SINCE 1905
Officials gather for informal discussion
TSD’s Stangland arranges wide-ranging round-table BY BRENT BAKER BBAKER@GAZETTE-TRIBUNE.COM
TONASKET - A panoply of elected officials and representatives of a number of other government agencies gathered for an informal “round table” discussion in the Tonasket School District board room on Monday, Dec. 16. Called together at the behest of Tonasket School Board member Catherine Stangland, the officials discussed the concerns that their various entities deal with and ways to communicate with representatives in Olympia. Participants included State Representative Joel Kretz; newly-elected State Senator Brian Dansel; Okanogan County Commissioner Jim DeTro; Tonasket Mayor Patrick Plumb; Tonasket Schools Superintendent Paul Turner; USFS Tonasket District Ranger Dale Olson; three members of the Tonasket City Council; the North Valley District Board of Commissioners; the Tonasket School Board; and elected representatives from three area fire district boards. While a portion of the gathering was devoted to a presentation on the Tonasket School District’s twin ballot proposals - one for the renewal of the expiring maintenance and operations levy, another for a new bond proposal (also replacing an expiring debt) for expanding and enhancing the district’s facilities - the bulk of the discussion revolved around
A number of classes at the Tonasket Elementary School performed a holiday singa-long for their families on Thursday, including (above) an appropriately sung “All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth”; Right, North Valley Hospital staff delivered 1,000 pounds of food to both the Tonasket and Oroville Food Banks after a department competition (Dietary Dept. edged out the Fiscal team for top honors); Below, right, Oroville Kindergarten and first graders sing “10 Little Elves” under the direction of Jeff Gee at the K-3 Christmas Concert; Below, the concert peaked at least one listeners interest, or was it just his hair.
larger and, in many instances, common areas the different officials face. “What happens in each of our areas affects all of us,” Stangland said. “If we’re going to be strong in our own area, we need a strong community.” In addition to the ideal increasing communication and cooperation, the discussion centered around the need for strong schools and health care as a key to health communities, as well as the need to take care of infrastructure needs before the needs become emergent. “I spent many hours and many miles around the county trying to recruit doctors in the last 30 years,” said Stangland, whose husband is a local physician. “I’m really aware of how impactful what we do is on how it affects the other. “When doctors come and look at Tonasket, they want to know what the schools are like, obviously. Do we have a good library” What kind of services do we have here? When teachers are looking what they want to know are: what kind of medical services do you have? You don’t get any of those without the county providing good roads to get students to school, or for or emergency services.” NVH Board Chairperson Helen Casey said her experience had been similar. “The first thing people ask about is was schools and health care,” she said. “We are really, really blessed to have what we have. But we have to work together to maintain
Oroville budget is $8.28 million Apple bin storage lot causing concerns again
Brent Baker &
Gary DeVon/staff
OROVILLE – Oroville approved a 2014 budget of $8,279,700 at their Tuesday, Dec. 17 council meeting. The budget includes carryover from water and street projects, as well as the city’s share of a new ambulance that is on order. “We have carryover of the North End Reservoir tank installation and the Central and Cherry Street STP and TIB funded street overlay and water main replacement funds,” said city clerk Kathy
Jones. “There will be no layoffs and no water and sewer rate increases and the city will continue to provide fire and ambulance services to the local rural districts and continue to host the Building Official/ Permit Administrator program, sharing time with Tonasket and Okanogan,” Jones said. Other included programs include the U.S. Homeland Security Department Stonegarden Grant toward the purchase of a new patrol car for the police department and the child passenger seat safety grant. Employees will be getting a $90 per month wage increase. Councilman Jon Neal made the motion
Oroville School Board appoints chairman Leaking gas lines to be replaced THE GAZETTE-TRIBUNE
OROVILLE – The Oroville School Board called for nominations and Rocky DeVon was reelected to serve as chairman for 2014 at the boards Monday, Dec. 16 meeting. Travis Loudon was nominated and elected as the vicechairman of the school board. Under Good News and Announcements, Superintendent Steve Quick said the gas leak in the chemistry lab that led to the evacuation of both buildings the previous Friday will be fixed over winter break. The other good news was that the K-12 Alert
System worked well with only a few “minor glitches.” The school district will be replacing all the lines to the chemistry lab, according to Quick. Elementary Principal Joan Hoehn reported that the Grades 4-6 music concert the previous Thursday evening was well attended and that the PTO had helped with decorations and clean up. She also said that she and Quick had attended a Growth Goals Training Session and that four teachers were testing a Crayola Dream Makers program. The one-month free trial provides supplemental curriculum. The teachers will report back to the Rural School Alliance on their findings. High School Principal Kristin Sarmiento said that teachers
were working on the stateTPEP (Teacher Principal Evaluation Project. She also said that the lockdown drill on Thursday had gone well. Quick reviewed school board goals, something he has been doing at each meeting. Under maintenance he said it had been a busy month where the elementary building had heat in the rooms, but not in the hallways. He also reported that the two awnings on the east side of the south end of the elementary building had been finished. The board approved adding Lisa Scott and Sally Patterson to the substitute teacher list and Renee Hilstad as a food service substitute. Kayla McKinney was hired as Assistant High School Softball Coach (pending student participation).
Volume 109 No. 52
Gary DeVon/staff photo
Two new awnings have been completed over the east side entrances on the south end of the Oroville Elementary School Building. They were finished just in time for the first snow that has stuck around for awhile in the north Okanogan.
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Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune | DECEMBER 26, 2013
Oroville Chamber of Commerce hosting ‘A Fine and Pleasant Misery’ By Gary A. DeVon Managing Editor
Brent Baker/staff photo
Tonasket High School’s Marcelino Ruiz-Martell and his band mates wowed the crowd during halftime of Friday’s Tonasket-Chelan basketball game as they performed several numbers that Ruiz-Martell choreographed. The halftime performance was his senior project.
ROUND TABLE | FROM A1 that.” Between discussing the need for the levy and bond, and the challenges the health care community is facing with funding for a variety of reasons local, statewide and federal, representatives from just about every entity shared their own issues with budgeting and finances. “Our biggest struggle right now is how to manage responsible city infrastructure on shrinking budgets and less revenue,” said Tonasket City Council Member Jill Vugteveen. “That’s our biggest struggle for the city. We also have facilities that are in need of repair. The city pool is a hot topic... We’ve looked at raising taxes. We struggle with that because everybody else is also asking for money. We feel in the last 5-6 years we’ve tried to incorporate into our decisionmaking as we’ve considered asking the city taxes for more money. We’ve often put that off because everyone else was raising their taxes, and now we’re to the point where we can’t do that any more.” Vugteveen’s co-council member Scott Olson agreed. “The idea was for awhile if it’s not broke, don’t fix it,” he said. “But it’s so much cheaper to fix it before it’s broke rather than have to go out in the middle of the night and dig up a pipe and only take care of the problem, when that same amount of money we could have redone the whole street... To me that’s our job as elected officials, to figure out the true cost, and who should pay that. And that’s hard; people don’t like that, and you have to be honest with them.” “One thing that scares me ... a lot of infrastructure (in different towns) was built about the same time,” Kretz said. “You look at the Omak sewer system that blew up a few years ago. ... I’m worried we’re going to have increased need of that sort of thing the next 5-10 years. A lot of towns are going to be asking for money at the same time we’ve shrunk the public works trust fund.” Kretz, Dansel and Detro each said that one of the challenges facing the region was a diminishing tax base, and said that state and federal agencies’ actions were a major contributor. “In the last 10 years, (Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife) acquisition in the county has been about $300 million,” DeTro said. “And by some stroke of genius, they pay PILT - Payment In Lieu of property Taxes. So, for the last two years we’ve billed them $523,000, and they’ve paid us $151,000. And there is nothing we can do about it. “If they were on the same tax structure as you, everyone in this room that owns property, and they didn’t pay their taxes for three years, we’d be selling their property on the courthouse steps.” Dansel said diminished timber harvests and closed mining operations have gutted the Ferry County economy, where he is also a county commissioner. “In 1981, Ferry County received $1.5 million from timber sales, and schools received quite a bit of that,” he said. “(DeTro) was talking about PILT - we get that too from the federal government. Our PILT for this year was about $600,000. So we have a $900,000 subtraction there, and we’re talking about 1981.”
“In 1990 Republic was one of the higher income areas in the state,” Kretz said. “They had quite a bit of wealth there. They weren’t wondering how to fund schools. They had three shifts at the mill and two mines. Now we have one mine they hope will stay open and are barely harvesting any timber.” And on the subject of mines, all were concerned about the potential of Kinross Gold leaving the area if it is unable to get through the permitting process for further exploration. “If we lose Kinross, the impact to the Oroville School District will be $1.4 million,” DeTro said. “It’s scheduled to shut down in June, 2015. The rangers are meeting with the county commissioners once a month now. Everybody’s putting the big push on to try to expedite the permitting process so we can go forward with this. “If Kinross leaves Ferry County entirely, Brian can verify this, they’ll go broke. It’s hand-written on the wall. And it just so happens ...Okanogan County gets to take over Ferry County. It’s not a pretty picture.” “When we’re talking about working together we come together and support the schools,” Dansel said. “If you have good schools, you give folks a greater opportunity to not be on the dole. They’ll probably be able to afford homes, live a healthier lifestyle. It’s all backed by statistics, so let’s not ignore that. “At the same time let’s help folks be able to make a living through increased timber harvest, and give Kinross the ability to give a hole the size of this water bottle in less than 10-15 years.” A number of those present talked about the need to make sure that legislators were both aware and comprehending Okanogan County and the surrounding area’s needs. “I want to emphasize the importance of advocacy,” said outgoing NVH Commissioner Lael Duncan. “To provide Joel and the representatives with information for when they attend various committee, to turn the light on. This is not just a remote area where no one lives. It’s an area where folks from the west side come and play. There are actual people who live here, who are important. There are needs here that are just as critical as other places.” Kretz agreed with Duncan that direct advocacy to legislators in Olympia is critical. “We need your help,” he said. “We need you to come to Olympia and tell us. Typically when education people come over there it’s to ask for money. But the effective things have been grassroots efforts where a whole community could come and say, hey we’re just not making it. Anybody in this room could come over so they are not just hearing it from me or Brian Dansel.” “I think it is time to make the point that rural Washington is hurting,” Kretz said. “It’s not just this area, but all over. We’re not getting very good treatment because you can get elected (in a statewide election) (from the area viewed) from the Space Needle.” One of the regional issues about which there has been some disagreement has been the proposed extension of a heavy haul corridor
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from Oroville to Pateros, which would run through downtown Tonasket. Kretz and DeTro favor the move, while Tonasket Mayor Patrick Plumb said he was concerned at the lack of communication with the city over the possibility as well potential issues with underlying infrastructure. “That would help just about every industry up and down this valley,” Kretz said. “The entire project from the border to Pateros isn’t going to cost $5 million,” DeTro said. “It’s not going to cost a tenth of that. So my point is, we’re trying to do constructive things that don’t cost the taxpayers a lot of money that will still impact the economy.” “A lot of our infrastructure is under there and we don’t have a great plan to make sure it’s OK underneath,” Plumb said. “And there’s also some things already in place for a project, that chip seal overlay. The heavier traffic you get on there without fixing the infrastructure, I have some big concerns about that.” Plumb added that some of the solution to the city’s fiscal issues was encouraging local professionals to do as much of their shopping as possible in Tonasket, which is highly dependent on sales tax revenue. “We are the hub of the things you don’t see,” Plumb said. “All of you major employers and Fire District 4 get your water from somewhere. And when you flush it goes somewhere else. As big businesses we are dependent on the city staying viable and being able to service those needs... “We are totally dependent on your guys’ employees who are making professional wages, to make sure your license plate says OK Chevrolet. That your grocery bag says Beyers or Grant’s. To make sure your gas is from the Junction, Exxon or the card lock station. There is a point where, man, it’s important to shop local ... Other cities in the county have seen an economic upturn. Regretfully we have not.” The common cord throughout the wide-ranging discussion had been the need to work together to find solutions to the issues, in spite of - or because of - the different perspectives of the elected officials and their constituents. “I’m just going to be bold and say that I disagree with a lot of you,” Scott Olson said. “But that’s one thing that I like about living here as opposed to my brother on the west side ... Everyone has different ideas, but we still talk together and get together. “I hope we continue to meet and that this is just the start of the conversation, so we can talk about how we see things differently and how we can work together. Because that’s the only way we can make it work.”
