INSIDE Energy Matters
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Port of Lopez meeting
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The ‘Mystic Sea’
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Islands’ eekly W
VOLUME 36, NUMBER 25 • June 18, 2013
OPALCO’s vision for broadband takes a turn By Steve Wehrly Journal reporter
Somewhere along the line, Orcas Power and Light Cooperative’s vision for expanded countywide high-speed Internet service took a turn. Over the past year, OPALCO developed and promoted a plan to provide high-speed Internet access and Internet-based telephone service on a subscription basis to its membership for $75 per month. In recent weeks, however, the co-op has decided not to become an Internet service provider itself. The build-out of the fiber optic infrastructure would be financed in part by a $34 million U.S. Department of Agriculture rural development loan, some of it to be repaid with a $15 monthly additional charge to co-op customers whether or not the customer subscribed to Internet service. OPALCO announced in December it would proceed with the provision of internet service plan if half of its membership indicated support for the plan by signing up with the company and providing the company with a pre-subscription deposit. Some 900 OPALCO members signed up for Internet service and made pre-subscription deposits of $90. The deposits were returned or credited to customer accounts when
OPALCO announced the plan would not be implemented. On Wednesday, June 12, at the first of five meetings to be held on San Juan, Shaw, Orcas and Lopez Islands, Assistant General Manager Foster Hildreth introduced the revised plan to an audience of about 50 people at the Grange Hall in Friday Harbor. Several people in the audience dubbed the change of course as “Plan B.” Before the meeting, a dozen islanders gathered around Hildreth to ask questions about the “new direction.” Some said they still supported the plan approved by the board in December, others expressed satisfaction that OPALCO had scrapped that plan. Hildreth told the small group that the vision hadn’t changed, but said the co-op was moving to an “incremental approach to leveraging our assets” for the benefit of its members. When the meeting started, the crowd of 50 listened attentively to Hildreth’s explanation that the original plan approved by the OPALCO Board of Directors had not generated the level of support necessary to offset the risk to the cooperative’s financial structure. “We’ve learned a lot from our members over the past year,” Hildreth said about the reaction to the co-op’s broadband initiative. Hildreth pointed out that although the
co-op won’t be moving forward with the proposed plan, “we’ll do what we can with our infrastructure to benefit our membership and make best use of co-op resources by leasing the present fiber-optic network to telecommunications and internet providers.” OPALCO has installed 77 miles of fiberoptic cable on most inhabited islands in the San Juans. This network and the corresponding equipment connects the company’s 11 major substations and is used “for monitoring and control of power quality and equipment, voltage regulators and other distribution devices,” according to the co-op. The fiber and equipment make up what OPALCO called its “Island Network,” launched in 2001 and already leased to organizations such as San Juan County, Peace Island Medical Center, University of Washington Labortories, and others. Hildreth explained that until OPALCO figures out the direction of future infrastructure utilization, it has instituted a “moratorium on adding any new fiber connections through Island Network.” During this period, OPALCO will negotiate with CenturyLink and other internet service providers who may want to lease access to the co-op’s infrastructure. After the meeting, Hildreth explained
further in an email: “Our discussions with CenturyLink are moving forward and we expect to reach completion by the end of summer. We’ve been talking to all of the local ISPs and welcome conversations with any service provider who can help us toward our vision of better broadband for our membership.” Regarding the $34 million capital project loan commitment from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, some of which would have been used for the Internet project, OPALCO stated in a press release, “The USDA loan is in place through 2016 for capital projects including infrastructure expansion. We draw funds down only after completing projects. It’s likely that we won’t use the whole amount that has been approved for this construction work plan period, and there is no penalty for not drawing down funds.” OPALCO took the pulse of the meeting through a series of charts and tables asking attendees about their attitudes to present internet service and internet speed. Most responses favored faster internet service and “more aggressive investment” by OPALCO in internet service. After the meeting, Hildreth summed up his conclusions: “We were pleased to hear such strong member support for our vision,” he said.
Islanders build homes and help children in Mexico By Marne Cook Special to the Weekly
Bang! Bang! Bang! Hammers pounding nails
into wood. With each piece of wood the structure becomes a little clearer. After several days of hard work, two houses will be built and become homes for those in need. On July 7-17, youth and adult members of this community will head off to Mexico to lend a helping hand to those in need. The City, a local chapter of the 3V’s organization, along with another school group from Onalaska, Wash., will be building houses for two families. Starting from the founda-
Lopez Artist Guild Art Show
The Lopez Artists’ guild presents New Work by Wendy Buffum, Martha Garcia and Kate Scott at the Lopez center for Community and the Arts. Opening reception for the artists is Friday, June 21, from 5-7 p.m. at the center. The exhibit runs through July 30.
tion slab, these groups will be piecing together wood, insulation, dry wall, roofing and all that constitutes a simple and modest structure. Both houses will be finished within the schedule of a ten day trip. The City plans on surprising the families with a house warming party. Members of this group include Nathan and Melisa Borg, Jessica Burton, Emalie Hobi, Michael Hobi, Thomas Hobi, Joey Fowler, Riley Magnuson, Chloe Mason, Susan Savage, Sam Mcmacken,
John Mcmacken, Autumn Gr uenwald, Rande Gruenwald, Madeline Jordon, Tin Tran and Brian Leyde. The City will also be involved with The City of Angels Orphanage. The group said they will be playing and hopefully brightening the lives of the children at the orphanage in little ways. “I am so excited to play with all the little kids,” Mason said. In order to raise money for this trip, The City will be doing various fundraisers.
