Puppy woes Columnist finds new dog a charming exercise in patience, animal training
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JANUARY 25, 2015 Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Vol. 45, Issue 98
50 cents newsstands daily/$1.00 Sunday
Gov. looks at dip into savings
In pursuit of pollock
Walker says he’s bothered by the budget By BECKY BOHRER Associated Press
Photos by Molly Dischner/For the Peninsula Clarion
Above: Gregory Bosick helps haul in a purse seine on the Sea Prince on January 11, while fishing for pollock in Kachemak Bay as part of an experimental fishery. Top: Kasilof fisherman Rob Nelson drives the Sea Prince just outside of Homer in Kachemak Bay. Nelson has a commissioner’s permit to participate in the experimental pollock fishery this winter. For a slideshow of pollock fishing in the Cook Inlet, visit By Molly Dischner For the Clarion
Despite more than thirty years of fishing around Alaska, Kasilof fisherman Rob Nelson had never let out a net hoping to catch pollock before December. But the long-time seiner has been learning how to catch the groundfish
in Kachemak Bay as part of an experimental fishery this winter. In most of Alaska, pollock are caught by trawlers. But Nelson and other fishermen are hoping that seines could provide a way to safely catch the fish, without worrying about bycatch. Seining is “one of the better methods to release anything undesirable that you do catch,” he said, because fish
are alive until they’re hauled on deck. Each day of fishing is a learning experience, he said January 11 while making his fifth pollock trip since the experimental fishery opened December 1. “It’s a big learning experience for everyone, really,” he said. Even finding the fish can be a challenge. During the winter, fish seem to
slide back into deep areas. In the summer, they’re often in shallower waters and near the beaches. “With salmon you see them jump, and herring sort of school,” he said. But there’s no indication of where pollock are, he said. Time of day and tide seem to influence the pollock, he said. See POLLOCK, page A-2
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Even with the budget cuts proposed by Gov. Bill Walker for next year, the state will still face the potential of having to draw on $3.3 billion from its savings, his budget director said Friday. Pat Pitney said the state needs to reduce its budget responsibly and not rush into cuts that could be devastating. “This is step one,” Pitney told the House Finance Committee, saying the cuts proposed are less than a quarter of the 25 percent target that Walker asked departments to look at over a four-year period. Alaska faces projected deficits of at least $3.5 billion this year and next amid the plunge in oil prices. It is seen as virtually impossible for cuts alone to fill those gaps. In a State of the Budget speech Thursday night, Walker proposed cutting $550 million in unrestricted general spending next year. He called for looking at what the right size of government should be, with an eye toward future agency cuts and greater creativity in how the state delivers services. Walker suggested privatizing services, but he said Friday that he raised that idea more as an option to consider rather than having anything specific in mind. The governor also said he has asked Revenue Commissioner Randall Hoffbeck to look at different types of investment possibilities, but Hoffbeck said there are just ideas being discussed right now. See BUDGET, page A-5
Kenai considers ending Kenai prepares for its library commission personal-use marijuana Group has no quorum, rejects or stalls new members Police chief presents on issues with implementation By BEN BOETTGER Peninsula Clarion
After the success of the Kenai Public Library’s 2011 expansion project, during which the library moved into the building it currently occupies, the seven members of the city’s library commission felt a loss
of purpose, said library director Mary Jo Joiner. “Most of the sitting commissioners felt like once we had built the building, that’s what they had been working for,” Joiner said. Since June 2013, the library commission has lost four of those seven members, leaving it
Today’s Clarion Obituaries..................... A-3 Opinion......................... A-4 Nation........................... A-6 World............................ A-8 Cops/courts................ A-10 Sports........................... B-1 Community................... C-1 Weddings...................... C-1 Dear Abby..................... C-2 Crossword..................... C-2 Horoscope.................... C-2 Classifieds................... C-3 Mini Page...................... C-8 TV...................... Clarion TV
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unable to reach a quorum — the number of members required to be present at a meeting in order to vote on decisions. According to Joiner, the departing commission members said there was “a lack of real challenges,” and that “the work of the commission has been diminished, as evidenced by the successful completion of the recent library expansion project.” Joiner said that when the commission was unable to find replacements for the departing members, it began meeting quarterly, rather than monthly. The lack of issues to discuss was just as detrimental as a lack of members. “What it’s down to is reviewing policies,” Joiner said. “Not necessarily because we need to, but because it’s something we can do. At this point, we’ve reviewed all the policies we have. See LIBRARY, page A-5
view — to get us to a novice lev- cal control is important, with el, they stressed — of the impacts regard to certain things,” Sanof legalization in Colorado.” dahl said. “We learned about how loWhen possession and priSee KENAI, page A-5 vate use of marijuana becomes legal, Kenai authorities hope to be prepared for the change. Lawmakers want pot law fast-tracked Ballot measure 2, the law legalBy MOLLY DISCHNER izing the drug, will become efAssociated Press fective on Feb. 24. According to Kenai city JUNEAU, Alaska — Alaska lawmakers hope to fast track attorney Scott Bloom, many a bill that would decriminalize marijuana, but legalization questions remain to be decided advocates disagree with the way legislators propose going by Kenai before the new state about it. marijuana laws go into effect. The Senate Judiciary Committee introduced a bill Friday Bloom and Kenai police chief that would decriminalize marijuana in certain situations and Gus Sandahl presented an create new laws regarding the drug. outline of these issues at the Advocates, however, question the way that the bill proWednesday meeting of the Keposes accomplishing that. It would repeal the section of a nai City Council. voter initiative passed in November that permits personal Sandahl began the marijuause, replacing it with language that provides a defense in na discussion with a report on court if someone is prosecuted for possession. his attendance of a marijuana In a statement, Tim Hinterberger from the Campaign to law conference held in Denver, Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, said the proposed change Colorado by the Colorado Asis not in line with what voters approved. sociation of Chiefs of Police. Sandahl said that the conferSee LAWS, page A-2 ence “gave a comprehensive By BEN BOETTGER Peninsula Clarion
A-2 Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015
. . . Pollock Continued from page A-1
They’re less active than salmon, so more prone to be carried by the current. That day, his first haul returned just a few hundred pounds of pollock. Nelson said the tide seemed different than usual, perhaps pushing the fish in an unusual pattern. Typically, Nelson uses a fish finder to help him locate the pollock. That sends an echo down, and shows individual fish and schools on a screen he can monitor while driving the boat. When he’s fishing for herring, Nelson said it will show what direction the school is moving. That morning, the ones he could see were swimming deeper than 100 feet. But not every fish shows up on the finder. His best haul of the day came after few had shown on the radar. In addition to his equipment, Nelson had a little extra help finding pollock during the opener. A voice coaxed him into moving away from his position. “Right over here, closer to Derrick,” said Jake Gregory Bosick and Derek Ball load pollock into fish totes after hauling in a tow onboard the Weiss, the only other participant in the fishery. Sea Prince. Weiss wasn’t actively fishing, but he motored his skiff out into the bay, looking for pollock in the 58-foot boat that Nelson uses to seine for salmon Inlet area. King salmon were counted and returned alive to the ocean if possible. area where Nelson was fishing and helping to di- in Prince William Sound and herring in Sitka. For each haul, Nelson drove the Sea Prince Herring and other species were also returned rect the tow. around the bay, looking for fish and trying to un- to the water. Nelson considered the new information. During the six tows made during that fish“Keep doing what we’re doing, sounds like,” derstand the current. When he was ready to start towing, he nodded his ing period, six king salmon were caught, and all he said. head. were released alive. Both fishermen use On deck, two of Russ said that when dead kings were hauled herring seine gear in his crew got the seine in on a previous trip, they were delivered to the the experimental fishready to be deployed. Homer food bank. ery. A third crewmemAt the end of the day, Russ also sampled the Nelson’s net hangs ber took off in a skiff, pollock to start getting more information for Fish at about 180 feet deep pulling the seine away and Game on the pollock in the bay. It’s another and fishes at about 150. from the main boat benefit of the new fishery, Russ said. It isn’t deep enough to and eventually making go out in the middle a large circle, bring- Creating local opportunity of the bay, where he ing the end back to the thinks the largest conThe fishery was created by the Fish and Game side of the Sea Prince centrations of pollock last year. No one registered for an experimenafter about 35 minutes might be. If the fishery of towing. Then the tal pollock seine fishery in Kodiak, in part bereceives an allocation seine was hauled from cause of the timing of the fishery, but Cook Inlet and becomes a regular the water, with a purse fisherman expressed interest, so the department fixture in the bay, he’ll formed to hold in the offered commissioner’s permits for Kachemak consider investing in Bay, Russ said. pollock. a new net, he said. It Under the terms of the permit, each trip is The net catches would have to be spelimited to 10,000 pounds of pollock, fishermen most everything that’s cially-made for catchmust record their catch in a logbook and must above the seine’s ing pollock, and could depth, that doesn’t carry a mandatory Fish and Game observer. cost up to $100,000, he Through Dec. 31, the catch was limited to swim away. Once the said. 220,000 pounds. From Jan. 1 to Feb. 28, another haul was brought onIt’s a large invest220,000 pounds is available for the fishery, Russ board, Nelson and his ment, but just the next step in a long fishing Through January 15, the two fishermen had crew sorted the fish. said. In 2014, Nelson made four trips and the other Pollock were loaded career for Nelson. caught 15,250 pounds of pollock in eight fishery participants – Jake Weiss – made three, into fish totes to be de“My dad was a fish- trips, with an average weight of 1.4 pounds catching a combined total of 11.4 thousand livered to a processor erman back when I was per fish. in Homer; Pacific cod pounds. real little,” he said. The impetus for the experimental fisheries were separated out, By age 20, in 1986, came as fisherman around the state look at how also to be sold or rehe had his own skiff to deal with pending Gulf of Alaska rationaltained for personal use. and camped on the beach while fishing for salmBycatch from the fishery is also monitored, ization, a federal move that could slow down on. He’s bought bigger boats over the years, and said Elisa Russ, Alaska Department of Fish and groundfish fisheries, including pollock, and rein 2012, the newest Sea Prince was built. It’s a Game assistant area management biologist for duce bycatch, but also make it harder for new commercial groundfish fisheries in the Cook entrants to participate in those fisheries.
. . . Laws
pected to begin Monday at a for a floor vote. joint meeting of the House and McGuire said she wants Senate Judiciary committees. the bill to pass before Feb. 24, Continued from page A-1 The bill also has been referred when recreational marijuana to Senate Finance Committee, use is set to become legal under “This is a lesser protection from which it would have to ad- the initiative. See LAWS, page A-5 than what the voters have man- vance before being scheduled dated, and the state has previously used this tactic to thwart the will of the voters in the case P E N I N S U L A of medical marijuana, which passed by citizen initiative in 1998,” Hinterberger wrote. “We are not suggesting that is the in(USPS 438-410) tent of this bill, but it is an isPublished daily Sunday through Friday, except Christmas and sue proponents are particularly New Year’s, by: Southeastern Newspapers Corporation sensitive to given the history of P.O. Box 3009, Kenai, AK 99611 Street address: 150 Trading Bay Road, Suite 1, Kenai, AK marijuana policy in Alaska.” Phone: (907) 283-7551 Senate Judiciary Committee Postmaster: Send address changes to the Peninsula Clarion, Chair Lesil McGuire, R-AnP.O. Box 3009, Kenai, AK 99611 chorage, said she expected the Periodicals postage paid at Kenai, AK defense provision to be a subject Represented for national advertising by The Papert Companies, Chicago, IL of “healthy debate” during comCopyright 2015 Peninsula Clarion mittee hearings. She said she’s A Morris Communications Corp. newspaper open to other language, noting that marijuana is still illegal in Who to call at the Peninsula Clarion more situations than it is legal. News tip? Question? “The philosophy is, mariMain number.............................................................................................. 283-7551 juana is a controlled substance Fax............................................................................................................. 283-3299 and it remains a controlled subNews stance,” she said. General news Hearings on the bill are ex-
Clarification A story published in the Jan. 11 Clarion regarding a conviction reversed by the Court of Appeals contained incorrect information. The case involved the theft of items from Fred Meyer. The conviction was reversed not because of a store promotion that would have lowered the cost of the items enough to change the charge from a felony to a misdemeanor, but because the trial judge did not provide the jury with an instruction defining “market value.” The store discount was used by the defense as an example of how market value might be different than the sticker price of the items, and the example was cited in the Court of Appeals decision. The Court of Appeals found that the trial judge’s failure to instruct the jury on the definition of market value deprived the accused of a fair trial and granted a new trial.
Will Morrow, editor ............................................ Rashah McChesney, city editor.............. Jeff Helminiak, sports editor........................... Fisheries, photographer.............................................................................................. ............................ Rashah McChesney, Borough, courts..........................Dan Balmer, Education, Soldotna ................ Kelly Sullivan, Kenai......................................... Ben Boettger, General assignment............................... Ian Foley, Arts and Entertainment................................................ Community, Around the Peninsula............................... Sports............................................ Joey Klecka, Page design........ Florence Struempler,
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Although the federal managers have not yet made a final decision on how or if to rationalize the gulf, fishery participants in 2013 asked the state to consider how it will respond, and the state’s Board of Fisheries created a pollock working group to look at the issue. In February, the work group will meet in Anchorage to discuss the experimental fisheries so far and whether providing state-waters pollock fishing opportunity could be practical. Federal management isn’t the only reason Cook Inlet fishermen are interested in the new fishery. Nelson grew up on Kachemak Bay, and over the last several decades, he’s seen a shift in area. When he was a kid, salmon and shellfish were more predominant than they are now. “30 years ago, there weren’t really any pollock here in the bay,” Nelson said. The largest concentrations of pollock started showing up 10 years ago, and in the last five years, he said, there are so many that “you can’t
Derek Ball uses a skiff to pull a seine in Kachemak Bay while fishing for pollock.
shake ‘em fast enough when fishing for kings.”
Developing markets
Finding the fish and figuring out where to catch them is not the only challenge in the fishery. Nelson has also been trying to develop sources to sell them to. “We’ve got a handful of markets we’re exploring,” he said. On the first trip of the new year, Jan. 11, Nelson was catching pollock for two bait markets. “New automatic longline systems are loving pollock,” Nelson said. That day, it was all delivered to The Auction Block in Homer for custom processing, where it would be separated by size for the two different bait markets. At other times during the season, he’ll also sell pollock to a processor in Seward that uses it for fillets, and to South Korea, where the fish is desirable fresh and unprocessed. That’s one of the more complicated markets. After the fish is caught in Kachemak Bay, the shipment has to go through a customs process in South Korea before it gets passed along for sale. That can take from three days to a week, he said. Molly Dischner writes about state and federal fisheries. Contact her at mollydischner@yahoo. com.
Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015
Obituary David K. Hales Longtime Kenai resident David K. Hales, 64, passed away Monday, Dec. 29, 2014. David was born March 13, 1950 in Arlington, Virginia. His parents moved to Anchorage when he was a young boy. He graduated from high school in Anchorage and went to college in Hawaii. He later returned to Alaska to begin his career in the oil industry. David met and married the love of his life in June 1980. Together they had five children, Brenda Jackson of Mesa, Arizona, William Howard Bliss III of Kenai, Erik Hales of Kenai, Ryan Hales of Kenai, and Sarah Bush of Kenai. David recently retired from the oil industry in 2014. David was looking forward to traveling more and spending time with his family. David enjoyed many things in life. He had a strong work ethic and took pride in his career. He enjoyed working on cars, he was very mechanical and could fix just about anything. He was a strong, intelligent, gentle and quiet man with a great love for his family. He was an excellent cook he took pride in making family recipes and snacks. David enjoyed watching football and NASCAR. He spent a lot of time visiting his son William Howard Bliss III (Bill Bliss) at his restaurant Stop-N-Go Café where he could get all his favorite things in one spot. David was preceded in death by his wife, Ruby Hales of Kenai; his father Edgar Hales; mother Sarah Taiclet; brother William Hales; son Erik Hales of Kenai; and his brother-in-law Dean Bird. David is survived by his four children, Brenda Jackson and son-in-law Troy Jackson of Mesa, Arizona, William Howard Bliss III of Kenai, Ryan Hales of Kenai, and Sarah Bush and son-in-law Blade Bush of Kasilof. David had 12 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. His love and legacy will live on through them. David has extended family and friends in Kenai, North Dakota and Virginia. He will be greatly missed and carried in our hearts forever. Arrangements will be handled by Peninsula Memorial Chapel. Please sign David’s online guestbook at
Community Calendar
Today 8 a.m. • Alcoholics Anonymous As Bill Sees It Group, 11312 Kenai Spur Highway Unit 71 (Old Carrs Mall). Call 398-9440. Noon • Alcoholics Anonymous recovery group, 11312 Kenai Spur Highway, Suite 71 in the old Carrs Mall in Kenai. 4 p.m. • Narcotics Anonymous support group “Twisted Sisters” (women’s meeting) at URS Club, 11312 Kenai Spur Highway, Unit 71, Kenai. 7 p.m. • Alcoholics Anonymous Freedom Group meets at the Soldotna United Methodist Church, 158 S. Binkley, Soldotna. 8 p.m. • Narcotics Anonymous support group “This One” (men’s meeting) at URS Club, 11312 Kenai Spur Highway, Unit 71, Kenai.
Mary Winsor Ford Mary Winsor Ford, longtime Kenai resident, passed away on Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2015 at her daughter’s home in Nipomo, California. She was 93. Mary and her husband, George Ford, moved to Kenai in 1975 when George became Plant Manager at Nikiski’s Collier Plant, later Unocal. Mary quickly became part of the Kenai community when she walked across the street from their temporary housing to the local newspaper office and applied for a job. She was hired by the Peninsula Clarion, and soon became the editor of the Outdoors Page, which began years of fascinating photos and stories of Alaska that educated readers and Mary herself over the years. Mary was an accomplished reporter, photographer, historian and artist. Her many talents were enjoyed for the next three decades by readers of the Clarion, the Kenai Visitors’ Guide, and the popular history books, “Once Upon the Kenai” and “The Road We’ve Traveled.” Mary was instrumental in the collection, editing and physical pasting-up of those anthologies, and was a backbone of the oral history collection in the mid-nineties, the statewide Communities of Memory storytelling project sponsored by the Alaska Humanities Forum. Mary’s motto was “bloom where you are planted.” She not only bloomed, but encouraged those around her to blossom as well. She helped start the Kenai PEO chapter, and she wrote and produced newsletters for Rotary, Aura (Alaska Unocal Retirees Association) and the Kenai Historical Society. Her careful attention to detail, her interest in the human and natural history around her, her quiet grace and whimsical sense of fun will all be part of her lasting legacy. A showcase of her work is planned for this summer in Kenai. Mary is survived by her daughter, Lois Anne Ford of Nipomo, California; son and daughter-in-law Larry and Carol Ford of Nikiski; grandson Ethan and wife Marian Ford and great-granddaughter Lillian of Homer; grandson Alden Ford of Brooklyn, New York; two brothers, their wives, and many nieces and nephews. Mary did not want a memorial service. If you would like to give a gift in her name, the family encourages a donation to the Kenai Historical Society or the Kenai PEO chapter.
Peninsula Clarion death notice and obituary guidelines: The Peninsula Clarion strives to report the deaths of all current and former Peninsula residents. Notices should be received within three months of the death. Pending service/Death notices are brief notices listing full name, age, date and place of death; and time, date and place of service. These are published at no charge. Obituaries are prepared by families, funeral homes, crematoriums, and are edited by our staff according to newspaper guidelines. The fee for obituaries up to 500 words with one black and white photo ranges from $50 to $100. Obituaries outside these guidelines are handled by the Clarion advertising department. The deadline for Tuesday – Friday editions is 2 p.m. the previous day. Submissions for Sunday and Monday editions must be received by 3 p.m. Friday. We do not process obituaries on Saturdays or Sundays unless submitted by funeral homes or crematoriums. Obituaries are placed on a space-available basis, prioritized by dates of local services.
Around the Peninsula Location change for Farm Workshop Kenai Soil & Water Conservation District invites current and prospective farm business owners to attend a workshop entitled “Flowers, Fruit & Vegetables: Profitable Opportunities in Alaska.” The workshop will be held at the Cook Inlet Aquaculture Association Building, Monday, Jan. 26, 6 - 9 pm. The workshop was moved to accommodate the large number of registrants. Presenters Jeff Tranel & John Hewlett of RightRisk, LLC (Colorado) will teach participants how to assess and manage the unique risks of farm businesses with crop insurance, good records and other risk management tools; how to calculate annual profits and long-term return on investment; and how to manage farm income taxes. This workshop is sponsored by Kenai Soil & Water Conservation District and the USDA Risk Management Agency.
Nikiski Community Council meets The Nikiski Community Council will hold it’s next meeting on Monday at 7 p.m. This meeting is held at the former Nikiski Senior Center on Island Lake Road. This meeting is open to the public and community members are encouraged to attend. Any questions, call Darcy McCaughey at 398-6748.
Hospice training offered Hospice of the Central Peninsula is offering Hospice Volunteer Core Training 2015 at Christ Lutheran Church in Soldotna. Friday sessions are Jan. 30 and Feb. 6, 6-9 p.m. Saturday sessions are Jan. 31 and Feb. 7, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Registration is required. The cost is $25.00/person. For more information, call Hospice at 262-0453 or email Janice at
Family movement class offered North Peninsula Recreation is offering a family movement class called Moving Together, taught by Dance and Early Childhood Educator, Robyn Zinszer. The class is designed for families with children ages 0-3, but children and adults of all ages are welcome to participate. Classes will be held Saturdays from 10-10:45 a.m. beginning Jan. 17 through Feb. 14. The first class on Jan. 17 is free for the entire family. For more information and to pre-register please call NCRC at 776-8800.
Speak your mind We are looking for a few good subscribers. Tell us what you think. Let us know how we are doing. Critique us. The Peninsula Clarion is looking for subscribers to come in to our Trading Bay office, have lunch and meet the new publisher as well as the newspaper’s managers and newsroom staff. We’d like your feedback, insight, opinions and what you
like and dislike about your local newspaper. If you’d like to weigh in, please send an email to with your name and phone number. You can also call City Editor Rashah McChesney at 3351238, to be included on the list. We will contact you with times and dates for the meetings.
A-4 Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015
Serving the Kenai Peninsula since 1970 VITTO KLEINSCHMIDT Publisher
WILL MORROW ������������������������������������������������������������������������ Editor teresa mullican............... Controller/Human Resources Director LESLIE TALENT................................................... Advertising Director GEOFF LONG.................................................... Production Manager VINCENT NUSUNGINYA.................................... New Media Director Daryl Palmer.................................... IT and Composition Director RANDI KEATON................................................. Circulation Manager A Morris Communications Corp. Newspaper
Feds leave rural areas in a bind over forest funds Money doesn’t grow on trees, nor have
timber sales grown with them. Unfortunately for rural communities near land owned by the federal government — the combination will be particularly destructive to budgets in the coming year. At the end of the year in 2014, Congress decided not to fund Secure Rural Schools — a program that provided more than $270 million to nearly 730 counties in 2013. The money is meant to offset a lack of funds in communities where a large proportion of the land is owned by the federal government. Local governments and communities cannot collect taxes on federal land. The federal government owns nearly 43 percent of the land in the Kenai Peninsula Borough, according to borough figures. For 100 years, the federal government shared revenue from its timber harvests, but when those harvests began to decline, Congress passed the Secure Rural Schools and Community SelfDetermination Act of 2000. The act provided payments — based on years with high timber harvests — to counties and schools in 42 states. Because Congress didn’t fund the program, communities will revert back to the 1908 act, which will provide significantly lower funding than the Secure Rural Schools act. In Alaska, this means that instead of the $14,245,000 that the state received in 2014, the state will get $535,200. On the Kenai Peninsula, in 2014 the borough got $676,602 from Secure Rural Schools payments, or about 4.75 percent of the state’s total funding. If that funding mechanism stays the same, that means the borough will get just over $25,000. Fortunately the Kenai Peninsula Borough isn’t in a position to have to budget for the funds and Craig Chapman, finance director, told the Clarion earlier this week that the borough’s budget leaves room for the possibility that the payments may not come. Still, the lack of funding is bound to tighten budgets at a time when they’re already snug — especially in a state so dependent on revenue from natural resources. It is frustrating that funding for a program that communities largely use to fund rural schools and roads could be cut. As far as entitlement programs go, this one seems like a fair trade for those living near a vast area of natural resources that communities are unable to exploit because the federal government controls them. The Secure Rural Schools funding has a disproportionate impact on the rural communities in Alaska and while the Kenai Peninsula Borough may have a more diverse revenue stream than its hyper-rural counterparts, we’re sure to feel the impact of those cuts somewhere. Where is the borough supposed to go for a tax base to supplement those funds when the government that owns the lands is deaf to the needs of those who need them the most? If Congress isn’t going to ensure that forested communities have the revenue they need to fund schools and roads, it shouldn’t deprive them of the ability to fund those projects by barring active management of the land surrounding them.
Protecting salmon in a changing climate
The National Weather Service reports that 2014 was Alaska’s warmest year on record. Even with record-breaking temperatures occurring all across the state, I see climate change getting framed as an “Arctic” issue. For example, at the November transition conference, the Walker-Mallott transition team established 17 topics for discussion, including fisheries, wildlife, natural resources, subsistence and infrastructure, but climate change was only coupled with Arctic Policy. Certainly, unique and imminent climate-related threats face the Arctic region and its communities, and it’s no surprise national attention focuses on the Arctic as new shipping and drilling opportunities emerge with melting sea ice. Alaskans, however, know that rapid change is not just happening in the Arctic. I study water temperature patterns in salmon streams around Southcentral Alaska. I want to know what will happen as our salmon find themselves in increasingly hot water. Because high temperatures cause stress in cold-water fish, climate change poses a direct threat to our wild salmon by making them more vulnerable to pollution, predation and disease. Not all streams are created equal — and thank goodness. Some will remain as important cold water habitats supporting healthy salmon populations for generations to come, but other streams are warming and will continue to do so until salmon runs fail. Successful resource management requires that our state biologists know which streams are which. In Alaska, we are starting to take the steps necessary to generate the kind of data needed to understand how vulnerable Alaska’s salmon populations are to climate
Voices of the
P eninsula S ue M auger
table, Landscape Conservation Cooperatives and the Alaska Climate Science Center. At the University of Alaska-Fairbanks, under Mark Myers’ supervision as the vice chancellor for research, we have the Ocean Acidification Research Center and the Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy, both of which rely heavily on federal funds. With the shift in the U.S. Senate following the mid-term elections, federal support for climate-related research will be under attack. The need for state leadership has never been more important. The Walker-Mallott Administration has a full plate with budget cuts, transition tasks and new appointments. Unfortunately, the urgency of addressing climate change — both its root causes and its impacts — does not abate while people are distracted with new office assignments. We need Gov. Bill Walker to re-establish the Sub-Cabinet on Climate Change that languished under former Gov. Sean Parnell’s administration to guide state-specific policies and decisions. We need to do more than fill the one “state agency” seat on federally-coordinated committees. We need engagement across our state agencies and discussions among our commissioners. Why should the state of Alaska prioritize this now? Because Alaskans living in every corner of the state are marching forward at a recordbreaking pace to the front lines of a changing landscape.
change impacts. We have a long way to go and salmon are just one of many economically important species of concern on a changing landscape. Studies from across Alaska continue to roll in, documenting climate-related shifts in wildfires and insect infestations, increasing rates of glacial melt and wetland drying, and less sea ice, snow cover and permafrost. We are just beginning to understand what these trends might mean for subsistence, agriculture, fisheries, tourism and the long-term viability of our fossil fuel-based state budget. Research and knowledge about the local effects of climate change (above and below the Arctic Circle) will be critical for all our policy makers and resource managers in the face of rapidly changing conditions. I’m heartened by Mark Myers’ appointment as Alaska’s new commissioner for the Department of Natural Resources. With his background as a scientist and former director of the U.S. Geological Survey, I think it is reasonable to expect a greater focus on science-based management of our resourcSue Mauger is the science director of es. Fortunately over the last decade, new Cook Inletkeeper, a community-based science leadership has emerged in Alaska, group working to protect Alaska’s water mostly through federal initiatives like the and salmon resources. Alaska Climate Change Executive Round-
Churchill: A man for all times LONDON — It is an old debating point: Do the times make the man, or does the man make the times? In the case of Winston Churchill, whose death 50 years ago Saturday the British are remembering with more than nostalgia, it is both. The times in Churchill’s case were both World War I, in which he served as a battalion commander, and World War II, which he helped win for Britain and America. By the standard he set, all political leaders since — with the possible exception of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan — are mere pygmies. Yet, even they pale in his shadow. No one else can touch Churchill for his vision, leadership and most of all persistence. Like Babe Ruth who struck out a lot, but who also hit many home runs, Churchill “struck out” more than once, but his successes far outweigh and overwhelm his failures. London Mayor Boris Johnson has written a wonderful book called “The Churchill Factor: How One Man Made History.” Not only did Churchill make history, he bent it to his will and still today embodies the classic definition of a leader. He had many contemporary enemies and there are those in Britain who still believe he was too full of himself and that many of his ideas were ill conceived. Yet, his achievements were so momentous those voices get little attention outside academic circles and left-wing media who have forgotten how to fight and win wars.
Churchill had a way with words that conveyed great truths and necessarily stirred the hearts of his countrymen. Probably his best-known words were uttered after the RAF defended Britain from bombings Cal Thomas by the German Luftwaffe: “Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few.” In 1942, following the Allied victory near the Egyptian coastal city of El Alamein, which marked a turning point in the Western desert campaign, Churchill said: “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” Churchill wrote, spoke and did things that endure. What modern politician can match his clarity of thought, writings and voracious reading? His 1946 “Iron Curtain” speech at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, foresaw the Cold War with the Soviet Union. Of the man, Boris Johnson writes, “... you are acutely aware of being chained to a genius, and a genius of unbelievable energy and fecundity.” Churchill, notes Johnson, “produces more published works than Shakespeare and Dickens combined, wins the Nobel Prize for literature, kills umpteen people in
armed conflict on four continents, serves in every great office of state, including prime minister (twice), is indispensible to victory in two world wars and then posthumously sells his paintings for a million dollars.” Churchill had a far less than ideal upbringing. His father, Randolph, mostly rejected him and gave him, not love, but criticism; his mother pushed him but was often preoccupied with a series of men not her husband; he was small and often the object of bullying, but he overcame it all through the force of his ego, strong will and persistence (“Never give in, never give in, never, never, never — in nothing, great or small, large or petty — never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” I recall the TV coverage of his 1965 state funeral. Thousands lined London streets. Dockworkers lowered their cranes in tribute as his body was borne down the River Thames on a barge. Churchill was more than a leader for his time. He was a man for all time; a man for all seasons, as Robert Bolt titled his play about Sir Thomas More. Johnson concludes his book: “There has been no one remotely like him before or since.” The world is the worse for it. Email Cal Thomas at
The State of the Union cliche
“We will not rule out any possibility, and we are verifying all information thoroughly. We will not give up until the very end to rescue the two so we can go home together.” — Japan’s Deputy Foreign Minister Yasuhide Nakayama, They can call it the State of the Union who was working to save two hostages held by the Islamic State speech all they want, but what we witnessed group. as President Barack Obama confronted the Republican-controlled Congress in the “Going home. Relaxing. Sleeping in a real bed. Probably get annual charade was really a State of the in a pool of water and swim for a little while.” Disunion address — or, more accurately, — Joseph Sledge, exonerated for a double homicide in 1976 DISS-union. While packaged in the usual and freed after nearly 40 years in a North Carolina prison. rituals of loud comity, what played out was the two sides of our political system saying, “No way, fuhgeddaboutit.” As the president tried to make his lameduck agenda soar, there were his enemies in the audience, making it clear they were E-mail: ready to ground any initiative, that the Obama agenda simply won’t fly. Write: Fax: For the most part, the annual gridlock Peninsula Clarion 907-283-3299 dance was polite, except maybe for that P.O. Box 3009 Questions? Call: one little snarky moment. In case you were Kenai, AK 99611 907-283-7551 among those who ignored the whole thing and missed it, POTUS began, “I have no The Peninsula Clarion welcomes letters and attempts to more campaigns to run ...” A few Repubpublish all those received, subject to a few guidelines: licans in the audience decided to applaud. n All letters must include the writer’s name, phone numClearly looking like he had sucked them ber and address. in, POTUS smirked and rejoinded, “I n Letters are limited to 500 words and may be edited to know, because I won both of them.” Then fit available space. Letters are run in the order they are it was the Democrats’ chance to stand up received. and roar. n Letters addressed specifically to another person will not They’ve had little to cheer about since be printed. the most recent campaign, where they got n Letters that, in the editor’s judgment, are libelous will wiped by the GOP and lost control of the not be printed. Senate. But that is so yesterday. The past n The editor also may exclude letters that are untimely or is not prologue in Washington; the next irrelevant to the public interest. election is the beginning, middle and end. n Short, topical poetry should be submitted to Poet’s CorAlthough in truth it never ends. While Mr. ner and will not be printed on the Opinion page. Obama has made his last run, he definitely n Submissions from other publications will not be printed. would like to leave behind a legacy — n Applause letters should recognize public-spirited sertranslated, seeing to it that a member of vice and contributions. Personal thank-you notes will not his party succeeds him. Of course, Hillary be published. Clinton may have something to do with
Letters to the Editor:
that, as we wait to find out whether she will get in the arena again and, more importantly, whether she has learned how to run without stumbling. There’s evidence that she hasn’t rounded that learning Bob Franken curve completely. In addition, there are about 25 Republicans, at last count, who are itching to take her on, after they’ve done battle with each other. A few of them were in the audience watching the current chief executive while crafting their statements rejecting everything he said. They were led by a rookie, Joni Ernst, who delivered the official GOP response (as opposed to the unofficial ones put out by every wing of the party’s nut). Presumably, Sen. Ernst is not pondering a presidential run, since she’s such a newbie, but give her time. Most memorable about her remarks was her description of growing up so poor that she had to use bread bags to cover her shoes in Iowa’s winters because she had only one pair. Presumably she was trying to tell plain folks that she is just one of them, but all I could think of was: “I cried because I had no bread bags, until I met someone who had no shoes, until I met someone ...” Well, you get the idea. Otherwise the story of the night was how Barack Obama, in the twilight of his presidency, suddenly has decided to take it to his opponents with his package of tax hikes on the rich, free community college
and mandatory paid family and sick leave, leaving his friends to grumble what took him so long, and his adversaries to wonder what he’s been smoking. That gets us back to where we started: The State of the Union is an exercise in futility that millions tune out. Think of it as a ratings opportunity for the Cooking Channel. At one time, it probably symbolized to the American people the majesty of their federal government, but all it really serves to do anymore is to remind them of the petty, superficial nastiness that has seized our nation’s leaders. There is platitudinous talk of the different sides working together, but first we have an election campaign that takes priority. Meantime, about all we can expect is more of the same. Bob Franken is a longtime broadcast journalist, including 20 years at CNN.
Letters to the Editor:
E-mail: Write: Fax: Peninsula Clarion 907-283-3299 P.O. Box 3009 Questions? Call: Kenai, AK 99611 907-283-7551
n All letters must include the writer’s name, phone number and address. n Letters are limited to 500 words and may be edited to fit available space. Letters are run in the order they are received.
Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015
. . . Budget Continued from page A-1
Walker, who took office last month, told reporters Friday that he is uncomfortable with having the state live off its savings. “I look at it from this standpoint: Every three or four days, we could have built a new school. That’s what we’re doing at $10 million a day that we draw down on our savings,” he said, adding later: “That’s the part that haunts me and caused me to take some pretty strong steps on the financial side, because I don’t like drawing down our savings at $10 million a day. How many miles of roads could we have built?” Walker referred to the state’s budget situation as dire but has cautioned against panic. Depending on spending and oil prices and production, the constitutional budget reserve fund could last until the early 2020s or be gone in the next couple years.
The state is pursuing a major liquefied natural gas project that is seen by many as the next best shot that oil-dependent Alaska has for significant new revenues. Pitney said different financing options for the gas project were under consideration. Walker reiterated his commitment to the project Friday, saying that if anything, he would like to accelerate progress. He noted that his license plates say AKLNG. House Finance Committee co-chair Steve Thompson, R-Fairbanks, has said other sources of revenue, including possibly taxes, should be part of the budget conversation now. Walker said he thinks Alaskans want the state to get its financial house in order first. The administration has released a broad-strokes overview of the budget, which Pitney went over with the Senate and House Finance committees Friday. Greater detail is expected soon from the departments on specific areas of proposed cuts. In analyzing agency cuts, the
. . . Laws
marijuana to the state’s existing open container laws, making it illegal to drive with an “open Continued from page A-2 marijuana container.” McGuire said the Judiciary The bill also would create Committee is planning another penalties for providing marijua- bill to create a special marijuana to minors, and it would add na control board.
. . . Kenai Continued from page A-1
“There are unknowns as to... what holes there might be in (state) regulations that will require us on the local level to pass our own laws.” Sandahl said one such “hole” in the Colorado regulations was butane hash oil extraction. Although this subject is not addressed in Colorado’s state-level marijuana law, it is controlled or forbidden under local laws in different areas of Colorado. Sandahl said that such openings also existed in Alaska’s state-level marijuana law, and he would look to the city council to resolve them. “I still have some unknowns that I need to clarify with various sources in Alaska, with the city attorney, as to how enforcement is going to occur,” San-
dahl said. “For example, violations of public consumption of marijuana in the city. I’m going to need to be able to guide our officers appropriately, and of course we’ll want to inform the public.” Bloom said that while Kenai would not be able to bring new ordinances into effect before Feb. 24, the city needed to make decisions about how to enforce the state law. These include a clarification of the ban on marijuana use in public places, and a decision of how to exact the penalty that ballot measure two set for public consumption, which includes a fee of up to $100 and a mandatory court appearance.
. . .Library Continued from page A-1
We usually have a list of goals and objectives for the year, but they’ve been pretty static in the nine years since I’ve been here.” The commission last met in August 2014. At a November city council meeting, Kenai mayor Pat Porter raised the idea of ending the library commission. On December 10, 2014, recently retired Kenai resident Bob McIntosh applied for a seat on the library commission. “I kind of figured that I wouldn’t get on the library commission, because the library’s so great, they’ve done such a great job that they must have it totally filled and operating functionally,” McIntosh said. Another surprise followed soon after, when he discovered that the council was considering ending the library commission. “My first reaction was, ‘wait, that’s people’s input to their government.’ Why would they get rid of that?” McIntosh said. In a December 30, 2014 memo to the library commis-
During the following discussion of the council, Bloom elaborated on the problems each of these decisions will entail. “I’m not sure that there’s a good working definition of ‘public’,” Bloom said. Council member Terry Bookey pointed out that alcohol regulations also prohibited public consumption, and asked Bloom how that law defined “public.” Bloom said that the definition in alcohol policy would not be sufficient for marijuana. “I think that marijuana requires a more specific definition,” Bloom said, “as well as a different consideration in that if I’m drinking a beer next to you, you’re not going to get any of
sion, Joiner asked whether its members “would support the Mayor’s suggestion to ‘sunset’ the library commission and perhaps devote (their) time and effort to help the library through joining the Board of the Friends of the Library.” In subsequent emails to city management, each of the three commissioners supported the idea. The Friends of the Kenai library is a 501-C3 nonprofit organization, independent of the city council and the library commission, dedicated to fundraising for the Kenai library. According to a December 30 memo, Joiner said that the Friends were experiencing “the same attrition” as the commission in the aftermath of the successful expansion project. She said it would be beneficial to both organizations if they merged. McIntosh disagrees. One of the duties of the library commission named in the Kenai city code is to “serve as the liaison between the public and the City Council in regards to library service.” “They are two different organizations,” McIntosh said of the library commission and the Friends of the Library. “They perform two different functions. The advisory func-
tion that’s set up under law for the commission will cease to exist.” McIntosh said he has not yet been interviewed for the position. Prior to McIntosh, the most recent applicant to the commission was Christine Hutchinson, who submitted an application in 2014 and was appointed by mayor Porter. The council voted not to confirm her appointment during their meeting on October 15, 2014. In an open letter to the city council, McIntosh pointed out that the appointment of either himself or Hutchinson would have made the commission functional by giving it its required quorum. Porter said that Mr. McIntosh’s appointment would not solve the commission’s problems. “The reason Mr. McIntosh’s name has not come forward is because we need to solve this issue first,” said Porter. “Even if you had another commissioner on there, you would need to guarantee that everyone showed up, or you still wouldn’t have a quorum. We’ve had lack of interest from anyone to participate. I think that comes from lack of agenda items.” McIntosh said he had plans for renewing the membership of the commission.
my second-hand beer, unless I spill it on you. Whereas I think there is a reasonable concern of second-hand exposure to marijuana smoke. Also, I don’t think that what we’re going to see from the state will allow marijuana smoking in a bar, whereas you can drink in a bar.” The mandatory court appearance required for public consumption violations was also discussed. “If Gus (Sandahl) gives a ticket (for public marijuana consumption), that person can’t just come pay the ticket,” said Bloom. “They have to go to court no matter what, because there’s not a set bail schedule.” He suggested that the coun-
cil establish a set fine amount to expedite the enforcement process. In addition, Bloom said he was working with city human resources manager Christine Cunningham to revise the city’s marijuana policy for its employees. “It would normally be covered as a controlled substance, and I’m not sure that’s appropriate anymore,” Bloom said. Council members discussed other possible subjects of marijuana-related legislation, such as establishing a per-household limit on the number of personal use marijuana plants, and regulations of butane hash oil extraction. Although discussed,
“There’s ways that we can get out there,” McIntosh said. “People we can contact. A lot of homeschoolers in the area. We could say, ‘look, here’s a library. What can we do for your home school organization? If you want to do that, why don’t you get on the commission here?’” In addition to home school groups, McIntosh said that he would reach out to residents of Nikiski who use the Kenai library. “I think they’ve looked at this and said ‘let’s shut it down because we can’t fix it.’ I think we can fix it,” McIntosh said. Porter intends to introduce an ordinance to retire the library commission at the city council’s next meeting on February 4. She said that McIntosh’s suggestions were not a consideration in deciding whether or not to end the commission. “He hasn’t come up with any agenda items that I know of,” Porter said. “He would like to see himself appointed. At this point, our council needs to make a decision on whether or not we want to continue the library commission as it is today.” Reach Ben Boettger at ben. boettger@peninsulaclarion. com
the council deemed these issues less urgent than the priority decisions recommended by Bloom. Bloom and other members of the city of the city administration are currently developing proposals for the city council to vote on. Other events at the city council meeting included a favorable report on the city’s investments from managers Alaska Permanent Capital Management, appropriations for airport security cameras, the awarding of a contract for playground equipment for the municipal park, and the adjustment of city animal control fees to allow microchipping of shelter animals.
A-6 Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015
Couple taps into passion for viny at new Anchorage record store MEGAN EDGE Alaska Dispatch News
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — On a dark January evening, the Black Keys’ album “Brother” spun on a turntable inside the newly established Obsession Records shop off Tudor Road in Anchorage. A steady flow of customers thumbed their way through the stacks, arranged in plywood bins against a backdrop of vibrant orange walls. Shop owner Steve Haynes visited with customers, offering to carry their armloads of vinyl to the front counter as they continued to shop. His wife, Verna, eventually joined him and took a seat behind the till. The Anchorage couple’s new business is part of an industry hit hard by the digital age in the late 1990s. But in the last two years, the music industry reportedly began to recover, with vinyl sales included. In 2012 sales were up for first time since 1999, according to the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, which analyzes the global market. Steve and Verna said they’ve both seen music shops in Anchorage struggle. When asked about the outlook of their business they were not overly opti-
mistic. “So vinyl sales are up? And they are, but in the big scheme of things, when you’re looking at the music industry as a whole record sales are a very small fraction,” Steve said. But the couple said their business, which opened its doors in early December, is doing better than either of them imagined. And so far, they’ve done it without any paid advertising, counting solely on word of mouth and Facebook. “We make ends meet and we get rent paid, but so far there hasn’t been a ton of money in this,” Steve said. Customers of all ages visit the shop, “young-adult and up,” they said. A middle-aged couple with grown children of their own, they said it’s too early to call their new business a “retirement plan” or even to predict how long they’ll be able to keep the doors open. They didn’t get into it “to become millionaires,” Verna said, and right now they just want to be able to keep the store open. For them, Verna said, the store is more of a labor of love. “Music is fun,” Verna said, as she sat behind the till. “We are not record snobs. We don’t care who comes in, they could
be new to collecting vinyls or have complete records collections. We just want to share the music.” The shop sells the classics -- The Beatles, The Doors, The Police, Johnny Cash -- but they also sell an occasional Alaska vinyl, more recent artists like Blink 182 and Daft Punk, and movie soundtracks. Steve said he has several different avenues for finding records, but he didn’t want to reveal his secrets. His personal collection includes about 17,000 records, many of which have ended up in the store’s inventory. Opening the shop is part of his record purge to make space for new vinyl at home. Steve also orders a smaller variety of new music. “Him and I collect records very differently,” Verna said. “I have this small little stack, and those are what I like and I can listen to them over and over again. He actually has record collections, though. I don’t chase records. And I don’t need to collect things just to have them. I have done that before.” A majority of the records Steve sells are in good condition. A few might be a little dusty, but Steve and Verna offer to clean them before bands,
Photo by Rashah McChesney/For the Clarion
Utuq Moto, of Ninilchik, reaches to slap a beanbag as he competes in the One Hand Reach competition at the regional Native Youth Olympics on Friday in Kenai, Alaska.
See VINYL, page A-7
Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015
GOP candidate possibilities pitch ideas at forum THOMAS BEAUMONT Associated Press
DES MOINES, Iowa — The robust Christian right in earlyvoting Iowa plays an outsize role in helping determine the Republican presidential nominee, a political reality not lost on the parade of would-be 2016 candidates trying to draw attention at a Saturday gathering of social conservatives. Govs. Chris Christie of New Jersey and Scott Walker of Wisconsin, former Govs. Rick Perry of Texas and Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas and many others turned the Iowa Freedom Forum into the unofficial launch of the next campaign for the Iowa caucuses. More than 1,000 religious conservatives met at a refurbished theater to hear them pitch their policies and their values. Christie may have had the most to gain — or lose — from appearing at the forum. Considered a moderate in some GOP circles and a party establish-
. . . Vinyl Continued from page A-6
such as The Who, walk out the door in the arms of a new owner. “The condition is the No. 1 thing I look at,” Steve said. “The next thing I look at is rarity. If the record is dinged up, but there was only a couple hundred copies, it’s worth more and I might buy it.” Steve got back into the recordcollecting business for the same reason many have in the last few years. It’s the classic tale of going digital, only to lose all your music because of a computer crash, which happened to Steve about six years ago, he said. “When that happened I pulled out my old CDs and a lot of them were trashed from being in the car or whatever, so I start-
ment choice in others, the New Jersey governor tried to connect with grass-roots conservative activists by assuring them that trust is more important than total agreement. “If you want a candidate who agrees with you 100 percent of the time, I’ll give you a suggestion: Go home and look in the mirror. You are the only person you agree with 100 percent of the time,” he said. “You’ll always know who I am, you’ll always know what I believe and you’ll always know where I stand.” To back up his conservative credentials, Christie proclaimed his opposition to gay marriage and abortion rights. He also rejected the idea that Republicans could be competitive in traditionally Democratic states by abandoning opposition to abortion rights. “And I’m living proof,” he said. In his remarks, Cruz cited the Bible as he challenged caucus participants to back only presidential candidates with
a proven conservative track record. “You know what,” he said, “talk is cheap. The word tells us you shall know them by their fruits ... Look every candidate in the eye and say ‘Don’t talk, show me.’” While he criticized President Barack Obama’s foreign policy and other actions, Huckabee warned about the dangers of intraparty fighting. “We don’t need to spend the next two years beating each other up in the conservative tent. We need to tell America what’s right with this country,” he said. Perry also pointed to the end of the Obama administration: “I got a feeling that after six years of disappointment, of mediocrity and decline, a slow course correction is not what voters are going to be looking for in 2016.” Walker promoted his administration’s enactment of voter identification, concealed carry handgun and abortion restriction legislation — all red-meat issues to the conservative audi-
ed thinking about vinyl again,” Steve said. Steve got a phone call from a family member, which resulted in the start of his collection, thanks to some garage sale vinyl. Steve has a sense of connection with his records, making “Obsession Records” all the more fitting as a business name. Verna chuckled at the thought of some of his reactions when it came time to say goodbye to his records. There is still work to be done on the shop. They’d like to add posters to the walls and make a space for local musicians to play, but it’s still a work in progress, they said. Right now, shops hours are limited. They have day jobs and only operate the store from 5 to 8 p.m. during the week, with longer hours on the weekends. By the end of the interview,
the Haynes had listened to both sides of the “Brothers” album and a St. Paul and the Broken Bones record — which Steve told a customer he’d recently discovered. It has a Motown sound to it and is the kind of music that makes people move. “Music just feels good,” Verna said. “It feels really good and it’s fun. And I don’t want to just leave these piled up at home. We really want to share it because its music and you should share music.”
ence. For many Republicans, he is best known for beating back a recall effort and then winning re-election. “You see, I think that sends a powerful message to Republicans in Washington and around the country that if you’re not afraid to go big and go bold you can actually get results,” Walker said. Rick Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania who won the 2012 Iowa caucuses, said the GOP needs to do a better job convincing working Americans that Republicans are on their side. “We don’t win because too many people don’t think we care about them. We have to show them not just by saying we do, but by having policies and a message where they can see it and feel it in us,” Santorum said as he called for lower taxes, less regulation and stronger family values. The forum’s sponsor, Rep. Steve King of Iowa, opened the event by asking the crowd, “Do you believe that the next president of the United States is going to be speaking to you today?” The audience erupted in applause and King responded, “As do I.” Among others speaking at the forum were businesswoman Carly Fiorina, Dr. Ben Carson, former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin and real estate mogul and reality TV star Donald Trump. Missing were two possible candidates considered leading contenders for the nomination: former Florida
Gov. Jeb Bush and the party’s 2012 nominee, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. Trump let it be known that he didn’t think much of the pair. “You can’t have Romney. He choked,” Trump said. “You can’t have Bush. The last thing we need is another Bush.” In addition to Bush and Romney, also absent from the lineup were Sens. Rand Paul of Kentucky and Marco Rubio of Florida. A forum by King, a hardline conservative who has been particularly vocal about opposing immigration reform, could push some would-be can-
didates further to the right than they want to go on immigration, education, foreign policy and other issues. King’s record of harsh rhetoric toward immigrants in the U.S. illegally drew protesters to his event. Several were escorted out of the forum by police after chanting “If you become president, will you deport our families?” during speeches by Perry and Christie. Amid the interruption, Christie asked the audience, “Don’t they know I’m from New Jersey?” Few political observers See GOP, page A-8
Winter’s 1st big storm leaves snow, slush covering Northeast BOSTON (AP) — Parts of the Northeast got their first real taste of winter on Saturday as a storm crawling up the coast left a slushy, snowy coating from Pennsylvania to New England, but forecasters are watching a possible second shot of snow that could affect the region early in the work week. By midday, the storm had dropped 9 inches of snow in parts of Pennsylvania and 8 inches in parts of New York, northern New Jersey and northwestern Connecticut, with widespread reports over 4 inches in inland areas across southern New England. Lighter amounts were reported in Philadelphia, New York City and Boston. The storm was expected to drop up to 8 inches in far eastern Maine before moving out late Saturday night. Numerous accidents were reported on the slick roads, but there were no major highway backups in the lighter weekend traffic. Police in Connecticut and Massachusetts were investigating the weather’s role in traffic accidents that killed two people Saturday afternoon. In suburban New York, a man chased his dog onto ice covering a lake and they both fell through it. Police used a ladder to pull the man out of Massapequa Lake to safety and rescued his shivering dog as well. The man was treated at a hospital See SNOW, page A-8
A-8 Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015
Man to run 7 marathons in 7 days on 7 continents KRISTIN J. BENDER
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A San Francisco man is one race away from completing seven marathons in seven days on seven continents. Tim Durbin is the only American competing in the World Marathon Challenge that started last Saturday and ends in Sydney on Friday. So far, the 31-year-old has run six marathons, each 26.2 miles, through snow, rain and jetlag in Antarctica, Chile, Miami, Madrid, Morocco and Dubai. “In the last 48 hours I’ve slept less than 9 hours and ran three marathons,” he said in an email earlier this week. He
. . . GOP Continued from page A-7
would predict Christie, better known nationally for his union and budget battles, to emerge as the favorite among Iowa’s evan-
. . . Snow Continued from page A-7
for hypothermia, a dangerously low body temperature. Rain and sleet mixed in with the snow in areas that saw above-freezing temperatures nearer to the coast, keeping totals down in those areas before the storm began to taper off. “It’s not really bad out there, as long as you don’t drive like a maniac,” Vernon Forrest, of Manchester, New Jersey, said while getting some coffee and
said most of his sleep has been on the airplanes between cities with a few hours spent in hotels following the races. He did have one full night of rest after running in Chile and before heading to Miami. Durbin added that the biggest challenge has been the quick turn-around times. “Twice we have done two marathons in 24 hours. Sleep deprivation will likely be a factor going forward,” he said. So far, the Morocco marathon was the toughest. He started running in Marrakech less than 7 hours after he completed the race in Spain. Durbin is averaging about 5½ hours for each 26.2-mile marathons. The race in Moroc-
co took nearly six hours. Durbin spent roughly $37,000 to participate with 11 others, who are from Brazil, India, Great Britain, Hong Kong, France, Finland and Australia. The World Marathon Challenge is part of a bigger challenge that Durbin started two years ago. In 2013, he started logging his miles for walking, running, cross country skiing and swimming in order to complete the distance around the equator — 24,901 miles before 2022. “I am just trying to prove to myself that an average person can do what most others think is impossible,” he said. “It’s a mental challenge as much as it is physical.”
gelical voters. Yet his appearance Saturday could allow him to make inroads with a group focused as much on ideological purity as defeating the Democrat nominated to follow Obama. Christie reached beyond many of the others who served up only popular partisan lines Saturday.
