PEGGY OBERFIELD EDUCATION"TRAINING & OUAIFICATIONS CertifiedResidentialSpecialistCRS *Lessthan4%oof Realtorsworldwidehold this Certification* CertifiedHomeMarketingSpecialistCHMS CSP CertifiedNew HomeSalesProfessional MemberOklahomaCity Metro Associationof Realtors MemberOklahomaAssociationof Realtors MemberNationalAssociationof Realtors REAL ESTATEBACKGROLTND 2005-DateMulti-MillionDollarProducer. 2005-VotedRisingStarin BrokerAssociateMagazine 2004-2005Parttime - Million Dollar Producer
Direct 405-413-5573 Office 405-237-1400 405-237-1401Fax poberfield@gmail.com eld.com www.peggyoberfi ColdwellBanker Select Rd. 2313S.I-35 Frontage Moore,OK 73160
oF\YSALe' "soLD' MaELwgthe>LfferenfreBeb^teew â‚Ź
COMMUNITYINVOLVEMENT '06 -'08 TuttleAreaChamberof Commerce President TuttleChamberof Commercemember member of Commerce MooreChamber member City Chamberof Commerce SouthOklahoma Whiz Kids Tutor PERSONALBACKGROUND I previouslyworkedat EagleHeightsChurchasa Children's Ministry Assistantandthenin the office asthe Financial EventsCoordinatorandMinistry Assistantto the Secretary, MissionsPastor.I amoriginallyfromNew Jerseybut moved to Oklahomain I 995. I currentlyco-teach3rd & 4thgraders Sundayeveningsat EagleHeightsChurch.Throughoutthe yearsI havebeenactivein the Tuttle schools.In my spare time I enjoygardening,moviesandfootball. I havebeen marriedto Don for 25 yearsandhave3 children,Tim, Becca Parkerandoneson-in& David andenjoyonegranddaughter law Travis. COMMUNITIESSERVED OklahomaCity Metro Area,Moore,Norman,Tuttle, Newcastle. Blanchard"
My top priority is to listen to you, evaluateyour needs and establish a relationship with you basedon trust, honestyand integrity. Once we have established mutual goals, I will market your property and assist buyers utilizing sound planning techniques developedfrom years of specialized training and professional experience, professional ethics, negotiation skills and a strong company support system. During the entireprocessI will assistyou in negotiationsand keep you informed and protected. I strive to deliver more value to you than you expect to receive and to provide uncompromisingservice basedon truth, fairness, lcnowledge, professionalism and enthusiasm.
PeggAober{reLd Bfu,teew'For s aLe'â‚Ź "so LD' makiwg the>Lfferenne
As your Real EstateAgent, I have three main goals when listing your home. I want your house to sell:
l.for the highestpossiblemarket price Z.in the shortestperiod of time 3.with the leastamountof stress What are your three main goals?
ober{reLd "eggA
eew'For s aLe'â‚Ź',s o L-D" mauLwgthe>LfferewceBet'^t
?eggy Ol>e,rfi*,W,cns Mal<i,ttg the, D (ffe,renrp tsefrwu,w " Ton Sald' â&#x201A;Źr "SOLD' 11Questions to AskWhenChoosing YourREALTOR@ Makesureyou choosea REALTOR@ whowill providetop-notchserviceand meetyouruniqueneeds. 1. How long haveyou beenin residentialrealestatesales?ls it your full-timejob? Whileexperience is no guarantee of skill,realestate- likemanyotherprofessions - is mostlylearnedon thejob. 2. Whatdesignationsdo you hold? Designations suchas GRIandCRS@, whichrequirethatagentstake additional, realestatetraining,areheldonlyby aboutone-quarter specialized of realestatepractitioners. 