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The first event occurs on June 22 at the golf course where the group will host a golf tournament. The next event on their fundraising calendar will be on July 4 when The City will set up a snack shack in front of Lopez Island Body and Fitness. They will be selling cotton candy, popcorn, slushies, soda and water to all those who are in area looking for refreshments. As an ongoing fundraiser each students participating have been asked to raise an additional five hundred dol-
Lopez Center
lars each for building supplies and materials for the houses. “The great thing about this is that when you donate money for the houses that people aren’t just helping an amazing cause, but they get a tax deduction. It’s a win win,” Emalie Hobi said. If you would like to donate to this cause or are looking for addition information please contact call 468-2873. Cook is a freelance writer on Lopez and a member of The City group.
Abbey Road LIVE!
Wednesday, July 3, 7:30 pm Outdoors weather permitting Great dance band $15/adult $8/youth Lopez Bookshop, Blossom Grocery, Paper Scissors,
Community Calendar
weds, june 19 meeting: Monthly Transition Lopez Island potluck, 6:15 p.m., Sunnyfield Farm, 6363 Fisherman Bay Rd. At 7 p.m. there will be an audio presentation on”Sustaining a Transition Group” by the Northeast Seattle Initiative followed with discussion. fri, june 21 art: Art reception, 5- 7 p.m., Lopez Center for Community and the Arts. The Lopez Artists’ Guild presents a very diverse
exhibit featuring stunning new works by Wendy Buffum, Martha Garcia and Kate Scott, with an opening reception for the artists. Refreshments will be served. Show runs at the center, through July 30. sat, june 22 meeting: Lopez Island Hospice and Home Support’s Volunteers Share, 1 p.m., the Gathering Place. Share experiences as a Direct Care or Associate Care volunteer and meet other volunteers. Call
Mary O’Bryant if you have questions, 468-2421. hiking: Chadwick Hill-Pt. Colville Traverse, Leader, Brad Buchanan. This route is especially fun if you have not hiked it before. It involves a pasture, a forested trail, a rope swing, a view of a beach 300 ft. below, a steep rocky trail decent, [my 9 year old granddaughter did it], a beach walk up the trail heading south, a meadow traverse, and a view south from Pt. Colville. Three or 4 miles max, but oh so much fun. Meet at Watmough Bay parking lot at 9 a.m. A van shuttle will be arranged. Sign up with Brad at 468-3099 or Bob Walker at 468-3397.
june 24- 27 sports: Swim Classes, Lopez Islander Resort, various times, $30-$50 fee; Classes still available for this week for ages 6 month to 12 years; Preregistration required. Call LIFRC at 468-4117 to discuss availability. june 25- 27 sports: Golf Clinic, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m., Lopez Golf Club. Ages 8 to adult, $45 fee. Learn fundamentals of grip, stance, swing, and ball contact. Bring your own 7 iron and putter or borrow ours. Pre-registration required thru LIFRC, 4684117, or register online at tues, june 25 outdoors: Seawood
Ramble, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m., Meet Agate Beach Parking Lot. Ages 6 to adult, (6-12 year olds must register with paying registered adult), $30 fee. Dr. Ryan Drum will identify seaweeds and discuss harvesting, and edible/medicinal plant uses on one of the lowest tides of the summer. Pre-registration required thru LIFRC, 468-4117, or register online at www.lifrc. org. sat, june 29 sports: Ping pong tournament, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m., Multi-Purpose-Room at Lopez School. The entry fee is $30/person. The tournament will benefit the Nicaragua Service Learning Trip. Call 468-4691 to register.
thurs, july 4 books: Friends of the Lopez Island Library July 4 Book Sale, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Lopez Center for Community and the Arts. The Book Sale features a great selection of used books, videos, and audiobooks. Shop at the Friends Corner Store offering book bags, sweatshirts, T-shirts, hats and mugs for sale. Sun, ongoing market: Lopez Island Farmers’ Market, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Lopez Island Farmer’s Market next to the Community Center on Village Road North Running through Sept. 14.