He called for a second American century, where conservative economic principles and compassion meet. “We’re here to create that America,” he said. “You don’t do it by pandering. You don’t do it by telling people what they want to hear. You do it by telling them the truth.”
a sandwich at a convenience store in Toms River. “The road crews did an excellent job, and we got more rain and sleet here than snow, so it’s mostly just wet roads. So just keep an eye out for slippery, slushy spots and speeding knuckleheads.” But people were urged to watch for icy roads as temperatures dropped below freezing into Sunday morning. Winds gusting to 50 mph were expected on Cape Cod and nearby islands Saturday night as the storm moves away. Another system beginning Sunday night into Monday is
expected to drop another inch or two across Pennsylvania, with a potentially bigger one behind it late Monday. “There is an increasing possibility of a significant storm late Monday night into Tuesday night,” said National Weather Service meteorologist Bill Simpson in Taunton, Massachusetts, adding that there’s still much uncertainty this far ahead. “It’s how it evolves once it develops.” He said there is the potential that a storm moving up the East Coast could stall before it tracks out to sea, bringing high wind, heavy precipitation and the potential for coastal flooding.
Around the World Leftist party Syriza widens lead slightly in last Greek polls ahead of Sunday’s election ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Syriza, the radical left-wing party that has vowed to rewrite the terms of the country’s international bailout and end harsh austerity measures, held the lead in the last polls released ahead of Sunday’s national election. The last nine polls published on Friday — the last day of campaigning — showed Syriza’s lead over the ruling New Democracy conservatives trending upward. Syriza led by anywhere from 2.8 to 6.7 percentage points. Syriza has taken advantage of widespread discontent over an economy that has shrunk by nearly a quarter and record-high unemployment. The centrist party, To Potami, and the extreme right-wing Golden Dawn party were locked in a tight race for third place, according to the polls. But the polls also indicated that around 10 percent of the nearly 10 million voters remain undecided. There was no campaigning Saturday, a traditional “day of reflection” ahead of every election.
Japan, US condemn unverified video claiming IS captive dead, demand release of other hostage
TOKYO (AP) — Prime Minister Shinzo Abe angrily demanded Sunday that the extremist Islamic State group release a Japanese journalist it is holding hostage after a new online video purported to show that another hostage had been killed. While the Japanese government and others cast doubt on the authenticity of the video, President Barack Obama issued a statement condemning what he called “the brutal murder” of one of the hostages. His statement did not say how the United States knows that Haruna Yukawa, a 42-year-old adventurer, is dead, and the Japanese government still was trying to verify the video. Obama said in his statement that the United States will stand “shoulder to shoulder” with Japan and called for the immediate release of the second Japanese hostage, journalist Kenji Goto. Obama’s statement was issued at Ramstein Air Base in Germany as the president was en route to India for a visit. The Japanese government had no immediate comment on Obama’s statement. However, a statement issued by Abe in English and Arabic demanded the safe release only of Goto. The message in the video seen Saturday demanded a prisoner exchange for the 47-year-old Goto. But the post was deleted quickly Saturday, and militants on a website affiliated with the Islamic State group questioned its veracity.
Not Mayberry anymore’: Oil patch towns add cops, jail cells, still scramble to fight crime WATFORD CITY, N.D. (AP) — Police chief Art Walgren knew how much the oil boom had changed this once-sleepy town when he spotted something that would have been unheard of not long ago: license plates from Sinaloa, Mexico, home to one of the world’s most violent drug cartels. Before, there was little chance police would see cars here from nearly 2,000 miles away. And little reason to worry about out-of-state plates. Now, though, police are scrambling to deal with new kinds of suspicious activity and threats that have cropped up along this frozen prairie. The gusher of oil and money flowing from the Bakken fields has made policing more demanding and dangerous, forcing small-town officers, county sheriffs and federal agents to confront everything from bar fights to far-reaching methamphetamine and heroin networks and prostitution rings operating out of motels. “It’s not Mayberry anymore,” says U.S. Attorney Tim Purdon. “Our police and prosecutors are going to have to adapt to keep pace. We have organized criminal gangs selling drugs, sex trafficking and out-of-state flim-flam men coming in. And the cases have become more and more complicated.” — The Associated Press
Rockets kill 30 in Ukrainian city as rebels launch offensive PETER LEONARD Associated Press
KIEV, Ukraine — Indiscriminate rocket fire slammed into a market, schools, homes and shops Saturday in Ukraine’s southeastern city of Mariupol, killing at least 30 people, authorities said. The Ukrainian president called the blitz a terrorist attack and NATO and the U.S. demanded that Russia stop supporting the rebels. Ukrainian officials rushed to defend the strategically important port on the Sea of Azov, beefing up military positions with more equipment and sending in more forces. The separatists’ top leader declared that an offensive against Mariupol had begun — then later toned down his threats as the scale of the civilian casualties became clear. President Petro Poroshenko held an emergency meeting of his military officials and cut short a trip to Saudi Arabia to coordinate the government’s response. “The time has come to name
their sponsors. The help given to militants, weapons deliveries, equipment and the training of manpower — is this not aiding terrorism?” Poroshenko said in a recorded statement. Russia insists it does not support the rebels, but Western military officials say the sheer number of heavy weapons under rebel control belies that claim. An AP reporter saw convoys of pristine heavy weapons in rebel territory earlier this week. The rocket attacks came a day after the rebels rejected a peace deal and announced they were going on a multi-prong offensive against the government in Kiev to vastly increase their territory. The rebel stance has upended European attempts to mediate an end to the fighting in eastern Ukraine, which the U.N. says has killed nearly 5,100 people since April. Mariupol, a major city under government control, lies between mainland Russia and the Russia-annexed Crimean Peninsula. Heavy fighting in the region in the fall raised fears
that Russian-backed separatist forces would try to capture city to establish a land link between Russia and Crimea. Ukraine’s Defense Ministry said three separate strikes from Grad multiple-rocket launchers hit Mariupol and its surrounding areas Saturday. “The area that came under attack was massive,” Mariupol mayor Yuriy Khotlubei said. “The shelling was carried out by militants. This is very clearly Russian aggression that has caused terrible losses for the residents of the eastern part of our city.” The Donetsk regional government loyal to Kiev said at least 30 people — including a 15-year old girl and a five-year old boy — died in the attacks. A Ukrainian military checkpoint near the city was also hit and one serviceman was killed, the Defense Ministry said. The RIA Novosti news agency cited Ukrainian rebel leader Alexander Zakharchenko as saying an offensive had begun on Mariupol. Zakharchenko swiftly backtracked, however.
He denied that his forces were responsible for Saturday’s carnage, saying it was caused by Ukrainian error. He also said the Ukrainian defenses positions around Mariupol would be destroyed but the city itself would not be stormed. But the Organization for Security and Cooperation’s monitoring mission said the attack on Mariupol was caused by Grad and Uragan rockets fired from areas under rebel control. Rebel forces have positions 10 kilometers (six miles) from Mariupol’s eastern outskirts. On Jan. 13, a bus near an army checkpoint north of Mariupol was hit by a shell, killing 13 people, an attack Ukraine also blamed on the separatists. Yulia, a Mariupol citizen who asked that her name not be used for fear of retaliation, told The Associated Press by telephone Saturday that her stricken neighborhood had no power or heat in the middle of winter due to the attacks. Many residents had boarded up their windows, fearing shattered glass from further attacks, she said.
Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015
Around the World 1st attempt to lift fuselage of crashed AirAsia plane fails due to deflating balloons PANGKALAN BUN, Indonesia (AP) — Indonesian rescuers lifted the fuselage of the crashed AirAsia jetliner nearly to the water’s surface before it sank to the ocean floor again when the lifting balloons deflated Saturday, a setback in the effort to recover more of the victims’ remains. Four bodies were discovered though around the area where dozens of divers were struggling with strong current and poor visibility to prepare to retrieve the 30-meter-long wreckage, said Suryadi Bambang Supriyadi, the operations chief at the National Search and Rescue Agency. Divers reached the fuselage section for the first time on Friday and retrieved six bodies. A total of 69 bodies have now been recovered from AirAsia Flight 8501, which crashed Dec. 28 with 162 people on board while flying from Surabaya, Indonesia’s second largest city, to Singapore.
Obama to cut short India trip to visit Saudi Arabia to pay respects after king’s death RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany (AP) — President Barack Obama will shorten his trip to India and divert to Saudi Arabia, paying respects after the death of King Abdullah and meeting with the oil-rich nation’s new monarch, the White House said Saturday. The scheduling shift, announced just before Obama left Washington, underscores the desert kingdom’s pivotal role in U.S. policy in the Middle East, including the military campaign against the Islamic State group. Saudi Arabia’s status as one of Washington’s most important Arab allies has at times appeared to trump U.S. concerns about the terrorist funding that flows from the kingdom and about human rights abuses. — The Associated Press
A-10 Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015
Police reports n On Jan. 13 at about 4:00 p.m., Angela Marie Segura, 36, of Soldotna, was arrested by Soldotna based Alaska State Troopers after she was stopped for a traffic violation near Sharkathmi Avenue and the Sterling Highway. Investigation revealed that Segura had an outstanding arrest warrant for failure to comply with community work service on the original charge of third-degree theft. Segura was taken Wildwood Pretrial Facility with five days to serve. n On Jan. 13 at about 5:00 p.m., Alaska State Troopers received a report of a landlord living in a tenant’s residence on Abalone Loop in Clam Gulch. Investigation revealed that Jervis Stoltman, 53, of Clam Gulch, had been living in the residence without permission while the tenant was out of town. Stoltman was arrested for first-degree burglary and taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility without bail. n On Jan. 14 at about 2:50 p.m., the Alaska Bureau of Highway Patrol, Kenai Peninsula Team, stopped a silver 2008 Chrysler car on Island Lake Road for speeding. Investigation revealed that the driver, a 15-year-old female, of Nikiski, was driving the car in violation of her instruction permit. She was issued a misdemeanor citation and released. n On Jan. 14 at 5:48 p.m., the Alaska Bureau of Highway Patrol, Kenai Peninsula Team, stopped a white 1991 Honda car near Milepost 25 of the Kenai Spur Highway for speeding. Investigation revealed that Jordan Ross Meader, 28, of Nikiski, was driving the car with a revoked license. He was arrested for driving while license revoked and taken to Wildwood Pretrial on $500 bail. n On Jan. 14 at 7:41 p.m., the Alaska Bureau of Highway Patrol, Kenai Peninsula Team, stopped a green 1996 Chevrolet Blazer near Mile 28 of the Kenai Spur Highway for speeding. Joshua Lytle, 29, of Nikiski, was identified as the driver. Investigation revealed that he had an outstanding warC
rant for his arrest for fourthdegree assault. He was arrested and taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility on $1,000 bail. n On Jan. 14 at 8:42 p.m., Kenai police conducted a traffic stop near the intersection of the Kenai Spur Highway and Beaver Loop Road. After contacting the occupants, the driver, Dustin C. Rediske, 19, of Kenai, was arrested for driving under influence and taken to Wildwood Pretrial pending arraignment. n On Jan. 14 at 9:15 p.m., Soldotna police stopped a vehicle on Sterling Highway at Kalifornsky Beach Road. Daniel Mathiason, 31, of Sterling, was arrested for driving while license revoked and taken to Wildwood Pretrial on $500 bail. n On Jan. 14 at about 11:10 p.m., Soldotna police stopped a vehicle in the Safeway parking lot. John Petty, 19, of Kenai, was issued a criminal citation for driving without a valid license and released. n On Jan. 15 at 11:38 p.m., Soldotna police stopped a vehicle on the Kenai Spur Highway. Allen Gray, 31, of Kenai, was arrested on two outstanding arrest warrants, one for failure to appear on an original charge of driving while license suspended and the second for failure to appear on an original charge of no motor vehicle liability insurance. Gray was also charged with driving while license suspended and no motor vehicle liability insurance and taken to Wildwood Pretrial on $1,500 bail. n On Jan. 16 at 7:41 p.m., the Alaska Bureau of Highway Patrol, Kenai Peninsula Team, stopped a red 1995 Mazda truck for driving without headlights when required. The driver was identified as Raquelle E. Reynolds, 18, of Kenai. Investigation revealed that her Alaska license had been revoked for alcohol possession. She was issued a misdemeanor citation for driving while license revoked. n On Jan. 16 at 8:49 p.m., Kenai police contacted Scott R. Harris, 39, of Soldotna arrested him on a Soldotna Alaska State Troopers felony arrest warrant for second-degree, third-degree, two counts
of fourth-degree and sixthdegree misconduct involving controlled substances and driving without a license. He was taken to Wildwood Pretrial. n On Jan. 17 at 12:07 a.m., Soldotna police stopped a vehicle on the Sterling Highway near Binkley Street. Sidney Morris, 50, of Soldotna, was arrested for providing false information to the police, driving while license suspended, driving in violation of a restricted license and violating his conditions of release in another criminal case. He was taken to Wildwood Pretrial without bail. n On Jan. 17 at 12:52 p.m., Soldotna police contacted Jimmy L. Davis, 46, of Kenai, and arrested him on an outstanding warrant. He was taken to Wildwood Pretrial without bail. n On Jan. 17 at 9:17 p.m., Soldotna police stopped a vehicle on the Sterling Highway near Birch Street. The driver, Sarah Wynkoop, 18, of Soldotna, was in possession of marijuana and was issued a criminal citation for sixth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance and released. The passenger, KC Hordemann, 20, of Soldotna was also in possession of marijuana. He was arrested for sixth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance and violating his conditions of release in another criminal case and was taken to Wildwood Pretrial without bail. n On Jan. 17 at 1:24 p.m., the Alaska State Troopers Bureau of Highway Patrol, South Central Team, stopped a 1991 Ford Explorer after the vehicle was observed traveling southbound on the Kenai Spur Highway near Mile 20 without a front license plate. Investigation revealed that Patrick Wright, 59, of Nikiski, was driving with a revoked license, driving in violation of a limited license and misusing evidence of registration on his vehicle. He was arrested and taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility on $1,500 bail. n On Jan. 18 at 12:09 a.m., Kenai police responded to a residence for a report of two people yelling in a vehicle. As a result, police issued a summons to Mark A. Smith, 19, of
Kenai, for minor consuming alcohol. He was released from the scene. n On Jan. 18 at 3:33 a.m., Kenai police responded to a residence in Kenai for a report of loud yelling coming from a residence and, as a result, arrested Brandie L Cornell, 35, of Soldotna for fourth-degree assault (domestic violence). She was taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility. n On Jan. 18 at 1:17 a.m., Soldotna police responded to a residence on Porcupine Court after it was reported that a person had broken a window and entered the residence. Officers contacted Kyle J. Mead, 24, of Soldotna, and arrested him for third-degree criminal mischief and first-degree criminal trespass. He was taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility without bail. Alcohol was a factor in this case. n On Jan. 18 at about 7:10 p.m., Soldotna police received a REDDI (Report Every Dangerous Driver Immediately) report and stopped the car on Kalifornsky Beach Road. Venessa Johnson, 28, of Kenai, was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and taken to Wildwood Pretrial on $500 bail. n On Jan. 18 at 12:25 a.m., Alaska State Troopers responded to a single-vehicle collision near Mile 116 of the Sterling Highway. Investigation revealed that a 23-year-old male, of Soldotna, had been driving southbound near Mile 116 Sterling Highway, when his vehicle went off of the road-
way and into the ditch, driving up and over a driveway before coming to a stop while still in the ditch. The truck received enough damage that it could not be driven from the scene. The driver complained of back pain and was driven to the hospital by an acquaintance prior to troopers’ arrival. The driver did not have a valid operator’s license, was required to have an ignition interlock device installed, which was not, and did not have motor vehicle insurance. Charges will be forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office in Kenai. n On Jan. 18 at 1:15 a.m., troopers received a REDDI (Report Every Dangerous Driver Immediately) report of a vehicle with erratic driving. Troopers contacted the vehicle and identified the operator as Mohonanic Magee, 39, of Salt Lake City, Utah, who admitted to consuming alcohol and driving the vehicle. He was arrested for driving under the influence and taken to the Soldotna troopers’ post for Datamaster. He refused to submit to a chemical test. Magee was taken to Wildwood Pretrial on $1,000 bail. n On Jan. 19 at 12:18 p.m., Soldotna police stopped a vehicle on Jefferson Avenue near Community College Drive, because it was being operated in a reckless manner. Kyler D. Thurmond, 18, of Soldotna, was issued a criminal citation for reckless driving and released. n On Jan. 19 at about 7:40 a.m., Steven Anthony Roberts,
25 of Kenai, was arrested by Soldotna based Alaska State Troopers after he was contacted following a report of a disturbance at an apartment building off Patrick Drive in Kenai. Investigation revealed that Roberts was highly intoxicated and had challenged a neighbor to fight while standing outside his apartment in his underwear. Roberts was taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility on $250 bail. n On Jan. 19 at 9:29 p.m., Anchor Point troopers conducted a traffic stop on a silver 2003 Honda Civic for a moving violation on the Sterling Highway at Main Street in Homer. Troopers contacted the occupants and identified one passenger as Joseph F. Newton, 20, of Nikiski. Newton was found to have an active warrant for his arrest for failing to appear for a status hearing on the original charge of driving with a revoked license. Newton was arrested for the active warrant and taken to the Homer Jail with 20 days to serve. A second passenger was identified as Kiklia P. Kojin, 19, of Nikolaevsk. Kojin was also found to have an active warrant for her arrest for failing to appear for arraignment on the original charge of driving in violation of an instructional permit. Kojin was arrested for the active warrant and taken to the Homer Jail on $500 bail. n On Jan. 19, Alaska Wildlife Troopers cited Michael R. Wheat, 37, of Soldotna, for retaining one king salmon over the daily bag limit of two while
sport fishing in Kachemak Bay waters. The winter salt water daily bag and possession limit for king salmon in Cook Inlet waters south of the Anchor Point Light, including all of Kachemak Bay, is two fish (no size limit). Wheat was cited into Homer District Court. n On Jan. 20 at 12:54 a.m., Soldotna Dispatch received a report of a REDDI (Report Every Dangerous Driver Immediately) vehicle and that the driver may be intoxicated. Shortly after the report, troopers contacted that vehicle and driver, Denise Gilliam, 27, of Soldotna, at her home. Investigation revealed Gilliam to have driven while under the influence of alcohol. She was arrested and taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility without bail, because this was her second DUI within 10 years. n On Jan. 21 at 3:11 p.m., Alaska State Troopers with the Girdwood Bureau of Highway Patrol conducted a traffic stop on a green Ford sedan for a moving violation near Mile 117 of the Seward Highway in the safety corridor. Investigation revealed that Zoey Simpson, 25, of Seward, was driving with a suspended license. Simpson was issued a misdemeanor citation for driving while license suspended and a minor offense citation for the moving violation. The vehicle was released to a licensed passenger. n On Jan. 21 at 5:35 p.m., Alaska State Troopers contacted Julianne Spellman, 49, of Ninilchik, at a residence off Garroutte Street in Ninilchik. Investigation revealed that Spellman had an outstanding warrant for her arrest for failing to comply with conditions on the original charge of driving while license revoked. Spellman was arrested for the warrant and taken to the Homer Jail without bail. n On Jan. 21 at about 6:00 p.m., troopers were patrolling near Mile 145 of the Sterling Highway, when they observed a northbound vehicle with only one headlight. A traffic stop was attempted on an older Chevrolet pickup. The driver was identified as Michael Pate, 29, of Kenai. After a search in the Alaska Public Safety Information Network (ASPIN), Pate was issued summons for driving while license suspended. n On Jan. 21 at 9:53 p.m., the Kenai Police Department received a 911 call from a local bar, requesting assistance for an intoxicated male. An officer arrived and contacted Joe C, Stanford, 66, of Kenai. Records indicated that Stanford was on conditions of release not to consume alcohol or be in an establishment where alcohol is the primary sale. He was arrested for violating conditions of release and taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility. n On Jan. 22, Alaska Wildlife Troopers, Soldotna Post, cited Craig Sherri Jorgensen, 57, of Kenai, for failing to turn in her Upper Cook Inlet Personal Use Fish Permit in the required time. Bail was set at $110 in Kenai District Court. n On Jan. 22 at about 11:00 a.m., Michael Lee McLaughlin, 49, of Soldotna, was arrested by Soldotna based Alaska State Troopers after he was contacted during a traffic stop near Vickis Way and the Sterling Highway in Soldotna. Investigation revealed that McLaughlin is on felony probation for a felony driving under the influence conviction, with no alcohol requirements and had recently consumed alcohol. Further investigation revealed that a small amount of heroin and marijuana was located within the vehicle. McLaughlin was taken to Wildwood Pretrial Facility without bail on charges of violating probation and fourthdegree and sixth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance. The following judgments were recently handed down in District Court in Kenai:
Court reports a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended. n Christopher Coty Andrew Tofflemire, 19, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of third-degree theft, committed Nov. 9, 2013. He was sentenced to 270 days in jail with 250 days suspended, may perform 160 hours of community work service in lieu of jail time, was fined a $50 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to pay restitution, joint and several with co-defendants, forfeited all items seized, ordered to have no contact with victims in this case unless they request in writing, ordered to pay cost of appointed counsel and was placed on probation for three years. All other charges in this case were dismissed. n Sandra Lee Ward, 50, of Anchorage, pleaded guilty to no motor vehicle liability insurance, committed Sept. 3. She was fined $500, a $50 court surcharge and a $50 jail surcharge. n Christopher T. Allen, 50, of Cooper Landing, pleaded guilty to one count of fourthdegree assault, committed July 7, 2009. He was sentenced to 330 days in jail with 210 days suspended, fined a $50 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to complete an anger management program and file quarterly compliance reports with the court, ordered to pay restitution, ordered to have no contact with victim, ordered to pay cost of appointed counsel and placed on probation for three years. All other charges in this case were dismissed. n Christopher T. Allen, 50, of Sterling, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of second-degree assault (injury with weapon, intent), committed Sept. 21, 2014. He was sentenced to 330 days in jail with 300 days suspended, fined a $50 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to pay restitution, forfeited firearm, ordered to have no contact with victims and placed on probation for three years. All other charges in this
case were dismissed. n Warren Belford, 30, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to one count of second-degree criminal trespass (upon premises) and one count of fourth-degree theft (less than $250), committed Jan. 5. On count one, he was sentenced to 30 days in jail and fined a $50 court surcharge and a $50 jail surcharge. On count two, he was sentenced to 15 days in jail and fined a $50 court surcharge and, concurrent with count one, a $50 jail surcharge. n Matthew Don Bell, 28, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to violating condition of release, committed Dec. 14. He was fined a $50 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended and placed on probation for one year. n Twymon Leondra Bennett, 55, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to fourth-degree assault (recklessly injure), committed March 23, 2013. Bennett was sentenced to one year in jail with six months suspended, fined a $50 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to complete a batterer’s intervention program, ordered to pay restitution, forfeited all items seized ordered to have no contact with victim or victim’s family and placed on probation for two years. All other charges in this case were dismissed. n Toni Bismark, 33, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to an amended charge of reckless driving, committed Dec. 23. She was sentenced to 45 days in jail with 42 days suspended, fined $1,000 with $500 suspended, a $50 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had her license revoked for 30 days and placed on probation for one year. n Johnathon Joseph Dalebout, 31, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to fourth-degree assault (recklessly injure), committed Dec. 20, 2013. He was sentenced to one year in jail with all but time served suspended, fined a $50 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge, ordered to pay restitution, ordered to have no contact with victim
and placed on probation for two years. All other charges in this case were dismissed. n Junetta Lynn Delong, 55, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to driving while license revoked, committed Nov. 1, 2013. She was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 80 days suspended, fined a $50 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, had her license revoked for 90 days and placed on probation for two years. All other charges in this case were dismissed. n Connor R. Hamman, 22, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to driving while license cancelled, suspended, revoked or limited, committed July 11. He was sentenced to 20 days in jail with 10 days suspended, may perform 80 hours of community work service in lieu of jail time, was fined a $50 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, had his license revoked for 90 days and placed on probation for two years. n Alexandria Mae Hensley, 19, of Kenai, pleaded guilty to refusal to submit to a chemical test, committed April 29. She was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 87 days suspended, fined $3,000 with $1,500 suspended, a $75 court surcharge, $330 cost of imprisonment and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment, had her license revoked for 90 days, ordered ignition interlock for six months, ordered not to possess or consume alcohol for two years and placed on probation for two years. All other charges in this case were dismissed. n Mark H. Jackson, 25, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to drunken person on licensed premises, committed Dec. 27. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail with 29 days suspended (time already served), fined $150, a $50 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 suspended, ordered to complete Alcohol Safety Action Program treatment and place on probation until Dec. 27, 2015. n Christopher D. Jordan, 41, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty to no motor vehicle liability insurance, committed June 13. He
n Corey Sherman Green, 21, of Anchorage, pleaded guilty to third-degree theft, committed Sept. 25. He was sentenced to one month in jail, fined a $50 court surcharge and a $150 jail surcharge, forfeited all items seized and ordered to pay cost of appointed counsel. All other charges in this case were dismissed. n Ely C. Holmes, 26, of Nikiski, pleaded guilty to violating conditions of release, committed Dec. 28, 2013. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail and fined a $50 court surcharge and C
Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015 A-11 was fined $300, a $50 court sur- pended, may perform 40 hours charge and a $50 jail surcharge. of community work service in n Sara Anne Mitchell, 23, lieu of jail time, was fined a $50 pleaded guilty to fifth-degree court surcharge and a $150 jail criminal mischief (under surcharge with $100 suspend$250), committed Jan. 4. She ed, ordered to pay restitution was sentenced to 20 days in and placed on probation for one jail with 19 days suspended, year. fined a $50 court surcharge n Samantha Josephene and a $150 jail surcharge with Small, 32, of Soldotna, pleaded $100 suspended, ordered to guilty to an amended charge of pay restitution and placed on disorderly conduct, committed probation for one year. Dec. 25. She was sentenced to n Ashley Nicole Reed, 28, 10 days in jail with nine days of Kenai, pleaded guilty to suspended, fined a $50 court fourth-degree assault (reckless- surcharge and a $150 jail surly injure), committed Dec. 21. charge with $100 suspended, She was sentenced to 120 days ordered to complete a mental in jail with 90 days suspended, health assessment and comply fined a $50 court surcharge with recommendations and was and a $150 jail surcharge with placed on probation for one $100 suspended, ordered to year. complete Alcohol Safety Acn Julianne Renee Spelltion Program treatment and an man, 49, of Ninilchik, pleaded anger management program, guilty to driving while license ordered to pay restitution, or- cancelled, suspended, revoked dered to have no contact with or limited, committed Jan. 3. victim without written permis- She was sentenced to 20 days sion in court file, except for in jail with 10 days suspended, one time with civil assist to fined a $50 court surcharge and obtain personal property and a $150 jail surcharge with $100 was placed on probation for suspended, had her license retwo years. voked for 90 days and placed n Rebecca Laura Ryan, 23, on probation for one year. of Unakaleet, pleaded guilty n Mary Beth Standifer, 31, to a consolidated charge of of Tyonek, pleaded guilty to fourth-degree assault (reck- two counts of amended charges lessly injure), committed Jan. of fourth-degree assault, com1. She was sentenced to 90 days mitted Dec. 29. On count one, in jail with 85 days suspended, she was sentenced to 180 days may perform 80 hours of com- in jail with 170 days suspended, munity work service in lieu of fined a $50 court surcharge and jail time, was fined $1,000 with a $150 jail surcharge with $100 $500 suspended, a $50 court suspended, ordered to complete surcharge and a $150 jail sur- Alcohol Safety Action Program charge with $100 suspended, treatment, ordered not to buy ordered to complete Alcohol or consume alcohol for three Safety Action Program treat- years, ordered to obtain a menment, ordered not to consume tal health assessment, follow or buy alcohol for one year, or- recommendations and file quardered to have no contact with terly compliance reports with victims and placed on probation the court and was placed on profor one year. All other charges bation for three years. On count in this case were dismissed. two, she was fined a $50 court n Jared W. Sedge, 26, of surcharge and, concurrent with Soldotna, pleaded guilty to count one, a $150 jail surcharge an amended charge of sixth- with $100 suspended, ordered to degree misconduct involving complete Alcohol Safety Action a controlled substance (refuse Program treatment, ordered not inspection), committed Oct. 31. to buy or consume alcohol for He was fined $150 and a $50 three years, ordered to obtain a court surcharge. mental health assessment, foln Joshua Michael Lee Silba, low recommendations and file 23, of Soldotna, pleaded guilty quarterly compliance reports to an amended charge of disor- with the court and was placed derly conduct, committed June on probation for three years. All 28. He was sentenced to 10 other charges in this case were days in jail with five days sus- dismissed. C
A-12 Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015
AccuWeather 5-day forecast for Kenai-Soldotna
Barrow -15/-19
Plenty of sunshine, but very cold
Very cold with sunshine
Very cold with clouds limiting sun
Mostly cloudy and cold
Clouds and not as cold
Hi: 6
Lo: -11
Hi: 6
Lo: -2
Hi: 13
Lo: 2
The patented RealFeel Temperature® is an exclusive index of the effects of temperature, wind, Sunrise humidity, sunshine intensity, cloudiness, precipitation, Sunset pressure and elevation on the human body.
10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m.
-13 -8 -5 -8
Daylight Length of Day - 7 hrs., 17 min., 52 sec. Daylight gained - 4 min., 43 sec.
Alaska Cities Yesterday Hi/Lo/W
Adak* Anchorage Barrow Bethel Cold Bay Cordova Delta Junction Denali N. P. Dillingham Dutch Harbor Fairbanks Fort Yukon Glennallen* Gulkana Haines Homer Juneau Ketchikan Kiana King Salmon Klawock Kodiak
Lo: 8
Hi: 26 Lo: 19
First Jan 26
Today 9:38 a.m. 4:56 p.m.
Full Feb 3
Moonrise Moonset
Today 11:07 a.m. 12:03 a.m.
Yesterday Hi/Lo/W
Kotzebue -9/-21/pc 37/28/c 40/34/r McGrath -20/-38/pc 18/15/c 3/-7/pc Metlakatla 52/45/sh -16/-22/sn -15/-19/sf Nome -13/-25/pc -11/-20/s -12/-20/s North Pole -13/-16/sf 27/21/c 30/26/sf Northway -2/-7/c 39/36/sh 31/12/sf Palmer 20/13/sf -8/-10/sf -11/-28/sf Petersburg 46/43/sh -8/-15/sf -14/-34/c Prudhoe Bay* -13/-27/sn 7/-8/pc 2/-5/s Saint Paul 23/19/sn 31/29/sn 38/35/sf Seward 32/25/c -6/-25/sf -13/-32/c Sitka 47/41/sh -6/-11/sf -4/-31/c Skagway 46/40/sh 22/13/sf 13/-18/sf Talkeetna 19/12/sf 13/10/sf 3/-25/sf Tanana -28/-40/pc 44/40/sh 41/31/sh Tok* -2/-6/sf 34/23/sn 17/6/s Unalakleet -15/-29/pc 45/42/sh 45/35/sh Valdez 36/32/c 49/44/sh 48/39/sh Wasilla 18/12/c -23/-29/pc -22/-31/s Whittier 26/23/c 1/-10/pc 0/-6/s Willow* 14/9/c 50/42/sh 47/36/sh Yakutat 45/39/sh 34/24/s 25/17/s Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice.
Unalakleet McGrath -15/-24 -23/-34
Tomorrow 11:28 a.m. 1:28 a.m.
City Albany, NY Albuquerque Amarillo Asheville Atlanta Atlantic City Austin Baltimore Billings Birmingham Bismarck Boise Boston Buffalo, NY Casper Charleston, SC Charleston, WV Charlotte, NC Chicago Cheyenne Cincinnati
34/21/sn 51/23/s 45/27/s 39/35/pc 49/38/pc 38/33/r 62/27/pc 40/33/sn 56/22/pc 49/34/pc 42/26/sn 40/29/c 34/31/i 30/23/sn 39/29/pc 57/50/r 33/31/sn 53/36/r 43/29/pc 47/30/c 43/26/pc
28/5/pc 51/26/s 53/30/s 52/32/pc 56/40/s 44/26/s 68/37/s 46/28/s 57/42/c 57/37/pc 40/34/c 41/30/pc 36/13/pc 20/9/c 45/32/pc 59/43/s 49/32/r 56/35/s 34/20/sn 52/40/pc 43/24/r
Fairbanks -13/-32
Today Hi/Lo/W -15/-21/s -23/-34/s 48/40/sh -10/-17/s -16/-41/sf -8/-31/sf 5/-13/s 45/33/sh -20/-26/sn 26/21/sf 16/4/s 43/33/sh 40/29/sn 2/-15/s -21/-40/s -10/-33/sf -15/-24/s 24/0/sf 3/-16/c 24/14/c 1/-16/c 39/30/sh
High ............................................... 22 Low ................................................ 14 Normal high .................................. 25 Normal low ...................................... 8 Record high ........................ 42 (1977) Record low ....................... -45 (1973)
Kenai/ Soldotna 6/-11 Seward 16/4 Homer 17/6
Talkeetna 2/-15 Glennallen 13/-18
From the Peninsula Clarion in Kenai
24 hours through 4 p.m. yest. Trace Month to date ........................... 0.49" Normal month to date ............. 0.73" Year to date .............................. 0.49" Normal year to date ................. 0.73" Record today ................. 0.37" (1977) Record for Jan. ............. 3.03" (1980) Record for year ............ 27.09" (1963) Snowfall 24 hours through 4 p.m. yest. Trace Month to date ............................. 6.7" Season to date ......................... 14.4"
Anchorage 3/-7
Bethel -12/-20
Valdez Kenai/ 24/0 Soldotna Homer
Dillingham 2/-5
Juneau 45/35
National Extremes
Kodiak 25/17
Sitka 43/33
(For the 48 contiguous states)
High yesterday Low yesterday
85 at Fullerton, Calif. -13 at Gunnison, Colo.
State Extremes High yesterday Low yesterday
Cold Bay 30/26
Ketchikan 48/39
52 at Metlakatla -51 at Huslia
Today’s Forecast
(Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation)
A swath of accumulating snow will extend from Minnesota to Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia today. As chilly air holds in the East, dry and mild conditions will reach from the Plains to the West Coast.
Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2015
National Cities Yesterday Today Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W
Readings through 4 p.m. yesterday
Nome -10/-17
New Feb 18
Unalaska 37/33
Almanac From Kenai Municipal Airport
* Indicates estimated temperatures for yesterday Today Hi/Lo/W
Today’s activity: Active Where: Auroral activity will be active. Weather permitting, active auroral displays will be visible overhead from Barrow to Anchorage and Juneau, and visible low on the horizon from King Salmon and Prince Rupert.
Tomorrow 9:36 a.m. 4:59 p.m.
Last Feb 11
Prudhoe Bay -20/-26
Anaktuvuk Pass -27/-33
Kotzebue -15/-21
Sun and Moon
Hi: 17
Aurora Forecast
World Cities
City Cleveland Columbia, SC Columbus, OH Concord, NH Dallas Dayton Denver Des Moines Detroit Duluth El Paso Fargo Flagstaff Grand Rapids Great Falls Hartford Helena Honolulu Houston Indianapolis Jackson, MS
Yesterday Today Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W 32/23/sn 58/41/c 37/26/sh 30/17/sn 60/33/pc 39/27/c 53/30/c 53/28/pc 35/24/c 36/33/sf 54/27/pc 35/25/pc 48/28/s 38/29/c 53/42/pc 34/30/sn 50/35/c 79/67/sh 62/35/pc 39/20/pc 55/31/s
31/17/sn 60/41/s 39/21/sn 28/0/pc 65/36/s 40/18/sn 55/35/s 38/25/sn 26/7/sn 20/16/c 59/33/c 25/22/c 52/24/s 24/9/sn 54/45/c 34/9/pc 52/32/c 77/67/pc 67/42/s 38/17/sn 62/38/s
City Jacksonville Kansas City Key West Las Vegas Little Rock Los Angeles Louisville Memphis Miami Midland, TX Milwaukee Minneapolis Nashville New Orleans New York Norfolk Oklahoma City Omaha Orlando Philadelphia Phoenix
Yesterday Today Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W 62/55/pc 59/27/pc 76/72/t 68/46/s 63/30/s 82/50/s 44/27/pc 56/29/s 78/68/c 58/32/pc 42/30/pc 42/29/pc 50/28/s 58/37/s 39/33/sn 42/37/r 63/31/s 55/25/pc 71/62/pc 39/33/sh 77/50/s
61/44/s 45/27/pc 69/62/c 71/46/s 59/34/s 78/57/s 48/28/sh 56/35/sh 71/54/s 63/34/s 29/20/sn 27/19/c 51/32/sh 64/44/s 39/24/s 51/38/s 58/33/s 43/29/pc 64/48/s 42/25/s 79/56/pc
Yesterday Today Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W
Pittsburgh Portland, ME Portland, OR Rapid City Reno Sacramento Salt Lake City San Antonio San Diego San Francisco Santa Fe Seattle Sioux Falls, SD Spokane Syracuse Tampa Topeka Tucson Tulsa Wash., DC Wichita
30/27/sn 32/25/sn 60/43/pc 57/28/c 59/25/s 51/45/pc 42/23/pc 64/33/pc 79/50/s 64/49/s 45/17/s 58/51/c 42/28/sh 41/34/c 32/19/sn 66/62/pc 60/29/pc 71/45/s 62/24/s 45/37/sn 66/30/pc
37/23/sn 30/4/pc 60/41/pc 49/40/c 61/30/s 59/41/pc 45/28/pc 69/40/s 76/58/pc 66/48/s 48/22/s 58/43/pc 35/28/c 48/33/pc 21/-1/c 64/55/s 48/26/pc 75/54/pc 58/30/s 50/35/s 53/30/s
Yesterday Hi/Lo/W
Acapulco 88/69/pc Athens 54/45/r Auckland 74/64/s Baghdad 70/39/s Berlin 32/28/c Hong Kong 68/59/s Jerusalem 68/52/pc Johannesburg 84/57/s London 45/38/s Madrid 52/25/s Magadan -3/-17/sn Mexico City 73/49/pc Montreal 30/27/c Moscow 32/25/sn Paris 45/28/sn Rome 57/48/s Seoul 45/20/pc Singapore 86/76/pc Sydney 84/73/pc Tokyo 46/39/pc Vancouver 54/50/r
Today Hi/Lo/W 85/74/pc 61/47/r 78/62/pc 71/51/pc 37/29/pc 71/62/pc 66/50/pc 85/60/pc 46/39/c 53/25/s 6/-14/sn 71/47/pc 9/-10/s 21/8/c 42/35/pc 54/38/c 39/33/r 86/75/c 93/68/s 52/44/pc 54/40/c
Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow Ice
-10s -0s 50s 60s
0s 70s
10s 80s
20s 90s
100s 110s
Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front
Sports Y
B Sunday, January 25, 2015
Valley squads sweep SoHi By JOEY KLECKA Peninsula Clarion
The Soldotna Stars will have to wait another game for their first conference win of the season. They gave it a good try, though, Saturday. The Colony Knights finished off the Stars in Northern Lights Conference action Saturday at Soldotna High School, getting a 48-41 win in the girls game and a 62-55 win in the boys. Both SoHi teams dropped to 0-2 in the conference. The Soldotna boys (5-7 overall) nearly toppled the Knights, making comeback after comeback throughout the game, but could not overcome 21 points from Bailey West, who shot lights out with five 3s in the game. Joe Weltzin led the Stars with 14 points, Brooks Furlong added 13 — including a perfect 5 for 5 on free
throws — but simple mistakes cost SoHi in the waning minutes. “(Colony) hit some shots and we didn’t, and it was a different tempo there at the end, we had to start fouling them,” said SoHi coach Mark Tuter. West, a 6-foot-3 junior who shoots like a guard, teamed up with Graham Dinkel and Ethan Selmer to give SoHi fits. Weltzin and Hunter Phillips attacked the key late in the game looking for shots, but the Knights forged a tough barricade. “We were planning on attacking them, going inside to see if we could get them in foul trouble,” Tuter said. “We thought Joe is a little quicker than them and he could get them in foul trouble, so that was kind of the game plan on that.” Colony coach Tom Berg was pleased to see his squad sweep the weekend and improve to 3-0 in the
conference. “Every time we come here, SoHi gives us a good run for our money,” Berg said. “I have a lot of respect for (former SoHi) coach Matt Johnson, and coach Tuter has continued it. “They play hard and they do it the right way, and we always prepare for a battle when we come down here.” Trailing 45-40 heading into the fourth quarter, SoHi quickly closed the gap to one point with jumpers from Dylan Kuntz and Nate Spence, then tied it up at 47 apiece when Phillips sank three of four free throws on a Colony technical foul. On the next SoHi possession, Weltzin gained a little free space and hit a jumper that put the Stars ahead by two with 5:59 left on the clock. Colony answered with a jumper of its own from Harrison Menard with See SOHI, page B-2
Photo by Ben Boettger/Peninsula Clarion
Haley Miller drives Saturday against Colony at Soldotna High School.
Kardinals ski to team titles Soldotna’s Sadie Fox triumphs over field at Colony Invitational Staff report
Photo by Rashah McChesney/Peninsula Clarion
Kenai River Brown Bears’ Tyler Andrews slams Coulee Region Chill’s Richard Zehnal into the glass, causing a beer to spill, during their game Friday at the Soldotna Regional Sports Complex in Soldotna, Alaska.
Bears snap 14-game skid Coulee comes back Saturday to shut out Kenai River By JEFF HELMINIAK Peninsula Clarion
The Coulee Region (Wisconsin) Chill have to start being more wary of rookie defensemen looking for their first career North American Hockey League goal in the waning seconds of games at the Soldotna Regional Sports Complex. Rookie defenseman Jack Nickels’ goal with 9.9 seconds remaining Friday broke a tie
and resulted in a 3-2 win. The win snapped a 14-game losing streak for the Bears, a stretch that had them claiming their last win on Nov. 28. The good vibes didn’t last long, however, as the Bears lost a 1-0 game Saturday to the Chill. “It was as entertaining as last night’s game, I even thought we played a better game for 60 minutes,” said Bears coach Geoff Beauparlant. “It was a fun game, just
disappointing that we didn’t get the win.” In a defensive masterpiece, Coulee Region goaltender Adam Carlson stopped all 39 shots the Bears sent his way. “You can see why he’s going to be a (Division I) goalie,” Beauparlant said. “I thought we did a great job of creating chances.” Kenai River goalie Evan Hauser’s game wasn’t too shabby either, as he saved 32 of 33 shots on goal.
Kenai River forward Maurin Bouvet had the most chances against Carlson with eight. Kenai River is 12-26-2 and did not get any help from the Minnesota Magicians in the race for the Midwest Division’s fourth and final playoff spot. The Bears are four points behind the Magicians in the race for the final playoff spot. The Chill are in third in the division at 20-12-6. See BEARS, page B-4
Davis nabs silver Staff report
Soldotna’s Cory Davis won a silver medal in the long jump competition Friday night to claim another medal at X Games Aspen. Davis, 26, had also captured the bronze in the speed-andstyle competition Thursday. Davis now has six medals total in seven years of X Games competition. Three of the medals are silver, and three are bronze.
Davis flew through the air for 160 feet, 5 inches, in the sixth round to capture second place. The top jumper was Heath Frisby of Idaho, who stayed aloft for 164-11. Colten Moore earned the bronze medal with his sled-aided leap of 157-4. This was the second-straight year Davis earned a silver medal in the long jump. The other four medals were in speed and style.
Niksiki, Seward split games on hardwood Staff report
The host Nikiski girls basketball team used a quick start to defeat Seward 50-38 in Southcentral Conference action Saturday. The Bulldogs won the first quarter 17-4 and lost the rest of the game by a point, but that hardly mattered. The shooting of Rachel Thompson got the Bulldogs out front and kept them there. She had 26 points, including four 3-pointers. Alison Litke, with
10 points, added a pair of 3s. For Seward, Jasmine Perea and Kiana Clemens each had 12 points. Seward boys 64, Nikiski 56 The Seahawks nabbed a Southcentral Conference win over the Bulldogs Saturday in Nikiski. Alex Pahno led the Seward charge with 19 points, while teammates Ronnie Jackson had See PREP, page B-2
The Kenai Central ski team could be seen doing a bit of everything during the recent snow drought, from bounding on Kenai Golf Course with poles to ice skating on Headquarters Lake. On Friday and Saturday in the Colony Invitational at Government Peak, it all paid off. The Kardinals were tops in both the girls and boys combined team results. The girls totaled 2 hours, 15 minutes, 47 seconds, for the victory, while Soldotna was runner-up at 2:21:15 and Homer was fifth at 2:27:36. The boys had a winning total of 2:24:45, while Grace was second at 2:27:33 and Soldotna was third at 2:28:47. Soldotna senior Sadie Fox has managed to remain one
of the state’s top prep skiers despite the dreadful practice conditions, and she proved it once again Friday and Saturday. Fox was the combined champion with a total of 30:47 in Friday’s 5K classic and Saturday’s 5K freestyle. Also in the top 10 for the Stars was Hannah Pothast in third at 32:50. Leading the way for the champion Kardinals was Addison Gibson in second at 32:00 and Alex Bergholtz in sixth at 34:01. The Kenai Peninsula also received a top 10 from Homer’s Aspen Daigle, who was ninth in 35:26. The boys did a 5K classic on Friday and a 7.5K freestyle on Saturday. Trent Fritzel of Grace Christian won with a See SKI, page B-4
Soldotna hockey drops 2 games Staff report
The Soldotna hockey team lost a pair of games in Anchorage on Friday and Saturday. Friday, the Stars fell to East 5-2 in nonconference play. Nicholas Eddens proved to be a fly in the ointment for the Stars, as he scored four straight goals. SoHi’s tallies came from Levi Hensley and Justice Miller, while Billy Yoder stopped
27 shots for the Stars. Saturday, the Stars fell into a 4-1 hole after the first period in losing to Dimond 6-2. Yoder was called on for 32 saves in this one, while Brendon Laporte had 12 for Dimond. For SoHi, Ty Fenton scored on an assist from Coel Nelson and Calvin Hills notched a goal with help from Miller and Nelson.
Valley squads control Kardinals By JOEY KLECKA Peninsula Clarion
Friday’s Northern Lights Conference tilt featuring the Kenai Central and Colony girls basketball squads saw a onesided matchup in the second half — the Knights’ offense against Kenai’s Abby Beck. Beck scored 14 of her gamehigh 22 points in the second half — accounting for every Kenai bucket — but the Kards still fell to the Knights 42-35. Colony (2-0 NLC, 6-2 overall) also hit 17 of 29 free throws, more than enough to account for the difference in the game, which came down to a stifling Knights defensive effort in the fourth quarter. Kenai was held to three points in the last eight minutes. “(Kenai coach) Stacia (Rustad) does a terrific job year in and year out getting her girls to play unbelievably hard,” said Colony coach Jeff Bowker. “They played harder than we Photo by Rashah McChesney/Peninsula Clarion did, and as a result, we were Kenai Central High School’s Trevor Shirnberg puts in a layup looking up at them for three quarters.” against Palmer on Friday at Kenai Central High School. C
The Kards shot out of the gate with 16 points in the first quarter, getting buckets to fall from Beck and Alli Steinbeck, while keeping Colony to 10 points. Kenai held a precarious 21-19 lead at halftime. “That was all about Kenai the first three quarters,” Bowker said. Faith Farris led Colony with 17 points overall, and opened the second half with a jumper to tie things up. From there, Farris and company traded buckets with Beck, who drained five shots in the third quarter with well-timed assists from teammates Hannah Drury and Allie Ostrander. Beck continued her scoring charge, but it was only lasted so long. Farris and Ashley Turcotte fought back and gave Colony its first lead of the night with 45 seconds left in the third quarter on a Farris jump shot. Turcotte ended the night with 10 points. After Beck sent in a layup with 4:03 remaining in the fourth quarter to close Kenai’s deficit to 37-34, Teyah Clark See KARDS, page B-4
B-2 Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015
. . . Sohi Continued from page B-1
five minutes left that tied the game up again. Twenty seconds later, Dinkel put the Knights ahead for good with two free throws following a fouled shot. “You coach them to be aggressive and to put them in the right position,” Berg said. “Tonight, everything we got from Bailey was terrific. Harrison was good, Graham was good, and Ethan was good.” Weltzin hit a pair of freebies with 3:31 remaining that closed the deficit to one, but Selmer came up big for a second straight night with a layup with under two minutes left, following it up with a foul shot that put Colony out front 55-51 and really making life difficult for the Stars. Selmer hit several clutch shots in an 11-point game Friday against Kenai. “When we were down by six, I had the three-point play drawn up and we got a good look at it,” Tuter said. “It just didn’t quite go in, but I thought we were gonna get a good chance at it.” Soldotna and Kenai will face off Tuesday night at Soldotna. Colony girls 48, Soldotna 41 The Stars allowed a large lead to slip away in the first half, then battled the Knights in a thrilling second half only to
. . . Prep Continued from page B-1
come up short to their Valley rivals. Haley Miller led Soldotna (4-7 overall) with 17 points, while teammate Lindsey Wong contributed nine points and Kelsey Jackson had eight. “We’re expecting this because we’re learning a new system,” said SoHi coach Kyle McFall. “But our execution, at the end of games when a team tightens up their defense, it gets really lax.” Sarah Bonn, Faith Farris and Ashley Turcotte combined for 40 points for the Knights. Bonn and Turcotte scored 14 apiece and Farris added 12. Colony coach Jeff Bowker did not sugercoat his opinion in saying his squad suffered an off shooting night. But he said there are still two months remaining before he expects his team to turn up the heat. “That’s when we plan on playing our best basketball,” said Colony coach Jeff Bowker. “Do I think we compete? Without question. I would tell you that whether we lost or won.” Early on, the Stars were hitting everything from the outer arc. Daisy Nelson, Wong and Jackson each pumped in points from the 3-point line, which helped to put SoHi ahead by as much as 22-11 midway through the second quarter. However, Colony answered back with force, hitting on a 17-2 run to end the half and put Colony up 28-24 at the half. The biggest culprit came from SoHi turnovers. “We shot horrible all night,” Bowk-
ter. Jaruby Nelson added 12 points for the Mariners. For Seward, Alex Pahno had 20 points, while Michael Marshall followed with 11.
