his passionate, eloquent stand against the internment of 240 of his Bainbridge Island neighbors during the early months of World War II. Their only ‘crime’ was their Japanese ancestry. “As the rest of America, and virtually every other journalist, watched silently, a total of 110,000 Japanese Americans living along the West Coast were rounded up and jailed in prison camps scattered around remote areas of the West for the duration of the war. Woodward editorialized against this injustice and published regular reports from his neighbors imprisoned in the internment camp in Manzanar, Calif.”
GAZETTE-TRIBUNE SERVING WASHINGTON’S OKANOGAN VALLEY SINCE 1905 OROVILLE OFFICE 1420 Main St., PO Box 250 Oroville, WA 98844 Phone: (509) 476-3602 Toll free: (866) 773-7818/ Fax: (509) 476-3054 OFFICE HOURS Oroville Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. CONTACT INFORMATION Managing Editor Gary A. Devon Reporter/Photographer Brent Baker (509) 476-3602 Advertising Sales/Ad Design Charlene Helm (509) 476-3602 | (509) 322-5712 Production/Classifieds Abby Gardner Circulation Abby Gardner (509) 476-3602 | 1-888-838-3000 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Classified ads can be placed during normal office hours by calling 476-3602 or 1-866-773-7818 Weekly Rates: $6.75 for the first 15 words 25 cents for additional words Borders, bold words, headlines, logos and photos subject to additional charges The Okanogan Valley GazetteTribune (USPS 412 120) is published weekly by Sound Publishing / Oroville 1420 Main St. PO Box 250 Oroville, WA 98844 Phone: (509) 476-3602 Fax: (509) 476-3054 Periodical postage paid at Oroville, WA, and additional mailing offices POSTMASTER Send address corrections to: The Okanogan Valley GazetteTribune, PO BOX 250, Oroville, WA 98844
SUBSCRIPTIONS In County (yearly) $30.50 In State (yearly) $32.50 Out of State (yearly) $40.50 Senior (yearly) $28.50 (65+ take $2 off per year) The Gazette-Tribune does not refund subscription payments except to the extent that it might meet its obligation to publish each week, in which case the cost of the issue missed would be refunded as an extension. Subscriptions may be transferred to another individual or organization. DEADLINES Calendar listings: 5 p.m. Friday News Submissions: Noon Monday Display Advertising: Noon Monday Legals: Noon Monday Classified Ads: Noon Tuesday LETTERS POLICY The Gazette-Tribune welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be accompanied by the author’s name, a home address and a daytime phone number (for verification only). Letters may be edited for length, clarity, accuracy and fairness. No letter will be published without the author’s name. Thank you letters will only be printed from non-profit organizations and events. We will not publish lists of businesses, or lists of individual names. CORRECTIONS The Gazette-Tribune regrets any errors. If you see an error, please call 476-3602. We will publish a correction on page 2 in the next issue. NEWS TIPS Have an idea for a story? Call us at 476-3602 SERVICES Back issues are available for up to one year after publication for a small fee. Photo reprints are available for most photos taken by the staff. Ask about photos we may not have had room to print. PRINTED Printed in Penticton, B.C., Canada on recycled newsprint with soy ink. Please Recycle
Washington Newspaper Publishers Association member
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Did you know? That the the Ambassador to Libya, Mr. Chris Stevens, was an enrolled Tribal Member of the Chinook Indian Tribe. Chairman Ray Gardner said, “To all of the Chinook Members and all the friends of the Chinook Nation I am hopeful that you will include the family of Chris Stevens, the former Ambassador to Libya, that lost his life while working towards lasting peace to the region, be in your prayers.” Did you know that the FBI was looking for my brother Verdan L. Marchand and found him in Seattle. They needed to know how to “spell” his name! They are going to put it on a memorial on the FBI Building at Quantico, VA; he was a black belt Karate instructor for the FBI some time ago. I am very proud of my brother, congratulations. Did you know that the families of Mrs. Cecelia Edwards, Mrs. Louise Gabriel, and Mrs Sophie Marchand, will be having a family get together and celebrate Thanksgiving at the Omak Longhouse, Saturday, Oct. 6 starting at 2 p.m. All of you who “said they didn’t know, know now!” Please come and visit, meet your people and enjoy a get together without a funeral, for a change. Arnie Marchand Okanogan Indian Colville Tribal Member
We have an image to maintain I have had a business in Oroville for the past seven years. My business is doing well and I thank the city managers for all they do to promote new enterprises. As I watch main street come alive this past year with new store fronts, plants and flowers, road improvement and people out walking and shopping it seems to me that Oroville is on the rebound. This being said we all know that there is always room for improvement. I have noticed in the past month that Scott and Son Builders have taken to parking their equipment on the street for days on end Seeing street sweepers, septic tank pumpers, water trucks etc as you enter town from the north to me is not a very pleasing entry into Oroville. Do they not have a storage yard on Eastlake Road? Oroville is a clean and quite place to live. I support every effort to keep it that way. We have a nice image, lets keep it that way. Come on guys, park that stuff someplace else please. Jeff Bunnell Oroville
Open letter to I apologize for missing the past several weeks of this column, but it seems that doctors and hospitals have their own timing. I hope you will continue to enjoy these items. Clayton Emry
75 YEARS AGO October 8, 1937: The cost of residential electric service in Oroville has declined more than 22 percent since the Washington Water Power Company began serving this community according to H.S. Boyer District Manager. Mr. Boyer points out that for the year 1936, the company paid $17,061.81 in taxes to the Okanogan County Treasury. The Washington Water Power Company is now serving 1,100 farm customers in the Okanogan Valley over a network of 211 miles of farm line and 10 miles of farmer owned lines. The Oroville Schools closed Tuesday, Oct. 6 for a two week vacation to allow students to help with the apple picking. It is expected that most of the high school students will have jobs in the various orchards through the peak of the picking season which is just starting in earnest this week. All students are expected to return to their studies on Wednesday morning, Oct. 20. Apple packing plants in the Oroville District are now started up at full capacity and will continue to operate until the apple crop is harvested and in the box. The season this year is about two weeks later than last year and harvesting has been held up for better color and perhaps a better price. The Oroville District shipped about six hundred cars
Gov. Mitt Romney Dear Editor, As someone who receives Social Security – is on Medicare – and the recipient of government funding that allowed me to finish not only my Bachelors Degree but also my Masters – I have a concern. Based on your recent recorded remarks it would seem you find me to be part of an irresponsible group of Americans (almost one-half of us according to you) who are lazy. Who take no responsibility for our own lives but expect our fellow citizens to provide a monthly check we feel “entitled” to even though (as you claim) we have done nothing to earn. Let me start with Social Security and Medicare. I started to work when I was 16-years-old. Going to work at that age may be a hard concept for the son of a multimillionaire to grasp! Until I retired out of each one of my paychecks I paid for Social Security and Medicare. I PAID! These were not “entitlements” but insurance programs run by the U.S. Government. Since most of your income comes from Capital Gains and not wages from a real job perhaps you are unaware most Americans pay for these plans on all wages up to $106,000 a year. And Mr. Romney even though you think “middle class” income is $250,000 – in fact the average American makes just $52,000 a year! As for my education – also paid largely for by the United States Government - paid for because while you were hiding out in France and dodging the draft I was in Southeast Asia serving in the United States Air Force. So my education was not an entitlement but “paid for” paid for with four years of my life serving my country. I can’t help but notice as you wrap yourself in your country’s flag proclaiming patriotism and
saber rattling for war that not only did you fail to first wrap yourself as a young man in your country’s uniform, but neither have any of your apparently healthy five sons. Actually the only entitlement in this campaign seems to be one you feel... That is; To be President because you are rich and you believe you’re entitled to it. William F. Johnston Chesaw
Support Campbell for County Commissioner Dear Editor, It is sad that the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife after purchasing who knows how much land in Okanogan County is still not satisfied with what they have. It is also sad that our county commissioners are allowing this trend to continue, stating that they do not want to get between a willing seller and a willing buyer. Under the guise of saving habitat, fish, wildlife and mostly their own jobs, the WDFW is given money from taxpayers who fund this department like all the other departments of Washington State government. To say that
ITEMS FROM THE PAST of apples last season and it is expected to ship about the same this season. Apples from here here brought some of the highest prices on the eastern auctions last year for quality. Here’s what you get with one subscription to the Oroville Gazette. 12 issues of the following publications: McCalls Magazine, Pictorial Review, Woman’s World, Good Stories, The Country Home, The Farm Journal AND 52 issues of the Oroville Gazette all for only $3.00. Look at the grocery prices: 25# sack sugar, $1.45; Wide mouth Kerr jars, $.89; 4 lbs. Macaroni, $.25; 1 Qt. Miracle Whip, $.35; Fresh ground coffee, $.25 per lb.
50 YEARS AGO October 4-11, 1962: Long Distance telephone users in Oroville and Molson will be the first to use Pacific Northwest Bells’ new microwave radio long distance system when it goes into service next week. It will go into service on a progressive basis starting Thursday, Oct. 11. Weatherwise for Oroville from ranged from 87 degrees maximum and 42 minimum on the Sept. 26 and 72 and 38 on the 30th with a rainfall of .24 on the 28th. The Oroville FFA Judging team participated in the State Livestock Judging contest in Yakima Saturday, Sept. 29. Those on the team were Dennis Short, Paul Schwilke and Alan Brown with George Gage as an alter-
nate. The team competed with 62 other teams from Vocational Agriculture schools over the state and placed 10th in this competition. The doors of the Controlled Atmosphere storage unit were closed by Dave Thorndike and locked by Sam Wayland Tuesday noon at the Thorndike and Sons warehouse. Although other SA storage units will be completed and used other apple warehouses in Oroville, this is the first unit to go into operation. President Kennedy Tuesday signed a bill authorizing the construction and operation of the $3.21 million Oroville-Tonasket Irrigation unit, according to a telegram received on Wednesday, from Senator Jackson. At the present time, 7,150 acres are irrigated in the area from privately constructed works. The Oroville-Tonasket Irrigation system serves 6000 acres. GROCERIES: Freezer meats, $.39 lb. whole or half and light young hogs $.33 lb. Nalley’s syrup, 22 ounce bottle, $.27; 10 pounds flour, $.89; 2 lbs. Hills Bros. coffee, $1.09; Cabbage, $.10 per head; Tomatoes,$.10 per pound; 20 oz. bottle Catsup,4 for $1.00; Cut up and Grade A Stewing chickens, $.27 per lb.; Hormel sliced bacon, $.55 per lb.
25 YEARS AGO October 1 - 8, 1987: Sarah Beeman of Loomis, and native of Washington State, will reign as “Miss Rodeo Washington” for 1988. Beeman will be crowned
the WDFW is a willing buyer is true enough, their willingness to spend other peoples’ money as they please seems characteristic of government in general, but are the taxpayers willing to see government buying land like a drunk looking for another drink. The few willing sellers are made richer on the back of the “willing buyers” (taxpayers) through a government department that is always able to find more property to save/buy. The WDFW is then allowed to double dip into taxpayers pockets by receiving a portion of the money collected in the Discovery Pass scheme, this way the taxpayer is screwed twice and “gets” to pay for it both times. I support Ray Campbell for county commissioner because he sees the need to derail this “long train of abuses and usurpations” described in our Declaration of Independence. As private property continues to disappear here in the Okanogan, and with it our customs and culture, we need to ask ourselves if this trend towards tyranny can be reversed. We can not secure the Blessings of Liberty for ourselves or our posterity apart from private property. Help elect Ray Campbell in November. Steve Lorz Tonasket by 1987 Queen Judy Wooten at ceremonies in Omak sometime in January. Miss Beeman has bee a past Tonasket Founder’s Day Rodeo Queen and followed that up by being the Omak Stampede Qween. DeJeuVoux!!! (After 25 years, this problem still exists to date) At meeting time, there was only one officer present, Treasurer, Joe Lundgren. Joe had the agenda, so after a little hilarity, Ida Forrester agreed to chair the meeting and Muriel Turner as secretary. President Rachel was in New England, Audra Gilbert had broken her leg and Ellen Roberts and Marjorie Wilson were out of town, so having capable people to fill in the meeting was completed. Real Estate: 2 bedroom, 1 bath Osoyoos Lake home with 81.44 feet of choice lake frontage. Big picture window looking out on the lake. Concrete seawall and patio, single car garage. $55,000.00; Close to town and the Canadian Border; this home has 2 bedrooms, small garage and fenced yard. $27.500; Very clean 4 bedroom home located in a quiet neighborhood; electric furnace, wood stove and full basement, asking $67,500. 132 ft. by 130 ft. lot on Osoyoos lake, price $39,000. Weather; The period of Sept. 29 through Oct. 5 show a maximum of 83 degrees on the Oct. 2 and a low of 55 degrees on the 5th. Laurie Denny, 17, Loomis, was a finalist in the State 4-H Fashion Revue at the Western Washington Fair in Puyallup. Laurie made and modeled a white winter wool dress coat. She was also voted the best model in the competition.