recently of sexually assaulting two alcohol-impaired teenage girls at a late-night party in October on Orcas Island, is slated to stand trial on charges of felony rape in San Juan County. On June 7, Peter John Anderson pleaded not guilty in San Juan County Superior Court to two counts of thirddegree rape of a child, a Class C felony, and to two counts of second-degree
rape of a child, a Class A felony that carries maximum penalties of life in prison, a $50,000 fine, or both. His trial begins Aug. 26 and will be heard by a jury. Prosecutors also filed a pair of third-degree rape charges as an alternative to either Class A felony offense. The lesser felony offense carries maximum penalties of five years in prison, a $10,000 fine,
or both. Anderson was released under court orders pending trial. According to court documents, the two 15-year-old girls, as well as being under the age of consent, were incapacitated by a combination of alcohol and marijuana at the time prosecutors claim that Anderson forced himself upon both, at separate times that same night, and sexually assaulted each in the haze of a late-night alcohol-fueled party in Eastsound in mid-October. He was 20 and more than four years older than either of the alleged victims at the time. In June, 2010, Anderson, then 18 and an Orcas residence, was accused of second-degree rape for an alleged sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl. He pleaded innocent to the felony offense and six months later
the case was dismissed after prosecutors, according to court documents, informed the court that the alleged victim, fearful of confrontational court proceedings, could no longer participate and that they could not proceed without her testimony. As with the 2010 case, Anderson is represented by attorney Charles Arndt of the Coupeville-based law firm of Arndt and Walker. Arndt is a former San Juan County public defender.
slated to begin Aug. 12. According to court documents, the daughter, now in her early 20’s, notified local authorities in December about sexually explicit images of her and a boyfriend taken without their consent and that were stored on her father’s computer. She reportedly confronted him about the images the month before. Detectives were supplied with copies of the images that had been retrieved by a sibling and a friend from a faulty hard-drive the man had reportedly replaced several months earlier. Authorities claim that the photos and video were taken by Niebling in late spring of 2009, through a window of the girl’s bedroom at their Sutton Road home. She was 17 at the time. The images reportedly were still on the hard drive as of September of 2012. According to court records, Niebling was convicted in Minnesota in 1992 of possession of child pornography. He would face maximum penalties of 10 years in prison, a $20,000 fine, or both, if convicted of the Class B felony; five years in prison, a $10,000 fine, or both, in convicted of the lesser offense.
News briefs Former Orcas resident charged with rape of two teen girls For the second time in three years a 21-year-old Bothell man, accused most
Carol Weiss, MA Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Adult and Senior Psychotherapy Parent Guidance Jungian Dreamwork Mindfulness Psychology 468-3571 35 years experience Zen meditation and mindfulness practitioner UW Geriatric Mental Health Certificate
Monte Midkiff
Come in for your FREE LUNCH! Galley Restaurant
Business Hours
Galley Lopez Islander Restaurant Daily breakfast: Open at 8 am 8:30 - 11:30 am Full menu until at Lunch: least 8 pm every night 11:30 am - 4:30 pm Short-list menu Dinner: 4:30 pm - 9 pm after 8 p.m. (Sun through Thursday) Fresh, Local, Dinner: 4:30 pm - 10 pm Fantastic Friday & Saturday 468-2713 468-2233
Lopez Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings: Mondays - 7:30 p.m. at the Children’s Center Wednesdays - 4 p.m. Women’s meeting at the fellowship hall at Grace Episcopal Church Fridays - 7:30 p.m. at the Children’s Center Saturdays - noon at the Children’s Center Contact phone number 468-2809
Al-Anon: Saturdays - 9:30 a.m. at the Children’s Center, Lopez. Contact phone number 468-4703.
360.378.5696 Roxanne Angel Editor 360.468.4242 Cali Bagby Circulation Manager 360.376.4500 Gail Anderson-Toombs Display Advertising 360.376.4500 Cali Bagby
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The Islands’ Weekly • • June 18, 2013 – Page 2
Graphic Designers 360.378.5696 Scott Herning, ext. 4054 Kathryn Sherman, ext. 4050 Classified Advertising 800-388-2527 Mailing/Street Address P.O. Box 39, 211 Lopez Road #7, Lopez, WA 98261 Phone: (360) 378-5696 Fax: (360) 378-5128 Classifieds: (800) 388-2527
San Juan father faces felonies for inapropriate video of daughter A San Juan Island man accused of secretly taking photographs and video footage of his teenage daughter and her boyfriend having sex, and of storing those images on his computer, will stand trial on a pair of sex-related felonies in midAugust. On May 15, Troy Fitzgerald Niebling, 48, pleaded not guilty in San Juan County Superior Court to one count of voyeurism, a Class C felony, and to one count of first-degree possession of sexually explicit depictions of a minor, a Class B felony. He was released under court orders pending trial, which is
Copyright 2012. Owned and published by Sound Publishing Co.
mailed to homes and businesses in the San Juan Islands.
Periodicals postage paid at Friday Harbor, Wash. and at additional mailing offices.
Postmaster: Send address changes to The Journal of the San Juan Islands, 640 Mullis St., West Wing, Friday Harbor, WA 98250-0519.
Annual subscription rates: In County: $28/ year, $18/6 months. Out of County: $52/year, $28/6 months. For convenient mail delivery, call 360-378-5696.
Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers Association, National Newspaper Association.
The Islands’ Weekly was founded in 1982 and is based on Lopez Island. The Islands’ Weekly is published every Tuesday and is
Have a student heading off to college?
