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Executive Summary Men’s skincare products have come to market for several years. Most of the brands are extended by traditional skincare brands, which were only for females in the past. As one of the biggest men’s skincare brands in the UK, NIVEA MEN earned massive profits and market share, but became trapped in their sales in recent years. The aim of this report is to find out the problems and opportunities of NIVEA MEN and exam their market strategy such as segmenting, targeting, and marketing communications. In addition, study shows that there is a great potential of younger male skincare market, which is an important opportunity for NIVEA MEN in next five years. Based on this opportunity, this report tries to investigate the young men’s attitude and consuming behaviour toward men’s skincare. The report goes through following theories: (1) The Means-End Chains Theory, (2) Four Quadrant Grid of Attitude, (3) Conditioning Theory, (4) Decision-making Process, (5) Reference Group and (6) Positioning Map. Through the cross analysis of theories, primary research and secondary researches, it comes some findings of youth consumer insight and behaviour. Recommendations are following with the findings of young consumers in the end of the reports. It’s crucial for NIVEA MEN to contemplate about their brand position and marketing strategy for next five years. Via the report, it shows the great opportunity in young male market and their perspectives and behaviour insights, which are vital for brand communications.



Table of Contents 1

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 4


Research objective......................................................................................................... 5


Research Methodology ................................................................................................. 5 3.1 Secondary research ................................................................................................................. 6 3.2 Primary research ....................................................................................................................... 6


Application of Buyer Behaviour Theories and Models ..................................... 7 4.1 The Means-End Chains Theory ............................................................................................. 7 4.1.1 Table of NIVEA MEN in Means-End Chains ............................................................................8 4.1.2 Laddering technique ........................................................................................................................9 4.2 Four Quadrant Grid of Attitude ......................................................................................... 10 4.3 Conditioning theory............................................................................................................... 11 4.3.1 Classical Conditioning .................................................................................................................. 11 4.3.2 Instrumental Conditioning ......................................................................................................... 12 4.4 Decision-making Process................................................................................................... 14 4.4.1 Problem Recognition .................................................................................................................... 14 4.4.2 Information search ........................................................................................................................ 15 4.4.3 Evaluation of alternative ............................................................................................................. 15 4.4.4 Product choice ................................................................................................................................. 16 4.4.5 A continuum Buying decision behavior ................................................................................ 16 4.5 Reference Group ..................................................................................................................... 17 4.6 Positioning Map ...................................................................................................................... 20


Recommendation .........................................................................................................21


References ......................................................................................................................23


Appendix .........................................................................................................................26



1 Introduction In the globalization era, improvement of technology, science, society, economy and education provide people to have better standard of living and styles. Relating to the development of purchasing power in consumers and market trend that people become more conscious of hygiene and beauty (Souiden & Diagne, 2009), This leads to dramatically blooming in skincare market, especially in this decade. This trend is growing and seen as a red ocean for the market. Skincare products indicate psychologically that customers are taking care of their hygiene, beauty and healthiness by using some products items to support. The skincare industry in women has been noticeably growing since long times ago whereas the men’s market has just become blooming in men aspects lately. Nowadays, men are more aware of their body and the demand for good looking which drag them away from conservative opinion about skincare is only for women NIVEA MEN is one of the most recognized skincare brands in the men’s market. Sales of products have grown steadily since the brand was launched in 1998. At that time total annual sales of men skincare in the UK were only £68 million. Sales of male skincare products have grown steadily since the launch of NIVEA MEN and the male grooming market in the UK was worth £468 million in 2009, a small dip on market value in 2008 (£470 million) (Mintel, 2010) Refer to Appendix A- Value sales and growth within the UK men’s grooming, 2005-15. As the same way, NIVEA MEN also faced with the same problem, sales dropped to £49 million in 2008. Then, they re-launched the NIVEA MEN in the same year. Unfortunately, the re-launched of it made sales increased considerably only till 2011 and then maintain unchanged until now. Business is a game, played for fantastic stakes, and you're in competition with experts. If you want to win, you have to learn to be a master of the game.” ( Sidney Sheldon, Master of the Game) As the same way, NIVEA MEN wanted to increase its share of the UK male skincare market. They need to learn and develop to achieve their goal.



Taking into account attitudes, behaviour and beliefs are analyzed to determine decision process of consumers, along with opportunities and trend in the men skincare market. Results from focus groups would be important to analyze the consumer behaviour theories to help analyze the problems posing as obstacles for the company, in order to make possible recommendations to it. The majority of businesses and consumers in the UK see men skincare as some time is a required but not important to buy for men. With this in mind, it is unlikely that the men skincare industry will be growing up significantly in the future, even within men grooming trend awareness.