13 and Michael Wolfe chipped in 10. ConocoPhillips/Warrior Nathan Carstens and Cade Rumble Anderson topped Nikiski with The Newhalen girls and Fort 14 points each, and Hunter Yukon boys wrapped up ConoHolloway added 11. coPhillips/Warrior Rumble titles Saturday in Nikolaevsk. Seward girls 40, Homer 36 In Saturday’s early girls The Seahawks pitched a game, Newhalen topped Fort shutout in the final quarter for Yukon 75-35. Rhiannon Nanaa Southcentral Conference vic- look had 29 points for Newhalen, while Jalyn Paine had tory Friday. Homer led 36-29 heading 16, Zoe Anelon had 15 and into the final quarter, but was Shiann Nanalook added 10. For Fort Yukon, which finished third outscored 12-0. Jasmine Perea had 16 points in the tourney, Jenna Vandyke for the Seahawks, while Ayla had 15 and Aquinnah Tremblay had 11. Lipanskas added 10. In Saturday’s early boys For Homer, Madison Akers had 12 points before fouling game, Fort Yukon topped Newhalen 63-39. Jerry Carroll had out. 22 points for Fort Yukon, while Franklin Carroll added 12. For Homer boys 59, Seward 42 Newhalen, which finished third Sheldon Hutt poured in 28 in the tourney, Lucas Zacker points as the visiting Mariners had 16 points and Gregory notched a nonconference vic- Zacker added 15. Saturday, the Nikolaevsk tory against the Seahawks on girls wrapped up second place Friday. Homer led 18-10 after the at the tournament with a 47-29 first quarter, and had a 48-30 victory over Tri-Valley. The Warriors had a 25-10 lead heading into the final quar-
er said. “That never changed. In fact, when I checked the stats, I thought we shot a lot better in the second half, but it was the same. “The difference was we got a few stops.” The Stars held Colony to only four points in the third quarter, and led 3432 going into the fourth. Jackson notched a pair of free throws early in the fourth that put SoHi up 3632, but Ella Smith put up a layup and sunk the ensuing foul shot to close the gap to 36-35 with 5:45 remaining. “That was gigantic for someone who hadn’t even played last night,” Bowker said. “She did a couple things in the fourth quarter that was huge.” After Bonn hit a go-ahead trey to put the Knights up 38-36, Miller answered with driving layups on consecutive possessions to put the Stars back up by two with 3:28 to play. Two jumpers from Smith and Turcotte put Colony back into the lead with 2:10 left, and this time the Knights kept it. The final blow for SoHi came with 47 ticks left on the clock, when senior Hayley Ramsell fouled out. On the ensuing Colony possession, Turcotte was fouled and converted both freethrow attempts to ice the game. “Because we had to sub people in for foul trouble, we weren’t getting the same type of rotations that we usually did,” McFall said. Colony ended the game on a 16-5 run to secure the win.
lead at halftime, with Serafima Kalugin leading the way with 15 points in the game. Zabrina Byfuglien had 17 for the Viking Warriors. Also Saturday, the Nikolaevsk boys wrapped up second place with a 53-32 victory over Tri-Valley. The Warriors led 25-6 after the first quarter. Felemon Molodih led the way with 16 points while Jonah Fefelov had 11. For Tri-Valley, Ryan Terry had 11 points. Friday, the Newhalen girls notched a 55-44 victory over Nikolaevsk. The Warriors led 10-9 after the first quarter, but the Malamutes led 21-16 at half and 3624 after three quarters. Jalyn Paine and Shiann Nanalook had 16 points apiece for Newhalen. For Nikolaevsk, Serafima Kalugin had 13 points, Megan Hickman had 11 and Kilina Klaich had 10 points. In Friday’s early girls game, Fort Yukon defeated Tri-Valley 46-30. Mariah Peter had 18 points for Fort Yukon, while Aquinnah Tremblay had 15. For Tri-Valley, Olivia Juhl had 13 points and Zabrina Byfulgien had 10 points. In a Friday boys game, Nikolaevsk cruised past Newhalen
Wasilla girls 57, Soldotna 39 The visting Warriors forced 34 turnovers in picking up a Northern Lights Conference victory over the Stars. Wasilla, which had 23 turnovers itself, used pesky defense to overcome 34.6 percent shooting from the floor. The Warriors held the Stars to 34.6 percent shooting. Wasilla led 15-8 after one quarter and 28-18 at the half. Catherine Baham had 12 points for Wasilla, while Lindsey Wong had 12 for Soldotna. Wasilla boys 41, Stars 31 The visiting Warriors held the Stars to 12 points in the second half in picking up the Northern Lights Conference win. Soldotna led 19-16 at halftime before going cold in the second half. The Stars were 32.4 percent from the floor in the game and 22.7 percent in the second half. Wasilla shot at a 39.5 percent clip for the game. Isaac Houck and Alex Baham each had 13 for the Warriors, while Dylan Kuntz had nine points for the Stars. Saturday boys Knights 62, Stars 55 Colony Soldotna
16 12
15 14
14 14
17 —62 15 —55
COLONY (62) — Selmer 3 2-4 9, Looney 1 0-0 2, West 5 6-8 21, Chamblee 3 0-0 6, Menard 1 4-4 6, Dinkel 3 7-10 13, Sonnenberg 1 1-2 3, Lincoln 1 0-0 2. Totals 18 20-28 62. SOLDOTNA (55) — Kuntz 1 1-2 3, Weltzin 4 6-8 14,
67-39. The Warriors led 27-18 at half, then turned it on with a 22-9 third quarter. Neil Gordeev had 15 points, while Felemon Molodih and Jonah Fefelov had 12 apiece, and Nikit Fefelov had 10 points. Lucas Zacker had 13 points for Newhalen, while Gregory Zacker had 11 points. In Friday’s early boys game, Fort Yukon notched a 74-30 victory over Tri-Valley. Jerry Carroll had 28 points for Fort Yukon, while Franklin Carroll had 16 points. For Tri-Valley, Logan Juhl had 14 points. Ninilchik girls 49, Homer JV 18
Furlong 3 5-5 13, Phillips 3 2-4 8, Spence 3 4-6 10, Gibbs 0 0-0 0, Fowler 0 1-2 1, Trammell 3 0-0 6. Totals 17 17-27 55. 3-point goals — Colony 6 (West 5, Selmer 1); Soldotna 2 (Furlong 2). Fouled out — Furlong. Saturday girls Knights 48, Stars 41 Colony Soldotna
9 13
19 11
4 10
16 —48 7 —41
COLONY (48) — Carlton 0 0-0 0, Farris 4 4-6 12, Stephens 1 0-0 2, Clark 0 0-0 0, Turcotte 5 4-7 14, Brumbaugh 0 1-2 1, Smith 2 1-1 5, Kauffman 0 0-0 0, Bonn 4 4-5 14. Totals 16 14-21 48. SOLDOTNA (41) — Nelson 1 0-0 3, Shaw 0 0-0 0, Jackson 2 2-2 8, Wong 4 0-1 9, Ramsell 1 0-0 2, Miller 8 1-3 17, Glaves 1 0-0 2. Totals 17 3-6 41. 3-point goals — Colony 2 (Bonn 2); Soldotna 4 (Jackson 2, Wong 1, Nelson 1). Fouled out — Ramsell. Friday girls Warriors 57, Stars 39 Wasilla Soldotna
15 8
13 10
14 13
15 —57 8 —39
WASILLA (57) — Kelly 1 0-0 2, Drorbaugh 1 0-0 2, Heath 1 0-4 3, Baham 3 3-5 12, Lindeman 1 0-0 2, Brandenburg 0 2-4 2, Goecke 0 0-0 0, Toews 1 4-5 6, Anderson 0 0-0 0, Dinkel 0 0-2 0, Edwards 1 3-4 5, DePriest 11 1-2 23. Totals — 20 13-26 57. SOLDOTNA (39) — Nelson 4 0-0 8, Shaw 1 0-0 2, Jackson 1 0-0 3, Wong 5 1-3 12, Ramsell 3 0-2 6, Miller 4 0-0 8, Glaves 0 0-0 0. Totals — 18 1-5 39. 3-point goals — Wasilla 4 (Baham 3, Heath); Soldotna 2 (Jackson, Wong). Team fouls — Wasilla 12, Soldotna 13. Fouled out — none. Friday boys Warriors 41, Stars 31 Wasilla Soldotna
7 10
9 9
13 4
12 —41 8 —31
WASILLA (41) — Burns 1 1-2 3, Milleron 3 1-2 9, Miriglian 1 0-0 3, Baham 4 4-11 13, Garnett 0 0-0 0, Loyer 0 0-0 0, Houck 6 1-3 13, Devine 0 0-0 0, Lee 0 0-0 0. Totals — 15 7-18 41. SOLDOTNA (31) — Kuntz 3 0-0 9, Weltzin 3 0-0 6, Furlong 3 0-0 8, Phillips 2 0-0 4, Spence 1 0-0 2, Gibbs 0 2-2 2, Duke 0 0-0 0, Fowler 0 0-0 0, Trammell 0 0-0 0. Totals — 12 2-2 31. 3-point goals — Wasilla 4 (Milleron 2, Miriglian, Baham); Soldotna 5 (Kuntz 3, Furlong 2). Team fouls — Wasilla 6, Wasilla 15. Fouled out — none.
points for Ninilchik, while JoMadison Orth led a balanced hann Kallelid had 15 points for scoring effort by CIA with 12 the Mariners JV. points, and Kendra Brush addDean Cummings ed nine points. Tournament Ashleigh Hammond and Daniella Hills were later named to the All-Tournament team. CIA boys 58, Delta 55 The Eagles ended their Dean Cummings tournament with a close win over host Delta. Timmy Smithwick led CIA with 25 points, while sibling teammate Riley Smithwick added 13. CIA led 28-27 at halftime, then outscored Delta 18-12 in the third quarter to distance themselves. Timmy Smithwick was later named to the All-Tournament team.
The visiting Wolverines cruised to a nonconference vicCIA girls 32, Delta 17 tory Saturday. The Eagles captured thirdJordan Finney had 18 points for Ninilchik, while Olivia Del- place honors at the Dean Cumgado added 14. Uliana Reutov mings Tournament with a win Saturday over Delta. had six points for Homer. “It wasn’t pretty, but we knew we could have success Ninilchik boys 57, with our pressure defense and Homer JV 46 our offense was working,” said The visiting Wolverines got CIA coach Kenny Leaf. “We 33 points from Austin White in could’ve scored a lot more notching a nonconference vic- points, but we were worktory Saturday. ing with some new defensive Tyler Presley added 14 looks.”
ConocoPhillips/Warrior Rumble
Boys sportsmanship — Tri-Valley. Girls sportsmanship — Tri-Valley. Boys free throw — Nikit Fefelov, Nikolaevsk, 17-20. Girls free throw — Kilina Klaich, Nikolaevsk, 15-20. Boys 3-point — Lukas Zacker, Newhalen, 17. Girls 3-point — Nadejda Gordeev, Nikolaevsk, 10. MVP — Jerry Carroll, Fort Yukon; Rhiannon Nanalook, Newhalen. Boys all-tournament — Franklin Carroll, Fort Yukon; Jonah Fefelov, Nikolaevsk; Lukas Zacker, Newhalen; Douglas Kalmbacher, Newhalen; Aaron Solomon, Fort Yukon; Logan Juhl, Tri-Valley; Neil Gordeev, Nikolaevsk; Jerry Carroll, Fort Yukon; Felemon Molodih, Nikolaevsk; Niki Fefelov, Nikolaevsk; BJ Yanuchi, Tri-Valley. Girls all-tournament — Serafima Kalugin, Nikolaevsk; Rhiannon Nanalook, Newhalen; Kilina Klaich, Nikolaevsk; Zabrina Byfuglien, Tri-Valley; Olivia Juhl, Tri-Valley; Megan Hickman, Nikolaevsk; Shiann Nanalook, Newhalen; Aquinnah Tremblay, Fort Yukon; Mariah Peter, Fort Yukon; Jen- C na Van Dyke, Fort Yukon. Friday girls Malamutes 55, Warriors 44 Newhalen Nikolaevsk
9 10
12 6
15 19 —55 8 20 —44
NEWHALEN (55) — S. Anelon 3 0-0 8, Paine 6 4-5 16, S. Nanalook 7 2-6 16, R. Nanalook 3 0-0 7, Z. Anelon 2 3-6 8, B. Anelon 0 0-0 0. Totals — 21 9-17 55. NIKOLAEVSK (44) — Ki. Klaich 4 1-6 10,
Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015
. . . Hoops Continued from page B-2 Kr. Klaich 1 0-1 2, Fefelov 2 2-3 6, Johnson 0 0-0 0, Mametieff 0 0-0 0, Kalugin 5 3-4 13, N. Gordeev 1 0-0 2, E. Gordeev 0 0-0 0, Hickman 4 2-4 11, Jones 0 0-0 0. Totals — 17 8-18 44. 3-point goals — Newhalen 4 (S. Anelon 2, R. Nanalook, Z. Anelon), Nikolaevsk 2 (Ki. Klaich, Hickman). Team fouls — Newhalen 18, Nikolaevsk 17. Fouled out — Z. Anelon. Seahawks 40, Mariners 36 Homer Seward
14 7
11 11 10 11
0 —36 12 —40
HOMER (36) — Reutov 0 0-0 0, Alexander 1 1-2 3, O’Leary 0 0-0 0, Clark 3 0-0 7, Akers 5 0-0 12, Waclawski 2 0-1 5, Stafford 2 0-0 5, Fairbanks 0 0-0 0, Kann 2 0-0 4. Totals — 15 2-2 36. SEWARD (40) — Doepken 0 0-0 0, Moriarity 1 0-0 2, Anderson 1 0-0 2, Honebein 0 0-0 0, Jackson 1 0-0 2, Lipanskas 5 0-0 10, Perea 7 2-7 16, Clemens 2 4-4 8. Totals — 17 6-15 40. 3-point goals — Homer 5 (Akers 2, Clark, Waclawski, Stafford). Team fouls — Homer 19, Seward 11. Fouled out — Akers. Friday boys Warriors 67, Malamutes 39 Newhalen Nikolaevsk
6 10
12 9 17 22
12 —39 18 —67
NEWHALEN (39) — L. Zacker 5 0-0 13, Kalmbacher 2 3-4 7, Balluta 2 2-2 6, Rickteroff 1 0-0 2, G. Zacker 5 1-2 11. Totals — 15 6-8 39. NIKOLAEVSK (67) — K. Molodih 2 1-2 5, Trail 2 0-0 4, Whaley 0 0-1 0, Yakunin 0 1-2 1, N. Fefelov 4 2-4 10, Gordeev 7 1-1 15, F. Molodih 6 0-3 12, J. Fefelov 6 0-0 12, Kalugin 4 0-0 8. Totals — 31 5-11 67. 3-point goals — Newhalen 3 (L. Zacker 3). Team fouls — Newhalen 13, Nikolaevsk 6. Fouled out — none. Mariners 59, Seahawks 42 Homer Seward
18 10
13 17 11 9
11 —59 12 —42
HOMER (59) — B. Beachy 0 0-0 0, Reutov 3 0-0 6, Schneider 1 2-2 4, Nelson 5 1-2 12, Brown 3 0-0 6, Tedesco 1 0-0 3, Knisely 0 0-2 0, Trowbridge 0 0-0 0, Rainwater 0 0-0 0, Hutt 10 8-9 28. Totals — 23 11-15 59. SEWARD (42) — Berry 1 0-0 2, Marshall 4 3-4 11, Pahno 6 4-7 20, Zweifel 0 0-0 0, Brewi 0 0-0 0, Wolfe 1 0-0 2, Sieverts 2 0-1 5, DeBoard 1 0-0 2, Jackson 0 0-0 0. Totals — 15 8-11 42. 3-point goals — Homer 2 (Nelson, Tedesco); Seward 4 (Pahno 3, Sieverts). Team fouls — Homer 14, Seward 15. Fouled out — none. Saturday girls Warriors 47, Viking Warriors 29 Tri-Valley Nikolaevsk
6 10
4 7 15 12
12 —29 10 —47
M TRI-VALLEY (29) — M. Brekke 1 0-2 2,
Owen 0 0-0 0, Byfuglien 8 1-9 17, Hancock
0 0-0 0, Terry 0 0-0 0, Juhl 3 2-4 8, S. Brekke 1 0-0 2. Totals — 13 3-14 29. NIKOLAEVSK (47) — Ki. Klaich 0 5-10 5, Kr. Klaich 0 0-0 0, Fefelov 3 0-0 6, Johnson 0 0-0 0, Sellers 0 0-0 0, Mametieff 0 6-7 6, Kalugin 7 1-2 15, N. Gordeev 2 0-2 4, E. Gordeev 0 0-0 0, Dorvall 0 0-0 0, Hickman 4 0-0 8, Jones 1 1-2 3. Totals — 17 13-23 47. 3-point goals — none. Team fouls — TriValley 15, Nikolaevsk 15. Fouled out — none. Wolverines 49, Mariners JV 18 Ninilchik Homer JV
12 2
19 12 6 4
6 —49 6 —18
NINILCHIK (49) — Delgado 7 0-1 14, Appelhanz 2 0-0 4, Cooper 1 0-0 2, Sinclair 0 0-0 0, Goins 1 0-0 2, Finney 9 0-0 18, Me. Clark 1 1-2 3, Mi. Clark 2 2-2 6. Totals — 23 3-5 49. 3-point goals — none. Team fouls — Ninilchik 13, Homer JV 11. Fouled out — none.
Scoreboard Basketball NBA Standings
Bulldogs 50, Seahawks 38 4 17
8 8
9 9
17 —38 16 —50
SEWARD (38) — Moriarity 0 0-0 0, Anderson 2 2-2 6, Honebein 0 0-0 0, Jackson 2 0-0 4, Lapanskas 2 0-0 4, Perea 5 2-7 12, Clemens 2 7-10 12. Totals — 13 11-19 38. NIKISKI (50) — Parrish 0 3-4 3, Riddall 0 6-6 6, Pitt 1 0-4 2, Litke 3 2-2 10, Kornstad 0 0-0 0, Thompson 6 10-11 26, Litzen 1 1-2 3. Totals — 11 22-29 50. 3-point goals — Seward 1 (Clemens); Nikiski 6 (Thompson 4, Litke 2). Team fouls — Seahawks 23, Bulldogs 13. Fouled out — Moriarity. Saturday boys Warriors 53, Viking Warriors 32 Tri-Valley Nikolaevsk
6 25
6 12 13 4
8 —32 11 —53
TRI-VALLEY (32) — Lundgren 3 0-2 6, Brown 2 0-0 4, Kessler 0 0-0 0, Killiam 1 0-0 2, Terry 5 0-0 11, Yanuchi 1 0-0 2, Juhl 3 1-2 7. Totals — 14 1-4 32. NIKOLAEVSK (53) — K. Molodih 2 0-2 4, Trail 2 0-0 4, Whaley 0 0-2 0, Yakunin 2 0-0 4, N. Fefelov 2 1-2 5, Gordeev 2 0-0 4, F. Molodih 7 2-4 16, J. Fefelov 5 1-2 11, Kalugin 2 1-2 5. Totals — 24 5-14 53. 3-point goals — Tri-Valley 1 (Terry). Team fouls — Tri-Valley 10, Nikolaevsk 4. Fouled out — none. Wolverines 57, Mariners JV 46 Ninilchik Homer
15 11
21 10 6 19
11 —57 10 —46
NINILCHIK (57) — Koch 0 0-0 0, Appelhanz 0 0-0 0, Presley 6 0-0 14, Mireles 4 2-2 10, Bartolowits 0 0-0 0, Pasqua 0 0-0 0, White 10 12-16 33. Totals — 20 14-18 57. HOMER JV (46) — Ellison 2 0-0 4, Luctn 3 0-0 6, Felde 0 0-0 0, Sumpton 1 0-0 2, J. Beachy 1 0-0 3, Etzwiler 3 2-2 8, Rohr 1 4-4 6, Carroll 1 0-2 2, Kallelid 7 1-4 15. Totals — 19 7-12 46. 3-point goals — Ninilchik 3 (Presley 2, White); Homer (Beachy 1). Team fouls — Ninilchik 14, Homer 15. Fouled out — Presley, Luctn.
Boston at Golden State, 4 p.m. Washington at Denver, 4 p.m. Houston at L.A. Lakers, 5:30 p.m. All Times AST
EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division W L Toronto 28 15 Brooklyn 18 26 Boston 15 26 Philadelphia 8 36 New York 8 37 Southeast Division Atlanta 36 8 Washington 29 15 Miami 19 24 Charlotte 19 26 Orlando 15 31 Central Division Chicago 29 16 Cleveland 24 20 Milwaukee 22 21 Detroit 17 27 Indiana 15 30
Pct GB .651 — .409 10½ .366 12 .182 20½ .178 21 .818 — .659 7 .442 16½ .422 17½ .326 22 .644 — .545 4½ .512 6 .386 11½ .333 14
Southwest Division Memphis 31 12 Houston 30 14 Dallas 30 14 San Antonio 28 17 New Orleans 22 21 Northwest Division Portland 32 13 Oklahoma City 22 21 Denver 18 25 Utah 16 28 Minnesota 7 35 Pacific Division Golden State 35 6 L.A. Clippers 29 14 Phoenix 26 19 Sacramento 16 27 L.A. Lakers 12 32
.721 .682 .682 .622 .512
— 1½ 1½ 4 9
.711 — .512 9 .419 13 .364 15½ .167 23½ .854 — .674 7 .578 11 .372 20 .273 24½
Friday’s Games Toronto 91, Philadelphia 86 Atlanta 103, Oklahoma City 93 Miami 89, Indiana 87 Cleveland 129, Charlotte 90 New York 113, Orlando 106 Chicago 102, Dallas 98 New Orleans 92, Minnesota 84 San Antonio 99, L.A. Lakers 85 Houston 113, Phoenix 111 Boston 100, Denver 99 Golden State 126, Sacramento 101 Saturday’s Games Charlotte 76, New York 71 Milwaukee 101, Detroit 86 Memphis 101, Philadelphia 83 Utah 108, Brooklyn 73 Portland 103, Washington 96 Sunday’s Games Miami at Chicago, 9 a.m. Oklahoma City at Cleveland, 11:30 a.m. L.A. Clippers at Phoenix, 2 p.m. Dallas at New Orleans, 2 p.m. Minnesota at Atlanta, 2 p.m. Indiana at Orlando, 2 p.m. Milwaukee at San Antonio, 3 p.m. Detroit at Toronto, 3 p.m.
Men’s Scores EAST Bucknell 92, Boston U. 77 CCSU 53, Wagner 50 Colgate 59, Loyola (Md.) 58 Cornell 57, Columbia 47 Dartmouth 70, Harvard 61 Drexel 53, Coll. of Charleston 51 George Washington 74, Duquesne 59 Holy Cross 76, Navy 65 James Madison 69, Hofstra 63 LIU Brooklyn 80, Fairleigh Dickinson 76 Lehigh 75, Lafayette 71 Miami 66, Syracuse 62 Mount St. Mary’s 52, St. Francis (Pa.) 40 Penn 56, Saint Joseph’s 52 Penn St. 79, Rutgers 51 Rider 59, Canisius 46 Robert Morris 67, St. Francis (NY) 65 Sacred Heart 83, Bryant 66 West Virginia 86, TCU 85, OT Yale 69, Brown 65 SOUTH Alabama 57, Auburn 55 Alabama St. 84, Alcorn St. 60 Arkansas St. 64, Troy 55 Charleston Southern 93, GardnerWebb 80 Chattanooga 81, UNC Greensboro 72 Clemson 59, Wake Forest 57 Coastal Carolina 63, Presbyterian 52 Davidson 80, George Mason 73, OT Delaware St. 67, NC A&T 52 Elon 94, Delaware 82 Florida Gulf Coast 54, Kennesaw St. 48 Furman 82, Allen 46 Georgia 72, Mississippi St. 66 Georgia Southern 57, LouisianaMonroe 53 Georgia St. 75, Louisiana-Lafayette 64 High Point 72, UNC Asheville 51 Howard 59, Florida A&M 50 Jackson St. 74, Grambling St. 63 Kentucky 58, South Carolina 43 LSU 79, Vanderbilt 75, OT Marshall 78, UTEP 71 Md.-Eastern Shore 74, BethuneCookman 70 Memphis 57, Tulane 55 Middle Tennessee 72, Charlotte 69 Mississippi 72, Florida 71 Morehead St. 66, Jacksonville St. 63 N. Kentucky 81, Jacksonville 59 NC Central 79, Coppin St. 77 Norfolk St. 76, SC State 63 North Carolina 78, Florida St. 74 North Florida 75, Lipscomb 66
Northwestern St. 93, McNeese St. 67 Prairie View 72, MVSU 65 Radford 84, Liberty 76 SC-Upstate 91, Stetson 67 Samford 78, W. Carolina 72 Savannah St. 68, Hampton 66 Southern U. 65, Alabama A&M 58 Tennessee Tech 83, E. Kentucky 81, OT Texas A&M 67, Tennessee 61 Texas A&M-CC 71, New Orleans 67, OT Tulsa 66, East Carolina 64 UAB 81, Old Dominion 68 UNC Wilmington 69, Towson 65 UT-Martin 70, SE Missouri 53 VMI 85, The Citadel 75 W. Kentucky 83, UTSA 74 William & Mary 78, Northeastern 62 Winthrop 71, Campbell 63 Wofford 72, ETSU 64 MIDWEST Akron 71, W. Michigan 69 Arkansas 61, Missouri 60 Austin Peay 56, E. Illinois 52 Bradley 61, Missouri St. 59 CS Bakersfield 57, Chicago St. 41 Cent. Michigan 65, E. Michigan 51 Dayton 63, Richmond 60 Evansville 75, S. Illinois 66 Georgetown 95, Marquette 85, OT IPFW 77, N. Dakota St. 71 IUPUI 65, South Dakota 50 Indiana St. 72, Loyola of Chicago 61 Kansas St. 63, Oklahoma St. 53 Kent St. 63, Ball St. 52 Miami (Ohio) 60, N. Illinois 55 Minnesota 79, Illinois 71 Murray St. 60, SIU-Edwardsville 54 Nebraska 79, Michigan St. 77 Nebraska-Omaha 80, Denver 69 Ohio 63, Buffalo 61 Purdue 67, Iowa 63 Toledo 71, Bowling Green 67 UMKC 75, Seattle 55 Wisconsin 69, Michigan 64, OT Xavier 89, DePaul 76 Youngstown St. 77, Ill.-Chicago 64 SOUTHWEST Appalachian St. 64, Texas St. 58 Ark.-Pine Bluff 66, Texas Southern 62 Baylor 69, Oklahoma 58 Houston Baptist 79, Lamar 77 Incarnate Word 77, Abilene Christian 61 Kansas 75, Texas 62 Louisiana Tech 58, Rice 45 Nicholls St. 71, Cent. Arkansas 61 S. Dakota St. 76, Oral Roberts 72 SMU 80, Houston 59 Southern Miss. 75, North Texas 71, OT Stephen F. Austin 79, Sam Hous-
ton St. 68 Texas Tech 78, Iowa St. 73 Texas-Arlington 75, UALR 68 Texas-Pan American 73, Grand Canyon 72 FAR WEST Arizona 73, California 50 Boise St. 77, Air Force 68 Cal Poly 68, UC Riverside 49 Colorado 90, Washington St. 58 Colorado St. 79, San Diego St. 73 E. Washington 102, North Dakota 80 Fresno St. 66, Nevada 62 Gonzaga 91, Pacific 60 Idaho 83, N. Colorado 79 Idaho St. 80, Portland St. 76 Long Beach St. 64, CS Northridge 58 Loyola Marymount 70, San Francisco 69 Montana 58, S. Utah 56 N. Arizona 71, Montana St. 64 New Mexico St. 69, Utah Valley 44 Oregon 82, UCLA 64 Oregon St. 59, Southern Cal 55 Sacramento St. 78, Weber St. 71 Saint Mary’s (Cal) 74, Portland 64 San Diego 77, BYU 74 Santa Clara 60, Pepperdine 57 UC Santa Barbara 68, Cal St.Fullerton 49 UNLV 79, Utah St. 77, OT Wyoming 63, New Mexico 62, OT
Hockey NHL Standings EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Tampa Bay 48 30 14 4 64 156 127 Detroit 47 27 11 9 63 139 119 Montreal 45 29 13 3 61 123 106 Boston 48 25 16 7 57 126 121 Florida 44 20 14 10 50 107 122 Ottawa 46 19 18 9 47 126 128 Toronto 48 22 23 3 47 142 150 Buffalo 47 14 30 3 31 89 167 Metropolitan Division N.Y. Islanders 46 31 14 1 63 151 129 Pittsburgh 46 26 12 8 60 138 117 N.Y. Rangers 44 27 13 4 58 134 106 Washington 46 24 13 9 57 137 120 Philadelphia 48 19 22 7 45 130 146 Columbus 45 20 22 3 43 113 142 New Jersey 47 17 22 8 42 107 134 Carolina 46 16 25 5 37 98 120
WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division Nashville 45 St. Louis 46 Chicago 47 Winnipeg 48 Colorado 48 Dallas 46 Minnesota 46 Pacific Division Anaheim 47
30 10 5 65 137 104 29 13 4 62 148 111 30 15 2 62 148 108 26 14 8 60 135 117 20 18 10 50 125 137 21 18 7 49 144 151 20 20 6 46 128 137 31 10
6 68 139 124
San Jose 48 25 17 6 56 131 132 Vancouver 45 26 16 3 55 124 114 Calgary 47 25 19 3 53 136 125 Los Angeles 47 20 15 12 52 129 126 Arizona 46 16 25 5 37 105 156 Edmonton 47 12 26 9 33 109 158 NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for overtime loss. Friday’s Games No games scheduled Saturday’s Games No games scheduled Sunday’s Game All-Star Game at Columbus, Ohio, 1 p.m. ADT
Tennis Australian Open
Sunday At Melbourne Park Melbourne, Australia Purse: $32.9 million (Grand Slam) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Men Fourth Round Rafael Nadal (3), Spain, def. Kevin Anderson (14), South Africa, 7-5, 6-1, 6-4. Tomas Berdych (7), Czech Republic, def. Bernard Tomic, Australia, 6-2, 7-6 (3), 6-2. Women Fourth Round Eugenie Bouchard (7), Canada, def. Irina-Camelia Begu, Romania, 6-1, 5-7, 6-2. Ekaterina Makarova (10), Russia, def. Julia Goerges, Germany, 6-3, 6-2. Maria Sharapova (2), Russia, def. Peng Shuai (21), China, 6-3, 6-0.
Transactions BASEBALL American League CHICAGO WHITE SOX — Named Vince Coleman baserunning instructor. MINNESOTA TWINS — Agreed to terms with LHP Brian Duensing on a one-year contract. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association LOS ANGELES CLIPPERS — Signed G Dahntay Jones to a second 10-day contract. NEW ORLEANS PELICANS — Signed G Nate Wolters to a second 10-day contract. FOOTBALL National Football League CHICAGO BEARS — Named Bo Hardegree offensive assistant coach.
North topples South in Senior Bowl MOBILE, Ala. (AP) — Nebraska’s Ameer Abdullah wanted to leave an impression on more than just the NFL watchers at the Senior Bowl. Abdullah rushed for 73 yards and added 40 receiving
while leading the North to a 34-13 victory over the South on Saturday in the Senior Bowl, punctuating his college career in his home state. The Cornhuskers’ No. 2 career rusher won MVP honors in
a game that showcases senior NFL prospects. Abdullah made the most of his 11 touches, including four catches. He said being ready for quarterbacks to check down to the backs was emphasized.
Minnesota running back David Cobb gained 69 yards on 11 carries. The top passers were Baylor’s Bryce Petty of the North and Colorado State’s Garrett Grayson on the South.
B-4 Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015
. . . Bears Continued from page B-1
The lone goal of the game came early in the second period, when Blake Kelley caught the puck on a scramble in front of the net, spun around and shoveled it past Hauser to give the Chill a 1-0 lead. “It was nothing you’d write home about,” Beauparlant said. “We just lost coverage on him.” The Brown Bears pulled Hauser from the goal with about 1:20 left in the game, giving the Bears the extra attacker, but time ultimately ran out. Friday presented a perfect way to begin the weekend. Nickels snuck in from the blue line and cracked a behind-the-net pass from Bouvet past Chill goalie Adam Carlson with 9.9 seconds remaining to give the Brown Bears a 3-2 victory. “I just tried to put it on net,” Nickels said after getting his first goal in his 30th NAHL game. “I had no idea where it was going. I was just hoping it would go in.” Go in it did — into the lower left portion of the net. And at that, Brown Bears captain Tyler Andrews could only smile. Last season, Andrews got the first goal of his NAHL career against Coulee Region, this time with two seconds left in a 3-2 win at the sports
. . . Kards Continued from page B-1
answered 20 seconds later with a layup of her own to stretch the lead once again. From there, Colony converted three of its next six free throws to ice the game. “We were able to execute and make a few shots and get a little distance, and then hold on to it at the end,” Bowker said. “I don’t know what (Kenai’s) shooting percentage was in the first half, but it was pretty good. Then they started missing.” Colony boys 57, Kenai 45 Bumps, bruises and blood could not keep the Kenai boys from trying to upset the Knights on Friday night, but in the end, Colony still took the win. Eight different players starred in the scoring column for Colony (2-0 NLC, 8-5 overall), led by Tucker Looney and Ethan Selmer with 11 points each. Bailey West and Robert Sonnenberg added 10 points apiece as well. Josh Jackman led the Kardinals with 12 points, while Austin Brazell scored eight of his 10 points in the second half. The Knights started fast, streaking out to a 15-6 lead in the first 5:32 of the game, and held a 20-10 lead after one quarter. “Our message tonight was to come out and compete,” said Kenai coach Ken Felchle. “The first quarter, we gave them 20 points, and it just wasn’t enough.” Colony coach Tom Berg said the focus of his squad was simply pointed to their offensive production, rather than depending on trying to slow the Kenai offense. “It was more about us, and whether or not our guys could do their job,” Berg said. Not only did Colony keep Kenai guessing on who was going to score, but they pounded the glass as well, racking up offensive rebounds to chip in second-chance opportunities
complex. “Nothing beats scoring your first goal with less than 10 seconds left to beat the other team,” Andrews said. The biggest difference between the goals was Andrews’ strike gave the Bears a seventh-straight win last season. Nickels’ tally saved a team on a long losing streak from heading to overtime after giving up a 2-0 lead in the third period. “We knew that if we were going to win, we were going to have to start figuring out how to play all 60 minutes, and that’s exactly what we did tonight,” Brown Bears head coach Geoff Beauparlant said. The Chill have now lost six straight, and head coach AJ Degenhardt said that losing streak is due to not playing hard for 60 minutes. Coulee Region had a ninegame winning streak that was snapped on Jan. 2, and Degenhardt said the team has forgotten what made it successful. “It’s been six games in a row now, and our compete level is not where it needs to be,” he said. Degenhardt was not pleased with the second period, in which the Bears took a 2-0 lead. The first goal came when Andrews knifed to the net and Bouvet found him with a perfect pass with 18:18 on the clock. Then with 14:12 left in the period, Andrews slid a
pass across the ice to Austin Chavez, who roofed one on Carlson’s glove side. The Bears won the shot count 16-7 in the second, but Coulee came storming back in the third to outshoot the Bears 17-9 and 37-34 for the game. With 13:08 to play, Bears defenseman Ben Campbell tried to clear the puck up the side, but it took a bizarre bounce to Dominik Florian in the middle of the ice for a goal. Although the bounce was strange, the goal was no accident because, unofficially, the Chill were outshooting the Bears 8-0 in the period at that point. “They came out really hard,” Andrews said. “We fell back and were trying to play D, but there was still 20 minutes to go. “That’s too much time to stop playing offense.” Then with 2:05 to play, Richard Zehnal finished off an intense rush for a tie game. “We did see some good signs in the third period, but this league is too good to take a period off,” Degenhardt said. The coach also said he thought his team let up a bit after tallying the equalizer. Beauparlant said his squad kept up intensity and execution no matter the situation or score. The coach said goalie Evan Hauser played a big role in making the third goal of the night by a Bears’ defenseman
that resulted in a 37-22 halftime lead. Kenai came up with a few stretches of spectacular oncourt play, like when Brazell and Marshall Vest hit consecutive 3s late in the third quarter that left Kenai trailing 41-28, within striking distance. But Felchle didn’t mince words when asked about the individual matchups, saying that his squad is giving up “15 to 20 pounds and a few inches at every position.” “That’s hard to deal with,” he said. “In the second half, we dealt with that a lot better. But they’re a very well-coached team with a lot of size. A combination of those things give us a lot of trouble.” It seemed like a battle at times. In the second half, Brazell took a hit while scrambling on the floor for a loose ball and took a few extra moments to gather himself before walking gingerly off the floor. Late in the fourth quarter, Kenai senior Jonah Theisen suffered a mouth full of blood after a scramble under the net resulted in an elbow to the jaw. For Felchle, a former member of the United States Army, it was part of the fight for the win. “For us to be able to compete against a team of that caliber, we have to play as hard as we did in the second half, the entire game,” Felchle said. “It’s got to be 32 minutes.” Ultimately, the Knights iced the game with a few late shots. Looney sank a trey with 2:50 remaining in the game that left Colony with a commanding 17-point lead and ended all hope of a Kenai comeback.
Leya DePriest had 14 points for the Warriors before fouling out, while Cassidy Edwards pitched in 10. For Kenai, Abby Beck led the way with nine points.
Wasilla girls 46, Kenai 32 The visiting Warriors pulled away from the Kardinals in the fourth quarter for the victory. Wasilla led the tight, defensive affair 12-6 after one quarter and 24-16 at the half. But by the end of the third quarter, Kenai had chopped the lead to 30-27. However, the Warriors controlled the final eight minutes.
the deciding tally. In the first period, Hauser stopped a penalty shot by Garrett Riebling. In the second period, only a minute after the Bears went up 1-0, Hauser stoned a wideopen chance in front of the net. With 5:52 left in the second, he want post to post to deny a bid by Jack Sorensen. “We need a goaltender to make those saves and those are the saves we haven’t been getting lately,” Beauparlant said. “We need the big save when we’ve just gone up 1-0, or even to keep the game 0-0.” The Bears face the Chill on Sunday at 3 p.m. Sunday’s game is half price, at $7 for adults and $5 for kids. Friday Brown Bears 3, Chill 2 Coulee Region Kenai River
0 0
0 2
2 —2 1 —3
First period — none. Penalties — Coulee Region 1 for 2:00. Second period — 1. Kenai River, Andrews (Bouvet, Berglund), 1:42; 2. Kenai River, Chavez (Andrews, Klishko), 5:48. Penalties — Coulee Region 1 for 2:00. Third period — 3. Coulee Region, Florian (DiPietro, Lovick), 6:52; 4.Coulee Region, Matsushima (Zehnal, Lovick), 17:55; 5. Kenai River, Nickels (Bouvet, Gessert), 19:50. Penalties — Kenai River 1 for 2:00. Shots on goal — Coulee Region 13-7-17— 37; Kenai River 9-16-9—34. Goalies — Coulee Region, Carlson (34 shots, 31 saves); Kenai River, Hauser (37 shots, 35 saves). Power plays — Coulee Region 0 for 1; Kenai River 0 for 2. Saturday Chill 1, Brown Bears 0 Coulee Region 0 1 0 —1 Kenai River 0 0 0 —0
Photo by Rashah McChesney/Peninsula Clarion
Browns Bears’ Austin Chavez takes a breath during a game against the Coulee Region Chill on Friday at the Soldotna Regional Sports Complex in Soldotna. First period — none. Penalties — 3 for 6:00; Coulee Region 1 for 2:00. Second period — 1. Coulee Region, Kelley (Florian, Riebling), 2:43. Penalties — Kenai River 1 for 2:00. Third period — none. Penalties — Kenai River 1 for 2:00.
Shots — Kenai River 11-11-17—39; Coulee Region 8-14-11—33. Goalies — Kenai River, Hauser (33 shots, 32 saves); Coulee Region, Carlson (39 shots, 39 saves). Power plays — Kenai River 0 for 1; Coulee Region 0 for 5.
Wasilla boys 52, Kenai 50 The visiting Warriors held off the Kardinals for a Northern Lights Conference victory Saturday. Wasilla led 26-16 at the half, but Kenai burst into a 40-39 lead after three quarters. Josh Jackman had a big night for the Kardinals, scoring 18 points. Keith Ivy added 13. For Wasilla, Isaac Houck had 18 points and Alex Baham added 13. Friday girls Knights 42, Kardinals 35 Colony Kenai
10 9 16 5
14 11
9 —42 3 —35
COLONY (42) — Carlton 0 0-0 0, Smith 0 0-0 0, Farris 6 4-6 17, Stephens 0 4-6 4, Clark 1 2-3 4, Turcotte 4 2-6 10, Brumbaugh 1 4-6 6, Kauffman 0 0-2 0, Bonn 0 1-2 1. Totals 12 17-29 42. KENAI (35) — Ostrander 2 0-0 4, Holmes 0 0-0 0, Drury 0 0-2 0, Steinbeck 2 2-4 6, Baker 0 0-0 0, Beck 9 4-5 22, Every 1 1-2 3. Totals 14 7-13 35. 3-point goals — Colony 1 (Farris). Fouled out — Stephens, Steinbeck. Friday boys Knights 57, Kardinals 45 Colony Kenai
20 17 10 12
7 9
13 —57 14 —45
COLONY (57) — Looney 5 0-1 11, West 5 0-1 10, Chamblee 1 0-0 3, Martin 0 0-0 0, Menard 0 5-6 5, Martin 0 0-2 0, Dinkel 1 1-2 3, Sonnenberg 1 8-8 10, Lincoln 2 0-0 4, Sessom 0 0-0 0, Selmer 4 1-2 11. Totals 19 15-22 57. KENAI (45) — Theisen 1 0-0 2, Ivy 0 1-2 1, McKee 1 4-4 7, Brazell 4 0-0 10, Jackman 4 2-2 12, Vest 1 0-2 3, Foree 2 2-2 6, Wortham 1 2-2 4. Totals 14 11-14 45. 3-point goals — Colony 4 (Selmer 2, Looney 1, Chamblee 1); Kenai 6 (Brazell 2, Jackman 2, McKee 1, Vest 1). Fouled out — none. Saturday girls Warriors 46, Kardinals 32 Wasilla Kenai
12 12 6 10
6 11
16 —46 5 —32
WASILLA (46) — Kelly 1 1-2 4, Drorbaugh 0 0-0 0, Heath 0 0-0 0, Baham 1 0-0 2, Lindeman 0 0-0 0, Brandenburg 2 0-0 4, Goecke 0 0-0 0, Toews 1 6-8 8, Anderson 0 0-0 0, Dinkel 2 0-0 4, Edwards 3 4-6 10, DePriest 5 4-5 14. Totals — 15 15-21 46. KENAI (32) — Ostrander 2 0-2 4, Holmes 1 0-0 2, Drury 1 2-5 4, Steinbeck 2 1-4 5, Baker 0 1-2 1, Booth 0 0-0 0, Beck 3 3-4 9, Every 3 0-0 7. Totals — 12 7-17 32. 3-point goals — Wasilla 1 (Kelly); Kenai 1 (Every). Team fouls — Wasilla 16, Kenai 18. Fouled out — DePriest. Saturday boys Warriors 52, Kardinals 50
Photo by Rashah McChesney/Peninsula Clarion
Kenai’s Keith Ivy looks for an opening to pass during their game against Colony on Friday at Kenai Central in Kenai. Wasilla Kenai
12 14 8 8
13 24
13 —52 10 —50
WASILLA (52) — Burns 2 0-0 4, Milleron 1 2-2 4, Trotta-Mirigliano 1 2-2 4, Baham 5 2-3 13, Garnett 4 1-2 9, Houck 7 4-5 18,
. . . Ski Continued from page B-1
total of 33:55, while Travis Cooper led the Kards to the team title by finishing second at 34:29. Also in the top 10 for the Kards were Karl Danielson in fourth at 36:01 and Jordan Theisen in sixth at 36:34. John-Mark Pothast led the way for Soldotna by taking third in 35:15, while Levi Michael was seventh in 36:44. Colony Invitational
Photo by Caitlin Skvorc/Mat-Su Valley Frontierman
Soldotna’s Sadie Fox cruises to victory Saturday in the girls 5K freestyle Saturday at the Colony Invitational at Government Peak. C
Friday-Saturday, Government Peak Girls combined team results: 1. Kenai 2:15:47; 2. Soldotna 2:21:15; 3. Colony 2:21:16; 4. Palmer 2:23:01; 5. Homer 2:27:36; 6. Grace 2:52:01.
Lee 0 0-0 0. Totals — 20 11-14 52. KENAI CENTRAL (50) — Theisen 0 0-0 0, Ivy 5 1-2 13, McKee 1 1-2 3, Brazell 2 0-0 4, Jackman 8 0-0 18, Vest 2 0-0 6, Foree 1 2-2 4, Dye 0 0-0 0, Wortham 1 0-0 2. Totals
Boys combined team results: 1. Kenai 2:24:45; 2. Grace 2:27:33; 3. Soldotna 2:28:47; 4. Colony 2:33:37; 5. Palmer 2:40:46. Girls individual combined results: 1. S. Fox, Sol 30:47.06; 2. A. Gibson, Ken 32:00; 3. H. Pothast, Sol 32:50; 4. R. Berrigan, Pal 33:44; 5. J. Block, Col 33:55; 6. A. Bergholtz, Ken 34:01; 7. R. Woodings, Pal 34.15; 8. L. Olsen, Col 34:27; 9. A. Daigle, Hom 35:26; 10. C. Geraghty, Col 35:29; 11. R. Norris, Val 35:59; 12. M. Salzetti, Ken 36:16; 13. S. Wolf, Hom 36:23; 14. A. Taylor, Pal 36:52; 15. K. Cooper, Ken 36:55; 16. S. Allen, Val 37:29; 17. K. Nyquist, Ken 37:33; 18. M. Alexson, Hom 37:40; 19. L. Tsao-Wu 37:58; 20. R. Ellert, Hom 38:03; 21. E. Bingham, Pal 38:07; 22. J. Kopsack, Col 38:29; 23. A. Kopsack, Col 38:33; 24. K. Athuer, Sol 38:38; 25. S. Feige, Pal 39:05; 26. J. Bethel, Col 39:27; 27. R. Youngblood, Pal 38:48; 28. L. Floyd, Ken 40:39; 29. M. Chythlook, Sol 41:00;
— 20 4-6 50. 3-point goals — Wasilla 1 (Baham); Kenai 6 (Ivy 2, Jackman 2, Vest 2). Team fouls — Wasilla 11, Kenai 17. Fouled out — none.
30. S. Link, Sol 44:01; 31. K. Keeney, Val 46:04; 32. N. Moore, Gra 46:33; 33. A. Jarvis, Gra 46:42; 34. M. Vantrease, Hom 48:18; 35. V. Demarzo, Gra 48:39. Boys individual combined results: 1. T. Fritzel, Gra 33:35; 2. T. Cooper, Ken 34:29; 3. J.Pothast, Sol 35:15; 4. K. Danielson, Ken 36:01; 5. J. Cosegrove, Gra 36:27; 6. J. Theisen, Ken 36:34; 7. L. Michael, Sol 36:44; 8. C. Hand, Pal 37:12; 9. D. Peterson-Thompson, Col 37:14; 10. J. Alverts, Pal 37:25; 11. J. Butler, Ken 37:37; 12. G. Birch, Col 37:58; 13. K. Vinson, Sol 38:21; 14. T. Best, Sol 38:24; 15. T. Mumford, Gra 38:11; 16. T. Farring, Col 38:55; 17. W. Brown, Gra 38:56; 18. L. Seims, Was 39:18; 19. J. Davis, Hom 40:17; 20. A. Downing, Sol 41:12; 21. B. Mordue-Swalling, Pal 41:31; 22. L. Floyd, Ken 41;49; 23. S. Stasak, Sol 42:14; 24. E. Ickes, Was 42:18; 25. T. Sheldon, Gra 42:51; 26. G. Birch, Col 43:04; 27. T. Scholz, Hom 43:31; 28. C. Kincaid, Sol 43:37; 29. H. Parks, Hom 43:53; 30. E. Isaacson, Gra 44:43; 31. P. Michael, Ken 45:32; 32. S. Riopelle, Pal 46:10; 33. S. Haney, Pal 46:22; 34. E. Kempf, Ken 48:40;
Community Y
Sunday, January 25, 2015
is what it is
Will M orrow
Puppy love “W
hy did you get a puppy?” That seems to be the question that immediately follows “awww, cute” when people learn that we have a new member of our household. The answer, apparently, is that we must have subconsciously decided that our lives just weren’t hectic enough with kids’ activities, parents’ activities, family activities, jobs, the two dogs we already have, and all the other things that seem to fill up our calendar from Sunday through Saturday, and we just needed one more thing to keep us busy. Actually, we’ve been talking about getting a puppy for a while. Our other two dogs — 1 and 1/2 dogs, really, because we don’t count the pug as a full dog — are getting older, and we felt like it was time to inject a little youthful vigor back into the mix. We planned to get a puppy sometime this spring. We thought the timing would be great because my wife, a teacher, and two kids would be out of school for the summer and could do all the puppy training. Of course, any time my wife and I plan to do something at some future date, we always seem to decide that, as long as we’ve got it planned, why not do it right away? So, when she called from the grocery store parking lot a couple of weeks ago to let me know that a lady was giving away Lab puppies, my response was that as long as we were going to do it anyway, why not now? And now Lucy is a part of the family. I’ll be honest, the first couple of days, I was questioning that logic. It’s been 10 years since we had a puppy in the house, and 12 since we had an infant, and I’ve apparently forgotten a lot of things since then. For example, the time from when a puppy goes down for her nap to when she wakes up and needs to go out is exactly 30 seconds less than the time you need to finish whatever it is you were going to get done — cooking an omelette, taking a shower, getting dressed, watching the end of a TV show or movie. Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve burned my eggs a few times, and I’ve abruptly ended a number of phone calls with, “Gotta go, puppy just woke up” — which, depending on who I’m talking to, isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I’d also forgotten about the joys of running the puppy outside at 2 a.m. I was going to try to cut back on the amount of coffee I’ve been drinking, but I think that’s going to have to wait a couple more months. And sometime in the past few years, I lost that third hand I had when my kids were little. I used to be able to carry an infant and a toddler, a diaper bag, other assorted child gear and a bag of groceries to the car and still have a free hand to unlock the door. But during Lucy’s first trip to the vet’s office, I could barely sign the bill with one hand while holding her under my other arm. Where did that skill go? I think it took us two days to get over that what-have-we-gotten-ourselves-into feeling, because puppies are adorable and, at least for us, it’s impossible to not fall in love with one. She’s got everyone in the family putting down electronic devices to interact with a living creature, which is a good thing. (The alternative is that if you don’t pay attention to her, you’ll need to go find the paper towels and the disinfectant.) Getting away from the office during my lunch break to let the puppy out is probably also a good thing, and while waiting for her to finish her business in the middle of the night, staring at the stars can be inspiring. She’s even got the old dogs bouncing around for some play time. As a side note, pug tails are great puppy toys. When pugs lie down and relax, their tails uncurl, and when a playful puppy pounces, they curl right back up like a party favor. Lots of fun. Anyway, our little ball of fuzz is growing fast. She’s seems like she’s going to be pretty rambunctious, so in our house, she’ll fit right in. But right now I’ve got to cut this column off, because the puppy just woke up, and I’m going to need some paper towels ... Reach Clarion editor Will Morrow at will.morrow@peninsulaclarion. com.
n Also inside Crossword Classifieds Mini Page
C-2 C-3 C-8
News and Notes Daugherty earns honors at Southwestern Oregon Mitchel Daugherty earned a GPA of 4.0 in the Fall 2014 term and has been recognize with the distinction of Academic Excellence at Southwestern Oregon Community College.
