Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, January 28, 2016

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Crafts Bazaar and Flea Market at Appleway, Jan. 29 & 30

See Page A8



SINCE 1905


OSD Supt. Quick tenders resignation Will continue at Oroville until end of school year in June BY GARY A. DE VON EDITOR@GAZETTE-TRIBUNE.COM

OROVILLE – Oroville School District Superintendent tendered his resignation to the school board last Thursday and announced he would be leaving the district at the end of this school year, June 30, 2016. Quick has worked for the school district for 11 years, five as the junior/senior high principal and six as the superintendent. He told the board he was informing them with four months still in the school year so they could begin the process of finding his replacement. “My wife and I have thoroughly

enjoyed our time in Oroville meeting many wonderful people, raising our children and working with many wonderful students, staff, board members and community members. Our memories of Oroville will always be dear,” writes Quick to the board in his Jan. 21 letter. He also let the staff know about his decision in a school wide email last week. When asked Monday what he felt were the positive accomplishments of the district during his time here, Quick said they mostly dealt with facilities improvements. “Being able to pass the capital levy and fix the roof on the elementary was a big deal. And we are always doing things to upgrade the facilities to make them look better and be safer for students and staff,” he said, adding that improving curriculum has also been a goal of the board. “Keeping up on technology has been huge for the board, working toward oneto-one computing for the kids is getting

closer to being accomplished,” he adds. “We are lucky to have someone like Ed Naillon to help us keep ahead on tech.” If he could have done anything differently, Quick couldn’t point to any one thing he’d change. “This was my first job as a superintendent, while I certainly didn’t do everything perfectly I feel I learned from the experience to be better for myself and career,” he said. He said one of the hardest struggles at a small rural district is finding quality staff. “In general it is hard to find quality people who want to live in a rural area, especially when we already have a shortage of teachers state wide and nationally,” said Quick. He said while the rural area and the outdoors were a draw to him and his family when they first moved here, it isn’t everyone’s choice of a place to live. Another challenge will have to do with

the facilities in the district which are getting older. “The high school facility is aging and the building itself will need a remodel in the coming years. While the elementary got a new roof the building is still aging and there is a lot to be done, like improvements to the cafeteria and kitchen, as well as the restrooms.” Quick said he and his wife Marsallai will miss the friends they made in Oroville the most. “We made a lot of friends personally and raised our kids here,” said Quick. “I’ll also miss the staff and the personal friends I have made. But it hit me about a year ago that it might be time to move on.” The Quicks have three children, Austianna, Reianna and Connelly, who all graduated from Oroville High School. Astianna is married and living in Utah and just gave the Quick’s their first grandchild. Reianna and Connelly are

attending BYU Idaho, he said. Quick said he enjoyed waterskiing and hiking in the hills around Oroville. “I’ll miss all the many things that Oroville has to do,” he said. The superintendent said that most districts advertise for new superintendents January through April and while he’s looking for a new job, the Oroville district will be looking for his replacement. Quick, who grew up in Spokane where his parents still live, said he won’t limit his search to Eastern Washington and maybe not even to just Washington State. “We might want to chose something closer to our new grandbaby,” he said. The school board voted to accept the superintendent’s resignation at last Monday evening’s board meeting. School Board Chairman Mike Egerton said his goal is to make the process of finding a new superintendent one that involves as much public input as he can get.


The Tonasket Chamber of Commerce held their 2016 Officer Installation and Awards Banquet last Thursday night. They named (left to right) the Tonasket Fire Department Organization of the Year, Fire Chief Andy Gasho accepting the plaque from Mayor Patrick Plumb; chose Esther Caton as this year’s Founders Day Grand Marshal and naming Peter James Citizen of the Year. Gary DeVon/staff photos

Oroville considering request for road change Jon Neal selected as Mayor Pro Tem BY GARY A. DE VON EDITOR@GAZETTE-TRIBUNE.COM

OROVILLE – Councilman Jon Neal was selected to serve as Oroville’s Mayor Pro Tempore, should Mayor Chuck Spieth be unable to attend a city council meeting. The recommendation was made by Councilman Tony Koepke who felt Councilman Walt Hart might need a rest after serving in the Pro Tem position for the past several years. “I’d like to thank Walt. He has done a really good job representing us for quite a few years,” said Mayor Spieth. Chris Branch, director of Community Development, brought up Oroville Reman and Reload’s request to make changes to the Bob Neil and Jennings Loop Road where they go through the wood manufacturer’s facilities. The com-

pany is concerned about a wide turn on the road, as well as the safety of drivers and fork lift operators where Jennings Loop passes between the company’s property on each side of the road. “By making the changes truck drivers could turn with the road wide enough to actually stay away from driving off the right of way,” said Branch, who said the proposal wasn’t perfect, but could lead to additional changes in the future, including a public railroad crossing near the company’s facilities. Branch said that Gold Digger Apples Inc. did not appear to like the plan, however. The fruit packer has a plant on Jennings Loop and many of their trucks use the road traveling back and forth with loads of fruit. The city is looking at replacing a portion of the current road, as well as changing parts of Bob Neil Road and Ninth Street. “As most of you know there is a sawmill operation located on a city street,” Branch said. “The plan would take Bob Neil Road straight across the tracks and


run through Reman and Reload.” There is a possibility that much of the money to change the road would be available from the North Central Washington Economic Development District in the form of a grant. Oroville Reman and Reload would also foot part of the bill as a matching funds. “It is not the most ideal solution, but Oroville Reman and Reload owns the land and it makes for a straight shovel ready project,” said Branch. “There might be opportunities to change the design in the future. We are asking for quite a substantial amount of money with contingencies for some design modification,” said Branch. “I look at the design and even if it doesn’t make a perfect situation Michael (Guss, NCWEDD director) needs to get started on the grant process. We would have to annex part of the property because it is in the county.” Branch said the railhead, which is Gary DeVon/staff photo


JoAnn Denney receives a Certificate of Appreciation from Mayor Chuck Spieth for 25 years with the City of Oroville . Denney is Oroville’s Clerk/Treasurer.



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THE SKIES ARE CRYING Katie Teachout/staff photos

TONASKET - A flag suspended between Chelan and Omak fire trucks blows in a gentle breeze Saturday, January 23 as the skies shed tears over mourners headed to the Tonasket High School for Michael Greene’s Memorial Service. Below, Tonasket Police Chief Darren Curtis leads a procession of Tonasket EMS and Tonasket Fire District vehicles, along with family and friends of Michael Greene to the memorial service January 23. “When you have people making their way from Olympia and Nevada to Tonasket, in January no less, you know you’ve left a deep and widespread legacy,” said Brent Baker of the service attended by close to 200 people. Greene worked as a paramedic, firefighter and Fire Chief before retiring and moving to Tonasket in 2011 with his wife and fellow paramedic Barbara. Greene came out of retirement to serve as the Tonasket EMS Director.

utilized by several companies in the area, will face problems in the future if the city doesn’t get ahead on the issue. “There are also a couple of properties for sale there and if they don’t have good access to the railhead they don’t have as much to sell,” Branch said. “I don’t want to seem negative because Reman and Reload employs a lot of people, but this seems to serve one entity,” said Councilman Neal. “I did have three entities that said that this configuration would make a public railroad crossing work. We could do this piecemeal and kind of work from the middle. The roads are all there but they are inadequate and falling apart,” replied Branch. “We’re going to have to do something,” said Councilman Koepke. Neal said he felt that access for people on Ninth Street needed to be accomplished before Ninth was vacated. Branch said he would like to spend time with the new street committed members to discuss that access. “I think there are options there,” he said. “I thing the city holds pretty heavy liability the way it is now,” said the mayor. Councilwoman Neysa Roley said that the city should consider that the grant opportunities are

OTHER BUSINESS Kay Sibley, the director of the Borderlands Historical Society, updated the city on the Visitor Information Center and the Depot Museum. “Last year we were up in visitor in May and June, we broke every record, then there was July and August and the fires started in BC. Starting in July the bulk of visitors are usually from Alberta and this year there were nine from there. The numbers for the VIC were below the 5500 there were last year,” she said. Sibley said the historical soci-

ety is working hard to raise money for the museum to complete painting and renovation, especially the west side which she says has deteriorated. “We received $6000 from the county and that was fabulous,” she said. “On another note the log cabin has been redone. We have the Hart room which has a bedroom suite from the 1800s that was donated by Walt Hart’s grandfather,” she said. “We also have some items the Blacklers found while moving house. Perry’s dad’s brother had a suitcase full of kid’s toys,” she said. The society also has plans to install six more historical site signs around town and complete a walking map around the historical sites. Sibley asked for people to share pictures of the fruit warehouses that used to be in the Oroville area. “At one time we know there were at least 13. Our theme this year is ‘It was the water’ celebrating the 100th birthday of the irrigation system that changed the north county,” she said. Sibely also asked to extend the society’s lease on the depot building back up to 25 years so it can go after some preservation grants. “We are also applying to the state for recognition as a historical building, then we will go for national,” she said.

OKANOGAN -Okanogan County Assessor, Scott Furman, reminds everyone that owns a business, ranch, farm or orchard in Okanogan County that they are required by State Law to provide the Assessor with an itemized list of all taxable personal property as of Jan. 1 of each year. Taxable personal property includes office furniture and fixtures such as desks and chairs: office equipment such as computers, scanners, copiers and printers; store equipment and fixtures such as cash registers, camera security systems, shelving and display cases; farm machinery and equipment such as tractors, balers, swathers, combines, sprayers and hand-line irrigation pipe; nightly rental furniture and fixtures such as beds, tables, desks,

TV’s and deck furniture; and construction equipment such as bulldozers, graders, back hoes and ditch diggers. It also includes signs and office trailers. This is not an all inclusive list. Taxable personal property does not include household goods and personal effects unless they are used in a business activity. It also does not include business inventories including goods for re-sale. This list needs to be mailed or delivered to the Assessors Office by April 30th of each year. If a personal property listing is not received by April 30th of each year, a penalty of 5% of the tax due per month, up to a maximum of 25% may be applied. Property owners who currently have a personal property listing will be mailed their current listing Jan.

15, 2016. The listing needs to be reviewed by the owner. Items that are no longer in their possession need to be deleted and any new items added. Items need to be listed by acquisition date and cost less sales tax. The listing needs to be signed and returned to the office by the April 30th deadline New businesses of any kind need to contact the office at 4227190 and ask for a personal property listing affidavit so they can fill it out and return it. Attaching a copy of their IRS depreciation schedule related to the personal property items will assist the Assessors office in creating an accurate listing. For additional information, contact the Assessors Office at 509-422-7190.

processing, defects and skills. Another area of weakness identified was communication, which Zwicker pointed out has already been improved with the implementation of ‘daily huddles’ in departments throughout the organization. “Huddle boards list a topic of the day, and issues needing to be addressed,” said Zwicker. “Daily, short quick hits of information are shared, and we have heard from staff they really appreciate these.” Regarding trust, Zwicker said the hospital would become “more transparent with information,” and having daily huddles would improve that. Zwicker said infrastructure listed as a weakness was due to having old equipment and parts of the building being old, and NVH leaders would need to discuss “what do we want to do with that.” For Opportunities, Zwicker said the first one identified was Community Education. “I am looking at having senior leader-

ship forums with the community and myself in February and March, and developing in-services for the community on wellness with topics such as weight loss and smoking cessation,” said Zwicker. Another identified opportunity was increasing service lines by adding such things as a sleep lab, weight loss clinic and possibly a pain clinic. The LEAN program was listed as the third opportunity. “We as an organization need to understand this is not a grant-funded process, but a commitment for process changes,” said Zwicker, adding, “We have already saved a lot of money in the last six months.” Collaboration and Improving Infrastructure were also listed as Opportunities. In the area of Threats, misinformation was at the top of the list. “It’s important that not just myself, but maybe leaders and board members that go out into the community are able to hear what the community has to say,

and provide accurate information in real time,” said Zwicker, using as an example the fact that Noreen Olma (Director of Ancillary Services) had renewed a bridge contract for six months with the VA Clinic. “People have voiced concern that the VA Clinic is closing. It’s not, it’s going strong and we need to assure people of that,” said Zwicker. Other threats listed were Mistrust; Competition; Changes in Medicare reimbursement; Less Skilled Workforce Increasing; and Low Utiliztion of Outpatient Services. “This is what the SWOT analysis and community survey have brought to our attention so we can put together one, three and five year plans. We need to have everyone on the same team and the same page to be a strong organization,” concluded Zwicker, adding emphatically, “We WILL be the best critical access hospital in five years.”

here now, even if the current plan isn’t perfect. There is a water main that goes through the Oroville Reman and Reload property and Public Works Superintendent Rod Noel said that access would have to remain for the city to work on the utility. “That water main serves Gold Digger, Reman and Reload and all the customers down there,” he said. Koepke recommended the city apply for the grant to the NCWEDD and use it if the changes can be worked out. “Do we want to proceed?” asked Branch. Roley made a motion that the city pursue the grant and it was seconded by Koepke and passed with Neal abstaining

Personal property tax reminder

Hospital looks closely at strengths, weaknesses BY KATIE TEACHOUT


Mike Zwicker, CEO of North Valley Hospital, presented conclusions drawn from a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis to the Board of Commissioner’s meeting January 14. The SWOT analysis was performed by members of NVH senior leadership, managers and one board member as part of NVH’s Strategic Planning and development of one-year, three-year and five-year goals. Zwicker listed Financial Viability, Professionals/Service Culture, Community Involvement, Quality Care and Extended Care/

Geriatric Services as the hospital district’s top five strengths. Zwicker said increasing services and more being done in-house attributed to the district’s financial improvements as well as implementing strategies covered in the LEAN Six Sigma program focused on waste reduction and efficiencies. Regarding quality care, Zwicker stressed that “Everyone in this organization touches patient care and has a part in quality care for our patients,” from nurses to housekeeping to insurance billers and everyone in between. The hospital district’s provision of extended care and geriatric services was something Zwicker called “an outstanding service

really needed in our community.” Identified as weaknesses for NVH were a Supportive Work Environment, Waste, Communication, Trust and Infrastructure. “We are leaning on our leaders as informational managers, and we need to value them and give them the support as needed,” said Zwicker. Regarding waste, Zwicker said one area needing attention was “slow decision making.” Zwicker said consultants would be at the February 11 board meeting to discuss how to better implement the LEAN Six Sigma program, which uses a team effort to increase efficiency in time, inventory, motion, waiting, over production, over

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Oroville/Osoyoos man sentenced to prison for smuggling firearms into Canada


Rudy Martin Garcia, 27, Omak, pleaded guilty Jan. 19 to distribution of a controlled substance (heroin). Garcia was sentenced to 20+ months in jail and fined $2,860.50 for the March 6, 2014 crime. The issued Jan. 21 an arrest warrant for Frances Salazar (no middle name listed), 54, Oroville, with two counts of distribution of a controlled substance (methamphetamine). The crimes allegedly occurred June 9 and July 1, 2015. The court found probable cause to charge Erik De Jesus Martinez, 27, Hemet, Calif., with seconddegree theft, third-degree theft and unlawful possession of a legend drug. Martinez was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 340 days suspended, and fined $1,260.50. The crimes occurred Dec. 22, 2015 in Omak.


Gabriel J. Saenz, 42, Riverside, guilty of third-degree theft. Saenz was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 349 days suspended, and fined $808. Robert Esteve A. Salazar, 21, Tonasket, guilty of DUI. Salazar was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 361 days suspended, and fined $1,936. Kenneth Blair Schmutz, 51, Osoyoos, B.C., had two charges dismissed: POCS (marijuana) (less than 40 grams) and use or delivery of drug paraphernalia. Dusty Lynn Simpson, 36, Omak, guilty of first-degree criminal trespassing and third-degree malicious mischief. Simpson was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 352 days suspended, and fined a total of $908. Danny Joe Smart, 34, Okanogan, guilty of DUI. Smart was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 362 days suspended, and fined $1,681. Erin Leslie Speiser, 30, Omak, guilty of DUI. Speiser was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 359 days suspended, and fined $2,786. Edward John Thomas, 53, Tonasket, had a charge dismissed: violation of a no-contact order. Daniel Dewey Thompson, 42, Omak, guilty of third-degree theft. Thompson received a 364day suspended sentence and fined $768. Jennifer Lynn Valdez, 21, Omak, guilty of first-degree criminal trespassing. Valdez was sentenced to 364 days in jail with 357 days suspended, and fined $508. Rory Allen Westmoreland, 53, Oroville, had a second-degree DWLS charge dismissed. Elizabeth Ann Zierlein, 35, Oroville, guilty on three counts of third-degree DWLS and one count of hit-and-run (unattended vehicle). Zierlein was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 88 days suspended, and fined a total of $1,494.


