Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, May 01, 2014

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Esther Bricques, May 1, 5 p.m. Pastime Bar & Grill, May 2-3, 6 p.m.

See Pages B2-3



SINCE 1905



Tonasket grapples with leak charges BY BRENT BAKER BBAKER@GAZETTE-TRIBUNE.COM

TONASKET - The council engaged in a lengthy discussion on how to handle bills for properties that had water leaks that technically are the payer’s responsibility but may have extenuating circumstances involved. A water leak that occurs on the “house” side of the water meter is the homeowner’s (or renter’s) responsibility, while those on the “street” side are the city’s. However a number of recent leaks, including one that resulted in a bill of $4,255.80 and two others exceeding $500, has the city working to formulate a set policy to deal with those charges. The council mulled several ideas, including a possible forgiveness of those charges, but didn’t reach a final decision. “My first concern is negligence,” said council member Scott Olson. “Are we comfortable that they weren’t?” The problem, city works manager Hugh Jensen pointed out, is that the customer may not know they have a leak either until they receive a water bill, or unless the city notices the leak. With the new digital meters being installed that should make it easier for leaks to come to light more quickly, but Jensen said that even a small leak can release a lot of water with 60 pounds per inch of force behind it.

Tonasket School District and multiple first-response agencies staged a drill on Tuesday, April 29, to gauge the effectiveness of those various entities in coordinating a multiple-casualty event. A bus-car crash was staged on Highway 20 (above); the scenario included a mocked-up emergency room at Tonasket’s North Valley Hospital, where “victims” were treated and ultimately reunited with “parents.” Multiple observers were on hand to assess the response efforts. Full story and more photos will be in next week’s issue of the GazetteTribune.

Olson questioned whether or not the $4,255 bill, for example, truly represented the loss to the city if it’s not paid. “We’re running a business; it’s not a service. You may certainly have the right to write things off if you have a policy for it. When the hospital board of commissioners write things off it is considered a bad debt. They have to approve each one separately. It should never be a staff member’s call to write off public money. It needs to be the elected officials to write things off individually at a specific time.” “Yes,” Olson said, “but I would like staff to tell me a person was non-negligent.” Complicating matters was one case where a tenant, whose name was on the bill, informed the landlord of a leak; the landlord subsequently didn’t get the leak repaired in a timely manner, sticking the tenant with the large bill. “That’s important information that we need for each one of these,” Plumb said. “Because we are asking to gift public funds every time we are doing this. There needs to be a darned good process in place before that gets done.” “I think some people don’t know what they have available to them (in terms of emergency service) if they need it,” said council member Jill Vugteveen. “... I lived


Food Bank dinner to raise funds for building BY BRENT BAKER BBAKER@GAZETTE-TRIBUNE.COM

TONASKET - The Tonasket Food Bank has led a nomadic existence over the years. The organization has an opportunity to make its current location a permanent one and is hoping that the community, which was highly supportive over the winter with huge donations over the holidays, will help to raise the necessary funds to purchase the old Sarge’s Burger Bunker building. The Food Bank will be hosting a fundraising dinner at the Community Cultural Center of Tonasket on Saturday, May 10, at 6:00 p.m. Rob Thompson will be serving as the “master of ceremonies” with Steve Kinzie and the Hyde family providing entertainment. As part of the program, a number of the churches and volunteer organiza-

Photos by Gary DeVon and Brent Baker

tions that have helped work at the food bank will share their experiences. There will not be an auction; dinner will be by donation, with envelopes left on the tables for diners to give that evening, or to take home and send in later. Two of the Food Bank’s Board of Directors, Debbie Roberts and Diana Weddle, described recent challenges, including a change in leadership, leading up to the current dilemma. “Since we’ve taken over the donations have been substantial,” Roberts said. “We’ve tried to do more outreach. Our board of eight has been working hard; before it was one couple that did just about everything. So we have more resources in terms of presence and dividing tasks.” The current building owners were hoping for a sale by the end of May. That won’t happen regardless, but they offered


Emrys are May Fest Grand Marshals Connections with ‘May Day’ event go way back to 1930s BY GARY A. DE VON MANAGING EDITOR

OROVILLE – Clayton and Joyce “Boots” Emry have been selected as this year’s May Festival Grand Marshals – a year when Oroville’s special event marks its 80th Anniversary. Clayton arrived in Oroville in May 1935, just in time for that year’s May Day activities – although he says he didn’t celebrate that year and the next year was when he first got involved. Joyce, or “Boots” to those that use her childhood nickname,

wouldn’t arrive in Oroville until 1943. Clayton’s family followed other relatives who had come out from Allen, Nebraska, about 35 miles from Sioux City, Iowa. They came in a 1930 or 1931 Whippet twodoor sedan that was pulling a four wheel trailer “with no brakes and no lights” he recalls. Clayton, just eight-years-old, came with his parents, Lloyd and Merna, as well as his older brother Cleland, who was 12 and his younger brother Wayne who was just 18-monthsold. They were to be joined in Oroville by a sister, Elaine, in 1937 and brother, Kenneth, in 1939. “It took us 13 days,” he said. “We stopped and spent three days at one of my uncle’s in Montana. Uncle Lester and Aunt Ellen and

Gertrude Sawtell came at the same time. We were all from the same area of Nebraska.” Clayton said he saw an article that noted 11 families had moved to Oroville that year, all relatives of his – with names like Lawson, Snyder and Forney. “We were told that land was pretty cheap and we could set out and orchard and dad could get a job paying 25 cents an hour,” he said. “That was pretty good at the time, better than at home.” His dad did go into raising apples and worked for the irrigation district for a number of years putting in the wooden flumes and the tunnel at Shanker’s Bend. Boots’ grandparents and uncle preceeded her immediate family to Oroville in 1935. “Some came on the Balmes-



Volume 110 No. 18

Clayton and Joyce “Boots” Emry are this year’s May Festival Grand Marshals. They have a long history working on May Day, with the barbecue and with transporting the float and royalty to various communities around the region. Gary DeVon/staff photo

Clark Truck,” she said. “We came from Warden, Missouri, which is near Springfield. Everybody was poor, I think wages when we came were 35 cents an hour.... That was more than we could make back home. My father was a farmer and many times when it

Newsroom and Advertising (509) 476-3602 gdevon@gazette-tribune.com

was time to get crops to harvest we would have no rain.” She said the family was planning on staying a year, but at apple blossom time they fell in love with the area. “Dad liked the fact you could make it rain whenever you want...

through the irrigation ditches. Dad had a job at Blackler and Evans,” she said. “It was quite a job, he ran the ditches, this was before sprinklers, and he had the whole system in his head. Water here on Tuesday, there on


INSIDE THIS EDITION Cops & Courts A4 Letters/Opinion A5 Community A6-7

Obituaries Sports Schools

A8 B1,5,6 B2-3

Classifieds/Legals B4-5 Real Estate B5 Business Directory B6



FOOD BANK | FROM A1 a deal to the Food Bank on the building that the organization wants to take advantage of. “We’ve been offered a little less than two-thirds of the asking price,” Roberts said. That’s why we’re interested in doing this. They wanted to get out of the building by the end of May which isn’t going to happen. but we’re both trying to do each other a favor. They’ve been very generous. They feel it’s something they can do to benefit the community.” “Our fundraising goal is $70,000,” Weddle said. “They would be willing to carry a reasonable contract for the remaining $20,000, so the bottom line is $90,000.” The building itself has been ideal for a number of reasons. With a walk-in freezer and walk-in cooler it provides ideal storage for food; it has its own parking; and it also serves as a meeting place for people to gather. “It’s always been a real challenge to find a building in town,” Weddle said. “Finding one with the advantages of this one might not be possible at all.” “When we were downtown it was difficult,” Weddle said. “You’re pretty vulnerable when you’re lined up on the sidewalk. This gives people a place to gather; everyone is talking to everybody and it offers a place to spend some time.” In its annual report, the Food Bank listed the following statistics: • Volunteers working at the Food Bank this last year were credited with 3,263 hours and a total of 7,392 travel miles. • Food and dry goods, a total of 18,575 pounds, were donated by local grocery stores, farmers, food drives and individuals. • Donated food represents only 15 percent of the food distributed by the Food Bank. The other 85 percent comes from county, state and federal resources. • The Food Bank also received $17,376 in cash donations from local businesses, individuals, organizations and churches. Using in-kind values furnished by the State of Washington for labor, donated food and travel, the community donations including cash

totaled $84,650 for 2013. The Tonasket Food Bank serves 140-180 households each week. In 2013 the Food Bank served 7,420 family households or 21,000 individuals. Children made up 34 percent of those served; 27% were seniors citizens and 39 percent were disabled and low income adults. “One thing we’re very clear about, people don’t just go to the food bank because they are lazy.” Roberts said. “They come upon hard times and don’t have other options. No one is proud to walk into the food bank. Most of us are a few steps away from needing that ourselves. We want to show respect to the clients that are there, learn from them and be an educational opportunity for our community. “One of our volunteers said if people are wiling to stand in line for an hour, he’s willing to serve them,” she added. “People always express their appreciation and they recognize how generous the community has been.” The current board is also looking for additional board members. “We really want to have more of an Hispanic presence on the board,” Roberts said. “We’ve been trying to figure out how to bridge that gap in the community. And we’re always seeking interested people.” Part of the purpose of the dinner, in addition to raise funds, is to engage a broader swath of the community in addition to the church groups that have been providing much of the support. “We’re trying to get the whole community involved in addition to the churches,” Roberts said. “We don’t want to be seen as just a church volunteer agency. “We’re hoping to build more of a community presence to complement the great work the churches have been doing,” Weddle said. Those that people wish to donate, but who may not attend the fundaraiser, can do so by earmarking funds for the building and sending them to: Tonasket Food Bank (building fund) - 59 Longanecker Rd., Tonasket 98855.

WATER | FROM A1 in the city a long time and wasn’t always educated to that fact.” The city doesn’t have an emergency number for water leaks; a 911 call for a water leak, would result in the city crew being called out to fix an emergency leak. “That would be a good thing to have on our water bills,” Olson said. “So people know what to do.” Plumb, on Olson’s recommendation, said that the city would “pause” on dealing with the three outstanding leak-related bills until a policy could be developed. “We need to come up with a firm policy that is legal to provide clarity for all customers on the system, that protects both the city and the customer’s interests.” No decisions were made during the meeting - a future recommendation will have to be voted on by the council - but possibilities included a one-time “forgiveness” of a large leak-related bill, a parial forgiveness, or a pro-rated payment plan. “It needs to be very delineated why we would (forgive any debt),” Olson said.

PARRY’S ACRES The council authorized Varela and Associates to move forward Community Development Block Grant funds for needed improvements to the Parry’s Acres area out of town that is on the city sewer system. The City of Tonasket took the operation of the neighborhood’s sewer system from Okanogan County decades ago. Now the aged system’s deterioration requires the city’s attention. “We did ask the county to help us out with this,” Plumb said. “If they did ... we would have a better chance of getting it awarded if the county signed on with it.” “What was the agreement (with the county) when we took the responsibility on?” asked council member Jill Vugteveen, wondering aloud if the city could give the responsibility for repairs back to the county. “We (the city) signed for permanent ownership,” Plumb said. “They did give us ... 50 grand at the time.” Plumb said that the city took over the sewer system when the county felt it could no longer operate it. The other options apparently were worse, he said. “Apparently they were going to have to join the city or they were going to get kicked out of their

houses,” Plumb said. “They are in a flood plain; they can’t have septic. It was a Catch-22 where the city didn’t want people kicked out of their homes. “The administration at the time felt it was their duty to do that.” The situation has been complicated by the fact that residents outside of the city should have been paying a surcharge for the additional service, but the amount they had been paying wasn’t enough to keep the “satellite” system up. Now, their rates have increased as well, leading to a flurry of complaints. “Most of the people living there today weren’t those owners (30 years ago),” Vugteveen said. “They probably didn’t even know about the problem they were inheriting.”

POOL TALK Karen Stangland, representing the Tonasket Swimming Pool community group, approached the council to discuss methods of accounting for the cost of maintaining the proposed swimming pool. Those costs are estimated to be in the $40,000 per year range based on a short-season outdoor pool (an indoor pool, which many have expressed a desire for, could cost in excess of $300,000 per year to operate). Stangland asked if approaching the county commissioners about a county-wide taxing district that could help fund the pool maintenance as well as other recreational needs around the county would work. “If it were just me, I would rather stick to the Tonasket School District area and let the others fall in line,” Plumb said. “I don’t think the commissioners right now would be real hot on something like that.” Stangland wondered if Tonasket taxpayers would support such a district. “This is a very conservative overall county that is very distrustful of tax,” Plumb said. “Even in town, we couldn’t pass one tenth of one percent increase for criminal justice.” “If it’s Tonasket, people will know if they vote for this, it will be for the pool. If it is county-wide, some people will be wonder what they are getting for it and where the money will go. I would be in favor for more local control.” “It’s something we haven’t looked at,” Vugteveen said. “If

we run out of options I think it’s something to look at again. I applaud your efforts and those of the people in the committee to find a way to make this work... We would be at the commissioners if we did it that way. It might be a viable idea but I’m not sure this is the best time for it.”

COP COSTS Plumb, along with Police Chief Rob Burks, submitted a plan to the council that would help reduce costs in the police department that the council has been trying to rein in. Plumb proposed that the plan go into effect on May 1, but the council wanted more time to study the proposal. “State law is very clear the police departments of five officers and above are one classification and departments of four and below are another,” Plumb said. “Police departments can be considered not to have overtime if they work 60 hours a week or less. It’s a specific statute. “Also we’ve come to an agreement that the on-call is not set up the way it was intended.” Plumb said that Chief Rob Burks, along with city attorney Mick Howe, proposed doing a one-time base rate increase of $4,000 per officer while eliminating on-call pay, as well as not paying overtime until an officer has surpassed 240 hours in a month. “(In the last two years), one year we paid $21,000 in on call; the other year was $17,000,” Burks said. “Overtime was $9,000 one year and $12,000 another.” That would involve a $16,000 annual increase for the department, offset by the subtraction of all of the on-call pay (an average of $18,500 the last two years), as well as the portion of overtime pay that would be converted to regular time pay. “This seems like short notice for something starting in May,” Olson said. “I would like to see the numbers on paper and have some time to digest it.” He also expressed concern that the plan would slow down response time with on-call eliminated. “You can’t expect us to make this kind of decision with you just throwing these numbers out,” Vugteveen said. “Last meeting you were dragging your feet about whether things in this were even legal. So we want to be just as cau-

tious as you.” “If the budget is going to be out of balance, it’s going to be out because of (the rest of the year),” Olson said. “Waiting four weeks isn’t going to excuse (the rest). I would like another month. If we’re out of budget, it’s not going to be because of that four weeks but because of the other 48 weeks of the year.”

ALTERNATIVE SCHOOL PRESENTATION Tonasket Alternative School teacher Chelsea Freeman and a number of her students were on hand to make a presentation about the purpose and effectiveness of the alternative school setting. The school district has been making an effort to educate the public on the purpose of the alternative school in the wake of some of the feedback regarding February’s failed bond levy that included funding for a new alternative school building. Students pointed out that they need to meet the same requirements to graduate as do the mainstream high school students, but that the different learning environment and learning methods give them a better opportunity to succeed. The alternative school will be holding an open house May 7, 5:30 p.m. Plumb read a resolution officially declaring the city’s support for the alternative school. “The City of Tonasket resolves to recognized the Tonasket Alternative School’s staff, students and teachers and urges the community to support and learn about the program, and celebrate the success of the program,” it read in part. MISCELLANY • The city accepted the lone bid submitted, $205, to demolish and remove the old storage building at the Tonasket Cemetery. • The mayor read two additional proclamations. The first honored Amanda McSpadden for her trash clean-up project south of town that Plumb said yielded 17 bags of trash on the stretch between the city limits and the rodeo grounds. The second recognized the North Valley Hospital laboratory staff, which is being honored during National Lab Technician week. • The city’s engineering firm, Varela and Associates, submitted a list of potential infrastructure projects for the city and asked it to prioritize them.

