Tumbleweed Film Festival
Music In the Park
drew box office crowds
Friday, August 9 at Tonasket’s History Park
See Page 3
SINCE 1905
Medicare funds to start trickling in
North Valley Hospital in black, Long Term Care expected to be in red through June The Hospital division is $517,800 in the black while the Long Term Care division is $434,036 in the red. Also, charity care for the year stood about about $194,000 while bad debt is at $666,000. “In July, we’re anticipating another $229,000 of bad debt and charity care that will hit,” Verhasselt said. “Overall, our expenses compared to the budget, we are under in both divisions. But our revenues are under as well.”
TONASKET - North Valley Hospital District’s warrants hovered at about $1.913 million at the time of their last Board of Commissioners meeting, but some relief could be on the way, according to Chief Financial Officer Helen Verhasselt. One significant factor in the stalled progress in reducing the hospital’s debt to Okanogan County has been a series Long Term Care funding of hold-ups in receiving Medicare and Verhasselt also Medicaid reimreported that she bursements, which had recently read accounts for a large article that gave chunk of the dis“We’re still dealing with the an an overview of trict’s cash flow. Medicare system glitch. nationwide funding Also on hold They are starting to release issues with Long was money to be Care facilidoled out to hospisome payments, but there Term ties. tals that have met is still that group of claims “Some of the Affordable Care that went through limbo... states they listed Act (“Obamacare”) anywhere from requirements for We’re supposed to be get- are $18.41 to $28.18 converting to a ting a bit bigger payment per resident per mandated electronthan we’ve been getting.” day underfunded ic records system. for each Medicaid “We’re still Helen Verhasselt, resident,” she said. dealing with the NVH Chief Financial Officer “Looking at our Medicare system cost report, our cost glitch,” Verhasselt per resident day is said. “They are starting to release some payments, but $170.70 but we’re reimbursed $142.65 (a there is still that group of claims that shortfall of $28.05).” Verhasselt added that the over-age-65 went through that is in limbo...We’re supposed to be getting a bit bigger payment demographic is expected to double by 2030. than we’ve been getting.” Medicare has also been holding off More struggles for Assisted Living on paying “Meaningful Use” reimbursements for the electronic records facilities Although the North Valley Assisted upgrades. “A couple of weeks ago I received Living has been closed for a few months, notice from Medicare that they agreed if efforts to save it had been successful it we’d be getting $582,000 for Meaningful might have been for naught if a new rule Use,” Verhasselt said, adding that the proposed by the Center for Medicaid and hospital should receive those funds by Medicare becomes reality. “(They) are proposing ... that if there Sept. 9 at the latest. “They did take off a couple of hundred is an assisted living on the same camthousand dollars in wages,” she said. pus or within a certain miles of an “Multiple people worked on it over a few Extended Care, they will no longer pay years... you can only include wages up the Medicaid rate on the Assisted Living,” to a certain point and then they exclude said CEO Linda Michel. “If anyone has someone in an Assisted Living near a everything after that.” Verhasselt also reported that for the hospital, they need to keep an eye on year through June, North Valley Hospital District is showing a net profit if $83,764. SEE MEDICARE | PG A4
Terry Mills/submitted photo
Without an actual swimming pool in Tonasket these days, local kids cooled off in a more temporary “pool” caused by combination of heavy rains in a construction zone by the PUD building on the corner of Western Ave.
District to call for bids for OHS gym roof repair
New elementary roof nearly finished By Gary A. DeVon Managing Editor
OROVILLE – While work is expected to wrap up on the new elementary school roof any time now, the Oroville School District wants to approve bids for the high school gymnasium roof by the board’s August meeting. In his report to the board, Superintendent Steve Quick said the district would not sign off on the elementary roof project until the district’s roofing consultant had marked everything off the punch list. “We had a water issue when there was a cloudburst and part of the roof that was in an uncovered area allowed
water into three of the classrooms,” said Quick. “So we are going to go ahead and repair and insulate all three classrooms and cover some vents that are no longer used. These classrooms should be easier to heat in the winter.” The superintendent said the goal was to have the water damage cleaned up and the classrooms restored by Aug. 18. The cost of the repairs will be paid from the roofer’s and district’s insurance. The school district has a $1000 deductible, according to Quick. “With the leftover money we home to do the elementary school bathrooms,” Quick said, adding that the roofing consultant had done a good job watching over where the money was being spent. The money being used to put the new roof on the elementary, as well as the high school gym, is coming from a voter-approved $1.2 million three-year levy.
“The new crow’s nest (at the football field) is proceeding well and Steve Thompson and John Hilderbrand are doing several projects throughout the two buildings,” said Quick. “Also, we will soon be getting the new playground equipment together and replacing the old railroad ties around the playground areas with rubber material.” Quick also commented on the new trees that have been planted to replace trees that were removed to make way for parking at the elementary school. He said that the district had lost a pump for irrigation and the trees were being watered by hand. In her report to the board, Elementary School Principal Joan Hoehn wanted to reiterate the district’s gratitude for the money to buy the new elementary
Tonasket and Omak vote against putting 4.2% transpo tax on ballot BY BRENT BAKER BBAKER@GAZETTE-TRIBUNE.COM
TONASKET - At their Tuesday, July 23 meeting, the Tonasket City Council discussed the upcoming Transportation Initiative which will be put to a vote in the fall. The Okanogan County Transportation Authority, the night prior to the city council meeting, passed its initiative to put a 0.4 percent sales tax increase on the ballot this fall for funds that would used to expand the county’s public transportation service. The city council had appointed Mayor Patrick Plumb as its representative to the transportation board and had directed him to vote against the initiative if the sales tax increase stood at 0.4 percent. “We seemed to be coming to a compromise,” Plumb said. “I was warming to it. When the suggestion was made via me and the gentleman from Omak, and an agreement somewhat from Twisp, at
running the levy at 0.2 percent - slowing down the progress but maintaining the services of Nutrition and OCTN.” The compromise didn’t happen, and the initiative passed 4-2, with Tonasket and Omak voting against it. “We were asked there to be positive about it because the decision had been made by the appointed board,” Plumb said. “So I will present it in an informational fashion. I was reminded that I was bound by the decision made by Council, and I respect that. There are a lot of issues that need to be discussed on it, but the decision is made and it will be on the ballot. “Also the 0.1 percent will be on the ballot for the criminal justice fund for jail and dispatch fees. Omak is also running a mosquito abatement tax. So their sales could be upwards of 8.4 percent. ours could be 8.2, which puts us into Pierce County levels of sales tax.” The council also held a public hearing on its six-year transportation plan and
approved its water use efficiency plan. The biggest concern expressed was by Olson, who noted that a number of
“We seemed to be coming to a compromise.... The compromise didn’t happen and the initiative passed 4-2, with Tonasket and Omak voting against it.” Patrick Plumb, Tonasket Mayor
constituents had approached him about radio-read water meters that will soon be installed. “I hope the priority there is noticing when pipes are broken,” he said. “It’s not
a way to look at what people are doing (with their water). It’s my understanding it’s still couldn’t be done. You’ll still have to send someone out monthly. It’s not someone seeing on a computer screen ... I know it’s a concern of some residents and wanted to vocalize that.” “It’s a good point,” Plumb said. “We want to make sure we have a data protection plan.” “No one could sit here and push a button for that address and have that information come up,” said council member Jean Ramsey. “Thirty years from now you might want to say, man we’ve got the ability to do that, what did we do to protect that data?” Plumb said. “The PUD made those changes and they can and do have the ability to read that.” Tonasket police Sgt. Darren Curtis, who was in attendance, noted that regardless of the new meters, a subpoena would still be required for law enforcement to access water usage data.
CONTACT US Newsroom and Advertising (509) 476-3602 gdevon@gazette-tribune.com
“We can’t arbitrarily come in and find out what someone’s usage is,” he said. “We still have to get a subpoena. Even if we could touch a button and get that information, we’d still have to go through the legal process.” Also, Plumb said that Charter Cable had asked that Tonasket (among other entities) write a letter to the PUD asking for use of “dark fiber” to provide highspeed cable internet service. The council voted 3-1 (with Olson opposing and Jill Vugteveen absent) to do so. The council also approved, unanimously, the use of the “small works option” bidding process to repair 700 feet of deteriorated sewer pipes on Winesap. The small works option would allow the city to select a number of local contractors to bid on the project. The city council next meets on Tuesday, Aug. 13, in the council chambers at the Tonasket City Hall.
Arts/Entertainment A3 Letters/Opinion A5 Community A6-7
Obituaries A7 Classifieds/Legals A8
Real Estate Cops & Courts
A9 A10
WVC award winners and 2013 graduates
Omak student wins President’s Medal THE GAZETTE-TRIBUNE
Brent Baker/staff photo
Construction on Third, Fifth and Sixth Streets in Tonasket has revealed all sorts of previously-unknown issues under the pavement, forcing the City of Tonasket and the Transportation Improvement Board to come up with additional funding to complete the projects.
Man sentenced for assault on girlfriend
U.S. District Court Judge rules he will serve 34 months in federal prison THE GAZETTE-TRIBUNE
SPOKANE – A Nespelem man, accused of menacing his girlfriend last year by hitting, kicking, choking and cutting her, was sentenced to 34 months in federal prison after pleading guilty to assault with a dangerous weapon and domestic assault by a habitual offender. Michael C. Ormsby, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Washington, announced that Tommie Joe Flett, age 41, of Nespelem, Wash., was sentenced on Monday, Aug. 5, 2013, after having previously pleaded guilty on April 29, 2013, to one count
of assault with a dangerous weapon and one count of domestic assault by an habitual offender. U.S. District Court Judge Fred Van Sickle sentenced Flett to a 34-month term of imprisonment, to be followed by three years of court supervision after he is released from federal prison. In a press release by the U.S. Attorney’s office, according to information disclosed during the court proceedings, on June 5, 2012 “Flett entered an apartment where his girlfriend was watching a movie with her girlfriend. Flett entered the living room and began hitting his girlfriend, then after knocking her to the ground, Flett began kicking her. Flett then choked his girlfriend. He then brandished a knife and cut her on the shoulder. The victim fled to a bathroom, where Flett brandished another knife, held it to
her throat and said he wanted to kill her.” Colville Tribal Police officers entered the apartment after a witness called 911. Flett was found in the apartment and arrested. “Domestic violence is an ongoing problem that requires decisive action,” said U.S. Attorney Ormsby. “The United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Washington is, and will continue to be, committed to aggressively prosecuting domestic violence crimes that occur within federal jurisdiction, including the Indian reservations in the District.” This investigation was conducted by FBI and the Colville Tribal Police Department. The case was prosecuted by Rudy J. Verschoor, Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Washington.
and the junior high math positions had been filled. The district had also interviewed and hired a new counselor for grades 7-12. “His name is Steve Gundersen and he just finished his Masters at Gonzaga University. For the last 18 months he has been at Mead where he has been interning as a counselor,” said Sarmiento, adding that he was in a special program at Gonzaga for counselors. “We feel that we are very fortunate to have one of only 12 admitted into the G.U. program. He has his Bachelors in psychology and his Masters in counseling,” Sarmiento said. Board Chairman Rocky DeVon asked that the new hires come to
the next board meeting to introduce themselves. Sarmiento said that there was also some shifting of teaching positions at the high school. Maria Griffith, who had been working in the counselor’s office will move to 10th and 11th grade Math, while Ed Booker will move to 8th grade Science, as well as continuing in Special Education. After voting to approve a consent agenda, the board asked to recognize a donation from the Oroville Eagles of $250. The money will be used to help low income students pay for their ASB cards. The next meeting of the Oroville School Board is scheduled for Monday, Aug. 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the district office, located at 816 Juniper Street.
ROOF | FROM A1 school playground equipment. Money to pay for the new playground equipment was raised and donated by the Veranda Beach Homeowners Association, she said. Hoehn also reported on some staffing changes, moving teachers to different grades and the upgrades to the cafeteria and new paint for the nurse’s station. “New student elementary registration will be Aug. 8 at 8 a.m., people should come in through the front doors,” she said. High School Principal Kristen Sarmiento reported that there had been several teacher interviews at the high school and that the positions for 7-12 physical education
Heidi Petty Celebration Of Life Family & friends of Heidi Petty are invited to a celebration of her life on Saturday, August 24. It will take place at the Chesaw rodeo hall from 4:00 - ? Please bring finger foods/appetizers for a potluck.