Domestic dispute on Balmes Rd. near Oroville. One-vehicle roll-over crash on Loomis-Oroville Rd. near Tonasket. Assault on N. Fourth Ave. in Okanogan. Warrant arrest on Brooks Tract Rd. near Omak. Assault on Janet Marie Rd. near Oroville. One-vehicle hit-and-run crash on Estates Rd. near Omak. Shrubbery reported damaged. Weapons offense on S. Granite St. in Omak. DWLS on 12th Ave. in Oroville. Albaro Lopez, no middle name listed, 30, booked on an OCSO FTA warrant for DUI and two probable cause warrants: firstdegree assault and first-degree unlawful possession of a firearm. Raelena Marie St. Peter, 20, booked on a DOC secretary’s warrant for POCS.

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 20, 2016

Vehicle prowl on Middle Lane Rd. in Omak. Handgun reported missing. Vehicle prowl on Okoma Dr. in Omak. Malicious mischief on Cherokee Rd. near Omak. Theft on Wagon Wheel Rd. near Oroville. Mail reported missing. Automobile theft on Queen St. in Okanogan. Malicious mischief on Omak-Riverside Eastside Rd. near Omak. Drugs on N. Fourth Ave. in Okanogan. Assault on S. Second Ave. in Okanogan. Trespassing on Elmway in Okanogan. Assault on Elmway in Okanogan. Fraud on Locust St. in Omak. Public intoxication on Okoma Dr. in Omak. Theft on Engh Rd. in Omak. Rudy Martin Garcia, 27, court commitment for POCS.

THURSDAY, JAN. 21, 2016

Burglary on Mock Rd. near Okanogan. Warrant arrest on S. Ash St. in Omak. Two reports of drugs on N. Third Ave. in Okanogan. Threats on N. Douglas St. in Omak. Harassment on Canyon Court Dr. in Omak. Assault on Elderberry Ave. in Omak. Violation of a no-contact order on N. Douglas St. in Omak. Theft on S. Fir St. in Omak. Burglary on Dayton St. in Omak. Automobile theft on Central Ave. in Oroville. Trespassing on Sawtell Rd. near Oroville. Burglary on Main St. in Oroville. Darcy Elwin Tatshama, 62, booked for third-degree DWLS and operating a vehicle without an ignition-interlock device. Alan Forbes Price, 42, booked on an OCSO FTA warrant for thirddegree DWLS. Billie Jo Montelongo, 39, booked on an Omak Police Department FTA warrant for third-degree theft. Dianna Lynne Funke, 47, booked on an OCSO FTA warrant for fourth-degree assault (DV). Wayne Matthew Anderson, 44, booked on a State Patrol FTC warrant for DUI. Michelle Lynn Carden, 27, booked on a DOC detainer, an FTA warrant for third-degree theft, POCS (methamphetamine) and introduction of contraband. Russell Ellis Gardner, 23, booked

for fourth-degree assault (DV) and three FTA warrants, all for third-degree DWLS. Michael Anthony Hall, 31, booked for violation of a no-contact order. Andrea Lynn Vaughn, 45, booked on an OCSO warrant for material witness. Justin William Nanpuya, 39, booked for fourth-degree assault (DV).

FRIDAY, JAN. 22, 2016

Domestic dispute on Balmes Rd. near Oroville. Burglary on Jennings Loop Rd. near Oroville. Weapons offense on Indian Mary Loop Rd. near Tonasket. Assault on S. Third Ave. in Okanogan. Malicious mischief on Hwy. 97 near Tonasket. Fraud on Salmon Creek Rd. near Okanogan. One-vehicle crash on Conconully Rd. near Okanogan. Warrant arrest on E. Third St. in Tonasket. Domestic dispute on Riverside Dr. in Omak. Warrant arrest on Jackson St. in Omak. Theft on Engh Rd. in Omak. Assault on Main St. in Oroville. Two-vehicle crash on S. Whitcomb Ave. in Tonasket. No injuries reported. Edward William Seyler, 29, court commitments for two counts of third-degree malicious mischief. Albert Wallace Stevenson, 50, booked on two OCSO FTA warrants: DUI and third-degree DWLS. William Martin Shawl, 31, DOC detainer. Latisha Lavern Birdsong, 37, booked for three counts of forgery, two counts of second-degree possession of stolen property and introduction of contraband. Albert Trampis Dogskin, 42, booked on two Tribal warrants, both for fourth-degree assault (DV). Caelan Zake Moore, 22, booked for felony harassment and an OCSO FTA warrant for third-degree DWLS. Kevin Michael Clark, 35, booked on a DOC secretary’s warrant for POCS. Trevor Ray Godwin, 43, booked for second-degree malicious mischief (DV).

Burglary on Engh Rd. in Omak. Hit-and-run vehicle crash on 23rd Ave. in Oroville. Assault on Ironwood St. in Oroville.

SUNDAY, JAN. 24, 2016

Harassment on S. Fifth Ave. in Okanogan. Two-vehicle-vs.-deer crash on Conconully Rd. near Okanogan. Burglary on Eagleview Rd. near Oroville. Fraud on Omache Dr. in Omak. Warrant arrest on Hwy. 155 near Omak. DUI on Okoma Dr. in Omak. Trespassing on Main St. in Oroville. Alicia Sue Saulmon, 46, booked on an OCSO FTA warrant for firstdegree criminal trespassing. Madison Leigh Louie, 30, booked for first-degree criminal trespassing and a DOC detainer. Cory Lee Craig, 27, booked for first-degree burglary and thirddegree theft. Jillian M. Lewis, 28, booked on two OCSO FTA warrants: seconddegree theft and third-degree theft. Kelley Paul Greene, 30, booked on an OCSO FTA warrant for third-degree DWLS and a DOC detainer. Joe Alex Martinez, 38, DOC detainer.

Tyler Cuff receives sentence of 30 months in federal prison BY GARY A. DE VON EDITOR@GAZETTE-TRIBUNE.COM

SPOKANE - Tyler Ryan Cuff, 32, of Oroville was sentenced last Friday, Jan. 22 after having previously pleaded guilty on Oct. 28, 2015 to one count of Dealing in Firearms Without a License. Senior United States District Court Judge William Fremming Nielsen sentenced Cuff to a 30-month term of imprisonment, to be followed by three years of court supervision after he is released from Federal prison. Cuff will serve his sentence concurrently with a sentence he received in Canada for smuggling an AK-47 into that country, according to Michael C. Ormsby, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Washington. According to information disclosed during the court proceedings, for several years Cuff, who has also lived in Osoyoos, BC, has been purchasing firearms at gun shows in Washington, smuggling them into Canada, and selling them there. Cuff did not have a federal firearms license. Several of the firearms Cuff sold were subsequently found at crime scenes in Canada. At the time of the arrest in Aug. 2013, the Gazette-Tribune quoted Sgt. Linsey Houghton of the Combined Special Forces Unit of British Columbia. “We all know that guns in the hands of gangsters put everyone at risk. We are continuing to work with law enforcement partners across North America to stop


DUI – Driving Under the Influence DWLS/R – Driving While License Suspended/Revoked POSC – Possession of a Controlled Substance MIP/C – Minor in Possession/ Consumption TMVWOP – Taking a Motor Vehicle without Owner’s Permission DV– Domestic Violence FTA/C – Failure to Appear/ Comply (on a warrant) FTPF – Failure to Pay Fine OCSO – Okanogan County Sheriff ’s Officer RP– Reporting Party DOC – State Department of Corrections USBP– U.S. Border Patrol CBP– U.S. Customs and Border Protection. ICE– Immigration and Customs Enforcement

gun violence in our neighborhoods and by stopping the flow of guns going to gangsters we are making communities around British Columbia safer,” said Sgt. Houghton. Cuff’s arrest was the result of an investigation that began with a tip in May 2013 and CFSEU-BC began an undercover investigation, dubbed Project E-Passkey after it was learned the man was living in Osoyoos. Investigators allege Cuff used his dual citizenship status to legally purchase firearms at various Washington State gun shows and using a truck and car to smuggle the guns through the Oroville/ Osoyoos border crossing. Houghton alleged at the time that dozens of guns, believed to be mostly Glock handguns were being smuggled. Cuff, who had no criminal record and was not previously known to police, was arrested on Aug. 29, 2013 without incident in Langley, BC after allegedly selling an undercover police officer a semi-automatic assault-style Norinco MAK-90 rifle and several steroid kits. “The illegal sale of firearms presents a danger to citizens here in the United States and elsewhere. I commend the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives for its thorough investigation of this matter,” said U.S. Attorney Ormsby. “The United States Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Washington will aggressively prosecute firearms violations that occur within this District.” This investigation was conducted by ATF&E and case was prosecuted by Rudy J. Verschoor, an Assistant United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Washington.

SATURDAY, JAN. 23, 2016

Theft on Montvue St. in Riverside. Burglary on John St. in Okanogan. Warrant arrest on Hwy. 97 in Omak. Trespassing on Engh Rd. in Omak. Domestic dispute on S. Ash St. in Omak. Drugs on S. Cedar St. in Omak.

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THE TOWN CRIER Get out and vote for the school levy The ballots are in the mail and all it take is filling in one box, placing your ballot in the proper envelops and affixing a stamp and you’ve voted for the school levy – hopefully “yes.” Until the state figures out what it is going to do to meet the McLeary court ruling and fully fund our schools, districts will still have to pass levies to get our kids the best public education they can. For rural districts like Oroville and Tonasket it certainly makes the difference in programs, extracurriculars, staffing and technology. It also goes to maintain the buildings we have so that they can last as long as possible. Both districts are asking voters to replace the two-year levy they ran previously. Oroville is asking for $1,497,371, the same Out of amount it has asked for the last six years. My Mind The estimated collection rate is $2.69/$1000 in Gary A. DeVon assessed valuation, a little higher than last time around, but only because the total property valuation in the district has gone down somewhat. The good news is the special three-year capital improvement bond to fix the elementary school roof has been paid off and property tax payers in the district will see seventy cents per thousand drop from their tax bills. Tonasket is asking for $1,690,224 and collected at $3.49/$1000 and if passed they will get around $842,000 in levy equalization monies. Our school boards have been responsible in not asking for increases every two years. They are doing a good job of watching where our levy dollars are spent. Let’s vote to approve the levies and demand that our legislators fully fund public education and stop making cash strapped districts come up with more and more money to make sure our kids get the education they deserve as written in the state’s constitution. Editor’s Note: On a different subject, regarding Mr. Wisdom’s letter this week: This newspaper has spilled more ink printing conservative views than it ever has printing the far left or even the middle of the road, in the Letters to the Editor. Come on down to the newspaper office and we’ll let you go through the back issues and you’ll see what we’re talking about. Mr. Lorz is a prime example and one of his letters appears here this week. As far as not printing the letters of these mysterious conservatives you have talked to, they are misinforming you. I challenge them to come forward and speak for themselves. We print all letters, giving letters from local people top priority and only edit for space, and that’s a rarity. We also edit for clarity (as is firmly stated in our letters to the editor policy and has been so from before the time I started here nearly 30 years ago). And while we also ask that people write on a subject only once every 30 days, that rarely is enforced, unless we get two parties bickering back and forth for weeks on end. We don’t, however, print anonymous letters, never have and never will, or letters that make unsubstantiated claims about individuals or businesses in the community or the majority of the letters that are mass emailed to every newspaper in the country. William F. Buckley also said, “A Conservative is a fellow who is standing athwart history yelling ‘Stop!’” and Libertarian P.J. O’Rourke said, “The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn’t work and then get elected and prove it.”

GAZETTE-TRIBUNE SERVING WASHINGTON’S OKANOGAN VALLEY SINCE 1905 OROVILLE OFFICE 1420 Main St., PO Box 250 Oroville, WA 98844 Phone: (509) 476-3602 Toll free: (866) 773-7818 Fax: (509) 476-3054 www.gazette-tribune.com OFFICE HOURS Mon.-Fri. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CONTACT INFORMATION Managing Editor Gary A. DeVon gdevon@gazette-tribune.com (509) 476-3602 Ext. 5050 Reporter/Photographer Katie Teachout katherine@gazette-tribune.com (509) 476-3602 Ext. 5052 Advertising Sales/Ad Design Charlene Helm chelm@gazette-tribune.com (509) 476-3602 Ext. 3050 (509) 322-5712 Classifieds Marcy Balajadia-Aguigui classifieds@soundpublishing.com 1-800-388-2527 Circulation 1-888-838-3000 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Classified ads can be placed during normal office hours by calling 1-800-388-2527 Weekly Rates: $7.50 for the first 15 words 25 cents for additional words Borders, bold words, headlines, logos and photos subject to additional charges The Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune (USPS 412 120) is published weekly by Sound Publishing / Oroville 1420 Main St. PO Box 250 Oroville, WA 98844 Phone: (509) 476-3602 Fax: (509) 476-3054 Periodical postage paid at Oroville, WA, and additional mailing offices POSTMASTER Send address corrections to: The Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune, PO BOX 250, Oroville, WA 98844

SUBSCRIPTIONS In County (yearly) $30.50 In State (yearly) $32.50 Out of State (yearly) $40.50 Senior (yearly) $28.50 (65+ take $2 off per year of subscription.) The Gazette-Tribune does not refund subscription payments except to the extent that it might meet its obligation to publish each week, in which case the cost of the issue missed would be refunded as an extension. Subscriptions may be transferred to another individual or organization. DEADLINES Calendar listings: Noon Monday News Submissions: Noon Monday Display Advertising: Noon Monday Legals: Noon Monday Classified Ads: Noon Tuesday LETTERS POLICY The Gazette-Tribune welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be accompanied by the author’s name, a home address and a daytime phone number (for verification only). Letters may be edited for length, clarity, accuracy and fairness. No letter will be published without the author’s name. Thank you letters will only be printed from non-profit organizations and events. We will not publish lists of businesses, or lists of individual names. CORRECTIONS The Gazette-Tribune regrets any errors. If you see an error, please call 476-3602. We will publish a correction on page 2 in the next issue. NEWS TIPS Have an idea for a story? Call us at 476-3602 SERVICES Back issues are available for up to one year after publication for a small fee. Photo reprints are available for most photos taken by the staff. Ask about photos we may not have had room to print. PRINTED Printed in Penticton, B.C., Canada on recycled newsprint with soy ink. Please Recycle

Washington Newspaper Publishers Association member


LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Networks good at cleaning the litter box Dear Editor, The news networks have developed the ability to clean this president’s litter box with such skill that tools and gloves are not needed. If some department, agency, or person responsible to the president produces a mess that leads back to him and his change for America philosophy, it is handled by the media with a pretend scrutiny of the events that scoops up the mess and prepares in for human consumption. Cleaning the litter box for this man and his socialist ideology is a privilege to some, the endless polishing and perfuming of the poop produced by this guy becomes the news. If constitutional law was in force and the republican leadership were actually “leading,” I wonder if the State of the Union speech would have been given by a half black guy standing behind a teleprompter in an orange jump suit handcuffed with duct tape over his mouth, (the cuffs could be removed for gesture purposes only and would stay off as long as he didn’t try to remove the tape). The Declaration of Independence could be read out loud by the Vice president or Speaker of the house. This would be a short and painful ceremony for some members of Congress, but may serve as a reminder of the tyranny once resisted in this country, and as a possible deterrent to future socialist good intentions. There has never been a need for standing ovations after witnessing what this administration has done and continues to do to this nation. The mind-set behind the Benghazi, IRS, Planned Parenthood, Fast and Furious, healthcare, immigration and foreign policies, bailouts, and the countless other scandals that ooze from this administration with regularity needs some form of cover-up, thankfully there are people who are eager to roll up their sleeves, dive in and do the work needed to polish and perfume the stockyard of manure produced by this guy. It is amazing to me that Barack Obama is able to receive from the people of this nation all the power and lavishness that goes with the office, and then treat the country and the constitutional principles that provide for his position with such contempt and disdain, and then be defended for his actions. Holding our noses as a remedy against this man’s dictatorial diarrhea is no longer sufficient, seeing that we are now up to our eyebrows in it. On January 14, this newspaper carried an excellent letter by Chrystal Perrow of Winthrop describing the corrupt and hypocritical actions of our government (BLM) in the Burns, Ore. area and what they have done to ranchers there. The anti- American, anti-freedom, anti-land use, anti-property rights, pro-fascist philosophies are all part of this president’s thinking and the change for America tyranny that accompanies it. All these actions fit nicely with the gun control legislation introduced by Oregon’s state senator Floyd Prozanski who is pictured shaking hands with the smiling Obama on the Oath Keepers web site. On the brighter side,