Bogard named to Reinhardt University Dean’s List Hillary Bogard of Kenai was named to the Dean’s List for fall semester 2014 at Reinhardt University in Waleska, Georgia. A Reinhardt Dean’s List student must maintain a 3.5 grade-point average based on successful completion of a minimum of 12 semester credits with no grade less than a B.
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Pictured after black belt testing at Peninsula Martial Arts are, from left, Okamoto Sensei of Okamoto’s School of Karate, new black belts Billy Morrow, Taylor Beile, Ryder Giesler, Andrea Beile, Rhys Cannava, Dr. Jerry Hu, Amelia Mueller, Grace Morrow and Tucker Mueller, and Peninsula Martial Arts owner and instructor Mike Hancock.
We are looking for a few good subscribers. Tell us what you think. Let us know how we are doing. Critique us. The Peninsula Clarion is lookBlack belts in karate, black belts in life Beile, Ryder Giesler, Andrea Beile, Rhys Cannava, Dr. ing for subscribers to come in to our Jerry Hu, Amelia Mueller, Grace Morrow and Tucker Trading Bay office, have lunch and Nine students from Peninsula Martial Arts earned Mueller. Students were tested by Okamoto Sensei of meet the new publisher as well as the the rank of black belt after a full day of testing on Jan. Okamoto’s School of Karate in Anchorage on basics, newspaper’s managers and newsroom 17 at the dojo on Kalifornsky Beach Road. Students kata and sparring skills. staff. We’d like your feedback, insight, attaining their black belts were Billy Morrow, Taylor opinions and what you like and dislike about your local newspaper. If you’d like to weigh in, please dates for the meetings. your military person and what are they, fax it send an email to feedback@peninup to? Got a new graduate, dean’s list to 283-3299, drop it off at the Clarion with your name and student? office in Kenai at 150 Trading Bay phone number. You can also call City Share community Do you have a news event, activity Drive (Monday through Friday from 8 Editor Rashah McChesney at (907) information here or fundraiser you need to let the com- a.m. to 5 p.m.) or mail your informa335-1238, to be included on the list. tion to us at P.O. Box 3009, Kenai AK Has a new addition to your fam- munity know about? Send it to us! We will contact you with times and Email your community events to 99611. ily just arrived? Where in the world is
New tools take ache out of snow removal By SARAH WOLFE Associated Press
That familiar refrain of winter is back. Do you hear it? Metal shovels scraping snow-covered driveways and sidewalks. The industrious whir of snow blowers. The grating sound of scrapers chiseling cars out from beneath layers of ice. Snow and ice removal can be back-breaking work. But a host of new tools aims to take the backache out of what can be the bane of many home and car owners’ existence each winter. “We all get caught like this,” says Home Depot spokesman Dan White. “We know it’s coming, but we wait until the last minute to get ready. ... If you’ve already got some of these things installed, they’re going to save you a lot of headaches.”
Snow-melting cables Among the game-changing products in snow removal are cable kits that melt the white stuff off your roof, driveway or sidewalk. EasyHeat Sno Melter cables can be clipped to your roof, or strung through rebar and layered under hard surfaces like cement and asphalt to maintain a constant temperature above freezing. “There’s no need to shovel, snow blow or spread chemicals,” says EasyHeat product manager Romy Sheynis. The roof cables provide an uninterrupted path for melting water to flow down into your gutters. Sidewalk kits cover areas up to 100 square feet with a single cable and must be installed by a professional contractor. A self-contained controller starts heating the surface whenever moisture is present and temperatures are below 38 degrees, according to EasyHeat. Snow mats that melt snow as it falls on your steps and sidewalk are also becoming popular, using similar technology, White says.
High-tech snow blowers Cordless snow blowers are nothing new. But Snow Joe and Ryobi offer blowers that are both cordless and don’t need gas — a more environmentally friendly way to clear your sidewalk or driveway. The snow blowers are powered by a rechargeable lithium battery. After charging for 2½ to 3 hours, they can run up to 40 minutes. “Until now, homeowners faced a lot of intimidation with snow-removal equipment,” says Joseph Cohen, Snow Joe’s CEO. Battery-powered blowers, he says, “operate just as most electronics do today — with a simple charge.” Looking for something more traditional? Milwaukee-based Briggs & Stratton has introduced a serrated auger on its single-stage snow blowers this season. Called the “SnowShredder,” it combines 14 serrated steel teeth with the reinforced rubber paddles typically found in single-stage blowers to give users the power of a two-stage blower and the maneuverability of a smaller machine. The new feature is available on the 922EXD and 1222EE models of Snapper, Simplicity and Briggs & Stratton single-stage snow blowers.
Scrapers Scraping snow and ice from your car is unpleasant enough, but in the dark? It can be hard and even dangerous. Enter the Icy Light, a snow scraper with a water-resistant flashlight in the handle. The brainchild of Washington state inventor Jeff Latham, Icy Light is powered by two AA batteries and comes in several colors. Sharper Image carries a heated scraper that melts away stubborn ice and snow after charging for a couple minutes in your car’s 12-volt outlet. A built-in rubber squeegee wipes away any excess water, leaving you with a clear view. It also contains a light.
AP Photo/HARO, Joel Silverman
This undated photo provided by HARO shows snow melting cables on a roof to clear snow or melt ice.
Looking for something bigger? Snow Joe offers a snow broom with ice scraper that easily pushes heavy, wet snow off your car hood or roof without scraping the paint. The handle extends up to 49 inches. And in something that looks
straight out of the Middle Ages, Bare Ground has an ice- and snow-melting torch that lets you blast away frozen spots with a propane-powered flame. Bonus? According to the listing on Wayfair, it’s also great for weed removal in the summer.
Ad by special-effects master pits cats vs. dogs for a cause By SUE MANNING Associated Press
LOS ANGELES — From braindevouring zombies in “The Walking Dead” to crime-scene bloodshed on “CSI,” special-effects wizard Sam Nicholson has delivered gore galore to television viewers. But he says nothing has personally affected him more than the commercial he made for Super Bowl Sunday. It’s a rare ad urging viewers to spay or neuter their pets and uses elaborate computer-generated images and live-action shots of cats and dogs in pet-sized football helmets and pads facing off in a stadium full of cheering fans, falling confetti and exploding flashbulbs. It won’t air during the New England Patriots-Seattle Sea-
hawks matchup Feb. 1 but on one of the game-day alternatives for animal lovers — the Kitten Bowl. The Hallmark Channel hosts the feline counterpoint to the beloved Puppy Bowl. Both are cute contests over athletic competition, with young pets romping across tiny turf fields, pushing around toy balls and pawing one another rather than scoring touchdowns. In between cuddly cats, the commercial will promote sterilization. It’s not the most crowd-pleasing cause, but animal welfare agencies say it’s an effective way to reduce the number of homeless cats and dogs that are euthanized. “I promised my best people because it was close to my heart,” said Nicholson, owner of Stargate Studios. C
“I believe in the cause.” The ad is the brainchild of Lucy Pet Foundation founder Joey Herrick, whose group aims to start up a fleet of spay-and-neuter vans to travel wherever dog or cat overpopulation is a problem. His foundation launched a social media campaign in the hope scores of people will see the ad, which pans into a stadium where live-action pets in uniforms face off in a mock championship, barking to hike the football, catching it in their mouths and getting cheers from real and computeranimated animal fans. Nicholson fused computer-generated images with live-action video and as many as 80,000 individual photos of dozens of pets brought in by staff members or rescued from
shelters. While the pets in the audience got lessons in quick changes, the dogs and cats on the football teams took fasttracked training on how to be comfortable under the weight of shoulder pads and helmets. Nicholson said he shot all the parts, then pieced them together like a large, layered puzzle. “All the dogs and cats in the stadium are individually photographed elements, dressed in every outfit we could think of,” Nicholson said. “We synchronized them so they looked left to right when the ball was going that way.” To get the dogs to look from one side to another, someone would run behind the camera with a hot dog. For cats, they put kitty food on a stick and ran.
C-2 Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015
Only once in school did I fake the in-crowd attire
ne of my grandsons is enamored with shoes. Well, athletic shoes, anyway. Those fancy ones named after basketball players and costing more than I have ever paid for foot protection. The thing is, his shoes are so beloved and costly that he won’t wear them outdoors and risk getting them dirty. To me, shoes are something you wear to keep your feet intact. To him, they are a treasure to carry in a plastic bag until you can go indoors and lace them on. When he’s outside, if he hasn’t brought along a pair of spares, he will play ball in his socks. Those are not the white athletic socks that I’ve always bought, three or six pairs to a plastic bag. They are long, heavy socks with designs and colors, and they might cost $20 or more (or more, sports fans), just to be worn
ragged from shooting hoops in the cul-de-sac. You might get from my tone that I don’t think much of keeping up with the Jameses by the way of name-brand clothing. My jeans come off the sales rack. My shirts cost more last year before they went on discount this year when the new styles showed up. My sneakers are whatever brand happens to be a dollar cheaper. In fact, growing up in a large farm family where the epitome of style when school started each fall was to get a new pair of jeans that weren’t overalls, I never acquired the luxury of desiring elite clothing. I was on the fringe of the in crowd, however, so I tried to blend in as best I could. The instance that comes to mind is a London Fog windbreaker jacket when I was in high school. London Fog was the last word in windbreak-
ers. The usual color was dark blue — though khaki was popular — and they didn’t break the wind unless they were monogrammed in big flourishes. I could afford the tailor’s fee for my three initials; I just couldn’t afford the London Fog brand. Glynn Moore Most of my male classmates could, however, so I had to fake it. I bought a cheaper brand that carried a similar name: English Mist, British Pea Soup, or some such. I had it monogrammed, and the guys never said anything about what a poor phony I was. Today, if you look at my high school yearbooks, you will find me wearing that jacket in
New York Times Crossword No. 0118
changelings By Joe Krozel/Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS 1 Hirer/firer 5 Iron setting 10 Food processor setting 14 One with accounts, for short 19 Darn, e.g. 20 Jets or chargers starter 21 Doozy 22 Revolutionary patriot Silas 23 Asian cuisine 24 Put in the minimum stake 25 Actress Lena 26 Willing to do 27 Gigantic sled hauls firewood quite a bit 31 1970s-’80s TV sheriff 32 Tell a story 33 Grub 34 Domestic worker claimed shifting beach engulfed basin 43 Hong Kong, e.g.: Abbr. 44 No-no on gym floors 45 Voting no 46 Band news 48 Put an end to 51 Catastrophic start or end? 52 Word after camper or before Camp’s 53 Fused 54 It may go from sea to shining sea 55 Word in many California city names 56 Blue 59 “You wish!” 60 Friends who have never been to the beach don’t walk by the girl so often 64 Characteristic times 65 Driver’s assignment: Abbr. 66 Arrangement of hosing? 67 Children show their affection for model Kate above all others 76 Comics canine 77 Energetic sort 78 “That’s ___-brainer” 79 Stuffing ingredient 81 “Waking ___ Devine” (1998 movie) 82 Hubbub 83 Solution for some housework 84 Villain 85 [I am shocked!] 87 ___ Romeo 89 Generic
Last Sunday’s Crossword Answers
1 2 3 4 5
DEAR ABBY: I joined a weekly prayer group with women from my church. As a young mom, I appreciate having the opportunity to get out of the house and socialize with other adults, and all the women are nice. We use an online sign-up to schedule who will host each week. The trouble
is, all of the other members have much larger, nicer homes than mine. There’s always space for everyone to sit, and a basement for all the kids to play in while we’re occupied. I’d love to Abigail Van Buren host, but I’m afraid having all those people in my house would be an embarrassment. No one has asked why I haven’t hosted yet, but I’m getting worried about what to say if someone does. Should I just say I don’t have the space? I feel it’s rude of me to not take a turn. — TINY HOUSE DWELLER IN KANSAS DEAR T.H.D.: Not being able to accommodate a large group is nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s a fact of life for many people. If you are asked about why you haven’t hosted, tell the truth. Offer to host the gathering at the church — or outside when the weather permits. If that doesn’t work, volunteer to bring food to some of the events so you’ll feel like you’re contributing your share and no one will feel you are ducking a responsibility. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. For everything you need to know about wedding planning, order “How to Have a Lovely Wedding.” Send your name and mailing address, plus check or money order for $7 (U.S. funds) to: Dear Abby, Wedding Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Shipping and handling are included in the price.)
Reach Glynn Moore at
ries in Super Bowls VI and XII 6 Varnish ingredient 7 Art Deco artist 8 First person to die in the Bible 9 Adjust, as pitch 10 Shut 11 Oceanic body 12 This and that 13 Strong and sharp 14 Majority group 15 Silt, e.g. 16 Whole bunch 17 Nephew of 8-Down 18 As stated in 28 “Was ist ___?” 29 Bombay and Boodles 30 H. H. Munro pseudonym 34 This and that: Abbr. 35 Music grp. 36 Actress Massey 37 Model add-on 38 Composer Camille Saint-___ DOWN 39 Cars once advertised with the sloThis and that gan “Find your own road” Home of Hanauma Bay 40 Record of the year Solo, in a way 41 “Necktie” BP logo shape until 2000 42 Mila of “That ’70s Show” QB who led the Cowboys to victo- 47 Court V.I.P.’s
Mom says dollhouse built with love isn’t up to code DEAR ABBY: My 7-year-old granddaughter, “Kelly,” wanted a dollhouse for Christmas. I had a friend build a basic frame, shingled roof, chimney and shutters, then I decorated it. I did everything by hand. I wallpapered each room, made little rugs and crocheted lace curtains. There were even little window shades. Kelly’s room was a perfect princess bedroom. It took weeks, but I loved working on it. The family came for five days over the holidays. Kelly loved her dollhouse and played with it every day. When it came time to leave, my daughter told Kelly she couldn’t take it with her. She had to leave it at Grandma’s “so she would have something to play with when she came to visit.” Kelly was heartbroken. So was I. Then my daughter told me (in private) the dollhouse was “too amateurish,” which was why she didn’t want it in her home. I think about it all the time and don’t know how to get past it. Any advice? — HURT GRANDMA DEAR HURT: You appear to be a loving grandparent. Sometimes people say things without weighing the effect it will have on the person they’re talking to. What your daughter said may have been honest, but it was extremely insensitive in light of the time, effort and love that went into that gift. Your daughter appears to be more fixated on appearances rather than what’s really important in life. What is sad to me is that she may pass along her skewed sense of values to your granddaughter.
91 Lines around Chicago 92 Boisterous oaf confused the previous set of actors 97 Outdoor party 98 Info for a limo driver 99 “Ta-ta” 100 Mr. Chamberlain intends to top off his gas tank 109 Capital where snail noodle soup is popular 110 Pew, for one 111 Coquette 112 Sly 113 When prompted 114 Sleeveless item, for short 115 Like some brewing containers 116 Mosque leader 117 Bog accumulations 118 Head of a Tatar group 119 Comics canine 120 Early 1900s gold rush locale
just about every photo. Can’t remember my face? Surely, then, you remember “EGM” on the left breast of the windbreaker. Yeah, that’s me. Good old EGM. Heck of a guy. That was about the only time I tried to fit in. I also ran on the edge of the jock crowd, but I never earned a leather football jacket to wear. Thank goodness I was deeply entrenched in the brainy crowd, because it meant I could wear my school sweater with the school’s “L” bearing three lamps of knowledge for my excellent grades. Nobody ever tried to fake that sweater, let me tell you. And if they had, we brains would have been too smart to fall for it.
31 34
43 49
54 61
86 92
87 93
91 95
98 102
49 Literature’s Nan or Gay 50 Supply room worker 52 Metaphors for serious headaches 55 Flip 56 “Midnight Cowboy” role 57 Loop around the West? 58 Mil. decorations 59 “Sometimes you feel like a nut” nut 61 Not free 62 Super 63 Pago Pago locale 67 “King ___” 68 Toy company that made Betsy Wetsy 69 Playground comeback 70 Bungle 71 Upset with 72 Quaint contraction 73 “Love Story” co-star 74 The Beach Boys’ “Surfer Girl” vis-à-vis “Little Deuce Coupe” 75 Works 80 Egg holder 83 California city where the first Ap-
97 100
78 82
65 70
41 46
64 68
55 60
39 45
ple computer was built 84 “Hush!” 86 Retreat 87 “There oughta be ___” 88 Comedian who said “Every day starts, my eyes open and I reload the program of misery” 89 Cry of innocence 90 Non-PC person 93 Border payments 94 Kept 95 1960s chess champion C Mikhail Y 96 Halloween prop 100 Die down 101 Early cultivator of potatoes 102 Mrs. Rabin of Israel 103 “Rama ___ Ding Dong” (1961 hit) 104 Show bias 105 Like some lashes and tans 106 Fendi ___ (men’s cologne) 107 Activity at a doctor’s office 108 Tick-borne affliction 109 Leapfrog
Jaqueline Bigar’s Stars HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Sunday, Jan. 25, 2015: This year you are opening up to many new experiences. You might be seen more frequently on the social scene. You tend not to be judgmental, and as result you will draw a variety of personalities toward you. If you are single, you open up to dating many different types of people. However, this year someone special most likely will mosey on into your life. You will know when this person appears. If you are attached, the two of you might expand your immediate circle of friends. A new mutual hobby is also likely. ARIES can be provocative. The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) HHHHH A power play involving a respected elder or boss could backfire. Strong feelings are likely to emerge from the experience. Make a point of getting together with a loved one, or make time for a special child in your life. Tonight: Beam in more of what you want. This Week: Try not to get so caught up in your own mind. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) HHH You might prefer to take a backseat in what seems to be happening around you. By being an observer, you could discover a new side of a loved one. Indulge yourself and buy that special item you have been coveting for a while. Tonight: Get some extra R and R. This Week: A friend will make you smile. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) HHHHH Don’t hesitate to reach out to your friends. Join them in whatever activity they seem to be involved with. For some, it might be a spectator sport; for others, it could be an interactive activity. You’ll recharge your batteries in the process. Tonight: Forget tomorrow, live it up! This Week: By Tuesday, you will know what to do. CANCER (June 21-July 22) HHH Take responsibility and deal with someone who often rains on your parade. Express more understanding or ask for some insight as to why he or she behaves a certain way. An open discussion could provide you with a fresh perspective. Tonight: In the limelight. This Week: A get-together could make all the difference! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) HHHH Reach out to someone at a distance this morning. In fact, you might want to make a round of calls to those you typically don’t have time to check in with. Enjoy a lively exchange of news. Encourage a visit in the near future. Tonight: Whatever you choose, let it be distracting. This Week: You are on top of your game. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) HHHH One-on-one relating will take you down a unique C
path. You are likely to gain an unusual understanding of a special person in your life, which will allow you to bypass a hassle in the near future. Demonstrate your caring through a kind gesture. Tonight: Keep it intimate. This Week: Your ability to make a difference with others emerges. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) HHHH A partner or loved one could be unusually challenging right now. Your caring will evolve to a new level once you understand where this person is coming from. Several friends might want to draw you into a happening later in the evening. Go for it! Tonight: Defer to others. This Week: You enjoy one-on-one talks, but you only have so much time. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) HHH You might want to put a halt on weekend indulgences and head to the gym or start some other form of exercise. As a result, you will reduce your stress, feel better and make a better impression. A friend or loved one will cheer you along. Tonight: Be good to yourself. This Week: Others pick up the ball and run with it. Do your thing! SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) HHHH Don’t hold back or let a financial matter trip you up. Your caring will make all the difference to a child or new friend. Remember not to get twisted up in life’s mundane details so much. Tonight: Be happy, and others will follow your lead. This Week: Dive into errands Monday and Tuesday. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) HHH Devote more quality time to a roommate or family member. Your attention and caring will be returned tenfold, but don’t let that be the reason you choose to indulge this person today. Tonight: Invite a friend over for a casual dinner. This Week: Your creativity marks Monday and Tuesday. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) HHHHH Make an effort toward a child or loved one who perhaps doesn’t feel as upbeat as you might. Your friendship tends to help this person gain perspective on his or her life. Tonight: Say what you feel and what you think, but know that you might get some mixed reactions. This Week: You have a lot of ground to cover! PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) HHH Make it a day of indulgence. For some of you, you might decide just to stay in bed, whereas others might choose to dine at a favorite restaurant or pick up a few items at a favorite store. Just do whatever will make you smile. Tonight: Togetherness is the theme. This Week: Make calls, return emails and schedule meetings.
Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015 C-3
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Resume Tips - Whip Your Resume Into Shape Expert advice on how to do a resume correctly. By Kristina Cowan So you’ve discovered the perfect gig with a higher salary, and you’re bent on shuffling your credentials to the hiring manager immediately, if not sooner. You’ve got the experience, education and skills that make you a star candidate. One hurdle remains: how to do a resume appropriately. Don’t fret-you can soon be on your way to crafting a stellar resume; just use the following key resume tips from career experts Brian Drum and Heather Heath. Drum is president and CEO of New York City-based Drum Associates, Inc., a global executive search firm, and Heath, based in Minneapolis, is practice leader of sales and marketing for Hudson, a recruitment and talent management firm. Expert Resume Tips on How to do a Resume 1. Be accurate and truthful. “A resume should not be embellished or exaggerated-it’s not an exercise in writing a novel. If there’s anything that is not correct or is misstated, it could be a reason for not hiring you,” Drum said. 2. Take two pages for your resume if necessary. Drum said once you have four or five years of experience, it often becomes very difficult to squeeze your career path all onto one page. Heath said she sees two-page resumes “all the time.” Most applicants should avoid three page resumes. Resume Tip for Recent College Graduates: Stick to one page. 3. Use bullets with concise descriptions. Most resumes that use paragraphs aren’t looked at, Drum explained, so it’s best to use bullets, and keep them to a maximum of two lines a piece. 4. In most cases, list experience before education. If you’re a seasoned executive, it’s best to list your work experience first. Resume Tip for Recent College Graduates: Put education up top. 5. Mind your keywords! Both Drum and Heath underscored the importance of including terms to help get your resume picked up through online searches. “We’re seeing more and more systems ranking people’s resumes based on how many keywords are being matched. ... More people are putting more words on their resumes because they understand that tracking systems are keyword-driven,” Heath said. 6. List your contact information, particularly your cell phone number and e-mail address. Heath advises against listing your current work phone number. “I don’t think a potential employer would be impressed that you’re using company resources to find a job,” she said. 7. Use consistent formatting. Use the same size and type of font throughout your resume, such as 12-point Times New Roman. Offsetting your name in a slightly larger font is acceptable. If you cut and paste from various versions of your resume, be sure to align the text and eliminate formatting glitches. 8. Remember to double check your spelling. Heath suggests printing your resume, reading it and proofreading it to catch spelling and grammatical problems. It’s fine to use an automated spell-check, she said, but be wary of such systems introducing errors. 9. Bling on resumes is bad. Steer clear of using lots of large fonts in different colors, and of underscoring and bolding text for extra emphasis. Excessive use of bells and whistles distracts the reader and makes your resume look unprofessional. 10. No headshots, please. Pictures and resumes are like oil and water. If you have the urge, don’t give in. At the end of the day, Heath said, “People need to remember when they’re sending their resume out they’re sending a version of themselves. ... Make it a statement-a strong one.” Kristina Cowan is the senior writer for She has over 10 years of journalism experience, specializing in education and workforce issues.
C-4 Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015
General Employment
General Employment ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT for Medical Director. We are looking for an Administrative Assistant/Coordinator to handle communications and policy standards between 3 laboratories managed by the Medical Director. Be a part of making a difference in health care. No prior experience needed. Must have excellent organzation and reading skills, good communication skills and be self directed. Microsoft Word/Excel, 40 WPM needed. Please call our office 907-262-3557 or come by our office for an application. PENINSULA PATHOLOGY INSTITUTE 44455 Sterling Hwy. Soldotna
CITY OF KENAI, ALASKA Position Vacancy The City of Kenai, Alaska is seeking applicants for an ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II position in the City Clerk’s Office. Salary is $23.42 per hour. Under the direction and supervision of the City Clerk, The Administrative Assistant II is responsible for providing a variety of administrative tasks in support of the City Clerk’s Office. The Assistant provides clerical and receptionist functions as well as a broad range of clerical support activities. This position requires daily contact with City employees, outside agencies, and the general public. The work schedule includes days and evenings, as well as shift extensions. Position announcement, job description and application are available through the Alaska Job Center Network, (907) 335-3010. Submit a City of Kenai application form by February 6, 2015 to Peninsula Job Service, 11312 Kenai Spur Hwy., Kenai, AK 99611.
General Employment
By bringing together Medical, Dental, and Behavioral Health Services, PCHS offers high quality, coordinated care for the entire family. PCHS has Full-time hire position for
• Care Coordinator • Behavioral Health Clinician • Certified Medical Assistant PCHS has Part-time hire position for
Employment Agriculture Computing & Engineering Construction & Trades Domestics, Childcare, Aides Drivers/Transportation Education Finance & Accounting General Employment Healthcare Hospitality & Food Service Manufacturing & Production Oil & Refinery Office & Clerical Personal Care/Beauty Professional/ Management Real Estate, Leasing, Mortgage Retail Sales & Marketing Schools/Training Tourism Work Wanted
Real Estate For Sale Commercial Property Condominiums/Town Homes Farms/Ranches Homes Income Property Land Manufactured Mobile Homes Multiple Dwelling Out of Area for Sale Steel Building Vacation Property Wanted To Buy Waterfront Property
Apartments, Unfurnished SOLDOTNA 1-Bedroom, 1-bath, apartment, washer/dryer No smoking/ pets. $750. (907)252-7355.
• Individual Service Provider Positions will be open until filled. Job description and application available online at Careers Please send cover letter, resume & application to: Human Resources, 230 E. Marydale Ave., Suite 3, Soldotna, AK, 99669 or fax to 907/260-7358. PCHS is an equal opportunity employer.
Construction & Trades FINISH CARPENTERS Part time 80 hours per month. Week on, week off. Call 6pm-8pm only 394-2880.
Apartments, Furnished
Circulation Hotline General News/Sports/Outdoors Reporter The award-winning Homer News is seeking a full-time general news reporter, who will also cover sports, outdoors and schools. Proven writing ability and photography skills needed. Some knowledge of InDesign and Associated Press style a plus. Weekend and night work part of the job. The successful applicant will demonstrate the ability to consistently meet deadlines, per- form as a team player and successfully generate and follow through on story ideas. Resumes and references may be e-mailed to: or faxed to 907-235-4199 or delivered to Homer News at 3482 Landings St., Homer, AK 99603. This position will remain open until a qualified candidate is found.
General Employment SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH KENAI PENINSULA BOROUGH SCHOOL DISTRICT The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District Board of Education seeks an educational leader who has strong communication skills, is committed to high student achievement, and has a proven track record in teaching and administration. This position begins July 1, 2015. The Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, located in Southcentral Alaska, encompasses 21 diverse communities within 25,600 square miles and serves nearly 9,000 students. The salary will be in the range of $140,000 - $165,000, plus an excellent comprehensive benefits package. The final salary for the successful candidate will be negotiated and determined based upon proven experience, qualifications and meeting the school board's criteria. Applications will be accepted until February 16, 2015. All applications must be submitted online at All documents submitted during the application process, with the exception of those that are validly confidential, shall be considered public records by the school district. Questions? Contact: Laurie Wood, Recruitment Specialist 907-714-8844 T: 4.625 in
T: 4.875 in
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Rentals Apartments, Unfurnished Apartments, Furnished Cabins Condominiums Town Homes Duplex Homes Lots For Rent Manufactured/Mobile Homes Misc. Rentals Office Space Out of Area Rentals Rental Wanted Retail/Commercial Space Roommate Wanted Rooms For Rent Storage Rentals Vacation Rentals
1-LARGE ROOM FULLY FURNISHED Soldotna, quiet setting, includes utilities. (907)394-2543. C
Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015 C-5 Classified Index EMPLOYMENT Agriculture Computing & Engineering Construction & Trades Domestics, Childcare, Aides Drivers/ Transportation Education Finance & Accounting General Employment Healthcare Hospitality & Food Service Manufacturing & Production Oil & Refinery Office & Clerical Personal Care/Beauty Professional/ Management Real Estate, Leasing, Mortgage Retail Sales & Marketing Schools/Training Tourism Work Wanted
Apartments, Unfurnished
ALL TYPES OF RENTALS Property Management and Oversight Division 170 N. Birch Suite 101, Soldotna (907)262-2522
Apartments, Unfurnished STERLING SENIOR HOUSING ADA Handicap equipped. Includes heat, carport. Non-smoking. 1& 2-bedrooms. (907)262-6808
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Commercial Property Condominiums/ Town Homes Farms/Ranches Homes Income Property Land Manufactured Mobile Homes Multiple Dwelling Out of Area for Sale Steel Building Vacation Property Wanted To Buy Waterfront Property
Apartments, Unfurnished
REAL ESTATE RENTALS Apartments, Unfurnished Apartments, Furnished Cabins Condominiums/ Town Homes Duplex Homes Lots For Rent Manufactured/Mobile Homes Misc. Rentals Office Space Out of Area Rentals Rental Wanted Retail/Commercial Space Roommate Wanted Rooms For Rent Storage Rentals Vacation Rentals
RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES AVAILABLE FOR RENT: ALASKA 1st REALTY 44045 Kalifornsky Beach Rd., Soldotna, e-mail;, phone: (907)260-7653
Apartments, Furnished
FINANCIAL Auctions Business for Sale Financial Opportunities Mortgage/Loans
MERCHANDISE FOR SALE Antiques/Collectibles Appliances Audio/Video Building Supplies Computers Crafts/Holiday Items Electronics Exercise Equipment Firewood Food Furniture Garage Sales Heavy Equipment/ Farm Machinery Lawn & Garden Liquidation Machinery & Tools Miscellaneous Music Musical Instructions Office/Business Equipment Vacations/Tickets Wanted To Buy
RECREATION Aircrafts & Parts All-Terrain Vehicles Archery Bicycles Boat Supplies/Parts Boats & Sail Boats Boat Charters Boats Commercial Campers/Travel Trailers Fishing Guns Hunting Guide Service Kayaks Lodging Marine Motor Homes/RVs Snowmobiles Sporting Goods
TRANSPORTATION Autos Classic/Custom Financing Motorcycles Parts & Accessories Rentals Repair & Services Sport Utilities, 4x4 Suburbans/Vans/ Buses Trucks Trucks: Commercial Trucks: Heavy Duty Trailers Vehicles Wanted
PETS & LIVESTOCK Birds Cats Dogs Horses Livestock Livestock Supplies Pet Services Pet Supplies
Homes FIVE STAR REALTY Property Management Experts with more than 25 year experience. Available in the Office Monday-Friday 8:00-5:00 Diane Melton, Owner/Broker We provide 24 hour emergency service. Five Star Realty Always reach for the Stars Phone: 262-2880
Apartments, Furnished
EFFICIENCY 1-Person basement unit Downtown Kenai, quiet, adult building. No smoking/ pets, $575. including tax/ utilities. Security deposit/ lease. (907)283-3551. KENAI Large 1-bedroom furnished, $600., plus utilities. No animals/ smoking. (907)398-1303
3-BEDROOM, 2-Bath over size 2-car garage. Sterling, 4 miles to Soldotna. No smoking/pets. W/D $1,450. month plus utilities, (907)394-3939, (907)262-3806.
3-BEDROOM, 2-BATH Skyline Blvd. Soldotna. garage, carport, Large deck, big lot. $1,400. month plus utilities. Deposit, 1year lease required. Duplex No Pets/ smokers. (907)262-7077, SOLDOTNA (907)398-7277. John Mackey Lake NIKISKI Quiet Location New home, 3-bedroom, New Construction 2-bath, garage, walking 3-Bedroom, 2-Bath distance to Nikiski Rec. Heated Garage Center. Indoor pool & Washer/Dryer ice rink. $1,345. per Secure storage month. Leave message Radiant Heat T: 2.0625 in (907)776-3325 Nonsmoking/Pets $1,450. News, Sports, Weather & More! S: 1.8125 in (907)260-3470
T: 5.25 in
S: 5 in
Appliance Repair Auction Services Automotive Repair Builders/Contractors Cabinetry/Counters Carpentry/Odd Jobs Charter Services Child Care Needed Child Care Provided Cleaning Services Commercial Fishing Education/Instruction Excavating/Backhoe Financial Fishing Guide Services Health Home Health Care Household Cleaning Services House-sitting Internet Lawn Care & Landscaping Masonry Services Miscellaneous Services Mortgages Lenders Painting/Roofing Plumbing/Heating/ Electric Satellite TV Snow Removal Tax Services Travel Services Tree Services Veterinary Water Delivery Well Drilling
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TO PUB: DO NOT PRINT INFO BELOW, FOR ID ONLY. NO ALTERING OF AD COUNCIL PSAs. dfire Prevention - Newspaper - B&W - WFPA05-N-02520-P “Fuse” 2 1/16 x 5 1/4 85 line screen
C-6 Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015
5.29 ACRES OF ROLLING HILLS WITH A VIEW Sterling, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage. Updated custom home on 5.29 acres with a partial mountain view, circle driveway, paved parking pad & PRIVACY! New inside paint, countertops, stainless appliances, carpet & lighting. Amazing master with deep Jacuzzi tub. All rooms have walk-in-closets. Immaculate spacious ranch home with a FREE HOME WARRANTY! MLS# 15-654 $318,000
K elly griebel
Each Office is Independently Owned & Operated
LIKE BRAND NEW! Soldotna area 5* home with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 car garage on 1.03 acres! Master has private bath with jacuzzi & walk in closet! Partial Mountain view from upstairs & GORGEOUS sunsets! No pets, smoking or shoes ever in this immaculate home! FREE HOME WARRANTY! MLS# 14-5870 $229,900
EASY LIVING K-Beach, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 1 car garage PLUS 1 car heated SHOP! 2.25 acres, circle driveway, big back patio, fenced backyard & dog kennel area. Vaulted ceilings in this very nice & immaculate modular home on a concrete block foundation PLUS 2 extra storage rooms. CASH or bank portfolio money only. This modular home will NOT qualify for any typical bank loan financing programs. MLS# 14-17455 $138,500
NEWER QUALITY HOME! Soldotna area, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 1 car canvas carport PLUS nice big shed. 2 brand new decks, private & nicely landscaped with boulders on 1.9 acres & a partial mountain view. LIKE BRAND NEW home with nice finish work & vaulted ceilings upstairs and downstairs. HOME WARRANTY! MLS# 14-17376 $244,900
K elly griebel
Each Office is Independently Owned & Operated
Proud Major Sponsor of the Kenai River Brown Bears
59 Y $1 ONL
5.29 ACRES OF ROLLING HILLS WITH A VIEW Sterling, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage. Updated custom home on 5.29 acres with a partial mountain view, circle driveway, paved parking pad & PRIVACY! New inside paint, countertops, stainless appliances, carpet & lighting. Amazing master with deep Jacuzzi tub. All rooms have walk-in-closets. Immaculate spacious ranch home with a FREE HOME WARRANTY! MLS# 15-654 $318,000
AFFORDABLE LAKEFRONT LIVING! North Kenai, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 1 car garage. 1.07 acres on stocked Barbara Lake with easy sloping access. New roof & outside paint in 2012. Cozy starter or retirement home with woodstove. Invest in Nikiski now! MLS# 13-17354 $159,900
PANORAMIC MOUNTAIN & VALLEY VIEWS Soldotna, 4 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms & a 768sf 2 car Shop with loft. Very private setting on 1.46 acres JUST 4 MILES down Funny River Rd. Master suite retreat has private balcony, tile shower & jetted tub. Immaculate home with cathedral ceilings & gorgeous finish work. FREE 1 YEAR HOME WARRANTY. MLS# 14-10068 $397,500
“I recently bought my first home through Kelly & Tiffany at CENTURY 21. It could not have been an easier process; Kelly was available at all hours of the day and worked great around my work schedule. I will recommend all my friends and family to Team Kelly! THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING, KELLY & TIFFANY! They are THE BOMB.COM!” Lucas Clyde MA YB
STERLING Small, 2-bedroom, washer/dryer, $750/ month, plus utilities, gas, tax $15, $700 deposit. No smoking/ pets. (907)262-6093.
NIKISKI 1-Bedroom, $600. per month. Pets allowed, includes utilities. Call (907)776-6563.
Office Space SMALL OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE 100 sqft to 1600 sq ft. Offices available in Kenai on North Willow Street near airport. Please contact 283-7864 for details.
News, Sports, Weather & More!
Merchandise For Sale Antiques/Collectibles Appliances Audio/Video Building Supplies Computers Crafts/Holiday Items Electronics Exercise Equipment Firewood Food Furniture Garage Sales Heavy Equipment/ Farm Machinery Lawn/Garden Liquidation Machinery & Tools Miscellaneous Music Musical Instructions Office/Business Equipment Vacations/Tickets Wanted To Buy
Recreation Aircrafts & Parts All-Terrain Vehicles Archery Bicycles Boat Supplies/Parts Boats & Sail Boats Boats Charter Boats Commercial Campers/Travel Trailers Fishing Guns Hunting Guide Service Kayaks Lodging Marine Motor Homes/RVs Snow Mobiles Sporting Goods
Miscellaneous ALASKA MASSAGE GRAND OPENING Call Anytime 741-2662 262-0830 Thank you
Wanted to Buy SILVER COINS Will buy, Pre-1965 Dimes, Quarters, 50cents, Dollars 690-4273
We are not alone. There’s a wonderful world around us. Full of fascinating places. Interesting people. Amazing cultures. Important challenges. But sadly, our kids are not getting the chance to learn about their world. When surveys show that half of America’s youth cannot locate India or Iraq on a map, then we have to wonder what they do know about their world. That’s why we created It’s part of a free National Geographic-led campaign to give your kids the power of global knowledge. Go there today and help them succeed tomorrow. Start with our free parent and teacher action kits. And let your kids begin the adventure of a lifetime. It’s a wonderful world. Explore!
HIGHEST OF QUALITY + MOUNTAIN VIEW! Soldotna, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 4 car garage. 5024 sf home + 1488 sf garage. 1.34 acres of a hilltop with mountain view & privacy off Jim Dahler Rd. 5 Star + built in 2010 with in floor heat, Hardy board & rock siding, LOGIX concrete poured foundation & walls, cathedral ceilings, custom log railings. AMAZING top level master suite, LEGIT SAFE ROOM & automatic generator. FREE HOME WARRANTY! MLS# 14-11679 $549,900
KENAI RIVERFRONT HOME & SHOP! Soldotna, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2849 sf, 3 car garage. 1791 sf 3+ car SHOP with mezzanine storage, plumbed for bathroom & separate reloading room or office. 1.11 acres on the WORLD FAMOUS Kenai River with tons of paved parking for all the boats, trailers & company. HUGE 1600 sf deck, top notch chef’s kitchen, 12 foot ceilings, gas fireplace & wood fireplace & 2240 sf walk out basement ready for you to finish & build equity! FREE HOME WARRANTY! MLS# 14-15061 $749,000
INLET & MOUNTAIN MAGIC Nice ranch home in a paved neighborhood with beach access just down the street & MAGNIFICENT views! 2 bedrooms, 2 baths + an office nook & 2 car garage. 2011 updates include a new roof, Brazilian Cherry floors, most Electrolux stainless appliances, new furnace & electric fireplace to melt in front of. Enjoy the unobstructed inlet & panoramic mountain view. FREE 1 YEAR HOME WARRANTY! MLS# 14-17193 Offered at $235,000
THE FAMOUS PIANO HOUSE! Kenai, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths & 3 car garage! The PERFECT home for entertaining! This unique executive manor sits on a hill of 2.33 acres with a mountain view and a creek on the property. Enjoy the hot tub on your back deck and your coffee on any one of the 3 levels of decking. Master suite is TO DIE FOR with gas fireplace, private balcony with views, walk in tile shower & deep Jacuzzi tub. FREE HOME WARRANTY! MLS# 14-16352 $499,000 SO
“Where do we even start?!? Kelly was amazing through the entire selling/buying experience, and we couldn’t be happier. She made the process of selling our house very smooth, and then found us the perfect new home. She and her wonderful assistant Tiffany were available at any time, and they both worked hard to get us into our new home in record time. We would recommend Kelly to anyone looking to buy or sell a home. Thank you so much Kelly and Tiffany!!” Richard and Hope Derkevorkian
Auctions Business for Sale Financial Opportunities Mortgages/Loans
Manufactured/ Mobile Homes
170 N. Birch, Ste 102, Soldotna
FREEDOM REALTY • Top Producer 2002-2014 002-2014
135 CLOSINGS IN 2014!
Homes BU ME Y
SHOP & HOME on 1.76 ACRES! North Kenai, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths + family room, 2 car shop with separate workshop room. 2012 updates include remodeled kitchen with new hickory cabinets, countertops & stainless appliances. 2 wood stoves, cathedral T & G ceilings in living room, big yard, lots of deck & parking + a shed. PRICED RIGHT & a HOME WARRANTY TOO! MLS# 14-15348 $189,500
“Kelly’s kindness, professionalism and work ethic are a gold standard! We appreciated the way she advocated for us and communicated with us throughout the home buying process. Kelly was very available to us, answering our many questions with grace and candor. She “brought the party” and actually made the home buying process FUN! We feel so grateful to have had such a positive first home purchase, and to be living in the home we’ve always dreamed of for our family! Thank you, Kelly!” Ben & Chelsea McGarry & Family LL CA LLY KE
1.24 ACRES ON THE KENAI RIVER! Artesian well on property, electric adjacent to site & phone in the area. MLS# 12-10552 $165,000 NEARLY 2 ACRES OF SOLDOTNA AREA LAKEFRONT! Sport Lake lot with gorgeous trees and all utilities right next door! Boat, swim, snowmachine or FLY your floatplane right out your own front door! MLS# 14-1105 $84,500 PAVED LAKEWOOD SUBDIVISION! Nice neighborhood on a hill that is PERFECT for your dream home! Listed thousands below Borough Assessed Value! 1 acre lot with all utilities adjacent to site. MLS# 14-13883 $34,500 KENAI RIVERFRONT BELOW ASSESSED VALUE! Funny River to Glacier Blue. Driveway & stairs to riverfront fishing. 1.6 acres with electricity at lot line. Owner might consider financing with at least $50,000 cash down & short terms. MLS# 14-10486 $169,500 NEW SUBDIVISON-PAVED CIECHANSKI! 1.2 acres lots off paved Ciechanski Rd. Nice trees & utilities adjacent. Possible owner financing with large down. MLS# 14-8791 $29,500 COMMERCIAL LOT NEAR BIRCH RIDGE GOLF COURSE Soldotna area, 1.12 acre lot with all utilities adjacent. MLS# 13-5345 $37,500 PRIME STERLING HWY FRONTAGE COMMERCIAL LOTS! Soldotna area near Birch Ridge Golf Course. 2 lots equaling 2.94 acres on the highway. Dug down & filled with gravel. Ready for your business! 3 Phaze power is on the lot!. MLS# 13-5345 $225,000 2.48 ACRES on Rio Gracioso Lane down Funny River Rd. Cash or owner finance with half down cash and short terms. MLS# 13-16556 $17,500 3 PRIME COMMERCIAL LOTS on the Kenai Spur Highway near Alaska’s Auto Country. 1.34 acres all ready for your building! MLS# 13-10502 $159,000
170 N. Birch, Ste 102, Soldotna
BACKYARD PARADISE! Nikiski, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 car garage + HUGE family room. 2260 sf with updates around 2010. GORGEOUS backyard is fenced, has huge deck, 16x28 workshop with quality carport, GIGANTIC greenhouse, beautiful perrenials, trees & bushes. Lots of parkign for ALL your toys! MLS# 14-11433 $259,500
3.74 ACRES & A WOODSY SETTING Sterling, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car garage plus a bonus canvas carport. 3.74 private acres with a view of the meadow in the lovely Jim Dahler Rd area. 2400 sf home with in floor heat, wrap around deck, high vaulted ceilings, new high end gas starting wood stove & unique architecture. Spacious bedrooms, open living desing, nice family room & bonus office. Shows like new! FREE HOME WARRANTY! MLS# 14-17413 $299,500
MOOSE RIVER FRONTAGE! Sterling, 4 recreational lots all together on the Moose River. Private metal stairs down to bank fishing & nice fish cleaning table on the property. Cash or owner finance with half down & short terms. FISH ON! MLS# 14-11155 $79,900
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If you want a little of that...we can help you sell your used sports and camping gear, furniture, boat or jewelry. Call 283-7551 Clarion Classified Dept. classifieds@
Peninsula Clarion, Sunday, January 25, 2015 C-7
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REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) The Department of Administration, Division of General Services is requesting information on available office space for lease in Anchor Point. The State of Alaska (State) is seeking letters of interest from contractors, developers, or lessors, interested in providing approximately 3,000 to 3,500 square feet of office space with two exclusive private restrooms and approximately 3,500 to 4,000 square feet of secured outside storage for the State of Alaska in either Anchor Point or Homer Alaska. The office space must be located in Anchor Point or Homer, Alaska and provide exclusive parking for a minimum of 20 vehicles, including 6 public spaces. The State will consider a lease term that consists of a three year firm term with seven, one-year options to renew, at the state's sole discretion. The State is considering all alternative space where economically advantageous. The State will use the information it receives in response to this advertisement as the basis to develop a cost/benefit analysis and to determine whether to compete this office space requirement, or take other appropriate action. If you are interested in providing office space to C the State in Anchor Point or Homer, Alaska, respond in writing no later than February 2, Y 2015. Responses must indicate compliance with the items below and include a name, contact information, and building location/address: â&#x20AC;˘ Size of proposed building â&#x20AC;˘ Location of building â&#x20AC;˘ The space shall be ADA compliant â&#x20AC;˘ Number of parking spaces available (to accommodate State vehicles, employees and visitors) â&#x20AC;˘ Estimated date office space could be ready for State occupancy â&#x20AC;˘ Provide estimated tenant improvement allowance â&#x20AC;˘ Full service lease (to include utilities, janitorial, etc.) â&#x20AC;˘ Estimated cost per square foot, based on 3 year base with (7) 1 year options This RFI does not obligate the State to issue a RFP, award a contract or pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this RFI. Do not submit price/costs with your response, a Notice of Award for space will not be made as a direct result of this RFI. Contact information will be kept on file for any future related Request for Proposal (RFP) solicitations under AS 36.30, Alaska State Procurement Code. Written responses may be sent by: US Mail, fax, or email to the following address. Please note the State does not accept responsibility for failed fax or emailed response deliveries. Department of Administration Division of General Services c/o Matt Moya, Leasing Contracting Officer 550 West 7th Avenue, Suite 1960 Anchorage, AK 99501 PUBLISH: 1/25, 26, 27, 2015 2069/03313
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Mini Spy
Mini Spy and Basset Brown are dinosaur museum. See if you can find: q steak q elephant q tooth q heart q umbrella q pear q saw q basket q fish q mask q letter E q teapot
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exploring a q kite q comb q word MINI q arrow
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Roaming North America
Land of Dinosaurs
photo by Steve Mann
Billy Jonas’ newest album, “Build It Back Again,” focuses on staying hopeful. Billy is a songwriter, guitarist, singer and percussionist. He founded the Billy Jonas Band. He is famous for making instruments out of everyday objects such as paint cans, sewer pipes, garden rakes or egg slicers. He began playing on these “found objects” when he was in summer camp. In high school and college, many of his friends could not play instruments, so they played on pots and pans with chopsticks. Billy grew up in Chicago and now lives in North Carolina. He took piano, guitar and trombone lessons when he was a kid. He travels throughout the world to study different forms of music and instruments. Billy has performed at concerts to benefit those working to end conflicts in Palestine and Israel. He also works to help environmental causes. He loves to run with Beeka, his rescue dog.
from The Mini Page © 2015 Universal Uclick
Gus Goodsport’s Supersport
Height: 6-1 Age: 24 Hometown: Southampton, England
Rookie Cookie’s Recipe Corn, Tomato and Avocado Salad
You’ll need: • 1 (16-ounce) package thawed • 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro frozen yellow corn • 1 tablespoon white balsamic vinegar • 2 cups diced tomato • 2 teaspoons olive oil • 1 cup diced avocado • Salt and freshly ground black pepper What to do: 1. In a large bowl, combine corn, tomato, avocado, cilantro, vinegar and oil. Toss to combine. 2. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve or refrigerate until ready to serve. Serves 4. You will need an adult’s help with this recipe. Adapted from “The Robin Takes 5 Cookbook for Busy Families” with permission from Andrews McMeel Publishing ( from The Mini Page © 2015 Universal Uclick
from The Mini Page © 2015 Universal Uclick
Meet Billy Jonas
At the top of the art, Anzu (the pink dinosaurs) roam through the wetlands, while an Avisaurus glides above the water (center right).
from The Mini Page © 2015 Universal Uclick
art by Mary Parrish, courtesy Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
In the background, an Edmontosaurus (ed-MONtoh-SAW-rus) travels through a swamp in the Hell Creek Formation area 66 million years ago. The Edmontosaurus was probably a herd animal. It bit off plants with its bill and used its hundreds of teeth to grind the vegetable matter. In the foreground, an Acheroraptor (AK-er-ohRAP-tur) hunts for prey. The Acheroraptor was closely related to the Velociraptor in Asia. It grew up to 10 feet long. A Pterosaur (TER-uh-sore), a reptile cousin of the dinosaurs, flies above.
Right now, in the middle of the winter, if you look at the states where the Hell Creek Formation is, it is hard to imagine that in the time of the dinosaurs it was a rainy, subtropical forest. There were no cold winters. It would have been much like southern Florida today. The Earth was much warmer 66 million to 68 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous (kruh-TAY-shus) Period. There were no polar ice caps. The planet’s sea levels were much higher than today. The oceans had flooded parts of North America, creating a huge inland sea. Dinosaurs lived to the east and west of the sea.
from The Mini Page © 2015 Universal Uclick
Jason Sangha
Few collegiate athletes have experienced success like Lynn University’s Jason Sangha. Lynn, located in Boca Raton, Florida, has become a soccer powerhouse at the Division II level, winning the national championship in 2012 and 2014, and finishing second in 2011. Jason, a defender, earned All-America honors in each of his four seasons with the Fighting Knights. A threeyear captain, Jason led a smothering Lynn defense that surrendered fewer than one goal per match, while allowing an average of just three shots on goal. A native of England, Jason was one of 21 international students on the 26-man Lynn roster last season. In the 2014 national semifinals held in Louisville, Kentucky, the Fighting Knights defeated Quincy (Illinois) University 4-1 before holding off the University of Charleston (West Virginia) 3-2 in the finals. The victory gave Lynn’s men’s soccer team its fifth national title overall and the school’s 23rd championship in all sports.