MOLSON - As part of the Northwest Ice Fishing Festival weekend the Oroville Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a performance by Tim Behrens as Pat McMannus in “A Fine and Pleasant Misery.” The show will be at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Feb, 15 at the High School Commons. Ticket prices and distribution will be announced after the first of the year, according to Clyde Andrews, chamber president. “One of Tim’s shows sold out a week in advance at Kettle Falls. We anticipate the same draw here.” said Andrews.. The first of all the McManus comedies, A Fine and Pleasant Misery, stars Behrens. The one-man Show introduces 12 zany McManus characters, from Rancid Crabtree to daft old Mrs. Swisher, from Strange the
Dog, to a deer on a bicycle. From the website “Join Pat and his sidekick Crazy Eddie Muldoon as they try to conquer their fear of the dark so they can become mountain men. Watch Rancid Crabtree convince you that baths are bad because soap and water will eat holes in your protective crust. Listen as Pat explains how to execute a proper full bore linear panic and its cousin, modified stationary panic. See Mr. and Mrs. Muldoon react to Pat and Crazy Eddie’s airplane as it teeters on the barn roof headed straight towards oblivion. And learn how not to hunt your first deer with nothing more than a bicycle.” The McManus Comedies are family friendly, hilarious stories about growing up in rural America when you’re dirt poor (dirt being the only toy you can afford) and when the adults in your life get nervous every time
they pass you on the street. McManus is one of the most popular humor writers in the country. His 23 titles have sold more than six million copies, and five of his collections of short humor have made the top 10 of the NY Times Bestseller’s list. The author himself was a guest of the Oroville Sportsman’s Club at two of their Heads and Horns Show events that were held in Oroville. About the performer Behrens, The Billings Gazette said: “Behrens doing McManus is like a cross between Mark Twain and Bill Cosby,” the late actor Jack Lemmon said: “Tim relishes in knocking the audiences out with laughter; see this show!” and the Spokesman Review once worried that “paramedics would have to be called in people were laughing so hard.” For more information visit:
down to take photos of the blowing dirt. “Jon’s son was sweeping and told me that was the third trailer load. I can’t see how Jon can run his business.” Jones added, “I don’t think the property owner (of the lot) would let that happen if it was across from his house.” Noel said that the problem was infringing on the other property owners rights. “We had a meeting two years ago. At that time it was expressed by the property owner that the city would be putting an undue hardship on Gold Digger if they were made to move the bin piles,” said Noel. The mayor suggested that the city may want to run the issue by the city’s attorney to determine the proper approach so that they do not get the same sort of response it has had in the past. “If we can go through this without going the legal route I think it would be best,” said Noel. “We will be having someone
from Ecology come and talk about smoke concerns, maybe they can address this as well,” said Mayor Spieth.
BUDGET | FROM A1 to approve the 2014 budget and it was seconded by Councilman Walt Hart and passed unanimously. Only one bidder, Romine Fuel, submitted a bid for supplying fuel and oil to the city for 2014-2016. The council found the bid to be acceptable – $2.79 a gallon with appropriate taxes, for unleaded and $3.51 a gallon for diesel. For 55 gallon drums of hydraulic oil it will be $7.10 a gallon.
Apple Bin Lot Mayor Chuck Spieth said the city had received a letter of complaint about the “desert that has been created” by the lot on Fifth Avenue where apple bins are stored. The letter complained of dust storms created by winds picking up dirt and blowing it into the neighboring residents’ yards and homes. Spieth asked Councilman Jon Neal, who has a business and residence across the street from the lot for his opinion. “It’s mostly what I’ve been saying for the past 10 years, it’s an ongoing problem. Gold Digger does a token effort to water daily. But when it gets cold it doesn’t do any good because they can’t water it down,” said Neal. “One area of my lawn has for or five inches of dirt on it from the lot.” Noel said he had seen the wind blowing the dirt around. “What I witnessed the other day looked like a desert storm and that was before they put up the wall of bins,” said Noel. The mayor, who lives a couple blocks away, said he had gone
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Water Issues Rod Noel, superintendent of public works, reported on the ongoing North End Reservoir tank installation. “The contractor has asked to suspend the project for cold weather so we will suspend it until spring. They were up there today testing the 12 inch main lines so they can get paid for what they have gotten done,” said Noel. “I think it is in our best interest to wait because of the cold weather.” Noel said he had also been on a conference call concerning the city’s attempt to participate in a water rights transfer. The Center for Environmental Law has filed a protest against the transfer to the city, according to Noel. “There are four or five things they are concerned about, including temperature and other things,” Noel said.
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The court decided Dec. 17 to combine trials for two Chesaw men accused of first-degree murder (premeditated). John W. Jennings, 57, and Adam S. Jennings, 27, are accused of the Sept. 2 shooting that killed Michael R. Carrigan, Hoquiam. The court also approved a continuance of the combined trial, now commencing March 4. Kevin Michael Clark, 32, Okanogan, pleaded guilty Dec. 16 to POCS (heroin). Clark was sentenced to nine months in jail, and fined $3,110.50 for the Oct. 24 crime. Jeremiah Van Tachell, 22, Omak, pleaded guilty Dec. 16 to TMVWOP. Tachell was sentenced to three months in jail, and fined $1,110.50 for the Oct. 11 crime. A restitution hearing was scheduled for Jan. 21, 2014. Paulino Cruz Bautista, 33, Omak, pleaded guilty Dec. 16 to POCS (methamphetamine). Bautista was sentenced to 12 months in prison, and fined $2,310.50. The crime occurred May 10. Faith Ann Lezard, 20, Omak, pleaded guilty Dec. 19 to first-degree trafficking in stolen property and third-degree theft. Lezard was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 320 days suspended, and fined $1,110.50. The crimes were committed July 24. Lezard will serve her sentence on electronic home monitoring. Jesse Daniel Ray Lightley, 19, Omak, pleaded guilty Dec. 19 to third-degree malicious mischief (DV) and fourth-degree assault (DV). Lightley was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 352 days suspended and credit for 12 days served. He was fined $1,010.50 for the Sept. 11 crimes. The court found probable cause to charge Lane Charles Priest, 20, Omak, with POCS (heroin) and use of drug paraphernalia. The crimes allegedly occurred Dec. 10 near Omak. The court found probable cause to charge Tanya Paige Hayner, 25, Okanogan, with residential burglary. The crime allegedly occurred Dec. 9 in Okanogan. The court found probable cause to charge Ryan Larry Cate, 30, Omak, with second-degree DWLS and two counts of second-degree unlawful possession of a firearm. The court found probable cause to charge Cory Lee Craig, 25, Okanogan, with second-degree burglary and third-degree malicious mischief. The crimes allegedly occurred Dec. 15 in Okanogan.
DISTRICT COURT Jeffery Thomas Sackman, 53, Tonasket, had a hit and run (unattended property) charge dismissed. Shannon Lee Schweitzer, 32, Tonasket, guilty of third-degree DWLS. Schweitzer was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 89 days suspended, and fined $858. Stevie Lee Ann Sena, 20, Okanogan, had a third-degree DWLS charge dismissed. Jess Martin Shadle, 29, Omak, had a
charge dismissed: no valid operator’s license without ID. Joseph Gregory Shearer, 41, Oroville, guilty of first-degree negligent driving. Shearer was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 85 days suspended, and fined $958. Allen Raymond Smith, 56, Tonasket, guilty of third-degree DWLS. Smith received a 90-day suspended sentence and was fined $818. George Scott Smith, 40, Omak, guilty of third-degree DWLS. Smith received a 90-day suspended sentence and was fined $250. Smith also had a reckless endangerment charge dismissed. Rocky Allen Smith, 48, Tonasket, guilty of operating a vehicle without an ignition interlock device, DUI and first-degree DWLS. Smith was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 134 days suspended, and fined $4,136. Kyle Allyn Snyder, 22, Okanogan, guilty of two counts of thirddegree DWLS. Snyder was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 87 days suspended, and fined $1,716. He had an additional third-degree DWLS charge dismissed. Paul Christopher St. Martin, 22, Omak, guilty of reckless driving. St. Martin received a 180-day suspended sentence and was fined $1,358. Robert Joe Storm, 32, Omak, guilty of third-degree DWLS. Storm was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 87 days suspended, and fined $858. Jennifer Lynn Valdez, 19, Omak, had a charge dismissed: POCS (marijuana) (less than 40 grams). Ricardo Enriquez Vargas, 59, Omak, had three charges dismissed: operating a vehicle without an ignition interlock device, firstdegree DWLS and DUI. Tonya Lin Waugaman, 29, Okanogan, guilty of fourth-degree assault. Waugaman received a 180-day suspended sentence and was fined $638. Tyler Dayne Whitney, 20, Tonasket, guilty of MIP/C. Whitney received a 90-day suspended sentence and was fined $568. Lance Andrew Wiinikka, 36, Omak, guilty of reckless driving. Wiinikka received a 180-day suspended sentence and was fined $1,258.
911 CALLS AND JAIL BOOKINGS Monday, Dec. 16, 2013 Domestic dispute on Engh Rd. near Omak. Fraud on Middle Lane near Omak. Trespassing on S. Second Ave. in Okanogan. Fraud on Heidi Ct. near Tonasket. Theft on Glover Lane near Okanogan. Fuel and copper wire reported missing. Drugs on S. Fifth Ave. in Okanogan. Warrant arrest on Ironwood St. in Oroville. Harassment on S. Second Ave. in Okanogan. Domestic dispute on Poor Man’s Lane near Riverside. Domestic dispute on Conconully Rd. near Okanogan. One-vehicle crash on Havillah Rd.
near Tonasket. Burglary on Elmway in Okanogan. Found property on S. Ash St. in Omak. Purse recovered. Violation of no-contact order on N. Douglas St. in Omak. Fraud on W. First Ave. in Omak. Underage drinking on S. Main St. in Omak. Public intoxication on S. Main St. in Omak. Public intoxication on W. Central Ave. in Omak. Violation of no-contact order on N. Main St. in Omak. Threats on Ironwood St. in Oroville. Assault on Ironwood St. in Oroville. Warrant arrest on Hwy. 20 in Tonasket. Theft on Hwy. 20 in Tonasket. Alfred Oliver, no middle name listed, 38, booked and released for POCS and third-degree DWLS. Matthew James Blackledge, 48, booked for violation of a nocontact order. Michael Robert Fry, 35, booked for DUI. Joshua William Combs, 19, booked on an Omak Police Department FTA warrant for MIP. Kacee Robert Webb, 23, booked on an Oroville Police Department FTA warrant for first-degree criminal trespass. Larry Junior Frazier II, 44, booked on two counts each of first-degree trafficking in stolen property and third-degree theft. Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2013 Theft on Sour Dough Creek Rd. near Tonasket. Computer reported missing. Fraud on Loomis-Oroville Rd. near Loomis. Weapons offense on Havillah Rd. near Tonasket. Theft on Elmway in Okanogan. Threats on S. Second Ave. in Okanogan. Theft on Pine St. in Okanogan. Tires reported missing. Public intoxication on N. Second Ave. in Okanogan. Threats on N. Second Ave. in Okanogan. Property damage on Riverside Dr. in Omak. Assault on Oak St. in Omak. Two-vehicle crash on Hwy. 97 in Omak. Theft on Engh Rd. in Omak. Harassment on Omak Ave. in Omak. Theft on Riverside Dr. in Omak. Illegal burning on Ironwood St. in Oroville. Bradley Allen Sweat, 24, booked on a Department of Corrections detainer. Jorge Reyes Morales Jr., 21, booked on a Department of Corrections detainer. Robert Ellis Allen, 30, booked for second-degree theft and first-degree trafficking in stolen property. Richard Scott Robbins, 46, booked on four Omak Police Department FTA warrants, all for thirddegree theft. Daniel Rodney Decker, 35, booked for vehicular assault. Kristen Ann Bob, 31, booked on two counts of third-degree theft. Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2013 Theft on Gooseberry Way near Tonasket. Fraud on Big Boulder Lane near Tonasket.
Owens Valley Meat Packing A big thank you to all our valued customers for all your business and making 2013 a great year. Have a Very Merry Christmas and may 2014 be a wonderful year for us all.