Barack Hussein Obama provides us with the finest examples of corrupt and wretched leadership in our nation’s history, but is slavery through growing debt, growing government and growing regulations what we want to pass on to our children’s, children’s, children…, etc? Steve Lorz Tonasket

Poorer publication without Slusher Dear Editor, I am disappointed, appalled, but not terribly surprised, to learn that Mr. Slusher’s column will no longer be printed in your “News” paper. He was not PC, but being blunt and direct does not necessarily make one’s statements incorrect. Other conservative contributors have mentioned that their letters were sometimes rejected and not printed, so it isn’t a complete surprise that Mr. Slusher’s opinions were not well met. Your paper will be much poorer publication by losing his column, and others who might have been considering submitting opinions. In the Dec. 31, 2015 edition of the GazetteTribune you seemed to be claiming the First Amendment rights of free speech is available to alL even those you don’t agree with. You also stated that your paper has the right to refuse to print any material that you disagree with. Okay, got that, but... Am I missing something here? Your “News” paper seemed to overflow nearly every week with opinions from those on the far left who disagreed with, and detested George W. Bush, bashing him nearly every week while he was President, and I do not recall your paper ever chastising them for their opinions, or suggesting that they might tone down their name calling, and disrespectful ravings! Now you say you would welcome new writers, and new opinions. Great! As long as they do not reflect in any way, the views one might glean from watching the Fox News Channel, in particular Mr. O”Reilly, nor anything one might have heard Mr. Limbaugh say on the radio, correct? Are you suggesting that one should only get their information from news sources that are acceptable to your paper’s opinions? MSNBC for example? An e-mail I received attributed William F. Buckley with the following quote: “Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover


there are other views.” That pretty well sums it up, doesn’t it? Leslie Wisdom, Oroville

Education or self preservation Dear Editor, I was watching TV a few days ago. I saw here our President and other leaders around the world came together to talk and maybe do something about global warming? I am sure environmentalists were all over-joyed and impressed that they made this their top priority. How important is this to anyone who will never see this achieved or even started in their lifetime. I am an American citizen and have my papers to prove it, but where does it get me? I’d rather have papers that prove I am capable without the hope of others to think on my own. Or maybe a degree that says I’m qualified. My fellow Americans, I know that it looks like I am talking out of turn, still I would like to ask all of you a few questions. Why does the greatest nation in the world need to borrow money from 3rd world countries? Why should young men and women pursuing the American dream have to make a choice? In many cities in our nation what’s more important to them? Education or self preservation? Last, but not least, through my eyes I see a lot greater threat than global warming, which can happen at any moment. I am surprised that all our great world leaders do not acknowledge it, maybe they do, but do not want us to know. That is how close we really are in having another world war. If that happens, the weapons we have now would cause a nuclear holocaust worldwide. Which would definitely alter their new plans on stopping global warming. The dooms day preppers will all be exited that they did not waste their time or money preparing for it to happen. They might even inherit the earth or what’s left of it. Now I’ll get serious. If all world leaders would come together and have a meeting on deterring and stopping the next war, not only for the sake of just man, but also for the preservation of all other living things that we share this earth with, then maybe they would not look so naked through my eyes. Then I might have a little more faith in our future. Jerry Hutchins Oroville

Spuds, 50 lb. $.44; Large lettuce head, 2 for $.15; high quality celery, 2 bunches, $.25; Snowflake Crackers, 2 lb. $.29; Large tin Campbell; tomato juice, $.09; Grapefruit juice, 3 cans. $.25..

The Oroville Gazette


50 Years Ago:


January 27, 1966: (NOTE: Previous week’s issue was unavailable.) Beverly A. Thrasher is this year’s Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow for Oroville High School. She scored highest here in a written knowledge and attitude exam taken Dec. 7. She is now eligible for state and national scholarship awards ranging from $500 to $5,000. “Ground Hog Dinner” is being planned to take place on “Family Night” Feb. 3 at the Ellisforde Church of the Brethren. The Whitestone and Ellisforde churches will be sharing the sponsorship. The meat used is a special kind of sausage made from the better cuts of the hog and seasoned according to an old Pennsylvania Dutch recipe. The league leading Oroville Hornets dropped their first league contest last Friday and threw it into a three-way tie as The Tonasket Tigers walloped the Caribou Trail League champs 61-45. As it now stands, the Hornets, Tigers and Chelan Goats, all tote a 4 win, 1 loss record as the first round of league games has ended. Landing an aircraft on a snow covered runway can present problems as Quentin Johnson, of Bridgeport, found out recently. Johnson flew into the local airport and on information that other planes had been landing. However, the snow, 10” to 12” deep, proved to be too much. After rolling about 90 feet, the plane flipped on its back. He was not injured and very little damage was incurred to the aircraft. In last Friday’s election at the local grade school, Jack Nelson topped his brother Jerry and Stephen Kosonen by a comfortable, but not overwhelming margin to win election as Student Council President for the spring semester. The fifth grade elected as vice-president, Tom Taber over Ray Grogan and Susan Valentine. Debbie Moser was the winner for the position of Secretary over Toni Kitterman while Penny Rader takes over the treasurer’s post over Terri Walker and Carol Barnett. Grocery Prices: 44 oz. jar Peanut butter, $1.09; 5 0z. pkg. Cornflakes and Blueberries, $.35; Fresh ground beef, 3 lbs. $1.14; 1 lb. bag of carrots, $.09; 10 lb. bag U.S.#1 potatoes, $.29; 16 oz pkg. fish sticks, $.69; Sirloin Tip Steaks, $.98 per lb. Weather Wise by Marge Frazier, official observer: Jan.19, 35 degrees maximum and 13 degrees minimum; Jan. 20, 28 and 5; Jan. 21, 27 and 18; Jan. 22, 29 and 22; Jan. 23, 33 and 22; Jan. 24, 22 and 9 and Jan. 25, 29 and 15. Total precipitation 0 for the period with 11” of snow on the ground.

The Oroville Gazette

75 years Ago January 17 – 31, 1941: Ralph Zosel and Eunice Turner, of Spokane, were married Saturday, Jan. 11, 1941 at the home of the bride in Spokane. In the afternoon, the young couple left for California to the former home of Smith the bride, in Oakland to visit the bride’s parents and on their return to Oroville will live in the new home on Bridge Street, which Ralph had built during the past few weeks. John Thorndike, whose ranch lies located a few miles south of Oroville, on Highway 10, shipped a carload of cabbage out of Oroville for the Seattle Market. So far as we know, this is the first time in many years that an individual has shipped a carload of cabbage. Could this possibly be the answer to what should take the place of marginal orchards under the irrigation system? Sales possibilities for electrical merchandise during 1941, and the electrical appliance sales during 1940, in the Okanogan County Trading area, showed a gain of 31 percent over the previous year. With a much more favorable market for hogs in view for 1941 will be more important for the care of the Brood Sow and their litter. Steve Krusoff, of the Oroville Plumbing Shop, will be handling many of the new 1941 electrical appliances including GE refrigerators, electric ranges, laundry equipment, dishwashers, radios and vacuum cleaners. Ben Prince is expecting to remodel his cold storage locker plant in the basement in the near future. Orland Tonnemaker, Smith-Hughes Director in the Oroville Schools stated that “we need to train our boys and girls to work with their hands even at the expense of cultural advancement. Work, which has been going on at the Zosel Lumber Mill of Oroville, during the past month, will increase the yard space for storing lumber to a great extent, Wm. Zosel stated that “This will allow us to store an additional million and a half feet of lumber. When completed, their storage will be able to handle around five million feet. Grocery Prices: Valentine Chocolates, 1 lb. box, $.59; Vegetables,




OKANOGAN VALLEY LIFE Ruth Leslie was a fantastic lady Almost a month into 2016 and rain has just about taken away the snow except for piles that were made from snow plowing. But, there’s quite a bit of winter left so we may have repeat performances of snow. There has been a lot of fog and driving is hazardous, sometimes, and especially when many cars and trucks insist on driving without using their headlights during daylight hours. It has been reported to me that David McDougall, age 76, has passed away. David is the youngest brother of Roy, and grew up in Oroville, with brothers Dan and Jack and sister, Joan. He was currently living in McMinville, Ore. I believe I am correct in saying Roy and his sister are the last living members of the family. Condolences go out to the family and friends of David. We hear of lots of turmoil in school systems, these days. Usually, it is said, that lack of funds is the major problem. I’m sure I’m in the minority in my thinking, but all the money in the world isn’t gonna correct all the prob-

Super Bowl Party planned for Feb. 7 SUBMITTED BY SUE WISENER TONASKET EAGLES #3002

Boy is it good to be back at work, feeling good so far. Its is only the middle of winter and I can’t wait for spring. We needed snow and rain really bad, so everyone should be happy we are getting it. On Sunday, Feb. 7 we will be having our annual Super Bowl party. This year it is the Broncos

TONASKET EAGLES vs. Panthers, starting about 3 p.m. We have four TVs so no one can miss a play. This is a potluck, so bring your favorite dish. Come enjoy friends and the game. Pinochle will be starting at 12 p.m., so players can enjoy the game. No winner last Saturday night for Joker Poker, you can’t win if you don’t come in and buy your tickets. You could win half the pot.

New board elected to OCSCA



We play bingo twice a week at the Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. We are looking for callers. Also, we have exercise classes twice a week from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., also on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This program is aimed at the less active crowd. Next Tuesday’s program at 11 a.m. is on the Oroville Food

Bank. The lunch menu for Jan. 28 tuna melt; Jan. 29 - shepherd’s pie and Feb. 2 - scrambled eggs with sausage. A new board was recently elected at Okanogan County Senior Citizens Association (OCSCA): President: Bob McDaniel; First Vice president, Lillian Murray, Second Vice president, Dave Dumas; Secretary, Penny Cole


Last Saturday was a “special” day in Molson. To start with it was a bit cloudy with spots of sun shining through and then one of our typical January snow storms started and continued through the day until dark. What was so special about this day? It was the day we were gathered together at the Grange

lems until there is more parental guidance. Too many parents believe their children can do no wrong and blame the school system. Remember the PTA? For those that don’t know, that stands for Parent Teacher Association and was a very active and highly regarded part of the school, back in the “good ol’ days.” Parents knew the teachers and vice-versa. The community knew the teachers and the superintendent and principals took part in community activities and didn’t just come out among us, when there was a needed levy. You don’t have to have kids in school to be interested in the current problems. The school is one of the biggest businesses in the community and to sit back and criticize isn’t the answer to a problem. I speak my mind, because it hurts to bite my tongue all the time! I have always been in awe of elephants. They are so much a part of the circus, or were until now. There will be no more elephants in Barnum and Bailey performances. The animal “do-gooders” finally

HILLTOP COMMENTS Hall in Molson to say good by to our dear friend Ruth Leslie. Ruth became my friend, my mentor and later a Chesaw Grandma to my grandkids. Ruth wrote the Hilltop Comments Column for the Gazette-Tribune when I joined the Ladies Auxiliary at the Grange. As time passed she was having trouble health wise and asked for help. Guess who volun-

won. I want to thank those folks who took the time to send anniversary and birthday cards to this household and also phone calls and best wishes, personally. I mentioned, recently, that our annual May Day celebration has a different date, due to the calendar... Also the annual Ground Hog dinner in Tonasket will be on a Friday night, Feb. 5. The calendar date and other circumstances cause the change from Saturday, (as has been the practice for a lot of years). So, remember this year, Friday, Feb. 5 will be the usual good sausage dinner, at the high school commons, Tonasket. Come and enjoy and bring some extra cash and take home some sausage to enjoy at a later date. Sometimes do you feel like you are running around in circles, getting no where? That was what last week was, at our house. Go here, go there, and hurry up. We did get down to see Bob Hirst, at the Extended Care, which we hadn’t done for a few weeks. Margaret is in the process of moving, near the care facility which will make things easier, for both of them. Also learned that Martha Beau, fell in her home and is in the hospital. She has always been a very independent lady, but sometimes there comes a day when you need assistance. I wish her a speedy recovery. Have you noticed how green the grass is in some locations. Looks like spring

Aerie meetings are the first and third Wednesdays of the month. If you have any complaints or suggestions. Please come to one of the meetings, the start time is 7 p.m. Auxiliary meetings are every first and third Thursday of the month, starting 6:30 p.m. Pinochle scores are as follows: first place, Neil Fifer, second place Ward Seim, low score went to Nellie Paulsen, and last pinochle to Gene Michels. Congratulation to everyone. We wish all of those that may be ill a speedy recovery to good health. God bless all. The Biggest Little Eagles in the State. and Treasurer, Pam Dumas. Pinochle scores from the past two weeks are: Most pinochles: Dolly Engelbretson and Evelyn Dull. High man: Jim Fry. High woman: Deborah Thompson and Evelyn Dull. Door prize: Lani Thompson and Dolly Engelbretson. A total of 18 played both times. Thought for the week: FourWay Test of the things we think, say or do: 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and better friendships? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? Sorry there was no article last week, clerical error. teered? My helping her, turned into a weekly effort on my part to keep folks informed. Ruth taught me a lot about how to tell an interesting story and put others names in the paper who are visiting over holidays. Everyone likes to see their name in the paper. She was a friend to all and known as “Grandma Ruth” to lots of Children. You could always stop by her home and visit and share a cup of tea. In loving memory we laid to rest our dear friend Ruth Leslie. You will be missed. The next bingo will be Friday, Feb. 5.

is just around the corner, but coming right thing to do. down from Molson last Saturday the tree Cooking for large groups, such as branches were heavily laden with snow church camps and school cook, over a and it looked like mid winter, which, of lot years, made a multitude of memories course it really is. A beautiful and a lot of those students sight! were on hand with a lot of Our drive to Molson, was of “remember whens.” course, to attend the memoI could go on and on but rial of a longtime friend, of you just needed to be there to ours and many others, as was learn of some of the delightshown by the huge crowd of ful happenings that Ruth was folks on hand at the Grange, responsible for, such as her to bid farewell to longtime fast driving and causing inciarea resident, Ruth Leslie. dents, usually in reverse, killWynn Schell was superb in his ing yet another chicken but delivery of thoughts and rec- THIS & THAT it didn’t really matter as she ollections, as was Pastor Brian just fixed it for dinner. Bowes. Ruth was known by Joyce Emry Ruth didn’t want a somber many as she was an amazing service and had given her lady, raising the sizable family choice of musical selections to Al Rise, that she did, after losing her husband, at who sang and Elva Helm at the piano. a young age, while being pregnant with How many funerals have you been to their ninth child. She didn’t expect pity that the closing song was “Turkey In the but carried on, teaching the fundamen- Straw”? tals of hard work and “make do” ethics Ruth had 37 grandchildren and 27 to her children, and helping many others great grandchildren and then they quit along the way, when it seemed miracucounting but she did have some greatlous that she could handle the huge task greats and LOTS that called her grandthat had been given her. ma, so in order not to slight anyone by I’m sure that it was with “blood, sweat and tears” that she handled the chickens, not mentioning their name they didn’t turkeys and cows, that provided income attempt to. Ruth was an active member from selling of eggs and cream and grow- of the Molson Grange for over 75 years ing feed for the animals, to say nothing and was active in many clubs and groups. of the huge gardens that fed the family, A huge dinner was served and it was as if and others. She didn’t do those things for Ruth had planned that, too. She was one notoriety but simply because it was the terrific lady!