2 Research objective The main objective of NIVEA MEN is to find out the main reasons why skincare sales maintain stable and whether NIVEA MEN should continue operate within the mass market or look for an opportunity of new market. As NIVEA MEN has targeted young generation, the purpose of this project is to investigate young men’s attitude towards purchasing skincare products and their perception of NIVEA’s message. The focus is on the relationship between younger consumer’s behaviour and men skincare market.

3 Research Methodology The nature of research for this project will be based on qualitative research, which conducted in form of focus groups. Qualitative research was chosen with purpose of find out more detailed of consumers’ perception of men skincare market and NIVEA MEN skincare products. In order to get more in-depth and accurate results of the research objectives, we split the focus group into two groups which one group is men who do not use men skincare and another is men who use competitor products.



3.1 Secondary research The secondary research will be based on previous information and observation available about NIVEA MEN and men skincare industry including men’s skincare market analysis, current trends, marketing strategy, consumer attitude, and performance within market. For example: reports produced by research organization such as MINTEL, academic books, online academic journals that associated with marketing and buyer behaviour. 3.2 Primary research The method that we use in primary research is Focus Group. The main purpose is to understand the perception of male consumer towards NIVEA MEN and what preferences do they have when choosing men skincare. The focus group for NIVEA MEN case was as follows: Topic Number of Focus Groups Size of Focus Groups Personnel Information


Data Collection



NIVEA MEN 2 6-7 people Group 1: men who do not use men skincare - 22-30 age group - University students - 7 respondents - Living in central London Group 2: men who use competitor products - 22-30 age group - University students - 6 respondents - Living in central London - Interview and discussing - Projective Techniques  Construction Procedure  Bubble drawing  Advertisement - Written notes - Voice memo - VDO recorder - Photos - Library room 6,University of Westminster - ISL (Independent Student Living), West Hampstead 1 hour 6


4 Application of Buyer Behaviour Theories and Models 4.1 The Means-End Chains Theory This theory separates into 3 consistent parts which are

According to NIVEA MEN skincare product, after we interviewed our focus group, which separates into 2 groups; non-users and competitors’ users of men skincare, we can illustrate that the process of purchasing men skincare products begins from the concrete attributes to terminal attributes. Firstly, the factors that they use to decide in concrete level are price, sense of smell and attractive packaging. Both focus groups said that the products, which are placed at focal point are the most attractive and affect their intention to buy. Then, males consider the abstract attributes of NIVEA MEN are good quality, good brand image, trustworthy, and good reputation. Moreover, the involvement between consumers and products, the celebrities it uses in the advertisement, sales promotion and how they can easily find in store are also important. Next, functional attributes, most of men do really care about their appearance. They try to find the products that can prevent their skin from dry and oily skin, pimples and wrinkles. So, packaging should provide the clearly information about its functions and how it works. Then, if they use the product because they want to see it is effective and they want to feel that they have a better skin, this would link to the psychological attributes of this theory. Furthermore, in instrumental attributes stage, men believe that after using skincare, they think that they have healthy skin, clean and more attractive to females which lead to their achievement in consumer’s life; terminal attributes, make them feeling more confident, self-esteem, healthy skin and good looking. 7


► Girls’ image about skincare male user from focus group participant.

4.1.1 Table of NIVEA MEN in Means-End Chains Features/Attributes Concrete Attributes

Abstract Attributes

Benefits/Consequences Functional Attributes Psychological Attributes

Values Instrumental Attributes Terminal Attributes

Price Package Smell Tangible Advertisement Good quality Brand image Involvement Trustworthy Celebrity endorsement Sales promotion Good reputation Accessibility Reference Group’s recommendation Anti-ageing No pimples Preventing from dry and oily skin After use results Better skin Absorbed ingredients from cream Feel good about myself Clean Attract to females Confident Self-esteem Healthy skin Good looking 8


4.1.2 Laddering technique The laddering is a technique representing respondents’ answers to a series ‘why’ probes and was developed to determine the image of products and brands. From the Means-end chain theory, we transformed the theory to the laddering concept which can be performed as the following below:



4.2 Four Quadrant Grid of Attitude

According to our primary and secondary research, we found that men skincare products can be considered as low involvement product. The result of our focus group that we were conducted shown that men use skincare only for solve their skin problem such as dry skin, pimple, wrinkle and whitening skin. This is meant that skincare is a required but not important to buy for men, they just go to store and pick up one of moisturize cream. They mentioned that price and sale promotion are the factors that influence and can persuade them to switch to competitor brands. The attitude of NIVEA MEN is high cognition and low affect because men have attitude toward men skincare base on their thought. They do not care much about selecting the brands of skincare because they believe that every facial creams and moisturizer are giving the same result of better skin condition such as moisturizing skin, smooth and without pimple. From our focus group shown that, doctor or specialist in men facial condition have strong power to influence men attitude and preference to buy men skincare. They said that if doctor said their skin is bad condition, they will consider to buy skincare. In addition, specialist at the point of purchase is also affect men purchasing process whether they have chosen the product in their mind.



4.3 Conditioning theory 4.3.1 Classical Conditioning Brand logo, product packaging, advertising and event sponsorship are the forms of classical conditioning of NIVEA MEN. NIVEA MEN is one of the NIVEA’s product lines, which capitalize on the strong brand reputation of NIVEA. That is, the wellrecognized brand logo acts as stimulus that leads to positive association in consumer’s memory and commends to trustful and reliable positive feeling of NIVEA brand image. In case of product packaging, NIVEA MEN uses silver and blue as the dominant colour with simple effective design as a stimulus that leads to modern stylish response of the product. During our focus group we showed a picture of men’s skincare section in store and ask them which products they would choose. Most of the people chose NIVEA MEN because the eye-catching modern packaging and well-recognized brand name. As a result, both NIVEA MEN logo and product packaging help facilitate consumer learning through the process of association.

Another form of classical conditioning is advertising which often pairs a product with a positive stimulus or to a positive outcome. NIVEA MEN’s advertising usually used celebrity endorsements. People got positive feelings when they see a favourite celebrity or idol. As the advertising being distributed, consumer would associate the celebrity with the product and after the products alone could evoke individual’s positive feelings as conditional response.



During our focus group, we showed the NIVEA MEN “96 Team Reunion TV ad”. This advertising is trying to use popular sport stars during the football game as stimulus to trigger men’s feelings of manpower and finally positive feelings towards the NIVEA MEN skincare product. However, we found out that celebrity endorsement is not seen as significantly influence people purchasing behaviour in our focus group. Most of respondents didn’t know and have emotional feeling with those sport celebrities. NIVEA MEN sport event sponsorship is a pretty powerful endorsement for classical conditioning as well. NIVEA MEN supported football events through its partnership with Power league to build positive relationship with men and maintain a consistent dialogue with men. (The Times100, 2012) The sport event as a stimulus produces the feelings of being manly response that is associated with the skincare product. 4.3.2 Instrumental Conditioning Instrumental conditioning theory was proposed by Skinner that highlighted the impact that reinforcement has on learning. NIVEA MEN using promotional strategies that giving free samples encourage consumers to buy products in the 12


short-term. According to our focus group, most respondents would like to try free samples and if they try it and feel good or satisfy they will go buy the product. From our primary and secondary research we know that NIVEA MEN skincare as a low involvement product. Therefore there is a great opportunity to apply conditioning theory, which use different stimulus that leads to response that people behave in certain way, to gain more market share. NIVEA MEN already did a great job on brand logo and product package which got lots of positive responses. However, NIVEA MEN still have opportunity to improve their advertising and promotion strategies.



4.4 Decision-making Process When consumer realizes that they want to make a purchase and engage in a series of stage to determine the product, they come through a decision-making process. In this chapter the process of men consumer buying men skincare are be analyzed. 4.4.1 Problem Recognition A consumer purchase is always a response to a problem of some kind. According to Solomon (2009), when we experience a significant difference between our current state and ideal state, we need to solve a problem. Based on the focus group results and secondary research, when men aware of using men skincare are always because of the visible and surface problems appear urge them to start looking for skincare that can quickly revert to the former condition. Pimples and Dry skin takes the large part among several different issues, which become the most puzzled problem. Compare of the skin concern towards problem recognition Jan-July,2010