SPORTS Physicals
for Oroville High and Middle School Students
WVC 2012-2013 Degrees and Certificates Wenatchee Valley College has announced the 2012-13 graduates and certificates that have been earned at their Wenatchee and Omak campuses. Those from this area are: ASSOCIATE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES DEGREE Brewster: Crystal Arellano, Erica Garcia, Megan Gering, Adriana Gomez; Bridgeport: Jose Garcia, Irma Gomez, Nadia Gonzalez; Coulee Dam: Perry Ferguson; Grand Coulee: Taima Carden; Malott: Sarah Carey, Marcos Fonseca, Kathrine Hagen; Mansfield: Dolly Buckingham; Nespelem: Brian Stanger; Okanogan: Adam Amundson, Jamie Berch, Marissa Carter, Elizabeth Davis, Tina Gadeberg, Leashia Hoehn, Eliot Johnson, Kaitlan Klepec; Omak: Itzel Arciniega, Sunshine Arkell, Brandon Black, Cody Brewer, Garren Brown, Ramon Duran, Brianna Ellis, Claudia Galvan, Mahleah Grant, Jodie Hernandez, Alex Hill, Rowan Jordan, Tiffany Lange, Brett Liebrecht, Brent Mackie, Joanna Martin, Leeanne Montoya, Taylor Nicholson, John Parish, Delainya Piper, Amber Williams; Oroville: Nikole Funston, Corinna Hilderbrand,
Mary Marchand; Pateros: Ariadne Cruz, Gerardo Silva; Tonasket: Rhian Bailey-Scarberry, Diana Bruner, Sabrina Castaneda, Daniel Christensen, Gabriela Garcia, Jordan Kennedy, Briety Koler, Michaela Newton, Shea Smith and Twisp: Krysten Port ASSOCIATE IN SCIENCETRANSFER DEGREE Pateros: Phillip Smith ASSOCIATE OF GENERAL STUDIES DEGREE Omak: Gina Anderson, Karen Marchand ASSOCIATE IN NURSING DEGREE Bridgeport: Alejandro Llamas; Conconully: Amanda Phillips; Okanogan: Mistie Painter; Omak: Dianna Cline, Rowan Jordan, Jeff Pfeifer, Zachariah Riggle, Kira Super, Karla Walker; Oroville: Kathryn Scott; Riverside: Candis Huston; Tonasket: Page Davisson; Twisp: Bryce Kipp and Winthrop: Heidi Desimone. ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCE-TRANSFER DEGREE (Early Childhood Education) Omak: Rebecka Ellis. ASSOCIATE OF TECHNICAL SCIENCE DEGREE (Accounting) Omak: Amanda Chavez; Riverside: Sherry Stevens and Tonasket: Tammy Cohen. (Business) Okanogan: Amber Hedington; Omak: Shawn Clark, Mitchell Corpuz and Twisp: Paula Evans-Duncan. (Chemical Dependency Studies) Omak: Bryan Jones. (Criminal Justice) Omak: Simon Chapa Jr, Lucretia Davis, Martin Gallindo, Cheryl Levi, Cory Rice, Freda Riehart, Sabrina Scholla, Nicole West. (Medical Laboratory Technology) Omak: Shawna Poletti. (Natural Resources) Brewster: Ricardo Angel. CERTIFICATES (Accounting Technician) Brewster: Scott Looper Omak: Gina Anderson. (Administrative Assistant) Bridgeport: Hailey Henderson. (Corrections) Omak: Simon Chapa Jr, Lucretia Davis, Cheryl Levi, Karen Marchand, Freda Riehart, Sabrina Scholla, Nicole West; Oroville: Abraham Bennett and Tonasket: Enrique Ortega. (Early Childhood Education) Okanogan: Jamie Berch (Natural Resources Technician) Omak: William Boyd, Andrew Pierre. (Practical Nursing) Bridgeport: Alejandro Llamas; Carlton: David Gross; Conconully: Amanda Phillips; Okanogan: Mistie Painter; Omak: Dianna Cline, Rowan Jordan, Jeff Pfeifer, Zachariah Riggle, Kira Super, Karla Walker Riverside: Candis Huston; Tonasket: Page Davisson; Twisp: Amanda Davis, Bryce Kipp; Winthrop: Heidi Desimone. (Tribal Gaming Management) Malott: Kathrine Hagen; Omak: Shawn Clark.
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ls Physica
0 $10.0
Sports physicals will be done by physician volunteers. All proceeds will be donated to Oroville Booster Club.
The 2013 Wenatchee Valley College President’s Medals, Outstanding Graduate Awards and Most Supportive Partner Award were announced during the Wenatchee and Omak campus commencement ceremonies in June. Annette and Edward Aguigui of Cashmere, and Emery Hall Jr of Omak were awarded 2013 WVC President’s Medals for academic achievement, leadership and service. The Aguiguis both graduated with associate in nursing degrees. In her nomination letter for the President’s Medal, Annette wrote, “Our educational journey started together and together we have endured many trials, and yet we have still obtained many accomplishments along the way.” Edward Aguigui served in the U.S. Army for 20 years, and then he began working as a construction manager while Annette cared for their seven children. When the economy took a downturn in 2009, Edward was out of work. He soon learned that he qualified for educational funding through the Veterans Administration, and he and Annette decided to pursue an education in nursing. They began completing their prerequisite courses at WVC, earning places on the WVC President’s List and Dean’s List, and in the Phi Theta Kappa honor society. The couple was accepted into the WVC Nursing Program in 2011. The Aguiguis suffered personal loss during their time as students, including the deaths of their daughter-in-law and unborn grandson. They persevered, however, and were given opportunities to serve as student representatives for the WVC Student Nurses of Wenatchee (SNOW) club and to volunteer for Opportunity Grant workshops. They both graduated with honors and received registered nursing internships at Central Washington Hospital following graduation. “As we pick up the pieces of life, we can see just how important our educational pursuits have been during this time,” Annette wrote. “In the future, we will use our story to encourage those who face difficult times and tough decisions.” Emery Hall Jr is completing an associate of technical science degree in general business from WVC at Omak. He will be the first in his family to receive a college degree. Hall had dropped out of high school his junior year and later completed his GED at Walla Walla Community College. He took odd jobs as a forklift operator and in the power plant at the Omak mill. Due to the poor economy and limited employment, he decided to pursue a college degree. As an enrolled Colville tribal member, he received funding through the tribe’s employment and training program. A single father of three chil-
dren, Hall balanced family life with school work and volunteer activities. He excelled in his classes and was active in the WVC at Omak student government, serving two years as a student senate member and as president of the Red Road Association. He also participated in the Christine Quintasket/ Mourning Dove Symposium committee and will be involved in the symposium this November. Karla Walker of Omak, who graduated with practical nursing certificate from the Omak campus, wrote the winning essay nominating her husband, Tony Walker, for the Most Supportive Partner Award. Outstanding Graduate Awards were awarded to Matthew R. Draggoo of Wenatchee, who is completing an associate of arts and sciences degree; Alma Delia Navarrete of Wenatchee, who received an associate of arts and sciences degree; Robert Leslie Sandidge of Entiat, who received an associate in technical science degree in computer technologynetwork administration; Caitlin Ann Seims of East Wenatchee, who received an associate in technical science degree in business computer technology; Victoria Irene Turnbull of Leavenworth, who received a Washington State High School diploma and an associate of arts and sciences degree; and Richard William Usher of Edinburgh, Scotland, who received an associate of arts and sciences degree.
Wed., Aug 14 Mon., Aug 19
5 to 7 p.m.
– by appointment only –
| Family Medicine (Formerly North Valley Family Medicine)
1617 N. Main, Oroville 509-476-3631
Dinner served with Wisdom Beans, Macaroni Salad & French Bread Saturday, August 10th 6pm to 8pm $8 per person Followed by North Half 9pm to Close Open to Public, Members and Guests
Tues., Aug. 13 Tues., Aug. 20 By appointment only: Call 486-2174
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
*To be paid at the time of the physical Insurance will not be billed.
| Family Medicine (Formerly North Valley Family Medicine)
17 S. Western Ave., Tonasket 486-2174
Sports physicals will be done by physician volunteers. All proceeds will be donated to Tonasket Athletic Booster Club. For Tonasket High School and Middle School Students!
XXXXX/staff photo
Movie-goers watch one of several short films from the 2013 Tumbleweed Film Festival inside the Esther Bricques Winery barrel room last Saturday evening. The winery has quickly become the most popular of the festival’s serveral venues. It truly represents the festival’s motto of “Watch Globally, Drink Locally.”
Tumbleweed Film Fest entertains Good Karma $1 wins ‘Best of Fest’ BY GARY A. DEVON MANAGING EDITOR
OROVILLE – More than 300 film-goers attended one or multiple venues of last week’s Tumbleweed Film Festival in Oroville. The short films were shown at four locations this year. The first night, Thursday, was at Veranda Beach Resort. As rain threatened, the outdoor theater was moved inside the Breadline at the Beach Restaurant so the family friendly films could be shown. About 40 people, mostly kids, enjoyed the animated and live-action shorts. Also on Thursday, was the festival’s latest venue, the Pastime Bar and Grill, where a “Best of Fest” line up was presented of hits from the festival’s previous three years in Oroville. For a new venue the Pastime attracted around 70 participants, many of whom had come early to enjoy dinner in the restaurant. Both these venues were free to the public as the festival’s way of giving back to the community which has made them feel welcome. ““We really appreciate all the help from our sponsors and venues this year and feel like the community is starting to embrace Tumbleweed and the idea of having their own, unique film festival,” said Geoff Klein, one of the festival’s co-founders. “We had a really nice turn-out and plan to continue this momentum to grow the event in Oroville, as well as into Tonasket and Osoyoos in 2014,” adds Klein. The festival’s other founder, Mo Fine said, “We want this festival to showcase the Okanogan and great short films, as well as produce a fun, entertaining event for the community, while also enticing people from outside the area to visit,”
On Friday night the Tumbleweed’s projector and screen moved to Alpine Brewery, one of two venues, along with Esther Bricques Winery, that have been with the event since its beginning in 2010. Alpine had about 50 people enjoy new short films from the U.S., Canada and around the world. A writer and actor, Fraser Corbett, from Osoyoos spoke about his film “Shakey’s Coffee” after it was shown. As did Sharon Robert, also from Osoyoos, who produced the film. Saturday night was the big event with 120 people at Esther Bricques, many of them had been to one of the other venues, but wanted to see more. They also came to listen to the group Sack of Hammers which played until the movies started in the barrel room turned theater at 7 p.m. Good Karma $1, won this year’s “Best of Fest” gaining the most audience votes. The film was made in the USA and directed by Amy Laslett and Jason Berger It is an insightful documentary about the thought and personalization that goes into the creation of street signs (for panhandling)
ther and his grandson.
trolled by light finds love.
7. Macropolis (United Kingdom) – Director Joel Simon - Rejected toys find their way out of the toy factory and onto a toy shelf.
“More people in the community are coming up to us and asking us how they can help with this film festival. As a two person show, we need all the help we can get, so we’re very excited that these people are as eager as we are to help us build a long-term, successful event,” Klein said. Fine adds, “It’s about the art and creating a cultural event that belongs to the community, but, in the end, Tumbleweed Film Festival will go as far as the involvement of the community.”
6. My Right Eye (Spain) – Director Josecho de Linares. A man visits his ailing grandmother and reminisces about their time together when he was a boy.
8. Hedgehogs in the City (Latvia) – Director Evalds Lacis. Clever hedgehogs teach their friends how to make money in the city, with a common goal in mind. 9. Luminaris (Argentina) – director Juan Pablo Zaramella. A man living in a future world con-
10. Good Bye (USA) –Director Joel Ashton McCarthy - two brothers take a final road-trip together -
Top 10 Runner-Ups: 1. Shakey’s Coffee (Canada), by Patrick Sabongui and Osoyoos local Fraser Corbett, who wrote and starred in the film. Also produced by Osoyoos local Sharon Roberts) - The words of Shakespeare help a young man find his courage.
2. Walking the Dogs (UK)(staring Emma Thompson) – Director Jeremy Brock. King Elizabeth gets a surprise visit from a commoner.
3. Dog Eat Dog (USA)- Director Sian Heder. A competition starts to adopt a dog from the pound. 4. Penny Dreadful (USA) - Director Shane Atkinson. A kidnapper gets more than he bargains for when he kidnaps a young school girl.
5. Great Adventures (Australia) – Director Gerard Lambkin - the incredible adventures of a grandfa-
Seattle filmmakers and Tumbleweed Film Festival co-founders Geoff Klien and Mo Fine at Alpine Brewery for Friday night’s showing of short films from around the world..
Indoors at Veranda Beach Resort in the Breadline at the Beach Cafe. About 40 people, mostly kids, enjoyed familyfriendly short movies at this free event.
A new venue for this year was the newly opened Pastime Bar & Gril. The restaurant served as a theater for this free Thursday night event.
Geology of the Highlands Summertime Highland Wonders SUBMITTED BY JULIE ASHMORE OHA CONSERVATION COORDINATOR
Zachary Van Brumt/submitted photo
Douglas Leese and Steve Kunkel play all eight parts in the Mystery of Irma Vep at Rockwall Cellers in Omak.
Leese and Kunkel chew up the scenery REVIEW BY ZACHARY VAN BRUNT
OMAK – In true “the show must go on” fashion, the players of Dramatic Escape pack their 2013 show “The Mystery of Irma Vep” with as many laughs as possible, come rain or come shine. The outdoor comedy played at Rockwall Cellars in Omak last weekend, Aug. 2-3, despite menacing clouds still clinging overhead leftover from last week’s thunderstorm. And the audience (with back-up umbrellas and jackets stowed under tables) responded to the show’s outlandish humor with riotous laughter. “The Mystery of Irma Vep” tests the acting and quick-costume-change skills of Steve Kunkel and Douglas Leese, who, between the two of them, play all eight characters appearing on stage. Author Charles Ludlam has packed his book with winks and nods to the audience, including some delicious sight gags that mock the play’s structure to no end. Each actor gets a turn playing against himself: hearing Kunkel switch back and forth between two of his characters backstage while changing costumes is a
treat, and Leese’s efforts portraying two characters sharing a conversation in full view of the audience is well worth the price of admission. The two seasoned actors have a great rapport on stage, ad libbing and playing off each other like skilled jazz musicians to make the audience howl. Normally a dropped line or malfunctioning prop can disarm an actor so much it ruins their performance. But with “Irma Vep,” you almost hope one of the actors will flub or a line or forget a cue: watching them dig their way out of it is often funnier than some of the jokes built into the script. It’s the kind of show that’s very difficult to derail, and mistakes or scenery issues only add an additional level of audience enjoyment. Leese’s animated facial expressions and broad accents are particularly notable, and Kunkel shows some of his best work switching between a bombastic buffoon and a meddling housemaid. (Yes, a housemaid: nearly half of the characters are women, giving the gender-bending actors plenty of chances to camp up their performances and chew some extra scenery.)
Dramatic Escape’s treatment of the script is light and over-the-top at the same time, which makes for an extremely enjoyable evening. The quick pacing and clear diction keep the show moving at a fast clip and the smart writing peppers double entendres and witty word play throughout. Any quibbles would be some of the lengthier costume changes behind the scenes, but both Leese’s and Kunkel’s vamping keeps the audience entertained while the other is unavailable. Directors Marile Kunkel and Nicole Leese (each married to her respective leading man) have an abundance of theatrical savvy between them. The ladies provide excellent on-the-fly technical direction, know when to rein their husbands and when to let them go for the comedic jugular. “The Mystery of Irma Vep” continues,, Aug. 16-17, at Esther Bricques Winery and Vineyard, 38 Swanson Mill Road, Oroville. Tickets are $40 online or $45 at the door, and include a prime rib dinner catered by Bonaparte Lake Resort. Dinner starts at 6:30 p.m. with the curtain going up at 7 p.m.