Petcoke – a new danger in our waters By Chom Greacen
The image of a three-story pile of petroleum coke covering an entire city block by the Detroit River that appeared in a 5/17/2013 New York Times article was a wake-up call for me. The rising accumulation of this toxic material, also known as “petcoke”, is a waste by-product of the booming Canadian tar sands (bitumen) extraction, refining and distribution industry. It is similar to coal, but with even higher CO2 emissions, heavy metals and carcinogenic PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) content. Petcoke sells at a significant discount to coal, and is increasingly blended with coal in coal-fired power plants making coal-fired generation cheaper and dirtier. What does petcoke and tar sands have to do with us here in the San Juan? The proposed Gateway Pacific Terminal, the largest coal export facility in North America, is also designed to handle and export dirty petcoke out of Cherry Point through our surrounding waters. Petcoke is already produced as a refinery byproduct in Anacortes and Cherry Point. Up to 6000 tons of coke are shipped weekly from the Anacortes refineries by train to the Alcan Inc. aluminum smelter in Kitimat, British Columbia. As more tar sands are refined, petcoke production will increase. Sticky bitumen, extracted from tar sands in Alberta and mixed with diluents to allow the mixture (“diluted bitumen” or “dilbit”) to flow, is transported through the existing pipeline from Alberta to refineries in Washington. As conventional oil from Alaska declines in production, tar sands oil will play an increasing role in meeting the US demand. A plan is already in the works to more than double the pipeline capacity to move more tar sands oil through our Salish Sea. Petcoke is thus the coal hiding in tar sands oil boom and is turning refineries into coal factories and our surrounding waters into dirty fossil fuel highway to Asia! We are only beginning to see how tangled we are in this coal, tar sands oil, petcoke production and transportation business. One local risk and potential impacts arises from the openair piles of petcoke at the Port of Anacortes awaiting shipment (by ship and by rail, in open box cars). The petcoke must be misted to reduce the release of toxic dust. The capture and treatment of this toxic dust and water mixture is at best diverted into the Anacortes sewage treatment plant, which does not detoxify heavy metals or PAHs. These carcenogens likely end up in Padilla Bay and Salish Sea and bio-accumulate in shell fish, salmons, orcas and seafoodloving humans. The growth of industrial petcoke activity may not be ours by conscious choice, but we can certainly do what we can
(…and wanna-be ping pong players!) On Saturday, June 29th there will be a ping pong tournament to benefit the Nicaragua Service Learning Trip. The tournament will take place in the Multi-Purpose-Room at Lopez School from 11:00 – 2:00. The entry fee is $30/person. Come show off your table tennis skills and help support the Nicaragua Trip!
Contact Chase Schober at
(360) 468-4691 or to register
Contributed photo / Petroleum Coke Awareness Detroit
The wind picked up dust from the open-air petroleum coke pile on the side of the Detroit River as the “petcoke” was loaded onto the Manitowoc (photo taken on May 14, 2013). to keep toxic coal, petcoke and tar sands oil off our food, waters and shoreline. We can contact our local councilmen, representatives and legislatures to voice our concerns and demands for proper regulations, and choose to make steps towards less fossil-fuel-dependent lifestyle to wean ourselves from the hydrocarbon industry. Visit to get sources of information for this article.
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Crossword Puzzle Across 1. Lose velocity (2 wds) 7. Birthplace of Solidarity 13. Mexican steamed dish 14. Bitter alkaloid extracted from chinchona bark (pl.) 16. Forever, poetically 17. Ester of carbamic acid 18. Moray, e.g. 19. A moderately slow tempo (music) 21. "The Catcher in the ___" 22. Get ready, for short 24. Assayers' stuff 25. Chowder morsel 26. When repeated, like some shows 27. Moral obligation 28. Goat man 29. "... or ___!" 30. "It's no ___!" 31. Swallows rapidly in large amounts 32. Theater which presents works from a specific collection 35. Plucky 37. Buff 38. Hail Mary, e.g. 42. Anger 43. Houston university 44. Cesspool 45. Pigeon's home 46. Characteristic carrier 47. Face-to-face
Islanders Bank
Islanders Helping Islanders Since 1981
4. "This means ___!" exam 5. Arm bone 48. Balloon filler 49. Writes in symbols 6. Hammer part 52. "... ___ he drove 7. Hospital stretcher with wheels out of sight" 53. Generous portion 8. Fare reductions 9. A chip, maybe of food 10. National Institutes 55. Freshen of Health 57. Procurers (acronym) 58. ___ Island, N.Y. 11. Confuse (2 wds) 59. Converted, in a 12. Nairobi residents way 14. Four competitions 60. Circus lion ___ in a tournament (pl.) 15. Appear 20. Drench Down 23. Aristocracy 1. Church tower 25. West Indies' 2. Situated on the music genre side 27. Copy 3. Egg dishes, e.g. Denver or cheese 28. It's a wrap
31. Departed 33. "The Three Faces of ___" 34. Be silent, in music 35. High heat oven device 36. Grind (2 wds) 39. Golden 40. More stylish 41. Angers 43. Yield 45. Beanies 46. Errand runner 49. "I, Claudius" role 50. "___ of Eden" 51. "La Scala di ___" (Rossini opera) 54. Butter holder 56. Battering device Answers to today's puzzle on page 8
The Islands’ Weekly • • June 18, 2013 – Page 3
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Upcoming Port of Lopez Community forum The Port of Lopez invites community members to join in a discussion of the future of the port and potential economic vitality projects. The forum will be held at Lopez Center for Community and the Arts from 5-7 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26. The role of a public port in Washington State is the acquisition, construction, maintenance, development and regulation of harbor improvements, rail, water, air or motor vehicle transfer and terminal facilities, and
industrial improvements. Many small public ports in the state are involved in marina and airport management, small boat launch management, and the creation of business incubator parks. Ports can undertake projects such as the preservation of historical and other commercial real estate, underwriting of community economic planning, and many other projects not ordinarily expected under the purview of ports.
