BPFY Portfolio

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Selected works 2015 -2019




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Po-Fu , Bernard , Yang

A London-based architectural designer with exte ture design and visualization skills, interested in realizations. Strong history in graphics and anima well as life-linked visuals.

Recently graduated with distinction in M-arch A Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL. Focusing Design Methodology ,Computational design and


Sep . 2018 - Sep. 2019 Master of Architectural Design Bartlett school of architecture UCL , London , UK Graduated with Distinction. Sep . 2016 - Jun. 2017 Master in Urban vision and a rchitecture Domus Academy , Milan , Italy Sep . 2013 - Jun. 2015 Master of Architecture II National ChiaoTung University, HsinChu , Taiwan Sep . 2008 - Jun. 2013 Architecture Degree Tamkang University , Taipei ,Taiwan


Architectural Design Consultant in Donch Taipei / Aug , 2017 - Aug 2018

Working with the construction company as archite

incharge of the residentail housing project in Taip development and design details.

Internship in Chapman Taylor Architects Milan / Jan , 2017 - June 2017

Working closely with the chief architect in competit

tasks included on conceptual development, 3D mod

ing+ postworks, animation , diagram and data visua

COMPETITION 1st Price of Domus Academy Scoloarship Competition 2016 Milan , 2016 1st Price of Data Luxury Housing design student competition Taipei , 2012

One of the Initator and PR Leader of Milan Milan / Jan , 2015 - Sep , 2015

Mainly in charge of Communication and negotiation

team, enterprises and Taipei city government’s PR T

media consultant, also working on the pavilion des

Identity) of Taiwan pavilion project, from Visual co experience showing visitors of expo about taiwan’s


er with extensive experience in Architecnterested in advanced spatial ideas and s and animations in design processes as

+44 (0)7955-482-875 Po-fu.yang.18@ucl.ac.uk 9 Great Pulteney Street, W1F 9NL London, UK

n M-arch Architectural Design degree at . Focusing on Advanced Architectural design and Fabrications.

https://www.linkedin.com/in/ -po-fu-bernard-yang-375a75163



ant in Donchi Construction Co. 8

pany as architectural advisors mainly project in Taipei city centre, design

Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Adobe Light room Adobe After Effect RhinoCeros Grasshopper

r Architects 17

tect in competition team, Specific

opment, 3D models making render

m and data visualization.

Autodesk Vray 3dsmax Autodesk AutoCad Autodesk Maya Autodesk Revit Unity C# Language

eader of Milan Expo Taiwan Pavilion 15

Robotic Arms


and negotiation between expo design

vernment’s PR Team as PR and social the pavilion design and CI (Corporate from Visual communications to food about taiwan’s culture

Mandarin English

Table of Conetnts MOBO Automated Housing System

Chez Moi ( Just like your home) the Caring Health Center

Octahedron Food Forest Pavilion Mock-up

Orchid House Solar Decathlon 2014 Europe

The Link Municipality of Sulzano City Renovation Micro Airport Re-City : Aviation centre city strategy

Intersection Toscana Landscape renovation design

Digi-Craft Infinity extention pattern


Automated Housing System

Bartlett School of Architecture - Research cluster 4 Group works / 2018 summer - 2019 summer Contribution - MOBO Concept Development / Robot Movement and Tasks design / ABB Robotic arms simulation Construction toolpaths design / Architecture Desgin development / Design Diagrams and Drawing / 3d Modeling an

nd Visualiztions

PLATFORM + ADVANCED TOOLS Today, i t is getting m ore and m ore difficult to o wn a house. People end up submitting to rent or debt, sending money of t he m ajority to a few. Housing cooperatives try to bring home ownership into their own hands. However, they havent created as big an impact because they lack access to two things: A common platform and construction technology t hat a llows t hem t o build faster and easier. Why is t his important? Why do w e need v ersatile and non-intrusive m achines? B ecause l and f or housing i s expensive and scarce. However, there are many small, cheaper, irregular l ots located a round l ondon t hat a re difficult go deal with by large developers or conventional construction methods. We tackle this issue through MOBO. MOBO is a housing system with a housing platform and its own construction tools.


Objectives of Architectural Spaces

The housing platform helps cooperatives by con- necting them to land and people. The p latform a lso allows t hem t o input their needs and p references t o create a system generated design. How does this work? Funding i s done b y cooperatives who gain ownership in the form of shares. This way, housing is made accessible to those who don’t have yet the full amount of money to afford an entire house.

Polyvalent > MultiFunctional Human Centeric > Typi

I want ...

Shared Kitchen

Zone 1



Private Toilet


Zone 2


Zone 3

But what m akes M OBO d ifferent f rom other hous- i ng p latforms is h aving its own construction tools. The i dea i s to simplify the construction process through automation by using s imple reconfigurable modular r obots that a re able to adapt t o different t asks and s ite conditions.