Okanogan Highlands Alliance (OHA) announces an extraordinary outdoor Highland Wonders event: a tour highlighting the geology of the highlands, expanding on what was shared during the past two yearsí geology tours. On August 17 Geology of the Okanogan Highlands, Part III will be led by a team of speakers who each bring a different emphasis. The team is comprised of: Karl Lillquist, Professor, Geography Department; Co-Director, Resource Management Graduate Program, Central Washington University; and Instructor for the Ellensburg Chapter of the Ice Age Floods Institute; Ralph Dawes, Professor at Wenatchee Valley College; led the 2011 Highland Wonders geology tour and co-led in 2012; Cheryl Dawes, Bachelorís degree in Geology; assisted with previous Highland Wonders
Located at 617 Hwy 97, Oroville WA 98844
is now providing access to a computer station for anyone to research, apply for, or manage DSHS benefits. This terminal will be available on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays unless there is a holiday between the hours of 10:00 AM and 11:30 AM.
submitted photo
MEDICARE | FROM A1 this bill.” One of the big issues with keeping the North Valley Assisted Living open was the gap between Medicaid reimbursements which affected the vast majority of its residents - and the actual costs for their care.
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“That would have been very detrimental,” said board chairperson Helen Casey. Upcoming meetings: The upcoming schedule for meetings of the North Valley Hospital Board of Commissioners departs from its usual routine in August. The Aug. 8 regular board meeting has been canceled and
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rescheduled for Monday, Aug. 5. at 7 p.m. There will be a two-evening strategic planning session Aug. 20-21 - which is open to the public - beginning at 5:30 and running until approximately 9:00 p.m. each night. The Thursday, Aug. 29, meeting will take place as regularly scheduled, at 7 p.m.
LOW COST • ONE CALL • ONE .BILL 509-476-3602
The affiliation between Central Washington Hospital and Wenatchee Valley Medical Center* is now complete.
steep slopes and uneven terrain in order to get a closer look at certain sites. Due to the nature of the outdoor event, participation is limited, and priority registration will be offered for OHA members. A waiting list will be generated on a first-come, first-serve basis. To begin or renew your OHA membership and be first in line to register for the summertime events, please visit www.okanoganhighlands.org/support, or contact OHA for more information. To sign up for this event, email julie@okanoganhighlands. org or call 509-433-7893. OHA is a non-profit organization that works to educate the public on watershed issues. The Highland Wonders educational series features the natural history of the Okanogan Highlands and surrounding areas. OHAís Education Program, which is offered free of charge, is designed to build the capacity of the community to steward natural habitats and resources by helping to develop an informed and empowered population. Donations are always welcome. Details are provided on OHA’s website: www. okanoganhighlands.org/education.
Geology of the Okanogan Highlands is the next Summertime Highland Wonders event sponsored by the OHA.
Reach 2.8 Million ReadeRs.*
The Oroville Housing Authority
geology tours in 2011 and 2012; Stephen Box, Research Geologist with the US Geological Survey; co-led the 2012 geology tour. Participants will examine rocks brought to North America from elsewhere and learn how they changed and became part of the structure of the highlands. The group will also examine the “icing on the cake” effect of a sheet of moving glacial ice, thousands of feet thick, which sculpted the highlands and sprinkled them with sediments and erratic boulders. It is on this foundation that the modern flora and fauna of the highlands, including people, have established themselves and found their niches. There will be lots of things to look at, think about, and make connections between as the group explores the special geology of the highlands. “Itís wonderful to share time in the field with people whose interest in the highlands leads them to want to understand the geological story behind familiar landscape features,” says Dawes. Participation in previous Geology tours is not required in order to attend this third tour. Although this is a driving tour, there may be some hiking on
SALE Offer good thru August 2013
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We are pleased to officially introduce: OrOville 1617 Main St. 509.476.3631
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You will start to see our new logo on your billing statements, appointment reminders and signs at our different locations. Even though our name has changed, we haven’t. We’re the same people, with the same service and the same dedication to you. * Oroville Clinic (Formerly North Valley Family Medicine), Tonasket Clinic (Formerly North Valley Family Medicine), Omak Clinic and Brewster Clinic will be part of Confluence Health.
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SATURDAY • Prime Rib SUNDAY • Pork Roast Dinner 1412 Main St., Oroville 509-476-2442
Call Charlene at 509-476-3602
PUD rates going up no matter what
It looks like our power bills will continue to increase, that is unless we as individual ratepayers can find ways to cut back on consumption. After a while that just seems like a case of diminishing returns – without the power we aren’t as productive. What’s the alternative, living in a cave, alternative sources of power like wind and solar? For most of us who’d like to be more self-sufficient in our energy needs, it’s still not cost effective right now. Sure prices have come down, but to continue with the types of lifestyles most of us have adopted the initial outlay to disconnect from the grid is just too much. And for those on a limited or fixed income it is impossible. It’s hard to imagine nowadays, but a trip back through the old issues of the Gazette-Tribune reveal a time when our public utilities were trying to get the people to invest in things like electric lights, stoves and other appliances. It was a push for rural electrification. Now divestOut of ing of some of the electric wonder devices, My Mind though now more efficient, might be the model Gary A. DeVon we should be following today. Yet, how much is enough? At one of the public meetings held by the Okanogan County PUD on the coming rate increase, we were basically told a rate increase was forgone conclusion. The utility has a massive debt, costs to operate the utility are going up, while the revenues are going down. That’s not because of a lack of customers – residential, commercial and agricultural. One of the biggest differences is the loss of a market in which to sell our surplus hydro power. While wet years have led to a drop in prices compared to times past, now more generation is being done through burning cheap, relatively clean natural gas. Those Californians who seemed ready to pay anything for our extra power have found a new source for their energy fix. At that public meeting Enloe Dam came up and whether relicensing and rehabing the dam was one of the reasons for the upcoming power increase. We were assured it wasn’t, that no matter whether the utility proceeds with its dam plans or not, we were behind the eight ball. What we were helping the PUD Commissioners to decide was just how much rates would increase and how fast. It sounds like they may adopt a plan that gradually increases rates so that we feel the hit less powerfully – but one way or another we are going to see higher increases – especially more so than our neighbors in PUD districts that have their own power generation. It’s probably too late for Enloe to make a difference now toward that end. Back in the late 1980’s a Bellevue Company was trying to purchase the right to rehabilitate Enloe with the idea that they would generate power for 10 years and then turn an operating dam back to the PUD lock, (pen)stock and barrel so to speak. A misguided push to require fish ladders so that fish that never swam up the river because of the natural falls could do so led to that plan’s demise. Of course the Canadian government didn’t want the fish back then and neither did the Lower Similkameen Indian Band. So now we have a dam that doesn’t generate power and the costs to get it to do so while keeping enough flow over the dam and falls could keep it from doing so economically. But that’s a topic for another editorial.
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Tell me, when will our nightmare end?
agement and the many consultants the utility thinks we need. It was pointed out by some, very wellspoken county residents that the PUD policies are hurting the ratepayers on every level of our local economy. We are living on less and our PUD is trying to grow. It makes no sense. As a gentleman from Omak pointed out, Federal, State and Local governments are all cutting back at least 10 percent. Where is
the belt tightening from our PUD planners? Why is a major government contractor, SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC needed to bring credibility to our once selfsufficient Utility? Will this “credibility” help plans to sell those municipal utility bonds to Wall St. investors. Will they be told the truth about the Similkameen’s low seasonal flows or her endangered Upper Columbia Steelhead hanging in the balance. The powerhouse at Enloe has been silent for over 50 years. The river has returned as a fishery and recreation has replaced the industrial uses of the past. Tourism, as you so often write, is the hope of prosperity looking forward for Oroville and north county. There is no surge in growth and no shortage of electricity if used wisely, and no demonstrated need to develop new power generation at Enloe Dam. Improving the Similkameen River fishery will help fill those beds around town. The proposed Enloe Powerhouse Project will ruin our most revered and special place, Similkameen Falls, and bury us so deep in debt we will not recover in our lifetime. I have great respect and appreciation for the dedicated human beings who comprise the Okanogan PUD. I strongly disagree with the expansive direction forwarded by the PUD decision makers. We must stop borrowing and spending money we don’t have now, and probably never will. $38 million is a deep, deep hole and it’s time to stop digging. It’s our future and our river. We won’t be giving up on either any time soon. Joseph Enzensperger Oroville
processing further south would have a large effect on the local economy comparing it to the Caribou/Magi merger that saw local apples taken to Brewster for processing. The Oroville School District set the 1988-89 General Fund Budget at $3,161,591. This budget allows for the continuation of the current program with improvements in library materials, computer equipment and other technology advances. The budget is based on 740 full time students in grades K-12. Travelers in Oroville will notice the 10 new banners purchased in honor of the Okanogan County Centennial. Merchants who purchased the banners for Oroville, were: Sears, Dick’s Furniture, Drummond’s Drug, Nulton Irrigation, Oroville Realty, Rainier Bank, Jr. Women, G-J Western, Camaray Motel, Clothes Tree and Pati and Roger Llewellyn. D.O.I.T. paid for the brackets fabricated by Jordan Krusoff. Helping to install were, Forrey Boyer, Gary Nelson, Rick Gaurd and Spencer Higby. Doris Rise, who has for many years, written the Molson column for the Gazette Tribune, has decided that it was time for a change and expressed a desire to pass the column on. Doris graduated from Molson in 1931. The baton has been passed on to Teri Berquist, who will now be writing the column for that area. Berquist just recently moved here permanently from Port Orchard, Wash. She has rented the old caretaker’s home near the Molson Museum for the last five and one half years. The United States Bureau of Land Management, (BLM), is moving to regain title to the Enloe Dam site on the Similkameen River, now in the possession of the Okanogan County PUD. Once the ownership of the Enloe Dam land is restored to the public domain, several agencies, which are working to provide fish passage above Enloe will be able to proceed with their plans. The first permit on the Similkameen was for a power right-of-way issued to the Okanogan PUD (maybe Washington Water power) by the Department of the Interior in 1918. In 1959, the Enloe dam ceased operations and in 1963, the right-of-way power permit expired. That same year, the BLM, an agency of the Department of the Interior, issued a patent to the Enloe lands for the purposes of building a public park. Five yeas later, the BLM began steps to withdraw the land patent because the PUD had not complied with the recreational aspects of the patent. (Current Note: So the fight continues on.)
Dear Gary, We both attended the PUD public meeting two weeks back. The rates are going up and we, the rate payers, are being forced to pay for a whole series of miscalculations by our commissioners, well compensated PUD man-
Off topic, we had a gentleman come into the office the other day and say the public was welcome to come and check out some of their telescopes. He was with a group of over 100 astronomers staying at Eden Valley Guest Ranch for the Table Mountain Star Party Aug. 7-10.
GAZETTE-TRIBUNE SERVING WASHINGTON’S OKANOGAN VALLEY SINCE 1905 OROVILLE OFFICE 1420 Main St., PO Box 250 Oroville, WA 98844 Phone: (509) 476-3602 Toll free: (866) 773-7818 Fax: (509) 476-3054 www.gazette-tribune.com OFFICE HOURS Oroville Mon.-Fri. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CONTACT INFORMATION Managing Editor Gary A. DeVon gdevon@gazette-tribune.com Reporter/Production Brent Baker bbaker@gazette-tribune.com (509) 476-3602 Advertising Sales/Ad Design Charlene Helm chelm@gazette-tribune.com (509) 476-3602 | (509) 322-5712 Classifieds Shawn Elliott classifieds@soundpublishing.com 1-800-388-2527 Circulation 1-888-838-3000 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Classified ads can be placed during normal office hours by calling 1-800-388-2527 Weekly Rates: $6.75 for the first 15 words 25 cents for additional words Borders, bold words, headlines, logos and photos subject to additional charges The Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune (USPS 412 120) is published weekly by Sound Publishing / Oroville 1420 Main St. PO Box 250 Oroville, WA 98844 Phone: (509) 476-3602 Fax: (509) 476-3054 Periodical postage paid at Oroville, WA, and additional mailing offices POSTMASTER Send address corrections to: The Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, PO BOX 250, Oroville, WA 98844
SUBSCRIPTIONS In County (yearly) $30.50 In State (yearly) $32.50 Out of State (yearly) $40.50 Senior (yearly) $28.50 (65+ take $2 off per year) The Gazette-Tribune does not refund subscription payments except to the extent that it might meet its obligation to publish each week, in which case the cost of the issue missed would be refunded as an extension. Subscriptions may be transferred to another individual or organization. DEADLINES Calendar listings: Noon Monday News Submissions: Noon Monday Display Advertising: Noon Monday Legals: Noon Monday Classified Ads: Noon Tuesday LETTERS POLICY The Gazette-Tribune welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be accompanied by the author’s name, a home address and a daytime phone number (for verification only). Letters may be edited for length, clarity, accuracy and fairness. No letter will be published without the author’s name. Thank you letters will only be printed from non-profit organizations and events. We will not publish lists of businesses, or lists of individual names. CORRECTIONS The Gazette-Tribune regrets any errors. If you see an error, please call 476-3602. We will publish a correction on page 2 in the next issue. NEWS TIPS Have an idea for a story? Call us at 476-3602 SERVICES Back issues are available for up to one year after publication for a small fee. Photo reprints are available for most photos taken by the staff. Ask about photos we may not have had room to print. PRINTED Printed in Penticton, B.C., Canada on recycled newsprint with soy ink. Please Recycle
Washington Newspaper Publishers Association member
75 YEARS AGO: 1938: I was unable to find the issues for the rest of 1938 so this section will not be available for the balance of 2013.