october 4, 2012 | Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune
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okanogan valley life
Yard Sale at Oroville United Methodist Church It seems my copy didn’t reach the office for the issue of Sept. 20. And that was when I apologized for the serious error of our personal letter getting sent instead of my “This and That”. I wonder if I’ll ever get back on track. I don’t know what else I had written, because I have no copy of it. About once more back in the hospital and they’ll be coming for me with a restraint. Longtime resident of the Okanogan Valley, “Bill” Kitterman, passed away, with his wife of 62 years, Louise, at his side. After coming to Washington State in the “40’s” during the “Missouri migration” he had made his home in Oroville and Omak, for most of that time. He retired from Bile’s-Coleman, after 39 years employed as a lumber grader. Bill had a lot of interests, outside his work, and was a very friendly happy fellow, always ready to visit. He will be missed by many. Another area resident, Monte Alexander, Molson, passed away and a Celebration of Life will be held at the Molson Grange, Saturday, Oct. 13, with a potluck dinner following. Services for a good friend of many, Howard Cumbo, were held at the Free Methodist Church
with lunch following at the Oroville S e n i or C enter, last Friday. Howard has left a BIG void at the Center, as he was a lw ay s THIS & THAT willing to help on Joyce Emry just about any project that came along, while being pleasant doing it. There are so many things we’ll miss from his absence. Remember the good English walnuts that he had on hand for many of the ladies to use in breads and candies? It seems some of the empty buildings on Main Street are being filled, with new businesses being started. Now, let’s do our part by patronizing them when the openings have occurred. Also, the fall has the deer hunters getting their guns out and cleaned up, ready for opening day. I know I say this every year and there are so many who never come close to agreeing with me, and I also know that common sense tells me that if some of the
deer were not killed, we’d soon be over populated with them, BUT I don’t see how a person can look into the big beautiful, brown eyes of a “Bambi”, shoot it, then eat it. It’s been so long since I ate venison, I can’t remember what it tastes like, and I don’t really want my memory refreshed. A couple of my grandsons were fishing in Lake Osoyoos and I am the recipient of a nice rainbow trout. Now that, I will eat without feeling guilt. And it is also time for the assembly line to get ready and make those “Catholic Pies” that folks have signed up for. Apple pies the easy way and a good fund raiser for the Church. Looking through old newspapers I thought it interesting to see, that in 1937, a 2 Lb. jar of peanut butter sold for 29 cents, at the Prince Bros. stores, Ben and Meyer. I wonder if the new owners will change the name of the store to their family business? Sometimes when a singer or entertainer dies, it is all over the airwaves, for a lengthy time. Andy Williams died and I saw it on the trailers at the bottom of the screen, once. Perhaps he didn’t yell and scream loud enough, as many do these days, to be recognized. He had a beau-
tiful show place in Branson and helped many youngsters to make a fantastic Christmas show each year. Another good breakfast was served in the Molson Grange, last Sunday. The hill country was blessed with a beautiful sunshiny day and those folks attending enjoyed not only the good food but the visiting with friends, relatives and acquaintances. Gary Devon has been with the Gazette-Tribune for twenty-five years. How can that be? But the old newspaper says that is a fact. Over that length of time he has had to take a lot of flack from a lot of people because someone always has a criticism, but rarely does anyone stop in and say, “Hey, you’re doing a great job”. I think I am correct in writing that, because that is just the way we are as human beings. Quick to criticize but slow to compliment. Keep up the good work, Gary. That reminds me of a story, concerning a doctor. Being good friends with Dr. Wiley, I remember one day at the drug store, when he came in the back door and said, “God, I wish someone would just once come into the office and say, “Boy! I feel great”
Here we go at the beginning of a new month (October) and are still having good weather with sunshine. This past Sunday was the Fall Pancake Breakfast at the Molson Grange. There were 129 served. It was great as usual. Joanie Raymond of Vashon Island, Wash., was here in Molson to have a visit with her mother, Vivian Emry. She will be returning later in the month to take Vivian over to Seattle for her 91st Birthday. The plan
is all three of her daughters, and families, including five grandchildren and five great grand children, will be having dinner at the Ivars Acres of Clams on the waterfront. Happy Birthday on Oct. 14. Wayne Birch, Vivian’s brother, will be coming for a visit from Tennessee later this month. Pinochle will start on Oct. 8 at 7 p.m. Bring your friends
and relatives. Everyone is welcome. Don’t forget the open house for our local Artist “Rusty” on Oct. 6 at 6 p.m. at Fiona’s in Chesaw. Are you interested in learning how to make fire starters from pine cones and wax or old crayons? We don’t have a date yet but are taking names for a class at Eden Valley Guest Ranch. Please call Dolly at 4763336 or Marianne at 485-2103 and let us know you want to join us. Until next week.
pital. I heard differing stories and one was that it was Darrell... whichever it is, we wish the best for him. Joyce Boyer has returned home and will continue with speech therapy, after having a stay in the hospital, following a stroke. Sometimes just being home is great therapy, so we hope it helps her with recovery. Lance and Vicki Haney had a couple of their “coastie kids” here last weekend. Justin brought Caleb Haney home to gather more “stuff ” needed for his new college life, in Everett, and their daughter, Janae, came for the annual apple run. Now she’ll be busy with her assembly line of pie making. Talking with one of the persons who will be opening the eating place on the corner of Main and Central, I learned that the hot dogs aren’t gonna be just the little ordinary kind, but the “big dudes” that you put sauerkraut, onions, relish, mustard, mayo etc. on. You know, “the Costco kind”. Yum! Again, I wish to apologize for the mix up of my articles a few weeks ago. Didn’t mean to bore you with family matters.
Health Care Directory Take care of yourself. You’re worth it! DENTISTRY
By Marianne Knight
as if that was ever gonna happen in a doctor’s office. To perk up cooked vegetables, try a sprinkling of fresh or dehydrated dill on them, for a little extra flavor. Try it. You’ll like it, I betcha. Especially good on carrots. Joanie Raymond, Vashon Island, spent some time with her mom, Vivian Emry, last week. While here they did some canning and made some decisions concerning Vivian’s health issues. Some tests will follow later this month. Remember the yard sale at the United Methodist tomorrow and Saturday and that will be the last one until next spring, so go and look things over. Need a warm winter coat? They got ‘em! And a lot of other good stuff. And next month will be the annual bazaar and spaghetti feed at the United Methodist. I heard that Ralph Patterson has been getting the sauce items together, and with the help of his family, the good flavors will be on hand for another year. One of the Rounds twins (and I think it is Harrell) has some serious health issues, and was taken, by ambulance to the hos-
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Page 6
Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune | october 4, 2012
community bulletin board
Local Food Banks OROVILLE – The Oroville food bank operates every Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., excluding holidays, in the basement of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. For more information, call Jeff Austin at 476-3978 or Sarah Umana at 4762386. TONASKET – The Tonasket food bank operates every Thursday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Sarge’s Burger Bunker, 101 Hwy 97 N. For more information contact Jack Gavin at (509) 486-2480.
The Robin Ellis Band TONASKET – The Community Cultural Center of Tonasket, 411 Western Ave., presents The Robin Ellis Band on Saturday, Oct. 6 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. A high energy dance ensemble, this band is guaranteed to get everyone up and kicking all night long. This show is recommended for mature audiences due to possible controversial content of the lyrics. For more information call the CCC at (509) 486-1328 or check the website at
Backyard Poultry Workshop By North Valley Community Schools
While we ask that you register for classes five days in advance, we also know that sometimes you decide on a class just two or three days ahead. Don’t give up! Often we have reached our required minimum enrollment for the class. In that case, we’ll take your registration right up to the last minute! October offers a variety of classes, and many are already
Autumn is officially here, bringing with it shorter days and cooler temperatures. Soon the familiar smells of decaying leaves and wood smoke will fill the air. A delightful aroma reached my nose last week at Tonasket Farmers’
WINTHROP – A Backyard Poultry Workshop is being held in Winthrop on Saturday, Oct. 6 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Bring a sack lunch). 4-H members can contact WSU Extension Office (509) 4227245 to register. The workshop will cover how to choose the right breed for you, where to secure and purchase your chicks, brooding principles, housing and security from predators, basic integrating your flock to the barnyard, feeding and nutrition and opportunities for breeding, preservation, exhibition and marketing.
CCC Rummage Sale and Flea Market TONASKET - The Community Cultural Center of Tonasket will be having a Huge indoor Rummage Sale and flea market Friday and Saturday, Oct. 5 and 6 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Spaces for the Flea Market (sell your own) can be arranged by calling 4861328; Cafe Lune will be open for breakfast, desserts and beverages. Proceeds from the rummage sale will benefit the CCC.
Animal Barter Fair and Flea Market OROVILLE – The Nourishing Hand Animal Barter Fair and Flea Market is being held at Frontier
BOOSTER CLUB AUCTION OROVILLE – The Oroville Booster Club will hold their annual auction at the American Legion on Saturday, Oct. 6. The silent auction begins at 5 p.m. and the live auction begins at 6:30 p.m. The Oroville Booster Club was organized in 1984 for the purpose of providing funds and other resources to community youth activities and programs with very limited budgets. All proceeds from this auction will be used to continue that purpose. Ranch (five miles south of Oroville on Hwy. 97) on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Oct. 6-8 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This a fund raising and membership drive for The Nourishing Hand Equine Rescue and Sanctuary. A non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and providing an adoption program for abused, abandoned and neglected horses. For more information visit. www. or call (509) 556-2753.
from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Fiona’s Open House
Preschool Story Time
CHESAW – Fiona’s Gallery in Chesaw is closing for the season. Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 6-7 will be devoted to the artwork of Rusela Haydon. The gallery will have an Open House beginning at 6 p.m. on Saturday with wine, food, live music and an opportunity to meet the artist. Rusela’s works will be up all weekend and she will be at Fiona’s on Sunday
Habitat For Humanity Meeting RIVERSIDE – The monthly meeting on the Okanogan County Habitat for Humanity will be Tuesday, Oct. 9 at 7 p.m. at Mike and Peggy McDaniels home. For more information call Arlene Johnson at (509) 429-8369.
4 Kids with KXLY 4. Drop of your new or gently used coat donations now through Oct. 12. The coats will stay in our local communities. You can keep those young people warm by dropping your donation at Sterling Bank, 822 Central Ave., Oroville.
Music at the Market OROVILLE – Enjoy the acoustic stylings of 3:11 while you shop for local art, crafts, baked goods, tamales plus fabulous fresh produce at the Oroville Farmer’s Market, Saturday, Oct. 13 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The Oroville Public Library hosts this season market event through Oct. 27. Call (509) 476-2662 for vendor information.
WVMTA Concert
Coats for Kids
WENATCHEE - Wenatchee Valley Music Teachers Association presents a Concert of Piano and Cello music, Sunday, Oct. 28 at 3 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church, 1408 Washington, Wenatchee. Performers are Oksana Ezhokina, pianist and Russell Rolen, Cellist. Proceeds will benefit the chapter’s scholarship fund. For more information call Jill Larson at (509) 662-1588.
OROVILLE – Sterling Bank is participating in the annual Coats
Seattle Children’s
TONASKET – The next Tonasket Preschool Story Time will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 10 at 1:30 p.m. in the library featuring stories about “Monsters”.
underway. Here are a few that haven’t begun yet - there’s time to register for them: Beginning Dowsing and Divining; First Aid/ CPR; Advanced Dowsing and Divining; and Essence of Yoga. The list also includes: Computer
Basics; Patterns for Lakes (fly tying); Chicken Breast in Pink Sauce; and Geology and Mine Tour. Other classes start during the last half of the month and we’ll get to those next week. Remember, there are several ways to register. Call Ellen at (509) 476-2011, pick up a catalog (with form) at stores around Oroville or Tonasket, go to our website at, or send an email to comschools@
The service of Howard Cumbo was very nice at the Free Methodist Church followed by the funeral procession with the fire truck carrying Howard’s casket and two other fire trucks following the first with horns blaring. Many people were seen outside wanting to see what all the commotions was about. The luncheon following the military service at the cemetery, was held at the Senior Center. We believe we served 90
Market; Indian food! Yes, Indian cuisine is now available in Tonasket. Making his first market appearance, Herman Kataria of Oroville offered a choice of two entrees, butter chicken or chickpeas (chana), both served with rice. I admit to being unable to decide which to have, so ended up sampling both. Parminder Kaur, Herman’s wife, is the cook, and an excellent one at that. Stop by this week, taste and see. Alas, the days of Tonasket Farmers’ Market are numbered. The last official market day is set for Thursday, Oct. 25. Plan to get to the market these few remaining weeks and stock up on canning fruit and longkeeping vegetables. Look for apples, pears, pota-
toes, onions, garlic, squash and cabbage. Look ahead to upcoming birthdays and holidays and stock up on gift items from your favorite artists and craftspeople. Kimberly Hastings sells her handcrafted leather goods. For the horse lover on your list, look at her beautiful tack. Others will appreciate receiving decorative leather jewelry and hair accessories. Kimberly also does custom leather work, bound only by your imagination. If you have noticed the latest color posters advertising the market you have already seen her work. Kathy Johnson, market regular, sells her all-natural soaps, shampoos, lotions and remedies. Many of her products can be found year round at
Tonasket Food Co-op, but market days are the only time to benefit from her wisdom. I recently returned from the dry southwest with painful cracked skin on my heels which hadn’t responded to antibiotic or vitamin A salve. Kathy suggested her “Rhoid Relief ” salve. Without her sage advice, I would never have considered using a hemorrhoid remedy on my heels, but it brought relief from the first application. Healed heels! The advice is always free and her personal care items make fine gifts. Take advantage of these precious few market days to be prepared for the long winter. Bring home the fresh tastes of the market through the end of October. See you at the market!