Game Room

Private Room

1. User Sign up

Mass Customization

Automated Design Process

Zone 4

2.User Preferences 3.Choice of Location


Freedom of Choice

Discrete Construction Elements

Collective User Input Network of People and Land Ownership Through Shares MOBO Housing Platform

Identify the spaces

How do we make home ownership more accessible?

Home O Ownership wnership

Home Ownership

Help Cooperatives Scale Up


Housing System

Land Scarcity

space programs


Housing generated by user preferences




M.O.B.O Congratulations ! Your Mobo House has generated!

Lets Build it !!!! Re-Generate

Construction Tools Specifications -The Modular Robots Context

Small, Cheap, Large, Non-Versatile Machines Irregular Lots

Specified tasks

Machine Variations

How do we make the construction process simpler and faster?

Independent Movement

Vertical Movement

Modular Carrying

2A 2B 2C 2D 2E

Mobo ConstructionTools

3A 3B 3C 3D 3E

Modular Building Components Modular Robots

4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F

Automated Construction Process

5A 5B 5C 5D 6A 6B 8A

Construction elements

Construction Robots Dynamic Movement

X-Z Axes movement

simple modular robot

X-Y Axes movement

Connection joints

X-Y-Z Axes movement


Figure Conputaion simulation of construction

n process


Robots Body-plan
















Experiment - Physical robot build

Stepper motor_03 Stepper motor_04

Stepper motor_02 Stepper motor_01

Stepper motor_08

Stepper motor_07 Stepper motor_06

Stepper motor_05

Experiment - Physical robot build

Experiment - Physical robot build

Experiment - Spaces module study

Experiment - Physical robot build

Experiment - Physical robot build

Hex Bolt Part Thread M16 x 350mm in Bright Zinc Plate 8.8 ( Count 4 )

60 mm CLT Panel ( Containing 3 layers of 20 mm ) Size : 180 *2268 * 60mm

60 mm CLT Panel ( Containing 3 layers of 20 mm ) Size : 180 * 1080 * 60mm 60 mm CLT Panel ( Containing 3 layers of 20 mm ) Size : 180 * 2400 * 60mm 60 mm CLT Panel ( Containing 3 layers of 20 mm ) Size : 180 * 1080 * 60mm Reisser Timber Connector Screws - 6.0 x 80mm 60 mm CLT Panel ( Containing 3 layers of 20 mm ) Size : 60 * 1200 * 2400mm

20 mm thickness CLT layer 20 mm thickness CLT layer 20 mm thickness CLT layer

20 mm thickness CLT layer 1 20 mm thickness CLT layer 2 20 mm thickness CLT layer 3

1 2 3

Corner Connection In-Dex Timber Screw

Steel Utility Pr Steel Utility Pr 20 mm thickness CLT layer 3 20 mm thickness CLT layer 2 20 mm thickness CLT layer 1

Figure Corner Connection between Two Building Components

CHEZ MOI THE Caring Health Center

Chapman Taylor Milano 2017 International Competition Professional / Group works / 2017 Spring / Milano, Itlay Contribution - Architecture Desgin development / Interior Design / Design Diagrams and Drawing / 3d Modeling an

nd Visualiztions



lo r

am sit

, et






ol or

si t a m et ,

rem Lo Sheltered Sh S he helte h ellttte elte err Accomodation e modat ation n a term rm covering co a wide range housing older and/or disabled or other off re o rrented en ent ng fforr old vulnerable people. v vu uln eople op e. In the United Kingdom most commonly refers c y it re efe to grouped housing such as a block or "scheme" ch m of fflats ats or bungalows with a scheme manager, th therefore theref efore to create a community which offer the mforta comfortable living enviroment with beautiful nature and caring ing system is the main concept of this project

Landscape and Urban context strategy


Site Area



Increase the sun area

Parking Building Garden

Create Diversity of View

Concept Ideas Create New Corner of space

Building footprint

Create Shelter


Parking and Droping passage Projet Voulume Fuzzy boundary


Interior design

1. entrance

5. stair case

2. hall

6. recepition

3. lobby

7. stair case

4. recepition

Master Plan 1:2000 N

Interior design

Sheltered Accomodation a term covering a wide range of rented housing for older and/or disabled or other vulnerable people. In the United Kingdom most commonly it refers to grouped housing such as a block or "scheme" of flats or bungalows with a scheme manager, therefore to create a community which offer the comfortable living enviroment with beautiful nature and caring system is the main concept of this project To create the atmosphere of peace and comfortable living enviroment, using raw marterial fom local natrue, the context of stone , wood and fabric can offer user more calm and safty feeling and also define the public and pricacy area.