Dry Skin

Oily Skin

Dark Cycle Eyes

Stretch Marks

Enlarged Pores

Wrinkles source:GMI/Mintel

As we founded in this stage, most of the men user’s problem was perceived as a result of need recognition whereas NIVEA MEN put much more efforts on the opportunity recognition. Consumer’s actual state is decreasing and it generates them to have a new need. However, the purpose of NIVEA MEN is to



make their target consumer from actual state to ideal state by using skincare in long-term way to achieve the terminal value but not just solve their short-term physical condition. 4.4.2 Information search As the problem has been found, consumer will engage in collecting information to find out the appropriate product that conforms to their needs. What the focus group result reveals is that internal search outweighs external search in men skincare consumers. Highly rely on the personal experiences and own cognition with skincare brands and products; they already accumulate some perception and image about skincare for men. Finally using external search as a supplement by means of friend’s recommendation, advertisements and measure the brand reputation. All of the participants in the focus group barely engage in ongoing search and even few of them doing pre-purchase search, which is too time wasting and troublesome. Another main reason is that men skincare products confronted with too many options that make consumer hardly distinguish the differences among it. Therefore, sometimes men consumers just skip the step of information searching and straight head to the shop and pick up the proper one. 4.4.3 Evaluation of alternative When male consumers thinking about men skincare, some certain brand comes into their mind immediately. In terms of the different subject and benchmark, the evoked set for each person might be slightly different. Generally, the respondents that we interview have some brand in their evoked set in common, which includes NIVEA, Dove, and L’Oreal which is the top three men skincare brand in the UK market. What may make the brand considering into their consideration set will depend on what function and attribute they are looking for.

â–ş Evaluation of choosing men skincare written by focus group participant 15


4.4.4 Product choice ‘’Once we assemble and evaluate the relevant options in a category, we have to chose one.’’(William P.1994) Based on the evaluative criteria, consumer can judge the merits of competing options. We asked about the participants where might be the final occasion for them to buy the products. All of them are shopping in physical store include supermarket and cosmeceutical shop like Boots and Super drugs instead of online shopping. According to the focus group, we found that the influence by the store display and sale promotion are very powerful own to the weak of brand loyalty. When they come into the store and see the product display are parallel to the sight line may catch their attention first. If the brand offer some promotion like buy one get one free or half price will change their might easily.

4.4.5 A continuum Buying decision behaviour According to the analyzed of decision-making process, While NIVEA MEN tends to put themselves to limited problem-solving, consumer are more in extendedproblem solving part which is a gap between them.



4.5 Reference Group Defining the reference group of NIVEA MEN’s target audience would help the comprehension of consumer insights and the development of marketing strategy. According to the research, young male has defined themselves as some reference groups. The finding is that younger consumers have more aspirational reference groups than other ages. They have desire to be more professional, experimental and impressive. They are willing to use new products and have relatively high brand loyalty thus they would carry skincare habit through into their adult life. On the basis of research, those people would like to spend more time and money on grooming. In addition, they have positive attitude toward the relationship between sports and skincare products. Young men are enthusiastic about sports and they agree that sports make skincare product more interesting and manpower. On the other hand, younger men also have disassociative groups. They think skincare products are for women and would like to try the products if it was more ‘manly’. From the focus group, men also think people should start using skincare products during teenage because of the annoying skin problems. They wanted to get rid of the facial problem and made them more confident. Refer to the opinion leaders of men’s skincare; male consumers have low preference in using a sales assistant or one to one consultation in department stores. Mostly, they decide the products because of the suggestions from their partners or parents. Speak about the power of word-of-mouth, male has less involvement in skincare products so they would not collect many information before purchase the products. However, according to the research, only 9% would search online information before shop in the store.



An interesting finding is that no matter men use the skincare products or not, it would not be a reason makes then separate intto different reference groups. In other words, they have no awareness of whether other men use the skincare products. Formal


Skincare habit doesn’t separate young men into different reference groups Primary

Skincare habit doesn’t separate young men into different reference groups Secondary

 Family  Peers  Dates/ Partner Membership

 

Male magazine Online Club


Boys are likely to carry through into their adult life  Younger men are more loyal but are likely to use a wider variety of brands  Smell is a key deciding factor for teens Aspirational Disassociative 

     

Look more professional Reluctant experimenters More experimental with their appearance Creating an impression at work and socially Spend more time on grooming Use a wider range of products

 

Skincare products are for women Would buy the product if the products more manly (Appendix C)

[Focus Group]  Positive to the relationship between sports and skincare



Opinion Leadership     

Relatively high percentage select product because partner/parent suggested it (Appendix B) Would buy the products if they get more knowledge about the products and benefits (Appendix C) Don’t like to buy from consultants in department stores (Appendix D) Don’t like one to one consultation (Appendix D) Prefer to pick products off the shelf (Appendix D)

[Focus Group]  Would not be a topic between male conversations  But would give recommendation if friends ask Word-of-Mouth Less involved  Test products before they buy (21%)  Read product reviews online (9%)

► The conversation about a friend consulting men skin care product that the focus group participant filled-in.