3. How manyhomesdid you and your realestatebrokeragesell last year?By askingthisquestion, you'llgeta goodideaof howmuchexperience the practitioner has. 4. How many days did it take you to sell the averagehome? How did that compareto the overall market? The you interviewshouldhavethesefactson hand,and be ableto presentmarketstatisticsfromthe local REALTOR@ MLSto providea comparison. 5. Howclose to the initialaskingpricesof the homesyou sold werethe final sale prices?Thisis oneindication is at pricinghomesand marketingto suitablebuyers.Of course,otherfactorsalso of howskilledthe REALTOR@ hot or coolrealestatemarket. may be at play,includingan exceptionally 6. What types of specific marketingsystemsand approacheswill you use to sell my home? You don'twant someonewho'sgoingto puta ForSalesignin theyardandhopefor thebest.Lookfor someonewho hasaggressive on the Internet.Buyerstodaywant and innovativeapproaches, and knowshowto marketyourpropertycompetitively is responsive. informationfast,so it's importantthatyour REALTOR@ 7. Will you representme exclusively,or will you representboth the buyerand the sellerin the transaction? wherethe prac{itione/s Whileit's usuallylegalto representbothpartiesin a transaction,it's importantto understrand to youanddescribethe rightsof each shouldexplainhisor heragencyrelationship lie.YourREALTOR@ obligations party. 8. What type of support and supervision does your brokerageoffice provide to you? Havingresourcessuchas in-housesupportstaff,accessto a realestateaftorney,and assistancewithtechnologycan helpan agentsell your home. the response willhelpyou 9. What'syour businessphilosophy?Whilethere'sno rightanswerto thisquestion, howcloselythe agent'sgoalsandbusinessemphasismeshwith assesswhat'simportant to the agentanddetermine yourown. 10. How will you keep me informedabout the progressof my transaction?How frequently?Again,this is not a questionwith a correctanswer,but howyoujudgethe responsewill reflectyourowndesires.Do you wantupdates twicea weekor do you prefernot to be botheredunlessthere'sa hot prospect?Do you preferphone,e-mail,or a personalvisit? 11.Couldyou pleasegive me the namesand phonenumbersof your threemost recentclients?Ask recent again.Findout whethertheywerepleasedwiththe communication clientsif theywouldworkwiththis REALTOR@ style,follow-up,andworkethicof the REALTOR@.
with permissionof the NATIONALASSOCIATIONOF REALTORS@ Reprintedfrom REALTOR@magazine (REALTOR.org/realtormag) Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.
Low-Cost Waysto SpruceUpYourHome'sExterior for yourselfandpotential buyerswiththesequickandeasytips: Makeyourhomemoreappealing details. 1. Trimbushesso theydon'tblockwindowsor architectural fur 30 minutesbeforetheshowingto makethe lawnsparkle. 2. Mowyourlawn,andturnon the sprinklers 3. Put a pot of brightflowers(or a smallevergreenin winter)on yourporch. 4. Installnewdoorknobson yourfrontdoor. 5. Repairany cracksin the driveway. 6. Edgethe grassaroundwalkwaysandtrees. 7. Keepyourgardentoolsand hosesout of sight. 8. Cleartoysfromthe lawn. 9. Buya newmailbox. 10.Upgradeyouroutsidelighting. 11.Buya newdoormatfor the outsideof yourfrontdoor. 12.Cleanyourwindows,insideandoutside. 13. Polishor replaceyourhousenumbers. 14.Placea seasonalwreathon yourdoor.
?e4gy Olse'rfinlAt,cns |4ddAq, thp/ D iffennrp ts&ut ww " Tor Sald' â&#x201A;Źr "So LD' OFREALTORS@. of the NATIONALASSOCIATION withpermission magazine(REALTOR.org/realtormag) fromREALTOR@ Reprinted Copyright 2008.All rightsreserved.
Simple TipsforBetterHomeShowings 1. Removeclutter and clear off counters.Throwout stacksof newspapers and magazinesand stowawaymostof yoursmalldecorativeitems.Putexcessfurniturein storage,and removeout-of-season clothingitemsthat are crampingclosetspace.Don'tforgetto cleanoutthegarage,too. 2. Washyour windowsand screens.Thiswillhelpget morelightintothe interiorof the home. 3. Keepeverythingextra clean.A cleanhousewill makea strongfirstimpressionand senda messageto buyers that the homehas beenwell-caredfor.Washfingerprints fromlightswitchplates,mopandwaxfloors,and cleanthe stoveandrefrigerator. Polishyourdoorknobs andaddressnumbers.lt'sworthhiringa cleaningserviceif youcan affordit. 4. Get rid of smells.Cleancarpeting cookingodors,smoke,andpetsmells.Openthe anddrapesto eliminate windowsto air outthe house.Potpourri or scentedcandleswillhelp. Replaceany 5. Brightenyour rooms.Puthigherwattagebulbsin lightfixturesto brightenup roomsandbasements. burned-out bulbsin closets.Cleanthewalls,or betteryet,brushon a freshcoatof neutralcolorpaint. or a suchas stickydoors,tornscreens,crackedcaulking, 6. Don't disregardminor repairs.Smallproblems thatthe houseisn'twell-maintained. drippingfaucetmayseemtrivial,butthey'llgivebuyersthe impression andclean 7. Tidy your yard.Cutthe grass,rakethe leaves,addnewmulch,trimthe bushes,edgethewalkways, the gutters.Foraddedcurbappeal,placea potof brightflowersnearthe entryway. 8. Patchholes.Repairanyholesin yourdrivewayandreapplysealant,if applicable. 9. Add a touch of color in the living room. A coloredafghanor throwon thecouchwilljazzup a dullroom.Buy newaccentpillowsfor the sofa. 10.Buy a floweringplant and put it neara windowyou pass by frequently. 1l. Makecenterpiecesfor your tables. Usebrightlycoloredfruitor flowers. 12. Set the scene. Setthe tablewithfancydishesand candles,andcreateothervigneftesthroughoutthe hometo youmightdisplaya chessgamein progress. helpbuyerspicturelivingthere.Forexample,in the basement 13. Replaceheavycurtains with sheer ones that let in more light. Showoff the viewif you haveone. 14.Accentuatethe fireplace.Layfreshlogsin the fireplaceor put a basketof flowersthereif it's not in use. Whenbuyersenteryour 15.Makethe bathroomsfeel luxurious.Putawaythoseoldtowelsandtoothbrushes. Adda newshowercurtain,newtowels,andfancyguestsoaps.Makesure bathroom, theyshouldfeelpampered. yourpersonaltoiletryitemsare out of sight. 15.Send your pets to a neighboror take them outside. lf that'snot possible,cratethemor confinethemto one knowwherethey'llbe to eliminatesurprises. room(ideallyin the basement),and let the realestatepractitioner willbe on siteduringthe showingor 17.Lock up valuables,jewelry,and money.Whilea realestatesalesperson the time. watch everyone all house, it's impossible to open buyersto lookin 18. Leavethe home. lt's usuallybestif the sellersare notat home.lt's awkwardfor prospective yourclosetsand expresstheiropinionsof yourhomewithyouthere.
cns ? egty Ol>e.rfi'e,ldt, I,4d<i'tq*.thp/ D (ffp'rsncettsefrwe*'w " F* Sal,d' eT"So LD'
OF REALTORS@. ASSOCIATION of the NATIONAL withpermission magazine(REALTOR.org/realtormag) fromREALTOR@ Reprinted 2008.All rightsreserved. Copyright
forSellers Checklist Moving ft
Providethe postofiicewithyourforwardingaddresstwoto fourweeksaheadof the move.
andbankof yourchangeof address. magazine subscriptions, Notiffyourcreditcardcompanies,
Createa list of friends,relatives,and businesscolleagueswho needto be notifiedaboutyourmove.
Arrangeto disconnectutilitiesand havethemconnectedat yournewhome.
or changethe addressso it willarriveat yournewhome. Cancelthe newspaper,
Checkinsurancecoveragefor the itemsyou'removing.Usuallymoversonlycoverwhatthey pack.
andpreparethemfor moving,if applicable. Cleanoutappliances
to movesare usuallybilledaccording Notetheweightof the goodsyou'llhavemoved,sincelong-distance weight.Watchfor moversthat useexcessivepaddingto addweight.
on usingthe elevatoror particularexitsfor moving. Checkwithyourcondoor co-opaboutany restrictions
Havea 'firstopen"boxwiththethingsyou'llneedmost,suchas toiletpaper,soap,trashbags,scissors, pencilsand paper,cupsand plates,water,snacks,andtoothpaste. hammer,screwdriver,
Plus,if you'removing outoftown,besureto: tr
for yourfamilyand yourpets. Get copiesof medicaland dentalrecordsand prescriptions
Get copiesof children'sschoolrecordsfor transfer.
to anyonetheyknowin yournewneighborhood. Ask friendsfor introductions
Considerspecialcar needsfor petswhentraveling.
Let a fiend or relativeknowyourroute.
Put plantsin boxeswith holesfor air circulationif you'removingin coldweather.
with permissionof the NATIONALASSOCLqTDN OF REALTORS@. Reprintedfrom REALTOR@magazine (REALTOR.org/realtormag) Copyright2008. All rights reserved.