By Dolly Engelbretson
WATER TURN OFF DATE The Oroville-Tonasket Irrigation District will shut down the system for the irrigation season on
Friday, October 12, 2012 Draining of the system will begin the following Monday and should be completed by Thanksgiving. After this time growers are advised to open their grower valves.
OROVILLE SENIOR NEWS to 100 people. There was plenty of food and then some left over. A huge thank you to the ladies of he Free Methodist for their help with serving and clean up. Also, a thank you to Lani Thompson, Larry Smith, Tillie Porter and
Friday Steak Night is back. Steak dinners with all the fixin’s or Fish and Chips are served every Friday night from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Also Friday is Karaoke night. Many of our members are looking forward to Pool League starting next month. We will do burgers on Wednesdays and the house will rock with pool action. Buck Shot will join us the 27th
Hospital Project LOOMIS - The Whitestone Guild of the Seattle Children’s Hospital from the TonasketLoomis area, has been serving the children’s hospital for 57 years. The latest project for the Whitestone Guild is to provide the families of children who are fatally ill, as a memorial to them, a large glass ball Christmas ornament, which are then decorated with the hand/ foot prints of the child. Anyone who would like to help with this project may send contributions to Whitestone Guild, c/o Elfreda Holmes, 84B Holmes Rd., Tonasket, WA 98855. Any contribution is appreciated.
First Aid/CPR OROVILLE - For those who want to earn an American Heart Association certified First Aid/ CPR card valid for two years, completion of this class will do it. Instruction covers the basics of first aid including medical, injury and environmental emergencies and adult, child and infant CPR with usage of AED. To register pick up a catalog in stores around town form on the back, or call Ellen at (509) 476-2011. You can also use our website at or our email address at comschools@ Roberta Cole for their assistance in the clean up. Roberta helped serve as well. There will be no music this Friday. Joy Lawson said she would let me know the next date after she has an opportunity to discuss it with the other musicians. Pinochle Scores: The door prize was won by Danny Weitrick; Most Pinochles by Phyllis Shenyer; Ladies High went to Lani Thompson; Leonard Paulsen and Bob irst tied for the Men’s High. More next time. and Halloween and Harvest Dinner are big on our agenda. Remember our Aerie meetings are the first and third Tuesdays of every month and the Auxiliary meetings are the second and fourth Tuesdays at 7 p.m. We have a joint meeting on the first Tuesday at 6 p.m. The ladies serve tacos on Mondays at 6 p.m. and burgers before Bingo at 5 p.m. on Thursdays. Friday night we have karaoke with Chuck Wilder and Saturday, excepting special events, is Open Mike Nite. On the Sundays that the Seahawks play at 10 a.m. we will be open to serve you and support the ‘Hawks. The Oroville Eagles are People Helping People.
OROVILLE SCHOOL NEWS Saturday, Oct. 6: Volleyball @ Entiat 11 a.m.; Cross Country @ Richland Invitational; Oroville Booster Club Auction 5 p.m. Monday, Oct. 8: Columbus Day; JH Volleyball vs. Liberty Bell 5 p.m.; JV Football @ Okanogan 5:30 p.m.; Booster Club Meeting 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 9: Girls Soccer vs. Bridgeport 5 p.m.; Volleyball vs. Lake Roosevelt 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 10: Community Volleyball 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 11: Girls Soccer vs. Tonasket 5 p.m.; Volleyball @ Liberty Bell 5 p.m.; 7th Grade Football vs. Tonasket 5:30 p.m.; 8th Grade Football @ Liberty Bell 5:30 p.m.; JH Volleyball @ Bridgeport 6:15 p.m.
TONASKET SCHOOL NEWS Friday, Oct. 5: Cookie Dough Sales (Elementary) Saturday, Oct. 6: MS Cross Country Meet at Lake Roosevelt 12 p.m. Monday, Oct. 8: Cookie Dough Sales (Elementary); MS Volleyball @ Brewster 5 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 9: MS Cross Country @ Republic 4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 10: Early Release Thursday, Oct. 11: MS Volleyball vs. Omak 5 p.m.; MS Football @ Grand Coulee Dam 5:30 p.m.
OROVILLE/TONASKET LUNCH MENU Friday, Oct. 4: Hamburger on a Whole Grain Bun, Cookie, Seasoned Peas, Fruit and Veggie Bar. Monday, Oct. 8: Teriyaki Dippers, Steamed Rice, Stir-Fried Veggies, Fruit and Veggie Bar. Tuesday, Oct. 9: Meat Lovers Lasagna, Whole Wheat Dinner Roll, Seasoned Green Beans, Fruit and Veggie Bar. Wednesday, Oct. 10: Tony’s Pepperoni Pizza on Whole Wheat, Seasoned Corn, Fruit and Veggie Bar. Thursday, Oct. 11: Chunky Tuna Salad, Sun Chips, Seasoned Peas, Fruit and Veggie Bar.
october 4, 2012 | Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune
Page 7
OKANOGAN VALLEY LIFE EMT provides free car seat checks
by Oroville Ambulance
by Daralyn Hollenbeck
NORTH CENTRAL WASHINGTON - The US. Armed Forces Legacy Memorial in Tonasket will be featuring the Blue Star Mothers this month. The Blue Star Banner was raised over the memorial Sept. 30 on National Gold Star Mothers Day as blue star mothers in the area trimmed the plaques of those Killed in Action (KIA) and Missing in Action (MIA) with a gold star. A Blue Star Mother becomes a Gold Star Mother if her child is killed while serving. The placing of the gold stars is meant to honor the mother who lost that son or daughter. As you drive by the memorial on Highway 97 south of Tonasket and see the yellow stars standing out against the black granite, please say a prayer for each one our community has
OROVILLE - Does the installation of a car seat intimidate you? Do you worry that it isn’t installed properly? All of those straps and buckles can be confusing.
By Kally Berlinger
gram that we host. Each year many of the children in our community get to wake up and experience a little magic on Christmas morning due to this program. For all the people who donate to this program we want you to know how much you are appreciated. This is a donation based program so if you would like to donate
money, toys or time you can contact Charleen Kemper at (734) 260-3353 or Kally Berlinger at (509) 476-3416. Our group meets the second Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the banquet room at the Plaza Restaurant on Main Street. We always welcome new members and new ideas.
The Blue Star Mothers flag will be flying over the U.S. Armed Forces Memorial in Tonasket for the month of October. Gold stars have also been added to the plaques to honor those killed or missing in action.
Oroville Womans Club would like to inform the public that they will not be hosting the Christmas Bazaar this year, instead we will be hosting a Spring Fling event that will be announced at a later date. Our organization takes great pride in the Gifts for Kids pro-
sent and lost to war and remember the mother and family that contributed dearly towards our
Richter Pass Motorplex hosts valley-wide challenge
Submitted photo
freedom. “Because every soldier has a mother.”
By Vera Zachow Omak PAC
Submitted Photo
The Kenya Safari Acrobats will be performing at the Omak PAC on Saturday, Oct. 5.
A reminder to our NVFM patients
Be ready for the season!
through SafeKids Worldwide. This is a free service provided by Daniels and Oroville Ambulance for the Oroville/ Tonasket area. Call (509) 4763791 or (509) 560-3589 with questions or to schedule a free car seat check.
Womans Club not sponsoring bazaar
Kenya Safari Acrobats to visit PAC OMAK - The Kenya Safari Acrobats offer a unique cultural experience. This awe-inspiring and dynamic dance troupe takes acrobatics to exhilarating extremes with a program of jaw-dropping, fast paced acts and antics. They perform gravity-defying human pyramids, wild contortions, limbo dancing and more, all to a joyful African beat. Their non-stop program is a fascinating mix of education and family entertainment. The website for information on the Kenya Safari Acrobats is www. The Kenya Safari Acrobats will be performing at the Omak Performing Arts Center on Oct. 5, at 7 p.m. They are natives of Kenya in East Africa. They will stack themselves together to perform unbelievable and unusual human pyramids. The acrobats will perform traditional dances from South Africa including the limbo with the telling the story of a Bantu King holding a contest to see which tribesman can dance the lowest under the pole to gain the favor of the king and therefore the hand of his daughter in marriage.
Jackie Daniels, an EMT for Oroville Ambulance, has offered to help parents, grandparents and caregivers install their car seat and give them tips on how to safely transport their children. She was certified as a Child Passenger Safety Technician last month
No appointment necessary!
Friday, Oct. 5
Monday, Oct. 8
Adults Only
Adults Only
9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
– Most insurance billed –
9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Physician-owned and patient-centered
17 S. Western Ave., Tonasket 486-2174 1617 Main Street, Oroville 476-3631
by Shaunda Sachola Wine Country Racing Association
OSOYOOS - The final drag race of the Wine Country Racing Association’s (WCRA) 2012 season is closing in on us. Sunday, Oct. 7, the day before Thanksgiving in Canada, is the Okanagan Car Club Challenge. An adrenaline rush on Sunday may help digest that turkey on Monday. Racers from three Okanagan Valley car clubs will convene at Richter Pass Motorplex, along with the regular drag cars, to climb their way up to the coveted number one spot. Currently Jim McKelvey (Old Smoothy) from Summerland, BC is the king of the castle. He drove his 1947 Ford Coupe to victory for the Okanagan Rodtiques car club October 3, 2011. The September 23 race was flat-out fun for all involved. 52 cars were driven by happy and fun-loving drivers. Energetic and dedicated volunteers kept the show flowing nicely for a crowd that simply could not get enough. Results follow: Tim Hiebert of Osoyoos (black 1990 Mustang) defeated Riley Martin of Oliver (white 1990 Mustang) in the Sportsman Bracket. The Sportsman Bracket Fast
trophy was won by Tyler LePage of West Kelowna (yellow 1964 Nova), over Lee Osborn of Rock Creek (red 1982 Mustang). Dick Warren of Tonasket, Washington sped away with the Pro Bracket prize (red 1951 Chevy), Submitted photo defeating Mike Riplinger of Oliver, Lee DeShaw’s 1929 Plymouth is a stellar example of BC (black 1967 one of the drag racing cars you can see Oct. 7, 2012 Cougar). at the Wine Country Racing Association’s last event. Oliver’s Ken Richter Pass Motorplex is housed at the Osoyoos Brown won the Pro Airport. Bracket Fast trophy for the DDK Racing team (black come early to pass through tech1978 Monte Carlo) by defeating nical inspection. Racing begins at Scott Winterbottom (blue 1963 11 a.m. with time trials. The elimination round begins around 1 Chevy II). Warren Brown of Oliver (green p.m. Gate fee is $10, with children 2002 Kawasaki) reigned victo- under 12 admitted free with an rious in the Bike/Sled class by adult. Concessions are available out-racing Steve Clement from on site. For more information go Penticton (red/black 2006 Yamaha to or call (250) 498-6443. snowmobile). Jordyn Lombardi of Osoyoos At the won the Jr. Dragster event with her pink and purple dragster. The fastest reaction time of the Oliver, B.C. day was put forth by Phil Walters Oliver Theatre 250-498-2277 Sun.-Mon.-Tue.-Thur. 7:30pm. Fri. & Sat. 7 & 9pm of Peachland. Phil caught himself Reg. Showtimes: Visit our website: a perfect .500 lighting his black Thurs. - Fri. Oct. 4 - 5 14’ The Possession and white 1986 Nissan pickup. Gates open at 9 a.m. Drivers Sat. - Sun. - Mon. - Tues. Oct. 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
in he t g t e Le B g n i d Oct. 6, 2012 d i Doors Open 5:00 p.m. (silent auction) B Live Auction begins 6:30 p.m.
AUCTION Oroville Booster Club
15x18 Stamped, colored or
stained and sealed Patio-includes all materials 8 piece Patio Set Furniture Pool Table Various Lodging Packages Artwork
Tools Desserts Gift/Services Certificates Gift Baskets Outdoor Packages 16’ Pool Sporting Goods & Apparel Much, Much More
American Legion - 305 14th Ave., Oroville
There will be a 5 hour power outage on the morning of October 12, 2012 beginning at 12:00 a.m. and lasting until 5:00 a.m. Friday morning. The outage will affect Okanogan PUD customers in the following areas; n The town of Loomis Washington. n The Palmer Lake area.
n Loomis Oroville RD from HWY 7 to Loomis. n Wannacut Lake area.