4.6 Positioning Map â–ź Positioning Map of Men Skincare

From figure above, NIVEA MEN have been positioned in term of trustworthy and proper of product range in comparison to its competitors in the market which relevance to the analysis of our focus group. All brands were comparing in term of appearance, quality and brand image. Therefore, customers are highly believe in product effectiveness which they can use this competitive advantage in the marketing communication activities. Moreover, moderate range of product is another advantage of NIVEA MEN, every product have clear function and image which separate by colour. This is scope for NEVIA MEN to attract more than just existing customer who ever buy. Furthermore this is easy for new customer to distinguish the different type of products.



5 Recommendation Based on the consumer behaviour theory and modules, it is clearly shown that NIVEA MEN already has appropriate internal attributes, but it is needed to improve some external attributes such as the involvement and sale promotion. From our Means-end chain theory and decision-making process, NIVEA MEN has shown that normally men only use skincare when they have a skin problem. They do not aware of long-term effect. Therefore, NEVIA MEN should find ways to increase their long-term usage and provide them knowledge that make them aware of essential to keep using the cream to maintain their skin in good condition. For instance, beauty assistant at point of purchase should know product’s information and can explain to customers. Furthermore, trustworthy is also really significant in deciding the products, so NEVIA MEN packaging should show that product has a good reputation and recommendation from doctors and dermatologists. Moreover, wobblers or talking shelf is the way to catch consumer attention by makes the shelf outstanding from competitors and it is also providing them product’s information. The results from Classical Conditioning theory, it is indicated that NIVEA MEN advertisement is not much effective. Advertising needs to be humorous and memorable to get more consumer attraction and more effective. As men do not know much about their skin condition, it can be opportunity for NIVEA MEN to launch marketing campaigns and increase the sales. They should provide consumer more brand experience, for example, setting up a booth that provide skin check-up and give products samples that relates to their skin. Moreover, NIVEA MEN can launch a campaign with gyms to providing product sample for gym’s customer to let them have product and brand experience.





6 References 1.

Brazilian Administration Review (2007) The Means-End Approach to Understanding Customer Values of a On-Line Newspaper [online] Available at: [Accessed: 15 Oct 2013]


College of business official website (2000) Discursive Psychology: An Alternative Conceptual Foundation to Means–End Chain Theory [online] Available at: end chain.pdf[Accessed: 15 Oct 2013]


Lakhani, R. (2011). Men_s_Grooming_and_Shaving_Products_-_UK__October_2011. Available: Last accessed 19th Sep 2013.


Libby, C. (2013). Facial Skincare - UK - May 2013. Available: Last accessed 19th Sep 2013.


Libby, C. (2013). Men's Toiletries - UK - October 2013. Available: Last accessed 19th Sep 2013.


Matt Lybarger. (2012). Classical Conditionging: Its Use in Marketing. Available: Conditioning marketing.htm. (Accessed 10 Nov 2013).


Mintel., (2007). Men's Grooming Habits - UK - March 2007 [online] Available at: [Accessed: 14 Oct 2013].


Mintel., (2010). Male Grooming and Personal Care Consumer - UK - July 2010 [online] Available at: 14 Oct 2013].


Mintel., (2010). Men's Grooming - UK - June 2010 [online] Available at: %5BAccessed: 14 Oct 2013%5D.

10. Mintel., (2010). Men's Grooming and Shaving Products - UK - October 2011 23


[online] Available at:[Accessed: 14 Oct 2013]. 11. Mintel., (2013). Men's Toiletries - UK - October 2013 [online] Available at: %5BAccessed: 5 Nov 2013%5D. 12. Mintel., (2013).Facial Skincare - UK - May 2013 [online] Available at: Accessed: 14 Oct 2013]. 13. Psychology and Marketing (2004) Advancing Means-End Chains by incorporating Heider’s Balance Theory and Fournier’s Consumer – Brand Relationship Typology by AG Woodside [online] Available at: End Chain - and Beyond.PDF [Accessed: 18 Oct 2013] 14. Richmond, A. (2007). Men's Grooming Habits - UK - March 2007.Available: Last accessed 19th Sep 2013. 15. Richmond, A. (2009). Teens' and Tweens' Beauty and Personal Care - UK - June 2009. Available: accessed 19th Sep 2013. 16. Richmond, A. (2010). Men's Grooming - UK - June 2010. Available: Last accessed 19th Sep 2013. 17. Solomon, M. et al., (2012). Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective. 4th ed. England: Prentice Hall. 18. Solomon, M. et al., (2013). Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective. 5th ed. 19. Strutton, M. (2010). Male Grooming and Personal Care Consumer - UK - July 2010. Available: Last accessed 19th Sep 2013. 20. The Times 100 Business Case Studies (2013) Developing a marketing plan- A NIVEA case study, Available at: 24