50 YEARS AGO: August 1st - 15th 1963: The Arrow Dot Motel and Trailer Court changed hands the first of last month. Taking over the new ownership was Dal and Sharon Wilder. The purchased the business from Vern and Esther Kinnisch, who had operated the business for the past two years. Dal Wilder has had considerable experience in the motel business as his parents have operated the Cariboo Motel for the past several years. “We will be putting in a boat launching area which the public will be invited to use in the near future,” said Dal, “and we will also have boat moorage space to rent in the near future.” Visitors to the Gazette office Wednesday, were greeted by Mrs. Bob Warnock as she took over the duties recently held by Mrs. Gary Allen. Marian Warnock is well known to all in the community as she was formerly employed by Dr. Shupe. Lori Allen gave up her position to stay at home and care for twin boys which she and her husband adopted the first of the week. Eight of the original fourteen members of the 1923 graduating class of Oroville High School, met Tuesday, July 23, for a fortiethyear reunion at the home of Marguerite Corum Howell, while a ninth called to say that he was unable to attend. Those attending were: Alice (Mitchell Strong, Margaret (Breckon) Lynch, Frankie (Beale) Graham, Spencer Lewis, Josephine (DeMerchant) Thorndike, Helen (Peck) Ford and Joe E. Miles, Principal of the high school in 1923. A public family picnic will be held at the site of Old Ruby, along Salmon Creek on Sunday afternoon, August 4. “The picnic will be sponsored by the Okanogan County Historical Society,” said Bruce Wilson, President. This is just an informal gathering to look over Old Ruby and exchange ideas on preserving county history. Don’t miss the 31st annual OMAK STAMPEDE, and world famous
suicide race, August 10th and 11th. 8000 covered reserved seats! General admission, $2.00; Reserved seats, $3.00, Reserved chute seats, $5.00. Asleep for nearly 70 years, the famous Okanogan County mining camp of RUBY sprang alive for a few hours last Sunday as 80 persons attended a Ruby City picnic. Ruby was born in 1886, when the Moses Reservation was restored to the public domain. She began a rapid decline in 1893 when the price of silver dropped. It was remarkable the speakers could include one man who had lived in Ruby during its heyday, another who was born there, two others born nearby and another two who recalled visiting Ruby. Life blood for the upper Okanogan Valley, started flowing again Monday afternoon following the completion of the 365 foot flume on the main canal some two miles west of Oroville. Guy Fisher, Superintendent, said that the system had a full head, however the Similkameen River, which furnishes water for the system, was at a low head and crews were enlarging the dam at the headgate. Weather Wise by Marge Frazier, official observer: July 28, 86 degrees maximum and 61 minimum; 29, 83 and 56; 30 85 and 60; 31, 84 and 55; August 1, 82 and 50; 2, 86 and 57 and 3, 94 and 48. Percipitation for the week, .10. Grocery prices: Cantaloupes, 8 for $1.00; 4 oz Cocktail Shrimp, 3 for $1.00; Corn, large ears, 6 for $.29; Washington grown Fryers, cut up fresh, $.39 lb.
25 YEARS AGO: August 4 - 11, 1988: Although no decision has been made at this time, the possibility exists that apples harvested on repossessed farms controlled by the FHA, may be processed at apple sheds not in the immediate area, according to Stuart Skidmore of the FHA. “Basically, any and all fruit houses that want to make an offer on processing may do so,” said FHA Farm Program Chief, George Aldaya. Some local farmers are worried that
OKANOGAN VALLEY LIFE 40 Years: Where does the time go? Into August and the temperatures have cooled just a bit. Some raindrops here and there but not really enough to hardly notice. Our Wenatchee daughter was home for the weekend, attending her class reunion -- 40 years! No wonder I feel well into the mature years. And that is the youngest daughter and the other one is eight years older. Where does the time go? Reports from the reunion are that it was well attended, which was held on the lawns of Kathy (Minyard) Noel and Rod and Susan (Valentine) Christensen and Ted, with some coming great dis-
August is only five days old and looks like it will be a very busy month. Among the events there there will be a yard sale and swap meet in the yard at Fiona Gallery in Chesaw on Saturday and Sunday on Aug. 10 and 11 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Everything from garden plants to household items, tools to curiosities. Vendors welcome, call (509) 485 2281 On Friday, Aug. 16 with Family Bingo. Just $10 will get you 30 games. Additional games can be purchased for $1. The pay outs will depend on how many people are present as half of the prize money goes to the Grange Hall and half goes to the players. Bingo starts at 6 p.m. Join in the Fun and bring a snack to share. On Saturday, Aug. 17 at 6 p.m. there will be a Benefit Chinese Dinner to help pay for the much needed New Roof at the Grange Hall. Those of you who have already purchased tickets ($20 per person) please bring the tickets with you to the dinner. The dinner will be prepared by Linda and David Darrow of the former Linda’s Bakery. Music will be provided by Wilders. Tickets may be purchased from Willie and George Penner at (509) 485 1922, Cleta and Wayne Adams at (509) 485 2266, Dolly Engelbretson at (509) 476 3336, the Molson Museum, the Still Good Shop in Tonasket, Home Town Pizza in Oroville, Oroville Pharmacy and other Grange Members. Highland Hooters Lunch on
Annual Garlic Fest returns to Tonasket SUBMITTED BY JANET CULP CCC OF TONASKET
TONASKET - History Park will come alive with music, food, beer and wine as well as vendors from around the state, Aug. 23-25. The 14th annual Okanogan River Garlic Fest will be exciting with lots to do and see. Greeting the festival goers, the famous garlic heads will be at the front gate. La Ultima, the Taco Wagon, the Downtown sausage guy, Boneyard Barbecue from Republic and possibly Pastime Bar & Grill with garlic samplings and salads will all be present
School Days! School Days! It won’t be long before the kids are back in school. Aug. 28th I hear, Not a lot going on this month. There will Hot August Nights in Chesaw on Aug. 24 and the second annual quilt show in Mo!son on Aug. 31. However, on August 17, Royal Neighbors is sponsoring Lisa Lindsay with the Okanogan Wildlife League, as the featured speaker at Summer in the Osoyoos Lake Veterans Memorial Park. Starting time is 3 p.m. She will be at the park with some of her rescued, rehabilitated critters to educate and entertain. (this is sure to be a hit with kids. On Aug. 31, Arnie Marchand,
tances. It is the ones close to home that seem to stay away. Don’t really understand that, but also know that it happens all the time and with all ages. Last week was one filled with assorted appointments. I seem to have a reading of my potassium level which is on the low side, so it THIS & THAT can be used as an
Joyce Emry
HILLTOP COMMENTS Aug. 19 at noon at America’s Family Restaurant (formally FB’s) Make your reservation with Dolly (509) 476 3336 or Marianne at (509) 485 2103. On Wednesday, Aug. 21 the Knob Hill Home Economics Club will meet at the Chesaw Community Building with a potluck at noon. This will be one week early because of the Memorial Service for Ervin Freimuth on Wednesday, Aug. 28 at the Senior Center at 1 p.m. This will be a pot luck. Hot August Nights Car Show will be on Aug. 24 with registration starting at 11 a.m. For more information call Pauline at (509) 485-2255. Enter you car, truck, lawn mower or ATV. Vendors call Marianne at (509) 485 2103. The last day of Roller Skating at the Grange Hall will be Friday, Aug. 23. School starts Wednesday, Aug. 28. Bill and Sandy Everly of the Chesaw Mercantile had a family reunion over the last week end of July. Family members came from Arizona, Port Townsend, Colorado Springs and “Uncle Bim” from Palmer, Alaska. Others that could not attend live in Pennsylvania. “Uncle Bim” is not actually related to the Everly’s, however, Tina Everly (daughter-in-law) is his guardian. When he was just a child his older brother could not say “Jim,” thus he became “Uncle Bim.” He will be 64-years-old on his next birthday on Jan. 22. “Bim” will have a pizza parlor day with pizza for everyone. Uncle “Bim” had only seven years of schooling before the programs ran out for
COMMUNITY CULTURAL PROJECT with their wonderful food offerings. Several goodie vendors will be present with popcorn, cotton candy, soda pop, baked goods, candy & much more. Non-stop, full day entertainment will be rocking the venue with folk, jazz, ole time music, as well as dancers from several cultures. Some of our favorites: Harvey Swanson, Randy Battle Bluz band, the Hyde family, Sandy Vaughn, Julie Ashmore, Don Elliott, Steve Kinzie, and
OROVILLE SENIOR CENTER a local author will speak about his new book, “The way I heard it.” Retelling the stories from his Okanogan Elders. Starting time
312 S. Whitcomb
excuse for not being overly ambitious. On being given a list of things to eat to help increase the reading, tomatoes are the first item on the list, so sometimes one can have a lucky day. Do you know who composed the pop gospel standard “The Bible Tells Me So? Answer. Dale Evans, cowgirl wife of Roy Rogers. She also wrote their theme song, “Happy Trails.” The final phase of Roy Rogers memorabilia, which has been located in Branson, Missouri for several years, is now a thing of the past. The prices that some of the items sold for are unbelievable but the theatre was no longer making money and Roy had asked that when that happened that it be phased out. Can you remember when as a child you just really liked going to the movies to a Roy Rogers or Gene Autry show? Costing probably ten-cents? Does anyone have canning apricots, or is it too late? I know a nice lady who would like to have some so if you know of someone who has some call me, (509) 476-3353.
the disabled. He loves to read and enjoys the newspaper, especially the sports, weather and the TV program schedule. His favorite program is Duck Dynasty and likes Phil and Si the best. “Bim” is full of life and laughs. When he was telling me some of the things about himself these memories came up. When he was 17, he saw Jesus dressed in a white robe, and he had whiskers. He has dressed like Santa for the local grocery, was a member of Special Olympics and went to the Summer Games when they were in Indiana. He has had the same girlfriend for 25 years and her name is Leanne. He is a Denver Broncos fan and has worked for Safeway in Palmer for 14 years. A while ago he was involved in a hit and run accident and suffered a broken hip and a head injury. Everyone was worried about him, the mayor even sent him a letter and many sent cards. He was even talked about on the radio. He is doing well now and has many things he wants to do, like, be a Preacher, go to the North Pole to see Santa and the Elves and travel to Hawaii with Sandy next year, if they save enough money. While he was visiting our Hilltop he saw some deer near Havillah, won second place at the reunion for playing Jingle Bells on a horn he purchased at the Farmers’ Market in Oroville, went swimming in the pool and went to the Music in the Park in Tonasket. It was a busy time for him. He is a happy, happy, happy person who enjoys life, gets along with people and helps the handicapped. I will not forget my new found friend “Uncle Bim” Until next week.
many others will all be present at this venue. There also will be lots of fresh produce from our local farms, many types of garlic, soaps, jewelry, clothing and much more. We are hoping to have a dunk tank as well as other water features from the Water Park promoters. Sunday will be promoted as family day with special games and play for the children. Don’t miss this wonderful festival. Come enjoy and support the efforts of the Community Cultural Center and local businesses. For other info or vendor applications call the Community Cultural Center at (509) 4861328.
for Arnie is at 3 p.m. in the afternoon, The Senior Center has a basket full of goodies on which we are selling tickets. Also, a separate prize is hand quilted double bed or twin sized quilt. \Pinochle Scores for Aug. 3: The door prize was won by Liz Moody, most pinochles by Ken Ripley; high woman scorer was Beverly Holden; high scoring man was Leonard Paulsen
Come visit us in friendly downtown Tonasket!
TONASKET: The Other Windy City!
I hear that the replacement of the BIG trees at the grade school that were recently cut down have been planted, inside the fence. That was a very controversial subject and if the old adage, “I’ll bet his (her) ears are burning,” I suspect Mr. Quick’s were quite warm, because a lot of people had a lot to say about the situation. It is so good to have cucumbers that don’t taste like a sponge. What in the world does someone do to them that make them hardly resemble what they started out to be? Did you know that Lucille Ball didn’t become a redhead until age 30? Twelve years she was a platinum blonde, next 18 as a natural brunette, then the red hair came into being. I used to be a natural redhead. I have a new book of trivia and answers, so bear with me. There will be a memorial, at the Oroville Sr. Center, for Irv Friemuth, later this month, August 28th at 1:00
Proving that variety is the spice of life
p.m. I have been told that Mary Lou’s Gift Shop, which has been located on Central, next to the Back to Basic’s Café, is moving into what has been known in the past as “George’s Variety” but most recently has been occupied by Garrets Antiques and other general merchandise. I think the new location will be good for her, as she will not only have more space, being on Main St. just seems to be a better location and of course will have more foot traffic, and that is what is needed for that type of business. So, one more empty building on Main St. is being filled. The Peerless is still unoccupied, but more furnishings have been seen being unloaded, so it’s still a waiting game. There is a lady in the Extended Care Facility, a Mrs. Gardiner who just had her 107th birthday. That surely is a happening that needs mention and a photo and I’ll see if that can be arranged, for an upcoming issue.
Have you heard the phrase, “Variety is the spice of life?” The sheer variety of produce available at Tonasket Farmers’ market can inspire you to spice up your dinner table. Inspiration to create an out-of this-world ratatouille came from Leaping Sheep Farm this week. Ton Rietveldt carries a broad variety of heirloom vegetables, as interesting looking and exotic sounding as they are delicious. A cream and plum striped eggplant, “listada di gandia” leapt onto my basket. Equally appealing were zucchini varieties “cocozelle,” “costata romanesca,” and “ronde de nice.” Add some of his heirloom tomatoes, variety “glacier” or “black tripele” and you have the basis for ratatouille, see more below. Val Welles doesn’t skimp on variety either. Her “Fat Cat”
brand of jams, jellies, pickles and preserves comes in a staggering array of choices. You name it and she home cans it. Last week I was looking for a different kind of preserve, and deciding between blueberry, elderberry and raspberry proved a fun chore. Blueberry won this time, but there’s always next time! Part of the fun in visiting her booth is seeing which one of her colorful hats she is wearing. This time allow me to tip my hat to her. Besides being a master canner, Val is also a dedicated volunteer, heading up the free dinners at the Community Cultural Center. Back to ratatouille, which is a delightful mélange of vegetables. I prefer Julia Child’s recipe, from “Mastering the Art of French Cooking.” In this version, each vegetable is cooked sepa-
Good time at the annual picnic
Well the mighty Thunderstorms have reared their head this past week and gave us a few good shows. We would like to thank all that came up Aug. 4th and attended the annual picnic up at Bonaparte Lake. We got to see some sun and even some rain, but it was a good ole time for all.Thank you to the ladies that brought up a salad to help make it a fantastic meal.
After a week off there will be bingo this Friday at 7 pm, so get those daubers out and come on down. The kitchen will also be open at 5:30 p.m. for those cheeseburgers we all like, and other items to eat. Saturday will see Linda back at 9 p.m. for karaoke, and will be a great night to come test your singing voice and those new dancing shoes. Our pinochle scores from this past Sunday are as follows. Dale
rately before combining them. Like a fine chorus, this allows each voice to maintain its identity, creating a rich harmony of flavor. Eggplant and zucchini are sliced, salted and allowed to drain, then sautéed in olive oil and set aside. Then in the same pan sauté bell pepper, onion, and add garlic at the end along with salt and pepper. Skin and seed tomatoes, and slice the pulp, laying it over the pepper mixture. cover and cook on low. After a few minutes, uncover and raise the heat to evaporate the juices. Layer in a casserole as follows: 1/3 tomato mixture, parsley, 1/2 eggplant mixture, 1/3 tomato, parsley, remaining eggplant, remaining tomato, parsley. About 3 tablespoons of parsley total, and amount of other ingredients vary, depending on what I have. Simmer covered casserole on low for 10 minutes, uncover and cook on medium, basting with pan juices, until almost all liquid is gone. Can be served hot or cold. Come to the market to enjoy a variety of Okanogan summer flavors. See you at the market this week!