Famous Hell Creek Dinosaurs Triceratops Triceratops were huge planteating dinosaurs. They grew to 30 feet long and weighed between 13,000 and 20,000 pounds. By comparison, the biggest land animal living today, the African elephant, can weigh up to 15,000 pounds. Compared to a mammal, Triceratops had a small brain in its big head. It was probably as smart as a crocodile.
photo by Donald E. Hurlbert, courtesy Smithsonian Institution
*A curator builds, cares for and studies collections.
It wasn’t snowing then
credit: art by Mary Parrish, courtesy Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Gigantic dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus rex (ty-RANoh-SORE-rus RECKS) and Triceratops (tri-SER-uh-tops) ruled western North America 66 million years ago. Dinosaurs had been roaming the Earth for about 165 million years. And then, in just a few years, all dinosaurs but birds were wiped from the planet. Much of what we know about these awesome animals and the land they ruled comes from fossil discoveries in one set of rocks, the Hell Creek Formation. This layer of rocks covers parts of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming. (It is called the Lance Formation in Wyoming.) In November 2014, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., opened a new exhibit, “The Last American Dinosaurs: Discovering a Lost World.” To learn more about this amazing world of dinosaurs, The Mini Page talked with the lead curator* of the exhibit.
Decorative, deadly dinos Triceratops were members of a family of plant-eating dinosaurs with horns, frills or knobs. Some had spikes or horns along the edges of their frills, which may have been brightly colored. Some had horns above their eyes, and others had a nose horn. The horns and frills probably helped attract mates and scare off enemies. They also used horns in fighting.
Tyrannosaurus rex
You vs. a T. rex
The T. rex grew to 40 feet long, stood about 13 feet tall at its hip and weighed 15,500 pounds. It was one of the largest predators, or animals that hunted other animals, ever to live on land. The T. rex had little arms with big claws. Its arms were so short that they couldn’t even reach its mouth.
Have you ever wondered if you could outrun a T. rex? Experts believe it would have been able to run up to 25 miles per hour, but an average human sprinter can run only about 12 miles per hour. Uh-oh! The T. rex had powerful hind legs. It may have used its little arms for holding down prey.
from The Mini Page © 2015 Universal Uclick
from The Mini Page © 2015 Universal Uclick
Last Remaining Dinosaurs A new discovery
art by Mark Klingler / Carnegie Museum of Natural History
In 2014, fossil hunters discovered a new type of dinosaur, Anzu wyliei (AN-zu WI-lee-eye). Scientists built a skeleton of it from three partial skeletons. They named it Anzu after a mythological feathered monster. Because it was discovered in the Hell Creek Formation, they nicknamed it the “chicken from hell.” Anzu wyliei was a member of the Oviraptor (oh-vih-RAP-tor) family, a group of bird-like dinosaurs. It lived at the time of T. rex and Triceratops.
Birds are avian (AY-vee-uhn) dinosaurs. Non-avian dinosaurs were all other dinosaurs. “Avian” means birds or something to do with birds. Birds are the descendants of small, non-flying dinosaurs called theropods. One of the best-known theropods was Velociraptor. When the asteroid impact led to the extinction of all non-avian dinosaurs, it opened the way for our mammal ancestors to thrive. art courtesy NASA
Next week, The Mini Page celebrates the life of civil rights leader Rosa Parks.
Anzu had a long tail and a large crest on top of its head. Its front limbs had long, sharp claws. It did not have teeth, but cut its food with its powerful jaws. It probably ate plants, animals and eggs. It weighed about 500 pounds and was about 11 feet long from beak to tail and about 5 feet tall at the hip.
Lucy Lien - Associate Editor
The Mini Page®
Try ’n’ Find
Words that remind us of dinosaurs are hidden in the block above. Some words are hidden backward or diagonally. See if you can find: AMERICA, ANZU, BIRDS, CLAW, CRETACEOUS, DINOSAUR, EDMONTOSAURUS, FED, FOSSIL, GIANT, HORNS, MILLION, NORTH, PREY, REX, SEA, THEROPOD, TRICERATOPS, TYRANNOSAURUS, YEARS.
The Mini Page Staff Lisa Tarry - Managing Editor
Basset Brown’s
from The Mini Page © 2015 Universal Uclick
Our planet has already faced five Sixty-six million years ago, a giant mass extinctions. The last one killed asteroid slammed into Earth near off the dinosaurs. Experts believe we what is now Mexico. Within a few are now in a sixth mass extinction. years, all dinosaurs except birds had While earlier extinctions have been died. caused by nature, experts say this Within seconds after the impact, one is being caused by humans. showers of melted rock shot into the Human actions are harming the air. Tsunamis sped across the oceans environment, destroying habitats and and firestorms swept through the land. Dust and bits of matter hung in killing huge numbers of animals and plants. Experts say more than 40 the atmosphere for months, blocking percent of all amphibians, one-quarter out the sunlight and cooling the of all mammals and more than oneplanet. Acid rain fell over the Earth. Ecosystems all over the world were tenth of all birds are threatened. Species are becoming extinct at much destroyed. Besides the dinosaurs, faster rates than normal. the asteroid helped wipe out about three-fourths of all plant and animal The Mini Page thanks Hans Dieterspecies on Earth. Other hazards, Sues, curator, vertebrate paleontology, such as giant volcanoes, added to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C., for help with this destruction. issue. Plant-eating dinosaurs starved, and their deaths were the last blow Look through your newspaper for pictures of avian dinosaurs. to the giant meat-eating dinosaurs.
Betty Debnam - Founding Editor and Editor at Large
The sixth mass extinction
Gone in an instant
Living dinosaurs
Two gigantic dinosaur skeletons loom over the National Museum of Natural History’s new exhibit, “The Last American Dinosaurs: Discovering a Lost World.” A Triceratops skeleton is in the foreground. A T. rex is in the background. This exhibit will stay on view until 2019, when the museum’s updated dinosaur and fossil hall is scheduled to open.
Wendy Daley - Artist
Mini Jokes
All the following jokes have something in common. Can you guess the common theme or category? Edmond: Why didn’t the omelet laugh? Elsie: It didn’t get the yolk! Elise: What do we call very, very, very large eggs? Eric: Eggs-tra large! Ellen: How do monsters like their eggs prepared? Eva: Terrifried! from The Mini Page © 2015 Universal Uclick
Ready Resources The Mini Page provides ideas for websites, books or other resources that will help you learn more about this week’s topics. On the Web: • • • At the library: • “National Geographic Kids Everything Dinosaurs” by Blake Hoena • “Dinosaur!” by DK Publishing
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movieson A Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy ››› (2004, Comedy) Will Ferrell, Christina Applegate. A 1970s San Diego newscaster feels threatened by the arrival of an ambitious woman looking to climb the ranks of journalism. ‘PG-13’ (1:35) (30) TBS Fri. 9 p.m. August: Osage County ››› (2013, Comedy-Drama) Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts. A cancer-stricken, pill-popping Oklahoma matriarch lets the full force of her venomous nature hit her daughters and other assorted relatives when they gather at her home in the wake of a family tragedy. ‘R’ (1:59) 8 TMC Tue. 7 p.m.; Fri. 9:15 p.m.
Bad Words ›› (2013, Comedy) Jason Bateman, Kathryn Hahn. ‘R’ (1:29) + MAX Fri. 7:30 p.m.; Sat. 9 p.m. Black Hawk Down ››› (2001, War) Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor. U.S. soldiers take heavy fire while trying to capture a warlord’s associates in Mogadishu, Somalia. ‘R’ (2:24) (8) WGN-A Mon. 6 p.m. The Blind Side ››› (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. A wellto-do white family takes in a homeless black teen and helps him realize his potential on and off the football field. ‘PG-13’ (2:08) (51) FAM Sat. 9 p.m. The Bourne Identity ››› (2002, Suspense) Matt Damon, Franka Potente. A woman helps an amnesiac, who has a dangerous past, to dodge assassins as he tries to learn about himself. ‘PG-13’ (1:59) (31) TNT Fri. 11 p.m.; Sat. 4 p.m. The Bourne Supremacy ››› (2004, Suspense) Matt Damon, Franka Potente. A CIA chief sends a senior operative to take down Jason Bourne when it appears the rogue agent is behind the deaths of two people. ‘PG-13’ (1:48) (43) AMC Tue. 7 p.m., 9:30 p.m. Byzantium ››› (2012, Horror) Gemma Arterton, Saoirse Ronan. Mayhem follows when two female vampires, on the run from a kindred group, take ref-
uge at a seaside British community. ‘R’ (1:58) 8 TMC Mon. 7 p.m.
The Cabin in the Woods ››› (2011, Horror) Kristen Connolly, Chris Hemsworth. Two unseen scientists manipulate the gory goings-on at a backwoods cabin inhabited by a group of unsuspecting college friends. ‘R’ (1:45) (82) SYFY Sun. 4 p.m. Crazy, Stupid, Love. ››› (2011, Romance-Comedy) Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling. A self-styled Lothario teaches a suddenly single 40-something how to be a hit with the ladies. ‘PG-13’ (1:58) (30) TBS Sun. 6 p.m., 8:30 p.m.
The Departed ››› (2006, Crime Drama) Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon. In Boston an undercover cop gains a gangland chief’s trust, while a career criminal infiltrates the police force for the mob. ‘R’ (2:32) (43) AMC Sat. 10 p.m. Die Hard 2 ››› (1990, Action) Bruce Willis, Bonnie Bedelia. The sequel’s police hero spots military terrorists while waiting for his wife at a Washington, D.C., airport. ‘R’ (2:04) (43) AMC Tue. 4:30 p.m. Divergent ›› (2014, Science Fiction) Shailene Woodley, Theo James. ‘PG13’ (2:20) ^ HBO2 Fri. 8 p.m.
Ella Enchanted ›› (2004, RomanceComedy) Anne Hathaway, Hugh Dancy. ‘PG’ (1:41) (49) DISN Mon. 7 p.m. End of Watch ››› (2012, Crime Drama) Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Peña. Two LAPD officers deal with marriage, love and fatherhood amid the harsh realities on the streets of Los Angeles. ‘R’ (1:49) (38) SPIKE Sun. 9 p.m.
F Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer ›› (2007, Science Fiction) Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba. ‘PG’ (1:32) (43) AMC Fri. 9 p.m., 11 p.m. The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift ›› (2006, Action) Lucas Black, Zach-
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ery Ty Bryan. ‘PG-13’ (1:44) + MAX Tue. 9 p.m.; Fri. 5:45 p.m. Fearless ››› (2006, Action) Jet Li, Betty Sun. After spending time in a remote village to atone for his past, a martial artist gets caught in a duel to defend China’s honor against his country’s enemies. ‘PG-13’ (1:43) 8 TMC Thu. 11 p.m. Fight Club ››› (1999, Suspense) Brad Pitt, Edward Norton. Two young professionals create an underground club where men can compete in handto-hand combat. ‘R’ (2:19) ^ HBO2 Fri. 10:20 p.m. First Blood ››› (1982, Action) Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna. Green Beret veteran Rambo takes on a Pacific Northwest sheriff and the National Guard. ‘R’ (1:35) (43) AMC Sun. 5:30 p.m. 42 ››› (2013, Biography) Chadwick Boseman, Harrison Ford. In 1946, Branch Rickey, general manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, signs Jackie Robinson to the team in defiance of major league baseball’s notorious color barrier. ‘PG-13’ (2:08) ^ HBO2 Tue. 5:45 p.m. Fruitvale Station ››› (2013, Docudrama) Michael B. Jordan, Octavia Spencer. Flashbacks reveal the last day in the life of Oscar Grant, a young man shot dead during an altercation with California police. ‘R’ (1:25) 8 TMC Fri. 5:30 p.m.
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past ›› (2009, Romance-Comedy) Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner. ‘PG-13’ (1:40) (30) TBS Sun. 11 p.m. Gladiator ››› (2000, Historical Drama) Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix. Condemned to arena fights by corrupt Roman leader Commodus, Gen. Maximus seeks revenge for his family’s deaths. ‘R’ (2:34) (43) AMC Wed. 7 p.m. Godzilla ›› (1998, Science Fiction) Matthew Broderick, Jean Reno. ‘PG-13’ (2:18) (43) AMC Wed. 4 p.m. Godzilla ›› (2014, Science Fiction) Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Ken Watanabe. ‘PG-13’ (2:03) + MAX Sun. 9 p.m.; Thu. 7 p.m. A Good Day to Die Hard ›› (2013, Action) Bruce Willis, Jai Courtney. ‘R’
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Her ›››› (2013, Comedy-Drama) Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Adams. A man falls in love with his computer’s operating system. ‘R’ (1:59) ! HBO Tue. 8 p.m. Hot Tub Time Machine ››› (2010, Comedy) John Cusack, Rob Corddry. Following a night of drinking in a skiresort hot tub, four pals awake in 1986, getting a chance to rewrite the past. ‘R’ (1:39) (81) COM Sun. 4:11 p.m.
Bad Words (1:38) ^ HBO2 Sun. 9 p.m.; Thu. 10 p.m. The Grand Budapest Hotel ›››› (2014, Comedy-Drama) Ralph Fiennes, F. Murray Abraham. A renowned concierge mentors a lobby boy. ‘R’ (1:39) ^ HBO2 Sat. 7:30 p.m. Gravity ››› (2013, Science Fiction) Sandra Bullock, George Clooney. The destruction of their shuttle leaves two astronauts stranded in space with no hope of rescue. ‘PG-13’ (1:31) ^ HBO2 Fri. 6:25 p.m. Gridiron Gang ››› (2006, Drama) The Rock, Xzibit. A counselor at a juvenile detention facility turns a group of young criminals into a football team to teach them self-respect and responsibility. ‘PG-13’ (2:00) (43) AMC Sat. 7 p.m.
The Hangover Part III ›› (2013, Comedy) Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms. ‘R’ (1:40) ! HBO Sat. 10 p.m. The Help ››› (2011, Drama) Viola Davis, Emma Stone. Determined to become a writer, a 1960s Mississippi society girl turns her small town on its ear by interviewing black women who work for prominent white families. ‘PG13’ (2:26) (31) TNT Sun. 8 p.m., 11 p.m.
Independence Day ››› (1996, Science Fiction) Will Smith, Bill Pullman. A fighter pilot, a computer whiz and others fight back after 15-mile-wide alien ships zap Earth’s major cities. ‘PG-13’ (2:25) (28) USA Wed. 6 p.m. The Internship ›› (2013, Comedy) Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson. ‘PG-13’ (1:59) + MAX Thu. 11:40 p.m.; Sat. 6 p.m. Ironclad ››› (2011, Action) James Purefoy, Paul Giamatti. In the 13th century, a dedicated group of Knights Templar defends Rochester Castle against King John. ‘R’ (2:01) 8 TMC Mon. 11 p.m.
Jarhead ››› (2005, War) Jake Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard. A Marine and his comrades form brotherly bonds while patrolling the Iraqi desert during the Gulf War. ‘R’ (2:03) 5 SHOW Tue. 11 p.m.
Kill Bill: Vol. 1 ››› (2003, Action) Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu. Awaking from a coma, an assassin seeks vengeance against her former boss and his ruthless gang. ‘R’ (1:50) 5 SHOW Sat. 7 p.m. Kill Bill: Vol. 2 ››› (2004, Action) Uma Thurman, David Carradine. Before confronting her former boss, an assassin goes after the man’s younger brother and her one-eyed counterpart. ‘R’ (2:17) 5 SHOW Sat. 9 p.m.
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Last Vegas ›› (2013, Comedy) Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro. ‘PG-13’ (1:44) 5 SHOW Fri. 9 p.m. Lee Daniels’ The Butler ››› (2013, Historical Drama) Forest Whitaker, Oprah Winfrey. A White House butler has a front-row seat to history through three decades and seven presidential administrations, including those of Eisenhower, Kennedy and Nixon. ‘PG13’ (2:12) 8 TMC Sun. 8 p.m.; Fri. 7 p.m. Legally Blonde ›› (2001, Comedy) Reese Witherspoon, Luke Wilson. ‘PG13’ (1:36) 5 SHOW Mon. 5:15 p.m. Lone Survivor ››› (2013, War) Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch. In the mountains of Afghanistan, a squad of Taliban fighters ambushes four Navy SEALs, who are there on a mission to eliminate a high-ranking al-Qaeda operative. ‘R’ (2:01) + MAX Wed. 9 p.m. Lord of War ›› (2005, Drama) Nicolas Cage, Jared Leto. ‘R’ (2:02) 8 TMC Sun. 4:15 p.m.; Sat. 5:55 p.m. Lucky Them ››› (2013, ComedyDrama) Toni Collette, Thomas Haden Church. A wealthy aspiring filmmaker accompanies a rock journalist as she searches for her former lover, a music legend she helped discover but who suddenly disappeared one night. ‘R’ (1:36) 8 TMC Tue. 5:15 p.m.
Non-Stop ›› (2014, Action) Liam Neeson, Julianne Moore. ‘PG-13’ (1:47) ! HBO Sat. 6:05 p.m.
On Deadly Ground ›› (1994, Action) Steven Seagal, Michael Caine. ‘R’ (1:41) (43) AMC Thu. 11:30 p.m. The Other Woman ›› (2014, Romance-Comedy) Cameron Diaz, Leslie Mann. ‘PG-13’ (1:49) ^ HBO2 Sun. 7 p.m. Out for Justice ›› (1991, Action) Steven Seagal, William Forsythe. ‘R’ (1:32) (43) AMC Fri. 7 p.m.
Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters ›› (2013, Adventure) Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson. ‘PG’ (1:46) + MAX Sun. 7:10 p.m.; Sat. 4:10 p.m. Philomena ››› (2013, Docudrama) Judi Dench, Steve Coogan. Journalist Martin Sixsmith helps Philomena Lee search for her long-lost son, who was taken from her by nuns in an Irish convent and sold into adoption when she was an unwed teenager. ‘PG-13’ (1:37) 5 SHOW Thu. 5:15 p.m. Public Enemies ››› (2009, Crime Drama) Johnny Depp, Christian Bale. Depression-era outlaw John Dillinger becomes the fledgling FBI’s most-wanted criminal and a folk hero to much of America’s downtrodden public. ‘R’ (2:20) (31) TNT Sat. 11 p.m.
Quartet ››› (2012, Comedy-Drama) Maggie Smith, Tom Courtenay. A longsmoldering flame is rekindled when a once-popular opera star reunites with her ex-husband and fellow performers at a retirement home for musicians. ‘PG-13’ (1:39) 8 TMC Sun. 6:20 p.m.
Rambo III ›› (1988, Action) Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna. ‘R’ (1:41) (43) AMC Sun. 9:30 p.m. Rambo: First Blood Part II ›› (1985, Action) Sylvester Stallone, Richard
Man of Steel ›› (2013, Action) Henry Cavill, Amy Adams. ‘PG-13’ (2:23) + MAX Tue. 5 p.m. Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom ›› (2013, Biography) Idris Elba, Naomie Harris. ‘PG-13’ (2:26) 5 SHOW Wed. 4:30 p.m.
A Nightmare on Elm Street ›› (2010, Horror) Jackie Earle Haley, Rooney Mara. ‘R’ (1:36) (82) SYFY Fri. 5 p.m.
nifer Lawrence. An unexpected bond begins to form between a man trying to rebuild his life and a young woman promising to help him reunite with his estranged wife. ‘R’ (2:02) 5 SHOW Tue. 4:55 p.m. Sinister ›› (2012, Horror) Ethan Hawke, Vincent D’Onofrio. ‘R’ (1:49) 8 TMC Thu. 7 p.m. 16 Blocks ››› (2006, Action) Bruce Willis, Mos Def. A boozy, world-weary NYPD cop must outwit rogue officers planning to kill a witness who is set to testify against them. ‘PG-13’ (1:42) ! HBO Sun. 4:25 p.m.; Thu. 5:30 p.m. Snitch ›› (2013, Crime Drama) Dwayne Johnson, Barry Pepper. ‘PG13’ (1:52) + MAX Mon. 9:50 p.m.
Gridiron Gang Crenna. ‘R’ (1:35) (43) AMC Sun. 7:30 p.m. The Replacements ›› (2000, Comedy) Keanu Reeves, Gene Hackman. ‘PG-13’ (1:58) (31) TNT Tue. 7 p.m., 9:30 p.m. Riddick ›› (2013, Science Fiction) Vin Diesel, Karl Urban. ‘R’ (1:58) + MAX Sun. 5:10 p.m.; Wed. 6 p.m. The Ringer ›› (2005, Comedy) Johnny Knoxville, Brian Cox. ‘PG-13’ (1:34) ^ HBO2 Thu. 5:20 p.m. The Rite ›› (2011, Horror) Anthony Hopkins, Colin O’Donoghue. ‘PG-13’ (1:54) ! HBO Fri. 4 p.m. The Rundown ››› (2003, Adventure) The Rock, Seann William Scott. Before his retirement, a bounty hunter must locate his boss’ son, who is searching for a priceless artifact in the Amazon. ‘PG-13’ (1:44) (38) SPIKE Mon. 10 p.m. Rush Hour ››› (1998, Action) Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker. A Hong Kong detective and a wisecracking L.A.P.D. detective choose to work together to find the missing daughter of a Chinese diplomat. ‘PG-13’ (1:38) ^ HBO2 Sun. 10:45 p.m.
Silver Linings Playbook ››› (2012, Comedy-Drama) Bradley Cooper, Jen-
10,000 B.C. ›› (2008, Adventure) Steven Strait, Camilla Belle. ‘PG-13’ (1:49) (8) WGN-A Fri. 8 p.m.; Sat. 6 p.m. The 13th Warrior ›› (1999, Adventure) Antonio Banderas, Diane Venora. ‘R’ (1:43) 8 TMC Mon. 9 p.m.; Sat. 4:10 p.m. 300: Rise of an Empire ›› (2014, Action) Sullivan Stapleton, Eva Green. ‘R’ (1:43) ! HBO Sun. 6:15 p.m.; Thu. 7:15 p.m.
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Spawn ›› (1997, Fantasy) John Leguizamo, Michael Jai White. ‘R’ (1:39) (82) SYFY Sat. 8 p.m. Stealth ›› (2005, Action) Josh Lucas, Jessica Biel. ‘PG-13’ (2:00) (43) AMC Wed. 10:30 p.m.
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Body Beast ‘PG’
(3) ABC-13 13 (6) MNT-5 5 (8) CBS-11 11 (9) FOX-4 4
(10) NBC-2 2
(12) PBS-7 7
NBA Count- NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Chicago Bulls. From the United Center in NBA Basketball Oklahoma City Thunder at Cleveland Cavaliers. From Postgame Show Jerry Prevo Paid Prodown (N) Chicago. (N) (Live) Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland. (N) (Live) gramming (Live) In Search ‘G’ Truth in Love Manna Fest Empower Soldotna Jack Van Christian Worship Hour ‘G’ “Secretariat” (2010, Drama) Diane Lane, John Malkovich, Dylan Walsh. The Whacked Out White Collar A fixer is hired to ‘G’ Hour Church of Impe Presstory of the 1973 Triple Crown winner. Sports ‘PG’ sabotage the trial. ‘PG’ God ents (N) ‘G’ (7:30) Face Paid Program Andy Griffith College Basketball Indiana at Ohio State. From Value City Arena in Colum- College Basketball Louisville at Pittsburgh. From Petersen Storm Stories Sexy Face at Tim McCarver All In With the Nation Show bus, Ohio. (N) (Live) Events Center in Pittsburgh. (N) (Live) ‘G’ Any Age Laila Ali ‘G’ Airbrushed Sexy Face at Inside the Big FOX College College Basketball Duke at St. John’s. From Madison Red Bull Crashed Ice (N) Cars.TV ‘PG’ MyDestina- Paid Program The Age De- Montel Wil- Airbrushed Beauty ‘PG’ Any Age ‘G’ East (N) Hoops Tip-Off Square Garden in New York. (N) (Live) tion.TV ‘PG’ fying Miracle liams ‘PG’ Beauty ‘PG’ (N) (Live) Poppy Cat Noodle and Detroit Auto Show From De- Mecum Auto Auction From Lindsey Vonn: The Climb Figure Skating U.S. Championships: Men’s Free Skate. Glee “Dream On” Rachel Blue Bloods Erin and Danny “Wooly Doodle ‘Y’ troit. (N) ‘PG’ Kissimmee, Fla. (N) (N) ‘G’ From Greensboro, N.C. (N) (Live) struggles with a personal is- face each other in court. ‘14’ Woods” sue. ‘14’ Sesame Odd Squad Saves the World Peg Plus Cat in the Hat Martha Wild Kratts ‘Y’ Arthur Fern Cyberchase Curiosity In Julia’s Martha Stew- Ciao Italia ‘G’ Hubert Keller: A Chef’s The Mind of Street ‘Y’ The search for a treasure Cat ‘Y’ Knows a Lot Speaks ‘Y’ has writer’s “Double Quest “Mir- Kitchen art-Cooking Secrets, Chef Life ‘G’ a Chef “Crechest. ‘Y’ block. ‘Y’ Trouble” ‘Y’ rors” ‘G’ ation” ‘PG’
In the Heat of the Night “Fif- Parks and “Sweet November” (2001, Romance) Keanu Reeves, Charlize Theron. A (8) WGN-A 239 307 teen Forever” ‘PG’ Recreation kooky gamin changes a selfish ad man’s outlook on life. In the Kitchen With David “KitchenAid” Featuring products by KitchenAid. ‘G’ KitchenAid Cookware. ‘G’ (20) QVC 137 317 (23) LIFE 108 252 (28) USA 105 242 (30) TBS 139 247 (31) TNT 138 245 (34) ESPN 140 206 (35) ESPN2 144 209 (36) ROOT 426 687 (38) SPIKE 241 241 (43) AMC 131 254 (46) TOON 176 296 (47) ANPL 184 282
“Summer Catch” (2001) Freddie Prinze Jr. A baseball player “Happy Feet” (2006, Adventure) Voices of Elijah Wood, falls for a woman who’s out of his league. Robin Williams, Brittany Murphy. Temp-tations Presentable KitchenAid Cookware. ‘G’ Food Fest ‘G’ Kitchen ‘G’ Joel Osteen Cindy Craw- Preachers’ Daughters The Bring It! Preview of the up- Bring It! “Miami Heat Is Back” Movie “The Switch” (2010, Romance-Comedy) Jennifer Aniston, ‘PG’ ford on age- girls head out on a mission coming season. ‘PG’ Dianna creates an elaborate Jason Bateman, Thomas Robinson. A woman uses a friend’s less skin trip. ‘14’ routine. ‘PG’ sperm, unknowingly, to get pregnant. “The Mechanic” (2011) Jason Statham. An elite hit-man “I, Robot” (2004, Science Fiction) Will Smith, Bridget Moynahan. A homicide “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” (1991, Science Fiction) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda “Fast Five” teaches his deadly trade to an apprentice. detective tracks a dangerous robot in 2035. Hamilton. Cyborgs battle over a youth who holds the key to the future. (2011) Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘PG’ “Something Borrowed” (2011, Romance-Comedy) Ginnifer Goodwin, Kate “The Change-Up” (2011, Comedy) Ryan Reynolds, Jason “Ghosts of Girlfriends Past” (2009) Matthew McConaughey, Hudson, Colin Egglesfield. A tipsy attorney lands in bed with the fiance of her Bateman, Leslie Mann. An overworked lawyer and his care- Jennifer Garner, Michael Douglas. Spirits of ex-lovers show a cad his failed relationships. best friend. free buddy switch bodies. Law & Order Removing bullet Law & Order “Blue Bamboo” “The Terminal” (2004, Comedy-Drama) Tom Hanks, Catherine Zeta-Jones. (:45) “Catch Me if You Can” (2002, Comedy-Drama) Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken. may kill patient. ‘PG’ ‘PG’ A European living in an airport befriends a stewardess. A teenage scam artist poses as a pilot, surgeon and lawyer. Postseason NFL Countdown Winter X Games (N) (Live) Postseason NFL Countdown (N) (Live) (N) (Live) (5:00) 2015 Australian Open Bowling World Tour, Finals. From Las Vegas. (Taped) Women’s College Basketball Connecticut at Cincinnati. Women’s College Basketball Duke at North Carolina. From Women’s College GymTennis Round of 16. (N) (Live) Carmichael Arena in Chapel Hill, N.C. (N) (Live) nastics Hawg Quest Paid Program College Basketball Boston College at Georgia Tech. From College Basketball Seton Hall at Butler. From Hinkle Field- Women’s College Basketball Miami at Louisville. From the Shaun T’s Body Beast (N) McCamish Pavilion in Atlanta. (N) (Live) house in Indianapolis. (N) (Live) KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, Ky. (N) (Live) Focus T25 ‘PG’ Off Road Engine Power Truck Tech Detroit “End of Watch” (2012, Crime Drama) Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Peña. Two “The Siege” (1998, Suspense) Denzel Washington, Annette Bening, Bruce Willis. The FBI “Man on Fire” (2004) Muscle LAPD cops patrol the dangerous Southland streets. attempts to hunt down terrorists in New York. Mad Men Don has a meeting “Tremors” (1990) Kevin Bacon, Fred Ward. Monster sand- “First Blood” (1982, Action) Sylvester Stallone. A Vietnam “Rambo: First Blood Part II” (1985, Action) Sylvester Stal- “Rambo III” (1988, Action) with Connie. ‘14’ worms devour denizens of a Nevada desert town. vet is hounded by a brutal small-town sheriff. lone. Ex-Green Beret goes on Vietnam mission. Sylvester Stallone. Teen Titans Teen Titans Teen Titans Uncle Uncle World of World of World of Teen Titans Teen Titans Teen Titans Teen Titans Teen Titans Steven Uni- Adventure Regular Show ‘PG’ Go! ‘PG’ Go! ‘PG’ Go! ‘PG’ Grandpa Grandpa Gumball Gumball Gumball Go! ‘PG’ Go! ‘PG’ Go! ‘PG’ Go! ‘PG’ Go! ‘PG’ verse ‘PG’ Time ‘PG’ To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced
“The Muppets” (2011) Jason Segel, Amy Adams. A greedy (49) DISN 173 291 oilman wants to raze Muppet Studios. Henry Dan- Nicky, Ricky Bella and the The Thunder (50) NICK 171 300 ger ‘G’ Bulldogs mans ‘G’ Pretty Little Liars ‘14’ Pretty Little Liars “Fresh (51) FAM 180 311 Meat” ‘14’ Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to (55) TLC 183 280 the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress Alaska: The Last Frontier: Alaska: The Last Frontier: (56) DISC 182 278 Kilchers Revealed ‘14’ Kilchers Revealed ‘14’ Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Castle ‘PG’ (57) TRAV 196 277 ‘PG’ Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars (58) HIST 120 269 ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ Criminal Minds Hotch has Criminal Minds “Zoe’s Reprise” Team seeks copycat (59) A&E 118 265 a hard time returning to work. ‘14’ killer. ‘14’ Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market Flea Market (60) HGTV 112 229 Flip ‘G’ Flip ‘G’ Flip ‘G’ Flip ‘G’ The Pioneer Trisha’s Southern at Giada at (61) FOOD 110 231 Woman ‘G’ Southern Heart ‘G’ Home ‘G’ Breaking Paid Program Paid Program Bosley Hair (65) CNBC 208 355 Bald ‘G’ Restoration America’s Sunday America’s News Headquar (67) FNC 205 360 News HQ Housecall ters (N) (:08) “Starsky & Hutch” (2004) Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson. (81) COM 107 249 Two detectives investigate a cocaine dealer. Helix “San Jose” ‘14’ Helix “Reunion” ‘14’ (82) SYFY 122 244
PREMIUM STATIONS ! HBO 303 504 ^ HBO2 304 505 + MAX 311 516 5 SHOW 319 546 8 TMC 329 554
(9:50) “Home Alone 2: Lost in New York” (1992, Comedy) Austin & Liv & Mad- Dog With a Dog With a Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern. Ally ‘G’ die ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ Teenage Mut. The Fairly Henry Dan- Nicky, Ricky Every Witch Every Witch Every Witch Every Witch OddParents ger ‘G’ Way ‘G’ Way ‘G’ Way ‘G’ Way ‘G’ Pretty Little Liars “Over a 700 Club Special Programming ‘G’ Barrel” ‘14’ Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to Long Island Long Island Long Island Long Island the Dress the Dress the Dress the Dress Medium Medium Medium Medium Alaska: The Last Frontier: To Be Announced Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Kilchers Revealed ‘14’ “Loaded for Bear” ‘14’ Containing the herd. ‘14’ Expedition Unknown “Tem- Bizarre Foods With Andrew Bizarre Foods With Andrew Bizarre Foods America ‘PG’ ple of Doom” ‘PG’ Zimmern ‘PG’ Zimmern ‘PG’ Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars (:28) Pawn ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ Stars ‘PG’ Criminal Minds A series of Nightwatch “Retaliation” New Donnie Loves Jenny The Donnie Loves Donnie Loves beatings in Philadelphia. ‘14’ Orleans police look into a couple prepare for their wed- Jenny ‘14’ Jenny ‘PG’ shooting. ‘14’ ding. ‘PG’ Flea Market Flea Market Property Brothers “Parker & Property Brothers “Angie & Property Brothers “Aven & Flip ‘G’ Flip ‘G’ Francesca” ‘G’ Tito” ‘G’ Phillip” ‘G’ Guy’s Big Brunch at Daphne Farmhouse The Kitchen Italian beef Cutthroat Kitchen “Tso Bite (N) ‘G’ Bobby’s ‘G’ Dishes ‘G’ Rules ‘G’ stromboli; guacamole. ‘G’ Good” ‘G’ Body Beast Bosley Hair Paid Program Keith Urban Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program ‘PG’ Restoration Player FOX News Sunday With Journal Edi- America’s Healthy You Sunday MediaBuzz Chris Wallace (N) ‘PG’ torial Rpt. News HQ Housecall (:08) “Super Troopers” (2001) Jay Chandrasekhar. Budget (:09) “The Foot Fist Way” (2006, Comedy) Danny R. Mccuts threaten the jobs of five state troopers. Bride, Mary Jane Bostic, Ben Best. “My Bloody Valentine” (2009, Horror) Jensen Ackles. A “Resident Evil: Extinction” (2007) Milla Jovovich. Alice and pickaxe-wielding killer terrorizes a mining town. her cohorts seek to eliminate an undead virus.
Girl Meets World ‘G’ Bella and the Bulldogs
Girl Meets I Didn’t Do World ‘G’ It ‘G’ Bella and the Bulldogs “Newbie QB” ‘G’
Long Island Long Island Medium Medium Alaska: The Last Frontier ‘14’ Bizarre Foods America ‘PG’
I Didn’t Do It ‘G’ The Thundermans ‘G’
Long Island Long Island Medium Medium Alaska: The Last Frontier
Food Paradise “Seafood Paradise” ‘PG’ Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ Wahlburgers Wahlburgers Wahlburgers Wahlburgers ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ Property Brothers “Luca, Anne & Barbara” ‘G’ Cutthroat Kitchen ‘G’
Property Brothers “Nicole & Colby” ‘G’ Cutthroat Kitchen “Tos-TaDa” ‘G’ Paid Program Paid Program Secret Lives On the Money ‘PG’ FOX News Sunday With FOX Report (N) Chris Wallace ‘PG’ (:10) “Role Models” (2008, Comedy) Seann William Scott, Paul Rudd, Christopher Mintz-Plasse. “Captivity” (2007, Suspense) Elisha Cuthbert. A psychopath subjects two captives to elaborate tortures.
(7:30) “Baggage Claim” (:15) Boxing Mike Alvarado vs. Brandon Rios. Mike Alvarado (:15) Black- Real Time With Bill Maher “Blended” (2014, Romance-Comedy) Adam Sandler, Drew “The Devil Wears Prada” (2006) Meryl (2013) Paula Patton, Derek takes on Brandon Rios in a 12-round welterweight bout; from hat: HBO ‘MA’ Barrymore, Joel McHale. Two single-parent families are stuck Streep. A recent college graduate lands a job Luke. ‘PG-13’ Broomfield, Colo. First Look together at a resort. ‘PG-13’ at a fashion magazine. Nixon: In His “The Family Stone” (2005) Dermot Mul(:15) “Now You See Me” (2013, Comedy-Drama) Jesse (:15) “Austin Powers: International Man of (:45) “Escape Plan” (2013, Action) Sylvester Stallone, Ar- Boxing Own Words roney. A man introduces his uptight girlfriend Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo. Agents track a team of illusionists Mystery” (1997, Comedy) Mike Myers, Eliza- nold Schwarzenegger. A security expert must break out of a to his family. ‘PG-13’ who are thieves. ‘PG-13’ beth Hurley. ‘PG-13’ formidable prison. ‘R’ (6:25) “Rush” “Riddick” (2013, Science Fiction) Vin Diesel, Karl Urban, “Scary Movie 2” (2001) Shawn Wayans. “Godzilla” (2014, Science Fiction) Aaron Taylor-Johnson, (:10) “Blade Runner” (1982, Science Fiction) Harrison Ford, (2013) ‘R’ Jordi Mollà. Wanted criminal Riddick confronts two teams of Members of a psychology class venture into a Ken Watanabe, Elizabeth Olsen. Godzilla and malevolent foes Rutger Hauer, Sean Young. In 2019 a detective hunts down mercenaries. ‘R’ haunted house. ‘R’ battle for supremacy. ‘PG-13’ deadly runaway androids. ‘R’ “The Trip” (2010, Comedy) Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon, “Philomena” (2013, Docudrama) Judi (:45) “The Longest Yard” (2005, Comedy) Adam Sandler, (:40) “Double Jeopardy” (1999, Suspense) Tommy Lee “Kill Bill: Vol. Paul Popplewell. Steve Coogan goes on a food tour of north- Dench. A journalist helps a woman search for Chris Rock, Burt Reynolds. Prisoners train for a football game Jones, Ashley Judd. Jailed for her husband’s murder, a 2” (2004) ‘R’ ern England. ‘NR’ her long-lost son. ‘PG-13’ against the guards. ‘PG-13’ woman learns he lives. ‘R’ (6:50) “Stakeout” (1987, (8:50) “Another Stakeout” (1993, Sus(:40) “See Girl Run” (2012, Romance) Robin (:10) “Lee Daniels’ The Butler” (2013, Historical Drama) Forest Whitaker, “Frequencies” (2014, Science Fiction) Daniel Suspense) Richard Dreypense) Richard Dreyfuss, Emilio Estevez, Tunney, Adam Scott. A woman allows “what Oprah Winfrey, John Cusack. A White House butler serves many presidents Fraser. Zak is forced to overcome science to fuss. ‘R’ Rosie O’Donnell. ‘PG-13’ ifs” to overwhelm her. ‘NR’ over the years. ‘PG-13’ love a woman. ‘NR’
Clarion TV
January 25 - 31, 2015
(3) ABC-13 13 (6) MNT-5 5 (8) CBS-11 11 (9) FOX-4 4
(10) NBC-2 2
(12) PBS-7 7
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The American Native Voices Heartbeat of ABC World Athlete ‘PG’ Alaska News Tonight (N) Everybody Everybody Family Feud Celebrity Loves Ray- Loves Ray- ‘PG’ Name Game mond ‘PG’ mond ‘PG’ ‘PG’ Game Chang- Modern Fam- KTVA 5 p.m. CBS Evening ers ily ‘PG’ First Take News TMZ (N) ‘PG’ KTBY AKSN Blue Bloods “No Questions News Asked” Danny faces a dilemma over a gun. ‘14’ Simply Ming Cook’s Coun- PBS News‘G’ try ‘G’ Hour Weekend (N)
America’s Funniest Home Galavant A plot to kill Kings- (:01) Resurrection “Loved (:01) Revenge “Kindred” Videos A man crashes his ley goes awry. (N) ‘PG’ in Return” Rachael’s baby is Victoria faces a mysterious motorized scooter. ‘PG’ targeted. (N) ‘PG’ socialite. (N) ‘PG’ How I Met Futurama The First The First Mr. Box Of- Mr. Box Of- Dog the Dog the Your Mother “Parasites Family ‘PG’ Family ‘PG’ fice ‘PG’ fice ‘PG’ Bounty Bounty ‘PG’ Lost” ‘PG’ Hunter ‘PG’ Hunter ‘PG’ 60 Minutes John Boehner and (:01) Undercover Boss “For- CSI: Crime Scene Investiga- CSI: Crime Scene InvestigaMitch McConnell. (N) man Mills” (N) ‘PG’ tion (N) ‘14’ tion (N) ‘14’ Mulaney The SimpThe SimpBrooklyn Family Guy Bob’s Burg- Fox 4 News The Big Bang “Power sons ‘PG’ sons (N) ‘PG’ Nine-Nine “This Little ers (N) ‘14’ at 9 (N) Theory ‘PG’ Moves” ‘14’ (N) ‘14’ Piggy” ‘14’ NBC Nightly Dateline NBC ‘PG’ The 63rd Annual Miss Universe Pageant Women vie for the crown. (N Same-day Tape) News (N) ‘G’ ‘PG’
Alaska Weather ‘G’
To the Con- This Is trary With America & Bonnie Erbé the World
The Great British Baking Masterpiece Classic Lord Show Custard tarts and mini Merton and Mary deliver pear pies. (N) ‘PG’ bombshells. (N) ‘PG’
Masterpiece Mystery! An engagement party leads to murder. (N) ‘14’
Montel Williams ‘PG’
Access Hollywood (N) ‘PG’ On the Red Carpet
The Office “The CoverUp” ‘PG’ KTVA Nightcast The Big Bang Theory ‘PG’
Q (N) ‘PG’
Jack Van Impe Presents (N) ‘G’ (:35) Castle “Hunt” Castle tries to find Alexis. ‘PG’ Two and a Anger ManHalf Men ‘14’ agement ‘14’
Channel 2 Political News: Late Pipeline Edition (N) Globe Trekker “Globe Trekker Food Hour: Sicily” Sicilian cuisine. ‘G’
Good News with Billy Graham (:35) The Closer ‘14’ Anger Management ‘14’
Bones “The Mystery in the Meat” The murder of a food scientist. ‘14’ The Great British Baking Show Custard tarts and mini pear pies. (N) ‘PG’
“Austin Powers in Goldmember” (2002) Mike Myers. Austin Wrestling Wrestling (8) WGN-A 239 307 goes back to 1975 to rescue his captive father. With Death With Death In the Kitchen With David “KitchenAid” Featuring products by KitchenAid. ‘G’ (20) QVC 137 317 (23) LIFE 108 252 (28) USA 105 242 (30) TBS 139 247 (31) TNT 138 245 (34) ESPN 140 206 (35) ESPN2 144 209 (36) ROOT 426 687 (38) SPIKE 241 241 (43) AMC 131 254 (46) TOON 176 296 (47) ANPL 184 282 (49) DISN 173 291 (50) NICK 171 300 (51) FAM 180 311 (55) TLC 183 280 (56) DISC 182 278 (57) TRAV 196 277 (58) HIST 120 269 (59) A&E 118 265
Salem Mary loses her grip on Bones The murder of a food Bones A TV-show host’s re- Salem Mary loses her grip on Parks and Parks and Mercy. ‘MA’ scientist. ‘14’ mains are found. ‘14’ Mercy. ‘MA’ Recreation Recreation Algenist Skin Care Anti-aging Turquoise Jewelry ‘G’ Dyson: Designs for LivNew Beauty, New You “Algskin technology. ‘G’ ing ‘G’ enist” (N) ‘G’ “27 Dresses” (2008, Romance-Comedy) Katherine Heigl, “A Day Late and a Dollar Short” (2014, Drama) Whoopi “With This Ring” (2015, Romance) Jill Scott, Eve, Regina (:02) “A Day Late and a Dollar Short” (2014, Drama) WhooJames Marsden, Malin Akerman. A young woman is always a Goldberg, Ving Rhames, Mekhi Phifer. A dying woman tries to Hall. Three best friends each vow to get married within a pi Goldberg, Ving Rhames, Mekhi Phifer. A dying woman tries bridesmaid and never a bride. help her dysfunctional family. ‘14’ year. ‘PG’ to help her dysfunctional family. ‘14’ (3:30) “Fast Five” (2011, Action) Vin Diesel. Dom Toretto Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Sirens ‘14’ Sirens and company ramp up the action in Brazil. ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ 21st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards Actors honor “Crazy, Stupid, Love.” (2011, Romance-Comedy) Steve Carell, Ryan Gos- “Crazy, Stupid, Love.” (2011, Romance-Comedy) Steve Carell, Ryan Gos- “Ghosts of Girlfriends their peers. (N) (Live) ling, Julianne Moore. A suddenly single 40-something needs help finding his ling, Julianne Moore. A suddenly single 40-something needs help finding his Past” (2009) Matthew Mcgroove again. groove again. Conaughey. 21st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards Actors honor 21st Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards Actors honor “The Help” (2011, Drama) Viola Davis, Emma Stone, Bryce Dallas Howard. An aspiring “The Help” (2011, Drama) their peers. (N) (Live) their peers. writer captures the experiences of black women. Viola Davis, Emma Stone. 2015 Pro Bowl From University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Ariz. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter SportsCenter NBA Basketball Women’s College Gym2015 Australian Open Tennis Round of 16. From Melbourne, Australia. (N) (Live) ESPN FC (N) 2015 Australian Open Tennastics nis Round of 16. (N) Keith Urban Ship Shape College Basketball Pacific at Gonzaga. From McCarthey World Poker Tour: SeaCollege Basketball Duke at St. John’s. From Madison College Basketball Creighton at Villanova. From The PavilPlayer TV (N) ‘G’ Athletic Center in Spokane, Wash. son 12 Square Garden in New York. (N Same-day Tape) ion in Villanova, Pa. (N Same-day Tape) (3:30) “Man on Fire” (2004, Crime Drama) Denzel Washington, Dakota Fan- “Training Day” (2001, Crime Drama) Denzel Washington, Ethan Hawke. A “End of Watch” (2012, Crime Drama) Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Peña. Two “Training ning. A bodyguard takes revenge on a girl’s kidnappers. rookie cop meets a corrupt Los Angeles narcotics officer. LAPD cops patrol the dangerous Southland streets. Day” (2001) (3:00) “Rambo III” (1988, Action) Sylvester “First Blood” (1982, Action) Sylvester Stallone. A Vietnam “Rambo: First Blood Part II” (1985, Action) Sylvester Stal- “Rambo III” (1988, Action) Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna. Loner Rambo Stallone, Richard Crenna. vet is hounded by a brutal small-town sheriff. lone. Ex-Green Beret goes on Vietnam mission. rescues mentor from Soviets in Afghanistan. Sit Down, King of the King of the Bob’s Burg- Bob’s Burg- Family Guy Family Guy Mike Tyson Squidbillies The Venture Bros. ‘14’ Bob’s Burg- Bob’s Burg- Family Guy Family Guy Mike Tyson Shut Up ‘14’ Hill ‘PG’ Hill ‘PG’ ers ‘14’ ers ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ Mysteries ‘14’ ers ‘14’ ers ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ Mysteries To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Rugged Justice “They’re All Rocky Mountain Bounty Finding Bigfoot “Paranormal Rocky Mountain Bounty Finding Bigfoot “Paranormal Packing Rifles” ‘PG’ Hunters (N) ‘PG’ Squatchitivity” ‘PG’ Hunters ‘PG’ Squatchitivity” ‘PG’ Jessie ‘G’ Jessie ‘G’ Dog With a Dog With a K.C. Under- (:35) Austin & Austin & Ally K.C. Under- Liv & Maddie Girl Meets Jessie ‘G’ Dog With a Austin & K.C. Under- Liv & Mad- Good Luck Blog ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ cover Ally ‘G’ (N) ‘G’ cover (N) ‘Y’ (N) ‘G’ World ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ Ally ‘G’ cover ‘Y’ die ‘G’ Charlie ‘G’ SpongeBob SpongeBob Henry Dan- Nicky, Ricky Bella and the The Thunder- Full House ‘G’ Full House ‘G’ Full House ‘G’ Full House ‘G’ Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Friends ‘PG’ (:36) Friends (:12) Everybody Loves Rayger ‘G’ Bulldogs mans ‘G’ ‘PG’ mond ‘PG’ 700 Club Special Programming ‘G’ 700 Club Special Programming ‘G’ Joel Osteen Dr. David Jer‘PG’ emiah Long Island Long Island Long Island Long Island Long Island Long Island Sister Wives The Browns Sister Wives (N) ‘PG’ Fat and Back “Part 2” (N) Sister Wives ‘PG’ Fat and Back “Part 2” ‘PG’ Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium meet the Colliers. ‘PG’ ‘PG’ Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaskan Bush People: Off Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaskan Bush People: Off ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ Exposed (N) “Fall Bear Fall” (N) ‘14’ the Grid (N) “Fall Bear Fall” ‘14’ the Grid Food Paradise “Sandwich Food Paradise ‘PG’ Food Paradise ‘PG’ The Layover With Anthony The Layover With Anthony Anthony Bourdain: No Res- Anthony Bourdain: No Res- The Layover With Anthony Paradise” ‘PG’ Bourdain ‘PG’ Bourdain ‘PG’ ervations “Vienna” ‘PG’ ervations “Rio” ‘PG’ Bourdain ‘PG’ Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars A Brown Bess Sons of Liberty Sam Adams turns to wealthy John Hancock. Sons of Liberty Sam Adams turns to wealthy John Hancock. ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ musket. (N) ‘PG’ (N) ‘14’ ‘14’ Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars (:01) Storage (:31) Storage (:02) Storage (:32) Storage (:01) Storage (:31) Storage ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘14’ Wars ‘PG’ Wars ‘PG’ Wars ‘PG’ Wars ‘PG’ Wars ‘PG’ Wars ‘PG’
Property Brothers “Megan & (60) HGTV 112 229 Greg” ‘G’ Best. Ever. Vietnamese ba (61) FOOD 110 231 con and eggs. ‘G’ American Greed “The Fore (65) CNBC 208 355 closure Scammer” FOX News Special (67) FNC 205 360
Island Life (N) Island Life (N) House Hunt- Hunters Int’l Caribbean Caribbean ers ‘G’ Life Life Cutthroat Kitchen “The Sup- Duff Till Dawn Beat Bobby Worst Cooks in America ‘G’ per Bowl” (N) ‘G’ (N) ‘G’ Flay ‘G’ The Car The Car Paid Program Paid Program American Greed Chasers Chasers Stossel FOX News Sunday With FOX News Special Chris Wallace ‘PG’ (:11) “Hot Tub Time Machine” (2010) John Cusack, Rob Corddry. A hot tub (:29) “Employee of the Month” (2006, Comedy) Dane Cook, Jessica Simp- Dane Cook: Troublemaker Dane Cook: Troublemaker (:01) Worka- (:32) Broad (81) COM 107 249 transports four pals back to their heyday in the 1980s. son, Dax Shepard. Two store clerks vie for a coveted award. The comic performs. ‘MA’ The comic performs. ‘MA’ holics ‘14’ City ‘14’ “The Cabin in the Woods” (2011, Horror) Kristen Connolly, “Silent Hill: Revelation” (2012, Horror) Adelaide Clemens. “The Crazies” (2010, Horror) Timothy Olyphant. A strange “Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever” (2009) Noah Segan. A flesh (82) SYFY 122 244 Chris Hemsworth, Anna Hutchison. Demonic forces threaten to engulf a teenager. toxin turns humans into dangerous lunatics. eating virus targets teens at a high-school prom.