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Buckhorn yields impressive calcite crystal On March 2, 2014, Buckthese crystals exhibit horn Mine B-Crew mema thin coating of ironbers Jak Kartchner and Bill oxide staining, but Crncevich found a void within some select crystals a narrow fault which hostand freshly-broken ed some impressive calcite surfaces show this (CaCO3) crystals. While calcrystal to range from cite is a very common minclear to milky white. The majority of the eral at the Buckhorn Mine, crystals are translufew locations have yielded specimens as large or as well cent. In this specimen you can also see the formed as these. presence of several In order for crystals to form, patches of coarse pythey need both space and rite, also called ‘Fool’s element-laden groundwater. Jak Kartchner and Bill Crncevich display the crysIf deprived of space, the crysGold’ due to its bright tal they found. yellow color. tals will simply deform as they One of the main reasons calcite crystals are encounter other crystals or the surrounding rock. As the sides of this fault moved by one another, sought after is the wide variety of geometric they carved out irregularities allowing this open shapes they display. This sample shows two distinct types of crysspace to develop. Faults serve as a great pathway tals likely created at for groundwater, as water follows the path of least different times. The resistance. Groundwater is impure and carries a wide variety of dissolved ions. Under certain confirst type of crystal displayed here is ditions these different elements will drop out and larger, more masform crystals. This is a process of gradual growth based on the amount of ions hosted within the sive (1-4”) dipyramidal calcite. The fluid, how much fluid passes through the zone and This calcite specimen has the size of these types how much time the process is allowed to continue. larger dipyramidal calcite, of crystals is indicCalcite typically ranges from transparent to as well as patches of Fool’s ative of abundant translucent and is usually clear to off-white in Gold. color. This specimen is true to form. Most of calcium (Ca) and

carbon (C) laden fluids passing through this particular fault. The second type of crystal seen here are much smaller (1/2-1/16”) prisms, called hexagonal calcite. These form in a distinctive hexagonal prism, which means they have six sides with a pointed end. This second form of calcite was created this way either because t h e r e were fewer available ions in the water or The second form of calcite is referred they did to as hexagonal calcite, due to its sixnot have sided structure. as much time to grow. The hexagonal calcite in this sample are welded to the larger, dipyramidal calcites – which lends to the theory that the crystals were formed at different times. This calcite crystal is hosted on a piece of pyroxene skarn, which is one of the predominant ore types here at the Buckhorn Mine. Skarn is a metamorphic rock created from the mesothermal (hot) waters radiating from magmatic plutons’ interaction with limestone. Skarns are commonly enriched with metals such as gold, copper, iron, tungsten or zinc. Article submitted by Mike Olson, Senior Mine Geologist





Wednesday, and so on.” While Clayton started at Oroville schools when he was in elementary school, Boots only went here her senior year. She had a job at the Rexall Drug Store, where she would work for 27 years, and he had plans to go to college. He started at WSC (WSU now) and got called up for service and was sent to Occupied Japan. “So basically our courtship was by mail,” she said. Clayton returned in November of 1946 and they were married in January 1947. He went to work for his Uncle Lester at the Grubb Ranch where his uncle was manager. After the couple was married his uncle bought his own orchard and Clayton worked for him there. In February 1948 he went to see if he could get a job at the Oroville State Bank, which was located where the Camaray Motel is today. The busi-

nesses on that lot included the Atlantic Richfield gas station, the International Harvester Garage and the liquor store. Clayton was a book keeping machine operator and worked his way up to vice president and assistant cashier. He worked for OSB for 27 years, moving to the new bank building (Sterling Savings now) in 1957. That bank was to have several names – National Bank of Commerce, Rainer, Security Pacific, Key and Sterling. He left Rainier in 1976 and went to work for Mid Valley Bank when they opened their branch in Oroville. Later the couple would own and operate a Montgomery Wards Catalogue store. Many of those years Clayton and his family helped his brother Cleland at the Oroville Gazette. Later he was to end up owning the newspaper with his sister-in-law. He served on the local school board for five years in the late

1950s and seven years on the county school board. He was chamber president four times. He was a Kiwanian and with Boots they spearheaded the project to purchase the baby grand piano for the high school. They both served as presidents of the Oroville Senior Center. Clayton was in charge of getting the Oroville community float to various events in Washington and Canada and drove it for many years. He recalled one time in Penticton, B.C. where the royalty didn’t show up. He said he asked a couple local girls if they would like to ride the float. “They went home and put on formals and represented Oroville that year,” he said. The couple has two daughters, Vicki of Oroville and Jeril of Wenatchee and seven grandkids and six great grandkids – including their first great grand daughter who was born this month.

31st Annual Mother’s Day Walk for Peace

Tonasket observed Arbor Day by planting a quartet of trees on Friday, April 25, at Chief Tonasket Park. Pictured are (l-r) City Council Member Dennis Brown, who organized the observance; Donna Sylvester, who donated a tree to the city; Austin Plumb and Mayor Patrick Plumb. Right, Plumb finished planting the first of the trees under Brown’s watchful eye.



OROVILLE - On Sunday May 11, Mother’s Day, citizens, mothers, families, friends and peace makers from Washington state and British Columbia, will meet at the Oroville/Osoyoos International Border to share our truths, songs and messages of Peace and Justice from 2 – 4 p.m. at this annual event. U.S. Walkers leave the Oroville Library at noon for the two hour, 4.5 mile walk up the west shoulder of N. Hwy. 97 to the border ceremony, carrying banners, placards and prayers for peace. We will fly peace doves and rainbow streamers, walking with strollers, buggies, red wagons and people of all ages. If you are a U.S. participant and can’t walk to the border, you can park at Super Duper/Texaco’s south parking lot or in the 6-8 spaces

Brent Baker/staff photo

at U.S. Port of Entry. Canadian peace makers, including a large contingent from the Doukhobor communities of western Canada will walk from Haynes Point Park 1.5 miles north of the border, or arrive by bus at the border. Mother’s Day has been celebrated as a day of peace since 1877 when Julia Ward Howe, a suffragette, organized women, many who had lost husbands and sons in the tragedy of our civil war, to march in protest to all wars. In that spirit we met 30 years ago to protest the new weapon being developed and tested by Boeing in 1983, the “pilotless cruise missile”, which we clearly identified as a first strike, offensive weapon. We have been “waging peace” every Mother’s Day since. Today, we are one of the oldest ongoing annual peace events in the country. Twelve years of war in Afghanistan and Iraq have left us financially bankrupt, thou-

sands of our own precious sons and daughters have been lost and many tens of thousands are deeply wounded both physically and mentally. How long until the people say “Enough of this Madness?” How many innocents must die before we put an end to war and work for the betterment of our green planet and all humanity. We live on a small fragile world and we face huge problems, global climate change, dying oceans, crashing economies, looming shortages and social injustice. War is not the answer and never has been. Come and join us for an uplifting and meaningful gathering celebrating a dream of peace that brings us hope for our future, as we move forward together. For information contact Jere and Rick Gillespie 509485-3844, email: rickg@columbiana.org or Joseph and Dorinda Enzensperger 509-476-4072.



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Limited to quantity on hand Not responsible for printing errors





The court found probable cause to charge Marti Lynn Worrell, 34, Oroville, with POCS (methamphetamine) and use of drug paraphernalia. The crimes allegedly occurred April 12. The court found probable cause to charge Alexander David Schaler, 21, Okanogan, with first-degree assault and obstruction. The crimes allegedly occurred on April 14. Laura Diane Vanbrunt, 44, Okanogan, pleaded guilty April 28 to first-degree theft and second-degree theft. Vanbrunt was sentenced to 90 days in jail (69 of which will be served on electronic home monitoring) and fined a total of $25,728.79. That figure includes restitution in the amounts of $10,000 to Liberty Mutual and $15,068.29 to Baines Title Company in Okanogan. The crimes occurred between Nov. 2011 and Jan. 2013.

DISTRICT COURT Antonio Altamirano Ramirez, 35, Oroville, guilty of DUI. Altamirano Ramirez was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 363 days suspended, and fined $1,681. Martin Ajala Arias, 40, Loomis, had a charge dismissed: no valid operator’s license without ID. Jessica Marie Bagby, 32, Omak, had a third-degree DWLS charge dismissed. Mary Lou Barber, 67, Omak, guilty of third-degree theft. Barber received a 180-day suspended sentence and fined $768. Frederick David Batson Jr., 29, Omak, had a harassment charge dismissed. Batson was fined $500. William Michael Bozman, 56, Okanogan, had a fourth-degree assault charge dismissed. Tammy Viola Brewer, 52, Tonasket, guilty of first-degree negligent driving. Brewer received a 90-day suspended sentence and fined $218. Robert Daniel Burris, 28, Tonasket, guilty of third-degree DWLS. Burris received a 90-day suspended sentence and fined $818. He also had an additional third-degree DWLS charge dismissed. Joshua Curtis Carpenter, 22, Oroville, guilty of seconddegree DWLS. Carpenter was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 359 days suspended, and fined $1,058. Rogelio Armando Carranza, 19, Oroville, had a charge dismissed: POCS (marijuana) (less than 40 grams). Carranza was fined $200. James Edward Chaney Jr., 31, Omak, had a third-degree theft charge dismissed. Jarvis I. Charles, 20, Okanogan, had a charge dismissed: no valid operator’s license without ID. Karilyn Ann Cline, 24, Omak, guilty of third-degree theft. Cline was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 334 days suspended, and fined $808. Jose Eduardo Cocino, 21, Tonasket, guilty of third-degree DWLS and guilty (deferred prosecution revoked) of POCS (marijuana) (less than 40 grams). Cocino was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 88 days suspended, and fined $871.

911 CALLS AND JAIL BOOKINGS Monday, April 21, 2014 Domestic dispute on Fig Ave. in Omak. Theft on S. Second Ave. in Okanogan. Sex offender registered on Hwy. 7 near Tonasket. Theft on Elmway in Okanogan. Tires reported missing. Fraud on Summer Rd. near Tonasket. Illegal burning on Sagebrush Trail near Omak. Two-vehicle crash on N. Second Ave. in Okanogan. No injuries reported. Fraud on Jasmine St. in Omak. Violation of no-contact order on Applejack Rd. near Tonasket. Harassment on Hwy. 97 near Oroville. Theft on Engh Rd. in Omak. Threats on Apple Ln. near Omak. Found property on 23rd Ave. in Oroville. Wallet recovered. Nicki Kaylin Windsor, 22, booked for first-degree trafficking in stolen property, first-degree possession of stolen property and four counts of possession of a stolen vehicle. Karen Ann George, 60, booked on two Omak Police Department FTA warrants, both for thirddegree theft. Jayson Lee Landers, 38, booked for fourth-degree assault (DV). Tuesday, April 22, 2014 Harassment on S. First Ave. in Okanogan. Violation of no-contact order on Moccasin Flat HUD Rd. near Omak.

Malicious mischief on Hwy. 97 near Oroville. Domestic dispute on Hwy. 97 near Okanogan. Domestic dispute on W. Third Ave. in Omak. Public intoxication on Omak Ave. in Omak. Theft on E. Grape Ave. in Omak. Assault on Canyon Court Dr. in Omak. Two-vehicle crash on S. Main St. in Omak. No injuries reported. Trespassing on S. Ash St. in Omak. Utility pole fire on Emery Rd. in Oroville. Clayton Lewis Naillon, 29, booked for fourth-degree assault (DV). Joshua Dean Brooks, 28, booked on four FTA bench warrants: three for POCS and one for unlawful possession of a firearm. Kevin Charles Moriarty, 57, court commitment for DUI. David Lee Fitzgerald, 54, booked on a State Patrol FTA warrant for DUI. Jason Lee Landers, 38, booked on three counts of violation of a no-contact order. Wednesday, April 23, 2014 Assault on Arrow Point Lane near Okanogan. Fraud on Eastlake Rd. near Oroville. Warrant arrest on Jackson St. in Omak. Burglary on Engh Rd. in Omak. Threats on W. Third Ave. in Omak. Violation of no-contact order on W. Third Ave. in Omak. Violation of no-contact order on Elderberry Ave. in Omak. Burglary on Main St. in Oroville. Medication reported missing. Theft on Golden St. in Oroville. Digital camera reported missing. Christine Hardy, no middle name listed, 26, booked for firstdegree burglary and fourthdegree assault. Pamela Ann Vervalen, 51, court commitment for third-degree theft. Eduardo Pamatz Ponce, 23, Department of Corrections detainer. Christopher Loren Anguiano, 25, booked for third-degree DWLS. Thursday, April 24, 2014 Warrant arrest on S. Second Ave. in Okanogan. Threats on Eastlake Rd. near Oroville. DWLS on Benton St. in Omak. Harassment on Monroe St. in Okanogan. Malicious mischief on Engh Rd. near Omak. Juveniles reported throwing rocks. One-vehicle crash on Nichols Rd. near Omak. No injuries reported. Public intoxication on Weatherstone Rd. near Omak. DWLS on W. First Ave. in Omak. Threats on S. Main St. in Omak. Public intoxication on S. Ash St. in Omak. Illegal burning on S. Tonasket Ave. in Tonasket. Kalen Eduardo Zamudio, 25, booked on three OCSO FTA warrants: two for DUI and one for fourth-degree assault (DV). Michael Anthony Eisen, 25, booked for POCS (methamphetamine). Donovan Rae Nysti, 21, booked on a Department of Corrections secretary’s warrant. Kevin Bert Priest, 48, booked for first-degree DWLS and operating a vehicle without an ignition interlock device. Jeremy Wayne Hill, 29, booked on a Department of Corrections secretary’s warrant. Shane M. Heisey, 28, booked for POCS (methamphetamine). Darryl Moses, no middle name listed, 64, court commitment for third-degree DWLS. Friday, April 25, 2014 Warrant arrest on Apple Way Rd. in Okanogan. Theft on Badger Rd. near Tonasket. Water trough reported missing. Drugs on N. Third Ave. in Okanogan. Warrant arrest on Engh Rd. in Omak.

DWLS on Hwy. 97 near Oroville. Two-vehicle crash on Elmway in Okanogan. No injuries reported. Assault on Evans Lake Rd. near Riverside. Public intoxication on the Central Street Bridge in Omak. Drugs on E. Grape Ave. in Omak. Trespassing on Appleway Ave. in Oroville. Domestic dispute on Appleway Ave. in Oroville. Rachael Anne Wolf, 26, booked on bench warrants for forgery and second-degree theft. Joseph Michael Foreman, 22, Department of Corrections detainer. Kevin Anthony Baker, 53, booked for physical control. Kacee Robert Webb, 23, booked for fourth-degree assault (DV) and third-degree malicious mischief. Alyssa Ann Descouteaux, 19, booked for POCS (methamphetamine), POCS (heroin), POCS (marijuana) (less than 40 grams) and possession of drug paraphernalia. Gustavo Diego Garcia, 34, booked for fourth-degree assault (DV). Terry Lee Zoller, 63, booked for DUI and fourth-degree assault (DV). Saturday, April 26, 2014 Vehicle prowl on O’Neil Rd. near Oroville. One-vehicle crash on Hwy. 97 near Okanogan. Injuries reported. Malicious mischief on Westlake Rd. near Oroville. Violation of a no-contact order on Fir St. in Oroville. Assault on Apple Way Rd. in Okanogan. Theft on N. Main St. in Omak. Cell phone reported missing. DWLS on Kermel Rd. near Omak. Malicious mischief on W. Fourth Ave. in Omak. Drugs on Engh Rd. in Omak. Malicious mischief on Fir St. in Oroville. Harassment on Main St. in Oroville. Malicious mischief on 23rd Ave. in Oroville. Malicious mischief on Central Ave. in Oroville. Malicious mischief on 14th Ave. in Oroville. Malicious mischief on Hwy. 20 near Tonasket.

Remove your old yard sale signs in a timely manner



the sale or are just plain illegal if place on power poles or existing sign posts of any kind. So please make sure that your signs are taken down after the sale ends and are not place on existing power poles or sign posts. Also I would like to remind everyone that Spring Cleanup is scheduled for the April 2l. So

Hello everyone the weather is turning to spring and that is the time that folks start thinking about having a yard sale to get that spring cleaning started. I have to remind everyone that yard sale signs can become a nuisance when they are put up carelessly or not taken down after

Wildfire Awareness Month starts May 1 Month. The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) urges all Washington residents to consider actions they can take to prevent wildfires and help their communities become better prepared when wildfires do occur. As more and more people live in and around forests, grasslands, shrub lands, and other natural areas – places referred to the wildland-urban interface – the fire-related challenges of managing wildlands are on the increase. This year, DNR is asking the question, ‘Is your community prepared for wildfire?” If designing or updating a home’s landscape, think of ways to incorporate firebreaks (things


OLYMPIA – Each year, catastrophic wildfires threaten many Washington homes, businesses, and open lands, but residents can take steps to protect themselves and their communities. This year, the governors of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, and California have joined together to proclaim May as Wildfire Awareness



Sunday, April 27, 2014 Automobile theft on Apple Way Rd. in Okanogan. Vehicle prowl on Hwy. 97 near Oroville. Two-vehicle hit-and-rush crash on Engh Rd. in Omak. No injuries reported. Domestic dispute on Golden St. in Oroville. Harassment on Main St. in Oroville. Charlie Joe Craig, 20, booked on an OCSO FTA warrant for MIP/C. Jack O’Bryan III, 23, booked for physical control, third-degree DWLS and an ignition interlock violation. Fernando Garcia Gomez, 23, Department of Corrections detainer. Eugene Charles Moore, 25, booked on an Omak Police Department FTA warrant for third-degree DWLS.

that don’t burn) into the landscape design. Defensible space doesn’t have to be an eyesore. Some examples of firebreaks are: concrete, brick or gravel walkways, concrete flower box borders or planters, and water features, such as a pond. Even the backyard swimming pool can serve as a firebreak. We all have a role to play in protecting ourselves and each other from the risk of wildfire. To save lives and property from wildfire, the Firewise Communities® Program (www. firewise.org) teaches people how to adapt to living with wildfire and encourages neighbors to take action now to prevent losses.