Byers took first place and Gladys Fifer snatched second place. Penny Smith was the low score of the day, while Ken Cook and Cindy Jones had the last pinochle of the day. We would like to thank Ginger and the American Legion for opening their doors this past Sunday for the pinochle players to have a spot to play. We send our condolences to the family and friends of Glen Dillon who passed away last week. We wish all those that may be ill a speedy recovery to good health. God bless all. The Biggest Little Eagles in the state.
The CCC has a lot planned
OLIVER THEATRE Enjoy your evening out, taking in a movie at the Oliver Theatre!
August, 2013 Programme
TONASKET - There’s a lot going on at thed CCC in August including Music in thde Park and Garlic Festival.
August 23-25 - The 14th Annual Garlic Festival: Located in Tonasket’s History Park this annual festival features music, food, beer and wine as well as vendors from around the state. Festival is open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday.
Give a Holiday Gift That Doesn’t End When the aBatteries Give Holiday Run Gift Out. That Doesn’t End When the Batteries Run Out. time of year that you help save for a child’s college education.
No Time Gift Give a Holiday Like the Present That Doesn’t EndonWhen to Keep Your Future Track the Batteries Run Out.
Edward Jones can work with you to develop a strategy save foracollege. One option is a Make 529 college Whytonot start new holiday tradition? this thesavings plan, where today’s gift can have tax benefits for you, time of year that you help save for a child’s college family members and the child.* education. *Contributions to a 529 plan may be eligible for a state tax deduction or credit in certainof states forcan those residents. Edward Jones work with youalso to develop a strategy Lots times, changes in life affect your
to save for college. Onewhy option is a 529 college investments. That’s there’s never been savings a Why not start a new holiday tradition? Make better time to schedule free portfolio review. plan, where today’s gift can your have tax benefits for you, To make your college savings gift in time this the time of year that you help save for a We’ll talk about the changes in your life and help family the child.*tradition? Whymembers not start and a new holiday Make this the
fordecide thecollege holidays, call or visit today. child’s education. Edward Jones can you whether it makes sense to revise work with you to develop a strategy to save for education. Sandra Rasmussen college. One option is a 529 college savings A portfolio review will help ensure Financial Advisor plan, where today’s gift can have tax Jones can work with you gift to develop abenefits strategy ToEdward makeinvestments your college savings in time your are keeping pace for you, family members and the child.* to saveyour for college. One a 529 college savings 32 N Main St option Suite A is local with goals. Call your financial
*Contributions to a 529that plan may behelp eligiblesave for a state deductioncollege or credit in time of year you fortax a child’s your investments because of them. certain states for those residents.
for the holidays, callforor today. *Contributions to a 529 plan may be eligible a statevisit tax deduction or credit in certain states for those residents. Omak, WA 98841 plan, wheretoday. today’s gift can have tax benefits for you, advisor 509-826-1638 family members and the child.*
Sandra Rasmussen
Rasmussen *Contributions to aSandra 529 plan may be eligible for a state tax deduction or credit in Advisor certain states. for Financial those residents. www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC . N Main St Suite A 32 32 N Main St Suite A Omak, WA 98841 509-826-1638 Omak, WA 98841
Financial Advisor
To make509-826-1638 your college savings gift in time for the holidays, call or visit today.
www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC
Sat. - Sun
Sat. - Sun. - Mon. - Tues. Aug. 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 Showtimes at 7:00 & 9:15 p.m. Nightly
At the
MOVIES Enjoy your evening out, taking in a movie at the Oliver Theatre!
August, 2013 Programme
We're Airconditioned
Visit our website
Phone 250
Sat. - Sun. - Mon
Sat. - Sun. - Mon. - Tues. Aug. 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 Showtimes at 7:00 & 9:15 p.m. Nightly
Frequent coarse language, violence.
Wed Show
Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. Aug. 7 - 8 - 9 ONE SHOWING NIGHTLY AT 7:30 P.M.
Oliver Theatre
Sat. - Sun. - Mon. - Tues.
August 9 - Music in the Park featuring The Randy Battle Bluz Band: Event runs from 6-9 p.m. in Tonasketís History Park. August 25 - Free Community Dinner: Sunday dinner Refreshments availprovided by the CCC able for purchase from and others. Dinner the CCC and La Ultima served from 2-3:30 Mexicatessan will be p.m. Free for those who there with dinner for need it, by donation purchase. Event is free for others. Call Janet though there will be a at (509) 486-2061 for donation jar set up for Why start a new holiday tradition? more Make info. this the the not band.
We're Airconditioned
Visit our website
Aug. 8 - 9 - 10 - 11
Summer showtimes are 7& 9:00p.m. Oliver, B.C. nightly (unless otherwise stated). 250-498-2277
THE LOnE rAnGEr Sat. - Sun. - Mon. - Tues.
Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. Aug. 7 - 8 - 9 ONE SHOWING NIGHTLY AT 7:30 P.M.
Thurs.-Fri. aug.8-9. 1 showing nightly at 7:30pm
Wed. - Thur Showtimes
Frightening s
sat.-sun.-mon.-Tues, aug.10-11-12-13. 7&9:30pm nightly
Sat. - Su Au Show Sat. - Sun. - Mon Frightening scenes.
pAcIfIc rIM
There will also at 2:00 p.m
Frequent coarse language, violence.
Aug. 8 - 9 - 10 - 11
Sat. - Sun. - Mon. - Tues. Aug. 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 Violence. Showtimes at 7:00 & 9:30 p.m. Nightly Sat. - Sun. - Mon. - Tues. Aug. 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 Showtimes at 7:00 & 9:30 p.m. Nightly
Aug. 24 - 2 Showtimes a
Sat. - Sun. - Mon.
Violence, coarse language, frightening scenes.
Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. Aug. 14 - 15 - 16 Violence, coarse language, frightening scenes.
GrOwn UpS 2 wed.-Thurs.-Fri. aug 14-15-16. 7&9pm nighTly.
Sat. - Sun
Wed. - Thurs. - Fri. Aug. 14 - 15 - 16
OMAK THEATER Omak and mirage TheaTers are nOw digiTal Violence.
There will also at 2:00 p.m
Programme subject to unavoidable change without notice
509-826-0860 | www.omaktheater.com
Programme subject to unavoidable change withou
action/adventure/Fantasy starring hugh Jackman rila Fukushima, will yun Fri. 6:45, 9:45 sat.*3:45,6:45, 9:45. sun. *3:45,6:45,9:45, pg13 wkdays. 6:45,9:45 129 min
101 S. Main St. - 2 blocks from Omak Theater
we’re The Millers
starts wednesday. Comedy starring Jennifer aniston, 109min Jason sudeikis, ed helms, r nick Offerman. Fri: 6:45, 9:30.
sat: *4:00, 6:45, 9:30. sun:*4:00, 6:45, 9:30. wkdys: 6:45, 9:30
2 Guns action/Comedy/Crime.
starts Friday. starring denzel washington, mark wahlberg, paula patton, Bill paxton.
Fri: 9:30. sat. & sun. 6:45 & 9:30. wkdays: 9:30
pLAnES starts Fri. animation/adv/Cmdy.
starring dane Cook, Tari hatcher, John Cleese, Val kilmer. Fri. 6:45, 9:30. sat. *4:00. sun. *4:15, 7 & 9:30 wkdys 6:45. SMUrfS 2 animation/Comedy/Family. starring neil pg patrick harris, katy perry, Christina ricci, Jayma mays. 105min Fri 6:45 sat & sun 4:00 wkdays 6:45 Adult $8.50
Matinee $6.00
Child $6.00
No children under age 4 admitted unless film is G rated. No one under 17 admitted to R rated films without their own parent. Photo ID required.
AUGUST 8, 2013 | Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune
Music in the Park will feature two groups Aug. 9
Ervin Rodney Freimuth
submitted photo
Music in the Park on Aug. 9 at History Park by the river in Tonasket will feature a pair of groups. This Friday’s performance will run from 5-8 p.m., an hour earlier than it has been due to darkness falling earlier than for previous events. The groups playing include the Randy Battle Bluz Band and The Raveling Toad Show. The first group features Randy Battle, Linda Pruitt, Ray Dispenza, and Ed Mattell, while the Raveling Toad Show features Lota Durate, Michael Durate, and Randy Battle, La Ultima Mexicatessan will again provide food for purchase, while the CCC will have drinks and goodies on hand (by donation). A tip jar will be passed around for the musicians, who are donating their time and talent. Bring a chair or a blanket to this CCC-sponsored family event.
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Ervin Rodney Freimuth
Ervin Rodney Freimuth, a son given by the Lord to John and Deloris (Reinars) Freimuth, was born June 23, 1939, in Vancouver, Wash. He died peacefully Friday morning, July 26, 2013 at his home in Oroville, Wash. By his side were his beloved wife Barbara Jean Freimuth and a family friend, The span of his earthly journey
was 74 years, one month and threde days. Today we rejoice in the knowledge that he has passed the barrier of time as we know it and is forever at home with his Savior and reunited with those in Christ that have gone before him. Among those surviving him are his wife Barbara Jean Freimuth, his children, Tyrone Freimuth, Kyle Freimuth, Iona (Freimuth) Moody Cherry (Freimuth) Ramos, and April (Freimuth) Fincher, his step-children, James Fulp, Wilma Gillium and Sandra (Butcher) Murphy. In this space we could extoll Ervin’s scholastic achievements, career choices or some heroic deed. however, the seemingly little things he did quietly every day in his last years are perhaps those things that are to be remembered most about our dear friend. He was not a perfect man, but who has lived that life but one. He cared for, and about, his wife Barbie. They had good and they had bad, they laughed and they cried, they read scripture together, prayed together, attended church and loved the Lord together. It was a rare sight to see one without the other. Ervin loved fishing and exploring the back roads and less traveled byways of Washington with
Barbie. He was her constant companion, caregiver, chauffeur and so much more. In his heart he was at peace with his approaching departure from this world and trusted God for Barbie’s continued care. But like most, because he was human, he voiced regrets and wished he had been a better man, a better husband, a better friend but mostly he wished to have been a better father. He had a rare sense of humor, (not everyone understood) he enjoyed lively banter with his friends, acquaintances and the occasional stranger. He and Barbie were fixtures at their Church events, the Senior Center and the local food establishments. He will be missed and not forgotten and as he expressed this is not good bye, just farewell until we meet again. It was Erv’s wish to forego a traditional funeral service and to celebrate his Home Going for family and friends that would like to attend on Aug. 28 at 1 p.m. at the Oroville Senior Center. Officiating will be the Pastor of Chesaw Community Bible Church Duane Scheidemantle. There will be a potluck with cake and ice cream will follow.
Community Bulletin Board TONASKET - Tonasket Farmers Market is held on Thursdays, from 3 p.m. until 7 p.m. The next market is Thursday, Aug. 8. Come join us for some of the best in local produce, crafts, personal care products, homegrown music and farmstead cheeses. Whether you make a quick spin to pick up supper ingredients or hang out for hours, you’re sure to get what you want. For more info call (509) 486-1199
Vacation Bible School LOOMIS - Vacation Bible School is set for Monday-Friday, Aug.5-9, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the Loomis Community Church, on Main Street in Loomis. Ages are 3-12. The theme for VBS is, “Gone Fishing.” Stories, games,crafts and music will be included in the program. For information or rides call (509) 223 3902. All kids are welcome, and it’s free!
Community HU Song TONASKET - All are invited to a Community HU Song on Wednesday, Aug. 7 at the little shop of Yoga located at 306 S. Whitcomb Ave. in Tonasket. Also called a HU Chant, it is a gathering to sing this ancient love song to God. The experience of a 20-minute group HU Song can be one of the most uplifting events in the life of an individual, further strengthening and deepening the bond of love we each have with the divine. It’s simply for the spiritual upliftment of those who come and is not directed to any other purpose. A short silent contemplation will follow. Listen to the HU Song at www. eckankar.org. For more information contact Julie Greenwood at julieandscott@bossig.com or call (509) 486-1045.
Knights of Veritas OROVILLE - The Knights of Veritas will be at the Oroville Public Library on Thursday, Aug. 8. The knights specialize in interactive educational demonstrations of medieval arms, armor, combat and knighthood. Our presentations offer entertainment, excitement and enlightenment, providing a fun way to learn about history and generate interest in learning! Brought to you as part of the Summer Reading Program, sponsored by NCRL (North Central Regional Library)
Sandy Vaughn to Perform at Winery OROVILLE –Sandy Vaughn will bring her guitar and vocals, and perhaps some other performers to Esther Bricques Winery’s Tasting Room Thursday evening, Aug. 8. Doors open at 6 p.m. Light refreshments are available. The winery is located at 42 Swanson Mill Road, Oroville. For more info call the winery at (509) 476-2861.
OMAK - The Courtyard in Omak will be hosting the Western and Native Art Show, ThursdaySaturday, Aug. 8-10 from 10 a.m-7 p.m. and Sunday, Aug. 11 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. There also will be a reception on Saturday from 2-5 p.m. and a live auction at 3 p.m.
Oroville Farmers’ Market OROVILLE - The Oroville Farmers’ Market is Saturday, Aug. 10, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Oroville Community Library located at 1276 Main St. Purchase art, crafts, plant starts, fresh baked goods and tamales plus the best produce on the planet. The Oroville Farmers’ Market continues each Saturday through October 26 and new vendors are welcome. Call (509) 476-2662 for more information.
Music at the Market OROVILLE - The Oroville Public Library will host “Music at the Market” each Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. during the Farmers’ Market season. The next Music at the Market is Saturday, Aug. 10, featuring an open stage. For more info call Barbara at (509) 476-2662.
Tonasket VBS TONASKET - “One Way” Vacation Bible School will be held Monday through Friday, August 12-16 from 9:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Three Tonasket city churches are teaming together to bring this summer’s bible school. Children will be participating in crafts, music, games, snacks, Bible presentations and Scripture memorization. Tonasket Bible Church (Hwy. 97 & SR-20) will host 4-5 year olds, Tonasket Free Methodist (1 Stanton Loop Road) will host Grades 1-7 and Tonasket Four Square Church is providing workers. Registrations will be taken at both church sites each day. Please contact the Tonasket Free Methodist Church for more information at (509) 486-2194 or on Facebook.