PREMIUM STATIONS ! HBO 303 504 ^ HBO2 304 505 + MAX 311 516 5 SHOW 319 546 8 TMC 329 554
Property Brothers A more spacious property. ‘G’ Worst Cooks in America “Spice Up Your Life” ‘G’ American Greed A man runs a $200 million fraud. FOX News Special
Property Brothers Newlyweds’ long wish list. ‘G’ Guy’s Grocery Games ‘G’
Beachfront Beachfront Bargain Bargain Guy’s Grocery Games (N) ‘G’ Jay Leno’s Garage: The Ulti- The Car The Car mate Car Week Chasers Chasers Stossel FOX News Special
Caribbean Caribbean Life (N) Life (N) Worst Cooks in America (N) ‘G’ The Car The Car Chasers Chasers FOX News Special
(2:30) “The (:25) “16 Blocks” (2006, Action) Bruce Willis. (:15) “300: Rise of an Empire” (2014, Action) Sullivan Sta- Girls “Female Togetherness Looking (N) Girls “Female Togetherness Looking ‘MA’ Girls “Female Togetherness Devil Wears A world-weary cop protects a witness from as- pleton, Eva Green, Lena Headey. Greek Gen. Themistocles Author” (N) “Insanity” ‘MA’ ‘MA’ Author” ‘MA’ “Insanity” ‘MA’ Author” ‘MA’ “Insanity” ‘MA’ Prada” sassins. ‘PG-13’ battles invading Persians. ‘R’ ‘MA’ (3:45) Boxing Mike Alvarado vs. Brandon (:45) Black- Real Time With Bill Maher “The Other Woman” (2014, Romance-Comedy) Cameron “A Good Day to Die Hard” (2013, Action) (:45) “Rush Hour” (1998, Action) Jackie Rios. (Taped) hat: HBO ‘MA’ Diaz, Leslie Mann. Three women join forces for revenge Bruce Willis. John McClane and his son battle Chan. Mismatched police partners seek a First Look against a cheating cad. ‘PG-13’ Russian villains. ‘R’ kidnapped girl. ‘PG-13’ (:10) Banshee “A Fixer of (:10) “Riddick” (2013, Science Fiction) Vin Diesel, Karl Ur- (:10) “Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters” (2013, Adventure) “Godzilla” (2014, Science Fiction) Aaron Taylor-Johnson, (:05) “A Wife’s Secret” Sorts” Lucas’ secret is threat- ban, Jordi Mollà. Wanted criminal Riddick confronts two teams Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson. Percy and friends go in Ken Watanabe, Elizabeth Olsen. Godzilla and malevolent foes (2014, Adult) India Summer, ened by arrest. ‘MA’ of mercenaries. ‘R’ search of the Golden Fleece. ‘PG’ battle for supremacy. ‘PG-13’ Ash Hollywood. ‘NR’ (3:30) “Kill Bill: Vol. 2” (2004, Action) Uma Thurman, David Shameless “I’m the Liver” Lip Episodes House of Lies Shameless “The Two Lisas” House of Lies Episodes Shameless “The Two Lisas” House of Lies Episodes Carradine, Michael Madsen. An assassin confronts her former has his first day of work. ‘MA’ “Episode 402” ‘MA’ Frank asks Carl to discourage (N) ‘MA’ “Episode 403” Frank asks Carl to discourage ‘MA’ “Episode 403” boss and his gang. ‘R’ ‘MA’ lesbians. ‘MA’ ‘MA’ lesbians. ‘MA’ ‘MA’ (:15) “Lord of War” (2005, Drama) Nicolas Cage, Jared Leto, Bridget Moy- (:20) “Quartet” (2012) Maggie Smith, Billy “Lee Daniels’ The Butler” (2013, Historical Drama) Forest (:15) “Hellion” (2014, Drama) Aaron Paul, Juliette Lewis, nahan. A relentless Interpol agent tracks an arms dealer. ‘R’ Connolly. A diva intrudes on a trio of retired Whitaker, John Cusack. A White House butler serves many Josh Wiggins. A rebellious boy and his grieving father must opera singers. ‘PG-13’ presidents over the years. ‘PG-13’ come to terms. ‘R’
January 25 - 31, 2015
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In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night Blue Bloods ‘PG’ Blue Bloods ‘14’ Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Walker, Texas Ranger Blue Bloods ‘14’ Blue Bloods ‘14’ Funniest Home Videos “Black Hawk Down”, War In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night In the Heat of the Night Blue Bloods ‘14’ Blue Bloods ‘14’ Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Law & Order ‘PG’ Law & Order ‘PG’ Law & Order “Thrill” ‘PG’ Law & Order ‘PG’ Blue Bloods ‘14’ Blue Bloods ‘14’ Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Blue Bloods ‘14’ Blue Bloods ‘14’ Blue Bloods ‘14’ Blue Bloods ‘14’ Blue Bloods ‘14’ Blue Bloods ‘14’ Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Q Check Style Edition ‘G’ Antonella’s Jewelry Box Joan Rivers Classics Collection ‘G’ Super-size Beauty (N) ‘G’ Food Fest (N) ‘G’ Algenist Skin Care ‘G’ PM Style “Algenist” ‘G’ Q Check (N) ‘G’ The Master Suite ‘G’ In Home Care ‘G’ Flameless Candles ‘G’ Mally: Color Cosmetics ‘G’ You’re Home With Jill ‘G’ Q Check “LG” (N) ‘G’ Kitchen Clearance ‘G’ Problems Solved (N) ‘G’ Temp-tations Presentable Food Fest ‘G’ Joan Rivers Classics LG Electronics ‘G’ Q Check (N) ‘G’ Peter Thomas Roth Gardening Made Easy Leah Loves Shoes “Earth Origins” (N) ‘G’ Dennis Basso Home ‘G’ Earth Brands Footwear Fine Italian Jewelry Q Check Style Edition ‘G’ Isaac Mizrahi Live ‘G’ Shawn Says, Accessorize! ‘G’ tarte beauty ‘G’ LOGO by Lori Goldstein Linea by Louis Dell ’Olio Late with Jayne & Pat Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ How I Met How I Met Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ “Pastor Brown” (2009) Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ How I Met How I Met Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Celebrity Wife Swap ‘14’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ How I Met How I Met Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Big Women: Big Love ‘14’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ How I Met How I Met Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Wife Swap ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ Frasier ‘PG’ How I Met How I Met Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Grey’s Anatomy ‘14’ Celebrity Wife Swap ‘PG’ (6:30) “Running Scared” NCIS: Los Angeles ‘PG’ NCIS: Los Angeles ‘14’ NCIS: Los Angeles ‘14’ NCIS “Endgame” ‘14’ NCIS “Power Down” ‘14’ NCIS “Ignition” ‘PG’ NCIS ‘14’ Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU “Quantum of Solace” “The Adjustment Bureau” (2011) Matt Damon. “The Bourne Ultimatum” (2007) Matt Damon, Julia Stiles. “Faster” (2010, Action) Dwayne Johnson. 5th Elmnt Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU “Eight Below” (2006) Paul Walker, Bruce Greenwood. Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy King King King Friends ‘14’ Friends ‘PG’ Married “Limitless” (2011, Suspense) Bradley Cooper. Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy King King King Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ (7:30) “Catch Me if You Can” (2002) Leonardo DiCaprio. Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy King King King Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Married “Father of the Bride” (1991) Steve Martin. Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy King King King Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Married “Father of the Bride Part II” (1995, Comedy) Cleveland Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Family Guy King King King Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘14’ Charmed ‘PG’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Bones Heart failure. ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Charmed ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Bones Block party. ‘14’ Charmed ‘PG’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Charmed Caught. ‘PG’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ NBA Tip-Off (N) (Live) Charmed ‘PG’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Supernatural ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ Bones ‘14’ SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportCtr Football NFL Insiders (N) (Live) NFL Live (N) (Live) Around Interruption SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Basketball SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Insiders NFL Live (N) (Live) Around Interruption SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Basketball SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportCtr Football NFL Insiders (N) (Live) NFL Live (N) (Live) Around Interruption SportsCenter (N) (Live) Dream NBA SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportCtr Football NFL Insiders (N) (Live) NFL Live (N) (Live) Around Interruption SportsCenter (N) (Live) College Basketball SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportCtr Football NFL Insiders (N) (Live) NFL Live (N) (Live) Around Interruption SportsCenter (N) (Live) NBA His & Hers (N) (Live) First Take SportCtr 2015 Australian Open Tennis Round of 16. From Melbourne, Australia. (Taped) Around Interruption Wm. Basketball His & Hers (N) (Live) First Take 2015 Australian Open Tennis Men’s and Women’s Quarterfinals. (Taped) Around Interruption College Basketball His & Hers (N) (Live) First Take SportCtr 2015 Australian Open Tennis Men’s and Women’s Quarterfinals. (Taped) Around Interruption SportCtr Basketball His & Hers (N) (Live) First Take 2015 Australian Open Tennis Men’s First Semifinal. From Melbourne, Australia. (Taped) Nation Interruption Keepers of the Streak (N) His & Hers (N) (Live) First Take 2015 Australian Open Tennis Men’s Second Semifinal. From Melbourne, Australia. (Taped) College Football All-Star Challenge. (Taped) The Rich Eisen Show (N) (Live) ‘PG’ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Dan Patrick Show (N) Wm. Basketball The Rich Eisen Show (N) (Live) ‘PG’ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Dan Patrick Show (N) ShipShape Planet X Sq. The Rich Eisen Show (N) (Live) ‘PG’ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Dan Patrick Show (N) College Basketball The Rich Eisen Show (N) (Live) ‘PG’ Best Pressure Cooker! ‘G’ The Dan Patrick Show (N) Wm. Basketball The Rich Eisen Show (N) (Live) ‘PG’ Paid Prog. Paid Prog. The Dan Patrick Show (N) Wm. Basketball Varied Programs Movie Varied Programs Stooges Stooges “Green Zone” (2010, Action) Matt Damon, Greg Kinnear. “We Were Soldiers” (2002, War) Mel Gibson, Madeleine Stowe. “Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem” Stooges “Coach Carter” (2005, Drama) Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Ri’chard. “Predator 2” (1990) Danny Glover, Gary Busey. “Paycheck” (2003) Ben Affleck, Aaron Eckhart. Stooges “Pale Rider” (1985) Clint Eastwood, Michael Moriarty. “Die Hard 2” (1990, Action) Bruce Willis, Bonnie Bedelia. “X-Men” (2000, Action) Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart. “Along Came Polly” (2004) Ben Stiller. “Godzilla” (1998, Science Fiction) Matthew Broderick, Jean Reno. “Stealth” (2005, Action) Josh Lucas, Jessica Biel, Jamie Foxx. Gladiator Stooges Stooges “Windtalkers” (2002, War) Nicolas Cage, Adam Beach, Peter Stormare. “On Deadly Ground” (1994) Steven Seagal, Michael Caine. “Under Siege” (1992, Action) Teen Titans Teen Titans Gumball Gumball Clarence Clarence Clarence Teen Titans Teen Titans Teen Titans Gumball Uncle Gra. Teen Titans Steven Univ. Adventure Regular Teen Titans Teen Titans Gumball Gumball Steven Univ. Steven Univ. Steven Univ. Teen Titans Teen Titans Teen Titans Gumball Uncle Gra. Teen Titans Steven Univ. Adventure Regular Teen Titans Teen Titans Gumball Gumball Uncle Gra. Uncle Gra. Uncle Gra. Teen Titans Teen Titans Teen Titans Gumball Uncle Gra. Teen Titans Steven Univ. Adventure Regular Teen Titans Teen Titans Gumball Gumball Teen Titans Teen Titans Teen Titans Teen Titans Teen Titans Teen Titans Gumball Uncle Gra. Teen Titans Steven Univ. Adventure Regular Teen Titans Teen Titans Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Gumball Teen Titans Teen Titans Teen Titans Gumball Uncle Gra. Teen Titans Steven Univ. Adventure Regular Ani. Cops Varied Pit Bulls Varied Pit Bulls and Parolees The Haunted The Haunted Monsters Inside Me Swamp Wars Gator Boys The 7D ‘Y’ Doc McSt. Doc McSt. Sofia Sofia Wil. West Mickey Mickey Doc McSt. Doc McSt. Austin Austin I Didn’t I Didn’t Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. Mickey Doc McSt. Doc McSt. Sofia Sofia Wil. West Mickey The 7D ‘G’ Doc McSt. Doc McSt. “Ella Enchanted” (2004) Mickey Austin Austin Mickey Doc McSt. Doc McSt. Sofia Sofia Wil. West Mickey Mickey Doc McSt. Doc McSt. “Tinker Bell” (2008, Fantasy) Girl Meets Girl Meets Girl Meets Mickey The 7D ‘Y’ Doc McSt. Sofia Sofia Wil. West Mickey Mickey Doc McSt. Doc McSt. “Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy” Liv-Mad. Liv-Mad. K.C. Under. Wil. West Doc McSt. Sofia Jessie ‘G’ Jessie ‘G’ Jessie ‘G’ Dog Dog Dog Dog Austin Austin Austin Austin Movie PAW Patrol Wally Wally Blaze Bubble Bubble Charmers Dora PAW Patrol Wally SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Odd Parents SpongeBob SpongeBob PAW Patrol Wally Wally Blaze Bubble Bubble Charmers Dora PAW Patrol Wally SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Odd Parents SpongeBob SpongeBob PAW Patrol Wally Wally Blaze Bubble Bubble Charmers Dora PAW Patrol Wally SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Odd Parents SpongeBob SpongeBob PAW Patrol Wally Wally Blaze Bubble Bubble Charmers Dora PAW Patrol Wally SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Odd Parents SpongeBob SpongeBob PAW Patrol Wally Wally Blaze Bubble Bubble Charmers Dora PAW Patrol Wally SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Odd Parents SpongeBob SpongeBob The Middle 700 Club The 700 Club ‘G’ Gilmore Girls ‘PG’ Gilmore Girls ‘PG’ The Middle The Middle The Middle The Middle Reba ‘PG’ Reba ‘PG’ Reba ‘PG’ Reba ‘PG’ Growing Up Tiny: Kenadie Hoarding: Buried Alive 650-lb. Virgin ‘14’ What Not to Wear ‘PG’ What Not to Wear ‘PG’ Disappeared ‘PG’ Disappeared ‘PG’ Say Yes Say Yes Obese and Expecting Hoarding: Buried Alive My 600-Lb. Life ‘PG’ What Not to Wear ‘PG’ What Not to Wear ‘PG’ Disappeared ‘PG’ Disappeared ‘MA’ Say Yes Say Yes I’m Turning Into a Giant Hoarding: Buried Alive My 600-Lb. Life ‘PG’ What Not to Wear ‘PG’ What Not to Wear ‘PG’ Disappeared ‘PG’ Disappeared ‘PG’ Say Yes Say Yes Secretly Pregnant ‘14’ Hoarding: Buried Alive The World’s Fattest Man What Not to Wear ‘PG’ What Not to Wear ‘PG’ Disappeared ‘PG’ Disappeared ‘PG’ Say Yes Say Yes Secretly Pregnant ‘14’ Hoarding: Buried Alive Half-Ton Teen ‘PG’ What Not to Wear ‘PG’ What Not to Wear ‘PG’ Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes
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January 25 - 31, 2015
2 PM
3 PM
“What Dreams” REAL Sports Gumbel (:15) “Winter’s Tale” (2014) Colin Farrell. ‘PG-13’ All About Ann: Governor Richards (:45) “Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within” Sports Must Love “Catwoman” (2004) Halle Berry. (:15) “Make Your Move” (2013) Derek Hough. (:15) “Walk the Line” (2005) Joaquin Phoenix. ‘PG-13’ “Blended” (2014) Adam Sandler. (7:00) “Ender’s Game” “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” (2013) ‘PG-13’ (:45) Terror at the Mall (:45) “X-Men: The Last Stand” (2006) ‘PG-13’ “The Devil Wears Prada” (2006) Jennifer Lopez: Dance Again ‘14’ “I Dreamed of Africa” (2000) Kim Basinger. “Night Will Fall” (2014) ‘NR’ “The Great Gatsby” (2013) Leonardo DiCaprio. ‘PG-13’ Other Wm Blended In Vogue: Edit “The Devil Wears Prada” (2006) ‘PG-13’ (:45) “Rio 2” (2014) Voices of Anne Hathaway. REAL Sports Gumbel “Epic Movie” (2007) Kal Penn. Very Brady (:25) “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” (2005) ‘PG-13’ Conchords (:35) “Grudge Match” (2013) Robert De Niro. “Ride With the Devil” (1999) Skeet Ulrich, Jewel. ‘R’ (7:45) “Hidalgo” (2004) Viggo Mortensen. (:05) “The World’s End” (2013) Simon Pegg. “Divergent” (2014, Science Fiction) Shailene Woodley. ‘PG-13’ (:20) “Thank You for Smoking” (7:30) “Blended” (2014) ‘PG-13’ “The Grand Budapest Hotel” (:15) “Identity Thief” (2013) Jason Bateman. ‘R’ Kings Point “Austin Powers: Man of Mystery” (:15) “Rush Hour” Superstar (:25) “Black Nativity” (2013) ‘PG’ “Nothing to Lose” (1997) ‘R’ Flight of the Conchords (:20) “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” (2012) ‘PG-13’ (:10) “The Interpreter” (7:30) “The World Is Not Enough” (:45) “Epic” (2013) Voices of Colin Farrell. ‘PG’ “The Newburgh Sting” (2014) ‘NR’ “42” (2013) Chadwick Boseman. ‘PG-13’ 2014 Rock and Roll Hall (7:35) “The Waterboy” (:10) “Lone Survivor” (2013) Mark Wahlberg. (:15) “Dawn of the Dead” (2004) Sarah Polley. “Pacific Rim” (2013) Charlie Hunnam. ‘PG-13’ (:15) “The Mexican” (:05) “Dark City” (1998) Rufus Sewell. ‘R’ (9:50) “Dom Hemingway” (2013) “Two for the Money” (2005) Al Pacino. ‘R’ (:35) “The Incredible Burt Wonderstone” (2013) Bring It On (7:30) “Enough Said” (:10) “Contact” (1997, Science Fiction) Jodie Foster. ‘PG’ (:40) “Admission” (2013) Tina Fey. ‘PG-13’ “Oblivion” (2013) Tom Cruise. ‘PG-13’ Batman (6:50) Snitch (:45) “Godzilla” (2014) Aaron Taylor-Johnson. ‘PG-13’ (10:50) “The Place Beyond the Pines” (2012) MAX on Set “The Godfather, Part II” (1974) Al Pacino. ‘R’ (6:30) Rush (:35) “The Way, Way Back” (2013) ‘PG-13’ (:20) “Man of Steel” (2013) Henry Cavill. ‘PG-13’ (:45) “The Untouchables” (1987) ‘R’ (:45) “Getaway” (2013) ‘PG-13’ David Beckham Into the Unknown ‘14’ “Lance Armstrong: Stop at Nothing” (:15) “The Warrior’s Way” (2010, Action) ‘R’ “Cocaine Cowboys” (2006) Drug lords invade 1980s Miami. Dark Skies “Yours, Mine & Ours” (2005) ‘PG’ “The Newest Pledge” (2012) ‘R’ “The Last Exorcism Part II” (2013) “The Horse Whisperer” (1998, Drama) Robert Redford, Sam Neill. ‘PG-13’ Finding Bronx Ob “Some Girl(s)” (2013) Adam Brody. The Last One ‘14’ (:25) “A Little Help” (2010) ‘R’ (:15) “Failure to Launch” (2006) ‘PG-13’ “God’s Pocket” ‘R’ Spy Hard (:45) “Philomena” (2013) Judi Dench. ‘PG-13’ (:25) “The Kings of Summer” ‘R’ “Dare” (2009) Emmy Rossum. ‘R’ (:45) “The Warrior’s Way” (2010, Action) ‘R’ Love-Honor “Bounce” (2000) Gwyneth Paltrow. ‘PG-13’ “Last Vegas” (2013) ‘PG-13’ Lost Songs “Sunset Strip” (2012) ‘NR’ (:45) “Legally Blonde” (2001, Comedy) ‘PG-13’ Longest (6:45) “The Way Back” “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” “The Motorcycle Diaries” (2004) ‘R’ (:10) “Step Up Revolution” (2012) ‘PG-13’ “Dead Poets Society” Cutaway (:20) “The Last Shot” (2004) ‘R’ (9:55) “The Face of Love” (2013) “August: Osage County” (2013) Meryl Streep. (:35) “Bad News Bears” (2005, Comedy) ‘PG-13’ Star Trek (:15) “Ride in the Whirlwind” ‘G’ (:40) “All In: The Poker Movie” (:05) “See Girl Run” (2012) ‘NR’ (:35) “Frauds” (1993) Phil Collins. (:10) “Delivery Man” (2013) Vince Vaughn. Big Bsness (:40) “Jerry and Tom” (1998) Joe Mantegna. (:20) “A Case of You” (2013) ‘R’ (11:55) “Cocktail” (1988) ‘R’ (:40) “Dead Poets Society” (1989) Robin Williams. ‘PG’ “Fruitvale Station” (2013) ‘R’ “Lee Daniels’ The Butler” (2013) ‘PG-13’ (:45) “August: Osage County” (2013) ‘R’ (:45) “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” Twilight
(58) HIST 120 269
(59) A&E 118 265 (60) HGTV 112 229
M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F
M T (61) FOOD 110 231 W Th F
(65) CNBC 208 355 PG’ (67) FNC 205 360 PG’ M PG’ T PG’ (81) COM 107 249 W 4’ Th
! HBO 303 504
l N) ^ HBO2 304 505
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9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM
M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F
(57) TRAV 196 277
s er.
9 AM
F M T (82) SYFY 122 244 W Th F
(56) DISC 182 278
w d
B = DirecTV
To Be Announced Fat N Furious: Rolling Fat N Furious: Rolling Fat N Furious: Rolling Fat N Furious: Rolling To Be Announced Weed Country ‘14’ Weed Country ‘14’ Weed Country ‘14’ Weed Country ‘14’ To Be Announced Big Giant Swords ‘14’ Big Giant Swords ‘14’ To Be Announced Dual Survival ‘14’ Dual Survival ‘14’ Bermuda Triangle Bermuda Triangle: New County Jail: Miami ‘14’ To Be Announced Chain Gang: Maricopa Street Outlaws ‘14’ Street Outlaws ‘14’ Street Outlaws ‘14’ Raw Alaska ‘14’ To Be Announced Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush People Alaskan Bush People Gold Rush ‘PG’ No Reservation No Reservation Food Paradise ‘PG’ Food Paradise ‘PG’ Food Paradise ‘PG’ Food Paradise ‘PG’ Food Paradise ‘PG’ Bizarre Foods/Zimmern No Reservation No Reservation Bikinis Bikinis Bizarre Foods America Bizarre Foods America Bizarre Foods America Food Paradise ‘PG’ Bizarre Foods/Zimmern No Reservation No Reservation No Reservation No Reservation No Reservation No Reservation Food Paradise ‘PG’ Bizarre Foods/Zimmern No Reservation No Reservation Mysteries at the Castle Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost Ghost Adventures ‘PG’ Ghost Adventures ‘PG’ Ghost Adventures ‘PG’ Ghost Adventures ‘PG’ Ghost Adventures ‘PG’ Secrets-Founding Fathers American Pickers ‘PG’ American Pickers ‘PG’ American Pickers ‘PG’ American Pickers ‘PG’ American Pickers ‘PG’ American Pickers ‘PG’ American Pickers ‘PG’ Washington the Warrior Pawn Stars ‘PG’ Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars ‘PG’ Weapons Changed World Extreme Marksmen Feats of marksmanship. ‘PG’ American Pickers ‘PG’ American Pickers ‘PG’ American Pickers ‘PG’ American Pickers ‘PG’ American Pickers ‘PG’ Pawn. Pawn. Pawn. Pawn. Pawn. Pawn. Pawn. Pawn. Pawn. Pawn. Pawn. Pawn. Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Modern Marvels ‘G’ Modern Marvels ‘G’ Modern Marvels ‘G’ Modern Marvels ‘PG’ Modern Marvels “Walt Disney World” ‘PG’ Modern Marvels ‘G’ Modern Marvels ‘G’ Dog Dog Criminal Minds ‘14’ Criminal Minds ‘14’ CSI: Miami ‘PG’ CSI: Miami ‘14’ Criminal Minds ‘14’ Criminal Minds ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ Dog Dog Criminal Minds ‘14’ Criminal Minds ‘14’ CSI: Miami ‘14’ CSI: Miami ‘PG’ Criminal Minds ‘14’ Criminal Minds ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ Dog the Bounty Hunter Criminal Minds ‘14’ Criminal Minds ‘14’ CSI: Miami ‘14’ CSI: Miami ‘14’ Criminal Minds ‘14’ Criminal Minds ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ Dog the Bounty Hunter Criminal Minds ‘14’ Criminal Minds ‘14’ CSI: Miami ‘14’ CSI: Miami ‘14’ Criminal Minds ‘14’ Criminal Minds ‘14’ The First 48 ‘14’ Dog the Bounty Hunter Criminal Minds ‘14’ Criminal Minds ‘14’ Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Varied Programs Hunters Hunters Int’l Varied Programs Paid Prog. Barbecue Guy’s, Bite Rewrapped Cupcake Wars ‘G’ Chopped ‘G’ Pioneer Wo. Contessa Secrets 30-Minute Giada-Home Giada-Home Contessa Contessa Paid Prog. Barbecue Cooking Mexican Cupcake Wars ‘G’ Chopped ‘G’ Pioneer Wo. Contessa Secrets 30-Minute Giada-Home Giada-Home Contessa Contessa Paid Prog. Bobby Flay Ingred. Fix Dinners Cupcake Wars ‘G’ Chopped ‘G’ Pioneer Wo. Contessa Secrets 30-Minute Giada-Home Giada-Home Contessa Contessa Paid Prog. Barbecue Food Court Wars ‘G’ Cupcake Wars ‘G’ Ace, Cakes Ace, Cakes Ace, Cakes Ace, Cakes Ace, Cakes Ace, Cakes Ace, Cakes Ace, Cakes Ace, Cakes Ace, Cakes Paid Prog. Brunch at The Kitchen ‘G’ Save My Bakery ‘G’ Chopped Canada ‘G’ Trisha’s Contessa Cutthroat Kitchen ‘G’ Cutthroat Kitchen ‘G’ Cutthroat Kitchen ‘G’ Fast Money Halftime Power Lunch Street Signs Closing Bell Fast Money Varied Mad Money Varied Programs Outnumbered Happening Now The Real Story Shepard Smith Reporting Your World W/ Cavuto The Five Special Report Greta Van Susteren Comedy Daily Show Nightly South Park South Park (:23) “Your Highness” (2011) Danny McBride. (:24) “Role Models” (2008) Paul Rudd Key & Peele Futurama Futurama Comedy Daily Show Nightly Community South Park (:25) “Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey” (1991) (:26) Tosh.0 Tosh.0 ‘14’ (:26) Tosh.0 Tosh.0 ‘14’ (:27) Tosh.0 Futurama Futurama Comedy Daily Show Nightly Community South Park (:25) “Without a Paddle: Nature’s Calling” (2009) South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park South Park Comedy Daily Show Nightly South Park South Park (:23) “Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd” Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Futurama Futurama Comedy Daily Show Nightly South Park South Park (:21) “The Great Outdoors” (1988) Dan Aykroyd. Kroll Show Broad City Workaholics Workaholics Workaholics Futurama Futurama “Ghouls” (2008, Horror) Kristen Renton. ‘14’ “Phantom Racer” (2009, Action) Greg Evigan. ‘14’ “Dracula 2000” (2000) Christopher Plummer. “The Bleeding” (2009, Horror) Vinnie Jones. Ghost Hunt Ghost Hunters ‘PG’ Ghost Hunters ‘PG’ Ghost Hunters ‘PG’ Ghost Hunters ‘PG’ Ghost Hunters ‘PG’ “The Spirit” (2008, Action) Gabriel Macht. XXX “Darklight” (2004, Horror) Shiri Appleby. ‘14’ “Dark Relic” (2010, Fantasy) James Frain. ‘14’ “Swamp Devil” (2008, Horror) Bruce Dern. “The Haunting in Connecticut” (2009, Horror) Magic Wizard Wars ‘PG’ Wizard Wars ‘PG’ Wizard Wars ‘PG’ Wizard Wars ‘PG’ Wizard Wars ‘PG’ Wizard Wars ‘PG’ “The Uninvited” (2009, Horror) Wizard Wars ‘PG’ “Reign of the Gargoyles” (2007) Joe Penny. ‘14’ “Red: Werewolf Hunter” (2010) Felicia Day. ‘14’ “Children of the Corn” (2009, Horror) ‘14’ “Friday the 13th”
8 AM
+ MAX 311 516
5 SHOW 319 546
8 TMC 329 554
3000 Miles to Graceland ›› (2001, Action) Kurt Russell, Kevin Costner. ‘R’
(2:05) (8) WGN-A Sat. 10 p.m. Tinker Bell ›› (2008, Fantasy) Voices of Mae Whitman, Kristin Chenoweth. ‘G’ (1:18) (49) DISN Tue. 7 p.m. Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue ›› (2010, Fantasy) Voices of Mae Whitman, Michael Sheen. ‘G’ (1:16) (49) DISN Wed. 7 p.m. The To Do List ›› (2013, Comedy) Aubrey Plaza, Johnny Simmons. ‘R’ (1:44) 5 SHOW Mon. 11:30 p.m.
January 25 - 31, 2015
Training Day ››› (2001, Crime Drama) Denzel Washington, Ethan Hawke.
A rookie cop meets a corrupt Los Angeles narcotics officer who wants to include him in his schemes. ‘R’ (2:00) (38) SPIKE Sun. 6:30 p.m., 11:30 p.m. Transcendence ›› (2014, Science Fiction) Johnny Depp, Rebecca Hall. ‘PG-13’ (1:59) + MAX Thu. 5 p.m. 27 Dresses ›› (2008, Romance-Comedy) Katherine Heigl, James Marsden. ‘PG-13’ (1:47) (23) LIFE Sun. 4 p.m. Twilight ›› (2008, Romance) Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson. ‘PG-13’ (2:01) (51) FAM Thu. 7 p.m.; Fri. 4 p.m. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 ›› (2012, Romance) Kristen Stewart,
Robert Pattinson. ‘PG-13’ (1:55) 8 TMC Mon. 5 p.m. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse ›› (2010, Romance) Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson. ‘PG-13’ (2:04) (51) FAM Sat. 6 p.m. The Twilight Saga: New Moon ›› (2009, Romance) Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson. ‘PG-13’ (2:10) (51) FAM Fri. 7 p.m. 2 Fast 2 Furious ›› (2003, Action) Paul Walker, Tyrese. ‘PG-13’ (1:48) (38) SPIKE Wed. 7 p.m.; Thu. 7 p.m. 2 Guns ›› (2013, Action) Denzel Washington, Mark Wahlberg. ‘R’ (1:49) ^ HBO2 Thu. 11:40 p.m.
Clarion TV
Under Siege ››› (1992, Action) Steven Seagal, Tommy Lee Jones. Two military madmen hijack a nucleararmed Navy battleship with a SEAL commando on board as a cook. ‘R’ (1:42) (43) AMC Thu. 7 p.m. The Uninvited ›› (2009, Horror) Elizabeth Banks, Emily Browning. ‘PG-13’ (1:27) (82) SYFY Wed. 6 p.m.
Veronica Mars ››› (2014, Crime Drama) Kristen Bell, Jason Dohring. On the eve of her law-school graduation, Ve-
ronica turns amateur sleuth once again after ex-boyfriend, Logan, becomes a murder suspect. ‘PG-13’ (1:47) ! HBO Tue. 5:30 p.m.
XXX ›› (2002, Action) Danny Trejo, Vin Diesel. ‘PG-13’ (2:04) (82) SYFY Mon. 8 p.m.
You Again ›› (2010, Romance-Comedy) Kristen Bell, Jamie Lee Curtis. ‘PG’ (1:45) (51) FAM Wed. 8 p.m.; Thu. 5 p.m. © Tribune Media Services
sportszone BASKETBALL SUNDAY 12:00 p.m. (8) CBS College Basketball (Live) (CC) 1:00 p.m. (35) ESPN2 (36) ROOT Women’s College Basketball (Live) 5:00 p.m. (36) ROOT College Basketball 8:00 p.m. (36) ROOT College Basketball (Same-day Tape)
MONDAY 3:00 p.m. (34) ESPN College Basketball (Live) (35) ESPN2 Women’s College Basketball (Live) (36) ROOT Women’s College Basketball 5:00 p.m. (34) ESPN College Basketball (Live)
TUESDAY 3:00 p.m. (34) ESPN (35) ESPN2 College Basketball (Live) 5:00 p.m. (34) ESPN (36) ROOT College Basketball (Live)
(35) ESPN2 College Basketball (Live) 4:00 p.m. (34) ESPN NBA Basketball (Live) 5:00 p.m. (36) ROOT College Basketball (Live) 6:30 p.m. (34) ESPN NBA Basketball (Live)
(35) ESPN2 (36) ROOT College Basketball (Live)
4:00 p.m. (34) ESPN 2015 Pro Bowl From University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Ariz. (Live)
3:00 p.m. (34) ESPN College Basketball (Live)
3:00 p.m. (31) TNT NBA Tip-Off (Live) (CC) (34) ESPN College Basketball (Live) (36) ROOT Women’s College Basketball (Live) 4:00 p.m. (31) TNT NBA Basketball (Live) (CC) (35) ESPN2 College Basketball (Live) 5:00 p.m. (34) ESPN (36) ROOT College Basketball (Live) 6:00 p.m. (35) ESPN2 College Basketball (Live) (CC) 6:30 p.m. (31) TNT NBA Basketball (Live) (CC) 7:00 p.m. (36) ROOT College Basketball (Live) 8:00 p.m. (35) ESPN2 College Basketball Live (Live) (CC)
3:00 p.m. (36) ROOT Women’s College Basketball (Live) 3:30 p.m. (34) ESPN NBA CountWEDNESDAY 2x2_PSA_BW.pdf 8:32:09 AM down6/20/2008 (Live) 3:00 p.m. (36) ROOT College Bas4:00 p.m. (34) ESPN NBA Basketketball (Live) ball (Live) 3:30 p.m. (34) ESPN NBA Count6:30 p.m. (34) ESPN NBA Basketball (Live) down (Live)
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ing From Greensboro, N.C. (Live) (CC)
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5:00 p.m. (35) ESPN2 2015 Australian Open Tennis From Melbourne, Australia. (Live) (CC)
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Hockey’s top players turn out at Nationwide Arena in Columbus, Ohio, when the NHL All-Star Game returns following a three-year hiatus Sunday on NBC Sports Network. Find out who’s playing at htm?location/allstar/2015
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3:45 p.m. ^ HBO2 Boxing Mike Alvarado takes on Brandon Rios in a 12-round welterweight bout; from Broomfield, Colo. (Taped) (CC)
The Braverman clan says farewell as NBC’s “Parenthood” concludes its six-season run Thursday. Find photos, videos, episodic information and a family tree at www.nbc. com/parenthood
5:00 p.m. (35) ESPN2 Boxing Karl Dargan vs. Tony Luis. From Mashantucket, Conn. (Live)
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2:00 p.m. (35) ESPN2 College Football (Taped)
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3:00 p.m. (35) ESPN2 Women’s College Gymnastics (Taped)
tralian Open Tennis From Melbourne, Australia. (Live) (CC)
A Miami hotel heir (Rob Lowe) is brutally murdered and suspicion falls on his stripper wife (Paz Vega) in “Beautiful & Twisted,” airing Saturday on Lifetime. For more information, go to The seeds of the American Revolution are sewn as Ben Barnes, Rafe Spall and Henry Thomas star in “Sons of Liberty,” premiering Sunday on History. Learn more at
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4 PM
Justice With Judge Mablean ‘PG’ The Insider (N)
(3) ABC-13 13 (6) MNT-5 5 (8) CBS-11 11 (9) FOX-4 4
(10) NBC-2 2
(12) PBS-7 7
Supreme Justice
5 PM News & Views (N)
Inside Edition Family Feud (N) ‘PG’ ‘PG’
The Ellen DeGeneres Show KTVA 5 p.m. (N) ‘G’ First Take Mike & Molly Entertainment Anger Man‘14’ Tonight (N) agement ‘14’ The Dr. Oz Show ‘PG’ Wild Kratts “CaracalMinton” ‘Y’
Channel 2 News 5:00 Report (N) Wild Kratts ‘Y’ BBC World News America ‘PG’
5:30 ABC World News
6 PM Jeopardy! (N) ‘G’
7 PM
B = DirecTV
Wheel of For- The Bachelor (N) ‘14’ tune (N) ‘G’
8 PM
JANUARY 26, 2015
9 PM
9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
(:01) Castle “Clear & Present ABC News at Danger” The death of a pool 10 (N) shark. ‘PG’ Family Feud Celebrity Celebrity Law & Order: Special Vic- Law & Order: Special Vic- Everybody Everybody How I Met ‘PG’ Name Game Name Game tims Unit “Closet” ‘14’ tims Unit Crooked prison Loves Ray- Loves Ray- Your Mother (N) ‘PG’ ‘PG’ guard suspected. ‘14’ mond ‘PG’ mond ‘PG’ ‘14’ CBS Evening KTVA 6 p.m. Evening Super Bowl’s Greatest Com- Scorpion Three convicts es- (8:59) NCIS: Los Angeles KTVA NightNews News (N) mercials 2015 (N) cape from prison. ‘14’ “Praesidium” ‘14’ cast Two and a The Big Bang The Big Bang Gotham A homicide witness Sleepy Hollow “Kali Yuga” Fox 4 News at 9 (N) Anger ManHalf Men ‘14’ Theory ‘PG’ Theory ‘PG’ ends up dead. (N) ‘14’ Captain Irving adjusts to a agement ‘14’ new reality. ‘14’ NBC Nightly Channel 2 Newshour (N) The Celebrity Apprentice “It’s Like a Booze Cruise With State of Affairs Charlie asks Channel 2 News (N) ‘G’ Knowledge” A boat tour of New York. (N) ‘PG’ a former enemy for help. News: Late (N) ‘14’ Edition (N) Alaska PBS NewsHour (N) Antiques Roadshow “Austin” Antiques Roadshow “San A Path Appears Activists fighting sex traffickWeather ‘G’ A spinning wheel; Roy Lich- Jose” Three Great Basin ing. (N) ‘MA’ tenstein pin. (N) ‘G’ baskets. ‘G’
(:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live ‘14’ (:37) Nightline (N) ‘G’ The Office ‘PG’
The Wendy Williams Show (N) ‘PG’
(:35) Late Show With David Letterman ‘PG’ Two and a TMZ (N) ‘PG’ Half Men ‘14’
The Late Late Show Entertainment Tonight
(:34) The Tonight Show Star- (:36) Late ring Jimmy Fallon ‘14’ Night With Seth Meyers Great Deci- Charlie Rose (N) sions in Foreign Policy
“Wild Wild West” (1999) Will Smith, Kevin Kline. Secret “Black Hawk Down” (2001, War) Josh Hartnett, Ewan McGregor, Tom Sizemore. U.S. sol- Rules of En- Rules of En- Raising Hope Raising Hope 30 Rock ‘14’ 30 Rock ‘14’ (8) WGN-A 239 307 agents fight to stop a presidential assassination. diers meet with disaster in 1993 Mogadishu, Somalia. gagement gagement ‘14’ ‘14’ (3:00) PM Style “Algenist” Skin care products by Algenist. Isaac Mizrahi Live ‘G’ Joan Rivers Classics Col- Flameless Candles ‘G’ Mally: Color Cosmetics ‘G’ Total Gym Experience ‘G’ Style Your Home ‘G’ (20) QVC 137 317 (N) ‘G’ lection ‘G’ (3:00) “Pastor Brown” (2009, “Twist of Faith” (2013, Drama) Toni Braxton, David Julian “With This Ring” (2015, Romance) Jill Scott, Eve, Regina (:02) Movie (:02) “With This Ring” (2015, Romance) Jill Scott, Eve, ReHirsh, Mykelti Williamson. A gospel community helps a man Hall. Three best friends each vow to get married within a (23) LIFE 108 252 Drama) Salli Richardsongina Hall. ‘PG’ Whitfield. whose family was murdered. ‘PG’ year. ‘PG’ NCIS An assassin targets a NCIS Terrorists threaten to NCIS Busting an illegal truck- WWE Monday Night RAW (N Same-day Tape) ‘PG’ (:05) Sirens (:35) Sirens (:05) Suits “We’re Done” Mike (28) USA 105 242 key witness. ‘14’ detonate a bomb. ‘PG’ ing operation. ‘PG’ ‘14’ is reeling. ‘14’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Seinfeld “The Seinfeld ‘PG’ Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Family Guy “The Blind Side” American American The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan (N) ‘14’ The Office Conan ‘14’ Muffin Tops” Butter Shave” Voice” ‘PG’ Brian dates a blind girl who Dad ‘14’ Dad ‘14’ Theory ‘PG’ Theory ‘PG’ ‘PG’ (30) TBS 139 247 ‘PG’ ‘PG’ hates dogs. ‘14’ Castle A dying man leaves a Castle A pop star is found Castle Castle hunts an arson- Castle The murder of a video Castle A magazine employee Bones Brennan wants to have Bones Body is discovered at Law & Order Suspicious web (31) TNT 138 245 baby with a priest. ‘PG’ dead in an alley. ‘PG’ ist-turned-killer. ‘PG’ store clerk. ‘PG’ is found dead. ‘PG’ a baby. ‘14’ a nightclub. ‘14’ site. ‘14’ College Basketball Syracuse College Basketball Texas at Iowa State. From Hilton Coli- SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (34) ESPN 140 206 at North Carolina. (N) seum in Ames, Iowa. (N) (Live) Women’s College Basket- 2015 Australian Open Tennis Men’s and Women’s Quarterfinals. From Melbourne, Australia. (N) (Live) Dad’s Dream Dad’s Dream 2015 Australian Open Ten (35) ESPN2 144 209 ball: Aggies at Gamecocks nis Quarterfinal. (N) Women’s College Basketball The Game Mariners All Mariners Mondays (N) The Rich Eisen Show ‘PG’ (36) ROOT 426 687 365 Access (2:00) “The “Wild Hogs” (2007, Comedy) Tim Allen, John Travolta, Martin Lawrence. Cops ‘PG’ Cops ‘PG’ Cops ‘14’ Cops ‘14’ Cops ‘PG’ Cops “New “The Rundown” (2003, Adventure) The Rock. A bounty (38) SPIKE 241 241 Rundown” Four friends take a motorcycle road trip. Jersey” ‘PG’ hunter must find his boss’ son in the Amazon. “Aliens vs. “Predator 2” (1990, Science Fiction) Danny Glover, Gary Busey, Ruben Breaking Bad “End Times” (:03) Breaking Bad “Face Off” Walt and (:16) Breaking Bad “Live Free (:16) Breaking Bad “Madri- (:20) Breaking (43) AMC 131 254 Predator” Bad ‘14’ Blades. Police officers lock horns with a bloodthirsty alien. ‘PG’ Jesse team up on Gus. ‘PG’ or Die” ‘14’ gal” ‘14’ King of the King of the The Cleve- The Cleve- American American Family Guy Family Guy Robot Mr. Pickles The Venture American American Family Guy Family Guy Robot (46) TOON 176 296 Hill ‘PG’ Hill ‘PG’ land Show land Show Dad ‘14’ Dad ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ Chicken ‘MA’ Bros. ‘14’ Dad ‘14’ Dad ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ Chicken To Be Announced Yukon Men Its driftwood log- Yukon Men “Wheel of Misfor- Yukon Men Stan’s supply of Alaska: Battle on the Bay Yukon Men “Wheel of Misfor- Yukon Men Stan’s supply of (47) ANPL 184 282 ging season. ‘PG’ tune” ‘PG’ fish is in jeopardy. ‘PG’ ‘PG’ tune” ‘PG’ fish is in jeopardy. ‘PG’ Dog With a Dog With a K.C. Under- (:35) K.C. Un- Dog With a Jessie ‘G’ “Ella Enchanted” (2004, Romance-Comedy) (:45) Mickey Dog With a Jessie ‘G’ Liv & Mad- Austin & Good Luck Good Luck (49) DISN 173 291 Blog ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ cover dercover Blog ‘G’ Anne Hathaway, Hugh Dancy. Mouse ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ die ‘G’ Ally ‘G’ Charlie ‘G’ Charlie ‘G’ iCarly ‘G’ The Thunder- The Thunder- Victorious ‘G’ Every Witch Sam & Cat ‘G’ Full House ‘G’ Full House ‘G’ Full House ‘G’ Full House ‘G’ Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Friends ‘PG’ (:36) Friends (:12) Everybody Loves Ray (50) NICK 171 300 mans ‘G’ mans ‘G’ Way (N) ‘G’ ‘PG’ mond ‘G’ Boy Meets Boy Meets Chasing Life “Next April” ‘14’ The Fosters “Over/Under” ‘14’ The Fosters “Stay” Callie tries Chasing Life (N) ‘14’ The Fosters “Stay” Callie tries The 700 Club ‘G’ The Fosters “Stay” Callie tries (51) FAM 180 311 World ‘G’ to help Kiara. ‘14’ World ‘G’ to help Kiara. (N) ‘14’ to help Kiara. ‘14’ Say Yes to Say Yes to Say Yes to the Dress: Since Kate Plus 8 Gosselin family My Weight Is Killing Me “Last My 600-Lb. Life: Where Are Fat Fabulous Fat Fabulous My 600-Lb. Life: Where Are Fat Fabulous Fat Fabulous (55) TLC 183 280 the Dress the Dress the Big Day ‘PG’ vacation continues. Hope” ‘PG’ They Now? ‘PG’ They Now? ‘PG’ Fat N’ Furious: Rolling Fat N’ Furious: Rolling Street Outlaws “Ova for Mur- Street Outlaws: Full Throttle Street Outlaws “Gatekeeper Fat N’ Furious: Rolling Street Outlaws “Gatekeeper Fat N’ Furious: Rolling (56) DISC 182 278 Thunder Thunder der Nova?” ‘14’ (N) ‘14’ Gate” (N) ‘14’ Thunder (N) ‘PG’ Gate” ‘14’ Thunder ‘PG’ Man v. Food Man v. Food Bizarre Foods With Andrew Bizarre Foods America ‘PG’ The Trip: 2015 (N) ‘PG’ Bizarre Bizarre Booze Traveler (N) ‘PG’ Booze Traveler “Japan Un- Bizarre Bizarre (57) TRAV 196 277 ‘G’ ‘G’ Zimmern ‘PG’ Foods: Foods: corked” ‘PG’ Foods: Foods: American Pickers “Enter the American Pickers “The More Sons of Liberty ‘14’ Sons of Liberty ‘14’ Sons of Liberty Paul Revere warns the Colonists. (N) ‘14’ (:01) Sons of Liberty Paul Revere warns the Colonists. ‘14’ (58) HIST 120 269 Negotiator” ‘PG’ You No” ‘PG’ The First 48 A mother may The First 48 Drive-by shoot- The First 48 Stabbing death; The First 48 Fatal stabbing; The First 48 Shooting and (:01) Nightwatch “Retaliation” (:02) The First 48 “On Ice; (:01) The First 48 Fatal stabillegal game room. ‘PG’ victim of a turf war. ‘14’ strangulation cases probed. New Orleans police look into a Overkill” Ice rink worker killed; bing; victim of a turf war. ‘14’ (59) A&E 118 265 have accompanied a shooter. ing victim in Dallas. ‘PG’ ‘14’ ‘14’ shooting. ‘14’ Miami murder. ‘14’ Property Brothers “Kari & Property Brothers “Amy & House Hunt- House Hunt- House Hunt- Hunters Int’l Ellen’s Design Challenge House Hunt- Hunters Int’l Love It or List It “Janice & Ellen’s Design Challenge ‘G’ (60) HGTV 112 229 Boris” ‘G’ Graham” ‘G’ ers ‘G’ ers ‘G’ ers (N) ‘G’ (N) ‘G’ ers (N) ‘G’ Trevor” ‘G’ The Pioneer Farmhouse Guy’s Grocery Games ‘G’ Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive-Ins and Best. Ever. “Best. Burger. Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive-Ins and (61) FOOD 110 231 Woman ‘G’ Rules ‘G’ Dives ‘G’ Ever.” (N) ‘G’ Dives ‘G’ Shark Tank ‘PG’ Jay Leno’s Garage: The Ulti- Restaurant Startup “The Restaurant Startup “Visions American Greed: The Fugi- American Greed: The Fugi- Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program (65) CNBC 208 355 mate Car Week Comeback Cook” of Vietnamese” tives tives The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity On the Record With Greta Red Eye (N) (67) FNC 205 360 Van Susteren (3:56) Fu(:26) Futura- The Nightly Daily Show/ (5:58) South (:29) Tosh.0 Key & Peele Key & Peele South Park South Park South Park South Park Daily Show/ The Nightly At Midnight (:31) South (81) COM 107 249 turama ‘14’ ma ‘14’ Show Jon Stewart Park ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘MA’ ‘MA’ ‘MA’ ‘14’ Jon Stewart Show With Chris Park ‘MA’ “Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever” (2009) Noah Segan. A flesh- “The Crazies” (2010, Horror) Timothy Olyphant. A strange “XXX” (2002, Action) Danny Trejo, Vin Diesel, Asia Argento. A spy tries to “The Spirit” (2008, Action) Gabriel Macht, (82) SYFY 122 244 eating virus targets teens at a high-school prom. toxin turns humans into dangerous lunatics. stop an anarchist with weapons. Samuel L. Jackson.