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Oroville May Festival Parade

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MARCH 15 – JUNE 15

KEY: DUI – Driving Under the Influence DWLS/R – Driving While License Suspended/Revoked POSC – Possession of a Controlled Substance MIP/C – Minor in Possession/Consumption TMVWOP – Taking a Motor Vehicle without Owner’s Permission DV – Domestic Violence FTA – Failure to Appear (on a warrant) FTPF – Failure to Pay Fine RP – Reporting Party OCSO – Okanogan County Sheriff ’s Officer DOC – State Department of Corrections USBP – U.S. Border Patrol CBP – U.S. Customs and Border Protection ICE – Immigration and Customs Enforcement

The Oroville May Festival would like to remind everyone that the parade route along Main street and Hwy 97 will be closed to through traffic during the parade, saturday, May 10. The parade will begin at 10:00 a.m., and there will be detours set up for traffic wanting to pass through town until the end of the parade.

please make sure that you are notifying the city of what you have to pick up and they will come around and pick it up. We have also started to make contact, with those property owners and renters that have cognizance over property within the city limits that violate the city ordnance for Public Nuisances pertaining to garbage regulations, automobile hulks, weed control, excessive tires, etc... so if you think that you may be in violation but are not sure, you can call the police department and we will look at what you have or you can look up the ordnance on line. Thank you for your cooperation and lets have a nice spring.

3/24/14 1:24 PM

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May Festival nearly upon us

I just got through interviewing Clayton and Boots Emry, this year’s May Festival Grand Marshals. Like many people of a certain age group, and it’s a big group – it will always be May Day, not May Festival. But that’s OK, no matter what you call it with May Festival at our doorstep can the rest of the spring and summertime activities be far behind? May Festival is less than two weeks away and promises to bring back old memories and perhaps make some new ones. It is also a chance to catch up with old friends, some of whom don’t make it home to Oroville except during this annual event – now 80-years-old. I’m one of them those that thinks May Day and then changes it to May Festival – I supposed it was changed to encompass more than just parade day on Saturday. Many of us can remember riding our bikes in the parade, or perhaps marching with the Out of scout troop or skipping along as part of the My Mind May Pole Dancers. Others rode on floats or Gary A. DeVon in convertibles as May Festival Royalty of all ages from kindergarten to Senior Citizen. Some have done all of the above at one time or another. The parade has something for everyone – if you get a chance to look back through some of the vintage photos of parades past it seems like May Festival has always been the time to roll out the new firetruck or ambulance, even a patrol car or two. There are horses, classic cars and floats from churches, fraternal organization and local business – if it’s anywhere near election time you’re guaranteed that a politician, often riding or walking beside a pickup truck, will show up. Early birds fish in the bass tournament or run/walk in the fun run. Still others find the three-on-three basketball tournament the place to spend their day, trying to win top hoop honors. The young kids can enjoy some traditional kids games like three-legged and sack races put on by the Masons. And the Depot Museum will have it’s new display featuring the Okanogan Indians. The town usually fills up with people from Oroville and the surrounding communities and there’s always a large contingent of our northern neighbors from the Canada side of the border. It’s just an all around good day. And it’s just the start, the Run for the Border Motorcycle Ride is the following Saturday with the edition of the first annual Rally at the Border Blues Festival that same weekend. Then the first weekend in June we will have the Tonasket Founder’s Day events including the parade and rodeo. June is also the month for the Fathers’ Day Fly-In. Molson has their Mid Summer Festival in June as well. In July we have the Chesaw Fourth of July Rodeo and the Community Fireworks Display at Deep Bay Park which the Oroville Chamber is planning on expanding with more activities. August starts out with the Tumbleweed International Film Festival, which will be in its fifth year and has become a popular event in Oroville and in Osoyoos. So May Festival just marks the start of our busy event season in the northern part of the county. These events take lots of work on the behalf of volunteers to come off each summer. So this weekend and every event weekend, if you see someone you know helped to bring an event to town and all the people who come with it, take time to say thanks.

GAZETTE-TRIBUNE SERVING WASHINGTON’S OKANOGAN VALLEY SINCE 1905 OROVILLE OFFICE 1420 Main St., PO Box 250 Oroville, WA 98844 Phone: (509) 476-3602 Toll free: (866) 773-7818 Fax: (509) 476-3054 www.gazette-tribune.com OFFICE HOURS Oroville Mon.-Fri. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CONTACT INFORMATION Managing Editor Gary A. DeVon gdevon@gazette-tribune.com Reporter/Production Brent Baker bbaker@gazette-tribune.com (509) 476-3602 Advertising Sales/Ad Design Charlene Helm chelm@gazette-tribune.com (509) 476-3602 | (509) 322-5712 Classifieds Shawn Elliott classifieds@soundpublishing.com 1-800-388-2527 Circulation 1-888-838-3000 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Classified ads can be placed during normal office hours by calling 1-800-388-2527 Weekly Rates: $6.75 for the first 15 words 25 cents for additional words Borders, bold words, headlines, logos and photos subject to additional charges The Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune (USPS 412 120) is published weekly by Sound Publishing / Oroville 1420 Main St. PO Box 250 Oroville, WA 98844 Phone: (509) 476-3602 Fax: (509) 476-3054 Periodical postage paid at Oroville, WA, and additional mailing offices POSTMASTER Send address corrections to: The Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, PO BOX 250, Oroville, WA 98844

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Washington Newspaper Publishers Association member



The legacy of unions and education in America Dear Editor, I recently read two letters in the paper and would like to address both. First, there was a time in America when unions were necessary. They indeed made the lives of workers better, in wages and safety conditions. The people who organized the unions actually once worked themselves, and had pride in an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay. They did understand that you actually needed the employer to make some profit so they could keep the doors open to provide jobs! Slackers and thieves were considered immoral by them also, and they would gladly help a company to root them out and send them packing. That especially applied to any union worker caught committing a felony connected to the job. If proven guilty, the offender was not going to be able to count on his union to step up for him, particularly if the offense involved moral depravity. These types of behavior cast a bad light on all union members, so the situations were dealt with quickly and severely. The bad apples were removed. Unfortunately, that was long ago. Growing up in Pittsburgh, I witnessed the collapse of the steel industry, when the unions kept asking for more wages, benefits and vacation while the mills needed desperately to modernize to stay in business. I personally knew people who took great pride in being able to sleep practically all night on the night shift. If you were going a little too fast, the shop steward would come and tell you slow down, you were making everyone else look bad! If a foreman disciplined a worker for a perfectly valid reason, the union would defend them tooth and nail! When the bottom finally fell out, the world truly ended for a lot of people. But not for the union bosses who were living like the “capitalist pigs” they supposedly despised off the union dues of the members! Mansions, private jets, etc. All the while beating it into the heads of rank and file it was the company that was screwing them over, so they obediently voted themselves into the poor house! I can’t count the number of times I saw this scenario played out. As much as unions talk about the democratic process, they are actually for the most part dictatorships. That was demonstrated in Washington recently when the local machinist union prevented the Boeing workers from voting a second time on the offer they were given to save their jobs. The national machinist union had to step in and overrule the local, or several thousand more jobs in the “business friendly” “union state” of Washington would have been gone. Businesses dealing with private sector unions do still have one freedom. If dealing with a union or oppressive government regulations becomes too overwhelming, they are still able control their destiny and move to a more business friendly environment.

However, when the public sector unions are involved, it gets more diabolical. This is because taxpayers elect or hire public servants who receive hundreds of millions of dollars in political contributions and favors from the unions in return for the legislation, outrageous pay, benefits and health packages they give in return. This of course is bankrupting the cities and states. Does Detroit ring a bell? How about Illinois, Chicago, California, to name only a very few more? Even the Progressive patron saint Franklin Roosevelt knew that public sector unions would be death to the social welfare state he was creating, so he consistently opposed allowing government employees to unionize. The leviathan was beaten back in Wisconsin, despite the millions of dollars spent and the outrageous propaganda war that was launched. The people elected Scott Walker, and then reelected him in a recall election. The result was a balanced budget and tax rebates for weary tax payers. From a $3 billion dollar deficit to a $1 billion dollar surplus. The real issues were pension and health plans to which the union member contributed almost nothing! Fraudulent sick leave policies where the employee could call in sick and work the next shift for overtime. And the issue that was perverted in the media actually was making union dues voluntary instead of mandatory. It was said the state was taking away collective bargaining rights when actually the workers were being given the choice to belong to a union or not and your job did not depend on it. The myth that the union bosses represent their members best interest has been exposed as a lie. Now that union dues are voluntary, tens of thousands of union members have stopped paying them. Membership in the Wisconsin chapter of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees union has dropped by half. Membership in the American Federation of Teachers is down by a third. Given the unions’ influential role in most elections, the national implication of this is staggering. It appears the key to bringing balance back to public sector labor relations and balance state and city budgets is to break the iron hold of closed shop mandatory unionization, compulsory dues collection, and oversized campaign donations to politicians that promise to do the unions’ bidding. Now to education. I went to a parochial school where a class of 30 or 40+ kids was

the norm. We all could read fluently by the time we were in 2nd grade! Graduation rate was 100%. Our teachers would have been ashamed if that was not the consistent result. Why is it kids in parochial, charter or home schools consistently run rings around kids in public school? It definitely can’t be the amount of money spent. The American public school system spends more money to educate kids than anywhere on earth. From 1890 to 1990 for example, the cost went from $2 billion to $187 billion. The White House reports that elementary and secondary education spending at the state level increased from over $228 billion in 2007–2008 to $236 billion the next, leveling off at $235 billion for 2009–2010. The last total U.S. number is $809.6 billion. I am soooo sick of hearing that poverty makes people stupid. The same way poverty supposedly makes people criminals. The parochial, private, charter and home schools also deal with poor, special education and dysfunctional kids. The results speak for themselves. Class size? Studies have shown that statistically, smaller class size doesn’t mean better teaching. It only means the teacher has less work. The industrialized wealthy western societies have made the decision to spend more money to get as many teachers as possible instead of paying fewer outstanding teachers more. Nothing costs more than reducing class size! It costs so much to hire extra teachers and build them classrooms in which to teach there is little money left to pay them. This is the real reason teacher salaries, relative to other professions have gone down over the past 50 years. This bad plan of course worked well for the unions. More members, more dues. Don’t misunderstand me. I know there are very good teachers. I also knew and know private and public sector union members who also took great pride in their work. But let’s face it. The unions now reward bad behavior instead of good performance. My dad worked for the Post Office. I remember how disgusted he was when he told me they fired a guy because he consistently called off on Monday and Friday. Six months later, he was back at work with back pay! Is this the legacy of unions and education in America? Dave Wolosik Oroville

What is it with government? OPINION BY WILLIAM SLUSHER

A Grunt in Vietnam told me: “Ah heard this noise, ya know? Like ... splat! Ah saw my man Johnson’s head was blowed cleeeean off. Well ... right away ah knowed somethin’ was wrong!” After squandering $315M in federal (read: taxpayer) funding over a year on its ‘Cover Oregon’ Obiecare website, Oregon governor Kitzhaber and his Obiecare minions happened to notice that they had “not enrolled... one... single... insurance seeker” in Obiecare. No misprint. Not ... one. They quit after a year of flushing $315M of taxpayers’ dearly earned, exorbiBill Slusher tantly taxed bucks down the drain. For absolutely ... nothing ... in what even they admit was “a disaster from the start.” What? After, say, only six months and a mere $150M with ... no ... results, no one “knowed somethin’ was wrong?” Reckon that $315M might have been useful in, say, grossly underfunded veteran’s medical care? What is it with government? A friend manages a local national chain fast-food restaurant, as another example. Unique among businesses, employers like him provide an increasingly vital academy of employment for 16-year-old youngsters entering the work place, most of whom have no idea what working for a living is about. My friend is a good and patient coach and he enables countless kids to earn and move on to higher paying jobs with invaluable elementary workplace lessons learned from him. This is a man whom government should be bending over backwards to encourage, support and subsidize. But while the state dictates that he must pay these wholly untrained new workers the same minimum wage he pays experienced,

trained, safer, more cost-efficient workers, it also tells him that those under 18 cannot do several necessary tasks like running meat cutters and cookers. My friend’s business is already borderline as to hiring youngsters. Another piratical minimum wage law will destroy all business sense in hiring unskilled entry-level kids. He will be forced to turn them away and hire only older, experienced workers who will more quickly and productively earn something approaching that inflated wage. A time-quality unit of anyone’s labor is legitimately worth no more nor less than that unit may be bought for elsewhere on the competitive labor market. All monies stolen from employers through legislative minimum wage extortion are thus just another handout to bribe votes for the handers at the expense of consumers. The resulting raised cost of living slams the poor hardest. What is it with government? A couple I know run an excellent construction company. They’ve worked for me and they’ve built homes and local government installations. They started in their twenties with a pair of carpenters and became a successful firm with a fleet of equipment and nearly 40 employees, but I’ve sadly learned that after ten years they’re weary of fighting the pervasive octopus leech of government bleeding them dry of profits and hobbling them far beyond reason. The same government that blithely allows millions of illegals to stay here deported their key Canadian employee on a minor visa technicality. Then there are multi-level taxes, tags, stickers, minimum wage, insurance, gold mining litigation, fees, regs, licenses, permits, inspections, L&I, workman’s comp, the list is endless, parasitic, smothering and growing every year. My young friends are selling equipment and cutting back to a handful of employees because they can net more for their family than they can as government harassed entrepreneurs. This couple was achieving what used to be the American dream, a business to hire

Americans and build good things. Yet again, they’re the very citizens government should be bending over backwards to encourage, support and subsidize. With government just out of their way I’ve no doubt they’d have built an enormous company with possibly hundreds of employees, serving the public splendidly, but ... no ... like the mafia ‘protection racket’, government has become much more a knee-capper of enterprise than an enabler. Government has ‘won.’ This couple (and who knows how many citizens they may have employed) and by extension America, have ... lost. That’s just wrong. These are by no means aberrant examples, they are but a scratch on the surface of the problem. Ask businesspeople everywhere, especially in business-hostile Washington state. What is it with government? $315M and zero results? Business folk must fight obstructionist, predatory government, rather than be supported by it, to hire and train employees, to build and grow commerce in America? It’s tempting to blame the prevailing Obama administration, but that’s too easy a cop out. No political party has a monopoly on government plague. It’s been going on for longer than Obama, though he’s exacerbated it. We need drastic improvement, not more partisan bigotry. In the end it’s not the politicians, Americans. We get the government we’ll tolerate. We get the government we elect. The only legitimate ‘hope and change’ for America must come from us. And we’d better get busy. William Slusher is an author, columnist and sociopolitical writer with a small ranch on the Okanogan River. Enjoy his newly reprinted down-and-dirty Southern murder mystery SHEPHERD OF THE WOLVES. (Amazon, cmppg.com, or your local bookstore). Mr. Slusher may be contacted atwilliamslusher@live.com.

Page A6

Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune | May 1, 2014

Okanogan Valley Life

Looking forward to May Day festivities

Lots of winners at annual Easter Egg Hunt Submitted by Marianne Knight Highlands Correspondent

Well, here we are into the first week in May of 2014. Easter is over and the Bunny has delivered all of his baskets and eggs to all of the Hilltop Children. The annual egg hunt was held on Saturday, April 19. The winners of the “Special Eggs” are as follows: Kaelan in the 0-3 age group with the Gold Egg and Fiama Covarubius with the Silver Egg; in the 4-6 age group Gold went to Wylie Shellenbarger and Silver to Kadin Graf; in the 7-9 group Michael Archibald won Gold and the Silver was won by Kade McKinney; the 12-year-old group Billie Jean Nelson won Gold and Kaleb Mieires won the Silver. The weather was a bit cool but not cold and the kids had a good time. Fiona Gallery at Chesaw will be having its annual Grand Reopening for the season, on the weekend of May 3 and 4 from

as all her children were home and the Ken Ripley’s had good representation of theirs. Remember some 50 years ago, the movie and book, “How Green Was My Valley?” That could be said of the Okanogan Valley, these days, and of course there are many clumps of bright yellow balsam to brighten things up a bit. How beautiful! And while we’re basking here in the valley the nearby mountains have taken on a fresh cover of snow. I didn’t get lazy last week but the computer died with my writing locked up inside, and I couldn’t remember just what I had written and didn’t have time to re-do. It is comforting to have the ambulance and crew at the ready, when a problem arises. Be thankful they are there, and hopefully you won’t need their services. The next American Red Cross Blood draw is May 7, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., at the

HILLTOP COMMENTS 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. There will be a yard sale, outside if the weather permits, and a drawing for a gift basket daily, as well as the usual excellent espresso, local art, second hand and gift items. At 6 p.m. on Sunday evening there will be an artist’s reception showcasing the paintings of local artist Judy Elven, with live music and refreshments. Hope to see you! Do you have old candles, crayons, a metal coffee can or two, a large pot and lots of pine cones of various sizes? If so, then you qualify to join our Pine Cone Fire Starter Class on Wednesday, May 7 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Eden Valley Guest Ranch. Perhaps you don’t have everything or even anything, come anyway, we can share. You will also need to bring finger foods for break time and might want to wear an apron. The lodge is wheelchair accessible. No charge for guests staying to help with clean-up – $3.00 for all others.