Digger’s Delight Party OROVILLE Digger’s Delight Party at the Oroville Public Library on Wednesday, Aug. 14 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. The Digger’s Delight party is to celebrate the end of the Summer Reading Program. Come and have fun with us as we play games and win prizes. The library is located at 1276 Main Street. It’s a party, so there will be cake. For more information call (509) 476-2662.
Metal and e-Cycle Collection TONASKET Green Okanogan will accept all metals and the following e-cycle items: computers, monitors, towers, laptops and TVs every third Thursday of the
month. Collection will be at the corner of Division St. and Western Ave. and this month will be held on Thursday, Aug. 15 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Geology of the Okanogan Highlands OKANOGAN HIGHLANDS - Geology of the Okanogan Highlands, Part III -- a field trip through the highlands will take place on Saturday, Aug. 17. Preregister with julie@okanoganhighlands.org or by calling (509) 433-7893. More information is available at http://okanoganhighlands.org/education/hw.
Molson Grange ‘Roof Raising’ MOLSON - Fund raising dinner for a new roof for the Molson Grange building. Dinner begins promptly at 6 p.m. Menu will be Chinese by Linda and Dave Darrow with dessert to follow. After dinner live music will be provided for your listening and dancing pleasure. Tickets are available at Home Town Pizza and Oroville Pharmacy in Oroville. In Tonasket they are available at It’s Still Good. Seating is limited to 200.
Tonasket Youth Football Registration TONASKET - Tonasket Youth Football Registration will be held on Monday, Aug. 19 at 6 .pm. Registration for grades 2-6 will take place at the Tonasket High School Football Field. For more info please contact Jay Hawkins at (509) 429-0135.
Kids’ Clothing Drive, Giveaway OMAK - We need your gently used clothing, sizes 5T- Boys and girls cloinging needed. We are having a free clothing giveaway for school aged kids Saturday, Aug. 24. in Omak and Oroville. Bring in your clothing now any day to Eagle Home Mortgage Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call Angel Ross at (509) 322-2344 or Mike Thornton at (509) 429-3500 for more more information.
Quilt Show in Molson MOLSON - The Second Annual Quilt Show in Molson will take place on Saturday, Aug. 31 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Quilters will be displaying patriotic quilts and military memorabilia from all branches of service. Many of the quilts were created from the proceeds of last years quilt show. Those that would like to like to donate a quilt should contact Vicky Didenhover. Quilts will be on display for peoples’ viewing pleasure, but there will also be a selection of quilts and other sewing related items for sale. Those with sewing related items that would like to have a table to sell items and/or would like to display a quilt at the show contact Didenhover at (509) 485-3020.
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Page 8 A8
Okanogan AUGUST08, 8, 2013 2013 OKANOGAN Valley VALLEYGazette-Tribune GAZETTE-TRIBUNE|• August
Tonasket residents can drop off information for the Gazette-Tribune at Highlandia Jewelry on 312 S. Whitcomb
Long Term Substitute Elementary Teacher
Hillside Park Senior Apartments
The Tonasket School District is now accepting applications for a Long Term Substitute Elementary Teacher, to tentatively start September 16. Position will remain open until filled. To apply, applicants must complete an on-line application and submit materials through the online system. We will not accept paper copies of applications. Go to the district’s website at: www.tonasket.wednet.edu Instructions for completing the on-line application are found on the Employment link. Please call the district office at 509-486-2126 for help if needed.
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Puzzle 34 (Easy, difficulty rating 0.44)
Easy, difficulty rating 0.37
This newspaper participates in a statewide classified ad program sponsored by the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association, a statewide association of weekly newspapers. The program allows classified advertisers to submit ads for publication in participating weeklies throughout the state in compliance with the following rules. You may submit an ad for the statewide program through this newspaper or in person to the WNPA office. The rate is $255 for up to 25 words, plus $10 per word over 25 words. WNPA reserves the right to edit all ad copy submitted and to refuse to accept any ad submitted for the statewide program. WNPA, therefore, does not guarantee that every ad will be run in every newspaper. WNPA will, on request, for a fee of $40, provide information on which newspapers run a particular ad within a 30 day period. Substantive typographical error (wrong address, telephone number, name or price) will result in a “make good�, in which a corrected ad will be run the following week. WNPA incurs no other liability for errors in publication. EVENTS-FESTIVALS ANNOUNCE your festival for only pennies. Four weeks to 2.7 million readers statewide for about $1,200. Call this newspaper or 1 (206) 634-3838 for more details. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS SAWMILLS from only $4897.00 -Make and Save Money with your own bandmill. Cut lumber any dimension. In stock ready to ship. Free Info/DVD: www.NorwoodSawmills.com 1-800-578-1363 Ext. 300N FINANCIAL LOCAL PRIVATE INVESTOR loans money on real estate equity. I loan on houses, raw land, commercial property and property development. Call Eric at (425) 803-9061. www.fossmortgage.com
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Puzzle 32 (Easy, difficulty rating 0.37)
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Puzzle 36 (Easy, difficulty rating 0.44)
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Puzzle 33 (Easy, difficulty rating 0.38)
Generated by http://www.opensky.ca/~jdhildeb/software/sudokugen
Puzzle 35 (Easy, difficulty rating 0.33)
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2 2
1. Analyze, in a way 2. Contemptuous look 3. Flight segment 4. Beach bird 5. Car accessory 6. Cast again 7. Archetype
Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. Puzzle 32 (Easy, rating 0.37) 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each The object is todifficulty place the numbers column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once.
1. “Check this out!� 5. ___ and groom 10. Antares, for one 14. A chip, maybe 15. Wiccan advice (pl.) 16. Formally surrender 17. Equip with better weapons 19. Command to a dog 20. Angler’s gear 21. ___ grass 22. ___ Bono 23. “To ___ is human ...� 24. Greek myth nymph who
8. DDS and DMD 9. “C’___ la vie!� 10. Teacher domain 11. Freshman, probably 12. Gulf of ___, off the coast of Yemen 13. Bank 18. Big drawer? 22. Ancient colonnade 25. Hinged flap on an airplane wing 26. Spire 27. Suitor’s acts of gallantry 29. Pool exercise 30. Small ornamental ladies’ bag 31. 1987 Costner role 32. Genesis event, with “the� 33. “O� in old radio lingo 34. Palm tree with long leaves used for thatching 35. Blue 38. Move 41. Above 43. Bait 45. West African people in SW Nigeria 47. Romeo’s rival 48. Caterpillar, for one 49. One may be taken to the cleaners 50. River rapids 51. Neither good nor bad (hyphenated) 52. Hoof sound 53. Brawl 56. Regrets 58. “Casablanca� pianist 59. Alliance that includes Ukr.
became Ursa Major 27. Battery contents 28. Rich sweet bread 32. Pertaining to a baptismal basin 35. Salt or ester of octadecanoic acid 36. Not much (2 wds) 37. Clear, as a disk 39. Sonata, e.g. 40. Hound characteristic 42. Drooping upper eyelid 44. Sheds with single-pitch roofs 45. Matter prior to the Big Bang 46. Orchestral composition based on literature (2 wds) 48. “Acid� 51. Money substitute 54. Toni Morrison’s “___ Baby� 55. Chatter 57. Assortment 58. Morphological 60. Sometime today, say 61. Accused’s need 62. “... there is no ___ angel but Love�: Shakespeare 63. Chooses, with “for� 64. Tablelands 65. ___ souci
Licensed NAC needed to provide in-home care to patient in Riverside/Tonasket area. Experience preferred but not required. Duties include heavy patient care. Must have NAC license from WA State 1-800-637-9998 inquire@availhome.com EOE
is seeking a caring, compassionate, patient oriented applicant. Must be a team player, comfortable with computers and able to multitask. Current Washington State License required. Must successfully pass a background check and urine drug screen. Health insurance, 401K, paid time off. Visit our website, wvmedical.com for more information and to apply online
WorkSource Okanogan County is an equal opportunity employer and provider of employment and training services. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to persons with disabilities. Space donated by the Gazette-Tribune.
Confluence Health-Oroville
Updated list of employment at
DID YOU FIND AN ITEM AND WANT TO FIND THE OWNER? Found items can be placed in the newspaper for one week for FREE. Limit 15 words, or prepay for words over the 15 word limit. Call 509-476-3602 before noon on Tuesdays.
126 S. Main St., Omak 509-826-7310
WorkSource Okanogan County
Health General
MRS. PAT SMITH, Thank You for finding a creative way to work with my Wiggly Squiggly ways and helping OROVILLE me succeed in my own 1 Bedroom house with bonus unique way! Riley McCoy room. In town, close to restaurants and shopping. Say it in the classifieds! $525/month, water & garbage *Special deal* paid. Call 509-990-4406 or *HAPPY BIRTHDAY 509-990-4402 *HAPPY ANNIVERSARY *CONGRATULATIONS!! *WILL YOU MARRY ME? MUST BE PREPAID www.gazette-tribune.com $6.00 for the first 15 words Oroville. Large, Nice 1 bedadditional words $1.00 room apartment. upstairs. No each. Bold words, special pets or smoking $400 + font or borders extra. Utilities. 509-476-3145 Add a picture for only $1.50 more. Call to place ad Okanogan Valley www.gazette-tribune.com Gazette-Tribune 509-476-3602
515 Tonasket Ave Tonasket, WA TAKING APPLICATIONS 62 Years of Age or Older or Disabled RENTAL ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE Income Limits Apply Call Geneva 509-486-4966 TDD# 711
Full time salaried exempt position. Duties include day to day clinic operations, program planning & evaluations, quality improvement & regulatory compliance & supervision & development of staff. REQ’s: Knowledge & training in the healthcare field typically required through a formal Associates degree or trade school program in nursing OR high level of skill, expertise and basic clinical knowledge to manage the medical clinic; may also have been acquired in not less than five years of managing a medical clinic. See www.myfamilyhealth.org for job description & application. Send resume to HR@myfamilyhealth.org or HR, PO Box 1340, Okanogan, WA
TTY 425-562-4002
Call for information and application
Are you tired of sitting in traffic while your life passes you by? Do you desire wide open spaces and the beauty of nature at your door? Do you want to be part of a beautiful rural community with four true seasons? If you are an energetic team player with the desire to make a difference, we are looking for YOU! Family Health Centers is a growing, comprehensive health care system incorporating State services (WIC) with first rate medical and dental care to facilitate a healthy community. We operate three medical clinics and three dental clinics, providing ambulatory medical care with a family practice focus in a rural community.
Now Accepting Applications for 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apts Subsidized for Income Qualified Households * Great Oroville Location * Picnic Areas * Spacious Floor Plans * On-Site Laundry * Park-Like Setting No Screening Fee!! Short Wait List!!
2 bedroom condo, Kala Point, Port Townsend WA. Week of 9/13/13 - 9/20/13. $450 plus $55 cleaning fee. Call (509)476-3353 or 509-3600222
Looking for 1950 to 1960 Volkswagon Van / Bus. Rusty OK. Please call Kevin, 403690-7646
1105 Appleway, Oroville
The Tonasket School District is now accepting applications for an ES teacher for the homeschool Outreach Program one day per week for 2013/14 only. Must have Washington state certification with elementary endorsement. Position will remain open until filled. To apply, applicants must complete an on-line application and submit materials through the online system. We will not accept paper copies of applications. Go to the district’s website at: www.tonasket.wednet.edu Instructions for completing the on-line application are found on the Employment link. Please call the district office at 509-486-2126 for help if needed.
1 Bedroom House. Includes stove, washer, dryer, refrigerator. No pets. $450 month. Located 3 miles South of Tonasket on South State Frontage Road. 509-846-5801
American Legion Housing
Vacation Rentals
Clinic Operations Manager, Family Health Centers, Tonasket, WA
Homeschool Outreach Program Part-Time Teacher
For Rent
** Call Sun Lakes Realty ** (509) 476-2121
Vehicles Wanted
Tonasket Three bedroom, two bath, 1248 sq. ft, vacant, all new carpet and fresh paint, convenient location in Old Orchard Estates subdivision, ½ mile North of Tonasket. Only $145,000. Will consider contract sale or possible long term lease, $1,000 per month. Call: 509-322-4732
Business/Office space for lease 900 sq.ft. Prime spot donwtown Tonasket. $650/month. (509)486-1682 or 429-0873.
Health General
TONASKET 2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH Home located in the town of Tonasket. Low maintenance house has thermal pane windows, R38 insulation in the ceiling and heat pump. Single car garage and shop, attached storage shed and covered patio. RV parking with AC power and dump site. Seller will negotiate paying closing costs. Must be pre-approved buyer. FSBO: $98,000. Bill 509-486-1952.