warm feeling material natural view

calmly wall material Emotional pleasur color

invisible frame

warm feeling material warm feeling material

Solid base material

warm feeling material

wood deck solid Path

origianl Grasses

Exterior rendering

Exterior rendering

The Octahedron Food Forest Pavilion mock up

NCTU Digital Fabrication Studio Academic / Group works / 2015 Spring / Taipei, Taiwan Contribution - Architecture Desgin development / Compoments Design & Experiment / Project Coordinator / 3d Mo

odeling and Visualiztions

A Discrete Design approach of buildiing compoments We believe t hat such a design i s - into t he space between f urniture design scale, our concept i s derived from a similar tension bicycle wheel design, the first ㄧ a diamond frame and a link to t he axis of t he r od through the ropes t ogether a fter using a single control point (elastic screw) to tight rope w hen t he r ope t ension r eached an average o f tension, t he r ope f or t he r od t o line into ㄧ a steady inward pressure to the entire system becomes a rugged construction unit.







step 2

step 3

step 4

step 5

step 6

step 7s

tep 8

step 9

step 10


step 1

Structure mockup testing Furniture scale testing

Orchid House Solar Decathlon Europe 2014

SDE 2014 international student competition Group works / 2013 summer - 2014 summer Contribution - / Architecture Desgin debelopment / Design Diagrams and Drawing / 3d Modeling and Visualiztions/ Public relationship maneger / social media maneger

A New SKYLINE In Taiwan, there are several problems we are f acing. L arge cosmopolitan u rban areas such a s the nation's capital city, Taipei, have extremely h igh population densities. The T aiwanese h ave dealt with the problem o f space m ostly b y expanding upwards i nstead o f spreading out horizontally. Most r ow houses and duplex apartments have large, unpainted metal water tanks placed on the top of the buildings, some of which are covered by irregular metal sheets to reduce t he heat absorbed b y the building and t o mitigate leakage w hen i t rains. Consider green energy as an alternative solution, O rchid house can r eplace t he traditional matel sheet roof tops to an Sustainable development, self-energy providing m odular units t o plug-in t he original c ity context and r enovated t he new skyline of the city.

Housing type study In Taiwan, there are several problems we are facing. Large cosmopolitan urban areas such as the nation's capital city, Taipei, have extremely high population densities. The Taiwanese have dealt with the problem of space mostly by expanding upwards instead of spreading out horizontally. Most row houses and duplex apartments have large, unpainted metal water tanks placed on the top of the buildings, some of which are covered by irregular metal sheets to reduce the heat absorbed by the building and to mitigate leakage when it rains. While an effective solution, this way of development does cause several problems, such as an unattractive city skyline and extreme heat and humidity. Furthermore, although the household density is very high, Taiwan's social housing system, which is currently only at 0.8%, is in need of reform. As one of the largest solar panel manufactures in the world, Taiwan has to be more conscious on green energy and social awareness. In designing the solar house with the intention of placing it on the rooftops of pre-existing buildings, we also hope to improve living standards of the city population and the visual aesthetic of the city skyline. Currently, most row houses and duplex apartments face the problems such as leakage and overheated roof. Besides collecting the solar energy, the Orchid House will integrate the new and exiting mechanical and plumbing pipes, increase rain water collection and reduce heat island effect.

SEE AR-203



BESS Photovoltaic Inverter&Battery Delta H=2000

3 AR-341

加 濕 器

管 道 間 室 內 機

室 內 機








14 4




9 4 6













The Link

Municipality of Sulzano City Renovation Domus Academy Design Stduio Group works / 2017 summer Contribution - Architecture Desgin development / Design Diagrams and Drawing /3d Modeling and Visualiztions

The Micro-Airpor Re-City : Aviation-centre city strategy TKU Architecture Final Thesis Project Domus Academy International student scholarship competition 1st place Academic / Individual works / 2013 Spring / Taipei, Taiwan / 2015 summer / Milano,Italy


a a


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a a


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a a

Ca é


The Intersection Toscana landscape renovation design Domus Academy Design Studio Academic / Group works / 2017 Spring / Toscana, Italy Contribution - Architecture Desgin development/ Project Coordinator / 3d Modeling and Visualiztions

Digi-Craft Bartlett School of Architecture Digital design approach workshop Individual work / 2018 fall

THE Digi-Craft Though i nvestigated m anifold component-based geometries through polygon-based p rocedural m odeling techniques. Results a im t o explore color and pattern m orphing g radients to h ighlight geometrical qualities of the designs. With s implistic 2 D planes t o transform it t o something more comprehensive m odels, creating an systematic approach and m ade t he component e volves i tself to an unexpected forming is the aim of this workshop.

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