Hickman Benefit planned for May 2 Submitted by Jan Hansen


Oroville Eagles

Officer nominations for the There will be a benefit Aerie are on Tuesday, May 6 Spaghetti Feed for Bonnie with elections on Tuesday, May Hickman on Friday, May 2 from 20. Officer nominations for the 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. with a silent aucAuxiliary are on Tuesday, May tion and dessert auction to follow. Please come out to support one of 13 and elections on Tuesday, May 27. Nominees must be presour own. This Saturday May 3 we pres- ent to accept a nomination or proent Merv’s Redneck Karaoke vide the secretary with a written from 8 p.m. to 12 a.m. Come on acceptance if unable to attend. Our Aerie meetings are the out and show off your singing first and third Tuesday of the talent. month and the Auxiliary meets on May Festival weekend Sat May 10th we will have an Open the second and fourth Tuesday. House and Membership drive Remember, all members are welwith Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and come to attend these meetings. $1 beer in the Beer Garden. Bad Every Eagle has ideas, suggesHabits Band will play at 8 p.m. on tions, proposals or complaints. both Friday and Saturday Nights. Please come to the meetings and Mother’s Day is May 11 when participate in your club’s success. we will have our annual Mother’s Happy hour is 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Why not start a new holiday tradition? Make this the Day Breakfast. Mothers eat free, every day. We have free pool everyfor Sunday. Thursdays we play of year a child’s college familytime members arethat $5. you help save www.edwardjones.com

Give a Holiday Gift That Doesn’t End When the aBatteries Give Holiday Run Gift Out. That Doesn’t End When the Batteries Run Out. You Earned GiveRightfully a Holiday Gift It. NowDoesn’t Rightfully It. That EndKeep When Looking to keep more of yourRun income and cut the Batteries Out. your taxes? Then federally tax-free municipal education.

Edward Jones can work with you to develop a strategy save foracollege. One option is a Make 529 college Whytonot start new holiday tradition? this thesavings where giftsave can for have tax benefits for you, timeplan, of year thattoday’s you help a child’s college family members and the child.* education. *Contributions to a 529 plan may be eligible for a state tax deduction or credit in

certainJones states forcan thosework residents. Edward with you to develop a strategy to save for college. One option is a 529 college savings Why nottoday’s start a new holiday tradition? Make plan, where gift can have tax benefits for you, bonds* may beof for you. To make your college savings gift in timefor a this the time year that you help save family members and the child.* Why not start a new holiday tradition? Make this the

for the holidays, call or visit today.

*Bonds may be subject to state, local or the alternative minimum tax. child’s college education. Edward Jones can Before investing in bonds, yoube should understand the involved, *Contributions to a 529 plan may eligible for a state tax deduction orincluding credit in timerisk ofand year that you help save arisks child’s college credit market risk.to Bonds are also subject to interest rateto risksave such thatfor work with you develop afor strategy certain states for those residents. education. when interest rates rise, the prices of bonds can decrease. In addition, the investor college. One is a 529 college savings can lose principal value ifoption the bond is sold prior to maturity.

Sandra Rasmussen Financial Advisor

today’s gift have Edward Jones can worksavings with can you gift to develop abenefits strategy Toplan, makewhere your college in tax time for you, family members thecollege child.* Call or visit local advisor to save for college. One is a 529 savings 32your N Main St option Suite financial Aand for the holidays, callforor today. *Contributions to a 529 plan may be eligible a statevisit tax deduction or credit in certain states for those residents. .

Omak, WA 98841 plan, where today’s gift can have tax benefits for you, today. 509-826-1638 family members and the child.*

Sandra Rasmussen Financial Advisor

*Contributions to a 529 plan may be eligible for a state tax deduction or credit in certain states. for those residents. www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC

32 N Main St Suite A

Sandra Rasmussen Omak, WA 98841

To make your college savings gift in time Financial Advisor 509-826-1638 .

for the holidays, call or visit today.

32 N Main St Suite A www.edwardjones.com Member SIPC Omak, WA 98841 You can upload your own community events. Sandra Rasmussen 509-826-1638Financial Try ourAdvisor new calendar at...

www.gazette-tribune.com 32 N Main St Suite A .

Omak, WA 98841 509-826-1638

Check out the Eden Valley website for driving directions and general information about the ranch at www.edenvalleyranch.net. For more information call Marianne at 509-485-2103 or Dolly at 509-476-3336 to sign up so you will not be left out. Last Sunday’s Pancake Feed was a good one as usual with 131 breakfasts sold. There has been a lot of work going on in Molson to prepare for the opening of the Museum Season. Opening day will be on the May 24 and running through Labor Day in September. The committee is still working on the Walker-O Dell Locator building (old time Real Estate). They hope to have it ready for the opening day. The big weekend for Molson and Chesaw will be the Memorial Day Saturday at the Molson Grange Hall. That is the day for the Big Yard Sale. The Chesaw Knob Hill Club Members will be serving Lunch starting at 11 a.m. until they sell out. You need to get there early as their Walkin’ Tacos are the greatest. The Yard Sale will start at 9 a.m. Tables are available for sales or crafters. Call 509-4852103 for more information.

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Call us . . . Se Habla Español Bingo and eat Burgers and More. Friday is Taco Night, Karaoke and Meat Draw. Watch this column for Saturday special events. Come join your brothers and sisters at your Eagles and bring your friends. Find out what is happening at your club and join in. As always, We Are People Helping People.

and David Chryst. She too, was very small but is reported to be doing well and her name is Mia Faith. A very pretty name, don’t you think? She is the first granddaughter of Lance and Vicki Haney. Do you suppose there will ever be another Chet Atkins or Floyd Cramer? Why do so many present day musicians believe that the public is totally deaf and that they must yell and scream and have amplifiers that rattle the earth? And whatever happened to melody and harmony and understandable words? Of course a lot of the words we really don’t want to hear. The date for Baccalaureate Service for the Oroville High School graduates is Wednesday, May 28, at 6 p.m. at the United Methodist Church. Refreshments of root beer floats will be served at the close of the service. I received word that Beverly Storm is ill and was taken to Omak hospital then on to Wenatchee and from there was taken to Harborview in Seattle. These facts alone sound serious but details will have to come later. Some people with too much time on their hands are doing damage through vandalism to other people’s property as well as damaged items from others. Be on the lookout for suspicious looking characters and notify the authorities.



Growing Healthcare Close to Home

Another new month and May is such a nice time of the year. I don’t get into this climate change thing, but I do know this, some 45 years ago, when our big May Day festivities were over, lots of the kids went swimming, in Lake Osoyoos. That hasn’t happened lately because it is still way too cold! So that isn’t climate warming, is it? Just over a week and the program and crowning of the 2014 queen and the next day the annual parade and Maypole dance, and barbecue. Fun! Fun! Fun! And our little great-grandsons, from Snohomish, will be here and able to run a little bit faster, as they’ll be a year older, after the candy, thrown from the floats. The Queen’s Tea will be held at the United Methodist Church May 4, at 3 p.m. The Easter gathering of our family was much smaller, this year, for various and sundry reasons. That was not the case at the Doris Hughes household,

United Methodist Church. Mariner’s Baseball Team a sympathy Can you imagine the U M card, after losing eight games Church being out of Raggedy in a row, and low and behold Ann dolls? They have made they won, last Wednesday. literally thousands of them Wonders never cease! and the supply is depleted… Our great niece, Roxy momentarily. Hylton, had very premaWhen the power goes ture twin boys, in Omak, off… many things stop. and were taken to Spokane Banks can’t function, cooks hospital, as one was havcan’t cook, etc. No lunch was ing breathing problems. served at the Senior Center, Starting at a fragile 3 lbs. Tuesday, and that messes up THIS & THAT each, they have reached the whole week, for us oldies 5 lbs. During this lengthy Joyce Emry that have trouble remembertime Roxy and family have ing what day it is. been living in the Ronald Cherry blossoms in Washington D.C. McDonald House, Spokane. She was around the White House are gorgeous at interviewed by KREM news and what this time of the year, but so are those in a surprise to see her on the internet, the Okanogan Valley. last week. She praised the place highFifty dollars spent at the grocery, used ly. She was able to keep her-three-year to be several bags, but that isn’t the case, old daughter, Summer, with her and these days. Remember? Food prices just the place will probably never be the keep going up, up, up! Chicken is the same. Summer has more questions most economically priced meat and so in her little three-year-old head than much can be done with it, clear down to most do at six. I’ve heard other good the soup bones. reports about the place, as we do about Peggy Reese has returned back to her “Our House” in Wenatchee. Both are shop, after the fire that destroyed her good places to make donations to, or home. At present she is living with her so it seems to me. The boys are our mom. great, great nephews and they expect Memorial services for Ellen Roberts to return to their home in Omak, for will be held in August. The date to be Mother’s Day. announced later. And we have a great granddaughter, I’ve been considering sending the in Issaquah, born to Janae (Haney)

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Continuing your education SUBMITTED BY JACKIE VALIQUETTE




Dance, health and fitness, culinary, photography, arts and crafts, sewing, aliens, Spanish, email, yoga, dog training, alpacas, computer basics, your estate, gold panning, welding, and so much more… these classes are offered through your Community Schools program.

Each quarter there’s something new. We’re heading into the fifth week of spring quarter and these three classes are coming up: Presto Pesto (Monday, May 5); Make Your Own Laundry Soap (Tuesday, May 6); Geocaching (Wednesday, May 7, 14, 21). Call Ellen Barttels at 509-4762011, email community.schools@ oroville.wednet.edu or sign up

online at www.northvalleycommunityschools.com. We are excited to offer a cruise, maybe two cruises, around Lake Osoyoos this summer. Watch for raffle tickets on sale around town. If your ticket is the winner, you and up to five others of your choice will enjoy a two hour slow cruise around the lake while you sip a glass of wine or other beverage, munch on amazing appetizers and listen to the soft sounds of music in the background. What could be better on a sunny July or August afternoon? The date is your choice. Raffle proceeds will benefit North Valley Community Schools.

COMMUNITY CALENDAR CHILDREN’S ART CAMP Apple Hill Art Camps, in conjunction with the Community Cultural Center of Tonasket, will be hosting its Children’s Art Camp June 23-27 at the CCC. This camp is for ages 5-7 (10:30 a.m.-noon session) and ages 8-10 (1:00-4:30 p.m.). Cost is $1 per day. Registration opens May 1; pre-registration IS necessary. Contact Jody Olson at 509-322-4071 for more information. YOUTH ART CAMP Apple Hill Art Camps, in conjunction with the Community Cultural Center of Tonasket, will be hosting its Youth Art Camp July 7-11 at Omak High School and Omak United Methodist Church. This camp is for ages 11 and over and runs from 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Cost is $5 per day. Registration opens Thursday, May 1; pre-registration is necessary. Contact Emily Hale at 509-8261653 for more information. HAM RADIO CLASS OROVILLE – Are you a ham? No, not the kind who is funny and life of the party, but the kind who communicates via ham radio! If other communications stop working during a disaster, this is the system that will keep us in touch with the outside world. In this North Valley Community School class you will discover how easy it is to get an amateur radio license. Learn how to stay connected. Amateur Radio and Emergency Communications is four sessions beginning on Thursday, May 1. Contact Ellen Barttels at 509-476-2011, email her at community.schools@oroville. wednet.edu or sign up for this class online at www.northvalleycommunityschools.com. SPRING BOOK SALE OROVILLE - There is a two-day Spring Book Sale planned at the Oroville Community Library, Friday, May 2 (4 p.m. to 7 p.m.) and Saturday, May 3 (9 a.m.-1 p.m.). Hardbacks 50 cents, paperbacks 25 cents, selected gift sets. Oroville Community Library is located at 1276 Main St. For further information contact Susan Marcille at 476-2884. Donations are always accepted. OHA PRESENTS AMPHIBIANS TONASKET - Scott Fitkin’s work as a District Wildlife Biologist (Winthrop) brings him in close proximity to some of the region’s most interesting and unique amphibians. In this Highland Wonders presentation, Fitkin will give an overview of our local amphibian species, including their identifying characteristics, life history and presumed distribution. The presentation is Friday, May 2 at the CCC of Tonasket, 411 S. Western Ave., beginning at 6:30 p.m. with desserts, tea and coffee; dinner benefiting the CCC begins at 5 p.m. The presentation is free. The meal benefiting the Community Center is $7.50 for CCC members or $8.50 for non-members; $5.00 for kids under 12; a dessert and one beverage are included for dinner guests. For more visit www.okanoganhighlands. org/education/hw; contact or contact, Julie Ashmore:julie@ okanoganhighlands.org or 509-476-2432.

Dinner and concert at Tonasket CCC this Saturday THE GAZETTE-TRIBUNE

The Community Cultural Center will be hosting Laura Love and Orville Johnson on stage, Saturday, May 3.


TVBRC SEEKS ARTISTS TONASKET - The Tonasket Visitor and Business Resource Center is seeking artists for its city art gallery, which will be hosting three shows throughout the summer. Organizers invite all who create some form of art to contact them to determine what displays would work best for the types of shows they are seeking. Interested artists should contact Sue at 509-486-1416 or SueKramer1946@yahoo.com. The first show is scheduled to begin on May 17. NVCS PRESENTS GEOCACHING OROVILLE – What the heck is Geocaching? It’s another word, and another method, for treasure hunting. It’s a game. You will use your GPS or smart phone to navigate your way to the geocache, and you won’t know what you’re going to find – until you find it! Geocaching is three sessions beginning on Wednesday, May 7. The third session you will take a field trip around the area to find local geocaches. All levels of participants are welcome. Call Ellen Barttels at 509-476-2011, email community.schools@ oroville.wednet.edu, or visit our website at www.northvalleycommunityschools.com to register for this fun activity. FAMILY AND FRIENDS CPR North Valley Hospital will host a “Family and Friends CPR class Thursday, May 8, 6:00-7:30 p.m., presented by Shauneen Range, Certified Trainer. Course Outline: The dynamic Family & Friends CPR course is designed to teach small or large groups of lay rescuers the basics of CPR. This program uses the research-based practice-whilewatching format to teach skills in CPR; AED use; and relief of choking in adults, children and infants. Adult, child, and infant skills are presented in three separate modules for added flexibility. This course is intended for athletes or wilderness explorers, members of volunteer organizations, residents of rural areas or locations prone to natural disasters, workplace wellness programs, babysitters, caregivers, other community groups and organizations, and people who want to learn CPR and do not require certification. There is no cost, but only eight available spots. Preregister by calling 509-486-3163 or by going to www.nvhospital.org for online registration. OROVILLE FARMERS’ MARKET OROVILLE - The Oroville Public Library presents the Oroville Farmers’ Market, Saturday morning from 9 a.m. to 1 pm, Saturday, May 10. Our 2014 season also features three Community Yard Sale and Flea Market dates: July 5, Aug. 2 and Aug. 30. New vendors are welcome and your booth fee helps support the Oroville Public Library.For more more info call 509-476-2662.


OROVILLE – The Oroville School District, with the help of the Oroville Scholarship Foundation, is inviting all current and former Oroville School District staff members, as well as all community members, to come mingle for an hour on May Day, Saturday, May 10, from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. in the High School Commons. Light refreshments will be served. This will be a chance to meet and greet both former and current employees in a very informal setting.