COMMUNITY CALENDAR Screening of Jumbo Wild

TWISP - The Methow Valley Citizens Council presents the environmental ski film, Jumbo Wild on Thursday, Jan. 28, at 7 p.m. at the Twisp River Pub. This film chronicles the ongoing battle between backcountry skiers, hunters/trappers, environmentalists and indigenous groups against international developers who hope to build a large scale ski resort on the remote Jumbo Mountain in British Columbia. Craft Bazaar & Flea Market

OROVILLE - There will be art, crafts, gifts and goodies for sale at the Crafts Bazaar and Flea Market at Appleway in Oroville on Friday, Jan. 29 a.m. and Saturday, Jan. 30 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Local crafters and collectors welcome. Bring your goods to sell or just come in and browse. Warm, friendly atmosphere. Contact Vivian at Appleway or Susan Marcille at 509-429-3310 for more information. Don’t forget your Valentine! Tonasket Gun Club Trapshooting

TONASKET - Tonasket Gun Club trapshooting this Sunday Jan. 31 at 10 a.m. and runs weekly through February. There will be practice each Wednesday at 1 p.m. Club members will help new shooters. Oroville Gun Club Trapshooting

OROVILLE - Inland NW Trapshooting at the Oroville Gun Club this Sunday, Jan. 31 at 1 p.m. and runs weekly to Feb. 28. Practice shooting is every Saturday at 1 p.m. The Oroville Gun Club will again raffle off a Henry Rifle or cash equivalent for first prize. Second is the Family Gourmet Banquet from Omaha Steaks. Get raffle tickets from a club member or stop by Paul’s Service. Looking for Talent

ITEMS PAST | FROM A1 The Gazette-Tribune

25 Years Ago: January 17 -31, 1991: The 1991 Tonasket Chamber of Commerce slate of officers were installed at their annual banquet last Saturday night for the following officers; Helen Casey, president; Terry Mills, treasurer; Kathy Michels, corresponding secretary; Roger Castelda, vice president and Susan Williams, recording secretary. Mel Schertenleib was chosen as Citizen of the year. In their annual meeting, the Oroville Food Bank, reported that they had served a total of 11,640 people in 1990 exceeding the 1989 total by more than 2,300 people. The Oroville Hornets men’s basketball team had a week filled with heartbreaks and triumphs as they fell to the Omak Pioneers, which bumped them into second place to the Ephrata Tigers. In the next game with Ephrata and after a very close match, defeated that team with a score of 55-53. The Oroville Lady Hornets were defeated by the Ephrata Tigers with a score of 60-36. December precipitation in the Okanogan-Methow was 60 percent of normal with

312 S. Whitcomb

year-to-date precipitation being 116 percent of average December steamflow on the Methow River was 206 percent, on the Okanogan River, 211 percent and on the Similkameen River, 188 percent. There’s a strong musical force at work in Oroville in the name of Jeff Sandberg. Sandberg teaches all of the music classes from third grade through high school as well as teaches a jazz ensemble, held before school begins, and directs the Okanogan Valley Orchestra. The Tonasket School District will be submitting $3.54 million bond issue for new construction and remodeling /renovation of district facilities to the voters next Tuesday, Feb. 5. Jackie Hubert receives an award at the Oroville Chamber Banquet for the work she and her husband have done to transform the Covert building and the corner of Main and Central into a useful addition to the community. Real Estate Prices: Building Sites in Oroville; 50’ x 140’ lot on Birch Street, $8,000; View lot in Grandview, $8,000; Commercial Lot, $15,000; 4 bdrm, 2 bath on large lot in Tonasket, walking distance to business district, well maintained, $65,000; 2.94 acres, 3 miles south of Molson on County road. Close to power, below assessed value, $5,000 cash.


TONASKET - The Community Cultural Center is seeking local entertainers for the upcoming Talent Show on Saturday, Feb. 6. We would like children as well as adults and are looking for any kind of talent. The acts must be no longer than 10 minutes or the equivalent of two songs, dance routines, etc. Call Rick Braman at 509-476-2131 or the CCC at 509-486-1328 if you would like to sign up. OCTC Meeting

OMAK - The Okanogan County Tourism Council invites people to join their colleagues in celebrating tourism in Okanogan Country on Wednesday, Feb. 3, at the 12 Tribes Resort & Casino in Omak, at 9:30 a.m. RSVP to Carolyn Davis at the office 509-826-5107 or cdavis@ economic-alliance.com by Jan. 29. This annual membership meeting

FREE Lifeline Service Available for Income-Eligible Residents

Come visit us in friendly downtown Tonasket!

Watch Batteries Still $6.00 installed!

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helps to create opportunities to get to know others in the tourism industry and will increase your knowledge about how tourism is flourishing in the county and how, partnering and working together, can keep it growing. Kiwanis Ground Hog Dinner

TONASKET - The 32nd Annual Tonasket Kiwanis Ground Hog Dinner will be Friday, Feb. 5 in the high school commons from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The menu is sausage, potatoes, vegetable, coleslaw, beverage and a dessert. Adults (13+), $9.50, children 12 and under, $4.50, pre-school, free. Bulk sausage will also be available at $3 per pound. All profits go into the Youth/ Community Fund. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Feed in Oroville

OROVILLE - The Oroville Episcopal Church will be hosting a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Feed on Tuesday, Feb. 9 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the church hall on 604 Central Ave. Th breakfast includes pancakes, sausage and homemade applesauce. Tickets are available at the Oroville Pharmacy or at the door. Adults, $6, seniors, $5 and children 12 and under, $3.

American Legion Crab Feed

MOVIES 250-498-2277 REGULAR SHOWTIMES Oliver, B.C. Sun.–Mon.–Tues.–Thurs.....7:30p.m. Fri.–Sat....7:00 &9:00p.m. (unless otherwise stated)




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95 min

FRI. 7:00. SAT. *3:45, 6:30. SUN. *3:45, 6:30. MON.-THURS. 7:00.


Green Okanogan Recycling Center Benefit Auction

101 S. Main St. - 2 blocks from Omak Theater

TONASKET - Save the date for the Green Okanogan Recycling Center benefit auction Saturday, Feb. 13 at the Community Cultural Center in Tonasket. At 5 p.m. the doors open with a silent auction, then at 6 p.m. there is an enchilada casserole dinner and 7 p.m. a live auction. All proceeds from this event will go toward purchasing the property just south of Tonasket that GO is currently leasing. Dinner is $10, the event is free. If you have items to donate or need more information, call 509-486-0674.




SAT. *3:15, 6:15, 9:00 . SUN. *3:15, 6:45. MON.-THURS. 7:00.

THE REVENANT ADV.THRILLER. LEONARDO DICAPRIO, TOM HARDY 156 min FRI. 7:15. SAT. *3:30, 6:45. SUN.*2:30, 6:15. MON.-THURS. 6:30. R


HISTORICAL/ACTION - JOHN KRASINSKI, PABLO SCHREIBER. FRI. 7:30. SAT. *3:45, 7:00. SUN. *2:45, 6:30. MON-THURS 6:45 Adult $9.00

*Matinee $6.50

Child $6.50

No children under age 4 admitted unless film is G rated. No one under 17 admitted to R rated films without their own parent. Photo ID required.

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OROVILLE - The Oroville American Legion, Hodges Post #84, will be having their annual Crab Feed on Saturday, Feb. 13 starting at 5 p.m. in the Legion Hall. Tickets are available from R.L. “Louie” Wilson at 509-476-3438 or at Vicki’s Unique Boutique or the American Legion at the bar.


TONASKET - The Tonasket Food Bank operates every Thursday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at 101 Hwy. 97 N. For more information, contact Debbie Roberts at 509-486-2192.


TONASKET - There will be a pancake dinner served on Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 6 p.m. at the Holy Rosary Church in Tonasket. Everyone is welcome to come celebrate the beginning of Lent, which is called Shrove Tuesday.


Tonasket Food Bank

Oliver Theatre

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner in Tonasket

Contractor Disaster Response & Recovery Open House

PATEROS - An open house on Becoming a Contractor for Disaster Response & Recovery will be held on Tuesday, Feb. 23 from 1 p.m. 3:30 p.m. at the Pateros Fire Hall, 191 Industrial Way, Pateros (Fire Hall: the big green building on river side of Highway 97) Class is free, space is limited, Register online, at the door, or by calling 360-464-6043. Approximately $10 million in contracts were awarded in Okanogan County during 2015. If you’re interested in providing the equipment, goods or services needed before, during, and after fire season to help aid fire & other incident support, you won’t want to miss this workshop

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Tonasket residents can drop off information for the Gazette-Tribune at Highlandia Jewelry on 312 S. Whitcomb PUBLISHER’S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination”. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate that is in violation of the law. To complain of discrimination call HUD at 1-800-6699777. The number for hearing impaired is 1-800-9279275


Help Wanted

DID YOU FIND AN ITEM AND WANT TO FIND THE OWNER? Found items can be placed in the newspaper for one week for FREE. Limit 15 words, or prepay for words over the 15 word limit. Call 509-476-3602 before noon on Tuesdays.

DRIVER Okanogan County Transportation seeks relief driver immediately in the Tonasket and Oroville areas, CDL with passenger endorsement preferred but not required. Must be 25 years of age; pass background check, pre-employment and random drug testing and DOT physical. Apply in person at 431 5th Avenue W., Omak, Wa or find the OCTN application and background check online at www.octn.org under employment options. EOE

Health General

For Rent AVAILABLE RENTALS; 3 BR Home $850. 2 BR, 2 BA home $700. 2 BR apt $650. 3 BR, 2 BA Apt $650. Sonora Shores $695. SUN LAKE REALTY 509-476-2121

Hillside Park Senior Apartments

515 Tonasket Ave Tonasket, WA TAKING APPLICATIONS 62 Years of Age or Older or Disabled RENTAL ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE Income Limits Apply Call Robert 509-486-4966 TDD# 711 Oroville Senior Living, Henderson Apartments, on Lake, N. Oroville, 3 miles on Boundary Point rd, 2 bdrm, in good shape, no smoking, no pets. Taking applications, $675/month, first and last. (509)476-2449

Announcements Say it in the classifieds! *Special deal* *HAPPY BIRTHDAY *HAPPY ANNIVERSARY *CONGRATULATIONS!! *WILL YOU MARRY ME? MUST BE PREPAID $6.00 for the first 15 words additional words $1.00 each. Bold words, special font or borders extra. Add a picture for only $1.50 more. Call to place ad Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune 800-388-2527 WNPA STATEWIDE CLASSIFIEDS – WEEK OF JANUARY 25, 2016 This newspaper participates in a statewide classified ad program sponsored by the Washington Newspaper Publishers Association, a statewide association of weekly newspapers. The program allows classified advertisers to submit ads for publication in participating weeklies throughout the state in compliance with the following rules. You may submit an ad for the statewide program through this newspaper or in person to the WNPA office. The rate is $275 for up to 25 words, plus $10 per word over 25 words. WNPA reserves the right to edit all ad copy submitted and to refuse to accept any ad submitted for the statewide program. WNPA, therefore, does not guarantee that every ad will be run in every newspaper. WNPA will, on request, for a fee of $40, provide information on which newspapers run a particular ad within a 30 day period. Substantive typographical error (wrong address, telephone number, name or price) will result in a “make good”, in which a corrected ad will be run the following week. WNPA incurs no other liability for errors in publication. EVENTS-FESTIVALS PROMOTE YOUR REGIONAL EVENT for only pennies. Reach 2.7 million readers in newspapers statewide for $275 classified or $1,350 display ad. Call this newspaper or (360) 515-0974 for details. LEGAL SERVICES DIVORCE $155. $175 with children. No court appearances. Complete preparation. Includes custody, support, property division and bills. BBB member. (503) 772-5295. www.paralegalalternatives.com legalalt@msn.com

CENTROS DE SALUD FAMILIAR Your Family, Your Health, Your Choice

We are looking for YOU to join our team! We are dedicated to our employees’ job satisfaction and take pride in providing a place to work that encourages growth, teamwork, communication and positive employee / supervisor relationships. FHC is a not for profit Community Health Center dedicated to providing quality health care regardless of ability to pay. EVERYONE is welcome. We have the following opportunities available: OKANOGAN ADMIN: CFO Full time Certified Medical Coding Specialist Full time WIC Registered Dietician/Nutritionist Full time OMAK MEDICAL: Roomer Full time. Bilingual required. Clinic Custodian Full time, 32 hrs/week MA-C Full time BREWSTER DENTAL: Dental Assistant Part time, on an as needed basis. Bilingual preferred. BREWSTER JAY AVE: Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Part time, 10 hrs/week. MA-C or LPN Full time position Clinic Custodian Full time, shift is split between Jay Ave medical & Brewster Dental clinics BRIDGEPORT MED/DENTAL: Roomer Full time, Bilingual required MA-Certified Full time RN Case Manager Full time Dentist Full time Dental Assistant Part time, on an as needed basis. Bilingual preferred.

Twisp/Okanogan Dental: Dental Assistant 2 Full time positions. Travel between clinics is required. Bilingual Spanish/English preferred. Must be available Saturdays. Patient Registration Full time. Travel between clinics is required. Bilingual Spanish/English required. Must be available Saturdays. See www.myfamilyhealth.org for job descriptions. Submit cover letter and resume or application to FHC, c/o Human Resources, PO Box 1340, Okanogan, WA 98840 or email: HR@myfamilyhealth.org. Open until filled. FHC is an EEO Employer.

Health General North Valley Hospital Family Birthing Center is currently taking applications for an experienced

OB Nurse We have beautiful LDRP suites, a jetted labor tub, nitrous oxide pain management, child birth education classes and extensive breastfeeding assistance. Apply online at www.nvhospital.org or submit application to North Valley Hospital at 203 South Western Ave. Tonasket, WA 98855 (509)486-3185. hr@nvhospital.org

Public Notices LEGAL NOTICE NEGOTIATION OF STATE LEASES WITH EXISTING LESSEES BETWEEN MARCH AND MAY 2016 EXPIRES: JULY 2016 10-080893-GRAZING-N1/2, SW1/4, NW1/4SE1/4, SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 40 NORTH, RANGE 29 EAST, W.M Written request to lease must be received by February 28, 2016, at Department of Natural Resources, 225 S Silke Rd, Colville, Washington 99114-9369. Each request to lease must include the lease number, the name, address and phone number of applicant, and must contain a certified check or money order payable to the Department of Natural Resources for the amount of any bonus bid plus a $100.00 deposit. The envelope must be marked “Sealed Bid” and give lease number, expiration date of lease applied for and give applicant’s name. The applicant must be prepared to purchase improvements that belong to the current lessee. Persons wishing to bid to lease any of these properties can obtain more details, bid packet, and qualification requirements by contacting the Colville office or calling (509) 684-7474. Published: January 28, 2016 Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on January 28, 2016. (OVG678961) Notice of Call for Bids For Gasoline and Diesel Requirements For 2016 & 2017 Sealed bids to supply gasoline and diesel for the years 2016 & 2017 will be received by the City of Tonasket until February 23, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., at which time the bids will be opened at the regular City Council meeting. Regular-grade, mid-grade, and super unleaded gasoline and diesel shall be available 24 hours a day at a key lock or guard card supply station located within or close proximity to the City of Tonasket and to deliver diesel to the Waste Water Treatment Plant on request. Bids shall be quoted at a set amount over supplier’s cost at time of delivery and verification of that cost must accompany monthly billings. Bids shall exclude Federal taxes. Bids are to be submitted on a form available at the City Clerk’s office at 209 S. Whitcomb Avenue or call 509-486-2132. Mailing address: P.O. Box 487, Tonasket, WA 98855. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informality. Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on January 28 and February 4, 2016. #OVG679612 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of DAVID R. VERBOIS,

Public Notices

Public Notices

Public Notices

Deceased. Case No.: 15-4-07269-0 KNT PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.40.030) The Personal Representative named below has been appointed as Personal Representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020 (1) (c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. lf the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: January 21, 2016 /s/Mark D. Verbois Mark D. Verbois, Personal Representative 34414 SE Carmichael St, Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Attorney for Personal Representative: /s/Ryan Y. Rehberg, Ryan Y Rehberg, WSBA 32374 18000 International Blvd, Suite 550, SeaTac, WA 98188, Telephone (206) 246-8772 Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on January 21, 28, and February 4, 2016. #OVG678089

DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION: January 21, 2016. /s/Sandra Lynne Downing Sandra Lynne Downing, Personal Representative 12774 90th Ave, Surrey, B.C. V3V6G5 Attorney for Personal Representative: /s/Mark A. Reinhardt Mark A. Reinhardt, WSBA 24723 18000 International Blvd, Suite 550, SeaTac, WA 98188, Telephone: (206) 246-8772 Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on January 21, 28, and February 4, 2016. #OVG678077

NO. 15-2-00443-5 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION (60 DAYS) THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID DEFENDANTS ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF HAROLD R. CHRISTIAN: You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit, within sixty days after the 31st day of December, 2015, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC dba CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY, and serve a copy of your answer upon the uudersigned attorneys for plaintiff, LAW OFFICES OF LES ZIEVE, at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This is a Complaint for Judicial Foreclosure of Deed of Trust. DATED: December 17, 2015 LAW OFFICES OF LES ZIEVE By: /s/ Benjamin D Petiprin Benjamin D. Petiprin, WSBA# 46071 Attorneys for Plaintiff NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC dba CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette - Tribune on December 31, 2015, January 7, 14, 21, 28, and February 4, 2016. OVG675143

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR KING COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of BRIAN WILLIAM DOWNING, Deceased. Case No.: 15-4-06796-3KNT PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.40.030) The Personal Representative named below has been appointed as Personal Representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the decedent must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Personal Representative or the Personal Representative’s attorney at the address stated below a copy of the claim and filing the original of the claim with the court in which the probate proceedings were commenced. The claim must be presented within the later of: (1) Thirty days after the personal representative served or mailed the notice to the creditor as provided under RCW 11.40.020 (1)(c); or (2) four months after the date of first publication of the notice. If the claim is not presented within this time frame, the claim is forever barred, except as otherwise provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective as to claims against both the decedent’s probate and nonprobate assets.

SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR LINCOLN COUNTY Estate of MAXWELL A. HARRISON, Deceased. NO. 15-4 00070-3 PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS (RCW 11.40.030) PLEASE TAKE NOTICE The above Court has appointed me Personal Representative of Decedent’s estate. Any person having a claim against Decedent must present the claim: Before the time when the claim would be barred by any applicable statute of limitations, and In the manner provided in RCW 11.40.070: By filing with the foregoing Court the original of the signed Creditor’s Claim, and By serving upon or mailing by first class mail to us at the address provided below a copy of the signed Creditor’s Claim. The Creditor’s Claim must be presented by the later to occur of: Thirty (30) days after we served or mailed this Notice to you as provided in RCW 11.40.020(3), or Four (4) months after the date of first publication of this Notice. If the Creditor’s Claim is not presented within the foregoing time period, the claim will be forever barred except as provided in RCW 11.40.051 and 11.40.060. This bar is effective for claims against both the Decedent’s probate and non-probate assets. Date of First Publication of this Notice: January 14, 2016. Signed: Vonna L. Harrison, Personal Representative Address for Mailing of Service: Joshua F. Grant, P.S. Attorney at Law P.O. Box 619 Wilbur, WA 99185 Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on January 14, 21, 28, 2016. #OVG677165 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON FOR OKANOGAN COUNTY NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC dba CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY, a limited liability company, Plaintiff, vs. ALL UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF HAROLD R. CHRISTIAN, a deceased individual; Julian Castro, solely in his capacity as Secretary for UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT; NINE MILE RANCH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION; DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, and ROES 1 through 10, inclusive. Defendants.




TS No WA09000099-15-1 APN 33222170365 TO No 150159081-WA-MSO NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE PURSUANT TO THE REVISED CODE OF WASHINGTON CHAPTER 61.24 ET. SEQ. I. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on February 26, 2016, 10:00 AM, Front Entrance, Okanogan County Courthouse, 149 Third North, Okanogan, WA 98840, MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps, the undersigned Trustee, will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, payable, in the form of cash, or cashier’s check or certified checks from federally or State chartered banks, at the time of sale the following described real property, situated in the County of Okanogan, State of Washington, to-wit: THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 33 NORTH, RANGE 22 E.W.M., OKANOGAN COUNTY, WASHINGTON, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTHEAST 88°38`00” ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID SUBDIVISION A DISTANCE OF 367.10 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID BOUNDARY LINE RUN SOUTHEAST 21°35`00” A DISTANCE OF 600.23 FEET; THENCE NORTHWEST A DISTANCE OF 88°38`00” A DISTANCE OF 175.28 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEAST 06°19`15” A DISTANCE OF 390.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE FROM SAID TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING RUN SOUTHEAST 88°38`00” A DISTANCE OF 277.48 FEET; THENCE NORTHEAST 23°29`22” A DISTANCE OF 646.58 FEET, MORE

Continued on next page

24. Oolong, for one

9. Doing nothing

25. Conscious

10. Experience

28. Assistant

11. “Duck soup!”

30. Large amount of money

13. Adhesive substance

33. Bony branch

14. Apple variety

34. Display

17. Partial paralysis

36. Blanched

18. Anger

38. Use of nerve gas (2 wds) 41. “My boy”

22. Plant having roots which yield nutritious starch

42. Eurasian juniper

23. Rudyard ___, English author

43. Blood carrier

25. Parentheses, e.g.

44. Not divisible by two

26. “Yippee!”

46. All there

27. Change, as the Constitution

47. What ___ thou here?

29. Depressing experience

48. Appear

31. Cognizant

50. Avarice

32. Pub game

52. Projections that protect boot soles

35. Exchange (2 wds)

56. Four-day New Year festival

39. Like some stomachs (2 wds)

60. The EM in EMALS 63. Baptism, for one

40. Network of species’ feeding relations (2 wds)

64. Corpulent

45. Word with belly or toe

65. Drag

49. Feline pet

66. Fly high

51. Halftime lead, e.g.

67. Intelligence

52. Half a matched set

68. Crash site?

53. Assortment 54. ___ carotene

1. Nave bench 4. One-liner, e.g. 8. Abounding 12. Western blue flag, e.g. 14. Scrawny 15. “I had no ___!” 16. Verb forms that express completed action (2 wds)

37. “Cool!”

55. Brain area Down

57. Above 58. 100 kurus

1. Snowman prop

59. Decorated, as a cake

2. “-zoic” things

61. Cage for hawks

3. Bit of smoke

62. Balaam’s mount

4. Bump

19. Observation

5. Away

20. In a short and concise manner

6. Jersey, e.g.

21. Fissure

7. Enumeration follower (2 wds) 8. Carpentry tool


Sudoku is a number-placing puzzle based on a 9x9 grid with several given numbers. The object is to place the numbers Puzzle 4 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.54)1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once.












5 6


4 9


2 6 3 8 5

9 8

5 7 1 6 4

5 1

4 9 2 3 8

1 8 2

6 3 9 5 7

9 2 4 6 8

1 5 7 3

8 6 3 5

7 2 4 9 1



















Puzzle 10 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.54)


5 8 4


1 7





7 5 2








6 3


5 8 7 1

2 9 3




5 8 7

6 1 9 3 4

1 5

8 4 7 6 2

6 7

8 4 6 1

5 7





























4 9

2 3 8 5 1

2 3 9

7 9 2 4

3 6 1 8 5


Medium, difficulty rating 0.54



















Puzzle 7 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.48)


Sponsored by


4 8


3 7 9 5

7 8 3

9 5 6 1 2 4

5 4 9

1 2 7 3 6 8

1 3 2

7 4 5 6 8 9

8 9 7

2 6 1 4 5 3

4 5 6

3 9 8 2 7 1

9 1 8 6

3 2 5 4 7

2 7 5

8 1 4 9 3 6



















Puzzle 4 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.54)

8 6 4


Post your comments on recent articles and let your voice be heard. 1 7 9 5





9 7

4 8





2 4 3

5 1 6

8 6 3 1

2 7 4 5 9

9 5 4 6

8 3 1 2 7

7 1 2 5

4 9 6 3 8

6 7 5 9 1

4 3 8 2

1 2 8 3

5 6 9 7 4

9 8 2

6 7 4 1 5

1 5 4 8

3 9 2 6 7

6 8 5 7

1 2 9 3 4

9 1 2 4

5 3 7 8 6

4 7

3 6 9 8

1 5 2

7 3 1

5 8 4

6 2 9

8 2 9

3 7 6

5 4 1

5 4 6

9 2 1

8 7 3

8 6 7 1

2 3 5 9 4

1 9 3 8

4 5 2 7 6

3 4 9 6

1 7 8 2 5

5 1 8 2

3 9 6 4 7

7 2

6 5 8 4

9 3 1

4 8 5

7 6 2

3 1 9

9 3 2

4 5 1

7 6 8

6 7 1

3 9 8

4 5 2

Puzzle 8 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.52)

4 1 6 5

7 9 8 3 2

3 5 2 1

4 8 9 6 7

1 7 8 9

3 4 5 2 6

5 3 4 6

2 7 1 8 9

2 6

9 8 1 5

3 7 4

8 4 5

7 9 6

2 1 3

6 2 3

4 5 1

7 9 8

7 9 1

2 8 3

6 4 5

Puzzle 5 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.49)

Generated by http://www.opensky.ca/~jdhildeb/software/sudokugen



Puzzle 11 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.59)




rights and opportunities to keep your house, you may contact the following: The statewide foreclosure hotline for assistance and referral to housing counselors recommended by the Housing Finance Commission: Telephone: (877) 894-4663 or (800) 606-4819 Website: www.wshfc.org The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development: Telephone: (800) 569-4287 Website: www.hud.gov The statewide civil legal aid hotline for assistance and referrals to other housing counselors and attorneys: Telephone: (800) 606-4819 Website: www.homeownership.wa.gov NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS OR TENANTS - The purchaser at the Trustee’s Sale is entitled to possession of the property on the 20th day following the sale, as against the Grantor under the Deed of Trust (the owner) and anyone having an interest junior to the Deed of Trust, including occupants who are not tenants. After the 20th day following the sale the purchaser has the right to evict occupants who are not tenants by summary proceedings under the Unlawful Detainer Act, Chapter 59.12 RCW. For tenant-occupied property, the purchaser shall provide a tenant with written notice in accordance with RCW 61.24.060; Dated: October 15, 2015 MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps, as Duly Appointed Successor Trustee By: Jessica Cimarusti, Authorized Signatory MTC Financial Inc. dba Trustee Corps 1700 Seventh Avenue, Suite 2100 Seattle WA 98101 Phone: (800) 409-7530 TDD: (800) 833-6388 For Reinstatement/Pay Off Quotes, contact MTC Financial Inc. DBA Trustee Corps TRUSTEE’S SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ONLINE AT www.Auction.com. Order No. WA15-001278-2, Pub Dates 01/28/2016, 02/18/2016 Published in the Okanogan Valley Gazette-Tribune on January 28 and February 18, 2016. #OVG679587


of Trust. VI. A written Notice of Default was transmitted by the current Beneficiary, BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. or Trustee to the Borrower and Grantor at the following address(es): ADDRESS UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF JAMES MADISON 1 KINGFISHER RD, TWISP, WA 98856-9626 JAMES MADISON 1 KINGFISHER RD, TWISP, WA 98856-9626 JAMES MADISON 1335 CONTRA COSTA AVE, FIRCREST, WA 98466 by both first class and certified mail on August 26, 2015, proof of which is in the possession of the Trustee; and the Borrower and Grantor were personally served, if applicable, with said written Notice of Default or the written Notice of Default was posted in a conspicuous place on the real property described in Paragraph I above, and the Trustee has possession of proof of such service or posting. VII. The Trustee whose name and address are set forth below will provide in writing to anyone requesting it, a statement of all costs and fees due at any time prior to the sale. VIII. The effect of the sale will be to deprive the Grantor and all those who hold by, through or under the Grantor of all their interest in the above described property. IX. Anyone having any objections to this sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the sale pursuant to RCW 61.24.130. Failure to bring such a lawsuit may result in a waiver of any proper grounds for invalidating the Trustees’ Sale. X. If the Borrower received a letter under RCW 61.24.031: THIS NOTICE IS THE FINAL STEP BEFORE THE FORECLOSURE SALE OF YOUR HOME. You have only 20 DAYS from the recording date on this notice to pursue mediation. DO NOT DELAY. CONTACT A HOUSING COUNSELOR OR AN ATTORNEY LICENSED IN WASHINGTON NOW to assess your situation and refer you to mediation if you might eligible and it may help you save your home. See below for safe sources of help. SEEKING ASSISTANCE Housing counselors and legal assistance may be available at little or no cost to you. If you would like assistance in determining your


on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust/Mortgage. Current Beneficiary: BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. Contact Phone No: 214-209-6557 Address: 7105 Corporate Drive, Building C, Plano, TX 75024 III. The default(s) for which this foreclosure is made is/are as follows: FAILURE TO PAY WHEN DUE THE FOLLOWING AMOUNTS WHICH ARE NOW IN ARREARS: DELINQUENT PAYMENT INFORMATION From January 1, 2015 To October 15, 2015 Number of Payments 7 $1,053.85 3 $1,050.76 Total $10,529.23 LATE CHARGE INFORMATION January 1, 2015 October 15, 2015 $80.82 PROMISSORY NOTE INFORMATION Note Dated: July 17, 2007 Note Amount: $124,630.00 Interest Paid To: December 1, 2014 Next Due Date: January 1, 2015 IV. The sum owing on the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust is: The principal sum of $110,028.21, together with interest as provided in the Note or other instrument secured, and such other costs and fees as are due under the Note or other instrument secured, and as are provided by statute. V. The above described real property will be sold to satisfy the expense of sale and the obligation secured by the Deed of Trust as provided by statute. Said sale will be made without warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession or encumbrances on February 26, 2016. The defaults referred to in Paragraph III must be cured by February 15, 2016, (11 days before the sale date) to cause a discontinuance of the sale. The sale will be discontinued and terminated if at any time before February 15, 2016 (11 days before the sale) the default as set forth in Paragraph III is cured and the Trustees’ fees and costs are paid. Payment must be in cash or with cashiers’ or certified checks from a State or federally chartered bank. The sale may be terminated any time after the February 15, 2016 (11 days before the sale date) and before the sale, by the Borrower or Grantor or the holder of any recorded junior lien or encumbrance by paying the principal and interest, plus costs, fees and advances, if any, made pursuant to the terms of the obligation and/or Deed

Sudoku 8

Public Notices





















Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.51)

2 9 8 7

6 5 3 4 1

4 6 5 3

1 2 7 8 9

3 2 9 5

7 1 8 6 4

1 4 7 2

8 6 5 9 3

8 5

6 9 3 4

2 1 7

6 3 2

8 4 9

1 7 5

5 8 4

1 2 7

9 3 6

9 7 1

6 5 3

4 2 8

Puzzle 2 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.46)

1 2

3 5 7 4

9 6 8



















4 1

5 6 3 9

8 2 7

3 6

2 8 4 7

1 9 5

8 9

7 1 5 2

6 3 4

2 3 6

7 9 5

4 8 1

9 5 4

2 8 1

3 7 6

7 8 1

4 6 3

2 5 9

Puzzle 12 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.47)



9 1 2 3

4 5 7





















3 7 1 8

5 4 2



4 6 9 2

3 7 8



8 3 4 5

1 6 9


3 7

2 6 1

9 8 4


4 1

9 3 7

6 2 5

2 9


8 5 4

7 3 1

Puzzle 9 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.49)

1 9

5 6 2 3

8 4 7



















3 1

4 8 7 2

6 9 5

6 5

8 9 1 4

7 3 2

9 7

2 3 6 5

4 1 8

2 6 9

1 3 7

5 8 4

5 4 7

2 8 9

3 6 1

8 3 1

5 4 6

2 7 9

Puzzle 6 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.60)

1 6

8 7 2 9

3 4 5



















6 5

1 8 7 2

9 3 4

2 9

7 5 4 3

6 8 1

8 4

3 9 6 1

7 5 2

7 2 6

1 3 5

4 9 8

3 1 9

2 8 4

5 6 7

5 8 4

6 9 7

1 2 3

Puzzle 3 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.46)