End coming near on the outdoor burning season Outdoor burning permits for all residential and commercial brush piles will expire at the end of June. The end of burn-permit season in San Juan County coincides with a statewide outdoor-burn ban authorized by the Department of Natural Resources, which goes into effect July 1. Recreational fires — two feet in diameter or less — are still allowed if contained within a suitable fire ring. The statewide ban is expected to remain in effect until October. San Juan County each year adheres to DNR’s schedule on burn bans to lower the risk of uncontrolled fire, according to the County Fire Marshal Steve Marler. He encourages islanders and visitors alike to be cautious with open flames,
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especially as vegetation dries out over the course of the summer. Recreational fire should be completely extinguished before left
unattended. For more info, visit the Fire Marshal website, www., or call, 378-3473.
Are you in favor of OPALCO’s new plan? VOTE ON Worship Services in the Islands LOPEZ IsLand Christ the King Community ChurCh, There’s Always a Place for You! CTK gathers at 10 a.m. in the school multi-purpose room at 86 School Road. Come as you are! More info at Email: Phone: 888-421- 4CTK ext. 819. graCe episCopal ChurCh, welcomes you to worship with us on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. Fisherman Bay Road at Sunset Lane. 468-3477. Everyone welcome! lopez island Community ChurCh, 91 Lopez Road. Sunday School: pre-school through adult 9:30 a.m.; Worship at 10:30 a.m. Pastor Jeff Smith 468-3877. lutheran ChurCh in the san juans. Join us Sundays at 9:00 a.m. in Center Church on Davis Bay Road. Also in Friday Harbor at 11:00 a.m. in St. David’s and in Eastsound at 1:15 p.m. in Emmanuel. Pastor Anne Hall, 468-3025. QuaKer Worship group Meetings will be Sundays at 10 a.m. at the home of Ron Metcalf, 6363 Fisherman Bay Road. Children’s program. Everyone welcome. Phone 468-2129. Email: st. FranCis CatholiC ChurCh Come worship with us at Center Church on Davis Bay Rd. We welcome you to join us for Mass at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday. Call 378-2910 for Mass times on San Juan and Orcas Islands.
The commissioners of the Port of Lopez are Steve Adams, Bruce Dunlop and Dan Post. They would like to hear input on possible projects for the port which would benefit the community. Community members are encouraged to
attend the forum to help brainstorm ways the Port of Lopez can support the economic vitality of the island. Refreshments will be served. Join neighbors from 5-7 p.m. on Wednesday, June 26 at Lopez Center for Community and the Arts
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The Islands’ Weekly • • June 18, 2013– Page 5
Nominations for Lopez Spirit Award now accepted Elizabeth Landrum, PhD Licensed Clinical Psychologist Individual Counseling & Psychotherapy 30 years experience Specializing in grief & loss, life transitions, living with illness. 317-5178 Office in Lopez Village Saturday hours Sliding fee scale available.
Each year the Dolly and Andy Holland Lopez Spirit Award is awarded to an amazing Lopezian (individuals, couples and partners) who have consistently improved the lives of all Lopezians. The recipient(s) are then honored at a Potluck held at Lopez Community Center. If you know someone who should be the next recipient of the Spirit Award, submit a letter of nomination. Forms are
now available at Lopez Village Market, Paper Scissors on the Rock, the library, Southend General Store, Blossom, LCCA, and the Bookshop and online at Ideal nominees give to our community in extraordinary ways: unselfishly, reliably, lovingly, with tolerance and integrity. Sing their praises in your nomination letter and explain why they should be the next recipient of the Lopez
Contributed photo
Sandy Bishop and Rhea Miller were last year’s winners of the Lopez Spirit Award.
Join the fun on the July 4 run
By Ian M. Lange
Starting at
Spirit Award. Nominations must be received by August 31, 2013. The Lopez Spirit Award will be announced in September and celebrated at an island-wide potluck in October.