THREE-ON-THREE BASKETBALL OROVILLE - The Oroville Booster Club will be hosting its 22nd annual May Day 3 on 3 Basketball Classic on Saturday, May 10. The registration fee is $70 if your registration is received before May 5, 2014 and $90 if received after the deadline of May 5, 2014. Divisions will include, Mens & Womens Open, Boys & Girls High School, Boys & Girls 14 & Under, and Boys and Girls 12 & Under. Questions/Comments: call 509-5600118 or 509-560-1063 or email orovilleboosterclub@gmail. com Registration forms available online at www.oroville. wednet.edu under the Booster Club link LISTING YOUR ITEM Our Community Bulletin Board generally allows listing events for up two weeks prior to the day it occurs. If space allows it may be included prior to the two week limit. However, our online calendar at www. gazette-tribune.com allows the event to be listed for much longer periods. Please include day, date, time and location, as well as a for further information phone number. You may place an event on the online calendar by going to our website and clicking on the “Add an Event” button on the homepage. Please, list your event only for the day or days of its occurrence. Once your request is submitted, it can take up to 48 hours for the event to appear on the calendar. Online submissions don?t always go into the hardcopy edition, so it helps if they are also submitted to us at gdevon@gazettetribune.com or at GazetteTribune, P.O. Box 250, Oroville, WA. 98844.

Dinner will be served from 5:30-6:30 p.m. and concert at 7:00. Cost is both dinner and concert....$18.00 for CCC members/ $20.00 for the general public; Concert only is $10.00 for members/ $12.00 for general public. Orville Johnson, a masterful country/blues guitarist and vocalist, has been recording with Laura for 20 years and has toured with

her on a regular basis since 2008. As a mostly acoustic duo, they present a show packed full of Laura’s originals and well loved folk, country and gospel tunes.† While this will be just the two of them, this will be a mighty and powerful show: two big voices, Orville’s amazing picking and Laura’s funky bass. Orville is the kind of guitarist who fills up a room and makes it look so easy.


familiar sing along tunes. Event is from 2:00-4:00. This is a benefit concert for the CCC. $8.00 will be charged at the door. Refreshments will be available by donation. Sunday, May 25 - FREE Community Meal from 2:00-3:30. This is a free meal for those who need it, and donations are always welcome. General Public is welcome. Saturday, May 30 - Girls Night Out - 5:30 doors open, 6:00 dinner, 7:00 event consisting of music, dancing, free clothing exchange, book exchange, massage, and other pamper yourself items. We also have Zumba classes, Toddlers Play group, Artists Paint-In get together, and other fun offerings. Please see our website atinfo@communityculturalcenter.org of call at 509-486-2061 for more information.

Friday, May 2: Okanogan Highland Alliance presentation, “Amphibians’”. Dinner to benefit the CCC begins at 5:00 for $7.50/$8.50, program at 6:30 (free entrance) Saturday, May 3: Laura Love concert and dinner - Orville Johnson will join Laura Love on the stage at 7:00. Dinner will be served from 5:30-6:30--Lasagne and all of the fixings. Cost of the evening will be :Dinner & Concert--$18.00 for CCC members and $20.00 for the general public: Concert only, $10:00 for CCC members and $12.00 for the general public. Friday-Saturday, May 16-17:

CCC Benefit Rummage Sale - set up after 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, 15th. Clean Items may be donated the week of the sale on Tuesday or Thursday. Time of sale is 9:004:00 both days. Proceeds will benefit the CCC’s front of building remodel. Friday, May 16 - Front room drumming circle with Okanogan County Hand Drummers Group-come with your drum and/or hand percussion instruments. A few items will be available to borrow that night. Sunday, May 18 - Mood Swings from Omak - This three person group performs wonderful three part harmony music from the 1940’s to 1970’s--most of it

Fundraiser for repairs a big success



Can you believe it 80 degrees this week, as it gets warmer watch for ticks on your pets. We would like to thank everyone that brought dessert items and all the volunteers that made the fundraiser for repairs a great success. Maybe now we can get the Eagle sign on the top of the building painted.

Baby picture guessing game SUBMITTED BY DOLLY ENGELBRETSON

The Eagles has some new pulltab games, so come in and check them out. (BIG winners). Mother’s Day is just around the corner, we are having a Buffet Breakfast that day from 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Treat your mom’s to a great meal, It’s the last one until fall. Pinochle will be that day as well at 1 p.m. There are only a few months before your membership card expires. Auxiliary dues are $24.00



The Senior Center members are having fun trying to guess who the baby pictures belong to. Twice a week clues are given as to whom is in the picture. If you think you know, pay $1.00 per

guess and whoever guesses correctly will win one-quarter of the money collected. The High School Royalty was scheduled to visit the Center on the Tuesday, April 29 to talk about

Whether you’re out of work or looking for something better, time is of the essence. For the latest job openings, look no further than our Classifieds. We’ve got you covered!

for non-Benefit and $25.00 for Benefit. Aerie dues have not gone up for a long time, and Grand has been charging us more for some time. Therefore we will be raising dues for the Aerie members to $35.00. Pinochle scores from last Sunday are as follows: first place Dave Russell and Ken Hovland, second place Penny Smith and Jerry Cooksey, low score to Lyle Anderson and Julie Hovland, last pinochle went to Dale and Cindy Byers. We wish all those that may be ill a speedy recovery to good health. God Bless all. The Biggest Little Eagles in the State.

their itinerary for the summer. They will have buttons and t-shirts for sale as well. Howard and Roberta Cole are our Royalty for the parade on Saturday, May 10. Pinochle scores for Saturday evening, April 26: Joe VanSant won the door prize; Betty Steg had three – 300 pinochles; Ed Craig was the high scoring man and Danny Weitrick was high for the ladies. More next time.

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SPIRITUAL MOVIE NIGHT OROVILLE - The HUMUH Clear Mind Buddhist Meditation Center at 1314 Main Street in Oroville is hosting a Spiritual Movie Night on Saturday, May 3, at 6 p.m. Snacks are provided. Bring a donation and help keep the lights on at the Center. Everyone is welcome. For more info call 509-476-0200.

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OROVILLE BELL CHOIR LOOMIS - This Sunday, May, 4th we will enjoy the ministry of the Bell Choir from Oroville. The public is invited to the 11 AM service to hear the beautiful and worshipful resonance of these unique instruments. 7TH DISTRICT DEMOCRATS TO MEET NEWPORT - Seventh Legislative District Democrats will meet on Tuesday, May 6, in Newport, Wash. with the Pend Oreille County Democrats at Create (900 West 4th Street) at 5 p.m. Bring salad or dessert for the potluck, if you wish. All Democrats are welcome.

Love and Johnson to perform

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Page A8

Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune | May 1, 2014

Okanogan Valley Life

Alternative/Outreach hosts open house


Submitted by Carol Lanigan Outreach Program Director

TONASKET - You are cordially invited to attend an open house at the Tonasket Alternative Programs Portable on Wednesday, May 7 from 5:30 - 7:00. If you are curious about the Alternative High School and Outreach Programs, this would be a wonderful opportunity to see what we are all about. There will be a “Meet and Greet” with students and teachers, a tour of the building, and an informational Power Point about the two programs.

The Power Points are scheduled for 6:00 and 6:45 p.m. The Alternative High School has been serving students in the area since 1995. Classes are smaller than regular high school classes and students enjoy a supportive, friendly environment in which to learn. Alternative School students meet the same high school graduation requirements as Tonasket High School students, but usually need a different environment to be successful. The Tonasket Outreach Program was started in 1996 to serve home school families in the community. Joining the Outreach Program gives stu-

dents the opportunity to interact with other students during weekly school days in addition to doing schoolwork in the home. Students are provided with curriculum and guided by a certificated teacher. Being part of a Parent Partnership Program such as Outreach, students can work at their own pace, and they can also work towards a Tonasket High School diploma. We hope you can join us for a chance to visit our building and learn more about these important programs in the Tonasket School District. Please bring your family and friends. Delicious refreshments will be served!

CHURCH GUIDE Submitted photo

The first four ladies in the front are believed to be (L-R) Gunda Nigg, Gladys Morris, Ruby Allen, Dorothy (Allen) Littlefield. The lady with the apple is Alene Loney, then Grace Naggy, Ruby Pearson, Margaret Gowen. The lady just behind Alene Loney is Mrs. Thompson. The man on the right in the very back is Harold Hill, the packing boss. The remaining members of the crew are unidentified.

Help sought in identifying workers in old photo Submitted by Kay Sibley Borderlands Historical Society

The Borderlands Historical Society has received some new pictures of apple packing in Oroville in the 1950’s when ten or more packing sheds were run-

ning in our area. Identifying the individuals is important. While both pictures are from Cordell Warehouse approximately 1951, the first one shows the packing crew. Note the ladies are all wearing dresses and skirts. These were the days of shaped apple

Joseph Daniel passed away in Tonasket at North Valley Hospital on April 24, 2014 at age 89. He was born in Alabama on August 21,

1924. Joseph was estranged from his family. He spent many years in the United States Army in Germany during World War II. He has lived and worked in the area since the 1960s. He worked for Smith & Nelson, Jerry Vanetta, Harold Thrasher, Perry

Okanogan International Chorus Members are from Oroville, Osoyoos, Oliver & Midway

Invites you to our

Annual Spring Concert under the direction of Lloyd Fairweather

trays and single bulb lighting. If anyone can identify help identify the workers let the Society know, or contact the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune with your information by emailing to gdevon@gazette-tribune. com.

Sat., May. 10th at 2:00 p.m.

Oroville Free Methodist Church

FREE Admission...

Our gift to the community who supports us!


Joseph Daniel

Silent Auction and Pie Social - Sat., May 3rd, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Trinity Episcopal Church - 604 Central - Oroville

Come join us!


Joseph Daniel

Blackler and Frank and Judy Cline. He was beloved by his friends and will be missed very much.

NEW Hope Bible Fellowship

Service Time: Sun., 10:30 a.m.  Wed., 6:30 p.m. Estudio de la Biblia en español Martes 6:30 p.m. 923 Main St. • ocbf@ymail.com Mark Fast, Pastor www.BrotherOfTheSon.com

Faith Lutheran Church

11th & Ironwood, Oroville • 476-2426 Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m. “O taste and see that the Lord is good!” Pastor Dan Kunkel • Deacon Dave Wildermuth

Immaculate Conception Parish

1715 Main Street Oroville 8:30 a.m. English Mass 1st Sunday of the Month Other Sundays at 10:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Spanish Mass every Sunday Father Jose Maldonado • 476-2110

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Oroville Ward 33420 Highway 97 509-476-2740 Sunday, 10:00 a.m. Visitors are warmly welcomed

Oroville United Methodist

908 Fir, Oroville • 476-2681 Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Rev. Leon Alden

Valley Christian Fellowship

Out On The Town

nns oFono’ds! Sahba ulou F

n n n n

your guide to

Breakfast Every Morning Steak Night on Wed. & Sat. Spaghetti Thursday Prime Rib Friday — We have WiFi — 626 Whitcomb, Tonasket 509-486-2259

Pastor Randy McAllister 142 East Oroville Rd. • 476-2028 • Sunday School (Adult & Teens) 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m.• Sun. Evening Worship 6 p.m. Sunday School & Children’s Church K-6 9:45 to 1:00 p.m. Open to Community! Located at Kid City 142 East Oroville • Wednesday Evening Worship 7 p.m.

Trinity Episcopal

602 Central Ave., Oroville Sunday School & Services 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist: 1st, 3rd, & 5th • Morning Prayer: 2nd & 4th Healing Service: 1st Sunday The Reverend Marilyn Wilder 476-3629 Warden • 476-2022

Church of Christ


Main St., Tonasket l 486-2996

* Wednesday *


PRIME RIB starting at 5 pm.

* Thursday *

Advertise your specials and events here!

Steak Night


Open: Mon. - Sat. 11 to close

Call Charlene at


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(8 oz top sirloin)

Call Today! Start your newspaper subscription today and get all the latest business, entertainment, sports, local news and more. 1420 Main St., P.O. Box 250 Oroville, WA 98844 509-476-3602 or 1-888-838-3000

Ironwood & 12th, Oroville • 476-3926 Sunday School 10 a.m. • Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7 p.m.

Seventh-Day Adventist

10th & Main, Oroville - 509-476-2552 Bible Study: Sat. 9:30 a.m. • Worship: Sat. 11 a.m. Tony Rivera • 509-826-0266

Oroville Free Methodist

1516 Fir Street • Pastor Rod Brown • 476.2311 Sun. School 9:15 am • Worship Service 10:15am Youth Activity Center • 607 Central Ave. Monday 7:00 pm • After School M-W-F 3-5pm office@orovillefmc.org

LOOMIS Loomis Community Church

Main Street in Loomis 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Worship Service Pastor Bob Haskell Information: 509-223-3542


Chesaw Community Bible Church

Nondenominational • Everyone Welcome Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. to Noon Pastor Duane Scheidemantle • 485-3826

MOLSON Community Christian Fellowship

Molson Grange, Molson Sunday 10 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesday 6:30pm, Bible Study “For by grace are ye saved through faith...” Eph. 2:8-9 “...lovest thou me...Feed my lambs...John 21:1-17

RIVERSIDE Riverside Lighthouse - Assembly of God

102 Tower Street Sunday Bible Study 10:00am Sunday Worship 11:00am & 6:30pm Wednesday- family Night 6:30pm Pastor Vern & Anita Weaver Ph. 509-826-4082

TONASKET Holy Rosary Parish

1st & Whitcomb Ave., Tonasket 10:30 a.m. English Mass 1st Sunday of the Month Other Sundays at 8:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Spanish Mass every Saturday Father Jose Maldonado • 476-2110

Immanuel Lutheran Church

1608 Havillah Rd., Tonasket • 509-485-3342 Sun. Worship 9 a.m. • Bible Study & Sun. School 10:15

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast.” -Eph. 2:8-9

“To every generation.” Celebrating 100 years 1905-2005

Crossroads Meeting Place Tonasket Foursquare Church

415-A S. Whitcomb Ave. • Pastor George Conkle Sunday: 10 a.m. (509) 486-2000 • cell: (509) 429-1663

Tonasket Community UCC

24 E. 4th, Tonasket • 486-2181

“A biblically based, thoughtful group of Christian People”

Sunday Worship at 11 a.m. Call for program/activity information Leon L. Alden, Pastor

Whitestone Church of the Brethren

577 Loomis-Oroville Rd., Tonasket. 846-4278 9:15am Praise Singing. 9:30am Worship Service 10:45am Sunday school for all ages

Ellisforde Church of the Brethren

32116 Hwy. 97, Tonasket. 846-4278 10am Sunday School. 11am Worship Service

“Continuing the work of Jesus...simply, peacefully, together”


To place information in the Church Guide call Charlene 476-3602

May 1, 2014 | Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune

Page B1


Finally, some home track meets By Brent Baker bbaker@gazette-tribune.com

CASHMERE - The season is heading into its stretch run, but only now are the Tonasket and Oroville track and field teams hosting their first home meets of the season. The Tigers hosted a fourteam Caribou Trail League meet last Wednesday; the Hornets host their Draggoo Financial Invitational this Saturday, May 3. Meanwhile, both squads each had a number of big performances Friday, April 25 at the Rieke Invitational in Cashmere. The Tonasket boys finished 10th out of 17 teams while the Tiger girls were ninth of 21. Oroville’s boys finished 13 and the Hornet girls placed eighth.

Oroville highlights Sierra Speiker and Kaitlyn Grunst continued to lead the Oroville girls as they prepare to hos their first home meet of the season this Saturday. Speiker won the 3200-meter run in 11:08.64, more or less unchallenged as she won by nearly a minute. She took second in the 1600 to Cascade’s Erin Mullins, who didn’t run the 3200 Friday. Grunst was the high jump winner with a leap of 5-0, winning by tiebreak criteria over Ephrata’s Madison Youngers. Grunst also took second in the high jump and Brittany Jewett took fourth in the javelin. Grunst, Speiker, Jewett and Sammie Walimaki also claimed a fifth place finish in the 4x400 relay. For the boys, Luke Kindred’s throw of 155-11 won the javelin and was his top effort of the year thus far. Tanner Smith earned a second-place finish in the 100. Tonasket highlights Rose Walts and Ethan Bensing topped the Tigers’ efforts. Walts was victorious in two events, shaving more than half a second off her personal best to win the 100 hurdles (16.06) and missing another PR in the triple jump by just an inch with a leap of 34-0. Meanwhile, Bensing won the triple jump by more than a foot with a leap of 41-2 while placing seventh in the long jump. Other top finishers for the Tiger boys included Ryan Rylie in the 400 (3rd); Devyn Catone, Dalton Smith, Smith Condon and Rylie in the 4x400 relay (6th); Joaquin Polito in the javelin (8th); and Dallas Tyus in the triple jump (6th). For the girls, Kathryn Cleman, Kylie Dellinger, Jaden Vugteveen and Walts and took second in the 4x400 relay and fifth in the 4x100.