OR LESS, TO THE THREAD OF THE METHOW RIVER; THENCE ALONG THE THREAD OF SAID RIVER SOUTHEAST 48°12`55” A DISTANCE OF 157.9 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NAOMI SHORT PLAT AS RECORDED IN BOOK “A” OF SHORT PLATS, PAGE 17, RECORDS OF THE AUDITOR OF OKANOGAN COUNTY, WASHINGTON; THENCE ALONG THE BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID NAOMI SHORT PLAT SOUTHWEST 23°29`22” A DISTANCE OF 1031.39 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF OKANOGAN COUNTY ROAD NO. 9105 (TWISP-CARLTON WEST SIDE ROAD). (NOTE: THE NAOMI SHORT PLAT AS RECORDED SHOWS THE BEARING OF THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF LOT 1 TO BE SOUTHWEST 21°57`30”). THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE NORTHWEST 28°59`11” A DISTANCE OF 196.65 FEET; THENCE ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A DELTA ANGLE OF 17°12`25”, A RADIUS OF 729.99 FEET, FOR A LENGTH OF 219.23 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHTOF-WAY LINE RUN NORTHWEST 06°19`15” A DISTANCE OF 120.49 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF OKANOGAN, STATE OF WASHINGTON. More commonly known as 1 KINGFISHER RD, TWISP, WA 98856-9626 which is subject to that certain Deed of Trust dated as of July 17, 2007, executed by JAMES MADISON, A MARRIED PERSON as Trustor(s), to secure obligations in favor of BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. as original Beneficiary recorded August 21, 2007 as Instrument No. 3122773 of official records in the Office of the Recorder of Okanogan County, Washington. II. No action commenced by BANK OF AMERICA, N.A., the current Beneficiary of the Deed of Trust is now pending to seek satisfaction of the obligation in any Court by reason of the Borrowers’ or Grantors’ default

Public Notices


Continued from previous page

Public Notices


Public Notices




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Tonasket faces tough teams on courts

Lady Tigers take down Mountain Lions




Brewster Lake Roosevelt Oroville Liberty Bell Manson Okanogan Bridgeport Tonasket


TONASKET – Tonasket’s basketball teams hosted Liberty Bell Tuesday, Jan. 19 and Brewster Friday, Jan. 22 before traveling to Warden Saturday, Jan. 23. The Lady Tigers beat the Mountain Lions 46-28. Tonasket was ahead a whooping 27-9 at halftime before Liberty Bell tightened the gap by scoring a dozen points in the third quarter. The Tigers put in seven points to keep the lead, 34-21, at the end of the third quarter. The Lady Tigers beat Liberty Bell 43-31 earlier in the season, December 11. Ethan Smith and Andrew Reggiatore faced each other in the tip-off for the boys’ game, with Reggiatore tagging the ball and immediately scoring two points for Liberty Bell. Smith grabbed the rebound and put two points on the board for Tonasket four seconds in. That was the end of the game remaining tied. The Mountain Lions had a 39-25 lead at halftime and a 67-37 lead at the end of the third quarter before the game ended 79-48. But it was an improvement for the Tigers over their December 11 loss to Liberty Bell of 40-85. The Liberty Bell boys’ team is currently in fourth place in the North Central Washington B League. When the Brewster Bears came to town the Lady Tigers kept up with them nicely in the first half, trailing by just four points (10-6) after the first quarter and having a one-point lead at halftime (1615). But by the end of the third

League Total 10-0 16-0 8-2 10-3 6-4 9-5 6-4 10-6 4-6 8-6 3-7 3-10 3-7 4-11 0-10 0-14

GIRLS BASKETBALL Okanogan Brewster Lake Roosevelt Tonasket Oroville Liberty Bell Manson Bridgeport

League Total 10-0 13-0 9-1 9-4 8-2 9-5 5-5 6-8 4-6 5-9 2-8 3-11 2-8 4-10 0-10 2-12

Katie Teachout/staff photo

Kayla Willis scoots around Liberty Bell’s Nadine Triese during the Tigers 46-28 victory over the Mountain Lions. quarter they were lagging behind 38-23 and dragging behind 60-35 at the game’s end. “They need to come out and

“They need to come out and play all four quarters.” Stephanie Schertenleib, Head Coach, Tonasket Lady Tigers

es and they need to stay focused the entire game.” Brewster is currently second in the league, behind Okanogan, with nine league wins and just one league loss. Tonasket is fourth in the league, behind Lake Roosevelt with five league wins and five league losses. The Tiger boys fought hard against the Brewster Bears, but were behind 27-11 at the end of the first quarter and 57-15 at halftime. Brewster took home an 89-33 victory. The Brewster boys’ team is

second to no one in the North Central Washington B League, with 10 league wins and zero losses; and 16 wins and zero losses overall. Tonasket traveled to Warden the next day (Saturday, Jan. 23), for non-league games with the girls bringing home a 53-42 loss and the boys a 66-35 loss. The Tigers host Lake Roosevelt Friday, Jan. 29 and travel to Oroville Tuesday, Feb. 2. The JV games begin at 4:30 p.m., the varsity girls at 6 p.m. and the varsity boys at 7:30 p.m.

play all four quarters,” said Tonasket Head Coach Stephanie Schertenleib. “They come out and play good in the beginning, but if we are down by 10 points that’s not enough. Sure, Brewster is a very good team—second in our league, but they have to get over the hump. They have mental laps-

Katie Teachout/staff photo

Bryden Hires, backed up by Seth Smith, attempts to block Liberty Bell’s Connor Cooley from making a shot.

Photo by Terry Mills

Jesse Ramon gets the ball in the air during Tonasket’s game against the Warden Cougars Saturday, Jan. 23.

Katie Teachout/staff photo

Madyson Clark stretches to shoot the ball up and over Liberty Bell’s Katie Labanaskas during Tuesday’s (Jan. 19) home game.

Lady Hornets take Mountain Lions into OT Hornets scorch

Photo by Terry Mills

Tonasket’s Ellie Alberts goes up for two during the Tigers non-league game against the Warden Cougars Saturday, Jan. 23.


The Lady Hornets took Liberty Bell’s Mountain Lions into overtime when they traveled to Winthrop Saturday, Jan. 23. The first quarter ended with Oroville ahead 10-9, but they were behind 25-15 at halftime. “We had a bad second quarter, but the Lady Hornets came back strong in the second half and it was tied at 45 at the end of regulation,” said assistant Coach Bill Cottrell. “When overtime started we had two starters (Hannah Hilderbrand and Katherine Egerton) already fouled out, another starter (Jordyn Smith) out of the game with an ankle injury, and two of our remaining five players in foul trouble. So we were a bit limited in how aggressively we could play in the

overtime. The “foul trouble” gave Liberty Bell 37 free throws in the game, while Oroville only shot 11. Oroville made seven points in overtime, but Liberty Bell outscored them with 11, ending the game 58-52. Faith Martin and Mikayla Scott led the scoring for Oroville with 15 each, followed by Hannah Hilderbrand (8), Havannah Worrell (6), Sydney Egerton (4), Pie Todd (2) and Katherine Egerton (2). “Jordyn Smith did not score, as she had to leave the game in the first quarter with the ankle injury,” said Cottrell. Oroville beat Liberty Bell 43-37 when they played in December. The Lady Hornets had the opportunity to avenge a threepoint, December 8 loss of 41-38 to the Raiders when they traveled to Lake Roosevelt Tuesday, Jan.

19. But they came away with sixpoint loss, 51-45. “It was another customary hard-fought battle between these two teams. Their heated rivalry continues and it is always a good game when these two meet,” said Cottrell. “The Lady Hornets did not start out well; the first quarter score was Lake Roosevelt 13, Oroville five. The next three quarters of basketball were basically played even, and Oroville won the second half 26-23. It was good basketball and the crowd enjoyed it, but it was not enough to pull out the win for the Lady Hornets.” Martin led the scoring for Oroville with 18, followed by Hilderbrand (10), Sydney Egerton (6), Todd (5), Scott (4) and Smith (2). Oroville will host Manson Thursday, Jan. 28 and Tonasket Tuesday, Feb. 2.

Raiders in double OT BY KATIE TEACHOUT


Oroville beat the Raiders 81-72 when they traveled to Lake Roosevelt Tuesday, Jan. 19. The teams are so closely matched the game went into double overtime before the Hornets came away with the nine-point victory. “It was a great game in a great environment,” said Oroville Head Coach Jay Thacker. “Lake Roosevelt is a very good basketball team, and we were fortunate to come out on top.” The teams were tied at 56 at the end of regulation play, and at 63 at the end of the first overtime. Spencer Martin lead the scoring with 24 points, followed by Bryce Glover (23), Andrew Mieirs (14), Juan Lopez (12), Nathan Hugus (6) and Sage Sarmiento (2). Scoring for the Raiders was

Palmer (21), Boyd (16), Garvin (12), Redstar (9), J. Desautel (8), Louie (3) and Harria (3). When the two teams faced off December 8, the Raiders won by just three-points; 68-65. Oroville led Lake Roosevelt 17-12 at the end of the first quarter, 32-22 at halftime and 47-36 at the end of the third quarter before the Raiders came alive, scoring 32 points to Oroville’s 18 in the fourth quarter. The Hornets continued their winning ways when they traveled over the Loup Saturday, Jan. 23, to destroy Liberty Bell’s Mountain Lions 78-55. “We got out to a quick start against a very good team and were able to maintain the lead,” said Thacker. Scoring was again led by Martin with 21, followed by Glover (17), Hugus (15), Mieirs (14), Lopez

(7) and Sarmiento (2). Scoring for the Mountain Lions was Connor Cooley (20), Ben Klemmeck (16), Micah Klemmeck (9), Josh Frey (6), Andrew Reggiatore (2) and Carter Dornfeld (2). The last time the two teams met up (December 15), they went into overtime with a 58-58 tie before Liberty Bell took home the win with a four-point lead (66-62). “Our team really seems to be coming together at the right time,” said Thacker. Oroville is currently in third place among 2B North Central Washington teams, behind Lake Roosevelt in second and ahead of Liberty Bell in fourth. Oroville hosts Manson, currently fifth in league, Thursday, Jan. 28; and Tonasket, currently eighth in league, Tuesday, Feb. 2.




Hornet grapplers score some pins BY KATIE TEACHOUT


Oroville’s wrestling team traveled to a mixer in Pateros Wednesday, Jan. 20, where they competed against Pateros, Brewster and Chelan. Johnny Castillo, wrestling in the 132-pound class and Hunter DeVon in the 138-pound class pinned both of their opponents.

Nick Clase (170) and David Iniguez (152) both won one match and lost one match. Zane Scott (182) made it back after being out with an injury with a first-period pin over his Chelan opponent. Oroville joined Republic, Selkirk, Brewster and Pateros in Republic the following day (January 21), where Castillo (132) went two wins and one loss; and

DeVon (138) went one and one. Oroville will have their Senior Night when they host Eastmont JV and Liberty Bell Wednesday, Jan. 27. The Hornets host Tonasket, Okanogan, Brewster, Liberty Bell and Pateros for a home league mixer Saturday, January 30, beginning at 11 a.m.

HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS SCHEDULE This week’s games: Jan. 28-Feb.6 (Schedules subject to change) Thursday, January 28 Basketball- Manson at Oroville, JV 4:30 pm, girls varsity 6 pm, boys varsity 7:30 pm Friday, January 29 Basketball - Lake Roosevelt at Tonasket, JV 4:30 PM, girls varsity 6 pm, boys varsity 7:30 pm Saturday, January 30 Wrestling - League Mixer at Oroville, 11 am

Tuesday, February 2 Basketball - Tonasket at Oroville, JV 4:30 pm, girls varsity 6 pm, boys varsity 7:30 pm Thursday, February 4 Tonasket at Brewster, JV 4:30 pm, girls varsity 6 pm, boys varsity 7:30 pm Friday, Feb. 5 Basketball - Bridgeport at Tonasket, JV 4:30 pm, girls varsity 6 pm, boys varsity 7:30 pm Saturday, Feb. 6 Wrestling - Districts at Tonasket 10 am

Tigers take second at Dream Duals BY KATIE TEACHOUT


Tonasket’s wrestling team took second place in the B League division at the Dream Duals in Spokane Saturday, Jan. 23. Warden took first place and Okanogan came in third. The Tigers wrestled the Okanogan Bulldogs in the first dual of the day, winning 53-9. Winning by pin were Jeffrey Luna (120), Tim Freese (126) and Rade Pilkinton (138). Isaac Gomez (182) won by a technical fall. Trevor Peterson (132), Jorge Juarez (152) and Wyatt Pershing (160) all won by a major decision; and Zach Lofthus (170) and Dylan Kalma (195) won by a

regular decision. Dawson Bretz (106) and Devin Walton (113) each won by forfeit. Tonasket won their next dual 39-6 against Waitsberg-Prescott.

“We feel like we’re gaining some ground on them (Warden).” Dave Mithchell, Head Coach, Tonasket wrestling team

Bretz again won by forfeit, and Walton won 7-1. Zion Butler (145), Luna, Pilkinton, Juarez, Lofthus and

Gomez all won by pin. “We had to forfeit at 285 as we don’t have a heavyweight,” said Head Coach Dave Mitchell. The last match was against Warden, and the Tigers lost 34-18. “Several of our guys lost very close decisions in their matches while earlier in the season we had not wrestled them as closely. We feel like we’re gaining some ground on them,” Mitchell said. Juarez and Kalma won their matches against Warden by a pin, and Rycki Cruz (160) won his match 5-0. Tonasket was scheduled to host Okanogan Tuesday, Jan. 26; and to compete in the Oroville mixer Saturday, Jan. 30, beginning at 11 a.m.

Katie Teachout//staff photo

Conditions remain excellent for nordic skiing at Highlands Sno-Park in Havillah. For more information or to sign up for the grooming report, visit highlandsnordicsnopark.com.

Highlands Sno-Park glittering with snow SUBMITTED BY PATTI BAUMGARDNER January 25 Skiers, Winter was invented so we could ski on days like today. Prismatic colors glitter from the snow at the edges of the shade and in the meadows the crystals mirror light directly back to the sun. All the lower trails are newly groomed and we skated over Ida’s Ford and across Bobcat under a perfectly blue sky. If the platform was a bit uneven it didn’t hamper us, and the classic track looked

perfect. Somewhere before the turn into Goshawk I wiped my nose with my hand and ended up with my pole between my skis and an unexpected landing. That gave us time to notice a short, mistle-toed fir tree, squared of by a couple feet of snow on its crown.There is so much snow! On we went, up Goshawk to Antoine, where we found the grooming went to the right, not the left. That kept us from discussing whether we wanted to climb more, and we skated over a perfect platform on the 150,

though here the track had not been newly set. Conditions were the same on Whitetail up to the shelter. Windsong was not newly groomed, but Pomme du Pin was (including the track again), and so we rounded out our loop by rolling over Pomme and going around Sunshine. We could see Bonaparte, dusted with snow in the sunlight, and, descending Hej Bue, found a wonderful view of Baldy, perfectly framed in the center of the trail. It’s magnificent out there. Come ski!