NIVEA MEN - axzz2kxLzDyTo (Accessed: 18 Nov 2013 ). 21. The Times 100 Business Case Studies (2013) The use of the marketing mix in product launch- A NIVEA case study, Available at: - axzz2kxLzDyTo (Accessed:18 Nov 2013 ). 22. Souiden, N. & Diagne, M. (2009). Canadian and French men’ s consumption of cosmetics: a comparison of their attitudes and motivation, Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 97-109.



7 Appendix Appendix A – Value sales and growth within the UK men’s grooming, 2005-15 Value (£m)

Annual change (%)


10.0% 8.0%



Market Value (£ million)

2.0% 0.0%


-2.0% £200


Annual change (%)





-8.0% £0

-10.0% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 (est) (fore) (fore) (proj) (proj) (proj)

Market Size and Forecast Value sales and growth within the UK men’s grooming, 2005-15

Appendix B – Reasons for using certain grooming products



Appendix C – What would help/ persuade men to buy who have considered but do not use?

Appendix D –Barriers to purchase: online browsing, not browsing in-store



Appendix E – Questions for focus group [GENERAL - Awareness of Skincare] 1. What is your definition about ‘healthy skin’? 2. How do you keep yourself in good physical condition? 3. How much do you know about your skin condition? 4. In your opinion, what is the function of skincare for men? 5. Tell me your image of ‘men who use skincare products’? 6. What age do you think men should starting using skincare? [Group 1 – Consumer Awareness] 1. For what reason you don't use skincare product? 2. Is there any skincare products ever catch your attention? Why you didn’t buy it? 3. Have you ever received men’s skincare information from any media? What is your reaction to the information? 4. What might be the factors attract you to purchase? 5. If you know about your skin problems after the skin check, would you spend money buying the skincare product? 6. If you get some ’sample’ of the skincare product, would you use it? Or just ignore it? Why? 7. How do you feel when you see a guy shopping skincare products in the stores? 8. (Show pictures) Imagine you are in the store and look at those products, which products would you choose from comparing the package? 9. How much involvement will you put in if you want to buy skincare product? (Socre1-10) For example you may pay attention on function, ingredients, price, promotion (buy one get one free)…

[Group 2 – Competitors] 1. How often do you use skincare (Can do IMC for frequency about using skincare)? And when? 2. What type of skincare products do you use? And which brand? 3. What factors make you determine the brand buy? Why is that important to you? What does it gives you (the benefits)? Ex. Best performance / good value for money/ price/ masculine packaging/ recognized brand name 4. Do you buy it with or without plan? 5. In what ways do you get your skin care products? 6. Who might influence you when you choose skincare products? 7. Do you have any positive experiences with men skin care products? 8. Tell me about disappointment experiences you have had about skincare products? 28


9. What is the important attribute affects you to buy the produce? Ex: anti-aging effect, have sun factor, skin type… 10. What do you expect to look like after using it? 11. What is the reason makes you choose other brands? What specific features of the products impressed you? 12. If you are satisfied with it, do you want to share? 13. Do you have any trouble in choosing men’s facial products? 14. What is your experience in shopping skincare products in stores? 15. Where do you usually get the information about men’s skincare? 16. How much involvement you usually put in when you buy skincare product? (Socre1-10) For example you may pay attention on function, ingredients, price, promotion (buy one get one free)… [About NIVEA] 1. Which celebrity do you think to be best one represent yourself? 2. Which celebrity do you think to be suitable demonstrate skincare products? 3. What might be the reasons for you to consider trying NIVEA’s products? (Reputable brand, Sales promotion, Advertising, Celebrity Endorsement, Friend’s recommendation) 4. If someone recommends you NIVEA, would you change your mind? And who might be the person? 5. (Show pictures) How do you think about the package? What do you think these could improve? 6. Look at the NIVEA MEN campaign, what do you think about the message?

Material 1: The products and brands arrangement in supermarket



Material 2: Questionnaire for focus group

Material 3: Scenario conversation about men skincare







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