Above, Kathryn Cleman clears 8-6 in the pole vault at Tonasket’s home meet last Wednesday; left, Kylie Dellinger takes the early lead on the way to a hard-fought victory in the 1600-meter run. Brent Baker/staff photos

400 - 1. Ryan Rylie, TON, 53.93; 2. Beau Cork, TON, 55.36; 3. Smith Condon, TON 56.29; 4. Devyn Catone, TON, 56.54; 8. Hunter Swanson, TON, 58.81; 14. Lloyd Temby, TON, 1:01.65. 800 - 1. Gustavo Mendoza, QCY, 2:19.50; 6. Abe Podkranic, TON, 2:28.56. 1600 - 1. Ivan Reyes, CHL, 4:56.66; 4. Abe Podkranic, TON, 5:21.14; 5. Dalton Smith, TON, 5:25.56. 110 Hurdles - 1. Travis Harris, QCY, 18.67; 4. Caio Baumstein, TON, 21.35. 4x100 Relay - 1. Quincy 47.34; 3. Tonasket (Baumstein, Hirst, Villalva, Kenyon) 48.76. 4x400 Relay - 1. Quincy 3:42.21; 2. Tonasket (Catone, Condon, Rylie, Cork) 3:52.64. Shot Put - 1. Jose Padilla, CHL, 50-3; 8. Chad Edwards, TON, 35-10.5; 11. Joaquin Polito, TON, 32-10.5. Discus - 1. Asa Schwartz, CHL, 133-1; 4. Joaquin Polito, TON, 93-1; 11. Chad Edwards, TON, 83-8. Javelin - 1. Jose Guardado-Chavez, QCY, 142-5; 5. Joaquin Polito, TON, 112-3; 6. Blaine Hirst, TON, 100-1; 8. Chad Edwards, TON, 91-10; 13. David Curtis, TON, 70-9. Long Jump - 1. Mason Guerette, OKN, 19-1; 2. Ethan Bensing, TON, 18-10; 5. Dallas Tyus, TON, 17-2; 11. Lloyd Temby, TON, 15-7.5; 13. Caio Baumstein, TON, 15-1.5; 19. David Curtis, TON, 14-4.5. Triple Jump - 1. Ethan Bensing, TON, 41-0; 3. Dallas Tyus, TON, 37-0.5; 4. Blaine Hirst, TON, 33-11; 9. Lloyd Temby, TON, 30-4.

Girls Rieke Invitational at Cashmere Boys

Team Scoring - Ephrata 120, Quincy 83, Bridgeport 68, Cashmere 66, Liberty Bell 51, Granite Falls 43, Cascade 42, Chelan 35, Connell 30, Tonasket 25, Waterville 25, Okanogan 24, Oroville 19, Omak 16, Entiat 6, Brewster 6, Manson 4. Individual (winners and Tonasket/ Oroville) 100 - 1. Jonathan Green, EPH, 10.63; 2. Tanner Smith, ORO, 11.41; 25. Devyn Catone, TON, 12.55; 27. Parker Kenyon, TON, 12.65. 200 - 1. Jonathan Green, EPH, 21.68; 9. Smith Condon, TON, 24.39; 10. Beau Cork, TON, 24.53. 400 - 1. Jonathan Green, EPH, 49.43; 3. Ryan Rylie, TON, 53.00; 11. Beau Cork, TON, 55.89. 800 - 1. Liam Daily, LB, 2:00.72; 20. Abe Podkranic, TON, 2:26.66; 25. Makalapua Goodness, TON, 2:34.56. 1600 - 1. Ben Klemmeck, LB, 4:39.40; 21. Abe Podkranic, TON, 5:21.72; 24. Dalton Smith, TON, 5:37.61; 27. Diego Santana, ORO, 5:49.30. 3200 - 1. Daniel Olmstead, CAS, 10:14.37; 14. Hunter Swanson, TON, 11:24.51. 110 Hurdles - 1. Kip Craig, BPT, 15.51; 14. Caio Baumstein, TON, 21.47; 15. Blaine Hirst, TON, 21.54. 4x100 Relay - 1. Quincy 45.29; 8. Oroville (Kindred, T. Smith, Mills, M. Smith) 47.16; 12. Tonasket (Baumstein, Kenyon, Condon, Hirst) 49.07. 4x400 Relay - 1. Bridgeport 3:34.94; 6. Tonasket (Catone, D. Smith, Condon, Rylie) 3:34.98. Shot Put - 1. Jose Padilla, CHL, 49-00; 21. Chad Edwards, TON, 35-10; 29. Joaquin Polito, TON, 31-4.5; 31. Oscar Rosales-Cortez, ORO, 27-6.5;

35. Dakota Haney, ORO, 24-2. Discus - 1. Jacob Laird, EPH, 165-3; 20. Joaquin Polito, TON, 97-2; 29. Dakota Haney, ORO, 87-5; 32. Oscar Rosales-Cortez, ORO, 83-9; 34. Seth Smith, TON, 78-0. Javelin - 1. Luke Kindred, ORO, 15511; 8. Joaquin Polito, TON, 138-6; 32. Oscar Rosales-Cortez, ORO, 86-4; 35. David Curtis, TON, 67-2. Pole Vault - 1. Carter Bushman, QCY, 13-6; 12. Matt Smith, ORO, 9-0. Long Jump - 1. Matthew Hamilton, GF, 20-1.5; 7. Ethan Bensing, TON, 19-2; 26. Keeton Hoines,, TON, 1410; 28. Riley Davidson, ORO, 14-0.5. Triple Jump - 1. Ethan Bensing, TON, 41-2; 6. Dallas Tyus, TON, 37-9; 22. Riley Davidson, TON, 27-10.


Team Scoring - Ephrata 83, Quincy 75, Casacade 67, Chelan 54, Okanogan 49, Cashmere 47, Granite Falls 47, Oroville 39, Tonasket 32, Bickleton 27, Pateros 27, Connell 26, Waterville 24, Entiat 23, Omak 21, Brewster 13, Bridgeport 12, ACH 12, Lake Roosevelt 10, Manson 9, Liberty Bell 5. 100 - 1. Cassie Collinge, GF, 12.60; 13. Sammie Walimaki, ORO, 14.03; 24. Lea Berger, TON, 15.03; 27. Janelle Catone, TON, 15.39. 200 - 1. Cassie Collinge, GF, 26.84; 21. Phoebe Poynter, ORO, 31.47; 25. Amber Monroe, TON, 32.72. 800 - 1. Erin Mullins, CAS, 2:26.50; 13. Amber Monroe, TON, 2:50.13. 1600 - 1. Erin Mullins, CAS, 5:18.32; 2. Sierra Speiker, ORO, 5:27.81; 12. Johnna Terris, TON, 6:39.28; 18. Narya Naillon, ORO, 6:56.03; 21. Lea Berger, TON, 7:08.80. 3200 - 1. Sierra Speiker, ORO, 11:08.64. 100 Hurdles - 1. Rose Walts, TON, 16.06; 18. Janelle Catone, TON, 21.40.

4x100 Relay - 1. Okanogan 54.29; 5. Tonasket (Cleman, Dellinger, Vugteveen,Walts) 55.69. 4x200 Relay - 1. Ephrata 1:52.72; 9. Oroville (Grunst, Jewett, Walimaki, Poynter) 2:03.04; 11. Tonasket (Monroe, Young, Catone, Terris) 2:11.28. 4x400 Relay - 1. Okanogan 4:26.50; 2. Tonasket (Cleman, Dellinger, Vugteveen, Walts), 4:37.38; 5. Oroville (Grunst, Speiker, Jewett, Walimaki), 4:50.76. Shot Put - 1. Karle Pittsinger, CHL, 418.5; 15. Jenna Davisson, TON, 263.5; 25. Chelsea Vasquez, TON, 23-2; 29. Sarai Camacho, ORO, 20-11. Discus - 1. Karle Pittsinger, CHL, 12611; 11. Alissa Young, TON, 80-4; 21. Sarai Camacho, ORO, 69-8; 23. Jenna Davisson, TON, 68-2. Javelin - 1. Ashton Riner, CON, 103-7; 4. Brittany Jewett, ORO, 94-9; 14. Alissa Young, TON, 78-10; 26. Allison Glanzer, TON, 58-0. High Jump - 1. Kaitlyn Grunst, ORO, 5-0. Pole Vault - 1. Eli Kimes, CSH, 10-2; 9. Jaden Vugteveen, TON, 6-0. Long Jump - 1. Cassie Collinge, GF, 15-10; 7. Kaitlyn Grunst, ORO, 14-6. Triple Jump - 1. Rose Walts, TON, 340; 14. Jaden Vugteveen, TON, 27-11; 19. Phoebe Poynter, ORO, 24-9.

CTL meet at Tonasket Boys

Team Scoring - Quincy 232, Chelan 147, Tonasket 113, Okanogan 84 100 - 1. Scott Tobin, QCY, 12.07; 12. Jacob Villalva, TON, 12.88; 17. Caio Baumstein, TON, 13.12; 23. Parker Kenyon, TON, 13.30; 31. Lloyd Temby, TON, 13.87. 200 - 1. Scott Tobin, QCY, 24.67; 6. Smith Condon, TON 25.55; 7. Parker Kenyon, TON, 26.96; 10. David Curtis, TON, 28.23.

Team Scoring - Quincy 196.5, Okanogan 153, Chelan 150, Tonasket 105.5 200 - 1. Valerie Tobin, QCY, 27.73; 9. Bonnie Siegfried, TON, 31.02. 400 - 1. Samantha Kleyn, QCY, 1:06.94; 2. Rose Walts, TON, 1:08.71; 4. Jaden Vugteveen, TON, 1:12.05; 5. Kylie Dellinger, TON, 1:15.75; 6. Kathryn Cleman, TON, 1:17.47. 800 - 1. Jessica Galvan, CHL, 2:47.93; 2. Amber Monroe, TON, 2:54.02; 5. Mary Naylor, TON, 3:09.26. 1600 - 1. Kylie Dellinger, TON, 5:50.33; 8. Johnna Terris, TON, 6:45.15. 100 Hurdles - 1. Rose Walts, TON, 16.77. 4x100 Relay - 1. Okanogan 53.90; 2. Tonasket (Cleman, Dellinger, Walts, Siegfried 54.23. 4x200 Relay - 1. Okanogan 1:54.10; 3. Tonasket (Monroe, Ward, Terris, Siegfried) 2:06.70. 4x400 Relay - 1. Chelan 4:41.51; 2. Tonasket (Cleman, Vugteveen, Walts, Dellinger) 4:44.77. Shot Put - 1. Karle Pittsinger, CHL, 39-7; 6. Amber Monroe, TON, 265.5; 8. Alissa Young, TON, 25-9.5; 11. Allison Glanzer, TON, 24-11; 12. Chelsea Vasquez, TON, 24-3.5; 15. Jenna Davisson, TON, 23-9.5; 24. Johnna Terris, TON, 17-0. Discus - 1. Karle Pittsinger, CHL, 131-0; 5. Alissa Young, TON, 83-9; 6. Jenna Davisson, TON, 82-3; 12. Allison Glanzer, TON, 61-6. Javelin - 1. Valerie Tobin, QCY, 88-10; 6. Alissa Young, TON, 72-9; 11. Allison Glanzer, TON, 63-0. Pole Vault - 1. Elizabeth Nelson, QCY, 9-0; 2. Kathrn Cleman, TON, 8-6; 5. Jaden Vugteveen, TON, 6-0. Triple Jump - 1. Kaitlin Ramsey, QCY, 30-5; 4. Jaden Vugteveen, TON, 28-0.75; 10. Bonnie Siegfried, TON, 24-3.5; 11. Chelsea Vasquez, TON, 23-11.75; 12. Johnna Terris, TON, 23-2.5.

Hornets drop thriller to Bridgeport

Left, Jake Scott awaits an attempted pickoff throw at first base during last Friday’s doubleheader with Bridgeport; above, Brentt Kallstrom turned in a strong outing in the second game against the Mustangs.

gle, double, triple, sacrifice fly and five RBIs to key the Hornets’ offense. Hunter Martin walked three straight times and Dustin Nigg was hit by pitches in four consecutive at bats spanning the two games. The Hornets also pulled off a rare double play in the second inning as McKinney, playing third at the time, threw home to catcher Trevor Shearer to nail a sliding Bridgeport runner. Shearer whipped the ball to second base, where Mathis caught another Bridgeport baserunner too far off the bag, ending the inning. The first game wasn’t nearly so compelling as the Mustangs rolled to a five-inning win. The Hornets managed just two hits as McKinney reached base on a single and scored on Steven Maupin’s RBI hit in the fourth inning. Bridgeport scored eight runs in the second inning and five in the third to put the game out of reach. The Hornets (1-15, 1-11 Central Washington League) close out the season Saturday at Liberty Bell.

on Casey Martin’s two-run single and Ricky Mathis’ RBI groundout. McKinney added a two-run double in the fourth, followed by Kallstrom’s RBI groundout on which he reached base thanks to a Bridgeport error. McKinney finished with a sin-

Manson 10, Oroville 2 OROVILLE - A five-run second inning put the Hornets into an early hole on Thursday, April 24, and they never recovered while losing 10-2 to Manson. Trevor Shearer and Boone McKinney each singled and scored in the Hornets’ two-run fourth inning, but Oroville could get no closer.

By Brent Baker bbaker@gazette-tribune.com

OROVILLE - It was as entertaining a game as the Oroville baseball team has played in the last couple of years. The Hornets’ 12-11 loss in the second game of their Friday, Apr. 25, doubleheader to Bridgeport highlighted both the promise of a young team’s development, and the frustrations that often come with that growth, often within moments of each other. Oroville held an 8-3 lead after four innings, with the promise of an early finish due to a gloomy afternoon that robbed the field of late faster than otherwise might have been expected. After playing sharp defense for four innings, the Hornets committed six errors in the final two innings, leading to seven unearned runs (plus two more of the earned variety). Faced with a 12-9 deficit, the Hornets mounted a comeback of their own in their final at bat. Casey Martin led off with a walk, and after two were out, Bridgeport’s pitcher bobbled Trevor Shearer’s nubber in front of the plate, giving Oroville a final chance. Boone McKinney took full advantage, launching a rocket off the fence in left field. McKinney legged it out to third base, sliding under the tag for a triple, to cut the lead to 12-11. Bridgeport cleanly fielded Steven Maupin’s grounder to third base to end the game. The Hornets’ defensive laps-

Brent Baker/staff photos

es ruined what had been an excellent outing for freshman pitcher Brentt Kallstrom, who held Bridgeport to three runs - two earned - on one hit and two walks through the first four innings. The Mustangs’ four-run fifth took its toll as three errors kept

him on the mound for nearly half an hour. Oroville coach Tam Hutchinson pulled in favor of McKinney in the fifth after Kallstrom experienced soreness in his arm. The Hornets scored single runs in the first and second innings, then added three runs in the third

Terry Mills/submitted photo

Tonasket’s Brian Hendrick follows through on a backhand hit against Omak last Thursday. The Tonasket boys lost to Omak 3-2 (despite Trevor Terris’ three-hour long victory in singles play) but bounced back to defeat Cascade on Friday 5-0. The girls lost to both the Pioneers and Kodiaks by 5-0 scores.

Manson tops Hornets By Brent Baker bbaker@gazette-tribune.com

OROVILLE - Oroville’s soccer team gave Manson a run for its money on Saturday, April 26, but fell short in a 5-2 loss to the Trojans. “We cut Manson’s lead to 3-2 in the second half,” said Oroville coach Mike Pitts, who missed the game due to work obligations. “I was proud that we were competitive against a very good team. We had plenty of scoring opportunities; we need to get better at capitalizing on them.” Abe Capote scored on a penalty kick and Cesar Lozano scored a goal in play for the Hornets. The Hornets (2-7-1, 0-3 Central Washington League) play Liberty Bell on Saturday, May 3, in their final home game of the season.

Brent Baker/staff photo

The Tigers’ Selina Cosino beats a Cascade baserunner to second base during the Tigers’ doubleheader loss to the Kodiaks on Saturday, April 26.

Pershing hits 2 HRs off Kodiaks By Brent Baker bbaker@gazette-tribune.com

TONASKET Vanessa Pershing clubbed a pair of home runs to highlight the Tonasket softball team’s day during losses of 23-8 and 17-3 to Cascade on Saturday, April 26. Both round-trippers were of the over-the-fence, no-doubtabout-it variety. “I was very excited for those for her and the team,” said Tonasket coach Emily Rimestad. “She has three this year and nearly had a fourth that hit the fence.” The Tigers’ (1-14, 0-9 CTL) travails in the win/loss department continued, but Rimestad said it has been a good year of learning the game for her inexperienced squad. Highlighting that fact was the a new role for senior Carrisa Frazier, who came on to pitch for the first time after just two days of practice. “She did good for (the situation),” Rimestad said. “I’m very proud of all the girls and how they have become very versatile with their positions. It’s been a real year of learning for more than half the team.” The Tigers also lost 18-0 to Okanogan last Tuesday. “We held them to 4-0 in the first three innings,” Rimestad said. “Errors kept us from keeping close. “It’s a privilege to coach these girls. We have fun and we come to play. I think the score doesn’t always show the true game or playing ability of this young team.”