Advertise your s bu iness in , our Dining nt e Entertainm re & Adventu Section!
lene Call Char 2 0 6 -3 476
The PUD will be performing maintenance and making repairs to equipment in the Whitestone Substation. The PUD appreciates your patience and regrets any inconvenience this outage may cause.
Public utility District No. 1 of okaNogaN couNty
1331 2 Ave., Okanogan n (509) 422-3310
PO Box 187, Brewster n (509) 689-2502
PO Box 1969, Oroville n (509) 476-2928
PO Box 585, Tonasket n (509) 486-2131
Post your comments on recent articles and let your voice be heard.
WEEKEND SPECIALS! — Fri., 10/5 —
One of a kind Pit Roasted Prime Rib, $14.95
* Thursday *
— Sun., 10/7 — Bonaparte Clucker - $8.95
Open: Mon. - Sat. 11 to close
87 min
101 S. Main St. - 2 blocks from Omak Theater
PG 13 Sat. *3:45, 6:45 & 9:30 Sun. *4:00 & 7:00 Wkdys: 7:00
TAKEN 2 92 min PG 13 COMEDY/DRAMA/ROMANCE. Starring Tommy Lee Jones, Meryl Streep, Steve Carell
Starts Fri.
Fri. 6:45 & 9:15 Sat. *4:15, 6:45 & 9:15 Weekdays: 7:15 Sun. *4:45, 7:15
Fri. 6:45 & 9:15 Sat. *4:15 6:45 & 9:15 PG Sun. *5:00 & 7:30 97 min Wkdys: 7:30
starting at 5 pm.
(8 oz top sirloin)
Fri. 6:45 & 9:15 Sat. *4:00, 6:45 & 9:15 Sun. *4:15 & 7:00 Wkdys: 7:00
Fish ‘n’ Chip dinner $12.95
Steak Night
* Wednesday *
Starts Fri.
Your Guide to...
Lake Resort & Restaurant
Main St., Tonasket l 486-2996
Adults $7.50 Kids 11-under & *Discount Matinee-kids/adults $5 ea
For all residence using medical equipment requiring electrical power, you will need to make provisions for a 5 hour power outage.
The House at the end of the Street
No children under age 4 admitted unless film is G rated. No one under 17 admitted to R rated films without their own parent. Photo ID required.
Ken Neal - Auctioneer
Out on the town!
TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE Sat. Showtimes at 7 & 9:10 p.m. PG Thurs. - Fri. Oct. 11 - 12 PG
— Every Saturday — (Begins at 4:00 reservations suggested)
Hours: 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Ph. 509-486-2828
615 Bonaparte LK. Rd., Tonasket
Advertise your business in our Dining, Entertainment & Adventure Section!
Call Charlene at 476-3602
Page 8
Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune | october 4, 2012
court, 911 calls, jail bookings District Court Cecelia Rose Abrahamson, 18, Nespelem, was found guilty of reckless driving and sentenced to 180 days with 177 suspended and fined $1058. Karen Colleen Adolph, 51, Omak, was found guilty of possession of marijuana, less than 40 grams and NVOL without identification. She was sentenced to total of 180 days with 179 suspended and fined a total of $758. Heather Lynn Allen, 30, Spokane, was found guilty of Protection Order Violation. She was sentenced to 180 days with 180 suspended and fined $150. The case against Elayne Louise Andrew, 51, Spokane, was dismissed with prejudice. Timothy Anky, 43, Brewster, was found guilty of Assault in the fourth degree. He was sentenced to 364 days with 362 suspended and fined $933. Terra-Lee Suzanne Baker, 29, Tonasket, was found guilty of DUI and sentenced to 364 days with 362 suspended and fined $1936. Shawna Mae Barber, 33, Omak, was found guilty of Assault in the fourth degree. She was sentenced to 364 days with 364 suspended and fined $1033. Percy J. Bennett, 59, Lake Country, BC, was found guilty of DUI and sentenced to 364 with 363 suspended and fined $1681. Violet Lorrean Berry, 20, Nespelem, was found guilty of third degree theft and possession of marijuana less than 40 grams. She was sentenced to 270 days with 269 suspended and fined $1058. Anthony Joseph Boyd, 40, Omak, was found guilty of DUI and sentenced to 364 days with 334 suspended and fined $1936. A charge of DWLS in the third degree was dismissed with prejudice. Michael Francis Boyd, 58, Brewster, was found guilty of theft in the third degree. He was sentenced to 364 days with 364 suspended and fined $468. Ryan Joseph Bradshaw, 23, Omak, was found guilty of DWLS, third; POCS, marijuana less than 40 grams; and use/delivery of drug paraphernalia. He was sentenced to 270 days with 268 suspended and fined a total of $968. A charge of DWLS in the third degree against Michael Vincent Burke, 25, Omak, was dismissed with prejudice. Three charges of DWLS in the third degree against Neil Thomas Burnett, 83, Omak, were dismissed with prejudice. Casey Dane, 22, Spokane, had a charge of MIP/C dismissed with prejudice. He was fined $200.
Mark Allan, 59, Malott, was found guilty of two counts of criminal trespass in the second degree. He was sentenced to a toal of 180 days with 166 suspended. Kathryn Lou Charley, 47, Brewster, had charges of DUI, DWLS in the third degree, reckless driving, operating a vehicle without ignition interlock, and two charges of hit-and-run unattended dismissed without prejudice. Arturo Chavez-Barajas, 50, Bridgeport, was found guilty of NVOL without identification and sentenced to 90 days with 90 suspended and fined $468. Cory J. Clark, 23, Laguna Beach, Calif., 23, had a charge of purchase/use of a license in the second degree dismissed with prejudice. Kevin Dean Coler, 57, Medical Lake, had a charge of use/possession of a loaded firearm in a vehicle dismissed with prejudice. Dakotah Dupree Condon, 20, Malott, was found guilty of criminal trespass in the second degree, MIP/C and use/delivery of drug paraphernalia and was sentenced to total of 360 days with 350 suspended and fined $3090. A charge of DWLS in the third was dismissed with prejudice. Kaycee Michelle Cook, 34, Wenatchee, had a charge of DUI dismissed with prejudice. Ward Allen Cooper, 45, Omak, was found guilty of obstructing a law enforcement officer and invalid catch record. He was sentenced to 270 days with 268 suspended and fined $568. A charge of reckless driving was dismissed with prejudice. Bruce Alan Craven, 48, Pateros, had a charge of assault in the fourth degree dismissed with prejudice. Michel Eugene Curtis, 30, Kennewick, was found guilty of DUI and two Counts DWLS in the third degree. He was sentenced to 364 days with 319 suspended and fined $2361. Gabriel Lee Cutfinger, 31, Omak was found guilty of POCS, marijuana less than 40 grams and use/delivery of drug paraphernalia and sentenced to a total of 180 days with 178 suspended and fined $1358. Deanna Jean Davis, 29, Okanogan, had two charges of DWLS in the third dismissed with prejudice under the relicensing program. Martin William Deggeller, 57, Riverside, was found guilty of DUI and sentenced to 364 days with 361 suspended and fined $1681.
Superior Court Juvenile A 17-year-old Omak juvenile was
charged with second degree attempted assault and assault in the fourth degree. She was sentenced to 30 days of confinement and 6 months of community supervision. A 17-year-old Tonasket juvenile was charged with third degree theft and an MIP. He was sentenced to three days of confinement and six months of community supervision.
911 Calls & Jail Bookings Monday, September 24 In a domestic dispute in Riverside, a man reportedly assaulted his girlfriend by slapping and pushing her, and stole her purse. The man was reported to have been driving a 1992 red Nissan pickup with a black rack; license and direction unknown. In Tonasket a man was accused of trespassing when he crawled through a window, changed the building’s locks, and delivered an eviction note to the owner. On Duck Lake Rd. near Omak, a twovehicle collision occurred when the female driver of one of the vehicles attempted to switch seats with the passenger of the car. No one was injured. In Okanogan, the kindergarten building was vandalized, as an entire side of the building was covered in graffiti. In Oroville, a pedestrian was reported stating they were drunk and suicidal. An officer returned the call stating that the pedestrian was only drunk. Said pedestrian later called the officer himself, stating their dog was lost and they still were suicidal. In Omak, a woman reported her children missing. She stated that they had not been returned to her as agreed in an arranged parenting plan. The subject with the children was contacted. In Okanogan, a woman was reported to be stealing several items from a private storage unit. In Okanogan, a man was making verbal threats to a resident. Alcohol was involved, but no weapons or physical contact were reported. In Omak, an 18-year-old woman was reported to be in possession of crystal meth and drug paraphernalia. She denied police permission to search her person. In Omak, a 12-year-old foster daughter threatened her guardian that she would kill herself if not allowed to leave. The authorities believed this threat to be one of anger and not a serious threat. Police awaited arrival of CPS to remove the daughter and other foster children from the home to another home. The children are currently being placed in a new
foster home. Near Oroville, a man and woman were found wandering the area of Chesaw Road. Later they were found illegally burning outdoors on Twisp River Road. They were reminded of the current fire ban. In Tonasket, a car accident occurred on Havillah Road involving only one car. The driver and 17-year-old passenger were taken to North Valley Hospital where they are being cared for. It appeared that the passenger fell through the rear windshield in the accident. In Okanogan, a resident reported two men in dark clothing fighting near the kindergarten building. One of the men was bleeding from the ear. A woman was involved and observed the entire fight. She was advised to leave and the men were separated. No further disturbance was reported. In Loomis, a 92-year-old man passed away unexpectedly. The family stated that they had been trying to get hospice. A nurse that lived next door stated the man was only going to live a few more hours. Mona Ochoa, 32, was booked for a DUI. Janie Koplin, 38, was booked for DUI John Timentwa, 25, booked on a WSP warrant, Failure to Pay a fine for DWLS and DUI David Brandon, 38, booked for first degree theft Kelly Marchand, 33, booked for DWLS James Mendes, 84, booked for trespassing Kathryn Gavin, 42, booked for forgery Tuesday, September 25: In Omak, on Ross Canyon road, a resident witnessed a red car leave the roadway and damage several cherry trees. The resident and driver were not available to comment. In Okanogan, on Fifth Ave. North, a woman reported her boyfriend pushing and hitting her. The woman fled with her children. An officer confronted the boyfriend while another officer attended to the woman and her children. They were standing by while the woman returned to gather her belongings from the home. The boyfriend was arrested for assault. In Okanogan, on Fifth Ave. North, a woman escaped from being held in detention center. The woman broke into a home through the back door. Soon after she was found and put into police custody. Workers in the juvenile system were called upon to assist the officer in controlling the woman. In Omak, on Engh road, a resident reported that a woman threatened to kill him but did not specify as to
how. Only the threat was made. In Omak, on Engh road, a resident reported that he came home and found his five-year-old daughter and her four-year-old male friend in the back yard nude and playing as if they were having intercourse. The resident was told by his daughter that she’d learned the “game” while at the four-year-old boy’s house. Near Tonasket, on Hwy. 20, a male subject is believed to have been hiding in an empty trailer. The male subject was not there when officer’s investigated. In Omak, on Brooks Tracks Road, Tribal Police assisted with an assault in progress. Near Oroville, on Brugh Road, police responded to a call about repetitive, rapid gunfire in the past five minutes. Police could not find evidence of gunshots. Dustin Hulbert, 33, booked for DUI Charlynn Zaragoza, 25, booked for DWLS third, DWLS second and two counts of DUI Brenda Moor, 40, booked on document detainer Michael Stark, 45, booked for fourth degree assault Sophia Stewert, 31, booked for possession of a dangerous weapon Wednesday, September 26 Near Conconully, a hunter was reported lost after he was two hours late to meet the person who called in his absence. He was to have been driving a white Toyota. In Okanogan, on Fourth Ave. South, a resident called in to report possible prostitution in progress at an apartment late at night. Parties and complaints of noise and extensive traffic have been reported at same location. Near Okanogan, on Dry Coulee road, a schizophrenic male child verbally assaulting his family. The informant believed the son would harm the wife and child at the location. The son left the location in a taxi. Police received an order to detain him once the taxi dropped him off. In Tonasket, a vehicle was abandoned on Mill drive. Police received a warrant to search the vehicle. In Okanogan, on Second Ave. South, a man was arguing with his girlfriend when their neighbor pounded on the door demanding the man to fight him. The neighbor swung at him, and the man defended himself before leaving prior to the police arriving at the home. Near Oroville, on Vinateiri Rd., a resident reported trespassers accessing and vandalizing an abandoned house through his property on multiple occasions. The most recent attempt was committed approximately an hour before police arrived.
In Conconully, a resident reported his neighbor throwing trash at his house and yelling explicit content. The resident’s mother was called to collect her daughter and leave the premises. Christopher Graber, 35, booked for failure to stop, DWLS, Trespassing first and malicious mischief. Daniel Marchand, 42, booked for DUI Ronney Sandeval, 44, booked on a document detainer. Patricia Dunken, 22, booked for possession of drug paraphernalia Martin Aguilaire, 24, booked on a warrant for FTC, malicious mischief third degree Clifford Williams, 58, booked on a warrant for FTC, DWLS third Christina Gipson, 29, booked for on a warrant for FTA, DWLS/R third Thursday, September 27 In Tonasket, on Civil Forest Service Rd., a man took a satellite dish from his father’s property. The man was available to the police by phone. In Okanogan, on Burton Ave., a mortgage company was trespassing on a man’s property. They entered the property through a gate that was marked “no trespassing” and gave him a piece of paper. Gunshots were heard. The caliber was unknown, but people could be heard arguing. Police checked the area but could find nothing. In Okanogan, on Queen street, a subject reported being assaulted a man in his thirties. The attacker tried to leave in a white ford truck. The subject then walked to the rock church a few blocks down and got into a red Grand Am. The subject informed the police who soon arrived to inspect the situation but could find nothing to act upon. Shane Nemitz, 34, booked for DUI, possible drug paraphernalia.
Marriage Report Naiombi Rae Jones, age 20 from Omak, will wed Melvin Kenyata Graham, 33 from Brewster. Nichole Christine Mullen, 23 from Omak, will wed Donald Charles Turcotte, age 28 from Brewster.
Births Jasmin Elsy Castro-Padilla, a girl, was born to Sonia Padilla and Juan Castro from Tonasket, on Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012 in North Valley Hospital in Tonasket. Araceli Zepeda Ramos, a girl, was born to Isahara Ramos Carrero from Tonasket on Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012 in North Valley Hospital in Tonasket.
State Patrol responds to injury accident
By Gary A. DeVon Managing Editor
Nathan Snyman Nathan Snyman passed away Sept. 28, 2012. He was born Feb. 22, 1979. Arrangements will be made at a future date and will be handled by Precht-Harrison-Nearents Chapel.
OMAK – The Washington State Patrol responded to a vehicle collision near Omak that sent one person to the hospital last Monday. According to the accident
report filed by WSP Trooper N. Lull, Glendia J. Birdsong, 66, Tonasket, was driving her late model Chevrolet pickup eastbound on Shumway Rd. near the Omak City Limits at 12:23 p.m. and failed to stop at the stop sign on Highway 97. She collided with a 1986 Ford pickup driven by
Dan B. Brannon, 57, Tonasket, states Trooper Lull in his report. Neither driver was injured, but a passenger in Birdsong’s vehicle, Brandon L. Pauly Birdsong, 19, Tonasket, was transported to Mid Valley Hospital in Omak for treatment of injuries. Two other passengers in the
Birdsong pickup were uninjured. All parties were wearing seatbelts. Both vehicles were damaged and towed by Randy’s towing. The cause of the accident and charge being file is “failure to yield,” according to Trooper Lull’s accident report.
Oroville School Board goes ‘paperless’ By Gary A. DeVon Managing Editor
OROVILLE – The Oroville School Board went “paperless” at their Monday, Sept. 24 meeting, trading the large stacks of paper they once had to wade through, for iPads with the documents preloaded prior to the meeting. “I think we saved one tree just in this meeting alone,” said School Director Rocky DeVon, board chairman, under “Good News and Announcements.” Also under Good News and Announcements, Director Amy Wise said, “Kids are busy all over... it looks like the numbers are up in sports as well.” Principal Joan Hoehn reported on several activities in the
312 S. Whitcomb
elementary school. She said numbers in the kindergarten are a little low and that the first grade kids had gone to the county fair. “The second grade is excited because they received their worms for science. They get to keep them all year. The third grade is studying the physics of sound for their science projects and the Conservation District is bring up a stream table.” Hoehn said the fourth grade went for a swim at Veranda Beach’s pool and toured Chief Joseph Dam with the PUD. They are also studying Native American Cultures, she added. “The fifth grade is getting ready for their salmon eggs to raise and the sixth grade has been fine tuning their math,”
she said. “The PTO is helping with the spelling bee.” High School Principal Kristin Sarmiento said the school was in the process of recruiting student representatives to the school board. She also said that Running Start, history and CWP were going great. “We are having mid-terms Friday, we are already halfway through the first quarter,” Sarmiento said, adding that the high school has met all the standards for the bilingual program. The principal said that Challenge Day is scheduled for Oct. 10 and 11 and those wanting to participate should contact Maria Griffith. “It’s a great program that we haven’t had in seven years,” she said. Superintendent Steve Quick reported about changes in the state standards.
Earrings, Bracelets, Barrettes & More!
tant because our kindergarten is near 50-50, with about half hispanic kids,” added DeVon. The board approved hiring Billy Monroe as the second assistant coach for junior high football and Wendie Valliant as the high school assistant volleyball coach. In addition they approved the resignations of Walt Arnold as junior high wrestling coach and high school tennis coach and Kristin Sarmiento as high school tennis coach. The board accepted donations from the Oroville Booster Club of $1352 for basketball jerseys for the high school girls team and $1126 for junior high volleyball uniforms. After hearing the financial report from district business manager Shay Shaw the board went into executive session regarding the superintendent review.
American Legion News
– Jean
Come visit us in friendly downtown Tonasket!
Del Mundo
Directors DeVon and Todd Hill commented on WASDA tour of three successful schools on the west side of the state in the Highland School District – Aviation High School, Big Picture and Mount View and the different ways they approach education. “They felt that facilities didn’t make the education,” said DeVon, who was impressed by Mount View’s dual language program which is instituted starting in kindergarten. “They teach in both languages making all the kids multilingual,” DeVon said, adding that he and hill feel that the Oroville District might consider implementing their own multilingual program. “By the fifth grade they feel the kids will be fully ‘bi-literate’ in reading, speaking and writing,” said Hill. “Todd and I think it is impor-
I regret to inform you that the Oroville Legion will NOT be doing breakfast this FALL, WINTER, & SPRING because of aliments and lack of umph. And the younger gals who could take over have growing up families to take care of. Sorry folks.
“We hear more and more that teachers should teach to state standards. Teachers are in a quandary and this new training should help dispel some of the differences,” he said. Quick said that enrollment was averaging 617 for September, lower than last year at this time, but the budget was built on an enrollment of 599 FTEs so the district was still within budget projections. “It has been a little rougher because enrollment did not come in as high as we hoped,” Supt. Quick said. The superintendent added that construction of a new well at the elementary school should help to take care of problems with the heating and cooling system. He added that the cost of drilling the well was being paid by the installers of the HV/AC system because it was their original mistake.
Sandra Rasmussen
PS: The Oroville Eagles are thinking strongly of doing breakfast and there’s the Plaza Restaurant, Linda’s Deli & Bakery and FB’s Family Diner... so you’re not left in the lurch.
There will still be those delicious hamburgers starting on Wed., October 17th by the M & M’s.
october 4, 2012 | Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune
Page B1
Don’t forget, October is
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month We have all been touched in some way or know someone who has been affected by breast cancer. Because of this, it is important to offer support to those in every stage of this disease as well as those who are beating the odds and now stand as survivors.
– Survivors –
Breast Cancer: Early Detection
One of the earliest signs of breast cancer can be an abnormality that shows up on a mammogram before it can be felt. The most common signs of breast cancer are a lump in the breast, abnormal thickening of the breast, or a change in the shape or color of the breast. Finding a lump or change in your breast does not necessarily mean you have breast cancer. Additional changes that may also be signs of breast cancer include: Any new, hard lump or thickening in any part of the breast. Change in size or shape. Dimpling or puckering of the skin. Swelling, redness or warmth that does not go away. Pain in one spot that does not vary with your monthly cycle. Pulling in of the nipple, nipple discharge that starts suddenly and appears only in one breast. An itchy, sore or scaling area on one nipple. It is important for women to practice the elements of good breast health. It is suggested women obtain regular mammography screening starting at the age of 40. Obtain annual clinical breast exams, perform monthly breastself exams and obtain a risk assessment from a physician. This information was acquired from the American Cancer Society, 1-800-ACS-2345. Or
LOCAL SUPPORT: *North Valley Hospital District:
Tonasket: 509-486-2151 Oroville Family Medical Clinic: 509-476-3911
Brenda (Helm) Verbeck - Omak Survivor: 13 years, 9 mos. Pictured with children, Nick & Alyssa Verbeck Participates in Race for the Cure and Walk for the Cure events. Hobbies: Loves the outdoors, camping, spending time with family & friends!
Rose Kuhlman - Tonasket Survivor: 2 1/2 years Hobbies: Enjoys anything outdoors. Loves gardening and spending time with family.
Doddie Hart - Tonasket Survivor: 17 years Hobbies: Fishing and crocheting.
*Mid-Valley Hospital: Omak: 509-826-1760
*North Valley Family Medicine: Oroville: 509-476-3631 Tonasket: 509-486-2174 Omak: 509-826-1800 Brewster: 509-689-8900
*Family Health Centers - Clinics Tonasket: 509-486-0114 Okanogan: 509-422-5700 Brewster: 509-689-3455
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Judy Schell - Tonasket Survivor: 14 years Retired and owns a candle business. Loves gardening, traveling and grandchildren.
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Get Your Digital Mammogram At North Valley Hospital in Tonasket October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! We provide mammograms 5 days a week and have an on-site radiologist. Screening mammograms are covered at 100% by your insurance, and if you’re under insured we have programs available to pay for some or all of your exam!
If you have your mammogram at NVH in October you will be entered into a drawing for a prize basket!
To schedule your appointment call 509-486-3124 North Valley Hospital 203 S. Western Ave Tonasket
Find Us On Facebook
Linda Holden - Tonasket Survivor: 1 year, 9 mos. Works at North Hospital Extended Care. Hobbies: Gardening
Pictured above cancer survivors: (l to r) Doddie Hart (17 yr.- Lung Cancer) Don Johnson (7 yr. - Lung Cancer): Enjoys Fishing & Jeeping Rose Kuhlman (2 1/2 yr.) Participated in Relay for Life event.
Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune | october 4, 2012
local sports
Long night for Tigers By Brent Baker
Brent Baker/staff photos
Left, Eddie Ocampo fell just short of 100 yards rushing in his first game of the season at Manson on Friday and gave the Hornets a boost on both sides of the ball. Right, Logan Mills (44) and a teammate converge on Manson quarterback Kent Ustanik during Friday’s Hornet victory.
Oroville offense unstoppable at Manson By Brent Baker
MANSON – Oroville’s football team has taken its share of lumps this season as most of the junior and sophomore-dominated team gets acclimated to the varsity game. The Hornets delivered a few lumps themselves Sept. 28, at Manson, piling up nearly 600 yards of offense on the way to a 60-34 victory over the Trojans to earn their first Central Washington League win of the season. Oroville’s offense was almost literally unstoppable. The Hornets scored on their first four possessions of the game and led 26-7 early in the second quarter. Three self-inflicted wounds – turnovers – helped Manson get back in the game at 26-21 at the half before the Hornets scored on their first five possessions of the second half, not punting until the final
minutes after the bench had been emptied. The Hornets were also boosted by the return of one of their more experienced players, running back Eddie Ocampo, who fell just a couple yards short of 100 yards in his 2012 debut. “It was great to have Eddie back,” said Oroville coach Tam Hutchinson, who tied the school record for career coaching victories (54) with the win. “He makes a big difference for us. When we looked at the tapes of the Brewster and Davenport games, he definitely would have helped us. I’m not saying we would have won those two, but he’d have made a difference and should help the rest of the way.” Thanks to a pair of big Tanner Smith punt returns and Angel Camacho’s interception of Manson quarterback Kent Ustanik, the Hornets scored three touchdowns on three drives total-
ing just 86 yards in the first nine minutes of the game. Ocampo had a 4-yard run and Smith added scoring runs of 7 and 15 yards as the Hornets looked poised to put the game away early. Luke Kindred added a 47-yard touchdown pass to Smith in the second quarter as well. The strong-armed Ustanik heated up in the second quarter, throwing a pair of touchdown passes to Paul Toolson to go with a 47-yard Uriel Lopez touchdown run to pull the Trojans to within 26-21. Two of those scores were set up by Hornet turnovers, and a third gave Manson a chance to take the lead at halftime. Ustanik’s perfect 50-yard pass to Jorge Tejada slipped through the receiver’s fingers at the goal line to help the Hornets dodge that bullet. “This is the first game we’ve played against a quarterback that could throw deep like that,”
Hutchinson said. “We knew it was coming, but we let them get more than we should have. “It’s also the first time all year we’ve had the lead in a game, and in the first half we really didn’t know how to handle that.” The second half was a different story. The Hornets didn’t turn the ball over, and while Ustanik was still a threat, the Trojans’ offense couldn’t keep up with Oroville’s ability to score on all but one second half possession. Sean DeWitte scored on an 18-yard pass from Kindred to cap a 73-yard drive to open the third quarter, hurdling over a defender at the goal line, and it just continued from there. Smith (54 yards) and Ocampo (33 yards) added touchdown runs in the third quarter, while Dustin Nigg (7 yards) and Jose Barbosa (30 yards) each scored in the fourth. Ustanik connected with Lopez on a 43-yard scoring strike early
in the fourth quarter to pull Manson to within 46-28, but that was as close as the Trojans got. Lopez tacked on a 24-yard scoring run late in the game for the final score of the night and finished with 196 yards on 16 carries to lead all rushers. The Hornets (2-3, 1-1 CWL) boasted six players with more than 60 rushing yards, led by Dustin Nigg’s 131 yards and a touchdown on 12 carries. Smith added 76 yards and three touchdowns on three carries and had one catch for 47 yards and a score; Kindred added 73 yards on seven carries and completed 2-of-4 passes for 65 yards and two touchdowns; Barbosa added 62 yards on six carries in the fourth quarter; and Connolly Quick added 44 yards on five carries. Oroville plays at Liberty Bell (2-3, 2-0) on Friday, Oct. 5, in a game that is key to both teams’ playoff hopes.
TONASKET – It can be hard to find the silver lining after a 56-point loss, but Tonasket football coach Jay Hawkins found several. The Tigers, despite losing to second-ranked Cashmere 62-6 on Friday, Sept. 28, cut down on penalties and turnovers from previous contests and had a few other bright spots throughout the Caribou Trail League game. “We played pretty good football,” Hawkins said. “Cashmere has impressive team speed. We did a nice job setting the tempo but they went no-huddle in the second quarter and made the game sort of chaotic.” The Tigers trailed 14-0 after the first quarter, but couldn’t slow the faster Bulldogs in the second as they put four touchdowns on the board, including two in the final minute to open up a 42-0 lead. The second half was played under a running clock. Michael Orozco broke loose for a 31-yard touchdown run on the first play of the fourth quarter to cut the Cashmere lead at that point to 49-6. “I believe our kids felt good about some of the good plays we made throughout the game,” Hawkins said. Orozco led the Tigers (3-2, 1-2 CTL) with 73 yards rushing on eight carries. Trevor Terris completed 5-of-6 passes for 14 yards and Jeff Stedtfeld threw for 31 yards on 2-of-3 passing. Roberto Juarez caught three passes for 30 yards. For the game, the Bulldogs outgained the Tigers 485-185. Tonasket hosts Cascade (3-2, 3-0) Friday, Oct. 5, for homecoming. “This team has done a nice job of preparing for opponents,” Hawkins said. “This week will be no different and we will strive to play our best four quarters of the year.”
Entiat Bridgeport Oroville
Football Caribou Trail League (1A)
League Overall
Cashmere Okanogan Cascade Quincy Tonasket Brewster Chelan Omak
3-0 3-0 3-0 2-1 1-2 0-3 0-3 0-3
5-0 4-1 3-2 2-3 3-2 2-3 1-4 0-5
Central Washington League (2B)
League Overall Liberty Bell Kittitas White Swan Oroville Lk Roosevelt Manson Bridgeport
2-0 2-0 1-0 1-1 0-1 0-2 0-2
2-3 2-2 4-1 2-3 0-5 0-4 0-5
Girls Soccer Caribou Trail League (1A)
League Overall
Okanogan Cashmere Brewster Tonasket Cascade Omak Quincy Chelan
Pts 18 12 11 10 9 9 3 0
W-L 6-0 4-1 4-3 3-3 3-1 3-4 1-6 0-6
W-L-T 7-0-0 4-2-0 5-3-0 4-3-0 4-2-0 4-5-0 2-7-0 0-7-0
Central Washington League (2B) League Overall
Pts Manson 6 Liberty Bell 3
W-L 2-0 1-0
W-L-T 4-3-0 3-4-0
3 0 0
1-1 0-1 0-2
1-3-0 4-2-0 0-6-0
Volleyball Caribou Trail League (1A)
League Overall*
Cascade 7-0 12-1 Chelan 6-1 11-1 Brewster 5-2 8-3 Cashmere 2-3 2-3 Omak 2-5 3-8 Quincy 1-5 1-6 Tonasket 0-6 2-6 *Overall record include best-ofthree matches in weekend tournaments
CWL North Division (2B)
League Overall*
Manson 2-0 5-5 Bridgeport 1-0 9-5 Lk Roosevelt 0-1 2-4 Liberty Bell 0-1 3-6 Oroville 0-1 0-7 *Overall record include best-ofthree matches in weekend tournaments
Schedules Oct. 4-13 Thursday, Oct. 4 Girls Soccer - Oroville at Entiat, 7:00 p.m. Girls Soccer - Tonasket at Chelan, 4:30 p.m. Volleyball (JV/Var) - Chelan at Tonasket, 5:00/6:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 5 Football (Var) - Oroville at Liberty Bell, 7:00 p.m. Football (Var) - Cascade at Tonasket, 7:00 p.m. (homecoming)
Saturday, Oct. 6 Volleyball (Var) - Oroville at Entiat, 12:00 p.m. Cross Country - Oroville at Richland Invitational, 2:00 p.m. Cross Country - Tonasket at Lake Roosevelt Invitational, 12:00 p.m. Monday, Oct. 8 Football (JV) - Oroville at Okanogan, 5:30 p.m. Football (JV) - Lake Roosevelt at Tonasket, 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 9 Girls Soccer - Bridgeport at Oroville, 5:00 p.m. Girls Soccer - Okanogan at Tonasket, 4:30 p.m. Volleyball (Var) - Lake Roosevelt at Oroville, 6:00 p.m. Volleyball (JV/Var) - Okanogan at Tonasket, 5:00/6:30 p.m. Cross Country - Tonasket at Republic Invitational, 4:00 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 11 Girls Soccer - Tonasket at Oroville, 5:00 p.m. Volleyball (Var) - Oroville at Liberty Bell, 6:00 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12 Football (Var) - Lake Roosevelt at Oroville, 7:00 p.m. Football (Var) - Tonasket at Quincy, 7:00 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 13 Cross Country - Oroville Invitational (Veteran’s Memorial Park), 12:00 p.m. Cross Country - Tonasket at Quincy Invitational, 11:00 a.m. Girls Soccer - Tonasket at Quincy, 1:30 p.m. Volleyball (JV/Var) - Tonasket at Quincy, 1:00/2:30 p.m.
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Thank You The Tonasket Cheerleaders would like to say thank you to the following Businesses... Grant’s Market Frontier Foods The Junction The Kuhler Bar & Grill Spectacle Lake Resort Double S Meats
We appreciate your support and willingness to always help us out! Our pre-game barbeque fundraiser was a huge success because of you!
A Big Shout out to our
Awesome Community!
october 4, 2012 | Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune
Page B3
local sports
Hornets edged out Galvin 14 digs, 4 aces; Marissa Garcia 10 digs, 4 kills; Rachelle Nutt 10 digs; Sammy Walimaki 9 digs;Cassie Orlando 4 aces.
By Brent Baker
Brent Baker/staff photo
The Tigers’ Kathryn Cleman (11) heads the ball to a teammate for a near-assist during Tonasket’s victory over Chelan as Jaden Vugteveen (2) looks on.
Tigers bounce back again By Brent Baker
TONASKET – Tonasket’s girls soccer team picked up a win it needed to have on Thursday, Sept. 27, defeating Chelan at home, 2-0. The game was originally scheduled to be played at Chelan, but persistent air quality problems related to fires throughout Central Washington forced the schools to flip-flop the locations of their home-and-home series. Alicia Edwards scored in the 15th minute of the first half and the Tigers held that lead until the final minute of play, when Kelly Cruz drilled home the second goal from the top of the box. Edwards and Megan Beyers assisted on the goals. “We passed the ball great today,” said Tonasket coach Darren Collins. “Because of the defense they played we needed to move the ball well, try to switch fields,
and it got us a lot of shots. We just didn’t finish many of them. “We didn’t play that way at Brewster. If we’d played like this, whether we’d have beaten them or not, that would have been a very different game.” The Tigers outshot the Goats 19-5, and goalkeeper Baylie Tyus was challenged only once on her three saves. Chelan kept things close, though, with a packed-in defense that made it tough for the Tigers to create much space on offense. But by winning the possession battle, Tonasket ensured there were few Chelan threats to manage. “Now we just need to work on coming out with the right attitude every game and get more consistent,” Collins said. “We can beat most teams when we do that, but we can lose to anyone if we let up at all.” There will be no room for letting up as the Tigers host defend-
ing state runner-up Cashmere on Tuesday, Oct. 2. After that, most of the rest of the season will be one long road trip for the Tigers, who play six of their final eight games on the road.
(2-3, 7 points in CTL play), while Brewster has the same record but eight league points. Next up for Tonasket is a home match with Chelan on Thursday, which had originally been scheduled as an away game.
Brewster 3, Tonasket 0
Oroville falls twice
BREWSTER – Chandler Smith scored two goals for Brewster in the first half to stake her team to a 2-0 lead, and the Bears went on to defeat Tonasket 3-0 in a Caribou Trail League girls soccer match on Tuesday, Sept. 25. As Tonasket coach Darren Collins noted, every day in the CTL presents a new challenge. “We have to come out hungry every game,” he said. “We didn’t really do that at Brewster. In this league if you let up at all, you’re going to have trouble.” The Tigers fell to 3-3 overall
OROVILLE - Oroville’s girls soccer team lost a pair of nonleague games last week, falling at Bridgeport 6-0 on Sept. 27 and at home on Saturday to the Wenatchee JV, 2-1. “The team has improved though the outcome of the matches do not reflect that,” said Hornet coach Laura Kinman. “We are improving on offense since we are (scoring) some goals. We just need to finish.” The Hornets travel to Entiat on Thursday and host Bridgeport on Tuesday, Oct. 9.
MANSON – A point here, a point there, and the Oroville volleyball team will have that longawaited victory. The Hornets (0-6, 0-1 Central Washington League North Division) came that close to topping Manson on Thursday, Sept. 27, falling in five sets 24-26, 28-26, 25-10, 24-26, 15-12 to the Trojans. “Our girls hustled and played as the team we knew they could be this game,” said Hornets coach Stacey Hinze. “Although we did not win, we were extremely proud of how they performed.” The JV team, however, did pick up a victory, sweeping their Manson counterparts 25-20, 25-11, 25-15. Varsity Stats: Whitney Rounds 27 digs; Amber Perez 22 digs; Bridget Clark 6 kills, 19 digs; Nadia Maldonado 18 digs; Monica Herrera 13 digs. JV Stats: Jessica
Pateros 3, Oroville 0 PATEROS – Oroville’s volleyball team took on defending state 2B tournament participant Pateros, which is looking for a return trip to state this season after dropping down to the 1B ranks. The Nannies are no less imposing, however, as they swept past the Hornets 25-17, 25-15, 25-10. “(We) started this game with great intensity and played as a team,” Hinze said. “Unfortunately, though we had some great plays, we did not bring home the win. Pateros has some great hitters and plays as a team.” The Hornets (0-7) were set to host Bridgeport on Tuesday and play at Entiat on Saturday, Oct. 6. Stats: Bridget Clark 12 digs, 3 kills, 1 block; Andrea Perez 11 digs.
Powers tame Tigers Amber Monroe 1 kill; Jenny Bello 1 kill.
By Brent Baker
CHELAN – State 1A volleyball power Chelan may have a relatively young team but is proving to be no less imposing than it has been in adding to its collection of state trophies in recent years. Tonasket took its lumps in the Goats’ home floor on Thursday, Sept. 27, absorbing a 25-19, 25-8, 25-9 defeat. Tonasket coach Jackie Gliddon said that the scores belie her team’s improvement. “The girls played hard,” she said. “I am really proud of how hard they’re trying. They know they can play and are starting to believe in themselves.” The Tigers (2-6, 0-6 CTL) host Cashmere on Tuesday, Oct. 2. Stats: Devan Utt 8-10 serving, 2 aces, 6 kills; Sadie Long 5-6 serving, 1 ace, 2 kills; Carrisa Frazier 7-7 serving; Ahlia Young 2 kills;
Brewster 3, Tigers 0 BREWSTER - Brewster’s volleyball squad has had little trouble with the move back up to the 1A Caribou Trail League this season. The two time 2B trophy-winners have had their way with all but league-leading Cascade -losing to the Kodiaks in five sets -- and swept visiting Tonasket on Tuesday, Sept. 25, 25-8, 25-13, 25-11. “Although our record doesn’t show it, the girls continue to improve,” Gliddon said. The Tigers (2-5, 0-5 CTL) travel to Chelan on Thursday. Brewster improved to 8-2 (5-1 CTL). Stats: Ahlia Young 9-10 serving, 2 aces, 1 kill; Carrisa Frazier 6-7 serving; Sadie Long 1 kill; Devan Utt 1 kill.
Speiker wins Can-Am competed. Condon set a PR by 1:10, with McCarthy and Hughes running their fastest 5k times of the season. Jessica Puente (43rd, 24:20) paced the Tiger girls, followed by Giesa Seidler (64th, 26:20), Jenna Valentine (67th, 26:43), Claire Thornton (71st, 27:07 - her season best), and Corrina Karrer (100th, 34:53). The Tigers travel to the Lake Roosevelt Invitational on Saturday, Oct. 6.
By Brent Baker
KETTLE FALLS - Oroville’s Sierra Speiker added another feather to her figurative cap Saturday, Sept. 29, at the CanAm Invitational, winning a battle with an Idaho Class 5A runner to claim the full 5k cross country race. Speiker got past Josie Brown of Couer d’Alene with a time of 19:23 to beat her course best time by 10 seconds. Brown finished third in Idaho last year in the state’s largest classification’s state finals. Also running for the Oroville girls were Callie Barker (46th, 24:48) and Celene Cisneros (84th, 29:40). Diego Santana (61st, 21:20) and Ronel Kee (74th, 23:58) ran for the Oroville boys. The Hornets next run in Richland on Saturday, Oct. 6.
Avilez leads Tiger boys Tonasket’s boys were led by Oscar Avilez, whom coach Bob Thornton said recorded a 42 second personal record with this 16th place finish in 18:31. Adrian McCarthy (56th, 20:39),
Tonasket Middle Schoolers dominate
Submitted photo
Oroville’s Sierra Speiker won a tightly-contested battle at the CanAm Invitational in Kettle Falls. Smith Condon (62nd, 21:30), Lawrence Wambugu (64th, 21:43) and Jordan Hughes (25:10) also
Meanwhile, the Tonasket Middle School teams continued their success, with the girls team topping Colville to remain unbeaten on the season and the boys team placing second. Girls’ times included Camille Wilson (4th, 12:01), Johnna Terris (6th, 12:05.6), Hayley Larson (7th, 12:05.8), Katie Henneman (9th, 12:24), Megan Bolich (13th, 13:17) and Morgan Tyus (14th, 13:42). Running for the boys were Hunter Swanson (4th, 10:51), Kyle Holborn (6th, 11:19), Jake Wilson (8th, 11:27), Samuel Stranberg (21st, 12:49) and Jamin Truitt (26th, 13:17).
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Okanogan october04, 4, 2012 2012 OKANOGAN Valley VALLEYGazette-Tribune GAZETTE-TRIBUNE|• October
Tonasket residents can drop off information for the Gazette-Tribune at Highlandia Jewelry on 312 S. Whitcomb PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination�. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate that is in violation of the law. To complain of discrimination call HUD at 1-800-6699777. The number for hearing impaired is 1-800-9279275
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509-476-4057 TDD# 711
email: Equal Housing Opportunity
Lakefront home 3 bedroom 2 bath, garage $995; Carriage apartment on lake furnished 2 bedroom 1 bath $825; 2 bedroom home w/basement in town $650; 2 bedroom apartment $565; 1 bedroom apartments starting at $450. Call Sun Lakes Realty 509476-2121
Nice large 1 bedroom apartment. A/C. Upstairs, no pets, no smoking. $400 509-476FOR SALE: 80+/- Acres Sce- 3145 nic Ranch. Split-Level Single Family Residence w/ multiple Oroville Garden Improvements. Private & Apartments quiet, Abundant Wildlife. 1 1-bedroom upstairs 1536 N Pince Creek Rd. Must be income eligible, subPhone/web sidy available with unit if - Book Auction Co. you qualify. Close to Senior Center, Doctor and Downtown Shopping. Applications availble at 623 Fir St. Lot 6, Oroville Call 509-476-3059 Hillside Apartments Tonasket - 1 bedroom house Apartment Available Soon! close to town, quiet. $495/ Basic Rent $530 + Deposit month 509-486-1682
For Rent
– Income eligible –
509-486-4966 TDD 1-800-833-6388 515 Tonasket Ave. Tonasket, WA
Say it in the classifieds! *Special deal* *HAPPY BIRTHDAY *HAPPY ANNIVERSARY *CONGRATULATIONS!! *WILL YOU MARRY ME? MUST BE PREPAID $6.00 for the first 15 words additional words $1.00 each. Bold words, special font or borders extra. Add a picture for only $1.50 more. Call to place ad Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune 509-476-3602
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Clinic LPN Mid-Valley Medical Group Part-Time .8 FTE Day/Evening Shift REQUIRED: Must have current CPR certification. Minimum of 1 year clinic experience. Able to communicate clearly and effectively. LPN candidates must hold a current WA State License. DESIRED: Previous experience with Centricity software. If interested apply at
good�, in which a corrected ad will be run the following week. WNPA incurs no other liability for errors in publication.
Work Wanted Handyman Repairs 25 years in the construction trade. $15/ hour flat rate. No job too big or small. Experience in wood framing, drywall, fence and deck repair, roof repair, etc. etc. Call Siguard 509-557-5389
Feed Hay & Grain
30. Sundae topper, perhaps
12. All excited
32. Open, as a bottle
13. Student who studies obsessively (pl.)
34. Cut, maybe 36. Alliance acronym 39. Overindulgence in food 41. Taking the form of a chevron 43. Boris Godunov, for one 44. “Beat it!� 46. Hung around 47. “Yes, ___� 49. Bluenose 51. Dash lengths 52. Circuit 54. Hitchcock classic 56. Country whose capital is Kishinev
22. Frenzied woman 24. Choppers, so to speak 25. Coal carrier 27. A cloud of fine, dry particles 28. ___ probandi 29. Climbing hurriedly 31. “___ alive!� 33. Yellow 35. Key material 37. Abound 38. “What are the ___?� 40. An end to sex? 42. Highly cultured or intellectual
62. Hawaiian dish
45. Harvest goddess
63. Seedless citrus fruit with depression at apex
48. Is repentant
66. Ashes holder
50. A U. N. agency concerned with flight (acronym)
67. Mournful poem
52. Small, sealed glass vial
68. In base 8
53. Bond player
69. Chair part
54. Machine used to cover a road with asphalt
70. Conductor Koussevitzky
1. Technical name for the back (pl.)
55. Spinachlike plant 57. Caesar’s farewell 59. “I’m ___ you!�
6. A secret scheme or plot
60. Biology lab supply
61. Farmer’s place, in song
14. Roswell crash victim, supposedly
1. Trousers
15. Invitation heading
2. ___ podrida
16. Amateur video subject, maybe
3. Cambodian currency
17. Impulse to steal
4. School month (abbrev., pl.)
19. Bathtub liquid?
5. Pronghorn
20. Put (away)
6. Cirque
21. Designate
7. “Bingo!�
23. Slow-moving, tree-dwelling mammal (pl.)
8. Elaine ___ (“Seinfeld� role)
Think Green!
18. Aroma
58. Overseas
71. A form that coils or spirals
11. Adage
into syrup
31. Any thing
64. ___ roll 65. Alkaline liquid
ADOPTION ADOPT: A truly Loving Family, Audrey & Fred, wish to cherish miracle baby with love & financial security. Expenses paid. 1-800-775-4013 ADOPT -- Caring, married couple wishes to give love, affection & security to your baby. Expenses paid. Confidential. Call Debbie & Frank anytime 1-888-988-5499 EDUCATION/CAREER TRAINING ATTEND COLLEGE online from home. *Medical *Business *Criminal Justice. *Hospitality. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. SCHEV authorized. Call 866-483-4429. EVENTS-FESTIVALS ANNOUNCE your festival for only pennies. Four weeks to 2.7 million readers statewide for about $1,200. Call this newspaper or 1 (206) 634-3838 for more details. FOR SALE -- MISC SAWMILLS from only $3997.00 -Make/Save Money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free info/DVD: 1-800-578-1363 Ext 300N
Alfalfa/ Grass Hay, big round bales $140/ ton. 509-4762313. FINANCIAL
Garage & Yard Sale
Continued Yard Sale at United Methodist Church, Oroville Tonasket: 3 bedroom, very Friday 10/5 9:00am- 6:00pm, Licensed Nail Technician clean, neat, private. $850, Saturday 9:00am- 3:00pm. Part-Time. Call Kristi 509first, last & damage. No New items added, bargain house pets, horse pasture 486-2910. Serenity Day Spa prices. & Lodging, Tonasket, Wash. available. 509-486-2963. Moving Sale! Saturday, Oct. 6. 117 Eastlake Rd., Oroville 10. Absorbed, in a way 26. Holes in the head 8:00am- 2:00pm 11. Tree whose sap is made 27. Affairs
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Help Wanted
This newspaper participates in a statewide classified ad program sponsored by the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association, a statewide association of weekly newspapers. The program allows classified advertisers to submit ads for publication in participating weeklies throughout the state in compliance with the following rules. You may submit an ad for the statewide program through this newspaper or in person to the WNPA office. The rate is $255 for up to 25 words, plus $10 per word over 25 words. WNPA reserves the right to edit all ad copy submitted and to refuse to accept any ad submitted for the statewide program. WNPA, therefore, does not guarantee that every ad will be run in every newspaper. WNPA will, on request, for a fee of $40, provide information on which newspapers run a particular ad within a 30 day period. Substantive typographical error (wrong address, telephone number, name or price) will result in a “make
LOCAL PRIVATE INVESTOR loans money on real estate equity. I loan on houses, raw land, commercial property and property development. Call Eric at (800) 563-3005. HELP WANTED -- DRIVERS WE VALUE our drivers are our most Important Asset! You make us successful! Top Pay and Benefits Package! CDL-A required. Join our team now! 1-888-414-4467. DRIVER -- Full or Part-time.. $0.01 increase per mile after 6 months. Choose your hometime: Weekly 7/ON/7OFF, 14/ON/7/OFF. Requires 3 months recent experience. 800-414-9569 LEGAL SERVICES DIVORCE $135. $165 with children. No court appearances. Complete preparation. Includes custody, support, property division and bills. BBB member. (503) 772-5295.
Public Notices Public Auction There will be a Public Auction at Budget Towing, 32156 Hwy 97, Tonasket 509-560-1056, on Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2012. Viewing time starts at 11 a.m. with the auction at 12 p.m. Up for auction will be: 94 Ford 03 Chrysler 90 Ford 97 Suzuki Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on Oct. 4, 2012.#427631
WorkSource, Okanogan County 126 S. Main St., Omak 509-826-7310 Updated list of employment at
WorkSource Okanogan County is an equal opportunity employer and provider of employment and training services. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to persons with disabilities. Space donated by the Gazette-Tribune.
9. “Mi chiamano Mimi,� e.g.