REAL Sports Jennifer Lopez: Dance Again The singer’s first world tour. ‘14’ HBO 303 504 Gumbel ! ^ HBO2 304 505 + MAX 311 516 5 SHOW 319 546 8 TMC 329 554
“Winter’s Tale” (2014, Fantasy) Colin Farrell, Jessica Brown “Night Will Fall” (2014) Alfred Hitchcock. A Girls “Female Togetherness Boxing Mike Alvarado vs. Brandon Rios. Findlay, Russell Crowe. A thief in love battles the forces of lost film made by Alfred Hitchcock and Sidney Author” ‘MA’ “Insanity” ‘MA’ time and darkness. ‘PG-13’ Bernstein. ‘NR’ (3:50) “Scary Movie” (2000, Comedy) (:20) “Big Daddy” (1999) Adam Sandler. A Real Time With Bill Maher Togetherness Looking ‘MA’ Girls “Female “Black Nativity” (2013) Forest Whitaker. A (:05) “Doom” (2005, SciShawn Wayans. A masked killer terrorizes goofy ne’er-do-well adopts an impressionable ‘MA’ “Insanity” ‘MA’ Author” ‘MA’ teen goes to New York to spend Christmas ence Fiction) The Rock, Karl and murders teens. ‘R’ youngster. ‘PG-13’ with relatives. ‘PG’ Urban. ‘R’ (3:15) “The Mexican” (2001) Brad Pitt. A (:25) “Commando” (1985) Arnold Schwar- Banshee “A Fixer of Sorts” “Behind Enemy Lines” (2001, Action) Owen Wilson, Gene (9:50) “Snitch” (2013) Dwayne Johnson. A (:45) Banshee mob lackey goes to Mexico to retrieve a price- zenegger. A war vet battles an old foe to Lucas’ secret is threatened by Hackman. An American flight navigator is stranded in war-torn man infiltrates a drug cartel to save his son ‘MA’ less antique. ‘R’ rescue his kidnapped child. arrest. ‘MA’ Bosnia. ‘PG-13’ from prison. ‘PG-13’ (3:35) “Dark Skies” (2013, (:15) “Legally Blonde” (2001, Comedy) Reese Witherspoon, Shameless “The Two Lisas” House of Lies Episodes Shameless “The Two Lisas” Episodes House of Lies Web Therapy “The To Do Science Fiction) Keri Russell. Luke Wilson. A sorority queen enrolls in Harvard to win back Frank asks Carl to discourage ‘MA’ “Episode 403” Frank asks Carl to discourage “Episode 403” ‘MA’ ‘14’ List” (2013) ‘PG-13’ her boyfriend. ‘PG-13’ lesbians. ‘MA’ ‘MA’ lesbians. ‘MA’ ‘MA’ ‘R’ (2:50) “Dead Poets Society” “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2” (2012, Ro“Byzantium” (2012, Horror) Gemma Arterton, Saoirse “The 13th Warrior” (1999, Adventure) Antonio Banderas, “Ironclad” (2011, Action) (1989) Robin Williams. ‘PG’ mance) Kristen Stewart. The Cullens gather other vampire Ronan, Jonny Lee Miller. Fugitive female vampires take ref- Diane Venora, Dennis Storhi. Unknown foes devour the flesh James Purefoy, Paul Giaclans to protect Renesmee. ‘PG-13’ uge at a seaside British community. ‘R’ of their Viking victims. ‘R’ matti. ‘R’
January 25 - 31, 2015
Clarion TV
© Tribune Media Services
4 PM
Justice With Judge Mablean ‘PG’ The Insider (N)
(3) ABC-13 13 (6) MNT-5 5 (8) CBS-11 11 (9) FOX-4 4
(10) NBC-2 2
(12) PBS-7 7
Supreme Justice
5 PM News & Views (N)
5:30 ABC World News
Inside Edition Family Feud Family Feud (N) ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’
The Ellen DeGeneres Show KTVA 5 p.m. (N) ‘G’ First Take Mike & Molly Entertainment Anger Man‘14’ Tonight (N) agement ‘14’
CBS Evening News Two and a Half Men ‘14’
The Dr. Oz Show ‘PG’
NBC Nightly News (N) ‘G’
Wild Kratts “Kerhonk on Friday” ‘Y’
Wild Kratts “Osprey” ‘Y’
Channel 2 News 5:00 Report (N) BBC World News America ‘PG’
Alaska Weather ‘G’
6 PM
7 PM
(28) USA 105 242 (30) TBS 139 247 (31) TNT 138 245 (34) ESPN 140 206 (35) ESPN2 144 209 (36) ROOT 426 687 (38) SPIKE 241 241 (43) AMC 131 254 (46) TOON 176 296 (47) ANPL 184 282 (49) DISN 173 291 (50) NICK 171 300 (51) FAM 180 311 (55) TLC 183 280 (56) DISC 182 278 (57) TRAV 196 277 (58) HIST 120 269 (59) A&E 118 265 (60) HGTV 112 229 (61) FOOD 110 231 (65) CNBC 208 355 (67) FNC 205 360 (81) COM 107 249 (82) SYFY 122 244
^ HBO2 304 505 + MAX 311 516 5 SHOW 319 546 8 TMC 329 554
8 PM
9 PM
9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
Wheel of For- Shark Tank Affordable wed- Marvel’s Agent Carter Forever “6 A.M.” The death of tune (N) ‘G’ ding cakes. ‘PG’ Howard Stark suddenly rea jazz musician’s son. ‘PG’ turns. (N) Celebrity Celebrity Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal In- Everybody Everybody Name Game Name Game An investment banker is found tent A wine importer is found Loves Ray- Loves Ray(N) ‘PG’ ‘PG’ dead. ‘14’ dead. ‘14’ mond ‘PG’ mond ‘PG’ KTVA 6 p.m. Evening NCIS Ducky and Bishop go to NCIS: New Orleans An ab- (:01) CSI: Crime Scene InNews (N) London. ‘PG’ duction is revealed. ‘PG’ vestigation (N) ‘14’ The Big Bang The Big Bang MasterChef The cooks com- New Girl The Mindy Fox 4 News at 9 (N) Theory ‘PG’ Theory ‘14’ pete in a sushi challenge. “Landline” ‘14’ Project ‘14’ (N) ‘PG’ Channel 2 Newshour (N) Parks and Parks and Marry Me About a Boy Chicago Fire Dawson tries to Recreation Recreation “Friend Me” “About a find balance with Casey. ‘14’ (N) ‘PG’ (N) ‘PG’ (N) ‘14’ Hook” ‘PG’ PBS NewsHour (N) Genealogy Roadshow Man Edison: American Experience Thomas Alva Edison. (N) may be a Viking descendant. ‘PG’ (N) ‘PG’
ABC News at (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live ‘14’ (:37) Nightline (N) ‘G’ 10 (N) How I Met Your Mother ‘14’ KTVA Nightcast Anger Management ‘14’
The Office The Wendy Williams Show “Business (N) ‘PG’ Trip” ‘PG’ (:35) Late Show With David The Late Late Letterman ‘PG’ Show Two and a TMZ (N) ‘PG’ Entertainment Tonight Half Men ‘14’
Channel 2 News: Late Edition (N) Atchafalaya Houseboat ‘PG’
(:34) The Tonight Show Star- (:36) Late ring Jimmy Fallon ‘14’ Night With Seth Meyers Life on the Charlie Rose (N) Line: Coming of Age
Parks and Parks and Raising Hope Raising Hope Salem “Lies” Mary is at odds Recreation Recreation ‘14’ ‘14’ with her coven. ‘MA’ Bronzo Italia Jewelry Rose-colored bronze designs from Gotta Have It! “LG” Featuring Italy. ‘G’ products by LG. ‘G’ Celebrity Wife Swap Tracey Dance Moms A key team Dance Moms “Abby Got Dance Moms Maddie heads Dance Moms The team (:02) Child Genius “Triskaid- (:02) Dance Moms The team (:02) Dance Moms Maddie Gold and Carnie Wilson. ‘PG’ member disappears. ‘PG’ Served” Abby’s rival seeks to Los Angeles. (N) ‘PG’ prepares to go to Hollywood. ekaphobia” Zoology and spell- prepares to go to Hollywood. heads to Los Angeles. ‘PG’ revenge. ‘PG’ (N) ‘PG’ ing. (N) ‘G’ ‘PG’ Law & Order: Special Vic- Law & Order: Special Vic- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Sirens “Super- Sirens (N) ‘14’ (:01) Modern (:31) Modern (:01) Sirens Sirens ‘14’ tims Unit “Home” ‘14’ tims Unit “Careless” ‘14’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ dick” ‘14’ Family ‘PG’ Family ‘PG’ ‘14’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘14’ Seinfeld ‘PG’ Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Seinfeld ‘PG’ The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Ground Floor Cougar Town Conan (N) ‘14’ Ground Floor Conan ‘14’ Blood” ‘PG’ Junk Mail” Theory ‘PG’ Theory ‘PG’ Theory ‘14’ Theory ‘PG’ (N) ‘14’ (N) ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘PG’ Castle “Smells Like Teen Castle Evidence contradicts a Castle An undercover opera- “The Replacements” (2000, Comedy) Keanu Reeves, Gene Hackman. Misfit “The Replacements” (2000, Comedy) Keanu Reeves, Gene Hackman. Misfit Spirit” ‘PG’ confession. ‘PG’ tion goes awry. ‘PG’ substitutes take the field during a football strike. substitutes take the field during a football strike. (3:00) College Basketball College Basketball Florida at Alabama. From Coleman Coli- SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter Nebraska at Michigan. (N) seum in Tuscaloosa, Ala. (N) (Live) College Basketball West Vir- 2015 Australian Open Tennis Quarterfinals. From Melbourne, Australia. (N) (Live) NFL Live (N) Tennis Australian ginia at Kansas State. Open Snow Motion Destination College Basketball Wyoming at Utah State. (N) (Live) Mark Few The Rich Eisen Show ‘PG’ Mark Few College Basketball Wyoming ‘PG’ Polaris Show (N) Show at Utah State. Bar Rescue ‘PG’ Bar Rescue A bar owner who Bar Rescue “Punch-Drunk & Bar Rescue A bar with a golf Bar Rescue “Characters As- Framework “Hidden Innova- Bar Rescue “Drunk & Dirty Bar Rescue “Hostile Takeberates his staff. ‘PG’ Trailer-Trashed” ‘PG’ theme. ‘PG’ sassination” ‘PG’ tion” (N) ‘PG’ Dolls” ‘PG’ over” ‘PG’ (2:00) “Pay- “Die Hard 2” (1990, Action) Bruce Willis, Bonnie Bedelia, William Atherton. “The Bourne Supremacy” (2004) Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Brian Cox. “The Bourne Supremacy” (2004) Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Brian Cox. check” Police hero spots military terrorists at D.C. airport. Jason Bourne fights back when the CIA tries to kill him. Jason Bourne fights back when the CIA tries to kill him. King of the King of the The Cleve- The Cleve- American American Family Guy Family Guy Robot Chick- Mr. Pickles The Venture American American Family Guy Family Guy Robot ChickHill ‘PG’ Hill ‘PG’ land Show land Show Dad ‘14’ Dad ‘14’ ‘PG’ ‘14’ en ‘14’ ‘MA’ Bros. ‘14’ Dad ‘14’ Dad ‘14’ ‘PG’ ‘14’ en ‘14’ To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced North Woods Law “High Rugged Justice “They’re All Rocky Mountain Bounty North Woods Law “High Rugged Justice “They’re All Jinks” ‘PG’ Packing Rifles” ‘PG’ Hunters ‘PG’ Jinks” ‘PG’ Packing Rifles” ‘PG’ Jessie Jessie gets her big Liv & Mad- Liv & Mad- Dog With a Jessie ‘G’ “Tinker Bell” (2008, Fantasy) Voices of Mae Austin & Dog With a Jessie ‘G’ Liv & Mad- Austin & K.C. Under- (:35) K.C. Unbreak. ‘G’ die ‘G’ die ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ Whitman, Kristin Chenoweth. Ally ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ die ‘G’ Ally ‘G’ cover dercover iCarly ‘G’ Bella and the The Thunder- Victorious ‘G’ Every Witch Sam & Cat ‘Y’ Full House ‘G’ Full House ‘G’ Full House ‘G’ Full House ‘G’ Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Friends ‘14’ (:36) Friends (:12) Everybody Loves RayBulldogs mans ‘G’ Way (N) ‘G’ ‘14’ mond ‘PG’ Boy Meets Boy Meets Switched at Birth ‘PG’ Pretty Little Liars “Over a Pretty Little Liars “The Bin of Switched at Birth (N) ‘14’ Pretty Little Liars “The Bin The 700 Club ‘G’ Pretty Little Liars “The Bin World ‘G’ World ‘G’ Barrel” ‘14’ Sin” (N) ‘14’ of Sin” ‘14’ of Sin” ‘14’ Say Yes to Say Yes to Little and Looking for Love Fat Fabulous Fat Fabulous Kate Plus 8 Gosselin family Kate Plus 8 “The Room Proj- Fat Fabulous Fat Fabulous Kate Plus 8 “The Room Proj- Fat Fabulous Fat Fabulous the Dress the Dress ‘PG’ vacation continues. ect” (N) ‘PG’ ect” ‘PG’ Moonshiners A close call with Moonshiners “Moonshine Moonshiners “Shine Over- Moonshiners: Outlaw Cuts Moonshiners “Episode 13” Big Giant Swords “Beast Moonshiners “Episode Big Giant Swords “Beast authorities. ‘14’ River” ‘14’ board” ‘14’ “Bootleg or Bust” (N) ‘14’ From Below” (N) ‘14’ 13” ‘14’ From Below” ‘14’ Man v. Food Man v. Food Bizarre Foods With Andrew Man v. Food Man v. Food Hotel Impossible (N) ‘PG’ Hotel Showdown (N) Hotel Impossible “Fire Drill Bizarre Foods America “Mi- Hotel Showdown ‘G’ ‘G’ Zimmern ‘PG’ ‘G’ ‘G’ Flame Out” ‘PG’ ami” ‘PG’ Sons of Liberty Sam Adams turns to wealthy John Hancock. Sons of Liberty ‘14’ Sons of Liberty ‘14’ Sons of Liberty The Battles of Lexington and Concord. (N) (:01) Sons of Liberty The Battles of Lexington and Concord. ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ The First 48 A 911 caller is Wild Trans- Wild Trans- Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars (:01) Wild (:31) Wild (:02) Storage (:32) Storage (:01) Storage (:31) Storage found covered in blood. ‘14’ port ‘PG’ port ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ (N) ‘PG’ Transport (N) Transport (N) Wars ‘PG’ Wars ‘PG’ Wars ‘PG’ Wars ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ Fixer Upper ‘G’ Fixer Upper ‘G’ Fixer Upper Three houses in Fixer Upper Waco, Texas. ‘G’ Fixer Upper (N) ‘G’ House Hunt- Hunters Int’l Fixer Upper A country home Fixer Upper ‘G’ Waco, Texas. ‘G’ ers ‘G’ in Waco, Texas. ‘G’ The Pioneer Trisha’s Chopped “Squashed” ‘G’ Chopped Green goddess Chopped Chefs who have Chopped “Leftovers Rescue Chopped “Chopped, Again!” Chopped A sea creature; a Chopped “Leftovers Rescue Woman ‘G’ Southern salad in the first round. ‘G’ served in the military. ‘G’ Mission” ‘G’ (N) ‘G’ tuber; crackers. ‘G’ Mission” ‘G’ Shark Tank Goat rentals for Shark Tank Wet paintbrush Restaurant Startup “Young Shark Tank Vincent Pastore Shark Tank ‘PG’ Restaurant Startup “Young Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program grazing services. ‘PG’ storage. ‘PG’ Hustlers” (N) makes a pitch. ‘PG’ Hustlers” The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity On the Record With Greta Red Eye (N) Van Susteren (3:58) Fu(:28) Futura- The Nightly Daily Show/ South Park Kroll Show Tosh.0 ‘14’ Tosh.0 ‘14’ Tosh.0 ‘14’ Tosh.0 ‘MA’ Tosh.0 ‘14’ Kroll Show Daily Show/ The Nightly At Midnight (:31) Kroll turama ‘14’ ma ‘14’ Show Jon Stewart ‘14’ ‘14’ (N) ‘14’ Jon Stewart Show With Chris Show ‘14’ (3:30) “XXX” (2002, Action) Danny Trejo, Vin Diesel. A spy Face Off Former champions Face Off “Monkey Business” Face Off Josh Hutcherson Troy: Street Magic (N) ‘PG’ Face Off Josh Hutcherson Troy: Street Magic ‘PG’ tries to stop an anarchist with weapons. coach teams. ‘14’ ‘PG’ guest stars. (N) ‘PG’ guest stars. ‘PG’
JANUARY 27, 2015
Jeopardy! (N) ‘G’
(3:00) “Black Hawk Down” (2001, War) Josh Hartnett, Ewan Wrestling Wrestling Wrestling (8) WGN-A 239 307 McGregor, Tom Sizemore. With Death With Death With Death Total Gym Experience ‘G’ Tuesday Night Beauty ‘G’ Anything Goes with Rick & Shawn ‘G’ (20) QVC 137 317 (23) LIFE 108 252
B = DirecTV
Wrestling With Death
Wrestling Wrestling With Death With Death LG Electronics ‘G’
(2:30) Real Time With Bill Maher “Veronica Mars” (2014, Crime Drama) Kristen Bell, Jason Togetherness “Her” (2013, Comedy-Drama) Joaquin Phoenix, Amy Ad(:05) Girls (:35) Looking “Blended” ‘MA’ Dohring, Krysten Ritter. Veronica returns home to help Logan, “Insanity” ‘MA’ ams, Voice of Scarlett Johansson. A man falls in love with his “Female Au- ‘MA’ (2014) who’s a murder suspect. ‘PG-13’ computer’s operating system. ‘R’ thor” ‘MA’ (3:55) “Top Gun” (1986) Tom Cruise. A hot- (:45) “42” (2013, Biography) Chadwick Boseman, Harrison Ford, Nicole Be- Looking ‘MA’ Real Time With Bill Maher “Night Will Fall” (2014) Alfred Hitchcock. A shot Navy jet pilot downs MiGs and loves an harie. Jackie Robinson breaks baseball’s color barrier. ‘PG-13’ ‘MA’ lost film made by Alfred Hitchcock and Sidney astrophysicist. ‘PG’ Bernstein. ‘NR’ (3:20) “Bring It On” (2000, “Man of Steel” (2013, Action) Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon. “Scary Movie 2” (2001) Shawn Wayans. “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift” (:45) Skin to Comedy) Kirsten Dunst. Young Clark Kent must protect those he loves from a dire threat. ‘PG-13’ Members of a psychology class venture into a (2006, Action) Lucas Black, Zachery Ty Bryan, the Max ‘MA’ ‘PG-13’ haunted house. ‘R’ Bow Wow. ‘PG-13’ (3:30) “Finding Vivian Mai- (4:55) “Silver Linings Playbook” (2012, Comedy-Drama) Shameless “The Two Lisas” Inside the NFL Highlights House of Lies Episodes Inside the NFL Highlights er” (2013, Documentary) ‘NR’ Bradley Cooper. A man intends to rebuild his life and reunite Frank asks Carl to discourage from every NFL game. (N) ‘MA’ “Episode 403” from every NFL game. ‘PG’ with his estranged wife. ‘R’ lesbians. ‘MA’ ‘PG’ ‘MA’ (3:30) “Star Trek: Insurrec- (:15) “Lucky Them” (2013, Comedy-Drama) Toni Collette, “August: Osage County” (2013, Comedy-Drama) Meryl “Hard Candy” (2005, Drama) Patrick Wilson, Ellen Page, tion” (1998) Patrick Stewart. Thomas Haden Church, Nina Arianda. A rock journalist tracks Streep, Julia Roberts. A funeral reunites three sisters with Sandra Oh. A 14-year-old girl looks to punish a suspected ‘PG’ down her former boyfriend. ‘R’ their venomous mother. ‘R’ pedophile. ‘R’
Clarion TV
(:05) “Blended” (2014, Romance-Comedy) Adam Sandler. ‘PG-13’ (10:50) Boxing Mike Alvarado vs. Brandon Rios. (:15) “Bullet to the Head” (2012, Action) Sylvester Stallone. ‘R’ “Jarhead” (2005, War) Jake Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard. ‘R’ “A Night at the Roxbury” (1998, Comedy) Will Ferrell. ‘PG-13’
January 25 - 31, 2015
4 PM
Justice With Judge Mablean ‘PG’ The Insider (N)
(3) ABC-13 13 (6) MNT-5 5 (8) CBS-11 11 (9) FOX-4 4
(10) NBC-2 2
(12) PBS-7 7
Supreme Justice
5 PM News & Views (N)
5:30 ABC World News
6 PM Jeopardy! (N) ‘G’
Inside Edition Family Feud Family Feud Celebrity Celebrity (N) ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ Name Game Name Game (N) ‘PG’ ‘PG’ The Ellen DeGeneres Show KTVA 5 p.m. CBS Evening KTVA 6 p.m. Evening (N) ‘G’ First Take News News (N) Mike & Molly Entertainment Anger Man- Two and a The Big Bang The Big Bang ‘PG’ Tonight (N) agement ‘14’ Half Men ‘14’ Theory ‘PG’ Theory ‘PG’ The Dr. Oz Show ‘PG’
Channel 2 News 5:00 Report (N) Wild Kratts ‘Y’ Wild Kratts ‘Y’ BBC World News America ‘PG’
NBC Nightly Channel 2 Newshour (N) News (N) ‘G’ Alaska Weather ‘G’
7 PM
Wheel of For- The Middle tune (N) ‘G’ ‘PG’
PBS NewsHour (N)
B = DirecTV
7:30 The Goldbergs ‘PG’
8 PM
JANUARY 28, 2015
9 PM
9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
Modern Fam- (:31) blackish blackish ‘PG’ Modern Fam- ABC News at (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live ‘14’ (:37) Nightline (N) ‘G’ ily ‘PG’ “The Nod” ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ 10 (N)
The Walking Dead The defense of the prison. ‘MA’
The Walking Dead The group Everybody Everybody lives an ideal life. ‘MA’ Loves Ray- Loves Raymond ‘PG’ mond ‘G’ The Mentalist “Copper Bullet” Criminal Minds “Nelson’s Stalker A stalker targets a (N) ‘14’ Sparrow” (N) ‘14’ lifeguard. (N) ‘14’ American Idol “Auditions No. (:01) Empire Jamal works Fox 4 News at 9 (N) 7” Hopefuls perform for the on composing original music. judges. (N) ‘PG’ (N) ‘14’ The Mysteries of Laura A fer- Law & Order: Special Chicago PD Voight makes a tility doctor goes missing. ‘14’ Victims Unit “Pornstar’s Re- discovery about a friend. ‘14’ quiem” ‘14’ Nature “Penguin Post Office” NOVA Scientists explore Secrets of the Dead Human Penguins on the Antarctic causes of sinkholes. (N) ‘PG’ remains in Ben Franklin’s Peninsula. (N) ‘PG’ house. (N) ‘14’
How I Met Your Mother ‘14’ KTVA Nightcast Anger Management ‘14’
The Office The Wendy Williams Show “Frame Toby” (N) ‘PG’ ‘PG’ (:35) Late Show With David The Late Late Letterman ‘PG’ Show Two and a TMZ (N) ‘PG’ Entertainment Tonight Half Men ‘14’
Channel 2 (:34) The Tonight Show Star- (:36) Late News: Late ring Jimmy Fallon ‘14’ Night With Edition (N) Seth Meyers Adopted: For the Life of Me Charlie Rose (N) A man sets out to find his birth mother. ‘G’
America’s Funniest Home How I Met How I Met (8) WGN-A 239 307 Videos ‘PG’ Your Mother Your Mother In the Kitchen With David “PM Edition” Cooking with David (20) QVC 137 317 Venable. ‘G’ Big Women: Big Love Sa- Little Women: LA “Mama (23) LIFE 108 252 brina goes on a salsa dancing Drama” Trevore has lunch date. ‘14’ with his mother. ‘14’ (3:30) “The Fifth Element” (1997) Bruce Willis, Ian Holm. A (28) USA 105 242 New York cabby tries to save Earth in 2259. Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Slicer” ‘PG’ Betrayal” ‘PG’ (30) TBS 139 247 (31) TNT 138 245 (34) ESPN 140 206 (35) ESPN2 144 209 (36) ROOT 426 687 (38) SPIKE 241 241 (43) AMC 131 254 (46) TOON 176 296 (47) ANPL 184 282 (49) DISN 173 291 (50) NICK 171 300 (51) FAM 180 311 (55) TLC 183 280 (56) DISC 182 278 (57) TRAV 196 277 (58) HIST 120 269 (59) A&E 118 265 (60) HGTV 112 229 (61) FOOD 110 231 (65) CNBC 208 355 (67) FNC 205 360 (81) COM 107 249 (82) SYFY 122 244
How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Rules of En- Rules of En- Parks and Parks and Raising Hope Raising Hope 30 Rock ‘14’ 30 Rock ‘14’ Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother Your Mother gagement gagement Recreation Recreation ‘14’ ‘14’ Rick & Easy Solutions “LG” Featuring products by LG. (N) Earth Brands Footwear ‘G’ Tignanello Handbags ‘G’ Liz Claiborne New York Shoe Spotlight “Earth Ori‘G’ “Fashion” ‘G’ gins” (N) ‘G’ Little Women: LA “Baby Little Women: LA Traci Little Women: LA (N) ‘14’ (:02) Big Women: Big Love (:02) Little Women: LA ‘14’ (:02) Little Women: LA Traci Bump” Traci struggles with and Tonya begin to question Kristi dates a new man. and Tonya begin to question feelings of envy. ‘14’ Terra. ‘14’ (N) ‘14’ Terra. ‘14’ “Independence Day” (1996, Science Fiction) Will Smith, Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum. Earth- Suits Jessica tries to appease (:01) Sirens (:31) Sirens (:01) Suits Jessica tries to aplings vs. evil aliens in 15-mile-wide ships. Louis. (N) ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ pease Louis. ‘14’ Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan (N) ‘14’ Cougar Town Conan ‘14’ Apology” ‘PG’ Dealership” Theory ‘PG’ Theory ‘14’ Theory ‘PG’ Theory ‘14’ Theory ‘14’ Theory ‘PG’ ‘14’ ‘PG’ Supernatural Dean and Sam Supernatural Dean tries to Supernatural “Devil May Grimm A friend of Aunt Ma- Grimm Investigating an arson- Grimm A shop owner is mur- Grimm “The Thing With Supernatural “I’m No Anare cornered. ‘14’ save Sam. ‘14’ Care” ‘14’ rie’s visits Nick. ‘14’ related homicide. ‘14’ dered. ‘14’ Feathers” ‘14’ gel” ‘14’ NBA Basketball Brooklyn Nets at Atlanta Hawks. From Philips Arena in NBA Basketball Washington Wizards at Phoenix Suns. From US Airways SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter Australian Atlanta. (N) (Live) Center in Phoenix. (N) (Live) (N) Open (3:30) College Basketball Duke at Notre 2015 Australian Open Tennis Women’s Semifinals. From Melbourne, Australia. (N) (Live) NFL Live (N) NBA Basketball: Wizards Dame. (N) (Live) at Suns College Basketball Wake College Basketball Georgia Tech at Miami. From BankUnit- Mark Few The Rich Eisen Show ‘PG’ College Basketball Wake Forest at Florida Forest at Florida State. (N) ed Center in Coral Gables, Fla. (N) (Live) Show State. “Death Race “Death Race 3: Inferno” (2012, Action) Luke Goss, Ving Rhames, Danny “2 Fast 2 Furious” (2003, Action) Paul Walker, Tyrese, Eva Mendes. Two “Death Race 2” (2010, Action) Luke Goss, Ving Rhames. A prisoner com2” Trejo. A legendary driver enters the first desert Death Race. friends and a U.S. customs agent try to nail a criminal. petes in a brutal race where cars are deadly weapons. “Godzilla” (1998, Science Fiction) Matthew Broderick, Jean Reno, Maria Pitillo. Nuclear test- “Gladiator” (2000, Historical Drama) Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen. A fugitive general “Stealth” (2005, Action) Josh Lucas. Three ing in the South Pacific produces a giant mutated lizard. becomes a gladiator in ancient Rome. pilots combat artificial intelligence. King of the King of the The Cleve- The Cleve- American American Family Guy Family Guy Robot Mr. Pickles The Venture American American Family Guy Family Guy Robot Hill ‘PG’ Hill ‘PG’ land Show land Show Dad ‘14’ Dad ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ Chicken ‘MA’ Bros. ‘14’ Dad ‘14’ Dad ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ Chicken To Be Announced Treehouse Masters “Wild Treehouse Masters “Scottish Treehouse Masters “Meditat- Treehouse Masters “African Treehouse Masters “Scottish Treehouse Masters “MeditatButterfly Escape” ‘PG’ Sky Garden” ‘PG’ ing Maple” ‘PG’ Safari Hut” ‘PG’ Sky Garden” ‘PG’ ing Maple” ‘PG’ K.C. Under- K.C. Under- I Didn’t Do I Didn’t Do Dog With a Jessie ‘G’ “Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue” (2010, Fantasy) Austin & Dog With a Jessie ‘G’ Dog With a That’s So That’s So cover cover ‘Y’ It ‘G’ It ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ Voices of Mae Whitman, Michael Sheen. Ally ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ Raven ‘G’ Raven ‘Y7’ iCarly ‘G’ The Thunder- The Thunder- Victorious ‘G’ Every Witch Sam & Cat ‘Y’ Full House ‘G’ Full House ‘G’ Full House ‘G’ Full House ‘G’ Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Friends ‘14’ (:36) Friends (:12) Everybody Loves Raymans ‘G’ mans ‘G’ Way (N) ‘G’ ‘14’ mond ‘G’ Boy Meets Boy Meets Boy Meets Boy Meets Melissa & Melissa & Melissa & Baby Daddy “You Again” (2010) Kristen Bell. A woman learns that her The 700 Club ‘G’ Melissa & Melissa & World ‘G’ World ‘G’ World ‘G’ World ‘G’ Joey ‘14’ Joey ‘14’ Joey (N) ‘14’ (N) ‘14’ brother is marrying her old nemesis. Joey ‘14’ Joey ‘14’ Say Yes to Say Yes to 600 Pound Mom: Race My Strange My Strange My 600-Lb. Life: Where Are My 600-Lb. Life: Where Are My Strange My Strange My 600-Lb. Life: Where Are My Strange My Strange the Dress the Dress Against Time ‘PG’ Addiction Addiction They Now? ‘PG’ They Now? (N) ‘PG’ Addiction Addiction They Now? ‘PG’ Addiction Addiction Dual Survival The mountains Dual Survival “End of the Dual Survival Joe and Matt Dual Survival: Untamed “Into Dual Survival “Grin and Bear Fire in the Hole A live World Dual Survival “Grin and Fire in the Hole A live World of Oman. ‘14’ Road” ‘14’ hunt their target. ‘14’ the Canyons” ‘14’ It” (N) War II ordnance. Bear It” War II ordnance. Man v. Food Man v. Food Bizarre Foods With Andrew Man v. Food Man v. Food Bizarre Foods With Andrew Booze Traveler “Mongolian Bizarre Bizarre Bizarre Foods With Andrew Booze Traveler “Mongolian ‘PG’ ‘G’ Zimmern ‘PG’ ‘G’ ‘G’ Zimmern ‘PG’ Road Trip” ‘PG’ Foods: Foods: Zimmern ‘PG’ Road Trip” ‘PG’ American Pickers “Jurassic American Pickers “Where’s American Pickers “Alien vs. American Pickers “Big American Pickers (N) ‘PG’ (:03) Mississippi Men “Wild (:03) American Pickers “Pick- (:01) American Pickers “Big Pick” ‘PG’ Aldo?” ‘PG’ Picker” ‘PG’ Moe” ‘PG’ River” (N) ‘PG’ ers in the Attic” ‘PG’ Moe” ‘PG’ The First 48 Killing of a Dallas Wahlburgers Donnie Loves Duck Dynasty “Stand by Mia” Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty (:03) Wahl- (:33) Donnie (:03) Donnie (:32) Wahl- (:01) Duck Dy- (:31) Duck Dycouple. ‘14’ ‘PG’ Jenny ‘PG’ A family reunion before Mia’s ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ (N) ‘PG’ burgers (N) Loves Jenny Loves Jenny burgers ‘PG’ nasty ‘PG’ nasty ‘PG’ surgery. ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘14’ ‘PG’ Buying and Selling “Alisha Buying and Selling “Clifton Buying and Selling “Misty & Property Brothers “Chris & Property Brothers “Krista & House Hunt- Hunters Int’l Property Brothers “Veronica Property Brothers “Krista & & Kim” ‘G’ & Jack” ‘G’ Eric” ‘G’ Mike” ‘G’ Jennifer” (N) ‘G’ ers (N) ‘G’ and Andrew” ‘G’ Jennifer” ‘G’ The Pioneer Southern at Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Mystery Din- Mystery Din- Mystery Din- Mystery Din- Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: Impossible Mystery Din- Mystery DinWoman ‘G’ Heart ‘G’ ers ‘G’ ers ‘G’ ers ‘G’ ers ‘G’ “Mystic Mystery” (N) ‘G’ “Golf: Impossible” ‘G’ ers ‘G’ ers ‘G’ Shark Tank A ticket-free coat Shark Tank Protein-infused The Car The Car Shark Tank Solving a holiday Shark Tank Entrepreneurs The Car The Car Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program check system. ‘PG’ energy drink. ‘PG’ Chasers (N) Chasers headache. ‘PG’ seek investors. ‘PG’ Chasers Chasers The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity On the Record With Greta Red Eye (N) Van Susteren (3:58) Fu(:28) Futura- The Nightly Daily Show/ Broad City Workaholics South Park South Park South Park South Park Workaholics Broad City Daily Show/ The Nightly At Midnight (:31) Workaturama ‘14’ ma ‘14’ Show Jon Stewart ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘MA’ ‘MA’ ‘14’ ‘14’ (N) ‘14’ Jon Stewart Show With Chris holics ‘14’ “The Apparition” (2012) Ashley Greene, Sebastian Stan. A “The Uninvited” (2009) Elizabeth Banks. A ghost warns a “6 Souls” (2010, Horror) Julianne Moore, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. A patient’s “Grave Halloween” (2013, Horror) Kaitlyn malevolent entity feeds on a couple’s fear. young woman about her father’s fiancee. multiple personalities are being murdered. Leeb, Cassi Thomson. ‘14’
(2:30) “The “Armageddon” (1998, Science Fiction) Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton, Liv Looking ‘MA’ Girls “Female “Ender’s Game” (2013, Science Fiction) Harrison Ford, Asa Real Time With Bill Maher Togetherness Looking ‘MA’ Author” ‘MA’ Butterfield, Hailee Steinfeld. A gifted lad will lead the battle to ‘MA’ “Insanity” ‘MA’ 303 504 Devil Wears Tyler. A hero tries to save Earth from an asteroid. ‘PG-13’ Prada” save Earth’s people. ‘PG-13’ (3:15) “Rush Hour” (1998, Billy Crystal 700 Sundays The comic discusses childhood “Blended” (2014, Romance-Comedy) Adam Sandler, Drew REAL Sports With Bryant “Identity Thief” (2013, Comedy) Jason Bateman, Melissa Barrymore, Joel McHale. Two single-parent families are stuck Gumbel ‘PG’ McCarthy, Jon Favreau. A victim of identity theft fights back. 304 505 Action) Jackie Chan. ‘PG-13’ memories. ‘MA’ together at a resort. ‘PG-13’ ‘R’ (3:40) “Batman Begins” (2005, Action) Christian Bale, Mi- “Riddick” (2013, Science Fiction) Vin Diesel, Karl Urban, Banshee “A Fixer of Sorts” “Lone Survivor” (2013, War) Mark Wahlberg, Taylor Kitsch, (:05) Femme (:40) Femme Fatales ‘MA’ Fatales ‘MA’ 311 516 chael Caine, Liam Neeson. Bruce Wayne becomes Gotham Jordi Mollà. Wanted criminal Riddick confronts two teams of Lucas’ secret is threatened by Eric Bana. Taliban fighters in 2005 Afghanistan attack four City’s Dark Knight. ‘PG-13’ mercenaries. ‘R’ arrest. ‘MA’ Navy SEALs. ‘R’ (3:00) “God’s “Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom” (2013, Biography) Idris Elba, Naomie Inside the NFL Highlights Shameless “The Two Lisas” Episodes House of Lies Web Therapy Inside the NFL Highlights Web Therapy (N) ‘14’ from every NFL game. ‘PG’ ‘14’ 319 546 Pocket” ‘R’ Harris, Tony Kgoroge. Based on the life of South Africa’s Nelson Mandela. from every NFL game. ‘PG’ Frank asks Carl to discourage “Episode 403” ‘MA’ ‘PG-13’ lesbians. ‘MA’ ‘MA’ (3:55) “All In: The Poker Movie” (2012) (:20) “Snake Eyes” (1998, Suspense) Nico- “Last Holiday” (2006, Comedy) Queen Latifah, Gérard “Delivery Man” (2013, Comedy) Vince Vaughn, Chris Pratt, “National Lampoon’s Cobie Smulders. A former sperm donor discovers that he Barely Legal” (2003) Erik von 329 554 Filmmaker Douglas Tirola examines the grow- las Cage. U.S. official is killed at an Atlantic Depardieu, LL Cool J. A terminally ill woman lives it up on ing popularity of poker. City fight. ‘R’ vacation. ‘PG-13’ fathered hundreds. ‘PG-13’ Detten. ‘R’
January 25 - 31, 2015
Clarion TV
© Tribune Media Services
4 PM
Justice With Judge Mablean ‘PG’ The Insider (N)
(3) ABC-13 13 (6) MNT-5 5 (8) CBS-11 11 (9) FOX-4 4
(10) NBC-2 2
(12) PBS-7 7
Supreme Justice
5 PM News & Views (N)
5:30 ABC World News
6 PM Jeopardy! (N) ‘G’
The Dr. Oz Show ‘PG’
NBC Nightly Channel 2 Newshour (N) News (N) ‘G’
Wild Kratts “Mimic” ‘Y’
Alaska Weather ‘G’
8 PM
JANUARY 29, 2015
Wheel of For- Grey’s Anatomy Jackson and Scandal (N) ‘14’ tune (N) ‘G’ April get difficult news. (N) ‘14’
Inside Edition Family Feud Family Feud Celebrity Celebrity (N) ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ Name Game Name Game (N) ‘PG’ ‘PG’ The Ellen DeGeneres Show KTVA 5 p.m. CBS Evening KTVA 6 p.m. Evening (N) ‘G’ First Take News News (N) Mike & Molly Entertainment Anger Man- Two and a The Big Bang The Big Bang “Pilot” ‘PG’ Tonight (N) agement ‘14’ Half Men ‘14’ Theory ‘PG’ Theory ‘PG’ Channel 2 News 5:00 Report (N) Wild Kratts ‘Y’ BBC World News America ‘PG’
7 PM
B = DirecTV
PBS NewsHour (N)
The Mentalist “Bleeding The Mentalist “Redline” Heart” A mayor’s aide is mur- A body is found in a car’s dered. ‘14’ trunk. ‘14’ Big Bang (:31) Mom Two and a The McCarTheory (N) ‘14’ Half Men (N) thys (N) American Idol “Auditions No. Backstrom “Bella” Investigat8” Hopefuls perform for the ing a serial arsonist. (N) ‘14’ judges. (N) ‘PG’ The Biggest Loser “Live Finale” The grand-prize winner is announced. (N Same-day Tape) ‘PG’
9 PM
9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
How to Get Away With Murder (N)
ABC News at (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live ‘14’ (:37) Nightline (N) ‘G’ 10 (N)
Everybody Everybody Loves Ray- Loves Raymond ‘PG’ mond ‘PG’ Elementary “The One That Got Away” (N) ‘14’ Fox 4 News at 9 (N)
How I Met Your Mother ‘14’ KTVA Nightcast Anger Management ‘14’
The Office ‘PG’
The Wendy Williams Show (N) ‘PG’
(:35) Late Show With David Letterman ‘PG’ Two and a TMZ (N) ‘PG’ Half Men ‘14’
The Late Late Show Entertainment Tonight
Parenthood Hank asks Zeek Channel 2 (:34) The Tonight Show Star- (:36) Late for his blessing. (N) ‘PG’ News: Late ring Jimmy Fallon ‘14’ Night With Edition (N) Seth Meyers The Jewel in the Crown A Learning From El Salvador Hafu Five people of mixed Islands With- Start Up ‘G’ Charlie Rose (N) stone is thrown at the Nawab’s Changes in El Salvador. ‘G’ race in Japan. ‘G’ out Cars ‘G’ car. ‘14’
America’s Funniest Home (8) WGN-A 239 307 Videos ‘PG’ (3:00) Vicenza Style: Fine (20) QVC 137 317 Italian Jewelry ‘G’ Wife Swap “Boyd/Milorey” (23) LIFE 108 252 Video-gamers; competitive. ‘PG’ Law & Order: Special Vic (28) USA 105 242 tims Unit “Debt” ‘14’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘14’ (30) TBS 139 247 (31) TNT 138 245 (34) ESPN 140 206 (35) ESPN2 144 209 (36) ROOT 426 687 (38) SPIKE 241 241 (43) AMC 131 254 (46) TOON 176 296 (47) ANPL 184 282 (49) DISN 173 291 (50) NICK 171 300 (51) FAM 180 311 (55) TLC 183 280 (56) DISC 182 278 (57) TRAV 196 277 (58) HIST 120 269 (59) A&E 118 265 (60) HGTV 112 229 (61) FOOD 110 231 (65) CNBC 208 355 (67) FNC 205 360 (81) COM 107 249 (82) SYFY 122 244
America’s Funniest Home Wrestling Wrestling Wrestling Wrestling Rules of En- Rules of En- Parks and Parks and Raising Hope Raising Hope Salem “Lies” Mary is at odds Videos ‘PG’ With Death With Death With Death With Death gagement gagement Recreation Recreation ‘14’ with her coven. ‘MA’ Shoe Shopping With Jane “Earth Origins” Featuring foot- Computer Shop ‘G’ Let’s Accessorize ‘G’ Inspired Style ‘G’ Lisa Rinna Collection “Fash- QVC Fashion Closet ‘G’ wear by Earth Origins. (N) ‘G’ ion” (N) ‘G’ Project Runway All Stars Project Runway All Stars Project Runway All Stars Project Runway All Stars (:02) Little Women: LA Traci (:02) Little Women: LA ‘14’ (:02) Project Runway All The designers must create One designer doubles the The judges take over Times Creating bridesmaids’ dress- and Tonya begin to question Stars The judges take over resort wear. ‘PG’ budget. ‘PG’ Square. ‘PG’ es. (N) ‘PG’ Terra. ‘14’ Times Square. ‘PG’ Law & Order: Special Vic- Law & Order: Special Vic- Law & Order: Special Vic- Law & Order: Special Vic- Law & Order: Special Vic- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Famtims Unit “Obscene” ‘14’ tims Unit ‘14’ tims Unit ‘14’ tims Unit ‘14’ tims Unit ‘14’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ Seinfeld ‘PG’ Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan (N) ‘14’ The Office Conan ‘14’ Cartoon” ‘PG’ Strong Box” Wizard” ‘PG’ ‘14’ “Killer Queen” “Forget-Me- Theory ‘14’ Theory ‘14’ Theory ‘14’ “Christening” ‘PG’ ‘14’ Not” ‘14’ ‘PG’ NBA Basketball Denver Nuggets at Memphis Grizzlies. From the FedEx NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Los Angeles Lakers. From Staples Center Inside the NBA (N) (Live) NBA Basketball Denver Nuggets at Memphis Grizzlies. From Forum in Memphis, Tenn. (N) (Live) in Los Angeles. (N) (Live) the FedEx Forum in Memphis, Tenn. (3:00) College Basketball College Basketball Kentucky at Missouri. From Mizzou SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter Australian Maryland at Ohio State. Arena in Columbia, Mo. (N) (Live) (N) Open College Basketball Connecticut at Cincinnati. From Fifth College Basketball Utah at UCLA. From Pauley Pavilion in Basketball NFL Live (N) NBA Tonight NFL Live E:60 Profile E:60 Profile Third Arena in Cincinnati. (N) (Live) Los Angeles. (N) (Live) (N) Women’s College Basketball College Basketball Portland at Gonzaga. From McCarthey College Basketball Loyola Marymount at St. Graham XTERRA Ad- The Game College Basketball Colorado at USC. From Galen Center in Athletic Center in Spokane, Wash. (N) Mary’s. (N) (Live) Bensinger ventures 365 Los Angeles. (N Same-day Tape) “Death Race “Death Race 3: Inferno” (2012, Action) Luke Goss, Ving Rhames, Danny “2 Fast 2 Furious” (2003, Action) Paul Walker, Tyrese, Eva Mendes. Two “Death Race 2” (2010, Action) Luke Goss, Ving Rhames. A prisoner com2” Trejo. A legendary driver enters the first desert Death Race. friends and a U.S. customs agent try to nail a criminal. petes in a brutal race where cars are deadly weapons. (3:30) “Gladiator” (2000, Historical Drama) Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie “Under Siege” (1992, Action) Steven Seagal, Tommy Lee Jones, Gary “Hard to Kill” (1990) Steven Seagal, Kelly LeBrock. Years “On Deadly Nielsen. A fugitive general becomes a gladiator in ancient Rome. Busey. A Navy cook thwarts a plot to hijack a battleship. after nearly dying, a policeman seeks revenge. Ground” King of the King of the The Cleve- The Cleve- American American Family Guy Family Guy Robot Mr. Pickles The Venture American American Family Guy Family Guy Robot Hill ‘PG’ Hill ‘PG’ land Show land Show Dad ‘14’ Dad ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ Chicken ‘MA’ Bros. ‘14’ Dad ‘14’ Dad ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ Chicken To Be Announced Fool’s Gold Fool’s Gold Wild West Alaska “Alaska Alaska: Battle on the Bay Wild West Alaska “Alaska Alaska: Battle on the Bay ‘PG’ ‘PG’ True” (N) ‘PG’ (N) ‘PG’ True” ‘PG’ ‘PG’ Dog With a Dog With a Austin & Austin & Dog With a Jessie ‘G’ Austin & Girl Meets Liv & Mad- Dog With a K.C. Under- K.C. Under- Liv & Mad- Austin & Good Luck Good Luck Blog ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ Ally ‘G’ Ally ‘Y’ Blog ‘G’ Ally ‘G’ World ‘G’ die ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ cover cover ‘Y’ die ‘G’ Ally ‘G’ Charlie ‘G’ Charlie ‘G’ Bella and the The Thunder- The Thunder- Victorious ‘G’ Every Witch Sam & Cat ‘Y’ Full House ‘G’ Full House ‘G’ Full House ‘G’ Full House ‘G’ Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Friends ‘14’ (:36) Friends (:12) Everybody Loves RayBulldogs mans ‘G’ mans ‘G’ Way (N) ‘G’ ‘14’ mond ‘PG’ Boy Meets Boy Meets “You Again” (2010) Kristen Bell. A woman learns that her “Twilight” (2008, Romance) Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Billy Burke. A teen is caught The 700 Club ‘G’ Boy Meets Boy Meets World ‘G’ World ‘G’ brother is marrying her old nemesis. up in an unorthodox romance with a vampire. World ‘G’ World ‘G’ Say Yes to Say Yes to 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence 48 Hours: Hard Evidence the Dress the Dress ‘14’ ‘14’ (N) ‘PG’ (N) ‘PG’ “Murder at Sea” (N) ‘PG’ ‘PG’ “Murder at Sea” ‘PG’ Big Giant Swords A giant, Big Giant Swords “Beast Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier To Be Announced dragon-shaped sword. ‘14’ From Below” ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ “Fall Bear Fall” ‘14’ Man v. Food Man v. Food Bizarre Foods With Andrew Man v. Food Man v. Food No Reservations “US Files: Expedition Unknown (N) Expedition Unknown ‘PG’ Bizarre Foods With Andrew Expedition Unknown ‘PG’ ‘G’ ‘PG’ Zimmern ‘PG’ ‘G’ “Alaska” ‘G’ Volume 6” (N) ‘PG’ ‘PG’ Zimmern ‘PG’ Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars A Brown Bess Pawnography (:31) Pawnog- (:11) Mississippi Men “Wild (:01) Pawn (:31) Pawn ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ musket. ‘PG’ (N) ‘PG’ raphy (N) River” ‘PG’ Stars ‘PG’ Stars ‘PG’ The First 48 Detectives inves- Nightwatch “Retaliation” New The First 48 A man is shot The First 48 Shooting and The First 48 “Stray Shot” Nightwatch An EMS of(:02) Nightwatch “Retaliation” (:01) The First 48 Shoottigate a murder. ‘14’ Orleans police look into a dead on his front porch. ‘14’ strangulation cases probed. (N) ‘PG’ ficer shares emotional news. New Orleans police look into a ing and strangulation cases shooting. ‘14’ ‘14’ (N) ‘14’ shooting. ‘14’ probed. ‘14’ House Hunt- House Hunt- House Hunt- House Hunt- House Hunt- House Hunt- Rehab Ad- Rehab Ad- Rehab Addict Rehab Ad- House Hunt- Hunters Int’l House Hunt- Hunters Int’l Rehab Ad- Rehab Aders ‘G’ ers ‘G’ ers ‘G’ ers ‘G’ ers ‘G’ ers ‘G’ dict ‘G’ dict ‘G’ (N) ‘G’ dict ‘G’ ers (N) ‘G’ ers ‘G’ dict ‘G’ dict ‘G’ Worst Cooks in America Chopped Goat brains in the Chopped Toasted lager in the Chopped “Bizarre Baskets!” Chopped Canada “It’s a Beat Bobby Duff Till Dawn Cutthroat Kitchen “When Chopped Canada “It’s a “Spice Up Your Life” ‘G’ appetizer round. ‘G’ appetizer round. ‘G’ ‘G’ Halva Day” (N) ‘G’ Flay (N) ‘G’ (N) ‘G’ Pigs Fry” ‘G’ Halva Day” ‘G’ Shark Tank ‘PG’ American Greed American Greed “Ea$y Being American Greed “Tri Energy” American Greed Contractors American Greed “Ea$y Be- Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Green” (N) steal millions. ing Green” The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity On the Record With Greta Red Eye (N) Van Susteren (3:56) Fu(:26) Futura- The Nightly Daily Show/ (5:58) South (:29) South Broad City Workaholics Workaholics Tosh.0 ‘14’ Dane Cook: Troublemaker Daily Show/ The Nightly At Midnight This Is Not turama ‘14’ ma ‘14’ Show Jon Stewart Park ‘14’ Park ‘MA’ ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ The comic performs. ‘MA’ Jon Stewart Show With Chris Happening (2:30) “The “6 Souls” (2010, Horror) Julianne Moore, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. A patient’s WWE SmackDown! (N) ‘PG’ Wizard Wars “Fire and Mice” Close-Up Kings “New York” Wizard Wars “Fire and Mice” Uninvited” multiple personalities are being murdered. (N) ‘PG’ ‘PG’
PREMIUM STATIONS ! HBO 303 504 ^ HBO2 304 505 + MAX 311 516 5 SHOW 319 546 8 TMC 329 554
(3:30) “The Other Woman” (2014) Cameron “16 Blocks” (2006, Action) Bruce Willis. A Diaz. Three women join forces for revenge world-weary cop protects a witness from asagainst a cheating cad. sassins. ‘PG-13’ (3:10) “The Interpreter” (2005) Nicole Kid- (:20) “The Ringer” (2005, Comedy) Johnny man. A U.N. translator overhears an assas- Knoxville. Special Olympians train a man to sination plot. ‘PG-13’ win their games. ‘PG-13’ (1:30) “The Godfather, Part “Transcendence” (2014, Science Fiction) Johnny Depp, II” (1974) Al Pacino. ‘R’ Rebecca Hall. A scientist’s consciousness is uploaded to a computer. ‘PG-13’ (3:30) “Love and Honor” (:15) “Philomena” (2013, Docudrama) Judi Dench, Steve (2012, Drama) Liam Hems- Coogan, Michelle Fairley. A journalist helps a woman search worth. ‘PG-13’ for her long-lost son. ‘PG-13’ (3:50) “Fearless” (2006, Action) Jet Li. A (:35) “The Facility” (2012, Horror) Aneurin master of martial arts defends China’s honor. Barnard. People fight for their lives when a (Subtitled) ‘PG-13’ drug trial goes wrong. ‘NR’