Threats on Old Riverside Hwy. near Omak. Structure fire on Pouge Rd. near Omak. DWLS on Koala Ave. in Omak. Theft on Engh Rd. in Omak. Domestic dispute on N. Columbia St. in Omak. Two-vehicle crash on N. Main St. in Omak. No injuries reported. Malicious mischief on Jasmine St. in Omak. Assault on E. Third St. in Tonasket. Kevin James Smith, 27, booked on two Omak Police Department FTA warrants: DUI and third-degree DWLS; an OCSO FTA warrant for third-degree malicious mischief (DV); and a probable cause warrant for violation of a no-contact order and fourth-degree assault (DV). Ryan Dennis Demarcus, 28, court commitment for third-degree DWLS. Thursday, Dec. 19, 2013 Malicious mischief on West Log Lake Rd. near Tonasket. Fraud on Xanadu Rd. near Okanogan. Fraud on Dixon Rd. near Omak. Warrant arrest on S. Third Ave. in Okanogan. Burglary on Balmes Rd. near Oroville. Public intoxication on N. Main St. in Omak. Burglary on Riverside Dr. in Omak. Theft on Engh Rd. in Omak. Theft on Omache Dr. in Omak. Drugs on S. Ash St. in Omak. Fraud on Juniper St. in Oroville. Theft on Hwy. 97 in Oroville. Warrant arrest on Balmes Rd. near Oroville. Threats on Hwy. 20 in Tonasket. Linda Diane Fry, 29, booked for felony harassment and seconddegree malicious mischief. Len Melvin McLane, 51, booked on three FTC bench warrants: second-degree assault, harassment and fourth-degree assault. Shanyce Rachel Rodriguez, 20, booked on two Omak Police Department FTA warrants, both for third-degree theft. Noel Lockett, 46, booked on an OCSO FTA warrant for violation of a no-contact order. Arthur Leroy Sims Jr., 45, booked on a Department of Corrections detainer. Friday, Dec. 20, 2013 Harassment on S. Second Ave. in Okanogan. Theft on Glover Lane near Okanogan. Assault on Hwy. 97 near Tonasket. Weapons offense on Hwy. 7 near Tonasket. Burglary on Hendrick Rd. near Omak. One-vehicle crash on Hwy. 7 near Oroville. No injuries reported. Automobile theft on Nigg Rd. near
Oroville. Drugs on Jasmine St. in Omak. Theft on Riverside Dr. in Omak. Vehicle prowl on S. Cedar St. in Omak. Theft on Omache Dr. in Omak. Domestic dispute on S. Main St. in Omak. Warrant arrest on S. Main St. in Omak. One-vehicle crash on Koala Dr. in Omak. No injuries reported. Two-vehicle crash on Riverside Dr. in Omak. No injuries reported. Theft on Engh Rd. in Omak. Trespassing on Omache Dr. in Omak. Theft on S. Ash St. in Omak. Automobile theft on Quince St. in Omak. Trespassing on S. Whitcomb St. in Tonasket. Trespassing on E. Seventh St. in Tonasket. Garret Thomas Peterson, 20, booked on two State Patrol FTA warrants: third-degree DWLS and obstruction. Audrey Ann Huckins, 50, booked on a Department of Corrections detainer and a Tribal warrant for physical control. Larry Lee Graves, 57, booked for fourth-degree assault, thirddegree malicious mischief, harassment, carrying a concealed weapon without a permit and drive-by shooting (DV). Franklin John Raschka, 34, court commitment for DUI. Casey Nicole Moses, 27, booked on an OCSO FTA warrant for thirddegree malicious mischief (DV). Saturday, Dec. 21, 2013 Warrant arrest on N. Fourth Ave. in Okanogan. Two-vehicle crash on Engh Rd. near Omak. No injuries reported. Two-vehicle crash on Omache Dr. in Omak. No injuries reported. Malicious mischief on S. First Ave. in Okanogan. Theft on Conconcully St. near Okanogan. Public intoxication on Dogwood St. in Oroville. Assault on S. Main St. in Omak. Trespassing on Ivy St. in Omak. Trespassing on Ironwood St. in Omak. One-vehicle crash on Golden St. in Oroville. No injuries reported. DUI on W. Fourth St. in Tonasket. Mark Combs, no middle name listed, 51, booked on a State Patrol warrant FTA warrant for first-degree DWLS. Gerael Gardee, no middle name listed, 19, booked for POCS (marijuana) (less than 40 grams) and making false or misleading statements. Reynaldo Cosino-Almanza, 24, booked on a USBP hold. Jose Eduardo Cocino, 21, booked on a USBP hold and two OCSO FTA warrants: third-degree DWLS and POCS (marijuana)
(less than 40 grams). Jose Cervantes Ruiz, 39, booked on a USBP hold. Nils Abraham Timentwa Berg, 25, booked on an Omak Police Department FTA warrant for thirddegree malicious mischief. Alysha Kay Mariah George, 24, booked on two Oroville Police Department FTA warrants, both for fourth-degree assault (DV). Robert Joe Storm, 32, booked on a Department of Corrections detainer. Jared James-Paul Morris, 22, booked on an Omak Police Department FTA warrant for third-degree theft. Jesse Owen Jane, 37, booked on to State Patrol FTA warrants: first-degree DWLS and ignition interlock violation. Brandon Marchand, no middle name listed, 39, booked for thirddegree DWLS. Garret Victor James Elsburg, 25, booked for first-degree illegal possession of a firearm and conspiracy to commit residential burglary. Sunday, Dec. 22, 2013 Utility problem on Rodeo Trail Rd. near Okanogan. Water main reported broken. Domestic dispute on S. Third Ave. in Okanogan. Warrant arrest on Old Riverside Hwy. near Omak. Harassment on Omak Ave. in Omak. Trespassing on Engh Rd. in Omak. Domestic dispute on S. Granite St. in Omak. Trespassing on Main St. in Oroville. Jose Placncio-Sanabria, 23, booked for DUI. Jessika Quinnelle Timentwa, 24, booked for first-degree DWLS and ignition interlock violation. Robert Gene Watts, 44, booked on an FTA bench warrant for delivery of a controlled substance.
DUI - Driving Under the Influence DWLS/R - Driving While License Suspended/Revoked POSC - Possession of a Controlled Substance MIP/C - Minor in Possession/Consumption TMVWOP - Taking a Motor Vehicle without Owner’s Permission DV - Domestic Violence FTA - Failure to Appear (on a warrant) FTPF - Failure to Pay Fine RP - Reporting Party OCSO - Okanogan County Sheriff’s Officer DOC - State Department of Corrections USBP - U.S. Border Patrol CBP - U.S. Customs and Border Protection ICE - Immigration and Customs Enforcement
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LETTERS Have a Merry TO THE Christmas and Happy New Year EDITOR
Depending on whether you live in town or on a rural route, you’re either reading this newspaper as a Christmas issue or the New Year’s edition or both. We’ve had to move the deadline up a day so we could get this in the mail early enough for some of our subscribers to get it prior to Christmas Day. It’s a day early next week as well because of New Years. The real Christmas edition was last week with all the Letters to Santa and the last minute holiday ads, but I realized I didn’t take the opportunity to say Merry Christmas to all our readers. Whether you pick up your newspaper at one of our various news stands or are a loyal subscriber, we value your patronage and hope you continue to come to us for your Oroville and Tonasket area news. I do say Merry Christmas, but I’ve been known to mix it up with Happy Holidays this time of year. I have a few Jewish friends and had a few Muslim friends in college, so wishing everyone the best at this time of year just Out of makes sense. My Mind I think the so-called ‘War on Christmas’ is Gary A. DeVon just so much reindeer poop, but some television and radio talking heads would have you believe we’re at DEFCON 1 as far as the Christmas front goes. If there is a war on Christmas, I think Christmas is winning judging by how early the television commercials start. That’s it for the political commentary this week other than to remind everyone just what the season is about. Sure presents and Santa are nice, but seeing children gathered round a creche or performing as characters in a manger scene is a greater gift. All wanting to see the baby Jesus – to see that kind of wonder in their eyes is magical and can reinstall in us the same sort of wonder and innocence many of us once had ourselves. This is our last issue of the year, Volume 109, Week 52, and the Gazette-Tribune will begin it’s 110th year. Although he hadn’t been around quite that long, we’ve received word that Wilbur Hallauer has died at 99. The former Washington State Representative and Senator and first head of the state’s Department of Ecology made Oroville his home. He has been a big influence in state and local politics over the years. He was also quite the historian, knowing much about the area’s mining and history on both sides of the border. He contributed many, many articles and letters to this newspaper over the years and was the founder and publisher of the Tonasket Times. He will be missed by many and our prayers go out to his fam-Web Hallaeur ily. We don’t have his obituary yet, but a spring memorial is being planned. Well, we at the G-T hope that 2014 brings you and yours all the best.
GAZETTE-TRIBUNE SERVING WASHINGTON’S OKANOGAN VALLEY SINCE 1905 OROVILLE OFFICE 1420 Main St., PO Box 250 Oroville, WA 98844 Phone: (509) 476-3602 Toll free: (866) 773-7818 Fax: (509) 476-3054 OFFICE HOURS Oroville Mon.-Fri. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CONTACT INFORMATION Managing Editor Gary A. DeVon Reporter/Production Brent Baker (509) 476-3602 Advertising Sales/Ad Design Charlene Helm (509) 476-3602 | (509) 322-5712 Classifieds Shawn Elliott 1-800-388-2527 Circulation 1-888-838-3000 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Classified ads can be placed during normal office hours by calling 1-800-388-2527 Weekly Rates: $6.75 for the first 15 words 25 cents for additional words Borders, bold words, headlines, logos and photos subject to additional charges The Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune (USPS 412 120) is published weekly by Sound Publishing / Oroville 1420 Main St. PO Box 250 Oroville, WA 98844 Phone: (509) 476-3602 Fax: (509) 476-3054 Periodical postage paid at Oroville, WA, and additional mailing offices POSTMASTER Send address corrections to: The Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, PO BOX 250, Oroville, WA 98844
SUBSCRIPTIONS In County (yearly) $30.50 In State (yearly) $32.50 Out of State (yearly) $40.50 Senior (yearly) $28.50 (65+ take $2 off per year of subscription) The Gazette-Tribune does not refund subscription payments except to the extent that it might meet its obligation to publish each week, in which case the cost of the issue missed would be refunded as an extension. Subscriptions may be transferred to another individual or organization. DEADLINES Calendar listings: Noon Monday News Submissions: Noon Monday Display Advertising: Noon Monday Legals: Noon Monday Classified Ads: Noon Tuesday LETTERS POLICY The Gazette-Tribune welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be accompanied by the author’s name, a home address and a daytime phone number (for verification only). Letters may be edited for length, clarity, accuracy and fairness. No letter will be published without the author’s name. Thank you letters will only be printed from non-profit organizations and events. We will not publish lists of businesses, or lists of individual names. CORRECTIONS The Gazette-Tribune regrets any errors. If you see an error, please call 476-3602. We will publish a correction on page 2 in the next issue. NEWS TIPS Have an idea for a story? Call us at 476-3602 SERVICES Back issues are available for up to one year after publication for a small fee. Photo reprints are available for most photos taken by the staff. Ask about photos we may not have had room to print. PRINTED Printed in Penticton, B.C., Canada on recycled newsprint with soy ink. Please Recycle
Washington Newspaper Publishers Association member
Enloe: Leave the dam thing alone
Dear Editor, Leave Enloe Dam alone. Do not put any money into hydro-power, fish ladders or removing the dam. Reclaim the old power house, turn the housing compound into a picnic area, improve access and then quit. Why spend our precious resources on a project that will take years and millions of dollars. Leave the dam thing alone! Canada doesn’t want our fish, trying to rehabilitate the lake is too costly and dangerous to the downstream Similkameen and possibly the Okanogan, and putting in a new powerhouse is not worth the effort for the amount of power it will produce. Just call the whole area a tourist attraction and figure out what will happen to the bats in the old rail road tunnel. The $’s and effort would be better spent in a fight that’s possible to win. Once the trail is extended and the tunnel is graded, lighted, and paved, the bats will be gone. Not just moved, dead! Okay, it’s not as big a deal as something the size of a dam or the lake behind it, but it would be a lot cheaper and more popular. Maybe a project to relocate the bats closer to town so we don’t have to spray for mosquitoes every year would make everyone feel good. Gai Wisdom Oroville
A waste of trees
Dear Editor, Why does the classic oath say “the whole truth and nothing but the truth?” Because even a half truth is considered dishonest. So if the hospital CEO is weary of being accused of being dishonest I guess the way to fix that would be to start being honest. Ms. Schimpf’s implication that educating oneself through limited means via handouts and attending meetings where nothing is discussed or explained is somehow more informative than having all sides explained by someone who has obviously lived and breathed the topics is just plain stupid. Mr. Stewart’s hypocritical rantings are a waste of trees. This is the same person that was down at a County Commissioners meeting foaming at the mouth because “this administration needs to get their act together” regarding their incompetence with VA Clinic. Obviously Mr. Stewart has never tried to obtain “public records” from our hospital where some people have never received the records requested after almost a year and other information has been incomplete. No matter what brush any of them are trying to paint this rerun with, the community saw the writing on the wall even before this spring when Extended Care was suddenly losing money. And no one is surprised by the same pattern of disinformation, hostility and attacks by these three players. All of you are about as useful as Jane Fonda during Vietnam. John Snider Oroville
Insulting community’s intelligence
Dear Editor, It seems while our family was getting a couple of first hand reminders of how awesome our community EMS, fire departments, law enforcement and hospital staff (i.e. admitting, nursing and practitioners) are, I missed the latest misconstruing of our infamous hospital CEO. So I thought I might clarify for her as much
90 YEARS AGO December 19 - 26, 1923: Through the arid and less traveled counties of Eastern Washington, Highway Engineer, James Allen, has tentatively suggested that a nine foot pavement to be laid to hasten the day when Washington will have paved highways leading from Puget Sound to the Idaho State line by the way of Walla Walla and Spokane. For the purpose of promoting the social and educational welfare of the various communities of the county, E. H. Grinnell, County Superintendent of Schools, has arranged the school districts of Okanogan County into 27 groups and has named a leader to take charge of the work in each group. Each community leader may appoint committees to help carry on the work effectively and is expected to keep a record of the various activities of the community and to make a report to the County School Superintendent at the close of each year. Molson has been named as the community center of school districts 21, 49, 63, 64 and 68 with Superintendent C. M. Burnham as leader. Chesaw is to be the community center of districts 48, 74, 76 and 104 with Principal Eva McCune as leader and the Havillah community districts 16 and 46 with Mrs. Evangeline Douglas as leader. What might have proved a serious accident occurred late Saturday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Carl Erickson were returning home. Mr. Erickson stood up in the sleigh to
as possible, short of using crayons and finger paint. History is more than pictures and lip service. I’ll let Webster explain “stewardship;” the activity or job of protecting and being responsible for something. Our community members have taken their roll very seriously for decades. Obviously the CEO has never taken the opportunity to hear the warm dignity exuded when our community members talk of building services that meet our community needs. The very services the current administration cut in half. Senior leadership and the board has gotten “complacent;” marked by self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies. Serious issues like losing providers, clinics, an assisted living, cutting hours, EMS and practitioner rates and laying people off, while allowing ridiculous raises, the expense of a coffee shop on a strapped budgetand spending money the system doesn’t have on projects that can wait. All of this while the board and administration is basically telling the community just give us your money, sit down and shut up. So very many people have given the board the benefit of the doubt by suggesting “it’s the tail wagging the dog” and that they are buying into what admin is saying regardless of proof otherwise. How else who you explain it? I’m not sure what the CEO was referencing to with the third comprehension issue, “Not considerate”... I am assuming it was when we were referring to “meeting community needs.” To meet community needs; you need to understand the community you work for not just see them as numbers and a burden. For an excellent example of what meets our community needs please refer back to the original system admin and the board were entrusted to maintain. If she was referring to the communities request to have a traditional practitioner call schedule, this is not uncommon and is very customary in rural areas where patients have closer ties to their practitioners. It’s referred to as “continuity of care;” If I have to explain that after all her “years of industry experience” she might as well pack her bags. Furthermore, no matter how many different ways she tries to put words in our mouth about “issues with hospital staff” it’s still not true. It’s not our friends, family and neighbors we have a problem with, it’s the administration not doing their jobs and getting paid too much for not doing them. The hospital staff are the only ones that make that place tick. They are the ones who make admin look good. Yet they are the ones getting hours cut, rates cut, and getting “laid off” while admin got raises. If it weren’t for their remarkable ability to handle whatever walks through those doors and the professionalism to deal with the crap admin throws at them there wouldn’t be a hospital. We all got a firm understanding of the CEOs sense of “transparency” when she, Duncan and Howe were all demanding community interaction at board meetings should be restricted. Or the December meeting when it was decided that “verbal reports would not be given due to the public being present.” And there have been several people at the board meetings but when the material is
ITEMS FROM THE PAST put on his overcoat and the horses became frightened and bolted and Mrs. Erickson was unable to manage them. When making the turn by the old Tonasket Hotel, the sleigh hit a rock overturning and throwing the occupants out and demolishing the vehicle. Mrs. Erickson was taken home in an unconscious condition but had recovered sufficiently to come into town Monday afternoon. A striking value for a new 1924 Ford touring sedan with all of the new and approved appearance, one would naturally expect a proportionate advance in price. NOT SO. This price is $295.00 and can be obtained through the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan.
50 YEARS AGO December 19 -26, 1963: All tows are running! That was the word received this week by the Gazette in regards to the Sitzmark Ski Area. The ski area opened last Saturday with a reported 10 inches of snow. Sunday, skiers had four inches more snow to romp in and by Sunday evening, it was snowing again.
received and discussed by the board prior to the board meetings its impossible for the attendees to be involved. I guess she got her way again. Because of their ability to be selective about payor types “private hospitals” have traditionally had more money to develop different services. They have the option of testing other ventures, i.e. a resort hospital for Canadians, failed programs like ACES, etc. but they usually do better research and have more financial backing. A “public hospital” system is meant to meet the community needs. By their very structure and requirements money making departments are expected to support other necessary services. Which is why many in the industry were confused by the CEOs January statement that this “can not continue.” No one said warrant payments were put on hold, but we know the repayment plan that was working was put on hold. The treasure’s office can verify that it was working and the McKinstry report refers to the same promise made to the community saying there was no money to work on the surgery unit until 2013 when the warrant obligation was met. Her insulting the communities intelligence is a perpetual issue for so many more people than she wants to realize. Minimizing it to “heath care is hard to understand,” is just another insult. The systematic dismantling of our community healthcare system built by the very people the administration have “stood tall against,” telling them they had no knowledge of or choice in how THEIR system runs and the board letting it happen is the ultimate insult. Their arrogance is exemplified in the CEOs closing statement “you can believe what I said or you don’t have to.” Most were leaning toward ignorance in light of shutting down the preventative services that has been the focus of Obamacare and pushing surgery in such a high poverty area. As far as her being weary of being accused of being dishonest, Effective Communication is crucial when you have been entrusted to safeguard a legacy that involves so many dedicated investors. And when you either can’t comprehend correctly or are deliberately misconstruing vital information while telling the people who are directly affected and who you work for you don’t have to listen to or deal with them, your are either incompetent or dishonest. So, which is it? And while I see, S.T. Johnson is doing a great job of explaining the full story; a perfect example would be the info regarding the Critical Access Hospital status. Those in the industry know that only about half the nation’s hospitals applied for CAH status, what that status means and that there are other destinations that are beneficial they just require more accountable reporting but once again she is either not knowledgeable about the issue or deliberately only giving partiality information. The difference in being viewed as dishonest or viewed as ignorant is your willingness to be educated and not lash out at people or having “exceptionally misinformed” lap dogs trying to discredit people who obviously have a great deal of knowledge about the issue being misrepresented. Rosa Snider Oroville Officials said this week that the ski school would start on Saturday, January 4, 1964. More than 100 four-color SUNNY OKANOGAN COUNTRY signs will be erected in Western Washington during the next two weeks. The signs are 2 by 4 foot aluminum and will be planted on all four major mountain passes and along the coast from Tacoma to the Canadian Border. The Oroville Chamber of Commerce elected Vernon “Pete” Valentine last Tuesday as their new president for 1964. Valentine is a young man and operates a blacksmith shop along the Okanogan River banks for several years and has been very active in the community. Christmas Food Buys: Nalley’s Potato Chips, $.69; Bananas, $.09 per lb. Tom turkeys, 17-24 lb. $.39 per lb;10 oz medium oysters, $.49; Butter, $.49 lb.; 3 8 oz tubes of biscuits, 3 for $.29. Oroville Schools are one of 62 school districts in the state offering Summer School. There are no tax revenues designed to provide support for this program; they are financed almost entirely by tuition charges. Fifteen California Big Horn Sheep were released to the wild Friday at the Sinlahekin Game Range in Okanogan County. Nine rams, four ewes and two lambs were included in the release. Weather Wise, by Marg Frazier, observer: Dec. 11, 1963 - 26 degrees maximum and 10 degrees minimum; Dec. 12 - 26 and 22; Dec. 13 - 26 and 23; Dec. 14 - 28 and 22; Dec. 15 - 32 and 26; Dec. 16 - 32 and 29 and Dec. 17 - 31 and 25. Total snow fall for the last fie days of the week was 23.5 inches.
DECEMBER 26, 2013 | Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune
Page A5
Okanogan Valley Life
Lots happening at the Depot Museum This will be the last writing in the year of 2013. Then we’ll be headed on to bigger and better things, ya think? It seemed that December was the shortest month of the year. Of course I know differently, but before I knew it, it was gone. Lots of things happening with Borderlands Historical Society (Museum) thanks to some folks having a vision of the future. A vote of thanks surely go out to those who give freely of their time to make repairs, change displays to make the visit at the museum an exciting and fun time. So many volunteer hours go into keeping the building “up and coming.” The community owes those responsible a huge vote of thanks and how cheery the bright red and white inflatable items look amidst the sparkling lights at the museum. We’ve been very slow in getting our Christmas cards and letters in the mail this year, but with the two of us working together we just about got it done. Now, maybe some will get two cards and some will get none, because that is what sometimes happens, but we tried. And we want to wish Verle and Noreen Harnasch Merry Christmas… guess I threw
away the new address too soon. and Thursday, after lunch. Feel Word has been received that free to join the crowd. Gregg Lawson passed away after Joan Cool will be leaving for a lingering illness. Condolences Arizona after Christmas and will go out to the Lawson be accompanied by family. Sue Larson, on the It has been reporttrip down. ed to me that one of Have been told that the local real Estate the Tonasket hospibusiness owners, tal has been filled Stan Porter, is once to capacity, sending again in the hospital, overflow to Omak. in Seattle receiving For a lot of years, treatments for serious the Harvey and health issues. Cancer Lorraine Smith resiin the neck area and THIS & THAT dence has had for this is the third surgi- Joyce Emry the pleasure of many cal procedure he has of us, a beautifully encountered without decorated fairyland successful healing. Joan Cool is with so many exotic outdoor “holding down the fort” at the Christmas decorations. Many of office and if you wish to send a them were animated and some card, you could perhaps obtain an that just light up the area. It has address from her. been a joy to see, but what a lot Delores Hogue and the of work! And this year Harvey Thornton family can now have says he just couldn’t do it. It some closure of the death of surely did brighten the area and Kathy Sawyers who recently died we truly thank them for the pleain Mexico and her remains have sure of the beauty they provided, now reached her homeland. over the years. It seems a shame I have noticed that the atten- to have all the unused items so I dance at the Senior Center is was wondering if maybe another growing larger for Bingo playing. year, Harvey could be the instrucIt looks like a fun way to use up tor and have a crew of helpers… some time, for a very nominal s’pose’ that would work? fee, 10 cents a card, each Tuesday There are others in the south
end of town that also have lots of fun stuff that brightens up the area, (I just don’t know their names). We haven’t taken our annual drive to see what is out there, yet. Have you noticed that the price to “fill ‘er up” is quite a bit less? If you can remember when you sometimes bought just a dollars worth of gas, then you’re as old as I am. Myrtle Wood has returned from Hawaii, with her son Chris, where they enjoyed the warmth and sunny beaches for a week. But now, it’s back to reality! My Thursday pinochle group had to cancel for lack of players. Some were ill, some were gone and some were too busy….that would be me. We’ll go for it in 2014. I gotta get started on the hundreds of sugar cookies I make for the family. Long legged grandsons and great grandsons can
ing. People can be very foolish and often think they can’t have a holiday if they don’t get drunk. Isn’t it a shame that using a credit card is almost a scary business, lately. So much fraud! One of Oroville’s very prominent citizen’s didn’t quite make it to his 100th birthday. Webb Hallauer, who has been a fixture in the community for many years. A most intelligent man, with a fine memory for so many historical happenings. There will be no service, at this time, but a celebration of his life, in May, when he would have reached the centenarian mark. Word has been received of the death of our sister-in-law, Linda (Emry) Shuster). Some years ago, her husband, Kenneth, died at this same time of the year and I’m sure the death of their mom, awakens sad feelings in our three nieces and one nephew.
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make five or six dozen of large cookies disappear like a piranha. Wow! What a lot of diners at the Senior Center for their early Christmas dinner. Almost full to capacity. Somebody pulled the plug and the snow dumped out, by large flakes and lots of them for a while. Those persons that have been wishing for snow for Christmas got their wish. Now, Margaret Hirst, you can use your new snow shovel and wear your new snow boots. And you other folks that have those clip on snow treads for your shoes, they don’t do much good sitting in the closet, so dig ‘em out and use them. Ya’ know, maybe I’ll get in trouble like the guy from Duck Dynasty did, but for the life of me I can’t associate getting drunk with having a good time. If I have a good time I want to know about and not have to have someone tell me about it the next morn-
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Gary DeVon/staff photo
Ivan Bugarin takes a photo of Cash DeVon during a visit to the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune last Friday by Tiger Cub Scouts from Oroville’s Troop 23. The scouts earn beads through attending 10 different scout meetings as well as learning new things. Fellow Tiger Cub Arthur Martinez was unable to attend due to the flu, according to their Den Chief, Oroville Boy Scout Hunter DeVon (seated in the background).
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Highlands Correspondent
Last Saturday the Molson Grange held their annual Christmas Party Potluck. There were 41 in attendance. The food was wonderful, as usual. You could start with turkey or meat loaf and lots of potatoes with cheese and macaroni dishes. The corn pudding was especially good. Going down the line of food you could have vegetables and spinach salad, or chopped apples with nuts and cool whip. It was extremely easy to really over eat, as everything was good. The dessert table was very
festive with lots of red, white and green goodies with the holiday theme. After dinner an award for being a Grange member for 75 years was presented to Claire Rise. She has been active in the grange all of those years. Congratulations Claire. The presentation was made by George Penner and Wayne Adams. The winners on Dec. 16 with 34 players in attendance were: Highs, Ken Ripley and Jan Harper. Lows, Doug Knight and Vivian Emry. Knight also took the Traveling award. The Knob Hill Home Economics Club will be having a home cooked Beef Enchilada
Dinner on Saturday, Jan. 4 at the Chesaw Community Building from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. for $7.50. The meal will include the enchilada, a salad and a dessert. Bring your friends and family and your neighbors as everyone is invited to attend. On New Years Eve come to the Chesaw Community Building and help bring in the new year with everyone else that wants to celebrate with others and bring your favorite games to play and your favorite snack, starting at 6 p.m. We want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Just in case you haven’t noticed... we finally are having our start of winter with a big snow fall. We got through the below zero cold and have warmed up to just below freezing.