Public Notices IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR OKANOGAN COUNTY NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 12-4-00048-3 In re the Estate of: KARL EUGENE JOHNSON and EDNA MAE JOHNSON, husband and wife, Deceased. The co-personal representatives named below have been appointed as co-personal representatives of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the co-personal representatives or the co-personal representatives’ attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the co-personal representatives served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. DATE OF FILING COPY OF NOTICE TO CREDITORS with Clerk of Court: September 10, 2012. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: September 20, 2012 /s/: Robert K. Johnson, Co-Personal Representative /s/: Laurie Morgan, Co-Personal Representative /s/: Anthony Castelda, WSBA #28937 Attorney for Johnson Estate PO Box 1307 Tonasket, WA 98855 (509) 486-1175 Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on Sept. 20 and 27 and Oct. 4, 2012.#423530 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 12-4-05000-4 SEA In re the Estate of: CHARLES CHANNING, Deceased. The personal representative named below has been appointed as personal representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the personal representative or the personal representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) 30 days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1) (c) or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and non probate assets. Date of First Publication: Sept. 20, 2012 Personal Representative: CRAIG CHANNING Attorney for the Personal Representative: Carolann O’Brien Storli Address for Mailing or Service: STORLI LAW, PLLC 1420 Fifth Avenue, Suite 3000 Seattle, WA 98101 (206) 892-2139 Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on Sept. 20 and 27 and Oct. 4, 2012.#423500
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Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune 1420 Main St. ď Ź P.O. Box 250 Oroville, WA. 98844 Phone: 509-476-3602 Toll Free: 866-773-7818 1420 Main St., P.O. Box 250 Oroville, WA 98844 509-476-3602 or 1-866-773-7818
Public Notices
Public Notices
Public Notices
Public Notices
IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR OKANOGAN COUNTY SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NO. 12-2-00444 9 BRETZ CONSTRUCTION & REPAIR, L.L.C., a Washington Limited Liability Company, Plaintiffs, vs. JERRY J. ANDERSON and YVONNE A. ANDERSON, husband and wife, and the marital community; thereof; WENDY JO ANDERSON, Trustee of the Anderson Personal Residence Trust, UTD May 18, 2009; JOHN DOE and JANE DAY IX, and any and all other persons appearing on title, Defendants. The State of Washington to the said Wendy Jo Anderson, Trustee of the Anderson Personal Residence Trust6, UTD May 18, 2009 and JOHN DOE and JANE DOE 1-X, their heirs and assigns, and any and all other persons appearing on title or claiming any right, title or interest herein, in the property of the Plaintiffs. You, and each of you, are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty (60) days after September 6, 2012, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court and answer the complaint of the plaintiffs and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for the plaintiff, at his office below stated; and, in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demands of the complaint in this action which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of this action is to quiet title in Plaintiffs to real estate in Okanogan County, Washington, described as:
Okanogan County Parcel: Unknown A tract of land located in the Southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 37 North, Range 27 E.W.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point on the line, if extended, southerly between Lots 3 and 4, Block 13, Riverview Addition to Tonasket in a straight line a distance of 216.4 feet from the Southeast of said Lot 3, Block 13; thence North 60 degrees 39’ West a distance of 327 feet; thence North 29 degrees 21’ East a distance of 12 feet; thence South 60 degrees 39’ East a distance of 327 feet; thence south 29 degrees 21’ West a distance of 12 feet to the point of beginning. Dated this 21st day of August, 2012 /s/: Anthony Castelda Roger A. Castelda, WSBA# 5571 Anthony Castelda WSBA# 28937 Attorney for Plaintiff PO Box 1307 Tonasket, WA 98855 Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on Sept. 6, 13, 20 and 27 and Oct. 4 and 11, 2012.#419537
Up to $35,000 for a single jurisdiction or $40,000 for a multiple jurisdiction project may be available to the City of Tonasket to fund a planning project that principally benefits low- and moderate-income persons. An outline of the proposed stormwater and downtown planning will be available for review at City Hall in the ClerkTreasurer’s office beginning on October 9, 2012. Comments may be submitted in writing to the City of Tonasket, P.O. Box 487, Tonasket, WA. 98855 until 4 p.m. on October 12, 2012. The City of Tonasket Council Room is handicap accessible. Arrangements to reasonably accommodate special needs, including handicap accessibility or interpreter, will be made upon receiving 24 hour advance notice. Contact Alice Attwood, 509-486-2132 at City Hall. Persons interested in commenting should plan to attend this hearing or send written comments prior to the hearing. Alice J. Attwood, Clerk-Treasurer Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on Oct. 4, 2012.#427643
should call City Hall prior to the hearing, 509-486-2132. Alice J. Attwood, Clerk-Treasurer Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on Oct. 4, 2012.#427641
Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the City of Tonasket City Council in the Tonasket City Council Room on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at 8:00 pm. The purpose of the public hearing is to review community development and housing needs, inform citizens of the availability of funds and eligible uses of the state Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), and receive comments on proposed activities, particularly from low- and moderate-income persons and persons residing in the Tonasket area.
PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held at the regular Council meeting of the Tonasket City Council on Tuesday, October 9, 2012 at 7:00 pm in the City Hall, Tonasket, Washington. The purpose of the hearing is to review the revenue sources for the 2013 budget, including consideration of possible increases in property tax revenues, setting the tax levy for 2013 and to review the 2013 Preliminary Budget. All interested persons are invited to attend and those with special language, hearing and access needs
Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is todifficulty place the numbers Puzzle 1 (Easy, rating 0.40) 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once.
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6 2
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4 6 5 3 7 2
2 1 3 8 9
4 7
7 4 6 5
1 8 9 2 3
3 2 9
4 6 7 8 1 5
5 8 2 3 9 6 4 7
Puzzle 1 (Easy, difficulty rating 0.40)
1420 Main St., Oroville, WA 98844 509-476-3602
If you are buying or selling a home, you want someone you can rely on with years of experience to represent you.
Call one of our local Real Estate agents today to find the home of your dreams or to list your home! Come get your map of all the Lakefront properties! 1411 Main St., P.O. Box 547 Oroville, WA SUN 509-476-2121 LAKES Stan & Tamara Porter & Joan Cool REALTY
VINEYARD / WINERY Heart of Okanogan. Perfect Sunny Arid Land, Classic Contemporary 3500 sqft + triple garage & equipment for vineyard. $309,900.
1510 Main St., Oroville 509-476-4444
Call Cindy or Rocky DeVon or Carrie Rise Recently Reduced! This Charming 3 bed 1.75 bath built by Richard Henson in 1987 looks like the “Original” Built using the same design as the home dating from 1915. This home has all of the cozy of the original with all of the comfort of today! Conveniently located within walking distance of downtown amenities. Half a block to waterfront recreation at Henry Kniss Park that allows access to Lake Osoyoos. The home features newly remodeled kitchen with stainless appliances. Come feel the warmth of this charming home. MLS#348514 $136,500
Call Charlene at 476-3602 or 322-5712 to advertise in the Real Estate Guide
The coffee is always on! Windermere Real Estate / Oroville Sandy Peterson (Designated Broker) & Ron Peterson (Broker), Owners. Mary Curtis, Dan Coursey & Doug Kee (Brokers)
4 Lakeshore Dr., Oroville-Amazing lake access with nearly new multilevel home with lake/mountain views. Slate, tile, oak floors. Stone gas fireplace. Stainless appliances. Granite counters, pantry. Master suite has walk-in closet, double sink vanity, separate tub/shower. Huge family room. Daylight basement has gas fireplace in rec room, two bedrooms, full bath. Half bath, laundry room on entry level. Oversized two car garage with cabinets/sink. In ground irrigation. Many upgraded features. Wonderful home. NWMLS # 377262 $399,000
Where good deals are not extinct! 509-486-4528 An attractive cabin/house on over 9 wooded acres. The property holds mature evergreens and tall grasses and boasts a small creek that used to run the old Swanson Mill. A good combination of seclusion and open views that make wildlife watching easier. The cabin has high ceilings, attractive timber style woodwork, a classic wood/coal/propane range/oven and a 2nd wood stove for heating. Power but no well or septic yet. Owner contract available. $59,000 MLS 341460 PICTURES - email: 306 Hwy. 7 S., Tonasket Toll Free 1-877-593-7238
5 ACRES. Borders City Limits. Has City Water. City Sewer in Street. Former Livestock Market. Corrals. Panels. Gates. 15-ton Scale. Hay Shed. Other Outbldgs. Currently operating Livestock Cafe. Near Sports Complex . Excellent visibility from Highway 97. OR, Develop for Home Lots ? $300,000.00 - Make Offers Jan Asmussen, Broker - Owner 509-486-2138 158 Airport Rd - Tonasket, WA. 98855
Edwards Refrigeration Rick Edwards
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Phone: 509.826.3200 Fax: 509.826.1620
132 Clarkson Mill Rd., Tonasket 509-486-2888
Retubing Shortening
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Only Driveline Balancer in the County!! Over 400 parts in stock U-Joint Repair
From Imports to Semi Trucks... We Do it All! Usually 24 hour turnaround! Open Mon-Thur. 8 to 7pm
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P.O. Box 1758 Tonasket, WA 98855
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Installed Insulation
11648 115th St., Osoyoos at the Buena Vista Industrial Park
509-486-0511 521 Western Ave. S. Tonasket
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Page B6
Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune | october 4, 2012
okanogan valley life Big World of Flight Photos by Gary DeVon
Oroville Fourth graders learned about landing on a runway from Big World of Flight for Education, a volunteer group of pilots dedicated to introducing young people to the world of aviation.The pilots who volunteered their time, knowledge and planes this year in Oroville were Tom and Nancy Jensen, Mike Latta, Steve Carkeek and Marilyn Emery. The Jensens taught about airport operations, traffic patterns and communications at a station called “Touch and Go.” Tom Jensen and Latta taught the students how to preflight an airplane and why airplanes fly at the station called “ The Airplane” and Marilyn Jensen taught “Preflight,’ where the students learned how to fill out a flight plan. Oroville airport manager, Steve Johnston, helped facilitate the program by organizing space and transportation for the flight crew. After a stop in Republic on Monday, and Oroville on Tuesday, theBig World flight team will continue this tour with stops in Okanogan, and Tonasket.
Okanogan County
Okanogan Valley Church Guide Blessing of the Animals
Sat., Oct. 6, 2012 from 12:30 to 3:30 at the Trinity
Episcopal Church Parish Hall
Great Fun!
Thank You... Chevrolet for your support!
Bo Silverthorn
604 Central, Oroville
Bring your 4-legged, feathered or finned special friend for a blessing, a treat and a gift. Bring your children...Face Painting!
You are encouraged to bring your musical instrument and join in.
OROVILLE Oroville Community Bible Fellowship
Sunday Service, 10:00 a.m. 923 Main St. • Mark Fast, Pastor
Faith Lutheran Church
11th & Ironwood, Oroville • 476-2426 Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. “O taste and see that the Lord is good!” Pastor Dan Kunkel • Deacon Dave Wildermuth
Immaculate Conception Parish
1715 Main Street Oroville 8:30 a.m. English Mass 1st Sunday of the Month Other Sundays at 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Spanish Mass every other Sun. Rev. David Kuttner • 476-2110
PC of G Bible Faith Family Church
476-3063 • 1012 Fir Street, Oroville SUNDAY: 7 a.m. Men’s Meeting 9:45 Sunday School (2-17 yrs) • Life Skills (18+) 10:45 Worship Service • Children’s Church (3-8 yrs) WEDNESDAY: 7 p.m. Bible Study (13+) Pastor Claude Roberts
Oroville United Methodist
908 Fir, Oroville • 476-2681 Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Rev. Leon Alden
Valley Christian Fellowship
Pastor Randy McAllister 142 East Oroville Rd. • 476-2028 • Sunday School (Adult & Teens) 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m.• Sun. Evening Worship 6 p.m. Sunday School & Children’s Church K-6 9:45 to 1:00 p.m. Open to Community! Located at Kid City 142 East Oroville • Wednesday Evening Worship 7 p.m.
Trinity Episcopal
602 Central Ave., Oroville Sunday School & Services 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist: 1st, 3rd, & 5th • Morning Prayer: 2nd & 4th The Reverend Marilyn Wilder 476-3629 Warden • 476-2022
Church of Christ
Ironwood & 12th, Oroville • 476-3926 Sunday School 10 a.m. • Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Seventh-Day Adventist
10th & Main, Oroville - 509-476-2552 Bible Study: Sat. 9:30 a.m. • Worship: Sat. 11 a.m. Skip Johnson • 509-826-0266
Oroville Free Methodist
1516 Fir Street • Pastor Rod Brown • 476.2311 Sun. School 9:15 am • Worship Service 10:15am Youth Activity Center • 607 Central Ave. Monday 7:00 pm • After School M-W-F 3-5pm
LOOMIS Loomis Community Church
Main Street in Loomis 9:45 a.m. Sunday School • 11 a.m. Worship Service Call for other events information Pastor Vern Fenton
Bring on Leash Please.
Chesaw Community Bible Church
Nondenominational • Everyone Welcome Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. to Noon Pastor Duane Scheidemantle • 485-3826
Good times at the Fair!
Thank you Grandma Gayle & Terry Hueth for supporting my lamb at the fair!
MOLSON Community Christian Fellowship
Molson Grange, Molson Sunday 10:30 a.m., Worship & Youth Sun. School Wednesday 6:30pm, Bible Study “For by grace are ye saved through faith...” Eph. 2:8-9 “...lovest thou me...Feed my lambs...John 21:1-17
RIVERSIDE Riverside Lighthouse - Assembly of God
Love, Clay
102 Tower Street Sunday Bible Study 10:00am Sunday Worship 11:00am & 6:30pm Wednesday- family Night 6:30pm Pastor Vern & Anita Weaver Ph. 509-826-4082
We love the Fair!
TONASKET Holy Rosary Parish
1st & Whitcomb Ave., Tonasket 10:30 a.m. English Mass 1st Sunday of the Month Other Sundays at 8:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Spanish Mass every other Sun. Rev. David Kuttner • 476-2110
Immanuel Lutheran Church
1608 Havillah Rd., Tonasket • 509-485-3342 Sun. Worship 9 a.m. • Bible Study & Sun. School 10:15
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast.” -Eph. 2:8-9
“To every generation.” Celebrating 100 years 1905-2005
Crossroads Meeting Place Tonasket Foursquare Church
415-A S. Whitcomb Ave. • Pastor George Conkle Sunday: 10 a.m. (509) 486-2000 • cell: (509) 429-1663
Tonasket Community UCC
24 E. 4th, Tonasket • 486-2181
“A biblically based, thoughtful group of Christian People”
Sunday Worship at 11 a.m. Call for program/activity information Leon L. Alden, Pastor
Whitestone Church of the Brethren
577 Loomis-Oroville Rd., Tonasket. 846-4278 9:15am Praise Singing. 9:30am Worship Service 10:45am Sunday school for all ages
Ellisforde Church of the Brethren
32116 Hwy. 97, Tonasket. 846-4278 10am Sunday School. 11am Worship Service
“Continuing the work of Jesus...simply, peacefully, together”
Pastor Jim Yaussy Albright.
To reserve this spot call Charlene at 476-3602 for details
Ruben Laurie would like to thank...
The Kuhler Bar and Grill
for generously supporting me and my steer at the Okanogan Fair!