Above, Dolly Engelbretson, President of the Oroville Tree Board, addresses a big throng of students and community members at this year’s Arbor Day Celebration at the Oroville Elementary School where several trees were planted. Left, even the Oroville High School band performed at the observance, said to be the largest Arbor Day celebration in the county.

Submitted photo

Oroville’s FBLA team enjoys a day a Pike Place Market in Seattle. Pictured are ( front, l-r) Tori Kindred, Bethany Roley, (middle) Bailey Griffin, Luke Kindred, Kali Peters, Ashley Marcolin, Shelby Scott, (back) adviser Tony Kindred, Dakota Haney and Ellamae Burnell.

Passing the torch Kindred to Kindred highlights Oroville’s state FBLA trip

ride the monorail to the Seattle Space Needle. There, thanks to our Local Haney family relatives, all were treated to complimentary tickets to see the sights from the “top of the needle.” The group also toured Pike Place Market, rode the Ferry to Bainbridge Island and was treated to some of Seattle’s most frequented restaurants.


SEATTLE - Oroville’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter attended the Washington State FBLA state competition last weekend, included over 1,800 students from around the state. “The competition was incredible,” said Oroville FBLA adviser Tony Kindred. The conference was held at The Westin Hotel. Members who competed at state include Luke Kindred, Tori Kindred, Ashley Marcolin, Kali Peters, Bethany Roley, Bailey Griffin, Shelby Scott, Ellamae Burnell and Dakota Haney. Tony Kindred felt the trip was an “amazing journey. “It is with enthusiasm, pride and thankfulness that I say this is one of the best state experiences that I have had the privilege to be a part of,” he added. “This group of students represented Oroville with professionalism, timeliness, courtesy, respect, competitiveness excitement and good old fashioned fun. The entire trip was one that I will never forget. What an amazing group of students.” Of course, an exciting element for the Kindred family was the ending of Luke Kindred’s run as state vice president. He was able to pass the torch to younger sister Tori, who after campaigning against a candidate from Bridgeport, won the VP election for the 2014-15 school year. “She, along with support from her brother, Luke and all attending members worked in in the campaign,” Tony Kindred said. “After preparing for a month, and

Steve Quick/submitted photos

Submitted photo

Tori Kindred, left, was sworn in as elected State Vice President. Older brother Luke Kindred is the outgoing VP. days of caucusing, speeches and a voting process at the state competition Tori was selected as the next State Vice President representing the North Central Region FBLA.” Tori Kindred will preside over the North Central Region conferences in the fall and winter and work with the Washington State Board on their program of work attending multiple events throughout this next year. Luke Kindred will graduate from Oroville with honors, as well as receiving his Associate of Arts degree from Wenatchee Valley College. He will attend Eastern Washington University in the fall where he has been accepted into Kinesiology and Athletic training with the intention of applying to the school of physical therapy. Along with Motivational speaker presentations, multiple workshops and sessions as well as competition and campaigning, the students found time to

Hosted by North Valley Hospital. 203 S. Western Ave., Tonasket 509-486-2151

Subjects include: • Finding local resources Support Group offering practical information & care giving suggestions • Decreasing your stress level

Usually held once a month at NVH for an hour and snacks are provided. Call 509-486-3110 & ask for Diane or Bill Next meeting is Monday, April 29th @ 6PM (You must RSVP)


GAZETTE-TRIBUNE 1422 Main St. Oroville, WA. 98844 509-476-3602 l 888-838-3000



MAY 1, 2014 | Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune

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Kristi Denison/submitted photo

Tonasket’s Fourth Grade Math is Cool team celebrates its regional championship in Wenatchee on Apr. 19.

On to State!

Tonasket 4th graders win Math is Cool regional By Brent Baker bbaker@gazette-tribune.com

TONASKET - The bar keeps gettings set higher for the Tonasket Elementary School “Math is Cool!” program. Fresh off the fifth graders’ third place finish in regional competition last month - the top finish for the two-year-old, two grade program - the fourth graders brought home an even bigger prize: the school’s first team regional title and automatic berth in the state finals. The Tiger Cubs were led by a trio of individual top 10 finishers. Carter Timm took second place out of 150 kids in the 34-team (from 10 schools) small school division; Kaylee Clark finished fourth; and Jessica Heinlen took ninth. Considering last year’s fourth graders finished fourth (and then third as fifth graders this year), the hopes were high. But bringing home the regional title was a bit of a surprise. As team places were announced in reverse order, coach and fourth grade teacher Scott Olson began to wonder if the team had earned a trophy at all. “I thought we’d be second or third,” Olson said. “I had been disappointed not to have heard our name at that point. So I was surprised by the first.” And when Tonasket was announced as the regional champ? “Everybody just stood up and started screaming,” said Logan Sutton, who along with the three individual trophy winners sat down for an interview last week. “ “We all just stood up and screamed,” Heinlen said. “I was kind of surprised,” Clark said. “I thought we might get second or third, but when they said we were first I was really happy and surprised. “After we got our ribbons, I

5th Graders head to State as well Tonasket’s fifth graders, whose third place finish at regionals last month, will be going to the state finals in Moses Lake as well. That team didn’t receive an automatic bid but was an alternate, and recently received word that they will be filling one of the state finals spots. Fifth grade state competitors will be Carter Alberts, Yahir Calderon, Bo Silverthorn and Colin Silverthorn. told him, We made ya proud.’” “I just didn’t want us to be sixth or seventh,” Timm said. “But when we won, Mr. Olson stood up and was screaming too.” The competition was broken into five sections, including a team test (30 percent of the scoring), multiple-choice test (20 percent), “Mental Math” (25 percent), relay-style test (15 percent), and College Bowl (much like Knowledge Bowl - 10 percent). Each carried its own set of challenges. For example, the multiple choice test not only included scoring points for the team by picking the right answer; it also deducted points for making the wrong choice. Each school could enter multiple teams in each event; Tonasket sent a total of 22 kids. The team that scored the highest for its school in each event had its score added into the team total. Each of the kids interviewed said that different events posed a different challenge. “The team test (in which a team of four works together to derive answers on a multiple choice test) was hard,” Jessica Heinlen said. “Our team was better about talking than it was at doing math.” Kari Alexander, who helped coach the team, said that it was Heinlen’s team that earned Tonasket’s top score. “I think the mental math is hard because you can’t write down how you do the problem,” said CarterTimm. “You can only write down the answer.” “I thought the individual test was hard,” Sutton said. “Some of the questions I’d never experienced before so that was kind of tricky.” “The college bowl was hard,” Clark said. “I’m used to raising

my hand and waiting for the teacher to call on me. This was just pull the string (to indicate you had an answer) faster than anyone else.” Despite every Tonasket trip to regionals being successful thus far, there is still a bit of awe to be dealt with while competing with more established programs that have more developed regimens in preparing for the competition. “Vale (from Cashmere) made me nervous,” Clark said. “I think they were the ones with matching bandanas.” “There are other really strong progras,” Olson said. “We’re up against some tough schools. I didn’t expect to knock those out, so it was a true surprise.” The team practiced as a group each Tuesday and Thursday for three weeks, plus worked on the math in their skill groups during school hours. “I practiced at home with my mom,” Heinlen added. All said they were excited to have done so well and hope to compete again next year. Opinions were divided as to whether or not the math contest was “cooler” than competing at sports. In fact, the annual Tonasket Youth Soccer Tournament on May 17 will conflict with state competition, so some of the kids had a tough decision to make on which way to go. Kaylee Clark, Jessica Heinlen, Sara Alexander and Juan Tafolla will be making the state finals trip. “It shows how well our school is doing as a whole program,” Olson said. “It wasn’t the 5-6 nights of practice that made the difference, it was the five years of school before that. Things like this affirm that Tonasket is doing a good job.”

Brent Baker/staff photo

VISTA worker Sabrina Norrell fields questions from Tonasket Elementary School kindergarteners during Fridays’ tree planting session in the Tonasket School Garden. The school celebrated Arbor Day (and Earth Day earlier in the week) by planting fruit trees and “guilds” in the garden.

Tonasket Elementary uses garden to celebrate, educate Earth Day/Arbor Day involved planting fruit trees By Brent Baker bbaker@gazette-tribune.com

TONASKET - The Tonasket School District’s school garden is taking shape, and the district took advantage of Earth Day and Arbor Day recognitions last week to plant about two dozen trees as the next stage of its formation gets underway. Though Tuesday’s Earth Day session was washed out on rain, classes on Friday planted the first trees and shrubs in the garden. “The idea we hope students take from this lesson is that planting a tree can or should be a holistic experience,” said Rose Corso, teachers’ liaison for the School Garden Board, said. “Nature offers many plants that help fruiting trees. The fruit tree is the central element, but it benefits from plants that attract or repel insects that are useful such as pollinators or harmful such as coddling moths, plants that nourish it by fixing nitrogen in the soil around it or creating useful decay, and plants that mulch it to keep out competing weeds and hold in moisture.” The students also learned what a “guild” is and how plants in the guild help each other to develop, then placed sculptures created by Mrs. Lind’s Fall art classes near the newly planted tree or shrub so they could identify “theirs” in future years as they grow. School Garden Board President Joseph Willging took on both planting and teaching

roles during the on-site activities. “He had the kids’ attention the entire time,” Corso said. “He has been a leader in working with the design of the garden, deciding which trees to order, and supplying us with the support plants, among a myriad of other contributions. VISTA worker Sabrina Norell, Americorp member Amy Fry provided help with teaching and planting during Friday’s outdoor session. Seventh grade math teacher Cari Haug, a new board member, had her classes design scale maps with ideas for the garden. Others that assisted included AmeriCorps members Adriana Capote, Gianina Gronlund, April Bigelow and Brandon Speers The Tuesday session moved indoors thanks to the weather. Middle/high school teacher Tyler Graves, who is also on the garden board, wrote and taught the day’s lessons. Another part of the program is the cafeteria food collection project. Corso said that one student from each fourth and fifth grade classroom forms the Green Team. Anthony Salazar, Tyler Wirth, Emily Nissen, Quaid McCormick, Leticia Mendoza-Medina, and Clay Buchert meet about every two weeks. “They have had lessons on Garbage to Garden to Table,” Corso said. “It’s a composting effort to reduce food waste currently collected by the school district, to be used in making compost for the school garden. The Green Team is a requirement for certification for becoming a Washington Green School, which we are in the process of applying for. It is an extensive point system, and one of the requirements is publicity for their efforts.”


Submitted photo

Standing with the Terrific kids is Chuck Weller and Ralph Longanecker long time Kiwanians. They are part of the team of six who present prizes once a month to the Terrific Kids at Tonasket Elementary School.

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Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune | May 1, 2014 OKANOGAN VALLEY GAZETTE-TRIBUNE • May 1, 2014





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BEAUTIFUL, SPACIOUS TONASKET HOME 2,900 SF, includes full basement with rental possibilities. Garage, garden and Koi pond. Must see to truly appreciate! Asking $214,500

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For lease Tonasket industrial storage/workshop. 2700 sq. ft. Available soon. Has power and water with small office and restroom within. 9ft. door will allow vehicle access. Call 509 322 4732

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www.gazette-tribune.com SUN LAKES REALTY. 2 bedroom lake front $595, Darling 1 bedroom Furnished Cottage $625.. Call NOW to find your new home. 509476-2121

Announcements Say it in the classifieds! *Special deal* *HAPPY BIRTHDAY *HAPPY ANNIVERSARY *CONGRATULATIONS!! *WILL YOU MARRY ME? MUST BE PREPAID $6.00 for the first 15 words additional words $1.00 each. Bold words, special font or borders extra. Add a picture for only $1.50 more. Call to place ad Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune 509-476-3602 The family of David “Dave� Tibbs would like to thank all of our friends, family and community for the outpouring of love, concern and help in more ways than you will ever know. Your love for Dave and our family and your genuine caring helped so much. We will be forever grateful. Thank you.

23. Hang around

9. “Aladdin� prince

25. Natural bone cavity

10. Challenge for a barber

28. Bewildered (3 wds)

11. Baker’s dozen?

31. ___ v. Wade

12. Home, informally

32. Popeye, e.g.

13. Costa del ___

34. A novel person

14. Get along well together (3 wds)

36. Register at a hotel (2 wds)

19. Equine offspring

38. XV 40. Georgetown athlete

22. Pungent glandular secretion used in perfumes

41. Immoral

24. Beat badly

43. “Gimme ___!� (Iowa State cheer, 2 wds)

25. Bow

44. Greet cordially

27. Apartment on two floors in a larger house

46. Sell 48. Crackpot 50. “Sesame Street� watcher 51. Cooking meas. 54. Terminal section of the large intestine 56. The Beatles’“___ Leaving Home� (contraction)


Across 1. Rock or ore splinters

14. Charge for the transportation of goods 15. Hole in the head 16. Baseball has nine of these 17. Traitor, Hispanic slang 18. Middle Eastern full-length garment 20. “C’___ la vie!� 21. Order between “ready� and “fire�

29. One who steals without breaking in or using violence (2 wds) 30. Brouhaha 33. Hostile 35. “Don’t bet ___!� (2 wds) 37. Pacific

59. Coffee maker

39. Apartment

61. Despicable sort

42. “Cool!�

63. Larval salamander of Mexico

45. ___ Daly, TV host

64. Honey

47. Dais (pl.)

65. Fixed

49. Nursery rhyme food

66. Attack by plane

51. Alpine transport (hyphenated) 52. Old German duchy name

7. Flower part 13. Excessive amount

26. In no way, slang

53. Egg on Down

55. Convene 57. “... or ___!�

1. “No problem!�

58. Undertake, with “out�

2. Detective (2 wds)

60. 1969 Peace Prize grp.

3. Fling

62. When it’s broken, that’s good (golf)

4. “Fantasy Island� prop 5. Spank 6. Appropriate 7. Hospital for chronic diseases 8. Dig

Help Wanted ASSISTANT GAMBLING MANAGER The Oroville Eagles has a position open for a part time Assistant Gambling Manager. This job is 2 to 2.5 hours per day, 2-3 days per week as well as on call hours. Must be able to pass a background check. Pick up an application at Eagles, 1319 Golden St.

www.gazette-tribune.com BARTENDER The Oroville Eagles has a position open for a part time bartender. Must be available to work nights and weekends. Pick up an application at the Eagles, 1319 Golden St.

The Tonasket School District is now accepting applications for a Head HS Boys Basketball Coach. Position is open until filled. Please contact the District Office for an application or available on the district’s website at: www.tonasket.wednet.edu Tonasket School District, 35 DO Hwy 20 E., Tonasket, WA 98855. Phone 486-2126. An Equal Opportunity Employer OROVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT has the following positions open: K-2 Certificated Teacher (Final Assignment TBD) 4th through 6th Grade Teacher (Final Assignment TBD) Position closes May 15, 2014 Coaching JH Football Coach Open until filled Please apply online at:

www.oroville.wednet.edu, job opportunities. OSD is an EOE.

Brake, Shock and Alignment Technician Wanted at Les Schwab Tire in Oroville. Taking applications. Apply in person or call and ask for Ryan or Jay at

509-476-3902 Food Service Clerk The Tonasket School District is now accepting applications for a Food Service Clerk, two hour per day position, Monday through Friday. Position will remain open until filled. To apply, applicants must complete an on-line application and submit materials through the online system. We will not accept paper copies of applications. Go to the district’s website at: www.tonasket.wednet.edu Instructions for completing the on-line application are found on the Employment link. Job descriptions are available on the online system also. Please call the district office at 509-486-2126 for help if needed. An Equal Opportunity Employer Seeking Experienced

www.gazette-tribune.com Speech/Language Pathology Assistant The Tonasket School District is now accepting applications for a Speech/Language Pathology Assistant. Applicants must have Speech Language Pathology Assistant certification. Position closes May 2, 2014. To apply, applicants must complete an on-line application and submit materials through the online system. We will not accept paper copies of applications. Go to the district’s website at: www.tonasket.wednet.edu Instructions for completing the on-line application are found on the Employment link. Job descriptions are available on the online system also. Please call the district office at 509-486-2126 for help if needed. An Equal Opportunity Employer

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Dental Assistant Who enjoys working in a fastpaced office. Must be trustworthy, reliable, and a good team worker. Approx. 3 days/week. Call 509.486.2902 Mon/Tues or 509.422.4881 Wed/Thurs.

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1955 WHIRLPOOL Stove, double oven, 4 burners with griddle in the middle, $300 or best offer, 509-486-2359

May 1, 2014 | Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune

Page B5

SPORTS Results of the Orchards in Bloom race on Saturday, April 26 Tonasket / Oroville area finishers

The North County was well-represented at the Orchards in Bloom halfmarathon and 10k race on Saturday, April 26, but no finish was more impressive than that of 92-year-old Florence Thornton. She completed the first 10k of her life, winning her age group and finishing ahead of four other runners/walkers while beating her goal of two hours (1:53). Thornton family participants included (l-r) Bob, Florence and Bruce (all of Oroville) and Kara (Omak).