Family Health Centers
Centros de Salud Familiar
716 First Ave. S., Okanogan 509-422-5700 106 S. Whitcomb, Tonasket 509-486-0114 525 W. Jay, Brewster 509-689-3455
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25 Years Ago December 22 – 29, 1988: After nearly two months of debate, it appears that the Tonasket Council is willing to allow a senior housing developer to build senior apartments where the Tonasket Youth Center is presently located. The first requirement hinges on whether the Tonasket School District would be willing to sell a piece of property at Joseph and Fourth Street for the relocation of the Youth Center. Crown Resources, a Denver Corporation, has announced what it calls significant results from its gold exploration on Buckhorn Mountain. The annual Breakfast with Santa was held at the Old Depot Historical Society with the proceeds to support the museum and community
hall. Santa appeared shortly after breakfast to greet everyone, then all were entertained with a short program. The most exciting event of the morning, for most children, was to talk to Santa and receive a candy cane from him. The Oroville Council voted to approve an operating budget of $1,437,831 for 1989. The Police Department will receive $262,940 while General Services will get $108,000. The next biggest budget allocation is $235,000 for the water and sewer fund, the Garbage Department and Street Department follow with $96,200 and $94,900 respectively. The city’s municipal airport will receive $51,000 contingent upon the approval of a $32,000 grant from the State Department of Transportation Aeronautics Division. Sitzmark Ski Hill has opened for Christmas Holiday Skiing. Last Monday, the manager reported nearly 70 skiiers took advantage of the fresh snowfall. The hill will be open from mid-December through mid-March as snow conditions permit.
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Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune | DECEMBER 26, 2013 OKANOGAN VALLEY GAZETTE-TRIBUNE • December 26, 2013
Tonasket residents can drop off information for the Gazette-Tribune at Highlandia Jewelry on 312 S. Whitcomb PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination�. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate that is in violation of the law. To complain of discrimination call HUD at 1-800-6699777. The number for hearing impaired is 1-800-9279275
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OROVILLE: QUIET AREA featuring 2 BR, 2 BA ground floor apt. Level entry home with walk-in closet. Relax & view your nice green yard from your covered back patio. Accepting applications. No smoking. No pets. $525/ month + $400 dep. Call 509223-3064 or 509-560-9043.
COUPLE SEEKING TO ADOPT Loving couple seeking to ADOPT an infant. We can offer your baby a lifetime of opportunity, humor, adventure and financial security. We will provide a happy home, sharing our interests in the outdoors, travel, music, and sports. Let us help support you with your adoption plan. Contact us at direct at 206-920-1376, toll-free at 877-290-0543 or email You can also contact our attorney at 206-728-5858, ask for Joan file #0376.
STUDIO APARTMENT, $410 per month; 1 bedroom, 1 bath apartment, $475 per month, great location in the heart of Oroville. 3 bedroom, 2 bath house with acreage, $910 per month. Call Sun Lakes Realty 509-476-2121 TONASKET - 1 Bedroom $495. 2 Bedroom $595. Close to town. All appliances. Water/Sewer paid. 509-4861682 or 509-429-0873.
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Across 1. Door fastener 5. “___ on Down the Road� 9. Charm 14. A chorus line 15. Intelligence 16. ___ Abzug, Women’s Movement leader 17. Traveling to and from over the same route 19. Adjust 20. What marinating does to meat
1420 Main St., P.O. Box 250 Oroville, WA 98844 509-476-3602 or 1-866-773-7818 22. Coastal raptors 23. “Comprende?� 24. Examine and comprehend printed material a second time 26. Rent payer 30. Hawaiian tuber 31. Check for accuracy 33. ___ alia 34. “Haystacks� painter 35. Anger 36. Brown ermine 37. Amazon, e.g. 38. Shipping weights 40. Anderson’s “High ___� 41. Safari sight 43. Cast out 44. Bottom line 45. Bang-up 46. Covered in frozen condensation 47. Gaping grimace 49. Good, in the ‘hood 50. Supernatural force in a person or sacred object 51. Joint pain 57. Bond, for one 59. Worthy of respect 60. Quark-plus-antiquark particle 61. Beanery sign 62. Enlarge, as a hole 63. Money in the bank, say 64. Rear 65. Big show
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3. Bowl over 4. Duck’s home 5. Main dish of a meal 6. Cliffside dwelling 7. Swindle (British slang) 8. Artificial language based on many European languages 9. “The ___ Daba Honeymoon� 10. Donnybrook 11. Beyond the legal power of a person or corporation (2 wds) 12. Most slim 13. Listening devices 18. British soldier who served in North Africa (2 wds) 21. Arid 25. Netherlands’ second-largest city 26. Catalogs 27. Groups following and attending to important people 28. Condition of inclemency 29. Caribbean, e.g. 30. 1,000 kilograms 32. Cantankerous 34. The rope that controls the angle of a sail 39. “Give it ___!� (2 wds) 42. 2:00 or 3:00 46. Starve 48. Birchbark 49. Rams 50. Mother 52. Biblical birthright seller 53. Container weight 54. Surefooted goat 55. High-five, e.g. 56. Exec’s note 58. Atlanta-based station
610 Hwy 97 in Oroville or call Mike at 509.476.3948
Health General
We are dedicated to our employees’ job satisfaction and take pride in providing a place to work that encourages growth, teamwork, communication and positive employee/supervisor relationships. FHC is a not for profit Community Health Center dedicated to providing quality health care regardless of On Call CMA ability to pay. EVERYONE is welcome. Oroville & Tonasket We have the following opportunities available: Is seeking a caring, compassionate, patient oriented apOkanogan: plicant. Must be a team player, comfortable with comDental Operations Mgr. puters and able to multitask. Full time. Multiple sites MA-R, MA-C, LPN or CNA Current Washington State License required. Must sucFull time cessfully pass a background Registered Dietitian check and urine drug screen. Full time. English/Spanish bilingual preferred. Visit our website, Promotor(a) 4 Per Diem positions; for more information Okanogan & Brewsterand to apply online English/Spanish bilingual required Brewster (Indian Ave): MA-R, MA-C or LPN 2 positions. Full time Brewster (Jay Ave.): Patient Accounts Rep. Full time Tonasket: Nurse Case Manager (must be an RN)0.80 FTE/32 hours per week MA-R, MA-C, or LPN 2 per diem positions LPN, MA-C or MA-R 0.80 FTE/32 hours per week See for job descriptions. Submit cover letter and resume or application to FHC, c/o Human Resources, PO Box 1340, Okanogan, WA 98840 or email: Open until filled. FHC is an EEO Employer.
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Updated list of employment at WorkSource Okanogan County is an equal opportunity employer and provider of employment and training services. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to persons with disabilities. Space donated by the Gazette-Tribune.
Miscellaneous TWO NEW BIKES: 26� grey Arashi and 24� purple/silver Next Mountain. Both are 21 speed & include helmets. $75/each. 509-560-3624
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OROVILLE 3 BR, 1 BA HOME w/ garage. Nice yard, back is fenced. Located at 33548 Hwy 97, just 1 mi to border. Pet negot. $700 mo, $350 dep. 509-486-2685.
Health General
Mechanic with interest in Tow Truck Driving and Tire Sales and service.
Houses For Sale OROVILLE DREAM LOT Prime Location. Panoramic Lake View. Off of Eastlake Drive. 1 acre. Public Utilities. Owner: 208-794-2447
LOCAL PRIVATE INVESTOR loans money on real estate equity. I loan on houses, raw land, commercial property and property development. Call Eric at (425) 803-9061. HELP WANTED -- DRIVERS DRIVERS --It’s a great time to change! Haney Truck Line seeks top-quality, professional truck drivers for regional work! Earn up to .375 cents/mile. CDL A required. 1-888-414-4467. Apply online: DRIVERS -- Whether you have experience or need training, we offer unbeatable career opportunities. Trainee, Company Driver, Lease Operator, Lease Trainers. (877-369-7105 LEGAL SERVICES DIVORCE $155. $175 with children. No court appearances. Complete preparation. Includes custody, support, property division and bills. BBB member. (503) 772-5295.
Public Notices PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of Directors of the Whitestone Reclamation District will meet to equalize the 2014 Irrigation Assessment Roll on Monday, December 30, 2013, 6:00 PM at the office of the Whitestone Reclamation District, 901 Loomis Highway, Loomis, WA. Janine McCormick, Board Secretary Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette on December 19, 26, 2013. #533746 ORDINANCE NO. 833 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 2014 BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF OROVILLE IN FINAL SUMMARY FORM WHEREAS, the City of Oroville has completed a proposed budget and estimate of the amount of moneys required to meet the public expenses for the city for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2014; and WHEREAS, the said proposed budget does not exceed the lawful limit of taxation allowed by law to be levied on the property within the City of Oroville for the purposes set forth in said budget and the estimated expenditures set forth in said budget being all necessary to carry on the government of said city for said year and being sufficient to meet the various needs of the city during the 2014 fiscal year; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the City Council for the City of Oroville, Washington, that the Budget for the year 2014 for the City of Oroville, in Final Summary Form be set forth as follows: CITY OF OROVILLE 2014 BUDGET FUND,Budget Amount 001 CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: Legislative 33,100.00 Judicial $ 25,000.00 General Govt’l Services/Finance/Admin $ 188,750.00 Law Enforcement $ 585,100.00 Fire Control $ 76,800.00 Emergency/Disaster Services $ 5,000.00 Ambulance Services $ 240,000.00 Flood Control $ 6,000.00 Airport $ 93,800.00 Mental Health $ 1,200.00 Planning & Community Devel. $ 146,000.00
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Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. Puzzle 2 (Easy, rating 0.44) 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each The object is todifficulty place the numbers column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once.
2 6 8
Easy, difficulty rating 0.44 4
8 7
4 3 2
4 6
8 3
2 4
7 3 5 6 1
Sponsored by
2 9 5
3 1 8 7
9 2 4 8
Puzzle 1 (Easy, difficulty rating 0.44)
3 8
1 7 4 6 2 9 5
9 2
5 3 8 1 7 6 4
5 9 1 6 2 3 4 8
1 6 4 3 5 9 7 2
2 4 3 9 7 8 1 5 6
6 7 8 5 2 3 4 1 9
5 9 4 8 1 7 6 2 3
1 3 2 6 9 4 5
8 7
Puzzle 2 (Easy, difficulty rating 0.44)
SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR OKANOGAN COUNTY WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff, v. RONALD CRAMER and SHANNON CRAMER, husband and wife, Defendants. No. 13-2-00457-9 SUMMONS TO: THE DEFENDANTS A lawsuit has been started against you in the Superior Court of Okanogan County by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A, its successors in interest and/or assigns, plaintiff. Plaintiff’s claim is stated in the written Complaint, a copy of which is served upon you with this Summons. In order to defend against this lawsuit, you must respond to the Complaint in this action by stating your defense in writing and serving a copy upon the undersigned attorney for the plaintiff within 20 days after service of this summons and complaint within the State of Washington or 60 days if service is effected by personal service outside the State of Washington or by publication, or a default judgment will be entered against you without notice. A default judgment is one where plaintiff is entitled to what it asks for because you have not responded. If you serve a Notice of Appearance on the undersigned attorney, you are entitled to notice before a default judgment may be entered.
If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your written response, if any, may be served on time. This Summons is issued pursuant to Rule 4 of the Superior Court Civil Rules of the State of Washington. DATED this 27th day of August, 2013. RCO LEGAL, P.S. By /s/ Kathleen A. Allen Kathleen A. Allen WSBA# 19655 Attorneys for Plaintiff Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette on December 12, 19, 26, 2013 and January 2, 9, 16, 2014. #532329
327 EMERGENCY AID BLDG. RESERVE $ 14,950.00 350 INDUSTRIAL PARK FUND $ 95,150.00 401 WATER-SEWER FUND $ 2,880,000.00 402 GARBAGE FUND $ 415,000.00 403 SEWER CONSTRUCT. RESERVE $ 178,500.00 410 WATER IMPROVE. RESERVE $ 355,000.00 411 NORTH END CAPITAL RESERVE $ 171,100.00 412 EASTLAKE WATER IMP. RESERVE $ 269,200.00 413 EASTLAKE SEWER IMP. RESERVE $ 222,700.00 420 GARBAGE TRUCK RESERVE $ 130,150.00 TOTAL 2013 BUDGET $ 8,279,700.00 THIS ORDINANCE shall be in force and effect January 1, 2014 after publication as required by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Oroville, Washington, and approved by the Mayor thereof, this 17th day of December, 2013 said passage being a vote of 4 for and 0 against. Chuck Spieth MAYOR Kathy M. Jones Clerk-Treasurer A summary of this Ordinance published in the Gazette-Tribune, Oroville, Washington on the 26th day of December, 2013.
Public Notices
Library $ 13,800.00 Transfers Out $ 11,000.00 Non-Expenditure Disburse. $ 8,500.00 Year End Cash $ 203,950.00 TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSE 1,638,000.00 101 STREET FUND: $ 814,000.00 103 PARK FUND: $ 397,000.00 104 TOURIST PROMO FUND: $ 144,500.00 120 FORFEITED ASSETS FUND: $ 13,000.00 121 FED. EQUIT. SHARING FUND: $ 80.00 130 PARK DEVELOPMENT RESERVE $ 11,500.00 301 STREET EQUIP. RESERVE $ 54,000.00 308 BUILDING FUND RESERVE $ 48,600.00 309 LIBRARY IMPROVEMENT RESERVE $ 73,200.00 310 AIRPORT IMPROVEMENT RESERVE $ 18,000.00 312 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT RESERVE $ 130,700.00 321 POLICE VEHICLE RESERVE $ 7,300.00 322 FIRE EQUIPMENT RESERVE $ 81,100.00 323 MUTUAL FIRE EQUIP. ACQUISITION $ 750.00 326 EMERGENCY AID RESERVE $ 111,200.00
Public Notices
continued from previous page
Public Notices
Public Notices
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DECEMBER 26, 2013 | Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune December 26, 2013 • OKANOGAN VALLEY GAZETTE-TRIBUNE
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Stan and Tamara would like to thank you for your thoughts and prayers while he has been hospitalized. ~ Stan, Tamara, Joan, & Shayne
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Page A8
Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune | DECEMBER 26, 2013
Respect, but not victory Two tough losses mark first week of CTL play By Brent Baker
TONASKET - It’s one thing to earn respect. It’s quite another to parlay that into the kinds of wins that legitimately earn a place in the upper echelon of the Caribou Trail League. The Tonasket boys basketball team has the league’s attention, all right. Chelan may not have a premier player like Joe Harris or Michael Amsel on the squad this year, but they are still coached by the elder Joe Harris and know how to bring their “A” game. The Tigers came out flat in the first quarter Friday, Dec. 20, and immediately fell into an 18-7 hole. They came back to take the lead in the fourth quarter, but it was Chelan that made the key plays down the stretch to win 50-48 on the Tigers’ home floor. “We knew what Chelan would do,” said Tonasket coach Agustin Pedregon. “They have a great coach. We always know they’ll bring something so you need to bring your ‘A’ game in. And we didn’t.” The lack of defensive execution in the first quarter bothered Pedregon the most. But there were missed opportunities down the stretch as well, all of which were critical in a fourth quarter that featured three ties and four lead changes. That included a missed layup, four missed free throws and allowing an offensive rebound basket off a missed free throw. Chelan’s free throw shooting, however, was the gift that kept on giving for the Tigers. The Goats hit just 10-of-29 for the game, including 2-of-12 in the fourth quarter. The last such miss, with 15 seconds left, gave the Tigers a chance to tie or win it at the end. But Derek Sund’s 15-foot baseline jumper at the buzzer rimmed in and out to end it. “It’s easier to get to the top - we’re not there yet, but once you play well against a top team, you’ll start getting everyone’s best,” Pedregon said. “ But this was a fun game to coach. It’s good experience for the guys to get. You think you’re working hard, but there is always someone working as hard or harder in the other gym. That’s the lesson tonight.” With a big crowd on hand that grew increasingly vocal as the game went on the Tigers had to fight back after their early struggles. Though Chelan’s defense made nearly every Tonasket possession as uncomfortable as a root canal, the Tigers kept chipping away. Colton Leep drilled a 3-pointer and Trevor Terris scored in the final seconds of the first half to pull within 27-21. The Tigers trailed by as many as nine points in the third quarter, but closed with a Sund and Dyllan Gage-fueled 9-1 run to close the quarter down 40-39. After comically bad free throw shooting by both teams (1-of-13) to open the fourth, the Tigers took their first lead at 44-42 on Trevor Terris’ two charity shots with five minutes left. “Let’s not kid anybody,” Pedregon said. “(Chelan’s poor) free throw shooting was a big reason we got back in it.”
Brent Baker/staff photo
Tonasket senior John Rawley pinned his Kettle Falls opponent last Wednesday, and Saturday earned an eighth-place trophy at the Tri-State Invitational in Idaho. Teammate Collin Aitcheson (6th) joined Rawley as a trophy-winner in the prestigious tournament.
Big weekend for Tiger wrestlers By Brent Baker
Brent Baker/staff photo
Chelan center Hank Hollingsworth scored only two points, but his interior defense was troublesome all night for Dyllan Gage and the Tigers in a 50-48 heartbreaker. From there neither team led by more than two points. Chelan got perhaps the critical play of the game when, trailing 46-45, Hank Hollingsworth tipped in Kai Clausen’s missed free throw to give the Goats the lead. Tanner Hendricks’ basket with 50 seconds left gave Chelan the lead for good. Sund led the Tigers (4-2, 0-2 Caribou Trail League) with 14 points, with Michael Orozco adding 13, including five of Tonasket’s nine fourth quarter points. “You have to want it,” Pedregon said. “I don’t care what win you get in this league, you have to earn it. You have to earn every win.” As if on cue to make Pedregon’s point, the following night two-time CTL cellardweller Omak upset perennial state power Cashmere, 57-53. The Tigers take a break from the rigors of the CTL to host their own Christmas tournament, Dec. 27-28, and play Lake Roosevelt at 4 p.m. on Friday.
Okanogan 68, Tonasket 58 OKANOGAN - Nearly every game in the CTL is a slugfest, and the Tigers did their part to make sure that Okanogan’s presumed run through the league will not go unchallenged. Despite falling behind 8-0 in the opening minutes, the Tigers nipped at the Bulldogs’ heels the rest of the game, not allowing things to be settled until the final minutes. “I was really happy with how we played,”
Pedregon said. “We we able to get them a little frustrated, and were able to make them do some different things and adjust to us.” Pedregon was particularly pleased with the Tigers’ defense on Okanogan star Justin Rivas. “It may sound funny to say we ‘held’ him to 28,” he said. “But he’s that good. “He kind of went on a rampage of layins in the fourth quarter but before that we really made him work. We got a little desperate at the end when we were within six or seven.” Offensively, the Tigers took turns riding the hot hand. Dyllan Gage led the way with 22 points, but had 13 in the fourth quarter and was 12-of 14 at the free throw line. Derek Sund scored eight of his 14 points in the first quarter, Colton Leep had six of his 11 in the second and Michael Orozco drained a pair of 3-pointers in the second half. Defensively, the Tigers stayed in manto-man most of the game until the lategoing. “We didn’t play zone until the last three minutes,” Pedregon said. “I feel like we can compete man to man when we play with that kind of intensity.” The biggest factor, he said, was the Tigers’ maturing attitude when they hit the court. “We got down 8-0 but settled down and got back to within one by the end of the quarter,” Pedregon said. “We weren’t defeated before we took the court.”
TONASKET - Tonasket’s wrestlers competed at two locations last weekend, and despite their split squad status had results that left coach Dave Mitchell highly pleased with the weekend. “It was a great weekend for Tonasket wrestling,” he said.
(126, 0-2 including an overtime loss); and Dyllan (Peaches) Walton (132, 0-2). “They all wrestled pretty tough and gained some valuable experience,” Mitchell said. As a team the Tigers finished 38th out of 60 participants. Other regional schools with participants included Colville (15th), Quincy (43rd), Cascade (49th) and Liberty Bell (49th)
Tri-State tournament Seven Tigers traveled to Okanogan tournament Couer d’Alene, Idaho for Collin Aitcheson Despite competing without the prestigious Tri-State seven of their top wrestlers, Invitational, featuring weight classes of 35-45 wrestlers and brackets the Tigers brought home the team title that were filled with state medalists, from the Okanogan Invitational on champions and nationally ranked com- Saturday, with six making the finals. Frank Holfeltz (195) went unbeatpetition from schools of all classificaen on the day to claim an individtions. Highlighting the Tigers’ weekend ual championship, with runners-up were a sixth place finish by Collin including Rade Pilkinton (113), Devin Aitcheson (126 pounds) and an eight Walton (120), Zion Butler (132), Austin place trophy won by John Rawley Rimestad (138) and Dallas Tyus (160). Also winning multiple matches were (195). Aitcheson, who received a first Zach Lofthus (145) Austin Knowlton round bye, won two matches to reach (170) and Lucas Vugteveen (182). The Tigers next compete at Royal the quarterfinals before being defeated by eventual champ Casey Cobb of City on Saturday, Dec. 28, starting at Kuna, ID. He won his next two conso- 10:00 a.m. lation round matches before losing 7-0 in a match that would have put him in Tonasket 58, Kettle Falls 19 TONASKET - The Tigers hosted the third place match. He finished with a loss in the fifth and sixth place match. their first dual meet of the season on He finished 4-3 for the weekend, with Wednesday, Dec. 18, defeating Kettle Falls 58-19. one pin. Winning for the Tigers were Jorge Rawley came back from being pinned in his first match to win three straight Juarez (138 pounds), Zach Lofthus and get into the medal matches. He lost (145), Dallas Tyus (160), Frank Holfeltz to wrestlers from 4A Auburn and 4A (195), John Rawley (220), Chad Mead in those rounds. Like Aitcheson, Edwards (285), Vance Frazier (106), Devin Walton (113), , Collin Aitcheson Rawley finished 4-3 with one pin. Jorge Juarez (132) went 4-1 on the (126) and Peaches Walton (132). Juarez, Lofthus, Tyus, Rawley, mat, but had to bow out of the tournament with an injury. He had one pin Edwards and Peaches Walton each won with pins. and his loss came in overtime. “There was a great crowd and we Also wrestling were Vance Frazier (106), who went 1-2; Trevor Peterson wrestled very well,” Mitchell said.
Tigers give Chelan a battle before wearing out By Brent Baker
TONASKET - What a difference a week makes. Seven days after scoring just 10 points at Oroville, Tonasket’s girls basketball team took a major stride in its 58-31 loss to Chelan on Friday, Dec. 20. The final score was almost an afterthought to coach Stephanie Schertenleib, especially considering the Tigers briefly led the game - 23-22 - early in the third quarter. “I know what the girls are capable of,” Schertenleib said. “They work hard. They have the best intentions. They’re constantly looking for their teammates. “They’re just plain inexperienced. They haven’t played the AAU games. They don’t have the experience in breaking certain presses. They’re pretty new as far as playing together. When you don’t have that experience, it comes back to bite you. With the game unexpectedly in the balance, Chelan slapped on a full court press after the Tigers took their lead. That led to 12 turnovers in the third quarter alone which, along with 14 points from 6-2 post Emma Stockholm, proved to be more than the Tigers could handle. Stockholm finished with 29 points. The first half was a different story as the Tigers limited Stockholm to seven points, four of those coming on Chelan’s first two possessions of the game. Defensive intensity and an emphasis on boxing out a Chelan team that was bigger at every position, the Tigers, who trailed by as many as six points on sev-
Brent Baker/staff photo
The Tigers’ Kathryn Cleman ducks under the long wingspan of Chelan center Emma Stockholm during Friday’s CTL contest with the Goats. eral occasions in the first half, pulled back to within 22-21 at the break. Carrisa Frazier scored six of her team-high eight points in the second quarter, Kylie Dellinger hit a late 3-pointer and Jaden Vugteveen scored a rebound bas-
ket at the halftime buzzer to as the Tigers finished the half on a 9-2 run. Frazier’s basket to open the second half gave the Tigers a 23-22 lead, but Stockholm answered with two free throws and the Chelan pressure took care of the
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rest. Tonasket next plays on Friday, “We’ve worked a lot on Dec. 27 in the first round of the rebounding drills,” Schertenleib Tiger Christmas Tournament said. “I told them int he locker with a 6 p.m. game against Lake room, they did a lot of good Roosevelt. things. If they could put a full game together like that first half ... Okanogan 66, Tonasket 11 “They really worked hard. But OKANOGAN - The Tigers those presses and the inexperi- played a competitive first quarence and confidence got to us. So ter, but couldn’t hang in against we’ll continue to work at it, put in an Okanogan defense known for as many pressure-packed drills as sucking the life out of opponents we can. We’ll work to learn from in a 66-11 loss on Tuesday, Dec. different situations and mistakes.” 17. Dellinger and Vugteveen each A pair of Kylie Dellinger added six points for the Tigers 3-pointers kept the Tigers with (2-4, 0-2 Caribou Trail League). 18-6 after one quarter, but the “We’re starting to see some Bulldogs turned on the afterbuilding,” Schertenleib said. “The burners in the second quarter to JV is already having some suc- the tune of a 28-1 run. cess and that’s a positive for the Jordyn Boesel and Jill program. doesn’ta new help holiday the Townsend - both freshmen WhyThat not start tradition? Make this the- led seniorstime I have right that now,you but help it’s save Okanogan 1-0) with 20 and of year for a (5-0, child’s college ultimately a positive for the girls.” 18 points, respectively. education.
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DECEMBER 26, 2013 | Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune
Page A9
SPORTS Oroville’s Dustin Nigg (center) scraps with Omak’s Thomas VanSinten (left) and Leighton Boyd during Tuesday’s one-point loss to the Pioneers.
Hornet girls make progress in Omak loss By Brent Baker
Brent Baker/staff photo
Walk-off free throw denies Oroville By Brent Baker
OMAK - Despite a bizarre finish that left Oroville’s boys basketball team on the wrong end of a 56-55 score, the Hornets had plenty to hang their hats on after their tough loss at Omak on Tuesday, Dec. 18. Oroville recovered from a stretch of disjointed play that resulted in a 17-point third quarter deficit to tie the score with six seconds left, only to fall on Chance Williams’ free throw with no time left on the clock. “They definitely showed some real guys,” said Oroville coach Jay Thacker. “That’s something you’ll see as the season goes on. “They’re learning to play together,learning to trust each other. Sometimes we have guys trying to go on their own. They can do some on their own but it needs to be out of the context of the offense, not just squaring up while other guys are watching.” The frantic finish had some questioning the officiating, and others the actual play. Omak inbounded the ball to Williams from half court with one second left, where he was fouled at about 25 feet from the basket before he had a chance to get off a desperation shot. The Hornets were in the double bonus (10 team fouls in the half), and Williams was awarded two free throws;
he made the first, and walked off the court as the Pioneers celebrated their victory. A number of questions arose after the game as to whether there should still have been time on the clock after the foul and whether it should have been called in the first place. “I’ll just say, it’s a game I would have liked to have see go into overtime,” Thacker said. That was just the capper to a wild final eight-plus minutes. Trailing 46-29, Joseph Sarmiento drilled a 3-pointer to close out the third quarter. That was just the first of six consecutive 3-point shots hit by the Hornets (including two by Juan Lopez, two by two by Lane Tietje and one each by Sarmiento and Chase Nigg) during an 18-5 run that closed the gap to 51-47 with six minutes still remaining. “Really our shots hadn’t been falling until then,” Thacker said. “We were due - maybe not for six straight threes. But we got them to freak out a little bit. We did a good job battling back.” Inside the final minute, Chase Nigg hit a free throw to make it a 55-53 game, and the Oroville defense forced an Omak double dribble with 16 seconds left. Tietje drove the lane and split of pair of Omak defenders for the game-tying layup with six seconds left, and the Pioneers threw the ball away on their attempt to set up a game-winning
shot. Sarmiento chased the loose ball to the sideline and stepped on the sideline as he tried to fling the ball for a gamewinning midcourt shot at the buzzer. Officials put a second back on the clock, and Omak took advantage with Williams’ free throw to win it. Sarmiento and Tietje each finished with 14 points and Lopez added 13 for the Hornets. Williams had 17 and Leighton Boyd added 12 for Omak, which three days later upset state power Cashmere 57-53. After a back and forth first quarter, the Hornets’ offense stalled as the Pioneers outscored Oroville 32-19 in the middle quarters. “A lot of that was the same we we’ve been playing,” Thacker said. “Some of the teams that were little bit better and we were able to hang in there.”
Oroville 60, Columbia 28 HUNTERS - The Hornets overwhelmed Columbia (Hunters) by outscoring the Lions in every quarter on the way to a 60-28 victory to snap a four-game losing streak on Saturday, Dec. 21. Freshman Bryce Glover scored a career-high with 17 points and added five steals, while Joseph Sarmiento added 16 points. Dustin Nigg had 10 points and five rebounds as the Hornets had eight players reach the scoreboard despite missing a pair of regulars.
OMAK - Oroville’s girls basketball team lost a hard-fought non-league contest, 39-32, at Omak on Tuesday, Dec. 17. But in the process they made the kind of progress on a number of fronts that coach Mike Bourn wanted to see. “Our passing was better,” Bourn said. “Our patience against their press was way better.” After falling behind early, the Hornets scratched back to within 20-18 at the half. “The matchup zone is what I was happiest about,” he said. “We went to it in the second quarter and they only scored two points. “In the second half we got a little tired and they started to drive on it, but we did some good things there.” Omak’s three quarter court pressure slowed the Hornets down considerably, holding them to just five third quarter points. The Pioneers opened the fourth quarter with a six point run to open up a 37-25 lead, but the Hornets made things interesting. Mikayla Scott hit a 3-pointer and followed that up with a pair of standard 2-point shots to cut the deficit to 37-32. The Hornets forced a turnover, but Lily Hilderbrand’s 3-pointer with just under a minute ago rimmed around and out. Lindsey Hughes scored at the other end to seal it for Omak. “If Lily’s ‘three’ goes down, it’s a two point game,” Bourn said. He added that he a was pleased with a number of girls who stepped up with Marissa Garcia (sick) and Meagan Moralez (foul trouble) leaving the Hornets with two starters on the bench for most of the game. Brittany Jewett led the Hornets with 10 points, with Scott adding nine as Omak’s defense focused on limiting Hilderbrand (two points). “Kaitlyn Grunst went in and played well, Kali Peters went in and played well, Rachelle Nutt went in and played well,” Bourn said. “Scotty played realy well too, especially late. A lot of them just need confidence and hopefully some
Brent Baker/staff photo
Mikayla Scott scored seven fourth quarter points to lead the Hornets back most of the way from a 12-point deficit. of the things they did tonight will help give them that confidence.”
Oroville 65, Columbia 45 HUNTERS - The Hornets got back on the winning track Saturday, Dec. 21, by scoring their season high in a 65-45 victory at Columbia (Hunters). Leading 27-20 at the half, Oroville went put on a 20-11 run to put the game out of reach. Lily Hilderbrand scored 23 points, including 9-of-11 at the free throw line, and Brittany Jewett added a career-high 18. Meagan Moralez tallied eight points. The Hornets (3-3) play at Kettle Falls on Saturday, Dec. 28.
Robinson takes gold THANK YOU from the Oroville Booster Club at Okanogan By Brent Baker
OKANOGAN - Oroville senior Taylor Robinson stayed unbeaten through the first three weeks of the season with a three-pin performance at the Okanogan Invitational on Saturday, Dec. 21. Robinson (182 pounds) was the Hornets’ lone champion on the day. Other medalists included Jordan Smith (120), who took third after losing a two point decision in the semifinals; Lukas Mieirs (195, 3rd place); and Eddie Ocampo (170, 4th). Oroville coach Chuck Ricevuto said that Diego Santana (132) registered his first career win by pin.
The Hornets wrestle at the Lake Roosevelt Powerhouse Tournament on Saturday, Dec. 28, then host their annual NOHI tournament on Saturday, Jan. 4.
Oroville hosts mixer OROVILLE - Oroville’s wrestling team hosted a mix-andmatch with Brewster and Pateros on Friday, Dec. 20. One of the highlights Ricevuto mentioned was the performance of freshman John Marquiss in a 13-7 loss. “He put in his best performance of his first season of wrestling,” he said. “John showed he could ‘bang’ and fight back. Sometimes that is the turning point for new wrestlers.”
Jordan Smith avenged a defeat from earlier in the season to a Pateros wrestler, this time pinning him. “This is the type of effort we are looking for from all our wrestlers,” Ricevuto said. Leo Curiel split his two matches. “(He) always gives us 100 percent, and tonight was no different as he lost a tough, close bout,” Ricevuto said. “He came back with a big pin later in the evening.” Taylor Robinson (two pins) and Eddie Ocampo (one pin) both stayed undefeated on the young season. Ruben Renfro also recorded two pins and Lukas Mieirs had one.
STANDINGS & SCHEDULES Boys Basketball Caribou Trail League (1A)
League Overall W L W L Brewster Okanogan Chelan Omak Cashmere Tonasket Quincy Cascade
3 0 5 1 2 0 7 0 2 1 3 3 1 1 5 3 1 1 3 2 0 2 4 2 0 2 4 3 0 2 1 5
Cent. WA League No. Div. (2B)
League Overall W L W L
Lk Roosevelt 0 0 2 3 Liberty Bell 0 0 3 2 Oroville 0 0 2 4 Manson 0 0 0 6 Bridgeport 0 1 1 3
Cent. WA League So. Div. (2B)
League Overall W L W L
White Swan 1 0 2 3 Riverside Chr. 0 0 4 2 Kittitas 0 0 4 3
GIRLS Basketball Caribou Trail League (1A)
League Overall W L W L Brewster Okanogan Cashmere Cascade Chelan Omak Quincy Tonasket
3 0 6 0 2 0 6 0 2 0 6 0 1 1 5 1 1 2 4 3 0 2 5 3 0 2 2 5 0 2 2 4
Cent. WA League No. Div. (2B)
League Overall W L W L
Friday, Jan. 3 BB (JV/Var) - Tonasket at Brewster, 4:30/7:30 pm GB (JV/Var) - Tonasket at Brewster, 4:30/6:00 pm
Cent. WA League So. Div. (2B)
Saturday, Jan. 4 BB (JV/Var) Cashmere at Tonasket, 4:30/7:30 pm GB (JV/Var) - Cashmere at Tonasket, 4:30/6:00 pm WR - Oroville NOHI Tournament, 10:00 am WR - Tonasket at Warden Tourney, 10:00 am
Oroville 0 0 3 3 Manson 0 0 1 4 Lk Roosevelt 0 0 0 5 Liberty Bell 0 0 0 3 Bridgeport 0 1 0 4
League Overall W L W L
White Swan 1 0 2 3 Kittitas 0 0 2 5 Riverside Chr. 0 0 1 6
Schedules Dec. 27-Jan. 4
Friday, Dec. 27 BB (Var) - Tonasket Tourney: Liberty Bell vs. Okanogan JV, 12 pm; Tonasket vs. Lake Roosevelt, 4 pm GB (Var) - Tonasket Tourney: Liberty Bell vs. Okanogan JV, 2 pm; Tonasket vs. Lake Roosevelt, 6 pm Saturday, Dec. 28 BB (Var) - Tonasket Tourney: 3rd place game, 4 pm; Championship, 8 pm GB (Var) - Tonasket Tourney: 3rd place game, 2 pm; Championship, 6 pm WR - Tonasket at Royal Tourney, 10:00 am WR - Oroville at Lake Roosevelt Tourney, 10:00 am BB (JV/Var) - Oroville at Kettle Falls, 1:00/4:00 pm GB (JV/Var) - Oroville at Kettle Falls, 1:00/2:30 pm
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509-476-3602 888-838-3000 Start your newspaper subscription today and get all the latest business, entertainment, sports, local news and more. 1420 Main St., Oroville, WA 98844
The Oroville Booster Club would like to express our gratitude to the community for the huge success of our auctions. It took the cooperation of many people, from those who contributed donations to those who attended and so enthusiastically spent their money to support a worthy cause. We also appreciate the efforts of so many workers who helped collect the contributions and volunteers who donated their time to the execution of the event. It was an effort of an entire community and we thank you all. Following is a list of contributors to whom we are abundantly grateful. Without their donations there would not be an auction. Penticton Lakeside Resort His & Her Haircuts Akins Harvest Foods Poulsbo Inn & Suites Hi-Tek Nails & Tanning Albert’s Landing Prince’s Dept. Store Holiday Inn-Hayden, ID Alpine Brewery Prince’s Warehouse Hometown Pizza America’s Bar & Grill Quick Mart Hornet’s Nest Appleway Video Rancho Chico Humdinger Design Arm & Hammer Range Excavation Jack & Mary Hughes Construction/Kirk Johnson Rattlesnake Canyon Jana Waddell-Scentsy Avondale Golf Club Ray & Laora Ballard Java Junkie Barbara Henderson Red Lion Hotel Jeff Gee Bart Traubeck VI Remax Jenifer Berg Betty Finsen River Oaks RV Resort Jim Prince Big 5 Rivers Edge Embroidery Joe Enzensperger Plumbing Blossom & Briar Rob Lawrence Johnny’s Body Shop Bob Morrison Romine Fuel Kay Sibley Brett & Michele Fancher Ruby Ragsdale Ken Neal Brigid Frey San Juan Excursions Kerrie & Allen Allie Camaray Motel Sandra Lorentzen Kettle Valley Railway Society Candace Gerber Sarah & Aaron Peterson Kevin’s Funtime Rentals Chad & Cody Tibbs Scrap It Up Kimmel Athletic Supply Cheryl Roloff Seattle Mariners Kootenai River Inn & Casino Chris Jensen Seattle Seahawks Lance & Vicki Haney Chris Palmer Sheila’s Shoppe Lawrence Construction Services Columbia District NW Wholesale Silver Reef Hotel, Leah Cathryn Day Spa Communications Silverwood Theme Park Legion Community Auto Repair Slidewaters Leonore’s Tamales Cook’s Cutting Edge Spence Higby Les Schwab/Oroville Country Clocks Last Windup Spokane Indians Liberty Orchards Country Harvester Spokane Pump Lotus Restaurant Cowgirl Connection Spokane Shock Louie Wilson Crow’s Nest St. Andrews by the