3 BR Home - $795 3 BR, 2 BA w/ 2 Car Garage by River - $1100 2 BR on River - $720 2 BR, 2 BA - $875 1 BR Apt - $510
Help Wanted
Houses For Sale
Commercial Rentals
For Rent
PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination�. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate that is in violation of the law. To complain of discrimination call HUD at 1-800-6699777. The number for hearing impaired is 1-800-9279275
Now accepting applications for Low Income Housing. “A place to call home�
email: stcharles@gdicom.net Equal Housing Opportunity
Statewides port, property division and bills. BBB member. (503) 772-5295. www.paralegalalternatives.com legalalt@msn.com
Public Notices PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT #4, OKANOGAN COUNTY, WASHINGTON (D/B/A/ NORTH VALLEY HOSPITAL) NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOARD MEETING At the regular board meeting held on July 25th, 2013, commissioners announced the cancelation of the regular board meeting for Thursday, August 8th, 2013 and hereby set & provide notice of a special meeting on Monday, August 5th , 2013 at 7:00 PM. NOTICE is hereby given per RCW 42.30.080 that the Commission of Public Hospital District No. 4, d/b/a North Valley Hospital, Okanogan County, Washington (the “District”) will hold a Special Board meeting on the 5th day of August, 2013; at 7 PM to be held in the Commissioner’s Board Room, North Valley Hospital, 203 S. Western Ave., Tonasket, Washington. Agenda Items are: Approval of Minutes Board of Commissioner’s Regular Meeting; July 25th, 2013 Visitor Introductions McKinstry-Update on Boiler/Geo Thermal heating system Reports: Linda Michel, CEO; a written report was submitted. Department ReportRehab Department Board Committee reports. Consent Agenda: NVH Bad Debt $ 7,009.55 NVH Charity Care $ 4,684,52 Old Business New Business Radiology/CT presentation LONG TERM CARE DIVISON Consent Agenda: LTC – Bad Debt/Medicare Cost Report $ 12,656.00 Old Business New Business Adjournment PUBLIC HOSPITAL DISTRICT NO. 4 (North Valley Hospital) OKANOGAN COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/ Helen Casey President of the Commission Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on August 8, 2013 #502649
Public Notices CALL FOR BIDS Gasoline and Diesel 2013/2014 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received by the Oroville School District #410, at the district office, 816 Juniper Street, Oroville, WA 98844 until 2:00 PM, on August 15, 2013, for gasoline and diesel. Period of supply will be from September 1, 2013 through August 31, 2014. Product Estimated Gallons Unleaded Gasoline (non oxygenated ) 2,000 Supreme Unleaded Gasoline (non oxygenated ) 1,000 Dyed Diesel #1 (low sulfur ) 1,000 Dyed Diesel #2 (low sulfur ) 10,000 Diesel #2 (high sulfur ) 400 One bid price per gallon regardless of where delivered or from vendor’s dispensers. All bids must declare the cost to District over Dealer’s cost per gallon. Gas Cards to be furnished at no extra charge. All bids must state a firm price as of bidding date and state source of supply. Prices may vary up or down from the original bid price, however any and all price changes must be justified through the Oil Price Information Service ( O.P.I.S. ) using supply sources indicated in the original bid. Current copies of OPIS reports shall be provided to the Oroville School District at least once a month. If you do not belong to O.P.I.S., you must verify any price increase to the district with an invoice from your supplier. Or any other document you may have that indicates our increase is a result of your increase. Bids must be sealed and marked “Bids-Gasoline and Diesel”. Successful bidders will be expected to extend their contracts to any municipal corporation in Oroville School District, upon their request, the same prices quoted on accepted bids subject to quantity differentials. Specifications are available at the Superintendent’s Office - (509) 4762281. The Oroville School Board of Directors reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Steve Quick Superintendent & Secretary to the Board Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on August 8, 15, 2013. #502300
Public Notices
Public Notices
Public Notices
Public Notices
PUBLIC NOTICE Contractors and Vendors Lists As authorized under RCW 35.23.352(2), and RCW 35.23.352(8), the City of Oroville is updating their Small Works Roster, consisting of contractors interested in performing work for the City of Oroville which is estimated to cost less than $100,000 and their Vendor’s List, consisting of vendors interested in providing supplies, materials, equipment or services between $7,500 and $15,000 through telephone and/or written quotations. In awarding contracts for such projects, the City of Oroville shall invite proposals from all appropriate contractors or vendors who have requested to be included on the Small Works Roster and/or Vendors List, and shall select the lowest responsible bid. All contractors and vendors, where required by law, must be properly licensed or registered in this state. The City of Oroville actively seeks participation by minority or women owned firms who otherwise qualify. Individual Assurity Bonds acceptable. Forms may be secured at the Oroville City Hall or by calling 509-4762926. Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on August 8, 15, 2013. #502824
for receiving bids. No other plan deposits will be refunded. In addition, a non-refundable handling fee of $10.00 per set to be shipped is to be submitted by separate check. A complete set of contract documents will also be filed with: Associated Builders & Contractors, 12310 E Mirabeau Pkwy # 100, Spokane Valley, WA Associated General Contractors, E. 4935 Trent, Spokane, WA Spokane Regional Plan Center, 209 N. Havana Street, Spokane, WA Yakima Plan Center, 528 N. 20th Ave., Yakima, WA Wenatchee Plan Center, 34 N. Chelan, Ave., Wenatchee, WA McGraw Hill Construction, 200 SW Michigan Street, Ste. 100B, Seattle, WA Builders Exchange, 2607 Wetmore Ave., Everett, WA CORA, 10002 Aurora Ave. N., Ste. 86, PMB 3334, Seattle, WA Architects West, 210 E. Lakeside Avenue, Coeur d’Alene, ID Oroville School District, 816 Juniper St, Oroville, WA No bidder may withdraw his bid after hour set for opening thereof, unless award is delayed for a period exceeding 60 days. The Oroville School District reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities or irregularities in any bid. OROVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT MR. STEVE QUICK, SUPERINTENDENT Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on August 8, 2013. #503566
this act and RCW 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the Decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. Date of Filing: March 20, 2013 Date of First Publication in King County: March 21, 2013 Date of First Publication in Okanogan County: August 1, 2013 PR: Donald G. Wicklund Attorney: Andrée R. Chicha WSBA No. 17853 Attorneys for PR Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on August 1, 8, 15, 2013. #501364
serve your Answer by the above deadline,ajudgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of Plaintiffs Complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of the above-entitled court. The “Complaint for Quiet Title” in the above-entitled action seeks to quiet title in favor the above Plaintiff, GUY T. DREW, with respect to the following real property: Legal Description: The Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 39 North, Range 30 East, W.M. Situate in the County of Okanogan, State of Washington. Current Assessor’s. Parcel Number: 3930134002 Additionally, the Complaint seeks to recognize the satisfaction and fulfillment of (1) the Real Estate Contract between Defendant PONTIAC RIDGE SPORTSMEN, A JOINT VENTURE and Defendants DALE E. COVEY and MARY JEAN LEWIS (f/k/a MARY JEAN COVEY), recorded on or around June 27, 1978. under Okanogan County Auditor’s File No. 646427, and (2) the Real Estate Contract between Defendants DALE E. COVEY and MARY JEAN LEWIS (f/k/a MARY JEAN COVEY) and Plaintiff, recorded on or around December 24, 1980 under Okanogan County Auditor’s FileNo. 674503. If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter,you should do so promptly to avoid any impairment of your legal rights. This “Civil Summons by Publication” is issued pursuant to CR 4 and RCW 4.28.110. LARSONBERG &PERKlNS PLLC Attorneys for Plaintiffs /s/ Jon W. Scott Jon W. Scott (WSBA#45290) for: Paul M. Larson (WSBA#06010) File your written Answer with: Okanogan County Clerk’s Office 149 N.3rd Ave. P.O. Box 72 Okanogan,WA98840 Phone: (509) 422-7275 Serve a copy of your Answer upon: Paul M. Larson Larson Berg & Perkins;PLLC 105 North Third Street Yakima, WA.98901 Phone: (509)457-1515 Published in the Oakanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on June 27, July 4, 11, 18, 25, August 1, 8, 2013 #491451
SECTION 001000 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID OROVILLE ELEMENTARY GYMNASIUM REROOF Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Directors of Oroville School District at the School District Office, 816 Juniper St., Oroville, WA, 98844, for the construction of the Oroville ElementaryGymnasium Reroof. Sealed bids must be received by 4:00 p.m. on August 15, 2013, and must be marked Sealed Bids Oroville Elementary Gymnasium Reroof. Bids received after this time will not be considered. Bids will be opened and publicly read at 4:00 p.m. on August 15, 2013. General contractors and subcontractors may obtain contract documents from Architects West, 210 E. Lakeside Ave., Coeur d’Alene, ill 83814, by depositing Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per set. General Contractors may obtain two (2) sets and subcontractors may obtain one (1) set. Plan deposits will be returned to actual General and Subcontractor bidders upon return ofall contract documents; PROVIDED HOWEVER, that said plans are returned in good, unmarked and unmutilated condition within ten (10) days after the time set
SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of SCOTT FRANCIS WICKLUND, Deceased. Cause No.: 13-4-01364-6SEA NOTICE TO CREDITORS The personal representative (hereinafter, “PR”) named below has been appointed as PR of this estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to PR or the PR’s attorney of record at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) thirty days after the PR served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.051; or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in Section 11 of
SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR OKANOGAN COUNTY GUY T. DREW, an individual, Plaintiff, vs. PONTIAC RIDGE SPORTSMEN, a Joint Venture; ANY UNKNOWN HEIRS of the members of Pontiac Ridge Sportsmen,a·Joint Venture; DALE E.COVEY; MARY JEAN LEWIS flkla MARY JEAN COVEY; and ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN; Defendants. NO. 132003360 CIVIL SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE FOLLOWING PERSONS AND PARTIES: 1. PONTIAC RIDGE SPORTSMEN, a JoInt Venture 2. ANY UNKNOWN HEIRS of the members of Pontiac Ridge Sportsmen, a Joint Venture; 3. DALE E.COVEY; 4. MARY JEAN LEWIS f/k/a MARY JEAN COVEY; and 5. ALSO ALL OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, ESTATE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE REAL ESTATE DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN. YOU AND EACH OF YOU are hereby summoned to appear within sixty calendar days after the date of first publication of this “Civil Summons by Publication”, to wit, within sixty days after the 27th day ofJune, 2013, and defend the above-entitled action in the above-entitled Court by (1) filing your “Answer” to the Plaintiffs “Complaint for Quiet Title” with the County Clerk of Okanogan County and (2). serving a copy of your Answer upon the Plaintiffs undersigned attorneys at their office location provided below. If you fail to properly file and
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2.32 acres - 10 Mule Deer Loop, Loomis: Property around Palmer Lake is extremely hard to find. Here’s your opportunity to own land near one of the most beautiful lakes in the state. This property offers a spectacular view of the North Cascade Mtns, Mt. Chopaka and all the while you will gaze over Palmer Lake. Phone & power are in the road, the septic (4 bedroom) is already installed AND irrigation & domestic water is available to you. PLUS 100’ of deeded lake front access to Palmer Lake. NWML# 493432 $125,000
** 633 ACRES m/l. Cattle Grazing. Havillah area. Borders State & National Lands. Old Farm Bldgs. Excellent Access. Views. Building Sites. $791,000.00 ** 80 ACRES w/Home & Outlbdgs. County Road. 9 miles Tonasket. Borders Nature Conservancy. Privacy. Views. Includes 2 Tractors & other Equip. $380,000.00 ** Omak 19.5 ACRES. Borders City Limits. Paved Road Front. Owner Contract. $100,000.00 ** TONASKET COMMERCIAL BLDG. Was a Restaurant. All Equipment still there. Hwy 97 Frontage. Lots of Parking. Main Corridor to Canada. $140,000.00 (Will look at offer without equipment.) ** 160 ACRES. Borders National Forest. Big Views. End of County Road. Very Good Spring Water. Near Curlew. Price is Right. $120,000.00 ** 30 ACRES. 8 miles Tonasket. Pine Creek area. Views. Building Sites. $43,900.00
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Page A10
Compiled by Zachary Van Brunt
Superior Court Criminal
Nathanial David Smallbeck, 19, Wenatchee, pleaded guilty July 30 to first-degree escape. Smallbeck was sentenced to 12 months in prison, and fined $1,110.50. The crime occurred Aug. 28, 2012, in Okanogan. Chayse Allen Wiggins, 20, Omak, pleaded guilty Aug. 1 to second-degree taking a motor vehicle without permission, three counts of second-degree vehicle prowling, and three counts of third-degree theft. Wiggins was sentenced to 22 months in prison on the first count, and 364 days in jail with 274 days suspended for the other six counts to run concurrently. He was also fined $1,110.50. Jermaine Thomas, no middle name or hometown listed, 32, pleaded guilty Aug. 1 to harassment and making a false statement to a public servant. Thomas was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 184 days suspended and credit for 46 days served, and fined $1,010.50. In a separate case, Thomas pleaded guilty Aug. 1 for failure to register as a sex offender. Thomas was sentenced to 29 months in prison and 31 months community custody. He was fined an additional $1,010.50. The crimes occurred June 16 in Tonasket. The court found probable cause to charge Deanna Jean Davis, 30, Okanogan, with delivery of a controlled substance and second-degree introducing contraband. The court found probable cause to charge Tia Lenee Meshelle, 24, Okanogan, with possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine) and second-degree introducing contraband. The court found probable cause to charge Angelo Javier Lopez, 31, Omak, with second-degree burglary and third-degree theft. Civil Matters Jones Logging and Construction, L.L.C., Okanogan, was fined $6,043.69 in taxes and fines.
District Court
Roger Allen Dale, 38, Oroville, pleaded guilty to operating a vehicle without an ignition interlock device. Dale received a suspended sentence of 364 days in jail and a $768 fine. Cecelia B. Barton, 57, Tonasket, pleaded guilty to obstruction and resisting arrest. Barton was sentenced to 180 days in jail with 179 suspended on the first charge, and 90 days in jail with 89 suspended on the second. She was fined $808. Jacob Henry Bessette, 24, Omak, pleaded guilty to DUI, second-degree DWLS and obstruction. Bessette was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 334 days suspended on the first charge, and 180 days in jail with 180 days suspended for the second and third. He was fined a total of $2,436. Bessette also had a third-degree DWLS charge dismissed. Miranda Leona Joy Bishop, 38, Omak, had a third-degree DWLS charge dismissed. Kristen Ann Bob, 31, Omak, pleaded guilty to fourth-degree assault. Bob was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 330 suspended, and fined $1,033. Brian Kristopher Boyd, 32, Omak, pleaded guilty to fourthdegree assault. Boyd was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 351 days suspended and fined $933. Chad David Buckmiller, 31, Oroville, pleaded guilty to making a false statement to a public servant. Buckmiller was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 361 days suspended and fined $808. Joseph Aaron Calus, 35, Tonasket, pleaded guilty to third-degree DWLS. Calus received a suspended sentence of 90 days and was fined $818.. Kristopher A. Caylor, 20, Okanogan, pleaded guilty to hit-andrun (unattended vehicle). Caylor received a suspended sentence of 90 days and fined $318. Caylor also had a third-degree DWLS charge dismissed. Julio Mariles Chavez, 50, Tonasket, pleaded guilty to thirddegree DWLS. Chavez was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 89 days suspended, and fined $858.. Michael Aaron Cornella, 23, Oroville, pleaded guilty to thirddegree DWLS. Cornella was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 89 days suspended, and fined $658. Jose Cruz, no middle name listed, 32, Tonasket, pleaded guilty to third-degree malicious mischief. Cruz received a suspended sentence of 180 days, and was fined $908. Juan Cruz, no middle name listed, 32, Tonasket, pleaded
Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune | AUGUST 8, 2013
Cops & Courts guilty to third-degree theft. Cruz received a suspended sentence of 180 days and was fined $808. Joseph Wayne Davis, 24, Oroville, pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct. Davis was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 89 days suspended, and fined $608. Michael P. Demers, 64, Omak, pleaded guilty to DUI. Demers was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 363 days suspended, and was fined $1,681. Joseph A. Descoteaux, 57, Omak, pleaded guilty to DUI. Descoteaux was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 363 days suspended, and was fined $1,381. Homero Echavarria Soria, 30, Oroville, had a second-degree recreational fishing charge dismissed. Fined $400. Garret Victor James Elsberg, 24, Okanogan, pleaded guilty to DUI and use or delivery of drug paraphernalia. Elsberg was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 334 days suspended for the first count, and 90 days in jail with 89 days suspended for the second. Elsberge was fined $2,544.