Half-Marathon overall finish (gun times) 1. Jeremiah Smith, Seattle (Male Open), 1:32:21.4; 12. Douglas Wilson, Tonasket (1st place, Male 40-49), 1:50:51.6; 13. Kari Boettcher (2nd place, Female 20-29), Oroville, 1:52.55.3; 18. Jody Terris, Tonasket (1st place, Female 40-49), 1:58:49.4; 19. Shannon Larson, Tonasket (1st place, Female 30-39), 1:58:50.0; 25. Dewie Edwards, Republic (3rd place, Female 40-49); 35. Jessilyn Martin, Riverside (7th place, Female 21-29), 2:19:40.8. 10k overall finish (gun times) 1. Karrie Davis, Omak (Female Open), 49:27.4; 2. Dammes Ros, Tonasket (1st place, Male Open), 50:14.6; 3. Delcie Peters, Tonasket (2nd place, Female Open), 51:01.5; 11. Todd McDaniel, Tonasket (1st place, Male 40-49), 56:35.8; 15. Bruce Thornton, Oroville (1st place, Male 60-69), 58:28.8; 35. Angela Olivares, Tonasket (8th place, Female 21-29) 1:59.6; 39. Liz Schriner, Tonasket (9th place, Female 20-29), 1:07:12.5; 45. Heather Ferry Tonasket (12th place, Female 30-39); 46. Amanda McSpadden, Tonasket (13th place, Female 30-39), 1:10:20.7; Bob Thornton, Oroville (4th place, Male 50-59), 1:14:00.5; 74. Tommy McSpadden (1st place, Male 21-29), Tonasket, 1:24:32.9; Shoen Espinoza, Tonasket (25th place, Female 30-39), 1:24:50.9; 79. Lynn Holton, Tonasket (10th place, Female 40-49), 1:25:30.8; 108. Lacretia Warnstaff, Oroville (7th place, Female 50-59), 1:44:06.3; 109. Diane Acord, Oroville (8th place, Female 50-59), 1:45:17.6; 120. Florence Thornton, Oroville (1st place, Female 80-and-over), 1:52:46.7; 121. Melissa Kunz, Oroville (11th place, Female 50-59), 1:52.47.1; 122. Karen Keeton, Riverside (18th place, Female 21-29), 1:56:51.3; 123. Tiffany Keeton, Riverside (26th place, Female 40-49), 1:56:52.1; 124. Mary Brazil, Tonasket (27th place, Female 40-49), 1:56:53.4.

Bruce Thornton/Submitted photo



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2 3




5 6 7

6 8 4

4 7

8 5 2 1

3 1 4 7 9 6

5 6

2 1 3 8


1 9 8 7 4 5 2





















6 2

6 3





5 7 9

4 2 5

5 2 1 8 7

9 3 4 6

8 7 4 1 5 2 9 6 3

6 9 2 3 8

7 4 5 1


5 3 9 4 6 2




8 7












9 1






3 2




Puzzle 20 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.53)

Medium, difficulty rating 0.51 3



2 8

7 6 9



9 1 6










1 5 4

4 3 2

3 1 8

7 4 5

9 7 6

7 3

4 6










Sponsored by


1 4 5

2 3 8 7

7 8 6 9

6 5 7 4

9 1 3 2


4 5 3








6 3 8


Puzzle 17 (Easy, difficulty rating 0.42)




4 9











5 3 1

4 7 2 9

1 7 3 8 9 5 2

5 8 6 9

2 4 7 1


2 9 4 5 1 8 6 3

5 1 6 8 7 3

2 9 4


3 7 2 4 9

9 4 2 1 6 5



1 6

8 7

Puzzle 24 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.52)




6 5

Puzzle 23 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.62)













5 7 1 4 9

2 1 8 5

3 6

6 5 1 9 4

3 8 7 2




9 3 8 6 2 7 1 5

7 4 3

1 6 9 8


8 6 5 7 9 4 2 3

5 3 4 7 9 6









5 9






6 3


5 6 7

Puzzle 21 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.82)


















7 8 5

6 3 2 1 4 9

9 4 6 1 5 8 2 7 3

3 2 1 4

9 7 8 6 5

4 3 2 8 6 5 7 9 1

5 1 9 2

7 3 6 8 4

6 7 8 9 1 4 3 5 2

1 9 7 3 4

6 5 2 8

8 5 3 7 2 9 4 1 6

2 6 4 5 8

1 9 3 7

Puzzle 18 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.51)


7 4

3 5




1 8 5

8 6 7

8 6 5 2 7

9 4 1 3

6 3 8 1 4 5 7 2 9

2 9 4 7 8

6 3 5 1


7 1 9 3 2 6 4 8

7 5 3 6 1 4

8 9 2




6 5 2 7 1 3 4







8 9 3

5 7 6

9 5



4 3




8 1 3

2 8 7



8 1 7

9 6 2 5



3 9 2 6 1 4 8



2 8 5

4 3 7 6



4 7 1 3 5 9 2



6 3 8 1

2 5 9



9 2 4 5 7 6 1

Puzzle 14 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.81)

2 5 6 9 7

8 3 4

Puzzle 15 (Very hard, difficulty rating 0.96)

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VENDOR LIST OROVILLE-TONASKET IRRIGATION DISTRICT As authorized under RCW 87.03.437 and Oroville-Tonasket Irrigation District Resolution No. 2010-03, the Oroville-Tonasket Irrigation District is advertising for vendors who desire to be placed on the vendor list for materials, supplies, or equipment which cost less than $40,000.00. The Oroville-Tonasket Irrigation District is an equal opportunity employer and seeks participation from women and minority vendors. Vendor list application must be submitted to the manager of the Oroville-Tonasket Irrigation District, PO Box 1729; Oroville, WA 98844. Inquiries and requests for applications may be directed to the manager at 509-476-3696. Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on May 1 and May 8, 2014. #559217

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IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR OKANOGAN COUNTY In Re the Estate of: JIMMY CARROL LAWSON, Deceased. Probate No. 14-4-00048-0 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.40.030) The Administrator named below has been appointed as Administrator of this Estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable


Public Notices




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Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once.

Puzzle 18 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.51)




Sudoku 3

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copy of the claim. The claim must be presented by the later of: (a) Thirty (30) days after I served or mailed this Notice as provided in RCW 11.40.020(1)(c), or (b) Four (4) months after the date of first publication of this Notice. If the claim is not presented within this time period, the claim will be forever barred except as provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective for claims against both the Decedent’s probate and non-probate assets. Date of first publication: May 1, 2014. Michael Schultz, Personal Representative 4625 259th St NE Arlington, WA 98223 Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on May 1, 8, 15, 2014. #559226


Buying all kinds of horses. Gentle saddle horses for sale. Ask for Don Frazier 509-846-3377.

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SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR SNOHOMISH COUNTY Estate of Floyd David Schultz -AKA- David Floyd Schultz, Deceased. NO. 14-4-00605-1 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.40.030) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The above Court has appointed me as Personal Representative of Decedent’s estate. Any person having a claim against the Decedent must present the claim: (a) Before the time when the claim would be barred by any applicable statute of limitations, and (b) In the manner provided in RCW 11.40.070: (i) By filing the original of the claim with the foregoing Court, and (ii) By serving on or mailing to me at the address below a




statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Administrator or the Administrator’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) thirty days after the Administrator served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020(1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the Decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. Date of first publication: May 1, 2014 Administrator: Norma Gayle Lawson Attorney for Administrator: Peg R. Callaway Address for Mailing or Service: 700-A Okoma Drive, Omak, WA 98841 Court of probate proceedings and cause number: Okanogan County Superior Court, Probate No. 14-4-00048-0 Dated this 21st day of April, 2014. CALLAWAY & DETRO PLLC By:/s/Peg R. Callaway Peg R. Callaway; WSBA #13786 Attorney for Estate 700-A Okoma Drive Omak, WA 98841 Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on May 1, 8, 15, 2014. #559221


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Public Notices




Public Notices



Public Notices



NOTICE Washington State law requires wood sellers to provide an invoice (receipt) that shows the seller’s and buyer’s name and address and the date delivered. The invoice should also state the price, the quantity delivered and the quantity upon which the price is based. There should be a statement on the type and quality of the wood. When you buy firewood write the seller’s phone number and the license plate number of the delivery vehicle. The legal measure for firewood in Washington is the cord or a fraction of a cord. Estimate a cord by visualizing a four-foot by eight-foot space filled with wood to a height of four feet. Most long bed pickup trucks have beds that are close to the four-foot by 8-foot dimension. To make a firewood complaint, call 360902-1857. agr.wa.gov/inspection/ WeightsMeasures/Fire woodinformation.aspx






Page B6

Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune | May 1, 2014


Tigers earn 4th soccer win in 5 games “We’ve only beaten Chelan out of the top teams,” Goyette said. “ We’ve played well against a lot of those tough teams and it would have been nice if we could have gotten one or two of those other games. “Those teams play each other a lot, too, so you just don’t know what might happen.” The game got a bit chippy in the second half, though nothing was booked more severely than a number of yellow cards that went to each team. “I’ve appreciated the officiating a lot this year,” Goyette said. “You won’t always agree with every call but they’ve done a good job.”

By Brent Baker bbaker@gazette-tribune.com

TONASKET - Tonasket got three goals from three different players on Saturday, Apr. 26, as the Tigers handed Cascade a 3-0 boys soccer defeat. The win leapfrogs the Tigers past Cascade into fifth place in the Caribou Trail League standings, one spot (but three games) behind fourth-place Chelan. “I’m just real happy with how we’re playing,” said Tonasket coach Jack Goyette. “We’re realizing the value of team, playing well together and having fun.” The Tigers led 2-0 at the half on goals by Michael Orozco and Carlos Abrego, both on Elias Abrego assists. Though Cascade tested Tonasket goalkeepr Derek Sund often in the second half, he recorded his fourth shutout of the season. Isaiah Yaussey-Albright knocked in a Hugo Sanchez cross with about 10 minutes remaining to put the game out of reach. The victory helped mitigate the memory of the Tigers’ loss at Cascade three weeks ago, a 1-0 Kodiak victory on a Tonasket own goal.


Brent Baker/staff photo

Tonasket’s Christian Garcia leaves the Cascade defense in his wake during the Tigers’ 3-0 victory over the Kodiaks on Saturday, April 26. “That was a tough one,” Goyette said. “This is s a big win for us; it moves us up to fifth. It’s a long way to fourth.” The Tigers (6-6, 4-6 CTL), who

have won four of their last five, faced Omak on Tuesday but take on three of the league’s top four teams in the stretch run: Quincy, Brewster and Chelan.

Okanogan 4, Tonasket 1 TONASKET - The Tigers fell for the second time this season to Okanogan on Tuesday, April 22, by the same 4-1 score as an earlyseason defeat to the Bulldogs. This one wasn’t as close, though Goyette said the Tigers played well. “The first time we gave up a couple of soft goals,” Goyette said. “Not this time. We played well, but Okanogan is just better. They scored some beautiful goals. They’re a very good team and they’re playing well.”

Terry Mills/submitted photo

John Rawley hurls a pitch during Tonasket’s 9-0 loss at home to Okanogan last week. The Tigers also fell on the road at Cascade on Friday, 10-0 and 14-4.

STANDINGS & SCHEDULES Standings BOYS SOCCER Caribou Trail League (1A)

League Overall Pts W L W L T Quincy 26 9 1 9 3 0 Brewster 25 8 2 10 2 0 Chelan 23 7 3 7 4 1 Okanogan 20 7 3 9 3 0 Tonasket 10 4 6 6 6 0 Cascade 9 3 7 3 8 1 Cashmere 7 2 8 3 9 0 Omak 0 0 10 0 12 0

Central Washinigton Lge (B)

League Overall Pts W L W L T Manson 9 3 1 4 5 0 Bridgeport 4 1 1 5 3 0 Liberty Bell 3 1 1 9 3 0 Oroville 0 0 3 2 7 1

BASEBALL Caribou Trail League (1A)

League Overall W L W L Cashmere 8 1 13 2 Cascade 8 1 11 4 Okanogan 6 3 9 4

Brewster Omak Tonasket Quincy Chelan

5 3 10 3 2 5 5 8 2 7 6 8 2 7 5 10 1 8 3 13

Cent. WA League No. Div. (2B)

League Overall W L W L Liberty Bell 9 0 11 3 Lk Roosevelt 8 2 9 4 Pateros (1B) 6 3 6 4 Bridgeport 6 6 7 8 Manson 2 10 2 13 Oroville 1 11 1 15

Cent. WA League So. Div. (2B)

League Overall W L W L Kittitas 7 2 9 3 Riv. Christian 7 2 10 6 Soap Lake (1B) 5 3 11 3 White Swan 3 8 3 10 Waterville (1B) 1 8 3 10

Cascade Brewster Chelan Omak Quincy Tonasket

Cent. WA League No. Div. (2B)

League Overall W L W L Pateros (1B) 6 0 7 3 Liberty Bell 4 2 8 3 Lk Roosevelt 3 3 3 6 Bridgeport 3 3 8 3 Oroville 2 4 7 4 Manson 0 6 0 8 ent. WA League So. Div. (2B) C League Overall W L W L Kittitas 4 0 9 2 White Swan 3 2 4 7 Waterville (1B) 0 3 2 10 Soap Lake (1B) 0 2 0 4

boys tennis


Caribou Trail League (1A)

League Overall W L W L Okanogan 9 0 12 2 Cashmere 7 2 10 5

6 3 8 5 5 3 7 6 4 5 5 9 3 5 7 7 1 8 4 11 0 9 1 14

Caribou Trail League (1A)

League Overall W L W L Chelan 7 0 8 0 Cashmere 6 2 6 3 Omak 4 3 6 3

Tonasket Okanogan Quincy Cascade

4 4 5 5 3 5 4 6 3 6 3 7 1 8 1 8

Cent. WA League No. Div. (B)

League Overall W L W L Liberty Bell 8 0 10 0 Entiat (1B) 5 3 5 4 Pateros (1B) 5 4 5 6 Lk Roosevelt 4 3 4 4 White Swan 4 4 4 6 Oroville 2 7 2 8 Wilson (1B) 0 7 0 7

White Swan 7 2 11 3 Entiat (1B) 4 4 4 5 Oroville 5 5 6 5 Liberty Bell 3 5 3 5 Wilson Crk (1B) 0 6 0 6 Lk Roosevelt 0 7 1 7

Schedules May 1- May 10

BB = Baseball; SB=Softball; TEN=Tennis; BSC= Boys Soccer; TR=Track & Field; GLF=Golf Thursday, May 1 TEN - Entiat at Oroville, 4:00 pm BSC - Oroville at Bridgeport, 4:00 pm

GIRLS tennis Caribou Trail League (1A)

League Overall W L W L Cascade 9 0 9 0 Cashmere 6 2 6 3 Chelan 4 3 5 3 Okanogan 4 4 6 4 Omak 3 4 5 4 Quincy 2 7 3 7 Tonasket 0 8 0 10

Cent. WA League No. Div. (2B)

League Overall W L W L Pateros (1B) 10 0 10 2

Friday, May 2 Liberty Bell at Oroville (2), 4:00 pm Saturday, May 3 BB - Quincy at Tonasket (2), 11:00 am BB - Oroville at Liberty Bell (2), 11:00 am SB - Tonasket at Quincy (2), 11:00 am BSC - Quincy at Tonasket, 11:00 am BSC - Liberty Bell at Oroville, 11:00 am TEN - Quincy at Tonasket, 11:00 am TR - Tonasket at Oroville Draggoo

Financial Invite, 11:30 am Tuesday, May 6 SB - Lake Roosevelt at Oroville (1), 4:00 pm BSC - Tonasket at Brewster, 4:00 pm BSC - Oroville at Manson, 4:00 pm TR - Oroville at Bridgeport Invite, 4:00 pm Wednesday, May 7 TEN - Tonasket at Liberty Bell, 4:30 pm Thursday, May 8 BSC - Tonasket at Chelan, 4:00 pm TEN - Lake Roosevelt at Tonasket, 4:30 pm Friday, May 9 SB - Oroville at Bridgeport (2), 4:00 pm TR - Tonasket hosts CTL Championships, 4:00 pm TR - Oroville at Liberty Bell Invite, 4:00 pm TEN - Tonasket at Chelan, 4:30 pm Saturday, May 10 BB - Tonasket at Brewster (2), 11:00 am SB - Tonasket at Brewster (2), 11:00 am



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Ferry & Okanogan County

Since 1981

 Free Water Analysis  Zimmatic Pivots  Hydrofracturing  Geothermal

Heat Loop Systems Colville  Spokane  Republic

Lic. #FOGLEPS095L4


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