(:15) “300: Rise of an Empire” (2014, Action) Sullivan Sta- Togetherness Looking ‘MA’ Taxicab Confessions 2001: Girls “Female “Night Will pleton, Eva Green, Lena Headey. Greek Gen. Themistocles “Insanity” ‘MA’ All’s Fare in Love and Ve- Author” ‘MA’ Fall” (2014) battles invading Persians. ‘R’ gas ‘MA’ ‘NR’ Girls “Female Togetherness “The Counselor” (2013, Suspense) Michael Fassbender, “A Good Day to Die Hard” (2013, Action) (:40) “2 Author” ‘MA’ “Insanity” ‘MA’ Penélope Cruz, Cameron Diaz. A lawyer becomes involved in Bruce Willis. John McClane and his son battle Guns” (2013) drug trafficking. ‘R’ Russian villains. ‘R’ ‘R’ “Godzilla” (2014, Science Fiction) Aaron Taylor-Johnson, (:05) “Devil’s Due” (2014, Horror) Allison (:35) Zane’s (:05) Zane’s (:40) “The Ken Watanabe, Elizabeth Olsen. Godzilla and malevolent foes Miller. A couple’s unplanned pregnancy has a the Jump Off the Jump Off Internship” battle for supremacy. ‘PG-13’ sinister origin. ‘R’ ‘MA’ ‘MA’ (2013) “Well Now You’re Here, There’s No Way Back” (2014, Shameless “The Two Lisas” Penn & Tell- House of Lies Episodes Web Therapy Documentary) Frankie Banali’s efforts to get Quiet Riot back Frank asks Carl to discourage er: Bulls...! ‘MA’ “Episode 403” ‘14’ together. ‘NR’ lesbians. ‘MA’ ‘MA’ ‘MA’ “Sinister” (2012, Horror) Ethan Hawke, Vincent D’Onofrio, “Get Rich or Die Tryin’” (2005, Crime Drama) Curtis “50 “Fearless” (2006, Action) James Ransone. A true-crime writer uses found footage to Cent” Jackson, Walter Alza. A drug dealer turns to rap music Jet Li, Betty Sun. (Subtitled) unravel a murder. ‘R’ for salvation. ‘R’ ‘PG-13’
Clarion TV
January 25 - 31, 2015
4 PM
Justice With Judge Mablean ‘PG’ The Insider (N)
(3) ABC-13 13 (6) MNT-5 5 (8) CBS-11 11 (9) FOX-4 4
(10) NBC-2 2
(12) PBS-7 7
Supreme Justice
The Ellen DeGeneres Show KTVA 5 p.m. (N) ‘G’ First Take Mike & Molly Entertainment Anger Man“First Date” Tonight (N) agement ‘14’ ‘14’ The Dr. Oz Show ‘PG’ Channel 2 News 5:00 Report (N) Wild Kratts ‘Y’ Wild Kratts ‘Y’ BBC World News America ‘PG’
(34) ESPN 140 206 (35) ESPN2 144 209 (36) ROOT 426 687 (38) SPIKE 241 241 (43) AMC 131 254 (46) TOON 176 296 (47) ANPL 184 282 (49) DISN 173 291 (50) NICK 171 300 (51) FAM 180 311 (55) TLC 183 280 (56) DISC 182 278 (57) TRAV 196 277 (58) HIST 120 269 (59) A&E 118 265 (60) HGTV 112 229 (61) FOOD 110 231 (65) CNBC 208 355 (67) FNC 205 360 (81) COM 107 249 (82) SYFY 122 244
^ HBO2 304 505 + MAX 311 516 5 SHOW 319 546 8 TMC 329 554
CBS Evening News Two and a Half Men ‘14’ NBC Nightly News (N) ‘G’ Alaska Weather ‘G’
6 PM
7 PM
B = DirecTV
Jeopardy! (N) ‘G’
8 PM
JANUARY 30, 2015
Wheel of For- Last Man (:31) Cristela Shark Tank Almond water tune (N) ‘G’ Standing (N) “Hypertension” beverage line. (N) ‘PG’ ‘PG’ (N) Celebrity Celebrity Bones “The Woman in the Bones “The Man on the FairName Game Name Game Garden” Corpse in the trunk of way” Fragments. ‘14’ (N) ‘PG’ ‘PG’ a car. ‘14’ KTVA 6 p.m. Evening Undercover Boss “Stella & Hawaii Five-0 “La Po’ino” News (N) Dot” (N) ‘PG’ (N) ‘14’ The Big Bang The Big Bang World’s Funniest Fails Popu- Glee “The Hurt Locker, Part Theory ‘PG’ Theory ‘PG’ lar Internet videos. (N) ‘14’ Two” Sue tries to mend relationships. ‘14’ Channel 2 Newshour (N) Constantine Students get Grimm “Death Do Us” A to an alternate dimension. homicide at an abandoned (N) ‘14’ residence. (N) ‘14’ PBS NewsHour (N) Washington Alaska Edi- Shakespeare Uncovered Week With tion Hugh Bonneville and Ralph Gwen Ifill Fiennes. (N) ‘PG’
9 PM
9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
(:01) 20/20 ‘PG’
ABC News at (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live ‘14’ (:37) Nightline (N) ‘G’ 10 (N)
Everybody Everybody Loves Ray- Loves Raymond ‘PG’ mond ‘PG’ Blue Bloods “Love Stories” (N) ‘14’ Fox 4 News at 9 (N)
How I Met Your Mother ‘14’ KTVA Nightcast Anger Management ‘14’
The Office ‘14’
The Wendy Williams Show (N) ‘PG’
(:35) Late Show With David Letterman ‘PG’ Two and a TMZ (N) ‘PG’ Half Men ‘14’
The Late Late Show Entertainment Tonight
Dateline NBC (N) ‘PG’
Channel 2 (:34) The Tonight Show Star- (:36) Late News: Late ring Jimmy Fallon ‘14’ Night With Edition (N) Seth Meyers Shakespeare Uncovered The Buddha of the Piano: Charlie Rose (N) Staging “King Lear.” (N) ‘PG’ Leopold Godowsky ‘G’
Rules of En- Rules of En- Rules of En- Rules of En- “10,000 B.C.” (2008, Adventure) Steven Strait. A prehistoric Raising Hope Raising Hope 30 Rock ‘14’ 30 Rock ‘14’ gagement gagement gagement gagement man must save his beloved from evil warlords. ‘14’ ‘14’ LOGO by Lori Goldstein ‘G’ Friday Night Beauty ‘G’ Clarisonic ‘G’ Dooney & Bourke ‘G’ New Beauty, New You “Clarisonic” (N) ‘G’ Preachers’ Daughters The Bring It! Preview of the up- Bring It! “Miami Heat Is Back” Bring It! “Miss D Loses Her (:02) Preachers’ Daughters (:02) Bring It! Miss D hires (:02) Bring It! “Miami Heat girls head out on a mission coming season. ‘PG’ Dianna creates an elaborate Cool” Miss D hires male cho- Cierra’s temper becomes an male choreographers. ‘PG’ Is Back” Dianna creates an trip. ‘14’ routine. ‘PG’ reographers. ‘PG’ issue. (N) ‘14’ elaborate routine. ‘PG’ Law & Order: Special Vic- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Sirens “Super- Sirens ‘14’ (:01) CSI: Crime Scene Intims Unit “Parts” ‘14’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ dick” ‘14’ vestigation ‘PG’ Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The Seinfeld “The The Big Bang The Big Bang King of the Nerds Cosplayer “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” (2004, Com- King of the Nerds Cosplayer Burning” ‘PG’ Bookstore” Frogger” ‘PG’ Maid” ‘PG’ Theory ‘PG’ Theory ‘PG’ Ya Ya Han returns to judge. edy) Will Ferrell, Christina Applegate. A 1970s newsman feels Ya Ya Han returns to judge. ‘PG’ (N) ‘14’ threatened by a female employee. ‘14’ Castle “That ’70s Show” ‘PG’ Castle “Law & Boarder” ‘PG’ Castle Beckett becomes a Cold Justice (N) ‘14’ Wake Up Call (N) ‘14’ Cold Justice ‘14’ Wake Up Call ‘14’ “The Bourne Identity” (2002) Matt Damon. murder suspect. ‘14’ NBA Basketball Dallas Mavericks at Miami Heat. From the AmericanAirlines NBA Basketball Chicago Bulls at Phoenix Suns. From US Airways Center in SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) 2015 Australian Open TenArena in Miami. (N) (Live) Phoenix. (N) (Live) nis Women’s Final. (N) The Friars’ Club Roast of Boxing Friday Night Fights. Karl Dargan vs. Tony Luis. From SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) NBA Tonight NBA Basketball Dallas Mavericks at Miami Heat. From the NBA BasketTerry Bradshaw (N) Mashantucket, Conn. (N) (Live) (N) AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami. ball Women’s College Basketball Graham College Hockey Minnesota-Duluth at Denver. From Magness Arena in Den- Snow Motion Boxing Golden Boy Live: Roberto Castaneda vs. Joseph Diaz College Basketball Portland at Gonzaga. Bensinger ver. (N) (Live) (N) ‘PG’ Jr. From Indio, Calif. Cops ‘PG’ Cops ‘PG’ Cops ‘14’ Cops “In De- Cops ‘14’ Cops ‘14’ Cops ‘PG’ Cops ‘PG’ Cops ‘PG’ Cops ‘PG’ Cops ‘14’ Cops ‘PG’ Cops ‘14’ Cops ‘14’ Cops “New Cops ‘14’ nial” ‘PG’ Jersey” ‘PG’ (2:30) “Under Siege” (1992) “Hard to Kill” (1990) Steven Seagal, Kelly LeBrock. Years “Out for Justice” (1991) Steven Seagal. A New York cop “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer” (2007, Science “Fantastic Four: Rise of the Steven Seagal. after nearly dying, a policeman seeks revenge. relentlessly pursues a comrade’s murderer. Fiction) Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba. Silver Surfer” (2007) King of the King of the The Cleve- The Cleve- American American Family Guy Family Guy Newsreaders The Heart, The Venture American American Family Guy Family Guy Newsreaders Hill ‘PG’ Hill ‘PG’ land Show land Show Dad ‘PG’ Dad ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ (N) ‘14’ She Holler Bros. ‘14’ Dad ‘PG’ Dad ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Treehouse Masters “Canopy Treehouse Masters “Treehive Treehouse Masters “Ultimate Treehouse Masters “Treehive Treehouse Masters “Ultimate Island Camp” ‘PG’ Beehive” ‘PG’ Treehouses III” ‘PG’ Beehive” ‘PG’ Treehouses III” ‘PG’ (3:00) Movie I Didn’t Do I Didn’t Do Austin & Dog With a Girl Meets Girl Meets Gravity Falls Girl Meets I Didn’t Do Liv & Mad- Dog With a Dog With a Dog With a Dog With a It ‘G’ It ‘G’ Ally ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ World ‘G’ World ‘G’ ‘Y7’ World ‘G’ It ‘G’ die ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ iCarly ‘G’ The Thunder- The Thunder- Victorious ‘G’ Every Witch Way “New Witch Bella and the Bella and the Bulldogs NFL RUSH ‘G’ Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Friends ‘14’ (:36) Friends (:12) Everybody Loves Raymans ‘Y’ mans ‘G’ Order” (N) ‘G’ Bulldogs “Newbie QB” ‘G’ ‘14’ mond ‘G’ “Twilight” (2008, Romance) Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Billy Burke. A teen is caught “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” (2009, Romance) Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor The 700 Club ‘G’ Boy Meets Boy Meets up in an unorthodox romance with a vampire. Lautner. Bella finds herself drawn into the world of werewolves. World ‘G’ World ‘G’ Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Say Yes: Love, Lust or Love, Lust or Love, Lust or Love, Lust or Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Love, Lust or Love, Lust or Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Bliss Bliss Bliss Bliss Bliss Bliss Run ‘PG’ Run ‘PG’ Run ‘PG’ Run ‘PG’ Run ‘PG’ Run ‘PG’ Gold Rush Parker’s car is Gold Rush A new Klondike Gold Rush Todd and Dave Gold Rush: Pay Dirt “Gold Gold Rush Todd and Dave Alaskan Bush People (N) Gold Rush Todd and Dave Alaskan Bush People totaled. ‘PG’ claim. ‘PG’ disagree. ‘PG’ Road” (N) ‘PG’ get bulldozers stuck. ‘PG’ get bulldozers stuck. ‘PG’ Ghost Adventures “Mustang Mysteries at the Museum A Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Museum Mysteries at the Castle Mysteries at the Museum Expedition Unknown “Tem- Mysteries at the Castle ‘PG’ Ranch” ‘PG’ captivating portrait. ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’ (N) ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ple of Doom” ‘PG’ Pawn Stars A Brown Bess Sons of Liberty Sam Adams turns to wealthy John Hancock. Sons of Liberty Paul Revere warns the Colonists. ‘14’ Sons of Liberty The Battles of Lexington and Concord. ‘14’ (:01) Sons of Liberty ‘14’ musket. ‘PG’ ‘14’ Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Criminal Minds “Profiling 101” Criminal Minds “The SiCriminal Minds “Hit” The Criminal Minds “Run” The Criminal Minds “The Pact” (:02) Criminal Minds Beth (:01) Criminal Minds “Hit” ‘PG’ ‘PG’ The team talks to a college lencer” The BAU tracks an team negotiates a hostage team negotiates a hostage Two murder victims are has surprising news for The team negotiates a hosclass. ‘14’ escaped prisoner. ‘14’ situation. ‘14’ situation. ‘14’ found. ‘14’ Hotch. ‘14’ tage situation. ‘14’ Vacation House for Free ‘G’ Vacation House for Free ‘G’ Love It or List It, Too “Kelly Love It or List It, Too “Karin Love It or List It, Too (N) House Hunt- Hunters Int’l House Hunt- Hunters Int’l Love It or List It, Too & Steve” ‘G’ & Bruce” ‘G’ ers ‘G’ ers ‘G’ Best. Ever. Vietnamese ba- Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive con and eggs. ‘G’ Shark Tank A man reinvents The Celebrity Apprentice Joan Rivers; an outdoor marketing The Car The Filthy The Filthy The Filthy The Filthy The Filthy Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program the umbrella. ‘PG’ event. ‘PG’ Chasers Rich Guide Rich Guide Rich Guide Rich Guide Rich Guide The O’Reilly Factor (N) The Kelly File (N) Hannity (N) The O’Reilly Factor The Kelly File Hannity On the Record With Greta Red Eye (N) Van Susteren (3:55) Fu(:25) Futura- The Nightly Daily Show/ (5:57) Key & (:28) Key & (6:59) Key & Key & Peele Key & Peele Key & Peele Key & Peele Super Bowl South Park South Park David Spade: My Fake Probturama ‘14’ ma ‘14’ Show Jon Stewart Peele ‘14’ Peele ‘14’ Peele ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ Special (N) ‘14’ ‘MA’ lems ‘MA’ (3:00) “Friday the 13th” “A Nightmare on Elm Street” (2010, Horror) Jackie Earle 12 Monkeys “Mentally Diver- 12 Monkeys “Cassandra Helix “Scion” (N) ‘14’ (:01) 12 Monkeys “Cassandra (:01) Helix “Scion” ‘14’ (2009) Jared Padalecki. Haley, Rooney Mara, Kyle Gallner. gent” ‘14’ Complex” (N) ‘14’ Complex” ‘14’
5:30 ABC World News
Inside Edition Family Feud Family Feud (N) ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘PG’
America’s Funniest Home (8) WGN-A 239 307 Videos ‘PG’ (3:00) Fashionably Late with (20) QVC 137 317 Jayne & Pat (N) ‘G’ Celebrity Wife Swap Jenna (23) LIFE 108 252 von Oy and Jill Zarin trade lives. ‘PG’ Law & Order: Special Vic (28) USA 105 242 tims Unit Serial rapist. ‘14’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ (30) TBS 139 247 (31) TNT 138 245
5 PM News & Views (N)
America’s Funniest Home Videos ‘PG’ Philosophy: Beauty ‘G’
“The Rite” (2011, Horror) Anthony Hopkins, Colin “Blended” (2014, Romance-Comedy) Adam Sandler, Drew REAL Sports With Bryant Real Time With Bill Maher (N Real Time With Bill Maher Togetherness Looking ‘MA’ O’Donoghue, Alice Braga. A skeptical seminary student at- Barrymore, Joel McHale. Two single-parent families are stuck Gumbel ‘PG’ Same-day Tape) ‘MA’ ‘MA’ “Insanity” ‘MA’ tends a school for exorcists. ‘PG-13’ together at a resort. ‘PG-13’ (3:15) 2014 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony Inductees (:25) “Gravity” (2013) Sandra Bullock. Two “Divergent” (2014, Science Fiction) Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Ashley (:20) “Fight Club” (1999, Suspense) Brad include Cat Stevens and KISS. ‘14’ astronauts become stranded in deep space. Judd. A young woman discovers a plot to destroy those like her. ‘PG-13’ Pitt. Men vent their rage by beating each other ‘PG-13’ in a secret arena. ‘R’ (:15) “Scary Movie 2” (2001) Shawn Way- (:45) “The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift” (2006, Ac- “Bad Words” (2013, Comedy) Jason Bate- Banshee “Real Life Is the Banshee “Real Life Is the Banshee “Real Life Is the ans. Members of a psychology class venture tion) Lucas Black, Bow Wow. An American street racer takes man. A mean-spirited 40-year-old enters a Nightmare” Siobhan faces a Nightmare” Siobhan faces a Nightmare” Siobhan faces a into a haunted house. ‘R’ on a Japanese champion. ‘PG-13’ national spelling bee. ‘R’ difficult choice. (N) ‘MA’ difficult choice. ‘MA’ difficult choice. ‘MA’ (3:30) “The Longest Yard” (2005) Adam “Next Day Air” (2009) Donald Faison. A Shameless “The Two Lisas” The Affair Noah asks Alison “Last Vegas” (2013, Comedy) Michael Douglas, Robert De “A Life in Dirty Movies” Sandler. Prisoners train for a football game delivery man gives a package of drugs to the Frank asks Carl to discourage to help him. ‘MA’ Niro, Morgan Freeman. Four aging pals go to Las Vegas to (2013, Documentary) ‘NR’ against the guards. ‘PG-13’ wrong people. ‘R’ lesbians. ‘MA’ relive their glory days. ‘PG-13’ (3:30) “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn “Fruitvale Station” (2013) Michael B. Jor- “Lee Daniels’ The Butler” (2013, Historical Drama) Forest (:15) “August: Osage County” (2013, Comedy-Drama) Meryl Streep, Julia “The Last Part 2” (2012, Romance) Kristen Stewart, dan. Flashbacks reveal the final day of a man Whitaker, John Cusack. A White House butler serves many Roberts, Ewan McGregor. A funeral reunites three sisters with their venom- Shot” (2004) Robert Pattinson. ‘PG-13’ killed by police. presidents over the years. ‘PG-13’ ous mother. ‘R’ ‘R’
January 25 - 31, 2015
Clarion TV
© Tribune Media Services
8 AM
9 AM
B = DirecTV
9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 12 PM 12:30 1 PM
X Games Aspen. From Aspen, Colo. (Taped)
(3) ABC-13 13 (6) MNT-5 5 (8) CBS-11 11 (9) FOX-4 4
(10) NBC-2 2
(12) PBS-7 7
(35) ESPN2 144 209 (36) ROOT 426 687 (38) SPIKE 241 241 (43) AMC 131 254 (46) TOON 176 296 (47) ANPL 184 282
Premier League Live (N) (Live) Sesame Street ‘Y’
(55) TLC 183 280 (56) DISC 182 278 (57) TRAV 196 277 (58) HIST 120 269 (59) A&E 118 265 (60) HGTV 112 229 (61) FOOD 110 231 (65) CNBC 208 355 (67) FNC 205 360 (81) COM 107 249 (82) SYFY 122 244
^ HBO2 304 505 + MAX 311 516 5 SHOW 319 546 8 TMC 329 554
3 PM
English Premier League Soccer Chelsea FC vs Manchester Figure Skating U.S. Championships: Skating Road to the Super Bowl (N) Cris Collinsworth’s NFL City FC. From Stamford Bridge in London, England. (N) (Live) Spectacular. From Greensboro, N.C. (Taped) Special (N) Dinosaur Train ‘Y’
Thomas & Friends ‘Y’
Bob the Fons & Por- It’s Sew Easy Quilting Arts Victory Gar- Sewing With This Old Ask This Old Hometime Builder “Fun ter’s Love of ‘G’ “Inspired by den’s Edible Nancy ‘G’ House (N) ‘G’ House (N) ‘G’ (N) ‘G’ at Work” ‘Y’ Quilting Nature” ‘G’ Feast ‘G’
Tree Fu Tom LazyTown ‘Y’ “Eurotrip” (2004, Comedy) ‘Y’ Scott Mechlowicz, Michelle Trachtenberg. Woodwright’s Rough Cut The This Old House Hour Shop ‘G’ -- Woodwork- New kitchen; removing ing trees. ‘G’
Blue Bloods Jamie goes un- Blue Bloods “Critical Condider cover at a bar. ‘14’ tion” ‘14’ Dooney & Bourke ‘G’
I Didn’t Do Girl Meets Girl Meets Good Luck Good Luck It ‘G’ World ‘G’ World ‘G’ Charlie ‘G’ Charlie ‘G’ SpongeBob Sanjay and Breadwinners Rabbids Inva- Power Rang- The Fairly Craig ‘Y7’ ‘Y7’ sion ‘Y7’ ers OddParents “Mean Girls 2” (2011) Meaghan Martin. A clique of girls “Miss Congeniality” (2000) Sandra Bullock. A clumsy FBI makes life difficult for a new student. ‘14’ agent goes under cover at a beauty pageant. Little and Looking for Love 7 Little Johnstons A family of 7 Little Johnstons ‘PG’ My Big Fat Fabulous Life “A ‘PG’ dwarfs. ‘PG’ Fat Girl Dancing” Street Outlaws Spanish Street Outlaws “Gatekeeper Fire in the Hole “Failure Is Fire in the Hole A live World Chuck puts on a race. ‘14’ Gate” ‘14’ Not an Option” ‘14’ War II ordnance. Bizarre Foods America ‘PG’ Anthony Bourdain: No Res- Anthony Bourdain: No Res- Booze Traveler “Loopy ervations “Hawaii” ‘PG’ ervations “Madrid” ‘PG’ Lithuania” Swamp People The top 10 Swamp People “Gator Re- Swamp People “Once BitSwamp People “Aerial Asdeadliest hunts. ‘14’ con” ‘14’ ten” ‘PG’ sault” ‘PG’ Dog the Bounty Hunter Tar- Criminal Minds “Profiling 101” Criminal Minds “The SiThe First 48 A drug deal goes get has a record of reckless The team talks to a college lencer” The BAU tracks an bad; deadly shooting. ‘14’ driving. ‘PG’ class. ‘14’ escaped prisoner. ‘14’ Bath Crash- Bath Crash- Love It or List It “Barb & Love It or List It “Lorraine & Love It or List It “Sue & ers ‘G’ ers ‘G’ Pete” ‘G’ Bob” ‘G’ Bruce” ‘G’ Farmhouse The Pioneer The Pioneer Trisha’s The Kitchen “Snow Day Worst Cooks in America ‘G’ Rules ‘G’ Woman ‘G’ Woman ‘G’ Southern Cooking” (N) ‘G’ Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program
Good Luck Jessie ‘G’ Jessie ‘G’ Jessie ‘G’ Austin & Austin & Austin & Austin & Charlie ‘G’ Ally ‘G’ Ally ‘G’ Ally ‘G’ Ally ‘G’ The Fairly The Fairly SpongeBob SpongeBob iCarly “iGo to Japan” Carly, Sam and Freddie Bella and the OddParents OddParents travel to Japan. ‘G’ Bulldogs “Twilight” (2008, Romance) Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Billy Burke. A teen is caught “The Twilight Saga: New up in an unorthodox romance with a vampire. Moon” (2009, Romance) Fat Fabulous Fat Fabulous Fat Fabulous Fat Fabulous My 600-Lb. Life “Tara’s My 600-Lb. Life “Donald’s Story” ‘PG’ Story” ‘PG’ Moonshiners “Bootleg or Moonshiners “Episode Big Giant Swords A giant, Big Giant Swords “Beast Bust” ‘14’ 13” ‘14’ dragon-shaped sword. ‘14’ From Below” ‘14’ Bizarre Bizarre Food Paradise “All You Can Food Paradise “Bar Food Food Paradise American’s Foods: Foods: Eat Paradise” ‘PG’ Paradise” ‘PG’ love deep-fried food. ‘PG’ (11:59) Swamp People “Gator (12:55) Swamp People Swamp People “The Albino Swamp People “Hooked” ‘PG’ Jacked” ‘PG’ “Gravedigger” ‘PG’ Assassin” ‘PG’ The First 48 A couple are The First 48 Convenience- Nightwatch “Retaliation” New Nightwatch An EMS officer gunned down at home. ‘14’ store clerk shot to death. ‘14’ Orleans police look into a shares emotional news. ‘14’ shooting. ‘14’ Love It or List It A family lives House Hunters RenovaHouse Hunters RenovaHouse Hunters Renovain a basement. ‘G’ tion ‘G’ tion ‘G’ tion ‘G’ Beat Bobby Duff Till Restaurant: Impossible Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Best. Ever. “Best. Burger. Flay ‘G’ Dawn ‘G’ “Mystic Mystery” ‘G’ Ever.” ‘G’ Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Buried Treasure Searching for hidden gems. ‘PG’ America’s News Headquar- America’s News Headquar- Journal Edi- America’s News Headquarters (N) Healthy You America’s The Five America’s News Headquar- FOX Report (N) ters (N) ters (N) torial Rpt. News HQ ters (N) (7:46) South (:19) “The Great Outdoors” (1988, Comedy) Dan Aykroyd, (:23) “Trading Places” (1983, Comedy) Dan Aykroyd, Eddie Murphy. Two (12:54) “The Love Guru” (2008, Comedy) Mike Myers, Jes- (2:55) “The House Bunny” Park ‘14’ John Candy, Stephanie Faracy. men’s lives are altered by a bet made between tycoons. sica Alba, Justin Timberlake. (2008) Anna Faris. (7:00) “Let Me In” (2010, Horror) Kodi Smit- “Children of the Corn” (2009, Horror) David Anders, Kan- “Friday the 13th” (2009, Horror) Jared Padalecki. A hockey- “A Nightmare on Elm Street” (2010, Horror) Jackie Earle “Elektra” McPhee, Chloe Grace Moretz. dyse McClure, Daniel Newman. ‘14’ masked killer slaughters young revelers. Haley, Rooney Mara, Kyle Gallner. (2005)
“Blue-Eyed Butcher” (2012, Docudrama) Sara Paxton, Lisa “She Made Them Do It” Edelstein, Justin Bruening. Susan Wright stands trial for the (2012, Docudrama) Jenna murder of her husband. ‘14’ Dewan Tatum. ‘14’ Law & Order: Special Vic- Law & Order: Special Vic- Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Bedtime” ‘14’ tims Unit “Shattered” ‘14’ tims Unit “Locum” ‘14’ “Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy” (2004, Com- Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘14’ edy) Will Ferrell, Christina Applegate. A 1970s newsman feels threatened by a female employee. Law & Order Slain psychia- Law & Order “Pride” ‘14’ Law & Order Victim’s mother “War of the Worlds” (2005, Science Fiction) Tom Cruise, Dakota Fanning. A “The Book of Eli” (2010) Denzel Washington, Gary Oldman. A lone warrior trist is found. ‘14’ kills suspect. ‘14’ man and his children try to survive an alien invasion. carries hope across a post-apocalyptic wasteland. College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College GameDay (N) (Live) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball Texas at Baylor. From the Ferrell Center in Waco, Texas. (N) (Live) College Basketball Boston College at Clemson. From Little- College Basketball Virginia Tech at Wake Forest. From Law- College Basketball Loyola Marymount at Pacific. From Alex College Basketball Nevada at Wyoming. From Arena-Auditojohn Coliseum in Clemson, S.C. (N) (Live) rence Joel Veterans Memorial Coliseum. (N) G. Spanos Center in Stockton, Calif. (N) rium in Laramie, Wyo. (N) (Live) Bar Rescue “On the Rocks” Bar Rescue A western bar. Bar Rescue Swanky Bubbles Cops ‘14’ Cops ‘14’ Cops ‘PG’ Cops ‘PG’ Cops ‘14’ Jail ‘14’ Cops ‘14’ Cops ‘14’ Jail ‘PG’ Cops “Liar ‘PG’ ‘PG’ is a failing bar. ‘PG’ Liar” ‘PG’ The RifleThe RifleThe RifleThe RifleThe Rifle“Tombstone” (1993, Western) Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Michael Biehn. Doc Holliday joins “Out for Justice” (1991) Steven Seagal. A New York cop “The Deman ‘G’ man ‘G’ man ‘G’ man ‘G’ man ‘G’ Wyatt Earp for the OK Corral showdown. relentlessly pursues a comrade’s murderer. parted” Clarence ‘PG’ Clarence ‘PG’ Teen Titans Teen Titans Teen Titans Uncle Uncle World of World of Teen Titans Teen Titans Teen Titans Clarence ‘PG’ Clarence ‘PG’ Clarence ‘PG’ Clarence ‘PG’ Go! ‘PG’ Go! ‘PG’ Go! ‘PG’ Grandpa Grandpa Gumball Gumball Go! ‘PG’ Go! ‘PG’ Go! ‘PG’ To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced
Girl Meets (49) DISN 173 291 World ‘G’ SpongeBob (50) NICK 171 300 (51) FAM 180 311
2 PM
Jack Hanna’s Wild America Eco Company Career Day State to State Laura McKen- Traditions Paid Program “Shall We Dance?” (2004, Romance-Comedy) Richard Gere, SAF3 “Second Chances” The Sanctuary Tesla and Henry Animal Ad- ‘G’ ‘G’ ‘G’ ‘G’ zie’s Traveler Continue Jennifer Lopez. A husband takes dancing lessons from a team loses two members. ‘PG’ try to create a weapon. ‘PG’ ventures ‘G’ beautiful instructor. Aqua Kids NCAA Men of College Basketball Arkansas at Florida. From Stephen C. PGA Tour Golf Waste Management Phoenix Open, Third Round. From TPC Scottsdale in Paid Program Homes & Designing Storm Stories (N) ‘G’ March (N) O’Connell Center in Gainesville, Fla. (N) (Live) Scottsdale, Ariz. (N) (Live) Estates Spaces ‘PG’ ‘PG’ College Basketball Providence at St. John’s. From Madison Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Square Garden in New York. (N) (Live)
(34) ESPN 140 206
Unforgettable Moments of Love on Ice Figure skaters per- Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program form to music. (N)
(6:30) “Sum- “3000 Miles to Graceland” (2001, Action) Kurt Russell, Kevin Costner. Fake Wrestling Wrestling Wrestling Wrestling (8) WGN-A 239 307 mer Catch” Elvis impersonators stage a casino heist in Las Vegas. With Death With Death With Death With Death (6:00) Saturday Morning Q “Clarisonic” Featuring products Clarisonic ‘G’ Gardening Made Easy by Computer Shop ‘G’ (20) QVC 137 317 by Clarisonic. (N) ‘G’ Cottage Farms ‘G’ Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program To Be An“The Hand That Rocks the Cradle” (1992, Suspense) Annabella Sciorra, nounced Rebecca De Mornay, Matt McCoy. A woman vows to destroy a family she (23) LIFE 108 252 blames for her woes. Law & Order: Special Vic- Law & Order: Special Vic- Law & Order: Special Vic- Law & Order: Special Vic- Law & Order: Special Vic (28) USA 105 242 tims Unit “Sugar” ‘14’ tims Unit “Spooked” ‘14’ tims Unit “Perverted” ‘14’ tims Unit “P.C.” ‘14’ tims Unit “Savior” ‘14’ The King of The King of “Duplex” (2003, Comedy) Ben Stiller, Drew Barrymore, Ei- “Head of State” (2003, Comedy) Chris Rock, Bernie Mac, (30) TBS 139 247 Queens ‘PG’ Queens ‘PG’ leen Essell. A couple tries to get rid of an annoying neighbor. Dylan Baker. An alderman becomes a presidential candidate. (31) TNT 138 245
JANUARY 31, 2015
Dog With a Blog ‘G’ SpongeBob
Jessie ‘G’
(7:45) “X-Men: The Last Stand” (2006, “The Other Woman” (2014, Romance-Comedy) Cameron “The Truth About Charlie” (2002) Mark (:15) “Blended” (2014, Romance-Comedy) Adam Sandler, (:15) “The Hobbit: The Action) Hugh Jackman. A cure for mutations Diaz, Leslie Mann. Three women join forces for revenge Wahlberg. A kind stranger helps a widow Drew Barrymore, Joel McHale. Two single-parent families are Desolation of Smaug” (2013) divides the X-Men. ‘PG-13’ against a cheating cad. ‘PG-13’ whose mate had many secrets. stuck together at a resort. ‘PG-13’ ‘PG-13’ (6:30) “Harry Potter and (:15) Real Time With Bill (:15) “The Grand Budapest Hotel” (2014, Comedy-Drama) Girls “Female Togetherness REAL Sports With Bryant “Night Will Fall” (2014) Alfred Hitchcock. A (:20) “Rush the Goblet of Fire” (2005) Maher ‘MA’ Ralph Fiennes, F. Murray Abraham. A renowned concierge Author” ‘MA’ “Insanity” ‘MA’ Gumbel ‘PG’ lost film made by Alfred Hitchcock and Sidney Hour” (1998) ‘PG-13’ mentors a lobby boy. ‘R’ Bernstein. ‘NR’ (7:55) “Lean on Me” (1989) Morgan Free- (:45) “The Wolverine” (2013, Action) Hugh Jackman, Hiroyuki Sanada, “Oblivion” (2013, Science Fiction) Tom Cruise, Morgan (:10) “Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous” (2005) man. A principal takes a hard line on school Famke Janssen. Wolverine confronts the prospect of real mortality. ‘PG-13’ Freeman, Olga Kurylenko. A stranger’s arrival triggers one Sandra Bullock. FBI agent Gracie Hart must save two kidviolence and drugs. man’s battle to save mankind. ‘PG-13’ napped friends in Las Vegas. “Hotel Rwanda” (2004, Drama) Don Cheadle, Sophie (:05) “Alex Cross” (2012, Action) Tyler (:45) “Dark Skies” (2013, Science Fiction) Keri Russell, Josh Lost Songs: The Basement Tapes Continued Bob Dylan “Mandela: Okonedo, Joaquin Phoenix. A hotelier saves 1,200 Tutsi refu- Perry, Matthew Fox. A serial killer pushes Hamilton, Dakota Goyo. Aliens mark a human family for future lyrics are used in new songs. ‘MA’ Long Walk” gees from slaughter. ‘PG-13’ Cross to the edge. ‘PG-13’ abduction. ‘PG-13’ “Quartet” (2012) Maggie Smith, Tom Courte- (:40) “The Face of Love” (2013) Annette (:15) “A Night at the Roxbury” (1998) Will (:40) “Step Up Revolution” (2012, Drama) Ryan Guzman, “Lucky Them” (2013, Comedy-Drama) Toni nay. A diva intrudes on a trio of retired opera Bening. A woman falls for a man who looks Ferrell. Two hapless brothers try to open up Kathryn McCormick. A young woman strives to be a profes- Collette. A rock journalist tracks down her singers. ‘PG-13’ like her late husband. their own nightclub. sional dancer in Miami. ‘PG-13’ former boyfriend. ‘R’
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January 25 - 31, 2015
4 PM
5 PM
The Fil-AM Show
(3) ABC-13 13 (6) MNT-5 5 (8) CBS-11 11 (9) FOX-4 4
(10) NBC-2 2
(12) PBS-7 7
Heartbeat of ABC World Alaska News Tonight (N) The Insider Inside Edition Family Feud Celebrity (N) Weekend (N) (N) ‘PG’ Name Game ‘PG’ ‘PG’ Innovation Recipe Re- KTVA 5 p.m. CBS Evening Nation ‘G’ hab ‘G’ First Take News The Middle The Middle Anger Man- Anger Man“Wheel of “The Name” agement ‘14’ agement ‘14’ Pain” ‘PG’ ‘PG’ (3:00) “Eurotrip” (2004, News NBC Nightly Comedy) Scott Mechlowicz, News (N) ‘G’ Michelle Trachtenberg. Fly Tying: Rick Steves’ PBS News- Alaska The Angler’s Europe ‘G’ Hour Week- Weather ‘G’ Art end (N)
6 PM
7 PM
B = DirecTV
Jeopardy! ‘G’ Wheel of For- To Be Announced tune ‘G’
8 PM
JANUARY 31, 2015
9 PM
9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30
How I Met Futurama Your Mother “Game of ‘14’ Tones” ‘14’ Scandal Fitz doesn’t know who he can trust. ‘14’ Entertainment Tonight (N)
Leverage The team becomes Burn Notice “Enemies Closer” White Collar “Point Blank” part of a documentary. ‘14’ Sensitive flight information. Neal wants to face Kate’s ‘PG’ murderer. ‘PG’ Hawaii Five-0 “Ku I Ka Pili Criminal Minds “X” ‘14’ 48 Hours (N) ‘PG’ Koko” ‘14’ Backstrom “Dragon Slayer” Red Band Society An unThe Big Bang The Big Bang A suicide may be a homiexpected return reveals a Theory ‘14’ Theory ‘PG’ cide. ‘14’ betrayal. (N) ‘14’ The Good Wife “Killer Song” Saturday Night Live Pres- NFL Honors Honoring the best athletes and performances of Eli tries to help Natalie Flores. ents a SNL Sports Specthe season. (N) ‘14’ tacular ‘14’ Alaska Edi- Charlie Rose Doc Martin “Tick Tock” New The Red The Red Midsomer Murders “Beyond tion -- The Week police officer replaces Mark Green Show Green Show the Grave” Jonathan Lowrie’s (N) Mylow. ‘PG’ ‘PG’ ‘G’ ghost. ‘PG’
Extra (N) ‘PG’
Heartbeat of Paid Program Alaska
Republic of Doyle The The Office Q (N) ‘PG’ Doyle family shows up unan- “Whistleblownounced. ‘14’ er” ‘PG’ KTVA Night- (:35) Castle “The Wild Rover” (:35) The cast ‘PG’ Closer ‘14’ Two and a Mike & Molly Animation Domination HighHalf Men ‘14’ ‘14’ Def “High School USA.” ‘14’ Channel 2 (:29) Saturday Night Live (N) ‘14’ News: Late Edition (N) Austin City Limits The Black Front and Center Acoustic Keys; J. Roddy Walston. ‘PG’ performance by Lady Antebellum. ‘G’
Blue Bloods Danny shoots (8) WGN-A 239 307 a cop. ‘14’ Clarisonic ‘G’ (20) QVC 137 317 (23) LIFE 108 252 (28) USA 105 242 (30) TBS 139 247 (31) TNT 138 245 (34) ESPN 140 206 (35) ESPN2 144 209 (36) ROOT 426 687 (38) SPIKE 241 241 (43) AMC 131 254 (46) TOON 176 296 (47) ANPL 184 282
Blue Bloods “Innocence” ‘14’ “10,000 B.C.” (2008, Adventure) Steven Strait. A prehistoric “Wild Wild West” (1999) Will Smith, Kevin Kline. Secret “3000 Miles to Graceland” (2001, Action) Kurt Russell, man must save his beloved from evil warlords. agents fight to stop a presidential assassination. Kevin Costner, Courteney Cox. Judith Ripka Jewelry Collection Silver jewelry. ‘G’ Barbara Bixby Jewelry Portfolio ‘G’ RLM Studio With Robert Lee Gorali: Designer Sterling Designer Jewelry Gallery ‘G’ Morris ‘G’ Jewelry from Israel (3:00) “She Made Them Do “The Good Mistress” (2014, Suspense) Annie Heise, Ken- “Beautiful & Twisted” (2015, Docudrama) Rob Lowe, Paz (:02) Beyond the Headlines: (:02) Beyond the Headlines: (:02) “Beautiful & Twisted” It” (2012, Docudrama) Jenna dra Anderson, Antonio Cupo. A woman has a one-night stand Vega, Candice Bergen. Police investigate the murder of hotel The Novack Murders (N) The Real Romeo Killer ‘14’ (2015) Rob Lowe, Paz Vega. Dewan Tatum. ‘14’ with her friend’s husband. ‘14’ heir Ben Novack Jr. ‘14’ ‘14’ Law & Order: Special Vic- Law & Order: Special Vic- Law & Order: Special Vic- Law & Order: Special Vic- Law & Order: Special Vic- Law & Order: Special Vic- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Fam- Modern Famtims Unit “Bulls Eye” ‘14’ tims Unit “Bully” ‘14’ tims Unit ‘14’ tims Unit “Bang” ‘14’ tims Unit ‘14’ tims Unit “Smoked” ‘14’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ ily ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Friends ‘PG’ Everybody Everybody Everybody Everybody The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Ground Floor Cougar Town “Waiting for Tonight” Jules and Loves Ray- Loves Ray- Loves Ray- Loves Ray- Theory ‘PG’ Theory ‘14’ Theory ‘PG’ Theory ‘PG’ Theory ‘PG’ Theory ‘PG’ ‘14’ Grayson’s reservation. ‘14’ mond ‘PG’ mond ‘PG’ mond ‘PG’ mond ‘PG’ “The Bourne Identity” (2002, Suspense) Matt Damon, Franka Potente. An “Cowboys & Aliens” (2011, Science Fiction) Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford. Transporter: The Series “Six- Transporter: The Series “Six- “Public Enemies” (2009) amnesiac agent is marked for death after a botched hit. Extraterrestrials attack a 19th-century Arizona town. teen Hands” (N) ‘14’ teen Hands” ‘14’ Johnny Depp. (3:00) College Basketball NBA Basketball Los Angeles Clippers at San Antonio Spurs. From the AT&T SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) 2015 Australian Open TenTeams TBA. (N) (Live) Center in San Antonio. (N) (Live) nis Men’s Final. (N) College Basketball Oklahoma at Oklahoma State. From College Basketball Memphis at Gonzaga. From McCarthey Basketball NBA Tonight NFL Matchup NFL Matchup NBA Basketball Los Angeles Clippers at San Antonio Spurs. Gallagher-Iba Arena in Stillwater, Okla. (N) (Live) Athletic Center in Spokane, Wash. (N) (N) From the AT&T Center in San Antonio. College Basketball San Jose State at New Mexico. From College Basketball Pepperdine at St. Mary’s. From McKeon College Basketball San Francisco at San Diego. From Jenny College Basketball Butler at Marquette. From the BMO HarUniversity Arena in Albuquerque, N.M. (N) (Live) Pavilion in Moraga, Calif. (N Same-day Tape) Craig Pavilion in San Diego. (N Same-day Tape) ris Bradley Center in Milwaukee. Cops ‘14’ Jail ‘PG’ Cops ‘14’ Cops “New Cops ‘PG’ Cops ‘PG’ Cops (N) ‘14’ Cops ‘14’ Jail: Las Ve- Cops ‘PG’ Funniest Commercials of Cops ‘14’ Cops ‘14’ Jail: Las Ve- Jail ‘14’ Jersey” ‘PG’ gas (N) ‘PG’ the Year ‘PG’ gas ‘PG’ (3:30) “The Departed” (2006, Crime Drama) Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nichol- “Gridiron Gang” (2006, Drama) The Rock, Xzibit, Jade Yorker. A counselor turns juvenile “The Departed” (2006) Leonardo DiCaprio. An undercover son. An undercover cop and a criminal lead double lives. criminals into football players. cop and a criminal lead double lives. Sit Down, King of the King of the American The BoonThe BoonFamily Guy Attack on Dragon Ball Z Naruto: Ship- InuyashaOne Piece Gurren Lag- Deadman Bleach ‘14’ Space Dandy Shut Up ‘14’ Hill ‘PG’ Hill ‘PG’ Dad ‘14’ docks ‘MA’ docks ‘MA’ ‘14’ Titan ‘14’ Kai ‘Y7’ puden Final ‘Y7’ ann ‘14’ Wonderland ‘14’ To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced
Liv & Mad- Liv & Mad- Dog With a Dog With a (49) DISN 173 291 die ‘G’ die ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ Nicky, Ricky Nicky, Ricky The Thunder- The Thunder (50) NICK 171 300 mans ‘G’ mans ‘G’ (3:00) “The Twilight Saga: New Moon” (2009, Romance) (51) FAM 180 311 Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson. My 600-Lb. Life “Paula’s My 600-Lb. Life “Henry’s (55) TLC 183 280 Story” ‘PG’ Story” ‘PG’ Alaskan Bush People The Alaskan Bush People (56) DISC 182 278 family searches for food. Ghost Adventures ‘PG’ Ghost Adventures “Central (57) TRAV 196 277 Unit Prison” ‘PG’ Swamp People One team Appalachian Outlaws “Dirty (58) HIST 120 269 sacrifices their day. ‘PG’ Money” ‘PG’ The First 48 A young woman The First 48 A Miami man is shot on a city sidewalk. ‘14’ (59) A&E 118 265 is shot to death. ‘14’ (60) HGTV 112 229 (61) FOOD 110 231 (65) CNBC 208 355 (67) FNC 205 360 (81) COM 107 249 (82) SYFY 122 244
Dog With a Dog With a Jessie ‘G’ Jessie ‘G’ Jessie ‘G’ Jessie ‘G’ Mighty Med Kickin’ It ‘Y7’ Austin & Austin & Gravity Falls Austin & Blog ‘G’ Blog ‘G’ ‘Y7’ Ally ‘G’ Ally ‘G’ ‘Y7’ Ally ‘G’ Henry Dan- Henry Dan- Henry Danger Nicky, Ricky Bella and the The Thunder- Fresh Prince Fresh Prince Friends ‘14’ (:36) Friends (:12) Everybody Loves Rayger ‘G’ ger ‘G’ (N) ‘G’ Bulldogs mans ‘G’ ‘14’ mond ‘PG’ “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse” (2010, Romance) Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor “The Blind Side” (2009, Drama) Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw, Quinton Aaron. A well-to-do Lautner. Bella must choose between Edward and Jacob. white couple adopts a homeless black teen. Untold Stories of the E.R. Untold Stories of the E.R. Untold Stories of the E.R. Sex Sent Me to the E.R. All About Sex All About Sex Sex Sent Me to the E.R. “Rottweiler in the ER” ‘G’ “Cows & Stilettos” ‘14’ “Over-Juiced” ‘PG’ (N) ‘14’ (N) ‘MA’ ‘MA’ (N) ‘14’ MythBusters Firearm cliches. MythBusters “The A-Team MythBusters Challenging To Be Announced MythBusters Challenging To Be Announced ‘PG’ Special” ‘PG’ virtual worlds. (N) ‘PG’ virtual worlds. ‘PG’ Ghost Adventures “Tooele Ghost Adventures “Heritage Ghost Adventures (N) ‘PG’ The Dead Files A terrified The Dead Files “Battlefield: Ghost Adventures ‘PG’ Hospital” ‘PG’ Junction” ‘PG’ woman’s home. ‘PG’ Flint, MI” ‘PG’ Appalachian Outlaws “Gin- Appalachian Outlaws ‘PG’ Appalachian Outlaws “Tit For Appalachian Outlaws (:08) Appalachian Outlaws (:01) Appalachian Outlaws seng Fever” ‘PG’ Tat” ‘PG’ “Hunted” ‘PG’ “The Last Stand” ‘PG’ ‘PG’ The First 48 A man is found The First 48 Shootings in Dal- The First 48 A mother is (:01) The First 48 Father shot; (:02) Nightwatch An EMS (:01) The First 48 Shootdead in his truck’s cab. ‘14’ las and Memphis, Tenn. ‘PG’ murdered and dumped in a mother killed on birthday. ‘14’ officer shares emotional ings in Dallas and Memphis, house. ‘14’ news. ‘14’ Tenn. ‘PG’ House Hunters RenovaEllen’s Design Challenge ‘G’ Property Brothers “Kari & Property Brothers “Sandy & Property Brothers “Belinda & House Hunters Renovation House Hunt- Hunters Int’l Property Brothers “Belinda & tion ‘G’ Boris” ‘G’ Susy” ‘G’ Tiago” ‘G’ (N) ‘G’ ers ‘G’ Tiago” ‘G’ Guy’s Grocery Games ‘G’ Chopped “Bizarre Baskets!” Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Chopped First round features Chopped Fourth and fifth Chopped Four teenaged Chopped Chopped’s second Chopped Fourth and fifth ‘G’ fish fillets. ‘G’ graders compete. ‘G’ chefs compete. ‘G’ teen competition. ‘G’ graders compete. ‘G’ Buried Treasure ‘PG’ The Suze Orman Show Buried Treasure ‘PG’ Buried Treasure ‘PG’ The Suze Orman Show ‘G’ American Greed “Ea$y Be- Paid Program Paid Program American Greed (N) ‘G’ ing Green” FOX News Special Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News Special Red Eye Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News Special Red Eye FOX News Special (N) (2:55) “The House Bunny” (4:56) “The Comebacks” (2007, Comedy) David Koechner, Key & Peele Key & Peele Key & Peele Key & Peele Key & Peele Key & Peele Key & Peele Super Bowl (:01) Key & (:32) Key & (2008) Anna Faris. Carl Weathers, Melora Hardin. ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ ‘14’ Special Peele ‘14’ Peele ‘14’ (3:30) “Elektra” (2005, Action) Jennifer Gar- “Blade: Trinity” (2004, Horror) Wesley Snipes, Kris Kristofferson, Jessica “Spawn” (1997, Fantasy) John Leguizamo. A dead man re- “Elektra” (2005) Jennifer Garner, Terence Stamp. An assasner, Terence Stamp, Kirsten Prout. Biel. Blade and a pair of vampire slayers battle Dracula. turns from hell to take revenge on his killer. sin tries to protect a man and his daughter.
PREMIUM STATIONS ! HBO 303 504 ^ HBO2 304 505 + MAX 311 516 5 SHOW 319 546 8 TMC 329 554
(3:15) “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” (2013, (:05) “Non-Stop” (2014, Action) Liam Neeson, Julianne Mel Brooks Live at the Gef- Mel Brooks Live at the Gef- “The Hangover Part III” (2013, Comedy) (:45) Girls Fantasy) Ian McKellen. Bilbo and company encounter the Moore, Anson Mount. An air marshal contends with a dire fen The director/comic takes fen The director/comic takes Bradley Cooper. All bets are off when the “Female Aufearsome dragon Smaug. ‘PG-13’ threat aboard a plane. ‘PG-13’ the stage. (N) ‘PG’ the stage. ‘PG’ Wolfpack hits the road. ‘R’ thor” ‘MA’ (3:20) “Rush Hour” (1998, “47 Ronin” (2013, Adventure) Keanu Reeves, Hiroyuki Girls “Female “The Grand Budapest Hotel” (2014) Ralph (:15) Black- “Grudge Match” (2013, Comedy) Robert De Niro, Sylvester Real Time Action) Jackie Chan. ‘PG-13’ Sanada, Tadanobu Asano. Outcast samurai seek revenge on Author” ‘MA’ Fiennes. A renowned concierge mentors a hat: HBO Stallone, Kevin Hart. Retired boxing rivals return to the ring for With Bill Maa treacherous overlord. ‘PG-13’ lobby boy. ‘R’ First Look one last fight. ‘PG-13’ her ‘MA’ (:10) “Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters” (2013, Adventure) “The Internship” (2013, Comedy) Vince Vaughn, Owen Banshee “Real Life Is the “Bad Words” (2013, Comedy) Jason Bate- Banshee “Real Life Is the (:25) “IntergaLogan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson. Percy and friends go in Wilson, Rose Byrne. Old-school salesmen finagle internships Nightmare” Siobhan faces a man. A mean-spirited 40-year-old enters a Nightmare” Siobhan faces a lactic Swingsearch of the Golden Fleece. ‘PG’ at Google. ‘PG-13’ difficult choice. ‘MA’ national spelling bee. ‘R’ difficult choice. ‘MA’ ers” (3:30) “Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom” (2013, Biogra- Shameless “The Two Lisas” “Kill Bill: Vol. 1” (2003, Action) Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, “Kill Bill: Vol. 2” (2004, Action) Uma Thurman, David Car- (:15) Shameless Frank asks phy) Idris Elba, Naomie Harris. Based on the life of South Frank asks Carl to discourage Vivica A. Fox. An assassin seeks vengeance against her at- radine, Michael Madsen. An assassin confronts her former Carl to discourage lesbians. Africa’s Nelson Mandela. ‘PG-13’ lesbians. ‘MA’ tackers. ‘R’ boss and his gang. ‘R’ ‘MA’ (:10) “The 13th Warrior” (1999, Adventure) Antonio Ban- (5:55) “Lord of War” (2005, Drama) Nicolas Cage, Jared “Excision” (2012, Horror) AnnaLynne Mc“Shadow People” (2012, Suspense) Dallas “Excision” (2012, Horror) Anderas, Diane Venora, Dennis Storhi. Unknown foes devour Leto, Bridget Moynahan. A relentless Interpol agent tracks an Cord, Traci Lords. An outcast teen has weird Roberts. A radio talk show host unravels a naLynne McCord, Traci Lords, the flesh of their Viking victims. ‘R’ arms dealer. ‘R’ psychosexual fantasies. ‘NR’ conspiracy. ‘PG-13’ Ariel Winter. ‘NR’
January 25 - 31, 2015
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DILBERT®/ by Scott Adams C
DOONESBURY/ by Garry Trudeau
SALLY FORTH/ by Francesco Marciuliano and Jim Keefe
B.C./ by Mastroianni and Hart
ZIGGY/ by Tom Wilson
DENNIS THE MENACE/ by Hank Ketcham
MORT WALKERâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S BEETLE BAILEY/ by Mort, Greg & Brian Walker
MARVIN/ by Tom Armstrong
THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom