PEGGY OBERFIELD EDUCATION.TRAINING& QUAIFICATIONS Certified ResidentialSpecialistCRS *Lessthan47oof Realtorsworldwidehold this Certification* CertifiedHomeMarketingSpecialistCHMS CSP CertifiedNew HomeSalesProfessional MemberOklahomaCity Metro Associationof Realtors MemberOklahomaAssociationof Realtors MemberNationalAssociationof Realtors REAL ESTATEBACKGROUND 2005-DateMulti-MillionDollarProducer. 2005-VotedRisingStarin BrokerAssociateMagazine 2004-2005Parttime - Million Dollar Producer
405-413-5573 Direct 405-237-1400 Office Fax 405-237-1401 poberfield@gmail.com www.peggyoberfield.com
Coldwell Banker Select
Rd. 2313S.I-35 Frontaee Moore.OK 73160
PeggAober{,.eLd MaELwgthe >Lffeye^DeBebNeew "For saLeo3 osaLD'
COMMUNITYINVOLVEMENT PresidentTuttleAreaChamberof Commerce'06 -'08 TuttleChamberof Commercemember MooreChamberof Commercemember member SouthOklahoma City Chamberof Commerce Whiz KidsTutor PERSONALBACKGROUND I previouslyworkedat EagleHeightsChurchasa Children's Ministry Assistantandthenin the office asthe Financial EventsCoordinatorand Ministry Assistantto the Secretary, MissionsPastor.I am originallyfrom New Jerseybut moved to Oklahomain I 995. I currentlyco-teach3rd & 4thgraders Sundayeveningsat EagleHeightsChurch.Throughoutthe yearsI havebeenactivein the Tuttle schools.In my spare time I enjoygardening,moviesandfootball. I havebeen marriedto Don for 25 yearsandhave3 children,Tim, Becca Parkerandoneson-in& David andenjoyonegranddaughter law Travis. SERVED COMMTJNITIES OklahomaCity MetroArea,Moore,Norman,Tuttle, Newcastle. Blanchard.
My top priority is to listen to you, evaluateyour needsand establisha relationshipwith you basedon trust, honestyand integrity. Once we have established mutual goals, I will market your property and assist buyers utilizing sound planning techniques developedfrom years of specialized training and professional experience,professional ethics, negotiation skills and a strong company support system. During tlte entireprocessI will assistyou in negotiationsand keep you infurmed and protected. I strive to deliver more value to you than you expect to receive and to provide uncompromisingservice basedon truth, fairness, lvtowledge, professionali sm and enthusi asm.
PeggAober{reLd Behtt00w'ForsaLe'â&#x201A;Ź "so LD" mauLwgthe>Lfferevrne
As your Real EstateAgent,I havethree main goals when listing your home. I want your house to sell:
l.for the highestpossiblemarket price 2.in the shortestperiod of time 3.with the leastamountof stress What are your three main goals?
n aWwgthe>LfferevweBeb^t eewoFor s aLe'â&#x201A;Ź "s o LD"
cns ? e4gy Obe.rfi,e-1,fu, " Tot Saf,d' â&#x201A;Źr " So LD" D iffere'nnet tsefrwe,earv Malcinnq,t14^e/ YourREALTOR@ 11Questions to AskWhenChoosing Make sure you choosea REALTOR@who will providetop-notchserviceand meet your unique needs. 1. How long have you been in residential real estate sales? ls it your full-time job? While experienceis no guaranteeof skill, real estate- like many other professions- is mostlylearnedon the job. 2. What designations do you hold? Designationssuch as GRI and CRS@,which requirethat agentstake additional,specializedreal estatetraining,are held only by about one-quarterof real estate practitioners. 3. How many homes did you and your real estate brokerage sell last year? By askingthis question,you'll get a good idea of how much experiencethe praclitionerhas. 4. How many days did it take you to sell the average home? How did that compare to the overall market? The REALTOR@you interview should have these facts on hand, and be able to present market statistics from the local MLS to providea comparison. 5. How close to the initial asking prices of the homes you sold were the final sale prices? This is one indication of how skilledthe REALTOR@is at pricinghomesand marketingto suitablebuyers.Of course,other factorsalso may be at play, includingan exceptionallyhot or cool real estatemarket. 6. What types of specific marketing systems and approaches will you use to sell my home? You don't want someonewho's going to put a For Sale sign in the yard and hope for the best. Look for someonewho has aggressive and innovative approaches, and knows how to market your property competitivelyon the lnternet. Buyers today want informationfast, so it's importantthat your REALTOR@is responsive. 7. Will you represent me exclusively, or will you represent both the buyer and the seller in the transaction? While it's usuallylegalto representboth partiesin a transaction,it's importantto understandwhere the practitione/s obligationslie. Your REALTOR@shouldexplainhis or her agencyrelationshipto you and describethe rightsof each party. 8. What type of gupport and supervision does your brokerage office provide to you? Having resources such as in-house support staff, access to a real estate attorney,and assistancewith technology can help an agent sell your home. 9. What's your business philosophy? While there'sno rightanswerto this question,the responsewill help you assesswhat's importantto the agent and determinehow closelythe agents goals and businessemphasismesh with your own. 10. How will you keep me informed about the progress of my transaction? How frequently? Again, this is not a question with a correct answer, but how you judge the responsewill reflect your own desires. Do you want updates twice a week or do you prefer not to be bothered unless there's a hot prospect? Do you prefer phone, e-mail, or a personalvisit? 11. Could you please give me the names and phone numbers of your three most recent clients? Ask recent clientsif they would work with this REALTOR@again. Find out whetherthey were pleasedwith the communication style, follow-up, and work ethic of the REALTOR@.
Reprintedfrom REALTOR@magazine (REALTOR.org/realtormag) with permissionof the NATIONALASSOCIATIONOF REALTORS@. Copyright2008. All rights reserved.
Low-Cost Waysto SpruceUpYourHome'sExterior Makeyourhomemoreappealingfor yourselfand potentialbuyerswiththesequickand easytips: details. 1. Trimbushesso theydon'tblockwindowsor architectural for 30 minutesbeforethe showingto makethe lawnsparkle. 2. Mowyourlawn,andturnon the sprinklers 3. Put a pot of brightflowers(or a smallevergreenin winter)on yourporch. 4. Installnewdoorknobson yourfrontdoor. 5. Repairanycracksin the driveway. 6. Edgethe grassaroundwalkwaysand trees. 7. Keepyourgardentoolsand hosesout of sight. 8. Cleartoysfromthe lawn. 9. Buya newmailbox. 10.Upgradeyouroutsidelighting. 11.Buya newdoormatfor the outsideof yourfrontdoor. 12.Cleanyourwindows,insideandoutside. 13.Polishor replaceyourhousenumbers. 14.Placea seasonalwreathon yourdoor.
?e4gy Ol>e,rfinW,cns
I'4al<i,448thB/D tffe're'nrp tsefrwee'w" F* Saf,R)'â&#x201A;ŹT"So LD'
Reprintedfrom REALTOR@magazine (REAlToR.org/realtormag)with permissionof the NATIONALASSOCIATIONOF REALTORSD. Copyright2008. All rights reserved.
Simple TipsforBetterHomeShowings 1. Removeclutter and clear off counters.Throwout stacksof newspapers and magazinesand stowawaymostof yoursmalldecorativeitems.Put excessfumiturein storage,and removeout-of-season clothingitemsthat are crampingclosetspace.Don'tforgetto cleanout the garage,too. 2. Washyour windowsand screens.Thiswillhelpgetmorelightintothe interiorof the home. 3. Keepeverythingextra clean.A cleanhousewillmakea strongfirstimpression andsenda messageto buyers that the homehas beenwell-caredfor.Washfingerprints fromlightswitchplates,mopandwaxfloors,and cleanthe stoveandrefrigerator. Polishyourdoorknobs andaddressnumbers.lt'sworthhiringa cleaningserviceif youcan affordit. 4. Get rid of smells.Cleancarpeting anddrapesto eliminate cookingodors,smoke,andpetsmells.Openthe windowsto air outthe house.Potpourri or scentedcandleswillhelp. 5. Brightenyour rooms.Puthigherwattagebulbsin lightfixturesto brightenup roomsand basements. Replaceany burned-out bulbsin closets.Cleanthewalls,or betteryet,brushon a freshcoatof neutralcolorpaint. 6. Don't disregardminor repairs.Smallproblems suchas stickydoors,tornscreens,crackedcaulking, or a drippingfaucetmayseemtrivial,butthey'llgivebuyersthe impression thatthe houseisn'twell-maintained. 7. Tidy your yard.Cutthe grass,rakethe leaves,addnewmulch,trimthe bushes,edgethewalkways, andclean the gutters.Foraddedcurbappeal,placea potof brightflowersneartheentryway. 8. Patchholes.Repairanyholesin yourdrivewayandreapplysealant,if applicable. 9. Add a touch of color in the living room. A coloredafghanor throwon the couchwilljazz up a dull room.Buy newaccentpillowsfor the sofa. 10. Buy a flowering plant and put it near a window you pass by frequently. 11. Makecenterpiecesfor your tables. Usebrightlycoloredfruitor flowers. 12. Set the scene. Setthe tablewithfancydishesand candles,and createothervignettesthroughoutthe hometo youmightdisplaya chessgamein progress. helpbuyerspicturelivingthere.Forexample,in the basement 13.Replaceheavycurtainswith sheeronesthat let in morelight. Showofftheviewif you haveone. 14.Accentuatethe fireplace.Layfreshlogsin the fireplaceor puta basketof flowersthereif it's not in use. 15.Makethe bathroomsfeel luxurious.Putawaythoseoldtowelsandtoothbrushes. Whenbuyersenteryour bathroom, theyshouldfeelpampered. Adda newshowercurtain,newtowels,andfancyguestsoaps.Makesure yourpersonaltoiletryitemsareoutof sight. 16.Sendyour pets to a neighboror take them outside.lf that'snotpossible, cratethemor confinethemto one room(ideallyin the basement), andletthe realestatepractitioner knowwherethey'llbe to eliminatesurprises. 17.Lock up valuables,jewelry,and money.Whilea realestatesalesperson willbe on siteduringthe showingor openhouse,it's impossible to watcheveryone all thetime. 18. Leavethe home. lt's usuallybestif the sellersare notat home.lt's awkwardfor prospective buyersto lookin yourclosetsand expresstheiropinionsof yourhomewithyouthere.
cns ?qgy Obe,rfr,e,Id,r, Ma.I<ing,tho, D (ffe,rernrpts&ut ee,w" Trn Salz)' er "SOLD' 5F-t.F.CT Reprintedfrom REALTOR@magazine (REALTOR.org/realtormag) with permissionof the NATIONALASSOCIATIONOF REALTORS@. Copyright2008. All rights reserved.
Checklist forSellers Moving !
Provide the post office with your forwarding address two to four weeks ahead of the move.
Notiff your credit card companies, magazine subscriptions,and bank of your change of address.
Createa list of friends,relatives,and businesscolleagueswho need to be notifiedabout your move.
Arrange to disconnect utilities and have them connected at your new home.
Cancelthe newspaper,or changethe addressso it will arriveat your new home.
Check insurance coverage for the items you're moving. Usually movers only cover what they pack.
Clean out appliancesand preparethem for moving,if applicable.
Note the weight of the goods you'll have moved,since long-distancemoves are usuallybilledaccordingto weight. Watch for movers that use excessive padding to add weight.
Check with your condo or co-op about any restrictionson usingthe elevatoror particularexitsfor moving.
Have a "first open" box with the things you'll need most, such as toilet paper, soap, trash bags, scissors, hammer,screwdriver,pencilsand paper,cups and plates,water, snacks,and toothpaste.
Plus,if you'removing outoftown,besureto: n
for yourfamilyandyourpets. Getcopiesof medicalanddentalrecordsandprescriptions
Get copiesof children'sschoolrecordsfor transfer.
Ask friendsfor introductions to anyonetheyknowin yournewneighborhood.
Considerspecialcarneedsfor petswhentraveling.
Let a ftiendor relativeknowyourroute.
Put plantsin boxeswith holesfor air circulationif you'removingin coldweather.
with permissionof the NATIONALASSOCIATIONOF REALTORS@ Reprintedfrom REALTOR@magazine (REALTOR.org/realtormag) Copyright2008. All rights reserved.