Special to the Weekly
This is the second year, due to overwhelming popular demand, that the Lopez Lions Club is having a one mile family romp for all ages. Run and/or walk the new one mile event, or run either the 10 km (6.2 miles) or 5 km (3.1 miles) distances, or walk 5 km. All proceeds go to local nonprofit organizations which include Lopez School District programs and trips, vision assistance, Lopez
San Juan Septic Service
Family Resource Center, Lopez Cemetery Association, Lopez Island Prevention Coalition. All events will start at 8:30 a.m. on July 4 from Islander’s Bank in the village. Race day registration for the 34th annual event starts at 7 a.m. and ends precisely at 8:10 a.m. at the Lopez community Center. Register early for $5 less on Monday, July 2, or Tuesday, July 3, noon to 4 p.m. at the new Lopez Village Market. An emailed registration form may also be obtained
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Real Estate For Sale
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home services
We make it easy to sell... right in your community
by calling 468-4664, or pick one up at the ferry landing, Lopez Village Market, Holly B’s, or at Islandale. As usual a collector tee shirt (white sailboat image on red background) may be purchased for $10. Prizes awarded for the first three places in each age division of the 5 km and 10 km events and for the overall first male and female one mile finishers. Questions? Contact Jerry Hancock: jerryhancock@ or Ian Lange:
Local readers. Local sellers. Local buyers.
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home services
Local readers. Local sellers. Local buyers.
LOCAL PRIVATE INVESTOR loans money on real estate equity. I loan on houses, raw land, commercial property and property development. Call Eric at (425) 803-9061.
ADOPT -- WARM, FUN Professional Couple Eager To Provide Your Child With Love and Happiness Forever. Expenses Paid. Ann and Peter. Call 1-800-5931730 SOLD IT? FOUND IT? Let us know by calling 1-800-388-2527 so we can cancel your ad.
ISLAND PETS lost/ found. On Lopez call Jane 360-468-2591; Joyce, 360-468-2258; Sheriff’s Office 360-3784151. Lopez Animal Protection Society, PO Box 474, Lopez, WA 98261. On Orcas call 3603766777. On San Juan call the Animal Shelter 360-378-2158
Real Estate for Sale Wanted or Trade
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easy to sell... right in your community
Money to Loan/Borrow
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Real Estate for Sale San Juan County
Real Estate for Sale Lots/Acreage
178’ WATERFRONT $220,000
West facing 2.75 acres of mature forest, with drive way, water, power, phone and septic. Small Cabin.
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26x16 cabin with porch, 19.8 treed acres, outdoor shower and 40 min. to Spokane. Secluded County road., has water/power/phone in. Beautiful view west over Spokane River Valley, building site cleared. $89,500. Jeff (360)2012390 or (360)366-5011
TRADE CUSTOM HOME. 5,200 SF, Mountain View, 5 Landscaped Acres on Snohomish Golf Course. July 2008 Appraisal Value: $1.25 Million. Trade for San Juan Islands Waterfront Home in the $1 Million +/- Range. Will Pay Cash Difference for Higher Valued Property. Kari: 541-944-9286
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Real Estate for Rent San Juan County EASTSOUND
SPACIOUS 1 BR Condo Peek-a-boo water view! Washer, dryer on site. Includes sewer, water & garbage. $600 / Month, first, last & deposit. References required. Available July 1st! Call 360-468-3789
Vacation/Getaways Rental
WANT TO RENT: Kauai Condo, Apartment or Home for months of October & November 2013, near Kalaheo - Kekaha. 360-378-6184
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jobs Employment Finance
Islander’s Bank Lopez Island Branch is currently accepting applications for a
Part Time Position
cash handling & ten key preferred. Please apply in person at the Lopez Island Branch 45 Weeks Rd. EOE.
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Employment Transportation/Drivers
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AKC POODLE PUPS Standard size 7 month old male & female puppies. Beautiful dark brown coloring. Healthy, happy, outgoing & playful! Begining training started, shots & wormed. Parents hips, elbows & eyes are good! $1200 ea. Call Roberta: 360443-2447 or 360-8656102. GREAT DANE
flea market Flea Market
ECHO HEDGE Trimmer gas powered $15. SeaFair Time Life books, $30 all. Ringer washer 1889 patent, top only, $20. 360-317-8454. Miscellaneous
8’ SHADE UMBRELLA Round, side mount. Swings side to side to offer all day shade. Just follow the sun across the sky. Always covered (cover included) with manual. Excellent cond! Asking $300. Retails new for over $700. B.I. 206-780-6726. HQ SIXTEEN Longarm Quilting Machine for sale. Great Condition and Just Serviced. Comes with Frame, Rails and All Accessories. $4,500 or Best Offer. Please contact Isha at: 360-929-8048 (Oak Harbor, Whidbey Island) LONG ARM MADE by Handi Quilter Baby Lock Crown Jewel. HQ Pro Sticher with upgrade. Quilters eye, extra rulers made by Deloa, micro handles, plexiglass table, on majestic frame! Instruction manuals. First and only owner Absolutely excellent condition! Great deal at $15,000 obo. Retails over $27,000. Port Orchard. 360-871-0380. Musical Instruments
AVAIL NOW 2 LITTERS Of Full Euro’s; one litter of blues and one of mixed colors. AKC Great Dane Pups Health guarantee! Males / Females. Dreyrsdanes is Oregon state’s largest breeder of Great Danes, licensed since ‘02. Super sweet, intelligent, lovable, gentle giants $2000- $3,300. Also Standard Poodles. 503-556-4190.
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2 BIG SALES IN OLGA!! Estate and Multi Family Rummage Sale! Saturday and Sunday, June 22nd and 23rd beginning at 10am. Follow signs.
CLASSIC CADILLAC 1991 silver Brougham with leather interior, all power and sunroof. Good tires, original rims and only 66,680 miles. Original owner maintained. Spacious cruiser! They don’t make them like this anymore! Includes records. Wonderful condition! $3,500 obo. San Juan Island. Interior and exterior photos available via email. 360-378-3186. Automobiles Honda
2000 HONDA Accord. White. Only 66,000 miles! Excellent condition. Automatic Transmission, Air Conditioning, CD Player, Leather Seats. Top of the Line! $7,500. 360-378-5279 Friday Harbor, San Juan Island Pickup Trucks Toyota
2003 TOYOTA Tacoma Pickup in excellent condition! Low miles, only 70,000. Dark green exterior with nice upholstered interior. Air conditioning, automatic and custom bed liner. Toyota relibability! Dealership maintained. Records included. $7,800. Oak Harbor. 360-675-6748 or 360-672-1222. Sport Utility Vehicles Ford
2002 FORD Escape XLT, midnight blue. V6 automatic. Grey leather seats, all power, A/C, 4WD, utility package. The works! On the low side, 126,000 miles. 18-25 MPG. Excellent condition. Fun to drive. $6500. (360)632-7087. Leave message. Located on beautiful South Whidbey Island. Motorcycles
wheels Marine Sail
WOODEN BOAT FANS! Sailboat in excellent condition built by Master Craftsman, Glen L Design Bobcat, 12’ 3� x 6’ Marconi sail, electric outboard included. $2400. (360)678-6684 Automobiles Classics & Collectibles
2001 MAGNA VF750c. Showroom new. Windshield, Vance & Hines Pro Exhaust, all new full set of leathers, helmet. Full custom bag set: saddle bags, sissy bar bag, front fork bag and helmet rest. Paul Jr. cover, chock. Great cruiser! 16,000 miles. Nicest anywhere. $4600 OBO. 360-720-9036 Whidbey Island.
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Professional Services Legal Services
DIVORCE $155. $175 with children. No court appearances. Complete preparation. Includes custody, support, property division and bills. BBB member. (503) 772-5295. www.paralegalalter
AUSTRALIAN SHEPARD Puppies for sale. Blue Merle’s, Tri’s and Black Bi’s. First shots, wormed, tails docked and dewclaws removed. Ready for approved forever homes on July 9th. $600. Call: 206-3007296 or email:
PIANO, YAMAHA Baby Grand. Black Satin Finish, Excellent Condition with Bright Tone and Quick Action. 2 Benches Included. $3500 OBO. Roche Harbor. Contact Dave: 360-2980213
professional services
Automobiles Chevrolet
1951 STUDEBAKER Business Coupe. Blue with white interior. 3 speed on column with overdrive. Flat head six with dual carburators. Split manifold with custom dual exhaust and disc brakes. Custom pleat and roll white interior including head liner. Built in stereo speakers and electric locks. $9,500 obo. Clinton, Whidbey. 785-577-6397.
FRIDAY HARBOR, LOPEZ ISLAND AND ORCAS ISLAND FERRY TERMINAL AGENT CONTRACTS The Washington State Department of Transportation Ferries Division, operating as Washington State Ferries (hereinafter called "WSF"), requests proposals for the following described Contracts: WSF is seeking contracted Terminal Agents (hereinafter called the "Agents") for WSF’s Friday Harbor, Lopez Island and Orcas Island Ferry Terminals (hereinafter called the "Terminal" or “Terminals�). WSF is issuing this RFP to provide an opportunity for new, competitive proposals for each Terminal Agent Contract. Qualifying parties may submit proposals to operate any or all of the Terminals. (Note that the Shaw Island Ferry Terminal Agent Contract is not within the scope of this RFP due to a prior Contract assignment to the current Agent.) The proposed Terminal Agent Contracts shall be for an initial term of approximately five (5) years, commencing September 1, 2013 and expiring on September 30, 2018. WSF shall have the sole authority to offer an extension of the Contracts for two additional five (5) year terms. The current contracted Terminal Agents may submit proposals for the new Terminal Agent Contracts. If a new Terminal Agent is selected at any location, the current Terminal Agent will train the new Agent to ensure a smooth transition in Terminal operations. WSF’s objective is to enter into Terminal Agent Contracts with Agents that will (i) be solely responsible for the daily management and operation of the Terminals; and (ii) provide courteous and efficient service to WSF customers, with all such activities coordinated with WSF. At all times, the Terminal Agents shall manage and operate the Terminals as independent contractors, not as employees of WSF or the State of Washington. An optional Pre-Proposal Conference will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, June 25, 2013, at WSF’s offices in downtown Seattle (see address below). Contact WSF’s Tim McGuigan at 206.515.3601 to sign up for the Pre-Proposal Conference. Additionally, WSF believes that a visit to the Terminals is crucial to preparing a proposal under this RFP. Therefore, WSF will conduct an optional tour of each Terminal on Thursday, June 27, 2013. Contact WSF’s Tim McGuigan at 206.515.3601 for meeting locations and time. WSF will not grant any contractual relief for failure to attend the Pre-Proposal Conference and/or Terminal tours. The closing date for receipt of proposals is 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 10, 2013 or as otherwise amended under the RFP. Proposals received after that time will be rejected. Unless all proposals are rejected, WSF intends to award the Terminal Agent Contracts to the responsive and responsible proposer(s) who offer the most advantageous proposals to WSF based on the evaluation criteria established for the Contracts. On or after June 14, 2013, interested parties may obtain the RFP package from WSF’s Legal Services & Contracts Department as shown below, for the non-refundable fee of $50.00. Informational copies of the RFP package will be on file after that date at various plan centers, WSDOT Support Services / Seattle SBA and at WSF. WSF will also post the RFP package on the following web site: business/contracts/. Legal Services & Contracts Department Washington State Ferries 2901 Third Ave. Suite 500 Phone: 206. 515. 3606 (recording) Seattle, WA 98121-3014 Fax: 206. 515. 3605 WSF assumes no obligation of any kind for expenses incurred by a respondent to this Notice or the RFP package.
The opportunity to make a difference is right in front of you. Recycle this newspaper.
By Gary Alexander Special to Islands’ Weekly
Op s a c 18 Hole
First Annual
Golf Tournament
Sunday June 30
"For every style, home and budget!"
started in several businesses, including fishing and farming. GA: How did you get started in running ship charters? MH: Dad was a commercial fisherman and so was I, until the Boldt decision limited fishing rights in 1974. I bought my first gill net boat when I was 21, naming it the Cindy Lee. We fished until about 1978, when the court appeals of the Boldt decision finally went against us. Then, my dad, uncle and I ran Island Fresh Seafood in MacKaye Harbor, building the dock there in 1978. The court decisions cut into that business, too, when the salmon runs ran dry. Then I bought a tender boat, the Alaska-Pacific, and fished Alaska for most summers in the 1980s. In 1990, I purchased the Mystic Sea and turned it into a charter boat, first as a glacier cruiser into Prince William Sound. In 1993, we adapted the ship for local cruises, including whale watch charters. GA: Turning to Lopez History Afloat on June 22, how do you plan to showcase the island? MH: We’ll start out around Humphrey Head, and I’ll show everyone the old rock mine, where rocks were twice as heavy as normal rocks, so they were used for the breakwa-
Saturday, June 22, about 60 islanders will join Captain Monte Hughes aboard the Mystic Sea, shown left, to circumnavigate Lopez Island, starting at Spencer’s Landing Marina at noon. The four-hour narrated tour is sponsored by the Lopez Island Historical Society
(LIHS) to raise funds for the museum and raise awareness of our island’s colorful history. No tour guide is more colorful than Captain Hughes so I called him last week to discuss this unique outing. GA: First, tell us about your family’s roots on Lopez Island. MH: My parents and grandparents were one of just two pioneer families on Blakely Island back in the 1930s. During World War II, they moved to Port Stanley, where I was born in 1949. Soon after, we moved to the old Blake farm, north of Lopez Village. I graduated from Lopez High in 1967 and went off to college before marrying Cindy in 1969 and returning to Lopez, where I bought the farm from my folks and got
Islands’ Weekly PO Box 39 Lopez, WA 98261
Reliving Lopez History aboard the Mystic Sea
ter at the Columbia River Bar. Then, we’ll sail on to Port Stanley and the kelp plant, then cruise through Mud Bay, Hunter Bay, Castle Rock, McArdle Bay, Hughes Bay, the Iceberg Monument, then on to MacKaye Harbor, where there used to be three canneries. Then, we’re on to Richardson, where there used to be smuggler’s coves. After all, Victoria is just 15 miles away, so there was an active trade in opium, rum and Chinese workers. That’s where we got some of our names, like Shark’s Reef and Dead Man’s Island. After that, we’ll see Fisherman Bay, Flat Point, Odlin Park and back to port. GA: It sounds like fun. I’ll see you there! Note: At press time, there are still a few tickets available. Call 468-2049 for anyone interested.
Puzzle Answers
Shot Gun Start and Best Individual Score Tee Times at 9 AM, 1 PM and 5 PM
Trophies, Prizes, Giveaways, Bar-b-que, Silent Auction, Fun and Sun. Each golfer will receive a surprise giveaway basket & free 18 hole practice round.
Single person: $100 Per Person • Groups of two or more: $80 Per Person • Students $30 Per Person Orcas Golf Course Members: Receive a $40 certificate for use in the clubhouse upon Orcas Open Registration
All of the proceeds go to OCS student scholarships and educational programs.
Pre-registration requested: 1-800-281-0019
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Orcas Island Golf Course Frontline Call Center Orcas Christian School Foundation Orcas Island Taxi Country Corner Orcas Online Chele Enterprises / Madrona Point Insurance The Islands’ Weekly • • June 18, 2013 – Page 8
27th Annual Lopez Community
4TH of July Support your Community Fireworks Display ad in the group page program!
Cost: $60 • Ad size: 2 col x 1” Full Color • Publishes: July 2 Call Cali Bagby 376-4500