Okanogan Land Trust protects 259 acres in Tunk Valley Conservation easement allows for traditional agricultural uses THE GAZETTE-TRIBUNE

RIVERSIDE - Okanogan Land Trust, working with long-time Tunk Valley ranchers, Jim and Nancy Soriano, and The Trust for Public Land, finalized a conservation easement on 259 acres adjacent to Synarep, about eight miles from Riverside. The conservation easement will assure the property remains relatively undeveloped and available for agriculture, as it has for over a century. “We feel very strongly about preserving what’s left of our open spaces in the west,” said Jim Soriano. “These areas seem remote and distant to many people, but are so vital to the wildlife and the way of life that we cherish in the west. It continues to be a real pleasure to work with organizations like Trust for Public Land and Okanogan Land Trust. They demonstrate an unwavering commitment to our goals, and show a real competence in navigating the difficult local politics in these acquisitions” Thom Woodruff, Executive Director of the Okanogan Land Trust said, “It is a pleasure to work with landowners like the Sorianos who value the land for its heritage and agricultural history. With this conservation easement, the land will always be available for ranching. Although this conservation easement pre-

cludes additional homes, homes are not appropriate everywhere, and this property is better suited for agriculture.” “It is an honor to work in the Okanogan Valley to help folks like Jim and Nancy Soriano preserve an irreplaceable rural heritage,” said Paul Knudtz, Washington State Director of The Trust for Public Land. “Every project we complete contributes to a brighter future for the Valley.” In addition to its agricultural uses, the property is richly scenic and offers multi-layered natural resources, including habitat for Washington’s threatened Columbian sharp-tailed grouse. Populations of these birds are found only in Okanogan, Douglas and Lincoln Counties. Also, Tunk Creek flows through the property, serving as a valuable tributary to the Okanogan River and providing clean water for the bass, salmon and steelhead that travel the waterway. The conservation easement was purchased with funds provided by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and a generous anonymous donor. The Tunk easement closely follows a recent conservation easement from Crown Resources Corporation on 97 acres north of Bolster, or what used to be Bolster near Chesaw. From the wind swept ridge of the property, the view is Canada to the north, Strawberry Mountain and Porphyry Peak westerly, Granite Mountain to the east, and the Myers Creek Valley to the south. Below the ridge, Myers Creek flows northerly into Canada. The conservation easement will assure the property remains undeveloped

and primarily wildlife habitat, but can still be used as historically, for grazing and forestry management. The property includes a three-quarter mile section of Myers Creek, a fish-bearing creek with significant riparian habitats and associated floodplains. This is the fifth conservation easement conveyed since 2012 by Crown Resources to the Trust, totaling 524 acres in Okanogan County. The conservation easements are mitigation requirements to compensate for potential impacts of the Buckhorn Mine. “Protecting this natural landscape and valuable aquatic and wetland habitat property will become a treasure to the Chesaw area and it is Okanogan Land Trust’s pleasure to continue to work in cooperation with Crown Resources in protecting the area.” said Thom Woodruff, Executive Director of the Trust. “We are pleased to be able to contribute this easement to Okanogan Land Trust, where it can remain protected as open land for beneficial use by wildlife and the good people of our region. Supporting the environment and providing for local communities is critically important to Crown. We appreciate the partnership we’ve been able to cultivate with the Trust over the past years,” expressed Mark Ioli, Vice President and General Manager, Crown Resources Corporation. Okanogan Land Trust, now located in Okanogan, works with property owners in Okanogan and Ferry Counties to preserve the agricultural traditions of the area and preserve natural resources for today and future generations.

Submittd photo

Kids race winner front row/left to right : Shiloh (second place), Noah (first place) Mykal (most unique car) back row : Paul Fuchs (third place) Tyler (best looking car). The Pine Car Derby was sponsored by OK Chevrolet and MaryLou’s Hidden Treasures of Tonasket. A huge group of children entered the contests as did many adults. Clyde Andrews of the Camaray Motel in Oroville managed the track and Robert and Nikki Fuchs of Oroville ran the Derby. The adult winner were: 1st adult speed, Aaron Willis; 2nd adult speed, Joel Nesper; and 3rd adult speed, Tim Roberts.

Tonasket School District

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Paid for by Tonasket Schools Levy Committee


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Mariann Oberg

MARIANN OBERG Mariann Oberg, age 90, passed into the loving arms of her Lord on Friday, January 22, 2016 at North Valley Extended Care in Tonasket. Mariann was a lifelong resident of Tonasket, born on August 13, 1925 to parents Alvah and Adelia Simons. She graduated Tonasket High School as Salutatorian in 1943 and then completed her training as a Registered Nurse in Spokane at St. Luke’s Hospital School of Nursing through the Cadet Nursing program at Washington State College. She practiced as a surgical nurse at Biles Memorial Hospital in Omak, Wash. before

Angeline Rose Banka

George “Max” Kloth

GEORGE ‘MAX’ KLOTH George “Max” Kloth, 81 of Omak, Washington, passed away at his home on January 19, 2016. He was born June 26, 1934 in

DAVID L. MCDOUGALL David L. McDougall, age 76, passed away of cancer January 10, 2016 in the hospital in Portland, Oregon. David

marrying her high school sweetheart Marvin Oberg of Havillah, Wash. on May 15, 1948. They raised their family and worked side-by-side on the Oberg Family Ranch near Havillah. They had three children Ivan, Lyle and Marcia, to whom they passed on a strong sense of stewardship and community service. She was strongly committed to her family, attending all of her children’s and grandchildren’s musical performances and sports events. She was profoundly connected to her extended family and loved attending the reunions. Mariann was connected deeply to her many communities; she helped organize her high school reunions, participated in the leadership of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, the Immanuel Lutheran Church and the American Cancer Society. Mariann enjoyed her homestead duties, making an art of cooking for large groups of farm hands, canning and preserving the harvest from her garden and passing those skills on to whomever was in her kitchen at the time. Numerous nieces and nephews loved to spend the summer with her and Marvin on the ranch. She was an accomplished seamstress and sewed many special outfits for her family. She loved to travel, visiting far flung family and friends across North America and Europe. She learned to ski in her 50’s while taking her

grandsons to lessons at Sitzmark Ski Hill. She loved to swim and imagined Heaven to be like floating in Lost Lake on a warm summer day… followed by a bowl of ice cream. Mariann was preceded in death by her husband Marvin and brother Russell Simons. She is survived by her children: Ivan (Gerri), Lyle (Sandy) of Tonasket and Marcia (Randy) of Seattle. She also has four grandchildren Matt, Josh (Rebecca), Michael (Erin) and Casey (Michele) and three great grandchildren Emma, Odin and Oliver. Mariann spent the latter part of her life as a resident of North Valley Extended Care where she was a mentor to many nursing students and a friend of the staff who cared for her. Mariann’s family is very thankful for the wonderful care that she received there. A private family burial will be held on Wednesday, January 27, 2016 with interment at the Tonasket Cemetery with Pastor Dan Kunkel officiating. A celebration in her memory will take place in the spring time, the date will be announced. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Immanuel Lutheran Women’s Mission League, the American Cancer Society or the North Valley Hospital Foundation. Bergh Funeral Service and Crematory is in care of arrangements.

ANGELINE ROSE BANKA Angeline Rose Banka, age 78 of Oroville, Washington, died on Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at Central Washington Hospital in Wenatchee, Washington. She was born June 1, 1937 in Oroville to parents Edward and Francis Manuel. Angeline grew up in Oroville where she attended school. On Dec. 19, 1958 she married Heinrich Banka in Tonasket, Wash. Following marriage they made their home in Oroville. In the early 1960s they moved to Reardan, Wash. until 1975 when they returned to Oroville. Angeline enjoyed art, especially painting and drawing.

Surviving relatives are her husband Henry of Oroville, one son Dave Banka of Oroville; one daughter Loris Banka of Ferguss Falls, Minn.; brothers Jim Manuel of Oroville and Eddie Manuel of Spokane, Wash.; sisters Mary Gross of Edmonds, Margaret Huber of Oroville, Nina Bernard of Vancouver, BC and Barbara Mohninger of Osoyoos, BC. Angeline was preceded in death by her sister, Pauline Bloomer Funeral Services will be held on Saturday, January 30, 2016 at 11 a.m. at the Bergh Chapel in Oroville. Interment will follow at the Oroville Riverview Cemetery. Memorials may be made to an organization of choice. Bergh Funeral Service and Crematory is in care of arrangements.

Havillah, Washington to Emil (Bill) and Catherine Kloth. George was raised in Havillah by his sister and brother-in-law at an early age after his parents passed. He attended school in Havillah until finishing and graduating in Tonasket, Wash. in 1953. He entered the military in January 1957 through December 1958 receiving an honorable discharge. He then moved to Omak and started working for Biles and Coleman in 1959 and worked until his retirement from Omak Wood Products in 1996 as a resaw operator. He met and married Vestuline Wickenhagen in 1964. They had three children of their own and two step children he raised as his own. They divorced in 1978 and remained friends. George enjoyed many things but the most

important to him was his family. He enjoyed sharing his life stories with everyone he met. He enjoyed hunting and fishing. He loved his Mariners and his Seahawks and don’t forget Starbucks. George is survived by his son, George (Micah) Kloth, daughter Christina (Dean) Markham, son Michael (Stephanie) Kloth, stepsons John and Joe Hoofman, grandchildren Tara (Hoofman) Luntsford, Jamie Kloth, Tyler Markham, Hope and Patrick Kloth. Great grandchildren Ryder and Leah Luntsford; as well as many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, brother Glenn, sisters Frieda Mae and Gladys. Services will be help January 30, 2016 at 2 p.m. at Our Savior Lutheran Church 2262 Burton Ave., Okanogan Washington. P r e c h t - Ha r r i s o n - Ne a r e n t s Chapel and the Okanogan County Crematory are entrusted with the arrangements.

OROVILLE - The Oroville Food Bank operates every Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., excluding holidays, in the basement of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. For more info, call Jeff Austin at 509-476-3978 or Sarah Umana at 509-476-2386. Listing Your Item Our Community Bulletin Board generally allows listing your event for up two weeks prior to the day or days it occurs. If space allows it may be included prior to the two week limit. However, our online calendar at www.gazette-tribune.com allows

JOHN WARD LYNCH Beloved father, son, brother, and friend, died peacefully with family at his side on January 19, 2016. All who knew and loved him will sorely miss his generous smile, bountiful creativity, intense curiosity, and his loving heart. Ward was born in Lakeview, Oregon on September 29, 1923, the eldest son born to Everett and Dorothy Lynch (Ward). He moved to the Portland, Ore. area as a young child and attended school there until he moved to Tonasket, Wash. where he received his diploma from Tonasket High School. With World War II raging, he joined the Merchant Marines where he saw duty in the Philippines and the ports and convoys in the Pacific Theater. He took pride in his shaved head after crossing the Equator, a tradition in the Navy and Merchant Marines. He met his first wife, Constance Lynch (Dieffenbach), during a port call in Seattle,


in 1976. He continued his artwork expanding into different mediums and techniques. For many years he taught numerous classes devoted to art history and technique part time at the local Community College in Omak, Wash. and at his business in Okanogan. His attention was then captured by the local Omak Community Theater where he was able to provide the knowledge and expertise learned from many years in electronics and art to install theater lighting and direction which continued for many years. With the departure of their offspring and Barbara’s retirement, they moved to Everson, Wash. where he continued his art and teaching up until his last days Ward had many interests and found the most joy in teaching and sharing his love of art and the world around him with his many friends, students, and children. Ward is survived by his wife Barbara, his daughters Lorraine Tedrow, Jane Ellen Lynch, Elizabeth Lynch, Christina Lee, Anastasia Miller, Angela Doty (Darilek), Diane (Darilek) McKinney; his sons Tom, Christopher, Michael, Peter, Anthony Lynch, and Ron and Paul Darilek, and numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren, and many sons and daughters he “adopted” along the way. He is preceded in death by his mother, father, older sister Dorothy, younger brother James, oldest daughter Carolyn Sue Pierce (Lynch), oldest son John Ward Lynch, Jr., and a son who died at birth. A Celebration of John’s life will be held Friday, January 29, 2016 at 12 p.m., noon at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 205 12th St, Lynden, Wash. 98264; phone number 360-354-2334.



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was born September 3, 1940 in Tonasket hospital to James and Ruth (Canaday) McDougall. He is survived by his companion Dorothy Shortt and her daughter Mary Anne of McMinnville, Ore., brother Roy McDougall (Beulah) of Oroville,

Wash., sister Joan Varley of Gresham, Ore., three nephews and three nieces. He was preceded in death by his parents and two brothers, Daniel and Jack. Eternal rest in Oroville Riverview Cemetery.

CALENDER | FROM A5 Oroville Food Bank

John Ward Lynch

Wash. She took his heart and name before he went back to sea. Upon his return, he settled in Tonasket with his new wife and first born child Caroline. He owned a Record Store in Tonasket for a number of years where his daughter Catherine (Lorraine), Jane Ellen, and Elizabeth, were born. He and his family moved to Mountlake Terrace, Wash. in 1954 where he worked at Kelly’s Television Repair shop in the Loyal Heights area of Seattle until 1956 when he took a position at Boeing Airplane Manufacture in Seattle. He spent the next 29 years supporting a growing family. He and his wife Constance’s family continued to grow with Thomas, Christopher and Christina (the twins), Michael, Peter, Theresa and Anthony. He turned to art in his mid 40s, an interest he had had since his youth. Ward was well known for his three dimensional macramé hangings and inclusion of local material and of other artists’ works into his own. His macrame led to an in interest in jewelry and fine metal work. He soon found another passion and started teaching art classes. In 1973 he lost his first wife of 29 years, Constance, to cancer. He met his second wife, Barbara Darilek (Bovela) shortly after and found new love and more children, as Barbara had four young children, Angela, Paul, Ronald, and Diane. A family vacation led to an opportunity in Okanogan, Wash. which Ward thought too good to miss. He purchased a rock and gem shop and he and new wife Barbara, along with their seven youngest children relocated to Okanogan. The Okanogan Artisan rose from the ashes of the Rock and Gem Shop he had purchased

the event to be listed for longer periods. Calendar items must include day, date, time and location, as well as a for further information phone number. You may place an event on the online calendar by going to our website and clicking on the “Add an Event” button on the homepage. Only items that are listed for the day/s and time period of occurrence will be approved. Do not list your item to appear every day of the week or month if it is only on one or two days, it will be rejected. Do not list it as an all day event if it takes place between set hours, i.e 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Once submitted, it can take up to 48 hours for the event to appear on the calendar. Online submissions don’t always go into the hardcopy edition,

You can upload your own community events.

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so it helps if they are also submitted to us at gdevon@gazette-tribune.com or at Gazette-Tribune, P.O. Box 250, Oroville, WA. 98844.

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Okanogan Count PAGE B1


February 4th, 2

at the Okanogan Cou (Okanogan Co. Fairgr

2016 Okanogan Horticultural Assoc. Annual Meeting February 4, 2016

Okanogan County Agriplex (County Fair Grounds, Omak) Co-sponsored by: WSU Extension and Okanogan County Horticultural Association 9:00 – 9:45

Market Update Panel Discussion


New Tree Fruit Extension Specialist Introduction; Soil Quality Basics Tianna DuPont, Extension Specialist, WSU Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center


Coffee Break


Little Cherry Virus Tim Smith, WSU Extension


Detecting and Managing Little Cherry Virus Andrea Bixby Brosi, WSU Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center


Economics of Little Cherry Management Options Karina Gallardo, WSU Puyallup


Detecting and Managing Little Cherry Discussion


Elections and Business Meeting

Noon-1:00 pm



Insect Updates: Spotted Wing Drosophila Andrea Bixby Brosi, WSU Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center


WSU Decision Aid System Updates 2016 (20 min talk + 10 min Q&A) Ute Chambers, DAS Manager & Educator, WSU Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center


Codling Moth Resistance Management (20 min talk + 10 min Q&A) Jay Brunner, WSU Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center


So You are Going to Go Organic (20 min talk + 10 min Q&A) Timeline, common pitfalls and considerations for transitioning to Organic. Jeff Collins, WSDA.

3 Pesticide education certification credits awarded for program attendance. Extension programs and employment are available without discrimination. Evidence of noncompliance may be reported through your local Extension Office.



GROWER AND PACKING SUPPLIES Ph. 509-476-2411 1208 Main Street, Oroville Esther Bricques Winery & Vineyard, LLC

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GT File Photos

Above, Red Delicious apples waitng to be picked. Smith & Nelson’s has been in business in the Tonasket area since the early 1900s. Below, apple bins with the familiar S&N brand are readied to go to the warehouse.

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Future of fruit industry ‘exciting and viable’ despite challenges the small grower would be the capacity to borrow enough to modernize their orchards. “That’s not a problem for bigger growers, TONASKET - Scott Smith sees an excit- so the industry will remain viable but there ing and viable future for local orchardists, will be more consolidation of both the growdespite challenges including dependence on a ers and the warehouses, because of the capital migrant labor force and adherence to the new it takes,” said Smith. A more immediate challenge for growers, Food Safety Modernization Act. “I think horticulture is a very viable according to Smith, will be adherence to the field; the apple industry and fruit industry Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). in Washington is a very viable industry,” Signed into law by Obama in January of 2011, said Smith, whose grandfather Harold Smith the FSMA first began being implemented last homesteaded in the area in the early 1900s fall after public outcries demanded revisions and started up the Smith & Nelson business of the law. Considered by many to be the first by packing apples for his neighbors; buying piece of federal legislation addressing food his own trees as he was able. Smith now safety since 1938, the FSMA gives the FDA farms about 260 acres, with three varieties of new authorities to regulate the way foods are cherries, three varieties of pears, and about grown, harvested and processed. “We have been doing food safety for a five varieties of apples. Smith, whose father Monte joined the number of years based on good horticulture practices and good agriculbusiness after four years ture practices; we’ve been in the Coast Guard and a doing these things in the few years of commercial fishing out of Westport, “I think horticulture is orchard and warehouse as to us by our cusentered the family busia very viable field; the prescribed tomers,” said Smith. “Now ness in 1972 after graduating from Washington State apple industry and fruit it’s codified by law, so that is going to make us growers University with a bachindustry in Washington and warehousemen legally elor’s degree in Business Administration and is a very viable industry,” responsible for food safety, and that’s going to put a lot Agricultural Economics. Scott Smith, General manager of pressure on us from a He was quick to offer Smith & Nelson legal standpoint. It’s a chalwords of encouragement to lenge particularly for the young people considering smaller operations because going into horticulture. “We are with the breeding program at the legal liability may be greater than the Washington State University and the value of the orchard or the operation. The Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission. liability aspect of it has made it so if you do Funded by growers, the Research Commission make a mistake and somebody recognizes is a very dynamic group of people working on that, you could be legally responsible and that many of our challenges from horticulture to could take the farm---literally.” Asked about the possibility of having insurbreeding programs and new methods of dealing with all of the challenges we have in the ance against such an event, Smith responded, orchards,” said Scott. “It is very dynamic, “This is about personal liability and responand the industry is going to need a lot of sibility. It’s one thing to take your farm, but young people. We are using more computers another thing to put you in jail. This is not in the warehouses and even in the orchards something we’ve seen before.” Another concern of Smith’s was the amount now, with weather monitoring and decisionmaking. We are understanding more about of paperwork required by the FSMA. “Again, it’s a challenge for small growers, the actual flower development, and these new varieties and new types of plantings are going as they will have to do the same amount of to challenge a new set of growers. We have paperwork as the larger growers do, but witha dynamic world market, so there are many out a division of the company to do the work jobs, and not just in orchards. There are lots required,” said Smith. Record-keeping requirements established of jobs including technical work with computer systems and computer language, so it’s by the FDA include name and location of farm; actual values and observations colan exciting time.” Smith added a word of wisdom to those lected during monitoring activities; an adeconsidering college classes or career training quate description of the produce applicable to the record; location of the growing area options. “We need young minds trained in technology and computer software, and I don’t know of a lot of high schools teaching computer software. Kids graduate knowing how to play computer games, but if they come into a company and the software interface doesn’t resemble a game, they are going to have difficulty. They need training in technology. If you’re older, it’s going to be a challenge,” said Smith, adding, “Another challenge is it will also involve heavy financing and things we are going to get down the road are going to involve a greater financial investment, so that is a concern. The velocity of change has increased tremendously. When we changed our orchards to develop more strains it increased the cost, and the high density orchards involve more capital per acre. The investment on the per acre is a lot higher than 20 or 30 years ago, but so is the potential for return.” Smith said he thought another obstacle for BY KATIE TEACHOUT


or other area applicable to the record; and date and time that an activity was performed or observed. Additionally, while records are allowed to be stored offsite after six months, they have to be made accessible to the FDA upon request within 24 hours. According to Tom Philpott, Food and Ag Correspondent for Mother Jones, FSMA rules implemented by the FDA “represent a significant and possibly devastating burden to small and midsize players.” The FSMA has an exemption for operations with sales of less than $500,000; however only farms that sell more than half of their produce directly to consumers qualify. “The cost of compliance for these farms, USDA shows, will be four to six percent of total gross sales—enough to knock out half or more of a small operation’s profits, and turn an operation that’s scraping by into one that fails,” reported Philpott. Smith & Nelson is one of the smallest packing houses in the State of Washington, with 40-45 seasonal employees at the warehouse and just a handful of full-time, yearround employees. “We only pack six months of the year, whereas some of the bigger packing houses run year-round,” said Smith. “The orchard is similar; we have just a few full-time people, otherwise seasonal. We have pruners, thinners and pickers; but those are not the same people. That’s the challenge for our industry, and it’s always been that way. When it comes to harvest, many more people have to be seasonal and have to come from somewhere else. We are dependent on migrant labor; that’s one of the difficulties and challenges of this industry.” Smith said the challenge of finding laborers was further complicated by last summer’s wildfires. “With the fires burning while harvest was going on, the laborers didn’t come here because it was so smokey they couldn’t see, so they chose to go somewhere else. At least that’s what we think; we didn’t see as many laborers as we would usually see,” said Smith, adding, “It has been getting harder for people to move from California or Arizona to come up here, and our demand for labor has grown because we have higher density orchards producing more fruit.” Smith said an early harvest, high heat and not enough labor all affected last year’s crop. “Last year was a shorter crop, but the year before was a giant crop; the largest the state produced,” said Smith. “There’s no reason to think we won’t get there again this year. But a lot can happen between now and then.”



Gold Digger GM recaps 2015 fruit harvests when Yakima was done everyone was done and we had a very good crop in Okanogan County while everywhere else it was lighter. Yakima was down so the retailers pulled their ads,” he said. Moser said the fires this summer didn’t do much to affect his growers.

“Some had a harder time, but when it picked up they helped each other out. The smoke can cause the fruit to ripen quicker though,” he said. While the cooperatives’ growers have struggled with finding enough labor over the past few years, Gold Digger has been

bringing in H2A workers from Mexico under a federal program to fill the gaps. “We still have our main crews packing steady in two shifts. We’ll bring in H2A at the end of February, first of March and the last wave on the first of June,” he said.

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Picking Golden Delicious Apples at one of the many orchards in the Oroville area. This year there was a shortage of the variety.

Co-op encourages growers to attend Hort Convention BY GARY A. DE VON EDITOR@GAZETTE-TRIBUNE.COM

When asked how the Okanogan County Horticulture Convention helps Gold Digger Apples, General Manager Greg Moser said it’s more for the growers who produce the fruit than for the cooperative. “We encourage the growers to go there and see some new concepts, as well as discuss things like labor, H2A and organics. Anything that helps Greg Moser the grower is good for our warehouse,” said Moser. Moser, who farms himself, as well as heading Gold Digger, said keeping oneself educated on how to better grow fruit and deal with getting the crop off the trees and to the packing house is valuable. While the Okanogan County Hort Show is a lot smaller scale than what takes place in Yakima, it still can help the growers learn a few new things, as well as get their pestcide certification credits, according to Moser. Last apple harvest was “way early” with picking beginning 10 days earlier than normal, said Moser. “The crop was also down between 27 and 30 percent depending on the variety,” he said, adding, “Pack outs were anywhere between 10 percent and 20 percent less than normal due to heat related issues last summer.” Finding labor to pick the grower-member’s fruit, mostly apples, cherries and pears, in Gold Diggers case, has been a struggle for the last several years. While the warehouse tries to hire locals, as well as migrant workers, the numbers aren’t always big enough to service the harvest. However, market prices were strong because of a short crop statewide, with only around 118 million boxes packed in 2015. Moser said that after coming off a great year and developing a mar-

ket for their apples, they didn’t though there was great quality have the crop they hoped for. fruit in Okanogan County, espe“We had one of the lowest cially in the northern region of golden delicious crops after last the county, according to Moser. year’s crop had a great price,” he “The cherry market was light said. with a small crop in the southern The GM regions of the said the biggest state. We went issue was the from getting “Anything that helps heat, having great returns the grower is good for for the early several days of 105 degree varieties to our warehouse.” weather startdisaster for the Greg Moser, General Manager ing in June. late varieties,” Gold Digger Apples “We had a Moser said. lot of days last He blames year over 100 the problem on degrees.... 2014 broke records and the retail end of the equation. 2015 came along and broke those. When retailers weren’t getting A lot of varieties don’t grow well the quality they wanted from the in those temperatures, it affects southern regions they stopped fruit size and the fruit can get buying and everyone started sunburned. When the tree needs shipping their produce to China extra water it will pull it out of where the prices weren’t as good. the fruit. Timing when you pick “As an industry we need to do really becomes a factor,” he said. a better job of educating retailThe cherry crop last sum- ers about the fruit quality everymer was also problematic, even where in the state. They thought

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Okanogan Truck & Tractor, Inc.

“Satisfaction through service, quality and diversification.” Gold Digger Apples is an aggressive company providing competitive returns to quality growers. Our commitment to quality, service and teamwork provides our family of growers the skills they need to be successful in today's global markets while supporting our local communities throughout the Okanogan Valley. We are dedicated to the future of our growers and work with them individually to become Global Gap compliant and audit ready.

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Lee Frank Mercantile 324 S. Whitcomb, Tonasket 509-486-2105

Working on the cherry line at one of Gold Digger’s packing facilities. The growers’ cooperative is still running two shifts packing apples.

HOURS: Mon. – Fri., 8 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sat., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Sun., 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Celebrating locally grown food with a dinner event SUBMITTED BY CAREY HUNTER SLOW FOODS OKANOGAN

OROVILLE - Slow Food Okanogan and The Dinner Table, two non-profit community organizations, are putting on “The Feast – a Celebration of Local Food.”


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‘The feast’ set for Saturday, June 30 at Esther Bricques


This semi-annual event features foods sourced from as many local producers as possible, then creatively prepared by volunteers to best showcase the foods and offer delicious variety. The event will be held at Esther Bricques Winery on Swanson Mill Road south of Oroville on Saturday, Jan. 30. The no-host social hour will begin at 5 p.m. with estate wines from Esther Bricques available and paired with hors d’oeuvres of local cheeses, bread and fruit. A buffet-style dinner featur-

ing a variety of locally-sourced and prepared foods will be served at 6 p.m. Dinner is by suggested donation of $15 per person. There will be a silent auction and information about Slow Food, The Dinner Table and other local food projects. Come enjoy the good company of people interested in increasing access to quality local agricultural products and a marvelous meal. For more information, contact Carey Hunter at 509-8269492 or visit Facebook page SlowFoodOkanogan.

Sporting Goods

We have everything you need for SPRING...  Fencing

Posts: Wood & Metal Wire  Soils / Seeds  Irrigation Supplies  PVC Pipe & Fittings  Pruners / Loppers & Parts  3-Pt. Hitch Implements  Stock Tanks  Fencing

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1st week of APRIL 2016!



Submitted photo

Submitted photo

Tonasket Permaculture Study Group members Barbara Greene (center) and Jason Emsley (right) join Julie Ashmore (left) at the Wood for Food garden during a work party to build a hugelkultur bed. In the top layer, wood pieces were placed vertically to maximize accessibility for plants’ roots. To be added to the Permaculture Study Group email list or learn more about the group, contact Barbara Greene at barbarashortgreene@gmail.com.

This photo contrasts what is now hidden underground (wood at left) with a wide variety of flourishing plants taking advantage of rich nutrients and moisture in the “aspen hotbed.”

Growing food with rotting wood Using ‘Wood for Food’ in the Okanogan SUBMITTED BY JULIE ASHMORE

Starting a garden from scratch is an exciting proposition. It can also be daunting, particularly if there is an abundance of rock and a dearth of soil. In our climate, water is an especially important consideration. When building or keeping a garden, you may find yourself asking the following questions: How can I develop rich soil? How will I keep my plants watered? What tools will I use for tilling? How can I extend the growing season? I was asked to write an article about a technique that has addressed all of the above concerns in our garden, in addition to providing a great use for woody material. In looking for a solution that covers soil creation and amendment as well as water efficiency, we have everything we need here in Okanogan County. We have plenty of leaves in the fall, manure on our farms, and a key that can revolutionize the growing experience: wood from thinning and managing our forests and yards. When my daughter and I first tackled the creation of our garden in a knapweed patch full of rocks and compacted soil, a gardening friend recommended the book, “Gaia’s Garden,” by Toby Hemenway. Ideas clicked and new possibilities opened. One book led to another and soon Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture book contributed to the garden feeling like a place where anything could happen. I took an interest in a technique described in both books, called “hugelkultur.” The general concept is to layer rotting wood with manure and

other nitrogen-rich materials, covering it all with a layer of soil. You’ve seen nursery logs growing in the forest – dead and down trees that provide a base from which saplings and other plants can sprout. Hugelkultur essentially turns your garden beds into nurser ery logs. The wood absorbs moisture like a sponge, which is then available to the plants as their roots dig into the rotting biomass. This reduces the amount of water needed for irrigation. As the wood breaks down slowly over time, air pockets form, making the bed self-tilling. The wood also readily hosts diverse fungal species, which are great for improving soil structure, function, and richness. The mix of manure, leaves, and wood of varying sizes can also help extend the growing season by generating warmth with decomposition. Toward the end of the life of a hugelkultur bed, you are left with rich soil. The first hugelkultur beds in our garden were raised, essentially piles of wood, manure, and leaves, covered with soil and then planted. They functioned fairly well and yielded much healthier and larger cabbage heads than those we tried to grow in native soil in the ground. However, I found that in our dry climate, the aboveground beds didn’t retain as much moisture as I had hoped. Since then, the majority of the garden has been converted to underground hugelkultur beds. My husband, Bob, dug the garden out with his backhoe, one pit at a time. Rocks and native soil were replaced with wood, manure, and leaves, with soil (when possible) generally saved for spreading on top. The pits averaged five feet deep, but some were deeper and some shallower. Friends, neighbors, and strangers generously shared wood,

manure, leaves, soil, and sand. The North Okanogan is a very special place to live, both for the beauty of the landscape and the quality of the people. The underground hugelkultur beds have dramatically increased the productivity of our garden. Where winter squash and cucumber vines used to offer a few fruits, the vines are now heavy laden. A common question relates to whether the wood (carbon) is tying up the nitrogen needed by plants. I have buried as much nitrogen as I can with the wood, and the high productivity of the garden tells me that the carbon to nitrogen ratio is not a problem. One bed received over 10,000 pounds of manure and hay in addition to several large diameter aspen logs. Everything I have grown in this “aspen hotbed” has offered prolific yields. However, you don’t need to work in such large quantities or dig such large pits. There are many ways to implement

this technique, none of which are fussy. For some of my beds, I scrounged up nitrogen from cover crops and limited amounts of manure, and those beds have also performed well. There are just a few rules of thumb to consider: avoid highly resinous or allelopathic woods such as cedar, black locust, and walnut; make the wood as wet as possible before covering it; include manure, grass clippings, and leaves as much as you reasonably can; and be sure to cover with at least as few inches of soil. This is a basic recipe that you can adjust according to what materials and tools are available. I like to start with large wood at the base and decrease the diameter as I go. Building an entire bed above ground creates warmer soil conditions for tropical plants like tomatoes and peppers, while partially or fully burying the bed increases moisture retention. You can also contour the beds with your topography to increase rainfall and snowmelt collection or to create a

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suntrap or shady area. To learn more about how hugelkultur has worked for us at 3,000 feet elevation between Oroville and Molson, please visit woodforfood.blogspot.com, and feel free to subscribe by email. There are usually about two posts per month. Note: If you find yourself with excess leaves in the fall, or pieces of wood that are in your way, there is no need to burn them. Please consider passing them along to local gardeners who will put them to excellent use. Walnut leaves can be used for weed suppression in areas away from your garden. If you’d like your bagged leaves or woody debris picked up, you can email aspenashmore at gmail. com and I will make an effort to connect you with a local gardener who can come get them. One way I can begin to pay forward all that has been shared with me is to help connect gardeners with the materials they need. Maybe someday our communities will find a way to collec-

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Okanogan County PUD offers agricultural energy efficiency programs that provide financial incentives for our customers. These incentives can help make your energy efficiency upgrades affordable! These programs cover irrigation hardware, variable frequency drives on agricultural turbine pump applications and irrigation system equipment. Specific incentive reimbursement varies by program.

Public Utility District No. 1 of Okanogan County 1331 2nd N., Okanogan, 422-3310 18 W. 1st Ave., Omak, 422-8380 101 S. Bridge, Brewster, 689-2502 1500 Main, Oroville, 476-3531 17 W. 3rd St., Tonasket, 486-2131 201 Hwy. 20 South, Twisp, 997-2526

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