Lake Lucky Eagle Casino Crystal Seas Kayaking Sterling Savings Bank Mark & Gloria Hancock D&R Glassworks Steve & Valerie Johnston Mary Milburn Dan Lepley Steve Blackler Max Hand Dara Sylvester Subway Restaurant-Oroville Miami Dolphins Debbie McCall Subway Restaurant-Tonasket Mike Haerling Delights Café Sun Cove Resort Mike Smith Denison Photography Sun Peaks Lodge Napa-Oroville Devin Durkee Susan Smith Neal’s Autobody Dirty Paws Swinomish Casino & Lounge Nicci Moralez Discount Fireworks Tam & Joyce Hutchinson North Cascades Broadcasting Dolci Ted Christensen/Lakeside Storage North Country Distributors Dolores Neuls Tedi Fletcher /Tom Fancher Double A Logging Terri & Nancy Thornton North Country Warehousing Double K Automotive The Brown Jug Nulton Irrigation Double S Meats The Club Sports Bar & Grill Odom Distributing Dr. Joey Chen The Junction OK Chevrolet Dugan Henderson Tony Lopez Okanogan Estate & Vineyards Duty Free America Trevor Shearer Okanogan Valley Gazette Tribune Egerton Orchards Ellie Cook Okanogan Valley Orchestra & Chorus Triple Play Family Fun Center Tumbleweed Emerald Downs–Seattle Old Friends Twin Lakes Golf Course Erik Nelson/Jackhammer Promotions Oliver Theatre US Stone/Bob Jewitt Esther Briques Winery Omak-Okanogan Chronicle Valanne Style Expressions Espresso Orchestra & Chorus Veranda Beach Extreme Adventures Oroville Booster Club Walker’s Renton Mazda Farmer’s Market Oroville Building Supply Walker’s Renton Subaru Great Northern Market Oroville Chiropractic Clinic Walnut Beach Resort Farmer’s Market Vendors Oroville Golf Club Wander Frontier Foods Oroville Golf Pro Club Waving Tree Winery Gaile Walsh Oroville Party Rentals Wells Fargo Bank Garrett Construction Oroville Pharmacy White Pass Washington Gordie & Andrea Cockle Oroville Reman & Reload Wildhorse Resort & Gordon Wolley Trucking Oroville Trading Post Windermere Realty Grillo Family Denistry Osoyoos Gelato Windermere/Ron Perterson Harold Jensen Osoyoos RediMix Ltd. World of Gaia Heffley Boutique Inn Pastime Bar & Grill Worldwide Custom Brokers High Mountain Farm Pat & Patti Garret Zozel Lumber Company Highland Internet Paul’s Service
Page A10
Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune | DECEMBER 26, 2013
Gregory L. Lawson
Greg L. Lawson, age 61, of Omak, died December 16, 2013 at Central Washington Hospital in Wenatchee Washington. He was born March 27, 1952 in
Englewood, CA to John and Jean Lawson Greg came to Oroville Washington as a toddler with his dad, John Lawson and brother Mike who was three years older. His dad met Joy Davis and her children Beverly and Jim, same ages as Mike and Greg. Five years later Greg’s sister Kally was born. Greg loved all sports especially baseball. He loved participating in demolition derbies, camping, the outdoors and time with his family. He attended Oroville High school, worked in the agriculture industry and worked with his brother Mike’s orchard and tree spreader business. Greg met Cindy Hutton in 1985. They had one daughter Rachel who joined their blended family of children; Corey, Jennifer, Michael, Brent and Shelli. Greg is survived by his spouse, Cynthia (Hutton) Lawson; parents, John and Joy Lawson; children, Cory Lawson (Wendy),
Omak, Wash. Jennifer Lawson (Nate) Omak, Michael Lawson (Vanessa), Okanogan Wash., Rachel Woodrow (Ian) Medical Lake, Wash., Brent Martinez, Omak and Shelli Martinez, Omak, brothers and sisters Beverly Patrick (Bob) Cashmere, Wash., Jim Davis (Linda) Tri Cities, Wash. and Kally Berlinger (Abey), Oroville; grandchildren Bryson and Bryden, Kayla, Chase and Loralie, Ryan, Brenden Cameron and Kyan, Shia and Maks; great grandson Noah and great granddaughter sophia. Greg was proceeded in death by his brother Mike Lawson, his grandson Leelynd Lawson and his niece Christie Clay Memorial services were held Saturday, December 21 at 2 p.m. at the Free Methodist church in Oroville with Pastor Rod Brown officiating. Memorials may be made to the Oroville High School Baseball Team.
Okanogan Valley
Church Guide OROVILLE
NEW Hope Bible Fellowship Gary DeVon/staff photo
One of two newly installed “gateway” signs indicating that people have entered the Okanogan Trails Scenic Byway is located on SR97 just sorth of the border with Canada as people enter the U.S. at the Oroville Port of Entry. The byway runs from Oroville to Pateros and a second byway sign was also recently installed south of Pateros.
(Formerly Oroville Community Bible Fellowship)
Service Time: Sun., 10:30 a.m. Wed., 6:30 p.m. 923 Main St. • Mark Fast, Pastor
Faith Lutheran Church
Community Bulletin Board City Hall Holiday Closure OROVILLE - Oroville City Hall will closed Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 24th, 25th and 26th in observance of Christmas. Customers with a Wednesday garbage collection day will have their trash picked up on Thursday.
Christmas Potluck New Hope Bible Fellowship will be hosting and evening Christmas potluck-style dinner with music featuring music by the Fast family and other local talent. The event is informal and will be gin at 5 p.m. on Christmas Day. Bring your favorite Christmas dish and your musical talent. If you would like to share a song, please contact Mark or Teresa at (509) 560-4711. New Hope is at 923 Main Street (10th and Main) in Oroville.
Free Community Meal TONASKET - The CCC has community meals open to the public two times a month - the second and last Sunday of every month through March. The next such event is Sunday, Dec. 29 between 2 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. This is a free event or donations are appreciated to cover the cost of the meal. Donations of food items are also appreciated for our ‘give away’ table. For information email or call (509) 4861328. The CCC is located at 411 Western Ave. Tonasket.
City Hall Closure OROVILLE - The Oroville City Hall will be closed Wednesday, Jan. 1 in observance of New Year’s Day. Customers with a Wednesday collection day will have their trash picked up on Thursday.
312 S. Whitcomb
New Years Eve at Oroville Eagles OROVILLE - The Oroville Eagles will be hosting a New Years celebration on Wednesday, Dec. 31 with a pulled pork dinner. Raffles to be held throughout the evening with prizes including a 32” smart TV a night at the Camaray for any room and lots of other cool prizes. The local band One Krazy Nite will be playing from 9 to 1 This will be open to public so come one and come all and enjoy and happy New Years!
Knob Hill Club Dinner CHESAW - The Knob Hill Home Economics Club will be having a home cooked Beef Enchilada Dinner on Saturday, Jan. 4 at the Chesaw Community Building from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. for $7.50. The meal will include the enchilada, a salad and a dessert. Bring your friends and family and your neighbors as everyone is invited to attend.
Tonasket Food Bank TONASKET - The Tonasket food bank operates every Thursday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Sarge’s Burger Bunker, 101 Hwy. 97 N. For more information, contact Deb Roberts at (509) 486-2192.
Oroville Food Bank OROVILLE - The Oroville food bank operates every Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., excluding holidays, in the basement of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. For more info, call Jeff Austin at (509) 4763978 or Sarah Umana at (509) 476-2386.
A Loving Thank You to Our Customers for a Wonderful Year!
Happy New Year!
Listing Your Item Our Community Bulletin Board generally allows listing your event for up two weeks prior to the day it occurs. If space allows it may be included prior to the two week limit. However, our online calendar at allows the event to be listed for much longer periods. Please include day, date, time and location, as well as a for further information phone number. You may place an event on the online calendar by going to our website and clicking on the “Add an Event” button on the homepage. Please, list your event only for the day or days of its occurrence. Once your request is submitted, it can take up to 48 hours for the event to appear on the calendar. Online submissions don’t always go into the hardcopy edition, so it helps if they are also submitted to us at gdevon@gazette-tribune. com or at Gazette-Tribune, P.O. Box 250, Oroville, WA. 98844.
EARLY DEADLINES Due to the Christmas Holidays, we have earlier advertising deadlines for the Jan. 2 paper... Deadline for classifieds: Mon., Dec. 30 at 10 a.m. Legals: Fri., Dec. 27 at 12 noon Display Advertising: Fri., Dec. 27 at 12 noon
Happy New Year!
11th & Ironwood, Oroville • 476-2426 Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. “O taste and see that the Lord is good!” Pastor Dan Kunkel • Deacon Dave Wildermuth
Immaculate Conception Parish
1715 Main Street Oroville 8:30 a.m. English Mass 1st Sunday of the Month Other Sundays at 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Spanish Mass every Sunday Father Jose Maldonado • 476-2110
PC of G Bible Faith Family Church
476-3063 • 1012 Fir Street, Oroville 8 - 8:30 Holy Grounds - Coffee, Tea & Conversation 8:30 - 9:45 Service@8:30 10 - 10:35 L.I.F.E. 10:35 - 11:00 Holy Grounds 11:00 - 12:00 Service @ 11:00 6 p.m. - 7:30 Pursuit (Pursuing God & Friendships) Pastor Claude Roberts Come enjoy song service with Project 3:16
Oroville United Methodist
908 Fir, Oroville • 476-2681 Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Rev. Leon Alden
Valley Christian Fellowship
Chesaw Community Bible Church
Nondenominational • Everyone Welcome Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. to Noon Pastor Duane Scheidemantle • 485-3826
MOLSON Community Christian Fellowship
Molson Grange, Molson Sunday 10 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesday 6:30pm, Bible Study “For by grace are ye saved through faith...” Eph. 2:8-9 “...lovest thou me...Feed my lambs...John 21:1-17
RIVERSIDE Riverside Lighthouse - Assembly of God
102 Tower Street Sunday Bible Study 10:00am Sunday Worship 11:00am & 6:30pm Wednesday- family Night 6:30pm Pastor Vern & Anita Weaver Ph. 509-826-4082
TONASKET Holy Rosary Parish
1st & Whitcomb Ave., Tonasket 10:30 a.m. English Mass 1st Sunday of the Month Other Sundays at 8:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Spanish Mass every Saturday Father Jose Maldonado • 476-2110
Pastor Randy McAllister 142 East Oroville Rd. • 476-2028 • Sunday School (Adult & Teens) 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m.• Sun. Evening Worship 6 p.m. Sunday School & Children’s Church K-6 9:45 to 1:00 p.m. Open to Community! Located at Kid City 142 East Oroville • Wednesday Evening Worship 7 p.m.
Immanuel Lutheran Church
Trinity Episcopal
Tonasket Foursquare Church
602 Central Ave., Oroville Sunday School & Services 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist: 1st, 3rd, & 5th • Morning Prayer: 2nd & 4th Healing Service: 1st Sunday The Reverend Marilyn Wilder 476-3629 Warden • 476-2022
Church of Christ
Ironwood & 12th, Oroville • 476-3926 Sunday School 10 a.m. • Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Seventh-Day Adventist
10th & Main, Oroville - 509-476-2552 Bible Study: Sat. 9:30 a.m. • Worship: Sat. 11 a.m. Skip Johnson • 509-826-0266
Oroville Free Methodist
1516 Fir Street • Pastor Rod Brown • 476.2311 Sun. School 9:15 am • Worship Service 10:15am Youth Activity Center • 607 Central Ave. Monday 7:00 pm • After School M-W-F 3-5pm
1608 Havillah Rd., Tonasket • 509-485-3342 Sun. Worship 9 a.m. • Bible Study & Sun. School 10:15
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast.” -Eph. 2:8-9
“To every generation.” Celebrating 100 years 1905-2005
Crossroads Meeting Place 415-A S. Whitcomb Ave. • Pastor George Conkle Sunday: 10 a.m. (509) 486-2000 • cell: (509) 429-1663
Tonasket Community UCC
24 E. 4th, Tonasket • 486-2181
“A biblically based, thoughtful group of Christian People”
Sunday Worship at 11 a.m. Call for program/activity information Leon L. Alden, Pastor
Whitestone Church of the Brethren
577 Loomis-Oroville Rd., Tonasket. 846-4278 9:15am Praise Singing. 9:30am Worship Service 10:45am Sunday school for all ages
Ellisforde Church of the Brethren
32116 Hwy. 97, Tonasket. 846-4278 10am Sunday School. 11am Worship Service
“Continuing the work of Jesus...simply, peacefully, together”
Pastor Jim Yaussy Albright.
LOOMIS Loomis Community Church
Main Street in Loomis 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship Service Pastor Bob Haskell Information: 509-223-3542
To place information in the Church Guide call Charlene 476-3602