911 Calls - Jail Bookings Monday, July 29, 2013
Assault on North First Ave. in Okanogan. Low-flying aircraft at Nighthawk Border Crossing. DWLS on Loomis-Oroville Rd. near Oroville. Theft on Kendall St. in Riverside. Telephone harassment on Prior Loop Rd. near Oroville. Theft on Fig Ave. in Omak. Assault on South First Ave. in Okanogan. Warrant arrest on Golden St. in Oroville. Trespassing on Cherry St. in Oroville. Vehicle prowl on Third Ave. in Oroville. DWLS on South Whitcomb Ave. in Tonasket. Alex Anthony Sanchez, 37, booked on an OCSA FTA warrant for third-degree DWLS/R. Gary Lee Martin Welch, 24, booked on three Superior Court probable cause warrants: residential burglary, second-degree identity theft and second-degree theft. Harvey Everett Heath, 40, booked on two Omak Police Department FTA warrants for third-degree DWLS/R. Sandina Marie Nelson, 19, booked for fourth-degree assault.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Vehicle prowl on Nickell St. in Okanogan. Theft on North Fourth Ave. in Okanogan. Theft on Village Way near Oroville. Vehicle prowl on Burton Ave. in Okanogan. Theft on North Fourth St. in Okanogan. Motorcycle theft on Second Ave. in Okanogan. Vehicle prowl on Gordon St. in Okanogan. One-vehicle crash on Duck Lake Rd. near Omak. No injuries reported. Assault on Wannacut Lake Rd. near Oroville. Assault on Ross Canyon Rd. near Omak. Theft on Shumway Rd. near Omak. Vehicle prowl on Ridge Pl. in Omak. Assault on Main St. in Oroville. Weapons offense of South Western Ave. in Tonasket. Larry Eugene Newsome, 39, was booked on a Superior Court warrant for information. Cameron John Taylor, 18, was booked for violating a protection order (DV).
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Weapons offense on Bide-A-Wee Rd. near Omak. Assault on Hwy. 97 near Tonasket. Burglary on Rodeo Trail Rd. near Okanogan. Trespassing on Ruby Two Moons Rd. near Tonasket. Burglary on South Fifth Ave. in Okanogan. Theft on Greenacres Rd. near Riverside. Fraud on Greenacres Rd. near Riverside. Burglary on Albrecht Lake Rd. near Riverside. One-vehicle roll-over crash on Toroda Creek Rd. near Wauconda. Injuries reported. Theft on North Fourth Ave. in Okanogan. Warrant arrest on Ironwood St. in Oroville. Burglary on Elmway in Okanogan. Drugs at Eastside Park in Omak. Theft on Oak St. in Omak. Illegal burning on West Third Ave. in Omak. Theft on South Douglas St. in Omak. Robbery on West First Ave. in Omak. Weapons offense on South Main St. in Omak. Warrant arrest on Main St. in Oroville.
Warrant arrest on Ironwood St. in Oroville. Theft on Hwy. 97 near Tonasket. Ruben Garcia-Ramirez, 20, was booked for DUI and thirddegree DWLS. Terrance Blaine Thiele, 54, was booked for fourth-degree assault and fourth-degree assault (DV). Theodore Kurtis Storm, 26, booked on a Department of Corrections detainer. Allan Wayne Black, 52, booked on a Department of Corrections detainer. Jorge Alvarez-Urapo, 23, booked for fourth-degree assault (DV) and a Border Patrol hold. Crystal Gail Grooms, 35, booked for a drug court violation. Angel Javier Morales-Salazar, 24, court commitment for DUI. Tara J. Ammons, 41, booked for firstdegree theft and residential burglary. Gordon Lester Dick Jr., 39, booked on a Department of Corrections hold. David Randall Priest, 45, booked for first-degree trafficking of stolen property and second-degree possession of stolen property.
degree DWLS. Kristen Ann Bob, 31, booked for violation of a protection order. Janice Elaine Woda, 61, booked on three counts of felony harassment, three counts of reckless endangerment and unlawful possession of a handgun.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Automobile theft on Greenacres Rd. near Riverside. Weapons offense on Impassable Lane near Tonasket. Theft on Mock Rd. near Okanogan. Robbery on Engh Rd. in Omak. Automobile theft on East Dewberry Ave. in Omak. Illegal burning on S. Birch St., Omak. Theft on South Elm St. in Omak. Fraud on Maple St. in Omak. Vehicle prowl on North Douglas St. in Omak. Theft on North Juniper St. in Omak. Disorderly conduct on Elderberry Ave. in Omak.
Violation of a no-contact order on Main St. in Oroville. Robert Charlie Atkins, 22, booked for second-degree vehicle prowl. Todd Anthony Perez, 39, booked for second-degree vehicle prowl. Kyle Steven Scott Cate, 21, booked for first-degree robbery, first-degree trafficking of stolen property, third-degree theft, a Lincoln County FTA warrant for third-degree DWLS and two Tribal FTC warrants: robbery/battery and theft. Sunday, August 4, 2013 DWLS on Main St. in Oroville. Vehicle prowl on South Fourth Ave. in Okanogan. Vehicle prowl on Homestead Trailer Court Rd. in Omak. Burglary on Rehmke Rd. near Tonasket. One-vehicle crash on Sinlahekin Rd. near Tonasket. Illegal burning on Toroda Creek Rd.
Okanogan Valley
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Burglary on Westlake Rd. near Oroville. Public intoxication on Edmonds St. in Omak. Vehicle fire on Epley Rd. near Omak. Wildland fire on Drywater Rd. near Okanogan. Wildland fire on Aeneas Valley Rd. near Tonasket. Wildland fire on Tunk Creek Rd. near Riverside. DWLS on North First Ave. in Okanogan. Illegal burning on Ellisforde Church Rd. in Ellisforde. Assault on West Third Ave. in Omak. Malicious mischief on Locust St. in Omak. Theft on Okoma Dr. in Omak. Structure fire on Ferry St. in Omak. Warrant arrest on West Apple Ave. in Omak. Assault on West Third Ave. in Omak. Warrant arrest on 14th Ave. in Oroville. Joseph Wayne Davis, 25, booked for residential burglary. Robert Trevor Richardson, 32, booked on an OCSO FTA warrant for third-degree theft, a State Patrol FTA warrant for third-degree DWLS, and a Department of Corrections Secretary warrant. Eric Mathew Anguiano, 21, booked for violating a protection/ no-contact order. Daryl Anthony McCraigie, 24, booked on an Omak Police Department FTC warrant for DUI. Danita Anne Godbey, 51, booked for two counts of first-degree assault. Brandon Simpson, 23, court commitment for DUI. Dustin Hale Jones, 37, booked on an OCSO FTA/FTC warrant for DUI. Lynn Marie Arnhold, 37, booked on a Department of Corrections Secretary warrant. Christopher Lee Johnson, 37, booked on an OCSO FTA warrant for first-degree theft. Friday, August 2, 2013 Warrant arrest on North Fifth Ave. in Okanogan. Illegal burning on Rhodes Rd. in Okanogan. DWLS on South Third Ave. in Okanogan. One-vehicle crash on Hwy. 97 in Omak. No injuries reported. Theft on South Fifth Ave. in Okanogan. Custodial interference on Oak St. in Okanogan. Robbery on Engh Rd. in Omak. Disorderly conduct on West Dewberry Ave. in Omak. Wildland fire on Duck Lake Rd. near Omak. Harassment on North Ash St. in Omak. Theft on Omache Dr. in Omak. Theft on Engh Rd. in Omak. Public intoxication on South Main St. in Omak. Vehicle prowl on Cherry St. in Oroville. Christopher Dean Adams, 40, booked for fourth-degree assault (DV), hit and run (property), DUI, third-degree DWLS and a Tribal FTA warrant for third-degree DWLS. Michael Paul Demers, 63, court commitment for DUI. Marco Antonio Guerra, 41, booked for felony harassment, fourth-degree assault (DV), and an Immigration detainer. Aaron J.C. Pfaltzgraff-Miller, 20, booked on an Omak Police Department FTA warrant for third-degree theft. Marcos Florention Rosas, 28, booked for third-degree malicious mischief (DV) and a Department of Corrections warrant for possession of a controlled substance. Thomas Lee Cohen Jr., 42, court commitment for first-
near Wauconda. Malicious mischief on East Grape Ave. in Omak. Illegal burning on West Cherry Ave. in Omak. One-vehicle crash on Riverside Dr. in Omak. Injuries reported. Threats on West Jonathan St. in Tonasket. Norman Bo Sammaripa, 46, booked on two Washington State Patrol FTA warrants: DUI and second-degree DWLS; two Spokane County FTA warrants: first-degree DWLS and violation of ignition interlock; and a Lincoln County FTA warrant for second-degree DWLS. Veronica Rose Marie Olveda-Guinn, 20, booked on a Department of Corrections warrant. Bill Cephas Bedard, 44, booked for Violation of the Uniform Controlled Substance Act (methamphetamine) and possession of drug paraphernalia.
CHURCH GUIDE Morning Sun Yellow Pony Coming to Molson Sept. 5th, 6th and 7th Watch for more information or call 485-3183
Do you have a Special Event or Special Person you want to honor at your church? To reserve a spot call Charlene at 476-3602 for details.
Oroville Community Bible Fellowship Sunday Service, 10:00 a.m. 923 Main St. • ocbf@ymail.com Mark Fast, Pastor www.BrotherOfTheSon.com
Faith Lutheran Church
11th & Ironwood, Oroville • 476-2426 Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. “O taste and see that the Lord is good!” Pastor Dan Kunkel • Deacon Dave Wildermuth
Immaculate Conception Parish
1715 Main Street Oroville 8:30 a.m. English Mass 1st Sunday of the Month Other Sundays at 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Spanish Mass every other Sun. Rev. David Kuttner • 476-2110
PC of G Bible Faith Family Church
476-3063 • 1012 Fir Street, Oroville SUNDAY: 7 am Men’s Meeting • 9:45 Sunday School 10:45 Worship Service • Children’s Church (3-8 yrs) WEDNESDAY: 7 p.m. Pastor Claude Roberts Come Worship with Project 3:16
Oroville United Methodist
908 Fir, Oroville • 476-2681 Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Rev. Leon Alden
Valley Christian Fellowship
Pastor Randy McAllister 142 East Oroville Rd. • 476-2028 • Sunday School (Adult & Teens) 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m.• Sun. Evening Worship 6 p.m. Sunday School & Children’s Church K-6 9:45 to 1:00 p.m. Open to Community! Located at Kid City 142 East Oroville • Wednesday Evening Worship 7 p.m.
Trinity Episcopal
602 Central Ave., Oroville Sunday School & Services 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist: 1st, 3rd, & 5th • Morning Prayer: 2nd & 4th Healing Service: 1st Sunday The Reverend Marilyn Wilder 476-3629 Warden • 476-2022
Church of Christ
Ironwood & 12th, Oroville • 476-3926 Sunday School 10 a.m. • Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Seventh-Day Adventist
10th & Main, Oroville - 509-476-2552 Bible Study: Sat. 9:30 a.m. • Worship: Sat. 11 a.m. Skip Johnson • 509-826-0266
Oroville Free Methodist
1516 Fir Street • Pastor Rod Brown • 476.2311 Sun. School 9:15 am • Worship Service 10:15am Youth Activity Center • 607 Central Ave. Monday 7:00 pm • After School M-W-F 3-5pm office@orovillefmc.org
Loomis Community Church Main Street in Loomis 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship Service Interim Visiting Pastors Information: 509-223-3542
Chesaw Community Bible Church
Nondenominational • Everyone Welcome Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. to Noon Pastor Duane Scheidemantle • 485-3826
MOLSON Community Christian Fellowship
Molson Grange, Molson Sunday 10 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesday 6:30pm, Bible Study “For by grace are ye saved through faith...” Eph. 2:8-9 “...lovest thou me...Feed my lambs...John 21:1-17
RIVERSIDE Riverside Lighthouse - Assembly of God
102 Tower Street Sunday Bible Study 10:00am Sunday Worship 11:00am & 6:30pm Wednesday- family Night 6:30pm Pastor Vern & Anita Weaver Ph. 509-826-4082
TONASKET Holy Rosary Parish
1st & Whitcomb Ave., Tonasket 10:30 a.m. English Mass 1st Sunday of the Month Other Sundays at 8:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Spanish Mass every other Saturday Father Jose Maldonado • 476-2110
Immanuel Lutheran Church
1608 Havillah Rd., Tonasket • 509-485-3342 Sun. Worship 9 a.m. • Bible Study & Sun. School 10:15
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast.” -Eph. 2:8-9
“To every generation.” Celebrating 100 years 1905-2005
Crossroads Meeting Place Tonasket Foursquare Church
415-A S. Whitcomb Ave. • Pastor George Conkle Sunday: 10 a.m. (509) 486-2000 • cell: (509) 429-1663
Tonasket Community UCC
24 E. 4th, Tonasket • 486-2181
“A biblically based, thoughtful group of Christian People”
Sunday Worship at 11 a.m. Call for program/activity information Leon L. Alden, Pastor
Whitestone Church of the Brethren
577 Loomis-Oroville Rd., Tonasket. 846-4278 9:15am Praise Singing. 9:30am Worship Service 10:45am Sunday school for all ages
Ellisforde Church of the Brethren
32116 Hwy. 97, Tonasket. 846-4278 10am Sunday School. 11am Worship Service
“Continuing the work of Jesus...simply, peacefully, together”
Pastor Jim Yaussy Albright. jim.ya@hotmail.com
To place information in the Church Guide call Charlene 476-3602